When you're faced with two choices with clearly different conditions it raises suspicions, and you inevitably start to second guess yourself On top of that, the psychological impact of making a wrong choic is a lot worse than in a situation where the two choices appear even You can take your time to decide We have lots of time, you know.. You have to use the "Majority Rules, but you're quite free to discuss it Hey, which one should we choose?
Kurapika, which one? I think.. Gon! You decide.
We'll abide by your decision.
Let's go with your natural instincts rather than talk among ourselves I agree.
I can decide?
I got it. Then I pick the longer one.
Did he...
You pick the longer one, right?
Because the longer one will last longer, of course So much for the natural instincts Well... We can't help it.
We won't be able to figure out which one is a trap just by talking, anyway.. Okay...
The longer one is yours. The shorter one is mine.
Now... Let's light it up at the same time.
Start the game!
Oops... That was close.
There's a strong wind coming from down there.
That means he can't move around much or look away from the candle How long do you think it would normally take for a candle like that to burn out?
I'd say five or six hours at most.
This is gonna take a while Wh-What the hell is that candle?!
I bet he mixed gun powder or something into the wax!
Look! There was a trap set in the longer one!
Hey, this is!
You're wrong. I prepared four candles!
The Disparate Choice was just a distraction from the real trick You just assumed one of the two candles was a trap Faced with making a decision under such an obviously unfair condition you never thought that both were traps The truth is, no matter which one you chose I was going to give you a trick candle either way H-Hot! Hot!
It's getting short so quickly!
The way it's burning, it'll only last two to three minutes!
Hot This is something you'd expect from a serial bomber Oww! Hot...!
Hot Mine is shorter now!
We're in trouble!
Do we just have to wait like this until he loses? It won't last another minute...
Hot... hot!
Hot! Hot Don't hold a grudge against me.
You were just a fool for falling for the trap.
It's burning so strong...
That means it won't be put out so easily, right?
I win Oh, he's got a nice spring.
All right! We have one win, too!
Good job, Gon!
We did it! We won, we won Kurapika and I will win...
And we can advance!
Don't forget that I'm still here...
You screwed up! It's because you resorted to a lame trick with your tools!
Well, next is my turn.. All right. I'I go Wow... What a macho man!
I've killed 19 people...
But I don't like the odd number of "19". And it was bugging me So I'm glad the 20th person has showed up Damn! Now here comes a serial killer I only get excited in life or death situations I only take on serious games Give me blood! Guts! And the look on your face agonizing in pain All right.
Decide the rules of the match. I will follow it.
Oh... You've got a lot of nerve.
Then let's have a death matc in which we fight until one of us either admits defeat or dies However... don't think I'll stop beating yo just because you decide to admit defeat halfway through the match All right. That's fine.
Is he stupid...?
Or is he an idiot who lacks the ability to imagine how fierce I am Let's begin.
Ah... Yeah! Fine with me!
Well, I've got just the thing up my sleeve for guys like this.. in my right arm and on my back.. Hey, will Kurapika be all right He looks quite dangerous.. What do you think, Killua What do I think?
He's trying to act cool...
But the moment that this smart bastard trembles in fear of death.. Watching this closely will be especially exciting Hey, Kurapika. Get ahead of him by attacking first!
A straight attack will put you at a disadvantage Take a good look! And see how fierce I am He broke the floor with his bare hand!
Hey, Kurapika! Pull back! Get away!
A spider with 12 legs?!
That's.. Leorio, what is that?
It's proof that he's a member of the Genei Ryodan.
The ones that massacred Kurapika's comrades?
Yeah, the notorious group of killers, the Genei Ryodan that Kurapika seeks revenge against To think that he's part of the Troupe I have steel implanted in my body...
The power of this fist that can even shatter rocks.. and the tattoo of the Genei Ryodan.
Nobody dares to fight me after seeing them both What's the matter? Are you too stunned to speak I am one of the Four Devas of the Genei Ryodan They call me Majitani, the Destroyer The first blow was just a courtesy.
The next won't be the same.. However, if you admit your defeat, I might just change my mind Has he become stiff with fear?
Kurapika is angry...
What's with you?!
H-Hey! Didn't you hear me If you admit your defeat.. S-Stop! Or, I will give you another...
Oh yeah... I can only throw one punch a day 'cuz it hurts.
Okay! I...
Three things...
One: The proof that one belongs to the Genei Ryoda is the member's number carved into the spider Two: They don't bother to keep count of the number of people they've killed.
Three: Don't ever speak of the Genei Ryodan again Or I will kill you What's with those red eyes...?
The Scarlet Eyes.
It's the same as that time.. Are you all right?
Yes. I'm not injured.
Actually, is it all right for us to be around you right now?
I knew that he wasn't much of a fighter just by looking at him.
His look is intimidating enough for anybody. Right, Gon?
Not really. I didn't even get any chills when I looked at him.
It was so obvious from the star that he was bluffing and didn't even have the guts to hit anyone What?!
I knew his tattoo was fake.. But the moment I saw the spider, everything turned red.. To tell you the truth.. even when I see an ordinary spider my rage builds and I become a different person Oh my...
I suppose that just proves that my anger has yet to fade away In that sense, I should be glad about it We better not let Kurapika see any spiders.
What a worthless guy.
We weren't expecting anything from him anyways.
All he can do is bluff people using that face he got from a cosmetic surgery screw up I'm surprised to see a member of the Kurta here It was too much for someone who specializes in fraud All right! I'll finish this!
Hey! Get him out of the way and bring on the next one We can't do that.
It's not over yet.
What does that mean?
He only fainted.
This is a death match The deal was that they fight until one admits defeat or is killed He's still alive, and he hasn't surrendered Talk about splitting hairs.
Hey, Kurapika. Go finish that bluff guy off The match is over for me.
The game is over.
When I was out there I allowed myself to attack an opponent who had already lost the will to fight I refuse to do more damage to someone who has already lost Then what are you going to do?
I'll leave it to him.