{ "section_name": [ "Getting Involved", "Getting Attention", "Being Social" ], "document": [ "One way to be cool and popular is to join a sports team, if you are so inclined. Of course, if you have two left feet and completely hate sports, then there’s no need to torture yourself. But if you’re interested in sports or have been pretty good at baseball, soccer, or tennis in the past, then joining a sports team can help you make new connections, gain leadership abilities, and work well with others. All of these skills will help you become more cool and popular. Joining a sports team will also let you meet a lot of cool people who you might not get to meet in your classes. It’ll help you expand your social network, and people who are truly cool and popular have a wide social circle. Another way to expand your social network and to be cool and popular is to meet people through clubs. You can join the Student Council, the school paper, the school yearbook, or a variety of other clubs that let you explore your interests. You’ll get to meet a variety of new people and will be able to bond over a shared interest. Talking about something you actually love? Now that’s definitely cool. You may also meet a different type of person in some of your clubs than you would while being part of a sports team. Being friends with a variety of people helps you learn how to talk to almost anyone and can help you become more well-known. You may not think there’s anything cool about getting involved in a tutoring program at your local library or volunteering at a soup kitchen every other Sunday. However, being active in your community, whether you’re campaigning for a local politician whose cause you believe in or you’re cleaning up a local park, will help you get to know a variety of people of a variety of different ages. You’ll be building your character while learning to interact with a wider swath of people — and that is definitely cool. If you’re involved in your community, you may even gain experience talking to older people, which is a valuable skill that can help you become more mature and knowledgeable. These people may have a thing or two to teach you about what it really means to be cool. If you want to be cool and popular, then you should try to expand your area of interests. While it’s great to be the football captain, you would be exposing yourself to a lot of similarly-minded people if you follow that route. If you really want to be cool and popular, then you can join the football team, but also make time for yearbook or volunteering. Of course, you don’t want to put too much on your plate, but you also don’t want to spend your life only associating with one type of person, either. Maintaining a variety of interests can help you meet a number of interesting people. Once you befriend them, you should also work on expanding your social circle and hanging out with those people at non-club or sports related activities. Joining a club, a sports team, or a community network can also help you find your talents and develop them. Having a talent is very cool indeed.", "It’s not very cool to dress or act a certain way just to make other people happy or to make them think you’re cool. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Don’t wear preppy polos or strappy sandals or whatever everyone else is wearing just because someone made fun of your unique style; don’t act chill or disaffected just because someone accused you of being “hyper.” If you have your own thing going for you, then it’s cool to stick to it, and let the haters hate. Though “stop caring about what people think” may sound impossible, you can definitely do it if you make a point of casting aside the comments that were made about you and going on about your day. People who have nothing but negativity to spread aren’t worth your time. If people are spreading rumors about you or just saying bad things about you, don’t fight back by starting rumors of your own. Instead, take the high road and ignore these haters, showing that you’ve got better things to do with your time than to care about what they’re saying about you. That is definitely cool. One important characteristic of a cool and popular person is that he or she generally has a great time no matter where he or she goes. Though you don’t need to laugh like a maniac in the middle of an organic chemistry test, you should make an effort to have a good time no matter what you’re doing. Whether you’re waiting in the cafeteria line, chatting with your friends at your locker, or working in a group activity in school, you should give off a positive energy and act like you’re enjoying yourself. People will be attracted to your optimistic nature and will want to spend time around you. To make this easier, you should try to spend as much of your time doing the things you love as you can. Of course no one will see you having a great time if you’re stuck in detention or are on your way to band practice when you can’t stand it. Work on developing a positive energy that makes you see the bright side of things, and makes you quick to laugh instead of worry. Focus on being in the present moment instead of being concerned about how you come off. Another way to get people to notice you is to do the things you love. This can mean taking dance lessons, singing with your friends, sketching, or even making your own clothes. It doesn’t matter what you do; what does matter is that you’re passionate about it. That passion will attract people and will make them think you’re a person who is interesting and worth knowing. Doing something you love will also lead you to get to know more people who share your passion. You can also get noticed by teaching people to master the thing you’re good at. You can offer to give people drawing lessons, tennis tips, or even tell people how to be the best at tetherball. If you’re willing to teach other people and help them improve, then you will definitely come off as cool. People who are truly cool and popular have an understated confidence in who they are and what they’re about. If you’re cool and popular, then you don’t have to brag or show off, but you should project a positive energy and a happiness when you talk about who you are and what plans you have for your future. Stand up tall, smile, and speak with authority, acting like you’re not trying to put on a front or like you’re down on yourself. Showing how confident you are can go a long way in making you truly cool and popular. Talk about something you’re looking forward to over the weekend or an awesome show or movie that you saw. Make it clear that you’re happy with what you’ve been doing and that you want to share your ideas with people. Now that’s confidence. Compliment other people as often as you can while being genuine. People who are confident aren’t jealous and see the good in people and are happy to point it out. Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know and strike up a conversation with that person. Now that takes confidence. There’s no one way to dress if you want to be cool and popular. Of course, there are some stores where “cool” people may like to shop, such as Urban Outfitters or Abercrombie, but that doesn’t mean that going there will make you cool and popular. It’s far more important for you to wear something that fits well, looks clean, and shows off your individuality than to give in to a certain style of fashion. If you like graphic tees, Converse, or dangling earrings, just own the look instead of questioning it or asking other people what they think about it. Don’t worry about having a perfectly-matching, immaculately-coordinated look. Wearing clothes that are offbeat or unique can be much more interesting if you can pull it off. The most important thing is that your clothes fit you well. Wearing clothes that are too baggy can make you look sloppy and wearing clothes that are too tight can make you look more provocative than you intended. Just remember to shower and groom yourself daily. It will be hard to pull off any look if you look sloppy or haven’t showered in a few days. You may think that it’s cool to act like you’re too good for school or like you have better places to be, but in fact, acting like you’re “too cool for school” will just make you look like someone who is kind of boring, or who doesn’t have anything he’s passionate about. While you don’t have to suck up to your teachers or go on and on about how much you love gym class, you should act like you’re actually alert and happy to be where you are, so that people want to be around you. Complaining, sleeping in class, or just talking about how you have better things to do won’t really win anyone over. It’s actually much more cool to care about the parts of school that you really love, and to make a name for yourself in them, whether you’re a history buff or president of the Student Council. If you don’t care about anything except cutting class, people won’t know who you are. Cool and popular people aren’t actually mean to everyone except the other people they determine to be “cool.” Instead, they make a point of talking to everyone around because they’re friendly, outgoing, and like to get to know people. Besides, your life won’t be very fun or engaging if you’re determined to ignore almost every person you know because you deem them to be not cool enough for you. Instead, make a point of saying hi, striking up a conversation, or just generally being kind to everyone around you unless they give you a reason to act otherwise. The definition of popular is “well-liked.” If you want to be well-liked, then you need to know a lot of different people so that they can like you. If you only talk to 10 people, then, while they may like you fine, you wouldn’t be well-liked by all. If you put people down or are just mean to people who you think are unworthy, then you’ll come off as insecure.", "You may think that people who are cool and popular only tend to talk to the other five cool and popular people in their grade, but that’s far from the truth. In fact, people who are actually cool and popular are comfortable talking to people they don’t know because they’re confident in who they are and are always looking for ways to make their life even more fun and exciting. Whether there’s a new girl in town or you want to get to know a guy in your math class, making the effort to talk to new people will go a long way in making you cool and popular. Just say hi and introduce yourself when the time is right. Most people will be happy to talk to someone new, especially if they don’t know anybody. If a new person seems shy or quiet, don’t mistake this as rudeness. It can take longer for some people to open up than others. Another way to be cool and popular is to show a genuine interest in people. You can do this by asking them simple questions like what their favorite classes are or what their plans are for the summer. Demonstrate a real interest in getting to know them, their interests, and their everyday thoughts and they will be impressed by how caring and kind you are. Though you shouldn’t interview people and not reveal anything about yourself, you should work to maintain a balance between getting to know people and talking about yourself. The fact of the matter is, most people love to talk about themselves, even if they need to be prodded a little. If you get them talking about their favorite subject, then they will like you, and you will therefore become more popular. Of course, you shouldn’t just ask people questions to make them like you. You should work on genuinely caring about getting to know people. People who are truly cool and popular don’t need to brag about themselves because they’re already happy and confident in who they are and know that other people can tell without them having to say so. You can talk about the things you love to do without mentioning how great you are at French, skiing, or winning debates. There’s nothing people hate more than a show-off, and talking about how great you are will only make people think the opposite. Besides, self-promotion is not cool. Modesty is. If you’re really good at something, then other people will find out, whether they see it for themselves, hear it from your friends, or read about the goal you kicked in the school paper. Trust that your successes will come through and that you don’t need to broadcast them. Instead of talking about how good you are at something, take the time to compliment other people, whether they are on your debate team or your football team. If you want to be cool and popular, you should be outgoing and fun to talk to, but you also shouldn’t completely dominate conversations. The truth is, people care a lot more if you’re interested in them than if you’re interesting, so you should focus more on making them feel like interesting people and letting them talk instead of rambling on and on as an attempt to look cool. Of course, you shouldn’t speak in one-word sentences, either, but you should make sure that other people feel comfortable talking to you if you want them to like you and to think you’re cool. Whenever you’re having a conversation with someone, try not to do more than 50% of the talking. Nobody likes to stand there and hear a person go on and on. If you’re in a group setting, try not to dominate the conversation. Let at least three people speak before you tell another story or make another long comment. Though you shouldn’t monitor yourself every second of the conversation, you should be aware of not taking over. Another way to be cool and popular is to actually connect with people by finding common bonds. You don’t have to have everything in common, but you should find a way to talk about things you and the person you’re talking to cares about, from your love for Drake to your mutual affection for the Oakland A’s. When you come up to talk to a person you know, try to think of something you both care about, from a teacher you like to poke fun at to an after-school activity you do together. If you focus on these points of interest, people will feel like they have more to say to you. Get to know your audience when you talk to people. The brainy girl from your English class may want to talk to you about books or films, while the sporty guy on your baseball team may want to talk about the Mets game instead. Learn to read body language. If the person you’re talking to is shifting on his feet, checking his phone, or responding in one-word answers, then he or she may want to change the topic to something that you both care about. It’s one thing to be a socialite who knows everyone by name, and another to actually get to know people. While it’s great to know a lot of people and to be friendly to them, it’s also nice to actually take the time to know what goes on inside their heads. Though you can’t get to know everyone, take the time to really listen to people when they do talk to you, whether they’re telling you about their weekend plans, their worries about their grades, or about what they’re wearing to the school dance. People who are cool and popular actually care about people, and stand out because they can make anyone feel special. When someone is trying to tell you something, nothing else should matter. Put away your phone, stop looking around, and look into their eyes as they tell you what they have to say. Avoid interrupting or giving your opinion until the person is done talking. Focus on listening to the person on his or her own terms, instead of comparing the situation or experiences to something that happened to you. If you find yourself saying, “That sounds just like my break up…” then you’re not really listening. If you really want to be cool and popular, then you shouldn’t have to put people down just to make yourself look awesome. In fact, being mean to people, especially people who don’t have a lot of friends and who are looked down upon, is one of the lowest, most pathetic things you can do. If you want people to truly respect you and to feel like you’re a kind person, then you can’t go around demeaning people. It won’t make you look good or cool at all, but like a person who is so insecure that he needs to bring other people down to feel better. That is decidedly not cool. If you hang out with people who regularly put other people down, then it may be time to find some new friends. First, though, talk to your friends to see if they are willing to change the behavior." ], "summary": [ "Join a sports team. Join a club. Get involved in your community. Maintain a variety of interests.", "Don’t let other people tell you who you are. Let people see you having a great time. Do something you love. Wow people with your confidence. Rock your own style. Don’t be too cool for school. Be friendly to everyone.", "Don’t be afraid to talk to new people. Ask people about themselves. Avoid bragging. Let other people do the talking. Find common bonds with people. Take the time to really listen to people. Don’t put people down to look good." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Boredom to Discourage Cribbing", "Using Deterrents to Prevent Cribbing", "Adjusting the Horse's Diet and Getting Veterinary Care" ], "document": [ "Horses are social creatures, and they enjoy being with other horses. If a horse is socialized more, it's less likely to crib. Try turning your horse out to pasture with other horses for at least several hours a day. In addition, stable your horse with other horses so it can be social across stalls. In fact, if your horse is at one end of the stable, you might put it in a middle stall where it will see more traffic going by. Toys are a way to keep your horse's mouth busy and decrease the amount of time it cribs. Look for ones that prompt the horse to lick or chew the toy, as cribbing could stem from an oral fixation. These activities will help satisfy that same fixation. For instance, try a treat ball or barrel designed for horses. You place treats inside the toy, and the horse has to move it around to get the treats out. Additionally, hang toys from the ceiling of the stall for your horse to play with. For example, wash a milk jug and fill it with small rocks. Then, hang it up to entertain your horse. Horses that are allowed to forage are less likely to want to crib. Give your horse a chance to forage outside when you can, and you may find your horse slows up on this behavior. Outside, your horse has lots of grass to keep its mouth busy! Instead of just putting all the hay in the feeder, spread it out in different areas. That way, the horse will need to sniff it out, which takes time, and encourages it to practice one of its instinctual behaviors, foraging.", "You can find coatings specifically made for this purpose. The idea is they taste bad, and then your horse doesn't want to crib on that surface. Another option is hot sauce from the grocery store. Use a paintbrush to add a thick coating to the items, and then let it dry. Look online or at your favorite equine store for bad-tasting coatings. You could also try non-toxic soap. Place the collar just behind the horse's jaw, and tighten it around the neck. This collar won't affect the horse's eating or drinking, but it's just tight enough to prevent it from cribbing. Generally, horses don't seem to find these collars uncomfortable. However, you should check under your horse's collar often. The horse can develop lesions due to how tight it has to be prevent cribbing. Take the collar off when your horse is exercising. This option fits over your horse's mouth, allowing it to still eat and drink but blocking it from cribbing with a metal bar. While these also don't seem to be uncomfortable for the horse, they may not be as comfortable as wearing a cribbing collar. Cribbing rings prevent the practice by not allowing the horse to make contact between its teeth and the object it is cribbing. The ring is inserted around the front teeth, but it can fall out easily. It may slightly inhibit your horse's ability to graze. Your vet should put the cribbing ring in. While this board won't stop your horse from cribbing, it does allow your horse to do it a little more safely. This can be a solution if you simply can't stop your horse from cribbing. You may need to discourage your horse from using other boards in the area by using a bad-tasting coating.", "Stomach discomfort, including ulcers, may contribute to some horses' desire to crib. By switching to a diet that helps reduce ulcers, such as alfalfa hay, you may help eliminate stomach problems, which in turn, may reduce the horse's cribbing. If your horse is already on alfalfa, you may want to try other options for reducing cribbing. Change your horse's diet over slowly. Begin mixing some of the new diet in with the old a little at a time, gradually adding more each day. That will help reduce digestive issues. If you suspect that ulcers are causing your horse's cribbing, it's best to get your veterinarian to do a scope of its stomach to get a proper diagnosis. If ulcers are present, your vet can provide you with treatment options and ways to manage the ulcers, which will help heal your horse and reduce the cribbing. Sugary feeds may encourage your horse to crib more, so opt for a low-sugar version, like plain oats, when you're feeding grains in addition to hay. It may be that sugar lights up the same reward center in the brain that cribbing does, so when your horse gets sugar, it may want to keep the feeling going. Look for feeds that have a higher percentage of fat and fiber rather than starch and sugar. You can also try giving the horse hay before you feed it grain, which may cut down on cribbing, as well. If a horse has something to keep its mouth occupied, namely hay or a large pasture for grazing, it's less likely to crib. By having hay around, you encourage the horse to nibble on the hay throughout the day instead of inappropriate things like your barn or your fences. If your horse has trouble with overeating, try a slow feeder. These feeders give your horse a little bit of hay at a time, slowing down how much it can take, but your horse will still be nibbling most of the time. Because stomach discomfort may contribute to cribbing, have your horse seen by the vet if you haven't already. That way, the vet can rule out any stomach problems, such as ulcers or other intestinal issues, that you'll want to get taken care of. Your vet may suggest an antacid for certain conditions. If your horse doesn't have a stomach problem and cribbing has been a chronic problem, your vet may suggest having surgery to help prevent cribbing." ], "summary": [ "Give your horse time with other horses to provide socialization. Add oral toys to your horse's stall to keep it entertained indoors. Allow outside foraging to decrease boredom. Encourage foraging behavior by hiding hay around the horse's paddock.", "Apply a bad-tasting coating to the objects your horse cribs to discourage the behavior. Use a tightly applied cribbing collar for an easy solution. Put a cribbing muzzle on your horse if a cribbing collar doesn't work. Try a cribbing ring around your horse's teeth if other options are unsuccessful. Cover a board with rubber for your horse to use for cribbing.", "Feed the horse alfalfa hay to prevent ulcers. Avoid grain feeds that are high in sugar. Provide hay at all times to keep your horse occupied. Ask your veterinarian to see if there's an underlying reason your horse cribs." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Improving Your Credit", "Working With Your Lender", "Increasing Your Chances of Getting the Loan" ], "document": [ "The people that work to calculate your credit score can make mistakes. These mistakes may cause your score to appear much lower than it actually is. Check your credit score and dispute any errors that you may suspect. There are a few online services that let you dispute any errors you may have found such as Experian, Trans Union, or Equifax. If you find disputes with one, check all three to make sure they are fully addressed. Fixing errors in your credit score will increase the score and give you an accurate picture of where your credit is currently. Despite having missed a few payments, or made a few late payments, you may still be able to negotiate with your creditors to have these events changed in order to improve your credit score. Try asking about the following when negotiating your delinquent or late payments: Ask your creditors if you can pay off the full amount on a delinquent loan in order to have it labeled “paid as agreed” instead of a missed payment. If you have only one or two missed payments on an otherwise great payment schedule, write a letter to your creditor that highlights your overall positive payments. They may remove the late payments affecting your score negatively. . Credit card use is a great way to positively increase your credit score, so long as you use them properly. Try taking the following steps to increase your credit score by best managing your credit cards. If you do not have a credit card, obtain one and start using it. Sometimes you can get a prepaid credit card if you do not qualify for a regular credit card. These will often charge higher interest rates along with additional fees. Keep the amount charged on your credit card low. Having charges that are maxed out, or close to it, will hurt your credit score. Don't overuse your credit card. Using 30% of your card's maximum limit a month is acceptable, so take the card limit and divide it by three to get the amount you can spend per month. Try to pay off that balance in full every month. Using your card too much in a month, even if you pay it off, will only give the impression that you are a reckless spender. Increase your limit. If you do use your card often, increase the maximum limit. You must be careful to not also increase your spending amount. Strive for ten to thirty percent of your card's limit a month. Don't close any cards. Closing a card will look bad to any credit scoring system. Instead, keep your card working for you by using it to pay for a small monthly bill which is easily repaid.", "Regardless of how good or bad your current credit score is, you will need to meet some basic requirements first. The requirements help the lender to gauge your capability to repay the loan. Must have valid forms of identification, such as a driver or motorcycle license, and a social security number. Must be at least eighteen years old. You should be earning enough discretionary income to pay the payments. Demonstrating you earn enough to cover the monthly payment will increase your chances of getting the loan. Have held stable employment for at least six months. Having a stable source of income will show that your payments are more likely to be on time and the proper amount. If you are self-employed, you may need to be able to prove that you have worked in your industry for at least two years, and provide a profit and loss statement or a gross earnings statement for the past year. It may seem like having a bad credit score leaves most of the application process up to luck, but a little communication goes a long way. Discuss some of the following points with your lender: If you had a one time reason for your poor credit, such as a medical emergency, explain this and assure your lender that this expense was unavoidable and is in the past. Prove your level of income. Showing exactly how much you earn isn't always required, however, doing so will show that you are serious and capable of paying your loan. Bring in the last two years tax returns or your last six pay stubs to share. Let them know how stable you are. If you have lived and worked in the same place for a period of a few years, let your lender know this. Stability indicates that you are more likely to fully pay back the loan on time. Explain any filing for bankruptcy. If you did file for bankruptcy you should explain why, especially if it was due to a major life event such as a medical bill. Showing that you are willing to work to protect your lender's investment will go a long way in their consideration of your application. Demonstrate that you are willing to work with them by informing them of the following actions you should take: Allow them to automatically take payments from your account. This shows that you are confident that the funds will be there as well as assuring them that you will not miss a payment. Inform them that you will be purchasing full coverage insurance, extended warranty, and a GAP policy. Full coverage insurance and GAP policies will help protect the value of your motorcycle in case of an accident or theft. Having an extended warranty will help protect the value of the motorcycle by replacing and repairing parts covered by that warranty, should they fail.", "Not all dealers are as accommodating to low or poor credit scores. You will need to find a dealer that is willing to work with your credit to get you the loan that you want. Some dealers specialize in this and have unique relationships with lenders that are ready to work with you. You will need to speak with the dealer's finance team or department directly to learn if they can help you. Inform them clearly of your situation. You won't get an accurate picture of how likely you are to be financed if you don't convey your exact credit situation to your dealers finance team. You may not need to submit an application for financing to learn if you will get the loan or not. A capable finance manager should be able to tell you how likely you are to receive the loan when you do actually apply. It may be tempting to apply wherever you can in an attempt to successfully get your application accepted. However, applying to many lenders at once can actually hurt your credit score further. You should also know that not all lenders are ideal for a motorcycle loan. Apply only to lenders that specialize in personal loans or in motorcycle loans. Look for key terms such as bad credit, poor credit, no credit, motorcycle financing, or after bankruptcy loans. Remember, though, that bankruptcy will typically not be a factor if it has been discharged for two or more years. Loans made to people with bad credit may have higher interest rates. Be fully aware of the conditions of your loan before accepting. A co-signer to a loan is another person that promises to take on payments if you are unable. If your co-signer has a better credit score than you, this can help you to obtain the loan you are seeking. Your co-signer should have excellent credit. Having a co-signer helps assure your lender that they are more likely to receive their payments. If you have made payments on another motorcycle, you can demonstrate your consistency on those payments. Despite your low credit score, by showing your previous motorcycle payments were always met on time, you increase the likelihood that you will receive the loan. Try to save up as much money as you can, without a loan, for a down payment. By placing a larger amount of money down on your motorcycle upfront, you show that you are serious about this investment. Lenders will view larger down payments in your favor. By paying off a majority of the cost, you will also save money on interest when you do take out a loan." ], "summary": [ "Check for errors. Try negotiating. Use your credit cards effectively", "Meet the basic requirements. Communicate with your lender. Take actions to protect your lender.", "Talk with your dealer. Find the right lender. Inform your lender if you have a co-signer. Demonstrate your payments on a previous motorcycle. Make a larger down payment." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleaning Stubborn Stains", "Treating a Stain with Other Household Liquids", "Preventing Wine from Spreading" ], "document": [ "Mix baking soda with just enough water to turn it into a thick paste. Spread this over the stain. Let it sit until it absorbs all, most, or some of the stain. If it didn’t lift all of the stain out, wash it off and repeat as needed. Before you use this method, be aware that hydrogen peroxide can bleach some fabrics. Be sure to test your mixture on a small, out-of-the way spot on your jeans, like behind the waistband. If it has no adverse effect, simply pour it over the stain. Let it soak in and repeat as needed until the stain fades. Because of the bleaching risk, start with a weak mixture that’s equal parts dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. If no bleaching occurs, feel free to double or triple the amount for a stronger solution. Whether the other methods seem to have totally or only partially removed the stain, follow them up by running your jeans through their regular cycle in the washer. Use cold water in case any wine is still present, since warm water can cause it to settle in further. Air-dry them afterward for the same reason, since a machine dryer will only make any lingering stain tougher to get rid of. If none of these home remedies are able to get rid of the stain entirely, buy a product that’s specifically designed to do so. Follow its directions regarding use. Such products include: Bac Out Stain & Odor Remover Carbona Stain Devils Ecover Stain Stick Spot Shot Wine Away", "Open a bottle of white wine. Pour it liberally over the stain. Do so in order to neutralize the red wine’s pigments and possibly lift the stain out entirely. Of course, you may not have white wine on hand, or you may not be too keen to waste any more on top of what you spilled. In that case, pour distilled white vinegar over the stain instead. This will also weaken the red and purple pigments and, like the white wine, could possibly remove the stain on its own. This may be easier to do with a partner, so ask someone for help if you can. First, boil some water. Once it’s ready, hold your jeans over the sink and pull the stained area taut between your two hands. Then have your partner pour the water onto the stain from a height of roughly 12 inches (30 cm) to wash the stain out. Wear rubber gloves while doing this so you don’t scald your hands. With sparkling water, don’t worry about boiling it as you would with plain water. Also, don’t worry if it’s gone flat and lost its carbonation. Simply pour it over your jeans to lift some or all of the stain out. Pouring the liquids above works best on fresher stains, so if yours has already dried into your denim (or if you spilled a lot of wine over most of your jeans), don’t worry if that didn’t get the job all the way done. Fill a container with enough vinegar, white wine, or club soda to soak the stained area, and let your jeans sit in it until the stain fades. Don’t use boiled water to soak your jeans. Warm water can actually make the stain settle in faster if your jeans are just sitting in it.", "In the moments after a spill, grab a sponge, paper towels, or a cloth towel that you don’t mind staining. Use this to blot the affected area, working from the outside in. Be careful just to blot the wine, though, since rubbing it can spread the wine over a wider area, as well as deeper into your jeans’ denim. If you’re able to take your jeans off, do so. Grab some fresh towels or something similar. Stuff them into your jeans’ legs and/or waist, underneath the stain. Create a barrier that will stop the wine from seeping through the front of your jeans to its back, or vice versa. Blotting the wine with towels will get rid of excess liquid, but expect some of the wine to have already penetrated the fabric. To deal with that, cover the stain with salt. Use that to draw as much moisture back out of the denim before it has a chance to dry." ], "summary": [ "Apply a baking soda paste. Do the same with a dish soap and hydrogen peroxide mixture. Machine-wash and air-dry. Use a stain remover.", "Neutralize the red wine with white wine. Do the same with white vinegar. Pour boiling water over the stain. Pour club soda over the stain. Soak large or dried stains.", "Soak up the excess liquid. Stuff your jeans with absorbent material. Pour salt over the stain." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Firefox Settings on Android", "Using Firefox Settings on Desktop", "Using Firefox Focus", "Using Adblock Plus", "Using Firefox Settings on iPhone" ], "document": [ "Tap the Firefox app icon, which resembles an orange fox wrapped around a blue globe. It's at the top of the screen. You may first have to scroll up to cause the address bar to appear. Type about:config into the address bar and tap the \"Search\" key. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Type in dom.disable_open_during_load and press the \"Search\" key. If you see \"true\" written below the dom.disable_open_during_load text, Firefox is already blocking pop-ups. Tap dom.disable_open_during_load, then tap Toggle. Close the Firefox app, then re-open it. Firefox will now block ads, including pop-ups.", "Its app icon resembles an orange fox wrapped around a blue globe. It's in the top-right corner of the page. A pop-out window will appear. You'll find this in the pop-out window. On a Mac, you'll click Preferences instead. It's a tab on the far-left side of the page. This section is near the bottom of the page. It's near the bottom of the \"Permissions\" section. Doing so ensures that Firefox will prevent pop-up windows, including ads, from appearing. If this box is checked, Firefox is already blocking pop-up windows.", "Firefox Focus is a free version of Firefox for iPhone and Android smartphones; it has a built-in ad blocker which will prevent most pop-ups and other egregious forms of advertising from appearing. Firefox Focus is not available on Windows or Mac computers. To install it, open the {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/5\\/55\\/Iphoneappstoreicon.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/55\\/Iphoneappstoreicon.png\\/30px-Iphoneappstoreicon.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an iOS icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} App Store (iPhone) or {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/1\\/1e\\/Androidgoogleplay.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/1\\/1e\\/Androidgoogleplay.png\\/26px-Androidgoogleplay.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":531,\"bigWidth\":\"26\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Play Store (Android), then do the following: iPhone — Tap Search, tap the search bar, type in firefox focus, tap Search, tap GET to the right of the Firefox Focus icon, and enter your Touch ID or Apple ID when prompted. Android — Tap the search bar, type in firefox focus, tap the \"Search\" icon, and tap INSTALL under the Firefox Focus heading. Once it finishes downloading, tap OPEN in your app store, or tap the purple-and-white Firefox Focus app icon. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen. Since Firefox Focus both includes and activates by default an aggressive ad blocker, you'll be able to browse without having to worry about pop-ups.", "Its app icon resembles an orange fox wrapped around a blue globe. Unfortunately, you cannot install Adblock Plus for use with Firefox on an iPhone or Android. This is the page from which you can download Adblock Plus. It's a blue button in the middle of the page. You'll see this appear at the top of the window. Doing so installs Adblock Plus on Firefox. It's a stop sign-shaped icon with a white \"ABP\" written across it in the upper-right side of the Firefox window. Clicking it prompts a drop-down menu. This option is at the bottom of the drop-down menu. The Adblock Plus Options page will open. It's in the \"ACCEPTABLE ADS\" section of the page. Now that Adblock Plus is installed, you should be able to avoid the bulk of ads—pop-up or otherwise—in your Firefox desktop browser. You may occasionally still see ads, and some websites will require you to disable your adblocker in order to view their content. To disable Adblock Plus, click its icon (you may first have to click ☰ in the top-right corner of the window to see the icon), then click Enabled on this site.", "Tap the Firefox app icon, which resembles an orange fox wrapped around a blue globe. This is in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Tapping it prompts a pop-up window. It's at the bottom of the pop-up window. Doing so opens the Settings window. The switch will turn blue, signifying that pop-ups are now blocked in Firefox on your iPhone. If the switch is blue, pop-ups are already being blocked." ], "summary": [ "Open Firefox. Tap the address bar. Go to the system settings page. Tap the search bar. Search for the pop-up blocker option. Make sure this option says \"false\" below it. Turn on the pop-up blocker. Restart Firefox.", "Open Firefox. Click ☰. Click Options. Click Privacy & Security. Scroll down to the \"Permissions\" section. Check the \"Block pop-up windows\" box.", "Understand how to use Firefox Focus. Install the Firefox Focus app. Open Firefox Focus. Tap Skip. Browse normally.", "Open Firefox on a computer. Open the Adblock Plus extension page. Click + Add to Firefox. Click Add when prompted. Click the Adblock Plus icon. Click Options. Uncheck the \"Allow Acceptable Ads\" box. Browse pop-up free.", "Open Firefox. Tap ☰. Tap Settings. Tap the white \"Block Pop-up Windows\" switch ." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "A dipper for chocolate", "A pair of straws" ], "document": [ "For instructions on doing this, see How to make a spinning Cartesian diver. To do this, simply remove the saucepan from the bowl of hot water to a bowl of iced water. Now dip the surface of the heart straw dipper back in hot water again. Only pull it out when the heat has melted the surface of the chocolate. ", "Here they are, held together and sweetly slipped side by side in champagne flutes for two: {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/3\\/37\\/Vd3_475.JPG\\/460px-Vd3_475.JPG\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/3\\/37\\/Vd3_475.JPG\\/728px-Vd3_475.JPG\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>TOHGIN minako\\n<\\/p><p>Image by: Uploader<br>\\nLicense: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}" ], "summary": [ "Seal the other end of each heart straw. Dip the sealed end in the melted chocolate placed in a hot water bath. Cool down with ice to solidify the chocolate on the end of the straw. Put the saucepan back into the hot water bowl. Place into little paper candy or cupcake holders or similar item for giving to your loved one.", "To make a pair of lovestruck straws, tie together as shown in the photograph\n" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting the Wavy Bob With Shoulder Length Hair", "Going Long, Big and Curly", "Getting the Wavy Bob With Long Hair", "Getting the Blunt Bangs" ], "document": [ "Your hair doesn’t need to be freshly washed, but you don’t want it to be oily or flat. If you wash your hair before doing this style, add volumizer or a similar hair product as part of your styling process/while drying. If you do this, there is no need to add an additional volumizer to your hair later in the process. If possible, make sure that this has heat protectant properties. If not, you may want to add a few spritzes of heat protectant to your hair as well. Using a comb, mark out a straight side part and comb your hair so that it falls neatly on either side of the part. You may find it useful to fasten your bangs (or the front piece of your hair that will be styled to look a bit like bangs) on the larger side of your part to the side while you work on the rest of your hair. Starting at the side of your part that has less hair, wrap different-sized chunks of hair around the barrel of a 1.5-inch (38mm) curling wand. Pull the chunks of hair towards your face as you wrap them around the wand, and hold them there for 10 to 20 seconds. How long you should hold your hair on the wand will depend on the power of your wand and the type of hair you have. For example, if you have fine hair, it will take less time than if it’s thick. The chunks of hair should be more vertically thick (going from the top of your head to the bottom of it) than horizontally thick (going from one side of your head to the other), as you want long, soft, waves more than tight curls. If you are unsure of what size each chunk of hair should be, aim for between 2 and 3 inches thick. If you already have bangs, you needn’t do much beyond brushing them to the side and tucking them in so that they blend with your hair depending on their length. If they’re longer or if you don’t have bangs, pull the chunk of hair at the front of the large side of your part (i.e. where your bangs would be) up above your head and wrap it backwards, away from your face, around the curling wand. Wait for 10 to 20 seconds, then let it go. Move on to the rest of the hair on the large side of your part, continuing to pull the chunks of hair away from your face as you wrap them around the wand. Gently run your fingers through your hair in order to break the curls up and blend them into waves. You can also do this with a large-tooth comb. Spray your hair with texturizing spray and style it with your hands to get it into the shape you desire.", "It is not necessary for your hair to be freshly washed, but if you do wash your hair before styling it, you may find it useful to add some volumizing spray to it before you blow it dry. You can apply some products after blowdrying your hair, so just be sure to follow the instructions of whichever product you choose. With your hands, use your thumbs along the sides of your head to help you separate the top third of your hair from the bottom. Use a clip to hold this section in place. To create the other two sections, simply separate the remaining hair into two halves with your left and right hands. Lay the left section over your left shoulder, and the right section over your right shoulder. It is not necessary to clip these two bottom sections. Starting with one of the two bottom sections, brush the hair with a paddle brush and then spritz the entire length of hair with a heat protectant. Starting at the back of your head and moving toward the front, alternate between curling towards and away from your face. For the pieces of hair that frame your face, you’ll want to curl away from your face. Each curl should look like a little spiral. Hold each strand on the wand for roughly 20 seconds. It could be slightly less time depending on the quality of your wand and the thickness of your hair. If your hair is fine or damaged, you may want to start at 10 to 15 seconds to see if that works for you. Curling away from your face means pulling your hair away from your face to wrap it around the wand. Curling towards your face means pulling your hair towards your face to wrap it around the wand. If your hair doesn’t hold curls well, as you let the curl slide off the wand, let it fall into the palm of your hand and hold it there until it cools off. Ensure that you cover all of your hair with hairspray. Fold your body over so that your head is upside down and your hair is hanging towards the floor, and then shake your head in a “no” motion as you spray your hair. Run your fingers through your hair gently to mould the curls together and shape them into a look that you’re happy with. For a slightly softer look, lightly run a paddle brush (a large, flat brush) over the top layer of your hair while also working it with your fingers until you get a look that you are happy with. This will make the curls look more natural.", "It doesn’t need to be freshly washed. As you need it to hold curls and pins, you might even find that it helps if it’s a day or two after being washed. Keep in mind that you’ll want your hair to have volume, so if it’s oily and flat, you may want to either dry it out with a spray shampoo, or, if you do end up washing and drying it, use a volumizing spray. Using a comb, mark out a straight side part and comb your hair so that it falls neatly on either side of the part. This will really depend upon how much hair you have. Maintaining the side part, use a comb and hair clips to section off your hair in a way that facilitates the most curls. The more curls, the better! Starting with the back, bottom sections of your hair, go around your head with a 1- or 1.5-inch curling iron or wand and curl roughly 1- to 2-inch sections of hair, alternating between curling your hair towards and away from your face. ” For the section of hair at the front of the larger side of your part, pull it up and wrap it around the curling wand. If you have shorter bangs, you’ll simply brush them sideways towards the larger side of your parted hair. What you do will depend on the length of your hair/bangs, but ultimately you want to try to incorporate them into the rest of your hair on the larger side part. This will help to break up the curls and make them look a bit more like soft curls/a natural wave. If you find that your hair looks frizzy, add a small amount of shine serum to your hands before running your fingers through your hair. To make a more voluminous-looking bob, tease your hair lightly. This will also help bring it up a bit more if it’s quite long. To tease your hair, gently hold a chunk of your hair above your head (being careful not to ruin the curl) and back-comb it (brush it downwards, from the end towards your scalp) with a teasing brush. You can also tease your hair with a fine-toothed comb, but some stylists say that this is more damaging than using a proper teasing brush. Once all of your hair is curled, spray it with a hairspray that boasts a strong and flexible hold. If your bangs are shorter, you may find it helpful to give them an extra spritz of hairspray to hold them in place once you’ve brushed them to the side. Spray waxes are also great for maintaining hold and flexibility, and are less likely to become flakey and white if you overdo it. (Although if you put too much spray wax on, you’re like to have oily-looking, heavy hair.) Take a triangular section of hair at the nape of your neck, with the tip of the triangle pointing up away from your neck (the larger base at the nape of your neck). Tease your hair before wrapping it into a messy bun, securing it with bobby pins. Section the top part of your hair away, and begin with the lower part, tucking your curls in loosely to the bun at the nape of your neck. Repeat until that section is done, then start on the top section, leaving shorter layers out and pinning longer ones into the bottom of the bun. Finish off the look by leaving out your shorter layers as well as the hair at the very front of your head, which frames your face. You will achieve the best results if you have layered hair, but if you don’t, it just means you’ll have a longer (but still lovely) looking bob! Once you're happy with how it looks, you can either leave it as-is, or plump it up a bit more with a teasing comb and give it one final spritz with hairspray.", "The longer the blades, the less control you have, so aim for something on the shorter end. If the actual cutting part of the scissors is around 2.5 inches (roughly 6.5cm), that should work well. Some stylists even recommend using cuticle scissors, but you will likely have more luck achieving this particular style of fringe (i.e. the blunt style) with a pair of scissors that are specifically designed for cutting hair. If you do use cuticle scissors, ensure that they are not curved, as this will likely make it more difficult for you to cut where you want to cut. Make sure it has no product in it. If it is naturally wavy, use a straightening iron on your bangs before you begin to cut them. If you already have bangs and are just looking to reshape them into Taylor Swift’s blunt look, ignore this step. Depending on the shape of your head and face, if you pull your bangs into a ponytail that drops down over your face, the part around your bangs (where you can see your scalp) will resemble a rounded triangle, with the wide base of the triangle being where your hairline meets your forehead. Exactly how long (i.e. how far back on your head) and wide (i.e. how far it spans across your forehead) that triangle is depends on your facial shape. Look in a mirror and experiment with different lengths and widths until you find the section of hair that best works for you. Be very careful not to go too wide. If you’re unsure, start narrow and move outward. A good rule of thumb is to stick to the hairline on top of your head, and leave the hairline along the sides of your face alone. Once you find a shape that you're happy with, tie it with an elastic to make a ponytail that hangs down the middle of your face. Pull down on the ponytail very gently (if you pull down hard, your hair will come out shorter than desired), and cut it so that your hair, when out of the ponytail, lands between your eyes and eyebrows (aim for somewhere in the middle). Ultimately you’ll want your bangs to be just at eyebrow level, but you don't want to cut to that level right away. Give yourself some room to work with! Comb your bangs straight over your forehead, and then clip them together so that they don’t get pulled back with the rest of your hair. Pull the rest of your hair back into a tight ponytail. You can also use clips to hold that hair back if you prefer (or if you have shorter hair that can’t all be pulled back into a ponytail). You don’t need to clip these into separate sections, but you’ll want to work on the sections moving from one side to the next. This makes your hair easier to work with, and will give you nicer results than if you simply try to cut the whole chunk of hair at once. Do not pull your hair outward. Pull it downward. If you pull it outward or pull down too hard on your hair, your bangs will be too short. Remember this as you move to each section of your bangs. Hold your bangs between your pointer and middle fingers on one hand as you cut with the other. In small, one-centimeter increments, cut upward into your bangs, with high-quality short-bladed scissors, until you’ve reached the ideal length — so that the bangs hit your eyebrows. Once you’ve reached the ideal length, cut straight across your bangs. This is basically just trimming the jagged edges from the upward cutting. This should be a very small trim to the edges — think millimeters, not centimeters, at this point! To replicate Taylor Swift’s hair with these bangs, you would either straighten all of your hair with a flat iron for the purely straight look, or straighten just your bangs and then add light wave to the bottom of your hair for the wavy look. To make the bottom of your hair wavy with a flat iron, start at the top of your hair, pull the iron about 40% of the way down your hair, then, holding the bottom of your hair lightly, twist the iron so that your hair is wrapped around it, with the bottom strand still coming out the bottom of the iron, then drag the iron down the rest of your hair until it reaches the end. Go more slowly for more defined curls. To make curls with a flat iron that cover more of your head, start higher up on the hair strand — for instance, right away instead of 40% of the way down)." ], "summary": [ "Ensure that your hair is clean and dry. Add a volumizer or a similar hair product to your hair. Part your hair dramatically to one side. Curl your hair on the small side of your part. Style your bangs. Curl your hair on the large side of your part. Break up the curls. Texturize.", "Start with dry hair. Separate hair into three sections. Spray each section with heat protectant. Wrap 1- to 2-inch sections of hair around a 19mm (3/4-inch) curling wand. Spray your hair with hairspray. Tame the curls.", "Start with dry hair. Part your hair dramatically to one side. Separate your hair into several sections. Curl your hair. Curl your “bangs. Run your fingers gently through your hair. Tease your hair. Spray your hair with hairspray. Tuck hair in at nape of neck. Pin curls to your bun. Leave out shorter layers and the fronts of your hair.", "Purchase a pair of high-quality hair scissors with short blades. Ensure that your hair is clean, dry, and straight. Section off hair to be made into bangs. Separate your bangs from the rest of your hair. Separate your bangs into three sections. Lightly pull your hair straight down before cutting. Cut into your bangs with small, upward motions. Cut straight across. Style the rest of your hair as you wish." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Repairing and Cleaning the Tiles", "Applying the Epoxy Coating", "Protecting Yourself and the Surrounding Area" ], "document": [ "These kits are sold at hardware and home repair stores as well as online. Some just come with the epoxy paint, while others include rollers and sprayers for application. Read over what each kit contains and compare prices to determine the best choice for you. Expect to spend around $80-$100 for a kit with everything included. Before you start the glazing process, unpack your kit and spend some time going over the step-by-step instructions. If you are unclear about the directions, look for a customer service number or helpline that you can call. The instruction booklet will also tell you what kind of safety gear you’ll need. Pay close attention to any of the kit’s warning labels or notices. For example, it might advise you that certain types of tile, such as laminate, are not good candidates for refinishing. In this case, you may need to replace the tiles or talk with a professional installer. A new finish will probably make any imperfections even more obvious. Remove all caulking with a scraper and then follow up with a caulk remover liquid. If the refinishing glaze that you are using is opaque, don’t worry too much about matching the replacement tile’s color exactly with the old ones. After all, they will all look the same after the paint coating. Repair small cracks or minor chips by applying a polyester putty to the area and then smoothing it out. This will make the tile waterproof once more and the repairs will be covered up by the refinishing process. Scrape out enough grout and adhesive so the new tiles sit slightly below the existing tile. This makes it less noticeable if you reglaze it. , if desired. If your grout is cracking, falling apart, or extremely moldy, then go ahead and chisel it out before moving forward. Use a flat head screwdriver, small hammer, and utility knife to apply pressure to the caulk beads. They may peel right up or you may need to gradually chip them away with the knife. Always keep your hands away from the knife’s path and go slowly. This step can get pretty messy, so keep a vacuum close by to suck up the dust and debris. Use a mix of muriatic acid and water to loosen the grout. Only use the acid if you are working in a well-ventilated area and wear a mask and gloves while handling it. You’ll want to replace the grout either before painting or after the epoxy paint has cured. It is really your choice. Grout covered with epoxy paint will be uniform and easier to clean. But, some people like the look of grout lines. Your kit will likely come with specific cleaning instructions. It might ask you to mix together an enclosed powder with water and then scrub it on the tile. If instructions are not provided, clean the tiles with bleach, a powdered cleaner (such as Comet), and a rust and lime remover. After each cleaner application, do a full rinse with water. If you are working with kitchen tiles, use a degreaser cleaner or rubbing alcohol to remove any oily residue. Go over each tile with 400/600 grit sandpaper. Choose the wet/dry type of paper, so that you can move on to sanding directly after cleaning. Move your hand in small circles or back and forth motions and try to cover all tiles evenly. Rinse off the tiles with water when you are finished. Remember that your goal is to remove any surface bumps and imperfections, not to sand it down to its base. Porcelain tiles need to be prepared with an etching liquid or a pumice block so the glaze will adhere to it. Sanding increases the lifespan of your refinishing job by allowing the epoxy paint to more fully adhered to the surface of your tiles. Don’t get too discouraged if you can’t see clear results from your sanding. Just keep going and rub your hands over the tile’s surface to feel the change in texture. Wait at least a day or two for the grout and tiles to fully dry before moving forward. If you apply a refinishing paint to a wet surface, it will not stick as well and may even leave air bubbles behind.", "Depending on what your kit suggests, either use a primer meant for glossy ceramics or an acid-based deglosser. These products make it easier for the epoxy paint to adhere to the surface of the tile. Some kits come with the necessary primer, but in many cases you’ll have to purchase it separately. Follow the primer directions carefully to make sure that you apply it correctly. Some suggest using a sprayer to apply the primer, instead of rolling or brushing it on. This may prevent some stickiness, but you’ll likely want to practice with the sprayer beforehand, as they can sometimes be difficult to use. Most kits come with two separate paint cans: the activator and the base. Grab each can and give it a good shake. Then, slowly pour them together in your paint tray. If the final mixture looks a little transparent or milky, that is okay. It will handle a bit like glue and will dry solid, too. Pour the mixed paint into a sprayer or dip a brush into your paint pan. If you are working with a brush, start with the edges first and work your way in. You could even brush out the edges and then use a roller for the middle. After your first coat is finished, give it at least two hour to dry. Then, apply the next one. It’s generally best to use a foam roller, as it will leave less of a pattern on the tile. And, if you use a paint pan, make sure to change out the liner and refresh the paint before applying a second coat. Otherwise, you may end up with dried paint lumps on your tile. If your tile has a special border or extra embellishments, expect to go a little bit more slowly on these areas. You may want to switch to a brush, so that you can get deeper into any indentions or prints. In between various steps, go outside of the room for a few minutes, take off your respirator, and breathe in the fresh air. If you had to hunch over or lean down while painting, take a quick stretch before going back in. After applying your epoxy paint, you now have to wait for it to cure. This is the time when the paint hardens to the point where you can get the tile wet without damaging the surface. Epoxy coatings can dry in 2-3 days, but it is probably safer to leave it alone for a full week. An experienced tile worker or kitchen/bathroom remodeler can offer you some additional options beyond standard refinishing. For example, some of them can spray on a primer followed by a urethane coating that mimics a glaze when buffed. Make sure to go with a contractor that you trust and guarantee a competitive price by getting at least two bids. Tile reglazing fumes are strong and could cause sensitivity if you have allergies or asthma.", "When the area is completely dry, apply a strip of tape to any wood trim or other surfaces that connect to the tile. This will keep the epoxy paint from spreading beyond the tile. Keep this tape on until a few minutes after you finish your final paint application. Before you start the application, make sure to put a tarp or even a sheet over the floors in the room where the tile is located. This will keep them clean in the event that you accidentally splatter or spill any epoxy paint. When you are finished with your project simply gather this sheet up and toss it or clean it off elsewhere. Most people suggest opening as many windows as you can to let out some of the fumes from the painting process. To get rid of the smell, try to keep them open for as long as you can, usually the entire day of application. If the day is warm or hot, opening the windows may shorten the drying time. Some kits come with respirators or masks, high-quality rubber gloves, and protective glasses. If this is the case, go ahead and put these on before continuing. If your kit does not provide these items, make sure to go out and purchase them in advance. A respirator, in particular, is a great way to minimize your contact with the nasty fumes. Check that the gloves that you plan on using fit you well. If your gloves are loose or baggy they may hurt your ability to apply the paint cleanly." ], "summary": [ "Choose a refinishing kit. Read all of the kit instructions carefully. Replace any chipped or broken tiles. Remove the grout Clean the tiles thoroughly. Wipe them down with sandpaper. Let the tiles dry.", "Apply a primer. Mix the epoxy together. Apply at least two coats of paint or reglazing compound. Spend extra time with any decorative areas. Take breaks, if needed. Give it ample time to dry. Hire a professional.", "Mark off the area with painter’s tape. Cover the surrounding areas. Open up windows for ventilation. Put on any safety gear." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Scrubbing a Tortoise", "Providing Water to Soak" ], "document": [ "Allow the tortoise time to fill up its water reserves before you try to scrub it. Give it a 20-minute soak in clean water. Tortoises need soaking more often than they need baths. You shouldn't need to actually scrub your tortoise very often. Next, use an old, clean toothbrush to scrub the tortoise all over. Start with the shell, being sure to get in all the cracks. Move on to the legs, arms, and head. Be sure not to scrub too hard, especially on the places without scales. Use the water to wash off the dirt you've scrubbed clean. Gently pour it over the tortoise to get the grime off. While you're washing, make sure to look for any injuries, nicks, or an unhealthy shell. If you notice any abnormalities, it may be time to take your pet to the vet for a check up. Use a towel to pat the tortoise dry. You don't want him to be wet when he goes back to his enclosure. Soaps, detergents, and shell cleaners are not good for tortoises. In fact, they can be harmful, even killing your pet. Stick with plain water to clean your tortoise.", "The container should be small enough on the sides that your tortoise should be able to climb out of it. Add lukewarm water to it. Make sure the tortoise's head pokes above the water when he's in it, but it should be about chin deep. You can also place one end of the tub on a book to create a slight angle, making a shallow end and a deep end. Place the tortoise's head at the shallow end. The tortoise will spend time in the water, using it to rehydrate his body. Tortoises use water to rehydrate their bodies. They absorb it through a vent in the tail know as the cloaca. The tortoise needs to soak for at least 20 minutes, but he will generally let you know when he's done by trying to climb out. Once the tortoise has soaked, you can take the water out. Discard the water in the toilet to avoid spreading any germs. You can also take the tortoise from his cage to put him in a basin and simply take him out when he's done. Make sure the tortoise is dry when he goes back to his cage. Use a towel to gently sponge him off. Start with the shell, gently rubbing the water off. Also, pat off the head, arms, and legs, being sure to get in all the cracks. How much water you need to provide depends on the type of tortoise, the time of year, and whether he's inside or outside. Inside, you may need to do it as often as once a week, especially if the humidity is low. Outside in the heat, the tortoise will need it twice a week, and you can let the water dry up in between. It's especially important to provide a bath when the tortoise is coming out of hibernation, as the tortoise will need to rehydrate. When the tortoise is hibernating and inside, you may only need to provide water about once a month." ], "summary": [ "Let the tortoise soak first. Scrub the tortoise gently. Wash away the dirt. Dry the tortoise off. Don't use soap.", "Fill a shallow container with water. Let the tortoise soak. Wait for the tortoise to rehydrate. Take the water out. Dry the tortoise off. Give the bath at least once a week." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing the Material", "Preparing the Ribbing", "Creating the Perfect Pattern", "Sewing the Shirt" ], "document": [ "Most t-shirts are made with knit fabric, but you may wish to choose a knit fabric with a fairly low amount of stretch to make the sewing process easier. As a general rule, though, it will be easiest to duplicate the fit of the original shirt you drafted your pattern from if you use a material similar in construction and weight. Wash and dry the material as you usually would before you do anything else with it. By washing the fabric first, you can pre-shrink it and set the dye. As a result, the pattern pieces you cut out and sew together should be more accurately sized. Fold the material in half and place your pattern pieces on top. Pin the pattern down, trace around it, and cut around each piece. Fold the material in half with the right-sides facing in, and keep the fabric as flat as possible when you lay it out. Match the fold of the fabric to each \"fold\" mark on your pattern pieces. When pinning the pattern pieces in place, pin straight through both layers of material. Trace around the entire outline with fabric pencil, then cut along the outline without unpinning the pattern. After cutting out the material, you can unpin and remove the paper pattern pieces.", "Measure the full neckline of your shirt with a flexible ruler or measuring tape. Subtract 4 inches (10 cm) from this measurement, then cut a piece of ribbing to that length. Ribbing is is a type of knit fabric with vertical ribs. You can technically use non-ribbed knits for your collar, but ribbing is generally preferred since it has an even greater amount of elasticity. Cut the width of the ribbing to double the amount of your final collar width. The vertical ribs should run parallel to the width of the collar and perpendicular to the length of the collar. Fold the ribbing in half lengthwise, then use an iron to press the fold. Note that the right-sides should be facing as you do this. Fold the ribbing in half crosswise. Stitch the width ends of the strip together, using a 1/4-inch (6-mm) seam allowance.", "The easiest way to draft your own shirt pattern will be to copy the shape of an existing shirt that fits well. While this tutorial only covers t-shirt drafting and construction, you can follow the same basic steps to help draft patterns for other shirt styles. Fold the shirt in half vertically, keeping the front sides out. Lay the halved shirt over a large sheet of paper. Ideally, you should place the paper over thick cardboard before placing the shirt on top. The cardboard will provide a stiff enough work surface to trace over. Moreover, you'll need to stick pins into the paper, and doing so will be easier to accomplish with cardboard backing. Pin along the perimeter of the shirt, paying special attention to the back neckline seam beneath the collar and the sleeve seam. The pins you insert along the shoulder seam, sides, and bottom hem do not need to be precise since their main purpose is to hold the shirt down. For the sleeve seam, stick the pins straight down through the seam and into the paper. Space the pins no further than 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. For the back neckline, stick the pins straight down through the seam connecting the back neckline to its collar. Space the pins 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. Use a pencil to lightly trace around the entire outline of the shirt. Trace along the shoulder, sides, and bottom of the pinned shirt. After tracing these elements, lift away the shirt and find the holes marking the sleeve seam and neckline seam. Trace along these holes to complete the outline for the back pattern piece. Move the folded shirt over to a fresh piece of paper, pinning along the front outline instead of the back. Follow the same steps used for the shirt back to place the pins along the perimeter and sleeves of the shirt front. The front neckline is usually deeper than the back. To mark it out, place the pins beneath the front portion of the neckline, just beneath the collar. Keep them 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart and straight down. Trace along the front outline just as you traced along the back outline. Lightly trace the shoulder, sides, and bottom with pencil while the shirt remains pinned in place. Remove the shirt and trace along the pin marks of the neckline and sleeve to complete the front outline. Unfold the shirt. Flatten out one sleeve and pin it to clean paper. Trace around the outline. As before, insert the pins straight through the connecting seam. Trace around the top, bottom, and outer edge of the sleeve with the sleeve still in place. Remove the shirt from the paper and trace along the pin-marked seam to complete the outline. Use a flexible ruler and pencil to carefully draw another outline around the current perimeter of each piece. This secondary outline will be the seam allowance. You can choose a seam allowance amount you feel comfortable with, but as a general rule, using a 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) seam allowance should give you plenty of room to work with. Label each piece by part (back body, front body, and sleeve). Mark the fold line of each piece, as well. The fold line of the front and back body pieces will be the straight, folded edge of your original shirt. The fold line of the sleeve will be the straight top edge of the sleeve. Carefully cut around each pattern piece outline. When finished, verify that the pattern pieces match one another. When you place the open sides of the front and back pieces together, the shoulders and armholes should match up. When you place the sleeve over the armhole of either main body piece, the actual measurement (not the seam allowance) should also match up.", "Place the front and back body pieces together, right-sides facing inward. Pin around the shoulders only. Stitch straight across one shoulder seam. Cut the thread, then stitch straight across the other shoulder seam. You should be able to use a standard straight stitch on your sewing machine for this. Follow the seam allowance you marked out on your pattern pieces. If you've been following this tutorial exactly, the seam allowance will be 1/2 inch (1.25 cm). Open the shirt and lay it flat at the shoulders, right-sides facing down. Place the ribbed collar over the neckline opening and pin it in place. Point the raw side of the collar toward the neckline and keep it above the shirt material. Pin it to the center back of the shirt and the center front. The collar will be smaller than the neckline opening, so you'll need to gently stretch the collar as you pin it down to the rest of the neckline. Try to keep the ribbing evenly spaced. Using a zigzag stitch, sew along the raw edge of the collar, using a 1/4 inch (6 mm) seam allowance. You must use a zigzag stitch instead of a straight stitch; otherwise, the thread won't be able to stretch with the collar as you pull the finished garment over your head. Use your hands to gently stretch the ribbing as you sew it onto the shirt. Keep it somewhat taut so that no folds form in the connecting fabric. Keep the shirt open and flat at the shoulder, but flip it over so that the right-side faces up. Position the sleeves right-side down and pin in place. Position the rounded portion of the sleeve against the rounded portion of the armhole. Pin the middle of both curves together. Gradually position and pin the rest of the sleeve curve to the rest of the armhole, working on one side at a time. Repeat this process for both sleeves. With the right-sides facing down, sew a straight stitch along both sleeves, connecting them to the armholes in the process. The seam allowance should match the seam allowance you marked on your original pattern. If you're following this tutorial exactly, the amount should be 1/2 inch (1.25 cm). Fold the shirt with its right-sides facing. Sew a straight stitch down the entire right side of the shirt, working from the tip of the underarm seam straight down to the bottom opening. Repeat on the left side of the shirt when finished. Pin down the sleeves and sides before stitching them together; otherwise, the material may shift as you work. Follow the seam allowance you marked on your original pattern. For this tutorial, the seam allowance is 1/2 inch (1.25 cm). With the right-sides still facing, fold the bottom edge up according to your original seam allowance. Pin or press the fold in place, then stitch around the opening. Make sure that you only stitch the hem in place. Do not sew the front and back sides of the shirt together. Most knits are fray-resistant, so you may not need to sew a bottom hem. Doing so can create a neater appearance, though. With the right-sides facing, fold up the edge of each sleeve opening according to your original seam allowance. Pin or press the fold, then stitch along the opening. Like the bottom edge, you must stitch around the opening to avoid sewing the front and back together. You may not need to hem the sleeves if the material is fray-resistant, but they'll look neater if you do. Turn the shirt right-side out again. Use an iron to flatten all the seam. This includes the seams along the collar, shoulders, sleeves, and sides. You may also wish to press the hems, if you did not do so before sewing them in place. At this point, the shirt should be finished and ready to wear." ], "summary": [ "Choose an appropriate material. Wash the fabric. Cut the pattern pieces out.", "Cut a length of ribbing for the collar. Fold and press the ribbing. Stitch the ribbing closed.", "Find a shirt that fits well. Fold the shirt in half. Pin along the back outline. Trace the outline. Pin along the front outline. Trace the outline. Pin and trace around the sleeve. Add seam allowances to each piece. Mark the pieces. Cut and match the pieces.", "Pin the body pieces together. Sew the shoulders. Pin the ribbing to the neckline. Stitch the ribbing. Pin the sleeves to the armholes. Sew the sleeves. Stitch down both sides. Fold and sew a bottom hem. Fold and sew sleeve hems. Iron the seams. Try on the shirt." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "On Desktop", "On Mobile" ], "document": [ "Go to https://www.google.com/maps in your browser. If you're signed into Google Maps, you can add a place from this website. If you aren't signed in yet, click Sign in in the top-right corner of the page and enter your Google email address and password before continuing. It's in the top-left corner of the page. A menu will pop out from the left side of the window. This link is near the bottom of the pop-out menu. Clicking it brings up an \"Add a place\" window in the upper-left side of the page. Click the \"Name\" text field at the top of the \"Add a place\" window, then type in the name of the place that you want to add. In the \"Address\" text field, type in the place's street address. This should include city, state, and ZIP code if applicable. Click the \"Category\" text field, then click a category of place (e.g., Restaurant) in the drop-down menu. You can search for a more specific category by typing into the text box. You can add the following non-essential information: Phone number - Click the Phone text box, then type in your place's phone number. Website - Click the Website text box, then enter the place's website address. Hours - Click the Add hours link, select days of operation, and then add an open time and a close time. You can click Add hours again to add a separate set of hours for different days if necessary. It's a blue button in the bottom-right corner of the \"Add a place\" window. As long as the place that you entered doesn't already exist in Google Maps, doing so will submit a request for addition to Google. You should receive an email confirming whether or not your place was added within a couple of weeks. If the place does already exist, you'll receive a pop-up window with the place's current address. If the pop-up window notifying you that the place exists has the wrong place, you can click SUBMIT ANYWAY.", "Tap the Google Maps app icon, which resembles a location pin on a map. Doing so will open the map view. If prompted, select an account or enter your email address and password before continuing. It's in the upper-left corner of the screen. A pop-out menu will appear. You'll find this near the bottom of the menu. Doing so takes you to the \"Add a place\" page. Tap the \"Name\" text field near the top of the screen, then type in the name of the place. You'll need to spell the place's name exactly as you want it to appear. Tap the \"Address\" text field, then type in the street address of the place. Make sure you include the city, state, and ZIP code if necessary. The more information that you include here, the quicker Google will be able to verify the place's existence. Tap the \"Category\" text field, then tap a category that correlates with the place. You can search for a more specific category by typing into the text box. You can add the following non-essential information about your place: Phone number - Tap the Phone text box, then type in your place's phone number. Website - Tap the Website text box, then enter the place's website address. Hours - Tap the Add hours box, select days of operation, and then add an open time and a close time by tapping SET OPEN AND CLOSE HOURS and selecting the correct times. Once you've added hours for at least one day of the week, you can add more hours for different days by tapping the ADD HOURS link. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Doing so will submit your request to Google. You should receive an email regarding whether or not your submission was accepted within two weeks. On some Android phones, you'll tap a paper plane-shaped icon in the top-right corner instead of SEND." ], "summary": [ "Open Google Maps. Click ☰. Click Add a missing place. Enter a name for the place. Add the place's address. Select a category. Add other information about your place. Click Submit.", "Open Google Maps. Tap ☰. Tap Add a missing place. Add the place's name. Enter an address. Select a place category. Enter non-required information. Tap SEND." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing Seasoned Baby Lima Beans", "Cooking Chicken Broth Baby Lima Beans", "Making Basic Baby Lima Beans" ], "document": [ "Take the two pounds or a ten-ounce package of fresh beans out of the packaging. The frozen package is lighter because the beans have already been shelled. Make sure there isn’t any debris mixed in with the beans. Then, use a colander to wash the beans under cold water. Drain any excess water out of the bowl. Put two cups (473.2 mL) of water in the saucepan. Add ½ tablespoon (2.47 mL) of salt to the water. Pour the beans into the pan. Cook the beans until they are tender. Stir the beans around occasionally so that they don’t stick. This should take about thirty minutes. Drain the excess liquid from the saucepan when the beans are finished cooking. Add two tablespoons of butter to the beans. Stir the beans slightly so that the butter mixes in. Add ¼ tablespoon of coarse ground pepper to the beans. You can then remove the beans from the saucepan. Serve the beans at whatever temperature you prefer.", "Use a large saucepan. Turn the heat to a medium setting. Spray the cooking spray onto the pan. You can cover the beans and store them in the refrigerator, but for no more than a few days. Use one half of a finely chopped onion. Put the chopped onion into the heated saucepan. Stir them occasionally. Sauté the onions until they become soft and turn translucent. This should take about 5 to 7 minutes. Pour 1 ½ cups (354.9 mL) of chicken broth into the saucepan. You can use any type of chicken broth that you’d like. Bring the broth to a broil. Pour one 16-ounce (170.1 g) bag of lima beans into the saucepan. You don’t need to sort, rinse, and soak them since they have been frozen. Add water to the pan. You should only add enough water to cover the beans. Bring the water to a boil. Turn the heat to a low setting once the broth begins boiling. Then, cover the saucepan. Allow the beans to simmer for thirty minutes until they are tender.", "Fill up one cup (236.6 g) of lima beans and spread them out on a pan or towel. Pick through them for shriveled and broken beans or debris. Then, rinse the beans in cold water. You can use a colander to rinse them. Put the sorted beans into a bowl filled with two or three inches (5.1 or 7.6 cm) of water. The water should be at room temperature. Allow the beans to soak overnight. If you can’t soak them overnight, soak them for at least eight hours. Drain the bowl of all the water when the beans are finished soaking and rinse them in cool water one more time. Soak the beans in the refrigerator if your kitchen gets very warm. Soaking the beans helps to remove indigestible sugars. You can also use a pressure cooker to cook the beans. Add four cups (946.4 mL) of water to the one cup (236.6 g) of beans. The water should rise an inch or two (2.5 or 5.1 cm) over the beans. If you choose to cook more than one cup of beans, then add four cups of water for each additional cup of beans. Reduce the heat when the water begins to boil. Let the beans simmer for about 45 minutes. If you have a pressure cooker, allow the beans to cook for three to five minutes. You can serve the beans as a side, or you can mix them into a salad, soup, or casserole. If serving as a side, add a small amount of butter and/or pepper to the beans for flavor. Fresh baby lima beans can last up to one week if stored in a refrigerated area, but cooked beans will only be good for one day even when refrigerated." ], "summary": [ "Wash the beans. Add water, salt, and beans to the saucepan . Turn the heat to a medium setting. Drain the liquid. Sprinkle black pepper.", "Heat the saucepan on the stove. Sauté onions. Pour in the chicken broth. Add in the lima beans. Turn the heat to a high setting.", "Sort and rinse the beans. Soak the beans overnight. Put the beans in a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil. Serve the cooked beans." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Knowing What to Expect", "Getting Tickets to Hell's Kitchen" ], "document": [ "Hell's Kitchen is meant to resemble a fine dining restaurant, so you should dress to match your surroundings. Go with a nice suit without a tie or a dress with heels to look the part. Be aware that Hell's Kitchen is a show, so you may be filmed and shown on TV. Dress the way you want to be seen by millions of people! This is pretty standard when it comes to taking part in reality TV shows. The NDA you sign will probably prevent you from publicly discussing what you see during the taping of the show for a set period of time. If you're part of the audience during taping for the show, you'll probably be served whatever contestants on the show are being tasked with creating. Service will be slow; expect the visit to take at least three hours. As you wait, however, you will be given free alcohol and bread. Diners are typically compensated with free food and maybe some money for the grueling hours involved in taping the show. Note that even after you obtain tickets, there is no guarantee that you will actually be able to eat anything there. Per the rules of the show, once Gordon Ramsay calls for an end to the episode, the kitchen shuts down for the evening, regardless of whether all the diners have been served. Hell's Kitchen is not an actual restaurant. The kitchen and dining room are on a soundstage, so your dining experience will not be anything like what you might expect at a real eating establishment. Unfortunately, you probably won't get to meet Gordon Ramsay face-to-face, either. Most people who have visited the set of the show report that the food is decent, but not fantastic. If you still want to go, do so for the entertainment experience and not for the sake of a great meal.", "Many reality TV shows like “Hell's Kitchen” recruit their audiences from casting agencies. By registering with one of these agencies, you can significantly increase your odds of being selected to appear on the show. For best results, go with a casting agency that specifically works with reality TV shows or shows with studio audiences. The registration process for most casting agencies involves submitting registration paperwork, documents that prove your identity, and having your picture taken for the company's portfolio. There's also the possibility that a guest or audience member will cancel their reservation. When this happens, producers turn to their back-up list of reservation requests. Your name could be selected as a last minute fill-in, especially if you live around the location of the show's filming. Fox Broadcasting will occasionally put out calls on through their social media for potential audience members. When this happens, follow the instructions or links in the company's social media posts to begin your application process. When this happens, it's usually the first people to respond who are awarded tickets to the show, so be sure to follow social media posts closely! For example, follow @foxtv on Twitter and Instagram or visit facebook.com/FOXTV. The show's official website once had a \"Reservations\" section on its front page, located near the bottom of the screen, but the producers removed that section from the website. Nonetheless, you should continue to check the webpage for updates on whether or not reservations are actively being requested. Unfortunately, many people who have had luck getting into the show's studio audience simply knew “the right person.” If you know someone who works for the show or who's connected to Fox Broadcasting, ask that person if they can help you get a ticket to the show. For example, ask a friend of yours who works for Fox something like: “Do you think it would be possible for you to help me get tickets to be in the Hell's Kitchen audience? It would mean a lot to me.” The more influence your contact has within the company or with the show, the more likely you are to succeed in your appeal. Make your request directly to the person you know rather than going through official channels. As hard as it might be to believe, real tickets to the show should cost you nothing. If a second party website wants your credit card information or other financial data, that website should not be trusted. Although you won't actually see any of the drama of the TV show, the Las Vegas restaurant does serve many of the dishes that have been made famous from Gordon Ramsay's show. Dining at the restaurant is an easy way to experience Gordon Ramsay-inspired cooking without having to get a ticket to the actual show. Be forewarned: you probably won't see Gordon Ramsay at this restaurant." ], "summary": [ "Dress in an upscale casual attire for the show. Note that you'll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Expect to eat for free but without being able to choose your food. Be prepared for the venue to not be like a normal restaurant experience.", "Work with a casting agency to get recruited to be on the show. Follow FOX's social media accounts to hear about any updates. See if you know somebody with ties to the show who can get you in. Beware of scams that try to charge you for tickets. Try the Hell's Kitchen restaurant in Las Vegas if you're a fan of the show." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Providing Monthly Cleaning", "Providing Weekly Cleaning", "Replacing Your Filter", "Removing the Spa Filter" ], "document": [ "Typically, five gallons is the amount of water necessary to fully immerse a spa filter. Do not worry about water temperature—hot water cleans more rapidly, but cold water will clean the filter just as well. Follow the instructions on your brand of spa filter cleanser to determine how much should be added per gallon of water. Do not use anything other than filter cleanser to clean your filter. Some people choose to use bleach or detergent to clean filters, but these harsh chemicals may actually damage filters or trigger issues with water chemistry. Before you treat the spa filter with cleanser, be sure to protect your spa by turning it off and visually inspecting your filter for damage. Spray with your hose-head cleaning wand to remove any lingering debris. If you used hot water, soak for roughly an hour. If you filled your bucket with cold water, allow the filter to soak overnight. Remember to keep your pool off while your filter is soaking. After it has soaked, be sure to thoroughly rinse it to remove chemicals or remaining debris. Remember to hold the cleaning wand at a 45 degree angle to prevent dirt from being driven into the core. Follow the sanitation instructions outlined in your spa's owner manual by adding cleansing chemicals directly into the water. Improper cleaning and water chemistry may lead to the growth of algae and bacteria that can make you sick. Excess residue may damage the components of your spa system and shorten the life of your filter. Taking your time to carefully clean a cartridge will ensure that you remove as much debris as possible, which will in turn lengthen the life of your filter. Plus, providing a thorough cleaning this time will make the next round of cleaning even easier.", "If you see rips, tears, or feel as though the center core element is loose, do not move forward with cleaning the filter. Be sure to replace damaged filters to avoid damaging other spa elements, such as jet lines, that may become prone to debris build-up. Look for a cleaning wand that attaches to your garden hose and comes equipped with soft comb-like teeth. Hold the nozzle at a 45 degree angle and use the comb to gently open and rinse debris from the pleats of the spa filter. Enzymes prevent biofilm—the sticky, tar-like film of bacteria that sometimes grows in pools and spas—by breaking up oils and other contaminants that create conditions for bacteria to grow. Adding a weekly dose of cleaner directly to the water thus keeps your filter clean by preventing a scummy ring of oils from building around the filter core. Gently part the pleats of the filter and examine for dirt build-up or large debris. Remove and throw away any large pieces of debris.", "If you are putting back a recently cleaned filter, it should be white and free of debris. If it is tinted black or coated in a slimy residue, do not put in back in your spa system. A new filter should be installed every one to three years, so you will likely encounter an unusable filter at some point. It is a good idea to keep an extra filter in storage for when replacement becomes necessary. Simply reverse the removal process to replace a filter. For most filters, sliding it back into its compartment will require twisting it to the right. Once the filter has been installed, allow the spa to run for one full cycle before you use it. This will deplete any debris that may have collected while your spa system was not actively filtering the water.", "Oftentimes, you can partially see the filter from the inside of the spa system. It is most often located inside of a canister, cradle, or lid. If you do not see such a compartment, check your owner's manual to locate the filter. As the parts of spa systems work together to achieve filtration, you should not run the spa without a filter cartridge present. Move slowly and gently to prevent damage. As you rotate, examine the filter for bottom threads that may also need to be unscrewed. If this loosens the filter, pull it up and out of the compartment. While many styles of cartridge filters are easily removed with a counterclockwise turn, not all are removed so simply. If a gentle twist does not loosen your filter, allow your owner's manual to walk you through the removal process." ], "summary": [ "Fill a large plastic bucket with water. Mix in mild cleanser. Repeat the weekly cleaning steps. Soak the filter. Rinse the filter with a cleaning wand. Clean the water. Be patient.", "Examine the filter for damage. Use a filter cleaning wand to rinse out your spa filter. Add a drop of enzyme-based products to the water. Examine the filter for remaining debris.", "Make sure the filter is white. Slide the filter into place. Start up your hot tub.", "Locate your filter cartridge. Turn your spa system off before you remove the filter. Turn the filter counterclockwise. Consult your owner's manual." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Tacos De Lengua", "Beef Tongue with Raisin Sauce", "Basic Simmered Beef Tongue" ], "document": [ "Tongue needs a long, slow cooking process to become tender. Refer to the simmered recipe above for instructions on cleaning, then simmer in hot, salted water for at least 1 hour per pound of meat (0.45 kg). For extra flavor, add onions, carrots, garlic, bay leaves, and/or your favorite chiles. Check on it every hour or so. You may need to add water to keep the tongue submerged. . You'll have plenty of time to make your own salsa while the beef is cooking. Just combine tomatillos with serrano peppers, diced onion, garlic, cilantro, lime, salt. Blend until combined but slightly thick. (For amounts and extra details, see linked recipe.) Once a knife can pierce through the thickest part of the tongue, remove it from the water with kitchen tongs. Once cool enough to handle — but still quite warm — cut through the white outer layer and peel off with your fingers. Slice into rough ½ inch (1.25 cm) slices for your tacos. Tongue is a fatty meat, and tastes delicious when it develops a crisp outer layer. Add a generous amount of oil or lard to a pan, about 3 tbsp (45 mL) for six slices, and heat until it shimmers. Add the tongue and fry until brown and crisp on all sides, flipping occasionally. If you're using a grill instead, brush the slices generously with olive oil and heat on a 425ºF (220ºC) grill for about 10–15 minutes, flipping once. For a healthier options, just brown lightly in a small amount of oil, then simmer in the salsa verde for a few minutes. Set up platters of beef tongue, corn tortillas, and salsa verde for your guests to make their own tacos. You can also add all your favorite taco toppings, such as lime and cilantro.", "Clean as described in the basic simmer recipe. Place the tongue in a pot of hot water along with 1 of the onions, 2 carrots, 1 stick celery, and 1 clove garlic. Simmer the tongue for about one hour per pound (0.45 kg), until a knife can pierce the thickest part. Coarsely chop all vegetables, remove leaves from the celery, and crush the garlic. This is similar to the basic simmer preparation described above, which is how most tongue recipes begin. Refer to that method for more detail if you have any questions. Remove the tongue with a pair of tongs. Peel off the white layer as soon as the meat is cool enough to touch. While warm, this should come off easily after a few incisions with a sharp knife. Melt 2 tbsp (30 mL) butter in a pan. Chop and add the other onion along with ⅓ cup (80mL) raisins and 3 tbsp (45mL) chopped almonds. Heat while stirring occasionally. Once the almonds are golden brown, stir in ⅓ cup (80mL) white wine vinegar and 1 tbsp (15 mL) tomato paste. Add ⅓ cup (80mL) Madeira and ⅔ cup (160 mL) broth from the pot with the tongue. Simmer for three minutes to reduce slightly. Slice the tongue into thin slices and pour the raisin sauce over it. Season with salt and pepper to taste. ", "Larger tongues can take much longer to cook, so choose the smallest tongue you can find, ideally below 3 pounds / 1.4 kg. Tongue has a short shelf life, so purchase it very fresh or frozen from a reliable butcher. (If frozen, thaw in the refrigerator for maximum safety.) Some tongues include the glands, bones, and fat at the root of the tongue. This area is edible when cooked, but not everyone likes the soft, fatty texture. You may cut it off at home (before or after cooking), or look for a pre-trimmed \"Swiss cut\" tongue. Brined tongue packs extra flavor and can be prepared the same way as fresh tongue. Place the tongue in a clean sink and scrub thoroughly under cold running water. Clean until the surface is free of dirt and blood. Many recipes recommend soaking the tongue in cold water for an hour or two, changing the water whenever it becomes murky. Store-bought tongue is usually clean enough to skip this step, but it can freshen up the tongue's flavor. Fill a large pot with chick or beef stock, or moderately salted water. Add vegetables and herbs of your choice. An onion or two, a couple bay leaves, peppercorns, and a carrot form a good simple base. Feel free to add other ingredients, such as oregano, rosemary, garlic, or chiles. Bring to a boil over high heat. Use a pressure cooker or slow cooker to speed up the process. If you want to create a thicker sauce to serve with the tongue, add four cans of condensed French onion soup. Add the tongue to the broth and cover the pot. Bring to a boil again, then reduce to a simmer. Keep the tongue completely submerged. You may need to add more water or weigh it down with a steamer basket. The tongue is ready when it turns white and a knife easily pierces the thickest part. This typically takes about 50–60 minutes per pound (0.45 kg) of meat. Fast cooking or undercooking makes the tongue tough and unpleasant. If you've got the time, err on the side of caution and keep simmering for an extra hour or two. If using a pressure cooker, heat until it starts to steam. Reduce to medium heat and cook for 10–15 minutes per pound (0.45 kg). Let cool until steam releases on its own. Transfer the tongue onto a plate with a pair of tongs. Wait until the tongue is just cool enough to touch, then cut through the outer white layer lengthwise with a sharp knife. Peel off this layer with your fingers, cutting when necessary. (This layer is technically edible, but has an unpleasant taste and texture.) The tongue becomes much harder to peel once cooled. If it's already cooled to room temperature, though, it can help to submerge it in ice water. Save the broth to make a soup or flavor sauces. Cut diagonal slices with a sharp knife to serve with salsa verde, on a sandwich with brown mustard and greens, or baked for another half hour with roast potatoes. There's plenty of meat there, so consider saving some larger pieces to grill or try with the other recipes below. If the meat is tough, it's undercooked. Return it to the broth and keep simmering. You can easily turn a portion of the sauce into gravy by adding flour. Boiled tongue will keep for about five days in an airtight container in the fridge." ], "summary": [ "Clean and simmer the tongue. Make or purchase salsa verde Peel and slice the tongue. Fry or grill until crisp. Serve in corn tortillas.", "Clean and simmer the tongue. Peel the tongue. Sauté raisins, almonds, and the remaining onion. Add remaining ingredients to the sauté pan. Slice the tongue and serve with the sauce. Finished.", "Purchase the tongue. Clean the tongue. Prepare the broth. Add the tongue. Simmer until tender. Peel the tongue while warm. Cut the meat into 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) slices. Store leftovers in the fridge." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Providing the Best Environment", "Helping the Chick Develop" ], "document": [ "If you have a baby budgie which you have bred from a pair of budgies at home, it's important to allow the parents to do most of the caring. Part of creating the best possible environment for the chick to thrive is helping the parents look after him. The parents are the real experts, so you should enable them to do the job. You should, however, always keep a close eye on how the chick is progressing. Try to handle any chick as little as possible in the first couple of weeks especially. The chick will be incredibly fragile, with a long neck that cannot yet properly support his head. Be very gentle and move slowly when you handle him. . The chicks are born blind and without feathers, so they are very vulnerable to environmental factors, such as light, heat, cold, and wet. They should stay in the nesting box for the first few weeks so they can develop in a protected area. Make sure that the nesting box is out of any direct light. There should be a good circulation of air, but the box should be warm and insulated from any drafts, cold or moisture. A wooden box that has plenty of nesting material such as plain rolled oats or safe wood shavings in it makes a good nesting box. The parents will construct the nest, but having a safe, closed space like a wooden box can help them feel secure. A cardboard box is generally considered a bit too flimsy, and wood is preferable. There should be enough room for the birds to move around the box, but it should be small enough to still feel closed and secure. Place the box in the cage, but try not to interfere too much. Allow the parents to organise the nest. Having the nest attached outside the cage is the best option if possible as it allows the most space inside the cage. The chick's parents will try to keep chicks clean, but you can help by making sure the chick's feet and beak don't get clogged up with soiled bedding or anything else. Once the babies start getting feathered, you should begin cleaning out the nest box regularly. Keep an eye out for large build-ups of soiled bedding. Scoop these areas out and replace them with fresh bedding. You should also scrape clean the wooden insert on the base as needed. Try to clean out the nest once a week or more frequently if required. Place the chicks in a large bowl, which you have lined with a soft towel, while you are cleaning the nest box.", "The chick's parents will care for it as best as they can, but you should regularly check on the health and development of the chick. If the chick develops an illness, you may need to consult a veterinarian. By the time the chick is a few days old, it should show some bright colour, and should be beginning to put on weight. Generally a lighter chick is more disposed to illness or is being targeted by red mites. If your chick doesn't appear to be developing or gaining weight, consider contacting your vet or handfeeding if you can. Once your chick has begun to develop feathers, and they have reached about half an inch long (approximately 1cm), they should feel strong when you touch them. If you think your chick is not developing properly, you should consult a vet for some expert advice, but there are some basic checks that you can do at home to help the chick develop healthily. The first of these is to look under the top mandible (beak). If you notice a build-up of food, this can lead to an undershot beak. If you see some food stuck there, very carefully remove it with a toothpick. If you think that your chick is beginning to develop splayed legs, try adding some extra bedding to the nest. If the chick cannot stand up straight, perch, or walk around easily, he may have splayed legs. Look to see if the legs lean out to the sides rather than underneath the body. If you are uncertain or you think your chick is ill, don't hesitate to contact your vet. Once the chick starts coming out of the nest on his own, you can help the process of weaning along, and then help him leave the nest. Once you notice the chick coming out of the nest, you should provide a shallow dish of food and place it at the bottom of the cage. The chick will start eating the food from the dish, beginning the weaning process. You should allow the chick to wean by itself, but monitor it closely to ensure that it is eating enough. Provide a dish of fresh water so the chick can learn to drink from it. Monitor the chicks and parents; when they have not been fed by the parents for at least a week, have not asked for feeds and you can see they are cracking seeds and filling their crops well you can considered them weaned. Once a chick is weaned you can remove him the from the nest. This will help his development and the development of any younger chicks in the nest. Put the weaned chick in a large cage that you have set aside for young birds. Ensure the cage has plenty of food placed in different areas, but especially in a dish at the bottom of the cage, and a supply of fresh water. Keep a close watch on the young birds and check that they are eating sufficiently. Make sure the bird's crop is full before covering the cage for the night. The crop is the place where budgies store food. When it's full, there is a noticeable lump on the front of the chest. Once your chick is developed and independent, you can book him in for his first check-up with the vet. Bringing him to the vet will reduce the chances of a hidden problem developing. The vet will also be able to give you some good tips on how to care for a young bird. Before you go to the vet, it's a good idea to prepare yourself well. Write down a list of all the foods and supplements you are feeding your bird. Be able to describe the bird's living environment. Bring in photos if possible." ], "summary": [ "Let the parents care for newborns. Ensure a dry, dark, warm nesting box Keep the nesting box clean.", "Monitor the chick in the first days. Check the babies for fixable developmental problems. Help the chick wean. Remove the chick from the nest. Consult your vet." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Trading in Roblox", "Preparing to Trade" ], "document": [ "Now that you're a member of the Builders Club and have prepared to join the trading frenzy, access Roblox as you would normally. Make sure you have enabled trading by going to your Roblox account, looking underneath your personal blurb, and verifying you are open to trade in the \"Trade Accessibility\" drop-down menu. You can only trade with members of the Builders Club who are both open to trade and have also set trade-parameters to include you. You may initiate a trade with any person who meets these criteria. If you know the username of someone you would like to trade with, you can access that person's profile by searing the user name in the search box at the top of the Roblox homepage. Next to the \"Send Message\" option should be a drop-down menu entitled \"More.\" In this menu, \"Trade Items\" should be available, and selecting this will open the Trade Browser Window. Maybe you have a surplus of Robux and want to use these instead of trading a rare item, or maybe it's the other way around. You can adjust your trade offer until you find a good exchange. Be warned that the market fee for trading R$ is 30%. The total R$ calculated will include this 30% reduction. Now that you're in the trade window, all of your limited items and all of the limited items of the user you are trading to should be displayed. These can be added to a trade with a click. You can remove mis-queued items for trade by hovering your cursor over that item in the current offer window and clicking the \"Remove\" button that should appear there. You can also initiate a trade from a user's inventory list, where you should find a button towards the bottom that reads: \"Trade Items\". The amount of Robux you use cannot go over 50% the current offer, which is calculated in-game. As an example, if your current trade is rated at R$300, you cannot add more than R$150. Submitting a trade will notify the user with whom you are trading with a private message including your offer. Most traders like to receive higher Recent Average Price (RAP) when trading. For instance, the person will most likely accept when they gain a couple hundred more RAP when completing the trade. It's very risky to send a trade with the person losing RAP. Return to your profile and find your trade page, which you can access through the \"Trade Type\" drop-down menu on your Trade page. Here you will be able to see outstanding offers which you can accept or decline. You also have the option to ask more for your trade by clicking the \"Counter\" button. Your trade will be valid for up to four days, and at any point during this time the other player can accept, decline, or counter the trade.", "To participate in trading items on Roblox, you will need to enroll as a member of the builders club. To do so, you will have to pay a monthly or an annual fee, which can range from $5.95 to over $100. You can find information about the Builders Club at the Roblox homepage at www.roblox.com. By accumulating rare or limited edition items, you will increase your trading potential. You can also sweeten the deal when trading by adding Robux to your offer, putting items worth more than what's in your inventory within your reach. In-game, you can modify whether or not you are open to trade through a drop down menu in the account settings of your Roblox account profile. There, you should find the Trade Accessibility drop-down menu, where you can choose if you are open to trade or not. On the Roblox homepage (www.roblox.com), you can use the search bar to find friends by typing their username into the search bar at the top of the page. Once you've found your trading partner, access their profile page with the search bar and initiate a trade by selecting the \"Trade Items\" option. You can also make use of profile pages to scope out someone's inventory to see if they have items you're interested in." ], "summary": [ "Log in to Roblox. Find Builders Club members to trade with. Open the trade browser window through a user profile. Build the trade to your liking. Offer a trade. View and curate trade offers. Be patient.", "Join the Builders Club. Collect items to trade or invest in Robux. Set your trade accessibility. Search for friends." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cutting the Lock With an Angle Grinder", "Breaking a U-lock With a Hammer and Air Spray", "Opening a U-lock With a Ballpoint Pen" ], "document": [ "An angle grinder is a power tool that is highly effective for breaking U-locks and most other kinds of locks. It's the most powerful and quick method of slicing though U-locks, but in order to handle it responsibly you need to take a few safety precautions. You practice and feel comfortable with your angle grinder before using it on your U-lock. Put on work gloves to protect your hands, as well as goggles to stop any flyaway material from getting in your eyes. Don't wear any loose clothing or jewelry when you operate the angle grinder. Make sure that you are using the right sized disc for the grinder and that the grinder is able to go up to maximum speeds. If your U-lock is locked but not attached to anything, clamp it with a vice attached to a table. If the lock is fastened around a bicycle, adjust it so that when pressure is applied to it, it doesn't move but stays in relatively the same place. Hold your angle grinder using both hands at an angle of 15-30 degrees. Hold your angle grinder a few inches away from the U-lock and turn it on. Use both hands to hold the angle grinder and slowly bring the blade against one of the U-shaped sides of the U-lock. Don't be alarmed when you see sparks fly; even if they touch you they won't hurt you. Hold the blade against the side of the U-lock until it cuts through. This can take anywhere from 15 seconds to a few minutes. Be very slow and deliberate when you use the angle grinder. Don't push or exert force with the grinder. Just hold the blade against the lock and wait as it chips away. If exert force while you cut, you will cut through the U-lock and then push angle grinder past it to cut whatever is behind the U-lock. If you are trying to take the U-lock off your bike or the handle of a door, you will need to create one more cut to be able to dislodge it. Use the same method to cut the U-lock as you did for the first cut, this time cutting through an area a few inches from the first cut. Stop when you complete the cut. After you finish using your angle grinder, turn it off. It's important as a safety precaution to turn it off immediately after you are finished using it. After you make the second cut, a section of the U-lock should have fallen away to make a gap in the lock. Take the U-lock off, store your angle grinder, and throw away the remains of your lock!", "U-locks are very difficult to open by hammering or using force, but they are weakened and become brittle when cooled by air spray, meaning that they can be smashed open. Buy compressed or canned air at home improvement stores or online. Canned air contains the compressed chemical difluoroethane, which will cool the lock to around -13 degrees F (-25 degrees C). If your U-lock is locked but not connected to anything, breaking it will be easy. If the U-lock is locked around a bicycle or a door handle, it will a little more difficult to open, but it will still be doable. Position the U-lock so that the bar of the U-lock is lying flat on the ground or is against a stable surface like a door or the bar of the bike rack. Hold the can of air spray about a foot away from the keyhole. Then hold down the trigger of the canned air and spray it directly at the keyhole. Spray continuously for about 30 seconds. You will notice the bar becoming white as the chemical reacts with the surface of the U-lock and chills it. Be sure to aim the spray radius at the keyhole, where you will focusing your hammering. After about 30 seconds, the bar of the U-lock will have been chilled and should be brittle enough to break. Use your non-dominant hand to hold the U-lock by its loop against the ground or the surface that you positioned it against. Pick up the hammer in your dominant hand and begin to hammer against the keyhole. Keep your fingers away from the place that you are hammering. Also try to keep the U-lock stable and in position as you hammer. Don't be alarmed as you see the white powder on the U-lock come off in a mist as you begin to hammer. Keep hammering against the keyhole area of the U-lock. You may have to hammer for 30 seconds or so until a piece breaks off of the bar, after which breaking it will become much easier. Focus your hammering against the broken area of the lock. More sections will come off, until the bar breaks completely and separates from one or both sides of the U. Be patient, as it may take several minutes of hammering to break the U-lock. Dispose of the remains of the lock when you are finished.", "A basic ballpoint pen is the best tool for opening a locked U-lock. Find a standard “stick” pen, usually the cheapest types of pens that have the ballpoint on one end, a small cap to cover the other end of the pen, and a separate cover that you put on the pen when not using it. Make sure to use a cheap pen, as opposed to a more fancy kind. You need to find a pen that has an end cap that pops off, rather than one that screws off or can't be easily removed. Use your fingernails to pry off the small cap on the end of the pen. Removing the cap will leave you with an open tube that is roughly the same diameter as a standard U-lock key. After you remove the cap, insert the end of the pen with the open tube into the keyhole of your U-lock. It should comfortably fit within the hole. If the tube of the pen doesn't fit inside the keyhole, it won't work to open the lock. Find a pen that fits inside keyhole after its cap has been removed. Hold the U-lock with your non-dominant hand. With your dominant hand, grip the ballpoint pen and twist it inside the lock while pushing firmly. Use your wrist rather than your whole arm to get the energy needed to push and twist. Keep twisting the pen, shaking the bar of the U-lock a little bit to add pressure. You may have to do this anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes if it's your first time using this method. Twist the pen until you feel or hear the lock unlock. If you are unsure of whether the lock has opened, pull at the bar of the U-lock to check. If you are applying pressure, you should feel the lock open. Pull the ballpoint pen out from the keyhole, then lift up the top bar of the lock out of the U-shaped sides. You have successfully unlocked your U-lock!" ], "summary": [ "Take the right safety precautions. Turn on and angle your angle grinder. Cut through the U-lock with the angle grinder. Make another cut a few inches from the first cut. Turn off the angle grinder and remove the U-lock.", "Purchase canned air spray. Position the U-lock. Spray the canned air at the keyhole of the U-lock. Spray for about 30 seconds. Begin hammering against the keyhole. Hammer until the U-lock breaks.", "Find a basic ballpoint pen. Remove the cap from the end of the pen. Insert the tube of the pen into the U-lock keyhole. Push and twist the pen inside the keyhole. Twist until the U-lock unlocks. Take off the top bar of the U-lock." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring for Your Watch", "Winding a Manual Movement Watch", "Setting an Automatic Movement Watch" ], "document": [ "A wound watch will run accurately from 18 to 36 hours - depending on the mechanism. Larger watches have larger mechanisms. Smaller watches have smaller, more delicate mechanisms. Mechanical watches should be wound at least weekly, even if they are in storage. It might become routine if you wind the watch when dressing in the morning or before bed. You don’t need to purchase specialty oils or cleaners to care for your watch. Clean your watch with a toothbrush and warm water. Dip the toothbrush in the warm water and wipe off the bristles to remove excess water. Scrub the exterior and inside the stem with the toothbrush. Don’t use too much force when cleaning inside the stem and crown. Don’t remove the screws and attempt to clean the gears, unless you know how to. Consult a watch specialist about cleaning the inside of your wristwatch. Watches are delicate instruments and you should be cautious when putting one away in storage. The best way to protect your watch is by wrapping it in a protective coating. This could be bubble wrap or another packaging protective fabric. You should store the watch in an environment that is cool, clean, and dust free. Keep the watch out of direct sunlight. You should attempt to wind it every week while in storage.", "Remove the wristwatch from your arm or storage. If you wind a watch while it is on the arm, with the watch tight against the skin, the winding motion may not be effective. Winding a watch while attached to your arm places strain on the mechanics in the watch because of the angle on your arm and the stem. Locate the stem, which will be pulled out to wind the watch. The stem is a small dial on the side of the watch. Reverse the position, if you are left-handed. The stem may have several settings, including settings for time, calendar, alarm, or time zone. The settings are located at little \"clicks\" as you pull the stem out or push it in. Use trial and error to feel the clicks and identify the winding position. Use your thumb and index finger to carefully pull out the watch stem by the stem's top or \"crown.\" This can be difficult because you do not want to over-wind the mechanism. You should wind the watch clockwise until you feel resistance. Be conservative and don’t keep turning once you feel resistance. You can damage the watch if you continue to wind the stem past resistance. In time, you will develop a feel for the resistance. If the watch runs down sooner than you like, you know you did not quite hit the maximum tension. Depending on the size of the watch, 20 to 40 forward turns should lead to resistance; over-winding will strain or break the mechanism. Press the crown to return stem to its place. Be careful to put the watch’s components back exactly as you started. Never shove or force parts when handling the stem and crown of a watch.", "Sometimes manual movement watches can last up to five days with one wind. This doesn’t mean your watch operates on automatic movement. Check the packaging details or research the serial code online to find out more info. You can always wait to see how long your watch lasts from one wind. If it is an automatic movement watch, the watch will operate for a long time. The automatic movement will lose wind if it is not worn regularly. Take the watch off your wrist to properly set the wind. It is important that you be cautious when handling the stem of the watch. The stem is connected to several important mechanisms inside your watch that you don't want to break. Fiddling with the stem of your watch while it's attached to your arm could bend or damage it. Automatic movement is similar to a manual movement watch, except that it is powered by a rotor which maintains the watches energy. The crown should also set the time, date, or other function on your watch. Like a manual movement watch, you’ll need to pull the crown out to expose the stem. A good way to test what each level of the stem does is to test each one. The level that winds the watch shouldn’t appear differently on the outside. Once you’ve determined which level of the stem affects the wind, you’re ready to set your watch. Twist the crown clockwise until you feel resistance. It’s important not to go past the point of resistance on your stem. You can break mechanical bits in your watch if you twist too far. Go to a watch specialist if you’ve twisted the stem too far. Once you’ve wound the watch, you can set the time and other functions. Check the face of your watch to be certain which components you’re affecting. Use a digital watch to set an accurate time and date." ], "summary": [ "Wind the watch daily. Clean your watch. Store your watch properly.", "Lay the wristwatch on a table. Hold the watch face up in your left hand. Pull out the watch’s stem. Wind the watch’s stem. Return the watch to its normal state.", "Research your watch. Prepare your watch. Locate the crown. Wind the crown. Put the watch back together." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Marinating Tuna for Extra Flavor", "Pan-searing Tuna", "More Recipe Variations" ], "document": [ "Making a marinade is easy. All you need to do is mix ingredients and seasonings that you like. The recipe above will make you a delicious soy-orange marinade, but you can easily make your own. A few guiding rules for making your marinade are below: Marinades almost always contain at least one fat and one acid. The fat is generally oil, while the acid can be vinegar, citrus juice, wine, or another acidic ingredient. In addition to this, most marinades have a few other ingredients to give the meat added flavor or aroma. These include herbs, spices, sugar, salt, pepper, and more. In the example marinade recipe above, the orange and lemon juices are the acidic ingredients, the olive oil is the fat, and everything else is for flavor. Once you've made your marinade, transfer it to a sturdy plastic bag. Put your steaks in the bag, massage them so that they get well-coated with the marinade, and set the bag in the fridge. Leave it here for at least half an hour and as long as 24. The longer you let the fish marinate, the stronger the flavor will be. You can double-bag your marinade if you're worried about spills. Heat a pan on the stove, adding oil when it's hot. Remove the steaks from the marinade. Shake off excess moisture. Sear the steaks at high heat for 1-2 minutes per side or as needed — just like you normally would. As you cook the meat, you can add flavor by basting the meat with a little extra marinade. When you flip the meat, the marinade gets caught between the fish and the pan, searing and caramelizing. Since the marinade contains the juice of the uncooked meat, for sanitation reasons, make sure you never add marinade to the top side of the meat right before serving it. You want the marinade you add to touch the hot pan so any germs in it can be killed. If you do add marinade to the top side of the tuna, flip it and cook briefly before serving.", "Cut your tuna into even-sized steaks if it isn't already divided this way. Pat each steak gently with a paper towel on both sides. The steaks don't need to be bone-dry, but you don't want any excess water beyond the natural moistness of the meat. Water will turn to steam in the hot pan, effectively steaming your meat rather than searing it. This keeps you from getting the crispy, caramelized exterior you want. Use medium-high or high heat for about five minutes or until pan starts smoking. Add cooking oil to the hot pan. It should start to shimmer immediately. Use canola oil or another oil with a high smoke point — not olive oil. The key to getting a good sear is cooking at high heat for a short length of time. Cooking at too low of temperature won't give you the crispy texture you want and cooking for too long will risk drying out the inside of the meat. Season the steaks lightly on both sides with salt and pepper to prep them for cooking. Carefully add the steaks to the hot pan. Lay the steaks away from you to protect yourself from getting sprayed with the hot oil. The meat should begin to sizzle immediately. As mentioned above, the key to searing is to cook hot and fast. Let each side cook without disturbing it for about 90 seconds. At this point, peek underneath and look for a brown, crispy exterior. This is a sign to flip. Cook the other side for the same length of time. You can adjust the cooking time somewhat as needed based on the thickness of your steaks. For example, if you have an especially-thick steak (over an inch or so thick), you may want to cook in the area of 2-3 minutes. Once the outside of the tuna is crispy and well-browned, the fish is ready to eat. Sprinkle the steaks with one tablespoon of the lemon juice for added flavor. When the meat cools slightly, cut it into strips by slicing against the grain of the muscle. This severs the tough muscle fibers, making the meat more tender. Note that it's not especially important for the inside of the meat to be all the way done. In fact, most restaurants will deliberately leave the inside of tuna steaks very rare — unlike fattier fish like salmon, cooking tuna all the way through tends to dry out the meat. Good-quality tuna is safe to eat seared with the inside rare. If you're worried about the possibility of disease, use a cooking thermometer. Most cooking resources recommend an internal temperature of about 125 degrees F (51 degrees C). Now, if you wish, you can prepare an easy and healthy side by cooking vegetables in the pan until soft. In the recipe above, ginger and scallions are recommended, but there are many other good choices — it all depends what you have in the fridge. To make this side, toss the scallions in the pan with the ginger, adding a little more oil to prevent sticking. Cook until clear and soft. Add the soy sauce, rice wine, and remaining lemon juice. Cook for one minute. Season with salt and pepper and serve over the steaks.", "The directions above call for a hot pan on the stove, but there's no reason you can't get a great sear on the barbecue. The same general principles apply: get the grill nice and hot, paint the bars with a little oil, and lay your steaks down to cook 1-2 minutes per side. It's easiest to control the heat of gas grills, but charcoal works just as well as long as you get a hot, steady cooking temperature. See our grilling article for lots of specific instructions to get your meat just right. Once you've mastered cooking basic seared tuna recipes, try changing up the recipe by giving each steak a coat of solid or powdered seasonings. This is a little like applying a dry rub to other types of meat. To do this: After you use a paper towel to remove the water from the steaks, paint both sides of each steak with a thin layer of cooking oil. Toss your oil-coated steaks in a bowl with your favorite seasonings, herbs and spices. They will stick to the oil and form a crisp exterior when you sear the meat. Good choices include minced garlic, minced parsley, ginger, paprika, rosemary, thyme, cayenne pepper, onion powder, and much more — it's up to you. Finish by seasoning with salt and pepper. Sear as normal. If you've ever been to a sushi restaurant, you may have noticed that many tuna-containing dishes come with a small portion of sauce meant for dipping the fish in. You can replicate this by pouring a small amount of your favorite sauce into a small dish or bowl and serving this with the meal. Soy and teriyaki sauces are good all-purpose choices, but other can sauces can also work well. See our soy dressing recipe for a simple sauce that goes well with most seared tuna dishes. What isn't better breaded and fried? Giving your steaks a coating of bread crumbs and frying in a little more oil than you would normally use can give them a deliciously crispy exterior. There are many ways to do this — you can find just one below: Combine equal parts panko bread crumbs and black sesame seeds in a bowl. Roll the steaks in the breading mixture one by one until they are well-coated. If they aren't picking up the breading on their own, try coating them lightly with oil first. Pan-sear, using extra oil to get a crisp, fried effect on the breading." ], "summary": [ "Combine marinade ingredients in bowl. Set tuna in marinade to soak. Sear marinated meat as normal. Baste each side of the meat with extra marinade as desired.", "Remove excess water from the surface of the tuna. Heat oil in a pan on the stove. Add the steaks to the pan. Sear on each side for 1-2 minutes. Remove tuna from pan and serve. Optionally, cook vegetables and garnishes in the leftover juice.", "Try grilling instead of cooking on the stove. Use oil and solid seasonings to give the tuna a flavorful crust. Serve the tuna with dipping sauce. Try breading the tuna before pan-frying." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Sewing a Hem on a Fleece Blanket", "Securing the Blanket Edges with Fringe", "Creating a Braided Blanket Edge" ], "document": [ "You can fold over the edges of the blanket to create a hemmed edge on your blanket, or you can leave the edge unfolded and sew along the raw edge of the blanket. It is up to you. If you decide to fold the blanket over, fold 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) of material over on each of the 4 sides of the blanket and insert pins into the folded fabric to hold it in place. Fleece does not fray easily, so having a folded hem is not really necessary unless you like the look of a folded hem. You can use a zigzag stitch to secure a folded hem or you can sew over the raw edges of a fleece blanket to create a finished look. Consult your sewing machine’s manual to find out how to set your sewing machine to the zigzag stitch setting. There should be a dial or digital control where you can select the stitch type. Adjust the zigzag stitch settings to a long and wide setting by turning the width and length to the highest settings. Raise your sewing machine’s presser foot, and then place the fleece fabric under it. Lower the presser foot and then begin sewing the zigzag stitch along the raw edges of your fabric. Go slow and hold the fabric taut as you sew. If you have folded the fabric over, then position the needle about 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) from the folded edge. This will ensure that the needle will go right up to or just over the raw edge of the folded fabric. If you have left the fabric unfolded, then sew about 0.25 inches (0.64 cm) from the raw edges of the fabric. If you are having trouble keeping the fabric moving evenly under your presser foot, you can place a piece of tissue paper or wax paper under the fabric and over the feed dogs. This will help to prevent it from getting caught on the feed dogs and you can tear away the paper after you finish sewing. To secure the last few stitches, press down on the reverse direction lever on the side of your sewing machine while continuing to keep light pressure on the pedal. Sew backwards about 1 inch (2.5 cm) and then release the lever to sew forward again. Sew off the last edge of the blanket and stop the machine. Cut the excess thread near the blanket and you are finished!", "If you are making a double layer fleece blanket, then you will need to cut out a square of fabric on each of the corners or your blanket will not lay flat. Measure and mark the area with a fabric marker or pen and then cut along the lines. You do not need to cut out a square of fabric at the corners if you are only adding fringe to a single layer blanket. Creating a fringed blanket edge is easier when you have something to guide you and ensure that all the fringe pieces will be the same size. Use a ruler to draw 2 inches (5.1 cm) lines on a piece of construction paper or cardstock. The lines should be 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) apart. Make sure to use a dark pen or marker to draw the lines so that they will be easy to see. Tape or pin the template 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) from the edge of your blanket. Use the template as your guide to cut the fringe. Align the scissors with 1 of the guidelines when you make each cut in the fleece. You can cut fringe on just 2 sides for a single layer blanket, or cut fringe on all 4 sides for a double layer blanket. When you have finished cutting all the fringe, go around the edges of the blanket and tie together the fringe pieces that are next to each other. Tie 2 pieces of fringe together, then tie the next 2 pieces of fringe together. Do this all the way around the blanket. If you are making a double layer blanket, then you will really be tying 4 pieces of fringe together at a time because the fringe will be layered.", "Creating a braided edge requires 2 layers of fleece, so you will need to place 2 equally sized pieces of fleece together so that the print sides are facing each other. Then, sew a straight stitch 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) all the way around the edges of the fleece pieces and except for a 6 in (15 cm) gap through which you can invert the pieces. Use gentle pressure on the pedal to avoid sewing too quickly. Slow is best when sewing fleece. It is very important that you do not sew all the way around the edges of the blanket because you will need an opening to pull the blanket fabric through. Hold the fabric taut to help prevent it from getting caught in the machine’s feed dogs. If the fleece still gets caught or is not moving along smoothly, place a piece of tissue paper or wax paper over the feed dogs and then place the fleece fabric over the paper. Sew through both and then tear the paper off of the seam when you are done. Reach in through the gap you have left and begin working the blanket fabric through the opening. Keep going until all of the fabric is inverted and the seam you just sewed along the edges of the fabric is on the inside of the 2 layers. Use your fingers to push out the fabric at the corners as needed if it gets bunched up inside the blanket. After you have inverted the pieces, tuck in the raw edges of the fleece and sew this gap closed. Use the same straight stitch that you used to sew the rest of the blanket edges. Make sure to sew the stitch so that the edge will be as even as possible. Using a template will help to ensure evenly spaced fringe for braiding the edges of your blanket. Create a lined template on a piece of construction paper or cardstock. The lines should be 2 inches (5.1 cm) long and 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) apart. Place the template about 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the raw edges of the blanket and cut the fringe using the template as your guide. Cut from the edge of the fabric up to the edge of the template. It may help to pin or tape the template to the blanket. around the inner edges of the blanket where the fringe ends. To secure the fringe pieces, set your sewing machine to the straight stitch setting and sew around the edges of the fringe. This is the area where your fringe and solid blanket fabric meet. To start braiding the fringe, start at a corner of the blanket and pull 1 loop through the loop to the right of it. Then, pull the next loop through the loop you just pulled through the first 1. Keep doing this all the way around the blanket until you have interwoven all of the loops on the edge of the blanket and have just 1 loop left. Tuck the last loop into the first loop you pulled through. Set your sewing machine to the zigzag stitch setting and then place the loops under your machine’s presser foot. Sew across the loops and then press the lever on your machine to reverse the direction and sew back over the same area. Then, release the pedal on your sewing machine and remove the fabric from under the presser foot. Cut the excess threads near the blanket and your blanket is ready to use! If desired, you may hand sew across the loops to secure them. Thread a needle with 18 inches (46 cm) of thread and pull the thread through the eye of the needle until the ends are even. Tie the ends in a knot and then sew through the two loops a few times to secure them. Tie the thread in a knot to secure it when you are finished and cut the excess thread." ], "summary": [ "Fold over and pin the edges of the blanket if desired. Set your sewing machine to the zigzag stitch setting. Sew along the edges of the blanket. Backstitch when you reach the end.", "Cut out a 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) square of fabric at each corner of the blanket. Create a template for cutting the fringe. Use the template to cut fringe all the way around the blanket. Tie the fringe pieces together in knots.", "Sew 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) from the edges of 2 layers of fleece. Turn the blanket inside out. Sew the gap closed. Use a template to cut fringe all around the outside of the fabric. Sew a straight stitch Pull 1 loop through its neighbor using a crochet hook or your fingers. Sew across the first and last loops to secure the braid." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Natural Home Remedies", "Clearing a Runny Nose with Medicine", "Treating The Underlying Causes" ], "document": [ "Using acupressure on the area around your nose may be able to relieve congestion and headaches that come from having a runny nose. Clearing the mucus from your nose is the best way to get it to stop running, so gently blow your nose into tissues when you need to. If your nose is extremely runny, rip a tissue in half, roll the pieces into 2 small balls, and place one in each nostril. Breathe normally, or through your mouth. To ease the pressure in your nose and help it stop running, take a hot bath or shower and let the room get steamy. You can also drape a towel over your head and lean over a pot or bowl of hot water, or turn on a hot shower and simply sit in your bathroom without actually getting in. Do this 2-4 times per day. You can also use a vaporizer or humidifier for the same effect. For an extra kick, add eucalyptus oil, camphor spirit, or peppermint oil. Pour a bit into your bowl of hot water, or flick some around your shower before you turn it on. Dip a washcloth into warm water, or run it under the sink until it’s saturated. Wring it out until it’s just damp, then place it over your face for 2-3 minutes. You can also wet the wash cloth, then heat it up in the microwave for 30-45 seconds, or until it’s warm. Resting is important when your body is fighting off annoying symptoms like a runny nose. When you lie down to rest, prop your head up on a couple of pillows to encourage the fluids in your nose to drain naturally. This position will also help you breathe easier. Keeping your body hydrated encourages the fluids in your nose to drain away, which will help your nose stop running. Try to drink a glass of water every hour or so, and mix in hot liquids like herbal tea or even soup to soothe your nose even more. Mix 1 cup (240 ml) of warm water, ½ tsp (3 g) of salt, and a pinch of baking soda. Use a syringe, a small spray bottle, or a neti pot to apply the saline spray to the inside of your nose 3-4 times a day. Be careful not to overuse your saline spray, which can actually make your runny nose worse.", "Saline sprays and washes are available at drugstores, and can help remove the mucus in your nose that’s causing it to run. Choose a gentle one that’s made for congested or runny noses and use it 3-4 times per day, following the instructions carefully. Avoid using a nasal spray for more than 5 days, as this can cause congestion to return. Look for nasal strips at the drugstore to clear your nose and help decongestion. Try strips made specifically for colds and congestion, and follow the directions on the box to place the strip over the bridge of your nose. Use it as often as directed on the packaging. Nasal strips are typically used at night, but if your runny nose is especially bad, you can use them during the day as well. Check the aisles in your drugstore for a decongestant medicine, typically pills, that will shrink and dry up your nasal passages. This can be a big help when you’re trying to get rid of a stuffy or runny nose. Check the packaging to see how often you can take the medicine. Only use a decongestant for a 2-3 days. If overused, decongestants can cause congestion to return even more severely. If you think your runny nose might be caused by allergies, get an antihistamine product at your drugstore to ease symptoms. Take it as directed on the packaging, and read the side effects carefully as well—some antihistamines can make you drowsy. Common antihistamines include Benadryl, Zyrtec, and Allegra.", "if you have a headache or swelling pressure. Sinus infections can sometimes cause your nose to run, particularly if the fluid is thick and yellow or greenish. Other symptoms include congestion, fluid draining down the back of your throat, and pain, swelling, or pressure around your eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead. To treat a sinus infection, try: Doing an at-home steam treatment or applying a warm compress to your face. Using saline nasal sprays or nasal corticosteroids, which can treat inflammation. Taking an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant for 2-3 days Taking an OTC pain reliever like aspirin, acetaminophen (like Tylenol), or ibuprofen (like Advil). Seeing a doctor if the infection doesn’t clear within a week or so. A runny nose is a common symptom of allergies, which can be caused by a number or irritants, such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or foods. Notice if your nose starts to run more around certain materials and avoid those as much as you can, or take allergy medications to reduce symptoms. Other allergy symptoms include sneezing, itchiness around your face, and red or swollen eyes. You can also get rid of a runny nose from allergies by using saline nasal irrigation and reducing exposure to allergens by vacuuming frequently and washing bedding and stuffed toys in hot water. One of the most common causes of a runny nose is the common cold. These symptoms are relatively easy to pick up on, including a sore throat, cough, sneezing, and body aches. To treat a cold, try: Taking pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (like Tylenol). Using decongestant drops or sprays for up to 5 days. Taking Cough syrup to ease a sore throat or cough. The flu can have similar symptoms to a common cold at first, including a runny nose, with the distinction that it will come on much more suddenly than a cold. Other symptoms include a fever over 100.4 °F (38.0 °C), aching muscles, chills and sweats, headaches, and congestion. If you think you have the flu, see a doctor as soon as possible and be careful not to spread it to others by washing your hands, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and avoiding crowded places. To ease symptoms, try: Resting and drinking plenty of fluids. Taking an antiviral medication, if prescribed by your doctor. Using pain relievers, like acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) to ease achiness." ], "summary": [ "Treat sinus pain and congestion with light acupressure. Sniff, swallow, or gently blow your nose to clear out fluids. Try an at-home steam treatment. Place a warm, wet washcloth on your face to ease the pressure in your nose. Keep your head elevated when you lie down to ease congestion. Drink lots of water and warm liquids to help the mucus drain. Make your own saline spray to clear out mucus.", "Use a nasal wash or spray to remove mucus. Place a nasal strip under your nose to ease breathing. Use a decongestant to help dry your nasal passages. Try antihistamines if you think you’re suffering from allergies.", "Treat a sinus infection Avoid nasal irritants if you’re experiencing allergies. Take cold medicines if you have other cold symptoms. See a doctor if you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Reducing the Risk of Injury", "Removing Snow Effectively", "Choosing the Right Equipment" ], "document": [ "If you are out of shape, have back problems, or heart conditions, it may actually be dangerous for you to shovel snow. After a snowfall, hospitals are inundated with heart attack victims and patients with wrenched backs. Hire a local teen, borrow a snow blower from a neighbor, or contact a professional snow and ice removal service instead. You need to dress warmly, but not so warmly that you are sweating heavily after several minutes of work. Dress in light layers that are easy to remove and do not restrict your movement. Thermal underwear is a great option for keeping you warm while you work in the snow. Be sure to remove clothing as you heat up while shoveling, as sweat can turn clammy on your skin and actually make you colder. Your skin should remain warm (not hot) and dry. Wear gloves that will prevent blisters and keep your hands warm and dry. You can also wear hand and foot warmers (like Hot Hands or Yaktrax Handwarmers/Footwarmers) in your gloves and shoes to prevent your hands and feet from getting too cold. You lose a large amount of body heat through your head. Wear a hat and earmuffs to retain that body heat and keep yourself warm. If it is very cold you may consider breathing through a scarf but be careful that it does not obstruct your view. A cold-weather face mask is also a good option. Warm muscles will be more efficient and less likely to get injured. Focus on stretching your extremities (arms and legs) and back in particular. Some areas can be uneven and cause you to trip, slip or fall, causing injury. Before shoveling snow, spread sand or salt on any particularly slippery locations where you might have to stand while shoveling snow. This will create foot traction and reduce the risk of injury. Remind yourself to keep good posture and maintain the natural curve of your spine. Keep your back straight as you change between the squatting and upright positions. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for balance and bend at the knees rather than at the waist or back. Keep the shovel close to your body rather than extending your arms all the way. Tighten your stomach muscles and then lift with your legs as if you are doing a squat. Use your shoulder muscles as much as possible. Scoop small amounts of snow at a time so that it will not be too heavy. You do not want to twist your body when lifting snow as this can injure your back. Face the pile of snow front on, keeping your body as straight as possible. Make sure you have a place in front of you to dump your shovel loads. If you have to dump the load on the side, then move your feet rather than twisting your body. Choose a close location to dump loads so that you do not have to carry the snow far. If clearing a certain area then dump the first loads farthest away from you so that the last shovel loads will have to travel the shortest distance to be dumped. Do not throw snow over your shoulder! If you must lift snow then move it forward rather than throwing it backwards. Never try to remove deep snow all at once. Rather remove one or two inches (2.5-5cm) at a time, resting in between. This will reduce the weight of the loads and reduce the risk of injury. Shoveling is extremely hard physical work and you need to pace yourself to avoid ill effects. In the cold, you're not as likely to feel thirsty, but dehydration can set in quickly while completing so much physical work. Take your time. Stretch while taking breaks to keep your muscles loose. Especially focus on your extremities (arms and legs) and back. Pain can mean a heart attack or injured back, which can occur during snow shoveling activities. Although optional, it's traditional in most snowy locations, and helps replenish your fluids. If you do not like hot cocoa, help yourself to some tea, broth, or even just water. Stretch when you are finished to prevent your muscles from tightening up and causing you pain. You can also relax your muscles by taking a hot shower.", "Fresh snow weighs less than older snow so you should clear snow as soon as it has fallen. As snow sits on the ground it compacts and becomes wet, making it heavier. It can also then turn into ice and become very difficult to remove. Wait until the snowplow has come by before finishing the driveway. A snowplow will usually \"plow in\" the driveway at least a bit, pushing more snow onto the edge of your driveway. It can be easier to deal with just clearing the driveway once. Use extra care when shoveling snow pushed onto your driveway by the plow. Plows pack the snow, making it much heavier than undisturbed, freshly fallen snow. One shovelful of snow can weigh 20 pounds (9kg) or more! You will need to consider what is the most efficient snow removal plan. You will also have to avoid piling snow where you'll have to just remove it again, so do not block access to snow that still needs to be cleared. If you are clearing a rectangle, it is better to work from the center out. First clear a strip of snow around the perimeter of the rectangle. Then, starting in the center, push snow towards the cleared area. From there, lift the snow out of the area. Use a brush to get snow off cars before clearing around the car to prevent extra work. Pushing snow is much easier than lifting and can reduce the risk of injury. If you begin early and if the snow is not too deep, then it is better to simply push it off driveways and sidewalks. This is a good way to clear away snow while it is still falling, to reduce accumulation. Spread your hands far apart on the handle, with one hand close to the blade. This will provide more leverage while lifting snow. If you need to dig (to get to your car, for instance), dig using a steady, easy motion. If you are \"pushing\" (as you might when clearing a driveway), hold your shovel at a slight angle and begin making passes back and forth width-wise along your driveway. You should rarely need to move your shovel above waist height. Make sure you clear around your mailbox every time it snows. If your mail carrier cannot easily reach your mailbox, then they cannot deliver your mail! Be careful with salt, as it can hurt your lawn, landscaping, and your watershed. It can also damage driveways and other paved areas. Use salt only if the temperature is warm enough (above 0 degrees F/-17 degrees C). Sand provides traction, but if more snow falls on top, it will become useless. Salting the ground before or during a storm can actually increase the amount of snow on your sidewalks and driveways because dry snow sticks to a salted paved area but does not stick to an unsalted paved area.", "You will need boots that keep your feet warm and dry and provide good traction. Appropriate soles will help you maintain balance and reduce the risk of injury. Wear your boots in combination with wool socks to keep your feet as warm and dry as possible. Ergonomic shovels have a bend in the handle and help you to keep your back straighter while shoveling snow, reducing the risk of back injury. Your shovel should have a long enough handle so that you can keep bending to a minimum while using it. Select a shovel that is right for your height. You may wish to choose a plastic shovel as opposed to a heavier metal one. There are two basic types of shovel: digging and pushing. It is far easier to push snow than it is to lift it, so if the snow is not too heavy try to push the snow rather than lift it. Consider a shovel with a smaller blade to lighten the load and reduce the risk of spinal injury. The blade is the part that actually shovels the snow. This will help to make shoveling less tiring by causing the snow to slide off easily. Spray a silicon lubricant on the shovel before using to prevent snow from sticking to the surface. A non-stick surface can be produced at home. Simply coat the blade of the snow shovel with shortening or vegetable oil." ], "summary": [ "Consider any health risks. Dress appropriately. Stretch. Spread sand or salt on slippery ground. Maintain good posture. Lift correctly. Find the right place to put the snow. Complete areas with deep snow in parts. Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. If you feel any pain of any kind, stop immediately and seek medical attention or assistance. Have a cup of hot chocolate. Stretch again.", "Start early in the day. Have a plan. Clear cars first. Avoid lifting snow by pushing it instead. Place your hands in the correct positions on the shovel. Begin shoveling. Don't forget your mail carrier. Salt and sand as needed.", "Wear proper boots. Use an ergonomically correct snow shovel. Use a shovel with a non-stick surface." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Establishing a Friendship", "Maintaining a Long-Term Friendship", "Finding Common Interests" ], "document": [ "Part of becoming friends with someone involves getting connected, both in person and online. Follow him on Instagram and Snapchat (if you don’t already), and ask for his number. After you get his phone number, send him a text with your name so he can add you to his phone. You could write something like, “Hi, this is Kayla from the football game. Nice talking to you tonight!” Or try something like, “Hey Bryan, this is Ben (we met at the batting range yesterday). Let me know if you want to meet up and practice swings sometime.” with you, even if it’s a new interest. Of course, by all means, ask him to do things that you know he will enjoy. But don’t be afraid to ask him to attend something different, too—you never know what kind of shared interests you might find, plus it’ll be a common talking point that you can refer to in the future. You could always arrange a group hangout, too, and invite him along with some other friends. This might alleviate some pressure if you’re worried about giving the wrong impression through spending one-on-one time together. Check out a new restaurant or coffee shop, go to a movie or a play, sign up to run a 5k, volunteer, visit a museum or art gallery, make a trip to see a sports game, or take a cooking class. There are tons of things you can do together to get to know each other better. When you’re just starting to connect with a new friend, it’s a great idea to keep things positive and light-hearted. Some guys might get intimidated or turned off from the friendship if you dive right into the deep emotional stuff. Try to inject your conversations with humor and come up with some inside jokes to make a deeper connection with your new friend. Authentic people are the best people to be friends with. So be yourself, and trust that if you two do connect, you can create a long-lasting friendship. You yourself are fun and interesting, and if you have common interests with this guy, there is no reason you shouldn’t start becoming friends! Confidence helps to attract others to you, and your new guy friend will be more likely to talk to you if you’re comfortable with yourself. Making new friends can definitely be hard. If you’re having a hard time being confident, try standing up tall with your shoulders back, speak clearly, smile, and make eye contact when you talk to this guy. It’s also true that sometimes people just don’t click, and that’s okay. Try to not take it personally if it isn’t working out or try to pretend to be someone you’re not just to be friends with him.", "Staying in contact and interacting regularly is a huge part of being good friends with someone. If you live close by, try to see each other on a weekly (or more often) basis, and use texting and phone calls to talk when you’re not together. If you live further away, try to meet up in person once a month, or as often as you can. Also, don’t hesitate to spend time together in group settings, too. Sometimes that shared experience can be fodder for more one-on-one conversation. Once your friendship moves past the surface level and you start to really get to know and trust each other, it’s time to start being a little more transparent and vulnerable in your conversations. Don’t hide your opinions or pretend to be someone you’re not just to make him happy. Remember, friends don’t have to agree on everything or like all the same things. Just like being friends with anyone else, being friends with a guy may require you to be a support during tough times. If you feel like your friend is having a hard time, ask him about it. And ask if there is anything you can do to help him out. Even if there isn’t anything you can do, the offer will make him feel cared for. One thing to keep in mind here is to be sensitive if he has a significant other. If he does, that role of emotional support should be played by the significant other. You can still be caring and supportive, but remember that it may be someone else’s place to be his main emotional support. This is something that comes up frequently in close friendships and often needs to be discussed to make sure that everyone is on the same page. If you start developing feelings for your guy friend, or if he starts to develop feelings for you, you will probably need to have a conversation about it. Being upfront about your feelings will be hard, but it might save your friendship in the long run. Be open to the relationship changing over time. If romantic feelings develop on either side, things may change a bit. Or if either of you gets a significant other, how much time you spend together might shift a little, too.", "If you don’t already know him, it’s a good idea to find out a little bit more before you approach him. If you have friends in common, you could ask them what kinds of things he is interested in. If you have access to his social media profiles, check out what kinds of content he posts. Is he interested in sports, comedy, cooking, reading, video games, board games, dogs, or music? Or maybe there is something entirely different he likes that you never would have expected. Keep your eyes and ears open to learn more. It can be hard to try and initiate a friendship out of the blue, so using group activities, social events, and similar things is a great way to get to know him a little better. If you’re in school, maybe there are some sporting events you know he’ll be at that you could attend. Or if you have a mutual friend, perhaps you could catch an invite to the next group hang at the bowling alley or arcade. The main goal here is to get some face time with this guy. The more you’re around him, the more chances you’ll have to talk to him. The event itself could even be a conversation starter for you. You could ask how he’s enjoying himself, how he knows a particular mutual friend, or if he does that type of thing often. This may be super intimidating, but you can do it! If you don’t already know each other, you definitely want to tell him your name when you first go up to him. Smile, be friendly, say “Hi, my name is Robin,” and ask him a question or tell him why you’re approaching him. For example, you could say, “I heard my friend Ryan say that you’re really into this band. Have you ever seen them play live?” Even if you feel nervous, try and overcome that feeling. Once the conversation is going, you’ll feel so much better! Some great conversation starters are: What did you think of [music artist’s] latest album? What do you think about the [sports team’s] chances this year? How do you know [mutual friend]? Is this your first time coming to an event like this? Did you see the most recent [blockbuster film]? Avoid interrogating him or bombarding him with lots of personal questions at the beginning of your conversation. Let the conversation flow back and forth, and don’t be afraid to talk about some of your own interests as well. While you may be interested in becoming friends with this guy, you also don’t want to abandon your own interests or personality just for the sake of making a new friend. For example, if you know he likes a particular band, you could mention someone you like who has a similar style. Or, if you’re both into video games, you could talk about your favorite version or ask questions about what he likes about his favorite game. Remember, people are generally interested in becoming friends with people who are themselves interesting." ], "summary": [ "Follow him on social media and exchange contact information. Ask him to do something Keep things positive and be yourself. Have confidence in yourself and in your ability to make new friends.", "Schedule regular “friend dates” so you can connect. Have open, honest conversations. Be emotionally available and supportive. Keep things friendly unless you both want a romantic relationship.", "Find out what he is interested in through mutual friends or social media. Attend social gatherings and events where he will be present. Introduce yourself and start a conversation. Open up about your interests to see if there is something you share." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Avoiding the Tourist Look", "Accessorizing Like an Italian", "Dressing Italian Style" ], "document": [ "Italians rarely wear socks with sandals or white socks beneath trousers. On the other hand, they typically wear socks with closed shoes. They always match the colour of the sock to the colour of the shoe. When Italians do wear socks, it’s often very short socks not knee length or calf length socks. These socks are sometimes called “fantasmi,” which means invisible. This is especially important if you’re in a big city where safety could be an issue. Advertising that you are a tourist could make you a target. The best way to look like a tourist fast? Wear a fanny pack or money belt. This just advertises that you’re walking around with money. Lugging around a backpack can also get you pegged as a tourist. You will want to carefully store important documents, and credit cards, in an inside pocket or front pocket so someone doesn’t pick your pocket. T-shirts, tennis shoes, and any shirt or sweatshirt with a slogan on it will probably make you look like a tourist. Slouchy and scuffed is out; fitted and impeccable is in. Nice fabrics go a long way. Italian fashion sense varies depending on what portion of the country you’re in. It’s a mistake to think there’s just one way to dress in Italy. The main geographic differences can be found between the south and the north of Italy. Remember that Milan is in the north, and it’s a sophisticated city that is a major hub of the global fashion industry. The style there would be sophisticated and reliant on designer name brands. In the south, such as in Rome, there would be more adherence to local traditions and trends that are not as contingent on the fashion industry. Dress more formally if you’re visiting a big city instead of a rural country town. Another difference to consider is that the north gets pretty cold in the winter, although it’s warm during the summer months, whereas the south is pretty warm all year round. In the summer, it can reach temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius in Rome. That's in the 90s in Fahrenheit. It can be difficult to predict the spring weather, which can seesaw between chilly to warm, ranging from 15 to 28 degrees Celsius (59 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit), with temperatures down to 10 degrees Celsius at night. Watch the forecasts.", "One thing you will notice right away when traveling in Italy is the sun is very piercing and seems very close. It’s important that you wear sunglasses. This is even truer in the South of Italy and in the summer months, where you will find it very bright during the day. During the spring and summer, you should also pack sunscreen to protect your skin, especially if you burn easily. A straw hat with a brim is a great way to protect your skin and eyes and also look chic to Italians, whether you’re dressed for a formal or informal occasion. You may need these items when dressing at night, when it can get colder and also when dining in a nice restaurant. Men should pack a nicely tailored jacket. A great look in Italy would be a white shirt, black or navy blue blazer, and skinny black pants with nice shoes and a silk scarf. And sunglasses. A light trench coat is often a perfect choice for unexpected weather changes. In the winter, you’ll need a warmer coat in the north, such as a padded winter coat, and you will probably need warm gloves, a scarf and a hat. A down jacket or vest may mark you as a tourist. A pair of leather boots can also be elegant looking and keep your feet warm during colder months. They’re also comfortable to walk in. These two items will go a long way to getting rid of the tourist feel and upping your elegance and class appeal. Accessorize the look. One item you can’t go wrong with in Italy is a silk scarf. Italians often wear jewelry. and Italian women usually wear natural-looking makeup, but don’t wear anything too obvious if safety is a concern. Take along a great handbag and an umbrella! Remember that Italians value clothing with elegant fabrics and clean lines, so avoid the messy patterns. Men could carry a messenger bag. This is sometimes called a “man purse” in America or a briefcase. Women groom their nails and eyebrows.", "Italians love a classy look that emphasizes a persons good points. Capri pants are a good choice for women; Italians may wear shorts only at resorts. Men rarely wear very short shorts outside of vacation. If you’re wearing a suit, put on a tie with it. You should probably skip the track suit or sweat pants. It’s going to look too informal for Italy. Pack business casual clothing for your vacation, something you’d be willing to wear to work. Avoid baggy clothes. Italians are partial to clothing that is nicely fitted. So skip the slouchy shirt or baggy jeans. Italians do wear jeans though, but they would pair them with a dressy top. Italians study shoes, and they like a classy shoe without too much fake bling. Leave the flip flops, gaudy sandals, and Crocs at home. Choose a high quality fabric or leather in your shoes. Make sure that your shoes are in good shape. Get them shined! Pay attention to comfort, too, though, if you’re going to be walking long distances to see the sites. Italians will recognize and appreciate designer labels in shoes as well as clothing. This doesn't mean, however, you have to wear designer clothing to look good in Italy. As long as your clothes are classy and clean you are ok. Tennis shoes and cheap flip flops are not considered nice shoes and will mark you as a tourist. If you're a female, think of simple ballet style shoes or a nice classy boot or runner (such as PUMA). You can’t go wrong, though, with nice leather shoes. Wear high heels at night when dining out if you’re female. Wedge shoes will be easier to walk in than stilettos. If you’re not in a city, though, you might want to forgo the heels because you could encounter cobblestone streets. Italians dress differently for the time of day. You’ll want to consider changing your dress when day turns to night. Try to bring a pair of long pants with lighter fabric for hotter months. It would be unusual for Italian men to wear shorts in the evening. It’s considered more elegant to not wear shirts that have collar buttons or breast pockets. If you’re going out to dinner or are in a fine hotel, you should dress in a more sophisticated fashion. For example, you might not want to walk around in a tank top, shorts, and flip flops. If you wear jeans, dress them up with a nice jacket. Make sure they fit you well and are stylish, not frumpy and tattered. A dress and a skirt are a must when packing. Men should avoid wearing short-sleeved shirts to formal occasions and should not wear a tie with them at any time of the day or night You will occasionally see Italians wearing bright, bold colours, but they do it only sometimes and are more partial to the elegance of classic colours than loud prints. Stick with colours like dark blue, black, cream, white and tans. You could wear some pastels, such as lavender or a salmon colour In the summer. You can wear white, cream or light tan colors any time of the year in Italy. Brighter and lighter colors are very common in spring. Italians love to wear light colors in the sun because they don’t attract the heat as much, and it can get very hot. You might want to avoid the most garish or unnatural colors, such as mustard yellow, neon green or lipstick pink. Many people who visit Italy want to see the Vatican. There are specific rules for dressing on a Vatican visit The same rules generally apply to any church or cathedral visit. Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. You should avoid wearing tank tops or other clothing that exposes the shoulders when entering the Vatican or a church. Try not to wear anything that is too revealing as that can be interpreted as a sign of disrespect. Wearing mini-skirts or short shorts would be frowned on in the Vatican. The South is more conservative and a scarf or shawl might be required there. If it’s hot outside and you’re wearing something sleeveless, you could purchase a shawl to drape over your shoulders. Problem solved. Men should not wear tank tops or expose their arms in church." ], "summary": [ "Don't wear socks with sandals. Avoid the most common tourist looks. Dress differently based on geography.", "Wear sunglasses. Bring a jacket or sweater. Wear a scarf and carry a great handbag.", "Make sure everything you wear fits well, and has clean lines. Wear nice shoes. Change your dress for the evening. Wear classic colors. Dress appropriately for the Vatican." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finishing the Tabletop", "Applying Paint", "Prepping the Table" ], "document": [ "If you want a final exterior layer of protection for your paint job, you can apply a finishing protectant to the tabletop. This is especially important for kitchen tables because it makes the surface easier to clean. No matter which protectant you used, wait at least 2 full days before placing anything on the table. Disturbing the layers of while they’re curing could alter the topcoat’s strength, which is especially important on kitchen tables. You should also wait 1 week before using any cleaning products or chemicals on the table.", "Choose an area with ventilation for paint fumes that won’t be in direct sunlight or affected by strong breezes. Make sure there’s enough room to walk around the table while painting. Generally, temperatures from 55 to 70 °F (13 to 21 °C) are best for painting. All 3 look beautiful and are easily washable. However, they vary when it comes to durability and user-friendliness. Enamel-based paints are known for being hard, durable, rust-resistant, and easily washable. Latex-based paints are also easy to clean and look beautiful, but they don’t cure as well and are nowhere near as durable. Oil-based paints have a strong, unpleasant smell and must be cleaned up with special solvents, but they sink into the wood as they cure, making them extremely durable and easily washable. Semi-gloss is best for kitchen tables because it’s tough, easy to clean, and hides fingerprints and smudges better than a flat-finish paint. If you choose a glossy finish, go for a semi-gloss indoor latex paint or a water-based enamel paint. Flat finishes work well for console tables or coffee tables because a smooth, matte finish hides any imperfections in the table’s textures. However, it is difficult to clean without damaging the paint job, so make sure not to use it on high-traffic surfaces. If you’re not sure if you want flat or semi-gloss finish, start with a flat-finish paint. If you later decide that you prefer gloss, you can cover the flat paint with a satin or semi-gloss finish. Waiting 24 hours will give the paint time to settle and adhere to the primed surface. Make sure the table dries in a shaded area so direct sunlight won’t affect the quality of the paint. Although the paint will feel dry to the touch in a day or 2, it actually needs 3-7 days to “cure,” or fully harden. This is especially important with oil- and enamel-based paints. If you don’t let the table cure long enough, it will be more prone to chipping and peeling. Avoid touching the surface and keep it in a dry, shaded space while it cures.", "If your table has a leaf, pull it slightly open so the leaf doesn’t touch the edges of the main table. This way, the paint won’t seal the pieces together when it dries. If your table has no leaf, there’s no need to take pieces apart." ], "summary": [ "Decide if you want to apply protectant for more durability. Let the finish cure for at least 48 hours.", "Find an open, well-ventilated area to paint. Select either an enamel-, latex-, or oil-based paint. Choose a semi-gloss finish for high-traffic tables. Choose a flat finish paint to cover up imperfections. Let the paint dry for 24 hours. Let the paint cure for 3-7 days.", "Separate any pieces that you don’t want stuck together." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Baking the Lamb Steaks", "Grilling the Lamb Steaks", "Prepping the Lamb Steaks" ], "document": [ " Heat the oil until its surface begins to shimmer and the skillet is hot. Use tongs to remove them from the marinade and place them on the skillet. Reserve the marinade in its container. Sear on one side for 30 seconds. Flip the steaks and sear for another 30 seconds. It should be large enough to hold all of the steaks with no overlap. Try to distribute it evenly over the steaks. Add extra salt and pepper to taste. Remove them from the oven and allow to cool for five minutes. Transfer the steaks to a serving platter and serve.", "Lamb steaks taste best when they are seared with high heat or fire, so broiling or grilling are the optimal cooking methods. Allow the broiler or grill to fully heat up before proceeding. If you're using a grill, let the coals burn until the fire dies down and the coals glow bright red. The steaks must be grilled over very high heat. If you'd prefer to use a stovetop method, heat a cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Allow it to get very hot. Use tongs to transfer them from the marinade to the rack or grill. Reserve the extra marinade in its container. Arrange the steaks so that they are all centered over high heat with no overlap. If you're using a cast iron skillet, you may need to cook your steaks in more than one batch. Let the steaks cook on one side for thirty seconds, then quickly flip them to cook on the other side for thirty seconds. This keeps the steaks moist inside as they cook. Let the steaks continue cooking on the second side for five minutes. Use leftover marinade to baste the steaks as they cook. A basting brush or barbecue mop is the best tool for the job. After three minutes, remove the steaks to a serving platter. This cooking time results in a medium rare steak that's still pink in the middle. If you prefer medium to well done steaks, let them cook for an extra 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you prefer rare steaks, remove them after the last side has cooked for 2 minutes.", "Many butchers don't sell pre-cut lamb steaks. However, your butcher will be happy to cut them for you from a whole leg of lamb. One leg of lamb will typically yield six steaks, each large enough for one serving size. Ask for steaks cut about 2/3-inch thick. This allows for a quick cooking time and tender results. If your butcher doesn't have a leg of lamb, this method can also be used to cook lamb chops. Peel and chop the garlic into fine pieces. Mix the garlic, rosemary, olive oil, and a pinch of salt and pepper in a shallow baking dish or another nonreactive dish. This marinade will penetrate the steaks for a tender result. If you're in the mood for a different flavor combination, try one of these: Yogurt mint marinade: mix 1/2 cup whole milk yogurt, 2 cloves minced garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 cup chopped mint, and salt and pepper to taste. Tandoori-spiced marinade: mix 1/2 cup whole milk yogurt, 1/4 cup lime juice, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 teaspoon minced ginger, 1 teaspoon sweet paprika, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1 teaspoon cumin,1 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 teaspoon salt. Barbecue marinade: Mix 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup malt vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons tomato sauce and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Mustard marinade: Mix 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 cloves minced garlic, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard, and salt and pepper to taste. Make sure the steaks get completely coated with the mixture on all sides. Add extra olive oil if necessary. When you're finished, cover the dish with plastic wrap. You can start the recipe in the morning and refrigerate during the day, or do it the night before and let the steaks marinate overnight. Turn the steaks halfway through to make sure both sides get completely marinated." ], "summary": [ "Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F. Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a cast iron skillet. Sear the steaks on both sides. Transfer the steaks to a baking dish. Pour the remaining marinade over the steaks. Bake the steaks for 30 minutes.", "Preheat your broiler or light the grill. Place the steaks on the broiler rack or grill. Sear the steaks on both sides to seal in the juices. Baste the steaks with extra marinade as they cook. Turn the steaks and cook for three more minutes.", "Ask your butcher to cut lamb steaks from a leg of lamb. Mix your marinade. Lay the steaks in the marinade. Refrigerate for at least eight hours." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Putting on the Cover", "Erecting the Frame", "Gathering Necessary Materials" ], "document": [ "With the canvas on the ground, lay the pole down the center of the covering, with the tip pointed toward the center of the flat side of the semicircle. If you've bought your canvas pre-cut, there should be a small \"life pole flap\" in the center of the canvas with which you'll affix the canvas to the pole. It's important to tie the canvas very tightly to the lift pole. If the life pole flap slips even a couple of inches, the canvas will wrinkle and cause the teepee to be uneven and loose, losing some of its valuable heat benefits. To be sure it doesn't slip, hammer an inch-long tack through the knot and the lift pole flap. While the canvas is still on the ground and now that your lift pole is affixed, roll up the edges toward the pole. Roll up a little at a time, as if you were folding a flag, so that the canvas will be able to unroll easily and evenly when you raise the lift pole. Raise the entire bundle in the air and place it into the gap you've left on the back wall of the teepee for the lift pole. When the pole is placed, unroll the canvas around the frame of poles from the back wall to the initial door pole. Make sure the smoke flaps on the canvas are unrolled outward, as well, and bind them together. The teepee should look mostly completed at this point. Most commercial teepees will have holes built into the opening flaps, but if you've cut your canvas yourself you'll need to use the pins you've gathered to auger holes into the cover and pin the open side of the canvas together. Porcupine quills can work, and were used traditionally, but small wooden pins are a more durable and available choice. They're available anywhere that also retails lodge pole pine poles. It's smart to secure the canvas to the ground using traditional metal tent stakes, so strong winds won't turn your teepee into a parachute. When you're ready to go inside, fix the door to the outside and you're ready to camp plains-style. If you want to have a fire in your teepee, you'll need to open the smoke flaps or you'll hotbox the teepee and risk a fire. Plant stakes on the door-side of the teepee to fix the ropes to when you've opened them, to keep them from flapping back closed while your fire is lit. Be very careful if you want to start a fire during cold weather. It'll be a great source of heat, and your tent will be toasty in no time, but make sure it's centrally placed, under the smoke flaps, and keep active watch on it at all times. ", "The teepee starts by fashioning a simple tripod with three of your poles. Lay two both flat on the ground, right next to each other and lay another across them, creating an acute angle at the top of about 30 degrees. The two poles next to each other will be your corner poles, while the crossing pole will act as the \"door pole.\" For an accurate measurement, lay out the canvas and assemble the poles on top. With the tops of the two base poles in the center of the canvas, pointing toward the center of the flat side, lay the other pole on top of it so the end on the curved side of the semicircle is about a 1/3 of the way down from the edge. That should be roughly a 30 degree angle. Use about six feet of your rope to tie the poles together using a clove hitch knot. You should have about five feet left on the short side and 40 feet (12.2 m) or so on the long side. Do not cut the rope. With the short end, wrap around the poles several times and then tie another clove hitch with the remaining rope. The rest of the rope will come in handy later. Keep it coiled and out of the way. In the location you'd like to set up your teepee, raise the poles from the jointed end by pulling the rope. Have helpers stand with their feet on the bottom end of the poles to keep them from dragging the tripod. At this point, it should look more like a bipod. When it reaches its apex, separate the two base poles that were next to each other roughly 9 feet (2.7 m) from one another. They will be the \"back\" corners of the teepee, while the crossing pole will be the \"door pole.\" It should not be, strictly speaking, symmetrical, but more of an isosceles triangle. The back corner poles should act as a cradle for the door pole, with about a foot more space from each corner pole to the door pole than between each corner pole. Make sure all the corners of the tripod are sturdy by pulling down on the rope while standing in the center of the tripod, directly under the joining point. Set aside your sturdiest pole to act as your \"lift\" pole. You'll add poles by moving in a counterclockwise circle around the tripod, starting directly to the right of the door pole. The sides of the tripod between the door pole and each corner pole should have five poles each. The \"back\" side, between the two corner poles, should have four poles, plus your lift pole. Leave space for the lift pole in the center of the back side of the teepee. There should be four poles on that side, with a gap in the middle for the lift pole. This will be used later to put the cover on the teepee. Steadying each pole at the base with your foot in an arcing line with the corner poles and door pole, gently let the top of the pole come to rest in the V created by both of the corner poles. The distance between all the poles, evenly spaced, should be about 3 feet (0.9 m). Using the long end of the rope, walk the rope around the crossing joint of all the poles about 4 times. Let the remainder of the rope hang at one of the corner poles.", "Traditionally, teepees were made from tanned buffalo or deer hides, which were water resistant and pliable. Since buffalo skin is relatively difficult to acquire nowadays, most modern teepees are made using canvas. Smaller teepees are difficult to manage fires in, so if you're going to build one, you might as well build one of significant size. For a comfortably-sized teepee, you'll want a piece of canvas roughly 15 x 30 feet. The two basic requirements for the teepee are some kind of covering (the canvas) and poles, about three feet longer than the width of the covering canvas. You'll need about twelve of them for a really solid teepee. The smoother the better, they're ideally several inches thick and made from lodge pole pine. The easiest way to acquire these poles is to buy them commercially. Felling wood is also an option, but you need to make sure that you're harvesting legal wood, which can be a tricky proposition. To be safe, buy them from a dealer to ensure that they're sturdy and legal. To prepare the poles for use, smooth out any rough patches with a pocketknife and sandpaper, and treat it with a coat of a 50/50 mixture of linseed oil and turpentine. This will ensure that your poles will be protected against the elements and will last for many years. If you don't have a pre-cut canvas made for a teepee, you'll need to cut your own from the canvas. Tracing a pattern onto the canvas first is the best idea, but the basic cut is a semi-circle half as wide as it is long, with notches cut toward each end on the flat side of the semi-circle, and with flaps cut from the middle of the flat side, for use as \"smoke flaps,\" and a hole for the door. You'll also need to save enough canvas for covering up the door hole when you're inside. Synthetic rope is not a good idea for building teepees, because it has trouble gripping the poles like natural ropes, causing slippage. It's also good to have about 12-15 stakes for staking the bottom of the canvas to the ground, as well as the materials to make a fire. If you want an authentic teepee, get some porcupine quills or other long pins to fix the open part of the canvas covering when you assemble it." ], "summary": [ "Lay the lift pole down the center of the cover. Roll up the canvas. Unroll the canvas. Pin the flaps together. Stake the canvas. Finished.", "Lay out the tripod. Tie the tripod poles with a clove hitch. Raise the teepee. Lay in the poles. Wrap the poles.", "Get some canvas. Prepare some lodge poles. Cut the teepee pattern from the canvas. Get 45 feet (13.7 m) of manila or straw rope." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Treating Stones with At-Home Methods", "Treating Stones with Medical Procedures", "Deciding the Best Course of Treatment" ], "document": [ "No matter what type of stone you have, kidney stones smaller than 5 millimeters will usually pass on their own, without the need for medical intervention. If you can feel your kidney stone but it isn't painful enough to require treatment, your doctor will probably advise drinking 2 to 3 quarts of water daily until the stone passes. Staying extremely well hydrated will help flush the kidney stone from your system. Aim to drink enough water to produce mostly clear urine. Clear urine is an indication that your body is extremely well hydrated. Non-caffeinated, sugar and alcohol free beverages like ginger ale, fruit juice, cranberry juice, or green tea could also help you stay hydrated. Avoid beverages with caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sugar, or alcohol while you're trying to pass a kidney stone. Since kidney stones are caused by the buildup of certain minerals, eating fewer foods containing these minerals can help to shrink the stones. This is especially effective if you have either calcium or uric acid stones. If you have calcium stones, cut back on the following foods that make the problem worse: salty foods, dairy products, oysters, tofu, and fatty foods. If you have calcium oxalate stones, you should avoid foods high in oxalate, like rhubarb, grapes, spinach, sweet potatoes, coffee, and chocolate. If you have uric acid stones, cut back on the following foods containing uric acid: organ meat like liver and kidney, anchovies, sardines, beans, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, yeast, and alcohol. Whether you drink real lemonade, lemon juice, lemon-lime drinks or just water with a few lemon slices, the acidic nature of citrus helps so that kidney stones do not form. While no herbal remedy has been scientifically proven to remove kidney stones, many have found that consuming certain herbs, especially in the form of tea, can help to shrink the stones so they pass more easily. Try the following herbs in order to treat a mild kidney stone: Birch leaf tea, which is said to help remove waste products from the urinary system. Black tea, which increases urine flow since it is a diuretic. Nettle leaf, which is also a diuretic and can help flush the kidney stones from your system. Dandelion root, which is said is to be an effective kidney tonic. Apple cider vinegar, which is said to help dissolve stones. You can consume 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of apple cider vinegar each day, or mix it with water. Avoid using sorrel, which can cause calcium oxalate kidney stones to worsen. Banana stem juice is a well-known treatment for kidney stones in India.", "If you have trouble passing small stones on your own, your doctor may prescribe a type of medication called an alpha blocker, which relaxes the muscles in your ureter to help you pass the stones more easily. This should be sufficient for smaller stones, but you may need extra help to pass larger ones. If you have uric acid kidney stones, then a course of potassium citrate might be in order so that the stones dissolve on their own. This procedure uses sound waves to break up large stones, making them easier to pass. Since the procedure can be painful, patients are usually placed under anesthesia during the 30 to 45 minute process of pulverizing the stones. This is an effective treatment, but it can cause bruising and pain as the small pieces of stone eventually pass. Stones that are too large to be broken up with shock wave therapy, but too small to require surgery may be removed with a scope that is inserted into the ureter. Once the stone is located, it is broken up using small tools. Since the procedure can be painful, it usually requires either local or general anesthesia. For large stones that can't be broken into bits using shock wave therapy, surgery may be required to remove them. A small incision is made in the patient's back, and a tiny instrument is inserted to remove the kidney stone or stones. The surgery requires an overnight stay in the hospital. In some cases, calcium kidney stones are caused by hyperparathyroidism, which is when the parathyroid glands produce too much parathyroid hormone. This can happen when a small tumor grows on a parathyroid gland, or when a separate condition causes the parathyroid to overproduce parathyroid hormone. Once your doctor has determined the cause of the hyperparathyroidism, he or she will recommend the proper course of treatment to correct the problem.", "While not all kidney stones cause people to have symptoms, even very small stones can cause severe pain. If you've already had a few kidney stones in your life, you might be reasonably sure that's what's going on. However, since the symptoms of a kidney stone overlap symptoms of many other disorders, it's a good idea to receive a diagnosis so you can treat it properly. Here are the most common symptoms of kidney stones: Severe pain in the side and lower back, which often spreads to the abdomen and groin. Pain that comes and goes in waves, and is present during urination. Foul-smelling, cloudy, pink or brown urine. Nausea and vomiting. Getting an x-ray, CT scan or ultrasound (depending on what your doctor recommends) when you notice the symptoms of a kidney stone is the best way to determine how you should treat the stone. Imaging technology can will reveal the size, shape and number of stones you're dealing with. If you have a stone smaller than 5 millimeters, your doctor will probably advise using at-home methods to help the stone pass. If you have a larger stone or multiple stones, your doctor may prescribe a medication or recommend a different course of medical treatment to pulverize the stones so you can pass them. Kidney stones produce the same symptoms, but they can be caused by several different conditions. Knowing what's causing the formation of your kidney stones will help you reduce their size and prevent them in the future. Your doctor may perform blood or urine tests to figure out what type of stones you have. After you pass a stone, your doctor might send it to a lab for analysis to determine its makeup. Here are the different types of kidney stones: Calcium stones: these are the most common type of stones, and are caused by a high level of calcium combined with another substance, such as oxalate or uric acid. Doctors may prescribe a thiazide diuretic or phosphate containing preparation in order to get rid of these stones. Uric acid stones: these form when the urine contains too much acid. Doctors will prescribe allopurinol, which may help dissolve the kidney stone. Also, they may prescribe potassium citrate to lower the pH of the urine and dissolve the uric acid stone. Struvite stones: these can form after a urinary tract infection. To prevent struvite stones, your doctor might suggest that you keep your urinary tract clean and free of infections. Cystine stones: this type of stone is caused by a rare genetic disease. These are more difficult to treat. Your doctor may have your drink more fluids or prescribe you medication that reduces the amount of cystine in the urine." ], "summary": [ "Drink several quarts of water every day. Make dietary changes to shrink stones. Drink beverages containing lemons every day. Try herbal remedies.", "Look into medication. Get extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). See if the stone can be removed with a ureteroscope. Have percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery. See if thyroid treatment is necessary.", "Determine if you really have a kidney stone. Visit a doctor to get an imaging test. Figure out what kind of stones you have." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Protecting Your Hands", "Cleansing Your Hands Daily", "Choosing Unverified Home Remedies" ], "document": [ "This is crucial for not undoing the improvements you are undertaking with the moisturizing and exfoliating products, as well as not aggravating the damage that already exists. Wear gloves (rubber, latex) when using products with irritants. This is a good idea for daily tasks such as dish-washing, house cleaning, and any physical labor. Select gloves that have cotton linings inside to improve the gentleness on your hands. Be particularly mindful of wearing gloves to protect your hands from exposure during the winter months when the air is typically drier. Damage from exposure to the sun can aggravate your condition. Avoid mixing the sunscreen with other products on your hands for the duration of your excursion. Make sure the SPF (sun protection factor) number on the sunscreen you are using is adequate for conditions you are experiencing. Use the cleaning methods, especially the soaps, above to thoroughly clean off the sunscreen after use before you switch back to your regular cleansing routine. Unless you already know you have a more severe condition, like eczema, you might ask to your dermatologist for recommendations on specific products you can use to accelerate your hands' skin improvement, healing, and protection. Ask your dermatologist for suggestions on creams and ointments that you can use on a daily basis. If you are using products at night, see if your dermatologist has any ideas about what else you might use, or change about your application technique if you are not seeing results. Consider bringing any home-made products by your dermatologist for confirmation on their correctness. Find a few ways to add a little moisture to the air in your home without compromising other health factors. This is more important during the winter. Use a humidifier. These machines will pump moisture directly from a water source into the air. A bowl of water near your heaters will also draw moisture into the air. Similar to the recommendation of not washing with hot water, you should avoid washing with hot water in other places to avoid it affecting your hands. Find a \"luke-warm\" setting to adjust your bath/shower to instead. Consider applying bathing oils to your hands before you enter the bath/shower, and then moisturizer afterwards. Placing your chosen moisturizing products and exfoliate products at your sinks will encourage their use. If you wash up at multiple locations, try to have multiple bottles/pumps of soap, moisturizer, and exfoliate at each sink. You can keep a large bottle of product at your primary wash location, and smaller bottles at others.", "You need to do this each day of the week regardless of the state of dryness of your hands. This will not only lead to softer skin, but better health overall thanks to the elimination of germs. But you need to wash gently. Use warm water. Hot water damages the skins natural oils, especially near the surface. If your hands are already very dry, try just scrubbing the palms. Use moisturizing soaps or soap-less cleansers. Avoid soaps with fragrances. You should rub a moisturizing cream on your hands after washing them. This should become a part of your daily routine, though also done at any time your hands become dry and/or itchy. Monitor what kind of moisturizers you are using. Avoid water based products, and look to oil-based moisturizers. Ointments and creams tend to be better for this while lotions are the most water-based. These oil-based products will help soften your hands faster--within the week time period--as they will help trap-in moisture better than lotions and water-based products. Expensive does not necessarily equate to good in this case. Look for products like petroleum jelly (petrolatum), mineral oil, and lanolin. Moisturizers with glycerin, dimethicone, and hyaluronic acid also can help skin retain moisture. Products with lactic acid and urea also may work. Petroleum jelly is one inexpensive moisturizer you can use. Cocoa butter and honey is a home-made moisturizer you can create. Petroleum jelly or any product that requires time to stay on your hands will also require you to have pairs of cotton gloves handy to wear in the meantime. If you do this overnight, you can take advantage of the inactivity to eliminate inconvenience while the product does its work. Overnight treatments will help soften your hands within the week, and should be maintained as a general treatment going forward. This is the act of removing dead skin from your body. You can scrub your hands using products or a number of home-based items. You should limit this to a couple of times during the week period, three at most. If you're looking for home based items, there are several that combine readily available items into solutions that will soften the skin of your hands. These include, but are not limited to: sea salt and olive oil; lemon and glycerin; baby oil and sugar; oats and lemon; milk, honey, and lemon juice; honey, curd, and tomato juice; turmeric and lemon. Do this several times during the week, two or three times, but not necessarily during every hand-wash. You can get this done during spa treatments as well. Do not over-exfoliate. Exfoliating too often can damage the surface and/or blood vessels in the skin. Look for signs of dryness, patchiness, dehydration, and/or increased sensitvity--they may indicate you are exfoliating too often. It is important for the health of your hands' skin to maintain this routine beyond just a week. But doing this for several days will at least improve your hands' skin condition in the short-term. If cost is an issue, consider the home-made version of both the moisturizer and exfoliate product. Remember you do not need to exfoliate for every single hand-wash. It is best to take advantage of bedtime to use long-term products, ones that need to stay on your hands for several hours, and wear cotton gloves over your hands while you sleep. Wear gloves over your hands while these long-term products are applied even if you are not asleep.", "This is probably among the easiest hand softening rubs to make as the ingredients are commonly found in most homes or easily purchased at local stores. Mix 1 teaspoon of sugar with a few drops of olive oil. Use as many drops as it takes to form a mixture you can rub into your palm until the sugar blends with your skin. Because there are large varieties of oatmeal, you might have to experiment a bit to find the right combination, but the basic process is the same as with sugar. Mix a couple teaspoons of oatmeal and few drops of olive oil. Rub the mixture on your palms until it blends in with your hand. Let the rub set on your hands for fifteen minutes before washing it off. These should be two readily accessible ingredients for a hand-softening rub. Combine two teaspoons of butter with one teaspoon of almond oil for the mixture to rub on your hands. Let the rub sit for 20 minutes before washing. These also should be relatively easy ingredients to gather at home or from a store to produce a rub to soften your hands within a week. For this rub you will need to mix one teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of almond powder, and a few drops of rose water to form the product. However, it is essential that you make sure this rub is evenly distributed on your palms with several minutes of rubbing and then leave it on your hands for an additional ten minutes before washing it off. Glycerin can usually be bought at a pharmacy/drugstore. For this rub, you should make a fresh batch every time you use it and not store it for later use. Mix equal parts of the glycerin, rose water, and lemon (one teaspoon each) for this rub and leave it on long enough to dry. This is one of the simpler solutions you can try at home for softer hands in a week. Take a half-slice of lemon, pour sugar onto the juicy part, and rub the juicy/sugar part onto your palms until the sugar has dissolved. Repeat for the other hand. Among the more accessible solutions is this one, but you will need to keep the rub on for 20 minutes before washing. To produce this rub, combine a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of sugar and then rub the result into your palms until the sugar component dissolves for each hand. Start the twenty minute wait at that point. This also has mostly accessible ingredients you can use for a hand-softening rub which can be completed within a week. Extract the tomato juice, glycerin, and lime juice in equal proportions and combine them into a paste you apply to your hands every evening. You may want your gloves for this. These are readily available products and usually inexpensive, plus should contribute to your hands softening within the week time frame. Dust the baby powder on your palms and then pour over natural bath salts. Add several drops of mild hand soap. Rinse your hands gently with warm water. These ingredients are available at supermarkets and help mostly with skin health, so may contribute to your hand's softness within the week time frame. Grind ten fresh green almonds with several drops of sandalwood oil, and apply the mixture in a rub to your hands. Wash after it's been allowed to soak to a dry. Usually these rubs should be applied twice a day during regular hand washing times. Remember you should be using warm water, not hot. Wash gently. You don't want to damage the skin you are trying to heal and soften. Make sure you are washing after the time the remedy's instructions recommended you leave the rub on your hands. Check your soaps to make sure they fragrant-free and don't contain any other harsh ingredients that may irritate your skin. After you've used the home remedy rubs, you should use your chosen moisturizer to lock in the effect the rub has had. Wear your gloves to protect your hands from damage. If you are doing this during the day, pick gloves more appropriate to your tasks than the nightly cotton-only gloves. But whatever gloves you do pick should still be cotton-lined inside." ], "summary": [ "Protect your hands. Wear sunscreen when outside for long periods. Consult with your dermatologist. Add humidity to your house. Decrease the temperature of your baths/showers. Locate moisturizers at your wash locations.", "Wash your hands carefully. Moisturize your hands after every wash. Use overnight products to speed up the process. Use an exfoliating cleanser. Repeat the above steps on a daily basis.", "Combine olive oil and sugar. Use olive oil and oatmeal. Try the butter and almond oil remedy. Consider the remedy of rose water, honey, and almond powder. Try some remedies like glycerin, rose water, and lemon. Mix lemon and sugar. Mix honey and sugar. Consider the combination of tomato juice, glycerin and lime juice. Consider using a baby powder/bath salt combination. Combine almonds and sandalwood oil. Wash off each/any of the rubs you applied. Resume moisturizing and glove wear after each/any of the home remedy rubs are applied and washed off." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Fan Fold", "Making a Double Roll", "Making a Double Candle Fold", "Making an Easy \"Puff\" Fold" ], "document": [ "This method isn't much harder than the basic \"puff\" fold above, but it looks incredibly elegant, making it a great choice for when you're trying to impress your friends. To start, lay your napkin flat and fold it in half. Press down on the fold to make a firm crease. Unfold the napkin. For this method, it's more important than normal to use a stiff, square cloth napkin. These sorts of napkins hold creases more easily than paper napkins, making your final \"fan\" shape look much sharper. In addition, if you don't use a square napkin, the dimensions of your fan may be off. Folding parallel to the crease you put in the napkin, make alternating folds from one side to the other. Aim to fit about four to six folds on each side of the central crease — the precise number doesn't matter. Press down to form creases as you go. When you're done, your folded-up napkin should be a long, skinny, \"accordion-ing\" strip. Note that your original crease should act as one of the folds in your \"accordion\". You may need to adjust the width of your folds slightly to get them to line up perfectly with the crease. Over time, this gets easier. Next, find the middle point of your accordion-ed strip and fold it over itself so that its edges line up. This should leave you with one round, folded end (probably too thick to crease at this point) and one open, fanned-out end. Now, all you need to do is put the napkin in your ring. Pull the ring up over the folded end of your napkin until it's about halfway up. Pull on the edges of the open end of your napkin to fan it out and display the accordion-ed folds. Congratulations! You're done. As usual, you can make a bold statement by simply putting this folded-up napkin in the center of your plate. You may also want to try putting the folded end in a skinny glass or champagne flute for an exotic, peacock-like arrangement.", "This fold is simple, formal, and easy — perfect for last minute preparations for a wedding or fancy party. To start, fold the bottom edge of the napkin up to the top to make a rectangle. To be clear, the bottom edge of your napkin should be folded and the top edge should be open. While a square napkin is best here, the material of the napkin isn't as important for the double roll as it is for other types of napkin folds because the napkin doesn't need to support its own weight. Thus, this is a fine choice if you're working with paper napkins. Next, take one side of the napkin and tightly roll it inward. Stop when you reach the rough middle point of the napkin. Use the napkin ring or a plate to hold this roll in place while you tackle the other edge. Next, repeat the same rolling procedure for the other side of the napkin. The two rolls should meet in the middle of the napkin. They should be roughly the same size — if they're not, you may want to make minor adjustments so that they're symmetrical. Simply pull the ring over the double-rolled napkin so that it rests roughly in the middle point. That's it! Your napkins are ready to be given to your guests or arranged as you please. If you have any spare ribbon lying around, these skinny rolls look even better tied up with a bow! Don't forget to arrange your napkins rolls-side up — otherwise, they'll just look like an ordinary roll or bundle.", "This amazing fold looks breathtaking when pulled off correctly but doesn't require much more work than any of the standard folds above, surprisingly. To begin, lay your napkin flat on your table or work surface and fold one of the top corners to the opposite bottom corner. Your napkin should look like a triangle when you're done. As above, a stiff, square cloth napkin works best here. You may find that this fold needs more stiffness than any of the other ones in this article — more so than the others, this fold uses the natural strength of the cloth to support the weight of the napkin. Grab the long, wide end of the napkin and start rolling it toward the point of the triangle. Roll as tightly as you can. The more tightly you roll your napkin, the more easily it will be able to hold its final shape, so the tighter, the better. When you're done, your napkin should look like a narrow, skinny, roll. The edges of the napkin should make repeating diagonal lines on the surface of the roll. Taking care not to let your roll unravel, fold the napkin roughly at its middle point. The \"points\" at the ends of the roll should align with each other. Keep a grip on the folded base of the napkin to keep it from unrolling. Next, take the folded end of your napkin and push it into the ring (it should fit rather snugly — if your ring is too big or too small, this can be tricky). The two rolled-up edges of the napkin should stand upright, resembling a pair of skinny candles. Congratulations! You're done. One great trick for arranging your napkins with this fold is to bring the folded edge of the napkin flush with the bottom of the ring and stand it upright. The ring should resemble the rim of a candlestick, enhancing the candle-like appearance of your napkins. Note, however, that this arrangement is very easy to tip over.", "This method of napkin folding is quick, simple, and easy to duplicate, making it a good choice for beginners. To start, lay your napkin flat on your table or work surface. Flatten out any folds or creases you see. Note that this method works best with large, square, cloth napkins. For the nicest-looking results, use napkins without wrinkles, stains, or frayed ends. Pinch the very center of the napkin between your thumb and forefinger. Lift it up so that it's not touching the table or work surface. The napkin should hang below your hand in gentle, flowing folds. If needed, use your free hand to straighten out the folds of the napkin so that it hangs freely. Alternatively, shake it up and down a few times with the hand you're pinching it with. When you're done, the napkin should hang downward loosely like a pair of drapes. Grasp the middle section of the napkin with your free hand to hold it in place. Then, use the hand you were pinching the napkin with to slide the ring over the napkin's folded end and pull it through. If possible, push your ring up the napkin until it's held in place by the bulk of the napkin. Not all napkins are thick enough for this — if yours isn't, just slide the ring up an inch or two and set the napkin down. Next, simply puff up the unfolded end of the napkin to give it some visually appealing volume — this is easiest with hefty cloth napkins. For added panache, give the smaller bottom part of the napkin a quick fluffing as well. Congratulations! You're done. Arrange your napkin as you wish. There are many different ways you can arrange your napkins for maximum impact — for instance, you may want to place your napkin directly on a plate to draw attention to it or put them all in a basket in the middle of the table so that your guests can grab them as they need them. It's up to you!" ], "summary": [ "Crease your napkin in half. Accordion-fold your napkin. Fold the accordion-ed napkin in half. Insert the folded end into your ring.", "Fold the napkin in half. Roll one end of the napkin to the middle. Roll the other end into the middle. Pull the ring over the rolls.", "Fold the napkin diagonally. Roll from the long end to the point. Fold the napkin in half. Stuff the folded end into your ring.", "Spread the napkin out flat. Lift the napkin by its center. Smooth out any folds. Slide the napkin ring over the pinched end. Puff up both ends." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Signaling the Horse to Canter", "Following the Horse's Motion", "Correcting Mistakes" ], "document": [ "You'll need to sit back slightly during the canter. In preparation to signal, shift your weight backwards in the saddle. You do not want to shift too far back, as this can cause you to lose to control. Shift your weight from your pelvis to your seat bones. You should never hunch forward when you signal for the canter. Make sure you can feel your seat bones resting against the back curve of your saddle as well as the horse's back. If you cannot feel your seat bones on the saddle, you've shifted back too far. You want to signal for the canter at a time when it's easy for the horse to transition. Signal for your horse to canter just before you reach a corner or when you're rounding the corner of a circle.", "When you're cantering, you'll want to hold your body in a neutral position. This allows you to best follow your horse's lead. The same neutral position you would hold during the halt should be maintained during the canter. You should be sitting up straight enough that your ear, shoulder, hip, and heel align. They should form a vertical line that is perpendicular to the ground. Keep your back straight, but do not arch your lower back. Remember, your shoulders should line up with your ear, so resist the urge to move your shoulders back, causing your back to arch. You should also move your arms back and forth slightly in the rhythm of the horse's head, which also moves during the canter. If you struggle to move the reins, you may want to loosen the reins slightly before you canter. This gives your horse enough neck room to move his head without tension. During the canter, many people feel an inclination to grip with their legs. However, this actually makes it harder to maintain your balance. Strive to let your legs hang loosely at your side, lightly wrapping around the horse. Squeezing your legs can confuse the horse and cause you difficulty during the canter. Not hollowing or arching your back can help prevent your legs from swinging excessively during the canter, which can also happen if you're gripping too tightly.", "You may find yourself bouncing a lot in the saddle when cantering, a problem caused by gripping too tightly with the knees. If you're a young rider, you may feel inclined to grip with your knees for balance. This actually makes balance harder to maintain. You want to instead stretch your leg downward during the canter, allowing it to lie somewhat loosely at the horse's side. Stretch your calf muscles and shift your weight into your heels. This should cause your knees to lock less, allowing you to more efficiently sit the canter. If your stirrups are too long, this can make it very difficult to sit the canter. You may have tightened your stirrups before riding, thinking shorter stirrups would give you more control. The opposite is the case. Remove your legs from the stirrups for a moment. If they're the right length, they should bump against your ankle bone if you're riding with English stirrups. When riding with Western stirrups, your stirrups should be long enough that you can easily tip your toe forward and get your foot in the stirrup, while bending your leg slightly." ], "summary": [ "Sit back. Signal for the canter at the right time.", "Hold your body in a neutral position. Follow the horse's head with your reins. Keep your legs loose and relaxed.", "Make sure you're not gripping too hard with your knees. Check the lengths of your stirrups." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Setting Up a DSL Internet Connection", "Setting Up a Cable Internet Connection\n" ], "document": [ "Make sure your computer is near a wall cable socket. Most modem's don't have an On/Off switch. Plugging and unplugging them is how you turn them on and off. When the DSL modem is turned on, it has to go through a boot up process. You can tell this process is done when most of the lights have turned on and stopped blinking. There's usually one light that will keep blinking. It usually takes about 30-60 seconds for a modem to finish turning on. If you've purchased a new modem, you'll need to call your DSL ISP associate your modem with your ISP account username and password. If you don't know what these are, you'll need to call your ISP to get them. Open a web browser. In the address field, type the modem's IP address. It's often printed on the modem itself. If not, it will be in the modem's manual. Common modem IP addresses are and Click here for a list of modem specific IP addresses. Once you've connected to the modem's administrative screen, look for PPPoE. Enter your DSL account username and password into the PPPoE fields. The username is usually an email address. If you don't know your account username and password, contact your DSL ISP. When the setup is complete, save the settings. The internet light on your modem should turn green to indicate that you are online. Open a web browser and go to a website that you haven't been to before. If you go to a website you've been to recently, your browser may load it from its memory. If the website loaded, then you're connected to the internet. If not, complete the rest of the steps. Searching for something using a search engine is a good way to do this.", "Make sure your computer is near a wall cable socket. Most modem's don't have an On/Off switch. Plugging and unplugging them is how you turn them on and off. When the cable modem is turned on, it has to go through a boot up process. You can tell this process is done when most of the lights have turned on and stopped blinking. There's usually one light that will keep blinking. It usually takes about 30-60 seconds for a modem to finish turning on. If you've purchased a new modem, you'll need to call your cable ISP and give them information about your new modem, because they won't recognize it as being associated with your account otherwise. You'll need your modem's serial number and its MAC address, both of which should be printed on the bottom or side of the modem. Open a web browser and go to a website that you haven't been to before. If you go to a website you've been to recently, your browser may load it from its cache. If the website loaded, then you're connected to the internet. If not, complete the rest of the steps. Testing your connection is not limited to web browsers; you can use any other program that requires internet. Searching for something using a search engine is a good way to do this." ], "summary": [ "Plug the DSL modem into your computer. Plug the DSL modem into the wall cable socket. Plug in the DSL modem's power cord. Log in to the modem's administrative screen. Enter your DSL account username and password. Save your settings. Test your internet connection.", "Plug the cable modem into your computer. Plug the cable modem into the wall cable socket. Plug in the cable modem's power cord. Test your internet connection." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Playing with a Group", "Playing Hacky Sack Variations", "Performing Basic Kicks" ], "document": [ "You can technically play a hacky sack game with only 2 people, but the game will be a lot more fun if you have 3 or more players. Keep the circle about 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) across. You can have more than 3 players too, but be aware that if you have too many people playing at once, it may be hard to move the hacky sack around the circle. Serving the sack just involves that person throwing it to another player so that the second player can kick it to another player. This is the only time in the game that a person is allowed to use their hands. Make sure the person serving the hacky sack tosses it about waist high for the person kicking it. The goal of the game is to use your feet, legs, and forehead to avoid letting the sack hit the ground. Whenever the sack is kicked toward you, kick it back to a different player to keep the game going. This is the most common variation of hacky sack and is often referred to as “Circle kicking.” You can incorporate more specific rules and goals into your game to make it interesting. For example, try requiring each player to kick the sack to themselves a certain number of times before they can pass it to someone else. This person now has to serve the hacky sack to another player. You should also restart the sack if someone hits the hacky sack with their arm or hands.", "You can have players be eliminated by either failing to hit the hacky sack or by being “pegged” by other players. In most Knockout variations, any player can catch the sack after a set number of kicks. Then, that player has the chance to throw the sack at another player and thereby eliminate that player. In many of these same variations, if the person who caught the sack fails to hit another player, the thrower is then eliminated. Be sure to throw the hacky sack gently if you add pegging to your game. Being hit with a hacky sack can hurt! This game variation is very similar to other games played over a net, such as badminton or tennis. In Footbag Net, players arrange themselves on different sides of a short net and kick the hacky sack back and forth. If a player or team on 1 side of the net fails to kick the sack back over, the team on the opposite side gets a point. To win the game, a team has to score a certain number of points. This number can be as high or low as you want. For best results, don’t play this game with a net higher than 5 feet (1.5 m). In 21, 2 players take turns trying to kick the hacky sack 21 consecutive times. When you get to 21 kicks, stop the hacky sack by stalling it in order to get a point. The first player to get to a certain number of points wins. This is a good, low-pressure game for beginners to play. It also helps you to improve your ability to keep the hacky sack in the air for as long as possible. If you want to make the game even more challenging, try having each player pass the sack to the other player after they get to 21 instead of stalling it.", "Gently drop the sack in front of you. Use the inside of the foot, almost directly in the center of your shoe where the arch of your foot is, to kick the bag directly straight up. Be sure to angle your ankle so that the inside of your foot is parallel to the ceiling in order to kick the sack straight up. After the first kick, catch the sack in your hand. Then, practice dropping, kicking, and catching the sack until you can consistently kick the bag straight up. If you’re having trouble kicking straight up, try slightly bending your other leg while you’re standing. Once you feel comfortable performing an inside kick with 1 foot, be sure to practice this kick with your other foot. Gently drop the sack with your arm outstretched to the side and use the middle of the outside of your foot to kick the bag upwards. Just like with an inside kick, angle your ankle to keep your foot parallel to the ceiling in order to kick the hacky sack straight up. You may have a little bit of trouble at first bending your leg “outward” instead of toward the center of your body. This is ok! It will get easier with practice. Make sure to drop the sack a little bit further in front of you than you would when performing an inside kick. Use your toes to kick the bag straight up in the air. Be sure to kick your toes up instead of toward your head to avoid getting hit with the hacky sack! This kick is very similar to the one that people usually use to juggle a soccer ball. You may hear this kick be referred to as “the whip” among some hacky sack players. Unless you’re performing a toe kick, you should always try to hit the hacky sack with the center of your foot to maintain the most control. You’ll also have better control over the hacky sack’s speed and direction by keeping your feet low when you kick. A stall is when you drop the hacky sack and catch it with your foot instead of kicking it. To perform a stall, catch the sack with your foot by gently lowering your foot in a cradling motion when the hacky sack hits it. This will help absorb the impact of the bag on the foot and keep it from bouncing off the side. Stalls won’t actually help you much in a game of hacky sack where the goal is to pass the sack to another player. However, they’re a neat trick you can use to impress your friends! Just like with kicks, you can perform inside stalls, outside stalls, and toe stalls by changing the location on your foot where you catch the sack. Try doing patterns, such as outside left, inside left, inside right, outside right, or whatever you want to make up. This will also help you learn to control where you want the bag to go, which is good for both performing tricks and for playing actual games. For example, to perform the Helicopter, do an inside kick, a toe kick, an outside kick, a toe kick, and another inside kick, moving the hacky sack back and forth from the front of your body to the outside. To do the Rainbow, use outside kicks to move the hacky sack from 1 side of your body to the other over your head." ], "summary": [ "Start by gathering at least 2 people in a circle. Have 1 person use their hands to serve the sack to someone else. Pass the sack between each other for as long as possible. Restart the game whenever someone lets the sack hit the ground.", "Make eliminating other players the main objective to play Knockout. Kick the hacky sack across a net to play Footbag Net. Play 21 if you’re only playing with 1 other person.", "Kick the sack with the inside of your foot to perform an inside kick. Use the outside of your foot to perform an outside kick. Drop the sack and kick it with your toes to do a toe kick. Be sure to keep your feet low and kick with the center of your foot. Practice performing stalls if you want to be able to perform tricks. Do various combinations of kicks and stalls to perform advanced tricks." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleaning with a Natural Paste", "Trying Other Techniques", "Using a Lemon and Salt" ], "document": [ "Another option for cleaning more soiled items is to make a paste. Use the paste to scrub the brass down, which helps remove tarnish and grime. One paste you can try is lemon juice mixed with baking soda or salt. Just add enough juice to the dry ingredient to make a thick paste. You can also mix cream of tartar and lemon juice to form a paste. This paste can sit on the polish for up to 30 minutes. Another option is equal parts white vinegar, flour, and salt. You can let this polish sit on the brass up to an hour. Use a soft cloth to rub the paste on the brass. You can scrub it into the whole piece. However, don't rub too hard, as you can scratch the surface. Be somewhat gentle to protect your item. Let the paste sit for 30 minutes to an hour if the brass is especially dirty. Once you've applied any of these pastes, make sure to rinse the product off. You don't want to leave it on the brass. Also, dry the brass thoroughly to help prevent tarnishing.", "Brass can be cleaned up easily with soap and water. Use hot water, and add some dish soap to the water. You can use a sink or a bucket. Let the brass soak in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub it with a microfiber cloth. Rinse when you're done. If the item is too big for a sink, try soaking it in a bathtub. You can also spray it on generously and let it sit for a few minutes. Spray on more if it looks like it's drying out too quickly. Tomato products have enough acid in them to help remove grime and tarnish from brass. Reach for items like tomato paste, ketchup, or tomato sauce. Rub it on the brass, and leave it for about an hour before rinsing and drying the brass. You can also try plain lemon juice. If you'd like, you can use a soft cloth to rub on mineral oil or linseed oil. This process will help keep tarnishing from forming on the brass. Only apply the oil once you've cleaned the brass.", "You should first check to see if the item is brass or brass-plated. If it's brass-plated, you need to be even gentler with it, as you don't want to scrub away the plating. A magnet won't stick to pure brass, but it will stick to brass-plated items. Therefore, if the magnet doesn't stick, you have pure brass. Start with a whole lemon. Cut the lemon in half, width-wise, so you have a good-sized scrubber that will squeeze out lemon juice as you rub. Sprinkle salt on the cut side of one of the halves. You can use whatever salt you prefer. Take the salted lemon half, and scrub the brass. The salt will work as a light abrasive, and the lemon juice will help remove grime. Work it in over all the brass. If you have a big piece, you may need to move to the second lemon half, adding salt to it first. Use a soft cloth to remove all the salt and lemon juice. You may need to switch out cloths halfway through. You can also rinse it, if you prefer, but make sure you dry it very well afterwards." ], "summary": [ "Create your paste. Scrub the brass. Rinse and dry.", "Mix natural soap and water. Use a mild tomato-based acid. Apply oil to prevent tarnishing.", "Evaluate the brass. Add salt to one half of a cut lemon. Scrub the brass. Finish with a dry cloth." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Drills", "The Basics" ], "document": [ "In a lowered gun stance (safe-carry position), pull your gun up, as quickly as possible, to firing position and fire multiple shots into the target. Do not use your sights! This drill is to get you less dependent on your sights. It may take quite a few tries, but you will find you eventually can place that bullet near the center of your target every time. The key is to try to perform it quickly, but try to take just enough time to allow the momentum of your arms and gun to slow as you get to the target. Attempt to stretch your abilities by increasing the distance to the target, or decreasing the time you have to fire. Try to get good hits. A slow hit is always better than a fast miss. You want to start by setting up three or more targets a yard or two apart. Quick to firing position and go down the line. One shot at each target. Change it up: fire a burst at each target; maybe try in a different order; have a friend tell you which one to shoot (\"one!\", \"three!\", etc.), but the key thing to be sure of is that you hit your target; once you are sure you can hit your target every time, try to accelerate your pace. Try it from the close contact position at 3- then 5-yards. See how quickly you can change between targets and how many bullets land in \"good hit\" zones. While moving, you should still be able to hit targets at 5-yards. Set up three or more targets a few yards apart from each other. Start about 15–18 yards (13.7–16.5 m) back. Run up to about 5-yards (from your first target) while drawing your gun to firing position. Fire a two-shot burst, side-step to engage the next target, and so on. Each time you run the course, try to do it faster; try not to pause when shooting, but remember that doing so will likely make you much more accurate. Try drawing when 3- or 5-yards away from the first target. Once you have landed good hits on the first target sidestep and move down the line of targets.", "Determine basic point-shoot capabilities of the gun. With an unloaded gun, close your eyes and point the gun in a safe direction with your finger next to the trigger, but not on it, at a makeshift target. Imagine pointing the barrel of the gun directly at the target. Open your eyes — the sights should be lined up exactly where you wanted it. At five yards, it should be no more than a couple inches off center-target. If the handgun is pointing high or low, this can be compensated for with practice. For example, almost everyone who has never used a Glock before has a high point-shoot location by 6–10 inches (15.2–25.4 cm) at five yards. But with practice, you will find that you can compensate for that quickly. If you then pick up a better-fit gun, you will find that it will point low. If the point is too far off, you might want to consider a different handgun. Side-to-side point-shoot inaccuracy may be a matter of grip or design of the pistol. You may need to try a rubber grip, different back strap, or larger or smaller pistol. But there is no sense in not trying to hone every skill in your bag of tricks." ], "summary": [ "Position yourself 3-yards away from a large (10+ inch) target. Practice with multiple targets. Practice while moving.", "Choose a pistol that fits you well, and has the attributes you want in a sidearm. Use point-shooting only at very close range, as the best known \"tactically minded\" shooters strongly encourage flash sighting beyond a couple yards." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Medical Treatment to Improve Your Egg Quality", "Making Lifestyle Changes" ], "document": [ "Make an appointment with your primary care doctor, OB-GYN, or fertility specialist, and work with them to develop a strategy that works best for you. Your doctor’s advice may vary depending on your age, overall health, lifestyle, and any methods you are already using to improve your fertility and manage your PCOS. Your doctor will probably ask for a complete list of all medications and supplements you are currently taking. They may also do lab work, such as blood tests or an ultrasound, to evaluate the health of your eggs and help them decide which treatments might benefit you the most. Your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, dietary supplements, medications, or a combination of approaches to improve your egg quality. Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an antioxidant that has been shown to improve egg quality and ovarian health. CoQ10 occurs naturally in the human body, but levels tend to drop off as you age. Taking CoQ10 supplements may help some women with PCOS conceive successfully. Ask your doctor if CoQ10 supplements are a good option for you. Ask your doctor about how much CoQ10 to take. Typical therapeutic doses range between 200 and 600 mg daily. Don’t take CoQ10 without consulting with your doctor first. It can interact poorly with certain medications, such as blood pressure medications, blood thinners, and some types of beta-blockers and chemotherapy medications. CoQ10 may lower your blood sugar. If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor about whether it is safe for you to take CoQ10. CoQ10 side effects are rare and typically mild. The most common side effect is an upset stomach. L-carnitine is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in the body. When combined with the fertility drug clomiphene, L-carnitine supplements can improve the quality of your ovulation and increase your chances of conceiving. This combination may be even more effective when combined with omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fish oil supplements. Clomiphene is typically given in 50 mg doses once a day for 5 days. Your doctor may recommend combining it with 3 g of L-carnitine daily. Clomiphene can cause serious side effects, and may increase your risk of developing ovarian cancer. Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking clomiphene, and tell them about any other medications or supplements you are taking. Clomiphene side effects include upset stomach and vomiting, headache, vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness, and feeling unusually warm. If you experience rare side effects like disrupted vision (blurring, double vision, or seeing spots), stomach pain and swelling, weight gain, or shortness of breath, see your doctor immediately. Talk to your doctor before taking clomiphene if you have a history of liver disease, ovarian cysts (caused by conditions other than PCOS), uterine fibroids, abnormal vaginal bleeding, thyroid disease, pituitary tumors, or adrenal disease. L-carnitine is unlikely to cause serious side effects, but you should still tell your doctor about your health history and any other medications or supplements before taking it. L-carnitine may interact poorly with blood thinners or thyroid replacement medications. L-carnitine side effects include diarrhea (usually only at doses of 5 g or more daily), or more rarely, rash, body odor, or increased appetite. Tell your doctor before taking L-carnitine if you have a history of high blood pressure, cirrhosis, diabetes, kidney disease, seizures, or peripheral vascular disease. N-acetyl-cysteine, or NAC, is an antioxidant that may help some women with PCOS conceive successfully. It may be even more effective when combined with folic acid. While NAC is relatively safe, it can cause serious side effects in some people, and may interact with certain medications, such as nitroglycerin. Talk to your doctor before starting NAC supplements, and follow their dosage directions carefully. Ask your doctor how much NAC to take. They may recommend around 600 mg daily. Possible side effects of NAC include upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, eye irritation, or skin rashes. If you experience rare or serious side effects such as low blood pressure, asthma, headache, or anaphylactic shock, see your doctor immediately. Talk to your doctor before taking NAC if you have a history of acute asthma. DHEA is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. While DHEA is usually sold as an anti-aging supplement, it can also help boost the health of your eggs and ovaries. However, DHEA should be used with caution, as it can cause serious side effects and is known to interact badly with a variety of medications. PCOS can cause your body to produce an excess of natural DHEA, so your doctor may not recommend DHEA supplements for you. For treating infertility, the typical dosage of DHEA is 75 mg daily, split into 3 doses of 25 mg each. DHEA can cause a wide variety of side effects, including low blood pressure, upset stomach, fatigue, respiratory distress, chest pain, dizziness, blood in the urine, emotional changes (such as anxiety or mania), headache, weight gain, or rashes. It may cause hormonal symptoms in women, such as changes in breast or genital size, abnormal or irregular periods, acne, or increased hair growth. Talk to your doctor before taking DHEA if you have a history of prostate, liver, breast, or ovarian cancer, urinary tract infections, thyroid disorders, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, low good cholesterol levels, high triglycerides, bleeding disorders, sweating disorders, joint pain, immune disorders, or psychiatric or emotional disorders (such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or a sleep disorder). Tell your doctor about any other medications or supplements you are taking before you start taking DHEA. DHEA is incompatible with several medications, including some types of antipsychotics and antidepressants, certain anti-seizure medications, and hormonal medications containing estrogen or testosterone. DHEA may increase your risk of developing certain types of cancers. It can also lower your levels of good cholesterol. Do not take DHEA if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Since the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements, it is important to purchase supplements made by a reputable brand. Look for supplements that have been approved by an organization like USP, NSF International, or Consumer Lab. Third-party verification information should be printed on the label. Some good supplements do not go through third-party certification. You can find these by searching reviews done by Consumer Lab. You can also look for a pharmacy with a trained pharmacist who can advise you about herbal medicine and supplements. While Chinese herbal medicine, or CHM, is a popular method for improving egg health, it’s unclear how safe or effective it really is. Some studies show that it can help some women conceive successfully. Others have found that there is little evidence that it is helpful for women with PCOS, although it might be somewhat more effective if combined with fertility medications like clomiphene. If you decide to try CHM, talk to a physician who specializes in integrative medicine. Tell them about any other medications or supplements you are taking so that you can reduce the risk of harmful interactions.", "Getting enough physical activity increases your overall health, which in turn can help you produce healthier eggs. If you have PCOS, it’s important to exercise without overdoing it, since stressing your body too much can throw off your hormone balance and affect your reproductive health. Ask your doctor to recommend a dietitian or personal trainer who has experience helping women with PCOS, and work with them to develop an exercise regimen that’s right for you. Start with low-impact exercises like yoga, walking, light jogging, swimming, and strength training. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen. When you’re trying to improve your egg health, getting the right nutrition is important. Instead of focusing on losing weight or cutting food groups like carbs or fats, prioritize getting all the nutrients your body needs. Since every woman with PCOS has different dietary needs, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to determine the best diet for you. A balanced diet should include: Leafy green vegetables, like spinach and kale. Fresh, whole fruit. Foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, peas, and beans. High-quality proteins, like those found in legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), nuts, and seeds, as well as animal proteins like fish, chicken breast, and eggs. Foods high in healthy fats, such as nuts and avocado. An anti-inflammatory diet may improve fertility and help reduce some symptoms of PCOS. This diet is designed to help you digest food and absorb nutrients better. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian before starting any special diet so that you can ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need. The main elements of the anti-inflammatory diet are: Lean proteins, such as chicken, turkey, grass-fed beef, low-mercury fish (like salmon, cod, tilapia, and catfish), nuts, and seeds. High-fiber, nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits, such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, berries, and citrus fruits. Whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and bulgur wheat. Anti-inflammatory spices, such as turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, garlic, and ginger. Foods that are high in trans fats, refined carbohydrates, sugar, and salt can stress your body, mess with your blood sugar levels, and disrupt your gut function. All of these things can make your PCOS symptoms worse and possibly impact the health of your eggs. Cut back on processed, prepackaged foods and sugary or salty snacks. It’s especially important to avoid trans fats, since these have been shown to negatively impact fertility. Tobacco damages your whole body, including your ovaries and eggs. The toxins that you inhale when you smoke can damage and kill egg cells, and may eventually deplete your egg supply altogether, leading to early menopause. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about the best way to quit. Alcohol and caffeine can both decrease fertility in women, and these effects may become even more severe when you use them together. Some fertility specialists recommend avoiding alcohol and caffeine completely when you are trying to conceive. If you are dependent on alcohol or caffeine, talk to your doctor about the best way to cut back or quit. If you are trying to conceive with the sperm of a male partner, he can contribute by keeping his sperm as healthy as possible. Your partner can keep his sperm in good shape by making a few healthy lifestyle choices, such as: Eating a diet rich in antioxidants. Engaging in moderate exercise. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol. Using safety precautions when working with toxins, such as lead or pesticides. Getting tested and treated for any sexually transmitted infections." ], "summary": [ "Let your doctor know that you want to improve your egg quality. Ask about using Coenzyme Q10 supplements. Look into combining L-carnitine with clomiphene. Discuss using N-acetyl-cysteine. Check with your doctor about taking DHEA. Choose supplements that are third-party certified. Use caution when trying Chinese herbal medicine.", "Do some low-stress exercise. Eat a balanced diet. Try an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid junk food. Cut out tobacco. Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. Talk to your partner about improving his sperm quality." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Her Hair", "Getting Her Style", "Getting Her Eyebrows", "Getting Her Extras" ], "document": [ "To achieve this, you'll need to purchase a very good shampoo and conditioner that will help bring the desired results to your hair without hurting it. Ask your hair stylist for advice on what to get for your hair type. You can also try some drugstore brands, such as \"Herbal Essences\". As mentioned in some of the books in the series, Massie Block usually has her hair parted right. This can be seen on the book cover of the book 'Charmed and Dangerous. If you have some money, purchase a few of those salon products that your stylist mentioned. If you have not enough or no money, purchase one or two of the products that your stylist has on sale. Then, wait for the rest of the needed products to go on sale. For example: When that deep conditioner you've been eyeing goes down a few dollars, immediately purchase it! Purchase different brands of shampoo and conditioner to get soft, shiny hair, but make sure you stick with the correct hair type. If you find that one brand isn't working, try another! If you have oily or greasy hair and washing it three times a week isn't working, try washing it four times a week, but never wash your hair every day or you'll wear it out. Try rinsing your hair with cold water, as it will give it some shine. Avoid using hot water when showering, as this is bad for your hair. Water that is too cold isn't good for your hair as well. Therefore, it's best to stick with lukewarm water when washing your hair. Too much heat applied to your hair will cause damage and possibly split ends. However, if it's necessary for you to use a blow dryer on your hair, purchase one of good quality that has been well-made, but still keep the amount of heat introduced to your hair as low as possible. After blow-drying your hair, run your fingers through the ends of your hair with a little bit of oil-free lotion. Not only will the lotion help eliminate frizz, but it'll also give your hair a non-greasy shine and contribute in getting rid of those split ends. However, if you aren't comfortable with dyeing your hair, you aren't allowed to, or you already have her hair color, you can skip this step. Keep in mind that it's best to use temporary dye on your hair in case you change your mind about the color or looking like Massie. You should style your hair according to what looks best on you. Make sure you also have plenty of hair accessories to have a cute and functional style. If you want curls, get a light perm, good quality curling iron, or you can twist a section of your hair over a chopstick and secure it with a rubber band. Do this all over your hair and leave it in overnight for spiral curls. Make sure you do it over damp hair and use a smoothing cream beforehand. If you want straight hair, get a good quality straightener. If you want waves, it's recommended you get some hair curlers and curl-enhancing mousse. However, if you want to naturally get your waves (this is much better for your hair than curling it): Shampoo and condition your hair. Once your hair is dry, ask someone to braid your hair into a tight French braid, or do it yourself. Leave the French braid in overnight. Take the French braid out in the morning. Note that in the summer collection series, Massie has a streak of purple hair below her right ear.", "eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, lip-gloss, foundation, and blush. She makes it look natural to bring out her features and doesn't overdo it. Natural makeup is important. If you use too much, you will either look like a clown, an LBR, or somebody else - not yourself. As the queen herself always says, \"Your beauty must seem effortless, or people will stop wanting to be you.\" Massie always makes sure she has a clean mouth (because bad breath turns people away!) Make sure your teeth are white too. If your teeth are stained, use whitening strips or a whitening toothpaste. Using an electric toothbrush (like the Spin-brush) helps because it removes more plaque more efficiently than manual toothbrushes. If you have braces, get clear bands so they are less noticeable. You could also pick some pretty colors. Be careful with green; it might look like there's something stuck in your teeth (ex: salad). Chew teeth-whitening gum and always have mints on hand. Even though Massie may have the money to afford a new wardrobe, you may not. You could go to Aerie, Wet Seal, Ross or find clothes elsewhere that at least look designer. Marshalls is a good place to shop. You can create runway-worthy outfits even if they're not designer. Stores like TJ Maxx and Nordstrom Rack also have discounted designer clothes. Read \"Teen Vogue\" and \"Seventeen\" to know what’s in style and what's not. If there's anything Massie-like that's truly worth the splurge - and that you know you'll like it even after your Massie phase - make sure to get it if you have enough money. Hobos and satchels work best, for they are perfect for storing anything and everything! Small purses or cute clutches can also be considered handbags and are probably a better idea for going out. However, make sure you don't overpack. Keep your cell phone in your bag in an easy place to reach at all times; an alpha never ignores a call or text. Always keep in your bag: Your favorite flavor of lip gloss Your cards Pictures A mirror/compact Time of month things (pads, diva cup or tampons) Personal organizer or a password diary/journal Note: Massie will never use a diary that comes with lock and key because she says it can easily fall into enemy hands Pens and pencils (go for mechanical pencils, they look nicer) {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/af\\/Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-13Bullet7.jpg\\/v4-460px-Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-13Bullet7.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/af\\/Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-13Bullet7.jpg\\/aid367656-v4-728px-Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-13Bullet7.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} A notebook (for any random thoughts or brilliant ideas) Extra makeup for touch-ups Anything else you need or want.", ". Well-groomed eyebrows can make your pretty face totally stand out and help your makeup look just right. Bushy eyebrows - while not necessarily bad - aren't the best, but neither are over-plucked ones. For the best results, go to a salon to get them waxed or plucked. If you are younger and getting your eyebrows done for the first time, try getting them plucked to avoid damaging your eyebrows. If you want to pluck them at home, use good pair tweezers with slanted ends to get all the unnecessary hairs and be very careful not to damage your brows. It takes a while for the hairs to grow back. It will help a lot by asking someone with experience with tweezers, such as your mom, big sister, experienced friend, or a beauty counter assistant. You should always pluck the hairs between your eyebrows and use some brow gel to get a clean finished look. It may hurt a little, but the hair won't grow back. However, keep in mind that you may have to get a few appointments set up because it takes about 3-5 sessions for it to work. It takes only a few minutes and has beautiful results that will last for weeks. It's also done by a professional to eliminate possible accidents that come with plucking and does not have the redness after waxing gives you. How you choose to get your eyebrows done is your choice; either way, you'll get beautiful results!", "The cell phone, PalmPilot, computer, music player and entertainment system will help you achieve that impeccable Massie Block sophistication. Massie has a Motorola phone in the earlier books and upgrades to an iPhone later on. However, it doesn't matter what kind of cell phone you have, as long as it works well and looks cool (try to get a touchscreen or iPhone). You need a cell phone, so don't text during classes or at inconvenient times like Massie does. Otherwise, your teacher, principal, or parents will most likely take away your phone. For computers, a laptop works best because it takes up less space than a desktop and is usually less expensive. You can also get a cool Mp3 player. The Palm Pilot is something worth the splurge, as popular people are very social and busy. If you are not allowed to get both a Palm Pilot and a cell phone, get a smart phone. Add Swarovski crystals to your items for a touch of glamour. Massie's signature accessory is her charm bracelet - they're timeless, pretty and - depending on the charms you add - you can make it on your own. Buy a chain (Juicy Couture has great starter bracelets) and look for charms that define your personality (ex: a soccer ball if you like soccer). Your signature item can be anything you want if you don't like charm bracelets. Massie gets her charm bracelet from Tiffany and Co., but if you can't afford it or simply dislike charm bracelets, then don't buy it. Buy a good watch, bangles, rings, earrings, and plenty of necklaces that you know you'll still wear after your Massie phase. Obviously, use your favorite color if it isn't purple, but you should consider re-doing your room to add to the Massie persona. Go to Macy's or Bed Bath & Beyond to get a few of these items. Ordering off PB Teen is a good idea, too. Your room should look be a fabulous reflection of the fabulous you! If you can't get rid of your kiddy bed or can't afford a couch at the moment, smaller items like accent pillows, rugs, curtains, flowers, chairs, a clock and blankets will ice the cake in no time with minimal effort. Massie's room is completely white with touches of purple! She has white walls, a purple duvet cover on her bed, white sheepskin rugs, a chandelier and candles for lighting, entertainment system, white desk with a bulletin board above it with pictures of her and the clique, white chaise, a sleigh bed (and a smaller one for Bean), and a shelf with horse-riding awards and trophies. Also, don't forget a mannequin! Massie's is custom made to fit her every year, but you could just purchase one from PB teen. If you can't buy a different one every year, then don't buy one at all - firstly, it's not a necessity. Secondly, your clothes won't fit it anymore so it will just clutter up your bedroom. Massie has a huge collection of Glossip Girl lip glosses. She uses a different flavor of gloss every day! Since Glossip Girl doesn't really exist, you should use a nice brand like MAC, Shu Umera, etc. You can also try lip gloss from Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush. It is not very expensive and they have some great deals like 2 for $15 or 5 for $20. They have tons of flavors and usually come on sale around Christmas time. If you cannot afford those brands, try drugstore makeup brands like Maybelline and Covergirl. Also, a lot of the lip glosses Massie has in her collection (Red velvet cupcake, cotton candy, and a bunch of other cute stuff) are available at Bath and Body Works, the Liplicious brand. Bath and Body Works even does special Halloween brands like Treacherous Treats! Massie is quite skinny and does all she can to keep her frame fit and trim. If you are a bit overweight and want to drop a few pounds, try eating healthier snacks and exercising. Take up a sport (Massie rides her horse, Brownie, by the way) and eat smaller but more frequent meals. Working out in a gym or on a treadmill is a good way to lose some weight and stay healthy too. You can also go online and watch videos on how to make your body looked toned and fit. Massie does Pilates, yoga, and has multiple exercise DVDs. When you're bored, and \"think\" you want a snack, chew gum, it gives your brain the illusion that you're eating something (plus it keeps your mouth fresh). Don't lose too much weight, and don't, under any circumstances, be as obsessive about your weight as Massie's BFF, Dylan. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/c9\\/Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-19Bullet2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-19Bullet2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/c\\/c9\\/Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-19Bullet2.jpg\\/aid367656-v4-728px-Look-Like-Massie-Block-Step-19Bullet2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Go to your doctor. If he/she says you're at a decent height and weight, then you are! Whether you're trying to lose weight or just trying to maintain that adorable figure of yours, eating healthier and exercising is the best way to go. Ask your doctor before going on a diet. If people are saying things that makes you uncomfortable about your body, ignore them and stay focused on your mission. Don't deprive yourself of the nutrients you need! This can lead to many health problems, such as anorexia or bulimia, and that is totally not good. Try not to eat snacks with artificial flavors (Red 40, Blue 1, etc) and always check how much sodium and sugar is in whatever you buy at the grocery store. Avoid eating those frozen meals that you microwave; they aren't healthy. It's also a good idea to avoid tons of diet soda. It's been linked to bloating, loss of bone strength and even cancer. 12- 16 oz a week at the most. We all know that flawless skin won't happen overnight. You need a good skin care regimen that you stick to. It should consist of cleanser, toner (optional), and moisturizer. To find the right products for you, ask your dermatologist. It is a good idea to look at products online so you can see the ratings people give the product. Sort the reviews from the most critical to avoid wasting time. The person can give the product only 3 stars just because of the packaging, but if a lot of people give it bad reviews for making them break out or something, then don't get it. It doesn't have to be a dog! Cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs are also very cute and are good pets. Pamper your pet like Massie does with Bean, it helps if you talk with your pet to get it to know your voice. Try not to leave your pet alone in a house by itself for a long time as it'll get bored and sad. If you must leave it alone, provide it with food, drink, clean bedding, a clean cage, and some toys. Dark circles and bags are NAWT in fashion. Aim for at least 8-9 hours." ], "summary": [ "Massie has sleek, shiny, beautiful hair. The frequency of washing your hair requires will depend on your hair type, but it's recommended that you limit your hair-washing to three times a week. Try air-drying your hair as much as possible, for heat is your hair's worst enemy. Since Massie has chestnut brown hair with caramel colored streaks, you may want to ask a professional to dye your own hair in a similar shade to look even more like her or dye it yourself. Massie mainly has her hair curled, although she sometimes straightens it.", "Massie wears the full out makeup: Alwaysbrush your teeth. Shop for clothes at the right places. Get a designer purse, and wear it everywhere. Your purse is like your room, but in a bag!", "Make sure you have nice eyebrows You can also get your eyebrows electrolyzed. One technique that is virtually painless and has amazing results (better than plucking and waxing because you will get perfect and straight lines) would be threading.", "Make sure you have a lot of technology \"extras\" too. The iPod, a Nano or an iPod touch is recommended if you don't have an iPhone. Jewelry is a must, for it completes every outfit. Have an amazing room. Make sure you have lip gloss at all times! Get fit. Massie has flawless skin. Try getting a cute pet. Get your sleep!" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Starting Your Search", "Bidding at Auctions", "Knowing Where to Look", "Spotting Valuable Antiques" ], "document": [ "Learn the difference between a true antique, near antique, vintage, and collectable before you start searching for antiques. True antique is a collectable at least a century old, according to the majority of antique dealers. This is based on tradition and the customs laws of various countries, though some societies define it as anytime before 1930. True antiques are considered desirable because of their age, beauty, rarity, condition, or personal connection. Near antique is an item between 75 to 99 years old. Vintage is a broad definition that means 'of a certain time'. It is the description used for a range of collectibles, and especially those from the 40s, 50s and 60s. Collectables are any items valued or sought at by collectors. These can be from any era and vary in price depending on rarity and condition. The best antique buys are ones that match your personal interests. Suppose you're an art lover, for example. What would you like to obtain? A certain kind of object, such as antique sculptures? A piece from a certain artist? Artwork from a certain period (ie: post-impressionism)? Think about your personal interests and use that to narrow your search. Read guides about your special interests to determine what exactly you want to collect. Within a certain era or type of item, there are many different brands or styles to consider. The value of your item will vary greatly depending on age, brand, and condition. Keep these three criteria in mind as you research. If you're collecting as a hobby, buy what you love, not what is most valuable. You'll want to collect what you enjoy, not what costs most. If you want to make money buying and selling antiques, research valuable antique items within a certain era or subset. You will work much more efficiently if you can narrow your focus. Choose a focus with high value among antique hobbyists and current trending interest. Whether you collect or sell, have your items appraised. This is to make sure your insurance covers the value of all your antiques in the event of theft, damage or loss. Appraisal will also give you a good idea of what your items are worth. Before you begin shopping, decide beforehand how much you want to spend on antiques. Even the most seasoned antique buyers can get carried away and buy more than they can afford. Keep a close eye on your funds and promise yourself not to exceed them, even if you want to later. If you are selling your items, think about how quickly you will be able to sell the item and for how much (in as accurate an estimate as you can). When you find a valuable item that you think will sell quickly, you may justify going over your budget a little. Use your best judgment, and don't buy anything that will put you in serious debt. Learn from your mistakes. If you overpay on an item or bought something worth less than you thought, that's just part of antique collecting. Like other hobbies, you'll get better as you go along.", "Sotheby's, Christie's and other auction houses have offices all around the world. You will be able to see the pieces more closely before they are auctioned, and make a better decision whether or not you want a particular piece. Look online for auctions happening in your area, and find one that best meets your interests. Some auctions revolve around a specific theme, such as art or items from a certain era. Spend time at auctions where you can bid on items related to your interests, and avoid auctions beyond your interests. Most auctions require bidders to pre-register online so they can be assigned a bidding number. Your bidding number will be written on the sign you hold up in the air so the auctioneer can track your intentions. If you don't register, you cannot bid. Sometimes you can also register on-site. Call or email the auction house ahead of time to learn their specific rules. You don't want to come late to your first auction, especially when the atmosphere will be so new. Arriving early ensures you a good seat and view of the lot items. You'll also be able to make sure that you see the auctioneer and that they see you. Learn the rules of the game before you play. Observing an auction will help you understand what auctions involve and avoid making mistakes when you bid for the first time. You will also get a sense of how people bid and reasonable price increases. Talk to more experienced auction-goers and ask them what advice they'd give to a beginner. If you connect with other antique buyers at the auction, you'll feel more comfortable and receive indispensable advice. If your first auction overwhelms you, attend a few before you participate. There's no shame in waiting before you first bid. You'll want to prepare yourself as much as possible. Talk with the auctioneer beforehand and bring up any questions you have. Auctioneers love to interact with the bidders and will be happy to help you with any concerns. Ask the auctioneer how long they believe it will take to get through each lot so you know how long to stay. Remember to ask them what forms of payment they accept. Many auction houses only accept cash but some may accept credit cards or checks. Before the auction begins, inspect items you're interested in to get a sense of their condition. Antique items are sold \"as is.\" If you are a seller, items that you have to repair may be of less value than ones in good condition. Keep in mind the cost of repair before bidding, and consider whether the item is worth buying in its condition or if the damages exceed its value. Many auction houses add a buyer's premium and local tax to the item after bidding. Keep this in mind, too, when considering its worth. Inspection times are often set by the auctioneer. Know the time frame beforehand to avoid rushing. When you want to bid, raise your card number high and keep it raised until the auctioneer notices you. If the auctioneer misses you, keep your hand raised until they call your number. Whether you bid or not is your decision. Consider bidding early, however, so the auctioneer knows to watch your number for future bids. When the hammer falls, the sale is over. A bidder can withdraw their bid until the fall of the hammer, but afterwards, the bidder is legally obligated to buy the item. If the hammer falls but your card was raised, talk to the auctioneer afterwards to dispute the sale and ask them to reopen the bid. The auctioneer does not have to comply but may reopen if you make your intentions clear. If you're unable to visit live auction, consider bidding at online auctions. Online auctions can be just as fast-paced as the real thing, and you can often find items more related to your interests. Take care when participating in online auctions, as it is much harder to determine quality. Research as much as you can about the item (and the seller) to assess its authenticity. You can also participate in some auctions via your phone. This is called an absentee bid. To bid via phone, you are required to fill out a form either on paper or online. When your form is processed, you are registered to bid.", "Antique shops are great places to find cheap deals on rare items. In local shops, especially little-known ones, the condition may not be as great as you'll find at auctions. You never know, though: you may just find a high value item for a low price. Research before you buy. If you're not sure how much an item is worth or if it is authentic, read up on the item and return later. Some antique shops will let you put an item \"on hold\" while you decide. When on vacation or out-of-town, check out antique shops in the area. Especially make time for antique shopping when in big cities, as you are more likely to find special items. Flea markets are great places to buy antique furniture, trinkets, and jewelry for a low price. Search online for local flea market listings and think beforehand what items you want to look for. When you arrive, move from booth to booth and take notes of items you like. When you have visited every booth, return to items of interest and negotiate a price with the vendor. Arrive early to make sure you're getting a wide selection to choose from. Bring cash. Most flea market vendors will not accept cards or checks. Talk to vendors, and ask if they have additional information about their wares. If you have more questions, perform an online search on your phone to research the item's authenticity and its value. Famous auction houses like Sotheby's and Christie's can be visited online, and you can browse items for sale on their websites. Check the local classifieds for people selling collectables. eBay can be a hot spot for antiques, near antiques, and vintages (especially because you can narrow your search easily). When you find something that interests you, read the entire listing and check out the seller to make sure they're trustworthy. Ask for photos if none are on the listing. You can then either bid on the item or choose the \"Buy It Now\" option, usually for a higher price. Connect with other antique buyers via online forums. There you can discuss the latest trends in antique buying/selling and receive advice from more seasoned hobbyists. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Double check any information you read, and consider the information you find an open dialogue rather than a finished resource. Remember the saying, \"One man's trash, is another man's treasure?\" You never know what hidden valuables you may find at a garage sale, and you'll be able to purchase them at a bargain. Check online listings beforehand or go looking for yard sale signs in the morning and check out what others have to offer. Ask questions. If you find something you believe is an antique, ask the seller what they know about this item. Is it a family heirloom, or did they buy it? Where did they buy it from? What other information can they tell you about the object? Pay special attention to estate sale listings. Estate sales can be a treasure trove of antiques. Relatives of the deceased may have information about the items and their origin, or if the estate owner was an antique collector. Sometimes people donate old items believing that they're worthless when they are, in fact, rare antiques. Thrift stores are another place where you can find antiques for a fraction of their worth. Most thrift stores add new inventory every week. Ask an employee what day they bring in new inventory and choose that day each week to look for antiques. If you want to find high quality items, buy from an antique broker in your special interest. An antique broker can guarantee the item's authenticity and offer you a fair price based on their assessment. Antique dealers are more likely to be knowledgeable about their wares and answer any questions you may have. Let the antique dealer know what your budget is and how experienced you are. They can then make recommendations based on your price range and interest level. Make sure your antique broker is reputable and has an established presence in your special interest's culture. If you have doubts, check online reviews. Don't be afraid to haggle. Many antique dealers are flexible in their prices and can be negotiated with. If you have limited funds, let them know, and they may work out a deal with you.", "If a vendor uses these terms online, at a store, or during an auction, you'll have a good idea of what quality to expect. Mint condition means that the piece is not cracked, chipped, or broken. This antique is in perfect condition. Excellent condition means that the piece has some minor flaws. The antique may have small chips or has been repaired over time. Good condition means that the piece is in a presentable state. Antiques in good condition may have noticeable cracks or chips, and they might require repair after you buy it. The less common an antique is, the more likely it has a high value. Rare items may have been made in limited amounts, or the amount of the items may have decreased over time. Items that are difficult to reproduce in the contemporary era (such as items made of limited materials) are especially coveted among collectors. Rarity could also be determined by a manufacturing abnormality (like an unusual glass color for a certain era) or, in the case of art, an uncommon subject matter for a certain artist. Rarity raises the value of a piece alongside desirability. Some antiques, such as a certain edition of a book, were initially commonplace. Decades or even centuries later, their desirability increases because of their historical significance or scarcity over time. When looking at an antique, you may not know how to tell if this is an authentic piece. Research the antique and check for signs of its authenticity. Be on particular lookout for artist signatures, materials used, and era markers. Even if an antique looks old, it might not be from that era. Really convincing hoaxes use old materials to create their pieces. When in doubt, enlist the help of an antique broker or specialist. If your piece has bronze mounts, unscrew one. On antique bronzed pieces, there will be two colors on the back: the dark, oxidized center and the tiny rim of gilding in the front. If your bronze mounts have a gilded back, your piece may be authentic. Even small chips can lower your antique's worth from mint to excellent (or excellent to good). Examine the item thoroughly and look for any cracks, chipped paint, or other signs of wear. Research what mint condition looks like for your antique and compare to spot any small damages. If you collect furniture or other wood items, look out for wormwood damage. These will look like little holes in the wood. The older the wood, the more holes you'll see. Wormwood damage is not necessarily negative: it can be a sign that the object is as old as the vendor claims. After you have bought an item, bring it to an antiques collector who can tell you how much it's worth. Before the appraisal, prepare a mental inventory of where you found the item, how much you paid for it, and any other information you know about the item. This will help the appraiser assess its worth accurately. Some auction houses have \"appraisal days\" where they invite people to bring their antiques and have them appraised for free or a reduced cost. Check local auction house websites and mark appraisal day dates down in your calendar." ], "summary": [ "Know your terms. Consider special interests if you're pursuing a hobby. Research valuable items if you're buying to resell. Set your budget.", "Research auctions you want to attend. Pre-register and receive your bidding number. Arrive early. Watch auctions without bidding first. Get to know the auctioneer. Inspect the items. Bid clearly. Bid online.", "Shop at local antique stores. Visit flea markets. Search the Internet. Browse at garage sales. Check out local thrift stores. Buy from an antique dealer.", "Know the difference between mint, excellent, and good condition. Research the item's rarity. Look for signs of authenticity. Check for damage. Have your item appraised." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis", "Changing Your Lifestyle", "Knowing What to Avoid" ], "document": [ "There is no known cause for BV but certain factors are more common than others in women who are diagnosed with this condition. Most women who have BV are in their child-bearing years, between the ages of 15 – 44. BV is twice as common among African-American women as it is among women of other racial backgrounds. About 1 in 4 of women who are pregnant will develop BV, perhaps due to hormonal changes. Women who don't use condoms, but do use intrauterine devices (IUDs), are more likely to get BV than those who use condoms or who are not sexually active. BV is not the result of bad hygiene. You can get BV without having sex, but many women who are diagnosed with BV report having recent sexual activity with either male or female partners. Sexual activity includes vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Men can not be diagnosed with BV. Many women with bacterial vaginosis do not show any symptoms at all. Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis may differ from person to person but is chiefly characterized by: Grey, white or yellowish discharge. This is caused by an outgrowth of the bad bacteria that thrives in the vagina, thereby interrupting the normal vaginal flora. Foul-smelling discharge. Most commonly described as a “fishy odor” and usually becomes worse after sexual intercourse. No signs of soreness or itchiness. BV can sometimes be confused with a yeast infection, also known as thrush. This infection of the vaginal area results in a milky discharge, itchiness and soreness. If your genital area itches, it's unlikely to be BV. Pain upon urination. Some women report a painful sensation of burning and sometimes stinging. If you suspect you have BV, you'll need to make a doctor's appointment to confirm and treat it. Your doctor will need to take a sample from your vaginal discharge. This will require you to lie down on your back, with your feet in stirrups, on the exam table. Your doctor will swab the inside of your vagina lightly with a cotton swab in order to gather the necessary sample. The acidity of the sample will be measured. If your sample is less acidic than it should be (less than 4.5 pH) you may have bacterial vaginosis. Your medical provider may examine the sample under a microscope. If your lactobacilli count is low, but there is an abundance of \"clue\" cells (cells from the vaginal lining that are coated with bacteria), it's likely you have BV.", "It is imperative you complete the prescribed regimen you received from your doctor, if you've sought treatment. Once you've had BV, it can happen again and again. However, if it was diagnosed and you've taken the medications as ordered by your doctor, there's a smaller chance of it coming back. If the doctor says take metronidazole or clindamycin for one week (the two often prescribed) then you should take it for the full course prescribed, exactly as directed. Don't skip a day or stop taking the medication early. Even if the symptoms are already gone in a matter of days, stopping or not completing the prescribed regimen will increase your risk in getting BV again. Probiotics are known to have live and active cultures of microorganisms that help out the normal flora found in the stomach and vagina. They help in repopulating the good bacteria and fight against harmful bacteria. Some researchers have suggested that recurrence of BV may be the result of an inability to regenerate sufficient lactobacilli, the most common strain of normal flora found in the vagina. Consuming lactobacilli through food sources, such as yogurt (with the label of “live and active cultures”), soy milk, kefir, sauerkraut, milk, pickles, and olives encourages vaginal flora growth. You should eat 5 ounces of probiotic-containing food daily to help the vagina maintain its acid-base balance. Taking probiotics in concentrated forms, such as Ecoflora tablets, has shown good results at helping prevent recurrence of BV. Avoid wearing tight jeans, panty hose, thongs, or underwear that prevent air circulation near the vaginal area. It is advised to wear cotton and avoid nylon underwear. This is because cotton is a breathable fabric and allows the air to circulate. Nylon traps moisture and heat, making you susceptible to having vaginal infections, including BV. Specialists believe that by wearing thongs there is a greater chance of transferring germs from the anus into the vagina and consequently causing BV. Wearing loose-fitting, comfortable skirts and pants is part of what may help speed treatment and prevent recurrence of BV. Remove any underwear or panties when you sleep to allow for more air circulation. This process can help prevent accumulation of harmful bacteria in the vagina. After urinating, stay seated, and tilt your body forward to allow your hand to reach beneath your buttocks. Wipe the area clean with toilet paper, starting from the front of vagina and ending at the back of the vagina. When you have wiped your vaginal area, you may repeat the steps of wiping by starting behind the vagina to wipe the anal area and between your buttocks. By cleaning these two areas separately, you'll prevent introducing bacteria from the anus to the vagina.", "Although BV is not a sexually transmitted disease, and the link between sexual activity and BV is not well understood, sex is often associated with women who have new or multiple male or female sexual partners. Although there are few cases of men infecting women with BV, practicing safe sex by using condoms is still important to avoid transmission of various sexual diseases. Transmission of BV is more common in women having sexual intercourse with women because vaginal discharges and cervical mucus are exchanged when having sex. There is no best way to circumvent this unless you let BV fully recover or you practice total abstinence. Using a latex-free condom or dental dam during sex for the first month after completing the antibiotic treatment for BV has been shown to reduce the risks of BV recurring. Thoroughly clean any sex toys to prevent spreading the infection or even reinfecting yourself. Douching is a procedure that washes the internal vagina using water and vinegar or other douching products sold in drugstores and actually gets rid of the good bacteria. It can cause more infections and may increase the harmful bacteria in your vagina which greatly affects the normal flora causing more odor and increasing your risk for infection. It's an old practice that isn't scientifically viable anymore. The vagina has its own self-cleaning behavior. The natural acidity in the vagina helps get rid of harmful bacteria. Douching will not affect a vaginal infection, and will likely make it worse. Soap of any sort can alter the natural balance of healthy flora in your vagina. Instead wash your genitals well with water, using your hand. It's okay to use mild soap and water to wash the outer region of the vagina. Using hot tubs and whirlpools may also have a negative effect on your vaginal health. It's a good idea to limit the use of hot tubs if you're trying to prevent BV from recurring. Strong detergents contain chemicals that come in direct contact with your vagina causing disruption of normal flora. It changes the acid-base balance in the vagina that will alter the normal pH level. Use milder detergents in washing your underwear and rinse them thoroughly. The best laundry soap for underwear will be free of fragrance and softeners. If you get hot and sweaty, change out of your stale underwear promptly. Changing your underwear only once a day might not be enough if you live an active lifestyle. Scented tampons or pads may aggravate the vaginal area. In addition, you should change your tampon often. Keeping a tampon in longer than the recommended number of hours can result in increased risk of bacterial vaginosis. Alternate between wearing tampons and pads for the duration of your period. Only wear pads and liners if you need to, as they can prevent entrance of air into the genitals making the area warm and moist. This becomes an inviting environment for bacteria to thrive in." ], "summary": [ "Learn more about bacterial vaginosis. Know the symptoms of BV. Know how it's diagnosed.", "Finish your course of medication. Include probiotics in your diet. Wear cotton underwear. Wipe from front to back after you use the bathroom.", "Avoid having sex. Don’t use vaginal douching products. Stay away from scented soaps, bubble bath, and bath oils, as these may irritate your vagina, or alter the balance of healthy bacteria in your vaginal area. Avoid using strong detergents when washing your underwear. Use unscented tampons or pads." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Clearing the Gboard History", "Clearing All Android Keyboard Data", "Clearing the Samsung Keyboard History" ], "document": [ "You’ll usually find it on the home screen. Use this method if you’re using Gboard, Google’s Android keyboard. Gboard is the default keyboard on most Android phones and tablets. It’s under the ″Personal″ header. A list of installed keyboards will appear. If you don’t see this option, skip to the next step. It will either be at the top of the screen or under the ″Keyboard and input methods″ header. It’s near the middle of the menu. If you’re not using Gboard and don’t see this option, look for Predictive text, Text correction, or something else like those. A confirmation window will appear, letting you know how many words you are about to delete. This deletes your typing history from Gboard. If you want to delete all of your keyboard’s settings, including dictionaries, layouts, and languages, see the Clearing All Android Keyboard Data method.", "You’ll usually find it on the home screen. Use this method if you want to delete all of your (non-Samsung) Android keyboard’s data, including learned words/predictions, preferences, added dictionaries, and other features, from your phone or tablet. If you’re using a Samsung phone or tablet, see the Clearing the Samsung Keyboard History method instead. It’s usually near the top of the menu, and will sometimes say \"Applications\" instead of \"Apps.\" A list of all apps will appear. It’s at the top-right corner of the apps list. If you see an \"Application manager\" option instead, click on that. This refreshes the app list to include all apps (not just those you installed yourself). On some keyboards, you'll need to scroll to the \"All\" tab to view your apps. For example, Android Keyboard (AOSP), Gboard, or Swype. It should be near the top of the page. A confirmation window will appear, warning you that you’re about to delete all data associated with this app. This deletes all settings pertaining to your keyboard. If you’re using a keyboard that requires you to have a user account, you’ll be prompted to log in again time you open it.", "Look for the gear icon on the home screen or in the app drawer. Use this method if you have a Samsung phone or tablet and haven’t installed a different keyboard. Depending on your model, you may have to tap General or General management to find this option. It’s under the ″Keyboards and input methods″ header. It’s usually under the ″Smart typing″ header. If the keyboard has been keeping track of what you type to make predictive recommendations, the switch should already be set to ″On.″ If the switch is in the Off/gray position, there’s no keyboard history to delete. The name of this option varies by model, but you’ll find it near the bottom of the menu. This removes all of the words saved by your keyboard. If you want to delete all of your keyboard’s settings, including dictionaries, layouts, and languages, see the Clearing All Android Keyboard Data method." ], "summary": [ "Open your Android’s Settings . Tap Languages & input. Tap Virtual keyboard. Tap Gboard. Tap Dictionary. Tap Delete learned words. Tap OK to confirm.", "Open your Android’s Settings . Tap Apps. Tap the ⁝. Tap Show system. Scroll down and tap your keyboard. Tap Storage. Tap CLEAR DATA. Tap OK to confirm.", "Open your Samsung phone or tablet’s Settings. Tap Language and input. Scroll down and tap Samsung keyboard. Make sure ″Predictive text″ is set to On . Scroll down and tap Clear personal data or Reset Settings. Confirm the deletion." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Evolving Eevee into a Jolteon", "Evolving Eevee into a Flareon", "Evolving Eevee into a Glaceon", "Evolving Eevee into an Espeon", "Getting 7 Eevees", "Evolving Eevee into a Vaporeon", "Evolving Eevee into a Leafeon", "Evolving Eevee into an Umbreon" ], "document": [ "You can earn one as a prize for the bug-catching contest, get one from Bill's grandfather, win it from a trainer on Rt. 38, or trade with a friend. You can also buy a Thunder Stone at the Pokeathlon Dome on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday. This is very important in case you don't like your Jolteon. ", "You can earn one as a prize for the bug-catching contest, get one from Bill's grandfather, or trade with a friend. You can also buy a Fire Stone at the Pokeathlon Dome on a Sunday. This is very important in case you don't like your Flareon. ", " This is next to Snowpoint City. With your Eevee out to battle, walk around the rock in the grass until you encounter a Pokémon to battle. Once your Eevee levels, it will evolve into a Glaceon. ", "After having a full friendship meter and leveling during the day, Eevee will evolve into Espeon. You can achieve this by battling with your Eevee on the team (without it fainting), keeping your Eevee on the team, giving it berries and protein, as well as giving it haircuts and taking it to the National Park. You can get a general idea of your Eevee's happiness by talking to the woman in Goldenrod City. You can find her north of the Bike Shop and on the east side of town. If she says, \"It looks really happy! It must love you a lot,\" your Eevee is ready to level and evolve. Only interact with your Eevee between 4:00 AM and 8:00 PM, as any time outside of that means your Eevee will evolve into an Umbreon. After your Eevee has a high friendship level, you will want to battle with your Eevee for it to level at least once. After leveling in the daytime (4:00 AM - 8:00 PM), Eevee will evolve into Espeon.", "When you talk to Bill in Ecruteak City, he will go home to Goldenrod City, where you'll have to find him again. He'll give you an Eevee he can't look after. You can only get one Eevee this way. The man in the little rune next to the Game Corner says will tell you that an Eevee is one of the prizes. If you don't already have enough coins for 6 Eevee, you'll need to earn them first. This could take a while. You could also put an Eevee in the Pokémon Day Care (on Route 34) with a Ditto and then hatch the eggs they produce together. A quick way to do this is to bike back and forth from the daycare into the city. This can be boring, so watch television or listen to music. The daycare man will call you whenever an egg appears, and then the eggs will hatch.", "You can get one from Bill's grandfather or by trading with a friend. You can also buy a Water Stone at the Pokeathlon Dome on Wednesdays. This is very important in case you don't like your Vaporeon. ", " Somewhere in the forest, you'll find a mossy rock. Make sure your Eevee is out before you continue. With your Eevee out to battle, walk around the rock in the grass until you encounter a Pokémon to battle. Once your Eevee levels, it will evolve into a Leafeon. ", "After having a full friendship meter and leveling during the night, Eevee will evolve into Umbreon. You can achieve this by battling with your Eevee on the team (without it fainting), keeping your Eevee on the team, giving it berries and protein, as well as giving it haircuts and taking it to the National Park. You can get a general idea of your Eevee's happiness by talking to the woman in Goldenrod City. You can find her north of the Bike Shop and on the east side of town. If she says, \"It looks really happy! It must love you a lot,\" your Eevee is ready to level and evolve. Only interact with your Eevee between 8:00 PM and 4:00 AM, as any time outside of that means your Eevee will evolve into an Espeon. After your Eevee has a high friendship level, you will want to battle with your Eevee for it to level at least once. After leveling in the night time(8:00 PM - 4:00 AM), Eevee will evolve into Umbreon." ], "summary": [ "Find a Thunder Stone. Save the game before you use the Thunder Stone. Use the Thunder Stone on your Eevee.", "Find a Fire Stone. Save the game before you use the Fire Stone. Use the Fire Stone on Eevee.", "Trade your last Eevee to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Go to the snowstorm in Route 217 in the Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum game. Look for a rock covered in ice. Level it up once in the grass around the rock. Trade your Glaceon back to your HeartGold/SoulSilver game.", "Get a high friendship with your Eevee. Level your Eevee between 4:00 AM and 8:00 PM.", "Talk to Bill to get an Eevee. Go to the Celadon City Game Corner. Buy six Eevee.", "Find a Water Stone. Save the game before you use the Water Stone. Use the Water Stone on Eevee.", "Trade an Eevee with your other game into Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Go to Eterna Forest in your Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum game. Level up once in the grass around the mossy rock. Trade your Leafeon back to your HeartGold/SoulSilver game.", "Get a high friendship with your Eevee. Level your Eevee between 8:00 PM and 4:00 AM." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning Common Phrases", "Taking a Class", "Immersing Yourself" ], "document": [ ". One of the easiest things to learn is how to greet others, and it can be a good introduction to the language as well as giving you an essential tool that will open the door to communication with others in Spanish. Hola (OH-la) means \"hello\" in Spanish. Even if you know very little Spanish, it's likely you already know and understand this word. There are other initial greetings in Spanish, such as buenos días (booEHN-os DEE-as), which means \"good morning,\" or buenos noches (booEHN-os NO-chehs), which means \"good evening.\" Following the hello, you might next learn \"¿Cómo estás?\" (KOH-moh ess-TAHS), which means \"How are you?\" This might be answered by saying estoy bien (ESS-toy bee-EHN), which means \"I'm fine.\" You also might say mucho gusto (MOO-choh GOOS-toh), which means \"nice to meet you.\" Then learn how to say \"my name is\": me llamo (meh YAH-moh). Put them together, and you might greet someone in Spanish by saying \"Mucho gusto, me llamo Juan,\" which means \"Nice to meet you, my name is John.\" Find borrowed Spanish words in English. Although you probably don't pronounce them exactly the way a Spanish-speaking person would, there are a number of Spanish words that you probably already know if you are fluent in English. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b7\\/Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-2-Version-4.jpg\\/v4-460px-Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-2-Version-4.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b7\\/Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-2-Version-4.jpg\\/aid234167-v4-728px-Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-2-Version-4.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Making a list of Spanish words that you already know can be a good way to build your Spanish vocabulary, because it gives you a foundation on which to build. For example, there probably are a number of Spanish foods that you already know, such as taco and burrito. There also are a number of words that are the same in Spanish and in English (although they may be spelled or pronounced differently), such as animal and chocolate. One of the things that makes Spanish very different from English is the fact that all objects are gendered. Generally, if a noun ends in an o it is masculine, while if it ends in a it is feminine (although there are some exceptions). In Spanish, unlike in English, there is no pronoun \"it.\" All nouns have a gender, and even inanimate objects are referred to the same as people, using the same pronouns. Keep in mind that the gender you use matches the gender of the word, not the gender of the thing. This can be an issue when the thing you're talking about is an animal. For example, if you're talking about a dog, you would say \"el perro\" (ehl PEH-rroh), which is masculine, even if the dog was female. Just as in English, verbs are conjugated according to the pronoun you need to use. However, in Spanish, it isn't strictly necessary to say the pronoun or even include it in the sentence. Your reader or listener will understand which pronoun you used by the conjugation of the verb. For example, if you want to say you want something, you could say \"yo quiero\" (YO kee-EHR-OH), which means \"I want,\" but you could also simply say \"quiero\" and the pronoun would be understood. Spanish pronouns include yo meaning I, nosotros meaning we, él meaning he, ella meaning she, and ellos and ellas meaning they. Use ellas if you are referring to a group that is entirely feminine and ellos for a group that is either entirely masculine, or is a mixed-gender group. Spanish has two different forms of the pronoun \"you\" – a formal and an informal form. Use tú if you are speaking to someone with whom you're familiar, or someone close to you in age or younger. For older people, people in positions of authority, or people you don't know, use the polite, formal form usted. The plural of you (meaning \"you all\") is ustedes. In Spain, there is another familiar form of the plural you: vosotros or vosotras. In other Spanish-speaking countries, only ustedes is used. While the basic sentence structure in Spanish is quite similar to English sentence structure, there are some differences. Getting in the right structural mindset will help you become more comfortable thinking and speaking in Spanish. Like English, Spanish sentences are formed with a subject, followed by a verb, followed by the object of that verb. For example, suppose you said \"yo quiero un burrito.\" This means I (subject) want (verb) a burrito (object). However, unlike in English, in Spanish the adjectives usually go after the thing they describe. For example, if you were talking about a red book, in English you would put the adjective (red) first. In Spanish, you would be talking about a libro rojo (LEE-bro ROH-ho). There are exceptions to the rule. For instance, demonstrative adjectives (such as ese, este, and aquel) as well as possessive adjectives (including mi, tu, and su) come before the thing they describe. Whether you want to learn Spanish for studies, work or simply to flirt, there may be particular words that will be most useful to you as you're starting to learn how to speak Spanish. Starting in a familiar area will help you build the foundation you need. Think about words or phrases that you say frequently throughout your day. For example, you probably say \"please\" and \"thank you\" several times a day. If you're not already familiar with por favor (pohr fah-VOR) and gracías (gra-SEE-ahs), they are easy Spanish words to learn (and also polite things to say). If someone says gracías to you, you can respond by saying de nada (deh NA-da), which means \"you're welcome\" (or more literally \"it was nothing\"). You also want to learn the Spanish words for \"yes\" and \"no\" early on, if you don't already know them. They are sí (see) and no (no).", "If you have the resources to do so, taking a formal class or hiring a private coach or tutor may help you learn Spanish more quickly.
 The benefit of having a coach or tutor is that you have someone else who is holding you accountable. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/a5\\/Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-13.jpg\\/v4-460px-Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-13.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/a\\/a5\\/Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-13.jpg\\/aid234167-v4-728px-Speak-Spanish-%28Basics%29-Step-13.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If you can't afford to hire someone yourself, or don't have the opportunity to take a class, consider learning the language with a friend so the two of you can hold each other accountable. There are numerous websites and mobile apps that will teach you the basics of Spanish, and many of them are free. Don't expect these resources to bring you to fluency, but they can help your skills in limited areas. There also are programs out there that may require a pretty substantial initial investment. If you have the money and think the program would be a good investment, go for it – but keep in mind you don't have to spend any money to learn Spanish. Websites and mobile apps are good for drilling vocabulary and basic phrases, but typically you'll end up with a pretty scattered understanding of Spanish. Be prepared to do some immersion (either at home or abroad) if you want to become truly fluent. These programs typically will be better if your goal is to be able to read and write Spanish. If your primary goal is to be conversational, you're better off actually having conversations. You aren't going to learn to speak Spanish overnight – it will take time. Decide how long your sessions are going to be, and try to have them at the same time each day so your language practice becomes habitual. Using a schedule on your computer or smartphone is a good option because you can set up notifications to alert you when it's time to start working on your Spanish. Don't practice for so long that you're going to get bored or bogged down, but make sure your sessions are long enough that you can get something out of them. For example, if you're practicing for 15 minutes each evening, spend about five minutes reviewing what you learned the previous day, five minutes learning something new, and then the final five minutes reviewing what you just learned. The idea of learning an entire language can be overwhelming – especially when you think about how long it took you to learn your first language. Breaking that down into smaller, reachable goals enables you to monitor your progress. Your goals may relate to the language itself, or they may relate to your methods. For example, if you're watching a Spanish-language television show to learn Spanish through immersion, you might set the goal of watching one episode each evening. A language-related goal might be to learn 5 new verbs each week. Write your goals down and evaluate your progress each week. If you fail to meet a goal, try not to get too down about it. Simply reassess and figure out what went wrong. If it's something you can correct by making an adjustment, make that adjustment and try again next week.", "If you have some basic conversational phrases down, taking a trip to a place in which the primary language spoken is Spanish can help you learn and understand the language more rapidly. The process of immersion may be the quickest way to learn any language. If you think about it, that's the way you learned your first language. You probably knew how to speak long before you went to school and learned the rules of grammar. You were speaking (more or less) correctly long before you learned how to read and write. Immersion works if you want to be conversational in a language. However, it will not teach you how to read and write. You still will have to learn spelling and grammar, but this might be easier if you already know how to speak. There are a number of schools and programs in Spanish-speaking countries that enable you to learn Spanish through immersion while also experiencing Spanish or Latin American culture. If you can't afford to make a trip abroad, though, there are ways you can effectively immerse yourself at home. You may have trouble picking out the individual words when you listen to Spanish, making it difficult for you to understand the person speaking. Watching Spanish language television can help train your ear to distinguish the sounds. To start with, look for television shows or movies with which you're already familiar that are over-dubbed in Spanish. Since you already have a general idea of what the characters are saying, you'll start to pick up words and understand intuitively what they mean. Adding Spanish subtitles as well as listening in Spanish can help you follow along better, and also train your brain to associate particular letters with particular sounds. As you start getting the hang of it, move on to television shows or movies that you've never seen and test your familiarity. As many people as there are in the world who speak Spanish, you don't have to travel to Spain or to a Latin American country to find native speakers who are willing to converse with you. Talking and listening to Spanish speakers can help you better understand the flow of conversation. Native speakers also can correct errors you're making before you embarrass yourself or end up with problems because you are misunderstood. Keep in mind that there are pronunciation differences in different countries. Someone from Spain is going to sound very different from someone who learned to speak in Mexico, and someone from Mexico will have a different accent than someone from Colombia – just as people from Great Britain speak English differently than Americans. When you're just starting, you may want to seek out people from Mexico or Ecuador, since they tend to speak more slowly. Because song lyrics are slower, and more repetitive, than regular speech, music is a good way to start identifying individual words and connecting them in your mind with their written form. Try listening to and singing along with the same song repetitively until you become familiar with the pronunciation and can understand the lyrics. If you have satellite radio, you can find numerous Spanish music stations, as well as talk-radio stations. Depending on where you live, you may even be able to find a Spanish-language radio station on the AM or FM dial. Apart from radio, you can easily find a wealth of Spanish music online. You might start by doing an internet search for the Top 40 in a particular Spanish-speaking country, such as Mexico or Colombia. Find some songs you like, then do an internet search for the lyrics. That way you can read along as the song plays to better connect the written and spoken word in your mind. Using the settings on your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you can change the default language from English to Spanish. Since you already know where menu items are, this change will help you learn those words in Spanish. Many websites and social media platforms also allow you to change your default language. You could even change the language for your web browser, or use a translate plugin to translate English-language web pages into Spanish. Be careful with these, though, as they're not always accurate and may not be the best translation. You also can look for Spanish-language websites and try to read those. Many news sites will have a video along with a transcript of the video, so you can read and listen at the same time." ], "summary": [ "Introduce yourself Understand gendered nouns. Memorize Spanish pronouns. Understand the basic sentence structure in Spanish. Pick up situational words and phrases.", "Decide whether you want to take a formal class. Search for resources online. Schedule time each day to practice. Set measurable language goals.", "Visit a Spanish-speaking country. Watch Spanish-language television. Talk to Spanish-speaking people. Listen to Spanish-language music. Change the language on your devices." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Take Preventive Care", "Consider a Cosmetic Procedure", "Try a Topical Solution" ], "document": [ "Sleeping on your side or stomach will increase wrinkles when your facial skin gets pushed against the pillow. There are many brands with different shapes and sizes of anti-wrinkle tape, or anti-wrinkle strips, that can be worn either when you sleep or during the day. Any time that your skin spends in a non-wrinkled state will prevent further lines from developing.", "This injectable solution relaxes the muscles in the forehead that lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Treatments only take a few minutes to complete and results may last a number of months before the procedure must be repeated. Dermal fillers work by injecting a solution directly into the wrinkle that plumps skin from the inside out for a smoother appearance. New dermal filler solutions are coming on the market every day, and some of the most recent formulas are maintaining their positive results for a year or more without the need for touch-ups. Chemical peels are performed at a doctor's office or medical spa and come in a variety of depths so you can customize treatment to your specific skin needs. A chemical solution is applied to the skin, which removes the outer layer of skin cells. The result is softer, younger looking skin underneath with visibly fewer fine lines and wrinkles. Laser treatments are one of the newest trends in cosmetic procedures today. A high intensity laser beam is used to penetrate the surface of the skin and stimulate collagen production for a more youthful appearance. Laser resurfacing treatments are relatively non-invasive and require no downtime afterward. IPL stands for intense pulsed light therapy, and works in a similar fashion to laser treatments by penetrating the surface of the skin to stimulate collagen production below. However, instead of a laser light beam, this procedure uses a different type of light, which can treat a variety of skin imperfections in addition to reducing wrinkles on the skin.", "There are many good solutions available both over the counter and with a doctor's prescription. Some of the most effective solutions may be as close as your neighborhood pharmacy or grocery store. Look for ingredients that have been proven effective in reducing wrinkles and fine line. Some of the best ingredient options include retinol, hydroxy acids, copper peptides, kinetin and coenzyme Q10. Even the best formulas will not get rid of fine lines completely. For a stronger solution and more dramatic results, talk to your doctor about a prescription formula for your skin." ], "summary": [ "Don't sleep on your face. Try face tape.", "Ask your doctor how to reduce fine lines on the skin with Botox (Botulinum toxin A). Research the latest dermal fillers available to see if one of these treatments is the right choice for reducing your wrinkles. Consider a chemical peel for a full skin rejuvenation and to get rid of fine lines. Ask your doctor about laser skin resurfacing. Think about IPL therapy as a substitute for laser skin rejuvenation.", "Shop for an anti-wrinkle formula designed for reducing wrinkles and conditioning the skin. Read the label on the product before you make your purchase. Be realistic about the results you expect to receive from your topical solution." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Cashew Butter", "Storing and Using Cashew Butter", "Preparing the Cashews" ], "document": [ "You will need at least 2 cups of cashews to produce 1 ¼ cups of cashew butter. You may also want to add salt; for this amount of cashews, include ¼ teaspoon of salt. You do not need any other ingredients, such as oil, water or flavorings, unless you are planning to make a flavored cashew butter. Plain cashew butter consists of only cashews and a little salt if desired. Have a food processor ready, as well as a spatula. The food processor should be sturdy and able to operate for an extended period of time. Alternately, you can use a coffee grinder (which will likely process smaller quantities of cashews at a given time), or a high-powered blender. Using a Ninja Master Prep blender will reduce the amount of time you need to blend the cashews. Have storage containers ready to transfer the cashew butter when you are finished processing it. You might use glass jars, freezer-safe containers, or other food storage containers. Turn the processor on high speed to chop up the cashews. Watch the consistency of the cashews, which will transition from big chunks to fine grain after a few minutes, and to a sticky paste after another 4-5 minutes. Adding oil or water is not necessary, as the cashews will turn to butter after several minutes of processing. Your food processor may overheat slightly and could use a rest from running. Take a break for 2-3 minutes to let the food processor cool down. Use this time to scrape the sides of the bowl and give a little stir to the cashews. As you resume processing the cashews, they will start to release oils, which causes them to get sticky. Process the cashews for another 2-3 minutes as they begin to turn into a creamy butter. Stop to scrape the sides of the bowl again, and continue to process until you reach the desired consistency. The entire process can take up to 15-25 minutes, depending on your equipment, so be patient. The food processor might seem like it is just spinning and not mixing anything. It is still working on turning your cashews into cashew butter, so keep at it. Give your machine a rest every few minutes so you don’t risk a blown-out machine. If you choose to add salt, use ¼ teaspoon of unrefined salt per 2 cups of cashews. Honey, raw sugar or maple syrup (1-2 tablespoons) can also be added to sweeten the cashew butter. Blend the cashew butter to mix in additional ingredients thoroughly. If you want crunchy cashew butter, add more pieces of cashews that have not turned into butter in your food processor. These finely chopped cashew pieces will add a little crunch to your butter and give it more dimension.", "Transfer cashew butter in a glass jar with a tightly sealed lid. Store in the refrigerator and use within one week. The oil and solids will separate after sitting, so you will need to give it a good stir every time you use it. Pour cashew butter into candy molds or ice cube trays. After they are frozen, you can store these mini-blocks of cashew butter in a freezer-safe container or storage bag for approximately 4 months. on bread, bananas, apple slices, or straight from the jar. Cashew butter has a creamy, buttery, rich flavor, which many people prefer over peanut butter's flavor. The butter is rich in protein and unsaturated fats, making it an ideal healthy energy snack. Put a frozen cube of cashew butter in a small container and include it in a sack lunch with some crackers, celery sticks or apple slices. After sitting for a couple of hours, the butter will be nicely thawed and easy to dip into, but it won't have sat so long that its oils and solids separated. Cashew butter is especially useful and flavorful in Indian, Thai, Chinese or West African cuisine (such as cuisine from The Gambia or Senegal). Cashew butter can be mixed into recipes as a nut flavor or as a thickener. It can be used in Szechuan chicken dishes, spring rolls, curries, chicken tikka masala, and soups. It can also be a replacement for any recipe that calls for peanut butter, almond butter or tahini. Substitute cashew butter in a peanut butter cookie recipe for a nuanced flavor change in this classic cookie. Because of cashew butter's softer texture, you may need to experiment with the quantity that you are substituting in a peanut butter cookie recipe. Add more flour if the cookie batter seems too runny. Shape the cookie dough into balls and roll them in sugar before baking. Or, use a fork to make the criss-cross pattern in the dough before baking. Bake the cookies according to the peanut butter recipe's directions. Watch them carefully to make sure they do not burn; sometimes, ingredient substitutions can change the time necessary to bake the perfect cookie. Make batches of cashew butter and store them in pint-sized mason jars. Make personalized labels for the jars and tie a ribbon around the jars. Give your homemade cashew butter to friends or family as birthday or holiday presents.", "Cashews are readily available in the bulk section or nuts section at most grocery stores. They can often be found either raw or roasted. Keep in mind that approximately 2 cups of cashews will make 1 ¼ cups of cashew butter. Use this as a guideline for determining the amount of cashews to buy. Cashews are not available to purchase with their shells still intact. Cashews are in the same family as poison oak and poison ivy, meaning that their shells release a toxin called urushiol that produces skin irritations and rashes. The nuts themselves are typically roasted or, if sold as “raw” in stores, are typically steamed to eliminate the toxin. Cashews are also available already flavored, such as honey roasted cashews. These can be used to make cashew butter as well. If you are purchasing cashews as a replacement for peanuts because of a peanut allergy, you need to make sure that the cashew processing plant does not also process peanuts. The risk of cross-contamination can be dangerous or even deadly for those with peanut allergies. Also, check to make sure the person with a peanut allergy does not also have allergies to other types of nuts. Peanuts are ground nuts, while others, like walnuts, hazelnuts and cashews, are tree nuts. Some people are only allergic to peanuts, while others are allergic to all kinds of nuts. If you purchased raw nuts, you may decide to soak and dehydrate them first before processing them into cashew butter. To soak nuts, place 4 cups of nuts into a glass or ceramic bowl. Fill the bowl with water so the nuts are completely submerged, and add 1-2 tablespoons of unrefined salt. Cover the bowl and let it stand for about 2-3 hours. Raw nuts contain high levels of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, which can cause irritation and digestive difficulty, and can inhibit the absorption of some of the nutrients contained in nuts. Soaking nuts can neutralize the acid and enzyme inhibitors, maximizing the health potential of nuts. Use cool water to remove any salt residue that remains on the cashews. Spread the cashews in a single layer on a cookie sheet or on a dehydrator rack. Heat your oven or dehydrator to 150 °F (66 °C). Periodically check on the cashews and toss them to ensure they dry on all sides. Monitor them to ensure that they do not burn. Dry the cashews until they are slightly crispy, or about 12-24 hours. Heat your oven to 325 °F (163 °C). Preheat a ceramic dish for 5 minutes, and then place a single layer of cashews in this dish. Bake them in the middle of the oven for approximately 20 minutes. If so desired, add a little olive oil or salt to coat the cashews at this time. Stir the cashews thoroughly. Cashews, like most nuts, are dense and heat can get packed away inside them. Giving the nuts time to cool will reduce the risk of burning yourself when processing them into butter." ], "summary": [ "Assemble your ingredients. Assemble your equipment. Place cashews in the food processing machine. Give your food processor a rest. Restart your food processor. Add any salt or sweetener at the very end. Add finely chopped pieces of cashews.", "Store the cashew butter in the refrigerator. Store the cashew butter in the freezer. Eat cashew butter just as you would eat peanut butter: Eat one cube of cashew butter as a single portion sized snack. Use cashew butter when cooking. Make cashew butter cookies. Give cashew butter as a present.", "Purchase cashews. Carefully check manufacturer's warnings for cross-contamination with peanuts. Soak the cashews in water. Rinse the cashews to remove salt. Dehydrate or dry the cashews. Roast the cashews. Allow the nuts to cool before you use them to make cashew butter." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing for Dermabond Use", "Taking Precautions while Using Dermabond", "Using the Glue" ], "document": [ "Dermabond is appropriate for small cuts that would normally require 5-0 sutures. You can also use it in place of smaller sutures. Typically, 5-0 sutures are used on limb wounds. Sutures get smaller in size the larger the USP size. For instance, a 4-0 suture is bigger than a 5-0 suture. The 6-0 and 7-0 sutures are smaller than a 5-0 suture, and they are used for smaller cuts on the hands, face, and nail beds, for instance. Wounds like animal bites, contaminated wounds, ulcers, and punctures have more bacteria in them and shouldn't be closed up. Dermabond isn't a good choice for these types of wounds. Do not use Dermabond on a wound that is infected or contaminated, as it can make the problem worse. If the wound is painful to the patient or the patient requests it, you can use a local anesthetic. Ideally, choose one that contains 0.25% bupivacaine or 1% lidocaine. Apply the gel or cream to the area using sterile gauze. For Dermabond to heal effectively, you must dilute the bacteria in the wound first. Flush the wound with a 0.9% saline solution to help remove the bacteria. Use a 10 cc or 20 cc sterile syringe with a splash cover to apply the saline to the wound. If needed, you can remove debris at this point with a fine (small) pair of sterilized forceps. You cannot apply Dermabond while the wound is still bleeding freely. Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile gauze until it begins to clot and the wound is dry. Once the wound stops bleeding, wipe up any excess blood. Pat it dry with sterile gauze. Try not to apply Dermabond to a wet wound, as it won't seal as well. Moisture on the wound can also stop up the applicator, making it more difficult to apply.", "Dermabond will adhere hair to itself or to the skin. In fact, you may not want to use Dermabond on the scalp at all, as it can be difficult to avoid getting it in the surrounding hair. Some medical professionals suggest that you can use Dermabond on the scalp. However, if you do, you must be very careful not to let it run through into the rest of the hair. Apply an ophthalmic cream around the eye. This forms a barrier that makes the Dermabond go around it instead of in it. Also, tilting the patient's head down away from the body and to the side can help prevent the glue from going into their eye. For instance, if the cut is near the outside of the right eye, tilt the patient's head that direction, so the glue flows away from the eye. Another option is to soak a piece of gauze in saline and place it between the eye and the wound. You should still follow standard cleaning procedures by thoroughly washing your hands before applying Dermabond. After washing your hands, put on sterile gloves for the procedure. You can introduce bacteria to the wound if you're not careful, as well as be exposed to contaminants from the wound. Keep a box of gloves nearby in case you need to switch them out while you're using the glue. You may also want to consider wearing safety glasses to prevent biohazardous materials or any of the glue from getting in your eyes while you open and apply the product.", "Squeeze the clear section of the applicator tube. It has a small ampoule inside that releases part of the glue inside the applicator, similar to a 2-part epoxy. While you're squeezing, do not point the glue at the patient. Keep it away from the patient and point it at the floor. After squeezing, release the pressure. Once you release the tube from breaking the ampoule, you need to squeeze the same area again. However, use gentle pressure this time, as you don't want to squeeze the ampoule a second time. This action pushes the adhesive into the internal filter. If you crush the tube too hard, you can push pieces of glass through the sides, injuring yourself. Shake the tube gently to encourage the glue to flow downwards. You will need another person to help you. Each person should hold one end of the wound with forceps. Grasp the skin about 2 millimetres (0.079 in) out from the ends of the wound. Pull outwards on the corners of the wound so that the edges of the cut are tight against each other. Adson forceps are small forceps often used to suture the skin. Use ones with teeth, as they provide more grip. Run the applicator over the length of the wound, applying glue in a single, steady layer. The applicator should be touching the skin. Hold the skin together for at least 180 seconds to ensure the glue begins to dry. Apply the glue only on top of the wound, not in the wound. Wipe up any excess glue immediately using sterile gauze. Be careful when applying the glue, as it can stick almost anything to the skin. For instance, it will adhere your gloves or the forceps to the skin if you're not careful. If you are going to add a second layer, add it after the first layer has dried for 30 seconds. Run the applicator over the wound a second time. There are 2 types of Dermabond, Dermabond Adhesive and Dermabond Advanced Adhesive. If you have the advanced formula, you should only apply 1 layer. When applying Dermabond Adhesive, thin layers are better because a thick layer can heat up, causing the patient discomfort. You can also apply a third layer this way. Hold the skin in place for another 180 seconds. It's not necessary to apply a bandage after using Dermabond. However, it can be helpful with kids who might pick at the glue. Wait until the glue is completely set and not sticky to the touch before applying a bandage. The glue will be fully set in 95-3 minutes seconds for Dermabond Advanced or in 3 minutes for Dermabond Adhesive. It may take up to 5 minutes for the wound to not feel sticky. If you are worried the wound might open again, you can apply surgical tape or a butterfly bandage over the wound once it dries completely. If you apply an antibiotic cream or another type of medication after using Dermabond, it can make the glue weaker. It may even result in the glue coming apart. For this reason, it's important to make sure you thoroughly clean the wound before applying Dermabond since you can't apply an antibacterial cream afterwards. If you end up getting Dermabond outside of the wound area, apply petroleum jelly or acetone to the area. These solvents will help loosen the glue, and then you can remove the glue from the skin. Do not try to pull the skin apart. Do apply acetone in the area immediately around the wound, as this could cause a burning sensation." ], "summary": [ "Use Dermabond in place of 5-0, 6-0, and 7-0 sutures. Avoid using Dermabond with more complicated wounds. Apply a local anesthetic if needed. Irrigate the wound thoroughly. Wait until the wound stops bleeding. Pat the area dry.", "Be careful not to get Dermabond in hair. Use an eye shield when applying Dermabond near the eyes. Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves.", "Crush the ampoule in the clear part of the tube. Squeeze the clear part of the tube again gently. Grasp each end of the wound with Adson forceps. Apply a single layer of Dermabond over the wound. Add a second layer in 30 seconds for Dermabond Adhesive. Wait for the glue to set if you want to apply a bandage. Avoid using liquid or cream medications on the wound after application. Use petroleum jelly or acetone if you need to remove excess Dermabond." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Consulting People You Know", "Confronting Your Misconceptions", "Scouring the Internet", "Observing the General Characteristics" ], "document": [ "(If you have no autistic friends, then go find some and come back.) Explain that you think you may be autistic, and that you're wondering if they've observed any signs of autism in you. They may ask you questions to better understand your experiences. Explain that you've been curious about your early childhood, and ask when you met different developmental milestones. It's normal for autistic children to hit their milestones late or out of order. See if they have any videos from your childhood that you could watch. Look for stimming and other signs of autism in children. Consider late childhood and teen milestones too, like learning to swim, ride a bike, cook, clean a bathroom, do laundry, and drive. Explain that when you read it, it reminded you of yourself. Ask if they also see similarities. They may point out things that you didn't realize about yourself. Keep in mind that no one understands what's going on inside your head. They do not see all the adjustments you make to appear more \"normal,\" and thus might not realize that your brain works differently. Some autistic people can make friends and interact with people without anyone realizing that they are autistic. once you feel that you're ready. Consider seeing a specialist to get diagnosed. Many health insurance plans will cover various therapies, such as speech, occupational, and sensory integration therapy. A good therapist can help you improve your skills to best adapt to a neurotypical world.", "Autism is mostly or completely genetic, and it begins in the womb (although behavioral signs don't become noticeable until toddler years or later). People are born autistic, and will always be autistic. However, this is nothing to be afraid of. Autistic people's lives can improve with the right support, and it's possible for autistic adults to lead happy, fulfilling lives. The most popular myth about autism causes is that vaccines cause autism, which has been disproven by over a dozen studies. This hoax was engineered by a single researcher who faked data and was hiding financial conflicts of interest. His work has been thoroughly disproven since, and he has lost his license for malpractice. Reported rates of autism aren't increasing because more autistic people are being born. Experts are becoming better at identifying autism, especially in girls and people of color (who have been historically overlooked). Autistic children become autistic adults. Stories of people who \"recover\" from autism either feature people who have learned to hide their autistic traits (and may suffer mental health problems as a result), or who were never autistic in the first place. Autistic people may struggle with the cognitive parts of empathy, while still being deeply caring and kind. While autistics may not understand someone's feelings, they generally experience average amounts of emotional empathy and above-average amounts of distress when they see someone who is upset. Autistic people may have a strong desire to help people, especially through concrete means such as organizing or giving them items they need. For example, an autistic person may be quick to offer tissues and a comfort object if they see someone crying. Some autistic people experience intense affective (emotional) empathy, sometimes to the point that it is painful. Experiences with empathy may vary with the presence of alexithymia, a condition that impacts someone's emotional understanding. Autistic people have to try harder to conform to many social expectations of politeness. Sometimes they fail. They may realize it and apologize, or need someone to tell them that they missed their mark. Negative assumptions are the fault of the person who makes them, not of the autistic person. Rather than thinking \"outside the box,\" autistic people do not see the box at all. Thus, they may not understand what is expected in social situations. This can result in a lot of guesswork. Some everyday situations can be uncomfortable or overwhelming for autistic people. This can make socializing more difficult. In this case, it's not any person who needs to change, but the environment. Most times when autism is brought up after a disagreement, it is as an explanation for the autistic person's behavior, not an attempt to escape consequences. For example, an autistic person might say \"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to imply that you aren't intelligent. Sometimes I struggle finding words that match what I really think. I think highly of you and my words didn't match my thoughts.\" Usually, people who complain about autistic people \"using it as an excuse\" either met one bad person, or are upset about autistic people showing signs of their disability. This isn't helpful or kind. While media speculation has sometimes blamed violent or harmful behavior on autism, the reality is that the large majority of autistic people are nonviolent. In fact, an autism diagnosis is associated with reduced violent behavior in childhood and adult years. When autistic children do lash out, it is usually in reaction to provocation. They are less likely to initiate violence than non-autistic children are. The average autistic person is very unlikely to hurt anyone and would probably be very upset if they accidentally did so. Stimming is a natural mechanism that helps with self-calming, concentration, meltdown prevention, and expression of feelings. Preventing someone from stimming is damaging and wrong. There are only a few possible instances in which a stim is a bad idea: It causes bodily harm or pain. Head-banging, biting oneself, or hitting oneself, are all bad things. These can be replaced by a harmless stim, such as head-shaking and biting chewy bracelets. It violates someone's personal space. For example, playing with someone else's hair without their permission is a bad idea. Autistic or not, people need to respect others' personal space. It prevents people from working. It's good to be quiet in places where people work, such as schools, offices, and libraries. If people are trying to focus, it's good to stim subtly, or go to a place where quiet isn't necessary. Autism is not a disease, not a burden, and not a life-destroying disorder. Many autistic people are capable of living worthwhile, productive, and happy lives. Autistic people have written books, founded organizations, run nationwide or worldwide events, and improved the world in many different ways. Even those who cannot live on their own or work can still improve the world through their kindness and love. Some organizations use gloom-and-doom scare tactics as a way to raise more money. Don't let it fool you. Autistic people are already complete. They add diversity and meaningful perspectives to the world. There is nothing wrong with who they are.", "Quizzes such as the AQ and RAADS can help give you a sense if you're on the spectrum. They are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis, but they are a useful tool. Some professional questionnaires are available online. A truly autism-friendly organization is usually run partially or completely by autistic people, such as the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network. These organizations provide a much clearer view of autism than organizations run exclusively by parents or family members do. Autistic people best understand their own lives and can offer the most insights. Avoid toxic and negative autism organizations. Some autism-related groups say terrible things about autistic people, and may push pseudoscience.Autism Speaks is a prominent example of an organization that uses disaster rhetoric. Look for organizations that provide a more balanced point of view, and empower autistic voices instead of excluding them. Many autistic people love the blogosphere, where they can communicate freely. Many bloggers will discuss signs of autism and offer advice for people who are questioning whether they're on the spectrum. Many autistic people can be found in hashtags such as #ActuallyAutistic and #AskingAutistics. In general, the autistic community is very welcoming to people who are wondering if they are autistic, or who are self-diagnosed. What types of therapies do autistic people sometimes need? Do any of the therapies sound like they would help you? Check which therapies have scientific backing. Remember that every autistic person is different. A therapy type that is useful to someone else may not be useful to you, and a therapy that someone else found unhelpful may help you. Be careful: scammers often target autistics and their families with fake therapies that may waste your money or even cause harm. Some therapies, notably ABA, may involve cruel methods or goals that focus on training you to act \"normal\" instead of helping you be healthy and happy. Many autistic people have co-occurring conditions that can benefit from treatment. It's also possible to mistake another condition for autism. Autism can come with sensory processing disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, epilepsy, gastrointestinal issues, ADHD, sleep disorders, and other conditions. Autism can be confused with conditions like sensory processing disorder, ADHD, social anxiety, schizoid personality disorder, complex PTSD, reactive attachment disorder, selective mutism, and others.", "Autistic people have trouble understanding subtle social cues. This can make a variety of social situations difficult, from making friends to getting along with co-workers. Consider if you've experienced things like: Having trouble understanding how another person is feeling (e.g. wondering if they are too sleepy to talk or not) Being told that your behavior was inappropriate, and feeling very surprised to hear this Not realizing that someone is bored of talking and wants to do something else Frequently feeling mystified by other people's behavior While autistic people may feel empathy and care for others, \"cognitive empathy\" (the ability to figure out what other people are thinking based on social cues such as tone of voice, body language, or facial expression) is usually impaired. Autistic people often struggle with figuring out the subtleties of others' thoughts, and this can lead to misunderstandings. They usually rely on other people to be clear with them. Autistic people might have trouble figuring out what someone's opinion on something is. Detecting sarcasm and lies can be hard, because autistic people may not realize when someone's thoughts are different from what they're verbalizing. Autistic people may not always pick up on non-verbal hints. In extreme cases, autistic people have extreme difficulty with “social imagination” and cannot comprehend that other people have ideas that differ from theirs (“theory of mind”.) Autistic people often rely on familiar routines to feel stable and secure. Scheduled changes in routine, unfamiliar new events and sudden changes in plans can be upsetting to autistic people. If you're autistic, you may experience things like: Feeling upset, frightened, or angry about sudden changes in schedule Forgetting to do important things (like eating or taking medication) without a schedule to help you Panicking if things don't happen when they're supposed to Stimming, or self-stimulatory behavior, is much like fidgeting, and it's a type of repetitive movement done for self-calming, focusing, expressing emotions, communication, and coping with difficult situations. While everyone stims, it's especially important and frequent for autistic people. If you haven't been diagnosed yet, your stims may be on the more subtle side. You may have also \"unlearned\" certain stims from childhood if your stimming was criticized. Flapping or clapping hands Rocking Hugging yourself tightly, squeezing your hands, or piling heavy blankets on yourself Tapping toes, pencils, fingers, etc. Crashing into things for fun Playing with hair Pacing, spinning, or jumping Looking at bright lights, intense colors, or moving GIFs Singing, humming, or listening to a song on repeat Smelling soaps or perfumes Many autistic people have Sensory Processing Disorder (also known as Sensory Integration Disorder), which means that the brain is overly sensitive, or not sensitive enough, to certain sensory input. You may find that some of your senses are amplified, while others might be dulled. Here are some examples: Sight—Becoming overwhelmed by bright colors or moving objects, not noticing things like road signs, attraction to the sight of hustle and bustle Hearing—Covering ears or hiding from loud noises such as vacuum cleaners and crowded places, not noticing when people are talking to you, missing things that people say Smell—Feeling disturbed or nauseated by smells that don't bother others, not noticing important smells like gasoline, loving strong scents and buying the strongest-smelling soaps and food available Taste—Preferring to eat only bland or \"kid food,\" eating extremely spicy and flavorful food while disliking anything bland, or disliking trying new foods Touch—Being bothered by certain fabrics or clothes tags, not noticing when people touch you lightly or you are injured, or constantly running your hands along everything Vestibular—Getting dizzy or sick in cars or on swing sets, or constantly running around and climbing things Proprioceptive—Constantly feeling uncomfortable sensations in your bones and organs, bumping into things, or not noticing when you are hungry or tired Meltdowns, a fight-flight-or-freeze reaction which may be mistaken for tantrums in childhood, are explosions of emotion that occur when an autistic person can no longer keep stress bottled up. Shutdowns are similar in cause, but the autistic person instead becomes passive and may lose skills (such as speaking). You may view yourself as sensitive, hot-tempered, or immature. Executive function is the ability to stay organized, manage time, and transition smoothly. Autistic people often struggle with this skill and may need to use special strategies (such as rigid schedules) in order to adapt. Symptoms of executive dysfunction include: Not remembering things (e.g. homework assignments, conversations) Forgetting to do self-care activities (eating, bathing, brushing hair/teeth) Losing things Procrastinating and struggling with time management Having difficulty starting a task and switching gears Struggling to keep your living space clean Autistic people often have intense and unusual passions, which are called special interests. Examples include fire trucks, dogs, quantum physics, autism, a favorite TV show, and writing fiction. Special interests are notable in their intensity, and finding a new special interest can feel like falling in love. Here are some signs that your passion is stronger than what non-autistics experience: Talking about your special interest for long periods of time, and wanting to share it with others Being able to concentrate on your passion for hours; losing track of time Organizing information for fun, such as charts, tables, and spreadsheets Being able to write/say long and detailed explanations of nuances of your interest, all off of the top of your head, perhaps even quoting passages Feeling excitement and bliss from enjoying your interest Correcting people who are knowledgeable about the subject Being wary of talking about your interest, for fear that you'll annoy people Autism is often associated with difficulties related to spoken language, the degree of which greatly varies from person to person. If you're autistic, you may experience things like: Learning to speak later in life (or not at all) Difficulty speaking or losing the ability to speak, when overwhelmed Word-finding problems Long pauses in conversations so you can think Avoiding difficult conversations because you aren't sure you can express yourself Struggling to understand speech when the acoustics are different, such as in an auditorium or from a movie without subtitles Not remembering spoken information, especially longer lists Needing extra time to process speech (e.g. not reacting in time to commands like \"Catch!\") While autistic people are capable of abstract thought, they tend to be literal thinkers by nature. Sometimes this is very subtle, especially when the autistic person has developed workarounds and/or their loved ones show understanding. Here are some ways literal thinking can present itself: Not catching sarcasm or exaggeration, or being confused when others are not Misunderstanding figurative language, such as thinking \"wrap it up\" means \"wrap up the package\" when the speaker meant \"I want you to finish up.\" Not picking up on subtext, such as when \"I don't know if I have enough money\" actually means \"please pay for my food.\" Making literal jokes for the amusement of others, such as slapping the pavement when told, \"it's time to hit the road.\" One study found that autistic children have distinct facial characteristics—broad upper face, big wide-set eyes, a short nose/cheeks area, and a wide mouth—in other words, somewhat of a \"baby face.\" You may look younger than your age or be told that you look attractive/adorable. Not every autistic child has each of these facial features. You may only have a few. Unusual airways (double branching of the bronchi) were also found in autistic people. The autistic people's lungs were completely typical, until the double branching at the end of the tubes." ], "summary": [ "Ask your autistic friends about it. Ask your parents or guardians about your developmental milestones. Show a close friend or family member an article on signs of autism (such as this one). Talk to your family", "Keep in mind that autism is inborn and lifelong. Realize that autistic people are not automatically devoid of empathy. Don't assume that autistic people are lazy or intentionally rude. Realize that autism is an explanation, not an excuse, for inappropriate behavior. Don't believe the myths about autism and violence. Rid yourself of the idea that there's something wrong with stimming. Recognize that people who catastrophize about autism are wrong. Stop seeing autism as a puzzle to be solved.", "Search for autism quizzes online. Turn to autism-friendly organizations. Read the work of autistic writers. Turn to social networking. Start researching therapies. Research similar conditions.", "Think about how you react to social cues. Ask yourself if you have trouble understanding other people's thoughts. Consider your responses to unexpected events. Watch yourself to see if you stim. Identify any sensory issues. Consider whether you experience meltdowns or shutdowns. Think about your executive function. Consider your passions. Think about how easy it is for you to talk and process speech. Notice literal thinking. Examine your appearance." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting in the Proper Mindset", "Challenging Your Mind", "Maintaining Good Health" ], "document": [ "Take a yoga class, plan a relaxing date night each week, or create relaxing routines, such as taking a bubble bath after work. Chronic stress can push you toward dementia and other brain disorders, so relaxing can go a long way towards improving cognitive performance. Invite coworkers out for social activities. Participate in social clubs to meet new people. Try to talk with people whenever you go out instead of staying focused on your phone. Every time we make positive human contact our brains experience an uptick in good chemicals, such as endorphins. Be social and your brain will thank you! Take a formal meditation class at a yoga studio or recreation center near you. Or, go online and watch tutorials on how to enter a meditative state of mind. Spend at least 15 minutes each day meditating or reflecting. You can even sit in bed at night, clear your mind, and think about the day’s events. This gives your brain a jumpstart on its work once you go to sleep. To enter a meditative state, you might need to repeat a word or phrase, such as, “relax,” or “reflect.” Try to mediate in an area where you will be undisturbed and can try to slide into a semi-conscious frame of mind. You can, of course, meditate for longer than 15 minutes if you like. For things that you do every day, try to establish a pattern of how to behave or what to do and stick with it. For example, when you come home at night, place your keys at the same spot in your house. Taking away any decision-making in simple scenarios like this frees up your brainpower to tackle more complex problems. For example, it is good idea to write down all of your appointments in a calendar or planner so that you don’t have to worry or stress about remembering the basic details. Making a habit of tidying up and putting things away after you use them will create a clean, orderly environment for living and working.", "Your brain is like a muscle and requires challenges and novelty in order to more fully develop. Once you determine that a certain area of study or mental activity is outside your comfort zone, push yourself to attempt it anyway. A good rule is that comfort is not good for your brain. Aim for unsteadiness and uncertainty in learning. For example, if math is difficult for you, then you might want to spend some more time working on it. This may be better for your brain than moving on to a more comfortable subject. Try something new now and then. For example, if you are not naturally athletic, try doing something that requires athletic skills, such as playing a game of softball with friends or taking an exercise class. Instead of just jumping into the first book that catches your eye, think about what subjects interest you and seek out books in those areas. Begin your reading at the ground level and work your way up to master works. This is one way to achieve a degree of mastery in a subject. You’ll also find that your vocabulary and ability to explain difficult concepts will improve as well. For example, if you are curious about physics you might want to start with a popular article or documentary and then move on to more specialized books by famous physicists. Enroll in a local college course. Work with a tutor on a weekly basis. Or, purchase online language software and teach yourself. When you work on a new language it activates parts of your brain that remain generally dormant otherwise. Once you get comfortable with one language, move on to the next and so on. Take a lesson with a private tutor. Enroll in a local college course. Or, find an online or digital instructor who offers introductory to advanced lessons. Mastering an instrument can also give you a confidence boost. Even listening to music can have a positive effect on your brain. Your IQ may experience a temporary boost after listening to songs by Mozart or other artists and composers. Get out a game console and play at least 15 minutes each day. Working your way through video games can actually increase the number of cells in the left side of your brain. It can also improve your reaction time and hand-to-eye coordination. In contrast, watching television may overload your brain with useless information, which can cause mental slowdowns. Long hours of TV watching has been linked to ADHD, too. Keep in mind that you can overdo it with video games as well. Try to moderate your video game activity, and if you feel like you are playing too much, then cut back. Video games, such as Minecraft, can help people to develop social connections that extend outside of the gaming sphere. Instead of becoming the antisocial stereotype, part-time gamers can develop prosocial attitudes. Buy a chess set and challenge friends and family to a game. Go online and join a chess club. Look up the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your local newspaper. Or, find an online puzzle site and subscribe to regular emails. Puzzling and strategy games teach your brain to remain calm under pressure and to come up with creative solutions to problems.", "It’s a good idea to see your general doctor before you decide to boost your brain power. They will likely run a series of blood tests to make sure that no physical ailments will halt your progress. Some conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, can negatively impact your brain’s ability to process and store information. Going to sleep early and waking early as well is one way to improve your brain power. So, set a consistent bedtime and rising time and try to stick with them. 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is just enough for your brain to process information and to prepare fully for the next day. To minimize sleep interruptions, turn off your phone and let anyone you live with know your nighttime schedule. Every moment of sleep disruption raises your brain’s stress levels. Your brain will run best with unprocessed foods, lean meats, lots of fresh produce, and healthy fats. Eating healthy can improve both your brain’s memory capacity and overall functioning. Sugar, on the other hand, can slow down brain cell connections and lead to a general feeling of mental fogginess. It is especially important to add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as broiled or baked fish, to your diet. These can boost the spaces in your brain set aside for memory. Create a workout regimen that includes both cardio and weight resistance motions. This routine should take a minimum of 30 minutes. If you want to work out more than 3 times, then you will likely see even more cognitive benefits. Exercise increases blood flow to your brain and keep its cells active and refreshed. Keep your spine straight, shoulder back, arms uncrossed, and stomach sucked in towards your spine. Check each hour to see that you are maintaining these positions. Poor posture sends a negative message to your brain that can contribute to depression and slowed down memory. Holding yourself in a positive way can push your brain in that direction too. Talk with your doctor about your diet to see if a multivitamin or supplement might be a good fit for you. Fish oil supplements, in particular, are often linked with improved memory and overall brain functioning. Your doctor can also order a blood test to see if your levels are too low on any other important nutrients, such as vitamins B, C, D, and E. Human growth hormone (HGH) supplements can be useful for certain people older than 30 who are trying to combat memory loss and brain slowdown." ], "summary": [ "Lower your stress levels. Create social connections to maintain a positive outlook. Meditate and practice reflection. Establish routines for simple tasks.", "Go outside your comfort zone. Select challenging reading. Learn a new language. Learn to play a musical instrument. Play video games, but cut out TV. Play chess or solve puzzles.", "Consult with your doctor. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Eat a balanced diet. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Maintain an upright posture. Take supplements." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Treating Stubborn Stains", "Preventing a Stain to Your Tie", "Acting Immediately After a Spill" ], "document": [ "This will help you figure out the best method to clean a stain off of your tie and prevent you from ruining it. If you are unsure about the fabric, it is always better to treat the tie delicately and keep it out of the washing machine. These products act to absorb stains immediately after they happen. Leave the talcum powder or cornstarch on your tie for a few hours, and then shake it off. If the stain still shows, you can repeat the process. Find a dry cleaner who knows specifically how to clean a tie, but only if all else fails. A regular cleaning service may be able to remove the stain, but it will also press the tie flat, altering its appearance dramatically. The specialist will be able to remove the offending marks without changing its shape, although it might require the disassembly and reconstruction of the tie. At that point, you will have to decide if the purchase of a new tie might be more cost-effective. Be sure to always read the instructions for the tie on the label. Most ties will instruct you to wash by hand or dry clean only.", "If you find yourself in an atmosphere where you can take off your tie before eating, then do it. When we spill on ourselves, it is usually right down our torsos where a tie hangs. It is all too easy to spill food on your tie and leave a stain, so avoid it if you can.", "The longer you allow the spill to remain on the tie, the more likely it is that you will not be able to remove the stain completely. Test it first on an area that will not show, such as the back of the tie, to be sure that it is not going to lift the color along with the stained spot. Also, be sure that you are using a spot remover, rather than a pen that contains bleach." ], "summary": [ "Check the label to determine the fabric content of your tie. Cover grease, oil, or ink stains with talcum powder or cornstarch. Choose a dry cleaner for difficult stains or delicate ties.", "Remove your tie before you eat.", "Address the spill and resulting stain immediately. Use an \"on the go\" instant stain remover pen." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Experiencing the Stages of Grief", "Leaning on Others for Support", "Paying Tribute to Your Pet" ], "document": [ "Grief is an intense process and often happens gradually. Everyone processes grief differently and there no “normal” timeframe from grieving so you may feel better after several weeks, months, or even after a year. Be patient and allow yourself to experience grief for your pet, as this is an important way to process the death of your pet. Though you may try to ignore the pain, this will likely only make it worse. Rather than bottle up your feelings and emotions, it can be more useful to allow yourself to go through the stages of grief and heal over time. You may experience several of the stages of grief or only a few of them, but whatever your grieving process is, it’s important that you let it occur and do not keep your emotions hidden or suppress your feelings of sadness and loneliness. One of the initial stages of grief is feeling guilt and responsibility for the death of your pet. Try to avoid asking “what ifs” and thinking about “if only”. This will only make you feel worse and make it more difficult to move past your grief. Take the time to remind yourself that you are not responsible for the death of your pet and that the death of your pet was out of your control. If you believe in a higher power, you may pray on your pet’s death and talk to the higher power as a way to work through your feelings of guilt. Another initial stage of grief is denial, where you may feel like your pet is still alive. You may have difficulty coming home to not find your pet waiting for you or not having to put out dinner every night, like you usually do, for your pet. Rather than tell yourself your pet might still be alive somewhere, it’s important that you are upfront and honest about the reality of the situation. Denial of your pet’s death will make it more difficult for you to move past your pet’s death and cope. A key emotion in the grieving process is anger, which can be directed at the driver of the car that killed your pet, the illness that killed her, or the vet who “failed” to save your pet’s life. Though your anger may feel justified, holding on to it can lead to feelings of resentment and rage, which will only make you feel worse in the long run. Anger can also distract you from resolving your feelings of grief and cause you to hold onto your grief, rather than release it and start to heal. Releasing your anger in a healthy way may mean leaning on the support of your family and friends, or focusing on self-care, where you do activities that make you feel good like hiking outdoors, doing a creative project, or socializing with good friends. Think of activities that can help you to release your anger in a way that feels useful and healthy, rather than destructive and painful. A natural symptom of grief is feelings of depression, which can leave you feeling powerless to cope with your emotions. While it is healthy and important that you let yourself feel sad about the death of your pet, feeling depressed can cause you to feel worn out, lonely, and isolated. Fight off feelings of depression by leaning on friends and family, occupying your time with activities you enjoy doing, and spending time creating a tribute for your pet. Focus on trying to work through your feelings of sadness so they do not develop into feelings of depression.", "Rather than keep your grief to yourself, do not be afraid to share your feelings with close family and friends. If a friend offers to stop by for a visit, say “yes”, even if you do not feel like talking to someone. Simply sitting with a sympathetic friend and talking about trivial things can make you feel less lonely and isolated. Reach out to your family and try to see them more often, as they can offer comfort and kind thoughts that can help you remember your pet fondly and process your grief. Keep in mind some people may not understand how deep your loss is over your pet. They may ask, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a pet!” Family or friends may not be able to understand how the loss of an animal can compare to the loss of a person, and they may not be as sympathetic as you may expect. Try not to take this personally, as they may not have a pet of their own and so cannot understand your connection with your deceased pet. Seek out family and friends who will be sympathetic to your grief and understand how it feels to lose a pet. Spend time together talking about your pets and sharing memories of your pets. You should find mutual understanding and connection with other pet owners who have also experienced loss and grief. You can also reach out to others who may understand pet loss through online pet loss support groups and online message boards. Support from other pet owners can be key to helping you process your grief. Self-care is very important when you are feeling low and can help you feel better physically and mentally. Look after your emotional needs by socializing with others and doing activities with others you enjoy to stay busy and not dwell on your grief. This could be exploring a new hobby like painting, drawing, or running by joining a class or group. Or you could join a fitness group to ensure you exercise regularly to boost your mood and fight off feelings of depression. You can also practice self-care on your own by doing a solo activity you enjoy, pampering yourself with a massage or a long bath, and taking time alone to read or do something calming and relaxing. Try not to spend too much time alone as you cope with the loss of your pet, as this can lead to isolation and loneliness. Maintain a balance of time with others and time with yourself to ensure you are taking care of your physical and emotional needs during this hard time. Sometimes, grief can be overwhelming and you may find you are still feeling depressed and upset even after you talk to family and friends. If your grief is causing you to feel powerless and unable to function, you may want to ask your doctor for a referral to a grief therapist. You can also ask family and friends for a referral to a grief therapist they may have gone to themselves, with positive results.", "The ritual of a funeral or a memorial service can be a healthy way to grieve and process your emotions. This could be a small service honoring your pet’s life or a more elaborate affair. Though some people may consider it inappropriate to have a funeral for a pet, you should do what feels good to you as a pet owner and take the necessary steps to release your grief. This could be planting a tree in memory of your pet, creating a photo album of your pet, or commissioning a physical gravestone for your pet. Having a physical legacy of your pet can help you to celebrate your pet and move on in your grief. You may want to pay tribute to your animal companion by donating your money or time to an animal charity in his name. This will allow you to give back to the community and help other pet owners to take care of their pets. It also creates a tribute to your pet that focuses on caring for others and supporting others, a positive legacy you can feel proud of. Though it may be difficult to focus on the needs of your other pets after the death of a pet, you should try to devote yourself to providing good care to any other animals in your home. Your other pets will likely also be mourning the loss of a fellow pet, especially if they all lived together in close quarters. Focusing on the needs of your other pets can help you to move forward and cope with your loss. It can also be a way to honor your deceased pet by ensuring all your other pets receive love and care. Another way to cope and pay tribute to your pet is to perhaps get a new pet. Rather than see the new pet as a replacement for your deceased pet, think of the new pet as a new chapter in pet ownership. A new pet will allow you to love and care for an animal and to move forward from the death of a pet. Some pet owners may feel they cannot get a new pet because it would be disloyal to their deceased pet. It may take time after the death of your pet to consider getting a new pet, but a new pet may be a healthy way to move through your feelings of grief and feel better about coming home to a pet filled house again." ], "summary": [ "Be aware that everyone experiences grief in different ways. Try to avoid feeling guilty for the death of your pet. Confront your feelings of denial. Release your anger in healthy ways. Let yourself feel sad but fight off depression.", "Share your feelings and emotions with family and friends. Reach out to friends who have also lost pets. Practice self-care through socializing and staying busy. Talk to a grief therapist, if needed.", "Arrange a funeral or a memorial service for your pet. Create a physical reminder of your pet. Donate to an animal charity in memory of your pet. Take care of any other pets in your household. Consider getting a new pet." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Drawing a Realistic Person", "Drawing a Cartoon Person" ], "document": [ "Each section will be equal to 1 head length, which is the length of your person’s head from top to bottom. Generally, adult figures are 8 head lengths tall, so marking this on your paper at the beginning will help you keep the proportions of your drawing right. Draw horizontal lines to divide up the vertical line, and keep in mind that the top horizontal line will be the top of your person’s head and the bottom line will be the bottom of your person’s feet. If you want to draw a child, divide the vertical line into fewer head lengths since children are generally shorter than adults. For example, use 3 head lengths for a toddler, or use 6 for a 10-year old. rough outlines of the different parts of the body. Use the head lengths you marked on the paper to help you with the proportions. Make sure you include rough outlines for the head, arms, body, and legs. Don’t worry about making the shapes precise yet since this is just a rough sketch. The outline of the head should fall within the top head length section. The outlines of the person’s body and arms should start in the second head length section and extend down to the fourth section. The outlines of the legs should take up the lower 4 head length sections. Trace around the outer edges of the body to connect the different outlines so they flow together seamlessly. At this point, you can start adjusting the proportions of the body to make it look more masculine or feminine, depending on what you’re going for. If you want to draw a person with masculine features, broaden the shoulders, chest, and waist, and also take in the hips so they’re narrower. In general, use more angular lines as you define the outline of your drawing. To draw a person with feminine features, narrow the shoulders and chest area, and broaden the hips and thighs. Try to use rounder, softer lines to outline your figure. You should also sketch the outlines of the feet, hair, and knees. If you’re drawing a person with feminine features, add breasts and round out the hips and thighs. For a person with masculine features, define the muscles on the stomach, chest, and arms. At this point, the person's body should be finished. over the person’s body. You can get creative with this part. Try drawing different styles and cuts of shirts, pants, shoes, and accessories. For a more feminine look, you can draw a dress or a skirt over your figure. To draw clothes, simply sketch them where they would naturally fall on the person’s body if they were wearing them. Then, erase any parts of the body inside the outlines of the clothes since those areas would be covered up. Go in and erase the vertical and horizontal lines you drew at the beginning to mark the head length sections. You should also erase any outline sketches from earlier that don’t belong in the final drawing. When you’re finished, shade the clothes, skin, and hair to make the person look more realistic and three-dimensional.", "This will be the head of your cartoon person. Make the head bigger than you would for a realistic-looking person since cartoons usually have exaggerated proportions. Use a horizontal and vertical line to divide the oval into 4 equal parts. The horizontal and vertical lines in the oval will help you draw the face on your cartoon person later on. Draw the neck so it’s coming out of the bottom center of the oval. Then, draw a rectangle coming off the bottom of the neck to make your cartoon person’s torso. If you want to draw a cartoon person with feminine features, make the top of the rectangle narrower and the bottom of the rectangle wider. To draw a cartoon person with masculine features, broaden the top of the rectangle and make the bottom narrower. You should draw 2 cylinders for each arm and leg and have 1 circle in between each pair. The circles will be the outlines of the joints in your drawing. You can position the arms and legs depending on what your cartoon person is doing, but generally, the arms should extend out of upper corners of the torso and the legs should extend down off of the bottom. Draw an outline of a hand at the end of each arm. Then, draw the outline of a foot at the end of each leg. Don’t worry about making them precise. You can go back in later and fine-tune them. and hair. For the face, draw the eyes on the horizontal line and the mouth and nose on the vertical line. Since you’re drawing a cartoon and not a realistic person, exaggerate the eyes by making them bigger than the rest of the facial features. When you draw the hair, have the hairline start slightly lower than the top of the head. Get creative with the hairstyle you choose. You can give your person a simple short hair hairstyle, or you can try drawing long or curly hair. on the cartoon person’s body. Just like with the hair, it’s up to you what kind of clothes you want to draw. You can try drawing a short or long sleeve shirt, shorts or pants, a dress, a skirt, or any other outfit you’d like. Also, don’t forget to draw shoes and include any accessories you want your cartoon person to be wearing. After you draw the clothes, erase anything that’s inside the outlines of the clothing pieces since those parts of your cartoon person’s body would be covered up. Trace around the outside of your drawing to connect all of the outlines you drew earlier. Then, go in and erase any lines that fall within that outline, including the horizontal and vertical lines on the face. After you erase all of the background lines in your drawing, you’re finished! " ], "summary": [ "Draw a vertical line and divide it into 8 equal sections. Sketch Connect and refine the outlines of the different parts of the body. Add in smaller details, like the hands and facial features. Draw clothes Erase any unnecessary lines and shade in your drawing.", "Draw an oval and divide it into 4 equal sections. Draw a cylinder for the neck and a rectangle for the torso. Draw cylinders for the arms and legs and circles for the knees and elbows. Outline the hands and feet. Draw the face Draw clothes Smooth out the lines in your drawing and erase any unnecessary lines. Finished." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating a Felt and Elastic Headband", "Making a Braided Headband", "Using a Ribbon and Elastic" ], "document": [ "Pick out one or two shapes to use on your headband. Draw the shapes on paper and cut it out to use as a pattern. Place the pattern on the felt and use a permanent marker to trace around the shape. Trace eight to ten shapes on the felt. Use scissors to cut out the shapes. Make sure the shapes are small so you can fit them on the headband. Shapes that are about one to two inches wide work great. If you want bigger shapes, you will just have less on your headband. Hearts, stars, flowers, and circles look great on a headband. You can use two different shapes to alternate in a pattern. Measure the elastic by wrapping it around your head. Pull the elastic to stretch a little while you measure. The elastic should be about one inch longer than the circumference around your head. Pinch the elastic with your fingers where you need to cut it, and bring it down to the table. Use scissors to cut the elastic where your fingers are. Use a hot glue gun to glue your shapes onto the elastic. Start in the middle of the elastic and glue one shape onto the elastic. Move down the elastic about two inches from the center shape and glue another shape on. Glue another shape about two inches above the center shape. Continue adding shapes in both directions until you have about two inches of elastic left on either end. You should have the same amount of shapes on either side of the center shape. Overlap the elastic ends so that one end is on top of the other and glue them together with the hot glue gun. There should only be about one inch of overlap. You can add finishing touches to the headband by adding embellishments to the felt shapes. Sew around the edges of the felt shapes to create a hand sewn look. Glue jewels or buttons on the felt for a unique look.", "Pick a color scheme or have all the materials be the same color. Find something that fits your sense of style. You can mix and match materials, like using lace and suede rope, to create a unique look. There are many different types of material you can use to make a braided headband. Suede rope Lace Leather rope Hemp cord Gold or Silver chain You want the rope to be long enough to go around your head, be tied in a knot, and have some left to hang down a bit. Wrap the rope around your head to measure your head, and then double the length. Cut all the ropes the same length. Take three ropes and tie them together with a knot at the top of the ropes. Use something to stabilize the knot as you braid the ropes. You can use a clipboard by putting the knot under the clip of the clipboard, use your feet to hold the knot, tape the knot to a table, or have someone else to hold the knot still as you braid. Braid the ropes until there is only about two inches left. Then, tie a knot with the ropes to secure the braid. To wear your braided headband, wrap it around your head starting in the front and wrapping the headband toward the back of your head. Tie the headband in a knot at the back of your head. There will be extra headband hanging down beyond the knot. Embellish your headband by clipping on feather hair clips or bows.", "You can use a variety of types of ribbon to create a hippie headband. If you like two types of ribbon, try gluing the thinner ribbon on top of the wider ribbon for a fun look. Many ribbon types will look good for a boho look. Lace Suede Satin Measure your head with the ribbon by wrapping it around your head. Pinch the ribbon where the ends meet to measure the circumference of your head. Cut the ribbon about four inches shorter than the circumference of your head. If you want to make the headband a no-slip headband, you can sew a strip of the hook side of velcro on the underside of the ribbon. Use scissors to cut about 5 inches of elastic. The elastic shouldn’t be too wide, ¼ inch elastic works great for making headband. You can use elastic in any color, but if you choose a color that matches your hair it will blend and look more natural. Use hot glue to glue the ribbon to the elastic. Glue about ½ inch of the end of the elastic to the end of the ribbon. Repeat with the opposite ends. Make sure you glue the elastic to the underside of the fabric, not the printed side. Wait about two to three minutes or until the glue is completely dry to wear your headband." ], "summary": [ "Cut out shape from felt. Cut the elastic to fit around your head. Glue the felt to the elastic. Glue the elastic ends together. Embellish the headband.", "Pick the material you want to use. Cut the rope or materials used. Braid the ropes together. Wear the headband.", "Choose what type of ribbon to use. Cut the ribbon. Cut the elastic. Glue the elastic and ribbon together." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Opening a Can without a Tab" ], "document": [ "Use the object, such as a lighter or key, to create friction against the front of the indentation—right where your lips would go when you’re taking a sip of the drink. Rub the object back and forth quickly on this spot until the lid bursts open while holding the can steady with your other hand. This method often creates a loud pop when successful. Make sure the object isn’t sharp—you’re trying to create friction, not tear the lid open with the object." ], "summary": [ "Rub the lid of the can using a skinny, blunt object." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Drying and Storing Cylinder Heads", "Cleaning Cylinder Heads", "Preparing to Clean Your Cylinder Heads" ], "document": [ "After you’ve dried the cylinder head’s external surfaces with a rag, use a can of compressed air or an air compressor to spray out all of the narrow tunnels and openings in the cylinder head. This will dry the head as well as removing any dust or other debris that may have fallen into the head during the cleaning process. Spray air into every opening you can find in the cylinder head to ensure there is no remaining moisture or debris anywhere in the head. Make certain that there is no debris of any kind in the cylinder head. Even small amounts of debris can seriously damage the cylinder head once installed. Leave the cylinder head on a counter to dry completely. Place paper towels over the top of the head to ensure dust does not fall into and settle in the newly clean and debris free head. Do not store a head while wet. Iron heads, in particular, will oxidize and rust if stored wet. Before re-assembling or storing your clean cylinder head, inspect it for any damage that may have resulted from the cleaning process or that may have occurred previously. Any cracks in the head will compromise its ability to function and blemishes, scuffs or scratches on the mating surface (the bottom of the cylinder head) will cause head gasket failure. If you notice any such damage, you may be able to have the cylinder head repaired at a machine shop, but you likely will need to purchase a new head. If you notice the cylinder head is still dirty in some places during your inspection, begin the cleaning process again. Remember that it’s better to be safe than sorry. Reassembly and installation of a cylinder head will require a significant investment of time. If you are concerned that the head is damaged, have it looked at by a local machine shop. If you intend to store your cylinder head for a time before re-assembly, you will need to take preventative action to protect it from debris and oxidization while stored. Spray the head lightly with WD40 before enclosing it in a heavy duty plastic bag. Seal the plastic bag by tying it off or stapling it shut to make sure dirt can’t fall into by accident. Make sure you store the cylinder head in a safe place where it won’t be damaged.", "There is a good chance that there will still be some head gasket material remaining on your cylinder head. The head gasket creates a seal between the head and engine block (also sometimes referred to as the “top” end and “bottom” ends). Scrape off any remnants of the gasket using a plastic scraper. Be extremely careful not to scratch or damage the “mating surface” of the cylinder head where the gasket material can be found. Any scratch or damage can cause leaks that will lead to gasket failure once the engine is assembled again. Do not use a metal scraper or any tools that could feasibly damage the mating surface of the cylinder head. Make sure to get all of the previous gasket material off of the head to allow for a proper seal when reinstalling. With the gasket material gone, place the cylinder head in the first tub. If you are using liquid parts cleaner, pour the parts cleaner into the tub with the cylinder head so you can use it as you clean. If you are using a spray cleaner, you will not need to fill the tub. Be careful when moving the cylinder head around. There are studs and vacuum line nozzles that will likely be sticking out your cylinder head that can be damaged if banged against walls or tables. Depending on the situation, you may need help moving the cylinder heads into and out of the tubs, as they can be rather heavy. Use a rag and the cleaning agent of your choice to scrub every portion of the cylinder head that you can access. Pour or spray cleaner into the areas of the cylinder head that you are unable to reach. The cleaning agent will break up most carbon deposits and burnt oil, but you may need to scrub a bit in some areas. Do not use a steel tooth brush or anything else that could damage the mating surfaces of the cylinder head when scrubbing. Take your time to ensure you clean every nook and cranny of the cylinder head. After you scrub your cylinder heads, fill the second tub up with warm water. Make sure the tub is tall enough to allow the cylinder head to be completely submerged in water, then fill it with enough water to completely cover the head. You may want to do the following step outdoors or in a room with a drain. Make sure the tub is large enough to allow the cylinder head to be completely submerged. Use warm to hot water when filling the tub. Place the cylinder head in the water filled tub gently. The water will make its way through the areas of the cylinder head you were unable to access with your rag as well as helping to remove the cleaning agent you used in the previous step. Aluminum heads can be damaged by prolonged exposure to caustic cleaners so rinsing them off is imperative. Allow the head to sit in the water for a few minutes. If the head isn’t completely submerged, add warm water until it is. After waiting a few minutes, carefully lift the head back out of the tub of water and place it on a stable counter. Use a clean rag to wipe the cylinder head down and remove as much water from it as possible. Make sure to wipe out any standing water that may collect in the nooks and crannies of the head. You will not be able to completely dry the cylinder head with a rag, but removing the majority of the water will help it to dry faster. Do not reuse the rag with a cleaning agent on it. Make sure it is a new, clean rag. If you have access to a spray washer, which is a specific type of equipment designed to clean automotive parts, you can do a more effective job of cleaning the external and exposed internal areas of the cylinder head. Like cleaning it by hand, spray washers do a poor job of cleaning the internal surfaces that are hard to reach, but can dramatically reduce the labor required to clean the rest of the cylinder head. Spray washers are common in many professional garages and machine shops. Smaller spray washers can be purchased at auto-parts stores, though the cost may be prohibitive if you do not intend to clean other parts. ” Hot tanks are another type of specialized equipment used to thoroughly clean automotive parts. These tanks are filled with caustic cleaning agents that can reach all internal and external surfaces in the cylinder head. These tanks require significantly less labor than other cleaning options, as all you need to do is place the part in the tank and turn it on. Hot tanks are usually found in professional machine shops. You may opt to have your cylinder heads hot tanked after cleaning them yourself to ensure your heads are as clean as possible.", "Before getting started, you’ll need to gather the tools and equipment necessary to properly clean your cylinder heads. Much of what you’ll need can be found around the house, though you will also need to use a chemical parts or brake cleaner that can be purchased from your local auto parts store. You will also need access to warm water to soak the heads. Gather the following supplies before getting started: Brake or parts cleaner Canned air or access to an air compressor Two large tubs or buckets Paper towels or rags Plastic scraper When fully assembled, cylinder heads contain numerous small parts that need to be removed before the cleaning process can begin. Most cylinder heads contain one or two camshafts, intake and exhaust valves with supporting hardware, and likely some ignition components such as spark plugs or ignition coils. All of these parts must be removed and stored safely while cleaning the cylinder head. Use care when removing the valve cover on the top of the cylinder head to prevent it from warping. Loosen all of the bolts first, then proceed to unscrew them the rest of the way. Be careful not to lose any of the small pieces you removed. Some components of the cylinder head may need to be pressed out of the head using a machine press. If you don’t have access to one, you may need to enlist the help of a machine shop. The process of cleaning your cylinder heads includes the use of chemical cleaning agents that are a serious hazard to your eyes and may irritate your skin due to prolonged contact. In order to protect yourself, make sure to wear appropriate safety equipment at all times while cleaning your cylinder heads. Eye protection such as safety glasses or goggles should be worn at all times when working with chemical cleaning agents. Chemical resistant gloves will protect your hands from being irritated by the brake or parts cleaner. If you use a non-spray parts cleaner that you fill the tub with, you may want to use gloves that extend to your elbow if possible. Most cylinder heads are made of either iron or an aluminum alloy. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of the performance and lifetime of your vehicle, but more importantly, aluminum is a softer metal and may be more prone to damage in the cleaning process. To determine what kind of metal your cylinder heads are made out of, check in the service manual for your vehicle or use the following factors to help you decide: Aluminum heads are much lighter than iron ones, both in weight and in color. Light grey heads are likely made of aluminum while darker colors may indicate iron. Iron is prone to rusting, while aluminum is not. If there are signs of surface rust on the heads, they are made of iron. A magnet will not stick to an aluminum cylinder head, but it will stick to an iron one." ], "summary": [ "Use compressed air to blow water out of hard to reach places. Allow the head to dry completely. Inspect the head for defects or damage. Oil and bag the head for storage.", "Use a plastic scraper to remove head gasket material. Place the cylinder head in the tub. Use parts cleaner and a rag to begin scrubbing the head. Fill the second tub with warm water. Submerge the cylinder head in the water. Remove the head and use a rag to wipe it down. Use a spray washer to clean the head. Have the cylinder head “hot tanked.", "Gather the necessary equipment. Ensure the head is completely disassembled. Put on the appropriate safety gear. Determine what kind of material the heads are made out of." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Hooking up the Volt Gauge", "Wiring the Amp Gauge", "Feeding the Wires" ], "document": [ "Loosen the nut holding the negative terminal of the battery with an insulated wrench until you’re able to move the wire. Take the wire off of the battery and set it aside so it isn’t touching any other wires inside your vehicle. Keep the negative terminal disconnected throughout the entirety of your installation so you don’t get shocked. You do not need to remove the positive terminal from your battery. Remove any nuts from the terminals on the back or side of the volt gauge. Take the remaining red wire and slide the ring terminal over the positive side of the gauge. Put the green wire on the negative terminal of the gauge to use as your grounding wire. Retighten the nuts so they hold the wires firmly against the back of the gauge. Strip the last 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) off of the ends of the red and green wires outside your vehicle with a pair of wire strippers. Slide 10-gauge ring terminals over the ends of the wires so they cover the uninsulated portions. Grip the ring terminal in the middle with a pair of crimpers and squeeze the handles together so the pieces are firmly attached. Repeat the process with the other wire so you can easily attach them to bolts. Don’t use ring terminals for differently sized wires since they won’t fit as well. Use the same bolt on the positive battery terminal that you used for your amp gauge. Loosen the nut with a wrench and remove it completely from the bolt. Slide the ring terminal for the red wire onto the bolt and secure the nut again so it has a firm connection with the battery. Leave a little bit of slack in your wires so they’re less likely to snap or break inside your vehicle. Look for an empty unpainted nut and bolt somewhere underneath your hood along the outer edges. Loosen the nut with a wrench and slide it off of the bolt completely. Guide the ring terminal of the green wire onto the bolt and press it down against the metal. Tighten the nut as far as you can so the wire doesn’t move or slip around. If you can’t find a bolt that’s empty under your hood, make sure to hold whatever was attached to the bolt steady as you loosen it for the wire. Don’t connect the grounding wire to the negative terminal on your battery or any other wiring since you could cause it to short. The volt gauge will not work if you attach the grounding wire to a painted bolt. Reattach the negative terminal back onto your battery and tighten the nut that held it in place. Turn the key in the ignition to start your vehicle’s engine. Check the volt gauge reading to see if it’s pointing between 12–14 V. Try turning on multiple lights and your heating/cooling system to see if the volt gauge drops below 12. Turn your vehicle off when you’re finished checking the gauge. If the gauge reading doesn’t change, then disconnect the battery and check the wiring to make sure they’re attached correctly.", "Your battery will usually be near the front of your vehicle on the driver’s side. Look for the terminal on your battery that has a black cover or a negative symbol (-) next to it. Use an insulated wrench to loosen the nut holding the wire to the terminal until you can easily pull the wire off. Set the wire aside while you’re working so it doesn’t touch anything else. You do not need to remove the positive terminal from the battery. Look at the back or bottom of the amp gauge inside your vehicle so you can find the terminals labeled with an S and an I. Loosen the nuts on the terminals and remove them completely. Take the red wire and feed the S terminal through the ring before screwing the nut back on. Attach the black wire to the I terminal on the gauge the same way. Both of the wires connecting to the gauge will carry a current, so it doesn’t matter as much which wire you connect to which port. Leave the other red wire and the green wire alone for now since you’ll use them to hook up the volt gauge. In-line fuses are built into wires to prevent shorts and protect wires from getting too hot. Strip the last 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) of insulation off the wires and 1 end off of each in-line fuse. Place the end of the red wire and 1 end of a 30-amp in-line fuse into opposite ends of a butt connector, which looks like a small tube, and crimp it in the middle. Repeat the process with the black wire and a second in-line fuse. Don’t use wires without in-line fuses since they could create a fire hazard. Make sure the fuses can handle at least 30 amps, or else they won’t work with your amp gauge. Lightly tug on the wires from outside of your vehicle to see which ones are connected to the gauge if you aren’t sure. The alternator is a silver, barrel-shaped device that has a fan inside attached to the front or side of the engine. Locate the bolt on the back side of the alternator that’s labeled with a positive sign (+) and loosen the nut screwed onto it. Guide the ring terminal from the in-line fuse attached to the red wire over the bolt and slide it down. Retighten the nut so the wire has a firm connection with the alternator. Some alternators are located at the bottom of the engine and may be difficult to access. If you aren’t able to reach the alternator, then take your vehicle to a mechanic to help you. Look at the battery’s positive terminal and locate the smaller wire leading toward your vehicle’s fuse box. Loosen the nut on the terminal holding the smaller wire against the battery and pull it off. Slide the ring terminal of the in-line fuse attached to the black wire over the bolt with the small wire before tightening the nut again. Don’t work on your vehicle’s battery if you have the negative terminal still attached. Reconnect the negative terminal on the battery and tighten the nut so it’s secure. Without turning the key in the ignition, switch on your vehicle’s headlights manually. Check the gauge to see if it drops into the negative side, which means the lights are drawing power from the battery. Turn off the lights and watch the gauge to see if moves back to 0, which means there’s no current running through the battery. If the gauge doesn’t dip when you turn the lights on, disconnect the battery again and check the wires to make sure they’re attached correctly. When you start your engine, you should also see the gauge spike up into the positive range, which shows a positive current charging the battery.", "The main panel for your dashboard normally doesn’t have room to install additional meters, so it’s easier to use a gauge pod, which is a standalone mount that rests on top of your dashboard. Position the gauges so they line up with the holes on the gauge pod and push them in to secure them in place. Keep the gauge pod somewhere on top of your dashboard where you can easily check the readouts. You can buy gauge pods online or from automotive stores. Volt gauges and amp gauges are typically separate devices. You may also find gauge pods that attach to the A-pillar, which is the panel that runs up the side of the windshield toward the driver’s side door. Your vehicle’s firewall is the metal panel that creates a barrier between the engine and the interior of your car. Look in the footwell of the driver’s seat or under the hood on the driver’s side to see if there is a round rubber grommet that has cords or wires feeding through it. Push down on the rings of the grommet to feel if there’s still space inside for wires to feed through. If there is, then you can use the hole. If not, look for another hole and grommet nearby. If you aren’t able to use any of the holes under your vehicle, then contact a professional mechanic so they can make a hole through the firewall for you. A wire insertion tool looks like a hollow screwdriver that has a hole running through the middle of the handle. Pop open your vehicle’s hood to locate where the wires enter, and place the point of the insertion tool in an open spot on the grommet. Push the insertion tool hard enough so it punctures the grommet and pops out from the interior of your car. You can buy wire insertion tools from your local hardware store. Be careful not to poke or damage any of the wires in the grommet since the end of the insertion tool can be sharp. Cut the wires so they’re about 15–20 feet (4.6–6.1 m) long so you can maneuver them around your vehicle. Place the wires into the hole at the end of the insertion tool’s handle and push them through completely. Go inside your vehicle and pull the ends of the wires so you have 6–7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) to work with. When you connect to the amp gauge, you’ll use 1 red wire and 1 black wire that will both carry a current. The volt gauge will use 1 hot red wire and 1 green grounding wire. Leave the wires loose inside your vehicle while you’re working so you don’t break or damage them before you finish your installation. Lightly tug on the insertion tool’s handle to remove the end from the grommet. Hold the wires in place with your nondominant hand and continue pulling the tool backward so the wires slide through the middle. Make sure you don’t cut or damage the wires as you remove the tool completely. If you weren’t able to fit all of the wires through the tool at the same time, poke another hole through the grommet and feed any other wires through the new hole. ring terminals on the ends of the wires inside your vehicle. Ring terminals have a circular port so wires can easily slide over bolts or terminals. Strip the interior ends of each wire to remove 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) of insulation from each one. Slide 10-gauge ring terminals over the ends of the wire so they cover the uninsulated portions. Grip the center of the ring terminal’s coating with wire crimpers and squeeze the handles together to make your connection. You can buy ring terminals from your local hardware store. Don’t try to attach your gauges without using ring terminals since you won’t have as secure of a connection." ], "summary": [ "Remove the negative terminal from the vehicle’s battery. Secure the red and green wires to the positive and negative gauge terminals. Attach ring terminals onto the ends of the wires in the engine bay. Connect the red wire to the positive terminal of your vehicle’s battery. Secure the green wire to a bare bolt on the vehicle’s frame. Check that the volt gauge reads between 12–14 V while your vehicle is running.", "Disconnect the negative terminal from your vehicle’s battery. Secure 1 red and 1 black wire to the S and I terminals on the gauge respectively. Attach in-line fuses to the ends of the wires in the engine bay with butt connectors. Connect the red wire to the positive output on your vehicle’s alternator. Run the black wire to the positive terminal on your vehicle’s battery. Check that the gauge dips negative when you turn on just the headlights.", "Mount the gauges in a gauge pod on top of your dashboard. Find a hole and grommet with wires through it in your vehicle’s firewall. Poke a wire insertion tool through the outer ring of the grommet. Feed 2 red, 1 black, and 1 green 10-gauge wire through the tool. Pull the insertion tool out from the grommet so the wires stay in place. Crimp" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Planning Your Pieces", "Earning and Saving Wardrobe Money", "Hunting for Bargains" ], "document": [ "If you want to set a goal to afford designer clothing, you should know which designers you actually like! By researching different brands, you can pinpoint the ones you absolutely love, and develop an “eyes on the prize” mentality. Find designers that embrace the style you enjoy, whether that be feminine florals or dark, sleek leather. Don't let trends influence your shopping principles. If magazines are promoting a hot trend that doesn’t fit your style, flatter your body, or fit your needs, think twice before buying it. If you spend large amounts of money on passing trends that you don’t love, you’ll be wasting your money. Be authentic! If you are a jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl, embrace it. If you prefer dresses and heels, embrace that! Instead of trying to completely replace your current wardrobe with all designer clothing, think about how you can incorporate designer pieces into your current look. Another important thing to take into consideration is your lifestyle. If you love five inch stilettos but work in a daycare, you may want to save your money for more practical items. ” Think about classic pieces that you could style several ways. Consider items with a specific function, such as coats to keep you warm and comfortable shoes for work. If you buy a piece of clothing that you know you’ll wear often or treasure for years, you’ll make sure you get your money’s worth. Calculate how much you’ll need to purchase your goal items, and start saving! To motivate yourself to save money, cut out pictures of the designer clothing you long for. Glue it onto a piece of cardboard or poster board and place it somewhere in your home. Every time you see these pictures, you’ll remember your goal.", "It may be tempting to pop into cheap clothing stores and stock up on clothing, but cheap clothing generally doesn’t hold up. You’ll end up wasting money on poorly made pieces rather than saving up for more durable designer pieces. Plan out the pieces you most want and that make most sense for your lifestyle and current wardrobe, and stick to it. Don’t get caught up in the excitement of shopping and blow your money on items that seem great in the moment. If you shop spur of the moment, you may be tempted to purchase the killer red leather mini skirt on sale. However, said skirt may not make sense with any of your clothes at home. Always shop with a plan. Set a goal to put aside a little bit of money every time you get paid, and watch it get bigger and bigger. It doesn’t have to be a large amount, but just enough so that you are actively working toward your goal. Once the money goes into the wardrobe budget, don’t take it out for anything else. Save it until you find something worth your hard-earned money. Decorate a jar or a pot to create a piggy bank. Put it somewhere that you see everyday, and start dropping your spare change and extra bills into it as you walk by. It may seem like a minor thing, but it’ll start adding up! That venti Starbucks latte tastes delicious and wakes you up every morning, but it creates a bigger dent in your bank account than you may realize. Cab rides, take out food, and salon manicures are all nice, but are they really essential? By cutting down on anything you can technically live without, you can set aside more money for designer clothing.", "Search by the name of the designer and you can often find some great, gently used pieces. This method will take a bit of time, because sellers will typically be selling one item, in one color, and in one size. It’ll be harder to find exactly what you want, but your patience will be rewarded in great savings. To figure out the size you should order, try on clothing by that designer in store. It can be tricky to shop online because of the different sizing used by each designer, so try on different brands to get an idea of which size to order. Make sure you know each seller’s return policy before ordering with them. If you dislike something, you may not be able to return it. This can require a bit of time and effort, but these shops can be a gold mine for discount designer clothing. Consignment shops take gently used clothing, often designer clothing, and resell it. Discount retail stores such as Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls sell any unsold inventory of designer stores at a discounted price. There is something extremely satisfying getting an amazing, quality designer piece for a fraction of the cost. There are several websites that will have flash sales on various designer collections, such as Gilt, HauteLook, and Zulily. You can check their schedules, and figure out when they will be selling your favorite designers. Log in early, and check out the savings you can get on some high-end pieces. Avoid the temptation to check these websites regularly, because the discounts they offer can be tempting even if you don’t love the brand. Save your money for the sales on designers you really desire. Follow designers on social media too. They will often post notices about flash sales for their followers. This won’t work if you need certain types of clothing quickly, but it’s great for the patient shopper. Stores will discount items as the seasons change. For example, summer clothing will go on sale as summer ends in order to sell it and make room for fall and winter inventory. Scoop up these sale pieces, and just save them until the next year! You’ll have a closet full of brand new, discounted designer clothing when the season rolls around. Lifetime items are things that you truly believe you could wear for life, such as thick, beautifully built coats, sturdy leather boots, nice handbags, and suits- basically high quality, durable, and classic pieces. If you’ve saved up your money, why not invest in something that you will use forever? Often times a designer piece has the lifespan of multiple cheaply made pieces, so it can be worth the investment. If you invest in nice pieces, make sure to invest in their care too. Store them properly and get them dry cleaned. Besides keeping them looking nice for yourself, you may also be able to resell them later if you choose. If you are absolutely in love with a specific style of a designer, try searching for cheaper brands that make similar designs. Often times, there will be \"knock off\" pieces that are created in a similar style of the pricey, high-end brands. Sometimes you can't even tell the difference! Start your search my Googling the designer you like, followed by keywords like \"imitation\" or \"replica.\" Make sure you read reviews of online shops before placing an order." ], "summary": [ "Learn about different styles and designers. Consider how you can upgrade your “go-to” looks. Jot down a list of “goal items.", "Avoid mindless shopping. Allot portions of paychecks or allowances to a wardrobe budget. Sacrifice the unnecessary luxuries.", "Check eBay and other auction websites for deals. Browse consignment stores and discounted retail stores. Sign up for flash sale sites. Shop for items during their off season. Splurge on the “lifetime” items. Explore the imitation options." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Pledging a Fraternity", "Choosing a Fraternity" ], "document": [ "Once you’ve accepted a bid from a fraternity, you still have to undergo the pledging process, which is essentially where you continue learning about the frat and pledge to uphold the traditions and expectations thereof. You can expect to dedicate a large portion of time organizing frat events, representing the frat at school-related events such as sports, and giving time to the frat’s chosen charitable organizations. Due to the highly controversial history and connotations of pledging, many fraternities have actually done away with the process. This means that while you will be expected to maintain a commitment to learning about the community and upholding its practices, you may not actually have to pledge. While many college campuses and fraternity chapters have widely cracked down on the practice of hazing, it’s not unheard of. Generally speaking, fraternities feel the hazing process is a rite of passage proving your dedication and desire to belong. However, there’s a huge difference between showing your dedication and subjecting yourself to humiliating or potentially dangerous acts. If you ever feel as though you’re being harassed by the brothers of your fraternity as you pledge, then take it to someone higher up. If you feel the actions go beyond anything that the higher ranking brothers of the fraternity would allow, take it to them. If you don’t feel like you can take it to other frat brothers, then talk to someone at the student affairs office at your college. The student affairs office will allow you to remain anonymous if you so choose. They will then take up the issue with the fraternity and even law enforcement if necessary. Never feel as though you’re snitching or simply can’t hack it in the face of unacceptable behavior. You’ll have to decide for yourself what you find an acceptable level of razzing from the fraternity brothers as you earn your place in the organization as a pledge, but never allow them to cross a line with which you aren’t comfortable. Though not hazing, pledging is still an intensive process of continuous learning and integration into fraternity life. You can expect to spend roughly six to twelve weeks as a pledge depending on your fraternity. During your time as a pledge, the fraternity will expect you to sample the wide range of activities in which they take part. This usually includes helping one of the philanthropic organizations the fraternity supports. This can range from helping to organize a fundraiser to donating time to the organization. Many fraternities require keeping your GPA above a certain threshold in order to maintain your involvement. Develop good study habits early on, so that you’re never stuck in a bad situation when grades roll around. While pledging, the frat will likely advise you to familiarize yourself with study halls and other academic support that they offer. In addition to philanthropic and academic responsibilities, fraternities will also expect you to maintain a level of participation with social events. Fraternities want to be well represented at campus functions, athletic events, and other social venues, and pledges may be expected to engage in quite a few of these events. Pledges may even be tasked with helping do the legwork in getting the word out about the fraternity’s events. Above all, prepare to be active.", "Fraternities may have similar goals of cultivating friendships and taking part in campus life, but no two fraternities approach these goals the same way. Each fraternity has a different charter, plans different events, and focuses on different aspects of campus life. With this in mind, you should meet with a wide array of fraternities as early as possible in your school’s recruitment process. You may find that some fraternities put too much emphasis on social events while you’re more interested in a fraternity that will be conducive to academic and leadership skills, or vice versa. Each fraternity will hold several events early in the semester during what is most often referred to as “rush week” to drum up interest in potential recruits. Spend the first night or two of rush week sampling events at as many fraternities as possible to determine which one best suits your personality and goals for life on campus. In addition to simply meeting people, keep track of what life as part of each community will entail. The parties and free food of rush week aren’t necessarily emblematic of day-to-day life in the fraternity. Don’t be scared to ask a lot of questions about what the fraternity’s pledging process is like, the type of expenditure you can expect related to dues, the types of commitments you’re expected to make concerning study hours as well as campus and community events, and whether joining means living in the fraternity’s house or elsewhere. Not only does this assist you in deciding which frats truly interest you, but you’ll network with a ton of people in the process. You’ll likely find lists of these events wherever campus clubs and groups are allowed to advertise, including bulletin boards, sandwich boards, etc. After getting a sense of a wide array of fraternities and what each one is about, create a short list of the ones that most appealed to you. Once you know which houses you’re interested in learning more about, you can schedule the rest of your rush week to attend more of their events. This is dependent upon how many fraternities are on your list, but spend an extra day of rush week meeting with as many brothers of each fraternity on your list as possible. You may learn that your initial impression of a fraternity wasn’t quite what you thought or that while you like the focus of a certain fraternity, you’re unsure of how well you fit with the brothers with whom you will be in constant interaction. Remember during these interactions that it’s their job to sell their fraternity, and it’s your job to just be yourself. Be pleasant yet honest with all of the brothers with whom you meet. If you’re not interested in their fraternity, that’s perfectly okay. Pretending you’re interested in order to receive the most bids possible will ultimately waste your time and theirs. Continue narrowing down your list as you compile more information information on each, but don’t worry about narrowing the list down to a single fraternity. Much like applying to colleges in general, wide participation in a single fraternity’s rush week doesn’t guarantee they will extend a bid for you to join. By keeping your options spread three or so fraternities, you raise your changes of getting into one of them. Depending upon the demand of the fraternities on your list, they may hold offering bids to potential recruits until late in rush week, or they may start offering them early on if they find people they believe are a perfect fit. Don’t feel pressures to come back with a response immediately. In addition to accepting or declining a bid, most fraternities will allow you to place a hold on the bid while you continue weighting your options. Make sure you fully understand the specifics of putting a hold on your bid. You don’t want to miss a spot in the fraternity you ultimately choose because you responded too late. After spending time with a few different fraternities that you feel are the right fit, you’ll hopefully receive a bid from at least one. Take the proper amount of time to weigh your options and choose the one that most complements your personality, goals on campus, and expected level of interaction. When you accept a bid from a fraternity, they will then make it official by having you sign a “bid card,” though it may have a different name in your specific frat." ], "summary": [ "Know what to expect. Take a zero tolerance approach to hazing. Make the time commitment. Engage in philanthropic practices. Keep up with your academics. Participate in social events.", "Decide what type of fraternity you want to join. Attend events at several different fraternities. Create a narrowed list. Meet with as many brothers of each fraternity on your list as possible. Manage your bids. Choose your fraternity." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Pay Attention to Her", "Let Her See You with Other Girls", "Talk About Being with Other Girls" ], "document": [ "If you want to make the girl jealous, you should first show some level of interest in her, so she is intrigued by you and has a sense that you want to take things to the next level. Body language is the easiest way to let her know you somewhat want her without even saying a word. You should only spend a few minutes giving her your attention, so every gesture counts. Catch her eye from across the room. Be a man and hold her gaze if she notices you, and even give her a big smile. When you approach her, turn your body towards her, stand tall, and lean in towards her slightly, showing that your body is giving her its full attention. Lightly touch her on the arm or back if she seems up for it. Maintain eye contact while you're talking. She should feel like she's the only girl in the world -- for a few minutes. Once your body had done some of the talking, you should let your words do the work. A few careful compliments can show that you're paying attention to her and that you want to get to know her better. If it's someone you already know, then the compliments will show that you're still thinking of her. Here's how to do it: Compliment her appearance. Go for subtlety with this one. Instead of \"Damn, you look hot,\" just say, \"Blue is a great color. It really brings out your eyes.\" Compliment her laugh or her smile. Tease your way into a compliment. Find a way to playfully poke fun at her while complimenting her at the same time. Asking just a few questions will show that you want to get to know her and that you're invested in who she is. Just a few lighthearted and well-placed questions will hook the girl and will make her want you even more. Ask her a flirty question. If she mentions she has a sister, say, \"Is she as beautiful as you are?\" Ask her a silly question but act like it's really important. Ask her what she thinks of men who are in love with their dogs or men who wear leather. Ask her something about herself. Ask about one of her hobbies or what she likes to do for fun. Make the girl think you care about her -- just a little bit.", "Once you've talked to the girl enough to give her an inkling about your affections, it's time to go into ignore mode and to start chatting up other girls at the bar. You should do this after just a few minutes of talking to the first girl. Here are some great targets to try: Whether you're at a party or a bar, just pick a girl near you and start talking to her. Slowly transition from talking to the original girl to being absorbed by the new girl completely. Make sure you look like you're laughing and have a great time. Take the other girl to the dance floor. Don't make out with her or grope her. Just dance with her for a song or two and look like you're having a great time. Pick a pack of girls to hang out with. Make them laugh and let the other girl watch. If you want to stay more local to the girl or if you're done with your random girls, you can make the girl jealous by paying attention to her friends. This will let you stay close and keep her focused on you while making her doubt your intentions. Make all of the friends like you. Be your most witty, charming, and charismatic self. Make a point of ignoring the original girl in front of her friends. Even if she's standing right in front of you, act like she's not there. Don't isolate the friends too much. Try to get all of them to like you while you flirt it up. If you pay too much attention to a close friend of the girl's and she starts to like you, then you may create unwanted drama. This is a bold move. If you're out at a bar or a party, leave with another girl at the end of the night. You don't even have to end up going home with her. Just let the original girl see you walking out with another girl. Acknowledge the original girl with a small nod or a smile as you walk out. Let her know that you know she's watching you. You can make a girl jealous even in the daytime. If you're hanging out with another girl, whether it's just a friend or someone you're also flirting with, let the girl see you having a great time with someone else. If the girl you want to make jealous sees you with another girl, make sure to look completely focused on the girl you're with. When you \"finally\" notice jealous girl, you can say, \"Oh, I didn't even see you there.\" Of course you didn't -- you were too busy having fun with another girl. Pick places where you know jealous girl will be. Parade into her favorite cafe or dining spot with a gaggle of girls and look like you're having as much fun as possible. If you have a class together, sit away from her and next to another girl, and let her see you whispering to the other girl and doodling in the margins of her notes. This is an important point. If you're just using jealousy to make the girl see you as desirable and to want you even more, you shouldn't spend too much time courting other women or talking about them, or the girl will see you as a playboy and will be turned off. If you're using other girls at a bar or at a party to make the girl jealous, don't spend all night talking to them and then ignore her. Come back to the girl you want after a few minutes, before she loses patience. Once you see that the girl is really interested, stop talking about other girls or chatting up other girls in the vicinity. The chase is over -- for now.", "Once you've shown enough interest in the girl and have flirted enough to make her think she has a chance, it's time for a turnaround. Slowly start talking about another girl, whether it's someone she knows or a random girl you keep calling \"my really good friend\" or \"this girl I've known forever.\" Find a way to mention the girl every few minutes. Don't do it every few seconds or it will be too annoying, but make it sound like you're constantly thinking of the other girl. Find ways to complement the other girl. Without being too obnoxious, say things like, \"She's like, my favorite person,\" or \"She can get any guy she wants.\" Make the other girl feel inferior. You can also make this person up. If you're a good liar, this \"other girl\" can be completely fictional. Repeatedly say, \"You should really meet her. I think you'd get along.\" This will drive the other girl crazy. Instead of just going on and on about another girl in your life, you should take the opportunity to talk about lots of other girls. Just make yourself sound like a ladies man who hangs out with a ton of cute girls whenever and wherever. Mention a party you went to where there were so many amazing girls. You can even say that you were one of the few guys there but that it was okay -- you're used to it. Talk about a fun weekend trip you took to the beach, and mention how all the girls you were with were wearing the most ridiculous bikinis. Just mention \"this one girl I was seeing\" after another. Make it sound like you go on a ton of dates. Just make sure not to sound gross or like a total player. The girl will lose interest if you make yourself out to be too much of a Lothario. While you're talking to the girl about being with other girls, your phone will be a great prop in making her jealous. Keep your phone handy and check it from time to time and even be prepared to answer it. Check your phone from time to time and smile to yourself, as if you've just received a naughty message from a girl. Say, \"Excuse me\" and smile as you type back something that may be equally naughty. Have your phone ring once while you're talking to the girl. Pick it up and say, \"Hey, how are you? Can I call you back?\" Don't overdo it and call the girl \"honey\" or \"baby\" over the phone. Just make it clear that you're talking to another sexy lady from the tone of your voice. Don't overuse the phone tactic. A girl's patience will quickly wear if you spend all of your time on your phone." ], "summary": [ "Work your body. Compliment her. Ask her a few questions.", "Flirt with random girls. Flirt with the girl's friends. Leave with another girl. Let her see you with other girls during the day. Don't wait too long if you want her to like you.", "Make her your #2. Talk about lots of girls. Use your phone to make her jealous." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Part 1: Preparing to Transition from Swaddling", "Part 2: Transitioning Gradually to Unswaddled Sleeping" ], "document": [ "In general, swaddling young babies is completely safe. However, many babies start to roll over by about three to four months of age, and at this stage, they cannot control their heads very well. Keep in mind that an older swaddled baby may be at risk of falling or of rolling over onto his or her stomach and winding up face-down on a bed or other surface, posing a suffocation risk. When your baby is ready to give up swaddling (usually by somewhere between four and six months of age), he or she may give you some signals. These could include: crying when swaddled struggling to loosen the blanket becoming unswaddled regularly during sleep. If this starts happening when your baby is still young, take care – remember that blankets and other coverings can pose a suffocation risk. Babies are born with what’s known as the “Moro reflex” or “startle reflex” – when startled (and sometimes for no reason in particular), they fling their arms out sideways. Newborns tend to startle easily and flap their arms and legs a lot; swaddling helps them stay calm and still enough to sleep. For best results, wait until the Moro reflex disappears before you wean your baby from swaddling -- unless your baby has started rolling and safety becomes a concern earlier. Once you believe your baby is ready, think about how you will make the transition? Will you start at naptime or nighttime? When will you begin? How will you handle the difficulties that arise? Consider setting aside a weekend or another convenient time to experiment with unswaddling your baby. Know that you may have to sacrifice some of your baby's normal sleep time to do this. If your partner can help, that's preferable -- you can take turns observing your baby's preferences and trying to soothe your baby without swaddling. Plan to keep as many routines as possible in place when you wean your baby from swaddling. If you keep the same sleep routines (dim lights, bath, lullaby, whatever you typically do) in place, your baby will be more likely to accept sleeping unswaddled.", "In general, unwrapping your baby suddenly and completely doesn't work well; your baby may feel uncomfortable and struggle to sleep. If you have a very active baby who has been wriggling out of the swaddle independently, you can try this method. Otherwise, a more gradual approach is probably best. If you do choose to unswaddle your baby \"cold turkey,\" try it at nap time first. That way, if it doesn't work out, you won't sacrifice much sleep. Many babies accept unswaddled sleeping more readily if you start gradually. Try leaving his or her hands and armed swaddled as usual, but unwrap the legs. You can use special swaddling products for this purpose, or you can improvise with blankets, cloth diapers, and the like. Alternatively, you can start by unswaddling your baby’s hands and arms, while leaving the legs wrapped as usual. For best results, leave just one hand free at first, then move on to both hands. As your baby accepts each stage of unswaddling, move forward until he or she is sleeping with no swaddling whatsoever. If your baby struggles to sleep, wakes frequently, or seems upset, do not move forward. Wait until he or she can accept the first stage (an unwrapped arm or unwrapped legs) before unswaddling further. If your baby really loves swaddling, it might help to start by unswaddling only during naptime or only for the first few hours of nighttime sleep (say, until he or she wakes to breastfeed). Gradually increase the time spent unswaddled. If your baby is struggling to fall asleep without being swaddled, try gently holding his or her hands against the chest. This may soothe your baby and let him or her fall asleep. There are a number of products on the market, shaped like sleeping bags, to help babies stay warm and calm without tight swaddling. If your baby seems comfortable in one of these, use it! You can gradually unclip the sleeping bag to ease your baby into the feeling of freedom. In addition to the bags, there are also swaddling straps available that keep older babies comfortably swaddled. If your baby is struggling to sleep without his or her usual swaddling, you could consider using one of these products temporarily. If your baby wakes and cries more easily when he or she is not swaddled, try using other soothing techniques. For example, consider: singing a lullaby playing soothing music wearing your baby in a sling and walking around rocking your baby Soothe your baby as needed, but as soon as he or she is calm, put your baby back in the crib to go back to sleep. Every baby is different, and yours may take some time to accept these new sleeping arrangements." ], "summary": [ "Consider safety. Observe your baby’s behavior. Wait for the startle reflex to disappear. Plan the transition. Stick to your routines.", "Know that the \"cold turkey\" method probably won't work well. Try unswaddling your baby’s legs. Consider starting with the hands. Move forward gradually. Pay attention to your baby’s signals. Set time intervals. Help your unswaddled baby calm down. Experiment with baby sleeping bags. Soothe your baby without swaddling. Be persistent." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Strengthening Your Back", "Seeking Professional Help", "Using Self-Care Methods" ], "document": [ "Because back pain can have so many different causes, it is important to talk with your doctor before starting any exercise or treatment regimen. This is particularly important if you have suffered a major injury like a fall or a car crash. Some injuries or causes of back pain must be treated with rehabilitation therapy and medication. It is important to let your regular doctor know about any treatments and steps you are taking to relieve your back pain. This will ensure that your doctor is able to give you the most effective care. If your back pain is not the result of a serious injury, returning to normal movement after a few days will help you recover from short-term back pain faster. Unless recommended by your doctor, try to avoid more than 3 days of bed rest. Always consult with your doctor before returning to your normal activities. If you have serious injuries or trauma, trying to “tough it out” could result in re-injury or further trauma. Low-impact aerobic exercises, such as swimming, walking, and biking, can relieve chronic back pain. Exercise may aggravate acute back pain, however, so do not begin an exercise regimen immediately. Usually, it is safe to begin an exercise program after 4-8 weeks. Do not put extra pressure or strain on your back muscles immediately. Exercises that can strain your lower back include leg curls on exercise machines, straight-leg sit ups, and toe touches. Gradually strengthen and tone your muscles, and don’t try too much at once. When possible, work with a professional to create a personalized exercise plan. Your doctor, physical therapist, personal trainer, or exercise physiologist can help you figure out what exercises are right for you. Improving your body’s flexibility may help reduce pain. Stretching exercises and yoga have been shown to reduce back pain and keep it from recurring. Below are a few exercises to try. Lie on your back with your legs together. Bend your knees. Lay your arms to your sides. Roll your knees to one side of your body, keeping your arms at your sides. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Breathe slowly and evenly as you hold and release. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Take hold of one leg behind your knee. Pull your leg gently toward your chest. Don’t pull it farther than is comfortable. Hold this for 20 seconds, then release. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Stretch your hip flexors. Kneel on one knee. Raise the same arm straight up (e.g., if you are kneeling on the left knee, raise your left arm). Shift your hips slightly forward. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Chronic low back pain can be irritated when your core is not strong enough to properly support your body. Doing some lumbar/core strength and stability exercises will strengthen your core muscles and improve your posture. Supermans. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended (hence the “superhero” posture). Keeping your hips on the floor, draw your shoulder blades down towards your lower back. Lift your arms and legs off the floor. Hold this for 3-5 seconds, then release. Repeat 10-20 times. Pelvic tilts. Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Contract your stomach muscles. You should feel your back press into the floor and your hips rise. Hold this for 10 seconds while breathing evenly, then release. Repeat 8-12 times. Bridging. Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees. Keep just your heels on the floor. Pushing your heels into the floor, lift your hips off the floor. You should feel your buttocks contract. Lift your hips until your knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line. Hold this for 6 seconds, then release. Repeat 8-12 times. Crunches with an exercise ball. Use a large exercise ball to improve your crunches. Begin by lying on your back on the exercise ball. Slide down until your hips are just off the ball. Plant your feet shoulder-width apart, and keep them flat on the ground. Cross your arms over your chest. Contract your stomach muscles to draw yourself forward. You should feel the crunch in your abdomen, not your shoulders or back. Repeat 10-20 times. Tai Chi is a gentle Chinese martial art that combines fluid movement with meditation. It has been shown by several studies to be effective in relieving lower back pain. Yoga has also been shown to be effective in treating chronic low back pain. It is thought that the combination of mindfulness, meditation, and low-impact physical movement in tai chi and yoga promote pain relief. If you are pregnant, have joint problems, fractures, or hernias, consult your doctor before starting tai chi or yoga. Back pain can be caused by improper lifting technique. Whether you’re working out or just working, be sure you don’t put additional stress on your back by lifting incorrectly. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees. Never bend over at your hips. Hold the weight or object securely. Do not lift and twist at the same time. If you’re a fan of squats and similar exercises, make sure you do them with proper form. Poor form in squatting, such as hunching your back or shoulders, can result in pain and injury. Consult a physical therapist or personal trainer to learn proper form, or at least watch videos of correct squatting. Being overweight creates additional pressure on the intervertebral disks in your spine. These disks act as “shock absorbers” for the vertebrae in your spine. Fortunately, exercising even 20-30 minutes each day can lower your risk of back pain by 32%. Even light exercise is helpful. Americans who are obese are 4 times more likely to suffer back pain than individuals at a healthy weight. Smoking is a factor in many health problems, and back pain is no exception. In one recent study, researchers found that people who smoked were much more likely to experience back pain than non-smokers. This finding was consistent across all weight ranges, from a healthy weight to obese. Smoking is thought to interfere with your brain circuitry. It is likely that smoking reduces your body’s ability to handle chronic pain. People who smoke are, according to one study, 3 times more likely to suffer from chronic back pain than people who don’t smoke. Good news: stopping smoking reduces your vulnerability to chronic pain, including back pain.", "In general, acute back pain will improve on its own with proper self-care. Lower back pain is particularly common among adults. If your back pain does not improve after 4 weeks, see a doctor. You may need to consider other treatment options. Common causes of back pain include arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and other nerve and muscular problems. If your back pain persists, see a doctor. A lot of back pain can be managed on your own, or with complementary treatments. However, if you have certain symptoms, your back pain could be a sign of more severe health issues. Seek medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms: Pain extending from the back down the leg Pain gets worse when you bend over or bend your legs Pain gets worse at night, or wakes you up Fever with back pain Back pain with bladder or bowel trouble Back pain with numbness or weakness in the legs Regular massage has been shown to relieve back pain and disability. Massage is especially helpful at providing fairly quick back pain relief; one study demonstrated that weekly massage treatments significantly improved back pain and function after 10 weeks compared to typical back pain care routines. Some health insurance companies and health providers will cover “medical massage” when you are referred by your doctor to a licensed massage therapist for treatment. Talk with your doctor to see whether this is an option for you. In a trial that compared massage, acupuncture, and self-care education as treatments for lower back pain, massage was shown to be the most effective treatment for pain and disability. The massage treatment group also used the least amount of pain medication. Spinal manipulation, also known as “spinal manipulative therapy,” is performed by several types of health care providers, including chiropractors and physical therapists. Several studies have shown that spinal manipulation is effective for treating mild to moderate lower-back pain. Always have this and other complementary procedures done by a trained, licensed professional. While spinal manipulation is usually safe when done by a professional, it can cause serious health issues if done incorrectly. Acupuncture is not a “magic bullet” treatment for back pain. It tends to work best at treating acute lower back pain. Several clinical trials have shown that professional acupuncture is helpful at relieving pain from lower back pain. It is important to note that while several studies show that acupuncture is generally effective at relieving back pain, acupuncture may not be effective at improving function or disability. Acupuncture in conjunction with medication appears to be more effective at reducing pain and improving functionality than either treatment alone. Ask your doctor for a referral to an acupuncture practitioner. It’s important that all of your healthcare providers work together to care for you. The national certification board for acupuncturists in the United States is the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Not all health insurance will cover complementary medicine, but insurance is more likely to cover a certified practitioner. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, identifies negative and unhelpful thoughts and beliefs and replaces them with positive, healthy ones. A CBT approach to treating pain focuses on how you respond to pain symptoms. CBT has been shown by several studies to effectively treat some types of chronic pain, including back pain. CBT can be a good choice when there is no obvious cause of back pain.", "Heat is commonly recommended for alleviating back pain, especially lower back pain. Heat will help your muscles relax, which can relieve tension and spasms. If your pain is chronic, or not the result of injury, heat is more likely to help. Use a hot water bottle or heating pad to apply dry heat. Wrap a hot water in a towel to avoid burns. Don’t fall asleep while using a heating pad. A hot shower or bath may also provide relief for some back pain. You may also find a sauna or hot tub helpful. Icing or using a cold pack is not always helpful for back pain. It is usually more helpful when inflammation is involved, such as with arthritis-related back pain. Icing can also reduce swelling from injuries. To make a cold pack, wet a towel with cold water. Wring it well to remove excess water. Fold the towel and put it into a plastic zip-top bag. Freeze the bag for about 15 minutes. Apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat up to 3 times a day. Using a foam roller can help relieve muscle pain and soreness. These are usually 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) long, and look like very thick pool noodles. You can even use a large pool noodle at first to get used to using it. Lie on a flat surface with the roller perpendicular to your back. Position the roller so that it just beneath your shoulder blades. Lift your hips off the ground about 3–4 inches (7.6–10.2 cm). Keep your head and shoulders off the ground. Use your feet to roll yourself backward and forward on the roller for a few minutes. Start with a lower-density foam roller at first. Some foam rollers are very firm and may have bumps or nodules on them to get at trigger points. These may be too intense for beginners. Slouching and standing improperly can increase the pressure on your back and cause pain. Improving your posture can relieve back pressure and help soothe existing back pain. It can also help prevent recurrence of back pain. Strengthening your core muscles will help improve your posture. These muscles connect to your spine and pelvis and help hold your body up. Flexibility exercises, such as yoga and pilates, are another good way to improve your posture. These exercises emphasize slow, fluid motion as opposed to the sometimes herky-jerky movements of traditional exercises. Thus, they’re less likely to aggravate back pain. Pay attention to how you sit and stand throughout the day. Your shoulders should be down and back, not slumped forward. Your head should be at a level position, not bent forward or down. It may feel a little awkward to correct your posture at first, but with a little vigilance, you may begin to feel better. Back and shoulder pain can be caused by sitting long hours at a desk. Improper workstation layout can cause your head to droop and your shoulders to slump forward. Setting up an ergonomically correct workstation can help relieve your back pain. Aim to keep your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your elbows and lower back are supported. Make sure that your monitor is at or just below eye level, so that you’re not slumping your head forward to look at it. Don’t put your keyboard and mouse too far away; stretching forward for a long period of time may put stress on your back. There is no one posture or workstation that will work for everyone. However, keeping the basic principles in mind may help relieve your back pain. Some types of back pain can be aggravated by stress and tension. Progressive muscle relaxation therapy can help you learn to relax and soothe your sore muscles. With PMR, you tense and then release groups of muscles, all while breathing deeply. PMR can lead to a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Find a calm, quiet place to do your exercises. Plan for about 15 minutes. Make yourself comfortable. Loosen any tight clothing. Sit or lie down. If you’d like, you can play soothing music. Begin with your facial muscles or your feet. Work down or up, accordingly. Clench the muscles in one group as hard as you can. For example, for your forehead, raise your eyebrows as far as possible. Wrinkle your forehead. Hold this tension for 5 seconds, then relax. Move to your eyes and nose. Close your eyes as tightly as possible. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax. Continue to tense the muscle groups along your body. Hold the tension in each group for 5 seconds before relaxing. The major muscle groups you will work on are your forehead, eyes/nose, lips/cheeks/jaw, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, back, stomach, hips/buttocks, thighs, feet, and toes. An inversion table may help you stretch and decompress your spine and temporarily relieve back pain. While it’s unlikely to offer long-term relief, some people may find inversion helpful in the short term. Consult with your physician before trying inversion. Inversion raises your blood pressure when you are inverted. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or glaucoma, do not use inversion. Start slowly, with small degrees of inversion. Trying too much too fast could result in injury. If other self-care tactics haven't worked, your mattress could be contributing to your back pain. There is no one type of mattress that is “best” for people who suffer from back pain. A lot depends on your preferred sleeping position. Changing your mattress may help relieve back pain, especially if your mattress is saggy or unsupportive. Consumer guides such as Consumer Reports often rate mattresses by sleeping position. You can also find mattress-buying guides that will help you figure out what your mattress needs might be. Try out mattresses in person before buying them. What works for one person may not work for another. Find the mattress that is comfortable to you. You can also use pillows and cushions to improve your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, put a pillow beneath your knees to offer support. If you sleep on your side, put a pillow between your knees to maintain a neutral spine position. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach. It can twist and put tension on your back muscles." ], "summary": [ "Consult with your physician. Get moving. Get some aerobic exercise. Improve your flexibility. Develop your stability. Take up tai chi and/or yoga. Lift heavy objects using good form. Lose weight. Stop smoking.", "Know your limits. Recognize severe symptoms. Try massage therapy. Consider spinal manipulation. Consider acupuncture. Consider cognitive-behavioral therapy.", "Apply heat. Use a cold pack. Use a foam roller. Improve your posture. Set up an ergonomically correct workstation. Practice progressive muscle relaxation. Try an inversion table or chair. Change your mattress." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Further Risk", "Assessing the Danger", "Removing the Snake" ], "document": [ "While having snakes on your property might be hard to avoid, you definitely don't want them entering your home again.Snakes like cool and dark places, so you should seal any entrances to your basement with diameters that are larger than a quarter inch in diameter. They also could be entering through loose window frames or door sweeps, so you can make sure those are securely fastened. Any vents or drains that lead into your home can be covered with screening, so that the snakes cannot pass through. If you have birds in your backyard or a rodent problem in your home, you may be attracting snakes onto your property. It's often hard, however, to get rid of small mammals who are native to the area, especially those who are part of your ecosystem. Snakes love mice and rats. Because our buildings are made mainly out of timber, rodents often find shelter in the space between the exterior and interior walls. If you hear scratching noises or find evidence of mouse trails in your kitchen, get an expert to solve the problem. Remember, no mice, no snakes! Leaving out your pet food can also attract mice which will, in turn, attract snakes. Cover up your pet food when they aren't eating, or bring the food inside A mouse can easily get through a hole the size of a pencil. If there are holes in your walls, fill them immediately.High-pitched sound devices are now becoming a popular way to discourage vermin from entering homes; evidence shows some positive results. Remember, snakes always follow their food source. Whether or not you are attracting them intentionally, birds inhabiting your yard will attract snakes. Bird feeders will not only attract birds into your area, but also mice and rats, who will feed on any fallen seed. While snakes might not be interested in the seed itself, they will be interested in the animals that feed on it. Natural bird repellents are rarely effective, and you don't want to be poisoning any birds or snakes in your area.If you want to remove birds from your yard, you should start by filling any vents or holes in your home that might attract them to roost. Bird netting or sticky pads can repel certain species from setting up their nests in your yard. Scare tactics, such as audio recordings of their species in distress or predator decoys, can often be helpful. Just know that you'll have to cycle through a few options, as birds are intelligent and will adapt. If you're still having trouble keeping snakes away, you can prevent snakes from entering your yard by building a snake fence.Take a strong piece of steel and stick it the ground, flush to your fence. Angle it at 30 degrees, so the snake won't be able to scale it and enter your yard. You might also want to consider trimming your grass or shrubs, as small predators like snakes love to hide in these shaded, overgrown areas. Use mortared rocks instead of freely stacked stones, as snakes will hide within your rock walls. If you're concerned about your children or pets, you can build a small fenced off area for them to play in, minimizing the risk of them coming across a snake.", "All snakes, venomous or otherwise, will not pursue a human being unless provoked. Know that you are a larger predator and that the snake will keep to itself if you don't bother it. If you see that the snake has coiled itself up and opened its mouth wide, then you know that it sees you as a threat. Step away slowly to avoid any further risk. Remember that snakes are positive forces in our ecosystem, controlling rodent and insect populations. While it's not comforting to see one in your home, you really don't want to kill it, as it does control pest populations within your area. Prevent cruelty against snakes by not acting out in fear. There are methods to discover if a snake is venomous.Some major qualities of venomous snakes are fat bodies, large fangs, and slit-like eyes. You'll also want to keep your eyes out for the iconic rattling tail. If you think that you may live in an area where one of these species lives, make sure that you can identify them.Four major species include: The Copperhead. A pit viper with a tan and copper coloration. Their bites are very painful, but rarely fatal. The Coral Snake. The most dangerous of the four. They can be recognized by their red, yellow and black stripes. Know that they can be easily mistaken for the Milk snake, a harmless beast, because of their very similar colorations. While the colors are the same, the patterns on the two species differ. The rhymes \"Red on Black, friend of Jack\" and \"Red on Yellow, kill a fellow\" will help you differentiate between the Milksnake and the Coral Snake, respectively. The Cottonmouth. A quick, cranky snake with a brown and olive body. When threatened, they will stand their ground and flash the light \"cotton\" lining within their mouths. The Rattlesnake. The most infamous and recognizable snake on this list, the Rattlesnake has a brown coloration with lighter stripes, as well as its iconic rattling tail. There are also a wide variety of different vipers, cobras, and other venomous snake breeds. Check your local wildlife brochure to see what may be lingering in your area. It's best to be familiar with any potential snakes in your area. This way, you'll always be prepared for the worst. Regardless of whether or not the snake is a present risk, you'll want to make sure to reduce any and all potential dangers.Because of their size, your pets and children are at larger risk than a fully-grown adult. Their motion is also far more unpredictable, especially with your pets, and they are more likely to agitate the snake. Calmly move them away from the danger so that you can safely deal with the snake. If you suspect that your pet has been bitten, bring them to your local veterinarian or call National Animal Poison Control. There may be some redness, swelling, or bruising on your animal. If so, you should act quickly, as they may be at risk of further harm or death.", "Even if you have the smallest suspicion that you have a venomous snake on your property, you must avoid entering its proximity. You might not want to leave the snake completely alone, as it could travel to another place in your home, but you should not attempt to get close to it. If the snake is mobile, however, and you worry that your presence might provoke it, evacuate the area and call Animal Control. Only take this risk if you're certain the snake is not venomous. You shouldn't try to push the snake with the broom. Simply open the door and attempt guide it out softly. Because the snake's presence in your home is most likely completely accidental, it might be trying to get out itself. A heavy blanket or laundry hamper is best for this. If the snake is agitated, it will calm down soon after being covered. When it can't see you or its surroundings, the snake will feel less at risk. Placing heavy objects around the edge of the blanket will prevent the snake from slipping out from underneath it and moving elsewhere. This will buy you some time to deal with it accordingly. If you're still not positive that the snake isn't venomous, do not, under any circumstance, attempt to move it. Be sure to wear some sort of hand protection, either gloves or oven mitts, before handling a snake. Approach the snake slowly, being careful not to scare it. The best way to hold a snake is directly under its belly, near the tail. Inch your hand underneath its body, keeping a solid, but not overly firm grip. You don't want to injure the snake by squeezing too hard. Let it slither in your hands a bit, as this will make it feel more comfortable. Walk it away from your property and release it safely into nature. If you've trapped the snake under a blanket or other cloth material, you can scoop it up and transport it outside that way. Still be cautious about holding it too tightly, especially as you can't see its movement. The best solution is to call Wildlife control, it's an especially good solution if you don't want to handle the snake. They will safely catch and release it far from your property. If you cannot see the snake, but know that it is hiding in a dresser or other dark enclosed space, you should not attempt to catch it. Move all family members away from the immediate area. Because you can't see the snake, you have no idea if it's venomous. It may also currently be in a state of agitation. If you come across a snake outside your property, you should also leave it alone. If the snake is not venomous, then it is of no real risk to you. It should find its way out of the yard on its own terms, and it's unlikely that you'll have to worry about its presence. If the snake is venomous, then you can quickly evacuate the area and get further removal help. Never attempt to kill a snake. Most illegitimate bites happen when people try to kill a venomous snake." ], "summary": [ "Stop snakes from entering your home. Find out why the snake entered your area. Remove rats from your property. Reduce the number of nesting birds in your yard. Modify your yard.", "Resist the urge to attack the snake with a broom or stick.A snake won't attack you unless it feels threatened by you. Determine whether or not it is venomous.While your first impulse might be to scream and run away, it's helpful to get a good look at the snake and quickly determine how major the risk is. Clear animals or young children from the area.", "Create a safe distance between you and the snake. Open the door and guide the snake out with a broom. Restrict the snake's motion. Transport the snake outside. Call Animal Control and ask them to send an expert to collect the snake. Leave the snake alone." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Dry Flaky Skin from Your Lips", "Keeping Your Lips Moist", "Using Moisturizing Lip Products" ], "document": [ "Dry lips tend to flake and exfoliating is a great way to remove this dry flaky skin. This will ensure that your lips will be smooth when you apply a moisturizing balm. Your toothbrush is a great tool for exfoliating your lips. You can run it over your lips a few times after brushing your teeth or apply some lip exfoliator to it and use it to help slough off dead skin. Make sure that you use a soft toothbrush or the bristles may be too hard on your lips. Don’t scrub too hard either. Just gently move the brush around your lips. Rinse and pat dry your lips when you finish and then apply some of you favorite lip balm to moisturize them. Exfoliating your lips too often can irritate them and this could lead to dryness, so do not exfoliate your lips more than twice per week. If your lips seem irritated with this schedule, then only exfoliate them once per week or even every other week.", ". Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to ensure that your lips will be moist from this inside out. Try to drink about eight 8 ounce glasses of water every day to stay hydrated. Increase your water intake if you have been sweating or if the weather is hot and/or dry. Some foods may cause your lips to feel dry or irritated, so it is best to limit these foods or avoid them entirely if your lips are already dry and/or irritated. Foods that may irritate your lips include: salty foods, such as chips, pretzels, and popcorn spicy foods, such as chicken wings, salsa, and hot sauce citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons Dry air in your home can lead to dry lips, so running a humidifier when you are at home may help. Try placing a humidifier in your bedroom and turn it on any time the air feels dry. Running an air conditioner can dry out the air, so running a humidifier when you use the air conditioning may help. You may also fund that the air in your home is drier in the winter. If you’ve tried many solutions but your lips remain dry, there might be other root causes. Tell your doctor about the problem and ask what might be the issue, and what you can do to solve it. Some causes of lip dryness include: Sun or wind damage Insufficient Vitamin B2 Too much Vitamin A An allergic reaction to a lip product or food A medication, especially one for acne, high blood pressure, or hypothyroidism A yeast infection around your mouth", "Too much sun exposure can dry out your lips. If you will be spending time out in the sun, then protect your lips with a lip balm that contains sunscreen. Look for a lip balm that contains a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 protection. If you prefer natural products, then you can also use a natural oil or gel to moisturize your lips. Just dab a few drops of oil or a pea sized amount of gel onto your lips and distribute it evenly. Some good choices include: Aloe vera gel. Make sure that you choose one that is made from 100% aloe vera and that has no extra ingredients. You can also use some aloe vera fresh from an aloe vera plant. Coconut oil. This oil is solid at room temperature, so it is similar to lip balm. Olive oil. A few drops of olive oil can also moisturize dry lips." ], "summary": [ "Use a toothbrush. Repeat no more than twice per week.", "Drink lots of water Steer clear of foods that might dry out your lips. Run a humidifier at home. See a doctor if your lips are still very dry.", "Select a lip balm with sunscreen. Try a natural moisturizer." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Other Varieties of Cake Pops" ], "document": [ ". These cake pops are simple, unique, creamy, and tasty too! The nice taste of coconut will make taste buds die for more. . These divine cake pops are the perfect treat for family desserts and camping trips. Chocolate fans in your house will love these a ton! . What a treat these are! These pops have the perfect blend of blueberry which causes them to taste so good. . Sometimes, cake pops just need a little bit of chocolate to make them mouth watering. Serve these on a cold day, along with some hot chocolate. . These cake pops or balls are a great and a unique way to indulge cakes without having to modify a recipe at all, and to switch some ingredients around. . We've all heard of an apple cinnamon cake, but how about molding them into little balls for cake pops? These sweet treats are great for autumn and for guest. . They are simple and special, whoever could of that of recreating cake pops with a blend of french toast? Be prepared for a tasty mix!" ], "summary": [ "Make coconut cream cake pops Make s'more cake pops Make blueberry muffin cake pops Make hot cocoa cake pops Make butterfinger cake pops Make apple cinnamon cake pops Make french toast cake pops" ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Setting Up an Unexpected Speech", "Ending on a High Note", "Delivering an Effective Speech" ], "document": [ "Don’t be in too big of a hurry to stand up or make the trip to the podium. Walk slowly to your mark, being relaxed and deliberate. Stretch the time you have and use it to prepare yourself and consider what your opening lines will be. Most of the time when you’re giving an impromptu speech, you’ll be singled out to say a few words on the spot. Since you’ll only have a few moments, preparing yourself is more about getting yourself in the right state of mind than it is knowing exactly what you’re going to say. If you really need to milk it, you can buy yourself some extra time by shaking hands, exchanging pleasantries or adjusting the microphone stand before speaking. Take a few slow, deep breaths to collect yourself. Let your mind settle so you can concentrate on the task at hand. Shut out all unnecessary distractions that might steal your attention and stifle anxious thoughts that might cause you to doubt yourself. Assume that everyone around you wants to see you succeed. This will help put you at ease. Expecting yourself to fail will only destroy your composure and make you more fearful of your audience. Confront the reality of your situation to avoid being blindsided by panic. Accept that you have to give a speech and then focus all your resources on giving a good one. Face your audience boldly and smile. Make eye contact with those closest to you. Display confident body language—try not to fidget, tremble or arrange yourself awkwardly. Think positive thoughts to reassure yourself. For you to come off as interesting, witty and engaging, you have to believe that you are. Oftentimes, the more confident you make yourself appear, the more confident you’ll feel. Relax! Speaking in front of a crowd is not that big a deal. Even if you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. In a few words, let everyone know who you are. Tell them your name and describe yourself and your relation to the event or role as a speaker. You might also thank everyone for their presence and attention. Don’t avert to the fact that you’re unprepared or try to cushion their acceptance of your speech. Just get up and talk frankly and energetically. Don’t just jump right into the main idea of your speech. Test the waters by getting used to speaking and sharing a little about yourself first.", "In the few moments you have before you go on, get an idea of how you’re going to finish your speech. It can be easy to ramble on and on without the aid of a predetermined stopping point. With your main ideas out of the way, you should start thinking about wrapping things up. Ideally, you’ll be able to transition deftly from the introduction to the meat of the speech to the conclusion with little wasted time or words. As with the rest of your speech, keep your conclusion brief. It’s alright to sign off with a simple “thank you for your time” or “let’s hear it for the newlyweds.” Save your most compelling point, touching memory or hilarious anecdote for last. Deliver your closing remarks with strong language and poise. The final part of your speech will make the most impact with your audience because it will be freshest in their minds, so bring it home with something memorable to leave a lasting impression. If you’re planning on making a specific request or appeal, as for a business conference, the end of your speech is the proper time to do it. The conclusion is the perfect occasion to come out with something especially heartfelt. Emotions will run high and the crowd will be moved by your sentiments. At the end of your address, show your appreciation for your audience by thanking them once again. Then, pass the baton to the master of ceremonies gracefully and return to your seat. Even if things didn’t go as well as you’d hoped, resist the urge to make apologies or excuses. This will just undermine what effect the speech did have. You don’t have to thank every important figure at the event individually. A general expression of gratitude is all that’s needed. Be clear who you’re supposed to hand the microphone or floor off to so that you don’t end your speech by looking around in confusion. Very few people are capable of delivering rousing, inspiring, world-changing orations on the fly. Your audience knows this and will have taken it into account. Don’t beat yourself up for drawing a blank or stuttering here and there. Instead, congratulate yourself for having had the courage to go through with something that would petrify most people. Impromptu speeches are mostly appraised by the willingness of the speaker to rise to the occasion. There’s no sense in being too critical of your performance since you’ll have had no time to work on it beforehand.", "Have a clear subject in mind and keep yourself focused on conveying your message. Talk about what you know; avoid topics you’re uninformed or ambivalent about. Don’t be too rigid or overcomplicate the structure of your speech. Instead, let your thoughts and words flow, reeling them in when they start to wander. Use simple sentences that follow a logical progression and enunciate your words carefully to keep yourself from getting tongue-tied. Slowing yourself down a little will give your mind time to catch up and formulate new ideas. An impromptu speech should be short and sweet. It’s best to limit your address to right around or just under two minutes, but even a speech as short as 90 seconds or a minute will be perfectly adequate. Be considerate of your audience’s attention span. If you draw things out for too long, they’ll start to grow disinterested and your speech will lose gumption. Two minutes will fly by once you start speaking. Despite your reservations about being put on the spot, you may actually find it harder to give a short speech than a long one. Give your speech a well-rounded sense of structure. Just like every story you’ve ever read, a good speech should have a definite beginning, middle and end. Speaking from experience is a plus, as it will make your message feel more personal and prevent you from making factual mistakes. A good way to give your speech a solid beginning, middle and end is to present details chronologically. For example start with “when I first became friends with John, he…”, follow that up with “now that we’re coworkers, we have more fun than ever…” and conclude with “I have no doubt that the future of our friendship will be just as entertaining.” When describing personal experiences, avoid sharing opinions on irrelevant controversial subjects. Work a lighthearted joke or reference into the opening of your speech to disarm the crowd. Humor is effective for cutting through the tension of speaking unexpectedly, or anticipating a nervous speaker. Tasteful wit will help warm your listeners up toward you, keep things from being too serious and make the whole experience more enjoyable. Humor is a great icebreaker and also makes it easier to hold your audience’s attention. Be sure any jokes you make are suitable for the age and demographic of your audience, as well as the occasion itself." ], "summary": [ "Take your time getting ready to speak. Calm your nerves. Project a confident aura. Make a short introduction.", "Have an endpoint in mind. Make your conclusion memorable. Thank your listeners. Go easy on yourself.", "Speak fluidly and naturally. Keep it brief. Tell a story. Get your audience laughing." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Water Treatments", "Flushing Your Pipes", "Replacing Lead Parts in Your Plumbing System", "Finding out How Much Lead Is in Your Water" ], "document": [ "If your running water has a lead concentration of more than 15 µg/L, you may want to get a point-of-use treatment solution. There are many different options, but a reverse osmosis device is usually the most effective point-of-use treatment solution. However, it is also relatively expensive to purchase and operate. Reverse osmosis devices are usually installed under the sink and use tiny membranes to screen out harmful materials like lead. They also tend to waste water while treating it, which raises their operating cost. If you have well above 15 µg/L of lead in your water, you will definitely want to consider a reverse osmosis device despite its cost. The Water Quality Association is a reliable resource for finding effective treatment products. There are several different kinds of these products if you don’t need or can’t afford a reverse osmosis device. There are filters that fit right over your faucet for extremely convenient use. There are distillers that separate lead from your water over time and collect the clean water in a jug. And there are under-the-sink filters. Before purchasing a distiller, make sure it is one that is approved by the Water Quality Association to remove lead from water. A regular Brita filter may not be enough to remove lead. If you want the convenience of filtering your water as soon as it comes out of the faucet, purchase a faucet filter. If you don’t want to take up space in your sink with a filter, purchase a distiller. Conveniently, many distillers also act as water dispensers. This will ensure that you are using your device properly and removing as much lead from your water as possible. Be sure to follow maintenance recommendations as well. For instance, the filters in reverse osmosis devices must be replaced periodically. Your instruction manual should tell you how often your model’s filter needs to be changed. For filters that fit over your faucet, you will usually have to run cold water through the filter for 5 minutes the first time you use it.", "If your water collects only trace amounts of lead (under 15 µg/L) from sitting in your pipes, you can remove it by flushing your pipes before using your water. When flushing your pipes, make sure you use only the cold water tap and never use the hot water tap. Hot water melts lead and then mixes with it, so you should never use your hot water tap if you have lead in your water. After running your cold water for two minutes, all the water that has collected lead should be flushed out of the system. When you run water, you are flushing only the pipes that lead to that specific faucet. You cannot expect your other faucets to have safe water. You will also need to repeat the process every time you want water. If you need a more permanent solution, you should try a different method. Clean out old water, soda, or milk bottles with soap, and then fill them with cold water from your flushed pipes. Leave them in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place. This way you will not have to flush your pipes every time you need to use water. Discard stored tap water if you haven’t used it within 6 months. Again, you should never draw hot water if you have lead. If you need to cook, for instance, boil cold water that you’ve drawn from your flushed pipes.", "Sometimes wells or homes have old lead parts that affect the water. Hire a professional who knows how to look for sources of lead to be sure you’re finding them properly. Contact your state or local government’s environmental or water agencies for recommendations. If you have a well, you will want to speak with a licensed well water contractor. If you do not have a well, you will want to consult a water treatment technician. This is the most expensive option for getting lead out of your water, but it is also the most effective. To ensure that all the lead contaminants are removed properly, you will probably want to hire a plumber. This is a large and serious job that needs to be done with precision. The cost of this process varies based on your region and the size of your home. But it can often cost between $4,000 and $10,000 to replace all the pipes in single-family home. These newer materials will not contaminate your water. Once they are installed, your water should be totally lead-free. To be absolutely sure you no longer have lead in your water, have your water tested at a lab again.", "To be absolutely certain how much lead you have in your water, you will need to get it tested. Contact your state or local government to find out which labs have been accredited for testing water. Your state’s branch of the Environmental Protection Agency should have this information. First, you need to collect a first-draw sample, which is water that has been sitting in your pipes overnight. Fill a bottle with this sample first thing in the morning before you’ve run any water. Next, you’ll need a sample of running water, which is water that hasn’t sat in your pipes. Run your cold water tap for 2 minutes and then fill a water bottle. By studying these 2 samples, the lab will be able to tell you how much lead you have in your water. This will help you determine what action you need to take." ], "summary": [ "Use a reverse osmosis device for best results. Use a distiller or filter for a more cost effective solution. Follow the device’s instructions when setting it up and using it.", "Turn on your cold water. Let the water run for 2 minutes. Repeat this process for each faucet you want to use. Store water for future use. Heat cold water if you need hot water.", "Identify the source of lead in your well or home. Remove all copper pipes and lead solder. Replace old parts with PVC or PEX pipes.", "Find an accredited water testing lab near you. Collect 2 samples of your water. Take your water samples to the lab for testing and review results." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding Loose Change in Your Home", "Cashing In On Your Change", "Collecting Loose Change in Public" ], "document": [ "Your home is a treasure trove of loose change, so you should mine this space first. The area underneath a sofa cushion is a great space to start, but look in any high traffic areas, such as entryways, hallways and the kitchen. The laundry room is also a key space to investigate since loose change will often fall out of pockets in the washer or dryer. Most of your change will reside in your pockets, so check pants, skirts, and shorts that you haven't worn for awhile to see if there is any change left behind there. If you have multiple purses, be sure to check them thoroughly for extra change. Go through every compartment in the purse to ensure you haven't missed a spot. Doing a deep clean of your home will also reveal change in places you hadn't looked before. Pull out furniture from walls so you can vacuum the floor underneath; you will most likely find loose change under sofas, beds, recliners, and coffee tables. Your car is also another spot where you are likely to have loose change. If you have ever used a drive-thru to order food or have gotten change from a drive-up bank teller, there is a good chance you have change underneath your seat or in the side compartments of your doors. Check under the floor mats as well and in the pockets behind seats as well. It is a good idea to keep spare change in your car in case you need it for metered parking. As you find change, you need to have a central place to keep it so it doesn't get lost again. You can use a jar, a small box, or a grown up piggy bank (or a toy version if you are a kid or kid at heart). Put this bank in a convenient location, like by the front door or in a hallway that you walk down frequently, so you won't forget to use it. If you have kids, give them a piggy bank and encourage them to cash in on the fun, too. If there is a particular toy that they want, encourage them to save half of the money for it in loose change so they have a goal to work toward. Collecting change around the house can teach them important lessons about saving and budgeting.", "The most convenient method for cashing in your change is to simply take your jar of coins to a machine that will sort the change for you and distribute your cash. These machines, like Coinstar, are usually found in grocery stores, malls and other retail locations. You simply pour the coins from your jar into the machine and it will then convert it into cash. The main downside to kiosks like Coinstar is that they take a significant cut of your cash in service fees -- roughly 9 cents to every dollar you have collected. Some banks will give you cash for loose change, but you have to sort the change into each category (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters) before they will do this. You can get these rolled tubes from your bank, but you will have to take the time to sort and roll them yourself. Be sure to check with your bank beforehand to make sure they will cash rolled coins from you. Some banks do not cash loose change. Other banks will accept rolled coins, but they will charge a fee to cash them. If you don't want to sort all the nickels, dimes and pennies yourself, you can look into buying your own coin sorting machine, which generally cost between $25-$35. These machines will sort your coins and then put them into the appropriate roll for you to take to the bank. You might not want to invest in this kind of machine when you are first starting to collect coins. If you only collect $15 in change in one year, it won't be worth even the price of the coin sorting machine.", "Your best bet for finding change in public is to look in a crowded, busy space, like an airport, a subway station, or a train station. In spaces like these, most people won't bother to stop and pick up change they have dropped because they are too busy to notice it's gone. More than $675,000 in loose change was left in American airports last year. Pay attention to security areas of airports. TSA guidelines require passengers to empty their pockets of loose change, but many passengers do not recollect this change from security bins. Go to places where there is a lot of pedestrian activity. If you live near a popular bar area, you might consider taking a walk on an early Sunday morning to look for change on the ground left behind from people the night before. If you visit ballparks, concert venues and movie theaters, you should also keep an eye out for change on the ground or under the rows of seats. If you are looking for change on sidewalks, be sure to also check gutters too. How often do you use physical change in your daily activities? You most likely use it at places like vending machines, ATMs, laundromats, food carts, parking meters and while standing at a cash register. Look on the ground around these places to check and see if there is any loose change. At vending machines, you can check the returned change slot to see if there are any stray coins left behind. If you are using a drive-thru to pick up food, you might get out of your car while you are waiting to look for change. Many customers drop change when the cashier hands it to them through the window, so this is also a good place to check. At cash registers, be sure that you only pick up change on the ground. Many businesses will leave out jars or dishes for tips or for collections for charities. Do not take change in these receptacles; that is illegal. Often, when there is bad weather or a strong wind, stray bills and loose change will be pushed around until they hit a barrier like a fence. Check along the ground near fences to see if any money has been pushed against them. If you are walking around a park or public garden, look around the less tended areas such as tall grass or weeds. Often when change is dropped in these areas, it goes unnoticed for a long time. Taking the time to look here can pay off. Often times when someone puts a dollar into a vending machine and buys something, the cost won't come to a dollar, leaving change in the slot. Some people just walk away without realizing the money is in there, meaning these can be hotspots in finding some extra change. While picking up change is generally a great idea, you also need to use common sense while collecting it in public. If you are crossing the street in Times Square in New York City with hundreds of other people, it might not be a good idea to stop in the middle to pick up a dime because you could trip up other people and possibly get hurt yourself. Before you pick up change from the pavement, make sure it is a coin and not a broken piece of glass or other dangerous object. Getting an infected cut on your hand is not worth a nickel. Make sure that you are not loitering or entering private property when you look for change." ], "summary": [ "Start collecting at home. Check your closet. Clean every nook and cranny. Search your car. Create a central collection spot.", "Take it to a coin sorting kiosk. Roll your coins for your bank. Purchase your own coin sorting machine.", "Look down in a crowd. Follow heavy foot traffic. Think about where you use change. Look around fences or other barriers. Get in the weeds. Check the Coin Return slot of vending machines. Be aware of your surroundings." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the Sun", "Using an Oven", "Using a Dehydrator" ], "document": [ "The tomatoes will need to be cleaned, dried, cored, cut, and seeded. Before you begin, it is important to note that tomatoes should be sun-dried only in hot weather and low humidity. You will need roughly three days to complete the process, so wait until the weather forecast shows appropriate weather for at least that long. Note that you should not remove the skins. Rinse the tomatoes under running water and pat them dry with clean paper towels. Cut a cone shape out of the stem end of each tomato to remove the core. Use a small paring knife to do so. Cut the tomatoes into two or more pieces. Cherry tomatoes should be cut in half, plum or roma tomatoes should be cut into halves or quarters, and larger tomatoes should be cut into 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) slices. You should remove the seeds for this method. Scoop out the seeds with your finger or with a kitchen spoon, leaving as much of the pulp behind as possible. Arrange the tomatoes in trays with the cut-side facing down. Space each tomato portion about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) away from any other piece. Do not let the tomatoes touch and do not stack them, since doing so will likely result in unevenly dried tomatoes. Use a shallow, wood-framed tray. The tray should also have nylon netting for the bottom. Do not use a tray with a solid bottom, since a solid bottom will limit the amount of air circulation the tomatoes receive and may create mold-friendly conditions. Loosely lay a piece of protective netting or cheesecloth over the tray of tomatoes. This protective layer will prevent insects, garden pests, and other potential hazards from harming your tomatoes. Make sure that the protective layer is very porous and light so that enough heat and air can get through without difficulty. Set the tray of tomatoes in an area that receives as much direct sunlight as possible throughout the day. You should set the tray on wood or cement blocks instead of setting it directly on the ground. You need blocks or some other object that can let air circulate up from the bottom of the tray. Adequate air circulation is essential for this method. The tomatoes will need to dry for about three days. After the first day and a half, turn the tomatoes over to expose the cut-side to the sunlight. The trays should be placed in a sheltered location after sundown or if the weather becomes too cold, rainy, or otherwise moist. When ready, the tomatoes should be dry yet pliable. Package them in airtight containers, resealable plastic bags, or vacuum bags and store for 2 to 4 months in a cool, dry, and dark area.", "For the first part of the process, you will need to scorch the tomatoes at a temperature of 425 degrees Fahrenheit (218 degrees Celsius). Preheat the oven to that temperature first. Meanwhile, prepare two baking sheets by lining them with nonstick aluminum foil or parchment paper. You could also spray the baking sheets with nonstick cooking spray if you do not want to use foil or parchment paper, but note that foil and parchment paper will make it easier for you to clean up later on. Use a rimmed baking sheet so that the excess juices and liquid produced during the process will be contained instead of dripping off into your oven. The tomatoes will need to be washed, dried, cored, and cut. Removing the seeds is an option, as well. Note that you should not skin the tomatoes yet. Rinse the tomatoes under cool, running water and pat them dry with clean paper towels. Cut a cone shape out of the top stem end of each tomato to remove the core. Use a small paring knife to do so. Cut the tomatoes into decent sizes. Cherry tomatoes should be cut in half, plum or roma tomatoes should be cut into halves or quarters, and larger tomatoes should be cut into 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) slices. You can remove the seeds, if desired, but the seeds and pulp contain a lot of flavor, so many prefer to leave them in. If you decide to remove the seeds, scoop out the seeds with your finger or with a kitchen spoon and leave as much of the pulp behind as possible. Arrange the tomatoes on your prepared baking sheet with the cut-side facing up. Position them so that each piece is about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) apart from the others. Do not stack the tomatoes or let them touch. Doing so could result in tomatoes that do not dehydrate evenly, so some may end up drying out or burning while others remain too moist to use. Popular seasonings for dehydrated tomatoes include salt, ground black pepper, herbs, garlic powder, and onion powder. Sprinkle the tomatoes with your seasoning of choice generously, or according to taste. If you use herbs, go for options like oregano, parsley, and thyme. Both dried herbs and fresh herbs will work. You could also scatter fresh minced or chopped garlic over the tomatoes instead of using garlic powder. Drizzle a fine stream of olive oil over the tomatoes, coating them evenly. This oil enhances the flavor of the tomatoes and prevents them from cooking poorly. If using store-bought olive oil in its original container, place your thumb over the spout as you pour so that you can control the speed and size of the stream more easily. Use your hands or tongs to flip the tomatoes over so that the skin-side faces up. This is important since you will be scorching the tomatoes before you dehydrate them fully. By exposing the skin side to the direct heat, you prevent the tomato pulp from becoming too burnt too quickly. Place your tomatoes in the preheated oven and let them sit there for 30 minutes. When ready, the skins will show signs of some wrinkling and some browning. Remove the tomatoes from the oven and pour off the excess liquid that has begun to leak out from the tomatoes. Remove the skins by pinching them in between tongs and peeling them off. You can drain the liquid by tilting the pan and letting it run off into a bowl, or you could also suction the liquid away using a turkey baster. As soon as you pull the tomatoes out of the oven, you should reduce the temperature to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius). Do not finish roasting the tomatoes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit (218 degrees Celsius). Return the tomatoes to the oven and cook for another 3 to 4 hours. The finished tomatoes should look visibly dry with a few dark edges. Flip the tomato pieces cut-side up after the first hour of cooking. Drain or siphon away the excess juice every 30 minutes. Remove the tomatoes from the oven and let them cool at room temperature. When ready, you can store them in an airtight container or plastic bag, which can be frozen for up to three months. Alternatively, place the tomatoes in a bowl and cove them with extra-virgin olive oil. Wrap the entire bowl in plastic wrap and refrigerate the tomatoes for up to 2 months.", "Some dehydrators have a thermostat, while others have a simple “On / Off” switch. If your dehydrator has a thermostat, set it to 135 or 140 degrees Fahrenheit (57 or 60 degrees Celsius) and let it preheat while you prepare the tomatoes. If your dehydrator only has an “On / Off” switch, you do not need to preheat it. Instead, simply turn the heat on after you add the tomatoes to the appliance. If your dehydrator does not have a thermostat, it might be a good idea to set a cooking thermometer in the bottom tray of the dehydrator so that you can monitor the temperature as the tomatoes dehydrate. The tomatoes should be washed, dried, skinned, cored, cut, and seeded. Wash the tomatoes under running water and pat dry with clean paper towels. Skin the tomatoes only if desired. Cut an \"X\" on the bottom of the tomato, just deep enough to slice through the skin. Blanch the tomato in boiling water for 25 to 30 seconds before removing with a slotted spoon and dunking into ice water. Peel the skin off with your fingers. Use a paring knife to cut a cone shape out of the top stem end of each tomato to remove the core. Slice off a small portion of the bottom end, as well. Cut the tomatoes into decent sizes. Cherry tomatoes should be cut in half, roma (plum) tomatoes should be cut in halves or quarters, and larger tomatoes should be cut into 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) slices. Seeding the tomatoes is optional. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon, leaving the pulp behind. You can blot away extra juice with a clean paper towel. Spray the dehydrator trays with a light coating of cooking spray or rub a small amount of olive oil over the trays using another clean paper towel. Greasing the trays will prevent the tomatoes from sticking. The oil can also add flavor to the tomatoes. Arrange the tomato pieces on your prepared dehydrator trays so that they are cut-side up and roughly 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) apart from one another. Do not layer the tomatoes or position them so that they touch one another. Doing so will cause the tomatoes to dehydrate unevenly. The simplest option would be to sprinkle the tomatoes with salt. Use as much or as little salt as desired according to your own personal tastes. You could also use a light dusting of ground black pepper, garlic powder, or onion powder, or an herb blend made with chopped herbs like oregano, parsley, and thyme. Both dried herbs and fresh herbs will work. Place the racks in the dehydrator and dry the tomatoes for 8 to 12 hours, or until the tomatoes are smaller, shriveled, and leathery, but no longer tacky. Keep roughly 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of space in between the racks. Doing so will ensure that there is enough air circulation to reach all the tomatoes. Check the tomatoes every hour or so as they dehydrate. Rotate the racks if you notice that some tomatoes are drying more rapidly than others. If some pieces dry faster than others, remove them to prevent them from becoming scorched or burnt. Once the tomatoes are ready, remove them from the oven and let them cool completely at room temperature. Pack them in freezer bags, vacuum sealed bags, plastic containers, or jars, and store them in a cool, dark place until you are ready to use them. Usually, dehydrated tomatoes kept in cool temperatures in an airtight container will last for 6 to 9 months." ], "summary": [ "Prepare the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes in trays. Cover the trays. Place in direct sun. Turn as needed. Store.", "Preheat the oven. Prepare the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes onto baking sheets. Season the tomatoes as desired. Drizzle with oil. Flip the tomatoes over. Blister the tomatoes. Drain and skin. Roast the tomatoes. Store.", "Preheat the dehydrator, if applicable. Prepare the tomatoes. Grease the dehydrator trays. Place the tomatoes on the dehydrator trays. Season as desired. Dry the tomatoes in the dehydrator. Store." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Looking Classy", "Going the Extra Mile", "Acting Classy" ], "document": [ ". Having good posture is an important part of being classy. Make sure to keep your back straight, whether you're sitting down or standing up, and to avoid slouching at all costs. Slouching is a sign of laziness and bad manners, so make sure you keep your spine straight and your head up as much as you can. When sitting, don't cross one leg on the other. Instead, cross them at the feet and not behind the chair. Try doing this when you're by yourself, too, so you get used to doing it in front of others. . This means showering every day, and always wearing clean clothes, without stains. If you're doing something where you'll get dirty, change right after. If you're in a situation where you'll get sweaty (e.g. a dance), bring an extra shirt just in case. Brush your hair several times a day, if need be, and be prepared to put your hair up again if bits are falling out. Don't brush your hair in public, though, because it could be seen as undignified; wait until you're alone in the bathroom to do it. If makeup is your thing, then you should apply it appropriately. For day-wear, natural-looking makeup is the best. Little or no makeup is better than smudged makeup. Remember that too strong or poorly applied makeup has a tendency to look cheap. . The key word here is to dress with dignity. This does not have to cost very much. Keep your clothes in good repair. Anything ripped, or revealing could potentially be seen as inappropriate although this depends on the event or the look you are going for. It is more important that the clothes fit you well, are wrinkle-free, appropriate for the occasion, and cover all the essential bits. This means not wearing anything too short (short skirts or shorts), too translucent, or anything that exposes your belly. If you really wish to wear something a little revealing (deep neck, bare shoulders, or a high cut on the skirt), reveal one thing only. For example, an evening top with a low neck should be accompanied with a long skirt/trousers and have proper sleeves that cover the shoulders. Remember that, when in doubt, it's better to be a little bit overdressed than a little bit underdressed. If you're in doubt about what to wear to an occasion, it's better to look a little nicer than the other guests than to look like you didn't put as much time into your looks as the others.", "Read novels to find role-models for etiquette and good manners. Jane Austen is exceptional in her shrewd portrayal of good and bad manners and morals, and a must-read for anyone wishing to be a classy lady. Reading classic novels also has the benefit or making you a well-informed lady, and there is nothing classy about ignorance. Being well-read will also make you able to make more sophisticated conversation. If you're really determined to be classy, then you have to seek out classy company. If your friends are bringing down your level of classiness or not supporting your new mindset, then you may want to seek out other people who help you become your true classy lady self. These people should be confident, self-assured, and maybe a little bit older and more mature so you can learn from them. Your friends should lift you up, not bring you down, so you should hang out with people who make you want to be better than you actually are. Part of being classy means being a good, conscientious citizen. What the heck does this mean? A number of things. Don't leave your shopping cart hanging out in the parking lot after you've put your groceries in your trunk; return it to the cart aisle. Let pedestrians cross in front of you when you're driving. Hold the door for the elderly, even if you're in a rush. If you've dropped something in the supermarket, clean it up or tell an employee what happened. Don't just walk away from your mess. If you're really committed to being classy, then you have to get rid of a few things that may be making you look less classy than you really are. Here are some good things to avoid: Loudly smacking your gum Loudly chewing your food Burping in public Getting too drunk in public Giving people the finger Cursing Rolling your eyes Farting in public Picking your nose Kissing in public . Being able to own what you've done in your life is the height of class. It's not classy to play the victim, blame all your problems on someone else, or to say, \"I would have been able to do thing X if only Y hadn't...\" Stop whining or making excuses and understand that life is what you make of it and that you have the power to be as classy as you want and to have a life as good as you want it to be. It's not classy to complain about all of the things you don't have. It's classy to admit that you have a lot of work to do to become the person you really want to be.", "Don't swear or use crude expressions. Profanity is one of the least lady-like traits. If you feel that your conversation becomes very dull without the use of profanity, remember that this is just temporary. As you substitute in non-profane expressions (of which there is a virtually limitless supply), you will find your language becoming more specific, more expressive, and more interesting. If you want to sound classy, then you have to speak clearly, avoid mumbling or talking too loudly, and be grammatically correct. A classy lady speaks with confidence and talks clearly enough for others to understand her. Avoid saying \"um,\" or \"like\" every two seconds, because that will make you look unrefined. For example, say \"Hi Jade, did you finish your homework for Science?\" instead of saying \"Sup Bro, did yo' finish the homework cuz I didn't!\", the latter being grammatically incorrect. Read regularly to improve your vocabulary and range of expression. This is the key to being classy, and without this, you will easily be mistaken for a snob. Be particularly attentive to the needs of the elderly and remember that nobody is beneath your notice. Always be polite. Classy ladies do not say anything hurtful or offensive to other people. If you have to confront someone or put them in their place, speak the truth as you see it, but in moderate language and without recourse to shouting. It is important to find the right time and place for such confrontations. If you want to be a classy lady, then you should treat waiters, strangers, friends of friends, or neighbors with the same level of respect you would give to your close friends. Classy ladies are social and at ease with others. The key to doing this lies in making the people you meet feel at ease and accepted. If this is not easy for you, work on improving your social skills, and on being charismatic. Improving your conversational skills is a great way of putting people at ease, and making an impression as a well-bred and well-informed lady. A good start is to always be polite and to say thank you once too often rather than too little. A firm grasp on etiquette is also helpful if you get nervous in social situations, because you'll always know how you're supposed to act. Learn dinner etiquette, party etiquette, workplace etiquette, and dating etiquette to become more ladylike. Remember that it is really poor etiquette to comment on or make a fuss about other people's lack of etiquette or manners. Unless the situation really warrants it (their behavior may cause harm to themselves or others, or is on the way far side of moral and acceptable behaviour), graciously overlook their gaffes and shortcomings. Malicious gossip or speaking badly of people behind their back is not very lady-like. Though you may be angry at someone or feel wronged, gossiping about it to a third party will not solve your problems. If you want to be a classy lady, then you have to restrain yourself and avoid saying anything negative about other people unless you want to cause trouble for yourself. Keep your Facebook posts classy, too. Stick to the positive instead of ranting about \"some people\" who have done you wrong. Being classy and polite does not in any way mean being a pushover or voicing opinions that are not your own. If you deem that your opinions may be too forceful or may be hurtful to those present, do not lie, but change the topic to something else. If someone asks an impertinent question, do not feel obliged to answer - make a joke, or endeavor to turn the question around. When you do stand up for yourself, state your case without resorting to name-calling or getting overly emotional." ], "summary": [ "Improve your posture Maintain good hygiene Be well-groomed. Wear classy makeup (optional). Dress elegantly and modestly", "Be well-read. Find classy friends. Be a conscientious citizen. Drop the habits of an unclassy lady. Accept responsibility for your own actions", "Always use refined language. Be an articulate speaker. Be considerate of others. Make people comfortable. Perfect your etiquette. Avoid gossiping about others. Stand up for yourself with dignity." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Space Helmet Using a Paper Bag", "Making a Clear Plastic Space Helmet", "Making a Space Helmet Using Papier Mâché", "Making a Space Helmet Using a Plastic Bucket" ], "document": [ "The circle should be as large as your face, if not a little larger. The circle should also be placed over the general area of your face. To make sure that it is located in the right spot, place the bag over your head and have a second person trace the circle onto the bag, directly over your face. Remove the bag from your head and cut out the circle using a pair of scissors. You should also consider cutting a half-circle into the bottom left and right sides of the bag. Doing so is not strictly necessary, but it may help the bag sit on your shoulders more comfortably. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b8\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/b\\/b8\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-2Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Place the end of one paper towel tube in the middle of one oatmeal box lid. Trace the shape of the tube onto the lid using a marker. Repeat this step with the second oatmeal box lid, as well. You can leave the lids on or take them off during this step. Note, however, that you will need to temporarily remove the the lids when you cut these circles out. Use your scissors to cut the two traced circles out of each lid. Put the lids back on their containers. You might need to use the point of a nail or the sharp tip of your scissors to punch a starting hole into the lid somewhere along the outline of the circle. After creating a starting hole, slide the scissors into this hole and cut around the circle as you usually would. Position the oatmeal boxes side by side at the back (uncut) side of your paper bag, near the bottom half. Use tape or staples to secure these boxes to the bag. Make sure that the lidded sides of the oatmeal boxes face up. The bottom of each oatmeal box should extend below the bottom of the paper bag. You can make them extend however far you like, but make sure they are high enough up on the bag so that they can be securely attached. Slide one end of a paper towel tube through the top of one oatmeal box. Tape or staple the top of the tube to the paper bag. Repeat this step with the second paper towel tube and the second oatmeal box. These cardboard tubes should mimic the appearance of oxygen tank hoses, and the oatmeal boxes should mimic the appearance of oxygen tanks. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to draw on and color the helmet in whatever way you wish. Also consider decorating the helmet with lightweight embellishments, like stickers or aluminum foil shapes. At this point, your space helmet should be ready to wear. Slip the bag onto your head so that the hole is in the front and the oatmeal boxes are in the back.", "The antenna consists of a short wooden dowel, three metal washers, and a single wooden ball. Use hot glue to attach the wooden ball to the top of the dowel. Slide the three washers onto the dowel from the bottom, positioning them so that they start 2 inches (5 cm) below the wooden ball and end in the middle of the dowel. The wooden dowel should be about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) in diameter. Trim the dowel so that it is about 8 inches (20.3 cm) long {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/42\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/42\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} The center gap of your washers should also be about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) in diameter. The washers need to have a snug fit on the dowel. If necessary, however, you can hold them in place on the dowel by applying a small dot of glue to the underside of each washer. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/e\\/ed\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet2.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet2.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/e\\/ed\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet2.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet2.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} The diameter of the wooden ball should be about 3/4 to 1 inch (1.9 to 2.5 cm). {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/50\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet3.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet3.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/50\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet3.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-25Bullet3.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Use the dome-shaped plastic lid from a milkshake or other frozen drink. Find a small wooden circle that is large enough to fit over the top opening of the lid. Apply a ring of hot glue to the top opening of the lid, then press the wooden circle on top of that glue. Once the antenna and its base are both dry, apply hot glue to the bottom of the antenna rod. Stick this glue spot in the direct center of the wooden circle on top of your base. Let the entire structure dry completely before moving onto the next step. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/40\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-27Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-27Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/40\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-27Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-27Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Find gold or copper metallic spray paint. Coat the outside of the antenna structure, including both the base and the antenna itself. You should spray paint the structure in a well-ventilated area. It's also a good idea to spread out plastic sheeting or newspaper below the structure to prevent spray paint from staining your work surface. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/40\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-28Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-28Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/40\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-28Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-28Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} You do not need to paint the inside of the base. Let the paint dry completely. This could take 12 to 24 hours, depending on the paint you use and the climate you are working in. Find a clear plastic container large enough to safely put over your head. Turn the container upside-down. Center the bottom of the antenna base over the center of the container and glue it in place. A recycled container that once contained cheese puffs or cheese balls is usually a good choice. Regardless of the container type, however, you need to make sure that your head can fit inside and that the opening is very large. If the opening is too small, the helmet might get stuck on your head or may restrict your air too severely. Cut a length of metallic gold ribbon large enough to wrap around the container. Use a thin line of hot glue to adhere the ribbon to the container. Place the ribbon 1 inch (2.5 cm) or less from the container's opening. Measure out a piece of flex tubing that is long enough to fit around the mouth of the container. Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut the tubing to this size. Use black flex tubing with a diameter of 1 inch (2.5 cm) or so. Apply a generous line of hot glue around the mouth of the container. Press the tubing into this glue, winding the tubing around the mouth until the two ends meet. Trim off any excess tubing. Once everything dries, the helmet should be ready to wear.", "Take five large sheets of newspaper and tear them into 2 to 3 inch (5 to 7.6 cm) wide strips. Before you begin placing the newspaper in the paste, and onto the balloon, you should create a space where you can work. Paper mâché can get messy, so simply lay down a plastic table cloth or some old newspaper on the floor or on the table, so that any excess will drip onto the plastic or paper instead of on the table or carpet. Dip one strip of newspaper at a time into the paper mache paste and then lay it flat across the surface of the balloon. Repeat with your other strips, laying them onto the balloon both vertically and horizontally until it is completely covered in newspaper. When done, the balloon should be covered by roughly five coats of newspaper. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/f\\/ff\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-11Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-11Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/f\\/ff\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-11Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-11Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Cover the entire balloon except for a small patch near the knotted end. You will need this space to remain open so that you can get the balloon out of the structure later. Set the paper mache structure aside in a dry, draft free area. Allow it to dry undisturbed for about 24 hours, or until the surface is still and completely dry to the touch. The paste needs to be completely dry before you continue past this step. Your climate will change the rate at which the paste dries. If you live in dry conditions, the paste will dry quicker. If you live in notably humid conditions, the paste might need more than 24 hours to dry. Use a pin to pop the balloon through the gap you left at the base of the paper mâché. After popping the balloon, carefully pull it out through the hole. Use scissors to cut off the bottom of the structure, then cut away a circular section for your face to show through. Work from the bottom or open end of the structure. Cut off enough of the bottom for your neck and head to fit through. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/d\\/d6\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-14Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-14Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/d\\/d6\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-14Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-14Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Still working from the bottom end, cut a rectangle in the front of the structure. This rectangle should be as wide as the distance between the outer corners of your eyes. It should be about as long as the distance between the bottom of your forehead and your chin. Once the helmet has been decorated to your liking, it should be ready to wear.", "The oval should be at least 7 inches (17.8 cm) wide by 5 inches (12.7 cm) tall, or large enough for your face to show through from the inside. Sketch it out using a pencil. Make sure that the hole will be able to line up with your face when you put the bucket on. To gauge where the hole needs to be, hold the bucket upside-down in front of you, with the bottom of the bucket even to the top of your head. Quickly mark the point that is even with your eyebrows and the point even with your bottom lip. Draw your oval based on those marks. Position the tip of a nail somewhere along the oval outline you just created. Use a hammer to strike the nail into the bucket just far enough to create a hole. Remove the nail once the hole has been created. Wedge a pair of sharp wire cutters into the pilot hole created by the nail. Carefully cut around the entire oval outline. Remove and discard the plastic oval you cut out. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/56\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-19Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-19Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/56\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-19Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-19Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If the edge seems too jagged and potentially dangerous, cover it with strips of white duct tape. Use a ruler and a pencil to measure out two 2 inch by 9 inch (5.1 cm by 22.9 cm) rectangular pieces from a larger sheet of white foam board. Cut these rectangles out using a craft knife. Use the craft knife to carefully round off the lower corners of both rectangles. Use white duct tape to adhere the top of each foam rectangle to the inside of the helmet. The two rectangles both be positioned toward the back of the helmet. When you slip the helmet on, these rectangles should slide just behind your shoulders and onto your upper back. Their purpose is to serve as braces that can help keep the helmet straight on your head. Take a standard dish towel and roll it up crosswise (widthwise). Wrap this cloth around your forehead, creating a ring, and tape the ends of the ring together with duct tape. The ring should be loose enough to slide on and off your head without difficulty. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/9\\/9e\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-22Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-460px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-22Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/9\\/9e\\/Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-22Bullet1.jpg\\/aid4280445-v4-728px-Make-a-Space-Helmet-Step-22Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":345,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"546\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/creativecommons.org\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/3.0\\/\\\">Creative Commons<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><p><br \\/>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Use more duct tape to attach the towel ring to the inside top of the bucket. The center of the ring should match up with the center of the bucket. Slide the helmet bucket onto your head with the opening in front of your face. The towel ring should rest on your head, and the foam braces should land behind your shoulders. If everything feels right and the helmet feels stable, it's ready to wear." ], "summary": [ "Draw a large circle on a paper grocery bag. Cut this circle out. Trace the end of a paper towel tube onto an oatmeal box lid. Cut the holes out. Attach the boxes to your paper bag. Insert the paper towel tubes. Decorate the helmet as desired. Wear your space helmet.", "Build your antenna. Construct the antenna base. Attach the antenna. Spray paint the entire antenna structure. Attach the antenna structure to a large plastic container. Wrap gold ribbon around the bottom. Trim a piece of tubing down to size. Attach the tubing. Wear your new space helmet.", "Tear newspaper into strips. Cover an area of the floor or table. Adhere the newspaper strips to the balloon. Let dry. Remove the balloon. Cut the paper mâché structure into the shape of a helmet. Wear your new space helmet.", "Draw an oval on a large plastic bucket. Make a pilot hole along the outline. Cut the oval out with wire cutters. Create two rectangular foam helmet braces. Attach the foam to the bucket. Wrap a dish towel around your head. Attach this towel to the inside of the helmet. Wear the space helmet." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Treating Fissures with Medication and Home Care", "Preventing Fissures", "Treating Fissures Surgically" ], "document": [ "A doctor will be able to tell if you have fissures or if your symptoms are caused by other underlying issues. These could include abscesses, infections, or internal trauma. Make sure you share all of your symptoms with your doctor – they need to know everything to give you a proper diagnosis. A sitz bath is just a bath in warm, but not hot, water. The warm water can help your anal muscles relax, which in turn allows the fissures to heal. Take a warm bath 2 to 3 times a day for about 20 minutes to allow your muscles to relax and the fissures to heal. Relax your muscles every 5 minutes while you’re in the tub. First contract the muscle that you would contract to stop a bowel movement. Then focus on relaxing it as much as possible. Just like a warm bath can help relax your muscles, so can a heating pad. A heating pad is also a good portable option for relief—for example, you might bring it to work with you for use during the day. Set the heat to the middle setting – you don’t want it to be too hot. You can sit on the heating pad for up to 20 minutes at a time. Your doctor might prescribe a topical ointment that will soak into your anal muscles and relax them. Without the spasms that accompany fissures, the fissures may have time to heal. Your doctor will give you exact directions for applying the ointment, but you’ll probably apply it twice a day for 6 weeks. If your pain is severe, your doctor might prescribe a numbing cream like lidocaine. It can be prescribed in addition to or instead of a topical ointment. If you notice any burning or irritation, tell your doctor right away. If your stools are very hard and causing a lot of pain, your doctor might prescribe a laxative. A laxative will allow you to pass soft stools very easily, giving your fissures a chance to heal.", "If your body is properly hydrated, you’re less likely to become constipated and develop fissures as a result. You should be drink at least 2 US quarts (2,000 ml) (8 cups) of water each day. You can drink more than that, if you like. Fiber and leafy greens will help keep your digestive system healthy, which in turn prevents hard stools. This can help prevent fissures. Good sources of fiber include whole fruits, vegetables, and beans. Eat leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and cabbage. Delaying a bowel movement can cause constipation or make it harder for you to go later. That in turn can cause fissures. So as soon as you feel the urge to go coming on, go! Because constipation can cause fissures, taking foods out of your diet that can cause constipation can help prevent fissures. Cut out cheese and other dairy products, chocolate, and fried foods. It can also help to cut back on red meat. Getting 30 minutes of exercise in each day can help prevent fissures. Regular physical activity promotes regular bowel movements, which can prevent fissures.", "Getting Botox injected in your anal muscles will temporarily paralyze the muscles and prevent spasms. Without the spasms or clenching, the fissures have a chance to heal. It takes about 2 weeks to heal from a Botox injection, so keep that timeline in mind when you speak to your doctor. A sphincterotomy is a medical procedure where you doctor cuts through part of the muscle. This permanently disrupts your muscles’ ability to spasm and can be an option if you regularly suffer from fissures. Recovering for a sphincterotomy will take about 2 weeks. If you already have bowel control issues, a sphincterotomy might exacerbate them. Make sure you discuss that issue with your doctor when you talk about this procedure. This procedure involves taking healthy tissue from another area of your body and then using it to repair your fissures. This is an option if the fissures are very severe or are not healing as they should." ], "summary": [ "See a doctor to discuss treatment options. Try a sitz bath to soothe pain and relax your muscles. Sit on a heating pad when you can’t take a bath. Apply a topical ointment to relax your muscles. Use a numbing agent to soothe pain. Ask your doctor about a laxative to make passing stools easier.", "Drink more water. Incorporate more fiber and leafy greens in your diet. Don’t delay going to the bathroom when you feel the urge. Avoid foods that cause constipation. Exercise regularly.", "Ask your doctor about Botox injections. Discuss a sphincterotomy with your doctor. Ask your doctor about advancement anal flaps." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding Work and Getting Licensed", "Starting on Your Path in High School", "Meeting the College Degree Requirements", "Advancing Your Career", "Nurturing Your Interest in Mechanical Engineering" ], "document": [ "In the U.S., you are eligible to take this initial licensing exam as soon as you earn your degree. The version of the FE tailored for mechanical engineering is a 6-hour, computer-based exam with 110 questions. You can find information on test times and costs, testing procedures, and prep materials at https://ncees.org/engineering/fe/. This is your first step toward full licensure as a mechanical engineer. Testing and licensure requirements will be different in other countries. Although the mechanical engineering field is growing, your dream job probably won’t fall into your lap right after graduation. It also probably won’t do to just search through general and field-specific job sites. Instead, tap into the network of friends, colleagues, mentors, internship coordinators, and so on that you nurtured in college. While seeking a full-time job, take on part-time work, or additional internships or even volunteer opportunities that come your way. This shows that you’re energetic and eager to contribute. Co-op programs or internships can provide excellent experience while you’re seeking your first full-time job. The U.S. federal government offers co-op programs along with junior engineer hiring programs. Check the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) website for more information. Keep your resume up-to-date with new skills and work experiences, and revise it to suit each job that you apply for. Likewise, your cover letter should be individually-crafted for each application. You want both documents to show why you are a great fit for that specific job. Instead of listing everything you’ve ever done, keep your resume focused on experiences that are relevant to the field and the job at hand. However, briefly mentioning skills and outside interests that emphasize your positive traits (leadership, team-building, perseverance, etc.) can also help. Your cover letter needs to immediately explain why you are the ideal candidate for the job, then support this contention with evidence. While your resume and cover letter will provide your core qualifications for the job, use the interview to show off your desirable personality traits. Engineers need to be good communicators, team players, positive-thinking, and great at handling pressure, among other qualities. Prepare thoroughly for every interview to make sure you emphasize such qualities. Do mock interviews with advisors, mentors, or colleagues in the field. Get used to answering common questions succinctly yet completely. Investigate the company thoroughly before the interview. Practice speaking and presenting yourself in a confident manner. In addition to passing the FE exam, you need to have this period of work experience in order to take the second licensing exam. Jobs related to mechanical engineering will of course count, and some internships, fellowships, or research programs may also count toward the 4 year requirement. In the U.S., the specific requirements vary by state. The 4 year requirement is found in many U.S. states, though. In the U.S., the PE exam tailored to mechanical engineering is an 8-hour, 80-question, paper-based test given twice per year. Registration details and testing costs vary by U.S. state, but you can find general information on the test and preparing for it at https://ncees.org/engineering/pe/mechanical/. Combined with your passing FE score and your 4 years of experience, passing this exam will permit you to obtain professional licensure in your U.S. state. You’ll also be entitled to call yourself a Professional Engineer. Engineering licenses are typically transferable from state to state in the U.S., without having to take additional exams.", "Study pre-calculus and, if possible, calculus at a high school level, and be sure to take chemistry and physics classes. Physics and calculus combine to form the backbone of engineering courses, so understanding them is key to getting a degree. Mechanical engineering increasingly requires a strong knowledge of computer programming, so start learning it early. Any time your school offers a competition or showcase that requires you to solve problems or build something, sign up for it. Seize every chance you can to exercise your creativity and develop your problem-solving skills. Mechanical engineering is all about making things and coming up with solutions. Try engineering contests, too, if they are active in your area. See if there are engineering summer camps in your area. Many high schools offer drafting and design classes. If yours doesn't, see if you can take such courses at a local community college instead of waiting until you're at your college of choice for mechanical engineering. If at all possible, take at least one CAD (computer-aided drafting) class. Working with computers is now essential in all areas of mechanical engineering, and CAD can be useful in many areas of the field.", "When you start evaluating schools that offer mechanical engineering, focus on those with the proper accreditation based on their location. For instance, programs in the U.S. should be accredited by the American Bureau for Engineering and Technology (ABET). In many U.S. states, you won’t be able to become a licensed mechanical engineer without an ABET-accredited bachelor’s (or higher) degree in mechanical engineering. Some mechanical engineering programs prioritize larger analytical and theoretical knowledge, which can prepare you for a wide range of careers within the field. Other programs focus more on experiential and hands-on opportunities, which may help you better prepare for a specific area of mechanical engineering. If you already know the specific area of mechanical engineering that you want to work in—aeronautics, for instance—a more targeted and hands-on learning experience may suit you better. No degree program is purely theoretical or experiential, though. Ask questions about program content with your contacts at each college you’re considering. There’s no way around it: the math, science, and engineering coursework you need to complete to earn this degree is very challenging. You need to stay dedicated and focused. That said, building connections with your professors and fellow students can help immensely, so don’t simply isolate yourself in your study nook. Don’t give up! At some point you may fail a class and question your decision. Just remind yourself that all good things take time and effort. Taking classes in communication and writing may seem like a distraction from your main focus, but they build valuable skills for this field. Documentation and technical writing skills are a must in most mechanical engineering jobs. Also, being able to communicate effectively with non-specialists is an important aspect of mechanical engineering. Even colleges that aren’t focused on hands-on training will offer or support opportunities for internships related to mechanical engineering. Treat these opportunities as an important complement to your coursework. Not only will you gain on-the-job experience, you’ll also have the opportunity to make connections with employers and others in the field. Building your professional network while you’re still in school will help you when it comes time to look for a job. You can typically complete this degree in 4 years, though it’s not unusual for it to take up to 5 years for many students. Once you have your degree, you’ll be ready to begin the professional licensing process and look for jobs. Some schools also offer 5-6 year dual programs that allow you to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in mechanical engineering. There’s a decent chance that you’ll need to earn a master’s degree at some point in order to advance your career, so think about whether it is worth working toward now or later.", "Going to conferences, attending meetings, and generally making connections with other mechanical engineers can be of great benefit to your career. Building your professional network can open up new job opportunities within your current area of the field, or provide a path to moving into new areas of mechanical engineering. In the U.S., for instance, you might join the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). In most U.S. states, you’ll need to renew your PE license annually. As part of this renewal, you’ll often need to document a minimum amount of CE coursework. CE credits demonstrate that you’re keeping up-to-date with new developments in the field. CE can be earned through in-person seminars, online tutorials, and many other forms. Check with the licensing bureau in your state or your professional organization for details. A doctorate is not required for most jobs within the mechanical engineering field. However, if you want to become a university faculty member, move into a management position, or advance in research and development work, you may need to earn a doctorate. In some cases, it may make sense to work straight through from a bachelor’s, to a master’s, to a doctoral degree. Or, it may be more sensible to advance in the field for several years before starting work toward a doctorate. As before, look for accredited programs that suit your professional goals.", "These may include astronomy, rocketry, geology, auto mechanics, bicycle repair, welding, or even robotics. Any sort of tinkering is good practice. Plenty of today’s mechanical engineers started off by tinkering with Lego bricks as kids, and kept on adding new creative and problem-solving hobbies. Hammers and screwdrivers are a great place to start, but there are many more types than that. If you have the opportunity to take a wood, metal, or plastic shop class, do so. Auto shop is also a good choice. Don't forget to learn about various kinds of measuring tools, too. Ask friends and family to give you appliances and other machines that have broken, or gather them inexpensively from garage sales or even neighbors' curbs. Then, open them up and see what makes them go. If you can put something back together so that it works, great! If not, figure out what's inside and see what you can learn from it before throwing it out. If you're still not sure how something works after taking it apart, look it up and find out. Use tools appropriately, unplug things before opening them up, and don't mess around inside televisions and CRT monitors. (The capacitors inside can hold a dangerous charge long after they are unplugged.) Although electronics are more closely associated with electrical engineering, mechanical engineers need, at the very least, to be able to communicate with electrical engineers. More and more systems are electromechanical, so it's good to know a bit of both. Some mechanical engineers do specialize in electrical engineering and become electro-mechanical engineers. Try things like ham radio operation and computer repair. Build stereo speakers or learn the resistor codes for fun. Your invention doesn't have to be the next light bulb or even a new idea. It could be something as simple as a bent wire coat hanger to dislodge something that always sticks. It could even be a new process or a more efficient way of organizing your desk or going about your day-to-day tasks. Create invention challenges for yourself. For instance, see how far you can make a mousetrap- or gravity- powered vehicle go. Assemble boxed furniture or start from scratch. Make a potato launcher. Create your own lava lamp or trebuchet. Even fun or silly projects will help you get used to thinking about how things work, and how they are built. Think about, and then find out how, the things you buy and use are produced. Where do paper clips come from? How about computer chips or jelly beans? Part of a mechanical engineer's job is to design things so that they can be efficiently, inexpensively fabricated. Go on factory tours in your area, and ask questions during and after the tours. You might even consider getting a summer job in a factory. Although much of mechanical engineering involves being systematic and analytical, it is also about creative problem solving. Try drawing, writing, juggling or doing magic, playing music, and exploring new ideas and places. Nurturing your creativity won’t just make you a better engineer; you’ll also be a more well-rounded person in general." ], "summary": [ "Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam after graduation. Lean on your professional network when seeking your first job. Tailor your resume and cover letter when you apply for jobs. Ace your interview by putting your “soft skills” on display. Gain 4 years of relevant work experience. Pass the Professional Engineer (PE) exam to get licensed.", "Study math, science, and computer science in high school. Participate in math contests and science fairs. Take drafting classes in high school, if available.", "Look into colleges that offer accredited bachelor's degrees in mechanical engineering. Choose either a more theory-based or more hands-on program. Take your core coursework very seriously. Develop solid writing and communication skills. Do internships to gain experience and build your network. Graduate with your bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.", "Join professional organizations to build your network. Complete continuing education (CE) coursework to maintain your license. Work toward a doctoral degree if it suits your career goals.", "Develop hobbies related to mechanical engineering. Gain experience using hand and power tools. Take old machines apart to learn how they work. Work on electronic devices and explore the field of electronics. Solve problems by inventing or reinventing things. Build furniture and machines with instructions or on your own. Take an interest in manufacturing. Develop your creative side along with your analytical side." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Offering Nutritious and Delicious Snacks", "Balancing Nutrition", "Choosing Store-Bought Snacks", "Monitoring Portion Control" ], "document": [ "This kind of snack is both filling and provides interest for easily-bored teens. Some good options are: Apple or banana and peanut or almond butter Greek yogurt with nuts and berries (you can buy them with the mix-ins or add your own) Oatmeal with strawberries, peaches, or blueberries Grapes and string cheese Sometimes, in order to get a teenager to eat veggies or whole wheat, you need to spice it up a bit with a delicious dip. You can also “hide” nutritious foods in the dip ingredients. Healthy options include: Black bean dip with whole grain crackers Celery sticks and peanut butter Low-fat ranch dressing with carrots, celery, broccoli, or peppers Hummus and whole wheat pita chips Whole wheat pretzels in spicy mustard Rice cakes with a smear of peanut butter Almost every teen loves a cheesy snack. Try: Low-fat cheese on whole wheat toast Low-fat cheese spread with whole grain crackers Melted cheese in a whole wheat pita pocket Cheese pizza on a whole wheat crust Popcorn with parmesan cheese (no butter) Whole wheat mini-bagel with cream cheese A good portion of the battle of getting teens to eat healthy snacks is making them interesting. Seek out new options whenever you can. Some things to try are: Edamame Roasted almonds and dried cranberries Smoothies, especially made with soy milk and lots of fruit Trail mix (such as toasted cereal, nuts, and dried fruit) Vegetable omelets Tomato soup Whole grain cereal and skim milk Ice pops, made in the blender with fruit and frozen Consider taking them to the grocery store with you and letting them choose between healthy snack options. On Sunday evenings, ask them to help you prepare snacks for the week. Try creating a Healthy Snacks Pinterest board or bookmarks folder that the whole family can contribute to. Let your teen choose among the options on the board or in the folder when it’s time to shop for and prepare snacks.", "Teens need more calories than younger kids. Teenage boys ages 11 – 13 need an average of 1,800 to 2,600 calories per day. Teenage girls ages 11 – 13 need an average of 1,800 to 2,200 calories per day. Teenage boys ages 14 – 18 need an average of 2,200 to 3,200 calories per day. Teenage girls ages 14 – 18 need an average of 1,800 to 2,400 calories per day. Teens involved in strenuous sports need more calories than the average teen. Check out the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendations at https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/wecan/downloads/calreqtips.pdf. Complex carbohydrates provide energy that lasts. The help with energy and digestion. Nutritionists recommend that teens’ caloric intake consist of about 50 – 60% complex carbs. The best sources of complex carbs are: Fruits Starchy vegetables (such as potatoes and corn) Green vegetables Whole grains Beans Legumes (such as peas, soy, and peanuts) Less than 30% of a teenager’s diet should be fats. Fats help absorb important vitamins, including A, D, E, and K. The best fats are unsaturated. They are found in foods such as olives, nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil, salmon, and anchovies. The jury is still out on saturated fats. Some experts say that they lead to increased rates of heart disease, while others say that they are okay when eaten in moderation. In general, experts agree that a limited amount of red meat and whole milk are okay when paired with vegetables, fiber, and healthy fat. Trans fats are the bad ones. They are found in most commercially sold baked goods, fried foods, and box mixes. You can spot trans fat by looking for “partially hydrogenated oils.\" They increase bone health and encourage strong teeth, both of which are key for your growing teen. Keep low-fat milk, cheese (such as mozzarella, swiss, ricotta, and cottage cheese) and yogurt in the house. Some experts now recommend whole-fat milk instead of low-fat, especially for younger children; however, most agree that low-fat or skim milk is a better option for teenagers, especially if they are struggling with obesity. Whether you choose low-fat or whole-fat milk products, be sure to emphasize dairy over sugary snacks and beverages. They help teens build muscle and strengthen their immune systems. Legumes, chicken, turkey, and fish are good options.", "Sometimes, as a busy parent, it will be nearly impossible for you to make healthy snacks at home. If you must offer store-bought snacks, choose the healthiest options possible. Chips, candy, and soft drinks are an easy option when your teenager is hungry. If they are in the house, a teenager will eat them! Though you likely can’t prevent your teen from choosing these options at school or at the movies with their friends, you can provide better options at home. These convenient, portable snacks are often packed with sugar and fat. Most have added some vitamins and nutrients, but the amount of artificial flavorings and chemicals they contain usually outweigh the benefits. These are every bit as convenient as a power bar, but offer a good variety of whole grains, nuts, and fruit. You can also pick up individual trail mix packets with similar ingredients. Greek yogurt offers a lot of protein, but any low-fat yogurt is a good option for teens on the go. You can get these salted or unsalted, in bulk or individually wrapped. Be careful about portion control though, as nuts are high in calories. These are a great option for a teen who tends to grab chips and dip, but they offer much more nutritional value than potato chips. You can also rotate in healthy dip options, such as hummus. These packs come in every variety, from sweet treats to nuts to crackers. Some offer less nutritional value than others, but they are all portable and very limited in calories. Convenience is key here. Bananas, apples, pears, and oranges are very portable and easy to eat. If you want your teen to grab celery and carrots and don’t have time to cut them up yourself, you may have to opt for the more expensive pre-cut veggies.", "If you made a gigantic batch of granola for your teenager in hopes that they will choose this healthy option, all of your good intentions will fly out the window if they eat the whole thing in one sitting. Package snacks in small ziplock bags or tupperware. Even if you purchased a bag of snacks instead of making it, you can portion it out when you get home. Ask your teen to help you portion out snacks for the week. This is a great time to teach them about portion control. Mindless overeating often happens because of distractions. It’s very easy to lose track of portion sizes if you are watching television or flipping through pictures on Instagram. It takes about twenty minutes for your brain get the memo that your stomach is full. The benefit of pre-packaged snacks is that they tell you exactly how many calories they contain. Foods you make at home are often a little trickier. Download them on your own phone, or encourage your teen to get them. Try some of these apps to help you determine what the correct portions are: Fitpal Piatto" ], "summary": [ "Pair fruit and protein. Use dips and spreads to enhance the flavor of veggies and good carbs. Serve low-fat cheeses with good carbs. Offer variety. Get your teen involved.", "Understand calorie intake. Prioritize complex carbs. Offer good fats. Choose low-fat dairy products. Provide lean proteins.", "Banish junk food. Avoid “power” bars. Try trail mix bars. Pick up individual yogurts. Grab mixed nuts. Stock up on multigrain crackers and pita chips. Look for 100-calorie packs. Buy convenient fruits and vegetables.", "Package snacks individually. Stop teenagers from eating in front of screens. Encourage teens to eat slowly so that their brain recognizes when they are full. Use apps that help you and your teen understand portion size." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Freezing Pineapple", "Eating the Frozen Pineapple" ], "document": [ "You can cut the pineapple in any way you like, really. First, cut off the tops and bottoms with a sharp knife, and then shave off the skins and cut out the core. You can dice the pineapple, cut it into large circles, or cut it into smaller squares. You can even use a handy-dandy pineapple corer if you want to get fancy. Either one will do. Make sure the sheet is large enough to hold all of the pineapple chunks -- if not, then you may have to use two sheets. Make sure they don't touch or else they will freeze together. You can do this for less time if the pieces of pineapple become completely frozen earlier. You can use a zip-seal bag, Tupperware, or any other storage container that has a seal. Make sure you get all of the air out of the bag first so that the pineapple chunks don't suffer from freezer burn. You should label the bag with the date so you know when it is still safe to eat it -- frozen pineapple can last in your fridge for up to six months.", "Just place the frozen pineapple in the blender, follow the recipe for the drink or smoothie, and enjoy. Remember to use a bit less ice, since the frozen pineapple will add some extra icy flavor to the beverage. Just take it out of the freezer and take a bite into the tasty, frozen fruit. Frozen fruit is delicious, and you can try the same trick with blueberries, raspberries, or any other fruit. It'll have an extra icy flavor that will make it taste even more delicious -- a little bit like ice cream. If you want to eat the pineapple raw but don't want it to be frozen, just place it in the refrigerator and thaw it overnight. Then take it out of the refrigerator and enjoy it on its own or drizzle it with a bit of lemon juice first. You can also add it to any fruit salad of your choice." ], "summary": [ "Cut up the pineapple. Place wax paper or parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Put the pieces of pineapple on the wax or parchment paper. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer overnight. Put the pieces in a freezer bag or any airtight container.", "Place the frozen pineapple in a smoothie or frozen drink. Eat the pineapple raw. Thaw the frozen pineapple." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Researching Family History", "Deciding What You Want to Learn from a Genogram", "Designing Your Genogram" ], "document": [ "Chances are, you already know quite a bit about your family history, especially if you’re close with one or more of your family members. Take a look at the questions you’ve formed and see how many you can answer on your own. Once you’ve exceeded your own knowledge, it’s time to talk to family members. Ask questions about family relationships and significant events. Take good notes. While the questions you have written down will help you with the outline of what you’re trying to learn, you may also get useful information you didn’t think about when you listen to stories from your family members. Be mindful that these discussions may be difficult for some family members. Be prepared to listen to lots of stories. Stories are some of the best means by which we remember and transfer information––encourage these as they arise by listening attentively and asking open-ended questions that motivate the person to share more information. Sometimes your family won’t be able to remember everything you need to know, or they may not wish to share it with you. Web searches or family books can be used to cross check what you’ve learned from your family or fill in some gaps. However, you should be sure that this information is accurate if you decide to use it. You have a wealth of information within your own personal history that can help you with a baseline. Gather information from your own medical records. Take into account what medications you may be using, as you can use this information to find out if any of your family members take the same, or similar medication for a condition. When making a genogram you’ll need to know how everyone in your family is connected. Research the unions between family members, gathering information on marriages, divorces, children, etc. Take note of who is married, who is divorced, who may be living together outside of marriage. Is anyone widowed? What about separation, or forced separation? Depending on what you’re trying to learn from making a genogram, you may have to ask some deeper, and sometimes uncomfortable questions to determine relationships. You may have to know if anyone in your family had one-night or very short term relationships and how many. Or, if anyone was ever in a forced relationship. Be mindful of who you are talking to and what kinds of questions you are asking as this could be uncomfortable for some. Now that you know how everyone is connected, it’s time to learn what kind of emotional relationships your family members have/had. Uncovering the answers to the emotional questions will be extremely useful when trying to determine any psychological factors in your family. Are members of a union loving? Do members get along? Maybe some of your family can’t stand each other. As you dig deeper, look for patterns of abuse or neglect. You can go even further and differentiate between physical and emotional components.", "The purpose of your genogram will help you to focus on the type of family information you want to collect. It's also likely to help you decide with whom you will share the completed diagram––sometimes the information might be considered upsetting or too sensitive for some family members, so you'll need to judge that depending on the context. Genograms can focus on a number of hereditary patterns and issues including substance abuse, mental illness, and physical violence, as well as many physical illnesses. Genograms can provide health care workers with a visual document that tracks the history of your current mental or medical proclivities through your family bloodline. Once you know why you're making a genogram, whether it’s for a healthcare provider, school project, or just to get to know you and your family more, knowing what it is you want to learn can help you to organize how you go about populating your genogram. Genograms are like family trees. Only in addition to looking at the branches, you also look at the leaves on each branch. You'll not only learn who is in your family, but how everyone is connected through physical and emotional relationships. For example, a genogram can tell you who is married, divorced, widowed, etc. It will also tell you how many kids each union (typically between two individuals) has, what each child is like, and what the individual relationships are between members on more than just a physical level. Think about what kind of information you want to learn from making your genogram. Do you want to know who in your family has depression, addictions, or a history of cancer? Perhaps you want to know more about why your mother and her mother never get along, by looking for the right clues you’ll be able to make a genogram that serves your goals. This will give you a clear idea of who you will need to approach for information to complete your diagram and whether this will be possible given people's ages and geographical location. Luckily, you can always use email, Skype, and other communication devices to get in touch with family members that you may not be able to meet in person. Knowing how far back you need to go will also make the process easier and quicker. Do you want to start with your grandparents? Maybe you want to go further back to your great grandparents. Deciding how far to go back will give you an idea of who you need to contact. Use what you wish to learn from your genogram to come up with some questions to ask so that you can get the most information as quickly as possible. Here are some examples: ”Beginning with your grandmother, what was her name, who was she married to, and when/how did she pass away? What was her ethnicity?” ”How many children did your mother’s parents have?” ”Did [name of family member] abuse drugs or alcohol?” ”Did [name of family member] have any mental or physical illnesses? What were/are they?”", "Genogram templates are available online or you can start from scratch and fill one out by hand. You can also purchase software programs designed specifically for creating genograms. The symbols act as a visual indicator of the information you gathered in your interviews. You can draw the standard genogram symbols by hand or by using the \"draw\" or \"shapes\" options in a word processing program. Males are indicated by a square. When indicating a marriage, position the male symbol to the left. Women are indicated by a circle. When indicating a marriage, position the female symbol to the right. A single horizontal line indicates marriage and two slanted lines separation. The oldest child is always below and to the left of his family, whereas the youngest should be below and to the right. Other available symbols help you describe family events such as pregnancy or miscarriage, illnesses and deaths. There is even a diamond symbol to represent pets. For example, you may decide to start your genogram with your grandparents or even your great grandparents. Genograms can be used to show the diversity in family relationships as well as patterns of illnesses. A genogram includes symbols to indicate family interactions such as conflict, closeness, estrangement, etc. Emotional relationships have specific symbols that help keep the flow of the genogram clear. There are also symbols that denote sexual and physical abuse as well as mental and physical disorders. Once you've made the genogram, look carefully to see what patterns can be identified. There may be hereditary patterns or particular psychological tendencies that are very noticeable when grouped together in this way. Be careful about making assumptions. The data is one thing, but avoid using it to confirm that your family has a particular disease, or mental issue. Talk to a medical professional about any potential for hereditary problems of this type. Avoid using the genogram to make assumptions about the motivations of family members as well, or using this to confront them. While you might find your aunt has a tendency to quit every job she has ever had while your cousin has always seemed to steal other people's boyfriends, it's not a good idea to use the genogram to \"prove\" your point that a family member needs psychoanalysis. Be very careful to avoid approaching your family members in a judgmental way as a result of making a genogram; talk to your family or personal counselor before proceeding to reach conclusions from a self-generated genogram. If you're writing up the family history, patterns established in a genogram can be very helpful as a way of explaining why ancestral family members left one geographical area for another, what sorts of relationship issues members had and may help to unearth other family members who were not officially recognized." ], "summary": [ "Write down what you know already. Talk to family members. Search through family books and documents, and the internet. Look at your own history. Learn the familial relationships. Learn the emotional relationships.", "Determine your reason for creating a genogram. Understand what you are looking for. Decide how many generations you need to represent in your genogram. Develop a set of questions to ask yourself and your relatives.", "Design your genogram. Use standard genogram symbols to represent family members and relationships, both normal and dysfunctional. Organize the chart based on family interactions beginning with the oldest generation you want to represent at the top. Look for patterns." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Treating Blood Blisters", "Identifying Blood Blisters", "Consulting a Veterinarian" ], "document": [ "Most blood blisters will be slowly absorbed by the body. While the blister might be unsightly for a while, it is best to follow the advice of your veterinarian and to allow it to resolve itself. Blood blisters may take between a month and a month and a half to disappear. You will likely see the bump slowly reduce before discoloration disappears. Avoid irritating the blood blister if your vet recommends leaving it alone. If your cat seems intent on licking the blister, you may need to purchase an Elizabethan collar from a pet supply store near you. The collar will prevent your cat from getting to the blister. If the vet has reason to believe that the area is something more serious than a blood blister, such as cancer, they may remove it and send it off to pathology. Pathologists will be able to study the specimen and determine what it is and whether or not it’s harming the cat. This will allow the vet to decide on a proper treatment plan, if necessary.", "The single most noticeable symptom of blood blisters is bumps that appear just below the skin. If you notice your cat developing bumps, you should investigate them. When looking at bumps, look to see if: The bump is raised slightly. If there are multiple bumps in the same area. One of the hallmarks of a blood blister is its reddish color. The blood blister is red because it reflects the blood that is pooling just below the skin. In the end, the darkness of the bump is one of the best indications that it is a blood blister and not another type of blister or growth. Larger blisters or ones in problematic locations may cause your cat pain. However, it is important to note that not all blisters are painful and blisters are not the only type of growth that may cause pain. Try to notice if your cat experiences pain when you or they touch the blister. Blisters around the neck or in your cat's ear may cause your cat significant discomfort. Blood blisters on the pads of your cat’s feet may cause your cat to limp.", "After noticing evidence of blood blisters, you need to make an appointment with your vet. As a trained professional with substantial experience, your vet can properly identify and diagnose blood blisters. The vet will question you about your cat’s history of blood blisters, possible trauma, or any other symptoms. If you’ve noticed changes in the blood blister, such as bleeding from it, let your vet know. Your vet may need to run tests to find out the cause of blood blisters or to determine if the growth is in fact a blood blister. Without testing, you and your vet will have incomplete data and won’t be able to arrive at a proper diagnosis. Your vet may take a biopsy of the blister and send it off for a pathological analysis. This analysis will test to see if the bump is a blood blister or if it is some sort of cancer, fungus, or growth. Your vet may order a blood platelet count test to see if your cat has any blood disorders. When diagnosing blood blisters, you need to make sure you rule out other conditions that may show similar symptoms. This is important, as other conditions may pose a much more serious threat to your cat’s health. Be aware that blood blisters are sometimes confused with modular melanoma – a potentially life threatening cancer if left untreated. Blood blisters are caused by a variety of conditions. By thinking about the underlying causes of blood blisters, you’ll be better able to diagnose them and to understand why your cat develops them. Some major causes include: Excess friction or pressure on a specific part of your cat’s body. For example, your cat may develop a blood blister underneath their collar. Trauma to a part of the body. Blood diseases." ], "summary": [ "Allow the blood blister to disappear on its own. Send the blister to pathology.", "Look for a bump. Notice that the bump appears dark red. Watch to see if your cat is in pain.", "Make an appointment. Run further tests. Work with your vet to rule out other conditions. Ask your vet about the underlying causes of blood blisters." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Psyching Yourself Up", "Doing Activities to Become Excited" ], "document": [ "We live and then we die. That is a thought with many implications. One exciting implication is that your life is a rare thing; it is an opportunity to make the most of it; life is a thing that should not be wasted. Imagine all the things you can do with the time you have. Put down on paper 5 things you want to accomplish in life. Imagining all the ways you might live your life can be an exciting thought. If you're feeling bored because you're stuck in the same routine, then change it up! There are a number of changes you can make that range from big to small. Small changes include things like ordering something different off the menu rather than getting the same thing all the time when you go out to eat. Large changes include taking a new job, moving to a new city, doing an exchange program for a year to immerse yourself in another culture. There are so many interacting parts, almost anything could happen theoretically. Who knows, you may run into a celebrity whose movies you enjoy, find a ten dollar bill on the ground, or bump into an old friend. The possibilities are endless! Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to get ahead in life that we forget to give ourselves breaks. Remind yourself that taking breaks to play and have fun is a very healthy thing to do. There are a number of ways to play; find the one that is funnest for you: Play a video game; don't worry about whether it seems childish or dorky, just enjoy the experience - get immersed in it. Play a board game with friends. Invite some pals over and Play sports. Join a friendly sports league and foster some friendly competition.", "Get connected with other people. In a world in which we can easily connect with others via technology, it can paradoxically also feel like a very isolating place. Break away from the routine of sitting quietly on the bus with your headphones and spark up a conversation with someone. Who knows where it could lead! You may think that you won't enjoy this but studies show that people often get unexpected enjoyment from talking with strangers. Engage your mind with a mentally stimulating hobby. Learn how to play a musical instrument or pick up a new sport. To make it interesting, seek out others who engage in the same hobby. You can learn from them and make new friends. Studies show that when we help out or spend money on other people, it actually makes us feel good - more so even than spending money on ourselves. Use the positive feelings you get from helping others to become excited about life. Think about the implications: you can be a force for positive change in the world, and feel great about it. There are a number of things you could do to help others: Donate your time to a charitable cause you care about. Pay it forward by buying the movie tickets for the people behind you in line. Buy a meal or a warm blanket for a homeless person. We are deeply social animals. Love is one of the best feelings around; it changes your perception; it is exciting, exhilarating. Although you can't just choose to fall in love, you can do things that help increase your odds: Date. If you aren't putting yourself out into the world, you're unlikely to fall in love. Try to be more accepting of people. There are countless people who have written or said beautiful things about life and the nature of living. Get inspired and excited about life through their words. Try the following to start: A passage by Richard Dawkins from his book Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/83303-we-are-going-to-die-and-that-makes-us-the A quote by Robert Brault: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1017924-why-be-saddled-with-this-thing-called-life-expectancy-of Sometimes, a lack of excitement about life can reflect an underlying mental health condition. It is possible that you are suffering from depression or an anxiety disorder that is getting in the way of your happiness. There are a number of ways to get help for this. Start by seeking out a mental health professional who can help to identify whether you might be suffering from a mental health disorder such as depression. You can find a mental health profession here: http://locator.apa.org/" ], "summary": [ "Remember how rare your life is. Make a list of the possibilities. Change something about your life. Remind yourself how random life can be. Allow yourself to have fun.", "Talk to strangers. Get a new hobby. Help others. Fall in love. Read exciting passages or quotes about life. Get outside help." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Focusing Your Mind During Meditation", "Understanding Walking Meditation", "Positioning Your Body" ], "document": [ "A gatha is a short verse that you silently recite to help you focus your attention during meditation. This is particularly helpful if you find your mind wandering when you are trying to meditate. Take two or three breaths as you recite each line: Say \"I have arrived\" as you breathe in. Say \"I am home\" as you breath out. Say \"In the here\" as you breathe in. Say \"In the now\" as you breath out. Say \"I am solid\" as you breathe in. Say \"I am free\" as you breath out. Say \"In the ultimate\" as you breathe in. Say \"I dwell\" as you breath out. Start with the part of your body that is closest to the ground and work your way up. Begin with your feet and then move to your ankles, to your shins, your calves, your knees, your hips, your pelvis, your spine, your stomach, your shoulders, your arms, your neck, and then lastly your jaw. Being aware of your body does not involve any thinking per se. Instead you are noticing the different sensations and how your body is moving. Notice how your feet feel touching the ground. Notice how your muscles contract as you take a step. What kind of sensations are you experiencing in each part of your body? Do you feel your clothing touch your knees or your stomach as you take a step? How does your hip change positions as you lift your leg up or put your leg down? Notice how your arms and shoulders swing as you walk. As you meditate you will have feelings associated with your body and feelings associated with what you hear and see as you are walking. You may have feelings of comfort, discomfort, pain, pleasure, like, dislike, or neutral feelings. There are no right or wrong feelings. Accept whatever you feel. You do not have to fight your feelings or try to change them. Do you feel any pain in your body as you are walking? Is the scenery pleasant as you walk? Do you like or dislike the sounds that you experience as you are walking? Is any part of your body uncomfortable as you place your foot on the ground? The emotions you experience while you meditate will change. They can be affected by what is happening in your life at the time or the type of day you have had. Your emotions may also change during the course of your meditation. For example, if you had a hectic time at work, you may feel stressed or anxious at the beginning of your walk and feel more relaxed as your walk continues. You will experience many different thoughts and emotions as you meditate. As you experience them, categorize them into thoughts and emotions that are negative and those that are positive. Positive thoughts are thoughts that you want to keep. Negative thoughts are thoughts that you want to get rid of. For example, you notice that your shoulders are tense as you are walking, and you categorize this as something negative. You choose to relax your shoulders and cause tension to be released from your body. There are no right or wrong thoughts or emotions when you are meditating. It may be difficult to be aware of your body, feelings, and emotions as you meditate. Start by only focusing on your body as you meditate. Once you feel comfortable with that, incorporate being aware of your feelings and thoughts. Gradually build up your ability to be aware of all of the different factors. The more you practice the better you will become. When you first start practicing devote 20 minutes to walking meditation because it may take you longer to focus. Once you have gotten the hang of it, you can incorporate this practice into your daily life. Meditate while you walk from your car to the grocery store or walk up a flight of stairs. Modify your focus based on your needs. If you want to become more aware of your feelings while you meditate, you can focus on your feelings only and not include awareness of your body or thoughts.", "Regular practice of walking meditation reduces depression, anxiety, and worry. If you are already seeing a therapist for your anxiety and/or depression, walking meditation is a great supplement to your therapy. The awareness and focus that you practice when you meditate can give you greater insight into your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. This improved insight will make your therapy sessions more effective.Image:Do Walking Meditation Step 12.jpg|center]] Try doing 20 minutes of walking meditation, 3 times a week to get these benefits. You should see changes in 8-12 weeks. Walking meditation will also help you when you try to concentrate or focus throughout the day. If you practice walking meditation regularly, you can lower your blood pressure, decrease risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and decrease chronic pain symptoms. You can experience these benefits whether you are in good health or if you are managing other health conditions. You will usually experience some of these benefits after practicing walking meditation regularly for at least 8 weeks. You are also getting in some physical activity when you practice walking meditation. You may experience weight loss and improvement in your physical functioning as well. Life is very busy. You may be rushing to get from one place or always thinking about what is next on your to do list. Walking meditation gives you an opportunity to slow down and tune into your mind and your body. Walking meditation is based on Buddhist teachings that focus on the importance of living in the moment and being mindful. Mindfulness is achieved through by reflecting on your feeling, body, mind, and mental objects. If you have tried some form of meditation before, it may be easier for you to get in touch with your body by practicing walking meditation instead of other forms where you are sitting.", "It can be inside or outside, as long as it's relatively quiet and peaceful. Avoid steep hills, or places where you'll have to stop a lot. You will need a space where you can walk back and forth for at least 10 - 15 paces. If you are in a public place, find a spot where you will not be disturbed by other people. Before you begin walking, do some stretches. Rock from side to side and from front to back. Make sure your spine is straight, and you have good posture. If you are indoors, try walking barefoot or in socks. This may make it easier for you to be aware of your feet as you are walking. Practice walking meditation indoors before you begin walking outdoors. There will be fewer distractions. Also, walking meditation often looks strange to other people. You do not want to be concerned with how other people will react to you. Take 10-15 steps in one direction while breathing normally. Pause after you have finished your steps and then breathe again. Take as long as you like. Once you are finished breathing, take 10-15 steps in the opposite direction. Pause and breather again. Continue this pattern for at least 10 minutes. If counting the number of steps you are taking is distracting, pick a defined point on the path where you will turn around. You can also meditate by walking in a straight path. Do not feel obligated to pace back and forth as you meditate. You can walk at any speed that choose. However, it is best if you walk slowly and take small steps. Choose a pace that feels natural and that is comfortable for you. Let your arms and hands move naturally as you walk as well. Walking meditation should not be strenuous or cause you to feel out of breathe. Try different paces each time you meditate until you find a pace that works best for you. Remember that you are walking to connect to your body and mind, not to get in a good workout. Walking meditation helps create unity between your body and your mind. Breathe in as you take two or three steps. Then breath out and take three, four, or five steps. Modify the amount of steps you take with each breath. Find what is comfortable for you. No matter what breathing pattern you use, your breathing should remain slow and relaxed. It may take a few times before you find your breathing and walking rhythm. Avoid holding your breath as you are walking. Also, if you find yourself getting out of breath, inhale and exhale more frequently." ], "summary": [ "Use a gatha. Be aware of your body. Be aware of your feelings. Be aware of your mental and emotional states. Be aware of objects of consciousness. Develop your ability to focus.", "Improve your mental health. Improve your physical health. Know the purpose.", "Choose a place to walk. Start walking. Pace yourself. Combine your breathing and steps." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Germinating the Seedlings", "Maintaining Your Birch Tree", "Planting the Birch Tree", "Collecting and Storing Birch Seeds" ], "document": [ "When you see the roots of your seedling begin to stretch along the surface of the container or out the drainage holes, it's time to repot. Find a pot that's at least twice as large as the one it's in and fill it halfway with a mixture of potting soil and compost.", "You can purchase a nutrient test to determine if your soil is lacking any necessary nutrients for a healthy tree. If you do fertilize, use only a slow-release fertilizer and don't apply the fertilizer after August. Birch trees can grow 40 to 60 feet (12.2 to 18.3 m) (12 to 18 m) tall, with a canopy spread of 20 to 25 feet (6.1 to 7.6 m) (6 to 7 m). As you see the branches growing toward other trees, buildings, or power lines, prune them back with pruning shears to avoid entanglement.", "Birch tree leaves need sun all day long, so find a spot in your yard that gets full morning and midday sun. The northern and eastern sides of your home are acceptable as long as the tree won't be shaded by your house. Avoid western and southern exposure, since the late-afternoon sun may dry out the soil. Once your seedling reaches 15 to 20 inches (40 to 50 cm) tall it's ready to be planted in the ground. To get it out of the container, insert a spade into the soil a few inches out from the seedling. Scoop the seedling out, being careful not to break any of the roots. Whether you grew your own seedling or bought one, dig a hole in the ground that's as deep as the root ball and about three times as wide. Use a spade or a small shovel to displace the soil and set it off to the side. Add mulch around the base of the seedling to help the soil maintain moisture. You can use wood chips, leaf compost, or shredded bark. Apply 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) around the base of the seedling, but avoid letting it come in direct contact with the trunk.", "Paper, white, and gray birches are a good selection for cold climates, while the river birch does well in warmer climates. Keep this in mind if you order seeds from an online seller or purchase them at a garden store. If you're foraging for seeds near your home, you can assume they're coming from birch trees that have been successful in your climate. The seed pods, or catkins, start fluttering to the ground in the early fall, and may lose their seeds in the process. Collect a catkin straight from the birch tree in late summer to ensure you get a seed. Catkins are slim, cylindrical flower clusters that have no noticeable flower petals. They look somewhat like small, soft pinecones. Place the catkin in a paper bag or on a paper towel. Then let it rest on a sunny windowsill for a couple days while it dries out. Allowing it to dry will make it easier to get the seed out. Find a plastic bag that will be large enough to hold the container and close with a seal. A plastic freezer bag with a zip closure would work well. Slip the container inside without tilting it and close the bag. The seeds need a period of cold rest time until they're ready to be germinated in the late winter. Place them in an out-of-the-way spot in your fridge for several months. Avoid pushing it to the back of the fridge since temperatures may be too cold back there. An unheated garage is also a good place to store the seeds over the winter." ], "summary": [ "Repot when the roots outgrow the container.", "Fertilize only if a soil test determines that nutrients are lacking. Prune the branches as they approach other trees or structures.", "Select a planting location with full sun. Plant the seedling when it reaches 15 to 20 inches (40 to 50 cm) tall. Dig a shallow, wide hole in the ground. Mulch with wood chips, leaf compost, or shredded bark.", "Pick a birch tree that is suitable for your climate. Capture seed pods from a birch tree in late summer. Dry out the catkin on a sunny windowsill. Place the container in a plastic bag. Place the plastic-wrapped container in the fridge until spring." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Air Drying Books", "Absorbing the Smell", "Cleaning Your Books" ], "document": [ "The sun can work wonders in speeding up drying time while offering an antimicrobial effect for your books. Find a spot outdoors safe from animals and bugs, and place your books in the sun. This method is best for newer books, as old books can actually be damaged by exposure to sunlight. If you do not have an open area with access to sunlight, find a large, sunny window. With the pages facing the sun, place your book upright, fanning the pages out as much as you can. This will allow the maximum amount of sunlight and warmth to reach your book. The more warmth and sunlight your book receives, the faster it will dry. Make sure the pages do not clump or stick together, as sunlight could encourage already-tacky pages to stick together. Dry your book in this fashion for 2-3 days to eliminate any lingering odors or moisture. The sun will both dry and deodorize your book, while drying the pages will prevent the growth of mold. To prevent dampness from recurring during the drying period, bring books inside during the night and place them back outside once the sun is shining. If you cannot keep your books safely outside for this period, you can also use a large indoor space with access to a window.", "Many books grow moldy or musty due to living in a damp environment, such as a kitchen or bathroom. To combat your book’s smell, you must first remove it from the problematic environment. If your book is wet, be sure to dry it before using any of the deodorizing methods. Set your books inside of a sealed container, such as a piece of large tupperware, alongside an open canister of baking soda. The sealed environment will provide a way for the baking soda to absorb both moisture and odors from your book. Clay cat litter and cornstarch can also be used to absorb odor. Set your books aside in an area they will not be disturbed for 3-7 days. This will give the baking soda plenty of time to absorb both the moisture in the books, and the offending odor. Hardcover books may need to sit closer to seven days, as the cover can hold in more moisture. Check for any remaining smells or damp pages. If your book is still damp or still contains unpleasant smells, place your materials back into your sealed container for 2-4 more days. To prevent further molding or mildewing, opt out of storing your books in more humid areas. Cookbooks, for instance, can be stored in a dining room instead of a kitchen, and bathroom interest books can be set on a shelf just outside of the bathroom. Avoid storing books in areas such as the basement and attic, as most basements and attics are prone to encouraging mold growth and developing excessive moisture contents.", "Any time you work with mold or mildew, you want to make sure you are not breathing in any spores. Before you begin, place a mask over your nose and mouth. If you are prone to watery eyes, you may also want to wear a pair of protective glasses. If you have asthma or any type of respiratory issues, do not attempt mold clean-up yourself. Mold can aggravate breathing conditions quickly, and could even prove fatal. Locate any visible sources of mold in your book and gently wipe them away using cloth dampened with alcohol or peroxide. Although alcohol may not remove all of the staining caused by mold or mildew, it will kill the spores and should eliminate the bulk of the smell. If your books contain a lot of mold or mildew, you may need to take them to a professional for cleaning. Make sure you dry your books after you have finished cleaning them. You can use an air dry method, or you can dry them with a hair dryer. The method you choose will depend on the speed you require and the age of the books. Newer books will not be drastically degraded by being dried with a hair dryer, while old pages may be damaged by high heat. To prevent additional mold growth, make sure you store your books in a dry area. If your books are old or particularly prone to damage, you may want to store them permanently in airtight containers, such as large tupperware bins." ], "summary": [ "Choose a sunny, open area. Place the book open and upright. Dry for 2-3 days.", "Remove the book from its damp environment. Place your books in a sealed container with baking soda. Allow the soda to sit for a few days. Remove the baking soda and books from the container. Store in an a dry area.", "Use protective breathing tools. Wipe away any visible mold growth. Dry your books immediately. Store in a dry area." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the Registry Editor Application", "Using the System Configuration Window", "Using the Start Menu" ], "document": [ " Use the tree view on the left to navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\. If you find such a path, right click the individual path and click \"Delete\" from the pop up menu. Click \"Yes\" if you really wish to delete the selected value. Note: The above steps assume that the program is running for every user on the computer. HKEY_CURRENT_USER contains the same path and keys for the currently logged on user.", " The System Configuration window will pop up. ", " Optional" ], "summary": [ "Select \"Run\" from the Start menu\n Type REGEDIT and click OK. The registry editor application will open. Check the subkeys Run and RunOnce for a path to the application you wish to stop starting automatically at startup. If you choose to delete a value, a dialog will result to confirm the deletion.", "Click Start and then click Run. Type MSCONFIG and tap <enter>. Click the Startup tab. Uncheck the programs you do not wish to run on startup, and click OK. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.", "Press the start button. Go to All Programs\n Go to Start up\n Right click on what you don't want to automatically open. Choose Delete. There will be a popup, click Delete Shortcut\n If you want to remove more, go back to step 1." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }