For the most part filing for divorce whether contested or not is the same. The complaint is drafted and signed. The filing fee is the same. The only difference would be service. If the parties agree, then service (the legal process of notifying someone about a law suit) of the summons can be waived. This waiver is available for both case types, but if the parties are contested, they both may not be able to agree on waiving the service requirement, especially if one party does not want the divorce. There is a 90 day statutory waiting period where the parties cannot get divorced before that date. This to can be waived, but the parties have to agree and seek the court’s permission to waive the waiting period. This to is available to both contested and uncontested divorces, but if the parties are contested, then they won't have the required agreement necessary to request the waiver. Whether it is a contested or uncontested divorce case, the parties are required to fully disclose their financial information, within specific timeframes. You may find however that when the couple’s divorce is contested it takes longer for to produce their information, especially if finances and or property are one of the contested issues. Before the final hearing date the case can be called in to court for status conferences, hearing dates for pending motion, and for pretrials, among other things. These additional court dates are usually not needed for uncontested cases. They however, frequently occur when a case is contested. Uncontested cases get divorced sooner. As mentioned, it is possible to waive the waiting period and get divorced on or shortly after the date you file the summons and complaint with the clerk’s office. Compared to those cases a contested case will always take longer. Without waiving the 90 day period you are looking at at least 3 months minumun, but realistically these cases generally require more time in and out of court. Generally these cases are not ready, or do not have a trial until nine months to a year or more after the file for the divorce. The final hearing times differ greatly as well. An uncontested hearing is about 20 to 30 minutes to at the most, while a contested trial is at least a day to several days, and then the judge has to render a decision which can take up to another four months. And while you are waiting for the judge’s decision you and your spouse are still married. Another major difference between an uncontested divorce and a contested divorce are the costs paid to get divorced. Obviously if you are representing yourself then there are no costs other than the initial costs associated with to filing the case. However, there are still costs that are higher with a contested divorces. Those costs are more time spent, more energy spent, less peace of mind, and more stress. Every divorce is not the same, but where a couple can resolve their divorce in an uncontested manner then that would be better for all parties involved. The Law Office of N. Gladstone Brown has experience helping couples going through divorce and resolve their divorce without conflict, through mediation, saving those couples, time, money, and giving them peace of mind. Older PostWhy the Cause of the Marriage Breakdown Doesn't Really Matter.
The Amazing Adventures of Dashing Prince Dietrich has been published! The silliest book of the year is here, and you are more than welcome to grab yourself a copy. Paperback for now, with Kindle coming in a week or two. The name of the series? Woes & Hose. How about that. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the title of the brand new book that I intend to publish in the coming months. It is totally unrelated to The Lost Words quadrilogy. Moreover, I am inventing a whole new genre. Fundark. Or grimfun. Yep. Now, as to our protagonist. Imagine the perfect hero: handsome, tall, courageous, loves his father. Meet Prince Dietrich, the exact opposite. Warning, warning, warning. Spoilers! Like with the first two books, you get two sample chapters of the third and penultimate installment in The Lost Words series, The Forgotten. The book picks up the action right where The Broken ended, so if you have not read that one, please, stop right now, or you might spoil it for yourself. And most importantly, keep the children away. The first chapter, in particular, is very brutal. Now, commence. All right guys. Here we go. Two free chapters from The Broken, book two of the series. This should give you a relatively good idea what the sequel is all about, as well as massively spoil the ending of the first book, since a few very monumental things happen on the very first page. In the very first sentence of the first chapter. So I beg you, if you have not read The Broken, do not be tempted to scroll down any further. You have been politely warned. Cheers. Ewan had never seen an army before, although he had read about them in books. There was no army in the Safe Territories. It was one of the founding principles of the country. People who wanted to live without violence came to the Safe Territories to escape the brutal world out there, be they refugees or criminals. No one asked any questions. Everyone was welcome, as long as they swore to leave their former lives behind and start afresh. People were given a shelter to live in. They were given jobs that fit their skills. Some were even given new names. All sins were forgiven. It was like being born again. And in return, the newcomers promised to live by the Code for the rest of their lives. A fair bargain, by far. The long train of soldiers was trundling down the Old Road, raising a huge cloud of dust that looked like a sandstorm. It was what had drawn Ewan’s eye in the first place. Commander Mali winced as she methodically worked the string wrapped around her fingers. She had noticed a few brown hairs above her upper lip the night before and was now removing the culprits while a ruddy irritation bloomed in their place. Most female soldiers did not pay much attention to their looks, but Mali did not share their sentiment. She believed herself to be good-looking and intended to stay that way, despite her battle scars and the harsh sun, or even more so because of them. Men appreciated good looks. More than bad looks, at least. She looked away from her reflection in a small wall mirror, toward the slumbering shape of Captain Ralf, her last night’s companion. He slept peacefully, exhausted, tangled in sweat-soaked linen, one leg dangling off the bed, a spectacular backside just peeking beneath the cover, taunting her. She smiled.
