Low Accuracy while perfect travel movement
You shouldn't calibrate the steps/mm for the X, Y, and Z axes. Just use the default settings which are based on the theoretical values for the given belts/leadscrews/threaded rods. The mistake is in assuming that the error in the dimensions of the 20x20x20 calibration cube are purely due to the steps/mm setting. Due to a variety of reasons (inconsistent extrusion, measurement error, slop in the printer, backlash) no printed part will have its dimensions be perfectly accurate (no FDM 3D printer is capable of better than a few tenths of a millimeter accuracy in part dimensions). When you calibrate the steps/mm so that a 20x20x20 cube comes out "perfect", you are hiding all of these non-linear inaccuracies in a linear compensation of the steps/mm. When you then print a larger part, these inaccuracies (which are incorrectly compensated for in the steps/mm) get blown up. Suppose your calipers had a constant error of +0.1 mm, i.e. every measurement reads 0.1 mm higher than it should. If you calibrate your steps/mm so that a 20x20x20 calibration cube comes out "perfect"; the actual size of the calibration cube would be 19.9 mm (which your calipers would read as 20 mm). If you then were to print a 100 mm part, it would come out as 99.5 mm which your calipers would read as 99.6 mm. If you insist on calibrating the steps/mm you should do so by printing a part as large as possible. This ensures that the constant error is divided over a large part size, giving a better estimation of the actual steps/mm. However, usually the theoretical value is more accurate than what you can measure yourself, even with a part taking up the entire print bed. 10 cm filament ... and measuring how much was really moved 10 cm is a very short length; you would get a much more accurate calibration with a 100 cm length. However, calibrating the e-steps very precisely is kind of pointless. It is hard to do so precisely because extruding into free air (and at possibly a different speed than when actually printing) will result in a different amount of resistance and thus a different length of extrusion than during an actual print. You will need to calibrate for the diameter and flow characteristics of the actual filament anyways, during which calibration you can much more effectively compensate for small inaccuracies of the extruder steps/mm. Perhaps it would be a good idea to look into the rigidity of the entire printer and how securely the parts are mounted. If there is a lot of play in the bed or hotend this could also explain why parts are turning out oversized.
Wanhao Duplicator i3 Mk2 Firmware Update
My problem was resolved with the help of comments above. A quick Google search shows that there are multiple issues with updating to new firmware for printer and LCD (these are separate firmwares!). Useful links are this one and this one which have support for the MkII.... Try to disconnect the display if you go down the Arduino route and see if you get it running while connected to serial (USB) and Pronterface for instance. When pursuing the Arduino route, be sure to send M502 and M500 after the flash to the printer to get the values from the firmware and overwrite the current stuff in the EEPROM. I downloaded the Mk2 firmware from here and then used the normal Wanhao procedure to update both the motherboard and LCD and this left me with a working printer afterwards. Why the firmware downloaded from Wanhao's own site does not work is a mystery.
LCD/DLP resin curing system
It's almost always what you call system 2: The LCD screen is acting as a "mask" for the UV backlight, which is a strong bulb under it. This also is the reason that the screen degrades over time and that the machines need replacement bulbs: the heat from the UV source burns out the screen and itself over time. Both parts are consumable, just like the screen. You could technically swap out the light source for any one that fits the machine. However, a 360 nm light source won't help you for printing resins at all: most resins you can buy cure between 395 and 410 nm. Yes, even by curing with an UV light source, you need to post-cure the print. The reason for that is to get rid of any uncured, not washed away resin that still sticks to the surface and that a 3D print right of the platform actually isn't cured fully - especially the inter-layer-bonds are not formed fully and curing in the lightbox increases the stability to the print a lot.
mjpg_streamer, Octopi, Kubuntu
Going to post the answer here for posterity and for those, like me, trying to cope with Linux after making a career in Windows. I'm running Kubuntu 18 because I didn't want to have to buy an operating system or install a bootleg copy of Windows. The most important thing for a Windows user to know is that the readme.md file is important. Think of it as a .chm file, or a series of linked help documents. What you want to know is THERE, not on the github page. Using the following command in the mjpg-streamer-experimental directory got me where I needed to go. mjpg_streamer -i 'input_uvc.so -d /dev/video0 -r SVGA -f 30' -o 'output_http.so' e.g. webcam, 800x600, 30fps to http (port 8080 is the default) The MD files break it down. I also found two web pages very useful: http://skillfulness.blogspot.com/2010/03/mjpg-streamer-documentation.html https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/MJPG-Streamer/ In OctoPrint the streaming setting is then: In my case, I use the network IP rather than local host so I can monitor the print from my upstairs PC. For snapshots: I'll admit that Octolapse doesn't work for me yet because I'm still trying to work out ffmpeg, but that's another issue. EDIT: got that done, too. Useful command: whereis ffmpeg
Using dollar-store picture glass for print bed on top of original heated aluminum bed?
Picture frame glass (generally float glass) will work well enough, but count on it eventually cracking/getting chipped. It's always very flat (due to the way the production process works). Taking it up to 100-110C for printing ABS should not be a problem, but you'll want to avoid sharp changes in temperature, and should be careful that your prints don't adhere too well: I've had PLA/PETG prints take out pieces of glass with them due to the force required to remove them from the build plate. You might want to try without any (or very little) adhesive first, and make sure your nozzle isn't too close to the build plate.
Poor surface quality when sweep interrupted
It looks to me like you have underextrusion in these regions probably due to loss (oozing) of material during travel moves prior to printing them. Aside from small gaps in the surface sweep at the part you're talking about, I see a long slightly-diagonal light-gray line between the middle of the right and the middle of the bottom of your image, which appears to be material that oozed during combing. Make sure you have retraction enabled, have sufficient retraction (at least 6 mm for bowden; somewhat less for direct-drive) and either disable combining or set max combing distance very small (like 1.5x nozzle width) and see if this helps.
Why don't LCD printers use subpixels in color panels?
If what Thomas Sanladerer states is correct, the Mars 2 Pro (monochrome LCD, no color filter) has a layer time approximately 1/3 as long as the Mars/Pro printers (where color LCDs are used): This would indicate that the light passing through the LCD, when the color filter is present, is 1/3. Put it in other words, only ONE subpixel is capable of transmitting UV light. Consequently, using all of them would not improve resolution because the other subpixels are always opaque.
Is there any reason not to clean nozzles with fire?
If you carbonize the filament or other particles that are clogging the nozzle, then you will never get them clean. In my experience, it's not worth cleaning the nozzle with anything other than cleaning filament. If that doesn't work then change the nozzle. Heating the metal nozzle with a torch will change the temper of the material. I used to try cleaning with a soldering iron; which was to no avail. Purchase a dozen brass nozzles and save your self the headache. Either that or a good quality set of stainless steel ones. They are easier to clean with the cleaning filament and aren't ablated by the filament as quickly, allowing for better dimensional accuracy over multiple prints. https://www.amazon.com/eSUN-CLEANING-Filament-Printers-Cleaning/dp/B00MVIYNFW/
Temperature offset on Wanhao Duplicator i3 Mini
It's very difficult to diagnose 3D printers without physical access to the machine, but here's a few possibilities that come to mind (several of those may contribute together to the problem). The temperature reading is poorly calibrated or defective This means that the actual temperature is lower than what displayed. You can verify this hypothesis by using an IR thermometer or replacing the probe (on some printers the heat probe on the bed is the same than the one on the hot end, so you don't need to buy a new part). The batch/brand of filament you have has a higher melting point than expected So: the filament is supposed needs to be extruded at 225°C, but the label (or simply your assumption from having used other spools of filament) says otherwise. Just use that temperature and be happy. The teeth of the extruder gear are worn Within limits, the hotter the molten plastic is, the runnier. This means that at 225°C it will be less viscous than at 210°C and will strain the extruder motor less. If the gear of your extruder has worn teeth that won't "bite" deep enough into the filament, they will eventually slip when reaching a certain torque. The teeth of an extruder wheel should feel well defined under your fingers, if you are in doubt about them not being sharp enough, then they probably aren't, as the feeling is quite distinctive. Replacement gears can be purchased online very cheaply. EDIT: re-reading your question I realised you wrote that the motor skips, so this and the following point may not be the case for you, even if sometimes - but not always - slippage makes a similar noise to skipping. The spring of the extruder gear is weak See above, but here the root cause of the slippage is the extruder gear not being pushed hard enough into the filament. This is caused by the extruder spring being too weak. Most printers have some mechanism to regulate the tension of the spring. A DIY method is that of adding a stack of washers (or a custom printed cylinder) at one end of the spring in order to "pre-tension" it. Otherwise again: spring replacements are extremely cheap. Your part fan is blowing on the nozzle The temperature probe measures temperature at some place in the heat block, not the nozzle. If your part fan is blowing too high, the flow of air may be cooling down the nozzle, instead of the extruder part. You most definitively want to avoid this by repositioning the fan or printing a custom fan deflector (the latter is a classic among mods). This is an easy-to-diagnose problem as most slicers allow you to turn the part fan off.
CT Segmentation Model Intersection
This solution assumes the following a-The scaling factor for the object is correct i.e real world dimensions . b- There is a .STL file available . c- This will take some 3ds max skill and time . Steps to be followed - 1- Take the .stl file into Autodesk 3ds max . 2- Now we are going to trace the exposed surface using a process called reptology . Here is link to get you started - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azkbuZloTqo . 3- Once you are satisfied with recreating the mesh and sure it is as accurate as humanly possible , run the measure utility on the recreated part . This is the link . https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2016/ENU/3DSMax/files/GUID-12CDEA7A-042E-4CB3-9BF6-8191D3290CD8-htm.html . If there is a upper side and a lower side to the model then you should divide the surface area in half ( in this case it would be ). 3Ds max is very accurate if your part is designed properly . 4- This can be done directly on the .STL file if you can efficiently isolate your target area , lemme warn you this is not an easy task .STL files are notoriously difficult to edit. ( its much easier to redesign on top ) Try it should work out fine . Please do not waste time processing .STL files on 3D-Slicer, Seg3D, ITK-Snap they are mostly for file preparation i.e (.STL file generation ),viewing and study purposes only .
fill in svg or stl design
If you don't mind adding another tool to your toolbox, you can use a plug-in for Inkscape called Inkscape OpenSCAD DXF Export that will convert your SVG drawing to appropriate code to import to OpenSCAD. Even if you aren't keen on learning OpenSCAD, once you have the code, press F5 for a preview, F6 for a rendering and then export the STL file. The link on Thingiverse gives instructions how to add the plug-in (extension) to Inkscape, which is relatively simple. I've been using the extension for applicable projects with great success. Expect minor complications for closed paths within other paths, however. You may have to create separate STL files for those paths and use Boolean subtraction to remove the "holes" as needed. The extension is slightly counter-intuitive. Be sure to manually add the .scad extension to the file as it does not perform that task automatically. UPDATE: I have discovered that the above link is not the one I've been using. I'm leaving it in place as it may be useful to others to have the ability to create .DXF files from Inkscape. The correct one is called Inkscape to OpenSCAD converter v6 and works as described above. As always, read and follow all label instructions. Do not operate heavy machinery after using this product.
Changing final build plate position
I believe I would want to do: M104 S0 ;extruder heater off G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{speed_travel} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G90 ;absolute positioning G0 X0 Y200 ; move to back-left corner M84 ;steppers off Here, Y200 is the depth of my build plate. This works, but the movement is very slow.
Clamps / clips for glass on heatbed
How about the Ultimaker clips? Ultimaker uses 2 mm heat bed and 4 mm glass, that should be within reach by bending the clips a bit. They have quite a low profile/footprint. These clamps are very cheap and can be found on those typical auction or Chinese sites. Alternatively, you can also tape the glass to the aluminium bed using kapton tape if you are concerned about hitting the binder clips. Note that e.g. in Marlin firmware, you can define a Z-offset to prevent hitting the binder clips on movement.
Geeetech Prusa i3 Extruder seems to push more filament, gear slips/skips?
A nozzle with a nozzle width of 0.3 mm cannot print a 0.3 mm layer height. You could do that but you should not as you ultimately pay the price in the form of a less aesthetic finish. The general rule of thumb is to maximize the layer height at 75 % of the nozzle width, so a 0.3 mm nozzle would allow for a maximum of 0.225 mm. The rationale is that the filament leaves the nozzle as a tube and needs to be flattened to make it flat and adhere to the previous layer, too high layer heights increase the pressure in the nozzle (more filament is needed) causing a less than ideal extrusion and cause the extruder to skip; this is identified by observing a distinct clicking noise. Please lower your layer height (try 0.2 mm) and decrease the printing speed to see if this works better. Furthermore, for PLA, temperatures for the hotend (unless you have some sort of a special PLA filament) and the bed temperature are too high. Please aim to print PLA at about 200 °C with a bed temperature of 50 - 60 °C.
