SoAyBench /
frederickwang99's picture
updated readme
license: mit


by WangYC

We've based SoAyBench creation on AMiner. To really understand how well LLMs can use SoAPI, we need to make AMiner's basic SoAPIs available for LLMs to use. We also need a test set made up of academic (question, solution, answer) triplets for checking how they're doing. The tricky part is, academic data keeps changing fast – stuff like info on scholars and their publications. So, keeping a test set with fixed answers is tough.

To tackle this, what we've done is clone AMiner's SoAPIs as they were at a certain moment (Sep 15th 2023). This way, we've got a static version of the service. From there, we create a matching test set that doesn't change.


Dataset Overview

You can find 44 jsonl files in SoAyBench.

Each of the jsonl file contains 18 lines.

Each line is a query-answer data like :

   "Query": "Query in Chinese", 
   "Query_en": "Query in English", 
   "Answer": "Answer to the Query", 
   "Base_Question_zh": "Template query in Chinese", 
   "Base_Question_en": "Template query in English", 
   "Inputs": "Information which serves as the inputs of the APIs", 
   "Outputs": "The key of the answer at the API's response", 
   "Entity_Information": "Information that is filled into the template query"

For example:

    "Query": "Mutual Information领域的Jean Barbier的代表作的pdf链接是?", 
    "Query_en": "What is the PDF link of the representative work of Jean Barbier in Mutual Information field?", 
    "Answer": "//", "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX的代表作的pdf链接是?", 
    "Base_Question_en": "What is the PDF link of the representative work of XXX in XX field?", 
    "Inputs": "name, interest", 
    "Outputs": "pdf_link", 
         "name": "Jean Barbier", 
         "organization": "International Centre for Theoretical Physics", 
         "interest": "Mutual Information"

How to use AMiner APIs that is included in SoAyBench?

In addition to providing a substantial amount of QA data, SoAyBench also includes a set of SoAPI services, encompassing a total of 7 APIs from AMiner. SoAy has filtered and wrapped the input and output of the original APIs into 7 functions.

You can find this details in

You can try all these APIs with SoAy/

class aminer_soay:
    def __init__(self):
        self.addr = ''
    def searchPersonComp(self, **kwargs):
        personList = []
        addr = self.addr + 'searchPerson'
        headers = {
            'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
        searchKeyWordList = []
        if 'name' in kwargs:
                        "operate": "0",
                        "wordType": 4,
                        "keyword": kwargs['name'],
                        "advanced": True,
                        "needTranslate": True
        if 'interest' in kwargs:
                        "operate": "0",
                        "wordType": 2,
                        "keyword": kwargs['interest'],
                        "advanced": True,
                        "needTranslate": True
        if 'organization' in kwargs:
                        "operate": "0",
                        "wordType": 5,
                        "keyword": kwargs['organization'],
                        "advanced": True,
                        "needTranslate": True
        json_content = json.dumps({
            "sort": [{'asc': False, 'field' : 'n_citation'}],
            "searchKeyWordList": searchKeyWordList,
            "needDetails" : True
        response =
            headers = headers,
            data = json_content
        result = response.json()
        for each in result['data']['hitList']:
            # print(each)
                        'person_id' : each['id'],
                        'name' : each['name'],
                        'interests' : [each['interests'][i]['t'] for i in range(min(len(each['interests']), 10))],
                        # 'nation': each['nation'], 
                        'num_citation' : each['ncitation'],
                        'num_pubs': each['npubs'],
                        'organization' : each['contact']['affiliation']
        return personList
    def searchPublication(self, publication_info):
        addr = self.addr + 'searchPublication'
        pubList = []
        headers = {
            'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
        json_content = json.dumps({
            "query" : publication_info,
            'needDetails' : True,
            'page' : 0,
            'size' : 10,
            "sort": [{'asc': False, 'field' : 'n_citation'}],
        response =
            headers = headers,
            data = json_content
        result = response.json()
        for each in result['data']['hitList']:
                    'pub_id' : each['id'],
                    'title' : each['title'],
                    'year' : each['year']