Home Opinion Is Akufo-Addo Competent To Lead A Dignified People Against Imperialists? Is Akufo-Addo Competent To Lead A Dignified People Against Imperialists? Ntoaboma—Mr. Akufo-Addo at the moment has handed over seized Ghanaian lands to the Imperial Air and Land Forces of the United States of America for 20 million dollars. In return he will receive a strong American Military Base in Ghana, over which the president, Akufo-Addo, will have no jurisdiction—none whatsoever. Mr. Akufo-Addo’s competence as president of Ghana now remains in doubt. What is the crucial question: Is Akufo-Addo and his friends capable of making good decisions? Not are they capable of being decent, humane, and empathic toward their wives, children and friends. Are they capable of being Machiavellian, successfully ruthless, basically rational bastards? This is the question plaguing the Ghanaian in light of this deal with the Imperial Forces of America. Background To Seizing the Land. If there’s a government law that folks in Ntoaboma fear more than any other law, it is the Ghana government’s sovereign power to seize Ntoaboma lands for so-called public purposes. This picture is no different in far-away Teshie, near Accra, the capital city, where government land-grabs have been more rampant and where it has been done with utmost impunity. The reality of “government lands” in Teshie, for instance, dates back to the beginning of colonialism. At its height the British Colonial Government seized lands for its mercenaries and forced payment to the tune of “what the colonial government deemed fit.” After independence, instead of reversing the trend, Nkrumah continued in the same tradition, seizing large swaths of lands, not for immediate government use alone, but for planned future public interest developments. That is, the government grabbed historical farmlands from natives— preventing them from making a living—in a bid to build bungalows in the future for American and Russian-educated Ghanaian lawyers. Even after his overthrow, when it became clear that the government was no longer interested in Nkrumah’s grandiose programs, those lands were never returned to their rightful owners. Rather a new breed of Ga chiefs and clan heads, some educated in various neocolonial institutions, decided to mimic their colonial masters of old and to act out Nkrumah’s passion: They too seized stool lands back again from the government, and sought to aggrandize themselves on the sale of traditional and family lands. Seizing Land and Signing Contracts with Foreigners. The curse of this impunity is made manifest in the new contract that Mr. Akufo-Addo has signed—in perpetuity—with the Imperial Armed Forces of the United States of America (IAFOUSA). In this contract, not only does the Imperial Armed Forces of the United States have a right to use Ghanaian lands, Ga lands, for anything they wish, they can also use the airspace and waterways that grant them access to these territories in any manner they deem fit. Without question. The fact: Land, and the airspace above it, is now being seized and given to the United States of America to build what—for all intents and purposes—quarks, swims, and looks like a foreign military base. How such an act of public land seizure from natives can be justified under the 1992 Constitution is only made possible through the government piracy law of Eminent Domain, which remains a serious corruption that is only made clear by examining its illegal origins in Little Britain and its colonial escapades in Africa. It is within this context of Eminent Domain that Ghana’s contract with the United States Armed Forces, signed by President Akufo-Addo, must be scrutinized. And it is in this final analysis that it is sufficient to question the competence of Mr. Akufo-Addo himself. Is he acting in the interest of the nation? How can one explain away the value to Ghanaians, to Gas, of an American imperial armed forces on Ghanaian soil? How is handing over Ghanaian territory to a foreign military power not an act of war, not an act of treason? What is Eminent Domain in Ghana? Simply put, it is the act of seizing what was hitherto actual public lands (stool lands, skin lands, that was, farmland for the people) for use by the neocolonial government, located in Accra, in the name of developing public goods, often parochial public goods. The neocolonial government in Accra, in many instances, has been exposed ceding Ga farmlands to Chinese estate developers for free. (Of course for kickbacks from Chinese oligarchs). Furthermore, some of these farmlands, around Kotoka International Airport, are not even seized with the intent to develop public infrastructure any longer, which was part of Nkrumah’s goal, but they are seized, surveyed and resold to the public at such exorbitant costs that the poor Ga farmers the lands were taken from in the first place can no longer afford them. The Demise of the Many Millions of Inconvenient Ghanaians. The neocolonial government land condemnation for the sole purpose of selling to America’s Imperial Forces puts the issue on another level. Do our leaders’ strategies promise a