Alternating number of lines for the shell between layers
It is possible to get an alternate extra wall in Ultimaker Cura, the option is called Alternate extra wall. It can be used to catch the infill more firmly, strengthening the print. From Ultimaker support: Alternate extra wall This setting adds an extra wall every other layer. This way the infill gets caught between the walls, resulting in stronger prints. For example, if you set the wall line count to two walls and enable alternate extra wall, it will print two walls on even numbered layers and three walls on odd numbered layers. I've used this option frequently, but I'm not aware of any option that you can change the amount of layers alternating. You can do that probably with the option to set different options for different sections of the model, see e.g. "Different infill in the same part".
Retainer for PTFE in throat
In this case I would like to first recommend replacing your PTFE tube with a better quality product. Unfortunately, the quality:price ratio is as to be expected here. My reasoning: PTFE has great thermal properties for a polymer, just like ABS. In fact, the glass-transition state begins at relatively the same temperature between the two materials. ABS starts transitioning at about 105°C and about 127°C for PTFE. However PTFE, traditionally, has a much higher melting point at about 327°C as opposed to the usual 125° we use in 3D printing. My Point: I think the hardware you currently have has low-quality PTFE. PTFE can be recycled for re-use in other PTFE products. In recycled PTFE, you can lose a lot of the desired properties in the material (true for any material). This includes both the ideal "friction-less" and thermal resistance we need in 3D Printing. What I think happened: The higher print temperatures of ABS transitioned the PTFE into its glass-state. As the throat expands, the path of least resistance in the assembly is towards the extruder motor since the nozzle holds more pressure. I would not recommend "fixing" this problem with a retainer! By forcing the PTFE throat to stay in position, you could potentially force the PTFE to expand in other ways. Most likely resulting in constricting the filament, leading to grinding of filament on the drive gear and clogging of the nozzle. Worst case, you end up with gooey PTFE in your nozzle and/or around your retainer.
Error: Dry mode when moving Z-Axis
Try checking the wiring on your motherboard and all of the connections to your steppers. When I first had my printer, the z-axis didn't work because a wire was loose. I took apart the control box on my Di3 and made sure everything was firmly connected, and after that everything worked fine.
Using both .gcode and .gbr files in a hybrid 3D printer + circuit etching machine? (RepRap 1.4 with Marlin firmware)
You can use both .gcode and .gbr files one one machine. We do it where I work. However, when we make prototype circuit boards, we don't print them; we acquire circuit board blanks, and then we either: Use a diode laser to burn off the top layer of garolite for isolation traces, then do a chemical dip to remove that copper, then another laser burn to expose pads for surface mount components; or Use a spindle tool to remove the top layer of garolite where needed for pads, as well as mill through the copper layer for isolation traces. We have not found a printable material that has the conductivity we want in a circuit board. Source: I work for Hyrel 3D Note: we don't use Marlin on Arduino, we use in-house firmware on STM32F429 boards.
What do the pink colors in Slic3r preview signify? If it signifies a problem, how do I fix it?
In slic3r preview, salmon (pink) represents infill, yellow represents perimeters, and green represents support material, including skirt and brim.
Adjusting Bed Temp values on Monoprice/Wanhao I3 (Repetier Firmware)
It is completely normal for the surface of the bed to be cooler than the indicated temperature. The thermistor goes on the underside of the bed, near the heating traces. The top of the bed (which is further away from the heating traces) will naturally be cooler. It would be possible, though a lot of work, to build a custom thermistor table that more accurately reflects the surface of the bed, though that means your thermistor table will no longer reflect the characteristics of your thermistor, but instead reflect the particular circumstances under which you build your custom table (which would be affected by ambient temperature, any drafts, ...). The accuracy of an infrared laser thermometer depends on the characteristics of the surface you're measuring for, so unless you adjusted the thermometer specifically to measure the aluminium surface of the bed, it's possible your thermometer is off as well. The exact temperature of your bed doesn't matter anyways (you just need it approximately in the right ballpark) so I would suggest to just live with it. The 60C/90C figures are not supposed to be for the surface of the bed. They're meant to reflect the temperature reported by the printer. That said, 90C is a bit low for printing ABS (but the bed/power supply on your printer might not be powerful enough to get any higher).
Does having more curvier corners help warping more then smaller curves
In short, yes, it helps a little. Curves provide less surface area per unit volume (a sphere has the least possible surface area relative to the volume of the solid), and that reduces the rate at which the material in that corner will cool relative to elsewhere in the print, and also changes how the material can deform if and when it does cool unevenly. Uneven cooling of fine features, including sharp corners, is what causes warpage, as these areas typically cool faster than others. The curve also helps with bed adhesion, as the more rounded corner is more easily kept down on the bed by the various forces within the object and in the bed adhesion. Sharper corners depend more on the surface area under the corner itself to keep the piece properly stuck to the bed. However, it's not a panacea. It's not always possible, for one; it's usually an option when CADing a "green field" design for a household item or other standalone product, but if you're making a replacement part for an existing device, or printing a figurine or other detailed model, you usually have to take the curves (and edges) that design gives you. Also, if you radius an outer edge of a hollow shape, but don't radius the inner corner to keep the material thickness constant, you'll end up with similar cooling problems as the apex of that edge cools fastest. Strategies for avoiding warping are along a couple common lines, but exactly how you implement that strategy depends on the material and on the printer. One overarching strategy is to increase print surface adhesion; the stronger the part sticks to the bed everywhere on its first layer, the harder it will be for corners to lift. Exact techniques depend on the print material, but many of them, like blue painter's tape, Elmer's glue and hairspray, work well for several filament types. Adjusting the printed shape, to print a brim around the shape's base or even a raft under the entire object, are also common anti-warping strategies. The tradeoff is that the stronger the bed adhesion, the harder the part will be to remove from the build surface when complete, which depending on your print bed construction can cause more problems than the warping. Blue tape is nice because it's cheap to buy and easy to apply to the bed surface, both of which mean you don't have to worry too much about damaging the tape as you remove the part, just strip the tape and put down another layer. But, it doesn't work for all filament materials; the only thing I've found that really works well for ABS, for instance, is kapton tape, which is significantly more expensive and takes a lot of effort to lay down a wrinkle-free, bubble-free layer over the entire print bed for a large part (especially on my MakerBot, which doesn't have a removable build surface on it, so I'm laying this tape down in cramped quarters within the printer enclosure). A glass surface painted with ABS slurry is an option I've not yet had opportunity to try for ABS printing, but plenty of people swear by it. Cooling, especially uneven cooling rates, are another major contributor, but again, exactly how you deal with cooling depends on the material. Most plastics, especially PLA, tend to work best when you keep things as cool as possible; the coolest extruder temp that reliably feeds fil, the coolest bed temp that reliably sticks, part cooling fan turned up, and even a standing or box fan blowing through the entire work area to put as much air over the part as possible. What this does is to get the PLA down onto the print surface as a hot "putty", then immediately "freeze" that bead of plastic as a solid as the heat's removed, so the bead can't shrink as it cools more gradually. Now, with ABS, this cooling strategy doesn't work, and in fact it's the worst thing you can do to an ABS print. The material is much more elastic than PLA, which is quite brittle, and has no true melting temperature, with a very hot glass transition temp. So, as it's laid down, the extruded beads quickly put the part under elastic tension as it cools. Shrinkage is a fact of life with ABS; the only thing you can do is to control the shrinkage by controlling the part cooling, so the part cools and shrinks evenly. ABS calls for a hot print bed for good adhesion, which will keep the first few layers warmer longer, but higher layers of the print will be further from that heat source, so if there's air moving over or within the work volume, these higher layers will cool more rapidly, at which point it really doesn't matter how good your surface adhesion is (I've seen prints split halfway up the model to relieve the tension by warping). So for ABS, a heat enclosure is pretty much a must. My MakerBot is built that way (in fact it's designed for ABS printing and works better with ABS than with PLA, which is supposed to be the more user-friendly material of the two), but most of your open-gantry RepRap-type designs will need something built around it, usually with a separate heating element to heat the work volume more than the bed is capable of doing.
How to recycle filament material from printed parts?
There are a few options. Machines are available which grind the used plastic into fine pieces, melt it down, and extrude it as filament to be reused. Filabot is perhaps the most well known. Depending on where you live the local recycling programs may accept PLA or ABS. They will then shred it and melt it down for reuse. PLA is bio-degradable so you can put it in the compost. I put scrap ABS in acetone which results in a slurry which can be used as a glue to attach ABS parts, fix cracks, and hold parts to the bed.
Wavy walls with Ultimaker Cura
Those wavy lines could be artefacts caused by closely-spaced infill, but they could also be resonance patterns caused by noisy stepper motors and over-tight belts. Since you have said that you have your belts nice and tight, I would suggest reducing the tension on them and see what happens. I know that some pundits say that it is not possible to have timing belts too tight, but I disagree with that. Belts should obviously be tight enough to eliminate free play in the system, and you may have a lot of latitude in the tensions that you can use, but if you make them drum-tight, they will transmit motor vibrations very effectively to the build plate (and onto your models). If your stepper motors are noisy, you may want to invest in some vibration dampers. They can reduce noise and vibration significantly. Another solution would be to use more sophisticated stepper motor drivers, such as the TMC2100. RepRapWiki: TMC2100
Anet A6 install bed leveling sensor
You need to do two or three things: Print a holder or bracket for the probe, if your probe did not come with one, and looking at the eBay item listing, it doesn't appear to include a bracket. There are a number of designs out there, take a look at thingiverse, for example: Installing the BLtouch on Anet A6 - This one includes a PDF guide. Anet A6 Autolevel Sensor Support 18mm Change the firmware - SkyNet 3D, Marlin is a good choice, or Anet's own You may need to change the Z-stops There is a step by step guide here, Autolevel for the A8 Anet 3D Printer. It is for the A8 but most, if not all, of the steps will apply to the A6
Will there be any negative effects on the print process if the printer is outside?
Unless you enclose the printer fully in some way or another, I see problems, even beyond just print quality: humidity can and will end inside the printer by condensation and destroy the electronics, especially in the fall and winter months. being accessible, children from the neighborhood might get their stubby fingers into the running machine or throw off the leveling. being not locked in a box, people might decide to nick your printer. If the printer is in the sun, the filament might age much more rapidly Moisture can impact your filaments, making prints impossible with some filaments unless those are kept in a dry container. Shifting temperatures along a day could lead to prints warping during printing, resulting in deformed prints.
Mid-print issue, extruder issue?
Do the two loose pieces go where the fill shows up on the larger piece? If so, you may have internal surfaces there that need deleting in your drawing so that they don't mess up your slice program. Otherwise, the slice program may leave a gap in the gcode where you have no extrusion. If you retract too much, it can cause the filament to jam in the hotend, but you wouldn't be getting all the mid-air extrusion, not connecting to anything. We need more information to give you a more precise answer. I suspect you have a settings or gcode/drawing issue rather than a hardware issue.
