Oh no, what shall I do WWait, all of you.
Where could you be going They're here TThe switch... Where's the switch? A haunted house?
I've always wanted to see a ghost!
Well, that certainly sounds like an interesting story.
I bet you're actually afraid AAbsurd.
Scary, scary!
Ridiculous What's wrong, Amu Huh? WWhat do you mean?
As you can see, Amu doesn't respond well to the occult and such things.
Simpleton! Don't shout so loudly!
Something wrong, Hinamori?
Oh, no, it's nothing at all!
Rima, you...
King, we should begin soon.
Yes, that's right.
Actually, lately children who have claimed to see ghosts in a neighborhood western-styled house have been appearing one after the other For example, strange shadows appearing or strange sounds And there was even a report of a student being injured It's the guardians' duty to help the students feel at ease so I don't think we can ignore the issue I see.
Then, why don't we start an investigation tomorrow?
Let us proceed, loyal subjects. This can also be an opportunity to train for world domination!
Are you sure you can handle it?
WWhat am I going to do? I'm really bad with ghosts!
I have to make up an excuse I think I have a cold and a fever Amu.. It's obvious you're faking it.
Are you all right, Hinamori?
If you have a fever, you don't have to push yourself No, I'm fine.
Rima, are you okay?
Don't touch it!
Rima, over there!
You're wrong!
You're the one who doesn't understand I still have work to do as well but you just keep pushing all the responsibilities on me Are you listening Dear Seriously...
Get ready Balancing balance Rima, let's do the balancing balance Balancing balance!
Amu, wake up!
Today is the day we're investigating the haunted mansion I don't wanna go...
You're planning to skip out?
Leave this to me.
Angel She fell asleep again!
What to do I'm almost at the haunted mansion.
You're still planning to ditch after coming this far?
Amu, now is the time to show off your heroine spirit!
Fight! Fight It doesn't matter what you say! Scary things are still scary!
Eru must have it nice.
This is not good!
A new great chara!
My angel I want to see the ghosts too I, as God, shall make this Shugo Chara a lovey-dovey angel Lovey-dovey angel?
I am God. Where is an angel?
Right here!
You must begin investigating the recent environmental problems in the neighborhood I understand!
All right, there's still time left!
I'll just turn around and ru Amu!
Can't escape anymore, huh?
It's exactly as I imagined it.
A ghost might really show up.
The concept of ghosts has no scientific basis.
Mysterious phenomena can all be explained using a scientific foundation So, what would be the scientific basis for explaining the existence of me and the rest of us?
Kairi is still troubled by that.
Please let him off the hook Let's hurry and go inside, Tadase!
Right, but Mashiro isn't here yet.
If Rima doesn't show up, then I might get to go home!
Hey there, Rima!
Well then, time to go.
Hold on a minute.
We can't just walk into someone's house We need to get permission first. It's probably locked too.. Oh, it seems to have opened All by itself? This just might be the real thing!
All right, let's go.
It sure is a mess When people don't live in a house for a while, it tends to deteriorate easily Judging by the rate of deterioration, it seems that no one has lived here for about six months to a year There sure is a lot of cleaning to do.
WWhat's going on? I can't open it!
This is a common occurrence in deteriorating houses.
The building's frame warps, preventing the door from being opened In most cases, if you just apply some more force.. It seems to be rather badly warped You're no help!
Class Prez, there's a logical explanation for this too, right?
There might be some sort of cavity underneath the house, and the noise is caused by the vibrations of a passing car nearby...
Amu, over there!
Let's go!
I'm excited We need to go too.
Something was inside Yeah.
Let's have a look.
Doesn't it make your heart race, Amu Sure does...
Another painting.
Now that I think about it, this house is full of paintings Yes.
It seems that the owner of this house was a painter.
Oh, where is Mashiro Rima is a pretty slow runner!
Rima, hurry up!
Troubling, isn't it? There's only one door to choose.
Don't make it sound like you're having fun.
As soon as you try to leave, there'll be swarms of living dolls I'm not listening!
But this is a concern.
This means we've already reached a dead end Don't call me a prince!
Bring forth the light!
I, the king, will be the one who shines WWhy?
No one even said "prince. Fools, it was that! The dead end I see.
"Dead end"
becomes "small prince. Is that possible You caused this, Class Prez, so do something about it.
Yes She's gone.
If you don't mind me asking how do you get him to character change back He's gone.
Where did he go I'm pretty sure he went this way It's a Guardian Chara!
You're the boy I met yesterday The Queen's Chair, from the guardians?
What are you doing here Here.
It looks like something important.
It's not really that big of a deal.
It seems from that family picture that you get along well.
What are you saying? Don't be silly.