        return pubList

    def getPublication(self, pub_id):
        addr = self.addr + 'getPublication'
        addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = pub_id)
        # addr = addr + '?AppCode=' + self.appcode + '&id=' + id
        response = requests.get(url = addr)
        result = response.json()['data'][0]['pub']
        info_dict = {}
            info_dict['abstract'] = result['abstract']
            info_dict['abstract'] = 'paper abstract'
        author_list = []
        for each in result['authors']:
                author_list.append({'person_id' : each['id'], 'name' : each['name']})
        if author_list != []:
            info_dict['author_list'] = author_list
            info_dict['num_citation'] = result['num_citation']
            info_dict['year'] = result['year']
            info_dict['pdf_link'] = result['pdf']
            info_dict['venue'] = result['venue']
        return info_dict
    def getPersonInterest(self, person_id):
        addr = self.addr + 'getPersonInterest'
        addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id)
        # addr = addr + '?AppCode=' + self.appcode + '&id=' + id
        response = requests.get(url = addr)
            result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['data']['data']
            return []
        interest_list = [result[i]['t'] for i in range(len(result))]
        return interest_list

    def getCoauthors(self, person_id):
        addr = self.addr + 'getCoauthors'
        addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id)
        response = requests.get(url=addr)
        result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['crs']
        coauthorsList = []
        for each in result:
                    'person_id' : each['id'],
                    'name' : each['name'],
                    'relation' : each['relation']
        # coauthorsList = [{'person_id' : result[i]['id'], 'relation' : result[i]['relation']} for i in range(min(len(result), 10))]
        return coauthorsList
    def getPersonPubs(self, person_id):
        addr = self.addr + 'getPersonPubs'
        addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id, offset = 0, size = 10, order = 'citation')
        response = requests.get(url=addr)
        result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['pubs']
        pub_list = []
        for each in result:
                    # 'abstract' : result[i]['abstract'],
                    'pub_id' : each['id'],
                    'title' : each['title'],
                    'num_citation' : each['ncitation'],
                    'year' : each['year'],
                    'authors_name_list' : [each['authors'][j]['name']for j in range(len(each['authors']))]
        return pub_list
    def getPersonBasicInfo(self, person_id):
        addr = self.addr + 'getPersonBasicInfo'
        addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id)

        response = requests.get(url=addr)
        result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']
        # print(response)
        info_dic = {
                    'person_id' : person_id,
                    'name' : result['name'],
                    'gender' : result['gender'],
                    'organization' : result['aff'],
                    'position' : result['position'],
                    'bio' : result['bio'],
                    'education_experience' : result['edu'],
                    'email' : result['email']
                    # 'ncitation' : result['num_citation']
        return info_dic

Original Service

We list all the original AMiner APIs below, which you can use to create new applications.



Path: /

Method: POST


Examples: 1.Basic Searching

    "query": "jiawei han",
    "needDetails": true,
    "page": 0,
    "size": 10

2.Complecated Searching

    "searchKeyWordList": [
            "operate": "0",
            "wordType": 5,
            "keyword": "University of Illinois at Urbanan",
            "advanced": true
            "operate": "0",
            "wordType": 4,
            "keyword": "jiawei han",
            "advanced": true
    "filters": [
            "boolOperator": "3",
            "type": "term",
            "field": "gender",
            "value": "male"
    "page": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "needDetails": true,
    "aggregations": [
            "field": "gender",
            "type": "terms",
            "size": 2
            "field": "nation",
            "type": "terms",
            "size": 10
            "field": "lang",
            "type": "terms",
            "size": 10
            "field": "h_index",
            "type": "range",
            "rangeList": [
                    "from": 0,
                    "to": 10
                    "from": 11,
                    "to": 20
                    "from": 21,
                    "to": 30
                    "from": 31,
                    "to": 40
                    "from": 41,
                    "to": 50
                    "from": 51,
                    "to": 60
                    "from": 61,
                    "to": 99999
            "size": 1