Marlin temperature sensor problem
In the actual Marlin Firmware all supported printer boards are listed within the file "boards.h". This file contains the following entries for the RAMPS 1.4: #define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB 33 // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder, Fan, Bed) #define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEB 34 // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder0, Extruder1, Bed) #define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFF 35 // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder, Fan, Fan) #define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEF 36 // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder0, Extruder1, Fan) The most common version may be the variant . In this case you have to set the value as the following lines show. #ifndef MOTHERBOARD #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB #endif Enable Display #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER Ok, it's time to make the adjustments specific to your 3d printer. You might first check the setting for the amount of extruders at around line 58. Most 3d printer rookies may start with one extruder, so the default entry of '1' is quite sufficient. // This defines the number of extruders #define EXTRUDERS 1 At around line 70 you have to set up the thermistors connected to the RAMPS for the extruder and the heatbed. Depending on your hardware configuration you have to change the last value in the defines. #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 -1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 -1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 0 The define for TEMP_SENSOR_0 determins which thermistor type is assembled at the hotend of extruder 1. This termistor has to be connected to the first sensor input (see also wiring schema). The thermistor for the heatbed has to be connected to the second sensor input. The thermistor type is configured with the define line of 'TEMP_SENSOR_BED'. If you use a thermistor of the type EPCOS B57560G104F (100K, Beta = 4036), you write the value '1' into the matching define. In case you have a thermistor with 100k and Beta = 3950, you have to set the value '60' in the corresponding define. So the defines will look e.g.: For EPCOS (Beta = 4036) on hotend and heatbed: #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 -1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 1 For Beta = 3950 on hotend and heatbed: #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 60 #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 -1 #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 #define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 60
Trouble printing Poppy Robot with SpiderBot
Having a bit more experience since my comment post above, I can offer up a possible solution. If your printer is able to print ABS, it works great with HIPS as support material. I've been printing boatloads of ABS models. When support is needed, the HIPS supports will bond reasonably well to the ABS, but when cooled, flick off with a sharp pointed instrument such as a razor knife point. As an additional reference, a good bond to the print bed is required for both ABS and HIPS and if your slicer allows support density adjustment, increase the support in that manner. My slicer (Simplify3D) would print an accordian type of support unless instructed otherwise. I set up for alternating 45° patterns making a denser but also more vertically rigid structure. If you cannot print ABS, PLA and PVA as Ogre55 suggests is about your only option. I see from the 'net that the SpiderBot Pro supports ABS, which implies the basic version might not have a heated bed.
First layer Z-offset in G-code
I don't understand the reasoning behind a first layer having a different offset from the following layers, but, You can manually add a re-definition of the current height after the first layer, suppose your first layer is 0.2 mm, you just need to tell the printer to move to a slightly higher next layer to redefine this as a different Z-offset. From a G-code file find the start of the second layer:G0 F600 X141.541 Y109.467 Z0.37 Modify this to:G0 F600 X141.541 Y109.467 Z0.42 Now insert the following command:G92 X0.37 Now it is like you have changed the Z-offset. The reason for not using M206 is that is applied onto current offsets, if you accidentally save setting to memory after printing, it stores this offset. You can use M206, but use it carefully. A re-definition of the Z level is never stored, the next G28 erases the effect, so does repowering the motors.
ABS Filament safety concerns
Yes... The issue with all 3d printing materials. Not just ABS, but worse with ABS is the fine air particulate and Ultra fine it creates during the 3d printing process. PLA is considered safer than ABS. But I fear people will use this as justification, it is like saying I only smoke one cig a day instead of two so I am safe and healthy. No it really should be taken seriously. There are a number of scientific papers and articles proving that this is an issue. Specifically that 3d printers release ultra fine particles into the air. Which can damage the lungs over time. I would STRONGLY advise not using a 3d printer around children, or at least putting it in the garage where you will not contaminate your homes air supply. I.E. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013005086 http://built-envi.com/portfolio/ultrafine-particle-emissions-from-3d-printers/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11139166 http://www.3ders.org/articles/20160201-new-study-shows-health-hazards-of-3d-printing-suggests-pla-could-be-your-safest-bet.html Lot of these have some scary looking graphs. Note that I am being a bit sarcastic when I say "scary looking graphs" the take away is ABS has twice the Fine Partical emission as PLA. However should you be worried, is still up to debate. The idea is that FPE can maybe contribute to cancer or other illnesses. FPEs are thought to irritate the lungs. These graphs are of the ultra fine particle emissions. as you can see PLA is MUCH safer in this regard. I cannot find the paper at the moment, but the recommendation is a full air cycle several times an hour. As someone that lives in a Cold state I personally just use PLA and am rolling the dice. There is another SO where I cover my future plans for an air scrubber. I will note that other materials such as Polycarbonate should just be plain avoided. I also want to provide these links on WHY ultra fine particles are bad. In summary they really upset your lungs and are thought to cause lung cancer over time. Wikipedia on Ultra fine particulates. White paper on ultra fine particulates.
How do I calibrate the temperature of my hotend?
Unless you are using a calibrated temperature sensor, it is a question what the temperature will be. Actually it doesn't really matter what the temperature exactly is, you just need to find the sweet spot for your filaments on your machine. With respect to reported temperatures by others, your settings may differ a little, but that does not matter.
Possible causes of print defects?
There are many possible causes for printing defects, but the easiest one to eliminate is dirt. Always use a filament cleaner to prevent dirt from entering the extruder. There are plenty of designs available on Thingiverse. Always keep your nozzle clean. After pre-heating mine, I clean it (carefully) with a folded paper kitchen towel. It may also be worthwhile doing a "cold pull", if you suspect that you have dirt in your nozzle. Finally, you should check that filament is not leaking out between the nozzle and the heater block.
How to pause a print to insert something in a cavity using Ultimaker Cura?
Ultimaker Cura contains "Extensions"; in version 4.1.0, the process is as follows: Extensions -> Post Processing -> Modify G-code Add a Script -> Pause at height Choose the one that matches your firmware! Choose the Pause height to match the height the insertion should take place. Usually, this is to be the layer just before the roof is to be printed to keep the inserted objects from protruding from their cavities. Choose a park position well outside of the print. X 10 Y 10 is usually a good position for this. Add a little retraction if you want. In printing, you have to wait till the cavity is formed, insert the item quickly and press the control button to resume. The shorter the pause, the better the next layer will hold to the already printed. Also, keep in mind to make the cavity a little larger than the insert, both in XY and Z, to compensate for the plastic shrinking a little and to allow the nozzle to pass well over the inserted item.
Is the weather a problem for MDF frames?
I want to add the following to the already direct and very good answer of @Dani Epstein. It does not answer your question, but hopefully may help many people who are reading the question when choosing between the two materials. Acrylic is less stable and will probably wear off faster than a well-built MDF frame for a 3D printer! I will address the points separately. An MDF frame has much(!) more mass than acrylic, which will reduce vibrations immediately. Almost more important, a box frame, as typical for the Prusa i3 for example, stabilizes itself intrinsically more by its 'redundant wall' design (don't beat me up over the wording here, I didn't find a better way to describe the property that results from the towers.) Compare these two images taken from reprap wiki Prusa i3: You will probably not find an acrylic frame with this design. Shear stress as produced by the moving carriages, as well as z-wobble from the rods should theoretically be much less. The acrylic might not wear by 'natural causes' since it is not a biologic material as wood is, but it will wear much faster due to handling the material, maintenance and human errors. The material is very brittle. You can find lots of reports on the web where the frame cracked or broke during setup. Here is my favorite example from someone with a lot of experience (1:20-2:30): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkkVk8c8XoU Acrylic is a bad choice in terms of its mechanical properties: It is soft (I found low tensile strength as a number to compare in the given database), has lots of thermal expansion (5 times higher than stainless steel) and melts at 160 C (so beware of anything touching your hotend). Feel free to compare it to other materials here (no MDF or plywood in that database, though ;-) ): http://www.goodfellow.com/E/Polymethylmethacrylate.html This altogether makes acrylic a very bad choice for a 3d printer frame material in my opinion. Choose MDF or plywood, you can make it look cool by painting it, too.
Ender 3 X-axis values are not correct
So the issues with the digital display values, was caused by the X-axis binding up and not advancing. I had to move the axis via the control panel in the positive direction and noticed once it got about half-way out, it wouldn't advance for like two or more steps. On the control panel, it said I was 235 mm out from the home position, but in reality I was more around the midway point. When I would move it back to the home position the read-out still displayed that I was offset from the home position in the positive direction. To fix it I tore it down and reconstructed it (made sure everything was plumb and level), I also flipped the belt in the opposite direction (teeth down, so that the stepper pulley grips the belt teeth).
Z-axis steppers and bed alignment problems
I assume you did everything according to the instructions but here is a checklist of what could be possibly wrong: Friction - check if you can rotate/move parts without lot of resistance Screws - check if screws on couplings are tight and they don't slide over a shaft or thread Stepsticks - check if they are cooled properly and similar (as there are two of them) Carriage nuts on threads - check if they do not slide out of their nests while [the x-axis] carriage goes up Filament - check if filament unrolls without resistance which can eventually cause [the x-axis] carriage to hang. IMO #2 and #3 are the most possible cause
Printrbot Simple + OctoPrint on PC not working
Before any axis can move the printer must be homed correctly (G28 command, or an equivalent home button, there are 2: an X/Y and a Z button). A correct printer profile must also be defined; this profile contains some bed geometry and speed data, these are some basic values that are easy to add through the wrench button and "printer profiles" menu item. Note that Cura 15.04 is very old, more recent version with far more options and better stability can be downloaded, but won't work integrated in OctoPrint, instead you download the most recent version of Ultimaker Cura directly from Ultimaker.com slice your product and store the G-code file to later import this into OctoPrint. Please take care in choosing an optimal power plan in Windows 10, if your computer goes to sleep during a print (or updates or crashes) your print is lost; using a Raspberry Pi is far more safe.
Marlin "Tune->Bed Z" vs "Tune->Babystep Z" vs Z Offset?
Tune -> Bed Z http://marlinfw.org/docs/features/lcd_menu.html#tune Per description in this table, this refers to the Mesh Bed Leveling process. It allows to modify all saved mesh z-offsets by the given amount. Tune -> Babystep Z http://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M290.html This just instructs the motor to move the given amount, once, without changing any parameters. Control -> Motion -> Z Offset http://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M851.html Here we are talking about the offset of a z probe (e.g. BL-Touch) from the nozzle.
3D printing references for beginners
Welcome to the fantastic, sometimes frustrating but most often glorious world of 3D printing David! :) Your question is really very very broad, but here's my contribution to make your first steps a success. First of all: I don't have experience with the Robo R2, but judging from the specs available online, I would say that you got a machine that take care of most of the troubles beginners encounter when starting out (e.g.: levelling the bed) and has a few features that allow you to print more reliably/with better quality (heated bed, enclosure, possibility for a second extruder). Give a hug to whoever made the gift to you! ;) I like to think to 3D printing as a process that involves 4 phases (well, normally several iteration of them as prototyping is a thing): Designing (creating the mesh, i.e. the shape of the object you want to print) Slicing (creating GCODE, i.e. the file with the step-by-step instructions for moving your printer nozzle in space, extruding the plastic, controlling temperatures and cooling, etc...) Printing (the actual process of having your printer running that GCODE) Post-processing (finishing the piece, by for example removing support material, sanding, vapor-smoothing the surface, painting, etc...) Technology in the 3D printing world is moving so fast that printed information tends to get outdated quickly, and the Internet is often the best source of information. So in the following bits I will mention the the source of information that I use[d] for myself, of which many are online rather than in print. DESIGN Broadly speaking, there are two kind of designs one can do: decorative or functional. Decorative designs are those in which the final object will essentially sit still on a shelf or be handled very gently (e.g.: a model of the Tour Eiffel, a miniature for RPG gaming), functional designs are those in which the final part will have to bear a load or perform some sort of mechanical work (e.g.: a drone, a shelf bracket, a pipe adapter...). Both designs need to take into consideration the physical limitations of FDM printers such as the fact that the nozzle is round and with a fixed diameter, or the fact that molten plastic needs to rest onto something, thus the need for support. Additionally, functional design requires an understanding of the physical properties of 3D MFD printed parts (hint: they are anisotropic, so their properties differs along their axis). If you are interested in functional designing a book that I can highly recommend is Functional Design for 3D Printing by Cliff Smyth. It is concise, accessible and full of information you'll be using from your very first design. In terms of tools, for decorative, organic forms, you will probably want to use a program like Blender, that manipulate meshes directly, while for functional designs will probably turn to CAD software, like for examaple FreeCAD that operate on a "model" and let you export the finished part as a mesh at the very end. Both Blender and FreeCAD are free software (like in: "free speech") but commercial versions do exist as well (most notably from Autodesk). Blender is professional grade software with a very steep learning curve and I would suggest to take an structured online course like this one about it, rather than trying to learn it the DIY way. FreeCAD belongs to a category of CAD programmes that operate on a well defined, well understood, set of principles (so it works similarly to OnShape and Fusion360 for example) and it is much easier to learn. In my experience CAD modelling is best learnt by understanding the very basic, and then just researching further information as you go, according to the needs of your project as CAD design is full of small specific operations that is useful to know only if you actually need them (e.g.: how to draw a screw thread, or to perform a loft). I started out with this series of video tutorials by the late Roland Frank (a celebrated contributor to the FreeCAD community), but there are tons of other tutorial should you choose to go with a commercial product. SLICING Slicing is as much an art as it is science. While the actual work of generating the GCODE is automated and requires just the click of a button, there are a myriad of settings that are mutually interdependent in their effect. For example: filament temperature, movement speed, cooling fan, retraction and coasting all affect oozing, but each of them also affect other things (bridging, layer adhesion, curling, nominal overextrusion, etc...). Also: settings differs for each filament material, each brand, and sometimes even different spools from the same material/brand. Moreover, you may wish to tune them depending to what you are printing (maybe you are printing a finely detailed miniature and want to go slower to reduce vibration, or maybe you are printing a torsion bar and want to increase the temperature for increasing layer adhesion, for example...). IMO the best way to understand how settings affect your print is playing around with calibration towers (example) and torture tests (example). Calibration towers work by printing the same thing on top of each other but changing at each repetition a specific setting (like filament temperature, or extrusion multiplier). You will then visually inspect the final piece and evaluate how the print quality changed relative to that parameter. Torture tests work by putting in the same piece a number of features that are hard for the printer to print correctly (thin walls, bridges, overhangs, to name a few). A specific model that is sort of gold standard as a basic test is the 3D benchy. The good thing about it is that it comes with a full website that also tell you how you can evaluate the print. However, the benchy - differently than torture tests - is not designed to let you discover the limits of your printer, it is more of a quality-control test. If you can print a 3D benchy, you should be good to go for printing "regular" objects. Also, at least in the two most common free-as-in-freedom slicers (Cura and slic3r Prusa Edition) each setting comes with some explanatory text while hovering on it, that helps a lot understanding what that setting does). PRINTING How much you can affect the actual printing process depends from how "open source" is your printer, and if it uses standard components or not. Consumer-grade printers get often upgraded/modded to improve print quality or tweak them for a specific job/material. Typical upgrades are extruder upgrades, stepper motor upgrades, vibration dampeners, different sensors, etc... Each printer is unique, but normally you can find abundant information wherever the community of owners of a specific model gathers. I would also advise to subscribe to some good youtube channel about 3D printing like Tom's or Makers Muse or Joel's, and to visit sites like All3dp regularly. As I mentioned, 3D printing tech changes constantly, and it is good to keep tabs on new materials, new software, new components, etc... POST-PROCESSING This is entirely dependent from the material you used for the print, its size, and its intended use, but I wanted to mention this nonetheless as there are amazing things you can do with acetone on ABS, lot of elbow grease on PLA or the use of an airbrush... so you know 3D printing does not end with the print! ;) Hope this helps you at least a bit. Again: welcome to the the 3D printing world! :)
Layman term explanation of the difference between voxel and point cloud
A point cloud is often derived by sampling. Each point represents an observation. Sometimes, a point cloud is turned into a surface by fitting triangles to the points in the form of an STL file. A raster is a 2D grid of pixels. It divides the area of an image into constant-sized little squares. Each of these squares has a value. A 3D raster is made of voxels. It divides 3-space into constant-sized little cubes. Each of these cubes has a value. Pixels and voxels are rendering techniques. A point cloud is a sampling technique. The Wikipedia article, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voxel, is helpful. In a real system the pixels may not be square or the voxels not strictly cubic, but in every system I've worked with, they do form a regular tiling of the plane for pixels, and fill 3d space for voxels.
