{ "section_name": [ "Imitating Wisdom", "Gaining Experience", "Reflecting" ], "document": [ "Find people whom you respect and who emulate the values and ideals that represent wisdom. Look for people doing the things you find interesting and of importance. Ask those people questions. Listen with great care to what they have to say, for you will learn much from their experience and reflection. When in doubt, ask your mentors for advice and guidance; while you don't necessarily have to agree with what they have to say, it will certainly give you food for thought. Mentors don't have to be successful people or people you want to \"be like.\" The wisest person you know might be a bartender, not a professor of mathematics. Learn to recognize the wisdom in everyone. . Read the writings of philosophers and social commentators. Read comics. Read Lee Child adventure novels. Read online or on mobile devices. Get a library card. Read contemporary Irish poetry. Read Melville. Read as if your life depended on it and form opinions about the things you read and talk with others about what you've read. Read especially about your particular fields of interest, whether it be your job or your hobby. Read about other people's experiences and learn how others before you have dealt with situations that you're likely to face. It's a mistake to think that the wise are above it all. Never troubled by their emotions, wise people float above the rest of us in an unfeeling bubble of their own making. Not true. When you're feeling frustrated or disappointed in something, it's natural to want to discuss it with someone who will understand. Surround yourself with willing and receptive wise people who'll give you a sounding board. Be open with them and they'll be open with you. . Is it wise to sell yourself? The business and marketing world has convinced us self-promotion is a necessity, because we've managed to turn ourselves into commodities in need of a good sales pitch, and business language frequently reflects this. However, there is a huge difference between acknowledging to yourself and others that you are good at doing something and exaggerating a range of skill sets beyond your comfort zone just to keep up with the competition. Being humble is not about abdicating your self-worth; rather, it's about being realistic and only emphasizing all that is good and capable within you. In turn, people will know that they can depend on your reliability for those traits. Being humble is wise because it allows the real you to shine through. Humility also ensures that you respect the abilities of others rather than fearing them; the wisdom of accepting your own limitations and connecting with other people's strengths to bolster yours is infinite. . Wise people don't have to live in caves, growing wizard beards in their hermitage. Exchange wisdom with others to help guide them. As a mentor and teacher yourself, you can help other people learn about critical thinking, embracing feelings, loving lifelong learning, and trusting themselves. Avoid the temptation to use learning as a barrier against others. Knowledge is for sharing not hoarding, and wisdom will only grow when exposed to everyone else's ideas no matter how confronting they may be.", "Do you remember the first time you saw dinosaur bones at the museum? Or the first time you ate a really good peach? Your world expanded at that moment by a fraction and you became a little wiser. The Buddhist concept of \"beginner's mind\" refers to the approach of a person just starting out, filled with the wonder of new learning, and being challenged anew by it. Always keep a curious and open mind. Rather than prejudging situations, learn to keep your mind open and tell yourself \"I don't know what to expect,\" which will allow you to learn and gain wisdom. When you cease to have a fixed idea of people, things, and situations surrounding you, you grow in wisdom by soaking up changes, new ideas, and don't set any person above or beneath you. . Learning doesn't stop just because you might have graduated from high school or college, or that you've got kids and have lots of experience you'd like to teach them. Even if you're a teacher at the highest level or an expert in your field, you're not done learning. A wise person questions their motivations, questions widely accepted knowledge, and learns to love asking questions in moments of ignorance, because a wise person knows when it is time to learn. Anais Nin neatly summed up this need to continue learning: \"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.\" When you share knowledge, you also learn better since you recognize your own understanding and how you may organize the information better. . Be still at least once a day, to allow yourself time to rest and to stop taking in the rush of the world. Being constantly busy and worrying incessantly about being seen as inadequate may make you a paragon of workplace virtue but it does not make you wise. Stop. Stand still. Take in what the unhurried perspective brings to you. Fill your time with contemplation. Fill your free time with learning rather than distractions. If you find yourself filling downtime with television or video games, try to substitute an hour of television with 1 hour of reading or choose instead to watch a nature documentary you've been meaning to watch. Better yet, go outside and go for a hike in the woods. . It's not always important to voice your opinion in a group or to contribute something just because you can. Wise people don't always need to prove their knowledge. If your opinion is necessary, give it. An old adage goes, \"The best samurai lets the sword rust in its scabbard.\" This isn't to say you should withdraw socially or never speak. Rather, be receptive to others and be a good listener. Don't just wait for your turn to speak because you think you're wiser than everyone else in the room. That's not wisdom, that's egotism.", ". The hardest journey is often the one that requires looking inside yourself and being honest about what you find. try to work out what beliefs, opinions, and biases you harbor. Unless you're willing to know yourself well and learn to love both the strengths and weaknesses within you, it is difficult to be wise. Knowing yourself provides the space in which you can grow and forgive yourself as you journey through life. Be wary of any self-improvement advice that claims to have \"secrets\". The only \"secret\" to self-improvement is that it requires hard work and constancy. Beyond that, you can fiddle at the edges (attested to remarkably by the massive success of the self-help industry) but you cannot change the reality of having to do the work of personal introspection and reflection on the world yourself. The wisest of people have long been those who realize they actually know very little, often in spite of decades of learning and reflecting. The more you think about people, things, and events, the more it becomes clear that there is always more to know and that what you do know is but a pinhead amid all knowledge. Acceptance of the limitations of your own knowledge is a key to wisdom. Don't confuse expertise with wisdom. Expertise refers to a high level of knowledge in a distinct field, whereas wisdom refers to the broader notion seeing the big picture of that knowledge, and to live calmly reassured of your decisions and actions in light of your knowledge. for yourself. Only you can know who you are and only you can be responsible for your ultimate choices. If you've spent years doing what was right according to someone else's standards rather than your own, you're not being responsible for yourself. Change the job where nobody recognizes your talents and find one where people will discover the tiger within. Move somewhere you're comfortable. Find a way to earn a living that doesn't compromise your compassion, care, and interests. Self-responsibility, including learning to accept the consequences of making your own decisions, increases wisdom. . For many people, a sense of meaning in life is \"created\" from being overly busy and by complicating everything from work to love. Complexity can make a person feel important and wanted but it is not wisdom. Rather, it's a form of distraction from oneself and from dealing with issues in life that really do matter, like questioning what your purpose is and what life is all about. Complication rules out reflection and leaves you vulnerable to the mysticism of expertise, causing you to make things harder than they need to be. Keep it simple and wisdom will flourish. As you grow wiser in a topic, it should become more simple for you to understand. If something still seems complex to you, you may not understand the basic building blocks of the subject." ], "summary": [ "Learn from mentors. Read everything Share with your mentors. Practice humility Be there for others", "Cultivate the mind of a beginner. Ask lots of questions Slow down Think first and talk second", "Learn to recognize your faults Accept that you can't know everything. Be responsible Uncomplicate your life" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Booklet By Hand", "Making a Booklet in Microsoft Word", "Professionalizing Your Booklet" ], "document": [ "One of those sheets of paper is going to be the cover and one is going to be the back of the booklet. Both sheets will make up the pages inside the booklet. Horizontally means hamburger style. Make sure that you're cutting them in the top and the bottom. The cut should be just over one inch (about three centimeters). Don't crease this sheet, just pinch it closed, since you only need it folded while you create the hole along the crease. If you crease it, the pages in the booklet will be creased. You're folding it hotdog style. You're making a hole along the crease where you'll slip the other sheet (the one with the notches) through. The hole should go from about one inch on one side of the crease to about one inch on the opposite side (three centimeters). The most important thing is to make sure that the notches fit into the hole since they'll keep the pages in place. The more exactly they fit the neater your booklet is going to look. It can be helpful to gently curl the sheet with the notches so that it doesn't get bent or torn while you're slipping it into the hole. You'll want to curl it vertically so that the corners come together. The above booklet has eight pages, counting the cover and the back. You can add as many pages as you need (within reason; you don't want to put too much stress on the center hole as that can tear it). Fold a piece of paper hamburger style. Cut notches little more than one inch (three centimeters) on the crease on both sides. Pick up your original booklet and find the page that exposes the hole (where this falls depends on how many pages you have). Slide your new page into the the hole, curling it a little so that it slides in easily. Do this until you have as many pages as you need.", "You have to change the settings on Word before you can create your booklet. You can turn a document you've already written into a booklet, but it is best to create the booklet layout first and then put the content in. Find the Page layout tab. It should be located in the icon in the corner of Page Setup. This is in Page Setup under Margins. You'll go to the drop down tab, which will be on Normal and you'll change it to Book fold. While you don't have to do this, it's a good idea to change the Gutter setting from 0 to 1 so that words don't end up jumbled into the binding. You can get an idea of what the booklet is going to look like formatting-wise. From there you simply have to add the content (or make sure that content looks how you want it to look if you already had content). You can change anything that doesn't look right and you can add anything that your booklet needs (like page numbers). You will need to print on both sides of the paper, otherwise your booklet is going to end up with a lot of blank pages, which you don't necessarily want. You can have your printer do this automatically, or manually (which means you'll need to stand there and feed paper to the printer). If you are manually feeding the paper to the printer make sure that you orient the pages properly. You do not want to end up with upside down pages in your booklet. Make sure that you put together the booklet with the corresponding pages. This is why it's a good thing to have page numbers. When you fold, it's a good idea to start by folding each page individually and then putting them together. You can staple along the fold once you've folded the pages. The above method is the most basic way of creating a booklet in Word, but you can find lots of cool design templates on the internet or through Word if you want something a little more creative or enticing.", "For a booklet, especially a professional type booklet, you want to make sure that you're only giving a quick overview about the subject. You want to inform your reader, educate, and persuade them quickly. Something like a booklet about a town should give some general historical information, a map of the town with the important landmarks marked, and telephone numbers for things like taxis or the visitor information center. A booklet could also be something like a leave-behind after a meeting to remind the people at the meeting what they heard, or it could provide information that responds to some sort of query (if you have a specific product, this gives a potential customer the basics of it). There's also the type of booklet that is made for people to pick up and peruse when they're standing in line. A booklet of this sort is going to need to look catchy to get people's attention. People like images, there is no getting around that. When you're picking what images you want to put in your booklet, keep a couple things in mind. You want the images to jump off the page, because you want to capture people's attention. You also want the images to pertain to the purpose of your booklet. For example: you might want to create an informational booklet about your Alaskan rafting company. On the front you would want to have a color photograph that showcases the best your company has to offer (some tourists in a raft sighting a bear, for instance). If you can't print in color (which is preferred) make sure that your images look good in black and white. You want to get down the very basics for your reader, whether it's tourists in your town, potential customers, or business associates. Pages that are packed with massive blocks of text are not going to entice your reader. Break information up with headlines and sub-headlines. Information is more easily digestible when broken up into smaller chunks that are properly labeled. This may seem like a small thing, but it makes a difference to the quality of your booklet. Numbering starts on the first right-hand page, not the left. The goal when having a professional style booklet is to get readers. You want whatever it is you're trying to get across to have a reading audience. It's important to have a strong selling message on the cover, so that potential customers and readers want to check out the rest of the information." ], "summary": [ "Fold two 8 1/2 x 11\" pieces of paper in half horizontally. Cut notches in the crease on one sheet. Fold other sheet in half vertically. Cut along crease from about three centimeters on both sides. Slide first sheet into the hole. Add more pages as you need to.", "Launch the Page Setup dialog. Change the multiple pages to Book fold. Change your Gutter setting. Click okay once you've made your adjustments. Print your document. Fold the booklet. Download good design templates.", "Match the style of your booklet with its aim. Use good images. Make the information short and concise. Make sure odd page numbers are on the right hand pages. Motivate your reader to open the booklet." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating the Hotspot", "Sharing the Network" ], "document": [ "It's in the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can also press the ⊞ Win key to open Start. On Windows 8, place your mouse in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click the magnifying glass icon. Doing so will bring up the Command Prompt icon. It's at the top of the page. If you're using a laptop with a trackpad and no mouse buttons, tap the trackpad with two fingers instead of right-clicking. This option is in the right-click drop-down menu. If you don't have the Run as administrator option, you can't create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Doing so will open Command Prompt. This command will display information to help you confirm that your computer can create a hotspot with Command Prompt. If you see \"Yes\" here, your computer supports the Hosted Network feature, which is what allows you to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. If you don't see \"Yes\" here, your computer can't create a wireless hotspot through Command Prompt. netsh wlan ''set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=NETWORKNAME key=PASSWORD Then press ↵ Enter. Make sure you replace the \"NETWORKNAME\" and \"PASSWORD\" text with what you want your hotspot's name and password to be. This will turn on your Wi-Fi hotspot. Now that your hotspot is live, you'll need to share its availability in order to connect to it.", "Doing so will search your computer for the Control Panel app. It will appear at the top of the Start window. It's in the middle of the page. You'll find this option near the top of the page. It's a link in the upper-left side of the window. You'll find it near the top of the \"Change adapter settings\" window. It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu. This option is at the top of the window. It's at the top of the window. This option is in the middle of the page. It will be something like \"Local Area Connection * #\". Your wireless hotspot should now be accessible by any nearby devices." ], "summary": [ "Open Start . Type command prompt into Start. Right-click Command Prompt. Click Run as administrator. Click Yes when prompted. Type NETSH WLAN show drivers and press ↵ Enter. Look for \"Yes\" next to \"Hosted network supported\". Type the following code into Command Prompt: Type NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork and press ↵ Enter. Exit Command Prompt.", "Open Start and type in control panel. Click Control Panel. Click Network and Internet. Click Network & Sharing Center. Click Change adapter settings. Right-click your current connection's name. Click Properties. Click the Sharing tab. Check the \"Allow other network users to connect...\" box. Click the box below the \"Home networking connection\" heading. Click your hotspot's name. Click OK." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Keep Baskets in Your Home Office", "Buy Baskets for Storage in Your Bedroom Closet", "Use Baskets in the Kitchen", "Use Baskets in the Bathroom" ], "document": [ " This breaks up the space visually instead of having a wall of books and can also be helpful if you don’t want to use bookends to keep things from falling. It prevents small items from mixing together in the drawer and taking up extra space.", "This protects them from insects and also allows you to see what’s inside. ", "They can contain lids to pots and pans or attachments to small appliances. Extra utensils, napkins, and candle holders can fit in baskets, too. Any kind of item bought in bulk can be easily stored in these baskets, too. ", " If you use different colors, it can be a decorative accent to your bathroom and a welcome addition for guests to know which towels to use when visiting." ], "summary": [ "Place stationery and pens in a small basket on your desk. Use baskets on your bookshelves to store magazines or books. Keep markers, paper clips, staplers, and other loose office supplies in a shallow basket in your desk drawer.", "Store out-of-season sweaters in a see-through basket or container with a lid. Place a basket on a low shelf or on the floor in your closet for shoe storage. Keep belts and other small accessories in a basket on a shelf.", "Put wicker baskets in the pantry to hold loose items. Place small baskets in cabinets to hold the lids of plastic storage containers. Use baskets to store bags of dried goods like beans and grains. Use decorative baskets on open shelving to store your recipe books, cupcake wrappers and cake decorations.", "Place extra rolls of toilet tissue in a pretty basket on the floor next to the toilet. Use a basket for magazines or books that you keep in the bathroom. Store extra toiletries and soaps in baskets under the bathroom sink. Roll up washcloths and hand towels and put them in a basket." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Gripping the Ball", "Throwing a Slider" ], "document": [ "Grip the baseball with your index and middle fingers placed tightly together across an outer seam of the ball located at the horseshoe or U-shape seam. For right-handers, place your middle finger across the right half of the seam. Left-handers should do the opposite: place your middle finger across the left half of the seam. This should position your fingers towards the outside of the ball (off-center). Place your thumb under the opposite inside seam of the ball. The further your thumb is from your other 2 fingers, the more the pitch will drop. The closer your thumb is to your other two fingers, the more it will slide. If your index and middle fingers are at a 10 or 11 o'clock position, your thumb should be at a 4 or 5 o'clock position. Hold the pitch so that the most pressure comes from the thumb-side of your index finger. The key to gripping a slider is holding the outer third of the ball. Putting pressure on your both your index and middle fingers will cause the pitch to balance out, or become a cutter.", "If the batter can see your grip before the pitch, chances are they will be more prepared for what you are about to throw at them. Hide your grip in your glove to keep players on the other team unaware of the slider you are about to throw." ], "summary": [ "Place your index and middle fingers. Place your thumb. Put pressure on your index finger.", "Hide your grip." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finalizing the Agreement", "Describing Closing Costs", "Explaining the Purchase Price and Payment", "Making Promises about the Property", "Beginning the Purchase and Sale Agreement", "Describing the Inspection Process" ], "document": [ "If there is a dispute between the two parties, then they may end up in court. However, you can also choose ahead of time to resolve your dispute using mediation. You should include an agreement to mediate in the purchase and sale agreement. Sample language could read: “Any dispute arising out of, or relating to, this agreement will be submitted to a private mediation service. Any cost of mediation will be shared equally between Seller and Purchaser.” The offer to sell doesn't last indefinitely. Instead, there is usually a deadline for acceptance. There is also a deadline for closing. You should include these dates in your purchase and sale agreement. For example, you could write: “This offer is void if not accepted by Seller in writing on or before [insert time and date]. Closing of the sale shall take place [insert number of days] after Purchaser’s receipt of an abstract showing marketable title in Seller or title insurance binder showing insurable title in Seller. This offer is made at [location] this [insert date].” Insert a signature line for the purchaser beneath this statement. You also need a provision where the seller explicitly states that it agrees to the contract. If the seller needs to pay a brokerage fee, then include that information here. Sample language could read: “The foregoing offer to purchase real estate is hereby accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions specified above. The undersigned hereby agrees to pay a brokerage fee of [insert fee amount] to [insert name of the broker] in accordance with the existing listing contract.” Then insert the date and a line for the seller's signature. This article describes a basic purchase and sale agreement. Your needs may vary. To understand if anything is missing, you should show your draft to a qualified real estate attorney. You can find a real estate attorney by contacting your local or state bar association and getting a referral. Once you have the name of someone, call and schedule a meeting. Ask ahead of time how much the attorney charges.", "Generally, the seller needs to pay any existing loans or liens. Also, the seller pays real estate commissions, title insurance policy with the buyer to receive benefit, and the balance on any leased items that remain on the property. The seller shall also transfer any existing rental or lease deposits to the purchaser at closing. The buyer can pay the deed and deed of trust recording fees, association transfer fees, transfer taxes, insurance (hazard and other), purchaser's settlement fees, and its own loan expenses. The house might sell in the middle of the tax year. Accordingly, you might want to prorate the taxes. You should explain whether taxes will be prorated and what the proration will be based on. For example, you can base the proration on the previous year's taxes, an agreed upon amount, or the most current county information.", "You can write: “The purchase price shall be [insert price]. After earnest money is credited, the remaining balance shall be paid by Purchaser at closing.” Earnest money is a form of security deposit. It is how you show the seller that you are serious about buying the property. Without depositing earnest money, a potential buyer could claim to be interested in any number of homes, effectively removing them from the market. You should include a clause describing the amount of earnest money to be deposited and the deadline for depositing it. Sample language could read: “Earnest money in the amount of [insert amount] shall be paid to the Escrow Agent, [insert the name of agent and the address], in the form of check or money order. Purchaser shall deliver payment to Escrow Agent no later than 5:30 pm, five (5) calendar days after Seller’s acceptance of this agreement.” You should also clarify that the earnest money will be credited to the purchase price. You need to identify the purchaser's source of financing and ask for proof that they qualify for the financing. Generally, sufficient proof will be a letter from the purchaser's bank or lender. For example, if the buyer is using cash, then include the following: “This is a cash offer. The balance of the purchase price will be paid at closing by certified check.” You can also ask that the purchaser include a verification letter stating that funds are available. If the purchaser is getting a loan, then identify the loan type (e.g., VA, FHA, conventional, etc.) Also ask for a letter about the loan status and give a deadline for receiving the letter. A home may come with personal property inside or “fixtures.” Fixtures are improvements made on the property that cannot be removed, such as bookshelves installed in the wall or a fireplace. You should identify any fixtures or items that will be sold with the property, such as: wall-to-wall carpeting attached light fixtures and bulbs attached mirrors heating and cooling equipment plumbing fixtures ceiling fans doors windows, screens, and storm windows built-in kitchen appliances security systems window treatments awnings fencing If there is anything the seller is taking with them, then be sure to list it in the purchase and sale agreement. For example, you might want to take your kitchen appliances with you. If so, be sure to list them. Also identify any leased items in the house. The purchaser needs to know that you don't own them. This is an important provision. It is often unrealistic to expect someone to purchase a home if they can't sell their current home. By including this provision, the purchaser can get out of the purchase if they can't sell their home. Alternately, the offer might not be contingent on the buyer selling their home. Either way, explain the situation: “This offer is contingent upon the sale and close of Purchaser’s property located at [insert location] within [insert number] days.” “This offer is not contingent upon the sale or close of property owned by Purchaser.”", "A “representation” is a statement of fact which the seller warrants is true at the time of contracting. If the fact turns out to be false, then the buyer can usually cancel the contract or sue. You should list the seller's representations. The following are typical representations: there are no violations of zoning, fire, or building codes the building is not in a floodplain or a Special Flood Hazard Area there are no boundary line disputes there are no violations of setback lines, easements, or property boundary lines Generally, the seller will transfer a general warranty deed to the purchaser. With a warranty deed, the seller is basically promising that they are the rightful owner of the property and that they have the right to transfer title. They also warrant that no one has a better claim to title. If these promises are false, then the buyer can sue for compensation. Sample language could read: “Seller will convey to Purchaser good and marketable title by a valid general warranty deed.” The building might burn down between the date you sign a contract and the date you actually close. Who bears the risk? With a risk of loss provision, you can explain who bears the risk of an accident. A sample clause could read: “Seller is responsible for any loss or damage to the property before closing.”", "You should type up the purchase and sale agreement so that it is legible. You don't want the other side to claim that you hid information using small fonts, so set the font to a readable size and style. Times New Roman 12 point works for many people. If you are going to use your sale and purchase agreement more than once, then set it up as a template. Include blank lines for information that will change from contract to contract, such as the name of the purchaser and the purchase price. At the top of the page, you should center the title between the left- and right-hand margins. Title your document something like “Purchase and Sale Agreement” or “Agreement to Purchase Real Estate.” You need to identify the purchaser and the seller at the start of your agreement. You could include blank lines for their names or insert a brief paragraph like the following: “[Insert the name of purchaser] (‘Purchaser’), offers and agrees to purchase from [insert the name of seller] (‘Seller’), upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, the property legally described as [insert legal description].” You need to accurately describe the property in your agreement, so find the legal description of property, which is on the deed. You can get a copy of the deed at your county’s Recorder of Deeds office. See Get a Legal Description of Property for more information.", "An inspection is a standard part of any home purchase. You should include a clause where the purchaser acknowledges that he or she has been advised to have the home inspected. Sample language could read: “Purchaser acknowledges that it has been recommended that Purchaser hire, at Purchaser’s own expense, the services of a professional inspector to inspect the property.” You can then include a space for the purchaser to initial. Sometimes the purchaser will want the added protection of getting an inspection before finalizing the agreement. If so, you should state that the sale is contingent on the property inspection. You could write, “This offer is contingent upon Purchaser, at Purchaser’s expense, obtaining a property inspection and reports. The inspection may include the structural, mechanical, pest, and physical conditions relating to the property. Written notice shall be provided to Seller or Seller’s agent within five business days of acceptance of this agreement.” The purchaser may also waive the inspection. If so, include a line for the purchaser to initial their agreement to waive inspection. You might get back a bad inspection report. In this situation, the purchaser might not to want to go through with the sale as is. Accordingly, you should explain options that each side can take: The purchaser could accept the condition. The seller could correct the condition and provide an inspector's certification that the condition has been corrected. The purchaser and seller will negotiate a settlement. The seller does nothing and the agreement becomes null and void within a certain number of days after the seller receives the inspection reports. You can include a provision where the buyer acknowledges that he or she has been advised to have a survey performed. If the purchaser decides to waive a survey, then you can include that information. Ask the purchaser to place their initials beside any waiver." ], "summary": [ "Include a dispute resolution clause. Identify the time for acceptance and closing. Add the acceptance by seller. Show your draft agreement to an attorney.", "State what closing costs the seller must pay. Explain what closing costs the buyer must pay. Explain who pays the taxes.", "State the purchase price. Identify any earnest money deposited. Describe the financing. List items included in the sale. Identify items not included in the sale. State whether the sale is conditioned on the buyer selling their home.", "List the seller's representations. Describe the deed conveyed. Describe how “risk of loss” passes.", "Format the document. Insert a title. Identify the parties to the sale. Add the legal description of property.", "Warn the buyer to get an Inspection. State whether the sale is contingent on an inspection. Identify options if the inspection is unsatisfactory. Recommend that the purchaser get a survey." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Organizing Your Binder", "Improving Your Organizational Skills" ], "document": [ "Choose a size that is best for you. Binders can be 1 inch, 2 inch, 3 inch, or 5 inch. If you are using the binder for more than one class or subject, get a 3 or 5 inch binder. Get the 1 or 2 inch binders if you plan to use separate binders for each of your classes. Do whatever works best for you. Either method is fine. Get all of the papers for you classes that you need to put in your binder including your syllabus, notes, assignments, homework, class requirements, etc. Separate the papers by class/subject and the type of paper (e.g. science notes, science homework, math syllabus, etc.). Place each in separate pile. This will make it easier to place the times in your binder. Use a 3 hole punch to put holes in all of your papers that will go in your binder. Dividers are used to create separate sections in your binder. The sections should match the type of papers that you have for your class. For example, have a notes section, homework section, projects section, class information section, etc. Label each divider tab and then place it on top of the corresponding papers. You can write on the divider tab or use the computer to type and print the section names. Your teacher may have specific instructions for the sections that you need to include in your binder. Check with your teacher before you label your dividers. You have some options for dividers. Some dividers have pockets that you can slide papers into if you have a few papers that you do not want to punch holes in. Once your papers are sorted and your dividers have been made, put them in your binder. If you are using a single binder for all of your classes, it may be helpful to put the dividers in the same order of your daily schedule. However, organize the sections in an order that makes sense to you. . Keep extra notebook paper in the back of your binder in case you need it. Always date new papers that you add to your binder. Go ahead and file your papers as soon as you get them. It can be easy to drop papers in your backpack or lose them between home and school. Make a habit of filing them in your binder as soon as you get them. This will help you avoid misplacing papers and stay organized. Your binder can become cluttered with papers that you do not need anymore or old completed assignments. Go through your binder periodically to keep it neat. Set a time period (e.g.every grading period, once a quarter) for how often you will clean out your binder. As you go through your binder, look for torn holes. You want to repair them so you do not lose the paper.", "Keeping all of your assignment due dates in one place will help you turn in your work on time and help you keep up with multiple classes. Write down both the day your assignment is assigned and the day that it is due. Check off assignments as you finish them. If you have not finished an assignment yet, continue to add it to the following day until it is complete. You can keep your assignment book/planner in one of your binder pockets. Look ahead in your planner to see when everything is due. Read your planner at the end of each day so you know what you need to take home with you. A pencil bag with holes can also be included in your binder. Put pencils, pens, erasers and other small items in the bag. It is easier to stay organized when everything you need is in one place. You may not always have time to file your papers neatly in your binder throughout the day. Keep a special folder for items that need to filed. At the end of the day, file all the papers in your binder. This will keep your papers from getting crumbled in the bottom of your backpack and keep your from forgetting the papers all together. Have a buddy in each of your classes that you can call in case you forget an assignment or have questions about something. Check in with this person at the end of class to make sure you both have written down your assignment information correctly. You can also ask the person what he or she is taking home from school that day. You can also share pens and pencils with your buddy if one of you forgets. Trade phone numbers with your buddy in case you need to call them when you get home. In addition to having your binder, you can try using an app to help you organize all of your assignments. MyHomework Student Planner and Studious let you keep track of your class schedules, due dates, and reminders for assignments and are more suited for college students. Complete Class Organizer, EpicWin, Chore Pad HD, iHomework, and iRewardChart Lite are good for children and adolescents. These apps should be used in combination with your binder and are not a substitute. If you are struggling to stay organized or feel overwhelmed by all of your assignments, talk to your teacher and/or parent. They can help you organize your binder. Many students are able to stay organized once a good system has been set up. Do not be afraid to speak up. It takes time to learn good organizational skills." ], "summary": [ "Get a three ring binder. Gather your papers. Add paper dividers. Assemble your binder. File papers as soon as you get them. Clean out your binder regularly.", "Use an assignment book or planner. Get a pencil bag. Have a catch all folder. Get a buddy. Consider using an organizational app. Ask for help." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Allowing Your Cat to Adjust to the Harness", "Helping Your Cat Go Outdoors", "Choosing a Harness" ], "document": [ "Before you’ll be able to take your cat outside, you’ll first need to get it accustomed to wearing its harness. Start by putting your cat in its harness for short periods of time every day for several days. Initially, put the harness on for just a few minutes, then increase the length of time each day for several days. Give your cat treats and lots of praise while putting on the harness and while your cat walks around wearing the harness. You want your cat to eventually feel comfortable moving around the house in its harness, ideally to the point that it doesn’t pay any mind to the harness. Once your cat has become comfortable with its harness, begin attaching the leash to the harness. At first, allow the leash to trail behind your cat. Encourage the cat to walk around with the leash attached by offering treats and lots of praise. Once your cat has become comfortable having the leash trail behind it, pick up the leash and again encourage your cat to walk around--this time with you holding the leash. Offer your cat its favorite treats and lots of praise as it begins to walk around. Try not to yank or drag the cat along as you go--let the cat move about of its own volition.", "Don’t force your cat to go outdoors. The prospect of going outside can be quite intimidating to some cats, so if your cat is reluctant to follow you out, don’t insist. If your cat is unsure about going out, just leave the door open so it can get its bearings and take its time. If your cat doesn’t want to venture out, try again another day and be patient--it may take time. Once your cat is ready to make its way outside, follow behind and offer encouragement with treats and praise. Keep the trip short--about five minutes. Any longer and your cat may become overwhelmed and be less willing to go outside again in the future. Wait for a dry day to go outside. If it’s raining or has recently rained, many of the normal scents your cat would use to navigate will have been washed away and your cat may have difficulty getting its bearings. Gradually increase the length of time you allow your cat to stay outside and make outside trips part of your cat’s regular routine. As your cat becomes more comfortable outside, allow it to wander farther from you if it chooses. Follow at the distance that the leash allows.", "In order to go walking outdoors with you, your cat will need a well-fitted harness--never use a leash and collar. If you’re walking your cat with a collar and the cat bolts--which cats are very likely to do--the collar can damage the cat’s windpipe, voice box, and ability to swallow. A harness will distribute the force of restraint between the cat’s shoulders, chest, and belly, making it less likely your cat will get injured. To get your cat’s harness measurements, measure around the girth around your cat’s chest, just behind the front legs and note it down. Bring the measurement with you when you go to buy the harness. Most cat harnesses are made with adjustable straps designed to fit either kittens or adult cats and are made of either nylon or neoprene. Some harnesses may come in sub-sizes based on your cat’s specific measurements. The harness should be fitted to your cat’s body and should neither squeeze or cut into your cat or hang loosely off its body. If it’s fitted properly, you should just be able to fit two fingers under the harness when you put it on your cat. Never use a harness as a restraint for car rides--cat harnesses aren’t designed to protect cats in the event of a car accident. Cats have different leash needs than dogs, so choose an appropriate leash carefully. Some manufacturers make lighter-weight leashes designed specifically for cats, as cats are generally lighter and less forceful than dogs. Bungee leashes are ideal for cats because they provide enough stretch to let your cat safely wander a bit. Avoid using retractable leashes (commonly sold for dogs) with a cat, as the leash is ill-suited to and can injure a cat." ], "summary": [ "Put your cat in its harness for short periods of time. Attach the leash. Practice walking with the harness and leash.", "Start slowly. Help your cat venture outdoors. Take your cat out regularly.", "Take your cat’s measurements. Choose a harness. Choose a leash." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Hosted Server", "Local Server" ], "document": [ "Skip to the \"Run the installation script\" section below. You can do this using various control panels such as PhpMyAdmin. See the corresponding documentation. Most web hosting services provide a MySQL database along with your hosting account. If that is the case, use the MySQL credentials provided by your host along with the database name, and then specify something like mw_ as table prefix. This will allow MediaWiki to tell what tables belong to it. Alternatively, ask your hosting service to create an account for, then proceed as above.", ", if you haven't already. Enter a name for the database, database user and password. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/cd\\/Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/cd\\/Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/aid189150-v4-728px-Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Select \"use superuser account\" if the database and database user do not already exist (no need to change superuser name or password). {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/8\\/8e\\/Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/8\\/8e\\/Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/aid189150-v4-728px-Install-MediaWiki-Step-8Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} wiki)." ], "summary": [ "If you know the root password for your MySQL server, the MediaWiki setup script can automatically create a database and an account to access it. If you don't know the root password for your MySQL server, you need to create a MySQL database and a user before installing MediaWiki.", "Install web server software Download MediaWiki to your local computer. Uncompress the files into the root directory of your website (not in a subdirectory). CHMOD the permission settings for the \"config\" subdirectory to 770, so that it is writable by the web server (Linux only). Click the link to begin configuring. Fill out the form, following the instructions. Complete the installation. Move the LocalSettings.php from the config directory to the wiki's root directory (e.g." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the AED", "Preparing to Use the AED" ], "document": [ "Before you turn on and use an AED, you need to make sure that the person you are helping is not wet. If they are, you need to dry them off. If there is water in the immediate area, you need to move the person to a dry place. Water conducts electricity. If the patient is wet or if there is water nearby, they can be seriously injured. Once you are sure there is no water, you need to turn on the AED. When it comes on, it will give you instructions of how to handle the situation. It will likely tell you to attach the cables for the pads into the AED machine. You typically hook them up above the blinking light on the top of the machine. It will also instruct you to prepare the person once the pads are plugged in. To use the AED pads, you must remove certain things from the victim. Open or cut through their shirt. If their chest is very hairy, you will have to shave it. You should also look for signs of implanted devices, such as a pacemaker. If you see any metal jewelry or accessory, remove it. The metal will conduct electricity. Most AEDs come with a razor to shave or scissor to trim the chest of a hairy person. You will be able to see a pacemaker or other implanted device through the chest. You can also look for a medical alert bracelet. If the victim is wearing a bra, you need to take it off if it has underwire in it. It can conduct electricity just like jewelry. The electrodes for the AED are typically adhesive pads. The AED will advise you to put the electrodes or pads in place. You need to make sure that they are placed correctly so the victim will get the maximum amount of shock necessary. One pad should be placed below the collarbone on the upper right side of the victim's bare chest. The other should be placed below the peck or breast on the left, at the bottom of their heart, slightly along their side. Make sure there is no fabric or other object between the pads and their skin. Any obstruction will make the AED malfunction. If the pads are not put on properly, the AED may repeat \"check electrodes.\" If you found an implanted device or piercing, the pads should be at least 1 inch from them. Once the pads are properly in place, you need to get everyone clear of the victim. When everyone has moved back, press the analyze button on the AED. It will begin to analyze the heart rhythm of the victim. The AED will then tell you if a shock is needed or if you need to keep doing CPR. If no shock is needed, this means that the victim has regained a pulse or has an unshockable heart rhythm. If there is no shock advised, you need to continue CPR until emergency workers arrive. If the AED advises that you need to shock the patient, you need to make sure, once again, that the victim is clear. Once you do, push the shock button on the AED. This will send an electric shock through the electrodes to help restart the heart. The AED will only give one shock at a time. It doesn't last that long, but expect them to move with the force of the shock. Once you have given the victim a shock, you need to continue CPR. You should do it for 2 additional minutes and then let the AED check for a heart rhythm again. Keep this up until emergency services arrive. You should also stop if the victim can breathe on their own or if they regain consciousness. The AED will likely remind you when 2 minutes has passed and tell you to stop CPR.", "If you see a person who appears to have an emergency episode, you need to check to ensure that it is cardiac arrest before you use an AED. Check to see if the victim is unable to respond, if they are breathing, and their pulse. You can use the ABC method. If you find no pulse or breath, you need to start CPR. Airway: You need to make sure the airway is open before you check their breathing. To do this, tilt back their head and lift up their chin. If you see an object obstructing the airway, remove it. Breathing: Lean in closely to listen for breathing. Look to see if their chest is rising and falling. Circulation: Feel for a pulse. Signs of circulatory issues include color changes, sweating, and a lower level of consciousness. If you come upon a person and you have no idea how long they have been unconscious, you need to make sure they are actually having medical problems and are not just asleep. To try to wake them up, you can shake them, yell into their ear, or try clapping near them. If they show no signs of waking up, confirm cardiac arrest. Never shake a child or infant. This can lead to serious injury. As soon as you assess that it is an emergency situation, you need to call the authorities. Explain to them where you are and what is going on. Let them know that you have an AED on site and that you plan to use it. If there is someone else there other than you, make them call 911 while you start working on the person in need. They can also run and grab the AED from its location. This way things will get done faster, which is important with SCA. If you are not there alone, you should start giving CPR while the other person is getting the AED. If you are alone, call 911, then start CPR. Give 30 chest compressions and then 2 rescue breaths for every 30 chest compressions. The rescue breaths should be no longer than one second. Avoid overventilation and only provide enough air to see the chest expand. Keep chest compressions to 100 compressions per minute. Do not exceed 125 compressions per minute. You should compress the chest 2 inches (5 cm) downwards and allow it to fully expand upwards with as few interruptions as possible. You should give CPR right away if you don't know how long a person has been unconscious, then you should use the AED." ], "summary": [ "Make sure the patient is dry. Turn on the AED. Prepare the chest area. Apply the pads. Let the AED analyze. Shock the victim if necessary. Continue CPR.", "Confirm cardiac arrest. Try to wake the person up. Call the police. Start CPR." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Pre-Packing", "Making it All Fit", "Bringing the Basics" ], "document": [ "This approach helps to minimize the opportunity to leave out something important, and lets you evaluate whether or not everything you're trying to pack is absolutely essential. As a bonus, having everything in front of you at one time makes it easier to group like items together and pack them in the same compartment of the rucksack, helping to stay organized and efficient. Again, consider your purpose. If you're going to the lake house and want to bring your ruck sack, it's probably not essential to bring the camp stove and the fold-up hatchet. Err on the side of keeping it as light as possible. Items that you will use throughout the day should be packed in a compartment that can be opened and closed with relatively little effort. Snacks, a swimsuit, your phone, or a change of clothing should be easily accessed without having to remove a number of items from any compartment. If you have a single big compartment in your rucksack, the things that you will use as soon as you arrive and continue using frequently should go on top and things you will rarely use should go at the bottom. It's usually common, if you're heading out hiking or hitching, to keep your socks on the top of the bag for quick changes and easy access. Placing small items together in plastic bags with a reclosable top helps to prevent those items from settling during the day and being harder to find when they are needed. Use the bags for snacks, bottled water or other substances that could damage equipment or stain clothing if they were to puncture or otherwise come open. It's usually common to keep soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other toiletries in a plastic bag to avoid spillage and keep the easily accessible. Before you start jamming everything into your rucksack, check for ways you can start to save space by nesting things into one another. Keep your iPhone in your spare pair of shoes, or wrap up your passport in your jeans. If you're bringing a small foldable pot, keep the camp stove, matches, and other small items in the pot. This can be a great way of padding breakable items and hiding valuables. If you've got some extra cash, hide it somewhere a thief would be unlikely to look, deep in the bag. Don't keep it in an external pocket if you can help it.", "Packing properly will allow the chest and waist straps to bear more of the load, and for the weight to sit on top of your shoulders, rather than pull straps down into them. It will also make it easier to turn and keep your feet as maneuverable as possible. Keep the weight toward the back of the pack, resting against your frame. Some rucksacks have openings on the bottom that allow you to unzip and remove items quickly and easily from the base of the sack. These big backcountry-style rucksacks can hold a tremendous amount of weight, meaning that you'll need to play with weight distribution a little more carefully than with a smaller pack that sits higher on your frame. Set your rucksack upright while you pack the bag and keep weight dispersed over both sides evenly. Follow the same pattern with other items as they are placed in each compartment, taking care to balance the weight from left to right. Doing so helps to reduce fatigue and stress by distributing the load evenly between the shoulders. If you have an internal frame or frameless rucksack, place the flattest items against the panel that lies against your back. Avoid placing soft or bulky items here, since they can deform the shape of the bag, reducing the structural integrity. When you're hoofing around, this can cause uncomfortable bumps or protrusions that will irritate your back. Pack your clothes last, unless they make up the most substantial amount of material in your bag. Clothes are the easiest items to use as gap-fillers and jam into the remaining cracks. Plus, you can always get away with having one less pair of gym shorts in an emergency. Roll clothing tightly rather than folding it. This will allow the clothes to take up less room while also reducing wrinkles from crushing. Make sure that only enough clothing for the excursion is taken along, as this will help to preserve room for other essentials. This is especially important if hiking or biking for long distances. Opinions vary on how much weight is considered reasonable, although most rucksacks should be less than half of your total body weight at the maximum. As a last resort, it's common to have some important items easily accessible by hanging them off the rucksack from carabiners. This helps to maximize the holding volume of the bag by hooking things onto it, as well as allowing you to quickly grab a hold of a bottle of water, your keys, a knife, or other essentials. Most rucksacks are equipped with straps along the bottom that make it possible to secure bedrolls vertically, helping to distribute the weight and save space, as well. After everything has been packed, check to ensure that the pack sits comfortably and that you can access items without removing it when necessary. Always wear it for ten minutes minimum and walk around testing the feel of it, mimicking what you will do when wearing your rucksack. Pay attention to where you feel the pressure of the straps, and whether or not the bag is throwing off your balance as you move. If so, you may need to reposition some of the items in the bag to distribute the weight more evenly. Casual backpack wearers such as students often leave the straps loose and let the rucksack sag low over the rear. Wearing a heavy rucksack loose and low would be miserable on a long trip, so it's important to keep the straps tight and the bag as high on your frame as possible.", "Whether you'll be hitchhiking across the country or braving the Himalayan winds, a good pack needs the proper volume capacity, weight capacity, and protection against the particular elements you'll be facing on your trip. The weight of the rucksack itself and sometimes the color are also important considerations. Good rucksacks will also be sized to fit your body, with internal frames to offer support. The distinction between a rucksack and a backpack is somewhat disputed and the terms are used differently in different places. The process and the principles of packing a rucksack or an internal-frame backpack, though, are basically the same. Put something reflective or luminescent on the top of the rucksack so it is easy to find at night. Put your last name on the rucksack, or some other identifying mark that will let you distinguish it from other packs quickly. If you're going to be traveling in the elements and living out of a bag, you need to make sure you've got the essentials secured, wherever you're going. Being able to stay warm at night, hydrated during the day, and safe from the elements should come before almost any other packing concerns. Making room for water or water filtration devices should be your first priority if you're traveling remotely. Almost everything else should come second when compared with providing enough potable water for yourself. Are you going someplace that gets cold? Even desert climates can get frigid at night, and you should always travel with at least one layer of warmth, a hat, rain protection, and a lightweight mylar emergency blanket. Ideally, you'll have a lightweight tent and a good-quality light sleeping bag that's rated for cold temperatures, if necessary. Even if you're going to be sleeping indoors, a good rucksack kit should include a multipurpose tarp that could be used for ground cover or as a makeshift shelter in a pinch. If you're going to be relying on your own supplies and your own ingenuity to stay healthy and safe, it's important for any rucksack to include at least a basic first aid kit. If the occasion calls for it, more substantial products may also be called for to ensure you'll be prepared for anything. You may want to include some of the following materials: Bandages Antiseptic ointment or spray Isopropyl alcohol Pain medication Iodine capsules, malaria treatment, or other preventative medication Even if you're going to a sunny warm climate, it's smart to pack assuming it's going to rain every day and that you're going to get wet and cold. You don't want to get caught in a flash flood without rain proofing your essential supplies. Using a rainproof rucksack is best, but it's also acceptable to purchase separate rainproof pouches to keep the most essential items in, like your phone, money, and passport. Bring a lightweight raincoat, sturdy shoes, and plenty of socks to change out while you're out in the rain. It's important to stay as dry as possible. Prioritize the most versatile, durable, and spartan clothing items and leave the fashionable stuff at home. Again, if you're going to be hoofing it, make sure that you've got useful clothing that you won't mind living in for days at a time, and willing to get dirty. Rainproof gear is desirable, as well as lightweight warm layers that you'll be able to roll up tightly. Depending on your purposes, a good road wardrobe might look something like this: Plenty of socks and underwear, at least four back-up pair of each and a patch kit to make little repairs. These are the most essential things to change in and out each day to stay healthy. A thermal shirt and underwear that you can use in cold conditions, as well as two or three t-shirts and a lightweight rain jacket. At least two pair of long pants and one pair of athletic shorts or swim-trunks. Alternatively, you might be able to get away with a single pair of jeans and a back up for a long trip. A stocking cap and wool gloves. A heavy coat, if you're going to be traveling in cold conditions. Whether you're going to have food or not, it's a good idea to bring a few essentials that'll allow you to improvise on the fly. Try to make sure you have the necessary ingredients to cook up some food in an emergency, and at least enough stuff to start a fire. Try to get a hold of a small kettle and a gas cooker, sometimes called a \"hobo stove,\" as well as a lighter and some waterproof matches. It may be a good idea to have a package of basic candles to keep a flame going for an extended period of time. Bring only multipurpose tools. No garlic presses in a rucksack. Don't bring a plate and a bowl, just bring a bowl that you can use for anything that would require a plate. Don't bring a potato peeler, bring a sharp knife that you'll be able to use in a variety of situations. Depending on how long you're going to be gone, you might want to bring a bag of granola and simple trail mix, or you may need some MREs, protein bars, and more substantial fare. Try to keep emergency rations on hand, at least enough to sustain you for 48 hours in an emergency." ], "summary": [ "Lay out all the items beforehand. Prioritize your most used items. Consider using plastic bags for smaller items. Find ways to nest items.", "Pack heavy objects in the middle and toward the back. Balance the weight evenly on both sides of the pack. Keep the back of the rucksack relatively flat. Use clothes to fill space. Keep the overall weight of the rucksack under a reasonable limit. Get some carabiners. Test it out and check the weight.", "Get an appropriate rucksack for the job. Secure shelter, water, and warmth first. Bring a basic first aid kit. Prepare for wet conditions. Bring changes of clothes. Bring cooking supplies and extra food." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Tackling Email", "Identifying and Disabling your Distractions", "Taking a Break from the Screen", "Setting Parameters" ], "document": [ "It’s easy to get caught up in email and spend hours clearing your inbox. Set a hard start and stop time for working through your email, so you know when it’s time to move on to other things. Mail servers come equipped with tools to automatically file your incoming mail into categories of your choice, which can be used to highlight important emails and set aside less-urgent ones. Create folders for urgent and non-urgent business, so that you know what needs to be responded to immediately and what you can defer to later, like CC-ed emails and newsletters. Email apps can help filter incoming messages and let you know when emails have been set aside for some time. Do some research to see what kinds of apps are available for your email service. Apps like Streak, available for Gmail, automatically highlight more urgent messages over the less time-sensitive.", "Extensions are applications you can download and install on a web browser, like Chrome or Firefox, and many of them offer tools to help cut down on distractions. Extensions such as RescueTime and Time Tracker (both available for Chrome and Firefox) will record and tell you how much time you spend on different websites, so you can identify your problem sites. Similar applications are available for other browsers, such as Safari. Common time-sucker sites to watch out for include social media (Facebook, Twitter), news sites, blogs, and online games. There are many different apps and extensions available, depending on your device and browser, that can help you stay on track. Popular browser extensions include StayFocusd (Chrome), LeechBlock (Firefox), and KeepMeOut (all browsers). Make sure not to block important sites. Carefully follow the instructions for your extension and ensure that you’re not blocking websites you might need access to, such as your email or bank account. Sometimes the most distracting part of being online is the pings and pop-ups displayed to show activity on your online accounts. Turning off notifications will disconnect you from those sites when you’re not using them. On Facebook, click Settings in the top right corner and choose Account settings, then the Notifications to disable email notifications. On Twitter, click the profile icon, select Settings, and click on Email Notifications. Cell phones connected to the Internet are tempting sources of distraction. Turning your phone off or on silent and putting it out of your line of sight eliminates the temptation to check social media or texts. On iPhones, use the “Do Not Disturb” mode by swiping up on the screen, then pressing the moon button. This keeps the phone on, but silences the ringer and vibrations.", "Sometimes the best way to eliminate online distractions is to take a break from the computer altogether. If you just can’t stay away from a distracting site, take a short walk to physically separate yourself from the temptation before getting back to work. Instead of searching for distraction online, move your laptop outside to keep your mind fresh and satisfy your desire for distraction with a different physical location, rather than a new browser window. If possible, work with pen and paper for a while to get away from the Internet.", "Tell yourself that your work phone or computer should only be used for work-related business. This will help you separate your work and leisure technologies and make it easier to stay on task when you’re working. For example, if you want to take a five-minute break to scroll through the news, do so on your personal phone or tablet and switch back to your work computer when you’re done. Knowing beforehand what you want to accomplish online will keep you more focused while browsing the Internet. Before you open your browser, for example, set a goal of completing research for a paper within one hour. Before resorting to technological tools, try setting self-imposed limits for yourself. For example, set a timer for ten minutes before allowing yourself to check a news site. Have a friend message you every few hours to keep you on task. If you receive and read the message, that probably means you’re not focused!" ], "summary": [ "Set aside time specifically for email. Use email filters. Use email efficiency apps to streamline your inbox.", "Use a browser extension to determine the distracting sites you use the most. Download an anti-distraction app to block your “trouble” pages. Disable notifications. Turn your cell phone off, or put it on silent.", "Step away from the screen. Change your workspace. Go old-school.", "Set aside separate devices for work and play. Articulate your goals for an online session before logging on. Set a time cap for your online session, or for the most distracting sites. Ask a friend or coworker to keep you accountable." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Joining a Cellular Data Network", "Joining a Wi-Fi Network" ], "document": [ "Only certain models of the iPad will connect to a cellular data network. Your iPad must be able to accept a SIM card. Once you are sure that your iPad supports cellular data networks, you will need to sign up for an iPad data plan. These are not available from all carriers, so visit your local cellular retail outlets to see your options. You will need to insert the SIM card you received from your cellular data provider in order to connect to the network. The retailer may be able to insert it for you, or you can read this guide. Tap the Settings app on your iPad's Home screen. If you can't find the Settings app, swipe down and type \"Settings\" into the Search bar. This is typically located towards the top of the list of options. Ensure that the \"Cellular Data\" slider is toggled ON. It will be green (iOS 7) or blue (iOS 6) if it is enabled. On the next screen, tap \"Set Up New Account\". You will need to enter your name, phone number, account login information, and billing information. Your cellular data provider will give you the account login information. After configuring your account, you will be shown the terms and conditions for your data plan. Read the agreement and then tap \"Agree\" to continue. You will be shown an overview of your account settings. Review the settings to ensure that you filled out everything correctly. After confirming your settings, you will be notified that your plan has been activated. This may take a few moments. If you go outside of your cellular network, you may still be able to get a data signal. This will usually cost extra, so enabling Data Roaming should only be done if you are OK paying extra charges. To enable Data Roaming, tap Settings, then Cellular Data. Toggle the \"Data Roaming\" slider to ON. You will be asked to confirm that you want to enable roaming.", "Tap the Settings app on your iPad's Home screen. If you can't find the Settings app, swipe down and type \"Settings\" into the Search bar. This is typically located towards the top of the list of options. Ensure that the Wi-Fi slider is toggled ON. It will be green (iOS 7) or blue (iOS 6) if it is enabled. A list of available networks will appear beneath the \"Wi-Fi\" switch. Tap the network that you want to join. If the network you want to join is not listed, ensure that you are within range of the network and that it is properly configured. Most networks are secured, which means you will be prompted to enter a password before you can connect. If you don't know the password, check with the network administrator. If you've forgotten your own wireless password, see this guide. After entering your password, the iPad will attempt to connect to the network. If your iPad is able to connect, you will see the Wi-Fi symbol appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. Open Safari and try to load a website." ], "summary": [ "Ensure your iPad is compatible. Sign up for a compatible plan. Insert your SIM card. Open the Settings app. Tap \"Cellular Data\". Tap \"View Account\". Enter in your account information. Read and accept the terms. Confirm your settings. Decide if you want to enable data roaming.", "Open the Settings app. Tap \"Wi-Fi\". Select a network. Enter the password. Test the connection." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Managing a College Classroom", "Handling Conflict in the Classroom", "Working with Elementary School Classrooms", "Handling the Middle School Classroom", "Handling Angry Students in the Classroom", "Maintaining Discipline in High School Classrooms" ], "document": [ "The college classroom is full of adult students who should not need to be told how to behave. It is a good idea, however, to be very clear on your rules for your classroom. For example, you might include rules about participating in class discussions. This might include speaking respectfully to classmates and refraining from personal attacks. Also consider including policies regarding academic dishonesty, technology use, handing in assignments, and so on. Check with your institution to get proper wording on college-wide policies. Set up the class from the very start with your expectations for classroom conduct. Give examples of how these rules are put into effect and how you will implement consequences. If you want your students to take you seriously, it’s important to look and act professional. Appearing too casual may make your students doubt your authority. Although you should maintain professionalism, you don’t need to be completely inaccessible to students. You can reveal things about yourself that give you more of a human dimension, so that students understand where you’re coming from. Oftentimes, the college classroom is a huge nameless group of students. This creates and maintains distance between the students and the instructor, which can make students feel alienated. If you know students by name, you can create a collegial environment in which students feel invested. If a student is causing disruption by repeatedly arriving late to class, consider possible reasons for this. Pull the student aside at the end of class or talk with him during office hours. It may be that the student is commuting from a job to school and can’t get to class on time. In this case, you might make a special exception or suggest that the student take a different class to accommodate his schedule. If you encounter discipline problems, be sure to document every step that you’ve taken. Talk with your administrator or supervisor about your department’s appropriate procedure for handling discipline problems.", "The National Education Association developed the LEAST system to give teachers a strategy for handling conflict in the classroom. Start with the first step and, if necessary, move to the next step. Progress through the steps to deal with classroom conflict. L: Leave it alone. If the disturbance in the classroom is minor and will likely not recur, ignore it. E: End the action indirectly. When a student disrupts the classroom, let him or her know that you see their actions. Give a nonverbal sign, such as raising your eyebrows, waving your hand or walking toward him or her. A: Attend more fully. Ask the student to tell you about the issue. Ask what’s happening and who is involved. S: Spell out directions. Remind the student of the rules and consequences. Plan to follow through with consequences after you have warned the student. T: Treat student progress. Make notes about the discipline issue. Write down what happened, who was involved, when it happened, and what your response was. Keeping a level head is the best thing you can do in a conflict situation. Do not show negative or angry emotions to students. Instead, stay calm and collected. Talk in a normal voice. It may help to take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down. Take the student out of the classroom to talk about the conflict. This will take the student out of the immediate physical situation. It will also remove him from his peers, who may be contributing to the discipline problem. Don’t involve other students in the conflict. Remain neutral with students. If a student is trying to make you argue with him, don’t rise to the bait. Instead, maintain a firm yet calm stance. If the student continues to try arguing with you, say, “We will discuss this after class.” This closes down the conflict momentarily. If an argument arises in class, talk about it during the next class session. Ask your students how they would have dealt with the argument. Have them think about how they can understand perspectives that they don’t agree with. This can work especially well when you are talking about sensitive issues in your class. If the discussion gets heated, ask students to take a moment to reflect on the issue in silence. Then ask them to reflect on why the discussion has gotten so heated.", "Think about which rules will keep your class a safe and fun learning environment. Design rules to reflect this goal. These rules will be different depending on the ages of the students and the type of class you’re teaching. Some sample rules might include: Treat others with respect. Take care of yourself. Take care of classroom property. Raise your hand to speak or to get someone’s attention. This will make it easier for students to remember them. These rules will guide behavior in a variety of circumstances so that you don’t need to spell out rules for every scenario. Take time on the first day of class to cover your classroom’s rules. Explain what each rule means. Give examples of how rules are followed or not followed. Tell students about consequences for breaking the rules. These might occur in stages, such as a warning, then staying after class, then detention, then visiting the principal, and so on. You might include a time-out or break for younger students. Younger students who are disruptive may need to be removed from a situation for a few minutes to recover their attention. Then they can rejoin the class. Make a rules poster and hang it in the classroom. Phrase the rules in positive ways. For example, instead of saying, “Don’t push other people,” you can write, “Treat others with respect.” Ask the students to come to an agreement with you about the rules. They can sign a pledge form or even just raise their hands. In doing so, they will promise to uphold the class rules. Another way to get students to buy into the rules is for students to take ownership of them. Get their input when developing rules for the classroom. Take time every now and then to talk about the rules and review them with students. Using hand signals, body cues and other tactics can be helpful in getting students’ attention. For example, you might turn the lights off and on when it’s time to wrap up an activity. Hand signals work particularly well with primary grades. Changing the non-verbal cues periodically will keep students from getting bored with them. Make a positive example of students behaving properly by letting students know when they have followed the rules. By showing students what good behavior looks like, they will know how to model the behavior. Make sure to praise different students. Don’t always praise the same few students. If there are discipline problems at the elementary school level, it can be helpful to get in touch with the child’s parents. Think about doing this before the discipline problem becomes serious. Earlier intervention can redirect a child away from problematic behavior. Reinforce positive interactions by giving students tools to handle disagreements and miscommunications. Having tools to use for these interactions may help diffuse potential discipline problems. For example, talk about how students should ask another student for permission to take something. A student should look directly at the other student, wait until she is listening, and ask politely. Give students tools if they disagree with each other. For example, have students look calmly at each other and say, “I understand how you feel.” Then the student can explain his opinion calmly.", "The CHAMPS model is a way to define how you expect students to behave in the classroom. This approach works well for a variety of settings and learning goals. Use the following points as your guide for designing how students will complete an activity with good behavior and success: C – Conversation: Can students talk during this activity? With whom? About what? H – Help: How should students get your attention if they need help? A – Activity: What is the objective of the activity? M – Movement: Can students get out of their seats for the activity? P – Participation: How will students demonstrate that they are participating? S – Success: If students complete the CHAMPS expectations, they should be successful with the activity and good behavior. Students need to know what to expect in the class. Middle schoolers especially appreciate knowing your expectations and boundaries. It is important to follow a routine. Keep your class relatively structured so that students know what’s coming next. Middle schoolers tend to get distracted easily. It’s good to mix up your routine every so often with spontaneous and unexpected activities. They appreciate active learning experiences that come out of the blue. Your students are curious about you and want to hear stories about your life. Don’t share everything, of course, but relating stories about yourself from time to time helps transform you into a human being that students can relate to. Likewise, get to know your students. If they feel that you’re invested in their interests, they will be more likely to respect you and behave properly. Treat every day as a new opportunity for success in your classroom. Middle schoolers can swing wildly with emotions at this age, and having patience and positivity will make your job more enjoyable. When you speak in a normal voice, students will typically respond by also speaking in a normal voice with moderate volume. If the classroom is noisy, don’t respond by raising your voice. Rather, you might start speaking in a normal voice so that the students need to quiet down to hear you. Or, you might wait to speak until the students are quiet Assign new seats to your students every month. This mixes up who sits next to whom, and can help eliminate some behavioral problems. Place a name card on each desk to assign seats. Having an orderly classroom may help students act more orderly. If the classroom is messy or disorganized, students may not take you as seriously. One of the easiest ways to bring on discipline issues is to bore your students. If your lessons are unclear, disorganized, or not engaging enough for the students, they may lose attention. Keep students engaged and focused by delivering lessons that elicit interest. Keep moving throughout the classroom when you’re teaching and when students are doing group or individual work. Students notice that you’re engaged with their progress. Give hints to students as they work on problems.,", "If a student starts to get violently angry, your first priority is to keep the other students safe. If there is bullying going on in your classroom, learn strategies to stop bullying. You might think about dismissing the class early if the situation escalates. Don’t engage with the student until he has calmed down. Remain calm yourself, and don’t take sides. It may be a natural move to put your hand on the student’s shoulder to try calming them down. But when someone is angry, it is sometimes unclear what they may do in response. Maintain your distance from the student. If the situation has escalated, ask another student to get help. Having another teacher or person of authority may help diffuse the situation and can give you support. If there is a troublesome incident, such as a violent or excessively angry student, you should keep a record of what happened. Immediately after the incident occurs, write down what happened. Include details about what happened, when it happened, the names of those involved, and so on. Give a copy of this account to your administration. Also keep a copy in case a parent wants to see it. If the incident was severe, you or your principal will likely need to contact the student’s parents. Tell them the facts about what happened. Don’t add in your opinions. Stick to the facts. Use the conflict as a teachable moment. This is also a good time to reassure your students that they are safe in your classroom.", "No matter the age of your students, everyone should be treated with respect. Your students are more likely to treat you with respect as well. Show interest in your students by getting to know them. Make sure you know their names. Find out other information about them by asking questions. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t become the student’s close friend. It’s important to maintain a level of distance in order to preserve your authority in the classroom. Otherwise, a student may seek special treatment or favors, especially when dealing with a discipline issue. When your students are engaged in the class material, they will take more responsibility in the conduct of the class. Plan out interesting and engaging lessons and incorporate fun activities to keep up their involvement. For example, take simple polls in the class to determine how students feel about a particular issue. Even though these students are teenagers, they may still need to work on their social-emotional skills. Help students problem-solve their issues with friends and classmates. For example, if a student misbehaves or upsets another student, help this student come up with his own method of reparations that will be a meaningful solution. Treat your students equally. Although you might have favorite students, don’t show this to your students. Apply discipline evenly across the board. Treat every day as a new opportunity for success in your classroom. Don’t assume the worst of your students. Keep moving throughout the classroom when you’re teaching and when students are doing group or individual work. Students notice that you’re engaged with their progress. Give hints to students as they work on problems., If you need to talk with a student about discipline, don’t do so in a way that humiliates the student. Take the student aside or talk to him outside the classroom. Don’t use the instance as a moment to embarrass the student in front of his peers." ], "summary": [ "Include rules on your syllabus. Talk about your rules on the first day of class. Look and act professionally. Get to know students by name. Explore the discipline issue before acting. Keep a paper trail of discipline problems.", "Use the LEAST system. Remain calm. Address conflicts away from other students. Don’t get into arguments with students. Use the conflict as a teachable moment.", "Decide which rules are most important. Choose no more than 5 rules for your classroom. Make sure students know the rules. Outline consequences. Post the rules. Have the students make a commitment to the rules. Use non-verbal communication. Praise students for acting appropriately. Get parents involved early on. Give students tools for interacting with each other.", "Define behavioral expectations using the CHAMPS model. Maintain routine and structure in the classroom. Stir things up every so often. Build relationships with your students. Have a positive attitude. Speak in a normal voice. Rearrange seating once a month. Keep your classroom in order. Plan out engaging lessons. Circulate around the classroom.", "Keep the other students safe. Keep calm and neutral. Do not touch the student. Send a student for help. Document the incident. Contact the student’s parents. Talk with your students about the incident.", "Treat students with respect. Get to know the students. Get students engaged and involved. Help students work on their social-emotional skills. Be fair and consistent. Have a positive attitude. Circulate around the classroom. Don’t humiliate a student." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Gin Blue Martini" ], "document": [ "You can serve your blue martini in a traditional cocktail glass or any glass that will hold it. You can garnish the drink with an olive or onion if you want." ], "summary": [ "Serve your drink." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Ensuring a Comfortable Flight", "Having a Good Time on Your Flight", "Packing for Your Long Haul Trip" ], "document": [ ". Although an upgrade to business or first class isn't always financially feasible, if possible, the extra room in these parts of the plane can make your trip much more comfortable. When traveling economy, try to reserve a seat on the aisle, as this will make it easier to go for a quick walk when you're feeling restless. You'll also be able to sprawl into the aisle for some extra leg room. Some flyers prefer window seats. The benefit of a window seat is that you can use the side of the plane as a cozy nook in which you can sleep. Also, the view outside the plane can provide natural beauty you can enjoy if you find your activities are becoming tedious. The major drawback to window seats is the difficulty you'll face potentially crossing over two other people when going for a walk or trying to use the bathroom. Airline headphones/earbuds aren't always the highest quality, so you may want to bring a pair of your own. Noise-cancelling headphones, in particular, are praised by veteran long-haul flyers, though these can be expensive. Earplugs are a good, affordable substitution for these and can be bought at most drug stores. You might want to download some relaxing white noise tracks onto your media player to drown out other passengers or loud children. Rain sounds, beach sounds, and meditative tracks with gentle music accompanying natural noises can transport you to a more tranquil place. Many long flight travelers recommend wearing compression socks, especially when flying economy. The limited amount of space and long periods of time spent stationary can cause swelling in your feet and ankles or a dangerous condition called deep vein thrombosis. Compression socks can help prevent this. . Keeping your blood flowing and your body engaged can prevent soreness, swelling, and discomfort. The key to these kinds of exercises is small, controlled movement done consistently over time. Even if you're only raising your toes, doing this for 10 - 20 repetitions several times over the course of your flight will help keep your body limber. Speaking of raising your toes... Raise your toes while sitting. Keep your heels on the floor and slowly raise your toes as high as you can. Then lower your toes, and repeat this motion with your heels while keeping your toes on the floor. Do this 7 - 10 times with controlled, deliberate motion. Raise and twist your legs. You may have better results with this exercise if you recline your chair as much as possible first. Then, raise your legs as much as you can and rotate your toes in a clockwise motion until you complete at least 6 rotations. Then repeat the motion going counterclockwise the same number of rotations. Bring your knees to your chest. This engages both your abdominal muscles and your legs. Lean forward a little bit so your back is off your chair. After that, bring one knee as close to your chest as you can, using both hands to support it gently. Hold this pose for 15 to 20 seconds, then lower your leg and repeat the process with your other leg. Do this at least 3 times. Your schedule doesn't have to be set in stone, but by plotting out your plans for your flight time you can arrange activities to prevent boring gaps during your journey. You might plan on spending the first two hours of your trip getting situated and doing some light reading. At about the third hour of your flight, complimentary beverages, including alcohol, are usually offered. You may want to skip alcoholic drinks; the cabin will already be dry, alcohol can lead to dehydration, and alcohol can also hurt your quality of sleep. After that you might: Consider taking a nap or getting as much sleep as possible at around the five hour mark. Natural sleep aids, like chamomile, Valerian root, and melatonin may help. By planning a nap toward the middle of your long flight, you break up your activities so you hopefully won't get bored of in-seat entertainment. Think about a walk down the aisle at the eight hour mark. Even regular in-seat exercise isn't a substitute for stretching your legs. After your nap, a little past the halfway point of your flight, excuse yourself from your seat and take a stroll. This is also a good opportunity to visit the restroom and freshen up with your in-flight toiletry bag. Enjoy your planned activities between hours eight and ten of your trip. Settle in for a good movie, read your book, do your puzzles -- occupy yourself with all the enjoyable things you've brought along for the flight. Try to catch a little more rest at hour ten. Your quality of sleep on a long flight probably won't be as good or as long as what you're used to. If you feel sleepy, listen to your body, but following a relaxing movie, a good read, or some puzzle work, you might find yourself ready for another short nap. Finish out the rest of your flight with planned activities. This is also a good chance for you to do your in-flight exercises. Doing your exercises now will prepare your body for de-planing, snagging luggage, and making your way to a hotel or wherever it is you're headed. You might also want to take another trip to the restroom an hour before you land so you feel refreshed when you reach your destination.", "Think about and make a list of activities you like to do in enclosed spaces, like your room, school, or office. Some common in-flight activities include reading, listening to music, watching movies, and doing homework/work. Don't forget any hobbies you might have that can be done in a seat, like drawing, knitting, playing chess, doing puzzles (like sudoku or crossword puzzles), folding origami, and so on. You might also want to consider practicing meditation before you step on board your flight. Some people experience flight anxiety, and many people become uncomfortable during a long flight. Meditating on your flight can help calm you down and put your body in a relaxed state. A long flight might also be a good time for you to try out a new activity, especially if you find that you normally don't have free time to try something new. If you've always thought about giving sudoku a shot but have never had a chance, your long plane ride might be just the place to focus on and try out a new activity like this! Some long haul flights will be less crowded than others. Keep your eyes peeled when boarding and settling into your seat. If you notice some seats that look empty, call over a flight attendant and ask if you might move to those seats so you and the other passengers can have more room. Don't be shy when asking - in many cases, open seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Even if it feels awkward introducing yourself to a stranger, remember that your seat-mates are likely feeling the same thing. Being on friendly terms with those sitting next to you can make it seem less of a bother when you need to exit your row to use the restroom or go for a walk. To help making friends with those sitting around you, you might bring an extra snack to offer. Even if your seat-mate refuses, most people will appreciate the gesture of good will. You might engage your seat-mates in a game, like chess, or ask for help with a difficult puzzle. You might say something like, \"Hi, my name's Tom, you wouldn't happen to know anything about famous people, would you? Thirteen down in this crossword has got me stumped.\" Routine can help put you in the mood for slumber. Even though you'll be in an enclosed, unfamiliar space on your plane, heading to the bathroom to change into nightwear/pajamas could be just the thing to help you nod off. These lightweight garments can usually be packed in your in-flight bag without taking up too much room. You might also find it easier to fall asleep if you take your shoes off and give your toes some wiggle room. If you are uncomfortable putting your stockings down on the airplane floor, you can ask your flight attendant for an airline blanket and use this to rest your feet upon. If you're traveling for business and are wearing a suit jacket or blazer, in many cases you can request a flight attendant hang your jacket up so it doesn't get wrinkled. This way, you can keep your business clothes crisp and fresh while you rest. Although your space in-flight will be limited, there are still ways you can get comfortable when you're trying to drift off to sleep. If you have a window seat, you can pull the window shade down and rest your head on it. But even if you don't have a window seat, remember to recline your chair! Even a slightly backwards lean to your chair can improve your comfort levels. If you don't have a pillow, a jacket or a scarf can do in a pinch. Fold or ball up an article of clothing to make a comfortable pillow for your head. If you are trapped in a middle seat, attempt various positions to find what's most comfortable for you. You may find that leaning to the left or right in your reclined seat helps considerably. You might even be able to create a surface to lean against by wadding up extra clothing, like a sweatshirt. Remember to buffer your lower body from discomfort. Sleeping while mostly upright can put unpleasant pressure on your lower back. Sitting on a pillow, even one of the U-shaped variety, can help relieve that pressure, give a slight lift to your legs, and add to your comfort. It's easy to get distracted from maintaining the charge of your electronics, especially if, for example, you're enjoying a good movie on your tablet or laptop. Keep your chargers handy and try to keep at least one device charging at all times. This way, you'll at least have one device with a charge when the batteries on your other electronics are low on power. Depending on the kind of plugs used in your home country, you might also want to bring a power adapter for your electronics. To check whether or not you'll need a power adapter, you can check the specifications of your flight online to see what kind of outlets, if any, are available. If you have a book, a game, or a puzzle you're really enjoying, try not to finish it in one sitting. Take a break halfway through so you can enjoy it more later on in the flight when you'll likely be more restless and in need of something engaging. You might watch a movie, do in-flight exercises, or go do some work in between the activity you're enjoying. Taking a break from an enjoyable activity will also prevent you from getting burned out on it. Even the most enjoyable things, if done for too long, can become tiresome. The dry air in the cabin can steal your moisture quicker than you realize. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and can contribute to mental fog. Keep yourself well hydrated throughout the flight by drinking plenty of water. To prevent dehydration, you also might want to avoid diuretics. Diuretics are substances that make you have to urinate more frequently, like coffee and alcohol.", "On many long flights, especially those over eight hours long, you'll likely end up sleeping or taking a nap. A bathroom kit is excellent for just these kinds of situations. This way, you don't have to feel like you have to worry about \"dragon breath\" after waking up. In your bathroom kit, you'll probably want to at least include a toothbrush, travel sized toothpaste, deodorant, and hand sanitizer. Many kinds of contact lenses can be uncomfortable when sleeping, or can dry out and leave your eyes itchy and blurry. A contact case and solution in your bathroom kit can save you from this! Be sure your solution bottles are within your airline's allowable limits. The air in the cabin of most flights, especially long flights, can be very dry. Some travel sized lotion and lip balm can soothe your dry skin. Eye drops, too, can be a lifesaver after a nap or after your eyes are dried out from cabin air. A few hours of sleep, or better yet, a full eight hours, can cut your long haul flight down to a fraction of what it would otherwise be. Many people, however, have difficulty sleeping in airline seats or ignoring other passengers while trying to sleep. Try to anticipate things that might help you sleep better, like a sleeping mask to block light, a travel pillow, personal blanket, and ear plugs. Some travelers swear by sleep aids to help with drifting off, and if you also plan on trying this approach with over-the-counter or doctor-proscribed sleep aids, you should give the medicine a test run before your flight. Sleep aids affect each person differently, and the last thing you want is to be caught wide-eyed and wakeful when all you want to do is nod off. You may also want to check the features offered on your flight. Many long flights offer amenities like pillows and blankets, though the quality of these may not be as good as what you bring from home. Still, if you find your carry-on luggage full to the brim, using an airline pillow instead can create more space for something fun! Even though long many flights usually provide meal-service, there's no guarantee you'll find the food appetizing or that the amount will be enough to satisfy your hunger for the entire flight. Pack some travel-snacks approved by your airline, like dried fruit, and protein bars. Avoid nuts due to potential allergy issues had by other passengers. You'll also want to bring games, media, and other items necessary for the activities you've brainstormed. Prioritize snacks that you know from experience are kind to your digestion. An upset stomach on a long flight can ruin any enjoyment you might have had. Make sure you pack your chargers and potentially a power pack for charging your devices in flight. Even though many flights now have outlets for your electronic devices, if you plan on using a laptop/tablet, battery powered headphones, and your cell phone, you may find that you don't have enough outlets to charge them all halfway into your flight when your batteries start to die! A power pack can save you in this situation. Technology isn't always reliable, and the last thing you want is to spend a 12-hour flight watching an in-flight movie that you find boring. It's a good idea to bring at least one item that can't malfunction, like a book and/or some paper puzzles (sudoku, crosswords, etc.), along with some paper, a pencil, and a pen. You might be surprised by how the temperature in your cabin changes. At the beginning of your flight, you might feel relatively comfortable, but after getting comfortable and settling in to sleep, you might feel cold. Dress in layers so that you can ensure that you're comfortable no matter how the cabin temperature fluctuates. Prioritize loose fitting, comfortable clothing from your wardrobe. Even if it isn't scarf season, a scarf can be a great asset on a long flight. Scarves take up relatively little space and can be carried around your neck, but when it's cold you can drape your scarf over your arms, legs, or wherever you find warms you best. Scarves can also be used as a pillow in a pinch." ], "summary": [ "Get the best seat possible Devise ways to decrease discomfort. Familiarize yourself with in-plane exercises Create an in-flight schedule.", "Brainstorm possible activities. Scope out free seats. Make a friend. Consider changing into pajamas. Get cozy when trying to sleep. Stay on top of charging electronics. Give yourself something to look forward to. Hydrate yourself.", "Consider your basic needs. Prepare in-flight sleep supplies. Assemble your in-flight bag. Determine your in-flight attire." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Breathing Easy", "Acting Cool", "Fighting Anxiety" ], "document": [ "Take a moment. See and note whatever’s around you. Pay particular attention to colors, shapes, and textures. The idea is to be present in the moment. You can't be cool and laid-back if constant thoughts of the past or the future are tugging on your sleeve. Consider the positioning of your body. Where are your feet? How do they feel? In what position are your hands? Your head? Your shoulders? You don't have to be a new-age spiritualist to recognize how your body feels. This is your chance to sink into relaxation through the 4-7-8 Breathing technique. You should begin to feel your body slow down into a relaxed state. Repeat this breathing technique. Remember: don’t worry yet about looking or being “cool”; now you just want your body to find its safe space. Tell yourself affirmations. (i.e. “You have a lot to offer this dinner party. You’re going to have a great time.”) You might feel silly saying such things to yourself, but hopefully, with your body rested and your mind open, you’ll at least give such affirmations a chance. You want to not just say the words, but feel them in your bones. Slowly enter the “real” world, but be open to resume practicing this breathing and perception technique whenever you want to settle down. Meditation isn’t for everybody, but for some people, it is a great tool for relaxation of the body and the soul. All you need to get started is a commitment to trying something new, and five minutes of your day. Find a quiet spot that is comfortable but not sleep-inducing. Keep your spine tall, close your eyes, and begin to slowly breathe in and out. Follow your breath. Focus on the feeling of the air passing, and the area between your nose and your upper lip. Don’t try to control your thoughts; let them come to you. Some people need help getting in the right frame of mind for meditation. Consider listening to a guided meditation podcast or attending a class.", "Less movement, less speech, less babbling, and less appearance of trying too hard add up to more cool. Cool people don't overexplain. When you speak, think “more mystery, less history.” Practice being still and speaking slowly, as if you know exactly what you’re going to say even if you don’t. You are Tony Stark in Iron Man. Tony Stark does not fidget. Practice opening up your body by taking up a little more space than you usually do in a room. Make sure your arms aren't crossed over chest. A \"power posture\" can actually convince you, and others, that you are powerful. The expectation, if you make yourself believe it, can have real world effects on the people you encounter. Like an athlete \"in the zone\" whose skills are working on an almost unconscious level, your conviction of cool can take on a life of its own and make others notice. Your body language will reflect the coolness you feel inside. If you’re seen as somebody who knows the rules and breaks them, the presumption is that you’re cool. This is not a suggestion to get yourself arrested, but rather just a statement that someone who breaks the rules is often seen, for better or for worse, as powerful. You don't want to look like a billboard for all the trends. Close your eyes and picture the coolest version of yourself. What are you wearing? What are you doing? Who's looking at you and how are they reacting to you? How are you feeling? Open your eyes and go about attaining that look you envisioned. Even if it won't stick, it is at least a legitimate attempt at a coolness from within yourself. While it’s unquestionably true that being and showing “cool” opens doors, an appearance of “cool” can be a mere gloss over real deficiencies in character. A recent study has shown that teenagers considered to be “cool” in high school actually faced more challenges in their adulthood when it came to friendships, relationships, substance abuse, criminal behavior, and overall maturity. The idea behind the findings was that coolness has a shallow quality not conducive to self-actualization. Coolness is not the best attitude for every occasion. If you show real interest in others, you'll feel good about yourself and people will feel good about you, even if you don't come off as \"cool\". Genuine confidence and self-esteem sometimes, but not always, go hand in hand with cool. Keep developing yourself as a person engaged with the world, curious to improve, to learn, to be better. Thereafter, \"cool\" will be a characteristic of yours, but not the most important one.", "It's no secret that regular cardiovascular exercise releases endorphins and plainly makes your body feels better. While not everyone is destined to be a gym rat or a sports fiend, everyone can make a list of their favorite activities. Think outside the box: for example, maybe you've always wanted to try hiking. Search for local hiking groups. Your brain needs rest. Try wearing a sleep mask and/or listening to white noise to create a peaceful environment. Avoid things like caffeine, alcohol, and drugs. While these substances may temporarily reduce anxiety, they end up making it worse in the long-term. A key component of being “laid-back” is to refuse to let life’s little annoyances rattle your composure. When you’re getting irritated or angry, pause to think about what’s causing your anger. Psychologists speak of the power of reframing events, of activating the reasoning brain to bring balance to the emotional brain. If you’re running late for an important appointment, reframe the situation from one of distress and disappointment into a problem-solving opportunity. Even if you can’t figure out a solution, just considering possibilities will lower the bar on your emotional volume and put you in a more positive state. Many people will come and go in your life; some will make you feel good, others won’t. No matter how much work you do to become cool and laid-back, there will be negative people in the world. Treasure the fact that you can always work to improve your state of mind notwithstanding what stands in your way. Professional counseling might be a good idea if you’re confronted with issues in your life that are too overwhelming to confront on your own. Some people struggle with clinical anxiety disorders. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) shows itself through an excessive anxiety about everyday things like money, relationships, health, and school. If you're unsure whether or not the anxiety you're experiencing is excessive, it's not a bad idea to see a therapist and get a diagnosis. Being cool and laid-back may not be the right goal for you just yet if there are other obstacles you need to conquer first." ], "summary": [ "Observe your surroundings. Sit down, take a long deep breath, and briefly close your eyes. Breathe through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale through your mouth for eight seconds. Open your eyes as if waking up from a sleep. Consider meditation.", "Know that less is more. Expect to be seen as cool. Be a rebel, or at least look like you’re a rebel. Know the limitations of cool.", "Exercise. Sleep well. Stop sweating the small things. Remember that the only person you can control is yourself. Consider professional counseling." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Diffusion", "Braids", "Curling Iron" ], "document": [ "This method works best if you naturally have wavy hair, since you won't be able to straighten it beforehand and you won't be adding to your natural curl. Apply a curl cream based on your natural curl type to give your waves a bit more hold.", "This method works great with straight or lightly wavy hair. If you have curly hair, it'll just curl up instead of drying into loose waves.", "Second-day hair sometimes works better for styling, so if you can, wait a day after washing your hair. This will help your waves stay in place longer. If your hair is naturally very curly, [Straighten Your Hair | straighten it] before continuing. If you want loose waves, you'll need to start with either straight or slightly wavy hair." ], "summary": [ "Start with wet hair.", "Start with wet hair before bed.", "Start with completely dry hair." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Taking Emergency Contraceptives", "Taking Action" ], "document": [ "Whether you take Plan B, Ella, or a dose of regular oral contraceptives, there are certain suggestions to follow for optimal effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. Plan B is two pills (which equals one dose) that you take together as soon as you can. You only need to take one dose. Do not take more than the suggested dose or any other birth control pills in addition. The sooner you take Plan B after unprotected sex, the more effective it will be in preventing pregnancy. Plan B reduces the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex by 95% if taken within the first 24 hours. Ella is only available by prescription but it is similar to Plan B in how you take it. You only need one dose, which for Ella is just one pill. You only need to take one pill. Do not take more than the suggested dose or any other birth control pills in addition. Doses differ depending on the type of pill you are taking. For example, if you have Levora oral contraceptives, you will take 4 pills at each dose but if you have Aviane, you will take 5 pills at each dose. Be sure to check with a medical professional or pharmacist if you are uncertain how much to take. Take your first dose within 5 days of unprotected sex, then a second dose 12 hours after the first dose. To use regular oral contraceptives as emergency contraception, you usually have to take two doses. Do not miss the second dose or you greatly decrease the chance of successfully preventing a pregnancy. Regardless of which pill method you choose, you can expect certain side effects to occur so be prepared. Emergency contraceptive pills can cause side effects such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Be sure to ask your pharmacist or doctor what to expect. Taking an anti-nauseant pill, if one is available, will decrease the chances that you will vomit as a side effect of taking the emergency contraceptives. Taking an anti-nauseant one to two hours before taking your emergency contraceptive may prevent you from throwing up the emergency contraceptive. If you throw up within an hour of taking the emergency contraceptive, call your medical provider to see if you should take another dose. Do not drink or drive vehicles in the first 24 hours after taking your pills. You may be additionally drowsy, especially if you have also taken an anti-nauseant.", "Time is of the essence in preventing an accidental pregnancy after unprotected sex. Effectiveness is highest in the first 24 hours after sex but emergency contraception can be effective up to 5 days after. Douching is not only ineffective at preventing pregnancy but is generally advised against by doctors. Douching changes the normal bacterial and yeast state of your reproductive tract leading to increased infections. If you had unprotected sex, you are not just at risk of pregnancy but you are also at risk for a sexually transmitted infection. See a doctor and get tested for pregnancy and for sexually transmitted infections. HIV testing usually requires two tests six months apart to ensure a true reading. Plan B is a hormone based emergency contraceptive available in Canada and the United States that prevents ovulation and fertilization if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. The hormone in Plan B is called progestin, or levonorgestrel. Plan B is available over the counter at most pharmacies or from your medical provider. You do not need a prescription for Plan B, and it is not covered under most medical insurance plans. Ella is a synthetic pill (made of ulipristal acetate) that works much the same as Plan B but can be effective up to 5 days after sex. Because of this, it is a bit more likely to be effective at preventing pregnancy than Plan B. Ella requires a prescription from a medical provider. Ella reduces the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex by approximately 75%. There is no current evidence that Ella causes abortions. The \"abortion pill\" (RU-486, or mifepristone) is only available with a prescription. While both drugs do interact with progesterone, they do so very differently. The dosage in Ella is not high enough to cause an abortion. Do not assume the pharmacist or medical provider will know what you are asking for. Pills currently available in the US are Plan B (also called My Way, Next Choice, or Take Action), and Ella. In Canada, you can ask for Plan B (also called Option 2, Next Choice, or NorLevo). Ella is not yet available in Canada. If the professional helping you only hears you say “contraceptive,” she might think you are asking for regular oral contraceptives. Be specific to ensure you get what you need. Certain combination birth control pills work at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. You can find a full list at Princeton's Emergency Contraception website here. Be sure you are choosing a regular oral contraceptive that has been shown to be effective in preventing pregnancy. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you aren't sure. If taken in the proper doses, oral contraceptives reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex by 75%. This depends on the type of oral contraceptive you have, however. The copper intrauterine device (aka IUD) is a highly effective form of emergency contraceptive as it reduces the risk of pregnancy by more than 99% if inserted within 5 days of unprotected sex. However, many offices do not carry IUDs in stock and must order them, meaning it may be difficult to use them as emergency contraception within the appropriate timeframe. The copper IUD works by increasing cervical mucus and repelling sperm. Side effects may include cramping and bleeding between periods. Hormone based IUDs (such as Mirena) do not work as emergency contraceptives but they are an excellent choice of preventative birth control. The IUD can easily be inserted by a professional at a doctor's office or clinic. You do not need to go to a hospital. Having a copper IUD inserted provides the extra benefit of being effective as a regular birth control method if left in place for up to 10 years. However, they may be expensive, so they may not be your first choice." ], "summary": [ "Follow the instructions carefully. Take Plan B according to directions. Take Ella as prescribed. Take combination oral contraceptives as recommended. Expect side effects. Take an anti-nauseant. Stay safe and take it easy.", "See a pharmacist or medical provider as soon as you can. Do not douche. Get tested. Get Plan B. Ask your doctor for Ella. Ask for the pill by name. Choose normal birth control pills instead. Consider a copper IUD (ParaGard)." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Improving Your Print Ad Offerings", "Pitching the Print Ads Effectively" ], "document": [ "The headlines in your advertisements should stop readers in their tracks and attract a lot of attention. They should also effectively summarize the selling message and stimulate interest in the proposal embedded in the ad. Headlines, also known as taglines, usually appear in large, bold font and are best when they are short and snappy. The subheads should then elaborate on the headline. You should have print ad examples that have strong headlines and subheads. This will show potential clients that you have copywriters who can come up with snappy, sales-oriented copy. In industry terms, an ad has about 10 seconds to jump off the page and make an impact on readers. This means the headline or tagline needs to be catchy and bold enough to attract attention. Often, current print ads will contain a short, one to five word tagline that is reinforced by a strong illustration or image. The brand's logo may also be featured prominently on the print ad so the consumer knows exactly who is selling the product. In print advertising, strong illustrations and images can really help to get a reader to pay attention to the ad. The illustrations should work with the headline, or tagline, to reinforce the ad's theme and promote the company or brand effectively. Offering custom illustrations, whether through an in house graphic designer or a designer your ad agency uses on a client by client basis, can help your agency seem more appealing to potential customers. For example, a recent print ad for the Swedish company IKEA featured the tagline: “Tidy up.” The tagline appeared underneath a bold and colorful graphic of different colored socks that took up most of the ad space. This simple tagline, paired with an engaging graphic, works effectively to catch a reader's eye. To appeal to a larger customer base, you should try to offer ads in a variety of styles. This could mean graphic heavy ads with a large graphic and a simple tagline or ads with more text and less illustration. You may also use different color schemes in several different ads to show that you can provide a variety of design styles. This will show clients that you can be flexible and provide an ad style that fits their brand. You may also want to offer a complete ad campaign, where you create a series of print ads for the same company to sell similar products. Some ad agencies will use the same illustration style and the same font for an ad campaign so the ads all feel related but slightly different in some way. If you are looking to home in on a particular client market, you may want to create sample ads that appeal to a certain demographic or market. You may create sample ads with a younger demographic in mind to attract clients who are selling products to a younger demographic. Or, you may focus on the over-50 market to try to attract clients who are selling products made for older adults. Focusing on a specific demographic or market can help you get the attention of clients and build client relationships with brands you want to work with.", "In our current age, it can be difficult to make print ads appealing to companies, especially when digital ads can be more widely distributed and tracked through online clicks. One option is to pitch digital ads to clients first, or a digital version of a print ad. This shows clients that you are aware of the power of the internet in terms of marketing and can offer a digital option as well as a print option. You can also pitch a bundle of digital and print together, where you offer to create a digital ad and a print ad to double the ad's circulation. Many small to mid-sized companies are intimidated or overwhelmed by digital advertising. Offering them a digital option in addition to the print option can make you seem like the hero during the pitch and allow you to guide them through the ins and outs of digital marketing. Digital ads are also useful because the response to them can be tracked. You can then sit down with the client and compare the digital ad numbers with the print ad numbers to get an overall picture of how effective the advertising is for the company. An account survey can be done before you meet the client in person, over the phone, or during the client meeting. The survey will help you get a better sense of the needs of your client and their expectations around the print ad. The survey should answer the following questions: What kinds of promotions have you used in the past and where they successful? Why or why not? What areas of your business have grown or developed within the past year to two years? How did these areas grow? What are your expectations for the advertisement? How can the advertisement fulfill a business need for your company? A sample account survey can be found online. If you are pitching the print advertising in person, you should bring a copy of sample ads in a newspaper or magazine format. This will allow you to show the customer exactly how the ads looked in a print setting. If you are pitching over the phone, you may want to email the customer several sample ads to help them visualize how their ads may appear in print. Try to select example ads that may be close to what the client is looking for. If a client would like to appeal to a younger demographic with a large visual impact and a bold tagline, look for sample ads that contain these elements. You may use market research information as a way to show how print ads can increase sales for the client. The publication you work for may have market-specific information available based on surveys done with previous clients. Your ad agency may also have access to survey information that can be used to indicate how effective print ads can be to generate sales. Use this data to encourage the client to consider how print advertising can work for them. You should provide physical examples of layout options for the ads as well as color overlay options. If you are pitching to the customer over the phone, you should email the client a sample ad package that contains these elements. Showing the client these options will allow them to better visualize the ad and persuade them to seriously consider investing in print advertising for their company or business. Providing these options can also allow the client to determine what they like and what they do not like in terms of the look of their ad. You may want to also show the same sample ad with two different color overlays or two different layout options. This will give the client the ability to see what the same ad looks like in two different styles. Try to get written testimonials from current clients or previous accounts and use them as selling points. Look for short phrases or blurbs from current clients that highlight the effectiveness of the ads and how it increased sales for the client. You can then show these to the client to reinforce the value of print advertising and your agency's success record. You may also want to mention a current ad campaign created by your agency that is doing well, especially if it is well known. This can help to keep your client engaged in the pitch and remind the client that your agency has done effective work in the past. Most clients who require advertising do not have a strong background in writing advertising copy. You should note that your agency has an in-adhouse copy-writing team or a reliable copywriter contracted out by your agency on an as needed basis. You may provide example copy written by your team for other companies so the client can get a sense of the writing style of your copy-writing staff. Closing a sale can be the trickiest part of a pitch. You want to end the pitch with a call to action that feels positive for the client. Do this by making it clear you want to help the client improve their sales. Maintain eye contact and a sincere, genuine tone of voice. Make several well informed recommendations for their ad and then ask them directly if they would be willing to invest in effective print advertising for their company. It can be helpful to practice closing a sale as part of your agency's training to get a better sense of how to do this effectively. However, closing a sale with a real client in a real pitch is one of the best ways to get better at doing it. Often, closing a sale is more successful if the salesperson works up to the close from the very beginning of the pitch. Try to have the close in mind as soon as you meet the client or talk to them over the phone. Set a positive, open tone for the pitch, as this will increase your chances of successfully closing the sale and selling the print advertising to the client." ], "summary": [ "Have eye-catching copy in headlines and subheads. Offer custom illustrations and images. Provide a variety of ad styles. Make your ads appealing to a certain demographic or market.", "Consider pitching digital ads first. Do an account survey to get a better sense of the needs of your clients. Show off a copy of the print ads in a newspaper or a magazine. Point out how the print ads will increase sales and build interest in consumer. Present the client with layout options and color overlays. Discuss testimonials from other businesses and publications with the client. Provide copy-writing advice, if needed. End the pitch on a positive note." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Evaluated by Professionals", "Increasing Your Physical Health", "Reducing and Preventing Mood Swings", "Coping with Mood Swings" ], "document": [ "In order to successfully treat mood swings, you will first need to have a medical evaluation. This is to rule out any possible medical issues that can cause mood swings. If you find out you have a medical issue, such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), you can work with your doctor to manage your symptoms. Some other examples of medical issues that can cause mood swings include: thyroid issues, dementia, brain tumors, meningitis, and lung or cardiovascular disease. If you have ruled out any medical issue that is causing your mood swings, you can consider getting therapeutic treatment. You will need to first be evaluated by a psychologist (PhD or PsyD), or therapist (MA, MFT) who can properly treat your mental health condition. There are many mental health issues that can include mood swings such as: ADHD, Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Bipolar Disorders I and II. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can help to reduce mood swings by focusing on changing maladaptive thinking that increase negative mood states. Medications, such as mood stabilizers, can be very helpful in reducing mood swings. One way to seek a psychiatrist is to ask your general doctor or therapist for a referral. Another way to find a psychiatrist is to contact your medical insurance company and ask for covered doctors in your network.", "Physical activity can help increase positive mood (by releasing endorphins) and prevent mood diagnoses such as anxiety and depressive disorders. Focus on exercising at least every other day for at least 30 minutes. Or, when you feel a mood swing coming on get out and do something physical. Traditional exercises such as walking, running, and lifting weights are useful in creating a physical activity schedule. You can even do exercises at home. Try sweeping, vacuuming or other types of cleaning. Or, put on a YouTube exercise video for free! Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Try fun physical activities like: hiking, canoeing, fishing, kayaking, gardening, jumping rope, dancing, bowling, shooting pool, kickboxing, doing yoga, and playing sports. Sleep duration and quality have effects on your mood and overall health. Get less sleep and you might become more anxious or agitated, which can be a trigger to a mood swing. Sleep at least 8 hours per night. Set a bedtime and wake-time and stick to them even on weekends. Stop watching television and using your phone at least 30 minutes before bedtime. What goes in your body dictates how you will feel physically. Having a healthy diet can produce stability in both body and mind. Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. Ditch the junk food. It doesn’t help to cope by overeating or eating unhealthy foods. Don't constantly miss meals. Eat at least 3 solid meals per day. Plan ahead so that you aren’t in a situation where you are left without any food during lunchtime. Have snacks with you so that you avoid feeling cranky due to hunger. When you start to experience a drop in energy or start to feel moody, eat a snack. Some good options are: yogurt, fruits, nuts (as long as you aren’t allergic), cheese, protein bars, granola bars, and vegetables. Avoid coffee and soda if you can. Soda and coffee will raise your blood sugar levels rapidly however shortly after these levels drop very low thus effecting your mood swings again. If you drink 4 cups of coffee a day and or 4 sodas a day cut the amount in half for a week. If everything is going well, then reduce in half again for another week. Continue on with this program until you are not consuming any coffee or soda. If you need extra help, consult a nutritionist or a Physician who is well educated in nutrition, food and supplementation.", "Using emotion-regulation skills can reduce mood swings. Regulating your emotions is about learning to change the situation you are in or the emotion you are having. One way to regulate your emotions is to use positive self-talk. For example, if you are feeling very sad you can tell yourself, \"It's going to be okay. I'm sad right now but I can get through this.\" You may find that using positive self-talk can help to reduce whatever negative emotion you are experiencing. Sometimes you can’t stop your emotions even if you want to. If you feel emotional, but are in a bad environment to express yourself – change your environment if you can. Perhaps go to your car, the bathroom, or somewhere else that you can be alone. If you give yourself a few minutes to let some emotions out (i.e through being tearful), you may feel better and be able to go back to your day. This is one helpful way you can regulate your emotions, by letting a little bit out at at time. One way to cope with negative emotions is to postpone dealing with your feelings in order to continue being productive or until you can get to a safe place to express them. This is a helpful technique because not all places are appropriate to express certain emotions. For example, you wouldn’t necessarily want to let out your anger or tears in a crowded office building with your coworkers present. This could lead to negative occupational consequences. Distracting yourself is a great way to postpone dealing with a particular emotion. A good distraction technique is to focus on your responsibilities or work projects. You can also tell yourself, \"I know I have some emotions to deal with, but I need to focus right now.\" Set a time to stress out or deal with the negative emotion. For example, literally write into your schedule \"emotional time\" from 6 - 6:30 pm. This way you are planning to healthfully express your emotions at a later moment. Avoid completely detaching from your emotions because this can be dangerous and can lead to lack of empathy and crimes or violence against others. If you feel numb or emotionless, contact a mental health professional for assistance. Anger management is about dealing with your anger before it blows up and becomes a rage. The anger escalation model is a helpful idea that shows how your anger can slowly increase throughout the day. If you don’t notice it and cope with it appropriately, it can end up building until it finally blows up and you end up yelling or doing another aggressive action. Accept that anger is a normal emotion and it is okay to feel sometimes. Many things can make us angry. It’s what we do with our anger that makes the difference. Good ways to cope with and release anger are: talking to a friend, hitting a pillow (or another soft object that won’t cause harm), screaming into a pillow, exercising, and boxing (safely). The personal meaning you give your emotions can either increase or decrease your mood swings. This is because your thoughts directly influence your feelings and behaviors. Thus, your beliefs about emotions can directly influence your mood swings. Look at your feelings as information instead of thinking of them as terrible things that you need to avoid. Think, \"I am feeling a strong emotion. I can try to understand what it means and how I can cope with it.\" Use your wise mind by analyzing and questioning your thoughts and emotions logically. Ask yourself questions such as: What am I thinking and feeling? What are the words that my mind is saying? Are the thoughts descriptions or evaluations? Accurate or inaccurate? Helpful or unhelpful? Is this thought fact or opinion? Where is my focus of attention? What can I do to cope? Ironically, the more you try to control or fix your emotions, the more mood swings you might have. Sometimes you may want to control your emotions because they are painful and difficult to deal with. Counterproductive attempts at control are classified as either ascent behaviors (increasing activation), or descent behaviors (decreasing activation).", "Sometimes you can’t reduce your emotions effectively and you may want to just avoid them. However, Avoiding feeling a powerful emotion or thinking a thought can lead to it gaining power and increasing distress over time. When you have already tried to reduce your emotion severity, but the emotion is just too strong, you can use distress tolerance skills. This means learning to deal with distressing and unpleasant emotions such as: anger, sadness, anxiety, and nervousness. One way to increase your distress tolerance is to radically accept your current feeling and situation. This means not trying to judge it or change it, just accepting it the way it is. You can say to yourself, “I accept how I feel. It’s not pleasant but it is what it is. I can get through it.” Since you are having difficulty changing the emotion itself, try improving the current situation in some way. You can do this by using any number of coping skills (which will be further explained) such as grounding exercises, relaxation techniques, creating a mood diary and avoiding coping in ways that will make the situation worse in the long-run (i.e using drugs or alcohol). Allow yourself to express your emotions in a healthy way. Great ways to express your feelings are: writing creatively, talking to a friend, expressing yourself through art or dance, and crying. Distraction, or using grounding exercises, is about momentarily doing or thinking about something else in order to take power away from the emotion and to distance yourself from it. Divergent thinking, or a grounding exercise, is a way to distract yourself and increase positive mood. For example, a divergent thinking task would be to name as many uses for a household item, such as a cup, that you can think of for 1 minute. Try fun distraction techniques such as: watching a movie, playing a game, reading a book, playing an instrument, painting, drawing, writing a story, cooking, or talking to a friend. Try other grounding exercises such as: naming all of the objects in the room, running your hands under cold or warm water, and thinking of all of the colors you can identify, counting backwards from 100 in your head, thinking of the names of state capitals. Make sure the activity you choose has nothing to do with your current emotion. For example, if you are sad, don’t watch a sad movie in order to distract yourself. This may actually lead you to feeling worse. Try anything logical and unemotional that will take your mind off the situation. Relaxation techniques can help you calm down when you are feeling anxious, angry, or extremely sad. One relaxation technique is deep breathing. Place yourself in a comfortable position and practicing breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus deeply on your breathing and how it feels throughout your body to inhale and exhale. Do this for at least 5 minutes. This is a component of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), a type of treatment that focuses on emotional regulation and distress tolerance. It focuses on the idea that our minds are made up of a logical and an emotional piece. Individuals who have mood swings may be stuck more on the emotional mind, but need to use a combination of logic and emotions in order achieve a wise mind. Think logically about the situation. What happened? Who was involved? Analyze your own emotions rationally. Question your emotional reaction; is it exaggerated or out or proportion to the situation? Is it possible you are reacting to something from the past (past pain or relationship issues)? Ask yourself, is this situation going to still matter to me in 5 years? How much does it actually affect your life? Keeping a mood diary may help you understand your mood swings better so that you can learn to anticipate and cope with changes in emotion. There are different levels of mood swings. A moderate mood swing may include many mood changes throughout the day, can vary from elevated mood to anger to sadness within a few hours, and changes in mood are typically out of proportion to circumstances and cause impairment in functioning. Severe mood swings are rapid mood swings nearly all of the time, with mood intensity greatly out of proportion to the circumstances. Extreme mood swings would be constant, explosive variability in mood, several mood changes occurring within minutes, with difficulty identifying a particular mood, and changes in mood are radically out of proportion to circumstances. Create a mood diary by listing: Day and time of the mood swing. Emotion and intensity of mood (from 0% to 100% intense). What was happening at the time (who were you with and where were you)? What thoughts you had. What you were doing right before the mood swing. What you did after the mood swing (how you dealt with it or coped). Use your mood diary to identify and cope with triggers such as stress and season changes. It is important to learn how to cope healthfully with mood swings and also to avoid bad ways of coping which can cause increased mood swings and other consequences. Some examples of negative coping strategies are: rumination, self-harm, harm against others, destruction of property, and using drugs or alcohol. For example, some people may resort to aggression in order to cope with negative emotional states and to feel better. However, this can cause social and legal ramifications such as loss of friends and arrest. Avoid using drugs and alcohol. These substances may increase your mood swings because they cause chemical changes in your brain and can de-regulate you. If you have the desire to drink or use drugs, try a positive coping resource first such as taking a walk, talking to a friend, or exercising. If you have a problem with drugs and alcohol, seek professional assistance." ], "summary": [ "Meet with your medical doctor. Talk to a therapist. Speak to a psychiatrist and consider medication.", "Exercise regularly. Get enough rest. Watch your diet.", "Regulate your emotions. Postpone the emotion. Manage your anger. Change the way you interpret your emotions. Give up control and accept your emotions.", "Tolerate distress. Distract yourself. Use relaxation techniques. Think logically. Monitor your mood. Avoid negative coping strategies." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Communicating Your Interest Verbally", "Communicating Your Interest Physically", "Understanding Gothic Subculture" ], "document": [ "Her identity as a goth doesn't mean she doesn't have non-goth related interests and hobbies. You might find that you have a lot more in common than you first thought! Ask her about her favorite: TV shows Classes in school Free time activities Places to go The goth subculture might be new and strange to you, which can lead you to feeling out of your element and uncomfortable. Try not to be judgmental in this situation. After all, goths are people just like you and are simply looking for a place where they can be accepted and appreciated for their style and beliefs. It's likely that goths feel just as out of place in their daily life as you might when hanging out with them. Try to understand how the girl you want to attract thinks. Listen to her and discuss what she says. You don't have to think the same things she does, but respect her views and show her you're interested in what's important to her. It can be tempting to try and portray yourself in a way you think she'll like. This is natural, but can lead you to feel like the real you isn't good enough for her. Pretending to be something that you're not can also lead to strain in your relationship with her. Avoid pretending to be something that you're not. When you're having a conversation with her, try to summarize what she's said in your own words and ask her if you've got it right. This is a strong way of making her feel like you really understand what she is saying, which could lead to greater emotional honesty between you. And as your relationship deepens, so too might her feelings for you. In addition to helping create an open atmosphere between her and you, this technique will also help prevent misunderstandings between you. If you are regularly checking that you understand what she is saying, there is less of a chance you'll misinterpret something. Invest yourself in the things she is saying by asking follow up questions. When she makes a statement, you can ask why she thinks that way or what brought her to that viewpoint. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by other people, your phone, or what's happening around you. By showing her she has your complete attention, you're also showing her you care about her. Turn your phone off before you even meet up with her. Even if you're having a great time, your nervous habit of checking your phone or the reflex to fidget with it might make her think you aren't interested.", ". This is an important point whenever you're pursuing someone you like. No matter if she is goth or not, she probably won't like it if you smell like body odor! Shower daily, wear deodorant, wear clean clothes, brush your teeth, and maybe even style your hair. You don't have to imitate goth style to get her to like you. She may be looking for someone who complements her style instead of copying it. In this case, you might earn admiration in her eyes for not being goth. What's most important to her will be a sense of connection with you. Body language conveys a large amount of information to the people we interact with. Even if she doesn't recognize it, she will on some level pick up on your body posture. If your body is oriented at her, like when your toes, body, and hands are pointed in her direction, she'll feel as though you're more interested in her. Avoid crossing your arms. This closes off your main body from her, which will make her feel like you are closed off from her. Try to use open, inclusive gestures. This can be especially hard if you're nervous, but by holding eye contact can cause her to start thinking about you as more than just a friend. Beyond snagging her romantic interest, getting into the habit of maintaining eye contact could also help you have a healthy, satisfied relationship. Be careful not to space out while you're looking at her! If you do, she might think you're bored. To prevent your eyes from looking empty or cold, you could think about the things you like best about her while making eye contact. Other techniques can be used so that your eyes look warm and inviting while maintaining eye contact. A dimly lit room, restaurant, or coffee house can also put her at ease and make her feel more attracted to you. . When you smile, you naturally look more attractive to others. But good moods are also contagious, so if you spend your time together wearing a smile on you face, she's much more likely to associate time spent with you with fun. You might have to practice your smile before you're completely satisfied with it. Practicing your smile in front of a mirror everyday can exercise and loosen up your facial muscles so you're ready to crack a grin when she wanders into sight.", "A better understanding of the subculture will help you to be respectful of her beliefs. Understanding will also help you to connect with her and find common ground between her beliefs and your own. What it means to be gothic might change from group to group and region to region, but there are three basic components to goth culture: the social scene, the personality, and the music. The gothic social scene provides places for like minded individuals, in this case goths, to come together as a community and share ideas. This may include places like gothic coffee shops, clothing stores, thrift stores, clubs, fetish stores, music stores, and more. The gothic personality is usually identified by a strong sense of individualism that has a strong appreciation for the darker side of things, the supernatural, beauty and dark aesthetics, art, emotion, mystery, and drama. Gothic music is a very important aspect in goth culture. Music serves as a focal point around which the social scene revolves. Gothic music tends to have an eerie or surreal tone. Gothic bands generally make use of lyrics that focus on gothic themes, such as the grotesque and the mysterious, and may also portray gothic styles, like wearing mostly black clothing. There's no rule book stating you have to wear a certain style of clothing, behave a certain way, or listen to a certain band to identify as a goth. There's no guarantee that all common goth features will apply to your gothic lady friend. However, by learning common goth features, you can prepare yourself to compliment parts of her appearance and personality that she's worked hard to cultivate. You might take note of and compliment her: Style. This might include the cut, color, or kind of clothing she is wearing. Accessories, especially those that are prominent, should be complimented as well. Take special note of unique articles of clothing, like fishnets, capes, studded/spiked clothing, ankhs, chokers, and more. Makeup. Goths tend to appreciate the sharp contrast of black and white, and to this end will often wear light colored makeup with dark accents on the lips and eyes. Compliment special flourishes and show interest by asking her how she managed to get her makeup so perfect. Musical involvement. You might make conversation with her about live music or her favorite bands. You could also show your interest by asking her what features she likes most about her favorite goth musicians. The gothic fascination with darkness and the supernatural make vampire, fantasy, horror, and sci-fi genres popular among goths. These novels will not only give you something to talk about with the goth girl you are trying to attract, but your reading will also give you more background knowledge about popular goth themes. And if novels reading isn't your favorite activity, you might find gothic themed comics more enjoyable. Gothic Novels:Dracula, by Bram Stoker1984, by George OrwellFrankenstein, by Mary ShelleyThe Inferno, by Dante AlighieriMost novels by Edgar Allen Poe Gothic Comics and Graphic Novels:The Sandman comics, by Neil GaimanThe Crow comics, by James O'BarrJohnny the Homicidal Maniac, by Jhonen Vasquez Many movie makers and musicians identify with or are held in high opinion by the goth community. Some directors, like Tim Burton, and record labels, like Cleopatra, Projekt, and Anubis, are considered to be more representative of the goth subculture than others. This kind of media is a perfect way for you to gain a better appreciation of the goth aesthetic while learning central gothic themes. Popular Goth Movies:The HungerThe Rocky Horror Picture ShowDraculaThe CrowEdward ScissorhandsThe Nightmare Before ChristmasBeetlejuiceHellraiserDestiny Popular Goth Music Groups:BauhausChristian DeathThe Sisters of MercyJoy DivisionDrab Majesty" ], "summary": [ "Ask her about her interests and hobbies. Open yourself to new things. Verify what she is saying. Commit to your conversations with her.", "Practice good hygiene Point your toes in her direction. Maintain eye contact as much as possible. Smile", "Understand what it means to be gothic. Identify common gothic features. Read popular goth literature. Familiarize yourself with goth media." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Herbal Treatments", "Eating Certain Foods", "Positioning Your Body", "Relaxing your Body", "Preparing Your Body for Labor", "Getting Physical Activity", "What to Expect from a Professional", "When to Seek Medical Care" ], "document": [ "Evening primrose oil contains prostaglandins, which is the hormone-like substance that induces contractions and helps soften the cervix. Take this oil orally in 500mg capsules 3 times a day. Alternately, insert a capsule at bedtime into the vagina. The moist environment of the vagina will melt the capsule and disperse the gel throughout the cervix. Cohosh root is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat symptoms of menstruation, menopause and osteoporosis, and to induce labor. It is available as black or blue cohosh root, typically in water-based or alcohol-based tincture form. Follow the dosing instructions on the package. Black cohosh is thought to be more effective than blue cohosh. Homeopathic remedies such as Pulsatilla and Caulophyllum can be used to stimulate labor. Pulsatilla is often used to treat menstrual symptoms, as well as headaches and insomnia. Caulophyllum can also help tone the uterine muscles, which helps with productive contractions. Follow the dosing instructions on the package for both of these remedies.", "Pineapple is one fruit that may trigger labor. It contains bromelain, which may help soften and “ripen” the cervix. This is a key stage in bringing on labor. Eat pineapple plain, drink pineapple juice or make a fruit smoothie with pineapple. Some people swear by spicy foods as a catalyst for labor. Mexican food or foods with hot chilis might help bring on labor. Be careful that these foods don’t give you indigestion in this late stage of pregnancy. Some research show that eating spicy foods might actually stave off labor, thanks to the capsaicin in some spicy foods. Capsaicin overtake naturally-occurring endorphins that help relieve pain. Black licorice is said to stimulate labor. Get natural licorice that contains less sugar. You can also get licorice in pill form. Licorice can stimulate cramps in the bowel by having a laxative effect. Bowel cramps may help induce uterine cramps. When you eat enough garlic, you may stimulate your bowels. This can cause you to empty your bowels, which gives room for the baby to move lower in your body. Once the baby moves down, it engages more with your uterus and cervix, readying your body for labor. Prepare foods with lots of garlic, as long as it doesn’t give you indigestion. Foods that are rich in fiber will help you avoid being constipated. If you are constipated, you will have a full bowel or rectum, which takes up space that the baby may need to move lower down in your body. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Eating prunes and other dried fruits can help as well. This tea can strengthen and tone the uterus, and can help the muscles start to contract. Brew a cup by pouring 6 fluid ounces (180 mL) of boiling water over one tea bag. Let it steep for 3 minutes. Let it cool and drink. Make red raspberry leaf iced tea in the summer for a refreshing drink. Cumin can be used for digestive problems and also to start menstruation and to relieve bloating. Brew a cup of tea using cumin seeds to bring on labor. Add some sugar or honey to counteract the bitterness of the tea.", "Resting on all fours will help the baby into a good position. When the baby’s head puts downward pressure on your cervix, the cervix starts to efface, or shortens and thins out. Resting on all fours for 10 minutes at a time, several times a day, can help move the baby’s head into the optimal position. You are probably exhausted at this late stage of pregnancy and ready to just relax. But reclining or sitting back on the couch can be counterproductive to making sure the baby is in the right position for labor. Instead, lay on the couch on your left side, slightly rolled forward. Prop yourself up with cushions to make it comfortable. A birth ball is a large bouncy ball (they are also used in exercising) that can help you sit comfortably towards the end of pregnancy. You can also use this ball to help you cope with labor. Sitting or bouncing on the ball, while spreading your legs wide, can help the baby move downward.", "Sitting in a warm bath can help you relax your body and release tension in your muscles. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil into the water to help calm your mind. Make sure the water is not so hot that your skin turns red. You don’t want to stress the baby with excessive heat. Sit in a meditative state and imagine the start of the birth process. Breathe deeply and visualize your contractions starting. Visualize your cervix dilating. Imagine your baby moving further down your body to the birth canal. Search online for an audio meditation for inducing labor. These are often available as downloadable mp3 tracks. They may also be available by searching for “hypnobirthing,” which uses similar techniques to sustain you throughout the entire natural birthing process. Crying can release tension in your body, which can help your body relax enough to bring on labor. This point in your pregnancy can be a very stressful time, so give yourself the opportunity to cry it out. Grab a box of tissues and watch a good tearjerker movie to get the tears started if you need to. Getting a relaxing massage can be a great way to help your body stay calm. Make sure your massage practitioner is knowledgeable about giving prenatal massage. When you are getting your massage, lie down on your left side with a pillow between your knees to support your body.", "Having sex with a partner can help release prostaglandins, which are similar to hormones in your body. Prostaglandins can bring on labor. Sperm from an ejaculation inside the vagina can help to soften and dilate the cervix, also readying the body for labor. Having an orgasm stimulates prostaglandins, so if you don’t feel comfortable having sex, you can still have an orgasm on your own. Do not have sex if your water has already broken, as this can put you at risk for infection. Nipple stimulation is another way to induce uterine contractions. Use your thumb and forefinger to roll the nipple for 2 minutes. Give it a rest for 3 minutes. Continue this process for about 20 minutes. If you don’t feel any contractions, increase the rolling part to 3 minutes, with the rests lasting 2 minutes. Use olive oil on your fingers to prevent irritation. Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, a traditional Chinese bodywork technique that promotes relaxation and healing. According to this healing technique, the body has acupoints through which energy flows. Applying direct, firm pressure to two of these points may help induce labor. To use acupressure: Locate the pressure points, which are in the webbing between your thumb and your index finger and on your lower leg about 3 inches (8 cm) above the inside of your ankle bone. Pinch the webbing of your hand. Rub for 30-60 seconds by moving in a circular motion. Press firmly with the tip of a finger or two fingers on the spot on your leg. Rub in a circular motion. With either of these pressure points, stop rubbing when you have a contraction. Start rubbing again when the contraction stops. Reflexology is a method of using pressure points in the feet to trigger labor within 24-48 hours. Use the pressure points that correspond to the pituitary, bladder, solar plexus, and ovaries and uterus to activate your body into labor. Put direct, firm pressure on one of these points, or rub in a circular motion with firm pressure. Pituitary: Located on the big toe, this pressure point will activate the pituitary gland, which releases hormones like oxytocin. Bladder: Located on the bottom of the foot near the instep, this pressure point can help the muscles around your uterus contract, which can in turn start uterine contractions. Solar plexus: Located in the center of your foot sole, this point will help you relax and feel more balanced. Ovaries and uterus: Located on your inner ankle, just below the malleolus (the bony part of the ankle that sticks out), this pressure point may be tender. This can jumpstart uterine contractions. Do not attempt reflexology before you reach 38 weeks, which can put you at risk for preterm labor. Definitely do not try it in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can put you at risk for a miscarriage. Inducing labor by ingesting castor oil happens by causing intestinal cramps and stimulating the bowels. By contracting intestinal and bowel muscles, you can cause uterine contractions. These methods will cause diarrhea, which can be extremely uncomfortable. Mix 2 fluid ounces (59 mL) of castor oil in a glass of juice. Drink it all at once. Alternately, you can try an in-home enema. However, use this method only once, and proceed with extreme caution. It can clear out your bowels and leave you quite dehydrated and uncomfortable.", "Walking can help stir the baby into moving downward in your body. Once the baby’s head puts pressure on the cervix, labor isn’t far behind. Try walking for 15-20 minutes. Getting out in the fresh air can also be beneficial. Try walking up a steep hill. This will force your body to lean forward at an angle. Leaning at a 40-45 degree angle can help the baby move in the right downward direction. Galloping, or moving one leg forward and hopping the back leg to catch up, can help jar the baby slightly. Be careful when trying this to make sure you don’t trip over your feet. Walking up stairs will force your body to lean at an angle (about 40-45 degrees), which can help the baby move lower down in your body. Be sure to hold onto the handrail to make sure you are ascending the stairs safely. Pounding your feet on each step can also help. Doing a semi-strenuous activity can help bring on labor. Cleaning out the garage, vacuuming, or mopping the floors gets your body moving, which can activate labor. You’ll have the added bonus of having a clean house when the baby is born.", "If you are committed to a home birth, you should still have a doctor or midwife present. Most doctors will not rush to induce labor unless there are extenuating circumstances, including when: Your water breaks, but there are no contractions. You are two weeks past your due date. You have a uterine infection You have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or not enough amniotic fluid. There is a problem with the placenta or baby's positioning/growth. With gloved fingers, the doctor will reach into the cervix and rub the membrane of the amniotic sac until it separates from the uterine wall. Naturally-released hormones then usually kick-start labor. Known medically as an \"amniotomy,\" the doctor uses a thin hook to break the amniotic sac. This almost always brings on labor within a few hours. While it is short, this may be painful and uncomfortable. It may be applied directly to the vagina or taken orally. This usually happens in a hospital, and it thins out the cervix to prepare it for labor. This often leads to strong cramping and some pain. This is generally for slowed or stalling labor. In emergencies, like those outlined above, it can also help induce labor. Labor induced with oxytocin often leads to more frequent contractions.", "You may be worried or depressed about going into labor. Your doctor may be able to help you cope with the road ahead of you or provide assistance to help stimulate labor. Don’t keep your negative feelings to yourself, reach out to your doctor and tell them what’s going on. Your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist who can help you cope with your issues. Depression is a common symptom during pregnancy, so you’re not alone in feeling this way. Many symptoms of depression or anxiety will go away after you deliver your baby." ], "summary": [ "Take evening primrose oil. Take cohosh. Try homeopathic remedies.", "Eat pineapple. Eat spicy foods. Eat licorice. Eat garlic. Eat plenty of fiber. Drink red raspberry leaf tea. Drink cumin tea.", "Rest on all fours. Don’t recline backward on the couch. Bounce on a birth ball.", "Take a warm bath. Try visualization. Have a good cry. Get a massage.", "Have sex. Stimulate your nipples. Use acupressure. Use reflexology. Try castor oil.", "Go for a walk. Try galloping. Walk up a few flights of stairs. Clean the house.", "Know when a would doctor will induce labor. Expect the doctor's first action to be to strip the membrane from the amniotic sac. Expect the doctor to potentially break your water manually. Prepare to be prescribed prostaglandin, a natural hormone. Expect to be prescribed oxytocin through an IV at the hospital.", "Talk to your doctor if you experience anxiety or depression." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Genealogy Service", "Exploring Family History", "Checking the Records" ], "document": [ "In most cases, you will pay someone to go out and research your family tree. You will need to provide as much relevant information as possible, including names, locations, dates, professions, and connections. This can be a great option if you don't have the time, energy, or inclination to do the legwork yourself. Be careful. Some of these services are scams. Read reviews and inform yourself before you pay any money. Find out if there is a genealogy research group in your area, or the area where your ancestors lived. These groups may have some records of your family. Many of these societies are based online, although they may also keep physical records. Websites such as ancestry.com are build to find this sort of information, and their free trials can help you dive quickly into the past. Each trial gives you access to a large database for a short period of time. You will need to be motivated, and you will need to dedicate a brief and intense effort to your research. However, you might be able to learn a lot. There are a number of services that run saliva samples through lab tests to isolate hereditary genetic factors. You may be able to tell, for instance, that you have genes only found in a specific part of the world. These services are usually more expensive than paying someone to look through the records. For the price, however, you might be able to learn much deeper information.", "Find out as much as you can about your family history. Look through old photo albums, and ask your family members what they know. Ask for the names of grandparents, great-grandparents, and other relatives, as far back as they can remember. Determine the names, locations, and timelines of the ancestors you want to know about. Make sure to get the exact spelling. Learn about any spelling changes that may have taken place over the years. Perhaps your ancestors changed their names when they moved to a new country or community. Family members can be the simplest way to the past. Do not assume that your parents, grandparents, and other relatives have already told you everything that they know. Older relatives may remember further back. Find out whether your family has done any genealogy research before. Look for any existing (online or physical) documents that tell about your family. Also, look for pictures that can give you a sense of what life was like back when the photo was taken. Look for family trees, records, and research projects that might give you a solid starting point. Start with yourself, and map out everything that you know about your family history. Trace the chain of ancestry backward through your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, and beyond. Add birthdays, death dates, marriages, locations, and any other relevant information. Branch into the past from you to your mother and father, then their parents, and then their grandparents By the time you list your great-grandparents, you already have 15 people on your \"tree\". To start your quest, find out as much as you can about those 15 people. Try running a simple web search. Find out when and where these ancestors were born. Note when these people married, and how many children they had. Figure out when and where these people died.", "Use the US Census online at Ancestry.com. Start with the most recent ancestors: find their names on each census, and work backward into the past. The online censuses are indexed – so if you put in the name and birthday, it may bring up the correct person along with other possibilities. As you start building the family tree, note the details that suggest other areas to search – e.g. someone's occupation. If your family member doesn't show up on the census, try editing the search. Add or remove words to clarify the results. Search for their maiden name as well as the married name of female ancestors. The census records may confirm or suggest a marriage date. Be aware that the spelling of names may have changed. Some ancestors may not have been able to read or write well, and they may have used uncommon spellings. Old censuses may indicate whether or not a person was literate. After checking the census history, try a search of all records. It may help to narrow the records down to marriage and divorce, or immigration, or military. Search any census category that might include your ancestors. Try using tax and voter lists. If your ancestors came from another country, you may need to look for their immigration and naturalization papers. Naturalization papers have two parts: the papers and the final application. Unless you have that second paper, you can't be sure they were naturalized. They could have waited several years between the two, and the final paper could be in a different courthouse – even a different part of the country. Use the census to trace where your ancestors lived, and look for naturalization records in those places. Consult the passenger lists of ships. If your ancestors immigrated across the sea, you might be able to figure out exactly when if you find their name. If you know where your ancestors were married, go to that location (church, courthouse, etc.) and ask for access to their records. Marriage certificates often feature the names of the parents of the bride and groom's parents. This may be a useful clue to get you on track. See if the location was used for other ancestors, and look for their records as well. If you know where your deceased relatives are buried or commemorated, visit the cemetery in person. Look for clues: birth and death dates, names that don't match your records, or other relatives buried nearby. Don't be afraid to travel to distant cemeteries if your ancestors lived and died in various places. You might find it valuable to physically trace your ancestry by making it a journey. If your ancestors' church baptized children, look through the baptism records. If you don't know an ancestors exact date of birth, the baptism can help you approximate when a given family member was born. Most baptisms are done soon after birth. You should also be able to find marriage and death records in the church archives. Church records are not always complete. If the church is far from you, call before you travel." ], "summary": [ "Explore online ancestry-research services. Contact local ancestry research groups. Use free trials. Consider DNA testing.", "Ask questions. Build on prior research. Make a family tree to organize what you know. Make a simple \"direct route\" list first.", "Search the census records. Narrow down your search results. Use naturalization papers. Track down physical records. Find your ancestors' gravestones. Use baptism records to suggest birthdays." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Choose a Puree Method", "Select Foods" ], "document": [ "Whether you are preparing soft raw fruit such as bananas or cooked vegetables such as peas, a fork is usually the easiest way to mash the food. Cut your baby food into chunk sizes that work best in your blender and blend until it reaches your desired consistency. Using a sieve or a strainer, you can push your baby's food through with a spoon until the results are no longer lumpy. Using an ideal knife for chopping, chop or dice baby food into sections small enough for them to eat without complications.", "Ripe fruit such as bananas, prunes, cantaloupe, apricots and peaches are all types of ideal fruit you can freeze without having to cook them first. Fruits such as pears and apples need to be boiled for 2 to 3 minutes or until the fruit is soft enough to stick a fork through it. Liver is the easiest meat to blend and is rich in iron." ], "summary": [ "Mash food using a fork or similar utensil. Use a blender. Use the straining method. Chop foods finely with a knife.", "Prepare fresh fruits. Cook fruits with a harder texture. Cook vegetables such as peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash and spinach by baking, boiling, or steaming. Feed your baby liver and well-cooked, unsalted meats." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Observing How Sex Affects You", "Understanding Sex Addiction", "Recognizing the Role of Sex in Your Life" ], "document": [ "You might engage in risky situations which could hurt your emotional or physical health. Exposing yourself to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be a long-term cost to what you consider a little bit of fun. You might put yourself in dangerous situations in the pursuit of sexual pleasure such as illegal prostitution. If you know the risks yet continue to put yourself in risky situations, this might be part of an addiction. You might feel stressed or overworked and use sex as a way to feel better. Just like drug addicts turn to drugs when life feel overwhelming, you might turn to sex. If you start to feel out of sorts or ‘off,’ you may use sex as a reset to return to normal. When you feel stressed, you might turn to sex as your first option to relieve stress over other options available to you. If you use sex as a stress reliever or if you have trouble stopping, then you may have a sex addiction. Some people with a sex addiction have trouble experiencing true intimacy. This can include being intimate with someone on an emotional level or sexual level. You may form little attachment to your sexual partners or fail to truly connect with any love interests beyond sex. You may want to have a relationship yet not know how to connect in an intimate way beyond sex. Sex may not feel fulfilling as a form of intimacy. You might feel as if you use sex to feel like ‘more of a man’ or ‘more of a woman.’ You might feel like you don’t know who you are without engaging in sexual activities or not have friends outside of a certain social circle that also engage the same way you do. If you take a break from sex, you might feel lost as to who you are. Outside of your sexual activity, you might have low self-esteem.", "There are lots of different behaviors that comprise the symptoms of a sex addiction. While some of these things may have a level of social or societal norm, you may practice them outside of that norm or to such an extreme that is interferes with your life. Some examples include: Compulsive masturbation Having multiple affairs Compulsively use pornography Having unsafe or risky sex Sadistic or masochistic practices Practicing voyeurism or exhibitionism Addictions have traits in common, regardless of what the addiction actually is. For example, some common addiction behaviors include engaging in the behavior even though you know it causes harm, finding it difficult to stop even when you want to, experiencing some sort of withdrawal symptoms when you don’t engage (irritability, restlessness, cravings, depression), and hiding your behaviors from family and friends or minimizing them. Do you engage in any of these behaviors regarding your sexual activity? How do they affect you? How does it interfere with your daily life? To get more information and educate yourself, you may also want to look into resources on sex addiction, such as online or at your local library. Some medical conditions can cause changes to sexuality and arousal. You may want to have a medical check-up to rule out possible factors that can affect sexuality. Some considerations include having a brain lesion, endocrine abnormalities, or side-effects from certain medications. Check with your physician whether you are at risk for any of these problems.", "If you arrange your life around sex and obtaining your sexual desires, you might have a sex addiction. When given the opportunity to engage with friends and family or pursue sex, you may choose sex much of the time. You might prioritize sex above other things that you have to do or neglect your responsibilities in order to have sex or engage in sexual activity. If you tend to skip out people or activities to engage in sex instead, this can indicate a problem. Many people enjoy sex and feel closer to their partners as a result of sex. Instead of feeling safe or intimate with someone as a result of sex, you might struggle with controlling your thoughts about sex or feel unable to postpone sexual feelings or actions. If sex and sexual activities take up much of your time and energy, it may be a problem. You might struggle to control thoughts or actions regarding sexual activity and feel unable to get them under control. Your thoughts may become obsessive about sex or wanting sex. Even though you may engage in sexual activity often, you may not enjoy it or find pleasure from it. It’s difficult to measure what ‘excess’ means because healthy sexuality is different depending on individual factors and life stage. For example, a person in their early 20’s may masturbate or engage in sexual activity daily and still feel and be labeled ‘healthy.’ When considering your own sexuality, ask yourself if you engage in sexual activity even when you don’t want to, or go with someone you’re not attracted to in order to fulfill your desires. You might feel powerless over how you act. If you wish you could be happier with less sex yet cannot cut back, it could indicate a problem. If sex is affecting you negatively and you want more control over your life, consider seeing a therapist. Treatment focuses on helping you to manage your urges and desires and learning ways to engage in healthy sexuality. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) can help you identify negative thoughts and behaviors and learn to replace them with healthy, positive ones. If you’re done struggling with a sex addiction, it’s time to seek help. You might also consider attending an open meeting of a local Sexaholics Anonymous group to see if you can relate to what the members share and get more information on the condition." ], "summary": [ "Consider if you engage in risky sexual activity. Ask yourself if you use sex to cope or feel normal. Notice if you struggle with true intimacy. Ask if your self-worth is tied to sex.", "Understand different types of sex addiction. Observe common addiction behaviors. Diagnose a medical condition.", "Think about your priorities. Decide if sex affects you negatively. Note sexuality in excess. See a therapist." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Supporting Your Emotional Health", "Recognizing Others' Feelings", "Validating Your Own Feelings" ], "document": [ "Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment, helping you notice your physical and emotional sensations. This is particularly helpful in order to recognize your own and others’ feelings. To be effective, you’ll want to start your practice when you are not overwhelmed by strong emotions. Begin by setting aside just 5 minutes to sit and breathe. Focus completely on your breath. When your attention wanders, don’t pass judgment. Simply re-focus on your breath. You can enhance your emotional well-being by incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. For example, stopping at a red light, hearing a telephone ring, or even purposely setting an hourly bell or alarm, can help you remember to pause and engage in mindfulness for a few minutes. Mindfulness helps you slow down to become more in tuned with your emotional experience. A body scan meditation helps you dig deeper, to recognize the way you experience these feelings in your physical body. To do a body scan, you’ll start from either the top of your head or the bottom of your feet. Work your way up through each body part, assessing what each part feels like. Is it relaxed, tense, numb, etc.? If you notice tension or discomfort, imagine breathing in relaxation and letting the discomfort melt away. Engage in deep breathing throughout the exercise. You need time to decompress from your own emotional experience and release any emotional contagion that you absorb from the world around you. A great way to perform self-care is by carving out time each day to do something you enjoy. During this time, you might listen to music, read a book, go for a run, take a bath, or cook yourself a nourishing meal. You may think of yoga as a form of physical exercise, but this ages-old practice can also help with emotional self-regulation. Yoga promotes mind-body awareness and can help you relieve conditions such as anxiety and depression. Sign up for a yoga class in your area. Or, view yoga videos on YouTube to start your practice. If you are constantly plugged into the news, social media, and television shows, it can be hard to tell which emotions are yours and which have been absorbed from various media sources. Regular unplugging can offer a release from this ambush of emotional energy. Dedicate 30 minutes or an hour each day to unplugging. Go outdoors, take a nap, or simply sit and enjoy the silence. If you are having problems balancing your own feelings with those of others, journaling may help. See it as an outlet for you to pour out any thoughts and emotions that are inside of you. As you develop your practice, you may start to see trends in your entries that explain why you are feeling or behaving a certain way.", ". One of the most powerful ways to tune into what others are feeling is by actively listening. This skill helps you hear their message along with observing their body language and emotional expression. All of these elements should be considered in order to bring awareness about what others may be feeling. Demonstrate active listening by orienting towards the speaker, relaxing your arms and legs at your sides, making occasional eye contact, and letting them finish their message before responding. A great way to show you're listening and can recognize others' feelings is by summing up their message or restating it in different way. Look for key words and phrases that represent the speaker's intended message and restate them. Follow up by asking if you understood them correctly. This helps affirm the speaker, and provides them with an opportunity to clarify, if necessary. For instance, your partner might say, \"My mom never listens. She just tells me what she wants me to do without ever asking for my input. It's like I'm not even living my own life.\" You might respond by saying, \"It sounds like your mom is really controlling and doesn’t respect your opinions. Is that how it feels to you?\" and nonverbal cues. Sometimes, people clue you into what they may be feeling by holding their bodies a certain way, by making facial expressions, or by using gestures. Pay attention to these aspects of communication in order to fully decipher others' feelings. For example, if your friend has their arms crossed and a scowl on their face, they may be angry or frustrated. If their shoulders are slumped and their eyes watery, they may be sad. Sometimes when a person opens up to you, they just want to have their feelings acknowledged and validated. One way to let them know that their feelings are normal and valid is to talk about a time when you experienced similar feelings. For example, if a friend is venting to you about losing their job, you might say, “I felt really sad and adrift for a long time when I got laid off a couple years ago. But I eventually managed to find something even better with some help from a career counselor.” To listen effectively, you need to be aware of your own perceptions and how they color what you hear. Mindful self-awareness helps you separate your own experiences, feelings, beliefs, and biases from what others are saying.", "If you’re overloaded by your own or someone else’s emotional experience, it’s best to delay any decision- making. Take a moment to reorient yourself before acting. When you’re caught up in an emotional reaction, it’s easy to say things you later regret or act impulsively. Ask for a break. Go outside and get some fresh air. Get a drink of water. Return when you’ve gotten your emotions back in check. You may often find yourself annoyed because others don't seem to respect your feelings, but you may not have conveyed them clearly. When you learn to clearly say what you are thinking, feeling, or wanting in a certain situation, you can avoid misunderstandings. A great route to effectively stating your feelings is with \"I\" statements. This helps you convey your own experience without making the other person upset or defensive. You might say, \"I feel ignored. I really need you to listen to me right now. I need your support.\" This is far better than, \"You are a terrible listener.\" or \"You are always ignoring me!\" ” It can be hard to balance your feelings with others’ if you say \"yes\" to requests that don’t benefit you. You need to know when to say “no” and have the courage and discipline to do it. This simple strategy is a hallmark in emotional self-regulation. For example, your mom suggests you drive down for the weekend to attend the family picnic. But, you have a major essay to finish for a college course. It’s completely normal to feel guilt, but that guilt (or your mom’s shaming you) shouldn’t force you to give in. The smartest response would be to say, “I’m sorry, Mom. I’d like to come, but I haven’t gotten started on my paper due on Tuesday. I can’t.” It’s also ok to just say “No.” You don’t always have to offer an excuse or an explanation. In some cases, the other person will take an explanation as an invitation to try to talk you out of your decision. One of the most important ways you can meet your own needs and others' is through compromise. This allows your own thoughts and feelings to be considered while also honoring those of others'. Compromise involves weighing the importance of a situation and coming to a mutual agreement. You can weigh the importance of a situation by asking yourself how significant it is in the scheme of things. Will you care about this in a week, a month, or a year? If not, you might honor the other person's feelings or needs and set yours aside for the time being. If you both care equally about the issue at hand, you'll have to find common ground. For instance, you and your friend both want to see a movie, but can't agree on a choice. You might ask a third party to select one or you might decide to watch whichever one starts next when you arrive at the theater. If you consistently feel guilty, bullied, or manipulated when you interact with a person, consider whether they may be emotionally manipulating you. If so, you should try to limit your interactions with that person. A person may be manipulating you if they: Frequently lie or make excuses. Blame you for their own poor behavior or mistreatment of you. “Jokingly” insult or criticize you. Exploit your weaknesses to make you feel guilty, sad, or angry." ], "summary": [ "Practice mindfulness. Learn to identify and label your emotions with a body scan. Schedule daily me-time. Begin a yoga practice. Unplug often to prevent emotional overload. Journal.", " Practice active and engaged listening Paraphrase or summarize what the speaker said. Read their body language Validate their feelings. Notice how your own experience impacts your ability to listen.", "Pause before making decisions. Express your feelings and needs clearly. Learn to say “no. Learn the art of compromise. Recognize the signs of emotional manipulation." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Alternative Home Remedies", "Essential Care", "Professional Medical Treatment" ], "document": [ "Ginger is traditionally used as a treatment against nausea and stomach cramping. Ginger ale and ginger tea are the most often used treatments when battling a stomach virus. You can make fresh ginger tea by boiling two to four 1/2-inch (1.25-cm) slices of fresh ginger in 8 oz (250 ml) of water for five to seven minutes. Let cool to a drinkable temperature and sip away. Ginger ale and bags of herbal ginger tea can be found readily in the store, as well. In addition to ginger beverages, you can also use ginger capsules and oils, usually available in health food stores or the supplement section of a drugstore. Peppermint has numbing properties that are commonly thought to calm nausea and stomach spasms. You can use peppermint both internally and externally. You can take peppermint internally by sipping on peppermint tea, chewing on a clean peppermint leaf, or taking a peppermint capsule supplement. Herbal peppermint teas can be found in the store, or you can make your own fresh tea by boiling a few leaves in 8 oz (250 ml) of water for five to seven minutes. To benefit externally from peppermint, soak the a washcloth in cold peppermint tea or put two to three drops of peppermint oil on a washcloth soaked in cool water. Some health food stores will actually sell activated charcoal tablets in the supplement section. Activated charcoal is believed to draw out toxins and may help cripple the toxins in your stomach. Follow the instructions on the label of activated charcoal to avoid an accidental overdose. Usually, however, you can take several capsules at once and several doses within a single day. As odd as it may sound, a lukewarm bath with a little mustard powder mixed in might bring you a little relief. According to folk medicine, mustard has the ability to draw impurities out of your body while improving blood circulation. You can use warm water if you do not have a fever, but if you do have a fever, keep the water lukewarm to prevent it from rising any further. Add 2 Tbsp (30 ml) of mustard powder and 1/4 cup (60 ml) of baking soda to a full tub of water. Stir it gently with your hands until the mustard and baking soda fully dissolve before soaking yourself in the bathwater for 10 to 20 minutes. If your stomach muscles have worked so much that they have begun cramping up, a warm towel or warm heating pad on your stomach might be able to soothe the pain. If you have a high fever, however, this treatment can cause your temperature to climb further and should be avoided. Relaxing cramping stomach muscles can ease the symptoms of your stomach virus, but by putting yourself in less pain, your body can relax more overall. This allows your immune system to spend more of its resources on fighting the virus and may help you get better faster. Based on theories concerning acupressure and acupuncture, certain pressure points in your hands and feet can be manipulated in order to ease pain and discomfort in your stomach and intestines. One technique you can try is a foot massage. A gentle foot rub can help ease your nausea and limit your desperate trips to the bathroom. If your stomach virus has brought a headache along with it, use acupressure on your hand. Take the index finger and thumb of one hand and pinch the webbing between the index finger and thumb on your other hand. This technique can minimize a headache tremendously.", "The biggest risk associated with any stomach virus is dehydration. As a result, the most important thing you can do to help your body get rid of the virus is to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible. You should try to get 8 oz (250 ml) of fluid every hour as an adult. Children need 1 oz (30 ml) of fluid every 30 to 60 minutes. Drink slowly, taking small sips instead of large gulps. Fluids will sit in your stomach more effectively if you introduce them to your system gradually instead of all at once. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/2\\/25\\/Get-Rid-of-Indigestion-Step-09.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-Rid-of-Indigestion-Step-09.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/2\\/25\\/Get-Rid-of-Indigestion-Step-09.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Get-Rid-of-Indigestion-Step-09.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Drinking too much plain water as you recover can dilute the few electrolytes still in your system, so try to include an oral electrolyte solution in your drinking routine as you fight the bug. In addition to a loss of water, you are also losing sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes. An electrolyte solution can help replace some of those lost minerals, as well. Other good drinks to consider include diluted juices, diluted sports drinks, clear broth, and decaffeinated tea. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/1\\/1a\\/Stop-a-Cold-when-You-Feel-It-Coming-On-Step-12.jpg\\/v4-460px-Stop-a-Cold-when-You-Feel-It-Coming-On-Step-12.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/1\\/1a\\/Stop-a-Cold-when-You-Feel-It-Coming-On-Step-12.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Stop-a-Cold-when-You-Feel-It-Coming-On-Step-12.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Avoid sugary drinks. Adding sugar to your system without also adding salt can make diarrhea worse. Carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks should all be avoided, too. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/75\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-01Bullet05.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-01Bullet05.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/75\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-01Bullet05.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-01Bullet05.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If drinks are hard to tolerate, suck on ice chips or a popsicle, instead. As soon as your stomach feels ready to take on solid foods again, you should begin eating to restore any lost nutrients. While there is little scientific evidence to show that bland foods are inherently easier to digest than less bland foods, most people do seem to take to them better when nausea is still moderately strong. A traditionally bland diet would be the BRAT diet, which includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Other decent options include baked potatoes without butter, bagels, pretzels, and crackers. You should only do this for a day or so. Bland foods are certainly better than nothing, but relying on them completely during your recovery will deprive your body of the nutrients it needs to fight off the bug. After surviving on a bland diet for a day or so, you should start returning normal foods back into your eating routine. Bland foods may sit in your stomach well, but when eaten alone, they do not provide all the nutrients you need to get rid of the bug. Introduce normal foods back into your diet gradually to avoid further stomach upset. Low-sugar carbohydrates are an excellent choice at this point, including plain cereals and grains. Other good options include peeled fruits, lean proteins like eggs, chicken, and fish, and simple cooked vegetables like green beans and carrots. Try eating a little low-sugar yogurt. Fermented dairy products are believed to reduce the amount of time you suffer from intestinal upset. Moreover, the bacteria in yogurt is considered \"good\" bacteria that can help regulate the environment inside your stomach, thereby assisting your body as it fights off the virus. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b1\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-03Bullet03.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-03Bullet03.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b1\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-03Bullet03.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-03Bullet03.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Stomach viruses are strong and can survive outside of the human body for quite some time. Even worse, you can catch the same virus from someone else after you have already recovered once from it. To avoid endlessly catching the same stomach bug over and over again, make sure that you and the spaces you live in are as clean as possible. Even though a stomach virus is different from food poisoning, you can still spread it through food. Try not to handle anyone else's food when you are ill and always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b7\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-04Bullet01.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-04Bullet01.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b7\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-04Bullet01.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-04Bullet01.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} As with any illness, rest is a valuable remedy. Resting allows your body to devote more of its resources to getting rid of the stomach virus. Essentially, you should remove yourself from your daily routine completely while fighting a stomach virus. Your body needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep to function well under normal circumstances, and when you get sick, you should try to at least double the amount of rest you get. As hard as it may sound, you should also avoid worrying about the things you are not getting done. Worry causes your body to experience stress, which only makes it more difficult for your body to spend resources fighting the bug. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/a9\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-05Bullet02.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-05Bullet02.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/a9\\/Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-05Bullet02.jpg\\/aid3319302-v4-728px-Get-Rid-of-a-Stomach-Virus-Step-05Bullet02.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Ultimately, the only thing you can really do to get rid of a stomach bug is to let it run its course. As long as you do not have a condition that compromises your immune system, your body should be able to fight the virus naturally. That being said, essential care is still a vital part in getting rid of a stomach virus. The tips outlined here are all aimed at giving your body what it needs to fight the virus on its own. If you do not take care of your body, your body will struggle to recover. If your immune system does have some form of deficiency, you should call your doctor at the first sign of symptoms.", "Antibiotics are effective against strains of bacteria, but unfortunately, they are not effective against viruses. A stomach bug caused by a viral infection cannot be effectively treated with an antibiotic. The same principle applies to anti-fungal medications, as well. If severe nausea lasts past 12 to 24 hours, your doctor might recommend the use of an anti-nausea medication to settle your stomach enough for you to retain fluids and a small amount of food. Note, however, that anti-nausea medications only ease your symptoms. They do not get rid of the virus. Since an anti-nausea drug will help you keep down more fluids and foods, though, you can at least provide your body with the nutrients it needs to do the fighting itself. Unless, of course, you have your doctor's approval. These over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medicines can be very effective, but that is part of the problem. For the first 24 hours or so, you need to let your body do what it can to expel the virus from your system. Unfortunately, diarrhea and vomiting are natural parts of the process. After the virus has been expelled from your system, your doctor may permit you to take an anti-diarrheal drug to treat residual symptoms." ], "summary": [ "Take ginger. Soothe your symptoms with peppermint. Try activated charcoal capsules. Draw yourself a mustard bath. Place a warm towel on your stomach. Use acupressure to ease your nausea.", "Hydrate yourself with ice chips and clear fluids. Ease into a bland diet. Return to your normal diet as early as possible. Keep clean. Stay rested. Let the virus run its course.", "Don't bother asking for an antibiotic. Consider requesting an anti-nausea medication. Avoid taking over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medicines." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Increasing Your Popularity", "Improving Your Self-Esteem", "Becoming a People Person" ], "document": [ "If people have a good time when they are around you, feel relaxed, and feel like they can be themselves, they will want to spend more time around you. Try to have a positive attitude when others are around. Avoid talking badly about other people and gossiping, complaining, and repeating your problems. Being a positive person does not mean that you ignore problems. You instead look for the bright side of every situation. Even if you have are having a bad day, think of one thing good that happened to you. If someone asked you how your day was, you might say, \"My day wasn't that great, but I read the funniest article today. Would you like to hear about it?\" You can acknowledge that your day wasn't great, but still have something positive to discuss. Always compliment and encourage people when they are around you. People will enjoy being around you when you take an interest in what they have to say. When someone is talking to you, do not interrupt or think about what you will say next. Focus on what the person is saying to you and make eye contact with them. When someone is talking to you, listen for the \"why\" and the \"what.\" Why is the person talking to you? What message are they trying to communicate?\" Let the other person do the majority of the talking. Nod your head, say \"yes,\" or \"I understand\" to let the person know that you are truly listening to them. If someone is talking about an unfamiliar topic, ask questions to push the conversation forward and allow you to learn more. You can also try saying, \"That's really interesting. How did you hear about that?\" Asking questions and making the conversation about the other person can be really helpful if you are having a low self-esteem day and do not want to talk about yourself. Everyone appreciates a good sense of humor. People love to be around people who make them laugh and do not take life too seriously. This does not mean that you need to go around telling jokes all of the time. Look for humor in your everyday life instead of getting upset about something. For example, if you tripped on the stairs, make a joke about being clumsy or the floor moving instead of becoming upset of embarrassed. Watch funny movies and television shows, spend time with funny people, or read a humor book to help you develop your sense of humor. . Do not change who you are to get people to like you. You are a unique individual with something to offer. Changing who you are can be stressful and keep people from liking the real you. Be honest about your likes and dislikes and the type of person you are. People can often tell if you are not being genuine and may actually be turned off by it. The things that make you unique (e.g. your sense of humor, personal style, weird laugh, etc.) are often the things that draw people to you. While you do want to become popular, your complete focus should not be on becoming popular. If you focus solely on popularity, you will begin to do things to please and impress other people. This tactic may work at first, but you will not be successful in the long run. Use strategies that incorporate your natural self. You will end up lonely and feeling worse about yourself if your self-esteem becomes tied to how other people view you.", "When your self-esteem is low, you may forget about all of the things you have achieved. Get a piece of paper and set a timer for 20 minutes. Write down all of your accomplishments. Nothing is too big or too small to be included on your list. For example, passing a test, finishing a project at school, making the honor roll, or making 1st chair in the band are all accomplishments. You can repeat this exercise anytime you are feeling bad about yourself. The more you listen to the negative thoughts about yourself, the more you will believe them. These thoughts are often not true. Make a list of the negative thoughts you have about yourself and then write a positive statement to refute each thought. If you think, \"I am a failure,\" refute that by saying, \"I am successful at many things.\" If you write, \"Nobody cares about me,\" refute that by saying, \"I have people that care for me.\" Read the positive statements out loud. Keep the list by your bed. You may need to look at the list daily. It can be easy to look at another person and feel less important, less attractive, or less accomplished. However, you do not really know someone else's life or what it is really like to be them. The only person you are competing against is yourself. Make a list of your strengths and weakness. Some of your weaknesses may be things you can work on. For example, one of your weaknesses may be that you are late everywhere you go. Learning to be on time is something that you can definitely improve upon. By focusing on yourself, you will spend less time focusing on other people. Your goals should be small and something that you can actually achieve. You do not want to set yourself up for failure. Reaching your goals is a process, and you may experience set backs or not achieve as fast as you had planned to. Just keep trying; never give up. If you have not been exercising at all and your goal is to run a marathon in one month, you would be setting yourself up for failure. A more realistic goal would be to run a 5k in three months and following a consistent running plan. Using the SMART goals framework can help you set realistic goals for yourself. Exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating well can make you feel better about yourself. Exercise releases endorphins that can improve your mood. If you do not sleep enough, your negative feelings about yourself may feel more intense. A balanced diet, high in fruits and vegetables, can improve your mood as well. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. If you are a teenager, you need a little more sleep. Try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Try to do at least one thing every day that you enjoy. Take a walk, watch a television show, read a magazine article, listen to music, or spend time with a friend. When you spend time with others, make sure that they are positive people who make you feel good about yourself. You can also do something nice for someone else (e.g. give someone a card, smile at a person, volunteer) . You will typically feel better about yourself when you do something good for another person. Engaging in activities that you enjoy is another way you can take care of yourself.", "Popular people are able to easily start conversations with different types of people. This can be scary or uncomfortable. Smile, make eye contact, and use a conversation starter that makes sense for the situation. You can always give a compliment. Try saying, \"I love your ____ , where did you get those?\" You can simply introduce yourself by saying, \"Hi, my name is ___ .\" If you are at some type of museum or exhibit, \"This piece is really great. Are you familiar with this artist?\" or \"I love this type of stuff. Do you know of any other places I should check out?\" Having a few go-to conversation starters keeps you from getting too nervous when talking to new people. Eye contact takes practice and can be especially difficult if you have low self esteem. Start with 5 seconds, and work your way up. To break up the eye contact look at another feature on their face (never below the chin, and never over their shoulder),then come back to their eyes. Making eye contact shows the person that you are interested in them and creates a connection between you and the other person. Make more eye contact when you are listening to a person than you do when you are the one speaking. Look people in the eye and smile when you see them. It makes you look more attractive and will make the other person feel good. Smiling will even improve your mood. You will probably find that if you smile at a person, they will smile right back at you because smiling is contagious. A genuine smile draws other people to you and can help you make new friends. Smiling signals to other people that you are a happy, positive person; the type of person people love to be around." ], "summary": [ "Be easy going. Be a good listener. Have a good sense of humor. Be yourself Do not focus solely on being popular.", "Make a list of your accomplishments. Turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Set realistic goals. Take care of your physical health. Do activities that you enjoy.", "Know how to start a conversation. Make eye contact when you talk to people. Smile at people." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Beginning Your Path in High School", "Finding an Apprenticeship", "Gaining Education and Training" ], "document": [ "If you become a mortician's assistant, you will eventually go on to become a mortician. You'll want to spend some time learning about the career and what it entails. A mortician's job is difficult emotionally draining, but can also be incredibly rewarding as well. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the duties of a mortician. As a mortician, it's your job to prepare bodies for burial. You will also have to worked with bereaved families, making sure all their wishes are met. You may occasionally have to talk to people who are near death about arrangements for their own bodies after death. In addition to working with bodies, there is a lot of practical work that goes into becoming a mortician. You must help families sort out financial obligations regarding funerals and may have to do basic clerical and administrative work at your funeral home. Working with people is an important aspect of being a funeral director. You may have to network with counselors and psychiatric professionals so you can refer clients to needed resources. As you'll be working with emotional people, the job can be draining. Many morticians, however, find it incredibly rewarding to see people through the grieving process. If you want to be a mortician, start early on. Take the right curriculum in school to help you gain necessary skills. Your high school course load can help you get into the proper higher education program after graduation. As you'll be working with bodies, it's a good idea to stock up on science courses. Take classes in anatomy and biology. You should also look into courses in business, finance, and economics as much of your job revolves around managing finances. As your job requires a lot of time working with people, consider taking a course or two in psychology. This can help you learn how to read people better and help bereaved families manage emotions. It's a good idea to start gaining experience as early as possible. As a mortician, you'll need a wide range of skills to be successful. One important aspect of the job is working with people. Look for jobs that build your people skills. Seek out work that allows you to work with others. Working in fields like retail and customer service part time during high school can help you build the skill set necessary to succeed as a mortician. You may be able to get work part time at a local funeral home. You can be a receptionist or something else that does not require a specific degree. If you let the owners know you're interested in becoming a mortician, they may be more likely to hire you for desk work. Even without a high school degree, you may be able to find some work at a hospital. As a lot of medical knowledge is necessary to become a mortician, working or volunteering at a local hospital can bolster your resume. Some hospitals may have volunteer programs for young people interested in careers related to medicine. You can also see if you can do administrative work, like working or volunteering as a secretary. Becoming a mortician means working with death every day. If you want to pursue your apprenticeship, and eventually become a mortician, spend a long time thinking about the emotional toll the job will have. You will be dealing with bereaved family members and also have to handle dead bodies on a daily basis. Make sure you're up for the difficulties of the job. As a mortician, your job will be demanding. There is a lot of physical labor involved in preparing a body for a funeral. Think long and hard about whether you can handle looking at bodies day in and day out. Think about dealing with families. Ask yourself honestly whether you're a people person. As a mortician, you need to be able to talk to people during times of incredible grief, so make sure you're up to the task of dealing with others. You need to be an empathetic person who is easy to talk to if you want to be a mortician. While the job can be difficult, many morticians find their line of work to be incredibly rewarding as well. Despite some of the difficulties of the job, if you're interested in helping others cope with death, a mortician may be a good line of work for you. Many people are uncomfortable with death, and may feel nervous around a mortician. Be prepared for intimidated reactions when you let people know about your line of work. Make sure you're ready for the toll your job will take on your social life. When it comes to romance, many morticians find it's easier to date people in a medical field. However, as medical workers are notoriously busy, this can make dating difficult. You will also have an unpredictable schedule as a mortician. You may not know when you'll be free, as you may have to be on call for grieving families.", "You will probably need to write a resume to apply for an apprenticeship program. Start working on your resume as you near the end of your formal education. This will be an important tool as you hunt for the right apprenticeship. Choose a legible, professional font, like Arial or Times New Roman. Organize your resume in a logical fashion, putting your most recent and relevant experience first. Mark section headings with all capital letters, and avoid unprofessional bullet points or other decorations. List all experience you have that's related to funeral services. If you took an internship in a hospital or funeral home, include this. You should also include any experience you have working with people, such as customer service work. Be specific. For example, say you're writing about your experience working at a funeral home. Do not write, \"Talked to families on the phone to schedule meetings with the funeral director.\" Instead, write something like, \"Coordinated between bereaved families and the funeral director in regards to scheduling and funeral arraignments, taking between 10 and 20 calls each week.\" As you're hunting for the right apprenticeship, dip into your professional network. Past professors, co-workers, and supervisors may know of a funeral home seeking apprentices. They may be able to put a word in for you if they can speak to your skill set. Networking is one of the best means to find professional work. As you begin to get interviewed for apprenticeships, make sure you practice good interview skills. Behaving in a professional and impressive manner during an interview can help you land the job. Use body language to convey confidence. Sit up straight, make eye contact, and give a firm handshake. Nod as the interviewer is talking to show you are listening. Make sure you use appropriate language. Avoid slang words and profanity, and use words related to the funeral industry. This will show you have a working knowledge of the mortician profession. Always ask questions. You do not want to leave an interview without asking questions to show you're genuinely interested. Ask an open ended question, like, \"What is the culture of this funeral home like?\" and \"What does an average day of work look like here?\" When you do land an apprenticeship, make the most of your time. Your apprenticeship is the time where you'll hone your skills as a mortician and can determine the course of your future in this career path. Your apprenticeship will last between one or two years, depending on your state's regulations. You'll work one-on-one with a funeral director, learning the trade. Do not hesitate to ask your director for advice and guidance during this time. You may have to pass a certification exam in your state if you want to go on to become a professional mortician. Make sure you pay close attention to what you're being taught, as much of this information will show up on your eventual exam. Bring a notebook to your funeral home and take notes. You should also see if there are any supplemental reading materials that may be helpful to a budding mortician. As you work through your apprenticeship, think about your upcoming career. Being a mortician is a difficult but rewarding job. You should spend your internship seriously considering whether or not the job is right for you. Think about the longterm salary. Morticians do not usually make a lot from their trade, although you can live comfortably. The average salary is around $46,000 per year. Some morticians may make as much as $80,000, but this is rare. One of the perks, however, is that there's a healthy job market for morticians. It may be easier to get a job than it would in other fields. Your schedule as an apprentice will likely be similar to your eventual schedule as a mortician. Think about whether you can handle the hours, which may erratic. You should also take stock of your emotional wellbeing. Dealing with the bereaved can be difficult and at times depressing work. However, you may also find the process of helping people come to terms with loss to be enlightening and personally rewarding.", "You need at least some higher education to become a mortician. You need at least an associate's degree in mortuary sciences to become a mortician, but you can also find mortuary sciences programs in four year colleges. You can attend a regular college, but you can also get a degree from a specialized mortuary school. Think about how long you want to spend getting your degree. You can get a degree in two years and move on to an apprenticeship program then. If you're looking for a quick path to becoming a mortician, this may be the right choice. You may also want to look into a specialized mortuary school, as having a specific education may give you a better chance of landing an apprenticeship. However, how certain are you in your career path? You can also attend a four year college, where you can study subjects other than mortuary sciences. This way, if you decide you'd rather do something else as a career, you have the option to change majors or explore career paths. A traditional four year school may be the right choice for you if you have any misgivings about becoming a mortician. Once you've decided on the right track for yourself, start applying for your chosen program. Programs will require different materials for the application, so read application requirements carefully to make sure you get into a quality program. You usually need a copy of your high school transcripts, which you can get from your counselor. You also may need test scores, such as SAT or ACT scores. Letters of recommendation may also be important. Talk to old high school teachers or anyone you worked with in the past, especially jobs related to mortuary studies. If you worked in a funeral home, for example, you may want to ask your boss there for a letter of recommendation. After gathering materials, you can complete the application process for the program you chose. You'll usually have to fill out a basic application, that includes things like your name, address, and so on. You'll also want to make sure you follow all protocol for submitting your application. Some programs may require you to write an essay overviewing what you hope to get out of your education. If you need to write an essay for your chosen program, spend a long time working on your essay and make sure it's free of spelling and grammatical errors. Read submission instructions carefully. Make sure you know where to mail your application, or how to submit electronically. Once you've been accepted to a program, you can begin your studies. Make sure you work hard. If you stand out in a program, it'll be easier to find an apprenticeship down the road. Work hard to earn high marks in all your courses. You will study a lot of anatomy and biology during your program. You'll need to have a working knowledge of the human body in order to be a successful mortician. By the time you complete your program, you should have a sophisticated understanding of how the body works. You'll also study some practical aspects of being a mortician. You'll study the science of embalming and cremation, as well as cosmetology and restorative art so you know how to prepare bodies for family members. You'll also have to study a bit about funeral law so you understand the legality of the funeral and burial industry. An internship can always help set your resume apart when applying for an apprenticeship program. Talk to professors in your program, as well as career counselors if they're available. Ask them about internship opportunities and have them direct you to relevant job boards and listings. An internship working at hospital or funeral can be a great resume builder as you apply to apprenticeship programs. As you near the end of your studies, you'll want to start seriously looking for apprenticeship programs. Ask your school counselor about where to apply. If you're going to a mortuary school specifically, there may be a placement program for apprenticeship programs available to you. You can also call local funeral homes and ask about programs. School counselors should be able to direct you to programs and give you guidance on how to apply. Start applying as you near the end of your program. Make a list of possible programs, and jot down the application requirements. Spend a little time each week polishing off applications. You should apply to several programs at a variety of local funeral homes. Find an apprenticeship that works with your needs. You'll want to find an apprenticeship in an area where you're comfortable living. You'll also want to see what kind of funding or payment is offered during your time as an apprentice." ], "summary": [ "Learn about the career. Take the right classes in high school. Look for part time jobs working with people. Find a job at a hospital. Make sure you're prepared for the emotional toll of the job. Consider your social life.", "Write a solid resume. Contact past co-workers, supervisors, and professors. Practice good interview skills. Make the most of your apprenticeship. Think about your future career.", "Consider what kind of higher education you want. Gather the materials necessary to apply to a higher education program. Complete the application process. Complete your chosen higher education program. Look for internships during your time at school. Ask your school counselor about apprenticeship programs." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the Vaporizer", "Cleaning the Vaporizer", "Choosing a Vaporizer" ], "document": [ "While the machines may be similar in many ways, care and use requirements may differ. The instructions should also tell you how to disassemble and clean the vaporizer. While you may use a vaporizer at any time, most users prefer to run the machine at night. As the machines ease dryness or stuffiness in nasal passages, users may experience a more comfortable sleep. Avoid running the vaporizer all day since you will fill the air with too much moisture doing so, which may cause increased mold or fungus growth in your home. These problems may lead to further respiratory issues. Never allow your home's interior humidity exceed 50%. Purchase an interior hygrometer to measure the humidity in your home's air. Tap water contains minerals, and some of these minerals can clog up the machine or spread dust and contaminants through the air in your home. Most vaporizers have a \"fill line\" marking how high the water level should be. Don't overfill the tank, as doing so may cause spills. Some vaporizers will automatically shut off once the tank is empty, but you should plan to fill it each time you plan to begin using the device, such as at bedtime. You should place the vaporizer about 4 feet (122 cm) away from direct contact with anyone’s skin. The hot mist from a steam vaporizer can cause scalding if it comes into contact with skin, especially for an extended length of time. If using the vaporizer in a child's room or in a home with children, place it high up on a surface that the child cannot reach to prevent accidental scalding. You should also make sure that the surface is sturdy enough to withstand vibrations that might dislodge the vaporizer. Do not use or place the vaporizer in an area that would allow bedding, curtain, carpeting, or other fabric materials to get wet. You may want to spread towels out beneath the machine to prevent dripping water or condensation from damaging the surface of your furniture. Some vaporizers turn on as soon as they are plugged in. For the most part, though, there will be a switch, button, or dial that you will need to flip in order to turn the machine on. While a warm, moist environment can work wonders for congestion, bacteria and mold can start growing in a room that stays moist for too long. If bacteria or mold starts to grow, you and your family will probably experience more respiratory problems. Leave doors and, if possible, windows open during the day when the steam vaporizer is not in use. Run an electric fan, if necessary, to keep the air circulating inside the room.", "These instructions should indicate how often you should clean the device, as well as list the chemicals safe to use for cleaning. To clean most vaporizers, you will need cleaning solution, a bottle or vegetable brush, clean water, and a microfiber cloth or paper towels. Consider purchasing rubber gloves to protect your skin as you clean. Bacteria grow in moist environments, and if the vaporizer is not cleaned and dried properly, bacteria can actually begin growing inside the machine. If bacteria grow inside the vaporizer, it will be transferred into the air as the machine creates steam. Change the distilled water every day and clean the machine at least once every 3 days. Clean more often if you use the device during the day as well as at night. You may need to change the filter regularly as well. Check your machine’s instructions to be sure. A few squirts of antibacterial soap or mild dish detergent mixed into hot water is usually sufficient. For something stronger, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. If the particular vaporizer you use specifies a cleaning solution you should use, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the recommended type. For an especially deep cleaning, use 1% bleach solution: 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin when cleaning with any variety of bleach. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on disassembling the machine. Usually, the only part of the machine you need to take apart for cleaning purposes is the tank. Check the tank and base for signs of mold growth. If you need to clean the base, use care not to submerge any mechanical parts; use a wet brush dipped in cleaning solution and dry with a cloth instead. On some models, the machine is not designed to be disassembled. For these steam humidifiers, you will only need to open the lid or cover of the water tank and attempt to clean it while it is still connected to the rest of the machine. Use only gentle pressure to disassemble the machine. Use of too much force may damage the locking components and make the machine unsafe for use. A baby bottle brush or vegetable brush should suffice, but a clean, microfiber cloth works just as well. Dip the brush or cloth into the cleaning solution and thoroughly scrub the inside of the water tank, re-soaking the cloth in solution as necessary until the entire tank has been scrubbed clean. For hard-to-reach places, soak a cotton swab in alcohol and use it to clean out these areas. You can either use tap water or distilled water. Pour a little water into the water tank, swish it around, and dump it immediately to rid the tank of any soap or detergent. Rinse the tank thoroughly, then soak the components in white vinegar to fully disinfect the device. Use a toothpick to clean any visible mold from the narrower tubes and valves, as necessary. The tank should be completely dry in order to prevent contamination of the machine with germs or minerals from the water. This is especially important when you are preparing to put the vaporizer back into storage. Paper towels are the most hygienic option, as they are fresh with each use, unlike towels, which can trap and spread germs. Let the tank fully air dry before reattaching to the base.", "Your doctor will discuss your symptoms, if any, as well as any environmental concerns about your home. They will also offer advice about appropriate next steps, like a vaporizer or humidifier. Sufferers of acute (short-term) respiratory illnesses, such as cold, flu, or bronchitis, might find temporary relief of symptoms while using a vaporizer. Those with chronic respiratory diseases may find a vaporizer useful, though your healthcare provider may recommend more specialized devices. Vaporizers may also be useful in homes with very dry air or in very cold/dry climates, as they add moisture to the air for greater general comfort. Be sure to ask your doctor about potential side effects of steam use, such as increased bacterial growth or other problems with humid air. The two devices work in similar fashion, but offer slightly different benefits for your health and home environment. You'll need to consider for whom and for what purpose you're purchasing one of these devices. Warm steam vaporizers use heat to turn water into steam to add moisture to the environment. Cool mist humidifiers emit a light mist of cool water into the air, also adding moisture. Note that the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises against using steam vaporizers in children’s rooms. Determining in which room you will place the device will help you to decide on the device type and size you will purchase. If the vaporizer is for a child, make sure you have space in his/her room that will keep the machine out of reach. If you're purchasing the vaporizer to improve the atmosphere in your home in general, choose which room will mostly likely offer the most benefit for you and your family. Taking some time to read the package information and, possibly, looking at the actual vaporizer, will help you make a more informed decision about your health and comfort. Consider the amount of space that you have to keep and store the vaporizer. Larger varieties may be difficult to keep out of the reach of children, although smaller machines may not provide enough steam to be useful. Read the packaging and, if purchasing online, device reviews, to get a sense of how easy the vaporizer is to use and to clean. If you have a busy schedule or have health issues that make strenuous cleaning difficult, choose a machine with simpler operating instructions." ], "summary": [ "Read the manufacturer's instructions. Use the vaporizer at night. Fill the container with distilled water. Place the vaporizer on a flat surface at a safe distance from human contact. Plug the vaporizer in and turn it on. Air the room out in between uses.", "Read the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Clean the vaporizer at least once every 3 days. Create or purchase a cleaning solution. Take the vaporizer apart. Scrub the inside of the tank with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse the inside of the tank. Dry the inside of the tank with a clean microfiber cloth or paper towel.", "Talk to your healthcare provider about your needs. Choose a cool mist humidifier instead of a warm steam vaporizer if you have concerns about safety. Evaluate your household needs. Review the various types of steam vaporizers." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating Routines to Establish Normalcy", "Figuring Out What Normalcy Means to You" ], "document": [ "Start slowly, by building on the daily routines you may already have. Routines can help establish normalcy and self-discipline. This can make you feel more competent and able to tackle obstacles that may come up. For example, you might try getting in the habit of waking at a consistent time or making your own breakfast every morning. These may seem minor, but they create a sense of personal rhythm or normalcy in your life. Avoid too much structure too fast, which could prevent you from growing by keeping you tied to repetitive behavior patterns. Finding daily routines or patterns of behavior that work for you can reduce stress and give you the confidence to experiment with expressing yourself. Education connects you with people, ideas, and resources to which you would not otherwise have access. There are a lot of different types of degrees available at schools or universities. Look into them to see if any seem to fit with the sense of normalcy you’re trying to cultivate for yourself. If they aren’t, buck the norm a little bit by looking into vocational schools or apprenticeships in your area of interest. Don’t confine your own sense of normalcy to that of everyone else. While people are graduating from high school and attending college at rates higher than ever, it’s becoming more common for individuals to graduate college without being sufficiently prepared to work in the field they majored in. Chances are, you'll need to work to take care of yourself. You should also plan accordingly, since you might need to support more than just yourself. Avoid choosing a job based solely on popularity, which won't necessarily make you happy. Instead, ask yourself what kind of people or environment you'd like to be around every day. If the work seems out of character for you and you don't think you'd be happy, consider finding another job that would allow you to be yourself. People who are generally happy at work are often those who get pleasure out of the day-to-day interactions they have with their co-workers. While getting married might be normal for some, it's not for everyone. Instead, work to develop meaningful relationships with people from a variety of social groups. Broad exposure to different kinds of people can help you find a person you really connect with. Regardless of the type of group you interact with, you need support from people around you. This is essential for you to feel a sense of normalcy in your everyday life. Caring for a pet that needs your daily love and attention can create a sense of normalcy in a variety of ways. Taking care of a pet can help you establish a daily routine and give you more pleasure in your day-to-day activities. Studies have also shown that pet-owners tend to be healthier and happier people in general. And, if you aren't ready for a long-term relationship or having kids, starting of with a pet can help transition towards building more meaningful relationships with other people. Keep in mind that choosing the right pet for your living space and daily schedule is important. If you don’t have enough time or space, caring for a pet could end up increasing stress and producing heartache in the long run. While it may seem counterintuitive, exposing yourself to a variety of people, customs, and cultures can make you feel more normal than if you are simply comparing yourself to people in your hometown. Travel can show you just how big and diverse the world is. The more you travel, the more you'll see just how much people across the world have in common. You'll also realize that differences are a part of every culture. Avoid using travel as an escape. Instead, travel to learn more about yourself, others, and what you enjoy.", "Since it takes a lot of work to change who you are, you should first understand who you are. Societies all over are made up of individuals with different personality types and traits. You'll need to decide what is normal for you. Does it mean breaking the mold or conforming to rules within a strict society? To determine your version of normalcy, ask yourself: Do you feel most comfortable following orders and maintaining rigid social structures? Do you enjoy the independence of figuring things out for yourself? Are you most happy when everyone around you seems to approve of your actions? Would you rather experiment with new styles of living along with people outside of the mainstream? Even though you're an individual, you still live within a society, be it a neighborhood, community, or region. Each of these has a unique set of norms and values which define what is normal. Think about how social practices and institutions in your society support an idea of normalcy. This will help you express your own identity through your interactions with others. For example, you might live somewhere where it's socially acceptable to speak quickly and somewhat abrasively. But, in another region, that kind of behavior might label you as a social outcast. Being aware of this will help you shape your public image. Everyone experiences emotional ups and downs. Be prepared for these and learn how to take care of yourself during rough times. For example, if you get into a heated discussion with someone about your personal beliefs, you should know what makes a normal, appropriate response. Recognize that reacting aggressively indicates a deeper issue that you need to work through. You'll have a better sense of wellness if you live your life according to your own beliefs and feelings, rather than letting someone else dictate what should be appropriate or normal for you. If you've had a traumatic experience at some point in your life, it's normal to feel isolated or different in some way. Trauma can leave permanent effects on bodily chemistry, which can permanently affect how you see yourself and your environment. While you may not see yourself as normal, connecting with others who have experienced trauma can help you realize that you can move on from the event to lead a normal, functional life. Try to find a trauma support group. Such experiences can actually become a source of courage and strength for you if you can incorporate their effects into your life as opposed to trying to avoid them altogether. Once you've created a comfortable routine or rhythm, you can begin to experiment with what's a normal emotion. This will help you express your deepest and most raw emotions." ], "summary": [ "Establish daily routines. Learn. Get a job that drives your passion. Work towards building meaningful relationships. Get a pet. Travel.", "Accept yourself for who you are. Think about what's considered normal in your society. Find spiritual and emotional balance. Deal with traumatic events that are holding you back." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding the Blush", "Putting on Bronzer" ], "document": [ "Pick a blush color that is dark or light enough to suit your natural skin color. Use a blush with a pink tone, as a brownish color will look odd against the bronzer. If you are unsure what shade to choose, visit a makeup counter for expert advice.", "It is important to choose a bronzer that is not too dark or light to look natural on you. Depending on your skin color, choose a bronzer made specifically for light, medium, or dark skin tones. Go for a color that’s 1-2 shades darker than your skin tone, but no more. As a general rule, lighter skin tones will require a soft, golden bronzer, while darker skin tones will look better with a dark bronze shade. If you are unsure which color will best suit you, ask a makeup artist at a department store makeup counter for help." ], "summary": [ "Choose a natural-looking pink blush color that suits you.", "Choose a shade of bronzer that will suit your skin tone." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Moving to the New Home", "Acclimating Your Cat to Her New Home", "Preparing Your Cat for the Move Process" ], "document": [ "On moving day, people will constantly be moving from room to room and going in and out of the door. This level of commotion will make your cat extremely anxious. Keeping her in a separate room will protect her from the commotion. To make the room comfortable for her, put her food bowl, water bowl, litter box, toys, and bed in the room. Place her in the room before you start the actual process of moving. Once she is comfortably settled in the room, place a sign on the door advising people to keep the door closed. The bathroom is a good place to put her, since people will not need to go in and out of the bathroom. You may also want to put her carrier in the cat-safe room, since she will have become comfortable with it at this point. If you are not moving far away, you may want to consider boarding her for the day of the move. Discuss this option with your veterinarian. Your cat will probably be anxious on moving day and may not want to eat. Even if this is the case, offer a small amount of food at her usual feeding time so that her stomach doesn’t get upset later in the day. You can do this either when she is in the cat-safe room or when you prepare to put her in the car. Make sure that you keep the carrier door closed until you are in a closed room inside your new home. Although it may be tempting to open the carrier door beforehand to soothe her, her fear and anxiety may cause her to bolt.", "Do this before you begin unloading and unpacking your things. Prepare this room like you did before, but also place her scratching post in the room with her. Open the carrier door and scatter some treats throughout the room to encourage her to come out of her carrier and explore the room. Even after the hustle and bustle of moving day is over, keep her in the cat-safe room for a few extra days. It will probably take those extra days for her to calm down and feel more comfortable in her new environment. Spend some extra time with her in the room. You can play and interact with her, but also do quiet activities in the room, such as reading. While your cat is in the cat-safe room, make sure that the rest of the home will be safe for your cat to explore and acclimate to. Make sure that there are no pest traps, since these traps contain pesticides that are toxic. Hide electrical cords, ensure that the window screens are secure, and cover any nooks where you cat may hide and get stuck. Set up multiple litter boxes throughout your home, especially if your new home has multiple levels. Place her scent around the house. To do this, put a clean sock on your hand and gently rub the sock against her cheek to get her pheromones. Rub the sock against the corners of furniture at her eye level. Do this several times before you let her out of the cat-safe room. When she comes out, she’ll recognize her scent as if she’s already marked her new territory. Your cat may be tempted to mark her territory in your new home. Having familiar scratching posts and her favorite toys throughout the home will encourage her to scratch and play with what's familiar to her and not find new areas to scratch or mark. Your cat may feel too anxious to eat much while she's getting used to her new environment. Even if she may not feel like eating, feeding her small and frequent meals on a regular schedule will help her feel some sense of normalcy and routine in the new home. In addition, the frequency of meals will increase the amount of time that you spend with her, which will also help reduce her anxiety. Feed her these meals in the cat-safe room. Establishing regular schedules for playing and sleeping will also her acclimate to her new home. Give her plenty of time and space to explore her new environment. Even after a few days, she may still be anxious, so let her get comfortable at her own pace. Offer her treats as she explores and give her access to some of her favorite toys. Offer her hiding or resting places, such as cat tunnels, where she can go while she is exploring. It may be helpful to introduce her to one room at a time, rather than having her explore the entire house at once. Keep a litter box in the cat-safe room until your cat becomes acclimated to the entire home. That room will still be her sanctuary for a while, so allow her to continue using the litter box in that room for several weeks. This is important if your cat was indoor/outdoor or fully outdoors. The outdoor environment will be just unfamiliar as the inside of your new home, so letting her out too soon may cause her to run away. If you would like to let her outside, consider putting a cat leash on her, which you can find at your local pet store. You can also purchase a cat-safe enclosure for your cat to be in while she is outside, which will protect her from predators. It may be helpful to scatter some of your cat's used litter around your house before you let her outside. This will help your cat feel like she's in a familiar area when she's outside and will let other neighborhood cats know that there is a new cat.", "Although you will do your best to prevent your cat from getting spooked and running away during the moving process, she may still find a way to bolt. Proper identification will be very useful if someone finds her. Make sure that her ID tag has your mobile number on it, since your landline number will change after the move. If your cat is not already microchipped, take her to the veterinarian to have that done. A microchip is a small device that is implanted just under the skin. If someone finds your cat, they can take her to a veterinarian’s office or animal shelter that can scan the microchip and identify you as her owner. Preparing ‘lost cat’ flyers is also useful. These flyers should contain a picture of your cat, your cat’s profile, the addresses of your veterinary clinic and local animal shelters, and your contact information. If your cat does run away, having the flyers already prepared will allow you to quickly start posting them in the area. Ensure that your cat is up to date on vaccinations and parasite control. Moving is a stressful process for your cat, so you will want to make sure that she is as healthy as possible. Your veterinarian can administer any necessary vaccinations and provide you with more parasite control. While you are at the veterinarian's office, ask for a copy of your cat’s medical records. This is especially important if you will need to switch veterinary offices after you move. Having a copy of your cat’s medical records will make it easier for the new veterinarian to know your cat’s full medical history. Talk with your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medication. Depending on your cat’s temperament, she may need medication to reduce her anxiety during the move. Your veterinarian can discuss what medications are available and how you should administer them, if necessary. If you are traveling cross-country with your cat, you will probably need to spend the night at a hotel. Finding a hotel that accepts cats may be challenging, though, since not all pet-friendly hotels accept cats. Even if the hotel accepts cats, it may not have pet-friendly rooms available when you are moving. In addition, pet-friendly hotels could charge you an expensive convenience fee. When you arrive at the hotel room, cat-proof the room as much as you can before letting your cat out of her carrier. The room will be unfamiliar to her, and she could easily find a place to hide or crawl under (under or behind the bed, under a chair). It may be best to keep your cat in your hotel room's bathroom, and set up the room as you did when you moved out of your old home. Leave her carrier in the bathroom with her. Start getting your cat comfortable with her carrier several weeks prior to the move. You can use either a hard-top or soft-top carrier. The hard-top carrier is more sturdy, but you may need the soft-top carrier if you are flying to your new destination and plan to carry her with you on the plane. Make the carrier look inviting by leaving its door open and placing her bed and some treats inside. Encourage her to spend time in the crate by feeding her meals in the crate. Place a blanket over the carrier to make it look like a safe hideaway to your cat, which will be helpful on moving day. Reward her with a treat each time that she goes in the crate. Doing this creates a positive association with the crate. Ride with her when she is in the carrier. Start with placing her in the car with you without driving. When you see that she can remain calm in the car when it's not moving, take her on short drives, then longer drives. Reward her with treats each time that she stays calm in her crate while she’s in the car with you. The sight of moving boxes may be enough to make your cat very anxious. In the weeks before the move, set out some empty moving boxes for her to explore and get comfortable with. If she seems extra wary of the boxes, try spraying some cat pheromones (available at your local pet store) on the corners of the boxes; the scent of these pheromones should encourage her to explore the boxes. Giving her time to explore the boxes can end up being play time for her, which will help reduce her anxiety with the move. Preparing to move means that you will be busy packing boxes and running errands. Even with these changes in your schedule, make sure that you keep your cat’s routine as consistent as you can to reduce her anxiety with the move. For example, continue to feed and play with her at the same time each day. If you see that she is getting increasingly anxious even with a consistent routine, you could try to increase your play time with her." ], "summary": [ "Set up a cat-safe room. Feed your cat a small breakfast. Place her in her carrier.", "Set up a cat-safe room in your new home. ‘Cat-proof’ your new home. Place scratching posts and toys in multiple places. Establish a regular eating schedule. Let your cat out of the cat-safe room. Keep your cat indoors for a few weeks.", "Check your cat’s ID tag. Take your cat to the veterinarian. Find a pet-friendly hotel. Get your cat comfortable with her carrier. Get your cat comfortable with the moving boxes. Keep your cat’s routine consistent." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Analyzing an Addictive Relationship", "Embracing Your Independence", "Breaking an Unhealthy Attachment" ], "document": [ "Write a column for positive things you get out of the relationship, and another column to list the negative things about the relationship. Dig deep into your life to establish whether connections are socially, mentally, emotionally, or professionally healthy. Here are some aspects of healthy relationships for you to consider: Open, honest communication. Both people feel able to express their feelings and opinions without fear of being harmed or belittled for them. Both people use kind, caring language to express their feelings and do not use shaming or blaming language. Both people do not make excuses for their actions. Both people acknowledge the validity of the other's emotions. Fairness and negotiation. Both people are willing to negotiate and compromise in order to find healthy solutions. Neither person always gives in or gives up. Both people attempt to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Neither person is \"in it to win it\" at the expense of the other. Shared responsibility and power. Neither person makes all the decisions. If one person usually makes decisions, it is because both people are comfortable with this. Respect. Both people feel valued for their unique selves. Both people express appreciation for the other. Even when angry or hurt, both people maintain respect and do not use hurtful or violent language or actions. Trust and support. Both people are supportive of each other. They want the best for the other person. Both people feel like they can rely on the other. Both feel safe to share their emotions, desires, and needs without fear of being judged. Intimacy. This may be physical affection. It can also be respecting the other person's boundaries or privacy. Truly intimate relationships do not attempt to control or monitor one person's behavior. Personal integrity. Both people have a sense of self distinct from their relationship. Both have a sense of independence and maintain their own values, tastes, and beliefs. Both partners take responsibility for their words and actions. Many people who become addicted to people have suffered from inadequate family relationships. Many times these family members were not trustworthy or did not provide basic needs, such as food, shelter or emotional support. If the person to whom you are addicted reminds you of a past family member or another relationship, you may be looking to compensate for a previous failed relationship through this current relationship. You will need to separate the feelings from the two different relationships to move on. A hallmark sign of a codependent person is attracting individuals who are unstable. Maybe you always make friends or start relationships with individuals who are emotionally unavailable. Examine previous relationships to see if this is true for you. Write regularly about how the relationship makes you feel and what behaviors, hopes and fantasies you harbor. Writing about a relationship daily can help you avoid glossing over the bad moments and pretending the relationship is always good. In addictive relationships, the pair is usually unable to discuss risky issues and often glaze over certain topics with half-truths. If you notice that you and your partner rarely have truly intimate conversations relating to your personal fears or dreams, you may be in an addictive relationship. Healthy relationships involve intimacy in which conversations go below the surface into areas you would normally not share with the public. These attachments also include give and take from both partners as well as mutual benefit from the attachment. Unhealthy and codependent relationships generally stay above the surface and have few fulfilling conversations. Maybe you are always pretending to be cheerful around the other person, but, inside, you feel sad or confused. You may only ever feel relaxed and happy when the other person is feeling this way. You fear what would happen if you told your lover or friend how you really feel. If your relationship with another has caused you to lose your own identity, lose other relationships, and feel as if you cannot function without the other person, these are signs of an addictive relationship. You need to get out of this relationship before the situation gets worse. Signs of an obsessive relationship may include delusional tendencies in which your partner or friend exaggerates any interaction you have with others. This person may think a smile with a stranger means something more. They may want to check your phone or email to be sure their relationship with you is priority. A controlling partner may cause you to feel as if you have lost your individuality. This person may guilt-trip you about time spent away to the point that you find yourself spending almost no time with family or other friends. Most people think an abusive relationship equates to physical violence. In fact, obsessiveness and controlling behavior can lend to emotional abuse. If your partner or friend isolates you from others, acts possessive, tries to tell you what to do, or puts you down to maintain a position of authority over you, you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship.", "Think of a plan or develop a script of how you will respond if you encounter this person. Remember: you should limit contact if the person reduces your self-esteem and makes you feel small or unloved. For example, if the person wants to talk on the phone, suggest a date and time, and then go to a supportive friend's house to take the call. In the place of euphoria, excitement and infatuation, you may experience fear, self-doubt, loneliness and panic after an addictive, codependent relationship dissolves. Physical symptoms can mimic those of substance abuse like being unable to sleep or eat, cramping, shaking, and experiencing nausea. These are normal parts of breaking a bond that gave you positive feelings. The symptoms will eventually fade. If you feel chronically depressed, seek out the services of a professional counselor. Ending an addictive relationship can make you feel empty inside and make you believe you will never find another person to love. A counselor will help you to understand the importance of working on yourself and making sure you are healthy and whole. Keep in mind, feelings of worthlessness cannot be stamped out by relationships; you must resolve these feelings in order to ever fully love yourself or another person. Deal with your own self-esteem issues now, before you start dating again. You may find strength to cope by listening to the triumphant stories of others who have severed ties from an addictive relationship. In conjunction with seeing a counselor for individual therapy, attending meetings with others like you can help you to educate yourself on addictive relationships and learn how to spot such unhealthy relationships in the future. It can be easy to neglect yourself when you are feeling down about ending a relationship with someone you cared about. Take extra time to eat and exercise regularly, get quality sleep, and treat yourself gently. Doing a few self-care activities each week can also help you to feel more like yourself and bring some structure to your new-found independence. Relax in a soothing bubble bath, get your hair cut and styled, or visit the spa for a massage. Don't neglect yourself because you're feeling bad. Boundaries are significant to you living a healthy, stable life. Many people wrongly assume if they are extremely close to another person when they first meet, it's a sign of a perfect match. Keep in mind, you should have a life beyond your boyfriend/girlfriend or best friend. The next time you meet a new person be direct about your needs and any limitations you would like to set. In healthy relationships, both partners should have a say in how things work. Don't give up your power in another codependent relationship. Moving forward, always be mindful and aware of your past relationships/friendships that have been treacherous. Take things slow with any new person that enters your life. Always keep your needs in mind and practice self-care. Finally, continue to seek outside support from your counselor or a local support group to receive education and encouragement as you form new healthy bonds.", "It is common in such relationships to see your partner through rose-colored glasses. We have a tendency to maintain fantasies about what a person is like in the hopes of them someday coming true. We also may create fantasy narratives about the relationship that we tell other people. Accept reality about your partner. Instead of saying, \"He's not that bad; he bought me a necklace for my birthday\", tell yourself the truth about your partner: \"She pretends to be jealous about other people I hang out with so I end up only hanging out with her\" or \"She often keeps me from seeing my family.\" If the relationship - platonic or romantic - causes you to feel powerless or controlled, you need to admit this to yourself. Don't pretend everything is going well just to maintain the attachment. Magnification (blowing things out of proportion) and minimization (seeing things as less important than they are) are common cognitive distortions, unhelpful ways of thinking that we can slip into unawares. If you find yourself constantly looking for excuses or dismissing things as \"not that bad,\" you may be using these distortions to justify staying in the relationship. Connections may include things such as finances, housing or work projects. Understand that you will need to give yourself extra time to break these connections. Also, ask yourself if your relationship addiction is based on the conveniences available to you by being with that person. Change your bank account and start receiving paychecks to the new account if you are sharing funds with this person. Look for a new place to rent or live on a temporary basis if the unhealthy attachment is a roommate. Remove alcohol, drugs, food, sex or other triggers that may be tempting you to stay in an addictive situation. In order to counteract the negative energy and feedback you have been getting in an addictive relationship, you must replace it with positive feedback from other sources. Renew connections now and surround yourself with thriving individuals who value what you have to offer. If you have been ignoring yourself because of a personal addiction, try picking up a hobby, starting to train for a fitness event or going for a promotion at work. If you start working on yourself, you will be able to clearly see how disconnected you have become in an addictive relationship. Start each bullet point with “I want...” or “I would like...” so that you can start separating personal desires from relationship desires. These desires can range from wanting to visit Italy to getting a new haircut or color. Focus only on you while you break away from a love addiction." ], "summary": [ "Make a list. Review past relationships. Keep a relationship log. Take note of your communication and interaction styles. Accept that a relationship isn’t healthy if you see evidence of obsessiveness, controlling, or abuse.", "Decide how you will handle the person if they get in touch with you in the future. Expect withdrawal symptoms. Face feelings of loneliness or depression. Join a support group based on love addiction or codependency. Take care of yourself. Learn how to set appropriate boundaries in relationships and friendship.", "Pinpoint which parts of your addictive relationship are fantasy and which are reality. Break the physical connections you have to that person. Plan activities with positive people in your life. Set personal goals. Make a list of your independent desires." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Maintaining Relationships", "Keeping It Real", "Handling The Issues" ], "document": [ "Don’t talk about your buddy behind their back. It’s disloyal and disrespectful. And chances are it won’t take long for your opinions to reach your friend’s ears. Hearing criticism from a third party is very hurtful and will likely trigger an argument. If things turn too serious while you’re hanging out, lighten the mood with laughter. Laughing releases feel-good chemicals that help dissipate stress hormones. And sharing a chuckle might help you share a solution to any issues at hand. A few ways to lesson tension in the moment might include: Watching a funny video online Telling them a joke Following a comedian on Twitter . Arguments sometimes spring from a feeling of not being heard. Make it a habit to quietly pay attention to your pal’s thoughts and personal feelings. Doing so shows respect and builds trust between the two of you. Some good listening strategies include: Making eye contact and facing your girlfriend when she is talking. Using neutral, leading phrases to show you are paying attention, such as “yes,” “go on,” and “I see.” Eliminating distractions by turning off your cell phone, closing your laptop, and turning off the TV. Rephrasing what your friend has just said. You can summarize something your girlfriend just said and turn it into a question or statement to clarify. For example, if your friend has just been telling you about a fight she had with someone else, you might say something like, “So she just slammed the door in your face and you haven’t talked since then?” No two people will ever agree 100% of the time. So when a minor disagreement pops up, be especially considerate of the other person's viewpoint. Shutting your friend down and declaring yourself right will only breed resentment, paving the way for future arguments. Emphasize instead points of agreement between you and never invalidate your pal's perspective on things. For example, if your friend hated a movie that you really enjoyed, then you might say something like, “I think that we both agree that that movie had some great moments, and it is okay that you did not like it as much as I did. I value your perspective and I still like going to the movies with you even if we have different tastes.” Keep your word, always. Trust is at the heart of all good relationships. If you keep cancelling outings at the last minute your pals will rightfully start to be bothered by your unreliability. Or, if you promise to feed your friend's cat and forget, expect a long wait between before their next text message. Being a good friend means making promises and keeping them.", "If your bestie is obsessed with beaded purses and you yawn at the sight of them, share your feelings. You don’t always have to love the same things. Being genuine about your likes and dislikes, though, could prevent resentments from building over time. Just make sure that you share your preferences in a polite way. For example, you might say something like, “Beaded purses are so you and you make them look great! I prefer non-beaded purses.” It's important to stay in touch with your girlfriends often, but in an appropriate way. Periodically texting, tweeting and talking on the phone are great for everyday communication in addition to face to face conversations. Judge your means of communication on the type of communication, however. Twitter is fun, but not the best tool for carrying on a serious conversation. Some ways to keep the lines of contact open include: Sending a “Good morning” text to brighten a friend's day Checking in after stressful experiences such as tests or doctors' appointments Returning messages promptly, even if it's just to say \"I can't talk right now; call you later!\" Reaching out to make meeting plans If the only time you hang out is during class or on lunch break, you need to schedule some ‘we’ time, stat! Relationships are built on shared experiences. If you’re never even in the same zip code, however, disagreements will grow while your friendship withers. A few fun hangout ideas include: Arranging to get a pedicure together Going to see a movie Working out at the gym or going for a jog Is your friend's new haircut horrible? If she loves it then you'd be better off withholding your two cents. Supporting your pals even when they've made questionable choices is part of being a true friend. Offering your opinion, especially when your friend hasn't asked for it, creates a situation where the other person can feel unduly criticized and judged.", "If you sense an argument building, own up to any mistakes you’ve made. Sometimes that’s all it takes to transform your friend from angry to agreeable. Plus, saying you’re sorry will position you to receive an apology too, if warranted. For example, if you were late to meet your friend for lunch, then you might say something like, “I am sorry for being late for our lunch date! I feel really bad about keeping you waiting.” If things are still going south, don’t bring up prior disagreements. Therapists say ‘stockpiling’ issues from previous arguments and then unleashing them later aggravates the situation. To bring a swift end to an argument stay focused only on the subject at hand. For example, don’t bring up something that happened three years ago as extra ammunition during an argument. Just focus on the problem at hand. When things are turning tense, look for points of compatibility. Getting back to ‘normal’ in a relationship can sometimes be as simple as reminding the other person that you agree much more than you disagree. For example, you could recall your shared dislike of handlebar mustaches, have a laugh and move on. If the point of disagreement is something more serious, then you might try to find something about your values that bonds you together. For example, you might remind your friend that you both value nature conservation, even if you don’t always agree about the best way to accomplish it. If tempers are rising suggest a short break from the conversation. Anger can sometimes cause us to say things we later regret. Also, it gives you both useful time to process your thoughts and emotions. Try telling your friend something like, “I really want us to talk about this, but I think we should wait until we are both feeling more relaxed. Do you want to talk about it tonight after our aerobics class?”" ], "summary": [ "Be loyal. Find the humor. Listen, don’t interrupt Learn how to respectfully disagree. Be reliable.", "Be honest. Maintain good communication. Spend time together often. Don't be judgmental.", "Admit any mistakes. Stay focused. Establish common ground. Take five." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing Huawei on Mobile", "Using the Application" ], "document": [ "You can get the app from your device’s app store or from the Huawei Device website. ", " The total bandwidth used is displayed under the Volume section of the home screen. Tap \"Volume\" to view historical statistics on your usage. You can also filter the report by the Start Date, Monthly Data Plan, and Threshold by tapping on \"Total\" beside the bandwidth total. Monthly traffic statistics can also be enabled through this screen. The current battery percentage is displayed under the Battery section of the home screen. This allows you to determine when to charge the device. Tap \"Battery\" to see other battery-related settings. You can also turn the Power Saving mode on or off, set the Maximum Idle Time, and set the WLAN Time-out. Tap the \"More Functions\" icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen. Tap \"Diagnose\" from the left panel menu. Touch the screen to start the diagnostics. The diagnostics will check for the following: SIM card status SIM lock status Network signal Network access mode Roaming status Connection mode Connected Wi-Fi users SSID hidden Blacklist Wi-Fi auto-off time Profile or APN. Tap the \"More Functions\" icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen. Tap \"User Management\" from the left panel menu. The right part of the screen will display the devices or users currently connected to the mobile WiFi device. From here, you can block a device or a user access to your Wi-Fi. Tap the \"More Functions\" icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen. Tap \"SMS\" from the left panel menu. Just like a normal phone, you can view the text messages stored in the SIM card. You can also reply to a message from here. Just tap on a message and choose \"Reply.\" " ], "summary": [ "Download the Huawei Mobile Wi-Fi app. Connect your mobile device to the Wi-Fi connection from the Huawei Wi-Fi modem. Launch \"Settings\" and tap Wi-Fi. Connect to the network.", "Launch the app. View bandwidth volume consumption. View power consumption. Run diagnostics on the device. View Connected users. Send an SMS. Exit the app." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Developing Your Main Mechanics", "Accounting for Character Condition", "Fleshing out Your RPG" ], "document": [ "There are many different varieties of RPG you might decide to create. Common versions include tabletop, or live action role-playing (LARP). You'll need to decide which of these you plan on making before you go any farther on your RPG making journey. Tabletop games are mostly, if not entirely, text based. These games may make use of supplemental materials, like maps or pictures, but rely on written text and spoken descriptions to drive the action of the game. Tabletop RPGs often involve a game leader, frequently called a dungeon master or DM, who designs the scenarios players will deal with and impartially mediates the rules. LARP has players imagine the setting as though it were real life. Players then adopt the persona of a character to complete the tasks involved in the game. A player character's stats gives it a baseline for what it can do and how it will act. Common stats include strength, intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and dexterity. To give you an example of how stats affect characters, a character with high strength but low charisma would likely be powerful in battle but clumsy in diplomatic situations. In many RPGs, the game begins with players creating a character and using a set number of points to invest in different stats. At the start of a game, you might have each player start with 20 stat points to apply to different stat categories. Some popular RPGs use 10 as the baseline for all stats. A 10 rating represents average human ability in the stat category. So 10 strength would be average human strength, 10 intelligence would yield a character of average intelligence, and so on. Additional stat points are usually given to characters as experience is gained over time, through in-game events, or through battles. Experience is usually given in the form of points, with a certain number of points equaling a \"level up,\" which indicates a stat increase. Make sure your stats match up with your character description. For example, a character that's a ranger class will likely be crafty and move silently, so it often has high dexterity. Wizards, on the other hand, rely on their knowledge of magic, so these kinds of characters often have high intelligence. Now that you have your main stats, you can decide how you'll use them in your game. Some games use a stat-limit check, where tasks will have a rating that character stats will have to match or beat to perform. Other games use a number to represent the difficulty of a task, a dice roll to represent a character's attempt at the action, and stats to provide bonus modifiers to the dice roll. The dice roll/stat modifier mechanic is very common for tabletop RPGs. For example, a player might have to climb a rope. This might have a challenge rating of 10 for a roll of a 20-sided die. This means a player will have to roll a 10 or higher to climb the rope. Since climbing involves dexterity, the player might get bonus points added to their rope climbing roll for having high dexterity. Some games use stats as a way of determining point pools which can be \"spent\" on actions. For example, for each point of strength, a player might get 4 points of health. These generally decrease when damage is taken from enemies or increase when a restorative, like a health potion, is taken by a character. There are other stat-use mechanics you might come up with for your RPG, or you might combine two common mechanics, like the stat-limit and dice roll/stat modifier mechanics. Classes refers to the job or specialty of a character in your RPG. Common classes include warriors, paladins, thieves, rogues, hunters, priests, wizards, and more. Often times, classes are given bonuses for activities related to their class. For example, a warrior would likely receive a bonus for combat maneuvers. Bonuses are usually added to a dice roll to make the outcome of an event more likely. If a warrior needs to roll a 10 or higher on a 20-sided die to accomplish his action, he might get 2 bonus points added to his roll. You can create your own classes for different scenarios in your RPG. Were you playing a futuristic RPG with fantasy elements, you could invent a class like \"Technomage\" for a class that uses both technology and magic. Some games involve different races which sometimes have special racial attributes. Some common races in RPGs are elves, gnomes, dwarves, humans, orcs, fairies/fey, halflings, and more. Most RPGs use an experience point growth mechanic. This means that for each foe a character beats in your RPG the character will receive special \"experience points.\" After a certain number of experience points are gained, characters level up and are given additional stat points for the level earned. This represents the growth of their abilities over time. You might base the development of characters around significant events in your RPG. For example, you could award a level up and stat points to player characters following each major battle in your campaign. You might also consider to award stat points to characters after the completion of certain quests or goals. Style of play refers to the structure of gameplay in your RPG. Most RPGs use a turn based structure, where players commit actions one at a time. You might also consider using a timed \"free phase,\" where players can freely commit actions for a set span of time. You can determine order with a roll of a 20-sided die. Have each player roll a die. The highest number will take the first turn, the second highest takes the second turn, and so on. Settle draws with a roll-off. When two or more players roll the same number, have these players roll again amongst themselves. The highest roller in this roll-off will go first, followed by the second highest roller, and so on. Characters in your RPG will have to move through the game environment, so you'll have to decide how they'll do so. Many games divide movement into two phases: combat and overworld. You might make use of these phases or invent your own movement mechanic. Combat movement is usually turn based, with each player character and non-player character each getting a turn. On that turn, each character can generally move a certain distance and commit an action. Movements and action generally depend on things like character class, equipment weight, and character race. Overworld movement usually is the preferred style for long distances. To represent this, many RPGers use figurines moved across a map or blueprint. This phase usually has players move any distance they desire on a turn by turn basis. Character movement is usually determined with regard to weight and class considerations. For example, a character wearing heavy armor will be more encumbered and move more slowly. Physically weak classes, like clerics, wizards, and priests, usually move slower than physically strong classes, like rangers, fighters, and barbarians. Though not all RPGs will have an economy, characters usually earn or find some kind of currency on fallen foes or from completing quests. This currency can then be traded with non-player characters for items or services. Awarding too much currency to characters can sometimes result in the game becoming imbalanced. Keep this in mind when conceiving your RPG economy. Common forms of currency in RPGs includes gold, diamonds, precious minerals, and coinage. It's easy sometimes to skip a step or forget to apply a penalty or bonus modifier. Having a clearly written description of how players are supposed to play the game will help prevent disagreements and establish clear guidelines while playing. You might consider printing a copy of the main mechanics for each player. This way, players can remind themselves of the rules when necessary.", "Over the course of your adventures, characters may fall ill or be struck with an attack that influences their physical ability. Common varieties of status ailment include poison, paralysis, death, blindness, and unconsciousness. Magic spells are often the cause of status effects. It may be helpful for you to make a list of spells that affect the physical condition of characters. Poisoned or enchanted weapons are another common route status effects are applied to player characters. Not all status effects result in damage being done, though most wear off over time. In the case of paralysis, a player character might only have to forfeit a turn or two before the effect wears off. Deadly poison, on the other hand, can linger and cause damage over time. You might establish a baseline for the damage of certain effects. For poison, you might decide that weak poison causes 2 damage per turn, medium poison 5 damage, and strong poison 10 damage. You can also decide damage with a roll of the dice. Using poison as the example again, you might roll a four sided die each turn to determine the amount of damage done by the poison. The duration of a status effect might take the form of a standard limit or it could be decided upon with a roll a die. If poison might last anywhere from 1 to 6 turns, you could roll a 6-sided die to determine the length of this effect. After spending time and effort creating characters for your RPG, it can be discouraging if the character dies and has no means of coming back. Many games use a special reviving item to prevent this from happening. Two common items that revive fallen characters are ankhs and phoenix feathers. To make character death a more serious condition, you might institute a penalty to fallen characters. Characters who have been revived might rise in a weakened state and only be able to move half the distance they would normally. Though some status effects may be incurable, in most RPGs there are local remedies, magical potions, and restorative herbs that can heal a character. Rare conditions, like a special kind of disease, will often require a special quest item for the cure to be made. You could make the creation of these remedies a part of your game play. You can do this by requiring characters to hunt for components for these before brewing them up. Common remedies are oftentimes found in the shops of towns and paid for with some kind of currency found or won during the course of the game.", "Many RPGs make use of a villain, also called an antagonist, to give players a clear enemy. However, the conflict of your RPG might be something else entirely, like a natural disaster or a disease outbreak. In either case, conflict will help to motivate your characters to action in your game. Conflict can either be active or passive. An example of active conflict could be something like a chancellor trying to overthrow a king, while a passive conflict might be something like a dam weakening over time and threatening a city. It can be difficult to imagine a setting without a point of reference. You don't have to be a brilliant artist, but a brief sketch of the dimensions of a setting will help players orient themselves. Many RPG creators will divide maps into two types: overworld and instance. An overworld map is generally a map that depicts the world at large. This might only include a city and the outlying area, but could also include an entire world or continent. An instance map usually establishes the boundaries of a specific player event, like a battle or a room in which a puzzle must be solved. If you're not very artistic, try using simple shapes like squares, circles, and triangles to indicate objects and boundaries of a setting. In RPGs, lore usually refers to the background information of your game. This might include things like mythology, history, religion, and culture. These things can give your RPG a sense of depth and help you to know how non-player characters, like townspeople, will interact with player characters. Lore can also be useful for developing the conflict in your RPG. For example, there might be an uprising creating chaos in a city in your game. You may want to write out notes for the lore in your RPG to help you keep the details straight while role-playing. For common knowledge lore that player characters should know, you might write up a separate sheet containing this information for players. The temptation to cheat can be great, especially if you're only 10 gold away from buying that fancy new item. To keep those playing your game honest, you may want a central person, like the game coordinator, to keep notes on players and items for the duration of your game. This kind of in-game bookkeeping is also a good way of keeping your game realistic. If a character has more items than they should be able to carry, that character might deserve a movement penalty for being encumbered." ], "summary": [ "Choose the kind of RPG you'll be making. Identify your main stats. Plan your stat-use mechanic. Outline the possible character classes. Create a growth scheme. Determine the style of play. Decide on your mechanic for player movement. Devise an economy for your RPG. Write up your main mechanics.", "Come up with a list of status effects. Determine the damage and duration of effects, if applicable. Take the sting out of death with a reviving item. Make remedies available to characters.", "Pinpoint the conflict of your RPG. Draw maps to help with visualization. Summarize the lore behind your game. Track character info to keep players honest." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Your PIN to Activate the Card", "Activating the Card Through Your Bank", "Calling to Activate the Card" ], "document": [ "If you already had a Visa debit card through your bank and need to activate a replacement, you can do so using the same PIN you used for your old card. You can get groceries, gas, or anything else you need at any location where Visa cards are accepted. Run the transaction as debit, rather than credit. Input your existing PIN number when asked, which will activate your card. You can only use this method if you already have a PIN. Find an ATM for your bank. Insert your card and enter your existing PIN, then use your new debit card to make a deposit or withdrawal. The transaction will activate your new card. You must have an existing PIN to activate your card this way.", "Call your bank and provide the required information to verify your identity. Then, request that the representative activate your card. Provide them with the card number, expiration date, CVV code, and any other information they ask for, which may include the PIN you wish to use. If you use a mobile app for banking, open the app and log in to your account. Simply search for the option marked “debit card activation” and follow the instructions to quickly activate your card. Many banks will allow you to activate your card online. Go to the bank’s website, sign in, and click on the “Customer Service” tab. Then, find the option for debit card activation and follow the prompts. You can visit the closest branch of your bank to get your card activated. Bring the new card and your personal identification, like a driver’s license. Simply provide the card and ID to a teller and ask them to activate the card for you.", "New debit cards often have a sticker on the front that provides you with a number to call to activate the card. If your card doesn’t have this, call the customer service number provided on the back of the card. Along with the card number, you may be required to enter the 4 digit expiration date as well as the 3-digit CVV code on the back of the card. To use your debit card, you’ll need to create a PIN, or Personal Identification Number, for debit transactions and to use an ATM. You’ll likely be asked to enter the PIN twice to ensure it is correct. Memorize the PIN so you can use it any time you need to. Make sure to choose a unique PIN number (different from other credit cards) in order to maintain your privacy and security." ], "summary": [ "Use your existing PIN. Make a debit purchase anywhere Visa is accepted to activate your card. Activate your new card at an ATM by making a deposit or withdrawal.", "Call your bank to have a representative activate your card. Use your bank’s mobile app to quickly activate the card yourself. Go to your bank’s website to activate your card online. Visit your bank to get your card activated in person.", "Call the automated number on the card. Follow the prompts to enter the required information. Create a PIN number." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Protecting Your Password", "Accessing Your Facebook Security Settings", "Protecting Your Computer/Device", "Making Use of Facebook’s Security Settings", "Exercising Caution While Using Facebook" ], "document": [ ". Avoid including your name, birthdate, pets, or common words in your password: make it difficult to guess. A strong password will be at least 10 characters in length, but the more the better. The longer (more characters) your password is, the more time it will take the hacker to crack it. A strong password should contain at least one of each of the following characters: lower-case letters, upper-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Ensure that you create a different password for every web service/website you use. It’s not enough to do the same password with different numbers (e.g., password1, password2 …). If you’re feeling uncreative and have difficulty thinking up new passwords, use an online password generator — just make sure it’s from a trustworthy source. As you create more strong and unique passwords, it will likely be difficult to remember them all. There are many good password managers available that will encrypt and safely store your passwords. You might even have a password manager built into your operating system — for example, Mac users have the keychain password manager available to them for free. If you don’t want to use a password manager, use a passphrase, for example: “I like big butts and I cannot lie!” might become iLbBaIcL! once every six months. This goes for all of your passwords — not just your Facebook one. If you find it difficult to remember to do this, set a reminder on your calendar. In fact, don’t share any of your passwords with anyone! When the “remember password” prompt comes up and you are not at your own computer, click on the “not now” button. On your computer, it is recommended that you set a master password for your browser, as having a master password will prompt anyone trying to see your passwords to enter another password (one created by you) just to show the passwords. Make sure that your master password is different from your other passwords and that it is a strong password. Whether your browser automatically saves your passwords in a master password-protected file will depend on your operating system and your browser. You can ensure that a master password is in effect by checking your browser preferences. If you are using a computer that you don’t know or trust, avoid doing anything that requires you to enter your password. Hackers commonly use key loggers on computer systems that record everything you type, including passwords. If it’s not possible for you to avoid typing a password into a computer you don’t trust, then change your password as soon as you can once you’re back at your own computer.", "On the Facebook home page, enter your email address and password to log into your Facebook account. Ensure that you log into Facebook (and other sites) at the correct address: www.facebook.com. It’s important to make sure that your address bar actually says www.facebook.com and not something like facebook.co, face.com, or facebook1.com etc. Phishers often choose sites that you may accidentally type into your address bar when in a hurry. Once you’re logged into your Facebook account, click on the downward-pointing triangle in the top right corner of your page (along the blue bar). This will open a drop-down menu. Just above “Log out” you’ll see “Settings.” Click on “Settings” to open your Settings menu. If you need to change your password, click on the “General” tab in “Settings,” then click on “Edit” to the right of “Password.” You’ll need to enter your current password before entering in your new one, then click on “Save Changes.” Once you have the Settings window open, you’ll see a number of tabs on the left side of the Settings window. “Security” should be the second tab down, just under “General.” Click on “Security” to open your security settings. In your Security Settings window, you’ll see a list of settings that you can adjust. To adjust these settings, you’ll click on “Edit,” which appears (in blue) to the right of of the specific settings.", "Anti-virus software helps keep your computer secure by preventing, detecting and removing malicious software. There are a number of free anti-virus programs available online (popular ones include AVG Antivirus and Sophos). If you don’t already have one, download one now, ensure that it’s kept up to date, and run scans regularly. Malware is able to get around Facebook’s security controls to access your account. From there, it can collect personal information, send status updates and messages that appear to be from you, or cover your account with ads that will crash your computer. There are a number of free anti-malware programs available online. Facebook offers several free scanners in its help pages. Your computer may have malware on it if you have recently tried to watch a “shocking video” via a Facebook post; if you have visited a website claiming to offer special Facebook features; or if you have downloaded a browser add-on that claims to do the impossible (for example, allowing you to change the color of your Facebook profile). In particular, ensure that whatever browser you are using is up to date. Facebook supports Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. . Setting a password will make sure that your computer will stay safe even if somebody gets physical access to it. You should also enable BitLocker on your computer if you have a \"Pro\" version of Windows. This goes for sketchy looking websites, browser plug-ins and videos, and suspicious emails and notifications. If you ever receive an email asking for your password for any account that you have, do not respond. Reputable companies will never request your password over email. If a link looks suspicious, don’t click on it — even if it’s from someone you know. If one of your Facebook friends clicks on a spam link, they could accidentally send it over to you. If you suspect a phishing email, forward it to phish@fb.com. To avoid getting “phished” (scammed), beware of the following: Messages with poor grammar, spelling, and typos, as well as any strange fonts or spacing. Messages claiming to contain your password as an attachment. Images or messages with links that don’t match what you see in your status bar when you hover over them. Messages asking for your personal information such as your credit card info, driver’s license, social insurance number, date of birth, etc. Messages claiming that your account will be deleted or locked unless you act immediately.", "Login Alerts send you an alert when someone logs into your account from a new device or browser. You can choose to get login alerts via Facebook notifications, email, or text messages. To activate these alerts, click on “Edit” to the right of “Login Alerts,” choose where you want the alerts sent (you’ll need your mobile phone number for text alerts), and click on “Save Changes.” It's a good idea to get alerts through every method that you can. If you get a login alert, and you weren't the one that logged in, then that means that your account was hacked. You should immediately log into your account and change your password to stop the hacker from doing any damage. . Two-factor authentication gives your account an extra level of security by requesting a security code when you log in from an unknown browser. To set up two-factor authentication, click on the word “Edit” to the right of “two-factor authentication,” then click on “Get Started” to begin the setup wizard. The most common way to access login codes is through your phone — either by text message or the Facebook app. If you anticipate that you might need login codes when you do not have your phone nearby, you can get 10 codes ahead of time (which you can print or write down) from Facebook. To do this, open the “two-factor authentication” section, click on “Get codes,” enter your Facebook password, and click “Submit.” Your “Trusted Contacts” are friends that Facebook enables to securely help you if you ever have trouble accessing your account. To add Trusted Contacts, click on “Edit” to the right of “Trusted Contacts,” then click on the words “Choose trusted contacts” (in blue). This will open a new window. Click on the “Choose Trusted Contacts” button to continue, enter your Facebook friends’ names into the text box, and hit “Confirm.” Make sure that you only chose people that you trust as trusted contacts. If you have a falling out with one of your trusted contacts, then make sure to remove them as soon as possible, since they might try to hack your account. Look under the section “Where You’re Logged In” and click on \"See More\" to view all of the sessions that you are currently logged into. You should see apps (e.g., Facebook for desktop, Messenger, Facebook for iPhone), access dates, and locations. If you see anything that doesn’t make sense, click on “⋮” to the right of the session and click \"Not you?\", and then follow the on screen directions. If you’ve had a security scare, consider clicking on, “Log Out Of All Sessions” (at the bottom right corner of the \"Where You’re Logged In” window) just to be extra safe. This is also a great option if you’re unsure of whether you logged out after using Facebook on someone else’s computer. To end your session, simply access your Security Settings, and select See Where You’re Logged In, then scroll to the session in question and click on “End Activity” to close it remotely. To do this, scroll all the way down to the bottom and select View next to the option that says, \"See recent emails from Facebook\". Here, you'll be able to see a list of recent emails that Facebook sent you. This is useful if you accidentally deleted an email that Facebook sent you, or if you email account was hacked and you’re afraid that the hacker got into your Facebook account. Facebook gives you the option to have all notification emails to be encrypted before they are sent to you. Simply paste your Public Key into the box and check the setting that says, \"Use this public key to encrypt notification emails that Facebook sends you?\" Then all emails that you receive from Facebook will be encrypted. If you don't know much about encryption, then it's best to just leave this setting alone.", "Scammers can create fake accounts and friend people. Once they’ve friended you, they can spam your timeline, tag you in posts, send you malicious messages, and even target your friends. If your birthday and location are viewable by your Facebook friends, and you regularly update your whereabouts, scammers might be able to use your details and updates to crack your passwords or even break into your home when they know you’re away on vacation. Open your Privacy Settings by clicking on the “Privacy” tab in your “Settings” window. To the right of the tab you will see several options for adjusting your privacy, including “Who can see my stuff?” (set it to “Friends”); “Who can contact me?”; and “Who can look me up?” If you are unsure of what your profile looks like to someone who is not your friend, click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of your Facebook page (it’s to the left of the down-pointing triangle). This will open a “Privacy Checkup” drop-down menu. Click on “Who can see my stuff” and then “View as” to see your profile as others see it. Each time you post a status update or photo, you can select your audience. You should see a button next to the “Post” button that says either “Friends,” “Public,” or “Custom.” If it says “Public,” this means that everyone will be able to see what you are about to post, regardless of whether you are friends. Ensure that it says “Friends” if it’s something you’d prefer to keep more private. Your friends aren’t immune to spam. If a friend posts a suspicious link or “shocking video” or sends something strange in a message, don’t trust that they’re doing it on purpose. If you make purchases on Facebook, be sure to review your purchase history regularly. That way, if someone does manage to get into your account and spend money, you can seek help from Facebook’s Payments Support Center. To review your payment history, go to “Settings” and then click on the “Payments” tab. . How you report something will depend upon what you’re reporting. Note that you’ll need to be logged into your Facebook account. To report a profile, go to the profile you want to report. In the bottom right of the cover photo, click on the ellipses (…) and select “Report.” To report a post, click the down-pointing triangle in the top right of the post you want to report and select “I don’t want to see this,” then “Why don’t you want to see this?” to be brought to more specific options. To report a message, open the message you'd like to report, click on the gear symbol in the top right of the message, and then click “Report Spam or Abuse.” that seem suspicious. If someone is harassing you, sending you multiple repeated friend requests, had a falling out with you, or if someone claims that they are a hacker, then it's best to just block them. People won't be notified when they are blocked by you unless they try to view your account. Blocking people makes sure that they are removed from your friends list, trusted contacts, and prevents them from harassing you. If somebody creates multiple fake accounts to try to stalk or harass you, then report them. when not using your own computer/device. This is particularly important if you’re using a computer at a library or Internet café, where many people who you do not know will use the computer throughout the day. If you forget to log out, you can log out remotely by logging into Facebook, opening your security settings, and clicking on “See Where You’re Logged In.” If you’re still logged into a computer/device that isn’t yours, click on “End Activity,” and this will log you out." ], "summary": [ " Create a strong password Do not use your Facebook password anywhere else. Use a password manager. Change your password Do not share your Facebook password with anyone. Avoid using the “remember password” feature on computers other than your own. Only log in on trusted computers.", "Log into your Facebook account. Open your Facebook settings. Open your security settings.", "Use up-to-date anti-virus software. Scan for malware regularly. Keep all software up to date. Set a password on you computer Think before you click. Know how to spot a scam.", "Set up Login Alerts. Activate Two-Factor Authentication Choose Trusted Contacts. See Where You’re Logged In. Check the list of recent emails from Facebook. Encrypt your notification emails (advanced users).", "Do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know. Limit who can see your posts. Be careful about what information you make public. Click carefully. Review your account purchases regularly. Report spam and suspicious content Block people Log out of Facebook" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making an Insulated Container", "Storing Hot Food on the Go", "Using Kitchen Appliances", "Keeping Your Plates Warm" ], "document": [ "Even though a cooler is meant to keep everything cold, you can also use it to keep hot foods hot. Double-layer aluminum foil around the interior of the cooler. The aluminum will hold the heat inside your cooler. Lay out a large piece of aluminum foil on your counter and set your hot container onto it. Make sure your food is piping hot as you wrap the foil around it. Use a few pieces of foil to cover the container completely. Use an oven mitt as you wrap the foil so you don't burn yourself. Set the container in the middle of the cooler. The heat from the container will transfer through the aluminum foil and keep the entire cooler warm. Fill new cotton socks halfway with uncooked rice. Once you have the rice inside the sock, tie a simple knot on top so none of it spills out. Use a string to tie the socks for added security. Dried beans will also work similarly. Use the regular settings on your microwave. Once they are finished, they will be nice and warm and they will hold heat for a while. Fill in the large spaces on each side of your food container. This will add more heat to the cooler and help your food stay at a reasonable temperature. Use clean towels so your food doesn't move around while you transport it. Make sure the towels are tight against your food so they insulate the heat inside. Fill a rubber hot water bottle with boiling water. It's easiest to pour the water into the bottle from a kettle or a pot with a spout. Place the hot water bottle on top of the cooler for one final heating element to keep your food warm. Seal the lid of the cooler tight after you add the water bottle so no heat can escape. The temperature of the cooler will start to drop over time. Carry a food thermometer with you to check on the temperature of your food to make sure it is above 140 °F (60 °C).", "Transfer your soup into a tall thermos while it is still piping hot. Secure the lid tightly as soon as you're finished putting your food inside. Eat your food within 4 hours so it doesn't cool down and develop bacteria. Look on the thermos' packaging to determine how long you can safely store food inside. Thermoses are typically only sized for a single serving. Similar to the bags used for pizza delivery, thermal bags allow you to store dishes so they retain heat while you're on the go. Cover your hot dish with a lid or foil wrap before securing it in the bag. Use a thermal bag for a maximum of 3 hours before serving your dish. Thermal bags can be purchased at big box stores or at your local kitchen specialty store. Reusable and disposable bags are available. Find an insulated lunchbox or cooler that can plug into the cigarette lighter jack inside your car. Fill the cooler with hot food and plug it in as you travel. The cooler will use the energy from your car to keep the food at a safe temperature. Only have the cooler plugged in as your car is running so you don't drain your car's battery. Check the voltage requirement on the bag to see your cigarette lighter can output that much energy. If not, you may cause the cooler to short out.", "Let the cooker preheat before you transfer your food into the pot so your food doesn't cool down. The “Keep Warm” setting keeps the food near 170 °F (77 °C) for however long you leave it on. Slow cookers work best with wetter foods, like soups, stews, sauces, or mashed potatoes. Your food may continue cooking slightly or it may change in texture the longer you leave it in the pot. Once you turn the power off, you can safely keep the food warm in the pot for up to 2 hours. Preheat your oven to the lowest setting and transfer your hot food into an oven-safe pan. Set the pan on the middle rack and keep it in the oven for up to 2 hours. Check the temperature of your food with a thermometer after 20 minutes to make sure it is above 140 °F (60 °C). If not, turn up the temperature slightly. Fill a large pan halfway full of water and set it on a medium-low setting on the stove. Check the temperature of the water with a thermometer to make sure it is around 160 °F (71 °C). Place another pot or pan with your food in it in the middle of the water bath. You can use this method as long as you keep the stove at low heat and replace any evaporated water with warm water. Stir your food occasionally to prevent it from burning on the bottom. Remove the cap on the fuel with a blunt object, such as a spoon. Place the chafing fuel container underneath the catering dish before you light it with a multipurpose butane lighter. The fuel will burn for up to 2 hours before it runs out. Extinguish the fuel with the cap or a snuffer when you're finished using it. Always use caution when you work with an open flame. Chafing fuel can be purchased in a gel or wick form. Both will work the same way.", "Stack your plates and put them in the microwave. Keep your microwave on its regular setting and heat them for 30 seconds per plate. Once they are finished, use an oven mitt to remove the plates since they will get hot. Preheat your oven to the lowest setting, usually around 150 to 200 °F (66 to 93 °C). Once the oven is hot, place your stacked plated inside and leave them there for a couple minutes. Use an oven mitt to take them out of the oven and let them cool slightly before serving. Use a toaster oven that's large enough to fit your plates if you want to preserve energy. Plate warmers look like a large foldable heating pad that you can stack plates on. Plug the plate warmer in and turn it on. Wrap the entire plate in the warmer and then place another plate on top. Continue stacking the rest of your plates to heat them thoroughly for 5 minutes before you serve your food. Plate warmers can be purchased online or in kitchen specialty stores. In a pinch, you can use a large heating pad meant for backs. These can be purchased at your local pharmacy." ], "summary": [ "Line the inside of a cooler with aluminum foil. Wrap your container of hot food with another piece of foil. Place the container inside the cooler. Make 2 or 3 heat packs by filling new socks with uncooked rice. Microwave the heat packs for 2 to 3 minutes. Place the heat packs on the sides of your food container. Fill in any gaps in the cooler with towels. Put a hot water bottle on top of the towels. Eat the food within 2 hours.", "Keep soups and stews in an insulated thermos. Purchase insulated thermal bags for larger dishes. Get a portable food warmer to keep foods warm in your car.", "Set a slow cooker to the “Keep Warm” setting for soups and stews. Keep meats and large dishes warm in the oven at 200 °F (93 °C). Make a hot water bath on the stove for foods in pots or pans. Use chafing fuels under aluminum catering dishes.", "Microwave the plates to heat them quickly. Put the plates in the oven at its lowest setting if they are oven-safe. Purchase an electric plate warmer so you can still use your appliances." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and Google Spreadsheets", "Notepad" ], "document": [ "If you want to convert an existing spreadsheet to CSV format, skip to step #4. For example, if entering data for items you’re selling, type “Item Name” into cell A1, “Item Price” into cell B1, “Item Description” into cell C1, and so on. Using the example outlined in step #2, write the item name in cell A2, the item’s price in cell B2, and the item’s description in cell C2. If using Google Spreadsheets, this option will read as “File > Download as.” ” You have now created a CSV file, and commas will automatically be added to the file to separate each field.", "For example, if entering data for items you’re selling, type the following onto the first line: “name,price,description.” There must be no spaces between items. Using the example outlined in step #1, write the actual item name, followed by the item’s price and description. For example, if selling baseballs, write “baseball,5.99,sports.” If leaving any fields empty, make sure you include the comma, or the remaining fields will be off by one. ” ” You have now created a CSV file in Notepad." ], "summary": [ "Open a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or Google Spreadsheets. Type each of your headers, or field names into the cells located in row 1 at the top of the spreadsheet. Enter your data into the spreadsheet under each column as needed. Click on “File” and select “Save As” after you’ve entered all data into the spreadsheet. Select “CSV” under the “Save as type” dropdown menu. Type a name for your CSV file, then select “Save.", "Launch Notepad and type your field names separated by commas onto the first line. Type your data onto the second line, using the same format as your field names on the first line. Continue typing your data for each individual item onto each subsequent line. Click on “File” and select “Save. Type a name for your file and select “.csv” from the file extension dropdown menu. Click on “Save." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Knowing When and How to Ask for Help", "Creating a Productive Study Environment", "Managing Your Time", "Getting the Work Done" ], "document": [ "Don't just stop at a problem you don't understand and immediately go out and ask for help. Instead, skip it and move on. You may discover the answer further into the homework. If not, you don't want to burden someone with too many questions. Stick to the items you truly can't work out yourself. Schedule enough time to get all of your assignments done early. Sticking to your schedule will help you avoid a lot of needless stress. Reaching out to another student in class can be a great way to get a little extra help. Make sure you contact them with specific questions. Offer to be a resource to them as well should they need help in the future. Don't be a burden. Only reach out after you've truly exhausted all other options. Getting together with other students to get homework done can be a great motivator. Find like minded students who are eager to work hard. Try to meet regularly once or twice a week. With or without a group, you should ask students for their phone numbers and keep a lists by class. This way if you are in a jam and do not know what the homework was, or when a test is, you can ask another student for help. It sure beats studying for a test that was postponed and it sure beats working on a homework that the Teacher already did for everyone in class. If you are having trouble in a particular class, seeking the help of a professional tutor could be helpful. A tutor will be able to give you the one on one attention you need to stay focused on your homework and help you answer any questions you may have along the way. Many times the school, college or university will provide free tutoring on campus after school hours. They may have habits or ideas that will also work for you. Completing homework assignments and studying for exams are both learned skills. It's possible that your friends and classmates have skills to share with you. Start with friends or classmates that are working on the same assignments you are. Not everything that works for your friends will work for you. Consider what they have to say and try out things that might be helpful!", "Though it may seem like having these things on in the background will dull some of the boredom of doing your homework, they will actually make it more difficult to concentrate and your homework will ultimately take even longer to finish. An exception to this rule is soft white noise or classical music. Some people still work better and more efficiently if they have complete silence. Close any browser windows with email, Facebook or Twitter so you are not tempted to take frequent breaks to to check for updates. Turn off the alerts on your phone for social media apps. Applications like Focus Booster and StayFocused can eliminate clutter on your screen and temporarily block access to sites like YouTube and Instagram so you don't get distracted. A library or quiet room in your house is best. If you are the type of person who can focus with a bit of white noise in the background, a quiet cafe might be an option. Avoid loud crowded places like restaurants or bars. Find a large open table or desk where you can have your books open as well as a notebook and other materials spread out and easily accessible.", "Before you get started write down what you hope to accomplish. Is your goal to finish the outline for a paper? To complete the practice test at the end of the chapter in your math book? Be realistic about what you can get done while still challenging yourself. Setting up small rewards for yourself can be a great motivator as long as you practice restraint and stick to your schedule. Have a granola bar or some almonds as a snack. Listen to some music. Give yourself five minutes to check social media. Sitting and focusing for a long period of time can be exhausting. Giving your brain and body a break will help you stay alert. Take a ten minute break every hour or so to get up, stretch, walk around or grab something to eat. Everyone has a time of day when they work most efficiently. Schedule your homework during this time to make it easier for you to get the work done quickly. This will save you time without any extra effort on your part! For example, you may find that you're better able to concentrate right after school rather than during the late evening. In this case, you'd want to do your homework right after school every day. Track yourself for a week to see when you focus best. During that week, sit down at different times and try to concentrate on an academic task. Caffeine can make you more alert and help you stay awake, but too much can leave you jittery and anxious which will make getting your homework done even more difficult. Try to stick to one or two cups. Most high school students have study hall time. Use this to get as much of your homework done as you can so you won't won't have such a daunting amount when you get home. If you are in college, set time aside in between classes to visit the library or another quiet place. Work one assignment at a time. See the assignment through to the end. Don't do homework and pay bills at the same time. Don't talk to friends. Don't try and cook or clean while doing your homework.", "Write down what you need to get done and in what order you are going to do it. Sticking to this schedule will give you a greater feeling of control over your homework. List items starting with the most difficult. If you have one large assignment with multiple parts, break those down in their own list. Understanding what you're supposed to do to get credit for the assignment is important. It can also save you time because you won't have to re-read the text or re-do the assignment. If the instructions are confusing, read them more than once. You could also email your instructor or a classmate to make sure you understand what you're expected to do. Try to answer the questions that go along with your assignment as you read. Make sure that you do exactly what your instructor wants you to do. Start with the chapter summaries or introduction, which will give you a good idea of what material is going to pop up and prepare you for what to look for as you read. Then begin reading the main body of the text. Stop after each paragraph or section to check in with yourself to make sure you understood. Refer back to the essential questions or questions you need to answer as you read. Some people learn better if they hear the text spoken aloud because they process information better this way. Reading aloud can also help you focus if you are the type of reader who feels like you always have to go back and reread sections or someone who finds their mind drifting in the middle of paragraphs. Rephrase passages or the steps to solving a problem in your own words to help your understand and memorize key concepts. Imagine you are explaining it someone else. Have a pen or highlighter handy to note points that seem important. Make sure you are asking questions of the text rather than just trying to breeze through the reading. Consider the writer's intent, organization, voice etc. For example Rudiments of Geological Mapping becomes What are the Rudiments of Geological Mapping? Now as you read you can be looking for the answers to this question. This will ensure that you receive full credit. Check your work against the instructions to make sure you did everything correctly. Then proofread your work to check for errors." ], "summary": [ "Make sure you've done all you can. Don't fall behind on your homework. Get the email address or phone number of a few classmates. Form a study group. Get a tutor. Ask your friends or classmates how they work efficiently.", "Turn off the TV and radio. Put away social media. Find somewhere free of distractions. Choose a place you can lay out all your materials.", "Set goals. Give yourself rewards. Take short breaks. Do your homework at the time that works best for you. Don't rely on too much coffee. Take full advantage of study hall. Avoid multitasking.", "Make a list. Start with the assignment instructions and questions. Read the text you're assigned. Read passages out loud if you're an auditory learner. Write out an explanation. Take notes in the margins. Be an active reader. Change chapter titles and headings into questions. Review your work to make sure you satisfied the requirements." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Clarifying the Sender's Intent", "Getting Additional Support", "Writing a Response" ], "document": [ "It’s tempting to fire off a reply, but calm down with a few deep breaths. Then ask yourself if the email really deserves your attention. While you may feel offended, don’t let this person dictate how you feel or the tone of your day. Focus on what’s right for you. Ask yourself, “What am I accomplishing here? What will happen if I confront this person? What will happen if I don’t?” We all communicate in different ways, and writing isn’t a strong skill for everyone. What one person believes is a professional, direct statement can come off as brash or rude to someone else. Don’t assume right away that they meant to be rude. Language or regional differences can cause miscommunications. When people try to use sarcasm or humor in an email, it is often misconstrued as rudeness. Respond asking for more information, citing specific statements that you’d like clarified. Sometimes rude messages are just poorly worded. For example, your coworker may have sent you a message saying, “I hope you find time to actually get your reports done today.\" You could respond, “All of my reports are complete except the one that's due tomorrow. Are you needing a draft copy for a project today?” Don’t demand to know what they mean or be curt. For example, don’t ask, “What’s that supposed to mean?” or “What are you trying to say?” Talking to the person will allow you to better hear the tone of their words. Visit their workspace or call them to discuss your shared work or topics related to the email. Ask them to explain the rude statements from the email. Say, “I had a follow-up thought about the project and thought it’d be easier to say it in person. Do you have a minute?” You could also say, “Your email suggested that the specs were supposed to be ready already, but the due date they sent me said they weren’t due until next week. Am I working off of the wrong timeline?”", "If the email contains threats or a personal attack, then you should make a copy of it and discuss it with your manager and HR. Make sure that the incident is documented by your workplace, and ask that an investigation be done. Tell them if you feel that the contents of the email create a hostile work environment. Make a record of each time an incident occurs to help show a pattern of behavior. If you are receiving frequent rude emails that are affecting your work environment, then take your records to your manager or HR department. Bring copies of the emails with you to show them what you mean. When deciding who to report the issue to, think about the politics of your office. As an example, if your manager is really close to the offending person, it might be best to go to HR. HR or your manager’s supervisor can help if your manager is the sender of a rude email. Before you report the incident, be prepared to explain why you thought the email was rude. Depending on what was said, you may be asked to fill out an incident report, be asked to attend a mediation meeting, or be reassigned to a new department. Reporting the rude email(s) to HR will be the only way that anything can be done about your manager’s behavior toward you if it continues. You need to establish a record on file.", "If the email does not require a response, not sending one could be the best option. Consider not responding if you receive emails that are off topic and don’t require your attention. For example, coworkers may sometimes make assumptions about your work habits. Don’t respond to an email that says, “It must be nice to get to take extra long lunches,” or “Everyone knows that your meetings don’t last all afternoon.” As long as your manager knows the truth, you're better off staying out of office drama. If a response is needed, the tone should be professional, even if the sender was not professional. Read your email out loud before sending it to make sure that it sounds professional rather than rude or emotional. Avoid being blunt in your response, as that can sound rude. Your response needs to be calm and professional, so don’t write it in a rush. Most emails are not time-sensitive, so you can take all day to respond if you need to. After you write your response, set it aside for about an hour. If you know that you’re writing out of emotion, switch to a different task until you calm back down. Add the email address last to avoid accidentally sending it early. Don’t try to respond to everything, and don’t provide a long personal defense. If you want to squash the rude behavior, you need to keep your email focused on work topics. Choose one work-related topic to focus on. One way to ensure that your email is professional is to only discuss facts. Facts include specific things like what work has been assigned and completed, due dates, timelines, data, and related topics. For example, if the rude email asked about the status of a report, say, \"Thanks for checking in. I received the new data this morning, so I'm updating my report. The new report will be available this afternoon.\" This keeps the focus of the response on the work you were assigned and the progress of your project, not on your reaction to your rude coworker. It’s tempting to get defensive or rude in response to an offensive email, but it will only worsen the situation. Instead, take the professional high road. Don’t accuse them of being rude. Keep your feelings out of the email. Before you hit send, ask yourself if any part of the email is a defense of yourself." ], "summary": [ "Decide if it’s worth your time and energy. Avoid making assumptions. Ask the sender for more information. Talk to the sender.", "Report harmful speech or a personal attack. Speak up if the rudeness becomes harassment. Talk to HR if your manager sends a rude email.", "Avoid responding if no response is required. Stay professional. Take your time writing your response. Keep your message short and simple. Stick to the facts and don't elaborate. Leave the emotion out of your response." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Having the Dominatrix Attitude", "Playing the Part", "Looking Like a Dominatrix" ], "document": [ "A pro-dominatrix may choose to have little or no sexual contact with their clients. However, many do offer a full range of sexual services for their clients. Even if you are acting out the role with your partner, it is important to establish what you are comfortable with doing and saying. A dominatrix should feel comfortable and in control at all times. If you choose to be a professional dominatrix, it is important to understand the risks. Even if you take all of the necessary precautions, a person could act out against you. There are also risks involved with sexual contact, such as STDs. If you choose to be a professional dominatrix, you will need to go into the situation without judgment. Your client could come from any background and be there for any reason. Although you are paid to be in control, treat each client with respect and understanding. Even if you are with a mutual partner, be respectful of their desires. For example, a client may tell you that they are asking for your services because they desire to be controlled in everyday life. It is your responsibility to not judge this desire. You can’t dominate another person unless you are able to take control of the situation. Focus on the fact that you are in charge. Do not be afraid to say or do anything, as long as your partner is okay with it. For example, you may feel shy about demanding your partner to be quiet or sit down at first, but don’t be, unless they tell you they are uncomfortable. Remember, you hold all of the power, so maintaining good posture subconsciously lets your partner know that you are in charge. Stand straight and hold your head up. It needs to be clear that it is all about you and your pleasures and amusements. Unless something specific has been requested, do and say whatever you want, as long as it isn’t truly harmful. This is the case even if you’ve been hired as a dominatrix.", "This isn’t necessary if you are acting out with your partner, although you may want to pick up tips from videos or books. If you truly want to become a dominatrix, having someone show you the ropes can be very helpful. Your mentor can teach you how to protect yourself, negotiate, and even teach you some behaviors. A lot of being dominatrix is about what you do, but what you say and how you say it can be just as important. Practice giving demands and speaking confidently. This may feel funny at first, but you will get use to it over time. Watch videos of other dominatrixes if you want to get an idea of how they speak. There's a big role-playing component with being a dominatrix. Come up with a routine so that you don’t get stuck in your role. Plan your routine and practice it so that it feels natural when it comes to time to perform your act. You can watch videos of dominatrixes to get ideas. Ask your partner if they have specific desires. Incorporate these desires into your routine. Accessories are a large part of BDSM. A whip, blindfold, paddle, rope, and handcuffs are some commonly used dominatrix accessories. You can order these online or purchase them from a sex shop. Make sure that you and your partner are comfortable with the use of accessories. Some other accessories you can use are leash and collar and chastity belt. If you can’t buy accessories, you can turn some of your items into BDSM accessories. For example, you can use a belt, silk tie, or sleeping mask. Just be sure that it’s okay with your partner if the items belong to them. It requires some learning to use accessories correctly. For example, it takes practice with a whip to give the desired level of pain on the skin of your client without leaving wounds. Practice with your accessories and learn about them before fully using them. Don't use too much power. Getting carried away could lead to injury. Typically, the submissive will have a code that tells the dominatrix when they need to stop or hold back. Ask your partner or client to come up with a safe word to let you know when to stop. For example, the word could be “purple.” Over time, you can develop a language with them that allows the “act” to go smoothly. Boss your partner around and stay in control, but be responsive to what they ask for. Along with being responsive, know when to stop if your partner or client looks in pain or is unconscious. Some minor pain may be desired, but the partner should not be truly hurt.", "A full-bodied (often black) cat-suit is a mainstay of fetish and bondage culture. Make sure your suit is made from leather or rubber latex. If suits aren’t your thing, find some sexy, black dresses or lingerie. Your partner also may request for you to wear a certain outfit. The leather suit is better to use in the bedroom (or otherwise) than day to day use. There's a difference between a dominant lifestyle and fetishism, but the skintight black bodysuit remains an iconic garment in both communities. Thigh-high stiletto boots are commonly worn by dominatrixes. Like the cat-suit, these boots represent dominatrix attire to mainstream culture. Platform boots and stilettos can also be worn. It’s also an option to wear flat, black boots if you can’t wear heels. A corset is a close-fitting undergarment (often worn as outerwear) that helps shape (and hold) your body. A bondage corset has become a staple in fetish wear. A bustier can also be worn as an alternative. This should be worn with lingerie or a dress rather than under a cat-suit. Fishnet stockings or garter stockings are some staple accessories that pair well with dresses and lingerie. You can also wear gloves that are finger-less or elbow length. If concealing part of your identity helps your confidence, wear a mask that conceals part of your face." ], "summary": [ "Decide what you are comfortable with doing. Be open-minded with the other person. Be confident. Maintain good posture. Make the situation about you.", "Ask a dominatrix to mentor you. Practice verbal communication. Have a plan for your time as a dominatrix. Purchase and learn to use accessories. Turn your items into accessories. Train to use the accessories. Decide on a safe word with your partner. Be attentive to your partner’s needs.", "Get the attire that you feel most confident wearing. Invest in high heels. Wear a corset. Choose other sexy accessories." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring for Outdoor Tropical Flowers", "Caring For Tropical Cut Flowers", "Caring For Tropical Flowers as House Plants" ], "document": [ "Tropical flowers thrive on sunlight and require it in order to grow. Move your planters around until the sun hits them. Only plant tropical flowers in beds that get consistent direct or indirect sunlight. Some plants, such as flowering maples, do best with bright light. Whereas, other tropical flowers, such a begonias, prefer ample, indirect sunlight. Some tropical flowers have vines that prefer to grow upwards and wrap around things. Research your plant to see if it would benefit from having a trellis nearby to latch on to. Simply stick the trellis into the ground right next to the plant and secure it with stakes. For example, a healthy Mandevilla flowering vine will attach itself to a nearby trellis and cover it with foliage. You can purchase a wooden or metal trellis at your local gardening store. If your tropical flowers are potted, bring them into your garage or atrium to ride out the colder months. Other tropical plants, such as hibiscus, can generally survive outdoors unless temperatures drop below freezing. If it might freeze, place a blanket or bucket over your plants to minimize the damage from frost. You can also let your plants die out seasonally and simply replant in the spring. Use a pair of gardening shears to clip back new growth or dead flowers during the more mild months of the year. Limit yourself to making only a few trims each time to not overly weaken your plant. This is an especially important step for potted plants, as it keeps them from outgrowing their containers.", "Tropical flowers don’t do well without water for long periods. When you get home, take out your flowers and begin the process of preparing them for the vase. The sooner that you get them into fresh water, the longer they will likely live for you to enjoy. Look over each individual flower stem. Pluck off any dead or discolored petals or leaves. Consider the length of the stem and the size of your vase. Remove any foliage or greenery that will fall below the vase’s water line. Otherwise, you’ll end up with murky, greenish water. Hold the end of each stem under running water. Use a sharp paring knife or garden shears to slice off a section from the bottom of each stem. Make your diagonal cut at a 45-degree angle to keep the stem from suffocating at the bottom of your base. Trimming your stems will help them to absorb water more efficiently. To keep your tropical flowers looking their best, trim away a little bit of each stem every few days. Make sure that your knife or shears are sharp enough to make a clean cut. Otherwise, you risk squishing and bruising the stems. Wash your vase beforehand with hot, soapy water and rinse it out thoroughly to remove any residue. This will help to kill off any harmful bacteria. Then, simply hold your vase under the sink and add cold water. If you got your tropical flowers directly from a florist, they likely included at least 1 packet of granulated flower food. Simply open this pouch up and pour it into your vase prior to adding the flowers. The food will give the flowers a bit of a nutritional boost and, hopefully, make them last longer. If you don’t have a flower food packet, then you can opt to go without. Another option is to make your own flower food by adding 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of sugar, 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of bleach, 2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of lemon juice to a vase of lukewarm water. Cut flowers simply do better in colder temperatures, even if they are tropical in nature. A good option is to keep your flowers away from direct sunlight during the day and move the vase to the coolest spot in your house at night. Also, avoid putting the vase in a place where your flower might encounter a constant flow of heated or cool air, such as next to an air conditioning vent or fireplace. Remove the flowers by hand and set them aside. Then, rinse out the vase with warm water and lightly scrub the interior to loosen up any film. Use running water to flush out any remaining residue. Fill the vase back up with cold water and replace the flowers.", "Join an online or in-person gardening group. Go to a gardening center and talk with the caretakers. Visit your local arboretum and ask questions about the flower care. Many tropical flowers require specific temperature, food, and care instructions to stay healthy. You can also read online guides, such as Care for Orchids, Care for Bromeliads, Care for Peace Lillies, or Care for Anthurium. Tropical flowers can be very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, which makes it easier to grow them indoors than outdoors. Most tropical flowers do better with cooler temperatures at night and warmer ones during the day. This may mean that you’ll need to move your plants between different locations for day/night. For example, you may want to keep your plants in the garage at night, but put them by a window during the day. Tropical flowers usually prefer a bright environment that is not in direct sunlight. The sun can actually burn a flower’s leaves if left unprotected over an extended period of time. Look for a place, such as a window ledge, where your plants will receive indirect light. Press your finger lightly into the soil both near the flower’s stem and at the edge of the planter. See if your finger comes up wet or if water comes up from the soil and pools around it. If your finger stays relatively dry, then your tropical flowers need to be watered. This is a particularly good way to test for moistness in water-sensitive tropical plants, such as orchids. Get a watering pot and hold it directly over the plant. Angle the pot slightly downwards and move it in circles, allowing water to trickle down over the plant and into the soil. Stop before the water starts to gather on the soil. Keep a saucer underneath the flower pot so that the excess water can drain away. When you are finished watering, remove the bottom dish and rinse out the extra water. This will minimize the growth of mold. Keep the watering pot moving to avoid pouring too much water on any one of the flower’s blooms. Put a layer of pebbles into a deep tray. Add water to the tray until it comes halfway up the pebbles, then put the plants on top. The water should not touch the base of the pot, but it will still help to improve humidity around the plant. Other ways to improve humidity include buying a humidifier or putting the plants in a terranium. You can also help the plant by misting the leaves every other day with water (don’t do this if your plant has hairy leaves). The flowers need air circulating around them regularly to prevent decay and mold. Try to only put 1 flower plant per pot. Avoid bunching numerous plants into a corner of a room. Placing your plants near a fan for a short period of time can sometimes help improve air circulation." ], "summary": [ "Position them to get at least 4 hours of sunlight. Provide a trellis for climbing plants. Bring your tropical flowers indoors for winter or cover them up. Prune back shoots in the fall or spring.", "Unpack your flowers immediately. Remove any extra foliage. Cut 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) off the stems with a sharp knife. Fill a clean vase two-thirds full of cold water. Add a pouch of flower food. Keep the flowers at a temperature as close to 50–55 °F (10–13 °C) as possible. Replace the vase’s water every 2 days.", "Research the care instructions for your specific flower type. Regulate the temperature in your home. Keep your tropical flowers out of direct sunlight. Check the soil’s moistness every day. Water from the top of the plant down. Increase the humidity levels in your home. Don’t overcrowd your tropical plants." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring for Your Skin", "Covering Your Spots with Makeup", "Using Home Treatments", "Visiting a Dermatologist" ], "document": [ "twice a day with a mild cleanser to keep it clean. Apply a dime-size amount of a mild facial cleanser to your skin daily. Use your fingertips to massage the cleanser into your skin, then rinse with cool water. Pat your skin dry with a towel. Dirt, sweat, and excess oil can clog your pores and cause acne, which can cause dark spots or scarring. Treating your acne can help it heal faster and may help prevent dark spots and scars. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that causes acne, while salicylic acid prevents future breakouts. Retinol will help keep your pores clear and may fade dark spots. Check the labels on skin care products to find these ingredients. You can find these ingredients in face washes, body washes, and acne creams. You may need to purchase more than 1 product to get all 3 ingredients. Read the labels on the products you choose to make sure it’s safe to use them together. While it’s tempting to pop your pimples, keep your fingers off of your face. Picking or popping your pimples increases the likelihood that you’ll end up with dark spots or scars. Instead, use your acne treatments and wait for them to work. If your pimples are really bothering you, see a dermatologist to find out about additional treatments. Some skin and hair products can clog your pores and cause bumps, including acne. Read the labels on the products you choose to make sure they’re non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog your pores. This can help you avoid acne and dark pores in the future. Check both the front and back label. Sun damage can cause age spots and freckles, so it’s important to protect your skin. Apply a broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen to your skin daily before you go out. If you’re spending time outdoors, reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours or as directed on the label. If you can, don’t go out between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. when the sun is at its height.", "Apply a dot of primer to your nose, then spread it outward. Blend the primer out toward your hairline and jawline. Create a thin, even layer to help keep your makeup in place all day. Wait 2-3 minutes for your primer to dry before proceeding. You don’t need to use a primer, but it will help ensure all-day coverage. Add more primer if necessary to provide an even coverage. Choose a pale peach color for a light skin tone, a medium peach for a medium skin tone, or an orange color for dark skin. Dab the concealer onto the dark spots to neutralize the color. This can help hide brown spots. The peach color will counteract the darkness of the spot. to even out your skin tone. Choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. Use a makeup sponge or a beauty blender to apply an even layer of foundation. Dab the foundation onto your color correction, then blend it across your face. If you didn’t use color correction, start on your nose and blend outward to your hairline and jawline. If you’re using color correction, do it before you apply your foundation. If you’re applying regular concealer, put your foundation on first. on skin spots or blemishes. Pick a concealer that’s the same color as your skin tone or 1 shade lighter. Then, use your finger or a concealer brush to dab the concealer over the spot you want to hide. Blend out the edges to create a smooth finish. Wait 2-3 minutes for it to dry before applying powder. Use a powder brush to sweep a thin layer of powder over your face. Dip your brush in the powder, then tap the brush to shake off the excess. Sweep your brush across your face to apply the powder. This will set your makeup so it lasts longer. If you want more coverage, use a powder color that’s the same shade as your foundation. However, this may make your face look cakey.", "The acid and enzymes in pineapple juice may naturally lighten your brown spots and possibly freckles. Soak a cotton swab in pineapple juice, then dab the juice directly onto your dark spots. Allow it to dry, then rinse your skin clean. The juice may cause some skin irritation or sensitivity. If this happens, stop using it and consult your dermatologist. Put a dot of evening primrose oil onto your fingertip, then apply it to your brown spots. Use the treatment twice a day to help lighten your spots over time. Use the oil before you apply other skin care products, like serums or lotions. Once the oil dries, you can continue with your typical skin care routine. The lactic acid in dairy products can fade brown spots on your skin, including age spots and freckles. Smooth a homemade mask onto your skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then, wash your face with cool water and pat it dry with a clean towel. Here are some ways to mix up a homemade mask: Mix equal parts yogurt and honey. Combine 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of yogurt, 1 tbsp (5 grams) of oatmeal, and 2-3 drops of honey. Apply your brightening cream or serum every morning and evening after you wash your face. Follow the directions on the label to make sure you’re using it correctly. Check the label to make sure it contains 1 or more of the following lightening ingredients: Hydroquinone Vitamin C Azelaic acid Tretinoin Kojic acid Look for an over-the-counter skin cream that contains a retinol or alpha hydroxy acid. These ingredients speed up your cell turnover, so they can help fade brown spots, acne scars, and possibly freckles. Apply your cream every morning and evening after washing your face. If your cream causes irritation or redness, stop using it and see your dermatologist. Take aloe vera gel from a cut leaf or buy a tube of aloe vera gel from the store. Use a cotton swab to dab the aloe vera directly onto your dark spot. Let the aloe vera dry, then rinse it off with cool water. Repeat twice a day until your dark spot fades. You can get aloe vera gel directly from the plant by breaking off a leaf, which will contain the gel. If you prefer to buy it at the store, choose a product that is 100% aloe vera gel.", "Your dermatologist will examine your skin spots to find out what’s causing them. Then, they’ll tell you the best way to treat them. This can help you choose a safe, effective treatment. Visit your dermatologist to get your skin checked. Ask your doctor for a referral to see a dermatologist. Typically, these products contain hydroquinone, which prevents your skin from making melanin. Use your cream for several months before you expect to see results. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions exactly for applying the cream. You’ll likely notice your dark spots fading slowly over time. During this procedure, your dermatologist will deeply exfoliate your skin to remove the damaged layer of skin. This can reveal younger, more even skin, which helps get rid of dark spots or acne scars. If your dermatologist recommends microdermabrasion, expect to get treatments every 2 weeks over a 16-week period. This procedure may cause skin redness or flaky skin. If your spots are really dark, they may not completely go away. However, they will likely get lighter. Your dermatologist can apply trichloroacetic acid or phenol to your skin to peel away the top layer of your skin. This will remove damaged skin cells and reveal smoother, fresher skin. Talk to your dermatologist to find out if a chemical peel might help fade your spots. Expect it to take 14-21 days for your skin to heal after a deep chemical peel. During this time, you’ll need to apply an ointment to your skin to help it heal without scarring. Your skin will be very sensitive after a chemical peel, so you’ll need to avoid makeup and the sun. Additionally, you might experience redness, burning, and itching. A laser treatment uses heat to regenerate your skin, which can fade your brown spots or acne scars in 1 or 2 treatments. Similarly, laser treatments can fade your freckles over the course of several treatments. Talk to your doctor to find out if laser treatments might get rid of your spots. Laser treatments do carry some side effects. They may cause your spots to temporarily crust or darken, but this effect will go away. Laser treatments typically don’t work well on dark skin or tanned skin. Your dermatologist can use liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin cells that are causing your dark spots. As your damaged skin cells heal, they’ll lighten, which fades your spots. This procedure can be a bit painful, but it provides quick results. Ask your dermatologist if it may be right for you. You might have temporary pain, swelling, redness, and blistering after getting this procedure. However, these side effects should heal." ], "summary": [ "Wash your face Treat your acne with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinol. Avoid picking your pimples, which can cause dark spots or scars. Choose personal care products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Wear a SPF 30 sunscreen every time you go outside.", "Start with a primer to make your makeup last longer. Use a peach concealer to color correct brown spots. Apply your foundation Dab a full-coverage concealer Finish with translucent powder to set your makeup.", "Apply pineapple juice to dark spots daily to help lighten them. Dab evening primrose oil onto brown spots to fade them over time. Do biweekly yogurt face masks to fade dark spots or freckles. Use a cream or serum that’s labeled for skin brightening. Fade dark spots or scars with a retinol or alpha hydroxy acid. Apply aloe vera to brown spots to slowly fade them.", "See your dermatologist to learn about the best treatment options. Ask your dermatologist about prescription skin lightening creams. Try microdermabrasion to help remove age spots or acne scars. Get a deep chemical peel to get rid of dark spots, freckles, or acne scars. Ask about laser treatment for brown spots, freckles, and acne scars. Try cryotherapy to quickly freeze and fade dark spots." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Medical Treatments", "Using Topical Anti-Perspirants", "Reducing Sweatiness" ], "document": [ "Axillary hyperhidrosis is the clinical name for excessive sweating, and various treatment options available, with consultation from your general practitioner. It's likely that you'll first be recommended specific aluminum-based topical treatments, but there are a variety of other more aggressive treatments available, if the situation is severe. In some cases, an oral anticholinergic such as Rubinol will be recommended, which helps to curb sweating, particularly in the underarms. Talk to your doctor about onabotulinumtoxina injections. This treatment method is minimally invasive, and supposedly effective, offering an average efficacy rate of six-eight months. This type of electrotherapy involves, typically, two to four 20-minute sessions per week. Water is used to conduct a small electric current on your skin, which can help to reduce sweating for several weeks or months. While the treatment has mixed results and is somewhat uncomfortable, it's effective in about 70% of cases for armpits. This treatment uses a small endoscopic instrument that is inserted below the armpit to interrupt the sympathetic nerves that cause you to sweat. This treatment is effective, but risky, with side effects that include complications in breathing, nerve damage and/or causing other parts of your body to sweat excessively. Theoretically, Botox injections can and have been used to control underarm sweat for up to six months, with success reported among many people. You may only wish to consider it if you have a problem with severe underarm sweating, though, as treatments can run from $700, and they can be very painful. There's no proven medical link between Botox and sweating, and it's not generally recommended to seek this as treatment by the medical community. Still, it's used by some.", "Before you go buy more of the same old deodorant at the store, you need to think a bit about what exactly your problem is, to get the right product for the job. For some people, the biggest problem with sweaty pits is body odor, while for others the biggest problem is unsightly sweat stains and the resulting embarrassment. If you struggle from body odor and sweat stains, you need to use an approach that addresses these problems individually. Applying deodorant will do nothing to stop your armpits from sweating though it will mask the odor. You can't stop your body from perspiring completely without medical procedures, which are typically only performed in extreme cases. Sweat regulates your body's temperature and, as such, is necessary to your overall health. Depending on your problem, you may either need commercial deodorant, antiperspirants, or a hybrid product, or you may need to talk to your doctor about more powerful prescription anti-perspirant products on the market. If you've got a problem with body odor, you need to use deodorant that uses gentle, natural ingredients that will mask the odor, and practice other good hygiene practices that will remedy the problem. Read the section for general hygiene tips. If you've got a problem with sweat stains, most commercial anti-perspirants that use aluminum chloride hexahydrate are effective at controlling the amount of sweat that your underarms produce. If you would like some additional protection against sweat stains showing on your clothes, you could also use sweat pads that stick to the underarms of your clothing. . There are all-natural commercial deodorants, but you can also create your own natural deodorant to control sweat produced in your underarms. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to create a sweat-controlling paste, then let it sit for 20-30 minutes. After that time, rinse off the mixture with water. Try using apple vinegar or other malt vinegar to neutralize the armpits' natural odor-causing bacteria. This in turn creates a drying effect in your underarm, which conditions your armpits to sweat less and to stay dry. Try a mixture of lemon juice and tomato pulp before bed. Let sit for 15 minutes. Make a paste from ground walnut leaves and eucalyptus. Some people think that sage tea helps to act as a \"coolant,\" keeping the body from sweating. Contrary to popular belief, the best time to apply antiperspirant is at night since doing so gives your body time to fully absorb it. Apply antiperspirant after you bathe but allow your skin to dry completely before doing so, and allow the product to dry completely before putting clothes on, as well. Apply a thin layer of deodorant or antiperspirant (about 2 strokes up and 2 strokes down) to your dry underarms. Depending on your body type and the exact product, you may only need to reapply deodorant or antiperspirant once every 1-3 days. Check the product label and, if in doubt, talk to your doctor if you think you may sweat abnormally often. If you've noticed that you're already sweaty, don't apply products over the sweat, which won't do anything to control odors. Instead, you need to wash your armpits using soap and water, try to cool yourself down, then apply fresh product under your arms.", "Controlling underarm sweat requires more than just products and remedies. Keeping your body clean and dry is essential to controlling your underarm sweat throughout the day. If you struggle with it, it's a good idea to shower your body, or at least your underarms, at least once and as many as two times a day to keep it in check. During the summer time, if you live in a humid climate, try to keep a little time between a hot shower and getting dressed, if you struggle with underarm sweat. Let yourself completely dry and let your body cool down before you put clothes on, or you may immediately start sweating. Especially if you've sweated in a shirt, it's essential that you thoroughly wash your clothes between wearings. Again, underarm body odor is not caused by sweat, exactly, it's caused by the bacteria left from dried sweat, which produces an unpleasant odor. If you don't wash sweat from clothes, the bacteria from the sweat you leave builds up over time, making the smell worse. It's very important to change clothes regularly and keep them clean. If you really sweat a lot, change your shirt more often, even if it's in the middle of the day. If you know you might get sweaty at work, keep a pressed shirt if your bag, ready to go if necessary. Clean white t-shirts can do a lot to absorb extra sweat, keeping it away from your outer shirt layer. If you're a big sweater, consider layering your clothes so that the sweat won't come through to your outer shirt as easily. Like your outer shirts, it's also important to keep these washed and clean regularly to avoid unpleasant smells. If you have a big sweating problem, it's sometimes true that shaving your armpits can help, somewhat. While shaving your pits won't make your armpits cooler, or produce less sweat, it will keep the sweat from collecting in your armpits, which can make the sweat stains more pronounced, and the odor more prevalent. It's important to know that body hair, including armpit and even facial hair, actually helps to cool your body in hot temperatures collecting the sweat you secrete, which cools as it evaporates. Shaving body hair might make the sweat less present in your armpits, but it might also make your body sweat slightly more. Strong-smelling foods and some food families will affect the way your sweat smells, according to recent studies. If you already tend toward sweatiness, it's important to be aware of dietary issues that might be making it worse. Onions, garlic, and other foods in the alliaceous family will cause sulfurous, pungent sweat upon drying. Some spices, like asafetida, cumin, and curry powder will likewise be detectable in the underarms, as well as cruciferous vegetables like cabbage or broccoli. Diets high in red meat, dairy, or alcohol produce distinctive-smelling sweat that many people become acclimated to over time. Capsaicin, found in hot peppers, will stimulate the nerve receptors in your mouth in the same way that actual heat does, tricking your body into thinking that you're hot. Your hypothalamus will send out a signal to sweat. If you have more mass on your body, your body will sweat more to keep itself cool. If you're really struggling with underarm sweat, it may be something you can remedy by incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your routine and losing some weight. Get all your sweating out with exercise. The best and quickest way to lose weight is to increase your physical activity and decrease the number of calories you consume in a day to a stable level. try to incorporate leaner proteins, like legumes, lean chicken, and eggs to replace fried foods, dairy, and red meat, and increase the number of whole grains and vegetables in your diet. Stay well hydrated throughout the day and try to start exercising small. Start going on long walks in the morning and at night, then showering to remove the sweat from your body and cool down." ], "summary": [ "Talk to your doctor about treatment options. Consider iontophoresis treatment. Think about thoracis sympathectomy as a last resort for treatment. Consider Botox as a longer-term solution.", "Diagnose the problem specifically. Buy an appropriate product for your problem. Try making your own natural deodorant treatments Apply your products properly.", "Shower more regularly. Wash your shirts after every use. Wear undershirts. Shave your armpits. Change your diet. Exercise to lower your body-mass index (BMI)." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Natural Methods", "Seeing Your Doctor" ], "document": [ "Being active may release oxytocin, which may help you dilate faster by starting contractions. Go for a slow walk around your neighborhood, or climb the stairs in your home. Ask someone to go with you so that you’re not alone in case you need help. If your water breaks, stop walking and contact your doctor or midwife. Both an orgasm and the prostaglandins in semen naturally stimulate your uterus and thin your cervix, which helps it dilate. Additionally, your brain releases the hormone oxytocin during sex, which also helps start contractions. Try having sex to help you dilate faster if it’s something you’ll enjoy. Don’t have sex if your water has broken because the baby is no longer protected by amniotic fluid. Gently rub the pad of your finger over your nipple or roll the nipple under your finger. You should feel a tingling sensation, which means your nipples are stimulated. When this happens, your brain will release oxytocin to help start your contractions. Stimulating your nipples releases a low amount of oxytocin that is safe for your baby. This technique may not work for everyone, but it won’t hurt to try. Feeling tense makes it difficult for your body to start contractions, which slows dilation of your cervix. Fortunately, relaxing may enable your body to begin contractions. Visualize by imagining yourself in a relaxing location or picturing yourself having a healthy baby. Additionally, take deep breaths while counting to 5 and exhale to a 5 count, then repeat 5 times. You might also try listening to calming music, taking a warm shower, or reading a book. There’s no guarantee that pineapple will help your cervix dilate faster, but it may help open your cervix faster. Since pineapple contains prostaglandins, it might help your cervix ripen sooner so that you’ll dilate faster. Consume .5 cups (113 g) of pineapple daily until you go into labor. Check with your doctor or midwife to make sure it’s safe for you to use evening primrose oil. Take a 500 mg supplement orally or vaginally 3 times a day for the final 4 weeks of pregnancy. It may soften your cervix and thin it out so it’s easier for it to dilate faster. You may be able to take up to 3 pills at a time. Ask your doctor or midwife what’s best for you.", "The doctor will insert a prostaglandin like misoprostol (Cytotec) or dinoprostone (Cervidil) into your vagina and position it near your cervix. This will soften and thin out your cervix, which helps it dilate faster. These medications work for 4-12 hours and cause contractions that soften and thin out your cervix. You may need multiple doses to dilate your cervix enough for labor to start. Talk to your doctor to find out if this is an option for you. While this treatment is pretty effective, it doesn’t work for everyone. However, prostaglandins are preferable to oxytocin since they may reduce the need for a cesarean delivery. You likely won’t be able to use ripening agents if you’re already having contractions. If your cervix doesn’t start to dilate after a few hours, your doctor may send you home. It can take anywhere from hours to days for your cervix to ripen, depending on how soft and thin it was before your doctor administered the prostaglandins. You'll know the medicine is working when you start to feel contractions. Your doctor can give you oxytocin intravenously to increase contractions and kickstart labor. Contractions make your cervix dilate, so this can help you dilate faster. Discuss this option with your doctor to find out if it’s right for you. Oxytocin is used to induce labor when you’re past your due date or your doctor thinks it’s best for you and your baby. Your doctor likely won’t administer oxytocin unless you’re already overdue, your water has broken, or you have a condition like high blood pressure or diabetes. Your doctor can insert a flexible catheter into your vagina to inflate a balloon with saline. The balloon will apply direct pressure to your lower uterine region and this may help to dilate your cervix. You can keep the balloon in your vagina for up to 12 hours or until it naturally falls out on its own. This may help dilate your cervix faster so that labor can progress. However, it may not work for everyone. The great thing about cervical balloons is that they’re considered a non-medical option. If you’ve had a prior cesarean birth, a cervical balloon may be your best option." ], "summary": [ "Walk to release oxytocin and stimulate labor. Have sex to stimulate your uterus and induce labor. Try stimulating your nipples to release oxytocin. Use visualization and deep breathing to relax. Eat pineapple to ripen your cervix and help it dilate faster. Ask your doctor or midwife about taking evening primrose oil.", "Ask your doctor about taking prostaglandins to ripen your cervix faster. Consider getting an oxytocin IV to start contractions and dilate faster. Discuss a saline-filled cervical balloon with your doctor." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Adjustments for Different Shots", "Performing a Basic Swing", "Setting up Your Swing", "Selecting the Right Golf Club" ], "document": [ "A drive will need more force than a putt, so you need to make sure that the amount of force you apply to the ball is proportional to the distance you need. Make full, half, and three-quarter swings by increasing or decreasing your backswing. If you need more power, you should shift your weight backward on your backswing. On the other hand, you wouldn’t want to make a full swing if you’re only trying to putt or tap the ball. Keep in mind a half swing with a driver won’t generate the same yardage as a half swing with a putter. Practice swing lengths with all of your clubs so you know what yardage you generate with each combination. To drive the ball a longer distance, you’ll need to give it more lift. Maximize your power by raising your club high and rotating completely into your backswing. When you strike the ball, tilt your front hips and shoulder higher than normal. When driving the ball, it’s especially important to keep your arms straight. Extending your arms fully and keeping them straight will increase your accuracy. Additionally, you should stand with the ball aligned with the toes of your front foot. This will increase the length of your swing, set your club’s low point just ahead of the ball, and allow you to generate more lift and power. Fairway shots are mid-range to long distance shots, and you need to tweak your technique in order lift the ball off of the ground. A golf swing traces a big circle; think of it like a hula hoop standing upright on the ground. For a fairway shot, the point where the hula hoop touches the ground should be in line with the ball instead of just before it. When you make your first shot, you strike the ball off of a tee with a driver. The club has already passed its lowest point and begins to swings upward when it strikes the ball. With no tee, generating lift is more difficult. When you hit the ball with an iron, the club’s lowest point is just about even with the ball, which helps give the ball lift. To accomplish the right low point, set the ball in the center of your stance, rather than toward your front toes as you would with a tee shot. If the wind is particularly strong when you play, you’ll need to adjust your shots accordingly. When playing into the wind, widen your stance, play the ball further back (so it’s closer to your back leg), and grip down on the club. You should also swing easier instead of swinging harder. If you are playing downwind, focus on getting height into your shots over distance. Play the ball closer to your lead foot. If putting into the wind, you need to have a wider stance and more bend at your waist. The putt will have a tendency to move in the same direction as the wind, so adjust it accordingly to prevent the ball from straying too far to one side. A straight shot can be difficult to master, as the club must be perfectly square with the ball at the moment of impact. Keep your swing plane, or your imagined hula hoop, aligned with the direction you want the ball to go. Remember to keep your arms straight when you’re making a mid-range or long distance straight shot. To make a good bunker shot, choke down on the club with your dominant index finger about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the grip. This will give you greater control of the club. Open your stance slightly and keep the ball a bit more forward than usual. Dig into the sand with your feet and keep your body still. Aim to make contact with the lower portion of the ball and the sand just beneath it, and swing with your arms to generate lift. Approach shots give you greater distance than a putt but less distance than a mid-range shot. The most common types of approach shots are pitches, flops, and chips. A pitch is a high approach shot that forces the ball to fly high and roll very little upon hitting the ground. Make it with a pitch wedge. A flop gets even more height and stops almost immediately upon hitting the ground. This shot is usually used to play over obstacles on the green. Use a sand wedge or lob wedge for this type of shot. A chip is a low shot, also called a low punch. The ball gets very little height and gently rolls onto the green. Play it off the back of the foot farthest from the target, and use a wedge or a short iron for this type of shot. Each of these shots curve at varying degrees, which can help you get the ball closer to the green if you stray off course. For a right-handed player, a fade is a mild curve from left to right. Produce a fade with an open club face so the club is turned slightly open (toward the right for a right-handed player) relative to the swing path. A draw is a mild curve from outside in, or from right to left for a right-handed player. They tend to be more difficult than fades, but they can give you greater distance and more roll. A club face that’s closed relative to the swing path produces draws. For a right-handed player, a slice is a large curve from left to right, and a hook is a large curve from right to left. Both do not travel far and tend to go out of control, so they are usually avoided. Once you get the ball to the green, you need to switch your club to a putter and tap the ball toward the hole. You’ll need to make more pronounced adjustments when you putt than for any other type of shot. Change your grip for a putt. There are many kinds of putting grips, but the basic goal is to draw your hands closer together so they act as a stable unit. Many golfers simply hold their hands closer together at the end of the club, while others switch their top and bottom hand positions. Experiment with putting grips; find one that feels natural and focuses the energy of the shot in your shoulders and arms, rather than in your hands. You should only move your shoulders and arms for a putt. Keep your hands and wrists straight. Keep your head still when you putt. Play with the ball slightly forward, or just ahead of center toward your lead foot. Visualize the line your ball needs to travel to reach the hole before making your putt. Set the length of your swing to the distance from the hole. Don’t turn into a full backswing as if you were making a long tee or fairway shot. Draw your arms back by rotating your shoulders, and keep your arms extended as you strike the ball like a swinging pendulum.", "Begin your backswing by gradually shifting your weight to your back foot. Just before you start rotating your body, raise your arms back slightly in a straight line. In a single, continuous motion, rotate your arms, shoulders, and hips backward. Keep your arms fully extended as you rotate into your backswing. Once your club is around shoulder height, bend your wrists to hinge your hands and raise the club up higher. This will help you generate a more powerful swing. To drive the ball and make mid-distance shots, you’ll rotate fully into the backswing with the club raised above your head. You’ll make adjustments when the time comes to putt, since you won’t need to generate as much force. Instead of turning your shoulders at a level plane, your front shoulder should be tucked down slightly. Additionally, tuck your front shoulder into your chin, keep your eye on the ball, and maintain the bend from your hips. When you start to transition from your backswing to the downswing, it should feel like your front shoulder is moving toward the ground. Begin the downswing by shifting your weight to your front foot as you turn your front hip toward the target. Leading with your front hip, quickly rotate your body toward the target. Your body is like a spring that gathers energy with the backswing and releases it in the downswing. The downswing should be fully committed, smooth, swift, and free of hesitation. Remember to keep your eye on the ball throughout your swing. The moment you strike the ball, your hips, feet, arms, and shoulders should all be back to the starting position and square with the ball. Your weight should be on your front foot, but your back foot should still be planted firmly on the ground. Bump your hip up toward your target when you make contact with the ball. Your front shoulder should be tilted up slightly, and your torso should be extended (but still bent from the hips) instead of hunched. After striking the ball, turn your hips, arms, and torso in a continuous motion toward the target. As you turn, rotate your back foot so your toes point toward the target. Bring your arms across your chest to finish the swing with your club held just above your leading shoulder. Though shoulders and hips are rotated, you should be standing up tall with your chest out and torso extended. In your final position, your body should be long and tall with your head held up instead of hunched over. Your legs should be extended, your front foot should still be perpendicular to the target, and your chest should face toward the target.", "The pinky of your non-dominant hand, or top hand, should curl just below the end of the club. Place your dominant hand, or bottom hand, just below your top hand. Keep the club in the creases between your palms and fingers instead of in the middle of your palms. For your bottom hand, your ring and pinky fingers should grip the club with the most pressure. For your top hand, your index finger should make contact with the most pressure. Your grip should be loose but well-controlled. Grip the club tightly enough to keep it secure in your hands, but keep your hands free of tension. Your non-dominant foot should be in front, or closer to the target. Position your back foot perpendicular to the target, and point your front toe slightly toward the target. Distribute your weight evenly on each foot, and keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Center the ball between your feet. The ball should be far enough away from your feet that your arms can hang straight down comfortably. If you have to reach, you’re too far away. If you have to hold your arms close to your body, you’re too close to the ball. Bend over from your hips so your arms can hang down comfortably. Imagine a clock face; the angle between 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock is 90 degrees. To bend at the correct angle, your back should be just past 1 o’clock, or around the 6 minute mark. Try looking at yourself in a mirror to gauge the angle of your hip bend. A good hip bend will allow you to rotate your hips and power your swing. Your body, the ball, and the target should all be parallel. Imagine you’re standing on train tracks. Your feet should be on 1 rail, and the ball should be on the other.", "Woods generate greatest distance, and are typically used when you need to make a shot from between 200 to 350 yards (180 to 320 m). Woods can be separated into two broad subcategories: drivers and fairway woods. A driver is also known as the \"1 wood.\" It will give you the greatest distance possible. Fairway woods are your 3, 5, and 7 woods. The higher the number, the more loft your shot will get and the shorter the distance will become. Woods were once made of wood, but are now usually made of steel, titanium, or other metal alloys. If you’re not within putting range but the green is less than 200 yards (180 m) away, an iron is usually the best club to choose. Irons tend to be a little heavier and generate more lift than woods. Irons are numbered 1 through 9. The long irons are 1, 2, and 3 irons, and they have greater distance and minimal loft. The middle irons are 4, 5, and 6 irons, and these tend to be used when the ball is 150 to 170 yards (140 to 160 m) from the green. Short irons are the 7, 8, and 9 irons. There are two basic types of irons: cavity backs and blades. Cavity backs are easier for new golfers to use, while blades tend to be more difficult. A hybrid club is a mix between a wood and an iron. The shape is similar to that of a wood, but the loft and distance is similar to that of an iron, so hybrids are usually used as replacements for irons. They tend to be easier to use for beginners. Usually, 3 and 4 irons are the ones most frequently swapped out for hybrids. Strictly speaking, a wedge is a type of iron designed to produce increased lift. These clubs are usually used when you need to clear a hazard within a fairly short distance. There are several types of wedges, but the most common include the pitching wedge, sand wedge, gap wedge, and lob wedge. Use the pitching wedge on fairways and for chip shots around the green. Pitching wedges produce loft between 40 and 50 degrees. Sand wedges are used for sand traps. They have a loft between 55 and 59 degrees. Gap wedges fill the distance gap between pitching and sand wedges and usually loft between 51 and 54 degrees. You will get greater distance with a gap wedge than a sand wedge, but less distance than you would with a pitching wedge. A lob wedge lofts between 60 and 64 degrees. Use a lob wedge if you need to get the ball over a bunker, water hazard, or other hazard and need to do so over a very short distance. Once you reach the green, switch to a putter to help you land the ball in the hole. The club face of a putter is flat and small. As a result, you can gently tap the ball more easily without causing loft or creating much distance. You should always use a putter if you are on the green, and you may also need to use it if you’re close to the green." ], "summary": [ "Control the amount of force you use. Increase your tilt and power up your backswing to drive the ball. Make low contact with fairway shots. Factor in the wind. Keep your club and swing plane square when making straight shots. Get yourself out a trap with a bunker shot. Play into the green from the outside using an approach shot. Curve the ball with a fade, draw, slice, or hook. Make adjustments to your stance and grip when you putt.", "Shift your weight back as you rotate your hips and torso. Tilt your front shoulder downward at the top of your backswing. Lead your downswing rotation with your front hip. Return to your squared starting position at impact. Continue the rotation into a long, tall follow-through.", "Hold the club with a secure, natural grip. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend forward from your hips about 35 to 40 degrees. Square your shoulders, hips, knees, and feet with the ball.", "Use woods for distance shots. Go for irons for mid-range shots. Use a hybrid club in place of long irons. Try a wedge when you need height. Stick with putters for short distances." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Prepare Your Equipments", "Learn the Keywords for Each of Luxord's Attacks", "Battle with Luxord" ], "document": [ "You'll want to deal more damage on Luxord; he doesn't have a lot of strong attacks that you'll need Reflega for, so stick with Decisive Pumpkin. You can get the Decisive Pumpkin if you defeat the Experiment in Halloween Town. The Highest Ribbon grants 25% damage reduction for all elements, including physical damage. Complete the Twilight puzzle to obtain this accessory. Ribbon grants damage reduction for all elements, including physical damage. Sora should start out with a Ribbon. If you don’t have a Ribbon, you can synthesize one with 5 Blaze Gem, 5 Frost Gem, 5 Thunder Gem, 5 Bright Gem, and 3 Gale. This accessory grants the highest bonus strength as well as MP Haste, which directly affects the speed of your MP recovery. Full Bloom+ is an upgrade of Full Bloom. You can synthesize both. Find the recipes at http://www.khwiki.com/Full_Bloom+. This is for emergency HP and MP recovery. This is for emergency MP recovery.", "\" If you press ? when he says this, your command attack will be changed into 3 Xs and an O. Hit the O in order to win; winning will lower Luxord’s time bar and give you a lot of HP bubbles If you lose, Sora will turn into a die or a card. \" Luxord will turn into a card and mix in with other cards; you must choose which card Luxord is. When done correctly, Luxord will be momentarily open for a combo. He'll then turn into a card for 2 more turns, each time increasing the number of dummy cards he mixes in with. Dummy cards can either be a blank, a bomb, or a Stop spell. Hitting the Stop spell will momentarily let you damage Luxord in his card version. Hitting a bomb will cause damage to Sora. Manipulate the camera angle in order to peek at the shuffled cards. This comes in two forms: a long range attack, where he sends three cards spinning toward you, and a melee attack, where he extends the cards in order to hit you. Both are easily blockable with a well-timed Guard or Reflect. Luxord will use this once his time is down to 1/5 of his original time bar. You'll immediately know that it's coming - the sky will go dark, and cards will be scattered everywhere. Luxord will attack you with cards, then he'll ultimately use a variation of his \"A challenge, is it?\" attack, but this time, you'll have to fill each attack panel with either Xs or Os. When the screen goes dark, immediately double jump then glide (press ? while in the air) around the arena in a circular motion.", "Make sure you're already good at doing his mini games. You can either practice on his gambler nobodies or just practice on the boss battle itself. Immediately glide (while in the air, press ?) away to avoid getting hit by his counterattack. At this point Luxord will send some cards after you. ) to destroy them. They won't be hard to deal with, but Luxord will probably send some more after you. These duels will be your main damage dealer until he uses his second challenge. \" You can either target Luxord or target the clock card. Destroying the clock card will cause the surrounding cards to stop moving, including Luxord's card, and will let you damage Luxord in his card form. After successfully picking him out, he'll be momentarily stunned, giving you a chance to land a combo on him until turns back into a card. After going around the arena, he'll pull you closer and force you to play a card game. This move is not only unavoidable, it's also necessary in order for you to beat Luxord. You must arrange the symbols on your attack panel to either all Xs or all Os; there's no easy way to do this. With each symbol you match up, the attack panel will move faster. But don't wait too long or he'll pull you into another Desperation move. You can use Limit form to land a finishing blow quickly." ], "summary": [ "Obtain Decisive Pumpkin. Obtain Highest Ribbon. Get Ribbon. Get Full Bloom+. Collect Elixirs. Collect Ethers.", "Be prepared when he says \"A challenge, is it? Be careful when he says \"Watch closely. Watch for his physical card attack. Prepare for his Desperation attack.", "Challenge Luxord to his card game as soon as the battle starts. Hit Luxord with a combo as soon as you win. Avoid the cards and use the Reaction command (? Wait for a chance to attack, especially every time he challenges you to a duel. Manipulate the in game camera as soon as he says \"Watch closely. Pick out Luxord's card from the pile of cards moving around you. Watch the attack panel closely during his Desperation move. Land a finishing move on Luxord after winning his Desperation move." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Arrows from Shortcut Icons", "Adding Shortcuts to the Desktop", "Changing Shortcut and Folder Icons", "Changing System Desktop Icons", "Creating Icons", "Downloading Icons" ], "document": [ "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press ⊞ Win. This will bring up the \"regedit\" program at the top of the window. It's a blue group of blocks at the top of the window. This will open the Registry Editor. To do so: Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking V left of it. This folder is in the top-left side of the Registry Editor window. Expand SOFTWARE. Expand Microsoft. Expand Windows. Expand CurrentVersion. Click Explorer. It's in the top-left corner of the Registry Editor window. Doing so creates a new \"key\", which resembles a folder, in the column of folders below the Explorer folder. Doing so renames the key. Make sure you type this name exactly as it appears here. It's in the upper-left corner of the window. This creates a new code item in the Shell Icons key. Doing so renames your string value. This opens the Edit String window. This field is at the bottom of the \"Edit String\" window. Doing so saves your edit to the registry. Once your computer reboots, you should no longer see the icon arrow in the bottom-left corner of your desktop icons.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press ⊞ Win on your keyboard. It's in the lower-left side of the Start window. It's on the left side of the File Explorer window. You'll find this tab in the upper-left side of the File Explorer window. It's in the \"New\" section of the tool bar at the top of the window. This option is in the New item drop-down menu. A window with options for your new shortcut will appear. It's in the middle of the page. Doing so opens a pop-up window. For example, if the program or file is in the Documents folder, you'd click My Documents. You may have to click through several different folders to find the program or file for which you want to create a shortcut. Doing so sets the desktop shortcut's target as your selected item. If you rename the desktop icon or move it to a new folder, your shortcut will no longer work. The default name for the shortcut is the same name as the program itself. It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. This will create your shortcut in the folder you selected.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press ⊞ Win. You'll find this icon on the far-left side of the Start window. It's a folder in the left-hand column of options in the File Explorer window. Shortcut icons have a white box with an arrow in their lower-left corners. You cannot change the icons of specific files (e.g., Notepad files or .exe files) using this method. It's in the upper-left corner of the File Explorer window. Doing so will open a toolbar at the top of the window. This is a white box with a red checkmark in the \"Open\" section of the toolbar. You can also right-click on the icon on your desktop and then click Properties to get to this menu. This process will vary depending on the type of icon you're editing: Shortcut - Click the Shortcut tab at the top of the Properties window, then click Change Icon near the bottom of the window. Folder - Click the Customize tab at the top of the Properties window, then click Change Icon near the bottom of the window. You can select two different types of icons: System icon - Click an icon in the window. Custom icon - Click Browse, then click the folder that your custom icons are in on the left side of the window. Select the icon you want to use, then click Open. This will assign your selected icon. Doing so confirms your decision and changes the original icon to your selected icon.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press the ⊞ Win key. It's in the lower-left side of the Start window. This is the monitor-shaped icon on the Windows Settings page. You can also access this page by right-clicking a blank space on the desktop and then clicking Personalization in the drop-down menu. It's a tab on the left side of the Personalization window. This link is in the upper-right side of the Themes page. Clicking it opens the Desktop Icon Settings window. If you haven't edited your theme at all, this link will be in the middle of the page beneath the \"Related Settings\" heading. You can also click Get more themes in the Store below the \"Apply a theme\" heading to browse desktop themes. Some themes will change your desktop icons' appearances. This will select the icon. For example, you might click This PC or Recycle Bin. You can also check the box next to a desktop icon's name at the top of the window to make it appear on your desktop, or uncheck the box to remove it from the desktop. Check the \"Allow themes to change desktop icons\" box on this window to enable theme-related icon changes. It's near the bottom of the window. You can select two different types of icons: System icon - Click an icon in the window. Custom icon - Click Browse, then click the folder that your custom icons are in on the left side of the window. Select the icon you want to use, then click Open. This will assign your selected icon to the desktop program. Doing so confirms your decision and changes the desktop program's icon to your selected icon.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press ⊞ Win. Make sure you don't press ↵ Enter until the Paint icon, which resembles a paint palette, appears at the top of the Start window. It's a blue button in the upper-left corner of the Paint window. This option is in the File menu. Doing so opens a window where you can open a file location. If you'd rather create your own icon by drawing in Paint, skip this step and instead create your drawing. You may have to click a location on the left side of the Open window (e.g., Pictures) to find the picture you want to open. Skip this step if you're drawing your own icon. This will open your image in the Paint window. Skip this step if you're drawing your own icon. It's in the top-left corner of Paint. This option is near the top of the File menu. It's an option to the right of the Save as button. Doing so opens a Save As window where you can name your file. This will ensure that your file is saved as an icon file. For example, you might name your file \"shortcut.ico\". Do so in the left-hand pane of the Save As window. The Pictures folder is a safe place to save your shortcut file. It's at the bottom of the window. Doing so will save your icon in your selected folder. using your created icon. You'll use the Browse method and select your custom icon from the folder where you saved it.", "Microsoft Edge is the official Windows 10 browser, though you can use Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Internet Explorer as well. Type download windows desktop icons into your browser's address bar and pressing ↵ Enter. You can narrow your search by entering the program's name (e.g., windows my computer icon) or by using the icon file type (e.g., ICO. You can do this by opening a site that has your icons and clicking the Download button. Doing so will save the icons to your computer. If you download multiple icons at once, you may have to extract the icons to a regular folder before continuing. You can do this by opening Start {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\\/30px-Windowsstart.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of a Windows icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Public_domain\\\">Public Domain<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} and clicking {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/0\\/0d\\/Windowsstartexplorer.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/0\\/0d\\/Windowsstartexplorer.png\\/30px-Windowsstartexplorer.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of a Windows icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Public_domain\\\">Public Domain<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}. This folder is on the left side of File Explorer. Doing so selects it. If you just downloaded one icon, select the icon instead. This tab is in the upper-left corner of the File Explorer window. It's in the \"Organize\" section of the toolbar at the top of the File Explorer window. This folder is near the middle of the pop-up window. You can select any folder on your computer if you don't want to place your icons in Pictures. This will send your icons to a folder where you won't move or delete them. using your downloaded icon. You'll use the Browse method and then select an icon from within the Pictures folder to do this." ], "summary": [ "Open Start . Type regedit into the Start window. Click regedit. Click Yes when prompted. Navigate to the Explorer folder. Click Edit. Select New, then click Key. Type Shell Icons into the key's name, then press ↵ Enter. Click the Edit tab. Select New, then click String Value. Type in 29, then press ↵ Enter. Double-click the 29 string value. Type %windir%\\System32\\shell32.dll,-50 into the Value data field. Click OK. Restart your computer.", "Open Start . Click File Explorer . Click the Desktop folder. Click the Home tab. Click New item. Click Shortcut. Click Browse. Scroll down and click the program's or file's folder. Click OK. Click Next, then enter a name. Click Finish.", "Open Start . Click the File Explorer . Click Desktop. Click a shortcut or folder icon. Click the Home tab. Click Properties. Open the icon's \"Change Icon\" window. Select an icon. Click OK. Click Apply, then click OK.", "Open Start . Click Settings . Click Personalization. Click Themes. Click Desktop icon settings. Click an icon you want to change. Click Change Icon. Select an icon. Click OK. Click Apply, then click OK.", "Open Start . Type paint into Start, then press ↵ Enter. Click File. Click Open. Select a picture. Click Open. Click File again. Select Save as. Click BMP picture. Type in your file's name followed by .ico. Click a folder to save your file in. Click Save. Change a program's icon", "Open a web browser. Search for Windows icons. Download the icons you want. Open File Explorer . Click Desktop. Click your icons folder. Click Home. Click Move to. Click Pictures. Click Move. Change a program's icon" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using General Hair Care", "Getting Great Hair as a Man", "Coloring Your Hair", "Caring for Straight Hair", "Trying Tips for Curly and/or Wavy Hair", "Using Perms and Relaxers" ], "document": [ "If you can, try not to wash your hair every day. Daily baths and showers will strip your hair of its natural oils. That being said, if you apply products such as hair spray, mousse, gel, and anti-frizz products, these build up in your hair and inhibit the distribution of your hair’s natural oils. It's advisable to wash hair products out of your hair as regularly as is required. If you never use hair products, you may get away with never using shampoo and just rinsing your hair occasionally. Massage your scalp with the shampoo, not with conditioner. Do this for about 40 seconds before washing it out. If you have oily hair, repeat the process once more (with the shampoo, not conditioner). When you massage the top of your head, the circulation increases and it also helps prevent dandruff. Use a sulfate and silicone free shampoo if your hair is curly or wavy. Sulfate-free shampoos help to prevent frizz. Pour conditioner into your hand and rub from the tips of your hair to the roots. If you want softer silkier looking hair, leave the conditioner in your hair for a few minutes before you rinse it off. Try to wash your hair on the coolest setting that is comfortable or at least try giving it a final rinse of cool water. This seals the hair cuticles (the outermost layer of the hair shaft) and locks in moisture, making it shinier. Hotter water may be used occasionally to wash hair if you have very oily or dirty hair. Either way, try rinsing in cool temperature water for the final rinse. Blow dryers can be more benefiting than air-drying if you use them correctly. When you blow dry your hair, put it on a cool setting and hold distance it away to protect it from any heat. If you hold the blow dryer too close, the water in your hair can heat up and damage your hair. This is why hair dryers are known to be bad, but if you use them correctly they can be very beneficial. If you can, avoid drying your hair with heat as much as you can; it will only damage your hair. Avoid wringing your hair with a towel after you get out of a shower. Wet hair is more fragile, and wringing it could cause your hair strands to break or fall out. Use some heat protection spray when you blow-dry your hair. You should also use protection spray when you use hot rollers or a flat iron or a curling iron or GHD type straighteners. Wet hair is stretchier and has a tendency to break. Also, don't brush your hair too much. People say that brushing your hair 100 strokes a day will make it smoother, but this is a myth. Brushing your hair this much will only cause breakage to your hair. When you do brush your hair, try a natural bristle brush like a boar bristle brush. These brushes distribute oils throughout your hair to make it softer and shinier. Only use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair. Apply leave-in conditioner or detangler to make your hair more pliable. Treating your hair with some special restorative products can help to improve your hair’s health. Apply a deep conditioning treatment. You can use deep conditioning treatments like egg oil, olive oil, argan oil, avocado oil or coconut oil. You can also purchase a hair mask or hair cream and apply it. Use a natural treatment like olive oil, mayonnaise and an egg or a soak in full-fat milk. Leave these treatments in for 2 to 3 hours and rinse them out thoroughly without applying shampoo or conditioner. You can do this once or twice per week if you see good results. Use a leave-in conditioner at least once a week. Leave-in conditioners penetrate deep into your hair cuticles to heal them more completely. Try a spray leave in conditioner/ detangler after you shower. The conditioner will make your hair more pliable and manageable. Styling products can dry your scalp if you use it directly at the scalp. Try not to use it often, but if you must, apply to hair strands and not the scalp. Then, style your hair at most four times a week to avoid damaging it. Make sure to avoid using any products that contain alcohol. Alcohol can dry out your hair. Clips or barrettes can compliment beautiful hair. Coordinate them with your outfits or your personality. If you use elastics, use fabric-covered elastics to prevent breakage and tangles. Your diet can also prevent hair loss. Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. You should eat some of these foods, which are rich in omega-3, every day: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, and other fatty fish Flax seed oil Walnuts, almonds, and milk Vitamins B-6, B-12, and folic acid are also important to your hair. You can always take a multivitamin to get more of these nutrients, but you can also add foods rich in these vitamins to your diet. Vitamin B-6: bananas, potatoes (both white and sweet) and spinach. Vitamin B-12: meat, poultry, fish and dairy products. Folic acid: citrus fruits, tomatoes, whole grain and fortified grain products, beans and lentils. Protein also promotes healthy hair. Eat a daily serving of fish, chicken, eggs or soy.", "For most male hairstyles, no particular shampoo is better than another. If you have dandruff, look for some shampoo containing ketoconazole, salicylic acid, tar, zinc or selenium sulfide. If you have straight, short hair, you can skip the conditioner or use a shampoo/conditioner combo. Curly, wavy or long hair, on the other hand, probably does need to be conditioned. Experiment with different brands to find something that you like. If you have thin spots, either rub sunscreen on them or use a spray sunscreen to keep your scalp from burning and peeling. You can try an over-the-counter hair regrowth product or talk to your doctor about a prescription. Disguise thin spots by using extra-body conditioner and putting a dab of styling gel over the spot. Don't use more than a dime-sized blob of gel. Once your hair is in place, you can finish it off with a bit of wax on the tips for definition and shine.", "You can do this easily if you're doing a quick coverage of gray hair and if the shade varies only slightly from your natural color. Anything more complicated should be handled at a salon. Rub petroleum jelly around your hairline to keep the dye from staining your skin. Set your timer per the directions on the dye package. Wash the color out immediately and all at once when the timer goes off. If you plan to visit a salon for a dye job, then do not use box dyes. They contain harsh chemicals that can damage your hair. Deep condition your hair a couple of days before your appointment. Moisturizing your hair will help it to hold color better. Also, if you can hold off, don't shampoo on the day of your appointment. Bring a picture. You can tell your stylist \"strawberry blonde,\" but he or she might have a very different vision of what that means than you do. A picture clarifies what you want. Keep your hair healthy and moisturized. Dry hair loses color quickly. Protect your hair when you head outside in the sun. Wear a hat or a scarf, or put your hair into a braid or a knot. You can also use products that contain SPF.", "It is important to choose a shampoo and conditioner that will help to keep your straight hair from becoming fine and limp. Preferably one that adds volume (especially if your hair is naturally fine). If regular shampoo doesn't work for you, try a sulphate and silicone free shampoo. The brush will not only tame your strands but also polish your hair and smooth it. To make your hair look glossy, apply a light volumizing mousse before you blow dry. If you need hold, use a flexible-hold hairspray. If you need to flat iron your hair, choose a tool with variable heat settings. Use the lowest heat setting that effectively irons your hair to avoid heat-related damage and always apply a heat protectant before you use a heat-styling tool. Use a curling iron or curling wand if you want to create a wavy appearance in your hair. A simple braid or an elegant one can be worn on days when you don't want to or shouldn't style your hair. Occasional hot rollers are okay, but you should mostly embrace your straight locks.", "Make sure your shampoo is sulfate-free and silicone-free, because sulfates can dry out curly hair even more, and silicones can build-up on curly hair. Silicones are okay for your hair as long as you use a shampoo with Cocoamidopropyl Betaine or coco-betaine, and that the shampoo does not actually contain silicones. It is important to avoid overwashing your hair to preserve your hair's natural oils. When you do wash your hair: Massage the shampoo into your scalp and let the suds run down to your ends. Put conditioner in at the midpoint of your locks and work it down to the ends. Comb it in with a wide-toothed comb, if necessary. Scrunch your hair to help define the curls. Rinse your hair with warm or cool water to keep it from drying out. Use a 100% cotton t-shirt, microfiber towel, or even paper towels to dry your hair. Avoid rubbing your wet hair with a towel. Then, apply a monthly hot oil treatment to give your locks a glossy shine. Brushing will break your hair cuticles and cause frizz. Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to pull out tangles. Style your hair when it's wet and try not to touch or scrunch it while it air dries. Sprays that contain sea salt are great for defining curls, but make sure it also contains conditioning ingredients, as sea salt can dry your hair. If you have to, then braid or plait it in three or more sections. Also, sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase or head scarf to minimize frizz.", "Both perms and relaxers change your hair by changing the chemical bonds. For this reason, permed and relaxed hair is really vulnerable to breakage and damage. Also, try not to dye your hair, if you're also chemically styling it. These processes can increase the risk of damaging permed or relaxed hair. If you have scalp irritation, or any abrasions on your scalp, then you should not get a perm or use a relaxer. You should also hold off if you have just removed braids or extensions from your hair. Wait a few days or until your scalp is no longer irritated to relax or perm your hair. Coloring permed or relaxed hair is possible, but it can damage your hair. Try clip-in weaves for highlights instead. If you need color, wait at least three days but no more than seven days for your appointment or talk to your stylist about what's healthiest for your hair." ], "summary": [ "Wash your hair correctly. Dry your hair carefully with a blow dryer. Avoid brushing your hair while it's wet. Give your hair some special treatment from time to time. Go easy on styling products. Accessorize your healthy, gorgeous hair. Eat healthy foods that will keep your hair strong and lustrous.", "Use any kind of shampoo. Decide whether or not to condition. Protect your scalp from the sun. Care for thinning hair. Go easy on styling products.", "Do your own dye job at home. Get color at a salon. Take great care of colored hair.", "Use the right shampoo and conditioner for straight hair. Brush your hair with a large flat paddle brush. Use styling products that have a finish. Pick the right heat-styling tools. Avoid daily heat styling.", "Use shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for curly hair. Wash your hair only as needed. Blot your hair dry. Apply a deep conditioning treatment weekly. Avoid brushing your hair. Put a leave-in conditioner on your hair before you style it. Skip any styling products that contain alcohol. Try not to sleep with wet hair.", "Perm or relax your hair no more than once every six weeks. Minimize heat styling and blow-drying. Avoid relaxing your hair or getting a perm if your scalp is irritated. Use color with caution." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Blocking on Desktop", "Blocking on Mobile", "Blocking Posts with Tumblr Savior" ], "document": [ "Go to https://www.tumblr.com/ in your preferred browser. This will open your Tumblr dashboard if you're logged in. If you aren't logged into Tumblr, enter your Tumblr email address and password to log in. It's in the upper-left side of the Tumblr dashboard. You can also just scroll through your home page until you find the offending user and then click their name. If you do this, skip the next step. Type in the blog name or username, then click the profile that appears below the search bar. This will prompt a preview of their profile to pop out from the left side of the page. You can also just type in a name and press ↵ Enter to view matching profiles. This person-shaped icon is just left of the Follow button that's in the top-right corner of the pop-out window. It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu. Doing so will prevent this user from being able to view your profile or interact with you from their profile in any capacity.", "Tap the Tumblr app icon, which resembles a white \"t\" on a dark-blue background. This will open your Tumblr dashboard if you're already logged into Tumblr. If you aren't logged into Tumblr, enter your Tumblr email address and password to log in. This option is in the bottom-left side of the screen. You can also just scroll through your home page until you find the offending user and then tap their name. If you do this, skip the next step. Type in the user's name or blog name, then tap their name when it appears. This will take you to their page. This person-shaped icon is just left of the Follow button that's in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear. It's in the drop-down menu. This will prevent the user from viewing your blog or interacting with you from their profile.", "You can install Tumblr Savior on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Go to https://bjornstar.com/tumblr-savior/ in your browser. This will take you to a Tumblr page with download links for different browsers. You'll see several links in the middle of the page that say Tumblr Savior For [Browser]; click the one with your browser listed. For example, to download Tumblr Savior for Google Chrome, you would click the Tumblr Savior for Chrome link. This process will vary depending on the browser you're using: Chrome - Click ADD TO CHROME, then click Add extension when prompted. Chrome will refresh the page when the installation completes. Firefox - Click Add to Firefox, then click Add when prompted. Firefox will notify you when the installation is complete. Safari - Click the download arrow in the top-right side of Safari, then double-click the setup file and click Install when prompted. It resembles a black \"T\" on a white piece of paper. You'll find it somewhere in the upper-right side of the page (Chrome and Firefox) or near the address bar (Safari). If you have multiple extensions on Chrome, you may need to click ⋮ to prompt a drop-down menu and then click the Tumblr Savior icon at the top of the drop-down menu. Type a tag you don't want to see into the text field on the \"Black List\" side of the window. You can also click add below the text field to create another text field for a new term. It's at the bottom of the Tumblr Savior window. This will save your settings and blacklist the specific tags you entered. Go to https://www.tumblr.com/ in your preferred browser. This will open your Tumblr home page if you're logged in. If you aren't logged into Tumblr, enter your Tumblr email address and password to log in. You shouldn't see any posts that have your blacklisted tags on your dashboard." ], "summary": [ "Go to Tumblr's website. Click the search bar. Go to the profile you want to block. Click . Click Block. Click Block when prompted.", "Open Tumblr. Tap the magnifying glass icon. Search for the user you want to block. Tap . Tap Block. Tap Block when prompted.", "Open a supported browser. Open the Tumblr Savior website. Click your browser's download link. Install the extension in your browser. Click the Tumblr Savior extension. Blacklist specific tags. Click Save. Open Tumblr. Review your dashboard." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Ratchet Strap", "Bending Plywood with a Form" ], "document": [ "A ratchet strap, also known as a tie-down strap, is a nylon strap with a hook on each end. There’s a ratchet in the middle of the strap you can use to tighten the strap. Make sure the strap you get has S-hooks so it’s able to hook onto the plywood. You can find a ratchet strap online or at your local hardware store. Read the label to see if the ratchet strap has S-hooks. Center the hooks on the end they’re hooked onto. Do this with the piece of plywood lying flat so the S-hooks don’t slide off. Once the hooks are on, the ratchet strap should run down the center of the plywood, with the ratchet somewhere between the 2 hooks. You may need to thread the strap attached to one of the hooks through the ratchet so both sides of the strap are connected. To tighten the strap with the ratchet, bring the handle of the ratchet up and down repeatedly. Each time you lift up the ratchet, it will pull in some of the slack. Continue lifting and lowering the handle on the ratchet until the plywood is bent to your desired curve. After you’ve let the plywood sit overnight, remove the ratchet strap. To remove the strap, lift the handle on the ratchet and pull it all the way back so it’s flat on the strap. You should hear a clicking noise and the ratchet should stay open. Remove the S-hooks from the ends of the plywood. Place the bent plywood on a flat surface so it’s resting on the ends. Apply pressure to the center of the curve with your hands to see if the plywood straightens out. If the curve doesn’t hold, re-attach the ratchet strap and let the plywood sit for longer. You can also glue additional layers of plywood to the curved plywood, using clamps to hold them in place. The more layers there are, the stronger the plywood curve will be.", "Use a pencil to draw the shape of the curve you want to bend the plywood to on a piece of MDF. Cut out the shape using a bandsaw. Trace the shape onto more MDF and cut out more layers for the form. You want enough layers that the height of the form is about the same as the width of the plywood you’re trying to bend. Glue the layers of MDF together to complete the form. You can find medium density fiberboard at your local hardware store. Always wear protective eyewear when using a bandsaw. Place the piece of plywood next to the curved side of the form. Place one end of a bar clamp on the far side of the form, and the other end of the clamp on the outside-facing part of the plywood directly across from it. Spin the handle on the clamp clockwise to tighten the plywood into place against the form. Continue adding clamps to the plywood until it’s completely clamped along the curved side of the form. Make sure you clamp the ends and middle of the plywood you’re bending. If you see gaps between the plywood and the curved side of the form, tighten a clamp over them. This will give the plywood enough time to bend under the pressure of the clamps. Don't rush this step; if you take the clamps off early the plywood may not hold its curve. Twist the handles on the bar clamps counterclockwise to loosen and remove them. Once all the clamps are off, remove the plywood from the side of the form. Try gently bending the ends of the plywood to see if it straightens out or holds its curve. Turn the plywood upside down so it’s resting on the ends and push down on the center of the curve with your hand. If the curve doesn’t hold, re-clamp the plywood to the MDF form. If you still can’t get the bend to hold, try gluing additional layers of plywood over your original piece and re-clamping it to the form. Making the plywood thicker will help it bend more easily." ], "summary": [ "Get a ratchet strap with S-hooks. Hook the S-hooks to opposite ends of the plywood. Use the ratchet to tighten the strap until the plywood is bent how you want it. Leave the ratchet strap on the plywood overnight. Test the bent plywood.", "Create a form out of MDF (medium density fiberboard). Clamp the plywood to the form using bar clamps. Leave the plywood clamped to the form overnight. Unclamp the plywood from the form. Use your hands to test the bent plywood." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Packing and Preparing", "Enjoying the Adventure", "Planning Your Trip" ], "document": [ "Before you head out, gather up all the day-to-day items you’ll need during your adventure. Even though you’ll have your vehicle with you, pack your things in bags and suitcases to keep everything neat and organized. To make sure you don’t forget anything, create a travel checklist that includes categories like: Clothing and shoes Electronic devices and chargers Toiletries Prescription medications Car accessories Travel snacks Camping gear, if applicable Nowadays, most people travel using the map program built into their phone. If you plan on doing this, pack a car charger and make sure to check your phone’s navigational abilities before you leave. If you do not have this option, make sure to purchase a stand-alone GPS or road map to help you navigate during the trip. Even if you have a smartphone, consider purchasing a backup GPS in case your device malfunctions or breaks. If you plan on using your own vehicle for the trip, make sure you take it to a licensed mechanic beforehand. Ask for a full vehicle inspection to ensure your engine and tires are fit for the journey. If necessary, pay for repairs or a tune up so you don’t break down on the road. Before your trip, double-check to make sure you have all your car’s insurance paperwork. Route 66 is a long, winding road that features lots of driving hazards and dead spots, meaning there’s plenty of room for things to go south. Make sure to pack items like: A first-aid kit A flashlight Emergency blankets Jumper cables A spare tire Automotive tools", "Route 66 is perhaps most well known for its wide variety of antique tradings posts, vintage entertainment venues, and weird tourist attractions. For a state by state breakdown of interesting places to stop, visit https://www.theroute-66.com/landmarks.html. Some of the route’s most popular landmarks include the: Route 66 Museum Cadillac Ranch 66 Drive-In Theater Gillioz Theatre Old Riverton Store Twin Arrows Trading Post World's Largest Catsup Bottle World's Largest Totem Pole Route 66 hosts a number of unique cafés, diners, and other restaurants along its winding roads. Most of these places feature classic American dishes and theming, and some of them have even been around since the road’s inception in the 1920s. A few of the most popular restaurants on Route 66 include the: Ariston Café Bagdad Café Circle Inn Malt Shop Midpoint Café Pops 66 Rock Café Wagon Wheel Motel, Café and Station Along with the many attractions located on the road itself, Route 66 sits near a wide variety of national parks, important landmarks, and historic districts. You’ll have to change course slightly to reach these places, but they’re well worth the detour. Some popular parks and historic sites near Route 66 include the: Grand Canyon National Park Petrified Forest National Park Abraham Lincoln’s Tomb Saint Joseph Church Round Barn Topock Maze Blue Cut Trail Marker Goffs Schoolhouse The beauty of taking a road trip is discovering interesting things along the way! During your journey, keep your eyes peeled for small, unique places that don’t show up in the guides. Odds are good you’ll find a fun store, restaurant, or attraction that’s well worth your time. These places may not have the same advertising budget as well-known establishments, so look for small, hand-crafted road signs instead of big, flashy ones.", "Route 66 gets extremely hot during the summer, and portions of the road may become unsafe during the winter. For the most pleasant driving conditions, schedule your trip between March and early June or between September and November. Oklahoma and Texas get a lot of tornados between late April and early June. If you travel during these times, make sure to keep an eye on local weather forecasts for any tornado warnings or watches. If you want to travel the entire 2,451 mi (3,945 km) road, you’ll need to start in either Chicago, Illinois or Santa Monica, California. This will allow you to get the full Route 66 experience while traveling across the country. If you are travelling in the spring, begin in California and make your way to Illinois. If you are travelling the the fall, start in Illinois and work your way to California. This should provide the most ideal weather conditions. Depending on how often you stop and how many places you explore, a one-way road trip from Chicago to Santa Monica (or vice versa) will take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. As a general guideline, plan to travel between 70 and 90 mi (110 and 140 km) a day if you want to stop and see everything. If you only want to explore a portion of the classic highway, you can start in Missouri, the southeastern tip of Kansas, Oklahoma, the Texas panhandle, New Mexico, or Arizona. Choose a starting point based on its appeal or its proximity to your home. Route 66 passes through a number of major cities including Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Amarillo, Flagstaff, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Los Angeles. Once you know your starting point, decide where you want to end your trip and plug the information into an online mapping service. Then, use the service’s distance estimate to determine how many days it will take you to complete your journey. Due to the road’s size, a car or motorcycle is the best way to experience Route 66. You’ll get a great view of all the sights and can stay at hotels or motels along the way. In some places, you may even be able to camp out! If you live in the United States, consider using your own vehicle for the trip. If you’re flying in from another country, or if your vehicle isn’t durable enough for the trip, you can rent a vehicle. If you only want to visit the major cities on Route 66, you can book a 14-day train trip. Though you can take a large vehicle like an RV, certain parts of the road may be difficult to drive on as the road is narrow and winding in some areas. You’ll also have a harder time finding parking and RV campgrounds. Route 66 houses a number of unique hotels and motels, such as the famous Magnolia Hotel in St. Louis and the themed Mayo Hotel in Tulsa. These places fill up fast, so make room reservations 2-3 months beforehand if at all possible. For a full list of Route 66 hotels and motels, visit https://www.theroute-66.com/hotels.html. If you’re travelling by RV, find and reserve campgrounds ahead of time. You can also check out tent campgrounds if you’re travelling by car or motorcycle and want to sleep under the stars. If you aren’t planning on driving both ways, decide how you’d like to get home. You can take the train or bus, or even book a flight, though you’ll have to pay to ship your vehicle home if you choose not to rent one for the trip. You may want to book a flight with free cancellation in case the trip takes more or less time than you anticipated. If you rent a vehicle to make the drive, choose a company that has a hub near the airport you plan to fly home from for your convenience. . Before your trip, break down how much you expect to spend on gas, lodging, food, entertainment, and miscellaneous items like souvenirs. For things with specific rates, like gas and lodging, look up current pricing information online. For anything else, create a rough estimate based on how much you normally spend during vacations. For a 1-way trip from Chicago to Santa Monica or vice versa, expect to spend a minimum of $300 on gas, $1,700 on lodging, $600 per person on food, and $200 per person on entertainment. Boost your final budget by 10-20% to account for unintended expenses, price hikes, and emergencies. Don’t forget to include the cost of the return trip!" ], "summary": [ "Pack standard trip supplies. Buy navigational materials if necessary. Get an inspection if you’re taking your own vehicle. Place emergency gear in your vehicle.", "Stop at famous shops and attractions. Eat at vintage restaurants and cafés. Take detours to see natural and historic landmarks. Stop anywhere that seems interesting to you.", "Schedule your trip during the spring or fall. Begin in either Chicago or Santa Monica to travel the entire highway. Choose a city along the way for a shorter trip. Drive a car or ride a motorcycle for the most authentic experience. Expect to search for parking if you take an RV. Make lodging reservations 2-3 months in advance. Make arrangements for your return trip. Create a travel budget" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Tapeworm Infections", "Taking Your Cat to Your Veterinarian", "Looking for Proglottids" ], "document": [ "A monthly flea preventative is the best way to prevent tapeworm infections in your cat. Different types of feline flea preventatives are available, so your veterinarian will prescribe the one that will work best for your cat. Give the preventative year round—if you stop administering it during the winter, you may forget to start it up again in the spring, leaving your cat more susceptible to fleas and tapeworms. Advantage is a frequently used feline flea preventative. Fleas are not the only source of tapeworms. Dead wild animals (e.g.,squirrels, rodents, birds, and mice) can also harbor tapeworms. If you have an outdoor cat, you may want to keep her indoors to keep her away from dead animals. To keep your cat busy when she is indoors, give her lots of toys and some scratching posts. It would also be a good idea to spend extra quality time playing with her. If bringing your cat indoors is not a reasonable option for you, consider keeping a close watch on the presence of dead animals in your yard. If you see dead animals, contact a professional animal removal service. lean your home. Cleaning your home is also very effective at maintaining a flea-free environment and preventing tapeworm infections. Vacuuming your floors every 1 to 2 days and cleaning your cat's bedding in hot water once a week will help remove fleas from your cat's environment. Vacuum every location where your cat spends time (e.g., perches, furniture) and throw away the vacuum bag afterwards. Replace your cat's bedding when it starts to look old and worn. Flea larvae like to burrow into dark places, such as bedding, so getting rid of old bedding can remove a heavy flea larvae population. People can get tapeworm infections in the same way as a cat—by swallowing an infected flea. Tapeworm infections in people are rare, and occur mainly in children. If you have children, make sure they wash their hands after they play with your cat. If you have older children who clean out your cat's litterbox, instruct them to wash their hands after they clean out the litter box. A child infected with Diplyidium caninum may not show signs of being sick. Heavy tapeworm infections in children can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and itching around the anus. Take your child to your pediatrician if you suspect they have a tapeworm infection.", "As soon as you see proglottids on your cat or in your home, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Since each proglottid contains eggs and can release those eggs into the environment, you should make the appointment promptly so your veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis and treat your cat. Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination of your cat. The main thing your veterinarian will be looking for is proglottids on the fur around your cat's anus. If your cat has a heavy tapeworm infection, she may become weak or experience weight loss. However, this is very rare. Your veterinarian would notice the weakness and/or weight loss during the physical exam. If you can, take pictures of the proglottids and bring those pictures with you to the appointment. Since the tapeworm is an intestinal parasite that passes through the feces, you may think a fecal examination would confirm the diagnosis. However, a fecal floatation (an examination technique in which a solution of fecal material is analyzed under a microscope) is usually not effective at diagnosing tapeworms. One reason is because tapeworm eggs are heavy and don't float. In addition, tapeworm eggs are not typically passed in the feces. They are released into the environment after the proglottids have hardened. Since the eggs may not be in the fecal sample, and wouldn't float in the fecal solution if they were there, a fecal exam may result in a false negative. In other words, the fecal exam would incorrectly indicate that your cat is tapeworm free. Fortunately, tapeworm treatment for cats is very easy and effective. Medications called anthelmintics will kill the adult tapeworms. There are several types of available anthelmintics, so your veterinarian will prescribe the one that will be most effective for your cat. Tapeworms are digested in the intestine after they die, so you will not see dead tapeworms in your cat's feces. Anthelmintics come in injectable and oral formulations. Make sure your cat completes the full treatment course so all tapeworms are killed. Praziquantel and epsiprantel are commonly-used anthelmintics to treat tapeworms in cats.", "An adult tapeworm has a small head that is connected to a chain of proglottids. Proglottids are about 1/4 inch (6 mm) long. Each proglottid has its own set of reproductive organs, and, when fully mature, will break off and exit your cat's body in her feces. Once in the environment, proglottids will move around by increasing and decreasing in length. Proglottids are pale in color and look like cucumber seeds or tiny, cooked grains of rice. An adult tapeworm can be anywhere from 4 to 28 inches (10.2 to 71.1 cm) long, so your cat may pass a lot of proglottids through her feces. Look for proglottids in the areas where your cat frequents, such as cat trees, furniture, and her bedding. Since proglottids are light in color and very small, you may want to use a magnifying glass to look for them. After being in the environment for a while, proglottids become hard, yellow, and even smaller (around 2mm). Finding proglottids in the environment is the best way to diagnose tapeworms. If you see them, ask your veterinarian about the proper way to dispose of them. The proglottids may become stuck to the fur under your cat's tail and around her anus, so check those areas of her body. In addition, examine her feces in the litter box to look for proglottids. Keep in mind that you may not see proglottids in each section of fecal material—they are not distributed evenly in the feces. Tapeworms usually do not make cats sick, so your cat may not show signs of a tapeworm infection. However, if the proglottids get stuck to the fur near her anus, she may start scooting along the floor to soothe the irritation. If the proglottids migrate up to your cat's stomach, she may vomit. You would see the proglottids in the vomit. The irritation may also cause your cat to start biting or licking at her anal area." ], "summary": [ "Give your cat a monthly flea preventative. Keep your cat away from potential tapeworm sources. . Prevent tapeworm infections in humans.", "Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Allow your veterinarian to examine your cat. Learn the limitations of a fecal exam to diagnose tapeworms. Follow your veterinarian's instructions for treatment.", "Identify proglottids. Check the area where your cat spends most of her time. Examine your cat's rear end and feces. Observe your cat for clinical signs of tapeworms." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Gathering Your Materials", "Using the Leggings Pattern", "Sewing the Pieces Together", "Creating a Leggings Pattern" ], "document": [ "A stretch fabric works best for making leggings, so opt for a stretch jersey, spandex, rayon with lycra, or some other type of stretchy fabric. You will need about 2 to 3 yards (1.8 to 2.7 m) of fabric depending on your size. If you are making leggings for a baby or toddler, then you will only need about 1 yard (0.91 m) of fabric. For baby and toddler leggings, you can also use a printed t-shirt for fabric. Make sure it is a shirt that you are willing cut up. You can use an old t-shirt or buy one on clearance. To create the pattern for the leggings, you will also need a pair of old leggings that fit you (or the person who will wear the leggings). If the leggings are a little smaller than you want them to be, then you can draw outside of the edges of the leggings to make them larger. You will need a piece of elastic that is long enough to wrap around the waist of the person who will wear the leggings. You can opt for a narrow piece of elastic, such as a piece that is 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) wide, or you can go with a wider piece, such as a piece that is 2 inches (5.1 cm) wide. The elastic will be hidden in the waistband, so you can use any color. To create your own custom pair of leggings, you will need to make a pattern first. That will require some paper that you can trace the outline of your folded leggings onto and a black marker. You can use a large roll of craft paper to get a piece that will be big enough for adult leggings, or you can use a large piece of construction paper for a pair of baby or toddler leggings.", "After you have cut out your pattern, take your fabric and fold it in half lengthwise 2 times. This will allow you to cut out both leg pieces at once. Make sure that the fabric is lined up evenly. Another option is to cut out 2 pieces separately by creating 2 separate folds in your fabric and cutting along the waist, inseam, and bottom of the legging pattern twice. Lay the pattern over the folded fabric so that the outside of the leg on the pattern is lined up with the folded edge of your fabric. The inseam part of your pattern should be slightly in from the edge of the fabric. To cut out your fabric pieces for sewing leggings, use a rotary cutter and cut along the top, bottom, and inseam of your pattern. Do not cut along the folded edge of the fabric.", "Take your fabric pieces and separate them. Then, take one piece and fold it in half lengthwise so that the inseam of the leg is matching up and the printed side of the fabric is on the inside. Place pins along the inseam of the leg, but do not pin past the crotch area on the legging piece. After you pin up the inseam on one piece, do the same with the other piece. When you have finished pinning both of the legging pieces along the inseam, use a sewing machine to sew a zigzag stitch along the pinned areas. Sew about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) from the edge of the inseam. Do not sew past the crotch area. Remove the pins as you sew. Trim off the excess threads when you are done. After you finish sewing both leg pieces along the inseams, turn one of the leg pieces right side out. Then, insert this piece into the piece that still has the print side on the inside. The pieces should be aligned so that their waistbands match up and the bottom of the legs are even. Make sure the seams are all lined up as well. With one pant leg inside the other, sew along the crotch area going from one side of the waistband to the other. This will connect the 2 pant legs and create the seam for the crotch. Trim off any excess threads when you finish sewing. Turn the pants right side out. Then, pin the end of the elastic strip so that it is lined up with the edge of the waistband on the back side of the pants. Make sure that the elastic is on the inside of the waistband, not on the printed side. Sew a zigzag stitch along the top edge of the elastic to secure it in the waistband. Tug on the elastic slightly as you sew to ensure that it will create a snug waistband. Sew all the way around the waistband so that the elastic overlaps by about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm). Make sure not to sew over the pin and remove the pin when you are done sewing. Trim off any excess threads. After you sew the elastic strip into the waistband, cut off any excess elastic and discard it. Then, fold the waistband over into the pants to hide the raw (cut) edge of the fabric. Then, sew a zigzag stitch along the inner edge of the waistband to secure it in place and finish the waistband. Trim excess threads when you finish sewing. To hem the bottom of your leggings, fold the fabric up and into the pant leg at the bottom of each leg. This will hide the raw edge and ensure that only the print side shows. Then, sew a zigzag stitch along the inner edge of the pant leg. Repeat this for both legs. This will secure the hem on the bottom of your legging pant legs and finish your leggings. Trim away excess threads when you finish sewing.", "Take your pattern paper and spread it out on a flat work surface. Then, fold your leggings in half lengthwise and lay them out on the paper. Align the outer edge of the leggings with the edge of the paper. You will not need to trace along this edge. Use the marker to trace about along the edges of the leggings that are not aligned with the edge of your paper. Trace along the waist, inseam, and bottom of the legs. Be careful not to touch the leggings with the marker or you may stain them. Trace about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the leg to allow room for the hem, 2 inches (5.1 cm) from the top of the waistband to allow room for the elastic band, and 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) from the inseam of the leg. If you want to make a slightly larger pair of leggings than the pair that you have, then trace about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the edges of the leggings. Write on the paper to indicate where the inseam of the leggings will be. You may even want to draw arrows on the pattern to indicate which part of the pattern will need to line up with the fold. Then, use a sharp pair of scissors to cut along the marked areas of the pattern. This will complete your leggings pattern." ], "summary": [ "Choose your fabric. Find an old pair of leggings. Get some elastic for the waistband. Collect paper and a marker for making a pattern.", "Fold the fabric in half lengthwise twice. Place the pattern onto the edge of the folded fabric. Cut the fabric along the top, bottom, and inseam.", "Pin along the inseam of the leg. Sew along the inseam. Insert one leg into the other. Sew around the edge of the crotch seam. Sew the elastic into the waist. Fold over the elastic and sew around the edge. Hem the bottom of the leggings.", "Spread out your paper and lay the folded leggings on top of it. Trace the edges of the waist, inseam, and bottom of the leg. Mark and cut out the pattern." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Resetting The Outgoing Port", "Setting your SMTP Server", "Fixing a Broken PST File" ], "document": [ "\" You can find it under tools. It may also be labeled as \"Email Account Settings.\" This fix is specifically for times when you get the 0x800ccc78 error trying to send an email. You can also click \"Change Email Account\" in some versions. Basically, you'll need to manually reconfigure some of your outgoing mail settings. You need rework servers for the email address connected to Outlook. \" If you've only got one email account hooked up to outlook, just click on this one. This will bring you to a detailed menu allowing you to adjust the ports. Make sure that the box \"My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication\" (the box you checked in the previous method) is still checked. If the right box is still checked, move on to the Advanced section. However, be careful with this page. It has a lot of crucial information installed. The only thing you'll be editing is the port number.", "If you already have it open and you see the error message, close it and reopen the program before continuing. \" The Tools button should be in the top banner of the program. Account Settings will be in the resulting drop-down menu. Note: In some versions of Outlook, this is found under \"File\" → \"Info\" → \"Account Settings.\" Once you click Account Settings, a small box with multiple tabs should show up. Choose \"Email.\" Your email account should appear. \" More settings will launch another smaller window, with more tabs at the top. Click on Outgoing to get to the right set of settings. There are really only two pieces that matter, and they both need to be checked in order for Outlook to work correctly: Check the box labeled: \"My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.\" Click the bubble labeled: \"Use same settings as my incoming mail server.\" Do not, on the way, choose to \"Test Account Settings.\" It won't work, and could undo some progress. Click \"Finish\" to close the other settings box, then \"Close\" to get out of Account Settings. Note: Depending on your version of Outlook, these might be worded slightly differently. The important point is to not hit cancel. Look for OK, Finish, or Done when leaving settings. This error usually occurs when sending a message. Restart the program and try to send an email to see if it works. If it does not, don't fear. Move on to the other possible solutions below.", "PST stands for Personal Storage Tables. When they get too big they often get corrupted, leading to errors. They can, however, be fixed. It isn't incredibly difficult, but you still want to make sure the other two methods didn't work first. They are simpler and less invasive. That said, using a PST repair program is not very difficult, and is generally safe. Even better, Microsoft bundles a repair program right with Outlook called Inbox Repair. For Windows Users, you may have a program called \"Scanpst.exe\" that will do this for you. For Mac users, you may not have the option to use Scanpst. In this case, you must go search online to download an \"Outlook PST Repair\" program. Sites like CNET have Outlook PST Repair programs for free. Scanpst is sometimes hidden. To find it, copy the following into a search bar: Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\. Then click OFFICE and scroll to Scanpst. Head back to the Account Settings (either through Tools or File → Info) and click on the tab labeled \"Data Files.\" You'll see a list of all your email address. Click the one with the issue and then select the button \"Open File Location.\" This will open a window showing your .pst file on your computer.\\ Remember this location on your computer -- you'll need it later. Now that you know where it is, click on \"Browse\" or \"Load PST\" and cue up your Outlook file. On some programs, you may be able to just click and drag it over from your old file. The first step is a scan of your PST files. More likely than not, it will then offer to repair them. Click \"Repair\" to fix up your old file, which should prevent any further issues. Repair will automatically create a backup of the PST file, so don't worry about losing old data. Once you've repaired your old file, simply drop it next to the old one. Remove the broken file, putting it in a new, separate folder for safe keeping in case something went wrong. If you're having trouble syncing up the new file, simply return to the \"Data Files\" screen in Account Settings. From there, you'll find the button \"Add File\" on the left-hand side. Click it to add your new PST file. Leave the folder containing your PST files open while working. This will make it much easier to find later on." ], "summary": [ "Return to \"Account Settings. Click \"Next for View\" to get to to the next email account. Double-click on the email account in question, then click \"More Settings. Click on the \"Advanced\" tab.", "Open up Outlook like normal. Click on \"Tools,\" then \"Account Settings. Select the \"Email\" tab in Account Settings. Choose \"More Settings\" from the lower-right corner, then click \"Outgoing. Ensure your outgoing settings are correct. Click \"OK\" to leave the settings and get back to your email. Restart Outlook and try to send a message.", "Try the previous two methods before attempting a PST fix. Open your PST repair program. Open Outlook to find the location of your PST files. Return to your PST repair program and locate the .pst file you just found. Hit \"Start\" and follow the on-screen instructions. Open Outlook with the new PST file." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Strengthening Your Immune System to Stop Further Growth", "Curing Polyps with Medical Intervention", "Preventing Further Growth with Home Remedies" ], "document": [ "When you allow your body to rest, it can fight off illnesses and infections much more easily than if it is overworked and tired. Be aware of your limits—while you might think that you can handle staying up all night to finish a report, know that your immune system will likely pay the price. Try to get seven or eight hours of sleep each night. Even just taking a break to nap when you’re tired can help your immune system function properly. . Another part of keeping your immune system healthy is making sure that you get all of the nutrients that you need. The amount of each nutrient that you need will depend on your weight, age, and health. You can talk to your doctor about a diet plan, or click here to learn more about what you should be eating. Try to fit lean protein, whole wheat carbs, unsaturated fats, non-fat dairy products, and lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet each day. Get between 500 mg and 1000 mg of vitamin C each day. Vitamin C helps to keep your immune system strong and to function. When you don’t get enough vitamin C each day, your immune system can suffer, increasing your chances of getting sick or developing an infection. Vitamin C-rich foods include oranges, lemon, guava, kiwi, strawberries, and papaya. . To keep your body, including your immune system, healthy, you should try to exercise for at least 30 minutes, three to five times a week. Exercise speeds up your metabolism and boosts your immune system’s strength. Try to work in cardiovascular exercise, weight training, and flexibility workouts. Cardio includes running, hiking, biking, swimming, and walking. Strength and flexibility training includes yoga, weight lifting, and stretching.", "Often, nasal polyps do not show symptoms, and you may live your whole life without knowing they are there. If polyps grow larger, however, you can experience complications that will require medical attention. If you have the following symptoms, you should visit the doctor and see if you are suffering from nasal polyps. If they test you and confirm that you have polyps, there are some medical treatments they may recommend. An excessively runny or stuffed up nose. Decreased sense of smell and taste. Pressure on the forehead or face. Feeling like your nose is clogged when mucus isn't present. Headaches. Pain in your upper row of teeth. Steroid sprays can help to reduce the size of your nasal polyps. If the polyps were small enough, they might disappear completely when treated with steroid sprays. Some steroid sprays are sold over the counter at pharmacies, but stronger varieties are available with a prescription. Talk to your doctor about using a steroid spray and see if it would work for you. Some of the common nasal sprays include beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone, and triamcinolone. Nasonex is the most common brand name for steroid nasal sprays. Nasal drops, like nasal spray, help to shrink your polyps. Nasal drops can also clear up congestion, which can help you to breathe more easily while your polyps shrink. Most nasal drops take between 7 and 14 days to begin reducing polyps, and it is generally recommended that you continue to use them for another four to six weeks. When administering nasal drops, you should bend fully forward and downward. You should almost feel like you are about to try to stand on your head. Put the drops in your nose while your head hangs down. Keep your head down for 3 to 4 minutes after administering the drops to make sure that the drops reach your nasal cavity. Prednisone is an oral corticosteroid that reduces swelling and inflammation. It can help treat the inflammation in your nose and thus reduce the size of your nasal polyps. You can only get this steroid through a prescription from your doctor. Normally, you would take the steroid for 7 to 10 days. While antibiotics won't help reduce your polyps, they will treat complications that could result from polyps. If polyps block the sinuses, they can cause a sinus infection because the trapped bacteria will multiply. If you have a sinus infection from your polyps, your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection. While these previous treatments will help shrink your polyps, usually the only way to get rid of polyps completely is with surgical removal. If polyps are persistent and causing significant discomfort, your doctor will probably suggest this option. To surgically remove nasal polyps, you will most likely have to get endoscopic sinus surgery. An endoscope—a long tube that has a light and video camera at the end—will be inserted in one of your nostrils and several tools will be used to remove your nasal polyps. You will be placed under general anesthesia during this operation. Usually you are well enough to go home the same day as your surgery. Remember that in some cases, the nasal polyps will return after two or three years.", ". Saline (or salt water) can help to reduce inflammation in your nose and dry up mucus that is blocking your nasal passageways. Salt slows down your body’s production of adiponectin, a chemical that is associated with inflammation. You can mix a half a teaspoon (or less) of table salt into a cup of boiling water and let it cool down to body temperature. Put this mixture in a clean squeeze bottle or a neti pot and rinse out your nasal passages. Breathing in steam through your nose will open up your nasal passages and thin out any thick mucus secretions caused by congestion. There are a few methods for using steam inhalation. Close all the windows and doors in your bathroom and run a hot shower to create your own personal steam room. To make your own steam inhalation setup, boil a pot of water. Pour the boiling water in a large bowl. Place a towel over your head and neck and put your face over the water bowl so that your nose is over the steam. Make sure that the towel is covering your head and the bowl so that no steam is escaping. Breathe in deeply so that you can feel the steam in your nose. Continue to do this until the water cools down. You can add essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus to enhance the nasal-clearing effect. Eating horseradish is a natural way to clear out your sinuses. Horseradish has antibacterial properties and a flavor and smell that can help to open up your nasal passages and reduce the size of your polyps. Try eating some horseradish. If you hate the strong flavor, mix it with honey. You can mix 200 mg of horseradish (about 2 cups) with two cups of honey. Keep the mixture in your fridge. Eat one teaspoon in the morning and one at night every day until your sinuses clear up and your polyp begins to shrink. Both garlic and onions are known to have antifungal and antibacterial properties that help loosen up nasal glands and shrink polyps. This is because both root vegetables contain quercetin, which helps to reduce inflammation. Try to eat two cloves of raw garlic and some pieces of raw onion twice a day for a week. If you hate the flavor, you can also take garlic and onion supplements. This is a herb from East Asia. It is also referred to as \"Fructus Xanthii\" in the ancient Chinese traditional medicine system. It has been used to treat nasal polyps and nasal congestion for centuries. This herb has an anti-inflammatory effect on nasal polyps. It is thought that Fructus Xanthii acts by suppressing part of the inflammatory system. This is also known as or Hydrastis Canadensis. It is a North American plant that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This is because it contains chemicals like berberine and hydrastine, both of which help to reduce inflammation. You must not use this herb if you are pregnant because it may adversely affect your uterus. This herb is used in traditional medicine to strengthen capillaries and increase blood circulation, as well as reduce polyps. You can purchase a diluted capsicum spray that can help to reduce pain in your nose, and will help to shrink your polyps. Make sure that the spray is diluted or else it may irritate your nose. You must also make sure that the capsicum does not get in your eyes or any open wounds you may have. Magnolia is a deciduous tree with bark and flowers that may shrink your polyps. The bark has mucolytic action, which means that it can break down mucus that is blocking your nasal passage. The flowers also have astringent action, which means that they can constrict the mucous membrane of your nose, reducing the size of your polyps. You should not use Magnolia if you are constipated or having digestive issues." ], "summary": [ "Get plenty of sleep each night. Eat a balanced diet Exercise daily", "Visit the doctor if you have symptoms of nasal polyps. Use steroid sprays. Try steroid nasal drops. Take prednisone. Take oral antibiotics. Consider surgery.", " Use a saline rinse to clear your nose and sinuses Try steam inhalation. Eat a combination of horseradish and honey to clear out the sinuses. Up your intake of garlic and onions. Take the herbal supplement Xanthium. Try taking goldenseal supplements. Use a diluted capsicum annum spray. Break down mucus with magnolia." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Nailing the Interview Process", "Developing the Right Skills", "Finding and Applying for a Job" ], "document": [ "by practicing questions. If you’re asked to do an interview, this means the recruiters think your skills might line up with the job and they want to get to know more about you. Practice answering questions about how you solve problems and make decisions, as well as more personal or creative questions. For example, if you're applying for a job as a Technical Program Manager, you might be asked a question like, \"What methodology do you use in your project management?\" Personal questions might include what you like to do in your spare time, what your dream job is, or what animal you would be. Go online and type \"Google interview questions\" into the search bar to find potential interview questions for your specific job. Make a list of any questions you have about the role so you can ask them during the interview. If you’ve been asked for a phone interview, congratulations! The initial interview will either be on the phone or on Google Hangout, and it will last anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Use the interview questions you practiced as a reference point. You’ll be talking to a potential peer or manager. If you’re asked coding questions, explain your thought process clearly. You’ll meet with 4 current Google employees for about 30-45 minutes each. Answer their questions about the qualities that Google looks for, like cognitive ability, leadership, expertise in your field, and Googleyness. You may have 2-3 different rounds of in-person interviews throughout the whole process. Ask questions during these interviews about both the specific job and the Google atmosphere. For example, if you're applying for a Field Sales Representative job, you might talk about the best ways to market and sell a product. If the interviewers like you, you'll be asked to complete additional tasks. These include things like coding, sales pitches, or presentations relating to your specific field. For instance, you might be asked to write lines of code if you’re applying for a software engineering role. A sales project might entail doing a mock sale and trying to get the interviewer interested in a product. If you did well in the interviews, the recruiters will send your information to executive review who has the final approval. If they want to hire you, you’ll get an official job offer through an email or phone call. If you don’t get the job, don’t worry! You can always apply again later on after you’ve gained more experience.", "in a field related to the job you want to make your application stand out. While it's not necessary to graduate with a degree in order to get a job at Google, it does help give you needed knowledge and skills. Find a program in the field you wish to study and put in the time and effort to earn a degree if desired. For example, if you're hoping to land a software engineering role, a degree in Computer Science or something similar is useful. Do a quick online search to find colleges near you with the program you'd like to study. If you can't earn your degree full-time, consider studying part-time or online. Real-world experience will make your application stand out. Gain as much experience as possible in the field that you want to work in. You could volunteer or take a part-time position at a marketing firm, for instance, if you want to become a part of Google's marketing team. Think about projects you completed in college or experience from past jobs that are relevant to the position you are applying for as well.greenbox: Tip: Google employers like when you have a record of completing open-source projects and other helpful experience related to the position you’re applying for.}} For example, if you’re applying for an engineering job, sharpen your coding skills as much as possible. Google recruiters want their employees to be leaders who step in when they see a problem that needs solving. However, they also think it’s super important to know when to step back when you’re not needed anymore. Think about times when you demonstrated this type of leadership, and be prepared to talk about it. Think about a role you had where you lead others. How did you use decision-making and communication skills to help them get moving? These are the kinds of questions you’ll be asked by Google. Even if you weren’t put in a position of power, give examples of times when you stepped up and helped the team succeed. ” To be hired at Google, they want you to have what they call Googleyness, which is a combination of character traits. This includes things like how well you’re able to work as a team, help others, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Employers want potential candidates to stand up for their thoughts and opinions while also being open to new information. Being humble by admitting that you’re wrong is one of their most valued qualities. Google likes well-rounded individuals. If you’re only focused on your job and have no other hobbies or interests, this might make it more difficult to land the job. Have other things you like to do, such as exploring nature, learning different languages, or inventing new gadgets. Mention your passions in your cover letter if they’re related to the job you’re applying for, or talk about your hobbies or interests in an interview if you’re given one. This doesn’t just mean that you’re super intelligent, but that you absorb information very quickly. Google recruiters look for people who have a love of learning and a fast mental processing speed. This kind of characteristic might be tested in an interview by asking you open-ended questions. Be prepared to explain your reasoning and use data to support your decision. Google encourages people to only apply to jobs that they feel they could really excel in and know a lot about the work they’d be doing. If you’re applying for a programming role, it’s important that you know at least 1 programming language very well, such as C++, Java, Python, or Go. If you’re applying for a sales position, you would want to know a lot about marketing and product knowledge. Knowledge of coding, algorithms, and data structures are all important skills for technical positions. While having a degree in your chosen field is helpful, Google puts more emphasis on experience than being a college graduate.", "so it shows off your skills and talents. Edit your resume so it reflects the skills and experience needed for the specific job. Google loves project-based experience, so make sure any projects you’ve worked on are explained on your resume. Keep your resume short—1 page is long enough. Many Google jobs don’t require you to write a cover letter because they believe they get an accurate picture of your skills and experience through your resume and application questions, though you can write one if you’d like. Add any leadership roles you had to your resume as well. All of Google’s jobs can be found on their job posting site at https://careers.google.com/jobs/. Scroll through the job listings until you find one you're interested in, and read the requirements to see if you're qualified for the job. Each listing will have a list of minimum qualifications, preferred qualifications, and details about the job. If you're willing to relocate for the job, great! If not, filter out jobs that are too far away by typing your city into the information bar. Once you've found a job you want to apply for, fill in the necessary information on the application. Attach your resume and answer each application question thoroughly, taking the time to give your best and most accurate responses. The application will have spots for you to fill in your name, higher education, and work experience. Once you’re finished and submit the application, you’ll receive an automated email telling you you’ve applied for the position. You’ll only hear from Google if the company believes you’re a good fit. Be patient; Google receives lots of applications, so it might take them time to sift through them. This is a great way to try to form a connection with a Google recruiter, and it has the potential to lead to an interview. Type \"Google recruiter\" into the search bar on LinkedIn to find people you can message. Update your LinkedIn profile so it shows all your best skills. Reaching out through LinkedIn shows that you’re serious about connecting with someone and really want the job. Send them a message such as, “Hello, I'm interested in the Software Engineering role at Google and was wondering if you could answer 1 or 2 of my questions.”" ], "summary": [ "Prepare for an interview Complete a phone interview if asked to do so. Meet the recruiters in person for a round of interviews. Complete projects or tests to demonstrate your skills. Receive an offer if Google wants to hire you.", "Graduate with a degree Get professional experience related to the position. Be an emergent leader by solving problems. Have intellectual humility, or “Googleyness. Enjoy passions outside of work. Show a strong learning ability. Demonstrate expertise in your chosen job area.", "Update your resume Find a job that suits your skills and experience. Fill out the application for the job you’re interested in. Reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn to get your foot in the door." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Starting the Dab" ], "document": [ "Raise up both of your arms so they are going straight out from your shoulders. Then, bend one arm in towards your body, as if you are preparing to sneeze into your hand. Keep the other arm straight." ], "summary": [ "Lift your arms out to your sides." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating Your Itinerary", "Saving Time and Money at the Park", "Arranging Your Transportation and Accommodations" ], "document": [ "As one of the largest and most popular theme parks in the United States, Disney World is likely going to be crowded no matter what time of year you go. If you are trying to avoid crowds and you do not have to work around your children’s school schedule, you may want to avoid visiting Disney World on school or national holidays. This will allow you to avoid crowds of families traveling to the park for the same school holidays and breaks. If you have to factor in your children’s school schedule, you may want to pick dates in the fall, winter, or spring months, as the park can be crowded and hot during the summer months. You can also use Disney World’s crowd calendar tool to check the best times to visit the park. Even if you end up with dates that may be on busy or crowded days, if you plan other factors of your trip correctly, you can still avoid long waits for attractions and save money on your trip by taking a few preparatory steps. You can check the Disney World event program online to look up the special events and attractions going on for that year or season. Quite often, new attractions and rides are being introduced to the public, and your family may be interested in visiting the park for these attractions. The biggest seasonal events at Disney World occur in the fall and at Christmas, so you may decide to visit the park for these special events. In September, the park hosts the Food & Wine Festival at Epcot and in October, the park holds a Halloween Party in the Magic Kingdom. In November and December, the park holds Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party and so, going during Christmas can be a good time to visit, as the weather is mild, the crowds can be lighter, and the park is lit up with lights and other special attractions. Sit down with your family or your travel companions and look over the list of attractions at Walt Disney World that will be operating during the dates you picked. Discuss and create a list of your top, must-see attractions. Use this list as your day-to-day itinerary. Some of the major attractions at Disney World include: Four theme parks: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios (formerly Disney-MGM Studios) Two water parks: Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon Five golf courses Two mini-golf courses Two dinner shows Boardwalk entertainment district Disney Springs shopping and dining district A completely sortable list of the attractions at Disney World can be found on the Walt Disney World interactive website. Due to the scale of Disney World, you should try to plan for at least five to seven full days at the park. This may mean that you set aside one to two days for travel time to and from Orlando, for a total stay of seven to ten days. Five full days will give you enough time to visit all four theme parks and experience many of the attractions, shows, and parades. If you want to have a more leisurely time to experience the park or try some of the extra activities, like the water parks or golfing, you may opt for seven full days at the park. Keep in mind Disney has made it more cost-efficient to do longer trips, as seven-day tickets do not cost much more than four-day tickets. If possible, you should try to commit at least five days at the park to get the full experience. Once you determine your top must-see attractions, your travel dates, and the duration of your visit, you should create a day to day itinerary. This way, you can be sure to fit in everything you would like to see and stay organized once you get to the park. You may decide to spend at least one full day at each theme park, with breaks at specific restaurants for lunch in each of the parks. You may also factor in a specific show at the park that you would like to see or a parade. You should also account for time spent at other attractions, like the water park or the mini-golf course. Certain restaurants at each of the park require reservations, and because of their heavier guest population, must be booked at least six to eight months before your trip. Look at a dining guide for the park and add several dining options to your itinerary. Disney also offers a Dining Plan as an add-on, where you pay for access to dining spots in the park. You may decide to save money by bringing your own snacks and preparing your own meals to bring into the park. Although expensive, the dining at Disney World is known to be eclectic and worth trying, so you may decide to treat yourself to dining in the park one or two days during your visit, and brown-bagging the other meals the other days.", "Avoid paying high fees for tickets by buying your park passes in advance. You can use the Disney World website to check out the prices and select passes for the theme parks you are planning to visit. Disney ticket prices drop with every extra day to your visit you add, so try to buy all your passes at once. Passes can be very expensive when purchased through Disney’s website, so you may want to consider buying your passes from an authorized third-party seller. You can do this through a third-party seller like Undercover Tourist. You can also look for discounts through your local auto club (Triple-A has discounts on these theme park tickets when you have an account with them), your student union, your human resources office at work, or through Veteran Affairs if you are in the military. Do not buy passes on sites like Craigslist, eBay, or other unauthorized online ticket brokers. You cannot use someone else’s unused Disney tickets, as Disney will not accept tickets that are registered under someone else’s name. You cannot take coolers into the parks, but you can take backpacks and purses. Load up your bag with supplies like sunscreen, toiletries, band-aids, refillable water bottles, and snacks. Food and supplies in the park are often expensive so avoid spending extra money on items you can bring with you. If you are a large party, you should each have a bag loaded with basic supplies, including non-perishable snacks and a refillable water bottle for every member who will be visiting the park that day. This will ensure that everyone in your party is prepared for a day of walking around outside and enjoying the park. A backpack is also useful for any leftovers you may have if you do decide to eat at a dining spot in the park. This way, you can snack on the leftovers later in the day. Beat the crowds by arriving at the park right at opening time. The beginning of the day is often less crowded and cooler than the afternoon, and this way, you can take advantage of all the park has to offer. This will also allow you to take a break in the middle of the day when the crowds and the heat are often at their worst and then return to the park in the evening. Most of the theme parks open at 9 am and have Extra Magic hours, where they stay open later in the evening as well. Getting to the park early can also help you get a better parking spot at your chosen theme park. Once you pay for parking for that day, you will be able to reuse that day to enter any other Disney World theme park at no additional charge for the day. One of the biggest hurdles during a visit to Disney World is the long lines for attractions and rides. You can download MyDisneyExperience or the Lines app to determine the wait time for each ride or attraction while you are at the park. You can then plan your visit around line times and avoid standing in long lines, which will eat up your chance to try other things at the park. The app works for iPhone, Android, and other smartphones. Preserve your Disney World experience by taking lots of photographs of the attractions, the shows, the rides, and of you posing with your favorite Disney characters. You can then save money by framing these photos and keeping them as souvenirs of your trip. There are photographers hired by Disney to help you capture your special moments at the park for which they can stick it on a card and you can print them out at home (or for an additional charge, you can have them printed out at the park). Make sure you are aware of the price of the photographs before you get have them printed.", "Transportation and accommodations can be one of the more expensive aspects of your visit to Disney World, especially if you are traveling far from home. You may want to consider your total budget for the trip and then break it down based on your planned budget for your transportation and your accommodations. This way, you will be able to stay within your budget and avoid overspending. You may also want to factor in how many people are going with you on your visit. If you are traveling with more than four people in total, you may need to budget for two rooms or a suite that can fit four or more people. Disney World resorts do not allow four or more people in a single room unless you are traveling with children under the age of three. If you have a larger travel party, you may need to plan for cheaper transportation, like driving rather than flying. You should also consider a travel package through Disney World resorts to save money, especially if you are traveling with a large group. If you are looking to save money and driving to Orlando is feasible from your home base, you may go for the road trip option. This is a good option for a large travel party and if the available flights for your travel dates are expensive. Having a car to get around Orlando is also ideal, as it is not a great city for walking or public transit. The driving option is good if you are planning to stay at an off-site, budget hotel, as you can then drive to and from the park every day at your own designated times. Paying for parking can be pricey, but it is likely more budget-friendly than splurging for plane tickets for the entire family. You should also budget in the cost of gas to drive to Orlando and back. If you live in the Mountain or Pacific time zones, keep in mind you are closer to Disneyland than Disney World. If you would prefer to fly to Orlando, you may consider booking a flight to Orlando online or through a travel agent. You may look for cheaper flights based on your travel dates and then stay off-site at a hotel close to Disney World. You should keep an eye on flight prices for your travel dates and book them in advance to get the best rates. Another option is to book a flight package through Disney Resorts, where you get your flights and accommodations together. You should consult with a travel agent who specializes in Disney World travel, as these experts will likely be able to get you the best rates. Each Disney resort is unique and offers a range of accommodation options. If you are planning to splurge a little for your visit, you may consider staying in an official Disney resort to make your stay that much more luxurious. Staying at a Disney resort gets you free transportation from the airport to the resort (via the Disney Magical Express line) as well as access to Disney buses, boats, and park monorails. Many Disney resorts also offer larger pools and other recreational options that are family-oriented. You can find more information on each Disney resort on the Disney World website. If you decide to stay at a Disney resort, you should look at discount options on the Disney website or speak to a travel agent that specializes in Disney vacations about discounts for onsite accommodations. If you are traveling to Disney World on a budget, you may decide to stay at an off-site hotel or resort. Larger parties of four to five people tend to go for off-property resorts, which are often located very close to Disney World. These resorts tend to feel higher-end and less motel-like, with amenities for larger parties. Talk to a travel agent about off-property resort options. You can also choose a quality off-site hotel that is close to Disney World. It’s best to have a car or rent a car if you go for this option, as you will need to get to and from the park on your own. You can check rates online and use websites that allow you to bid on rooms at hotels close to Disney World for your travel dates." ], "summary": [ "Plan your vacation dates to avoid the crowds. Check for any special events or special attractions. Determine which attractions you would like to visit. Go for five to seven days to get a full experience of the park. Make a day to day itinerary.", "Buy your park passes ahead of time. Bring your own snacks and supplies. Get to the park early. Use the MyDisneyExperience (by Disney) or the Lines (by Len Testa) apps to avoid long lines and crowds. Take lots of photographs and bring them home as souvenirs.", "Determine your budget. Drive to Orlando for a cheaper option. Book a flight. Stay at a Disney World resort if you can afford it. Choose an off-site accommodation if you are trying to save money." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Software Fixes", "Using General Fixes", "Changing DNS Settings on Windows", "Using Hardware Fixes", "Changing DNS Settings on Mac" ], "document": [ "You should always keep your computer, smartphone, and/or tablet updated to the most recent operating system, with the exception to this rule being that you should skip this step if the item is slowing down because of age. To do so, click one of the following links for your preferred item: Windows Mac iPhone Android on your computer. Sometimes malware or viruses can interfere with a computer's ability to access the Internet. Running antivirus software will locate and remove any harmful programs on your computer. It's a good idea to run antivirus scans once a week or so, even if everything seems to be running fine. An out-of-date Internet browser can result in slow webpage load times, choppy video, and many more symptoms commonly associated with Internet issues. For instructions on how to do so, click one of the following links: Update Google Chrome Update Firefox Update Safari . Another aspect of your browser that can cause Internet trouble is the browser's cache. Cached information allows websites to load faster after accessing them once, but it will also result in errors and connection issues if the website's cache doesn't match the browser's records. Websites will be a little bit slower to load the first time visiting them after clearing the cache; this is normal. from your browser. The final component of your browser's performance; if your browser has several toolbars or add-ons, removing them will speed up your browser. These two browsers are generally faster than other competitors, and are available for all platforms, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, and Android. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) allow you to avoid ISP restrictions by using external servers. While this usually won't improve your Internet speed if your ISP doesn't restrict or throttle your connection, using a VPN will prevent your ISP from volitionally slowing down your network.", "There are virtually countless reasons why your Internet might not be performing as you expect it to, but a few common reasons include the following: Old software or hardware Too many other computers or mobile items on the network Ongoing downloads Signal interference from walls or other appliances Low Internet speed from your Internet Service Provider . You pay for a certain amount of Mbps (megabits) per second of upload and download speed; checking your actual upload and download speed will give you an approximate idea of how close you are to the advertised speed. Many Internet Service Providers advertise speeds of \"up to\" a certain number, meaning that the top speed itself isn't guaranteed. Most of the time, your computer's highest upload or download speed will be a little bit lower than the advertised speed. If the actual speed is close to the advertised speed, your ISP isn't the problem. Check your service plan to see what speed you are paying for, then compare that number with the actual speed that you found. If the speeds aren't anywhere close to each other, you'll need to call your ISP. If you haven't upgraded your internet in a long time, you may be able to find faster internet for lower prices. Check all of the providers in your area. Don't fall for the megabit/megabyte trap. ISPs advertise in megabits, not megabytes. There are 8 megabits (Mb) in a megabyte (MB), so if you are paying for 25 megabits per second (Mbps), then that's just over 3 megabytes per second (MBps) of actual transfer speed. If you are connected to the internet via a Wi-Fi router, you'll find that your Internet speed drops as you move further away from your router. Stay as close as possible to your router for maximum Internet speed. Make sure that your router and your computer have plenty of room all the way around to prevent overheating. If your router's signal has to travel through even one wall or appliance (e.g., a refrigerator), its signal will be weakened. A good rule of thumb is to have your router visible from where you're using your computer or mobile at all times. If your router is on a different floor than you, you may not even be able to receive a signal. Like a freeway, your Wi-Fi network can only handle a certain amount of traffic before it slows down. If possible, make sure that your computer is the only connection to your router; this will give you the best Internet results. It isn't always feasible to limit Internet access to one computer, but you can turn off and unplug things like smart TVs, extra computers, video game consoles, and anything else (e.g., an extra smartphone or tablet) that maintains an Internet connection even when turned off. instead of Wi-Fi. Most computers can plug directly into the back of the router using an Ethernet cable, which removes the lag time between the router's signal departing and your computer receiving the signal. If you use a Mac computer, you'll most likely need an Ethernet to USB-C adapter if you want to plug your computer into the router. You cannot connect mobile platforms (e.g., smartphones and tablets) to Ethernet.