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name: commission regulation (ec) no 322/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 type: regulation subject matter: international trade; trade; trade policy; eu finance; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities12. 2. 1999 l 38/47 commission regulation (ec) no 322/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into portugal was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2850/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in articles 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 5 to 11 february 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 68,32 per tonne and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 29 950 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 44. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 347/1999 of 17 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 27th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 2. 1999 l 44/3 commission regulation (ec) no 347/1999 of 17 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 27th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 17 (5) (b) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; whereas, pursuant to article 9 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; whereas, following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 27th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 27th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 50,230 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23. 7. 1998, p. 7. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 361/1999 of 18 february 1999 on the sale by the procedure laid down in regulation (eec) no 2539/84 of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the canary islands and repealing regulations (ec) no 2509/98 and (ec) no 2319/98 type: regulation subject matter: marketing; animal product; trade policy; trade; regions of eu member states date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/3 commission regulation (ec) no 361/1999 of 18 february 1999 on the sale by the procedure laid down in regulation (eec) no 2539/84 of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the canary islands and repealing regulations (ec) no 2509/98 and (ec) no 2319/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1601/92 of 15 june 1992 concerning specific measures for the canary islands with regard to certain agricultural prod- ucts (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/ 96 (4), and in particular article 3(2) thereof, whereas certain intervention agencies hold substantial stocks of beef bought into intervention; whereas an exten- sion of the storage period should be avoided on account of the ensuing high costs; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1319/98 (5) establishing a forecast balance for the supply to the canary islands of live bovine animals and beef and veal products fixes the forecast supply balance for frozen meat of bovine animals for the period 1 july 1998 to 30 june 1999; whereas, in the light of traditional trade patterns, beef should be released from intervention for the purpose of supplying the canary islands during that period; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2539/84 of 5 september 1984 laying down detailed rules for certain sales of frozen beef held by the intervention agencies (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (7), provides for the possibility of a two-stage procedure for the sale of beef from intervention; whereas, in order to ensure that the tendering procedure is consistent and uniform, measures should be adopted in addition to those laid down in commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95; whereas article 3 of commission regulation (ec) no 2790/94 of 16 november 1994 laying down common detailed rules for the implementation of council regula- tion (eec) no 1601/92 concerning specific measures for the canary islands with regard to certain agricultural products (9), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 825/98 (10), provides for the use of aid certificates issued by the competent spanish authorities for supplies from the community; whereas, in order to improve the opera- tion of the abovementioned arrangements, certain deroga- tions from that regulation should be laid down, in par- ticular, with regard to the application for and the issue of aid certificates; whereas the sale should be conducted in accordance with commission regulations (eec) no 2539/84, (eec) no 3002/92 (11), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 770/ 96 (12), and (ec) no 2790/94, subject to certain special exceptions on account of the particular use to which the products in question are to be put; whereas it is necessary to provide for the lodging of a security to guarantee that the beef arrives at the intended destination; whereas commission regulations (ec) no 2509/98 (13) and (ec) no 2319/98 (14) should be repealed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the sale shall take place of intervention products bought in under article 6 of regulation (eec) no 805/ 68, of approximately: (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13. (9) oj l 296, 17. 11. 1994, p. 23. (4) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (10) oj l 117, 21. 4. 1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 183, 26. 6. 1998, p. 22. (11) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. (6) oj l 238, 6. 9. 1984, p. 13. (12) oj l 104, 27. 4. 1996, p. 13. (7) oj l 248, 14. 10. 1995, p. 39. (13) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 3. (8) oj l 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (14) oj l 289, 28. 10. 1998, p. 20. en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/4 1 500 tonnes of boneless beef held by the irish inter- vention agency, 200 tonnes of bone-in beef held by the spanish inter- vention agency. 2. this meat shall be sold for delivery to the canary islands pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1319/98. 3. subject to the provisions of this regulation, the sale shall take place in accordance with regulations (eec) no 2539/84, (eec) no 3002/92 and (ec) no 2790/94. 4. the qualities and the minimum prices referred to in article 3(1) of regulation (eec) no 2539/84 are set out in annex i hereto. 5. the intervention agencies shall sell first those prod- ucts in each product group which have been in storage longest. particulars of the quantities and places where the prod- ucts are stored shall be made available to interested parties at the addresses given in annex ii. 6. only those tenders shall be taken into consideration which reach the intervention agencies concerned no later than 12 noon on 25 february 1999. 7. notwithstanding article 8(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79 a tender must be submitted to the intervention agency concerned in a closed envelope, bearing the refer- ence to the regulation concerned. the closed envelope must not be opened by the intervention agency before the expiry of the tender deadline referred to in paragraph 6. article 2 1. the tender or the purchase application shall be submitted by an operator entered in the register referred to in article 5(1) of regulation (ec) no 2790/94 or by an operator duly authorised by the aforementioned operator to act on his behalf. 2. after receiving a tender or purchase application, the intervention agency shall only conclude the contract after having checked with the competent spanish agencies referred to in annex iii that the quantity concerned is available within the forecast supply balance. 3. the spanish agency shall immediately reserve for the applicant the quantity requested until receipt of the application for the relevant aid certificate. notwith- standing article 6(1) of regulation (ec) no 2790/94, the certificate application must be accompanied only by the original purchase invoice issued by the seller intervention agency or by a certified copy thereof. the application for the aid certificate shall be submitted not later than 14 days after the date on which the purchase invoice is made out. 4. notwithstanding article 3(1) of regulation (ec) no 2790/94, the aid shall not be granted for meat sold pursuant to this regulation. 5. notwithstanding article 3(4)(b) of regulation (ec) no 2790/94, box 24 of the aid certificate application and the aid certificate shall contain the entry: aid certificate for use in the canary islands no aid to be paid'. article 3 notwithstanding article 4(2) of regulation (eec) no 2539/84, purchase applications may be submitted from the 10th working day following the date referred to in article 1(6). article 4 the security provided for in article 5(1) of regulation (eec) no 2539/84 shall be: eur 3 000 per tonne for boneless beef, eur 1 400 per tonne for bone-in beef. delivery of the products concerned to the canary islands not later than 30 june 1999 shall be a primary require- ment within the meaning of article 20 of commission regulation (eec) no 2220/85 (1). proof of compliance with this requirement must be provided not later than two months after completion of formalities with the competent authorities in the canary islands for the delivery concerned. article 5 the removal order referred to in article 3(1)(b) of regula- tion (eec) no 3002/92 and the t 5 control copy shall contain the entry: carne de intervenci n destinada a las islas canarias sin ayuda [reglamento (ce) no 361/1999] interventionsk d til de kanariske er uden st tte (forordning (ef) nr. 361/1999) (1) oj l 205, 3. 8. 1985, p. 5. en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/5 interventionsfleisch f r die kanarischen inseln ohne beihilfe (verordnung (eg) nr. 361/1999) r r r r r r [ r ( ) . 361/1999] intervention meat for the canary islands without the payment of aid (regulation (ec) no 361/1999) viandes dintervention destin es aux les canaries sans aide [r glement (ce) no 361/1999] carni in regime dintervento destinate alle isole canarie senza aiuto [regolamento (ce) n. 361/1999] interventievlees voor de canarische eilanden zonder steun (verordening (eg) nr. 361/1999) carne de interven o destinada s ilhas can rias sem ajuda [regulamento (ce) n 361/1999] kanariansaarille osoitettu interventioliha ilman tukea (asetus (ey) n:o 361/1999) interventionsk tt f r kanarie arna utan bidrag (f rordning (eg) nr 361/1999). article 6 regulations (ec) no 2509/98 and (ec) no 2319/98 are hereby repealed. article 7 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/6 anexo i bilag i anhang i annex i annexe i allegato i b lage i anexo i liite i bilaga i estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat r r member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos produkter erzeugnisse products produits prodotti producten produtos tuotteet produkter cantidad aproximada (toneladas) tiln rmet m ngde (tons) ungef hre mengen (tonnen) ( ) approximate quantity (tonnes) quantit approximative (tonnes) quantit approssimativa (tonnellate) hoeveelheid bij benadering (ton) quantidade aproximada (toneladas) arvioitu m r (tonneina) ungef rlig kvantitet (ton) precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada (1) mindstepriser i eur/ton (1) mindestpreise, ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne (1) r r r r (1) minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne (1) prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne (1) prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata (1) minimumpr zen uitgedrukt in euro per ton (1) pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada (1) alimmat hinnat euroina tonnilta (1) l gsta priser i euro per ton (1) a) carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen r boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt ireland thick flank (int 12) 400 1 000 topside (int 13) 200 1 200 silverside (int 14) 100 1 000 rump (int 16) 100 1 000 striploin (int 17) 500 2 500 forerib (int 19) 200 1 200 b) cuartos traseros con hueso bagfjerdinger, ikke udbenet hinterviertel mit knochen bone-in hindquarters quartiers arri re avec os quarti posteriori non disossati achtervoeten met been quartos traseiros com osso luullinen takanelj nnes bakkvartsparter med ben espa a cuartos traseros 200 750 (1) estos precios se entienden peso neto de acuerdo con las disposiciones del apartado 1 del art culo 17 del reglamento (cee) no 2173/79. (1) disse priser g lder netto i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i artikel 17, stk. 1, i forordning (ef) nr. 2173/79. (1) diese preise gelten netto gem den vorschriften von artikel 17 absatz 1 der verordnung (ewg) nr. 2173/79. (1) r r r r ' r 17 r 1 ( ) . 2173/79. (1) these prices shall apply to net weight in accordance with the provisions of article 17(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79. (1) ces prix sentendent poids net conform ment aux dispositions de larticle 17, paragraphe 1, du r glement (cee) no 2173/79. (1) il prezzo si intende peso netto in conformit del disposto dellarticolo 17, paragrafo 1, del regolamento (cee) n. 2173/79. (1) deze pr zen gelden netto, overeenkomstig de bepalingen van artikel 17, lid 1, van verordening (eeg) nr. 2173/79. (1) estes pre os aplicam-se a peso l quido, conforme o disposto no n 1 do artigo 17 do regulamento (cee) n 2173/79. (1) asetuksen (ety) n:o 2173/79 17 artiklan 1 kohdan mukaiset nettopainohinnat. (1) dessa priser g ller nettovikt enligt best mmelser i artikel 17.1 i f rordning (eeg) nr 2173/79. en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/7 anexo ii bilag ii anhang ii apapthma ii annex ii annexe ii allegato ii bijlage ii anexo ii liite ii bilaga ii direcciones de los organismos de intervenci n interventionsorganernes adresser anschriften der interventionsstellen r r addresses of the intervention agencies adresses des organismes dintervention indirizzi degli organismi dintervento adressen van de interventiebureaus endere os dos organismos de interven o interventioelinten osoitteet interventionsorganens adresser espa a: fega (fondo espa ol de garant a agraria) beneficencia, 8 e-28005 madrid tel.: (34) 913 47 65 00/913 47 63 10; t lex: fega 23427 e/fega 41818 e; fax: (34) 915 21 98 32/915 22 43 87 ireland: department of agriculture, food and forestry agriculture house kildare street irl-dublin 2 tel. (01) 678 90 11, ext. 2278 and 3806 telex 93292 and 93607, telefax (01) 661 62 63, (01) 678 52 14 and (01) 662 01 98 anexo iii bilag iii anhang iii iii annex iii annexe iii allegato iii bijlage iii anexo iii liite iii bilaga iii organismos espa oles a que se refiere el apartado 2 del art culo 2 de i artikel 2, stk. 2, omhandlede spanske organer die in artikel 2 absatz 2 genannten spanischen stellen 2 r 2 the spanish agencies referred to in article 2(2) les organismes espagnols vis s larticle 2, paragraphe 2 organismi spagnoli di cui allarticolo 2, paragrafo 2 in artikel 2, lid 2, bedoelde spaanse instanties organismos espanh is referidos no n 2 do artigo 2 2 artiklan 2 kohdan tarkoittama espanjalainen toimielin de i artikel 2.2 avsedda spanska organen direcci n territorial de comercio en las palmas jos frachy roca, 5 e-35007 las palmas de gran canaria tel.: (34) 928 26 14 11/928 26 21 36; fax: (34) 928 27 89 75 direcci n territorial de comercio en santa cruz de tenerife pilar, 1 e-38002 santa cruz de tenerife tel.: (34) 922 24 14 80/922 24 13 79; fax: (34) 922 24 42 61/922 24 68 36 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 363/1999 of 18 february 1999 setting export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables other than those granted for added sugar type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; cooperation policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/26 commission regulation (ec) no 363/1999 of 18 february 1999 setting export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables other than those granted for added sugar the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2201/96 of 28 october 1996 on the common organization of the market in products processed from fruit and vegetables (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2199/97 (2), and in particular article 16 (3), whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1429/95 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1007/97 (4), sets implementing rules for export refunds on products processed from fruit and vegetables; whereas article 16 (1) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that, to the extent necessary to permit exports in economically significant quantities of the products referred to in article 1 (1) (a) of that regulation, on the basis of prices for those products in international trade, the difference between those prices and prices in the community may be covered by export refunds; whereas article 18 (4) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 provides that, if the refund on sugar incorporated into the products listed in article 1 (1) is insufficient to allow export of the products, the refund fixed in accordance with article 17 is to be applicable to those products; whereas article 17 (2) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that refunds must be fixed with regard to the existing situation and outlook for prices for products processed from fruit and vegetables on the community market and supply availability, on the one hand, and prices in international trade on the other hand; whereas account must also be taken of the costs indicated at (b) in that paragraph and of the economic aspect of the envis- aged exports; whereas refunds are, pursuant to article 16 (1) of regula- tion (ec) no 2201/96, to be set with due regard to the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty; whereas article 17 (3) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96 states that prices on the community market are to be determined taking account of those most favourable from the exportation standpoint; whereas international trade prices are to be determined account taken of the prices indicated in the second subparagraph of that paragraph; whereas the international trade situation or the special requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund on a given product depending on the destination of that product; whereas economically significant exports can be made at the present time of provisionally preserved cherries, peeled tomatoes, preserved cherries, prepared hazelnuts and some orange juices; whereas application of the rules mentioned above to the present and forecast market situation, in particular to prices of products processed from fruit and vegetables in the community and in international trade, leads to the refund rates set in the annex hereto; whereas, pursuant to article 16 (2) of regulation (ec) no 2201/96, the most efficient possible use should be made of the resources available without creating discrimination between traders; whereas, therefore, care should be taken not to disturb the trade flows previously induced by the refund arrangements; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2138/98 (6), estab- lishes an agricultural product nomenclature for export refunds; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1044/98 (8), lays down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products; (1) oj l 297, 21. 11. 1996, p. 29. (5) oj l 366, 24. 12. 1987, p. 1. (2) oj l 303, 6. 11. 1997, p. 1. (6) oj l 270, 7. 10. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 28. (7) oj l 331, 2. 12. 1988, p. 1. (4) oj l 145, 5. 6. 1997, p. 16. (8) oj l 149, 20. 5. 1998, p. 11. en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/27 whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for products processed from fruit and vegetables, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the export refund rates in the processed fruit and vegetables sector shall be those fixed in the annex hereto. 2. quantities for which licences are issued in the context of food aid, as referred to in article 14a of regulation (eec) no 3719/88 shall not count against the eligible quantities referred to in the first paragraph. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 february 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/28 annex licence issuing period march to june 1999 product (the full definitions of the eligible products are given in the processed fruit and vegetables' product code destinationcode (1) period for submission of applications: from 22 february to 23 june 1999 sector of commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87, as amended) refund rate (eur/t net) quantities provided (in tonnes) provisionally preserved cherries 0812 10 00 9100 a 55 3 358 peeled tomatoes 2002 10 10 9100 b 50 50 000 preserved cherries 2006 00 31 9000 2006 00 99 9100 a 170 338 prepared hazelnuts 2008 19 19 9100 2008 19 99 9100 c 66 405 orange juice with a sugar content of not less than 10 brix, but less than 22 brix 2009 11 99 9110 2009 19 99 9110 c 6 353 with a sugar content of not less than 55 brix 2009 11 99 9150 2009 19 99 9150 c 32 354 (1) the destination codes are defined as follows: a: all destinations except the countries of north america, b: all destinations except the united states of america, c: all destinations. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 364/1999 of 18 february 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal type: regulation subject matter: plant product; foodstuff; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/29 commission regulation (ec) no 364/1999 of 18 february 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (2) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products in the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas the refunds must be fixed taking into account the factors referred to in article 1 of commission regula- tion (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4); whereas, as far as wheat and rye flour, groats and meal are concerned, when the refund on these products is being calculated, account must be taken of the quantities of cereals required for their manufacture; whereas these quantities were fixed in regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules set out above to the present situation on the market in cereals, and in particular to quotations or prices for these products within the community and on the world market, that the refunds should be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, excluding malt, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/30 (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 18 february 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 26,00 02 0 1002 00 00 9000 03 64,50 02 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 40,00 02 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 03 40,00 02 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 49,25 1101 00 15 9130 01 46,00 1101 00 15 9150 01 42,50 1101 00 15 9170 01 39,25 1101 00 15 9180 01 36,75 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 82,00 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9400 01 27,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 switzerland, liechtenstein. (2) no refund is granted when this product contains compressed meal. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 365/1999 of 18 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/31 commission regulation (ec) no 365/1999 of 18 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries with the exception of certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1079/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2005/98 (6); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 12 to 18 february 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 35,96 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 24. (6) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 366/1999 of 18 february 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of common wheat issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/32 commission regulation (ec) no 366/1999 of 18 february 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of common wheat issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2004/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 12 to 18 february 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 4. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 367/1999 of 18 february 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/33 commission regulation (ec) no 367/1999 of 18 february 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or a minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 12 to 18 february 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 371/1999 of 18 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: prices; europe; cooperation policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 2. 1999 l 45/37 commission regulation (ec) no 371/1999 of 18 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indi- cated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 22,561 per 100 kilograms. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 61,629 per 100 kilograms in spain, eur 51,424 per 100 kilograms in greece, eur 83,739 per 100 kilograms in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 february 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 19. 2. 1999l 45/38 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 374/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 20. 2. 1999l 46/8 commission regulation (ec) no 374/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 15 to 18 february 1999 at eur 326,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 375/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 2. 1999 l 46/9 commission regulation (ec) no 375/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2564/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 15 to 18 february 1999 at eur 110,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 382/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing certain indicative quantities and individual ceilings for issuing licences for the import of bananas into the community in the second quarter of 1999 (text with eea relevance) type: regulation subject matter: economic geography; tariff policy; international trade; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 2. 1999 l 46/33 commission regulation (ec) no 382/1999 of 19 february 1999 fixing certain indicative quantities and individual ceilings for issuing licences for the import of bananas into the community in the second quarter of 1999 (text with eea relevance) the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 404/93 of 13 february 1993 on the common organisation of the market in bananas (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1637/98 (2), and in particular article 20 thereof, whereas article 14(1) of commission regulation (ec) no 2362/98 of 28 october 1998 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 404/93 regarding imports of bananas into the community (3) provides that, for each of the first three quarters of the year, an indicative quantity expressed as the same percentage of available quantities from each of the origins listed in annex i may be fixed for the purposes of issuing import licences; whereas analysis of the data on quantities of bananas marketed in the community in 1998, in particular actual imports during the second quarter of that year, and on supply and consumption forecasts for the community market during the same quarter of 1999 indicates that, in order to guarantee a satisfactory level of supplies to the whole of the community, an indicative for each of the origins listed in annex i to regulation (ec) no 2362/98 should be fixed at 34 % of the quantity allocated to that origin; whereas the same data indicate that, in application of article 14(2) of regulation (ec) no 2362/98, a maximum quantity in respect of which each operator may submit licence applications for the second quarter of 1999 should be fixed; whereas this regulation should enter into force without delay, before the start of the period for the submission of licence applications for the second quarter of 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for bananas, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the indicative quantity referred to in article 14(1) of regulation (ec) no 2362/98 for the import of bananas under tariff quotas and of traditional acp bananas as provided for in articles 18 and 19 of regulation (eec) no 404/93 is hereby fixed, for the second quarter of 1999, at 34 % of the quantities laid down for each of the origins listed in annex i to regulation (ec) no 2362/98. article 2 the quantity authorised for each traditional operator and newcomer as referred to in article 14(2) of regulation (ec) no 2362/98 is hereby fixed, for the second quarter of 1999, at 36 % of the quantity allocated to that operator pursuant to articles 6(4) and 9(4) of that regulation. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 47, 25. 2. 1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 28. (3) oj l 293, 31. 10. 1998, p. 32. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 391/1999 of 23 february 1999 determining the aid referred to in council regulation (eec) no 804/68 for the private storage of butter and cream type: regulation subject matter: distributive trades; processed agricultural produce; agricultural structures and production date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 24. 2. 1999l 48/4 commission regulation (ec) no 391/1999 of 23 february 1999 determining the aid referred to in council regulation (eec) no 804/68 for the private storage of butter and cream the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 6(6) thereof, whereas article 12(4) of commission regulation (ec) no 454/95 of 28 february 1995 laying down detailed rules for intervention on the market in butter and cream (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 390/1999 (4), stipulates that the private storage aid referred to in article 6(2) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 is to be fixed each year; whereas the store entry operations must take place between 1 april and 15 august each year and as a result the elements making up this aid must be fixed before the store entry operations for 1999 begin; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the aid referred to in article 6(2) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 shall be calculated per tonne of butter or butter equivalent for contracts concluded in 1999 on the following basis: (a) eur 24 for the fixed costs; (b) eur 0,35 for the costs of cold storage for each day of contractual storage; (c) an amount per day of contractual storage, calculated on the basis of 91 % of the intervention price for butter, expressed in national currency, in force on the day the contractual storage begins and on the basis of an annual interest rate of 4 %. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 46, 1. 3. 1995, p. 1. (4) see page 3 of this official journal. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 396/1999 of 23 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: europe; cooperation policy; plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities24. 2. 1999 l 48/13 commission regulation (ec) no 396/1999 of 23 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indicated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 25,787/100 kg. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 58,403/100 kg in spain, eur 48,198/100 kg in greece, eur 80,513/100 kg in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 24 february 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 24. 2. 1999l 48/14 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 398/1999 of 24 february 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: prices; plant product; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 2. 1999 l 49/15 commission regulation (ec) no 398/1999 of 24 february 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 25. 2. 1999l 49/16 annex to the commission regulation of 24 february 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 139,3 204 47,4 212 103,1 624 115,7 999 101,4 0707 00 05 068 116,3 999 116,3 0709 10 00 220 283,6 999 283,6 0709 90 70 052 121,0 204 127,5 999 124,3 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 38,8 204 40,8 212 36,9 220 27,2 600 48,0 624 54,5 999 41,0 0805 20 10 204 87,1 999 87,1 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 59,4 204 68,7 464 76,8 600 84,6 624 86,5 999 75,2 0805 30 10 052 46,7 600 53,8 999 50,3 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 32,4 400 83,3 404 82,7 508 59,4 512 75,8 528 120,3 706 107,2 720 111,6 728 67,1 999 82,2 0808 20 50 388 97,6 400 83,1 512 81,7 528 76,2 624 56,3 999 79,0 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 399/1999 of 24 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 28th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 2. 1999 l 49/17 commission regulation (ec) no 399/1999 of 24 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 28th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 17 (5) (b) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; whereas, pursuant to article 9 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; whereas, following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 28th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 28th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 50,241 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23. 7. 1998, p. 7. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 404/1999 of 24 february 1999 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods type: regulation subject matter: processed agricultural produce; agricultural structures and production; agri-foodstuffs date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 2. 1999 l 49/25 commission regulation (ec) no 404/1999 of 24 february 1999 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 136/66/eec of 22 september 1966 on the establishment of a common organisation of the market in oils and fats (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1638/98 (2), and in particular article 20a thereof, whereas article 20a of regulation no 136/66/eec provides for the granting of a production refund for olive oil used in the preserving industry; whereas under para- graph 6 of that article, and without prejudice to para- graph 3 thereof, the commission shall fix this refund every two months; whereas by virtue of article 20a(2) of the abovemen- tioned regulation, the production refund must be fixed on the basis of the gap between prices on the world market and on the community market, taking account of the import charge applicable to olive oil falling within cn subheading 1509 90 00 and the factors used for fixing the export refunds for those olive oils during the refer- ence period; whereas it is appropriate to take as a refer- ence period the two-month period preceding the begin- ning of the term of validity of the production refund; whereas the application of the above criteria results in the refund being fixed as shown below, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the months of march and april 1999, the amount of the production refund referred to in article 20a(2) of regulation no 136/66/eec shall be eur 44,00/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj 172, 30. 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 32. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 405/1999 of 24 february 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 328/1999 suspending the buying-in of butter in certain member states type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; economic geography; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 25. 2. 1999l 49/26 commission regulation (ec) no 405/1999 of 24 february 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 328/1999 suspending the buying-in of butter in certain member states the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular the first subparagraph of article 7a(1) and article 7a(3) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 328/1999 (3) suspended the buying-in of butter in certain member states; whereas, as a result of an error, the text of the regulation does not correspond to the measures submitted for the opinion of the committee; whereas regulation (ec) no 328/1999 should be corrected, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 328/1999 is amended as follows: 1. the third recital should read as follows: whereas commission decision 1999/118/ec (*) suspends buying-in of butter in certain member states; whereas information on market prices shows that the condition laid down in article 1(3) of regulation (eec) no 1547/87 is no longer met in ireland, italy and spain; whereas the list of member states in which that suspension applies must be adjusted accordingly; (*) oj l 34, 9.2.1999, p. 19.' 2. article 1 should read as follows: article 1 buying-in of butter by invitation to tender as provided for in article 1(3) of regulation (eec) no 777/87 is hereby suspended in belgium, denmark, germany, greece, france, luxembourg, the netherlands, austria, portugal, finland, sweden, great britain and northern ireland.' article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 february 1999. it shall apply from 13 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 40, 13. 2. 1999, p. 21. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 416/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities26. 2. 1999 l 50/13 commission regulation (ec) no 416/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into spain was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2849/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix a maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in article 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 19 to 25 february 1999 pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 66,91/t and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 86 864 t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 26 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 419/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities26. 2. 1999 l 50/17 commission regulation (ec) no 419/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (8) thereof, whereas article 13 (8) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the export refund applicable to cereals on the day on which application for an export licence is made must be applied on request to exports to be effected during the period of validity of the export licence; whereas, in this case, a corrective amount may be applied to the refund; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the cereals and the meas- ures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), allows for the fixing of a corrective amount for the products listed in article 1 (1) (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92; whereas that corrective amount must be calculated taking account of the factors referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the corrective amount according to destination; whereas the corrective amount must be fixed at the same time as the refund and according to the same procedure; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings; whereas it follows from applying the provisions set out above that the corrective amount must be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1 (1) (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applic- able to export refunds fixed in advance in respect of malt shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 26. 2. 1999l 50/18 annex to the commission regulation of 25 february 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur / tonne) current 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period product code destination (1) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 2,00 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 35,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 10,00 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 04 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 10,00 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 10,00 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries 02 other third countries 03 united states of america, canada and mexico 04 switzerland, liechtenstein. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 420/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities26. 2. 