fernando2rad's picture
Update README.md
license: odc-by
- image-classification
- brain mri images
- brain images
- brain tumor
- brain meningioma
- meningioma mri images
pretty_name: Neuro CNN Brain Meningioma 39 classes
- 1K<n<10K
# Neuro CNN Project - Fernando Feltrin
# Brain Meningioma images (39 classes) for image classification
## Dataset Description
- **More info: fernando2rad@gmail.com**
### Dataset Summary
A collection of T1, contrast-enhanced, and T2-weighted MRI images of meningiomas sorted according to location in the brain. Images without any type of marking or patient identification, interpreted by radiologists and provided for study purposes.
Images are separated by clivus / petroclival, sphenoid / cavernous sinus, anterior cranial fossa, medial cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa, frontal / frontoparietal, frontotemporal, infratentorial / cerebellar, interhemispheric / suprasellar, intracisternal, intraventricular / parafalkyne, parietal / parietooccipital, supratentorial, temporal/temporoparietal.