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Type in control panel, then click Control Panel at the top of the Start window. Click the phrase to the right of the \"View by\" heading in the upper-right corner of the page, then click Large icons in the resulting drop-down menu. If the phrase next to \"View by\" is \"Large icons\", skip this step. It's on the far-right side of the Control Panel window. This link is in the upper-left side of the window. Click the current Wi-Fi connection, then click Change settings of this connection at the top of the window. It's in the pane that's in the middle of the Properties window. You'll find this button below the pane. Doing so opens a new window. It's near the bottom of the pop-up window. Do one of the following depending on whether you'd rather use OpenDNS or Google servers: Google — Type into the \"Preferred DNS server\" text box, then type into the \"Alternate DNS server\" text box. OpenDNS — Type into the \"Preferred DNS server\" text box, then type into the \"Alternate DNS server\" text box. It's at the bottom of the pop-up window. You'll find this at the bottom of the window. Doing so saves and applies your settings.", "Routers, modems, computers, smartphones, and tablets all suffer a certain amount of depreciation after a few years. If one or more of these items is exceptionally older—four or more years, to be precise—you will invariably encounter some Internet problems. Unfortunately, the best solution to old technology is purchasing new technology. Another situation in which you'll notice problems is if you recently installed a brand-new operating system on an old computer or mobile platform. Especially if your router and/or modem is more than three years old, you'll want to upgrade to a more recent model. This is commonly known as \"power-cycling\", and it allows your router to clear out its internal cache and start from scratch. Restarting your router will also prompt it to re-select the least busy Wi-Fi channel, which is something that may change daily depending on your location. You can program your router to restart itself daily from within its settings page. Out-of-date router firmware can prevent your router from maintaining a consistent connection. This is a process that varies from router to router, so you'll need to check your router's manual to verify the process. Typically, though, you'll go to the router's settings page, find the Update or Install Firmware button, and click it. This is especially important if you just bought a brand-new router, or if you use a router that's more than a year or two old. Line-of-sight between your work area and your router is important, but it doesn't matter if there are several dampening appliances near the router. Dampening appliances can be anything from baby monitors to microwaves to refrigerators, so make sure that your router is far away from these items. Your router should also be up relatively high. If your router is at a lower level that the level at which you use your computer, phone, tablet, and so on, you'll probably run into Internet connection issues. The old \"turn it off and then on again\" method actually works quite well when it comes to resetting an Internet connection, especially when using an item that hasn't been turned completely off in several days. . Wi-Fi range extenders are small items that receive your router's Wi-Fi signal and amplify it, allowing your Wi-Fi to reach you in places that it previously couldn't. Wi-Fi range extenders can cost upward of $50, but they're often cheaper than buying a new router. You can always make your own range extender if you have a spare aluminum can. Make sure that your selected range extender will work with your model of router before buying one. . As mentioned previously, there's only so much that you can do with old technology. If your router and/or modem is more than a few years old, buying a new one will almost certainly increase your Internet speed and reception. Make sure that you check out the next section of this article before spending any money.", "Click the Apple logo in the top-left corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear. It's in the drop-down menu. You'll find this option in the System Preferences window. Clicking it opens a new window. Click your current Wi-Fi connection in the left-hand sidebar. It's at the bottom of the window. Doing so will open yet another window. This tab is at the top of the window. It's in the bottom-left corner of the window. Do one of the following depending on whether you'd rather use OpenDNS or Google servers: Google — Type and press ⏎ Return. OpenDNS — Type and press ⏎ Return. Again, do one of the following depending on the address you initially chose: Google — Type and press ⏎ Return. OpenDNS — Type and press ⏎ Return. It's at the bottom of the window. This will save your DNS settings. This option is at the bottom of the window. Doing so applies your DNS settings to your network." ], "summary": [ "Update your computer or mobile item. Run an antivirus scan Update your Internet browser. Clear your browser's cached files Remove toolbars Use Google Chrome or Firefox. Try using a VPN.", "Understand what might be causing slow Internet speed. Check your Internet speed Compare your speed results against your plan. Decrease the distance between your computer and your router. Establish a line of sight between your computer and the router. Minimize the number of items on the network. Use Ethernet", "Open Start . Open Control Panel. Switch the view mode to large icons. Click Network and Sharing Center. Click Change adapter settings. Open your connection's properties. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Click Properties. Check the \"Use the following DNS server\" box. Enter a new DNS address in each of the boxes. Click OK. Click Close.", "Determine how old your hardware is. Unplug your router and modem for a few minutes. Upgrade your router's firmware. Reposition your router. Restart any Internet-connected items. Use a Wi-Fi range extender Buy a new router", "Open the Apple menu . Click System Preferences…. Click Network. Select your connection. Click Advanced…. Click the DNS. Click +. Enter a primary DNS address. Click + again, then enter a secondary DNS address. Click OK. Click Apply." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Basic Music Video from Scratch" ], "document": [ "You need to have a copy of the song already on your computer in order to make your video. If you do not have the music file, you can buy it or download it online. Common pictures include album artwork, shots of the band playing music, hanging out, and at live shows, and images that relate to the words currently being sung. You can even choose to put lyrics up as they're sung in certain moments. There is no wrong series of pictures to put up, but you should think about what the song says to you and how you want to portray it. The most popular videos have photos that fit seamlessly with the music being played. Think of a theme or story in advance that you want to tell. You can use pictures from your own life or those found online. Know, however, that it is illegal to profit off of someone else's work, so you cannot charge people for the music video unless the pictures and song are all your own. Make a folder labeled \"Music Video\" on your desktop. As you find photos, pull them into this folder. If everything is in the same place to begin with, your life will be much easier in the future. Good places to find photos include: Stock photography sites. Your own collections. Online image searches. The musician's bio or photo page. You can use almost any video editing software you want, from Windows MovieMaker and iMovie, to Avid and Final Cut, as these videos are simple and can be handled by most software. You can even use the most recent version of Powerpoint on Open Office, which can save presentations as movies. Click and drag your song into the timeline to determine the length of your video. This process is slightly different for each program, but you should end up with each photo end to end on your editing timeline. The first shot should be lined up with the start of the song. Usually you can click and drag the files right from your folder into the editing program. If this doesn't work, try \"File\" → \"Import,\" then find the photos. Click and drag them after importing into the video work station. To determine the number of seconds, simply multiply 60 by the number of minutes in the song, then add the leftover seconds. Therefore, a 2:40 long song would be 160 seconds long (60x2=120, + 40 = 160). Divide this number by your photos to determine the total length of each shot. For example, if you had 80 photos for a 160 second song, you'd need each photo to last for two seconds to fit the whole video. If you want some photos to go longer than others, you can simply use this as a guideline. Simply start with the appropriate number of seconds per photo, then adjust individual photos by hand. Click on all the photos by either dragging and highlighting, or Shift+Click. Right click on them and choose, \"Set Length of Clips.\" Choose right amount of time for your video, depending on what you tested earlier. It may not be labeled as \"Set Length of Clips,\" but it will be similar. Some other possibilities are: \"Duration,\" \"Clip Length,\" or \"Clip Timing.\" Some programs, like iMovie, let you change the duration of all stills, by default, in \"Preferences.\" Simply set \"Duration of Stills\" to your desired length. Once you've finished your video, click on Save As or Export and choose and MP4 or MOV (Quicktime) file. These are the easiest to get onto YouTube, and they will not take up a lot of space on your computer. Exporting is when you take the video project and convert it into a full movie. If you don't get an option for MP4 under \"Save As,\" you'll likely need to export. You'll need to make an account. From their you can click on \"Upload\" to put your video up on the internet for all to see. Choose a good thumbnail of the song or band to help viewers find you, and be sure to name the song and artist in the title. YouTube has strict copyright laws, and if you are not the rights owner of a song, there is a chance that your video will be taken down. You do, however, have a few strikes before losing YouTube privileges." ], "summary": [ "Pick a song for which you want to make a video. Determine what kinds of pictures you want to include. Download all of the photos into a dedicated folder. Open a video editing program and import your song. Click and drag all of your photos onto the timeline next to the song. Divide the number of seconds in the song by the number of photos you have to determine how long each shot should be. Highlight all of your photos and set the length to fit your video. Save your final video as an MP4 or MOV file. Upload the video on YouTube." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Detaching Permanently from a Relationship", "Detaching from a Situation", "Detaching Temporarily from a Relationship", "Setting Boundaries" ], "document": [ "If you are trying to get over someone, even someone you are still on good terms with, take a break from texting or talking with him or her. If you aren't in contact, keep it that way. If you are still in contact, the next time you are in a conversation mention that you need some time to yourself. Say \"I hope we can be friends again, but I can't just jump into it. I need time to process.\" Hang out with other people. Enjoy the company of your family and friends. If you lost friends in the separation, or are unsure who you can contact of your mutual friends, feel it out slowly. Try getting in contact with your closest people first, and see what happens from there. Make it hard to think about the person you are detaching from. Set the external boundary of detaching via social media. If you are on good terms with your ex but are trying to get space, you can temporarily close your account on whatever websites you both use. It can be helpful to avoid pictures of your ex, and, while you are in a wounded state, it can be helpful to spend some time away from images of other people's lives as well. If you are not on good terms, you can just block or unfriend him or her. Depending on the website, you may be able to temporarily block notifications from the person without changing your status as \"friends.\" However, if you are worried about obsessively checking their material and getting bummed out, you should either shut down your account or drop them as \"friend.\" Every relationship is full of the fantasy of itself. If your relationship ended, there were probably reasons all along. Once you break up, you might only remember the good parts, or what might have been. Dwell for a while instead on the conflicts, the letdowns, and the things you couldn't do then and can do now. You don't have to vilify your partner. Just remind yourself that the two of you were not having an easy time of it and that if it hadn't ended, it might have gotten worse. If you are having trouble remembering what went wrong, try writing down every weak moment of your relationship. Read it over and allow yourself to grieve. After you have allowed yourself to feel the anger and pain of your breakup, choose to move on. Let go of your anger. Allow yourself to feel compassion for yourself and your ex. When you catch yourself feeling angry or resentful, name how you feel. Say \"I resent that I always paid for our meals out\" or \"I am still angry that she or he never asked me what I wanted,\" or \"I'm ashamed that I lost my temper with her instead of hearing her out.\" Write a letter. You do not have to share it with your ex, but you can if you wish. Write out how you have felt and how you feel now. Forgiveness does not mean condoning anything that happened in the relationship. Rather, it means letting go of the anger that clouds your mood and harms your health. Your focus in the months or even years after a relationship ends is learning how to live well without a partner. Once you have grieved, been angry, and worked on forgiveness, you can start working on enjoying yourself. Do things that make you feel balanced: take good care of your health, spend time with friends, do a great job at work, and enjoy outside activities. If you are miserable, try visiting a therapist. It doesn't have to be forever, but if your breakup has plunged you into a depression, or if you are feeling urges of self-harm, talk to a professional. It's fine to grieve for a relationship that has ended, but don't let yourself dwell forever on what might have been. Instead, think of the things you learned from falling in love, from negotiating your partnership, and from breaking up. Remind yourself that a relationship that ends isn't a bad relationship: relationships can be good and short. When you're really feeling right with yourself, you'll be ready to date again. To see if you're ready, ask yourself if you're still angry at your ex, if you still want to be with your ex, if you feel unattractive, or if you are still feeling sad or unbalanced. If you aren't feeling any of these ways, you're probably ready to date.", "If you notice you are constantly getting in fights in a certain mood or when certain things are said, detach before you get angry. To do this, recognize the triggers and prepare for moments in which they may appear. Go back over past confrontations and isolate the things that made you angry, or made the other person angry. You might notice that your partner always picks a fight when she or he is stressed about work. On stressful workdays, you can prepare to detach ahead of time by reminding yourself that she or he may be in a bad mood later. If the issue is not between you and one person, but rather between you and one situation, recognize that situation. For instance, you might always start to panic in bad traffic. Recognize that this is a big stressor for you. When a moment escalates, or when a trigger is presented, take a moment to calm yourself down. Remind yourself what is happening, and take two deep breaths. Remember that in these moments you can only control yourself, not anybody else. Take as much time as you need to step away from a confrontation. Spend some time stating how you feel. Say \"I feel angry that my mother tried to tell me what to do, and I feel frustrated that when I said this she started yelling at me.\" Naming your emotions will give you some space from them. Only return when you can name how you feel without feeling a new surge of emotion. If it feels safe to take a physical break from a situation you would like to de-escalate, go ahead and take it. A walk around the block or a little time to yourself in another room can help you calm down. On your break, focus on how you feel. Try to name it if you can. Forget your partner for a moment, and take care of your own feelings. You can return when you are ready to re-engage. Come back calmly, knowing that your partner may still be upset.", "If you are unhappy in a relationship, ending it quickly may rob you of the possibility to get to the root of the problem. It can take months to figure out if your partnership can improve or not. In some cases, it might make sense to detach emotionally for a short period, while staying in the relationship. For instance, you might detach if your relationship has soured due to a recent change in you and your partner's routine. You might both just need time to readjust. If you and your significant other are constantly at odds, or in an on-again-off-again pattern, consider detaching. When tensions die down, both of you can reach a better decision about whether or not the relationship should continue. Don't detach before you have tried seriously to fix the issues in your relationship. Detachment should only be employed if you are on the verge of breaking up. If you live together, have a child, or own a pet, a home, or business, you will need to remain physically present and attentive. Detaching emotionally means holding back emotionally from the relationship for a while, but you can still share labor and everyday activities with your partner. If you and your partner do not share responsibility for a child, another dependent, a pet, a home, or business, you may have the option of taking physical time apart. Take a business trip or a vacation by yourself, or with a group of non-intimate acquaintances, such as a hiking group. Don't announce your plans to detach, but if asked, say that you are thinking about the relationship and focusing on yourself for a while. You may not want to use the word \"detach\" or \"disengage\" unless that is the language you and your partner already share. Instead, say you need time to focus on a project you have, on getting right with yourself, or on work. It is unfair to your partner if you expect emotional support from them while simultaneously withholding your emotions from them. It will also make it hard for you to stay disengaged. Rely on your friends and family for advice and socialization. Confide in friends and family that are your own, rather than yours and your partner's. In your time detached, focus on figuring out your feelings. What do you need to change in your relationship? What of your needs are unmet? It may help to talk to a therapist. This is a time of sorting through your own feelings, not criticizing your partner. Abstain from sexual contact during this time. If you have realized that you want to stay in the relationship, you may have to woo your partner back. He or she may feel hurt and abandoned by your detachment. Explain that you were afraid of breaking up and that you were trying to cool off and not make a rash decision. Make an honest attempt to state your needs and listen to the needs of your partner. If you have decided that your relationship is over, use the perspective gained in your detachment to compassionately end your relationship.", "Boundaries are the restrictions you set to protect yourself. You have emotional, mental, physical, and sexual boundaries. They can be learned from parents as you grow up, or you can acquire them by hanging around people who have their own set of healthy boundaries. If you are having trouble managing your time, habits, or your emotions, you may have poor boundaries. If you feel overwhelmed by the feelings of others, or feel that your self-image comes entirely from other people, you need to attend to your boundaries. If you often say \"yes\" to things you don't want to do, set boundaries. Pay attention to your senses. Do you feel something is wrong? Do you have an unpleasant sensation in your stomach or chest? This may indicate that a boundary wants to be asserted. When you know what you want, or don't want, act. Set boundaries for yourself: a daily schedule, a refusal to accept insults. Set boundaries with others: space from arguments, a refusal to give in to pressure, a refusal to let others put their emotions on you. Say \"no\" when asked to do something you don't want to do. Choose with whom you discuss your life. If you have a parent, friend, or partner who is controlling, don't give them fodder by sharing information with them. Say you will only discuss a topic if you are given no advice (and no orders). When you need to establish a boundary with someone, you need to be able to communicate without worrying overmuch about their reaction. This is where emotional detachment comes in. Before you communicate, remind yourself that you are not responsible for how they feel. You have a right to set boundaries. You can communicate boundaries verbally or non-verbally. As a simple example, when you need someone to give you space, you might stand up, look the person in the eye, and directly state, \"I need some space right now.\" You may encounter initial resistance from those who are used to getting the reaction they want from you. Hold on to your convictions. Do not compromise a boundary. If you are accused of being withholding or unloving, say \"I am being loving. It wouldn’t be loving of me to pretend I want something I don't.\" For example, if you set boundaries with an elderly parent you care for who is verbally abusive to you, your parent may stop that behavior once he or she sees that you will not tolerate it. Detach emotionally from the expectation that your boundaries will be respected. If you are unable to communicate boundaries to someone, or if you communicate boundaries and they are not respected, take charge of them. Set consequences for violated boundaries: say \"if you call me names, I will leave the room. If you go through my phone, I will feel violated and I will tell you exactly how I feel.\" If someone in your life is abusive or unable to control his or her own anger, enact your boundaries without communication. Take the space you want. Leave if a confrontation is brewing. Put up physical barriers to things you don't want to be violated. Set a password on your computer and phone, for instance. If you are a caretaker for a parent who won't respect your boundaries, try hiring someone else to take care of your parent until both of you can calm down and reach a better understanding." ], "summary": [ "Take a break from your ex. Take a break from social media. Remember why it ended. Practice forgiveness. Take care of yourself. Call it a transition, not a loss. Date when you're ready.", "Recognize moments that can easily escalate. Stay calm. Return when you are calm. Exit if possible.", "Decide if detachment is appropriate. Detach without neglecting shared responsibilities. Take physical space. Explain to your partner that you need to focus on yourself for a while if you are asked. Get support from friends. Focus on getting in touch with yourself. Decide what's next.", "Check in on your boundaries. Enforce your boundaries. Detach to communicate your intentions. Stick to your boundaries. Have a backup plan." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making the Break Up Permanent", "Having the Break Up Conversation", "Pushing Your Partner Away" ], "document": [ "This will likely only lead to confused feelings and emotions on both sides, and will erode any finality the breakup may have had. Some people may prefer to completely cut themselves off from their partner to recover from a break up, but over time, you might find you are comfortable enough to reconnect with your former partner. Only do this once a significant period of time has passed and you feel you have moved on from the relationship, even if you were the one who did the breaking up. The violence you experienced with your partner could continue after you have broken up or take the form of stalking or harassment. Avoid communicating with the person and state clearly only once via email or text that you want no further contact with them and any you have will be regarded as harassment. Keep a record of any unwanted contact, but do not reply. Call the police if there is repeated contact or direct threats.", "Though it may be tempting to dodge your partner or act out and hurt them on purpose, having a mature discussion about how you feel will likely end in less hurt feelings and a more civil break up. Rather than play the avoidance game, recognize that your partner deserves to know how you’re feeling and that you are unhappy in the relationship. The healthiest way to get someone to break up with you is to discuss your unhappiness in the relationship with them in person, face to face. This will ensure you can part in a mature, respectful way that will not cause unnecessary pain to either of you. Be prepared for your partner to argue with you and claim they can change or that you are wrong about the relationship. Try to put yourself in their position and sympathize if they express hurt feelings or anger. Remain calm and return to a phrase you feel comfortable with, such as: “This relationship isn’t working for me”, or “I no longer want to be in this relationship.” Avoid phrases that can seem like generic excuses, such as: “It’s not you, it’s me,” or “We just weren’t meant to be together.” Explain why you don’t want things between you to continue and focus on how you feel rather than listing your partner’s faults or issues. Keep in mind this may open you up to criticism or anger from your partner, so be prepared and try to remain calm. Regardless of any tears or raw emotion that come up during the conversation, it’s important to stick to your decision and commit to the break up. It is also important to give your partner space and time to accept the breakup so cut off communication with them and create distance between you. A ‘clean break’ is usually the best way to end a relationship. If you are trying to get an abusive or violent spouse to break up with you, it is not as simple as sitting them down for a one on one conversation. Telling your partner you plan to leave may be dangerous and greatly increase the risk of violence to you and/or others. You will need time to plan your exit, possibly with the help of a trusted friend or family member. There are several free domestic violence helplines you can call to get advice on your options for leaving your spouse and getting out safely.", "Don’t pick up their calls or answer their texts, and ignore them if they ask to spend time with you. This sort of physically distancing from your partner will likely indicate to them that something is wrong in the relationship. Keep in mind this will likely also cause more drama and anger from your partner, which may then lead to angry voicemails and “surprise” visits that could get ugly. This is one way you can deflect blame from your actions to the actions of your partner, and hurt them enough that they will consider ending the relationship. Keep in mind this method can lead to a permanent break between you and your partner, and will likely put you in a bad light in their eyes. This is another avoidance tactic that will likely hurt and upset your partner so much, they may end your relationship. Be aware that flirting and/or cheating will involve individuals outside your relationship and could make the situation even more complicated and stressful as you are now dealing with the feelings of two “partners” rather than just one. This is also a very destructive and drastic way to get someone to break up with you." ], "summary": [ "Avoid getting physical with the person after the break up. Wait a sufficient period of time before spending time with the person. Seek legal assistance if the person exhibits stalking behavior or harassment.", "Think about the benefits of discussing your desire to break up with your partner. Sit your partner down and discuss your feelings in person. Be honest and straightforward, but also sensitive to their feelings. Be specific about why you want to break up. Be sensitive but firm about your decision to break up. Seek help if the relationship was/is abusive or violent.", "Avoid or ignore them. Blame them for the problems in the relationship. Cheat on them or make them jealous by flirting with other people." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Choosing Your Equipment", "Reeling in a Catch", "Using Jigs" ], "document": [ "For jig fishing, purchase a heavy action or extra-heavy action rod. A stronger rod will handle large fish better and hold up if your line gets caught in the heavy cover (e.g. seaweed) that they often hide in. Shop for a fishing rod at your local sporting goods store to properly gauge the feel and sturdiness of different models. Purchase a heavy braided fishing line of 50 pounds or more for jig fishing to avoid breaking. Heavier lines will not stretch, allowing you to pull in bigger fish more efficiently. A sturdier line will also stand up to thick cover like heavy vegetation and be easier to free if it gets stuck. If possible, try to use jigs that resemble the prey of the fish you are trying to catch (e.g. smaller fish local to the body of water). Jigs come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. To start, buy an assortment of jigs to experiment with, and to use in different water temperatures and with different types of cover.", "Be sure to keep a close eye on your fishing line while it is in the water. When you have a bite, your line will usually jolt at the surface of the water. Watch for this sort of movement, as it may not be jarring enough for you to feel it all the way through your line and fishing rod. Big fish will put a lot of pressure on the line as they try to swim away. Once a fish has gone for your bait, lower your fishing rod to a 45 degree angle and hold on tightly. Stay in this position until the fish stops pulling on the line. Holding the line steady, pull the fishing rod upwards as if you want to form a 90 degree angle. Lower the rod back to a 45 degree angle, engage your reel and begin to pull in your catch. Repeat this raising/lowering/and reeling-in pattern until you bring in your catch.", "Hold the fishing rod with your casting hand at the base of the reel. Leave about 12 inches (approximately 30 cm) of line hanging between your bait hook and the tip of the rod. Grab the line with your index finger and keep it taut. Make sure that there is nothing behind you for the line to catch onto (e.g., a tree or other person). Aim the line at the line towards the spot in the water you want it to land in, then pull it backwards. Cast it out and release your index finger from the line. After casting your rod, wait several seconds for the jig hook to reach the bottom. If the bait is heavy enough you may feel the spoon hit the bottom. Note that lightweight jig hooks will take longer to sink. Make boisterous vertical motions with your rod by flicking your wrist and popping your fishing rod tip up a short distance. Allow the jig hook to sink back to the bottom. Repeat this process to get the attention of larger fish looking for food. Vary your movements by jigging the rod up and down and side-to-side. Cast your line out into the water. Hold your fishing rod at a 60 degree angle and slowly reel the line in. This motion will cause the jig to flow through the water smoothly, appearing to swim." ], "summary": [ "Buy a heavy-duty fishing rod. Use a sturdy fishing line. Choose realistic-looking jigs.", "Pay close attention to your line. Hold onto the rod tightly. Engage your reel to pull in the fish.", "Set up your fishing rod. Cast out your line. Wait for your jig hook to hit the bottom of the body of water. Snap and pop the line. Use the “swimming” technique." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Trying New Things", "Entertaining Yourself", "Improving Your Environment", "Developing Your Skills" ], "document": [ "Adults should aim for about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week. If you prefer more intense workouts, you should strive for 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week. Two days of strength training is also recommended. Develop a balanced weekly routine for yourself and stick to it. Getting fit is an excellent way to keep busy, but the real payoff is becoming a healthier person. Starting a fitness program may reduce your risk for chronic disease, improve your mood and self-esteem, develop better sleep habits and improve your balance and coordination. Set aside time each day to write, whether that session is an hour or just 15 minutes long. Document your daily life, express yourself and write down your dreams. Use your journal any way you see fit – you aren’t limited to writing words only. You can get creative and draw, paint, collect photos and keepsakes, etc. If you want to take journal-writing to the next level, consider writing your own memoir. Both of these activities require a lot of time and dedication to master, so they will definitely keep you busy. Use language-learning software to become proficient in another language or sign up for a college class. If music is more your thing, find a community member who gives lessons and learn to play the guitar or piano. Get involved with your community in whatever capacity appeals to you. Volunteer at a local hospital, homeless shelter or some other non-profit organization. Join a local committee or sit on a board. Mentor a young person. Tutor students. Look for open internships. There are so many ways to help people, both big and small. Pay attention to what's going on around you, at your job, and in your friends' and family's lives. Offer your help to friends, family or coworkers whenever you see that someone’s in need.", "Pass the time by playing an old school board game, like Monopoly or Clue, with a friend or sibling. If you’re looking for something a little different, go online and try out some of the many games available there. Everything from Scrabble and Tetris to role playing games like World of Warcraft are online, and you can play against opponents that live all over the world. Master your favorite video game, if that's more your style. Keep yourself busy with solo games like Sudoku, solitaire and crossword puzzles. If you are looking for something a little more intense, give chess a try. Instead of texting or sending your friends instant messages via your computer or tablet, give them a call. A good chat with a friend will keep you occupied and raise your spirits. Call up your friends just to chat, or make plans to meet up with them later and hang out. Plan some activities that you can all do together, like go to the movies, head to the mall, go bowling, visit the local skate park, check out a museum or just go on a walk together to catch up. Keep yourself busy by helping out around the house. Ask one of your parents to give you a list of chores that you can take care of each week. Consider working out a system with your parents so that you could get paid a small allowance for fulfilling your weekly \"duties.\" That way you’ll stay busy with chores and once you’re finished, you will have spending money to go do something fun! Write down a list of movies you’ve been wanting to see. If you can’t think of any, ask your friends and family members for recommendations. Go online and research the movie genres that you like and discover films to watch that way. Keep your list handy and work your way through the movies by watching them on Netflix or via iTunes. Consider starting a blog of your movie reviews. Invite friends over and watch movies together, then rate them and talk about them afterward. Starting a group blog of movie reviews would also be fun.", "Take on some of the bigger cleaning projects, such as steam cleaning your carpet, laundering all of the drapes, wiping down the baseboards, reorganizing your closet, cleaning the ceiling fans and so on. Organize your workspace by cleaning off your desk, organizing your files and removing clutter. Clean and organize the attic, basement or garage of your home. There are always cleaning tasks that can be done. Or you could finally finish that house project you’ve been putting off for months. Look for ways that your home can be improved or repaired. Learn some of the practical skills, such as electrical wiring, plumbing, landscaping, etc., you’d need to complete those tasks yourself. Then go for it! Consider other handy skills, like learning how to install or troubleshoot computers or the basics of car repair. Whether you want to redecorate your bedroom or take on the whole house, it’s a fun process that will certainly keep you busy. Consider repainting your walls, rearranging furniture, changing the artwork, making your own curtains, restoring and reupholstering furniture – there are tons of possibilities. Explore DIY projects online and incorporate some of those ideas. Choose the tasks that you would enjoy doing the most and update your home’s décor.", "Keeping busy with menial tasks and other day to day activities can become exhausting. Staying busy with activities that are meaningful to you, however, can be energizing. Focus on devoting more time to doing the things that really matter to you. Get inspired and busy yourself with activities that will move you closer to some of your life goals. Make a list of your life goals. Include the loftier ones that feel more like dreams than goals, too! The list is your road map. Plot out what steps need to be taken to reach each goal and then get started. You probably have at least one hobby in your life that you really enjoy, if not more. Concentrate on one or two of them. Become an expert! If your hobby is an artistic or creative pursuit, put some time and energy into becoming more skillful at it. Even hobbies that don’t seem action-oriented on the surface can be explored deeply. For example, if your hobby is reading, you can start in on that stack of novels you’ve been meaning to read. But don’t stop there. Research new authors and explore new genres. Start a blog and write reviews of the books you read. Join a book club. No matter what your hobby is, there is always a way to take it to the next level. If you’re in the middle of a work or school project that you’re enjoying, really throw yourself into honing your skills and making it a success. Or you could get busy with a project at home, like replacing all of the curtains, building a piece of furniture, or painting the walls a new color. If you are coordinating an event soon, you can focus on that as a project. For example, you could finally rebuild that classic car you’ve had stored in the garage for months. Sharpen some of your current skills by signing up for an online college course on the topic. For instance, maybe you want to improve your writing or Photoshop skills. If you enjoy cooking, try taking a cooking class. Love yoga? Sign up for a program at your local gym. Technical school classes and on-the-job training are great ways to develop and increase your skills, as well. Taking a formal class isn’t the only way to approach this. Be your own instructor and educate yourself! For example, perhaps you have some specialized knowledge on a topic that you can develop further by doing internet research, checking out local libraries, visiting museums, etc." ], "summary": [ "Start a workout routine. Keep a journal. Study a new language or learn to play an instrument. Look for ways to contribute.", "Play a game. Call a friend. Offer to help with chores. Watch movies.", "Do some spring cleaning. Become handier around the house. Redecorate.", "Do what you love. Pursue a hobby. Focus on a project. Take a class." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Part 2: Establishing a good reputation", "Part 1: Building relationships", "Part 3: Actively guide others' actions" ], "document": [ "If you are wrong, be sure to admit it quickly and emphatically. The quick way to generate animosity is by failure to admit your mistakes when you are obviously at fault. So if you want to build credibility and respect, be sure that you are quick to admit your errors as soon as you realize them. People will admire your honesty and honesty inspires trust. If it is necessary to point out someone else's mistakes, make sure to do it in a constructive, positive way. The last thing you want to do is make another person feel small or stupid. If you are humble and matter-of-fact with your correction, you will find that your comments are more likely to be heard and taken to heart. If you are helping a person to avoid further embarrassment, try saying something like \"Hey, Tony. I noticed you were using your dinner fork for your salad. It doesn't matter that much, but you might start on the outside and work your way in. If you want, you can watch what I do.\" Helping someone avoid further embarrassment is honorable. If you are helping someone by reviewing a paper or report they wrote, try starting out with a compliment before pointing out some places they can improve: \"Hey Sally, great job on the paper! It was really interesting, but I've highlighted some information I think you should double check, I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate.\" Avoid correcting people in a curt, condescending, blunt, rude, abrasive, or exasperated manner. Never correct someone in front of another person. Keep it between the two of you. If you have extensive knowledge on a given topic, it is worthwhile making this fact known, especially if that knowledge could potentially be used to help someone else. Don't brag about your knowledge or talk about it endlessly. This will make you seem like a know-it-all and will discourage people from asking you about for help. Make your expertise known and let people know you are happy to help, if needed. If you let it be known that you are a financial whiz, your friends can come to you for monetary guidance or advice. They might feel more comfortable coming to someone they know and trust. If you are a fluent second language speaker, let people know that you would be happy to tutor them before an upcoming exam or vacation. If you want to influence people, it is important that you live the kind of life that people can respect and look up to. You need to live life to the full and be the best person you can be. Some ways to achieve this include: Holding a good job. Taking care of your appearance. Eating healthily and staying fit. Avoiding drug and alcohol abuse. Having interests and hobbies Respecting others. Although having firm opinions and beliefs is an admirable trait, it is also important to keep an open mind and to be willing to try new things and learn from your experiences. Strive to broaden your horizons. Engage in stimulating and thought-provoking discussions, read books and newspapers, travel as much as possible. Be a yes person. If somebody offers to teach or show you something new, take them up on it.", "Having a friendly, outgoing personality goes a long way when it comes to being an influential person. People respond to people who are comfortable in their own skin, and are more inclined to follow their lead. But don't treat them like they are lower than you. Treat everyone like a friend, not like a younger sibling. People don't like when you are full of yourself. Smile. People are drawn to a friendly smile. It makes you seem approachable and trustworthy. Ask questions. Engage other people in conversations. Show an interest in them and they will become more open and responsive. Another way to start a conversation is simply asking for a pencil or helping them with something they seem to be struggling with. Plan activities. Take the initiative and organize a group trip, for example, hiking or to a concert. This will help you make them friends and show them that you like them and include them. In order to make a good impression, you need to show an active interest in the person you're talking to. Listen to what they are saying. A good listener learns a lot about people. Ask stimulating questions about the other person's interests and opinions. Respond to their questions with a sense of the topic. For example, if it is an upsetting conversation about sickness, don't tell a joke. Responding correctly will generate a sense of trust and create a bond between you. People are more likely to respond when they hear their name, as the use of their name makes your message more personal to them. By remembering to use someone's name, you will seem like an interesting person who pays close attention to details. It is the same as remembering their birthday, so take notice in what they have to say about themselves. Building a relationship with someone is a two way street. It's about response and trust. You shouldn't use a conversation as a vehicle for forcing your ideas and opinions on others, without letting anybody else get a word in edgewise. Equally, you shouldn't check out of a conversation either, nobody wants to feel like they're talking to themselves. Encouraging someone to talk about the things they are passionate about is another great way to demonstrate an interest in others. It is also one of the best ways to get to know someone, a vital component in building a relationship. Even the shyest person will open up if you get them going on a topic they love. If you find out that someone likes reading, ask them about the best book they've read lately, or ask them to recommend something for you. If they're interested in something like rock climbing, ask them how they first got involved and see if they'd be willing to bring you along sometime. Try not to overpower the other person by talking about your own interests too much. Remember, the aim is to make them feel interesting. Of course, if they're genuinely interested in hearing about your recent skydiving experience, don't refuse to talk about it! It is important to always respect other people's opinions, even during a disagreement. You do not need to agree with the other person, but you should allow them to express their opinions and beliefs without contradicting or belittling them. Relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, so it is important to recognize and accept your differences. If you really have to disagree with someone, recognize that although you don't agree, what you hear is not unreasonable. “Yes, I see where you're coming from, however, . . .” Make generous use of the metaphor of perspective. “Yes, but if you look at it from a different point of view,. . .” Never tell another person that their opinions are crazy, stupid or worthless. Establish your place within a social circle by becoming friends or respected acquaintances with as many people within that circle as possible. This will increase your influence and power over that circle as a whole. Don't just tag along and look bored if your friend introduces you to a new group of people. Seize the opportunity. Interact with them and try to get to know them, you don't know who you might meet! Speak to people within the circle you don't normally hang out with. Try to become friends with them for their own sake, not just because you know them through someone else. Host a party or group activity of some kind and invite as many friends, acquaintances and friends of friends as possible, then work the room!", "Always begin in a friendly manner if you are trying to influence others to your way of thinking. Avoid being bossy or demanding. Start by asking questions that they will quickly say yes to, in order to get cooperation. Try something like \"Hey, I'm running out to the store to get some groceries. I'd love some company, would you please come with me?\" Or something like \"Gosh, I'm tired. Wouldn't it be nice to stay in and watch a movie tonight?\" Try to understand where the other person is coming from. Ask yourself, what motivates them to do certain things? Again, it's about reciprocity; if you respect others' beliefs, they will appreciate you and your beliefs as well. By sympathizing with beliefs that you disagree with, you can help establish an air of open-mindedness which will help increase your influence. People are more likely to change their behaviors, if the change will benefit society as a whole, rather than just you. Never give orders (even with the word please). This makes the other person feel like you don't respect them or care about their input and might lead them to deliberately ignore or do the opposite of what you want. Instead, ask questions or make subtle suggestions. For example, instead of saying \"You can't smoke in here, go somewhere else\" say something like \"Isn't it a nice day outside? Wouldn't it be nice to smoke outside instead?\" Instead of saying \"Take out the trash\" say something like \"Would you mind taking out the trash? I did it last night.\" Praise is the best motivator for behavior, so be generous with your praise. However, don’t give praise just to give it, this will come off as being insincere. It means more to the recipient if it’s about something they recognize as praiseworthy. This is very important to influence others to your way of thinking. People can be critical of others' ideas, but if it's their idea, they will be much more in favor of it. You can do this by: Using reverse psychology to encourage a person to do the opposite of what you say. If you're trying to convince someone to go clubbing with you, say something like \"Oh well I didn't think there was any point in asking you, you're not much of a party animal are you?\" Talking around an idea. Give the other person lots of hints and clues, but let them reach the conclusion themselves. If you want your partner to take you away for the weekend, make comments about needing a break from reality, wanting to spend some quality time together etc. And maybe leave some appealing brochures littered around the place, just for good measure. Helping others to save face is a good way of building trust. By saving them from an embarrassing situation, the other person will feel grateful towards you and might even feel like they owe you a favor. You can help others save face by: Pretending that nothing happened. If somebody trips or calls someone by the wrong name, you can avoid causing them embarrassment by pretending you didn't notice. Help to deflect attention away from the person after an embarrassing occurrence. For example, if somebody says something they're not supposed to or accidentally causes offense, you can help by quickly changing the subject." ], "summary": [ "Admit your mistakes first and foremost. Point out mistakes in a helpful, indirect way. Establish your expertise. Live a clean life worth looking up to. Demonstrate a willingness to learn.", "Be outgoing. Demonstrate interest in others. Address people by name. Be an active participant in discussions. Talk about the interests of others. Respect the opinions of others. Secure your place within a social circle.", "Take a friendly approach. Sympathize with opposing beliefs. Plead a noble case. Avoid giving orders. Praise others. Make others feel as though the idea belongs to them. Let others save face." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Talking with Your Partner", "Setting Boundaries", "Standing Up for Yourself" ], "document": [ "Discussing your partner's family is a sensitive subject, so you'll want to bring up the topic when your partner is in a receptive mood. Avoid discussing this when they are angry, tired, or stressed. Instead choose a time when you are both in a good mood and relatively relaxed. It may even be a good idea to have the discussion when you are engaging in a mutual activity side-by-side rather than face-on to alleviate some of the tension. Consider bringing up the topic when you are driving or folding laundry. Say, \"Baby, I've been wanting to talk to you about your family. Sometimes, I feel like they are very judgmental of me, and you don't seem to have my back.\" Also, keep in mind that your partner may need time to process what you have to say, so you might need to break up the discussion into a few conversations over time. Try to be sensitive to your partner’s needs and give them time. Be honest about what is bothering you. Your partner may not realize how their family’s behavior affects you. Use “I” statements to express how you feel. For example, say something like, “I feel frustrated when we spend time with your family because of the things they say to me.” Try to keep your tone neutral during this conversation, even if you’re frustrated. Your partner might get defensive if you’re visibly angry. Say something like, “I know you love your mom and she means well, but it really bothers me that she always criticizes the way I’m raising our daughter. I’m starting to dread going to family events because she usually has something negative to say.” Often it’s best for your partner to handle issues that arise with their own family. Let them know that you need support from them. You could say, “Next time your mom starts telling me how we should raise Olivia differently, can you step in and defend the parenting decisions we’ve made together? Your support would mean so much to me.” Avoid blaming them for not supporting you in the past. Try to focus on what you need from them moving forward. If you make any kind of personal attacks on your partner’s family, your partner may instinctively jump to their side. Keep everything strictly factual when you make your case. Refer to specific events that have happened, and avoid making character judgments. Similarly, avoid using “always” and “never” statements. These statements are rarely true, and they often lead to an argument. Remember that your partner loves their family, and it’s natural for them to feel loyal to their family members. Your partner knows their family best, and they may have some good insights for how to handle them. Work as a team to come up with some ideas for avoiding conflict and hurt feelings at future family get-togethers. For instance, you and your partner could sit down and evaluate what's happening and how to approach the situation based on the unique personalities of their family members. Perhaps, your partner knows a way to handle a certain family member that could help in your interactions. They might say, \"Aunt Sarah is judgmental of everyone I date. It may be better if we just ignore any comments from her.\" You could even try to come up with some dialogue and rehearse what each of you might say in certain situations. This may make it easier for your partner to step in when you need them. Even the most sensitive topics can be navigated more easily when you both practice active listening. This involves listening to understand rather than listening to reply. When your partner is talking, try the following: Making occasional eye contact Removing distractions like your cellphone or the television Displaying open body language (e.g. arms and legs at your side and relaxed) Asking questions for clarification (e.g. \"Do you mean...?\") Summarizing their point to ensure you understand (e.g. \"It sounds like you're saying...\") Waiting until they have finished their message before responding If you and your partner are struggling to reach an agreement on how to handle family conflict, couples counseling can help you understand each other better. A good counselor can teach you communication strategies and help you create solutions that work for both of you. You might suggest, \"Sweetie, I can see you are having trouble standing up to your family. I think it would be helpful if we saw a therapist who can help us figure out how to manage this situation. Does that sound good to you?\"", "You’re dating or married to your partner, not their whole family. Don’t let problems with your partner’s family members turn into difficulties in your relationship. If you feel like the conflict is affecting your relationship, take a moment to remember all the things you appreciate about your partner that have nothing to do with their family. Write these down and read over the list now and then. For example, if you only see your partner's family on holidays and special occasions, you might not fret so much about any tension because you don't have to deal with it all that often.\" Sit down with your partner and come up with some reasonable limits together. Think about what both of you can do to minimize conflict and maintain family peace. For instance, one of your boundaries might be that your partner’s family members can’t stay the night when they come to visit. Another boundary might be not allowing the family to factor in on certain couple decisions such as having babies, practicing a certain religion, or deciding where you live. Your partner’s family members will need to know about the new rules you and your partner have decided on. Your partner should communicate these boundaries to their family members, and you can both enforce them as needed. Be kind and polite, but firm. However, if someone insults you over the new boundaries, then stand up for yourself. Make sure your partner’s family knows the reasoning behind your boundaries, too. You or your partner could say something like, “We’re really glad that you care about us, but we’d rather not discuss our finances anymore. Our decisions about money are personal.” You may need to remind your partner’s family about your boundaries now and then. It takes time for people to learn new behaviors when they’ve gotten used to acting a certain way. If your boundaries are violated, you need to reinforce them by saying, \"Remember, we decided that we are not having children, Mom/mother-in-law. Can you please support our decision even if you don't like it?\"", "Remember that you’re an adult, too. Dealing with older family members, such as your partner’s parents, can make you feel like a child again, but it shouldn’t. If you feel like you’re being harassed or judged negatively, it’s your right to stand up for yourself. Being assertive doesn’t have to mean being disrespectful. You can stand up for yourself while still being respectful and kind. For instance, you can assertively say, \"I know you don't understand my culture, but it's important for me and Henry to celebrate this holiday. I respect your beliefs, and I'd appreciate it if you did the same for me.\" If you’re having trouble with a particular person, try bringing up the issue with them yourself. Taking the initiative to solve the problem will show your maturity, and they may respect you more for speaking up. It’s much better to talk through problems when they happen than to let them go unaddressed for years. Say, \"When you talk over me like that Josie, it makes me feel like I don't have a voice. I'd really appreciate it if you let me finish talking before sharing your opinion.\" If your partner’s family frequently offers you unsolicited advice or criticism, prepare a few noncommittal responses to redirect the conversation. Practice these responses before you need to use them. This will help you stay calm and collected in the moment. If you’re talking to someone older, a good way to handle unsolicited advice is to respond politely with something like, “How interesting!” or “What a neat story!” For instance, if your partner’s mother tells you that you should feed your kids differently, ask her how she fed her children when they were growing up. Other good go-to responses include “That’s interesting, I’ll have to try it sometime” and “Thanks for the advice, but we’ve decided to do it this way.” If you really can’t resolve your conflicts with your partner’s family, the best course of action might be to limit your contact with them. Skipping family events may be the best way to maintain peace and avoid straining your relationship with your partner. However, if you don’t want to skip family events, then you can also set a time limit for how long you will be there. Limiting contact is probably a good idea if your partner’s family is outright abusive or disrespectful to you. People who act like this are unlikely to change their behavior." ], "summary": [ "Choose a good time to have the talk. Tell your partner how their family is making you feel. Tell your partner you need them to stand up for you. Avoid talking about anyone’s character. Brainstorm solutions with your partner. Practice active listening. Consider attending couples counseling.", "Separate your relationship from their family. Discuss boundaries with your partner. Have your partner communicate your family’s boundaries to your partner’s family. Maintain your boundaries.", "Be confident and assertive. Talk with your partner’s family. Deflect unwanted advice or comments. Consider limiting your contact with your partner’s family." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Determining the Right Living Wall for You", "Building a Living Wall from a Wooden Pallet", "Finishing Your Pallet Frame Living Wall" ], "document": [ "You may already have an idea of where you want your living wall to be, but you should take into account other considerations, like the weight of your living wall, the amount of sunlight your wall gets throughout the day (and year), and removal or disposal concerns. Even if you're someone who has a green thumb, at some point one of your plants may need to be replaced. In this case, a living wall close to a door outside can prevent dirt or decayed plant matter from being tracked through your house. Take a stud finder and make sure your wall has weight bearing studs. Even the weight of a single plant with its roots saturated with water may be enough to pull your living wall free from wall anchors. Fastening your living wall firmly to two studs should prevent this. Imagine your living wall at different times of the year. For example, you may find that an outdoors living wall looks less desirable in the winter months if you live in a temperate climate. A living wall close to a large window might also be negatively impacted by cold during cold months. There are many companies that provide prefabricated wall-hanging frames in which you can plant your living wall. Some models are even freestanding, creating a kind of living wall partition in your home, which might be suitable if you do not have load bearing studs to fasten your living wall to. You can also fashion your own living wall simply enough with wood, plastic sheeting, and a plant friendly fabric. Use a pencil and a tape measure to mark the dimensions on the wall you intend your vertical garden to be and note these down. These measurements will be important whether you are buying a pre-made living wall or making your own. You might also want to mark the spot on the wall you've found studs. This way, when it comes time to hang your living wall, you can do so easily and without interruption.", "You'll need some tools and supplies to construct your living wall on your own. In theory, most box shaped frames can be converted into a living wall, however, for the purposes of providing a guided example, a living wall built from a wooden pallet is used. To create your pallet wall you'll need: A wooden pallet Landscape material Plastic sheeting Pair of scissors Staple gun (and staples) Wooden pallets can be expensive, though these can often be found in the dumpsters of local businesses. You might even inquire with your local hardware as to whether there are extra pallets available for you to use for a personal project. Use your scissors to cut strips of plastic that fit the contours of the inside of your pallet. Lay these along the wood on the inside of your pallet and use your staple gun to firmly attach each strip in place. Be sure that every spot soil will be held is thoroughly protected with heavy plastic sheeting. In the event you don't have a staple gun, you can use tacks and a hammer instead. Make sure you use sturdy tacks that will stay firmly in place; a rupture in your plastic can lead to leakage that could damage your wall or dirty your floor. To ensure the health of your plants, you'll have to water your living wall regularly, which can cause the wood of your pallet to become compromised by rot or decay. Your plastic sheeting will prevent this from happening to the wood of your pallet. This often black textile will hold water and provide a moist environment for your plants to grow in. This will prevent the water from puddling in the crevices of the plastic, making it more available to your plants. Using your scissors, cut your landscape material in to strips same as you did for your heavy plastic, then attach the material in place with your staple gun or a hammer and tacks. The landscape material lining the inside of your plastic will help hold in moisture when you water your living wall. This will provide a healthy environment for the roots of your plants. Now that the shelves of your living wall have been sealed and lined with plastic and plant friendly fabric, you'll need to close the back of the pallet, which would normally be its bottom if sitting on the ground. Cut a strip of landscape material with your scissors that extends the entire back of your pallet, and attach it with your staple gun around the outer rim of the pallet. Then do the same with your heavy plastic. You'll want to be sure that both your material and plastic are fastened to the back of the pallet as taut as possible. This will prevent leakage of water and dirt from the back of your living wall. You may want to consider using some kind of adhesive to guarantee a proper seal between the plastic and the back of your pallet. A general purpose, water resistant sealer, which should be available at your local hardware store, should work nicely.", "If you've decided to build your own living wall, you may want to give it a test run before hanging it. Small mistakes in its lining can lead to dirt and water spreading to the load bearing wall your living wall is attached to. Prevent this by putting dirt in your wall before hanging and watering it. If leakage occurs, you may have to reline your living wall with plastic. You'll likely want to remove the dirt you used when testing before you actually install your living wall. The weight of the dirt can make it extra cumbersome when hanging. Depending on the size and weight of your pallet, you may need a helper to efficiently and safely install your living wall. Hold the back of your living wall so that it aligns with the dimensions you have previously drawn on the wall. Use a level to check that it isn't crooked. Then: Use your screwdriver and several suitable screws to anchor your living wall to the studs behind it. The kind of screws suitable for your project will depend on the size of your living wall. A larger pallet will require a sturdier screw to hold it in place. You should lay down a tarp or an old sheet to collect any dirt that falls on the floor. Take your potting soil and add it to the shelves/boxes of your new living wall. At this point you should also consider adding a controlled release fertilizer for your plants. Controlled release fertilizers offer nourishment to plants over time, reducing the amount of continued fertilizing you'll need to do. As these fertilizers vary considerably from brand to brand, you should follow the directions that come with it carefully. You may want to leave your sheet or tarp in place while adding plants to your living wall. However, if you intend on growing plants from seed, you should be fine removing your sheet or tarp, shaking the dirt on it free outside, and then putting it away. What you grow is up to you! But to give you some ideas, some of the most successful plants used by wall growers include the lipstick plant (aeschynanthus radicans), the sword fern (nephrolepis exaltata), wedding vine (stephanotis floribunda), and wax flower (hoya Carnosa). You could create a mosaic looking living wall by growing succulents like Hens-and-Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum / Echeveria elegans), aloe, Panda Plants (Kalanchoe tomentosa), Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi), and more. These will create a relatively low maintenance patchwork effect in your hanging garden. In mellower rooms, you may want to give a relaxed vibe. This can be accomplished with climbing and hanging vines. You might try Grape/Oakleaf Ivy, English Ivy, Philodendron, and Spider Plants. Without proper circulation, your plants will have difficulty purifying the air throughout your house. You can improve circulation very easily by adding a box fan or circulating fan to the room your living wall is in. This way, more air passes under the purifying touch of your living wall. You may find, especially during certain times of the year, that your living wall does not receive the same amount of lighting it did when your wall was built and hung. You don't need to install recessed lighting, though, for your plants to flourish! A simple lamp equipped with a grow light can help your plants make it through the gloomier times of the year. Grow lights are specially designed light bulbs that emit a kind of light that encourages plants to photosynthesize. Normal household light bulbs will not stimulate photosynthesis in the same way. How frequently you water and fertilize your plants will depend entirely on the kind of plants you have chosen to populate your living wall with. However, you should be aware that the resources normally available in nature won't be available to the plants in your living wall. Failing to water or fertilize can lead your plants to expire very quickly." ], "summary": [ "Evaluate placement options for outdoor and indoor living walls. Decide on a pre-made kit or the DIY route. Measure and mark the space you wish your living wall to occupy.", "Gather your materials. Layer the inside of your pallet with heavy plastic. Line the inside of your pallet with landscape material. Seal off the back of your pallet.", "Test your design. Install your living wall. Add soil to your living wall. Insert plants, or try to grow some from seeds. Improve circulation to receive the benefits of purer air. Add lighting to improve growing conditions for your wall. Water and fertilize your plants." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Bringing Out the Curl in Straight or Wavy Hair", "Defining Curls in Curly or Kinky Hair", "Styling Curls" ], "document": [ "Choose products that will help to define your curls without weighing down your hair. Look for curl-defining shampoo and conditioner that helps to bring out the curl while also hydrating your hair to keep it shiny and strong. This will keep your curls from falling out too quickly, especially if it's humid outside. To keep your curls lasting as long as possible, try not to touch your hair throughout the day. Avoid wearing a hat or using hair accessories that might weigh your hair down.", "Many people with curly or kinky hair have switched from regular shampooing to the co-wash method. They have found that washing with conditioner instead of shampoo gets it just as clean without drying it out. Conditioner moisturizes coils and keeps them in good shape, rather than pulling them apart. Look for a conditioner that does not contain silicones. These make your hair shiny at first, but eventually they build up and leave curls looking weighed down and dull. If you choose to use shampoo, get one that's sulfate-free or is labeled as moisturizing or nourishing. Sulfates are a cleansing agent that dry out hair, cause frizz, and they wreak havoc on a curly head. This seals your hair's cuticle so that your hair will stay hydrated even after your hair is dry. Working section by section, smooth your oil or finishing butter of choice into your curls, finger combing so that the curls stay intact. The following oils and butters are popular choices: Argan oil Shea butter Cocoa butter Creams that contain one of the above ingredients Curl-defining serums The styling products you use have the potential to dry out your hair and create frizz. Before you use hairspray, gel, and other styling products, test them on just one small section of hair to see the results before you cover your entire head with it. Avoid products with alcohol as an ingredient.", "Curls are notoriously difficult to cut. When it's done the wrong way, you can end up with a style that just doesn't look right with your hair texture. Do some research to find a stylist who's experienced in cutting curly hair. Look online for reviews, or ask your curly-haired friends for a recommendation. Tell the stylist you want to avoid triangle hair, and see what he or she says. Anyone experienced in cutting curly hair knows what this means. Triangle hair is when the heavy curls grow in the shape of a triangular helmet. A good stylist will be able to cut the curls in such a way that they have better shape and movement. If a stylist wants to \"thin\" your hair with thinning shears, that's a red flag. Thinning shears can cause curly hair to frizz. Using a full blast of heat to dry curls will make your hair texture drier and coarser over time. It's better to let your curls air dry or diffuse on a low setting so your hair retains its bounce and stays hydrated. Finger-comb your curls section by section, then let them air dry so they stay bouncy and sleek. If you're concerned about getting more volume near your roots, use small clips to lift up your hair near your scalp. The hair will dry with a little more lift than it otherwise would." ], "summary": [ "Use medium-bodied shampoo and conditioner. Finish with light-hold hairspray.", "Consider washing with conditioner instead of shampoo. Use a finishing oil or butter. Avoid products that dry out your hair.", "Get your curls cut by a stylist who knows curls. Air dry or diffuse your hair instead of blowing it out." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Staying Cool When People Bother You", "Fixing a Relationship", "Getting People to Leave You Alone", "Ending the Relationship" ], "document": [ "Often people will bother you to get a reaction. Try to avoid blowing up or expressing your discontent non-verbally. Don’t roll your eyes, make mean faces, or mutter things under your breath or else you might feed the fire. Remember that silence does not make you weak Take a few deep breaths and focus on your breathing to calm yourself. Think about the big picture. Getting into a physical confrontation could cost you your health, your job, or your education. Remember what really matters and try to put these small annoyances in perspective. If you can feel a conflict coming, bringing up something different can be a good way to distract someone. Often annoying people will be defiant despite being obviously wrong because they see the confrontation as a battle of egos. Once you’ve defused the situation, they might no longer feel the need to assert themselves. If, for example, someone is invading your space, try directing them to something in your surroundings that is funny or interesting. If someone is pestering you with an annoying topic of conversation, try to bring up something else that you know will interest them. Your ability to tolerate annoying people is proportional to how emotionally and mentally stable you are. Rest up and try to have a good time. If you find yourself getting annoyed by others too frequently, consider if there is anything that you could fix in your own life to cultivate a sunnier disposition. It can be hard for us to recognize our own faults. If someone keeps on complaining about your behavior or asking for something you don’t think they deserve, it is worth considering that perhaps you’re being the unreasonable one. Listen to friends and family when they critique your behavior to get a sense for your own faults.", "Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. Instead of accusing them of doing something wrong, use \"I-statements\" to explain how their behavior effects you. To do this say \"I feel ______ when you do _______ because ______.\" There are several advantages to I statements. Instead of placing the blame on them, you make it about how you feel. Furthermore, instead of exaggerating by making a blanket statement like \"you are always angry,\" you can specify exactly when their bad behavior pops up. That will make it easier for them to correct their behavior. If they are needy, anxious, or overly talkative, it might because they have their own personal issues. Ask them if anything is up. Talking about it might help them get over it. If not, see if there is anything you can do to help them get over their issues. After you have raised the person’s faults, you should give them time to respond. See if they are willing to adapt their behavior and try to avoid these habits that might lead to the things that annoy you. Don’t push the subject too persistently or they will probably fight back. You’ve already told them what you think; give it some time to sink in. Remember patience is important. If they don't seem to respond, try to make your message clearer by pointing out when they acts in a way that bothers you. Do it in a non-confrontational way, like \"Don't you think that question is a bit personal?\" Evidence shows that people who have close personal relationships are happier than those who don't, but maintaining those will generally be hard and require sacrifice. Don't give before giving the other person a chance to get better. If they persist in their behavior and you don’t think you have the patience to tolerate them, sit them down and be honest. Just tell them that the friendship isn't working for you and you need to take some time apart. Say that it hurts you to say this, but that it’s better than leading the person on. This will give them more time to allow your comments to sink and try to develop. This might help salvage your relationship by saving you from an angry explosion that would only make things worse. Remember that you may be doing them a favor. If everyone around you thought you were annoying, wouldn't you like to know how to change that? Be polite and stick to \"I-statements.\" \"I am going through a hard time right now, and it bothers me when you ask personal questions, because it reminds me of what has happened. Could I get some space for the next couple of weeks?\"", "It’ll be a lot easier to get out of a conversation if, at the beginning, you make it clear that you can’t be around for long. Tell them that you have an appointment or a call that you need to make. Tell them specifically that you have five or ten minutes left, so that they won’t be surprised when you bolt. Most people will get the clue if you begin to pack up your bags and start looking off in the distance. Conveying that you need to leave with body language saves you an awkward conversation and convinces the other person that they have decided to stop talking to you. If you’ve told someone that you have a timetable to leave, you’ve begun to pack, and they still haven’t responded, you might just need to tell them directly that you need to go. Try to be polite and pretend that you are sorry. Come up with a signal that you can send to a friend so that they will come over and pull you out of the conversation. Otherwise, just start talking to someone else in your vicinity. The other person should catch on that they’re no longer part of the conversation and eventually leave. If someone refuses to leave you alone, move to a crowded place and scream. Yell “leave me alone.” The fear that other people will intervene to protect you will cause even the most persistent people to give up. This is an extreme solution. You should generally refrain from following this course unless you believe the person might endanger your safety.", "Maybe you know some other people who share the same interests as the person, or maybe you know some people who have a higher tolerance for annoying people than you do. Try to introduce them to people around your school or workplace that will distract them. Avoid introducing them to mutual friends, because that might make you more obligated to spend time with them. If you are not particularly close to the person, it is acceptable to just end communication. Unfriend them on social networks, ignore or block their phone calls and emails, and try to avoid situations where you might encounter them. Most relationships have a trial stage, during which it should be expected that you might break it off if things go sour. This is not a valid strategy if you have been friends for years or if you live or work in close enough proximity that you can be expected to encounter one another again When ending a relationship with a close friend, you should do so directly and in person. To soften the blow, start off by telling them what you liked about them and your relationship with them. Be honest about why you no longer want to be friends, but do so in a way that is neutral and not offensive. Instead of accusing them of doing something wrong, tell them in an impersonal way what you need in a friend: “My life is stressful right now, and I need to be surrounded by people are relaxing and empathetic.”" ], "summary": [ "Don’t react. Change the subject. Stay rested and happy. Remember that sometimes you might be the jerk.", "Point out their annoying habits. Ask why they act the way they do. See if they are willing to change. Tell them you need to take a break.", "Announce a timeline for when to leave. Start motioning that you need to leave. Politely make up an excuse. Get someone else’s help. Scream.", "Suggest some new friends for the person. Cut them off. Tell them you no longer want to be friends." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Polishing a Short Novel", "Drafting the Short Novel", "Brainstorming Ideas for a Short Novel" ], "document": [ "Once you have finished a draft of the short novel, read it aloud from beginning to end. Notice how the sentences sound out loud. Pay attention to the pacing of the novel and make sure each chapter or section transitions smoothly into one another. Reading the novel out loud will also help you catch any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Ask friends, peers, and family members to read the novel. Choose individuals that you trust and respect to read your work. Be open to constructive feedback and listen to what others have to say about the novel. Ask your readers if they find the novel engaging and entertaining. Pose questions about the pacing, characterization, and description in the novel. You can also join a writing group or create your own writing group and have the group workshop your novel draft. Once you have received feedback on the novel, revise it so it is within 20,000 to 40,000 words. Cut any scenes that feel too long or unnecessary. Clarify any confusing sentences or sections for the reader. Polish the novel so it is at its best. After the novel has been revised, you can then decide if you’d like to try to publish it so you can share it with a wide audience.", "Start with action and scene so your reader is grabbed right away. Focus on a scene involving your narrator or your main character. Begin with a scene that will give the reader a sense of the narrative voice and the style of the rest of the novel. For example, you may begin with a scene involving the main character and their mother. The relationship between the main character and the mother character may then be carried on throughout the rest of the novel. A short novel should only focus on one conflict or situation involving your main character. This will prevent the novel from growing into a longer narrative and make it easier for you to stay focused while you write. Have one central conflict in the novel and go from there. Try to summarize the central conflict or plot of the novel in one sentence. If you can do this, the conflict or plot is likely clear enough for the short novel. For example, you may have a central conflict like, “Teenager Mary Heti struggles to come out to her religious mother and deal with being a social outcast in a small Southern town.” Keep your number of characters within one to four maximum in the short novel. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed by too many characters in such a short work. You may focus on one or two main characters and one or two secondary characters. You should also limit your settings so the reader can be immersed in the novel. For example, you may have one main setting, like the small American town where the narrator lives. You may then have one secondary setting, like the summer camp in the woods she goes to for one month. A short novel should move fast to keep the reader engaged. Repeat key themes and ideas throughout the novel. Have recurring scenes or moments so the novel feels well paced. For example, you may have the narrator go see a doctor on a recurring basis as part of the novel’s structure. Or you may have a main character who charts the movement of a star in the sky throughout the novel to tie it all together. A short novel lends itself to an ending that packs an emotional punch. Surprise your reader with a good twist at the end. Set up the reader’s expectations and then knock them down. Make the ending surprising and unexpected, as this will leave the reader satisfied when they put the novel down. For example, you may have a satisfying ending where the mother character accepts the main character for who they are, despite her religious beliefs.", "Short novels are best when they focus on one narrator and their interactions with other characters. Create a narrator that has a unique voice or style. Make the narrator particular and specific. The narrator can then transport the reader into the world of the story in a short period of time. For example, you may have a narrator who is a teenager with a disability and considered an outcast in their small American town. Setting can be another good jumping off point for a short novel. Pick a setting that you have a lot to say about or that you are curious about. Go for a setting that will be new or engaging to the reader. Then, structure the novel around the setting. For example, you may write a short novel set in a Caribbean island during a political uprising. Or you use your neighborhood as the main setting in the novel and structure characters and conflict around the setting that way. If you already have a few short stories that you have been itching to expand, try turning one of them into a short novel. Pick a short story that feels like it could be longer or fuller. Try using the same characters, conflict, and setting for a novel. For example, you may have a short story about a missing boy in a small town that you think could be expanded into a short novel. To get a better sense of how to write a short novel, read examples that are considered successful or well done. You may read short novels like: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx Department of Speculation by Jenny Offill The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid" ], "summary": [ "Read the novel out loud. Show the novel to others. Revise the novel for length and clarity.", "Begin in scene. Have one central conflict. Include a limited number of characters and settings. Use repetition and pacing. Have a strong ending.", "Focus on an engaging narrator or main character. Use setting as inspiration for the short novel. Take an existing short story and make it into a novel. Read examples of a short novel." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Deleting History From Specific Sites (Internet Explorer 10 & 11)", "Using the Safety Menu (Internet Explorer 8-11)", "Using the Internet Options Menu (Internet Explorer 7-11)", "Using the Mobile App (Internet Explorer 10 & 11)" ], "document": [ "Click the Internet Explorer icon to launch the program. \" Tap or click on the \"Favorites\" icon in the upper, righthand part of your screen. This is the icon that looks like a star. \" Tap or click the \"History\" tab on the \"Favorites\" box. \" Click the dropdown menu under the \"History\" tab and determine how you want your browser data filtered. You may \"View By Date,\" \"View By Site,\" \"View By Most Visited,\" or \"View By Order Visited Today.\" Note that if you're viewing your browsing history \"By Site,\" you may right-click on any site to expand it and view the specific pages you've visited on that site. Click and hold on any site that's listed and simply select \"Delete\" from the menu that appears. You can also right-click on any site and select \"Delete\" from the menu.", "Click the Internet Explorer icon to launch the program. You'll find this located in the upper, righthand corner of the screen and it will look like a gear icon. Click it to access the Tools menu. In Internet Explorer 8, you'll find the Tools menu on your menu bar rather than selecting a \"gear\" icon. After clicking \"Tools,\" select the \"Safety\" button. \" This will display a dialogue box in which you can determine which data you want removed. In order to delete your browsing history, be sure to check the box next to \"Browsing history\" (or simply \"History\"). Note that you may also remove stored data including cached images and temporary Internet files, cookies, download history, saved form data, saved passwords, \"Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering, and Do Not Track data,\" and favorites. In Internet Explorer 8 and later editions, you'll see the option to \"Preserve Favorites website data.\" Be sure to keep this box checked if you don't wish to delete cookies and files associated with your Favorites. This will delete a record of the sites you've visited.", "Click the Internet Explorer icon to launch the program. \" You'll find this located on the menu bar under \"Tools\". i In Internet Explorer 9 look for the gear icon at the upper right-hand corner of your screen. You can also access \"Internet Options\" from the \"Control Panel.\" From there select the \"Network and Internet\" category and click on \"Internet Options.\" Find this in the \"Internet Options\" menu. This will be the first tab on the lefthand side. ..\" button. You'll find it under the \"Browsing history\" section of the \"General\" tab. Simply check the categories of data you want removed. In order to delete your browsing history, be sure to check the box next to \"Browsing history\" (or simply \"History\"). Note that you may also remove stored data including cached images and temporary Internet files, cookies, download history, saved form data, saved passwords, \"Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering, and Do Not Track data,\" and favorites. Beginning with Internet Explorer 8, you'll see the option to \"Preserve Favorites website data.\" Be sure to keep this box checked if you don't wish to delete cookies and files associated with your Favorites. \" If prompted to confirm your choice, then click \"Yes.\" This will delete a record of the sites you've visited.", "Tap the app from your home screen or App list and launch it as you would to surf the Internet. \" Swipe your finger inward from the right edge of the screen. Then tap \"Settings\" on the menu that appears. If using a mouse, point your cursor at the lower, righthand corner of the screen and then select \"Settings\" from the menu that appears. \" Click on \"Options.\" Then, under the \"History\" section, click on \"Select.\" First, place a check in the box next to \"Browsing history.\" Finally, tap or click \"Delete\" once you're satisfied with your selections. This will delete a record of the sites you've visited." ], "summary": [ "Open Internet Explorer. Access your \"Favorites. Go to your \"History. Choose how you wish to view your \"History. Delete specific sites from your browsing history.", "Open Internet Explorer. Access the Tools menu. Begin deleting your browsing history. Click \"Delete browsing history. Select the data you wish to delete. Click “Delete\" to remove your browsing data. Select “OK” to exit.", "Open Internet Explorer. Access \"Internet Options. Go to the \"General\" tab. Click the \"Delete. Select the data you wish to delete. Click \"Delete. Select “OK” to exit.", "Open the Internet Explorer app. Access your \"Settings. Go to your \"History. Delete your browsing history." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Liquid Grout Sealer", "Using Aerosol Grout Sealers" ], "document": [ "Existing grout should be cleaned and dried before resealing. Make sure grout lines aren't cracked, chipped, or otherwise compromised before treating with a sealant. If they are, touch up grout and wait the requisite 48 to 72 hours before sealing. It is important to tape off these other surfaces to prevent unintentional staining. Coat the grout lines, making sure you cover the grout joints completely. If the sealer gets on the tile, take a damp cloth and wipe the sealer off. Apply the second coat and wait another 5 to 15 minutes. Use a clean, dry color appropriate towel. Use water and a white nylon pad or any clean cloth to scrub residue from dried grout sealant on tiles. Most sealers are dry to walk on in 2-5 hours. Keep anything that can stain the grout away for 72 hours. A full sealer cure is usually achieved in 24 to 48 hours. Test the effectiveness of the grout sealant by flicking a few drops of water onto the grout line. An effective grout sealant will cause the water to puddle on top of the grout. If the grout absorbs the water, reapply sealer. Try this at various locations on the grout lines.", "Turn the can around and point the nozzle at the grout line to be sealed. Make sure to dispense the sealant from 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 cm) away from the grout lines. Follow each grout line. The cloth can be dampened with warm water to remove dried sealant. Unlike liquid grout sealers, spray grout sealers can be removed right after application. Make sure that you never apply grout sealer to the surface of an unglazed tile. It will never come out of the tile. Apply another coat of sealant if the water is absorbed into the grout. The treated area can be walked on once the sealant is dry to the touch. A full cure is usually achieved in 24 hours." ], "summary": [ "Allow new grout to cure for 48 to 72 hours before sealing. Tape off baseboards and other nearby surfaces. Apply sealer using a foam paint brush, paint pad or a small roller. Wait 5 to 15 minutes to allow the first coat to soak into the grout. Start wiping the sealer off after 5 minutes. Allow the grout sealer to cure. Test the grout sealant.", "Shake the grout sealer can for at least a minute before using. Press the nozzle and dispense sealant. Wipe off excess sealant from tile with a clean cloth. Test the sealant with a drop of water after 1 hour. Allow the sealant to cure." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Frosting the Wedding Cake", "Adding Other Decorations", "Planning Your Decorating" ], "document": [ "When frosting your cake, even experts lose drips here and there. To keep these drips from making it to the main stage, professionals tear four square of parchment paper and then place the corners of these under the cake. When finished icing, pull the corners of your frosting drop cloth free to remove unsightly drips. As aforementioned, you might want to avoid buttercream, cream cheese frosting, or any frosting that might spoil easily if the venue cannot ensure temperature control. Fondant and marzipan are excellent options, though you should inform the bride and groom whenever you use nut products, like marzipan, as this is a common allergy. A simple vanilla buttercream frosting recipe could be made by beating together in a mixing bowl:Softened butter (½ cup)Confectioners' sugar (4½ cups)Vanilla extract (1½ teaspoons)2% milk (5 to 6 tablespoons) The base of your cake should be supported by a clean cakeboard that is cut to fit the size of your cake. Glue your cakeboards into place underneath each level of your tiered cake by spreading a thing layer of your frosting between cake and cakeboard. A crumb coat is the first layer of icing that you apply to a cake to lock in any crumbs that might ruin the finished design. Take your offset spatula or frosting tool and glob a reasonable amount of frosting to the top of the tier you are applying the coat to. Then smooth it down to a thin layer, applying more frosting as necessary. You should always apply icing when the cake is cool. Otherwise, the heat form the cake may cause melting. To test your frosting for consistency, scoop some up with a spoon/spatula and hold it upside down. If it stays on the utensil without sliding or falling, it is the correct consistency. Refrigerate your crumb coat for 20 - 30 minutes to firm up the crumb coat and prepare it for the actual outer layer of frosting. Your external layer doesn't need to be thick and pillowy, but it should be even and smooth. Begin at the top and using small applications of frosting, smooth your frosting over your crumb coat evenly. Allow your frosting to rest and firm up after you have finishing by putting it in a refrigerator for about 20 - 30 minutes. Now that your cakeboards are in place and your frosting application completed, you can move on to stacking your cake. If you are using a cake stand, all the easier - simply put each tier in place on the stand and your cake is stacked. If using supports, you'll need to: Cut clean wooden dowels to the same length for your supports. Arrange your dowels in each layer of your cake excluding the top layer. Leave an inch between the border of each cakeboard and your supports. Stack one layer atop the next. Consider running a long, thin, sharpened dowel through the center of each tier to stabilize your cake. Fondant is a sugar based paste that can be compared to play dough in consistency. Due to its pliability, its uniform texture, and its ability to be dyed any color, fondant is frequently used by cake masters to finish cakes or fashion decorative shapes, like flowers, figures, and ruffles. You can mix your own fondant, though it may be easier for you to buy a pre-made batch. Then you can drape it over your cake or shape it into designs. If you're new to using a pastry bag, you should practice writing your message several times on a scrap piece of paper or a plate first. You might also simulate the contour of a cake by practicing writing with your pastry bag on a piece of fruit, like an apple. Once you're comfortable, distribute your message across the surface of your cake. A fine tip on your pastry bag is ideal for writing messages. You might plot out your message or the letter of your monogram with toothpicks first. Then you can trace the holes left by the toothpicks with your icing. This can be difficult for beginners, but using your pastry bag you can create borders, pearls, or flowers out of the frosting. You may even want to try a Cornelli pattern, which is where a very thin layer of frosting is applied to the surface of the frosting in squiggly lines that thread throughout the exterior without touching or crossing any lines. You might try: Making roses with icing Making other frosting flowers Decorating with fondant", "To protect your decorations from damage during transport or from causing unnecessary strain on your frosting/fondant, you should wait to place the most of your decorations until the morning the wedding. Don't forget all of your cake decorating tools; you may have to touch up some spots in addition to adding finishing touches. Edible glitter is relatively inexpensive and can create a magical glow in your cake. This glow can camouflage small imperfections, like bumps that may have formed in your icing. A good example of this would be flowers, which can wilt if left out for too long. Place the clean, fresh flowers in a nice arrangement on the cake right before it is displayed to guests. This touch creates a simple but elegant wedding cake decoration. You'll want to be sure that the flowers you use for decorating your cake are pesticide-free and non-toxic flower. You can find these at a local florist or an organic garden, though you may want to inform the florist your purposes for the flowers. Inspect your flowers carefully before adding any to your cake. Small bugs will likely be attracted to the sugar in your frosting and can ruin its appearance. A barren platter can leave your cake looking unfinished. You might scatter flower petals at its base, or lace an elaborate ribbon around it. Fruit that matches the color theme of the wedding can also be heaped delicately around the bottom to good effect. This will depend on the bride and groom. They may want a traditional miniature man and woman in formal wear atop their cake, or they might want Han Solo and princess Leia. Place your cake topper and your cake is ready to be admired!", "The lucky couple may have some very specific features they expect in their wedding cake, so you should ask about color preferences, wedding theme, floral arrangements, and venue. All of these tidbits can help you imagine the ideal cake for their wedding and decorate it to perfection. Consider including flowers the bride and groom plan on using in their floral arrangements as decorations for your cake. Remember to ask how many guests will be attending the wedding; this will influence many of your cake decorating decisions, including the number and size of its layers. This is especially important if the bride and groom are paying you for your services. Investigate the cost of the kind of decorations and ingredients you plan on using and then convey this information to the bride and groom, or ask them directly what your budget is and plan on staying under that limit. If money's tight, you might suggest a square design for the wedding cake, which generally feed more guests. This will give you a sense for the kind of wedding that will be held, along with other important information, like whether the location will be temperature controlled. Summer weddings that are held outdoors are not the ideal place for cream based frosting, like buttercream, which can spoil easily in the sun. You might try coating your buttercream frosting with a layer of fondant to help preserve it from spoiling. Buttercream under your fondant has the added bonus of providing a buffer layer between any bumps in your cake and the outer frosting. This means your frosting will look smooth and even. Take into account the time of year the wedding will be held. From your interview with the bride and groom, you should know roughly the features that will be on display at the wedding. If these coordinate with the season, your cake might benefit from matching that motif. For example, if the wedding will be held in winter and the bride desires a \"Winter Wonderland\" theme, you might include glitter and snowflake patters in blue and white icing on your cake. An uneven cake will become obvious when on display in the center of attention. Many cake experts keep a small carpenter's level in their cake-making kit for just this purpose. When your cake is firm and cooled: Lay a clean piece of cardboard atop the cake and check its flatness with your level. This also might depend on the bride and groom's preference, but if you are planning on a multi-tier cake you'll need to support the tires somehow. Typically, this is either done either with dowels/drinking straws that have been cut to size as supports, or on a tiered cake stand. A cake stand might be the best option for beginning decorators, as it will be more stable and not in danger of collapsing on itself." ], "summary": [ "Prevent unsightly drips with parchment paper. Make or buy your frosting. Reinforce your cake before frosting. Contain crumbs with a crumb coat. Frost your cake. Stack your cake. Use fondant to give your cake a smooth, finished look. Write on or monogram the cake. Create borders and designs.", "Wait for the morning of the wedding for cake toppers. Hide imperfections with edible glitter. Arrange time sensitive features as late as possible. Decorate with flowers. Remember to decorate the cake platter. Cap the cake with a wedding topper.", "Interview the bride and groom. Estimate a budget. Tour the venue location. Accentuate your cake with seasonal touches. Check the levelness of your cake. Decide between supports or a stand." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Spotting Sexual Abuse", "Dealing with Emotional Pain", "Getting Help" ], "document": [ "Adults who have were sexually abused as children may also show signs of lingering trauma that can affect one’s physical and psychological well-being. Some common indicators of someone who was abused as a child include: responding with fear to reminders of the assault feeling anxious and unsafe having flashbacks of the assault having problems with concentration ongoing feelings of guilt, anger, and/or depression having a poor self-image having problems with relationships losing interest in sex Teenagers have similarities in how they may respond to sexual abuse as well. Some common signs to look for in teens include: injuring self (cutting, burning) having poor personal hygiene abusing drugs and/or alcohol behaving in a sexually promiscuous manner running away from home showing signs of depression or anxiety making suicide attempts seeming to have a fear of intimacy or closeness changes in appetite, such as dieting or compulsive eating While children may respond to sexual abuse in slightly different ways, there are some common indicators that may help you to identify sexual abuse in children. Some of the signs to watch for include: changes in sleeping pattern or sleep disturbances, such as nightmares drastic changes is eating patterns or appetite sudden mood swings drops hints about abuse through playing, writing, drawing, or speaking develops a fear of a certain person or place talks about a new older friend and/or refuses to share secrets that he/she has with this person receives money, gifts, or toys from someone for no reason being repulsed by themselves or their body seems to have adult knowledge of sexual behaviors", "Even if you are no longer being abused or assaulted, it is possible for you to still be experiencing lingering physiological effects of trauma from the abuse. This trauma is comparable to PTSD. Flashbacks from the experience, along with intense fear and panic, can arise unexpectedly during your day-to-day life. Often the scars remain years after the abuse has stopped, and many people go to counselors to seek further help in overcoming the effects of their past. A mental health counselor or therapist can lend you a supportive ear and provide various techniques to help you overcome the effects of any trauma that you might be holding on to. Domestic violence organizations often have counseling services to help victims of domestic violence situations and sexual assault. One of the most important steps to recognizing and escaping the clutches of sexual abuse is to realize that it is not your fault that you are or were being abused. Guilt or shame will sometimes arise, either as a result of the perpetrator's actions or from the way you are treated by people you tell, but it’s important not to allow this to keep you from telling other people and getting help for yourself. It’s important to know that being assaulted or abused by another person is never your fault. Abusers choose to abuse other people. No matter how vulnerable or foolish you might have been, they chose to take advantage of you. Abusers can play mind games. They might convince you of things that are wrong, and make you believe that you are undeserving of love and care. After an assault or ongoing abuse, it may take a while before you are feeling like yourself again. During this time you may feel frustrated, but it is important that you do not take out your frustration on yourself. Accept that you will need time to recover and that it will be a challenging process. Imagine if a friend was going through the same thing. Think of the time it would take them to recover, and what you would say to them. Try to extend this empathy to yourself. Something horrible happened to you, so of course you are going to have difficult feelings about it. Let yourself be upset. Allow yourself to experience anger, sadness, confusion, and all kinds of emotions. This is a normal part of the healing process. Look for the people who are most important in your life, the ones who lift your spirits and make you feel relaxed. Pick up the phone or go to the kitchen and spend time with them. The support of others will help you heal. One way that you can begin to express your frustrations about what happened to you is to write about them. Start keeping a journal where you write a little bit each day. Write about whatever is on your mind. Some people even benefit from describing the abuse they endured. As you heal, you will need to keep talking to people who care and understand. Try joining a support group for survivors of sexual abuse to connect with people who understand what you are going through. These support groups can provide a safe place to talk about your experience and hear what other people have been through, which may help you realize that you are not alone. It is common to experience feelings that you are not in control or to have difficulty making decisions. The best thing that you can do to regain some control over your life is to start making decisions about your recovery and your future. Gather as much information as you can about your situation and make decisions about how you want to respond. If you are pressing charges for rape or domestic abuse, choose a lawyer to help you navigate the legal matters. If you have an STI or injuries, choose a doctor that can help you find treatment. For emotional recovery, choose a counselor to help you work through it.", "If you are in immediate danger of being abused, get yourself as far away from the person as you can and call 911 right away to get help. Try to get out of the house and go somewhere public if you can. If not, barricade yourself in a room until help arrives. Sexual abuse can happen often or only once. Either way, it can be difficult to determine what is and is not considered abuse. Learning more about what qualifies as sexual abuse or assault may help you to respond in the right way. For example, you might be under the impression that a person can’t be sexually assaulted by their spouse. This assumption is not true, but it sometimes stops people from getting help. Consider the following questions to determine if you have been sexually abused: Has someone made sexual contact with you or unwanted physical contact with you without your explicit permission? Has someone coerced you into having sex with them despite your explicit requests that they stop? This could include making threats or making you feel guilty for saying no. Does someone often exert control, either physical or psychological, over your intimate activities? This could include intentionally making you afraid or guilty about leaving them or coercing you to have intimate contact with other people who you don’t wish to be intimate with. Go to someone you trust, like a teacher, counselor or loved one and explain the situation to them. Sexual predators count on you remaining silent and keeping their secrets, but you can stop the cycle by talking to someone about what’s been happening to you. Tell someone as soon as possible. Building a strong support system around yourself has been shown to be one of the most helpful things for you to do in order to deal with the sexual abuse and its effects. Some tips for building and strengthening your support system are: Accept invitations to events, even if it feels awkward and difficult at first. Don't wait to be invited somewhere. Take the initiative and call someone. Take part in campus and community organizations, residence hall or campus events, or family get-togethers. Strike up a conversation with the person next to you in class or at a local gathering. You could be introducing yourself to a new friend. Talk about things that interest other people. Be an alert listener. If you are reluctant to talk to someone you know, call a sexual abuse hotline for help. They may be able to refer you to local resources in your community--such as domestic violence centers--where you can receive individual support. Some hotlines you can call include: Safe Path: 608-392-7804 or 800-362-5454 ext.7804. Safe Path services are free and confidential. National Sexual Assault Hotline operated by RAINN: To be connected to the rape crisis center nearest to you, dial 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) 1-877-739-3895." ], "summary": [ "Identify signs of abuse in adults. Watch for signs of sexual abuse in teens. Learn how to recognize the signs of sexual abuse in children.", "Consider seeking counseling. Realize it is not your fault. Show yourself some compassion. Give yourself time to cry and be upset. Spend time with people you love. Write about your thoughts and feelings. Reach out to others who have also been abused. Make decisions to regain control.", "Call emergency services if you are in immediate danger. Understand what qualifies as sexual abuse. Talk to someone who cares about you. Call a hotline for help." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Storing the Box Fan", "Maintaining the Box Fan", "Cleaning the Box Fan" ], "document": [ "During the spring and summer months, your home might need the extra coolness a box fan provides. At the change of the season, maintain the fan and prepare it properly by cleaning it before you store it. Disassemble it, soak it, wipe it down, and reassemble it. Cover the box fan for the fall and/or winter season to keep it clean, pristine, and ready for use when the weather warms up again. Cut a shape that fits perfectly over the sides of the box fan covers to shield it from dust and dirt. Tape the bag into place over the fan or tie around it with a thin cord. Now put it away until spring.", "You can help prevent a buildup of dust and grime on your fan by attaching an air filter to it. Look for a filter that is designed to fit the size and shape of your box fan online or in a home supply store. Make sure to attach the filter to the rear part of your fan, where the air is drawn in. If you like, you can also construct your own DIY filter and attach it to the front of your fan, allowing it to do double-duty as an air purifier. For example, if you have a 20 in (51 cm) box fan, purchase a 20 in (51 cm) by 20 in (51 cm) MERV 11 furnace filter and attach it to the front of your fan with some heavy-duty tape. Accrued dirt on fan blades cause bearings to become worn out, which creates a lot of noise from the fan. Every 2 weeks, you should vacuum the fan with the crevice-cleaning hose attachment. Wipe down the blades with a damp sponge twice a summer. In addition to causing damage to the fan, dust and dirt built up on the blades can blow into your home, reducing the air quality inside. Box fans do an amazing job keeping the house cool, but oftentimes they also cause a lot of noise. Look for looseness in the fan’s housing and fan guards. Wedge a piece of cardboard between the edges of the blade guards if they are not firmly attached to the fan and their looseness is causing a rattle. Add a drop of silicone sealant to secure the decorative cap to the front guard of the fan if it is too noisy. Inspect blades to make sure there aren’t any cracks, and replace them as necessary. Screw the spinner further into place and tighten it if it seems too loose. This will tighten the fan hub to the shaft and simultaneously secure the spinner into place. If you notice that the box fan makes noise on level or smooth surfaces instead of on cushioned surfaces, it might be an issue with its base. Pads might be missing, so inspect the base of the fan and replace its pads as needed.", "Wipe down the power cord with a damp cloth. Make sure to dry it. Set the fan itself on a waist level work area, like a bench or a kitchen table. Unscrew the screw securing both grilles to the metal box frame and remove them. Place the screws in a plastic baggie for later to ensure the screws don’t get lost. Use your bathtub as a method to clean the covers. Plug the drain to your tub and add enough water to soak them in. When the dust and dirt comes off easily with a rinse, the covers are finished soaking. An alternative method is dousing the covers down with some vinegar. If you have a hose outside, use that to hose off your covers. The dirt will come right off. It’s slightly harder to clean the covers by hand, but it can be done that way as well. Spray the covers with equal parts water and vinegar, and then wipe the dirt away with a towel. You can either use the towel you already dampened with vinegar and water, or apply vinegar and water to a dry towel. Be careful to avoid spraying directly onto the blades. Instead, apply it to the cloth and then wipe the blades with the dampened cloth. Apply pulling pressure to the blade set and remove it if needed. Use a vacuum with the hose attachment to vacuum out the motor vents. You can also use mild dish soap mixed with water and use a q-tip to help you clean out hard to reach areas. Take care not to get any water or cleaning agents in the motor, however, since this can cause damage. Gently wipe down all plastic parts, like the outside of the fan, its carrying handle, and its knobs, with a damp cloth." ], "summary": [ "Give your fan a deep cleaning. Prevent dust from settling on your fan by putting it in storage. Use a brown bag or trash bag to store the box fan.", "Buy an air filter for your fan. Clean fan blades of accumulated dirt regularly. Inspect the box fan to make sure that there are no loose external parts. Disassemble the box fan to see if there are any loose internal fasteners if the problem persists. Quiet any rattling the box fan might make.", "Unplug the box fan. Remove the outer covers of the fan. Clean the outer covers of the fan. Spray and wipe down the blades to clean them." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making British Almond Pralines", "Making Traditional Southern Pralines", "Making Honey Pecan Pralines", "Making Microwave Pralines" ], "document": [ "To start your pralines, you must first make a caramel. Put your sugar and water into a large saucepan. Stir the sugar and water over a medium heat to help the sugar dissolve. Once it is dissolved, stop stirring the mixture. Use a pastry brush to remove any sugar crystals from the side of the pot. Removing the crystals makes it so your caramel isn't grainy. Increase the heat of the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil. When your mixture starts to get golden brown, add in your almonds and stir the mixture. Once the sugar turns golden brown, remove it from the heat. Make sure you watch your pot very carefully. The mixture will burn easily. Take your pan and plunge the bottom into a sink or bowl full of cold water. This lowers the heat of the pan and keeps the caramel from getting too brown. Cover a flat baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour out your praline mixture and spread it across the pan in an even layer. Let it cool. One of the differences between British and American pralines is that they are crushed and used as a topping instead of eaten as candies. Once the pralines have cooled completely, break it apart. Put the pieces into a food processor. Pulse until it makes a fine powder. These are good as toppings on other desserts such as cakes and ice cream sundaes.", "The praline process is delicate and time sensitive. You need to make sure that you have a spooning area ready before you begin to cook. This will make sure you don't let your pralines cool too much later on. Place a few sheets of parchment paper near you. Place a spoon by the paper in case you need it to help get the mixture off the spoon. You will also need a candy thermometer. You can also use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper. Do not use wax paper. The heat of the pralines will melt the wax off the paper. You can also put the parchment paper on a flat baking if you want to be able to move them after your make them. Butter the sides of a 2 quart saucepan. Pour in the sugars, salt, corn syrup, milk, and butter in the saucepan. Stir them together and cook over medium heat. Stir the mixture constantly until the sugar dissolves and the mixture comes to a boil. Continue to cook until it reaches 236 degrees on the candy thermometer. Remove it from heat and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. You can use the soft ball test if you don't have a candy thermometer. When you think your mixture is thick enough, drizzle a drop of the candy mixture into a glass of cold water. Take the ball that forms out of the water. If it squishes flat between your fingers but stays together, it is ready to come off the heat. Once the mixture has cooled, put the nuts and the vanilla into the mixture. Beat the mixture by hand with a spoon for about 2 minutes. The candy should start to thicken and lose its glossy sheen. Once it it no longer glossy, take your spoon and start to measure out your pralines. Each spoonful should be dropped on the parchment paper you prepared earlier. If the mixture gets stuck on the spoon, use the spoon you set aside earlier to help get the mixture off. Continue this until all of the pralines are formed. Let them cool to room temperature before you eat them. Pour a teaspoon or two of hot water in the pralines if the mixture starts to harden before you are done spooning them out. You can make a few variations of this recipe if you want. For chocolate pralines, add a 1/2 cup chocolate to the ingredients in the saucepan. If you want peanut butter pralines, add a 1/3 peanut butter in the 30 seconds before your mixture is done boiling. If you are allergic to nuts, add in 1 1/2 cups of puffed rice cereal instead of pecans.", "These pralines differ because you bake them instead of boiling them in a pan. Preheat your oven at 350 degrees. Put the oven rack in the middle position. Measure out all the ingredients into one bowl. Stir them until they are well blended together. The nuts should be completely covered in the mixture. This recipe is nuttier than others. If you want to have a more balanced ratio of candy to nuts, reduce the amount of nuts to 1 cup. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spoon all the ingredients from your bowl onto the baking sheet. Use a rubber spatula to remove any excess honey and sugar from the sides of the bowl. Spread the mixture into a thin layer. You can use aluminum foil if you want. Don't use wax paper because it will melt in the oven. Place the baking sheet onto the middle rack in the oven. Let the mixture bake for 8 minutes. Take the pan out of the oven. The honey and sugar should be melted and bubbling along the pan. Using a heat resistant spatula, stir the nuts into the mixture, coating them completely. Put the pan back into the oven for 3 more minutes. Take them out and stir them one more time. Put them back in the oven for three final minutes. Take the pan out of the oven. They should be darker now. Spread the nuts back into a single layer. Allow them to cool. Once they are completely cool, pull them off the parchment paper. They will start to break apart. Take the larger pieces and break them into smaller ones. You can use your hands or a knife. Serve and enjoy.", "You need to prepare baking sheets to place your pralines on to cool. Take two flat baking sheets and cover then with aluminum foil. Butter the aluminum foil. Put your sugar, cream, and corn syrup into a large glass bowl. Stir the mixture together until you dissolved the lumps in the sugar. You can use any microwave safe bowl if you don't have a glass bowl. Once you've stirred the ingredients. Place your bowl in the microwave. Cook the mixture on high for 13 minutes. Carefully remove it from the microwave. The bowl will be extremely hot. Put the butter, pecans, and vanilla in the bowl. Stir them with a spoon. Continue to stir them for around 1 minute. You know that you have stirred the mixture enough when the texture becomes less glossy. You can chop your pecans or leave them whole. That is up to you. This recipe was modified for the microwave, but it can also be made on the stove. Cook everything but the nuts and vanilla in a saucepan until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes before you add the nuts and vanilla. Follow the rest of the recipes as it is. Right as you finish stirring, you have to start spooning the mixture onto your prepared sheets. Using a tablespoon, drop heaping tablespoon sized pralines onto the baking sheet. Continue until you are out of mixture. Let them cool to room temperature. This should take about 20 minutes. Serve and enjoy. Add 1-3 teaspoons of cream if the mixture cools and hardens while you are spooning them out. These pralines are best the first day they are made. If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container for up to four days." ], "summary": [ "Dissolve the sugar. Cook the caramel. Pour the pralines. Crush the pralines.", "Prepare the counter. Simmer your mixture. Finish the pralines. Pour the pralines.", "Preheat the oven. Stir ingredients. Spread your mixture. Cook the pralines. Serve the pralines.", "Prepare your pans. Combine your ingredients. Cook the mixture. Finish the praline mixture. Pour your pralines." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating a Portfolio Website", "Gathering Materials", "Making a Printed Portfolio" ], "document": [ "Many companies exist that allow you to make a website, like Wix or Weebly. They may charge you for upgrades or fancier services, but you can make a simple portfolio website on their platform for free. Squarespace is another option, though you do have to pay a monthly or annual fee. It’s best to choose a template with a simple design and minimal animation, rather than crowded pages and flashy text. This should be the first page that viewers see when they visit your website. Experiment with different ways to lay out your samples until you find the form that is the most attractive. Lay out your samples in a grid, as a slideshow, or in one long, scroll-through page. Include brief captions or descriptions of your samples. You can also include a brief tagline of who you are on the main page, but leave the bulk of the personal information for a separate About Me page. Upload small file sizes so that the webpage doesn’t take forever to load. This page should include a professional-looking headshot and your personal statement. You can write either in first or third person. This is a good spot to post or link to your resume and any relevant social media, such as a YouTube channel or an Instagram account (not your personal one). If you’re struggling with what to say on this page, keep it simple. “I’ve been working in graphic design for 2 years. I’m based in Columbus and I specialize in marketing and advertising graphic design. I’m open to new clients, commissions, and collaborations.” Check out the About Me pages of other people in your field for inspiration. You can also include relevant awards or certificates on this page. You can include a form where people can send you emails or post your email address. If you don’t already have a professional email address, now’s a good time to make one. It’s best not to put your phone number online, because you will likely get a ton of spam calls. Instead, you can provide your phone number to someone once they’ve already been in email contact with you, so you know they are legitimate. Be aware that you’ll likely get a lot of spam emails after you post your email address online. Most website creation services let you edit the fonts, colors, and layout of your website. Choose a simple, legible font, because the eye-catching thing should be your work, not the titles. Pick a color scheme and theme for your website that best reflects your professional goals. For example, if you want to become a children’s book illustrator, your website might look good with pastel colors, but if you’re trying to get hired as a financial copywriter, a dark color scheme would be better. You can ask a friend, family member, professor, or other people in your field to look over your website before you launch it. They can help you refine your website as well as catch glaring mistakes that you may have missed when you were too caught up in the little details. If the person just tells you it’s a good website, you can ask for more feedback, and make sure they know your feelings won’t be hurt. Ask for specific questions, like “Is there any part of the text that could be improved? What do you think of the layout of the samples? Does the About Me page present an accurate impression of who I am?”", "The samples are the most important part of your portfolio since they show what kind of work you are capable of. Instead of overwhelming the portfolio by including a full listing of your past work, only include 10 to 20 samples of your highest quality pieces. Demonstrate depth with your samples, not just breadth. The kind of samples you have will be different depending on what field you are in. For example, a model needs a selection of quality photographs of themselves, while a writer needs a variety of articles or writing samples. Your original works are too valuable to risk losing as your portfolio gets passed around. Take photographs of three-dimensional works and two-dimensional works and photocopy any writing samples. Take your pictures using a tripod, so that your camera doesn’t shake, and light it from the side, so there isn’t a glare on the object. If you’re including an article published in a magazine, newspaper, or journal, photocopy the volume's front cover and table of contents as well as your article. If any articles have been written about your accomplishments, include copies of those clippings in your portfolio. National journals and large newspapers are the most impressive sources, but you should still include articles written by local news sources, academic institutes, and Internet sources. If you were in the military, provide a record of your service. Include information about any awards, badges, or ranks you earned during your time in the military. If you just graduated or are applying to schools, you might want to include a transcript of your past academic work. Include awards or certificates if they are relevant. List professional and academic sources who would be willing to promote your work and skills if asked. Choose wisely and ask permission from each source before listing them as a reference. Include full names, job positions, email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers. Also briefly state how that reference is connected to you. Limit your references to a single page. You shouldn’t post this information online, but it’s useful to have for a printed portfolio or to email to an employer who has seen your online portfolio. Write a paragraph that includes some brief professional information, your long- and short-goals, and how you approach your work. Depending on what field you’re in, you may want to include your creative philosophy, management philosophy, teaching philosophy, and so on. If you are planning on showing your portfolio to many potential employers, your personal statement should be broad enough to encompass all of them. Use specifics rather than generalizations. For example, say “My experience producing a feature-length student-written film taught me the perseverance necessary for success in the challenging indie film industry,” rather than, “I’ve worked on making films, so I’m a good candidate.” If you haven’t updated your resume recently, now is a great time to do so, because then you can include it in your portfolio. Make sure your resume reflects your relevant work experience, skills, and educational achievements. If you don’t have much work experience, you can beef up your resume with educational awards or volunteer experience. Update your online resume (like a LinkedIn account) if you have one.", "Use high-quality paper and a color printer. As a rough guideline, glossy paper will be better for visual art portfolios, while business, teaching, or writing portfolios will look better on matte paper. However, some artists prefer to display their work on matte paper, so it’s up to you. Make sure all your pages are printed in the same direction, either horizontal or vertical. You want your viewer to be able to easily page through your portfolio without having to rotate it around. Including a table of contents makes it easier for prospective employers, administrators, or clients to navigate through your work and immediately access the information they need. If you plan on mailing out your portfolio, rather than flipping through it yourself to show someone, a table of contents is a good idea. Create your table of contents after you finish your portfolio but put it at the front. You do not need to list page numbers if you do not include them in your portfolio, but if you do decide to number the pages in your portfolio, list those numbers in your table of contents. It’s a good idea to put a couple of copies of your resume in your printed portfolio, so you can hand them out to potential employers and don’t run out. Then, move on to your personal statement, to give people a good idea of your professional goals and expertise. Putting your personal statement before your work samples helps contextualize work. Including a head shot next to your personal statement can make your portfolio look more professional. However, if you are a model and your portfolio is already full of shots of yourself, this step is less necessary. Also, if you will be presenting your portfolio in person, a headshot is redundant. Start with the pieces you are most proud of, so that the moment you flip open your portfolio to show a potential employer, they will be wowed by your best sample. Play around with the order until you find the one you like best. You may be tempted to save your best work for last, but in fact you might lose clients before they even make it to the end of your portfolio. Try to start with a strong first impression. The point of a portfolio is really to highlight your work, which is why you should start with your samples. However, it can also be a good opportunity to show off any relevant awards and certificates. End with your three to five references. You may want to separate out the different parts of your portfolio with tabs. Depending on what screw post binder you buy, you may have to buy a pack of plastic sleeves separately. The benefit of a screw post binding is that the pages hinge open flat, for a professional display. The plastic sleeves will waterproof your pages, and look much more professional than loose, hole-punched pages. Having plastic sleeves also means you can slip images in and out to change and update your portfolio if you have new work samples you want to include. Ask someone familiar with your field to look through your portfolio. They can point out any mistakes you may have missed, and tell you if they think you chose the best order to display your samples. Be honest with people about what level of feedback you would like. If you just want encouragement, that’s fine, but if you want constructive criticism, let them know." ], "summary": [ "Make a website from a template using a website creation service. Create a main page with samples of your work. Add an About Me page. Include a Contact page so people can reach you. Play around with the settings to find the best design. Get feedback on your website before you launch it.", "Choose 10-20 quality samples of your work. Take quality photographs of your work. Gather documented proof of your accomplishments. Ask three to five people to be your references. Draft a personal statement. Update your resume.", "Print your pages on quality paper. Put a table of contents at the beginning (optional). Put your resume and personal statement first. Put your best samples first. Include relevant awards and references at the end of your portfolio. Put all your pages in a screw post binder with plastic sleeves. Get feedback on your portfolio from a trusted friend or advisor." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Greek Language", "Greek Alphabet" ], "document": [ "There are three declensions in Greek: first, second, and third. Each noun must be declined with changes in its ending to denote whether its number is singular or plural, and whether its case is in the nominative (e.g., man in \"a man sees a dog\"), vocative (e.g., man in \"O man, see the dog!), accusative (e.g., dog in \"a man sees a dog\"), genitive (e.g., of man in \"the son of man sees a dog\"), dative (e.g. for the man in \"the son buys a dog for the man\"). Adjectives are declined similar to nouns, and must agree with nouns in number, case, and gender. For example, the word λογος (meaning \"word\" in English) is declined as follows: Nominative singular: λογος Vocative singular: λογε Accusative singular: λογον Genitive singular: λογου Dative singular: λογῳ Nominative plural: λογοι Vocative plural: λογοι Accusative plural: λογους Genitive plural: λογῳν Dative plural: λογοις A preposition requires the noun following it (called the object of the preposition in English) to take a certain case (there is not a single objective case). For example, the preposition απο (\"from\") must be followed by a noun in the genitive case. The preposition εν (\"in\" or \"on\") must be followed by a noun in the dative case. A table of verbs is typically found at the end of most Greek textbooks: make sure to study it carefully. The \"Present\" and \"Imperfect\" tenses denote continuous or repeated action. The \"Perfect\" tense denotes completed action. The \"Aorist\" tense denotes a simple, indefinite action, used when there is no need to indicate continuity, completion, or incompletion of the action denoted by the verb. A verb may be in the active, middle, or passive voice, and is conjugated accordingly. Furthermore, a verb is conjugated according to its context, i.e. indicative, imperative, subjunctive, optative. For example, the Present Indicative Active of the verb λεγω (\"I say\") is as follows: 1st singular: λεγω \"I say, or I am saying\" 2nd singular: λεγεις \"Thou sayest, or thou art saying\" 3rd singular: λεγει \"He, she, or it says, or is saying\" 1st plural: λεγομε \"We say, or we are saying\" 2nd plural: λεγετε \"Ye say, or ye are saying\" 3rd plural: λέγουν(ε) \"They say, or they are saying\" These must be memorised with practice. Try to make it a habit to revise a list of new vocabulary regularly, reviewing old ones prior to learning new ones. It is better to learn a little everyday, than trying to learn a lot once a week. You may find help from recorded lessons, a native speaker, or a fluent Greek language tutor.", "In Greek language, there can be no wrong pronunciation if you know how to pronounce the individual letters correctly: each Greek letter has one and only one pronunciation, except for some limited combinations of letters who are paired (see below) and give a different pronunciation. So in greek, putting random letters together can very well produce a pronounceable word, albeit it being a nonsensical word (just like above). Greek diphthongs (two letters that are pronounced as a single sound). There is a symbol for the separation of these letters to sound like individuals. The symbol is ¨ (διαλυτικά) and the second letter goes between the dots. Diphthongs and examles of ¨ are as follows: αι as e in \"left\". On the other hand, αϊ is pronounced \"α-ee\" (α ι) ει as i in \"quit\". On the other hand, εϊ is pronounced \"e-ee\" (ε ι) οι also as i in \"quit\". οϊ is pronounced o-ee (ο ι) αυ as af in \"after\" or \"av\" in \"aviator\", depending on the word. αϊ is pronounced α-ee (α υ) ευ as ef in \"left\" or \"ev\" in \"evolution\" depending on the word. εϋ is pronounced e-ee (ε υ) ου as oo in \"loose\". οϋ is pronounced o-ee (ο υ) a mark is written over every vowel that is emphasized. The mark ' (called tonos - τόνος) written over a vowel and makes it stand out in the word, for example if \"evolution\" was a Greek word, a ' would be written over u (evolUtion). In \"American\", over e (amErican). In \"University\" over e (univErsity) etc. So the word \"αεροπλάνο\" is pronounced \"aeroplAno\". You emphasize the a. If a word has only 1 vowel, there is no need for the ' mark. a small ι may be written under the letter α, η, ω when one of these letters ends a word. This is a relic of an ancient diphthong and is not pronounced, but must be written." ], "summary": [ "Learn the declensions. Learn the prepositions. Learn the verb conjugations. Learn the conjugation of irregular verbs. Learn new vocabularies and review them regularly, preferably daily. Progress to speaking Greek as you find help in the common idiom and vernacular.", "Learn the Greek alphabet and the pronunciation of each letter. Emphasis: Iota subscript:" ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Calculating Unit Price", "Comparing Unit Prices" ], "document": [ "The unit price is typically a fraction of the total cost of the product. Look at the price tag or use a price scanning tool to find the total price of the product. If you have a coupon, subtract the coupon value from the total price before you calculate the unit price. Look on the label to check the amount of product in the container. The quantity is normally listed on the bottom right corner of the package. Some products will be sold by item, such as toilet paper, paper towels, or pencils. However, most items will have a unit of measurement, like ounces, cups, quarts, gallons, milliliters, liters, etc. Sometimes the products you’re comparing measure their quantity using different units, such as quarts versus gallons or ounces versus grams. If this is the case, change the unit of measurement for one of the products to match the other before you calculate the unit rate. For example, let’s say you’re looking at a quart of milk for $1.25 and a gallon of milk for $4.29. There are 4 quarts in a gallon, so you could adjust the price for the quart of milk by multiplying it by 4. To purchase a gallon of milk in individual quart-size bottles, you’d pay $1.25 x 4, which is $5.00. Similarly, let’s say you’re looking at a liter of vegetable oil for $9.79 and a 12 oz bottle for $4.99. One liter contains 33.8 ounces, so you can use that number as your quantity. Use your calculator or phone to find the unit price. If you're doing the math by hand, use long division to divide the total price by the quantity. Here are some examples: Let’s say the product is a 6-roll pack of toilet paper for $4.59. To get the unit price, you’d divide $4.59 by 6 to get $0.77. The unit price is $0.77. Similarly, you might be considering a 24 oz bottle of shampoo for $13.79. Divide $13.79 by 24, which is $0.57. Most stores include the product’s unit price on the shelf label for that product. Typically, the unit price is printed in small type in the top or lower left corner and may have a box around it. Check the shelf label to see if the unit price is there. As an example, when you’re looking at an 8 oz bottle of olive oil that costs $5.79, you might see a unit price of $0.72 printed in small type in the corner of the label.", "Divide the total cost of each product by the quantity in the package. Get the unit price for each item. For instance, let’s say you’re trying to choose between a 6-roll pack of toilet paper for $4.59 and a 9-roll pack of toilet paper for $7.29. To get the unit prices, calculate $4.59/6 = $0.77 and $7.29/9 = $0.81. Alternatively, you might be trying to choose between a 32-oz family-sized box of cereal for $4.89 and a 12-oz regular-sized box of cereal for $2.29. You’d calculate $4.89/32 = $0.15 and $2.29/12 = $0.19. Generally, the product with the lowest unit cost is the best value. Compare the unit prices that you calculated to see which one is lower. Then, purchase that product. As an example, if a 6-roll pack of toilet paper has a unit price of $0.77 and the 9-roll pack has a unit price of $0.81, the 6-roll pack is the best choice. Alternatively, a family-sized box of cereal is a better deal at a unit price of $0.15 versus a smaller box at a unit price of $0.19. Typically, items that are of lesser quality will have a lower unit cost. You might still choose to purchase the less expensive item. However, consider the quality of the items when making a final purchasing decision. For example, a toilet paper that has a thicker ply or more sheets may have a higher unit cost than single-ply toilet paper with a low sheet count. In this case, you might decide that the higher-quality toilet paper is a better value for you." ], "summary": [ "Check the item’s total price. Find the quantity of the item that the package contains. Make sure both products have the same unit of measurement. Divide the total price by the quantity to get the unit price. Look for the unit cost on the product label for an easier option.", "Calculate the unit price of the items you’re planning to buy. Choose the item with the lowest unit price. Make sure that the quality of the items is similar, if that matters to you." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Double Curtain Rod", "Using a Single Curtain Rod", "Hanging Without Curtain Rod Holders" ], "document": [ "These kits come with 2 curtain rods and curtain rod holders with brackets to hang the second curtain. A double curtain rod will allow the curtains and voile to hang at the same length without having to measure multiple holders. Choose decorative rods if you want the rods to add flair to the overall window treatment. If you don’t want the rods showing, choose concealed rods. Measure your windows first to make sure you get a rod that's the the right length. Add 6 in (15 cm) to 12 in (30 cm) from the top of your window. Make a mark on either end of the window based on these measurements. Then, measure from this mark to where you want the curtains to end on the floor. For a traditional look, have the curtains stop just above the floor or touch the floor. If you prefer a luxurious look, consider having curtains long enough to puddle on the floor. Include the window frame on each side when you measure the width. Add 10 in (25 cm) to either side of the window frame to create a balanced look. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure you attach the correct pieces to the wall and the correct brackets to each holder. Use the marks you made to screw the curtain rod holders into the wall with a screwdriver and screws. Put the curtains onto 1 rod and the voile onto the other rod. If the curtains have holes or several loops, you can choose to skip a hole or 2 to make fewer pleats in the curtain. The rod with the voile will go on the brackets closest to the window. The rod with the curtains will go on the bracket towards the front.", "Measure the width of the window and add 10 in (25 cm) to either side. Measure the length of the curtain you want by adding 6 in (15 cm) to 12 in (30 cm) from the top of your window. Make a mark on either end of the window based on these measurements. Then, measure from this mark to where you want the curtains to end. Choose a decorative rod if you would like it to be visible. If you want the to be rod out of site, choose a concealed rod. Purchase a curtain rod that fits the measurements you have made. Using an adjustable curtain rod will allow you to make sure the the rod fits your measurements. and curtains using the instructions on the label. You will usually be told to use a screwdriver and screws to attach the curtain rod holder to the wall. Then thread the curtains onto the curtain rod. Use a bungee cord that has a hook on either end. Thread the voile through the bungee cord. Hook either end of the bungee cord to the curtain rod holders. Opt for a light-colored (white, gray, beige) bungee cord so it won’t show through the sheer voile once it is hung. Find a tension rod that is thin enough to fit through the loops in the voile. Thread the voile through the tension rod.", "You can find these items at a home improvement store or bed and bath store. The rod and rod endings will usually be sold together. Use lightweight rods that are adjustable. To add a personal touch, paint the wall hooks and pole endings using spray paint. Measure how far you want the curtain above the window by adding 6 in (15 cm) to 12 in (30 cm) from the top of your window. Make a mark on either end of the window based on these measurements. Follow the label's instructions to expose the adhesive and stick it to the wall. These hooks will hold the rod with the curtains. Place the a hook below and to the right of where you placed the first left hook. Place the last hook below and to the left of the first right hook. These two hooks will be used to hang the curtain with the voile. Thread the curtains and voile through the curtain rods. Place the rod with the voile on the bottom two hooks and the rod with the curtains on the top two hooks." ], "summary": [ "Purchase a double curtain rod kit from a home improvement store. Measure the length of curtains you want to hang using measuring tape. Measure the width of the window using measuring tape. Install the double curtain rod holders by using a screwdriver and screws. Feed the curtains and voile onto the curtain rods. Hang the rods on the curtain rod holder.", "Measure where you would like to hang the rod using a measuring tape. Purchase a single curtain rod kit from a home improvement store. Hang the curtain rod Hang the voile using a bungee cord for a nice, draped look. Use a tension rod if you want it to hang straight across the window.", "Purchase adhesive wall hooks, 2 curtain rods, and 4 rod endings. Mark the two spots on the wall where the wall hooks will attach to the wall. Attach 2 wall hooks to the wall on the 2 marks. Attach the other 2 wall hooks to the wall. Hang the rods on the hooks you attached to the wall." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Petroleum Jelly", "Using a Classic Hairspray Fix", "Pre-treating and Laundering" ], "document": [ "Next, with the jelly still on it, toss your garment into the washing machine with a load of laundry. Set the washer to the normal settings for your garment (check the care label if you have any concerns) and let the wash run as normal. When you take your garment out of the wash, the stain should have improved noticeably. If some lipstick still remains, consider repeating this method or using one of the other cleaning suggestions in this article to finish it off.", "Next, give the hairspray a chance to soak into the fabric and begin to lift the lipstick away from the fabric. This shouldn't take any longer than 15 minutes. At this point, if any lipstick remains, you may want to launder the garment to complete the stain-removal process. When done, dry as normal. Consider using the pre-treatment method above to enhance the stain-fighting power of your laundry cycle.", "Next, give the detergent a chance to soak into the fabric and start to dislodge the stain. This shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes. While you wait, you can prepare the rest of your laundry load. When your wash is done, take your garment out and inspect the stained area. If the stain is still plainly visible, you may need to repeat the pre-treating cycle one or more times to completely eliminate the stain. When you're satisfied with your results, dry your garment. If you have clear weather outside, you may want to consider drying your garment in the sun on a drying rack or line. The sun's rays are known to lighten stains during the drying process. However, it's important to note that leaving colored clothes out for days at a time can cause their colors to fade." ], "summary": [ "Launder as normal. If needed, follow with another stain removal method.", "Let the hairspray set for 10-15 minutes. Launder as normal.", "Allow the detergent to set. Dry and repeat if necessary." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Hiring and Training Key Staff and Faculty", "Choosing a School Structure", "Registering and Opening the School", "Creating a Business Plan and Finding Funding" ], "document": [ "The first 2 staff members you should hire are the principal and a business manager. The administrator will be able to help you handle the educational and staffing aspects of the school plan, while the business manager will work with you on duties such as enrollment and purchasing. The principal and business administrator can work alongside your committee members to handle financial, legal, and academic obligations prior to the start of school. About 9 months before the start of school, begin holding interviews for the staff members who will work in the business office. Once the business office is open, the school can begin the admissions process for students. If you’re starting a small private grade school, you probably only need to hire 1-2 administrative staff. To find qualified applicants, post job descriptions on online job-finding sites like Monster, LinkedIn, and Indeed. Depending on the size of your school, you may wish to hire many more than 4 faculty members. However, for a small grade school, have a minimum of 4 faculty members for the first year. The 4 faculty members should specialize in core subjects including math, science, and language arts. Once faculty members have been hired, ask them what supplies they’ll need in order to successfully teach their core subject. Work with them to order curriculum materials, furniture, and educational supplies. While your faculty should all be qualified to teach in their fields, they may not be familiar with the specific policies and academic outcomes that you want for your private school. So, provide faculty training sessions to familiarize the teachers and staff with the school, policies, procedures, expectations, curriculum, and your vision for the school. This will be especially valuable if you’re teaching in a private school where the majority of the curriculum has already been developed and is handed down to the instructors.", "Make this decision before deciding on any other academic aspects of your school. Nonprofit schools will be managed by a board of directors. For-profit schools, on the other hand, will be overseen by a proprietor (potentially yourself) or by a business partnership or LLC. One structure is not better than the other. It’s simply up to you to decide how you want to manage and finance your school. If you opt to run a non-profit private school, follow up by applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status with the IRS. This committee will work together to make crucial decisions about the school’s future, select a campus location, and hire faculty. The members will eventually become the core members of your board of directors. Committee members should be experts in different areas, including education, legal, accounting, business and construction. If you aren’t sure who to ask to become a committee member, reach out to other private schools in your area. Talk to their administration members, and find out who those schools used as committee members. Day schools function like typical public schools and send students home at the end of a 6- or 7-hour day. Boarding schools house students overnight. Boarding-school students typically stay at the school for an entire semester. Boarding schools take more financial input and more work, but the students tend to become deeply involved in their communities and to form close professional bonds with their teachers. As another option, consider a Montessori school. Montessori schools are almost always private and offer children a discovery-based model of academic experimentation and learning. If you’re inexperienced or want to start small, open a private grade school that offers grades K-5. A small school will be easier to run, require a smaller campus, and have lower enrollment. Or, if you’d like to start a larger school, opt to offer grades K-12. Many private schools start with fewer and lower grade levels and add upper grades over time. For instance, you could begin by offering K-5. Then, after 3 or 4 years, you can add grades 6-8. Plan to rent or lease a building in your community large enough—and in good enough repair—to house students. Look around within residential or semi-residential areas within the community where you’d like to have your school. If no vacant school buildings currently exist, talk to city developer or commercial real-estate agents who may know of a viable school building. Unless you have a huge operating budget, do not plan to construct a new building for your school.", "Do this at least 2-3 months before you plan to open the doors and offer classes. In some states, private schools are overseen by a division of the Department of Education. Other states have individual accrediting agencies for private schools. Follow your state’s procedures for registering an official private school with the state’s educational division. The state will send a representative to the campus to inspect the facilities and make sure they’re up to code and safe. The state will also request a school calendar and list of the names of enrolled students. Accreditation shows that your private school program meets an established standard, determined by a rigorous approval process. Receiving accreditation from a regional agency will distinguish your private school as a quality program. Check your state’s legislation to find out if you’re legally required to accredit your private school. If you're starting a school within the U.S., there are 6 regional educational accrediting agencies that you should apply to based on your location. These accreditation agencies include: The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (CACSCOC) The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Marketing your school is an important part of drumming up interest within the community and boosting your enrollment numbers. Advertise for students through community, church and service groups. You can also advertise through local newspapers and magazines and submit your school to online and private school directories. To help drum up interest online, ask one of your committee members to design a website that will provide admissions and enrollment information. Once you have some interested community members, you could offer a tour of the private school so that parents and potential students can become familiar with the building and layout. Plan your opening for when other schools in the area are starting. This is usually in the early fall, around the second week of August in North America. Make the day special and fun for the enrolled students and their parents. For example, set up balloons and streamers, and alert the local press. Have your committee/board members on hand as well. Also try inviting local government officials, like the city mayor or the district’s state representative.", "Create a 5-year business plan, including operational plans (such as financial and marketing) and educational plans (such as educational focus, curriculum, implementation and assessment). The plan should also detail planned accomplishments such as expanding the campus or offering new grades. Whether your school is nonprofit or for-profit, a business plan will help by setting the school on a successful path. A sound business plan will also inspire confidence—and generosity—in your potential financial donors. for the school. When setting up a budget, plan for a variety of expenses, including: leasing a facility, legal licenses and permits from the state educational board; hiring faculty members, staff, and a business consultant; and marketing and promoting the school. Reach out to other private schools in the community and ask to review their budget. This will give you an idea of a private school’s annual costs. Your committee accountant or financial specialist should help with the budget. If you don’t have a financial specialist on your committee, seek expert financial advice. Starting a private school from scratch is an expensive undertaking. On average, starting a private school in the U.S. costs $1,000,000. The same undertaking in the U.K. costs, on average, £930,000. If you are operating as a non-profit, solicit contributions by asking for donations from foundations, applying for grants and establishing donations from private donors. If you’re operating for-profit, student tuition will provide the majority of the income. Set a tuition rate that will cover the school’s expenses without being prohibitively steep. When soliciting funds from financial partners, show potential investors your business plan. This will clarify to them that you know what you’re doing and that your private school is worth serious investment. as a business. Most private schools incorporate and apply for tax-exempt status. You’ll need to officially create the for-profit private school as a business and register the school with your state at least 1 year before opening its doors to students. File the appropriate paperwork with your Secretary of the State and the IRS. If you have an attorney on your founding committee, ask them to handle this step. Their professional expertise will be invaluable." ], "summary": [ "Interview and hire critical staff 18 months prior to the start of school. Hire administrative staff and open the business office. Interview and hire at least 4 faculty members. Train your faculty 4–5 months before the start of school.", "Decide if the school will be for-profit or nonprofit. Assemble a private school committee if your school is non-profit. Decide if you’d like to manage a day school or a boarding school. Determine the grade levels for your private school. Find a building to house your private school.", "Notify your state’s educational division that you’re starting a school. Apply for educational accreditation from recognized agencies. Promote your private school to prospective parents and students. Open your private school and begin holding classes.", "Write a business plan for your private school. Determine the budget Secure funding for your private school. Incorporate your for-profit private school" ] }