Marlin error Rx_buffer not declared in scope
The line defining SERIAL_PORT in MarlinSerial.h should read: #define SERIAL_PORT 0 To [mis-]quote this answer from RepRap:'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope (the emphasis is mine): #define SERIAL_PORT 4 This is the serial port on the controller, not the serial port on your computer. 0 through 3 are valid options on a controller with a atmel 2560. Unless you are doing something like serial over bluetooth or deliberately not using the USB port you should not change this from 0 The same error is reported on the Arduino forums, 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope: Have redone over 5 times and always getting " 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope ". Now I tried Factory marlin and same " 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope " . Dont know what to do - I'm so lost. ... #define SERIAL_PORT 4 //before was 0 Nothing else
First move after Start gcode, to start position (but before printing) is way too fast
By way of comparison, here's what Cura writes as the header of a gcode file. You may want to adjust some of the default parameters in your Cura settings. (this header was same for both the default Prusa and the default Deltabot printer settings) ;FLAVOR:Marlin ;TIME:67934 ;Filament used: 22.2173m ;Layer height: 0.06 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 3.5.0 M140 S60 M105 M190 S60 M104 S200 M105 M109 S200 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F9000 ;Put printing message on LCD screen M117 Printing... G92 E0 G1 F1500 E-6.5
Full steps mode for Z axis stepper controller
Focussing on the questions at hand: Is it possible to use full steps? This depends on your printer board. Many boards use dip switches to select the (micro) stepping mode of the stepper driver. E.g. a RUMBA board has dip switches located underneath the stepper driver boards (e.g. DRV8825 or A4988). Sometimes you also see jumper caps. The answer is both yes as is no as it depends on the board you are using. Does it improve accuracy if I use compatible layer height (like 0.04mm, 0.08mm, 0.16mm, etc) for my printer with 0.04mm per full step on Z axis? Increasing the number of microsteps results in reduced incremental torque (for full step this is 100%, for 16 micro steps this drops to about 10%; this implies that a micro step requested by the controller may not effectively lead to an actual step as it cannot overcome the torque to turn the shaft). So highly loaded steppers could result in positioning errors. Resolution increases but accuracy will actually suffer. Furthermore, Few, if any, stepper motors have a pure sinusoidal torque vs. shaft position and all have higher order harmonics that in fact distort the curve and affect accuracy. according to this source. On the other hand micro stepping makes rotation go smoother (major advantage, see source). Interesting literature (must read) is this test and this paper. The answer to this question also depends on the situation; when you load the steppers very highly, using micro stepping may result in more inaccurate movement compared to full stepping. When you use the lead screws native resolution for your setup, only when the stepper is actually at the full step position, you would benefit as in this position it will not dwell to the next full step as it is already in the stable position. As a side remark I've added the correct calculation of the native resolution of your lead screws. From your question I deduce that you have Tr8x8(p2) lead screws. "Tr" for trapezoidal thread, followed by the nominal diameter in mm. The digit after the "x" tells you how much the nut advances per revolution, this is called the lead of the screw. The value between the brackets "p2" denotes the pitch. This means that the screw has 8 (lead)/2 (pitch) = 4 starts. So with every revolution of the stepper (200 steps) the nut advances 8 mm which translates to 8/200 = 0.04 mm per step of 1.8°.
ABS de-layering on Ender 3
Welcome Fox_89 to the SE 3D Printing site. Thank you for bringing your question, and I hope you contribute both questions and answers in the years ahead. I understand that you've tried everything, so I have nothing new to suggest. Never the less, I would suggest some possibilities, perhaps one of which you haven't yet tried: Extrude hotter filament. Increase the nozzle temperature. My printer (Pruse3D i3m3s) prints ABS at 255 degrees C. Give the layers a better chance to melt together. Print slower, so that the layers have a longer time to melt together, and they have a longer time to cool before the next layer reheats them. Use a cooling fan to bring the part to equilibrium more quickly. Try a different filament. Not all filaments have the same shrinkage. Hatchbox has worked pretty well for me, but try another manufacturer. Try another color, like transparent. White can be a difficult color because it must carry a high pigment load. Black can carry less pigment, and might be easier to print. "Transparent" or "natural" carries no pigment. Check for anything that might increase the strain on the part at that layer. It could be a geometry change on the other side of the part, since that changes the thermal profile of the whole layer. Must it be ABS? PETG has a higher working temperature than PLA, but will print differently than ABS.
3D model with errors when exporting to Cura
In blender, you can occasionally have faces with flipped normals. Those areas then are "inside out". Such areas are just ignored in Cura. Fixing the files is as simple as recalculating the normals, but you'd best use a program like NetFabb for for that.
What is Thermal Runaway Protection?
What is TRP and how does it work? Thermal runaway protection is basically self-explaining; it is protection against the temperature getting out of control. Essentially, the firmware checks whether the measured output of the thermistor (What is a thermistor? A thermistor is basically a temperature sensor; it is an electrical component (more specific: a resistor) that has a large reduction of its resistance when heated; it is frequently used for measurement and control as you can link the resistance to the temperature via a table or a curve) is within an expected range for a certain target value within a certain time frame when heating the hotend or the heated bed. E.g. When you request the hotend or heated bed to a certain temperature, the heater elements are being scheduled/switched on to increase the temperature. If the temperature increase as a result of scheduling the hotend or heated bed are not met in time (settings in the firmware configuration), the printer will halt and heating of the heater elements will stop. The printer needs to be reset after such a failure. What triggers TRP? Common problems that trigger the thermal runaway protection are: a faulty thermistor, an incorrectly placed thermistor (e.g. not making good enough contact with the heater block), including falling out a loose heater cartridge, including falling out faulty connectors, faulty or partially broken wires, basically, anything that interrupts either heating or the measurement of the signal. Why should TRP be active? Thermal runaway protection is mainly meant to prevent fire hazards by stopping the heater cartridge when it might have fallen out of the heater block and is trying to set the whole surroundings on fire. To illustrate the point: This happens if Thermal Runaway Protection is disabled, and the associated story. Luckily this one did not result in a loss of life and home, but it could have - and the owner was able to do some forensic examination on what caused the fire. How to activate TRP in Marlin firmware? Please make sure that you have the configuration lines in the Thermal Runaway Protection section (466-485) of your Configuration.h file uncommented (no // in front of the lines starting with #define THERMAL_...). //=========================================================================== //======================== Thermal Runaway Protection ======================= //=========================================================================== /** * Thermal Protection provides additional protection to your printer from damage * and fire. Marlin always includes safe min and max temperature ranges which * protect against a broken or disconnected thermistor wire. * * The issue: If a thermistor falls out, it will report the much lower * temperature of the air in the room, and the the firmware will keep * the heater on. * * If you get "Thermal Runaway" or "Heating failed" errors the * details can be tuned in Configuration_adv.h */ #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_HOTENDS // Enable thermal protection for all extruders #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED // Enable thermal protection for the heated bed Note that Marlin 2.x has an additional protection for the heating chamber: #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_CHAMBER // Enable thermal protection for the heated chamber This should generally be enough to enable TRP on your printer, fine tuning can be done by changing the time constant and the temperature increase in the file Configuration_adv.h in the section: //=========================================================================== //=============================Thermal Settings ============================ //=========================================================================== However, it is advised to not change these values unless you are absolutely certain; e.g. if your heating cartridge is not powerful enough and you are getting printer halts. When getting false-positive printer halts according to the Marlin firmware you could: * If you get false positives for "Thermal Runaway", increase * THERMAL_PROTECTION_HYSTERESIS and/or THERMAL_PROTECTION_PERIOD How to test if TRP is active on my printer? To test if thermal runaway protection is enabled on your printer, you can disconnect the heater element of the hotend or the heated bed while printing a print or sending temperature commands to the printer over USB using a terminal to send commands directly to the printer. You can disconnect the heater element while the printer is cold (before start) and also when the heater element is heating up. No heating of the nozzle will take place, so after the period defined by the time constant set in the firmware, the printer will halt if thermal runaway protection is enabled. Power down the machine and reconnect the wires, it is not advised to put them back in on a running machine, as one might touch the open wires; when the printer halted, you should power down or reset the printer anyways. If the printer did not halt, power it down as quickly as possible - TRP is disabled. Further Considerations Besides activating thermal runaway protection, it is always a good idea to install a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher in the surroundings of the 3D printer: the smoke detector over it, the extinguisher within arms reach of the door leading to the room.
Ender 5 Pro print quality issue
I was told to not even bother using the white filament which came with the Ender 5 as it was very low quality. I used an orange filament from Hatchbox and, once I have learned to adjust my settings (I found it works better at 210-215 °C), it seems to be great.
Looking for information on modifying Boots Industries 3D printers
Contact Brian or Lykle. We all have Boots Industries printers and have heavily modified it to belt drive and magnetic effectors. The print quality has improved drastically. The old Boots support group has since moved on to Slack and we are in constant contact everyday. https://biv25.slack.com/messages/@slackbot/ https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1843195
How to set the fully dynamic plotting area?
