{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_600_000", "insurance_600_001", "insurance_600_002", "insurance_600_003", "insurance_600_004", "insurance_600_005", "insurance_600_006", "insurance_600_007", "insurance_600_008", "insurance_600_009", "insurance_600_010", "insurance_600_011", "insurance_600_012", "insurance_600_013", "insurance_600_014", "insurance_600_015", "insurance_600_016", "insurance_600_017", "insurance_600_018", "insurance_600_019", "insurance_600_020", "insurance_600_021", "insurance_600_022", "insurance_600_023", "insurance_600_024", "insurance_600_025", "insurance_600_026", "insurance_600_027", "insurance_600_028", "insurance_600_029", "insurance_600_030", "insurance_600_031", "insurance_600_032", "insurance_600_033", "insurance_600_034", "insurance_600_035", "insurance_600_036", "insurance_600_037", "insurance_600_038", "insurance_600_039", "insurance_600_040", "insurance_600_041", "insurance_600_042", "insurance_600_043", "insurance_600_044", "insurance_600_045", "insurance_600_046", "insurance_600_047", "insurance_600_048", "insurance_600_049", "insurance_600_050", "insurance_600_051", "insurance_600_052", "insurance_600_053", "insurance_600_054", "insurance_600_055", "insurance_600_056", "insurance_600_057", "insurance_600_058", "insurance_600_059", "insurance_600_060", "insurance_600_061", "insurance_600_062", "insurance_600_063", "insurance_600_064", "insurance_600_065", "insurance_600_066", "insurance_600_067", "insurance_600_068", "insurance_600_069", "insurance_600_070", "insurance_600_071", "insurance_600_072", "insurance_600_073", "insurance_600_074", "insurance_600_075", "insurance_600_076", "insurance_600_077", "insurance_600_078", "insurance_600_079", "insurance_600_080", "insurance_600_081", "insurance_600_082", "insurance_600_083", "insurance_600_084", "insurance_600_085", "insurance_600_086", "insurance_600_087", "insurance_600_088" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you?", "Hi, yes. #Um, good morning. I who am I speaking with?", "My name is Stacey.", "Stacey. Hi, Stacey. I'm hoping to enroll in a life insurance plan today, if that's alright.", "Absolutely! And what kind of policy are we looking at?", "I'm thinking of I wanted to. I wanted to. I'm thinking of a temporary policy? I can't, can't remember what that's called offhand.", "No worries! We do offer term life insurance based on a number of years of your choosing. If the policy expires before death, it can be renewed at a new premium based on the age, health, that sort of thing of the insured individual. Is that what you were thinking of?", "Yes, yes that was it! Thank you. It's been a bit of a hectic day. Do you, what's the price on that, typically?", "Our term life insurance rates typically run around the average of, three hundred a year. Of course, the age and health of the individual does, play a role in whether the monthly premium is higher or lower.", "I see.", "If you don't mind my asking, sir, is the policy for yourself or a family member? I'd be happy to get the process started by entering some information and providing an, excuse me, providing a general quote.", "Not at all, not at all. Yes, the policy would be for myself. My older brother died two months ago, they don't know why and I just. I thought. Might be a good time. They don't really, they don't. There wasn't really a reason. A cause. #Um. I'm sorry. Sorry. Yes. For myself.", "No worries, sir. I'm very sorry for your loss.", "Thank you. So yeah. I Yeah. If you don't mind a quote, please. Would be great.", "Yes, absolutely.", "And you said around three hundred a year, right?", "Thereabouts.", "Great, great. Thank you. A little short on cash, with the pandemic and whatnot.", "I understand completely. Our term policies are considered among the most affordable for what we offer in terms of of payouts.", "Great, great.", "Do you already have an account with us, sir?", "#Um, yeah, yeah I do. I set one up what, last week? Something like that.", "Excellent! The hard work is done . In that case may I have your first and last name?", "Sure, it's Mike Weeks. Thats w as in water, double e, k. s. The date of birth is seven three eighty six.", "#Oh, perfect. You said seven, three, nineteen eighty six?", "That's correct.", "Great. The last thing I'm going to need from you is your customer number.", "Customer number?", "#Um, yes. It's eight digits, if you're able to log into your account on our website it should be displayed in the upper right hand corner, I believe.", "#Oh. My, wife was the one who made the password, I'm sure it's around here I just don't don't know where. Is there anything else, any other information I could give you to What's this for?", "I just have to verify your identity to bring up the correct account in our system here. If you don't have the number, I can take your phone number, social security number, and the answer to the security question you chose when setting up your account.", "#Uh, shoot. #Um. Let me see. There's a good chance I won't know that answer either, I'm pretty sure my wife chose that as well . Let me, let me check the fridge. I think.", "The fridge?", "Just, just in case she left the password there last week. She knew I was planning to call when I got the chance. Just a moment, please.", "Sure, take your time.", "#Ah! Thank you for your patience. She actually left me both the password and the customer number. Guess she knew I'd have no clue. .", "Great! So I can just take that number and verify your account.", "Sure, yeah. It's let me see. Eleven seven eighty eighty three four.", "I'm sorry, you said two eighties?", "#Uh, wait. Yes. No. Ending in eight zero eight three four.", "#Ah, okay. Thank you. So I have Mike Weeks, w. e. e. k. s., seven three nineteen eighty six, customer number is one one seven eight zero eight three four. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right. Thank you.", "Sure thing! And here you are, perfect. So let me just see here.", "Sure.", "Start application, term life insurance. So how long are we interested in insuring you for with this first policy? Remember that policies are renewable, but they are also likely to to go in cost slightly with age and health changes.", "Right, right. What's what would be considered normal? Or what's a good like, a good policy usually last?", "Many of our customers insure themselves and their loved ones in ten year increments. So ten and twenty year policies are quite popular. If you anticipate a chance in finances soon, I can also recommend perhaps starting with a five or ten year policy and perhaps switching to one of our more expensive but lifelong policies in a few years. And I've completely forgotten to mention, if you outlive your policy, we return the exact amount of money you've put into the policy. There's no interest on it, and it isn't taxable, simply a refund, essentially.", "#Oh, wow. Okay, that's good to know, thank you. And are those policies much better than than this one?", "They do tend to provide more for the beneficiaries you name, but they are quite higher in price, comparatively. Our universal life insurance starts at twelve hundred a year, and whole life insurance begins at one thousand, eight hundred dollars.", "Wow. Okay. #Um. Well I think that a ten year policy might be good. Can I cancel this, if something ? If for whatever reason I?", "Absolutely! There are no fees or issues when you cancel, but if you wanted to reenroll in a term plan, of course we'd have to reevaluate costs based on your age and health, as I've mentioned.", "Okay, sure. How long will this usually take to what is it. To kick in?", "We guarantee enrollment in our term life insurance plans within twenty four hours. However, we do require a health exam just to verify that nothing is obviously the matter before we insure you. After that, you're set practically immediately. If something were to happen the next day, you'd be covered.", "#Oh, okay. So am I able to proceed without that exam for the moment? Like, figure out how much I'd pay and all that?", "Yeah, yeah! We can still proceed with your quote right now. As soon as you schedule the exam, you can contact us to update the name and address of the physician performing the check up. Then we'll contact them after the fact and have the information faxed. We'll update your profile and have a finalized amount that, if all goes well, will be within very close range to your estimate today.", "Okay, thank you. So what else do you need from me right now?", "I'm going to need to know how much you're interested in having beneficiaries receive, and then we'll do a very basic medical history.", "Okay, sure. Yeah. What's typical for a three hundred a year policy? For beneficiaries, I mean.", "Assuming you're in good health, the numbers start at two hundred and seventy thousand dollars.", "#Oh, wow, okay. That's perfect. That would be good, thank you.", "Wow, perfect! Easy. So just a few basic health questions to finish up your estimate here. Let me bring up the form really quick.", "Sure.", "Thank you. Okay, here it is. So your current age is thirty five, is that correct?", "Yes.", "And your sex, height, and weight?", "Male, six foot two, hundred and ninety eight pounds.", "Do you have any history of high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, or any moderate to severe medical conditions?", "I have moderately high blood pressure. Have for, the last ten years or so. Nothing else that I'm aware of.", "Has anyone in your immediate family suffered from cancers, diabetes, neurological disorders such as seizures, or anything of the like?", "My father had skin cancer, but they caught it early on and he recovered.", "Good for him! Okay, let me see. Last thing is #Oh. Are you currently taking any medications?", "Only an Aspirin here and there and some generic allergy thing from the from the drugstore.", "Okay, perfect. So I've recorded everything here, and your physician will of course do a basic check up and verify most or all of this, I'm sure. If I click next, here, let's see. Okay. So it looks like at this point we can offer you a ten year plan at three hundred and ten dollars a year! That would have a two hundred and seventy dollar payout to your beneficiary or beneficiaries upon your death within those ten years, or else you receive back ten years worth of payments at the expiry of your plan.", "Okay, okay.", "Yep. How does that sound, for a rough quote?", "It sounds great. Perfect. So now I just make my appointment and call you back with the doctor's info?", "Yes, that's correct. In fact, if you're sure you'd like to proceed with this plan, I could take the information now while you're on the phone.", "Okay, yeah. I I don't have a primary physician at this time, so I'll have to find one. I'll call with the updated information when I do, though. Actually, is there, is there another way to update the information or is this it? I was on hold for like twenty minutes.", "#Oh no! I apologize for your wait, mister Weeks. We always seem to be quite busy and a bit understaffed. Unfortunately, though, for the physician's information the call center is the only way. We have to be extra sure that the information is correct when we receive it, so that your information stays confidential and safe and all that.", "Okay, sure, sure. Thank you. And after that?", "We'll give you a call back when we receive the health information from your doctor, and proceed from there! We'll set up beneficiaries and your payment method. At that time all you're going to need is the names and social security numbers of anyone you'd like to include as a beneficiary, and your payment or bank information.", "Okay, got it. Thank you.", "Absolutely. If for some reason you don't hear from us within a week of your doctor's visit, please give us a call. We'll double check that we contacted their office and that they were able to share the results of your check up with us. After that, you should be good to go!", "Okay, thank you so much Stacey. I appreciate it.", "My pleasure, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "No, I think that's it. You've been very helpful, thank you again.", "My pleasure, my pleasure. You have a great day!", "Thank you, you too. Good bye, now.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_601_000", "insurance_601_001", "insurance_601_002", "insurance_601_003", "insurance_601_004", "insurance_601_005", "insurance_601_006", "insurance_601_007", "insurance_601_008", "insurance_601_009", "insurance_601_010", "insurance_601_011", "insurance_601_012", "insurance_601_013", "insurance_601_014", "insurance_601_015", "insurance_601_016", "insurance_601_017", "insurance_601_018", "insurance_601_019", "insurance_601_020", "insurance_601_021", "insurance_601_022", "insurance_601_023", "insurance_601_024", "insurance_601_025", "insurance_601_026", "insurance_601_027", "insurance_601_028", "insurance_601_029", "insurance_601_030", "insurance_601_031", "insurance_601_032", "insurance_601_033", "insurance_601_034", "insurance_601_035", "insurance_601_036", "insurance_601_037", "insurance_601_038", "insurance_601_039", "insurance_601_040", "insurance_601_041", "insurance_601_042", "insurance_601_043", "insurance_601_044", "insurance_601_045", "insurance_601_046", "insurance_601_047", "insurance_601_048", "insurance_601_049", "insurance_601_050", "insurance_601_051", "insurance_601_052", "insurance_601_053", "insurance_601_054", "insurance_601_055", "insurance_601_056", "insurance_601_057", "insurance_601_058", "insurance_601_059", "insurance_601_060", "insurance_601_061", "insurance_601_062", "insurance_601_063", "insurance_601_064", "insurance_601_065", "insurance_601_066", "insurance_601_067", "insurance_601_068", "insurance_601_069", "insurance_601_070", "insurance_601_071", "insurance_601_072", "insurance_601_073", "insurance_601_074", "insurance_601_075", "insurance_601_076", "insurance_601_077", "insurance_601_078", "insurance_601_079" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling United One Insurance. This is River how can I help you?", "Hi I just had my baby and need to add him to my insurance policy.", "Oh congratulations that is so exciting!", "Thank you.", "Let me get your file all pulled up for you. What is your name?", "Sally.", "Sally what is your last name?", "Sally Charleston.", "Can you please spell Charleston for me?", "C-h-a-r-l-e-s-t-o-n.", "Thank you. Do you have your ID number available?", "I don't I don't have my card available.", "No problem. I just have to verify your account. What is your date of birth?", "September third two thousand one.", "And your phone number?", "Seven Six three nine nine two six one four three.", "Can I have your social security number?", "Five one five six three nine one three three.", "And last but not least what is the name of your childhood best friend?", "Katelin.", "Thank you for that verification.", "Welcome.", "Alright lets get information on your new arrival. What is your babies first name?", "Weston.", "Can you please spell thatf for me?", "W-e-s-t-o-n", "And his middle initial?", "J.", "And last name?", "Same as mine.", "Ok let me get that all added. What was his date of birth?", "March second twenty twenty one.", "And have you received his social security number in the mail yet?", "I haven't do I need that?", "No, but when you do have that information please give us a call back with an update. It is something that we will need.", "Ok. I will make a note.", "Does Weston have any health issues?", "No. He was born a healthy baby and has not had any issues since then.", "Glad to hear that. It is always what we want to hear.", "Yeah.", "Alright, so I have him all added to your policy. With this there is an increase in your monthly premium.", "Ok. What is that?", "Your payment is going up two hundred and thrty one dollars a month. Your policy will stay the same except now it is a family plan, so you will reference that section of your plan policy.", "Ok. Can you send me a copy of my plan?", "Yes I can do you want that mailed or emailed to you?", "You can mail it. I like to have a paper copy.", "I like paper copies as well. Are you still on Lexington avenue?", "Yes.", "Ok I will get that sent out as soon as we get off the call.", "Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Alright, so this does retro back to the birth date of your baby.", "Ok.", "So you do have a bill of two hundred and thirty one dollars.", "Can I pay that now?", "Yes you can. How would you like to pay that?", "#Uh can I have that come out of my bank account?", "Yes. What is your routing number?", "One Zero three two six nine one two zero zero.", "Ok I have one zero three two six nine one two zero zero.", "Yes.", "And what is the account number?", "Six four six six three nine nine one seven six three.", "Ok that was six four six six three nine nine one seven six three?", "Correct.", "And you are the primary on the account?", "Yes.", "Do you autorize me to charge this acount for two hundred and thirty one dollars to this account?", "Yes.", "Ok. You will receive a recipt for this to your email on file.", "#Uh ok. Do you have my correct email?", "Is it Chicklover six one nine at miss dot com?", "Yes that is correct.", "Perfect. So just a follow up we have added Weston to your policy from the date of his birth. Going forward this adds two hundred and thirty one dollars to your monthly invoice. We did pay last months invoice over the phone. Do you have any questions on this transaction?", "No I don't think I do.", "Ok do you have any other questions for me?", "No.", "Well enjoy your new bundle of joy and please give us a call if you have any questions.", "Ok.", "Have a great rest of your day Sally.", "Thank you." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_602_000", "insurance_602_001", "insurance_602_002", "insurance_602_003", "insurance_602_004", "insurance_602_005", "insurance_602_006", "insurance_602_007", "insurance_602_008", "insurance_602_009", "insurance_602_010", "insurance_602_011", "insurance_602_012", "insurance_602_013", "insurance_602_014", "insurance_602_015", "insurance_602_016", "insurance_602_017", "insurance_602_018", "insurance_602_019", "insurance_602_020", "insurance_602_021", "insurance_602_022", "insurance_602_023", "insurance_602_024", "insurance_602_025", "insurance_602_026", "insurance_602_027", "insurance_602_028", "insurance_602_029", "insurance_602_030", "insurance_602_031", "insurance_602_032", "insurance_602_033", "insurance_602_034", "insurance_602_035", "insurance_602_036", "insurance_602_037", "insurance_602_038", "insurance_602_039", "insurance_602_040", "insurance_602_041", "insurance_602_042", "insurance_602_043", "insurance_602_044", "insurance_602_045", "insurance_602_046", "insurance_602_047", "insurance_602_048", "insurance_602_049", "insurance_602_050", "insurance_602_051", "insurance_602_052", "insurance_602_053", "insurance_602_054", "insurance_602_055", "insurance_602_056", "insurance_602_057", "insurance_602_058", "insurance_602_059", "insurance_602_060", "insurance_602_061", "insurance_602_062", "insurance_602_063", "insurance_602_064" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Don, how may I help you?", "Hi, yes, I'm calling about cancelling a home insurance plan that my husband and I have.", "Sure, I can do that. Are you aware of all of our cancellation conditions, restrictions, and fees?", "#Um, I'm not sure. I just, we're moving into my mother's place in two months and selling our house and it's all a bit quick I realize but we're selling and we need to like, cancel the policy as soon as possible.", "Absolutely no worries, ma'am. If it's alright with you, I can go over some of that information right now.", "Yes, please, that would be great.", "Sure, sure. So if you don't mind, I'll just pull up your account so that I can take a look at the policy and see what we're working with. May I have your first and last name and your date of birth?", "Yeah, yeah. It's Emily Campbell, c. a. m. p. b. e. double l. The date of birth is June eleventh, nineteen ninety two.", "Perfect, thank you. And can I also have your customer number? It's the eight digit number on the upper right hand of your your screen when you log onto your account.", "#Um, actually I'm afraid our internet is down at the moment, which is why I've had to call. Hopefully it will be up soon, but for the moment is there another way or do I need to call back later?", "No worries, ma'am, I totally understand! My internet at home is spotty, too. I can work with your phone number, social security number, and the answer to the security question that you chose when you made the account. Can we start with the phone number?", "Right, thank you. #Um, yes. Is it possible that there are multiple on file? I'm not exactly sure which one I, which phone number we registered with.", "Yes, there can be more than one! Any of your registered phone numbers will work.", "Okay, okay. Just to be sure, it's probably my own cell phone. The number for that is five one three, four four eight, nine nine two two.", "Okay, I have five one three, forty four eight, ninety nine twenty two. Is that correct?", "Yes, lots of double digits .", "Indeed! And I just need your social security number next.", "Sure. Are you ready for it?", "Yep!", "Okay. Two seven eight, eighty two, seven eight nine nine.", "Two seven eight, eight two seven eight nine nine. Correct?", "Yes sir.", "Wonderful! So I think I have your, your account right here, I just need you to verify the answer to your security question for me please.", "Sure.", "Let's see the question I have here is what is the name of your first pet?", "#Oh! Applebees. Like the restaurant, no apostrophe. He was a hamster .", "What a wonderful name for hamster! Are you a huge fan of the restaurant, then?", "Ironically no! I think my parents were discussing dinner when I picked him out, the word just kind of stuck in my six-year-old brain .", "#Ah, that's adorable! Well it seems I have your account right here, so we can get started cancelling your policy.", "Great, thank you!", "Sure thing! So I see here that you've held a home preferred policy for approximately the past six and a half years, seeing as you started that particular policy in February of twenty fifteen. Can you just verify that policy number with me? It's an eight digit number.", "Yes, I think I had it written down. Just a moment. #Ah! Luckily I got it before the Wi-Fi went out. What I have here is six eight seven six six eight six zero. Is that the one you're looking at? I mean, we should we only have the one home!", "Yep, that's the one! I just had to be sure. Okay, great, let's see. So there is a sixty day policy minimum, but you're far past that. Looking at your your payments page, here, I also see that you've paid the policy off for the entirety of the year up to next February.", "Yes, we did do that. Is that money is it lost when we cancel the policy or is there like, some sort of refund?", "Yeah, yeah, we do do a sort of refund type thing when you cancel a policy that has already been paid off for the year. So in this case, depending on when you decide to oh my gosh. I blanked on the word. I'm sorry. Cancel! Duh. When you decide to set your cancelation date, the policy is refunded for the unused months that you've paid beyond that date.", "Okay, right. Yeah. Is there some sort of a fee for cancelling? I think I read something somewhere. That they can be sort of expensive fees?", "Normally, yes, there would be a fee if you were cancelling the insurance to swap providers or just because but, because you're selling your home and moving, there is no fee. Eventually there will be no home to insure, so the policy essentially just ends.", "#Oh wow, okay. That's a relief! Okay. So what needs to be done now?", "So basically at this point you would.", "Gemmy stop! Stop it! Hey. Sweetheart, sit down. Mommy is on the phone, she's very busy. I'm so sorry, my daughter just woke up from a nap.", "No worries! I totally understand. So as I was saying, your next steps are essentially to just confirm the cancellation and set a date. I've verified through your account that there are going to be no fees, only a reimbursement for your overpayment, and no restrictions because you've had the policy for so long.", "Okay, yeah. #Um, I'm sorry. Just a moment. Gemmy, hey. Sweety you know where the carrots are. Why don't you get a snack. Yes. In there. Thank you. Go ahead and sit at the table and be very quiet okay, just for a moment. Hi. Sorry. So, confirming?", "No, no worries, really. Take your time if you need.", "Thank you. I think she's good for the moment .", "Okay, great. So I just need a verbal confirmation that you'd like to proceed with cancelling your policy. Actually, wait. I'm sorry, have you set a sale date on your home? I mean, has it already been sold?", "absolutely no worries, ma'am. If it's alright with you, I can go over some of that information right now.", "Okay, perfect! So we'll want to end the policy that day, then. That way you can be sure that no issues will come up at the last minute and make your move a living nightmare .", "Sounds good, I'd appreciate avoiding that if possible! .", "Great, great. So can I just have your verbal confirmation that you'd like to cancel the policy?", "Yes. I'd like to cancel my home insurance policy. Was that enough?", "Perfect, it totally was. And I'll set the end date here for the twentieth of November. Can I have your verbal confirmation of that, as well?", "Yes. The twentieth of November, two thousand and twenty one.", "Great. So there are some steps that you need to take, just to confirm this all with extra security measures and whatnot. At this point it's up to you to complete the cancellation of the policy. You'll have to either send a formal letter to our main office in Louisiana or confirm your cancellation on our website. Would you like the office address?", "No, that's that's alright, thank you. Is confirming on the website difficult?", "Not at all! Once your internet is back up, all you'll need to do is log on and there should be a notification in your account inbox that will lead you to the correct page. If I recall, the instructions are very clear and easy to follow. If there's no notification, there should be a header at the top labeled my account, hover over that until you get the drop down bar. Then click on my policies and that should take you to the correct page.", "Okay, notifications, account, policies. Got it.", "Yep! You should also be receiving an email from us requesting confirmation of your cancellation. After you've confirmed everything, you'll receive one or two more emails with the confirmation and your updated information, and then a week or so later another email regarding your refund of excessive payments. Just be sure to double check everything before you submit!", "Okay, that sounds great. Thank you so much I'm sorry. What was your name again? I should really write it down.", "No worries! It's Don, d. o. n.", "Don. Thank you again, Don.", "It was a pleasure to help you! Is there anything else I can help you with today, missus Campbell?", "No, but thank you so much Don. You have a great day!", "You too, ma'am! Have a good one!", "Bye!", "Good bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_603_000", "insurance_603_001", "insurance_603_002", "insurance_603_003", "insurance_603_004", "insurance_603_005", "insurance_603_006", "insurance_603_007", "insurance_603_008", "insurance_603_009", "insurance_603_010", "insurance_603_011", "insurance_603_012", "insurance_603_013", "insurance_603_014", "insurance_603_015", "insurance_603_016", "insurance_603_017", "insurance_603_018", "insurance_603_019", "insurance_603_020", "insurance_603_021", "insurance_603_022", "insurance_603_023", "insurance_603_024", "insurance_603_025", "insurance_603_026", "insurance_603_027", "insurance_603_028", "insurance_603_029", "insurance_603_030", "insurance_603_031", "insurance_603_032", "insurance_603_033", "insurance_603_034", "insurance_603_035", "insurance_603_036", "insurance_603_037", "insurance_603_038", "insurance_603_039", "insurance_603_040", "insurance_603_041", "insurance_603_042", "insurance_603_043", "insurance_603_044", "insurance_603_045", "insurance_603_046", "insurance_603_047", "insurance_603_048", "insurance_603_049", "insurance_603_050", "insurance_603_051", "insurance_603_052", "insurance_603_053", "insurance_603_054", "insurance_603_055", "insurance_603_056", "insurance_603_057", "insurance_603_058", "insurance_603_059", "insurance_603_060", "insurance_603_061", "insurance_603_062" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Riverton Insurance. This is Kelly. How can I help you?", "I AM BEING SCAMMED BY YOU PEOPLE!", "I can assure you that is not the case. Can I have your name?", "My name is Kim Miller.", "Hello Kim. I will do my best to help figure this out. Do you have your policy number?", "No! My social security number is five one three, nine nine, six six two zero.", "Ok, let me confirm that number. Five one three, nine nine, six six two zero, correct?", "Yes, that is right.", "The correct spelling of your name is K-I-M M-I-L-L-E-R, correct?", "Yes!", "Can you give my your date of birth?", "Sure. It is November eleventh nineteen seventy two.", "One last security question, what is your mothers maiden name?", "Umm, I don't know. Is it Hanks?", "Hanks H-A-N-K-S?", "yes.", "Perfect, that is what we show. Thanks so much for confirming all that information.", "Ok so now that the twenty questions is over. I need to speak to a supervisor!", "Well Kim, this is not something that needs to be addressed by a supervisor. I can help you.", "Ok. I was scammed and I need to cancel this policy now!!", "I have your policy pulled up. Would you like the policy number for future reference?", "NO. I will not be needing it!", "Ok. Now Kim, you said you were scammed. Why is that?", "I was quoted a basic plan for two hundred dollars a year and my bank account was charged more, a lot more!", "I am sorry to hear that. Give me a minute to look at your policy.", "Do what you need to do to cancel this!", "Kim, thanks for your patience.", "Yeah, yeah! What did you find?", "Well, I did find that we are not scamming you.", "Ok! if that is true, why was my bank account debited for more than I was told?", "Your policy is the basic plan two hundred dollars per year. It is broke down in twelve monthly payments.", "How much is the payment supposed to be per month? I was charged more than two hundred dollars!", "Correct, but only for the first month.", "Explain!!!!", "Kim, I understand you are frustrated but please let me help you.", "Ok!", "The payment per month should be sixteen dollars and sixty six cents.", "yes, that is what is was quoted!", "The first month payment includes some additional fees to get the policy started.", "What fees??? I was not told about any fees!", "Kim, I am sorry this was not conveyed to you accurately. Let me better explain this to you.", "Ok. This is ridiculous!", "The additional start up fees are for document processing and that charge is thirty dollars.", "THIRTY DOLLARS! I was not told about no document fee! Just cancel the policy. I knew it was a scam!", "Rest assured, it is not a scam. It is an admin fee needed to get the policy set up in our system.", "I did not agree to this charge and I want it removed!", "Kim, do you remember electronically signing the documents that were sent to you by email?", "Yeah, why?", "By signing those documents, you agreed to this fee.", "Oh. I see. You added it to the fine print. A classic scammer move!", "Again, we are not scamming you.", "Sounds like you are!", "Kim, I want to keep your business with Riverton. I am going to reverse that fee and credit your account.", "Really??", "Yes, I will issue you a thirty dollar credit and you just pay your monthly payment of sixteen sixty six. Ok?", "Wow! That is unexpected. I really appreciate that!", "No problem at all. I want to recitfy this situation and reassure you that we are a reputable company.", "Well, that makes me feel better. I am happy I called you. You are awesome. Give me your name again.", "My name is Kelly. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No Kelly. I appreciate you helping me and sorry for being so obnoxius! .", "No apologies needed, I understand. If nothing else, have a great day!", "Thanks Kelly, you have a good day also.", "I plan to! Thanks for calling Riverton Insurance. Good bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_604_000", "insurance_604_001", "insurance_604_002", "insurance_604_003", "insurance_604_004", "insurance_604_005", "insurance_604_006", "insurance_604_007", "insurance_604_008", "insurance_604_009", "insurance_604_010", "insurance_604_011", "insurance_604_012", "insurance_604_013", "insurance_604_014", "insurance_604_015", "insurance_604_016", "insurance_604_017", "insurance_604_018", "insurance_604_019", "insurance_604_020", "insurance_604_021", "insurance_604_022", "insurance_604_023", "insurance_604_024", "insurance_604_025", "insurance_604_026", "insurance_604_027", "insurance_604_028", "insurance_604_029", "insurance_604_030", "insurance_604_031", "insurance_604_032", "insurance_604_033", "insurance_604_034", "insurance_604_035", "insurance_604_036", "insurance_604_037", "insurance_604_038", "insurance_604_039", "insurance_604_040", "insurance_604_041", "insurance_604_042", "insurance_604_043", "insurance_604_044", "insurance_604_045", "insurance_604_046", "insurance_604_047", "insurance_604_048", "insurance_604_049", "insurance_604_050", "insurance_604_051", "insurance_604_052", "insurance_604_053", "insurance_604_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Riverton Insurance. This is Kelly. How can I help you?", "Hello Kelly. My name is Sally Green and I need to add someone to my policy.", "Ok, I can certainly help with that. First, do you have your policy number?", "No. Can you use my social security number?'.", "Yes, we can. What is that number?'.", "My social is five one three, nine nine, six six two zero.", "Ok, let me confirm that number. Five one three, nine nine, six six two zero, correct?", "Yes, that is right.", "The correct spelling of your name is S-A-L-L-Y G-R-E-E-N, correct?", "You are right again !", "Can you give my your date of birth?", "Sure. It is November eleventh nineteen sventy two.", "One last security question, what is your mothers maiden name?", "Um, let me see. She has had a few last names. [Laughter] Is it Hanks?", "Hankss H-A-N-K-S?", "yes.", "Perfect, that is what we show. Thanks so much for confirming all that information.", "No problem. I appreciate it. There is so much fraudalent activity these days!", "Exactly! It is a sad reality. Sally, give me just a few moments to access your policy.", "Take your time.", "I have your policy pulled up. Would you like the policy number for future reference?", "yes, thanks!", "Not a problem. Are you ready for the number?", "Hold on, let me get a pen and paper?", "Ok.", "I am ready. No wait! The pen isn't working! Ok, I have a good one. What is the number?", "[Laughter], The policy number is L-I one seven seven three one two six.", "Let me repeat it, L-I one seven seven three one two six?", "That is correct.", "The name of your dependant?", "His name is Greg Allen Green.", "Ok, that G-R-E-G A-L-L-E-N G-R-E-E-N?", "The relationship to you?'.", "He is my husband.", "Awesome. And what is his date of birth?", "His birthday is August secon nineteen seventy.", "Ok, let me confirm the information. You are adding your husband, Greg Allen Green.", "Yes.", "His date of birth is August second nineteen seventy?", "Perfect!", "Does your husband have any existing health issues?", "No, He's pretty healthy for an old guy. .", "I have updated your policy and he is added effectively immediately. I will get new insurance cards sent out.", "Great. We moved so let me give you the new address.", "Ah, just a second let me get to the right place to update that address. Ok, Sally go ahead.", "New address is Fifty One Ranger Rd Beverly Hills, CA nine zero two one zero.", "That was Fifty One Ranger Rd Beverly Hills, CA nine zero two one zero correct?", "You got it!", "Well, Let me see..Everything is updated and new cards have been requested.", "How long until I get the new cards?", "You should allow seven to ten working days to receive the cards.", "Sounds good.", "Is there anything else you were needing today?", "No, that is all.", "If nothing else, you have a good day and thanks for calling Riverton Insurance." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_605_000", "insurance_605_001", "insurance_605_002", "insurance_605_003", "insurance_605_004", "insurance_605_005", "insurance_605_006", "insurance_605_007", "insurance_605_008", "insurance_605_009", "insurance_605_010", "insurance_605_011", "insurance_605_012", "insurance_605_013", "insurance_605_014", "insurance_605_015", "insurance_605_016", "insurance_605_017", "insurance_605_018", "insurance_605_019", "insurance_605_020", "insurance_605_021", "insurance_605_022", "insurance_605_023", "insurance_605_024", "insurance_605_025", "insurance_605_026", "insurance_605_027", "insurance_605_028", "insurance_605_029", "insurance_605_030", "insurance_605_031", "insurance_605_032", "insurance_605_033", "insurance_605_034", "insurance_605_035", "insurance_605_036", "insurance_605_037", "insurance_605_038", "insurance_605_039", "insurance_605_040", "insurance_605_041", "insurance_605_042", "insurance_605_043", "insurance_605_044", "insurance_605_045", "insurance_605_046", "insurance_605_047", "insurance_605_048", "insurance_605_049", "insurance_605_050", "insurance_605_051", "insurance_605_052", "insurance_605_053", "insurance_605_054", "insurance_605_055", "insurance_605_056", "insurance_605_057", "insurance_605_058", "insurance_605_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Riverton Insurance. This is Kelly. How can I help you?", "Hello, I need to file a claim for property damage.", "I will be happy to help you. Can I get your name?", "My name is Kim Miller.", "Hello Kim. Do you have the policy number?", "Yes. I have it. Give me a minute to pull it up.", "Ok, take your time.", "OOO-ok. I have it. The policy number is PC nine one four three three seven three one.", "Let me confirm Pc nine one four three three seven five three one, correct?", "Yes!", "Can you confirm the name on the policy?", "It is under Stan and Kim Miller.", "Great. The property address?", "Our address is fifty one Clear Water Dr Galveston, Texas seven seven five five zero.", "And the security question, where did you go on your honeymoon?", "We went to Bali.", "I love Bali. It is such a beautiful place. Thanks so much for confirming all that information.", "No problem.", "Well Kim, let me get a little more information to get the claim started for you.", "Ok. Sounds good.", "What was the date of the accident?", "July fourth twenty twenty one.", "Ok, and what was the accident?", "My fence was vandalized by some neighborhood kids.", "Oh no! Sorry to hear that.", "Yeah, it was a disaster. Luckily, we got it on our security camera.", "Good thing for the cameras.", "Yes, we took several photos from different angles also.", "Great, that will be helpful to the adjuster. Have you contacted a contractor?", "Yes, we got three estimates. They are all pretty close.", "Sounds good. I will make note of that for the adjuster.", "Thanks. This has been so stressful.", "I understand your frustration. Did you file a police report?", "Yes, we did. Will the adjuster need a copy?", "They will need it for the investigation.", "What does that mean?", "The adjuster will be in contact with the police to get everything taken care of.", "Oh ok. We know the boys who did it. They have been terrorizing the neighborhood for years.", "Hopefully, this will be the last time they do anything like this.", "[Laughter] I seriously doubt it. At least one of them will be doing time in jail within the next five years.", "Wow! That is sad to hear but sometimes that is what has to happen before they understand.", "Exactly!", "Was there any other damage?", "No just the fence. It was sprayed painted in some spots and splintered in others. Just a big mess.", "Kim, can I get a good contact phone number for you?", "Yes, my cell number is seven five seven three three six two two nine zero.", "Let me make sure I got it. That was seven five seven three three six two two nine zero, right?", "Yes, that is right. When will I hear from someone?", "You can expect a phone call back within twenty four to forty eight business hours.", "O-ok, I will be waiting to hear back from someone. Can we start to clean it up?", "Yes, save all the damaged materials and take more picture so the adjuster can see the extent of the damage.", "I understand. Anything else?", "No, not until the adjuster comes out. Are you aware your policy carries a five hundred dollar deductible?", "Yes! So sad and scary that they think destroying other people property is ok! We worked hard for this house!", "I am so sorry you are having to go through this.", "Well, thanks. We will get through it.", "Can I help you with anything else?", "No, not right now. Thanks so much for your kindness.", "You are very welcome. Thanks so much for calling Riverton Insurance, Kim. Have a good day.", "You as well. Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_606_000", "insurance_606_001", "insurance_606_002", "insurance_606_003", "insurance_606_004", "insurance_606_005", "insurance_606_006", "insurance_606_007", "insurance_606_008", "insurance_606_009", "insurance_606_010", "insurance_606_011", "insurance_606_012", "insurance_606_013", "insurance_606_014", "insurance_606_015", "insurance_606_016", "insurance_606_017", "insurance_606_018", "insurance_606_019", "insurance_606_020", "insurance_606_021", "insurance_606_022", "insurance_606_023", "insurance_606_024", "insurance_606_025", "insurance_606_026", "insurance_606_027", "insurance_606_028", "insurance_606_029", "insurance_606_030", "insurance_606_031", "insurance_606_032", "insurance_606_033", "insurance_606_034", "insurance_606_035", "insurance_606_036", "insurance_606_037", "insurance_606_038", "insurance_606_039", "insurance_606_040", "insurance_606_041", "insurance_606_042", "insurance_606_043", "insurance_606_044", "insurance_606_045", "insurance_606_046", "insurance_606_047", "insurance_606_048", "insurance_606_049", "insurance_606_050", "insurance_606_051", "insurance_606_052", "insurance_606_053", "insurance_606_054", "insurance_606_055", "insurance_606_056", "insurance_606_057", "insurance_606_058", "insurance_606_059", "insurance_606_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Riverton Insurance. This is Kelly. How can I help you?", "Hello, I need to file a life insurance claim. My grandmother passed away.", "Oh no. Sorry to hear that. Can I get your name?", "My name is Kim Miller. I am the beneficiary.", "Hello Kim. I will be happy to help get the claim started. Do you have the policy number?", "Yes. I have it. Give me a minute to pull it up.", "Ok, take your time.", "OOO-ok. I have it. The policy number is LP nine one four three three seven five nine.", "Let me confirm LP nine one four three three seven five nine, correct?", "Yes!", "The name on the policy?", "My grandma's name is Valentina Sofia Catalano.", "Wow. Such a beautiful name. What is her date of birth?", "She was born August first nineteen thirty eight.", "And the security question, where was she born?", "She was born in Florence, Italy.", "Perfect, that is what we show. Thanks so much for confirming all that information.", "Great!", "Well Kim, let me get a little more information to get the claim started for you.", "Ok. Sounds good.", "What was the date your grandmother passed away?", "On, July third twenty twenty one. I think. Let me make sure.", "No problem. We want to make sure to have the accurate information.", "Yes, it was about five thirty pm on July third.", "And the cause of death?", "Heart failure.", "Again, I am so sorry for your loss.", "Thanks. I appreciate the condolences. It has been hard. She was my best friend.", "Grandmothers are special people. Such a blessing to have in your life.", "You got that right.", "Based on her policy, she had a hundred thousand dollar term life insurance policy.", "Ok, what is the coverage for that?", "Basically, it is a one hundred thousand dollar death benefit as long as the payments are made during the designated term.", "Ok. So how do I get the money? I am listed as the beneficiary, right?", "Correct. You are listed as the beneficiary but I show the policy was termed on her date of death.", "What does that mean?", "Well Kim, it means the policy was cancelled due to non payment on her date of death.", "I am looking at her check book, her last payment was sent to you in May. She paid it every three months.", "You are correct. A payment was sent in May but returned as insufficient. No replacement payment was received.", "WHAT!!!! Insufficient? So you just cancel it without notice?", "No, we sent three letters requesting payment. A policy can be reinstated if payment is received within thirty days.", "That is crazy! So her policy was cancelled?", "I am so sorry. Yes, it was. I can request a supervisor to review it and get back in contact with you.", "Yes, I definitely need to speak to a supervisor. This is is craziness thing I have ever heard!", "Kim, can I get a good contact phone number for you?", "Yes, my cell number is seven five seven three three six two two nine zero.", "Let me make sure I got it. That was seven five seven three three six two two nine zero, right?", "Yes, that is right. When will I hear from someone?", "You can expect a phone call back within twenty four to forty eight business hours.", "O-ok, I will be waiting to hear back from someone.", "Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was more I could do or say but my hands are tied at this point.", "I understand. Please don't take my shock as a personal attack. I know it is out of your control.", "Correct. I appreciate your understanding.", "It is all about making money. All the years she paid is worth nothing. Really sad and kind of predatory!", "I understand your frustration. Is there any additional information you want me to sent to my supervisor?", "No, just let them know that our family is struggling financially with medical bills and we really need this payout.", "I will relay the information. Anything else?", "No, not right now.", "ok Kim. Thanks for calling Riverton Insurance. I hope you can get this issue resolved.", "Thanks so much. I hope so too. Have a good day!", "You too Kim. Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_607_000", "insurance_607_001", "insurance_607_002", "insurance_607_003", "insurance_607_004", "insurance_607_005", "insurance_607_006", "insurance_607_007", "insurance_607_008", "insurance_607_009", "insurance_607_010", "insurance_607_011", "insurance_607_012", "insurance_607_013", "insurance_607_014", "insurance_607_015", "insurance_607_016", "insurance_607_017", "insurance_607_018", "insurance_607_019", "insurance_607_020", "insurance_607_021", "insurance_607_022", "insurance_607_023", "insurance_607_024", "insurance_607_025", "insurance_607_026", "insurance_607_027", "insurance_607_028", "insurance_607_029", "insurance_607_030", "insurance_607_031", "insurance_607_032", "insurance_607_033", "insurance_607_034", "insurance_607_035", "insurance_607_036", "insurance_607_037", "insurance_607_038", "insurance_607_039", "insurance_607_040", "insurance_607_041", "insurance_607_042", "insurance_607_043", "insurance_607_044", "insurance_607_045", "insurance_607_046", "insurance_607_047", "insurance_607_048", "insurance_607_049", "insurance_607_050", "insurance_607_051", "insurance_607_052", "insurance_607_053", "insurance_607_054", "insurance_607_055", "insurance_607_056", "insurance_607_057", "insurance_607_058", "insurance_607_059", "insurance_607_060", "insurance_607_061", "insurance_607_062", "insurance_607_063", "insurance_607_064", "insurance_607_065", "insurance_607_066", "insurance_607_067", "insurance_607_068", "insurance_607_069", "insurance_607_070", "insurance_607_071", "insurance_607_072", "insurance_607_073", "insurance_607_074", "insurance_607_075", "insurance_607_076", "insurance_607_077", "insurance_607_078", "insurance_607_079", "insurance_607_080", "insurance_607_081", "insurance_607_082", "insurance_607_083", "insurance_607_084", "insurance_607_085", "insurance_607_086", "insurance_607_087", "insurance_607_088", "insurance_607_089", "insurance_607_090", "insurance_607_091", "insurance_607_092", "insurance_607_093", "insurance_607_094", "insurance_607_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Rivertown Insurance, Autumn speaking, how can I help.", "#Um, I made a payment for my plan, but I just received a mail that I owe.", "Oh, I am sorry to hear that.", "Yeah.", "Let me pull up your account details and see where the issue is.", "Of course.", "Can I have your name and policy number.", "#Er I can give you my name, but my policy number, I would have to search for that.", "OK.", "My name is Emily Smith. E-m-i-l-y S-m-i-t-h.", "Got that.", "Where can I get my policy number from?", "Well you can get it from a number of places, but I think the easiest right now would be from the mail you received.", "Right.", "Do you have the mail handy?", "Yes I just need to turn on my computer then.", "Sure.", "This will only take a few munites please.", "No worries, I will wait.", "Thank you.", "Sure.", "#Er so I have the mail opened, but I see a bunch of numbers here.", "Okay.", "So which would be the policy number.", "The policy number is the Eight digit number that should be just after you name on the mail heading.", "Okay got it.", "#Hm.", "It's two four one eight eight seven one hundred.", "Okay, two four one eight eight seven one zero zero.", "Thats right.", "Perfect. Let me pull up your account information.", "Okay.", "Would you mind answering a few questions for me please.", "Go ahead.", "First your security question, what is your mother's maiden name.", "It's Peterson.", "That is correct.", "When did you make the payment because I don't see any payment for the last invoice on your account.", "#Um, I sent the cheque on June nineteenth.", "Okay and did you receive the debit on your bank account yet?", "Well, now that you mentioned that, I will need to check my bank statement.", "Yes please.", "I can check that online now, can you hold on a moment while I check please.", "Of course. Take your time.", "Thank you.", "You are welcome.", "Logging on to my bank account online is always a hassle for me.", "Is that so.", "Yeah, you know I am a senior and we seniors are not used to online banking and all that.", "I totally understand.", "Yeah, my daughter had to teach me the process severally. I am usually old school. That is why I still send cheque payments.", "I can imagine.", "Yeah.", "Well I got in now. But I don't see a debit on my bank account for that amount.", "Okay so that is good to know since we haven't received the payment.", "So what do you advice now.", "Well it's possible the cheque got missing in transit.", "Yeah, I think so too.", "So you should call your bank to cancel that cheque number.", "Oh yes, that is a good idea.", "Yeah, and then if you like you can send another cheque for payment.", "Well and how long do you think it will take for you to receive the cheque.", "#Er, that depends on where you are sending it from.", "I am sending it from New york. That is where I live.", "Ok, so that normally takes about three business days.", "Okay.", "Or if you have your credit card with you, you can make the payment over the phone now.", "Oh, I am not sure I want to do that, like I said I am old school.", "Yeah, I understand.", "So I will send the cheque tomorrow then and you should have it in four business days give or take.", "Okay.", "But in the mean time, can you make a note on my account saying I previously sent a cheque, but it got lost in transit.", "Sure I can do that.", "Because I don't want to have a bad credit rating with your company.", "Yes I get that.", "And will I be charged for a late payment fee?", "#Um, you only get charged if it is thirty days past your payment date.", "Oh ok.", "#Er and how many days past my payment days is it now?", "Let me check that.", "Okay.", "It's only sixteen days past as at today, so if we receive the cheque in four business days then you shouldn't be charged a late payment fee.", "Okay good.", "Is there any other thing I can help you with today.", "Yeah, can you help me check the exact amount I owe?", "Sure, it's sixty nine dollars seventeen cents.", "Okay thank you.", "My pleasure.", "Will that be all for today mister Emily.", "Yes, thank you for your help.", "You are welcome. We will be expecting the cheque.", "Of course.", "Do have a great day.", "You too.", "Bye now.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_608_000", "insurance_608_001", "insurance_608_002", "insurance_608_003", "insurance_608_004", "insurance_608_005", "insurance_608_006", "insurance_608_007", "insurance_608_008", "insurance_608_009", "insurance_608_010", "insurance_608_011", "insurance_608_012", "insurance_608_013", "insurance_608_014", "insurance_608_015", "insurance_608_016", "insurance_608_017", "insurance_608_018", "insurance_608_019", "insurance_608_020", "insurance_608_021", "insurance_608_022", "insurance_608_023", "insurance_608_024", "insurance_608_025", "insurance_608_026", "insurance_608_027", "insurance_608_028", "insurance_608_029", "insurance_608_030", "insurance_608_031", "insurance_608_032", "insurance_608_033", "insurance_608_034", "insurance_608_035", "insurance_608_036", "insurance_608_037", "insurance_608_038", "insurance_608_039", "insurance_608_040", "insurance_608_041", "insurance_608_042", "insurance_608_043", "insurance_608_044", "insurance_608_045", "insurance_608_046", "insurance_608_047", "insurance_608_048", "insurance_608_049", "insurance_608_050", "insurance_608_051", "insurance_608_052", "insurance_608_053", "insurance_608_054", "insurance_608_055", "insurance_608_056", "insurance_608_057", "insurance_608_058", "insurance_608_059", "insurance_608_060", "insurance_608_061", "insurance_608_062", "insurance_608_063", "insurance_608_064", "insurance_608_065", "insurance_608_066", "insurance_608_067", "insurance_608_068", "insurance_608_069", "insurance_608_070", "insurance_608_071", "insurance_608_072", "insurance_608_073", "insurance_608_074", "insurance_608_075", "insurance_608_076", "insurance_608_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi there. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care, I'm Sandy.", "Hello Sandy, good day. My name is Karen.", "Sorry I can't hear you.", "Karen.", "Alright Karen, how may I be of service?", "#Um I have a policy with you. Is it possible to update my payment method?", "Sure I can help you with that.", "I usually make transfers monthly, but I will like to add my credit card details so I can be debited monthly.", "For Sure. May I have your full name.", "#Er Karen White.", "Will that be a Caren with a C or a Karen with a K.", "A Karen with a K.", "Thank you very much. Please may I have your policy number?", "#Um my policy number. Hold on let me get that real quick.", "Sure take your time.", "I am still searching for it please. I am almost sure I wrote it down somewhere.", "It's the Eight digit number in front of your policy document.", "Oh thank you.", "You are welcome.", "It's two four one, #Um three two, one nine six.", "Just to confirm did you say two four one three two one six nine?", "No it's nine six, as in two four one three two one nine six.", "Oh I got that. Thanks.", "You are welcome.", "Okay please stay on the line.", "Okay.", "So what kind of card would you like to add?", "It's a mastercard.", "So a credit mastercard.", "Right right.", "Please can I have the full pan of the card, that is the digits on the front of the card?", "#Um my card is not really close to me right now, I don't know why I didn't have it handy. Can I give you a call back or would you stay on the line while I get it?", "I would not mind staying on the line.", "Oh Thank you.", "Very welcome.", "#Um five one two one, #Hm it's a bit blur, hold on let me put it to the light.", "Sure.", "five one two one three four one six one nine zero one five zero zero one.", "Please can you repeat that, but a bit slower?", "five one two one three four one six one nine zero one five zero zero one.", "Perfect. May I have the expiry date on the card?", "It's January, twenty twenty five.", "January twenty twenty five.", "Yeah.", "And the CVV number please.", "#Er what's that?", "It's the three digit number at the back of the card.", "Oh, okay. It's two four nine.", "#Um and the name on the card, would that be your name?", "Yes please.", "Thank you for the information.", "Your payment preference has now been successfully updated.", "Thank you for that. The first agent I spoke with took so much of my time but still could not assist.", "Oh sorry about that Karen I am glad I could assist.", "No worries. When will I start getting debited?", "#Um that will be from your next payment date next month.", "Okay that will be fine.", "Will that be all for now?", "#Um I guess so, can you confirm the outstanding balance on my plan please.", "For sure. Give me one sec.", "Sure.", "#Um it's sixty five dollars.", "Okay thank you.", "And now you can actually check your balance yourself on the Rivertown application online.", "Oh really? How do I get the app?", "You can just download on your app store. Search for Rivertown Insurance. It's the first application that comes up.", "Oh Thats nice. Does it cost anything though?", "It's totally free.", "So I just download the app and register I guess?", "Yes. You will need your email address and policy number to register. Then when you login on the menu page you can search for check balance to see the outstanding balance on your account.", "Thank you very much.", "You are welcome.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today.", "No no. I am very satisfied.", "Good. Thank you for calling us. Have a pleasant day.", "You too Sandy.", "Bye!", "Bye Sandy!