terrible kind of social stability based on the planned demise of many millions of inconvenient Ghanaians—those the American, Teddy Roosevelt, called Trash People? Or will our neocolonial leaders finally and more likely open the gates of hell once more and usher in another age of chaos magnitudes more devastating than the horrors created by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? First things first so we can gain a deeper meaning. Mr. Akufo-Addo’s new contract with the Yankees breaks two intrinsic Ghanaian Traditional laws. One cannot argue that (1) the action is in the interest of Gas. It goes against Ga-Dangme Traditional Law from which judicial setting these public lands were seized that a foreign military can dock on its soil, and (2) one cannot argue that the purpose for which these lands are being condemned is any longer for the so-called greater Ghanaian good. That is, it flies in the face of the argument for Eminent Domain. A foreign military occupation, condemnation or seizure of Ga-Dangme land is a direct act of war first against all Ga-Dangmes. More, beyond the illegal condemnation of Ga Traditional lands by the government of Ghana in the name of Eminent Domain for the purposes of selling to the United States of America for 20 million dollars, there’s a more pertinent issue of our unified existence as Ghanaians that is also at stake. That of our Sovereignty. The presence of the Imperial Armed Forced of the United States (IAFOUSA) presents a real threat to our sovereignty. Worse, “the potential for escalation into a bigger real and psychological threat on the minds of ordinary Ghanaians remains an issue much in the likeness of colonial occupation.” There are simply enough clauses in the new agreement that Mr. Akufo-Addo signed that gives IAFOUSA room for such an evolution. America does not have to invade Ghana for it to constitute a concern. At the moment, endowing a territory within Ghana that is allocated to the Imperial Armed Forces of the United States of America, with the attributes of an embassy is an act of ceding Ghanaian sovereignty. It is treasonous. Hence the question must be asked: Is Mr. Akufo-Addo competent when he makes the lame excuse that the renewal of the military contract with the United States is not his decision, or that his hands are tied? Is he a Christmas goat in Ghana or a Thanksgiving Turkey in America? The president claims that the new contract he signed (although his hands were tied) mimics a 1998 Mission Agreement and that he’s done nothing new. Which is not true, Mr. Akufo-Addo has clearly ceded Ghanaian sovereignty and has also extended immunity to American military service personnel—as he would diplomatic personnel. How is the president able to make a case to Ghanaians—without exposing his insanity—to see a company or battalion of mercenary soldiers as diplomats for life, or how is he able to argue strenuously—without gaining admission to a substance abuse clinic—that IAFOUSA are comparable to soldiers on peace keeping officers or similar other personnel? Furthermore, it must also be understood that the backdrop to this whole nonsense is that the so-called mission for which the 1998 Agreement was signed has lapsed. For good reason. Hence for what compelling argument does the President of Ghana have for signing a perpetual extension? What geopolitical circumstance—at the moment—warrants the presence of United States Imperial Air and Land Forces in Ghana? Nothing. Absolutely nothing! The president and his men are yet to mention a substantial reason why American Imperial Forces, or USKKKAFRICOM, should be given access to seized traditional lands and Ghanaian public facilities and locations—with all the exemptions and inspection waivers that come with it—to freely roam the country like colonial mercenary armies. More yet, should Ghanaians now compound the risk that we and most other countries face with an Atomic Bomb wielding nation like the United States by ceding territory? Should the rest of the world now grant diplomatic missions in all countries to whole infantries of military personnel from the United States? It would seem odd, if not completely stupefying, if Mr. Akufo-Addo fails to comprehend that going beyond the scope of international diplomacy and giving the same license to American soldiers, who are essentially Amerikkka’s warriors, serves only one purpose, and one purpose alone. It magnifies Ghana’s exposure for a hostile takeover by the Imperial Air and Land Forces of the United States of America. Is Mr. Akufo-Addo competent enough to understand that a loss of sovereignty over a piece of the country to a foreign military force is no sovereignty at all? Does he understand that the loss of sovereignty need not be total yet, but that this new contract with IAFOUSA represents a real step towards a total loss of sovereignty over our lands and our lives? Does he understand that this clandestine, and foolish step is absolutely needless? Is Mr. Akufo-Addo competent enough to understand these things, or is he just another Christmas goat in Teshie (Under Rock), or a Thanksgiving Turkey in Little Rock, Arkansas?
