Back then, I thought I could do anything but now I.. Kuuta!
Did you hear that sound?
Let's go!
I have a bad feeling about this... What should we do?
A Guardian Egg?
Could this be.. I don't need it. I don't need any of it.
Amu, that boy!
Right. Without a doubt, it's Shouta!
But something looks wrong.
Who is that boy?
For some reason, it looks like something bad is about to happen Yeah.
You went out of your way to return this, but...
This picture.. I no longer need it An X has appeared on Kuuta's egg!
Character transform My own heart unlock Character transformation: Amulet Spade My own heart unlock Character transformation: Clown Drop White, blue, black!
He transformed into an X Character!
So, that's an X Character?
Dark Canvas!
What was that?
He's copying my special move Amu, it's your turn.
Colorful Canvas Dark Canvas!
No way.
The Colorful Canvas didn't work?
Dark Canvas!
Character change!
Class Prez, how cool!
Black black black They'll never come back.
We were so happy. Grandpa was there, and my parents were smiling.. Bu those time will never return again Black!
How foolish.
Of course they won't return Because you threw away your dreams nothing will eve return No more!
Be quiet, be quiet!
We won't be quiet.
It's just like Rima said.
No matter what you're going through, you can't forget your would-be self.
Just hold on to your dreams Just keep smiling, and you'll be fine Let's go, Miki Right.
Negative Heart lock on Open Heart Shouta truly does love to paint.
His dreams will surely come true.
He'll become an artist Thank you!
I'm not quite sure what's going on, but it seems like this case has been settled.
I need you to submit a complete report on the incident later I'm aware of that...
Don't worry.
If you need to fix something, leave it to Su Making broken things new.. Let's gently put everything back to normal.
Remake Honey!
What have I been doing?
How was this restored so nicely?
It's Grandpa's sketchbook.
It was so worn out, I couldn't recognize anything What is this His grandfather could see i his Guardian Chara Take this.
It's something important.
This picture It's not that big a deal You're a stubborn character.
You're annoying.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could really see this little guy What?
He really gave me a scare, but I guess that means there never really was a ghost.
A fading Guardian Chara hoping someone might notice is probably how the ghost stories started.
Unbelievable, causing all this commotion...
He said it was really hard since he had no strength left.
He could only move small things Small things?
Then, that was...
What could it have been?
According to him, moving the little doll was the only thing he could manage So in other words, that means...
Give me a break!
We should go home about now, too Right Today, Su is the winner!
Finally, it's come!
A marriage ceremony Who? Is someone getting married?
Could it be?
Amu's father?
My father is already married, you know!
The person getting married is someone Amu admires Her first love My first love?
So he's going to be married? Next time on Shugo Chara My First Love's Wedding Cake It's so romantic!
No, it might turn out to be quite some trouble.
My first love.. First love never blossoms ko ta e nan te do ko ka ni
Where could the answer be?
Where could the answer be a ru tte o mo tte cha da me s It's not where I thought it was.
It's not where I thought it was My answer seems to onl My answer seems to onl ko ta e nan te ji bu n n na ka da ke ni a ru n d be inside myself be inside myself It's so cool.
It's so cool.
ka kko i i jyan
All my honest feelings continue on.
All my honest feelings continue on a ri no ma ma su na o na ki mo chi zen bu
It has to be love.
It has to be love ya ppa a i jyan
i ma no ma ma a hu re ta ki mo chi zen b All my overflowing feelings, just like now All my overflowing feelings, just like now I turn toward the sun with all my strength I turn toward the sun with all my strength se ii ppai hi ni mu ka tte
It's my point of view to do my best.
It's my point of view to do my best bu tsu ke te mi yo u yo
Face forward, lift up your head Face forward, lift up your head ma e mu i te ka o a ge t na i te r weeping tears weeping tears I don't have the time right now I don't have the time right now hi ma wa na i yo
Miss Saaya, do you really plan to go in there?
Let's forget about this ghost extermination thing.
What are we supposed to do if they actually exist?
That's exactly what I'm hoping for!
Thanks to the utmost efforts of Yamabuki Industries, I present their creation, this machine:
the Ghost-Purging Vacuum Cleaner Ghosts are sucked through this and exterminated It uses a centripetal technique, so the sucking power doesn't decrease, no matter how many ghosts are sucked into it And afterwards, as congratulations for doing so well as a ghost exterminator...
Beauty who exterminated the ghosts please join the guardians. No, please become my bride You're pretty good at cleaning up ghosts.
I'll be waiting for you in middle school.