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_609_000", "insurance_609_001", "insurance_609_002", "insurance_609_003", "insurance_609_004", "insurance_609_005", "insurance_609_006", "insurance_609_007", "insurance_609_008", "insurance_609_009", "insurance_609_010", "insurance_609_011", "insurance_609_012", "insurance_609_013", "insurance_609_014", "insurance_609_015", "insurance_609_016", "insurance_609_017", "insurance_609_018", "insurance_609_019", "insurance_609_020", "insurance_609_021", "insurance_609_022", "insurance_609_023", "insurance_609_024", "insurance_609_025", "insurance_609_026", "insurance_609_027", "insurance_609_028", "insurance_609_029", "insurance_609_030", "insurance_609_031", "insurance_609_032", "insurance_609_033", "insurance_609_034", "insurance_609_035", "insurance_609_036", "insurance_609_037", "insurance_609_038", "insurance_609_039", "insurance_609_040", "insurance_609_041", "insurance_609_042", "insurance_609_043", "insurance_609_044", "insurance_609_045", "insurance_609_046", "insurance_609_047", "insurance_609_048", "insurance_609_049", "insurance_609_050", "insurance_609_051", "insurance_609_052", "insurance_609_053", "insurance_609_054", "insurance_609_055", "insurance_609_056", "insurance_609_057", "insurance_609_058", "insurance_609_059", "insurance_609_060", "insurance_609_061", "insurance_609_062", "insurance_609_063", "insurance_609_064", "insurance_609_065", "insurance_609_066", "insurance_609_067", "insurance_609_068", "insurance_609_069", "insurance_609_070", "insurance_609_071", "insurance_609_072", "insurance_609_073", "insurance_609_074", "insurance_609_075", "insurance_609_076", "insurance_609_077", "insurance_609_078", "insurance_609_079", "insurance_609_080", "insurance_609_081", "insurance_609_082", "insurance_609_083", "insurance_609_084", "insurance_609_085", "insurance_609_086", "insurance_609_087", "insurance_609_088", "insurance_609_089", "insurance_609_090", "insurance_609_091", "insurance_609_092", "insurance_609_093", "insurance_609_094", "insurance_609_095", "insurance_609_096", "insurance_609_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance, Ace speaking, how can I help?", "Hello Ace, my name is Martin. How are you today?", "I am very well thank you and you?", "#Oh I am doing well.", "How can I be of service?", "Well I heard about your insurance company from a friend and I want to know more about your services and what I can insure.", "Sure I can help you with that information.", "Okay.", "So we offer life insurance, pet, automobile, homeowner, condo and renter insurance.", "#Oh I see.", "Yeah, so which of these would you be interested in?", "Well I already have an automobile insurance plan so that is out of the question.", "Okay.", "And I don't own any pet, so that is also not an option.", "#Hm.", "Maybe I could sign up for the homeowner insurance plan.", "Okay that is a wise decision. Would you also consider signing up for the life insurance plan?", "#Er, I actually thought about that too, but I want to check in with my wife first.", "Of course I get that.", "You know women are the bosses (laughter).", "(Laughter) they sure are.", "#Um can you tell me the different plan options for the homeowner insurance?", "Sure I can.", "So we have Home Basic, Home preferred and Home complete plans.", "Okay and How much is the yearly payment for each of them?", "So the Home basic is one thousand two hundred dollars per year, Home preferred is one thousand six hundred dollars per year and Home complete is two thousand dollars yearly.", "Okay.", "Yeah.", "And what is the difference in these plan options other than the prices of course (Laughter).", "(Laughter) #Um the home basic covers only the house itself, the home preferred covers both the house and the properties in it, while the home complete covers the house, the properties in it and the lives in it.", "#Hm Can you elaborate on the Home complete option? Does that mean it includes life insurance for the house occupants?", "#Oh no it doesn't include life insurance.", "Okay.", "It only includes medical bills and treatment for the registered home occupants incase of an accident that may occurs in the house.", "#Oh I see.", "Yeah.", "And also the properties in case of any damage or theft in the house right?", "Yes that is correct.", "#Hm that plan option sounds better for me.", "The Home complete plan right?", "Yeah.", "Ok. So I can just create an account for you right away.", "Sure. I am ready.", "Okay then. I will just need to ask you a couple of questions then and book for one of our field agents to come to your home to finalize the account setup.", "Sure.", "So can you spell out your full name please?", "Yeah it's Martin Rivers. M-a-r-t-i-n R-i-v-e-r-s.", "Okay gotcha.", "Your date of birth?", "It's #Um July sixteenth, nineteen seventy nine.", "Okay July sixteenth, nineteen seventy nine.", "Yeah.", "Can I have your phone number please?", "seven zero nine eight three four four eight one one.", "seven zero nine eight two four four eight one one?", "No, seven zero nine eight three four four eight one one.", "Okay seven zero nine eight three four four eight one one?", "Yes.", "Perfect. Can I have your email address please.", "Yes it's m-a-r-t-i-n-r-i-v-e-r-s at gmail dot com.", "okay so your first name and last name at gmail dot com.", "Yeah.", "Can I have your home address please?", "#Er, two two nine, Avenue Road, San Diego.", "Okay #Um two two nine, avenue road, San Diego?", "Yes that is correct.", "And what is the postal code?", "Nine two zero zero nine eight.", "Ok got that.", "How many occupants are in you house?", "#Er I have my son and his girlfriend in the basement and just I and my wife in the main house, so #Um four occupants.", "Four occupants. Perfect.", "Can I have the full names of your wife, your son and his girlfriend?", "Yeah. My wife's full name is Amira Rivers, my son's name is Jason Rivers and his girlfriend's name is Anna. #Hm I am not really sure what her last name is.", "Okay.", "But I can quickly go to the basement now to find out from her, I hope she is home.", "Of course please do.", "Okay, just give me a moment, I will be right back.", "Sure.", "Okay, I am back. Her last name is Chevron.", "Okay. Is Anna spelt with one n or double n?", "It's double n.", "Okay. Thank you.", "You are welcome.", "Okay I have all the information I need now. I just need to set up an appointment for our field agent to come to your house to finalize the account.", "Okay then.", "What day and time is most convenient for you for the agent to come.", "Well I am home all through this week, so any day this week is perfect. And I will prefer a morning appointment.", "Of course, so Thursday ten a.m? Does that work?", "Yeah. What is the name of the agent that will be coming?", "His name is Allen. And he will give you a call before coming.", "Okay. That will be great.", "So you account has been created for the Home complete Homeowner insurance plan and the appointment is all set up for Thursday ten a.m.", "Okay. Thank you very much for your help.", "My pleasure. Anything else I can help you for now?", "No I am good.", "Alright then, have a great day mister Martin.", "You too Ace." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_610_000", "insurance_610_001", "insurance_610_002", "insurance_610_003", "insurance_610_004", "insurance_610_005", "insurance_610_006", "insurance_610_007", "insurance_610_008", "insurance_610_009", "insurance_610_010", "insurance_610_011", "insurance_610_012", "insurance_610_013", "insurance_610_014", "insurance_610_015", "insurance_610_016", "insurance_610_017", "insurance_610_018", "insurance_610_019", "insurance_610_020", "insurance_610_021", "insurance_610_022", "insurance_610_023", "insurance_610_024", "insurance_610_025", "insurance_610_026", "insurance_610_027", "insurance_610_028", "insurance_610_029", "insurance_610_030", "insurance_610_031", "insurance_610_032", "insurance_610_033", "insurance_610_034", "insurance_610_035", "insurance_610_036", "insurance_610_037", "insurance_610_038", "insurance_610_039", "insurance_610_040", "insurance_610_041", "insurance_610_042", "insurance_610_043", "insurance_610_044", "insurance_610_045", "insurance_610_046", "insurance_610_047", "insurance_610_048", "insurance_610_049", "insurance_610_050", "insurance_610_051", "insurance_610_052", "insurance_610_053", "insurance_610_054", "insurance_610_055", "insurance_610_056", "insurance_610_057", "insurance_610_058", "insurance_610_059", "insurance_610_060", "insurance_610_061", "insurance_610_062", "insurance_610_063", "insurance_610_064", "insurance_610_065", "insurance_610_066", "insurance_610_067", "insurance_610_068", "insurance_610_069", "insurance_610_070", "insurance_610_071", "insurance_610_072", "insurance_610_073", "insurance_610_074", "insurance_610_075", "insurance_610_076", "insurance_610_077", "insurance_610_078", "insurance_610_079", "insurance_610_080", "insurance_610_081", "insurance_610_082", "insurance_610_083", "insurance_610_084", "insurance_610_085", "insurance_610_086" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, My name is Nancy. Can have have your policy number please.", "Sure Nancy, give me a moment let me find it.", "Okay.", "Hm it's the number on the front page of my policy document right?", "It sure is.", "Okay, let me just get my glasses.", "For sure, take your time.", "Um, Okay, it's Four zero four one eight eight two two.", "Ok got it. Thanks.", "OK.", "And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?", "Oh My name is Jina Phil, Jina with a J.", "Hi Jina, How can I help you today?", "Well, I noticed that I do not get the invoice for my monthly payment, and I was wondering why that is so.", "Okay, lets try to see the cause and get a satisfactory resolution for you then.", "OK lets do that.", "Can I ask you some questions just to get more information on what the issue is?", "Please go ahead.", "Okay. So when last did you receive any invoice?", "Um, I can't really remember, hold on let me check my file.", "Sure.", "Hm, The last invoice I see here is from June twenty twenty.", "Okay. So let me take a look at your account and see what the issue is.", "Okay then.", "Just a moment please.", "Sure. How is work going today anyway?", "Er it's going very well. It's a sunny and beautiful day. How is your day going?", "Very well too. I really love the sun, makes me want to just sit outside and get tanned.", "(Laughter) I can imagine. Sounds wonderful.", "Yeah if only I didn't have to be at work too.", "I totally understand that.", "Hm.", "So I see on your account that you changed your billing frequency from quaterly to monthly back in July twenty twenty.", "Yes I did.", "Oh, I see.", "Is that why I haven't been getting the invoices?", "Yes Jina, because you are on a pre-authorised payment plan, we don't send invoices for monthly billing frequency clients.", "Oh I see, I think the agent told me about that then, but I forgot about that.", "Oh, okay.", "But I do want to be getting those invoices. I need them for documentation purpose.", "I understand.", "So what can we do then?", "Well I can send you the invoices you missed, but you still won't be getting the subsequent invoices.", "Oh that would really help for now. Thank you.", "You are welcome.", "Can I update my billing frequency then?", "Of course, I can do that for you.", "Ok. I would like to update from monthly to quarterly then.", "Sure. To make updates on your account, I would need you to answer one of your security questions please.", "Okay.", "What is the name of your first pet?", "Bambi.", "That is correct.", "I still have him you know, Bambi.", "It's a really cute name.", "Yeah.", "What kind of pet is he?", "Oh he is a pitbull. One of those dogs you can't help but love.", "Yeah, I love dogs. Especially the fluffy ones.", "(laughter) So needy and loving.", "I couldn't agree more.", "Hm.", "So I have just updated your billing frequency to quarterly.", "Thank you.", "You are welcome. Is jinaphil at gmail dot com a good email to send the outstanding invoices to?", "Oh no, can you please send it to my work email, so I can print them while I am at work.", "Sure thing. Can I have the email please?", "Er it's jina.phil at mooreconsult dot com.", "Okay. So thats your firstname dot your last name at m-o-r-e-c-o-n-s-u-l-t dot com?", "Not quite. The moore is double o.", "Okay. Gotcha, so that is j-i-n-a dot p-h-i-l at m-o-o-r-e-c-o-n-s-u-l-t dot c-o-m?", "Yes that is correct.", "Perfect. I will send those invoices right away.", "Thanks.", "You are very welcome.", "I just sent them. Can you confirm if you have received them?", "Um, hold on a moment please.", "Sure.", "Yeah yeah, I have received them.", "Okay good.", "Thank you so much for your help Nancy.", "You are most welcome Jina. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Oh no. That is all for today.", "Okay then.", "Thank you for choosing Rivertown insurance, do enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too Nancy. Good bye.", "Bye Jina." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_611_000", "insurance_611_001", "insurance_611_002", "insurance_611_003", "insurance_611_004", "insurance_611_005", "insurance_611_006", "insurance_611_007", "insurance_611_008", "insurance_611_009", "insurance_611_010", "insurance_611_011", "insurance_611_012", "insurance_611_013", "insurance_611_014", "insurance_611_015", "insurance_611_016", "insurance_611_017", "insurance_611_018", "insurance_611_019", "insurance_611_020", "insurance_611_021", "insurance_611_022", "insurance_611_023", "insurance_611_024", "insurance_611_025", "insurance_611_026", "insurance_611_027", "insurance_611_028", "insurance_611_029", "insurance_611_030", "insurance_611_031", "insurance_611_032", "insurance_611_033", "insurance_611_034", "insurance_611_035", "insurance_611_036", "insurance_611_037", "insurance_611_038", "insurance_611_039", "insurance_611_040", "insurance_611_041", "insurance_611_042", "insurance_611_043", "insurance_611_044", "insurance_611_045", "insurance_611_046", "insurance_611_047", "insurance_611_048", "insurance_611_049", "insurance_611_050", "insurance_611_051", "insurance_611_052", "insurance_611_053", "insurance_611_054", "insurance_611_055", "insurance_611_056", "insurance_611_057", "insurance_611_058", "insurance_611_059", "insurance_611_060", "insurance_611_061", "insurance_611_062", "insurance_611_063", "insurance_611_064", "insurance_611_065", "insurance_611_066", "insurance_611_067", "insurance_611_068", "insurance_611_069", "insurance_611_070", "insurance_611_071", "insurance_611_072", "insurance_611_073", "insurance_611_074", "insurance_611_075", "insurance_611_076", "insurance_611_077", "insurance_611_078", "insurance_611_079", "insurance_611_080", "insurance_611_081", "insurance_611_082", "insurance_611_083", "insurance_611_084", "insurance_611_085", "insurance_611_086", "insurance_611_087", "insurance_611_088", "insurance_611_089", "insurance_611_090", "insurance_611_091", "insurance_611_092", "insurance_611_093", "insurance_611_094", "insurance_611_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, This is Rivertown Insurance, my name is Cherry, who am I speaking with please?", "My name is Brandon.", "Hello Brandon, how can I help?", "#Um, I just want to pay a bill.", "Okay I can totally help you with that.", "Okay then.", "I received a mail that I have an outstanding balance, can you confirm my balance first.", "Of course.", "Can I have your policy number please.", "Policy number?", "Yeah.", "I do not have my policy number, but I can give you my email address and full name.", "Okay, that will help.", "Alright.", "Can you spell out your full name then.", "Yeah it's B-r-a-n-d-o-n C-l-a-y-t-o-n.", "Gotcha. And your email please.", "#Um it's my first name and last name zero zero at gmail dot com.", "Ok so that is b-r-a-n-d-o-n-c-l-a-y-t-o-n zero zero at gmail dot c-o-m.", "Yeah, that is right.", "Okay.", "Did you find my account.", "Still searching. It will only take a moment please.", "Sure.", "Okay It's up now.", "Alright.", "So you would like to pay the outstanding balance on the account right?", "Yes please.", "Sure. I will help you do that.", "For security purposes, can you please confirm the name of your first pet?", "Yeah #Er Snow.", "Perfect.", "Can you help me with the exact balance on the account.", "Of course, it's seventy dollars.", "Okay.", "And how would you like to pay please.", "With my Visa Card.", "Okay is it a Credit or a Debit card?", "It's a Credit card.", "Perfect, can you call out the card number?", "Sure, it's four five seven one.", "Four five seven one.", "Yeah, three three two one.", "Three three two one.", "five zero one one.", "five zero one one.", "twenty sixteen.", "Okay two zero one six.", "Yeah.", "Alright, And the card expiration date?", "It's June twenty twenty two.", "Ok. And the CVC number?", "Thats the number at the back of the card right?", "Yeah, the three digit number.", "#Um it's two hundred.", "Ok two zero zero.", "that is correct.", "Can you please confirm the name on the card please?", "Yeah it's my first name and my last name.", "OK. Brandon Clayton.", "Yeah.", "#Er amount due is seventy dollars.", "Yeah you said so already.", "#Um okay.", "Have you done the payment now?", "Oh yes I have. The payment has been successfully made.", "Okay so I have no outstanding balance right?", "Yes, the balance on your account is now zero.", "Perfect.", "Can I get a receipt for the payment then?", "Sure I can send that to your email right away.", "Okay thank you.", "Is brandonclayton zero zero at gmail dot com the best email to send the receipt to?", "Oh yes it is.", "Perfect, let me just send it now.", "Okay.", "I have sent it, you should receive it within the next five minutes.", "Oh ok.", "I think I have received it now, let me confirm.", "Sure.", "Yeah, I have gotten the receipt.", "Good.", "Thanks.", "You are welcome.", "You might be getting a survey after this call to rate my performance, please fill the survey when you get it.", "Of course I will, and you can be sure of getting a good rating from me.", "Oh thank you Brandon.", "No problem.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "#Um, no. that will be all for now.", "Okay then, thank you for calling. I am glad I could help.", "Of course.", "Enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too Cherry.", "Bye for now.", "Bye Cherry." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_612_000", "insurance_612_001", "insurance_612_002", "insurance_612_003", "insurance_612_004", "insurance_612_005", "insurance_612_006", "insurance_612_007", "insurance_612_008", "insurance_612_009", "insurance_612_010", "insurance_612_011", "insurance_612_012", "insurance_612_013", "insurance_612_014", "insurance_612_015", "insurance_612_016", "insurance_612_017", "insurance_612_018", "insurance_612_019", "insurance_612_020", "insurance_612_021", "insurance_612_022", "insurance_612_023", "insurance_612_024", "insurance_612_025", "insurance_612_026", "insurance_612_027", "insurance_612_028", "insurance_612_029", "insurance_612_030", "insurance_612_031", "insurance_612_032", "insurance_612_033", "insurance_612_034", "insurance_612_035", "insurance_612_036", "insurance_612_037", "insurance_612_038", "insurance_612_039", "insurance_612_040", "insurance_612_041", "insurance_612_042", "insurance_612_043", "insurance_612_044", "insurance_612_045", "insurance_612_046", "insurance_612_047", "insurance_612_048", "insurance_612_049", "insurance_612_050", "insurance_612_051", "insurance_612_052", "insurance_612_053", "insurance_612_054", "insurance_612_055", "insurance_612_056", "insurance_612_057", "insurance_612_058", "insurance_612_059", "insurance_612_060", "insurance_612_061", "insurance_612_062", "insurance_612_063", "insurance_612_064", "insurance_612_065", "insurance_612_066", "insurance_612_067", "insurance_612_068", "insurance_612_069" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Milton Auto Insurance. How can I help you?", "Hi I need to remove my husband off my car insurance.", "Ok this is not typical to do. Can I ask why?", "Yeah we are no longer together and have gotten a divorce.", "I am so sorry to hear that. What is your name?", "Anna Clove. Well my new last name is Hutton.", "Ok we will update your file there to.", "Ok.", "As I am pulling everything up I just need to verify a few things.", "Ok.", "What is your date of birth?", "May sixth ninteen seventy four.", "And what is your policy number?", "Three one six four one eight nine two.", "Thank you. Give me a minute while my system loads.", "Yeah.", "Ok so looking at your file it looks like your husband is Clayton?", "Yes. Ex husband.", "Yes of course. And do you have a copy of your divorce papers?", "Yes I do.", "Would you be able to email those to me for proof?", "Yeah do you have an email I can send those to?", "Yes it is J barnes b-a-r-n-e-s at miltonauto dot com.", "Ok that was jbarnes at miltonauto dot com?", "Yes.", "Once I have those I can finalize removing him from the policy.", "I just emailed them over. Did you get them.", "I did. Let me just look them over.", "Everything looks good. So I will remove him from this policy.", "Thank you.", "So this will reduce your monthly auto premium by seventy three dollars, by taking him off. Do you still have both cars under your name?", "No actually one of them is Clayton's car.", "Ok which can can I take off the policy?", "You can take off the Toyota Tacoma.", "Ok that will bring your premium down another thirty five dollars.", "Perfect.", "So your new premium is one hundred and six dollars. How does that sound?", "That sounds great! Getting rid of all the extra baggage at once.", "Yes it is a nice little payment.", "Yes it is.", "This will go into effect as of twelve oh one this morning. You will get a reimbursement of three hundred and forty one dollars.", "Ok.", "Is this going into the Blinders national bank account?", "Yes please.", "Alright, so that will be refunded and should show in your account within ten business days.", "Sweet.", "Now lets make sure everything on your file is up to date. #Er sound good?", "Yes it does.", "Do you still live at six two two Park Avenue in Madison Wisconisin?", "No I have since then moved.", "Ok what is your new address?", "Three six six nine Marvin Road in Madison Wisconsin.", "Okay that was three six six nine Marvin Road Madison Wisconsin. Is it the same zip code?", "Yes it is.", "Okay and we also needed to change your last name?", "Correct.", "And the last name was Hutton?", "Yes correct.", "And that is spelt H-u-t-t-o-n?", "Yes correct.", "Ok. I have updated that information. Has anything else changed since your divorce on your file?", "No I don't think so.", "Ok so I have taken Clayton off the policy effective as of today at twelve oh one this morning. I have also taken off the toyota. Does this sound correct?", "Yes it does.", "Ok is there anything else I can help you with?", "No not at this moment. Thank you for all your help I greatly appreciate it.", "No problem that is what I am here for.", "Great!", "Well thank you for calling Milton Auto have a good rest of your afternoon.", "Thank you." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_613_000", "insurance_613_001", "insurance_613_002", "insurance_613_003", "insurance_613_004", "insurance_613_005", "insurance_613_006", "insurance_613_007", "insurance_613_008", "insurance_613_009", "insurance_613_010", "insurance_613_011", "insurance_613_012", "insurance_613_013", "insurance_613_014", "insurance_613_015", "insurance_613_016", "insurance_613_017", "insurance_613_018", "insurance_613_019", "insurance_613_020", "insurance_613_021", "insurance_613_022", "insurance_613_023", "insurance_613_024", "insurance_613_025", "insurance_613_026", "insurance_613_027", "insurance_613_028", "insurance_613_029", "insurance_613_030", "insurance_613_031", "insurance_613_032", "insurance_613_033", "insurance_613_034", "insurance_613_035", "insurance_613_036", "insurance_613_037", "insurance_613_038", "insurance_613_039", "insurance_613_040", "insurance_613_041", "insurance_613_042", "insurance_613_043", "insurance_613_044", "insurance_613_045", "insurance_613_046", "insurance_613_047", "insurance_613_048", "insurance_613_049", "insurance_613_050", "insurance_613_051", "insurance_613_052", "insurance_613_053", "insurance_613_054", "insurance_613_055", "insurance_613_056", "insurance_613_057", "insurance_613_058", "insurance_613_059", "insurance_613_060", "insurance_613_061", "insurance_613_062", "insurance_613_063", "insurance_613_064", "insurance_613_065", "insurance_613_066", "insurance_613_067", "insurance_613_068", "insurance_613_069", "insurance_613_070", "insurance_613_071" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Holly, how can I help you?", "Hi Holly, I would just like to cancel my insurance plan.", "Oh I am sorry to hear that, can I have your name please.", "#Er it's Mike Marshall.", "Ok Mike, so that is M-I-K-E M-A-R-S-H-A-L is that right?", "Not quite.", "Can you please spell out the name please?", "Sure. It's M-I-K-E M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L. Marshall is double L.", "Ok got it. Thanks.", "No worries. Well I actually tried cancelling from my mobile application, but it referred me to give you guys a call.", "Yes, account cancellation can only be done by one of our agents.", "Oh, and why is that if I may ask?", "Well, it's majorly because we would need to confirm if there will be any cancellation fees and also attempt to retain you as a valued customer.", "Hm.", "Can I please have your policy number?", "Can't you just look that up from your system.", "Of course I can, it's just to confirm your actual account.", "What do you mean?", "Um, there are more than one Mike Marshall on our system, so to pull up the right account for you, I will need your policy number as that is unique to your account.", "Oh Okay. I understand now.", "OK.", "So where can I find my policy number though.", "You can find it from your mobile application.", "Ok where on the app?", "When you login to your account, just on the right hand side, below the menu icon.", "Okay, I think I see it, is it eight digits.", "Yes it is.", "Okay, it's five eight seven four one one zero one.", "Perfect, so five eight seven four one one zero one?", "Yes that is correct.", "OK Gotcha. Thank you.", "No problem.", "For verification purpose, can you please say your mother's maiden name?", "Oh no, not another question.", "I am sorry, this is a security question to verify you are the actual policy holder.", "whew. Well I hope this is the last question.", "Yes, this is the only security question mister Mike.", "Okay then, my mother's maiden name is Lucas.", "Thank you for that.", "You are welcome. So can you cancel the account now.", "Sure, I can help you with that.", "okay.", "I will just need to verify if there will be any cancellation fees. Just a moment please.", "Sure.", "Okay, Mike, I see you are still on a contract, hence there will be a cancellation fee if you were to cancel now.", "Really? I didn't realise I was on a contract.", "Oh.", "Well, when did my contract begin?", "November second twenty twenty.", "Okay, and when is it supposed to end?", "That will be November first twenty twenty one.", "Oh, so I just have a few months to go?", "Yes that is correct.", "And if I were to cancel now, what will be the cancellation fee?", "If you were to cancel now, the cancellation fee would be one hundred and sixteen dollars.", "Hm I am not sure if I want to pay that, can't you just waive that fee.", "Um, unfortunately, the cancellation fee is not to be waived.", "Well that sucks.", "I apologize for that.", "So what can I do now?", "Well I would suggest you wait till your contract ends.", "Maybe I would just do that.", "But may I ask why you wanted to cancel your plan?", "Um, I really don't want to talk about that since I can't cancel anyway.", "Of course. No worries.", "Thanks for asking though.", "You are welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you today.", "um, I don't think so.", "Alright then, Thank you for calling, Enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too.", "Good Bye Mike.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_614_000", "insurance_614_001", "insurance_614_002", "insurance_614_003", "insurance_614_004", "insurance_614_005", "insurance_614_006", "insurance_614_007", "insurance_614_008", "insurance_614_009", "insurance_614_010", "insurance_614_011", "insurance_614_012", "insurance_614_013", "insurance_614_014", "insurance_614_015", "insurance_614_016", "insurance_614_017", "insurance_614_018", "insurance_614_019", "insurance_614_020", "insurance_614_021", "insurance_614_022", "insurance_614_023", "insurance_614_024", "insurance_614_025", "insurance_614_026", "insurance_614_027", "insurance_614_028", "insurance_614_029", "insurance_614_030", "insurance_614_031", "insurance_614_032", "insurance_614_033", "insurance_614_034", "insurance_614_035", "insurance_614_036", "insurance_614_037", "insurance_614_038", "insurance_614_039", "insurance_614_040", "insurance_614_041", "insurance_614_042", "insurance_614_043", "insurance_614_044", "insurance_614_045", "insurance_614_046", "insurance_614_047", "insurance_614_048", "insurance_614_049", "insurance_614_050", "insurance_614_051", "insurance_614_052", "insurance_614_053", "insurance_614_054", "insurance_614_055", "insurance_614_056", "insurance_614_057", "insurance_614_058", "insurance_614_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Riverton Insurance, my name is Tim, to whom am I speaking with please?", "Hello good day, my name is Angel.", "Good morning Angel, how can I be of service today?", "mmm, well I just moved to another town, and I would just like to update my address.", "Oh sure I can help you with that. Can I please have your policy number please.", "I will have to look that up from my computer, what do you need the policy number for?", "I need the number so I can pull up your account details from the system.", "OK. Just give me a moment to get it then.", "Sure, please take your time.", "#Hmmmm, still trying to get it please.", "No problem.", "Ok I got it now. It's Four zero four, two eight eight, six one.", "Okay perfect, so that is Four zero four, two eight eight, six one.", "Yes that is correct.", "Thank you for that information.", "No problem.", "For verification, can you please confirm your full name and date of birth please.", "Sure, Full name is Angel Mincer, date of birth is July nineteenth, ninteen ninteen one.", "Thank you Angel.", "No problem.", "Can you please hold a while.", "Okay, but not for long please, I have something else to do.", "No problem, it will only be a minute.", "Okay then.", "I am with you please.", "Okay.", "Can I please have the address of your new location.", "Sure, it's five seven one eight, Hamilton Drive, Carlsbad.", "ok, so five seven one eight H-A-M-I-T-A-N D-R-I-V-E, C-A-R-L-S-B-A-D.", "No, Hamilton is spelt H-A-M-I-L-T-O-N.", "OK I got that now. Thank you.", "No problem.", "Can you please give me the postal code.", "Yeah, it's Nine zero zero nine eight seven.", "okay is that Nine zero zero nine eight seven.", "Yes.", "Perfect.", "And when will the update be refelected on my account?", "The update will reflect within the next two four hours.", "Okay.", "Alright, I have just updated the new address on my end.", "Thank you.", "Sure no problem.", "#Err will I be charged for this update?", "Oh no, contact updates does not cost anything, so there will be no charge.", "Well that is a relief. I am glad. Thank you.", "No problem. Is there any other thing I can do for you today?", "Well just a quick question.", "Sure.", "What is my contract term and when does my contract end?", "Just give me a moment let me look that up.", "Of course.", "Your contract term is two years and the contract will end on October fifteenth twenty twenty two.", "Hmmm, okay then. Thank you.", "My Pleasure. Will that be all for now.", "yeah.", "Okay. Thank you so for choosing Riverton Insurance, Do have a great day.", "You too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_615_000", "insurance_615_001", "insurance_615_002", "insurance_615_003", "insurance_615_004", "insurance_615_005", "insurance_615_006", "insurance_615_007", "insurance_615_008", "insurance_615_009", "insurance_615_010", "insurance_615_011", "insurance_615_012", "insurance_615_013", "insurance_615_014", "insurance_615_015", "insurance_615_016", "insurance_615_017", "insurance_615_018", "insurance_615_019", "insurance_615_020", "insurance_615_021", "insurance_615_022", "insurance_615_023", "insurance_615_024", "insurance_615_025", "insurance_615_026", "insurance_615_027", "insurance_615_028", "insurance_615_029", "insurance_615_030", "insurance_615_031", "insurance_615_032", "insurance_615_033", "insurance_615_034", "insurance_615_035", "insurance_615_036", "insurance_615_037", "insurance_615_038", "insurance_615_039", "insurance_615_040", "insurance_615_041", "insurance_615_042", "insurance_615_043", "insurance_615_044", "insurance_615_045", "insurance_615_046", "insurance_615_047", "insurance_615_048", "insurance_615_049", "insurance_615_050", "insurance_615_051", "insurance_615_052", "insurance_615_053", "insurance_615_054", "insurance_615_055", "insurance_615_056", "insurance_615_057", "insurance_615_058", "insurance_615_059", "insurance_615_060", "insurance_615_061", "insurance_615_062", "insurance_615_063", "insurance_615_064", "insurance_615_065", "insurance_615_066", "insurance_615_067", "insurance_615_068", "insurance_615_069", "insurance_615_070", "insurance_615_071", "insurance_615_072", "insurance_615_073", "insurance_615_074", "insurance_615_075", "insurance_615_076", "insurance_615_077", "insurance_615_078", "insurance_615_079", "insurance_615_080", "insurance_615_081", "insurance_615_082", "insurance_615_083", "insurance_615_084", "insurance_615_085", "insurance_615_086", "insurance_615_087", "insurance_615_088", "insurance_615_089", "insurance_615_090", "insurance_615_091", "insurance_615_092", "insurance_615_093", "insurance_615_094", "insurance_615_095", "insurance_615_096", "insurance_615_097", "insurance_615_098", "insurance_615_099", "insurance_615_100" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline my name is Curt.", "Hello good day, my name is Sarah.", "Sorry I can't hear you.", "Sarah.", "Alright Sarah, how can I help you today?", "I'm calling to find out if it is possible to include my husband in my insurance?", "Yes ma'am it's very possible for you to do so.", "I want my husband to be added please.", "Sure, but before then may I know why you have chosen to do so now?", "Oh well it's cause I just got married, wasn't married as at when I did the insurance.", "Oh, congrats.", "Thank you.", "Okay I need certain details from you before I can proceed.", "Go ahead, whatever detail you need I'm sure I can provide it.", "Okay ma'am first thing I will be needing is your full name.", "Mark Fisher.", "Mark Fisher? I'm sorry ma'am no name like that is popping up.", "(laughter) oh am really sorry I gave you my husband's name.", "#oh.", "Sorry the name is Sarah Fisher.", "Okay Sarah Fisher right?", "Yes please.", "okay next I would need your date of birth.", "it's the second of May, nineteen ninety three.", "Okay please confirm fourth of May, nineteen ninety three?", "Correct.", "Okay please hold on a while.", "Sure.", "I'm with you please.", "Okay.", "Ma'am I will also need your policy number.", "that should be this numbers I'm looking at right on my account profile page ", "are the numbers eight?", "Yes.", "Okay thats the number please call it out for me.", "okay one one four six.", "one one four six please continue.", "seven two one five.", "Confirm please one one four six seven two one five.", "Yes thats correct.", "I'm with you please.", "Okay.", "Okay so now we can proceed to add your husband to your insurance plan.", "I wanted to ask will it cost me to add him?", "Yes ma it is going to cost eight dollars.", "eight dollars.", "Yes please.", "okay then let's proceed.", "Sure but first I need you to proceed to make the payment.", "I have to pay first before my husband can be added to the plan?", "Yes please.", "But thats not fair at all.", "I'm sorry ma'am but there is nothing I can do about it. It is companys policy.", "Hmmm, okay then.", "Alright I am pushing a mail to you now. Please follow the instructions and once you have made payment we can proceed.", "okay.", "please can you check your mail now.", "hold on please.", "Take your time.", "Okay so I'm trying to pay and it's redirecting, is there no other way we can do this.", "there is but it means I will have to put it as a deficit on your plan and you will be charged for it once you resubscribe.", "I think that's better so we can move on.", "Okay I have just done that so we can proceed now.", "So what's next.", "I would be needing your husband's details.", "Like.", "His full name, date of birth, phone number.", "okay thats not a problem.", "Good, lets start with his full name.", "Mark fisher please.", "Okay Mark Fisher?", "yes correct.", "Next, please provide his date of birth please.", "First of June, nineteen ninety.", "First of June, nineteen ninety.", "Yes.", "His active email address please.", "please hold on while I confirm.", "Waiting.", "Okay it's mark dot fisher at gmail dot com.", "mark dot fisher at gmail dot com correct?", "Yes please.", "Next I need his phone number.", "plus one six one six two two.", "Okay plus one six one six two two.", "four one three one two six.", "confirm please plus one six one six two two four one three one two six.", "Yes please that correct.", "last question or relationship, your husband.", "yeah my husband.", "Yeah just procedures.", "Yes.", "Okay hold on.", "Sure.", "Okay Sarah, Mark Fisher has been added as your dependent.", "Nice thank you so much.", "I'm glad I could help, is there something else you want me to do for you.", "no thank you.", "Okay ma'am do enjoy the rest of your day.", "And you too Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_616_000", "insurance_616_001", "insurance_616_002", "insurance_616_003", "insurance_616_004", "insurance_616_005", "insurance_616_006", "insurance_616_007", "insurance_616_008", "insurance_616_009", "insurance_616_010", "insurance_616_011", "insurance_616_012", "insurance_616_013", "insurance_616_014", "insurance_616_015", "insurance_616_016", "insurance_616_017", "insurance_616_018", "insurance_616_019", "insurance_616_020", "insurance_616_021", "insurance_616_022", "insurance_616_023", "insurance_616_024", "insurance_616_025", "insurance_616_026", "insurance_616_027", "insurance_616_028", "insurance_616_029", "insurance_616_030", "insurance_616_031", "insurance_616_032", "insurance_616_033", "insurance_616_034", "insurance_616_035", "insurance_616_036", "insurance_616_037", "insurance_616_038", "insurance_616_039", "insurance_616_040", "insurance_616_041", "insurance_616_042", "insurance_616_043", "insurance_616_044", "insurance_616_045", "insurance_616_046", "insurance_616_047", "insurance_616_048", "insurance_616_049", "insurance_616_050", "insurance_616_051", "insurance_616_052", "insurance_616_053", "insurance_616_054", "insurance_616_055", "insurance_616_056", "insurance_616_057", "insurance_616_058", "insurance_616_059", "insurance_616_060", "insurance_616_061", "insurance_616_062", "insurance_616_063", "insurance_616_064", "insurance_616_065", "insurance_616_066", "insurance_616_067", "insurance_616_068", "insurance_616_069", "insurance_616_070", "insurance_616_071", "insurance_616_072", "insurance_616_073" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Adam, this is Jim with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out a form on our website about, let me see here, filing a new, condo policy, and wanted to follow up on your request.", "Oh, hey Jim, I am looking for a new policy yeah, what do I need to do to file it?", "So, I'll need to get some information from you first. Do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "Yes I do.", "Okay hold on a second.", "Mhm.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Adam Smyth.", "Thank you sir, Adam Smyth... Just to confirm, that's A.d.a.m. S.m.i.t.h.?", "No, it's s.m.y.t.h.", "Got it, s.m.y.t.h.", "Correct.", "So, Adam, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few other policies with us, is that correct?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright Adam, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, life, and pet policies right now.", "I see.", "Do you want to discuss any of them? I'm happy to, you know, address any questions you have about these policies.", "not really, how much am I paying for the pet policy right now?", "Let's see So currently you have our petcare preferred policy which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Mhm, is there anything a little cheaper than that? I think my wife was wanting me to reduce our coverage.", "Yeah, absolutely, our petcare basic policy is five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like to change to that please.", "Great, so I'll just need the answer to your security question. what is your mother's maiden name?", "that would be Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Alright, let me just Okay, you are successfully enrolled in the petcare basic policy now.", "Okay great. Thanks for your help.", "Of course, and now, shall we go ahead and get you enrolled in an condo policy?", "Yes, let's do it.", "Okay, so I'm going to need some information from you first.", "More information? What else do you need??", "Just some basic stuff sir, about your address, rent, and that kind of thing.", "Okay, and how will I know that my information will be safe?", "Your data will be secure in our sir, I promise you. Our web portal encrypts customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "Great! So the first thing I'll need from you is your condo's address, and date of birth.", "Sure, zip code is Riverside, California, one two one two eight, and then date of birth is October the fifth, nineteen sixty two.", "Great, and do you have an estimate of the value of your property?", "well, I'm not actually quite sure.", "An approximate value is fine.", "It's probably about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.", "Okay, great. Now the last thing we'll need to do today is select a policy.", "Alright.", "So, there two options. Our Condo Basic Policy is five hundred dollars per year, and our Condo Preferred Policy is six hundred dollars per year.", "what are the differences between them?", "So, let me see here, the basic policy covers a slightly lower amount.", "Alright.", "However, you fall within the coverage limit, so I would recommend the basic policy.", "Okay, I think I'll go with that then.", "Wonderful! Now, let me see here The one last thing I'll need from you is a good way to contact you.", "What do you mean?", "Which do you prefer? Phone or email?", "let's go with email.", "Okay, when you're ready.", "It's Adam at gmail dot com.", "Alright, got it in the system.", "Perfect.", "Alright Adam, so you are now currently enrolled in our condo basic policy. Do you have anything else you'd like to go over today?", "nope, I think I'm all set.", "Great, well Adam, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, likewise.", "And, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is eight eight nine oh one two oh three four one.", "Alright will do.", "Okay, talk to you later, Adam.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_617_000", "insurance_617_001", "insurance_617_002", "insurance_617_003", "insurance_617_004", "insurance_617_005", "insurance_617_006", "insurance_617_007", "insurance_617_008", "insurance_617_009", "insurance_617_010", "insurance_617_011", "insurance_617_012", "insurance_617_013", "insurance_617_014", "insurance_617_015", "insurance_617_016", "insurance_617_017", "insurance_617_018", "insurance_617_019", "insurance_617_020", "insurance_617_021", "insurance_617_022", "insurance_617_023", "insurance_617_024", "insurance_617_025", "insurance_617_026", "insurance_617_027", "insurance_617_028", "insurance_617_029", "insurance_617_030", "insurance_617_031", "insurance_617_032", "insurance_617_033", "insurance_617_034", "insurance_617_035", "insurance_617_036", "insurance_617_037", "insurance_617_038", "insurance_617_039", "insurance_617_040", "insurance_617_041", "insurance_617_042", "insurance_617_043", "insurance_617_044", "insurance_617_045", "insurance_617_046", "insurance_617_047", "insurance_617_048", "insurance_617_049", "insurance_617_050", "insurance_617_051", "insurance_617_052", "insurance_617_053", "insurance_617_054", "insurance_617_055", "insurance_617_056", "insurance_617_057", "insurance_617_058", "insurance_617_059", "insurance_617_060", "insurance_617_061", "insurance_617_062", "insurance_617_063", "insurance_617_064", "insurance_617_065", "insurance_617_066", "insurance_617_067", "insurance_617_068", "insurance_617_069", "insurance_617_070", "insurance_617_071", "insurance_617_072", "insurance_617_073" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Tyler, this is Pete with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out a form on our website about, let me see here, filing a new, homeowner policy, and wanted to follow up on your request.", "Oh, hey Tyler, I am looking for a new policy yeah, what do I need to do to file it?", "So, I'll need to get some information from you first. Do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "Yes I do.", "Okay hold on a second.", "Mhm.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Tyler Smith.", "Thank you sir, Tiler Smith... Just to confirm, that's t.i.l.e.r. s.m.i.t.h.?", "No, it's t.y.l.e.r.", "Got it, t.y.l.e.r.", "Correct.", "So, Tyler, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few other policies with us, is that correct?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright tyler, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, Condo, and pet policies right now.", "I see.", "Do you want to discuss any of them? I'm happy to, you know, address any questions you have about these policies.", "not really, how much am I paying for the pet policy right now?", "Let's see So currently you have our petcare preferred policy which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Mhm, is there anything a little cheaper than that? I think my wife was wanting me to reduce our coverage.", "Yeah, absolutely, our petcare basic policy is five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like to change to that please.", "Great, so I'll just need the answer to your security question. what is your mother's maiden name?", "that would be Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Alright, let me just Okay, you are successfully enrolled in the petcare basic policy now.", "Okay great. Thanks for your help.", "Of course, and now, shall we go ahead and get you enrolled in a homeowner's policy?", "Yes, let's do it.", "Okay, so I'm going to need some information from you first.", "More information? What else do you need??", "Just some basic stuff sir, about your home, and address.", "Okay, and how will I know that my information will be safe?", "Your data will be secure in our sir, I promise you. Our web portal encrypts customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "Great! So the first thing I'll need from you is your address, and date of birth.", "Sure, address is Jones street, Sacramento California one two one two eight. Date of birth is October the fifth, nineteen sixty two.", "Great, next I'll need to ask you about your property, what is the value of your home?", "I need to look that up.", "Okay.", "So it's six hundred and thirty thousand dollars.", "Alright got it.", "Perfect.", "Alright great, now there are a couple different options for homeowner policies.", "Okay.", "our Basic Home policy is twelve hundred dollars per year, our Home Preferred Policy is sixteen hundred dollars per year, and our Home Complete Policy is two thousand dollars per year.", "I see, and which would you recommend?", "So, let me see here Your house valuation falls within the preferred policy.", "Great, I'll go with that then.", "Wonderful! Now, let me see here The one last thing I'll need from you is a good way to contact you.", "Alright.", "Which do you prefer? Phone or email?", "let's go with email.", "Okay, when you're ready.", "It's tyler at gmail dot com.", "Alright, got it in the system.", "Perfect.", "Alright tyler, so you are now currently enrolled in our preferred auto policy. Do you have anything else you'd like to go over today?", "nope, I think I'm all set.", "Great, well tyler, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, likewise.", "And, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is eight eight nine oh one two oh three four one.", "Alright will do.", "Okay, talk to you later, tyler.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_618_000", "insurance_618_001", "insurance_618_002", "insurance_618_003", "insurance_618_004", "insurance_618_005", "insurance_618_006", "insurance_618_007", "insurance_618_008", "insurance_618_009", "insurance_618_010", "insurance_618_011", "insurance_618_012", "insurance_618_013", "insurance_618_014", "insurance_618_015", "insurance_618_016", "insurance_618_017", "insurance_618_018", "insurance_618_019", "insurance_618_020", "insurance_618_021", "insurance_618_022", "insurance_618_023", "insurance_618_024", "insurance_618_025", "insurance_618_026", "insurance_618_027", "insurance_618_028", "insurance_618_029", "insurance_618_030", "insurance_618_031", "insurance_618_032", "insurance_618_033", "insurance_618_034", "insurance_618_035", "insurance_618_036", "insurance_618_037", "insurance_618_038", "insurance_618_039", "insurance_618_040", "insurance_618_041", "insurance_618_042", "insurance_618_043", "insurance_618_044", "insurance_618_045", "insurance_618_046", "insurance_618_047", "insurance_618_048", "insurance_618_049", "insurance_618_050", "insurance_618_051", "insurance_618_052", "insurance_618_053", "insurance_618_054", "insurance_618_055", "insurance_618_056", "insurance_618_057", "insurance_618_058", "insurance_618_059", "insurance_618_060", "insurance_618_061", "insurance_618_062", "insurance_618_063", "insurance_618_064", "insurance_618_065", "insurance_618_066", "insurance_618_067", "insurance_618_068", "insurance_618_069", "insurance_618_070", "insurance_618_071", "insurance_618_072", "insurance_618_073", "insurance_618_074", "insurance_618_075", "insurance_618_076", "insurance_618_077", "insurance_618_078", "insurance_618_079", "insurance_618_080", "insurance_618_081", "insurance_618_082", "insurance_618_083", "insurance_618_084", "insurance_618_085", "insurance_618_086", "insurance_618_087", "insurance_618_088", "insurance_618_089" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Bob, this is Matt with Rivertown Insurance, how are you today?", "Hey Matt, I'm alright, how are you?", "Doing pretty well. I saw that you filled out an accident form on our website, correct?", "Yeah, unfortunately. I wanted to file an auto claim and figure out I guess what I need to do next.", "I'm sorry to hear that Bob. Are you and your family alright?", "Yeah, for the most part we're okay. Just a few knicks and scratches.", "Glad to hear it. So Bob, the first step is to discuss the incident itself, and then we can go ahead and file that claim for you, okay?", "Sure, do I have to do this over the phone? Is there an easier way?", "Unfortunately, you can't sir. We have to do it together over the phone in order to comply with customer privacy laws.", "Okay.", "So, the first things I'll need from you is your first name, and last name.", "My name is Bob Martyn.", "Thank you sir, Bob Martyn... Just to confirm, that's b.o.b. m.a.r.t.i.n.?", "No, it's m.a.r.t.y.n.", "Got it, m.a.r.t.y.n.", "Correct.", "Great. Next I will need your let me see Date of birth.", "Oh, okay, and then date of birth is January the ninth, nineteen seventy four.", "Got it. Next will be your customer number.", "where would I go to find that?", "Try your email address it probably would have been sent there.", "Okay. let's see.", "Alright.", "So, where in my email do you think it would be? I'm not seeing it here.", "if it would be faster, I can do it by using your social security number instead.", "Sure, let's do that, yeah.", "Okay, can I get your social security number and answer to your security question please?", "Yeah, my social security number is one five oh three oh three nine one one one. I'm not sure about the security question though?", "I have here that the question is, what was the make and model of your first car?", "Okay try Dodge Durango.", "That worked! Now I just need your phone number.", "Sure, my number is three oh one oh two two oh oh five nine.", "Great, thanks for all of that.", "Yeah, of course.", "Alright, let me just Okay, so the next step is for me to ask you a couple questions about the incidents, okay?", "Sure.", "Alright, so first I'll need the accident date and accident time, please.", "The date was October first, twenty twenty one.", "And the time?", "Time was ten ten pm.", "Got it. And next, the make and model of your vehicle?", "It was, an Audi A six.", "Great, I got all of that in the system.", "Okay.", "The last thing I'll need from you is the location of the accident.", "Sure, state was California, city was Sacramento.", "Actually sir, I don't need a city.", "Oh, okay.", "Thank you sir, now the last thing I will need you to do is describe the incident to me.", "Alright.", "So, what was going through your mind when the accident happened.", "well let's see. I was driving to my daughter's softball game.", "Okay.", "And on my way, I came up to a stoplight.", "Stoplight, got it.", "Yeah, and the light on my side had just turned green, so I just drove through like normal.", "Mhm.", "Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw a red object coming towards me, and then yeah, they hit me, and that was that.", "Alright, thank you for that.", "No problem.", "So let me just, enter this here.", "Okay.", "Great, so your claim has been successfully filed. Your file date will be June eighth, twenty twenty, if you need to reference that.", "Mhm.", "Now, typically our claims team will review cases in three to five business days.", "And how will I know that it has been reviewed?", "You should receive a confirmation message to your preferred method of communication.", "Got it. And is there anything I will need to do after that?", "No sir, once you receive the message, you will know that your claim has been successfully processed.", "I see.", "Alright great, now the last thing we need to do is get you your claim number.", "Okay.", "So let me just, get that for you here.", "Mhm.", "Alright sir, so your claim number is oh oh two three eight oh one one.", "oh oh two three eight oh one one?", "Correct.", "Alright, got it, thanks.", "Of course sir. Now is there anything else I can do to help?", "no, I don't think so.", "Alright sir, thank you for your time today, and once again, I'm sorry you had to go through this experience.", "Yeah, thank you.", "Now if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to give me a call.", "Okay, what is your number again?", "three oh one oh two two oh oh five nine.", "Perfect.", "Of course, and one last thing, After this call ends, there will be a request for rating my service. Please press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Alright, will do.", "Great, well sir, thanks for your time today, and I hope to speak with you soon.