The attacks of 9/11 were very senseless acts of violence against the people of this great nation carried out by individuals who claimed to speak for an entire people. But despite this tragedy that took away innocent lives on that day, the people of this nation has proven to the world that we still retain the resiliency, commitment to freedom, and are united more than ever before against the fight of terrorism. However, as a result of these attacks, major changes came into effect which affected our lives forever by the implementation of the new law, the Patriot Act. Just about everyone has heard about the USA Patriot Act. However, most people couldn't actually define or described what it actually is. . What is the USA Patriot Act? The USA Patriot act is an acronym that stands for "Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 " which granted American law enforcement unprecedented rights to gather intelligence and abridge civil liberties in the face of the terrorist threat to the United States. It is a law that was signed into effect by President George W. Bush and passed by Congress on October 26, 2001. . What are some of the effects of the Patriot Act?. The Patriot act specifically reduced the restrictions that police and other law enforcement officials face when they search telephone lines, email communications, medical records, financial information and other personal information. In other words, it took away some of the privacy rights that US citizens held so that our country could be safer from terrorist attacks. Furthermore, the patriot act provisions allowed immigration authorities to detain anyone they felt could potentially be involved in a terrorist plot. The act also included safety precautions for domestic terrorism, so even US citizens could be detained if they gave government officials reasons to suspect them.
With the upcoming visit of Jane Holle Lute (the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Cyprus) to the UK, we asked the Government, Opposition & APPG for Cyprus for their views on the Cyprus issue. “I would like to assure you of the UK’s ongoing support for a just and lasting settlement to reunite Cyprus. We continue to believe that the internationally accepted model of a bizonal, bicommunal federation is the best way to achieve that goal. On Security and Guarantees, the UK has always made clear that we are open to whatever arrangements the two sides and other Guarantor Powers can agree to meet the security needs of both Cypriot communities. A final deal will also only be possible if it passes referenda in each community. At last year’s Conference on Cyprus, all parties engaged with serious intent to reach a deal. In the end it was not possible to bridge the gaps. Since then, the British Government has urged all parties to avoid words or actions that risk escalating tensions in the region or that could have a negative impact on the prospects for resuming the talks. The UK has long recognised the sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus to exploit the natural resources in its Exclusive Economic Zone and we want to see exploration go ahead. We have discussed the developments earlier this year with Turkey. We believe that Cyprus’ hydrocarbons should be developed for the benefit of all Cypriots, and urge all parties to look for ways by which the development of hydrocarbons can support a search for a settlement. “Forty four years after the invasion, the Labour Party continues to seek an end to the occupation, and the reunification of Cyprus. We are committed to supporting President Anastasiades & Mr Akinci, the international community and the people of Cyprus to achieve this. A solution must be in line with UN Security Council resolutions, High level agreements, the EU acquis, as well as the Guterres framework, as articulated in Crans Montana. It must also respect the Rule of Law and the fundamental rights of all Cypriots. We support the re-unification of Cyprus as a bizonal, bi-communal federation that is a normal, viable state and that represents all the communities of Cyprus. Cyprus is a member of the EU & Commonwealth and does not require outdated guarantees or foreign troops. We must look forward and the EU represents the best security for all the people of Cyprus. A just solution must also address the crucial issue of property. Cypriots from both communities have lost property and a solution must allow these refugees to reclaim their property, if they choose to. We must also rapidly address the humanitarian issue of the missing persons. We encourage all Governments to release information from their archives and fully