Name Value Necessary Example Note
Content-Type application/json Y


Name Type Necessary Default Note Others
aggregations object [] N 聚合配置 item type: object
├─ field string N 属性: h_index-h指数; lang-语言; nation-国家和地区; gender-性别;
├─ order object N 聚合排序参数(termstype,filed不为_key及_count时为要排序的子聚合的路径)
├─ asc boolean Y 升序排序
├─ field string Y 字段
├─ rangeList object [] N 分段列表(rangtype) item type: object
├─ from number N 起始,gte
├─ to number N 截止,lte
├─ size number N 聚合结果大小(termstype)
├─ subAggregationList object [] N 子聚合参数列表 item type: object
├─ type string N type(terms,range,max,min,avg)
filters object [] N 过滤配置 item type: object
├─ boolOperator number N bool操作type: 0-must;(参与分数计算,如无特殊需求,不推荐使用) 1-should; 2-mustNot; 3-filter;(不参与分数计算,推荐)
├─ field string N 过滤字段: h_index-h指数; lang-语言; nation-国家和地区; gender-性别;
├─ rangeOperator string N 判断符(rangetype使用:gt-大于;gte-大于等于;lt-小于;lte-小于等于;eq-等于)
├─ type string N type: term-关键词过滤; terms-多关键词过滤; range-数值范围过滤;
├─ value object N 过滤值
├─ valueList string [] N 多关键词过滤列表(termstype使用) item type: string
├─ N
needDetails boolean N 查询属性
page number N 分页(起始页为0)
query string N 通用查询词
searchKeyWordList object [] N 高级搜索词列表 item type: object
├─ advanced boolean N 是否高级搜索
├─ fieldMap object N 字段映射及字段权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ keyword string Y 关键词
├─ language number N 词语言(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ needTranslate boolean N 是否翻译(非必填,默认为false)
├─ operate number Y 搜索运算type: 0-并且; 1-或者; 2-且非;
├─ segmentationWord boolean N 是否分词(非必填,默认为false)
├─ userInput boolean N 是否用户输入(非必填,默认为true)
├─ weight number N 词权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ wordType number Y 词type: 0-术语; 4-作者; 5-组织;
size number Y 页长(最小为1)
sort object [] N 排序 item type: object
├─ asc boolean Y 升序排序
├─ field string Y 字段: h_index-h指数; activity-学术活跃度; rising_star-领域新星; n_citation-引用数; n_pubs-论文数;


name type necessary default notes Other Information
code number Y 错误码
success boolean Y 接口成功信息
data object Y Return
├─ hitList object [] N 命中列表 item type: object
├─ id string Y id
├─ name string N 英文姓名
├─ nameZh string N 中文姓名
├─ gender string N 性别
├─ org string N 组织
├─ orgZh string N 中文组织
├─ interests string [] N 研究兴趣 item type: string
├─ N
├─ avatar string N 头像
├─ language string N 语言( "chinese" "english" "french" "german" "greek" "japanese" "unknown" "korean" "indian" "hindi" "italian" "spanish" "dutch" "russian" "swedish" "arabic" "portuguese" "hebrew" "bengali" "turkish")
├─ location string N
├─ nation string N 国家或地区
├─ activity number N
├─ contact object N 人为标注信息
├─ gindex number N
├─ hindex number N
├─ npubs number N 论文数
├─ ncitation number N 引用数
├─ hitsTotal number N 命中数
├─ aggregationMap object N 聚合信息
msg string Y 接口成功说明



Path: /

Method: POST


Examples: 1.Basic Searching

    "query": "data mining",
    "needDetails": true,
    "page": 0,
    "size": 10

2.Complecated Searching

    "needDetails": true,
    "page": 0,
    "size": 20,
    "aggregations": [
            "field": "keywords.keyword",
            "size": 20,
            "type": "terms"
            "field": "authors.orgid",
            "size": 20,
            "type": "terms"
            "field": "year",
            "size": 100,
            "type": "terms"
    "filters": [
            "boolOperator": 3,
            "type": "term",
            "value": "data structure",
            "field": "keywords.keyword"
    "searchKeyWordList": [
            "advanced": true,
            "keyword": "jiawei han",
            "operate": "0",
            "wordType": 4
            "advanced": true,
            "keyword": "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation",
            "operate": "0",
            "wordType": 1