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_619_000", "insurance_619_001", "insurance_619_002", "insurance_619_003", "insurance_619_004", "insurance_619_005", "insurance_619_006", "insurance_619_007", "insurance_619_008", "insurance_619_009", "insurance_619_010", "insurance_619_011", "insurance_619_012", "insurance_619_013", "insurance_619_014", "insurance_619_015", "insurance_619_016", "insurance_619_017", "insurance_619_018", "insurance_619_019", "insurance_619_020", "insurance_619_021", "insurance_619_022", "insurance_619_023", "insurance_619_024", "insurance_619_025", "insurance_619_026", "insurance_619_027", "insurance_619_028", "insurance_619_029", "insurance_619_030", "insurance_619_031", "insurance_619_032", "insurance_619_033", "insurance_619_034", "insurance_619_035", "insurance_619_036", "insurance_619_037", "insurance_619_038", "insurance_619_039", "insurance_619_040", "insurance_619_041", "insurance_619_042", "insurance_619_043", "insurance_619_044", "insurance_619_045", "insurance_619_046", "insurance_619_047", "insurance_619_048", "insurance_619_049", "insurance_619_050", "insurance_619_051", "insurance_619_052", "insurance_619_053", "insurance_619_054", "insurance_619_055", "insurance_619_056", "insurance_619_057", "insurance_619_058", "insurance_619_059", "insurance_619_060", "insurance_619_061", "insurance_619_062", "insurance_619_063", "insurance_619_064", "insurance_619_065", "insurance_619_066", "insurance_619_067", "insurance_619_068", "insurance_619_069", "insurance_619_070", "insurance_619_071", "insurance_619_072", "insurance_619_073", "insurance_619_074", "insurance_619_075" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Dave, this is Mark with Rivertown Insurance, how are you today?", "Hey Mark, I'm doing fine, how are you?", "Doing pretty well. I saw that you put in a request on our website, correct?", "Yeah, I did.", "Okay, and can you remind me what that request was again?", "Sure, so my son is graduating from college, and I'm wanting to take him off my policy.", "Understood. I can definitely help you out with that. #Um so one second here.", "Great.", "Okay, so I see here that you have multiple children here, which son are you wanting to take off?", "His name is Ryan.", "Alright, and your last name is spelled s.m.i.t.h.?", "no, s.m.y.t.h.", "Got it, s.m.y.t.h.", "Correct.", "Got it, s.m.y.t.h. Alright, and now I'll need to get some account information from you.", "How much is it going to cost me to to remove my son from my policy?", "So, there's actually no fee for cancelling, #Um, all we ask is that you fill out a survey for the reason you left.", "Okay, and can I cancel this policy on my own?", "Unfortunately, you can't sir. We have to do it together over the phone.", "Okay.", "So let me just initiate this Alright, so I need verbal confirmation that you are wanting to remove your son, Ryan from your policy.", "I confirm.", "Great. So I'm gonna need your Date of birth and customer number please.", "Alright, so date of birth is January the ninth, nineteen seventy nine.", "Okay, and customer number?", "where would I go to find that?", "Try your email address it probably would have been sent there.", "Okay. let's see.", "Alright.", "So, where in my email do you think it would be? I'm not seeing it here.", "if it would be faster, I can do it by using your social security number instead.", "Sure, let's do that, yeah.", "Okay, can I get your social security number and answer to your security question please?", "Yeah, my social security number is twi nine oh three oh one nine oh one seven. I'm not sure about the security question though?", "I have here that the question is, what was the make and model of your first car?", "Okay try Toyota Corolla.", "That worked! Now I just need your phone number.", "Sure, my number is three one nine oh one two oh eight five nine.", "Great, thanks for all of that.", "Yeah, of course.", "Alright, let me just Okay, so the next step is for me to ask you a couple questions about the dependent, okay?", "Do I really need to give all this information, just to remove Ryan as a dedpendent?", "Unfortunately sir, you do. It's company policy.", "Okay.", "What is the date of birth of the dependent?", "The date was October first, nineteen ninety four.", "Got it, and their current occupation?", "He's an accountant.", "Great, and what company does he work for?", "KPMG.", "Thank you for all of that sir.", "Of course.", "Now, the last thing I'm going to need is your policy number.", "where would I go to find that?", "You should be able to find it in your account portal.", "Mhm okay. let me see here.", "Alright.", "So, It's one oh one three four one oh two six nine.", "Got it - your dependent has been successfully removed.", "Great.", "Okay - so that concludes everything you need to do to remove a dependent. But there are just a few more things to do.", "Alright.", "There will not be a change in your payment schedule, however, we will need to re-confirm your payment date.", "Mhm.", "So, your new date will change to today, since that was when you removed your dependent.", "Got it. And is there anything else I need to do?", "No sir, you should receive a confirmation email message with your updated information, and new payment data.", "I see.", "Alright great, now is there anything else I can do for you today sir?", "no, I don't think so.", "Excellent, and one last thing, After this call ends, there will be a request for rating my service. Please press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Alright, will do.", "Great, well sir, thanks for your time, and if you have any other questions feel free to give me a call.", "Okay, I will.", "Have a great day.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_620_000", "insurance_620_001", "insurance_620_002", "insurance_620_003", "insurance_620_004", "insurance_620_005", "insurance_620_006", "insurance_620_007", "insurance_620_008", "insurance_620_009", "insurance_620_010", "insurance_620_011", "insurance_620_012", "insurance_620_013", "insurance_620_014", "insurance_620_015", "insurance_620_016", "insurance_620_017", "insurance_620_018", "insurance_620_019", "insurance_620_020", "insurance_620_021", "insurance_620_022", "insurance_620_023", "insurance_620_024", "insurance_620_025", "insurance_620_026", "insurance_620_027", "insurance_620_028", "insurance_620_029", "insurance_620_030", "insurance_620_031", "insurance_620_032", "insurance_620_033", "insurance_620_034", "insurance_620_035", "insurance_620_036", "insurance_620_037", "insurance_620_038", "insurance_620_039", "insurance_620_040", "insurance_620_041", "insurance_620_042", "insurance_620_043", "insurance_620_044", "insurance_620_045", "insurance_620_046", "insurance_620_047", "insurance_620_048", "insurance_620_049", "insurance_620_050", "insurance_620_051", "insurance_620_052", "insurance_620_053", "insurance_620_054", "insurance_620_055", "insurance_620_056", "insurance_620_057", "insurance_620_058", "insurance_620_059", "insurance_620_060", "insurance_620_061", "insurance_620_062", "insurance_620_063", "insurance_620_064", "insurance_620_065", "insurance_620_066", "insurance_620_067", "insurance_620_068", "insurance_620_069", "insurance_620_070", "insurance_620_071", "insurance_620_072", "insurance_620_073", "insurance_620_074", "insurance_620_075", "insurance_620_076", "insurance_620_077", "insurance_620_078", "insurance_620_079" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Mason, this is Logan with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out a form on our website about, let me see here, filing a new, renters policy, and wanted to follow up on your request.", "Oh, hey Logan, I am looking for a new policy yeah, what do I need to do to file it?", "So, I'll need to get some information from you first. Do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "Yes I do.", "Okay hold on a second.", "Mhm.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Mason Rych.", "Thank you sir, Mason Rych... Just to confirm, that's m.a.s.o.n. r.i.c.h.?", "No, it's r.y.c.h.", "Got it, r.y.c.h.", "Correct.", "So, Mason, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few other policies with us, is that correct?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright, Mason, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, Condo, and pet policies right now.", "I see.", "Do you want to discuss any of them? I'm happy to, you know, address any questions you have about these policies.", "not really, how much am I paying for the pet policy right now?", "Let's see So currently you have our petcare preferred policy which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Mhm, is there anything a little cheaper than that? I think my wife was wanting me to reduce our coverage.", "Yeah, absolutely, our petcare basic policy is five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like to change to that please.", "Great, so I'll just need the answer to your security question. what is your mother's maiden name?", "that would be Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Alright, let me just Okay, you are successfully enrolled in the petcare basic policy now.", "Okay great. Thanks for your help.", "Of course, and now, shall we go ahead and get you enrolled in an automotive policy?", "Yes, let's do it.", "Okay, so I'm going to need some information from you first.", "More information? What else do you need??", "Just some basic stuff sir, about your apartment address and total amount that will be insured.", "Okay, and how will I know that my information will be safe?", "Your data will be secure in our sir, I promise you. Our web portal encrypts customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "Great! So the first thing I'll need from you is the address of the complex, and date of birth.", "Sure, the zip code is Fresno, California, one two one two eight, and then date of birth is October the fifth, nineteen sixty two.", "Got it. Now what is the name of your apartment complex?", "Riverside apartments.", "Okay, and what is your fax number?", "Let's see, I need to check that.", "Okay.", "So, it's three four one three oh oh two six.", "Alright got it. And what is the property here?", "It's a two bedroom apartment.", "Okay, and the total value of goods that will be insured?", "it should be about eighty thousand dollars worth.", "Alright, got it in the system. Now you have two options of policy, the Renters Basic policy which is two hundred dollars per year, and the Renters Preferred policy which is three hundred dollars per year.", "What's the difference?", "So, the preferred policy offers a higher level of coverage.", "Okay, how much?", "Let me see here.", "Alright.", "Okay, so the basic policy only covers fifty thousand dollars worth of goods.", "So I guess I'll go with the preferred policy.", "Wonderful! Now, let me see here The one last thing I'll need from you is a good way to contact you.", "Alright.", "Which do you prefer? Phone or email?", "let's go with email.", "Okay, when you're ready.", "It's Mason at gmail dot com.", "Alright, got it in the system.", "Perfect.", "Alright Mason, so you are now currently enrolled in our renters preferred policy. Do you have anything else you'd like to go over today?", "nope, I think I'm all set.", "Great, well Mason, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, likewise.", "And, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is eight eight nine oh one two oh three four one.", "Alright will do.", "Okay, talk to you later, Mason.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_621_000", "insurance_621_001", "insurance_621_002", "insurance_621_003", "insurance_621_004", "insurance_621_005", "insurance_621_006", "insurance_621_007", "insurance_621_008", "insurance_621_009", "insurance_621_010", "insurance_621_011", "insurance_621_012", "insurance_621_013", "insurance_621_014", "insurance_621_015", "insurance_621_016", "insurance_621_017", "insurance_621_018", "insurance_621_019", "insurance_621_020", "insurance_621_021", "insurance_621_022", "insurance_621_023", "insurance_621_024", "insurance_621_025", "insurance_621_026", "insurance_621_027", "insurance_621_028", "insurance_621_029", "insurance_621_030", "insurance_621_031", "insurance_621_032", "insurance_621_033", "insurance_621_034", "insurance_621_035", "insurance_621_036", "insurance_621_037", "insurance_621_038", "insurance_621_039", "insurance_621_040", "insurance_621_041", "insurance_621_042", "insurance_621_043", "insurance_621_044", "insurance_621_045", "insurance_621_046", "insurance_621_047", "insurance_621_048", "insurance_621_049", "insurance_621_050", "insurance_621_051", "insurance_621_052", "insurance_621_053", "insurance_621_054", "insurance_621_055", "insurance_621_056", "insurance_621_057", "insurance_621_058", "insurance_621_059", "insurance_621_060", "insurance_621_061", "insurance_621_062", "insurance_621_063", "insurance_621_064", "insurance_621_065", "insurance_621_066", "insurance_621_067", "insurance_621_068", "insurance_621_069", "insurance_621_070", "insurance_621_071", "insurance_621_072", "insurance_621_073", "insurance_621_074", "insurance_621_075", "insurance_621_076", "insurance_621_077", "insurance_621_078", "insurance_621_079", "insurance_621_080" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Mark, this is John with Rivertown Insurance, I received an email from you saying you wanted to cancel your homeowner policy. #Um, is that still the case?", "Oh, yeah, it is. I also wanted to see if I can get some more information about your automotive policies.", "Okay, so I will need some information from you, and we can go ahead and get that process started for you.", "Okay, great.", "Okay, hold on a second...", "Alright.", "So just to confirm, the name I have in your account is Mark Joines, correct?", "Yes, my name is Mark Joines.", "Thank you sir, so that's m.a.r.k. j.o.n.e.s?", "No, it's j.o.i.n.e.s.", "Got it, j.o.i.n.e.s. Next can I get your date of birth and account number?", "Okay.", "Alright, go ahead.", "Yeah my date of birth is September fourteen, nineteen eight two.", "Okay so I have September fourteen, nineteen eight two, is that right?", "Correct, and my account number is either oh oh two two or hold on.", "It should be an eight-digit number, starting with a four or a five.", "Okay, then it's either four oh oh oh one two four one or five oh oh oh one two four one, I'm not sure which one though.", "Let me check here.", "Mhm.", "So, I'm not, seeing any results pop up. Do you happen to remember the answer to your security question?", "#Uh what is the question?", "The question is, what was the make and model of your first car?", "Okay try Dodge Durango.", "I'm sorry sir, that didn't work either.", "What the heck! Why isn't anything working?", "Sorry sir, it says first car, so maybe try a car.", "#Hm, I guess it could be Toyota Corolla.", "Okay great, let me see here yep, that worked.", "Cool.", "Alright, so I see here that, you have a couple of plans here, and you want to cancel your homeowner policy, and discuss a new automotive policy correct?", "Right well I'd at least like to hear about my options for the automotive policies. #Um, that's it though.", "Got it, so.", "How much is it going to cost me to to cancel my policy? Do I have to do anything?", "So, there's actually no fee for cancelling, since you have other policies with us. #Um, all we ask is that you fill out a survey for the reason you left.", "Okay, and can I cancel this policy on my own?", "Unfortunately, you can't sir. We have to do it together over the phone.", "Okay.", "So let me just initiate this Alright, so I need verbal confirmation that you are wanting to cancel your homeowner's policy.", "I confirm.", "Great, and then can you also state your name and the date please?", "Yeah, my name is Mark Joines, and the date is October the tenth, twenty twenty one.", "Alright, you have successfully cancelled your homeowner's policy.", "Great.", "I will go ahead, and send that survey over to you then. Please complete it, within seven business days.", "Okay, I will.", "Great. Now, the other thing you wanted to do was to discuss a new automotive policy? What are you looking for in a policy?", "Yeah, so my wife actually just purchased a new car, and I was wondering I guess what the policies you offer are. Because I know we had a policy for her old car, but it wasn't very good.", "Got it, and if I may ask, what kind of car did she just get?", "It's an Audi Asix.", "Okay, one second here.", "Mhm.", "So there are a couple of options we have for that make and model. Would you like me to go over those with you?", "Sure.", "Alright, so the three policies are our Basic Auto policy which is one thousand dollars per year, the Preferred Auto which is fifteen hundred dollars per year, and the Complete Auto is two thousand dollars per year.", "I see. What are the differences between those policies?", "There are, a few differences, but I can send you a brochure that will probably explain it better than me.", "Sure, that would be great.", "Perfect, so what would be a good email address to send that to? Right now I have Mark Joines at gmail dot com, does that still work for you?", "Yes, that works.", "Alright, I will send that over for you.", "Great, and what do I need to do, once my wife and I make a decision?", "So, you can either give me a call, or submit a request on our company's website.", "Got it, and what is your number?", "My number is three oh one oh two two oh oh five nine.", "Got it, and I can just call you to make that purchase when we're ready?", "Great, feel free to give me a call at anytime, I'm happy to walk you through any questions you may have.", "Alright, thanks so much.", "Of course, is there anything else you would like to discuss today?", "Nope, I don't think so. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?", "#Hm, not really, I think I'll just stay at home. How about you?", "[Laughter] probably not, I'll just watch some football I think.", "[Laughter] sounds like a good time to me!", "[Laughter] yeah it should be a good time.", "Alright, well it was nice talking with you Mark, and remember, feel free to reach out if you have any questions for me.", "[Laughter] Likewise, and yeah I should probably get going.", "Alright, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, thank you for your help.", "Have a good time watching the football game.", "Will do, John, have a good day, bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_622_000", "insurance_622_001", "insurance_622_002", "insurance_622_003", "insurance_622_004", "insurance_622_005", "insurance_622_006", "insurance_622_007", "insurance_622_008", "insurance_622_009", "insurance_622_010", "insurance_622_011", "insurance_622_012", "insurance_622_013", "insurance_622_014", "insurance_622_015", "insurance_622_016", "insurance_622_017", "insurance_622_018", "insurance_622_019", "insurance_622_020", "insurance_622_021", "insurance_622_022", "insurance_622_023", "insurance_622_024", "insurance_622_025", "insurance_622_026", "insurance_622_027", "insurance_622_028", "insurance_622_029", "insurance_622_030", "insurance_622_031", "insurance_622_032", "insurance_622_033", "insurance_622_034", "insurance_622_035", "insurance_622_036", "insurance_622_037", "insurance_622_038", "insurance_622_039", "insurance_622_040", "insurance_622_041", "insurance_622_042", "insurance_622_043", "insurance_622_044", "insurance_622_045", "insurance_622_046", "insurance_622_047", "insurance_622_048", "insurance_622_049", "insurance_622_050", "insurance_622_051", "insurance_622_052", "insurance_622_053", "insurance_622_054", "insurance_622_055", "insurance_622_056", "insurance_622_057", "insurance_622_058", "insurance_622_059", "insurance_622_060", "insurance_622_061", "insurance_622_062", "insurance_622_063", "insurance_622_064", "insurance_622_065", "insurance_622_066", "insurance_622_067", "insurance_622_068", "insurance_622_069", "insurance_622_070", "insurance_622_071", "insurance_622_072", "insurance_622_073", "insurance_622_074", "insurance_622_075", "insurance_622_076", "insurance_622_077", "insurance_622_078", "insurance_622_079", "insurance_622_080", "insurance_622_081", "insurance_622_082", "insurance_622_083", "insurance_622_084", "insurance_622_085", "insurance_622_086", "insurance_622_087", "insurance_622_088", "insurance_622_089", "insurance_622_090", "insurance_622_091", "insurance_622_092", "insurance_622_093" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, James, this is Luke with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out a form on our website about, let me see here, filing a new, automotive policy, and wanted to follow up on your request.", "Oh, hey Luke, I am looking for a new policy yeah, what do I need to do to file it?", "So, I'll need to get some information from you first. Do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "Yes I do.", "Okay hold on a second.", "Mhm.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is James Wynter.", "Thank you sir, James Wynter... Just to confirm, that's j.a.m.e.s. w.i.n.t.e.r.?", "No, it's w.y.n.t.e.r.", "Got it, w.y.n.t.e.r.", "Correct.", "So, James, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few other policies with us, is that correct?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright James, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, Condo, and pet policies right now.", "I see.", "Do you want to discuss any of them? I'm happy to, you know, address any questions you have about these policies.", "not really, how much am I paying for the pet policy right now?", "Let's see So currently you have our petcare preferred policy which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Mhm, is there anything a little cheaper than that? I think my wife was wanting me to reduce our coverage.", "Yeah, absolutely, our petcare basic policy is five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like to change to that please.", "Great, so I'll just need the answer to your security question. what is your mother's maiden name?", "that would be Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Alright, let me just Okay, you are successfully enrolled in the petcare basic policy now.", "Okay great. Thanks for your help.", "Of course, and now, shall we go ahead and get you enrolled in an automotive policy?", "Yes, let's do it.", "Okay, so I'm going to need some information from you first.", "More information? What else do you need??", "Just some basic stuff sir, about your health and that kind of thing.", "Okay, and how will I know that my information will be safe?", "Your data will be secure in our sir, I promise you. Our web portal encrypts customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "Great! So the first thing I'll need from you is your state, and date of birth.", "Sure, state is California, zip code is one two one two eight.", "Actually sir, I don't need an address.", "Oh, okay, and then date of birth is October the fifth, nineteen sixty two.", "Great, next I'll need to ask you some questions about your overall health. What is your gender?", "Male.", "Alright, and are you a tobacco user?", "I use it occasionally.", "Okay, I'll just enter you as an occasional user.", "Perfect.", "Alright, next question, what is your height and weight?", "My height is five foot eight inches.", "And weight?", "Weight is well I'm not quite sure.", "An approximate value is fine.", "Okay, about one hundred and eighty pounds.", "Got it, next is health category.", "what are my options?", "let me see here.", "Okay.", "So there's healthy, moderately healthy, and unhealthy.", "let's go with moderately healthy.", "Alright, and do you currently have any preexisting surgeries?", "yes, I have asthma.", "Okay, and anything else?", "Nope, that's it.", "Alright great, now there are a couple different options for policies.", "Okay.", "our Basic Auto policy is one thousand dollars per year, the Preferred Auto is fifteen hundred dollars per year, and the Complete Auto is two thousand dollars per year.", "I see, and which would you recommend?", "Well, we usually recommend the complete auto policy for individuals at high risk. do you have any children?", "No, I don't.", "Okay, then, in that case, I think the preferred auto is a great choice.", "Great, I'll go with that then.", "Wonderful! Now, let me see here The one last thing I'll need from you is a good way to contact you.", "Alright.", "Which do you prefer? Phone or email?", "let's go with email.", "Okay, when you're ready.", "It's James at gmail dot com.", "Alright, got it in the system.", "Perfect.", "Alright James, so you are now currently enrolled in our preferred auto policy. Do you have anything else you'd like to go over today>.", "nope, I think I'm all set.", "Great, well James, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, likewise.", "And, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is eight eight nine oh one two oh three four one.", "Alright will do.", "Okay, talk to you later, James.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_623_000", "insurance_623_001", "insurance_623_002", "insurance_623_003", "insurance_623_004", "insurance_623_005", "insurance_623_006", "insurance_623_007", "insurance_623_008", "insurance_623_009", "insurance_623_010", "insurance_623_011", "insurance_623_012", "insurance_623_013", "insurance_623_014", "insurance_623_015", "insurance_623_016", "insurance_623_017", "insurance_623_018", "insurance_623_019", "insurance_623_020", "insurance_623_021", "insurance_623_022", "insurance_623_023", "insurance_623_024", "insurance_623_025", "insurance_623_026", "insurance_623_027", "insurance_623_028", "insurance_623_029", "insurance_623_030", "insurance_623_031", "insurance_623_032", "insurance_623_033", "insurance_623_034", "insurance_623_035", "insurance_623_036", "insurance_623_037", "insurance_623_038", "insurance_623_039", "insurance_623_040", "insurance_623_041", "insurance_623_042", "insurance_623_043", "insurance_623_044", "insurance_623_045", "insurance_623_046", "insurance_623_047", "insurance_623_048", "insurance_623_049", "insurance_623_050", "insurance_623_051", "insurance_623_052", "insurance_623_053", "insurance_623_054", "insurance_623_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi this is Ann calling from Bloomington insurance is Ken available?", "Yes this is Ken.", "Hi Ken I was returning your call it looks like you want to pay a bill?", "Yes my policy number is six four three one one two eight", "Thank you. What is the bill ID number?", "Six one seven three three two six", "And Ken can I have you verify your last name?", "Charles.", "Thank you and I will also need you to verify your date of birth.", "July fourth nineteen fifty.", "Thank you. It looks like the bill that goes with this ID number is seventy seven dollars and thirty two cents?", "Yes correct.", "This went through March one three th through April one two th correct?", "Yes.", "Ok and how would you like to pay this bill?", "A credit card please.", "Alright let me pull that up. Alright what is the credit card number?", "Four four nine two three zero zero four six two three three one four zero zero.", "Okay that was four four nine two three zero zero four six two three three one four zero zero.", "Yes correct.", "And what is the expiration date?", "June of twenty twenty three.", "And what is the CVV code on the back?", "Two seven seven.", "Alright so I am processing that now.", "Thank you. Is there an easier way I can do this in the future without having to call?", "Yes you can do this on our website all you have to do is type in the link on the invoice. Or I can set this up for automatic payment. Would you like to set that up today?", "No that is fine I will get that set up one day.", "Perfect. So you should receive a confirmation of payment to your email on file.", "Ok.", "I just want to verify your email is kencharles zero zero four at hotmail dot com.", "Yes that is correct.", "Just as a reminder it looks like your next bill is going to be due on May twenty sixth.", "Thank you. I am sure I will still give you a call.", "Perfect we love hearing from you Ken.", "I like calling .", "Ken is there anything else I can help you with today?", "So my bill is all paid?", "Yes as of today you are all caught up on everything.", "Ok.", "Anything else you can think of?", "No, but it is almost five do they let you off early before the weekend?", "Yes they do. Once five comes around we are all done for the day.", "Are you doing anything fun this weekend.", "No just relaxing!", "Sounds fun.", "How about you Ken anything on your plan list?", "Well it is my daughters birthday, so we will be spending time with her and her family.", "Well Ken I hope you have a really good time this weekend.", "Thank you. You as well.", "Do you have any last minute questions for me?", "No I don't.", "Ok well like always I look forward to talking to you next month. But if you have any questions before then always feel free to give me a call.", "Will do thank you Ann.", "Bye Ken.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_624_000", "insurance_624_001", "insurance_624_002", "insurance_624_003", "insurance_624_004", "insurance_624_005", "insurance_624_006", "insurance_624_007", "insurance_624_008", "insurance_624_009", "insurance_624_010", "insurance_624_011", "insurance_624_012", "insurance_624_013", "insurance_624_014", "insurance_624_015", "insurance_624_016", "insurance_624_017", "insurance_624_018", "insurance_624_019", "insurance_624_020", "insurance_624_021", "insurance_624_022", "insurance_624_023", "insurance_624_024", "insurance_624_025", "insurance_624_026", "insurance_624_027", "insurance_624_028", "insurance_624_029", "insurance_624_030", "insurance_624_031", "insurance_624_032", "insurance_624_033", "insurance_624_034", "insurance_624_035", "insurance_624_036", "insurance_624_037", "insurance_624_038", "insurance_624_039", "insurance_624_040", "insurance_624_041", "insurance_624_042", "insurance_624_043", "insurance_624_044", "insurance_624_045", "insurance_624_046", "insurance_624_047", "insurance_624_048", "insurance_624_049", "insurance_624_050", "insurance_624_051", "insurance_624_052", "insurance_624_053", "insurance_624_054", "insurance_624_055", "insurance_624_056", "insurance_624_057", "insurance_624_058", "insurance_624_059", "insurance_624_060", "insurance_624_061", "insurance_624_062", "insurance_624_063", "insurance_624_064", "insurance_624_065", "insurance_624_066", "insurance_624_067", "insurance_624_068", "insurance_624_069", "insurance_624_070", "insurance_624_071", "insurance_624_072", "insurance_624_073", "insurance_624_074", "insurance_624_075", "insurance_624_076", "insurance_624_077", "insurance_624_078", "insurance_624_079", "insurance_624_080", "insurance_624_081", "insurance_624_082", "insurance_624_083", "insurance_624_084", "insurance_624_085", "insurance_624_086", "insurance_624_087", "insurance_624_088", "insurance_624_089" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Steve, this is Joe with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out an inquiry form on our, let me see here, our, automotive policy, and wanted to follow up and see if you are still interested.", "Oh, yeah, I am what do I need to do to enroll? Can you help me with that?", "I sure can. Let's see, so do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "I'm not sure.", "Okay.", "hold on a second.", "No rush.", "I might have deleted it maybe.", "I can look that up for you if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Steve Smyth.", "Thank you sir, Steve Smith, Karter... Just to confirm, that's s.t.e.v.e. s.m.i.t.h.?", "No, it's s.m.y.t.h.", "Got it, s.m.y.t.h.", "Correct.", "So, Steve, I'm looking here, and it does not appear that you don't have an existing policy with us.", "Okay.", "Can we, go ahead and get an account for you set up today then?", "maybe, can you tell me more about setting up an account?", "Sure, so I just need to collect some information.", "What kind of information?", "Pretty generic stuff, phone number, email, that kind of thing.", "Okay and what is the cost?", "Actually Steve, setting the account is free, we have a system called S.I.M. that allows you to self-select any policy you want directly from your account.", "I see.", "So once you have an account, you can enroll yourself and other people who like your family from that portal.", "Mhm.", "So, does that sound good, can we go ahead and get that account set up?", "#Um sure, yeah I think that should work.", "Okay great, so let me see here the first thing I'll need is a good phone number for you.", "oh three three four four four six seven seven six.", "So I have oh three three four four four six seven seven six, is that correct?", "Uh huh.", "Next, I need a security question, you have a couple of options here, the name of your first grade teacher? Your mother's maiden name? Your.", "I'll do mother's maiden name.", "Okay.", "It's Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Got it, next I need your date of birth. One sec.", "Okay.", "Alright, go ahead.", "Yeah my date of birth is October the tenth, nineteen fifty two.", "Okay so I have October the tenth, nineteen fifty two, is that right?", "Yep.", "Great! Next, I'll need a street address and zipcode.", "Sure, it is ten twenty Chicago Avenue, San Fransisco, California, zip code is one two one two eight.", "Got it, and the last thing I need is a social security number.", "Do I really need to give a social security number just to set up an account?", "Your data will be secure in our I.M.S. sir, I promise you. We encrypt customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay.", "Please go ahead.", "One sec I need to find.", "Take your time.", "It is six six five oh oh two one nine eight oh.", "Just to confirm, that is six six five oh oh two one nine eight oh?", "Correct.", "Alright, so hold on your account has been successfully created Steve! Welcome to Rivertown Insurance.", "Thanks, what else do I need to do now?", "Now you are free to enroll in any policy of your liking. I can also take your credit card information now, if you don't want to enter it yourself.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "And your expiration date?", "September, twenty thirty.", "Got it, and your CVV please?", "Oh five two.", "Alright Steve, your credit card info should be saved. One last thing would you like me to review our automotive policies with you?", "I'm not sure, I need to leave pretty soon. My daughter has a soccer game.", "Okay, there are only three options, so I can go over them quickly.", "Fine.", "The three policies are our Basic Auto policy which is one thousand dollars per year, the Preferred Auto which is fifteen hundred dollars per year, and the Complete Auto is two thousand dollars per year.", "Okay, mmm.", "If you don't have time now, I understand.", "[Laughter] alright, yeah I should probably get going.", "Alright Steve thanks for your time today.", "Yes, thank you for your help.", "I hope everything we went over today makes sense?", "#Um yeah, I think I should be good.", "Great, and if you have any questions, please give me a call back on my cell. My number is three oh one two one two oh oh five nine.", "Okay, got it, three oh one two one two oh oh five nine?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Great.", "How old is your daughter? I have a three-year old.", "#Um Mine is four.", "What a great age, they get old so fast don't they?", "Yes they do, time sure flies.", "It sure does.", "Alright, thanks again Joe.", "Of course, and one last thing, After this call ends, there will be a request for rating my service. Please press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Okay, I will.", "Alright Steve, have fun at your daughter's game.", "Talk to you soon, bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_625_000", "insurance_625_001", "insurance_625_002", "insurance_625_003", "insurance_625_004", "insurance_625_005", "insurance_625_006", "insurance_625_007", "insurance_625_008", "insurance_625_009", "insurance_625_010", "insurance_625_011", "insurance_625_012", "insurance_625_013", "insurance_625_014", "insurance_625_015", "insurance_625_016", "insurance_625_017", "insurance_625_018", "insurance_625_019", "insurance_625_020", "insurance_625_021", "insurance_625_022", "insurance_625_023", "insurance_625_024", "insurance_625_025", "insurance_625_026", "insurance_625_027", "insurance_625_028", "insurance_625_029", "insurance_625_030", "insurance_625_031", "insurance_625_032", "insurance_625_033", "insurance_625_034", "insurance_625_035", "insurance_625_036", "insurance_625_037", "insurance_625_038", "insurance_625_039", "insurance_625_040", "insurance_625_041", "insurance_625_042", "insurance_625_043", "insurance_625_044", "insurance_625_045", "insurance_625_046", "insurance_625_047", "insurance_625_048", "insurance_625_049", "insurance_625_050", "insurance_625_051", "insurance_625_052", "insurance_625_053", "insurance_625_054", "insurance_625_055", "insurance_625_056", "insurance_625_057", "insurance_625_058", "insurance_625_059", "insurance_625_060", "insurance_625_061", "insurance_625_062", "insurance_625_063", "insurance_625_064", "insurance_625_065", "insurance_625_066", "insurance_625_067", "insurance_625_068", "insurance_625_069", "insurance_625_070", "insurance_625_071", "insurance_625_072", "insurance_625_073", "insurance_625_074", "insurance_625_075", "insurance_625_076", "insurance_625_077", "insurance_625_078", "insurance_625_079", "insurance_625_080", "insurance_625_081" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Rich, this is Dave with Rivertown Insurance, how are you today?", "Hey Dave, I'm doing fine, how are you?", "Doing pretty well. I saw that you put in a request on our website, correct?", "Yeah, I did.", "Okay, and can you remind me what that request was again?", "Sure, so I'm planning on purchasing a new car, but in order to do that, I need to present proof of insurance to the dealership.", "Understood. I can definitely help you out with that. #Um so one second here.", "Great.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Rich Smyth.", "Thank you sir, Rich Smith? S.m.i.t.h.?", "No, it's s.m.y.t.h.", "Got it. S.m.y.t.h.", "Correct.", "So, Rich, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few policies with us. does that seem correct to you?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright James, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, Condo, and pet policies right now.", "Great.", "Alright Rich, so in order to get you proof of insurance, I'm going to need your policy number next.", "Correct, and my account number is either oh oh two two or hold on.", "It should be an eight-digit number, starting with a four or a five.", "Okay, then it's either four oh oh oh one two four one or five oh oh oh one two four one, I'm not sure which one though.", "Let me check here.", "Mhm.", "So, I'm not, seeing any results pop up. Do you happen to remember the answer to your security question?", "#Uh what is the question?", "The question is, what was the make and model of your first car?", "Okay try Dodge Durango.", "I'm sorry sir, that didn't work either.", "What the heck! Why isn't anything working?", "Sorry sir, it says first car, so maybe try a car.", "#Hm, I guess it could be Toyota Corolla.", "Okay great, let me see here yep, that worked.", "Cool.", "Alright, so I assume you want proof of your automotive policy, right?", "Correct.", "So let me just initiate this Alright, so I need verbal confirmation that you are wanting to cancel your homeowner's policy.", "I confirm.", "Great, and then can you also state your name, the date, and your social security number, please?", "Yeah, my name is Rich Smyth, and the date is October the tenth, twenty twenty one, and my social security number is one oh nine three four two one oh three.", "Thank you for all of that sir.", "Of course.", "Now, there are a couple of things we need to discuss.", "Okay.", "so you have a couple of options of proof delivery.", "Mhm okay.", "Delivery can be either physical or digital.", "what are the differences?", "So, you'll get the proof either way, the main difference is just how long it takes.", "Okay.", "Digital delivery is instantaneous.", "And what about physical delivery?", "Yeah, so physical delivery will take three to five business days.", "I see.", "Do you think you have a preference for one over the other?", "#Um, no, not really. what will be the cost for both options?", "So, there's no difference in price. our firm will handle shipping for you.", "Okay, in that case, I think I'd prefer the physical option then.", "Alright great, and I'll just need an email from you, to provide a tracking number.", "Sure, it's R dot S at gmail dot com.", "Alright, got it. Now we just need to wait for that to process.", "Okay.", "In the meantime sir, after this call ends, there will be a request for rating my service. Please press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Alright, will do.", "Great, I appreciate it.", "Of course.", "Now, let me see here Your tracking number is oh oh oh oh oh oh two one nine eight six.", "Alright got it.", "Great, well sir, thanks for your time, you should receive that package in three to five business days. If you have any other questions feel free to give me a call.", "Okay, I will.", "Have a great day.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_626_000", "insurance_626_001", "insurance_626_002", "insurance_626_003", "insurance_626_004", "insurance_626_005", "insurance_626_006", "insurance_626_007", "insurance_626_008", "insurance_626_009", "insurance_626_010", "insurance_626_011", "insurance_626_012", "insurance_626_013", "insurance_626_014", "insurance_626_015", "insurance_626_016", "insurance_626_017", "insurance_626_018", "insurance_626_019", "insurance_626_020", "insurance_626_021", "insurance_626_022", "insurance_626_023", "insurance_626_024", "insurance_626_025", "insurance_626_026", "insurance_626_027", "insurance_626_028", "insurance_626_029", "insurance_626_030", "insurance_626_031", "insurance_626_032", "insurance_626_033", "insurance_626_034", "insurance_626_035", "insurance_626_036", "insurance_626_037", "insurance_626_038", "insurance_626_039", "insurance_626_040", "insurance_626_041", "insurance_626_042", "insurance_626_043", "insurance_626_044", "insurance_626_045", "insurance_626_046", "insurance_626_047", "insurance_626_048", "insurance_626_049", "insurance_626_050", "insurance_626_051", "insurance_626_052", "insurance_626_053", "insurance_626_054", "insurance_626_055", "insurance_626_056", "insurance_626_057", "insurance_626_058", "insurance_626_059", "insurance_626_060", "insurance_626_061", "insurance_626_062", "insurance_626_063", "insurance_626_064", "insurance_626_065", "insurance_626_066", "insurance_626_067", "insurance_626_068", "insurance_626_069", "insurance_626_070", "insurance_626_071", "insurance_626_072", "insurance_626_073", "insurance_626_074", "insurance_626_075", "insurance_626_076", "insurance_626_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, Stan, this is Liam with Rivertown Insurance, I saw you filled out a form on our website about, let me see here, filing a new, pet policy, and wanted to follow up on your request.", "Oh, hey Liam, I am looking for a new policy yeah, what do I need to do to file it?", "So, I'll need to get some information from you first. Do you have an existing policy with us currently?", "Yes I do.", "Okay hold on a second.", "Mhm.", "Alright, so the first thing I'll need from you is your account number please.", "do you know where I could find that? I'm not sure where to look?", "I can look it up by your name instead, if that would be easier?", "sure yeah that would probably be easiest I can't seem to find.", "No worries, let me just look here... okay, just a second here, so can I have your first and last name?", "My name is Stan Kubryck.", "Thank you sir, Stan Kubryck... Just to confirm, that's S.T.A.N. K.U.B.R.I.C.K..?", "No, it's K.u.b.r.y.c.k.", "Got it, k.u.b.r.y.c.k.", "Correct.", "So, Stan, I'm looking here, and it appears like you have a few other policies with us, is that correct?", "yeah, I do. I think I have at least two or three.", "Gotcha.", "Can you actually show me which other policies I have? I haven't checked in a while.", "Sure, let me just see here.", "Okay.", "Alright Stan, so it looks like you currently have three policies with us.", "Alright, which are those?", "So, you have, our Automobile, Condo, and life policies right now.", "I see.", "Do you want to discuss any of them? I'm happy to, you know, address any questions you have about these policies.", "not really, how much am I paying for the life policy right now?", "Let's see So currently you have our universal life insurance policy which is twelve hundred dollars per year.", "Mhm, is there anything a little cheaper than that? I think my wife was wanting me to reduce our coverage.", "Yeah, absolutely, our term life insurance policy is five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, yeah, I think I'd like to change to that please.", "Great, so I'll just need the answer to your security question. what is your mother's maiden name?", "that would be Jones j.o.n.e.s.", "Alright, let me just Okay, you are successfully enrolled in the term life insurance policy now.", "Okay great. Thanks for your help.", "Of course, and now, shall we go ahead and get you enrolled in a pet policy?", "Yes, let's do it.", "Okay, so I'm going to need some information from you first.", "More information? What else do you need??", "Just some basic stuff sir, about your pet and that kind of thing.", "Okay, and how will I know that my information will be safe?", "Your data will be secure in our sir, I promise you. Our web portal encrypts customer data extremely thoroughly.", "Okay. Let me find it here Alright my card number is oh oh one two two oh oh three four three oh oh one five eight two.", "Great! So the first thing I'll need from you is your state, and date of birth.", "Sure, state is Massachusetts, zip code is one two one two eight.", "Actually sir, I don't need an address.", "Oh, okay, and then date of birth is October the fifth, nineteen sixty two.", "Got it. Next, I'll need some information about your pet.", "Alright.", "What pet do you have?", "Well I have a dog right now.", "And, are you aware of what breed your dog is?", "It's a yellow labrador retriever.", "Okay, and what age is your dog?", "It's three years old.", "And weight?", "Weight is well I'm not quite sure.", "An approximate value is fine.", "Okay, about eighty pounds.", "Got it. Alright, now there are a few options of policy. The Petcare Basic Policy is five hundred dollars per year, and the Petcare Preferred plan is one thousand dollars per year.", "#Hm, what is the difference between them?", "Well, the preferred plan will let me see here.", "Okay.", "So, with the preferred plan, you will get a higher coverage level, and also faster customer service.", "Got it. I think I'll go with the Petcare Basic Policy then.", "Alright Stan, so you are now currently enrolled in our preferred auto policy. Do you have anything else you'd like to go over today?", "nope, I think I'm all set.", "Alright, great to hear. You know, I've thinking about getting a new dog. Does yours shed a lot?", "No, not too bad.", "Gotcha. That's a big deal for my wife.", "I understand that, yeah, our dog really doesn't shed too much.", "Great, well James, thanks for your time today.", "Yes, likewise.", "And, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is eight eight nine oh one two oh three four one.", "Alright will do.", "Okay, talk to you later, James.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_627_000", "insurance_627_001", "insurance_627_002", "insurance_627_003", "insurance_627_004", "insurance_627_005", "insurance_627_006", "insurance_627_007", "insurance_627_008", "insurance_627_009", "insurance_627_010", "insurance_627_011", "insurance_627_012", "insurance_627_013", "insurance_627_014", "insurance_627_015", "insurance_627_016", "insurance_627_017", "insurance_627_018", "insurance_627_019", "insurance_627_020", "insurance_627_021", "insurance_627_022", "insurance_627_023", "insurance_627_024", "insurance_627_025", "insurance_627_026", "insurance_627_027", "insurance_627_028", "insurance_627_029", "insurance_627_030", "insurance_627_031", "insurance_627_032", "insurance_627_033", "insurance_627_034", "insurance_627_035", "insurance_627_036", "insurance_627_037", "insurance_627_038", "insurance_627_039", "insurance_627_040", "insurance_627_041", "insurance_627_042", "insurance_627_043", "insurance_627_044", "insurance_627_045", "insurance_627_046", "insurance_627_047", "insurance_627_048", "insurance_627_049", "insurance_627_050", "insurance_627_051", "insurance_627_052", "insurance_627_053", "insurance_627_054", "insurance_627_055", "insurance_627_056", "insurance_627_057", "insurance_627_058", "insurance_627_059", "insurance_627_060", "insurance_627_061", "insurance_627_062", "insurance_627_063", "insurance_627_064", "insurance_627_065", "insurance_627_066", "insurance_627_067", "insurance_627_068", "insurance_627_069", "insurance_627_070", "insurance_627_071", "insurance_627_072", "insurance_627_073", "insurance_627_074", "insurance_627_075", "insurance_627_076", "insurance_627_077", "insurance_627_078", "insurance_627_079", "insurance_627_080", "insurance_627_081", "insurance_627_082", "insurance_627_083", "insurance_627_084", "insurance_627_085", "insurance_627_086", "insurance_627_087", "insurance_627_088", "insurance_627_089", "insurance_627_090", "insurance_627_091", "insurance_627_092", "insurance_627_093", "insurance_627_094", "insurance_627_095", "insurance_627_096", "insurance_627_097", "insurance_627_098", "insurance_627_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning and thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. This is Jack.", "#Ah, hello?", "Hi. How may I help you?", "I was-I was just wondering. If it was possible. #Um, I'd like to get a homeowner's quote?", "I can help you with that, sir.", "Now, before we get going.", "Yes?", "I'm not going to give you any of my information?", "Your information?", "Yes. No last name, no social security, no nothing. I just want a quote. I don't want to give you my phone number-.", "#Oh, I understand sir.", "I don't want to be put on any list. I don't want people calling me afterwards and bullying me to buy their insurance-.", "I-I understand, sir. I can give you a basic quote on insurance, sure. No calls or anything. I won't even ask your name if you're not comfortable.", "Because I'm having a problem with the spam.", "I understand, sir.", "I received three calls-three calls about a car I thought about buying the other day. I wasn't even looking in earnest! I was just, you know, checking things out.", "Yeah, just keeping an eye out.", "Exactly! And now my phone just rings and rings. Well, it doesn't ring, but it plays some song that came with it. Over and over again. Driving me crazy.", "I bet. That's, frustrating.", "I tried blocking them, but somehow they have two lines and just tried with a different number! Tried to shave a hundred dollars off the price if I came back in. Why not just give me the price it's worth? Why?", "No, no. I hear you. Just offer the price and no haggling, right?", "Right! And so before we start, talking insurance. I've gotta know. Are you going to harrass me?", "No, sir. I can give you a basic quote, and you can choose to get more details at a later time. If you-if you want.", "Okay, then. Give it to me.", "The information?", "Yes, whatever spiel you've got. Go for it.", "Well, we offer three different tiers of homeowner's insurance. You buy, not rent?", "That's right. We aren't renters. Thank goodness.", "Okay. #Um, so there's three types that we offer-.", "Uh-huh.", "Basic Home, Home Preferred, and Home Complete.", "Okay. Well, that tells me nothing. What's the difference.", "Yes, I can go into some detail there, sir.", "Okay. That'd be nice.", "So, as you probably already know, since you have a home-.", "Uh-huh.", "#Um, so all of our policies cover, damage to the exterior and interior of the house-.", "Yeah.", "And just listing the things here so I don't miss anything-.", "Yep, go right ahead.", "Liability for if anyone is harmed on your property-.", "Now what?", "So, like, if kid is walking on your fence-.", "Uh-huh.", "And falls off into your rose bush. He could -his parents could try suing you-.", "For my rose bush?", "Maybe a better example would be if someone slipped on your driveway?", "Oh. Never thought about that. They could sue?", "Yes, sir. Sadly, I've seen it happen.", "Okay. Well, glad that all the rates cover that.", "Yes. So the main difference between our rates are how you are paid if there's any problems.", "So, what's the difference?", "Our Basic Home covers what they call actual cash value? That means we pay what item are after their, depreciation.", "Cause it's old stuff?", "Exactly. Like a fifteen year old couch won't be replaced at the same amount as a new couch.", "Well, that's common sense.", "And our Home Preferred plan would pay the actual cost of damage to your home or items without the depreciation.", "Oh!", "So you'd be able to rebuild your home and belongings at the actual price you had insured them for.", "Oh. Yeah. That one sounds good.", "Yes, it's great coverage, sir.", "And there's still a last one?", "Yes. So our last offering, Home Complete-.", "Yeah, that sounds good.", "Our Home Complete covers the cost of your home even if it exceeds what you initially quoted it for.", "I don't understand-.", "So, let's say it cost two-hundred thousand to build your home.", "Seems fair.", "And it burnt down.", "Okay.", "But now, say, the price of lumber went up? So if we used the same amount of money it took to build it initially-.", "It wouldn't be enough.", "Exactly. Home complete covers the property with up to a twenty five percent of the limit.", "Oh. Wow. I bet that one's expensive.", "Well, I think you'd find our policies very competitive. Especially if you ultimately decide to bundle your auto with us.", "Huh. Already have auto with you.", "Well, you're looking at a ten percent savings annually if you choose your auto and home insurance with us.", "Huh. Well, let's talk numbers.", "Sure, sure. Are you sure you don't want to pull up your account and take a look-.", "No. I told you-no calling. Don't you call me.", "Oh no! I won't be calling you, sir. I just thought-.", "I just ant to hear some numbers. Need to run everything past the wife.", "Understood. Okay, so our Basic Home policy costs twelve-hundred a year-.", "Uh-huh.", "Our Home Preferred-.", "That's the one where it doesn't discount it being old, right?", "That's right. Depreciation isn't figured in when it comes to replacement.", "So what's that one?", "Our Home Preferred is sixteen-hundred a year.", "Hm. So, only a four hundred dollar difference?", "That's right, sir.", "And that last one?", "Home Complete is two-thousand annually.", "Huh. Well. I mean, that's not too bad.", "#Um, so, I guess you'll be talking to your wife? Remember that we can bill monthly, bi-annually or annually-.", "Yeah, yeah. I get all that. Okay. Gotta go. Thanks for the info.", "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Please don't hesitate to call back if, -.", "Yeah, yeah. If we decide to do it I'll give you a ring. Good day for now.", "Thanks for calling, sir.", "Yep." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_628_000", "insurance_628_001", "insurance_628_002", "insurance_628_003", "insurance_628_004", "insurance_628_005", "insurance_628_006", "insurance_628_007", "insurance_628_008", "insurance_628_009", "insurance_628_010", "insurance_628_011", "insurance_628_012", "insurance_628_013", "insurance_628_014", "insurance_628_015", "insurance_628_016", "insurance_628_017", "insurance_628_018", "insurance_628_019", "insurance_628_020", "insurance_628_021", "insurance_628_022", "insurance_628_023", "insurance_628_024", "insurance_628_025", "insurance_628_026", "insurance_628_027", "insurance_628_028", "insurance_628_029", "insurance_628_030", "insurance_628_031", "insurance_628_032", "insurance_628_033", "insurance_628_034", "insurance_628_035", "insurance_628_036", "insurance_628_037", "insurance_628_038", "insurance_628_039", "insurance_628_040", "insurance_628_041", "insurance_628_042", "insurance_628_043", "insurance_628_044", "insurance_628_045", "insurance_628_046", "insurance_628_047", "insurance_628_048", "insurance_628_049", "insurance_628_050", "insurance_628_051", "insurance_628_052", "insurance_628_053", "insurance_628_054", "insurance_628_055", "insurance_628_056", "insurance_628_057", "insurance_628_058", "insurance_628_059", "insurance_628_060", "insurance_628_061", "insurance_628_062", "insurance_628_063", "insurance_628_064", "insurance_628_065", "insurance_628_066", "insurance_628_067", "insurance_628_068", "insurance_628_069", "insurance_628_070", "insurance_628_071", "insurance_628_072", "insurance_628_073", "insurance_628_074", "insurance_628_075", "insurance_628_076", "insurance_628_077", "insurance_628_078", "insurance_628_079", "insurance_628_080", "insurance_628_081", "insurance_628_082", "insurance_628_083", "insurance_628_084", "insurance_628_085", "insurance_628_086", "insurance_628_087", "insurance_628_088", "insurance_628_089", "insurance_628_090", "insurance_628_091", "insurance_628_092", "insurance_628_093", "insurance_628_094", "insurance_628_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Jessica speaking, how may I help you?", "Hello, Jessica, this is Dan McLam. I was wondering if you could fill me in on some things.", "I would be happy to help, mister McLam! What information are you-are you looking for?", "Just Dan. Just call me Dan. .", "Okay, how can I assist, Dan?", "I was just sitting here with my cat, Lucy. And I just saw this commercial for pet insurance?", "Yes.", "And I was wondering, how does that all work? Aren't we, Lucy? We're just sitting here wondering.", "I'm happy to answer your questions, Dan! We are often known for offering Home, Auto and Life insurance, but not many people know that we also offer pet insurance.", "Uh-huh.", "So, the way our pet insurance policies work is that we offer two different plans.", "Uh-huh.", "We offer Pet Basic, which covers a yearly general check-up, and has a two-hundred fifty dollar deductible for non-emergency procedures.", "Like, shots?", "Yes, vaccinations, teeth cleaning-.", "Oh! Teeth cleaning!", "Nail trimming, blood work, those kind of things.", "Okay. So I have to pay two hundred and fifty dollars then all of that is-is paid for?", "#Um, well, you pay the low cost of five hundred a year-.", "#Uh-huh.", "And then after you meet your deductible the insurance kicks in and you only pay a co-pay of thirty five dollars for all non-emergency procedures.", "Well, what about the emergency ones? That's what Lucy and I want to know .", "#Um, well, for that Dan we have our Pet Preferred plan which provides that same coverage as Pet Basic with the exception that, you have a five hundred dollar yearly deductible.", "Uh-huh.", "But it also covers emergency services up to seventy-five percent after meeting the deductible.", "And also that one's five hundred a year too?", "#Um, no. Pet preferred is actually one thousand dollars a calendar year.", "So, Jessica, you're saying that after fifteen hundred dollars the insurance will start paying?", "Our plans are competitive with other-.", "Oh, no! I don't think that's a bad deal! I mean, my Lucy here is an outdoor cat sometimes? I mean, she's in here-she's in here with me almost constantly, but she likes to go outside in the mornings and evenings, don't ya sis?", "Uh-huh.", "And, well, she's a domestic long-haired they say, but I think she's got some Norweigan Forest in her. Real pretty fur. #Uh, really long, and well, just two weeks ago-.", "Uh-huh.", "I hear this meowing, and I look outside and I could have just fainted!", "Oh no!", "Yeah, my Lucy had wandered into, I don't know, a field or something and was just covered-just COVERED with those burrs. You know what I mean? Those burrs that stick on your socks when your walking in, like, a field?", "Oh, yeah. I know what you mean. I'm really sorry to hear-.", "And you'd think you could just brush them out, but you'd be wrong. Oh, my girl had them-just-just-everywhere. And she was meowing up a storm. So I called Doctor Jacob, our vet, and he says, Dan, you're gonna have to bring her in. Those burrs can cause real problems if they got in her ears. So I tried looking in her ears, but I couldn't really see nothing.", "Oh, wow. I'm sorry to hear that.", "Yeah. And so she just keeps meowing, and I can tell she's hurting. And well, long story short, brought her in to Dr. Jacob and they ended up needing to seduce her- I mean, sedate her. And well, guess what they found in her ears? That doctor Jacob knows his stuff, that's for sure.", "#Oh! Well, I'm glad to hear that Lucy is feeling better now-.", "And that whole thing cost me five hundred dollars alone! What am I gonna do if she gets it in her head to go back to those burrs?", "Well, I guess that's why getting pet insurance may be helpful in your situation.", "She's only three years old. Who knows what else could happen?", "#Um, if you'd like, Dan. We could get some information from you and start the insurance as soon as today.", "Well, I-I don't know about that. I mean, will Doctor Jacob accept the insurance? I'll just have to ask him and maybe call back later.", "I actually have a, tool here that searches veterinarians that accept our insurance.", "Well, let's have a look, huh? #Um, look for Doctor Jacob in West Valley City, Utah.", "Okay, one moment while the computer searches.", "Okay, Jessica.", "Alright, Dan. #Um, I don't see the doctors by name? But I have a list of Veterinarian clinics that accept Rivertown Pet Insurance. We have West Valley Veterinarian-.", "Nope.", "And Kennecott Veterinarian-.", "Yeah! That's the one! Off of fifty six hundred West?", "Yes, it says here fifty six twenty one West and three hundred South.", "Well, Lucy, we've got a bingo.", "So happy that it is working out, Dan! #Um, should we get you signed up?", "Well, I think maybe we should just go ahead and do it. What do you think, Lucy? Oh she's up and gone adventuring.", "Great! Okay, so I just need to navigate to the new client screen, and, what's your full name again, Dan?", "It's Dan McLam. Big M, little c, big L, a-m.", "Okay, great. Got it. And what's your address?", "Sixty ninety eight Trowbridge Way. That's in Kearns, Utah. Eight four one, one eight.", "Great! Okay, and what is the best number to reach you at, Dan?", "That would be, my cell number.", "Uh-huh.", "And that would be eight-zero-one-nine-nine-nine-eight-seven-four-two.", "Okay, great. So, I'm going to, read it back to you. Eight-zero-one-.", "Uh-huh.", "Nine-nine-nine-eight-.", "Yep.", "seven-four-two.", "You've got it, Jessica! .", "Great! Thanks, Dan. Okay, then. We now just need your social security number for the account. Are you ready?", "#Uh, yep. Well, we're doing this, aren't we? .", "Whenever you're ready.", "Okay, well, it's five-five-five-two-two-five-five-seven-three. You wanna read it back to me?", "#Um, sure. Five-five-five-.", "Uh-huh.", "Two-two-.", "Yep.", "Five-five-seven-three.", "Yep, that's it.", "Great! One moment while the computer generates a policy number for you, Dan.", "Will you need Lucy's name and, uh, birth too?", "#Um, no. You will be receiving some paperwork for Lucy as well as insurance information and cards within five business days.", "Well, what if she wanders into the burrs before then? You never know about Lucy!", "If you have any need before the papers arrive just call back at this number and someone will be happy to help.", "Do you have a direct number Jessica, I really enjoyed your help today.", "Well, I appreciate that Dan! You have been great to chat with as well. I don't have a private number, I'm just here with the other incoming call employees.", "Well, I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Lucy don't have no problems.", "I will as well, Dan.", "Well, thank you for all your help. #Um, so you said five business days, about?", "Yes, It's typically there five to seven business days.", "Alright then. Well, thanks again, Jessica.", "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a great day!", "Mhm. Bye now." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_629_000", "insurance_629_001", "insurance_629_002", "insurance_629_003", "insurance_629_004", "insurance_629_005", "insurance_629_006", "insurance_629_007", "insurance_629_008", "insurance_629_009", "insurance_629_010", "insurance_629_011", "insurance_629_012", "insurance_629_013", "insurance_629_014", "insurance_629_015", "insurance_629_016", "insurance_629_017", "insurance_629_018", "insurance_629_019", "insurance_629_020", "insurance_629_021", "insurance_629_022", "insurance_629_023", "insurance_629_024", "insurance_629_025", "insurance_629_026", "insurance_629_027", "insurance_629_028", "insurance_629_029", "insurance_629_030", "insurance_629_031", "insurance_629_032", "insurance_629_033", "insurance_629_034", "insurance_629_035", "insurance_629_036", "insurance_629_037", "insurance_629_038", "insurance_629_039", "insurance_629_040", "insurance_629_041", "insurance_629_042", "insurance_629_043", "insurance_629_044", "insurance_629_045", "insurance_629_046", "insurance_629_047", "insurance_629_048", "insurance_629_049", "insurance_629_050", "insurance_629_051", "insurance_629_052", "insurance_629_053", "insurance_629_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. This is Melanie. How may I help you today?", "#Uh hello? This is Debra Marsh. I'm calling to call about this paper I received.", "Okay? Did you get something in the mail, missus Marsh?", "Yes, yes. It's about life insurance? I have auto and home polcies with Rivertown, and this paper says you also offer life insurance?", "Yes, ma'am! I would be happy to look over your account and help you decide on a life insurance policy that fits your needs best.", "Well, according to this paper you offer three different types?", "That's correct, missus Marsh. Could I get a birthdate from you real quick and we can look up your account?", "Well, first I have a few questions about the life insurance.", "Oh, sure. No problem.", "It says here, there are three different policies.", "That's correct, ma'am.", "That that there's the term insurance and there's the whole life insurance.", "That's correct, missus Marsh-.", "And I want to know what the time difference is between the two.", "Well, term insurance will only be for whatever number set of years your choose for it.", "Oh?", "We offer five years, ten years, fifteen year, twenty years-.", "And I guess what I need?", "#Um, yeah, you pick which interval best works for you.", "What if I pick the fifteen years but I outlive it! .", "With term insurance you receive the non-taxable amount you paid back. You then could use that money in a new policy, if you wish at that time.", "So it only pays if I pass within that time frame, correct?", "That's correct, missus Marsh. May I get your birthdate and we can see if there's a plan that works for you?", "The term insurance is just so affordable!", "Yes, it runs about three hundred dollars a year, which is very competitive for the coverage it offers.", "Do, medical conditions influence it?", "Some pre-existing conditions will come with extra fees, naturally.", "Oh, yes. Of course. Naturally.", "But I'd be happy to go over in more detail some aspects of our three life insurance policies.", "No, no. That won't be necessary. You've already been so helpful. I'd need to talk to my husband about all of this first.", "Oh, I understand.", "I think he's the name on the policies anyhow.", "We can check real quick?", "Oh! What did you need? A birthday?", "Yes, missus Marsh. Your birthday.", "My birthday is April third, nineteen fifty-one.", "And policy number?", "Well, I think it's written right here.", "Great.", "Oh, no. This is just about the life insurance. This isn't the bill. Well, dear. I'm sorry, but I don't have that with me.", "I can hold while you go get it. Or we could look up your policy using different information?", "Well, what kind of other information would you need? I don't know where the bill is just right now.", "We would just need a social security number, phone number and-.", "Oh, no. No. I really don't have time for all that. I just wanted to know what happens if the term ends and I'm still kickin' .", "I understand. If you decide you'd like to go more depth into pursuing a life insurance policy, or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call back.", "Yes. I have my little paper here, so I'm going to keep reading and I'll talk to my husband when he gets home later.", "Sounds good. Thank you so much for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a wonderful rest of your day!", "Oh, one more thing, dear.", "Yes?", "What hours are, are you open for calls?", "Our customer service hours are Monday through Friday, eight in the morning to eight at night.", "Oh, so no weekends?", "No, ma'am. But our claims line is always open for any emergencies.", "Oh, yes, yes. Good to know. Okay. Goodbye for now!", "Thank you, and goodbye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_630_000", "insurance_630_001", "insurance_630_002", "insurance_630_003", "insurance_630_004", "insurance_630_005", "insurance_630_006", "insurance_630_007", "insurance_630_008", "insurance_630_009", "insurance_630_010", "insurance_630_011", "insurance_630_012", "insurance_630_013", "insurance_630_014", "insurance_630_015", "insurance_630_016", "insurance_630_017", "insurance_630_018", "insurance_630_019", "insurance_630_020", "insurance_630_021", "insurance_630_022", "insurance_630_023", "insurance_630_024", "insurance_630_025", "insurance_630_026", "insurance_630_027", "insurance_630_028", "insurance_630_029", "insurance_630_030", "insurance_630_031", "insurance_630_032", "insurance_630_033", "insurance_630_034", "insurance_630_035", "insurance_630_036", "insurance_630_037", "insurance_630_038", "insurance_630_039", "insurance_630_040", "insurance_630_041", "insurance_630_042", "insurance_630_043", "insurance_630_044", "insurance_630_045", "insurance_630_046", "insurance_630_047", "insurance_630_048", "insurance_630_049", "insurance_630_050", "insurance_630_051", "insurance_630_052", "insurance_630_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hi there I need to change the payment info on my auto pay.", "I'd be more than happy to help with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Rachel Hill.", "Thank you, Rachel.", "You're welcome.", "Do you know your customer ID?", "I think I have it on my last bill, hang on and let me check.", "Take your time.", "Okay I'm looking at the bill. Where would it be on here?", "On your bill it should be an eight digit number in the top left corner.", "Oh! I see it now. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. And for security purposes can you verify your date of birth for me?", "Yes it's October thirteenth nineteen ninety two.", "Great. Which policy were we wanting to update the automatic payment method for?", "The auto policy.", "Great. So I see here we have it currently set up to come out of your bank account ending in two three two two, is that correct?", "Right so we need to change it I got a new bank account.", "What is the new routing and account number that you want to change it to?", "The routing number is one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Mm-hmm.", "The account number is two two two three seven six seven eight two.", "Perfect. Give me just a moment to update that.", "Okay.", "So we have your email as Rachel Hill ninety two at hotmail dot com. Is that still a good email?", "Yes that's good.", "Okay, Rachel I've got a confirmation email sent to you showing the changes.", "Thanks. Hey I've always wondered. Do I get any kind of discount for using automatic payments?", "Actually you do get an auto pay discount! You should see that reflected in your bill.", "Let me look just to make sure I'm getting it.", "Of course, it should be in the billing details section.", "Oh there it is. Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No. I think that's all for today.", "Perfect. There should be a brief survey after the call that will rate your experience today. Would you mind participating?", "How long does it take I have to get back to work soon.", "It shouldn't take more than like five minutes. It's only a few questions.", "Okay that's fine.", "Great the survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "Hey before you go can you tell me if the next bill coming up will come out of the new bank account?", "Yes actually it's effective today so your next bill will be updated.", "And will it show me that in the email you sent me?", "Yes all of the details are in the confirmation email.", "Great.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you?", "No. That's it.", "Okay. Don't forget to hold for the survey and enjoy your day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_631_000", "insurance_631_001", "insurance_631_002", "insurance_631_003", "insurance_631_004", "insurance_631_005", "insurance_631_006", "insurance_631_007", "insurance_631_008", "insurance_631_009", "insurance_631_010", "insurance_631_011", "insurance_631_012", "insurance_631_013", "insurance_631_014", "insurance_631_015", "insurance_631_016", "insurance_631_017", "insurance_631_018", "insurance_631_019", "insurance_631_020", "insurance_631_021", "insurance_631_022", "insurance_631_023", "insurance_631_024", "insurance_631_025", "insurance_631_026", "insurance_631_027", "insurance_631_028", "insurance_631_029", "insurance_631_030", "insurance_631_031", "insurance_631_032", "insurance_631_033", "insurance_631_034", "insurance_631_035", "insurance_631_036", "insurance_631_037", "insurance_631_038", "insurance_631_039", "insurance_631_040", "insurance_631_041", "insurance_631_042", "insurance_631_043", "insurance_631_044", "insurance_631_045", "insurance_631_046", "insurance_631_047", "insurance_631_048", "insurance_631_049", "insurance_631_050", "insurance_631_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I recently filed for divorce and I need to remove my husband from my health insurance.", "Okay I'm sorry to hear about that.", "It's okay it was a long time coming.", "I'm sure it's still hard though.", "Sometimes it is but it's time to move on with life.", "May I have your first and last name to get started?", "It's Katie Johnson.", "Thank you, Katie. Do you know your customer ID?", "Yes it's one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes, can you verify your date of birth?", "It's January second nineteen seventy five.", "Great and do you know the policy number for the policy we are wanting to remove him from?", "Hang on and let me get my wallet. I don't know it off the top of my head.", "That's okay. Take your time.", "Okay it's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine.", "Great. And may I have his name?", "It's John.", "And his last name is the same as yours?", "Yes.", "Alright so just to confirm we are going to remove John from the plan effective immediately?", "Yes.", "Okay we have Katie underscore Johnson at gmail dot com as your email. Is that still correct?", "Yes it is.", "Okay, Katie I have gone ahead and sent you a confirmation of his removal. Can you verify that you've received it?", "One second and let me get logged in.", "No worries.", "Yes it does look like I've received it.", "Great.", "Can I ask you what this will do to my premium?", "Well since you're going from the individual plus spouse to the just individual your premiums will decrease by thirty six dollars per month.", "And when will that happen?", "It should be reflected in your next bill.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you today?", "Yes if I need to make any changes like this in the future can I do it online?", "Yes you can manage dependents in your online portal.", "Where is that at?", "Once you log in it's in the upper left hand corner under profile settings.", "Oh I see it now.", "Yes ma'am. What else can I do for you?", "That's all for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of this call to rate your experience today. Are you interested in participating?", "Yes.", "Perfect. The survey will start as soon as I disconnect the call.", "Okay.", "I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "You as well.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_632_000", "insurance_632_001", "insurance_632_002", "insurance_632_003", "insurance_632_004", "insurance_632_005", "insurance_632_006", "insurance_632_007", "insurance_632_008", "insurance_632_009", "insurance_632_010", "insurance_632_011", "insurance_632_012", "insurance_632_013", "insurance_632_014", "insurance_632_015", "insurance_632_016", "insurance_632_017", "insurance_632_018", "insurance_632_019", "insurance_632_020", "insurance_632_021", "insurance_632_022", "insurance_632_023", "insurance_632_024", "insurance_632_025", "insurance_632_026", "insurance_632_027", "insurance_632_028", "insurance_632_029", "insurance_632_030", "insurance_632_031", "insurance_632_032", "insurance_632_033", "insurance_632_034", "insurance_632_035", "insurance_632_036", "insurance_632_037", "insurance_632_038", "insurance_632_039", "insurance_632_040", "insurance_632_041", "insurance_632_042", "insurance_632_043", "insurance_632_044", "insurance_632_045", "insurance_632_046", "insurance_632_047", "insurance_632_048", "insurance_632_049", "insurance_632_050", "insurance_632_051", "insurance_632_052", "insurance_632_053", "insurance_632_054", "insurance_632_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I'm trying to get a new apartment and they require proof of renter's insurance. Is there anyway I can get that sent to them.", "I'd be happy to help with that.", "Great.", "What's your first and last name?", "It's Rebecca Sanchez.", "Thank you, Rebecca. Do you happen to know your customer ID?", "I think I might have it. Would it be on my bill?", "Yes it would.", "Great okay I have the bill here. Where is it on there?", "It should be on the upper left hand corner and it should start with the number one.", "Oh here it is. It's one two four seven six eight two one.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes can you verify your date of birth for me?", "It's June third nineteen ninety four.", "Great. Did you have any contact information for who you wanted it sent to?", "Yes it's the rental office at a new apartment complex hang on and let me get the number. Do you need like the actual phone number or ", "Fax number if you want it faxed or email if you want it emailed.", "Okay hang on.", "Take your time.", "The fax number to the leasing office is four five six ", "Mm-hmm.", "Seven two three.", "Okay.", "Four five six nine.", "Great. And does it need to go to the attention of anyone?", "Yes it needs to go to Robert Sims.", "Is that r. o. b. e. r. t.?", "That's correct.", "Okay I'll get that sent right over.", "Great how long does it normally take for them to get it.", "It shouldn't take more than an hour.", "That seems like a while for a fax. .", "Yeah it goes into a queue and then gets sent out based on what number request it is.", "Oh that makes sense.", "Exactly. Would you like a copy emailed to you as well just in case you need it again?", "That would be great.", "We have your email as lady love thirty two at gmail dot com. Is that still a good email?", "It is, yes.", "Great I've gone ahead and sent a copy to your email as well just in case.", "Perfect. Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's everything ", "Okay ", "Wait no. Can you tell me when my next bill is due?", "For just your rental policy?", "Yes.", "The next bill is due August fourth in the amount of thirty four dollars.", "Awesome. Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else?", "No that's it for real this time.", "Okay. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_633_000", "insurance_633_001", "insurance_633_002", "insurance_633_003", "insurance_633_004", "insurance_633_005", "insurance_633_006", "insurance_633_007", "insurance_633_008", "insurance_633_009", "insurance_633_010", "insurance_633_011", "insurance_633_012", "insurance_633_013", "insurance_633_014", "insurance_633_015", "insurance_633_016", "insurance_633_017", "insurance_633_018", "insurance_633_019", "insurance_633_020", "insurance_633_021", "insurance_633_022", "insurance_633_023", "insurance_633_024", "insurance_633_025", "insurance_633_026", "insurance_633_027", "insurance_633_028", "insurance_633_029", "insurance_633_030", "insurance_633_031", "insurance_633_032", "insurance_633_033", "insurance_633_034", "insurance_633_035", "insurance_633_036", "insurance_633_037", "insurance_633_038", "insurance_633_039", "insurance_633_040", "insurance_633_041", "insurance_633_042", "insurance_633_043", "insurance_633_044", "insurance_633_045", "insurance_633_046", "insurance_633_047", "insurance_633_048", "insurance_633_049", "insurance_633_050", "insurance_633_051", "insurance_633_052", "insurance_633_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah. You guys are overbilling my account and I'm sick of it. You need to fix it.", "I'm sorry to hear you're frustrated. I'd be more than happy to look into this for you.", "Fine.", "May I have your first and last name?", "Yes. It's Jason Brown.", "Thank you, Jason. Do you have your customer ID handy?", "No. Do you think I'd take the time to memorize that?", "That's okay sir. We can verify you a different way.", "Okay.", "May I have your date of birth and phone number associated with the account?", "It's five twenty nine nineteen eighty eight.", "Mm-hmm.", "And the phone number is eight five zero four four nine eight two three four.", "Thank you for that information. May I have your social security number?", "It's four four two three seven four five six eight.", "And for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Yeah it's Jones.", "Thank you. I do have your account pulled up here. You stated that we were overbilling?", "Yeah. You guys have taken double payments two months in a row.", "Okay. What type of policy is being over billed? I see you have life and auto with us.", "It's the auto policy.", "Thank you for that information.", "You're welcome.", "And just to confirm you were double charged in July and June?", "Actually it was June and May. July hasn't come out yet.", "Okay. What I will need to do is open a claim with our billing department so they can research the issue.", "What? This is ridiculous. Why can't you just fix it?", "I'm sorry sir. I can definitely understand your frustration. The billing department is going to be the best resource to solve the issue. We do not have as much access to systems as they do.", "Fine.", "So I have opened a case with them and let them know that you have been overbilled for the months of May and June and we would like to have it solved before your billing period in July. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "Great. I have the claim number whenever you are ready sir.", "Fine. What is it?", "One two three four five six seven eight.", "Okay and how long until I hear from someone?", "They usually respond the next business day sir.", "Fine. Will they call me or email me?", "Generally they contact you by phone unless you request otherwise.", "Well I'd prefer them email me.", "Okay sir. We have your email as Jason dot Brown at gmail dot com. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "I have updated the claim to show you prefer email as a contact method. You should be receiving a confirmation email shortly. Can you confirm that you got it?", "Let me check.", "Be sure to check your spam folder as well.", "It's there. I got it.", "Great. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No.", "Okay. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today if you'd like to participate.", "Sure.", "The survey will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day sir. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_634_000", "insurance_634_001", "insurance_634_002", "insurance_634_003", "insurance_634_004", "insurance_634_005", "insurance_634_006", "insurance_634_007", "insurance_634_008", "insurance_634_009", "insurance_634_010", "insurance_634_011", "insurance_634_012", "insurance_634_013", "insurance_634_014", "insurance_634_015", "insurance_634_016", "insurance_634_017", "insurance_634_018", "insurance_634_019", "insurance_634_020", "insurance_634_021", "insurance_634_022", "insurance_634_023", "insurance_634_024", "insurance_634_025", "insurance_634_026", "insurance_634_027", "insurance_634_028", "insurance_634_029", "insurance_634_030", "insurance_634_031", "insurance_634_032", "insurance_634_033", "insurance_634_034", "insurance_634_035", "insurance_634_036", "insurance_634_037", "insurance_634_038", "insurance_634_039", "insurance_634_040", "insurance_634_041", "insurance_634_042", "insurance_634_043", "insurance_634_044", "insurance_634_045", "insurance_634_046", "insurance_634_047", "insurance_634_048", "insurance_634_049", "insurance_634_050", "insurance_634_051", "insurance_634_052", "insurance_634_053", "insurance_634_054", "insurance_634_055", "insurance_634_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance this is Bryce, how can I help you?", "Hi, I was calling cuz I needed to pay my bill. I bounced my auto pay, or whatever you call that to autopay.", "Ok I can help you with that. I'll just need to verify your identity.", "Of course, no problem.", "Can I get your first and last name please?", "Yeah, it's Mark Swanson. That's o. n. not e. n.", "Uh-huh, and your date of birth please?", "April Fool's Day in one nine eight zero .", "No joke?", "I can't believe it, but I haven't actually heard that one before!", "Seriously?", "Nah! Got you! everyone always replies with that.", "That's a good way to deal with it instead of getting annoyed with people. Now if you wouldn't mind answering the security question for me?", "Mother's maiden name, right?", "Correct.", "Thompson with an o. n. also.", "Great. If you could just hold on a moment while I look at your account.", "No prob.", "Okay, yeah. I see here that you had an autopayment scheduled yesterday but there was insufficiant funds in the account.", "Yeah, my paycheck was late due to the holiday and I forgot to call beforehand.", "I see. Did you want to change the schedule date to a couple days later so that you're safe?", "Nah! It only happens like once a year and if you guys don't take the money right away. well let's just say each day after payday is one day more likely that you won't get paid. Know what I mean? ", "I hear you. Alright then did you have a different card you were planning to pay with today, or?", "Yeah, I'm going to pay it with my Mastercard please.", "Alright and the sixteen digit card number?", "Four, nine, two, one, three, seven, eight, two, nine, nine, oh, six.", "And the expiration date?", "March twenty twenty six. And the CVC is two, four, six.", "Perfect. It looks like your total today including the five dollar late fee is going to be one seventy six, twenty three. Is that alright?", "Yeah that's fine. Man, I gotta start remembering to call ahead of time!", "You would definitley save some money if you did.", "Well what would happen if I just canceled my autopay altogether and just called it in every month?", "Well the potential amount in late fees you would pay drastically increases compared to how many months have holidays, but nothing other than that.", "Crap, and I can't remember to call on time as it is already.", "We could change the payment plan option that you're on if you'd like.", "There are other options? I didn't know that.", "Absolutely! We could switch you from monthly to four times a year.", "uh huh, right go on.", "While the total payment would go up you would only have to remember to call us four times a year. It's the plan that would have the least late fees with it if the customer were to be late every time.", "Yay! That plan sounds taylor made for my scattered brains!", "So mister Swanson, you would like me to cancel your automatic bill payment and then switch your payment options to quarterly is that correct?", "If that means four times a year than, yeah.", "It does indeed mean that. So your next payment due date is going to be, hold on here a sec.", "", "Looks like it will be due on, you won't believe this, but on April Fools!", "Serioulsy?", "Nah! Got you back! ", "Good one!", "Sorry I couldn't resist. Your first payment is going to be on January twenty-fifth with a total of two hundred and eight for that bill and then three more payments of the same amount. Assuming there's no late fees of course.", "Of course.", "I can schedule you for a reminder call about your upcoming bill or a text message if you'd prefer?", "Oh, a text message would be dope dude!", "Great. I've got your autobill pay canceled, your payments switched to quarterly with a reminder text being sent out two days before. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "No you've been super great! Thanks so much for your help.", "No problem, thank you for choosing Rivertown. Have a great day.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling", "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_635_000", "insurance_635_001", "insurance_635_002", "insurance_635_003", "insurance_635_004", "insurance_635_005", "insurance_635_006", "insurance_635_007", "insurance_635_008", "insurance_635_009", "insurance_635_010", "insurance_635_011", "insurance_635_012", "insurance_635_013", "insurance_635_014", "insurance_635_015", "insurance_635_016", "insurance_635_017", "insurance_635_018", "insurance_635_019", "insurance_635_020", "insurance_635_021", "insurance_635_022", "insurance_635_023", "insurance_635_024", "insurance_635_025", "insurance_635_026", "insurance_635_027", "insurance_635_028", "insurance_635_029", "insurance_635_030", "insurance_635_031", "insurance_635_032", "insurance_635_033", "insurance_635_034", "insurance_635_035", "insurance_635_036", "insurance_635_037", "insurance_635_038", "insurance_635_039", "insurance_635_040", "insurance_635_041", "insurance_635_042", "insurance_635_043", "insurance_635_044", "insurance_635_045", "insurance_635_046", "insurance_635_047", "insurance_635_048", "insurance_635_049", "insurance_635_050", "insurance_635_051", "insurance_635_052", "insurance_635_053", "insurance_635_054", "insurance_635_055", "insurance_635_056", "insurance_635_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey there my name is Cindy Peebles and I have been a customer for years and I need to change my address and I've never had to do that before so I don't know how.", "That's okay, Cindy. I'd be happy to help you with that.", "Great.", "Do you know your customer ID?", "I sure don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. We can look you up using different information.", "Okay great because I have no idea about that number. .", "That's okay. Most people don't.", "Oh I'm sure.", "What's your social and date of birth?", "Social is four two four three two four seven six eight ", "Mm-hmm.", "Date of birth is June third nineteen eighty one.", "Great. And what is the phone number associated with the account?", "It's two five one three two four six eight two nine, or it may be two five one three two four six eight two two. I'm not sure.", "I have the one that ends in six eight two two. Is that still the best number?", "Yes.", "Okay perfect. Now for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Yes it's Lawson.", "Thank you for that. So you were saying you wanted to change your address?", "Yes.", "Which policy would you like this to be effective on?", "Just the auto policy. I already updated the others.", "So your Complete Auto plan?", "Yes.", "Alright. That's not a problem. What was the old address on the account?", "It was three two two Second Street New Orleans, Louisiana, three six seven eight eight.", "Okay and what do we need to update it to?", "Now it needs to be eight four four Garden Street ", "Is that still New Orleans?", "Yes.", "Okay I'm sorry. Continue.", "The zip code now is three six seven nine two.", "Perfect. Is your email still cindy underscore peebles at yahoo dot com?", "Yeah that's me.", "Great so do you need the address change to be effective immediately or are you still in the process of moving.", "I'm all moved in so you can do it immediately.", "Great. So to confirm we are changing your address to eight four four Garden Street, New Orleans, Louisiana three six seven nine two.", "Yes.", "Alright, Cindy. I've got that updated and I've sent a confirmation email out to you. Can you tell me if you received it?", "Yes. Hang on and let me get logged into it real quick.", "Take your time.", "Yes I got it.", "Great. ", "Hey while I have you is there any way I can update this all online?", "Yes. You can edit your address through your user portal by selecting profile settings.", "Oh okay. I'll do that in the future.", "Sounds good. What else can I do for you today?", "I think that's everything.", "Great. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Awesome the survey will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_636_000", "insurance_636_001", "insurance_636_002", "insurance_636_003", "insurance_636_004", "insurance_636_005", "insurance_636_006", "insurance_636_007", "insurance_636_008", "insurance_636_009", "insurance_636_010", "insurance_636_011", "insurance_636_012", "insurance_636_013", "insurance_636_014", "insurance_636_015", "insurance_636_016", "insurance_636_017", "insurance_636_018", "insurance_636_019", "insurance_636_020", "insurance_636_021", "insurance_636_022", "insurance_636_023", "insurance_636_024", "insurance_636_025", "insurance_636_026", "insurance_636_027", "insurance_636_028", "insurance_636_029", "insurance_636_030", "insurance_636_031", "insurance_636_032", "insurance_636_033", "insurance_636_034", "insurance_636_035", "insurance_636_036", "insurance_636_037", "insurance_636_038", "insurance_636_039", "insurance_636_040", "insurance_636_041", "insurance_636_042", "insurance_636_043", "insurance_636_044", "insurance_636_045", "insurance_636_046", "insurance_636_047", "insurance_636_048", "insurance_636_049", "insurance_636_050", "insurance_636_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hello. I need to remove someone from my plan.", "Okay. I'd be happy to help with that. May I have your first and last name please?", "Yeah it's Karen Smith.", "Thank you Karen. Is that k. a. r. i. n.?", "No. it's k. a. r. e. n.", "Perfect. Thank you for that. Karen may I have your policy number?", "I don't have that on me right now.", "That's okay I can look you up using your social, if that's okay?", "Yeah that's fine. It's four seven two three six one two three four.", "Thank you. Let's see if that pulls you up here.", "Okay.", "Can you verify your date of birth please?", "It's January eighth nineteen eighty four.", "Great and finally for verification can you tell me your phone number and your mother's maiden name?", "my phone number is eight five zero seven one two three four five six and my mother's maiden name is Johnson.", "Thank you for that information. I've got all I need here to get started. You said you wanted to remove a dependent from your plan?", "Yes, that's correct. What information do I need to do that?", "Let's see. Let's start with their first and last name.", "His first and last name? It's John Smith.", "Okay I see that here. Can you verify his date of birth for me?", "Yes it's February second nineteen eighty.", "Okay thank you, and his relationship to you?", "Spouse.", "And the reason for removal?", "Well. I don't really know the best way to put it other than we're getting divorced.", "Oh. Well I'm sorry to hear that.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. So just to confirm we are removing John Smith, date of birth February second nineteen eighty from your plan today. Would you like me to finalize the changes?", "Yes go ahead.", "Okay. I've got him removed. We have karen smith at yahoo dot com as your email. Is that still correct?", "No it's actually karen smith eighty four at gmail dot com now.", "Thank you. Let me get that updated so I can get you a copy of the changes made today.", "Can you also tell me what that does to my premium?", "Yes I can definitely do that. Give me one second to pull that information up for you.", "Okay.", "Thank you for holding, Karen. it looks like your premium is going to decrease by three hundred dollars per year.", "Okay, thank you.", "You're welcome. Just to confirm everything today I've updated your email and removed John Smith from your plan as a dependent.", "Yes.", "Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "Well if you can find me another husband that'd be great .", "You know, that's actually not a service we offer right now.", "Well that's too bad. Can you tell me when my bill is due while I have you here?", "Sure no problem. It looks like it'll be due on the twenty fourth of July. Would you like to make a payment now?", "No that's okay I can pay it online right?", "Yes ma'am you can.", "Okay I'll do that then.", "Great. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No, I think that's it.", "You have a great day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_637_000", "insurance_637_001", "insurance_637_002", "insurance_637_003", "insurance_637_004", "insurance_637_005", "insurance_637_006", "insurance_637_007", "insurance_637_008", "insurance_637_009", "insurance_637_010", "insurance_637_011", "insurance_637_012", "insurance_637_013", "insurance_637_014", "insurance_637_015", "insurance_637_016", "insurance_637_017", "insurance_637_018", "insurance_637_019", "insurance_637_020", "insurance_637_021", "insurance_637_022", "insurance_637_023", "insurance_637_024", "insurance_637_025", "insurance_637_026", "insurance_637_027", "insurance_637_028", "insurance_637_029", "insurance_637_030", "insurance_637_031", "insurance_637_032", "insurance_637_033", "insurance_637_034", "insurance_637_035", "insurance_637_036", "insurance_637_037", "insurance_637_038", "insurance_637_039", "insurance_637_040", "insurance_637_041", "insurance_637_042", "insurance_637_043", "insurance_637_044", "insurance_637_045", "insurance_637_046", "insurance_637_047", "insurance_637_048", "insurance_637_049", "insurance_637_050", "insurance_637_051", "insurance_637_052", "insurance_637_053", "insurance_637_054", "insurance_637_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey yes I just recently moved to a different place and need to change my address and phone number that I have with you guys.", "No problem. I'd be happy to help with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "Yes it's Roger Green.", "Thank you, Roger.", "You're welcome.", "Do you know your customer ID, by chance?", "Where would I find that at?", "It should be on your bill or in your online profile.", "Hang on and let me get my bill.", "Take your time.", "Okay I have my bill. Where is it at on here?", "It should be in the upper left hand corner and should start with the number one.", "Oh jeez. There it is ", "Did you find it?", "Yes it's right here.", "Great.", "It's one three seven two four two two one.", "Perfect. And for security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "It's three seven eighty four.", "Great. So we need to update your address and phone number. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "Which policies would you like to change these for?", "Just the auto for right now.", "Okay. What is the old address we should have on file for you.", "It's three six three Eighty Second street, Pensacola, Florida, three two five three five.", "Okay, great and what do we need to change it to?", "We need to change it to Four seven two Loblolly ridge ", "And can you spell Loblolly for me?", "Sure, it's l. o. b. l. o. l. l. y.", "Great thank you.", "You're welcome Pensacola, Florida three two five three five.", "Alright, and what is the old phone number we should have on file for you?", "You should have either two five one three two three four seven six eight or two five one three two three four seven six nine.", "Yes we have the one ending in four seven six eight.", "Okay we need to change it to two five one three seven two four seven two two.", "Alright sir to confirm we've updated your address to reflect four seven two Loblolly Ridge in Pensacola and ", "Right.", "And changed your phone number to two five one three seven two four seven two two.", "Perfect.", "What else can I do for you today?", "Can you tell me when my next bill is due?", "Yes it will be due on August eighteenth in the amount of three hundred twenty dollars.", "Okay.", "Would you like to go ahead and take care of that?", "No I'll pay it online later.", "I understand. Was there anything else we could help you with?", "No I think that's it for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "No not today.", "Not a problem. Have a great day, sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_638_000", "insurance_638_001", "insurance_638_002", "insurance_638_003", "insurance_638_004", "insurance_638_005", "insurance_638_006", "insurance_638_007", "insurance_638_008", "insurance_638_009", "insurance_638_010", "insurance_638_011", "insurance_638_012", "insurance_638_013", "insurance_638_014", "insurance_638_015", "insurance_638_016", "insurance_638_017", "insurance_638_018", "insurance_638_019", "insurance_638_020", "insurance_638_021", "insurance_638_022", "insurance_638_023", "insurance_638_024", "insurance_638_025", "insurance_638_026", "insurance_638_027", "insurance_638_028", "insurance_638_029", "insurance_638_030", "insurance_638_031", "insurance_638_032", "insurance_638_033", "insurance_638_034", "insurance_638_035", "insurance_638_036", "insurance_638_037", "insurance_638_038", "insurance_638_039", "insurance_638_040", "insurance_638_041", "insurance_638_042", "insurance_638_043", "insurance_638_044", "insurance_638_045", "insurance_638_046", "insurance_638_047", "insurance_638_048", "insurance_638_049", "insurance_638_050", "insurance_638_051", "insurance_638_052", "insurance_638_053", "insurance_638_054", "insurance_638_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes. I heard from a friend that you guys do pet insurance. Is that right?", "Yes ma'am we do offer pet insurance plans.", "Perfect. Can I get a quote for that? I'm already a customer with you guys and have nothing but good experiences.", "Great! I'm glad to hear you're a happy customer. May I have your first and last name?", "Yes it's Francis Moore.", "Thank you, Francis! Do you have your customer ID handy?", "Let me see if I can find it.", "No problem. Take your time.", "I found it. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that!", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes may I have your date of birth, please?", "It's February fourth nineteen fifty.", "Great. I've got you pulled up here. To do a pet quote I just have to ask you a couple of questions about your pet. Is that okay?", "Sure!", "Great! What kind of pet is it?", "She's a dog and her name is Sally.", "That's a cute name! What kind of dog is she?", "She is a dachshund. have you ever had one?", "No but they're super cute.", "They really are but oh my gosh they are so stubborn. She's just a puppy and she is definitely in charge.", ". Well I'm sure she runs the house.", "She definitely does .", "How old is she?", "She is six months old.", "So she is just a puppy!", "Absolutely.", "Do you know about how much she weighs?", "She only weighs about eight pounds right now.", "Oh that's tiny.", "Yeah she's not big at all.", "Well with her being so little I would recommend our pet preferred plan.", "What does that cover?", "It'll reimburse you for all of her vet visits and it offers you a discount on the spay procedure.", "That sounds good. How much is that?", "It is one thousand per year.", "Oh boy. That's more than I expected. Do you have any other plans that are cheaper?", "Yes. We do offer the pet basic plan as well for five hundred per year.", "That sounds better. What does that cover?", "It covers emergency vet visits and routine vaccine reimbursement but does not reimburse for check ups and annual visits.", "That's fine. I'm really just looking to cover emergencies.", "Then that sounds like it would be the best option for you.", "Yes it does. I do have a few other places I want to check. Is it okay if I get back to you?", "Absolutely. We have your phone number as eight five two four three six eight seven nine nine. Is that correct?", "Yes it is.", "Is it okay if I give you a call tomorrow to follow up on your search?", "Sure!", "Great. Was there anything else that I could do for you today?", "I think that's it.", "Perfect. There will be a brief survey after the call to evaluate your experience. Would you like to participate?", "Yes.", "Okay great. The survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day! Goodbye.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_639_000", "insurance_639_001", "insurance_639_002", "insurance_639_003", "insurance_639_004", "insurance_639_005", "insurance_639_006", "insurance_639_007", "insurance_639_008", "insurance_639_009", "insurance_639_010", "insurance_639_011", "insurance_639_012", "insurance_639_013", "insurance_639_014", "insurance_639_015", "insurance_639_016", "insurance_639_017", "insurance_639_018", "insurance_639_019", "insurance_639_020", "insurance_639_021", "insurance_639_022", "insurance_639_023", "insurance_639_024", "insurance_639_025", "insurance_639_026", "insurance_639_027", "insurance_639_028", "insurance_639_029", "insurance_639_030", "insurance_639_031", "insurance_639_032", "insurance_639_033", "insurance_639_034", "insurance_639_035", "insurance_639_036", "insurance_639_037", "insurance_639_038", "insurance_639_039", "insurance_639_040", "insurance_639_041", "insurance_639_042", "insurance_639_043", "insurance_639_044", "insurance_639_045", "insurance_639_046", "insurance_639_047", "insurance_639_048", "insurance_639_049", "insurance_639_050", "insurance_639_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hey yes I mailed my bill about a week ago and I haven't seen it get credited to my account and I just want to check on that.", "I'll be happy to look into that for you today.", "Okay.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Rita Black.", "Thank you, Rita. Do you have your customer ID handy?", "No, I sure don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. I can look you up using other information.", "Great.", "May I have your full social and date of birth?", "My social is four two four three two four eight two two.", "Mm-hmm.", "And my date of birth is January third nineteen sixty four.", "Great. What is the phone number associated with the account?", "It's two five one three six seven eight five four one.", "Perfect. And for security purposes can you tell me your favorite pet's name?", "Yes. It's Rupert.", "That's a cute name!", "Yeah he looks like a Rupert.", "Alright so give me just a moment to pull up your billing information.", "Okay.", "So you said you mailed the payment about a week ago?", "Yes that's right.", "And did you send it regular mail?", "Yes through the postal service.", "Okay. I am showing a pending payment so it looks like it was received. It's in the queue to be processed.", "Okay great so you did get it?", "Yes ma'am.", "When do you think it will show up on the account?", "It shouldn't be too much longer. I would say probably about another business day or so.", "Okay the due date is tomorrow, I won't receive a late fee will I?", "No you shouldn't be charged a late fee because we received the payment before the due date.", "Okay good.", "Did you have any other questions for me?", "Yes is there any other way to pay this other than mailing a check?", "Absolutely! You can pay a multitude of ways.", "Okay.", "We have online options as well as paying through our automated phone system and calling one of our representatives.", "Are there any additional fees for that?", "No ma'am. All of the bill pay services are complimentary.", "Oh good. I'll do that next time then.", "Perfect. What else can I answer for you today?", "I think that's going to be it for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of this call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate.", "Sure. Why not.", "Great. The survey will start as soon as I disconnect the call and will only take a few minutes.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_640_000", "insurance_640_001", "insurance_640_002", "insurance_640_003", "insurance_640_004", "insurance_640_005", "insurance_640_006", "insurance_640_007", "insurance_640_008", "insurance_640_009", "insurance_640_010", "insurance_640_011", "insurance_640_012", "insurance_640_013", "insurance_640_014", "insurance_640_015", "insurance_640_016", "insurance_640_017", "insurance_640_018", "insurance_640_019", "insurance_640_020", "insurance_640_021", "insurance_640_022", "insurance_640_023", "insurance_640_024", "insurance_640_025", "insurance_640_026", "insurance_640_027", "insurance_640_028", "insurance_640_029", "insurance_640_030", "insurance_640_031", "insurance_640_032", "insurance_640_033", "insurance_640_034", "insurance_640_035", "insurance_640_036", "insurance_640_037", "insurance_640_038", "insurance_640_039", "insurance_640_040", "insurance_640_041", "insurance_640_042", "insurance_640_043", "insurance_640_044", "insurance_640_045", "insurance_640_046", "insurance_640_047", "insurance_640_048", "insurance_640_049", "insurance_640_050", "insurance_640_051", "insurance_640_052", "insurance_640_053", "insurance_640_054", "insurance_640_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey I'm trying to organize my hurricane kit and I realized I don't have my policy number for you guys. Can you provide that for me?", "I can most certainly pull that up for you.", "Awesome.", "What's your first and last name?", "It's Joseph Brown.", "Thanks Joseph, may I have you full social and date of birth please?", "The social is four two two three seven six two four nine.", "Mm-hmm.", "The date of birth is March seventh nineteen eighty two.", "Great, and the phone number associated with the account?", "It's two five one three seven three four two two four.", "Great and for security purposes can you verify your favorite pet's name.", "It's Killer.", "That's a scary name for a pet .", ". Yeah he's a miniature poodle so we thought it would be funny.", "Oh yeah he definitely would seem like a killer at that size.", "Exactly .", "Which policy were you looking to get your policy number on?", "The auto insurance.", "And that's the Preferred Auto plan?", "Yes.", "Okay I have that policy number for you whenever you're ready.", "Okay go for it.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine.", "One two three four five six seven eight nine nine?", "Yes.", "Got it.", "Just a reminder, your bill is due tomorrow. Would you like to go ahead and pay it while you're on the phone with me?", "Sure. We can do that.", "The current about due is two hundred dollars.", "Okay.", "How would you like to pay today?", "How about we use a credit card.", "That works. What is the card number?", "It's one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four.", "Perfect. And the expiration date?", "It's twelve of twenty four.", "Okay and the CVV code on the back?", "It's one two three.", "Alright so just to confirm we're going to be making a one time payment of two hundred dollars for your July bill.", "Yes.", "Is your email still killers dad at aol dot com?", "Yes it is.", "Perfect. I've gone ahead and sent a confirmation of payment to your email.", "Great. Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No that's it.", "Good deal. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today if you'd like to participate.", "Sure.", "It will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day, sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_641_000", "insurance_641_001", "insurance_641_002", "insurance_641_003", "insurance_641_004", "insurance_641_005", "insurance_641_006", "insurance_641_007", "insurance_641_008", "insurance_641_009", "insurance_641_010", "insurance_641_011", "insurance_641_012", "insurance_641_013", "insurance_641_014", "insurance_641_015", "insurance_641_016", "insurance_641_017", "insurance_641_018", "insurance_641_019", "insurance_641_020", "insurance_641_021", "insurance_641_022", "insurance_641_023", "insurance_641_024", "insurance_641_025", "insurance_641_026", "insurance_641_027", "insurance_641_028", "insurance_641_029", "insurance_641_030", "insurance_641_031", "insurance_641_032", "insurance_641_033", "insurance_641_034", "insurance_641_035", "insurance_641_036", "insurance_641_037", "insurance_641_038", "insurance_641_039", "insurance_641_040", "insurance_641_041", "insurance_641_042", "insurance_641_043", "insurance_641_044", "insurance_641_045", "insurance_641_046", "insurance_641_047", "insurance_641_048", "insurance_641_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes my name is John Brown, policy number one two three four five six seven eight and I need to report an accident.", "I'm sorry to hear there was an accident mister Brown. Are you currently in a safe place?", "Yes I'm waiting on the police to finish their report and thought I'd get this out of the way.", "I understand. For security purposes may I have your date of birth and your driver's license number?", "It is nine twenty two nineteen seventy four. My license number is one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you. I've got you pulled up here. Can you give me a run down of what happened?", "Yeah I was travelling down highway eighty nine and I was stopped at a red light.", "Mm-hmm.", "Then out of nowhere this guy just rams into me. I guess he was texting or something.", "Was anyone injured in the accident?", "No everyone was fine thankfully.", "That's good to hear. What kind of damage was done to your vehicle?", "It looks like the entire bumper was smashed in and there are scratches all over the trunk.", "Okay. Did the airbags deploy?", "No.", "Okay that's good to hear. Were you able to get the other driver's information.", "I sure was.", "Perfect. What was their first and last name?", "It was Casey c. a. s. e. y. Brown b. r. o. w. n.", "Thank you. And what insurance company do they use?", "It's Cobbtown Mutual.", "Thank you, mister Brown. did you happen to get their policy number with them?", "Yeah let me get my notebook back out.", "Okay. Take your time.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. Thanks for that. Did you happen to get their phone number too?", "I sure did. It's one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Thank you sir.", "You're welcome.", "Okay sir. I've got all of the information logged in our system.", "Okay what do I do now?", "Once you get the police report, if you want the damage to be covered you'll need to file a claim.", "How do I do that? Do I call in?", "Yes sir. You can call in or you can file the claim on our website.", "That sounds easier than having to hold. Where is that on the site?", "Once you log in it's in the upper left hand corner. It says file a claim.", "Okay. That sounds pretty simple.", "If you'd like sir, I can go ahead and start it and then you could upload the police report later.", "No, that's okay. I don't really feel like getting into all of that right now.", "I understand sir.", "I think I'll just log in when I get home to do it.", "That's not a problem sir. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's everything for right now.", "Okay, great. Again I'm sorry to hear about the accident.", "Yeah it's kind of crazy. You never expect it to happen.", "Oh I know. All of our customers say that they didn't see it coming.", "I can definitely relate now .", "Well try to enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportAutomobileAccident" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_642_000", "insurance_642_001", "insurance_642_002", "insurance_642_003", "insurance_642_004", "insurance_642_005", "insurance_642_006", "insurance_642_007", "insurance_642_008", "insurance_642_009", "insurance_642_010", "insurance_642_011", "insurance_642_012", "insurance_642_013", "insurance_642_014", "insurance_642_015", "insurance_642_016", "insurance_642_017", "insurance_642_018", "insurance_642_019", "insurance_642_020", "insurance_642_021", "insurance_642_022", "insurance_642_023", "insurance_642_024", "insurance_642_025", "insurance_642_026", "insurance_642_027", "insurance_642_028", "insurance_642_029", "insurance_642_030", "insurance_642_031", "insurance_642_032", "insurance_642_033", "insurance_642_034", "insurance_642_035", "insurance_642_036", "insurance_642_037", "insurance_642_038", "insurance_642_039", "insurance_642_040", "insurance_642_041", "insurance_642_042", "insurance_642_043", "insurance_642_044", "insurance_642_045", "insurance_642_046", "insurance_642_047", "insurance_642_048", "insurance_642_049", "insurance_642_050", "insurance_642_051", "insurance_642_052", "insurance_642_053", "insurance_642_054", "insurance_642_055", "insurance_642_056", "insurance_642_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I need to update some of my security information on here. I think someone got ahold of my info and is trying to pretend to be me.", "Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that.", "That's okay. Better to be safe than sorry right?", "Absolutely.", "So that's why I'm calling.", "Well I'd be happy to update that information for you.", "Great.", "Let's start with your first and last name please.", "It's Jacob Green.", "Thank you, Jacob. Do you know your customer ID?", "Yes hang on I need to get it out of my wallet.", "Take your time.", "It's one two three seven two two three two four.", "Great and for security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "It's June third nineteen eighty eight.", "Great. Now we have your current security question as your mother's maiden name. Is that correct?", "Yes it should be.", "And what is the answer?", "It should be Johnson.", "That's correct. What were you wanting to change it to?", "What are my options?", "We can use name of your childhood best friend, name of your high school, name of your first pet et cetera.", "What about like name of my favorite teacher?", "We can do that one.", "Okay I'm just thinking that one because I don't think anyone would be able to guess that.", "I agree. It's hard to guess something like that because it's a memory not really an item.", "Exactly.", "What do you want the answer to be?", "missus Salter.", "Great. So I have your email on here as Jacob underscore Green at gmail dot com. Is that still accurate?", "Yes it is.", "Perfect. So what I'm going to do now is send you an email confirming we've made the change.", "Okay it won't have any like information in it will it?", "No it will just say your security preferences have been updated.", "Oh that's fine. Hey while I'm at it can we change my password online too?", "Of course. Do you want me to send the change password link to that same email.", "Yes please.", "Okay. I've got it sent please confirm that you've received it.", "Okay hang on let me get logged in.", "No worries.", "I have it.", "Great. Go ahead and click the link. It should take you to a secure page to change your password.", "Okay I see it ", "Now you'll just select a new password.", "Okay does it need any like numbers or something?", "It will need a capital letter, a number and a symbol.", "Okay.", "Is it working for you?", "it seems like it so far.", "Great. Let me know if you hit any roadblocks.", "Okay it says the password has been successfully changed.", "Great. was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No that was it. Thank you.", "You're very welcome. Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_643_000", "insurance_643_001", "insurance_643_002", "insurance_643_003", "insurance_643_004", "insurance_643_005", "insurance_643_006", "insurance_643_007", "insurance_643_008", "insurance_643_009", "insurance_643_010", "insurance_643_011", "insurance_643_012", "insurance_643_013", "insurance_643_014", "insurance_643_015", "insurance_643_016", "insurance_643_017", "insurance_643_018", "insurance_643_019", "insurance_643_020", "insurance_643_021", "insurance_643_022", "insurance_643_023", "insurance_643_024", "insurance_643_025", "insurance_643_026", "insurance_643_027", "insurance_643_028", "insurance_643_029", "insurance_643_030", "insurance_643_031", "insurance_643_032", "insurance_643_033", "insurance_643_034", "insurance_643_035", "insurance_643_036", "insurance_643_037", "insurance_643_038", "insurance_643_039", "insurance_643_040", "insurance_643_041", "insurance_643_042", "insurance_643_043", "insurance_643_044", "insurance_643_045", "insurance_643_046", "insurance_643_047", "insurance_643_048", "insurance_643_049", "insurance_643_050", "insurance_643_051", "insurance_643_052", "insurance_643_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey yes I have a renewal coming up and I usually pay only once a year but this year I can't make one large payment. I need to see if I can do it monthly.", "Yes I can definitely help with changing your billing frequency.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "Yes it's Margaret Fletcher.", "Thank you, Margaret. Do you know your customer number?", "Let me see if I can find it real quick.", "Take your time.", "I can't find it.", "That's okay We can look up your information a different way.", "Okay good.", "May I have your social security number and your date of birth?", "Sure my social is four two four three seven one two three four.", "Okay.", "And my date of birth is May third nineteen eighty nine.", "Great. Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "What is the phone number associated with the account?", "I think it's one two three four four nine six seven eight nine.", "And for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Yes it's Atkins.", "Like the diet?", "Yeah . Everyone always says that.", "Yeah it's the first thing that came to my mind.", "Yeah that's what everyone thinks.", "Okay so you want to change your billing frequency from annual to monthly, correct?", "Yes. What is the payment difference? Is there a convenience fee or anything?", "Yes ma'am. There is a three dollar per month processing fee to pay monthly versus annually.", "Oh that's not too bad.", "No ma'am and you also have the option to set up automatic payments so you don't have to worry about remembering to pay.", "Can I do that online?", "Yes once we complete the change you can sign up for auto pay online.", "Will this change my policy renewal date?", "No ma'am. Your renewal date will stay the same it will just be due monthly.", "Oh okay.", "So to confirm we're going to change your billing frequency from annually to monthly effective on your renewal date of July thirtieth.", "Yes. I confirm.", "Great. I have that changed for you.", "When will I be able to see what my monthly payments are?", "Once the system updates you should receive an email with your new billing breakdown.", "How long does that take?", "Usually it is in the system by the next business day.", "Okay.", "We have your email as joes mom twenty four seven at gmail dot com. Is that correct?", "Yes that's correct.", "Perfect. Just keep an eye out on your email and you should receive that confirmation.", "Okay great!", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No. I think that's all.", "Well thank you for calling. Have a good rest of your day!", "You too!", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_644_000", "insurance_644_001", "insurance_644_002", "insurance_644_003", "insurance_644_004", "insurance_644_005", "insurance_644_006", "insurance_644_007", "insurance_644_008", "insurance_644_009", "insurance_644_010", "insurance_644_011", "insurance_644_012", "insurance_644_013", "insurance_644_014", "insurance_644_015", "insurance_644_016", "insurance_644_017", "insurance_644_018", "insurance_644_019", "insurance_644_020", "insurance_644_021", "insurance_644_022", "insurance_644_023", "insurance_644_024", "insurance_644_025", "insurance_644_026", "insurance_644_027", "insurance_644_028", "insurance_644_029", "insurance_644_030", "insurance_644_031", "insurance_644_032", "insurance_644_033", "insurance_644_034", "insurance_644_035", "insurance_644_036", "insurance_644_037", "insurance_644_038", "insurance_644_039", "insurance_644_040", "insurance_644_041", "insurance_644_042", "insurance_644_043", "insurance_644_044", "insurance_644_045", "insurance_644_046", "insurance_644_047", "insurance_644_048", "insurance_644_049", "insurance_644_050", "insurance_644_051", "insurance_644_052", "insurance_644_053", "insurance_644_054", "insurance_644_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey I got several policies with you guys but I saw online that you offer pet insurance. Can you tell me how much that costs?", "I'd be happy to help with your pet quote today.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Nancy Johnson.", "Thank you, Nancy. Do you know your customer ID?", "Where would I find that at?", "It should be on your bill, on your profile page on our website, or in our mobile app.", "Oh okay. Hang on and let me get a bill.", "Take your time.", "Okay what number on this bill is it?", "It should be in the top left corner and it should start with the number one.", "Okay it's one two four six eight two two eight.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "Yes it's July first nineteen sixty two.", "Thank you for that, Nancy. What kind of pet do you have?", "It's a Persian cat.", "I love those. They are so pretty.", "Yes. She is. She's very spoiled.", "I'm sure . My cat runs the house.", "Oh yeah so does she. She is definitely the boss.", "How old is she?", "She just turned one last week.", "Well happy belated birthday!", "Yes we had a little party for her.", "That's so cute.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. Do you know how much she weighs?", "She is eight pounds.", "Great. I have a couple of different options here for you.", "Okay what are they?", "We have the Petcare Basic which covers your normal vet visits and reimburses for vaccines.", "Okay and what else?", "We also have the Petcare Preferred which covers all of the vet visits including a visit to an emergency vet if needed.", "That one sounds better. How much is it?", "The Petcare Preferred is one thousand per year.", "Jeez. That's more expensive than I thought.", "Yes ma'am. I understand. Keep in mind that it covers all of your visits and a visit to an emergency vet which can get really expensive really fast.", "That's true.", "How about I email you over the options of the two plans so you can see a full breakdown?", "That sounds good.", "Is your email still nancy underscore johnson at gmail dot com?", "Yes it is.", "Alright Nancy I've got that sent out to you.", "Great can I think on it a little bit and give you guys a call back?", "Of course this quote is good for thirty days.", "Okay wonderful.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's it.", "Well you have a great day, okay?", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_645_000", "insurance_645_001", "insurance_645_002", "insurance_645_003", "insurance_645_004", "insurance_645_005", "insurance_645_006", "insurance_645_007", "insurance_645_008", "insurance_645_009", "insurance_645_010", "insurance_645_011", "insurance_645_012", "insurance_645_013", "insurance_645_014", "insurance_645_015", "insurance_645_016", "insurance_645_017", "insurance_645_018", "insurance_645_019", "insurance_645_020", "insurance_645_021", "insurance_645_022", "insurance_645_023", "insurance_645_024", "insurance_645_025", "insurance_645_026", "insurance_645_027", "insurance_645_028", "insurance_645_029", "insurance_645_030", "insurance_645_031", "insurance_645_032", "insurance_645_033", "insurance_645_034", "insurance_645_035", "insurance_645_036", "insurance_645_037", "insurance_645_038", "insurance_645_039", "insurance_645_040", "insurance_645_041", "insurance_645_042", "insurance_645_043", "insurance_645_044", "insurance_645_045", "insurance_645_046", "insurance_645_047", "insurance_645_048", "insurance_645_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance, Brian speaking. How can I help you?", "I wanna add a dependent to my life and auto policy.", "Sure, let's get that taken care of for you.", "Great!", "Your name?", "My name is William Shakespeare.", "Thank you mister Shakepeare. And your date of birth?", "January second, nineteen seventy.", "Thank you. And your account number.", "Seven eight nine oh, five four three two.", "Thank you for that. Now let's get down to it.", "Perfect.", "Who is the person you'd like to add to your policies?", "My son, Hunter.", "Okay, I'll need his first and last name.", "His name is Hunter Shakespeare.", "His date of birth?", "November twenty-fourth, two thousand and five.", "That makes him one six, right?", "Right. He just got his license.", "Okay. Let's take these one at a time. Auto first?", "Fine.", "Okay. I've got your plan up with all of your policies.", "Okay.", "Did you want to add coverage or change coverage?", "Add, please. Keep everything else the same.", "Okay, that's easy enough. Your payment is going to change, though.", "I figgered it would go up.", "Yes. It will be going up by twenty dollars a month.", "Twenty bucks! Yikes. This driving thing is going to be expensive I can tell already.", "Well, I suppose it could be.", "I'm super glad the rest of my kids have a few years to go.", "For Sure.", "First a license, then they wanna borrow the car all the time, then they want a car of their own. What?", "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just going to say that your son is all taken care of.", "Oh thanks, that was pretty fast.", "Your welcome. I sent you an email with a temporary insurance card for your son to print out.", "Okay.", "He'll get a permanent card with the policy changes that will come in the mail.", "All right.", "Let's turn to your life insurance. Can you explain what you want again?", "I want to add my son to my life insurance.", "Do you mean you want to take out a policy on him or add him as a beneficiary to your policy?", "I wanna add him as a beneficiary.", "Well, I can't add him to your policy by phone. You need to sign paperwork and have it notarized.", "Okay, then. Can you mail me the paperwork?", "Absolutely. I will send them out in today's mail. Then add your beneficiary, sign and have notarized.", "Yeah. I can do that.", "If you have any problemiss please call us back.Thanks for being a Rivertown Insurance customer!", "I will. Thanks for your help, Brian." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_646_000", "insurance_646_001", "insurance_646_002", "insurance_646_003", "insurance_646_004", "insurance_646_005", "insurance_646_006", "insurance_646_007", "insurance_646_008", "insurance_646_009", "insurance_646_010", "insurance_646_011", "insurance_646_012", "insurance_646_013", "insurance_646_014", "insurance_646_015", "insurance_646_016", "insurance_646_017", "insurance_646_018", "insurance_646_019", "insurance_646_020", "insurance_646_021", "insurance_646_022", "insurance_646_023", "insurance_646_024", "insurance_646_025", "insurance_646_026", "insurance_646_027", "insurance_646_028", "insurance_646_029", "insurance_646_030", "insurance_646_031", "insurance_646_032", "insurance_646_033", "insurance_646_034", "insurance_646_035", "insurance_646_036", "insurance_646_037", "insurance_646_038", "insurance_646_039", "insurance_646_040", "insurance_646_041", "insurance_646_042", "insurance_646_043", "insurance_646_044", "insurance_646_045", "insurance_646_046", "insurance_646_047", "insurance_646_048", "insurance_646_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah my name is Ricky Johnson and I'm customer there. I haven't had access to a computer in a while and I need to see when my bill is due and make a payment.", "Okay Ricky. I'd be happy to help with that. Do you have your customer ID?", "Let me see if it's in my wallet.", "Okay take your time.", "I don't see it. I haven't been around a computer in a while. I kind of fell on hard times you know.", "I'm sorry to hear that.", "Yeah I lost my job and my wife in the same week and I've had to move back in with my parents.", "Oh no. Sounds like you've had a rough time.", "Yeah.", "Well that's okay I can look you up a different way.", "Great.", "What's your social and date of birth?", "The social is four four seven eight two three four five six.", "Mm-hmm.", "The date of birth is October thirteenth nineteen eighty seven.", "Perfect. What is the phone number associated with the account?", "It's eight five zero one two three four five six seven.", "Great. And for security purposes can you tell me your favorite pet's name?", "Yeah it's Rufus.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "I'm showing that there's currently a total bill of seven hundred thirty dollars with a minimum of three hundred twelve due today.", "Yeah. I'm a little bit behind that's why I'm calling to pay it.", "How much would you like to pay today?", "just the three hundred twelve today.", "Okay. How would you like to pay?", "Can I use my debit card?", "Yes sir we accept debit or credit cards.", "Okay let's do that then.", "What is the card number, security code, and expiration date?", "The card number is one two three four four three two one one two three four four three two one.", "Mm-hmm.", "The expiration date is twelve twenty four and what else?", "The security code on the back of the card.", "Oh it's one two three.", "Great. So just to confirm we are going to make a one time charge to the card ending in four three two one in the amount of three hundred twelve dollars today.", "Yes.", "Okay. I've gone ahead and made that payment for you.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. We have Ricky underscore johnson at gmail dot com as your email. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "I have emailed you a copy of your receipt for today's transaction.", "Great! Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that was all.", "Okay. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to gauge your service today. Would you like to participate?", "I don't think so, not today.", "That's not a problem sir. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_647_000", "insurance_647_001", "insurance_647_002", "insurance_647_003", "insurance_647_004", "insurance_647_005", "insurance_647_006", "insurance_647_007", "insurance_647_008", "insurance_647_009", "insurance_647_010", "insurance_647_011", "insurance_647_012", "insurance_647_013", "insurance_647_014", "insurance_647_015", "insurance_647_016", "insurance_647_017", "insurance_647_018", "insurance_647_019", "insurance_647_020", "insurance_647_021", "insurance_647_022", "insurance_647_023", "insurance_647_024", "insurance_647_025", "insurance_647_026", "insurance_647_027", "insurance_647_028", "insurance_647_029", "insurance_647_030", "insurance_647_031", "insurance_647_032", "insurance_647_033", "insurance_647_034", "insurance_647_035", "insurance_647_036", "insurance_647_037", "insurance_647_038", "insurance_647_039", "insurance_647_040", "insurance_647_041", "insurance_647_042", "insurance_647_043", "insurance_647_044", "insurance_647_045", "insurance_647_046", "insurance_647_047", "insurance_647_048", "insurance_647_049", "insurance_647_050", "insurance_647_051", "insurance_647_052", "insurance_647_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey I was wondering if I could get a quote for car insurance. My friend uses you guys and had some good things to say. I'm trying to lower my premiums.", "I'd be more than happy to help with that. Thanks for considering us. May I have your first and last name?", "Yes it's Gary Peters.", "Nice to meet you Gary. What kind of car are you wanting to get a quote on?", "It's a Toyota Corolla.", "Those are great vehicles. Several of my family members have one and they love them.", "Yeah it's been a good car so far. I haven't had any issues at all.", "What is the year model of your Toyota?", "It's a twenty sixteen.", "Great, thank you for that.", "No problem.", "What state will the vehicle need to be insured in?", "Florida.", "Awesome. That's where I'm from. Can I have your date of birth please?", "It's ten twenty nine ninety three.", "Perfect, and what is your current address?", "It is one one three two East Nine Mile Road Pensacola Florida three two five one four.", "That's one one three two East Nine Mile Street Pensacola Florida three two five one four?", "No it's east Nine Mile Road not street.", "Sorry about that. Give me just a couple of seconds to finalize everything here so we can see what we can do.", "Sounds great.", "Okay, mister Peters. We have three different plan options for you to choose from.", "Okay what are they?", "We offer Basic at one thousand per year, Preferred at fifteen hundred per year, and Complete at two thousand per year.", "What's the difference between the Preferred and the other one.", "The Preferred and the Complete?", "Yes those two.", "The Preferred plan has a seven hundred fifty dollar comprehensive and collision deductible and rental care coverage but does not cover emergency roadside assistance.", "Okay.", "The Complete plan has a two hundred fifty dollar comprehensive and collision deductible with rental coverage and emergency roadside.", "What kind of rental coverage do they have?", "Both are forty dollars per day with a fourteen day maximum.", "And what does emergency roadside do?", "That's for if you breakdown, we will pay for a tow or to change a tire et cetera.", "That makes sense.", "I can email you breakdowns of the differences in plans if you'd like.", "Sure that'd be great.", "What is your email address?", "It's gary underscore peters at gmail dot com.", "That's gary underscore peters at gmail dot com?", "Yes, Gary as in g. a. r. y.", "Got it. I'm sending that over to you now. Can you tell me once you've received it?", "Yeah hang on let me open my computer.", "Take your time.", "Yes I have them here and I'm looking over them.", "Perfect does any of those meet your needs and beat your current rates?", "Yeah I'll need to talk with my wife though to see what she wants to do first.", "That's okay. Do you mind if I reach back out to you probably tomorrow to see if you want to move forward?", "Yeah that would be okay.", "Great. Were there any other questions I could answer for you?", "No I think that's it.", "Perfect. Enjoy your day, mister Peters. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_648_000", "insurance_648_001", "insurance_648_002", "insurance_648_003", "insurance_648_004", "insurance_648_005", "insurance_648_006", "insurance_648_007", "insurance_648_008", "insurance_648_009", "insurance_648_010", "insurance_648_011", "insurance_648_012", "insurance_648_013", "insurance_648_014", "insurance_648_015", "insurance_648_016", "insurance_648_017", "insurance_648_018", "insurance_648_019", "insurance_648_020", "insurance_648_021", "insurance_648_022", "insurance_648_023", "insurance_648_024", "insurance_648_025", "insurance_648_026", "insurance_648_027", "insurance_648_028", "insurance_648_029", "insurance_648_030", "insurance_648_031", "insurance_648_032", "insurance_648_033", "insurance_648_034", "insurance_648_035", "insurance_648_036", "insurance_648_037", "insurance_648_038", "insurance_648_039", "insurance_648_040", "insurance_648_041", "insurance_648_042", "insurance_648_043", "insurance_648_044", "insurance_648_045", "insurance_648_046", "insurance_648_047", "insurance_648_048", "insurance_648_049", "insurance_648_050", "insurance_648_051", "insurance_648_052", "insurance_648_053", "insurance_648_054", "insurance_648_055", "insurance_648_056", "insurance_648_057", "insurance_648_058", "insurance_648_059", "insurance_648_060", "insurance_648_061", "insurance_648_062", "insurance_648_063", "insurance_648_064", "insurance_648_065" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes. I just recently got married and I've been with you guys for years so I'd thought I'd add my new husband as a dependent.", "Congratulations! I'd be happy to help you out.", "Thank you.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Katie Bower.", "Thank you, Katie. Do you know your customer ID?", "No. I normally keep it in my purse but I don't have that with me today.", "No worries. I can look you up a different way.", "Perfect.", "What's your full social and date of birth?", "It's four five four three two five seven six two and my date of birth is May third nineteen ninety three.", "Perfect. What is the phone phone number associated with the account?", "It is two five one three two three four five six seven.", "Great. And for security purposes can you verify your favorite pet's name?", "It's Bubbles.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome.", "So when did you guys get married?", "Just a week ago we just got back from our honeymoon.", "How exciting!", "It was really great.", "Well congrats again. What policy were you wanting to add him as a dependent to?", "The health coverage.", "Do you have that policy number? It should be on your insurance card.", "Oh yes hang on and let me get it.", "Take your time.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. Now may I have your new husband's first and last name?", "It's Greg Aldridge.", "And his date of birth?", "January third nineteen ninety one.", "Thank you for that. Does he have any health issues that you are aware of?", "No. He's healthy as a horse as far as I know.", "Perfect. Give me just a moment to enter all of this in for you.", "Okay.", "Alright. It looks like your premium is only going to go up by thirty four dollars a month.", "Great. Can I go ahead and pay that now?", "You want to go ahead and pay the full bill for the month with the changes?", "Yes.", "The total will be four hundred thirty two dollars.", "That's fine.", "How would you like to pay today?", "Can I use my bank account?", "Yes you can. I'll need your routing and account number for that.", "The routing number is two six three two eight one six seven nine.", "Okay.", "The account number is one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Great. And is this a checking account?", "Yes it is.", "Okay. So just to confirm we're going to make a one time payment in the amount of four hundred thirty two dollars.", "Yes.", "Alright. I've got that processed for you and I've got your husband added as a dependent.", "Great.", "We have your email as Katie Bower underscore thirty two at hotmail dot com. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "I will send a confirmation of payment and the changes in your policy to the email.", "Okay thank you so much.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No, you've been great. Thank you.", "Not a problem at all. There will be a brief survey after the call that will ask you about your experience. Do you mind holding to complete that?", "No I don't mind at all.", "Great. It will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day and congratulations again. Goodbye.", "Thank you. Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_649_000", "insurance_649_001", "insurance_649_002", "insurance_649_003", "insurance_649_004", "insurance_649_005", "insurance_649_006", "insurance_649_007", "insurance_649_008", "insurance_649_009", "insurance_649_010", "insurance_649_011", "insurance_649_012", "insurance_649_013", "insurance_649_014", "insurance_649_015", "insurance_649_016", "insurance_649_017", "insurance_649_018", "insurance_649_019", "insurance_649_020", "insurance_649_021", "insurance_649_022", "insurance_649_023", "insurance_649_024", "insurance_649_025", "insurance_649_026", "insurance_649_027", "insurance_649_028", "insurance_649_029", "insurance_649_030", "insurance_649_031", "insurance_649_032", "insurance_649_033", "insurance_649_034", "insurance_649_035", "insurance_649_036", "insurance_649_037", "insurance_649_038", "insurance_649_039", "insurance_649_040", "insurance_649_041", "insurance_649_042", "insurance_649_043", "insurance_649_044", "insurance_649_045", "insurance_649_046", "insurance_649_047", "insurance_649_048", "insurance_649_049", "insurance_649_050", "insurance_649_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yeah I'm at the DMV and I'm trying to register my car but they need proof of insurance so I guess I need you to send me a copy.", "Okay I can definitely help with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Roger Grant.", "Thank you, Roger. Do you know your customer ID?", "I don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay I can look you up using other personal information.", "Okay.", "May I have your full social security number and your date of birth?", "Yes it's one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Mm-hmm.", "And date of birth is June third nineteen eighty nine.", "Great. Thank you. Do you have the phone number associated with the account?", "Yes it's two five one three seven nine eight two four six.", "Perfect. And for security purposes what is your mother's maiden name?", "It's Johnson.", "Perfect. How would you like me to send the proof of insurance?", "What ways can you send it?", "We can fax it to a phone number, email, or mail the proof.", "Let's do fax and then can you email it to me as well?", "Okay. Let's start with the fax. Do you have the number we will be sending it to?", "Let me get it from the clerk. Hang on.", "Take your time.", "Okay it's three three four two two one three seven six three.", "Okay to confirm we are going to send a one time fax of proof of insurance to the phone number ending in three seven six three?", "Yes.", "Okay. I have that request in. It should take approximately twenty minutes.", "Okay.", "We have rogers world twenty twenty at hotmail dot com. Is that the email you want the proof sent to as well?", "No actually. That's changed.", "What is the new email?", "It's roger underscore grant underscore designs at gmail dot com.", "Okay I have that updated in our system.", "Great.", "And I have sent that proof of coverage to your email. Can you confirm that you've received it?", "Let me get logged in. One second.", "No worries.", "Yes. I've got it.", "And just to confirm, you didn't want a mail copy today correct?", "No just fax and email.", "Perfect. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you have some time to fill it out?", "No not at this time. I'm trying to get all of this stuff done and the DMV is not the best place.", "I understand sir.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome sir. Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_650_000", "insurance_650_001", "insurance_650_002", "insurance_650_003", "insurance_650_004", "insurance_650_005", "insurance_650_006", "insurance_650_007", "insurance_650_008", "insurance_650_009", "insurance_650_010", "insurance_650_011", "insurance_650_012", "insurance_650_013", "insurance_650_014", "insurance_650_015", "insurance_650_016", "insurance_650_017", "insurance_650_018", "insurance_650_019", "insurance_650_020", "insurance_650_021", "insurance_650_022", "insurance_650_023", "insurance_650_024", "insurance_650_025", "insurance_650_026", "insurance_650_027", "insurance_650_028", "insurance_650_029", "insurance_650_030", "insurance_650_031", "insurance_650_032", "insurance_650_033", "insurance_650_034", "insurance_650_035", "insurance_650_036", "insurance_650_037", "insurance_650_038", "insurance_650_039", "insurance_650_040", "insurance_650_041", "insurance_650_042", "insurance_650_043", "insurance_650_044", "insurance_650_045", "insurance_650_046", "insurance_650_047", "insurance_650_048", "insurance_650_049", "insurance_650_050", "insurance_650_051", "insurance_650_052", "insurance_650_053", "insurance_650_054", "insurance_650_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hello I just recently moved and I need to update some information with you guys.", "Not a problem. I'd be happy to help. I'm assuming you need to change your address?", "Yes and update my phone number too.", "I can definitely do that for you. May I have your first and last name?", "It's Joe Gonzalez.", "Thanks, Joe. Do you happen to know your customer ID?", "Let me see if I can find that.", "No worries. Take your time.", "Would it be on my bill somewhere?", "Yes it should be in the top left corner under customer information.", "Is it the eight digit number?", "That should be it, yes.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Perfect. Thank you for that. May I also have your date of birth for security purposes?", "It's January fifteenth nineteen ninety three.", "Great! so we need to change your address and update your phone number. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "What is the old address on the account?", "It's three two two Second Street, Los Angeles, California nine oh two one oh.", "Thank you. And what do we need to change it to?", "The new address is four two seven Grady Boulevard, Los Angeles, California nine zero two one two.", "That's g. r. a. d. y.?", "Yes.", "Perfect. I've got that updated for you. Do you need it to be effective immediately or later in the month?", "You can put it effective immediately. I'm already moved in.", "Okay. I have that updated.", "Great.", "What is the old phone number on the account?", "Oh it's eight five zero four two two three seven six nine.", "Okay and what are we changing it to?", "It needs to be eight five zero three two two eight four seven nine.", "Awesome. I've got that changed for you as well.", "Thank you.", "We have your email as joe g. at hotmail dot com. Is that still a good email?", "No actually. It's now Joe Gonzalez nintety four at gmail dot com.", "Okay! I've got that updated as well.", "Great. Sorry about that I changed a lot of information so I could start over with some stuff.", "Not a problem! I completely understand .", "Great.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "Can you tell me when my bill is due?", "Sure thing. Give me just one second to pull that up.", "No worries.", "Your bill of three hundred twenty two dollars is due on July thirty first.", "Great thanks.", "No problem. Would you like to go ahead and make that payment?", "No not at this time.", "Okay. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No that's all.", "Great! There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "The survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day sir. Goodbye.", "You too. Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_651_000", "insurance_651_001", "insurance_651_002", "insurance_651_003", "insurance_651_004", "insurance_651_005", "insurance_651_006", "insurance_651_007", "insurance_651_008", "insurance_651_009", "insurance_651_010", "insurance_651_011", "insurance_651_012", "insurance_651_013", "insurance_651_014", "insurance_651_015", "insurance_651_016", "insurance_651_017", "insurance_651_018", "insurance_651_019", "insurance_651_020", "insurance_651_021", "insurance_651_022", "insurance_651_023", "insurance_651_024", "insurance_651_025", "insurance_651_026", "insurance_651_027", "insurance_651_028", "insurance_651_029", "insurance_651_030", "insurance_651_031", "insurance_651_032", "insurance_651_033", "insurance_651_034", "insurance_651_035", "insurance_651_036", "insurance_651_037", "insurance_651_038", "insurance_651_039", "insurance_651_040", "insurance_651_041", "insurance_651_042", "insurance_651_043", "insurance_651_044", "insurance_651_045", "insurance_651_046", "insurance_651_047", "insurance_651_048", "insurance_651_049", "insurance_651_050", "insurance_651_051", "insurance_651_052", "insurance_651_053", "insurance_651_054", "insurance_651_055", "insurance_651_056", "insurance_651_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yeah I think I'm locked out of my online account I keep trying to log in and it says too many invalid attempts.", "I can definitely assist with that. I lock myself out of my account frequently .", "Well practice makes perfect right?", "Exactly.", "I kept trying but I guess I just can't remember the password.", "That's okay we can reset it together.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Kasey Jones.", "Thank you, Kasey. Do you happen to know your customer number?", "I don't I'm sorry. I usually get it from the online site but I'm locked out.", "That's okay. We can look you up a different way.", "Awesome.", "May I have your social and date of birth?", "My social is four two four three two four seven six two.", "Great. Thank you and your date of birth?", "It's October second nineteen ninety one.", "Perfect. What is the phone number associated with your account?", "It's gonna be two five one three six three four nine eight two or four nine eight three. I'm not sure which one you have.", "We have four nine eight two listed. Is that still valid?", "Yes it is.", "Great and for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Yes it's Jeffries.", "Perfect. We have your email as Kasey underscore Jones at gmail dot com. Is that still accurate?", "Yes it is.", "Great so Kasey I've gone ahead and unlocked your account and sent you an email that will allow you to change that password.", "Okay awesome.", "Can you confirm that you got the email?", "Yes hang on and let me check.", "Take your time.", "Alright I've opened the page.", "Great. Is it prompting you to create a new password now?", "Yes.", "Perfect remember the new password has to have at least one capital letter, a number, and a symbol.", "Okay.", "Any issues so far?", "No everything is going smoothly.", "Great.", "Okay it looks like I was able to fully change it.", "Perfect. Now let's navigate back to the home page so we can try to log in again.", "Okay.", "Let me know when you're there.", "Okay I'm back at the homepage.", "Great, now let's try to log in using that new password.", "Okay ", "Let me know if it gives you any issues.", "It looks like it's let me in!", "Great!", "Thank you so much.", "You are very welcome keep in mind that you can always unlock your account and change your password using the forgot your password link on the site.", "Okay cool.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that was everything.", "Great. Enjoy the rest of your day!", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_652_000", "insurance_652_001", "insurance_652_002", "insurance_652_003", "insurance_652_004", "insurance_652_005", "insurance_652_006", "insurance_652_007", "insurance_652_008", "insurance_652_009", "insurance_652_010", "insurance_652_011", "insurance_652_012", "insurance_652_013", "insurance_652_014", "insurance_652_015", "insurance_652_016", "insurance_652_017", "insurance_652_018", "insurance_652_019", "insurance_652_020", "insurance_652_021", "insurance_652_022", "insurance_652_023", "insurance_652_024", "insurance_652_025", "insurance_652_026", "insurance_652_027", "insurance_652_028", "insurance_652_029", "insurance_652_030", "insurance_652_031", "insurance_652_032", "insurance_652_033", "insurance_652_034", "insurance_652_035", "insurance_652_036", "insurance_652_037", "insurance_652_038", "insurance_652_039", "insurance_652_040", "insurance_652_041", "insurance_652_042", "insurance_652_043", "insurance_652_044", "insurance_652_045", "insurance_652_046", "insurance_652_047", "insurance_652_048", "insurance_652_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yeah, my name is Jamie Gresham and I need to see if you got my last payment and ask a question about my coverage.", "I'd be happy to help you with that, Jamie. I do have to ask you a couple of security questions to pull up your account. Is that okay?", "That's fine.", "Perfect. Can you verify your date of birth for me?", "I couldn't hear you. What did you say?", "yes could you verify your date of birth for me?", "Oh. Sorry I'm at work and around a lot of loud machines so I couldn't hear you. I'm sure you're probably ready to get off just like I am.", "It's not so bad today for me so I'm okay so far.", "Good to hear. My date of birth is five twenty five seventy two.", "Thank you sir. And is Jamie spelled j. a. m. e. e.?", "No it's j. a. m. i. e.", "Sorry about that. What is your customer number?", "Oh I don't have that on me. Can you hang on so I can see if I have it in my wallet?", "Not a problem. Take your time.", "Okay it's not in my wallet. Can you use something else like my social?", "Yes sir. What's your social?", "Two two four two four three four five six.", "Perfect. Thank you. now can I have your phone number and your mother's maiden name?", "My what?", "I need the phone number on the account and the answer to your security question which is your mother's maiden name.", "Oh yeah. my phone number is two five one three six three four two two two.", "And your mother's maiden name?", "Roye. r. o. y. e.", "Perfect. I've got you pulled up here, Jamie. You wanted to know if we received your last payment?", "yeah and I need to ask a question.", "Okay no problem. It looks like we haven't received a payment this month. When did you pay it?", "Oh I mailed the check a couple of days ago.", "It can take up to seven business days to reflect on your account if you pay by mail so it probably just isn't showing yet.", "Oh okay. That makes sense. My question is how do I add someone as a what do you call it where they're on my policy.", "You mean add a dependent?", "Yeah that.", "All we would need is their name, date of birth, their relationship to you and if they have any health issues.", "Oh I don't have all of that right now. Can I just give you their name?", "No sir, we would need all of that information to add them as a dependent.", "Okay. Do I have to call back in?", "You don't have to necessarily. You can add a dependent online or on the phone.", "How do I do it online?", "you would just need to log in to your account and on the left side of the page there's an option to edit your policy and under that is an option to add a dependent.", "I got you. can I pay online that way too?", "Yes sir you can pay your bill, edit your account, and change your information on there.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you today?", "No I think that was all.", "Okay well thank you for calling in today, Jamie.", "Thanks for the help.", "No problem. Enjoy the rest of your day. There will be a survey after the call that rates how satisfied you are with the service today if you would like to fill it out. you just need to stay on the line after I disconnect.", "Okay I can do that.", "Perfect. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_653_000", "insurance_653_001", "insurance_653_002", "insurance_653_003", "insurance_653_004", "insurance_653_005", "insurance_653_006", "insurance_653_007", "insurance_653_008", "insurance_653_009", "insurance_653_010", "insurance_653_011", "insurance_653_012", "insurance_653_013", "insurance_653_014", "insurance_653_015", "insurance_653_016", "insurance_653_017", "insurance_653_018", "insurance_653_019", "insurance_653_020", "insurance_653_021", "insurance_653_022", "insurance_653_023", "insurance_653_024", "insurance_653_025", "insurance_653_026", "insurance_653_027", "insurance_653_028", "insurance_653_029", "insurance_653_030", "insurance_653_031", "insurance_653_032", "insurance_653_033", "insurance_653_034", "insurance_653_035", "insurance_653_036", "insurance_653_037", "insurance_653_038", "insurance_653_039", "insurance_653_040", "insurance_653_041", "insurance_653_042", "insurance_653_043", "insurance_653_044", "insurance_653_045", "insurance_653_046", "insurance_653_047", "insurance_653_048", "insurance_653_049", "insurance_653_050", "insurance_653_051", "insurance_653_052", "insurance_653_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I want to see if I can change my payment from monthly to annually. I keep forgetting to pay it every month.", "I'd be happy to help you with that and you'll actually be happy to know it's cheaper to pay annually than monthly.", "Oh well that's awesome.", "Yes. May I have your first and last name?", "It's Jacob Green.", "Thank you, Jacob do you know your customer ID by chance?", "I do actually.", "Great.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Perfect and can you verify your date of birth for security purposes please?", "It's June twentieth nineteen seventy nine.", "Great. I've got your information pulled up here. Which policy would you like to change the payment frequency on?", "Just the auto policy right now.", "Okay. Is your email still roll tide nineteen ninety at hotmail dot com.", "Yes it is.", "Okay great. To confirm we are changing your payment frequency from monthly to annually effective today.", "Yes.", "Alright I have that changed for you and a confirmation email sent to you to highlight the changes.", "Great.", "Now that we've changed the frequency to annually the balance is due for the rest of the year.", "Okay. How much is that?", "It's four hundred seventy one dollars.", "And I have to pay that now?", "Yes in order to finalize the change a payment must be processed.", "That's fine what payment methods do you guys accept?", "We can accept credit or bank accounts over the phone.", "Okay let me grab my card really quick.", "Take your time.", "Okay I've got it. What do you need off here? Just the card number?", "I'll need the card number, the expiration date, and the CVV code on the back of the card.", "Okay the card number is one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight.", "Mm-hmm.", "The expiration date is twelve twenty four.", "Okay.", "And the CVV code is one two three.", "Great. So just to confirm we are making a one time payment in the amount of four hundred seventy one dollars.", "Yes.", "Alright I've gone ahead and got that processed for you and sent another confirmation email.", "Perfect.", "What else can I answer for you?", "When will the next payment be due?", "Your next payment will be due on January eighteenth when the policy is up for renewal.", "Okay. That's fine.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all for today.", "Great there will be a brief survey after this call to rate your experience today. Do you mind holding to take that?", "No I don't mind.", "Great. It'll start as soon as I disconnect the call and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_654_000", "insurance_654_001", "insurance_654_002", "insurance_654_003", "insurance_654_004", "insurance_654_005", "insurance_654_006", "insurance_654_007", "insurance_654_008", "insurance_654_009", "insurance_654_010", "insurance_654_011", "insurance_654_012", "insurance_654_013", "insurance_654_014", "insurance_654_015", "insurance_654_016", "insurance_654_017", "insurance_654_018", "insurance_654_019", "insurance_654_020", "insurance_654_021", "insurance_654_022", "insurance_654_023", "insurance_654_024", "insurance_654_025", "insurance_654_026", "insurance_654_027", "insurance_654_028", "insurance_654_029", "insurance_654_030", "insurance_654_031", "insurance_654_032", "insurance_654_033", "insurance_654_034", "insurance_654_035", "insurance_654_036", "insurance_654_037", "insurance_654_038", "insurance_654_039", "insurance_654_040", "insurance_654_041", "insurance_654_042", "insurance_654_043", "insurance_654_044", "insurance_654_045", "insurance_654_046", "insurance_654_047", "insurance_654_048", "insurance_654_049", "insurance_654_050", "insurance_654_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hi I got a notice in the mail that if I don't pay my bill you guys are going to cancel my policy so I guess I need to pay it.", "Okay. I'd be happy to help with that payment today.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Robert Miller.", "Thank you, Robert. Do you know your customer ID?", "Is it on the cancellation notice?", "It should be. It should be an eight digit number starting with the number one.", "Okay let me go get it really quick.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Okay I have it.", "Great. What is that customer ID?", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you. For security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "It's July third nineteen ninety nine.", "Happy belated birthday!", "Thank you! It was a really good one this year.", "That's great to hear.", "Yeah I had a lot of fun.", "Great. So I'm showing a past due balance like you said of three hundred and seventy two dollars.", "That's a lot.", "It would cover the past due premium and the premium for July as well. You wouldn't have to pay again until August.", "Oh okay. Well that's not too terrible.", "No it's not too bad for how long you're paying.", "Okay let's do it.", "How would you like to pay today?", "What are my options?", "You can pay via bank account or by credit or debit card.", "Let me see if I have my card and if I don't I'll have to use my bank account information.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Okay I found it what do you need off of it?", "I'll need the card number, the expiration date, and the CVV code.", "Okay the card number is one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four.", "Perfect. And the expiration date?", "It's twelve of twenty four.", "Okay and the security code?", "It's one two three.", "Okay so to confirm we are making a one time payment of three hundred seventy two dollars effective today.", "Yes.", "Is your email still Rob underscore millertime at gmail dot com?", "Yes it is.", "Okay I've sent a confirmation email to that address showing the payment.", "Great when is my next payment due?", "It will be due on August twenty ninth.", "Awesome.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all.", "Great. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_655_000", "insurance_655_001", "insurance_655_002", "insurance_655_003", "insurance_655_004", "insurance_655_005", "insurance_655_006", "insurance_655_007", "insurance_655_008", "insurance_655_009", "insurance_655_010", "insurance_655_011", "insurance_655_012", "insurance_655_013", "insurance_655_014", "insurance_655_015", "insurance_655_016", "insurance_655_017", "insurance_655_018", "insurance_655_019", "insurance_655_020", "insurance_655_021", "insurance_655_022", "insurance_655_023", "insurance_655_024", "insurance_655_025", "insurance_655_026", "insurance_655_027", "insurance_655_028", "insurance_655_029", "insurance_655_030", "insurance_655_031", "insurance_655_032", "insurance_655_033", "insurance_655_034", "insurance_655_035", "insurance_655_036", "insurance_655_037", "insurance_655_038", "insurance_655_039", "insurance_655_040", "insurance_655_041", "insurance_655_042", "insurance_655_043", "insurance_655_044", "insurance_655_045", "insurance_655_046", "insurance_655_047", "insurance_655_048", "insurance_655_049", "insurance_655_050", "insurance_655_051", "insurance_655_052", "insurance_655_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I recently got married and need to add my husband to my health insurance policy.", "Congratulations on the marriage! I'll be more than happy to help with that.", "Thank you.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Heather Nelson.", "Thank you, Heather. Do you know your customer ID?", "I don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. We can look you up a different way.", "Great.", "May I have your full social and your date of birth?", "My social is three six six four seven three seven six two.", "Mm-hmm.", "My date of birth is four twenty nineteen eighty two.", "Great. Thanks for that.", "You're welcome.", "What is the phone number associated with the account?", "It's two five one three six three eight five four one.", "And for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Yes. It's Hutcheson.", "Great. So because you just got married you are eligible to add your husband at this time.", "Great.", "I'm sure you're excited to be a newlywed.", "Oh yes. We had a great wedding and honeymoon and now it's back to real life.", "Well hopefully it'll be an easy transition .", "Yes. I hope so .", "Do you have your insurance card handy?", "I do.", "Can you tell me what the policy number is on that card?", "Yes. It's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine.", "Great. Thank you for that. May I have your husbands first and last name?", "It's Garrett Nelson.", "Thanks and Garrett is spelled g. a. r. r. e. t.?", "No it's actually g. a. r. r. e. t. t.", "Okay thank you and what is his date of birth?", "It's October first nineteen ninety one.", "Does he currently have any health issues?", "No he's pretty healthy. No issues so far.", "Great. Give me just a moment to enter this information in.", "Okay.", "Alright so I've got your updated information. Your premium will increase by thirty two dollars per month and that will be reflected in your next bill.", "Okay when does his coverage start?", "It's effective starting tomorrow. New cards will be mailed to the address we have on file.", "Great.", "Was there anything else we could do for you today?", "No I think that's it.", "Great. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Okay the survey will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day and congratulations again!", "You too!", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_656_000", "insurance_656_001", "insurance_656_002", "insurance_656_003", "insurance_656_004", "insurance_656_005", "insurance_656_006", "insurance_656_007", "insurance_656_008", "insurance_656_009", "insurance_656_010", "insurance_656_011", "insurance_656_012", "insurance_656_013", "insurance_656_014", "insurance_656_015", "insurance_656_016", "insurance_656_017", "insurance_656_018", "insurance_656_019", "insurance_656_020", "insurance_656_021", "insurance_656_022", "insurance_656_023", "insurance_656_024", "insurance_656_025", "insurance_656_026", "insurance_656_027", "insurance_656_028", "insurance_656_029", "insurance_656_030", "insurance_656_031", "insurance_656_032", "insurance_656_033", "insurance_656_034", "insurance_656_035", "insurance_656_036", "insurance_656_037", "insurance_656_038", "insurance_656_039", "insurance_656_040", "insurance_656_041", "insurance_656_042", "insurance_656_043", "insurance_656_044", "insurance_656_045" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello. This is Rivertown Insurance. My name is Chris. How Can I help you?", "Hi. I wanna stop my automatic payments.", "Oh. I can be of assistance, let me get some information from you first.", "Okay.", "What is your name?", "My name is Buffy Summers.", "Hi miss Summers, may I call you Buffy.", "Yes, Everyone does.", "Thank you. I need to verify your identity.", "#Uh, all right.", "Okay, Buffy, what is your date of birth?", "August third, nineteen eighty-seven.", "Thank you. Do you have your account number?", "Nope.", "That’s okay. Let's do it this way. What is your phone number?", "three oh three, three five six, five four four five.", "Great, thanks. Now what's your social security number", "two six four, five four, eight four three eight", "Thanks. One last thing is the answer to your security question. What's the name of your high school?", "Sunnydale High.", "Thanks for that. Now how can I help you.", "I wanna stop my auto payments.", "Okay, did you, wanna stop temporarily, or permanently?", "Permanently. You guys are screwing up my bank account.", "I'm very sorry to hear that. #Um, do you have an online account?", "No, I don't and I don't want one.", "Okay. Let's try to fix this on my end. #Uh, lemme see something - can I place you on a brief hold?", "I guess so.", "Thank you.", "Your welcome.", "Thanks for waiting. I was able to find your account and stop the automatic payments.", "Great. I think they've been charging me twice in one month.", "Oh no. Lemme check on that for you.", "Thank you.", "I see that your premium got taken out on June first and June thirtieth.", "Yeah. I thought so. It shouldn't come out until at least the first.", "That does seem strange. I can change the due date if that would help.", "No. I think I'll just pay manually instead.", "I understand. I'll make a note in your file about this problem and send it to billing so they can look at the problem.", "That would be good.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No. All I needed was to stop the automatic payments. Everything else is fine.", "Okay. I hope you have a good rest of your day, Buffy.", "Thanks, I'll try.", "Good bye.", "Bye-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_657_000", "insurance_657_001", "insurance_657_002", "insurance_657_003", "insurance_657_004", "insurance_657_005", "insurance_657_006", "insurance_657_007", "insurance_657_008", "insurance_657_009", "insurance_657_010", "insurance_657_011", "insurance_657_012", "insurance_657_013", "insurance_657_014", "insurance_657_015", "insurance_657_016", "insurance_657_017", "insurance_657_018", "insurance_657_019", "insurance_657_020", "insurance_657_021", "insurance_657_022", "insurance_657_023", "insurance_657_024", "insurance_657_025", "insurance_657_026", "insurance_657_027", "insurance_657_028", "insurance_657_029", "insurance_657_030", "insurance_657_031", "insurance_657_032", "insurance_657_033", "insurance_657_034", "insurance_657_035", "insurance_657_036", "insurance_657_037", "insurance_657_038", "insurance_657_039", "insurance_657_040", "insurance_657_041", "insurance_657_042", "insurance_657_043", "insurance_657_044", "insurance_657_045", "insurance_657_046", "insurance_657_047", "insurance_657_048", "insurance_657_049", "insurance_657_050", "insurance_657_051", "insurance_657_052", "insurance_657_053", "insurance_657_054", "insurance_657_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes my name is Carol Jenkins, my date of birth is June third nineteen twenty two.", "Thank you Carol. Do you have your customer ID?", "It's three two four seven six two two eight.", "Great. What can I do for you today?", "Oh! I need to pay my bill and ask a question about auto-pay.", "I can definitely assist you with that today.", "Great.", "What policy were you wanting to pay on today?", "The auto policy.", "Your Preferred Auto plan?", "Yeah that one.", "Okay and how would you like to pay today?", "Well first, how much is it?", "I'm showing a balance due of three hundred twenty four dollars for July.", "Okay. How can I pay?", "You can either use a credit card or your bank account information.", "Okay. Well I don't know where my card is so I guess I'll use my bank account.", "That will work. Do you know your routing and account number?", "The routing number is two six three two eight one six nine five or is it two six three two eight one six nine seven?", "I'm not sure ma'am.", "Hang on and let me look it up.", "Take your time.", "Here it is. It's two six three two eight one six nine five.", "Great and the account number?", "That's one two zero zero zero four seven six two two.", "And is this a checking account or savings account?", "It's a checking account.", "And we have carol underscore crafts a lot at gmail dot com. Is that still a good email address?", "Yes it is.", "Great. So to confirm we're going to make a one time payment in the amount of three hundred twenty four dollars from the account ending in seven six two two.", "Yes.", "Perfect. I've got that processed and a confirmation sent to your email address.