If the problem of "dynamic area", or even "how to avoid missing the surface and boundaries" could be translated to "where to start well-defined job" - then it sounds to me like common task, with regards to philosophy of CNC machines. (Ok, until the surface is not moving around.) Pronterface and GRBL work in Cartesain system. GRBL does not support mesh probing. So you must think about relatively flat, plane surfaces. In my opinion, you need to fulfill following tasks to achieve the goal: Define boundaries. Hard and soft boundaries of device are supported by GRBL. You should setup them for overall safety. Plan the job. Recognize ranges of planned plot or print. Secure the surface. It must be appropriately stabilized. If you want to draw, the pen mount with spring will equalize variations of the surface (hand, finger, egg). 3D printing is sensitive to roughness and obliquity, we add raft/supports to overcome these - could be of use, until it doesn't mean missing your goal? (Don't print with hot filaments on fingers.) Establish point of reference. You need to home your plotting or printing head somewhere in space in relation to the driving hardware. This is needed for any further actions. I envsion homing Z to the top of the frame, rather then against the target. Detect surface. Camera will help with horizontal borders (X,Y). You also need to measure the Z distance. The Z probe could be mechanical (then needs vertical movement) or some distance detector (like VL53L0X ?). Validate fitting. Ensure that the surface will accommodate ranges of planned job. This is actually the key point in my opinion. You need to know scope at the first place. Program. I see following options to pick and mix the final solution from them: G-code is generated prior to the whole procedure. You need to synchronize the starting point between the generated file and the real job range. Homing is done "manually" prior to executing the file. After surface is detected, the real starting point could be calculated and applied. G-code is generated after surface is detected. Job starts with homing, and first moves go from device's zero (home position) to selected starting point on the surface. All consecutive moves are planned within boundaries over the surface. So there is no risk to work outside the safe range. G-code is generated with relative positioning (incremental distance mode), having G91 in preamble. Then you just travel to the starting point and then run the commands from file. G-code is generated with absolute positioning (absolute distance mode). To run the job, you need to change coordinate system using commands like G10, G54-G59. For printing, if there is a needed to match some flat shape to rought surface, then you may need to dynamically generate some supports/raft below the bottom of the printed part.
Adding a battery backup power supply
There are a couple of points to consider with this question. First, you will need to make sure the PSU is correctly adjusted to the float charge voltage of the 12V battery. SLA should be safe to float charge, but over voltage will damage it over time. One alternative solution (since powering the heaters will limit your run time) is to detect power failure, cut the heaters immediately, and save state to EEPROM in the firmware. This is the approach taken in the latest Prusa printers, and is a bit more complex, but might turn out to be more reliable. If the problem you are solving really is brown-outs, then a simpler solution might be to isolate the high current and control sides of the circuit. The MCU will be run from a regulated 5V or 3V3, so a large capacitor (with diode isolation) on that regulator's input would do the trick.
How to easily get rid of rafts and support structures?
The best way to get rid of them is to change the design of the printed object to make them unnecessary. Instead of printing the one part with support material, the piece can be split into two or more parts which can be printed without support material and assembled after the printing. Given that this is not always fully possible, a convenient way to get rid of additional structures is to use a different fillament for them that can be removed easily. This list of printing materials includes Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA), which is water soluble. You can wash the support material away given that your actual printign material is not water soluble. Here's a quote from the website (emphasize mine): PVA (Polyvinyl Acetate) filament prints translucent with a slightly yellow tint and is primarily used as a 3D printing support material because it is water-soluble, meaning that it will dissolve when exposed to water (and so MUST be kept dry prior to use). PVA is most often used with 3D printers capable of dual extrusion: one extruder printing a primary material (such as ABS or PLA) and the other printing this dissolvable filament to provide support for overhanging features. PVA 3D printer filament is available in 1.75mm and 3mm.
Heated bed thermistor placement
Depending on thermistor type you can get values from around 1ohm/C to 0.01ohm/C so placing it on particulat place on heatbed (HB) could be very important. If objects are placed in the center then it's quite obwious that thermistor should be placed also in the middle. Another issue in terms of thermistors are the wires. Because thermistors can be so sensitive then wires should have as less influence as possible on its temperature capacity. That's why wires and thermistor legs are so thin. Generally thiner than regular element's legs. Answering your question - I would say it's better to put thermistor in the center hole, to use thermal grease in the hole so thermistor would have contact with HB. And personally I would use special thin wires to connect thermistor to the board. Kapton tape is then usefull to position thermistor head in the hole and in the thermal grease. Have a look on the picture. I have such configuration. (In fact I got additional insulation as mentioned in this thread). I would not recommend to use circuit board tracks as a thermistor connectors at all, but it's my opinion of course. [edit] Please be careful - thermal grease can be electrical conductor or insulator. You should choose insulator because short circuit thermistor legs will cause measuring impossible. [edit2] As you know HB is not even necessary when you print PLA so in this case it can be even better to not have heating at all than to overheat the bed. Because if you put your thermistor near to the edge of HB then (as said by Leo Ervin) the difference can be at level of 20C so if you heat around 70C and you get 90C your model can become soft on the bed surface and it will loose dimensions or you'll get elephant foot. As stated in the comments - it's not really big deal whether you measure the temperature in the center of somewhere around. The issue is what level of perfection is ok for you.
Running 12v on a 24v heater cartridge?
Applying 12v to a 24v heater cartridge won't damage anything, but you may have severe issues reaching and maintaining your target temp. A standard E3D heater cartridge is 40w. When you run a 24v cartridge on 12v, you only get 10w of heater power. Here are some rough estimates on where your hot block heat goes: Uninsulated hot block air losses: ~20w depending on airflow Insulated hot block air losses: ~5w depending on airflow Filament melt power at typical print speeds: 0.3-3w depending on filament and print speed Heat conducted up the heat break: 1-3w maybe, hard to quantify I've never heard of anyone using less than about 16w to print. (Two 8w power resistors.) 20w is the lowest vaguely normal hot end power. I think you'll struggle to print.
Connecting Anet A8 to PC issue
Sorted. Repetier Server was hijacking my com port. Uninstalled it and Repetier host worked fine. As I have no desire to monitor or control prints remotely I have no use for the server software. Hope that helps others.
Cura 4.3.0 does not pause on Renkforce RF100 V2.2
G-code M0 is not supported!1) According to the original firmware of the RF100, the firmware is based on Marlin Firmware. From the original sources you can find that in order for M0 (or M1 which is a deprecated alias for M0) to work, you need an ULTRA_LCD supported LCD panel: * "M" Codes * * M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user to press a button on the LCD (Only if ULTRA_LCD is enabled) However, your printer does not support such an LCD panel, from the configuration.h can be read that the constant is disabled (// means that the line is treated as a comment and as such ignored by the compiler): //#define ULTRA_LCD //general LCD support, also 16x2 Therefore, these scripts will not work for your printer! (Not your printer is running a very old version of Marlin; version 1.0.3) Solution: It is possible to manually change the G-code for a (in this case) Marlin based firmware2) (so no adding of a pause by Cura) by inserting a few lines to: First set relative movement (G91), then retract a certain amount of filament (G1 E-2 F500) or alternatively use G10 using predefined retraction definitions in M207; Insert a dwell period by inserting the G-code G4 (plus a time to wait), e.g. G4 P2000 to dwell for 2000 milliseconds (alternatively, G4 S2 will also pause for 2 seconds), please adjust the value to an adequate one in which you can insert the object; First, unretract filament (G1 E2 F500) and then put the printer back in absolute movement (G90 or alternatively use G11 using predefined retraction definitions in M207. 1) By your firmware version/implementation 2) Note that certain G-codes only work for certain firmwares! Fortunately, the original firmware of the RF100 is based on Marlin Firmware (unless it has been changed form the factory default.)
Can I use a pin header in a breadboard to wire up the z-axis motors in parallel?
You could absolutely do that. Ultimately, the amount of current you can push through a wire/breadboard/connector depends on its resistance: for a given current I, a component with a resistance of R will have a voltage drop of V = I x R across it, resulting in a power dissipation of I^2 x R watts. I measured the resistance of breadboard traces to be around 7 Ohm/meter (measurement subject to some error, but this is the value I got testing over a 300mm stretch at 0.2A). This is quite high, the wires that came with your stepper motor are probably in the range of 0.1 Ohm/meter. If you had a stepper running at 2A, you'd waste 28W of power in a meter of breadboard rails. Thankfully you're only going to be dealing with a very short stretch of breadboard (wasting "only" 0.8W for 4 wires over a 3 pin stretch each). It would probably be OK, but it's not ideal. Make sure the connection is good (and keep an eye on it initially) as a bad connection can result in significantly higher resistance and that might generate enough to melt your breadboard and short things out. A better way of doing this would be to simply solder the wires together, or (if you don't want to permanently connect the steppers) use the pin headers you mentioned, and solder them together directly (for example on a piece of perfboard or perhaps just link them up directly with a few pieces of thick wire).
What kind of colors should I use to paint my PLA prints?
Fortunately, PLA accepts many types of paints, most common of them is acrylic paint. Acrylic is water-soluble until it dries, then it becomes water-resistant. Depending on the goal you plan to achieve, different types of paints can be used - oil paint, already mentioned acrylic, enamels or lacquers. Keeping in mind that manufacturers may present different types of plastic under the same 'PLA' brand, it is always good idea to try selected type of paint on a print sample to ensure that it sticks well enough and not melts the print too much at the same time.
Small structures are deformed after switching to Duet Wifi
The OP found the solution and shared this in comments but has not written a proper answer. The OP found: To complete this, the issue was related to the part cooling fan not spinning correctly. After replacing it the problem was gone.
Thick wall or solid part of an otherwise medium-fill part
I'd suggest creating a hollow tube with ~1 to 1.5 mm walls. Then to increase the strength design your own internal structure rather than relying on the slicer to fill the part. This takes longer to model but you can design the strength of your part much better. Something like this If you were to then print this with 60 % infill you'll have the strength and also use less material. If you happen to know specifically how your part would be loaded, you could then change the dimensions on that internal cross structure to take the loads better.
Z Axis inconsistency - Geeetech I3
From the pictures can be seen that you have good lead screws as there is no cyclic anomaly/wobble present at the side. It appears as though the lines at the sides of the print are more or less random X/Y positional inaccurate. These lines can be caused by various reasons. From what is read you tried to improve the mechanical system by upgrading the hardware. It could still be the case that there is still some backlash or play left in the system (e.g. I had once had too much tolerance on the holes of the linear shafts in the printed X-Z mounts causing similar problems). Vibration should be looked into also, e.g. do you have a binding bearing or a large mass on the printer that interacts with the carriage movement like a spool holder on top of your frame. Or maybe the micro-stepping does not work optimally, so check the stepper driver currents. If it is no mechanical issue, it could be that you are facing inconsistent extrusion caused by variation in filament thickness or gear slipping or too much tension on the filament by friction in unspooling. Or else a hotend temperature variation. Maybe insulation on the hotend helps.
Output of G29 bed leveling, Marlin 2.0
Actually the sensor reads the bed correctly in terms of shape, not in actual reproducible distance. Plotting the grids: Results in pretty much the same shapes, so, when correcting for the maximum displacement and plotting all results in a single graph gives: So the sensor does seem to produce reproducible bed geometry, but not the actual values. Misinterpreting your initial question I assumed a default Anet sensor, this official ROKO SN04-N sensor is reported to not be very accurate and has a maximum hysteresis of 10 % error of the detecting distance, which is 10 % of 5 mm (so ± 0.5 mm). The overall maximum measurement is in grid 4 with a value of 0.949 mm and in grid 1 with a value of 0.124 mm; 0.949 mm - 0.124 mm = 0.825 mm is well within the ± 0.5 mm. This seems odd as the hysteresis should be in play on all measurements as the probe goes up and down. I've used this sensor myself, but replaced it for a more reliable sensor like the LJ18A3-8-Z/BX. Now that it is clear that an accurate sensor is being used, there might be some play/backlash present in your printer. You should check the probe mount and the Z-axis.
What is causing 'droplets' on first layer?
Mine is more of an educated guess than a definitive diagnosis, but it looks to me like if your printer may be overextruding (it's difficult to say with certainty with this particular picture, but your top layers too do not look as good as they should). I wonder if you have calibrated your extrusion for this particular spool of filament? This is something that you should do for each and every new spool of filament, regardless of whether you have already used the same brand and material, as different batches and colours may differ slightly in diameter or hardness, and both factors can lead to a different overall flow out of your nozzle (I just checked eSun website, and they state "Accuracy:1.7-1.8mm", and 6% variance is quite a lot). Possibly unrelated, but 211+°C is also quite on the high end of the correct temperature for printing PLA (if that is what you are using). Still in the range recommended by the manufacturer - so it should be ok - but you may wish to try bringing it down a notch (205°C perhaps?).