1999 l 50/19 commission regulation (ec) no 420/1999 of 25 february 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas article 13 (1) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13 (1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations of prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of each of those regulations and the prices within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1352/ 98 (6), specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to regula- tion (ec) no 3072/95 as appropriate; whereas, in accordance with the first subparagraph of article 4 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilograms for each of the basic prod- ucts in question must be fixed for each month; whereas, now that a settlement has been reached between the european community and the united states of america on community exports of pasta products to the united states and has been approved by council decision 87/482/eec (7), it is necessary to differentiate the refund on goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 00 and 1902 19 according to their destination; whereas article 4 (5) (b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that, in the absence of the proof referred to in article 4 (5) (a) of that regulation, a reduced rate of export refund has to be fixed, taking account of the amount of the production refund applicable, pursuant to commis- sion regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 87/1999 (9), for the basic product in question, used during the assumed period of manufacture of the goods; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed either in article 1 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in article 1 (1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/ 95, exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to amended regulation (ec) no 3072/95 respectively, are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 26 february 1999.(1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (7) oj l 275, 29. 9. 1987, p. 36. (5) oj l 136, 31. 5. 1994, p. 5. (8) oj l 159, 1. 7. 1993, p. 112. (6) oj l 184, 27. 6. 1998, p. 25. (9) oj l 9, 15. 1. 1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities 26. 2. 1999l 50/20 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 february 1999. for the commission martin bangemann member of the commission en official journal of the european communities26. 2. 1999 l 50/21 (eur/100 kg) cn code description of products (1) rate of refund per 100 kg of basic product annex to the commission regulation of 25 february 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereals and rice products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty 1001 10 00 durum wheat: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 1,365 in other cases 2,100 1001 90 99 common wheat and meslin: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 2,373 in other cases: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,443 in other cases 3,650 1002 00 00 rye 4,969 1003 00 90 barley 4,885 1004 00 00 oats 5,462 1005 90 00 maize (corn) used in the form of: starch: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,992 in other cases 5,001 glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine, maltodextrine syrup of cn codes 1702 30 51, 1702 30 59, 1702 30 91, 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90, 1702 90 50, 1702 90 75, 1702 90 79, 2106 90 55 (3): where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,654 in other cases 4,663 other (including unprocessed) 5,001 potato starch of cn code 1108 13 00 similar to a product obtained from processed maize: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,992 in other cases 5,001 ex 1006 30 wholly-milled rice: round grain 9,800 medium grain 9,800 long grain 9,800 1006 40 00 broken rice 2,300 1007 00 90 sorghum 4,885 (1) as far as agricultural products obtained from the processing of a basic product or/and assimilated products are concerned, the coefficients shown in annex e f amended commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 shall be applied (oj l 136, 31. 5. 1994, p. 5). (2) the goods concerned are listed in annex i of amended regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (oj l 159, 1. 7. 1993, p. 112). (3) for syrups of cn codes nc 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90 and 1702 60 90, obtained from mixing glucose and fructose syrup, the export refund may be granted only for the glucose syrup. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 426/1999 of 26 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: europe; prices; cooperation policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 2. 1999 l 52/9 commission regulation (ec) no 426/1999 of 26 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indicated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 25,696/100 kg. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 58,494/100 kg in spain, eur 48,289/100 kg in greece, eur 80,604/100 kg in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/10 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 431/1999 of 26 february 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1832/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the canary islands type: regulation subject matter: production; plant product; trade; regions of eu member states; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/20 commission regulation (ec) no 431/1999 of 26 february 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1832/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the canary islands the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1601/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the canary islands (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/96 (2), and in particular article 3 (4) thereof, whereas the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products to the canary islands has been settled by commission regulation (eec) no 1832/92 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 225/1999 (4); whereas, as a consequence of the changes of the rates and prices for cereals products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the canary islands should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex of amended regulation (eec) no 1832/92 is replaced by the annex to the present regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 185, 4. 7. 1992, p. 26. (4) oj l 23, 30. 1. 1999, p. 30. en official journal of the european communities27. 2. 1999 l 52/21 annex to the commission regulation of 26 february 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1832/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the canary islands (eur/tonne) product (cn code) amount of aid common wheat (1001 90 99) 41,00 barley (1003 00 90) 54,00 maize (1005 90 00) 52,00 durum wheat (1001 10 00) 8,00 oats (1004 00 00) 64,00 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 435/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 26th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 type: regulation subject matter: food technology; cooperation policy; trade policy; processed agricultural produce; marketing date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/26 commission regulation (ec) no 435/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 26th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 6(3) and (6) and article 12(3) thereof, whereas the intervention agencies are, pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2571/97 of 15 december 1997 on the sale of butter at reduced prices and the granting of aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for use in the manufacture of pastry products, ice-cream and other foodstuffs (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 124/1999 (4), to sell by invitation to tender certain quantities of butter that they hold and to grant aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas article 18 of that regulation stipulates that in the light of the tenders received in response to each individual invitation to tender a minimum selling price shall be fixed for butter and maximum aid shall be fixed for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas it is further stipulated that the price or aid may vary according to the intended use of the butter, its fat content and the incorporation procedure, and that a decision may also be taken to make no award in response to the tenders submitted; whereas the amount(s) of the processing secur- ities must be fixed accordingly; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum aid and processing securities applying for the 26th individual invitation to tender, under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97, shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 350, 20. 12. 1997, p. 3. (4) oj l 16, 21. 1. 1999, p. 19. en official journal of the european communities27. 2. 1999 l 52/27 annex to the commission regulation of 26 february 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 26th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 (eur/100 kg) formula a b incorporation procedure with tracers without tracers with tracers without tracers minimum butter unaltered selling price 82 % concentrated unaltered processing security concentrated butter 82 % 95 91 95 91 maximum butter : 82 % 92 88 aid concentrated butter 117 113 117 113 cream 40 38 butter 105 105 processing security concentrated butter 129 129 cream 44 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 436/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the maximum buying-in price and the quantities of beef to be bought in under the 218th partial invitation to tender as a general intervention measure pursuant to regulation (eec) no 1627/89 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; animal product; prices; international trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/28 commission regulation (ec) no 436/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the maximum buying-in price and the quantities of beef to be bought in under the 218th partial invitation to tender as a general intervention measure pursuant to regulation (eec) no 1627/89 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 6(7) thereof, whereas, pursuant to commission regulation (eec) no 2456/93 of 1 september 1993 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 805/ 68 as regards the general and special intervention meas- ures for beef (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2812/98 (4), an invitation to tender was opened pursuant to article 1(1) of commission regulation (eec) no 1627/ 89 of 9 june 1989 on the buying in of beef by invitation to tender (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 136/ 1999 (6); whereas, in accordance with article 13(1) of regulation (eec) no 2456/93, a maximum buying-in price is to be fixed for quality r3, where appropriate, under each partial invitation to tender in the light of tenders received; whereas, in accordance with article 13(2) of that regula- tion, a decision may be taken not to proceed with the tendering procedure; whereas, in accordance with article 14 of that regulation, only tenders quoting prices not exceeding the maximum buying-in price and not exceeding the average national or regional market price, plus the amount referred to in paragraph 1 of that article, are to be accepted; whereas, once tenders submitted in respect of the 218th partial invitation to tender have been considered and taking account, pursuant to article 6(1) of regulation (eec) no 805/68, of the requirements for reasonable support of the market and the seasonal trend in slaughter- ings and prices, it has been decided not to proceed with the tendering procedure for category a and to fix the maximum buying-in price and the quantities which may be accepted into intervention for category c; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 under the 218th partial invitation to tender opened pursuant to regulation (eec) no 1627/89: (a) for category a, it has been decided not to proceed with the tendering procedure; (b) for category c: the maximum buying-in price shall be eur 232,50 per 100 kg of carcases or half-carcases of quality r3, the maximum quantity of carcases and half- carcases accepted shall be 1 156 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 225, 4. 9. 1993, p. 4. (4) oj l 349, 24. 12. 1998, p. 47. (5) oj l 159, 10. 6. 1989, p. 36. (6) oj l 17, 22. 1. 1999, p. 26. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 442/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/38 commission regulation (ec) no 442/1999 of 26 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 22 to 25 february 1999 at eur 326,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 445/1999 of 26 february 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; regions of eu member states; trade; production date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 2. 1999l 52/42 commission regulation (ec) no 445/1999 of 26 february 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1600/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the azores and madeira (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/96 (2), and in particular article 10 thereof, whereas, pursuant to article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1600/92, the requirements of the azores and madeira for rice are to be covered in terms of quantity, price and quality by the mobilization, on disposal terms equivalent to exemption from the levy, of community rice, which involves the grant of an aid for supplies of community origin; whereas this aid is to be fixed with particular reference to the costs of the various sources of supply and in particular is to be based on the prices applied to exports to third countries; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1696/92 (3), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 2596/93 (4), lays down common detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricul- tural products, including rice, to the azores and madeira; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1983/92 of 16 july 1992 laying down detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of rice prod- ucts to the azores and madeira and establishing the fore- cast supply balance for these products (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1683/94 (6), lays down detailed rules which complement or derogate from the provisions of the aforementioned regulation; whereas, as a result of the application of these detailed rules to the current market situation in the rice sector, and in particular to the rates of prices for these products in the european part of the community and on the world market the aid for supply to the azores and madeira should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 pursuant to article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1600/92, the amount of aid for the supply of rice of community origin under the specific arrangements for the supply of the azores and madeira shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 179, 1. 7. 1992, p. 6. (5) oj l 198, 17. 7. 1992, p. 37. (4) oj l 238, 23. 9. 1993, p. 24. (6) oj l 178, 12. 7. 1994, p. 53. en official journal of the european communities27. 2. 1999 l 52/43 annex to the commission regulation of 26 february 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira (eur/tonne) amount of aid product (cn code) destination azores madeira milled rice (1006 30) 106,00 106,00 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 456/1999 of 2 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2004/98 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states type: regulation subject matter: economic geography; plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities3. 3. 1999 l 55/5 commission regulation (ec) no 456/1999 of 2 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2004/98 opening an invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2004/98 (5) opens an invitation to tender relating to the export of common wheat to certain acp states; whereas for economical reasons, it is appropriate to extend the period during which this invitation to tender remains open; whereas article 1 of regulation (ec) no 2004/98 must therefore be amended; whereas provision should be made for a shorter period of validity for licences issued after the entry into force of this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 2004/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 1(3) is replaced by the following: 3. the invitation shall remain open until 30 april 1999. during the period of its validity weekly awards shall be made for which the quantities and time limits for the submission of tenders shall be as prescribed in the notice of invitation to tender.'; 2. article 7(2) is replaced by the following: 2. subject to the provisions of article 1 of commis- sion regulation (ec) no 1521/94 (2) export licences issued in connection with the invitations to tender pursuant to this regulation shall be valid from their date of issue, as defined in paragraph 1, until 30 june 1999.' article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 26 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 2 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 4. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 463/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 29th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/7 commission regulation (ec) no 463/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 29th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 17 (5) (b) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; whereas, pursuant to article 9 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; whereas, following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 29th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 29th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 50,625 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23. 7. 1998, p. 7. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 465/1999 of 3 march 1999 on the sale of 20 200 tonnes of barley held by the spanish intervention agency for processing in portugal type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; europe; agri-foodstuffs; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/15 commission regulation (ec) no 465/1999 of 3 march 1999 on the sale of 20 200 tonnes of barley held by the spanish intervention agency for processing in portugal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas portugal is experiencing particular difficulties with respect to supplies of feed grain following an extremely poor barley harvest in 1998 as a result of adverse weather conditions; whereas supplies are available in spain in the form of intervention barley; whereas this barley does not find its way to portugal in view of the long distances and high transport costs involved; whereas, taking into account the supplies of feed grain available in spain and their remoteness from areas of consumption and export ports, the quantities of grain in question would be extremely difficult to dispose of under the normal conditions of resale of intervention stocks laid down in commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 of 28 july 1993 laying down the procedure and conditions for the sale of cereals held by intervention agencies (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4); whereas article 5(4) of that regulation expressly provides for a derogation from the normal conditions of resale of inter- vention stocks under certain circumstances; whereas these circumstances currently exist; whereas a standing invita- tion to tender should therefore be opened for 20 200 tonnes of barley held in the region of salamanca and zamora for compulsory consumption in portugal; whereas this invitation to tender should be subject to special price conditions; whereas, as regards proof of processing in portugal, commission regulation (eec) no 3002/92 of 16 october 1992 laying down common detailed rules for verifying the use and/or destination of products from intervention (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 770/96 (6), is applic- able; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the portuguese intervention agency, hereinafter referred to as inga, shall organise a standing invitation to tender under the conditions laid down in regulation (eec) no 2131/93 for the resale of 20 200 tonnes of barley held in the region of salamanca and zamora by the spanish intervention agency, hereinafter referred to as fega, for disposal in portugal. the cereals in question are stored at pe aranda de bracamonte (15 850 tonnes), alba de tormes (2 350 tonnes) and barcial del barco (2 000 tonnes). 2. without prejudice to regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the following special rules shall apply to this invitation to tender: for the first invitation to tender, tenderers may not submit tenders for more than 1 500 tonnes, tenders shall be drawn up with reference to the actual quality of the lot to which they relate, tenderers shall undertake to process the quantities of barley awarded to them in portugal, processing shall be carried out by 30 september 1999 at the latest, except in cases of force majeure, a security of a eur 20 per tonne shall be lodged with the portuguese intervention agency by successful tenderers to ensure compliance with the conditions laid down in the third and fourth indents. this security shall be lodged at the latest within two working days of receipt of the statement of award of contract, inga shall notify fega of the tenders which have been accepted and for which payment has been made. 3. notwithstanding article 5(1) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the highest tender exceeding the minimum price of eur 110 per tonne shall be accepted. (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9. 1. 1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. (6) oj l 104, 27. 4. 1996, p. 13. en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/16 article 2 1. securities as referred to in the fifth indent of article 1(2) shall be released where they cover quantities in respect of which the tenderers provide proof: of processing in portugal by 30 september 1999 at the latest, except in cases of force majeure, or that the product is no longer fit for human or animal consumption. 2. proof that the cereals covered by this regulation have been processed shall be furnished before 1 january 2000 in accordance with regulation (eec) no 3002/92. however, processing shall be deemed to have taken place once the barley has been delivered to a store in portugal. 3. in addition to the endorsements provided for in regulation (eec) no 3002/92, box 104 of the t 5 control copy must bear one or more of the following: destinados a la transformaci n [reglamento (ce) no 465/1999] til forarbejdning (forordning (ef) nr. 465/1999) zur verarbeitung bestimmt (verordnung (eg) nr. 465/1999) [ r ( ) . 465/1999] for processing (regulation (ec) no 465/1999) destin es la transformation [r glement (ce) no 465/ 1999] destinate alla trasformazione [regolamento (ce) n. 465/1999] bestemd om te worden verwerkt (verordening (eg) nr. 465/1999) para transforma o [regulamento (ce) n 465/1999] tarkoitettu jalostukseen [asetus (ey) n:o 465/1999] f r bearbetning (f rordning (eg) nr 465/1999). article 3 1. the final date for the submission of tenders in response to the first partial invitation to tender shall be 18 march 1999. 2. the final date for the submission of tenders in response to the final partial invitation to tender shall be 29 april 1999. 3. tenders must be submitted to the portuguese inter- vention agency: instituto nacional de interven o e garantia agr cola rua fernando curado ribeiro 4g p-1600 lisboa tel.: (351) 1 751 85 00 fax: (351) 1 751 86 00. article 4 the quantities of barley awarded shall be made available to successful tenderers by fega as soon as it receives the notification referred to in the sixth indent of article 1(2). article 5 the portuguese intervention agency shall transfer the amounts received for the tenders awarded under this regulation to the spanish intervention agency within 10 days of receipt of those amounts. article 6 the portuguese intervention agency shall inform the commission, by the tuesday of the week following the final date for the submission of tenders at the latest, of the average prices of the various lots and the quantities sold. article 7 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 468/1999 of 3 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1667/98 increasing to 367 341 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the swedish intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; europe; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/24 commission regulation (ec) no 468/1999 of 3 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1667/98 increasing to 367 341 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the swedish intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1667/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2758/98 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 333 224 tonnes of barley held by the swedish intervention agency; whereas, sweden informed the commission of the inten- tion of its intervention agency to increase by 34 117 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened; whereas the total quantity of barley held by the swedish intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 367 341 tonnes; whereas this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quant- ities in store; whereas annex i to regulation (ec) no 1667/98 must therefore be amended; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1667/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 367 341 tonnes of barley to be exported to all third countries, with the exception of the united states, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 367 341 tonnes of barley are stored are stated in annex i to this regula- tion.'; 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9. 1. 1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 17. (6) oj l 345, 19. 12. 1998, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/25 annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity ttersta 7 584 br nnarp 2 624 broddbo 1 5 997 broddbo 2 6 076 djur n 39 504 ervalla 934 falun 878 fammarp 19 046 funbo-l vsta 6 579 gamleby 2 835 g rdsj 2 565 g vle 10 847 gimo 13 901 gistad 3 761 gullsp ng 2 391 halmstad (engstr ms) 4 659 h stholmen 5 089 helsingborg 37 526 hova 12 981 kalmar 15 738 karlshamn 42 356 katrineholm 2 068 k ping 2 077 laholm 2 737 mariestad 1 956 moraby 1 637 motala 2 807 norrt lje 10 014 ormesta 5 077 sterbybruk 10 878 otterb cken 4 075 rimforsa 11 049 r k 4 994 signestorp 2 672 simonstorp 5 022 skivarp 9 415 s r ker 13 053 stallarholmen 2 062 stavreviken 1 479 tjustorp 9 879 v rnamo 5 742 vetlanda 10 780 vimmerby 3 997' |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 469/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 359/1999 type: regulation subject matter: prices; trade policy; animal product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/26 commission regulation (ec) no 469/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 359/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas tenders have been invited for certain quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 359/1999 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), the minimum selling prices for meat put up for sale by tender should be fixed, taking into account tenders submitted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the minimum selling prices for beef for the invitation to tender held in accordance with regulation (ec) no 359/ 1999 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders was 22 february 1999 are as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 44, 18. 2. 1999, p. 27. (4) oj l 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14. 10. 1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/27 estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat r r member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos produkter erzeugnisse products produits prodotti producten produtos tuotteet produkter precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada mindstepriser i eur/ton mindestpreise, ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne r r r minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata minimumprijzen uitgedrukt in euro per ton pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada v himm ishinnat euroina tonnia kohden ilmaistuna minimipriser i euro per ton anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga a) carne con hueso k d, ikke udbenet fleisch mit knochen bone-in beef viande avec os carni non disossate vlees met been carne com osso luullinen naudanliha k tt med ben deutschland vorderviertel hinterviertel espa a cuartos delanteros cuartos traseros france quartiers avant quartiers arri re b) carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen r boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt ireland shank (code int 11) thick flank (code int 12) topside (code int 13) 1 621 silverside (code int 14) 1 102 rump (code int 16) 1 292 flank (code int 18) 415 fore rib (code int 19) 900 shin (code int 21) 670 shoulder (code int 22) brisket (code int 23) forequarter (code int 24) 702 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 471/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 384/1999 type: regulation subject matter: prices; animal product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/30 commission regulation (ec) no 471/1999 of 3 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 384/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas tenders have been invited for certain quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 384/1999 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), the minimum selling prices for meat put up for sale by tender should be fixed, taking into account tenders submitted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the minimum selling prices for beef for the invitation to tender held in accordance with regulation (ec) no 384/ 1999 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders was 23 february 1999 are as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 46, 20. 2. 1999, p. 40. (4) oj l 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14. 10. 1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/31 anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat r r member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos produkter erzeugnisse products produits prodotti producten produtos tuotteet produkter precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada mindstepriser i eur/ton mindestpreise, ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne r r r minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata minimumprijzen uitgedrukt in euro per ton pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada v himm ishinnat euroina tonnia kohden ilmaistuna minimipriser i euro per ton a) carne con hueso k d, ikke udbenet fleisch mit knochen bone-in beef viande avec os carni non disossate vlees met been carne com osso luullinen naudanliha k tt med ben france quartiers avant quartiers arri re deutschland vorderviertel hinterviertel danmark forfjerdinger bagfjerdinger italia quarti anteriori 550 quarti posteriori 750 sterreich vorderviertel hinterviertel nederland voorvoeten achtervoeten espa a cuartos delanteros cuartos traseros 908 ireland forequarters b) carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen r boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt france jarret arri re dintervention (int 11) 810 avant dintervention (int 24) 900 flanchet dintervention (int 18) 500 jarret avant dintervention (int 21) 861 paule dintervention (int 22) 1 107 en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/32 united kingdom intervention shank (int 11) intervention thick flank (int 12) 1 195 intervention topside (int 13) 1 450 intervention silverside (int 14) 1 400 intervention rump (int 16) intervention flank (int 18) 520 intervention forerib (int 19) intervention shin (int 21) 650 intervention shoulder (int 22) 900 intervention brisket (int 23) intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 025 ireland intervention shank (int 11) 651 intervention flank (int 18) 600 intervention shin (int 21) intervention shoulder (int 22) 957 intervention brisket (int 23) intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 000 intervention thick flank (int 12) 1 300 intervention topside (int 13) 1 553 intervention silverside (int 14) intervention rump (int 16) intervention forerib (int 19) 1 150,03 espa a palda (int 18) danmark interventionsbryst (int 23) |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 474/1999 of 3 march 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: plant product; cooperation policy; europe; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 4. 3. 1999l 56/38 commission regulation (ec) no 474/1999 of 3 march 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indicated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 26,362/100 kg. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 57,828/100 kg in spain, eur 47,623/100 kg in greece, eur 79,938/100 kg in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 march 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities4. 3. 1999 l 56/39 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 484/1999 of 4 march 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 5. 3. 1999l 57/16 commission regulation (ec) no 484/1999 of 4 march 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (8) thereof, whereas article 13 (8) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the export refund applicable to cereals on the day on which application for an export licence is made must be applied on request to exports to be effected during the period of validity of the export licence; whereas, in this case, a corrective amount may be applied to the refund; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the cereals and the meas- ures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), allows for the fixing of a corrective amount for the products listed in article 1 (1) (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92; whereas that corrective amount must be calculated taking account of the factors referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the corrective amount according to destination; whereas the corrective amount must be fixed at the same time as the refund and according to the same procedure; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings; whereas it follows from applying the provisions set out above that the corrective amount must be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1 (1) (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applic- able to export refunds fixed in advance in respect of malt shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities5. 3. 1999 l 57/17 annex to the commission regulation of 4 march 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur / tonne) current 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period product code destination (1) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 2,00 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 01 0 0 0 0 10,00 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 35,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 10,00 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 04 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 10,00 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 10,00 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries 02 other third countries 03 united states of america, canada and mexico 04 switzerland, liechtenstein. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 485/1999 of 4 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 type: regulation subject matter: taxation; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 5. 3. 1999l 57/18 commission regulation (ec) no 485/1999 of 4 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1746/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the pro- cedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 26 february to 4 march 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 219, 7. 8. 1998, p. 3. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 486/1999 of 4 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities5. 3. 1999 l 57/19 commission regulation (ec) no 486/1999 of 4 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or a minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 26 february to 4 march 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 487/1999 of 4 march 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 5. 3. 1999l 57/20 commission regulation (ec) no 487/1999 of 4 march 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into portugal was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2850/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in articles 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 26 february to 4 march 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 62,87/t and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 4 675 t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 44. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 497/1999 of 5 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 6. 3. 1999l 59/20 commission regulation (ec) no 497/1999 of 5 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2565/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries of europe pursuant to the invita- tion to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 1 to 4 march 1999 at eur 130,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 6 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 46. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 500/1999 of 5 march 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; prices; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 6. 3. 1999l 59/24 commission regulation (ec) no 500/1999 of 5 march 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1423/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed implementing rules for the import of products in the sugar sector other than molasses (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/98 (4), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 1 (2), and article 3 (1) thereof, whereas the amounts of the representative prices and additional duties applicable to the import of white sugar, raw sugar and certain syrups are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1379/98 (5), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 386/1999 (6); whereas it follows from applying the general and detailed fixing rules contained in regulation (ec) no 1423/95 to the information known to the commission that the representative prices and additional duties at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and additional duties on imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regula- tion (ec) no 1423/95 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 6 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 16. (4) oj l 85, 20. 3. 1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 187, 1. 7. 1998, p. 6. (6) oj l 46, 20. 2. 1999, p. 50. en official journal of the european communities6. 3. 1999 l 59/25 annex to the commission regulation of 5 march 1999 amending representative prices and the amounts of additional duties applicable to imports of white sugar, raw sugar and products covered by cn code 1702 90 99 (eur) cn code amount of representative prices per 100 kg net of product concerned amount of additional duty per 100 kg net of product concerned 1701 11 10 (1) 14,87 9,24 1701 11 90 (1) 14,87 15,54 1701 12 10 (1) 14,87 9,01 1701 12 90 (1) 14,87 15,02 1701 91 00 (2) 18,18 17,68 1701 99 10 (2) 18,18 12,23 1701 99 90 (2) 18,18 12,23 1702 90 99 (3) 0,18 0,46 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended council regulation (eec) no 431/68 (oj l 89, 10. 4. 1968, p. 3). (2) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 793/72 (oj l 94, 21. 4. 1972, p. 1). (3) by 1 % sucrose content. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 501/1999 of 5 march 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; plant product; free movement of capital; america date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 6. 3. 1999l 59/26 commission regulation (ec) no 501/1999 of 5 march 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas the import duties in the cereals sector are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 425/1999 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 453/1999 (6); whereas article 2, (1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 provides that if during the period of application, the average import duty calculated differs by ecu 5 per tonne from the duty fixed, a corresponding adjustment is to be made; whereas such a difference has arisen; whereas it is therefore necessary to adjust the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 425/1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i and ii to regulation (ec) no 425/1999 are hereby replaced by annexes i and ii to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 6 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 52, 27. 