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. What was your question about auto-pay?", "Oh yeah how can I enroll?", "I can do it for you over the phone or you can do it online through your account portal.", "Oh where is that online?", "Are you logged in now?", "Yes.", "Under the Pay Your Bill section you should see enroll in auto-pay.", "Oh well jeez. There it is. I could've done that. .", "That's okay I'm glad I could help.", "I'm a little off today.", "That's okay. We all have those days.", "That's for sure.", "Was there anything else we could do for you today?", "No I think that's it!", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call that will rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Okay. The survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day!", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_658_000", "insurance_658_001", "insurance_658_002", "insurance_658_003", "insurance_658_004", "insurance_658_005", "insurance_658_006", "insurance_658_007", "insurance_658_008", "insurance_658_009", "insurance_658_010", "insurance_658_011", "insurance_658_012", "insurance_658_013", "insurance_658_014", "insurance_658_015", "insurance_658_016", "insurance_658_017", "insurance_658_018", "insurance_658_019", "insurance_658_020", "insurance_658_021", "insurance_658_022", "insurance_658_023", "insurance_658_024", "insurance_658_025", "insurance_658_026", "insurance_658_027", "insurance_658_028", "insurance_658_029", "insurance_658_030", "insurance_658_031", "insurance_658_032", "insurance_658_033", "insurance_658_034", "insurance_658_035", "insurance_658_036", "insurance_658_037", "insurance_658_038", "insurance_658_039", "insurance_658_040", "insurance_658_041", "insurance_658_042", "insurance_658_043", "insurance_658_044", "insurance_658_045", "insurance_658_046", "insurance_658_047", "insurance_658_048", "insurance_658_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I'm trying to register my car and they need my insurance number and I don't have it.", "That's not a problem. I can look it up for you!", "Great, thanks. Trying to register this car has been a nightmare. Hopefully this will be easier.", "I understand. When I registered mine it took almost a week. It was crazy.", "Yeah it's definitely been a process.", "So to get us started may I have your first and last name please?", "It's under Shelly Rider.", "Thanks, Shelly. May I have your social and date of birth?", "Yes it's five nine one two nine three four five six and my date of birth is June seven nineteen ninety one.", "Great and we have your phone number as two five one three six three four eight seven two. Is that still correct?", "It was, but now it's two five one three four eight one two three four.", "Okay great and for security purposes can you tell me your mother's maiden name?", "Yes it's Smith.", "Thank you! I've got you all pulled up here. What plan were you needing the policy number for?", "it's my car insurance, I don't know what it's called.", "It looks like you're enrolled in the Basic Auto plan.", "Yes that's the one I need.", "it looks like your policy number is one two three four five six seven eight.", "Okay so that's one two three four five six seven eight.", "That's correct.", "How do I get proof of that?", "You can download it online or I can fax it to you.", "How do I get it off the site?", "You'll need to log in to your profile. On the upper-left corner you will see print ID cards.", "I don't know my password.", "That's okay. I can reset that for you if you'd like?", "Can you? That'd be awesome.", "Not a problem. We have your email as shelly rider eight eight at aol dot com. Is that still correct?", "Yes that's my email.", "Okay, Shelly. What I've done is sent a password reset email to that address. Can you tell me if you received it?", "Let me check. Hang on.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Yes it looks like I got it.", "Great. Now go ahead and click the link. It should ask you a security question. Do you see that?", "Yes it looks like it is.", "Okay. Now you will just answer the question and select a new password.", "Okay.", "Were you able to get in?", "Yeah! It looks like I was.", "Great.", "Now I'm terrible at remembering these things. Do I need to call if I need to reset it again?", "You can actually reset it online using the forgot password option.", "Okay.", "Do you see the option to print your ID cards, Shelly?", "Yes I have them all printed and ready to go!", "Great! Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No that's it.", "Well great. I hope you have a good day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_659_000", "insurance_659_001", "insurance_659_002", "insurance_659_003", "insurance_659_004", "insurance_659_005", "insurance_659_006", "insurance_659_007", "insurance_659_008", "insurance_659_009", "insurance_659_010", "insurance_659_011", "insurance_659_012", "insurance_659_013", "insurance_659_014", "insurance_659_015", "insurance_659_016", "insurance_659_017", "insurance_659_018", "insurance_659_019", "insurance_659_020", "insurance_659_021", "insurance_659_022", "insurance_659_023", "insurance_659_024", "insurance_659_025", "insurance_659_026", "insurance_659_027", "insurance_659_028", "insurance_659_029", "insurance_659_030", "insurance_659_031", "insurance_659_032", "insurance_659_033", "insurance_659_034", "insurance_659_035", "insurance_659_036", "insurance_659_037", "insurance_659_038", "insurance_659_039", "insurance_659_040", "insurance_659_041", "insurance_659_042", "insurance_659_043", "insurance_659_044", "insurance_659_045", "insurance_659_046", "insurance_659_047", "insurance_659_048", "insurance_659_049", "insurance_659_050", "insurance_659_051", "insurance_659_052", "insurance_659_053", "insurance_659_054", "insurance_659_055", "insurance_659_056", "insurance_659_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah. I'm shopping around for life insurance rates and I wanted to see how you guys compare. I heard a lot of good things about your company from friends.", "Perfect! I'd be more than happy to provide you with a life insurance quote.", "Great.", "Let's start with your first and last name.", "It's Maria Sanchez.", "Nice to meet you, Maria. What's got you in the market for life insurance?", "Well I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to leave my family with a burden.", "I can definitely understand that. Smart choice.", "I think so.", "What state do you live in?", "I'm in Colorado.", "Perfect. And you are female correct?", "Yes.", "Do you currently use any type of tobacco products?", "No, never had any desire to.", "Great. That will save you some money.", "Hopefully so! .", "What is your height and weight?", "I am five foot seven inches tall and I weigh one hundred and forty pounds.", "And do you have any pre-existing conditions?", "Nope I'm healthy as a horse so far.", "Great to hear! So you would describe your health category as in good health?", "Absolutely.", "What kind of coverage amount were you looking for?", "I was thinking around the five hundred thousand mark.", "We can definitely manage that.", "Great.", "Now we do offer different types of policies. Are you familiar with life insurance?", "Not really.", "Okay we have term life, whole life, and universal life that we offer here.", "What's the difference?", "Term life is a set amount for a set period of time such as like ten years, twenty years, et cetera.", "Okay.", "Whole life and universal life are essentially for the remainder of your life and they build cash value.", "Mm-hmm.", "The difference between those is that in whole life we decide how the cash value is invested and universal life you have more control.", "I like the idea of the ones that build cash value.", "Great. Those are both good choices. Would you prefer whole life or universal life?", "probably whole life because I'm more familiar with it.", "Great.", "What is the price difference?", "The whole life policy we offer will be eighteen hundred per year.", "And the universal life?", "It's quoted at twelve hundred per year.", "okay. Yeah I still think I would prefer a whole life policy.", "Great. May I have a phone number or email address to send the quote to?", "Yes my phone number is eight five zero seven one two eight five three three.", "Great. Would you like it emailed also?", "Yes. Email is Maria dot Sanchez at gmail dot com.", "Perfect! What do you say we go ahead and get you enrolled?", "I do have a few other places I want to get quotes from first. Can I call back in if I decide to move forward?", "Absolutely. You can call back in or select the personalized link in the email I sent to finalize the quote.", "Great.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No. I think that was it.", "Great. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_660_000", "insurance_660_001", "insurance_660_002", "insurance_660_003", "insurance_660_004", "insurance_660_005", "insurance_660_006", "insurance_660_007", "insurance_660_008", "insurance_660_009", "insurance_660_010", "insurance_660_011", "insurance_660_012", "insurance_660_013", "insurance_660_014", "insurance_660_015", "insurance_660_016", "insurance_660_017", "insurance_660_018", "insurance_660_019", "insurance_660_020", "insurance_660_021", "insurance_660_022", "insurance_660_023", "insurance_660_024", "insurance_660_025", "insurance_660_026", "insurance_660_027", "insurance_660_028", "insurance_660_029", "insurance_660_030", "insurance_660_031", "insurance_660_032", "insurance_660_033", "insurance_660_034", "insurance_660_035", "insurance_660_036", "insurance_660_037", "insurance_660_038", "insurance_660_039", "insurance_660_040", "insurance_660_041", "insurance_660_042", "insurance_660_043", "insurance_660_044", "insurance_660_045", "insurance_660_046", "insurance_660_047", "insurance_660_048", "insurance_660_049", "insurance_660_050", "insurance_660_051", "insurance_660_052", "insurance_660_053", "insurance_660_054", "insurance_660_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes we just adopted a new baby and I need to add her to my health plan.", "Congratulations! I'm sure you're ecstatic.", "Oh thank you. Yes we are very very happy.", "That's great. I'd be more than happy to help you add her.", "Perfect.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Sally Rider.", "Thank you, Sally. Do you know your customer ID?", "I sure do. One second and let me grab it.", "Take your time.", "Alright I have it. Are you ready?", "Go for it.", "It's one three seven two six two four two.", "Perfect and for security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "My date of birth?", "Yes.", "It's November seventh nineteen eighty four.", "Great. Thank you for that. What is your new baby's first name?", "It's Elizabeth.", "And that's e. l. i. z. a. b. e. t. h.?", "That's right.", "Great. And have they made her last name the same as yours?", "Yes.", "So that's r. i. d. e. r.?", "That's correct.", "Great. What is Elizabeth's date of birth?", "It is July third two thousand twenty.", "Well happy late birthday to Elizabeth!", "I will be sure to tell her .", "Does she have any kind of health issues?", "No she is healthy as a horse.", "That's great to hear.", "I agree.", "Alright so I have her added here. It looks like your premium is going to go up by thirty three dollars per month.", "That's not bad.", "Not at all. Because you've already paid your bill this month there is a prorated charge of twelve dollars for the remainder of the month.", "Okay.", "How would you like to pay today?", "Credit card.", "Great I'll just need that card number, expiration date, and CVV code.", "It's one two three four five seven eight eight two four six two and three seven two two.", "Mm-hmm.", "The expiration date is twelve twenty four and ", "The security code on the back?", "That's three two two.", "Perfect. So just to confirm we've added miss Elizabeth to your health coverage effective today and we're making a one time charge of twelve dollars to the card ending in three seven two two.", "That's correct.", "Awesome. Well I have all of that processed for you. You should receive new cards in the mail in about four to seven business days.", "Great.", "What else can I do for you today?", "I think that's all.", "Well congratulations again. Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_661_000", "insurance_661_001", "insurance_661_002", "insurance_661_003", "insurance_661_004", "insurance_661_005", "insurance_661_006", "insurance_661_007", "insurance_661_008", "insurance_661_009", "insurance_661_010", "insurance_661_011", "insurance_661_012", "insurance_661_013", "insurance_661_014", "insurance_661_015", "insurance_661_016", "insurance_661_017", "insurance_661_018", "insurance_661_019", "insurance_661_020", "insurance_661_021", "insurance_661_022", "insurance_661_023", "insurance_661_024", "insurance_661_025", "insurance_661_026", "insurance_661_027", "insurance_661_028", "insurance_661_029", "insurance_661_030", "insurance_661_031", "insurance_661_032", "insurance_661_033", "insurance_661_034", "insurance_661_035", "insurance_661_036", "insurance_661_037", "insurance_661_038", "insurance_661_039", "insurance_661_040", "insurance_661_041", "insurance_661_042", "insurance_661_043", "insurance_661_044", "insurance_661_045", "insurance_661_046", "insurance_661_047", "insurance_661_048", "insurance_661_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I need to check my account balance.", "Okay I'd be happy to assist you today. May I have your first and last name?", "Yeah it's Kasey Brown. My date of birth is June second nineteen ninety four and my mother's maiden name is Green.", "Thank you, Kasey. Do you have your customer number by chance?", "Oh hang on and let me see if I have that with me.", "No worries. Take your time.", "I don't have it.", "Not a problem. I can look you up a different way.", "Okay good.", "What's the phone number associated with the account?", "It's eight five zero three five nine four five six seven.", "Okay, great. Can you also tell me your social?", "it's five nine one three zero one two three four.", "Perfect. I've got you pulled up here. What plan balance were you looking for?", "what do you mean?", "I see you have life, pet and auto insurance with us. Which balance were you looking for?", "Oh! I need to know how much is left on my car insurance.", "I understand. It looks like your remaining balance is eight hundred seventy two for the plan and you have a bill of one hundred thirty five due tomorrow.", "Okay. Can you tell me the life insurance now?", "Yes. The life insurance balance is three hundred twenty three dollars and a payment of eighty seven is due on the twenty eighth of this month.", "Okay.", "Would you like to go ahead and make a payment?", "Yeah could I? That'd be great.", "Sure! Which policy would you like to pay today?", "Just the car insurance for right now.", "Not a problem. So you just want to pay the payment of one hundred thirty five that's due tomorrow?", "Yes.", "Would you like to pay by check or credit card?", "let me see if I have my credit card with me.", "Okay take your time.", "I do have that. What do you need off of it?", "I'll need the credit card number, security code, and expiration date.", "okay. The number is one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven.", "Thank you, and the security code on the back?", "It's one two three and the expiration is twelve twenty four.", "Perfect. Just to confirm we are making a one time payment of one hundred thirty five dollars today on the card ending in four five six seven?", "Yes that's correct.", "Okay! I've gone ahead and processed that payment for you.", "When will that show up on my account.", "It should post today and you should see the credit within twenty four business hours.", "And when will it come out of my bank?", "It's usually same day but that's up to your bank mostly.", "Oh okay.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all.", "Perfect, once I disconnect there will be a brief survey about your experience today. Do you mind filling that out?", "Sure. I can do that.", "Perfect. Enjoy your day. Goodbye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_662_000", "insurance_662_001", "insurance_662_002", "insurance_662_003", "insurance_662_004", "insurance_662_005", "insurance_662_006", "insurance_662_007", "insurance_662_008", "insurance_662_009", "insurance_662_010", "insurance_662_011", "insurance_662_012", "insurance_662_013", "insurance_662_014", "insurance_662_015", "insurance_662_016", "insurance_662_017", "insurance_662_018", "insurance_662_019", "insurance_662_020", "insurance_662_021", "insurance_662_022", "insurance_662_023", "insurance_662_024", "insurance_662_025", "insurance_662_026", "insurance_662_027", "insurance_662_028", "insurance_662_029", "insurance_662_030", "insurance_662_031", "insurance_662_032", "insurance_662_033", "insurance_662_034", "insurance_662_035", "insurance_662_036", "insurance_662_037", "insurance_662_038", "insurance_662_039", "insurance_662_040", "insurance_662_041", "insurance_662_042", "insurance_662_043", "insurance_662_044", "insurance_662_045", "insurance_662_046", "insurance_662_047", "insurance_662_048", "insurance_662_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes, I need to file a claim. We lost my wife this week.", "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll definitely be able to assist you with that claim.", "Thank you.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "Yes it's Jason Gresham, date of birth is nine twenty two fourty nine.", "Thank you, Jason. Do you have your customer ID handy?", "Let me see if I have it in my wallet.", "No problem. Take your time.", "I have papers everywhere. You never realize how much paperwork is involved when someone passes away.", "I can't imagine. I'm sure it's complicated on top of dealing with losing someone. Hopefully we can make this easy for you.", "Hopefully so. My customer ID is one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that. May I have your wife's first and last name?", "Yes it was Gloria Gresham.", "And her date of birth?", "It was January third nineteen fifty.", "Thank you, Jason. What state did you reside in when she passed?", "We have lived in Florida all of our lives.", "Now I do see two policies here. One for you and one for her. Do you have her policy number?", "Hang on and let me see if that's around here in these papers.", "No problem.", "Okay it's one two three five six seven eight nine.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "And we have eight five zero four five nine one two three four as your phone number. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "Okay. We're almost done here, mister Gresham.", "Okay.", "Can you tell me what day missus Gresham passed away?", "Yes. It was July twenty third of twenty twenty one.", "And what was her cause of death?", "Heart attack.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "I have a claim number ready for you whenever you're ready, sir.", "I'm ready.", "It's one two three four five six seven.", "Okay so what happens now?", "I have filed the claim and put it in the queue for your claims representative. He or she will call you to collect some documents so the claim can be finalized.", "What kind of documents will they need?", "Generally they will ask for a copy of her death certificate and a routing and account number for payout or an address to mail a check to.", "Oh. Okay.", "Was there anything else I can do for you today?", "No that's all.", "Okay. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. There will be a brief survey after I disconnect that examines your experience today if you'd like to participate.", "Yes, I can do that.", "Okay. Thank you, Jason. The survey will start after I disconnect. Please let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.", "Okay, thank you.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_663_000", "insurance_663_001", "insurance_663_002", "insurance_663_003", "insurance_663_004", "insurance_663_005", "insurance_663_006", "insurance_663_007", "insurance_663_008", "insurance_663_009", "insurance_663_010", "insurance_663_011", "insurance_663_012", "insurance_663_013", "insurance_663_014", "insurance_663_015", "insurance_663_016", "insurance_663_017", "insurance_663_018", "insurance_663_019", "insurance_663_020", "insurance_663_021", "insurance_663_022", "insurance_663_023", "insurance_663_024", "insurance_663_025", "insurance_663_026", "insurance_663_027", "insurance_663_028", "insurance_663_029", "insurance_663_030", "insurance_663_031", "insurance_663_032", "insurance_663_033", "insurance_663_034", "insurance_663_035", "insurance_663_036", "insurance_663_037", "insurance_663_038", "insurance_663_039", "insurance_663_040", "insurance_663_041", "insurance_663_042", "insurance_663_043", "insurance_663_044", "insurance_663_045", "insurance_663_046", "insurance_663_047", "insurance_663_048", "insurance_663_049", "insurance_663_050", "insurance_663_051", "insurance_663_052", "insurance_663_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes my name is Carol Brown and I've been a customer with you guys for about six years but I'm afraid someone has my information so I need to change my security question.", "Hi Carol. I can definitely understand wanting to keep your account secure. I can definitely help.", "Great.", "Do you know your customer ID?", "Let me see if I can find it.", "No problem. Take your time.", "Is it on my bill somewhere?", "Yes it should be in the upper left hand corner.", "Oh I see it. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. Thank you. For security purposes can you tell me your date of birth?", "Yes it's January ninth nineteen seventy four.", "Thank you for that. To begin with can you verify your current security question?", "It should be my mother's maiden name.", "That's correct. And what is the answer?", "Green.", "Perfect. What would you like the new security question to be?", "How about my favorite pet's name?", "That would work.", "Okay.", "What would you like the answer to be?", "Let's put Fluffy as the answer.", "Okay so to confirm we have changed your security question to favorite pet's name with a new answer of Fluffy.", "Yes that's right.", "Okay great. Was there anything else I could answer for you today?", "Yes is there another way to change these other than calling in?", "Yes there is. You can always change them in your profile settings online.", "Where is that at?", "Are you currently logged in to your online account?", "No but hang on and I can get logged in.", "Okay.", "Okay I'm there.", "Great. In the upper right hand corner you should see a dropdown menu.", "Yes.", "Once you hover over that profile settings should be in about the middle of the menu.", "Oh. I see it! That makes sense.", "Yes ma'am. What else can I answer for you today?", "Well while I have you can you tell me when my bill is due?", "Of course! What policy would you like the bill information on?", "I think my auto policy is next.", "Yes ma'am. It looks like your auto policy bill is due on July thirtieth in the amount of two hundred thirty dollars.", "Okay great.", "Would you like to go ahead and make the payment?", "No, not at this moment.", "Okay. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No. I think that's all for today.", "There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure!", "Perfect. It will begin as soon as I disconnect the call.", "Okay. So just hold on the line?", "Yes ma'am.", "I understand.", "Have a good day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_664_000", "insurance_664_001", "insurance_664_002", "insurance_664_003", "insurance_664_004", "insurance_664_005", "insurance_664_006", "insurance_664_007", "insurance_664_008", "insurance_664_009", "insurance_664_010", "insurance_664_011", "insurance_664_012", "insurance_664_013", "insurance_664_014", "insurance_664_015", "insurance_664_016", "insurance_664_017", "insurance_664_018", "insurance_664_019", "insurance_664_020", "insurance_664_021", "insurance_664_022", "insurance_664_023", "insurance_664_024", "insurance_664_025", "insurance_664_026", "insurance_664_027", "insurance_664_028", "insurance_664_029", "insurance_664_030", "insurance_664_031", "insurance_664_032", "insurance_664_033", "insurance_664_034", "insurance_664_035", "insurance_664_036", "insurance_664_037", "insurance_664_038", "insurance_664_039", "insurance_664_040", "insurance_664_041", "insurance_664_042", "insurance_664_043", "insurance_664_044", "insurance_664_045", "insurance_664_046", "insurance_664_047", "insurance_664_048", "insurance_664_049", "insurance_664_050", "insurance_664_051", "insurance_664_052", "insurance_664_053", "insurance_664_054", "insurance_664_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey I mailed my check a few days ago to pay you guys and I don't see where it has hit my account. Can you tell me if you see it on your end?", "I'd be happy to look into that for you.", "Great.", "What's your first and last name?", "It's Mary Jones.", "Thank you, Mary. Do you know your customer ID?", "I don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. We can look you up a different way.", "Good.", "What's your full social and date of birth?", "The social is four two four three two seven six nine two.", "Mm-hmm.", "The date of birth is April third nineteen fifty three.", "Great. Thanks for that information. Can you tell me the phone number associated with the account?", "Yes it's either two five one three six three four nine eight four or three six three four nine eight two.", "Okay we have the one ending in four nine eight four. Is that still the best number?", "Yes.", "Great and for security purposes can you tell me your mother's maiden name?", "It's Johnson.", "Thank you for that. I've got you pulled up here.", "Okay.", "What day did you say you mailed the check?", "It was like three days ago.", "So Monday?", "Yes.", "Okay I don't see where anything has been posted to the account or anything that's pending.", "Well where could it be?", "It's possible that it just hasn't made it here yet. Normally we ask that you give us five to seven business days to process the payment if you mail it in.", "Oh okay. So I shouldn't worry just yet.", "No ma'am I wouldn't. It's very possible it's just not made it here.", "Okay can I pay this online? I've never tried.", "You sure can we usually recommend it that way because it's more secure than mailing a check.", "Well how do I do it?", "Are you logged in right now?", "No hang on and let me get logged in.", "Take your time.", "Okay I'm here.", "Great in the center of the navigation bar you should see the option to pay bill.", "Oh there it is.", "Yes then you'll select that and ", "Just enter in all of my info?", "Yes exactly.", "That seems so easy.", "Yes it is!", "I'll do that from now on.", "Great. Was there anything else we could do for you today?", "No I think that was everything today.", "Okay. There will be a brief survey after the call that will rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure!", "Okay once the call disconnects just hold on the line. The survey will start then.", "Okay.", "Thank you for calling. Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_665_000", "insurance_665_001", "insurance_665_002", "insurance_665_003", "insurance_665_004", "insurance_665_005", "insurance_665_006", "insurance_665_007", "insurance_665_008", "insurance_665_009", "insurance_665_010", "insurance_665_011", "insurance_665_012", "insurance_665_013", "insurance_665_014", "insurance_665_015", "insurance_665_016", "insurance_665_017", "insurance_665_018", "insurance_665_019", "insurance_665_020", "insurance_665_021", "insurance_665_022", "insurance_665_023", "insurance_665_024", "insurance_665_025", "insurance_665_026", "insurance_665_027", "insurance_665_028", "insurance_665_029", "insurance_665_030", "insurance_665_031", "insurance_665_032", "insurance_665_033", "insurance_665_034", "insurance_665_035", "insurance_665_036", "insurance_665_037", "insurance_665_038", "insurance_665_039", "insurance_665_040", "insurance_665_041", "insurance_665_042", "insurance_665_043", "insurance_665_044", "insurance_665_045", "insurance_665_046", "insurance_665_047", "insurance_665_048", "insurance_665_049", "insurance_665_050", "insurance_665_051", "insurance_665_052", "insurance_665_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes. I think I've been a victim of identity theft so I need to change my security question for you guys so I can keep my stuff safe.", "Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Identity theft can be hard to recover from.", "It's been a nightmare so far.", "I'm so sorry. Let's see if we can make it a little easier.", "That sounds great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "Yes it's Shelby Saunders.", "Thank you, Shelby. Do you know your customer ID?", "Let me get it I have it written down on a piece of paper in my purse.", "Take your time.", "Okay I have it. Are you ready.", "Go for it.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. And can you verify your date of birth for me?", "It's February eighth of nineteen sixty.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "We have the security question listed as your mother's maiden name. Does that sound correct?", "Yes and the answer should be Green. I need to change that.", "Yes that is what we have. What would you like to change it to?", "I honestly don't know.", "A lot of customers use their favorite pet's name or their high school mascot. Things like that you know?", "Yeah. I'm just trying to think of something unique because of the information that was stolen.", "I understand. Some of the more secure security questions are ones like favorite place to visit or first restaurant I ever went to.", "Oh really?", "Yes. those that have to do more with like memories tend to be harder to guess the answers to.", "Okay let's go with where I went on my first date.", "Okay and what answer would you like to put on there?", "Burger King.", "Sounds like a very fancy first date. .", "Well it was to a teenager!", "Yeah I guess so. I'm sure no one would guess that.", "No not at all that's why I chose it.", "We have your email on file as shelby says nineteen sixty at hotmail dot com. Is that still a good email?", "No I had to change it due to the theft.", "What is your new email?", "It's shelby underscore saunders at gmail dot com.", "Got it. I've gone ahead and updated that and sent a confirmation message of the changes we made today.", "Okay good.", "What else can I do for you today?", "Can you tell me when my next bill is due?", "Yes ma'am. It's due on the tenth of August.", "Okay so I still have a while.", "Yes ma'am. What else can I answer for you today?", "I think that's all for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Yes.", "Perfect. Just hold on the line after I disconnect and the survey will start.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_666_000", "insurance_666_001", "insurance_666_002", "insurance_666_003", "insurance_666_004", "insurance_666_005", "insurance_666_006", "insurance_666_007", "insurance_666_008", "insurance_666_009", "insurance_666_010", "insurance_666_011", "insurance_666_012", "insurance_666_013", "insurance_666_014", "insurance_666_015", "insurance_666_016", "insurance_666_017", "insurance_666_018", "insurance_666_019", "insurance_666_020", "insurance_666_021", "insurance_666_022", "insurance_666_023", "insurance_666_024", "insurance_666_025", "insurance_666_026", "insurance_666_027", "insurance_666_028", "insurance_666_029", "insurance_666_030", "insurance_666_031", "insurance_666_032", "insurance_666_033", "insurance_666_034", "insurance_666_035", "insurance_666_036", "insurance_666_037", "insurance_666_038", "insurance_666_039", "insurance_666_040", "insurance_666_041", "insurance_666_042", "insurance_666_043", "insurance_666_044", "insurance_666_045", "insurance_666_046", "insurance_666_047", "insurance_666_048", "insurance_666_049", "insurance_666_050", "insurance_666_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah. I think I've accidentally locked myself out of my online account. It's been giving me an error message.", "Okay I'll be happy to help with that. May I have your first and last name?", "Yes it's Olivia Washington.", "Thank you Olivia. We will probably just need to reset your password in order to clear that error message.", "Okay.", "Do you know your customer number?", "I don't actually. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. We can look you up a different way.", "Okay. What do you need from me?", "What is your social and date of birth?", "My social security number is one two three four five six seven eight nine and my date of birth is January third nineteen ninety one.", "Thank you for that, and do you have the phone number associated with the account?", "Oh. Yes it should be two five one three six three four five six seven.", "Perfect. And finally, for security purposes, can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "It's Rogers.", "Great. So in order to reset your password I'll just need to email you a reset link.", "Okay.", "Is your email still Olivia underscore rocks at hotmail dot com.", "Oh no. It needs to be changed to Olivia dot Washington twenty nine at gmail dot com.", "Okay. I've got that updated for you. Do you have access to that email right now?", "Yes.", "Okay go ahead and get logged in. I've sent you a reset link to the email address you gave me.", "Okay. One second.", "Take your time.", "Okay I see it here. Do I just click the link?", "Yes just select that link. It should open a window that has an option to select a new password.", "Okay I see it.", "Remember that your new password has to contain a capital letter, a number and at least one symbol.", "Okay.", "Were you able to get it changed?", "Yes.", "Great now go back to the home page and try to log in.", "Okay.", "Let me know if that works for you.", "It looks like it worked. I'm able to get into my account now.", "Great! Is there anything else I can do for you?", "Yeah where do I go on here to pay my bill?", "To pay your bill you will go to the top left hand corner and select policy options.", "Okay so top left.", "Yes.", "Oh I see here. Policy options.", "Yes and under than you should see pay bill.", "Oh there it is. Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. What else can I answer for you today?", "That's it for today I think.", "Alright then. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you be interested in participating?", "Sure.", "Perfect. The survey will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day, Olivia. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_667_000", "insurance_667_001", "insurance_667_002", "insurance_667_003", "insurance_667_004", "insurance_667_005", "insurance_667_006", "insurance_667_007", "insurance_667_008", "insurance_667_009", "insurance_667_010", "insurance_667_011", "insurance_667_012", "insurance_667_013", "insurance_667_014", "insurance_667_015", "insurance_667_016", "insurance_667_017", "insurance_667_018", "insurance_667_019", "insurance_667_020", "insurance_667_021", "insurance_667_022", "insurance_667_023", "insurance_667_024", "insurance_667_025", "insurance_667_026", "insurance_667_027", "insurance_667_028", "insurance_667_029", "insurance_667_030", "insurance_667_031", "insurance_667_032", "insurance_667_033", "insurance_667_034", "insurance_667_035", "insurance_667_036", "insurance_667_037", "insurance_667_038", "insurance_667_039", "insurance_667_040", "insurance_667_041", "insurance_667_042", "insurance_667_043", "insurance_667_044", "insurance_667_045", "insurance_667_046", "insurance_667_047", "insurance_667_048", "insurance_667_049", "insurance_667_050", "insurance_667_051", "insurance_667_052", "insurance_667_053", "insurance_667_054", "insurance_667_055", "insurance_667_056", "insurance_667_057", "insurance_667_058", "insurance_667_059", "insurance_667_060", "insurance_667_061", "insurance_667_062", "insurance_667_063", "insurance_667_064", "insurance_667_065", "insurance_667_066", "insurance_667_067", "insurance_667_068", "insurance_667_069", "insurance_667_070", "insurance_667_071", "insurance_667_072", "insurance_667_073", "insurance_667_074", "insurance_667_075", "insurance_667_076", "insurance_667_077", "insurance_667_078", "insurance_667_079", "insurance_667_080", "insurance_667_081", "insurance_667_082", "insurance_667_083", "insurance_667_084", "insurance_667_085", "insurance_667_086", "insurance_667_087", "insurance_667_088", "insurance_667_089", "insurance_667_090", "insurance_667_091", "insurance_667_092", "insurance_667_093", "insurance_667_094", "insurance_667_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Jazzabelle. How may I help you today?", "Well hi Jazzabelle. That is a beautiful name!", "Thank you! What can I do for you today?", "well I got my bill yesterday and why is it higher this time?", "I will be glad to help you with that. Who am I speaking with today?", "Misses Gray. Oh, you probably need my first name huh. It's Isabelle, Isabelle Gray.", "Thank you misses Gray. And, for verification purposes may I have your birthdate and social security number?", "My birthdate is three twenty nineteen seventy. Do you really need my social cause I don't know it. I will have to get it for you.", "I do need it misses Gray. It helps me to verify who I am speaking with and that I have the correct account pulled up in order to help you today.", "Okay. Hang on.", "Take your time misses Gray.", "Okay I got it are you ready for it?", "I am ready when you are.", "It's one three six dash two five dash six seven seven eight.", "Great! The address I have on file is twenty-two Sandy Lane, Saint Potter, Illinois, four four six five four. Is that still correct?", "Yeah that's where I live!", "Do you have an email you would like for me to add to your account misses Gray?", "My email is Gracie with an I E at twenty-one mail dot com.", "And, what is the phone number we should have on file for you misses Gray?", "Four two six two one two four four eight nine.", "I have your email as Gracie with an I E at twenty-one mail dot com and your phone number as four two six two one two four four eight nine.", "You got it!", "Okay I am looking at your account and I see that you changed your", "I didn't change anything!", "On my end I see that back in November you set your payment plan up to the four payments instead of the standard six payments.", "No I didn't change anything. I wanna take my credit card off my account.", "Sure I can do that misses Gray. Now once I take your credit card off of your account that will stop the automatic payments.", "Great! That is exactly what I want. I I just couldn't remember what is was called. Take it off for me please.", "Absolutely misses Gray!", "So my card is off?", "Yes. Your card is off and the automatic payments have been stopped, okay?", "Can we talk about why my bill is higher please? I well I can't pay this much. It's too high. I don't have that much money.", "I understand your concern misses Gray. Let me look at your account and see what we can do.", "My insurance has been the same all these years and now it's higher.", "Your actual policy is the same misses Gray. At some point you opted to pay in four instead of six which made your individual payments higher but your total cost of your policy is still the same price that it has always been.", "Oh oh oh okay I see. I understand now. I think you are right! Maybe I did change that a few months ago. But, why did it just now change my payment?", "Well since you were close to the end of your policy it changed your payment plan for the upcoming policy which just started this month.", "okay I guess.", "But, give me a minute here misses Gray. I am going to see what I can do to put your payments back to where they were, okay?", "Oh honey that would be great! Cause I don't have any more money than that.", "I understand.", "I am retired you know. So I have a fixed income and I can't pay more than I been paying.", "I completely understand and you should not have to. I think I got it!", "I sure hope so!", "Good news misses Gray! I was able to set your payments back to where they were and what you have been paying and I was able to set it so you don't need to make your first payment until next month. How does that sound to you?", "Next month? Will I still have insurance this month? That sounds fishy to me.", "I understand your hesitation misses Gray. I will explain to you what I did so you feel comfortable with the situation, okay?", "mhm yeah I would appreciate that.", "Okay, first, I just went in and changed your four payment plan back to what it originally was at the six payment plan. This means you would be paying only the amount you have in the past. I also went in and checked for discounts to see if there was one I could apply to your account just to show our appreciation for being a good customer.", "Well that is very nice of you. Thank you!", "Your welcome! I was able to find a discount for individuals that have had consistent insurance with us for at least ten years. This reduced your policy amount by a whole month's payment. That's wonderful don't you think?", "Let me make sure I understand okay?", "Sure, I want you to be completely satisfied with everything I am doing today misses Gray.", "So you put my payments back to where they was before I changed them the last time I was online..", "Yes, that is exactly what I did. By doing this it did not change anything in your policy just your number of payments to be made in order for your policy to be paid in full.", "Oh I see. I get it now. Sorry for being skeptical. It's it's just so many people try to take us old people as dummies and well they take our money when they can. You know?", "Unfortunately miss Gray you are correct. There are a lot of scams out there. And, you are being diligent by wanting more answers. However, I can assure you we at Rivertown are always looking out for our customers.", "That is nice to hear.", "And the discount I gave you is one an agent can give a customer after they have had a policy consistently for at least ten years with us. that discount well when I applied the discount to your account it lowered your policy by a month's payment. So after this policy your monthly payments will be lower by about ten dollars a month.", "Oh that is wonderful. Thank you so much for that.", "Oh you are welcome misses Gray.", "Hey can I just just send a check to pay my bill?", "You sure can! Would you like for me to change your bill delivery method to come in the mail?", "Well yeah that would be easier for me I think.", "Okay, that is not a problem.", "Thank you.", "Your welcome.", "You are a nice person to talk to.", "that is so nice of you misses Gray. It is nice to hear that from customers!", "I call places and sometimes well the girls are just mean and should not be on the phone you know.", "Well I strive to make the call as pleasant as possible and to resolve all of your issues. I want you to be happy when you hang up even if you were not when you called.", "Well you did a good job today okay?", "That means a lot to me misses Gray, it really does.", "They should give you a raise.", "I agree.", "fat chance huh!", "well we do get bonuses for good performace. That's like a raise isn't it?", "can you eat or wear your bonus?", "no!", "Then it's not a real bonus or raise .", "Well you got me there. I would like to go over what changes we made today okay misses Gray?", "That's fine. Go ahead.", "We canceled your automatic payments by taking your credit card off of your account.", "Yes.", "I changed your payment plan back to the six payment plan as you previously had on your account.", "Yeah.", "I applied a discount to your policy which gave you a free month being this month.", "That was the best thing!", "Yes, that is always nice isn't it? I also added an email address to your account and changed your bill delivery method to come in the mail.", "That will be so much better for me.", "That's great! Was there anything else that you would like me to help you with today misses Gray?", "No mhm I think that is all.", "Okay, well I appreciate your calling Rivertown today and I am glad I was able to help you resolve your issues.", "Thank you and you have a very happy rest of your day, okay?", "I will and you as well misses Gray. Bye-bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_668_000", "insurance_668_001", "insurance_668_002", "insurance_668_003", "insurance_668_004", "insurance_668_005", "insurance_668_006", "insurance_668_007", "insurance_668_008", "insurance_668_009", "insurance_668_010", "insurance_668_011", "insurance_668_012", "insurance_668_013", "insurance_668_014", "insurance_668_015", "insurance_668_016", "insurance_668_017", "insurance_668_018", "insurance_668_019", "insurance_668_020", "insurance_668_021", "insurance_668_022", "insurance_668_023", "insurance_668_024", "insurance_668_025", "insurance_668_026", "insurance_668_027", "insurance_668_028", "insurance_668_029", "insurance_668_030", "insurance_668_031", "insurance_668_032", "insurance_668_033", "insurance_668_034", "insurance_668_035", "insurance_668_036", "insurance_668_037", "insurance_668_038", "insurance_668_039", "insurance_668_040", "insurance_668_041", "insurance_668_042", "insurance_668_043", "insurance_668_044", "insurance_668_045", "insurance_668_046" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi. This is Holly from Rivertown Insurance. What can I help you with today?", "Hi, Holly. I'm Melissa Stimson and I want to change the way I pay automatically.", "Nice to talk to you Melissa. Can I get your account number and date of birth?", "My account number is five two nine four, six six one four.", "Great.", "My date of birth is September eighteenth, nineteen sixty-one.", "Thanks for confirming that for me.", "No problem.", "So did I hear you right? You want to change your preferred method of payment?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. Do you have an online account with us?", "Yes, I do.", "We can do this together online if you'd like and I can walk you through it.", "Okay. That sounds great. I wanna make sure that I'm, doing it right.", "Of course. Go ahead and sign on and I'll wait till you get it up on your screen.", "Okay, this might take a sec.", "Take your time and let me know when you're up.", "Okay, I'm at the what do you call it? Oh yeah, the home screen.", "Okay, great. Now at the top you'll see a bar with different sections. Click on \"Billing\" for me, please.", "Got it.", "Okay now you should see your current method of payment. Do you see it?", "Yeah.", "Okay beneath that there should be a box with a plus sign in it. Click on that to add a new payment type.", "Okay. Got it.", "Great. Go ahead and enter your information and I'll wait.", "Okay, #Um, two four - and the expiration date - three digit code. Okay I'm done.", "Good. Now next to that on the right there's a box that says, \"preferred method of payment\". Click on that.", "Got it.", "Okay is the box checked now?", "Yes.", "Good. Now hit add payment method.", "Done.", "Now you should see that your old method of payment has dropped and your new method is on top.", "Yep. There it is.", "Great. Now you can make your payment or set up automatic payments using the new payment method.", "Perfect!", "Great!", "Thanks for walking me through that. It's so much easier when you don't have a bunch of computer skills.", "Not a problem at all.", "Thanks again.", "Is there anything else you need help with?", "No. I don't think so. I'm gonna make my payment online today.", "Well, thank you for being a loyal Rivertown client. We appreciate your business.", "No problem. I've been with you guys for a long time. I'm very happy with your company.", "Glad to hear that. If you'd like to participate In our phone survey, please stay on the line.", "I will. Bye-Bye", "Bye now." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_669_000", "insurance_669_001", "insurance_669_002", "insurance_669_003", "insurance_669_004", "insurance_669_005", "insurance_669_006", "insurance_669_007", "insurance_669_008", "insurance_669_009", "insurance_669_010", "insurance_669_011", "insurance_669_012", "insurance_669_013", "insurance_669_014", "insurance_669_015", "insurance_669_016", "insurance_669_017", "insurance_669_018", "insurance_669_019", "insurance_669_020", "insurance_669_021", "insurance_669_022", "insurance_669_023", "insurance_669_024", "insurance_669_025", "insurance_669_026", "insurance_669_027", "insurance_669_028", "insurance_669_029", "insurance_669_030", "insurance_669_031", "insurance_669_032", "insurance_669_033", "insurance_669_034", "insurance_669_035", "insurance_669_036", "insurance_669_037", "insurance_669_038", "insurance_669_039", "insurance_669_040", "insurance_669_041", "insurance_669_042", "insurance_669_043", "insurance_669_044", "insurance_669_045", "insurance_669_046", "insurance_669_047", "insurance_669_048", "insurance_669_049", "insurance_669_050", "insurance_669_051", "insurance_669_052", "insurance_669_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I need to go ahead and set up my plan to be cancelled. I've found a better company to cover me.", "I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving us but I can process that cancellation for you.", "Great.", "What is your first and last name?", "It's Rhonda Brown.", "Thank you Rhonda, do you know your customer ID?", "No.", "That's okay I can look you up a different way.", "Fine.", "What is your social and date of birth?", "It's four two four three seven eight nine two two.", "Mm-hmm.", "Date of birth is oh one one two one nine seven two.", "Thank you for that. Can you tell me the phone number associated with the account?", "You are asking too many questions why is it so hard to just get help from you guys.", "I apologize ma'am. It's just so we can get your information pulled up in the system since you didn't have your customer ID.", "Fine. What did you need again?", "The phone number on the account.", "Two five one three six three four two three two.", "And the last question is for you to verify your mother's maiden name for security purposes.", "Jones.", "Great. Do you mind if I ask why you're wanting to cancel today?", "You guys are too expensive and you ask too many questions.", "I'm sorry to hear you think we're too expensive. Have you thought about changing your plan so it would be a lower premium?", "Why would I do that. I found a company that gives me better coverage for a cheaper price.", "I understand ma'am.", "Great so just do your job and cancel the plan.", "I apologize for the inconvenience.", "Fine.", "When would you like the cancellation to be effective?", "My new policy starts on the first so that's when this one needs to be gone.", "Okay so to confirm we are marking the account for cancellation on the first of August.", "Right.", "Is your email still rhonda underscore brown at gmail dot com?", "Yes.", "Okay I will send a confirmation to that email that the account has been marked for closure.", "Great. Will I get any kind of refund? I've already paid my premium this month.", "No ma'am. Because you are covered until the end of the month there wouldn't be any prorated refund.", "You guys are just criminals all you care about is money. I'm so glad to be getting away from you.", "I'm sorry your feel that way ma'am. That's not how we want to be perceived. If you wanted to mark it for cancellation earlier you would receive a prorated refund.", "And then what? Just go without coverage. No thank you.", "Okay.", "Is it done?", "Yes I have sent a confirmation email to the address you have on file with us.", "Well you hang on and let me make sure I got it just so I know you didn't screw anything up.", "Okay ma'am.", "I got it.", "Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No.", "Have a great day.", "Whatever.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_670_000", "insurance_670_001", "insurance_670_002", "insurance_670_003", "insurance_670_004", "insurance_670_005", "insurance_670_006", "insurance_670_007", "insurance_670_008", "insurance_670_009", "insurance_670_010", "insurance_670_011", "insurance_670_012", "insurance_670_013", "insurance_670_014", "insurance_670_015", "insurance_670_016", "insurance_670_017", "insurance_670_018", "insurance_670_019", "insurance_670_020", "insurance_670_021", "insurance_670_022", "insurance_670_023", "insurance_670_024", "insurance_670_025", "insurance_670_026", "insurance_670_027", "insurance_670_028", "insurance_670_029", "insurance_670_030", "insurance_670_031", "insurance_670_032", "insurance_670_033", "insurance_670_034", "insurance_670_035", "insurance_670_036", "insurance_670_037", "insurance_670_038", "insurance_670_039", "insurance_670_040", "insurance_670_041", "insurance_670_042", "insurance_670_043", "insurance_670_044", "insurance_670_045", "insurance_670_046", "insurance_670_047", "insurance_670_048", "insurance_670_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey! My name is Kara Turner and I have a few policies with you guys. I just recently moved and so I want to update you guys with my new address.", "I can definitely help with that Kara. May I have your customer number?", "I don't have that with me. Can I give you something else?", "Yes. I can verify you a different way. Can you provide me with your social and date of birth?", "Yes. My social is one two three four five six seven eight nine and my date of birth is July second nineteen ninety two.", "Great. Now I'll need your phone number associated with the account.", "That should be eight five zero two nine six zero one eight six.", "Thank you and for security purposes can you verify your favorite pet's name?", "Yes it's Rupert.", "Great. can you tell me what the old address is just to make sure it's accurate?", "It should be three two two pine terrace court Century Florida three two five three five.", "Thank you. That looks like what we have here. What is the new address?", "Okay so the new address is going to be three four four.", "Mm-hmm.", "Pine Grove Road. That's p. i. n. e. g. r. o. v. e.", "Thank you. What city and state?", "The same so it's Century Florida three two five three five.", "Is that s. e. n. t. r. y?", "No it's c. e. n. t. u. r. y.", "Okay thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "When would you like that to be effective?", "Starting today is fine.", "Okay great. just to confirm we have updated your address to three three four Pine Grove Century Florida three two five three five.", "No. It should be three four four. Not three three four.", "My apologies. I've made that change.", "Can I get a copy of that sent to me since you messed it up the first time.", "Yes. We have your email as k turner forty five at hotmail dot com. Is that still accurate?", "No. I need you to send it to k turner forty five at gmail dot com.", "Okay. I have your email updated as well as your address.", "Great is there any way to do this other than calling in? This lease is only short term so I will need to change it again.", "Yes. You can change your address and email preferences online by logging in to your account.", "Okay so I'm on the site. Where do I go to change it?", "On your homepage you should see the option on the left that says profile settings.", "I see that.", "Okay so you will click on that and select edit.", "Where is edit?", "It should be on the right hand side above save changes.", "Oh! I see it now.", "Great.", "And I just click this and select what I want to change?", "That's correct. It's a pretty easy process once you're in there.", "Okay awesome.", "Was there anything else I could help with today?", "No that's all.", "Great! There will be a brief survey after I disconnect if you'd like to fill out a questionairre about your experience today.", "Okay. I will do that.", "Thank you for calling. Have a nice day. Goodbye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_671_000", "insurance_671_001", "insurance_671_002", "insurance_671_003", "insurance_671_004", "insurance_671_005", "insurance_671_006", "insurance_671_007", "insurance_671_008", "insurance_671_009", "insurance_671_010", "insurance_671_011", "insurance_671_012", "insurance_671_013", "insurance_671_014", "insurance_671_015", "insurance_671_016", "insurance_671_017", "insurance_671_018", "insurance_671_019", "insurance_671_020", "insurance_671_021", "insurance_671_022", "insurance_671_023", "insurance_671_024", "insurance_671_025", "insurance_671_026", "insurance_671_027", "insurance_671_028", "insurance_671_029", "insurance_671_030", "insurance_671_031", "insurance_671_032", "insurance_671_033", "insurance_671_034", "insurance_671_035", "insurance_671_036", "insurance_671_037", "insurance_671_038", "insurance_671_039", "insurance_671_040", "insurance_671_041", "insurance_671_042", "insurance_671_043", "insurance_671_044", "insurance_671_045", "insurance_671_046", "insurance_671_047", "insurance_671_048", "insurance_671_049", "insurance_671_050", "insurance_671_051", "insurance_671_052", "insurance_671_053", "insurance_671_054", "insurance_671_055", "insurance_671_056", "insurance_671_057", "insurance_671_058", "insurance_671_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I have been shopping for car insurance and had saw an ad for you guys and thought I'd see if you could beat the other rates I've got.", "Sure. I'd be glad to help you with an auto quote. Do you have any policies with us already?", "No I don't.", "That's not a problem. May I have your first and last name?", "My first and last name? Is that what you said? I have poor reception here.", "Yes. Your first and last name.", "It's Sandra Saunders.", "Thank you, Sandra.", "You're welcome.", "To get started with the quote I'll just need to collect some basic information about you and the vehicle you want to insure.", "That's fine.", "What is your date of birth?", "It's November second nineteen seventy eight.", "Great and can you tell me what state the vehicle will be used in?", "Florida.", "And what is the year, make, and model of the vehicle you're wanting to quote.", "It's a two thousand eighteen ", "Mm-hmm.", "Toyota Corolla.", "How many miles are on the Corolla?", "Hang on and let me go check.", "Okay. Take your time.", "It has forty six thousand three hundred and twenty two miles on.", "Okay. That's pretty low mileage for a two thousand eighteen.", "Yeah. I don't really drive around that much.", "I understand. I hate traffic.", "Yeah if I don't have to go anywhere I just stay at home.", "I'm the same way. give me a second here to enter all this information and I will have you some numbers.", "Okay.", "So we have three options for you today ", "Okay.", "We have the Basic Auto, the Preferred Auto, and the Complete Auto packages available to you.", "What's the difference?", "The Basic Auto has a one thousand dollar deductible for comprehensive and collision and does not cover emergency roadside or rental car reimbursement ", "Okay and the preferred?", "It has a deductible of five hundred dollars for comp and collision and it has emergency roadside ", "Mm-hmm.", "And the Complete has a two hundred fifty dollar deductible for comp and collision, emergency roadside and rental reimbursement.", "What's the price difference between the middle and the higher one?", "The Preferred plan is fifteen hundred per year and the complete plan is two thousand per year.", "That's not too bad.", "Not at all. How did we compare to the other rates you were looking at?", "You guys are a little lower than most.", "Great to hear! Would you like to take advantage of one of our plans today?", "I would actually, but I don't have time at the moment can you have someone call me in a couple of hours?", "I sure can. What's a good number to reach you at?", "Eight five zero two three two four seven six two.", "Okay so to confirm, I am going to have a licensed agent call you in two hours at the phone number ending in four seven six two.", "Yes.", "Perfect. Was there anything else I could for you today?", "No that's it.