Only generate supports between object and bed (for a brain model)
Within Slic3r, there are settings for support, which can be enabled to create support only from the build plate. This would still generate supports under the brain, but not within the hollow sections.
Does filament have to be stored in an airtight environment?
It makes a difference where I live, and I'm not in a particularly humid climate (California). When printing with wet filament, you'll sometimes hear it popping and see steam coming out of the extruder (it's usually only this extreme with nylon). With most other filaments, when they're wet, the extruded filament will have small bubbles in it and the surface finish of the parts will be rougher, with breaks in the layer lines. It can also lead to more oozing and stringing. Air print a few centimeters of filament and look at it closely to see if there's any bubbles, if not, it's probably dry enough. Whether the filament absorbs enough water to be noticeable in a few hours, in a day, or in a week depends a lot on the filament (and I assume the humidity too). I'm mostly noticed problems with nylon, ABS, and NinjaFlex, less with PLA and PETG (though I avoid leaving any filament out for more than a day). If you're not seeing any difference between, then I wouldn't worry about it. Storing filament dry is a hassle.
Poor adhesion on new layer - Monoprice mini select
You could try a higher bed temp, but also check to make sure bed is levelled all round as this can sometimes cause this to happen
Can a dual extruder printer print with multiple filament types?
Yes and No Yes, if you have two full hotends, you can easily print with two filament types. Yes, if you have one hotend and both filaments melt at a very similar temperature or are the same polymer, then you can use a Prusa MMU style or splicing machine. No, if you have only one hotend and the two materials are very dissimilar in their print temperatures (PLA with 200 °C and ABS with 235 °C), then you can't use a MMU/splicing style printing. This does preclude PLA and PVA from the same nozzle: PVA needs about 230 °C according to my data.
Using a MakerBot Replicator 1 dual (or clone like FlashForge Creator) with Cura
Edit: After looking at GPX more I'm not sure what you are doing? Are you trying to slice something in Cura and use GPX to make the X3G file or use the starting g-code from Cura in Makerware? The code you posted above is used in Cura to generate the g-code and it appears you should be giving GPX the g-code file made by Cura. You didn't specify which error you are getting or where but if I had to guess it's from the information in the curly braces. Everything in curly braces "{}" is a variable in the slicer used to generate the g-code. All the information below is useless to the printer and I would start by removing it to see if you still get an error. ; Sliced at: {day} {date} {time} ; Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density} ; Print time: {print_time} ; Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g ; Filament cost: {filament_cost} If you still have an issue after removing that then you could remove {print_bed_temperature} and {print_temperature} and hardcode those values to something to see if the process completes. If it's successful at that point then look at a different starting g-code and find those variable names and replace them.
Calibrating a resin printer
First of all a caveat: Leveling an FDM printer ...is done differently than an SLA/DLP printer When calibrating an FDM printer, you align the bed with the X and Y axis, using a paper, metal shim or another tool (such as a feeler gauge) to make sure the plane that the nozzle moves in is parallel to the bed as much as possible. The paper, shim and gauge all serve in making sure that the nozzle does not push into the bed on the move and to be an easily measurable system. You need to do several measurements and repeat the process till the bed is level. This can take quite some time with paper or shims, which is why I use a feeler gauge in the micrometer area. Leveling an SLA/DLP printer when leveling an SLA/DLP (aka Resin) printer, you also want to align the bed, but you want to align it parallel to the screen. The process is rather simple: mount the bed and loosen the retention mechanism, have the printer move down and press the bed against the screen surface. Some printers need to have the (preferably empty and clean) vat installed, others need you to remove it. Tighten the retention mechanism. Move the bed up, you are leveled. Only now comes the resin (and vat!) back. Some printers have their leveling mechanism separated from the mounting screw - that allows removing the bed for taking off the part and keep the leveling intact. In the case of the Creality ld-002r there's a video Tutorial, the alignment screws are on the side of the carriage. Remove your resin vat before leveling. Loosen only those side screw, keep the top one fast! The reason why I suggest to level against an empty vat is to make sure that on the one hand the resin doesn't go bad (it should be exposed to as little light as possible), you are exposed to the least resin fumes as possible and to make sure that no pieces are inside the vat when your printer firmly presses the bed against the screen - it could damage the screen or surface would there be chunks of former prints left in the vat! Also, you don't want to contaminate your tools with resin, which means you want to work on the fasteners with no resin in the vat.
Does GEL-LAY needs to stay moist?
No, GEL-LAY should not be kept moist to stay flexible. It is made from TPE and filled with small PVA particles. It is advised to print less than normal amount of walls and infill so that the PVA can be rinsed out more easily. If you look at the way the manufacturer rinses the material, you frequently see ultrasonic baths that improve the dissolving of the PVA. Once the PVA is removed, TPE is all that it left, which is elastic. If your print is still hard after drying it means that not all the PVA has dissolved yet, once dry it will become gluey/sticky again like PVA, hence the cardboard structure.
Chocolate printing vs casting?
In my experience, direct printing of chocolate is tedious because: It has to be around 88 C to melt; and It doesn't solidify very quickly at normal room temperature. Unless you can print in a chilled environment (freezer is better than refrigerator), you will likely wind up printing a chocolate puddle. Even then, you have to heat not only the reservoir but also the entire nozzle (or it may solidify in the nozzle). Also, some chocolates have issues if they freeze or become overheated, so it's a very tight tolerance with the temperatures.
Simultaneous heating of extruder and bed at start of print
This can be achieved with start G-code adaptations, this requires no software changes. Cura, and most slicers, have the ability to use placeholders (basically variables or maybe better: constants). These placeholders are substituted with the correct value upon slicing. To sequentially heat the bed and hotend you would need to add the following into your start G-code: M117 Heating bed 1st... M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} M117 Heating core 1st... M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} For simultaneous heating you need to add: M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ; set bed temperature to e.g. 55 °C and continue M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ; set hot end temperature to e.g. 210 °C and continue M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ; wait for bed temperature to reach e.g. 55 °C M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ; wait for hot end temperature to reach e.g. 210 °C Note that Cura is very limited in using placeholders. E.g. Slic3r allows for arithmetic using the placeholders. The following example shows heating the bed first to the bed first layer temperature minus 10 degrees Celsius; then the hotend starts heating and heatbed starts further heating up to the final temperature. For my machine this results in the bed and hotend being at final temperature at the same time; so no time is wasted and printing can start. M117 Heating bed... M190 S{[first_layer_bed_temperature]-10} M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] M117 Heating core... M109 S[first_layer_temperature_0] M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature]
How does Prusa3D firmware respond to an open or shorted thermistor during a print?
This sounds like a problem I had with my hotend cooling fan a couple years back. To answer your question, from what I'm reading, the Prusa3D firmware detects thermal runaway if the hotend temperature drops for more than 45 seconds, it detects an open-circuit by reading 16 °C or less (MINTEMP error), and detects a short by reading 310 °C or higher (MAXTEMP error). Couple questions that might help better troubleshoot the root of the problem: have you measured the thermistor's resistance while cold or hot? have you made sure your hotend cooling fan is at an appropriate speed while heated? have you made sure your print cooling fan duct isn't pointed at the hotend block due to being jostled? You might find that there are some fairly simple solutions to a handful of overheat problems. I bought a cheap knockoff all-metal heatbreak and immediately ran into problems, but solved them by printing a better heatsink shroud and upgrading to a 40 mm fan. If you've upgraded to an all-metal hotend, you might run into issues with PLA specifically if you're not printing enough material fast enough, as PLA is somewhat sensitive to heat creep through the filament itself in the throat of the hotend.
Printing issue on Ender 3V2
Print the same file, with the same settings, on both machines. If the problem persists, try swapping the filament between the two printers. If the problem now occurs on the other printer, that suggests that the filament is the issue. Label the bad one "For lumpy prints" and put it away. If the problem persists on the printer where it first occurred, despite swapping filament reels, the issue probably has something to do with the printer. Remove and examine the nozzle, and consider replacing it even if it looks OK. Nozzles are cheap and easy to replace, so this is an easy early step. If a new nozzle doesn't fix it, other parts related to the extruder like the hot end thermistor, fans, heater block, etc. could be to blame. If the thermistor is just positioned a little differently than on the "good" printer, for example, it might be reading a little low and causing the nozzle to heat up more to get to the target reading. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to replace those parts; you just need to recognize the difference and compensate for it when you use that printer. Just as a baker might think "the recipe says 400 °F, but I know my oven runs hot, so I'll use 375 °F instead," you may need to adjust the nozzle temperature to compensate for the hardware differences when you use this printer.
Will I see a noticeable difference switching from a .4mm to a .3mm nozzle?
1) Smaller nozzle advantage: sharper "corners" (higher X and Y resolution) 2) Larger nozzle advantage: faster 3d printing (because you can print the shell faster as each perimeter can be thicker so you'll need less perimeters to be printed to get the same shell thickness. Same true for infill). 3) Smaller nozzle disadvantage (varies, debatable): higher risk of clogging. There are of course other factors which can result in clogging, but this can also affect it as even finer particles in less quality filament can get stuck now. 4) Smallel nozzle disadvantage: since less plastic can come out at a given duration of time, it means less speedy printing of larger layer heights, if at all possible. I feel like I should get back to (1) and explain why it is so. When companies market their 3d printer they usually talk about the layer height (the Z resolution) completely ignoring the X and Y. This makes sense for marketing. Luckily it is not hard to explain what is usually left out and what is important for one of the answers to your question on what are advantages of smaller nozzles: The Z resolution depends on two main things: 1) The stepper motor driver accuracy of your 3d printer's motherboard. Pretty much all are the same now. Claiming your 3d printer can print at 20 micron layer height doesn't say anything, pretty much any 3d printed today can. 2) Nozzle/extruder quality, nozzle diameter. The latter surprisingly does not determine much. Because of how FFF/FMD 3d printing works, the perimeters of your 3d print can be way thinner than your nozzle diameter. This might sound odd but there's a simple explanation: the molten plastic coming out of the hotend is squished and stretched when the head moves. Because it is stretched, it can be made thinner as you increase how much it is squished. There's not much experimentation done on this and available online, only from personal experience I can say I can print perimeters 50% thinner than my 3mm nozzle. So I suppose if you wanted thinner perimeters than that, you would need to swap to a thinner nozzle. Why would you want thinner perimeters? To get sharper corners or in other words better X and Y resolution for your 3d prints which is ignored by most unlike the overstated "layer height" (Z resolution). Here's an illustration to help you visualize how fatter perimeters and less sharp corners/edges on your 3d model result in "lower X/Y resolution" (the illustration is a 2d cutout, viewed from the top):
Printer randomly stops, Is the power supply bad?
It could be several things. Your ramps board is overheating or has to much load on it. If you're not cooling the ramps board adding a fan may help the issue. I know Robo3D had this issue and started shipping with a fan to cool the ramps board. The ramps/arduino board could be faulty, the firmware may have gotten corrupted or the current version has a bug in the code. If you are not printing from the sdcard on the lcd controller and using software through a usb connection, that computer may be causing the issue as well.
Why are my layers messy and curling off the print bed?
This is clearly overextrusion relative to the volume the material is being deposited into, but that doesn't necessarily mean your extrusion rate is wrong. It could be: Nozzle smashed down into the bed (bed way too high) but somehow still extruding Problem in Z axis movement preventing the head from moving up the right amount for each layer (possibly not moving up at all?) Extrusion (flow) increased significantly above 100% in slicer Wrong extruder steps/mm setting (usually controlled on printer not slicer, though you can send a setting in the start gcode) Misconfigued filament diameter (unlikely since there's no common setting smaller than 1.75 mm; larger setting would under-extrude)
Can I use a metal filament on M3D Micro (or Pro)?
Most 3D printers that use non-proprietary filament can print exotic filaments, such as the ones you mention. One thing to be aware of, though, is that some of these filaments wear down the nozzle far more quickly than ordinary PLA, and therefore should be used with reinforced nozzles (unless you have extra nozzles to spare). Carbon fibre and metallic filaments are generally known to increase nozzle wear, while softer alloys such as wood and bamboo generally are less abrasive. A quick google search reveals that many people have used non-proprietary filament on the M3D Micro successfully, but be aware that using such filaments is not covered by your warranty. If you are going to use abrasive filaments with your Micro, I would check that M3D allows you to replace the nozzle first.