cooperate, to bring closure to the families who still do not know the fate of their loved ones. “The Liberal Democrats want to see the reunification of Cyprus after 44 years of division. Cyprus can succeed as an independent and reunited state on the basis of reconciliation and respect for the fundamental rights of both the Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities. Any future settlement of property rights must ensure that the legitimate claims of the Greek Cypriot population evicted in 1974 are recognised, without causing a second injustice. We support the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops and military equipment, and the ending of restrictions governing the mobility, property and settlement of both communities within the island.We are calling for the leaders of the two communities to reach agreement on the reunification of Cyprus. We believe in a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with political equity, and a federal government with a single international sovereignty and citizenship. We support a comprehensive agreement that will deliver equality for both Turkish and Greek Cypriots on the island. It is also vitally important that the details of all missing persons is released. “It is time to bring to an end the illegal 44 year occupation of the northern part of Cyprus and reunite the island, so that all Cypriots can live and prosper together, and so that the human rights of all Cypriots are respected. I want to see a just and lasting solution that will ensure Cyprus is respected as an independent and sovereign country without third country guarantors or foreign troops. As an honorary citizen of Morphou, I also know how important it is for refugees from the invasion to be able to return freely to their homes and a solution must ensure that individuals are able to do so. The Green Party welcomes the appointment of the UN Special Envoy on Cyprus, Ms Jane Holl Lute and is supportive of all actors in the challenge of achieving successful negotiations towards a united Cyprus and a peaceful future for all Cypriots. We support the re-unification of the island as a bi-communal, unified state which represents all communities in Cyprus. We urge the UK to support this process and to recognise the importance of this particular opportunity to restart negotiations, while engaging with leaders of both communities- those of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot community. The process of exiting the European Union must not detract from other international priorities such as the opportunity to work for a peaceful and united Cyprus. Standing for the principles of non-violence and anti-colonialism, the Green Party supports a demilitarized Cyprus without foreign troops on its soil. As a member of the European Union, a unified Cyprus would not need a system of guarantor powers, which is an outdated concept, and the British Government should publicly call for the Treaty of Guarantee to be abolished. In recognition that only the Republic of Cyprus is currently an EU member state, Green Party recognises that the United Nations is the best arena in which Cyprus’ security can be ensured. The role of guarantor powers, currently, Turkey, Greece and the United Kingdom should cease. We support the rights of refugees to return, as required by international law, and insist on the importance of finding meaningful solutions for those who were internally displaced, to return or be compensated as part of the peace negotiations. We also urge the international community, particularly countries which benefit from the skills and labour of the Cypriot diaspora such as the UK, US, Canada, Australia and South Africa to participate in the reflection about they can also support the process and offer compensation for those who lost their land on both sides. Compensation, through financial support and investing in peace, rather than military solutions, we believe would be a just approach from the international community, which will help the people of Cyprus in the upcoming negotiations and in sustaining the future peace. *Released on 15 October 2018 a few weeks after the meeting of the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy visited the UK.
With your enrollment at Tree of Life, please know that this program is based on a FULL SCHOOL YEAR (Sept-May) of attendance with 2 payment installments for better budgeting. There is a non-refundable $50 application fee per student. This fee is waived for returning students. Once notified of acceptance and class placement, a non-refundable $200 tuition deposit will be due by February 15th to secure the spot.
