import pexpect |
import json_stream |
import json |
LEAN_REPL_CMD = 'lake env ../repl/.lake/build/bin/repl' |
SHELL_CMD = '/bin/sh' |
BASE_PATH = 'LeanSrc/LeanSrc' |
def make_lean_repl(repl_type='zsh'): |
print('making repl') |
if repl_type == 'icanon': |
lean_repl = pexpect.spawn(SHELL_CMD, cwd='LeanSrc', maxread=5000, timeout=20, echo=False) |
lean_repl.sendline('stty -icanon') |
lean_repl.sendline(LEAN_REPL_CMD) |
print(lean_repl.readline()) |
print(lean_repl.readline()) |
elif repl_type == 'zsh': |
lean_repl = pexpect.spawn(LEAN_REPL_CMD,cwd='LeanSrc', maxread=1025, timeout=5) |
return lean_repl |
def json_stream_itr(bstr): |
start = 0 |
for end in range(len(bstr)): |
if bstr[end:end+1] == b'}': |
yield bstr[start: end + 1] |
start = end + 1 |
def load_mult_json(jsons): |
itr = json_stream_itr(jsons) |
ps_out = {'messages': []} |
while True: |
try: |
data = json_stream.load(itr, persistent=True) |
except StopIteration: |
break |
data.read_all() |
data = json_stream.to_standard_types(data) |
for k in data: |
if k == 'message': |
if data[k].strip().startswith('Lean error:'): |
dct = {'severity': 'error', 'data': data[k].replace('Lean error:', '')} |
else: |
dct = {'severity': 'warning', 'data': data[k]} |
print('got unexpected non-error message', dct) |
exit() |
ps_out['messages'].append(dct) |
elif isinstance(data[k], list) and k in ps_out: |
ps_out[k].extend(data[k]) |
else: |
assert k not in ps_out, k +',' +str(ps_out[k]) |
ps_out[k] = data[k] |
assert ps_out is not None, 'parsing failed: ' + jsons.decode() |
print('parsed output:', ps_out) |
return ps_out |
def make_repl_command(def_str, env=None): |
jsn = {'cmd': def_str} |
if env is not None: |
jsn['env'] = env |
return json.dumps(jsn) |
def send_command_zsh(repl, command, env=None, timeout=5, first=False): |
rpl_comm = make_repl_command(command, env=env) |
""" |
num_splits = len(rpl_comm)//1024 + 1 |
for split in range(num_splits): |
#print(rpl_comm) # NOTE: uncomment to see everything being sent to lean repl |
spl_comm = rpl_comm[split*1024:(split+1)*1024] |
print(spl_comm) |
#print('sent and expecting:') |
#print(len(rpl_comm), rpl_comm) |
if split < num_splits - 1: |
repl.sendline(spl_comm) |
else: |
repl.sendline(spl_comm) |
repl.expect_exact(rpl_comm+'\r\n') |
""" |
repl.sendline(rpl_comm) |
repl.expect_exact(rpl_comm + '\r\n') |
repl.sendline() |
repl.expect_exact('\r\n') |
_index = repl.expect('env": \d+\}', timeout=timeout) |
env_str = repl.match.group().decode() |
new_env = int(env_str.split(':')[1].strip()[:-1]) |
output = repl.before + repl.match.group() |
return load_mult_json(output), new_env |
def send_command_icanon(repl, command, env=None, timeout=20, first=False): |
print('sending command:', command) |
rpl_comm = make_repl_command(command, env=env) |
repl.sendline(rpl_comm+'\n') |
if first: |
repl.expect_exact('~>') |
first = False |
else: |
try: |
repl.expect_exact('\r\n\r\n') |
except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT as e: |
print('did not find newlines') |
try: |
_index = repl.expect('env": \d+\}', timeout=timeout) |
command_sent = True |
except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT as e: |
print('did not find env in output') |
return None, None |
env_str = repl.match.group().decode() |
new_env = int(env_str.split(':')[1].strip()[:-1]) |
output = repl.before + repl.match.group() |
return load_mult_json(output), new_env |
def make_repl_tactic(tac, proofState): |
return json.dumps({'tactic': tac, 'proofState': proofState}) |
def send_tactic(repl, tactic, proofState): |
rpl_comm = make_repl_tactic(tactic, proofState) |
repl.sendline(rpl_comm+'\n') |
_index = repl.expect('(]})|(\"}\r\n\r\n)', timeout=10) |
output = repl.before + repl.match.group() |
ps_out = load_mult_json(output) |
print('ps out', ps_out) |
if 'proofState' not in ps_out: |
return None, None |
return ps_out, ps_out['proofState'] |
def get_errs(outp): |
return [m for m in outp.get('messages', []) if m.get('severity', 'error') == 'error'] |