You guys!!
Open the door?
Ye Damn it! Are we ever gonna reach the end? I wonder how many floors we've come down by now?
I just hope we're actually going down!
What do you mean?
Don't you get it? This could be some kind of trick.
We could actually be going up instead of down.
We could be getting right back to the start. It's conceivable Damn you!
Time remaining: one hour...
Time remaining: one hour Everyone! Let's hurry!
Do we go through this door or not?
Of course we will!
I've had all I can take I'm really had it up to here with all your trying to screw with us You got that? Hey, wait a sec.
I pressed O too.
You are lying!
Who else could it possibly be? It wasn't him I'm sorry, Leorio...
I pressed the X by mistake.
Is that so? That's fine then.
Now hold on...
Huh I think I deserve a proper apology from you.
I can't agree with what you did just now.
It's because you've been doing stuff to make yourself suspicious I don't particularly feel like I need to apologize You make it sound like
I was the only one who's been hindering everyone Who's fault was it that we were forced to waste 50 hours doing nothing?
You're the one who made the critical mistake.
What was that?!
Hey, hey.
I was just stating what the facts were, wasn't I Yeah, sure you were.
But still, I won't stand for this Stop it! Both of you!
Right now, what we should be thinking about is how we're gonna get ahead Gon...
Gon's right.
Looks like we are close to the exit.
Finally all of them have made it to that room.
Well, let's have them entertain us for the remaining hour.
Applicants, attention please.
You've come to the last fork along the path of Majority Rules This will be the last of your long journey with Majority Rules But, of course, you will have to choose one of the two doors here There are two paths you can take One path is long, difficult, but all five of you can take it The other path is short and easy, but only three of you can take it If you take the long and difficult path, push O For short and easy path, push X If the X path is chosen the door will open only when two of you have been handcuffed to the wall Those two applicants won't be able to move from here until time has run out For your information, the path behind the O door
will take at least 45 hours to complete.
Whereas the path behind the X door will take three minutes.
So, will you vote X or O Let the majority rule They must've already been through a lot together to have gotten this far.
I'm sure a certain amount of camaraderie
must have developed between them by now However, there only one end to them if they chose O.
What will they do?
So, it comes to this.
Now, I tell you this first...
I'm gonna push X And I have no intention of being one of the two left here either I'm gonna be one of the three to leave this room no matter what it takes It looks like the proctor thought of everything.
Every kind of weapon from all over the world that could be found are in here I guess this means we gotta fight to determine
the three that gets to move on.
Well, I'm pressing the O button.
We've come this far after all.
I wanna pass this with all five of us together Gon...
Even if it's one in a million, I'd rather take that chance Hey, hey. We have less than one hour left now.
We obviously gotta take the shorter path.
The only question left is how to decide the three of us that goes.
And I don't have any intention of ending the game yet If no one backs off... we just have to fight each other But Killua.. Wait a minute... This could be a trap, you know?
Just think about it.
The short and easy path sounds really fishy.
You know what they say if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is That sounds real coming from you.
What was that?
I know exactly what you're thinking.
If we decide on X and two of us were to be left behind one would be you for sure You want to avoid it all cost, don't you?
Seems I've hit right on the mark.
And just who, might I ask, do you think the second one's gonna be What?
Certainly, if it comes down to a fight I don't stand much of a chance I'll be the one of the two left behind But who do you think's gonna be the other guy Will it be Gon Kurapika?
Or maybe Killua If I remember correctly you've been with Gon and Kurapika before the Exams started So, I guess that makes Killua the odd man out.
But I wonder if that would go smoothly He is a member of the Zoldyck family You never learn, do you?
Shall I shut that mouth once and for all?
You can't do that!
Hey Why would you defend a jerk like this? Because I want all of us to pass this phase together, no matter what.
And that means we don't leave anyone behind!
You are still saying that?!
Why don't you tell us what other choice we have? I'm saying we all have to think about another way What about you, Kurapika?
I'm gonna choose O.
Like Gon said, there might be another way out of this I see. That means...
Me and Killua are picking X.. While Gon and Kurapika are going with O I guess O wins with three to two.
Not so fast.
I think I'm gonna drop out.
And I'm gonna vote X, if you please.
So, looks like it's decided... we're choosing the short path.
I made it in time...
This guy's dead!
What an idiot.
Instead of dying to pass he should've lived and took the Exam again Hey!
What exactly are you trying to pull here anyway?
At first, you made it sound like you'd be voting O What have you got up your sleeve I have nothing to hide.
All I did was weigh the pros and cons.
Considering what little time we have left the O isn't an option And if we pick the X, without a doubt I'd be left behind In other words, either way, this year's Hunter Exam is over for me here So, why would I wanna go out of my way to get hurt I'll just pack it in here
and look forward to next year when I can crush rookies again So long. See ya next year Like I would!
What would you do, Gon There's less than 45 minutes left...
It has to be X.
No way!
You still saying that at this stage? There just has to be a better way There's got to be Gon!
What other way could there be?!