name: commission regulation (ec) no 2682/98 of 11 december 1998 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export to certain third countries of wholly milled long grain rice issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; trade; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 12. 98l 337/16 commission regulation (ec) no 2682/98 of 11 december 1998 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export to certain third countries of wholly milled long grain rice issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued under commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 a maximum refund should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders submitted from 7 to 10 december 1998 in response to the invitation to tender for the export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to certain third countries issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2684/98 of 11 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 12. 98l 337/18 commission regulation (ec) no 2684/98 of 11 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2565/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries of europe pursuant to the invita- tion to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 7 to 10 december 1998 at ecu 124,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 46. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2696/98 of 14 december 1998 on the supply of rice as food aid type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy; cooperation policy; asia and oceania date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 15. 12. 98l 338/16 commission regulation (ec) no 2696/98 of 14 december 1998 on the supply of rice as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 1292/96 lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has alloc- ated rice to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2351/91 (3) lays down the detailed rules applicable on the purchase of rice held by public agencies for the supply of food aid; whereas, in view of the availability of rice in the community and the existence of sufficient stocks, such produce should be used to supply, under certain condi- tions, food aid to north korea; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (4) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1, has adopted this regulation: article 1 rice shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in annex i, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/97 and under the conditions set out in the annexes. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. (3) oj l 214, 2. 8. 1991, p. 51. (4) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities15. 12. 98 l 338/17 annex i lots a, b 1. action nos: 69/98 (a); 70/98 (b) 2. beneficiary (2): wfp (world food programme), via cristoforo colombo 426, i-00145 roma tel. (39-6) 6513 2988; fax 6513 2844/3; telex 626675 wfp i 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: north korea 5. product to be mobilised: milled rice (product code 1006 30 98 9900) 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 17 500 7. number of lots: 2 (a: 8 750 tonnes; b: 8 750 tonnes) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5) (9) (10): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a(1)(f)) 9. packaging (8): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (1.0a(1)(c), 2(c) and b(3)) 10. labelling or marking (6) (7): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: english and korean supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product (11): purchase from an intervention agency (see annex ii). the purchased price to be paid for the rice in question shall be ecu 315,9 per tonne. 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment fob stowed 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 1 to 21.2.1999 second deadline: 15.2 to 7.3.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (at 12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 5.1.1999 second deadline: 19.1.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex 25670 agrec b; fax (32-2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4) (9): refund applicable on 31.12.1998, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2561/98 (oj l 320, 28.11.1998, p. 32) en official journal of the european communities 15. 12. 98l 338/18 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65). torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that indicated in point 22 of this annex. the suppliers attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax (32 2) 296 20 05). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: phytosanitary certificate. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114, point ii.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '. (7) the marking in korean must be made as follows on the reverse side of the packaging: european community: rice: (8) since the goods may be rebagged, the supplier must provide 2 % of empty bags of the same quality as those containing the goods, with the marking followed by a capital r'. (9) article 3 of commission regulation (eec) no 1361/76 (oj l 154, 15.6.1976, p. 11) applies. (10) broken rice: 10 % maximum. (11) the product to be delivered may be mobilised on the community market if the goods referred to in point 11 of the tender notice are purchased from the designated intervention agency (or agencies), in accordance with the abovementioned legislation. en official journal of the european communities15. 12. 98 l 338/19 anexo ii bilag ii anhang ii ii annex ii annexe ii allegato ii b lage ii anexo ii liite ii bilaga ii lote parti los ' lot lot lotto partij lote er parti cantidad parcial (en toneladas de c scara) totalm ngde (tons i uafskallet ris) gesamtmengen (in tonnen von rohreis) ( r paddy) total quantity (in tonnes of paddy rice) quantit totale (en tonnes de riz paddy) quantit totale (in tonnellate di risone) totale hoeveelheid (in ton padie) quantidade total (em toneladas de arroz paddy ) kokonaism r (tonnia paddy- eli raakariisi ) total kvantitet (ton i paddyris) cantidades parciales (en toneladas) delm ngde (tons) teilmengen (in tonnen) r r ( r) partial quantities (in tonnes) quantit s partielles (en tonnes) quantitativi parziali (in tonnellate) deelhoeveelheden (in ton) quantidades parciais (em toneladas) osittaism r (tonnia) delkvantitet (ton) nombre, apellidos y direcci n del almacenista lagerholderens navn og adresse name und adresse des lagerhalters ' name and address of storer nom et adresse du stockeur nome e indirizzo del detentore naam en adres van de depothouder nome e endere o do armazenista varastoijan nimi ja osoite lagerh llarens namn och adress ritmo horario de carga (en toneladas) l ssekapacitet pr. time (tons) verladekapazit t (in tonnen) r r r ( r) hourly loading rate (in tonnes) rythme horaire de chargement (en tonnes) ritmo orario di carico (in tonnellate) laadtempo per uur (in ton) ritmo de carregamento por hora (em toneladas) lastausnopeus tunnissa (tonnia) lastkapacitet per timma (ton) a 16 000 16 000 omospondia' warehouse of sindos, thessaloniki christoforos pavlidis agevee agricultural' tel.: (30-31) 79 62 84, fax: 79 62 83 300/8h (first 1 300 tons) 120/8h for the rest b 16 000 7 500 omospondia' warehouse of n. halkidona, thessaloniki hellenic cereal co ltd tel.+fax: (30-391) 237 05/232 05 300/8h/silo 8 500 warehouse of crocio - volos christoforos pavlidis agevee agricultural' tel.: (30-422) 218 82, 218 85, fax: 219 28 450/8h/silo
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2706/98 of 15 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: prices; plant product; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 12. 98 l 340/19 commission regulation (ec) no 2706/98 of 15 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 16. 12. 98l 340/20 annex to the commission regulation of 15 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (ecu/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 104,2 204 85,2 624 289,0 999 159,5 0707 00 05 052 80,8 204 85,3 999 83,1 0709 90 70 052 93,5 204 105,7 628 156,1 999 118,4 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 31,8 204 45,0 999 38,4 0805 20 10 204 63,9 999 63,9 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 59,0 464 294,2 999 176,6 0805 30 10 052 59,6 600 71,1 999 65,3 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 16,5 064 45,1 400 85,4 404 51,4 999 49,6 0808 20 50 064 62,4 400 93,1 720 50,7 999 68,7 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2707/98 of 15 december 1998 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: europe; cooperation policy; plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 12. 98 l 340/21 commission regulation (ec) no 2707/98 of 15 december 1998 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most representative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differ- ences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indi- cated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at ecu 21,820 per 100 kilograms. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: ecu 62,370 per 100 kilograms in spain, ecu 52,165 per 100 kilograms in greece, ecu 84,480 per 100 kilograms in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 december 1998. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 16. 12. 98l 340/22 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2709/98 of 15 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 1487/95 establishing the supply balance for the canary islands for products from the pigmeat sector and fixing the aid for products coming from the community type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; animal product; economic policy; regions of eu member states; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 12. 98 l 340/25 commission regulation (ec) no 2709/98 of 15 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 1487/95 establishing the supply balance for the canary islands for products from the pigmeat sector and fixing the aid for products coming from the community the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1601/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures for the canary islands concerning certain agricultural prod- ucts (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/ 96 (2), and in particular article 4 (4) thereof, whereas the amounts of aid for the supply of the pigmeat sector to the canary islands have been settled by commission regulation (ec) no 1487/95 of 28 june 1995 establishing the supply balance for the canary islands for products from the pigmeat sector and fixing the aid for products coming from the community (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2013/98 (4); whereas, as a consequence of the changes in the rates and prices for cereal products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the canary islands should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas article 2 of council regulation (eec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (5) provides that as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for pigmeat, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex ii to regulation (eec) no 1487/95 is hereby replaced by the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 145, 29. 6. 1995, p. 63. (4) oj l 260, 23. 9. 1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 16. 12. 98l 340/26 annex annex ii amounts of aid granted for products coming from the community market (eur/100 kg net weight) product code amount of aid 0203 21 10 9000 18,1 0203 22 11 9100 27,1 0203 22 19 9100 18,1 0203 29 11 9100 18,1 0203 29 13 9100 27,1 0203 29 15 9100 18,1 0203 29 55 9110 30,7 nb: the product codes as well as the footnotes are defined in regulation (eec) no 3846/87.'
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2711/98 of 16 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 98 l 342/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2711/98 of 16 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 17. 12. 98l 342/2 annex to the commission regulation of 16 december 1998 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (ecu/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 127,7 204 87,7 624 262,9 999 159,4 0707 00 05 052 80,8 204 85,3 999 83,1 0709 90 70 052 90,7 204 105,7 628 156,1 999 117,5 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 35,1 204 40,0 999 37,5 0805 20 10 204 63,0 999 63,0 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 62,0 464 294,2 999 178,1 0805 30 10 052 59,2 600 71,1 999 65,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 060 16,5 064 45,1 400 73,6 404 53,8 999 47,2 0808 20 50 064 59,8 400 61,4 720 50,7 999 57,3 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2712/98 of 16 december 1998 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 98 l 342/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2712/98 of 16 december 1998 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 19 (4) thereof, whereas the refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in the natural state were fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2638/98 (3); whereas it follows from applying the detailed rules contained in regulation (ec) no 2638/98 to the informa- tion known to the commission that the export refunds at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1(1)(a) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81, undenatured and exported in the natural state, as fixed in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2638/98 are hereby altered to the amounts shown in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 335, 10. 12. 1998, p. 5. en official journal of the european communities 17. 12. 98l 342/4 annex to the commission regulation of 16 december 1998 altering the export refunds on white sugar and raw sugar exported in its unaltered state product code amount of refund ecu/100 kg 1701 11 90 9100 42,35 (1) 1701 11 90 9910 41,54 (1) 1701 11 90 9950 (2) 1701 12 90 9100 42,35 (1) 1701 12 90 9910 41,54 (1) 1701 12 90 9950 (2) ecu/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 91 00 9000 0,4604 ecu/100 kg 1701 99 10 9100 46,04 1701 99 10 9910 46,23 1701 99 10 9950 46,23 ecu/1 % of sucrose 100 kg 1701 99 90 9100 0,4604 (1) applicable to raw sugar with a yield of 92 %; if the yield is other than 92 %, the refund applicable is calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 17a (4) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81. (2) fixing suspended by commission regulation (eec) no 2689/85 (oj l 255, 26. 9. 1985, p. 12), as amended by regulation (eec) no 3251/85 (oj l 309, 21. 11. 1985, p. 14).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2722/98 of 16 december 1998 fixing the export refunds on olive oil type: regulation subject matter: processed agricultural produce; trade policy; agricultural policy; monetary relations date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 98 l 342/21 commission regulation (ec) no 2722/98 of 16 december 1998 fixing the export refunds on olive oil the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 136/66/eec of 22 september 1966 on the establishment of a common organization of the market in oils and fats (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1638/98 (2), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that, where prices within the community are higher than world market prices, the difference between these prices may be covered by a refund when olive oil is exported to third countries; whereas the detailed rules for fixing and granting export refunds on olive oil are contained in commission regula- tion (eec) no 616/72 (3), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 2962/77 (4); whereas article 3 (3) of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that the refund must be the same for the whole community; whereas, in accordance with article 3 (4) of regulation no 136/66/eec, the refund for olive oil must be fixed in the light of the existing situation and outlook in relation to olive oil prices and availability on the community market and olive oil prices on the world market; whereas, however, where the world market situation is such that the most favourable olive oil prices cannot be determined, account may be taken of the price of the main competing vegetable oils on the world market and the difference recorded between that price and the price of olive oil during a representative period; whereas the amount of the refund may not exceed the difference between the price of olive oil in the community and that on the world market, adjusted, where appropriate, to take account of export costs for the products on the world market; whereas, in accordance with article 3 (3) third indent, point (b) of regulation no 136/66/eec, it may be decided that the refund shall be fixed by tender; whereas the tendering procedure should cover the amount of the refund and may be limited to certain countries of des- tination, quantities, qualities and presentations; whereas the second indent of article 3 (3) of regulation no 136/66/eec provides that the refund on olive oil may be varied according to destination where the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets make this necessary; whereas the refund must be fixed at least once every month; whereas it may, if necessary, be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying these detailed rules to the present situation on the market in olive oil and in particular to olive oil prices within the community and on the markets of third countries that the refund should be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the representative market rates defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 150/95 (6), are used to convert amounts expressed in third country currencies and are used as the basis for determining the agricultural conversion rates of the member states currencies; whereas detailed rules on the application and determina- tion of these conversions were set by commission regu- lation (eec) no 1068/93 (7), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 961/98 (8); whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (9) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas the management committee for oils and fats has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 (2) (c) of regulation no 136/66/eec shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1998. (5) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (1) oj 172, 30. 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. (6) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 32. (7) oj l 108, 1. 5. 1993, p. 106. (3) oj l 78, 31. 3. 1972, p. 1. (8) oj l 135, 8. 5. 1998, p. 5. (4) oj l 348, 30. 12. 1977, p. 53. (9) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 17. 12. 98l 342/22 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission annex to the commission regulation of 16 december 1998 fixing the export refunds on olive oil (ecu/100 kg) product code amount of refund (1) 1509 10 90 9100 0,00 1509 10 90 9900 0,00 1509 90 00 9100 0,00 1509 90 00 9900 0,00 1510 00 90 9100 0,00 1510 00 90 9900 0,00 (1) for destinations mentioned in article 34 of amended commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87 (oj l 351, 14. 12. 1987, p 1), as well as for exports to third countries. nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2724/98 of 16 december 1998 amending the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: america; free movement of capital; plant product; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 98 l 342/25 commission regulation (ec) no 2724/98 of 16 december 1998 amending the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas the import duties in the cereals sector are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2710/98 (5); whereas article 2, (1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 provides that if during the period of application, the average import duty calculated differs by ecu 5 per tonne from the duty fixed, a corresponding adjustment is to be made; whereas such a difference has arisen; whereas it is therefore necessary to adjust the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 2710/98, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i and ii to regulation (ec) no 2710/98 are hereby replaced by annexes i and ii to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 340, 16. 12. 1998, p. 27. en official journal of the european communities 17. 12. 98l 342/26 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (ecu/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (ecu/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 46,14 36,14 medium quality (1) 56,14 46,14 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 39,37 29,37 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 39,37 29,37 medium quality 76,87 66,87 low quality 97,04 87,04 1002 00 00 rye 101,20 91,20 1003 00 10 barley, seed 101,20 91,20 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 101,20 91,20 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 103,88 93,88 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 103,88 93,88 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 101,20 91,20 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: ecu 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or ecu 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of ecu 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 98 l 342/27 annex ii factors for calculating duties (for 15 december 1998) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (**) us barley 2 quotation (ecu/tonne) 113,54 99,68 88,40 74,67 130,75 (*) 120,75 (*) 75,52 (*) gulf premium (ecu/tonne) 10,41 1,52 8,40 great lakes premium (ecu/tonne) 23,80 (*) fob duluth. (**) a discount of ecu 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: ecu 10,88 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: ecu 20,95 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: ecu 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) : ecu 0,00 per tonne (srw2).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2726/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods type: regulation subject matter: processed agricultural produce; agricultural structures and production; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 12. 98 l 343/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2726/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing the production refund for olive oil used in the manufacture of certain preserved foods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 136/66/eec of 22 september 1966 on the establishment of a common organisation of the market in oils and fats (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1638/98 (2), and in particular article 20a thereof, whereas article 20a of regulation no 136/66/eec provides for the granting of a production refund for olive oil used in the preserving industry; whereas under para- graph 6 of that article, and without prejudice to para- graph 3 thereof, the commission shall fix this refund every two months; whereas by virtue of article 20a (2) of the abovemen- tioned regulation, the production refund must be fixed on the basis of the gap between prices on the world market and on the community market, taking account of the import charge applicable to olive oil falling within cn subheading 1509 90 00 and the factors used for fixing the export refunds for those olive oils during the refer- ence period; whereas it is appropriate to take as a refer- ence period the two-month period preceding the begin- ning of the term of validity of the production refund; whereas article 2 of council regulation (eec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (3) provides that as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the application of the above criteria results in the refund being fixed as shown below, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the months of january and february 1999, the amount of the production refund referred to in article 20a(2) of regulation no 136/66/eec shall be eur 44,00 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj 172, 30. 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 32. (3) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2729/98 of 17 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 2628/97 as regards transitional provisions for the start-up period of the system for the identification and registration of bovine animals type: regulation subject matter: means of agricultural production; foodstuff; information technology and data processing; marketing; animal product; health date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 18. 12. 98l 343/12 commission regulation (ec) no 2729/98 of 17 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 2628/97 as regards transitional provisions for the start-up period of the system for the identification and registration of bovine animals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 820/97 of 21 april 1997 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products (1), and in particular article 10(f) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2628/97 (2), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2105/98 (3), lays down detailed rules on the transitional provisions for the start-up period of the system to identify and register bovine animals; whereas, in the light of the practical difficulties involved in identifying for a second time bovine animals born before 1 january 1998 by tagging them with new ear-tags, the rules laid down earlier for bovine animals born after 1 january 1998 should also be applied to them; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the committee of the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund, has adopted this regulation: article 1 in article 1(6) of regulation (ec) no 2628/97, are born after 1 january 1998' is hereby deleted. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 117, 7. 5. 1997, p. 1. (2) oj l 354, 30. 12. 1997, p. 17. (3) oj l 267, 2. 10. 1998, p. 4.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2733/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing production refunds on cereals and rice type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 18. 12. 98l 343/20 commission regulation (ec) no 2733/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing production refunds on cereals and rice the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992, on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 7 (3) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 7 (2) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 1722/93 of 30 june 1993 laying down detailed rules for the arrangements concerning production refunds in the cereals and rice sectors (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1011/98 (6), and in particular article 3 thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 1722/93 establishes the conditions for granting the production refund; whereas the basis for the calculation is established in article 3 of the said regulation; whereas the refund thus calculated must be fixed once a month and may be altered if the price of maize and/or wheat changes significantly; whereas the production refunds to be fixed in this regu- lation should be adjusted by the coefficients listed in the annex ii to regulation (eec) no 1722/93 to establish the exact amount payable; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (7) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the refund referred to in article 3 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1722/93, expressed per tonne of starch extracted from maize, wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, rice or broken rice, shall be ecu 64,14 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (5) oj l 159, 1. 7. 1993, p. 112. (6) oj l 145, 15. 5. 1998, p. 11. (7) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2735/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 12. 98 l 343/23 commission regulation (ec) no 2735/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to all third countries with the exception of certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1079/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2005/98 (6); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 11 to 17 december 1998, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1079/98, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be ecu 30,90 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 24. (6) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2737/98 of 17 december 1998 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; taxation; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 12. 98 l 343/25 commission regulation (ec) no 2737/98 of 17 december 1998 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund or a minimum tax should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 11 to 17 december 1998 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund or the tax for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2741/98 of 17 december 1998 amending the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: plant product; america; free movement of capital; trade; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities18. 12. 98 l 343/29 commission regulation (ec) no 2741/98 of 17 december 1998 amending the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas the import duties in the cereals sector are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2710/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2724/98 (6); whereas article 2, (1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 provides that if during the period of application, the average import duty calculated differs by ecu 5 per tonne from the duty fixed, a corresponding adjustment is to be made; whereas such a difference has arisen; whereas it is therefore necessary to adjust the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 2710/98, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i and ii to regulation (ec) no 2710/98 are hereby replaced by annexes i and ii to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 18 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 340, 16. 12. 1998, p. 27. (6) oj l 342, 17. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 18. 12. 98l 343/30 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (ecu/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (ecu/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 46,14 36,14 medium quality (1) 56,14 46,14 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 46,97 36,97 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 46,97 36,97 medium quality 76,87 66,87 low quality 97,04 87,04 1002 00 00 rye 101,20 91,20 1003 00 10 barley, seed 101,20 91,20 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 101,20 91,20 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 103,88 93,88 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 103,88 93,88 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 101,20 91,20 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: ecu 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or ecu 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of ecu 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities18. 12. 98 l 343/31 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 15 december 1998 to 16 december 1998) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (**) us barley 2 quotation (ecu/tonne) 110,98 99,68 88,40 74,67 130,75 (*) 120,75 (*) 75,52 (*) gulf premium (ecu/tonne) 24,0 10,41 1,52 8,40 great lakes premium (ecu/tonne) (*) fob duluth. (**) a discount of ecu 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: ecu 10,81 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: ecu 20,95 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: ecu 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) ecu 0,00 per tonne (srw2).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2749/98 of 18 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: agricultural policy; trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/16 commission regulation (ec) no 2749/98 of 18 december 1998 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 14 to 17 december 1998 at ecu 293,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2750/98 of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira type: regulation subject matter: trade; plant product; foodstuff; cooperation policy; regions of eu member states date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/17 commission regulation (ec) no 2750/98 of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1600/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the azores and madeira (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/96 (2), and in particular article 10 thereof, whereas the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products to the azores and madeira has been settled by commission regulation (eec) no 1833/92 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2551/98 (4); whereas, as a consequence of the changes of the rates and prices for cereals products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the azores and madeira should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (5) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex of amended regulation (eec) no 1833/92 is replaced by the annex to the present regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 185, 4. 7. 1992, p. 28. (4) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 10. (5) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/18 annex to the commission regulation of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 1833/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the azores and madeira (eur/tonne) amount of aid product (cn code) destination azores madeira common wheat (1001 90 99) 34,00 34,00 barley (1003 00 90) 59,00 59,00 maize (1005 90 00) 52,00 52,00 durum wheat (1001 10 00) 8,00 8,00
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2751/98 of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 391/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the french overseas departments type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; plant product; trade; overseas countries and territories; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/19 commission regulation (ec) no 2751/98 of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 391/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the french overseas departments the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3763/91 of 16 december 1991 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the french overseas departments (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2598/95 (2), and in particular article 2 (6) thereof, whereas the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products to the french overseas departments (fod) has been settled by commission regulation (eec) no 391/ 92 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2553/98 (4); whereas, as a consequence of the changes of the rates and prices for cereals products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the fod should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (5) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex of amended regulation (eec) no 391/92 is replaced by the annex to the present regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 356, 24. 12. 1991, p. 1. (2) oj l 267, 9. 11. 1995, p. 1. (3) oj l 43, 19. 2. 1992, p. 23. (4) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 14. (5) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/20 annex to the commission regulation of 18 december 1998 amending regulation (eec) no 391/92 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of cereals products from the community to the french overseas departments (eur/tonne) amount of aid product destination (cn code) guadeloupe martinique frenchguiana r union common wheat (1001 90 99) 37,00 37,00 37,00 40,00 barley (1003 00 90) 62,00 62,00 62,00 65,00 maize (1005 90 00) 55,00 55,00 55,00 58,00 durum wheat (1001 10 00) 12,00 12,00 12,00 16,00
