dk-crazydiv's picture
license: cc

This dataset provides information of all the spaces (~6,200 at time of snapshot) created on HuggingFace Spaces 🤗. Most of the data comes from a public API endpoint while some of the data is enriched by web scraping. The dataset is intended to provide a snapshot of the spaces and was last updated in first week of July-2022.

Along with the name of the space, the dataset consists of following columns:

  • likes (number of likes on the space)
  • sdk (streamlit,gradio or other)
  • status (was running successfully or had error when snapshot was taken)
  • total_commits (number of commits in the space)
  • last_commit (when did last commit happen)
  • community_interactions (number of interactions in the newly introduced Community tab)

Apart from these, we have also added some post-processing columns (where space was using gradio):

  • inputs (Image/Text/Slider etc)
  • outputs (Image/Audio/Textbox etc)
  • ai_ml_reqs (If the requirements.txt contain a popular ML repo dependency like: torch, tensorflow, pandas, sklearn, scipy etc)


Please reach out to us for any queries or discussions.