someone very evil is trying to kidnap her .
that 's scary !
that 's scary !
that 's why we came to osaka to meet my prospective husband .
that 's why we came to osaka to meet my prospective husband .
mr akechi came with us for the meeting .
mr akechi came with us for the meeting .
you 'll be safe .
you 'll be safe .
he 's the top private detective .
he 's the top private detective .
he 's a very nice man , too .
he 's a very nice man , too .
a nice man ?
a nice man ?
a private detective ?
a private detective ?
they tend to be sceptical , with a twisted view of the world .
they tend to be sceptical , with a twisted view of the world .
do you really think mr akechi is like that ?
do you really think mr akechi is like that ?
you know what ?
you know what ?
i don't .
i don't .
did you like your prospective husband ?
did you like your prospective husband ?
not at all .
not at all .
then i 'd like you to meet someone i know .
then i 'd like you to meet someone i know .
he 's staying here , too .
he 's staying here , too .
just let me call the front bar .
just let me call the front bar .
mr. akechi told me not to talk to strangers .
mr. akechi told me not to talk to strangers .
he 's not a stranger .
he 's not a stranger .
i know him .
i know him .
is this the bar ?
is this the bar ?
could you find a mr. amamiya for me ?
could you find a mr. amamiya for me ?
here you are , sir .
here you are , sir .
this is amamiya .
this is amamiya .
yes ...
yes ...
okay understood .
okay understood .
to be honest ,
to be honest ,
i 'd kind of like to see the best in japan make a mistake .
i 'd kind of like to see the best in japan make a mistake .
if i fail , i don't get paid , right ?
if i fail , i don't get paid , right ?
exactly !
exactly !
let 's switch to brandy
let 's switch to brandy
i feel strange about this whole thing .
i feel strange about this whole thing .
i 'm scared , but i 'm excited , too .
i 'm scared , but i 'm excited , too .
scared ?
scared ?
why ?
why ?
i 've been sheltered like a princess ever since i was a baby
i 've been sheltered like a princess ever since i was a baby
now that i 'm grown-up , i want to be stolen , not bought .
now that i 'm grown-up , i want to be stolen , not bought .
what ?
what ?
i want to be swept away by a passionate man .
i want to be swept away by a passionate man .
be careful what you wish for .
be careful what you wish for .
you may meet someone just like that .
this is kensaku yamashita in room 524 .
i 'm coming out .
i 'm coming out .
please come get my luggage .
this is the end of kogoro akechi .
what are you so happy about ?
what are you so happy about ?
if you want me to love you , you have to bravely stand up to me .
if you want me to love you , you have to bravely stand up to me .
get ready for burial at sea .
good job , matsukichi .
amamiya betrayed me .
amamiya betrayed me .
put him in the cage .
please put your hands up .
just like when you exercise .
just like when you exercise .
don't move .
don't move .
you , too , mr akechi .
you , too , mr akechi .
go ahead , mr lwase .
go ahead , mr lwase .
i took this from your pocket earlier .
i took this from your pocket earlier .
that 's the second mistake you made .
sanae was playing the piano just a minute ago !
we pay you to watch her !
we pay you to watch her !
these men are from the furniture store .
these men are from the furniture store .
redo the upholstering before my husband comes back .
you see ' ?
they 're all stuffed .
did you want to see me ?
you were excellent , mrs hina .
you were excellent , mrs hina .
you 've worked undercover as a maid at the lwases ' from the start .
you 've worked undercover as a maid at the lwases ' from the start .
you were the real hero yesterday
you were the real hero yesterday
thank you very much .
thank you very much .
i hereby award you with a reptilian title .
i hereby award you with a reptilian title .
from this day on , you will be called blue turtle .
from this day on , you will be called blue turtle .
i thank you , black lizard .
i thank you , black lizard .
using the code was very clever .
i 've got more down below .
come .
you aren't lying about my daughter , are you ' ?
miss sanae is doing fine .
hey it 's black lizard .
can you hear it ?
you 're right ...
even we have to show a photo id at the gate .
even we have to show a photo id at the gate .
i know , i know ...
i know , i know ...
miss sanae is completely confined to her room .
miss sanae is completely confined to her room .
she can't even take a walk in the garden without the guards .
she can't even take a walk in the garden without the guards .
mr akeohi isn't doing his job .
mr akeohi isn't doing his job .
he 's a talentless publicity seeker .
he 's a talentless publicity seeker .
that 's exactly what i think .
that 's exactly what i think .
right ?
right ?
well , i must go now .
well , i must go now .
thank you .
thank you .
okay i 'll see you .
okay i 'll see you .
oh , w
oh , w
that doesn't happen every day
that doesn't happen every day
the only person who plays the piano ...
the only person who plays the piano ...
is miss sanae .
she 's here .
thanks .
thanks .
sanae !
sanae !
oh , thank god !
you look down on others without even thinking .
i hate the way you look at me .
i hate the way you look at me .
l grew up poor .
l grew up poor .
i struggled all my life at the bottom of the big city
i struggled all my life at the bottom of the big city
i can't stand looking at you !
i can't stand looking at you !
you don't like me because i 'm bourgeois ?
you don't like me because i 'm bourgeois ?
is that the only reason ?
is that the only reason ?
yes , that 's the reason .
yes , that 's the reason .
let me tell you a secret .
let me tell you a secret .
i 'm not the real sanae .
i 'm not the real sanae .
what ?
we don't know how he got in .
what a mess !
what a mess !
who is this ?
who is this ?
what 's he doing here ?