Didn't I tell you I was throwing paper I lost Oh, man. He would've won if he went with scissors like I said.
That is true if you see just the result, but...
When people hesitate or start to doubt themselves they will usually stick with what worked for the before hoping for mental stabilization Or they'll often overcompensate by going with a throw that would've beaten their previous one Which means they'll most likely go with either rock or paper Then all I have to do is throw paper.. And I won't lose To make matters worse she announced her intention to throw paper which made Leorio doubt going with scissors She set a trap for him and he fell into it In other words, that snake of a woman swallowed Leorio whole The rock-paper-scissors match is over!
Leorio-sensei is outta time! And I'm the winner That was an anticlimactic ending for the match between two doctors.
That gives us two wins and two losses.
Not only that, we lose the fifty hour we wagered from our time to escape the tower Then... How much time does that leave us with?
Nine hours, three minutes!
Time means nothing to me.
Whoever my opponent is.. his only option is death.
I'm sorry.
I was pretty confident in gambling I should've chosen a game of strip poke instead of stupid old rock-paper-scissors How big of an idiot are you Now to play the final card...
The only one left is...
Let's see, who still hasn't gone from our side?
That would be me.
I was getting so bored of waiting I almost fell asleep Wh-What...? What What's with that expression?
I really should have won, no matter what If this match requires the use of a brain, we're goners!
Gon, this guy's getting on my nerves!
Calm down.
I don't wanna hear it from someone who just lost in the match that did require the use of brain!
Sure, I admit I'll probably lose if I gotta answer a bunch of math questions.
Don't worry about it.
No matter what kinda match your opponent picks I'm sure you can do it, Killua Gon...
Just make sure you throw rock first Just don't pick rock-paper-scissors As if!
That man's name is.. Johness the Dissector!
Killua Hm?
I suggest you forfeit this match.
You shouldn't fight this guy I have heard that name myself.
Me too. Johness the Dissector.
He's the worst mass murderer in the history of Zaban City.
Really... How many has he killed?
Nobody knows for sure, but it's a lot!
So far, there are 146 victims that they know of.
And every one of his victims has been torn apart mercilessl in to more than fifty different pieces That's how he got his name.. Johness the Dissector.
And all those were works done by his bare hands When they finally arrested him Johness didn't show any signs of resisting at all But when the police officer who took him into custody went to start his patrol car.. That's when.. His special skill is to tear the flesh off someone's body in the blink of an eye with his bare hands.
What makes it possible is the extraordinary strength of his fingers Of all the criminals I captured as a Blacklist Hunter Johness is the ultimate prize Whoa, that's a stone wall I've never seen grips like that Now you know.
No one should be expected to fight against a psychopath like this We can always take the Exam again next year I hope you all agree with me on this, but.. I think we should abandon the Exam right here and now If you have any objections.. Killua Hey Killua! Wait Don't try to stop me.
This is game is finally starting....
to get interesting Killua.
Game, is it? Do you know what you are saying...
It will be okay!
Please believe in Killua See, this is just a game for Killua.
So he doesn't even listen to the kind advice.
Here we go.
I've waited so long...
Now I get to feel the flesh of the outside world I wonder.
That guy's not gonna choose an intellectual match He's kind of guy whose only thought is of tearing flesh apart It'll be okay So, what kinda fight is it gonna be?
A fight Gon.
I told you it's okay I think you got the wrong idea...
The only thing that's gonna happen here is me slaughtering you I don't care about the Exam, or getting my sentence reduced I just wanna dig my fingers into your flesh That's all All you have to do is scream and cry out All right, so whoever dies loses the game Stop this, Killua!
Okay, you will...
Give... it... back...
That gives us three wins and two losses.
Which means we've passed this stage, doesn't it Yeah...
You guys win.
There's a small room behind us.
That's where you'll have to wait out the fifty hours you lost in the bet I see.
By the way, old man.. You must be bored since you didn't actually get to do anything Wanna play with me Nah!
Thanks, but no thanks.
He's from a family of elite assassins? Yeah. The Zoldyck family!
Hey, let's go already.
Killua... How did you learn a skill like that?
I wouldn't even call that a skill really.
All I did was reach out and grab it Of course.. I had to manipulate my body a little to make it easier to do That guy may've been a mass murderer but he's still an amateur And well, I used to be a professional If you thought that was good, you should see my dad in action When he plucks out someone's heart he doesn't even spill a single drop of blood You're someone we can depend on Is he a cat As long as he's on our side.
That explains it... he's a member of the Zoldyck family I must say, these guys are all very interesting.
You all may pass Finally! We can move on ahead!
Yeah, yeah, we get to move on but first we have to sit around for the next fifty hours Then Leorio we can spend the time training for our next rock-paper-scissors match!
Ah, please don't mention that!
We've gotta hurry There's only 8 hours and 57 minutes left But which way should we go? Next time on Hunter x Hunter Three People x Five People x Last Choice Okay, now we're moving!
Did you hear it?
ma ta "o ha yo u" t te i t t Once more tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me a drea kyo u mo gen ki de su go se ta ra i i yo n I hope it will be a good day today.
ko n na ni tan jun de a ta ri ma e na ko to ga
It's the simple things in lif hon tou wa, i chi ban mi u shi na i ga chi da ka ra n That are the easiest to lose sight o me wo a ke ta ma ma mi ru yu m Having a dream with open eye shi ra na i a shi ta e ha ko b Mer ry- go- round goe ki mi to ka ta wo ku n de ki mi to te wo su na i d My arm around your shoulde ko i bi to da ta ri to mo da chi de i tai ka r My hand holding your "o ha yo u" t te i t t Tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me the drea shi ze n na so no i ki ka ta de i i ka ra s Keep on living just the way you ar After you spend the 50 hours you lost in the bet in this room the door will open allowing you to continue Just wait there Fifty hours sitting around here?
Sorry, guys Don't worry.
We just need to get to the bottom of this tower in the time we have left That's right, we haven't failed yet.
We'll be all right.
Yeah, as long as a certain old man doesn't hold us up.
I get it already.
We have just under nine hours left Let's move Yeah!
Hey, brothers, we did it!
We finally cleared the Trick Tower.
Like we would fail as early as in Phase Three Don't be getting so excited after taking such a long time, Yamori Brothers.
It's Amori-san, not Yamori. Remember that.
Hey bro, so many of them are here already.
All that matters is that we got here on time.
By the way... it took me 32 hours and 25 minutes to get here Thirty two hours?!
So, you must've been the first one to get here.
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
But someone was here before me Hisoka.. So it was him...
I thought that boy had potential.. But perhaps I overestimated him This is pretty fun, isn't it?!
Are you crazy? Why did you guys choose this way? We have to hurry, don't we?
He's right.