He gained only two hours. That doesn't mean much.
This is not good...
What do you mean by "not good? That man may lie unconscious forever.. What Possibly.. What? Why?
When that man approached the lying man a minute ago...
At that time, I thought he was dead But rather... instead of him being dead.. Yes. For them, it's better that he is alive and unconscious.. I see.
If he stays unconscious for the remainder of the time they can shorten 72 years from their sentences How pathetic. Being screwed by an unconscious opponent This could be the end for you guys, huh Shut up, old man...
If you don't shut up, I'm gonna tear your throat out.
What did you say?!
Fine. Try me Stop it. Like Gon said, fighting is what they want us to do.
I see... He certainly isn't dead.
Now then, it's your turn next Decide what you want to bet on Let's bet if he's really unconscious or not What...?
What did you say?
Don't make me repeat myself We're going to bet whether this man is really unconscious or not Hey, what am I supposed to do?!
I lost consciousness from the pain and when I began to come to...
Bendot whispered into my ear piece.
Majitani... Majitani... Wake up, Majitani.
Don't move... Majitani, listen to me and lie still The transmitters Sedokan made came in handy Majitani, keep pretending you're unconscious and lie there.
If you buy time by faking being unconscious we'll be able to get 72 years deducted from our prison terms without doing anything What now? What should I do Leorio...
A topic is decided. Hurry up and place your bet.
Remember, we're using our precious time as chips All right.
Of course, I'll bet that he's really unconscious. Twenty hours All right, I got it.
I'll keep pretending that I'm unconscious.
But how are you going to check him?
There's a very easy way to find out.
Damn, he's heavy I'm going to drop him... from here If he's really unconscious, he'll fall down and die Are you insane?
He hasn't finished the previous match.
How can I agree to such a method?!
Don't worry. If he falls and dies Kurapika loses the match for breaking the rules Then, you'll have two wins total You have no objections to this, do you Finally, the exit. Making me go through all the trouble...
At least I'm the first one...
I don't have any luck.. Playing cards.. What do I do If I keep pretending to be unconscious, my life will be.. No, wait a minute. I doubt he can kill a person so easily.
He's just bluffing. I'll bet he doesn't have guts to do it.. H-He's smiling Just like the other guy, they have nerves of steel!
I'll be killed. Killed in a flash, like a bug Bendot, don't you dare agree to this It's becoming quite interesting. It's so boring just to wait around.
You'll give us a win in exchange for your life.
If you embarrass yourself and return to our side I'll have him kill you. So keep that in mind What the hell...
I can't believe these people! What do they take my life for?!
You guys are so slow.
You're taking so much time, my arms are getting numb I'll let him go Hold it!
All right. I'll agree to your condition.
No way.
But I want to make a change.
I'll bet all 40 hours on him that he wakes up Showing your true colors, eh?
Oh well, I have no choice. I'll let him go.
Wait. Don't let go of me! I'm up! I'm conscious.
Fine, I admit my defeat. To hell with the amnesty It's much safer to be in prison. Geez Yay! Leorio, you're great! Now we have two wins!
It came with a price, though.
He didn't have to bluff like that When the other side bet 20 hours he could've broken the faker's arm That would've woken up the guy and we would've been in the lead right now.
Like Kurapika, Leorio won't hurt a defenseless person After all, his goal is to become a doctor Besides, if we win one more time, we'll advance anyway We can manage it I'm standing by, too. I guess this is okay.
I've dealt with the aftermath of your pride.
Tonpa! Sorry, but we're gonna make it to the bottom of this tower.
Even if I have to drag you. You got that? How did you know?
I'm aiming to become a doctor I can tell whether you're unconscious or not
by checking the eye movement Your remaining chips are twenty You won't make it to the ground But the match itself is two to one. We only need one more win This is where I show my real strength. Who's up next The third one from our side is me!
Come on. Get started already! We have only 20 hours left A girl?
A girl?
A woman?
Well, I'll be.. Onee-san...
Don't be surprised.
This betting thing is interesting Let's continue doing it This time, you against me I wonder what they're going to bet on next Huh? Leorio looks happy.
Next on Hunter x Hunter:
Rock x Scissors x Heart Do you like dangerous women?
Did you hear it?
ma ta "o ha yo u" t te i t t Once more tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me a drea kyo u mo gen ki de su go se ta ra i i yo n I hope it will be a good day today.
ko n na ni tan jun de a ta ri ma e na ko to ga
It's the simple things in lif hon tou wa, i chi ban mi u shi na i ga chi da ka ra n That are the easiest to lose sight o me wo a ke ta ma ma mi ru yu m Having a dream with open eye shi ra na i a shi ta e ha ko b Mer ry- go- round goe ki mi to ka ta wo ku n de ki mi to te wo su na i d My arm around your shoulde ko i bi to da ta ri to mo da chi de i tai ka r My hand holding your "o ha yo u" t te i t t Tell me "good morning ma ta yu me wo mi se t Once more show me the drea shi ze n na so no i ki ka ta de i i ka ra s Keep on living just the way you ar Well, I'm glad this is a betting match.
Because if I actually had to fight against a gir I don't think I could take it seriously This is going to be easier than I thought All right, it's your turn to choose what we're gonna bet on So what's it gonna be Well, Doctor...
I have an idea.
I would like for you to bet on whether I am a man or a woman What the...?!
A doctor who kills without a scalpel, Leroute the Insane Psychologist.
This is gonna be fun to watch That pretty face of hers has driven countless many of her patients to commit suicide.
She's a big shot with a 112 year sentence on her Is that bet even valid?
She's a woman no matter how you look at it No. There's a case where looks alone might not be enough to judge.
There's all kind of guys here.
She can't be a transvestite, can she?
What are you gonna do?
Are you going to take the bet or not I will take the bet all right, but...
Suppose I get the wrong answer.. How are we supposed to verify it?
You can give my body a thorough examination until you are satisfied.
Well, Doctor I know Leorio... He'll bet that she's a he.
Huh? Why?
All right!
Ten hours says you're a man As I thought.
He's such a pervert!
I don't get it. How did you guys know he'd bet that way?!
It's quite simple.
It definitely looks like she's a woman.
But there is the possibility that she's a man who's trying to deceive us But if I say she's a man, even if I were wrong I still get to examine her as long as I want Whether I get it right or wrong, I can't lose here The truth is.. I hope I'm wrong That's how it is.
Is... Is that so?
Eh? Why do you think she'd do this?
She's horrible.
She read Leorio's mind, and decided to toy with him Okay, what's the answer?!
I'm sorry, you lose.
I am a woman Wh-What?!
I don't believe it!
How phony can you get You sure you're a woman Need... proof.. Would you like to examine me?