Cura 4.4 missing object parts
Using the preview feature as you have is a good method to determine that the original model is flawed. It's not unusual to discover detailed models have reversed normals or non-contiguous surfaces, which will not print. In a simple example, consider a cube for which five of the six faces are properly described by the design software. This would result in all eight vertices being present, allowing the software to present the "missing" face, but the slicer is unable to create this aspect. The cube is no longer solid and is presented as seven zero-thickness panels, which can't be printed. It is necessary to repair the broken models, by closing gaps and reverting/recalculating normals, but that requires skill in other software. Some slicers will attempt to repair damaged models, but some are so severe, the results you've experienced are the result. If you want a confirmation of a failed model, load it into free Meshmixer, run Analysis/Inspector and expect a "pincushion" of highlighted failures.
Monitoring X, Y, Z position of extruder in real time
Depending on your methods, you can easily (evidently) get (or compute) "where the printhead is commanded to be" in more-or-less real time, as evidenced by the "progress display" in Repetier Host software (based off the G-Code it's sending to the printer) - though I have found it advisable to stick with the temperature display while printing as I've had the host bog down on processing the display at least once, which then made the print go slow. As for "is it even possible" - sure, how much would you like to spend? Add encoders to each axis that are read by the computer, or by something (probably not your printer processor for "least impact on the printing" and "most real-time") that reads them and talks to the computer. The more precise you need, the more expensive it gets. Of course that also starts to probe 'what you mean by "real time" ?' as there are applications where the time spent reading the encoder and sending/receiving the data would be considered "not real-time" by the time the computer had the data, but for the average person with a printer built partly from wood, it's likely "real-time enough."
Ender 3 V2 upgrades and addons
IMHO, it's probably better to get the printer as-is first. This way you can get familiar with the printer and 3D printing in general before you get overwhelmed with all the extra introduced variables from your upgrades. The new model already has loads of features that were considered upgrades on the older model and you can already get very nice results. Upgrading your printer is a part of the 3D printing hobby, and you'll probably never be done with it :)
What does a "3 h5" mean in reference to the axle of a motor?
I think it's a reference to a tolerance. Look at this ISO table. This States that the nominal diameter of 3mm is held to a tolerance of +-0.004mm. @DarthPixel provided some great links identifying the term interference fit (or press fit as I've heard locally) as described here. Also, here is a better link providing examples of how the tolerance works and more legible tables to reference the correct tolerance. Keep in mind that the units in the tables is in nanometers.
Identifying this ATmega1284P board
This printer controller board looks exactly like an Anet controller board. These also have a v1.5 version: Your board misses the "Anet" branding, but includes the 1.5 version designation. Your board is probably customized with a different silkscreen (ink layer that identifies components and other information) on PCBs (printed circuit boars). Rebranding is pretty common in electronics.
Tevo Tarantula I3 filament clogging up
Getting that first layer to stick is sometimes pretty hard, you just need to find a good combination of settings. Clearly your filament does not stick too well as the brim comes off after been laid down after a while. Parameters that affect adhesion are: Bed temperature; a temperature close to the glass temperature is favorable as the filament is soft at that temperature, the stresses are low due to this softness and the smaller temperature difference. You already tried to increase bed temperature: 50 - 60 °C should be fine for PLA, there is no need to go higher than 60 °C, Hotend temperature; the temperature of the filament deposition could be increased for the initial layer, usually a 5 °C increase over the standard temperature should be enough, Overextrusion; a small over-extrusion on the first layer (filament flow scale factor larger than 100 %) could sometimes help to better adhere the first layer, but usually this means that the nozzle to bed distance is too large, Correct leveling and correct nozzle to bed distance; level the bed as good as possible or scan the bed and use mesh leveling if the build platform does not have a uniform (flat) shape, also make sure the distance between the nozzle is correct: too small or too big cause the filament not to stick very well. Debris in nozzle; debris in nozzle can cause non-uniform extrusion, cleaning the nozzle with the atomic method (heating up the nozzle, inserting filament, cooling down the nozzle and finally yanking out the filament cleaning all the cooked stuff inside), Cleanness of the bed; make sure the bed is not greasy, Tack of the bed; the use of a PVA based substance on the bed like e.g. gluestick, hairspray or specific printer sprays like 3DLAC increase the bed adhesion considerably, Bed preparation; sanding the bed to roughen the platform, using tape, etc. are all tricks to get the filament to stick better. Either one of the suggested parameters or a selection of these are the answer to your question, just figure out what works best for your printer.
Prusa i3 improvement - cooling fan
The MKS GEN L v1.0 is a board that according to the information found on the web operates to run on a voltage between 12 - 24 V, this means that all peripherals on the board should match this voltage. A 5 V fan should therefore not be connected. First, you need to establish that you are using the correct fan port on the board. Which port to use? If you take a closer look at the board layout you will find that the top fan connector cannot be controlled, it is a fixed voltage power supply of 12 - 24 V (so basically depending on the power that is supplied to the board). This can be seen from the board layout: Or zoomed in on the top left corner: Note that no pin number is given, this means that it is a constant power supply fan header. A 5 V fan attaching to this port does not seem to be a good solution, it can easily burn out the fan electronics. This fan should match the voltage of the power supply you use, so when powered by a 12 V power supply, attach a 12 V fan or a 24 V fan when the board is powered by 24 V. As said, this fan port is not controlled by PWM and can therefore not be scheduled from within your slicer, however, it makes an excellent fan for cooling the cold end of the nozzle assembly. To schedule a fan for print part cooling through the slicer you need to attach the fan to the other fan header below the X stepper driver on the left, if you look closely to the schematics, you see that that is a fan that can be scheduled using the digital pin D9. Note that this fan also operates at the voltage specified by your power supply; a 5 V fan should not be connected to this port either! The solution to your problem is to buy a fan of the correct voltage and connect it to the correct fan header. As you have tried connecting a fan to the lower fan port, and conclude that the fan has never rotated but still rotates when supplied with a correct voltage, you need to ask yourself if this port is: configured correctly in the firmware, or not broken. Now that you know where to connect the fan for print part cooling, connect a fan that matches the power supply voltage. Why is the fan not working? The microprocessor of the board schedules and reads various ports or pins based on the firmware it runs. This implies that the setup of the firmware is very important in the use of certain ports. It is therefore important to research if this port: was meant to be used by the printer manufacturer (so enabled in the firmware) or board is controlled by which firmware Once you establish that it is enabled (e.g. the manufacturer describes that the printer has a print part cooling fan), you should try printing a part where you enable the print fan in the slicer software. If not, you need to change the firmware configuration to enable the fan. If this does not work, you should address your attention to why it is not working. A multimeter can be used to read the voltage of the fan MOSFET output or the D9 output. If either one of those doesn't record a voltage, your board or MOSFET are probably broken. To fix this, you could solder an unused pin to the fan MOSFET or a new MOSFET and change the firmware. Another option is to buy a new board and flash a new configuration of a printer firmware onto it.
Is it possible extrude faces along normals individually in OpenSCAD?
Extruding faces is only possible on 2D polygons. From a 3D object you cannot capture the face and extrude it. To extrude "faces" you would need to define the shape of the face and extend it in the third dimension of your choice. This way a 3D shape is created that could be concatenated (joined using e.g. union) to the original shape. For the extrusion, the function linear_extrude is available: linear_extrude(height = fanwidth, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = -fanrot, slices = 20, scale = 1.0, $fn = 16) {...}
Smoothers for TEVO Tornado printer
The use of smoothers totally depends on the stepper drivers you are using! Note that the TL and MKS smoothers do exactly the same thing. Both use an arrangement of 4 or 8 diodes. Details of the problems with drivers and the working of the smoothers is explained in this blog post. The problem is that some stepper drivers are not able to produce low currents as of the present dead-zone. if we had a way to modify the motor so that with a voltage of 1.4 V there would be no current flowing, then the driver would be able to generate all the currents because it would always be spitting out more than the minimum voltage The diodes prevent current to flow at the cost of a voltage drop; a 1.4 V voltage drop (2 diodes) would prevent current to flow, as such you see diodes in series on the smoother boards. These MKS/TL smoothers help with smoothing out the signal going through stepper motors; e.g. the notoriously noisy DRV8825 motor drivers are known for a stepped sine curve rather than a smooth output. More modern chipsets such as the TMC21xx, TMC22xx, and TMC51xx do a much better job at providing smooth signals, and surprisingly, so do the cheaper drivers like the A4988s! So if you are using stepper drivers that do not produce a smooth sine wave, like the DRV8825 stepper drivers, you could potentially benefit from installing smoothers. This could help with salmon/zebra skin/moire and ringing print artifacts/defects. To quote the popular All3DP 3D printing site from "TL Smoother: Should I Add One to My 3D Printer?": It’s a yes if you’re running DRV8825 stepper drivers. This was what TL smoothers were designed to do: fix a design flaw in the DRV8825. Your mileage may vary based on your printer’s power supply, but you’ll likely see noticeable improvements in print quality. It’s a no if you’re running newer Trinamic stepper drivers. Trinamic drivers have many “smart” features built in that don’t suffer from the same issues as the DRV8825 and already counter electrical noise. As a post from Trinamic notes, adding TL smoothers doesn’t provide any significant benefit; it only increases power consumption and heat generation. It’s a maybe if you’re running other drivers. Other stepper drivers might not have the DRV8825’s design flaws, but they may benefit from the slight electrical dampening created by the TL smoother’s circuit. Considering the smoothers’ low cost (~\$8-15 for packs of 3 or 4), it doesn’t hurt to try it out and let the results speak for themselves.
G29 Bed Level not doing anything on Marlin 2.0
From the linked Configuration.h file the probe X, Y, Z probe offset is set by constant array: #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 75, -35 , 0 } So, the sensor is mounted at the right-front (X+, Y- according to the Marlin configuration definition) when facing the printer. This implies that the sensor is limited on the right and at the front. The probing area used to be defined in Marlin 1.1.x in the Configuration.h file. However, Marlin 2.x requires edge offsets rather than absolute bed size constraints. From the Configuration_adv.h of linked file, the following probing limits are set: #if PROBE_SELECTED && !IS_KINEMATIC #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_LEFT (75 + MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_RIGHT (X_BED_SIZE - MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_FRONT (MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_BACK (Y_BED_SIZE -35 - MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #endif This is incorrect, this is what you would do in Marlin 1.1.x. Note that this answer describes in detail how to set the bed probing limits. You need to specify the offset from the edge on each side, in schematics the probing area is defined as: From your printer configuration, the probing limits should be set to: #if PROBE_SELECTED && !IS_KINEMATIC #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_LEFT (75 + MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_RIGHT (MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_FRONT (MIN_PROBE_EDGE) #define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_BACK (35 + MIN_PROBE_EDGE) ; Note that 35 is absolute(-35)! #endif
How to rotate camera using mjpg-streamer-experimental?
Edit: Having now installed Octopi myself, I have found that they made it easy to rotate the image right from the interface. If you open the "Settings" and look under "Webcam & Timelapse", there are settings for flipping the image horizontally or vertically and for rotating 90 degrees. There are a few ways to rotate the image of which I am aware. You can do it via the input plugin, the client, or post-processing. The "input_uvc" and "input_raspicam" plugins both have options to rotate the image. If you are using one of these plugins see the documentation at input_uvc or input_raspicam (it is worth noting that the input options may not be supported by all cameras). You should be able to run the command like the following to get a stream that is rotated 180 degrees: mjpg_streamer -i 'input_uvc.so -rot 180' I'm not sure how you are handling the stream, but it is possible that your client can perform the rotation. For example, if you are using VLC you can set the angle of rotation by doing something like this: Open the “Tools” menu and select “Effects and Filters” In the “Adjustments and Effects” window, on the “Video Effects” tab, select the “Transform” check box Select a rotation from the dropdown menu and then click “Close”. Finally, if you are saving the stream and are only concerned with rotating it afterwards, you can post-process it with a utility like ffmpeg. See this post as an example and look for "Rotate" in the accepted answer. If your stream is being rendered via a browser you may be able to add some CSS3 formatting to the video element. For example, you could add an ID of "videoElement" to the stream and then add the following to your CSS: #videoElement { transform: rotateZ(180deg); -webkit-transform:rotateZ(180deg); /* Safari and Chrome */ -moz-transform:rotateZ(180deg); /* Firefox */ }
Multipart 3mf file, need to extract one of those parts for printing.
If your 3D file has separate objects and vertices and are just merged together then do the following: Import into Magics; Select part (in the part list menu). Right click (in the part list menu) and select Shell to parts; (Be very careful here) Select the area you want to isolate with the translate tool. If you don't know how to do this just left click hold and drag the mouse to select an area inside a box; Use translate tool to move it a little ahead from the original grouped object (just drag on any axis); Right click (in the part list menu) and select merge part. Should work out fine. Tell me if you get stuck. This can also be done on Netfabb. Not on SolidWorks.
What is the best way to adhere an old printed part to the bed?
I have not done this, but I believe this is the best method and I want to test it at some point soon: Model a negative for the footprint of the part you want to adhere to the bed, in the orientation you want to adhere it, with just a few mm of height, and clearance suitable for your printer (probably around 0.25 mm) in the XY plane, and print that with thick extrusions on the initial layer so that it adheres well to your bed. It should look exactly like a "thickened brim" for the part you want to re-adhere. Don't let the bed cool after printing it. Now, you have a slot to insert your part into that will not only hold it to the bed, but holds it to particular coordinates you chose to print at, which you can align to the coordinates of the new model you want to print on top of it. If you can't get the clearances right to hold without knocking off the negative footprint from the bed, you could try adding some threaded holes to it, so that you can put a couple set screws through it to hold the part in place. This technique can also be used if you want to avoid modeling a full negative (e.g. if you don't have the original in CAD form where you can easily negative it) - just print a few posts to hold set screws in approximately the right places on the bed.
gcode commands in octoprint: Z moves ignored?
Thanks in part to Tom van Der Zanden, I got a working version, which I'll paste below to add some actual value to this question! The G1 XY coordinates for each position are for near the corners on a 220x220 bed, but leaving enough room to access a screw in the corner of the bed if you need to (I don't anymore, but my printer did initially) - for different bed sizes, you'll want to change them. Add to ~/.octoprint/config.yml controls: - children: - commands: - M140 S50 - M104 S190 T0 name: Preheat type: command - commands: - G91 - G1 Z10 - G90 - G1 X30 Y50 F9000 - G28 Z0 name: Front Left type: command - commands: - G91 - G1 Z10 - G90 - G1 X180 Y70 F9000 - G28 Z0 name: Front Right type: command - commands: - G91 - G1 Z10 - G90 - G1 X30 Y160 F9000 - G28 Z0 name: Back Left type: command - commands: - G91 - G1 Z10 - G90 - G1 X180 Y160 F9000 - G28 Z0 name: Back Right type: command - commands: - G91 - G1 Z10 - G90 - G1 X100 Y100 F9000 - G28 Z0 name: Centre type: command layout: horizontal name: Levelling
Does anyone have a Simplify3D configuration file for a Lulzbot TAZ 5 with a 0.5mm nozzle?
Have you tried the configuration assistant under the "Help" menu? From S3D 3.0.2 And yes, you can just change the nozzle size in the process "Extruder" tab and be done with it, if you're using auto extrusion width. If you're using manual extrusion width, also change that to be equal or greater than the nozzle size. S3D will handle everything else. It's not a bad idea to recalibrate extrusion multiplier (with 100% infill 20x20 calibration boxes) but it isn't strictly necessary. General tip for switching to a larger nozzle: while you get used to it, make sure you preview your sliced files carefully looking for areas with gaps or missing details smaller than the extrusion width.
Ender 3 needs Power Supply AND USB to work
It seems like I blew the regulator based on the comment in the Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/ao5m5b/ender_3_can_only_be_powered_on_by_psu_and_usb/
Anet A6 printer power on/off
The Anet A6 does not have a power switch. To power the printer you need to put the power cord into the socket. To "safely power off" the printer you need to pull the plug from the socket. You can even pull the plug during usage when it appears to go wrong (e.g. when the nozzle is digging into the bed). The printer runs a continuous running program/instructions that can be interrupted at any time, it does not have to be shut down according to a certain procedure like computer operating systems that use a proper file system. You can insert a power button in the power cord yourself for ease of use. Furthermore, it is pretty common to replace the power cord for a computer power cord with a C13 plug and connect a C14 socket with power button (and an optional fuse) to the power supply unit: Please note that it is very dangerous to mess with the mains voltage, so please be sure what you do or get help from someone that does. Use proper tools to crimp wire correctors to the leads. If you are not able to do the rewiring of cables to put in a switch, plug the printer into a power strip with an integrated switch button.
Hold torque during pause to change filament
Is ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE enabled in your printers configuration_adv.h file? There is a PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT option included in there, which prevents the steppers from timing out during a pause, and may be more robust than a G-Code command if you plan to manually pause and resume the print instead of setting it up in the slicer. Alternatively, in the same file, #define DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME 120 #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_X true #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Y true #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Z true // set to false if the nozzle will fall down on your printed part when print has finished. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_E true can be found. You may want to increase the DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME, or set #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_X true #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Y true #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_Z true // set to false if the nozzle will fall down on your printed part when print has finished. to false to keep X, Y and Z engaged while allowing movement of the extruder stepper only.
Print only part (fraction) of a model
The latest version of Ultimaker Cura can do that (version 3.6). I have built models made of different material in the same model. How to do this is: Select your CUBE and select the icon "Per Model Setting" in left side menu. choice "Normal model", select the following settings: Top/bottom thickness, wall thickness and infill percentage Very Important: all above settings must be set to 0! Select the model you desire to print and select the icon "Per Model Setting" in left side menu choice "Modify settings for overlap with other model" and select the following settings: Top/bottom thickness, wall thickness and infill percentage Select the desired infill percentage and the wall top/bottom thickness for the portion you want print slice the model Note: If you need to print supports, then in step 2 select "Modify settings for infill of other models" (instead of "Normal Model"), and in step 6 also select "Add Support" and any other support related parameters you may need. However, Cura needs at least one "Normal Model" to slice, so to fool it you need to also another Cube as "Normal Model" with the parameters of step 4 somewhere else in your build plate (it won't really print).
What solvents are appropriate for smoothing/finishing ASA?
ASA is Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate. According to Wikipedia: ASA can be solvent-welded, using e.g. cyclohexane, 1,2-dichloroethane, methylene chloride, or 2-butanone. Such solvents can also join ASA with ABS and SAN. Solutions of ASA in these solvents can also be used as adhesives. Staff, PDL (1997). Handbook of Plastics Joining: A Practical Guide. Elsevier Science. p. 515. Solvent-welding means that the material is at least somewhat easily soluble in these fluids (they dissolve the material at the interface and as they evaporate, the former interface layers bond as if molded or welded), and the fact that the material can become an adhesive means that it is somewhat good soluble in these. The least dangerous (and thus most advised from my side) of these 4 is 2-butanone, the others are listed as carcinogenic, and in the case of 1,2-dichloroethane, also toxic. If these solvents can be used as a smoother similar to acetone with ABS would need testing, but a short exposition to their vapors should suffice to test this. Addendum: These four solvents also are able to solve Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), which is a quite similar plastic in regards to its contents (butadiene instead of acrylate). The acrylate rubber differs from the butadiene based rubber by absence of double bonds, which gives the material about ten times the weathering resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation of ABS, higher long-term heat resistance, and better chemical resistance. Wikipedia Acetone might prove to be also a possible option, but results might differ from those on ABS.
Controlling more fans with RAMPS board
From the sources of Marlin you can find how may fans you can use, even if you're not a coder it should be doable. From there you can find how to set the pins for the fans, provided that there are free unused and exposed (so that you do not have so solder directly to the microprocessor). First find how many fans are possible. Starting in Marlin_main.cpp and searching for 106 (or 106 on the Marlin GitHub website) will lead you to the sources of the execution of the M106 command. Below a snippet of M106 and M107 is shown. The reason for M107 to be there becomes clear later. #if FAN_COUNT > 0 /** * M106: Set Fan Speed * * S<int> Speed between 0-255 * P<index> Fan index, if more than one fan * * With EXTRA_FAN_SPEED enabled: * * T<int> Restore/Use/Set Temporary Speed: * 1 = Restore previous speed after T2 * 2 = Use temporary speed set with T3-255 * 3-255 = Set the speed for use with T2 */ inline void gcode_M106() { const uint8_t p = parser.byteval('P'); if (p < FAN_COUNT) { #if ENABLED(EXTRA_FAN_SPEED) const int16_t t = parser.intval('T'); if (t > 0) { switch (t) { case 1: fanSpeeds[p] = old_fanSpeeds[p]; break; case 2: old_fanSpeeds[p] = fanSpeeds[p]; fanSpeeds[p] = new_fanSpeeds[p]; break; default: new_fanSpeeds[p] = MIN(t, 255); break; } return; } #endif // EXTRA_FAN_SPEED const uint16_t s = parser.ushortval('S', 255); fanSpeeds[p] = MIN(s, 255U); } } /** * M107: Fan Off */ inline void gcode_M107() { const uint16_t p = parser.ushortval('P'); if (p < FAN_COUNT) fanSpeeds[p] = 0; } #endif // FAN_COUNT > 0 Looking at this code, the first thing (actually the first line, #if FAN_COUNT > 0, already hints to that) that catches your attention is constant FAN_COUNT. Apparently the software knows how much fans are defined! Interesting! How does it know that! This piece of code ends just after handling the M107 command (line #endif // FAN_COUNT > 0), hence it is displayed here. Continuing the search by finding how FAN_COUNT is set (using the search on GitHub for the Marlin repository) leads to file Conditionals_post.h. An interesting part is: /** * Up to 3 PWM fans */ #if HAS_FAN2 #define FAN_COUNT 3 #elif HAS_FAN1 #define FAN_COUNT 2 #elif HAS_FAN0 #define FAN_COUNT 1 #else #define FAN_COUNT 0 #endif So depending on HAS_FANx (where x denotes 0, 1 or 2) you can have multiple fans, up to 3 in total! Cool, learned something in the process. :) Let's now search for HAS_FANx; in the same file you will find: // Other fans #define HAS_FAN0 (PIN_EXISTS(FAN)) #define HAS_FAN1 (PIN_EXISTS(FAN1) && CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN != FAN1_PIN && E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN1_PIN && E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN1_PIN && E2_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN1_PIN && E3_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN1_PIN) #define HAS_FAN2 (PIN_EXISTS(FAN2) && CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN != FAN2_PIN && E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN2_PIN && E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN2_PIN && E2_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN2_PIN && E3_AUTO_FAN_PIN != FAN2_PIN) Now we are getting into clear water! This codes hints to FAN1_PIN and FAN2_PIN. If you look into you pin layout file, e.g. pins_RAMPS.h you see that that are the pin constants that need to be defined, actually FAN1_PIN is e.g. set if you choose an "EFF" configuration (Hotend, Fan0, Fan1), e.g. #define FAN1_PIN RAMPS_D8_PIN. What is left for you to do is find an unused pin of your micro-controller and set the FAN2_PIN with #define FAN2_PIN <a free pin number>. E.g. pin 4 is not a used pin number (and an analog output pin). Don't forget that the pin you choose cannot directly run a fan, it should be used to schedule a MOSFET. Note that a dual external fan header "Reprap Ramps1.4 RRD Fan Extender" exists, this describes using the D6 and D11 pins. Further investigation led to a 3D.SE posting using this fan header: "How to configure Marlin to enable auto-fans with dual extruder".
Is PLA filament conductive?
Normal PLA is non-conductive. You can take an $\Omega$-meter to a test part if you're really concerned somehow you have some PLA that is conductive. There is a caveat that your color may include metal flake or graphite of some kind. Depending on the density it may be conductive. But I've tested my silver on hand and it gave me infinite resistance.
CoreXY Carriage moves on the Y when moving the X
For a CoreXY printer to move an axis (X or Y) it requires both stepper motors to turn. If both turn the same direction (at the same speed with the same pulleys), the X-axis will move, if they rotate both in a different direction (at the same speed with the same pulleys) the Y axis will move (see image of CoreXY kinematics below). Rotation of a single stepper would cause a 45° printing pattern. All four corner points (two top pulleys and two bottom steppers) are fixed to the CoreXY frame It is therefore highly illogical that you need to use different values for your steps per mm (X = 475.79 steps/mm, Y = 482.87 steps/mm). If you need to use such values, this implies that your mechanical layout/mechanics is/are incorrect (skew frame, different pulley diameters, slip on pulley, incorrect tension of belts, etc.). It is advised to make them equal and check the mechanical layout and inspect all parts (pulley diameters) and make the tension equal (e.g. using a Belt Tension Gauge). If the head still moves in the perpendicular direction as commanded, you could try to calibrate from there.