name 参数值 necessary examples notes
Content-Type application/json Y


name type necessary default notes Other Information
aggregations object [] N 聚合配置 item type: object
├─ field string N 属性: keywords.keyword-关键词; authors.orgid-作者机构id; year-发表年份;
├─ order object N 聚合排序参数(termstype,filed不为_key及_count时为要排序的子聚合的路径)
├─ asc boolean Y 升序排序
├─ field string Y 字段
├─ rangeList object [] N 分段列表(rangtype) item type: object
├─ from number N 起始,gte
├─ to number N 截止,lte
├─ size number N 聚合结果大小(termstype)
├─ subAggregationList object [] N 子聚合参数列表 item type: object
├─ type string N type(terms,range,max,min,avg)
filters object [] N 过滤配置 item type: object
├─ boolOperator number N bool操作type: 0-must;(参与分数计算,且与should互斥,如无特殊需求,不推荐使用) 1-should; 2-mustNot; 3-filter;(不参与分数计算,推荐)
├─ field string N 过滤字段: keywords.keyword-关键词; authors.orgid-作者机构id; year-发表年份;
├─ rangeOperator string N 判断符(rangetype使用:gt-大于;gte-大于等于;lt-小于;lte-小于等于;eq-等于)
├─ type string N type: term-关键词过滤; terms-多关键词过滤; range-数值范围过滤;
├─ value object N 过滤值
├─ valueList string [] N 多关键词过滤列表(termstype使用) item type: string
├─ N
needDetails boolean N 查询属性
page number Y 分页(起始页为0)
query string N 通用查询词
searchKeyWordList object [] N 高级搜索词列表 item type: object
├─ advanced boolean N 是否高级搜索
├─ fieldMap object N 字段映射及字段权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ keyword string Y 关键词
├─ language number N 词语言(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ needTranslate boolean N 是否翻译(非必填,默认为false)
├─ operate number Y 搜索运算type: 0-并且; 1-或者; 2-且非;
├─ segmentationWord boolean N 是否分词(非必填,默认为false)
├─ userInput boolean N 是否用户输入(非必填,默认为true)
├─ weight number N 词权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段)
├─ wordType number Y 词type: 0-术语; 1-标题; 2-关键词; 3-摘要; 4-作者; 5-组织; 6-期刊;
size number Y 页长(最小为1)
sort object [] N 排序 item type: object
├─ asc boolean Y 升序排序
├─ field string Y 字段: year-发表年份; n_citation-引用数;


name type necessary default notes Other Information
code number Y 错误码
success boolean Y 接口成功信息
data object Y Return
├─ hitList object [] N 结果列表 item type: object
├─ id string Y
├─ title string N 论文标题
├─ titleZh string N 中文标题
├─ authors string [] N 作者 item type: string
├─ N
├─ language string N 语言
├─ year number N 发表年份
├─ pdf string N
├─ doi string N
├─ issn string N
├─ isbn string N
├─ pubAbstract string N 摘要
├─ pubAbstractZh string N 中文摘要
├─ url string [] N item type: string
├─ N
├─ keywords string [] N 关键词 item type: string
├─ N
├─ keywordsZh string [] N 中文关键词 item type: string
├─ N
├─ venue object N 期刊
├─ _id string N 期刊id
├─ raw string N 期刊name
├─ pageStart string N 起始页
├─ pageEnd string N 截止页
├─ pageString string N 起始页截止页字符串表示
├─ volume string N 期刊卷册号
├─ createDate string N
├─ ncitation number N 引用量
├─ hitsTotal number N 命中数量
├─ aggregationMap object N 聚合信息
msg string Y 接口成功信息



Path: /

Method: GET




name necessary examples notes


name type necessary default notes Other Information
data object [] N item type: object
├─ cited_pubs object N
├─ total number N
├─ meta object N
├─ context string N
├─ time string N
├─ times object [] N item type: object
├─ d number N
├─ n string N
├─ s string N
├─ pub object N
├─ abstract string N 摘要
├─ authors object [] N 作者列表 item type: object
├─ name string Y 作者姓名
├─ id string N 作者id
├─ org string N 作者机构
├─ orgid string N 机构id
├─ orgs string [] N item type: string
├─ N
├─ create_time string N
├─ doi string N
├─ hashs object N
├─ h1 string N
├─ h3 string N
├─ id string Y
├─ issn string N
├─ keywords string [] N 关键词 item type: string
├─ N
├─ lang string N 语言
├─ num_citation number N 引用量
├─ pages object N 发表期刊所在页码
├─ end string N
├─ start string N
├─ title string Y 论文标题
├─ pdf string N pdf文件链接
├─ update_times object N
├─ u_v_t string N
├─ u_a_t string N
├─ u_c_t string N 创建时间
├─ urls string [] N 原文url item type: string
├─ N
├─ venue object N 期刊信息(未对齐实体信息)
├─ info object N
├─ name string N
├─ issue string N
├─ volume string N
├─ venue_hhb_id string N 期刊id
├─ versions object [] N 合并版本信息 item type: object
├─ id string N
├─ sid string N
├─ src string N
├─ vsid string N
├─ year number N
├─ year number N 发表年份
├─ succeed boolean N
├─ total_ref number N
├─ total_sim number N



Path: /

Method: GET





name necessary examples notes
id Y 学者ID


name type necessary default notes Other Information
data object [] N item type: object
├─ data object N
├─ aff string N 机构
├─ aff_details object N 机构信息
├─ id string N 机构ID
├─ name_en string N 机构英文name
├─ name_zh string N 机构中文name
├─ aff_zh string N 机构(中文)
├─ bio string N 个人简介
├─ edu string N 教育经历
├─ email string N 邮箱
├─ first_paper_time number N 第一篇论文时间
├─ gender string N 性别
├─ geo_info object N 流动信息
├─ administrative_division object N
├─ country string N
├─ en0 string N
├─ en1 string N
├─ en2 string N
├─ formatted_address string N
├─ geo object N
├─ lat number N
├─ lng number N
├─ id string N
├─ name string N
├─ org_id string N
├─ homepage string N 个人主页
├─ id string N
├─ labels string [] N 标签 item type: string
├─ N
├─ language string N 语言
├─ links object N 个人主页链接
├─ gs object N GoogleScholar个人主页
├─ creator string N 标注人员
├─ id string N
├─ type string N 连接type
├─ url string N 个人主页url
├─ resource object N
├─ resource_link object [] N 个人主页链接 item type: object
├─ id string N 连接type:hp(个人主页),dblp(dblp主页)
├─ url string N 主页连接
├─ name string N 姓名
├─ name_zh string N 中文姓名
├─ position string N 职称
├─ position_zh string N 职称(中文)
├─ work_details object N 工作经历
├─ id string N
├─ name_en string N
├─ name_zh string N
├─ works string N 工作经历
├─ meta object N
├─ context string N
├─ time string N
├─ succeed boolean N



Path: /

Method: GET



name necessary examples notes
id Y 53f46a3edabfaee43ed05f08 学者id
is_year N true 按年份分组


name type necessary default notes Other Information
data object [] N item type: object
├─ data object N
├─ data object N
├─ data object [] N item type: object
├─ n number Y 兴趣程度
├─ t string Y 领域关键词
├─ year array [] Y 年份 item type: array
├─ N
├─ N
├─ edited boolean N
├─ num number N
├─ succeed boolean N
├─ meta object N
├─ context string N
├─ time string N
├─ succeed boolean N



Path: /

Method: GET





name necessary examples notes
id 学者ID


name type necessary default notes Other Information
data object [] N item type: object
├─ data object N
├─ crs object [] N 关联学者列表 item type: object
├─ id string Y
├─ name string Y 姓名
├─ relation string Y 学者关系
├─ w number Y 关系紧密度
├─ id string N
├─ name string N 学者姓名
├─ name_zh string N 学者姓名(中文)
├─ meta object N
├─ context string N
├─ time string N
├─ succeed boolean N



Path: /

Method: GET





name necessary examples notes
id Y 学者id
offset Y 偏移量
size Y 每次获取条目数量
order N citation 排序方式,支持year和citation,未传默认为year,


name type necessary default notes Other Information
data object [] N item type: object
├─ data object N
├─ gindex number N g-index
├─ hindex number N h-index
├─ id string N
├─ name string N 姓名
├─ name_zh string N 姓名(中文)
├─ ncitation number N 论文引用量
├─ npubs number N 论文数
├─ pubs object [] N 论文列表 item type: object
├─ abstract string Y 摘要
├─ id string Y
├─ link string [] Y item type: string
├─ N
├─ ncitation number Y 引用量
├─ title string Y 标题
├─ venue string Y 期刊
├─ year number Y 年份
├─ source_link object [] Y item type: object
├─ desc string Y
├─ link string Y
├─ peek string Y
├─ meta object N
├─ context string N
├─ time string N
├─ succeed boolean N