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2759/98 of 18 december 1998 on the sale, at prices fixed in advance, of beef held by certain intervention agencies, with a view to its processing in the community and repealing regulation (ec) no 2144/98 type: regulation subject matter: agri-foodstuffs; prices; marketing; food technology; animal product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/41 commission regulation (ec) no 2759/98 of 18 december 1998 on the sale, at prices fixed in advance, of beef held by certain intervention agencies, with a view to its processing in the community and repealing regula- tion (ec) no 2144/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 7(3) thereof, whereas the introduction of intervention in beef has resulted in a build-up of stocks in several member states; whereas, in order to prevent storage being prolonged excessively, part of these stocks should be sold for processing in the community; whereas this sale should be subject to the rules laid down in commission regulations (eec) no 2173/79 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2417/95 (4), (eec) no 3002/92 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 770/ 96 (6), and (eec) no 2182/77 (7), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 2417/95, subject to certain special excep- tions on account of the particular use to which the prod- ucts in question are to be put; whereas, in order to ensure regular and continuous sales, title i of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, in particular, should be applied; whereas, to ensure economic management of stocks, the intervention agencies should give priority to selling the meat which has been stored the longest; whereas provision should be made for derogations from the second subparagraph of article 2(2) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79 in view of the administrative difficul- ties which the application of this rule is creating in certain member states; whereas, to ensure optimum monitoring of the destina- tion of beef from intervention stocks, control measures should be taken, in addition to the measures provided for in regulation (eec) no 3002/92, based on physical inspection of quantities and qualities; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2144/98 (8), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2511/98 (9), should be repealed; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (10) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for beef and veal, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the sale shall take place, for processing in the community, of products bought into intervention under article 6 of regulation (eec) no 805/68 amounting to approximately: 34 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the dutch intervention agency, 400 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the portu- guese intervention agency, 1 000 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the austrian intervention agency, 500 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the danish intervention agency, 1 000 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the french intervention agency, 500 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the italian intervention agency, 1 000 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the spanish intervention agency, (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1997, p. 17. (3) oj l 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (4) oj l 248, 14. 10. 1995, p. 39. (5) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. (8) oj l 270, 7. 10. 1998, p. 31. (6) oj l 104, 27. 4. 1996, p. 13. (9) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 12. (7) oj l 251, 1. 10. 1977, p. 60. (10) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/42 380 tonnes of bone-in forequarters held by the irish intervention agency, 5 000 tonnes of deboned beef held by the irish inter- vention agency, 30 tonnes of deboned beef held by the spanish inter- vention agency, 1 790 tonnes of deboned beef held by the french intervention agency, 8 000 tonnes of deboned beef held by the united kingdom intervention agency. detailed information concerning the products and their selling prices is given in annex i. 2. subject to the provisions of this regulation the prod- ucts referred to in paragraph 1 shall be sold in accordance with regulations (eec) no 2173/79, and in particular titles i and iii thereof, (eec) no 2182/77 and (eec) no 3002/92. 3. particulars of the quantities and the places where the products are stored may be obtained by interested parties at the addresses given in annex ii hereto. 4. for each product listed in annex i hereto, the inter- vention agencies shall sell first the meat which has been stored the longest. 5. notwithstanding the second subparagraph of article 2(2) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, purchase applica- tions shall not indicate in which store or stores the meat is held. article 2 1. purchase applications shall be valid only if presented by or on behalf of a natural or legal person who, for the 12 months prior to the entry into force of this regulation, has been engaged in the processing of products containing beef and who is entered in a national vat register. in addition, applications must be presented by or on behalf of a processing establishment approved in accordance with article 8 of council directive 77/ 99/eec (1). 2. notwithstanding article 3(1) and (2) of regulation (eec) no 2182/77, applications shall be accompanied by: an indication of the product covered, as referred to in either article 3(2) or (3), a written undertaking by the purchaser to process the meat into the product as specified above within the period referred to in article 5(1) of regulation (eec) no 2182/77, precise details of the establishment or establishments where the meat purchased is to be processed. 3. the purchasers referred to in paragraph 1 may instruct an agent in writing to take delivery, on their behalf, of the products which they purchase. in this case agents shall submit the purchase application of the purchaser whom they represent together with the written instruction referred to above. 4. notwithstanding article 18(1) of regulation (eec) no 2173/79, taking over must be completed within two months. 5. the purchasers and agents referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall maintain and keep up to date an accounting system which permits the destination and use of the products to be ascertained with a view in particular to ensuring that the quantities of products purchased and processed tally with each other. article 3 1. meat purchased in accordance with this regulation shall be processed into products which comply with the definitions for a products and b products set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 below. 2. an a' product means a processed product falling within cn code 1602 10 00, 1602 50 31, 1602 50 39 or 1602 50 80, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 % (2) and containing by weight at least 20 % (3) of lean meat excluding offal (4) and fat, with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85 % of the total net weight. the product must be subjected to a heat treatment suffi- cient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product, which may not show any traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part. (2) determination of collagen content: the collagen content shall be taken to mean the hydroxyproline content multiplied by the factor 8. the hydroxyproline content must be determined according to iso method 3496-1994. (3) the lean bovine meat content excluding fat is determined in accordance with the procedure described in the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 2429/86 (oj l 210, 1. 8. 1986, p. 39). (4) offal includes the following: heads and cuts thereof (including ears), feet, tails, hearts, udders, livers, kidneys, sweetbreads (thymus gland with pancreas), brains, lungs, throats, thick skirts, spleens, tongues, caul, spinal cords, edible skin, repro- ductive organs (i.e. uteri, ovaries and testes), thyroid glands, pituitary glands.(1) oj l 26, 31. 1. 1977, p. 85. en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/43 3. a b' product means a processed product containing beef, other than: one specified in article 1(1)(a) of regulation (eec) no 805/68, or one referred to in paragraph 2. however, a processed product falling within cn code 0210 20 90 which has been dried or smoked so that the colour and consistency of the fresh meat has totally disap- peared and with a water/protein ratio not exceeding 3,2 shall be considered to be a b product. article 4 1. member states shall set up a system of physical and documentary supervision to ensure that all meat is processed in accordance with articles 2 and 3. the system must include physical checks of quantity and quality at the start of the processing, during the processing and after the processing operation is completed. to this end, processors must at any time be able to demonstrate the identity and use of the meat through appropriate production records. technical verification of the production method by the competent authority may, to the extent necessary, make allowance for drip losses and trimmings. in order to verify the quality of the finished product and establish its conformity with the processors recipe, member states shall undertake representative sampling and analysis of the product. the costs of such operations shall be borne by the processor concerned. 2. member states may, at the request of the processor, authorise the deboning of bone-in quarters in an estab- lishment other than that provided for in respect of processing provided the relevant operations take place in the same member state under appropriate supervision. 3. article 1 of regulation (eec) no 2182/77 shall not apply. article 5 1. the security provided for in article 15(1) of regula- tion (eec) no 2173/79 shall be ecu 12 per 100 kilo- grams. 2. the security provided for in article 4(1) of regula- tion (eec) no 2182/77 shall be: ecu 1 300 for bone-in forequarters processed into a products, ecu 1 150 for bone-in forequarters processed into b products or a mixture of a and b products, ecu 1 750 for deboned beef processed into a prod- ucts, ecu 1 600 for deboned beef processed into b prod- ucts or a mixture of a and b products. 3. notwithstanding article 5(3) of regulation (eec) no 2182/77, the processing of all beef purchased into finished products as indicated in the purchase application shall constitute a principal requirement. article 6 notwithstanding article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2182/ 77, in addition to the entries provided for in regulation (eec) no 3002/92: section 104 of t5 control copies must be completed with one or more of the following: para transformaci n [reglamentos (cee) no 2182/ 77 y (ce) no 2759/98] til forarbejdning (forordning (ef) nr. 2182/77 og (ef) nr. 2759/98) zur verarbeitung bestimmt (verordnungen (ewg) nr. 2182/77 und (eg) nr. 2759/98) [ ( ) . 2182/77 ( ) . 2759/98] for processing (regulations (eec) no 2182/77 and (ec) no 2759/98) destin s la transformation [r glements (cee) no 2182/77 et (ce) no 2759/98] destinate alla trasformazione [regolamenti (cee) n. 2182/77 e (ce) n. 2759/98] bestemd om te worden verwerkt (verordeningen (eeg) nr. 2182/77 en (eg) nr. 2759/98) para transforma o [regulamentos (cee) n 2182/ /77 e (ce) n 2759/98] jalostettavaksi (asetukset (ety) n:o 2182/77 ja (ey) n:o 2759/98) f r bearbetning (f rordningarna (eeg) nr 2182/ 77 och (eg) nr 2759/98). section 106 of t5 control copies must be completed with the date of conclusion of the contract of sale. article 7 regulation (ec) no 2144/98 is hereby repealed. article 8 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/44 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/45 anexo i bilag i anhang i annex i annexe i allegato i b lage i anexo i liite i bilaga i estado miembro medlemsstat mitgliedstaat r r member state tat membre stato membro lidstaat estado-membro j senvaltio medlemsstat productos (1) produkter (1) erzeugnisse (1) (1) products (1) produits (1) prodotti (1) producten (1) produtos (1) tuotteet (1) produkter (1) cantidad aproximada (toneladas) tiln rmet m ngde (tons) ungef hre mengen (tonnen) ( ) approximate quantity (tonnes) quantit approximative (tonnes) quantit approssimativa (tonnellate) hoeveelheid bij benadering (ton) quantidade aproximada (toneladas) arvioitu m r (tonneina) ungef rlig kvantitet (ton) precio de venta expresado en ecus por tonelada salgspriser i ecu/ton verkaufspreise, ausgedr ckt in ecu/tonne r r r ecu selling prices expressed in ecus per tonne prix de vente exprim s en cus par tonne prezzi di vendita espressi in ecu per tonnellata verkooppr zen uitgedrukt in ecu per ton pre o de venda expresso em ecus por tonelada myyntihinta ecuina tonnilta f rs ljningspris i ecu per ton a) carne con hueso k d, ikke udbenet fleisch mit knochen bone-in beef viande avec os carni non disossate vlees met been carne com osso luullinen naudanliha k tt med ben (a) (2) (b) (3) danmark forfjerdinger 500 650 800 italia quarti anteriori 500 650 800 ireland forequarters 380 650 800 france quartiers avant 1 000 650 800 sterreich vorderviertel 1 000 650 800 portugal quartos dianteiros 400 650 800 espa a cuartos delanteros 1 000 650 800 nederland voorvoeten 34 650 800 b) carne deshuesada udbenet k d fleisch ohne knochen r boneless beef viande d soss e carni senza osso vlees zonder been carne desossada luuton naudanliha benfritt k tt france flanchet dintervention (int 18) 1 000 600 750 jarret avant dintervention (int 21) 113 800 950 paule dintervention (int 22) 677 1 100 1 250 united intervention shank (int 11) 1 000 700 850 kingdom intervention thick flank (int 12) 1 000 1 200 1 350 intervention topside (int 13) 500 1 450 1 600 intervention silverside (int 14) 500 1 400 1 550 intervention flank (int 18) 1 000 600 750 intervention forerib (int 19) 500 1 000 1 150 intervention shin (int 21) 1 000 700 850 intervention shoulder (int 22) 1 000 1 000 1 100 intervention brisket (int 23) 500 700 850 intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 000 1 000 1 150 ireland intervention shank (int 11) 500 800 950 intervention flank (int 18) 500 700 850 intervention shin (int 21) 500 800 950 intervention shoulder (int 22) 1 000 1 100 1 250 intervention brisket (int 23) 500 800 950 intervention forequarter (int 24) 1 000 1 100 1 250 intervention thick flank (int 12) 200 1 300 1 450 intervention topside (int 13) 200 1 550 1 700 intervention silverside (int 14) 200 1 500 1 650 intervention rump (int 16) 200 1 500 1 650 intervention forerib (int 19) 200 1 100 1 250 espa a falda (int 18) 30 600 750 en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/46 (1) v anse los anexos v y vii del reglamento (cee) no 2456/93 de la comisi n (do l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4); reglamento cuya ltima modificaci n la constituye el reglamento (ce) no 2304/98 (do l 288 de 27.10.1998, p. 3). (1) se bilag v og vii til kommissionens forordning (ef) nr. 2456/93 (eft l 225 af 4. 9. 1993, s. 4); forordningen er senest ndret ved forordning (ef) nr. 2304/98 (eft l 288 af 27. 10. 1998, s. 3). (1) vgl. anh nge v und vii der verordnung (ewg) nr. 2456/93 der kommission (abl. l 225 vom 4.9.1993, s. 4), zuletzt ge ndert durch die verordnung (eg) nr. 2304/98 (abl. l 288 vom 27.10.1998, s. 3). (1) v vii ( ) . 2456/93 r r ( l 225 r 4.9.1993, . 4), r ( ) . 2304/98 ( l 288 r 27.10.1998, . 3). (1) see annexes v and vii to commission regulation (eec) no 2456/93 (oj l 225, 4.9.1993, p. 4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2304/98 (oj l 288, 27.10.1998, p. 3). (1) voir annexes v et vii du r glement (cee) no 2456/93 de la commission (jo l 225 du 4.9.1993, p. 4). r glement modifi en dernier lieu par le r glement (ce) no 2304/98 (jo l 288 du 27. 10. 1998, p. 3). (1) cfr. allegati v e vii del regolamento (cee) n. 2456/93 della commissione (gu l 225 del 4. 9. 1993, pag. 4), modificato da ultimo dal regolamento (ce) n. 2304/98 (gu l 288 del 27.10.1998, pag. 3). (1) zie de b lagen v en vii van verordening (eeg) nr. 2456/93 van de commissie (pb l 225 van 4.9.1993, blz. 4), laatstelijk gewijzigd bij verordening (eg) nr. 2304/98 (pb l 288 van 27. 10. 1998, blz. 3). (1) ver anexos v e vii do regulamento (cee) n 2456/93 da comiss o (jo l 225 de 4.9.1993, p. 4). regulamento com a ltima redac o que lhe foi dada pelo regulamento (ce) n 2304/98 (jo l 288 de 27.10.1998, p. 3). (1) katso komission asetuksen (ety) n:o 2456/93 (eyvl l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), sellaisena kuin se on viimeksi muutettuna asetuksella (ey) n:o 2304/98 (eyvl l 288, 27.10.1998, s. 3), liitteet v ja vii. (1) se bilagorna v och vii i kommissionens f rordning (eeg) nr 2456/93 (egt l 225, 4.9.1993, s. 4), senast ndrad genom f rordning (eg) nr 2304/98 (egt l 288, 27.10.1998, s. 3). (2) precio aplicable a la transformaci n exclusivamente en los productos a contemplados en el apartado 2 del art culo 3. (2) pris udelukkende for forarbejdning til a-produkter som omhandlet i artikel 3, stk. 2. (2) geltender preis nur f r die verarbeitung zu a-erzeugnissen gem artikel 3 absatz 2. (2) , 3 r 2. (2) price applying for processing solely into a products as referred to in article 3(2). (2) prix applicable uniquement pour la transformation en produits a vis s larticle 3, paragraphe 2. (2) prezzo applicabile unicamente per la trasformazione in prodotti a di cui allarticolo 3, paragrafo 2. (2) prijs uitsluitend voor verwerking tot de in artikel 3, lid 2, bedoelde a-producten. (2) pre o aplic vel para a transforma o apenas em produtos a referidos no n 2 do artigo 3 (2) hinta jota sovelletaan jalostettaessa ainoastaan 3 artiklan 2 kohdassa tarkoitetuiksi a-luokan tuotteiksi. (2) pris f r bearbetning endast till a-produkter i enlighet med artikel 3.2. (3) precio aplicable a la transformaci n en los productos b contemplados en el apartado 3 del art culo 3, o en una mezcla de productos a y productos b . (3) pris for forarbejdning til b-produkter som omhandlet i artikel 3, stk. 3, eller en blanding af a- og b-produkter. (3) geltender preis f r die verarbeitung zu b-erzeugnissen gem artikel 3 absatz 3 oder eine mischung aus a- und b-erzeugnissen. (3) 3 r 3, . (3) price applying for processing into b products as referred to in article 3(3) or a mix of a products and b products. (3) prix applicable pour la transformation en produits b vis s larticle 3, paragraphe 3, ou pour un m lange de produits a et de produits b . (3) prezzo applicabile per la trasformazione in prodotti b di cui allarticolo 3, paragrafo 3, o per un miscuglio di prodotti a e di prodotti b . (3) prijs voor verwerking tot de in artikel 3, lid 3, bedoelde b-producten of tot een mengeling van a-producten en b-producten. (3) pre o aplic vel para a transforma o em produtos b referidos no n 3 do artigo 3 , ou uma mistura de produtos a e produtos b . (3) hinta, jota sovelletaan jalostettaessa 3 artiklan 3 kohdassa tarkoitetuiksi b-luokan tuotteiksi, tai a- ja b-luokan tuotteiden seokseksi. (3) pris f r bearbetning till b-produkter i enlighet med artikel 3.3 eller en blandning av a- och b-produkter. en official journal of the european communities19. 12. 98 l 345/47 anexo ii bilag ii anhang ii apapthma ii annex ii annexe ii allegato ii bijlage ii anexo ii liite ii bilaga ii direcciones de los organismos de intervenci n interventionsorganernes adresser anschriften der interventionsstellen r r addresses of the intervention agencies adresses des organismes dintervention indirizzi degli organismi dintervento adressen van de interventiebureaus endere os dos organismos de interven o interventioelinten osoitteet interventionsorganens adresser danmark ministeriet for f devarer, landbrug og fiskeri eu-direktoratet kampmannsgade 3 dk-1780 k benhavn v tlf. (45) 33 92 70 00; telex 151317 dk; fax (45) 33 92 69 48, (45) 33 92 69 23 espa a fega (fondo espa ol de garant a agraria) beneficencia, 8 e-28005 madrid tel.: (34) 913 47 65 00, 913 47 63 10; t lex: fega 23427 e, fega 41818 e; fax: (34) 915 21 98 32, 915 22 43 87 france ofival 80, avenue des terroirs-de-france f-75607 paris cedex 12 t l phone: (33 1) 44 68 50 00; t lex: 215330; t l copieur: (33 1) 44 68 52 33 italia aima (azienda di stato per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo) via palestro 81 i-00185 roma tel. 49 49 91; telex: 61 30 03; telefax: 445 39 40/445 19 58 ireland department of agriculture, food and forestry agriculture house kildare street irl-dublin 2 tel. (01) 678 90 11, ext. 2278 and 3806 telex 93292 and 93607, telefax (01) 661 62 63, (01) 678 52 14 and (01) 662 01 98 nederland ministerie van landbouw, natuurbeheer en visser , voedselvoorzieningsin- en verkoopbureau p/a laser, zuidoost slachthuisstraat 71 postbus 965 6040 az roermond tel. (31-475) 35 54 44; telex 56396 vibnl; fax (31-475) 31 89 39 sterreich ama-agrarmarkt austria dresdner stra e 70 a-1201 wien tel.: (431) 33 15 12 20; telefax: (431) 33 15 1297 en official journal of the european communities 19. 12. 98l 345/48 portugal instituto nacional de interven o e garantia agr cola rua fernando curado ribeiro, n 4-g p-1600 lisboa tel.: (351-1) 751 85 00; telefax: (351-1) 751 86 15 united kingdom intervention board executive agency kings house 33 kings road reading rg1 3bu berkshire tel. (01189) 58 36 26 fax (01189) 56 67 50
name: council regulation (ec) no 2764/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing, for the 1999 fishing year, the guide prices for the fishery products listed in annex ii to regulation (eec) no 3759/92 type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; prices; foodstuff; marketing date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 12. 98l 346/6 council regulation (ec) no 2764/98 of 17 december 1998 fixing, for the 1999 fishing year, the guide prices for the fishery products listed in annex ii to regulation (eec) no 3759/92 the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3759/92 of 17 december 1992 on the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products (1), and in particular article 9(3) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas article 9(1) of regulation (eec) no 3759/92 provides for a guide price to be fixed annually for each of the products or groups of products listed in annex ii to that regulation; whereas, according to the data available at present concerning prices for the products in question and the criteria laid down in article 9(2) of that regulation, these prices should be increased, maintained or decreased according to the species for the 1999 fishing year, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the guide prices for the fishing year from 1 january to 31 december 1999 for the products listed in annex ii to regulation (eec) no 3759/92 and the commercial cat- egories to which they relate shall be fixed as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1998. for the council the president w. molterer (1) oj l 388, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. regulation as amended by regulation (eec) no 3318/94 (oj l 350, 31. 12. 1994, p. 15). en official journal of the european communities22. 12. 98 l 346/7 annex (euro/tonne) group of products commercial specifications guide price 1. sea-bream (dentex dentex and pagellus spp.) frozen, in lots or in original packages containing the same products 1 572 2. squid of the species loligo patagonica frozen, not cleaned, in original packages containing the same products 1 089 3. squid (ommastrephes sagittatus) frozen, not cleaned, in original packages containing the same products 961 4. illex argentinus frozen, not cleaned, in original packages containing the same products 888 5. cuttlefish of the species sepia officinalis, rossia macrosoma and sepiola rondeletti frozen, in original packages containing the same products 1 987 6. octopus (octopus spp.) frozen, in original packages containing the same products 2 027 7. lesser or greenland halibut (reinhardtius hippo- glossoides) frozen, in original packages containing the same products 1 957 8. whole hake of the genus merluccius spp. frozen, in original packages containing the same products 1 290 9. fillets of hake of the genus merluccius spp. frozen, in original packages containing the same products 1 561 10. prawns of the species parapenaeus longirostris frozen, in original packages containing the same products 4 038 other species of the family penaeidae frozen, in original packages containing the same products 7 985
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2771/98 of 21 december 1998 opening and providing for the administration of a community tariff quota for 1999 for products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 originating in thailand type: regulation subject matter: asia and oceania; tariff policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities22. 12. 98 l 346/29 commission regulation (ec) no 2771/98 of 21 december 1998 opening and providing for the administration of a community tariff quota for 1999 for products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 originating in thailand the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1095/96 of 18 june 1996 on the implementation of the concessions set out in schedule cxl drawn up in the wake of the conclusion of the gatt xxiv.6 negotiations (1), and in particular article 1(1) thereof, whereas during the world trade organization of multi- lateral trade negotiations, the community undertook to open a tariff quota restricted to 21 million tonnes of products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 originating in thailand per four-year period, with customs duty reduced to 6 %; whereas this quota must be opened and administered by the commis- sion; whereas it is necessary to keep an administration system which ensures that only products originating in thailand may be imported under the quota; whereas, therefore, the issue of an import licence should continue to be subject to the presentation of an export certificate issued by the thai authorities, a specimen of which has been notified to the commission; whereas since imports to the community market of the products concerned have traditionally been administered on the basis of a calendar year this system should be kept; whereas it is therefore necessary to open a quota for 1999; whereas the import of products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 is subject to the presentation of an import licence for which the common detailed rules of application are laid down in commission regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (2), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1044/98 (3); whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1162/95 (4), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 444/98 (5), lays down the special detailed rules for the application of the system of licences for cereals and rice; whereas experience has shown that, taking into account that the community concession provides for an overall quantity for four years with an annual maximum of 5 500 000 tonnes, it is advisable to maintain measures which, under certain conditions, either facilitate the release for free circulation of quantities of products exceeding those given in the import licences, or allow the difference between the figure given in the import licences and the smaller figure actually imported to be carried forward; whereas, in order to ensure the correct application of the agreement, it is necessary to establish a system of strict and systematic controls that take account of the informa- tion given on the thai export certificates and the thai authorities procedures for issuing export certificates; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. an import tariff quota for 5 500 000 tonnes of prod- ucts falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 originating in thailand is hereby opened for the period 1 january to 31 december 1999. the customs duty applicable is hereby fixed at 6 % ad valorem. the serial number of the quota shall be 09.4008. 2. the abovementioned products shall benefit from the arrangements provided for in this regulation if imported under cover of import licences: (a) which are issued subject to the submission of a certifi- cate for export to the european community issued by the department of foreign trade, ministry of commerce, government of thailand, hereinafter referred to as an export certificate', which meets the requirements laid down in title i; (b) which meet the requirements laid down in title ii. title i export certificates article 2 1. there shall be one original and at least one copy of the export certificate, to be made out on a form of which a specimen is given in the annex. (1) oj l 146, 20. 6. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 331, 2. 12. 1988, p. 1. (3) oj l 149, 20. 5. 1998, p. 11. (4) oj l 117, 24. 5. 1995, p. 2. (5) oj l 56, 26. 2. 1998, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 22. 12. 98l 346/30 the size of the form shall be approximately 210 297 millimetres. the original shall be made out on white paper having a printed yellow guilloche pattern back- ground so as to reveal any falsification by mechanical or chemical means. 2. the forms shall be printed and completed in english. 3. the original and the copies shall be completed in typescript or in handwriting. in the latter case, they must be completed in ink and in block capitals. 4. each export certificate shall bear a pre-printed serial number; in the upper section it shall also bear a certificate number. the copies shall bear the same numbers as the original. article 3 1. export certificates issued from 1 january to 31 december 1999 shall be valid for 120 days from the date of issue. the date of issue of the certificate shall be counted as part of the period of validity of the certificate. for the certificate to be valid, the sections thereof must be duly completed and it must be authenticated, as stipulated in the instructions indicated thereon. the shipped weight must be written out in full and also given in figures. 2. the export certificate shall be duly authenticated when it indicates the date of issue and bears the stamp of the issuing body and the signature of the person or persons authorised to sign it. title ii import licences article 4 1. application for an import licence for products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91 and 0714 10 99 originating in thailand shall be submitted to the competent authorities in the member states accom- panied by the original of the export certificate. the ori- ginal of the said export certificate shall be retained by the body which issues the import licence. however, where the application for an import licence relates to only a part of the quantity indicated on the export certificate, the issuing body shall indicate on the original the quantity for which the original was used and, after affixing its stamp, shall return the original to the party concerned. only the quantity indicated under shipped weight' on the export certificate shall be taken into consideration for the issue of the import licence. 2. where it is found that the quantities actually unloaded in a given consignment are greater than the total figuring on the import licence or licences issued for this consignment the competent authorities who issued the import licence or licences concerned shall, at the request of the importer, communicate to the commission by telex, case by case and as soon as possible, the number or numbers of the thai export certificates, the number or numbers of the import licences, the excess quantity concerned and the name of the cargo vessel. the commission shall make contact with the thai authorities so that new export certificates may be drawn up. pending their being drawn up, the excess quantities may not be released for free circulation under the condi- tions laid down in this regulation as long as new import licences for the quantities in question cannot be presented. new import licences shall be issued under the conditions laid down in article 7. 3. however, by way of derogation from paragraph 2, where it is found that the quantities actually unloaded in the case of a given delivery do not exceed by more than 2 % the quantities covered by the import licence or licences presented, the competent authorities of the member state of release for free circulation shall, at the importers request, authorise the release for free circula- tion of the surplus quantities in return for payment of a customs duty with a ceiling of 6 % ad valorem and the lodging by the importer of a security of an amount equal to the difference between the duty laid down in the common customs tariff and the duty paid. when the commission receives the information referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2, it shall contact the thai authorities so that new export certificates may be drawn up. the security shall be released on presentation to the competent authorities of the member state of release for free circulation of an additional import licence for the quantities concerned. application for that licence does not entail obligation to lodge the security for a licence referred to in article 14(2) of regulation (eec) no 3719/ 88 or article 5 of this regulation. the licence shall be issued under the conditions laid down in article 7 and upon presentation of one or more new export certificates issued by the thai authorities. the additional import licence shall contain in box 20 one of the following entries: certificado complementario, apartado 3 del art culo 4 del reglamento (ce) no 2771/98 supplerende licens, forordning (ef) nr. 2771/98, artikel 4, stk. 3 zus tzliche lizenz artikel 4 absatz 3 der verord- nung (eg) nr. 2771/98 4 - r 3 ( ) . 2771/98 licence for additional quantity, article 4 (3) of regu- lation (ec) no 2771/98 certificat compl mentaire, r glement (ce) no 2771/98 article 4 paragraphe 3 en official journal of the european communities22. 12. 98 l 346/31 titolo complementare, regolamento (ce) n. 2771/98 articolo 4, paragrafo 3 aanvullend certificaat artikel 4, lid 3, van verord- ening (eg) nr. 2771/98 certificado complementar, n 3 do artigo 4 do regu- lamento (ce) n 2771/98 lis todistus, asetus (ey) n:o 2771/98, 4 artiklan 3 kohta kompletterande licens, artikel 4.3 i f rordning (eg) nr 2771/98. except in cases of force majeure, the security shall be retained for quantities for which an additional import licence is not presented within a period of four months from the date of acceptance of the declaration of release for free circulation referred to in the first subparagraph. it shall be retained in particular for quantities for which the additional import licence has not been issued pursuant to article 7(1). after the competent authority has entered the quantity on the additional import licence and authenticated the entry, and the security provided for in the first subparagraph is released, the licence shall be sent to the issuing body as quickly as possible. 4. applications for licences may be submitted in all member states and licences issued are valid throughout the community. the provisions of the fourth indent of article 5(1) of regulation (eec) no 3719/88 shall not apply to imports carried out pursuant to this regulation. article 5 by way of derogation from article 10 of regulation (ec) no 1162/95, the security relating to the import licences provided for in this title shall be ecu 5 per tonne. article 6 1. applications for an import licence and the licence itself shall be marked thailand' in box 8. 2. the licence shall bear the following indications in one of the language versions given below: (a) in box 24: derechos de aduana limitados al 6 % ad valorem [reglamento (ce) no 2771/98] toldsatsen begr nses til 6 % af v rdien (forordning (ef) nr. 2771/98) beschr nkung des zolls auf 6 % des zollwerts (verordnung (eg) nr. 2771/98) r ' r 6 % [ r ( ) . 2771/98] customs duties limited to 6 % ad valorem (regu- lation (ec) no 2771/98) droits de douane limit s 6 % ad valorem [r gle- ment (ce) no 2771/98] dazi doganali limitati al 6 % ad valorem [regola- mento (ce) n. 2771/98] douanerechten beperkt tot 6 % ad valorem (verordening (eg) nr. 2771/98) direitos aduaneiros limitados a 6 % ad valorem (regulamento (ce) n 2771/98) arvotulli rajoitettu 6 prosenttiin (asetus (ey) n:o 2771/98) tullsatsen begr nsad till 6 % av v rdet (f rordning (eg) nr 2771/98); (b) in box 20: nombre del barco (indicar el nombre del barco que figura en el certificado de exportaci n tailand s) skibets navn (skibsnavn, der er anf rt i det thai- landske eksportcertifikat) name des schiffes (angabe des in der thail ndi- schen ausfuhrbescheinigung eingetragenen schiffsnamens) ( ' - r) name of the cargo vessel (state the name of the vessel given on the thai export certificate) nom du bateau (indiquer le nom du bateau figurant sur le certificat dexportation tha landais) nome della nave (indicare il nome della nave che figura sul titolo di esportazione tailandese) naam van het schip (zoals aangegeven in het thaise uitvoercertificaat) nome do navio (indicar o nome do navio que consta do certificado de exporta o tailand s) laivan nimi (nimi, joka on thaimaalaisessa vienti- todistuksessa) fartygets namn (namnet p det fartyg som anges i den thail ndska exportlicensen), n mero y fecha del certificado de exportaci n tailand s det thailandske eksportcertifikats nummer og dato nummer und datum der thail ndischen ausfuhr- bescheinigung r ' - r serial number and date of the thai export certifi- cate num ro et date du certificat dexportation tha lan- dais numero e data del titolo di esportazione tailandese nummer en datum van het thaise uitvoercertifi- caat n mero e data do certificado de exporta o tailand s thaimaalaisen vientitodistuksen numero ja p iv - m r den thail ndska exportlicensens nummer och datum. en official journal of the european communities 22. 12. 98l 346/32 3. a licence shall be accepted in support of a declara- tion of release for free circulation only if, notably in the light of a copy of the bill of lading presented by the party concerned, it is shown that the products for which release for free circulation is requested have been transported to the community by the vessel referred to in the import licence. 4. subject to application of article 4(3) and notwith- standing article 8(4) of regulation (eec) no 3719/88, the quantity released for free circulation may not exceed that shown in boxes 17 and 18 of the import licence. the figure 0' shall be entered to that effect in box 19 of the said licence. article 7 1. the import licence shall be issued on the fifth working day following the day on which the application was lodged, after the commission has informed the competent authorities of the member state by telex or fax that the conditions laid down in this regulation have been fulfilled. in the event of non-observance of the conditions governing the issue of the licence, the commission may, where necessary, and following consultation with the thai authorities, adopt appropriate measures. 2. at the request of the party concerned, and following communication of the commissions agreement by telex or fax, the import licence may be issued within a shorter period. article 8 by way of derogation from article 6 of regulation (ec) no 1162/95, the last day of the period of validity of the import licence shall correspond to the last day of the period of validity of the export certificate plus 30 days. article 9 1. the member states shall communicate to the commission each day by telex or fax the following infor- mation concerning each application for a licence: the quantity for which each import licence is requested, with the indication, where appropriate, additional import licence', the name of the applicant for the import licence, the number of the export certificate submitted, as indicated in the upper section of the certificate, the date of issue of the export certificate, the total quantity for which the export certificate was issued, the name of the exporter indicated on the export certificate. 2. at the end of the first half of 2000, at the latest, the authorities responsible for issuing import licences shall communicate to the commission by telex or fax a complete list of quantities not taken up, indicated on the back of the import licences, the name of the cargo vessel and the numbers of the export certificates in question. title iii final provisions article 10 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato bijlage anexo liite bilaga serial no original department of foreign trade ministry of commerce government of thailand export certificate subject to regulation (ec) no 2771/98 special form for products falling within cn codes 0714 10 10, 0714 10 91, 0714 10 99 export certificate no export permit no 1. exporter (name, address and country) 2. first consignee (name, address and country) name name address address country country 3. shipped per 4. country/countries of destination in ec 5. type of manioc products 6. weight (tonnes) 7. packing shipped weight cn code 0714 10 10 in bulk cn code 0714 10 91 estimated net weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bags cn code 0714 10 99 others we hereby certify that the abovementioned products are produced in and are exported from thailand department of foreign trade date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . name and signature of authorized official and stamp this certificate is valid for 120 days from the date of issue for use by ec authorities:
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2774/98 of 21 december 1998 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira type: regulation subject matter: production; trade; regions of eu member states; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 12. 98l 346/40 commission regulation (ec) no 2774/98 of 21 december 1998 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1600/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the azores and madeira (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/96 (2), and in particular article 10 thereof, whereas, pursuant to article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1600/92, the requirements of the azores and madeira for rice are to be covered in terms of quantity, price and quality by the mobilization, on disposal terms equivalent to exemption from the levy, of community rice, which involves the grant of an aid for supplies of community origin; whereas this aid is to be fixed with particular reference to the costs of the various sources of supply and in particular is to be based on the prices applied to exports to third countries; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1696/92 (3), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 2596/93 (4), lays down common detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricul- tural products, including rice, to the azores and madeira; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1983/92 of 16 july 1992 laying down detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of rice prod- ucts to the azores and madeira and establishing the fore- cast supply balance for these products (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1683/94 (6), lays down detailed rules which complement or derogate from the provisions of the aforementioned regulation; whereas, as a result of the application of these detailed rules to the current market situation in the rice sector, and in particular to the rates of prices for these products in the european part of the community and on the world market the aid for supply to the azores and madeira should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (7) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 pursuant to article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1600/92, the amount of aid for the supply of rice of community origin under the specific arrangements for the supply of the azores and madeira shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 179, 1. 7. 1992, p. 6. (4) oj l 238, 23. 9. 1993, p. 24. (5) oj l 198, 17. 7. 1992, p. 37. (6) oj l 178, 12. 7. 1994, p. 53. (7) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities22. 12. 98 l 346/41 annex to the commission regulation of 21 december 1998 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the azores and madeira (eur/tonne) amount of aid product (cn code) destination azores madeira milled rice (1006 30) 128,00 128,00
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2775/98 of 21 december 1998 fixing the production refund for white sugar used in the chemical industry type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; agricultural structures and production; chemistry date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 12. 98l 346/42 commission regulation (ec) no 2775/98 of 21 december 1998 fixing the production refund for white sugar used in the chemical industry the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular article 9 (6) thereof, whereas pursuant to article 9 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 it may be decided to grant production refunds on the products listed in article 1 (1) (a) and (f) and on the syrups listed in article 1 (1) (d) thereof which are in one of the situations referred to in article 9 (2) of the treaty and which are used in the manufacture of certain prod- ucts of the chemical industry; whereas council regulation (eec) no 1010/86 of 25 march 1986 laying down general rules for the production refund on certain sugar products used in the chemical industry (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1126/96 (4), establishes the framework within which the production refunds may be determined and lists the chemical products of which the manufacture makes it possible to grant a production refund for the basic products used in their manufacture; whereas articles 5, 6 and 7 of regulation (eec) no 1010/86 provide that the production refund granted for raw sugar, sucrose syrups and unprocessed isoglucose shall be derived from the refund fixed for white sugar according to a method of calculation peculiar to each of these basic products; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1729/78 of 24 july 1978 laying down detailed rules of application in respect of the production refund for sugar used in the chemical industry (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1730/97 (6), specifies the method to be used for estab- lishing the production refund; whereas article 1 of regu- lation (eec) no 1729/78 provides that the production refund for white sugar shall be fixed at three-monthly intervals for the periods beginning 1 july, 1 october, 1 january and 1 april; whereas the application of the abovementioned method entails fixing the production refund as stated in article 1 for the period referred to therein; whereas the amendment of the definition of white sugar and raw sugar referred to in article 1 (2) (a) and (b) of regulation (eec) no 1785/81 has the consequence that flavoured sugars or sugars containing added colouring agents or other substances are no longer considered as falling within these definitions but are to be considered as other sugars'; whereas article 1 of regulation (eec) no 1010/86 provides for these sugars to be eligible as basic products to the production refund; whereas a method of calculation based on their sucrose content should be laid down for establishing the production refund applicable to these products; whereas article 2 of council regulation (eec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (7) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the production refund per 100 kilograms of white sugar referred to in article 4 of regulation (eec) no 1010/86 is hereby fixed at eur 44,164 for the quarter 1 january to 31 march 1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 94, 9. 4. 1986, p. 9. (4) oj l 150, 25. 6. 1996, p. 3. (5) oj l 201, 25. 7. 1978, p. 26. (6) oj l 243, 5. 9. 1997, p. 5. (7) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities22. 12. 98 l 346/43 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2792/98 of 22 december 1998 fixing the standard values to be used in calculating the financial compensation and the advance pertaining thereto in respect of fishery products withdrawn from the market during the 1999 fishing year (text with eea relevance) type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; prices; agricultural structures and production; fisheries date published: nan en official journal of the european communities23. 12. 98 l 347/37 commission regulation (ec) no 2792/98 of 22 december 1998 fixing the standard values to be used in calculating the financial compensation and the advance pertaining thereto in respect of fishery products withdrawn from the market during the 1999 fishing year (text with eea relevance) the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3759/92 of 17 december 1992 on the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 3318/94 (2), and in particular article 12(6) thereof, whereas article 12 of regulation (eec) no 3759/92 provides for the payment of financial compensation to producers organisations which intervene, on certain conditions, in respect of the products listed in annex i (a) and (d) to that regulation; whereas the amount of such financial compensation must be reduced by standard values in the case of products intended for purposes other than human consumption; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1501/83 (3) specifies the ways in which the products withdrawn must be disposed of; whereas the value of such products must be fixed at a standard level for each of these modes of disposal, taking into account the average receipts which may be obtained from such disposal; whereas, on the basis of the relevant information on this value, it should be fixed for the 1999 fishing year as shown in the annex hereto; whereas, pursuant to article 7 of commission regulation (eec) no 3902/92 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1338/95 (5), special arrangements are provided for so that if a producers organisation or one of its members puts its products up for sale in a member state other than that in which it is recognised the body responsible for granting the financial compensation is informed; whereas the aforementioned body is that of the member state in which the producers organisation was recognised; whereas the standard value deductible should therefore be the value applied in that member state; whereas the abovementioned provisions are equally applicable to the advance on the financial compensation provided for in article 6(1) of regulation (eec) no 3902/ 92; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for fishery products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard values to be used in calculating the financial compensation and the advance pertaining thereto in respect of products withdrawn by producers organisations and used for purposes other than human consumption shall be for the 1999 fishing year as shown in the annex hereto for each of the uses indicated therein. article 2 the standard value to be deducted from the financial compensation and the advance pertaining thereto shall be that applied in the member state in which the producers organisation was recognised. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. (1) oj l 388, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 350, 31. 12. 1994, p. 15. (3) oj l 152, 10. 6. 1983, p. 22. (4) oj l 392, 31. 12. 1992, p. 35. (5) oj l 129, 14. 6. 1995, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities 23. 12. 98l 347/38 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the commission emma bonino member of the commission en official journal of the european communities23. 12. 98 l 347/39 use of products withdrawn eur/tonne annex 1. used as animal feed after drying and cutting up or processing into meal: (a) herring of the species clupea harengus and mackerel of the species scomber scombrus and scomber japonicus: denmark and sweden 70 france 1 other member states 18 (b) for shrimps of the species crangon crangon and deep-water prawns (pandalus borealis): sweden 0 other member states 5 (c) for other products: denmark 55 sweden 45 united kingdom, portugal, belgium and ireland 18 other member states 0 2. used otherwise than as under animal feed (bait included): (a) sardines of the species sardina pilchardus and anchovy (engraulis spp.) all member states 25 (b) for other products: sweden 80 france, denmark and netherlands 50 ireland 0 other member states 35 3. used for purposes other than animal feed 0
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2796/98 of 22 december 1998 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; eu finance; trade; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities23. 12. 98 l 347/61 commission regulation (ec) no 2796/98 of 22 december 1998 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1423/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed implementing rules for the import of products in the sugar sector other than molasses (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/98 (4), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 1 (2), and article 3 (1) thereof, whereas the amounts of the representative prices and additional duties applicable to the import of white sugar, raw sugar and certain syrups are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1379/98 (5), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 2777/98 (6); whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (7) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas it follows from applying the general and detailed fixing rules contained in regulation (ec) no 1423/95 to the information known to the commission that the representative prices and additional duties at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and additional duties on imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regula- tion (ec) no 1423/95 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 16. (4) oj l 85, 20. 3. 1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 187, 1. 7. 1998, p. 6. (6) oj l 346, 22. 12. 1998, p. 47. (7) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 23. 12. 98l 347/62 annex to the commission regulation of 22 december 1998 amending representative prices and the amounts of additional duties applicable to imports of white sugar, raw sugar and products covered by cn code 1702 90 99 (ecu) cn code amount of representative prices per 100 kg net of product concerned amount of additional duty per 100 kg net of product concerned 1701 11 10 (1) 16,23 8,28 1701 11 90 (1) 16,23 14,59 1701 12 10 (1) 16,23 8,05 1701 12 90 (1) 16,23 14,07 1701 91 00 (2) 19,18 16,98 1701 99 10 (2) 19,18 11,53 1701 99 90 (2) 19,18 11,53 1702 90 99 (3) 0,19 0,45 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended council regulation (eec) no 431/68 (oj l 89, 10. 4. 1968, p. 3). (2) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 793/72 (oj l 94, 21. 4. 1972, p. 1). (3) by 1 % sucrose content.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2798/98 of 22 december 1998 amending annex i to council regulation (eec) no 3030/93 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries type: regulation subject matter: leather and textile industries; international trade; trade policy; cooperation policy; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities l 353/129.12.98 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 2798/98 of 22 december 1998 amending annex i to council regulation (eec) no 3030/93 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3030/93 of 12 october 1993 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1053/98 (2), and in particular article 19 in conjunction with article 17 thereof, whereas modifications have been introduced in the combined nomenclature applicable from 1 january 1999; whereas it is therefore necessary to amend annex i to regulation (eec) no 3030/93 to take into account these modifications, which are applicable to the importation into the community of certain textile products originating in certain third countries within the meaning of article 19 of the abovementioned regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the textile committee, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annex i to regulation (eec) no 3030/93 is replaced by annex i to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the commission leon brittan vice-president (1) oj l 275, 8.11.1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 151, 21.5.1998, p. 10. en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/2 29.12.98 annex i annex i products referred to in article 1 (1) 1. when the constitutive material of the products of categories 1 to 114 is not specifically mentioned, these products are to be taken to be made exclusively of wool or of fine hair, of cotton or of man-made fibres (2). 2. garments which are not recognisable as being garments for men or boys or as being garments for women or girls are classified with the latter. 3. where the expression babies garments is used, this is meant to cover garments up to and including commercial size 86. group i a category descriptioncn code 1999 table of equivalence pieces/kg g/piece (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 cotton yarn, not put up for retail sale 5204 11 00 5204 19 00 5205 11 00 5205 12 00 5205 13 00 5205 14 00 5205 15 10 5205 15 90 5205 21 00 5205 22 00 5205 23 00 5205 24 00 5205 26 00 5205 27 00 5205 28 00 5205 31 00 5205 32 00 5205 33 00 5205 34 00 5205 35 00 5205 41 00 5205 42 00 5205 43 00 5205 44 00 5205 46 00 5205 47 00 5205 48 00 5206 11 00 5206 12 00 5206 13 00 5206 14 00 5206 15 10 5206 15 90 5206 21 00 5206 22 00 5206 23 00 5206 24 00 5206 25 10 5206 25 90 5206 31 00 5206 32 00 5206 33 00 5206 34 00 5206 35 00 5206 41 00 5206 42 00 5206 43 00 5206 44 00 5206 45 00 ex 5604 90 00 2 woven fabrics of cotton, other than gauze, terry fabrics, pile fabrics, chenille fabrics, tulle and other net fabrics 5208 11 10 5208 11 90 5208 12 16 5208 12 19 5208 12 96 5208 12 99 5208 13 00 5208 19 00 5208 21 10 5208 21 90 5208 22 16 5208 22 19 5208 22 96 5208 22 99 5208 23 00 5208 29 00 5208 31 00 5208 32 16 5208 32 19 5208 32 96 5208 32 99 5208 33 00 5208 39 00 5208 41 00 5208 42 00 5208 43 00 5208 49 00 5208 51 00 5208 52 10 5208 52 90 5208 53 00 5208 59 00 5209 11 00 5209 12 00 5209 19 00 5209 21 00 5209 22 00 5209 29 00 5209 31 00 5209 32 00 5209 39 00 5209 41 00 5209 42 00 5209 43 00 5209 49 10 5209 49 90 5209 51 00 5209 52 00 5209 59 00 5210 11 10 5210 11 90 5210 12 00 5210 19 00 5210 21 10 5210 21 90 5210 22 00 5210 29 00 5210 31 10 5210 31 90 5210 32 00 5210 39 00 (1) covers only categories 1 to 114, with the exception of armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, estonia, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, latvia, lithuania, moldova, tajikistan, turkmenistan, ukraine, united arab emirates, uzbekistan and vietnam for which categories 1 to 161 are covered and of taiwan for which categories 1 to 123 are covered. in the case of taiwan categories 115 to 123 are included in group iii b. (2) in the case of armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, estonia, georgia, kazakhastan, kyrgyzstan, latvia, lithuania, moldova, tajikistan, turkmenistan, ukraine, uzbekistan and vietnam the products covered by each category are determined by the cn codes. where there is an ex symbol in front of a cn code, the products covered in each category are determined by the scope of the cn code and by that of the corresponding description. en official journal of the european communities l 353/329.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 2 (contd) 5210 41 00 5210 42 00 5210 49 00 5210 51 00 5210 52 00 5210 59 00 5211 11 00 5211 12 00 5211 19 00 5211 21 00 5211 22 00 5211 29 00 5211 31 00 5211 32 00 5211 39 00 5211 41 00 5211 42 00 5211 43 00 5211 49 10 5211 49 90 5211 51 00 5211 52 00 5211 59 00 5212 11 10 5212 11 90 5212 12 10 5212 12 90 5212 13 10 5212 13 90 5212 14 10 5212 14 90 5212 15 10 5212 15 90 5212 21 10 5212 21 90 5212 22 10 5212 22 90 5212 23 10 5212 23 90 5212 24 10 5212 24 90 5212 25 10 5212 25 90 ex 5811 00 00 ex 6308 00 00 2 (a) of which: other than unbleached or bleached 5208 31 00 5208 32 16 5208 32 19 5208 32 96 5208 32 99 5208 33 00 5208 39 00 5208 41 00 5208 42 00 5208 43 00 5208 49 00 5208 51 00 5208 52 10 5208 52 90 5208 53 00 5208 59 00 5209 31 00 5209 32 00 5209 39 00 5209 41 00 5209 42 00 5209 43 00 5209 49 10 5209 49 90 5209 51 00 5209 52 00 5209 59 00 5210 31 10 5210 31 90 5210 32 00 5210 39 00 5210 41 00 5210 42 00 5210 49 00 5210 51 00 5210 52 00 5210 59 00 5211 31 00 5211 32 00 5211 39 00 5211 41 00 5211 42 00 5211 43 00 5211 49 10 5211 49 90 5211 51 00 5211 52 00 5211 59 00 5212 13 10 5212 13 90 5212 14 10 5212 14 90 5212 15 10 5212 15 90 5212 23 10 5212 23 90 5212 24 10 5212 24 90 5212 25 10 5212 25 90 ex 5811 00 00 ex 6308 00 00 3 woven fabrics of synthetic fibres (discontinuous or waste) other than narrow woven fabrics, pile fabrics (including terry fabrics) and chenille fabrics 5512 11 00 5512 19 10 5512 19 90 5512 21 00 5512 29 10 5512 29 90 5512 91 00 5512 99 10 5512 99 90 5513 11 20 5513 11 90 5513 12 00 5513 13 00 5513 19 00 5513 21 10 5513 21 30 5513 21 90 5513 22 00 5513 23 00 5513 29 00 5513 31 00 5513 32 00 5513 33 00 5513 39 00 5513 41 00 5513 42 00 5513 43 00 5513 49 00 5514 11 00 5514 12 00 5514 13 00 5514 19 00 5514 21 00 5514 22 00 5514 23 00 5514 29 00 5514 31 00 5514 32 00 5514 33 00 5514 39 00 5514 41 00 5514 42 00 5514 43 00 5514 49 00 5515 11 10 5515 11 30 5515 11 90 5515 12 10 5515 12 30 5515 12 90 5515 13 11 5515 13 19 5515 13 91 5515 13 99 5515 19 10 5515 19 30 5515 19 90 5515 21 10 5515 21 30 5515 21 90 5515 22 11 5515 22 19 5515 22 91 5515 22 99 5515 29 10 5515 29 30 5515 29 90 5515 91 10 5515 91 30 5515 91 90 5515 92 11 5515 92 19 5515 92 91 5515 92 99 5515 99 10 5515 99 30 5515 99 90 5803 90 30 ex 5905 00 70 ex 6308 00 00 3 (a) of which: other than unbleached or bleached 5512 19 10 5512 19 90 5512 29 10 5512 29 90 5512 99 10 5512 99 90 5513 21 10 5513 21 30 5513 21 90 5513 22 00 5513 23 00 5513 29 00 5513 31 00 5513 32 00 5513 33 00 5513 39 00 5513 41 00 5513 42 00 5513 43 00 5513 49 00 5514 21 00 5514 22 00 5514 23 00 5514 29 00 5514 31 00 5514 32 00 5514 33 00 5514 39 00 5514 41 00 5514 42 00 5514 43 00 5514 49 00 5515 11 30 5515 11 90 5515 12 30 5515 12 90 5515 13 19 5515 13 99 5515 19 30 5515 19 90 5515 21 30 5515 21 90 5515 22 19 5515 22 99 5515 29 30 5515 29 90 5515 91 30 5515 91 90 5515 92 19 5515 92 99 5515 99 30 5515 99 90 ex 5803 90 30 ex 5905 00 70 ex 6308 00 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/4 29.12.98 group i b (1) (2) (3) (4) 4 shirts, t-shirts, lightweight fine knit roll, polo or turtle necked jumpers and pullovers (other than of wool or fine animal hair), undervests and the like, knitted or crocheted 6,48 154 6105 10 00 6105 20 10 6105 20 90 6105 90 10 6109 10 00 6109 90 10 6109 90 30 6110 20 10 6110 30 10 5 jerseys, pullovers, slip-overs, waistcoats, twinsets, cardigans, bed-jackets and jumpers (other than jackets and blazers), anoraks, windcheaters, waister jackets and the like, knitted or crocheted 4,53 221 6101 10 90 6101 20 90 6101 30 90 6102 10 90 6102 20 90 6102 30 90 6110 10 10 6110 10 31 6110 10 35 6110 10 38 6110 10 91 6110 10 95 6110 10 98 6110 20 91 6110 20 99 6110 30 91 6110 30 99 6 mens or boys woven breeches, shorts other than swimwear and trousers (including slacks); womens or girls woven trousers and slacks, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres; lower parts of tracksuits with lining, other than category 16 or 29, of cotton or of man-made fibres 1,76 568 6203 41 10 6203 41 90 6203 42 31 6203 42 33 6203 42 35 6203 42 90 6203 43 19 6203 43 90 6203 49 19 6203 49 50 6204 61 10 6204 62 31 6204 62 33 6204 62 39 6204 63 18 6204 69 18 6211 32 42 6211 33 42 6211 42 42 6211 43 42 7 womens or girls blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, whether or not knitted or crocheted, of wool, cotton or man-made fibres 5,55 180 6106 10 00 6106 20 00 6106 90 10 6206 20 00 6206 30 00 6206 40 00 8 mens or boys shirts, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, cotton or man-made fibres 4,60 217 6205 10 00 6205 20 00 6205 30 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/529.12.98 group ii a (1) (2) (3) (4) 9 terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics of cotton; toilet linen and kitchen linen, other than knitted or crocheted, of terry towelling and woven terry fabrics, of cotton 5802 11 00 5802 19 00 ex 6302 60 00 20 bed linen, other than knitted or crocheted 6302 21 00 6302 22 90 6302 29 90 6302 31 10 6302 31 90 6302 32 90 6302 39 90 22 yarn of staple or waste synthetic fibres, not put up for retail sale 5508 10 11 5508 10 19 5509 11 00 5509 12 00 5509 21 10 5509 21 90 5509 22 10 5509 22 90 5509 31 10 5509 31 90 5509 32 10 5509 32 90 5509 41 10 5509 41 90 5509 42 10 5509 42 90 5509 51 00 5509 52 10 5509 52 90 5509 53 00 5509 59 00 5509 61 10 5509 61 90 5509 62 00 5509 69 00 5509 91 10 5509 91 90 5509 92 00 5509 99 00 22 (a) of which acrylic ex 5508 10 19 5509 31 10 5509 31 90 5509 32 10 5509 32 90 5509 61 10 5509 61 90 5509 62 00 5509 69 00 23 yarn of staple or waste artificial fibres, not put up for retail sale 5508 20 10 5510 11 00 5510 12 00 5510 20 00 5510 30 00 5510 90 00 32 woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics (other than terry towelling or terry fabrics of cotton and narrow woven fabrics) and tufted textile surfaces, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres 5801 10 00 5801 21 00 5801 22 00 5801 23 00 5801 24 00 5801 25 00 5801 26 00 5801 31 00 5801 32 00 5801 33 00 5801 34 00 5801 35 00 5801 36 00 5802 20 00 5802 30 00 32 (a) of which: cotton corduroy 5801 22 00 39 table linen, toilet and kitchen linen, other than knitted or crocheted, other than of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics of cotton 6302 51 10 6302 51 90 6302 53 90 ex 6302 59 00 6302 91 10 6302 91 90 6302 93 90 ex 6302 99 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/6 29.12.98 group ii b (1) (2) (3) (4) 12 panty-hose and tights, stockings, understockings, socks, ankle-socks, sockettes and the like, knitted or crocheted, other than for babies, including stockings for varicose veins, other than products of category 70 24,3 pairs 41 6115 12 00 6115 19 00 6115 20 11 6115 20 90 6115 91 00 6115 92 00 6115 93 10 6115 93 30 6115 93 99 6115 99 00 13 mens or boys underpants and briefs, womens or girls knickers and briefs, knitted or crocheted, of wool, cotton or man-made fibres 17 59 6107 11 00 6107 12 00 6107 19 00 6108 21 00 6108 22 00 6108 29 00 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 14 mens or boys woven overcoats, raincoats and other coats, cloaks and capes, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres (other than parkas) (of category 21) 0,72 1 389 6201 11 00 ex 6201 12 10 ex 6201 12 90 ex 6201 13 10 ex 6201 13 90 6210 20 00 15 womens or girls woven overcoats, raincoats and other coats, cloaks and capes; jackets and blazers, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres (other than parkas) (of category 21) 0,84 1 190 6202 11 00 ex 6202 12 10 ex 6202 12 90 ex 6202 13 10 ex 6202 13 90 6204 31 00 6204 32 90 6204 33 90 6204 39 19 6210 30 00 16 mens or boys suits and ensembles, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres, excluding ski suits; mens or boys tracksuits with lining, with an outer shell of a single identical fabric, of cotton or of man-made fibres 0,80 1 250 6203 11 00 6203 12 00 6203 19 10 6203 19 30 6203 21 00 6203 22 80 6203 23 80 6203 29 18 6211 32 31 6211 33 31 17 mens or boys jackets and blazers, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 1,43 700 6203 31 00 6203 32 90 6203 33 90 6203 39 19 18 mens or boys singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, other than knitted or crocheted 6207 11 00 6207 19 00 6207 21 00 6207 22 00 6207 29 00 6207 91 10 6207 91 90 6207 92 00 6207 99 00 womens or girls singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, other than knitted or crocheted 6208 11 00 6208 19 10 6208 19 90 6208 21 00 6208 22 00 6208 29 00 6208 91 11 6208 91 19 6208 91 90 6208 92 00 6208 99 00 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/729.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 19 handkerchiefs, other than knitted or crocheted 59 17 6213 20 00 6213 90 00 21 parkas; anoraks, windcheaters, waister jackets and the like, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or man-made fibres; upper parts of tracksuits with lining, other than category 16 or 29, of cotton or of man-made fibres 2,3 435 ex 6201 12 10 ex 6201 12 90 ex 6201 13 10 ex 6201 13 90 6201 91 00 6201 92 00 6201 93 00 ex 6202 12 10 ex 6202 12 90 ex 6202 13 10 ex 6202 13 90 6202 91 00 6202 92 00 6202 93 00 6211 32 41 6211 33 41 6211 42 41 6211 43 41 24 mens or boys nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 3,9 257 6107 21 00 6107 22 00 6107 29 00 6107 91 10 6107 91 90 6107 92 00 ex 6107 99 00 womens or girls nightdresses, pyjamas, negligees, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 6108 31 10 6108 31 90 6108 32 11 6108 32 19 6108 32 90 6108 39 00 6108 91 10 6108 91 90 6108 92 00 6108 99 10 26 womens or girls dresses, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 3,1 323 6104 41 00 6104 42 00 6104 43 00 6104 44 00 6204 41 00 6204 42 00 6204 43 00 6204 44 00 27 womens or girls skirts, including divided skirts 2,6 385 6104 51 00 6104 52 00 6104 53 00 6104 59 00 6204 51 00 6204 52 00 6204 53 00 6204 59 10 28 trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 1,61 620 6103 41 10 6103 41 90 6103 42 10 6103 42 90 6103 43 10 6103 43 90 6103 49 10 6103 49 91 6104 61 10 6104 61 90 6104 62 10 6104 62 90 6104 63 10 6104 63 90 6104 69 10 6104 69 91 29 womens or girls suits and ensembles, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres, excluding ski suits; womens or girls tracksuits with lining, with an outer shell of an identical fabric, of cotton or of man-made fibres 1,37 730 6204 11 00 6204 12 00 6204 13 00 6204 19 10 6204 21 00 6204 22 80 6204 23 80 6204 29 18 6211 42 31 6211 43 31 31 brassi res, woven, knitted or crocheted 18,2 55 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/8 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 68 babies garments and clothing accessories, excluding babies gloves, mittens and mitts of categories 10 and 87, and babies stockings, socks and sockettes, other than knitted or crocheted, of category 88 6111 10 90 6111 20 90 6111 30 90 ex 6111 90 00 ex 6209 10 00 ex 6209 20 00 ex 6209 30 00 ex 6209 90 00 73 tracksuits of knitted or crocheted fabric, of wool, of cotton or of man-made textile fibres 1,67 600 6112 11 00 6112 12 00 6112 19 00 76 mens or boys industrial or occupational clothing, other than knitted or crocheted 6203 22 10 6203 23 10 6203 29 11 6203 32 10 6203 33 10 6203 39 11 6203 42 11 6203 42 51 6203 43 11 6203 43 31 6203 49 11 6203 49 31 6211 32 10 6211 33 10 womens or girls aprons, smock overalls and other industrial or occupational clothing, other than knitted or crocheted 6204 22 10 6204 23 10 6204 29 11 6204 32 10 6204 33 10 6204 39 11 6204 62 11 6204 62 51 6204 63 11 6204 63 31 6204 69 11 6204 69 31 6211 42 10 6211 43 10 77 ski suits, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6211 20 00 78 garments, other than knitted or crocheted, excluding garments of categories 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 26, 27, 29, 68, 72, 76 and 77 6203 41 30 6203 42 59 6203 43 39 6203 49 39 6204 61 80 6204 61 90 6204 62 59 6204 62 90 6204 63 39 6204 63 90 6204 69 39 6204 69 50 6210 40 00 6210 50 00 6211 31 00 6211 32 90 6211 33 90 6211 41 00 6211 42 90 6211 43 90 83 overcoats, jackets, blazers and other garments, including ski suits, knitted or crocheted, excluding garments of categories 4, 5, 7, 13, 24, 26, 27, 28, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75 6101 10 10 6101 20 10 6101 30 10 6102 10 10 6102 20 10 6102 30 10 6103 31 00 6103 32 00 6103 33 00 ex 6103 39 00 6104 31 00 6104 32 00 6104 33 00 ex 6104 39 00 6112 20 00 6113 00 90 6114 10 00 6114 20 00 6114 30 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/929.12.98 group iii a (1) (2) (3) (4) 33 woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn obtained from strip or the like of polyethylene or polypropylene, less than 3 m wide 5407 20 11 sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, not knitted or crocheted, obtained from strip or the like 6305 32 81 6305 32 89 6305 33 91 6305 33 99 34 woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, obtained from strip or the like of polyethylene or polypropylene, 3 m or more wide 5407 20 19 35 woven fabrics of synthetic fibres (continuous), other than those for tyres of category 114 5407 10 00 5407 20 90 5407 30 00 5407 41 00 5407 42 00 5407 43 00 5407 44 00 5407 51 00 5407 52 00 5407 53 00 5407 54 00 5407 61 10 5407 61 30 5407 61 50 5407 61 90 5407 69 10 5407 69 90 5407 71 00 5407 72 00 5407 73 00 5407 74 00 5407 81 00 5407 82 00 5407 83 00 5407 84 00 5407 91 00 5407 92 00 5407 93 00 5407 94 00 ex 5811 00 00 ex 5905 00 70 35 (a) of which: other than unbleached or bleached ex 5407 10 00 ex 5407 20 90 ex 5407 30 00 5407 42 00 5407 43 00 5407 44 00 5407 52 00 5407 53 00 5407 54 00 5407 61 30 5407 61 50 5407 61 90 5407 69 90 5407 72 00 5407 73 00 5407 74 00 5407 82 00 5407 83 00 5407 84 00 5407 92 00 5407 93 00 5407 94 00 ex 5811 00 00 ex 5905 00 70 36 woven fabrics of continuous artificial fibres, other than those for tyres of category 114 5408 10 00 5408 21 00 5408 22 10 5408 22 90 5408 23 10 5408 23 90 5408 24 00 5408 31 00 5408 32 00 5408 33 00 5408 34 00 ex 5811 00 00 ex 5905 00 70 36 (a) of which: other than unbleached or bleached ex 5408 10 00 5408 22 10 5408 22 90 5408 23 10 5408 23 90 5408 24 00 5408 32 00 5408 33 00 5408 34 00 ex 5811 00 00 ex 5905 00 70 37 woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres 5516 11 00 5516 12 00 5516 13 00 5516 14 00 5516 21 00 5516 22 00 5516 23 10 5516 23 90 5516 24 00 5516 31 00 5516 32 00 5516 33 00 5516 34 00 5516 41 00 5516 42 00 5516 43 00 5516 44 00 5516 91 00 5516 92 00 5516 93 00 5516 94 00 5803 90 50 ex 5905 00 70 37 (a) of which: other than unbleached or bleached 5516 12 00 5516 13 00 5516 14 00 5516 22 00 5516 23 10 5516 23 90 5516 24 00 5516 32 00 5516 33 00 5516 34 00 5516 42 00 5516 43 00 5516 44 00 5516 92 00 5516 93 00 5516 94 00 ex 5803 90 50 ex 5905 00 70 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/10 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 38 a knitted or crocheted synthetic curtain fabric including net curtain fabric 6002 43 11 6002 93 10 38 b net curtains, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6303 91 00 ex 6303 92 90 ex 6303 99 90 40 woven curtains (including drapes, interior blinds, curtain and bed valances and other furnishing articles), other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres ex 6303 91 00 ex 6303 92 90 ex 6303 99 90 6304 19 10 ex 6304 19 90 6304 92 00 ex 6304 93 00 ex 6304 99 00 41 yarn of synthetic filament (continuous), not put up for retail sale, other than non-textured single yarn untwisted or with a twist of not more than 50 turns per metre 5401 10 11 5401 10 19 5402 10 10 5402 10 90 5402 20 00 5402 31 00 5402 32 00 5402 33 00 5402 39 10 5402 39 90 5402 49 10 5402 49 91 5402 49 99 5402 51 00 5402 52 00 5402 59 10 5402 59 90 5402 61 00 5402 62 00 5402 69 10 5402 69 90 ex 5604 20 00 ex 5604 90 00 42 yarn of continuous man-made fibres, not put up for retail sale 5401 20 10 yarn of artificial fibres; yarn of artificial filaments, not put up for retail sale, other than single yarn of viscose rayon untwisted or with a twist of not more than 250 turns per metre and single non-textured yarn of cellulose acetate 5403 10 00 5403 20 10 5403 20 90 ex 5403 32 00 5403 33 90 5403 39 00 5403 41 00 5403 42 00 5403 49 00 ex 5604 20 00 43 yarn of man-made filament, yarn of staple artificial fibres, cotton yarn, put up for retail sale 5204 20 00 5207 10 00 5207 90 00 5401 10 90 5401 20 90 5406 10 00 5406 20 00 5508 20 90 5511 30 00 46 carded or combed sheeps or lambs wool or other fine animal hair 5105 10 00 5105 21 00 5105 29 00 5105 30 10 5105 30 90 47 yarn of carded sheeps or lambs wool (woollen yarn) or of carded fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale 5106 10 10 5106 10 90 5106 20 10 5106 20 91 5106 20 99 5108 10 10 5108 10 90 48 yarn of combed sheeps or lambs wool (worsted yarn) or of combed fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale 5107 10 10 5107 10 90 5107 20 10 5107 20 30 5107 20 51 5107 20 59 5107 20 91 5107 20 99 5108 20 10 5108 20 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/1129.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 49 yarn of sheeps or lambs wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale 5109 10 10 5109 10 90 5109 90 10 5109 90 90 50 woven fabrics of sheeps or lambs wool or of fine animal hair 5111 11 11 5111 11 19 5111 11 91 5111 11 99 5111 19 11 5111 19 19 5111 19 31 5111 19 39 5111 19 91 5111 19 99 5111 20 00 5111 30 10 5111 30 30 5111 30 90 5111 90 10 5111 90 91 5111 90 93 5111 90 99 5112 11 10 5112 11 90 5112 19 11 5112 19 19 5112 19 91 5112 19 99 5112 20 00 5112 30 10 5112 30 30 5112 30 90 5112 90 10 5112 90 91 5112 90 93 5112 90 99 51 cotton, carded or combed 5203 00 00 53 cotton gauze 5803 10 00 54 artificial staple fibres, including waste, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning 5507 00 00 55 synthetic staple fibres, including waste, carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning 5506 10 00 5506 20 00 5506 30 00 5506 90 10 5506 90 90 56 yarn of synthetic staple fibres (including waste), put up for retail sale 5508 10 90 5511 10 00 5511 20 00 58 carpets, carpetines and rugs, knotted (made up or not) 5701 10 10 5701 10 91 5701 10 93 5701 10 99 5701 90 10 5701 90 90 59 carpets and other textile floor coverings, other than the carpets of category 58 5702 10 00 5702 31 00 5702 32 00 5702 39 10 5702 41 00 5702 42 00 5702 49 10 5702 51 00 5702 52 00 ex 5702 59 00 5702 91 00 5702 92 00 ex 5702 99 00 5703 10 00 5703 20 11 5703 20 19 5703 20 91 5703 20 99 5703 30 11 5703 30 19 5703 30 51 5703 30 59 5703 30 91 5703 30 99 5703 90 00 5704 10 00 5704 90 00 5705 00 10 5705 00 30 ex 5705 00 90 60 tapestries, hand-made, of the type gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais and the like, and needlework tapestries (for example, petit point and cross stitch) made in panels and the like by hand 5805 00 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/12 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 61 narrow woven fabrics, and narrow fabrics (bolduc) consisting of warp without weft, assembled by means of an adhesive, other than labels and similar articles of category 62. elastic fabrics and trimmings (not knitted or crocheted), made from textile materials assembled from rubber thread ex 5806 10 00 5806 20 00 5806 31 00 5806 32 10 5806 32 90 5806 39 00 5806 40 00 62 chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn), gimped yarn (other than metallised yarn and gimped horsehair yarn) 5606 00 91 5606 00 99 tulle and other net fabrics but not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, hand or mechanically-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs 5804 10 11 5804 10 19 5804 10 90 5804 21 10 5804 21 90 5804 29 10 5804 29 90 5804 30 00 labels, badges and the like of textile materials, not embroidered, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, woven 5807 10 10 5807 10 90 braids and ornamental trimmings in the piece; tassels, pompons and the like 5808 10 00 5808 90 00 embroidery, in the piece, in strips or in motifs 5810 10 10 5810 10 90 5810 91 10 5810 91 90 5810 92 10 5810 92 90 5810 99 10 5810 99 90 63 knitted or crocheted fabric of synthetic fibres containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn and knitted or crocheted fabric containing by weight 5% or more of rubber thread 5906 91 00 ex 6002 10 10 6002 10 90 ex 6002 30 10 6002 30 90 raschel lace and long-pile fabric of synthetic fibres ex 6001 10 00 6002 20 31 6002 43 19 65 knitted or crocheted fabric other than those of categories 38 a and 63, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 5606 00 10 ex 6001 10 00 6001 21 00 6001 22 00 6001 29 10 6001 91 10 6001 91 30 6001 91 50 6001 91 90 6001 92 10 6001 92 30 6001 92 50 6001 92 90 6001 99 10 ex 6002 10 10 6002 20 10 6002 20 39 6002 20 50 6002 20 70 ex 6002 30 10 6002 41 00 6002 42 10 6002 42 30 6002 42 50 6002 42 90 6002 43 31 6002 43 33 6002 43 35 6002 43 39 6002 43 50 6002 43 91 6002 43 93 6002 43 95 6002 43 99 6002 91 00 6002 92 10 6002 92 30 6002 92 50 6002 92 90 6002 93 31 6002 93 33 6002 93 35 6002 93 39 6002 93 91 6002 93 99 66 travelling rugs and blankets, other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 6301 10 00 6301 20 91 6301 20 99 6301 30 90 ex 6301 40 90 ex 6301 90 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/1329.12.98 group iii b (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted 17 pairs 59 6111 10 10 6111 20 10 6111 30 10 ex 6111 90 00 6116 10 20 6116 10 80 6116 91 00 6116 92 00 6116 93 00 6116 99 00 67 knitted or crocheted clothing accessories other than for babies; household linen of all kinds, knitted or crocheted; curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances and other furnishing articles knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted blankets and travelling-rugs, other knitted or crocheted articles including parts of garments or of clothing accessories 5807 90 90 6113 00 10 6117 10 00 6117 20 00 6117 80 10 6117 80 90 6117 90 00 6301 20 10 6301 30 10 6301 40 10 6301 90 10 6302 10 10 6302 10 90 6302 40 00 ex 6302 60 00 6303 11 00 6303 12 00 6303 19 00 6304 11 00 6304 91 00 ex 6305 20 00 6305 32 11 ex 6305 32 90 6305 33 10 ex 6305 39 00 ex 6305 90 00 6307 10 10 6307 90 10 67 (a) of which: sacks and bags of a kind used for the packing of goods, made from polyethylene or polypropylene strip 6305 32 11 6305 33 10 69 womens or girls slips and petticoats, knitted or crocheted 7,8 128 6108 11 00 6108 19 00 70 panty-hose and tights of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex (6,7 tex) 30,4 pairs 33 6115 11 00 6115 20 19 womens full-length hosiery of synthetic fibres 6115 93 91 72 swimwear, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 9,7 103 6112 31 10 6112 31 90 6112 39 10 6112 39 90 6112 41 10 6112 41 90 6112 49 10 6112 49 90 6211 11 00 6211 12 00 74 womens or girls knitted or crocheted suits and ensembles, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres, excluding ski suits 1,54 650 6104 11 00 6104 12 00 6104 13 00 ex 6104 19 00 6104 21 00 6104 22 00 6104 23 00 ex 6104 29 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/14 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 75 mens or boys knitted or crocheted suits and ensembles, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres, excluding ski suits 0,80 1 250 6103 11 00 6103 12 00 6103 19 00 6103 21 00 6103 22 00 6103 23 00 6103 29 00 84 shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like other than knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 6214 20 00 6214 30 00 6214 40 00 6214 90 10 85 ties, bow-ties and cravats not knitted or crocheted, of wool, of cotton or of man-made fibres 17,9 56 6215 20 00 6215 90 00 86 corsets, corset-belts, suspender belts, braces, suspenders, garters and the like, and parts thereof, whether or not knitted or crocheted 8,8 114 6212 20 00 6212 30 00 6212 90 00 87 gloves, mittens and mitts, not knitted or crocheted ex 6209 10 00 ex 6209 20 00 ex 6209 30 00 ex 6209 90 00 6216 00 00 88 stockings, socks and sockettes, not knitted or crocheted; other clothing accessories, parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than for babies, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6209 10 00 ex 6209 20 00 ex 6209 30 00 ex 6209 90 00 6217 10 00 6217 90 00 90 twine, cordage, ropes and cables of synthetic fibres, plaited or not 5607 41 00 5607 49 11 5607 49 19 5607 49 90 5607 50 11 5607 50 19 5607 50 30 5607 50 90 91 tents 6306 21 00 6306 22 00 6306 29 00 93 sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods of woven fabrics, other than made from polyethylene or polypropylene strip ex 6305 20 00 ex 6305 32 90 ex 6305 39 00 94 wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and mill neps 5601 10 10 5601 10 90 5601 21 10 5601 21 90 5601 22 10 5601 22 91 5601 22 99 5601 29 00 5601 30 00 95 felt and articles thereof, whether or not impregnated or coated, other than floor coverings 5602 10 19 5602 10 31 5602 10 39 5602 10 90 5602 21 00 5602 29 90 5602 90 00 ex 5807 90 10 ex 5905 00 70 6210 10 10 6307 90 91 en official journal of the european communities l 353/1529.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 96 non-woven fabrics and articles of such fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated 5603 11 10 5603 11 90 5603 12 10 5603 12 90 5603 13 10 5603 13 90 5603 14 10 5603 14 90 5603 91 10 5603 91 90 5603 92 10 5603 92 90 5603 93 10 5603 93 90 5603 94 10 5603 94 90 ex 5807 90 10 ex 5905 00 70 6210 10 91 6210 10 99 ex 6301 40 90 ex 6301 90 90 6302 22 10 6302 32 10 6302 53 10 6302 93 10 6303 92 10 6303 99 10 ex 6304 19 90 ex 6304 93 00 ex 6304 99 00 ex 6305 32 90 ex 6305 39 00 6307 10 30 ex 6307 90 99 97 nets and netting made of twine, cordage or rope and made up fishing nets of yarn, twine, cordage or rope 5608 11 11 5608 11 19 5608 11 91 5608 11 99 5608 19 11 5608 19 19 5608 19 30 5608 19 90 5608 90 00 98 other articles made from-yarn, twine, cordage, rope or cables, other than textile fabrics, articles made from such fabrics and articles of category 97 5609 00 00 5905 00 10 99 textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books and the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations 5901 10 00 5901 90 00 linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape 5904 10 00 5904 91 10 5904 91 90 5904 92 00 rubberised textile fabrics, not knitted or crocheted, excluding those for tyres 5906 10 00 5906 99 10 5906 99 90 textile fabrics otherwise impregnated or coated; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio backcloths, other than of category 100 5907 00 10 5907 00 90 100 textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with preparations of cellulose derivatives or of other artificial plastic materials 5903 10 10 5903 10 90 5903 20 10 5903 20 90 5903 90 10 5903 90 91 5903 90 99 101 twine, cordage, ropes and cables, plaited or not, other than of synthetic fibres ex 5607 90 00 109 tarpaulins, sails, awnings, and sun-blinds 6306 11 00 6306 12 00 6306 19 00 6306 31 00 6306 39 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/16 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 110 woven pneumatic mattresses 6306 41 00 6306 49 00 111 camping goods, woven, other than pneumatic mattresses and tents 6306 91 00 6306 99 00 112 other made up textile articles, woven, excluding those of categories 113 and 114 6307 20 00 ex 6307 90 99 113 floor cloths, dish cloths and dusters, other than knitted or crocheted 6307 10 90 114 woven fabrics and articles for technical uses 5902 10 10 5902 10 90 5902 20 10 5902 20 90 5902 90 10 5902 90 90 5908 00 00 5909 00 10 5909 00 90 5910 00 00 5911 10 00 ex 5911 20 00 5911 31 11 5911 31 19 5911 31 90 5911 32 10 5911 32 90 5911 40 00 5911 90 10 5911 90 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/1729.12.98 group iv (1) (2) (3) (4) 115 flax or ramie yarn 5306 10 10 5306 10 30 5306 10 50 5306 10 90 5306 20 10 5306 20 90 5308 90 12 5308 90 19 117 woven fabrics of flax or of ramie 5309 11 10 5309 11 90 5309 19 00 5309 21 10 5309 21 90 5309 29 00 5311 00 10 5803 90 90 5905 00 30 118 table linen, toilet and kitchen linen of flax or ramie, other than knitted or crocheted 6302 29 10 6302 39 10 6302 39 30 6302 52 00 ex 6302 59 00 6302 92 00 ex 6302 99 00 120 curtains (including drapes), interior blinds, curtain and bed valances and other furnishing articles, not knitted or crocheted, of flax or ramie ex 6303 99 90 6304 19 30 ex 6304 99 00 121 twine, cordage, ropes and cables, plaited or not, of flax or ramie ex 5607 90 00 122 sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, used, of flax, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6305 90 00 123 woven-pile fabrics and chenille fabrics of flax or ramie, other than narrow woven fabrics 5801 90 10 ex 5801 90 90 shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, of flax or ramie, other than knitted or crocheted 6214 90 90 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/18 29.12.98 group v (1) (2) (3) (4) 124 synthetic staple fibres 5501 10 00 5501 20 00 5501 30 00 5501 90 10 5501 90 90 5503 10 11 5503 10 19 5503 10 90 5503 20 00 5503 30 00 5503 40 00 5503 90 10 5503 90 90 5505 10 10 5505 10 30 5505 10 50 5505 10 70 5505 10 90 125 a synthetic filament yarn (continuous) not put up for retail sale, other than yarn of category 41 5402 41 00 5402 42 00 5402 43 00 125 b monofilament, strip (artificial straw and the like) and imitation catgut of synthetic materials 5404 10 10 5404 10 90 5404 90 11 5404 90 19 5404 90 90 ex 5604 20 00 ex 5604 90 00 126 artificial staple fibres 5502 00 10 5502 00 40 5502 00 80 5504 10 00 5504 90 00 5505 20 00 127 a yarn of artificial filaments (continuous) not put up for retail sale, other than yarn of category 42 5403 31 00 ex 5403 32 00 5403 33 10 127 b monofilament, strip (artificial straw and the like) and imitation catgut of artificial textile materials 5405 00 00 ex 5604 90 00 128 coarse animal hair, carded or combed 5105 40 00 129 yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 5110 00 00 130 a silk yarn other than yarn spun from silk waste 5004 00 10 5004 00 90 5006 00 10 130 b silk yarn other than of category 130 a; silk-worm gut 5005 00 10 5005 00 90 5006 00 90 ex 5604 90 00 131 yarn of other vegetable textile fibres 5308 90 90 132 paper yarn 5308 30 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/1929.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 133 yarn of true hemp 5308 20 10 5308 20 90 134 metallised yarn 5605 00 00 135 woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 5113 00 00 136 woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste 5007 10 00 5007 20 11 5007 20 19 5007 20 21 5007 20 31 5007 20 39 5007 20 41 5007 20 51 5007 20 59 5007 20 61 5007 20 69 5007 20 71 5007 90 10 5007 90 30 5007 90 50 5007 90 90 5803 90 10 ex 5905 00 90 ex 5911 20 00 137 woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics and narrow woven fabrics of silk, or of silk waste ex 5801 90 90 ex 5806 10 00 138 woven fabrics of paper yarn and other textile fibres other than of ramie 5311 00 90 ex 5905 00 90 139 woven fabrics of metal threads or of metallised yarn 5809 00 00 140 knitted or crocheted fabric of textile material other than wool or fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibres ex 6001 10 00 6001 29 90 6001 99 90 6002 20 90 6002 49 00 6002 99 00 141 travelling rugs and blankets of textile material other than wool or fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibres ex 6301 90 90 142 carpets and other textile floor coverings of sisal, of other fibres of the agave family or of manila hemp ex 5702 39 90 ex 5702 49 90 ex 5702 59 00 ex 5702 99 00 ex 5705 00 90 144 felt of coarse animal hair 5602 10 35 5602 29 10 145 twine, cordage, ropes and cables plaited or not abaca (manila hemp) or of true hemp 5607 30 00 ex 5607 90 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/20 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 146 a binder or baler twine for agricultural machines, of sisal or other fibres of the agave family ex 5607 21 00 146 b twine, cordage, ropes and cables of sisal or other fibres of the agave family, other than the products of category 146 a ex 5607 21 00 5607 29 10 5607 29 90 146 c twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided, of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 5607 10 00 147 silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling), yarn waste and garnetted stock, other than not carded or combed 5003 90 00 148 a yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 5307 10 10 5307 10 90 5307 20 00 148 b coir yarn 5308 10 00 149 woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of a width of more than 150 cm 5310 10 90 ex 5310 90 00 150 woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of a width of more than 150 cm; sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of jute or of other textile bast fibres, other than used 5310 10 10 ex 5310 90 00 5905 00 50 6305 10 90 151 a floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir) 5702 20 00 151 b carpets and other textile floor coverings, of jute or of other textile bast fibres, other than tufted or flocked ex 5702 39 90 ex 5702 49 90 ex 5702 59 00 ex 5702 99 00 152 needle loom felt of jute or of other textile bast fibres not impregnated or coated, other than floor coverings 5602 10 11 153 used sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 6305 10 10 en official journal of the european communities l 353/2129.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 154 silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling 5001 00 00 raw silk (not thrown) 5002 00 00 silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling), yarn waste and garnetted stock, not carded or combed 5003 10 00 wool not carded or combed 5101 11 00 5101 19 00 5101 21 00 5101 29 00 5101 30 00 fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed 5102 10 10 5102 10 30 5102 10 50 5102 10 90 5102 20 00 waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock 5103 10 10 5103 10 90 5103 20 10 5103 20 91 5103 20 99 5103 30 00 garnetted stock of wool or fine or coarse animal hair 5104 00 00 flax, raw or processed but not spun: flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5301 10 00 5301 21 00 5301 29 00 5301 30 10 5301 30 90 ramie and other vegetable textile fibres raw or processed but not spun: tow, noils and waste, other than coir and abaca of heading no 5304 5305 91 00 5305 99 00 cotton, not carded or combed 5201 00 10 5201 00 90 cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5202 10 00 5202 91 00 5202 99 00 true hemp (cannabis sativa l.), raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5302 10 00 5302 90 00 abaca (manila hemp or musa textilis nee), raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of abaca (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5305 21 00 5305 29 00 jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of jute or other textile bast fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5303 10 00 5303 90 00 other vegetable textile fibres, raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of such fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5304 10 00 5304 90 00 5305 11 00 5305 19 00 5305 91 00 5305 99 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/22 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 156 blouses and pullovers knitted or crocheted of silk or silk waste for women and girls 6106 90 30 ex 6110 90 90 157 garments, knitted or crocheted, other than those of categories 1 to 123 and of category 156 6101 90 10 6101 90 90 6102 90 10 6102 90 90 ex 6103 39 00 6103 49 99 ex 6104 19 00 ex 6104 29 00 ex 6104 39 00 6104 49 00 6104 69 99 6105 90 90 6106 90 50 6106 90 90 ex 6107 99 00 6108 99 90 6109 90 90 6110 90 10 ex 6110 90 90 ex 6111 90 00 6114 90 00 159 dresses, blouses and shirt-blouses, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste 6204 49 10 6206 10 00 shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste 6214 10 00 ties, bow-ties and cravats of silk or silk waste 6215 10 00 160 handkerchiefs of silk or silk waste 6213 10 00 161 garments, not knitted or crocheted, other than those of categories 1 to 123 and category 159 6201 19 00 6201 99 00 6202 19 00 6202 99 00 6203 19 90 6203 29 90 6203 39 90 6203 49 90 6204 19 90 6204 29 90 6204 39 90 6204 49 90 6204 59 90 6204 69 90 6205 90 10 6205 90 90 6206 90 10 6206 90 90 ex 6211 20 00 6211 39 00 6211 49 00 annex ia category descriptioncn code 1999 table of equivalence pieces/kg g/piece (1) (2) (3) (4) 163(1) gauze and articles of gauze put up in forms or packings for retail sale 3005 90 31 (1) only applies to imports from china. en official journal of the european communities l 353/2329.12.98 annex ib 1. this annex covers textile raw materials (categories 128 and 154), textile products other than those of wool and fine animal hair, cotton and man-made fibres, as well as man-made fibres and filaments and yarns of categories 124, 125a, 125b, 126, 127a and 127b. 2. without prejudice to the rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, the wording of the description of goods is considered to be of indicative value only, since the products covered by each category are determined, within this annex, by cn codes. where there is an ex symbol in front of a cn code, the products covered in each category are determined by the scope of the cn code and by that of the corresponding description. 3. garments which are not recognisable as being garments for men or boys or as being garments for women or girls are classified with the latter. 4. where the expression babies garments is used, this is meant to cover garments up to and including commercial size 86. group i category descriptioncn code 1999 table of equivalence pieces/kg g/piece (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 20 bedlinen, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6302 29 90 ex 6302 39 90 ex 32 woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics and tufted textile surfaces ex 5802 20 00 ex 5802 30 00 ex 39 table-linen, toilet and kitchen-linen, other than knitted or crocheted and other than those of category 118 ex 6302 59 00 ex 6302 99 00 group ii (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 12 panty-hose and tights, stockings, understockings, socks, ankle socks, sockettes and the like, knitted or crocheted, other than for babies 24,3 41 ex 6115 19 90 ex 6115 20 90 ex 6115 99 00 ex 13 mens or boys underpants and briefs, womens or girls knickers and briefs, knitted or crocheted 17 59 ex 6107 19 00 ex 6108 29 00 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 ex 14 mens or boys woven overcoats, raincoats and other coats, cloaks and capes 0,72 1 389 ex 6210 20 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/24 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 15 womens or girls woven overcoats, raincoats and other coats, cloaks and capes, jackets and blazers, other than parkas 0,84 1 190 ex 6210 30 00 ex 18 mens or boys singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing-gowns and similar articles, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6207 19 00 ex 6207 29 00 ex 6207 99 00 womens or girls singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, negligees, bathrobes, dressing-gowns and similar articles, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6208 19 90 ex 6208 29 00 ex 6208 99 00 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 ex 19 handkerchiefs, other than those of silk and silk waste 59 17 ex 6213 90 00 ex 24 mens or boys nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing-gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 3,9 257 ex 6107 29 00 womens or girls nightdresses, pyjamas, negligees, bathrobes, dressing-gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted ex 6108 39 00 ex 27 womens or girls skirts, including divided skirts 2,6 385 ex 6104 59 00 ex 28 trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted 1,61 620 ex 6103 49 10 ex 6104 69 10 ex 31 brassi res, woven, knitted or crocheted 18,2 55 ex 6212 10 10 6212 10 90 ex 68 babies garments and clothing accessories, excluding babies gloves, mittens and mitts of categories ex 10 and ex 87, and babies stockings, socks and sockettes, other than knitted or crocheted, of category ex 88 ex 6209 90 00 ex 73 track suits of knitted or crocheted fabric 1,67 600 ex 6112 19 00 ex 78 woven garments of fabrics of heading nos 5903, 5906 and 5907, excluding garments of categories ex 14 and ex 15 ex 6210 40 00 ex 6210 50 00 ex 83 garments of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading nos 5903 and 5907 and ski suits, knitted or crocheted ex 6112 20 00 ex 6113 00 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/2529.12.98 group iii a (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 38 b net curtains, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6303 99 90 ex 40 woven curtains (including drapes, interior blinds, curtain and bed valances and other furnishing articles), other than knitted or crocheted ex 6303 99 90 ex 6304 19 90 ex 6304 99 00 ex 58 carpets, carpetines and rugs, knotted (made up or not) ex 5701 90 10 ex 5701 90 90 ex 59 carpets and other textile floor coverings, other than the carpets of categories ex 58, 142 and 151 b ex 5702 10 00 ex 5702 59 00 ex 5702 99 00 ex 5703 90 00 ex 5704 10 00 ex 5704 90 00 ex 5705 00 90 ex 60 tapestries, hand-made, of the type gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais and the like, and needlework tapestries (for example, petit point and cross-stitch) made in panels and the like by hand ex 5805 00 00 ex 61 narrow woven fabrics, and narrow fabrics (bolduc) consisting of warp without weft, assembled by means of an adhesive, other than labels and similar articles of category ex 62 and of category 137 elastic fabrics and trimmings (not knitted or crocheted), made from textile materials assembled from rubber thread ex 5806 10 00 ex 5806 20 00 ex 5806 39 00 ex 5806 40 00 ex 62 chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn), gimped yarn (other than metallised yarn and gimped horsehair yarn) ex 5606 00 91 ex 5606 00 99 tulle and other net fabrics but not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, hand or mechanically-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs ex 5804 10 11 ex 5804 10 19 ex 5804 10 90 ex 5804 29 10 ex 5804 29 90 ex 5804 30 00 labels, badges and the like of textile materials, not embroidered, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, woven ex 5807 10 10 ex 5807 10 90 braids and ornamental trimmings in the piece; tassels; pompons and the like ex 5808 10 00 ex 5808 90 00 embroidery, in the piece, in strips or in motifs ex 5810 10 10 ex 5810 10 90 ex 5810 99 10 ex 5810 99 90 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/26 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 63 knitted or crocheted fabric of synthetic fibres containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn and knitted or crocheted fabric containing by weight 5% or more of rubber thread ex 5906 91 00 ex 6002 10 10 ex 6002 10 90 ex 6002 30 10 ex 6002 30 90 ex 65 knitted or crocheted fabric, other than those of category ex 63 ex 5606 00 10 ex 6002 10 10 ex 6002 30 10 ex 66 travelling rugs and blankets, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6301 10 00 ex 6301 90 90 group iii b (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 10 gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted 17 pairs 59 ex 6116 10 20 ex 6116 10 80 ex 6116 99 00 ex 67 knitted or crocheted clothing accessories other than for babies; household linen of all kinds, knitted or crocheted; curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds, curtain or bed valances and other furnishing articles knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted blankets and travelling rugs, other knitted or crocheted articles including parts of garments or of clothing accessories ex 5807 90 90 ex 6113 00 10 ex 6117 10 00 ex 6117 20 00 ex 6117 80 10 ex 6117 80 90 ex 6117 90 00 ex 6301 90 10 ex 6302 10 90 ex 6302 40 00 ex 6303 19 00 ex 6304 11 00 ex 6304 91 00 ex 6307 10 10 ex 6307 90 10 ex 69 womens or girls slips and petticoats, knitted or crocheted 7,8 128 ex 6108 19 90 ex 72 swimwear 9,7 103 ex 6112 39 10 ex 6112 39 90 ex 6112 49 10 ex 6112 49 90 ex 6211 11 00 ex 6211 12 00 ex 75 mens or boys knitted or crocheted suits and ensembles 0,80 1 250 ex 6103 19 00 ex 6103 29 00 ex 85 ties, bow-ties and cravats other than knitted or crocheted, other than those of category 159 17,9 56 ex 6215 90 00 ex 86 corsets, corset-belts, suspender belts, braces, suspenders, garters and the like, and parts thereof, whether or not knitted or crocheted 8,8 114 ex 6212 20 00 ex 6212 30 00 ex 6212 90 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/2729.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 87 gloves, mittens and mitts, not knitted or crocheted ex 6209 90 00 ex 6216 00 00 ex 88 stockings, socks and sockettes, not knitted or crocheted; other clothing accessories, parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than for babies, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6209 90 00 ex 6217 10 00 ex 6217 90 00 ex 91 tents ex 6306 29 00 ex 94 wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and millneps ex 5601 10 90 ex 5601 29 00 ex 5601 30 00 ex 95 felt and articles thereof, whether or not impregnated or coated, other than floor coverings ex 5602 10 19 ex 5602 10 39 ex 5602 10 90 ex 5602 29 90 ex 5602 90 00 ex 5807 90 10 ex 6210 10 10 ex 6307 90 91 ex 97 nets and netting made of twine, cordage or rope and made up fishing nets of yarn, twine, cordage or rope ex 5608 90 00 ex 98 other articles made from yarn, twine, cordage, rope or cables, other than textile fabrics, articles made from such fabrics and articles of category 97 ex 5609 00 00 ex 5905 00 10 ex 99 textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books and the like, tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations ex 5901 10 00 ex 5901 90 00 linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape ex 5904 10 00 ex 5904 91 10 ex 5904 91 90 ex 5904 92 00 rubberised textile fabrics, not knitted or crocheted, excluding those for tyres ex 5906 10 00 ex 5906 99 10 ex 5906 99 90 textile fabrics otherwise impregnated or coated; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio backcloths, other than of category ex 100 ex 5907 00 10 ex 5907 00 90 ex 100 textile fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with preparations of cellulose derivatives or of other artificial plastic materials ex 5903 10 10 ex 5903 10 90 ex 5903 20 10 ex 5903 20 90 ex 5903 90 10 ex 5903 90 91 ex 5903 90 99 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/28 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) ex 109 tarpaulins, sails, awnings, and sun-blinds ex 6306 19 00 ex 6306 39 00 ex 110 woven pneumatic mattresses ex 6306 49 00 ex 111 camping goods, woven, other than pneumatic mattresses and tents ex 6306 99 00 ex 112 other made-up textile articles, woven, excluding those of categories ex 113 and ex 114 ex 6307 20 00 ex 6307 90 99 ex 113 floor cloths, dish cloths and dusters, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6307 10 90 ex 114 woven fabrics and articles for technical uses, other than those of category 136 ex 5908 00 00 ex 5909 00 90 ex 5910 00 00 ex 5911 10 00 ex 5911 31 19 ex 5911 31 90 ex 5911 32 10 ex 5911 32 90 ex 5911 40 00 ex 5911 90 10 ex 5911 90 90 group iv (1) (2) (3) (4) 115 flax or ramie yarn 5306 10 10 5306 10 30 5306 10 50 5306 10 90 5306 20 10 5306 20 90 5308 90 12 5308 90 19 117 woven fabrics of flax or ramie 5309 11 10 5309 11 90 5309 19 00 5309 21 90 5309 29 00 5311 00 10 5803 90 90 5905 00 30 5905 00 31 118 table linen, toilet and kitchen linen of flax or ramie, other than knitted or crocheted 6302 29 10 6302 39 10 6302 39 30 6302 52 00 ex 6302 59 00 6302 92 00 ex 6302 99 00 120 curtains (including drapes), interior blinds, curtain and bed valances and other furnishing articles, not knitted or crocheted, of flax or ramie ex 6303 99 90 6304 19 30 ex 6304 99 00 121 twine, cordage, ropes and cables, plaited or not, of flax or ramie ex 5607 90 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/2929.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 122 sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, used, of flax, other than knitted or crocheted ex 6305 90 00 123 woven-pile fabrics and chenille fabrics of flax or ramie, other than narrow woven fabrics 5801 90 10 ex 5801 90 90 shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, of flax or ramie, other than knitted or crocheted 6214 90 90 group v (1) (2) (3) (4) 124 synthetic staple fibres 5501 10 00 5501 20 00 5501 30 00 5501 90 10 5501 90 90 5503 10 11 5503 10 19 5503 10 90 5503 20 00 5503 30 00 5503 40 00 5503 90 10 5503 90 90 5505 10 10 5505 10 30 5505 10 50 5505 10 70 5505 10 90 125 a synthetic filament yarn (continuous) not put up for retail sale 5402 41 00 5402 42 00 5402 43 00 125 b monofilament, strip (artificial straw and the like) and imitation catgut of synthetic materials 5404 10 10 5404 10 90 5404 90 11 5404 90 19 5404 90 90 ex 5604 20 00 ex 5604 90 00 126 artificial staple fibres 5502 00 10 5502 00 40 5502 00 80 5504 10 00 5504 90 00 5505 20 00 127 a yarn of artificial filaments (continuous) not put up for retail sale, single yarn or viscose rayon untwisted or with a twist of not more than 250 turns per metre and single non-textured yarn of cellulose acetate 5403 31 00 ex 5403 32 00 5403 33 10 127 b monofilament, strip (artificial straw and the like) and imitation catgut of artificial textile materials 5405 00 00 ex 5604 90 00 128 coarse animal hair, carded or combed 5105 40 00 129 yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 5110 00 00 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/30 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 130 a silk yarn other than yarn spun from silk waste 5004 00 10 5004 00 90 5006 00 10 130 b silk yarn other than of category 130a; silk-worm gut 5505 00 10 5505 00 90 5006 00 90 ex 5604 90 00 131 yarn of other vegetable textile fibres 5308 90 90 132 paper yarn 5308 30 00 133 yarn of true hemp 5308 20 10 5308 20 90 134 metallised yarn 5605 00 00 135 woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 5113 00 00 136 a woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste other than unbleached, scoured or bleached 5007 20 19 ex 5007 20 31 ex 5007 20 39 ex 5007 20 41 5007 20 59 5007 20 61 5007 20 69 5007 20 71 5007 90 30 5007 90 50 5007 90 90 136 b woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste other than those of category 136a ex 5007 10 00 5007 20 11 5007 20 21 ex 5007 20 31 ex 5007 20 39 5007 20 41 5007 20 51 5007 90 10 ex 5803 90 10 ex 5905 00 90 ex 5911 20 00 137 woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics and narrow woven fabrics of silk, or of silk waste ex 5801 90 90 ex 5806 10 00 138 woven fabrics of paper yarn and other textile fibres other than of ramie 5311 00 90 ex 5905 00 90 139 woven fabrics of metal threads or of metallised yarn 5809 00 00 140 knitted or crocheted fabric of textile material other than wool or fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibres ex 6001 10 00 6001 29 90 6001 99 90 6002 20 90 6002 49 00 6002 99 00 en official journal of the european communities l 353/3129.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 141 travelling rugs and blankets of textile material other than wool or fine animal hair, cotton or man-made fibres ex 6301 90 90 142 carpets and other textile floor coverings of sisal, of other fibres of the agave family or of manila hemp ex 5702 39 90 ex 5702 49 90 ex 5702 59 00 ex 5702 99 00 ex 5705 00 90 144 felt of coarse animal hair 5602 10 35 5602 29 10 145 twine, cordage, ropes and cables plaited or not abaca (manila hemp) or of true hemp 5607 30 00 ex 5607 90 00 146 a binder or baler twine for agricultural machines, of sisal or other fibres of the agave family ex 5607 21 00 146 b twine, cordage, ropes and cables of sisal or other fibres of the agave family, other than the products of category 146a ex 5607 21 00 5607 29 10 5607 29 90 146 c twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided, of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 5607 10 00 147 silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling), yarn waste and garnetted stock, other than not carded or combed 5003 90 00 148 a yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 5307 10 10 5307 10 90 5307 20 00 148 b coir yarn 5308 10 00 149 woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of a width of more than 150 cm 5310 10 90 ex 5310 90 00 150 woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of a width of not more than 150 cm; sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of jute or of other textile bast fibres, other than used 5310 10 10 ex 5310 90 00 5905 00 50 6305 10 90 en official journal of the european communitiesl 353/32 29.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 151 a floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir) 5702 20 00 151 b carpets and other textile floor coverings, of jute or of other textile bast fibres, other than tufted or flocked ex 5702 39 90 ex 5702 49 90 ex 5702 59 00 ex 5702 99 00 152 needle loom felt of jute or of other textile bast fibres not impregnated or coated, other than floor coverings 5602 10 11 153 used sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading no 5303 6305 10 10 154 silk worm cocoons, suitable for reeling 5001 00 00 raw silk (not thrown) 5002 00 00 silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling), yarn waste and garnetted stock, not carded or combed 5003 10 00 wool not carded or combed 5101 11 00 5101 19 00 5101 21 00 5101 29 00 5101 30 00 fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed 5102 10 10 5102 10 30 5102 10 50 5102 10 90 5102 20 00 waste of wool or fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock 5103 10 10 5103 10 90 5103 20 10 5103 20 91 5103 20 99 5103 30 00 garnetted stock of wool or fine or coarse animal hair 5104 00 00 flax, raw or processed but not spun: flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5301 10 00 5301 21 00 5301 29 00 5301 30 10 5301 30 90 ramie and other vegetable textile fibres raw or processed but not spun: tow, noils and waste, other than coir and abaca of heading no 5304 5305 91 00 5305 99 00 cotton, not carded or combed 5201 00 10 5201 00 90 en official journal of the european communities l 353/3329.12.98 (1) (2) (3) (4) 154 (contd) cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5202 10 00 5202 91 00 5202 99 00 true hemp (cannabis sativa l.) raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5302 10 00 5302 90 00 abaca (manila hemp or musa textilis nee), raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of abaca (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5305 21 00 5305 29 00 jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of jute or other textile bast fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5303 10 00 5303 90 00 other vegetable textile fibres, raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste of such fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 5304 10 00 5304 90 00 5305 11 00 5305 19 00 5305 91 00 5305 99 00 156 blouses and pullovers knitted or crocheted of silk or silk waste for women and girls 6106 90 30 ex 6110 90 90 157 garments, knitted or crocheted, excluding garments of categories ex 10, ex 12, ex 13, ex 24, ex 27, ex 28, ex 67, ex 69, ex 72, ex 73, ex 75, ex 83 and 156 6101 90 10 6101 90 90 6102 90 10 6102 90 90 ex 6103 39 00 6103 49 99 ex 6104 19 00 ex 6104 29 00 ex 6104 39 00 6104 49 00 6104 69 99 6105 90 90 6106 90 50 6106 90 90 ex 6107 99 00 6108 99 90 6109 90 90 6110 90 10 ex 6110 90 90 ex 6111 90 00 6114 90 00 159 dresses, blouses and shirt-blouses, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste 6204 49 10 6206 10 00 shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste 6214 10 00 ties, bow-ties and cravats of silk or silk waste 6215 10 00 160 handkerchiefs of silk or silk waste 6213 10 00 161 garments, not knitted or crocheted, excluding garments of categories ex 14, ex 15, ex 18, ex 31, ex 68, ex 72, ex 78, ex 86, ex 87, ex 88 and 159 6201 19 00 6201 99 00 6202 19 00 6202 99 00 6203 19 90 6203 29 90 6203 39 90 6203 49 90 6204 19 90 6204 29 90 6204 39 90 6204 49 90 6204 59 90 6204 69 90 6205 90 10 6205 90 90 6206 90 10 6206 90 90 ex 6211 20 00 6211 39 00 6211 49 00
name: council regulation (ec) no 2801/98 of 14 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 45/98 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1998 and certain conditions under which they may be fished type: regulation subject matter: economic geography; fisheries date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 24. 12. 98l 349/10 council regulation (ec) no 2801/98 of 14 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 45/98 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1998 and certain conditions under which they may be fished the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3760/92 of 20 december 1992 establishing a community system for fisheries and aquaculture (1), and in particular article 8(4) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas regulation (ec) no 45/98 (2) fixes, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the tacs for 1998 and certain conditions under which they may be fished; whereas, in accordance with the provisions laid down in regulation (ec) no 847/96 (3), precautionary tacs may be reviewed under conditions stipulated in article 3(1) therein; whereas those conditions are satisfied for the stocks of nephrops in the skagerrak, the kattegat and ices area iiibcd; whereas, within the framework of the bilateral consulta- tions on the reciprocal fishing rights between the community and poland for 1998, the community shares for baltic sprat and cod have been modified; whereas regulation (ec) no 45/98 should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex to this regulation replaces the corresponding elements of annex i to regulation (ec) no 45/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 14 december 1998. for the council the president w. molterer (1) oj l 389, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. regulation as amended by the 1994 act of accession. (2) oj l 12, 19. 1. 1998, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2386/98 (oj l 297, 6. 11. 1998, p.3). (3) oj l 115, 9. 5. 1996, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities24. 12. 98 l 349/11 annex species: cod gadus morhua zone: iiibcd (1) belgi /belgique danmark 38 524 deutschland 16 846 ' espa a france ireland italia luxembourg nederland sterreich portugal suomi/finland 1 931 sverige 26 196 (2) united kingdom ec 83 497 (3) tac 136 950 (1) community waters (2) excluding an additional 60 t of flatfish as bycatch in waters of the community as constituted in 1994 (3) of which no more than 1 100 t may be fished in the esto- nian zone, no more than 2 200 t in the latvian zone, and no more than 1 350 tonnes in the lithuanian zone species: norway lobster nephrops norvegicus zone: skagerrak and kattegat (1), iiibcd (1) belgi /belgique danmark 3 905 (2) deutschland 10 (3) ' espa a france ireland italia luxembourg nederland sterreich portugal suomi/finland sverige 1 395 (2) united kingdom ec 5 310 tac 5 310 (1) community waters (2) no fishing of this quota may take place, in the skagerrak, within 4 miles of the baselines of the kingdom of norway (3) no fishing of this quota may take place, in the skagerrak, within 12 miles of the baselines of the kingdom of norway species: sprat sprattus sprattus zone: iiibcd (1) belgi /belgique danmark 48 780 deutschland 30 910 ' espa a france ireland italia luxembourg nederland sterreich portugal suomi/finland 25 540 sverige 109 310 (3) united kingdom ec 214 540 (2) tac 219 540 (1) community waters (2) of which no more than 8 000 t may be fished in the esto- nian zone, no more than 6 000 t in the latvian zone, and no more than 4 000 t in the lithuanian zone (3) whenever consumption of this quota has reached a level of 89 310 tonnes, the remainder 20 000 tonnes may only be taken in waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the kingdom of sweden
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2806/98 of 23 december 1998 on the issuing of import licences for bananas under the tariff quotas and for traditional acp bananas for the first quarter of 1999 and on the submission of new applications (text with eea relevance) type: regulation subject matter: economic geography; international trade; tariff policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 24. 12. 98l 349/32 commission regulation (ec) no 2806/98 of 23 december 1998 on the issuing of import licences for bananas under the tariff quotas and for traditional acp bananas for the first quarter of 1999 and on the submission of new applications (text with eea relevance) the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 404/93 of 13 february 1993 on the common organisation of the market in bananas (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1637/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2362/ 98 of 28 october 1998 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 404/93 regarding imports of bananas into the community (3), and in particular articles 18 and 29 thereof, whereas article 29 of regulation (ec) no 2362/98 lays down that if the quantities covered by applications for licences in respect of the first quarter of 1999 covering imports from one or more of the origins listed in annex i exceed 26 % of the quantities set out in that annex, the commission is to fix a percentage reduction to be applied to all applications in respect of the origin(s) concerned; whereas in the case of the quantities covered by licence applications that are either less than or equal to the ceiling laid down in article 29 of regulation (ec) no 2362/98, licences are issued for the quantities applied for; whereas, however, for certain origins, the quantities applied for exceed that ceiling; whereas, therefore, a reduction percentage should be set to be applied to each licence application for the origin(s) involved; whereas the maximum quantity for which such licence applications may still be submitted should be set taking account of the available quantities resulting from the application of article 29 of regulation (ec) no 2362/98 and the applications accepted at the end of the applica- tion period; whereas this regulation should apply immediately to permit licences to be issued as quickly as possible, has adopted this regulation: article 1 import licences shall be issued under the arrangements for the importation of bananas, tariff quota arrangements and arrangements for traditional acp bananas for the first quarter of 1999 for the quantity indicated in the licence application, multiplied by reduction coefficients of 0,5793, 0,6740 and 0,7080 for applications indicating the origins colombia', costa rica' and ecuador' respectively. article 2 the quantities for which licence applications may still be lodged in respect of the first quarter of 1999 are laid down in the annex hereto. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 23 december 1998. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 47, 25. 2. 1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 28. (3) oj l 293, 31. 10. 1998, p. 32. en official journal of the european communities24. 12. 98 l 349/33 annex (tonnes) quantities available for new applications panama 77 536,711 others 41 473,846 traditional acp bananas 148 129,046
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2828/98 of 22 december 1998 concerning the stopping of fishing for sprat by vessels flying the flag of finland type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; maritime and inland waterway transport; europe date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 29. 12. 98l 351/18 commission regulation (ec) no 2828/98 of 22 december 1998 concerning the stopping of fishing for sprat by vessels flying the flag of finland the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applic- able to the common fisheries policy (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2635/97 (2), and in particular article 21(3) thereof, whereas council regulation (ec) no 45/98 of 19 december 1997 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1998 and certain conditions under which they may be fished (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2386/98 (4), provides for sprat quotas for 1998; whereas, in order to ensure compliance with the provi- sions relating to the quantitative limitations on catches of stocks subject to quotas, it is necessary for the commis- sion to fix the date by which catches made by vessels flying the flag of a member state are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated; whereas, according to the information communicated to the commission, catches of sprat in the waters of ices divisions iii b, c, d (ec zone) by vessels flying the flag of finland or registered in finland have reached the quota allocated for 1998; whereas finland has prohibited fishing for this stock as from 13 november 1998; whereas it is therefore necessary to abide by that date, has adopted this regulation: article 1 catches of sprat in the waters of ices divisions iii b, c, d (ec zone) by vessels flying the flag of finland or regis- tered in finland are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to finland for 1998. fishing for sprat in the waters of ices divisions iii b, c, d (ec zone) by vessels flying the flag of finland or regis- tered in finland is prohibited, as well as the retention on board, the transhipment and the landing of such stock captured by the abovementioned vessels after the date of application of this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 13 november 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the commission emma bonino member of the commission (1) oj l 261, 20. 10. 1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 356, 31. 12. 1997, p. 14. (3) oj l 12, 19. 1. 1998, p. 1. (4) oj l 297, 6. 11. 1998, p. 2.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2829/98 of 22 december 1998 concerning the stopping of fishing for herring by vessels flying the flag of the united kingdom type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; europe; maritime and inland waterway transport date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 12. 98 l 351/19 commission regulation (ec) no 2829/98 of 22 december 1998 concerning the stopping of fishing for herring by vessels flying the flag of the united kingdom the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applic- able to the common fisheries policy (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2635/97 (2), and in particular article 21(3) thereof, whereas council regulation (ec) no 45/98 of 19 december 1997 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1998 and certain conditions under which they may be fished (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2386/98 (4), provides for herring quotas for 1998; whereas, in order to ensure compliance with the provi- sions relating to the quantitative limitations on catches of stocks subject to quotas, it is necessary for the commis- sion to fix the date by which catches made by vessels flying the flag of a member state are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated; whereas, according to the information communicated to the commission, catches of herring in the waters of ices divisions iv a, b by vessels flying the flag of the united kingdom or registered in the united kingdom have reached the quota allocated for 1998; whereas the united kingdom has prohibited fishing for this stock as from 15 december 1998; whereas it is therefore necessary to abide by that date, has adopted this regulation: article 1 catches of herring in the waters of ices divisions iv a, b by vessels flying the flag of the united kingdom or registered in the united kingdom are deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to the united kingdom for 1998. fishing for herring in the waters of ices divisions iv a, b by vessels flying the flag of the united kingdom or registered in the united kingdom is prohibited, as well as the retention on board, the transhipment and the landing of such stock captured by the abovementioned vessels after the date of application of this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 15 december 1998. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the commission emma bonino member of the commission (1) oj l 261, 20. 10. 1993, p. 1. (2) oj l 356, 31. 12. 1997, p. 14. (3) oj l 12, 19. 1. 1998, p. 1. (4) oj l 297, 6. 11. 1998, p. 2.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2857/98 of 30 december 1998 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: trade; eu finance; prices; free movement of capital; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 31. 12. 98l 358/72 commission regulation (ec) no 2857/98 of 30 december 1998 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in para- graph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in ques- tion on the world market; whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation; whereas article 2 of council regulation (ec) no 1103/ 97 of 17 june 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro (5) provides that, as from 1 january 1999, all references to the ecu in legal instru- ments are to be replaced by references to the euro at the rate of eur 1 to ecu 1; whereas, for the sake of clarity, the denomination euro' should be used in this regula- tion since it is to apply from 1 january 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 30 december 1998. for the commission karel van miert member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 162, 19. 6. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities31. 12. 98 l 358/73 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 55,52 45,52 medium quality (1) 65,52 55,52 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 49,73 39,73 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 49,73 39,73 medium quality 79,22 69,22 low quality 99,40 89,40 1002 00 00 rye 108,75 98,75 1003 00 10 barley, seed 108,75 98,75 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 108,75 98,75 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 107,67 97,67 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 107,67 97,67 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 108,75 98,75 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities 31. 12. 98l 358/74 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 15 december 1998 to 29 december 1998) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/tonne) 112,21 99,10 87,24 73,91 129,94 119,94 76,72 gulf premium (eur/tonne) 25,57 10,20 1,88 6,94 great lakes premium (eur/tonne) (*) a discount of eur 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: eur 10,87 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: eur 21,10 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) eur 0,00 per tonne (srw2).
name: council regulation (ec) no 2863/98 of 30 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 70/97 concerning the arrangements applicable to imports into the community of products originating in the republics of bosnia and herzegovina and croatia and to imports of wine originating in the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and the republic of slovenia type: regulation subject matter: international trade; political geography; tariff policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities31. 12. 98 l 358/85 council regulation (ec) no 2863/98 of 30 december 1998 amending regulation (ec) no 70/97 concerning the arrangements applicable to imports into the community of products originating in the republics of bosnia and herzegovina and croatia and to imports of wine originating in the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and the republic of slovenia the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, and in particular article 113 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas council regulation (ec) no 70/97 of 20 december 1996 concerning the arrangements applicable to imports into the community of products originating in the republics of bosnia and herzegovina and croatia and to imports of wine originating in the former yugoslav republic of macedonia and the republic of slovenia (1) expires on 31 december 1998; whereas these arrangements will eventually have to be replaced by provisions contained in bilateral agreements to be negotiated with the countries in question; whereas in the meantime the arrangements granted by regulation (ec) no 70/97 should be maintained; whereas the amounts of the tariff ceilings for industrial products should be increased annually by 5 % as provided for in article 4(1) of that regulation; whereas, following the amendments to the combined nomenclature and to the taric subdivisions, regulation (ec) no 70/97 should be amended accordingly; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 12/97 (2) amended title iv, chapter 2 of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 of 2 july 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 establishing the community customs code (3); whereas article 1(3) of regulation (ec) no 70/97 should therefore be amended accordingly; whereas, in order to avoid damage to the community industry for cucumbers, it is necessary to grant the concession for these products in the framework of a tariff quota instead of a reference quantity; whereas, in accordance with the conclusions of the council of 29 april 1997, the development of bilateral relations between the european union and the successor republics of the former yugoslavia, other than slovenia, is subject to certain conditions; whereas the renewal of auto- nomous trade preferences is linked to respect for funda- mental principles of democracy and human rights and to the readiness of the countries concerned to allow the development of economic relations between themselves; whereas it is, therefore, appropriate to monitor the compliance by bosnia and herzegovina, croatia and the federal republic of yugoslavia with these conditions; whereas the council adopted conclusions on 9 november 1998 on progress in these countries in respect of these conditions; whereas there has been some progress in bosnia and herzegovina and croatia in strengthening democracy and human rights and in developing relations with their neighbours; whereas it is therefore appropriate for these countries to continue to be included in the autonomous trade regime for 1999; whereas when the autonomous trade preferences were extended to the federal republic of yugoslavia on 29 april 1997, the council issued a declaration setting out its expectations in terms of democratisation, in particular the full and speedy implementation of the gonzalez' report; whereas it also noted that in the absence of progress towards meeting these criteria, the decision granting auto- nomous trade preferences would be reviewed; whereas no significant progress has been made with regard to the relevant conditions, it is not appropriate at this time to include the federal republic of yugoslavia in the auto- nomous trade regime for 1999, without prejudice to the possibility of including the federal republic of yugo- slavia at a later stage should conditions so permit, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 70/97 is hereby amended as follows: 1. in article 1(3), section 3 of commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93', shall be replaced by section 2 of commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93'; 2. the second subparagraph of article 14 shall be replaced by the following: it shall apply from 1 january 1997 to 31 december 1999.'; (1) oj l 16, 18. 1. 1997, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2636/97 (oj l 356, 31. 12. 1997, p. 16). (2) oj l 9, 13. 1. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 253, 11. 10. 1993, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 75/98 (oj l 7, 13. 1. 1998, p. 3). en official journal of the european communities 31. 12. 98l 358/86 3. the amounts given for the tariff ceilings listed in the fourth column in annexes c i, c ii, c iii and c iv shall be replaced for 1999 by the amounts given in the annex to this regulation for the corresponding order nos; 4. the following amendments shall be made to the cn codes and the descriptions of products and footnotes: (a) in annex c i for order no 01.0050, the following shall be deleted: cellular: 3921 19 of other plastics: 3921 19 90 other'; (b) in annex c i for order no 01.0220: (i) 8502 13 99 of an output exceeding 750 kva' shall be replaced by: 8502 13 93 of an output exceeding 750 kva but not exceeding 2 000 kva 8502 13 98 of an output exceeding 2 000 kva'; (ii) 8502 20 99 of an output exceeding 7,5 kva' shall be replaced by: 8502 20 92 of an output exceeding 7,5 kva but not exceeding 375 kva 8502 20 94 of an output exceeding 375 kva but not exceeding 750 kva 8502 20 98 of an output exceeding 750 kva'; (c) at the end of annex c i, footnote 1 shall be replaced by the following: entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant community provisions.'; (d) in annex c ii for order no 03.0010: (i) cn code 2710 00 85 and its description, as well as footnote 1 at the end of the annex, shall be deleted; (ii) cn code 2710 00 98' shall be replaced by cn code 2710 00 97'; en official journal of the european communities31. 12. 98 l 358/87 5. in annex c v, taric subdivisions: (a) the following shall be inserted in the appropriate columns: 06.0030 ex 7213 91 70 11 15 ex 7213 99 90 19 11 ex 7214 91 90 19 10'; (b) for order no 06.0070, the taric subdivisions for ex 7213 91 70 in the third column shall be read 91 and 95', and the following shall be inserted in the appropriate columns: ex 7213 91 90 10 ex 7213 99 90 91 ex 7214 91 90 90'; 6. in annex d: (a) the following entry shall be deleted: ex 2001 10 00 cucumbers free 3 000 (reference quantity)'; (b) in the fourth column, for the tariff concession for sauerkraut (mentioned as cn code ex 2004 90 30 and 2005 90 75), the following text shall be inserted after (reference quantity)': (identified by order no 18.0550)'; 7. in annex e: (a) the following shall be inserted: 09.1513 ex 2001 10 00 cucumbers, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid, from 1 january to 31 december 2 000 tonnes free'; (b) in the table taric subdivisions': (i) the taric subdivision 40' for order no 09.1507, cn code ex 0703 20 00, shall be deleted; (ii) the following shall be inserted after order no 09.1507: 09.1513 ex 2001 10 00 11 19'. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 1 january 1999. en official journal of the european communities 31. 12. 98l 358/88 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 30 december 1998. for the council the president w. sch ssel en official journal of the european communities31. 12. 98 l 358/89 annex tariff ceilings referred to in point 3 of article 1 order no ceiling (tonnes) annex c i 01.0010 6 045 01.0020 53 083 01.0030 79 051 01.0040 1 861 01.0050 1 164 01.0060 5 273 01.0080 610 01.0090 168 647 01.0100 22 838 01.0110 756 01.0120 899 01.0130 374 01.0140 9 083 01.0150 2 812 01.0160 14 766 01.0167 5 101 01.0170 1 424 01.0190 1 412 01.0200 4 944 01.0220 6 123 01.0230 3 279 01.0240 3 928 01.0250 641 01.0270 1 214 01.0280 9 359 01.0290 8 351 annex c ii 03.0010 1 058 400 annex c iii 04.0030 4 680 04.0040 1 744 04.0050 1 338 04.0090 1 619 annex c iv 06.0010 41 525 06.0020 40 994 06.0030 39 724 06.0040 5 664 06.0050 7 964 06.0060 49 409 06.0070 39 579
name: commission regulation (ec) no 1/1999 of 5 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1666/98 increasing to 151 725 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the austrian intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: europe; trade policy; trade; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities6. 1. 1999 l 2/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 1/1999 of 5 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1666/98 increasing to 151 725 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the austrian intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2193/96 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1666/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2043/98 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 100 750 tonnes of barley held by the austrian intervention agency; whereas, austria informed the commission of the inten- tion of its intervention agency to increase by 50 975 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened; whereas the total quantity of barley held by the austrian intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 151 725 tonnes; whereas this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quant- ities in store; whereas annex i to regulation (ec) no 1666/98 must therefore be amended; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1666/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 151 725 tonnes of barley to be exported to all third countries, with the exception of the united states, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 151 725 tonnes of barley are stored are stated in annex i to this regula- tion.'; 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 293, 16. 11. 1996, p. 1. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 12. (6) oj l 263, 26. 9. 1998, p. 15. en official journal of the european communities 6. 1. 1999l 2/2 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity nieder sterreich/n rdl. burgenland 105 370 steiermark/s dl. burgenland 8 540 ober sterreich 37 815'
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2/1999 of 5 january 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by the danish intervention agency type: regulation subject matter: europe; trade policy; plant product; natural and applied sciences; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities6. 1. 1999 l 2/3 commission regulation (ec) no 2/1999 of 5 january 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by the danish intervention agency the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2547/98 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2193/96 (4), lays down the procedure and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by intervention agencies; whereas, given the current market situation, a standing invitation to tender should be opened for the export of 50 000 tonnes of rye held by the danish intervention agency; whereas special procedures must be laid down to ensure that the operations and their monitoring are properly effected; whereas, to that end, provision should be made for a security lodgement scheme which ensures that aims are met while avoiding excessive costs for the operators; whereas derogations should accordingly be made to certain rules, in particular those laid down in regulation (eec) no 2131/93; whereas, where removal of the rye is delayed by more than five days or the release of one of the securities required is delayed for reasons imputable to the interven- tion agency the member state concerned must pay compensation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 subject to the provisions of this regulation the danish intervention agency issues a standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by it in accordance with regula- tion (eec) no 2131/93. article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 50 000 tonnes of rye for export to third countries. 2. the regions in which the 50 000 tonnes of rye are stored are set out in annex i. article 3 1. notwithstanding the third paragraph of article 16 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the price to be paid for the export shall be that quoted in the tender. 2. no export refund or tax or monthly increase shall be granted on exports carried out pursuant to this regula- tion. 3. article 8(2) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 shall not apply. article 4 1. the export licences shall be valid from their date of issue within the meaning of article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 until the end of the fourth month thereafter. 2. tenders submitted in response to this invitation to tender may not be accompanied by export licence applications submitted pursuant to article 44 of commis- sion regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (5). article 5 1. notwithstanding article 7(1) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of the first partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 7 january 1999. 2. the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of subsequent partial invitations to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) each thursday thereafter. 3. the last partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 27 may 1999. 4. tenders shall be lodged with the danish interven- tion agency. article 6 1. the intervention agency, the storer and the successful tenderer shall, at the request of the latter and by common agreement, either before or at the time of(1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 318, 27. 11. 1998, p. 41. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 293, 16. 11. 1996, p. 1. (5) oj l 331, 2. 12. 1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 6. 1. 1999l 2/4 removal from storage as the successful tenderer chooses, take reference samples for counter-analysis at the rate of at least one sample for every 500 tonnes and shall analyse the samples. the intervention agency may be represented by a proxy, provided this is not the storer. the analysis results shall be forwarded to the commission in the event of a dispute. reference samples for counter-analysis shall be taken and analysed within seven working days of the date of the successful tenderers request or within three working days if the samples are taken on removal from storage. where the final result of sample analyses indicates a quality: (a) higher than that specified in the notice of invitation to tender, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as established; (b) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, providing that the differences having regard to those criteria do not exceed the following limits: one kilogram per hectolitre as regards specific weight, which must not, however, be less than 68 kg/hl, one percentage point as regards moisture content, half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in points b.2 and b.4 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 689/92 (1), and half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in point b.5 of the annex to regulation (eec) no 689/92, the percentages admissible for noxious grains and ergot, however, remaining unchanged, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as estab- lished; (c) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, and a difference exceeding the limits set out in point (b), the successful tenderer may: accept the lot as established, or refuse to take over the lot in question. the successful tenderer shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii; however, if he requests the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention rye of the quality laid down at no additional charge, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall notify the commission immediately thereof in accordance with annex ii; (d) below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the successful tenderer may not remove the lot in question. he shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forth- with in accordance with annex ii; however, he may request the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention rye of the quality laid down at no additional charge. in that case, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall immediately inform the commission thereof in accordance with annex ii. 2. however, if the rye is removed before the results of the analyses are known, all risks shall be borne by the successful tenderer from the time the lot is removed, without prejudice to any means of redress of which he may avail himself against the storer. 3. if, as a result of successive replacements, the successful tenderer has not received a replacement lot of the quality laid down within one month of the date of his request for a replacement, he shall be discharged of all his obligations and the securities shall be released once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii. 4. except where the final results of analyses indicate a quality below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the costs of taking the samples and conducting the analyses provided for in paragraph 1 but not of inter-bin transfers shall be borne by the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund (eaggf) in respect of up to one analysis per 500 tonnes. the costs of inter-bin transfers and any additional analyses requested by the successful tenderer shall be borne by him. article 7 by derogation from article 12 of commission regulation (eec) no 3002/92 (2), the documents relating to the sale of rye in accordance with this regulation, and in par- ticular the export licence, the removal order referred to in article 3(1)(b) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92, the export declaration and, where necessary, the t5 copy shall carry the entry: (1) oj l 74, 20. 3. 1992, p. 18. (2) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities6. 1. 1999 l 2/5 centeno de intervenci n sin aplicaci n de restituci n ni gravamen, reglamento (ce) no 2/1999 rug fra intervention uden restitutionsydelse eller -afgift, forordning (ef) nr. 2/1999 interventionsroggen ohne anwendung von ausfuhrer- stattungen oder ausfuhrabgaben, verordnung (eg) nr. 2/1999 r r r , r ( ) . 2/1999 intervention rye without application of refund or tax, regulation (ec) no 2/1999 seigle dintervention ne donnant pas lieu restitution ni taxe, r glement (ce) no 2/1999 segala dintervento senza applicazione di restituzione n di tassa, regolamento (ce) n. 2/1999 rogge uit interventie, zonder toepassing van restitutie of belasting, verordening (eg) nr. 2/1999 centeio de interven o sem aplica o de uma restitui o ou imposi o, regulamento (ce) n 2/1999 interventioruista, johon ei sovelleta vientitukea eik vientimaksua, asetus (ey) n:o 2/1999 interventionsr g, utan till mpning av bidrag eller avgift, f rordning (eg) nr 2/1999. article 8 1. the security lodgement pursuant to article 13(4) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 must be released once the export licences have been issued to the successful tenderers. 2. notwithstanding article 17 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the obligation to export shall be covered by a security equal to the difference between the intervention price applying on the day of the award and the price awarded but not less than eur 10 per tonne. half of the security shall be lodged when the licence is issued and the balance shall be lodged before the cereals are removed. notwithstanding article 15(2) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92: the part of the security lodged when the licence is issued must be released within 20 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer provides proof that the cereals removed have left the customs terri- tory of the community, the remainder must be released within 15 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer provides the proof referred to in article 17(3) of regu- lation (eec) no 2131/93. 3. except in duly substantiated exceptional cases, in particular the opening of an administrative enquiry, any release of the securities provided for in this article after the time limits specified in this same article shall confer an entitlement to compensation from the member state amounting to eur 0,015 per 10 tonnes for each days delay. this compensation shall not be charged to the eaggf. article 9 within two hours of the expiry of the time limit for the submission of tenders, the danish intervention agency shall notify the commission of tenders received. such notification shall be made using the model set out in annex iii and the telex or fax numbers set out in annex iv. article 10 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 6. 1. 1999l 2/6 (tonnes) place of storage quantity annex i jylland 36 500 sj lland 13 500 annex ii communication of refusal of lots under the standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by the danish intervention agency (article 6(1) of regulation (ec) no 2/1999) name of successful tenderer: date of award of contract: date of refusal of lot by successful tenderer: lot no quantity in tonnes address of silo reason for refusal to take over specific weight (kg/hl) % sprouted grains % miscellaneous impurities (schwarzbesatz) % of matter which is not basic cereal of unim- paired quality other en official journal of the european communities6. 1. 1999 l 2/7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tender no consignmentno quantity (tonnes) offer price (eur/tonne) (1) price increases (+) or reductions ( ) (eur/tonne) p.m. commercial costs (eur/tonne) destination annex iii standing invitation to tender for the export of rye held by the danish intervention agency (regulation (ec) no 2/1999) 1 2 3 etc. (1) this price includes the increases or reductions relating to the lot to which the tender refers. annex iv the only numbers to use to call brussels are (dg vi-c-1): fax: 296 49 56, 295 25 15, telex: 22037 agrec b, 22070 agrec b (greek characters).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 9/1999 of 6 january 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 7. 1. 1999l 3/6 commission regulation (ec) no 9/1999 of 6 january 1999 fixing the import duties in the rice sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1503/ 96 of 29 july 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2831/98 (4), and in particular article 4(1) thereof, whereas article 11 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in para- graph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by a certain percentage according to whether it is husked or milled rice, minus the cif import price provided that duty does not exceed the rate of the common customs tariff duties; whereas, pursuant to article 12(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in question on the world market or on the community import market for the product; whereas regulation (ec) no 1503/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 as regards import duties in the rice sector; whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available from the source referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 during the two weeks preceding the next period- ical fixing; whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1503/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annexes to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the rice sector referred to in article 11(1) and (2) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 7 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 6 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 189, 30. 7. 1996, p. 71. (4) oj l 351, 29. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities7. 1. 1999 l 3/7 annex i import duties on rice and broken rice (eur/tonne) duties (5) cn code third countries (except acp and bangladesh) (3) (7) acp (1) (2) (3) bangladesh (4) basmati india and pakistan (6) egypt (8) 1006 10 21 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 23 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 25 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 27 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 92 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 94 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 96 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 10 98 (7) 83,41 121,01 188,03 1006 20 11 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 13 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 15 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 17 232,92 77,18 112,12 0,00 174,69 1006 20 92 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 94 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 96 250,38 83,29 120,85 187,79 1006 20 98 232,92 77,18 112,12 0,00 174,69 1006 30 21 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 23 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 25 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 27 (7) 160,51 232,09 370,50 1006 30 42 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 44 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 46 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 48 (7) 160,51 232,09 370,50 1006 30 61 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 63 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 65 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 67 (7) 160,51 232,09 370,50 1006 30 92 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 94 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 96 457,53 147,74 213,86 343,15 1006 30 98 (7) 160,51 232,09 370,50 1006 40 00 (7) 49,58 (7) 114,00 (1) the duty on imports of rice originating in the acp states is applicable, under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 1706/98 (oj l 215, 1.8.1998, p. 12) and amended commission regulation (ec) no 2603/97 (oj l 351, 23.12.1997, p. 22). (2) in accordance with regulation (ec) no 1706/98, the duties are not applied to products originating in the african, caribbean and pacific states and imported directly into the overseas department of r union. (3) the import levy on rice entering the overseas department of r union is specified in article 11(3) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95. (4) the duty on imports of rice not including broken rice (cn code 1006 40 00), originating in bangladesh is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (eec) no 3491/90 (oj l 337, 4.12.1990, p. 1) and amended commission regulation (eec) no 862/91 (oj l 88, 9.4.1991, p. 7). (5) no import duty applies to products originating in the oct pursuant to article 101(1) of amended council decision 91/482/eec (oj l 263, 19.9.1991, p. 1). (6) for husked rice of the basmati variety originating in india and pakistan, a reduction of eur 250 per tonne applies (article 4a of amended regulation (ec) no 1503/96). (7) duties fixed in the common customs tariff. (8) the duty on imports of rice originating in and coming from egypt is applicable under the arrangements laid down in council regulation (ec) no 2184/96 (oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 1) and commission regulation (ec) no 196/97 (oj l 31, 1.2.1997, p. 53). en official journal of the european communities 7. 1. 1999l 3/8 annex ii calculation of import duties for rice indica rice japonica rice paddy husked milled husked milled broken rice 1. import duty (eur/tonne) (1) 232,92 494,00 250,38 457,53 (1) 2. elements of calculation: (a) arag cif price (eur/tonne) 335,70 282,00 343,51 385,92 (b) fob price (eur/tonne) 318,06 360,47 (c) sea freight (eur/tonne) 25,45 25,45 (d) source usda usda operators operators (1) duties fixed in the common customs tariff.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 10/1999 of 6 january 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: prices; beverages and sugar; trade; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities7. 1. 1999 l 3/9 commission regulation (ec) no 10/1999 of 6 january 1999 amending representative prices and additional duties for the import of certain products in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1423/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed implementing rules for the import of products in the sugar sector other than molasses (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 624/98 (4), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 1 (2), and article 3 (1) thereof, whereas the amounts of the representative prices and additional duties applicable to the import of white sugar, raw sugar and certain syrups are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 1379/98 (5), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 5/99 (6); whereas it follows from applying the general and detailed fixing rules contained in regulation (ec) no 1423/95 to the information known to the commission that the representative prices and additional duties at present in force should be altered to the amounts set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and additional duties on imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regula- tion (ec) no 1423/95 shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 7 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 6 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 16. (4) oj l 85, 20. 3. 1998, p. 5. (5) oj l 187, 1. 7. 1998, p. 6. (6) oj l 2, 6. 1. 1999, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 7. 1. 1999l 3/10 annex to the commission regulation of 6 january 1999 amending representative prices and the amounts of additional duties applicable to imports of white sugar, raw sugar and products covered by cn code 1702 90 99 (eur) cn code amount of representative prices per 100 kg net of product concerned amount of additional duty per 100 kg net of product concerned 1701 11 10 (1) 17,46 7,57 1701 11 90 (1) 17,46 13,72 1701 12 10 (1) 17,46 7,38 1701 12 90 (1) 17,46 13,21 1701 91 00 (2) 20,65 15,95 1701 99 10 (2) 20,65 10,50 1701 99 90 (2) 20,65 10,50 1702 90 99 (3) 0,21 0,43 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended council regulation (eec) no 431/68 (oj l 89, 10. 4. 1968, p. 3). (2) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of council regulation (eec) no 793/72 (oj l 94, 21. 4. 1972, p. 1). (3) by 1 % sucrose content.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 11/1999 of 6 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities7. 1. 1999 l 3/11 commission regulation (ec) no 11/1999 of 6 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 7 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 6 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 7. 1. 1999l 3/12 annex to the commission regulation of 6 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 89,5 204 72,5 999 81,0 0709 90 70 052 79,3 999 79,3 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 36,0 204 33,0 220 38,6 999 35,9 0805 20 10 052 38,6 204 53,4 999 46,0 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 52,4 464 76,5 999 64,5 0805 30 10 052 51,8 600 92,9 999 72,4 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 59,6 060 26,7 400 81,2 404 90,3 728 101,0 999 71,8 0808 20 50 052 135,9 064 50,2 400 89,7 720 66,2 728 149,0 999 98,2 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 13/1999 of 7 january 1999 setting the intervention threshold for tomatoes for the 1999 marketing year type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; agricultural structures and production; plant product; international trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/6 commission regulation (ec) no 13/1999 of 7 january 1999 setting the intervention threshold for tomatoes for the 1999 marketing year the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 of 28 october 1996 on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (1), as amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2520/97 (2), and in particular article 27(1) and (2) thereof, whereas article 27(1) of regulation (ec) no 2200/96 provides for the possibility of setting an intervention threshold if the market in a product listed in annex ii thereto is suffering or at risk of suffering from widespread structural imbalances giving, or liable to give rise to too large a volume of withdrawals; whereas such a develop- ment would be likely to cause budget problems for the community; whereas an intervention threshold was fixed for tomatoes for the 1998 marketing year in regulation (ec) no 281/ 98 (3); whereas, since the conditions laid down in the abovementioned article 27 continue to be met for that product, a new threshold should be set for the 1999 marketing year equal to that set for the 1998 marketing year, and the period to be taken into account for the assessment of the overrun of the threshold should also be determined; whereas, pursuant to the abovementioned article 27, an overrun of the intervention threshold results in a reduc- tion in the community withdrawal compensation in the marketing year following the year in which the threshold is exceeded; whereas the consequences of such an overrun should be determined and a reduction in proportion to the size of the overrun fixed, but restricted to a certain percentage; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for fruit and vegetables, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the intervention threshold for tomatoes for the 1999 marketing year shall be 360 000 tonnes. 2. the overrun of the intervention threshold laid down in paragraph 1 shall be assessed on the basis of with- drawals effected between 1 november 1998 and 31 october 1999. article 2 if the quantity subject to withdrawals during the period set in article 1(2) exceeds the threshold set in article 1(1), the community withdrawal compensation set in annex v to regulation (ec) no 2200/96 for the following marketing year shall be reduced in proportion to the size of the overrun based on the production used to calculate the relevant threshold. however, the reduction in the community compensation shall not exceed 30 %. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 297, 21. 11. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 41. (3) oj l 28, 4. 2. 1998, p. 4.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 14/1999 of 5 january 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods type: regulation subject matter: foodstuff; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities8. 1. 1999 l 4/7 commission regulation (ec) no 14/1999 of 5 january 1999 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 of 12 october 1992 establishing the community customs code (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 82/97 (2), having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2454/93 of 2 july 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of council regulation (eec) no 2913/92 establishing the community customs code (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1677/98 (4), and in par- ticular article 173 (1) thereof, whereas articles 173 to 177 of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 provide that the commission shall periodically establish unit values for the products referred to in the classification in annex 26 to that regulation; whereas the result of applying the rules and criteria laid down in the abovementioned articles to the elements communicated to the commission in accordance with article 173 (2) of regulation (eec) no 2454/93 is that unit values set out in the annex to this regulation should be established in regard to the products in question, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the unit values provided for in article 173 (1) of regula- tion (eec) no 2454/93 are hereby established as set out in the table in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 january 1999. for the commission martin bangemann member of the commission (1) oj l 302, 19. 10. 1992, p. 1. (2) oj l 17, 21. 1. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 253, 11. 10. 1993, p. 1. (4) oj l 212, 30. 7. 1998, p. 18. en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/8 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp annex 1.10 new potatoes a) 50,84 699,57 99,43 378,70 16 761,39 8 459,06 b) 302,28 333,49 40,04 98 439,97 112,04 10 192,500701 90 51 0701 90 59 c) 482,37 2 050,88 35,87 1.30 onions (other than seed) a) 15,20 209,16 29,73 113,22 5 011,27 2 529,07 b) 90,38 99,71 11,97 29 431,30 33,50 3 047,330703 10 19 c) 144,22 613,17 10,72 1.40 garlic a) 105,52 1 451,99 206,38 786,00 34 788,78 17 557,05 b) 627,39 692,17 83,10 204 315,21 232,54 21 154,860703 20 00 c) 1 001,18 4 256,67 74,44 1.50 leeks a) 55,25 760,26 108,06 411,55 18 215,32 9 192,83 b) 328,50 362,42 43,51 106 978,92 121,75 11 076,63ex 0703 90 00 c) 524,21 2 228,78 38,98 1.60 cauliflowers a) 75,84 1 043,58 148,33 564,92 25 003,61 12 618,71 b) 450,92 497,48 59,73 146 846,72 167,13 15 204,550704 10 10 0704 10 05 0704 10 80 c) 719,57 3 059,38 53,50 1.70 brussels sprouts a) 59,69 821,35 116,74 444,62 19 679,14 9 931,58 b) 354,90 391,54 47,01 115 575,96 131,54 11 966,770704 20 00 c) 566,34 2 407,89 42,11 1.80 white cabbages and red cabbages a) 42,70 587,56 83,51 318,06 14 077,72 7 104,68 b) 253,88 280,09 33,63 82 678,73 94,10 8 560,580704 90 10 c) 405,14 1 722,51 30,12 1.90 sprouting broccoli or calabrese (brassica oleracea l. convar. botrytis (l.) alef var. ita- lica plenck) a) 105,95 1 457,90 207,22 789,20 34 930,55 17 628,60 b) 629,95 694,99 83,44 205 147,81 233,48 21 241,07ex 0704 90 90 c) 1 005,26 4 274,01 74,74 1.100 chinese cabbage a) 57,59 792,46 112,64 428,98 18 986,79 9 582,17 b) 342,41 377,77 45,36 111 509,79 126,91 11 545,76ex 0704 90 90 c) 546,42 2 323,17 40,63 1.110 cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) a) 152,67 2 100,79 298,60 1 137,21 50 333,62 25 402,15 b) 907,73 1 001,45 120,24 295 610,34 336,44 30 607,590705 11 10 0705 11 05 0705 11 80 c) 1 448,54 6 158,69 107,70 1.120 endives a) 21,82 300,25 42,68 162,53 7 193,81 3 630,54 b) 129,74 143,13 17,18 42 249,41 48,08 4 374,52ex 0705 29 00 c) 207,03 880,22 15,39 1.130 carrots a) 42,68 587,29 83,47 317,91 14 071,13 7 101,35 b) 253,76 279,96 33,61 82 640,00 94,05 8 556,57ex 0706 10 00 c) 404,95 1 721,71 30,11 1.140 radishes a) 173,89 2 392,78 340,10 1 295,27 57 329,62 28 932,86 b) 1 033,90 1 140,64 136,95 336 697,99 383,20 34 861,81ex 0706 90 90 c) 1 649,87 7 014,71 122,67 1.160 peas (pisum sativum) a) 419,20 5 768,32 819,88 3 122,53 138 205,63 69 749,01 b) 2 492,45 2 749,77 330,15 811 684,38 923,80 84 042,050708 10 90 0708 10 20 0708 10 95 c) 3 977,38 16 910,49 295,73 en official journal of the european communities8. 1. 1999 l 4/9 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 1.170 beans: 1.170.1 beans (vigna spp., phaseolus ssp.) a) 105,85 1 456,53 207,02 788,45 34 897,58 17 611,96 b) 629,36 694,33 83,36 204 954,18 233,26 21 221,02ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 1004,31 4 269,98 74,67 1.170.2 beans (phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. com- pressus savi) a) 125,44 1 726,09 245,34 934,37 41 356,19 20 871,46 b) 745,83 822,83 98,79 242 885,71 276,43 25 148,46ex 0708 20 90 ex 0708 20 20 ex 0708 20 95 c) 1 190,18 5 060,24 88,49 1.180 broad beans a) 157,74 2 170,55 308,51 1 174,97 52 005,14 26 245,73 b) 937,88 1 034,71 124,23 305 427,23 347,61 31 624,03ex 0708 90 00 c) 1 496,64 6 363,22 111,28 1.190 globe artichokes a) b) 0709 10 00 c) 1.200 asparagus: 1.200.1 green a) 523,34 7 201,32 1 023,56 3 898,24 172 539,44 87 076,45 b) 3 111,64 3 432,89 412,16 1 013 327,54 1 153,29 104 920,25ex 0709 20 00 c) 4 965,47 21 111,48 369,19 1.200.2 other a) 324,15 4 460,40 633,98 2 414,52 106 868,69 53 934,02 b) 1 927,31 2 126,28 255,29 627 641,92 714,33 64 986,24ex 0709 20 00 c) 3 075,54 13 076,18 228,67 1.210 aubergines (eggplants) a) 121,15 1 667,06 236,95 902,42 39 941,82 20 157,66 b) 720,33 794,69 95,41 234 579,11 266,98 24 288,390709 30 00 c) 1 149,47 4 887,18 85,47 1.220 ribbed celery (apium graveolens l., var. dulce (mill.) pers.) a) 75,73 1 042,07 148,12 564,10 24 967,35 12 600,41 b) 450,27 496,76 59,64 146 633,73 166,89 15 182,50ex 0709 40 00 c) 718,53 3 054,94 53,42 1.230 chantarelles a) 1 193,55 16 423,61 2 334,38 8 890,49 393 500,31 198 590,01 b) 7 096,53 7 829,17 940,00 2 311 035,06 2 630,24 239 285,290709 51 30 c) 11 324,44 48 147,69 842,00 1.240 sweet peppers a) 116,13 1 597,98 227,13 865,03 38 286,78 19 322,41 b) 690,48 761,76 91,46 224 859,04 255,92 23 281,970709 60 10 c) 1 101,84 4 684,67 81,92 1.250 fennel a) 73,55 1 012,07 143,85 547,86 24 248,63 12 237,69 b) 437,31 482,46 57,93 142 412,66 162,08 14 745,450709 90 50 c) 697,84 2 967,00 51,89 1.270 sweet potatoes, whole, fresh (intended for human consumption) a) 47,50 653,61 92,90 353,82 15 660,23 7 903,34 b) 282,42 311,58 37,41 91 972,82 104,68 9 522,900714 20 10 c) 450,68 1 916,15 33,51 2.10 chestnuts (castanea spp.), fresh a) 176,48 2 428,42 345,16 1 314,56 58 183,51 29 363,80 b) 1 049,30 1 157,63 138,99 341 712,93 388,91 35 381,06ex 0802 40 00 c) 1 674,45 7 119,19 124,50 2.30 pineapples, fresh a) 50,54 695,45 98,85 376,46 16 662,48 8 409,15 b) 300,50 331,52 39,80 97 859,09 111,38 10 132,36ex 0804 30 00 c) 479,53 2 038,78 35,65 en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/10 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.40 avocados, fresh a) 122,81 1 689,90 240,20 914,78 40 489,11 20 433,86 b) 730,20 805,58 96,72 237 793,32 270,64 24 621,19ex 0804 40 90 ex 0804 40 20 ex 0804 40 95 c) 1 165,22 4 954,14 86,64 2.50 guavas and mangoes, fresh a) 104,79 1 441,94 204,95 780,56 34 548,11 17 435,59 b) 623,05 687,38 82,53 202 901,73 230,93 21 008,51ex 0804 50 00 c) 994,25 4 227,22 73,92 2.60 sweet oranges, fresh: 2.60.1 sanguines and semi-sanguines a) b) 0805 10 10 c) 2.60.2 navels, navelines, navelates, salustianas, vernas, valencia lates, maltese, shamou- tis, ovalis, trovita and hamlins a) b) 0805 10 30 c) 2.60.3 others a) b) 0805 10 50 c) 2.70 mandarins (including tangerines and satsu- mas), fresh; clementines, wilkings and simi- lar citrus hybrids, fresh: 2.70.1 clementines a) b) 0805 20 10 c) 2.70.2 monreales and satsumas a) b) 0805 20 30 c) 2.70.3 mandarines and wilkings a) b) 0805 20 50 c) 2.70.4 tangerines and others a) b) ex 0805 20 70 ex 0805 20 90 c) 2.85 limes (citrus aurantifolia), fresh a) 132,08 1 817,46 258,33 983,83 43 545,32 21 976,26 b) 785,31 866,39 104,02 255 742,54 291,07 26 479,66ex 0805 30 90 c) 1 253,18 5 328,09 93,18 2.90 grapefruit, fresh: 2.90.1 white a) 43,76 602,15 85,59 325,96 14 427,19 7 281,05 b) 260,19 287,05 34,46 84 731,18 96,43 8 773,09ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 415,20 1 765,27 30,87 2.90.2 pink a) 39,80 547,66 77,84 296,46 13 121,62 6 622,16 b) 236,64 261,07 31,35 77 063,55 87,71 7 979,18ex 0805 40 90 ex 0805 40 20 ex 0805 40 95 c) 377,62 1 605,53 28,08 2.100 table grapes a) 237,38 3 266,42 464,27 1 768,19 78 261,57 39 496,71 b) 1 411,40 1 557,11 186,95 459 631,77 523,12 47 590,42ex 0806 10 10 c) 2 252,27 9 575,89 167,46 en official journal of the european communities8. 1. 1999 l 4/11 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.110 water melons a) 69,43 955,38 135,79 517,17 22 890,31 11 552,18 b) 412,81 455,43 54,68 134 435,23 153,00 13 919,470807 11 00 c) 658,75 2 800,80 48,98 2.120 melons (other than water melons): 2.120.1 amarillo, cuper, honey dew (including cantalene), onteniente, piel de sapo (in- cluding verde liso), rochet, tendral, futuro a) 45,21 622,10 88,42 336,76 14 905,24 7 522,31 b) 268,81 296,56 35,61 87 538,77 99,63 9 063,79ex 0807 19 00 c) 428,95 1 823,77 31,89 2.120.2 other a) 135,33 1 862,18 264,68 1 008,04 44 616,81 22 517,02 b) 804,64 887,71 106,58 262 035,42 298,23 27 131,23ex 0807 19 00 c) 1 284,02 5 459,20 95,47 2.140 pears 2.140.1 pears nashi (pyrus pyrifolia) a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.140.2 other a) b) ex 0808 20 50 c) 2.150 apricots a) 229,47 3 157,58 448,80 1 709,27 75 653,73 38 180,60 b) 1 364,37 1 505,22 180,72 444 315,88 505,69 46 004,600809 10 00 c) 2 177,22 9 256,80 161,88 2.160 cherries a) 428,13 5 891,20 837,35 3 189,05 141 149,75 71 234,84 b) 2 545,55 2 808,35 337,18 828 975,28 943,47 85 832,360809 20 05 0809 20 95 c) 4 062,11 17 270,72 302,03 2.170 peaches a) 110,63 1 522,30 216,37 824,06 36 473,49 18 407,28 b) 657,78 725,69 87,13 214 209,55 243,80 22 179,320809 30 90 c) 1 049,66 4 462,80 78,04 2.180 nectarines a) 170,55 2 346,82 333,57 1 270,39 56 228,46 28 377,13 b) 1 014,04 1 118,73 134,32 330 230,85 375,84 34 192,21ex 0809 30 10 c) 1 618,18 6 879,97 120,32 2.190 plums a) 213,52 2 938,10 417,61 1 590,46 70 395,20 35 526,74 b) 1 269,53 1 400,60 168,16 413 432,37 470,54 42 806,920809 40 05 c) 2 025,88 8 613,38 150,63 2.200 strawberries a) 716,94 9 865,31 1 402,21 5 340,33 236 367,23 119 288,78 b) 4 262,73 4 702,82 564,64 1 388 189,41 1 579,93 143 733,570810 10 10 0810 10 05 0810 10 80 c) 6 802,35 28 921,29 505,77 2.205 raspberries a) 1 523,46 20 963,27 2 979,63 11 347,92 502 268,00 253 482,42 b) 9 058,08 9 993,24 1 199,82 2 949 829,89 3 357,26 305 426,310810 20 10 c) 14 454,63 61 456,22 1 074,73 2.210 fruit of the species vaccinium myrtillus a) 1 603,31 22 062,03 3 135,80 11 942,70 528 593,67 266 768,34 b) 9 532,85 10 517,02 1 262,71 3 104 441,05 3 533,23 321 434,800810 40 30 c) 15 212,25 64 677,37 1 131,06 2.220 kiwi fruit (actinidia chinensis planch.) a) 159,02 2 188,16 311,02 1 184,50 52 427,14 26 458,70 b) 945,49 1 043,10 125,24 307 905,66 350,43 31 880,650810 50 10 0810 50 20 0810 50 30 c) 1 508,79 6 414,85 112,18 en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/12 description amount of unit values per 100 kg code a) eur ats dem dkk grd esp b) fim frf iep itl nlg ptespecies, varieties, cn code c) sek bef/luf gbp 2.230 pomegranates a) 125,96 1 733,25 246,36 938,25 41 527,63 20 957,98 b) 748,92 826,24 99,20 243 892,57 277,58 25 252,71ex 0810 90 85 c) 1 195,11 5 081,21 88,86 2.240 khakis (including sharon fruit) a) 183,39 2 523,50 358,68 1 366,03 60 461,67 30 513,53 b) 1 090,39 1 202,96 144,43 355 092,56 404,14 36 766,39ex 0810 90 85 c) 1 740,01 7 397,93 129,37 2.250 lychees a) 223,65 3 077,49 437,42 1 665,92 73 734,94 37 212,23 b) 1 329,76 1 467,05 176,14 433 046,79 492,86 44 837,80ex 0810 90 30 c) 2 122,00 9 022,02 157,78
name: commission regulation (ec) no 16/1999 of 7 january 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy; prices; trade policy; taxation date published: nan en official journal of the european communities8. 1. 1999 l 4/15 commission regulation (ec) no 16/1999 of 7 january 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 13 (8) thereof, whereas article 13 (8) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the export refund applicable to cereals on the day on which application for an export licence is made must be applied on request to exports to be effected during the period of validity of the export licence; whereas, in this case, a corrective amount may be applied to the refund; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules under council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the cereals and the meas- ures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), allows for the fixing of a corrective amount for the products listed in article 1 (1) (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92; whereas that corrective amount must be calculated taking account of the factors referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the corrective amount according to destination; whereas the corrective amount must be fixed at the same time as the refund and according to the same procedure; whereas it may be altered in the period between fixings; whereas it follows from applying the provisions set out above that the corrective amount must be as set out in the annex hereto; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the corrective amount referred to in article 1 (1) (a), (b) and (c) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 which is applic- able to export refunds fixed in advance in respect of malt shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/16 annex to the commission regulation of 7 january 1999 fixing the corrective amount applicable to the refund on cereals (eur / tonne) current 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period product code destination (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1001 10 00 9200 1001 10 00 9400 01 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1001 90 91 9000 1001 90 99 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1002 00 00 9000 01 0 0 0 0 0 1003 00 10 9000 1003 00 90 9000 03 0 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 02 0 0 0 0 0 1004 00 00 9200 1004 00 00 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1005 10 90 9000 1005 90 00 9000 04 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 1007 00 90 9000 1008 20 00 9000 1101 00 11 9000 1101 00 15 9100 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9130 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9150 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9170 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9180 01 0 0 0 0 0 1101 00 15 9190 1101 00 90 9000 1102 10 00 9500 01 0 0 0 0 0 1102 10 00 9700 1102 10 00 9900 1103 11 10 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9400 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 10 9900 1103 11 90 9200 01 0 0 0 0 0 1103 11 90 9800 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 all third countries 02 other third countries 03 united states of america, canada and mexico 04 switzerland, liechtenstein. nb: the zones are those defined in amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92 (oj l 214, 30. 7. 1992, p. 20).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 17/1999 of 7 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy; cooperation policy; taxation date published: nan en official journal of the european communities8. 1. 1999 l 4/17 commission regulation (ec) no 17/1999 of 7 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 1 to 7 january 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 57,45 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 22/1999 of 7 january 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1564/98 type: regulation subject matter: taxation; europe; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 8. 1. 1999l 4/22 commission regulation (ec) no 22/1999 of 7 january 1999 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1564/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of barley exported by spain to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1564/98 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2309/ 98 (6); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95, allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and on the basis of the tenders notified, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 a maximum refund should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders notified from 1 to 7 january 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the refund for the export of barley issued in regulation (ec) no 1564/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 8 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 7 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 203, 21. 7. 1998, p. 6. (6) oj l 288, 27. 10. 1998, p. 11.
name: council regulation (ec) no 26/1999 of 21 december 1998 adopting autonomous and transitional measures for europe agreements with lithuania, latvia and estonia in certain processed agricultural products type: regulation subject matter: european construction; europe; agri-foodstuffs; tariff policy; eu finance; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec) no 26/1999 of 21 december 1998 adopting autonomous and transitional measures for europe agreements with lithuania, latvia and estonia in certain processed agricultural products the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, and in particular article 113 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas, pending adaptation of protocol 2 of the europe agreements concluded with estonia, latvia and lithu- ania (1), regulation (ec) no 2621/97 (2) was adopted, which, until 31 december 1998 maintains the degree of preference granted, thus offsetting possible trade- distorting effects the implementation of the results of the uruguay round may have on exports from these coun- tries to the community; whereas, pending adoption of improved concessions granted to estonia, latvia and lithuania by the respective joint committees, regulation (ec) no 2621/97 laid down new concessions on a provisional and autonomous basis; whereas the negotiations with the countries concerned for the conclusion of adaptation protocols adjusting the trade aspects of the europe agreements, hereinafter adaptation protocols', have been concluded and new protocols 2 have been initialled; whereas procedures for the formal adoption of the adaptation protocols are under way; whereas the time schedule required for formal adop- tion may not allow for the entry into force of the adapta- tion protocols with all of the countries concerned on 1 january 1999; whereas it is therefore advisable to provide for extension of the concessions on an autonomous basis until 31 december 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. from 1 january to 31 december 1999 the goods originating from lithuania listed in annex i to this regu- lation shall be subject to the annual tariff quotas and preferential duties mentioned in that annex. the basic amounts to be taken into consideration in calculating the reduced agricultural components and additional duties applicable to the importation into the community are given in annex ii. 2. from 1 january to 31 december 1999 the goods originating from latvia listed in annex iii shall be subject to the annual tariff quotas and preferential duties mentioned in that annex. the basic amounts to be taken into considereation in calculating the reduced agricultural components and additional duties applicable to the importation into the community are given in annex ii. 3. from 1 january to 31 december 1999 the goods originating from estonia listed in annex iv shall be subject to the annual tariff quotas and preferential duties mentioned in that annex. the basic amounts to be taken into consideration in calculating the reduced agricultural components and additional duties applicable to the importation into the community are given in annex ii. article 2 1. the concessions applying to trade in processed agri- cultural products provided for in the adaptation protocols with the countries referred to in article 1 shall replace the concessions provided for in the respective annexes to this regulation: (a) as from 1 january 1999 with regard to those countries for which the adaptation protocols are in force by that date, and (1) oj l 373, 31. 12. 1994, p. 1 (estonia). oj l 374, 31. 12. 1994, p. 1 (latvia). oj l 375, 31. 12. 1994, p. 1 (lithuania). (2) council regulation (ec) no 2621/97 of 19 december 1997 adopting autonomous and transitional measures for the free trade agreements with lithuania, latvia and estonia in certain processed agricultural products (oj l 354, 30. 12. 1997, p. 1). en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/2 (b) from the date of entry into force of the respective adaptation protocol with regard to those countries for which the adaptation protocols enter into force after 1 january 1999. 2. the detailed rules implementing the measures provided for in this regulation shall also be applicable for the corresponding measures provided in the additional protocols. article 3 the quotas referred to in the annexes i, iii and iv to this regulation shall be administered by the commission in accordance with the provisions of commission regula- tion (ec) no 1460/96 of 25 july 1996 establishing the detailed rules for implementing the preferential trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, as provided for in article 7 of council regulation (ec) no 3448/93 (1). article 4 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 december 1998. for the council the president m. bartenstein (1) oj l 187, 26. 7. 1996, p. 18. regulation as amended by regulation (ec) no 2495/97 (oj l 343, 13. 12. 1997, p. 18). en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/3 1999 preference order no cn code description quota (tonnes) from 1.1 to 30.6.1999 from 1.7 to 31.12.1999 annex i lithuania 1506 00 00 other animal fats unlimited 0 % 0 % 09.6533 1518 00 10 animal and vegetable fats 390 5 % 4,5 % 1518 00 31 0 % 0 % 1518 00 39 3 % 0 % 1518 00 91 5 % 4,5 % 1518 00 95 0 % 0 % 1518 00 99 5 % 4,5 % 09.6501 1704 90 71 boiled sweets 520 ear ear 1704 90 75 caramels 09.6503 1806 90 chocolate 650 ear ear 09.6528 2203 00 beer 520 3,5 % 2,6 % 09.6525 2208 60 11 vodka 420 0,26 eur/ % vol/hl+ 1,27 eur/hl 0 % 09.6534 2402 20 90 cigarettes 52 34,2 % 31,5 % en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/4 from 1.1 to 30.6.1999 from 1.7 to 31.12.1999 eur/100 kg annex ii basic amounts to be taken into consideration in calculating agricultural components and additional duties trigo blando / bl d hvede / weichweizen / / common wheat / bl tendre / grano tenero / zachte tarwe / trigo mole / tavallinen vehn / vete 7,900 7,277 trigo duro / h rd hvede / hartweizen / / durum wheat / bl dur / grano duro / durum tarwe / trigo duro / durumvehn / durumvete 12,263 11,295 centeno / rug / roggen / / rye / seigle / segala / rogge / centeio / ruis / r g 7,698 7,090 cebada / byg / gerste / / barley / orge / orzo / gerst / cevada / ohra / korn 7,698 7,090 ma z / majs / mais / / maize / ma s / granturco / ma s / milho / maissi / majs 7,408 7,193 arroz descascarillado de grano largo / ris, afskallet, langkornet / reis, langk rnig, gesch lt / / long-grain husked rice / riz d cortiqu grains longs / riso semigreggio a grani lunghi / langkorrelige gedopte rijst / arroz em pel culas de gr os longos / pitk jyv inen esikuorittu riisi / ris, skalat l ngkornigt 21,972 20,237 leche desnatada en polvo / skummetm lkspulver / magermilchpulver / - / skimmed-milk powder / lait cr m en poudre / latte scremato in polvere / mageremelkpoeder / leite desnatado em p / rasvaton maitojauhe / skum- mj lkspulver 25,740 24,750 leche entera en polvo / s dm lkspulver / vollmilchpulver / r / whole-milk powder / lait entier en poudre / latte intero in polvere / vollemelkpoeder / leite inteiro em p / rasvainen maitojauhe / mj lkpulver 30,978 28,532 mantequilla / sm r / butter / / butter / beurre / burro / boter / manteiga / voi / sm r 45,021 41,467 az car blanco / hvidt sukker / wei zucker / / white sugar / sucre blanc / zucchero bianco / witte suiker / a car branco / valkoinen sokeri / vitt socker 31,795 30,573 en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/5 preference order no cn code description 1999 quota(tonnes) from 1.1 to 30.6.1999 from 1.7 to31.12.1999 annex iii latvia 09.6535 1704 90 65 sugar confectionery 325 ear ear 1704 90 71 1704 90 75 09.6536 1806 31 00 chocolate 650 ear ear 1806 32 10 1806 32 90 1806 90 11 1806 90 19 09.6537 1901 90 11 food preparations 260 ear ear 1901 90 19 ear ear 1901 90 91 7,6 % 7,0 % 1901 90 99 ear ear 09.6538 1905 30 biscuits 260 ear ear 09.6527 2104 10 soups and broths 39 5,9 % 4,9 % 09.6513 2105 ice-cream 37 ear ear 09.6528 2203 00 beer 650 3,5 % 2,6 % 09.6525 2208 60 11 vodka 420 0,26 eur/ % vol/hl+ 1,27 eur/hl 0 % 09.6529 2208 70 10 liqueurs 14 0,32 eur/ % vol/hl+ 2,05 eur/hl 0 % en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/6 1999 quota preference order no cn code description (tonnes) 1.1 to 30.6.1999 1.7 to 31.12.1999 annex iv estonia 09.6515 1704 10 11 sugar confectionery 195 ear ear 1704 10 19 1704 90 71 1704 90 75 09.6530 1805 00 00 cocoa powder 37 0 % 0 % 09.6517 ex 1806 chocolate confectionery, excluding cn code 1806 10 15 650 ear ear 1806 10 15 0 % 0 % 09.6519 1905 bakery goods 140 ear ear 09.6521 2102 10 39 yeasts 2 600 ear ear 09.6539 2103 90 90 sauces and preparations 780 3,8 % 3,5 % 09.6523 2105 ice-cream 14 ear ear 09.6531 2203 beer 650 3,5 % 2,6 % 09.6525 2208 60 11 vodka 130 0,26 eur/ % vol/hl+ 1,27 eur/hl 0 % 09.6529 2208 70 10 liqueurs 21 0,32 eur/ % vol/hl+ 2,05 eur/hl 0 % 09.6532 2208 90 69 other spirits 21 0,32 eur/ % vol/hl+ 2,05 eur/hl 0 % 09.6534 2402 20 90 cigarettes 65 34,2 % 31,5 %
name: commission regulation (ec) no 29/1999 of 8 january 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1627/89 on the buying in of beef by invitation to tender type: regulation subject matter: consumption; trade policy; animal product; economic geography date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/39 commission regulation (ec) no 29/1999 of 8 january 1999 amending regulation (eec) no 1627/89 on the buying in of beef by invitation to tender the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 805/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1633/98 (2), and in particular article 6 (7) thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1627/89 of 9 june 1989 on the buying in of beef by invitation to tender (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2466/ 98 (4), opened buying in by invitation to tender in certain member states or regions of a member state for certain quality groups; whereas the application of article 6 (2), (3) and (4) of regulation (eec) no 805/68 and the need to limit inter- vention to the buying in of the quantities necessary to ensure reasonable support for the market result, on the basis of the prices of which the commission is aware, in an amendment, in accordance with the annex hereto, to the list of member states or regions of a member state where buying in is open by invitation to tender, and the list of the quality groups which may be bought in, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the annex to regulation (eec) no 1627/89 is hereby replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 17. (3) oj l 159, 10. 6. 1989, p. 36. (4) oj l 307, 17. 11. 1998, p. 13. en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/40 anexo bilag anhang annex annexe allegato b lage anexo liite bilaga estados miembros o regiones de estados miembros y grupos de calidades previstos en el apartado 1 del art culo 1 del reglamento (cee) no 1627/89 medlemsstater eller regioner og kvalitetsgrupper, jf. artikel 1, stk. 1, i forordning (ef) nr. 1627/89 mitgliedstaaten oder gebiete eines mitgliedstaats sowie die in artikel 1 absatz 1 der verordnung (ewg) nr. 1627/89 genannten qualit tsgruppen r ' r r 1 r 1 ( ) . 1627/89 member states or regions of a member state and quality groups referred to in article 1 (1) of regulation (eec) no 1627/89 tats membres ou r gions d tats membres et groupes de qualit s vis s larticle 1er paragraphe 1 du r glement (cee) no 1627/89 stati membri o regioni di stati membri e gruppi di qualit di cui allarticolo 1, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (cee) n. 1627/89 in artikel 1, lid 1, van verordening (eeg) nr. 1627/89 bedoelde lidstaten of gebieden van een lidstaat en kwaliteitsgroepen estados-membros ou regi es de estados-membros e grupos de qualidades referidos no n 1 do artigo 1 do regulamento (cee) n 1627/89 j senvaltiot tai alueet ja asetuksen (ety) n:o 1627/89 1 artiklan 1 kohdan tarkoittamat laaturyhm t medlemsstater eller regioner och kvalitetsgrupper som avses i artikel 1.1 i f rordning (eeg) nr 1627/89 estados miembros o regiones de estados miembros medlemsstat eller region mitgliedstaaten oder gebiete eines mitgliedstaats r r r r r member states or regions of a member state tats membres ou r gions d tats membres stati membri o regioni di stati membri lidstaat of gebied van een lidstaat estados-membros ou regi es de estados-membros j senvaltiot tai alueet medlemsstater eller regioner categor a a kategori a kategorie a category a cat gorie a categoria a categorie a categoria a luokka a kategori a categor a c kategori c kategorie c category c cat gorie c categoria c categorie c categoria c luokka c kategori c u r o u r o belgi /belgique danmark deutschland france great britain ireland nederland northern ireland suomi/finland
name: commission regulation (ec) no 35/1999 of 8 january 1999 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 type: regulation subject matter: africa; trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/56 commission regulation (ec) no 35/1999 of 8 january 1999 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regula- tion (ec) no 2563/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 10 (1) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2692/89 of 6 september 1989 laying down detailed rules for exports of rice to r union (3), and in particular article 9 (1) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2563/98 (4) opens an invitation to tender for the subsidy on rice exported to r union; whereas article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in articles 2 and 3 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89, a maximum subsidy should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders submitted from 4 to 7 january 1999 in response to the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 for the subsidy on exports to r union of husked long grain rice falling within cn code 1 006 20 98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 9 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 29, 7. 9. 1989, p. 8. (4) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 40.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 37/1999 of 8 january 1999 fixing the standard fee per farm return for the 1999 accounting year of the farm accountancy data network type: regulation subject matter: farming systems; economic policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/61 commission regulation (ec) no 37/1999 of 8 january 1999 fixing the standard fee per farm return for the 1999 accounting year of the farm accountancy data network the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation no 79/65/eec of 15 june 1965 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operating of agricultural holdings in the european economic community (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1256/97 (2), and in particular article 9(2) thereof, whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 1915/83 of 13 july 1983 on certain detailed implementa- tion rules concerning the keeping of accounts for the purpose of determining the incomes of agricultural hold- ings (3) provides that a standard fee shall be fixed to be paid by the commission to the member states for each farm return completed; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 22/98 (4) fixes the standard fee for the 1998 accounting year at ecu 126 per farm return; whereas the trend in costs and its effects on the cost of completing the farm return do not justify a revision of the fee; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the community committee on the farm accountancy data network, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard fee paid by the commission to member states for each duly completed farm return is hereby fixed at eur 126 for the 1999 accounting year. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply for the 1999 accounting year. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj 109, 23. 6. 1965, p. 1859/65. (2) oj l 174, 2. 7. 1997, p. 7. (3) oj l 190, 14. 7. 1983, p. 25. (4) oj l 4, 8. 1. 1998, p. 47.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 40/1999 of 8 january 1999 amending regulations (ec) no 1666/98 and (ec) no 1641/98 opening standing invitations to tender for the export of barley and rye held by the austrian intervention agency type: regulation subject matter: europe; trade policy; plant product; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/65 commission regulation (ec) no 40/1999 of 8 january 1999 amending regulations (ec) no 1666/98 and (ec) no 1641/98 opening standing invitations to tender for the export of barley and rye held by the austrian intervention agency the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedure and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by intervention agencies; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1666/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1/1999 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 100 760 tonnes of barley held by the austrian intervention agency; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1641/98 (7), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2043/98 (8), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 26 334 tonnes of rye held by the austrian intervention agency; whereas austria has no sea ports; whereas the slovenian port of koper has been included as a place of exit; whereas therefore the entire transport costs between inter- vention silo and the place of exit, including the transport costs on slovenian territory, should be entered in the accounts; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 3002/92 (9), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 770/96 (10), lays down common detailed rules for verifying the use and/or destination of products from intervention; whereas article 2 thereof requires control bodies to monitor intervention products; whereas to that end the competent austrian authorities are required to ensure that all the requisite checks are done so that intervention cereals can be identi- fied until they reach their place of exit; whereas in the case of export via koper the security provided for in the last indent of article 8(2) of regulation (ec) no 1641/98 should be released only if the operator produces the proof referred to in article 18 of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87 (11), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 604/98 (12), or proof that he has loaded the intervention cereals onto a seagoing vessel and that the vessel has left the slovenian port of koper; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 article 3(4) of regulations (ec) no 1666/98 and (ec) no 1641/98 is replaced by the following: 4. in application of article 7(2a) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the successful tenderer shall be reimbursed for the lowest transport costs between the place of storage and the place of exit on the basis of invoices within the maximum limits specified in the invitation to tender. in the case of export via the port of koper, the trans- port costs between the place of storage and the port shall be reimbursed on condition that the successful tenderer produces proof that he has loaded the inter- vention cereals onto a seagoing vessel.' (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) see page 64 of this official journal. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 12. (6) oj l 2, 6. 1. 1999, p. 1. (7) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 43. (8) oj l 263, 26. 9. 1998, p. 15. (9) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. (11) oj l 351, 14. 12. 1987, p. 1. (10) oj l 104, 27. 4. 1996, p. 13. (12) oj l 80, 18. 3. 1998, p. 19. en official journal of the european communities 9. 1. 1999l 5/66 article 2 the following is added to the last indent of article 8(2) of regulation (ec) no 1641/98: in the case of export via the slovenian port of koper, the amount remaining must be released within 15 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer produces proof that he has loaded a seagoing vessel and that the vessel has left the port of koper.' article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 41/1999 of 8 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities9. 1. 1999 l 5/67 commission regulation (ec) no 41/1999 of 8 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice in connec- tion with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas, article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 4 to 7 january 1999 at eur 309,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 9 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: council regulation (ec) no 62/1999 of 18 december 1998 laying down for 1999 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of poland type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; europe; maritime and inland waterway transport date published: nan l 13/113en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 council regulation (ec) no 62/1999 of 18 december 1998 laying down for 1999 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of poland the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3760/92 of 20 december 1992 establishing a community system for fisheries and aquaculture (1), and in particular article 8(4) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas, in accordance with article 124 of the 1994 act of accession, fisheries agreements concluded by the kingdom of sweden with third countries are managed by the community; whereas, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the agreement on fisheries of 1 february 1978, the community, on behalf of the kingdom of sweden, and the republic of poland have held consultations concerning their mutual fishing rights for 1999; whereas, in the course of these consultations, the delegations agreed to recommend to their respective authorities that certain catch quotas for 1999 should be fixed for the vessels of the other party; whereas the necessary measures should be taken to implement, for 1999, the results of the consultations held with poland; whereas it is for the council to lay down the specific conditions under which catches by vessels flying the flag of poland must be taken; whereas the fishing activities covered by this regulation are subject to the relevant control measures provided for by council regulation no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (2); whereas article 3(2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1381/87 of 20 may 1987 establishing detailed rules (1) oj l 389, 31.12.1992, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1181/98 (oj l 164, 9.6.1998, p. 1). (2) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2205/97 (oj l 304, 7.11.1997, p. 1). concerning the marking and documentation of fishing vessels (3) provides that all vessels with chilled or refrigerated sea-water tanks are to keep on board a document certified by a competent authority and indicating the calibration of the tanks in cubic metres at 10-centimetre intervals; whereas, for imperative reasons of common interest, this regulation will apply from 1 january 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. from 1 january to 31 december 1999, vessels flying the flag of poland are hereby authorised to fish for the species listed in annex i, within the geographical and quantitative limits laid down therein and in accordance with this regulation, in the 200-nautical-mile fishing zone of the member states in the baltic sea. fishing for cod shall be prohibited in the baltic sea, the belts and the sound from 1 july to 20 august 1999 inclusive. all fishing shall be prohibited from 15 may to 31 august 1999 within the area bounded by the following coordinates: latitude 55 309 n, longitude 15 309 e, latitude 55 309 n, longitude 16 109 e, latitude 55 159 n, longitude 16 109 e, latitude 55 159 n, longitude 15 309 e. 2. fishing authorised under paragraph 1 shall be limited to those parts of the 200-nautical-mile fishing zone lying seawards of 12-nautical-miles from the baselines from which the fishing zones of member states are measured. 3. notwithstanding paragraph 1, unavoidable by-catches of a species for which no quota is established in a zone shall be permitted within the limits fixed in the conservation measures in force in the zone concerned. (3) oj l 132, 21.5.1987, p. 9. l 13/114 en official journal of the european communities 18.1.1999 4. by-catches in a given zone of a species for which a quota is established in that zone shall be counted against the quota concerned. article 2 1. vessels fishing within the quotas fixed in article 1 shall comply with the conservation and control measures and all other provisions governing fishing in the zones referred to in that article. 2. the vessels shall keep a log-book in which the information set out in annex ii shall be entered. 3. the vessels shall transmit to the commission, in accordance with the rules laid down in annex iii, the information set out in that annex. 4. those vessels which have chilled or refrigerated sea-water tanks shall keep on board a document certified by a competent authority and indicating the calibration of the tanks in cubic metres at 10-centimetre intervals. 5. the registration letters and numbers of the vessels must be clearly marked on the bow of each vessel on both sides. article 3 1. vessels fishing for the species listed in annex i must hold a licence and special fishing permit issued by the commission on behalf of the community and must observe the conditions as established by that licence and special fishing permit. the polish authorities shall notify to the commission the name and characteristics of the vessels for which licences and special fishing permits may be issued 2. the commission shall issue the fishing licences and special fishing permits referred to in paragraph 1 to all vessels for which a licence and special fishing permit is required by the polish authorities. requests for amendments to the list of vessels licensed may be made at any time and shall be processed expeditiously. 3. when an application for a licence and a special fishing permit is submitted to the commission, the following information must be supplied: (a) name of vessel; (b) registration number; (c) external identification letters and numbers; (d) port of registration; (e) name and address of the owner or charterer; (f) gross tonnage and overall length; (g) engine power; (h) call sign and radio frequency; (i) intended method of fishing; (j) intended area of fishing; (k) species for which it is intended to fish; (l) period for which a licence and a special fishing permit are requested. 4. licences and special fishing permits shall be issued provided that the number of licences and special fishing permits valid at any time during a given month or year does not exceed the amounts mentioned in annex i. 5. each licence and special fishing permit shall be valid for one vessel only. where two or more vessels are taking part in the same fishing operation, each vessel must be in possession of a licence and special fishing permit. 6. licences and special fishing permits may be cancelled with a view to the issue of new licences and special fishing permits. such cancellations shall take effect on the day before the date of issue of the new licences and special fishing permits by the commission. new licences and special fishing permits shall take effect from their date of issue. 7. licences and special fishing permits shall be wholly or partially withdrawn before the date of expiry if the respective quotas fixed in article 1 have been exhausted. 8. licences and special fishing permits shall be withdrawn in the event of any failure to meet the obligations laid down in this regulation. 9. for a period not exceeding twelve months, no licence and special fishing permit shall be issued for any vessel in respect of which the obligations laid down in this regulation have not been met. l 13/115en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 10. the commission shall submit, on behalf of the community, to poland the names and characteristics of their respective vessels which will not be authorised to fish in the communitys fishing zone for the next month(s) as a consequence of an infringement of community rules. article 4 vessels authorised to fish on 31 december may continue fishing as from the beginning of the next year until the lists of vessels permitted to fish during the year in question are submitted to and approved by the commission on behalf of the community. article 5 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the council the president w. molterer l 13/116 en official journal of the european communities 18.1.1999 annex i polish catch quotas for 1999 fishing zone of sweden (1) species area within which fishing is authorized quantity (tonnes) number of licences herring ices iii d 4 000 40 (2)sprat ices iii d 4 000 cod ices iii d 500 flounder ices iii d 50 (1) swedish waters south of 59 309 north in the baltic sea. (2) a maximum of three non-fishing mother ships may also be used simultaneously. annex ii when fishing within the 200-nautical-mile zone off the coasts of the member states of the community which is covered by community rules on fisheries, the following details are to be entered in the log-book immediately after the following events: 1. after each haul: 1.1. the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught; 1.2. the date and the time of the haul; 1.3. the geographical position in which the catches were made; 1.4. the fishing method used. 2. after each transhipment to or from another vessel: 2.1. the indication received from or transferred to; 2.2. the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species transhipped; 2.3. the name, external identification letters and numbers of the vessel to or from which the transhipment occurred; 2.4. transhipment of cod is not allowed. 3. after each landing in a port of the community: 3.1. name of the port; 3.2. the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species landed. 4. after each transmission of information to the commission of the european communities: 4.1. date and time of the transmission; 4.2. type of message: in, out, ices, wkl or 2 wkl; 4.3. in the case of radio transmission: name of the radio station. l 13/117en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 annex iii 1. the information to be transmitted to the commission and the timetable for its transmission is as follows: 1.1. on each occasion the vessel enters the 200-nautical-mile zone off the coasts of the member states of the community which is covered by the community rules on fisheries: (a) the information specified under 1.5; (b) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species of fish in the hold; (c) the date and ices division within which the master intends to commence fishing. where the fishing operations necessitate more than one entry into the zone referred to under 1.1 on a given day, one communication shall suffice on first entry. 1.2. on each occasion the vessel leaves the zone referred to under 1.1: (a) the information specified under 1.5; (b) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species of fish in the hold; (c) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission; (d) the ices division in which the catches were taken; (e) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species transferred to and/or from other vessels since the vessel entered the zone and the identification of the vessel to which the transfer was made; (f) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species landed in a port of the community since the vessel entered the zone. where the fishing operations necessitate more than one entry into the zones referred to under 1.1 on a given day, one single communication on the last exit will be sufficient. 1.3. at three-day intervals, commencing on the third day after the vessel first enters the zone referred to under 1.1 when fishing for herring, and at weekly intervals, commencing on the seventh day after the vessel first enters the zone referred to under 1.1 when fishing for all species other than herring: (a) the information specified under 1.5; (b) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission; (c) the ices division in which the catches were made. 1.4. on each occasion the vessel moves from one ices division to another: (a) the information specified under 1.5; (b) the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species caught since the previous transmission; (c) the ices division in which the catches have been taken. 1.5. (a) the name, call sign, external identification letters and numbers of the vessel and the name of its master; (b) the licence number if the vessel is under licence; (c) the serial number of the message for the voyage concerned; (d) identification of the type of message; (e) the date, the time and the geographical position of the vessel. 2.1. the information specified under point 1 shall be transmitted to the commission of the european communities in brussels (telex 24189 fiseu-b) via one of the radio stations listed under point 3 below and in the form specified under point 4. 2.2. if it is impossible for reasons of force majeure for the message to be transmitted by the vessel, it may be transmitted on the vessels behalf by another vessel. l 13/118 en official journal of the european communities 18.1.1999 3. name of radio station call sign of radio station bl vand oxb norddeich daf dak dah dal dai dam daj dan scheveningen pch oostende ost north foreland gnf humber gkz cullercoats gcc wick gkr portpatrick gpk anglesey glv ilfracombe gil niton gni stonehaven gnd portishead gka gkb gkc lands end gld valentia ejk malin head ejm boulogne ffb brest ffu saint-nazaire ffo bordeaux-arcachon ffc stockholm sdj gryt (no call sign) g teborg sog r nne oye maarianhamina ohm helsinki ohg 4. form of the communications the information specified under point 1 shall contain the following elements which shall be given in the following order: name of vessel; call sign; external identification letters and numbers; serial number of the message for the voyage in question; indication of the type of message according to the following code: message when entering one of the zones referred to under 1.1: in, message when leaving one of the zones referred to under 1.1: out, message when moving from one ices division to another: ices, weekly message: wkl, three-day message: 2 wkl; the date, the time and the geographical position; the ices divisions/sub-areas in which fishing is expected to commence; the date on which fishing is expected to commence; the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species of fish in the hold using the code mentioned in point 5; the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species of fish caught since the previous transmission using the code mentioned in point 5; the ices divisions/sub-areas in which the catches were made; the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species transferred to and/or from other vessels since the previous transmission; l 13/119en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 the name and call sign of the vessel to and/or from which the transfer was made; the quantity (in kilograms live-weight) of each species landed in a port of the community since the previous transmission; the name of the master. 5. the code to be used to indicate the species on board as mentioned in point 4 above: cod cod (gadus morhua), sal salmon (salmo salar), her herring (clupea harengus), spr sprat (sprattus sprattus). whb blue whiting (micromesistius poutassou) oth other pok saithe (pollachius virens) fle flounder (platichthys flesus) flx flatfish (pleuronectiformes)
name: council regulation (ec) no 63/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in polish waters type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; europe date published: nan l 13/120 en official journal of the european communities 18.1.1999 council regulation (ec) no 63/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in polish waters the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3760/92 of 20 december 1992 establishing a community system for fisheries and aquaculture (1), and in particular article 8(4) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas, in accordance with article 124 of the 1994 act of accession, fisheries agreements concluded by the kingdom of sweden with third countries are managed by the community; whereas, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the agreement on fisheries of 1 february 1978, the community, on behalf of the kingdom of sweden, and the republic of poland have held consultations concerning their mutual fishing rights for 1999; whereas, in the course of these consultations, the delegations agreed to recommend to their respective authorities that certain catch quotas for 1999 should be fixed for the vessels of the other party; whereas the necessary measures should be taken to implement, for 1999, the results of these consultations held with poland; whereas to ensure efficient management of the catch possibilities available in polish waters, they should be allocated among member states as quotas in accordance with article 8 of regulation (eec) no 3760/92; (1) oj l 389, 31.12.1992, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1181/98 (oj l 164, 9.6.1998, p. 1). whereas the fishing activities covered by this regulation are subject to the relevant control measures provided for by council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (2), whereas additional conditions for the year-to-year management of tacs and quotas in accordance with the provisions laid down in article 2 of regulation (ec) no 847/96 (3) were not agreed with poland; whereas, for imperative reasons of common interest, this regulation will apply from 1 january 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 from 1 january to 31 december 1999 vessels flying the flag of a member state are hereby authorised to make catches in waters falling within the fisheries jurisdiction of poland and within the quota limits set out in the annex hereto. article 2 stocks referred to in the annex shall not be subject to the conditions laid down in articles 2, 3 and 5(2) of regulation (ec) no 847/96. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 1 january 1999. (2) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2205/97 (oj l 304, 7.11.1997, p. 1). (3) oj l 115, 9.5.1996, p. 3. l 13/121en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the council the president w. molterer annex allocation of community catch quotas in polish waters for 1999 (in metric tonnes, fresh round weight) species ices division community catch quotas quotas allocated to member states herring iii d 1 000 sweden 1 000 (1) cod iii d 500 sweden 500 (1) sprat iii d 3 000 sweden 3 000 (1) flatfish iii d 50 sweden 50 (1) (1) a maximum of 40 vessels up to 1 000 hp are allowed to fish simultaneously.
name: council regulation (ec) no 65/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in the zone of the russian federation type: regulation subject matter: fisheries; europe date published: nan l 13/128 en official journal of the european communities 18.1.1999 council regulation (ec) no 65/1999 of 18 december 1998 allocating, for 1999, catch quotas between member states for vessels fishing in the zone of the russian federation the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3760/92 of 20 december 1992 establishing a community system for fisheries and aquaculture (1), and in particular article 8(4) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission; whereas, in accordance with article 124 of the 1994 act of accession, fisheries agreements concluded by the kingdom of sweden with third countries are managed by the community; whereas, in accordance with the procedure provided for in article 3 of the agreement on fisheries of 11 december 1992 concluded between the government of the kingdom of sweden and the government of the russian federation, the community, on behalf of the kingdom of sweden, held consultations with the russian federation concerning their mutual fishing rights for 1999; whereas, in the course of these consultations, the delegations agreed to recommend to their respective authorities that certain catch quotas for 1999 should be fixed for the vessels of the other party; whereas the necessary measures should be taken to implement, for 1999, the results of the consultations held with the russian federation; whereas, in order to ensure the efficient management of the catch possibilities available in waters of the russian federation, they should be allocated among member states as quotas in accordance with article 8 of regulation (eec) no 3760/92; (1) oj l 389, 31.12.1992, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1181/98 (oj l 164, 9.6.1998, p. 1). whereas the fishing activities covered by this regulation are subject to the relevant control measures provided for by council regulation (eec) no 2847/93 of 12 october 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (2); whereas additional conditions for the year-to-year management of tacs and quotas, in accordance with the provisions laid down in article 2 of regulation (ec) no 847/96 (3), were not agreed with the russian federation; whereas, for imperative reasons of common interest, this regulation will apply from 1 january 1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 from 1 january to 31 december 1999 vessels flying the flag of a member state are hereby authorised to make catches in waters falling within the fisheries jurisdiction of the russian federation and within the quota limits set out in the annex. article 2 stocks referred to in the annex shall not be subject to the conditions stipulated in articles 2, 3 and 5(2) of regulation (ec) no 847/96. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply from 1 january 1999. (2) oj l 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2205/97 (oj l 304, 7.11.1997, p. 1). (3) oj l 115, 9.5.1996, p. 3. l 13/129en official journal of the european communities18.1.1999 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 december 1998. for the council the president w. molterer annex allocation of community catch quotas in the fishing zone of the russian federation for 1999 (in metric tonnes, fresh round weight) species ices division community catch quotas quotas allocated to member states cod iii d 150 sweden 150 (1) (3) sprat iii d 2 450 sweden 2 450 (2) (3) (1) a maximum of seven vessels are allowed to fish simultaneously. (2) a maximum of ten vessels are allowed to fish simultaneously. (3) however, not more than ten vessels (for both cod and sprat fisheries) are allowed to fish simultaneously in the russian area.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 69/1999 of 12 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2486/98 introducing preventive distillation as provided for in article 38 of council regulation (eec) no 822/87 for the 1998/99 wine year type: regulation subject matter: cultivation of agricultural land; information and information processing; distributive trades; food technology; beverages and sugar; production date published: nan en official journal of the european communities13. 1. 1999 l 7/3 commission regulation (ec) no 69/1999 of 12 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 2486/98 introducing preventive distillation as provided for in article 38 of council regulation (eec) no 822/87 for the 1998/99 wine year the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 822/87 of 16 march 1987 on the common organisation of the market in wine (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1627/98 (2), and in particular article 38(5) thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2721/88 (3), as last amended by regulation (eec) no 2181/91 (4), lays down detailed rules for voluntary distillation as provided for in articles 38, 41 and 42 of regulation (eec) no 822/87; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1648/ 98 (5) fixes the prices, the aid and certain other factors applicable to preventive distillation for the 1998/99 wine year; whereas article 1(3) of commission regulation (ec) no 2486/98 (6) sets the date for the submission of contracts or declarations to the competent authorities at 15 january 1999; whereas that date and the dates resulting therefrom should be postponed to allow greater participation in the measure; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for wine, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 2486/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. in the first subparagraph of article 1(3), 15 january 1999' is replaced by 29 january 1999'; 2. in the first subparagraph of article 1(5), 29 january 1999' is replaced by 12 february 1999'; 3. in the second subparagraph of article 1(5), 5 february 1999' is replaced by 19 february 1999'; 4. in the first subparagraph of article 1(6), 28 february 1999' is replaced by 12 march 1999'. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 84, 27. 3. 1987, p. 1. (2) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 8. (3) oj l 241, 1. 9. 1988, p. 88. (4) oj l 202, 24. 7. 1991, p. 16. (5) oj l 210, 28. 7. 1998, p. 63. (6) oj l 309, 19. 11. 1998, p. 18.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 71/1999 of 12 january 1999 suspending the preferential customs duties and re-establishing the common customs tariff duty on imports of uniflorous (bloom) carnations originating in israel type: regulation subject matter: agricultural activity; tariff policy; asia and oceania; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 13. 1. 1999l 7/6 commission regulation (ec) no 71/1999 of 12 january 1999 suspending the preferential customs duties and re-establishing the common customs tariff duty on imports of uniflorous (bloom) carnations originating in israel the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan and morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/97 (2), and in particular article 5(2)(b) thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 4088/87 lays down the conditions for applying a preferential duty on large-flow- ered roses, small-flowered roses, uniflorous (bloom) carna- tions and multiflorous (spray) carnations within the limit of tariff quotas opened annually for imports into the community of fresh cut flowers; whereas council regulation (ec) no 1981/94 (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 650/98 (4), opens and provides for the administration of community tariff quotas for cut flowers and flower buds, fresh, origin- ating in cyprus, egypt, israel, malta, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 70/1999 (5) fixes the community producer and import prices for carnations and roses for the application of the import arrangements; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/97 (7), lays down the detailed rules for the application of the arrange- ments; whereas, on the basis of prices recorded pursuant to regulations (eec) no 4088/87 and (eec) no 700/88, it must be concluded that the conditions laid down in article 2(2) of regulation (eec) no 4088/87 for suspen- sion of the preferential customs duty are met for uniflorous (bloom) carnations originating in israel; whereas the common customs tariff duty should be re-established; whereas the quota for the products in question covers the period 1 january to 31 december 1999; whereas, as a result, the suspension of the preferential duty and the reintroduction of the common customs tariff duty apply up to the end of that period at the latest; whereas, in between meetings of the management committee, the commission must adopt such measures, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for imports of uniflorous (bloom) carnations (cn codes ex 0603 10 13 and ex 0603 10 53) originating in israel, the preferential customs duty fixed by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 is hereby suspended and the common customs tariff duty is hereby re-established. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 january 1999. (1) oj l 382, 31. 12. 1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5. 7. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 199, 2. 8. 1994, p. 1. (4) oj l 88, 24. 3. 1998, p. 8. (5) see page 4 of this official journal. (6) oj l 72, 18. 3. 1988, p. 16. (7) oj l 289, 22. 10. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities13. 1. 1999 l 7/7 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 73/1999 of 12 january 1999 suspending the preferential customs duties and re-establishing the common customs tariff duty on imports of small-flowered roses originating in israel type: regulation subject matter: trade; tariff policy; eu finance; asia and oceania; agricultural activity date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 13. 1. 1999l 7/10 commission regulation (ec) no 73/1999 of 12 january 1999 suspending the preferential customs duties and re-establishing the common customs tariff duty on imports of small-flowered roses originating in israel the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan and morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/97 (2), and in particular article 5 (2) (b) thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 4088/87 lays down the conditions for applying a preferential duty on large-flow- ered roses, small-flowered roses, uniflorous (bloom) carna- tions and multiflorous (spray) carnations within the limit of tariff quotas opened annually for imports into the community of fresh cut flowers; whereas council regulation (ec) no 1981/94 (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 650/98 (4), opens and provides for the administration of community tariff quotas for cut flowers and flower buds, fresh, origin- ating in cyprus, egypt, israel, malta, morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 70/1999 (5) fixes the community producer and import prices for carnations and roses for the application of the import arrangements; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/97 (7), lays down the detailed rules for the application of the arrange- ments; whereas, on the basis of prices recorded pursuant to regulations (eec) no 4088/87 and (eec) no 700/88, it must be concluded that the conditions laid down in article 2 (2) of regulation (eec) no 4088/87 for suspen- sion of the preferential customs duty are met for small- flowered roses originating in israel; whereas the common customs tariff duty should be re-established; whereas the quota for the products in question covers the period 1 january to 31 december 1999; whereas, as a result, the suspension of the preferential duty and the reintroduction of the common customs tariff duty apply up to the end of that period at the latest; whereas, in between meetings of the management committee, the commission must adopt such measures, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for imports of small-flowered roses (cn codes ex 0603 10 11 and ex 0603 10 51) originating in israel, the preferential customs duty fixed by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 is hereby suspended and the common customs tariff duty is hereby re-established. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 january 1999. (1) oj l 382, 31. 12. 1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5. 7. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 199, 2. 8. 1994, p. 1. (4) oj l 88, 24. 3. 1998, p. 8. (5) see page 4 of this official journal. (6) oj l 72, 18. 3. 1988, p. 16. (7) oj l 289, 22. 10. 1997, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities13. 1. 1999 l 7/11 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 12 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 78/1999 of 13 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: agricultural policy; plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 1. 1999 l 8/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 78/1999 of 13 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 14. 1. 1999l 8/2 annex to the commission regulation of 13 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 87,2 204 66,9 999 77,0 0707 00 05 053 112,4 999 112,4 0709 10 00 220 68,8 999 68,8 0709 90 70 052 127,5 204 155,7 999 141,6 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 34,7 204 37,0 212 45,0 220 37,0 624 52,2 999 41,2 0805 20 10 052 38,6 204 62,6 999 50,6 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 63,1 464 90,0 624 87,6 999 80,2 0805 30 10 052 53,5 600 63,0 999 58,3 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 59,6 060 42,4 400 73,8 404 85,6 720 107,4 728 97,1 999 77,7 0808 20 50 052 139,7 064 61,2 400 83,1 720 41,7 999 81,4 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 79/1999 of 13 january 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; prices; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 1. 1999 l 8/3 commission regulation (ec) no 79/1999 of 13 january 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the market in sugar (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1422/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed rules of applica- tion for imports of molasses in the sugar sector and amending regulation (eec) no 785/68 (3), and in partic- ular articles 1 (2) and 3 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 1422/95 stipulates that the cif import price for molasses, hereinafter referred to as the representative price', should be set in accordance with commission regulation (eec) no 785/68 (4); whereas that price should be fixed for the standard quality defined in article 1 of the above regulation; whereas the representative price for molasses is calcu- lated at the frontier crossing point into the community, in this case amsterdam; whereas that price must be based on the most favourable purchasing opportunities on the world market established on the basis of the quotations or prices on that market adjusted for any deviations from the standard quality; whereas the standard quality for molasses is defined in regulation (eec) no 785/68; whereas, when the most favourable purchasing opportun- ities on the world market are being established, account must be taken of all available information on offers on the world market, on the prices recorded on important third-country markets and on sales concluded in inter- national trade of which the commission is aware, either directly or through the member states; whereas, under article 7 of regulation (eec) no 785/68, the commis- sion may for this purpose take an average of several prices as a basis, provided that this average is representative of actual market trends; whereas the information must be disregarded if the goods concerned are not of sound and fair marketable quality or if the price quoted in the offer relates only to a small quantity that is not representative of the market; whereas offer prices which can be regarded as not rep- resentative of actual market trends must also be dis- regarded; whereas, if information on molasses of the standard quality is to be comparable, prices must, depending on the quality of the molasses offered, be increased or reduced in the light of the results achieved by applying article 6 of regulation (eec) no 785/68; whereas a representative price may be left unchanged by way of exception for a limited period if the offer price which served as a basis for the previous calculation of the representative price is not available to the commission and if the offer prices which are available and which appear not to be sufficiently representative of actual market trends would entail sudden and considerable changes in the representative price; whereas where there is a difference between the trigger price for the product in question and the representative price, additional import duties should be fixed under the conditions set out in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95; whereas should the import duties be suspended pursuant to article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, specific amounts for these duties should be fixed; whereas application of these provisions will have the effect of fixing the representative prices and the addi- tional import duties for the products in question as set out in the annex to this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and the additional duties applying to imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 are fixed in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 january 1999. (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 12. (4) oj l 145, 27. 6. 1968, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 14. 1. 1999l 8/4 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission annex fixing the representative prices and additional import duties applying to imports of molasses in the sugar sector cn code amount of the representative price in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question amount of the additional duty in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question amount of the duty to be applied to imports in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question because of suspension as referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 (2) 1703 10 00 (1) 6,25 0,26 1703 90 00 (1) 7,20 0,05 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended regulation (eec) no 785/68. (2) this amount replaces, in accordance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, the rate of the common customs tariff duty fixed for these products.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 81/1999 of 13 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 22nd partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: beverages and sugar; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities14. 1. 1999 l 8/7 commission regulation (ec) no 81/1999 of 13 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund for white sugar for the 22nd partial invitation to tender issued within the framework of the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 17 (5) (b) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3), requires partial invitations to tender to be issued for the export of this sugar; whereas, pursuant to article 9 (1) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a maximum export refund shall be fixed, as the case may be, account being taken in particular of the state and foreseeable development of the community and world markets in sugar, for the partial invitation to tender in question; whereas, following an examination of the tenders submitted in response to the 22nd partial invitation to tender, the provisions set out in article 1 should be adopted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 22nd partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the maximum amount of the export refund is fixed at eur 48,465 per 100 kilograms. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 14 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 13 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23. 7. 1998, p. 7.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 105/1999 of 15 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 1. 1999 l 11/19 commission regulation (ec) no 105/1999 of 15 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2564/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 11 to 14 january 1999 at eur 117,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 107/1999 of 15 january 1999 fixing the maximum aid for concentrated butter for the 195th special invitation to tender opened under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (eec) no 429/90 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; processed agricultural produce; cooperation policy; foodstuff date published: nan en official journal of the european communities16. 1. 1999 l 11/21 commission regulation (ec) no 107/1999 of 15 january 1999 fixing the maximum aid for concentrated butter for the 195th special invitation to tender opened under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regula- tion (eec) no 429/90 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 7a(3) thereof, whereas, in accordance with commission regulation (eec) no 429/90 of 20 february 1990 on the granting by invitation to tender of an aid for concentrated butter intended for direct consumption in the community (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 417/98 (4), the inter- vention agencies are opening a standing invitation to tender for the granting of aid for concentrated butter; whereas article 6 of that regulation provides that in the light of the tenders received in response to each special invitation to tender, a maximum amount of aid is to be fixed for concentrated butter with a minimum fat content of 96 % or a decision is to be taken to make no award; whereas the end-use security must be fixed accordingly; whereas, in the light of the tenders received, the maximum aid should be fixed at the level specified below and the end-use security determined accordingly; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for the 195th special invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender opened by regulation (eec) no 429/90, the maximum aid and the amount of the end-use security shall be as follows: maximum aid: eur 134/100 kg end-use security: eur 148/100 kg. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 16 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 15 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 45, 21. 2. 1990, p. 8. (4) oj l 52, 21. 2. 1998, p. 18.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 110/1999 of 18 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; prices; agricultural policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities19. 1. 1999 l 14/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 110/1999 of 18 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 19 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 18 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 19. 1. 1999l 14/2 annex to the commission regulation of 18 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 88,0 204 61,6 999 74,8 0707 00 05 052 112,5 053 102,9 999 107,7 0709 10 00 220 68,8 999 68,8 0709 90 70 052 136,2 204 146,3 628 136,9 999 139,8 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 35,6 204 41,6 212 44,4 220 37,0 624 43,6 999 40,4 0805 20 10 052 34,1 204 63,3 999 48,7 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 56,1 204 61,0 464 90,0 624 91,3 999 74,6 0805 30 10 052 52,1 600 78,1 999 65,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 59,6 060 43,0 400 70,0 404 83,4 720 90,6 728 100,8 999 74,6 0808 20 50 052 148,4 064 55,6 400 80,6 720 40,2 999 81,2 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 140/1999 of 21 january 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 type: regulation subject matter: international trade; trade policy; trade; eu finance; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities22. 1. 1999 l 17/33 commission regulation (ec) no 140/1999 of 21 january 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into spain was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2849/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix a maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in article 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 15 to 21 january 1999 pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 74,86 per tonne and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 10 000 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 141/1999 of 21 january 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on sorghum imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2852/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; international trade; eu finance; trade; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 22. 1. 1999l 17/34 commission regulation (ec) no 141/1999 of 21 january 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on sorghum imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2852/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on sorghum imported into spain was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2852/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix a maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in articles 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 15 to 21 january 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2852/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on sorghum imported shall be eur 77,94 per tonne and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 100 000 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 22 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 21 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 55. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 151/1999 of 22 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 1. 1999l 18/8 commission regulation (ec) no 151/1999 of 22 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities23. 1. 1999 l 18/9 annex to the commission regulation of 22 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 85,8 204 46,9 624 151,0 999 94,6 0707 00 05 052 106,9 999 106,9 0709 10 00 220 68,8 999 68,8 0709 90 70 052 147,4 204 180,8 628 122,8 999 150,3 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 50,8 204 36,9 212 42,7 220 31,7 600 39,4 624 43,6 999 40,9 0805 20 10 052 34,1 204 64,5 999 49,3 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 60,7 204 47,0 464 74,1 624 76,4 999 64,6 0805 30 10 052 55,2 600 76,5 999 65,9 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 64,8 060 35,2 400 75,5 404 84,7 720 81,1 728 97,6 999 73,1 0808 20 50 052 148,4 064 62,3 400 84,3 624 55,1 720 40,2 999 78,1 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 156/1999 of 22 january 1999 on the transport of wholly milled rice to russia type: regulation subject matter: plant product; europe; trade policy; transport policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 1. 1999l 18/24 commission regulation (ec) no 156/1999 of 22 january 1999 on the transport of wholly milled rice to russia the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 2802/98 of 17 december 1998 on a programme to supply agricultural products to the russian federation (1), and in particular article 4(2) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) 111/1999 (2) lays down the general rules for application of regulation (ec) no 2802/98; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 155/1999 (3) has opened a first invitation to tender for an initial delivery to community ports of several lots of wholly milled rice amounting to a total of 15 000 tonnes; whereas a new invitation to tender should be opened for the supply of transport for this quantity of wholly milled rice from community ports to russia; whereas the total quantity of 15 000 tonnes should be supplied in three separate lots; whereas the specific conditions applying to this supply should be laid down, in addition to the provisions adopted in regulation (ec) no 111/1999, and provision should be made for their immediate entry into force; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 an invitation to tender is hereby opened to establish the costs of supplying transport for a total of 15 000 tonnes of wholly milled rice in three separate lots of 5 000 tonnes each (net weight), as described in annex i, to be conducted as a supply referred to in article 2(1)(b) of regulation (ec) no 111/1999, in accordance with both that regulation and this regulation. article 2 1. for each lot, supply shall comprise: taking-over at the stage laid down in paragraph 2, transport by appropriate means to the places of des- tination within the time limits laid down in annex i. 2. the lots of wholly milled rice shall be held for the successful tenderers, for loading free on board, in accord- ance with the following: (a) lot 1: 5 000 tonnes of medium-grain wholly milled rice held for the successful tenderer at a spanish port from 24 february 1999; (b) lot 2: 5 000 tonnes of round-grain wholly milled rice held for the successful tenderer at an italian port from 24 february 1999; (c) lot 3: 5 000 tonnes of wholly milled rice held for the successful tenderer at a greek port from 25 march 1999. beyond ten days after the dates referred to above, the successful tenderer shall refund the commission any costs incurred by it as a result of the delay in take-over (waiting, insurance, security, guarantees, etc.) as provided for in article 5(1)(f)(4) of regulation (ec) no 111/1999. article 3 1. tenders shall be submitted to the following agencies whose addresses are listed in annex ii: for lot no 1: the spanish intervention agency; for lot no 2: the italian intervention agency; for lot no 3: the greek intervention agency. the time limit for lodging tenders shall expire on 2 february 1999 at 12 noon (brussels time). should a lot not be successfully tendered for by the end of this period, tenders may be submitted for a second period expiring on 9 february 1999 at 12 noon (brussels time). in this case, all the dates fixed in article 2 and annex i shall be extended by seven days. 2. the tender shall include the cost of transporting an entire consignment to be taken over at the port identified in article 2(2) and of supplying it to the destination laid down in annex i. (1) oj l 349, 24. 12. 1998, p. 12. (2) oj l 14, 19. 1. 1999, p. 3. (3) see page 19 of this official journal. en official journal of the european communities23. 1. 1999 l 18/25 article 4 1. the tendering security shall be eur 25 per tonne of wholly milled rice for delivery. 2. the supply security shall be eur 632 per tonne of wholly milled rice for delivery. the security must be lodged for the relevant lot with the intervention agency referred to in article 3, in accordance with article 7(1) of regulation (ec) no 111/1999. article 5 the take-over certificate, drawn up in accordance with annex i to regulation (ec) no 111/1999 shall be issued by the representative of the recipient country at the places of destination and by the authorities indicated in annex iii. article 6 for the purposes of article 13 of regulation (ec) no 111/1999, the payment on account shall be made on presentation of a certificate of removal relating to the entire quantity to be delivered to a given destination on a given date. payment shall be made within 30 days of presenting the application for a payment on account, together with the requisite supporting documents. article 7 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 23. 1. 1999l 18/26 annex i lot no i 5 000 tonnes of medium-grain, wholly milled rice, for murmansk, departing from a spanish port. delivery stage: goods not unloaded. final date for arrival in the port of murmansk: 14 march 1999. lot no 2 5 000 tonnes of round-grain, wholly milled rice, for novorossiysk, departing from an italian port. delivery stage: goods not unloaded. final date for arrival in the port of novorossiysk: 10 march 1999. lot no 3 5 000 tonnes of wholly milled rice, for novorossiysk, departing from a greek port. delivery stage: goods not unloaded. final date for arrival in the port of novorossiysk: 10 april 1999. annex ii lot no 1 address of intervention agency: fega fondo espa ol de garant a agraria c/beneficencia no 8 e-28002 madrid tel.: (00-34) 913 47 65 40 fax: (00-34) 915 32 30 02 lot no 2 address of intervention agency: ente nazionale risi piazza pio xi, 1 i-20123 milano tel.: (00-39) 287 41 54 fax: (00-39) 286 13 72 lot no 3 address of intervention agency: gedidagep directorate-general for the administration of purchases of agricultural produce acharnon street 241 gr-10466 athens tel.: (00-30) 1 862 22 48 fax: (00-30) 1 867 05 03 en official journal of the european communities23. 1. 1999 l 18/27 annex iii authority authorised to issue the take-over certificate: vao raznoimport' 43, bld. 2, lomonosovsky avenue 113324 moscow russia 1. location of take-over: murmansk authorised person: nikolai v. demidov 2. location of take-over: novorossiysk authorised person: pavel v. kutuzov
name: commission regulation (ec) no 160/1999 of 22 january 1999 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export to certain third countries of wholly milled long grain rice issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 1. 1999l 18/52 commission regulation (ec) no 160/1999 of 22 january 1999 concerning tenders submitted in response to the invitation to tender for the export to certain third countries of wholly milled long grain rice issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organization of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13 (3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued under commission regulation (ec) no 2566/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, to make no award; whereas on the basis of the criteria laid down in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 a maximum refund should not be fixed; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no action shall be taken on the tenders submitted from 18 to 21 january 1999 in response to the invitation to tender for the export refund on wholly milled long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 30 67 to certain third countries issued in regulation (ec) no 2566/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 49. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 163/1999 of 22 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 type: regulation subject matter: consumption; trade policy; plant product; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities23. 1. 1999 l 18/55 commission regulation (ec) no 163/1999 of 22 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2564/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled round grain, medium grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2564/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 18 to 21 january 1999 at eur 110,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 164/1999 of 22 january 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 23. 1. 1999l 18/56 commission regulation (ec) no 164/1999 of 22 january 1999 on issuing a2 export licences for fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/ 96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for imple- menting council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1287/98 (2), and in particular article 3(4) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2776/98 (3) sets the indicative refund rates and the indicative quantities for a2 export licences, other than those applied for in the context of food aid; whereas, for tomatoes and apples for destination group xy in view of the economic situation in the various destination groups indicated in the annex to regulation (ec) no 2776/98 and taking account of information received by operators via their applications for a2 licences, the definitive refund rates should be set at a different rate from the indicative rates; whereas the percentages for the issuing of licences for the quantities applied for should also be set; whereas the definitive rates may not be more than double the indicative rates; whereas, pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, applications for rates in excess of the cor- responding definitive rates shall be considered null and void, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for a2 export licences for which applications have been submitted pursuant to article 1 of regulation (ec) no 2776/98, the actual date of application referred to in the second subparagraph of article 3(1) of regulation (ec) no 2190/96 is hereby set at 25 january 1999. 2. the licences referred to in the first paragraph shall be issued at the definitive refund rates and at the per- centages for the quantities applied for as indicated in the annex to this regulation. 3. pursuant to article 3(5) of regulation (ec) no 2190/ 96, applications referred to in the first paragraph for rates in excess of the corresponding definitive rates set out in the annex shall be considered null and void. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 23 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15. 11. 1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 178, 23. 6. 1998, p. 11. (3) oj l 346, 22. 12. 1998, p. 44. en official journal of the european communities23. 1. 1999 l 18/57 annex product destination orgroup of destinations (1) definitive refund rates (eur/tonne net) percentages for the issuing of licences tomatoes f 18 100 % oranges xyc 50 99 % lemons f 35 100 % apples xy 80 100 % (1) the destination codes are defined as follows: x: norway, iceland, greenland, faeroes, poland, hungary, romania, bulgaria, albania, estonia, latvia, lithuania, bosnia-herzegovina, croatia, slovenia, former yugoslav republic of macedonia, federal republic of yugoslavia (serbia and montenegro), malta. y: armenia, azerbaijan, belarus, georgia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, moldova, russia, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, ukraine, destinations mentioned in article 34 of commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, as amended. c: switzerland, czech republic, slovakia. f: all destinations.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 167/1999 of 25 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 26. 1. 1999l 19/2 commission regulation (ec) no 167/1999 of 25 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 26 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities26. 1. 1999 l 19/3 annex to the commission regulation of 25 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 90,9 204 48,8 624 151,0 999 96,9 0707 00 05 052 106,9 999 106,9 0709 10 00 220 68,8 999 68,8 0709 90 70 052 138,1 204 202,8 628 122,8 999 154,6 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 35,7 204 41,3 212 42,5 220 31,7 600 39,4 999 38,1 0805 20 10 052 34,1 204 63,2 999 48,6 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 58,5 204 47,3 464 74,1 624 75,3 999 63,8 0805 30 10 052 52,6 600 77,6 999 65,1 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 64,8 060 37,2 400 71,8 404 71,8 720 81,1 728 97,6 999 70,7 0808 20 50 052 148,4 064 62,3 400 80,8 624 54,0 720 40,2 999 77,1 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 170/1999 of 26 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 1. 1999 l 20/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) commission regulation (ec) no 170/1999 of 26 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/ 94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the applica- tion of the import arrangements for fruit and veget- ables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/ 98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 3813/92 of 28 december 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy (3), as last amended by regu- lation (ec) no 150/95 (4), and in particular article 3 (3) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilat- eral trade negotiations, the criteria whereby the commis- sion fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipu- lated in the annex thereto; whereas, in compliance with the above criteria, the stand- ard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regulation (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24. 12. 1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15. 7. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 387, 31. 12. 1992, p. 1. (4) oj l 22, 31. 1. 1995, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 27. 1. 1999l 20/2 annex to the commission regulation of 26 january 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 90,9 204 46,9 624 151,0 999 96,3 0707 00 05 052 106,9 999 106,9 0709 10 00 220 68,8 999 68,8 0709 90 70 052 139,3 204 202,8 628 122,8 999 155,0 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 35,1 204 39,5 212 42,6 220 31,7 600 41,3 999 38,0 0805 20 10 204 64,3 999 64,3 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 57,1 204 36,5 464 86,1 624 68,4 999 62,0 0805 30 10 052 54,2 600 60,7 999 57,5 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 052 64,8 060 37,6 400 75,7 404 73,6 720 81,1 728 84,5 999 69,5 0808 20 50 052 125,1 064 62,3 400 84,4 624 54,0 999 81,4 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2317/97 (oj l 321, 22. 11. 1997, p. 19). code 999' stands for of other origin'.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 172/1999 of 26 january 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of uniflorous (standard) carnations originating in israel type: regulation subject matter: asia and oceania; tariff policy; trade; international trade; agricultural activity date published: nan en official journal of the european communities27. 1. 1999 l 20/5 commission regulation (ec) no 172/1999 of 26 january 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of uniflorous (standard) carnations originating in israel the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan and morocco and the west bank and the gaza strip (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/97 (2), and in particular article 5 (2) (b) thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 4088/87 fixes conditions for the application of a preferential customs duty on large-flowered roses, small-flowered roses, uniflorous (bloom) carnations and multiflorous (spray) carnations within the limit of tariff quotas opened annually for imports of fresh cut flowers into the community; whereas council regulation (ec) no 1981/94 (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 650/98 (4), opens and provides for the administration of community tariff quotas for certain products originating in algeria, cyprus, egypt, israel, jordan, malta, morocco, the west bank and the gaza strip, tunisia and turkey, and providing detailed rules for extending and adapting these tariff quotas; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 171/1999 (5) fixed community producer and import prices for carna- tions and roses for application of the arrangements for importation from the countries in question; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/97 (7), laid down detailed rules for the application of these arrange- ments; whereas the preferential customs duty fixed for uniflorous (standard) carnations originating in israel by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 was suspended by commis- sion regulation (ec) no 71/1999 (8); whereas on the basis of price recordings made as speci- fied in regulations (eec) no 4088/87 and (eec) no 700/88 it must be concluded that the requirement for reintroduction of the preferential customs duty laid down in article 2 (4) of regulation (eec) no 4088/87 is met for uniflorous (standard) carnations originating in israel; whereas the preferential customs duty should be reintro- duced; whereas in between meetings of the management committee, the commission must adopt such measures, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for imports of uniflorous (standard) carnations (cn codes ex 0603 10 13 and ex 0603 10 53) originating in israel the preferential customs duty set by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 is reintroduced. 2. regulation (ec) no 71/1999 is hereby repealed. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 382, 31. 12. 1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5. 7. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 199, 2. 8. 1994, p. 1. (4) oj l 88, 24. 3. 1998, p. 8. (5) see page 3 of this official journal. (6) oj l 72, 18. 3. 1988, p. 16. (7) oj l 289, 22. 10. 1997, p. 1. (8) oj l 7, 13. 1. 1999, p. 6.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 176/1999 of 26 january 1999 determining the extent to which applications for import licences submitted in january 1999 for certain products in the milk and milk products sector under the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria and romania, in the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states and in the interim agreement between the community and the republic of slovenia may be accepted type: regulation subject matter: europe; international trade; processed agricultural produce; european construction; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 27. 1. 1999l 20/26 commission regulation (ec) no 176/1999 of 26 january 1999 determining the extent to which applications for import licences submitted in january 1999 for certain products in the milk and milk products sector under the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria and romania, in the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states and in the interim agreement between the community and the republic of slovenia may be accepted the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2508/ 97 of 15 december 1997 laying down detailed rules for the application to milk and milk products of the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria and romania, the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states and the interim agreement between the community and the republic of slovenia and repealing regulations (eec) no 584/92, (ec) no 1588/94, (ec) no 1713/95 and (ec) no 455/97 (1), and in particular article 4(4) thereof, whereas the applications for import licences submitted for the products listed in regulation (ec) no 2508/97 exceed the quantities available for certain products; whereas allocation coefficients should therefore be set for the period 1 january to 30 june 1999 for certain quant- ities applied for, has adopted this regulation: article 1 applications for import licences submitted for the period 1 january to 30 june 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2508/97, shall be accepted by country of origin and by product covered by the cn codes set out in the annex for the quantities applied for, multiplied by the allocation coefficients shown. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 27 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 26 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 345, 16. 12. 1997, p. 31. e n o fficialjournalofthe e uropean c om m unities 27.1.1999 l 20/27 annex (in %) country poland czech republic slovakia hungary cn codes 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0402 21 99 0405 10 11 0405 10 19 0405 10 30 0405 10 50 0405 10 90 0405 20 90 0406 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0402 21 91 0405 10 11 0405 10 19 0405 10 30 0405 10 50 0406 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0402 21 91 0405 10 11 0405 10 19 0405 10 30 0405 10 50 0406 0402 10 0406 90 29 0406 allocation coefficient 0,0064 0,0092 0,0302 0,0064 0,0063 0,0142 0,0064 0,0069 0,0127 0,0100 0,0243 country republic of estonia latvia lithuania cn codes 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0405 10 11 0405 10 19 0406 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0405 10 0406 ex 0402 29 0402 10 19 0402 21 19 0405 10 11 0405 10 19 0406 0402 99 11 allocation coefficient 0,0073 0,0110 0,4000 0,0072 0,0069 0,0336 0,0074 0,0068 0,0368 country romania bulgaria cn codes 0406 0406 allocation coefficient 1,0000 1,0000 country slovenia cn codes 0402 10 0402 21 0403 10 0406 90 allocation coefficient 0,0152 0,0204
name: commission regulation (ec) no 191/1999 of 27 january 1999 on a decision to make no award in respect of the 24th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued in connection with the standing invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; beverages and sugar date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 28. 1. 1999l 21/20 commission regulation (ec) no 191/1999 of 27 january 1999 on a decision to make no award in respect of the 24th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued in connection with the standing invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 1574/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), and in particular point (b) of the second subparagraph of article 17(5) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 1574/98 of 22 july 1998 on a standing invitation to tender in order to determine levies and/or refunds on exports of white sugar (3) requires that partial invitations to tender be issued for the export of the sugar in question; whereas, pursuant to article 8(2) of regulation (ec) no 1574/98 a decision may be taken to make no award in respect of a specific partial invitation to tender; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 no award shall be made in respect of the 24th partial invitation to tender for white sugar issued pursuant to regulation (ec) no 1574/98 for which the time limit for the submission of tenders expired on 27 january 1999. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 28 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 206, 23. 7. 1998, p. 7.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 197/1999 of 28 january 1999 on the issuing of system b export licences for fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 1. 1999 l 22/43 commission regulation (ec) no 197/1999 of 28 january 1999 on the issuing of system b export licences for fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/ 96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for imple- menting council regulation (eec) no 1035/72 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1287/98 (2), and in particular article 5(6) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2379/98 (3), fixes the indicative quantities laid down for the issue of export licences other than those requested in the context of food aid; whereas, in the light of information now available to the commission, the indicative quantities have been exceeded in the case of hazelnuts in shell, walnuts in shell, lemons and table grapes; whereas as a consequence, for system b licences applied for between 16 november 1998 and 14 january 1999, a rate of refund which is lower than the indicative rate should be fixed for hazelnuts in shell, walnuts in shell, lemons and table grapes, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the percentages for the issuing of system b export licences, as referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 2190/96, and applied for between 16 november 1998 and 14 january 1999, by which the quantities applied for and the rates of refund applicable must be multiplied, shall be as fixed in the annex hereto. the above subparagraph shall not apply to licences applied for in connection with food-aid operations as provided for in article 10(4) of the agreement on agri- culture concluded during the uruguay round of multi- lateral trade negotiations. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15. 11. 1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 178, 23. 6. 1998, p. 11. (3) oj l 295, 4. 11. 1998, p. 15. en official journal of the european communities 29. 1. 1999l 22/44 annex percentages for the issuing of licences and rates of refund applicable to system b licences applied for between 16 november 1998 and 14 january 1999 product destination or group of destinations percentage for the issuing of licences rate of refund (eur/ tonne net) tomatoes f 100 % 15,9 shelled almonds f 100 % 50,0 hazelnuts in shell f 100 % shelled hazelnuts f 100 % 114,0 walnuts in shell f 100 % 73,0 oranges xyc 100 % 35,0 lemons f 100 % 20,0 table grapes f 100 % 23,2 apples xy 100 % 25,0 zd 100 % 54,0
name: commission regulation (ec) no 200/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 1. 1999 l 22/49 commission regulation (ec) no 200/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 22 to 28 january 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 50,94 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 201/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 29. 1. 1999l 22/50 commission regulation (ec) no 201/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on rye in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of rye to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1746/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 22 to 28 january 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1746/98, the maximum refund on exportation of rye shall be eur 73,95 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 219, 7. 8. 1998, p. 3.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 204/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 1. 1999 l 22/53 commission regulation (ec) no 204/1999 of 28 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 7 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of common wheat to certain acp states was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2004/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 22 to 28 january 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2004/98, the maximum refund on exportation of common wheat shall be eur 36,98 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 4.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 209/1999 of 28 january 1999 on the issue of import licences for rice against applications submitted during the first 10 working days of january 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 327/98 type: regulation subject matter: international trade; tariff policy; cooperation policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities29. 1. 1999 l 22/59 commission regulation (ec) no 209/1999 of 28 january 1999 on the issue of import licences for rice against applications submitted during the first 10 working days of january 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 327/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 327/ 98 of 10 february 1998 opening and providing for the administration of certain tariff quotas for imports of rice and broken rice (1), as amended by regulation (ec) no 648/98 (2), and in particular article 5(2) thereof, whereas, pursuant to article 5(2) of regulation (ec) no 327/98, within 10 days of the closing date for notification by the member states of licence applications, the commission must decide to what extent the applications may be accepted and fix the quantities available under the following tranche; whereas examination of the quantities for which applica- tions have been submitted shows that licences should be issued for the quantities applied for reduced, where appropriate, by the percentages set out in the annex hereto, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. import licences for rice against applications submitted during the first 10 working days of january 1999 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 327/98 and notified to the commission shall be issued for the quantities applied for reduced, where appropriate, by the percent- ages set out in the annex hereto. 2. the quantities available under the following tranche shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 37, 11. 2. 1998, p. 5. (2) oj l 88, 24. 3. 1998, p. 3. en official journal of the european communities 29. 1. 1999l 22/60 origin reduction(%) quantity available for the additional tranche for april 1999 (in tonnes) origin reduction(%) quantity available for the additional tranche for april 1999 (in tonnes) origin reduction(%) quantity available for the july 1999 tranche (in tonnes) annex reduction percentages to be applied to quantities applied for under the tranche for january 1999 and quantities available for the following tranche: (a) quantity referred to in article 2: semi-milled and wholly-milled rice falling within cn code 1006 30 united states of america 0 (1) 20 870 thailand 0 (1) 6 011,01 australia 1 019 other origins 1 805 (1) issue for the quantity applied for. (b) quantity referred to in article 2: husked rice falling within cn code 1006 20 australia 0 (1) 7 779 united states of america 0 (1) 3 881 thailand 1 812 other origins 117 (1) issue for the quantity applied for. (c) quantity referred to in article 2: broken rice falling within cn code 1006 40 00 thailand 0 (1) 24 034,54 australia 0 (1) 6 457 guyana 0 8 503 united states of america 0 (1) 3 640 other origins 0 9 703 (1) issue for the quantity applied for.
name: council regulation (ec) no 214/1999 of 25 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1901/98 concerning a ban on flights of yugoslav carriers between the federal republic of yugoslavia and the european community type: regulation subject matter: organisation of transport; international trade; international affairs; international law; political geography; air and space transport date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/6 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec) no 214/1999 of 25 january 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1901/98 concerning a ban on flights of yugoslav carriers between the federal republic of yugoslavia and the european community the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, and in particular article 228a thereof, having regard to common position 98/426/cfsp of 29 june 1998 defined by the council on the basis of article j.2 of the treaty on european union concerning a ban on flights by yugoslav carriers between the federal republic of yugoslavia and the european community (1), having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas the council adopted council regulation (ec) no 1901/98 of 7 september 1998 concerning a ban on flights of yugoslav carriers between the federal republic of yugoslavia and the european community (2); whereas the council most recently in its conclusions of 26 october 1998 has expressed its desire to avoid or to minimise negative effects on montenegro from the sanc- tions imposed on the federal republic of yugoslavia and/or serbia; whereas for that reason and on the basis of the informa- tion available the council decided to exempt montenegro airlines from the flight ban imposed by regulation (ec) no 1901/98 as far as authorisations for charter flights between leipzig and tivat are concerned; whereas in its conclusions of 6 december 1998, the council instructed its competent bodies to study options, on the basis of a commission proposal, for the exemption of montenegro airlines from the flight ban on yugoslav carriers; whereas, since then the montenegrin government has expressed its interest in authorisations for other flights by montenegro airlines between montenegro and the euro- pean community and has been able to provide conclusive evidence to the commission that such authorisations will not benefit, directly or indirectly, the serbian or federal yugoslav authorities, has adopted this regulation: article 1 paragraph 1(b) of article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1901/ 98 shall be replaced by the following: (b) authorisations for individual or charter series flights by montenegro airlines between monte- negro and the european community, on the condition that conclusive evidence is provided by the montenegrin government to the european commission upon its request that neither the serbian nor the federal yugoslav authorities will benefit, directly or indirectly, from the revenues resulting from the flights authorised under this paragraph. if this condition is no longer fulfilled, the commission will make an official notification to this effect in the official journal.' article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. (1) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 3. (2) oj l 248, 8. 9. 1998, p. 1. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 25 january 1999. for the council the president j. fischer en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/7
name: commission regulation (ec) no 217/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; plant product; america; free movement of capital date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/13 commission regulation (ec) no 217/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas article 10 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 provides that the rates of duty in the common customs tariff are to be charged on import of the products referred to in article 1 of that regulation; whereas, however, in the case of the products referred to in para- graph 2 of that article, the import duty is to be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question; however, that duty may not exceed the rate of duty in the common customs tariff; whereas, pursuant to article 10 (3) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, the cif import prices are calculated on the basis of the representative prices for the product in ques- tion on the world market; whereas regulation (ec) no 1249/96 lays down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector; whereas the import duties are applicable until new duties are fixed and enter into force; whereas they also remain in force in cases where no quotation is available for the reference exchange referred to in annex ii to regulation (ec) no 1249/96 during the two weeks preceding the next periodical fixing; whereas, in order to allow the import duty system to function normally, the representative market rates recorded during a reference period should be used for calculating the duties; whereas application of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 results in import duties being fixed as set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the import duties in the cereals sector referred to in article 10 (2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 shall be those fixed in annex i to this regulation on the basis of the information given in annex ii. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/14 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 55,30 45,30 medium quality (1) 65,30 55,30 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 49,24 39,24 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 49,24 39,24 medium quality 81,03 71,03 low quality 101,61 91,61 1002 00 00 rye 103,46 93,46 1003 00 10 barley, seed 103,46 93,46 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 103,46 93,46 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 102,48 92,48 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 102,48 92,48 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 103,46 93,46 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/15 annex ii factors for calculating duties (period from 15 january 1999 to 28 january 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (*) us barley 2 quotation (eur/tonne) 113,92 98,21 86,21 73,37 134,61 (**) 124,61 86,45 (**) gulf premium (eur/tonne) 26,75 10,68 2,09 14,06 great lakes premium (eur/tonne) (*) a discount of eur 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob gulf. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: eur 11,03 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: eur 21,41 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) eur 0,00 per tonne (srw2).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 218/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the refunds applicable to cereal and rice sector products supplied as community and national food aid type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product; economic policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/16 commission regulation (ec) no 218/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the refunds applicable to cereal and rice sector products supplied as community and national food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 2547/98 (2), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 13(2) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (3), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (4), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas article 2 of council regulation (eec) no 2681/ 74 of 21 october 1974 on community financing of expenditure incurred in respect of the supply of agricul- tural products as food aid (5) lays down that the portion of the expenditure corresponding to the export refunds on the products in question fixed under community rules is to be charged to the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund, guarantee section; whereas, in order to make it easier to draw up and manage the budget for community food aid actions and to enable the member states to know the extent of community participation in the financing of national food aid actions, the level of the refunds granted for these actions should be determined; whereas the general and implementing rules provided for in article 13 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 and in article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 on export refunds are applicable mutatis mutandis to the above- mentioned operations; whereas the specific criteria to be used for calculating the export refund on rice are set out in article 13 of regula- tion (ec) no 3072/95; whereas the measures provided for this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for community and national food aid operations under international agreements or other supplementary programmes, and other community free supply measures, the refunds applicable to cereals and rice sector products shall be as set out in the annex. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (4) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (5) oj l 288, 25. 10. 1974, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/17 annex to the commission regulation of 29 january 1999 fixing the refunds applicable to cereal and rice sector products supplied as community and national food aid (eur/tonne) product code refund 1001 10 00 9400 0,00 1001 90 99 9000 31,50 1002 00 00 9000 74,00 1003 00 90 9000 51,00 1004 00 00 9400 59,00 1005 90 00 9000 49,00 1006 30 92 9100 142,00 1006 30 92 9900 142,00 1006 30 94 9100 142,00 1006 30 94 9900 142,00 1006 30 96 9100 142,00 1006 30 96 9900 142,00 1006 30 98 9100 142,00 1006 30 98 9900 142,00 1006 30 65 9900 142,00 1006 40 00 9000 1007 00 90 9000 49,00 1101 00 15 9100 44,00 1101 00 15 9130 44,00 1102 20 10 9200 77,66 1102 20 10 9400 66,56 1102 30 00 9000 1102 90 10 9100 73,35 1103 11 10 9200 30,00 1103 11 90 9200 30,00 1103 13 10 9100 99,85 1103 14 00 9000 1104 12 90 9100 103,44 1104 21 50 9100 97,80 nb: the product codes and the footnotes are defined in commission regulation (eec) no 3846/87 (oj l 366, 24. 12. 1987, p. 1), amended.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 227/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 24th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 type: regulation subject matter: marketing; processed agricultural produce; food technology; agricultural policy; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/34 commission regulation (ec) no 227/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 24th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 804/68 of 27 june 1968 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (1), as last amended by regula- tion (ec) no 1587/96 (2), and in particular article 6(3) and (6) and article 12(3) thereof, whereas the intervention agencies are, pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2571/97 of 15 december 1997 on the sale of butter at reduced prices and the granting of aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for use in the manufacture of pastry products, ice-cream and other foodstuffs (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 124/1999 (4), to sell by invitation to tender certain quantities of butter that they hold and to grant aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas article 18 of that regulation stipulates that in the light of the tenders received in response to each individual invitation to tender a minimum selling price shall be fixed for butter and maximum aid shall be fixed for cream, butter and concentrated butter; whereas it is further stipulated that the price or aid may vary according to the intended use of the butter, its fat content and the incorporation procedure, and that a decision may also be taken to make no award in response to the tenders submitted; whereas the amount(s) of the processing secur- ities must be fixed accordingly; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for milk and milk products, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum aid and processing securities applying for the 24th individual invitation to tender, under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97, shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 30 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 13. (2) oj l 206, 16. 8. 1996, p. 21. (3) oj l 350, 20. 12. 1997, p. 3. (4) oj l 16, 21. 1. 1999, p. 19. en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/35 annex to the commission regulation of 29 january 1999 fixing the minimum selling prices for butter and the maximum aid for cream, butter and concentrated butter for the 24th individual invitation to tender under the standing invitation to tender provided for in regulation (ec) no 2571/97 (eur/100 kg) formula a b incorporation procedure with tracers without tracers with tracers without tracers minimum butter unaltered selling price 82 % concentrated unaltered processing security concentrated butter 82 % 95 91 91 maximum butter : 82 % 92 88 92 88 aid concentrated butter 117 113 117 113 cream 40 38 butter 105 105 processing security concentrated butter 129 129 cream 44
name: commission regulation (ec) no 231/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/39 commission regulation (ec) no 231/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 13(3) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the export refund on rice was issued pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2565/98 (3); whereas article 5 of commission regulation (eec) no 584/75 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 299/ 95 (5), allows the commission to fix, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum export refund; whereas in fixing this maximum, the criteria provided for in article 13 of regu- lation (ec) no 3072/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum export refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the rice in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the maximum export refund on wholly milled medium round grain and long grain a rice to be exported to certain third countries of europe pursuant to the invita- tion to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2565/98 is hereby fixed on the basis of the tenders submitted from 25 to 28 january 1999 at eur 108,00 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 30 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 46. (4) oj l 61, 7. 3. 1975, p. 25. (5) oj l 35, 15. 2. 1995, p. 8.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 233/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the maximum subsidy for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; africa; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/41 commission regulation (ec) no 233/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the maximum subsidy for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 10(1) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2692/89 of 6 september 1989 laying down detailed rules for exports of rice to r union (3), and in particular article 9(1) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2563/98 (4) opens an invitation to tender for the subsidy on rice exported to r union; whereas article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum subsidy; whereas the criteria laid down in articles 2 and 3 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89 should be taken into account when fixing this maximum subsidy; whereas successful tenderers shall be those bids at or below the level of the maximum subsidy; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 a maximum subsidy on exports to r union of husked long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 20 98 is hereby set on the basis of the tenders lodged from 25 to 28 january 1999 at eur 283 per tonne pursuant to the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 30 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 29, 7. 9. 1989, p. 8. (4) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 40.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 234/1999 of 29 january 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the canary islands type: regulation subject matter: trade; regions of eu member states; production; cooperation policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/42 commission regulation (ec) no 234/1999 of 29 january 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the canary islands the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1601/92 of 15 june 1992 introducing specific measures in respect of certain agricultural products for the benefit of the canary islands (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2348/96 (2), and in particular article 3 thereof, whereas, pursuant to article 3 of regulation (eec) no 1601/92, the requirements of the canary islands for rice are to be covered in terms of quantity, price and quality by the mobilization, on disposal terms equivalent to exemption from the levy, of community rice, which involves the grant of an aid for supplies of community origin; whereas this aid is to be fixed with particular reference to the costs of the various sources of supply and in particular is to be based on the prices applied to exports to third countries; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2790/94 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 825/98 (4), lays down common detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricultural prod- ucts, including rice, to the canary islands; whereas, as a result of the application of these detailed rules to the current market situation in the rice sector, and in particular to the rates of prices for these products in the european part of the community and on the world market, the aid for supply to the canary islands should be set at the amounts given in the annex; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 pursuant to article 3 of regulation (eec) no 1601/92, the amount of aid for the supply of rice of community origin under the specific arrangements for the supply of the canary islands shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13. (2) oj l 320, 11. 12. 1996, p. 1. (3) oj l 296, 17. 11. 1994, p. 23. (4) oj l 117, 21. 4. 1998, p. 5. en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/43 annex to the commission regulation of 29 january 1999 setting the amounts of aid for the supply of rice products from the community to the canary islands (eur/tonne) product (cn code) amount of aid milled rice (1006 30) 106,00 broken rice (1006 40) 23,00
name: commission regulation (ec) no 236/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending the issue of export licences type: regulation subject matter: tariff policy; plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 1. 1999l 23/46 commission regulation (ec) no 236/1999 of 29 january 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending the issue of export licences the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 13(3) and (15) thereof, whereas article 13 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 provides that the difference between quotations or prices on the world market for the products listed in article 1 of that regulation and prices for those products within the community may be covered by an export refund; whereas article 13(4) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95, provides that when refunds are being fixed account must be taken of the existing situation and the future trend with regard to prices and availabilities of rice and broken rice on the community market on the one hand and prices for rice and broken rice on the world market on the other; whereas the same article provides that it is also important to ensure equilibrium and the natural develop- ment of prices and trade on the rice market and, further- more, to take into account the economic aspect of the proposed exports and the need to avoid disturbances of the community market with limits resulting from agree- ments concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 1361/76 (3) lays down the maximum percentage of broken rice allowed in rice for which an export refund is fixed and specifies the percentage by which that refund is to be reduced where the proportion of broken rice in the rice exported exceeds that maximum; whereas export possibilities exist for a quantity of 3 000 tonnes of rice to certain destinations; whereas the proce- dure laid down in article 7(4) of commission regulation (ec) no 1162/95 (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 444/98 (5) should be used; whereas account should be taken of this when the refunds are fixed; whereas article 13(5) of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 defines the specific criteria to be taken into account when the export refund on rice and broken rice is being calcu- lated; whereas the world market situation or the specific requirements of certain markets may make it necessary to vary the refund for certain products according to destina- tion; whereas a separate refund should be fixed for packaged long grain rice to accommodate current demand for the product on certain markets; whereas the refund must be fixed at least once a month; whereas it may be altered in the intervening period; whereas it follows from applying these rules and criteria to the present situation on the market in rice and in particular to quotations or prices for rice and broken rice within the community and on the world market, that the refund should be fixed as set out in the annex hereto; whereas, for the purposes of administering the volume restrictions resulting from community commitments in the context of the wto, the issue of export licences with advance fixing of the refund should be restricted; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the export refunds on the products listed in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 with the exception of those listed in paragraph 1(c) of that article, exported in the natural state, shall be as set out in the annex hereto. article 2 with the exception of the quantity of 3 000 tonnes provided for in the annex, the issue of export licences with advance fixing of the refund is suspended. article 3 this regulation shall enter into force on 1 february 1999. (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 154, 15. 6. 1976, p. 11. (4) oj l 117, 24. 5. 1995, p. 2. (5) oj l 56, 26. 2. 1998, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities30. 1. 1999 l 23/47 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 january 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amountof refunds (eur/tonne) product code destination (1) amountof refunds annex to the commission regulation of 29 january 1999 fixing the export refunds on rice and broken rice and suspending, the issue of export licences 1006 20 11 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 13 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 15 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 17 9000 1006 20 92 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 94 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 96 9000 01 74,00 1006 20 98 9000 1006 30 21 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 23 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 25 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 27 9000 1006 30 42 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 44 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 46 9000 01 74,00 1006 30 48 9000 1006 30 61 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 61 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 63 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 63 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 65 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 65 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 67 9100 05 1006 30 67 9900 1006 30 92 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 92 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 94 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 94 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 96 9100 01 92,00 02 03 04 1006 30 96 9900 01 92,00 04 1006 30 98 9100 05 1006 30 98 9900 1006 40 00 9000 (1) the destinations are identified as follows: 01 liechtenstein, switzerland, the communes of livigno and campione ditalia; refunds fixed under the procedure laid down in article 7(4) of regulation (ec) no 1162/95 in respect of a quantity of 3 000 tonnes of milled rice equivalent, 02 zones i, ii, iii, vi, ceuta and melilla, 03 zones iv, v, vii (c), canada and zone viii excluding suriname, guyana and madagascar, 04 destinations mentioned in article 34 of amended commission regulation (eec) no 3665/87, 05 ceuta and melilla. nb: the zones are those defined in the annex to amended commission regulation (eec) no 2145/92.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 245/1999 of 1 february 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of barley held by the danish intervention agency type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; europe; trade; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/11 commission regulation (ec) no 245/1999 of 1 february 1999 opening a standing invitation to tender for the export of barley held by the danish intervention agency the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedure and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by intervention agencies; whereas, given the current market situation, a standing invitation to tender should be opened for the export of 75 000 tonnes of barley held by the danish intervention agency; whereas special procedures must be laid down to ensure that the operations and their monitoring are properly effected; whereas, to that end, provision should be made for a security lodgement scheme which ensures that aims are met while avoiding excessive costs for the operators; whereas derogations should accordingly be made to certain rules, in particular those laid down in regulation (eec) no 2131/93; whereas, where removal of the barley is delayed by more than five days or the release of one of the securities required is delayed for reasons imputable to the interven- tion agency the member state concerned must pay compensation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 subject to the provisions of this regulation the danish intervention agency issues a standing invitation to tender for the export of barley held by it in accordance with regulation (eec) no 2131/93. article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 75 000 tonnes of barley for export to third countries, with the exception of the united states, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 75 000 tonnes of barley are stored are set out in annex i. article 3 1. notwithstanding the third paragraph of article 16 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the price to be paid for the export shall be that quoted in the tender. 2. no export refund or tax or monthly increase shall be granted on exports carried out pursuant to this regula- tion. 3. article 8(2) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 shall not apply. article 4 1. the export licences shall be valid from their date of issue within the meaning of article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 until the end of the fourth month thereafter. 2. tenders submitted in response to this invitation to tender may not be accompanied by export licence applications submitted pursuant to article 44 of commis- sion regulation (eec) no 3719/88 (5). article 5 1. notwithstanding article 7(1) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of the first partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 4 february 1999. 2. the time limit for submission of tenders in respect of subsequent partial invitations to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) each thursday thereafter. 3. the last partial invitation to tender shall be 9 a.m. (brussels time) on 27 may 1999. 4. tenders shall be lodged with the danish interven- tion agency.(1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 191, 31. 7. 1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9. 1. 1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 331, 2. 12. 1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 2. 2. 1999l 27/12 article 6 1. the intervention agency, the storer and the successful tenderer shall, at the request of the latter and by common agreement, either before or at the time of removal from storage as the successful tenderer chooses, take reference samples for counter-analysis at the rate of at least one sample for every 500 tonnes and shall analyse the samples. the intervention agency may be represented by a proxy, provided this is not the storer. the analysis results shall be forwarded to the commission in the event of a dispute. reference samples for counter-analysis shall be taken and analysed within seven working days of the date of the successful tenderers request or within three working days if the samples are taken on removal from storage. where the final result of sample analyses indicates a quality: (a) higher than that specified in the notice of invitation to tender, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as established; (b) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, providing that the differences having regard to those criteria do not exceed the following limits: two kilograms per hectolitre as regards specific weight, which must not, however, be less than 60 kg/hl, one percentage point as regards moisture content, half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in points b.2 and b.4 of the annex to commission regulation (eec) no 689/92 (1), and half a percentage point as regards impurities as specified in point b.5 of the annex to regulation (eec) no 689/92, the percentages admissible for noxious grains and ergot, however, remaining unchanged, the successful tenderer must accept the lot as estab- lished; (c) higher than the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention but below the quality described in the notice of invitation to tender, and a difference exceeding the limits set out in point (b), the successful tenderer may: accept the lot as established, or refuse to take over the lot in question. the successful tenderer shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii; however, if he requests the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention barley of the quality laid down at no additional charge, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall notify the commission immediately thereof in accordance with annex ii; (d) below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the successful tenderer may not remove the lot in question. he shall be discharged of all his obligations relating to the lot in question and the securities shall be released only once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forth- with in accordance with annex ii; however, he may request the intervention agency to supply him with another lot of intervention barley of the quality laid down at no additional charge. in that case, the security shall not be released. the lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderers request. the successful tenderer shall immediately inform the commission thereof in accordance with annex ii. 2. however, if the barley is removed before the results of the analyses are known, all risks shall be borne by the successful tenderer from the time the lot is removed, without prejudice to any means of redress of which he may avail himself against the storer. 3. if, as a result of successive replacements, the successful tenderer has not received a replacement lot of the quality laid down within one month of the date of his request for a replacement, he shall be discharged of all his obligations and the securities shall be released once he has informed the commission and the intervention agency forthwith in accordance with annex ii. 4. except where the final results of analyses indicate a quality below the minimum characteristics laid down for intervention, the costs of taking the samples and conducting the analyses provided for in paragraph 1 but not of inter-bin transfers shall be borne by the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund (eaggf) in respect of up to one analysis per 500 tonnes. the costs of inter-bin transfers and any additional analyses requested by the successful tenderer shall be borne by him. article 7 by derogation from article 12 of commission regulation (eec) no 3002/92 (2), the documents relating to the sale of barley in accordance with this regulation, and in particular the export licence, the removal order referred to in article 3(1)(b) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92, the export declaration and, where necessary, the t5 copy shall carry the entry: (1) oj l 74, 20. 3. 1992, p. 18. (2) oj l 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/13 cebada de intervenci n sin aplicaci n de restituci n ni gravamen, reglamento (ce) no 245/1999 byg fra intervention uden restitutionsydelse eller -afgift, forordning (ef) nr. 245/1999 interventionsgerste ohne anwendung von ausfuhrer- stattungen oder ausfuhrabgaben, verordnung (eg) nr. 245/1999 r r r , r ( ) . 245/1999 intervention barley without application of refund or tax, regulation (ec) no 245/1999 orge dintervention ne donnant pas lieu restitution ni taxe, r glement (ce) no 245/1999 orzo dintervento senza applicazione di restituzione n di tassa, regolamento (ce) n. 245/1999 gerst uit interventie, zonder toepassing van restitutie of belasting, verordening (eg) nr. 245/1999 cevada de interven o sem aplica o de uma resti- tui o ou imposi o, regulamento (ce) n 245/1999 interventio-ohraa, johon ei sovelleta vientitukea eik vientimaksua, asetus (ey) n:o 245/1999 interventionskorn, utan till mpning av bidrag eller avgift, f rordning (eg) nr 245/1999. article 8 1. the security lodgement pursuant to article 13(4) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93 must be released once the export licences have been issued to the successful tenderers. 2. notwithstanding article 17 of regulation (eec) no 2131/93, the obligation to export shall be covered by a security equal to the difference between the intervention price applying on the day of the award and the price awarded but not less than eur 10 per tonne. half of the security shall be lodged when the licence is issued and the balance shall be lodged before the cereals are removed. notwithstanding article 15(2) of regulation (eec) no 3002/92: the part of the security lodged when the licence is issued must be released within 20 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer provides proof that the cereals removed have left the customs ter- ritory of the community. notwithstanding article 17(3) of regulation (eec) no 2131/93: the remainder must be released within 15 working days of the date on which the successful tenderer provides the proof referred to in article 18 of regula- tion (eec) no 3665/87. 3. except in duly substantiated exceptional cases, in particular the opening of an administrative enquiry, any release of the securities provided for in this article after the time limits specified in this same article shall confer an entitlement to compensation from the member state amounting to eur 0,015 per 10 tonnes for each days delay. this compensation shall not be charged to the eaggf. article 9 within two hours of the expiry of the time limit for the submission of tenders, the danish intervention agency shall notify the commission of tenders received. such notification shall be made using the model set out in annex iii and the telex or fax numbers set out in annex iv. article 10 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 1 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission en official journal of the european communities 2. 2. 1999l 27/14 (tonnes) place of storage quantity annex i jylland 54 017 fyn 2 998 sj lland 17 985 annex ii communication of refusal of lots under the standing invitation to tender for the export of barley held by the danish intervention agency (article 6(1) of regulation (ec) no 245/1999) name of successful tenderer: date of award of contract: date of refusal of lot by successful tenderer: lot no quantity in tonnes address of silo reason for refusal to take over specific weight (kg/hl) % sprouted grains % miscellaneous impurities (schwarzbesatz) % of matter which is not basic cereal of unim- paired quality other en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tender no consignmentno quantity (tonnes) offer price (eur/tonne) (1) price increases (+) or reductions ( ) (eur/tonne) p.m. commercial costs (eur/tonne) destination annex iii standing invitation to tender for the export of barley held by the danish intervention agency (regulation (ec) no 245/1999) 1 2 3 etc. (1) this price includes the increases or reductions relating to the lot to which the tender refers. annex iv the only numbers to use to call brussels are (dg vi-c-1) fax 296 49 56, 295 25 15; telex 22037 agrec b, 22070 agrec b (greek characters).
name: commission regulation (ec) no 246/1999 of 1 february 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; plant product; trade; africa date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 2. 2. 1999l 27/16 commission regulation (ec) no 246/1999 of 1 february 1999 on the supply of cereals as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has al- located cereals to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 cereals shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/ 97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 1 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/17 annex lot a 1. action no: 108/98 2. beneficiary (2): wfp (world food programme), via cristoforo colombo 426, i-00145 roma tel.: (39-6) 65 13 29 88; fax: 65 13 28 44/3; telex: 626675 wfp i 3. beneficiarys representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: angola 5. product to be mobilised: maize 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 7 500 7. number of lots: 1 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a(1)(d)) 9. packaging: see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (1.0.a(1)(c), (2)(c) and b(2)) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (ii.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: portuguese supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: the community market 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment fob stowed and trimmed 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 8 28.3.1999 second deadline: 22.3 11.4.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 16.2.1999 second deadline: 2.3.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 5 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32-2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): refund applicable on 29.1.1999, fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2753/98 (oj l 345, 19.12.1998, p. 23) en official journal of the european communities 2. 2. 1999l 27/18 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel.: (32 2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel.: (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that indicated in point 22 of this annex. the suppliers attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax: (32 2) 296 20 05). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: phytosanitary certificate. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29 april 1991, point ii.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 247/1999 of 1 february 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector type: regulation subject matter: eu finance; trade; plant product; free movement of capital; america date published: nan en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/19 commission regulation (ec) no 247/1999 of 1 february 1999 amending the import duties in the cereals sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1249/ 96 of 28 june 1996 laying down detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 as regards import duties in the cereals sector (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2519/98 (4), and in particular article 2 (1) thereof, whereas the import duties in the cereals sector are fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 217/1999 (5); whereas article 2, (1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 provides that if during the period of application, the average import duty calculated differs by ecu 5 per tonne from the duty fixed, a corresponding adjustment is to be made; whereas such a difference has arisen; whereas it is therefore necessary to adjust the import duties fixed in regulation (ec) no 217/1999, has adopted this regulation: article 1 annexes i and ii to regulation (ec) no 217/1999 are hereby replaced by annexes i and ii to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 2 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 1 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 161, 29. 6. 1996, p. 125. (4) oj l 315, 25. 11. 1998, p. 7. (5) oj l 23, 30. 1. 1999, p. 13. en official journal of the european communities 2. 2. 1999l 27/20 annex i import duties for the products covered by article 10(2) of regulation (eec) no 1766/92 cn code description import duty by land inland waterway or sea from mediterranean, the black sea or baltic sea ports (eur/tonne) import duty by air or by sea from other ports (2) (eur/tonne) 1001 10 00 durum wheat high quality 55,30 45,30 medium quality (1) 65,30 55,30 1001 90 91 common wheat seed 49,24 39,24 1001 90 99 common high quality wheat other than for sowing (3) 49,24 39,24 medium quality 81,03 71,03 low quality 101,61 91,61 1002 00 00 rye 96,85 86,85 1003 00 10 barley, seed 96,85 86,85 1003 00 90 barley, other (3) 96,85 86,85 1005 10 90 maize seed other than hybrid 102,48 92,48 1005 90 00 maize other than seed (3) 102,48 92,48 1007 00 90 grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing 96,85 86,85 (1) in the case of durum wheat not meeting the minimum quality requirements for durum wheat of medium quality, referred to in annex i to regulation (ec) no 1249/96, the duty applicable is that fixed for low-quality common wheat. (2) for goods arriving in the community via the atlantic ocean or via the suez canal (article 2(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96), the importer may benefit from a reduction in the duty of: eur 3 per tonne, where the port of unloading is on the mediterranean sea, or eur 2 per tonne, where the port of unloading is in ireland, the united kingdom, denmark, sweden, finland or the atlantic coasts of the iberian peninsula. (3) the importer may benefit from a flat-rate reduction of eur 14 or 8 per tonne, where the conditions laid down in article 2(5) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96 are met. en official journal of the european communities2. 2. 1999 l 27/21 annex ii factors for calculating duties (for 29 january 1999) 1. averages over the two-week period preceding the day of fixing: exchange quotations minneapolis kansas-city chicago chicago minneapolis minneapolis minneapolis product (% proteins at 12 % humidity) hrs2. 14 % hrw2. 11,5 % srw2 yc3 had2 medium quality (**) us barley 2 quotation (eur/tonne) 113,92 98,21 86,21 73,37 134,61 (*) 124,61 (*) 92,89 (*) gulf premium (eur/tonne) 26,75 10,68 2,09 14,06 great lakes premium (eur/tonne) (*) a discount of eur 10 per tonne (article 4(1) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96). (**) fob gulf. 2. freight/cost: gulf of mexico rotterdam: eur 11,20 per tonne; great lakes rotterdam: eur 21,41 per tonne. 3. subsidy within the meaning of the third paragraph of article 4(2) of regulation (ec) no 1249/96: eur 0,00 per tonne (hrw2) : eur 0,00 per tonne (srw2).
name: council regulation (ec) no 248/1999 of 22 december 1998 concerning the export of certain ecsc and ec steel products from the czech republic to the community for the period 1 january to 31 december 1999 (extension of the double-checking system) type: regulation subject matter: european union law; europe; trade; international trade; trade policy; iron, steel and other metal industries date published: nan en official journal of the european communities3. 2. 1999 l 29/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec) no 248/1999 of 22 december 1998 concerning the export of certain ecsc and ec steel products from the czech republic to the community for the period 1 january to 31 december 1999 (extension of the double-checking system) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, and in particular article 113 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas a europe agreement establishing an association between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the czech republic, of the other part, entered into force on 1 february 1995 (1); whereas the parties decided in association council decision no 7/98 (2) to extend the double-checking system introduced by decision no 3/97 (3) for the period between 1 january and 31 december 1999; whereas it is consequently necessary to extend the community implementing legislation introduced by council regulation (ec) no 87/98 of 19 december 1997 concerning the export of certain ecsc and ec steel products from the czech republic to the community for the period 1 january to 31 december 1998 (renewal of the double-checking system) (4), has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. council regulation (ec) no 87/98 shall continue to apply for the period between 1 january and 31 december 1999, in accordance with the provisions of association council decision no 7/98 between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the czech republic, of the other part, subject to the amendment to that regulation referred to in article 1(2). in the title, preamble and article 1(1) and (4) of the regulation, references to the period 1 january to 31 december 1998 shall be replaced by references to 1 january to 31 december 1999. 2. annex i shall be replaced by the annex to this regulation. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. it shall apply with effect from 1 january 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 22 december 1998. for the council the president c. einem (1) oj l 360, 31. 12. 1994, p. 2. (2) see page 26 of this official journal. (3) oj l 13, 19. 1. 1998, p. 99. (4) oj l 13, 19. 1. 1998, p. 43. en official journal of the european communities 3. 2. 1999l 29/2 annex annex i czech republic list of products subject to double-checking (1999) heavy plates (excluding ex-cn codes) 7208 40 10 7208 51 30 7208 51 50 7208 51 91 7208 51 99 7208 52 91 7208 52 99 7208 54 10 7208 90 10 7208 90 90 cold-rolled sheet 7209 15 00 7209 16 90 7209 17 90 7209 18 91 7209 18 99 7209 25 00 7209 26 90 7209 27 90 7209 28 90 7211 23 10 7211 23 51 7211 29 20 beams and sections 7216 31 11 7216 31 19 7216 31 91 7216 31 99 7216 32 11 7216 32 19 7216 32 91 7216 32 99 welded tubes complete cn heading 7306'
name: commission regulation (ec) no 262/1999 of 3 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: plant product; cooperation policy; europe; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities4. 2. 1999 l 30/27 commission regulation (ec) no 262/1999 of 3 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indi- cated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 25,427 per 100 kilograms. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 58,763 per 100 kilograms in spain, eur 48,558 per 100 kilograms in greece, eur 80,873 per 100 kilograms in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 4 february 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 4. 2. 1999l 30/28 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 3 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 266/1999 of 4 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade; trade policy; eu finance date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 5. 2. 1999l 32/6 commission regulation (ec) no 266/1999 of 4 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into portugal was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2850/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in articles 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 29 january to 4 february 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2850/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 70,76 per tonne and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 53 600 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 44. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 273/1999 of 4 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 type: regulation subject matter: plant product; trade policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities5. 2. 1999 l 32/13 commission regulation (ec) no 273/1999 of 4 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1078/98 (5); whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 29 january to 4 february 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1078/98, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 49,98 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 5 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 4 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 154, 28. 5. 1998, p. 20.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 279/1999 of 5 february 1999 fixing the maximum subsidy for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; africa; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities6. 2. 1999 l 33/15 commission regulation (ec) no 279/1999 of 5 february 1999 fixing the maximum subsidy for the export of husked long grain rice to the island of r union referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 3072/95 of 22 december 1995 on the common organisation of the market in rice (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2072/98 (2), and in particular article 10(1) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (eec) no 2692/89 of 6 september 1989 laying down detailed rules for exports of rice to r union (3), and in particular article 9(1) thereof, whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2563/98 (4) opens an invitation to tender for the subsidy on rice exported to r union; whereas article 9 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89 allows the commission to decide, in accordance with the proce- dure laid down in article 22 of regulation (ec) no 3072/95 and on the basis of the tenders submitted, a maximum subsidy; whereas the criteria laid down in articles 2 and 3 of regulation (eec) no 2692/89 should be taken into account when fixing this maximum subsidy; whereas successful tenderers shall be those bids at or below the level of the maximum subsidy; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 a maximum subsidy on exports to r union of husked long grain rice falling within cn code 1006 20 98 is hereby set on the basis of the tenders lodged from 1 to 4 february 1999 at eur 283 per tonne pursuant to the invitation to tender referred to in regulation (ec) no 2563/98. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 6 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 5 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 329, 30. 12. 1995, p. 18. (2) oj l 265, 30. 9. 1998, p. 4. (3) oj l 29, 7. 9. 1989, p. 8. (4) oj l 320, 28. 11. 1998, p. 40.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 284/1999 of 8 february 1999 on the supply of white sugar as food aid type: regulation subject matter: trade; europe; beverages and sugar; cooperation policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 9. 2. 1999l 34/8 commission regulation (ec) no 284/1999 of 8 february 1999 on the supply of white sugar as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid manage- ment and special operations in support of food security (1), and in particular article 24(1)(b) thereof, whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has al- located white sugar to certain beneficiaries; whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accord- ance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied pursuant to council regulation (ec) no 1292/ 96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is necessary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to deter- mine the resultant costs, has adopted this regulation: article 1 white sugar shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/ 97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 8 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5. 7. 1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17. 12. 1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities9. 2. 1999 l 34/9 annex lot a 1. action no: 107/98 2. beneficiary (2): cicr, 19 avenue de la paix, ch-1202 gen ve (tel.: (41 22) 734 60 01; telex: 22269 cicr ch) 3. beneficiarys representative: icrc tbilissi, dutu megreli st. 1, 380003 tbilissi, georgia (tel.: (7 8832) 93 55 11; fax 93 55 20) 4. country of destination: georgia 5. product to be mobilized: white sugar 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 300 7. number of lots: 1 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (5) (8): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (v.a(1)) 9. packaging (7): see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (11.2.a(1)(a), (2)(a) and b(2)) 10. labelling or marking (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (v.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: english supplementary markings: icrc' 11. method of mobilization of the product: sugar produced in the community in accordance with the sixth subparagraph of article 24(1a) of council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 as follows: a or b sugar (points (a) and (b)) 12. specified delivery stage: free at destination (9) 13. alternative delivery stage: free at port of shipment or ex works (10) 14. (a) port of shipment: (b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: icrc warehouse, castello st. 30a, 354341 adler, russian federation (tel.: (7 86 22) 97 40 60, fax: 44 13 34) port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: 18.4.1999 second deadline: 2.5.1999 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: 15 28.3.1999 second deadline: 29.3 11.4.1999 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 23.2.1999 second deadline: 9.3.1999 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 15 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de laide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/ wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel; telex 25670 agrec b; fax (32 2) 296 70 03 / 296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund (4): periodic refund applicable to white sugar on 5.2.1999, fixed by commission regula- tion (ec) no 261/1999 (oj l 30, 4.2.1999, p. 25) en official journal of the european communities 9. 2. 1999l 34/10 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65) torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) commission regulation (ec) no 259/98 (oj l 25, 31.1.1998, p. 39), is applicable as regards the export refund. the date referred to in article 2 of the said regulation is that indicated in point 22 of this annex. the suppliers attention is drawn to the last subparagraph of article 4(1) of the above regulation. the photocopy of the export licence shall be sent as soon as the export declaration has been accepted (fax (32 2) 296 20 05)). (5) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: health certificate. (6) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29.4.1991, point v.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community '. (7) since the goods may be rebagged, the supplier must provide 2 % of empty bags of the same quality as those containing the goods, with the marking followed by a capital r'. (8) the rule provided at the second indent of article 18(2)(a) of commission regulation (eec) no 2103/77 (oj l 246, 27.9.1977, p. 12), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 260/96 (oj l 34, 13.2.1996, p. 16), is binding for determination of the sugar category. (9) in addition to the provisions of article 14(3) of regulation (ec) no 2519/97, vessels chartered shall not appear on any of the four most recent quarterly lists of detained vessels as published by the paris memorandum of understanding on port state control (council directive 95/21/ec (oj l 157, 7.7.1995, p. 1)). (10) in case of delivery by land only, article 7(7)(e) of commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 (oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23) applies.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 291/1999 of 9 february 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations originating in israel type: regulation subject matter: trade; tariff policy; europe; africa; agricultural activity; asia and oceania date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 10. 2. 1999l 36/8 commission regulation (ec) no 291/1999 of 9 february 1999 re-establishing the preferential customs duty on imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations originating in israel the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 4088/87 of 21 december 1987 fixing conditions for the applica- tion of preferential customs duties on imports of certain flowers originating in cyprus, israel, jordan and morocco (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1300/ 97 (2), and in particular article 5(2)(b) thereof, whereas regulation (eec) no 4088/87 fixes conditions for the application of a preferential customs duty on large-flowered roses, small-flowered roses, uniflorous (bloom) carnations and multiflorous (spray) carnations within the limit of tariff quotas opened annually for imports of fresh cut flowers into the community; whereas council regulation (ec) no 1981/94 (3), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 650/98 (4), opens and provides for the administration of community tariff quotas for certain products originating in algeria, cyprus, egypt, israel, jordan, malta, morocco, the west bank and the gaza strip, tunisia and turkey, and providing detailed rules for extending and adapting these tariff quotas; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 290/1999 (5) fixed community producer prices for carnations and roses for application of the arrangements for importation from the countries in question; whereas commission regulation (eec) no 700/88 (6), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2062/97 (7), laid down detailed rules for the application of these arrange- ments; whereas the preferential customs duty fixed for multi- florous (spray) carnations originating in israel by regula- tion (ec) no 1981/94 was suspended by commission regulation (ec) no 72/1999 (8); whereas on the basis of price recordings made as speci- fied in regulations (eec) no 4088/87 and (eec) no 700/88 it must be concluded that the requirement for reintroduction of the preferential customs duty laid down in the last indent of article 2(4) of regulation (eec) no 4088/87 is met for multiflorous (spray) carnations origin- ating in israel; whereas the preferential customs duty should be reintroduced; whereas in between meetings of the management committee, the commission must adopt such measures, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. for imports of multiflorous (spray) carnations (cn codes ex 0603 10 13 and ex 0603 10 53) originating in israel the preferential customs duty set by regulation (ec) no 1981/94 is reintroduced. 2. regulation (ec) no 721/1999 is hereby repealed. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 february 1999. (1) oj l 382, 31. 12. 1987, p. 22. (2) oj l 177, 5. 7. 1997, p. 1. (3) oj l 199, 2. 8. 1994, p. 1. (4) oj l 88, 24. 3. 1998, p. 8. (5) see page 6 of this official journal. (6) oj l 72, 18. 3. 1988, p. 16. (7) oj l 264, 23. 10. 1993, p. 33. (8) oj l 7, 13. 1. 1999, p. 8. en official journal of the european communities10. 2. 1999 l 36/9 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 9 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 300/1999 of 10 february 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector type: regulation subject matter: prices; foodstuff; eu finance; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 2. 1999 l 37/11 commission regulation (ec) no 300/1999 of 10 february 1999 fixing the representative prices and the additional import duties for molasses in the sugar sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1785/81 of 30 june 1981 on the common organization of the market in sugar (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1148/98 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1422/ 95 of 23 june 1995 laying down detailed rules of applica- tion for imports of molasses in the sugar sector and amending regulation (eec) no 785/68 (3), and in partic- ular articles 1 (2) and 3 (1) thereof, whereas regulation (ec) no 1422/95 stipulates that the cif import price for molasses, hereinafter referred to as the representative price', should be set in accordance with commission regulation (eec) no 785/68 (4); whereas that price should be fixed for the standard quality defined in article 1 of the above regulation; whereas the representative price for molasses is calcu- lated at the frontier crossing point into the community, in this case amsterdam; whereas that price must be based on the most favourable purchasing opportunities on the world market established on the basis of the quotations or prices on that market adjusted for any deviations from the standard quality; whereas the standard quality for molasses is defined in regulation (eec) no 785/68; whereas, when the most favourable purchasing opportun- ities on the world market are being established, account must be taken of all available information on offers on the world market, on the prices recorded on important third-country markets and on sales concluded in inter- national trade of which the commission is aware, either directly or through the member states; whereas, under article 7 of regulation (eec) no 785/68, the commis- sion may for this purpose take an average of several prices as a basis, provided that this average is representative of actual market trends; whereas the information must be disregarded if the goods concerned are not of sound and fair marketable quality or if the price quoted in the offer relates only to a small quantity that is not representative of the market; whereas offer prices which can be regarded as not rep- resentative of actual market trends must also be dis- regarded; whereas, if information on molasses of the standard quality is to be comparable, prices must, depending on the quality of the molasses offered, be increased or reduced in the light of the results achieved by applying article 6 of regulation (eec) no 785/68; whereas a representative price may be left unchanged by way of exception for a limited period if the offer price which served as a basis for the previous calculation of the representative price is not available to the commission and if the offer prices which are available and which appear not to be sufficiently representative of actual market trends would entail sudden and considerable changes in the representative price; whereas where there is a difference between the trigger price for the product in question and the representative price, additional import duties should be fixed under the conditions set out in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95; whereas should the import duties be suspended pursuant to article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, specific amounts for these duties should be fixed; whereas application of these provisions will have the effect of fixing the representative prices and the addi- tional import duties for the products in question as set out in the annex to this regulation; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for sugar, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the representative prices and the additional duties applying to imports of the products referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 are fixed in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 february 1999. (1) oj l 177, 1. 7. 1981, p. 4. (2) oj l 159, 3. 6. 1998, p. 38. (3) oj l 141, 24. 6. 1995, p. 12. (4) oj l 145, 27. 6. 1968, p. 12. en official journal of the european communities 11. 2. 1999l 37/12 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission annex fixing the representative prices and additional import duties applying to imports of molasses in the sugar sector cn code amount of the representative price in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question amount of the additional duty in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question amount of the duty to be applied to imports in eur per 100 kg net of the product in question because of suspension as referred to in article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95 (2) 1703 10 00 (1) 6,17 0,28 1703 90 00 (1) 7,32 0,02 (1) for the standard quality as defined in article 1 of amended regulation (eec) no 785/68. (2) this amount replaces, in accordance with article 5 of regulation (ec) no 1422/95, the rate of the common customs tariff duty fixed for these products.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 306/1999 of 10 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: prices; europe; economic policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities11. 2. 1999 l 37/23 commission regulation (ec) no 306/1999 of 10 february 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/ 98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical rela- tionship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1664/98 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more euro- pean exchanges for a cif product to a north european port from the supplier countries considered most repres- entative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; whereas the second subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity is overrun but with a minimum 7,5 % increase in the revised estimate for unginned cotton production; whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2591/98 (6) fixes the revised estimate of production of unginned cotton for the 1998/99 marketing year and the relevant percentage increase; whereas application of these rules gives the advance payment rates for each member state indicated hereunder, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indi- cated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at eur 22,582 per 100 kilograms. 2. advance payment of the aid as indicated in article 5 (3a), second sentence, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 shall be at the rate of: eur 61,608 per 100 kilograms in spain, eur 51,403 per 100 kilograms in greece, eur 83,718 per 100 kilograms in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 11 february 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30. 6. 1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4. 7. 1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4. 5. 1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 211, 29. 7. 1998, p. 9. (6) oj l 324, 2. 12. 1998, p. 25. en official journal of the european communities 11. 2. 1999l 37/24 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 10 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission
name: commission regulation (ec) no 320/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on oats in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2007/98 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities12. 2. 1999 l 38/45 commission regulation (ec) no 320/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on oats in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2007/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/ 95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2007/ 98 of 21 september 1998 on a special intervention measure for cereals in finland and sweden (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 244/1999 (6), and in particular article 8 thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the refund for the export of oats produced in finland and sweden for export from finland or sweden to all third countries was opened pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2007/98; whereas article 8 of regulation (ec) no 2007/98 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 5 to 11 february 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2007/98, the maximum refund on exportation of oats shall be eur 60,90 per tonne. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 147, 30. 6. 1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21. 11. 1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 258, 22. 9. 1998, p. 13. (6) oj l 27, 2. 2. 1999, p. 10.
name: commission regulation (ec) no 321/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 type: regulation subject matter: international trade; plant product; eu finance; trade policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 12. 2. 1999l 38/46 commission regulation (ec) no 321/1999 of 11 february 1999 fixing the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by commission regulation (ec) no 923/96 (2), and in particular article 12(1) thereof, whereas an invitation to tender for the maximum reduc- tion in the duty on maize imported into spain was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 2849/98 (3); whereas, pursuant to article 5 of commission regulation (ec) no 1839/95 (4), as amended by regulation (ec) no 1963/95 (5), the commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, may decide to fix a maximum reduction in the import duty; whereas in fixing this maximum the criteria provided for in article 6 and 7 of regulation (ec) no 1839/95 must be taken into account; whereas a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose tender is equal to or less than the maximum reduction in the duty; whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum reduction in the import duty being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; whereas the management committee for cereals has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 5 to 11 february 1999 pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 2849/98, the maximum reduction in the duty on maize imported shall be eur 69,84 per tonne and be valid for a total maximum quantity of 10 000 tonnes. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 12 february 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 11 february 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1. 7. 1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 126, 24. 5. 1996, p. 37. (3) oj l 358, 31. 12. 1998, p. 43. (4) oj l 177, 28. 7. 1995, p. 4. (5) oj l 189, 10. 8. 1995, p. 22.