2. 1999, p. 6. (6) oj l 54, 2. 3. 1999, p. 13. en official journal of the european communities6. 3. 1999 l 59/27 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 55,72 45,72 medium quality (1) 65,72 55,72 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 54,72 44,72 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 54,72 44,72 medium quality 87,59 77,59 low quality 107,63 97,63 1002 00 00 rye 95,20 85,20 1003 00 10 barley, seed 95,20 85,20 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 95,20 85,20 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 103,94 93,94 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 103,94 93,94 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 95,20 85,20 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities 6. 3. 1999l 59/28 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 26 february 1999 to 4 march 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/t) 108,37 93,50 82,96 75,42 135,29 (**) 125,29 (**) 95,81 (**) gulf premium (eur/t) 27,74 9,92 0,42 11,65 great lakes premium (eur/t) (*) a discount of eur 10/t (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob gulf. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: eur 11,66/t; great lakes rotterdam: eur 22,29/t. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00/t (hrw2) eur 0,00/t (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 507/1999 of 8 march 1999 on the supply of vegetable oil as food aid type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; processed agricultural produce; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 9. 3. 1999l 60/12 commission regulation (ec) no 507/1999 of 8 march 1999 on the supply of vegetable oil as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has al- located vegetable oil to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs; whereas, in order to ensure that the supplies are carried out for a given lot, provision should be made for tenderers to be able to mobilise either rape-seed oil or sunflower oil; whereas the contract for the supply of each such lot is to be awarded to the tenderer submitting the lowest tender, has adopted this regulation: article 1 vegetable oil shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipients listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/ 97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the supply shall cover the mobilisation of vegetable oil produced in the community. for lot a the mobilisation may not involve a product manufactured and/or packaged under inward processing arrangements. for lot a, tenders shall cover either rape-seed oil or sunflower oil. tenders shall be rejected unless they specify the type of oil to which they relate. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities9. 3. 1999 l 60/13 annex lot a 1. action nos: 450/97 (a1); 456/97 (a2); 457/97 (a3) 2. beneficiary (2): euronaid, po box 12, nl-2501 ca den haag, nederland tel.: (31-70) 33 05 757; fax: (31-70) 36 41 701; telex: 30960 euron nl 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: a1: pakistan; a2: zambia; a3: zimbabwe 5. product to be mobilised: vegetable oil: refined rapeseed oil or refined sunflower oil 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 673 7. number of lots: one in three parts (a1: 480 t; a2: 180 t; a3: 13 t) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (4) (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a.(1)(a) or (b)) 9. packaging (7): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (10.4. a, b and c(2)) 10. labelling or marking (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a.(3)) language to be used for the markings: english supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: mobilisation of refined vegetable oil produced in the community. mobilisation may not involve a product manufactured and/or packaged under inward- processing arrangements. 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 19.4 to 9.5.1999 second deadline: 3 to 23.5.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 23.3.1999 second deadline: 6.4.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: euro 15/t 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund: en official journal of the european communities 9. 3. 1999l 60/14 lot b 1. action no: 305/97 2. beneficiary (2): euronaid, po box 12, nl-2501 ca den haag, nederland tel. (31-70) 33 05 757; fax (31-70) 36 41 701; telex 30960 euron nl 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: niger 5. product to be mobilised: refined soya-bean oil 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 90 7. number of lots: one 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (4) (8): 9. packaging (7): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (10.4. a, b and c.2) 10. labelling or marking (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: french supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 12.4 to 2.5.1999 second deadline: 26.4 to 16.5.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 23.3.1999 second deadline: 6.4.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: euro 15/t 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn. mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex 25670 agrec b; fax (32 2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund: en official journal of the european communities9. 3. 1999 l 60/15 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel.: (32-2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel.: (32-2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: health certificate. (5) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29.4.1991, point iii.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '. (6) tenders shall rejected unless they specify the type of oil to which they relate. (7) shipment to take place in 20-foot containers, condition fcl/fcl (each containing maximum 15 t net). the supplier shall be responsible for the cost of making the container available in the stack position at the container terminal at the port of shipment. the beneficiary shall be responsible for all subsequent loading costs, including the cost of moving the containers from the container terminal. the supplier has to submit to the beneficiarys agent a complete packing list of each container, specifying the number of bags belonging to each action number as specified in the invitation to tender. the supplier has to seal each container with a numbered locktainer (oneseal, sysko, locktainer 180 or a similar high-security seal) the number of which is to be provided to the beneficiarys representative. (8) refined soya-bean oil meeting the following criteria: appearance, at room temperature: clear and brilliant, flavour and odour: bland, free fatty acids: maximum 0,1 %, water and impurities: maximum 0,05 %, colour, lovibond 5 1/4 (red/yellow): maximum 1,5/15, peroxide value (meq/kg): maximum 2,0, specific gravity at 20 c: 0,91 to 0,93 g/cm3, refractive index at 20 c: 1,470 to 1,476, iodine value (wijs): 125 to 140 g/100 g. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 524/1999 of 10 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 3. 1999 l 62/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 524/1999 of 10 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 11. 3. 1999l 62/2 annex to the commission regulation of 10 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 63,0 204 39,2 212 96,1 624 174,5 999 93,2 0707 00 05 068 160,7 999 160,7 0709 10 00 220 276,6 999 276,6 0709 90 70 052 117,2 204 122,8 999 120,0 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 55,8 204 48,9 212 46,2 600 50,0 624 47,4 999 49,7 0805 30 10 052 44,4 600 58,0 999 51,2 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 388 108,3 400 77,0 404 56,2 508 81,4 512 84,8 528 94,2 720 97,6 728 95,7 999 86,9 0808 20 50 052 122,9 388 70,1 400 79,8 512 63,8 528 66,2 624 72,7 999 79,2 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 529/1999 of 10 march 1999 on the issue of import licences for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal type: regulation subject matter: animal product; foodstuff; tariff policy; consumption date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 11. 3. 1999l 62/12 commission regulation (ec) no 529/1999 of 10 march 1999 on the issue of import licences for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 936/ 97 of 27 may 1997 opening and providing for the admin- istration of tariff quotas for high-quality fresh, chilled and frozen beef and for frozen buffalo meat (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 134/1999 (2), whereas regulation (ec) no 936/97 provides in articles 4 and 5 the conditions for applications and for the issue of import licences for meat referred to in article 2(f); whereas article 2(f) of regulation (ec) no 936/97 fixes the amount of high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal originating in and imported from the united states of america and canada which may be imported on special terms for the period 1 july 1998 to 30 june 1999 at 11 500 tonnes; whereas it should be recalled that licences issued pursuant to this regulation will, throughout the period of validity, be open for use only in so far as provisions on health protection in force permit, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. all applications for import licences from 1 to 5 march 1999 for high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef and veal as referred to in article 2(f) of regulation (ec) no 936/97 shall be granted in full. 2. applications for licences may be submitted, in accordance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 936/97, during the first five days of april 1999 for 3 430,157 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 137, 28. 5. 1997, p. 10. (2) oj l 17, 22. 1. 1999, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 535/1999 of 11 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 3. 1999l 63/30 commission regulation (ec) no 535/1999 of 11 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (2) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products in the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas the refunds must be fixed taking into account the factors referred to in article 1 of commission regula- tion (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4); whereas, as far as wheat and rye flour, groats and meal are concerned, when the refund on these products is being calculated, account must be taken of the quantities of cereals required for their manufacture; whereas these quantities were fixed in regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules set out above to the present situation on the market in cereals, and in particular to quotations or prices for these products within the community and on the world market, that the refunds should be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, excluding malt, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities12. 3. 1999 l 63/31 (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 11 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 23,00 02 0 1002 00 00 9000 03 64,00 02 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 43,00 02 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 03 35,00 02 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 45,00 1101 00 15 9130 01 42,25 1101 00 15 9150 01 39,00 1101 00 15 9170 01 36,00 1101 00 15 9180 01 33,50 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 82,00 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9400 01 27,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 switzerland, liechtenstein. (2) no refund is granted when this product contains compressed meal. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 536/1999 of 11 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; taxation; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 3. 1999l 63/32 commission regulation (ec) no 536/1999 of 11 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1746/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the pro- cedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 5 to 11 march 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of rye issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 219, 7. 8. 1998, p. 3. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 540/1999 of 11 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 3. 1999l 63/36 commission regulation (ec) no 540/1999 of 11 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2004/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 456/ 1999 (6); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 5 to 11 march 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 39,97/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 4. (6) oj l 55, 3. 3. 1999, p. 5. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 558/1999 of 15 march 1999 on the supply of milk products as food aid type: regulation subject matter: economic geography; processed agricultural produce; cooperation policy; trade policy; health date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/3 commission regulation (ec) no 558/1999 of 15 march 1999 on the supply of milk products as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allocated milk powder to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied pursuant to council regulation (ec) no 1292/ 96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to deter- mine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 milk products shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/ 97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities 16. 3. 1999l 69/4 annex lot a 1. action nos: 775/96 (a1); 451/97 (a2); 453/97 (a3); 454/97 (a4); 455/97 (a5); 460/97 (a6) 2. beneficiary (2): euronaid, po box 12, nl-2501 ca den haag, nederland tel.: (31 70) 330 57 57; fax: 364 17 01; telex: 30960 euron nl 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: a1: mali; a2: pakistan; a3: niger; a4: zimbabwe; a5: zambia; a6: madagascar 5. product to be mobilised: vitaminised skimmed-milk powder 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 330 7. number of lots: 1 in 6 parts (a1: 30 t; a2: 180 t; a3: 45 t; a4: 30 t; a5: 15 t; a6: 30 t) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (i.b(1)) 9. packaging (7): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (6.3.a and b(2)) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (i.b(3)) language to be used for the marking: a1 + a3 + a6: french; a2 + a4 + a5: english supplementary marking: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market the manufacture of the skimmed-milk powder, and the incorporation of vitamins, must be carried out after the award of the tender 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 19.4 to 9.5.1999 second deadline: 3 to 23.5.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 30.3.1999 second deadline: 13.4.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 20/t 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32 2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 10.3.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 312/1999 (oj l 38, 12.2.1999, p. 15) en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/5 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65) torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that referred to in point 22 of this annex. the suppliers attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax (32 2) 296 20 05). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following documents: health certificate issued by an official entity stating that the product was processed under excellent sanitary conditions which are supervised by qualified technical personnel. the certificate must state the temperature and duration of the pasteurisation, the temperature and duration in the spray-drying-tower and the expiry date for consumption, veterinary certificate issued by an official entity stating that the area of production of raw milk had not registered foot-and-mouth disease nor any other notifiable infectious/contagious disease during the 12 months prior to the processing. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29.4.1991, point i.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '. (7) shipment to take place in 20-foot containers, condition fcl/fcl (each containing maximum 15 tonnes net). the supplier shall be responsible for the cost of making the container available in the stack position at the container terminal at the port of shipment. the beneficiary shall be responsible for all subsequent loading costs, including the cost of moving the containers from the container terminal. the supplier has to submit to the beneficiarys agent a complete packing list of each container, specifying the number of bags belonging to each action number as specified in the invitation to tender. the supplier has to seal each container with a numbered locktainer (oneseal, sysko, locktainer 180 or a similar high-security seal) the number of which is to be provided to the beneficiarys representative. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 560/1999 of 15 march 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid type: regulation subject matter: africa; foodstuff; plant product; cooperation policy; america; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/9 commission regulation (ec) no 560/1999 of 15 march 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has al- located cereals to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 cereals shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/ 97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities 16. 3. 1999l 69/10 annex lot a 1. action nos: 461/97 (a1); 472/97 (a2) 2. beneficiary (2): euronaid, po box 12, nl-2501 ca den haag, nederland tel. (31-70) 330 57 57; fax 364 17 01; telex 30960 euron nl 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: a1: madagascar; a2: haiti 5. product to be mobilised: common wheat flour 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 300 7. number of lots: 1 in 2 parts (a1: 40 t; a2: 260 t) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.b.(1)(a)) 9. packaging (7) (8): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (2.2.a 1.d., 2.d and b.4) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.b.(3)) language to be used for the markings: french supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 19.4 to 9.5.1999 second deadline: 3 to 23.5.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 30.3.1999 second deadline: 13.4.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5/t 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex 25670 agrec b; fax (32-2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 26.3.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 429/1999 (oj l 52, 27.2.1999, p. 16) en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/11 lots b, c 1. action nos: 468/97 (b); 471/97 (c) 2. beneficiary (2): euronaid, po box 12, nl-2501 ca den haag, nederland tel. (31-70) 33 05 757; fax 36 41 701; telex 30960 euron nl 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: haiti 5. product to be mobilised: milled rice (product code 1006 30 92 9900, 1006 30 94 9900, 1006 30 96 9900, 1006 30 98 9900) 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 1 120 7. number of lots: 2 (b: 560 t; c: 560 t) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a.(1)(f)) 9. packaging (7) (8): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (1.0 a1.c, 2.c and b.6) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a.(3)) language to be used for the markings: french supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilization of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: b: 19.4 to 9.5.1999; c: 17.5 to 6.6.1999 second deadline: b: 3 to 23.5.1999; c: 31.5 to 20.6.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 30.3.1999 second deadline: 13.4.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5/t 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn. mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 26.3.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 429/1999 (oj l 52, 27.2.1999, p. 16) en official journal of the european communities 16. 3. 1999l 69/12 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32-2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel. (32-2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that indicated in point 22 of this annex. the suppliers attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax 32 2) 296 20 05)). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: phytosanitary certificate. fumigation certificate (cereals/cereals derivatives are to be fumigated prior to shipment by way of magnesium phosphide (min 2 g/m3)for a minimum period of five days between the application of the fumigant and the venting process. the appropriate certification must be made available at the time of shipment). (6) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29.4.1991, point ii.a(3)(c) or ii.b(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '. (7) since the goods may be rebagged, the supplier must provide 2 % of empty bags of the same quality as those containing the goods, with the marking followed by a capital r'. (8) shipment to take place in 20-foot containers, condition fcl/fcl. the supplier shall be responsible for the cost of making the container available in the stack position at the container terminal at the port of shipment. the beneficiary shall be responsible for all subsequent loading costs, including the cost of moving the containers from the container terminal. the supplier has to submit to the beneficiarys agent a complete packing list of each container, specifying the number of bags belonging to each action number as specified in the invitation to tender. the supplier has to seal each container with a numbered locktainer (oneseal, sysko, locktainer 180 or a similar high-security seal) the number of which is to be provided to the beneficiarys representative. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 563/1999 of 15 march 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: prices; consumption; trade; eu finance; plant product; free movement of capital date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/19 commission regulation (ec) no 563/1999 of 15 march 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in para- graph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in ques- tion on the world market; whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities 16. 3. 1999l 69/20 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 52,10 42,10 medium quality (1) 62,10 52,10 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 50,13 40,13 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 50,13 40,13 medium quality 83,80 73,80 low quality 103,05 93,05 1002 00 00 rye 96,13 86,13 1003 00 10 barley, seed 96,13 86,13 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 96,13 86,13 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 100,78 90,78 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 100,78 90,78 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 96,13 86,13 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities16. 3. 1999 l 69/21 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 1 march 1999 to 12 march 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/t) 112,57 97,10 86,96 77,01 138,69 (**) 128,69 (**) 94,67 (**) gulf premium (eur/t) 28,09 9,89 0,78 13,00 great lakes premium (eur/t) (*) a discount of eur 10/t (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob gulf. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: eur 11,70/t; great lakes rotterdam: eur 22,70/t. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00/t (hrw2) eur 0,00/t (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 566/1999 of 16 march 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into spain from third countries type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy; cooperation policy; trade; europe; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 3. 1999 l 70/9 commission regulation (ec) no 566/1999 of 16 march 1999 opening an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize imported into spain from third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas, pursuant to the agreement on agriculture concluded during the uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations, the community has undertaken to import a certain quantity of maize into spain; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 of 26 july 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of tariff quotas for imports of maize and sorghum into spain and imports of maize into portugal (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (4), lays down the rules governing the administration of those special arrange- ments; whereas this regulation lays down the special additional detailed rules necessary for implementing the invitation to tender, in particular those relating to the lodging and release of the security to be lodged by opera- tors to ensure compliance with their obligations and, in particular, the obligation to process or use the imported product on the spanish market; whereas in the light of current market needs in spain, an invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on imports of maize should be opened in the framework of these special arrangements for imports; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. an invitation to tender is hereby opened for the reduction in the import duty referred to in article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on maize to be imported into spain. 2. the invitation to tender shall be open until 27 may 1999. during that period, weekly invitations shall be issued with quantities and closing dates as shown in the notice of invitation to tender. 3. regulation (ec) no 1839/95 shall apply save as otherwise provided for in this regulation. article 2 import licences issued under these invitations to tender shall be valid 50 days from the date they are issued, within the meaning of article 10(4) of regulation (ec) no 1839/95. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (4) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 586/1999 of 18 march 1999 providing for reallocation of import rights under regulation (ec) no 1045/98 opening and providing for the administration of an import tariff quota for frozen beef intended for processing type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; food technology; tariff policy; trade; animal product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/3 commission regulation (ec) no 586/1999 of 18 march 1999 providing for reallocation of import rights under regulation (ec) no 1045/98 opening and providing for the administration of an import tariff quota for frozen beef intended for processing the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1045/ 98 of 19 may 1998 opening and providing for the admin- istration of an import tariff quota for frozen beef intended for processing (1 july 1998 to 30 june 1999) (1), and in particular article 6(2) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 1045/98 provides for the opening of a tariff quota for 50 700 tonnes of frozen beef intended for processing from 1 july 1998 to 30 june 1999; whereas article 6 of that regulation provides for the reallocation of unused import rights on the basis of the actual utilisation of import rights for a-products and b-products respectively by the end of february 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the quantities referred to in article 6(1) of regula- tion (ec) no 1045/98 amount to 39 447 tonnes. 2. the breakdown referred to in article 6(2) of regula- tion (eec) no 1045/98 shall be as follows: 35 000 tonnes intended for a-products, 4 447 tonnes intended for b-products. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 149, 20. 5. 1998, p. 12. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 587/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 467/1999 type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; trade policy; animal product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 3. 1999l 74/4 commission regulation (ec) no 587/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for beef put up for sale under the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 467/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas tenders have been invited for certain quantities of beef fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 467/1999 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 9 of commission regulation (eec) no 2173/79 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (5), the minimum selling prices for meat put up for sale by tender should be fixed, taking into account tenders submitted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the minimum selling prices for beef for the invitation to tender held in accordance with regulation (ec) no 467/ 1999 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders was 9 march 1999 are as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 56, 4. 3. 1999, p. 19. (4) oj l 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (5) oj l 248, 14. 10. 1995, p. 39. en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/5 estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat r r member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos produkter erzeugnisse products produits prodotti producten produtos tuotteet produkter precio m nimo expresado en euros por tonelada mindstepriser i eur/ton mindestpreise, ausgedr ckt in eur/tonne r r r minimum prices expressed in eur per tonne prix minimaux exprim s en euros par tonne prezzi minimi espressi in euro per tonnellata minimumprijzen uitgedrukt in euro per ton pre o m nimo expresso em euros por tonelada v himm ishinnat euroina tonnia kohden ilmaistuna minimipriser i euro per ton anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen r boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt ireland intervention flank (int 18) intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 232 united kingdom intervention flank (int 18) 995 intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 231 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 592/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: america; foodstuff; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/11 commission regulation (ec) no 592/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereal and rice-products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas article 13 (1) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13 (1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations of prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of each of those regulations and the prices within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1352/ 98 (6), specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to regula- tion (ec) no 3072/95 as appropriate; whereas, in accordance with the first subparagraph of article 4 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilograms for each of the basic prod- ucts in question must be fixed for each month; whereas, now that a settlement has been reached between the european community and the united states of america on community exports of pasta products to the united states and has been approved by council decision 87/482/eec (7), it is necessary to differentiate the refund on goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 00 and 1902 19 according to their destination; whereas article 4 (5) (b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that, in the absence of the proof referred to in article 4 (5) (a) of that regulation, a reduced rate of export refund has to be fixed, taking account of the amount of the production refund applicable, pursuant to commis- sion regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 87/1999 (9), for the basic product in question, used during the assumed period of manufacture of the goods; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed either in article 1 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in article 1 (1) of regulation (ec) no 3072/ 95, exported in the form of goods listed in annex b to regulation (eec) no 1766/92 or in annex b to amended regulation (ec) no 3072/95 respectively, are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 march 1999.(1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (7) oj l 275, 29. 9. 1987, p. 36. (5) oj l 136, 31. 5. 1994, p. 5. (8) oj l 159, 1. 7. 1993, p. 112. (6) oj l 184, 27. 6. 1998, p. 25. (9) oj l 9, 15. 1. 1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities 19. 3. 1999l 74/12 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission martin bangemann member of the commission en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/13 (eur/100 kg) cn code description of products (1) rate of refund per 100 kg of basic product annex to the commission regulation of 18 march 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain cereals and rice products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty 1001 10 00 durum wheat: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 1,365 in other cases 2,100 1001 90 99 common wheat and meslin: on exports of goods falling within cn codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 to the united states of america 1,975 in other cases: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 0,358 in other cases 3,038 1002 00 00 rye 4,969 1003 00 90 barley 4,885 1004 00 00 oats 4,897 1005 90 00 maize (corn) used in the form of: starch: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 1,651 in other cases 5,001 glucose, glucose syrup, maltodextrine, maltodextrine syrup of cn codes 1702 30 51, 1702 30 59, 1702 30 91, 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90, 1702 90 50, 1702 90 75, 1702 90 79, 2106 90 55 (3): where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 1,160 in other cases 4,510 other (including unprocessed) 5,001 potato starch of cn code 1108 13 00 similar to a product obtained from processed maize: where pursuant to article 4 (5) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 (2) 1,651 in other cases 5,001 ex 1006 30 wholly-milled rice: round grain 11,000 medium grain 11,000 long grain 11,000 1006 40 00 broken rice 2,300 1007 00 90 sorghum 4,885 (1) as far as agricultural products obtained from the processing of a basic product or/and assimilated products are concerned, the coefficients shown in annex e f amended commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 shall be applied (oj l 136, 31. 5. 1994, p. 5). (2) the goods concerned are listed in annex i of amended regulation (eec) no 1722/93 (oj l 159, 1. 7. 1993, p. 112). (3) for syrups of cn codes nc 1702 30 99, 1702 40 90 and 1702 60 90, obtained from mixing glucose and fructose syrup, the export refund may be granted only for the glucose syrup. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 595/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; cooperation policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/19 commission regulation (ec) no 595/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 12 to 18 march 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 53,48/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 596/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; cooperation policy; taxation; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 3. 1999l 74/20 commission regulation (ec) no 596/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1746/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 12 to 18 march 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98, the maximum refund on exportation of rye shall be eur 72,95/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 219, 7. 8. 1998, p. 3. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 597/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; taxation; plant product; economic geography date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 3. 1999 l 74/21 commission regulation (ec) no 597/1999 of 18 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries with the exception of certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1079/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2005/98 (6); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 12 to 18 march 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 31,98/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 24. (6) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 605/1999 of 19 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 3. 1999 l 75/15 commission regulation (ec) no 605/1999 of 19 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2564/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 15 to 18 march 1999 at eur 125,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 607/1999 of 19 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 3. 1999 l 75/17 commission regulation (ec) no 607/1999 of 19 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 15 to 18 march 1999 at eur 329,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 617/1999 of 23 march 1999 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of stainless steel wires with a diameter of 1 mm or more originating in india type: regulation subject matter: asia and oceania; competition; iron, steel and other metal industries; international trade; technology and technical regulations; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/13 commission regulation (ec) no 617/1999 of 23 march 1999 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of stainless steel wires with a diameter of 1 mm or more originating in india the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 384/96 of 22 december 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the european community (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 905/98 (2), and in particular article 7 thereof, after consulting the advisory committee, whereas: a. procedure (1) on 25 june 1998 the commission announced, by a notice published in the official journal of the european communities (3), the initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding with regard to imports into the community of stainless steel wires with a diameter of 1 mm or more originating in india and the republic of korea (hereafter korea'). a parallel anti-subsidy investigation regarding india and korea was initiated on the same date. (2) the proceeding was initiated as a result of a complaint lodged in may 1998 by the european confederation of iron and steel industries (eurofer) on behalf of community producers representing a major proportion of the community production of stainless steel wires. the complaint contained evidence of dumping of the said product and of material injury resulting therefrom, which was considered sufficient, after consultation, to justify the initiation of a proceeding. (3) the commission officially advised the complain- ant community producers, exporting producers, importers, suppliers and users known to be concerned as well as associations concerned and representatives of the exporting countries. inter- ested parties were given the opportunity to make their views known in writing and to request a hearing within the time limit set in the notice of initiation. all parties who so requested were granted a hearing. (4) the commission sent questionnaires to all parties known to be concerned and received replies from a number of companies in the community and the exporting countries. (5) the commission sought and verified all the infor- mation it deemed necessary for the purposes of a preliminary determination of dumping, injury and community interest and carried out verification visits at the premises of the following companies: (a) community producers ab sandvik steel, sandviken, sweden bekaert n. v., zwevegem, belgium bridon wire special steel division, shef- field, united kingdom fagersta stainless ab, fagersta, sweden gusab stainless, mjolby, sweden hemmings ltd., sheffield, united kingdom sprint-metal, paris, france sprint metal edelstahlzieherei gmbh, hemer, germany rigby-maryland stainless ltd., sheffield, united kingdom rodacciai s.p.a and rodasider s.r.l, bosisio parrini, italy societa italiana kanthal s.p.a, cinisello balsamo, italy trafilerie bedini s.r.l, peschiera borromeo, italy winterbottom wire, sheffield, united kingdom (b) exporting producers in the countries concerned india bhansali bright bars pvt. ltd., mumbai devidayal india ltd., mumbai hindustan stainless steel wire co. pvt. ltd., mumbai indore wire co. ltd., indore isibars ltd/isinox steels ltd., mumbai kei industries ltd., new delhi macro bars & wires pvt. ltd., mumbai mukand ltd., mumbai (1) oj l 56, 6. 3. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 128, 30. 4. 1998, p. 18. (3) oj c 199, 25. 6. 1998, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/14 triveni shinton international ltd., indore raajratna metal industries ltd., ahmedabad venus wire industries ltd., mumbai korea dae sung rope mfg. co. ltd., pusan korea sangsa co. ltd., seoul/pusan korea welding electrode co ltd., seoul kowel special mfg steel wire co. ltd., pusan seah metal products co. ltd., chang won shine metal co. ltd., pusan (c) importers in the community related to exporting producers india isibars europe gmbh, d sseldorf, germany mukand international ltd, london, united kingdom korea kos europe gmbh, d sseldorf, germany (d) importers in the community not related to exporting producers trio handels gmbh, eppstein, germany bodo trading gmbh, dreieich, germany (6) the dumping investigation covered the period from 1 april 1997 to 31 march 1998 (hereafter referred to as the investigation period' or ip'). the examination of injury covered the period from 1 january 1994 to 31 march 1998 (hereafter referred to as the period considered'). b. product under consideration and like product 1. product under consideration (7) the product concerned is wire of stainless steel, containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel, other than containing by weight 28 % or more but no more than 31 % of nickel and 20 % or more but not more than 22 % of chromium, having a diameter of 1 mm or more (hereinafter ssw'). this product is currently classifiable within cn code ex 7223 00 19. (8) this product is basically defined by its physical aspect and the grade of stainless steel. ssw is obtained by shaping wire rod by operations which reduce the cross-section of the wire rod. the final cross-section of the ssw is generally round but may also be square, triangular or rectangular. several processes are used to transform wire rod into ssw. depending on customer requirements ssw will have specific mechanical characteristics (diameter, tensile, strength, stainless steel grade) and surface aspects (bright, mat, coated), which result in a large number of product types (herein- after also referred to as references or models). (9) despite those differences, all types of ssw are to be considered as one product. ssw is further trans- formed by users which manufacture for example filtration elements, reinforcing elements, anti-vibra- tion pads, springs, cables and wire ropes. these semi-finished products are then used in sectors such as the automotive, electro-mechanical, fibre, textile, building industry, etc. (10) during the investigation it has been provisionally found that there are differences in physical charac- teristics and uses between stainless steel wires with a diameter of 1 mm or more on the one hand and with a diameter of less than 1 mm (i. e. fine wires) on the other hand. these physical differences relate in particular to tensile strength, coating and ductility. in addition, the use of fine wires is largely concentrated in the field of ultra-fine applications such as medical and surgery equipment, fine filters etc., while large wires are mainly used for construc- tion, bearings, in the automotive industry and certain mechanical and household applications. for these reasons it appears that there is very limited interchangeability between large and fine wires applications. however, the question whether a clear dividing line can be drawn between these two products will be further investigated. 2. like product (11) the investigation established that the ssw produced in india and korea and sold domestically or exported to the community and the ssw produced and sold in the community by the complainant community producers had effectively identical physical characteristics and uses and were thus like products within the meaning of article 1(4) of council regulation (ec) no 384/96 (herein- after referred to as the basic regulation'). c. dumping 1. normal value (a) general method (12) in order to establish normal value, it was first deter- mined for the cooperating exporting producers of the countries involved in the proceeding whether the total volume of the domestic sales of the en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/15 product concerned were representative in accord- ance with article 2(2) of the basic regulation, i. e. whether these sales represented more than 5 % of the sales volume of the product concerned exported to the community. it was then examined for each exporting producer whether total domestic sales of each product type constituted 5 % or more of the sales volume of the same type exported to the community. for those product types meeting the 5 % test, it was established whether sufficient sales had been made in the ordinary course of trade in accordance with article 2(4) of the basic regulation. where, per product type, the volume of domestic sales above unit cost represented at least 80 % of sales, normal value was established on the basis of the weighted average prices actually paid for all domestic sales. where, per product type, the volume of profitable transactions was lower than 80 %, but not lower than 10 % of sales, normal value was established on the basis of the weighted average prices actually paid for the remaining prof- itable domestic sales. for those product types where the volume of domestic sales was lower than 5 % of the volume exported to the community, or where the volume of profitable domestic sales was less than 10 %, domestic sales of those product types were consid- ered insufficient within the meaning of article 2(4) of the basic regulation and were therefore disre- garded. in these cases, normal value was based on the weighted average of the prices charged by other producers in the country concerned for repres- entative domestic sales of the corresponding product type made in the ordinary course of trade in accordance with article 2(1) of the basic regula- tion. where, per product type, there were insufficient sales or no representative domestic sales by other producers in the country concerned, normal value was constructed on the basis of the costs of manu- facturing incurred by the exporting producer concerned for the exported product type in ques- tion plus a reasonable amount for sg&a costs and profits in accordance with article 2(3) and (6) of the basic regulation. the sg&a were based on repres- entative domestic sales and the profit margin based on representative domestic sales made in the or- dinary course of trade. (b) use of available information (india) (13) one indian exporting producer was unable to provide comprehensive information on normal value, in particular certain information about cost of production was not available for reasons outside the companys control. consequently, the normal value of this company was established partially on the basis of available and verified data provided by the company and partially, pursuant to article 18 of the basic regulation, on data from other co- operating indian producers. 2. export price (14) where export sales to the community were made directly to independent importers export prices were established on the basis of the prices actually paid or payable by these importers in accordance with article 2(8) of the basic regulation. (15) where export sales were made to importers in the communmity which were related to the exporting producer, the export prices were constructed on the basis of the prices at which the imported products were first resold to independent buyers in the community, in accordance with article 2(9) of the basic regulation. adjustments were made for all costs incurred between importation and resale, including a reasonable margin for sg&a plus profit. the level of profit was determined on the basis of information on profits submitted by the cooperating unrelated importers of the product concerned in the community where such informa- tion was considered both reliable and repres- entative. (16) in this connection, one related korean importer in the community requested to decrease its sg&a expenses by the amount of commissions received from the parent company in korea. it was estab- lished that the commissions paid from korea to en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/16 this related importer in the community were in fact based on sales made directly by the parent company to independent customers in the community and that no services were rendered by the related importer in connection with these sales. consequently these commissions were not taken into consideration for the establishment of the constructed export price. 3. comparison (17) for the purposes of a fair comparison due allow- ance, in the form of adjustments, was made for differences claimed under article 2(10) of the basic regulation and demonstrated to affect price comparibility. on this basis, adjustments were made with regard to indirect taxes, import taxes, charges for transport, insurance, handling, loading, ancillary costs, packing, credit, aftersales costs and commissions. (18) nine companies in india and six in korea claimed an allowance for import charges. pursuant to article 2(10)(b) of the basic regulation the requests were fully rejected for six companies in india and one in korea since these companies were not able to prove that raw materials had been imported with payment of duties and had been physically in- corporated in the product concerned sold on the domestic market. for the other companies the requested adjustment was partially granted to the extent that it was proved that the materials on which import duties were payable had been phys- ically incorporated into the products concerned sold on the domestic market and that the import duties had not been collected or refunded in respect of the product exported to the community. (19) one korean company requested an adjustment for differences in the level of trade on the grounds that on the domestic market all its sales were made directly to customers whereas on the community market part of its sales were made through a related importer. it was argued that since all expenses incurred by the related importer would be deducted from the export price for the comparison, the indirect selling expenses incurred for the domestic sales should be deducted from the domestic price as well. this claim could provisionally not be accepted because the exporting producer concerned was not able to demonstrate that the constructed export price was at a different level of trade than the normal value and that this difference affected price comparability as required by article 2(10)(d) of the basic regulation. 4. dumping margins (20) in accordance with article 2(10) and (11) of the basic regulation, the dumping margins were estab- lished on the basis of a comparison between the weighted average normal value per product type and the weighted average export price at ex-factory level for the same product type and at the same level of trade. (21) for exporting producers involved in the proceeding who did not reply to the commissions question- naire or did not make themselves known, the dumping margin was determined on the basis of the facts available in accordance with the provi- sions of article 18(1) of the basic regulation. a comparison of eurostat figures with the data on the volume of exports to the community supplied by the cooperating exporting producers was made in order to establish the level of cooperation in the current investigation. as a result, for all countries subject to investigation it was found that the overall level of cooperation was high. the commission therefore considered it appropriate to set the dumping margin for the non co-operating com- panies at the level of the highest individual dumping margin established for a cooperating exporting producer in the country concerned, since there was no reason to believe that a non cooper- ating exporting producer had dumped at a level lower than the highest level found. the above approach was also considered necessary in order to avoid creating a bonus for non-coopera- tion and an opportunity for circumvention. (22) one indian company failed to cooperate to the satisfaction of the commission. in these circum- stances, pursuant to article 18(1) of the basic regu- lation, it was decided to give this company the dumping margin established for non-cooperating exporting producers. (23) the dumping margins, expressed as a percentage of the cif price at community frontier level, are: (a) india: bhansali bright bars pvt ltd: 1,2 %, devidayal india ltd: 27,5 %, hindustan stainless steel wire co. pvt ltd: 76,2 %, indore wire co. ltd: 44,6 %, isibars ltd/isinox steels ltd: 11,6 %, kei industries ltd: 76,2 %, macro bars & wires pvt ltd: 21,9 %, mukand ltd: 23,3 %, en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/17 raajratna metal industries ltd: 16,0 %, triveni shinton international ltd: 68,2 %, venus wire industries ltd: 7,4 %. (b) korea the dumping margins found were de minimis or very close to de minimis level. d. injury 1. definition of the community industry community producers (24) the community production within the meaning of article 4(1)(a) of the basic regulation is constituted by: producers on behalf of which the complaint was lodged and which cooperated in the invest- igation (the cooperating complainants'), producers on behalf of which the complaint was lodged and which did not cooperate in the investigation (the non cooperating com- plainants), and other community producers which are not complainants, which did not cooperate to the proceeding and which did not oppose to it. community industry (25) the cooperating complainants fulfil the require- ments of representativeness within the meaning of article 5(4) of the basic regulation, since they account for more than 65 % of the total community production of the product concerned. they are therefore deemed to constitute the community industry within the meaning of article 4(1) of the same regulation. 2. scope of the investigation (26) having regard to the above findings on dumping of the korean imports and the proposals pertaining thereto, it was not considered appropriate at this stage to assess specifically the effects of these korean imports. the following analysis thus focusses exclusively on the effects of the dumped imports from india. 3. preliminary remarks: competition aspects (27) in the course of the investigation, certain exporting producers have argued that all data submitted by the community industry within the framework of the current proceeding would be unreliable as a result of the uniform application of the alloy surcharge' system, and that it would, therefore, not be possible to conduct any accurate injury analysis within the framework of the anti-dumping proceeding. these exporting producers based their allegations on the findings set out in a commission decision (iv/35.814, alloy surcharge') (1) which stated that the community producers of stainless steel flat products have modified in a concerted fashion the reference values used to calculate the alloy surcharge, a practice having the object and effect of restricting and distorting competiton within the common market'. the exporting producers acknowledged the fact that the above decision related to flat products (as opposed to long products, such as stainless steel wires), but they argued that, firstly a concerted prac- tice also existed for the product concerned and, secondly, that even if such a practice would not be established for the product concerned, the existing illegal practice for flat products would have a synergy or downstream effect on the product concerned. as ssw are not produced, for technical reasons, from flat products, any downstream effect of the concerted practice found for flat products on ssw is doubtful. moreover, no evidence has been found either that the above concerted practice would have been applied by suppliers of raw materials for ssw. furthermore, the producers of flat products and of ssw are, to a large extent, not identical and the number of ssw producers is significantly higher than that of flat steel producers. in this respect, while the exporting producers concerned filed a complaint (iv/e-1/37.271) with dg iv on 5 october 1998, no investigation was opened by dg iv concerning the alleged infringe- ment of article 85 of the ec treaty with respect to the product concerned. indeed, this complaint is in fact an extension of the complaint concerning stainless steel bright bars (likewise belonging to the category of long products) filed with dg iv on 3 february 1998 (iv/e-1/36.930) for which, pursuant to article 6 of commission regulation (ec) no 99/63, a letter of rejection of complaint was sent to the complainants on 28 october 1998, although a final decision has not yet been adopted. (1) commission decision 98/247/ecsc (oj l 100, 1. 4. 1998). en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/18 in accordance with the above-mentioned decision, the application of an alloy surcharge system could only be illegal if it were applied in a concerted manner. however, the current investigation has shown that there is no uniform application of the alloy surcharge by the community industry: some companies apply it for all their customers or only for some of them, others do not apply it at all. furthermore, it was noted that when comparing the sales pries of the members of the community industry among themselves the sales prices for identical references varied. finally, even where it is applied, the alloy surcharge constitutes only a small percentage in the total price of the product concerned. the commission therefore concludes that there is no evidence that the injury data collected be unreli- able as a result of the application of the alloy surcharge'. 4. community consumption (28) for the purpose of the assessment of the apparent community consumption of ssw, the commis- sion relied on data on the sales volume of the product concerned in the community provided by the community industry and eurofer. these data have been added to import figures established on the basis of the data submitted by the cooper- ating exporting producers from the countries concerned as well as on eurostat. (29) during the period 1994 to the investigation period, the apparent community consumption of ssw expressed in tonnes amounted to 69 212 in 1994, 80 539 in 1995, 70 489 in 1996, 78 576 in 1997, and 82 772 during the investigation period. it thus increased by 20 % between 1994 and the invest- igation period. 5. volume and market shares of the imports concerned (30) the indian imports in tonnes developed as follows: 952 tonnes in 1994, 4 513 in 1995, 6 951 in 1996, 8 719 in 1997 and 9 166 during the investigation period. they have therefore increased steadily and considerably over the period under consideration, i. e. by 862 %. (31) indian imports market share increased constantly from 1,4 % in 1994 to 5,6 % in 1995, 9,9 % in 1996, to 11,1 % in 1997, remaining stable at 11,1 % during the investigation period. 6. prices of the imports concerned (a) price evolution (32) average sales prices per kg (in ecu) of the indian imports increased between 1994 and 1995 (from 1,88 to 2,44), but steadily decreased from that year onwards (2,32 in 1996, 2,10 in 1997 and 2,05 during the investigation period). (b) price undercutting methodology (33) for the investigation period, sales prices of matching models both for the community industry and the exporting producers, established on a customer-delivered basis, have been compared. the export prices at a customer-delivered level have been obtained by adding to the export cif values a reasonable percentage covering insurance and freight costs from the community border to the final customer. (34) the exporting countrys countrywide undercutting margin has been calculated on the basis of weighted average of the undercutting margins found for the cooperating exporting producers. undercutt ing margins (35) for india a 22 % weighted average undercutting margin has been found (ranging between 13 % and 36 %). 7. situation of the community industry (a) production (36) since producers do not hold significant stocks, the trend reflected for production is similar to the one of sales volume shown below. the total production of the product concerned followed until 1996 the evolution of the market, increasing from 54 380 tonnes in 1994 to 59 052 tonnes in 1995, and then decreasing to 48 196 tonnes in 1996. as from 1997, it remained more or less stable (54 316 tonnes in 1997, 55 539 tonnes during the investigation period), while the total market size increased, showing that the community industry did not benefit form the upward trend of the market. en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/19 (b) capacity utilisation (37) the capacity utilisation, while reaching a peak in 1995 (86 %), decreased significantly in 1996 (65 %). while slowly picking up towards the investigation period (75 %), it did not reach earlier levels. (c) investment (38) investment has slightly increased between 1994 and the investigation period, from 3 098 kecu in 1994 to 3 591 kecu during the investigation period. (d) employment (39) as regards employment, the community industrys workforce has decreased steadily as from 1995 (798 in 1995, 727 during the investigation period). (e) sales volume (40) the sales volume of the community industry, while decreasing between 1995 (46 278 tonnes) and 1996 (37 997 tonnes), has slightly increased since then, reaching 45 766 tonnes during the invest- igation period. (f) market shares (41) the community industrys market share decreased significantly from 1994 to 1996 (from 63 % to 53,9 %), and from that year onwards, it first recov- ered slightly (56,2 % in 1997), and then decreased again (55,3 % during the investigation period). (g) prices (42) average sales prices of the community industry reached a peak in 1995 (3,71 ecu/kg), and strongly decreased from that year onwards (3,61 in 1996, 3,19 in 1997 and 3,19 during the investigation period). in addition to this price depression, the community industry has suffered price suppres- sion. indeed, as a reaction to increasing imports at low prices, the community industry had no choice but to stop production and sales of certain standard product models, privileging some market niches where prices (but also costs of production) were higher and direct competition with the dumped imports was less pronounced. therefore, it can be assumed that the price decrease would have been even more accentuated if the community industry had kept the same product mix throughout the period under consideration. (h) profitability (43) profitability of the community industry deteri- orated between 1994 and the investigation period (from 6,4 % in 1994 to 1,1 % during the invest- igation period). it can be assumed that the trend would have been even worse if the community industry had kept on producing and selling those models subject to the most aggressive pricing policy by the exporting producers. 8. conclusion on injury (44) until 1996, the sales volume and market share of the community industry followed the same evolu- tion as the market. from that year onwards, however, the community industry did not benefit anymore from the growing trend of the market. indeed, it managed to keep its sales volume stable but at the expense of its profitability which, in a context of depressed sales prices, strongly deteri- orated. in addition, its market share did not recover to previous levels. (45) for these reasons, it is provisionally concluded that the community industry has suffered material injury in terms of loss of market shares, price depression and price suppression as well as strongly deteriorating profitability and decreasing employ- ment. e. causation 1. effect of the dumped imports (46) the significant increase of the sales volume (+ 862 %) and of the market shares of the dumped imports (from 1,4 % to 11,1 %) between 1994 and the investigation period as well as the substantial undercutting found coincided with the deteriora- tion of the situation of the community industry in terms of loss of market shares, price depression as well as deteriorating profitability. (47) in the context of the general fall of the market in 1996, which followed the strong growth of the year 1995, the community industry was negatively affected by the continuous rise of the dumped imports. indeed, the indian imports were those which strikingly grew during that year. (48) as from 1997, the growing trend of the market mainly benefited the dumped imports. sales volumes of the community industry did not follow the upward trend of the market, and sales prices did not reach their previous levels. on the contrary, the community industry suffered price suppression and strong price depression, as shown by the undercutting found. this situation is reflected in a deteriorating profitability situation and decreasing employment. en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/20 2. effect of other factors (49) in accordance with article 3(7) of the basic regula- tion, the commission has examined whether factors other than the dumped imports might have had an effect on the situation of the community industry, with particular regard to the role of other community producers not co-operating in the investigation and of imports from other third coun- tries. (a) other community producers (50) it has been alleged by some interested parties that other community producers, in view of their significant market share, might have contributed to the injury suffered by the community industry. in this respect, it has to be outlined that the sales volume of these other community producers has remained relatively stable between 1994 and the investigation period, and also their market share decreased sharply as from 1996 (from 27,2 % to 23,1 % during the investigation period). overall, the situation of these other community producers is not any different from that of the community industry. as to sales prices of these other community producers, no indication of any price undercutting of the community industrys sales prices was found during the investigation. the argument should therefore be rejected. (b) third countries imports (51) the same interested parties have underlined the role allegedly played by other third countries imports, and mostly by switzerland, regarding the injury suffered by the community industry. (52) concerning first imports from switzerland, their volume increased by 25 % between 1994 and the investigation period but their market share remained more or less stable all over the period under consideration (6,6 % in 1994, 6,9 % during the investigation period), indicating therefore that swiss imports within the community did just follow the upward trend of the market. when comparing their situation with the one of the dumped imports between 1994 and the invest- igation period, they remain overall below the level reached by the dumped imports both in terms of volume and market shares. as to prices, no indica- tion of any price undercutting of the community industrys sales prices was found in the course of the investigation. the argument should therefore be rejected. (53) secondly, as to other third countries imports, for individual countries they are of much smaller quantities and while their market share increased between 1994 and the investigation period (from 1,8 % to 3,7 %), they remained overall at a low level. as to prices, no indication of any price undercutting of the sales prices of the community industry was found in the course of the invest- igation (1). the argument should therefore be rejected. (c) other (54) the commission also examined whether factors other than those mentioned above might have contributed to the injury suffered by the community industry, in particular a contraction in demand or the changes in the patterns of consumption, developments in technology and the export performance and productivity of the community industry. (55) as to the development of demand and the changes in the pattern of consumption, it has been previ- ously established that the market for ssw has expanded between 1994 and the investigation period. at the same time, it has been established that the community industry did not benefit from this expansion of the market whilst the exporting producers substantially increased their sales volume and market share. (56) in relation to the developments in technology and productivity of the community industry, it has been established that between 1994 and the invest- igation period the community industry has main- tained its production and investments levels in order not to lose competitiveness. furthermore, its level of exports has been stable over the period taken into consideration, and the community industrys sales have proved to be more profitable in export markets than on the community market. (57) thus, it can be concluded that other factors than dumped imports were not such as to break the causal link between the dumped imports and the material injury suffered by the community industry therefrom. 3. conclusion on causation (58) in view of the above, it is provisionally concluded that the dumped imports from india have caused material injury to the community industry. (59) this does not prejudge the conclusions of the community in the parallel antisubsidy proceeding against imports of stainless steel wire with a dia- meter of 1 mm or more originating in india and in korea. (1) as to korea, given the provisional findings with respect to the dumping margins and the proposals pertaining thereto, it is considered at this stage that the causal link between korean imports and the injury suffered by the community industry need not be analysed in detail. en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/21 f. community interest 1. general comment (60) for the investigation of community interest, the commission examined two scenarios, i.e. the most likely effects in the event that anti-dumping meas- ures were taken, and the most likely effects in the event that no such measures were taken. in this context, particular consideration was given to the effect that antidumping measures, if any, would have on the community industry, on suppliers of the raw material and on users of the product concerned. 2. community industry and other community producers (a) general (61) the community industry has proven to be a struc- turally viable industry, able to adapt its product range to the changing competitive conditions on the market and to concentrate on market niches where there was less competition from dumped imports. (62) despite this structurally viable background, it can however not be excluded that this industry would reduce its manufacturing activities for the product concerned in the community if no measures against dumping were taken. this conclusion is justified in view of the duration of the deteriorating profitability situation suffered due to dumped imports. indeed, without measures, the price- depressive effect of the dumped imports will continue to frustrate all efforts of the community industry to regain a satisfactory margin of profit- ability. (b) employment (63) the situation of the community industry has steadily deteriorated since 1995. should this trend continue, the community industry might be forced to stop production in the community, and around 700 jobs directly linked to the product concerned would be endangered in the community. on the other hand, the imposition of measures would enable this industry to maintain and further develop its activities in the community. (64) with the adoption of anti-dumping measures, overall employment in the community in relation to the product concerned would thus be secured and can even be expected to rise. (c) r&d (65) the product concerned requires continuous invest- ments in r&d, mainly related to the production process, i.e. to the development of environmentally friendly and energy-saving manufacturing technol- ogies. in this respect, it cannot be excluded that the community industry will have to reduce substan- tially its investments if measures are not imposed. 3. unrelated importers (66) limited cooperation was obtained from unrelated importers of the product concerned in the community. for cooperating companies, neither employment nor significant investment was directly related to the product concerned. (67) this justifies the provisional conclusion that anti- dumping measures, if any, will most likely not have a decisive impact on the unrelated importers. 4. suppliers (68) the following six suppliers cooperated in the investigation and the data they submitted were verified by the commission: acciaieri valbruna s.r.l, vicenza, italy acciaierie bolzano s.r.l, bolzano, italy cogne acciai speciali, aosta, italy fagersta stainless ab, fagersta, sweden rold n sa, madrid, spain ugine savoie imphy, ugine, france (69) two other replies were received from suppliers of the community industry, avesta sheffield ltd (sheffield, united kingdom) and krupp edelstahl- profile (siegen, germany). these suppliers raised the argument that they suffered both from direct competition from third countries imports of wire rod, which had substantially increased during the last years, and from the upstream effect of the dumped imports of the product concerned. indeed, since competition for stainless steel wires was fierce, the community industry had tried to find cheaper suppliers for the raw material, sourcing as a consequence in countries outside the community, i.e. korea, india and taiwan and had exerted price pressure on its suppliers in order to secure low raw material prices. (70) anti-dumping measures on the product concerned would help the community suppliers of stainless steel wire rod to improve their deteriorating economic situation and to regain profitability, which would enable them to carry out the neces- sary investments. 5. users (71) users are wires processors whose semi-finished products are used afterwards in construction, in the automotive industry, for domestic appliances, for medical purposes, etc. out of the 60 questionnaires sent, only four replies were received: en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/22 bever gmbh, kirchhunden, germany tucai sa, barcelona, spain tubiflex, orbassano, italy max rhodius gmbh, weissenburg, germany (72) the limited cooperation justifies the provisional conclusion that anti-dumping measures, if any, will most likely not have a decisive impact on the user industry, either because this raw material is not a significant cost factor for them or because their production of downstream products relating to ssw only accounts for a small proportion of their total production. furthermore, it is expected that given the relatively moderate duty rates proposed for the exporters concerned, the high number of competing producers located in the community, and the existence of imports from other third countries, the measures are not likely to lead to an overall major price increase for ssw in the community. 6. competition and trade distorting effects (73) as to trade effects of possible anti-dumping meas- ures, although the product concerned is being exported by the community industry to other third countries, they are not exported to india due, amongst others, to the high import duties existing in this country for ssw. furthermore, due to the current international situation, the eu market is one of the few open markets where demand for steel remains strong. (74) with respect to the effects of possible measures on competition in the community, some interested parties have argued that duties would lead to the disappearance of the exporting producers concerned from the community market, thus considerably weakening competition, and to an increase of the prices for ssw. (75) in view of the above-mentioned market position of the exporting producers concerned, the relatively low duties proposed, the large number of producers in the community as well as the transparency of the market, it can be concluded that community producers continue to have a considerable number of strong competitors on the community market. thus, users will also in the future benefit from the choice of different suppliers of the product concerned. (76) finally, certain interested parties have argued that it could not be in the interest of the community to impose measures taking into account the afore- mentioned alleged practices in the calculation of the alloy surcharge. in this respect reference is made to the comments made under recital (27) above. 7. conclusion on community interest (77) given the above reasons, it is provisionally consid- ered that there are no compelling reasons against the imposition of anti-dumping duties. g. provisional anti-dumping measures 1. injury elimination level (78) in view of the conclusions reached with regard to dumping, injury, causation and community interest, provisional measures should be taken in order to prevent further injury being caused to the community industry by the dumped imports. (79) for establishing the level of duty, account has been taken of the dumping margins found and of the amount of the duty necessary to eliminate the injury sustained by the community industry. the necessary price increase was determined on the basis of a comparison of the weighted average import price, as established for the undercutting calculations, with the non-injurious price of the different references (or models) sold by the community industry on the community market. the non-injurious price has been obtained by deducting from the sales price of the community industry its average actual profit margin and by adding a profit margin of 5 %. this profit margin corresponds to what has been found as the minimum necessary in earlier cases for this type of industry. any difference resulting from this comparison was then expressed as a percentage of the total cif import value. 2. provisional measures (a) india (80) in the light of the foregoing, it is considered that a provisional anti-dumping duty should be imposed at the level of the dumping margins found, but should not be higher than the injury margins, in accordance with article 7(2) of the basic regula- tion. (81) as far as the parallel anti-subsidy proceeding is concerned it should be noted that, in accordance with article 12(1) of council regulation (ec) no 2026/97, the countervailing duty rate should cor- respond to the amount of subsidy unless the injury margin is lower. en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 79/23 country/company proposedad duty % country/company proposedad duty % (82) in accordance with article 24(1) of the above regu- lation (ec) no 2026/97 and article 14(1) of the basic regulation, no product shall be subject to both anti-dumping and countervailing duties for the purposes of dealing with one and the same situation arising from dumping or from export subsidisation. as anti-dumping duties should be imposed on imports of the product in question it is necessary to determine whether, and to what extent, the subsidy and the dumping margins arise from the same situation. (83) in the case in question all of the subsidy schemes investigated have been found to constitute export subsidies within the meaning of article 3(4)(a) of the above regulation (ec) no 2026/97. as such, the subsidies can only affect the export prices of the indian exporting producers, thus leading to increased margins of dumping. in other words, the dumping margins established are wholly or partly due to the existence of export subsidies. in these circumstances it is not considered appropriate to impose both countervailing and anti-dumping duties to the full extent of the relevant subsidy and dumping margins established. therefore, the anti- dumping duties need to be adjusted to reflect the actual dumping margins remaining after the im- position of the countervailing duties offsetting the effect of the export subsidies. (84) on the basis of the above, the provisional duty rates, expressed as a percentage of the cif community border price, customs duty unpaid, taking into account the results of the anti-subsidy proceeding, are as follows: india bhansali 0 devidayal 2,4 indore wire 25,3 isibars 0 isinox 0 kei industries 32,2 macro bars 0 mukand 10,1 raajratna 0 triveni 55,6 venus wire 0 as far as other exporting producers are concerned, in view of the high level of cooperation found, the highest company-specific anti-dumping duty found should be applied. this was found to be 55,6 % for india. (b) korea (85) as the dumping margins found were de minimis or very close to de minimis, no provisional anti- dumping duties are imposed. h. final provision (86) in the interests of sound administration, a period should be fixed within which the interested parties may make their views know in writing and request a hearing. furthermore, it should be stated that the findings made for the purposes of this regulation are provisional and may have to be reconsidered for the purposes of any definitive duty, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. a provisional anti-dumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of wire of stainless steel with a diameter of 1 mm or more, containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel and 20 % or more but not more than 22 % of chromium, falling within cn code 7223 00 19 (taric code 7223 00 19.90) and originating in india. 2. this anti-dumping duty has been adjusted to reflect the actual dumping margins remaining after the imposi- tion of the countervailing duties as provisionally deter- mined in commission regulation (ec) no 618/1999 (1). 3. the rate of duty applicable to the free-at- community-frontier price, before duty, shall be as follows: (1) see page 25 of this official journal. en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 79/24 manufacturers rate of duty(%) taric additional code bhansali bright bars pvt ltd, mumbai 0 a009 devidayal industries ltd, mumbai 2,4 a010 indore wire company ltd, indore 25,3 a004 isibars ltd, mumbai 0 a011 isinox steels ltd, mumbai 0 a002 kei industries 32,2 a020 macro bars and wires pvt ltd, mumbai 0 a008 mukand ltd, mumbai 10,1 a003 raajratna metal industries ltd, ahmedabad 0 a005 venus wire industries ltd, mumbai 0 a006 all other indian companies 55,6 a999 4. unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply. 5. the release for free circulation in the community of the product referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to the provision of a security, equivalent to the amount of the provisional duty. article 2 without prejudice to article 20 of regulation (ec) no 384/96, the interested parties may make known their views in writing and apply to be heard orally by the commission within 15 days of the date of entry into force of this regulation. pursuant to article 21(4) of regulation (ec) no 384/96, the parties concerned may comment on the application of this regulation within one month of the date of its entry into force. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. article 1 of this regulation shall apply for a period of six months. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 march 1999. for the commission leon brittan vice-president |
name: council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 620/1999 of 22 march 1999 adjusting the daily subsistence allowance rates for officials on mission within the european territory of the member states laid down in article 13 of annex vii to the staff regulations of officials of the european communities type: regulation subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; executive power and public service; personnel management and staff remuneration date published: nan en official journal of the european communities24. 3. 1999 l 78/1 (in euro) i ii iii member states grades a1 to a3 and la3 grades a4 to a8, la4 to la8 and category b other companies i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 620/1999 of 22 march 1999 adjusting the daily subsistence allowance rates for officials on mission within the european territory of the member states laid down in article 13 of annex vii to the staff regulations of officials of the european communities the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing a single council and a single commission of the european communities, having regard to the staff regulations of officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities laid down by regulation (eec, euratom, ecsc) no 259/68 (1), as last amended by regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2762/98 (2), and in particular article 13 of annex vii to the staff regulations and articles 22 and 67 of the conditions of employment, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas the rates of daily subsistence allowance for officials on mission should be adjusted in order to take account of the changes in prices and exchange rates recorded since 1991 in the different mission locations within the european territory of the member states, has adopted this regulation: article 1 article 13 of annex vii to the staff regulations shall be amended as follows: 1. the scale in paragraph 1(a) shall be replaced by the following: belgium 84,06 149,63 138,47 denmark 91,70 179,28 165,82 germany 74,14 127,10 117,63 greece 66,04 113,19 104,74 spain 68,89 141,30 130,76 france 72,58 130,29 120,60 ireland 80,94 165,20 152,73 italy 60,34 129,82 120,10 luxembourg 82,00 143,48 132,65 netherlands 78,26 147,69 136,66 portugal 68,91 142,98 132,30 united kingdom 86,89 199,21 184,31' (1) oj l 56, 4. 3. 1968, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 22. 12. 1998, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 24. 3. 1999l 78/2 2. the first sentence in paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following: 2. in addition to the rates set out in column i of the foregoing scale, the hotel bill covering room, service and taxes, but excluding breakfast, shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of: eur 117,08 for belgium, eur 148,07 for denmark, eur 97,03 for germany, eur 99,63 for greece, eur 126,57 for spain, eur 97,27 for france, eur 139,32 for ireland, eur 114,33 for italy, eur 106,92 for luxembourg, eur 131,76 for netherlands, eur 124,89 for portugal, eur 149,03 for united kingdom.' article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 march 1999. for the council the president g. verheugen |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 626/1999 of 24 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 3. 1999 l 80/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 626/1999 of 24 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 25. 3. 1999l 80/2 annex to the commission regulation of 24 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 132,2 204 42,2 212 54,0 999 76,1 0707 00 05 068 117,2 999 117,2 0709 10 00 220 269,5 999 269,5 0709 90 70 052 96,9 204 157,1 999 127,0 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 48,2 204 43,6 212 48,9 220 39,2 600 42,8 624 50,8 999 45,6 0805 30 10 052 39,4 600 81,9 999 60,7 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 039 106,2 388 89,0 400 86,2 404 96,0 508 81,9 512 82,0 524 106,6 528 82,1 720 95,3 999 91,7 0808 20 50 052 133,1 388 62,6 400 75,4 512 69,5 528 77,4 624 73,7 720 69,3 999 80,1 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 628/1999 of 24 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 3. 1999 l 80/5 commission regulation (ec) no 628/1999 of 24 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 1 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular point (a) of the first subparagraph of article 19 (4) thereof, whereas article 19 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 (1) (a) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that when refunds on white and raw sugar, undenatured and exported in its unaltered state, are being fixed account must be taken of the situation on the community and world markets in sugar and in particular of the price and cost factors set out in article 17a of that regulation; whereas the same article provides that the economic aspect of the proposed exports should also be taken into account; whereas the refund on raw sugar must be fixed in respect of the standard quality; whereas the latter is defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 431/68 of 9 april 1968 determining the standard quality for raw sugar and fixing the community frontier crossing point for calculating cif prices for sugar (3), as amended by regula- tion (ec) no 3290/94 (4); whereas, furthermore, this refund should be fixed in accordance with article 17a (4) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81; whereas candy sugar is defined in commission regulation (ec) no 2135/95 of 7 september 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for the grant of export refunds in the sugar sector (5); whereas the refund thus calculated for sugar containing added flavouring or colouring matter must apply to their sucrose content and, accordingly, be fixed per 1 % of the said content; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for sugar according to destination; whereas, in special cases, the amount of the refund may be fixed by other legal instruments; whereas the refund must be fixed every two weeks; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in sugar and in particular to quotations or prices for sugar within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (1) (a) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81, undenatured and exported in the natural state, are hereby fixed to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 march 1999.(1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 89, 10. 4. 1968, p. 3. (4) oj l 349, 31. 12. 1994, p. 105. (5) oj l 214, 8. 9. 1995, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 25. 3. 1999l 80/6 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission annex to the commission regulation of 24 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 45,40 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 45,36 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 45,40 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 45,36 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4935 eur/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 49,35 1701 99 10 9910 49,35 1701 99 10 9950 49,35 eur/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4935 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 17a (4) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26. 9. 1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21. 11. 1985, p. 14). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 632/1999 of 24 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 220/1999 determining the extent to which applications lodged in january 1999 for import licences for certain egg sector products and poultrymeat pursuant to regulations (ec) no 1474/95 and (ec) no 1251/96 can be accepted type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; international trade; animal product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities25. 3. 1999 l 80/11 commission regulation (ec) no 632/1999 of 24 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 220/1999 determining the extent to which applica- tions lodged in january 1999 for import licences for certain egg sector products and poultrymeat pursuant to regulations (ec) no 1474/95 and (ec) no 1251/96 can be accepted the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2771/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in eggs (1), as last amended by commission regu- lation (ec) no 1516/96 (2), having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2777/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organisation of the market in poultrymeat (3), as last amended by commis- sion regulation (ec) no 2916/95 (4), having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2783/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin (5), as last amended by regu- lation (eec) no 2916/95, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1095/96 of 18 june 1996 on the implementation of the concessions set out in schedule cxl drawn up in the wake of the conclusion of the gatt article xxiv.6 negotiations (6), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1474/ 95 of 28 june 1995 opening and providing for the admin- istration of the tariff quotas in the egg sector and for egg albumin (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1371/ 98 (8), and in particular article 5(5) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1251/ 96 of 28 june 1996 opening and providing for the admin- istration of tariff quotas in the poultrymeat sector and albumin (9), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1370/ 98 (10), and in particular article 5(5) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 220/1999 (11) determines the percentages of acceptance of applications submitted during the first 10 days of january and the quantities available for applications to be submitted during the first 10 days of april 1999; whereas pursuant to article 5(5) of regulation (ec) no 1251/96 certain operators have withdrawn their applica- tions; whereas the quantities available for applications to be submitted during the first 10 days of april 1999 should therefore be increased, has adopted this regulation: article 1 in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 220/1999, the quantity available for group no p3 is replaced by 118,10'. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1. 11. 1975, p. 49. (2) oj l 189, 30. 7. 1996, p. 99. (3) oj l 282, 1. 11. 1975, p. 77. (4) oj l 305, 19. 12. 1995, p. 49. (5) oj l 282, 1. 11. 1975, p. 104. (6) oj l 146, 20. 6. 1996, p. 1. (9) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 136. (7) oj l 145, 29. 6. 1995, p. 19. (10) oj l 185, 30. 6. 1998, p. 15. (8) oj l 185, 30. 6. 1998, p. 17. (11) oj l 23, 30. 1. 1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 633/1999 of 24 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 221/1999 determining the extent to which applications lodged in january 1999 for import licences for certain eggs and poultrymeat products under the regime provided for by the agreements concluded by the community with the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, bulgaria and romania can be accepted type: regulation subject matter: animal product; international trade; tariff policy; european construction; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 25. 3. 1999l 80/12 commission regulation (ec) no 633/1999 of 24 march 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 221/1999 determining the extent to which applica- tions lodged in january 1999 for import licences for certain eggs and poultrymeat products under the regime provided for by the agreements concluded by the community with the republic of poland, the republic of hungary, the czech republic, slovakia, bulgaria and romania can be accepted the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1899/ 97 of 29 september 1997 laying down detailed rules for the application in the eggs and poultrymeat sector of the arrangements provided for by council regulation (ec) no 3066/95 and repealing regulations (eec) no 2699/93 and (ec) no 1559/94 (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2719/98 (2), and in particular article 4(5) thereof, whereas the quantities available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 as set out in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 221/1999 (3) were inaccurate due to incorrect informa- tion supplied by a member state; whereas annex ii to the said regulation should be replaced, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex ii to regulation (ec) no 221/1999 is hereby replaced by the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 25 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 24 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 267, 30. 9. 1997, p. 67. (2) oj l 342, 17. 12. 1998, p. 16. (3) oj l 23, 30. 1. 1999, p. 21. en official journal of the european communities25. 3. 1999 l 80/13 annex annex ii (tonnes) group no total quantity available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 1 1 701,25 2 373,75 4 17 522,78 7 2 415,00 8 603,75 9 1 380,00 10 1 765,61 11 442,75 44 316,25 45 1 435,37 12 1 564,50 14 4 025,00 15 1 408,75 16 1 358,50 17 1 725,00 18 345,00 19 498,63 21 2 650,50 23 2 478,88 24 115,00 25 5 951,70 26 293,25 27 2 470,00 28 345,00 30 2 070,00 32 805,00 33 575,00 34 2 875,00 35 230,00 36 1 150,00 37 143,75 38 215,63 39 1 840,00 40 579,60 43 1 150,00' |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 641/1999 of 25 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products type: regulation subject matter: processed agricultural produce; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/9 commission regulation (ec) no 641/1999 of 25 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 17(3) thereof, whereas article 17 of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the difference between prices in inter- national trade for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund within the limits resulting from agreements concluded in ac- cordance with article 228 of the treaty; whereas regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when the refunds on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation, exported in the natural state, are being fixed account must be taken of: the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of milk and milk products on the community market and prices for milk and milk products in international trade, marketing costs and the most favourable transport charges from community markets to ports or other points of export in the community, as well as costs incurred in placing the goods on the market of the country of destination, the aims of the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products which are to ensure equilib- rium and the natural development of prices and trade on this market, the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty, and the need to avoid disturbances on the community market, and the economic aspect of the proposed exports; whereas article 17(5) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when prices within the community are being determined account should be taken of the ruling prices which are most favourable for exportation, and that when prices in international trade are being determined particular account should be taken of: (a) prices ruling on third country markets; (b) the most favourable prices in third countries of des- tination for third country imports; (c) producer prices recorded in exporting third countries, account being taken, where appropriate, of subsidies granted by those countries; and (d) free-at-community-frontier offer prices; whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation according to destination; whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the list of products on which export refunds are granted and the amount of such refunds should be fixed at least once every four weeks; whereas the amount of the refund may, however, remain at the same level for more than four weeks; whereas, in accordance with article 16 of commission regulation (ec) no 174/1999 of 26 january 1999 on specific detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds on milk and milk products (3), the refund granted for milk products containing added sugar is equal to the sum of the two components; whereas one is intended to take account of the quantity of milk prod- ucts and is calculated by multiplying the basic amount by the milk products content in the product concerned; whereas the other is intended to take account of the quantity of added sucrose and is calculated by multiplying the sucrose content of the entire product by the basic amount of the refund valid on the day of exportation for the products listed in article 1(1)(d) of council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (4), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (5); whereas, however, this second component is applied only if the added sucrose has been produced using sugar beet or cane harvested in the community; (3) oj l 20, 27. 1. 1999, p. 8. (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (4) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (5) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/10 whereas the level of refund for cheeses is calculated for products intended for direct consumption; whereas the cheese rinds and cheese wastes are not products intended for this purpose; whereas, to avoid any confusion in inter- pretation, it should be specified that there will be no refund for cheeses of a free-at-frontier value less than eur 230,00 per 100 kilograms; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 896/84 (1), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 222/88 (2), laid down additional provisions concerning the granting of refunds on the change from one milk year to another; whereas those provisions provide for the possibility of varying refunds according to the date of manufacture of the products; whereas for the calculation of the refund for processed cheese provision must be made where casein or caseinates are added for that quantity not to be taken into account; whereas it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in milk and in particular to quotations or prices for milk products within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex to this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the export refunds referred to in article 17 of regu- lation (eec) no 804/68 on products exported in the natural state shall be as set out in the annex. 2. there shall be no refunds for exports to destination no 400 for products falling within cn codes 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0405 and 2309. 3. there shall be no refunds for exports to destinations no 021, 023, 024, 028, 043, 044, 045, 046, 052, 404, 600, 800 and 804 for products falling within cn code 0406. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 26 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 91, 1. 4. 1984, p. 71. (2) oj l 28, 1. 2. 1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/11 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 25 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products (in eur/100 kg net weight unless otherwise indicated) 0401 10 10 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 10 90 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 19 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 19 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 91 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 91 9500 + 0401 20 99 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 99 9500 + 0401 30 11 9100 + 0401 30 11 9400 970 10,50 * * * 0401 30 11 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 19 9100 + 0401 30 19 9400 + 0401 30 19 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 31 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 31 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 31 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 39 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 39 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 39 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 91 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 91 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 91 9700 + 129,01 0401 30 99 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 99 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 99 9700 + 129,01 0402 10 11 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 19 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 91 9000 + 0,9000 0402 10 99 9000 + 0,9000 0402 21 11 9200 + 90,00 0402 21 11 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 11 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 11 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 17 9000 + 90,00 0402 21 19 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 19 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 19 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 91 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 91 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 91 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 91 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 91 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 91 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 91 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 91 9900 + 159,96 0402 21 99 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 99 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 99 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 99 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 99 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 99 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 99 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 99 9900 + 159,96 0402 29 15 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 15 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 15 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 15 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 19 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 19 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 19 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 19 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 91 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 91 9500 + 1,3167 0402 29 99 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 99 9500 + 1,3167 0402 91 11 9110 + 0402 91 11 9120 + 0402 91 11 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 11 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 11 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 19 9110 + 0402 91 19 9120 + 0402 91 19 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 19 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 19 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 31 9100 + 0402 91 31 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 39 9100 + 0402 91 39 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 51 9000 + 0402 91 59 9000 + 0402 91 91 9000 + 63,94 0402 91 99 9000 + 63,94 0402 99 11 9110 + 0402 99 11 9130 + 0402 99 11 9150 + 0402 99 11 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 11 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 11 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 19 9110 + 0402 99 19 9130 + 0402 99 19 9150 + 0402 99 19 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 19 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 19 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 31 9110 + 0402 99 31 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 31 9300 + 0,3832 0402 99 31 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 39 9110 + 0402 99 39 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 39 9300 + 0,3832 en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/12 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0402 99 39 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 91 9000 + 0,7522 0402 99 99 9000 + 0,7522 0403 10 11 9400 + 0403 10 11 9800 + 0403 10 13 9800 + 0403 10 19 9800 + 0403 10 31 9400 + 0403 10 31 9800 + 0403 10 33 9800 + 0403 10 39 9800 + 0403 90 11 9000 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9200 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9300 + 104,95 0403 90 13 9500 + 110,56 0403 90 13 9900 + 118,93 0403 90 19 9000 + 119,81 0403 90 31 9000 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9200 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9300 + 1,0495 0403 90 33 9500 + 1,1056 0403 90 33 9900 + 1,1893 0403 90 39 9000 + 1,1981 0403 90 51 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0403 90 51 9300 + 0403 90 53 9000 + 0403 90 59 9110 + 0403 90 59 9140 + 0403 90 59 9170 970 15,77 * * * 0403 90 59 9310 + 38,32 0403 90 59 9340 + 59,85 0403 90 59 9370 + 66,00 0403 90 59 9510 + 70,30 0403 90 59 9540 + 70,30 0403 90 59 9570 + 70,30 0403 90 61 9100 + 0403 90 61 9300 + 0403 90 63 9000 + 0403 90 69 9000 + 0404 90 21 9100 + 90,00 0404 90 21 9910 + 0404 90 21 9950 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9120 + 90,00 0404 90 23 9130 + 105,89 0404 90 23 9140 + 111,56 0404 90 23 9150 + 120,00 0404 90 23 9911 + 0404 90 23 9913 + 0404 90 23 9915 + 0404 90 23 9917 + 0404 90 23 9919 + 0404 90 23 9931 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9933 + 13,85 0404 90 23 9935 + 16,84 0404 90 23 9937 + 19,91 0404 90 23 9939 + 20,81 0404 90 29 9110 + 120,86 0404 90 29 9115 + 121,69 0404 90 29 9120 + 123,20 0404 90 29 9130 + 131,67 0404 90 29 9135 + 134,61 0404 90 29 9150 + 145,88 0404 90 29 9160 + 152,49 0404 90 29 9180 + 159,96 0404 90 81 9100 + 0,9000 0404 90 81 9910 + 0404 90 81 9950 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9110 + 0,9000 0404 90 83 9130 + 1,0589 0404 90 83 9150 + 1,1156 0404 90 83 9170 + 1,2002 0404 90 83 9911 + 0404 90 83 9913 + 0404 90 83 9915 + 0404 90 83 9917 + 0404 90 83 9919 + 0404 90 83 9931 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9933 + 0,3228 0404 90 83 9935 + 0,4291 0404 90 83 9937 + 0,4467 0404 90 89 9130 + 1,2086 0404 90 89 9150 + 1,3167 0404 90 89 9930 + 0,4601 0404 90 89 9950 + 0,6600 0404 90 89 9990 + 0,7522 0405 10 11 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 11 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 19 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 19 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 90 9000 + 176,22 0405 20 90 9500 + 155,49 0405 20 90 9700 + 161,71 0405 90 10 9000 + 216,00 0405 90 90 9000 + 170,00 0406 10 20 9100 + 0406 10 20 9230 037 039 099 37,68 400 22,83 * * * 37,68 0406 10 20 9290 037 039 099 35,05 400 15,29 * * * 35,05 0406 10 20 9300 037 039 099 15,39 400 7,834 * * * 15,39 en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/13 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 10 20 9610 037 039 099 51,11 400 30,98 * * * 51,11 0406 10 20 9620 037 039 099 51,83 400 31,42 * * * 51,83 0406 10 20 9630 037 039 099 57,86 400 35,06 * * * 57,86 0406 10 20 9640 037 039 099 85,03 400 48,35 * * * 85,03 0406 10 20 9650 037 039 099 70,86 400 25,44 * * * 70,86 0406 10 20 9660 + 0406 10 20 9830 037 039 099 26,28 400 13,38 * * * 26,28 0406 10 20 9850 037 039 099 31,87 400 16,22 * * * 31,87 0406 10 20 9870 + 0406 10 20 9900 + 0406 20 90 9100 + 0406 20 90 9913 037 039 099 58,77 400 31,59 * * * 58,77 0406 20 90 9915 037 039 099 77,56 400 42,12 * * * 77,56 0406 20 90 9917 037 039 099 82,41 400 44,75 * * * 82,41 0406 20 90 9919 037 039 099 92,10 400 50,02 * * * 92,10 0406 20 90 9990 + 0406 30 31 9710 037 039 099 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9730 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9910 037 039 099 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9930 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9950 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9500 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 39 9700 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9930 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9950 037 039 099 23,02 400 21,14 * * * 43,16 0406 30 90 9000 037 039 099 24,15 400 21,14 * * * 45,28 0406 40 50 9000 037 039 099 90,00 400 32,98 * * * 90,00 en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/14 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 40 90 9000 037 039 099 92,42 400 32,98 * * * 92,42 0406 90 13 9000 037 039 099 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 101,62 0406 90 15 9100 037 039 099 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 105,01 0406 90 17 9100 037 039 099 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 105,01 0406 90 21 9900 037 039 099 102,90 400 44,53 * * * 102,90 0406 90 23 9900 037 039 099 90,36 400 18,57 * * * 90,36 0406 90 25 9900 037 039 099 89,77 400 21,16 * * * 89,77 0406 90 27 9900 037 039 099 81,30 400 18,57 * * * 81,30 0406 90 31 9119 037 039 099 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 74,72 0406 90 33 9119 037 039 099 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 74,72 0406 90 33 9919 037 039 099 68,29 400 20,33 * * * 68,29 0406 90 33 9951 037 039 099 68,98 400 20,01 * * * 68,98 0406 90 35 9190 037 28,95 039 28,95 099 105,71 400 61,40 * * * 105,71 0406 90 35 9990 037 039 099 105,71 400 40,19 * * * 105,71 0406 90 37 9000 037 039 099 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 101,62 0406 90 61 9000 037 40,61 039 40,61 099 112,00 400 57,27 * * * 112,00 0406 90 63 9100 037 37,12 039 37,12 099 111,41 400 63,89 * * * 111,41 0406 90 63 9900 037 29,52 039 29,52 099 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 107,11 0406 90 69 9100 + 0406 90 69 9910 037 039 099 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 107,11 0406 90 73 9900 037 039 099 93,28 400 52,63 * * * 93,28 0406 90 75 9900 037 039 099 93,90 400 22,27 * * * 93,90 0406 90 76 9300 037 039 099 84,68 400 20,12 * * * 84,68 en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/15 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 76 9400 037 039 099 94,85 400 23,22 * * * 94,85 0406 90 76 9500 037 039 099 90,24 400 23,22 * * * 90,24 0406 90 78 9100 037 039 099 87,50 400 18,14 * * * 87,50 0406 90 78 9300 037 039 099 92,78 400 20,12 * * * 92,78 0406 90 78 9500 037 039 099 91,91 400 23,22 * * * 91,91 0406 90 79 9900 037 039 099 75,02 400 19,23 * * * 75,02 0406 90 81 9900 037 039 099 94,85 400 47,61 * * * 94,85 0406 90 85 9910 037 28,95 039 28,95 099 102,43 400 59,27 * * * 102,43 0406 90 85 9991 037 039 099 102,43 400 40,19 * * * 102,43 0406 90 85 9995 037 039 099 93,90 400 21,16 * * * 93,90 0406 90 85 9999 + 0406 90 86 9100 + 0406 90 86 9200 037 039 099 86,17 400 27,65 * * * 86,17 0406 90 86 9300 037 039 099 87,41 400 30,30 * * * 87,41 0406 90 86 9400 037 039 099 92,87 400 34,28 * * * 92,87 0406 90 86 9900 037 039 099 102,43 400 40,24 * * * 102,43 0406 90 87 9100 + 0406 90 87 9200 037 039 099 71,81 400 24,78 * * * 71,81 0406 90 87 9300 037 039 099 80,27 400 28,02 * * * 80,27 0406 90 87 9400 037 039 099 82,36 400 30,66 * * * 82,36 0406 90 87 9951 037 039 099 93,15 400 42,19 * * * 93,15 0406 90 87 9971 037 039 099 93,15 400 34,41 * * * 93,15 0406 90 87 9972 099 39,68 400 13,67 * * * 39,68 en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/16 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 87 9973 037 039 099 91,46 400 24,08 * * * 91,46 0406 90 87 9974 037 039 099 99,26 400 24,08 * * * 99,26 0406 90 87 9975 037 039 099 101,25 400 31,87 * * * 101,25 0406 90 87 9979 037 039 099 90,36 400 24,08 * * * 90,36 0406 90 88 9100 + 0406 90 88 9300 037 039 099 70,90 400 30,30 * * * 70,90 2309 10 15 9010 + 2309 10 15 9100 + 2309 10 15 9200 + 2309 10 15 9300 + 2309 10 15 9400 + 2309 10 15 9500 + 2309 10 15 9700 + 2309 10 19 9010 + 2309 10 19 9100 + 2309 10 19 9200 + 2309 10 19 9300 + 2309 10 19 9400 + 2309 10 19 9500 + 2309 10 19 9600 + 2309 10 19 9700 + 2309 10 19 9800 + 2309 10 70 9010 + 2309 10 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 10 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 10 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 10 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 10 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 10 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 10 70 9800 + 40,63 2309 90 35 9010 + 2309 90 35 9100 + 2309 90 35 9200 + 2309 90 35 9300 + 2309 90 35 9400 + 2309 90 35 9500 + 2309 90 35 9700 + 2309 90 39 9010 + 2309 90 39 9100 + 2309 90 39 9200 + 2309 90 39 9300 + 2309 90 39 9400 + 2309 90 39 9500 + 2309 90 39 9600 + 2309 90 39 9700 + 2309 90 39 9800 + 2309 90 70 9010 + 2309 90 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 90 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 90 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 90 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 90 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 90 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 90 70 9800 + 40,63 (*) the code numbers for the destinations are those set out in the annex to commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). however: 099' covers all destination codes from 053 to 096 inclusive, 970' covers the exports referred to in articles 34(1)(a) and (c) and 42(1)(a) and (b) of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87 (oj l 351, 14.12.1987, p. 1). for destinations other than those indicated for each product code', the amount of the refund applying is indicated by ***. where no destination (+') is indicated, the amount of the refund is applicable for exports to any destination other than those referred to in article 1(2) and (3). nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), as amended. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 643/1999 of 25 march 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat sector products available for the second quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1396/98 type: regulation subject matter: europe; international trade; animal product; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/20 commission regulation (ec) no 643/1999 of 25 march 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat sector products available for the second quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1396/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1396/ 98 of 30 june 1998 laying down procedures for applying in the poultrymeat sector council regulation (ec) no 779/98 on the import into the community of agricultural products originating in turkey, repealing regulation (eec) no 4115/86 and amending regulation (ec) no 3010/95 (1), and in particular article 4(5) thereof, whereas in order to ensure distribution of the quantities available, the quantities carried forward from the period 1 january to 31 march 1999 should be added to the quant- ities available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the quantity available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1396/98 is set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 187, 1. 7. 1998, p. 41. en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/21 annex (tonnes) group no total quantity available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 t1 500 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 644/1999 of 25 march 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat and eggs sector products available for the second quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1866/95 type: regulation subject matter: animal product; international trade; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 26. 3. 1999l 82/22 commission regulation (ec) no 644/1999 of 25 march 1999 establishing the quantity of certain poultrymeat and eggs sector products avail- able for the second quarter of 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1866/95 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1866/ 95 of 26 july 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application in the poultrymeat and eggs sector of the arrangements provided for in the free trade agreements between the community, of the one part and latvia, lithuania and estonia, of the other part (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1514/97 (2), and in particular article 4(4) thereof, whereas in order to ensure distribution of the quantities available, the quantities carried forward from the period 1 january to 31 march 1999 should be added to the quant- ities available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the quantity available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1866/95 is set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 179, 29. 7. 1995, p. 26. (2) oj l 204, 31. 7. 1997, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/23 annex (tonnes) group no total quantity available for the period 1 april to 30 june 1999 50 575 60 575 70 575 75 115 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 658/1999 of 25 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the import of maize issued in regulation (ec) no 566/1999 type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade policy; trade; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities26. 3. 1999 l 82/43 commission regulation (ec) no 658/1999 of 25 march 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the import of maize issued in regulation (ec) no 566/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into spain was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 566/1999 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/ 95 (5), allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders noti- fied, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in articles 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 a maximum reduction in the duty should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 19 to 25 march 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the reduction in the duty on maize issued in regula- tion (ec) no 566/1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 26 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 61, 6. 3. 1999, p. 18. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 661/1999 of 26 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: prices; plant product; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 3. 1999 l 83/15 commission regulation (ec) no 661/1999 of 26 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 27. 3. 1999l 83/16 annex to the commission regulation of 26 march 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 86,0 204 45,4 212 44,2 999 58,5 0707 00 05 068 110,5 999 110,5 0709 10 00 220 173,3 999 173,3 0709 90 70 052 97,9 204 157,1 999 127,5 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 50,5 204 45,3 212 45,1 220 38,2 600 73,1 624 48,8 999 50,2 0805 30 10 052 37,8 600 81,9 999 59,9 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 039 106,9 388 79,0 400 83,6 404 96,3 508 80,9 512 79,7 524 68,3 528 68,9 720 82,5 999 82,9 0808 20 50 052 133,1 388 65,1 512 65,8 528 66,2 624 74,4 720 69,3 999 79,0 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 664/1999 of 26 march 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira type: regulation subject matter: economic policy; trade; plant product; regions of eu member states date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 3. 1999 l 83/21 commission regulation (ec) no 664/1999 of 26 march 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1600/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the azores and madeira (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 562/98 (2), and in particular article 10 thereof, whereas the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products to the azores and madeira has been settled by commission regulation (eec) no 1833/92 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 432/1999 (4); whereas, as a consequence of the changes of the rates and prices for cereals products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the azores and madeira should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex of amended regulation (eec) no 1833/92 is replaced by the annex to the present regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 76, 13. 3. 1998, p. 6. (3) oj l 185, 4. 7. 1992, p. 28. (4) oj l 52, 27. 2. 1999, p. 22. en official journal of the european communities 27. 3. 1999l 83/22 annex to the commission regulation of 26 march 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira (eur/t) amount of aid product (cn code) destination azores madeira common wheat (1001 90 99) 36,00 36,00 barley (1003 00 90) 55,00 55,00 maize (1005 90 00) 47,00 47,00 durum wheat (1001 10 00) 8,00 8,00 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 666/1999 of 26 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending the issue of export licences type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 3. 1999 l 83/25 commission regulation (ec) no 666/1999 of 26 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending the issue of export licences the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 13(3) and (15) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas article 13(4) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, provides that when refunds are being fixed account must be taken of the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of rice and broken rice on the community market on the one hand and prices for rice and broken rice on the world market on the other; whereas the same article provides that it is also important to ensure equilibrium and the natural develop- ment of prices and trade on the rice market and, further- more, to take into account the economic aspect of the proposed exports and the need to avoid disturbances of the community market with limits resulting from agree- ments concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1361/76 (3) lays down the maximum percentage of broken rice allowed in rice for which an export refund is fixed and specifies the percentage by which that refund is to be reduced where the proportion of broken rice in the rice exported exceeds that maximum; whereas export possibilities exist for a quantity of 2 542 t of rice to certain destinations; whereas the procedure laid down in article 7(4) of commission regulation (ec) no 1162/95 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 444/ 98 (5) should be used; whereas account should be taken of this when the refunds are fixed; whereas article 13(5) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 defines the specific criteria to be taken into account when the export refund on rice and broken rice is being calcu- lated; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas a separate refund should be fixed for packaged long grain rice to accommodate current demand for the product on certain markets; whereas the refund must be fixed at least once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying these rules and criteria to the present situation on the market in rice and in particular to quotations or prices for rice and broken rice within the community and on the world market, that the refund should be fixed as set out in the annex hereto; whereas, for the purposes of administering the volume restrictions resulting from community commitments in the context of the wto, the issue of export licences with advance fixing of the refund should be restricted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 with the exception of those listed in paragraph 1(c) of that article, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 with the exception of the quantity of 2 542 t provided for in the annex, the issue of export licences with advance fixing of the refund is suspended. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 march 1999. (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 154, 15. 6. 1976, p. 11. (4) oj l 117, 24. 5. 1995, p. 2. (5) oj l 56, 26. 2. 1998, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 27. 3. 1999l 83/26 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (eur/t) product code destination (1) amountof refunds (eur/t) product code destination (1) amountof refunds annex to the commission regulation of 26 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending, the issue of export licences 1006 20 11 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 13 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 15 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 17 9000 1006 20 92 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 94 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 96 9000 01 87,00 1006 20 98 9000 1006 30 21 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 23 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 25 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 27 9000 1006 30 42 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 44 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 46 9000 01 87,00 1006 30 48 9000 1006 30 61 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 61 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 63 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 63 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 65 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 65 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 67 9100 05 115,00 1006 30 67 9900 1006 30 92 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 92 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 94 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 94 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 96 9100 01 109,00 02 03 04 05 115,00 1006 30 96 9900 01 109,00 04 1006 30 98 9100 05 115,00 1006 30 98 9900 1006 40 00 9000 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 liechtenstein, switzerland, the communes of livigno and campione ditalia; refunds fixed under the procedure laid down in article 7(4) of regulation (ec) no 1162/95 in respect of a quantity of 1 922 t of milled rice equivalent, 02 zones i, ii, iii, vi, 03 zones iv, v, vii (c), canada and zone viii excluding suriname, guyana and madagascar, 04 destinations mentioned in article 34 of amended commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, 05 ceuta and melilla; refunds fixed under the procedure laid down in article 7(4) of regulation (ec) no 1162/95 in respect of a total quantity of 620 t. nb: the zones are those defined in the annex to amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 670/1999 of 26 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 3. 1999l 83/32 commission regulation (ec) no 670/1999 of 26 march 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 22 to 25 march 1999 at eur 320,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 694/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; plant product; free movement of capital; america date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/5 commission regulation (ec) no 694/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in para- graph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in ques- tion on the world market; whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 31 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29.6.1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 135, 25.11.1998, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities 1. 4. 1999l 89/6 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 58,87 48,87 medium quality (1) 68,87 58,87 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 50,00 40,00 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 50,00 40,00 medium quality 80,29 70,29 low quality 96,34 86,34 1002 00 00 rye 101,86 91,86 1003 00 10 barley, seed 101,86 91,86 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 101,86 91,86 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 97,95 87,95 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 97,95 87,95 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 101,86 91,86 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/7 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 17 march 1999 to 30 march 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/tonne) 119,16 104,06 94,87 83,09 133,44 (**) 123,44 (**) 90,45 (**) gulf premium (eur/tonne) 23,14 7,96 1,11 11,27 great lakes premium (eur/tonne) (*) a discount of eur 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob gulf. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: ecu 11,73 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: ecu 22,77 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4 (2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 : ecu 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) : ecu 0,00 per tonne (srw2). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 700/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the rates of refunds applicable to certain products from the sugar sector exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/21 commission regulation (ec) no 700/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the rates of refunds applicable to certain products from the sugar sector exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the market in sugar (1), as last amended by commission regu- lation (ec) no 1148/98 (2) and in particular article 17 (5) (a) and (15), whereas article 17 (1) and (2) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that the differences between the prices in international trade for the products listed in article 1 (1) (a), (c), (d), (f), (g) and (h) of that regulation and prices within the community may be covered by an export refund where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in the annex to that regulation; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1222/94 of 30 may 1994 laying down common implementing rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (3) as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1352/ 98 (4) specifies the products for which a rate of refund should be fixed, to be applied where these products are exported in the form of goods listed in annex i to regu- lation (eec) no 1785/81; whereas, in accordance with article 4 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94, the rate of the refund per 100 kilo- grams for each of the basic products in question must be fixed for each month; whereas article 17 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 and article 11 of the agreement on agriculture concluded under the uruguay round lay down that the export refund for a product contained in a good may not exceed the refund applicable to that product when exported without further processing; whereas the refunds fixed under this regulation may be fixed in advance; whereas the market situation over the next few months cannot be established at the moment; whereas the commitments entered into with regard to refunds which may be granted for the export of agricul- tural products contained in goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty may be jeopardized by the fixing in advance of high refund rates; whereas it is therefore necessary to take precautionary measures in such situa- tions without, however, preventing the conclusion of long-term contracts; whereas the fixing of a specific refund rate for the advance fixing of refunds is a measure which enables these various objectives to be met; whereas article 4 (5) (b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 provides that in the absence of the proof referred to in article 4 (5) (a) of that regulation, a reduced rate of export refund has to be fixed, taking account of the amount of the production refund applicable, pursuant to council regulation (eec) no 1010/86 (5), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (6), for the basic product in question, used during the assumed period of manufacture of the goods; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the rates of the refunds applicable to the basic products appearing in annex a to regulation (ec) no 1222/94 and listed in article 1 (1) and (2) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81, exported in the form of goods listed in annex i to regulation (eec) no 1785/81, are fixed as shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 136, 31.5.1994, p. 5. (5) oj l 94, 9.4.1986, p. 9. (4) oj l 184, 27.6.1998, p. 25. (6) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. en official journal of the european communities 1. 4. 1999l 89/22 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 31 march 1999. for the commission martin bangemann member of the commission annex to the commission regulation of 31 march 1999 fixing the rates of the refunds applicable to certain products in the sugar sector exported in the form of goods not covered by annex ii to the treaty rate of refund in eur/100 kg product in case of advance fixing of refunds other white sugar: pursuant to article 4(5)(b) of regulation (ec) no 1222/94 5,79 5,79 in all other cases 49,35 49,35 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 711/1999 of 31 march 1999 prohibiting fishing for saithe by vessels flying the flag of a member state type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; maritime and inland waterway transport; economic geography date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/53 commission regulation (ec) no 711/1999 of 31 march 1999 prohibiting fishing for saithe by vessels flying the flag of a member state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2478/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applic- able to the common fisheries policy (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2846/98 (2), and in particular article 21(3) thereof, whereas council regulation (ec) no 51/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, certain catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in the norwe- gian exclusive economic zone and the fishing zone around jan mayen (3) lays down the saithe quotas for 1999; whereas, in order to ensure compliance with the provi- sions relating to the quantity limits on catches of stocks subject to quotas, it is necessary for the commission to fix the date by which catches made by vessels flying the flag of a member state are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated; whereas, according to the information communicated to the commission, catches of saithe in the waters of ices divisions i, iia and iib (norwegian waters north of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of a member state or registered in a member state have reached the quota allocated for 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 catches of saithe in the waters of ices divisions i, iia and iib (norwegian waters north of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of a member state or registered in a member state are hereby deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to the community for 1999. fishing for saithe in the waters of ices divisions i, iia and iib (norwegian waters north of 62 n) by vessels flying the flag of a member state or registered in a member state is hereby prohibited, as are the retention on board, transhipment and landing of fish from this stock caught by the above vessels after the date of entry into force of this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 31 march 1999. for the commission emma bonino member of the commission (1) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 358, 31.12.1998, p. 5. (3) oj l 13, 18.1.1999, p. 67. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 714/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on syrups and certain other sugar products exported in the natural state type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/63 commission regulation (ec) no 714/1999 of 31 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on syrups and certain other sugar products exported in the natural state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1599/96 (2), and in particular article 17 (5) thereof, whereas article 17 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 (1) (d) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas article 3 of commission regulation (ec) no 2135/95 of 7 september 1995 laying down detailed rules of application for the grant of export refunds in the sugar sector (3), provides that the export refund on 100 kilo- grams of the products listed in article 1 (1) (d) of regula- tion (eec) no 1785/81 is equal to the basic amount multiplied by the sucrose content, including, where appropriate, other sugars expressed as sucrose; whereas the sucrose content of the product in question is determined in accordance with article 3 of commission regulation (ec) no 2135/95; whereas article 17 (6) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 provides that the basic amount of the refund on sorbose exported in the natural state must be equal to the basic amount of the refund less one-hundredth of the produc- tion refund applicable, pursuant to council regulation (eec) no 1010/86 of 25 march 1986 laying down general rules for the production refund on sugar used in the chemical industry (4), last amended by commission regu- lation (ec) no 1148/98 (5), to the products listed in the annex to the last mentioned regulation; whereas the basic amount of the refund on the other products listed in article 1 (1) (d) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 exported in the natural state must be equal to one-hundredth of an amount which takes account, on the one hand, of the difference between the intervention price for white sugar for the community areas without deficit for the month for which the basic amount is fixed and quotations or prices for white sugar on the world market and, on the other, of the need to establish a balance between the use of community basic products in the manufacture of processed goods for export to third countries and the use of third country products brought in under inward processing arrangements; whereas the application of the basic amount may be limited to some of the products listed in article 1 (1) (d) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81; whereas article 17 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 makes provision for setting refunds for export in the natural state of products referred to in article 1 (1) (f) and (g) and (h) of that regulation; whereas the refund must be fixed per 100 kilograms of dry matter, taking account of the export refund for products falling within cn code 1702 30 91 and for products referred to in article 1 (1) (d) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 and of the economic aspects of the intended exports; whereas, in the case of the products referred to in the said article (1) (f) and (g), the refund is to be granted only for products complying with the conditions in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 2135/95; whereas, for the products referred to in article 1 (1) (h), the refund shall be granted only for products complying with the conditions in article 6 of regulation (ec) no 2135/95; whereas the refunds referred to above must be fixed every month; whereas they may be altered in the intervening period; whereas application of these quotas results in fixing refunds for the products in question at the levels given in the annex to this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 214, 8.9.1995, p. 16. (4) oj l 94, 9.4.1986, p. 9. (5) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. en official journal of the european communities 1. 4. 1999l 89/64 has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (1) (d), (f), (g) and (h) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81, exported in the natural state, shall be set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 31 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/65 annex to the commission regulation of 31 march 1999 fixing the export refunds on syrups and certain other sugar products exported in the natural state product code amount of refund eur/100 kg dry matter 1702 40 10 9100 49,35 (2) 1702 60 10 9000 49,35 (2) 1702 60 80 9100 93,77 (4) eur/1 % sucrose 100 kg 1702 60 95 9000 0,4935 (1) eur/100 kg dry matter 1702 90 30 9000 49,35 (2) eur/1 % sucrose 100 kg 1702 90 60 9000 0,4935 (1) 1702 90 71 9000 0,4935 (1) 1702 90 99 9900 0,4935 (1) (3) eur/100 kg dry matter 2106 90 30 9000 49,35 (2) eur/1 % sucrose 100 kg 2106 90 59 9000 0,4935 (1) (1) the basic amount is not applicable to syrups which are less than 85 % pure (regulation (ec) no 2135/95). sucrose content is determined in accordance with article 3 of regulation (ec) no 2135/95. (2) applicable only to products referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 2135/95. (3) the basic amount is not applicable to the product defined under point 2 of the annex to regulation (eec) no 3513/92 (oj l 355, 5. 12. 1992, p. 12). (4) applicable only to products defined under article 6 of regulation (ec) no 2135/95. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24. 12. 1987, p. 1). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 716/1999 of 31 march 1999 altering the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; foodstuff; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities1. 4. 1999 l 89/69 commission regulation (ec) no 716/1999 of 31 march 1999 altering the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular the fourth subparagraph of article 13 (2) thereof, whereas the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal were fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 653/1999 (3); whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules contained in regulation (ec) no 653/1999 to the infor- mation known to the commission that the export refunds at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto; whereas the representative market rates defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 150/95 (5), are used to convert amounts expressed in third country currencies and are used as the basis for determining the agricultural conversion rates of the member states currencies; whereas detailed rules on the application and deter- mination of these conversions were set by commission regulation (eec) no 1068/93 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 961/98 (7), has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, exported in the natural state, as fixed in the annex to regulation (ec) no 653/1999 are hereby altered as shown in the annex to this regulation in respect of the products set out therein. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 31 march 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 82, 26.3.1999, p. 34. (4) oj l 387, 31.12.1992, p. 1. (6) oj l 108, 1.5.1993, p. 106. (5) oj l 22, 31.1.1995, p. 1. (7) oj l 135, 8.5.1998, p. 106. en official journal of the european communities 1. 4. 1999l 89/70 (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 31 march 1999 altering the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 14,00 02 0 1002 00 00 9000 03 61,50 02 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 42,00 02 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 04 34,00 02 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 33,00 1101 00 15 9130 01 31,00 1101 00 15 9150 01 28,50 1101 00 15 9170 01 26,00 1101 00 15 9180 01 24,50 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 82,00 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9400 01 27,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 switzerland, liechtenstein. (2) no refund is granted when this product contains compressed meal. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 723/1999 of 7 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: prices; plant product; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities8. 4. 1999 l 93/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 723/1999 of 7 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 8. 4. 1999l 93/2 annex to the commission regulation of 7 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 80,5 204 65,2 999 72,8 0707 00 05 052 114,3 068 107,2 999 110,8 0709 10 00 220 220,2 999 220,2 0709 90 70 052 87,6 204 117,8 999 102,7 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 44,8 204 46,3 212 50,2 600 50,9 624 47,4 999 47,9 0805 30 10 052 52,7 999 52,7 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 039 110,0 388 89,0 400 92,4 404 98,1 508 79,2 512 91,9 524 68,8 528 74,5 720 99,1 804 107,8 999 91,1 0808 20 50 388 66,7 400 65,2 512 75,5 528 65,6 720 79,6 999 70,5 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22.11.1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 734/1999 of 8 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 9. 4. 1999l 94/10 commission regulation (ec) no 734/1999 of 8 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 9 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities9. 4. 1999 l 94/11 annex to the commission regulation of 8 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 61,9 204 63,4 999 62,7 0707 00 05 052 114,3 068 107,2 999 110,8 0709 10 00 220 220,2 999 220,2 0709 90 70 052 79,3 999 79,3 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 34,0 204 44,0 212 53,2 600 50,9 624 45,7 999 45,6 0805 30 10 052 62,0 999 62,0 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 039 104,6 388 74,0 400 92,5 404 97,3 508 77,4 512 87,1 524 68,8 528 76,8 720 99,1 804 103,4 999 88,1 0808 20 50 388 68,0 400 65,2 512 66,3 528 75,7 720 79,6 999 71,0 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22.11.1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 736/1999 of 8 april 1999 adjusting the compensatory agrimonetary aid granted in ireland type: regulation subject matter: agricultural policy; europe; monetary economics date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 4. 1999 l 94/13 commission regulation (ec) no 736/1999 of 8 april 1999 adjusting the compensatory agrimonetary aid granted in ireland the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2799/98 of 15 december 1998 establishing agrimonetary arrange- ments for the euro (1), and in particular article 9 thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 806/97 of 2 may 1997 fixing the maximum amounts of compensatory aid relating to appreciable revaluations of the irish pound, the pound sterling and the italian lira occurring prior to 31 march 1997 (2), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1219/97 (3), establishes the maximum amount of aid arising from the appreciable revaluations of the irish pound on 11 january and 29 march 1997; whereas the third subparagraph of article 10(3) of regu- lation (ec) no 2799/98 states that the references to the compensatory aid provided for in council regulations (eec) no 3813/92 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 150/95 (5), and (ec) no 724/97 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 942/98 (7), are to be construed as referring to articles 4, 5 and 6 of regulation (ec) no 2799/98; whereas the second subparagraph of article 4(5) of regu- lation (ec) no 2799/98 states that the amounts paid out under the second and third tranches are to be reduced or cancelled as a function of the effect on incomes of the development of exchange rates recorded until the begin- ning of the month preceding the first month of the relevant tranche; whereas the conversion rate for the irish pound at the beginning of the month preceding the first month of the third tranche was higher than the rate on the date of its appreciable revaluation of 11 january 1997; whereas, because of the conversion rate reached, the amount of the third tranche of aid for ireland should be adjusted; whereas the conversion rate for the irish pound at the beginning of the month preceding the first month of the third tranche was higher than the rate on the date of its appreciable revaluation of 29 march 1997; whereas, because of the conversion rate reached, the amount of the third tranche of aid for ireland should be cancelled; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the relevant manage- ment committees, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the amount of the third tranche of compensatory aid for ireland resulting from the principal amount of the first tranche provided for by regulation (ec) no 806/97 in respect of the appreciable revaluation of 11 january 1997 is reduced from ecu 35,07 million to ecu 6,62 million. 2. the amount of the third tranche of compensatory aid for ireland resulting from the principal amount of the first tranche provided for by regulation (ec) no 806/97 in respect of the appreciable revaluation of 29 march 1997 is cancelled. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. (1) oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 1. (2) oj l 115, 3.5.1997, p. 16. (3) oj l 170, 28.6.1997, p. 56. (4) oj l 387, 31.12.1992, p. 1. (5) oj l 22, 31.1.1995, p. 1. (6) oj l 108, 25.4.1997, p. 9. (7) oj l 132, 6.5.1998, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 9. 4. 1999l 94/14 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 737/1999 of 8 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; foodstuff; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 4. 1999 l 94/15 commission regulation (ec) no 737/1999 of 8 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (2) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products in the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas the refunds must be fixed taking into account the factors referred to in article 1 of commission regula- tion (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4); whereas, as far as wheat and rye flour, groats and meal are concerned, when the refund on these products is being calculated, account must be taken of the quantities of cereals required for their manufacture; whereas these quantities were fixed in regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules set out above to the present situation on the market in cereals, and in particular to quotations or prices for these products within the community and on the world market, that the refunds should be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, excluding malt, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 9 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 9. 4. 1999l 94/16 (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 8 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 03 22,00 02 0 1002 00 00 9000 03 61,50 02 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 42,00 02 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 04 36,00 02 0 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 43,75 1101 00 15 9130 01 41,00 1101 00 15 9150 01 37,75 1101 00 15 9170 01 35,00 1101 00 15 9180 01 32,50 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 82,00 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9400 01 27,00 (2) 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 30,00 (2) 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries, 02 other third countries, 03 switzerland, liechtenstein, 04 switzerland, liechtenstein and slovenia. (2) no refund is granted when this product contains compressed meal. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 751/1999 of 9 april 1999 adjusting the total quantities set in article 3 of council regulation (eec) no 3950/92 establishing an additional levy in the milk and milk products sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; international trade; agricultural structures and production; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities10. 4. 1999 l 96/11 member state deliveries directsales commission regulation (ec) no 751/1999 of 9 april 1999 adjusting the total quantities set in article 3 of council regulation (eec) no 3950/92 establishing an additional levy in the milk and milk products sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3950/92 of 28 december 1992 establishing an additional levy in the milk and milk products sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 903/98 (2), and in par- ticular articles 3(2) and 4(2) thereof, whereas article 3(2) of regulation (eec) no 3950/92 provides that the guaranteed total quantities for austria and finland may be increased up to a maximum of 180 000 tonnes and 200 000 tonnes respectively in order to compensate austrian and finnish slom' producers; whereas pursuant to article 6 of commission regulation (ec) no 671/95 (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1390/95 (4), austria and finland have notified the quant- ities concerned for the 1998/99 marketing year; whereas the guaranteed total quantities should therefore be increased accordingly through the procedure laid down in article 30 of council regulation (eec) 804/68 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1587/96 (6); whereas article 4(2) of regulation (eec) no 3950/92 provides that individual reference quantities are to be increased or established at the duly justified request of producers to take account of changes in their deliveries and/or direct sales; whereas an increase in or establish- ment of a reference quantity must be offset by a cor- responding reduction or deletion of the other reference quantity held by the producer; belgium 3 140 696 169 735 denmark 4 454 640 708 germany (1) 27 767 036 97 780 greece 629 817 696 whereas such adjustments may not involve for the member state concerned an increase in the sum of the delivery and direct sale quantities indicated in article 3 of regulation (eec) no 3950/92; whereas in the event of definitive changes to individual reference quantities the quantities set in the said article 3 are to be adjusted accordingly through the procedure laid down in article 30 of regulation (eec) no 804/68; spain 5 457 564 109 386 france 23 793 932 441 866 ireland 5 236 575 9 189 italy 9 698 399 231 661 luxembourg 268 098 951 netherlands 10 991 900 82 792 austria 2 393 979 355 422 whereas pursuant to article 8, third indent, of commis- sion regulation (eec) no 536/93 (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1255/98 (8), belgium, denmark, germany, spain, france, ireland, the netherlands, austria and the united kingdom have notified the commission of quantities definitively modified as mentioned in the second subparagraph of article 4(2) of regulation (eec) no 3950/92; whereas the total quantities for these member states set in article 3 of regulation (eec) no 3950/92 should therefore be adjusted accordingly; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the table in the first subparagraph of article 3(2) of regulation (eec) no 3950/92 is replaced by the following table: portugal 1 835 461 37 000 finland 2 394 528 10 000 sweden 3 300 000 3 000 united kingdom 14 373 969 216 078 (1) of which 6 242 180 tonnes for deliveries by producers in the new l nder and 11 187 tonnes for direct sales in the new l nder.' (1) oj l 405, 31.12.1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 127, 29.4.1998, p. 8. (3) oj l 70, 30.3.1995, p. 2. (4) oj l 135, 21.6.1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (6) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (7) oj l 57, 10.3.1993, p. 12. (8) oj l 173, 18.6.1998, p. 14. en official journal of the european communities 10. 4. 1999l 96/12 article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 1 april 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 9 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 758/1999 of 12 april 1999 fixing, for march 1999, the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; monetary economics; accounting; financial institutions and credit date published: nan en official journal of the european communities13. 4. 1999 l 98/13 commission regulation (ec) no 758/1999 of 12 april 1999 fixing, for march 1999, the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reim- bursement of storage costs in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2799/98 of 15 december 1998 establishing agrimonetary arrange- ments for the euro (3), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 1713/93 of 30 june 1993 establishing special detailed rules for applying the agricultural conversion rate in the sugar sector (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/1999 (5), and in particular article 1(3) thereof, whereas article 1(2) of regulation (eec) no 1713/93 provides that the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs referred to in article 8 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 is to be converted into national currency using a specific agricultural conversion rate equal to the average, calculated pro rata temporis, of the agricultural conver- sion rates applicable during the month of storage; whereas that specific rate must be fixed each month for the previous month; whereas, however, in the case of the reimbursable amounts applying from 1 january 1999, as a result of the introduction of the agrimonetary arrange- ments for the euro from that date, the fixing of the conversion rate should be limited to the specific exchange rates prevailing between the euro and the national curren- cies of the member states that have not adopted the single currency; whereas application of these provisions will lead to the fixing, for march 1999, of the specific exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the various national currencies as indicated in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the specific exchange rate to be used for converting the amount of the reimbursement of the storage costs referred to in article 8 of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 into national currency for march 1999 shall be as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 13 april 1999. it shall apply with effect from 1 march 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 1. (4) oj l 159, 1.7.1993, p. 94. (5) oj l 78, 24.3.1999, p. 9. en official journal of the european communities 13. 4. 1999l 98/14 annex to the commission regulation of 12 april 1999 fixing, for march 1999, the exchange rate for the amount of the reimbursement of storage costs in the sugar sector specific exchange rate eur 1 = 7,43246 danish kroner 322,244 greek drachma 8,93908 swedish kroner 0,671497 pound sterling |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 768/1999 of 14 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 34th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities15. 4. 1999 l 100/7 commission regulation (ec) no 768/1999 of 14 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 34th partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 17 (5) (b) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; whereas, pursuant to article 9 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; whereas, following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 34th partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 34th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 53,272 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 15 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23.7.1998, p. 7. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 769/1999 of 14 april 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods type: regulation subject matter: plant product; foodstuff; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 15. 4. 1999l 100/8 commission regulation (ec) no 769/1999 of 14 april 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 of 12 october 1992 establishing the community customs code (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 82/97 (2), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93 of 2 july 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 establishing the community customs code (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 502/1999 (4), and in particular article 173 (1) thereof, whereas articles 173 to 177 of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 provide that the commission shall periodically establish unit values for the products referred to in the classification in annex 26 to that regulation; whereas the result of applying the rules and criteria laid down in the abovementioned articles to the elements communicated to the commission in accordance with article 173 (2) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 is that unit values set out in the annex to this regulation should be established in regard to the products in question, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the unit values provided for in article 173 (1) of regula- tion (eec) no 2454/93 are hereby established as set out in the table in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 april 1999. for the commission martin bangemann member of the commission (1) oj l 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 17, 21.1.1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1. (4) oj l 65, 12.3.1999, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities15. 4. 1999 l 100/9 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp annex 1.10 new potatoes a) 39,42 542,43 77,10 292,98 12 760,25 6 558,94 b) 234,38 258,58 31,05 76 327,76 86,87 7 903,000701 90 51 0701 90 59 c) 352,57 1 590,20 26,51 1.30 onions (other than seed) a) 24,50 337,13 47,92 182,09 7 930,65 4 076,46 b) 145,67 160,71 19,30 47 438,61 53,99 4 911,810703 10 19 c) 219,13 988,33 16,47 1.40 garlic a) 137,70 1 894,79 269,32 1 023,43 44 573,49 22 911,35 b) 818,73 903,25 108,45 266 624,38 303,45 27 606,370703 20 00 c) 1 231,59 5 554,80 92,59 1.50 leeks a) 44,36 610,41 86,76 329,70 14 359,33 7 380,88 b) 263,75 290,98 34,94 85 892,94 97,76 8 893,38ex 0703 90 00 c) 396,76 1 789,48 29,83 1.60 cauliflowers a) 75,84 1 043,58 148,33 563,67 24 549,41 12 618,71 b) 450,92 497,48 59,73 146 846,72 167,13 15 204,550704 10 10 0704 10 05 0704 10 80 c) 678,31 3 059,38 50,99 1.70 brussels sprouts a) 59,69 821,35 116,74 443,63 19 321,65 9 931,58 b) 354,90 391,54 47,01 115 575,96 131,54 11 966,770704 20 00 c) 533,87 2 407,89 40,14 1.80 white cabbages and red cabbages a) 44,13 607,24 86,31 327,99 14 284,88 7 342,61 b) 262,39 289,47 34,76 85 447,60 97,25 8 847,270704 90 10 c) 394,70 1 780,20 29,67 1.90 sprouting broccoli or calabrese (brassica oler- acea l. convar. botrytis (l.) alef var. italica plenck) a) 105,95 1 457,90 207,22 787,45 34 296,01 17 628,60 b) 629,95 694,99 83,44 205 147,81 233,48 21 241,07ex 0704 90 90 c) 947,62 4 274,01 71,24 1.100 chinese cabbage a) 94,39 1 298,83 184,61 701,53 30 554,04 15 705,17 b) 561,22 619,16 74,34 182 764,53 208,01 18 923,50ex 0704 90 90 c) 844,22 3 807,68 63,47 1.110 cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) a) 152,67 2 100,79 298,60 1 134,69 49 419,28 25 402,15 b) 907,73 1 001,45 120,24 295 610,34 336,44 30 607,590705 11 10 0705 11 05 0705 11 80 c) 1 365,48 6 158,69 102,66 1.120 endives a) 21,82 300,25 42,68 162,17 7 063,13 3 630,54 b) 129,74 143,13 17,18 42 249,41 48,08 4 374,52ex 0705 29 00 c) 195,16 880,22 14,67 1.130 carrots a) 78,72 1 083,21 153,96 585,07 25 481,66 13 097,91 b) 468,05 516,37 62,00 152 423,17 173,48 15 781,94ex 0706 10 00 c) 704,07 3 175,56 52,93 1.140 radishes a) 117,77 1 620,55 230,34 875,30 38 122,15 19 595,28 b) 700,23 772,52 92,75 228 034,52 259,53 23 610,77ex 0706 90 90 c) 1 053,33 4 750,83 79,19 1.160 peas (pisum sativum) a) 389,33 5 357,30 761,46 2 893,62 126 026,12 64 779,06 b) 2 314,85 2 553,84 306,62 753 848,00 857,97 78 053,660708 10 90 0708 10 20 0708 10 95 c) 3 482,17 15 705,53 261,79 en official journal of the european communities 15. 4. 1999l 100/10 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 1.170 beans: 1.170.1 beans (vigna spp., phaseolus ssp.) a) 112,20 1 543,91 219,44 833,90 36 319,14 18 668,51 b) 667,11 735,98 88,36 217 249,49 247,26 22 494,08ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 1 003,52 4 526,14 75,44 1.170.2 beans (phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. com- pressus savi) a) 213,37 2 936,04 417,32 1 585,83 69 067,87 35 501,78 b) 1 268,64 1 399,62 168,04 413 141,93 470,21 42 776,84ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 1 908,38 8 607,32 143,47 1.180 broad beans a) 157,74 2 170,55 308,51 1 172,37 51 060,44 26 245,73 b) 937,88 1 034,71 124,23 305 427,23 347,61 31 624,03ex 0708 90 00 c) 1 410,83 6 363,22 106,06 1.190 globe artichokes a) b) 0709 10 00 c) 1.200 asparagus: 1.200.1 green a) 373,15 5 134,66 729,82 2 773,36 120 788,65 62 086,94 b) 2 218,65 2 447,70 293,88 722 519,15 822,31 74 809,86ex 0709 20 00 c) 3 337,45 15 052,83 250,91 1.200.2 other a) 341,06 4 693,09 667,06 2 534,86 110 401,12 56 747,61 b) 2 027,85 2 237,21 268,61 660 384,25 751,60 68 376,39ex 0709 20 00 c) 3 050,44 13 758,33 229,33 1.210 aubergines (eggplants) a) 199,36 2 743,25 389,91 1 481,70 64 532,83 33 170,71 b) 1 185,34 1 307,72 157,01 386 014,79 439,33 39 968,090709 30 00 c) 1 783,08 8 042,16 134,05 1.220 ribbed celery (apium graveolens l., var. dulce (mill.) pers.) a) 38,37 527,98 75,05 285,18 12 420,37 6 384,23 b) 228,14 251,69 30,22 74 294,68 84,56 7 692,49ex 0709 40 00 c) 343,18 1 547,84 25,80 1.230 chantarelles a) 1 886,75 25 962,25 3 690,16 14 022,89 610 740,97 313 928,79 b) 11 218,11 12 376,27 1 485,94 3 653 257,42 4 157,85 378 259,410709 51 30 c) 16 875,09 76 111,31 1 268,65 1.240 sweet peppers a) 166,72 2 294,12 326,08 1 239,11 53 967,26 27 739,87 b) 991,27 1 093,61 131,30 322 814,93 367,40 33 424,360709 60 10 c) 1 491,14 6 725,47 112,10 1.250 fennel a) 73,55 1 012,07 143,85 546,65 23 808,13 12 237,69 b) 437,31 482,46 57,93 142 412,66 162,08 14 745,450709 90 50 c) 657,83 2 967,00 49,46 1.270 sweet potatoes, whole, fresh (intended for human consumption) a) 55,68 766,17 108,90 413,83 18 023,62 9 264,37 b) 331,06 365,24 43,85 107 811,51 122,70 11 162,840714 20 10 c) 498,00 2 246,13 37,44 2.10 chestnuts (castanea spp.), fresh a) 176,48 2 428,42 345,16 1 311,65 57 126,58 29 363,80 b) 1 049,30 1 157,63 138,99 341 712,93 388,91 35 381,06ex 0802 40 00 c) 1 578,44 7 119,19 118,67 2.30 pineapples, fresh a) 72,82 1 002,03 142,42 541,22 23 571,83 12 116,23 b) 432,97 477,67 57,35 140 999,18 160,47 14 599,10ex 0804 30 00 c) 651,30 2 937,55 48,96 en official journal of the european communities15. 4. 1999 l 100/11 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.40 avocados, fresh a) 152,80 2 102,57 298,85 1 135,66 49 461,36 25 423,78 b) 908,51 1 002,30 120,34 295 862,06 336,73 30 633,65ex 0804 40 90 ex 0804 40 20 ex 0804 40 95 c) 1 366,64 6 163,94 102,74 2.50 guavas and mangoes, fresh a) 124,49 1 713,02 243,48 925,25 40 297,41 20 713,39 b) 740,18 816,60 98,04 241 046,25 274,34 24 958,00ex 0804 50 00 c) 1 113,44 5 021,91 83,71 2.60 sweet oranges, fresh: 2.60.1 sanguines and semi-sanguines a) b) 0805 10 10 c) 2.60.2 navels, navelines, navelates, salustianas, vernas, valencia lates, maltese, shamou- tis, ovalis, trovita and hamlins a) b) 0805 10 30 c) 2.60.3 others a) b) 0805 10 50 c) 2.70 mandarins (including tangerines and satsu- mas), fresh; clementines, wilkings and simi- lar citrus hybrids, fresh: 2.70.1 clementines a) 63,51 873,92 124,21 472,03 20 558,19 10 567,17 b) 377,61 416,60 50,02 122 972,51 139,96 12 732,610805 20 10 c) 568,03 2 561,99 42,70 2.70.2 monreales and satsumas a) 109,68 1 509,23 214,52 815,17 35 503,42 18 249,22 b) 652,13 719,45 86,38 212 370,09 241,70 21 988,870805 20 30 c) 980,98 4 424,48 73,75 2.70.3 mandarines and wilkings a) 106,81 1 469,74 208,90 793,84 34 574,40 17 771,69 b) 635,06 700,63 84,12 206 813,00 235,38 21 413,480805 20 50 c) 955,31 4 308,70 71,82 2.70.4 tangerines and others a) 49,97 687,60 97,73 371,39 16 175,29 8 314,31 b) 297,11 327,78 39,35 96 755,41 110,12 10 018,09ex 0805 20 70 ex 0805 20 90 c) 446,93 2 015,78 33,60 2.85 limes (citrus aurantifolia), fresh a) 190,34 2 619,14 372,27 1 414,66 61 613,06 31 669,91 b) 1 131,71 1 248,55 149,90 368 549,63 419,45 38 159,74ex 0805 30 90 c) 1 702,40 7 678,30 127,98 2.90 grapefruit, fresh: 2.90.1 white a) 39,28 540,50 76,83 291,94 12 714,94 6 535,64 b) 233,55 257,66 30,94 76 056,69 86,56 7 874,93ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 351,32 1 584,55 26,41 2.90.2 pink a) 48,46 666,82 94,78 360,17 15 686,50 8 063,07 b) 288,13 317,88 38,17 93 831,64 106,79 9 715,36ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 433,43 1 954,87 32,58 2.100 table grapes a) 115,33 1 586,98 225,57 857,17 37 332,32 19 189,30 b) 685,72 756,52 90,83 223 310,02 254,15 23 121,59ex 0806 10 10 c) 1 031,51 4 652,40 77,55 en official journal of the european communities 15. 4. 1999l 100/12 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.110 water melons a) 51,02 702,05 99,79 379,20 16 515,17 8 489,01 b) 303,35 334,67 40,18 98 788,50 112,43 10 228,590807 11 00 c) 456,32 2 058,14 34,31 2.120 melons (other than water melons): 2.120.1 amarillo, cuper, honey dew (including cantalene), onteniente, piel de sapo (in- cluding verde liso), rochet, tendral, futuro a) 58,47 804,56 114,36 434,57 18 926,74 9 728,59 b) 347,65 383,54 46,05 113 213,71 128,85 11 722,18ex 0807 19 00 c) 522,96 2 358,67 39,32 2.120.2 other a) 105,96 1 458,04 207,24 787,53 34 299,25 17 630,26 b) 630,01 695,05 83,45 205 167,17 233,51 21 243,07ex 0807 19 00 c) 947,71 4 274,02 71,25 2.140 pears 2.140.1 pears nashi (pyrus pyrifolia) a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.140.2 other a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.150 apricots a) 202,62 2 788,11 396,29 1 505,93 65 588,09 33 713,13 b) 1 204,72 1 329,10 159,58 392 327,03 446,52 40 621,660809 10 00 c) 1 812,23 8 173,67 136,24 2.160 cherries a) 334,09 4 597,18 653,42 2 483,06 108 144,93 55 587,90 b) 1 986,41 2 191,49 263,12 646 888,44 736,24 66 979,030809 20 05 0809 20 95 c) 2 988,10 13 477,16 224,64 2.170 peaches a) 155,49 2 139,59 304,11 1 155,65 50 332,11 25 871,36 b) 924,50 1 019,95 122,46 301 070,62 342,65 31 172,950809 30 90 c) 1 390,70 6 272,45 104,55 2.180 nectarines a) 92,62 1 274,48 181,15 688,38 29 981,09 15 410,67 b) 550,69 607,55 72,94 179 337,33 204,11 18 568,64ex 0809 30 10 c) 828,39 3 736,28 62,28 2.190 plums a) 100,73 1 386,08 197,01 748,66 32 606,30 16 760,06 b) 598,91 660,75 79,33 195 040,48 221,98 20 194,550809 40 05 c) 900,93 4 063,44 67,73 2.200 strawberries a) 318,78 4 386,51 623,48 2 369,27 103 189,09 53 040,53 b) 1 895,38 2 091,06 251,06 617 244,15 702,50 63 909,650810 10 10 0810 10 05 0810 10 80 c) 2 851,17 12 859,55 214,35 2.205 raspberries a) 1 648,10 22 678,35 3 223,40 12 249,17 533 489,97 274 220,77 b) 9 799,16 10 810,83 1 297,98 3 191 166,59 3 631,93 330 414,380810 20 10 c) 14 740,61 66 484,19 1 108,18 2.210 fruit of the species vaccinium myrtillus a) 724,96 9 975,67 1 417,90 5 388,12 234 669,55 120 623,19 b) 4 310,42 4 755,43 570,95 1 403 718,30 1 597,60 145 341,430810 40 30 c) 6 484,04 29 244,81 487,46 2.220 kiwi fruit (actinidia chinensis planch.) a) 163,15 2 244,99 319,09 1 212,58 52 811,65 27 145,88 b) 970,05 1 070,19 128,49 315 902,45 359,54 32 708,640810 50 10 0810 50 20 0810 50 30 c) 1 459,21 6 581,45 109,70 en official journal of the european communities15. 4. 1999 l 100/13 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.230 pomegranates a) 52,98 729,02 103,62 393,76 17 149,63 8 815,13 b) 315,00 347,53 41,73 102 583,58 116,75 10 621,54ex 0810 90 85 c) 473,85 2 137,21 35,62 2.240 khakis (including sharon fruit) a) 415,65 5 719,47 812,94 3 089,24 134 545,90 69 158,34 b) 2 471,34 2 726,49 327,35 804 810,63 915,97 83 330,34ex 0810 90 85 c) 3 717,57 16 767,28 279,48 2.250 lychees a) 84,27 1 159,58 164,82 626,32 27 278,20 14 021,35 b) 501,05 552,77 66,37 163 169,47 185,71 16 894,62ex 0810 90 30 c) 753,71 3 399,44 56,66 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 770/1999 of 14 april 1999 on an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled round grain rice to certain third countries type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 15. 4. 1999l 100/14 commission regulation (ec) no 770/1999 of 14 april 1999 on an invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled round grain rice to certain third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas examination of the balance sheet shows that exportable amounts of rice are currently held by pro- ducers; whereas this situation could affect the normal development of producer prices during the 1998/1999 marketing year; whereas, in order to remedy this situation, it is appro- priate to make use of export refunds to zones which may be supplied by the community; whereas the special situ- ation of the rice market makes it necessary to limit the quantities of rice benefiting from the refunds, and there- fore to apply article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 enabling the amount of refund to be fixed by tendering procedure; whereas it should be stated that the provisions of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 of 6 march 1975 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of tendering for export refunds on rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/95 (4), apply to this invitation to tender; whereas, in order to avoid disturbances on the markets of the producing countries, the markets of destination should be limited to zones i to vi, excluding turkey, and zone viii, excluding guyana, madagascar and suriname, noted in the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 3304/ 94 (6); whereas pursuant to article 14 of commission regula- tion (ec) no 2808/98 of 22 december 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture (7), amounts quoted in tenders submitted in response to invitations to tender organised under an instrument forming part of the common agricultural policy must be expressed in euro; whereas article 5(1) of that regulation provides that in such cases the operative event for the agricultural exchange rate is the final day for the submission of tenders; whereas paragraphs 3 and 4 of that article specify the operative events applicable to advances and securities; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. an invitation to tender is hereby opened for the refund on export of wholly milled round grain rice referred to in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, for zones i to vi, excluding turkey, and zone viii excluding guyana, madagascar and suriname, as specified in the annex to regulation (eec) no 2145/92. 2. the invitation to tender shall be open until 24 june 1999. during that period weekly invitations to tender shall be issued and the date for submission of tenders shall be determined in the notice of invitation to tender. 3. the invitation to tender shall take place in accord- ance with the provisions of regulation (eec) no 584/75 and with the following provisions. article 2 a tender shall be admissible only if it covers a quantity for export of at least 50 tonnes but not more than 3 000 tonnes. article 3 the security referred to in article 3 of regulation (eec) no 584/75 shall be eur 30 per tonne. article 4 1. notwithstanding the provisions of article 21(1) of commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (8), export licences issued within this invitation to tender shall, for the purposes of determining their period of validity, be considered as having been issued on the day the tender was submitted. 2. the licences shall be valid from their date of issue, within the meaning of paragraph 1, until the end of the fourth month following. (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (4) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. (5) oj l 214, 30.7.1992, p. 20. (6) oj l 341, 30.12.1994, p. 48. (7) oj l 349, 24.12.1998, p. 36. (8) oj l 331, 2.12.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities15. 4. 1999 l 100/15 article 5 tenders submitted must reach the commission through the member states not later than one and a half hours after expiry of the time limit for weekly submission of tenders as laid down in the notice of invitation to tender. they must be transmitted in accordance with the table given in the annex. if no tenders are submitted, the member states shall inform the commission accordingly within the same time limit as that given in the above subparagraph. article 6 the time set for submitting tenders shall be belgian time. article 7 1. on the basis of tenders submitted, the commission shall decide in accordance with the procedure referred to in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95: either to fix a maximum export refund, taking account of the criteria laid down in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, or not to take any action on the tenders. 2. where a maximum export refund is fixed, an award shall be made to the tenderer or tenderers whose tenders are at or below the maximum export refund level. article 8 the time limit for submission of tenders for the first partial invitation to tender shall expire on 29 april 1999 at 10 a.m. the final date for submission of tenders is hereby fixed at 24 june 1999. article 9 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 15. 4. 1999l 100/16 annex weekly invitation to tender for the refund on export of wholly milled round grain rice to certain third countries (closing date for the submission of tenders (date/time)) 1 2 3 serial number of tenders quantities in tonnes amount of export refund in euro per tonne 1 2 3 4 5 etc. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 774/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/11 commission regulation (ec) no 774/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 17(3) thereof, whereas article 17 of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the difference between prices in inter- national trade for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund within the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accord- ance with article 228 of the treaty; whereas regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when the refunds on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation, exported in the natural state, are being fixed, account must be taken of: the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of milk and milk products on the community market and prices for milk and milk products in international trade, marketing costs and the most favourable transport charges from community markets to ports or other points of export in the community, as well as costs incurred in placing the goods on the market of the country of destination, the aims of the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products which are to ensure equilib- rium and the natural development of prices and trade on this market, the limits resulting from agreements concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty, and the need to avoid disturbances on the community market, and the economic aspect of the proposed exports; whereas article 17(5) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that when prices within the community are being determined account should be taken of the ruling prices which are most favourable for exportation, and that when prices in international trade are being determined particular account should be taken of: (a) prices ruling on third country markets; (b) the most favourable prices in third countries of des- tination for third country imports; (c) producer prices recorded in exporting third countries, account being taken, where appropriate, of subsidies granted by those countries; and (d) free-at-community-frontier offer prices; whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund on the products listed in article 1 of the abovementioned regulation according to destination; whereas article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 804/68 provides that the list of products on which export refunds are granted and the amount of such refunds should be fixed at least once every four weeks; whereas the amount of the refund may, however, remain at the same level for more than four weeks; whereas, in accordance with article 16 of commission regulation (ec) no 174/1999 of 26 january 1999 on specific detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds on milk and milk products (3), the refund granted for milk products containing added sugar is equal to the sum of the two components; whereas one is intended to take account of the quantity of milk prod- ucts and is calculated by multiplying the basic amount by the milk products content in the product concerned; whereas the other is intended to take account of the quantity of added sucrose and is calculated by multiplying the sucrose content of the entire product by the basic amount of the refund valid on the day of exportation for the products listed in article 1(1)(d) of council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (4), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (5); whereas, however, this second component is applied only if the added sucrose has been produced using sugar beet or cane harvested in the community; (3) oj l 20, 27.1.1999, p. 8. (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (4) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (5) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/12 whereas the level of refund for cheeses is calculated for products intended for direct consumption; whereas the cheese rinds and cheese wastes are not products intended for this purpose; whereas, to avoid any confusion in inter- pretation, it should be specified that there will be no refund for cheeses of a free-at-frontier value less than eur 230,00 per 100 kilograms; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 896/84 (1), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 222/88 (2), laid down additional provisions concerning the granting of refunds on the change from one milk year to another; whereas those provisions provide for the possibility of varying refunds according to the date of manufacture of the products; whereas for the calculation of the refund for processed cheese provision must be made where casein or caseinates are added for that quantity not to be taken into account; whereas it follows from applying the rules set out above to the present situation on the market in milk and in particular to quotations or prices for milk products within the community and on the world market that the refund should be as set out in the annex to this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the export refunds referred to in article 17 of regu- lation (eec) no 804/68 on products exported in the natural state shall be as set out in the annex. 2. there shall be no refunds for exports to destination no 400 for products falling within cn codes 0401, 0402, 0403, 0404, 0405 and 2309. 3. there shall be no refunds for exports to destinations no 021, 023, 024, 028, 043, 044, 045, 046, 052, 404, 600, 800 and 804 for products falling within cn code 0406. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 91, 1.4.1984, p. 71. (2) oj l 28, 1.2.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/13 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund annex to the commission regulation of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products (in eur/100 kg net weight unless otherwise indicated) 0401 10 10 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 10 90 9000 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 11 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 19 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0401 20 19 9500 970 3,597 * * * 0401 20 91 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 91 9500 + 0401 20 99 9100 970 4,551 * * * 0401 20 99 9500 + 0401 30 11 9100 + 0401 30 11 9400 970 10,50 * * * 0401 30 11 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 19 9100 + 0401 30 19 9400 + 0401 30 19 9700 970 15,77 * * * 0401 30 31 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 31 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 31 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 39 9100 + 38,32 0401 30 39 9400 + 59,85 0401 30 39 9700 + 66,00 0401 30 91 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 91 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 91 9700 + 129,01 0401 30 99 9100 + 75,22 0401 30 99 9400 + 110,55 0401 30 99 9700 + 129,01 0402 10 11 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 19 9000 + 90,00 0402 10 91 9000 + 0,9000 0402 10 99 9000 + 0,9000 0402 21 11 9200 + 90,00 0402 21 11 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 11 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 11 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 17 9000 + 90,00 0402 21 19 9300 + 105,89 0402 21 19 9500 + 111,56 0402 21 19 9900 + 120,00 0402 21 91 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 91 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 91 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 91 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 91 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 91 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 91 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 91 9900 + 159,96 0402 21 99 9100 + 120,86 0402 21 99 9200 + 121,69 0402 21 99 9300 + 123,20 0402 21 99 9400 + 131,67 0402 21 99 9500 + 134,61 0402 21 99 9600 + 145,88 0402 21 99 9700 + 152,49 0402 21 99 9900 + 159,96 0402 29 15 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 15 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 15 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 15 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 19 9200 + 0,9000 0402 29 19 9300 + 1,0589 0402 29 19 9500 + 1,1156 0402 29 19 9900 + 1,2002 0402 29 91 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 91 9500 + 1,3167 0402 29 99 9100 + 1,2086 0402 29 99 9500 + 1,3167 0402 91 11 9110 + 0402 91 11 9120 + 0402 91 11 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 11 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 11 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 19 9110 + 0402 91 19 9120 + 0402 91 19 9310 + 11,31 0402 91 19 9350 + 13,85 0402 91 19 9370 + 16,84 0402 91 31 9100 + 0402 91 31 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 39 9100 + 0402 91 39 9300 + 19,91 0402 91 51 9000 + 0402 91 59 9000 + 0402 91 91 9000 + 63,94 0402 91 99 9000 + 63,94 0402 99 11 9110 + 0402 99 11 9130 + 0402 99 11 9150 + 0402 99 11 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 11 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 11 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 19 9110 + 0402 99 19 9130 + 0402 99 19 9150 + 0402 99 19 9310 + 0,2689 0402 99 19 9330 + 0,3228 0402 99 19 9350 + 0,4291 0402 99 31 9110 + 0402 99 31 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 31 9300 + 0,3832 0402 99 31 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 39 9110 + 0402 99 39 9150 + 0,4467 0402 99 39 9300 + 0,3832 en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/14 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0402 99 39 9500 + 0,6600 0402 99 91 9000 + 0,7522 0402 99 99 9000 + 0,7522 0403 10 11 9400 + 0403 10 11 9800 + 0403 10 13 9800 + 0403 10 19 9800 + 0403 10 31 9400 + 0403 10 31 9800 + 0403 10 33 9800 + 0403 10 39 9800 + 0403 90 11 9000 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9200 + 88,48 0403 90 13 9300 + 104,95 0403 90 13 9500 + 110,56 0403 90 13 9900 + 118,93 0403 90 19 9000 + 119,81 0403 90 31 9000 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9200 + 0,8848 0403 90 33 9300 + 1,0495 0403 90 33 9500 + 1,1056 0403 90 33 9900 + 1,1893 0403 90 39 9000 + 1,1981 0403 90 51 9100 970 2,327 * * * 0403 90 51 9300 + 0403 90 53 9000 + 0403 90 59 9110 + 0403 90 59 9140 + 0403 90 59 9170 970 15,77 * * * 0403 90 59 9310 + 38,32 0403 90 59 9340 + 59,85 0403 90 59 9370 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9510 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9540 + 64,80 0403 90 59 9570 + 64,80 0403 90 61 9100 + 0403 90 61 9300 + 0403 90 63 9000 + 0403 90 69 9000 + 0404 90 21 9100 + 90,00 0404 90 21 9910 + 0404 90 21 9950 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9120 + 90,00 0404 90 23 9130 + 105,89 0404 90 23 9140 + 111,56 0404 90 23 9150 + 120,00 0404 90 23 9911 + 0404 90 23 9913 + 0404 90 23 9915 + 0404 90 23 9917 + 0404 90 23 9919 + 0404 90 23 9931 + 11,31 0404 90 23 9933 + 13,85 0404 90 23 9935 + 16,84 0404 90 23 9937 + 19,91 0404 90 23 9939 + 20,81 0404 90 29 9110 + 120,86 0404 90 29 9115 + 121,69 0404 90 29 9120 + 123,20 0404 90 29 9130 + 131,67 0404 90 29 9135 + 134,61 0404 90 29 9150 + 145,88 0404 90 29 9160 + 152,49 0404 90 29 9180 + 159,96 0404 90 81 9100 + 0,9000 0404 90 81 9910 + 0404 90 81 9950 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9110 + 0,9000 0404 90 83 9130 + 1,0589 0404 90 83 9150 + 1,1156 0404 90 83 9170 + 1,2002 0404 90 83 9911 + 0404 90 83 9913 + 0404 90 83 9915 + 0404 90 83 9917 + 0404 90 83 9919 + 0404 90 83 9931 + 0,2689 0404 90 83 9933 + 0,3228 0404 90 83 9935 + 0,4291 0404 90 83 9937 + 0,4467 0404 90 89 9130 + 1,2086 0404 90 89 9150 + 1,3167 0404 90 89 9930 + 0,4601 0404 90 89 9950 + 0,6600 0404 90 89 9990 + 0,7522 0405 10 11 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 11 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 19 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 19 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 30 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 30 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9100 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9300 + 170,00 0405 10 50 9500 + 165,85 0405 10 50 9700 + 170,00 0405 10 90 9000 + 176,22 0405 20 90 9500 + 155,49 0405 20 90 9700 + 161,71 0405 90 10 9000 + 216,00 0405 90 90 9000 + 170,00 0406 10 20 9100 + 0406 10 20 9230 037 039 099 37,68 400 22,83 * * * 37,68 0406 10 20 9290 037 039 099 35,05 400 15,29 * * * 35,05 0406 10 20 9300 037 039 099 15,39 400 7,834 * * * 15,39 en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/15 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 10 20 9610 037 039 099 51,11 400 30,98 * * * 51,11 0406 10 20 9620 037 039 099 51,83 400 31,42 * * * 51,83 0406 10 20 9630 037 039 099 57,86 400 35,06 * * * 57,86 0406 10 20 9640 037 039 099 85,03 400 48,35 * * * 85,03 0406 10 20 9650 037 039 099 70,86 400 25,44 * * * 70,86 0406 10 20 9660 + 0406 10 20 9830 037 039 099 26,28 400 13,38 * * * 26,28 0406 10 20 9850 037 039 099 31,87 400 16,22 * * * 31,87 0406 10 20 9870 + 0406 10 20 9900 + 0406 20 90 9100 + 0406 20 90 9913 037 039 099 58,77 400 31,59 * * * 58,77 0406 20 90 9915 037 039 099 77,56 400 42,12 * * * 77,56 0406 20 90 9917 037 039 099 82,41 400 44,75 * * * 82,41 0406 20 90 9919 037 039 099 92,10 400 50,02 * * * 92,10 0406 20 90 9990 + 0406 30 31 9710 037 039 099 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9730 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9910 037 039 099 9,536 400 8,346 * * * 17,88 0406 30 31 9930 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 31 9950 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9500 037 039 099 13,99 400 12,25 * * * 26,24 0406 30 39 9700 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9930 037 039 099 20,36 400 17,81 * * * 38,17 0406 30 39 9950 037 039 099 23,02 400 21,14 * * * 43,16 0406 30 90 9000 037 039 099 24,15 400 21,14 * * * 45,28 0406 40 50 9000 037 039 099 90,00 400 32,98 * * * 90,00 en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/16 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 40 90 9000 037 039 099 92,42 400 32,98 * * * 92,42 0406 90 13 9000 037 039 099 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 116,37 0406 90 15 9100 037 039 099 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 120,25 0406 90 17 9100 037 039 099 105,01 400 62,17 * * * 120,25 0406 90 21 9900 037 039 099 102,90 400 44,53 * * * 117,54 0406 90 23 9900 037 039 099 90,36 400 18,57 * * * 103,92 0406 90 25 9900 037 039 099 89,77 400 21,16 * * * 102,80 0406 90 27 9900 037 039 099 81,30 400 18,57 * * * 93,10 0406 90 31 9119 037 039 099 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 85,71 0406 90 33 9119 037 039 099 74,72 400 25,56 * * * 85,71 0406 90 33 9919 037 039 099 68,29 400 20,33 * * * 78,60 0406 90 33 9951 037 039 099 68,98 400 20,01 * * * 78,66 0406 90 35 9190 037 33,29 039 33,29 099 105,71 400 61,40 * * * 121,56 0406 90 35 9990 037 039 099 105,71 400 40,19 * * * 121,56 0406 90 37 9000 037 039 099 101,62 400 60,16 * * * 116,37 0406 90 61 9000 037 47,01 039 47,01 099 112,00 400 57,27 * * * 129,64 0406 90 63 9100 037 42,83 039 42,83 099 111,41 400 63,89 * * * 128,55 0406 90 63 9900 037 34,22 039 34,22 099 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 124,18 0406 90 69 9100 + 0406 90 69 9910 037 039 099 107,11 400 48,93 * * * 124,18 0406 90 73 9900 037 039 099 93,28 400 52,63 * * * 106,91 0406 90 75 9900 037 039 099 93,90 400 22,27 * * * 108,07 0406 90 76 9300 037 039 099 84,68 400 20,12 * * * 96,98 en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/17 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 76 9400 037 039 099 94,85 400 23,22 * * * 108,62 0406 90 76 9500 037 039 099 90,24 400 23,22 * * * 102,45 0406 90 78 9100 037 039 099 87,50 400 18,14 * * * 102,26 0406 90 78 9300 037 039 099 92,78 400 20,12 * * * 105,98 0406 90 78 9500 037 039 099 91,91 400 23,22 * * * 104,35 0406 90 79 9900 037 039 099 75,02 400 19,23 * * * 86,27 0406 90 81 9900 037 039 099 94,85 400 47,61 * * * 108,62 0406 90 85 9910 037 33,32 039 33,32 099 102,43 400 59,27 * * * 117,90 0406 90 85 9991 037 039 099 102,43 400 40,19 * * * 117,90 0406 90 85 9995 037 039 099 93,90 400 21,16 * * * 108,07 0406 90 85 9999 + 0406 90 86 9100 + 0406 90 86 9200 037 039 099 86,17 400 27,65 * * * 102,23 0406 90 86 9300 037 039 099 87,41 400 30,30 * * * 103,32 0406 90 86 9400 037 039 099 92,87 400 34,28 * * * 108,62 0406 90 86 9900 037 039 099 102,43 400 40,24 * * * 117,90 0406 90 87 9100 + 0406 90 87 9200 037 039 099 71,81 400 24,78 * * * 85,19 0406 90 87 9300 037 039 099 80,27 400 28,02 * * * 94,89 0406 90 87 9400 037 039 099 82,36 400 30,66 * * * 96,33 0406 90 87 9951 037 039 099 93,15 400 42,19 * * * 106,68 0406 90 87 9971 037 039 099 93,15 400 34,41 * * * 106,68 0406 90 87 9972 099 39,68 400 13,67 * * * 45,63 en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/18 product code destination (*) amountof refund product code destination (*) amount of refund 0406 90 87 9973 037 039 099 91,46 400 24,08 * * * 104,74 0406 90 87 9974 037 039 099 99,26 400 24,08 * * * 113,19 0406 90 87 9975 037 039 099 101,25 400 31,87 * * * 114,45 0406 90 87 9979 037 039 099 90,36 400 24,08 * * * 103,92 0406 90 88 9100 + 0406 90 88 9300 037 039 099 70,90 400 30,30 * * * 83,50 2309 10 15 9010 + 2309 10 15 9100 + 2309 10 15 9200 + 2309 10 15 9300 + 2309 10 15 9400 + 2309 10 15 9500 + 2309 10 15 9700 + 2309 10 19 9010 + 2309 10 19 9100 + 2309 10 19 9200 + 2309 10 19 9300 + 2309 10 19 9400 + 2309 10 19 9500 + 2309 10 19 9600 + 2309 10 19 9700 + 2309 10 19 9800 + 2309 10 70 9010 + 2309 10 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 10 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 10 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 10 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 10 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 10 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 10 70 9800 + 40,63 2309 90 35 9010 + 2309 90 35 9100 + 2309 90 35 9200 + 2309 90 35 9300 + 2309 90 35 9400 + 2309 90 35 9500 + 2309 90 35 9700 + 2309 90 39 9010 + 2309 90 39 9100 + 2309 90 39 9200 + 2309 90 39 9300 + 2309 90 39 9400 + 2309 90 39 9500 + 2309 90 39 9600 + 2309 90 39 9700 + 2309 90 39 9800 + 2309 90 70 9010 + 2309 90 70 9100 + 13,85 2309 90 70 9200 + 18,47 2309 90 70 9300 + 23,09 2309 90 70 9500 + 27,70 2309 90 70 9600 + 32,32 2309 90 70 9700 + 36,94 2309 90 70 9800 + 40,63 (*) the code numbers for the destinations are those set out in the annex to commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22.11.1997, p. 19). however: 099' covers all destination codes from 053 to 096 inclusive, 970' covers the exports referred to in articles 34(1)(a) and (c) and 42(1)(a) and (b) of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87 (oj l 351, 14.12.1987, p. 1). for destinations other than those indicated for each product code', the amount of the refund applying is indicated by ***. where no destination (+') is indicated, the amount of the refund is applicable for exports to any destination other than those referred to in article 1(2) and (3). nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), as amended. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 779/1999 of 15 april 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application in 1999 of council regulation (ec) no 2275/96 introducing specific measures for live plants and floricultural products type: regulation subject matter: european construction; marketing; consumption; agricultural activity date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/41 commission regulation (ec) no 779/1999 of 15 april 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application in 1999 of council regulation (ec) no 2275/96 introducing specific measures for live plants and floricultural products the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2275/96 of 22 november 1996 introducing specific measures for live plants and floricultural products (1), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 2275/96 provides for a community financial contribution towards measures to increase the consumption of community live plants and floricultural products within the community and abroad; whereas the principal measures eligible for a community financial contribution should be defined; whereas such measures must form part of a coherent strategy and provide guarantees as to the achievement in the medium term of the planned objectives and as to the satisfaction of community interests; whereas they must commit the main operators in the sector, be presented in a standard form and contain the information necessary for their assessment; whereas the revenue from compulsory charges levied on operators may serve as the contribution from the profes- sional organisations; whereas the procedure to be followed and the criteria to be applied for determining for 1999 the member states in which the promotional measures are to be implemented and for allocating among them the overall amount avail- able for the measures should be laid down; whereas the procedures for the submission of applica- tions for assistance by the professional organisations and for the assessment and selection of the measures by the bodies authorised by the member states should be laid down; whereas the procedures should allow the commis- sion to forward its observations to the member states; whereas provision should be made for the possibility of a second round of financing; whereas the administrative and financial management of the contracts is covered by commission regulation (ec) no 481/1999 of 4 march 1999 laying down general rules for the management of promotional programmes for certain agricultural products (2); whereas there is accord- ingly no need for this regulation to lay down such rules; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for live plants, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. measures to increase the consumption of live plants and floricultural products within the community and abroad as provided for in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 2275/96 shall be presented in the form of programmes. 2. programme' means a coherent set of measures which are of sufficient scope to contribute to increasing the disposal of production and consumption and, where appropriate to that end, to help target production and adapt it to market requirements. 3. the period covered by programmes may not exceed one year from the date of signing of the contract. article 2 1. programmes may cover the following measures: (a) the organisation of generic publicity campaigns on radio and television, in the press and by means of posters; (b) the organisation of information measures at points of sale; (c) the organisation of and participation in fairs and other events; (d) the production of publications and audiovisual material; (e) the organisation of public relations campaigns for opinion-formers and the general public; (f) the preparation of teaching aids. (1) oj l 308, 29.11.1996, p. 7. (2) oj l 57, 5.3.1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/42 country allocation(eur thousands) allocation (%) 2. the programmes may be accompanied by the following additional measures: (a) the conducting of market studies and consumer surveys; (b) the distribution of the results of marketing research to operators; (c) the development of new packaging and presentations. 3. measures attracting other community assistance or other national or regional assistance shall not be eligible. the use of funds raised from the compulsory charges on operators in the live plants and floricultural products sector and levied on products entirely obtained in the member state concerned shall not be considered national or regional assistance for the purposes of this article. however, measures attracting other national or regional assistance not exceeding 20 % of the total budget may be taken into account for 1999. article 3 1. for 1999, the available community financial contri- bution shall be distributed as follows. netherlands 4 443,225 29,62 germany 2 637,805 17,59 italy 2 614,916 17,43 france 1 534,418 10,23 united kingdom 934,024 6,23 spain 693,024 4,62 denmark 565,477 3,77 belgium 504,574 3,36 austria 250,220 1,67 sweden 199,229 1,33 greece 188,341 1,26 finland 134,283 0,90 portugal 100,000 0,67 ireland 100,000 0,67 luxembourg 100,000 0,67 eur 15 15 000,002 100,00 2. in the event that all or part of the amount allocated to a member state for a given year is not used, that member state may choose to allocate that amount to another selected project pending as a result of insufficient funding or to forego payment of the amount concerned. in that case, the available amount shall be redistributed pro rata by the commission among the member states concerned. article 4 1. programmes as referred to in article 1 shall be presented by representative groups of operators in one or more branches of the live plant and floricultural products sector, such as producer organisations or associations thereof and traders organisations and associations thereof. 2. groups submitting applications for assistance shall have sole responsibility for implementing the measures granted financial assistance. the groups must have the legal capacity necessary to implement the measures and shall have their head offices in the community. article 5 1. applications for assistance shall be submitted by 10 may 1999 to the competent body in the member state where the group has its head office. in the event of a second round of financing, the commis- sion shall specify the closing date for the submission of applications. applications shall contain all the information listed in the annex and be accompanied by: (a) details of the situation with regard to the marketing and consumption of live plants and floricultural prod- ucts in the regions concerned; (b) the anticipated results of the proposed measures and their capacity to achieve the general and specific objectives laid down in the programme. 2. the competent body shall verify the accuracy of the information given in applications and their compliance with regulation (ec) no 2275/96 and this regulation. before 15 june 1999, the member state concerned shall draw up, on the basis of the criteria referred to in article 6, a provisional list of the measures selected to receive community financial assistance within the limit of the amounts determined in accordance with article 3. the financial assistance shall amount to 60 % of the actual eligible cost of the selected measures. 3. the member state shall immediately forward the provisional list of measures selected with a copy of the relevant applications to the commission. the commis- sion shall send the member states any observations it may have on the measures in question with a view to guaran- teeing their legality and their coordination at community level. from the 31st day following the date specified in paragraph 2, each member state shall draw up a final list of measures selected and shall forward it to the commis- sion without delay. en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/43 article 6 the list of selected measures shall be drawn up, in par- ticular, on the basis of the coherence of the strategies presented, the merits of the proposed measures, the expected impact of their implementation, and the groups capacity to implement the measures and the guarantees presented as to the groups efficiency and representative- ness. member states shall give preference to measures to be implemented in the territories of more than one member state. article 7 save as otherwise provided in this regulation, regulation (ec) no 481/1999 laying down general rules for the management of promotional programmes for certain agri- cultural products shall apply. article 8 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/44 annex aid application i general information 1. title: 2. products concerned: 3. measures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. duration: 1 year 2 years 3 years 5. identification of applicant: 5.1. group name or company name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . legal status: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date established: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . registered place of business: street: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no box: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . postal code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telex: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fax: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bank details: name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agency or branch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . street: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no . . . . . . . box: . . . . . . . . . . town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . account no: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/45 5.2. partners (one form for each) name or company name: legal status: type: (1) op it d as c o main activity: role in the group: partner prime contractor responsibility and contribution to implementation of the programme: experience and references (field of activity): contribution to financing of programme (in national currency): first year: second year: third year: total: right to use the results: (1) op = producers organisation. it = processing firm. as = association. c = trader d = retailer o = other 6. financing of the programme 6.1. total cost of programme (1) (2): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur 6.2. community contribution requested: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur (a) year 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur (b) year 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur (c) year 3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur 6.3. contribution of the group: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eur of which: own funds: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loans: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . payments in kind: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . other contributions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. general information: subcontractors: yes no if yes, specify which: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . specify task(s): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type of commitment: contract (3) other (3) if other, specify which: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. declaration the undersigned declare(s): (a) that he/they have the necessary funds to ensure full financing of the programme; (b) that he/they are not receiving any other community financial assistance or any other national or regional grant or subsidy equal to more the 20 % of the total budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (signature) (4) (1) exclusive of vat. (2) for the duration of implementation of the programme. (3) attach copy. (4) of the person authorised by the group or partners. en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/46 ii description of the programme programmes must contain at least the following: 1. a summary of the programme concerning the aspects referred to in points 3 to 6 (not more than two pages). 2. reasons and objectives. 3. the proposed measures. 4. strategy: targets, methods, the phases of implementation and the timetable. 5. implementation of the measures: details of the technical, scientific, economic, financial, media, logistic aspects. 6. the anticipated results and advantages for the sector and the community market. 7. the criteria for assessing progress and results on completion of the programme. 8. outlook as regards use and dissemination of results. iii budget the net budget for the measures, before tax, expressed in eur, broken down and reasoned (1), showing how the amount is to be allocated by category and by year. en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/47 (1) on the basis of estimations, fees etc. and in the case of subcontractors offers. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 781/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice type: regulation subject matter: taxation; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/51 commission regulation (ec) no 781/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provide that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of those regu- lations and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that when refunds are being fixed account must be taken of the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of cereals, rice and broken rice on the community market on the one hand and prices for cereals, rice, broken rice and cereal prod- ucts on the world market on the other; whereas the same articles provide that it is also important to ensure equilib- rium and the natural development of prices and trade on the markets in cereals and rice and, furthermore, to take into account the economic aspect of the proposed exports, and the need to avoid disturbances on the community market; whereas article 4 of commission regulation (ec) no 1518/95 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2993/ 95 (6), on the import and export system for products processed from cereals and from rice defines the specific criteria to be taken into account when the refund on these products is being calculated; whereas the refund to be granted in respect of certain processed products should be graduated on the basis of the ash, crude fibre, tegument, protein, fat and starch content of the individual product concerned, this content being a particularly good indicator of the quantity of basic product actually incorporated in the processed product; whereas there is no need at present to fix an export refund for manioc, other tropical roots and tubers or flours obtained therefrom, given the economic aspect of potential exports and in particular the nature and origin of these products; whereas, for certain products processed from cereals, the insignificance of community participa- tion in world trade makes it unnecessary to fix an export refund at the present time; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas the refund must be fixed once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas certain processed maize products may undergo a heat treatment following which a refund might be granted that does not correspond to the quality of the product; whereas it should therefore be specified that on these products, containing pregelatinized starch, no export refund is to be granted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(d) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and in article 1(1)(c) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and subject to regulation (ec) no 1518/95 are hereby fixed as shown in the annex to this regulation. (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (5) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 55. (6) oj l 312, 23.12.1995, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/52 article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (eur/tonne) product code refund (eur/tonne) product code refund annex to the commission regulation of 15 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on products processed from cereals and rice 1102 20 10 9200 (1) 74,30 1102 20 10 9400 (1) 63,68 1102 20 90 9200 (1) 63,68 1102 90 10 9100 68,63 1102 90 10 9900 46,67 1102 90 30 9100 85,41 1103 12 00 9100 85,41 1103 13 10 9100 (1) 95,53 1103 13 10 9300 (1) 74,30 1103 13 10 9500 (1) 63,68 1103 13 90 9100 (1) 63,68 1103 19 10 9000 54,13 1103 19 30 9100 70,91 1103 21 00 9000 30,45 1103 29 20 9000 46,67 1104 11 90 9100 68,63 1104 12 90 9100 94,90 1104 12 90 9300 75,92 1104 19 10 9000 30,45 1104 19 50 9110 84,91 1104 19 50 9130 68,99 1104 21 10 9100 68,63 1104 21 30 9100 68,63 1104 21 50 9100 91,50 1104 21 50 9300 73,20 1104 22 20 9100 75,92 1104 22 30 9100 80,67 1104 23 10 9100 79,61 1104 23 10 9300 61,03 1104 29 11 9000 30,45 1104 29 51 9000 29,85 1104 29 55 9000 29,85 1104 30 10 9000 7,46 1104 30 90 9000 13,27 1107 10 11 9000 53,13 1107 10 91 9000 81,44 1108 11 00 9200 59,70 1108 11 00 9300 59,70 1108 12 00 9200 84,91 1108 12 00 9300 84,91 1108 13 00 9200 84,91 1108 13 00 9300 84,91 1108 19 10 9200 41,04 1108 19 10 9300 41,04 1109 00 00 9100 0,00 1702 30 51 9000 (2) 98,78 1702 30 59 9000 (2) 75,62 1702 30 91 9000 98,78 1702 30 99 9000 75,62 1702 40 90 9000 75,62 1702 90 50 9100 98,78 1702 90 50 9900 75,62 1702 90 75 9000 103,51 1702 90 79 9000 71,84 2106 90 55 9000 75,62 (1) no refund shall be granted on products given a heat treatment resulting in pregelatinization of the starch. (2) refunds are granted in accordance with council regulation (eec) no 2730/75 (oj l 281, 1. 11. 1975, p. 20), amended. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24. 12. 1987, p. 1), amended. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 784/1999 of 15 april 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: prices; beverages and sugar; trade; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/56 commission regulation (ec) no 784/1999 of 15 april 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1423/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed implementing rules for the import of products in the sugar sector other than molasses (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/98 (4), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 1(2), and article 3(1) thereof, whereas the amounts of the representative prices and additional duties applicable to the import of white sugar, raw sugar and certain syrups are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1379/98 (5), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 692/1999 (6); whereas it follows from applying the general and detailed fixing rules contained in regulation (ec) no 1423/95 to the information known to the commission that the representative prices and additional duties at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and additional duties on imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regula- tion (ec) no 1423/95 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1.7.1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3.6.1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24.6.1995, p. 16. (4) oj l 85, 20.3.1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 187, 1.7.1998, p. 6. (6) oj l 87, 31.3.1999, p. 11. en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/57 annex to the commission regulation of 15 april 1999 amending representative prices and the amounts of additional duties applicable to imports of white sugar, raw sugar and products covered by cn code 1702 90 99 (eur) cn code amount of representative prices per 100 kg net of product concerned amount of additional duty per 100 kg net of product concerned 1701 11 10 (1) 13,60 10,12 1701 11 90 (1) 13,60 16,47 1701 12 10 (1) 13,60 9,89 1701 12 90 (1) 13,60 15,91 1701 91 00 (2) 16,25 19,03 1701 99 10 (2) 16,25 13,58 1701 99 90 (2) 16,25 13,58 1702 90 99 (3) 0,16 0,48 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended council regulation (eec) no 431/68 (oj l 89, 10. 4. 1968, p. 3). (2) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 793/72 (oj l 94, 21. 4. 1972, p. 1). (3) by 1 % sucrose content. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 786/1999 of 15 april 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 16. 4. 1999l 101/60 commission regulation (ec) no 786/1999 of 15 april 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the pro- cedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or a minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 9 to 15 april 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28.5.1998, p. 20. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 787/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 4. 1999 l 101/61 commission regulation (ec) no 787/1999 of 15 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1746/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 9 to 15 april 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98, the maximum refund on exportation of rye shall be eur 71,45/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 219, 7.8.1998, p. 3. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 796/1999 of 16 april 1999 fixing the maximum purchasing price for butter for the 237th invitation to tender carried out under the standing invitation to tender governed by regulation (eec) no 1589/87 type: regulation subject matter: prices; trade policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 4. 1999 l 102/5 commission regulation (ec) no 796/1999 of 16 april 1999 fixing the maximum purchasing price for butter for the 237th invitation to tender carried out under the standing invitation to tender governed by regula- tion (eec) no 1589/87 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular the first subparagraph of article 7a(1) first indent and article 7a(3) thereof, whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 1589/87 of 5 june 1987 on the sale by tender of butter to intervention agencies (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 124/1999 (4), provides that, in the light of the tenders received for each invitation to tender, a maximum buying-in price is to be fixed in relation to the interven- tion price applicable and that it may also be decided not to proceed with the invitation to tender; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 237th invitation to tender issued under regula- tion (eec) no 1589/87, for which tenders had to be submitted not later than 13 april 1999, the maximum buying-in price is fixed at eur 295,38/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28.6.1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16.8.1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 146, 6.6.1987, p. 27. (4) oj l 16, 21.1.1999, p. 19. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 801/1999 of 16 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 4. 1999 l 102/53 commission regulation (ec) no 801/1999 of 16 april 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 12 to 15 april 1999 at eur/t 327,00. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30.12.1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30.9.1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28.11.1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7.3.1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15.2.1995, p. 8. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 811/1999 of 19 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/3 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 811/1999 of 19 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 20 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities 20. 4. 1999l 103/4 annex to the commission regulation of 19 april 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 83,6 204 49,1 999 66,3 0707 00 05 052 114,3 999 114,3 0709 10 00 052 86,4 220 170,9 999 128,6 0709 90 70 052 78,6 204 94,5 999 86,5 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 43,4 204 43,2 212 61,0 600 59,2 624 49,0 999 51,2 0805 30 10 052 35,7 999 35,7 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 039 108,6 388 87,9 400 82,6 404 100,5 508 79,4 512 82,9 524 68,6 528 72,4 720 82,3 804 106,1 999 87,1 0808 20 50 388 67,1 512 73,6 528 77,6 999 72,8 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22.11.1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 814/1999 of 19 april 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of sorghum held by the french intervention agency type: regulation subject matter: trade; trade policy; plant product; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/9 commission regulation (ec) no 814/1999 of 19 april 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of sorghum held by the french intervention agency the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedure and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by intervention agencies; whereas, given the current market situation, a standing invitation to tender should be opened for the export of 28 600 tonnes of sorghum held by the french interven- tion agency; whereas special procedures must be laid down to ensure that the operations and their monitoring are properly effected; whereas, to that end, provision should be made for a security lodgement scheme which ensures that aims are met while avoiding excessive costs for the operators; whereas derogations should accordingly be made to certain rules, in particular those laid down in regulation (eec) no 2131/93; whereas, where removal of the sorghum is delayed by more than five days or the release of one of the securities required is delayed for reasons imputable to the interven- tion agency the member state concerned must pay compensation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 subject to the provisions of this regulation the french intervention agency issues a standing invitation to tender for the export of sorghum held by it in accordance with regulation (eec) no 2131/93. article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 28 600 tonnes of sorghum for export to third countries. 2. the regions in which the 28 600 tonnes of sorghum are stored are set out in annex i. article 3 1. notwithstanding the third paragraph of article 16 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the price to be paid for the export shall be that quoted in the tender. 2. no export refund or tax or monthly increase shall be granted on exports carried out pursuant to this regula- tion. 3. article 8(2) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 shall not apply. article 4 1. the export licences shall be valid from their date of issue within the meaning of article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 until the end of the fourth month thereafter. 2. tenders submitted in response to this invitation to tender may not be accompanied by export licence applications submitted pursuant to article 44 of commis- sion regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (5). article 5 1. notwithstanding article 7(1) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of the first partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 22 april 1999. 2. the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of subsequent partial invitations to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) each thursday thereafter. 3. the last partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 27 may 1999. 4. tenders shall be lodged with the french interven- tion agency.(1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24.5.1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31.7.1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9.1.1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 331, 2.12.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 20. 4. 1999l 103/10 article 6 1. the intervention agency, the storer and the successful tenderer shall, at the request of the latter and by common agreement, either before or at the time of removal from storage as the successful tenderer chooses, take reference samples for counter-analysis at the rate of at least one sample for every 500 tonnes and shall analyse the samples. the intervention agency may be represented by a proxy, provided this is not the storer. the analysis results shall be forwarded to the commission in the event of a dispute. reference samples for counter-analysis shall be taken and analysed within seven working days of the date of the successful tenderers request or within three working days if the samples are taken on removal from storage. where the final result of sample analyses indicates a quality: (a) higher than that specified in the notice of invitation to tender, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as established; (b) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, providing that the differences having regard to those criteria do not exceed the following limits: one percentage point as regards moisture content, 0,1 percentage point for the tannin content, half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in points b.2 and b.4 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 689/92 (1), and half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in point b.5 of the annex to regulation (eec) no 689/92, the percentages admissible for noxious grains, however, remaining unchanged, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as estab- lished; (c) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, and a difference exceeding the limits set out in point (b), the successful tenderer may: accept the lot as established, or refuse to take over the lot in question. the successful tenderer shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii; however, if he requests the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention sorghum of the quality laid down at no additional charge, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall notify the commission immediately thereof in accordance with annex ii; (d) below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the successful tenderer may not remove the lot in question. he shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forth- with in accordance with annex ii; however, he may request the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention sorghum of the quality laid down at no additional charge. in that case, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall immediately inform the commission thereof in accordance with annex ii. 2. however, if the sorghum is removed before the results of the analyses are known, all risks shall be borne by the successful tenderer from the time the lot is removed, without prejudice to any means of redress of which he may avail himself against the storer. 3. if, as a result of successive replacements, the successful tenderer has not received a replacement lot of the quality laid down within one month of the date of his request for a replacement, he shall be discharged of all his obligations and the securities shall be released once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii. 4. except where the final results of analyses indicate a quality below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the costs of taking the samples and conducting the analyses provided for in paragraph 1 but not of inter-bin transfers shall be borne by the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund (eaggf) in respect of up to one analysis per 500 tonnes. the costs of inter-bin transfers and any additional analyses requested by the successful tenderer shall be borne by him. article 7 by derogation from article 12 of commission regulation (eec) no 3002/92 (2), the documents relating to the sale of sorghum in accordance with this regulation, and in particular the export licence, the removal order referred to in article 3(1)(b) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92, the export declaration and, where necessary, the t5 copy shall carry the entry: (1) oj l 74, 20.3.1992, p. 18. (2) oj l 301, 17.10.1992, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/11 sorgo de intervenci n sin aplicaci n de restituci n ni gravamen, reglamento (ce) no 814/1999 sorghum fra intervention uden restitutionsydelse eller -afgift, forordning (ef) nr. 814/1999 interventionssorghum ohne anwendung von ausfuh- rerstattungen oder ausfuhrabgaben, verordnung (eg) nr. 814/1999 r r r , r ( ) . 814/1999 intervention sorghum without application of refund or tax, regulation (ec) no 814/1999 sorgho dintervention ne donnant pas lieu restitu- tion ni taxe, r glement (ce) no 814/1999 sorgo dintervento senza applicazione di restituzione n di tassa, regolamento (ce) n. 814/1999 sorghum uit interventie, zonder toepassing van resti- tutie of belasting, verordening (eg) nr. 814/1999 sorgo de interven o sem aplica o de uma restitui o ou imposi o, regulamento (ce) n.o 814/1999 interventiodurraa, johon ei sovelleta vientitukea eik vientimaksua, asetus (ey) n:o 814/1999 interventionssockerhirs, utan till mpning av bidrag eller avgift, f rordning (eg) nr 814/1999. article 8 1. the security lodgement pursuant to article 13(4) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 must be released once the export licences have been issued to the successful tenderers. 2. the obligation to export to the third countries shall be covered by a security amounting to eur 50 per tonne of which eur 30 per tonne shall be lodged when the export licence is issued, with the balance of eur 20 per tonne being lodged before removal of the cereals. article 15(2) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92 notwith- standing: the amount of eur 30 per tonne must be released within 20 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer supplies proof that the sorghum removed has left the customs territory of the community, the amount of eur 20 per tonne must be released within 15 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer supplies the proof referred to in article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93. 3. except in duly substantiated exceptional cases, in particular the opening of an administrative enquiry, any release of the securities provided for in this article after the time limits specified in this same article shall confer an entitlement to compensation from the member state amounting to eur 0,015 per 10 tonnes for each days delay. this compensation shall not be charged to the eaggf. article 9 within two hours of the expiry of the time limit for the submission of tenders, the french intervention agency shall notify the commission of tenders received. such notification shall be made using the model set out in annex iii and the telex or fax numbers set out in annex iv. article 10 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 20. 4. 1999l 103/12 (tonnes) place of storage quantity annex i bordeaux 1 500 lyon 2 900 montpellier 6 000 toulouse 18 200 annex ii communication of refusal of lots under the standing invitation to tender for the export of sorghum held by the french intervention agency (article 6(1) of regulation (ec) no 814/1999) name of successful tenderer: date of award of contract: date of refusal of lot by successful tenderer: lot no quantity in tonnes address of silo reason for refusal to take over % of tannins % sprouted grains % miscellaneous impurities (schwarzbesatz) % of matter which is not basic cereal of unimpaired quality other en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/13 annex iii standing invitation to tender for the export of sorghum held by the french intervention agency (regulation (ec) no 814/1999) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tender no consignmentno quantity (tonnes) offer price (eur/tonne) (1) price increases (+) or reductions ( ) (eur/tonne) p.m. commercial costs (eur/tonne) destination 1 2 3 etc. (1) this price includes the increases or reductions relating to the lot to which the tender refers. annex iv the only numbers to use to call brussels are (dg vi-c-1): fax 296 49 56, 295 25 15, telex 22037 agrec b, 22070 agrec b (greek characters). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 816/1999 of 19 april 1999 fixing community producer and import prices for carnations and roses with a view to the application of the arrangements governing imports of certain floricultural products originating in cyprus, israel, jordan, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip type: regulation subject matter: trade; prices; cooperation policy; agricultural activity date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/15 commission regulation (ec) no 816/1999 of 19 april 1999 fixing community producer and import prices for carnations and roses with a view to the application of the arrangements governing imports of certain flori- cultural products originating in cyprus, israel, jordan, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/97 (2), and in particular article 5 (2) (a) thereof, whereas, pursuant to article 2 (2) and article 3 of above- mentioned regulation (eec) no 4088/87, community import and producer prices are fixed each fortnight for uniflorous (bloom) carnations, multiflorous (spray) carna- tions, large-flowered roses and small-flowered roses and apply for two-weekly periods; whereas, pursuant to article 1b of commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 of 17 march 1988 laying down detailed rules for the application of the arrangements for the import into the community of certain floricultural products originating in cyprus, israel, jordan, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/ 97 (4), those prices are determined for fortnightly periods on the basis of weighted prices provided by the member states; whereas those prices should be fixed immediately so the customs duties applicable can be determined; whereas, to that end, provision should be made for this regulation to enter into force immediately, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the community producer and import prices for uniflorous (bloom) carnations, multiflorous (spray) carna- tions, large-flowered roses and small-flowered roses as referred to in article 1b of regulation (eec) no 700/88 for a fortnightly period shall be as set out in the annex. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 april 1999. it shall apply from 21 april to 4 may 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 382, 31.12.1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5.7.1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 72, 18.3.1988, p. 16. (4) oj l 289, 22.10.1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 20. 4. 1999l 103/16 annex (eur/100 pieces) period from 21 april to 4 may 1999 community producer price uniflorous (bloom) carnations multiflorous (spray) carnations large-flowered roses small-flowered roses 11,40 9,80 27,93 13,58 community import prices uniflorous (bloom) carnations multiflorous (spray) carnations large-flowered roses small-flowered roses israel 10,20 10,69 12,85 10,66 morocco 13,78 13,38 cyprus jordan west bank and gaza strip |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 817/1999 of 19 april 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations originating in israel type: regulation subject matter: international trade; agricultural activity; asia and oceania; tariff policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities20. 4. 1999 l 103/17 commission regulation (ec) no 817/1999 of 19 april 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations originating in israel the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan and morocco (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/ 97 (2), and in particular article 5(2)(b) thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 4088/87 fixes conditions for the application of a preferential customs duty on large-flowered roses, small-flowered roses, uniflorous (bloom) carnations and multiflorous (spray) carnations within the limit of tariff quotas opened annually for imports of fresh cut flowers into the community; whereas council regulation (ec) no 1981/94 (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 650/98 (4), opens and provides for the administration of community tariff quotas for certain products originating in algeria, cyprus, egypt, israel, jordan, malta, morocco, the west bank and the gaza strip, tunisia and turkey, and providing detailed rules for extending and adapting these tariff quotas; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 816/1999 (5) fixed community producer prices for carnations and roses for application of the arrangements for importation from the countries in question; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/97 (7), laid down detailed rules for the application of these arrange- ments; whereas the preferential customs duty fixed for multi- florous (spray) carnations originating in israel by regula- tion (ec) no 1981/94 was suspended by commission regulation (ec) no 512/1999 (8); whereas on the basis of price recordings made as speci- fied in regulations (eec) no 4088/87 and (eec) no 700/88 it must be concluded that the requirement for reintroduction of the preferential customs duty laid down in the last indent of article 2(4) of regulation (eec) no 4088/87 is met for multiflorous (spray) carnations origin- ating in israel; whereas the preferential customs duty should be reintroduced; whereas in between meetings of the management committee, the commission must adopt such measures, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations (cn codes ex 0603 10 13 and ex 0603 10 53) originating in israel the preferential customs duty set by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 is reintroduced. 2. regulation (ec) no 512/1999 is hereby repealed. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 april 1999. (1) oj l 382, 31.12.1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5.7.1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 199, 2.8.1994, p. 1. (4) oj l 88, 24.3.1998, p. 8. (5) see page 15 of this official journal. (6) oj l 72, 18.3.1988, p. 16. (7) oj l 264, 23.10.1997, p. 33. (8) oj l 60, 9.3.1999, p. 59. en official journal of the european communities 20. 4. 1999l 103/18 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 19 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 819/1999 of 20 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on eggs type: regulation subject matter: animal product; cooperation policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 4. 1999 l 104/3 commission regulation (ec) no 819/1999 of 20 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on eggs the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2771/75 of 29 october 1975 on the common organization of the market in eggs (1), as last amended by commission regu- lation (ec) no 1516/96 (2), and in particular article 8(3) thereof, whereas article 8 of regulation (eec) no 2771/75 provides that the difference between prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1(1) of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas the present market situation in certain third countries and that regarding competition on particular third country markets make it necessary to fix a refund differentiated by destination for certain products in the egg sector; whereas it follows from applying these rules and criteria to the present situation on the market in eggs that the refund should be fixed at an amount which would permit community participation in world trade and would also take account of the nature of these exports and their importance at the present time; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for poultrymeat and eggs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the list of codes of products for which, when they are exported, the export refund referred to in article 8 of regulation (eec) no 2771/75 is granted, and the amount of that refund shall be as shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 april 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 april 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 282, 1.11.1975, p. 49. (2) oj l 189, 30.7.1996, p. 99. en official journal of the european communities 21. 4. 1999l 104/4 annex to the commission regulation of 20 april 1999 fixing the export refunds on eggs product code destination (1) amount of refund eur/100 units 0407 00 11 9000 02 3,30 0407 00 19 9000 02 1,50 eur/100 kg 0407 00 30 9000 03 16,00 04 8,00 05 17,00 0408 11 80 9100 01 58,00 0408 19 81 9100 01 27,00 0408 19 89 9100 01 27,00 0408 91 80 9100 01 43,00 0408 99 80 9100 01 11,00 (1) the destinations are as follows: 01 all destinations except switzerland, 02 all destinations except the united states of america, 03 kuwait, bahrain, oman, qatar, the united arab emirates, yemen, hong kong sar and russia, 04 all destinations except switzerland and those of 03 and 05, 05 south korea, japan, malaysia, thailand, taiwan, the philippines and egypt. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87. |