O-Of course!
I do have the responsibility for the ten hours we lost Wait a sec! What's going on here?!
No! The monitor went offline!
Quick, fix it!
That was definitely worth the loss What's happening?! I can't see! Tonpa-san!
This is so stupid.
We are going to lose this one.
From the start, Leorio has been placing his bets with the least possible risk in mind.
In gambling, those who focus on what'll happen if he lose would never win in a million years You say that like it's someone else's problem but if we lose this next bet, we'll have no time left at all Not only that, but we'll be tied with the other team at two points each.. and have 50 hours less to get out of here Yeah.
We are still at the very beginning of this tower after all We were only given 72 hours to make it through We can't afford to lose fifty right now If we do, we'll have less than ten left Leorio!
Right, this is not the time to be fooling around.
Leorio-sensei Now it's your turn to decide what the next wager will be.
Well, doctor?
Knock it off with all that "doctor" stuff!
We're getting into it now...
Come on, hurry up already There's that smile of hers... it gives me the creeps.
She digs out the opponent's secrets through conversation while he has his guard down.
Then she will corner him to the edge mentally Observing this man has proved quite illuminating He values his friendships and seems to take pride in being part of the team Which means those are his weaknesses Because he knows this at the corner of his mind it has made him much more susceptible to bets that didn't involve them Since I'm a woman it makes it even easier for me to get around his usual defenses I've only got ten hours left to wager I can't afford to lose any more But I can't come up with a sure win wager so quickly He's really having a hard time.
Psh, it didn't take him that long to decide whether she was a man or a woman.
What's wrong? It's your turn, doctor.
Can't you come up with something?
I'm getting tired of waiting.
J-Just give me a second, okay?
This isn't as easy as it seems, you know Really? An intelligent doctor like you should be able to think of something.
Shut up!
Would you stop calling me doctor already I'm not a doctor!
Maybe I should make a bet whether I'm a man or woman.. Nah, that'll never work, it's too obvious Oh!
That would work a lot better with Kurapika.. W-Why is he looking at me like that?
How long are you planning to make me wait?
It's not all that complicated Just make it something about yourself.
Or could it be.. that you don't even understand yourself very well, is that it What's that?
It's difficult to tell which one of us is the doctor here.
Alright... Then I'll give you a diagnosis of yourself.
I understand you quite well... Leorio There's something weird about her.
Even though you act tough you're really a nice guy with a strong sense of justice But you seem to hold an enormous trauma deep inside your heart Were you, perhaps, responsible for the death of a patient who was in your care It looks like I hit the nail on the head.
Who was it that died on your watch A close friend, maybe That's it.
It was your friend A friend of yours died and it was all your fault You're wrong! That was not my fault!
She must be some kind of an expert at psychological warfare.
This won't be good.
I'm just getting started I'll make a game out of that friendship you care about so much I only wish you really were one of my patients Then I could take the time to torment you properly.
I could even make you cut your own wrist or hang yourself Damn it!
Your dead friend is laughing at you, Leorio.
You've wasted ten hours of your team's tim just to check if I'm a man or a woman Everyone in your group is going to fail the Hunter Exam, all because of you.
Stop it!
You are about to make the same terrible mistake again Just like when your friend died because of you Look into the eyes of your friends They're disappointed in you just like your dead friend must've been when you couldn't help him It's all your fault!
You're the one to blame... aren't you, Leorio!
No! Stop it!
He's completely under her control now Leorio! Just calm down!
We all believe in you!
Yeah, that's right!
If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have won the last round, remember? It seems nothing we say reaches him in his current state.
Leorio He's like a little mouse that's been caught in a trap.
So then... What's it gonna be... Leorio?
Uh, it's gonna be...
That hurt Get back in the game, Leorio You hafta make her bet on something Uh... make her bet?
Oh! Yeah, right!
Oww Gon...
I think you may have hit him in a wrong place.
No good. I still can't think of anything!
Well, guess I'll let luck decide Rock-paper-scissors!
We'll bet on who'll win a game of rock-paper-scissors!
Well, he's obviously lost the ability to think clearly.
All right then Rock-paper-scissors, huh?
I'm gonna bet all our time on my win You're betting it all?
You don't have a problem with that, do you We can wager as much time as we want All you've got to lose is ten hours anyway. So you should just relax If I lose all ten hours this round is over.
Aw, man! Why do I always focus on the worst case scenario?!
This one bet could turn the whole thing around for us Wait a second...
She seems really confident in her ability with rock-paper-scissors.
Leorio has just as much of a chance of winning as she does with rock-paper-scissors, right?
Don't count on it.
Rock-paper-scissors is a game of probability and psychology Really, psychology?
That has something to do with rock-paper-scissors?
If you just consider the laws of probability your chances of losing are one in three And the other two thirds of the time, you'll either win or force a draw Which means, in an ordinary gam your chances of not losing are close to seventy percent But those odds apply to both of them, don't they That's right. However...
This is really bad Against her Leorio is at a distinct disadvantage!
All right... It's time to begin.
Rock, paper...
Just statistically speaking the throw most players resort to first is usually.. Scissors Scissors.
Which means your best chance of emerging from the first thro with a win or a draw is to open with rock Then! Leorio must have known about that too!
Yes, but the problem is... from the next throw it becomes much more of a mental game.
A mental game...
I wonder what she's gonna throw next?!
She threw rock first.
So now she's gonna try to psyche me out.. But she knows that I know that.. She's gotta be thinking how she can stay one step ahead of me Who knew rock-paper-scissors could be so intense?!
Should I just come out and tell you Huh?
Next, I'm going to throw paper.
What the...?!
Is she telling the truth or lying? Which is it No good. I can't tell what she's thinking at all Leorio!
If you throw scissors, then you can win!
Just shut up!
Scissors beat paper every time I said shut up, didn't I?!
Aw man, is it gonna be rock, paper, or scissors?
Now, shall we do this?
Here it goes!
Rock, paper...
Scissors Oops...
That was stupid.