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of this call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Okay the survey will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day!", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_672_000", "insurance_672_001", "insurance_672_002", "insurance_672_003", "insurance_672_004", "insurance_672_005", "insurance_672_006", "insurance_672_007", "insurance_672_008", "insurance_672_009", "insurance_672_010", "insurance_672_011", "insurance_672_012", "insurance_672_013", "insurance_672_014", "insurance_672_015", "insurance_672_016", "insurance_672_017", "insurance_672_018", "insurance_672_019", "insurance_672_020", "insurance_672_021", "insurance_672_022", "insurance_672_023", "insurance_672_024", "insurance_672_025", "insurance_672_026", "insurance_672_027", "insurance_672_028", "insurance_672_029", "insurance_672_030", "insurance_672_031", "insurance_672_032", "insurance_672_033", "insurance_672_034", "insurance_672_035", "insurance_672_036", "insurance_672_037", "insurance_672_038", "insurance_672_039", "insurance_672_040", "insurance_672_041", "insurance_672_042", "insurance_672_043", "insurance_672_044", "insurance_672_045", "insurance_672_046", "insurance_672_047", "insurance_672_048", "insurance_672_049", "insurance_672_050", "insurance_672_051", "insurance_672_052", "insurance_672_053", "insurance_672_054", "insurance_672_055", "insurance_672_056", "insurance_672_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I need to update my address with you guys and pay my bill.", "I'd be happy to help with that. May I have your first and last name?", "Yeah it's Mary Flannigan.", "Thank you, Mary. Can you spell that last name for me?", "Yeah it's a mouthful. It's f. l. a. n. n. i. g. a. n.", "Yeah I just wanted to make sure I had it right.", "No worries.", "Do you happen to have your customer ID handy?", "yes actually. Let me get it. One second.", "Take your time.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes, can you tell me your date of birth?", "It's October fourteenth nineteen ninety one.", "Thank you for that. So we wanted to update the address and pay a bill, correct?", "Yes.", "What is the old address?", "It's one one three two Forest drive Los Angeles California nine oh two one oh.", "Great. That matches what we have here. What would you like to update it to?", "My new one is three three four Pineview Road Flomaton Alabama three six six four one.", "Wow. That's quite a move!", "Yeah all the way across the country. It was a long trip.", "I can't imagine.", "And a culture shock.", "So just to confirm I've got that address updated to three three four Pine view, two words, road Flomaton Alabama.", "No it's actually one word, p. i.n. e. v. i. e. w.", "Sorry about that.", "No worries.", "Okay. I've got that corrected for us. Now you said you wanted to pay a bill as well?", "Yes, please.", "What policy would you like to make a payment on today?", "My auto insurance.", "Okay. I'm showing a balance of three hundred sixty four dollars due tomorrow. Is that how much you'd like to pay?", "Yes.", "And how will you be paying today?", "Credit card.", "Okay. I'll just need that sixteen digit card number, security code, and expiration date.", "Hang on let me get it out of my wallet.", "No problem.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight nine one one one one two three four.", "Mm-hmm.", "Security code is three four five and expiration is twelve of twenty four.", "Perfect. Thank you.", "You're welcome.", "So to confirm we are making a one time payment of three hundred sixty four dollars on the card ending in one two three four.", "Yes.", "Alright I've made that payment for you. Is your email still Mary underscore Flannigan at gmail dot com?", "Yes.", "I've gone ahead and sent the receipt to your email as well.", "Great. Thank you.", "No problem at all. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No, I think that's it.", "Great. Enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress", "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_673_000", "insurance_673_001", "insurance_673_002", "insurance_673_003", "insurance_673_004", "insurance_673_005", "insurance_673_006", "insurance_673_007", "insurance_673_008", "insurance_673_009", "insurance_673_010", "insurance_673_011", "insurance_673_012", "insurance_673_013", "insurance_673_014", "insurance_673_015", "insurance_673_016", "insurance_673_017", "insurance_673_018", "insurance_673_019", "insurance_673_020", "insurance_673_021", "insurance_673_022", "insurance_673_023", "insurance_673_024", "insurance_673_025", "insurance_673_026", "insurance_673_027", "insurance_673_028", "insurance_673_029", "insurance_673_030", "insurance_673_031", "insurance_673_032", "insurance_673_033", "insurance_673_034", "insurance_673_035", "insurance_673_036", "insurance_673_037", "insurance_673_038", "insurance_673_039", "insurance_673_040", "insurance_673_041", "insurance_673_042", "insurance_673_043", "insurance_673_044", "insurance_673_045", "insurance_673_046", "insurance_673_047", "insurance_673_048", "insurance_673_049", "insurance_673_050", "insurance_673_051", "insurance_673_052", "insurance_673_053", "insurance_673_054", "insurance_673_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes. I need to do something about lowering my premiumiss I recently lost my job and just can't afford the payments anymore. I don't want to change companies. I've been with you guys for years.", "I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. Let's see what we can do.", "Okay. Thank you.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Maria Sanchez.", "Thank you, Maria. Do you happen to have your customer number?", "I think so. Let me check my purse.", "Okay. Take your time.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Perfect, and can you verify your date of birth please?", "It's seven twenty six nineteen eighty nine.", "Thank you, Maria. I have you pulled up here. Which policy were you looking at reducing the payment on? Life or Auto?", "the auto policy. I don't want to change my life insurance.", "Okay. It looks like you're on the Complete plan. Does that sound correct?", "Yes it was the highest one.", "Okay. We do have two options with lower payments how much lower did you need to go?", "Well I don't want to lose too much coverage.", "If you're looking to lower the price I would recommend just going one lower to the Preferred plan.", "How much different is that one?", "It lowers your premium by around sixty dollars per month or five hundred per year.", "And what do I lose in coverage?", "Well going from the Complete to the Preferred your comp and collision deductibles go up to seven hundred fifty from two hundred fifty.", "Okay.", "And you lose the emergency roadside assistance.", "That's okay I haven't used that anyway.", "Yeah unless you travel a lot, we find a lot of people remove that option.", "I don't travel anywhere . Just to and from work.", "I definitely understand that .", "Is there any other plan that's lower?", "Yes. We also have the Basic plan that's one hundred twenty less per month, but it's a significan't loss of coverage.", "that's a lot less. What does it cover?", "Your deductible goes up to one thousand and you no longer have rental car or emergency roadside.", "Oh Okay. That's a big difference.", "Yes. If you're not looking to lose that much coverage I would still recommend the Preferred.", "As much as I hate to do it. I have to go with the first one I just can't afford the other.", "The Basic? I completely understand.", "Yes that one.", "Okay to confirm you want to change your plan from the Complete to the Basic. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "Okay I will go ahead and change that for you.", "Okay. When will I see that in my bill?", "You should see a prorated payment change once it processes.", "Okay. When will that be?", "It usually only takes one to two business days.", "Oh. Okay. Great.", "We have grace kelly lover at hotmail dot com on file for you. Is that still correct?", "Yes that's right.", "Okay. I have made the requested changes and I have sent you an email confirmation.", "Thank you.", "No problem! Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No that's all!", "Great. There will be a brief survey after the call if you don't mind filling that out about your service.", "I will.", "Perfect. Enjoy your day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_674_000", "insurance_674_001", "insurance_674_002", "insurance_674_003", "insurance_674_004", "insurance_674_005", "insurance_674_006", "insurance_674_007", "insurance_674_008", "insurance_674_009", "insurance_674_010", "insurance_674_011", "insurance_674_012", "insurance_674_013", "insurance_674_014", "insurance_674_015", "insurance_674_016", "insurance_674_017", "insurance_674_018", "insurance_674_019", "insurance_674_020", "insurance_674_021", "insurance_674_022", "insurance_674_023", "insurance_674_024", "insurance_674_025", "insurance_674_026", "insurance_674_027", "insurance_674_028", "insurance_674_029", "insurance_674_030", "insurance_674_031", "insurance_674_032", "insurance_674_033", "insurance_674_034", "insurance_674_035", "insurance_674_036", "insurance_674_037", "insurance_674_038", "insurance_674_039", "insurance_674_040", "insurance_674_041", "insurance_674_042", "insurance_674_043", "insurance_674_044", "insurance_674_045", "insurance_674_046", "insurance_674_047", "insurance_674_048", "insurance_674_049", "insurance_674_050", "insurance_674_051", "insurance_674_052", "insurance_674_053", "insurance_674_054", "insurance_674_055", "insurance_674_056", "insurance_674_057", "insurance_674_058", "insurance_674_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hey I currently have life and health insurance with you guys and I recently got a quote for auto insurance that I would like to go ahead and enroll in.", "Perfect! I'm glad you're taking advantage of our auto policies as well.", "Absolutely, you guys have been great.", "I'm glad to hear that. Let's start with your first and last name.", "It's Mary Smith.", "Thanks for that, Mary. Do you know your customer ID?", "Let's see if I can find that.", "Take your time.", "Would it be on like any of my other bills?", "Yes it should be on any policy bill that you have from us.", "Okay. Where at on the bill?", "It should be in the upper left corner on the life bill and the health bill should have it in the bottom right corner.", "Is it the eight digit number?", "Yes.", "There it is. Sorry that took so long.", "It's okay.", "Alright it's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great, and for security purposes can you verify your date of birth for me?", "It's June first nineteen eighty four.", "Perfect. So give me one second to pull up your quote history and I'll be able to finalize that enrollment.", "No problem.", "Alright so it looks like you were quoted for the Preferred Auto plan is that correct?", "Yes.", "And we still want to go with that package?", "Yes.", "Great, so it looks like the annual total due would be fifteen hundred.", "Can I pay it monthly?", "Yes we can set up a monthly plan.", "Are there any fees for that?", "Yes there is a three dollar per month processing fee for the monthly payment.", "That's fine.", "Okay so your first payment today would be one hundred twenty eight dollars.", "And that includes the fee?", "Yes.", "Okay. That's fine.", "How would you like to pay?", "By credit card.", "Okay. I'll just need that sixteen digit card number, expiration date, and CVV code.", "Okay. the card number is one two three four five six seven eight three two two one four seven six two.", "Okay.", "The expiration date is June of twenty four and the what kind of code?", "The security code on the back of the card.", "Oh. It's three three two.", "Perfect. So to confirm we are going to make a one time charge to the card ending in four seven six two in the amount of one hundred twenty eight dollars.", "Yes.", "Great. I've gone ahead and posted that for you.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. We have Mary underscore Smith at gmail dot com as your email. Is that still correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay, Mary. I've gone ahead and sent an email confirmation as well.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No I think that was all.", "Well thanks for choosing us. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today.", "Okay.", "It will begin as soon as I disconnect. You have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_675_000", "insurance_675_001", "insurance_675_002", "insurance_675_003", "insurance_675_004", "insurance_675_005", "insurance_675_006", "insurance_675_007", "insurance_675_008", "insurance_675_009", "insurance_675_010", "insurance_675_011", "insurance_675_012", "insurance_675_013", "insurance_675_014", "insurance_675_015", "insurance_675_016", "insurance_675_017", "insurance_675_018", "insurance_675_019", "insurance_675_020", "insurance_675_021", "insurance_675_022", "insurance_675_023", "insurance_675_024", "insurance_675_025", "insurance_675_026", "insurance_675_027", "insurance_675_028", "insurance_675_029", "insurance_675_030", "insurance_675_031", "insurance_675_032", "insurance_675_033", "insurance_675_034", "insurance_675_035", "insurance_675_036", "insurance_675_037", "insurance_675_038", "insurance_675_039", "insurance_675_040", "insurance_675_041", "insurance_675_042", "insurance_675_043", "insurance_675_044", "insurance_675_045", "insurance_675_046", "insurance_675_047", "insurance_675_048", "insurance_675_049", "insurance_675_050", "insurance_675_051", "insurance_675_052", "insurance_675_053", "insurance_675_054", "insurance_675_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I need to check my account balance with you guys. I don't think I've paid my bill this month so I need to make sure.", "Okay. I can definitely help with that.", "Great I've been worried about it. I don't want to be late with you guys.", "Well let's check it out. May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Mary Rochester.", "Thank you, Mary. Do you know your customer ID?", "It's one three four five two six seven eight eight.", "Great. for security purposes can you tell me your date of birth?", "It's May third nineteen seventy.", "Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "So I'm looking at your policies here. Which one did you want to check the balance on?", "The auto policy please. The rest are on auto pay.", "Okay. One second while I get that pulled up.", "Okay.", "How's your day going so far?", "It's good. I can't complain, ready for the weekend.", "Me too. Definitely ready for the weekend.", "It'll be here before you know it.", "I hope so. Alright so it's finally loaded here for me.", "Okay.", "I do show that a payment is due July twenty ninth in the amount of two hundred eighty five dollars.", "Oh no. I did forget. Did I get a late fee?", "No it looks like you're still in your grace period.", "Great.", "Would you like to go ahead and make that payment while we're on the phone?", "Sure!", "How would you like to pay today?", "Can I use my bank account.", "Sure that's not a problem.", "Okay.", "What is your routing and account number?", "Let me get my checkbook, hang on.", "Take your time.", "Okay what did you say you needed first?", "The routing and account number.", "Okay the routing number is one two three four five six seven eight nine.", "Great. And the account number?", "It's four five six seven seven eight two three two one.", "Perfect, and this is a checking account, correct?", "Yes it is.", "Great. So just to confirm we will be making a one time payment of two hundred eighty five dollars that will be charged today.", "Yes.", "Alright I have that processed. Is your email still doxie lover ninety nine at aol dot com.", "Yes it is.", "Great. I've got that done for you and I've sent a confirmation email.", "Perfect! Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's it.", "Great. There will be a short survey after the call that will have you rate your experience today.", "Okay.", "It will start as soon as I disconnect.", "That's fine.", "Have a good day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_676_000", "insurance_676_001", "insurance_676_002", "insurance_676_003", "insurance_676_004", "insurance_676_005", "insurance_676_006", "insurance_676_007", "insurance_676_008", "insurance_676_009", "insurance_676_010", "insurance_676_011", "insurance_676_012", "insurance_676_013", "insurance_676_014", "insurance_676_015", "insurance_676_016", "insurance_676_017", "insurance_676_018", "insurance_676_019", "insurance_676_020", "insurance_676_021", "insurance_676_022", "insurance_676_023", "insurance_676_024", "insurance_676_025", "insurance_676_026", "insurance_676_027", "insurance_676_028", "insurance_676_029", "insurance_676_030", "insurance_676_031", "insurance_676_032", "insurance_676_033", "insurance_676_034", "insurance_676_035", "insurance_676_036", "insurance_676_037", "insurance_676_038", "insurance_676_039", "insurance_676_040", "insurance_676_041", "insurance_676_042", "insurance_676_043", "insurance_676_044", "insurance_676_045", "insurance_676_046", "insurance_676_047", "insurance_676_048", "insurance_676_049", "insurance_676_050", "insurance_676_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hello there. I heard you guys do pet insurance and I just thought that was the neatest thing. Do you think I could get a quote on a policy?", "Of course you can! We love to insure pets.", "Well good. I've always thought that it was a great product.", "I agree. Pets are amazing but can get expensive.", "I completely agree. Just last year alone I spent like fourteen hundred dollars on vet bills!", "That's crazy. We definitely need to get you a quote .", "Perfect. What do you need from me?", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Mary Lou Salter.", "Thank you, Mary Lou. Do you already have a policy with us?", "I sure do. I got life and auto with you all.", "Perfect. Do you know your customer ID?", "Yes I do. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great, and for security purposes can I get your date of birth?", "It's May second nineteen seventy four.", "Perfect. I've got you pulled up here. Now I'll just need to ask you some questions about the pet you want to insure.", "Okay go ahead.", "What kind of pet do you have?", "It's a dog.", "Great! I love dogs.", "Me too. She's my whole world.", "What kind of dog is she?", "She's a mutt. We got her down at the shelter.", "Okay so she's mixed breed?", "Yeah.", "How old is she?", "She's two whole years old.", "Just a baby then.", "She acts like it all the time .", "Oh I'm sure . What is her weight?", "She's about twenty two pounds.", "Perfect. And does she have any health issues?", "No she got a little stomach bug last year and that cost us a little bit but other than that she's been healthy.", "Good deal. Give me just a moment to enter all this in and I'll have you some numbers, okay?", "Sure.", "Alright we have two options for you. We have Petcare Basic which just covers your major expenses and medical bills and Petcare Preferred which covers medication and vet visits.", "What's the price difference for both?", "The Petcare Basic is five hundred per year and the Petcare Preferred is one thousand.", "That's not too bad.", "We have your email as mary lou loves you at gmail dot com. Is that still good?", "Yes that's still good.", "Okay I've sent you an email with those two options so you can take a look at the differences.", "Well great! Thank you.", "You're welcome. Would you like to go ahead and enroll in one today?", "No not at the moment I want to talk to my husband about it and see what he thinks.", "That's not a problem at all. What other questions could I answer for you today?", "That's going to be it.", "Well I hope you have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_677_000", "insurance_677_001", "insurance_677_002", "insurance_677_003", "insurance_677_004", "insurance_677_005", "insurance_677_006", "insurance_677_007", "insurance_677_008", "insurance_677_009", "insurance_677_010", "insurance_677_011", "insurance_677_012", "insurance_677_013", "insurance_677_014", "insurance_677_015", "insurance_677_016", "insurance_677_017", "insurance_677_018", "insurance_677_019", "insurance_677_020", "insurance_677_021", "insurance_677_022", "insurance_677_023", "insurance_677_024", "insurance_677_025", "insurance_677_026", "insurance_677_027", "insurance_677_028", "insurance_677_029", "insurance_677_030", "insurance_677_031", "insurance_677_032", "insurance_677_033", "insurance_677_034", "insurance_677_035", "insurance_677_036", "insurance_677_037", "insurance_677_038", "insurance_677_039", "insurance_677_040", "insurance_677_041", "insurance_677_042", "insurance_677_043", "insurance_677_044", "insurance_677_045", "insurance_677_046", "insurance_677_047", "insurance_677_048", "insurance_677_049", "insurance_677_050", "insurance_677_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes my name is Rita Wilson, customer ID one two three four five six seven eight, and I need to add someone to my life insurance plan.", "Okay Rita. I'd be more than happy to help you with that.", "Great.", "May I have your date of birth for security purposes?", "Yes it's May thirtieth nineteen eighty two.", "Great. Thank you.", "You're welcome.", "So you want to add a dependent to your life insurance plan, is that correct?", "Right. We just adopted a baby and I need to make sure she's on there.", "Well congratulations on the new addition!", "Thanks.", "Do you have your life insurance policy number?", "Hang on and let me see if I can find it real quick.", "No problem. Take your time.", "Where would I be able to find that?", "It should be on your monthly bill.", "Oh okay. Where at on the bill. I'm looking now.", "It's in the upper left corner.", "Oh there it is. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. Thank you for that. May I have you child's first and last name?", "Yeah her name is Maggie Wilson.", "And is that m. a. g. g. y.?", "No it's m. a. g. g. i. e.", "Great and what is her date of birth?", "It is March third twenty twenty.", "Perfect. Does she have any health issues?", "No not so far, she's been healthy.", "Well that's always a good thing!", "Definitely.", "Alright, so I've gone ahead and added Maggie as a dependent to your health insurance plan. Would you like a confirmation email?", "Yes please.", "Is your email still Rita underscore wilson eighty two at hotmail dot com?", "Yes it is.", "Great. I've gone ahead and sent that out to you.", "Thank you. How much will this make my bill go up?", "It looks like there will be a change of thirty five dollars per month.", "Oh that's not too bad.", "Not at all! Was there anything else we could do for you today?", "Does that change the due date at all?", "No ma'am. Your renewal and bill due dates will remain the same for the policy.", "Great.", "What else can I answer for you?", "I think that's all today.", "Well great. Again congratulations on the new baby.", "Thank you.", "There will be a brief survey at the end of the call that rates your experience today. Would you like to take that?", "Sure.", "Great. It will start as soon as I disconnect, just hold on the line for me.", "Okay.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_678_000", "insurance_678_001", "insurance_678_002", "insurance_678_003", "insurance_678_004", "insurance_678_005", "insurance_678_006", "insurance_678_007", "insurance_678_008", "insurance_678_009", "insurance_678_010", "insurance_678_011", "insurance_678_012", "insurance_678_013", "insurance_678_014", "insurance_678_015", "insurance_678_016", "insurance_678_017", "insurance_678_018", "insurance_678_019", "insurance_678_020", "insurance_678_021", "insurance_678_022", "insurance_678_023", "insurance_678_024", "insurance_678_025", "insurance_678_026", "insurance_678_027", "insurance_678_028", "insurance_678_029", "insurance_678_030", "insurance_678_031", "insurance_678_032", "insurance_678_033", "insurance_678_034", "insurance_678_035", "insurance_678_036", "insurance_678_037", "insurance_678_038", "insurance_678_039", "insurance_678_040", "insurance_678_041", "insurance_678_042", "insurance_678_043", "insurance_678_044", "insurance_678_045", "insurance_678_046", "insurance_678_047", "insurance_678_048", "insurance_678_049", "insurance_678_050", "insurance_678_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hey there. I'm shopping around for some condo insurance and was hoping to get a quote from you guys.", "I'd be happy to help with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Michael Brown.", "Thanks, Michael. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions so we can get your quote started?", "Not at all.", "What's the address for you condo?", "It's forty two thirty three First Street unit three eighty.", "Mm-hmm.", "Pensacola, Florida.", "Okay and the zip code?", "Three two five three five.", "Great. Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "What is your date of birth?", "It's July fifteenth nineteen eighty.", "Great and do you know the estimated value of the condominium?", "It's around four hundred twenty two thousand.", "Awesome. When were you looking for the policy to start?", "My policy with my current insurance ends on August first so I would need this one to start August second.", "Okay great. Give me just a moment to enter this information and I should have some numbers for you, okay?", "Sure.", "Alright so we have two very good options for you today.", "Okay.", "We have the Condo Basic and the Condo Preferred plans.", "What do they cover?", "The Condo Basic covers all of your expenses in the event of a disaster and it covers seventy five percent of the value of your belongings.", "Okay and the Condo Preferred?", "It covers the same as the basic but you also get replacement housing assistance in the form of us paying for a hotel room if you cannot occupy your condo.", "What's the price difference?", "The Condo Basic costs five hundred per year.", "Okay.", "And the Condo Preferred costs six hundred per year.", "That's not bad at all.", "No sir. For just a little bit more you could have hotel costs reimbursed.", "Yeah I like that.", "Would you like me to put you in touch with an agent to get you started?", "I can't right now but they can call me tomorrow.", "Okay perfect. What's a good number to reach you at?", "It's going to be eight five zero three two two four seven six two.", "Perfect, and what's a good time to reach out to you?", "Probably around three.", "Great. We will have someone call you then.", "Awesome. Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else we could do for you today?", "No I think that's it.", "Perfect. Enjoy your day sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_679_000", "insurance_679_001", "insurance_679_002", "insurance_679_003", "insurance_679_004", "insurance_679_005", "insurance_679_006", "insurance_679_007", "insurance_679_008", "insurance_679_009", "insurance_679_010", "insurance_679_011", "insurance_679_012", "insurance_679_013", "insurance_679_014", "insurance_679_015", "insurance_679_016", "insurance_679_017", "insurance_679_018", "insurance_679_019", "insurance_679_020", "insurance_679_021", "insurance_679_022", "insurance_679_023", "insurance_679_024", "insurance_679_025", "insurance_679_026", "insurance_679_027", "insurance_679_028", "insurance_679_029", "insurance_679_030", "insurance_679_031", "insurance_679_032", "insurance_679_033", "insurance_679_034", "insurance_679_035", "insurance_679_036", "insurance_679_037", "insurance_679_038", "insurance_679_039", "insurance_679_040", "insurance_679_041", "insurance_679_042", "insurance_679_043", "insurance_679_044", "insurance_679_045", "insurance_679_046", "insurance_679_047", "insurance_679_048", "insurance_679_049", "insurance_679_050", "insurance_679_051", "insurance_679_052", "insurance_679_053", "insurance_679_054", "insurance_679_055", "insurance_679_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning! This is Natalie with Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you this morning?", "Hi, Natalie. I want to cancel my automatic billing.", "Sure, I can help you with that. Do you just want to cancel for this month or a temporary period of time?", "No, I want to completely opt out of it.", "I'm sorry to - let me get some information from you so I can pull up your account on my screen.", "Okay. What do you need? My account number?", "If you have your customer number, that would be great!", "Uh, that would be seven four three two nine eight one.", "I have seven four three two nine eight one. Now your customer number has eight digits that's only seven. Is there a zero in there somewhere?", "Well it starts with zero, but I didn't think you needed that.", "Yes, I need all eight digits, so that's zero seven four three two nine eight one?", "Yes.", "All right. And with whom am I speaking?", "This is Kelli Roberts.", "Okay, Kelli, I'm seeing a different name on this account.", "Oh, it's probably listed under my husband, John. John Roberts.", "That's correct. Oh, and here you are. I see you're listed as a secondary on the account, with your husband as the primary.", "It figures they give the man top billing.", "Not always, but on your account, that's correct. And you said you want to permanently cancel your auto billing for the account?", "Um yes.", "Do you mind if I ask why you want to cancel it?", "Yeah. This is the third month I've been over-billed for it.", "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, let me take a look at your past statements. Could you hold one minute?", "You can look all you want, and then you'll see how many times I've had to call and complain.", "Hmm. I do see on last month's bill you were overcharged by ten dollars and we added a credit immediately when you contacted us about the overage.", "Exactly. And if you look at the month before that, and the month before that, you did the same thing.", "I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. It looks like there is some sort of over-ride on your account that keeps defaulting it to the extra ten dollars. Hmm.", "Like I said, too many problems for me to deal with, so I'll just go back to getting my paper bill and verifying it before I pay it.", "You shouldn't have to do that. Would you mind holding while I check with someone on our technical team?", "I can hold for a minute, but I don't have all day to wait for you to check on your technical glitches.", "I understand completely. Just give me one minute, please.", "Whatever.", "Hi, Kelli, I just talked with our technician and it seems the additional ten dollar charge is for an extra level of security that your husband added on to the account back in May.", "Well he didn't tell me that. That sounds stupid. Why should we have to pay to keep our account secure?", "I guess I didn't explain that very well. The extra security it provides is not for the account itself, but an addendum to your homeowner's policy to protect against identity theft. We were offering an introductory rate in May that your husband agreed to.", "Oh. Well I'll talk to him about that. So am I going to be back-charged for those other months?", "No, that was a miscommunication on our part. Just know that moving forward, your montly premium increases by ten dollars.", "All right. But I think I still want to cancel my auto bill for now. I'll talk with my husband, but just take if off of auto bill for now.", "I could temporarily suspend it for this month and then get back in touch with you at the month's end to see if you want to turn it back on.", "You'll call me? I don't have to remember to call you?", "That's right. We'll also still send you an email reminder when your payment for this month is due. If I turn it off completely, you won't get that reminder.", "Oh, then let's definitely do that.", "Very good! So effective today, I'm taking off auto bill for this month, so you'll owe us two hundred ten dollars and fifty cents on August twenty-seventh. You'll get an email reminder of that on or about the twentieth. Then we'll check back with you on September first to see whether you want to turn the auto bill back on or cancel it all together.", "Thank you. Like I said, I really need to talk to my husband about this.", "Of course! I'll send you a summary of this call as well. So I should send that to John dot Roberts at Bingham Brothers dot com?", "That's his work email, so, could you send it to our personal account T. h. e. Roberts at verizon dot net?", "Oh, sure. I see we also have that email on file. Do you want to update to have that as your primary email?", "Yes.", "All right. One second. I've done that. You should have that confirmation email in about five or ten minutes. Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "No, I think that will do it. I appreciate your help with this, and for clarifying that ten dollar increase.", "I'm glad I could help. Well, if you or mister Roberts need anything else, feel free to contact us again.", "Should I ask for you specifically?", "No, I have all of the notes in your file here so whomever answers when you call will be able to help you.", "Great. Well, thank you again.", "You're very welcome. And thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance.", "Good-bye.", "Bye now." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_680_000", "insurance_680_001", "insurance_680_002", "insurance_680_003", "insurance_680_004", "insurance_680_005", "insurance_680_006", "insurance_680_007", "insurance_680_008", "insurance_680_009", "insurance_680_010", "insurance_680_011", "insurance_680_012", "insurance_680_013", "insurance_680_014", "insurance_680_015", "insurance_680_016", "insurance_680_017", "insurance_680_018", "insurance_680_019", "insurance_680_020", "insurance_680_021", "insurance_680_022", "insurance_680_023", "insurance_680_024", "insurance_680_025", "insurance_680_026", "insurance_680_027", "insurance_680_028", "insurance_680_029", "insurance_680_030", "insurance_680_031", "insurance_680_032", "insurance_680_033", "insurance_680_034", "insurance_680_035", "insurance_680_036", "insurance_680_037", "insurance_680_038", "insurance_680_039", "insurance_680_040", "insurance_680_041", "insurance_680_042", "insurance_680_043", "insurance_680_044", "insurance_680_045", "insurance_680_046", "insurance_680_047", "insurance_680_048", "insurance_680_049", "insurance_680_050", "insurance_680_051", "insurance_680_052", "insurance_680_053", "insurance_680_054", "insurance_680_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I need to file a claim for a doctor visit.", "Okay. I'd be more than happy to assist you with that today. May I have your first and last name?", "It's Rita Armstrong.", "Thank you, Rita. Do you happen to know your customer ID?", "Yes let me get it out of my purse. Hang on.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Okay it's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Perfect. Thank you for that.", "You're welcome.", "For security purposes can you tell me your date of birth?", "It's January eighth nineteen sixty two.", "Perfect. I've got your information pulled up here.", "Great.", "To start the claim I'll just need your group number from your insurance card.", "Okay. it's three seven nine three B.", "Thank you. Can you tell me the name of the person insured?", "It's my husband Duke Armstrong.", "Thank you. do you have any additional insurance, Rita?", "What do you mean?", "Like do you have any insurance just in your name, maybe from like another employer?", "Oh! No just this kind.", "Okay no problem. We just always check because if we can't cover all of it another insurance company can sometimes pick it up.", "Oh okay.", "What doctor did you go to?", "It was Doctor King.", "Perfect. And what was the reason for the visit?", "It was an annual check up.", "How much was the total bill?", "Hang on and let me go get it.", "Okay.", "It was four hundred seventy two dollars.", "And how much did you pay out of pocket?", "I paid them fifty dollars.", "Thank you for that information.", "You're welcome.", "We have your email as Rita underscore Armstrong sixty six at gmail dot com as your email. Is that correct?", "Yes that's me.", "Okay great. I'm going to send you a link to upload the bill from the doctor and the receipt where you paid so we can get this processed for you.", "Okay.", "Can you verify that you received that email?", "Yes. It looks like I have it right here.", "Great. All you'll have to do now is follow that link. It'll ask you to upload those documents.", "Can I just take a picture of them on my phone?", "Yes. You should be able to follow that link using your phone and then just snap a photo of them.", "Oh okay. That seems easy enough.", "Yes. Just make sure they're legible because if they're not it may cause a delay in payment.", "I can do that.", "Great. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No. I think that's all.", "Awesome. There will be a brief survey after I disconnect that will ask you about your experience today. Do you mind filling that out?", "No I don't mind.", "Great. It'll start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day, goodbye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_681_000", "insurance_681_001", "insurance_681_002", "insurance_681_003", "insurance_681_004", "insurance_681_005", "insurance_681_006", "insurance_681_007", "insurance_681_008", "insurance_681_009", "insurance_681_010", "insurance_681_011", "insurance_681_012", "insurance_681_013", "insurance_681_014", "insurance_681_015", "insurance_681_016", "insurance_681_017", "insurance_681_018", "insurance_681_019", "insurance_681_020", "insurance_681_021", "insurance_681_022", "insurance_681_023", "insurance_681_024", "insurance_681_025", "insurance_681_026", "insurance_681_027", "insurance_681_028", "insurance_681_029", "insurance_681_030", "insurance_681_031", "insurance_681_032", "insurance_681_033", "insurance_681_034", "insurance_681_035", "insurance_681_036", "insurance_681_037", "insurance_681_038", "insurance_681_039", "insurance_681_040", "insurance_681_041", "insurance_681_042", "insurance_681_043", "insurance_681_044", "insurance_681_045", "insurance_681_046", "insurance_681_047", "insurance_681_048", "insurance_681_049", "insurance_681_050", "insurance_681_051", "insurance_681_052", "insurance_681_053", "insurance_681_054", "insurance_681_055", "insurance_681_056", "insurance_681_057", "insurance_681_058", "insurance_681_059", "insurance_681_060", "insurance_681_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello may I speak with David Green, please?", "May I ask who is calling?", "This is John Brown, I'm an agent with Rivertown Insurance following up with you on a request to enroll in an auto insurance plan.", "Oh okay. This is David.", "Great! How are you doing today?", "I'm good so far. How are you?", "I'm doing well. So our rep told me that you were interested in signing up for our Complete Auto plan, is that correct?", "Yes that'd be great.", "Perfect. I just need to collect some basic information from you before we can get started. Is that okay?", "That's fine.", "Perfect. I have two five one three six three four seven two four listed as your preferred number. Is that still accurate?", "Yes it is.", "And David underscore Green at gmail dot com as your preferred email?", "Yes.", "Great. What is your social security number and date of birth?", "It's four three seven two four two two three two.", "Mm-hmm.", "Date of birth is three seven ninety.", "Awesome. Thanks for that.", "You're welcome.", "What is the best street address for you?", "Okay it's going to be four five nine Spring Street.", "Okay.", "Century, Florida.", "Mm-hmm.", "Three two five three five.", "Perfect. To finalize your profile I'll just need to create a security question for you.", "Oh let's use my mother's maiden name. That's what I use on everything and it'll be easier to remember.", "I definitely understand. I always use my pet's name that way I don't forget.", "Yeah it's sad we have to do that with all the criminals in the world.", "Yes but it's good we have an added layer of protection.", "That's true.", "What would you like the answer to be?", "it's Jones.", "Great. I have that recorded. Did you have any questions about the Complete Auto plan before I finalized your enrollment?", "Yeah do I get any discounts for paying annually compared to if I broke it up into installments?", "Yes actually you save about thirty six dollars a year because of processing fees.", "Okay. Then that's the way I want to go then.", "We can definitely do that.", "Great.", "Perfect. Your total comes out to be two thousand dollars even.", "Great can I pay over the phone?", "Absolutely. I'll just need your debit or credit card number, your expiration date, and your CVV code.", "Okay hang on and let me get it.", "Take your time.", "Okay I have it ready.", "Perfect. What's that card number?", "It's one two three four five six seven eight eight seven six five #four two three three.", "Okay and the expiration date?", "It's twelve twenty four and the security code is one two three.", "Perfect. So to confirm we are enrolling you in the Complete Auto plan and making a one time payment of two thousand dollars. Do you accept?", "Yes.", "Great. I've gone ahead and got that processed for you. Was there anything else I can do?", "Yeah when will I get proof of insurance?", "In your confirmation email there will be information on how to log in to our website to print proof immediately otherwise it will come in the mail.", "Oh okay. That's good.", "Anything else, sir?", "That's all.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_682_000", "insurance_682_001", "insurance_682_002", "insurance_682_003", "insurance_682_004", "insurance_682_005", "insurance_682_006", "insurance_682_007", "insurance_682_008", "insurance_682_009", "insurance_682_010", "insurance_682_011", "insurance_682_012", "insurance_682_013", "insurance_682_014", "insurance_682_015", "insurance_682_016", "insurance_682_017", "insurance_682_018", "insurance_682_019", "insurance_682_020", "insurance_682_021", "insurance_682_022", "insurance_682_023", "insurance_682_024", "insurance_682_025", "insurance_682_026", "insurance_682_027", "insurance_682_028", "insurance_682_029", "insurance_682_030", "insurance_682_031", "insurance_682_032", "insurance_682_033", "insurance_682_034", "insurance_682_035", "insurance_682_036", "insurance_682_037", "insurance_682_038", "insurance_682_039", "insurance_682_040", "insurance_682_041", "insurance_682_042", "insurance_682_043", "insurance_682_044", "insurance_682_045", "insurance_682_046", "insurance_682_047", "insurance_682_048", "insurance_682_049", "insurance_682_050", "insurance_682_051", "insurance_682_052", "insurance_682_053", "insurance_682_054", "insurance_682_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes my name is Jack and I got a flyer for you guys saying that you offere homeowner's insurance in my area and I just wanted to see what you could offer me.", "I'd be happy to help you out with that Jack.", "Great.", "Do you mind giving me your last name?", "It's Hall.", "Thanks for that. To get you an accurate homeowner's quote I'll just need to ask you a few questions.", "That's fine.", "What is the address of the home?", "It's three two two First Street, Pensacola, Florida three two five zero one.", "And your date of birth?", "It's July second nineteen eighty two.", "Perfect. What is the estimated value of the home?", "It was recently appraised at four hundred thirty two thousand.", "Great. Now we do have a couple of different options here for you based on what you're looking for as far as coverage goes.", "Okay.", "We have a Basic Home plan that costs twelve hundred per year. It covers your property and some of your personal belongings and the wind deductible is ten percent of the repairs estimated.", "What else?", "The next one is the Preferred Home plan. It costs sixteen hundred per year. It covers your property, eighty percent of your personal belongings value, and the wind deductible is four thousand dollars.", "Okay and the is there more?", "Yes. The last one we have is the Complete Home plan. It's two thousand per year and it covers all of your personal belongings and the wind deductible is only one thousand.", "That one sounds the best for what I need.", "Great. Would you like to go ahead and enroll?", "I have a couple more questions first.", "Okay great. What can I answer for you?", "Do you guys offer monthly plans or do you have to pay at one time?", "You can choose to pay monthly or annually.", "And are there any extra charges for paying monthly?", "Yes there is a ten dollar processing fee for every monthly payment.", "That's not too bad.", "No sir it's competitive for the market.", "Yes. Also do you guys have a way to like just take it out of my you know bank account?", "Yes we do offer automatic billing where you don't have to think about it.", "And if I buy a policy will it be effective like immediately or is there a waiting period?", "It would be effective on the day you pay for the policy.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you?", "No. I think I want to go ahead with it.", "Okay great. Do you prefer for the agent to call you or contact you by email?", "Let me give you both just in case I can't get to my phone when they call.", "Okay. What is your phone number?", "It's two five one three two two four seven six eight.", "Okay and your email?", "It's steelers fan sixty two at gmail dot com.", "Thank you is there a certain time you'd like them to call?", "Can they call me today at four p.m.?", "Yes it looks like I have an agent available to call you then.", "Great.", "Okay so to confirm I will have an agent call you at four p.m. at the number ending in four seven six eight to enroll you in one of our homeowner plans.", "Yes.", "Great. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No that's all.", "Okay. Enjoy the rest of your day sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_683_000", "insurance_683_001", "insurance_683_002", "insurance_683_003", "insurance_683_004", "insurance_683_005", "insurance_683_006", "insurance_683_007", "insurance_683_008", "insurance_683_009", "insurance_683_010", "insurance_683_011", "insurance_683_012", "insurance_683_013", "insurance_683_014", "insurance_683_015", "insurance_683_016", "insurance_683_017", "insurance_683_018", "insurance_683_019", "insurance_683_020", "insurance_683_021", "insurance_683_022", "insurance_683_023", "insurance_683_024", "insurance_683_025", "insurance_683_026", "insurance_683_027", "insurance_683_028", "insurance_683_029", "insurance_683_030", "insurance_683_031", "insurance_683_032", "insurance_683_033", "insurance_683_034", "insurance_683_035", "insurance_683_036", "insurance_683_037", "insurance_683_038", "insurance_683_039", "insurance_683_040", "insurance_683_041", "insurance_683_042", "insurance_683_043", "insurance_683_044", "insurance_683_045", "insurance_683_046", "insurance_683_047", "insurance_683_048", "insurance_683_049", "insurance_683_050", "insurance_683_051", "insurance_683_052", "insurance_683_053", "insurance_683_054", "insurance_683_055", "insurance_683_056", "insurance_683_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hi yes. My name is Jasmine Glover and I need to get proof of insurance sent to me.", "Hi Jasmine. I'd be happy to help with that. Do you have your customer number?", "No I don't. I'm sorry.", "That's okay. We can verify you a different way.", "Perfect.", "May I have your date of birth please?", "It's one twenty two nineteen eighty four.", "Thank you for that. I will also need your full social and the phone number on the account.", "My social is one two three four five six seven eight nine and what else did you need?", "The phone number on the account.", "Oh. It's two five one three seven nine one two three four.", "Perfect. Thank you for that, Jasmine. For security purposes can you tell me your mother's maiden name?", "Yes it's Green.", "Thank you. I've got your account pulled up here. Which policy were you needing proof for?", "The auto policy I have.", "Okay. I can definitely do that for you. Would you like it mailed, texted, or sent by email?", "Can I do mail and email?", "Yes we can do that for you. We have your email as Jasmine Glover eighty four at gmail dot com. Is that still correct?", "No actually it should be Jasmine Glover designs at gmail dot com now.", "Okay. I will get that updated. Can you also verify your address for me?", "Yes. It's one two three Pineapple Lane Brewton Alabama three six four four one.", "That's Pineapple as one word or two?", "It's one word. p. i. n. e. a. p. p. l. e.", "Great thank you.", "How long does it take to get the proof?", "The email should go out automatically and the physical copy you should receive in two business days.", "Okay. is it sent by like regular mail or FedEx?", "We will FedEx it to you. I will have a tracking number for you shortly.", "Great. Is there a cost for that?", "Yes. It's seven ninety nine for two day delivery. Is that okay?", "That's fine.", "How would you like to pay today? Card or bank account?", "I can use my card. What do you need from it?", "I'll just need the sixteen digit card number, the security code and the expiration date.", "Hang on and let me get it out of my purse.", "Take your time.", "Okay it's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine nine nine.", "Great. And the expiration date and security code on the back?", "It's twelve twenty four and the security code is one two three.", "Okay thank you. To confirm we're going to do a one time charge of seven dollars and ninety nine cents for the expedited delivery of your proof of insurance.", "Yes. I confirm.", "Thank you. I have that processed for you. Can you verify that you received the email.", "Yes. Let me get logged in really quick.", "No worries.", "Yes I got it.", "Great! Are you ready for the tracking number?", "Yes. Go ahead.", "It's three three four four five five six six seven seven.", "I got it. Thank you!", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all.", "Perfect. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience. Do you mind holding to take it?", "That's fine.", "Great. It'll start right after I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day. Goodbye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_684_000", "insurance_684_001", "insurance_684_002", "insurance_684_003", "insurance_684_004", "insurance_684_005", "insurance_684_006", "insurance_684_007", "insurance_684_008", "insurance_684_009", "insurance_684_010", "insurance_684_011", "insurance_684_012", "insurance_684_013", "insurance_684_014", "insurance_684_015", "insurance_684_016", "insurance_684_017", "insurance_684_018", "insurance_684_019", "insurance_684_020", "insurance_684_021", "insurance_684_022", "insurance_684_023", "insurance_684_024", "insurance_684_025", "insurance_684_026", "insurance_684_027", "insurance_684_028", "insurance_684_029", "insurance_684_030", "insurance_684_031", "insurance_684_032", "insurance_684_033", "insurance_684_034", "insurance_684_035", "insurance_684_036", "insurance_684_037", "insurance_684_038", "insurance_684_039", "insurance_684_040", "insurance_684_041", "insurance_684_042", "insurance_684_043", "insurance_684_044", "insurance_684_045", "insurance_684_046", "insurance_684_047", "insurance_684_048", "insurance_684_049", "insurance_684_050", "insurance_684_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hi I got a notice in the mail saying I was past due. I must have forgot to send you guys a check this month. I need to go ahead and fix that if you can help me please.", "I'd be happy to help with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Karen Jenkins.", "Thank you, Karen. Do you know your customer ID?", "I don't off the top of my head.", "It should be on the letter your received in the mail. Do you still have that?", "I sure do. Hang on and let me grab it.", "Perfect. Take your time.", "Is it the one that starts with the number one?", "Yes it is.", "Okay it's one two three seven two four five nine.", "Perfect and can you verify your date of birth for me?", "Sure it's June ninth nineteen eighty two.", "Thank you for that.", "No problem.", "So it looks like you are past due by just a few days so there were no late fees on the account.", "Oh thank goodness.", "Would you like to go ahead and pay by phone?", "Is there an extra charge?", "No ma'am there is no charge to pay by phone with me.", "Then yeah let's go ahead and do that.", "Okay how would you like to pay today?", "You guys take checks?", "Yes ma'am we can use your bank account information.", "Okay let's do that.", "Okay great. I'll just need your account number and routing number, please.", "Alright then my routing number is two six three two eight one six nine five.", "Mm-hmm.", "The account number is one two zero zero zero zero two six three two two four.", "Perfect and you said this was a checking account?", "Yes it is.", "And Karen, we have your email on file as boy mom three two four and gmail dot com. Is that still accurate?", "Yes.", "Great so to confirm we're going to make a one time payment in the amount of two hundred forty two dollars from the account ending in one six nine five.", "Yes.", "Alright I've gone ahead and made that payment for you and sent you a confirmation to your email.", "Great when is the next one due?", "It will be due on August twenty fourth.", "Okay awesome. Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all for now.", "Good deal. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Great the survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_685_000", "insurance_685_001", "insurance_685_002", "insurance_685_003", "insurance_685_004", "insurance_685_005", "insurance_685_006", "insurance_685_007", "insurance_685_008", "insurance_685_009", "insurance_685_010", "insurance_685_011", "insurance_685_012", "insurance_685_013", "insurance_685_014", "insurance_685_015", "insurance_685_016", "insurance_685_017", "insurance_685_018", "insurance_685_019", "insurance_685_020", "insurance_685_021", "insurance_685_022", "insurance_685_023", "insurance_685_024", "insurance_685_025", "insurance_685_026", "insurance_685_027", "insurance_685_028", "insurance_685_029", "insurance_685_030", "insurance_685_031", "insurance_685_032", "insurance_685_033", "insurance_685_034", "insurance_685_035", "insurance_685_036", "insurance_685_037", "insurance_685_038", "insurance_685_039", "insurance_685_040", "insurance_685_041", "insurance_685_042", "insurance_685_043", "insurance_685_044", "insurance_685_045", "insurance_685_046", "insurance_685_047", "insurance_685_048", "insurance_685_049", "insurance_685_050", "insurance_685_051", "insurance_685_052", "insurance_685_053", "insurance_685_054", "insurance_685_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yeah I think I've locked myself out of my account online. I can't remember the password.", "Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be more than happy to assist you with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Jack Crenshaw.", "Thank you, Jack. Do you know your customer ID?", "Yes it's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that and now I just need your date of birth.", "It's the eighth of October nineteen sixty nine.", "Great. Now since we are reseting your password I'll need the answer to your security question.", "Okay.", "What is your mother's maiden name?", "It's Singleton.", "Thank you. Alright so I do see here that the account has been locked due to too many attempts with an incorrect password.", "Yeah I've tried everything I can think of.", "No problem. It's a pretty simple fix.", "That's good to hear.", "I will need to send you a reset password link.", "Okay.", "Is Jack underscore Crenshaw sixty nine at hotmail dot com still a good email?", "Yes it is.", "Okay. I've gone ahead and sent that out to you. Can you verify that you've received it?", "Hang on and let me get logged in.", "Take your time.", "Yes I've got it.", "Great. Now you'll click the link in the email and it should open a new tab and ask you for some basic information.", "Okay. Let's see. It looks like it's going there.", "Great. Now fill in the requested information.", "Okay.", "Is everything filled in?", "Yes.", "Great now you'll just select next on the bottom right of the screen.", "Okay it says select new password.", "Great. So you'll just create a new password. It has to have at least one capital letter, a number, and a symbol.", "Okay.", "Just let me know when you've got that.", "Okay.", "Still doing okay?", "Yes I changed it.", "Great. Now let's go back to the homepage to see if you can get logged in with the new password.", "Okay.", "Were you able to log in?", "I sure was! Thank you so much.", "You're very welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No, I think that was everything I needed for right now.", "Great. Also, remember that you can change your password anytime by selecting forgot my password on the homepage.", "Oh that's good to know.", "Yes sir. There will be a brief survey at the end of this call to rate your experience today.", "Okay.", "Please hold for the survey after I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day, sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_686_000", "insurance_686_001", "insurance_686_002", "insurance_686_003", "insurance_686_004", "insurance_686_005", "insurance_686_006", "insurance_686_007", "insurance_686_008", "insurance_686_009", "insurance_686_010", "insurance_686_011", "insurance_686_012", "insurance_686_013", "insurance_686_014", "insurance_686_015", "insurance_686_016", "insurance_686_017", "insurance_686_018", "insurance_686_019", "insurance_686_020", "insurance_686_021", "insurance_686_022", "insurance_686_023", "insurance_686_024", "insurance_686_025", "insurance_686_026", "insurance_686_027", "insurance_686_028", "insurance_686_029", "insurance_686_030", "insurance_686_031", "insurance_686_032", "insurance_686_033", "insurance_686_034", "insurance_686_035", "insurance_686_036", "insurance_686_037", "insurance_686_038", "insurance_686_039", "insurance_686_040", "insurance_686_041", "insurance_686_042", "insurance_686_043", "insurance_686_044", "insurance_686_045", "insurance_686_046", "insurance_686_047", "insurance_686_048", "insurance_686_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yeah I need to cancel automatic payments. You guys have been overcharging me.", "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'd be more than happy to help you out.", "It's more than an inconvenience, you're taking my money.", "I can definitely understand why you'd be frustrated, may I have your first and last name so I can pull up your information?", "It's Sandra Smith.", "Thank you Sandra, do you know your customer ID?", "It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Perfect, and for security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "It's January second nineteen seventy nine.", "Great. which policy were you wanting to cancel the automatic payments on?", "The car.", "So your Auto Preferred plan?", "Yes.", "Okay, will the cancellation be permanent or did you just want to stop it temporarily?", "Permanent. You guys can't handle auto pay so I'm going to just have to do it myself.", "Alright. I have your email as sandra says twenty two at gmail dot com. Is that still good?", "Yes.", "Okay, Sandra, I've cancelled your automatic payment permanently effective immediately.", "Great. So this month's payment isn't going to come out automatically?", "No. It has been stopped.", "Great. So who is going to give me my money back for over billing?", "For that I will need to open a case with our billing department so they can look into that for you.", "That's fine.", "Alright can you tell me what month it was that you were over billed?", "You charged me twice in June.", "Did the payments come out on the same day?", "Yes they did.", "What day was that?", "It was June fifteenth. There were two same amount withdrawals.", "Okay, Sandra, I've submitted your case to our billing team and I have a claim number for you whenever you're ready.", "Okay what is it.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine.", "Fine. When will I hear back about it?", "It usually takes one business day to hear back. Do you prefer phone or email?", "I prefer phone.", "Okay I will make a note of that as well.", "Will I get a copy of what you sent to them?", "Yes. I will go ahead and send you a confirmation email for the case as well.", "Fine.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "When is my next bill due so I know to pay it?", "Your next bill will be due on July thirty first.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you?", "No.", "Okay well I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "Whatever.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling", "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_687_000", "insurance_687_001", "insurance_687_002", "insurance_687_003", "insurance_687_004", "insurance_687_005", "insurance_687_006", "insurance_687_007", "insurance_687_008", "insurance_687_009", "insurance_687_010", "insurance_687_011", "insurance_687_012", "insurance_687_013", "insurance_687_014", "insurance_687_015", "insurance_687_016", "insurance_687_017", "insurance_687_018", "insurance_687_019", "insurance_687_020", "insurance_687_021", "insurance_687_022", "insurance_687_023", "insurance_687_024", "insurance_687_025", "insurance_687_026", "insurance_687_027", "insurance_687_028", "insurance_687_029", "insurance_687_030", "insurance_687_031", "insurance_687_032", "insurance_687_033", "insurance_687_034", "insurance_687_035", "insurance_687_036", "insurance_687_037", "insurance_687_038", "insurance_687_039", "insurance_687_040", "insurance_687_041", "insurance_687_042", "insurance_687_043", "insurance_687_044", "insurance_687_045", "insurance_687_046", "insurance_687_047", "insurance_687_048", "insurance_687_049", "insurance_687_050", "insurance_687_051", "insurance_687_052", "insurance_687_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes. I was just in an accident.", "I'm sorry to hear that. Is everyone okay?", "Yes. I just need to report it so I can file a claim once I get it cleared.", "I can definitely assist you with that. Are you in a safe place to answer the questions?", "Yes.", "Great. May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Jared Brown.", "Thank you, Jarod. Do you know your customer ID?", "Hang on it's in my app. Let me get it.", "Take your time.", "It's three two two four seven six eight two.", "And for security purposes can you give me your date of birth?", "It's June second nineteen ninety.", "Great. Now I need a description of what happened.", "Okay I was driving down the road southbound ", "Mm-hmm.", "And I was going through a light and it was green and ", "Okay and this was how long ago?", "about thirty minutes ago.", "Okay. Sorry continue.", "Yeah so I went through the intersection and this car ran the red light and t-boned me.", "Were you able to get their information?", "Yes.", "Great what is their first and last name?", "It's Lisa Sellers.", "And what insurance company do they use?", "Progressive.", "Did you get their policy number?", "Yes it's one two three seven six two four seven two two.", "Great. Did they give you a contact number for them?", "Yes it's three two one four seven five eight six seven seven.", "Thank you for that. Do you have your driver's license number handy?", "Yes it's in my wallet. One second.", "No problem.", "It's three two two four seven six eight four.", "Okay. I have everything recorded here for us.", "Okay. What happens next?", "I'll submit this over to our claims representatives and one of them will reach out to you to start the claim.", "Okay.", "What's a good contact number to reach you at?", "It's two five one three seven six eight two four seven.", "Is there a particular time of day that is best to contact you?", "It's gonna be probably better in the afternoon.", "Okay. I've made a note for that.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No that's all.", "Great. I'm glad you're okay.", "Me too.", "Try to enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_688_000", "insurance_688_001", "insurance_688_002", "insurance_688_003", "insurance_688_004", "insurance_688_005", "insurance_688_006", "insurance_688_007", "insurance_688_008", "insurance_688_009", "insurance_688_010", "insurance_688_011", "insurance_688_012", "insurance_688_013", "insurance_688_014", "insurance_688_015", "insurance_688_016", "insurance_688_017", "insurance_688_018", "insurance_688_019", "insurance_688_020", "insurance_688_021", "insurance_688_022", "insurance_688_023", "insurance_688_024", "insurance_688_025", "insurance_688_026", "insurance_688_027", "insurance_688_028", "insurance_688_029", "insurance_688_030", "insurance_688_031", "insurance_688_032", "insurance_688_033", "insurance_688_034", "insurance_688_035", "insurance_688_036", "insurance_688_037", "insurance_688_038", "insurance_688_039", "insurance_688_040", "insurance_688_041", "insurance_688_042", "insurance_688_043", "insurance_688_044", "insurance_688_045", "insurance_688_046", "insurance_688_047", "insurance_688_048", "insurance_688_049", "insurance_688_050", "insurance_688_051", "insurance_688_052", "insurance_688_053", "insurance_688_054", "insurance_688_055", "insurance_688_056", "insurance_688_057", "insurance_688_058", "insurance_688_059", "insurance_688_060", "insurance_688_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I'd like to get a quote on renter's insurance. My friends have all said you guys give great prices and service and I just moved into this place that requires it.", "I'd be happy to help you out with your renter's quote today. Congratulations on your new place!", "Thanks I'm really excited.", "I can imagine. Is this your first time renting?", "Yes it is! I'm glad to finally be out on my own.", "Awesome. To get started I'll need just a few pieces of information from you. May I have your first and last name?", "It's Jarod Green.", "Thanks Jarod. Can you spell that for me?", "Yes it's j. a. r. o. d.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome.", "What is the address of the new place?", "It's one three three Gandyville Lane, Brewton Alabama three six four two six.", "And that's g. a. n. d. i. v. i. l. l. e?", "No it's g. a. n. d. y. v. i. l. l. e.", "Okay thank you.", "You're welcome.", "Is this an apartment, a duplex, or a single family home?", "It's an apartment inside of a complex.", "Great. Can you tell me the name of the apartment complex?", "It's Briargate Gardens.", "Thank you for that! Do you have their fax number?", "Not on me but give me one second. It should be on my lease.", "Take your time.", "Okay I have it whenever you're ready.", "Okay. Go ahead.", "It's two five one.", "Mm-hmm.", "Three seven two.", "Okay.", "Four nine two one.", "Perfect. Thank you.", "You're welcome.", "And finally, what is your date of birth?", "It's March seventh nineteen ninety three.", "Great. Do you know approximately what your belongings are valued at?", "I think I would have to say at about like maybe five thousand dollars?", "So five thousand is how much you want to insure for your belongings?", "Yes. Will this also cover if something happens in the apartment?", "Yes. It does have a liability clause where if something happens it could potentially pay out medical depending on what plan you select.", "Okay.", "I do have your quote ready here. We have two options for you. The first one, and the one I recommend, is the Preferred plan.", "Okay. How much is that and what does it cover?", "It will be approximately three hundred dollars per year and it covers one hundred percent of your belongings valued at five thousand as well as medical bills if something happens on the property up to one thousand.", "Okay. What is the other one?", "That would be the Basic plan. It costs two hundred dollars per year and does not cover medical and only covers eighty percent of the value of your belongings.", "Oh. I don't know which one would be better.", "The reason I recommended the preferred plan is because you asked would it cover it if something happened on the property.", "That's true. Let me think about it and can I reach back out or do this online?", "Yes you are more than welcome to call back in to finish the process or if you'd like to do it online I can email you a copy of the quote.", "Yeah send me an email and if I decide I want to go forward I'll sign up online.", "Okay. Perfect. What is your email address?", "It's j dot green at gmail dot com.", "Thank you. I have that sent out to you. Just follow the link in the email if you'd like to finalize it.", "Perfect. Thank you.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No. I think that's it.", "Great. There will be a brief survey after I disconnect if you don't mind filling that out for us about your experience.", "Okay. I can do that.", "Perfect. It'll start as soon as I hang up. Have a great day. Goodbye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_689_000", "insurance_689_001", "insurance_689_002", "insurance_689_003", "insurance_689_004", "insurance_689_005", "insurance_689_006", "insurance_689_007", "insurance_689_008", "insurance_689_009", "insurance_689_010", "insurance_689_011", "insurance_689_012", "insurance_689_013", "insurance_689_014", "insurance_689_015", "insurance_689_016", "insurance_689_017", "insurance_689_018", "insurance_689_019", "insurance_689_020", "insurance_689_021", "insurance_689_022", "insurance_689_023", "insurance_689_024", "insurance_689_025", "insurance_689_026", "insurance_689_027", "insurance_689_028", "insurance_689_029", "insurance_689_030", "insurance_689_031", "insurance_689_032", "insurance_689_033", "insurance_689_034", "insurance_689_035", "insurance_689_036", "insurance_689_037", "insurance_689_038", "insurance_689_039", "insurance_689_040", "insurance_689_041", "insurance_689_042", "insurance_689_043", "insurance_689_044", "insurance_689_045", "insurance_689_046", "insurance_689_047", "insurance_689_048", "insurance_689_049", "insurance_689_050", "insurance_689_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I need to check the balance on my policy and possibly pay a bill if the payment is due.", "I'd be happy to assist you with that today.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Sheila Green.", "Thank you, Sheila. Do you know your customer ID?", "I sure don't. I'm so sorry.", "That's okay. I can look you up a different way using other information.", "Okay. Perfect.", "What's your social security number?", "It's three three three four two seven six two two.", "Thank you, and your date of birth?", "It's four twenty nineteen eighty two.", "Thank you. Do you know the telephone number associated with the account?", "Yes it's two five one three two three four seven six two.", "And for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "Sure. It's Caldwell.", "Great. So which policy would you like the balance for?", "The life insurance policy.", "Your Universal Life plan?", "Yes.", "The current balance is one thousand two hundred dollars and a payment of two hundred dollars is due tomorrow.", "Okay great. Can I go ahead and pay that?", "The monthly payment or the remainder of the premium?", "Just the monthly payment.", "Sure thing. How would you like to pay today? Bank account or card?", "Bank account.", "Perfect. I'll just need the routing and account number to start.", "The routing number is two six three two eight one six nine five.", "Okay.", "The account number is one two zero zero zero three six two four five two.", "Thank you. is this a checking or savings account?", "It's a checking account.", "And is your email still sheila underscore green at gmail dot com?", "Yes it is.", "Great. So just to confirm we're going to make a one time payment in the amount of two hundred dollars from the account ending in four five two?", "Yes.", "Alright. I've gone ahead and made that payment and sent a confirmation email to you as well.", "Okay I've been having trouble with my email. Do you mind holding for a second while I see if I got it?", "No problem.", "Okay yeah it looks like I got it.", "Great. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that was it for today.", "Awesome. There will be a brief survey to rate your experience today after the call. Would you mind participating?", "Sure why not.", "Okay. It will begin as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance", "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_690_000", "insurance_690_001", "insurance_690_002", "insurance_690_003", "insurance_690_004", "insurance_690_005", "insurance_690_006", "insurance_690_007", "insurance_690_008", "insurance_690_009", "insurance_690_010", "insurance_690_011", "insurance_690_012", "insurance_690_013", "insurance_690_014", "insurance_690_015", "insurance_690_016", "insurance_690_017", "insurance_690_018", "insurance_690_019", "insurance_690_020", "insurance_690_021", "insurance_690_022", "insurance_690_023", "insurance_690_024", "insurance_690_025", "insurance_690_026", "insurance_690_027", "insurance_690_028", "insurance_690_029", "insurance_690_030", "insurance_690_031", "insurance_690_032", "insurance_690_033", "insurance_690_034", "insurance_690_035", "insurance_690_036", "insurance_690_037", "insurance_690_038", "insurance_690_039", "insurance_690_040", "insurance_690_041", "insurance_690_042", "insurance_690_043", "insurance_690_044", "insurance_690_045", "insurance_690_046", "insurance_690_047", "insurance_690_048", "insurance_690_049", "insurance_690_050", "insurance_690_051", "insurance_690_052", "insurance_690_053", "insurance_690_054", "insurance_690_055", "insurance_690_056", "insurance_690_057", "insurance_690_058", "insurance_690_059", "insurance_690_060", "insurance_690_061", "insurance_690_062", "insurance_690_063", "insurance_690_064", "insurance_690_065", "insurance_690_066", "insurance_690_067", "insurance_690_068", "insurance_690_069", "insurance_690_070", "insurance_690_071", "insurance_690_072", "insurance_690_073", "insurance_690_074", "insurance_690_075", "insurance_690_076", "insurance_690_077", "insurance_690_078", "insurance_690_079", "insurance_690_080", "insurance_690_081", "insurance_690_082", "insurance_690_083" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance Agency. This is Rosemary. How may I assist you today?", "Hello, Rosemary. How's things going in the insurance business today?", "Things are great here. Thank you so much for asking! What can I help you with today?", "#Uh yeah, I am trying to find an insurance agent.", "Sure! I'd be happy to help you find the right agent for you. First, may I ask your full name and a good", "contact phone number in case we get disconnected?", "Yes. My name is Eric Allen Rutherford and my cell number is nine one six eight six one thirty-two", "twenty-three.", "Perfect. Thank you, mister Rutherford for that information. Now what kind of agent are you needing?", "Automobile coverage, home owners, life insurance or something else?", "Well Rosemary, here's the deal. I just bought me my first my first-ever brand new car. The", "gentleman that sold me the car, he didn't really want me to drive off of the lot without I had some kind of", "auto insurance. So, I swore to the man if he'd just let me go on and drive it home from the lot, I wouldn't", "go no place else until I got you know full coverage car insurance on my new vehicle. By golly, he", "went for it. So, as a man of my word, here I am talking to you, Miss Rosemary.", "All right then, mister Rutherford, it sounds to me like you are in the market for full coverage automobile", "insurance. Is that correct?", "Yes ma'am. That is correct.", "Wonderful! I have just the agent for you! May I inquire as to the make, model and VIN number of your", "new automobile so that I can pass on the information to the agent?", "Absolutely! There's only one problem though. I know the make and model but I didn't think to write", "the you know, the VIN number down and I don't have the title just yet because I'll still be making the", "payments on it for awhile. Is that going to be a problem?", "No, no sir. Not at all. You said you drove the vehicle home, correct?", "Yes ma'am. I most certainly did.", "Great! In that case, I'd be happy to wait here on hold for you to go to go out and get the VIN", "number off of the vehicle. Do you know where the VIN is located on the car?", "Yep! That is a good idea, Miss Rosemary. I've got paper and pen right here with me, so just give me a sec", "to run outside and write her down, okay?", "Sounds good, mister Rutherford. Take your time. I'll be right here on the line when you get back, okay?", "Great! Be right back.", "Okay.", "All right, I'm back.", "Okay, mister Rutherford. I am ready to take down the automobile's information. Let's start with the ", "make and model, okay?", "Sure. It's a Dodge Charger.", "Okay, and what year is the vehicle?", "Twenty twenty-one.", "Of course, you said it was brand new. My apologies.", "No worries, Miss Rosemary.", "Okay. Now, I just need the the color and the VIN number, please.", "It's a it's blue and the VIN number is forty-one D three eighty-five nine zero seven MC seventy-three", "zero one four six.", "Super! I think that's all of the the vehicle information the agent will need.", "So, do I need to call him or what do I need to do?", "No, no. I will contact the agent for you. I will convey all the you know, the pertinent details on", "the vehicle, as well as your name and contact details. He will then contact you with a few quotes from", "some agencies that provide the type of auto insurance you require and you two can go from there.", "Does that sound like a a good plan for you, mister Rutherford?", "#Uh yeah. Yes. Yes ma'am. That sounds perfect!", "Wonderful! Well then, I have one last question for you, sir. Would you prefer the agent to contact you by", "telephone or via email?", "Oh well yeah. I think by phone is probably best. I don't have no email number or address", "or whatever they call it. I'm not big on computers. A cell phone is complicated as I get. ", "Of course. I understand. That's no problem at all! So, let me go ahead and confirm that I have", "your correct, current telephone number written down for you here. I have your cell phone number", "as nine one six eight six one thirty-two twenty-three. Is that correct?", "That is exactly correct, Miss Rosemary.", "Good. Good. Now, let me just take a look-see here and make sure we have everything else we need. #Um", "well, oh yes. I apologize, but I did forget one important piece of information. Could I please have your", "home address for your file, as it will definitely make a difference in the accuracy of the quote without it?", "Yes ma'am. That probably would be a good idea, huh? Okay, are you ready?", "Yes sir.", "Okay. My address is eighty-nine sixty-three Bellavista Court San Jose, California nine four zero eight eight.", "Perfect mister Rutherford. That will conclude my questions for you. Now, I have some information", "for you. Do you still have your pen and paper handy?", "Yes ma'am.", "Great! I will go ahead and give you the the contact details for the agent whom will be reaching", "out to you this afternoon, okay?", "Sure. Go ahead.", "Okay. It will be mister Watkins who will be your insurance agent, and his office number is area code five three", "two and telephone number nine five nine sixty-three hundred.", "Great. Got it.", "Super! Well, I believe that is yes, that is all I need from you today, mister Rutherford. Do you have any", "questions for me or is there anything else I can do to assist you today?", "No ma'am, Miss Rosemary. I can't think of anything else. Thank you so much. You have been so helpful", "and I do appreciate your time.", "You are more than welcome, mister Rutherford. Here at Rivertown Insurance we put our customer's first and", "foremost in all we do! It has definitely been a pleasure assisting you today, and you can look forward to", "that telephone call from mister Watkins within the hour. And of course, should you need anything at all,", "don't hesitate to give us a call. We are here to assist you with all your insurance needs!", "Great! Will do. Thank you again for your help. You have a great day, Miss Rosemary.", "Of course. And to you the same, mister Rutherford. Goodbye now.", "Bye-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_691_000", "insurance_691_001", "insurance_691_002", "insurance_691_003", "insurance_691_004", "insurance_691_005", "insurance_691_006", "insurance_691_007", "insurance_691_008", "insurance_691_009", "insurance_691_010", "insurance_691_011", "insurance_691_012", "insurance_691_013", "insurance_691_014", "insurance_691_015", "insurance_691_016", "insurance_691_017", "insurance_691_018", "insurance_691_019", "insurance_691_020", "insurance_691_021", "insurance_691_022", "insurance_691_023", "insurance_691_024", "insurance_691_025", "insurance_691_026", "insurance_691_027", "insurance_691_028", "insurance_691_029", "insurance_691_030", "insurance_691_031", "insurance_691_032", "insurance_691_033", "insurance_691_034", "insurance_691_035", "insurance_691_036", "insurance_691_037", "insurance_691_038", "insurance_691_039", "insurance_691_040", "insurance_691_041", "insurance_691_042", "insurance_691_043", "insurance_691_044", "insurance_691_045", "insurance_691_046", "insurance_691_047", "insurance_691_048", "insurance_691_049", "insurance_691_050", "insurance_691_051", "insurance_691_052", "insurance_691_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hi there I need to see if a payment has been credited to my account.", "I'd be more than happy to help with that. May I have your first and last name?", "It's Kim Burrows.", "Thank you, Kim. Do you have your customer ID handy?", "Let me see if I can find it real quick.", "Take your time.", "I actually don't have it on me.", "That's okay. We can look you up using other information.", "Great.", "May I have your full social and date of birth?", "It's four two four three nine four seven two two.", "Mm-hmm.", "And date of birth is October twenty nine nineteen ninety four.", "Great, and the phone number associated with the account?", "It's two five one three seven two four nine two two.", "Perfect, and for security purposes can you verify your mother's maiden name?", "It's Rogers.", "Alright, I've got you pulled up here. You wanted to know if a payment has posted to your account, correct?", "Yes.", "Which policy would you like me to check?", "It's the life policy that I'm looking for.", "Let's see. I don't see any recent payments for that policy.", "Then there's a problem because it already came out of my bank account.", "Alright, then we definitely need to let the billing department know.", "Yes.", "What day did the payment clear your bank?", "It was July twenty second.", "Okay. What I will do is go ahead and submit the issue to our billing department. They will research it and find a solution for you.", "Okay.", "We have kim underscore burrows at hotmail dot com. Is that still a good email?", "Yes it is.", "Okay. Please hold for one second while I get this submitted.", "Okay.", "Alright, Kim. I have a claim number for you whenever you're ready.", "Go ahea.", "It's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine.", "Okay.", "I'll go ahead and send an email copy of the information I sent to our billing team so you can see.", "Okay. What's the turnaround time for this usually?", "It usually takes one business day to see a reply on the case.", "Okay. Will I get any late fees because of this?", "You should not be charged any late fees. If you see one on your statement please let our billing team know so they can correct it.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's all.", "Okay great. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Okay, please hold on the line. Once I disconnect the survey will start.", "That's fine.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_692_000", "insurance_692_001", "insurance_692_002", "insurance_692_003", "insurance_692_004", "insurance_692_005", "insurance_692_006", "insurance_692_007", "insurance_692_008", "insurance_692_009", "insurance_692_010", "insurance_692_011", "insurance_692_012", "insurance_692_013", "insurance_692_014", "insurance_692_015", "insurance_692_016", "insurance_692_017", "insurance_692_018", "insurance_692_019", "insurance_692_020", "insurance_692_021", "insurance_692_022", "insurance_692_023", "insurance_692_024", "insurance_692_025", "insurance_692_026", "insurance_692_027", "insurance_692_028", "insurance_692_029", "insurance_692_030", "insurance_692_031", "insurance_692_032", "insurance_692_033", "insurance_692_034", "insurance_692_035", "insurance_692_036", "insurance_692_037", "insurance_692_038", "insurance_692_039", "insurance_692_040", "insurance_692_041", "insurance_692_042", "insurance_692_043", "insurance_692_044", "insurance_692_045", "insurance_692_046", "insurance_692_047", "insurance_692_048", "insurance_692_049", "insurance_692_050", "insurance_692_051", "insurance_692_052", "insurance_692_053", "insurance_692_054", "insurance_692_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes my house was damaged in the last hurricane and I need to file a claim. I've been a customer for years so I hope it doesn't mess up my rates.", "Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that. Let me get a little bit more information from so we can file that claim.", "Okay.", "May I have your first and last name?", "It's Jerry Sanchez.", "Thank you Jerry. Do you know your customer number?", "I don't actually I'm sorry.", "That's okay! We can look you up a different way.", "Okay awesome.", "May I have your full social and your date of birth?", "Yes my social is four two four three eight nine nine nine nine.", "Mm-hmm.", "And my date of birth is June second ninety eighty five.", "Great. Thank you for that information.", "You're welcome.", "What is the phone number associated with the account?", "It's eight five zero seven one two three seven seven seven.", "Perfect. And for security purposes can you tell me your mother's maiden name?", "It's Green.", "Okay I've got your information pulled up here so we can start on that claim.", "Okay.", "You said it was damaged in the hurricane correct?", "Yes. We got hit pretty hard here. Did you guys have any damage?", "No we got lucky. Just a little bit of rain.", "That's good.", "Yes it is. What day did you notice the damage?", "It was right after the storm so that was July third.", "Thank you, and what time do you think the damage occurred?", "We heard some of it around one a.m.", "Okay. this is a single family home right?", "It's actually a townhome.", "Thank you. Can you verify the address on your account?", "It's sixteen sixty Barnacle Drive Flomaton Alabama three six four four one.", "Okay. Good. What type of damage did you have?", "There is some damage to the gutters and we lost some siding on the front of the house.", "Was there any flood damage?", "No the water wasn't too bad. It was just from the wind.", "Okay. Thank you. It looks like your hurricane deductible is two percent of the estimated cost to fix the damage.", "That's not too bad I guess.", "No sir. Some of them actually go up to ten percent.", "Wow.", "The next step in the process is for me to send out an adjuster to survey the damage.", "Okay.", "Is there a day and time that would be good for you?", "How about July eigth at two p.m.", "Okay. I have that set up for you.", "Great. Thank you. Will I need to be there or can anyone be there?", "Anyone over the age of eightteen can be there.", "Perfect.", "Were there any other questions I could answer for you?", "No I think that's it.", "Great. Again I'm sorry to hear of your damage if you need anything else feel free to give us a call.", "Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Goodbye, sir.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_693_000", "insurance_693_001", "insurance_693_002", "insurance_693_003", "insurance_693_004", "insurance_693_005", "insurance_693_006", "insurance_693_007", "insurance_693_008", "insurance_693_009", "insurance_693_010", "insurance_693_011", "insurance_693_012", "insurance_693_013", "insurance_693_014", "insurance_693_015", "insurance_693_016", "insurance_693_017", "insurance_693_018", "insurance_693_019", "insurance_693_020", "insurance_693_021", "insurance_693_022", "insurance_693_023", "insurance_693_024", "insurance_693_025", "insurance_693_026", "insurance_693_027", "insurance_693_028", "insurance_693_029", "insurance_693_030", "insurance_693_031", "insurance_693_032", "insurance_693_033", "insurance_693_034", "insurance_693_035", "insurance_693_036", "insurance_693_037", "insurance_693_038", "insurance_693_039", "insurance_693_040", "insurance_693_041", "insurance_693_042", "insurance_693_043", "insurance_693_044", "insurance_693_045", "insurance_693_046", "insurance_693_047", "insurance_693_048", "insurance_693_049", "insurance_693_050", "insurance_693_051", "insurance_693_052", "insurance_693_053", "insurance_693_054", "insurance_693_055", "insurance_693_056", "insurance_693_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I got a notice in the mail offering a discount for new policies and I was in the market for new life insurance so I was wondering if maybe I could get some information about that.", "Great I can definitely help with that. Do you currently have any policies with us?", "Yes I have several. I have condo, pet, and auto insurance through you guys.", "Okay so you were looking to get a quote to add a life policy due to our multi-policy discount flyer?", "Yes.", "Perfect. May I have your first and last name to get started?", "Yeah my first name is John and my last name is Sellers and my customer ID is one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that, John. For security purposes can you verify your date of birth?", "My date of birth is June third nineteen eighty nine.", "Thanks for that. To get a life quote I need to ask a few ", "Go ahead and ask whatever you want. I'm an open book.", "Okay. Sounds good. Let's start with what state you reside in.", "I live in Florida.", "Perfect. I hear it's a beautiful state.", "It is in some spots but some spots are really run down and don't look that great. A lot of tourists too.", "Yeah I can #imagine that would get annoying.", "Oh definitely it makes traffic crazy.", "I bet. You identify as male, correct?", "Yes.", "Okay and what is your height and weight?", "I'm five nine and I weigh one hundred sixty pounds.", "And how would you describe your health?", "I would say I'm pretty healthy I haven't had any ", "So you don't have any pre-existing conditions?", "No.", "Good to hear. How much coverage were you looking for?", "I think I'd be okay with about two hundred fifty thousand.", "Were you thinking basic term life, whole life, or universal life.", "I definitely want to do whole life because it can earn cash value.", "Perfect.", "I think it does right?", "Yes. A whole life policy can build cash value.", "Great.", "Alright, John. Give me just a moment to enter all of this information and I should have some numbers for you.", "Awesome.", "Okay, for a whole life policy you're looking at eighteen hundred per year with our multi-policy discount.", "Jeez. That's with the discount?", "Yes. Keep in mind though that it's an investment. It earns cash value and covers your family if you were to pass away.", "That's true.", "It really is a great option, especially if you have kids.", "Well I'll tell you what give me some time to think about it.", "Okay. Is it okay if I have an agent contact you tomorrow to follow up?", "Sure.", "Do you prefer phone or email?", "I prefer phone.", "Is there a good tim tomorrow for them to call?", "I'd say around three p.m.", "Okay and a good number to reach you?", "eight five zero seven one two three four two two.", "Perfect, so to confirm I'll have an agent reach out to you tomorrow at three p.m. at the phone number ending in four two two to follow up with you about the policy.", "Great.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "I think that's it.", "Have a great day, sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_694_000", "insurance_694_001", "insurance_694_002", "insurance_694_003", "insurance_694_004", "insurance_694_005", "insurance_694_006", "insurance_694_007", "insurance_694_008", "insurance_694_009", "insurance_694_010", "insurance_694_011", "insurance_694_012", "insurance_694_013", "insurance_694_014", "insurance_694_015", "insurance_694_016", "insurance_694_017", "insurance_694_018", "insurance_694_019", "insurance_694_020", "insurance_694_021", "insurance_694_022", "insurance_694_023", "insurance_694_024", "insurance_694_025", "insurance_694_026", "insurance_694_027", "insurance_694_028", "insurance_694_029", "insurance_694_030", "insurance_694_031", "insurance_694_032", "insurance_694_033", "insurance_694_034", "insurance_694_035", "insurance_694_036", "insurance_694_037", "insurance_694_038", "insurance_694_039", "insurance_694_040", "insurance_694_041", "insurance_694_042", "insurance_694_043", "insurance_694_044", "insurance_694_045", "insurance_694_046", "insurance_694_047", "insurance_694_048", "insurance_694_049", "insurance_694_050", "insurance_694_051", "insurance_694_052", "insurance_694_053", "insurance_694_054", "insurance_694_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes, I'm in the market for new homeowners insurance and I wanted to see what you guys could offer me. I've read some good reviews about you guys.", "I can definitely help with that. Thanks for considering us.", "Of course, I'm always shopping around to get the best price.", "I'm the same way.", "It's always the best way to make sure you're not wasting money.", "Absolutely, may I have your first and last name to get started?", "Yes it's Jacob Green.", "Thank you, Jacob. What's your current address?", "It's three two one one Forest Lane, Brewton, Alabama three six four two six.", "Great. And that's f. o. r. e. s. t. correct?", "Yes.", "Alright, great. What is your date of birth?", "It's January third nineteen seventy six.", "Perfect and what is your property value currently?", "I would estimate it at roughly three hundred forty two thousand.", "Awesome. Give me just a second to finish entering this information and I should have you some numbers.", "Okay, cool.", "Okay so based on what you've told me I would recommend our Home Preferred plan.", "Okay.", "It's got all of your essential coverage and a very low wind deductible at two thousand dollars.", "How much is it?", "It would cost sixteen hundred a year.", "That's not too bad.", "Not at all. Would you be interested in purchasing today?", "I still have a couple of other places to check.", "That's okay. The quote is good for thirty days. Do you prefer phone or email?", "Email definitely.", "Great, what is your email so I can go ahead and send over that quote information.", "It's jake green at gmail dot com.", "That's j. a. k. e.?", "Yes.", "Perfect. I've gone ahead and sent that quote over to you. Can you confirm that you received it?", "Yeah. Hang on and let me get my email open.", "Take your time.", "Yeah it looks like I have it.", "Great. Do you have any questions about the quote?", "Yeah do you have something with a little more personal property coverage?", "If you're looking for a higher coverage for personal property I would recommend our Home Complete plan.", "Okay.", "It covers one hundred and twenty five percent of the stated value of your personal property.", "That sounds better. What's the cost?", "That one would be two thousand per year.", "Okay.", "Would you like that emailed as well?", "Sure.", "Okay. I'll send that right over.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that was all the questions I had.", "Great. There will be a brief survey at the end of the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Sure.", "Perfect. The survey will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day! Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_695_000", "insurance_695_001", "insurance_695_002", "insurance_695_003", "insurance_695_004", "insurance_695_005", "insurance_695_006", "insurance_695_007", "insurance_695_008", "insurance_695_009", "insurance_695_010", "insurance_695_011", "insurance_695_012", "insurance_695_013", "insurance_695_014", "insurance_695_015", "insurance_695_016", "insurance_695_017", "insurance_695_018", "insurance_695_019", "insurance_695_020", "insurance_695_021", "insurance_695_022", "insurance_695_023", "insurance_695_024", "insurance_695_025", "insurance_695_026", "insurance_695_027", "insurance_695_028", "insurance_695_029", "insurance_695_030", "insurance_695_031", "insurance_695_032", "insurance_695_033", "insurance_695_034", "insurance_695_035", "insurance_695_036", "insurance_695_037", "insurance_695_038", "insurance_695_039", "insurance_695_040", "insurance_695_041", "insurance_695_042", "insurance_695_043", "insurance_695_044", "insurance_695_045", "insurance_695_046", "insurance_695_047", "insurance_695_048", "insurance_695_049", "insurance_695_050", "insurance_695_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yeah I can't seem to get logged in online. I've been with you guys for years and this is the first time it's ever given me problemiss It's starting to get on my nerves.", "I'm sorry you're having issues with the site and I'd be happy to help you with that.", "Great.", "May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Jason Brown.", "Thank you, Jason. Do you happen to know your customer ID?", "I have no clue. Look I just need help with the website why do you need all of this information?", "I understand you're frustrated sir. In order to help you with a specific online account I do need to verify it's you for your security.", "Okay fine. What else do you need?", "If you don't have your customer ID, can you tell me your full social and date of birth?", "It's four two four three two three seven six eight.", "Thank you.", "Date of birth is January third nineteent fifty two.", "Thank you for that information. Finally, I'll just need the phone number on the account and your mother's maiden name for final verification.", "Good grief. It's two five one three six three four seven nine two and my mother's maiden name is Johnson.", "Thank you, Jason. I'm looking at the online account and it looks like you're trying an incorrect password.", "That's impossible.", "The system shows that you have tried it three times and all three times the password was entered wrong.", "Well I'm telling you I'm putting in the right password. It must be something with your stupid site.", "I understand that not being able to log in must be frustrating. How about we attempt to change the password and see if that gets you in?", "Fine.", "I have your email as jason dot brown dot nine nine at gmail dot com.", "Yes that's correct.", "Okay, Jason. What I'll do is send a reset password link to your email which will allow you to set a new password.", "I could have just done that on my own, but whatever.", "Well since you have me now I'm more than happy to walk you through it just in case there are any issues.", "Okay.", "Did you receive the email?", "let's see. Yes I did.", "Okay. Click the link to open the reset password window.", "Okay. It's open.", "Great. It will ask you for your security question answer.", "Yeah I just put that in. Now I'm where I can set a new password.", "Perfect. Just go ahead and create a new password. Remember it has to have a capital letter, a number, and a symbol.", "Okay.", "Is it working for you?", "Yeah it let me reset it.", "Great.", "Now do I just need to try to log in?", "Yes if you don't mind just going back to the homepage to try to log in again.", "Okay. This better work.", "Let's see if that fixed it.", "Okay I'm trying to log in now.", "Great. Let me know what it says.", "It looks like it's letting me log in now.", "Wonderful. Was there anything else I could do?", "No.", "Okay. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your day sir.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_696_000", "insurance_696_001", "insurance_696_002", "insurance_696_003", "insurance_696_004", "insurance_696_005", "insurance_696_006", "insurance_696_007", "insurance_696_008", "insurance_696_009", "insurance_696_010", "insurance_696_011", "insurance_696_012", "insurance_696_013", "insurance_696_014", "insurance_696_015", "insurance_696_016", "insurance_696_017", "insurance_696_018", "insurance_696_019", "insurance_696_020", "insurance_696_021", "insurance_696_022", "insurance_696_023", "insurance_696_024", "insurance_696_025", "insurance_696_026", "insurance_696_027", "insurance_696_028", "insurance_696_029", "insurance_696_030", "insurance_696_031", "insurance_696_032", "insurance_696_033", "insurance_696_034", "insurance_696_035", "insurance_696_036", "insurance_696_037", "insurance_696_038", "insurance_696_039", "insurance_696_040", "insurance_696_041", "insurance_696_042", "insurance_696_043", "insurance_696_044", "insurance_696_045", "insurance_696_046", "insurance_696_047", "insurance_696_048", "insurance_696_049", "insurance_696_050", "insurance_696_051", "insurance_696_052", "insurance_696_053", "insurance_696_054", "insurance_696_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello this is Danny Johnson calling from Rivertown Insurance. May I speak with Sandra Saunders please?", "This is Sandra.", "Good afternoon, Sandra! I got your information from one of our phone reps that stated you were interested in enrolling in one of our auto insurance plans.", "Yes. I spoke to them earlier.", "Great. Is now still a good time?", "It sure is.", "Wonderful. I just need to ask you a couple of questions to get started.", "Okay. Go ahead.", "So we have your first name and last name as Sandra Saunders, is that your full legal name?", "Yes.", "And we have your date of birth as November second ninteen seventy. Is that accurate?", "It is.", "What is a good street address for you including the city state and zip code?", "It's thirteen thirty Willow Lane Pensacola, Florida three two five two three.", "Great. And Pensacola is p. e. n. s. a. c. o. l. a.?", "Yes.", "Perfect. May I have your full social security number?", "It's three three two four seven six two three four.", "Great. Now we need to set up a security question for you to use if you ever call in.", "Okay how about my mother's maiden name?", "Sure. What is the answer you would like to record?", "Johnson.", "Great. I have that recorded for you. So Sandra, you were looking at the Preferred Auto or Complete Auto. Which one did you decide to go with?", "I think I'm going to go with the higher one because of rental reimbursement.", "So the Complete plan?", "Yes.", "That's a great choice. I actually have that one myself.", "Yeah I figured it's better to have it just in case than to be stuck without it.", "Exactly. It's always a good idea.", "I agree.", "Your total policy is two thousand dollars per year. Would you like to pay that annually or monthly?", "Annually please. I don't think I'd remember to pay you guys monthly.", "No worries. We can do that for sure.", "What do you accept for payment?", "We can use either your bank account or a credit card.", "Let me go get my credit card really quick.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Alright I got it. What do you need off of it?", "I'll need the full number, the expiration date, and the CVV code on the back.", "Okay the number is one two three four four seven two two three seven eight nine four two two three.", "Mm-hmm.", "The expiration date is twelve of twenty four and what kind of code did you need?", "The security code on the back of the card. It should be three digits.", "Oh. Yes. It's three two two.", "Perfect. So to confirm we will be enrolling you in the Complete Auto plan and making a one time charge in the amount of two thousand dollars effective today.", "Yes.", "Alright Sandra I've got that processed for you. What's a good email to send a confirmation to?", "It's Sandra underscore Saunders at gmail dot com.", "Great. I've gone ahead and sent out your plan information and that payment confirmation.", "Wonderful. That was easy.", "We try to make it that way. Was there anything else I could do for you?", "No I think that's it for today.", "Perfect. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and thanks for choosing Rivertown.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_697_000", "insurance_697_001", "insurance_697_002", "insurance_697_003", "insurance_697_004", "insurance_697_005", "insurance_697_006", "insurance_697_007", "insurance_697_008", "insurance_697_009", "insurance_697_010", "insurance_697_011", "insurance_697_012", "insurance_697_013", "insurance_697_014", "insurance_697_015", "insurance_697_016", "insurance_697_017", "insurance_697_018", "insurance_697_019", "insurance_697_020", "insurance_697_021", "insurance_697_022", "insurance_697_023", "insurance_697_024", "insurance_697_025", "insurance_697_026", "insurance_697_027", "insurance_697_028", "insurance_697_029", "insurance_697_030", "insurance_697_031", "insurance_697_032", "insurance_697_033", "insurance_697_034", "insurance_697_035", "insurance_697_036", "insurance_697_037", "insurance_697_038", "insurance_697_039", "insurance_697_040", "insurance_697_041", "insurance_697_042", "insurance_697_043", "insurance_697_044", "insurance_697_045", "insurance_697_046", "insurance_697_047", "insurance_697_048", "insurance_697_049", "insurance_697_050", "insurance_697_051", "insurance_697_052", "insurance_697_053", "insurance_697_054", "insurance_697_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Hey I'm working with a local agent and they said I need to call and set up an account so I can finish purchasing my new auto plan.", "Okay. I'd be more than happy to help with that.", "Great.", "Let's start with your first and last name please.", "It's Jay Brown.", "And that's j. a. y.?", "Yes.", "Great. Thanks, Jay.", "You're welcome.", "What's a good phone number to reach you at?", "Let's put two five one three seven two four seven six nine.", "Okay. Got it. Now I'll just need your date of birth.", "It's April third nineteen ninety two.", "Now I'll need your full address including the city, state, and zip code.", "It's twenty thirty First Street, Los Angeles.", "Mm-hmm.", "California nine zero two one zero.", "Perfect and now I just need your full social security number.", "Why do you need that?", "Your social is used to link your policy once you've purchased it.", "Okay.", "The system will automatically recognize that policy is yours and will show up when you call or log in online.", "And that's needed?", "Yes even when you go to set up your online account you'll have to enter your social security number.", "Okay.", "It's very secure. All of our products are encrypted and only certain people have access to the information.", "Okay. Let me get my card I don't know the number off the top of my head.", "Take your time.", "Okay It's four two two three two four seven six eight.", "Great. Now we'll need to set up a security question to identify you and further secure your account when you call in.", "Okay.", "What would you like your question to be?", "I have no idea.", "A lot of people use things like mother's maiden name or favorite pet's name or like high school mascot.", "Let's do high school mascot.", "Okay and what would you like the security answer to be?", "Tigers.", "Okay sir. It looks like I have everything set up for your account.", "Okay so I should be able to let the agent know.", "Yes the agent should be able to go into the system and see your information now.", "Great. That wasn't so bad.", "No we try to make it as easy as possible for new customers.", "Well thank you.", "You're welcome. Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "What do I do to set it up online?", "Great question. Once your plan is active go to our website w. w. w. dot River Town Insurance dot com and hit sign up.", "Okay.", "It'll prompt you to enter you date of birth, name and social, and then it will walk you through regsitering online.", "Great.", "Was there anything else I could answer for you today?", "No. I think that's all.", "Great. Well you have a good day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_698_000", "insurance_698_001", "insurance_698_002", "insurance_698_003", "insurance_698_004", "insurance_698_005", "insurance_698_006", "insurance_698_007", "insurance_698_008", "insurance_698_009", "insurance_698_010", "insurance_698_011", "insurance_698_012", "insurance_698_013", "insurance_698_014", "insurance_698_015", "insurance_698_016", "insurance_698_017", "insurance_698_018", "insurance_698_019", "insurance_698_020", "insurance_698_021", "insurance_698_022", "insurance_698_023", "insurance_698_024", "insurance_698_025", "insurance_698_026", "insurance_698_027", "insurance_698_028", "insurance_698_029", "insurance_698_030", "insurance_698_031", "insurance_698_032", "insurance_698_033", "insurance_698_034", "insurance_698_035", "insurance_698_036", "insurance_698_037", "insurance_698_038", "insurance_698_039", "insurance_698_040", "insurance_698_041", "insurance_698_042", "insurance_698_043", "insurance_698_044", "insurance_698_045", "insurance_698_046", "insurance_698_047", "insurance_698_048", "insurance_698_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I just recently moved and I need to update my address on my policies with you guys.", "I'd be more than happy to help with that. May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Karen Sims.", "Thank you, Karen. Do you happen to know your customer ID?", "I'm sorry I sure don't and I don't have a bill handy.", "That's okay! We can look you up using some other information.", "Great.", "What is your full social security number?", "It's four nine two three seven four two six six.", "Great, and your date of birth?", "It's January eighth of nineteen seventy one.", "Perfect, now I'll just need the phone number associated with the account.", "Oh I think it's two five one three six three seven two four nine.", "That's it. For security purposes can you tell me your high school mascot?", "Yes it was the panthers.", "Thank you. So what is the current address on the account that you need to change?", "I think you guys have fifteen twenty one Sanders Court, Pace, Florida three two five seven one.", "Yes.", "Now it needs to be sixteen sixteen First street, Pensacola, Florida, three two five two three.", "Okay. is this effective immediately or do you want to make it effective on a certain day?", "It needs to be today, yes.", "Great. We have Karen Sims three seven two at gmail dot com. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "I will go ahead and get this updated for you and send a confirmation email as well.", "Okay. and this is effective today, right?", "Yes it is.", "Great.", "Alright I've gone ahead and completed that change. Can you verify that you received the confirmation email?", "Yes one second, let me get logged in to my email.", "Take your time.", "Yes I've received it.", "Great.", "Hey can you tell me if there's any way to do this like online or something that way if it happens again I don't have to call in?", "Yes actually you can change your address in your profile settings online.", "So just log into my account and do it?", "Yes, once you're logged in you'll select profile settings in the right hand corner and then select change address.", "That seems pretty simple.", "Yes ma'am. What else can I do for you today?", "I think that's everything for today.", "Great. There will be a brief survey after the call to rate your experience today. Would you like to participate?", "Will it take long?", "It shouldn't it's usually only one or two questions.", "Then that's fine.", "Great. It will start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day.", "You too.", "Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_699_000", "insurance_699_001", "insurance_699_002", "insurance_699_003", "insurance_699_004", "insurance_699_005", "insurance_699_006", "insurance_699_007", "insurance_699_008", "insurance_699_009", "insurance_699_010", "insurance_699_011", "insurance_699_012", "insurance_699_013", "insurance_699_014", "insurance_699_015", "insurance_699_016", "insurance_699_017", "insurance_699_018", "insurance_699_019", "insurance_699_020", "insurance_699_021", "insurance_699_022", "insurance_699_023", "insurance_699_024", "insurance_699_025", "insurance_699_026", "insurance_699_027", "insurance_699_028", "insurance_699_029", "insurance_699_030", "insurance_699_031", "insurance_699_032", "insurance_699_033", "insurance_699_034", "insurance_699_035", "insurance_699_036", "insurance_699_037", "insurance_699_038", "insurance_699_039", "insurance_699_040", "insurance_699_041", "insurance_699_042", "insurance_699_043", "insurance_699_044", "insurance_699_045", "insurance_699_046", "insurance_699_047", "insurance_699_048", "insurance_699_049", "insurance_699_050", "insurance_699_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes I've heard a lot of good things about you guys from friends and family and I was interested in finding a local agent to talk about signing up for one of your plans.", "I'd be more than happy to assist you with that. May I have your first and last name please?", "It's Karen Graves.", "Thank you, Karen. What type of policy were you interested in?", "What all kinds do you have?", "We have a multitude of products from life insurance to pet insurance to automobile insurance.", "Oh okay. I thought you guys just did auto insurance.", "No ma'am we actually have a whole range of products to meet your needs.", "Well that sounds great.", "Which ones were you interested in?", "Well I don't have a pet and I'm not too happy with my life insurance policy right now.", "So you would like to have an agent call you about life and auto? Is that correct?", "Yeah let's see what they can do.", "Okay. We can definitely do that. How would you prefer to be contacted? Phone or email?", "Well. Let me go ahead and give you both that way if I can't answer the phone they can email me.", "Okay. That sounds good. What's a good phone number for you, Karen?", "It's eight five zero nine two one one two three four.", "Perfect. And your email?", "Hang on and let me get it. My granddaughter writes all this stuff down for me. I really don't know what I'd do without her .", "Well I'm glad she's able to help you out.", "Yes she really is a blessing. Do you have any grandkids?", "No ma'am. I don't.", "Well maybe one day!", "Maybe so! Did you get your email?", "Yes. It is karen dot graves dot twenty nine at gmail dot com.", "Okay. And you spell your name k. a. r. i. n.?", "No it's k. a. r. e. n.", "Oh sorry about that!", "That's okay. It's a common mistake.", "Perfect. What time of day is usually the best time for an agent to reach out to you?", "Oh well I guess sometime in the afternoon is fine.", "Would about two o' clock tomorrow afternoon work for you?", "Is that Central Time?", "Yes ma'am.", "Then yes that would be fine with me.", "Perfect. I'll schedule it with the agent closest to your address to reach out to you.", "Great. How long does it usually take to get everything all set up?", "Well it just really depends on what all you're interested in getting. I would set aside maybe an hour at most to speak with them.", "Oh okay. That's not so bad.", "No ma'am not at all.", "And they'll call the number I gave you?", "Yes ma'am.", "Okay great.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today, Karen?", "No I think that's all.", "Perfect. There will be a brief survey after the call. Do you mind staying on the line to tell us how your experience was?", "I can do that.", "Perfect. It'll start as soon as I disconnect.", "Okay.", "Have a great day! Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }