{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Home Treatments", "Seeking Medical Treatment" ], "document": [ "Silicone gel masks are a common, safe and effective treatment for hypertrophic scars. You can buy sheeting masks or gel over-the-counter at a drug store or online, or you can purchase it from your dermatologist. Carefully follow the instructions on the packaging or those provided by your doctor. To use the mask, apply it over your scar and make sure it stays in place. This may not be the best option for highly visible scars, people with allergies to the tape that holds the mask in place, or people who sweat a lot. Fortunately, silicone gel is available for people who cannot wear the mask, and it’s just as effective! However, you will need to remember to reapply the gel throughout the day. It will dry clear, so no one will know you’re wearing it. Silicone treatments are most often applied for 23 hours a day during the first year after the scar begins to develop. Onion extract prevents scar development and improves the look of scars by limiting inflammation and the growth of cells that create collagen, which are called fibroblasts. It’s most effective on new scars. You can find gels that contain onion extract over-the-counter or purchase them through your dermatologist. Mederma, a scar gel that is commonly available over-the-counter, is a blend that contains onion extract. It has several generic forms, though you should check the ingredients to make sure the 1 you are buying contains onion extract. Although vitamin E can improve some skin issues, it’s not very effective against hypertrophic scars. Instead, it can weaken your skin or cause skin irritation, which actually makes it take longer to heal. Check the label to make sure the products you choose don’t include vitamin E as an ingredient. When in doubt, ask your doctor if the product you want to use is right for you. with camouflage makeup. The look of your hypertrophic scar will improve over time on its own, though the time it takes can vary across individuals. While your scar heals, you can use skin camouflage makeup to cover it. This is a very effective way to hide your scar. You can use a regular concealer that matches your skin tone along with a makeup setting powder or a scar camouflage kit with a paste and powder, which is available at drugstores or online. Apply enough concealer or camouflage paste over your scar to cover it, then use a makeup brush to blend it into your skin. Allow 1-2 minutes for it to dry, then brush the powder over it. You can pair makeup with other early treatments, such as using scar gel. Just let your treatment dry before you apply the makeup. Makeup is most often used on scars that appear in highly visible areas, such as on your face. However, remember that your scar does not define you, and it's okay to leave your scar uncovered.", "If other treatments don't work, you can try corticosteroid injections, if your doctor approves them. For them to work, you'll need to receive injections once or twice a month until your scar heals. Corticosteroids can reduce the size of your scars by lowering inflammation, decreasing the amount of collagen in the scars, and limiting fibroblasts. However, they can cause pain and side effects, so your doctor will likely want you to try other treatments first. Your doctor may administer a pain treatment, such as lidocaine, at the same time as your injection. You may experience side effects, such as skin hypopigmentation, skin atrophy, subcutaneous fat atrophy, and spider veins. Bleomycin is an off-label treatment for hypertrophic scars that can be very effective. In addition to improving the look of scars, it may improve the pain or discomfort that some patients feel. Your doctor can determine if it's the right option for you. You may experience some side effects from bleomycin, such as skin hyperpigmentation and dermal atrophy around the administration site. Compression garments can help improve more widespread hypertrophic scars in some patients, most likely by limiting the development of the collagen that causes the scars. However, they’re not effective for all patients. Your doctor can determine if they’re right for you. You may be prescribed compression garments if you’ve had a deep dermal wound or have received a skin graft. The doctor may also prescribe a compression garment if your skin is dark. Compression garments are only recommended for parts of the body where the garments can be safely applied, such as on your limbs. Compression garments are most often used for patients who’ve experienced burns. Massage therapy is a non-intrusive method that can help heal hypertrophic scars. Use moisturizing lotions or creams on the affected area to help relieve it. If you want to heal or remove hypertrophic scars, consider a surgical option to manage the tissue. Talk to your doctor to see if surgery is right for you. Cryosurgery uses intense cold to remove unwanted tissue. Radiotherapy uses radiation to control or kill the skin cells. Laser therapy uses a low-level laser to promote tissue regeneration. Surgery is usually only recommended if your scar is near a joint, such as your elbow or knee. In most cases, the doctor will need to apply skin grafts to the area affected by the scar in order for it to heal. Your doctor will decide if surgery is the best option for you. If your scar does not limit your movement, it will most likely heal better without surgery." ], "summary": [ "Apply a silicone gel or mask. Use a scar gel that contains onion extract. Avoid the use of treatments that contain vitamin E. Disguise your scar", "Get corticosteroid injections if topical treatments aren’t effective. Undergo bleomycin treatment as an alternative for corticosteroids. Use compression garments under your doctor’s supervision. Try massage therapy. Consult with your doctor about using cryosurgery, radiotherapy, or laser treatment. Consider surgery only if the scar limits your ability to move." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing Special-Case Apps", "Using the App Store", "Using iTunes" ], "document": [ "Cydia is the package manager for jailbroken iOS devices. It is installed automatically when you jailbreak your device. Cydia allows you to install apps ad tweaks that are not normally allowed in the Apple App Store. See this guide for details on installing Cydia on your iPod Touch. This emulator will allow you to play any Game Boy, Game Boy Color, or Game Boy Advance game on your iPhone. You will need to install the app directly from the website instead of installing from the App Store. See this guide for instructions on installing on iOS 7. See this guide for instructions on installing on iOS 6.", "In order to download and install apps from the App Store, your iPod will need to be logged in with your Apple ID. See this guide to learn how to create an Apple ID and log in with it. You can double-check that you are logged in by opening the Settings app, selecting \"iTunes & App Store\", and then ensuring that your AppleID is displayed at the top of the screen. When creating an Apple ID, you will be asked for credit card information. This will be used for making purchases on the App Store. See this guide for instructions on creating an Apple ID without a credit card. You will need to have an active wireless network connection in order to access the store and download apps. See this guide for details on connecting to a wireless network on your iPod Touch. Updating your iPod will ensure that you have access to the most apps possible, as some apps are only available for the latest versions of iOS. See this guide for details on updating your iPod Touch. Tap the App Store icon on your Home screen. This will open the main page of the App Store. You will need to have an internet connection. You can use the search bar to look for specific apps, or you can browse through the categories on the main page. If this is your first iPod, check out the \"New to the App Store?\" section. This contains a selection of Apps that Apple feels are essential for most users. When you select an app, you will see various details about it, including price, description, user reviews, and details on the company that created it. If you don't know much about the app, give the reviews a quick look over. You may be able to discover potential problems with the app. This is especially important if you're going to be purchasing the app. You don't want to buy an app that ends up not working properly. If the app costs money, the price will be listed below the app image. Tap the price to purchase the app. If the app is free, it will say \"Free\" beneath the app image. Tap \"Free\" to add it to your app list. You will need to have a credit card associated with your Apple ID, or you will need to have redeemed an iTunes gift card. You may be asked to enter your Apple ID password if your account is set to ask for passwords upon purchase. Once you've purchased that app (or tapped the \"Free\" button), the \"Install\" button will appear. Tap the \"Install\" button to begin downloading the app. The button will turn into a circle, and the progress will be displayed on the border. Wait for the app to download and install. Larger apps may take a while on slower connections. Once the app has been downloaded and installed, you can run it like any other app. You can open the installed app from the Store page by tapping the \"Open\" button, or you can start the app from the Home screen.", "In order to connect to the iTunes store, you will need to have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. See this guide for details on updating iTunes. Click the Store menu and select Home. At the top of the window, click the \"App Store\" section. Click the \"iPhone\" tab to load iPhone and iPod Touch apps. You can use the search bar to look for specific apps, or you can browse through the categories on the main page. If this is your first iPod, check out the \"New to the App Store?\" section. This contains a selection of Apps that Apple feels are essential for most users. When you select an app, you will see various details about it, including price, description, user reviews, and details on the company that created it. If you don't know much about the app, give the reviews a quick look over. You may be able to discover potential problems with the app. This is especially important if you're going to be purchasing the app. You don't want to buy an app that ends up not working properly. If the app costs money, the price will be listed below the app image. Click the price to purchase the app. If the app is free, it will say \"Free\" beneath the app image. Click \"Free\" to add it to your app list. You will need to have a credit card associated with your Apple ID, or you will need to have redeemed an iTunes gift card. You may be asked to enter your Apple ID password if your account is set to ask for passwords upon purchase. Your iPod will appear in the Devices menu of iTunes. This usually happens automatically. You can monitor the sync progress int eh display at the top of the window. If it doesn't sync automatically, select your iPod from the Devices menu, select the \"Apps\" tab, check the box next to the app you want to install, and click Apply" ], "summary": [ "Install Cydia. Install GBA4iOS (Game Boy emulator).", "Ensure that you are logged in with your Apple ID. Connect to a wireless network. Check for any system updates. Open the App Store. Search or browse for an app you want to install. Check out the app details. Buy or select the app. Install the app. Open the app.", "Ensure iTunes is updated. Open the iTunes Store. Search or browse for an app you want to install. Check out the app details. Buy or select the app. Connect your iPod to your computer via USB. Sync your new app to the iPod." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Testing the Cards", "Inspecting the Size and Weight", "Checking the Colors", "Checking the Display" ], "document": [ "Then take an old Pokémon card you don't use anymore and make a small rip in that. Compare the rate at which both ripped. If the fake one ripped faster, then it's without a doubt a fake. Real Pokémon cards have a very thin sheet of black between the cardboard. It's very thin, but up close it is easy to see the darkness between the two thin halves of the card. Fake cards do not have this.", "A fake card usually feels thin and flimsy and you may be able to see through it if you hold it up to the light. Some fake cards, on the other hand, are too hard and look shiny. If it's the wrong size, that's also a telltale sign. Different materials will also wear differently, so on more \"used\" cards look for more damage to corners and unusual wear patterns. Also, fake cards often have no copyright date or the illustrator at the bottom of the card. Is the card in question the same size? Is it too pointy? Is it centered right? Is there more yellow on one side of the card than the other? If it bends with great ease, it's a fake. The real cards are not flimsy.", "Those rare Pokémon are purposely the wrong color). The chances that it's a factory mistake are very slim; it's much more likely to be fake. On fake cards, the blue swirling design often looks purplish. Also, sometimes the Poké Ball is upside down (on a real card, the red half is on the top). Sometimes, the Poké Ball image can also look uneven on the card.", "Sometimes the pictures on fake cards show things that aren't even Pokémon, like Digimon (or similar imitators) or animals. Be suspicious if what a card displays looks questionable, or if there appears to be a sticker on top of the card. If the HP is anywhere over 300, or the attacks don't exist, then it's a fake for sure. Also, if it says (attack no.) HP instead of HP (attack no.), it is definitely a fake card because real cards display the HP first and not the attack no. first. That's only with old cards; new cards have HP 80 instead of 80 HP. However, a few genuine cards have the variable and the attribute name inverted as a result of a printing mistake. Do not discard the card as fake without making further checks, as if the card is a genuine with a mistake, it may be valuable. Many fakes have energy symbols that are slightly larger, distorted, or offset from each other. On fake cards, the text is usually slightly smaller than on real cards and is usually in a different font. The weakness/resistance's maximum damage addition/subtraction is +/-40, unless the weakness is x2. The retreat cost is no more than 4. With fake cards, the box won't have trademarks and will say something like \"pre-release trading cards\". It will be made from cheap cardboard, without the standard bag. Fake cards often have wrong spellings. Common mistakes among them including spelling the Pokémon names incorrectly, having no accent i.e. \" ` \" sign on the 'e' of 'Pokémon' , etc. You may also see the cards spelling the attacks inaccurately, and not having any energy signs under the attack for the attack description. Sometimes (particularly for base set cards), people will stamp a card with their own 1st edition stamp. How can you tell the difference? First, a fake stamp is usually more imperfect and there are a few blotches on the stamp. Second, fake stamps come right off if you try to rub/scratch them off, very easily." ], "summary": [ "Make a small tear in it if you are certain it is a fake. A quick way to test if your Pokémon card is real or fake is to take a close look at the edge of it.", "Inspect the card itself. Grab another card. Bend it a little.", "See if the colors are faded, smudged, too dark, or just plain inaccurate (beware of Shining Pokémon, though! Look at the back of the card.", "Familiarize yourself with the Pokémon species. Look at the attacks and HP. Look for spelling mistakes, fancy borders around the Pokémon's picture, or a cup-like base holding the energy. Compare the energy symbol to other cards. Look at the text. Check the weakness, resistance, and the retreat cost. Check the card box. Look at the card's spellings. If it is a first edition, look at the circular first edition stamp to the lower left of the card's picture." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Teaching an Older Dog to Accept a Leash Calmly", "Teaching an Older Dog to Heel" ], "document": [ "A dog that needs leash training could benefit from the use of a training lead. This is a short leash that keeps the dog at your side. This kind of leash will let you correct bad behavior quickly and effectively by redirecting the dog away from distractions. A shock collar, choke chain, or prong collar has no place in retraining. While it might seem tempting to use a prong collar or choke chain, these work by inflicting pain and having the dog associate pain with pulling. Not only could these devices cause actual physical harm to the dog, but they work using fear rather than helping the dog to learn in a positive way. In addition, these collars are generally the mark of an inadequate trainer who doesn't know how to correct such behavior in any other way. Don't let this be a label applied to you, but instead retrain your dog in a humane manner using canine psychology. The chances are the dog is beside itself with excitement as soon as the leash appears. This is because it associates the leash with a walk. You want your pup to be calm when you set off, so that you are more likely to succeed in retraining. To this end, clip the leash on and off the dog in the house, but without going for a walk. Your aim is to break the assumption that because the dog has a lead on it is going for a walk. For example, when you are home, clip the leash on but go about your normal routine in the house. After 5 - 10 minutes, unclip the leash and carry on as usual again. Repeat this every half hour or so, so the dog becomes desensitized to wearing the leash.", "Dogs most commonly pull because they are excited to get where they are going, which is usually an exciting place full of interesting smells such as the park. Dogs repeat behaviors when they get a reward from doing that behavior. In this case, the action of pulling on the lead is it's own reward because the dog perceives they get where they want to go more quickly. Once the dog is calm when you attach the leash, try taking it outside. This is likely to reboot the whole excitement thing, because this time it looks like the dog really is going for a walk. To counteract this, set aside plenty of time. Walk out the door with the dog, shut the door, pause, then re-enter the house. Repeat this until both you and the dog are bored, and its lost all interest in pulling on the lead because the chances are it is going straight back inside and not on a walk. This works best if you set aside plenty of time, and are prepared to not actually get as far as your intended destination. Put the dog on the lead and calmly leave the house. As soon as it starts to pull on the leash, stop dead in your tracks. Hold the leash firmly, but do not try to pull the dog back to you. If your dog needs lots of exercise, try playing ball in the yard to tire it out beforehand so that it gets its exercise. If you let him pull you to the park during the retraining period then you will undo all the good work done to date. When your dog turns its head to look at you, give a hearty \"GOOD DOGGY!\" then move forward and keep on walking. About every three or four times this happens, give the dog a treat. When the dog pulls, stop and set off walking in the opposite direction. If the dog then tanks ahead of you and pulls in the next direction, stop again and change direction. The message you are sending to the dog is that when it pulls it gets no further forward, therefore there is no point in pulling. Using this method, however, when the dog tries to get you to move faster, it results in you stopping, which means no movement at all. Pretty soon, the dog will realize that you and you alone are in control of the walks. You determine the time, place and speed. Once the dog has established this, it will no longer pull. It takes time to change ingrained behavior. Commit to daily training but don't assume that your dog will change its behavior after just a week. It may take a lot longer for your pup to get the messages you are sending it and make the changes you desire. Hopefully, after about a month of taking walks like this, your dog will no longer be taking you for a walk! Similarly, don't use this method for extended periods of time. It takes time and repetition more than extended training sessions. For instance, do not try to take long walks with this method. Your dog will soon tire or get bored from this training." ], "summary": [ "Pick the right kind of leash. Avoid using punishment-based training techniques. Tackle the excitement associated with wearing a leash.", "Keep in mind why dogs pull on the Leash. Tackle the excitement of walking out the door. Teach the dog to stop pulling on the lead. Reinforce positive behavior. Try an alternative method of training if you are not having success. Take your time with this training." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Selecting Your Materials", "Sewing Your Cutouts", "Cutting Your Fabric" ], "document": [ "To make a bean bag chair, you will need to create two bags: an inner bag that will hold the “beans,” and an exterior cover to go over it. Since the inner bag will be out of sight, go with something simple and affordable, like white cotton quilting fabric. Save your money for the cover’s material. You can alter the dimensions as you wish, but these instructions are for a bag 28 inches (0.71 m) high with a 50-inch (1.27 m) diameter. For this size, each length of fabric needs to be 6 yards (5.49 m) long and 60 inches (1.54 m) wide. Buy an equal length and width of fabric for the chair’s exterior. Since this will be on the outside, pick whatever fabric pleases you most. Consider both its visual appeal and how it feels to the touch. This could be anything from: Corduroy Denim Flannel Fleece Velour For durability, go with expanding foam. However, be aware that expanding foam is vacuum-sealed when packaged, so expect it to expand very quickly as soon as you open the package. This means you have to work just as quickly once it’s time to fit it into your inner bag. If you think you will have some difficulty with this, consider an alternate material. For this size chair, you will need a 30 lb (13.6 kg) package of foam measuring 36” x 36” x 48” (0.91 x 0.91 x 1.22 m). As an alternate material, you could also use packing peanuts. Just be sure they are the type that won’t dissolve when exposed to water, just in case you spill anything over your bean bag chair.", "Take your four rectangles and pair them off by fabric. With each pair, lay one rectangle on top of the other, with the right sides facing each other. Line the edges up perfectly. Then use a sewing machine to sew them together along one of the shorter ends to create one long rectangle of the same fabric. Once you’re done, each rectangle should measure 170 inches (4.32 m) long by 32 inches (0.81 m) wide. In sewing, the “right side” refers to the “pretty” side: the one that’s meant to be on display on the outside of whatever you’re sewing. Again, pair your pieces together according to fabric. For each type, take a circle of the same fabric as your rectangle and pin its edges along one of the rectangle’s long sides, keeping their right sides together. Then sew the two together with a seam allowance between a quarter- and half-inch (0.64 and 1.27 cm). Once you have sewn the entire circle along the rectangle’s long side, finish by sewing the rectangle’s two short ends together. The seam allowance refers to the distance between the edge of the fabric and the seam that you are sewing. The heavier the fabric, the larger your seam allowance should be. When sewing, remove each pin as you come to it. For each fabric, the first circle that you sewed all the way around your rectangle is now the top of that bag. Now move on to its bottom. With each bag, take the second circle of the same fabric and pin the edges along the rectangle’s long side, as you did with the top circle. This time, however, stop short of pinning all the way around. Leave enough room for your zipper. The zipper isn’t strictly necessary for the inner bag. If you’d rather do without one, simply sew the bottom circle to the rectangle as you did with the top. Only this time, leave an open gap roughly 24 to 36 inches (0.61 to 0.91 m) long. Later, once you are done stuffing the filler inside the bag through that gap, sew it shut. That said, if you are using expanding foam, a zipper is strongly advised. This way you don’t have to sew the gap shut as the foam expands inside the bag. For each bag, use one that is at least 48 inches (1.22 m) long. Zip it all the way shut, then unzip it about a finger’s length at most. Pair the right side of one half with the right side of your bottom circle and then pin them together. Then pair the other half’s right side with the right side of your rectangle, and do the same. Continue unzipping the zipper a little bit at a time, pinning its halves to the bottom circle and rectangle as you go, until you reach the end. Start sewing the zipper first, using your sewing machine’s zipper foot, with a seam allowance of a quarter inch (0.61 cm). Once the zipper is sewn to both the bottom circle and the rectangle, sew the circle and rectangle together as you did with the first circle. If you are using an alternate filler, like packing peanuts, simply pour it into the inner bag through the open zipper or gap. If you are using expanding foam, place the sealed package inside the inner bag. Then slit it open, remove the packaging, and zip the bag shut as the foam expands. If you didn’t use a zipper for the inner bag, pin and sew the gap shut once your filler is inside. Once your inner bag is sealed, stuff it into your cover, zip your cover shut, and you’re done!", "You will be making identical cuts from each, so start with either fabric. The first thing you will be cutting out is a circle with a circumference of 170 inches (4.32 m), so unroll a little more than 54 inches (1.37 m), which is the diameter. Spread the fabric nice and flat on your worktable. In case you need a refresher, the circumference of a circle is the total distance around its edge. The diameter is the distance of a straight line drawn from one side, through the center, to the opposite side. The radius is the distance of a straight from the center to one side. Start by stretching a measuring tape out to 54 inches (1.37 m). Measure the fabric lengthwise down its middle and make a mark at least 27 inches (0.69 m) from its free end. Then measure the fabric’s width along this mark to double-check that you still have 27 inches of fabric on either side of it. If you don’t, simply make a second mark that is even with the first and at least 27 inches from either side. Use a fabric pencil or chalk to make your marks and outlines, since these will wash away when you’re all done. Ask a partner to help you with this. First, cut a length of string roughly 40 inches (1 m) long. Tie one end to your fabric pencil or chalk. Now use your measuring tape to measure 27 inches (0.69 m) along the string. Carefully tie the other end to a straight pin, capped pen, or similar object, so that the string is exactly 27 inches long when pulled tight. Then: Have your partner place the point of their pen, pin, or whatever in the center mark of your circle. Pull the string tight between the two of you so that your chalk or fabric pencil is exactly 27 inches away from their pen or pin. Have your partner keep their pen or pin perfectly still and straight as you circle the table, tracing a perfect circle over your fabric as you go. Be sure to keep the string pulled tight between the two of you until you complete your circuit. Also make sure that both of you keep your tools perfectly vertical, not at an angle, as you pull the string tight between them. Once you have drawn your first outline, use fabric scissors to cut the circle out. After that, unroll another 54 inches (1.37 m) or so from the same fabric. Create a second outline of equal size and cut that out. Then do the same with your other fabric. Once you’re done, you should have two identical circles cut from each fabric, all of the same size, for a total of four circles. Unroll at least 87 inches (2.21 m) of either fabric. Use your measuring tape and chalk or fabric pencil to mark an outline that is 87 inches long by 32 inches (0.81 m) wide. Then use your fabric scissors to cut this shape out of your fabric. Once you have, repeat the process once more with the same fabric. Once you have two equal rectangles from one fabric, do the same with the other, for a total of four rectangles of equal size, with two of each of fabric." ], "summary": [ "Buy a cheap fabric for the interior. Choose something comfy for the cover. Pick your filler.", "Create two long rectangles. Sew one circle to the rectangle. Begin pinning your bottom circle. Add your zipper and sew. Fill your bags.", "Lay out your fabric. Find the center of your circle. Trace your circle’s outline. Cut your circle out and repeat. Cut two rectangles from each fabric." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding Characters", "Assigning Stages" ], "document": [ "There are hundreds of characters that you can add to your MUGEN game. Character packs come in ZIP or RAR format. You can download these characters from a variety of different fan sites, including: MugenArchive.com MugenCharacters.org MugenFreeForAll.com If its a ZIP file, you can just double-click it to see its contents. If it is a RAR file, you'll need a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip to open the file. Extract the ZIP or RAR file so that you can access the folder inside. You can use the Extract button that appears when you open the file, or you can right-click on it and select \"Extract files\". The most important thing to look for when examining your new character files is the character's DEF file. This file must have the same name as the folder that contains it. For example, if the folder name is \"LINK_3D\", the DEF file must be named \"LINK_3D.def\". If the new character folder has multiple DEF files in it, just make sure that the base one matches the folder name. For example, LINK_3D may have multiple DEF files for the different versions. As long as the \"LINK_3D.def\" file matches the folder name, you should be OK. MUGEN can be installed anywhere, so open the folder that you extracted your MUGEN files into after you downloaded it. If you don't remember where it is, perform a search on your computer for \"mugen\". char folder. You'll find the char folder inside you mugen folder. Drag the newly-extracted character folder into this folder. data folder in your mugen folder. This contains the files that control the MUGEN emulator. Right-click on the file and select \"Open with\". Choose Notepad from the list of programs. [Characters] section. This is the list of all of the character files that have been added to your game. The name you type here needs to match the folder you added to your chars folder, which also needs to match the name of the character's DEF file. For example, if your new character's folder is named LINK_3D, type LINK_3D in the [Characters] section. If your character came with multiple versions, add the base DEF file to the end of the folder name. For example, if your LINK_3D character came with multiple versions, type LINK_3D/LINK_3D.def instead of LINK_3D. This will tell MUGEN to load the base DEF file, which will process the rest of the versions There may be lots of comments in your \"select.def\" file. These are indicated by ; at the start of the line. Make sure that you enter the characters on lines that don't start with ;. You can set the \"order\" of the character, which determines where it will appear in Arcade Mode. For example, by default the Arcade Mode pits you against six Order 1 opponents, one Order 2 opponent, and one Order 3 opponent. You can set the order of a character from 1 to 10. The game will randomly draw from all characters with the same order when determining a match-up. Add , order=# to the end of the character's entry in the \"select.def\" file. For example, to set LINK_3D as Order 3, type LINK_3D, order=3", "Stages can usually be downloaded from the same places that you find character files. Like the character files, stages typically come in ZIP or RAR format. Double-click the ZIP file or open the RAR file to see the contents. Stages come with a DEF and an SFF file. There may also be an MP3 file if a soundtrack is included. stages folder. You'll find this folder in your mugen folder. Move the MP3 file into the sound folder if the stage came with one. You'll be adding the stage to your Stage Select screen, as well as assigning it to characters for Arcade Mode. The \"select.def\" file is located in the data folder. [ExtraStages] section. This is where all of your downloaded stages are added. Start a new line beneath the existing stages and type stages/stageName.def. If you want a certain character to always appear on a certain stage when encountered in Arcade Mode, you can add it to their character entry in the [Characters] section. Add a comma to the end of the character entry plus the path to the stage name. For example, to set LINK_3D to always appear on the Castle.def stage, you would type LINK_3D, stages/Castle.def. Add the order of the character at the end of the entry. For example, LINK_3D, stages/Castle.def, order=3 Once you've added your characters and set the stages, you can save the file. Your new characters will appear when you start MUGEN." ], "summary": [ "Download the character files for the character you want to add. Open the downloaded file. Extract the files. Examine your files. Open your MUGEN installation directory. Copy the new character's folder into the . Open the . Open the \"select.def\" file in Notepad. Find the . Type the name of the folder for your new character. Set the character's order for Arcade Mode (optional).", "Download the stage files. Open the downloaded file to see the stage files. Move the DEF and SFF files into the . Reopen the \"select.def\" file if you closed it. Find the . Enter in the path to your new stage. Assign a stage to a character for Arcade Mode. Save the \"select.def\" file." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Seating Your Customers", "Greeting Guests", "Staying Organized" ], "document": [ "Make sure you do not walk faster than your customers. Walk slightly ahead of them, carrying menus and silverware to the table where you want them to sit. Ask if the table is okay before the customers sit down. Most customers expect to wait at least 10 minutes to be seated at a restaurant, especially if they didn’t have a reservation. If your guests have waited much longer than that, offer a sincere apology as you show them to their table. Ask management if it’s okay to comp them a free drink or appetizer (but don’t offer it to the guests until you get permission). If the restaurant is slow, try to seat guests at a table that’s not directly next to another full table. Of course, if the restaurant is very busy, guests will have to sit near other diners, but try to make sure all of your guests have enough space to be comfortable. By seating guests in rotating sections, you’ll help ensure that all of your servers are able to make money for the night. Rotating stations will also help keep servers from becoming overwhelmed by getting several tables at the same time. You never want to throw all of the menus down on a table, as this seems rude and dismissive. Instead, carefully lay a menu and silverware at each place setting, and make sure your guests are seated before you leave the table. Be prepared to get water or other small items for guests. If they request more than that, politely let them know that their server will be right with them. You’re the last person guests will have contact with, so offer a friendly farewell to guests as they walk out the door. This will help them leave feeling like they had a pleasant dining experience.", "You’re the first chance the restaurant has to make an impression, so make sure you’re aware whenever new guests arrive. Greet guests warmly, addressing them by name if they are repeat customers. Let guests know right away if there will be a wait so they can decide whether they want to make other dinner plans. If you’re busy with another guest when someone arrives, acknowledge the new arrival with a smile or by saying something like “I’ll be right with you!” Don’t assume that just because 2 people walk in that they will be the only ones in their party. The rest of their group might not have joined them yet. Always ask so you’ll know what size table your guests need. Guests with a larger frame might not be comfortable squeezed into a small booth, and customers who have trouble walking might prefer a seat close to the door so they don’t have to walk as far. Make your best judgement call, but don’t be afraid to ask your customers what type of seating they’d prefer. The host of a restaurant is usually the one responsible for answering the phone. Make sure you answer the phone promptly and professionally. State the name of the restaurant, your name, and ask the caller how you can help them. Politely ask if you can put them on hold if you’re busy. When the dinner rush hits, it can be hard to stay calm and composed, but if you get frazzled, the whole restaurant could become disorganized. If you feel stressed, take deep breaths and remember that even the busiest dinner service will be over in a couple of hours.", "You should have plenty of pens and highlighters, a seating chart, and paper for making notes at your host stand. If there’s anything you need, ask your manager to bring it to you. You should also check to make sure there is plenty of clean silverware available. Make a chart of the table layout and each server’s station. Keep track of how many tables are seated in each section, how many people are in each party, and what time each party arrived. This will help you assign new tables to the servers who have the most open tables. If your restaurant takes reservations, be sure to factor them in when you’re planning your seating chart! You need to know if a server is overwhelmed with just 2 tables or if they can handle another one even if they already have a 6-top. The best way to know what your servers can handle is to talk to them. Remember that you’re all working on the same team! If possible, ask busy servers if they're ready for another table before you seat them. You can also ask servers if they're comfortable handling big groups if you have a large party come in. Sometimes during a hectic dinner shift, you might lose track of who’s already left. If that’s the case, ask someone to watch your host stand and walk the floor with your seating chart. Look for any tables that are marked as seated but which are actually free. You can also check to see which customers have moved on to dessert, as the server in that section will probably be ready for a new table soon. You probably won’t be expected to bus and set tables as part of your job description, but you should be willing to lend a helping hand when you’re needed. Wipe down tables, put down silverware, and straighten chairs when you’re not busy doing anything else." ], "summary": [ "Show your guests to their table. Apologize to your customers if they have had to wait long. Make sure your guests are seated comfortably. Rotate stations. Place a menu and silverware for each guest at their place setting. Speak to guests as they leave.", "Greet guests with a smile and welcome them to the restaurant. Ask how many people are in the party. Ask customers if they have a seating preference. Answer the phone promptly. Maintain your composure even if the restaurant gets hectic.", "Make sure you have all of the supplies you need before your shift starts. Keep track of each section. Communicate with your servers. Walk the floor to keep track of the tables. Help to clear and set tables when necessary." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Your Business's Overhead Costs", "Finding Your Overhead Costs", "Using Overhead Costs To Better your Business" ], "document": [ "An overhead percentage tells you how much of your business is spent on overhead and how much is spent making a product. To find out your overhead percentage: Divided indirect costs by direct costs. In the example above, our overhead rating is .35 (16,800 / 48,000 = .35) Multiply this number by 100 to get your overhead percentage. Here, 35% This means that your business spends 35% of its money on legal fees, administrative staff, rent, etc. for every product it produces. The lower your overhead rating, the larger your profit. A low overhead rating is good! Assuming that all similar businesses pay roughly the same direct costs, companies with a lower overhead rating make more money when they sell their product. By lowering your overhead rating, you can sell your product at a more competitive price and/or earn higher profits.", "They are also known as indirect costs. Indirect costs are things like rent, administrative staff, repairs, machinery, and marketing costs that are essential to your business operations and must be paid regularly. In our example, indirect costs such as postal rates and insurance are necessary to run a business, but not making a product. As you calculate your overhead, make sure to consider whether something is a fixed cost or a variable cost as well. Fixed costs are those that do not change, and variable costs are those that change according to your business's activity and level of production. These costs will fluctuate based on demand for your product and the market price of materials. If you are starting a bakery, direct costs would be labor wages and ingredients. If you are running a health clinic, they would be your doctors' salaries, stethoscopes, etc. The most frequent direct costs, as illustrated above, are wages and materials. In simplified terms, direct costs pay for the things on the assembly line, while indirect costs pay for actual assembly line. While you can choose any time frame you'd like, most businesses break down their expense reports by month. Be consistent with your time-frame -- if you calculate indirect costs monthly, you must calculate direct costs monthly too. Using computer programs like QuickBooks, Excel, or Freshbooks can help you keep your list organized and accessible. Don't worry just yet about what expense goes where. You need the full picture of your expenses before you can calculate overhead. All companies have inevitable expenses that include taxes, rent, insurance, licensing fees, utilities, accounting and legal teams, administrative staff, facility upkeep, etc. Leave no stone unturned! Look over expense reports and receipts from the past to make sure you aren't missing anything. Don't forget about recurring expenses, such as renewing a license or filing permits, that occur infrequently. They still count as overhead. If you are a new or aspiring businessperson, you'll need to do thorough research on the costs of supplies, labor and potential overhead. If you have old accounting books, you can use those to plan for next year's costs. Unless you are making large changes to your business plan, they are often similar numbers. Average your old costs over 3-4 months to adjust for any statistical anomalies. Every business is different and you may make a judgement call on certain expenses. For example, while legal expenses are generally overhead costs, they directly contribute to production if you run a law firm. If you are still confused, think of overhead costs as those you would pay if you stopped producing anything at all. What keeps your business running every day? Update this list every time you incur new expenses. This is the amount of money that you need to stay in business. In the example above, our yearly overhead would be $16,800. Knowing this number is crucial when creating a business plan.", "Multiply this by 100 to get the percentage of overhead used by each worker. When this number is low, it means your business spends its overhead costs efficiently. If this number is too high, you might employ too many people. Divide your overhead costs by the amount made in sales, then multiple by 100 to get your percentage.This is a simple way to see if you are selling enough goods/services to keep yourself in business. Ex. If my business sells $100,000 worth of soap a month, and it costs me $10,000 to keep my office running, then I spend 10% of my revenue on overhead. The higher this percentage, the lower your profit margin. Wondering why you aren't making a huge profit? You might be paying too much rent, or need to sell more products to cover overhead costs. Perhaps you have too many workers and are not spending wisely to keep them all employed. Use these percentages to take a closer look at your business model and make changes accordingly. All businesses pay overhead, but those that manage their overhead costs wisely turn a higher profit. That said, having low overhead isn't everything. If you spend money on good equipment or worker satisfaction, for example, you might have higher productivity and higher profits." ], "summary": [ "Find your overhead percentage. Use your overhead rating to compare yourself to similar businesses.", "Understand that overhead costs are expenses that do not directly relate to your product. Know that direct cost is the cost of creating a good or service. Make a list of every expense for one month, quarter, or year. Account for common overhead (indirect) costs. Use old costs or estimates if you don't know your exact expenses yet. Divide your list into direct and indirect costs based on your business model. Add all of the indirect costs together to get your total overhead costs.", "Divide your overhead costs by your labor costs to see how efficiently you use your resources. Calculate what percentage of your revenue pays for overhead. Trim or manage your overhead costs if these numbers are too high." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleaning the Ninja Blender", "Blending with the Ninja Blender", "Choosing a Ninja Blender", "Fixing a Blinking Red Light" ], "document": [ "Food can get stuck in the lids and blades over time, which will cause mold. Rinse off the lids and blade assembly under hot water after every use. Be extra cautious when handling the blades. They are very sharp. Use hot water and mild dish soap to clean out the pitcher and/or cups. Use a sponge to scrub off any food particles. Then, rinse off the soap residue with warm water. Although it’s recommended to wash your blender by hand, the pitcher, cups, lids, and blade assemblies are safe for dishwasher use. Put the blades and lids on the top rack of your dishwasher. It does not matter where you put the pitcher or cups. The cups, lids, and blade assemblies are dishwasher safe, but it is recommended to wash them by hand because this is the gentlest method of cleaning. The base of the blender may get dusty or stain over time from dropped ingredients. Wipe the base off with a clean, damp cloth. Do not get the cord or any electrical outlet wet.", "If you haven’t done so yet, your blender needs to be assembled before use. Consult the instructions that came with the package for instructions that are specific to your Ninja model. Typically, you will need to attach the pitcher to the base and then place the stacked blade assembly onto the shaft. Your blender will not work unless it is plugged in. Find the cord and plug it into a socket in your kitchen. Make sure that it can not be easily unplugged in its location. Look for a rectangular button on top of the lid. This button should say “release.” Press the button to open up and remove the lid. Fruits and vegetables are ideal to use in the blender. You can create any combination of ingredients that are tasty to you. If you are using a fruit such as a banana or orange, make sure to peel it before putting it in the blender. Most fruits and vegetables don’t necessarily have to be chopped up unless they are too large to fit in the blender, but chopping them up first helps to measure out portions. Make sure the lid is locked down before you choose a setting. You should not, however, use any hot ingredients in the blender. You can put cubes of ice or frozen fruit in the blender, but they may dull the blades. Let fruit thaw out for a few minutes before adding it to the blender. You can choose the Pulse setting for chopping and processing. Or, you can choose speed 1, 2, or 3. Speed 1 mixes, speed 2 blends, and speed 3 chops ice. Hold down the button to activate the blender. Hold it down until you’re satisfied with the consistency of your ingredients. The Pulse setting means that the blender will work at its fastest speed, but it will stop blending when you release the button for the Pulse setting. Some Ninja models have a single serve option. The single serve option means that it will produce enough just for one serving of whatever you wish to make. If yours does, remove the pitcher and insert the cup. Then, add your ingredients. Press the single serve option to blend.", "This blender is great for personal use because it has a 2 cups (470 mL) processor. Although it has a smaller capacity, it has several functions. For example, it can chop, blend, puree, dice, and blend food. The cons with this blender are that it is noisy and only has one speed. This blender costs about $31.99 USD This blender has a 72 ounces (2.0 kg) capacity, which makes it great to use when entertaining guests. Plus, it has a 1100 watt motor that makes it powerful and fast. The cons with this blender are that it has a plastic container and doesn’t turn vegetables into juice. It also has a frozen blending option, which is great for ice cream and smoothies. This option costs about $104 USD. This blender has several functions, and it also has a larger 8 cups (1,900 mL) capacity. Some of its functions include chopping, blending, pureeing, frozen blending, and nutrient and vitamin extraction when using one of its 3 Nutri Ninja cups. The cons with this one are the that it is large and heavy and doesn’t have a slicing/grating blade. This blender will cost you about $229.99 USD This blender is great for making a quick and nutritious smoothie for yourself. It comes with an 18 ounces (0.51 kg) cup and a 24 ounces (0.68 kg) to-go cup. Plus, it has a great nutrient and vitamin extraction system. The cons with this blender are the protective covers may leak and the blades aren’t detachable from the lid. This blender costs about $79 USD. With a 1500 watt motor, this is one of the most powerful Ninja Blenders. This blender comes with 10 different speeds and total crushing technology. The cons with this blender are that the blades are very sharp, and it can be noisy when in use. The blender also comes with 3 single serve cups. This option costs about $219.99 USD", "A blinking red light is a common problem with Ninja Blenders. Your blender will not work if the red light is blinking. To fix this problem, first check to see if the lid is locked. The blender will not work unless it is closed and locked. The blender is not locked until it has been pushed all the way down on the container. If the lid is locked, but the red light is still blinking, look at the arrows on your blender. There should be a white arrow on the lid and handle. These arrows need to be aligned for the blender to work. Move the lid until the white arrow on the lid aligns with the arrow on the handle. Then, check to see if the red light has stopped blinking. If it has, you can use the blender. Another potential reason for a blinking red light is if the pitcher is not properly aligned on the base. If it has been aligned correctly, it should be able to rotate. The pitcher will not easily rotate if it has not been placed properly on the base. Remove the pitcher and place it back on the base again to check if this is the problem. If the red light still does not go away, call Ninja Blender customer service for advice." ], "summary": [ "Rinse off the lids and blades under hot water. Wash out the pitcher by hand. Use the dishwasher. Wipe off the base of the blender.", "Follow the instructions for assembly. Plug in the Ninja Blender. Open up the lid. Add your ingredients. Choose a setting. Use the single serve option.", "Pick the Ninja Master Prep for a personal use blender. Try the Ninja Professional Blender for a larger capacity blender. Get the Ninja Mega Kitchen System for a diverse blender. Choose the Nutri Ninja Po for single cup use. Try the Ninja Ultimate Blender Plus for professional-quality results.", "Check to see if the lid is locked. Make sure the white arrows on your blender are aligned. Fit the pitcher on the base of the blender." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Garnishing the Martini Glass", "Making the Martini" ], "document": [ " If rimming the glass is difficult, take the spare plate and make a circle of whipped cream about the size of the martini glass and dip the rim of the glass in it. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/6\\/63\\/Make-a-Birthday-Cake-Mix-Martini-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-459px-Make-a-Birthday-Cake-Mix-Martini-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/6\\/63\\/Make-a-Birthday-Cake-Mix-Martini-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\\/aid2363745-v4-728px-Make-a-Birthday-Cake-Mix-Martini-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":306,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"485\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If desired, put about a palm full of the dry white cake mix onto a separate small plate to use as a garnish as well.", " For a better consistency, strain twice. If straining twice, strain into a separate glass first then strain the second time into the martini glass. " ], "summary": [ "Take one of the plates and pour a generous amount of rainbow sprinkles on it (about a palm full). Use can of whipped cream to rim the martini glass. Flip whipped cream rimmed glass over and gently press in the rainbow sprinkles on the plate.", "Add the four ice cubes to martini shaker. Use the double sided jigger to measure and pour the liquid ingredients into the shaker. Add the dry white cake mix to the martini shaker\n Shake Well. Use the four prong stainless steel strainer to strain contents of shaker into the prepared martin glass. Enjoy!" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Establishing Your Presence", "Picking up a Snake" ], "document": [ "before handling your snake. If you have a scent on your hands, the snake may mistake it for food. They could nip or bite. Snakes rely heavily on their sense of smell. Washing your hands also reduces the risk of harmful bacteria or parasites being transferred to your snake. Don't talk to your snake to announce your presence as snakes can't hear human speech. Whenever you are around your snake, you want to avoid fast movements. Move slowly when you are around your snake's cage, and avoid surprising your snake from a strange angle. Try to approach your snake from the side rather than from above. If your snake is feeling fearful or aggressive, it may hiss. If you hear your snake hissing, it is not a good time to handle them. If you force yourself on the snake at this time, they may attack you. You want to handle your snake when it is feeling tired but remains awake. You should avoid handling your snake after it has eaten. Similarly, don't hold your snake when it is about to shed.", "Slip on your safety gloves, which are especially important for non-venomous but snappy snakes. Sturdy boots can also be a good idea, since there is always some risk involved in handling a snake. For instance, if the snake gets onto the ground and becomes fearful or aggressive, it could bite your feet. You should only use tongs once you have experience with them because you can hurt the snake. Apply the tongs just below the neck of the snake, using your snake hook to support the back of the snake. Make sure that you do not apply the tongs near the snake's neck, however, as this can injure the snake. Keep the snake safely away from your body so that the snake cannot strike you. Use the lightest amount of pressure possible so that you don't injure the snake. Hold one hand a third of the way down the body and the other hand under the last quarter, so that you are supporting the whole body. Support the snake with both hands. If the snake is moving when you are picking it up, it may slither away from you while you are holding it. You want to avoid approaching the snake's head, as well as the tail. Instead, you want to pick up the middle of the snake's body. Be gentle and try to support the full weight of your snake. If you try to pick it up from the tail, the snake could hurt itself trying to escape your grasp. If you try to pick it up from the head, the snake will likely bite you. Snakes are sensitive in the head area. The snake may wrap around one of your hands to stabilize itself. Let it adjust into a comfortable position. If it's a constricting snake, it's likely wrap its tail around your wrist and forearm, which is fine. Snakes are emotional creatures so you want to attend to their experience. Young snakes may display some fear when getting used to being held. Some snakes like being held more than others. It is best to stay confident and calm, which should help your snake get used to the experience of being held. Stay calm while holding your snake. You can place it on the substrate or let it move out of your hands to a branch or the cage floor on its own. Secure the lid when you are done, since snakes are great escape artists. again. Reptiles can carry germs that are not safe for humans, like salmonella. Immediately wash your hands when you are done handling your snake." ], "summary": [ "Wash your hands Make sure your snake is aware of your presence. Move slowly and predictably to avoid surprising your snake. Avoid picking up a hissing snake. Handle your snake when it looks a bit tired.", "Put on your protective gloves and boots. Pick the snake up with tongs if it is aggressive or agitated. Use both hands to hold the snake. Pick up the snake from the mid-body area. Let the snake adjust. Stay attentive to the snake's experience and safety. Return your snake to its cage by lowering it in. Wash your hands" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Determining How to Submit Your Music to a Label", "Contacting a Label That Accepts Demos", "Getting Discovered Other Ways" ], "document": [ "You need to know a lot about the industry before you start submitting music to record labels. It is intensely competitive, and record labels are interested only in new artists who have the potential to generate revenue. Most musicians never land a record deal. Learn to accept lots of rejection without giving up or letting it break your spirit. Your only hope of being signed is having the potential to make money for the label. Being a great artist is not enough; you need a new sound, an attractive style, a fan base, and a celebrity persona. Getting a label to sign you to a contract is every musician's dream, but it's actually a rare event, and you have to do everything you can to increase your chances. That means you want to find a label that matches your style. There are comprehensive record-label lists online. Search for the \"record label directory\" for your country. This should help you narrow the search. Look for labels that have signed artists similar to you. A record company won't want to sign anyone who's exactly like someone else they've signed, but you want to work with a company you know is receptive to your sound. You may not be able simply to send a demo and expect it to be heard. In most cases in order to be signed to a big label, you have to have a manager, lawyer, or agent who will contact the company on your behalf. If you cannot afford a manager, agent, or attorney, don't lose hope! Contact the smaller labels while you continue to hone your skills as a musician. This will include a demo of your best music. A press kit typically contains a demo song on CD, one or more headshots or group shots of your band, a description of your band and influences, a biography that explains how your band came together or how you came to make the kind of music that you do, and contact information for your agent and band members. You can also include a list of big gigs you've played, awards you've won, or other recognition you've received as an artist. Every document in the press kit should incorporate a band or artist logo to create a sense of unity among the various documents (and to prevent their getting lost). Your press kit should create a good first impression. It should be eye-catching and professionally designed and edited. If you don't have professional-level skills, pay someone to create a kit for you. Check out this helpful wikiHow article for more tips on putting together a press kit.", "Package your entire press kit in a padded envelope and label it clearly. Make your package eye-catching but not juvenile. Include a personalized letter that indicates who you are, why you're sending the package, and exactly what you're hoping for in return.Your press kit should include photos, bio, and any other important information about your band. A&R representatives may get thousands of demos every week. It may be a while before someone is able to listen to yours. In some cases, you may never hear back. You can call or email the representative to follow up on a demo you've submitted, but don't expect a reply. \" Sometimes it's better to go with an independent company. Often they're supported by a major label. Be sure to only send your music to labels that work with artists in your genre. Sending music to labels that have nothing to do with your style will only waste the time of the representatives and may earn you a bad reputation in the industry.", "When a record label considers an aspiring artist or band, they consider what kind of potential they have for selling out stadiums in live shows and making a profit in the long term, rather than just what they'll sound like on an album. You may have to play free shows at first in order to get publicity for your band. You may need a \"day job\" to support yourself financially during this time. Live shows help you build your fan base even without records to sell. Connect with your fans to make them feel valued and special. They'll be more likely to spread the word about your music if they are loyal to you. You can do this through social media or a professional website. Both would be even better. Keep your look consistent across your online profiles and pages. Invest in some professional photos of you and/or your band, or ask a photo-savvy friend to take some good ones for you. Make use social media platforms, such as YouTube, Soundcloud, Facebook, and Twitter. Include links to them on your webpage. Include digital version of your press kit, sample music, and up-to-date contact information on your pages. Add new recordings as often as you can, and maintain a likeable persona. People are more likely to help you publicize your work if they like you as a person. Many great singers and talented musicians get overlooked because their music is not original or their lyrics are clichéd and stale. Focus on differentiating your sound from the rest of popular music in your genre. Get feedback from people who have a good sense of current music and are willing to offer constructive criticism. This should be an ongoing process as you hone your skills as a musician. Learn to take criticism and adjust your work accordingly. You can ignore unhelpful criticism, but if it is consistent, you should consider taking it to heart. You need to invest in your track to make sure it sounds professional and polished before you send it off to record labels in a demo. That means you'll have to pay to record it in a real studio, and then either mix and master it yourself or pay an audio engineer to do it for you. The importance of sound quality cannot be overstated when it comes to getting the attention of a label. The first 10 to 30 seconds of your demo track are vital. Most record-label representatives have hundreds of demos to hear, so they won't listen to a mediocre one past the first 30 seconds. Yours needs to showcase your skill immediately." ], "summary": [ "Understand the music industry. Research various record labels to explore your options. Understand that many major labels do not accept unsolicited demos. Put together a press kit.", "Send your entire press kit by priority mail. Don't be discouraged if the company doesn't respond quickly. Send your demo to many labels including \"indies.", "Build a strong \"live\" show. Build an online presence with your name or your band's name. Focus on your songwriting. Polish your music." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Keeping the Piercing Clean", "Checking the Piercing for Infection", "Cleaning the Piercing Regularly" ], "document": [ "While it is healing, avoid handling your cartilage piercing for any reason other than cleaning it. Turning or twisting the jewelry could cause an infection. The piercing should only be touched with freshly washed hands. To avoid infection, make sure that your clothing and sheets are clean. During the healing process, clothing that may touch your ear (e.g. a hooded sweatshirt) should be washed after each occasion that you wear it. Make sure that bed sheets (pillow cases in particular) are laundered at least once a week. Avoid using rubbing alcohol or peroxide on your piercing as they can be very drying and damage your skin. Antibacterial soaps and moisturizing bar soaps may leave behind a residue that might contribute to an infection or longer time to heal.", "It's normal for the skin around your piercing to be red for the first few days after it is pierced, but redness after 3-4 days is a sign of possible infection. Similarly, changes in color of the skin around the piercing (e.g., to a yellowish tint) can indicate that it is infected. Check the color of your piercing site twice a day in the mirror, preferably before cleaning it. During the healing process, a slight, white discharge is normal. If you see pus with a yellow or green tinge, your piercing is probably infected. Check your ear for pus before cleaning the piercing, given that you might wash away traces of discharge. Prolonged bleeding of the piercing site is not normal and is a cause for concern. Similarly, swelling that does not go down after 3-4 days may be a sign of infection. Check the pierced area daily. If your piercing develops signs of a bacterial infection, contact your physician or visit a walk-in clinic immediately. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics or an anti-bacterial ointment to treat the problem. Left untreated, a cartilage piercing infection may lead to an abscess, which usually requires surgery and may leave ears deformed.", "Always wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial soap before handling a cartilage piercing. Touching the pierced area can introduce bacteria or other pathogens to the body. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in an egg cup of warm water. Place the pierced part of your ear in the water. Remove it after 2-3 minutes of soaking. Wipe away any buildup of discharge that may have loosened around the piercing. Wet a piece of gauze and gently dab at the debris to remove it. If the crusted formation does not remove easily, leave it alone and do not use force to loosen it. Always avoid using cotton balls or Q-tips when cleaning your cartilage piercing, as they may leave behind lint. They may also get caught on the piercing itself, which could cause injury to your ear. Gently dab the pierced area dry with a paper towel. Avoid using a shared towel, which may spread bacteria and cause an infection. Don't rub the piercing, which could aggravate it while it heals." ], "summary": [ "Avoid playing with the piercing. Make sure that your clothing and sheets are clean. Do not use harsh chemicals on the site of the piercing.", "Keep an eye on the color of the piercing site. Look for green or yellow pus. Check for bleeding or swelling. Contact a doctor if signs of infection appear.", "Wash your hands. Soak your piercing. Gently remove loosened buildup. Dry the pierced area." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cooking with a Convection Oven or Convection Microwave", "Preheating a Conventional Convection Oven", "Preheating a Convection Microwave" ], "document": [ "Usually, convection ovens will cook food faster than traditional ovens, so you should check on your food frequently. Take a look at your recipe and check on your food once 75% of the cooking time has passed. If the sides are burning but the center is still cold, you may want to reduce the heat. Traditionally convection microwaves cool down rapidly. To maintain the preheated temperature, don't open the microwave door or turn the microwave off. Instead, place your food in the microwave as soon as possible and start cooking it. If you had to turn off the microwave or wait to cook your food, you'll have to preheat the convection microwave again. If you’re not used to cooking in a convection oven or microwave, you may have to become adjusted to new cooking times. These microwaves tend to cook the food 25% faster, so check in on what you’re cooking halfway through the recommended cooking time per the recipe. If you notice that the outside of the food is burning but the center is uncooked, it's a sign that your convection oven temperature is too high. Reduce the temperature and cook the food for a longer period of time to compensate for the lower temperature. Check the food frequently to determine when it's done.", "Convection oven models are different and these steps may differ from the model that you own. Look for the owners or instruction manual that you got with your convection oven. If you don't have it, use a search engine to see if you can find an online version of the manual. Set your oven to the convection setting by pressing the button or turning a dial to convection. Some appliances will also have a convection bake or roast setting. Use the setting that applies to the food you plan on cooking. If you're making cookies, cakes, or pies, you should set the oven to convection bake. If you're cooking a pot roast or turkey, you should set the oven to convection roast. Since convection ovens cook your food more evenly than a traditional oven, you should reduce the temperature. Look at the recipe that you’re cooking and reduce the temperature to 25°F (14°C) less than what the recipe calls for. Input your cooking temperature into the keypad or turn the dial to the appropriate temperature. Some appliances will automatically adjust the temperature for convection cooking. Refer to the user's manual to see if your oven automatically adjusts the temperature. Some ovens will automatically raise the temperature as you increase it and others require you to hit the \"Start\" button. After hitting the \"Start\" button, the oven should begin to rise in temperature. Your oven should beep or an indicator light should come on when it’s reached the desired temperature. Your convection should now be preheated.", "Before you cook in your convection microwave oven, make sure to read the owner's manual for any specific guidelines that you should follow when using it. Make sure the oven is plugged in and turned on. Look at the digital display on the front of the oven to determine if it is on and working. If you have a dial, turn it to convection mode. An indicator light should turn on telling you that it's in convection mode. Use the up and down arrow keys to set the temperature. Like a regular convection oven, convection microwaves cook food at a faster rate than a traditional oven. Set the temperature to 25°F (14°C) less than what the recipe calls for in a traditional oven. Once you hit the start button, the light should come on and your microwave should start heating up to the desired temperature that you put in. The microwave should read “Preheating” or something similar on the display. Let the microwave heat up. When the internal temperature matches what you put in, the microwave should beep or ding, signifying that it's preheated. If your convection microwave doesn’t have a preheating feature, wait roughly 10 minutes to ensure the microwave has heated thoroughly before putting your food into it." ], "summary": [ "Check on your food when 75% of the cooking time has passed. Place your food in the oven as soon as it's preheated. Check your food frequently. Reduce the heat and increase the cooking time for a more even cook.", "Read the oven’s instruction manual. Press the convection button or turn the dial to convection. Preheat to 25°F (14°C) below the conventional oven temperature. Press the \"Start\" button. Wait for the oven to beep or for an indicator light to come on.", "Read the microwave’s instruction manual. Turn the convection microwave oven on. Press the convection option on your microwave. Set the temperature to 25°F (14°C) less than what the recipe calls for. Hit the “Start” button. Wait until the microwave beeps." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing youtube-dl (Mac)", "Downloading the Playlist", "Using Soundiiz to Convert Your Playlist", "Installing youtube-dl (Windows)" ], "document": [ "youtube-dl is a command line program to download YouTube videos that is completely free and open-source. It is developed by the community and no one profits from it. It is the only downloading option that does not include ads, malware, or other privacy concerns. This is an open-source package manager that will manage \"homebrewed\" applications, including youtube-dl. Type /usr/bin/ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)\" and press ⏎ Return. Depending on your security settings, you may be prompted for your password before you can proceed. Now that Homebrew is installed, you can use it to download and install youtube-dl: Type brew install youtube-dl and press ⏎ Return. This is another open-source program that youtube-dl will use to convert the downloaded videos into MP3 format. Once this is installed, you'll be ready to use youtube-dl to download the playlist from the Terminal. Type brew install ffmpeg and press ⏎ Return.", "You'll need to grab the URL for the playlist you want to download with youtube-dl. Make sure you're signed in with the same account that you linked to Soundiiz. You'll see this on the left side of the screen. When you click a playlist, you'll see a list of all of the videos in it. Make sure the entire address in the address bar is highlighted. Press Ctrl+C or ⌘ Cmd+C, or right-click the highlighted address and click \"Copy.\" Enter the following command and replace playlistAddress with the pasted URL of your playlist: This can take a while if the playlist is really long or you have a slow connection. youtube-dl will download each video in the playlist and then convert it to MP3 format so that it can be played on any audio player. Your new MP3 files will be located in the User folder, the same folder that contains the youtube-dl program files. You can add the MP3 files to your media player library, transfer them to another device, or burn them to a disc.", "Because it's not possible to rip from Spotify short of manually recording as songs play, the easiest way to rip songs is to convert your Spotify playlist into a YouTube playlist and then download the music from there. Open the Spotify website and log in with your account. Create a new playlist and label it something like \"YouTube\" or \"Convert\" (so you can easily recognize it). Add all of the music that you want to rip to the playlist. You may have difficulty matching obscure tracks if the song is not on YouTube, but most songs should match without issue. Soundiiz is a service that allows you to transfer your playlists from one music streaming service to another. You'll need to create a free account to use the playlist converter. You can use one of the supported social media services to create an account quickly, or you can enter your email and create a password to make a traditional account. Either method is fine. You'll see this in the menu on the left. Soundiiz cannot see your Spotify login information. Your Spotify account is now linked to Soundiiz. Connecting to YouTube will allow Soundiiz to send the new playlist to your YouTube channel. You'll need to have a YouTube channel associated with your Google account, which is created automatically when you sign into YouTube with your Google account. You'll see all of your playlists from your connected accounts in the main frame of the Soundiiz site. Find the Spotify playlist that you want to convert. You'll see this button to the right of the playlist name, next to the \"...\" button. The Convert button looks like a small box with an arrow pointing to a larger one. This will tell Soundiiz to create a new playlist in YouTube with matching tracks. This will open a tracklist for the playlist. You can go through the list and de-select any songs you don't want to include. Soundiiz will look for exact matches, and will add each match to a new playlist in YouTube. If any tracks cannot be matched, they won't appear in YouTube. It may take a while to scan larger playlists. Once your playlist has been converted into a YouTube playlist, you're ready to install the software necessary to download and convert the videos to MP3. The installation process is different for Windows and Mac.", "youtube-dl is an open-source, command line program that can download YouTube videos and playlists. It is not the most intuitive program, but it is completely free and contains no viruses, malware, or other unwanted programs. It is developed and maintained by the community and generates no profit. You'll see this in the opening paragraph on the page. The youtube-dl.exe file will begin downloading after a moment. This is the base folder for your Windows user account, and contains your Documents, Pictures, Downloads, and other media folders. The default location is C:\\Users\\userName. This will allow you to run the program from the Command Prompt without having to change any directories. This is another open-source program that will allow youtube-dl to convert the downloaded files into MP3 format. Once you install FFmpeg, you won't be using it directly. Like youtube-dl, FFmpeg contains no malware or additional software. You'll see this in the \"More downloading options\" section. This will work for most versions of modern Windows. If you're using an older computer, you'll want to check if you're using 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. You can usually find it at the bottom of your browser after it downloads, or in your Downloads folder. The full folder name will vary depending on which version of FFmpeg you downloaded. They should end up in the same location as the youtube-dl.exe file. youtube-dl is now installed and ready to use from the Command Prompt." ], "summary": [ "Click the Go menu from the desktop. Click the Utilities option. Open Terminal from the Utilities folder. Enter the command to install Homebrew. Enter your user password if prompted. Enter the command to install youtube-dl. Enter the command to install FFmpeg.", "Open YouTube in your browser. Sign in with your YouTube account. Click your playlist in the Library section of the menu. Highlight the playlist URL. Copy the highlighted address. Return to the Command Prompt or Terminal window. Type the youtube-dl command and paste the address. youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 playlistAddress Press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return to run the command. Wait while youtube-dl downloads and processes the songs. You can cancel the download by pressing Ctrl+C or ⌘ Cmd+C. Find your new MP3s.", "Create a playlist of everything you want to rip in Spotify. Visit the Soundiiz website. Click the Sign Up button. Create an account. Click the Spotify button in the Soundiiz web app. Click Connect. Enter your Spotify login information. Click OKAY to confirm. Click the YouTube button in Soundiiz. Click Connect. Select your Google account or log in. Find your playlists. Click the Convert button next to the playlist. Click YouTube in the Destination Platform section. Click Save Configuration. Click Confirm Tracklist to attempt to match all tracks. Wait while Soundiiz matches your Spotify playlist to YouTube videos.", "Visit the youtube-dl website. Click the Windows executable link. Open your User folder. Copy the youtube-dl.exe file into your User folder. Visit the FFmpeg website. Click the Windows logo. Click the Windows Builds button. Click the Download FFmpeg button. Open the ZIP file after downloading it. Double-click the ffmpeg-### folder. Double-click the bin folder. Select the three EXE files and drag them into your User folder. Press ⊞ Win+R and type cmd to start the Command Prompt." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Interacting with the Cat", "Creating a Positive First Impression", "Reading the Cat's Body Language" ], "document": [ "It is best to meet the cat in an open space, so they don't feel cornered by you. Don't move towards the cat, particularly not in a way that would make it feel trapped, for example if it is in an enclosed cat carrier. While it can be tempting to approach the cat, try to let the cat make the first move. You may notice that the more you ignore the cat, the more curious they are about you. Once the cat shows some interest by approaching you, get lower to the ground so you are not hovering over the cat. Try sitting cross-legged on the ground, so you are physically less intimidating. Cats are small creatures; the smaller you can make yourself, the better. If the cat approaches you, try to let the cat become acquainted with your smell. Extend your open palm so the cat can smell you and become familiar with you. If the cat shrinks at your hand, you can try extending something you're wearing, such as your glasses. If the cat seems curious and receptive to your hand, attempt to scratch their chin or cheeks. These areas contain scent glands that release calming pheromones when rubbed. Most cats also enjoy being petted on these parts of the body. If the cat begins to purr or rub on your leg, that is a positive sign. Don't try to pick up the cat or place them in your lap. Avoid petting the cat at the base of the tail or on the belly right away.", "Cats don't enjoy loud or surprising noises. Try to minimize loud sounds when you enter the cat's space for the first time. If you have crinkly shopping or grocery bags with you, for example, leave them outside, so you don't frighten the cat. If you are bringing loud or rambunctious children into the house, ask them to be quiet or take them to another part of the house where they can wait with a trusted adult. People tower over cats, and sometimes a cat may get underfoot by accident. If appropriate, remove your shoes so you don't risk stepping on the cat's tail. Some shoes, particularly high heels, make loud sounds when you walk. Removing them will also help keep the environment quiet and stress-free for the cat. Direct eye contact can be intimidating for cats or even be interpreted as a sign of aggression. Avoid looking directly at the cat, and instead ignore them when first entering their space. The specific cat's temperament will play a large part in whether they want to interact with you or not. If the owner is around, ask them if their cat is typically friendly or if they prefer their space. You could say, “I love cats. Is your cat usually interested in meeting new people?”", "When a cat puts their ears back it means they are scared. A cat with its ears back may act out physically and scratch or bite if approached. Don't attempt to pet a cat further if they suddenly put their ears back while you are petting them. When cats feel intimidated, they fluff up their fur so they seem larger than they actually are to potential challengers. They may even put their tails straight up. These actions mean the cat's fight-or-flight response is engaged. Don't try to touch or approach a cat if they are exhibiting this behavior, as they may bite or scratch you. If a cat rolls over and exposes their belly, this means they feel comfortable being vulnerable with you. You can take this as a sign that the cat is enjoying being petted, as this is submissive behavior. You can continue petting the cat's face or even try petting the cat's back. Listen for purring to confirm that the cat is still enjoying your touch. Even if a cat exposes their belly, that does not mean that they want to have their belly rubbed. Most cats don't enjoy having their stomachs touched, so it is best to avoid this. When cats are sick they will cough, sneeze and may vomit, just like us. If the cat is exhibiting these signs and seems to be hiding in a small space, they may be sick. If the owner is available, let them know so they can contact a veterinarian. Do not attempt to pet this cat. If the cat is a stray, and you are concerned for its wellbeing, contact a local rescue group. They can give your further instruction on how to proceed. Do not try to pick up or pet the cat, as you may put yourself at risk of rabies or a bite." ], "summary": [ "Let the cat approach you first. Get down on the cat's level physically. Present an open hand or extend something you're wearing. Try to pat the cat's chin or cheeks.", "Minimize loud noises. Remove your shoes, if appropriate. Avoid eye contact with the cat. Ask the owner if their cat is typically friendly to strangers or not.", "Avoid petting a cat with its ears back. Avoid petting a cat if its tail is fluffed and straight up. Reward a cat that rolls over and exposes their belly. Recognize signs of distress or Illness." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Freezing and Scraping the Stain", "Blotting the Stain", "Other Methods" ], "document": [ "If you don't notice the stain for several days, place the garment in the freezer for a few hours. This will cause the caulk to harden. After a few days, you should be able to easily \"peel\" most of the goop off with your fingernails or a butter knife. Once the caulk is solid, carefully peel it off the article of clothing. The biggest chunk should come off in a glob. Alternately, use an ice cube. Hold an ice cube in place over the stain until it freezes. Once frozen, the caulk will loosen and can be pulled off more easily. Chip away at the caulk, bit by bit – this may be easier once the stain is frozen. You can also use a butter knife, a file, or another scraping tool. Be careful not to cut yourself or the clothing! After the excess is removed, clean any remaining stain with rubbing alcohol or another cleaning agent. You should be able to scrape or peel off the bulk, but some stain might remain.", "If you notice the stains before it has a chance to dry, you might be more likely to remove it all. Try running your clothing through a regular washing cycle in your washing machine with standard detergent. If the clothing is white, add bleach for extra washing power. New caulk stains or ones that have not completely dried may come off with a normal wash. Wet a rag or a paper towel. Press the towel firmly against the caulk, and let the moisture sink in. Dab the area again and again, and gently rub the stain out of the fabric. Try to blot as much of the caulk as possible off of the garment. After you have removed as much excess caulk as you can, wet a piece of folded paper towel with some rubbing alcohol. Blot the stain, firmly, and let the alcohol soak deep into the fabric. Dab the stain as many times as needed to remove the stain. You may need to reapply several times to remove the stain. Add more alcohol each time. Always use a clean section of the towel. If the towel becomes overly stained and saturated with caulk, you may need to switch to another rag. Once the stain is removed, launder the garment in cold or warm water. When you remove the garment from the washer, examine the stain to make sure it's completely removed. You may have to wash it a few times to get the stain completely out. Don't place it in a dryer with any stain remaining, since the heat will set it.", "Purchase a commercial cleaner, such as Goof Off Stain Remover, to finish the job. Look for specific caulk removers. Follow all instructions and warnings supplied by the manufacturer to ensure proper cleaning. Warning: Always pretest new cleaners on old clothing before applying it to important or favorite garments. Antibacterial sanitizing products can remove some stains from clothing, and they may be effective on caulk. First, squeeze the sanitizer onto the stained area. Rub the spot gently with a tissue or a damp rag. You may need to use several applications of sanitizer if the stain is especially bad. Wet the stain with water. Pour baking soda onto the fabric while it's still wet. Massage the baking soda into the fabric with a rag or towel until the caulk comes out. If the stain does not come out completely, keep trying. Put the clothing in the wash afterward, and results will improve even more." ], "summary": [ "Put the clothing in the freezer. Scrape the stain from the clothing with scissors. Finish the job.", "Tackle the caulk stain as quickly as possible. Blot the stain with water. Dab the caulk with rubbing alcohol. Wash the clothing.", "Use a chemical cleaner. Try using hand sanitizer. Rub with baking soda." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Other Coding Languages", "Using a Redirection Service", "Coding an .htaccess 301 Redirect", "Using a Meta Command" ], "document": [ "For each programming language, the appropriate redirect code may be slightly different. If you're unsure of the answer to this question, contact your web host for more information. There are different coded commands for each language and several options to explore within each language. A quick internet search is likely to yield the appropriate code for your site. For instance it's easy to search for and find code for PHP, ASP, ColdFusion and Javascript redirects online. After finding the correct code for your site, implementation will be quite similar to the other coding methods outlined. Afterwards always make sure to test the redirect by visiting your (old) URL to see if things work as planned.", "If you're unsure of your own coding ability or just want to redirect a URL without digging into the code, there are several redirection services available and your current web host may be one of them. Many popular web hosts offer redirection services and the accompanying support to help you achieve your goals. Check on the features your current host/plan offers or contact them directly about what your options are. If your web host doesn't offer redirection, there are many other options out there. Depending on what your redirection needs are you may be able to do this for free. Many services allow you to configure options for your redirect such as the type (permanent or temporary) or whether query parameters are passed along. Very few redirection services will allow you to forward HTTPS (secure) links. Typically these services are extremely user-friendly and can help walk you through the process, prompting you at each step for the correct information. Note: in some cases you'll still need to be able to edit the DNS (domain name server) records for the domain names you'd like to redirect. These are accessible through your web host. Your 3rd party redirection provider will let you know if this is necessary and you can access and edit these records from your web hosting account. The instructions to edit DNS records this step will vary by the service used, but typically both the redirection service provider and your web host will have easy-to-follow instructions.", "This is necessary for moving forward with the .htaccess method - check with your web host if you're unsure. An .htaccess file is a file that web servers check for information on how to handle errors, security, and redirect requests for your site. Check your root directory (where all your website files are stored) and then download the file for editing. If no .htaccess exists in your root folder currently, you can create one using an application like Notepad (or a similar plain text application). The code for the file is contained in the next step. Make sure that when you save your .htaccess file it begins with a “.” Note that this file has no tail extension (e.g. “.com” or “.txt”) Paste the following code into the .htaccess text file: .redirect 301 /old/oldURL.com http://www.newURL.com In the code, \"oldURL.com\" represents the landing page address your visitors will need to be redirected from while \"http://www.newURL.com\" represents the address you'd like your visitors redirected to. There should be exactly one blank space between \"oldURL.com\" and \"http://\" Don't add \"http://www\" to the (old) URL in the first part of the code! The code \"301\" is most commonly used on redirected sites and means \"moved permanently\". Research other \"300\" codes to learn about other functions. Change “http://www.newURL.com” to the domain address you'd like visitors to be redirected to. Change the dropdown to “all files” and save the file as .htaccess with no extension. Rename any existing .htaccess files or html files with the same name to keep a backup copy. For example use the name .htaccessbackup so that you can find and recognize the file in case you need to do a restore of the previous code. Now that you've modified the code you need to put this file back so the old URL can read it and redirect as planned. Open a new private browsing window and type the old domain name into your web browser. If you've done everything correctly it will redirect to the new site. Using a private browsing window simply ensures that your browser is accessing the new redirect instead of relying on cached data (data stored to help your most commonly visited pages load faster). In lieu of a private browsing window, you can also clear your browser's cache through the browser preferences menu. For more information on how to do that, see Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache.", "This is a different method that involves you changing the webpage's code directly so you'll first need to download the files associated with the URL(s) you'd like to redirect away from. Note that in most cases using a Meta command is not ideal for your redirect. Webpages with Meta code redirects are often filtered by search engines since it's a known spam technique. Use “Notepad” or a similar text editor to open the webpage's code file. Save a backup or duplicate copy before making your edits to the code as a safety measure. The Meta code goes after the \"head\" tag (<head>) in the page's code. Type in : .<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=http://www.newsite.com/newurl.html\"> There is exactly one blank space between \"refresh\" and \"content\" \"0\" here stands for number of seconds before the redirect happens. \"www.newsite.com/newurl.html\" is the specific URL that the page is to be redirected to. It's also possible to create a custom error message or an announcement that your sites has moved, but this may draw unwanted attention to your redirect! If you are redirecting traffic from an old URL, it's likely that other changes have also taken place to your URL's code (e.g. the removal of your site content). What's important is that the URL code now contains the meta redirect code. Type the URL into your browser directly or use a search engine to find it. The page should now redirect immediately to the new URL you specified in the code without any messages or landing points in between." ], "summary": [ "Find out what code your site is written in. Research other redirect code. Test the redirect.", "Check with your web host. Pick a 3rd party service. Follow the instructions from the redirection service. Update the DNS records.", "Find out if your website is running on an Apache server. Locate and download your .htaccess file. Create an .htaccess file. Type in the code. Set the new URL destination. Save the new .htaccess file. Create a backup. Upload the modified file to the root directory of the old domain. Test the redirect.", "Access the code for the page you want to redirect. Open the code for edits. Amend the code. Save the file and re-upload to your old domain. Test the redirect." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Identifying Possible Asbestos Materials", "Looking for Identification Markers", "Getting an Expert Analysis" ], "document": [ "Check the manufacturer and product name on the insulation label and do a web search to find out if it contains asbestos. The date of the building or material can also tell you a lot about asbestos risk. Buildings made between the 1940s and the 1980s are very likely to have used asbestos materials. Even still, asbestos was phased out in the 1980s, so some buildings built during that time could have still used asbestos materials. If the building was built after 1995, it almost certainly utilized no asbestos materials. On the outside of buildings, asbestos sheets were often joined together with aluminum runners. These runners were held on by small nails with no point at the end. On the inside, asbestos sheets were held together with plastic or wooden runners in the same way. This design could be a sign that the structure was built using asbestos materials. You should also inspect any adhesives used to join two materials together, as they often contain asbestos. Asbestos materials often have a pattern on the surface that looks like small dimples or shallow craters covering the surface. Later materials have a smoother texture. While this is not a foolproof identification, seeing a dimpled pattern on the surface warrants taking asbestos precautions. Asbestos was used to make several exterior materials. Roofing and siding shingles are among the most common materials to contain asbestos, and will readily release fibers into the air if broken. Asbestos was also put into cement used on the exterior of buildings to help insulate the. Most older cement board products contain asbestos. This type of material looks like a thin piece of concrete with fibers running through it and was frequently used as siding, corrugated roofing, and soffit material. Floors, walls, and ceilings were often made with asbestos containing materials. Watch for an oily appearance to floor tiles, which indicates that they are made from asbestos bound with asphalt. Vinyl tiles and decorative wall plasters commonly contain asbestos. Blow-in asbestos was also frequently used for ceiling tiles and in ceilings above drywall before it was known to be dangerous. This type of asbestos looks gray or off-white with fibers in it. Aside from common construction materials, asbestos was used in a number of other manufactured pieces. These materials can be found in any system in your home or building. Some examples include: Insulation Duct Work Flues Cowls Fireproof Materials (doors, cabinets, etc.) Eaves Carpet Underlay Caulking and sealers Window putty Pipes (looks like several layers of paper wrapped around the pipe) Asbestos is a very strong, durable material. It is not susceptible to water the way that many materials are. For that reason, asbestos materials were often used in places like bathrooms and basements to avoid dealing with water damages.", "Asbestos was molded into many different shapes and sizes to fill different needs. For example, sheets of asbestos were used to make up walls, and slats of asbestos were created to serve as roof tiles. Each mold has a different location that may be stamped with manufacturer’s information. This information sometimes discloses whether or not the material contains asbestos. Once you’ve identified the mold, look for any information that the manufacturer stamped or printed. If you find it, look for codes such as AC (contains asbestos) or NT (does not contain asbestos). Note that not all pieces will have this information. Some manufacturers used different codes at different times. If you can find any codes or markings on the material, try to look it up. Sometimes you can find the meaning of the code and determine asbestos content. Other times, information about the code is not made available.", "If you are in question, assume that the material is asbestos. If you need to be sure, bring in a consultant that is uniquely qualified to identify asbestos. This could be an experienced contractor or someone like a building inspector. These contacts can be found on the internet. Don't attempt to take a sample on your own as you could expose yourself and others in the area to asbestos. Get a qualified professional to take the sample as they will have the necessary personal protective equipment and tools to do the job. For instance, they may need to put on coveralls, gloves, and a respirator before chipping off a piece of the material and putting it in a sealed container. They can use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum to contain dust particles and clean the area. The professional will also dispose of their equipment and the waste from the HEPA vacuum as per your area's regulations. Lab tests can tell you with certainty whether a material contains asbestos or not. Take your sample to a NATA certified lab. If there is one in your area, you can drive it there. If you have to send it off in the mail, follow any regulatory guidelines for mailing asbestos. The lab will identify the material and report back to you." ], "summary": [ "Date the material. Look at joints. Analyze surface patterns. Inspect exterior building materials. Investigate interior panels. Check appliances and finishing materials. Assess the location.", "Identify the mold. Scan for letter codes. Find additional codes.", "Consult someone experienced in identifying asbestos. Have a professional collect a sample. Send the sample to a verified lab." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Microwaving", "Steaming", "Roasting" ], "document": [ "Place the halves cut-side down. The delicata squash should be tender enough to pierce easily with a fork. If the squash is not tender, continue cooking in 1 minute intervals until it is. Cool the squash for 10 minutes and serve the squash skin and all. Eat the squash by digging the flesh directly out of the skin or by cutting it into thinner slices after pulling it out of the microwave.", "Allow the water to reach a rolling boil. Do not use too much water, since the water level needs to remain fairly low. Only the steam is needed to cook the squash, not the water itself.", "Prepare a shallow baking dish by coating it lightly with nonstick cooking spray. You could also cover the dish with nonstick aluminum foil. The delicata squash should be tender enough for you to easily glide a knife through. The top should also be browned. If you used brown sugar, the top should be caramelized. Roasting at a lower temperature will make the squash even more tender. As such, you could also try roasting it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius) for a full hour. Eat the flesh of the squash directly out of the skin with a spoon or fork." ], "summary": [ "Place the squash in a large microwave-safe dish. Microwave on High for 10 minutes. Allow the squash to cool slightly before serving.", "Boil 1/2-inch (1 1/4-cm) of water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.", "Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (232 degrees Celsius). Cook for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven. Serve warm." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Online FTE Calculators", "Obtaining and Using Professional FTE Calculations", "Calculating FTEs" ], "document": [ "These online tools allow you to simply enter in the number of full-time employees you have and the hours worked every week by part-time employees. Then the online tool will do the calculating for you to give you an estimated FTE value. Reputable calculators can be found at https://www.healthcare.gov/shop-calculators-fte/. You will need both your total number of full-time employees and the hours worked by your part-time employees. This information should be readily available in your accounting records. Remember that full-time employees are those who work more than 30 hours per week. Enter your employee data into the calculator in the relevant fields. Be sure to check whether the hours worked are entered on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis and edit your data appropriately. Double-check your information before pressing \"calculate\" to make sure that it is correct. Keep in mind that the calculation you get from the FTE calculator tool is just an estimate. You can use this number for roughly estimating FTE values for yourself for guidance or educational purposes. But these calculations should never be used as a replacement for legal or tax advice from a professional in the field. And when you need a 100% accurate calculation for business reasons, you’ll need to use a different method.", "Calculating FTE is an important thing that you need to make sure gets done correctly. If you make a mistake in your calculations, it can negatively impact many aspects of your business including anticipating profits, taxes, and other issues. So if you don’t feel confident in your ability to calculate your business’s FTE perfectly, pay an accountant with experience in this field to do it for you. You will need to provide this person with important information about your business so that they can gather all the information they’ll need to calculate your FTE. They will need access to your employee files, previous tax documents, and other similar types of documents. Certain types of lawyers will have experience in this area and will be able to help you with your calculations to ensure they are done correctly. Seek out advice from corporate or tax lawyers for help calculating your FTE. FTE analysis can be a useful tool for assessing how many employees are needed in a certain part of a business or in total. Business owners can also track how overall employee growth has trended over the years in a clearer way by analyzing FTE changes. FTEs can be compared to other metrics to assess how much additional employees contribute to the business's profitability or revenues. If your business uses part-time employees, you might want to convert their hours worked into full-time equivalents. You can also use FTE to compare headcount to revenues or square footage, which may be useful for making decisions about budgeting and hiring/laying off. One use of FTE is in calculating the size of a small business for health insurance purposes. Specifically, the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace requires that business have fewer than 50 FTEs to qualify. This program offers affordable and high-quality employee insurance policies to business owners. Businesses also have to meet other standards to qualify. FTE is also used to mean \"full time equivalent enrollment\" and is used by universities and other educational institutions in a similar fashion to track enrollment of full and part-time students. Rather than work hours, class hours are used, with full-time students being those with a full credit load (often 12 hours per week) and part-time students being those taking fewer than 12. However, other schools may use different credit hour calculations for FTE.", "Use accounting records to identify hours worked by part-time employees. This is applicable for companies that employ both full-time and part-time workers. Multiply the total weekly hours by the number of weeks each part-time employee has worked. Example: 1 Part-time Employee worked 15 hours every week for 30 weeks: 1 x 15 x 30 = 450 hours 2 Part-time Employees worked 20 hours for 40 weeks each: 2 x 20 x 40 = 1600 hours Add the results together to obtain their total hours. Example: 450 + 1600 = 2,050 part-time hours A full-time employee is someone who works a maximum of 40 hours (30 hours minimum) every week for over 120 days every year. Multiply the number of workers by 40 (8 hours a day x 5 days a week). Example: 6 full time workers: 6 x 40 = 240 hours Multiply the result by 52 (weeks in a year). Example: 240 x 52 = 12,480 full-time hours This is the total number of hours worked by all the employees. Example: 12,480 (full-time) + 1600 (part-time) = 14,080 total hours This will determine the FTE of the company for a particular period. Holiday hours and other paid leave (sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, etc.) are already accounted for as part of the hours worked. So you don’t need to make any special calculations for these hours. Divide the total hours by 2,080. This number is a fixed number that is arrived at by the following equation: 8 hours a day x 5 days a week x 52 weeks a year. This final step will help you to calculate your yearly FTE. Example: 14,080 total hours ÷2080 = 6.769 FTEs Divide the total hours by 173.33 to find the FTE per month. Example: 4,000 hours for February ÷173.33 = 23.07 FTEs Divide the total hours by 8 to obtain FTE per day. Example: 80 daily hours ÷ 8 = 10 FTEs" ], "summary": [ "Locate an online FTE calculator. Locate your worker data. Input your data. Use this FTE calculation as an estimate only.", "Pay a tax professional to calculate your company’s FTE for you. Request help from a legal professional. Use FTE to calculate business metrics. Calculate FTE for health insurance. Use FTE to calculate student enrollment.", "Find the hours worked by part-time employees. Compute the number of hours worked by full-time employees per period. Combine the hours worked by full-time and part-time employees. Divide the total hours worked by the number of full-time hours." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "EU Citizen Work", "Non-EU Citizen Work" ], "document": [ "Several new countries have been added to the EU over the years, so check this list, europa.eu/about-eu/countries/index_en.htm, to identify how easy it will be to work in other EU states. If you are part of a newer EU state, or you wish to work in a newer EU state, check the work restrictions with that country. Many original states impose restrictions on workers from newly accepted EU states. They are required to reduce or eliminate restrictions after 7 years in the EU. No matter your nationality, you should apply for a passport immediately by submitting a form, fees, photographs and fingerprints. If you have dual citizenship, review the EU list to see if you can take advantage of the working possibilities with a passport from an EU country. The European Job Mobility Portal, at ec.europa.eu/eures, lists job openings, tips for living and working in the country and other important information for getting a job outside of your EU country. Other sites may have better information about seasonal work. If you are looking for hospitality jobs, go to resortjobs.com or summerjobs.com to look for work. If you are looking for fruit picking jobs, you can look for seasonal positions at pickingjobs.com.", "You should identify areas that you may potentially be hired based on the languages you speak, your nationality and the job you perform. For example, if you speak English and French, you will want to look in those countries and Switzerland or Belgium. It is no longer very easy to travel to a country and apply for jobs while you are there. Most people should establish their training in their own country and apply for jobs or visas before going abroad. People with medical degrees, certain engineering degrees, entrepreneurs, investors and certain mechanics may be able to apply for an eased work permit or they may not be required to have a European work permit at all. In the UK, investors, entrepreneurs, people with exceptional talent and some graduate students or graduate entrepreneurs can apply for a point-based visa system. For many of these categories, there are a limited number of visas, so make sure you apply early. Elsewhere in Europe, countries are either adopting a points-based system, like the UK, that awards a value based upon your skills and experience. This is a response to supplement the skills of an aging population. Many countries, such as Switzerland, specify that a company must sponsor a non-EU citizen. However, for certain positions, they may not be required to offer the job in their country beforehand. This is the most common path to get a skilled job in a European country, because your company will help you apply for the visa before you move. You can search for jobs by specific companies, or you can go online to job aggregate sites, like Monster, CareerBuilder and Indeed and look for jobs located in Europe. Many domestic programs are cheaper and well respected in Europe. Visit websites like eslemployment.com, teachaway.com, languagecorps.com to begin researching positions in EU and non-EU countries. If you have an education degree, you can apply for work in international, military and immersion schools abroad. As well as applying online, you may attend international teaching job fairs to interview for a full-time position. If you are having trouble finding a full-time job, consider apply to be a camp counselor at an International Camp in Europe. Visit statravel.com/work-abroad-europe.htm to apply for a short-term position. There are dozens of agencies that hire English-speaking people to be au pairs for at least 3 months in Europe. You must be at least 18 years of age with some experience taking care of children. Depending upon the country to which you are applying, you may be able to get limited rights to work in that country. Then, you can apply for permanent residency or a work permit." ], "summary": [ "Determine if you are an EU citizen. If you are part of 1 of the original EU states, UK, Belgium, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, France or Finland, you should be able to work in an EU state without restrictions. Request a passport if you do not already have one. Search on the European Commission website for jobs, if you are an EU citizen.", "Decide where you would like to work. Decide how you would like to work. Get a degree in a discipline that is currently in demand in Europe. Search for international companies to sponsor your work visa. Get your TEFL certificate in your country. Become an au pair. Request a residence visa for study or living with family." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Koopa Troopa on Level 2-4", "Using the Mega Mushroom in Level 1-1", "Getting them Through World 4", "Using the Red Koopa Troopa on Level 1-4" ], "document": [ " If this is done correctly, you can keep jumping on it to build the points. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/3\\/3c\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/3\\/3c\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\\/aid388967-v4-728px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-4-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} After you build the points as high as it can go, it will start to give you one-ups. You should be able to take your hands off the DS and watch your lives go up. You can get up to 99 lives. Keep in mind that you may lose lives through time out. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/f\\/f9\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/f\\/f9\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\\/aid388967-v4-728px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}", " Collect it before then. ", " Place the bomb where under the pipe. It will keep killing bombs. Beware that you could lose lives by running out of time. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/e\\/e6\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/e\\/e6\\/Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\\/aid388967-v4-728px-Get-99-Lives-in-New-Super-Mario-Bros-DS-Step-13-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}", " After you score up to 8000, it should say 1UP." ], "summary": [ "Go to level 2-4. Finish the level like you would do normally, except when you get near the flag at the end, there should be a Koopa Troopa coming down the stairs. Jump on it as it is coming down the third to last stair. Finished.", "Go to level 1-1. Hit the block with the Mega Mushroom inside. Wait until it is about to fall down the pit. Rush to the flagpole and then knock it down. This will get you five one-ups. Keep playing the level over and over again.", "Go to the level where you go underground, the one infested with the Bob-bombs. Go to the place where the bombs come out of the pipes. It should explode. Kill the Koopa right next to it and make it shell-dash. Wait for a spiny to start dashing on its own after you did the trick with the Koopa. Keep following it but do not touch it, or it will start the process again.", "Go to level 1-4. Jump on the red Koopa Troopa 1 time, hold the Koopa by holding the X or Y button. Run to the yellow pipe with the Koopa and release the X or Y button to release the Koopa." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Being Honest", "Interacting with Others", "Embracing Others", "Forgiving People Who Have Hurt You" ], "document": [ "One of the first steps to loving someone is to value the commitments you make to them. While commitments may differ in every situation, promising to do something for someone else will signal that you do have love for this person. Once you make the promise, do everything in your power to keep true to it. For example, if you promise someone that you will do something for them, you should follow through no matter what. If you don’t want to do something for your friend, tell them no instead of setting yourself up to break a promise. Remaining honest with people in your life will allow them to see you for who you really are. Knowing that they love the real you and not a fake version of you will make a big difference. This will help you open up and love yourself and everyone else even more. Do not fabricate feelings for or against someone else. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, and act accordingly. If you allow yourself to do the things you love and surround yourself with people that you love, you will be happier and able to love more fully.", "When you love people, it is important to give and receive affection. Try to be comfortable with hugging or embracing friends and family members, giving them gifts, and offering them praise. Also, be willing to accept the same things in return. Do not expect an immediate reciprocation of your affection. For example, just because you give someone a compliment does not mean that you will get one from them in the next five minutes. Aside from just giving and receiving affection, you can also be forward about your feelings. You should tell people in your life that you love them and care for them. You also need to allow them to express their feelings to you openly and without judgement or ridicule. For example, a family member might come out and say that they love you. Instead of laughing at them or ignoring the statement, make it a point to say something back such as, “I love you too.” There is no need to overdo it on constant compliments or expressions of love. Many people make the mistake of being fair weather friends. In other words, they are there when the someone’s life is going well, but busy when that same person needs help. You should make it a point to be available to the people you love when they need help or support. This will show that you love them, and it will help you form a stronger bond and love them more. For example, if someone close to you recently lost a family member, cook them a meal and take it to them. Make sure that you go when you have time to talk and be present with them. When someone is in need, just being available isn’t always enough. Sometimes, it would help them tremendously if you do small chores or run errands for them in a time of need. Help them complete tasks that they need done, or buy them a something that they have been wanting. For example, you could go grocery shopping for a friend that has just come home from the hospital. Another example would be to buy someone a meal after a hard week. If you're unsure where to start, you might volunteer at a worthy organization, charity, or community effort. Volunteering will allow you express your love to others, even strangers, and allow you to build connections to other volunteers with the same beliefs and passions. This will increase your overall capacity to love and care for others. You can continue to build the love you have for someone by keeping the relationship interesting. Do things spontaneously with people you love to build excitement and mystery. Make a point of offering and receiving romantic gestures from time to time in romantic relationships, and the passion in the relationship will stay strong.. Everyone goes through good times and bad. Life’s emotional rollercoaster can make or break the love that you have for other people. If you want to continue loving the people in your life, be there to comfort them and help them through hard times, and allow them to do the same for you.", "One of the most important ways to love people is to spend time with them. The time you spend together will help you to understand each other more and be more comfortable around each other. This will create a trusting bond that reinforces your love. The people in your life may or may not have values and habits that are similar to your own. Even if you disagree with them, though, you have to accept them for who they really are. Avoid criticizing or trying to change them. Instead, agree to disagree on some things while continuing to love them. For example, if someone you love does not follow the same religion as you, you should accept that and love them anyway. You will no sooner change their mind than they will change yours. The more time you spend with anyone, the more chances they will have to upset you. If someone does something that bothers you, take some time to decide if it is worth a confrontation. If you decide that it’s a minor blunder, just let it pass. If the incident really bothers you, you should talk it over with the other person. For example, if a friend spilled coffee on your shirt, there is no need get angry or lecture them. Just change your shirt and let it go. In contrast, if a friend made up a story about you having an affair because they dislike your partner, you probably should have a conversation with them. If you have people in your life who love you, help you, and support you, try to express to them how grateful you are for their presence in your life. By doing so, they may return the appreciation, building a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and respect. You do not need to outright tell people \"I appreciate you.\" You can also demonstrate it through your actions. Help them when they are in need. Lend them an ear when they are upset. If they live far away, periodically check in with an email or phone call.", "It can be difficult to forgive others when you are still struggling to come to terms with things that you did, said, or that happened to you. Release yourself of any guilt, shame, or pain that you associate with past relationships so that you can build new relationships of trust, love, and respect. Lovers often do small things that bother one another. If you want to love your partner, let those things go. Holding a grudge or keeping count of any time your partner hurts you will only diminish your relationship. This will also make you a more negative person. For example, if your partner makes a joke about your shoes, it is okay to mention that it bothered you, but it does not give you a free pass to say something bothersome to them. If you have been deeply hurt, you will need to allow yourself to feel and express that pain before you can move past it. Meditate on your feelings around the situation, or talk through it with a close friend. Once you come to terms with your feelings, you can start doing things to let them out. Some common ways that people deal with pain are: Exercise regularly. Find a creative outlet. Spend time with friends and family. Seek counseling. Whether the person apologizes or not, forgiving them is necessary for you to move on. Have a talk with them or write a letter to declare that you have forgiven the pain that you were caused. If you had any fault in the situation, this is a good time to apologize as well. If you do not know how to find the person or feel that it is inappropriate to contact them, you can write a letter, but do not send it." ], "summary": [ "Keep your promises. Tell the truth. Stay true to yourself.", "Get comfortable with affection. Express your love. Make yourself available. Do things for others. Be spontaneous. Comfort each other.", "Spend time bonding. Accept your people for who they are. Overlook minor offenses. Appreciate others for what they do.", "Forgive yourself first. Avoid scorekeeping. Express true pain. Let the pain go." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Windows Defender", "Registry Editor", "MSConfig" ], "document": [ " Click All Programs and then select Windows Defender. When you are finished, click Disable.", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/79\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/79\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/aid43890-v4-728px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/cc\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/cc\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/aid43890-v4-728px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-11Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Delete that one program from either or both of those registry keys. Caution: Do not delete other items in regedit that you see. Many may be unknown, peculiarly named system files. You could easily disable program associations, needed services, make the system fail or to be unstable.", "Go to START -> Run, and enter msconfig. Hit enter to start the program. The following window should appear. Choose Selective Startup. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/d\\/d4\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/d\\/d4\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\\/aid43890-v4-728px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If Run is not found in the Start Menu, to add the \"Run command\": Right click Start -> Properties -> select tab \"Start Menu\" -> Customize -> Customize Start Menu -> check the Run box -> Apply -> OK . {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/71\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/71\\/Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\\/aid43890-v4-728px-Alter-Startup-Programs-in-Windows-XP-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Here, you will see a list of programs that is similar to the one below: A new window will appear, asking you to restart your computer. '" ], "summary": [ "Download Windows Defender from Microsoft. Click on the Start menu. Choose Tools and the Software Explorer. Click the names of the programs in the Name column that you want to disable.", "Locate 1 of the following registry keys: Find the program that you want to remove from the startup sequence.", "Open Microsoft's System Configuration Utility (called MSConfig). Click on the 'Startup' tab. Uncheck any programs that you do not want Windows to run at startup. Click 'OK'. Click 'Restart." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Bragging about Your Girlfriend Respectfully", "Coming up with Compliments", "Bragging in Social Situations" ], "document": [ "It’s great to tell your girlfriend she’s beautiful or gush about how gorgeous she is. However, instead of bragging about her looks alone, try to focus on her personality, achievements, and other qualities that make her a wonderful person. Brag about her professional accomplishments, like a laudable project she managed. Talk about an impressive test score, how she made honor roll or dean’s list, or how great of a mentor she is to her younger siblings. Bragging about your love life isn’t the most respectful way to convey what a great human being your girlfriend is. Further, when you keep intimate details about your relationship between the two of you, those details become more special and profound. It’s one thing to confide in your best friend about your love life. However, if you brag to all of your friends about how great your girlfriend is at intimate stuff, she might feel like nothing more than a conquest. Bragging about how great your girlfriend is at things like cooking and cleaning could come across as old fashioned and stereotypical. Instead of reducing her to an outdated gender role, try drawing attention to more complex personality traits. For example, you could say, “Sophie is a great cook. She likes to glance at recipes, then add her own unique twists. Her creativity, intelligence, and quick-thinking never cease to amaze me!” Try saying something like, “Her apartment is always spotless, and she loves to keep things in order. Among her many great qualities, she’s so responsible and has such attention to detail. She really makes me a better person.” When in doubt, talk to your girlfriend about whether or not she likes it when you gush about her. Set clear boundaries about what’s up for discussion, when bragging is appropriate, and how much you should share about your relationship. Ask her, “Does my bragging ever make you uncomfortable? I love telling everyone how amazing you are, but I’d never want to put you on the spot or make you feel embarrassed.”", "Adding some specific details can verify and add meaning to your boasting. Instead of simply stating that your girlfriend has a great quality, try to add context by explaining why. For example, instead of just saying, “Lindsay is really good at her job,” try adding details like, “Lindsay just had a performance review at work. Her supervisor went on and on about how much the company relies on her, and said that she’s a rising star in her industry.” Spend some time reflecting on why you’re proud of your girlfriend, what makes her special, and why you’re grateful for her. Try keeping a mental or written list of those attributes. Whenever she does something noteworthy, add it to your list. In addition to listing her personal qualities and achievements, you could note things like the connection you share, the trust you have in each other, and how you make each other better people. Every now and then, think of something lovey-dovey to express how head over heels you are. Cute catch phrases and mushiness in moderation can be sweet, but try not to go overboard when bragging to your friends about your relationship. Once in a while, you could say things like, “I never imagined someone could add so much meaning to my life,” or “She makes me wish my life had a pause button so I could make every moment I spend with her last forever.”", "Gushing about your girlfriend is a great way to show your family and close friends how happy you are. A little bragging can be especially helpful when you introduce your girlfriend to your inner circle or tell them about her for the first time. For example, try saying, “I can’t wait to introduce you to my new girlfriend. She’s smart, down to earth, and I can’t remember being this happy.” Bragging just for the sake of it can seem boring or unnecessarily boastful. Try to sing your girlfriend’s praises by telling an interesting story that naturally relates to a conversation. For instance, if you and your friends are talking about basketball, you could slip in, “You know, Rachael was an all state forward in high school.” Try recounting the time she came to your rescue when you were stuck in a crazy situation. If you met in a funny or unique way, tell your friends about it. It’s always nice to hear how proud your partner is of you. Bragging about your girlfriend in front of her can help remind her how special she is. When you and your girlfriend are out to dinner with friends or visiting your parents, try mentioning her recent professional accomplishment or how she’s become such a pro at her new hobby. Everyone has friends who fill up their social media feeds with mushy, boastful posts about their partner. Try to keep in mind that your significant other isn’t so significant to everyone on your social network. Posting pictures of you and your girlfriend on a trip is one thing, but daily oversharing on social media can put too much emphasis on how other people perceive your relationship." ], "summary": [ "Focus on her qualities and accomplishments. Keep private details private. Avoid reducing her to gendered stereotypes. Ask your girlfriend how comfortable she is with your bragging.", "Offer details and evidence to back up your bragging. Make a list of things you appreciate about her. Come up with cute sayings.", "Let your inner circle know how happy she makes you. Tell a good story instead of bragging out of the blue. Don’t forget to let her hear you brag about her. Try not to brag too much on social media." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Front view", "Basic Female Face" ], "document": [ " Remember that the nose must not be aligned with the eyes, and there must be a reasonable space between the mouth and the nose. ", "You can use dividers if you want a perfect circle. As you keep on practicing, you will be able to draw a perfect circle without any need of dividers or anything else. (Do not put too much pressure on the pencil while drawing this as this is \"just\" a baseline and you will have to erase it when you're done.) (Draw the second line a little lower from the diameter of the circle.) The two points where the circle and the horizontal line touch, mark the point where the jaw will start and the tip of the vertical line will be the tip of the chin. This line should be parallel to the first one. The eyes will be placed between the two of them. Start off with two lines on the horizontal baseline on the top, shaped like an arch. The lower lines of the eye should be straighter than the ones on the top but should still not be too straight. The lower lines should be shorter than the ones on the top but not too short. Add some eyelashes, both on the top line and the lower line. The lower tip of the oval should \"slightly\" touch the lower eyelid when the upper part of the oval should look like it was \"half-covered\" by the upper eyelid. (Check the image for this step for some more help.) Although, if you want to give her a \"surprised\" look, the upper part of the oval nor the lower part should not touch the eyelids \"at all\". Add little circles inside the eyes. These will be the sparkles. Then add the pupils. The pupils should be large but if you want to give her a \"frightened\" look, the pupils should be small. This is the nose. The mouth will be placed on the vertical line and just under the nose. But before erasing, mark the point where the mouth will be so it will be easier. Don't panic if you had erased the lines before marking the spot, it is easy to understand where it should be. Start with a short line, shaped like an arch. Then draw the same line, but this time upside down so that it looks like a pout. Add another little line under the mouth. This is the lower lip. Eyebrows can be straight (if you want an innocent or afraid look) or they can be arch-shaped (if you want a serious or neutral look)." ], "summary": [ "Sketch a circle for the head. Then, draw a vertical line that passes through the circle. Sketch the jaw line. Sketch 3 lines as guidelines for the eyes. Sketch 2 curved lines for the ears. Draw the jaw. Draw ears and its details. Draw the eyes, nose and mouth. Erase the draft lines. This is what it looks like when colored.", "Start off with a circle for the head. Now draw a vertical line that divides the circle into half that is a little longer than the diameter of the circle and a horizontal one that the two lines make a 90° angle. Draw the chin with the help of these two lines. Draw another horizontal line a little higher than the first one. Drawing the eyes is the most difficult of them all. For the eyes, draw two ovals between the two lines. Put a little line on the point where the first vertical line cuts the circle. Before adding the mouth, you should erase the base lines. Draw the mouth. Add the eyebrows." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Reducing Ring Size with Pliers", "Using a Mallet to Expand the Ring", "Sizing Down Your Ring With Silicone", "Stretching with Pliers" ], "document": [ "This will be easier to do while wearing the ring. If it has stones or other markings, make sure they are centered on top of your finger. Then, mark the center of the band under your finger with a marker. Make sure to use a color that will contrast with the ring: black works best for gold and silver. You can either use dedicated wire cutters, or pliers with a cutting edge. Set them along the line you drew on the ring. Apply pressure smoothly to ensure an even cut. It’s best to use a file specifically for metal work; otherwise ensure the nail file you use is made of metal. File slowly, only removing a bit of metal at a time. Put the ring inside the open pliers so the outside curvature runs along the pliers. Carefully squeeze, bringing the cut ends of the ring together. Keep the pressure even to make sure the ring keeps its circular shape. Try on the ring after closing the gap. If it’s still too loose, file the cut ends a bit more and try the ring on again. Use a buffing block, which you can get from any beauty store, to smooth out the ring’s ends. This will keep the edges from scratching your finger. Alternatively, you can use a propane torch and jeweller’s solder to close the ring into a single loop.", "You can use bar soap or dishwashing soap. Make sure the ring is evenly coated before sliding it on the mandrel. A ring mandrel is a graduated metal cone, which is used to size rings. You can easily obtain them from general online retailers. Your strikes should be gentle yet firm. Strike at a downward angle; you’re essentially trying to move the ring further down the mandrel. Make sure to turn the ring as you strike, to evenly stretch it. If you have access to it, use a vice to secure the mandrel. This will make this step much easier. If you only have access to a carpenter’s hammer, you should cover the ring with a soft cloth to prevent damage to the band. If it’s still too tight, you can repeat the process, placing the ring on the mandrel and hammering until it fits. Keep in mind this method can only stretch a ring about half a size. If the ring is struck, you can strike upwards with the mallet to dislodge it.", "Soak the ring in a solution of hot water and dishwashing soap. Use a soft toothbrush to brush the metal and any stones set on the ring. Dry the ring thoroughly before moving on. Avoid using cleaners with bleach, acetone or chlorine, as these can damage a ring’s metal band. Make sure to use clear silicone, like food grade or aquarium grade silicone. You’ll want the bottom part of the ring to have the thickest application. Unless the ring is very loose on your finger, you should use a small amount of silicone. As the silicone will be directly against your skin, you’ll want to try to smooth it out as much as possible. Run the stick along the inside of the ring until the silicone smooths out. You can use a wet paper towel to clean any silicone that gets on the outside of the ring. Depending on the type of silicone you use, this can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Resist the temptation to wear your ring during this time, as it will take longer for the silicone to cure and might dislodge it entirely. If you need to remove the silicone, you simply need to scratch at it with your fingernail.", "Don't force it on; it’s fine if the ring sits above the knuckle at this point. Use a marker to mark the underside of the ring along the center. You can either use dedicated wire cutters, or pliers with a cutting edge. Set them along the line you drew on the ring. Apply pressure smoothly to ensure an even cut. Bend both sides of the ring to keep it as even as possible. Ideally, you’ll want to use a metalworking file. Alternatively, you can use a nail file, but it’ll take longer to file down the ends. You want to make sure the ends are flat so they won’t be able to scratch you. You can use a nail buffer to smooth the edges after filing them down. The ring should fit comfortably but not move on your finger and the open edges shouldn't dig into your finger when you move it. If the ring is still too tight, remove it and widen it further with pliers." ], "summary": [ "Mark the center of the ring’s band. Cut the ring along the mark with wire cutters. File down the cut edges. Close the gap and try on the ring. Clean up the ring’s cut ends.", "Lubricate the ring with soap and slide it onto a ring mandrel. Gently tap the ring with a wooden mallet or jeweller’s hammer. Remove the ring from the mandrel and try it on.", "Clean the ring thoroughly. Use a coffee stir stick to apply silicone sealant inside the ring. Smooth the silicone with the coffee stir stick. Let the silicone cure.", "Put on the ring and mark the center of the band. Cut the ring along the mark with a pair of wire cutters. Gently bend the ring open with the flat nose pliers. File the cut edges. Try the ring on to check the size." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Mild Jerk Marinade", "Preparing Spicy Jerk Marinade" ], "document": [ "You will need to combine the salt, sugar, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper. Measure each spice out and put it in a bowl or jar. If you want, you can make this spice mix ahead of time and store it for when you want to make jerk marinade. You will need to add this spice mixture to a blender later to make a milder version of jerk sauce. By mixing the spices ahead of time, you will save time when going to blend the ingredients. Chop these ingredients finely. Set these aside in a bowl. These can be chopped ahead of time to save time. If you do so, store these in the refrigerator in a bowl with plastic wrap. Take care when working with hot peppers. You can use gloves if you want to avoid getting any juice on your skin. Make sure you use caution when cutting the pepper, as any juice can cause eye and skin irritation. Remove the seeds from the pepper and discard them. Pepper seeds are very hot. They can increase the heat in a dish. Cut the pepper into small, fine pieces. If you get any pepper juice on your hands, be sure to wash them thoroughly with dish soap and water. Blend the mixture on high until smooth. If some of the ingredients stick to the side of the blender jar, pause and scrape the sides. Store the sauce in a tightly sealed jar. This can keep for up to a week in the refrigerator. You can also use a food processor to blend the ingredients. This is best on chicken, pork, or fish. Allow at least two hours for your meat to marinade. Bake or grill your dish for best results. Traditionally, jerk chicken is often grilled. You can even grill a pork loin or pork chops. Be aware that even though this version of jerk marinade is milder than traditional jerk seasoning, it still contains hot peppers. If you find your dish is still too spicy, you can top it with yogurt or sour cream to cut the heat.", "Traditionally, jerk marinades combine many spices such as pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice with hot peppers, onions and garlic. This marinade is an excellent flavorful addition to grilled chicken and other meats. Keep in mind that jerk seasoning is meant to be spicy. The scotch bonnet pepper is traditionally used in authentic Jamaican cuisine. These can have quite a bit of heat. You will need a collection of spices for this marinade. Keep in mind this is a highly flavorful and spicy sauce. You will need 2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 2 teaspoons ground allspice, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. For the fresh spices and seasonings you will need 5 sprigs of fresh thyme and 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger. Combine all the spices in a small bowl. Set these aside while you prepare the other ingredients. It is a good idea to measure out spices and mix them before preparing other ingredients. All ingredients will need to be blended thoroughly. Having spices mixed ahead of time will make this process go faster. Chop these finely. Set these aside in a small bowl. You will eventually add these to a blender to make a thick marinade. You can always chop garlic and onions ahead of time and store these in the refrigerator until you need to use them. Take care while working with these, as they are very spicy. A good rule of thumb when working with hot peppers is to wear gloves. If you get the hot pepper juice on your skin and then touch your eye, you could end up with a burning sensation. Slice the peppers open and remove the seeds. Finely dice the peppers and put them aside in a bowl. If you get hot pepper juice on your skin, wash your hands thoroughly with dish soap. Alternatively, you can rub your hands with rubbing alcohol or olive oil. These products will help to break up the capsaicin that makes peppers spicy. You will need to use an electric blender to get a thick, smooth marinade. Blend the ingredients well, using a higher setting. If you find that your blender isn't mixing all of the ingredients, you may need to pause and scrape the sides of the blender. If you are making a large amount of marinade and don't have a high capacity blender, you can use a food processor for this. Jerk seasoning is best when it is used shortly after you make it. Jerk chicken is one of the most common dishes made with this marinade, but you can also use the sauce on pork, fish, or seafood. When using jerk sauce as a marinade, make sure you marinade your meat at least 2 hours. For a more potent flavor, marinade your meat overnight." ], "summary": [ "Gather all of the spices and mix them. Combine the onions, garlic, and thyme sprigs. Prepare the hot pepper. Combine all ingredients in a blender jar. Use the sauce as a marinade.", "Consider making a spicy jerk marinade. Measure out the spices. Peel onions and garlic. Prepare the scotch bonnet peppers. Add all of the ingredients to a blender. Use the marinade to season meats and poultry." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Designing the Game", "Choosing an Engine" ], "document": [ "Spend a good amount of time nailing down what your game is before you touch a line of code. What genre is it? Is it 2D or 3D? Does the player progress in the game by solving puzzles, following/creating the story, fighting enemies, and/or exploring? The more questions you answer and the more detail you give your ideas, the more time you'll save in the long run. If you decide to make a major change after you've already started coding, the change can take many times longer to implement. Pare this down to something way, way simpler than your original idea. A small prototype that explores how your game works and gives a couple levels to play is an excellent start. Once it’s finished, you can use it as a foundation to expand into a full game, or incorporate what you learned into a new project. At this point, there are weeks or months of hard but rewarding work ahead of you. While a team of people will generally divide up the tasks below and work on them simultaneously, an individual will have to decide which task is easiest to start with or most important at each stage. Read through all the steps below and start on the task that appeals to you most. Unless you're making at text-base game, you'll need 2D images, and possibly 3D models and textures (patterns you apply to the models). Music and sound effects you can delay until a bit later in the process, but they are highly recommended if you plan to publish your game. Simple icons, user interface, and fonts are lowest-priority when your game is young, but a little effort here can greatly improve the player experience. There are many places to find free or cheap art assets online. Try this list at makeschool.com. Hiring an artist will make a big difference. If you can't afford to, gather the assets yourself and show the result to artistic friends or post it to game development or art forums online for advice. Much of this will be written as planning documents outside the game code itself, although a story-based game may need to include branching dialogue trees. Even a game without a traditional story should have a sense of progression that you need to plan around. A platformer could involve a series of movement and weapon upgrades, while a puzzle game might add more features as it ramps up the complexity and difficulty of the puzzles. Start with a small, simple level or area. Focus on constructing the path the player takes through the level, then add side paths (optional), more detailed graphics, and tweak the difficulty (such as by adjusting platform heights or moving enemies around). Use light sources and item drops to guide the player to the next spot in the area. Use shadows to discourage players from entering dead-ends or awkward paths, and use enemies for both purposes (depending on how the game teaches you to bypass enemies). A well-designed area makes the player feel like he is making his own decisions or exploring, but guides him along the most straightforward route using subtle clues. This is not necessary if you are using simple game-making software. If you are willing to delve into the deeper end of graphics systems, you can start by creating shaders and particle effects, or going through the graphics code and removing tasks that are unnecessary for your game. Because graphics are almost always the choke point that determines processing speed, even a 2D game usually goes through significant optimization tweaks and rewrites in order to minimize the burden on the graphics card and processor. Once you have a simple level or a prototype of gameplay, have your friends play the game and offer feedback. Find out what people think is fun, and what frustrates them. Later on in the process, when the game is more polished, feedback from strangers or acquaintances can be an excellent source of honest advice, as they are less invested in your success or encouraging you. Players are not trained to offer feedback from a developer's perspective. If players dislike an aspect of the game, there's usually something about it that could be improved... but the specific suggestions the players make are often not useful. Ask them very specific questions to discover the exact features that bother them.", "Most video games are made using a specialized engine that allows you to “script” events, characters, and so forth without having to code each one from scratch. Creating a full game engine from scratch can take years, so most independent developers use an existing engine. You'll only need to follow one of the following steps in this section, depending on how comfortable you are with programming and how much time you want to spend on the little details. These tools require very little programming knowledge, so they may not be for you if you're interested in the coding aspects of game-making. On the other hand, a simple dive-right-in approach could teach you a lot about your game, and let you tweak the higher-level concept before you move on to a larger prototype. Here are several free options: For mobile games, try MIT App Inventor or Game Salad For browser games, try Scratch, or the more serious version Snap! intended as an introductory programming tool For adventure games, use Visionaire. If you want a drag-and-drop program with the option to delve into coding as well, try the free version of GameMaker This is a great option for getting your hands dirty, getting game-coding experience without having to start completely from scratch. Many professional independent game developers start at this level. While there are many engines and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) available, the following are free and relatively easy to learn: For mobile games: ProjectAnarchy For 3D games on any platform: Unity For more advanced coders: LWJGL (based in Java), SFML (based in C++) If you already have some programming knowledge and are dead set on building your own engine, here are a few places to get started. If this is your first attempt, you'll likely need tutorials ActionScript will let you make a Flash-based engine. This is a good place to start for intermediate programmers. Java is relatively simple to learn. You'll need a Java Development Kit (JDK), plus Eclipse or another Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java. If you're not sure how to get started. If you already know a programming language (especially a C language or Python), look for an IDE for that language. It should include a compiler and the ability to easily work on graphics, audio, and other code in the same project. If you are up to the challenge and chose one of the advanced tools in the previous step, you will most likely need to find a tutorial, a help forum, or an experienced game developer for advice specific to your language. If you're not sure where to start or what to ask about, here are a few basic components you'll need to build early on: A client-side server, which interprets user input and processes the result. Make the input system responding correctly before you put serious work into graphics and gameplay. (Try researching \"action listeners\" if you're stuck.) AI for other characters, so they react to the user's actions. For a simpler project, just have the characters move and act in a set path. Ability to render graphics (put together and send instructions to the graphics card). A game loop that runs constantly while the game is executed. This should take user input, process it, process other game logic (such as enemy movement, background animation, and triggered events), calculate what needs to be drawn (displayed on screen), and send the information to the graphics card. Run this at least 30 times per second (30 fps) if your system can handle it." ], "summary": [ "Nail down your concept first. Work on the steps below in any order. Gather or create art assets. Work on story or progress arc design. Work on level design. Tweak and optimize the graphics. Get feedback from playtesters.", "Learn about game engines. Consider simple game-making software. Try more professional development interfaces. Choose a tool for building your own engine. Build your own engine." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Good Impression", "Getting to Know Your New School", "Finding Friends" ], "document": [ "You’ll feel much less stressed if you have everything ready to go before you wake up for your first day. Lay out your first day outfit, pack a lunch, and make sure you have all your school supplies ready to go. Planning ahead can help you get a good night’s sleep and feel less anxious about your first day. Pick clothes that show your personality and make you feel confident. You may want to wear an outfit that’s a little nicer than usual for your first day, like a new shirt instead of an old faded one. Make sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed and that you’ve showered, brushed your teeth, and put on any hygiene or makeup products you need. If you’re hoping to attract friends with similar interests, try wearing a shirt with your favorite show, musician, or sports team on it. This can be an easy way to start a conversation and break the ice a little. If you wear a uniform, make sure it fits properly. Try to personalize it with some accessories that say something about you, like nail polish in your favorite color or a belt with your favorite team’s logo on the buckle. It’s normal to feel nervous or anxious when you’re the new kid at school. To get rid of your nervousness, start by taking some deep breaths. Remember that everyone is the new kid at some point and that it’s not that big of a deal. You can listen to music that makes you feel calm or happy if you feel unsettled. Try visualizing a good first day in your mind instead of focusing on things that could go wrong. Don’t come in on the first day with your head hanging down, your shoulders slumped, and your eyes on the floor. Walk with your head held up, your back straight, and a cheerful expression on your face. Make eye contact with other people, and smile if they look at you or speak to you. If you’re shy, do your best to pretend to feel confident—smiling and carrying yourself with pride will actually help you to feel more empowered! Don’t be afraid to let people know who you are. Everyone is likely curious about the new student, so don’t feel self-conscious about introducing yourself to your teachers, the students sitting next to you, and anyone you make eye contact or chat with. Something as simple as “Hey, I’m Jessica!” will break the ice. If you don’t like being the center of attention, ask the people you’re talking to questions about themselves. It will shift the spotlight off of you and help you learn more about your new classmates. Smile and be nice to each new person you encounter. You’ll make a positive impression and let people know that you are friendly. Avoid making assumptions or judgements about the students at your new school. It’ll take some time to get to know everyone and distinguish rumors from facts, so treat everyone with kindness and respect. Show your teachers that you're interested in doing well by participating in class right away. Raise your hand, answer questions, and ask about anything you don't understand. If you're shy about participating, try staying after class to ask your teachers questions about the class. Try raising your hand and saying something like, \"Is this story influenced by Shakespeare?\" If you stay after class, try saying, \"I sometimes have a hard time raising my hand, but I wanted to say that I really liked the reading and I thought it showed how people's ideas changed over time.\"", "Avoid being lost and confused on your first day by looking up everything you can find about your school online. Your school’s website will have directions, a list of all the important places, and maybe even a school map. If you can find a school map online, print it out or download it to your phone so you can check it instead of asking for directions. Try calling the school and asking for a tour of the campus before you start. Ask your tour guide how to find the bathrooms, the gym, the cafeteria, and the library. If you already have your schedule, you can ask where to find each class. Knowing your teachers beforehand can help ease your first-day jitters. Email your teachers to introduce yourself and find out where the rest of the class is in their studies, especially if you’re coming in the middle of the year. You can write something like “Hi! I’m Florence! I’ll be in your first-period math class. We just moved here from California and I want to make sure I’m not behind. Can you let me know what we’ll be covering when I start on Monday?” If you can’t email your teachers, introduce yourself on your first day! If you’re changing schools in the same area or moving to a place you’ve already been to, you might already know some of your classmates! You can search on social media for students at your new school, or ask your friends and family if they know anyone who goes to your new school. The school website will have a list of clubs, teams, and sports. See if your school has anything you’re interested in, and email the coaches or faculty leaders to ask if you can join. You could look up statistics or video of past games, tournaments, plays, and events as well. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you are confused about something. You can talk to a teacher, administrator, or guidance counselor. If you can’t find your classes, keep up with the work, or have another problem, reach out for help. You can also ask other students for advice. Chances are, the person who has a locker next to yours knows the trick to getting the lock unstuck, so don’t be too shy to ask for help.", "It’s okay to feel weird about talking to strangers! But it’s hard to make friends if you don’t talk to anybody, so set a goal of meeting 1 new person each day. Start out small by saying “Hi” to someone in one of your classes. Then, try starting conversations with people you sit next to. Soon you’ll be able to chat with anybody! Try asking a question about the class or the school if you don’t know what to say. Something like, “What pages are we supposed to read?” or, “Does the football team usually win?” are good ways to start a conversation if you aren’t used to talking to strangers. Look for anything you might have in common with someone and try to comment on that. For instance, say, “Nice pin! I love The Cure.” It’s easy to strike up a conversation with someone sitting near you. Comment on the class or ask about the teacher. Also, most people like to talk about themselves, so you could start by telling them you noticed about them that you like or admire. A comment like, “I love those shoes!” or “That was really cool of you when you told him to leave that girl alone.Oh and what are their names?” can open up a conversation that can turn into friendship. Look for groups of people who wear the clothes you like, listen to the music you like, and do the things you like. Ask to sit with them during lunch or during activities. Don’t worry—if you like those things too, they’ll probably want to hang out! For example, if you see a group wearing basketball jerseys talking about last night’s game, you can say, “Basketball’s my life! I got to see the Knicks twice when I lived in New York. You mind if I sit with you guys?” Add your classmates on whichever social media platform you use the most. Don’t feel weird about it, it’s totally normal! You don’t have to message every single person, but getting to know them on social media can open doors for conversation and friendship later. Try starting small by “liking” one of their posts. You could also write a friendly comment like, “I love those shoes!” or, “That looks really fun!” Joining a club or a team as soon as you can is a surefire way to meet friends with the same interests as you. Most clubs will let you join anytime, but some sports or activities might be tryout only. If you can’t join something right away, be sure you show up to the games, practices, or rehearsals so you get to know the students and faculty who are involved. If you aren’t sure what kind of activity or club you’d enjoy, sign up for a couple and see which one you like best. Ask to volunteer if you can’t join right away. For example, you probably won’t be able to be in the school play if you start school while it’s in dress rehearsals, but you can ask to help take tickets or set up the stage. Attending sports games, tournaments, dances, and other events are great opportunities to help you fit in at a new school. Don’t stay home and wonder what everyone else is doing—go find out for yourself! It might be awkward the first time if you don’t know many of the students, but attending school functions is a great way to make friends. Strike up a conversation with someone that looks friendly and interesting and do your best to have a good time. If you’re too shy to talk to strangers or join a club right away, look for someone who feels the same way. If you see someone sitting alone or hanging back during a school event, get to know them. They might need a friend just like you do. You don’t have to walk up and introduce yourself right away. Start by making eye contact and smiling every time you see them. Then you can work your way up to an actual conversation. Try complimenting them by saying something like, “You are wearing a lovely jacket!” You could also comment about your surroundings, such as, “It’s super noisy in here!” Don’t get discouraged if you’re not the most popular kid in the school by the end of the first week. It can be intimidating to be the new kid, and it make take you some time to warm up, especially if you’re shy. Make a list of the good things about your new school, even if they’re small things like better lunch choices or a wider variety of classes. Staying in touch with your old friends can help you feel better about your new situation. If you’re upset or lonely, text or call your friends from your old school to catch up." ], "summary": [ "Plan ahead the night before. Choose an outfit that makes you feel great. Do your best to stay calm and positive. Use your body language to show confidence. Introduce yourself to your teachers and classmates. Be kind to everyone. Participate in class.", "Look up your school online. Arrange a school tour. Email your teachers. Find out if you already know somebody at your new school. Look up clubs and teams you may want to join. Ask for help if you need it.", "Practice talking to strangers at school. Talk to the people sitting next to you in class. Look for a group you’d fit into and ask to sit with them. Add your classmates on social media. Join an activity right away. Go to games and events. Look for someone who needs a friend. Stay positive and give yourself time." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Medical Treatments", "Preventing Spider Veins", "Lifestyle Changes for Better Circulation" ], "document": [ "In this medical procedure, a saline solution or detergent is inserted into the vein, causing it to become irritated and collapse. Once the vein has collapsed, it is no longer visible under the skin. You can expect one injection per inch of spider vein. The procedure is quick and usually quite painless - the prick of the needle is the only thing you feel. The side effects include redness, stinging, swelling, and bruising. These usually go away quickly and shouldn't prevent you from doing your normal activities. The best time to get sclerotherapy is during the winter, when your veins are most visible and easiest to protect. Skin tanned by the summer sun makes spider veins more difficult to see and remove. The procedure permanently removes existing spider veins, but new ones can develop over time. Additional treatments may be required to keep your legs free of spider veins. You can expect to pay between $300 and $1,000, depending on how many spider veins you have and whether both legs need the treatment. If you are sensitive to needles or allergic to the saline solution used in sclerotherapy, you may want to have a surface laser treatment instead. Strong bursts of light are sent through the skin to the veins, which fade and disappear afterward. Laser treatment is often painful due to the high temperature of the laser. After treatment, which usually lasts about 20 minutes, a cooling agent is applied to the skin to ease the pain. Side effects can include redness and swelling, discoloration of the skin, and in extreme cases, scars or burns. People with certain skin colors and conditions should not use laser treatment, since it can permanently discolor the skin. Ask your doctor whether you're a good candidate for the treatment.", "The veins in your legs have to work against gravity to carry blood back to your heart. Certain habits can make this process harder on the veins, causing them to become strained and enlarged, which makes them visible. Aid the circulation in your legs by practicing the following habits: Don't stay in the same position for long periods. Whether you're sitting at a desk all day or standing in front of a classroom for hours at a time, staying in the same position inhibits circulation. Find time to change things up by taking a walk around your office or putting your feet up between classes. Don't cross your legs. This cuts off circulation and puts unnecessary stress on your veins. Sit with your feet flat on the floor to allow the veins in your legs to circulate blood unobstructed. Your feet are an important part of the circulation in your legs, and if you wear shoes that pinch or otherwise inhibit blood flow, it can lead to the appearance of spider veins. Avoid high heels. Heels put extra pressure on your legs and make your veins work harder to carry blood back to the heart. Wear low heels or flat shoes instead. Avoid tight boots. Knee-length boots, especially, can constrict your legs and inhibit circulation. Available at drugstores and other stores that sell medical equipment, compression hose provide extra support to your legs to aid in blood circulation and prevent your veins from getting strained. Compression hose are not the same as support stockings and other fashion stockings. Compression hose apply pressure in certain spots to help your circulation. Prescription-strength gradient compression hose must be fitted by a professional but they offer even more pressure than regular support pantyhose and gradient compression hose. Wear hose as often as possible, and not just when you're wearing a dress or skirt. Wear hose under pants, too. Compression hose can also help ease the swelling or stinging that results from sclerotherapy or laser treatment. Keeping your skin healthy protects the veins beneath it and decreases the chance that spider veins will show through. Care for your skin in the following ways: Wear sunscreen. The sun's rays damage and weaken skin, making veins below more apparent. Use it on your face to prevent spider veins from appearing there, and don't forget your legs and ankles. Moisturize your skin. Keeping your skin from drying out helps improve your skin's elasticity and appearance, making it less likely that spider veins will show through.", "When your body retains extra water, it puts unnecessary pressure on your veins, which can cause them to enlarge and become visible. Decrease your intake of the following foods that cause water retention: Foods with a lot of salt. Fried foods, canned soups and salty snacks can cause you to retain water. Try reducing or eliminating the amount of salt you use in everyday cooking and baking. Alcoholic drinks. A few beers or glasses of wine a week shouldn't cause a problem, but more alcohol than that can cause your body to retain water and strain your veins. Constipation is another form of pressure that can lead to over-strained veins. Eating foods high in fiber helps your digestive system work properly and prevents this type of pressure from accumulating. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid juice, and eat whole fruit instead, since it contains a lot of fiber. Try making whole-food smoothies with spinach, blueberries and bananas. Eat whole grains. Quinoa, steel-cut oatmeal, oat bran, and other whole grains help relieve the pressure of constipation. Take fiber supplements if your system still seems to need more fiber. Regular exercise keeps you moving and improves your circulation, and it also helps the body maintain a healthy weight, decreasing pressure on the veins in your legs. Focus on exercises that work out your legs, like running, swimming or biking. Daily walks are another great form of exercise. Fit them in on your lunch break or before and after work." ], "summary": [ "Undergo sclerotherapy. Consider a surface laser treatment.", "Don't inhibit circulation in your legs. Wear comfortable shoes. Wear compression hose. Take care of your skin.", "Eliminate foods that make you retain water. Eat more fiber. Exercise every day." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Painted flashlight light saber", "Cellophane covered flashlight light saber" ], "document": [ "You obviously won’t be using this flashlight for anything other than the light saber, so make sure its not an expensive flashlight that you may need later. Lay out newspaper outside (preferably on the driveway or a table) before spraying the flashlight and cover the top with duct or masking tape. You don’t want to spray the top of the flashlight with paint otherwise you won’t be able to “see the light force” when it’s turned on. Spray the entire body a silver color. You may want to take a few passes with the spray paint. In fact, you don’t have to spray your saber silver either. Ask your young Jedi--he/she may desire a different color such as sparkly pink or purple. Making a homemade light saber allows you to fully customize the toy to your child’s liking. If you could only pick up a regular flashlight, have no fear. Your light saber can have the color of your choosing using special colored paper. Place the flashlight, light side downward on your paper. Trace the outside of the flashlight opening so that the paper circle is slightly larger than the flashlight opening. Cut out the paper and place over top of the flashlight. You can secure it using glue, silver duct tape or even (if large enough) a rubber band. Make sure the sword tubing is the desired size. Also, before you purchase it, compare the width to the size of your flashlight to ensure it can easily slip over the flashlight mouth. Use an exacto knife to size and cut the tube to fit. However, depending upon the girth of tubing you may need to use a hacksaw to do the job. If your Jedi is especially little, you may not want him/her to play with an extremely long saber so determine what he/she can handle and cut accordingly. Use excess tubing to “top” your saber. You will want the tube to have a top to it, so use residual plastic to create a topper. Use the top of your saber as the guide, however make the circle approximately ½ inch larger so you can completely cover the top of your tube. Use clear glue such as liquid nails or a hot glue gun to adhere the top to the sword. Duct tape and a little elbow grease can help this light saber show you that the force will be with you. Slide the tubing over the top of the flashlight until the tubing covers approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the flashlight top. You will want the tubing to cover enough flashlight real estate so that it stays in place and doesn’t fall off during battle. Glue the tube to the flashlight using liquid nails or Super Glue. Your first step to adhering the tube to the flashlight is to glue it together. Use small dabs of glue around the top of the flashlight and then slide the tube over it. Hold in place for several minutes to ensure it sticks. Secure the tube and flashlight using silver duct tape. You can also use other colors, however if you spray painted the flashlight silver, the silver duct tape will match best. Wind the tape around the tube and flashlight several times taping the tube both above and below the flashlight mouth area for full coverage. ", "The brighter, the better. If it's too weak, it may not do the trick. Most flashlights you find in your bottom kitchen drawer will do the job just fine. If you find a flashlight/torch that's too dim, try replacing the batteries -- they may just be old. Cut out a piece to cover the front of the torch, adhering with transparent tape. Cover just the lens of the flashlight. You don't want the cellophane to show through to the base. Steal some from your dad's printer tray if need be -- doubt he'll miss three pieces of paper in the long run. A4 or A3 paper both work. As long as it's clean and white, the force will be with you. On the underside of the paper, double over tape (or use the double-sided kind) all along the edges of the flashlight's base -- you don't want the tape to be visible. If there is overlap, you may want to cut the paper to size. You want the light to emit evenly on all sides. Attach it to the end of the first piece of paper, overlapping minimally. Use the same taping method, adhering the tape on the inside of the second piece. Continue this process until you think your light saber is long enough. If it gets too long, it may start drooping. Two or three pieces may be your limit. Then, turn on the torch or flashlight, turn off the lights, and have fun! This paper version won't stand up to actual lightsaber duels. It's more for show and bragging rights than anything. If you've time on your hands, make a light saber hilt out of a paper towel tube and insert your flashlight/torch into it." ], "summary": [ "Spray paint the flashlight silver. Cover the flashlight head with a piece of colored acetone paper. Create the sword. Join the sword to the handle. Finished.", "Find a torch (flashlight) that emits a white light. Decide what color you want your light saber to be and get cellophane of that color. Get a few pieces of clean, white paper. Wrap one piece of paper around the top or the torch or flashlight. Wrap another piece of paper into a roll. Check that it's sitting straight and is firmly taped together." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Warming Yourself Up In Normal Situations", "Warming Yourself Up in Extreme Situations" ], "document": [ "Drinking hot tea, coffee, and soup activates heat sensors along your digestive tract, which gives a warming sensation. Tea and coffee have many health benefits, so as long as you skip heavy creams, sugars, and marshmallows, you are putting good antioxidants into your body as you heat it. Soup has the added benefit of being low in calories. Drinking hot beverages also can warm your hands. Wrapping your cold hands around a mug of hot tea can warm you up in minutes. Ginger is a natural way to get warm, with tons of beneficial side effects. Ginger works as a stimulant, which gets the blood circulating and makes your body temperature rise. It warms you from the inside. Try drinking ginger in tea, eating gingerbread or gingersnap cookies, or sprinkling it into other dishes. Try putting ginger powder in shoes, slippers, or socks if you cannot get your feet warm. Using the oven and crock pot helps warm up the kitchen by cooking at lower temperatures for a longer period of time. Casseroles, stews, and soups all warm the body when they are eaten. Soaking in a hot tub raises your body temperature. If you are cold, try soaking in hot water, or take a hot shower if you prefer. After you take the shower, dry off as quickly as possible and put on long sleeves and pants to trap the heat on your body, helping to keep you warm. Try saunas and steam rooms to warm up, if you have access to them. One reason for poor body temperature regulation is a low body fat ratio. Fat is needed to insulate your body. Eat a diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in foods such as nuts, salmon, avocados, and olive oil. Doing chores around the house gets you moving, which gets your blood pumping. When your blood starts circulating, your core temperature rises. Vacuum, dust, and sweep to warm yourself. Washing dishes can help warm you significantly. Fill the sink with warm water. Leaving your hands in the warmth while you wash and rinse the dishes will help raise your body temperature. Doing laundry can also help you fight the cold. The warmth from the dryer can help warm your cold hands and arms. Taking clothes right out of the dryer and putting them on can warm you. Exercise gets your blood pumping, which helps warm you up. Run, lift weights, do yoga, or any kind of movement that gets you to work up a sweat. If you are unable to do large scale exercise, do a much smaller form of physical exertion like jostling your legs or moving your arms. Practice Ashtanga yoga to warm yourself up. This form of yoga takes you through poses and breathing exercises that generate internal body heat. Cold right now with no time for yoga classes? Try this simple yoga warming pose: the cobra. Lie face down on the floor. Place your palms near your chest. Push up, lifting your head, shoulders, and chest. Pull your shoulder blades down and together. Hold for a few seconds, then lower. Do a few reps to feel warmer. When you breathe through your nose, the air is warmed, which helps raise your body temperature. Try breathing in and holding for four seconds before exhaling. Repeat a few times to warm yourself. According to a study done at the University of Toronto, people who are lonely or excluded feel colder. Spending time with people makes you feel warmer. Instead of staying alone in front of the television, get together with a friend or family member.", "The best way to keep warm is to wear appropriate clothing. If you are going to be outside, wear layers. Layering is the best way to keep warm. You should have three layers of insulation. For the first layer, wear thermals, long johns, or material that wicks away moisture. For the mid layer, wear thick materials, such as fleece and down. For the outer layer, wear a material that protects you from snow, rain, and wind. Your layers should be loose instead of confining. You want to avoid sweating, because sweating creates moisture, which makes you colder. Wear a hat, a scarf, and gloves. Forgetting a scarf can make you much colder because you lose a lot of heat through your neck. Only wearing one layer of pants is a major mistake people make. Wear thermal pants, fleece tights, and leg warmers under your jeans. Wear multiple pair of socks with winter weather boots. Make sure one pair of socks is a closely fitting wool. If you don't have warm clothes, or if you're wearing layers but are still cold, create friction on the cold parts of your body. That generates some heat. Rub your arms or legs and try to create as much friction as you can. If it is possible, put your arms inside of your shirt and keep them there. You have become a larger mass and are therefore retaining more heat as the heat radiates off of the clothing and both of your arms. If you are wearing long sleeves put one arm in one sleeve and vice versa. Become the largest mass you can. Put your arms and hands under your legs or use the shirt technique. But do not separate yourself; the most heat is conducted when many things are together and can mutually share and give off heat. To get your feet and hands warm, get some blood pumping into them. If your feet are cold, try moving your leg back and forth 30-50 times. Make sure when you move that you include the thigh muscle and that you swing the leg in wide arcs. To warm up your arms, move your arms in large 360 degree circular movements. Make sure to engage your entire arm in the movement. One reason why your hands and feet get cold is because your core is pulling all the heat towards it, leaving your hands and feet bloodless and heatless. Wear vests and more layers over your torso if your hands and feet are constantly cold. If your extremities like your nose or hands are cold, then blow on them. Use hot, warm air generated from the back of your throat for your hands. For your nose, you may want to clasp your hand over your nose. Not only will you warm your nose, but you will also warm your hands with the warm air from your nose. Body heat is transferred between people. The bigger mass attracts more heat. Other people give off lots of body heat. If you are stranded with someone else, cuddle close together to stay warm." ], "summary": [ "Drink warm beverages. Eat ginger. Cook. Take a hot bath. Eat healthy fats. Clean. Exercise. Breathe through your nose. Be social.", "Wear warm clothing. Cover every part of yourself. Create friction. Move your arms and legs around. Huddle up." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making the Clothes", "Getting Your House in Order", "Marketing and Selling Your Line", "Nailing Down the Basics" ], "document": [ "This is the fun part for many people, but it's only 10-15 percent of the process! Make sketches, get feedback, and decide which ones will constitute your first collection. Pick out fabrics and materials that are cost effective and current. Ask whoever is producing your line whether there are any restrictions, such as if they can't print certain colors. If you are designing a T-shirt line, get the following information from the printer: size specifications (specs) of the design (how big it can be), the type of shirt you want to print on, and the weight/quality of the fabric (for example, choose thinner, less expensive fabric for summer clothing lines). Detail is everything. When you do your sketches, create a layout that shows every detail clearly and uses the proper terminology. If you don't know what the terminology is, find a photo and show it to the manufacturer and ask what they call it. Learn the jargon and be prepared to properly identify the fabric you wish to use by weight (yield), content, and construction. After you have created your designs, you should create a pattern of you product. This is the blueprint of your clothing and is used by manufacturers to mass-produce your designs. Collections are usually designed by season. Most departments stores buy at least two seasons in advance, while smaller stores buy one to two seasons ahead. You'll need to time your design, production, and delivery accordingly. Bring your sketches to a seamstress, manufacturer, or screen printer. Typically, a prototype or sample is created so that you can be sure that the clothing is going to be produced the way you want it to be. No matter what, be sure to ask lots of questions, and always get everything agreed upon in writing. Do an Internet search for \"clothing manufacturers\" or \"design clothing.\" There are also online platforms available that help fashion brands to connect to manufacturers. Many people use garment manufacturers overseas because the costs are lower. Keep in mind that many overseas manufacturers only do large quantities, so ask about minimums before proceeding. Shop around, and ask for turnaround times and how fast you can get samples sent to you (they should provide samples before your designs are finalized for production). Another way of finding suitable suppliers is through trade fairs. Here you are able to actually speak to the manufacturers, which very important. Bear in mind the conditions of manufacture — consumers are much more conscious about \"sweat shop labor\" than in the past and will penalize clothing lines that use it. If you know how to sew, you may be able to create the patterns and prototypes yourself. Consulting with someone who's an expert at sewing apparel is also an option.", "Your business plan needs to lay out how you intend to manage your clothing line. Try to be as realistic as possible when you write this. Remember, it's better to underestimate your profits and be pleasantly surprised than to overestimate your abilities and be disappointed. Think about these aspects in particular: Executive summary — An executive summary is both a description of your company's mission statement and future plans, as well as a way to lure in potential investors. Necessary for all businesses, but especially for clothing lines, which often require outside funding. Company description. The company description gives people an idea of what your clothing line is about, what differentiates you from your competitors, and the markets you want to gain a foothold in. Your funding is the lifeblood of your company in its early stages. Even if you don't have outside funding yet, it's important to get your financial ship in order and master certain basics. Here's what you'll need to know starting out: How much money will you need in order to launch your clothing line? Do you have money saved up for this, or will you need a bank loan? Consider an SBA loan, or another type of loan to get your business started. To get a loan, you might need to have collateral. What are your costs? Read through the rest of this article, then make a list of all of your anticipated costs (materials, manufacturing, supplies, equipment, advertisement, marketing, overheads, etc.). Add up how much it would cost to run your business for a year. Will your available revenue offset these costs? Do you want to do this clothing line full-time? If so, how many years are you willing to wait before this company starts turning a profit, thereby giving you a chance to earn a salary? Or do you want it to be a side thing? If it makes money, it's a bonus, but you value expression more than profitability. Try to gauge your level of involvement. At the same time, bet on not giving yourself a salary for about the first year of operations unless you're incredibly lucky. You'll probably spend more money than you earn for the first four seasons (one year). Once you're established, however, you might be able to expand with funding from angel investors, celebrities, and pre-orders with store accounts. Who is your current and likely future competition? Who is your target market? How much do you think you can sell your designs for at the retail and wholesale levels? Ask around. Get feedback. Talk to store owners and potential customers alike. It can be a good idea to get a part-time retail job at a store that caters to your target market. See what the store is buying and what the customers are buying. Find examples of clothing that is similar to what you're going to design, and learn where and for how much they sell. This will give you a leg up when you need to build your own. First of all, decide on your business structure (LLC, partnership, corporation, etc.). In the US, you'll need a tax ID number, a business license, and you'll also want to fill out a DBA (doing business as) form at your local bank so that you can accept checks written out to your company's name. You may want to consider hiring a lawyer to either act as a consultant or be available on retainer should you need her.", "to promote your clothing line. Make sure it looks very professional and presents your line in the best light. Provide contact information, in case stores or other merchants want to get in touch with you. If you want to give people the ability to buy clothing from your website, you'll need to set up a shopping cart and merchant account so you can accept credit card payments. This includes selling your clothing through auction sites and arts and crafts sites that allow clothing sales. Relationships drive sales, whether it's by word of mouth or helpful quid-pro-quo. Don't forget that! These costs can run into the thousands for just one year. Here's what you can do to get your brand out there: Write a press release, send it to local newspapers and magazines. Purchase ads in papers and on websites that people in your target audience read. Sponsor events that cater to your target audience. Get a celebrity endorsement, or get the most popular person you know to wear your stuff by giving it to them for free. Use social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and your own blog, to spread the word. Make sure you have a good LinkedIn profile too. Wear your own fashions and ask people's opinions and record them; this will also aid you in designing a product people will like. Take every suggestion a person has to offer; it's like having your own marketing and design team and it doesn't cost you a thing. Starting out, money is going to be tight, so take advantage of every opportunity you can. Sell at festivals, markets, and to everyone you know. Get appointments with local stores and convince them to carry your line. Offer your clothing on the Internet. Print a catalog and mail it to clothing stores and potential customers. Paying for a booth can be expensive, but it can also be worth it, both in terms of sales and publicity. For example, the MAGIC Fashion Trade Show held in Las Vegas, or Europe's Bread and Butter fashion trade show, are great places to set your sights.", "Will you need to hire help to work on your clothing line? Consider what sort of assistance you'll need, how many hours per week you'll require, and what you'll be able to pay. If your production is at boutique level, you may be able to do all the cutting, stitching, and hemming yourself. If you plan to start a bit bigger, you'll definitely need to hire production help. Do you want your clothing to be produced locally? Organically? Are you willing to have it manufactured abroad for less money (and lower quality)? These questions will all affect who you decide to hire. Will you want a retail location? If so, you may want to hire help. Now it's time to make some fun aesthetic decisions! How you set up your brand will define what people associate with your clothing line, so choose wisely. Choose a name. What name will represent your clothing line? You could use your own name (as did Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Marc Jacobs), a word you coin yourself (such as Rodarte or Marchesa), a word from another language (for instance, Escada means staircase or ladder in Portuguese), or words whose aesthetics you like (such as Iceberg, Mulberry or Imitation of Christ). Whatever you pick, make sure it's unique and recognizable. Your brand name and company name can and should be different. Your company name, for example, can be your initials or a variation of your own name, while the name of the collection (the clothing line) should be something more creative and representative of the style you're going for. Brainstorm a lot of different logos, but narrow it down to one and make sure you are completely sure about the one you choose. People are going to recognize you by your logo and it will confuse them if you keep changing it. Check to make sure the name you pick has an available domain name, and look into registering for a trademark (most jurisdictions allow for and encourage this)." ], "summary": [ "Design the clothes. Design your collections according to season. Produce the designs. Find your manufacturers.", "Create a solid and clear business plan. Put top priority on your company's projected financials. Try to imagine how long you can personally go without pulling down a salary. Do research on the rest of the market. Straighten out your legal obligations.", "Create a website Establish relationships with websites and blogs that can bring attention to your brand and site. Promote your line. Use yourself as a walking billboard. Take orders. Go to a fashion trade show if you have the funds.", "Consider whether you'd need employees. Begin to build your brand. Design a logo." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Putting the Leader On" ], "document": [ "If you do not have a leash, buy one while buying a gentle leader. The control ring is the metal ring that is located at the end of the strap extending out from the neck strap and nose loop. Clip your leash in so that once you get your dog into the gentle leader, he won’t run away. When you do this, your leash and the nose loop should hang down directly in the center so that the whole gentle leader forms the shape of a ‘T’. Place the neck strap around your dog’s neck. The center bar ring (which connects the neck strap, nose loop, and strap with leash) should be under your dog’s chin, above the Adam's apple, while the back of the neck strap should rest at the base of his skull behind his ears. Putting it on before unclipping it ensures that it fits properly (it is harder to adjust when the nose loop is on your dog). control ring. Once you have the neck strap adjusted to the right size (See Part Two), unclip it. It is easier to clip the neck strap back into place after you put the nose loop on your dog. Make sure your dog is either between your legs or at your side so that you can hold him in place while putting the gentle leader on for the first time. Slip the nose loop onto the base of your dog’s muzzle by reaching under your dog’s head. Once you have the nose loop on, give your pup a treat to tell him he’s doing great, and to distract him a bit. Once your pup is snapped in, make sure all of the parts of the gentle leader are in place (see Part Two)." ], "summary": [ "Attach your leash to the control ring. Open the neck strap with both hands. Unclip the neck strap once it is properly fitted to your dog. Hold the nose loop open. Snap the neck strap back in place in the pre-fitted position." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Talking the Talk", "Walking the Walk", "Staying Respectable" ], "document": [ "Arrogance is about projecting superiority in all things, and it's easier to be superior and to brag about it when it's about things you've actually done. When you score more points than anyone else on the team, when you get your work done the fastest, when you beat your brother in a footrace, make sure everyone knows about it. Only brag about things that you do excellently. It's much more difficult to brag when you're only mediocre, and then your arrogance just comes off as ignorance. If you want to command presence, brag when you've got a reason. If you want to be more arrogant, you don't need to wait for an opening to brag, just start doing it. Arrogance is bullish and obvious, and arrogant people don't care if everyone knows it. Feel free to slightly embellish your accomplishments as well. It's better to exaggerate slightly than to flat-out lie, because you can get your arrogant bubble burst a little if people find out you didn't do as well as you claimed. If you want to come off as arrogant, start setting big goals and trying your best to live up to them. Your standard for excellence should always be higher than everyone else's, yet always within reach of your skills. Make the bar too high for anyone else to reach. Let your standards evolve with your skills. The more you accomplish, the higher your standards should become. It's not enough to win one championship, you have to repeat and three-peat, you have to win MVP trophies, and be the best in the room. If someone offers a compliment, an arrogant person will sometimes respond with something like, \"Oh, that's nothing. I'm not even trying.\" When other people fail to live up to the standards that you set for excellence and for yourself, point it out publicly. While it might seem cruel to point out other people's failures and inadequacies, it's an important way to position yourself on top of everyone else. That's just as important as bragging about yourself. You don't need to do it in a rude way to be arrogant, but it does help to be somewhat blunt. If your teammate or opponent in a game messes up a play, let them know that you disapprove, gently but firmly: \"You know and I know that was a bad play. You just lost that for us. Pass me the ball next time.\" Eventually, you'll probably get into verbal altercations as an arrogant person. Other wannabe arrogant people will try to take you down a notch or two, and it's very important that you be rock-solid in your verbal jousting. Don't let insults or witty jokes get to you, and practice your quick comebacks to stay one-up on the competition. A lot of this will happen ahead of the game. Learn to identify your competition and keep them either on your side by befriending them and working together to dominate, or by knocking them down a few pegs before they get the chance to gain confidence and challenge you. Ideally, your arrogance should make you magnetic and attractive, especially to members of the opposite sex. A good sneer or a snicker at a ridiculous person or a ridiculous idea can be arrogant, but it can also be somewhat playful and charming. Think of the following playful arrogant icons: David Letterman Chandler from Friends Barney from How I Met Your Mother Lady Gaga Ron Burgundy Terry Crews Oprah Winfrey Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil) Remind yourself that you are the best and take pride in every single thing you do. Really take this attitude on board in all of your thinking and dismiss the niggling doubts, should there be any. Know that you are amazing in every way, and let this confidence transform your words and actions. In some cases, it might also help to invent slights or perceived insults that help to motivate you. Michael Jordan used to tape up disses from other players in his locker to help motivate him to dominate on the court. Come up with story lines for yourself to help give you something to work with. Position yourself as the underdog, even if you're the best in the room. Pretend that you're overcoming the odds, even if you're doing what you know you can do. Keep that fire lit. One of the easiest ways to come across as arrogant is in everyday conversations. When someone else tells a story, or lists an accomplishment, don't recognize it or congratulate them, just launch immediately into a related story of your own that's more impressive and spectacular. Your friend just got back from a vacation at the beach? It should probably remind you of that one time you went snorkeling in Malaysia with local fishermen and lived on the beach in a grass hut. If you teach your friend how to do something, you can tell them that you learned how to do it in a few seconds (or however shorter than theirs might be). This will probably make them feel less superior and feel they can never do things as soon as you can.", "It's a whole lot easier to be arrogant about something if you're the best in the room. The less you have to do to prove your arrogance, the better off and more convincing your verbal brags will be down the road. Often, we think of arrogance as being part of competition in sports or in office environments, but it also applies to social interactions, lifestyle, relationships, and lots of other areas of life. Strive to be the best in everything you do. Train hard and devote your time to whatever craft you hope to excel in. Arrogance just comes across like ignorance if you're bragging about something you don't even fully understand, or practice. Even if people don't like you, they need to take notice when you walk into a room. Have a silent presence and aura by taking the steps necessary to control people with your body language, reflecting your high status and your value. To command people's attention without words: Stand up straight at all times, keeping your shoulders back and your head up and at attention. Move purposefully. Don't wander around rooms, or take little half-steps toward the bar. Walk right up to it at full-stride and grab a place at the table. Smile less. If you want to communicate your superiority, try your best to remain aloof and gaze critically at others as they complete tasks. Compete regularly to keep your skills sharp and your hunger for winning large. It's much better to brag and boast about things that other people already know or have seen you do, making your boasts that much more believable. Make an effort to win things that you know you can win with your skills and your arrogant edge. The earlier your start competing, the better. If you instill a serious competitive edge in yourself early in life, it'll carry through your adult years. Be competitive in all facets of your life. When Rafael Nadal was injured and needed to recover from competitive tennis, he started playing high-stakes poker, becoming obsessed, just to keep that arrogant edge. Arrogant people need to prove their superiority on a regular basis, and that means making an example of people weaker than you in competition. Whether that means calling out the worst worker in your office team, sticking them with some work that will expose their weakness, or challenging a weaker opponent to a contest, you need to dominate on a regular basis. Never, under any circumstances, take it easy on someone. Arrogant people compete at a high level at all times. It's also important to challenge upper-level opponents that will actually challenge your skills, but it's also helpful to fight the occasional squash match. Arrogant people should come across like they're completely responsible for all their successes and attribute nothing to coaches, teachers, training, or any other facet of their skills. Arrogant people should seem like they were born in Armani diapers, with a big charge card in one hand and a championship trophy in the other, and have done nothing but dominate from that day forward. It doesn't matter if this is true or not. Just make it seem true by living ostentatiously, showing flash when you've got it. Wear your success visibly. . Walk the walk by wearing the uniform of the person that you're trying to be. One expensive suit, jacket or wrap-round dress is worth 50 cheap versions. It lasts longer and leaves a lasting impression. This involves a certain amount of conformity and a dedication to a particular look. You have to subscribe to the expected image of the \"arrogant athlete\" or the \"arrogant bro\" and find the style and garments that fulfill that image. Be groomed in the way that your arrogant field calls for. Arrogant rockers have to look as if their awesome-looking hair was the last thing they thought of that day, and the perfect-fitting leather jacket just fell into their lap.", "Never talk down to people you truly value or respect. The purpose of being arrogant is to \"tone down\" or silence your critics or those who are a little bit more happy with themselves than they should be. It is also one means of keeping a workplace enthralled with you, but it can backfire. It's probably best to never act super-arrogant around: Your boss Coaches Your parents Service staff Dates There's a fine line between arrogance and being a straight-up jerk. Being arrogant does not mean being rude and forgetting basic manners and etiquette around others. Besides, basic manners serve as the means by which you maintain your aloofness and keep others distant in a socially acceptable way. Never talk down to wait-staff or other service workers in the interest of cultivating your arrogance. This will make you look weak, petty, and immature. Forgetting someone's name might seem like a good way to take them down a peg, but it really just makes you look like a jerk. Respect people enough to treat them with common dignity, up to the point that you dominate them in competition. If you claim to be superior in an area in which you lack the skills or expertise, your arrogance will fall apart and lose its effect. You'll just look like a fool. Make sure to avoid conflicts and confrontations, any competition, in which you don't have at least a sporting chance of winning. It's good to learn to lose, so you don't end up looking like a cry-baby after a close loss. Learn to lose with dignity, because no matter how arrogant your self-image, it's going to happen eventually. Arrogance should be a type of self-improvement. Think of Michael Jordan and Steve Jobs, arrogant people who came, saw, and conquered, not the arrogance of has-beens. Let your arrogant image of yourself motivate you and force you to new heights. Always do what you say you will do. You've got to live up to the hype that you set for yourself, or you'll just come off like an ego-inflated loser, just like any other. When it's your turn on the field of competition, bring it. It's possible for a lot of arrogant people to end up like 30 year-olds hanging out in the parking lot of the high school they graduated from, talking about the glory days. You don't want to be one of these losers. Keep finding new ladders to climb and challenges to face and ways to improve yourself. After winning a championship, do the Jordan move and try out baseball. Aim to be the best at some other related field. After you dominate the world of industry, become the best fly-fisherman you can be. Set endless goals and meet them." ], "summary": [ "Brag about your accomplishments. Set extremely high standards. Criticize weakness. Be impenetrable. Be playful. Believe you are as good as you say you are. Find the one-up.", "Be the best. Develop a commanding presence. Demonstrate your abilities publicly. Make an example of the weakest links. Be self-sufficient, or fake it. Dress like the person you claim to be", "Be respectful of those who command respect. Always use manners to your advantage. Know your limits. Live up to the hype. Find new ladders to climb." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning the Software", "Making a Song", "Getting the Gear" ], "document": [ "In the beginning, worry less about finally getting your dubstep opus recorded, the one that you've had bumping around your mind for years. Instead, throw your efforts into playing around with the software and getting familiar with its particularities. Mess around and make joke tracks, record extreme or weird kinds of sounds you wouldn't normally want to listen to. Time spent learning the software will help you down the road when you want to translate something you hear in your head onto the computer. It's an instrument, so learn to play it. Whatever software package you choose to download and install, take the tour of the software or check out guide videos on YouTube to learn everything you can about it. Hook up with experienced dubstep producers who are willing to show you the ropes and teach you about the software and how to use it. Samples can be found with a quick Internet search, your own field recording sessions, or you can spend money and invest in a few sample libraries for a wealth of high-quality sounds to play with. Organize them into categories you'll be able to remember and start making music with song fragments that catch your ear. Consider getting an external hard drive on which to keep your samples. Organize them into practical categories like \"acoustic drums\" \"spoken word\" and \"synth sounds\" or by textural descriptions to keep things interesting. Maybe label your categories \"spacey\" or \"gnarly\" to start combining interesting textures with your samples when you make music. Go old school and start crate-digging for used vinyl and convert your analog samples to digital. Seek out old songs that you've always loved and sample the hook from them. Typically, you'll set the tempo when you start a new track and the software will manipulate any preset beats or other effects to match the intended tempo of the song you're working on. If you're working with your own samples, though, this won't work, so it helps to get familiar with the way creating a beat works. Beat tracks are made by organizing some combination of kick, snare, and hi-hat sounds into a base rhythm from which you'll build. Choose a kick sample and boost the bass and punch, or layer 3 different kick samples together to get that distinctive Dubstep kick sound. Dubstep tempos generally hover around 140 bpm. You don't have to stick to that, but dubstep songs don't generally fall below 120 or 130. One of the most distinctive elements of dubstep music is the iconic wobbly bass tone, which is typically recorded using a MIDI keyboard or synth and composing a simple bassline yourself. Many free synths can be found online, or you can invest in a professional synth package like Native Instrument's Massive or Rob Papen's Albino 3. Wobbles usually take a little tweaking and synth understanding to get right, but most synths come with pre-made \"patches\" which you can browse though and choose from. When you get more experienced, start double-tracking each wobble and adding other delays, distortions, and effects to create a collage tapestry that is a piece of electronic music. Double track your wobbles into the top end and the clean subs at the bottom. When you start distorting and running the top end through a whole bunch of effects to dirty it up, it muds up the bottom end if it's not separated. Take your bass patch, copy the entire track with the synth on it, and then on the copy, use only one oscillator and change it to a sine wave. Then high pass the top end using an equalizer (at around 70 Hz) and low pass the sub (at around 78 Hz). Get some variations in your bass sounds by bouncing your samples to audio, tweaking the synth a little bit, and bouncing it back. Do it a few times, and you've got a library of bass wobbles that all follow the same bassline. You can further expand on this idea by running them all through different effects chains.", "Start with the beat. Many dubstep tracks start with a very subtle beat, incorporating a few simple drum sounds and gradually and steadily building up until the beat drops. After the pause, the main melody, bassline, and beat come in. Choose a snare sample or layer 3 together to get a big and deep sound. Also search out any other percussion sounds you'd like in the beat. The typical bass, snare, cymbals, toms, and cowbell will suffice, or you can create a completely unique beat by choosing less obvious samples. Try a gun shot, a stadium foot stomp, a clap, a car sound. Dubstep percussion has a lot of presence to it so feel free to mess with reverb and effects on the samples. Now program that beat! You can most likely use the same synth to create your melody sound or sample. Either browse the pre-made patches or start tweaking to get the sound you're thinking of. Hum it out before you start recording. Figure out the notes using your piano, keyboard, guitar, or any other instrument you'd like to write music on and record the idea. While dubstep doesn't layer sounds to the extent of some other genres, it may be a good idea to add extra layers over your melody. Even if they mimic other patterns very closely, you will be able to add layers as you get closer to the drop, creating excitement. A must-do in any attempt at a classic dubstep track is what is affectionately known as the \"drop.\" At the climax, break the song down to just the beat, some tweaked-out wobbles, and effects. Go wild. This is basically a digital, machine-like guitar solo that gets people on the dance floor going crazy. Build up to the drop and play tricks on people by dropping it in an unexpected place or by adding an extra beat here or an extra wobble there. One of the cool things about dubstep is keeping the beat kind of loose and unexpected. It stays on beat but never lands in the same place every time, keeping the beat evolving and exciting. Recreate what you hear in your head. Sometimes what you stumble upon while trying to recreate what you hear in your head can actually be better, so feel free to run with it if it sounds good, even if it wasn't your original idea. If the idea was that great, it'll come back to you. Have a professional mix the track (it's well worth the dough) or go the quick and easy route - add a maximizer to compress and boost all the levels. You'll achieve a more radio-friendly volume.", "Many EDM and dubstep producers use separate computers dedicated to making music, aside from a personal computer they might have for other things. You don't need to go that far, nor do you need any particular brand or style of computer. Producers use PCs and Macs, laptops and desktops, cheap and expensive. If you want a Mac, make sure it has: 1.8 GHz, with an Intel Processor 2-4 GB of RAM OSX 10.5 or later If you want a PC, make sure it has: 2GHz Pentium or Celeron processor 2-4 GB of RAM Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 a sound card with ASIO driver support This is what you'll use to prepare individual tracks, load samples, sequence beats, mix, and record all the other components of your dubstep jams. As with hardware, dubstep producers will have a variety of different set-ups and opinions when it comes to software, but the bottom line is that you can make dubstep music on any computer, using any production software. Production software can range anywhere from free (GarageBand) to several hundred dollars (Ableton Live). Remember: you're only limited by your creativity. Get something you can afford and that will help you get your foot in the door. Popular software packages for recording dubstep include: Fruity Loops Renoise Ableton Live Cakewalk Sonar GarageBand To get started, all you really need is the software, but as you start creating beats you can really round out your dubstep sound by adding a few basic hardware elements into your setup. Having a basic USB mic on hand to record vocals or raps is a good idea and good way to create new sounds to use. If you're at all interested in incorporating original found sounds or acoustic elements and manipulating them in your dubstep music, a solid microphone is a good idea. It won't take long messing around with the on-screen keyboard in GarageBand before you're ready to use a real MIDI keyboard. The Axiom 25 is a popular model that allows you to pitch bend, and it taps directly into Ableton's system. It's a solid addition to any dubstep setup. Producers in the EDM and dubstep community will occasionally package their own all-in-one packages to get started, including software and a store of samples and beat loops that you can build tracks from. It can be difficult to start making music when you're just struggling to figure out the software at first, so investing in one of these packs can cut down on the learning curve and get you making music quickly. Most of these packages are only $200-300, making them fairly affordable and a good way to determine if producing dubstep is right for you and something you might want to invest more time and money into. If you're going to start making dubstep music, do your research. Learn the history and the techniques of the genre and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Electronic Dance Music. You need to know more about dubstep than the name Skrillex and that there is something called \"the drop.\" Check out the Box of Dub compilation and other mixes with various artists like Five Years of Hyperdub, Soundboy Punishments, and other collections of artists making challenging and high-quality dubstep. Listen closely and try to pick apart the sounds. Figure out what it is that stands out, what it is you like about certain songs and what you dislike about others. Listen to Burial, Scuba, and Scream." ], "summary": [ "Play around. Build a library of samples. Practice building drum beats. Practice your wobble. Start adding effects and layers.", "Build from the ground up. Create a memorable melody. Break it down. Be creative. Maximize it.", "Get a laptop with a fast processor and plenty of memory. Get some kind of music production software. Consider adding other hardware into your setup. Consider investing in a customized dubstep sample pack. Get smart and get enthusiastic." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Playing Peekaboo", "Using Simple Games to Amuse Your Baby", "Playing This Little Piggy", "Playing Pat A Cake With Your Baby" ], "document": [ "Make sure you are in a good mood yourself. Babies can mimic laughter even at an early age. Many babies laugh out loud for the first time at 3-4 months of age. Babies will laugh in response to bright colors, toys, and other people's laughter. Peekaboo can be important for object permanence development in infants six months and older. Object permanence is when the baby recognizes that objects and events still exist even when they can't be seen or heard. Playing peekaboo is a great way to exercise this cognitive development. It can also be a great way for younger kids to play with a younger sibling or relative. It should be one of their toys such as a teething ring or a ball they can grab. Allow the baby to examine the toy for a minute or two. Let them touch it and grab at it to explore. After a few minutes, cover the object with a cloth. If a baby has object permanence, they will be able to pull the cloth off and find the object. Pull the cloth off and smile. This will often make the baby laugh or giggle, as you have made the object re-appear. Start by smiling at your baby and talking to him in a sweet voice. Cover your face with your hands and say \"Where's Mommy?\" or \"Where's _____? Pop back out and say \"Peekaboo! I see you!\" Keep your voice happy and stay smiling. Remember, the goal is to get the baby to laugh and not scare the baby. This is a great way for a brother or sister to connect with a younger sibling. This is one of the games that older children love to play with babies. Both the baby and the older child get automatic feedback from one another. The baby enjoys the game and this allows the older child to establish a bond with the baby.", "Babies as young as 9 months know when something's amiss. For instance, if you put a pan on your head, your kid will realize something's wrong and will likely find it funny. Try funny faces. Pull funny faces by making your eyes wider and pulling out your lips or sticking out your tongue. Your kid will find it silly and funny. Babies that are 6 months will find this especially hilarious because they think anything silly or out of the ordinary is funny. Try different noises to see what your baby finds funny. If you want your baby to keep laughing, change your facial expression to something else. Laugh in response. You can do things such as dancing, clapping, or other gestures to make your baby laugh. Use a hand puppet. Making a hand puppet dance and sing for your baby will make him giggle. Making funny hand gestures isn't usual, and your baby will notice. It's funny because your baby doesn't expect it to happen. Babies love unusual sounds. They will get your baby's attention. Sing a song. Any song that has hand or body gestures will make your baby giggle. Try the \"Itsy-Bitsy Spider\" or even the \"Hokey Pokey.\" Play a funny sound. Kids like sounds that are odd or silly, such as farting noises. You may have to try different noises to see what your baby finds funny. Kids also love animal sounds, so try copying the family cat or dog. Try not to make these sounds too loud or startling. This might scare the baby! These kinds of games help to build a physical bond between you and your baby, and serve to make him laugh and be happy. Tickle your baby. Babies often find tickles funny, but keep them to a minimum. Too much can be annoying to your baby. Chase your baby. If your baby is crawling, get down on the floor and crawl after her. Make sure you're smiling so that your baby knows it's a game. Kiss your baby, and make raspberries. By blowing bubbles on his tummy or face, you'll get a laugh out of your baby. You can also try kissing her toes or fingers. Capture his nose. Pretend you're stealing his nose, and show him your thumb between your fingers (his \"nose\"). He'll giggle at the thought.", "In this game, you touch each toe as you say a line about a different little pig. Younger babies will enjoy the sound of the rhyming and the touching of the toes. Older children, as they begin to understand words and animals, will be able to relate to the words of the rhyme. This can help you introduce some vocabulary words and body parts to a toddler or older baby (12-15 months). Say the first line of the rhyme. It is \"This little piggy went to market\". Wiggle his/her big toe as you say the line. Laugh and smile after say the line, this might get a reaction from your baby. These are as follows: \"This little piggy stayed home\". \"This little piggy had roast beef.\" \"This little piggy had none.\" As you say each line progress to the next toe and wiggle it. As you wiggle the toes, this might tickle the baby a little and cause him to laugh. You should land on the pinky toe as you say this line. The last line of the poem is \"And this little piggy went wee, wee, wee, wee all the way home!\" As you say the last line wiggle your baby's pinky toe. Then tickle all the way up to his tummy. You can also gently touch and rub the baby's lips as it will tickle it a lot, and the baby will laugh.", "This may be better for older babies that can mimic your body movements and some simple words. Even younger babies may get a huge kick out of this game. Babies tend to like sounds that rhyme. Babies will unconsciously begin to mimic your smile and laughter at 3 months. Playing games such pat a cake using happy sounds can bring out a laugh from baby. As you say the line, you will need to do the right hand movements. The first line of the poem is \"Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker's man.\" As you say the line you will want to clap your hands. You can alternate by patting your palms on your thighs. With older babies, you can gently help your child clap along with the rhyme. The second line reads \"Bake me a cake as fast as you can\". Continue to clap and pat your thighs as you say the second line. Alternatively, you can gently help an older baby to follow along with the hand motions. Keep your tone bright and enthusiastic with a big smile on your face. As your baby laughs, respond with laughter. This will just increase the fun! The last lines are as follows: \"Roll it. Pat it. And mark it with a B. And put it in the oven for baby and me!\" When you say \"roll it\", roll your arms in a circle. When you say \"pat it\", pat your hands on your lap. When you say \"Mark it with a B\", draw a B in the air with your finger. When you say \"put it in the oven\", mimic the action of putting a cake in the oven. Children love repetitive games. Many babies will find this amusing over and over again. It can be a good way to distract an unhappy child. As your child gets older, try to make them do the hand motions with you. This can help them to learn ordered play and coordination." ], "summary": [ "Start playing when your baby is happy. Recognize that even younger infants will smile and laugh at simple game. Show the baby an object. Do the same with faces. Get other children to join in the game.", "Play up the absurd. Make funny movements. Try making funny noises or singing songs. Try physical games with lots of touch and fun noises.", "Know that this little piggy can amuse younger and older babies. Start by touching one of your baby's big toes. Continue to the second, third, and fourth lines of the poem. Say the last line of the poem.", "Be aware that this is a rhyming game that has hand motions that go along with a short poem. Start the game by saying the first line. Continue with the poem. Finish the poem. Repeat as many times as your baby is amused." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Activating the Rest to Open Feature", "Using the Rest Finger to Open Feature" ], "document": [ "To activate the Rest Finger to Open feature, your device will have to be running iOS 10; it must also have a Touch ID sensor. To unlock your device, press and hold your finger on the Home button, then tap it again when the Lock screen appears. You can tap your Home button again once your iOS device is unlocked to return to the Home screen. The Settings app resembles a grey gear and can usually be found on the Home screen. This will open the General menu; you'll need to scroll down a ways to find the \"Accessibility\" tab. The Accessibility menu houses the settings for things like your iPhone/iPad's touch and magnification preferences. You can alter the way your Home button behaves from here. You should see this option at the bottom of the Home Button menu; if the switch turns green when you tap it, you have successfully enabled the Rest Finger to Open feature! You'll want to familiarize yourself with the way Rest Finger to Open works.", "This should be a finger which you've scanned into your iOS device's Touch ID memory. After a second or so, your iOS device's display should wake up; shortly thereafter, your device should be unlocked and back on the Home screen! iOS devices have long been plagued by easily-broken Home and Lock buttons; using Rest Finger to Unlock will cut down on how often you have to use these buttons. The simple procedure for using Rest Finger to Open is quicker than the default unlocking procedure; this speed is particularly helpful if you're attempting to access Siri or your maps app while driving." ], "summary": [ "Unlock your iOS device. Tap the \"Settings\" app to open your device's settings. Tap the \"General\" tab. Tap the \"Accessibility\" tab. Tap the \"Home Button\" option. Tap the switch next to \"Rest Finger to Open\". Lock your iOS 10 device.", "Place your finger on the Home button. Wait for you device to unlock. Use Rest Finger to Open to cut down on Home button wear and tear. Use Rest Finger to Open to increase unlock speed." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Tying a Basic Bow", "Choosing the Ribbon" ], "document": [ "Make sure it's long enough for making the bow. Always allow extra for easing the bow into shape and leaving a long enough tail. Lay the ribbon length down on a flat surface.", "This will help you choose the ribbon by texture and color. For example: if the bow is to be added to a garment you're sewing or it's part of the accessories accompanying an outfit, match the ribbon to the colors or textures of the clothes." ], "summary": [ "Cut a length of ribbon.", "Decide what the bow is for." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Sure You Are Ready to Pray", "Performing the Witr Prayer" ], "document": [ "Witr prayer is the final prayer of the day and consists of an odd number of rak’ahs or prayer units. Alongside fasting and the salat al-duha prayer, Witr is one of the most important aspects of the Islamic faith. Figure out your options for praying Witr. The Prophet gives options for praying Witr at night, such as deciding how many prayer units or rak’ah you will perform and when you will pray during the night. Find a time that works for your schedule and fits within the allowed time window for the Witr prayer. The time window for praying Witr lasts between the final mandatory prayer of the day, which is called Isha, and the rise of dawn. If you think you can wake up before dawn, you could wake up and pray. If you are worried about sleeping through dawn, you should perform Witr before going to bed. Make time for Witr while travelling. When the Prophet travelled, he still performed Witr. So, when you travel, you should also perform Witr. The minimum number of rak’ah for witr is one, so you should perform at least one rak’ah. However, you may choose to perform an odd number of rak’ah greater than one, such as three, five, seven, or nine rak’ah. You will need a place to perform Witr prayer at night, so make sure you have a space for praying. This is especially important if you are travelling or visiting friends. You will also need enough time to perform Witr. Since there are options for how many Rak’ah you perform, you should be able to perform Witr even while travelling. If you are a university or college student, some schools now offer prayer rooms on campus. Inquire with the university student union or with administration to find out about prayer rooms. Make sure you have a clean place to pray. Men should wear pants that go all the way down to the ankles. Women should wear clothes that cover their entire bodies except for face and hands. For example, men could wear loose-fitting cotton pants. For example, women might choose to wear long sleeved dresses.", "State how many rak’ah you plan to perform for your Witr prayer. It is important to have good intentions and to pray to please Allah. Start the rak’ah by standing up straight for prayer. Then, bow forward and prostrate. Finally, sit and prostrate. You have now performed one rak’ah of Witr. Start by standing for prayer. Keep your hands over your chest and grasp your left hand with your right hand. To bow: bend at the waist and rest your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight, and then make a recitation silently to yourself (for example, Subhana Rabil Azeem or glory to my lord the mighty). To prostrate: Put your forehead to the floor and your hands to either side. Remember to keep your elbows off the floor. In this position, you can make a recitation (e.g., Subhana Rabil Azeem or glory to my lord the mighty) Place your hands on your thighs and close to your knees. Then, you hold your right hand closed with your thumb and middle finger touching to form a circle. You point your index finger towards Qiblah. You then recite the Tashahhud. Bear witness to God and to his servant Muhammad. Sit down and turn your head to the right shoulder, then say, “Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah.” You then turn your head to the left and repeat the same phrase. You have now completed the peace offering or tasleem. You may choose to perform one, three, five, seven, nine, or eleven prayer units or rak’ah. For example, you can choose from the following options for praying Witr: Pray a one rak'ah Witr prayer. You have now performed the Sunnah. Pray a three rak’ah Witr prayer. There are two options for performing the three rak’ah Witr prayer. In the first option, you can pray the three rak’ah in a row and then offer a final tashahhud. The tashahhud is the test of faith. In the second option, you say the tasleem after performing two rak’ah and then pray one more rak’ah. Pray a five or seven rak’ah of Witr. If you want to perform a five or seven rak’ah, you should perform the rak’ah continuously and then offer one tashahhud and say the tasleem at the end. Pray a nine rak’ah Witr. Perform the rak’ah continuously, one after another. In the eighth rak’ah, you should perform the tashahhud. In the ninth rak’ah, you should offer the final tashahhud. Finally, you should say the tasleem. Pray an eleven rak’ah Witr. If you pray an eleven rak’ah Witr, you should say tasleem after every two rak’ah." ], "summary": [ "Recognize the significance of Witr prayer. Choose a time to perform the Witr prayer every day. Decide on how many rak’ah you will perform. Make sure you have a place and time to pray Witr. Wear appropriate clothing.", "Silently state your intention to pray Witr. Learn how to perform one prayer unit or rak’ah of Witr. Learn to offer the tashahhud. Teach yourself to say the tasleem and give peace. Pray an odd number of rak’ah for your Witr prayer." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Behaving Yourself With a Healthy Lifestyle", "Behaving Yourself With Self-Control", "Handling Situations With Self-Control" ], "document": [ "A stress-free lifestyle makes you feel more in control of your life and your actions. When you're stressed or depressed, you're much more likely to feel like you're acting on autopilot. Most misbehavior comes from that loss of self-control. You should use relaxation techniques regularly and whenever you feel like you're losing control of a situation. Learn yoga. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and promote a healthier mindset. Start your day with yoga, and do yoga when you start to feel yourself losing control. Meditate. Meditation has long been an effective and easy way to relax. Practice breathing through your nose. Focus on your breath and feel the world slip away. You can do this any time. Take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Relaxation is key to maintaining self-control. If you're working all day, your mind won't have time to settle. Give yourself alone time or do an activity you enjoy. Learn your strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, learn when you are most likely to misbehave. Use that information to stop your misbehavior before it happens. Don't let yourself into situations where you misbehave, or find ways to stop your misbehavior. The more you know about yourself, the better equipped you are to control yourself. A great way to learn about yourself is through writing. Make lists of your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself. When are you most in control and when are you least in control? When do you misbehave the most? What are the circumstances when you misbehave? Are you sad, stressed, hungry, or sleep-deprived? Once you find a pattern to your behavior, use that information and change your lifestyle to improve your behavior. Another great way to learn about yourself is through meditation. Find a quiet place and just sit and focus on your breathing. After a while, you'll feel everything slip away. What's left is your self. Ask yourself questions and answer honestly. Ask your friends and family what they see about you. Ask them how they think you could improve your behavior, and where they think any outbursts come from. Remember that they're there to help you. Just letting them know you want to improve can go a long way. Take an online personality test. Though these aren't always accurate, they can help you realize things you already know about yourself. Go to a therapist, behavioral specialist, or school counselor. Even if you're doing better, this can be immensely helpful in learning about yourself and how to behave yourself. Use what you learn about yourself to improve your behavior. If you tend to misbehave when you're bored in class, practice engaging more with the material. Take notes and commit to learning the material, and you'll enjoy yourself more in class. If you tend to misbehave when you're in a stressful situation, work on stress management. Science has shown even a short workout can dramatically improve your self-control. A short, intense workout results in increased blood flow and oxygen to the pre-frontal cortex which is responsible for self-control. Moreover, making and committing to a long-term exercise program is a great way to practice self-control. Aim to exercise at least four times a week. You don't have to go to the gym to workout. Playing frisbee with friends or going for a bike ride can be both therapeutic and rewarding. Try to get some physical activity every day. Walking or riding your bike instead of driving is a great way to work in physical activity to your daily routine. Doctors recommend seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Get on a healthy sleep schedule and stick to it. Studies show that sleep deprivation draining your pre-frontal cortex of glucose which fuel self-control. When you're sleeping your body replenishes glucose levels. Without enough sleep, your body may not physically be equipped for self-control. Sleep improves all areas of health, not just self-control. Correcting your sleeping habits leads to improved mood, mental health, and physical fitness. Be careful about oversleeping. When you sleep more than ten hours, you lose the benefits of sleep. Foreign substances can lead to abuse and dependency. This loss of self-control is the epitome of misbehavior. Moreover, drugs and alcohol impair your decision-making faculties, making you lose control further. If you already use drugs and alcohol, work on quitting. Seek help from family, friends, and specialists. Alcohol can be acceptable in small amounts if you're over the legal drinking age and capable of drinking lightly without running the risk of intoxication or dependence. For example, if you know you can safely drink a glass of wine during a holiday meal or a couple of beers during your monthly friends' night out, that's typically okay. However, if you're a recovering alcoholic or under the legal drinking age, you should abstain from even this amount. Studies show that glucose is the key to self-control. Acts of self-control use up glucose stores, and when you're low on glucose, you won't be able to control your behavior as effectively. Periodically replenish your body's store of glucose throughout the day. Lemonade or lemon water is a great source of glucose and hydration. Fresh and dried fruits are packed with glucose. Strawberries and kiwi are particularly loaded with glucose. Honey and fruit juice also have a ton of glucose. Grains, beans, nuts, and almost all vegetables have glucose too.", "Controlling your noise level is the biggest part of behaving. If you are having trouble maintaining an appropriate volume, stop and take a deep breath when you feel yourself getting louder. Collect your thoughts and convey what you want to say in a respectful and reserved manner. Pay attention to your noise level and you can better control it. Try to limit what you're saying to who you're saying it to. You rarely have to say something to an entire group. Know who you're talking to, and speak with a voice loud enough that they can hear you. Ask yourself if you really have to say something before you say it. If it's not necessary to the conversation, don't say it. Practice this technique regularly. Listen to how loud the people around you are. Match their sound level. If people are staring at you or reacting negatively, adjust your behavior. You should aim to fit in with whatever room you're in. Don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. If you try to dominate a room, you'll usually end up rubbing people the wrong way. Make your goals specific and long-term. Psychology studies have shown that abstract, big-picture thinking leads to self-control. Instead of focusing on the moment, look toward bigger goals like success in school or sports. Focusing on the future will help you behave in the present. Being goal-oriented will teach you the art of self-denial. If you get the desire for a soda or to slack off and play video games, deny yourself. Start with small goals like denying yourself ice cream on weekdays. Move up to harder goals like making the starting basketball team. Stick with your goals and soon enough you'll be in total control of your thoughts and actions. Write down you goals and hang them up where you can see them regularly. Remind yourself of your goals regularly. Make behavioral goals too. Commit to behaving yourself in public and not having any unintended outbursts. Keep your goals positive. Get straight A's, keep practicing guitar until you're comfortable enough to play a gig, or exercise four times a week. Stick to your goals religiously. Make sure your goals are specific. Vague goals are much easier to forget about. When you are tempted to break a promise or a goal, take a deep breath and think about why you set the goal in the first place. That long term commitment is more important than your momentary impulse. Try setting up a punishment and reward system for yourself. If you go a week sticking to a strict diet, give yourself a \"cheat day.\" Likewise, if you decide to skip a workout, make up for it by working out twice as long the next day. Practices like these will lead to control over your desires and actions. Make specific long-term goals with specific short-term ways to achieve them. Part 2 has more specific information on this, but generally speaking, be conscious of the rules in any social situation. Keep them in the back of your head. Whenever you start to break one, practice self control. Take a deep breath and remember that you have the strength and self-control to stop yourself. Make a mental list of the rules of any social situation. Take note of all the rules before you even say anything. If the rules are unclear, be passive and see how other people are acting. Aim to mimic their behavior. If the atmosphere is appropriate for lewd humor and loud talking, you would not be misbehaving by joining in. If the atmosphere is more professional, conduct yourself formally. If the atmosphere is relaxed, let go more but still watch your noise level. Calming techniques like deep breathing usually work best for self-control, but find what works best for you. Maybe if you're about to break a rule, you can snap your fingers or pinch yourself. Whatever it is, have a method to stop yourself when you get the urge to break a rule. Suit your words to the situation, and choose those words carefully. In most situations, cursing and loud bickering is inappropriate. Avoid pointless arguments and critical statements. Generally speaking, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. If you find yourself starting to say something mean or inappropriate, stop yourself before it's too late. If you can't stop yourself, be sure to apologize after. More relaxed or even crude language is sometimes appropriate if you're with close friends. Be sure you know the situation before you start talking though. Around coworkers, teachers, or bosses, be very careful with your language. Be humble and understanding, and never curse or start fights. Compliments and kind words are always appreciated. If you find yourself wanting to say something mean, write it down instead. Just don't let anybody see what you write! Don't interrupt people. Let them finish what they're saying before you speak. Think before you speak. Thoughtless words can get you into trouble. Get in the habit of asking yourself if you're sure you want to say something before you say it.", "Take the self-control tactics you've learned and apply them to school. Set school-related goals for yourself and remember that those goals are the most important thing about school. Your school goals should probably revolve around getting good grades and following your teacher's rules. Remember to follow smaller class rules like no gum, no hats, being quiet when the the teacher is talking etc... All the rules are important. If you get the urge to break one, practice self-control. Pay attention to the teacher. Listen carefully and take notes. Don't talk over the teacher or any other students. Wait your turn, and always raise your hand unless you're in a small group or outside the classroom. Come prepared for class. Have your homework done, all the handouts with you, and a notebook and binder. Join in class discussions. Keep yourself from getting bored by engaging in the class material. Ask questions and respond to other students. Make friends with good students. Your friends should be a positive influence on you, they shouldn't get you into trouble. Don't sit near any friends that do get you in trouble. Always be on time. If behavioral issues persist, talk to your parents, your teacher, and your school counselor. It's possible you have some form of Attention Deficit Disorder, or you just need extra help adjusting. Be polite and engage in pleasant conversation. Don't make a mess when you eat, and always use a napkin. Always say thank you. If you're going out to dinner, thank your servers and if someone else pays, be sure to say thank you. Don't reach over people for food. Ask them to pass the food instead. Don't use your hands unless it's finger food. Use your fork and knife properly. Don't cut too hard, and use the utensils to bring the food to you rather than the other way around. Have your napkin on your lap at all times. Use it frequently to clean food from your mouth. Offer to pour drinks and serve food to other people. At the end of the meal, offer to help clean up. If you're dining out, remember to tip 15 percent of the total bill. Commit to your work goals, and act professionally at all times. The workplace is usually not the time to make jokes and goof off. You need to be focused and productive. Get to work with the right mindset and your behavior will follow. Get to work early. Aim to arrive 15-20 minutes before you're supposed to get there. Have a clean workspace, and keep communal areas clean and organized. Respect your boss and coworkers. Don't talk about people behind their backs. Be attentive and take notes during meetings. Avoid having too much idle small talk throughout the day. Take initiative and do extra work. Focus on your work. The only time you wouldn't be behaving is when you're distracted and doing something to fill the time. Fill your day with work, punctuated by several breaks. Use breaks to let off steam. Chat with coworkers, go on Facebook, go for a walk and stretch your legs. When it's time to get back to work, regain your focus. Your behavior isn't just your actions, it's your overall presence. Make sure you dress for the part. For school, dress casual. For work or a formal event like a wedding, wear a suit or fancy dress. For a job interview or dinner, wear a collared shirt or nice blouse. Excessively revealing clothing is better suited for the beach or home. Err on the side of modesty when dressing for public. Avoid clothes with offensive sayings or images. Make sure to maintain personal hygiene. Shower and brush your teeth every day and wear deodorant or perfume." ], "summary": [ "Practice relaxation techniques. Get to know yourself better. Exercise regularly to boost your self-control. Get a full night's sleep. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Eat a diet rich in glucose.", "Be mindful of your noise level at all times. Practice self-control in all aspects of your life by setting goals and sticking to them. Pay careful attention to rules and social norms, and restrain yourself when you get the urge to break them. Be careful with your language.", "Behave yourself at school by following the teacher's instructions and focusing on your schoolwork. Behave yourself at dinner by practicing proper table manners. Behave yourself at work by having the right attitude. Dress appropriately for the occasion." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Work Enjoyable", "Having the Right Attitude" ], "document": [ "What unique skills, perspectives, or ideas can you use to make your workplace even better. Take some initiative for your work, personalizing it and letting you do the jobs that you love the most. Having a stake in your company's goals and mission will make your work much easier to attach with relish. These goals can be personal too. Even if you don't love the company you work for, taking initiative is a great way to improve your skills and resume for the next job. If you know that a project is going to cause you undue stress, for whatever reason, don't take it. This doesn't mean that you should do the bare minimum of work, it simply means you need to put your own needs before the needs of your company. Don't take extra work just because you are asked -- make sure that it is work you want to do and can handle without hurting your quality of life. Put up pictures, bring in a nice set of headphones and music, and place some knick-knacks around your desk. Do your best to make the space yours, not some bland office where you come to work. Simply eating enough food and drinking enough water may be the best way to stay positive at work. Feeling hungry or thirsty will lead to tiredness, and that drained feeling will bring you down day in and day out. Let yourself plan, but don't feel chained down by a schedule. Instead, use organization to avoid last minute deadlines, to keep everything where it should be, put your affairs in order. A clean, uncluttered mind starts with an uncluttered desk and calendar, so take some time to clean up your life. That said, the ability to roll with the punches is important to maintain a positive outlook. Plans will change, and that's fine -- you just need to change with them. Cross off tasks and events as you accomplish them. Get up and move around at least once an hour. Sitting in the same place all day can quickly become tedious, but staying active helps you feel better all day long. Take a walk on your lunch break, bike to and from work a few times a week, or try working out before your shift. When your body feels good, your mind feels good, and exercise is the best way to make it happen. Let your mind wander from time to time. This isn't just good for your mental health -- it can even make you more productive. The argument that daydreaming facilitates with your work can date back to the 20th century. You can get a unique and competitive insight when you roam your mind. Sometimes your work seems incredibly important in your world. You're killing a part of yourself, however, when you let your work nibble your privacy and integrity. Work is for work, not home, so learn to distance yourself. When you leave the office or sign off online, work is over. Move on to other, more enjoyable experiences. Have an interest/hobby unconnected with your job. This is the part of your life that is totally unrelated to work - and should not include co-workers or work acquaintances. If you play golf, don't play with your workmates - unless it's a work-related event.", "Are you working to live or living to work? What is it that is keeping you at this job? Do you love the work? Or does the paycheck support the family and lifestyle you love? You need to remember why your work is important, especially when it gets boring or difficult. If you can think of no reason why you should be working at this job, perhaps the only way to stay positive at work is to find new work. Having a plan of action with your life, and knowing where you are going, is often the best place to start feeling positive. Everyone gets started at a different place and heads on their own journey. You have no idea where others' journeys can get them to. Blindly making a comparison leads to wasting time and feeling negative. You can only control your own thoughts and destiny, so work on that. The point is getting to know and focusing on something important to you, such as the economy, your market, actions that others may take. That's to say: your inner ideas and your actions. More than making yourself a happier person, self-mocking can also make you powerful, influential, and attractive. Having a sense of humor helps put setbacks in perspective and reminds you that you have a life outside of your job. This should primarily be an inward attitude rather than an outward behavior. Stay as lighthearted as possible in your thoughts, but try to avoid making jokes about a serious situation, particularly if the situation could have severe consequences or you don't know whether the other people around you will be receptive to the dose of humor. This feeling is a parasite that can nibble up your energy and well-being. You can take actions to make a change when you are not satisfied with this world. But sitting and complain accomplishes little other than getting a complaint off your chest. This can actually be a helpful way to put problems in perspective, but only if you don't overdo it. Save the sobs stories, say what is on your mind, and move on to more productive thoughts. Smiling is proven to release chemicals in your brain that make you happy, even if the smile is forced. That said, you should take the time to enjoy as much of your work as possible. Give yourself time to talk to coworkers you like, watch a few funny videos during lunch, and listen to music that makes you happy. Thinking positive leads to positive thinking, not the other way around. Being kind to a coworker ensures that you will get kindness back. There may be days when people are stressed, including you, but knowing that you have the support and friendship of those around you is a great way to let off some steam and feel more positive. Humans are social animals, so don't neglect to build relationships with your coworkers. Focus on the \"can do\" rather than \"cannot\" of situations. A great way to start is by looking at problems as opportunities rather than failures. Change begins with vision, and vision only begins to become a reality when it is said out loud. You need to discuss problems and failures with an eye towards self-improvement, not chiding yourself for past mistakes. Bad times happen at every office, and staying positive is not about avoiding problems, but growing from them." ], "summary": [ "Think about how you can add to your work. Know your limits at work. Personalize your workspace. Make sure you take care of your body with food and water. Stay organized but flexible. Be active. Daydream more. Separate work from play.", "Know why you are working. Never compare yourself with others. Stop getting entangled with what's out of your control. Don't take yourself or anyone else too seriously. Set aside a few minutes to complain, but keep it brief. Smile more often. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Find opportunities in periods of unrest or difficulty." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Windows 8 and 10", "Windows 7 and Vista" ], "document": [ "To do so, press the ⊞ Win key, or click the Start icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. This will bring up a list of search results, one of which is Groove Music. On Windows 10, with the Start menu open, simply begin typing \"groove\" on the keyboard and a search will start automatically. Doing so will open Groove Music, which is a music player to which your computer and Xbox 360 both synchronize. If you sign into Groove with your Xbox 360 account, you'll be able to view your Xbox 360 purchases. You will need a Groove subscription on your Xbox 360 to play music on it. You'll see this option in the lower-left side of the \"Groove\" window. If you're already signed into a different account, click your name here instead and then click Sign Out. This will open a page on which you can enter your Xbox 360 account's email address and password. These must be the same credentials you use to sign into the Xbox 360 account you're trying to link. It's a blue button at the bottom of the page. As long as your password and email address are correct, you should now be able to play your Xbox 360's music on your computer (and vice versa). Press ⊞ Win or click the icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Doing so will bring up the \"Movies & TV\" app as a result. This app is where all of your Microsoft account's purchased movies and TV shows appear. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. You'll see a drop-down menu appear. If you're already logged in on a different account, click your account email and then click Sign out before proceeding. Like Groove, this will open a page for you to enter your Xbox 360 account's email address and password. These must be the same credentials you use to sign into the Xbox 360 account you're trying to link.", "Depending on how vast your Windows Media Center library is, this process may take awhile. Once your media is available in your Xbox's Windows Media Center app, you'll be able to listen to music and watch movies on both of your devices." ], "summary": [ "Open the Start menu. Type \"groove\" into the search bar. Click Groove Music. Click Sign In. Click Microsoft Account. Type in your email address and password. Click Sign in. Re-open the Start menu. Type \"movies & tv\" into the search bar. Click Movies & TV. Click the person-shaped icon. Click Microsoft Account. Type in your email address and password.", "Wait for your Windows media to show up on your console." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing a Burr", "Preventing Burrs", "Finding Burrs" ], "document": [ "Use your fingers to remove any loose burrs or awns from the surface of your dog's coat. Be very gentle, remembering that the dog may not like you pulling at its fur. Try to remove the burrs by detangling the fur around it with your fingers. You may need to wear gloves to avoid getting pricked, particularly with the harder, spike-like burrs. Use a wide-toothed metal dog comb or hair pick. Work the comb under any visible burrs and gently pull them out. This works best on loosely adhering or single burrs or awns. If the burr or awn in severely tangled, you can start at the edge of the tangle and work your way in. You can use a pliers to crush the burr head, to break it up into smaller pieces. This should make it easier to remove. Be careful with your fingers and your dog's skin when attempting this. You don't want to pinch either. Sometimes, especially in long-haired dogs with undercoats that are deeply tangled, the burrs will need to be shaved or cut off. This should be done very carefully, as the skin can be burned by hot clipper heads or cut by sharp scissors. A good way of doing this is to work a comb under the tangle and then clip or cut above the comb. This can help protect the skin from injury. If you are hesitant to cut the burrs out of your dog's coat, take it to get done by a groomer. They should be skilled at this safely cutting your dog's fur.", "Keep your dog on a leash when going for walks, so it cannot run into burr or weed patches. This is particularly important after the end of the growing season, when seeds are ready to fall off the plant. Of particular danger are awns that enter the dog’s nose or mouth while it’s running through plants with awns. During the breathing process these can be inhaled or swallowed. The awns will latch onto respiratory or gastrointestinal tissue, just like the hair, causing serious injury or even death. There are mesh hoods that attach to collars to keep the awns and burrs away from the entire face. If you suspect an internal awn contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. You will want to have your dog examined by a professional. It’s almost impossible to find these using any regular tools (ultrasound or X-rays) so it’s hard to diagnose and treat. The only symptoms are lathery and general poor health. Pet stores and hunting stores also carry protective vests for dogs that will prevent burrs and awns from reaching the protected area. If you are not able to keep your dog out of areas with weeds and high grasses, such as if your dog is a hunting dog, you should invest in some protective gear for your dog. Boots are also available, but many dogs object to these, especially if they are trying to run.", "A bur is a seed that has a hook or teeth on it. These teeth or hooks are designed to latch onto a passing animal’s fur, as a means of dispersing the seeds elsewhere. Burrs come in all shapes and sizes but they all are seeds that attach themselves to animals. Plant awns are similar to burrs except they are bristle-shaped seeds that are shaped like a fish hook. Both awns and burrs attach to animals and their removal is the same process. In the case of awns, however, the seeds can physically work their way into a dog's skin, causing pain, infection, and, in extreme cases, death. Both burrs and awns can latch on anywhere in your dog’s body. If your dog runs into a weedy, grassy, or wooded area carefully check the following spots: Ear flaps Nose Eyes Armpits Under the tail Between each toe and the toe pads This is most dangerous time for burrs and awns, as this is when plants dry out and are ready to shed their seed packets. During this time of year it is best to comb your dog out daily to eliminate any burrs." ], "summary": [ "Remove visible burrs. Comb the dog. Break tough burs into pieces. Cut out stubborn burrs.", "Keep your dog out of weedy or high grass areas. Be particularly vigilant about not letting your dog inhale burrs or awns. Protect your pet.", "Identify what a burr looks like. Look for burrs on your dog's body. Be particularly vigilant about looking for burrs during the end of the growing season." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing For the Garter Stitch", "Knitting the Garter Stitch" ], "document": [ "The garter stitch is one of the easiest stitches to do, and is commonly the first stitch learned by novice knitters. This technique allows you to knit every row, and the material tends to lie flat during the knitting process. Garter stitch is characterized by ridges on both sides of the material in between rows of bumpy fabric. Decide on the yarn and needles you would like to use. When you're first starting to knit, larger needles and thicker yarn will make learning easier. Try size 8, 14\" long knitting needles. If you have smaller needles and yarn, try to make loose stitches that allow plenty of room to maneuver. Knitters can work Continental-style or English-style. Try out both as you learn to knit, and evaluate what works best for you. These instructions are for English-style knitting, but they can be easily adapted for Continental style.", "Begin garter stitch by holding the needle with the cast-on in your left hand and the other needle in your right hand. Hold the yarn in your right hand. Make sure the left needle tip is pointing towards the right." ], "summary": [ "Understand what garter stitch is. Gather your materials. Determine which hold you prefer.", "Hold the needles in the starting position." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Sticking With It" ], "document": [ "Skating videos are at the heart of skating culture. Compilation videos and tutorials are widely available for free on the Internet. You can find virtuosic displays of skating prowess, as well as helpful hints and tips for the beginner. For example, Aaron Kyro and Andy Schrock have good tutorials and information on their channels. Learn how to do more advanced technical things and tricks with videos." ], "summary": [ "Watch lots of skating videos." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding the Fundamentals", "Potty Training Your Bernese", "Teaching Commands to Your Bernese", "Socializing Your Bernese", "Crate Training Your Bernese", "Leash Training Your Bernese" ], "document": [ "Never strike or yell at a puppy if she disobeys you. Bernese Mountain Dog tend to be very mild tempered and obedient but they, like all dogs, will take some time to train. Hitting it will only make the puppy fear you and confuse her — never strike your dog. If you in the middle of a training session and she doesn't fully understand, do not become impatient and scold her. After all, the puppy or dog is only learning. If you find that you are losing your patience, step away from the dog and try again later. Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely affectionate and want to please — scolding or punishing may have an extremely detrimental affect on your Bernese. Focus on positive reinforcement instead of punishment. This could be with a tiny tasty treat or just praise as the dog develops. If the dog knows he gets a treat for good behavior, and bad behavior is ignored, then he is likely to reproduce good behavior it was rewarded for. When you catch your dog or puppy chewing or destroying something he shouldn’t, remove either the dog or the object from the dog and distract him with something it can “destroy” or chew on, like a toy. Then praise him for chewing on the right thing — the toy. Keep a bag of treats in a Ziploc bag in your pocket or in a “fanny” type bag at your waist. This means you will always have a treat handy. You never know when an opportunity to train will pop up during the day! During the first few weeks of training a puppy’s attention span is short, usually less than five minutes. As your puppy gets older and starts to associate training times with pleasant interaction with you, the training time can be increased. You will know the dog's attention span is increasing when the puppy focuses more on the training sessions than on wandering off and playing. You can teach your puppy commands from the moment she arrives home. Keep training sessions short (less than five minutes) and practice three to five times a day. Your Bernese Mountain Dog should be able to learn a variety of commands. Start with leash etiquette and commands that limit bad behavior, and move on to more specific commands.", "Potty training, or house training, starts the moment your Bernese Mountain Dog sets foot in your house. When you first arrive at your home, let him sniff around the yard until he goes to the bathroom. When the dog does urinate or defecate, give him lots of praise so he associates going to the bathroom outside with being praised. Take your puppy outside on a regular basis. Puppies, in particular, need to go to the bathroom quite frequently. They will not always give you a clear sign that they need to relieve themselves, so taking the dog outside on a regular basis will give the dog the chance to go to the bathroom when she needs to. If you can really set a routine, your dog's digestive system will get used to the schedule and she will go to the bathroom like clockwork. Have him go to the bathroom in one specific spot every time. This will solidify the fact that the dog needs to go to the bathroom outside if he has one spot that is his own spot. When you’re inside your house with your puppy, watch her carefully for signs that she needs to go potty. Panting, pacing, sniffing around, or barking are all signs she needs to go outside to potty. Immediately rush your puppy outside and let her go to the bathroom. When she does, lavish her with praise as soon as she relieves herself. If you fail to catch the dog's signal, and a potty accident occurs, don’t scold or hit the dog — he won't make the association that you are angry because he went to the bathroom in the wrong place. Instead, quietly clean up the mess and try again. Scolding the dog will only make the dog fearful and secretive when he goes to the bathroom. Your dog will go to the bathroom in places that are hard to spot.", "It essential that you train your dog a command for when you want him to stop doing something. \"Stop\" or \"leave it\" are common commands — whichever you choose, make sure that you are consistent and that everyone in the household uses the same command. When you see your dog doing the unwanted behavior, first give the command, then immediately follow with action (taking away the item or moving your dog away from it). By giving the command first, then doing the corrective action, you will give your dog the opportunity to do what you want when he hears you say \"leave it\" and avoid an unpleasant consequence. Puppies explore their environment by mouthing everything in sight. While these are natural behaviors for a puppy, you also don't want her to think it's okay to bite people or chew on your shoes. Your dog will not know what is appropriate for her to chew unless you teach her. Keep anything you don't want your puppy to destroy up and out of her reach (this includes trash, books, shoes, remote controls, glasses, dirty underwear, etc.). Have plenty of toys for her to play with and chew on, but make sure they are not indistinguishable from household items (your dog will not know the difference between an old sock you offer her to play with and a new sock she is not supposed to chew). Allow your puppy to mouth you, so long as it is gentle. When your puppy gives you a hard bite, give a high-pitched yelp, as though she's really hurt you, and let your hand go limp (don't jerk it away). Your dog should stop biting, at which point you should praise her for stopping. If she bites you hard again, repeat these steps. Do this no more than three times in a 15-minute time period. Give your dog a chew toy when she wants to chew on fingers. If you find your puppy chewing on something she shouldn't be, take it away and give her a toy to chew instead. As you take the item away, say “leave it” and give her a toy to chew on. Do not punish your dog after the fact. If you find an item that your dog destroyed while you were away, don't wave it in her face while yelling at her. This won't teach her not to chew — she will not get the connection that you are angry about something she did two hours ago. Unless you catch her in the act, do not scold your dog. Most dogs can learn this command quickly with little trouble. Start out by observing your dog — when you see that he is in the process of sitting on his own, say \"sit\" clearly and in a firm voice. As soon as his butt touches the ground, praise him, pet him, and give him a treat. Do this every time you spy your dog about to sit. Another method is to stand in front of your dog with a treat in your hand. Hold the treat centimeters above your dog's nose, then move the treat backwards, over his head, leading his nose. He should follow the treat with his nose and should sit down as he does this. Again, as soon as his butt hits the floor, give him the treat and praise him. Once your dog has the motion down, say \"sit\" just before you begin to lead his nose back with the treat. Puppies jump to your attention or while playing. This may be cute when your Bernese is little, but they grow into huge dogs, and she may injure or scare people if she jumps when she is full grown. Teach her not to jump when she is a puppy to avoid problems later on. If your dog has already mastered \"sit,\" this can make teaching her not to jump a lot easier. When she's in a situation in which she is likely to jump — meeting a new person, for instance, tell her instead to sit and reward her with your attention. When you see your dog is going to jump up on you, turn your body away, deflecting her, avoiding eye contact, and saying nothing. She will get the message that, when she jumps on you, she gets no reward or attention. Once she stops jumping and calms down, praise her with lots of petting, attention, and scratching. Once your Bernese knows how to sit, you can teach him the \"down\" command. Ask your dog to sit, then hold the treat in front of his nose. Lower the treat to the ground — he should follow with his nose, lowering his body; you can praise him as he moves toward the down position. When his belly touches the ground and he laying down, reward him with the treat and more praise. Once he is familiar with the movement, add the verbal command. \"Down,\" \"lay,\" or \"drop\" are common commands. Say it just before you begin bringing the treat down. Eventually, with practice, your dog will make the association between the action and the word \"down.\" This can be a difficult command to train, as your dog will naturally want to follow you around. Teach this command to your dog once she has learned to sit and lay down. Begin teaching your dog to stay when she is calm (try after a walk), in a familiar environment, and with few distractions. Keep these sessions short at first, as it will be a challenge for her to stay in the beginning. Stand in front of your dog and ask her to sit or lay down. If she remains in the position for a few seconds, quickly reward her with a treat. This signals that she is released from the position and may do something else. Repeat the process and wait a few seconds longer before rewarding your dog. If she breaks the stay before you have released her (by rewarding her with the treat), say \"ah-ah!\" And start over. Add the verbal command. When your dog is sitting or laying down, say \"stay\" and put one hand out like a stop sign. Wait a few seconds, then reward her with the treat. Gradually increase the length of the stay. Do this slowly, and don't make these training sessions too long or your dog may get frustrated. When your dog seems to be grasping stay, you'll need to complicate things a bit more. Because you want her to stay in position even when you are out of sight (if you ask her to sit and stay while you go in a store, for instance), begin taking a few steps back from your dog after commanding her to stay. If she breaks the stay, she does not get the treat. Some argue that this is not a necessary command — your dog should know that when you tell her to sit or stay, she should remain in that position until you release her. The stay command is an important command for your dog's safety — it can stop him from dashing into a busy street or another dangerous situation. Never let your dog off the leash outside (in an unfenced area) until he knows the \"come\" and \"stay\" commands and does them consistently. To practice this command, leash your dog and have some treats handy. Holding the end of the leash, say \"come\" in a very welcoming voice, then quickly take a few steps backwards. Continue to back up until your dog reaches you. Reward him by saying \"Yes!,\" then give him a treat. You can also practice this off-leash. Crouch or kneel and call your dog over to you throughout the day, rewarding him greatly when he comes to you. Never punish your dog when he comes to you. This could mean giving him a bath or shouting at him for not coming when you called, or even just ending his fun by snapping his leash back on every single time he obeys. Coming to you when you call needs to be the most appealing option your dog knows — more appealing than chasing that rabbit or running across the street to say hi to the neighbor. Your dog must understand that he must come every single time you call him. When you are training, don't put him in a situation in which you know he won't obey you and then try the come command.", "Dog socialization means learning to be a part of human and dog society in a healthy manner. Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to be a little aloof, so socializing in the first year of life is especially important. While it’s an important part of any puppy’s training, for a giant breed of dog it’s imperative. Begin by introducing the dog to normal household noises and activity in a non-threatening manner. Don’t tease your puppy by chasing it with a broom or vacuum. This will only make it fear these things and maybe even you. Take your puppy for car rides to get it used to riding in vehicles and to introduce them to street sights and sounds through the windows. Dog parks (with your puppy safely leashed) are another good way to interact with other dogs and humans. Puppies can be brought to these places after they have had their first two distemper vaccines. Do not let your puppy off leash unless you are certain it will get along with other dogs and humans. One of the most productive ways to introduce a puppy to other puppies, humans, and normal sights and sounds is to take them to puppy socialization or obedience classes (for older dogs). These classes are held by community education, 4-H clubs, or pet shops and give the dogs and owners a safe place to learn together. Look through your local newspaper or on-line to find classes near you. Your veterinarian’s office may also know of any classes available.", "You will need to confine your puppy to a small space (bathroom, mud room, laundry room) with an easily cleaned floor if you can’t be with her or when she isn’t under your constant eyesight. Crate or kennel training your puppy is one of the best ways to potty train a dog. As an added bonus, it also gives the puppy a safe retreat when she needs a break from life in general. You will need to purchase a crate that is appropriately sized to fit the size your dog will be as an adult. Bernese Mountain Dogs are very large, so you will need to purchase a large crate. A crate that is about 60\"x36\" or 72\"x36\" should be large enough for your dog. If your Bernese is hunched over or can't turn around comfortably in the crate, then you need to buy a bigger crate for him.. The dog should have access to the crate at all times, as the goal is to make it a place the dog goes to when she needs a break. Put the crate in your living room or kitchen with the door open and crate pad or a blanket inside. Encourage the puppy to go into the crate on her own by tossing a treat or toy inside. Do this throughout the day for a few days, always leaving the door open. Once she is comfortable inside the crate, close the door after she goes in. Allow her to come out of the crate only after she has been quiet for 10 minutes — do not let her out if she is whining or pawing at the door. Increase the amount of time the puppy spends in the crate until she is able to stay quietly in the crate for up to two hours. When she is older than four months, she can stay in the crate for up to four hours. Never leave your dog in a crate for longer that four hours (or two hours if she is under four months old). Never use the crate as punishment. The crate is meant to be your puppy's safe haven, not somewhere she goes when she's been bad.", "Teaching your Bernese Mountain Dog proper leash etiquette is very important — a big dog like a Bernese could easily drag you down the street if she isn't trained. Start out by letting her get comfortable with her collar. Put it on when she's likely to be distracted, like when she's playing or eating food. If she tries to scratch it off or remove the collar, do not allow her to do so. Do not remove the collar until she's forgotten about it. Once your Bernese is used to wearing her collar, clip on a lightweight leash. Don't try to lead her or do anything with it — let her just drag it around the house (under your supervision) and sniff it. Once your dog feels comfortable with his collar and leash, take the leash and begin walking around the house with him. If he walks beside you and/or lets the leash be loose or slack, give lots of praise, pats, and treats. If he begins to pull, stop in your tracks. Do not pull him back to you and do not proceed — allow him to come back to you. When the leash is loose again, praise him and begin walking again. Never allow your puppy to pull you on the leash, as this teaches him that this is acceptable. By stopping the walk, he learns that pulling and straining will get him nowhere. If he wants to walk, he must do so without pulling. If your puppy does the opposite and sits down, do not yank on the leash to get him to keep moving. Instead, call him over to you, offering treats and rewards when he comes." ], "summary": [ "Be patient. Reward good behavior. Keep training sessions short. Start training your dog immediately.", "Begin potty training immediately. Set a routine. Give your dog a specific spot to go to the bathroom outside your house. Watch the dog closely. Don't punish a dog for accidents.", "Teach the dog to stop bad behavior. Train your dog to stop biting and chewing. Teach the dog to sit. Teach your dog to not jump on people. Train your dog to lay down. Teach your dog to stay. Teach the dog to come when called.", "Begin socializing early. Take your puppy out into the world. Enroll in a socialization or obedience class.", "Begin by putting the dog in a isolated area. Get a crate for your dog. Put the crate in a location your dog has access to at all times. Gradually increase the amount of time the puppy is in the crate.", "Let your dog get comfortable with her collar and leash. Teach your dog to walk with a loose leash." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Administering the Vaccine", "Preparing for the Vaccine", "Watching for Reactions" ], "document": [ "Read the manufacturer's manual to understand all the intricacies of your particular vaccine brand, and inspect the expiration date of your vaccine. With supervision of an at-home vet, properly mix the vaccine. Most rabies vaccines come in the form of a powder and a liquid solvent, which need to be mixed properly before the vaccine can be administered. The manufacturer's label should inform you of proper dosages and you can also ask your at-home vet. First, insert the needle of a clean syringe into the vial of liquid. Draw out the necessary amount and then remove the syringe from the bottle. Inject the liquid into the bottle containing the powder. Make sure all liquid is drained from the syringe before you pull the needle out. Shake the vial well. The powder should completely dissolve. Make sure there are not clumps and there is no powder resting on the bottom of the vial. Now that the vaccine is properly mixed, you can prepare the syringe for the injection. Reinsert a fresh, clean syringe into the vial. Pull up the plunger until you have drawn the exact amount of vaccine needed. You can ask your at-home vet for help if you're confused about how much of the vaccine you need. Make sure there are no air bubbles. If you notice any air bubbles, empty the vial and try again. You might have to make several attempts before you draw a vaccine clear of air bubbles. Alternatively, if you'd rather have your vet draw the amount you can do that as well. Your vet likely has more experience with these things and might be quicker and more efficient at preparing the syringe. Once the syringe is prepared, you can vaccinate your dog. The vaccine should be delivered via subcutaneous injection, as this less technically demanding and less likely to harm the dog. Have someone hold the dog still while injecting the vaccine. Pull the skin up from your dog's shoulder blade, creating a \"tent\" of loose skin. Angle the needle at 90 degrees to the flat tented surface of the skin. Push inward to form a small pocket of skin and slowly push the plunger down until the syringe is empty. If you're not doing the injection, you can hold your dog while your vet performs the vaccination.", "Laws regarding rabies vaccines are strict in most states. In order to vaccinate your dog at home, you'll need your vet to apply for a rabies exemption. This is an order that grants you the authority to have the rabies vaccination performed in your home in lieu of a vet's office. Not that this exemption may not be allowed in your state. All 50 US States require a rabies vaccine and the vast majority require dog owners to have the vaccine administered either in a vet's office, at home but under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, or by animal shelter workers, kennel owners, or other competent individuals who work with dogs professionally. Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, New York, and North Dakota require rabies vaccinations, but have no specific laws dictating who can perform the vaccine. If you live in one of these states, you may be able to perform the vaccine yourself without supervision of a veterinarian. This is not recommended, unless you have extensive experience in veterinary care, you should hire professional help. Quite a few states allow an individuals to administer the rabies vaccine at home, if supervised by a veterinary professional. The following states allow this: Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont. However, in other states, be aware that giving the injection yourself may invalidate any rabies certification. If you need proof of rabies vaccine for travel or the like, giving the injection yourself may make it invalid. If your state allows you to administer a vaccine at home, you need your vet to apply for a rabies vaccination exemption. Usually, if your dog has documented behavioral or health issues that make an office visit difficult, your veterinarian will probably be willing to file for an exemption if local laws permit and if you agree to follow proper protocol. If your vet is unwilling, you can find another veterinarian. Veterinarians open to more holistic medications and treatment options might be more willing to file for an extension. Timing is important in a rabies vaccination. Giving the vaccination too soon could render the vaccine ineffective and waiting might leave your dog susceptible to the virus. Your puppy should be get the rabies vaccine between 12 and 24 weeks. If you have a puppy, do not vaccinate him before three months of age, as maternal antibodies may interfere with vaccine uptake and prevent it from being effective. Aim to vaccinate early in the morning, at a time when you can monitor your dog for at least an hour to watch for signs of serious allergic reactions. Your dog should get vaccinated every one to three years, depending on the laws in your state. A vaccine is the biological substance that improves immunity against specific diseases, so a good quality vaccine is necessary for the successful treatment of your dog. Your local veterinarian is the best person to refer you to the best suppliers of rabies vaccines. In fact, as you'll likely have an at-home vet visit you can simply have the veterinarian safely transport the proper vaccine to your home. You can also purchase the vaccine from online sites, but they may be of questionable quality. As certain temperatures can make the vaccine less effective, delivery and storage is tricky. If you do purchase a vaccine online, consult your vet to make sure the supplier is respected in the veterinary community and follow all instructions on the box for safe storage. If you're worried about a reaction and are striving for a more holistic approach to vaccinations, ask your vet about Thimerosol-free vaccines. Thimerosol (mercury) has been linked to more adverse reactions in some dogs and many suppliers manufacture mercury-free vaccines. It is not recommended you perform a rabies vaccination without supervision. Legally your dog will not be considered vaccinated in the vast majority of US states if the vaccine is not administered by a veterinarian professional. Ask your vet if she is willing to do a home visit. Many vets will do so, especially if they know your dog has issues that make an office visit difficult. You can either have your vet administer the vaccine at home or supervise you as you do it yourself. If your vet is unwilling to do home visits, or something in her license prevents this, ask her for a referral to another vet. With your permission, your vet can share your dog's medical records to assure a different veterinarian can safely vaccinate your pet against rabies. Remember, the vast majority of states require veterinary assistance during rabies vaccines. Having a dog that is legally considered unvaccinated has many repercussions. First of all, as rabies vaccines are required in every state, you could face legal penalties that vary from state-to-state. Second, unvaccinated dogs are not permitted in kennels and most animal shelters ban adoption if you have an unvaccinated pet at home.", "Many dogs, even if they're in otherwise good health, may have a reaction to a rabies vaccine. This is usually normal and symptoms should clear up within a week. Anaphylactic, or allergic reactions, are the most common types of reactions. They usually occur during booster shots and after the 2nd or 3rd round. Your dog might become lethargic and show a mild fever and have swelling around the site of the vaccination. Your vet might recommend antihistamines as treatment if the reaction is severe. Severe reactions, while rare, can be fatal. If you live some distance from a vet then you need to be prepared to accept this risk if considering vaccination yourself at home. Local reactions are swelling, redness, and itching about the site of the injection. They occur shortly after a vaccination and are usually not serious. They tend to pass within a few weeks. Systemic reactions are things like fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite. They are common, appear shortly after an injection, and tend to pass within a few days. A serious reaction will occur within 10 to 30 minutes of the injection. The dog may collapse and go into shock and will have pale gums, a racing heart, and may lose consciousness. Please monitor your dog for a while after vaccination for any adverse effects. Immediately after a vaccine, keep an eye on your dog for about an hour. Bad reactions might occur in this timeframe and medical care might be needed. Be careful handling your dog in the days following a rabies vaccine. He will probably be sore around the site of injection and you'll want to avoid touching this area. Occasionally, reactions can get quite serious. If you follow proper protocol, this is rare. However, know when medical care might be needed in the event of a serious reaction. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is an immune response that triggers the release of red blood cells. It is unlikely to occur in response to a rabies vaccine, but not impossible. Signs include lethargy, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea. Autoimmune reactions can be quite serious and warrant medical attention. If you notice any of the above symptoms, seek immediate medical care. If local reactions, such as swelling, or systemic reactions, such as a fever or lethargy, do not go away on their own within a few days, take your dog to see a vet to determine why the reaction is so persistent." ], "summary": [ "Prepare the vaccine. Ready the syringe. Give your dog the injection.", "Apply for a rabies exemption. Familiarize yourself with the appropriate time frames to vaccinate for rabies. Acquire the vaccine from a reliable supplier. Find a vet who does at-home visits.", "Understand what reactions are normal. Monitor your dog for any effects. Seek medical care, if necessary." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Brewing green tea teabags", "Brewing loose green tea in a teapot or kettle", "Brewing loose green tea with a tea ball", "Choosing your green tea" ], "document": [ " Or you can just microwave a cup of water. The boiled water should be \"first boil\" (see the boiling instructions under \"Brewing loose green tea in a teapot\" for more details). Or, if preferred, you can leave the tea bag in the mug or you can remove the tea bag before enjoying your drink. It's your choice. Green tea is not usually sweetened, but if you wish to, then add sugar or honey to suit your taste. Now you're ready to enjoy green tea.", ". Empty the heating water just before adding the brewing water. \"first boil\". This is when the water begins to boil but has not yet begun to simmer. The temperature at this stage will be 160ºF (71ºC). Bitter brews come from too high a temperature of water on green tea; prefer a longer steeping time at a cooler temperature instead. Let it steep for three to five minutes. Three minutes steeping results in light flavor, while five minutes will give you a robust, full flavor. The longer the green tea is left in, the stronger the taste, so you might like to experiment as to which taste works best for you. For high grade tea such as \"gunpowder\" types, steeping time may be as few as 10 seconds on first brew. You can reuse the leaves several times, steeping slightly longer with each batch. It is advisable to allow the leaves to rest for a few minutes after the first two brews so as not to burn or overwork them. Always time the brewing and taste the tea rather than relying on color changes. Some green teas turn dark quickly but are not ready, while some stay light but are ready sooner than you may think. It is now ready to be enjoyed. In addition, Chinese green tea connoisseurs will also use a snifter cup to enhance the tea drinking experience. These cups are much smaller in diameter but longer in length to allow the scent to waft into the nostrils as you sip out of your main cup.", "A tea ball can also be dropped into a teapot for one or two if easier. Just be sure that the tea ball has the capacity for the amount of cups you're planning on brewing. The boiled water should be \"first boil\" (see the boiling instructions under \"Brewing loose green tea in a teapot\" for more details). The water should be allowed to sit for a moment as the ideal temperature for water for green tea is 180 °F (82 °C), 80C. Leave the tea to steep for a few minutes (3 to 5 minutes is usually enough, unless the tea instructions advise otherwise). Enjoy it with some matcha and chocolate swirl cake.", "This isn't as easy as brewing it because there's a lot of choice! You will also need to decide between loose green tea and green tea teabags; while teabags are more convenient and there's nothing wrong with using them for flavor or strength, the loose tea may feel more authentic for a full experience of enjoying your green tea. Here are some green tea types to consider: Gunpowder – the Chinese also call this \"Pearl Tea\". The tea resembles tiny gunpowder pellets. When water is added, the little pellets or pearls unfurl. This one stays freshest longest. Hyson – This has a very pungent taste, and has thick, yellow-green leaves twisted into thin and long shapes. Dragonwell – This variety is very popular in China. It tastes mellow and has a light green flavor. The leaves open to reveal a bud when water is added. Agarwood - mild traditional green tea taste. Make sure you use whole leaf tea vs tea made from the wood which is illegal to purchase. Pi Lo Chun – In Chinese this name translates to \"Green Snail Spring\". A rare tea, the little rolled leaves look like snails. Owing to the fact that the tea bushes are grown amid orchards, this tea tends to have the flavors of plums, peaches, and apricots embedded in the leaves. Matcha – This is powdered green tea leaves. It appears a bright green when water is added. Gu Zhang Mao Jian – This tea only uses the silvery-tipped young leaves picked within a set 10 day period during spring. While darker than other green teas, it has a smooth and sweet taste. Sencha – This is a common Japanese green tea. Jewel green matcha is a good choice for those who find other green tea too \"grass\" tasting. Gen Mai Cha (genmaicha) – This is sencha tea leaves mixed with fire-roasted rice. The taste is savory and earthy. Also Japanese in origin. Gyokuro – This Japanese green tea has leaves that look like pine needles, with a sweet and smooth taste. The tea looks green. Hojicha – A tea with large, unrolled leaves. It tastes nutty. Purchase small amounts only, and keep it in a cool spot. Green tea over six months old is no longer fresh. While this isn't necessary, it's a common practice for tea drinkers who regularly enjoy green tea because it prevents cross flavoring from black or herbal teas. If this doesn't bother you (indeed, you might not even notice the difference), just be sure to wash your regular teapot well. Green tea should only be brewed in ceramic, clay, china, glass, or stainless steel teapots. Do not use plastic or aluminum teapots." ], "summary": [ "Take out the green tea teabag. Boil water and pour water into a mug. Add the green tea bag to the cup of boiling water. Allow the tea bag to steep in the hot water for 3-5 minutes. Remove the teabag. Serve.", "Preheat the teapot or kettle to \"first boil\". Place one rounded teaspoon of loose green tea or one teabag per cup into the teapot. Pour over the boiling water. Pour into a sieve (to catch any loose tea, if you don't want it in your drink) over cups, mugs, or glasses.", "Add the loose green tea to a tea ball (a spoonful is adequate). Drop the tea ball into a cup or mug of freshly boiled hot water. Put a lid or plate over the cup or mug (unless you're already using a tea ball container equipped with a lid, also known as an \"infuser basket\"). Remove the tea ball. Serve.", "Decide which green tea you'd like to drink. Store purchased tea in an airtight, dark container to avoid loss of its qualities; the aromatic oils evaporate if not stored this way. Consider keeping a separate teapot for your green tea." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Building Self-Confidence", "Having a Cool Attitude", "Looking Cool" ], "document": [ "Think about what activities you enjoy, what subjects you do best at in school, and what people have complimented you on. Writing down things that you're good at will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, and make you look that way to the rest of the world, too. If you have trouble thinking of things, ask a friend or family member to help you come up with things that you might not have thought to list. For example, if you always earn As in your math classes, then math is one of your strengths! If you love to do gymnastics, then this is one of your strengths! Add anything you do well or feel like you are good at to the list. Personality traits can also be strengths, so make sure to add these, too. For example, you might include in your list that you are a kind person, that you have a lot of common sense, or that you are a loyal friend. Make sure to list everything, even if you think something might not be cool. It is important to identify everything you are good at. The better you understand yourself, the more confident you'll feel around other people. If you are not in tune with your emotions, work on this skill. If you start to feel uncomfortable and you are not sure why, take a minute to figure out where the feelings are coming from. For example, if you are feeling uncomfortable on the first day of school, take a few deep breaths and consider what's making you nervous. You might feel anxious because you don’t know what to expect from your new teachers. But don't worry! Once you remember that everyone probably feels the same way, you can start to relax again. Strive to love yourself the way that you love your best friend. Show yourself plenty of kindness, compassion, and understanding every day and avoid putting yourself down. If you can work on having a positive view of yourself, you'll be able to confidently show your best side to the world. Start each day by giving yourself a compliment on something you tend to be self-critical about. Try saying something like, “I have beautiful hair and my skin looks amazing!” Or, you could compliment yourself on a personality trait, such as, “I have a great sense of humor!” Make time for yourself to do the things you enjoy. For example, if you like to read, make sure to set aside at least 15 minutes to read each day. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. When you make a mistake, try saying something like, “I forgive myself for that mistake. I am doing the best that I can do, and that is awesome!” Part of being cool is being adventurous and trying new things. Look for new activities that interest you, and push yourself to try them even if you're scared! Some things you might try include: Joining a sports team or a special interest club. You could join your school’s basketball team or look into your school’s audio visual club. Exploring new music. Ask people for recommendations and check out new release playlists on Spotify to discover new music, but make sure to listen to music that you like. Don't just listen to music other people think is cool. Asking someone new to hang out. Invite the girl who sits next to you in math class to go for a walk. Or, ask the guy whose locker is across from yours to sit with you at lunch.", "to people when they are talking. Good listening skills are essential in forming close friendships. It helps people to feel heard and understood when they talk with you, and they'll naturally want to spend time around you if you listen well! It helps to put away your phone when you talk to someone. This will make it much easier to focus on what they are saying. Remember to set aside judgment. Listen to the person without thinking about whether you like or agree with what they are saying. Just focus on understanding them. Avoid interrupting them. Let the person completely finish speaking before you speak. However, you can acknowledge what the speaker is saying with neutral statements, such as, “uh huh,” “yes,” and “I see.” Talking about cool experiences you have had is a great way to communicate with other people. Pay attention to moments in the conversation when it might be appropriate to bring up something cool that happened to you. Then, share your experience! Be careful not to brag when you share. For example, if someone is talking about how their family bought a speedboat, don’t mention that your family has 2 speedboats. Instead, you might say something like, “That’s awesome! I love going out on my family’s boat!” in conversations. Having unique opinions and being able to stand up for yourself will help make your peers respect you. Instead of going along with what other people say, speak your mind. If someone asks you to do something that you are not comfortable doing, say “no,” and if you feel like someone is taking advantage of you, talk to them about it. Practice being assertive by saying “no” to something simple, such as a friend asking to borrow your favorite pair of shoes when you will need them, or your mom trying to get you to have a second helping of pancakes when you have already said you are full. Express your needs, like by saying, “I need my red heels for the party this weekend.” And remind yourself that being assertive is healthy. Keep in mind that some people may express hurt feelings when you tell them “no.” It is still important for you to assert yourself. If someone gets upset with you for asserting yourself, try saying something like, “I am sorry you feel that way. I am only asserting myself and my needs.” Take a deep breath if you find it hard to assert yourself. Imagine that you're standing up for your best friend or a family member instead of yourself to help you feel more confident. Choose people who make you feel happy. Avoid people who criticize you, put you down, or make you feel anxious. Instead, choose to spend your time with people who encourage you, compliment you, and make you feel comfortable; these are the people who will think you're cool. For example, if you have a friend who often criticizes your looks and makes you feel self-conscious, you might want to spend less time with them. Instead, seek out people who compliment you and make you feel good about yourself. People who are truly cool will make the people around them feel good. Offer genuine compliments to your classmates on their accomplishments, appearance, or personality. Offer to help when you see someone in need of assistance, such as if a new student can't find her class. Show kindness by offering to help a fellow classmate who is struggling with a math problem. Volunteer at your local homeless shelter or soup kitchen to practice being kind towards strangers.", ". Part of what makes you cool is looking and feeling like your best self. Every day, make sure to shower or take a bath, wash your hair and face, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant. Looking and smelling clean is an easy way to build your confidence and make you seem cooler to other people. Remember to always put on a set of clean clothes after you shower. Take an extra shower or bath whenever you get sweaty, such as on a hot day or from exercising. and exercise. Taking care of your body with healthy food and regular physical activity is a great way to look cool. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, along with lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. You can do any type of physical activity you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or playing a sport. If you think you need to lose or gain weight to get healthy, talk with your doctor. You should also speak with your doctor if you start to become preoccupied with your weight or diet. This may be a sign of an eating disorder. Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity per week to keep yourself healthy. Look out for new fashion trends or pick your old favorite t-shirt to wear to school. Just be sure that you feel comfortable! Don't be afraid to have your own sense of style. The key to rocking any outfit is confidence. If you want to stay up to date on the latest trends, check out a copy of your favorite fashion magazine or look at an online fashion blog. Always remember to follow your school's dress code. If you wear uniforms to school, try wearing a vintage scrunchie, or put on a cute bracelet to add a personal flair to your look. Makeup is not a requirement to look cool, but there are lots of cool things you can do with makeup if you like wearing it. Watch makeup tutorials on Youtube, and then experiment with different looks to see what you like best. For example, you could try a cat eye look with eyeliner, do a smoky eye look for something dramatic, or opt for a natural makeup look. Keep in mind that whether or not you wear makeup is a personal choice. Don’t feel pressured to wear makeup if you don’t want to! Getting a new haircut and/or coloring your hair can change your whole look! If you have been rocking the same hairstyle for a while and you love your hair the way it is, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you have always wondered what you’d look like with a pixie cut, bangs, or a different hair color, visit a hair stylist and try something new! Keep in mind that you can always go shorter, but you can’t put hair back on after it has been cut. If you want to be cautious, don’t go more than a few inches shorter than your current cut. If you will be dyeing your hair at home, pick to a hair color that is only 1 to 2 shades darker or lighter than your current color. See a hair stylist if you want a more dramatic color change. Standing or sitting in a slumped over position can make you seem like you lack confidence, and it can also have a negative effect on your mood. On the other hand, practicing good posture can help you to look and feel more confident, which is cool! Try to imagine a string going from the top of your head all the way down your spine is pulling you upwards. Any time you feel like you are slumping, imagine the string is taut. This should help you to maintain better posture. and make eye contact. People like to be acknowledged with eye contact and a smile. Acknowledging other people can help them to feel more connected. You may also make some new friends in the process! Try smiling and making eye contact with students you pass in the hallway. If someone smiles and makes eye contact back, say “hello!” or “good morning!” to greet them. This small connection will help to make your day and their day a little brighter." ], "summary": [ "Make a list of all of your strengths to find what you excel at. Get in-tune with your emotions to feel more comfortable. Be kind to yourself if you tend to be self-critical. Push yourself to try new things if you are stuck in a rut.", "Listen carefully Share your experiences when they are relevant to the conversation. Assert yourself Surround yourself with positive people. Be kind without expecting anything in return.", "Take care of your personal hygiene Eat healthy Choose clothing and accessories that make you feel good. Try wearing makeup if it appeals to you. Experiment with your hair. Stand tall and keep your head up. Smile" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Becoming Mindful of the Present", "Dealing with Past Trauma", "Forgetting Past and Future Worries" ], "document": [ "Stop rushing through life and letting your mind get stuck in the past. Instead, take in everything around you, whether it is feats of nature or man-made creations. Make a conscious effort to pay attention to each aspect of your present life. For example, take a walk and look at everything around you. If you are outside, look at the trees, the ground, and all the scenery. Feel the air on your skin. If you are inside, pay attention to the color of the walls, what sounds you hear from others in your area, or how the floor feels under your feet. This will help you stay focused on the present and be mindful of your current surroundings. People often speed through life as they rush from one moment to another. Make yourself slow down and enjoy everything you do, even if it's boring. For example, pay attention to your actions when you get a snack. Grab a handful of grapes and consciously look at them. Notice their shape and size. Eat one and pay attention to the flavors. Enjoy the burst of sweetness on your tongue and the sustenance the fruit is giving you. It's okay not to be thrilled with everything that happens to you every day. If you are doing a project at work that you don't like or have an obligation you don't enjoy, that's okay. Instead of rushing past it, think about what you are doing each day and experience it. One way you can get stuck in the past without knowing it is to get stuck in a routine. Maybe you do the same thing the same way every day or at the same time every week. While routine can be comforting, it can make you feel stuck and forget about the present all together. Instead, change up your routine. Walk a different way to the bus stop or drive a different way to work. Even making subtle changes can help you break out. Change what you eat every day. Incorporate newly learned words into your vocabulary every day. Anything that can make you take notice of what you do on a daily basis will help you live in the now instead of the past or future. If you don't want to or can't change your routine, become more mindful of your actions during your routine. Take note of how the oatmeal you eat every morning tastes or what the trees look like out the window on the way to work. There are points in almost every day where you might have to wait for something. You could be in line at the supermarket or waiting at a red light in your car. During these moments, resist the urge to look at your phone and instead notice things around you. Become mindful of your surroundings instead of wasting time grumbling about how you wish the line was shorter or the light would change. These are great moments to take in simple, small things in your present life. Avoid using your phone to pass the time. Instead, look around you at other people in line or in cars around you. Smile at someone or strike up a conversation with the person behind you in line. Keep trying things until you find the best way for you to stay in the present moment. In order to keep thinking about being present, especially when you first start, you may need a reminder. Tie a string around your wrist, paint one nail a bright pink color, or wear your watch upside down. Let the object serve as a reminder. Every time you see the reminder object, take a few seconds to focus on the sounds, smells, and sights around you. Take stock of how you feel and what you are doing. This will help you stay focused on your current situation and not dwell on the past or future. Instead of mindlessly doing something, take the time to do something well. Let yourself be drawn into a writing assignment for school, a project at work, or your chores around the house. Engross yourself to the point where the thoughts of the past and the future fall away. This is easier if you don't multi-task. Multi-tasking can make you lose track of what you are doing and start thinking about other things, such as finishing the tasks or moving on to a different one. Try doing things slower. This will help you focus your attention on your actions in the present. . One of the best ways to focus on the now is to meditate. The goal of mediation is to push everything else aside, including fears about the past and future, and focus on the exact moment you are meditating. Start by taking deep breaths in and out, focusing on the action. Push everything else out of you head and focus on the sound of your breathing. Eventually, everything else will fade away. Complete mediation takes time and practice. Don't give up if you don't experience that \"zen\" moment immediately, or even after a few months. Keep practicing and you will eventually begin to reap the (major) benefits of meditation.", "Trauma causes psychological and physiological effects similar to anxiety and intense fear in present time – as if the trauma never ended. Bad memories bring up painful emotions such as sadness and guilt, but they do not alter your perceptions the way that acute trauma does. Trauma must be dealt with in its own way and usually requires professional assistance. It can sometimes take years for the symptoms of trauma to surface. You may have nightmares, disturbing thoughts, depression, phobias, anxiety, or flashbacks because of a traumatic event. Healing from past trauma can be a slow process, and it may be difficult to stop thinking about it for a while. Just trust that if you keep working on it, things will get better. Look for a counselor or program that specializes in trauma. You are in charge of your recovery, and how and when it will take place. However you decide to pursue treatment, your program should offer these essential things: Empowerment: Your recovery is an opportunity for you to take back control. While guidance is important, you must be in charge of your healing. If your counselor suggests something that feels wrong or you're just not ready to do, you don't have to do it. Validation: Your experience may have been minimized or dismissed over the years. Your group or counselor can validate what happened to you and how the trauma has shaped your life. Connection: Experiencing trauma can be extremely isolating. Talking with others and sharing your story with people who understand can help you start feeling connected again. Talking about what happened to you is an important part of healing. Choose someone patient, kind, and someone who knows that what happened to you is serious. Someone who responds with things like, \"Just don't think about it anymore,\" \"Forgive and forget,\" or \"That's not so bad,\" is not an appropriate person to talk to. You may need to talk about your trauma over and over – make sure the person you are talking to understands that this is important. Getting it off your chest one time is good, but you will need to keep re-visiting and talking about it. If there's no one in your life you feel close to or trust, reach out to someone in your life that you really like. Ask them to do something fun and, if that feels good, invite them to do something else in the future. Spending time with this person can help you begin to form a close relationship. Be aware that talking about trauma with someone can cause them vicarious trauma, in which they experience symptoms of trauma from listening to your story of trauma. Try not to be offended if your friend can not listen to your story everyday. Family and friends are a great place to start, but if you are needing more support, a trauma counselor is trained to avoid vicarious trauma. It can be hard to think of ways to comfort yourself when you're having a difficult time. Write a list of things that make you feel better and post it in a prominent place so you can reference it easily. Some possibilities include: Do something creative, like painting, drawing, woodworking, needlepoint, or other crafts. Get some exercise. It doesn't have to be intense – you could just go for a walk around the neighborhood. Or try running, swimming, playing a sport, dancing, hiking, or anything else that gets your body moving. Play with children in your family or a pet. This can have a very calming effect, which can make you feel better. Sing quietly or sing at the top of your lungs. Fill your lungs with fresh air and belt out your favorite tunes. Wear something that makes you feel good. Put on your favorite shirt or some jewelry that you enjoy wearing.", "Whatever past event you focus on, you may need to express the feelings you have associated with the event, whether good or bad, before you can move on. There may be experiences in your past that were hurtful, but there also may be good memories as well. Getting out your pent up emotions, whether good or bad, can help you let go of the past and focus on the present. Talk to a friend, family member, or counselor about your feelings. Try writing down your feelings about the past. You can journal or write a letter to someone that hurt you (just don't send it!). Even if you're dwelling on good memories, it can cause you to lose connection with the present. You may find yourself romanticizing the past or longing for things to be the way they were, instead of focusing on how to improve your present life. Focusing on who to blame for past hurts can spoil the present. Instead of dwelling on who has caused you pain, forgive them. Focus on present events and leave behind any blame or hurt you feel. If there is someone in your past that has hurt you, choose to forgive and forget. Festering in the pain doesn't harm the person who hurt you and it will cause you to stay in the past. If you have to, write the person a letter or talk to the person about how her past actions. You don't have to send the letter, but it will help you stop blaming her for the past and help you move toward the present and your happiness. If expressing your feelings about the past has not helped, focus on happy things. You can't change the past or worry about the future, so don't dwell on it. Think about happy things happening right now. If you find this hard, create a touchstone for yourself. For example, create a happy place that you can think that connects with your current life, such as your favorite reading place in your backyard. If you find yourself thinking too much about your past or worrying about the future, imagine the happy times you have there, or even picture yourself in that comforting place. If all attempts haven't worked, try blocking or pushing aside your memories. This can help you get over bad memories with enough time. Plus, pushing the bad memories far enough into the back of your mind will help them bother you less. Envision yourself pushing the worries behind a door and locking it. Giving yourself a mental image will help, especially if the memories or worries are strong. Studies show that suppression is a possible and learnable skill that can help you get away from memories or break from your past. The more you do it, the better at it you will get. Every time the bad memories come up, purposefully move them to the back of your mind. Train yourself to forget about the event and make a conscious effort to move your mind past it. Whenever you're having anxiety about the future, remind yourself you can only change what is in the present and focus on it. Put together a list of things that you can focus on instead that are rooted in the present. Think about the book you are in the middle of, what it must feel like to be in Hawaii this time of year, or any other scenario to keep your mind off the future. Focus on what is possible instead of things you can't change. If you're having a hard time, make yourself physical reminders of the things in the present that you love and can focus on. Keep a copy of the book you're reading with you. Print a picture of the place you most love to spend your time and look at it when you need to ground yourself. It may take some practice to come up with ideas and instances that don't trigger your worries about future events. Just keep at it and you'll get it right eventually. If these methods have not worked for you, you should seek help in order to get over your past, worry less about the future, and focus on the present. Look for a mental health professional in your area. You can ask for referrals from your doctor or ask your family and friends. You can see many different kinds of mental health professionals, such as counselors, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. They are trained in suggesting coping skills to help people become more productive or constructive within their daily lives by focusing on the present. Never be embarrassed to ask for help. Your mental health is very important and you should not feel strange about seeking help. It is very common and these professionals are there to help." ], "summary": [ "Become aware of your surroundings. Slow down. Change your routine. Pay attention to calm moments. Leave yourself a reminder. Focus on the task at hand. Meditate", "Recognize that trauma is different from painful memories. Seek help from a group or mental health professional. Confide in someone you trust. Make a list of ways you can take care of yourself.", "Express your feelings about the past. Forgive and forget. Focus on happy things. Block your memories. Work through your anxiety about the future. Get help." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Part Three: Reflect After the Service", "Part Two: Worship During the Service", "Part One: Prepare Before the Service" ], "document": [ "Prayer is vital throughout all parts of this process. Thank God for the worship session after it passes, even when things did not go the way you would've liked. Ask God for guidance as you reflect on the service and plan for next time. Shortly after the service ends, write a few notes for yourself about what did and did not work. Use these notes to as you plan for future worship sessions. A few things you might need to work on may include diction, volume, and pitch. You may not know how you'll sound in the sanctuary until you actually lead worship there once or twice. Make adjustments to the way you speak as needed to compensate for things like echo and poor acoustics. If others critique you or make suggestions, listen to them humbly and with an open mind. Some of the advice others give may not be practical, but some of it will be. Make sure that you're able to honestly distinguish the difference between helpful criticism and destructive criticism without letting your ego get in the way. Learning from your mistakes and mishaps is great. Dwelling on those problems and allowing them to negatively taint your thinking is not so great. Think about ways to correct mistakes of the past and let go of those errors as soon as you make plans to avoid them. Flaws and mistakes often serve as helpful reminders to keep yourself humble. Those imperfections can also remind the people you're leading that all of us are only human. If you accept your own faults gracefully, you can encourage those watching you to do the same.", "Your body language needs to convey energy and sincerity. Even though worship is not about you, you'll still need to have enough of a stage presence to catch the congregation's attention. If you don't seem excited about worship, those you're leading probably won't get excited, either. Consider asking someone to take a video of you as you lead worship. Watch that video later and review your body language. Note which movements seem awkward or distracting and which are helpful. Make sure that you look the part, too. You need to look clean, and your clothes and accessories should be neat, modest, and understated. Maintain good posture and make eye contact during the service. Smile when appropriate and keep a friendly yet strong presence. Keep an eye on the congregation as you lead them in worship and take cues from them as needed. Be prepared to make small changes as needed during the service to get things in sync with the rest of the church. If people seem bored or confused, they may not know the song or feel comfortable singing it. You can encourage them to sing by making a statement like, \"Let's worship God together,\" but avoid guilt tripping them with statements like, \"I don't hear anyone singing with me.\" It's also possible that a technical error prevented words from displaying correctly on the screen, so glance behind your shoulder to make sure that things are on track. The easiest way to worship like you mean it is to actually mean it. Focus on the words you sing and speak as you lead. If you're only going through the motions without being sincere, people are bound to notice. While you don't need to \"act out\" each song, try to use body language and verbal language that matches the tone of the songs you sing. Smile and move around when you sing joyful songs. Be more subdued during serious or reflective songs. Your movements do not and should not be theatrical, but the right movements can emphasize the importance of what you're saying more effectively. Keep people actively involved during worship. Lengthy instrumental solos and content of that nature are an open invitation for people to let their minds drift. These things may sound pleasing to your own ear, but they if they aren't practical, you should leave them out. You don't need to cut out all the instrumental parts, but ask yourself which are really necessary and which aren't. When an interlude provides a helpful transition, keep it. When the arrangement breaks up the flow of community worship, discard or shorten it. As noted before, the verses you read should be picked out and memorized beforehand. The prayers can be written beforehand, as well, or you can ad lib them if you believe that doing so will make them more sincere. As with the songs and the readings, your prayers also need to connect to the message or lesson being conveyed. When it's time for the pastor to deliver his sermon or for someone else to speak, give that person your undivided attention. You're a leader in the church whether you're “on” or “off,” so your actions will be noticed by the rest of the congregation even when you aren't singing or speaking. While you need to set aside your personal feelings to some extent, you shouldn't push yourself to make a show of worship if doing so doesn't come naturally to you. On days when you feel more subdued, allow your worship to be more subdued. On days you feel energized, let it show. A little bit of honesty can go a long way, but again, make sure that you do not spend time focusing on yourself as you lead others in worship. Instead of saying, \"I'm having a really bad day,\" point out that there are times in life when praise can be difficult, but state that it's important to continue worshiping during those times nonetheless.", "Know what worship is and is not. Worship should be all about praising God, and as a worship leader, your main purpose is to encourage the entire congregation to praise God through song and prayer. Instead of modeling personal worship on stage, focus on leading community worship. Worship is not a time to show off your own talents or worry about making yourself look good. You may not mean to glorify yourself, but pride often finds its way in undetected, so keep a watchful eye out for it. Give thanks to God for the opportunity to lead others in the act of worshiping Him, and ask for the guidance, humility, and courage to make the worship session a good one. A few things worth considering as you pray may include: Understanding of the lyrics you sing and the ability to convey that understanding Love for the people you lead Wisdom in selecting the songs and verses used for worship The ability to act on the truths you sing and speak The humility to lead in a way that glorifies God instead of yourself or the congregation The ability to guide the congregation to an improved relationship with God Find out from the pastor what that week's lesson will be about and try to choose songs around that theme. Doing so will make the entire service more cohesive and meaningful. You'll also need to pick out short scriptural verses that go along with the songs and the overall lesson, as well. The idea is to get others to actively participate in worship by singing along. If the congregation doesn't feel comfortable singing that songs you've chosen, they probably won't sing. People generally don't sing songs that are unfamiliar to them. Stick primarily with songs you know the congregation will know. When you introduce a new song, plan on including it in multiple worship services so that people will have more opportunity to get used to it. Also note that some songs are meant for solo singers while others are more suited to group singing. Obviously, the songs you use for group worship should be songs that groups of people can sing together. You may have a superb vocal range, but know that most people do not share that same skill. The songs you pick need to fall within a shorter, more concentrated range so that more people can sing along. Know how many songs you need to pick out. In many churches, there is already some set order to the service. In others, you may have a little more flexibility. Regardless, you should pick out enough songs to fit the format and select the right songs for the right parts of the service. Know the lyrics to the songs you plan on singing. Memorize any verses you plan on saying. You can have an open Bible or sheet music in front of you during the service, but it's best not to rely on them. As you practice saying these readings, emphasize verbs instead of pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Verbs typically convey the greatest amount action and meaning, so emphasizing them can help draw out the truth of the text. Learning the words you'll be singing and saying beforehand will make you feel much more comfortable during public worship, which will allow you to lead worship in a more natural manner. You might be the only one leading worship at church. Then again, you might have an entire worship team to work with. No matter how many people are involved, it is crucial that you practice the songs you plan on singing a few times before you have to perform them at church. Make sure that everyone on your worship team knows when each song will be sung. Try to keep everyone as informed as possible so that there are no surprises. Listen to the input of others on your worship team. If the general consensus goes against your initial opinion, rethink your ideas and consider altering them as needed. Worship is a spiritual thing, but as a physical being, you also need to keep your physical strength up. Get a full night's sleep the night before. Hydrate yourself and eat enough that morning to give yourself the energy you'll need to make it through the service. If you're the sort of person who easily gets sick on a full stomach, make sure that you only eat enough to wake yourself up and not enough to make yourself feel queasy. Meet up with any other members of the worship team before the service to do one final, quick practice session. As a worship leader, try to show up 15 minutes or so before the rest of the worship team is due to arrive for your final practice. During that time, do sound tests to make sure that the equipment is set up, tune any instruments you'll be using, and flip through your notes to make sure that everything is in order." ], "summary": [ "Pray some more. Take notes. Let go of past mistakes.", "Watch your body language. Watch the congregation. Worship like you mean it. Trim the fat. Pray and recite scripture. Pay attention to other leaders. Be real.", "Know your purpose. Pray. Build your worship around the lesson. Pick songs that others can sing. Consider the format. Memorize. Practice. Energize yourself before the service. Warm up before the service." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Newborns", "Considering Other Attributes", "Looking at Shape and Size", "Checking Color" ], "document": [ "A baby's first bowel movement, called meconium, is usually passed within 24 hours after birth. Meconium is very dark green to black, thick, and sticky. It is made up of shed cells and debris that accumulated in the womb. Your baby should transition to more normal poops within two to four days. While a new baby's digestive system is maturing, they will produce stool that is very different from what is considered healthy in older children and adults. Because of their liquid diet, healthy infant bowel movements are not solid and should be the consistency of peanut butter or pudding. It is normal for formula-fed babies to produce thicker, bulkier poop than breastfed infants. Diarrhea in infants is extremely watery and may leak past the diaper and onto your baby's back. Call your doctor if your baby has diarrhea and is under 3 months old, has had diarrhea for more than a day, or is exhibiting other symptoms like fever. Solid bowel movements are a sign of constipation. A sporadic pebbly diaper is no cause for alarm, but consult a doctor if it happens frequently. Severe constipation may be paired with diarrhea if the watery stool leaks past the hard blockage. Baby stools are generally lighter and can range from yellow to green to light brown. Do not be alarmed by color changes. As your baby's digestive system matures, changes to enzyme production and transit time will produce variety. Dark brown is a sign of constipation. Black stools after meconium is cleared can mean bleeding. Small flecks of black similar to poppy seeds are most likely caused by swallowed blood from an irritated nipple. Do not be alarmed if your baby is taking an iron supplement, as this also produces black stools. Very pale yellow or chalky gray can be a sign of liver problems or infection. A healthy newborn baby will have anywhere from 1 to 8 bowel movements each day, with an average of 4. Like adults, each baby will have their own \"normal\" rhythm. However, talk to your doctor if your formula-fed baby has less than one bowel movement per day, or your breastfed baby has less than one every 10 days. Your baby's stools should smell less pungent, almost sweet. It is normal for formula-fed babies to have bowel movements that smell stronger than those of breastfed infants. Bowel movements should begin to smell more like an adult's once your baby transitions to solid food.", "A healthy digestive system will result in \"regular\" bowel movements. However, \"regular\" is a relative term. Figure out your normal bowel movement frequency so you can be aware of changes that may be early warning signs of health problems. Generally, a healthy frequency for bowel movements ranges from once every three days up to three times daily. Diarrhea is defined as more than three trips to the toilet in one day. Constipation, conversely, occurs when bowel movements are spaced more than three days apart. Healthy feces should slowly drift to the bottom of the toilet. If your bowel movement readily floats, your diet is likely to just be very high in fiber. Pancreatitis causes impaired lipid absorption, leading to fatty floating stools. These bowel movements are extremely oily, releasing immiscible droplets into the toilet bowl. No poop is going to smell pleasant. In fact, a pungent smell can be indicative of healthy gut flora. However, certain health problems can cause feces that smell significantly stronger than usual. These include bloody stool, infectious diarrhea, and nutrient malabsorption syndromes.", "The optimal length of a bowel movement should be about 12 inches in length. Stool that is significantly shorter, such as round pellets, indicates constipation. Increase your dietary fiber intake and stay hydrated. If your stool starts to become consistently narrow, talk to your doctor. Thinning bowel movements and obstruction in your large intestine. Your bowel may be blocked by a foreign object like another bum cheek or a tumor. Your bowel movement should be smooth, solid, and a little fluffy. Bowel movements that break apart easily or are mostly liquid indicate diarrhea.<Dale Prokupek, MD. Gastroenterologist. Personal interview. 16 April 2020.</ref> This may be caused by a wide range of health problems including infectious disease, inflammation, nutrient malabsorption, or even psychological stress. Bowel movements that are lumpy, hard, and difficult to pass indicate constipation.", "The ideal color is medium brown, but some variation can be found among healthy people. Green or yellow stool is usually caused by your bowels moving too fast, as with mild diarrhea. Bile, the main pigment in poop, starts out green and turns brown over time. Pale gray or yellow feces may indicate liver disease. Take note of any stool that is red or pitch black in color.<Dale Prokupek, MD. Gastroenterologist. Personal interview. 16 April 2020.</ref> Bright red indicates bleeding late in the digestive tract, likely the large intestine or anus. This type of bleeding typically indicates non-serious health issues, such as minor inflammation or hemorrhoids. It can also rarely be a sign of cancer. Talk to your doctor if it happens multiple times or if your bowel movements become painful. Bleeding higher up in the digestive system, such as from the stomach or small intestine, produces feces that are extremely dark red or black in color. It will also have a sticky, tar-like consistency. If you pass this type of stool, talk to your doctor. It could be a sign of a variety of serious problems ranging from peptic ulcers to bowel cancer. Eating beets can also stain your poop red. However, beet red is fairly easy to distinguish from blood red. If the red has a magenta or fuchsia tinge, it is almost certainly from beets or food coloring, not blood. Almost all transient causes of changes to stool color can be traced back to food coloring. Even if you don't remember eating a food with a particular color, dyes may be hidden or masked by other colors more easily broken down. Food coloring may also interact with other pigments in the digestive tract to produce unexpected results." ], "summary": [ "Avoid being alarmed by meconium. Check the consistency. Notice the color. Be aware of frequency. Notice the smell.", "Track your bowel movement frequency. Determine stool buoyancy. Take note of particularly foul-smelling bowel movements.", "Estimate the length of your stool. Consider the width of your stool. Note the consistency of your stool.", "Figure out your stool's baseline color. Look for signs of blood. Try not to be alarmed by other odd colors unless they persist." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Harvesting Burls Properly", "Shopping for Burl Wood", "Locating Burls in the Forest" ], "document": [ "The safest place to remove burls is from your own trees on your own property. It may be illegal to harvest burls from public lands, even from dead or fallen trees, and it definitely is illegal to take any part of a tree from someone else’s property without permission. Contact your area’s forestry service, department of natural resources, or similar government agency for details on harvesting burls on public lands. Burls protect damaged areas of trees, so chopping them off causes additional damage and exposes the tree to disease infiltration. Also, a burl’s most beautiful (and valuable) wood grain is usually found deep within the tree’s trunk, so you’ll be leaving behind the burl’s best part if you simply slice it off the trunk. Harvest burls from fallen trees, or standing trees that need to be removed anyway. Burl wounds will usually heal, so you might possibly consider cutting “burl boards” (several thick slices of a larger burl to use in woodworking) from a healthy tree. But it’s still best to avoid cutting burls from healthy trees. Instead of just cutting the bulbous, visible burl off and leaving the “good stuff” behind in the trunk, cut at least 5 inches (13 cm) of trunk section both above and below the burl. If the burl and trunk section is too large or heavy to transport, cut the trunk section in half vertically after removing the whole section. For whole burls, it's best to leave them attached to the trunk section to dry. Dry them outdoors, off the ground and sheltered from rain and direct sunlight. Large burls can take 6 months or more to dry sufficiently for woodworking. If you've cut \"burl boards\" or just a section of a burl, coat the cut ends with a woodworking end grain sealer and allow the pieces to dry for 12 weeks or more.", "You can simply place an “I want your burls” ad in your local paper or on Craigslist, but it’s better to go into more descriptive detail. Describe any particular sizes or species you’re looking for, and clarify that you want only legally harvested burls. Targeting your ad toward people clearing trees from their own land — to build a new home or an addition, for example — is a good way to ensure that you’re getting legally-harvested burls. Your local tree services may simply be chucking the valuable burls into the wood chipper along with the rest of the tree parts they cut down each day. Contact some local tree companies and see if you can make a deal in which they salvage the burls (with the adjacent trunk section) for you. Unless you’re very lucky, they’ll probably expect you to buy the burls from them as part of the deal. You can find websites dedicated to selling burls, or check sites like Craigslist for private sellers. In either case, prioritize ads that provide as much detail as possible about the burl for sale. Make sure you have access to numerous, detailed pictures before making a purchase. Burl prices can vary widely, but expect to pay anywhere from $25 to over $200 USD for smaller to average-sized burls. Burl poaching is an unfortunate reality, in that it damages healthy trees and often involves illegally entering and taking from someone else’s property. Ask if the seller can provide some sort of legitimate certificate of authenticity before you buy a burl. In the U.S. you can trust that wood products (including burls) certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) have been harvested properly. Burls for sale that don’t have any attached trunk are more likely to have been poached, since they can be quickly sliced off of a live tree. If you’re picking up burls from a local seller or have harvested them (with permission) from someone’s property, don’t just throw them into the back of your truck. Especially in areas where burl poaching is illegal yet rampant (such as the U.S. Pacific Northwest), you might be pulled over and questioned by the police. Get a note from the seller/property owner with their name, address, and phone/email, the current date, and a quick description of the transaction.", "Fungal diseases are a major cause of tree burls, and tree fungi thrive in dark, damp conditions. So, especially if you’re hoping to find lots of burls in a single location, check first under heavily canopied areas near a water source. It’s possible to find burls anywhere there are trees, however, since they can also be caused by things like broken limbs. Burls are essentially the “scabs” or “scars” of a tree. In some tree species, like redwoods, burls tend to appear near the base of the trunk. These burls are actually part of the redwood’s reproductive process. With any tree species, also check areas of obvious damage, such as a broken-off limb. Harvesting burls from live redwoods is illegal in many areas, as it can cause lasting damage to the tree. In general, it’s best never to harvest burls from any healthy tree. Instead, just look at the burls and appreciate their beauty! Most burls look like bark-covered balls that are partially embedded into the trunk. Some are the size of tennis balls or even smaller, while rare finds can be larger than a beach ball. If you see this kind of spherical protrusion, you've found yourself a burl! Less commonly, a single burl can protrude around the entire circumference of the trunk, looking a bit like a bark-covered ring on a bark-covered finger. These are often real prizes for woodworkers, since they have unique graining and coloring that can span the entire trunk section. If, for instance, you find a maple or walnut tree with one or more burls on it, look around for more nearby trees of the same species. It’s possible that a fungus or other disease that’s causing a burl on one tree may be doing the same to others in the area. Any species of tree can develop burls. Generally speaking, though, larger trees are capable of producing larger burls." ], "summary": [ "Make sure you have explicit permission to harvest burls. Don’t cut burls from healthy trees. Harvest the adjoining trunk along with the burl. Let burls dry thoroughly before working with them.", "Create a classified ad targeted at people clearing their land. Make arrangements with local tree trimming companies. Search online for detailed ads with lots of pictures. Request proof that the burl was harvested legally. Get written documentation before transporting burls yourself.", "Look around damp areas in dense forests. Scan the base of the trunk and any damaged areas. Identify burls as rounded protrusions from, or rings around, the trunk. Check nearby trees of the same species for more burls." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Gmail on Desktop", "Using Outlook on Desktop", "Using iCloud Mail on Desktop", "Using Windows 10 Mail", "Using Outlook on Mobile", "Using Gmail on Mobile", "Using iCloud Mail on Mobile", "Using Yahoo on Desktop", "Using Yahoo on Mobile", "Using Mac Mail" ], "document": [ "Go to https://www.gmail.com/ in your browser. This will open your inbox if you're logged into your Gmail account. If you aren't logged into Gmail, enter your email address and password when prompted to log in. It's a grey button in the upper-left side of the inbox. A new email window will appear. If you want to forward an email with BCC, you'll instead click the email that you want to forward, click {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/8\\/82\\/Android7dropdown.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/8\\/82\\/Android7dropdown.png\\/30px-Android7dropdown.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} in the upper-right corner of the email, and click Forward in the drop-down menu. In the \"To\" text field, type in the email address of a person to whom you want to send the email. This is not the person that you're BCC-ing. You can add multiple people to the \"To\" field by pressing Tab ↹ after entering an address. It's in the far-right corner of the \"To\" text field, which is at the top of the email's compose window. In the \"Bcc\" field that appears, type in the address of the person to whom you want to send the email without showing their email address. You can add multiple addresses to the \"Bcc\" field as well. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's a blue button near the bottom of the page. This will send your email to everyone in the \"To\" and \"Bcc\" fields, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" section will be displayed in the sent email.", "Go to https://www.outlook.com/ in your browser. This will open your Outlook inbox if you're logged in. If you aren't logged in, click Sign in, then enter your email address and password. It's in the upper-left side of the page. Doing so opens a new email window. If you're using the Outlook beta, you'll click + New message here instead. If you want to forward a message instead, click the email that you want to forward, click {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/1\\/1e\\/Android7expandmore.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/1\\/1e\\/Android7expandmore.png\\/30px-Android7expandmore.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}, and click Forward. On the beta, click the email and then click → in the upper-right side of the email. In the \"To\" text field, type in the email address of a person to whom you want to send the email. This is not the person that you're BCC-ing. You can add multiple people to the \"To\" field by pressing Tab ↹ after entering an address. It's in the far-right corner of the \"To\" text field. Type the email address of the person whom you want to BCC into the \"Bcc\" text field. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's a button at the bottom of the email window. This will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Go to https://www.icloud.com/#mail in your browser. This will open your iCloud Mail inbox if you're logged into iCloud. If you aren't logged into iCloud, enter your Apple ID email address and password, then click →. This pen-and-pad icon is in the upper-right side of the page. A new email window will open. If you want to forward an email instead, click the email that you want to forward, click the backward-facing arrow at the top of the email, and click Forward in the drop-down menu. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. You can add multiple email addresses by pressing the Tab ↹ key after each one. It's below the \"To\" field. Doing so will prompt a \"Cc\" field and a \"Bcc\" field to appear. This option is below the \"Cc\" text field. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's in the top-right corner of the email window. Doing so will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Doing so searches your computer for the Mail app. It's a white envelope-shaped icon at the top of the Start window. In the upper-left side of the window, click the email account from which you want to send the mail. It's in the top-left corner of the Mail window. A new mail template will open. If you want to forward an email instead, click the email that you want to forward, then click Forward at the top of the email. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. You can add multiple email addresses by pressing the Tab ↹ key after each one. It's on the right side of the \"To\" text field. This will prompt a \"Cc\" field and a \"Bcc\" field to appear below the \"To\" field. This will place your cursor in the \"Bcc\" field. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. You'll find this in the top-right corner of the window. Doing so will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Tap the Outlook app icon, which resembles a white envelope with a blue \"O\" on it. This will open your Outlook inbox if you're logged into Outlook. If you aren't logged in, enter your email address and password when prompted. It's a pen-and-pad icon in the top-right corner of the screen. A new email form will appear. If you'd prefer to forward an email instead, tap the email that you want to forward, tap the backward-facing arrow in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and tap Forward in the menu. In the \"To\" text field, type in the email address of a person to whom you want to send the email. This is not the person that you're BCC-ing. Doing so will cause it to expand into two distinct \"Cc\" and \"Bcc\" fields. It's above the \"Subject\" text field. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's the paper plane-shaped icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Doing so will send the email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Tap the Gmail app icon, which resembles a red \"M\" on a white envelope. This will open your inbox if you're logged in. If you aren't logged in, enter your email address and password when prompted, or select an account. It's a red-and-white pencil-shaped icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A new email window will appear. If you want to forward an email instead, tap the email that you want to forward, tap ⋯ in the top-right corner of the email (not the screen), and tap Forward in the menu. Tap the \"To\" text field, then type in the email address of a person to whom you want to send the email. This is not the person that you're BCC-ing. It's the v-shaped icon in the far-right corner of the \"To\" text field. A drop-down menu with two text fields—\"Cc\" and \"Bcc\"—will appear. You'll find this below the \"Cc\" text field. Type the email address of the person whom you want to BCC into the \"Bcc\" text field. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's the paper plane-shaped icon in the top-right corner of the screen. This will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Tap the Mail app icon, which resembles a white letter on a light-blue background. This should open the \"Mailboxes\" page. You may first have to tap Mailboxes in the top-left corner of the screen to return to the \"Mailboxes\" page. If Mail opens to an email, you'll tap the \"Back\" button in the top-left corner twice. It's in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A new email window will open. If you want to forward an email instead, tap Inbox below your preferred email service, find the email and tap it, tap the backward-facing arrow at the bottom of the screen, and tap Forward in the menu. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. It's below the \"To\" field. This will allow you to enter an email address here. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. This will send your email to all addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Go to https://mail.yahoo.com/ in your browser. This will open your Yahoo inbox if you're logged into your Yahoo account. If you aren't logged in, enter your Yahoo email address and password when prompted to log in. It's in the upper-left side of the page. A new email window will open. If you want to forward an email instead, click the email that you want to forward, then click → at the top of the email. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. You can add multiple email addresses by pressing the Tab ↹ key after each one. It's on the far-right side of the \"To\" text field. You'll find this below the \"CC\" text field. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's at the bottom of the page. Doing so will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Tap the Yahoo app icon, which resembles a white envelope on a purple background. If you aren't logged into Yahoo, enter your email address and password when prompted. You may have to select an account as well. It resembles a white crayon on a purple background in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A new email window will open. If you'd prefer to forward an email, tap the email that you want to forward, then tap the backward-facing arrow at the bottom of the screen and tap Forward. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen. A drop-down field will appear. It's below the \"Cc\" field, which is below To. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Doing so will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible.", "Click the magnifying glass-shaped icon in the top-right corner of the screen. This will search your Mac for the Mail app. It's a stamp-shaped icon near the top of the Spotlight search. Doing so opens your mailbox. This pen-and-pad icon is in the upper-left corner of the Mail window. A new mail window will open. If you want to forward an email instead, click the email that you want to forward, then click → at the top of the email. In the \"To\" field, type in a person's email address. This is the main person to whom you'll send the email; their email address will not be BCC'd. You can add multiple email addresses by pressing the Tab ↹ key after each one. It's in the upper-left side of the Mail window. A drop-down menu will appear. You'll find this in the drop-down menu. A \"Bcc\" text field will appear near the top of the window. Type in the email address of the person to whom you want to send the email via BCC. In the main section of the email window, enter your email's information. It's a paper plane-shaped outline in the upper-left corner of the window. Doing so will send your email to all email addresses listed, though only the email addresses in the \"To\" field will be visible." ], "summary": [ "Open Gmail. Click COMPOSE. Enter a recipient's email address. Click Bcc. Enter a person's email address. Write your email. Click Send.", "Open Outlook. Click + New. Enter a recipient's email address. Click Bcc. Enter a BCC address. Write your email. Click Send.", "Open iCloud Mail. Click Compose . Enter a recipient's email address. Click Cc/Bcc. Click the \"Bcc\" text field. Add an email address. Write your email. Click Send.", "Open Start . Type in mail. Click Mail. Select an email account. Click + New mail. Enter a recipient's email address. Click Cc & Bcc. Click the \"Bcc\" text field. Add an email address. Write your email. Click Send.", "Open Outlook. Tap Compose . Enter a recipient's email address. Tap the \"Cc/Bcc\" text field. Tap the \"Bcc\" text field. Add an email address. Write your email. Tap Send .", "Open Gmail. Tap Compose . Enter a recipient's email address. Tap . Tap the \"Bcc\" text field. Enter a BCC address. Write your email. Tap Send .", "Open Mail. Tap Compose . Enter a recipient's email address. Tap Cc/Bcc. Tap the \"Bcc\" text field. Add an email address. Write your email. Tap Send.", "Open Yahoo. Click Compose. Enter a recipient's email address. Click CC/BCC. Click the \"BCC\" field. Add an email address. Write your email. Click Send.", "Open Yahoo. Tap the \"Compose\" button. Enter a recipient's email address. Tap To ▼. Tap the \"Bcc\" field. Add an email address. Write your email. Tap Send.", "Open Spotlight . Type in mail. Click Mail. Click Compose. Enter a recipient's email address. Click ☰. Click Bcc Address Field. Add an email address. Write your email. Click Send." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Mastering the Facial Expression", "Enhancing Your Evil Look" ], "document": [ "By definition, a glare involves direct and continuous eye contact. No evil glare would be complete without it. People usually begin to feel uneasy when they notice that someone has been staring at them for at least ten seconds. Pull your eyebrows down and together slightly as you glare. The more exaggerated this is, the angrier you will look. You may find that your eyes naturally squint when your pull your eyebrows down. If you don't think your squint is visible enough, do it consciously, as a squint has long been associated with the \"evil eye.\" Squinting too much will make you look like you're trying to read a sign from far away, so keep it subtle. This is a subtle gesture that others will interpret as a sign of aggression and anger. This will look strange if it is overdone. You shouldn't be craning your neck or looking up at the ceiling. The snarl is a very clear nonverbal sign of anger. In order to achieve this look, pull your lips together to make them look thinner, and pull both your mouth and your cheekbones up slightly. Be sure to pull your entire mouth up. Pulling just the corners up will read as a smile, which is not desirable in this case, unless you want the person you are glaring at to know that you are just being playful. People often flare their nostrils when they are angry. If you are able to do this consciously, it will definitely enhance the evil look of your glare. Depending on the exact kind of evil you're going for, you may want to experiment with using all of these facial expressions or just a few. Research has found that when a face displays just one of the characteristics of an \"angry face,\" it is interpreted as strong and assertive, but not angry. If you want to look extremely angry, try making all of these adjustments to your facial expression at once. If you want to look assertive and maybe even menacing, but not necessarily angry, try incorporating just one or two of the adjustments into your facial expression. Practice your expression in front of a mirror to determine which level of anger is appropriate for your needs.", "Research has found that red clothing makes people look more aggressive and angry. Use this to your advantage by incorporating a few red details into your outfit for a subtle assertiveness, or by wearing an entirely red outfit if you want to look super angry and evil. To get an evil look, take a cue from some of your favorite television and movie villains. It's easy to get a beautiful yet menacing look with some simple makeup tricks. Use heavy eye makeup. A black and gold smokey eye with cat eye liner is perfect. To get this look, apply gold shadow to your lids and black shadow to your creases, blending the two together. Then line your upper lid with black liquid eye liner. Use gold eyeliner above your black eyeliner, around the inner corner of your eye, and under your lower lash line. Make sure all of your eye shadow and liner extends beyond the external corner of your eyelid into a wing for the perfect cat eyed look. A matte red lip is the perfect complement to your evil smokey eye. Contoured cheeks will finish off your look. Apply blush to your cheekbones and a darker contouring color under your cheekbones. The shape of your eyebrows can dramatically change your facial expression, and it's actually very easy to tweak their shape. If you want a slightly angrier, more aggressive look, try using an eyebrow pencil to exaggerate your arches. You should aim for a subtle point at the highest part of your brow. Be careful not to overdo your arch to the point that your eyebrows look fake. People interpret good posture as a sign of confidence. You definitely want to appear confident while executing your evil glare, so be sure to stand (or sit) with your shoulders back and your head held high. Think about how much impact your evil glare will lose if you don't look confident while doing it! Your facial expressions will all be for naught if you don't have the confident body language to back them up." ], "summary": [ "Maintain eye contact. Engage your eyebrows. Squint slightly. Push your chin up and out. Engage your mouth. Flare your nostrils. Experiment with combining these facial expressions.", "Wear red. Use makeup. Accentuate your brows. Don't forget about posture." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing No-See-Um Bites", "Treating Your Bites at Home", "Seeking Medical Treatment" ], "document": [ "These products can protect you when you go outside. You can spray on the insecticide or use products that make the area around them undesirable to the insects, such as candles. The best product for combating no-see-ums is DEET, but other products, such as citronella, can help. Make sure that you follow all of the instructions when using these products. Insecticides can be dangerous when used incorrectly. Use insecticides only when you are going outside. Reapply them as directed on the product label. Keep the insects off your skin so that they can’t bite you. Cover your exposed skin with long sleeves, pants, socks, shoes, and a hat. You may even want to wear a hat with a fine mesh netting attached so that the bugs can't bite your face! Lighter-colored clothing will deter bugs better than darker clothes. These pesky insects will come into your home and bite you. No-see-ums are small enough to fly through a window screen, so the window must be fully closed to keep them out. Their most active time is the morning and evening, so it’s especially important to keep windows and doors shut during this time. Install mesh door and window screens to help keep the bugs out. Turning on a fan makes it harder for the insects to fly in the area. Any kind of fan will help, but an oscillating fan will protect the largest area. Use your fan safely! Don’t place it near a pool or other body of water, as it could fall in and create a shock hazard. Make sure that all extension cords are plugged in safely and do not pose trip hazards. No-see-ums lay their eggs in moist soil, which you’ll often find around ponds, rivers, and other waterways. Their most active season is mid- to late- summer, so you’ll encounter more of them around this time. When camping during summer, choose a site that isn’t near a waterway. Since coastal areas can be a prime habitat, consult local maps before visiting or purchasing property in coastal areas.", "You should always do this after suffering an insect bite. The soap cleanses the area and reduces the risk of infection. It will also wash away any saliva that the insect left on your skin. Wrap the ice pack or compress in a piece of fabric and then hold it against your skin for up to 15 minutes at a time. You can use ice or a compress a few times a day for the first 2 days after you receive the bite. You can find 1 percent hydrocortisone cream over-the-counter. When applied to the bite, it’ll relieve itching. Follow the directions on the packaging to make sure you use it safely. Talk to your doctor before using the product on children under 12 or if you are pregnant or nursing. Only apply the cream to the welt itself, not the skin around it. Do not use hydrocortisone cream for longer than 7 days unless your doctor tells you to. As an alternative to hydrocortisone cream, you could dab calamine lotion on the bite. Shake the lotion, then apply a dollop to a cotton pad. Dab the cotton pad over the welt. Be sure to follow all instructions on the bottle. Talk to a doctor before using calamine lotion on children under the age of 12 or if you are pregnant or nursing. You can use calamine lotion as much as needed for up to 7 days. If your symptoms haven't improved by then, check with your doctor. Aloe vera is a natural treatment that can help with the pain and itching caused by insect bites. Simply dab a small quantity of the gel onto the welt. You can purchase aloe vera at most drug stores or online. Make sure that it does not have any other ingredients. For example, don’t use a body lotion that contains aloe vera, as this will probably not help your bite. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is a great option, but you could also try a non-drowsy alternative. The antihistamine will reduce your body’s reaction to the bite, which relieves some of the itch. However, it may also cause drowsiness. Talk to your doctor before taking an antihistamine. Always follow the dosage instructions on the packaging. Keep in mind that some antihistamines can make you drowsy, so don't drive or engage in activities that require your full attention. If you need to take diphenhydramine longer than 7 days, then you should talk to your doctor. You should only take it until your symptoms have passed. You can take ibuprofen, Aspirin, or Motrin to relieve some of the pain and swelling caused by your bite. However, take them sparingly, and don’t mix them with other medications. Follow the dosage instructions on the packaging. Talk to your doctor to make sure that NSAIDs are safe for you. It’s common for these bites to break open and start bleeding. Not only is this unpleasant and painful, but it also increases your risk of infection. On top of that, it doesn’t even relieve the itch! Scratching the bite can also make it take longer to heal. Although it takes a while for the bite to heal, you should notice it getting better every day. If it isn’t, then you should visit your doctor. If your bite worsens, make an appointment with your doctor immediately to make sure that you don’t have an infection and are not experiencing an allergic reaction. Symptoms to watch for include growth in size, increasing redness, presence of pus, pain, and swelling. You may also have a fever and flu-like symptoms, which are a sign of infection.", "if you have an allergic reaction. Although it’s uncommon, some people experience an allergic reaction after getting a no-see-um bite. This is an emergency situation that requires immediate care. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include the following: Difficulty breathing Swelling of the tongue Hoarse voice Loss of consciousness Extreme itching Hives Tingling or itching in your mouth Unfortunately, the bite could become infected. This can result from a germ that was present on the fly’s stinger. Alternatively, scratching can lead to infection if the skin breaks. Symptoms to watch for include the following: Fever Swollen glands Flu-like symptoms Pus Pain Swelling Redness The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to treat an infection. It's important that you take all of the medicine. Otherwise, your symptoms may return. In rare cases, the doctor may administer steroid treatments to relieve extreme itching and inflammation. This may be an option if nothing else relieves your symptoms. Steroids may be administered via injection or IV. The doctor may also prescribe a stronger hydrocortisone cream." ], "summary": [ "Use an insecticide like DEET to kill the flies. Wear protective clothing. Keep your windows and doors closed in mid- to late-summer. Discourage the insects with a fan. Avoid moist soil, such as around waterways, during peak season.", "Wash your bite with soap and warm water. Use ice or a cool compress to relieve pain and swelling. Apply hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itching. Use calamine lotion as another option for itch relief. Use aloe vera to relieve pain and itching. Take an antihistamine to reduce itching. Use NSAIDs to reduce pain and inflammation. Don’t scratch your bite. Expect the bite to take about 2 weeks to heal.", "Get emergency treatment Watch for signs of a possible infection. Take all of the antibiotics provided by your doctor, if applicable. Ask your doctor about prescription steroid symptoms for severe itching." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Allowing all Pop-ups", "Allowing Pop-ups from a Specific Site" ], "document": [ " It's near the bottom of the \"Privacy and security\" section. The Blocked label will change to Allowed. You will now see pop-up windows whenever you encounter them in Chrome. You can block pop-ups from individual sites by clicking Add under the \"Blocked\" section of the menu and entering the URL of the site from which you wish to block the content.", " It's near the bottom of the \"Privacy and security\" section. The Allowed label will change to Blocked. Type the address of the site from which you'd like to allow pop-ups. You will now see pop-up windows from this site when you encounter them in Chrome." ], "summary": [ "Open Google Chrome. Click ⋮ in the upper-right corner of the window. Click Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced. Scroll down and click Content settings. Scroll down and click Popups. Slide the Blocked slider to the \"On\" position .", "Open Google Chrome. Click ⋮ in the upper-right corner of the window. Click Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced. Scroll down and click Content settings. Scroll down and click Popups. Slide the Allowed slider to the \"Off\" position . Click ADD to the right of \"Allow.\" Enter a URL. Click ADD." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating an Outline", "Brainstorming Your Topic", "Writing an Introduction" ], "document": [ ". The thesis of your compare and contrast essay will help you create a focused argument and act as a road map for you, and for your reader. Go for specific and detailed, over vague and general. Your thesis should note the key similarities and differences of both subjects. For example: “Dogs and cats are both seen as ideal, domesticated pets, but their temperaments and breeding set them apart.” Your thesis should also be able to answer the question, “So what? Why should anyone care about the positives and the negatives of owning a cat or a dog?” A reader may also wonder why you chose to look at cats and dogs, and not other domesticated pets like birds, reptiles, or rabbits. Your thesis statement is much stronger if you address these questions, and a stronger thesis can lead to a stronger essay. The revised thesis may look like: “Dogs and cats are both considered ideal, domesticated pets, and prove more popular than other domesticated animals like birds or rabbits, but the low maintenance and particular temperament of cats makes them better pets for a variety of households.” A more concise thesis, which allows for a more open discussion of both options, may look like: “Both cats and dogs make excellent domesticated pets, but an appropriate choice depends on the pet owner's lifestyle, finances, and living accommodations.” In the block method, each paragraph in the essay addresses one topic only from the pair of topics and looks at the shared traits or aspects you came up with during your brainstorm. The organization for this method is as follows: Introduction: Introduce the general topic, then introduce the two specific topics. End with your thesis, which addresses what is going to be covered in the essay. Body paragraph 1: Begins with the topic sentence for topic 1. For example: “Cats are easier to maintain and less expensive to care for than dogs.” Leads into Aspect 1: Lifestyle, with at least two details. For example, how cats do not have to watched during the day, and are easier to get care if the owner travels or is often not home. Leads into Aspect 2: Cost, with at least two details. For example, how food and healthcare are less expensive for cats and how cats are less likely to cause property damage to the owner's home. Leads into Aspect 3: Living accommodations, with at least two details. For example, how cats do not take up a lot of space and they are less intrusive as they do not require daily walks or constant play. End the paragraph with a transition sentence. Body paragraph 2 will follow the same structure, with three Aspects and two supporting details for each aspect. Body paragraph 3 can follow the same structure as Body paragraph 2 and 3. Or it can be a paragraph that develops the comparison made in the previous two paragraphs. You can use scientific data, crowd sourced feedback, or a personal experience. For example, you may have been in a position where you had to compare and contrast adopting a dog or a cat and made your decision based on your lifestyle, finances, and living situation. This could serve as a personal experience to back up your previous arguments. Conclusion: Contains a summary of your main points, a restating of your thesis, an evaluation of your analysis and any future developments that may sway your compare and contrast to one topic over the other. In the point by point method, each paragraph contains the arguments for only one aspect of both topics. The organization for this method is as follows: Introduction: Introduce the general topic, then introduce the two specific topics. End with your thesis, which addresses what is going to covered in the essay. Body paragraph 1: Begins with topic sentence for Aspect 1. For example: “Cats are easier on the pet owner's lifestyle and finances.” Leads into Topic 1, Aspect 1: Cats, with two details supporting cats in the argument. For example, how cats do not have to watched during the day, and are easier to get care if the owner travels or is often not home. Leads into Topic 2, Aspect 1: Dogs, with two details contrasting dogs to the previous argument. For example, how dogs are pack animals and shouldn't be left alone for long periods of time, and how it can be difficult to find care for a dog when the owner is away. Ends with a transition sentence. Body paragraph 2 will follow the same structure, with a discussion of Topic 1 and Topic 2 in relation to Aspect 2, for example: “Cats are less expensive to own and care for.” There should be two supporting details for each topic. Body paragraph 3 will follow the same structure, with a discussion of Topic 1 and Topic 2 in relation to Aspect 3, for example: “Cats need less special house accommodations than dogs.” There should be two supporting details for each topic. Conclusion: Contains a summary of your main points, a restating of your thesis, an evaluation of your analysis and any future developments that may sway your compare and contrast to one topic over the other.", "Most compare and contrast essays bring one or both subjects into sharper focus, lead to a new way of viewing something, or show that one subject is better than the other. To compare and contrast effectively, your essay should make new connections or distinctions between two subjects. If your instructor has already given you your topic, you may be contrasting two things that could go into the same category, but are different from each other. For example, cats and dogs are both animals, but they are different from each other in many ways. The pro-life view on abortion, and the pro-choice view on abortion could both fit under the category of a human rights issue, but they are two very distinct views or positions. Take out a piece of paper or start a new document on a word processor. Create two columns for each subject for the similarities and and two columns for each subject for the differences between each subject. For example: Two separate lists for the similarities between cats and dogs, and the differences between cats and dogs. Try to write as many similarities and differences you can think of. For example: cats and dogs are both domesticated animals. But cats have different temperaments than dogs, and cats are known to be indoor pets, while dogs tend to need to be walked and played with outside on a constant basis. Think about at least one or two meaningful differences and similarities between the two subjects. For example, a compare and contrast between abortion rights could lead to meaningful notes like: The pro-life stance views fetuses are full formed humans and are often based in religious beliefs, while the pro-choice stance views fetuses as undeveloped eggs and are often based in scientific beliefs. To focus your list, choose categories (or possible supporting points for your paper) to classify the similarities and differences between the two subjects. For example, for the abortion rights topic, you may choose categories like: legal details, women's rights, scientific stance, and religious beliefs. You can then separate each item on the list into these categories. Take out a piece of paper and draw two large overlapping circles, one for each subject or item. In the center area where the two circles overlap, list the traits the two items have in common. Assign each of the areas that do not overlap. In these areas, you can list the traits that make the subjects different. Be specific when listing words or phrases for each subject or each perspective on the same subject. Once you are done listing 10-15 differences and 5-7 similarities, circle the most important items in each list. Then, match at least three opposites from one circle to the other circle. Review the list and look for three different categories that describe these traits. For example, for the abortion rights topic, you may have “scientific studies of the fetus” on the pro-choice side, and “belief in life of the fetus” on the pro-life side. One possible category could then be the debate of the life of a fetus. Try to answer the questions journalists traditionally ask: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? Apply these basic questions to your topic to get a sense of each topic or perspective. If you're compare and contrasting two historical periods or events, you may ask: When did they occur (the dates and the duration)? What happened or changed during each event? Why are they significant? Who were the important people involved? How did the events occur, and what consequences did they have later in history? If you're compare and contrasting two ideas or theories, you may ask: What were they about? How did they originate? Who created them? What is the central focus, claim, or goal of each theory? How do the theories apply to situations/people/things, etc.? What kind of evidence is used to support each theory? If you're compare and contrasting two pieces of art, you may ask: What does each piece of art describe or depict? What is their tone or mood? What themes do they address? Who created them? When were they created? How do the creators of the artworks describe their own work? Why do you think the artworks were created as they were? If you're compare and contrasting two people, you may ask: Where is each person from? How old are they? What, if anything, are they known for? How do they identify themselves in terms of gender, race, class, etc? Do the two people have any relationship to each other? What does each person do? Why is each person interesting? What are the defining features of each person? Your instructor may require you to do in depth research on a complex topic, like abortion rights, or you may be writing from a purely opinion based perspective, such as why you love cats more than dogs. Once you complete your brainstorm, you should be able to identify aspects of the essay that you may need to do more reading or research on if your topic is academic and/or based in current events and social issues. Your instructor may also ask for a discussion of more than one similarity and difference between the two topics or two perspectives. Identify any gaps in your knowledge and prepare to do research so you can better compare and contrast the two topics in your essay.", "Avoid apologizing to your reader by saying you are not an expert on the two topics or your opinion does not matter. Don't lead with a phrase like, “In my humble opinion”, or “I could be wrong, but I believe.” Instead, you should move confidently in your introduction, keeping in mind your thesis statement and the essay outline you created. You should also avoid announcing your intentions in a straightforward and formal way. For example, skip statements like “In this paper, I will” or “The purpose of this essay is to”. Instead, your reader should be able to perceive the purpose of your essay through the first two sentences in your beginning paragraph. A hook, or attention grabber, can help to engage your reader right away, especially if your topic is dry or complex. Try to create a hook using these starting points: An interesting or surprising example: This could be a personal experience of when a cat proved to be a better pet than a dog, or a scientific study that shows the differences between cats and dogs. A provocative quotation: This could be from a source you used for your essay or one that feels relevant to your topic. A vivid anecdote: An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. Think of an anecdote that might be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay. You can also look through your research for your essay for any note worthy anecdotes. A thought provoking question: Think of a question that will get your reader thinking and engaged in your topic. For example: “Did you always wish you had a cat but ended up with a dog when you were growing up?” Another technique is to write a temporary introduction, with your thesis statement, and then revise it or rewrite it once you finish your essay. If you feel stumped by the introduction, as you aren't sure what you are going to argue in detail or how your main argument is going to take shape, try writing your introduction last. The writing process can be an important way to organize your ideas, think through certain points, and refine your thoughts. Writing or revising the introduction once you are done your essay will ensure the introduction matches the body of your essay." ], "summary": [ "Compose your thesis statement Organize your paper by the block method. Use a point by point structure.", "Understand the structure of a compare and contrast essay. Make a list of similarities and differences. Create a Venn diagram of your topic. Answer the 5 W's and H questions. Note any gaps in your knowledge or research.", "Be assertive and clear. Create a hook for your first sentence. Revise your introduction once you complete the essay." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Memory Stick on a PC", "Using a Memory Stick on a Mac" ], "document": [ "USB ports are rectangular with a solid piece of plastic on the upper half of the slot and an empty space on the bottom. The port should have a graphic of three branching arrows pointing upward (or downward, depending on your PC) next to it. If you're using a desktop, your USB ports are most likely integrated into the CPU, while laptop USB ports are usually on the left or right edges of the casing. Make sure the solid piece on the inside of the memory stick's port is on the bottom when you plug it in. This may take a few minutes if this is your first time installing this memory stick on your PC. If the memory stick doesn't automatically open, double-click \"My Computer\" and find your memory stick's name under the \"Devices and drives\" section. Double-click its name to open the memory stick window. If your files are all in the same place, simply click and drag your cursor across your files until you've highlighted all of them. To search for a file on your PC, open the Start menu and type the file's name into the search bar at the bottom of the menu. If you're using Cortana, the field should say \"Ask me anything\". If you don't want to save your files on your computer, just click-and-drag your selected files over to the memory stick window and drop them there. Some memory sticks will duplicate your files by default, leaving the original copies of the files on your computer. This will select the memory stick as the destination for your files. This will add them to your memory stick. Depending on the size of your files, adding them to the memory stick can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to hours. This toolbar is in the same area as the clock. The icon resembles the outline of a memory stick with a check mark next to it, and it should produce the phrase \"Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media\" when you hover over it with your cursor. You may have to click the upward-facing arrow in the far left side of this toolbar in order to see the flash drive icon. Ejecting your memory stick before physically removing it from your computer is important, because failing to do so can corrupt files both on your computer and on the memory stick. You can also right-click the memory stick's name in the \"My Computer\" directory and select \"Eject [Memory Stick Name]\". Do this gently, or you might damage your memory stick. You have successfully added files to your memory stick!", "USB ports are rectangular with a solid piece of plastic on the upper half of the slot and an empty space on the bottom. The slot should have a graphic of three branching arrows pointing upward next to it. If you're using a desktop, your Mac's USB ports are probably integrated into the display casing, while Mac laptops have USB ports on the left or right side of the keyboard casing. Make sure the solid piece on the inside of the memory stick's port is on the bottom when you plug it in. This may take a few minutes if this is your first time installing this memory stick on your Mac. If your memory stick's icon doesn't show up, open your Finder and look for the memory stick's name in the left-hand side of the window. It should be under the \"Devices\" tab. This will open the memory stick's interface, to which you can add files the same way you would add files to another folder. If your files are all in the same place, simply click and drag your cursor across your files until you've highlighted all of them. To find a file manually, open the Finder and type the file's name into the search bar in the right-hand corner of the window. You can open the Finder by clicking the word \"Finder\" in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, or you can click the blue face icon in your dock. If you don't want to save your files on your computer, just click-and-drag your selected files over to the memory stick window and drop them there. Some memory sticks will duplicate your files by default, leaving the original copies of the files on your computer. This will select the memory stick as the destination for your files. This will add them to your memory stick. Depending on the size of your files, adding them to the memory stick can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to hours. Ejecting your memory stick before physically removing it from your computer is important, because failing to do so can corrupt files both on your computer and on the memory stick. You can also two-finger click the memory stick's name in the Finder or on your desktop and select \"Eject [Memory Stick Name]\". Do this gently, or you might damage your memory stick. You have successfully added files to your memory stick!" ], "summary": [ "Locate your PC's USB port. Plug your memory stick into the USB port. Wait for the memory stick's interface to appear. Select the files you would like to add to the memory stick. Hold down Ctrl and tap C to copy your files. Click the memory stick window. Hold down Ctrl and tap V to paste your files. Wait for your files to finish transferring. Find the memory stick icon in the lower right-hand corner toolbar. Click the memory stick icon to eject your memory stick. Remove your memory stick from your computer.", "Locate your Mac's USB port. Plug your memory stick into the USB port. Wait for the memory stick's icon to appear on your desktop. Double-click the memory stick's icon. Select the files you want to add to the memory stick. Hold down ⌘ Command and tap C to copy your files. Click the memory stick window. Hold down ⌘ Command and tap V to paste your files. Wait for your files to finish transferring. Hold down ⌘ Command and tap E to eject your memory stick. Remove your memory stick from your computer." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Buffing out Scratches", "Washing and Protecting the Windshield" ], "document": [ "Every tool you need to repair scratches comes in a repair kit. Repair kits include a polishing compound along with a buffing pad. Cerium oxide is the most common type of polish in these kits, but other products are available and work the same way. Kits are available online or at most auto parts stores. An acrylic scratch remover is a product similar to cerium oxide. It comes in a liquid form you drip onto the buffing pad. It works best on lighter scratches. Another option is to assemble the kit components separately. Get cerium oxide or another rubbing compound. If you have a handheld buffing and polishing tool, use that to apply the polish. Toothpaste works, but it takes multiple applications to fill in scratches. Get a non-gel toothpaste with baking soda, or mix a white toothpaste with 1 teaspoon (4 g) of baking soda. Then, buff it into the scratches with a microfiber cloth or a buffing pad. Apply the toothpaste the same way you would apply cerium oxide or another buffing compound. Wipe off the excess paste when you're done. Toothpaste has the advantage of being safer to use, but it isn't as immediately effective on most scratches. Cerium oxide powder is a pretty harsh irritant. Always put on the safety gear before opening the polish. Even if you’re careful, buffing pads tend to fling powder into the air, which will irritate your lungs. Wearing goggles is also a good idea. It eliminates the possibility of polish splashing into your eyes. Work in a ventilated environment if possible. Open your garage door, for instance, to help disperse the powder. Keep close to an electrical outlet, though, since you need one for the buffing pad. Estimate how much of the powder you will need to fill in the scratches on your windshield. Start with a small amount, such as 2 tablespoons (14.75 g). This will usually be enough to repair a large portion of the windshield. Making the initial estimation is tricky since there are no hard and fast rules about how much polish to use. You are better off making more than you need or focusing on a single scratch at a time. As a rule, combine 1 part water for every 2 parts of powder you use. For example, use 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of water for every 2 tablespoons (14.75 g) of powder. Then, stir them together with a mixing stick to form a paste with the consistency of glue. Thin out the mixture by adding more water, or thicken it by adding more powder. Don’t wait too long to apply the paste. If it starts to harden, spray it with more water. Attach the buffing pad to the end of the drill. Once the pad is secure, dip it into the paste or apply the paste directly to the scratched areas. Then, turn on the drill and run the edge of the pad back and forth along the scratches a few times. Keep the pad pressed firmly against the glass in order to grind the paste flat. Use only electric drills or polishing tools on the windshield. Cordless tools don’t generate enough power and may overheat. Use tools that run at 1300 rpm or higher. Remove the excess paste before it has a chance to dry. The cloth will not reach the paste inside the scratches, so you do not need to wait before wiping down the windshield. Now take some time to admire the reflection in your scratch-free windshield. If you still see scratches in the windshield, chances are the paste didn’t get inside them. Spread more paste over them. Align the edge of the buffing pad over each scratch and grind them down again.", "Hold your finger vertically. If your nail catches, you’ve got a deep scratch on your hands. Deep scratches aren’t fixable. Scratches that feel smooth to the touch are shallow enough to be fixable. Deep scratches continue to grow until your windshield breaks. Ask a glass repair specialist for advice. They may tell you to replace your entire windshield. with a glass cleaner, then dry it completely. Clean off all dirt and debris before attempting to apply a polishing product. Start with a regular window cleaner. Spray it onto the window, then wipe it off with microfiber cloths. Use specialty glass cleaners to treat tougher stains. Dish soap abrades car paint, so using it on a windshield isn’t safe. Instead, try mixing together 1 part vinegar with 1 part water. Alternatively, use an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser. Only use plastic, since metal razors will likely lead to more scratches on your car’s windshield. Stand beside the car and drag the razor back and forth along the windshield. Continue doing this until the grime is gone, then finish up with a damp microfiber cloth. You only need to apply the tape around the edges closest to the scratches. This includes the edges of the windshield wipers. The polish will splatter when you work it into the scratches, and anything that gets in between the windshield and the rest of the car is hard to remove. Also, consider using the tape to outline the scratches. Place the tape on the inside part of the windshield to keep track of which spots you need to treat." ], "summary": [ "Purchase a glass repair kit with cerium oxide polish in it. Use white toothpaste as an alternative to buffing compounds. Put on rubber gloves and a dust mask before using repair powder. Pour some of the cerium oxide powder into a bowl. Mix the powder with warm water to form a paste. Apply the polish with the buffing pad and an electric drill. Wipe away the excess paste with a microfiber cloth.", "Run your finger over the scratch to see how deep it is. Wash the windshield Scrape off stubborn grime with a plastic razor. Cover the edges of the windshield with painter's tape." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing the New Springs", "Removing the Old Springs" ], "document": [ "When your new springs arrive, put the new left spring (the 1 with the end facing up and to the left) on the torsion tube, making sure that the stationary cone on the end of the spring faces the center bracket. After sliding the new spring into place, replace the cable drum and insert the torsion bar into the left bearing bracket. Slide the torsion bar to the left then add the center bearing. Slide the right spring onto the bar and press the bearing into the stationary cone. Connect both of the stationary cones to the center bracket with the nuts and bolts you removed previously. Remove the locking pliers or clamp from the center bracket. Run the lift cable between the roller and the doorjamb. Slip the lift cable stop through the cable slot on the drum. Then, attach locking pliers to the torsion tube to secure it in place. Spin the drum to wind the cable into the grooves, then tighten the set screws. Repeat on the other side, leaving the locking pliers in place. For the door to operate properly, you need the same amount of tension on both sides, so take care to tighten each side evenly. Insert 2 winding bars into the winding cone so they are perpendicular to each other. Use the bars to turn the spring ¼ turn at a time, moving the bars to new holes in the cone as necessary. Follow the supplier’s recommendation for the number of turns to complete. Repeat on the other spring. Generally, you’ll need 30 quarter-turns for a 7 ft (2.1 m) tall door and 36 quarter-turns for an 8 ft (2.4 m) tall door. Winding the spring too tight could cause it to break and injure you, so be sure to follow the supplier’s recommendation and don’t over-wind the spring. When the spring is fully wound, leave 1 winding bar in a slot of the cone that is perpendicular to the floor. Tap the winding bar with a hammer to stretch the spring 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) out from the center. Repeat on the other side. Use your fingers to tighten each set screw until it contacts the torsion tube. Then, tighten each screw ½ to ¾ turn more. Tightening the screws more than this could distort or puncture the torsion tube, so be sure to make less than 1 full rotation once the screws touch the torsion tube. Slide a grocery bag or piece of cardboard behind the spring to protect the garage door. Spray each spring with garage door lubricant. Wipe off any excess, then repeat the process on the other side. It is now safe to remove the clamps or pliers you used to hold both the torsion bar and the garage door itself in place. Lift the door up about 3 feet (0.91 m) high and let it go. If it stays in place, you did the job correctly. If it doesn’t, add a ¼ turn to each spring. Test the door again and add another ¼ turn if necessary. Once you’re satisfied, plug the garage door opener back in.", "Disconnect the garage door opener so the door remains closed. Use locking pliers or a C-clamp to secure the door to the track to keep it from opening when you release the tension on the springs. Position a sturdy ladder to the side of the springs, rather than working directly in front of them, for safety reasons. Put on eye protection and leather gloves. Push a winding bar into the bottom hole of the winding cone on the outside of 1 spring. Use a wrench to loosen the 2 set screws. Keep a firm grip on the bar as the the spring will expand powerfully as the screws are released. Repeat on the other side. If you don’t have winding bars, you can make your own. Purchase 2 pieces of 18 in (46 cm) long metal bar stock with a 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) diameter. To ensure the bars fit securely into the winding cone holes, file down the ends. Using a screwdriver, pin punch, or plier handles to unwind the bars could result in serious injury, as these tools aren’t designed to hold the spring in place. Avoid standing on a bucket or chair to reach the springs. Use a sturdy ladder to minimize the risk of injury. Position the second winding bar into a hole on the winding cone at a perpendicular angle to the first. Unwind the spring ¼ turn at a time, moving 1 winding bar to the next open perpendicular position after each ¼ turn. Repeat on the other spring. Using a wrench, remove the 2 nuts and bolts that secure each spring cone to the center bracket. Then, slide each spring toward the end bracket. Use locking pliers or a C-clamp to secure the torsion tube to the center bracket to keep it from moving. Then, use a wrench to loosen the set screws on both lift cable drums. Disconnect the lift cables, then slide the cable drums and springs off the torsion tube. Securing the tube is an essential step that will prevent the tube from moving around and potentially injuring you, so be sure to fully lock the tube in place. Unfortunately, you can’t measure the springs while they’re installed as the tension on them would provide you with the wrong measurement. Now that you’ve removed the springs, use a tape measure to find the length of the entire spring, from one end to the other. You’ll need this information in inches to order replacement springs. If one spring is broken, measure the other one for the most accurate numbers. Run a tape measure across the opening at one end of the spring. Carefully measure the inside diameter of the spring so you can provide the supplier with this information. Then, use a tape measure to find the length of 10 coils on the spring. Divide the length by 10 to determine the measurement of a single coil. Coil sizes range from 0.0135 to 0.625 inches (0.034 to 1.588 cm). The standard inside diameter of a torsion spring is 2 inches (5.1 cm). Many torsion springs are 24 inches (61 cm) long. If you suspect the coils are the wrong size, which could be contributing to the issues you’re having with the garage door, use the size and weight of the door to calculate the correct size from a spring weight manual. While the tension is off the door, inspect the other components. If you notice any worn or rusted pieces, replace them before installing the new springs. For instance, if you spot a frayed cable, replace it now to avoid taking the door apart again later." ], "summary": [ "Slide the left spring onto the tube and add the cable drum. Install the center bearing and the right spring, then secure the cones. Thread the cables and tighten the drums. Wind the springs. Stretch the springs out 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm). Tighten the set screws. Lubricate the springs. Remove the clamps or pliers. Test the door and reconnect the opener.", "Unplug the garage door opener and clamp the door to the track. Loosen the set screws while holding each spring with a winding bar. Unwind each spring with the help of 2 winding bars. Remove the nuts and bolts, then slide the springs to the end bracket. Secure the tube and remove the springs, cables, and cable drums. Measure the length of the relaxed spring. Determine the inside diameter of the spring and the size of the coils. Check for other worn or rusted components." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Collecting Smarter Not Harder", "Setting Up A Contract", "Collecting Payments" ], "document": [ "Postage is expensive and putting hard copies in the mail only slows down the process. Send invoices via email or invest in an automated billing system that will email invoices for you and continue to send reminders to the client until the invoice is paid. The client can also pay online. This is an amount paid upfront that you draw down as you complete the work. When that amount is used up you ask the client to replenish before you continue on with the work. Here the client provides a credit card or bank account number and you take what you are owed on the same day each month. If you can afford it, this gives you a more professional appearance and makes payment seem more urgent. Even if it's your spouse, who uses another name to make the calls, this way your amiable relationship with the client is not jeopardized by crass calls about money. Often, collectors will pay up to 50% of what you're owed, just for the opportunity to try to collect it.", "However your business is approved, whether it's by a client meeting, or by you submitting a bid, at some point, your client must agree to your estimated price for the work they want done. If your payment policies are stated clearly on your contract, bid, or whatever document you use to bind the contract, you are ahead of the game. In this way, you have a better chance to be paid in a timely fashion even if the client doesn't have the funds at the current moment. Shop for a merchant account provider with the best terms. Unless you have a long-standing relationship with the client, get a deposit in advance, and then plan to collect another portion midway through the job. Usually, this is 30/30/40 - 30% in advance (to bind you, and to enable you to purchase materials), 30% upon completion of some agreed-upon benchmark, such as delivery of comps (rough sketches, if you are an artist, or small printouts if you make signs or do other design type work, etc.), and the balance upon completion. Be sure to define \"completion\" to mean on the day you deliver the work. Alternatively, insert a clause with a penalty amount if an invoice is not paid on time.", "Don't hesitate to escalate the situation if a customer hasn't paid on time despite your best efforts with the contract. The challenge is to get paid without jeopardizing your future relationship with the customer. Many times a client will ask, \"Do you need a check now?\" and the business owner says, \"No, that's okay, we'll get it at the end.\" Don't do this! If the customer is happy to pay up front - let him! Hold back enough so that they will need to pay you before you deliver the finished job. It is not unprofessional for you to do so, though many business owners consider this a \"low-rent\" practice. It's not low-rent - it does not telegraph to your clients that you cannot afford to await payment. Rather it lets them know that you are a professional accustomed to being paid for your work on time. Just say something like, \"Hey, Mr. Jones, I have your job all ready to deliver. Can you have a check ready for me if I swing by around 3 PM?. The balance due is $470.78.\" This should start the very next day after your payment was due. Obviously, you should try to get paid before this need arises. However, sometimes, you have a lapse in judgment, or you're lulled into a sense of security by a client you've had no problems with in the past. Once your client realizes your payment policies are lax, s/he will opportunistically attempt to exploit it. Remember - every minute that you are working to get paid is a minute that (A) you are working a second time for money you've already earned and (B) you are not working on a new job, which still needs to be finished on time. Don't give friends, friends of friends or family any special treatment. If anything, treat them with even less trust than a stranger - they often attempt to take advantage of your relationship. If the client has not paid you by your due date, call him immediately and ask for payment. If you are put off till the next day, call again the very next morning. Printing a warning on the bottom of your invoices is fine, but if you fail to follow it up, you won't ever be taken seriously. For customers who are consistently late in paying, contact the credit agencies, Experian, TRW, etc., and report late-payers if the payment is more than 30 days late. Call the client first, and let them know that you're terribly sorry to do it, but unless you receive their payment before the 30-day deadline, you will have to report it to the credit agencies, thus damaging their credit. It's a powerful incentive to pay." ], "summary": [ "Stop sending paper invoices. Do what lawyers do and ask for a retainer. Set up a recurring billing system. Hire someone to follow up on your accounts receivable. Don't hesitate to report people to a collection agency if you don't get paid.", "Make your payment policies clear at the time your services are retained. Accept all forms of payment and encourage credit card payment. Get a deposit in advance. Offer a discount if they pay within 30 days or whatever arrangements you make in your contract and on your invoice.", "Start out being friendly but persistent when collecting payments. Accept upfront payments if the customer offers. Make arrangements for payment before you deliver the final product. Follow up every day until you receive your money. Apply your payment policies to every single customer. Contact the credit agencies." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Him to Notice You", "Beginning a Relationship", "Making It Last" ], "document": [ "First things first, Aries is a fiery, passionate, sexual sign. If your lustful, impulsive side is at all buried under a pile of inhibitions or insecurities, your Aries will quickly look the other way. So get to flirting and constantly -- it's a primary source of fun and reaffirmation for this sign of the zodiac. In their minds, it keeps every situation spicy! Flirt with him on every level -- with your body, with your eyes, and with your words. To make him even more entertained, make it subtle with double entendres and plays on words. The Aries man loves a clever woman who can keep him thinking on his toes. Aries men are very tuned into their bodies and how others operate in theirs. To satisfy this need of his, use your body language to draw him in. As you pass him, graze his back. Tousle his hair at the nape of his neck. Dangle a heel against his calf. He loves the challenge of not being able to think straight! This being said, Aries men do love an intellectual woman. They're all about passion, novelty, and excitement. If you can keep them engaged on multiple levels (intellectually, sensually, etc.) they'll be even more amazed and in awe of you. Most Aries men are attracted to women who are quite feminine. They want to be with a woman who they can provide for, who they can feel needs them like a damsel in distress. Crazily enough, clothes can convey this meaning. Dresses and skirts can remind him of your femininity and still be classy! Since your Aries is so sensual, it's important to smell great, too. You want to engage all his senses. Soft skin to touch, a luscious scent to smell, a feminine silhouette to gaze upon, etc. You want to keep his mind reeling 24/7. Let's put it out there: the Aries man is pretty fond of himself. He can be rather self-centered and egotistical. In order to get into his head, you'll have to play along. Give him the praise he believes he deserves. He'll think you're just showing good sense! This can be a quality that's a little hard to come to terms with. Realize that it's just a part of his personality and how he operates. Some will find it charming; others will find it painful. If you can find it charming, he'll love you for it! The Aries man needs a strong personality to counter his boundless enthusiasm and drive. Though he does crave a damsel in distress, he also needs a woman that's confident. Kinda seems like a contradiction in terms, but it is doable. Show him that you love who you are and he won't be able to argue with it. Who could? Just because you're praising him and being coquettish doesn't mean you can't be confident about it! On the contrary, doing these things shows him that you know what you're doing and are comfortable deferring to others. In addition to confidence, Aries loves a woman who is clever. They want someone who can play at all levels -- the Aries man is not a fan of boredom (and that's putting it lightly). They need to be entertained. Being clever can do just that! Go ahead, tease your Aries! They'll love the attention, especially if you do it slyly and with a grin. Don't just spit out facts -- add humor and dynamism to your words. In short, be yourself! Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are all what are called \"fire\" signs. This means just what it sounds like -- they are enthusiastic, larger than life, and unstoppable. They are generally very self-assured, confident, sexual and incredibly creative. Your Aries is just that! The downside of this is that they have very strong personalities and can be seen as rather bossy. When a fire sign gets too hot to touch, you may need to stand back to avoid \"getting burnt.\" If you can handle the heat, stay in the kitchen!", "Let your Aries man always think that he is the pursuer and you are his lovely catch. He sits naturally in the role and loves nothing more than an old fashioned chase. So don’t make it easy for him and enjoy the attention he pores on you as he slowly circles you and draws you in. This is the best position for you to be in to get an Aries man. Take pleasure in knowing that you are actually dictating the moves while he is none the wiser. But don't be the mouse that runs away and can't be seen anymore -- stay just out of his reach. Let him think he's making progress and about to get you. If he doesn't see progress happening, he'll find another mouse to play with. Aries loves a woman who can challenge him mentally. Don't be afraid to start an intellectual debate with him to get his brain juices running. He should be in awe of you just as much as you're in awe of him! However, be careful with this. He likes being on top. If you prove him wrong, he may get emasculated and not be able to handle it. Give concessions. Agree to disagree or tell him that he's made valid points that are getting you thinking. He really likes debating -- he also really likes winning. There is no room for boredom in Aries' life. The second they get bored, they go elsewhere seeking fulfillment and excitement. So seek adventure yourself! Suggest dates that are exotic and a little crazier than your typical dinner and a movie. Go to an amusement park, go hiking, or go on an impromptu road trip. Keep it spicy! Not only is this good advice for Aries, but it's good advice for everyone. Ever heard of the Capilano Bridge Experiment? Turns out there's such a thing as a \"misattribution of arousal\" -- meaning that when your body gets aroused (be it from heights or horror, etc.), you don't know why -- and you attribute it to the sexiness of your partner! Aries (fire signs in general, really) tend to have a few characteristics that others find off-putting: They can be selfish, jealous, temperamental, childish, and moody. When this side breaks out, it's important to stay calm and not take it too personally. If they're displaying emotion, it means they care! That being said, Aries are full of great qualities, too (otherwise you wouldn't be attracted to them in the first place!) They are driven, confident, charismatic, clever, sensual creatures. Their less positive traits are just more obvious because their personalities are so strong. Aries loves the thrill of the chase so much it can seem hard to keep them running after you for more than a hot minute. But it is possible if done with a bit of panache. Don't give your entire personality up at the get-go. Leave little gems for them to discover along the way to keep them thinking there's more of you to conquer! Because of this, it's important that you maintain your own self in this relationship. Keep up your hobbies, have a world they're not a part of. That way Aries will feel like there's more territory they need to gain, a more thorough understanding they can have of you. They don't want their partner to be easily figured out!", "Remember that \"Aries hate being bored,\" thing? Get around this by being a little naughty and impulsive. They are too, so when you show this side, they'll get it. Suggest an impromptu romp and refer to it as a \"power lunch.\" They'll be left reeling for days. In addition to impulsive sexual behavior, be impulsive with your lifestyle! Surprise gifts, surprise trips, spur-of-the-moment changes in plans -- Aries will eat it up. They'll spend every day wondering what the next will have in store. And looking forward to it! When you're springing surprise romantic gestures on your man, make it clear you've been paying attention. He'll love seeing that you remember that one comment on Star Wars he made three months ago. That's admiration in its finest form! The little things mean a ton to him. This goes back to Aries needing praise and attention. Even if he seems self-assured and like he needs nothing, it's not true. He still needs others, craving their approval and notice. These little displays of your awesome observational skills will let him know you're there and giving him just what he needs. Aries is a fire sign and needs to be let loose to find his true power. If you try to reign him in, he'll just explode. He relishes his independence and thrives on it, so it's important not to be too clingy. Let him do his thing. Trust him. Aries wants a partner that is their own spirit. When you start attaching onto his, you're cramping his style. Be confident in your relationship! It's the sexiest thing there is. Aries is full of life and he expects you to be too. How else could you keep up with his vitality?! He's going, going, going, so to be a viable partner, you'll need to be quite the Energizer bunny yourself. So when it comes to life, get excited! It's the only one you have, after all. Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Aries thrives off of stimuli and sensation. If something makes you excited, preach it on the hilltops! And if your Aries is showing you how much he cares, definitely give him the reaction he's aiming for! At the end of the day, Mr. Ram is looking to provide for you and to be the man you've dreamed of. He feels he's worthy of it, so let him! He can be all about chivalry -- which is nice, considering it's practically dead. Let him keep it alive. Let him know he's needed. How could he then stray? Allow yourself to get vulnerable with him. Though he can be erratic and moody and fiercely independent, showing him you can get real will show him he, in turn, can get real too. He'll love seeing the softer, genuine side of you. And he'll love that you trust him enough to do so!" ], "summary": [ "Flirt. Use body language. Dress femininely. Admire him. Be confident. Be clever. Know that he's a fire sign.", "Play a savvy game of cat and mouse. Engage him in debate. Get adventurous. Take the good with the bad. Keep him wanting more.", "Be naughty and impulsive. Notice the details. Don't get too clingy. Be energetic and enthusiastic. Let him be your knight in shining armor." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing Kodi", "Installing Fusion" ], "document": [ "This web page features all Kodi installers for all compatible devices. If XBMC / Kodi is already installed on your device, skip to Part Two of this article to install Fusion. A downloads dialog box or prompt will display on-screen. The installation process will vary depending on the device you’re using. Your device is now ready for the installation of Fusion.", " ” ” http://fusion.tvaddons.ag/ Select “Symbols” in the on-screen keyboard to enter colons, periods, and slashes. ” ” Select “OK” if a “First run help…” message displays on-screen. ” Fusion is now installed, and you now have the ability to browse and install add-ons from multiple sources using Fusion." ], "summary": [ "Navigate to Kodi’s official website at www.kodi.tv/download/. Click on the installer link next to the device on which you plan on using Kodi. Select the option to install Kodi on your device, then follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation. Restart your device or computer after Kodi has completed installation.", "Launch Kodi on your device or computer. Select “System,” then select “File Manager. Select “Add Source,” then select “None” when prompted to enter a path for the media locations. Type the following URL into the field provided, then select “Done: Highlight the box displayed below “Enter a name for this media Source,” then type “.fusion. Select “OK,” then navigate back to the Home screen of XBMC / Kodi. Select “System,” then select “Add-ons. Click on “Install from zip file,” then select “.fusion” from the list of files provided. Select “xbmc-repos,” then select “OK." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating a New Account", "Verifying Your Phone Number", "Installing the App" ], "document": [ "Tap the Enter your email address field at the bottom of the login screen, and enter the email you want to sign up with. Alternatively, you can sign up with a social media account by tapping one of the Google, Facebook, or Microsoft icons. This will automatically import your email address and personal info from your social media account. This button is in the upper-right corner of your screen. It will take you to the Sign Up form. This will be your display name, and all of your friends will see you by this name in your group chats. Make sure you enter a secure password here. You will use this password to log into your account. \" You can't create a new account without agreeing to these terms. If you want to read the Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy, just tap it here. This button is in the upper-right corner of your screen. It will create your new account, and take you to the Verify Phone Number page.", "This is a blue button at the bottom of your screen. It will let you link your phone number to your new GroupMe account. Alternatively, you can select Verify a Different Phone Number and enter a different phone number. As long as you make sure you can receive a call or text message, any number is fine. Your Android will ask if you want to allow the GroupMe app to make calls. Tap Allow here if you want to receive your verification code via phone call. Your Android will now ask if you want to allow the GroupMe app to send text messages. Tap Allow here if you prefer to receive your verification code via SMS. GroupMe will send your phone number an SMS text message with a 4-digit verification PIN code in it. Tap the PIN field here and enter your verification code. This button is in the upper-right corner of your screen. It will verify your PIN code, and take you to the welcome screen. This button is located in the lower-left corner of the welcome screen. It will skip the welcome tips, and take you to the GroupMe app. You can now start your first group. Alternatively, swipe left on your screen or tap the blue arrow on the bottom-right to see all the tips.", "Find and tap the {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/1\\/1e\\/Androidgoogleplay.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/1\\/1e\\/Androidgoogleplay.png\\/26px-Androidgoogleplay.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":531,\"bigWidth\":\"26\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} icon on your Apps menu to open the Play Store. The search bar reads Google Play at the top of your screen. You can enter any keyword here to search the apps, books, or movies on the Play Store. The search function is not case-sensitive. You don't have to capitalize any letters here. This will search the store, and list all the matching results on a new page. If you're using Google Keyboard, tap the green magnifier icon on the bottom-left. The GroupMe icon looks like a blue speech bubble with a white \"#\" icon in it. Tapping it will open the app info page. This button is located below the GroupMe icon on the app info page. It will download and install the app on your Android. If you see a button that says OPEN instead of INSTALL, this means you already have the app installed on your Android. You will see a green progress bar on the app info page that shows your download rate. When your download hits 100%, the progress bar will disappear. When your download is finished, your Android will have to install the downloaded app. The app page will indicate \"Installing\". When the app is installed and ready to go, you will see a white UNINSTALL button and a green OPEN button on the app page. Tapping this button will open the app." ], "summary": [ "Enter your email address on the login screen. Tap the white checkmark icon. Enter your name in the Name field. Create a new password in the Enter your password field. Tap and check the box next to \"I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Tap the white checkmark icon.", "Tap USE THIS PHONE'S NUMBER on the Verify Phone Number page. Tap Allow in the pop-up window. Tap Allow in the pop-up window again. Enter your verification PIN code. Tap the white checkmark icon. Tap the SKIP button.", "Open the Play Store on your Android. Tap the search bar. Type GroupMe into the search bar. Tap ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return on your keyboard. Find and tap the GroupMe app in the search results. Tap the green INSTALL button. Wait for your download to finish. Wait for the app installation to finish after the download. Tap the green OPEN button." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Minimizing Waste", "Conserving Resources", "Eating Green", "Staying Green", "Preparing to Go Green" ], "document": [ "Talk to your family about the difference between needs and wants. Teach them to buy only what they need, and to purchase items with the least amount of packaging. For example, renting a DVD or book from the library or other service, like Netflix, is better than purchasing those items new. Cans, bottles, glass, paper, and most plastics can be recycled. Be sure to sort the materials if you don’t have a mixed-use recycling bin or center near you. You can compost food and other biodegradable items as well. It is possible, through recycling and composting, to have no trash pickup. Teach family members to repair and reuse household items. Develop a mindset as a family that items need to be reused as much as possible before being discarded for good. Possible options for reuse include: Reusing old toothbrushes Recycling old pantyhose Saving money by reusing household items Reusing Styrofoam Recycling items into home decor Reusing fabric and clothing As an added bonus, recycling cans and scrap metal can earn extra money, and you might like to use this as an incentive for pocket money increases! During this time, learn how to reuse things and make new things from old ones. Borrow some books from the library on making crafts by reusing objects, and check out the many websites devoted to this activity. Some of the things you could try include: Making reusable grocery bags from t-shirts Making a tote bag out of a pillow case Making a cloth gift bag Making a corkboard from old wine corks Renovating old tin trays", "onserve water. Water conservation activities are a great family exercise. Turning off water when brushing teeth, fixing dripping faucets the moment they're noticed, washing the car on a lawn rather than on concrete, cleaning the pool regularly so that water doesn't have to be changed, etc. can all help your family be green. Encourage the family to reduce heat and air-conditioning usage. Though everyone tends to feel temperatures differently, remind each other that adding a sweater to warm up or opening a window to cool down are good options before fiddling with the thermostat. Consider space heaters and fans for elderly, very young, or chronically ill family members who can't tolerate the temperature range the healthy young members can. Everyone's needs are different but adjustments can be made individually, rather than to the entire home. At night, keep the bedroom temperature cooler and use blankets or layer up. Ask everyone how they currently get around: to work, to school, to sports events, to shopping, to the local store, etc. As a team, work out how many of the trips taken need to be by car with a single person in it. Look at how many ways you can drop the car usage down by walking, carpooling, cycling, catching public transportation, or other solutions. Arrange family outings where you all cycle or walk to a local park or other place and have fun together. Make sure you know how to dress for all sorts of weather, so that you don't let a little rain deter you. Ask the family to plan a shared timetable together in which one car trip can manage a whole lot of errands, drop-offs, and pick-ups at the one time rather than taking the car back and forth. This can be a fantastic way of working out how to save time too! Don't forget about greening your driving, and greening your boat care.", "Unless you're already a vegetarian family, this is probably not the time to ask everyone to go veggie but at least raise it as an option. Discuss ways to eat green, including using non-disposable plates, bowls, utensils, and napkins. . Meat-free meals could be made more frequent within the meal roster. Less meat consumption is healthy for everyone, and the environmental costs of producing milk, eggs, and meat includes increased land usage, high-protein grain for animal feed, and the production of methane. Check out websites on the slow food movement or sites that are dedicated to locovore eating habits (eating locally produced food). If anyone in the family has reservations about eating vegetarian meals, borrow some books on achieving optimal health as vegetarian or vegan, to reassure yourselves that you are going to be getting all needed nutrients. Borrow some books and DVDs from the library on this topic. A few suggestions are Michael Pollan's “The Omnivore's Dilemma,” “Food Rules,” and “In Defense of Food,” or Morgan Spurlock's DVD “Super Size Me.”", "If the budget doesn't stretch to these initially, start a savings plan. This might include retrofitting options such as insulation, solar heating, and gray water systems. Not being able to afford these straight away isn't a reason to avoid them; it's a good opportunity to agree that you will save up until you can afford them. Purchase Energy Star appliances and recycle old ones. New appliances can sometimes be a greener choice in the long run. Learn how to heat water using solar, and make your own electricity. Don't expect everyone in the family to change their ways overnight but do expect everyone to need gentle reminders to change long-held habits. For family members who feel less inclined to participate, try to offer incentives to get them to at least try a few small changes. Give the reluctant family member a small project and be generous with your praise when they complete it. Small projects include recycling bottles, cans, and paper, and turning off the water while brushing your teeth. Incorporate green living into your life every day by showing how it is done. Also, make it clear how simple it can be and how fulfilling it is for you. Set the example and your family members will follow. It can be a good strategy to ask your family to help you with the green changes that you wish to make and to offer to help them with the green changes that they wish to make.", "Choose a time when you can all get together without distractions or absent family members. Ask every family member to explain what being green means to them and what they're already doing to be green at home, work, school, and in their leisure activities. The simplest definition of being green means making choices that benefit the environment. It can be helpful to keep notes so that you can revisit the different ideas, comments, and complaints that are raised during the discussion. Allot one person to be the “record-keeper.” Avoid making final decisions at this stage: each member of your family will appreciate just being heard. Take a walk around your home and property together to actually see the things that could be done differently.Try to come up with a simple list of things that your household can make changes to and that every family member can be a part of. For example, decide that each member of your family will pack a lunch, rather than eat out. This will reduce the amount of un-recyclable waste you create, both in packaging and in drive time. Your list could also include a column that shows how the change you are planning could be beneficial to the family or other people, helping everyone to see how our choices are interconnected. At this stage, you might have come up with differing viewpoints about what matters most in going green. Talk through the ways in which you accommodate each other's preferences and reach compromises on the priorities for your household. Things affecting the priority will likely include cost, viability, utility, and level of interest. For example, it may be easier to decide that your family will use green cleaning products, rather than installing solar panels on the roof of your home. It can be helpful to create a poster, chart, or other visual format that everyone can follow when learning new habits or implementing the changes. Consider using the Sustainable Happiness Footprint Chart. It demonstrates how daily choices contribute to individual, community, and global well-being.This helps people to feel more motivated to engage in sustainable lifestyles so that they are not just doing it out of guilt or fear. Visit the library and borrow books on such subjects as greening your home, green cleaning, green gardening, green living, etc. and allocate different categories to different members of the family. At this stage, the family will be able to discuss the merits, costs, desirability, etc., of the suggestions as a team, making this a joint decision-making process. You could break down research into categories such as energy conservation, water conservation, green transportation, green eating, recycling and compost, etc. Find out what other people have done and think about how your family could use those ideas. Find activities in the home that everyone is able to do to be green. Pick a small project that doesn't cost much (or anything) and that is more about habit-changing than anything too complicated. Some of these things might include: Getting into the habit of turning off lights and electronics whenever anybody leaves a room unoccupied. Starting a compost in the garden, or maybe a worm farm. Beginning or improving on an edible garden. Aim to eat more homegrown food that is tasty and pesticide-free; this also saves money. Having game nights where all electronics are turned off. This is about bonding together as well as saving a little energy; it's a thoughtful gesture as well as a green one." ], "summary": [ "Reduce your consumerism. Recycle and compost. Reuse materials. Spend a craft afternoon together.", ". Conserve energy. Consolidate transportation.", "Implement green food habits. Eat vegetarian meals Research healthy options.", "Plan ahead for costlier green solutions. Be patient. Be a good example.", "Talk about green issues as a family. Think of ideas that can make your family even greener. Work through the different ideas together. Research as a family. Start small." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Switching Accounts", "Using the Facebook App" ], "document": [ "The Messenger icon looks like a blue speech balloon with a thunder icon in it. This button looks like a tiny house icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. It will open a list of all your recent chats. Find your profile picture thumbnail in the upper-left corner of your screen, and tap it. This will open your profile menu on a new page. This will open a list of all your saved, available accounts on a new page. This option will allow you to sign in and add a new account to Messenger. Here you can sign in and switch to a different account, and automatically log out of your old one.", "The Facebook app looks like a white \"f\" in a blue square icon on your home screen. The Messenger app doesn't allow you to sign out. You'll have to use the Facebook app to sign out of your account on Messenger. This button is in the lower-right corner of your screen. It will open your navigation menu. This option is at the bottom of the menu. A menu will pop up from the bottom. This will open your account options on a new page. This option is at the top of the Account Settings menu. This section lists all your active sessions, including all mobile and desktop Facebook and Messenger logins. Find the Messenger session you want to log out under WHERE YOU'RE LOGGED IN, and tap this icon next to it to see your options. This will log you out of your account on the Messenger app." ], "summary": [ "Open the Messenger app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the Home tab. Tap your profile picture on the top-left. Scroll down and tap Switch Account. Tap Add Account. Sign in to a different Facebook or Messenger account.", "Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the ☰ icon. Scroll down and tap Settings. Tap Account Settings on the pop-up menu. Tap Security and Login. Find the WHERE YOU'RE LOGGED IN section in Security and Login. Tap the ⋮ icon next to your Messenger session. Tap Log Out." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Her Feel Special", "Making Her Notice You" ], "document": [ "If you really want to charm the lady, then you have to make her feel special. Take the spotlight off yourself and focus it on her, showing that you care about who she is and what she has to say. You don’t have to make her feel like she’s the subject of a detective show. Just ask her some softball questions about where she grew up, what her friends or siblings are like, or what she likes to do for fun. If she tells you she has a pet, ask to see some pictures. Avoid asking anything too personal, like questions about her past relationships. Just get her talking. If you sense that she’s been talking about herself too much and feels uncomfortable, find a way to relate to what she’s saying. The key is sincerity. Don’t say something vapid like, “I like your hair,” unless she has truly unique hair that has incredible curls or a color you’ve never seen before. Instead, dig deeper and tell her something she’s never heard before, or something that truly makes her feel like you’re paying attention to her, not just trying to flatter her so she likes you even more. If she has incredible eyes or a wonderful laugh, tell her that. Dig deeper. Compliment aspects of her personality, such as her sense of humor or her observational skills, if you can. If she’s wearing an amazing necklace or pair of earrings, compliment them and maybe you’ll get the story of where she got them. Show the lady that you care about what she thinks, not just about who she is. She’ll see that you respect her as an intelligent being with valid opinions. Ask her what she thinks about your outfit, your favorite band, or your favorite TV show. You don’t have to ask about the touchy subjects such as politics or religion until you know each other better. Keep it light but show her you care. You can even start small and ask her what she thinks about the wine you’re drinking if you’re at a party. If a song comes on, ask what she thinks about the band. When she gives you an answer, don’t just move on, but take the time to seriously consider what she thinks. One thing that turns ladies off instantly is when a man talks to her and nods vigorously, but shows that he’s not really listening at all. If you want to show her that you’re listening, you have to do more than nod and say “Yeah,” at the right times. You have to follow up to what she says by asking more questions, or even refer back to something she said earlier in the conversation for brownie points. For example, if she says she loves the 49ers, you can say, “Is that because you grew up in California? If I had lived there when I was a kid, I would probably be a die hard fan too…” There’s a difference between charming other people and flirting with every girl in your line of sight. If you want to charm the lady, then you have to make her see that she’s the only girl you truly have eyes for. You can be charming to other girls, but make it clear that she’s the one you’re really paying attention to. If you’re equally flirtatious and charming around every girl you see, then she’ll start to feel like you don’t think she’s special at all. Make sure you always keep your eye on her, even if you’re talking to someone else. Obviously you can’t give the girl a gift right then and there—unless you’re skilled in origami and can make her a beautiful flower out of a napkin. But if you’re going to see her again, you can charm her with a small gift, such as her favorite candy bar, a small bouquet of hand-picked flowers, or even a copy of a book or CD you were telling her about. There’s no need to go overboard, or she’ll feel like you’re coming on too strong, but giving the right small and thoughtful gift will charm her even more. Giving her something with a personal touch will make her feel even more special, and truly charmed by you. Ladies love men who know how to dance. If you’ve taken a class in ballroom dancing, foxtrot, salsa, or really any kind of dance at all, it’s time to show off your moves and to get out on the dance floor—if there is one in your vicinity, that is. But even if you’re not a dance master, going out on the dance floor and dancing like a complete goofball is better than acting like you’re too cool or too afraid to dance. If you’re really afraid, take some dance lessons. This will not only improve your charm level, but it’s a great way to meet even more ladies. This is a great way to charm a lady. You shouldn’t use her name every five seconds or you’ll start to sound like a used car salesman, but you should try to use it a few times throughout the course of the conversation so that she feels like you really care about her. Try this trick to charm the lady or to charm almost any person in your orbit, really. Just a simple, “You see, Amy…” will help make the girl feel special. A lady will be charmed if you know where to touch her to make her feel special without coming on too strong. If you’re really hitting it off, touch her lightly on the elbow, the shoulder, or the knee (if she’s sitting down.) Only do this once she’s shown some affection towards you or when you know she’s comfortable with you. She’ll be charmed by your delicate and smooth gesture. Even lightly tapping her hand if she’s telling you a sensitive story will do the trick. Obviously, don’t touch her anywhere inappropriate.", "If you want to charm a lady, then you have to make your charm look effortless. If you’re bending over backwards to impress her, doing flips or walking on your hands, or trying out every joke in your arsenal, she’ll be on to your tricks. Instead, take a deep breath, relax, and get ready to work your magic. Speak slowly enough for her to hear you, don’t look like you’re clinging onto every single syllable she says, and don’t comment on the fact that your joke has fallen flat if it does. Just be yourself and the rest will follow. Remember that if you really want to charm and succeed with a lady, then you have to show her that you’re comfortable with being who you are. If you’re grinning from ear to ear while sweating and fidgeting, she won’t be charmed. Keep your body language calm and relaxed. Keep your hands at your sides or use them to gesture, keep your posture straight, and look at the lady instead of at the floor. Women love men who have a good sense of humor and who are also able to laugh at themselves. If you want to charm the lady, then you have to show that you don’t take yourself too seriously, and that you’re comfortable enough with who you are to poke fun at yourself. If you know you’re wearing a ridiculous pink shirt, that you have a cute gap in the front of your teeth, or that you’re known to be clumsy, don’t try to hide these adorable qualities from the girl; instead, show that you’re comfortable with who you are, flaws and all. This doesn’t mean that you should be so self-deprecating that you look like you lack confidence. Just a light joke at your own expense or the ability to laugh at yourself if the lady makes the joke will do just fine. Remember that a lady doesn’t want to hear really crass humor. The joke at your own expense can be completely PG. This is another way to charm a lady. You don’t have to be completely serious all the time. Talk about your embarrassing nickname for your puppy; show off your ability to juggle. Pull a quarter out of her ear (okay, so maybe not). Don’t be afraid to be a little bit silly, and the lady will be charmed by your childlike approach to the world. This does not mean that you have to look immature to be a little bit goofy. If you’re at a place where a silly song like “The Macarena” comes on, don’t be afraid to show off your moves. If you’re too obsessed with looking cool, she won’t want to open up to you. You don’t have to put it all out there, but if you put up too many walls, she won’t feel like she’s getting to know you. A true lady pays attention to her looks, so you should do the same. You don’t have to look like George Clooney, but you should make sure your clothes are appropriate for the occasion, free of wrinkles, smelling fresh, and generally flattering. If you think stubble makes you look more mysterious, then fine, but in general, make sure that your face and hair are well groomed and that you shower before you head out for a night of meeting ladies. You don’t have to obsess over your looks to win a woman over with the care you put into your appearance. You can wear a little bit of cologne, but not so much that you overwhelm the woman. Don’t underestimate the effect that a big, charming smile can have on a woman. While you don’t have to be grinning from ear to ear, you should smile at the woman when you first meet, and whenever it’s appropriate to smile when you’re talking. As long as it doesn’t make you look nervous, she’ll appreciate that you’re comfortable enough to smile when it feels good, and not feeling too cool to show her a little positive energy. Don’t just smile at the lady. If she sees you smiling at others, she’ll see what a welcoming, positive guy you are. If you want to charm a lady, then you can’t just put all of your attention on her and ignore the people around you. She should see that you are the kind of guy that can charm almost anyone in his orbit, and that is truly impressive. You should charm elderly people, young, bored children, or even the shyest person at the party. Find something that any person can talk about and make that person feel special, carefree, and comfortable opening up to you. Though you shouldn’t ignore the lady to do this, if she can see you working your magic on anyone in the room, she’ll be even more charmed by you. Make sure that you’re not seen charming too many other ladies, though. The lady should still feel special at all times even if you’re engaging with other people. Another way to charm the people around you is to introduce them to each other in a seamless way. Say something like, “Mary, have you met Joe? He just got a new pit bull and you must have some advice for how to make it behave…” Do you know a bit of French? Un poco Español? If you know a little bit of a foreign language, show it off without being too annoying. Don’t start throwing every foreign language you know at the woman, but if she finds out that you spend some time in France, or that your father is from Madrid, then bust out a sentence or two and watch her swoon. Sure, this is a cheap trick, but if you use it at the right time, the lady will be completely charmed by you. Only try this one if you really feel confident about your skills. Don’t blunder through a phrase or two if you really don’t know much more Spanish than how to pronounce tequila. You do not need to be Hugh Grant or even Brad Pitt to be sexy. Sexy is confidence and an aura you send. It comes with self-love (not narcissism, however). Being sexy is simply being out of reach and comfortable in your body. A nice smile is always good, as is having a nice scent. Humans respond to the 5 senses - important senses for you will be scent and touch. If you want to look unattainable, then don't be too needy. The lady should see that you like her company, but that you won't be heartbroken without her." ], "summary": [ "Ask her questions about herself. Give her a genuine compliment. Ask for her opinion. Be a good listener. Don’t flirt with everyone around you. Give her a small gift. Dance with her. Use her name. Give her a light touch.", "Don’t try so hard. Laugh at yourself. Be a goofball. Pay attention to your appearance. Smile. Charm the people around you. Speak a foreign language. Be sexy, yet unattainable." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Talking to Her Friends and Family", "Setting the Stage", "Escalating Romantic Chemistry", "Becoming More than Friends", "Asking Her Out" ], "document": [ "Learn more about her. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to flirt and talk with her. Respectfully approach her friends and family and tell them that you’d like to learn more about her. Be open and honest with your intentions and they will better understand how to help you. Do not present yourself as someone who you are not. This will certainly make things worse if she finds out that you have manipulated those close to her to get your way. Be polite when meeting her parents. Respectful behavior is important to provide an example of how you will treat their daughter. If she says she is unsure or not allowed to date in school, it's not the end of the world. As much as you want to go out with her, it's much more important that you establish respect early on. Do not suggest that she lies to her parents or goes behind their back. That will only get her into trouble and make you seem selfish for disregarding what her parents want. You may get frustrated if things don't go your way. You may not feel like you're being a bully to her but how are you treating her friends? You may not think you're doing anything wrong but if you don't know her friends, your constant questions may seem intimidating. Don’t be a bully! Research has shown that if you come across as a bully or intimidating that the girl may agree to give you what you want just to get you to stop. Just because you get the response you’re looking for doesn’t mean that she is being sincere. You don't want to build a relationship on these terms. Make sure to make a good impression on them as they are her first line of defense. If she is much more popular than you, or in a different social circle, more effort will be required. Try and talk to that group to get closer to her, and be seen in a different light.", "Avoid playing games. You don’t need to immediately tell her that you like her and freak her out, but don’t assume that she thinks one way about you. Always respectfully ask and thank her for letting you know her opinion. Open communication is the easiest way to get to know her. If you find it difficult to get her to share anything about herself or to even have a conversation with her, use open-ended questions to get the conversation flowing like \"What is your favourite class and why?\" or \"Tell me something about yourself that most people wouldn't know by looking at you.\" Are you listening to respond or are you truly hearing what she is saying? Actively listen to her and ask questions to make sure that you understand what you’ve heard. Don’t be distracted by outside factors. Look for a quiet place or ask to schedule a meeting to ensure that both of you are mentally and emotionally present. If you are maturing fast or very active and notice yourself sweating or smelling bad, start to shower and use deodorant every day. Brush your teeth and comb your hair. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential. Keep yourself clean and smelling fresh even when you're not around her because if a rumor picks up that you smell, you may lose your chance before even getting to talk with her. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but what all girls want is a well put together guy. Dressing well shows that you take pride in your appearance. Know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your outfits. You should be able to talk with her often, your conversations should last, and you should be able to talk with her about multiple topics that are interesting to the both of you. Awkward conversations won't cut it. If something feels forced, changed topics. Ask her if she plays video games because there are surprisingly a lot of girls who enjoy video games as much as boys. Ask her if she likes to draw if you like to draw. If you both like the local sports team you can say, \"Hey, did you see yesterday's game?\" Don't pretend to love something just because you think she does. Know what you like and what you don't so that you have something to talk about. Don't worry about whether or not she likes what you like or admires what you admire. Confidence means stating things which are bold truths and expecting other to respect you for it, whether they agree or not. Do not be a jerk. Having an opinion doesn't mean other opinions are wrong, just that you may not agree.", "Stand out from the rest of her relationships and treat her in a special way. She will never know that you want to be more than friends unless you make your intentions clear. Create romantic tension to get her excited about the possibility of your relationship moving past friendship and turning into a romance. Give her compliments like \"you look really beautiful in that dress” or \"it's cute how your nose scrunches up when you laugh, I've never noticed that before\". Don’t speak to every girl you meet the same way. If you are constantly flirting with every girl you meet, none of them will feel special. You may also develop an unsavory reputation for being a “player”, someone who is desperate or someone who just uses women. Don't be creepy or awkward by lingering at her location without saying something. If you have nothing to say, don’t force it. Just greet her and move along. You want her to be attracted to you for who you are and not a fake persona that you’ve manufactured. Don’t be fake and put on pretense. It will not only be emotionally draining but it won’t build a lasting relationship. Don’t change your sense of humor or pretend to share the same interests if you don’t actually enjoy the same things. Make sure your compliments are sincere and you genuinely have an interest her. Spending time together alone allows you both to get to know each other on a deeper level. Eliminate distractions including cell phones, unwanted visitors, or blaring music. Choose somewhere where you can get some privacy but also is comfortable. She may not be comfortable coming over or you may not be comfortable kissing in public so make an informed choice. Choose an activity that you can both do together like studying, hiking, or grabbing a bite to eat. Make sure you make it clear that it will just be the two of you so you can manage any expectations. Some of us are naturally more accustomed to initiating physical touch. If you haven’t already established a pattern of physical contact, communicate your intentions by how you touch her. Touching her means that you not only have to physically get close to her but that you also want to get close to her on an emotional level. Touching her is a great way to flirt and should be done casually. Touch her as a reaction to a joke or get close to her without touching her by complimenting her perfume or her hair. Read over her shoulder or place your hand on her lower back when escorting her somewhere. Although this may seem harmless, subconsciously she will know that you want to get closer to her.", "If you have been friends, you’ll recognize that the rules and expectations that govern how you communicate with her should be different. If you want to change her mind and get her to view you romantically, do not continue to act like friends. Never, under any circumstances, do this in a threatening way or in a way that would make her feel uncomfortable. However, little nudges or letting your knees touch when you’re sitting next to each other could help plant the seed that you like her romantically. Is a romantic relationship what you actually want? Then tell her that. Understand that this might risk losing her friendship. Do not be friends with a girl in hopes that you can change her mind about you. This is unfair to her as friendships should be based on trust and respect. Be honest with her. Tell her that you want to be more than friends. If she says she just wants to stay friends, ask yourself if you are able to do that or if it's best just to move on. For example, say something like \"I really have a lot of fun with you and always look forward to seeing you. I was wondering if you felt anything more than friendship between us because I definitely do.\" Your emotions may be too raw after you have been rejected to maintain a friendship. A friendship is based on mutual support and respect. Ask yourself if you can truly give that to her after you have clearly expressed that you see her as more than a friend. Don’t try to force the friendship. Give yourself time to recover.", "Ask her out on a high note. You can do this by coming up to her in person where there are few other people, then wait till she is laughing, telling you something about herself, or staring at you intently. You can say something like, \"I've been thinking a lot about you lately and would like to ask if you'd go out with me, just the two of us. I think we could have a great time.\" Asking her out to an activity is better than asking her out to immediately be your girlfriend because it doesn’t put pressure on her. Letting her know that it will just be the two of you and that you’ve been thinking about her sets it up as more than a friendly outing. Slip a note in her locker that says something like \"Do you like me? Because I like you.\" and at the bottom of the note it could say, \"Return your answer to locker 695.\" This can be taken as a fun cute way to have no commitment or pressure; however, it could also be taken as you being too shy to ask her in person. It's not a good idea to ask her when she's with her friends or in a big group because she could become self-conscious if they call attention to any awkwardness by saying \"He totally likes you\". Her friends could also embarrass you or her if they think you aren’t a good match. Never get someone else to ask a girl out on your behalf because she may think that she is being pranked. Keep it casual so you don’t scare her off. The best way to ask her out is to do it in person or call/video chat her. Don't text her asking if she wants to go out because it may be misinterpreted. Ask a few friends to go skating, to a movie, or to just hang out at your house. If you are close to her, invite her directly. You can also get a mutual friend who is closer to her to invite her. While everyone hangs out in the group, try not to overwhelm her by singling her out but still interact with her enough so that she's thinking of you. Ask her if she has a boyfriend or let her know that you don’t plan on making this uncomfortable or awkward by saying something like, \"Wanna go out sometime? We don't have to kiss or tell anyone” If she is apprehensive but still says yes, make sure you follow her rules. If she asked you not to tell then don’t tell anyone. If she asked not to kiss in the relationship then don’t pressure her. Movies in the afternoons are often acceptable because it's public and gives you something to talk about afterwards. You can also invite her to a shared interest like a sporting event or simply walking around her favorite place to shop. Offer to meet her there and make sure you let her know that parents are welcome." ], "summary": [ "Talk to her friends and family. Respect her and her family's views. Stay calm and courteous. Talk to her friends and learn more about her.", "Be direct when expressing yourself. Listen to what she is saying. Keep yourself clean and fresh at all times. Dress well. Keep your conversations going. Talk about things that you two have in common. Be confident.", "Get her to notice you. Be yourself. Find some alone time. Break the touch barrier.", "Understand that friendship and dating are different. Start touching her more. Be honest about your feelings. Communicate respectfully and openly that you’d like your friendship to become romantic.", "Have a plan. Meet her at her locker. Talk to her when she's alone. Have a group outing. Prepare for any obstacles. Keep the date simple." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Deciding What to Do on Your Trip" ], "document": [ "Take in the beautiful scenery, dine at one of the unique cave restaurants, or take advantage of the beautiful beaches. Whatever you decide to do, you're sure to have a memorable vacation." ], "summary": [ "Relax and do nothing." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding New Friends Online", "Creating an Appealing Profile", "Being a Good Online Friend" ], "document": [ "Look up the names of friends from school, work, or your weekly reading group to see if they are on Facebook and send them a friend request. Start with individuals you know directly via your other social groups, as well as relatives or family friends that may be on Facebook. This is a quick and easy way to start a friend base, especially if you are new to Facebook. All you need to do is upload your contacts to Facebook and Facebook will then add them automatically to your friend list. To do this, you will need a .csv file of all your contacts. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, simply export your contacts, and if you are using Gmail or Hotmail, go to contacts and look for export in the settings menu. Be sure to screen your email contacts before you upload them to Facebook, as sometimes work contacts or old contacts can get mixed in. You want to avoid adding individuals who are purely work related to your personal Facebook page. As well, its best to avoid adding individuals you do not talk to anymore or interact with as they will likely be a non presence on your Facebook page or not accept your friend request. Once you begin to add individuals you know from social groups like school work, or recreational gatherings, Facebook will start to post profiles of people you may know through your existing friends. Facebook will also show you how many mutual friends in common you have with this potential friend so you can trace how you know this person and are assured it is not a complete stranger. Maybe you want to support a political cause, or are looking to network with people who are also avid fans of a television show you love. Use the search bar to check if a group for your interest exists on Facebook and join the group. By joining online groups full of like minded individuals or those who also share your interests, you will be posting and sharing with a potentially large pool of individuals who could also become Facebook friends with you. If you see a post on a group you are part of that you find interesting, reply to it and start a dialogue with the person who posted the comment or link. This dialogue could then develop into a friend request. It’s always a good idea to identify your relationship with the person or introduce yourself, as they will more likely accept your request if they can place you among the people they know or are reminded how they know you. For example, if you’re sending a friend request to someone in the same online West African Music Appreciation group as you, add a friendly note to the request clarifying how you know each other and that you thought it would be great if you could be friends. As well, if you are friending a friend of a friend, add a note about your mutual friend in common. By making your presence known on the walls of your friends, this will also cause your posts or comments to show up on your friends’ newsfeeds, which will then show up on their friends’ newsfeeds, thereby contributing to the never ending friends cycle on Facebook. Sharing and commenting on the walls of your friends will not only lead to more friend requests, it will also give your new friends a sense of who you are online and what you like to talk about or share with others.", "Your Facebook profile image and your cover image are the first things people looking at your page will see, so make them visually appealing and approachable. When choosing a profile picture, look for one that shows off your smile, your eyes, or a moment where you look expressive and friendly. Avoid using logos or brands as your profile picture, as this may appear you are a spam page or trying to sell something to people who become friends with you. Try not to use a picture of your pet or a group shot of you with others, as this could make it hard for someone to know who they are becoming friends with. Your cover image (the large image at the top of your Facebook profile) should also be approachable and personal. It could show a collage of other pictures of you or one bold image that conveys you as a whole. When you fill in your About your page, just keep in mind all of your friends will be reading this information about you. So keep it personal without being so personal it turns anyone off or becomes too much information for the public forum of Facebook. Putting down your interests, your favorite movies, and your favorite books in your About page will give someone a better sense of what you enjoy and whether you would be a good fit as a friend, but keep in mind these are considered \"extras\" on your profile and are not required to set up a Facebook profile page. Be aware that Facebook sells your information to marketing groups and third parties, who will then use the data to better market products to you. So be cautious of how much information you share about yourself on Facebook. If you are already using other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr, you can link your Facebook account to your other accounts so when you post a photo or comment on any of these platforms, it appears on Facebook. This will allow you to share more with your friends and reach multiple audiences with one post. Use this feature with caution, as you don’t want to become guilty of oversharing one post or clogging up your friends’ Facebook news feeds with your online activity. If you are sharing a tweet from Twitter on your Facebook, try to remove all the hashtags used in the original tweet. Hashtags can look redundant and are unnecessary when they are posted on Facebook. While it may be tempting to share all your personal preferences, likes, and dislikes to attract new friends, keep in mind this information could also become public information for potential employers, ex spouses, and family members. Customize your Facebook privacy settings so you can make sure your weekend warrior photos only appear on your friends' newsfeed, and be aware of exactly how much information you are giving out to others. Take advantage of the 4 basic privacy settings on Facebook and apply them to your profile, posts, tags, etc.: Everyone: Grants access to anyone on the Internet. Friends: Grants access to only your friends on Facebook. Friends of Friends: Grants access to your friends on Facebook, as well as their friends. Custom: Grants access to a select audience of your choice, including specific people and networks. Use the audience selector tool option, which allows you to decide how public or how private you want a certain status you just posted or a photo of you added by a friend or by you, to be. You can also set privacy settings for future posts or tags by you and of you by others. Doing this will ensure you know exactly what you are sharing with your friends and what will remain private. This way, you can keep your profile friendly, and still have control over how much you want your new friends to know about you.", "Don’t be afraid to show your wackier side on Facebook. After all, the idea is to let people get to know you better and an easy way to do this is to express your thoughts and emotions in an honest way. In fact, posts about personal journeys, stories, or just a funny thing that happened to you that day tend to get some of the highest likes and comments. Of course, keep in mind the too much information rule and try to share things you would want to tell a casual friend or the general public. Don’t overstep the comfort level of others, and if you do decide to TMI, be prepared to lose some Facebook friends! Just like in real life, making friends on Facebook is a two-way street. So don’t cultivate a news feed or a profile wall that is just about you. Pose a question to your friends in your status or ask your friends to share what they think or how they feel in a comment. When in doubt, ask a yes or no question to start a conversation and then respond promptly to keep the conversation with your friends going. Keep in mind that on Facebook, its about quality, not quantity. So keep your posts interesting by telling people when you’re having a bad day, wishing friends a happy birthday, and posting funny videos or images of your favorite internet cat. By keeping your Facebook presence interesting and full of different posts or shares, you will keep your friends engaged in what you have to say. Maybe you have your own clothing line or sell cat bowties on the side, but your friends on your personal Facebook page don’t necessary want to hear your latest business pitch. Save the business promos for your business page and don’t let it take over your personal page. Always keep your audience in mind before you post anything on Facebook. If the information seems better suited for your Facebook business page or as a private message to someone who has expressed interest in your business, put it where it belongs and don’t let it clutter your friends’ news feed. Constant, 24/7 status updates and posts can become annoying and will likely lead to a de-friending or a rejected friend request. Try to post two to three things a day, at different times of day, to reach the most friends and not seem like you are trying to clog up their news feeds." ], "summary": [ "Use the search tool to look for people you may know from your other social groups. Import contacts from your email to Facebook. Look at the “People You May Know” feature. Join online groups that interest you. Add a personal note to a friend request. Share and write on the walls of your friends.", "Use a profile picture that shows your face, preferably smiling. Fill in your About page with details that are appropriate, but not too much information. Link your Facebook profile to other social media sites. Decide if you want to keep your profile public or private.", "Show off your personality and don’t be afraid to be quirky or funny. Ask your friends to share their opinions. Vary up your posts and make them meaningful. Don’t try to sell or promote products on your personal Facebook page. Keep your posting and status updates to a reasonable amount." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Washing, Drying, and Adding Product to Your Hair", "Removing the Foam Rollers", "Adding the Foam Rollers" ], "document": [ "It's best to start this style with clean, damp hair, so cleanse and condition your hair before adding rollers. You may want to do this around bedtime so that there will be plenty of time overnight for your rolled tresses to dry completely.", "In order for your hair to dry completely and the curls to set, you need to wait at least eight hours before removing the rollers. Many people choose to put the rollers in before going to sleep, then remove them in the morning. If you can't wait eight hours, sit under a heated hair dryer for at least one hour.", "The size of the roller will affect the size and shape of the curl. If you want tight, bouncy curls, choose small foam rollers. Or, choose large rollers for loose, soft curls. Generally, smaller rollers are better for shorter hair, while any size roller can be used for longer hair." ], "summary": [ "Shampoo and condition your hair as usual.", "Wait eight hours before removing the rollers.", "Choose which size of foam rollers to use." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Assessing the Pros of Using Caffeine for ADHD", "Considering Other Treatment Options", "Assessing the Cons of Using Caffeine for ADHD" ], "document": [ "Caffeine is a stimulant, just like many of the prescription medications those with ADHD use to tame their symptoms. Because of caffeine's effect on the brain, when someone consumes it, the levels of a key brain chemical (dopamine) are increased. Someone with ADHD who consumes caffeine is better able to process information, and will feel more calm and focused. Excess intake may still cause the stimulant side effects however, which may include anxiety. The effectiveness of caffeine for ADHD depends on the dosage. Moderate doses between 200-300 mg can lead to increased energy, enhanced concentration, and boost emotional well-being. High doses, however, of greater than 400 mg can cause you to feel jittery and nervousness. No, this one is not mis-categorized. Yes, it does say decrease the brain's blood flow. Apparently in those with ADHD, this is a good thing. This is the exact effect ADHD medications like Ritalin have. The blood flow affects how well the person processes information and pays attention. Such a regimen can produce a high level of success at controlling ADHD. Studies have shown that when used in conjunction with each other, at low doses, the two treatments compliment each other very well. In combination with higher levels of caffeine, however, the prescription proved to be the equivalent of no medication at all.", "Enjoy a diet that promotes consumption of whole foods like fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Some researchers suggest removing foods that have been processed and may have harmful substances added like artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and allergens like eggs, milk, and grains. One teacher recognized how periods of in-school activity reduced ADHD symptoms in her students. As a result, a study was conducted showing that regular physical activity - as little as a half hour each day - improved cognitive functioning, mood, and focus. Students also saw a decrease in the severity of ADHD symptoms. If you or your child have ADHD, try getting regular exercise, in virtually any form, to see if it helps. Even if the effects are minimal, people who work out regularly still report feeling better about themselves and healthier. Getting 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night for adults and even more for children is essential to mood stability, attention, and focus. One study showed that children with ADHD had higher rates of daytime sleepiness.Therefore, getting adequate sleep at night can help you or your child stay awake while at work or school. The best tactics to improve sleep quantity and quality lie in developing a regular and consistent sleep pattern. Create a relaxing bedroom environment, and move all other activities elsewhere. Avoid caffeine or alcohol in the evenings for better sleep, too. Both yoga and meditation promote relaxation and improve moods in people who engage in these activities. These practices place an emphasis on your breath and focusing on sensations within your body, rather than environmental stimuli. Try both or either to see if one helps an ADHD sufferer learn discipline and stress management. In addition to lifestyle changes, you can consult with a psychologist for non-pharmacological interventions that help alleviate ADHD symptoms. Which interventions your mental health provider uses will depend largely on your unique medical/psychiatric history and symptom patterns. Plus, adults and children generally require different interventions that match their developmental level. Many people shy away from pharmacological treatments of ADHD. However, they have been proven to alleviate symptoms in 85% of cases, particularly for severe manifestations of the disorder. In some cases, lifestyle changes may be sufficient at helping you manage your ADHD. However, if these tactics do not improve your symptoms, see your doctor about a stimulant or non-stimulant medication that may suit your needs.", "In research studies, results of caffeine as a medication for ADHD have not provided as consistent results as prescribed medications. At times, using caffeine had the same effect as no medication or treatment at all. Though caffeine greatly reduced hyperactive behavior in children when administered prior to academic testing, the change in behavior was not without side effects. Restlessness, heart palpitations, insomnia, irritability and increased anxiety are a few. Studies of long term use of caffeine show that it is quite addictive. People who are ADHD and use caffeine as a treatment risk becoming addicted. In the event one decides to reduce intake or stop using caffeine, there are risks. Headaches are one of the withdrawal symptoms. However, those who intake a lot of caffeine run the risk of having the shakes and the increased possibility of a heart attack. Remember that large amounts of caffeine have been proven to be ineffective. Limited quantities (between 200 and 300 mg) work best at helping you to manage ADHD." ], "summary": [ "Stimulate away. Decrease the brain's blood flow. Combine caffeine with a methylphenidate medication.", "Eat a healthy balanced diet. Get exercise. Improve your sleep habits. Practice yoga or meditation. See a professional for behavioral interventions. Don't overlook medications for ADHD.", "Expect inconsistent results. Prepare for side effects. Risk addiction." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Praying the Lord’s Prayer", "Benefiting Emotionally From Prayer", "Praying Techniques" ], "document": [ "This prayer is directed toward God; however, Jesus in John 10:30 says “I and my Father are one”. The Lord’s prayer is found in Matthew 5-7. These passages also contain the Sermon on the Mount and Beatitudes (blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted). The sermon on the mount is about the importance of God’s place in the inner life as opposed to doing religion for appearances. Jesus condemns the religious officials who have been showing off their righteousness in public. Jesus says true righteousness belongs to those who are the lowest: those who mourn, those who are poor, those who are meek, even though they do not give the appearance of righteousness. For example, Jesus says in Matthew 6:5 “Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them.\" This is one of Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 6:6 on how to pray. Jesus goes on to say, “And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.” Find a room or a private space where you can be alone, and pray to God there. Feel comforted by the presence of God \"who sees in secret.” This is not the only place you can pray. You can also “pray without ceasing” (wherever you may be you can be prayerful) as Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians. Paul also described speaking in tongues as a good way to pray. He said, \"I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all\" 1 Corinthians 14:18.(See also 1 Corinthians 14:2,4-5, and14-15) Jesus in Matthew 6:7 says “When you pray, do not babble repetitiously like the Gentiles, because they think that that by their many words they will be heard.” During this time people may have been praying using certain rituals, recitations, and incantations, but you do not need these to pray to Jesus. Additionally, you do not need to talk about your problems when you recite the Lord’s prayer. When you pray in general, or at a different time, you can talk to Jesus about your problems. Jesus follows up the previous verse with this warning in verse 8, “Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.\" You can read the Lord’s prayer out loud or to yourself. Read it slowly so that the meaning of each verse can sink in. Jesus said in Matthew 6:9-13, Pray, then in this way: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For yours is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.] “Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name” helps you direct your attention to God who is beyond your ability to see or comprehend. ”Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” helps you form an attitude of willingness toward taking part in what is being done on earth and engaging with the world around you. ”Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” means that you rely on the goodness of God to provide for you the things you need. You also let go of the things that needy people owe to you, thus you should not demand to receive payment. Not forgiving debts of the poor displeases God, for you were forgiven a debt of sin you could never pay. “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” could mean different things for different people. Not everyone shares the same things they do that they wish they would not do. However, whatever things you struggle with, ask for God’s help to overcome those things. “For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever” is not found in early manuscripts; however, it can give closure to your prayer and refocus you on the awe inspiring nature of God.", "You can use your prayers to Jesus to tell Him about the difficult things that are going on in your life. Praying can be helpful for coping with emotions like frustration and pain. If you can let out your anger during prayer rather than in daily life or in your relationships, then it can become an emotional support that you can use to calm you down. When something bad happens to you, for example, you lose your job, you can pray to Jesus to help process your emotions and find relief from your stress. Give your words of frustration, anger or fear over this loss to Him. You can use the Psalms as guides in how to pray through hard times. For example, in Psalm 4 the Psalmist asks that God to give him relief for his distress. Remember that God made you in His image, and Jesus loves and His Spirit accompanies you on your journey. He wanted you to choose to repent, to seek to please God and acknowledge Him in all you do, just the way you are: Free to choose to follow His plan to be saved. When you are having a hard time loving yourself, remind yourself that Jesus came to this earth and died, in part, because of His great love for you. His grace passes all understanding. Remember John 15:11-13: These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, 'That you love one another, as I have loved you, and greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,. In your prayers to Jesus, you have an opportunity to reconsider why things have happened to you. Perhaps when you reconsider your circumstances you will be better able to understand how God could be using something bad in your life for good. For example, although you have lost your job, you have been able to spend a lot more time with your kids. Consider the beatitudes. Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) says that “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”. Going to Jesus in prayer when you are going through a hard moment can help shield you from the negative emotions that you are experiencing. For example, if someone you love is sick or in surgery, you may need to take a moment and refocus on Jesus and take comfort in his presence and strength. Although you should use Jesus as a support, continue to support others and allow other people you are with to support you as well. Continue to stay present with your loved ones and share with them the routine, the joy and pain of what they or you are experiencing. It can be helpful to use the model of Jesus and his practices of love and compassionate to help give you the understanding you need to face your life. While you pray about the situations in your life, consider the ways Jesus would respond. If you are having difficulty at work with someone who interrupted your career (such as by receiving the promotion you desired/deserved), you can think about Jesus-like responses to the situation. For example, in Luke 6:27, Jesus says “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”", "Find regular times and places where you can take a break, and take time out to pray. Look for a quiet place in your building at work where you can go to pray during your breaks, for example. Or go into nature to pray, and find a place by a great tree in a park. You can mark off a consistent time in your schedule to go to this place. Set a daily alarm to go off in your phone or make a repeating email reminder for yourself. Go to the place you do your prayers, and sit there until you are ready to pray. For instance kneel, fold your arms in front of you, and close your eyes to pray is a suggested posture. Try different postures depending on where you are. For example, if you are praying in a park you might cross your legs, and lay your hands on your knees. Don’t make demands, instead ask for help from your father for guidance, peace, and comfort. End the prayer \"in the name of Jesus\" when you pray to God through Jesus. Pray for your family, your teachers, your government officials, the poor, and yourself. The thumb can represent your family and the close relationships that are your supports. It is the most sturdy finger, and that is why it represents the family. The index finger, as a pointing finger, can be the finger that represents guidance in your life, or it might stand for those who show you the way and help you. For example, this could be bosses, pastors, teachers, mentors, friends, and even those who provide you health care like your doctors and nurses.. The middle finger is the tallest finger on your hand, and it can be used to remind you to pray for the people in power in your country and in the world: government officials, world leaders, politicians, etc. The ring finger is the weakest finger and therefore may remind you to pray for those who are people who are suffering from poverty and any ailments they do not wish to have. The last, smallest finger represents yourself. Don't forget to pray for yourself. Use objects or play music to help focus you on your prayer. For example, pray while looking at a beautiful painting, if you are a visual person. You can also read a book on prayer or write in a journal. Don’t try to fit yourself into any container of what you think a prayer should be. Perhaps you need to be doing something with your hands while you pray. You can use rosary beads and repeat prayers for each bead, or you can doodle flowers in your notebook as you pray. You can also sing your prayers. Doing this is joyful and helps you express your feelings outwardly." ], "summary": [ "Know the context of the Lord’s prayer. Try praying in your room with the door shut. Keep the recitation of the Lord's prayer concise. Meditate on the Lord’s prayer.", "Talk to Jesus about your anger and difficult emotions. Assure yourself that Jesus loves you. Understand the difficult things that have happened to you in a new light. Concentrate on your connection to Jesus in tough moments. Think about how Jesus would handle the situation you are in.", "Pray daily in a consistent place and at a regular time. Take on whatever posture makes you feel comfortable. Express gratitude, and talk to God as He is your Father who cares about you. Try letting your thumb and each of your fingers of either hand represent an important part of life that needs attention in prayer. Experiment with ways to pray that work the best for you." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Enabling the Console", "Turning on Fast Switch" ], "document": [ "This console allows you to enter commands that change the game, including the fast switch command. The console is disabled by default. CS: GO - Open the Options menu and select \"Game Settings.\" Set \"Enable Developer Console\" to \"Yes.\" Note: Fast Switch is enabled by default for CS: GO and cannot be disabled. CS: Source - Open the Options menu and select \"Advanced.\" Check the \"Enable developer console (~)\" box. You can also check \"Fast weapon switch\" in this screen to enable it without having to use console commands. ~ key to open the console. You don't need to be in a game for it to appear. This has been known to cause problems on keyboards using a French layout. If you can't get the console to open and you use a French layout for your keyboard, you'll need to change layouts when playing. You may need to force the console on the game's shortcut if you can't get it to appear: Right-click on the game in your Steam library and select \"Properties.\" Click \"Set Launch Options\" in the \"General\" tab. Type -console into the field. The console will appear whenever the game is started.", "If you didn't open the console in the previous section, press ~ to open it now. It will appear as a smaller window inside Counter-Strike. You don't need to be in a game to enable fast switch, but it may help for testing purposes. hud_fastswitch 1 and press ↵ Enter. This will enable the fast switch feature so that you'll pull out the selected weapon as soon as you hit the corresponding number key. Remember, CS: GO has this feature enabled by default, and it cannot be disabled. There is no need to enter a fast switch command for CS: GO. Press one of the number keys assigned to your weapons (usually 1-4). Your weapon will be pulled out immediately without having to confirm with another click. If you have more than one grenade, you'll still have to select which one you use. If you can't get used to fast switch, you can turn it off with basically the same command: Open the console and type hud_fastswitch 0 to turn off fast switch. Many players find using the mouse wheel to scroll through all three weapons and grenades to be a waste of time in combat. You can bind mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down to your primary and secondary weapons, allowing you to switch in the middle of a fight without moving your fingers: Open the console by pressing ~. Type bind wheelup slot1 and press ↵ Enter. This will make scrolling up on the wheel automatically switch to your primary weapon. Type bind wheeldown slot2 and press ↵ Enter. This will make scrolling down on the wheel automatically switch to your pistol." ], "summary": [ "Enable the developer console. Press the . Force the console if you can't get it to work.", "Open the console if it isn't already open. Type . Test it out. Turn it off if you don't like it. Turn your mouse wheel into a quick weapon switch." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Rubbing Alcohol", "Using Witch Hazel" ], "document": [ "Try to use 99% rubbing alcohol instead of the regular 70%, as it will kill more germs. This will give the hand sanitizer that gel-like texture. It will also take away some of the harshness of the rubbing alcohol and make it less drying by moisturizing your hands. You can use any scent you'd like, but the following scents have antimicrobial properties: cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, or thieves. There should be no lumps or clumps. Try to use a bottle with a pump or squeeze top. Take the cap off and insert the funnel. Pour the mixture through the funnel and into the bottle. Use the spatula to scrape everything out of the bowl. Your scented hand sanitizer is now ready to use. The ingredients may settle over time. If this happens, simply give the bottle another shake. ", "You can use any type you'd like, but the following oils have antimicrobial properties: cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, or thieves. The tea tree oil will act as an antiseptic, while the Vitamin E oil will act as a preservative. It will also leave your hands feeling soft and smooth. This will help kill all of the germs without the harshness of rubbing alcohol. Keep in mind that witch hazel is not as effective as rubbing alcohol; if you'd like something stronger, use a high-proof vodka instead. This will help give your hand sanitizer that gel-like consistency. It will also make it less drying and more moisturizing. There should be no lumps or clumps left. Take the cap off first, then stick a funnel down into the neck. Pour the mixture into the funnel. Use your spatula to help guide the mixture. Try to use the your sanitizer within a few months. This hand sanitizer is natural and pure, so it does not contain any preservatives. " ], "summary": [ "Fill a clean bowl with 2/3 cup (160 milliliters) of rubbing alcohol. Add 1/3 cup (80 grams) of Aloe Vera gel. Add 8 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Stir the ingredients together using a spatula until everything is smooth. Transfer the mixture into a clean bottle, using a funnel to guide you. Close the bottle and give it a final shake. Finished.", "Add 5 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into a clean bowl. Stir in 30 drops of tea tree essential oil and ¼ teaspoon (1.25 milliliters) of Vitamin E oil. Stir in 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of witch hazel. Add 1 cup (225 grams) of Ale Vera gel. Stir the mixture with your spatula until everything is smooth. Transfer the mixture into a clean bottle with a pump or squeeze top. Close the bottle, and shake it before using it. Finished." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Overcoming Your Own Jealousy", "Creating an Open Discussion about Boundaries" ], "document": [ "A childish tactic that is often forgotten. Remember to honestly build a picture. This method really helps you understand what jealousy is doing to you in the face of your partner. If you have confidence issues, there are many articles on wikiHow that can definitely help you. But, in summary, firstly changing your mindset from 'I am hopeless' to something as simple as 'I can be creative, honest and motivating' can be the game changer to improving your overall character. (Tip: Never place another person into the picture, like 'I am better than this person' or 'At least I am not as spoilt as this person'. This won't help you remove the cycle of jealousy nor make you any more mature, as you cannot know every single detail of another persons life). In particular, secretly checking their phones, following them through GPS tracking or feeling mad whenever they are tagged in a group photo with others. You should feel happy for your partner to have friends. Again, place yourself in the other persons shoes. When you feel yourself reaching a dangerous point of jealousy. Take a moment to re-evaluate the problem and ask yourself whether it is really worth getting upset over. Improvements may become a great confidence booster. If not, take note of this situation for future reference.", "Find time when both of you are free. Find a private space that is secure and comfortable for a face to face discussion. If you both are too busy or can't find such a place, talking over the phone or web chat is another option. This could be your own jealous feelings to a situation that falls outside the situation such as secretly checking your partners phone to find it locked. Explain to your partner how these situations are affecting you. However, realise that certain actions such as frequently making secret calls that seem suspicious should be brought up at a later date. Tell them what would bother you and tell them to put yourself in your shoes if the situation is reversed would you also be uncomfortable? Never blame or speak in a destructive manner such as 'YOU ARE ALWAYS DOING THIS'." ], "summary": [ "Place yourself in the other persons position. Understand where you come from. Remove situations that you have created due to your feelings of jealousy. Realize that overcoming feelings of jealousy takes time. Assess whether or not you have improved in responding to these situations.", "Wait for the right moment. Point out what has currently been bothering you. Set up boundaries with your partner on what you consider cheating. Adopt an open minded and calm persona." ] }