stringlengths 2
| positive
stringlengths 2
| negative
stringlengths 2
| __index_level_0__
int64 1
subjunctive conditional | counterfactual conditional | indicative conditional | 6,130 |
sound argument | logically valid argument with only true premises | loud argument | 4,667 |
gettier cases | in epistemology, counterexamples to the justified true belief theory of knowledge | mary's room argument | 8,806 |
sound argument | an argument that is valid and all the premises are true | voice disagreement | 8,903 |
fallacy | logical inconsistency | negation | 2,377 |
moral error theory | moral nihilism | pessimism | 3,891 |
fitness | propagation of genes | ability | 12,202 |
human-heartedness | the core of confucian philosophy that should be centered in every act | rationality | 3,540 |
metaphysical explanation | grounding | spiritual explanation | 9,658 |
hegel's phenomenology of spirit | a complex and systematic philosophy according to which the absolute dialectically develops through history towards greater freedom | phenomenal qualities | 8,842 |
qualia | phenomenal properties | mental content | 10,850 |
chinese room | argument against computational understanding of language | chinese rug | 6,312 |
credence | subjective probability | credential | 3,100 |
think | suppose | perceive | 5,828 |
spinoza thinks finite objects are modes of substances. | spinoza thinks finite objects are varieties of substances. | spinoza thinks finite objects are affections of substances. | 7,621 |
ontological reduction | simplifying to the units of existence | what exists must be small | 5,616 |
form and matter | hylomorphism | homomorphism | 3,448 |
pareto distribution | distribution type | inequality | 2,585 |
feminist epistemology | non-traditional rejection of the concept of objectivity in philosophy of science | academic killjoy | 1,303 |
negative responsibility | being responsible for what one allows to happen | punishment | 7,729 |
naïve realism | relationalism | simple realism | 8,071 |
ethical | normative | evil | 8,677 |
reflective equilibrium | a coherentist approach to the justification of moral beliefs. | equilibrium theory | 5,657 |
process metaphysics | everything is a process | due legal process | 6,651 |
phenomenal consciousness | qualia | subconscious motivation | 2,943 |
undecidable proposition | unprovable statement | contradictory statement | 8,493 |
law of demand | price is inversely related to demand | say's law | 2,818 |
is not a well-formed formula | is not a wff | is not a shapely sentence | 12,263 |
inferentialism | conceptual role semantics | inference of the best explanation | 7,955 |
eudaimonia | an overall sense of flourishing or well-being | a greek word for immediate happiness resulting from a singular good day | 10,443 |
a version of platonic philosophy that emerged in the 3rd century ad against the background of hellenistic philosophy and religion | neoplatonism | a version of platonic philosophy that emerged in the 20th century ad against the background of analytic philosophy and religion | 4,077 |
conceptual analysis | looking at conditions under which a term applies | theoretical reduction | 9,781 |
radical skepticism | global doubt | methodological doubt | 4,526 |
good old fashioned artificial intelligence has declined in popularity | gofai has declined in popularity | being outdated and stupid has declined in popularity | 6,092 |
geworfenheit | thrownness | german philosophy school | 4,295 |
plato's ideas | theory of forms | plato's idealism | 5,479 |
the big bang theory | the fate of the world was determined by the beginning moment of the big bang | the behavior of sub-atomic particles in the beginning moment of the big bang are stochastic | 11,386 |
a priori | not empirical | comes first | 2,984 |
beetle in a box | private language | butterfly jar | 3,035 |
norm | rule | average | 5,265 |
study of moral language | metaethics | anthropological study of moral languages in different culture and time | 467 |
origins essentialism | historical essentialism | sortal essentialism | 3,272 |
abelian group | free z module | group object in an abelian category | 6,926 |
love | caring for another's wellbeing | being kind | 10,733 |
indirect proof | proof by contradiction | proving through someone else | 3,128 |
infinity | an unending sequence | a very large number | 3,325 |
reasoning | inferring | valid | 106 |
natural selection | the causal influence of traits on offspring number | validity | 7,197 |
satisficing consequentialism | a theory of ethics in which the rightness of your actions is judged by having good consequences above a certain threshold. | satisfying your spouse | 2,638 |
myth of the given | perceptual knowledge rests on an incorrigible foundation | story of the donation | 6,529 |
fact/value distinction | in the context of using decision trees, the distinction is modeled by decision outcomes versus the utilities of those outcomes | this distinction is a central element for charles taylor's moral philosophy | 10,992 |
retroduction | abduction | prediction | 7,443 |
use theory of meaning. | the meaning of an expression is determined by how it is used. | an expression is only meaningful if it is used. | 5,674 |
evolutionary debunking arguments are genealogical arguments | arguments against ethical realism on the grounds that our ethical attitudes are biologically evolved are genealogical | evolutionary debunking arguments are, historically, derived from a particular sociobiological lineage | 411 |
demarcation problem | the question of how can we distinguish between science and pseudo-science | vagueness | 6,260 |
effective altruism | the view that in donating to philanthropic agencies you ought to select the agency, of those available, that provides the greatest surplus benefit. | utilitarianism | 7,229 |
an english philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism. | jeremy bentham | an reformer english, jurist, and utilitarianism regarded as the social of modern philosopher. | 11,152 |
onto | surjective | upon | 5,700 |
panpsychism is an anti-physicalist view | russellian monism is an anti-physicalist view | telepathy is an anti-physicalist view | 7,690 |
non-cognitivism in ethics | expressivism | moral realism | 5,508 |
fine-tuning argument | proving the existence of a god by referring to the exact constants in science | debating the adjustments | 4,540 |
legal positivism | the validity of a legal claim is grounded by the relevant people's judgements about the law. | it is good to be a honest lawyer. | 5,478 |
friendly | outgoing | cheerful | 3,813 |
mental paint explains the phenomenal character of consciousness | non-representational properties of experience explain the phenomenal character of consciousness | brain dye explains the phenomenal character of consciousness | 6,070 |
grammar | syntax | semantics | 6,558 |
sentient | aware | intelligent | 6,206 |
virtue | excellence | morality | 4,450 |
algorithm | finite procedure | infinite procedure | 9,833 |
banality of evil | the horrifying consequences of mindless and blind bureaucracy work | evil is common | 5,646 |
cartesian theatre | an imaginary space inside the mind where a homunculus watches and hears what's going on in the outside world | a theatre where cartesian plays are performed | 1,862 |
aufhebung | overcoming | destruction | 6,727 |
two-dimensional semantics | an approach in philosophy concerned with discovering how necessary truths can be true | four-dimensionalism | 9,393 |
utterance | locution | phrase | 5,519 |
feminist epistemology | epistemology that talks about gender base discrimination regarding knowledge production | epistemology that is about women | 2,360 |
cosmos | universe | cosmetic | 8,035 |
cosmos | universe | universalism | 2,133 |
informal logic | a non-classical logic that maintains a connection between antecedent and consequent even when both are false | logical formalism | 8,960 |
probabilism | one's credences ought to representable by probability measures | uncertainty or ambiguity | 2,406 |
robot | bot | robber | 29 |
metalanguage | language used to conduct logical investigation | object language | 4,808 |
variable equals variable | the law of identity | variable equals not variable | 3,621 |
epistemological anarchism | feyerabend's theory of scientific method | no government | 3,522 |
four-dimensionalism | the view that all objects have temporal parts extended through time | three-dimensionalism | 9,015 |
supererogation | above-and-beyond duty | demanding | 568 |
metaphysical grounding | metaphysical dependence | belonging | 5,576 |
overflow | conscious but not accessed | spill | 5,829 |
indispensability argument | the argument that we are ontologically committed to mathematical entities because they are required for our best scientific theories | an argument about what is in indispensable to life | 1,245 |
moral revolution | significant change in moral views | liberty | 10,814 |
social ontology | philosophy of beings in society | socialism | 5,967 |
telos | purpose | function | 1,458 |
disposition | tendency | personality | 8,993 |
recombination principle | patchwork principle | meiosis principle | 1,835 |
advance directive | living will | instruction to move forward | 316 |
options | alternatives | latitude | 108 |
vicious | of bad character | cruel and aggressive | 11,454 |
all substances are composed of matter and form | every entity has a material and an immaterial component | all substances are predicated of nothing | 10,286 |
moral generalism | there are true and usable moral principles | generalism about conspiracy theories | 4,842 |
phenomenology | study of conscious experience | atmospheric science | 3,297 |
categorical demands on action | non optional constraints | cannot be changed | 7,484 |
bas van fraassen | author of "the scientific image" | sea bass | 11,416 |
Subsets and Splits