As I outlined in my previous PTSD article, it is clear that the U.S. military is under a tremendous amount of psychological strain due to repeated deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. But, the story doesn’t end there. The official statistics also reveal another, even more troubling trend: the suicide rate among retired and currently serving military personnel continues to spike. As the statistics show, there is a suicide epidemic in the military, and despite increased access to mental health professionals and millions of dollars of more funding for psychiatric treatments, the rate continues to rise. Just as in the case of rising PTSD, it would appear that repeated deployments to extremely violent, open-ended war theaters are the root cause of the problem. Therefore, I would like to ask readers: What would you offer as short-term and long-term solutions? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and third party supporters, let’s hear from you. Tea Party, Coffee Party, and Liberty movement supporters, what are your solutions? And why do you think both the Bush and Obama administrations have failed to stem the tide? * The sources for these statistics can be found here, here, and here. Also, to read my PTSD article, click here.
The Bite for tonight is one which contains several abstract applications to the human existence and the ideas expressed have many interpretive analogies that can be extracted from them. The realization of this truth can lead you into their meaning for you personally and our goal at ThinkerBites is to inform you, enabling you to make your own personal decision as to what the content says to you. We hope that our input will lead you to form your own opinion as to the degree of effect the principals noted are and of what value to your personal growth. The unraveling of the thoughts presented, has at it’s basic purpose to aid you in analyzing the facts and form an intelligent conclusion as to how they apply to your plan for life success and happiness. Please don’t blow the analogical thoughts shared here off as nonsense because you will overlook a very valuable concept which fuels the growth of your Personal Development. Some people will say that what you do doesn’t matter in the long run because you are a product of fate and your environment; if you believe that then you don’t need to waste anymore time reading any further on this website. It really doesn’t matter what techniques you apply to your plan for Success, without Personal Development you’ll never reach your goals or the full potential you were designed to accomplish. « What Is It That You Need?
Now that Section 508 accessibility standards in the U.S. have been refreshed and a deadline has been set, what are the next steps? Who is responsible for ensuring that you have an accessible website by Jan. 18, 2018? The answer is twofold: your organization as well as the agencies you work with. Think of web accessibility compliance like physical accessibility compliance—wheelchair ramps, automatic doors, and so on. At one point in time, your organization likely adjusted your thinking and made it a priority to better serve both customers and employees in your physical space. The process may have been taken months, even years, and at times it was undoubtedly challenging. However, you made it through. It’s time to take that attitude toward digital accessibility. Determine who is involved in your company’s website at all levels, including but not limited to web developers, designers, content contributors, marketers, and managers. Itemize everyone’s website responsibilities and how their jobs might be influenced by accessibility efforts. If you aren’t sure where to start, start with the Creating Accessible Websites Series for Web Designers, Web Developers, and Web Editors. Websites are developed and maintained in any number of ways. Some sites are managed entirely in-house, while many companies rely on outside agencies for different services. This could include your IT department, content management system (CMS), web design agency, and so much more. You may rely on these agencies for their services, but the responsibility still falls on your organization to work with companies that also make accessibility a priority. Are your agencies aware of accessibility standards? What measures are they taking to ensure their product or service is accessible? If they do not plan to take action, what other companies can you consider working with? In light of the Section 508 Refresh in the U.S., there are still many unanswered questions regarding digital accessibility. To learn more about the refresh and what steps you and your team need to take before January 2018, watch our recent webinar, Section 508 Refresh: Now What?
Kim Vos, Customer Service Rep. Kris Zimmerman, Loan Officer Asst. Fax: 641-527-2534 Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fax: 641-594-3746 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fax: 641-937-5485 Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. Fax: 641-522-7361 Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. E-mail us your questions or comments or you can call us directly at Lynnville (641-527-2535 or 888-527-2534), Sully (641-594-3744), Agency (641-937-5236), Brooklyn (641-522-9231) or Grinnell (641-236-7700) and speak with one of our friendly banking professionals. Or visit us in person at any of our locations during regular business hours. During business hours, please contact either location above. After hours, please call Shazam 800-383-8000. Email is not secure and is intended for general banking questions and request for additional information. Please do not include any of your personal banking information (i.e., social security numbers, PIN or passwords, etc.), as information sent to us from this page is not encrypted.
When you think of cryptocurrency, chances are the first thing that comes to mind is Bitcoin. By now, Bitcoin is something that most people are aware of — even if they aren’t exactly sure what it is. Accepting cryptocurrencies can make sense for your business, whether you sell physical goods or whether you’re a freelancer. But using a cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange doesn’t mean you have to go with Bitcoin. In fact, there are a surprising number of cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin. One of the cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin that’s gaining a lot of ground right now is Dash. That’s because Dash is open source and very centered on privacy. On top of that, there are low fees that come with Dash. To tell the truth, most cryptocurrencies are going to come with lower fees than what you pay with bank and credit card transactions. However, there are cases where it’s even free to send Dash. It’s also nice that Dash is an instant peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. You don’t have to worry about it because payments are private, and instantly appear to the person on the other side of the transaction — anywhere in the world. There’s a reason Dash is one of the most popular Bitcoin alternatives out there. One of the oldest cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin is Litecoin. This cryptocurrency has been around for several years. Interestingly enough, even though it is capable of handling a higher transaction volume than Bitcoin, it still isn’t as well-known. Mining reward: It’s a little easier to mine Litecoin than bitcoin, and Litecoin miners can get 25 new litecoins per block (this amount is halved about every four years). In sheer numbers, that means there will be more currency units than is seen with Bitcoin. Wallet encryption: You can see your balance and transactions with this encryption, but you can’t actually spend your litecoins until you enter your password. This provides an extra layer of security against trojans and viruses. Due to its availability and other features, it’s no surprise Litecoin is on the rise. Peercoin is one of the most potentially inflationary cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin. There’s a lot that goes into rewarding miners and there is no upward limit to how many will be mined. Minting uses Proof of Stake for security in the network, which means that Peercoin security is not impacted the same way that Bitcoin mining is when it comes to Selfish Mining. It’s also worth noting that Peercoin is derived from Bitcoin. So if you have hardware that works with the Bitcoin network, it will also work with Peercoin. This is great for mining, but it can also allow you to accept payment for more than one cryptocurrency without the need to use different networks. The peer-to-peer technology used for feathercoin is designed to create borderless payments. One of the cool things is that feathercoin is somewhat unique among cryptocurrency alternatives in that it has a number of features to really bypass banking. In fact, feathercoin is working on open source projects for ATMs and Point of Sale equipment. Right now, it can be cumbersome to use cryptocurrencies. In many cases, it’s hard to use cryptocurrencies in “real world” transactions that take place offline. That might change if feathercoin’s projects come to fruition. Physical, laser-etched coins and access to the cryptocurrency easily at Point of Sale terminals and ATMs really set this digital currency apart. When it comes to mining, Quarkcoin offers the opportunity to just about anyone with a CPU. It doesn’t give the advantage to special equipment or server farms. So, if you are looking for a way to mine a little bit more, the Quarkcoin can help. Like Bitcoin and cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin, Quarkcoin is peer-to-peer. You can make payments directly to the person you want to, almost instantly. Plus, there is a high level of security with Quarkcoin. We’re talking nine rounds of hashing, as opposed to one hash used by most cryptocurrencies. One of the interesting things about Digitalcoin is that it is accepted by a number of businesses. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find someone willing to accept your cryptocurrency payment if it isn’t Bitcoin or Dash. Digitalcoin offers stability as well, with a block rewards produced at a lower rate than many other digital currencies. Digitalcoin, like other cryptocurrencies, is decentralized and secure. You can send and receive the currency anywhere in the world, and it’s free to use. This is another of the highly private cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin. Stablecoin is distinguished by the fact that the transactions are not only encrypted, but also untraceable. While this currency isn’t quite as well-used as many others, it is working hard to move forward, especially in China. If this catches in China, which is a huge economy, it could grow elsewhere. Should You Buy Cryptocurrencies as Investments? The essential question is whether or not you should buy cryptocurrencies with the idea of capital appreciation in mind. Do you buy (or mine) these cryptocurrencies in the hope that you can sell them on an exchange and make a profit? There are those who look at the widely-accepted Litecoin and refer to it as “silver” to Bitcoin’s “gold.” But does that really make sense in the long term? While it can be tempting to think of cryptocurrencies as investments, the reality is that they might not be solid. Sure, mine cryptocurrencies. But they might be most useful as mediums of exchange. They are inexpensive, and blockchain technology allows for almost instant transfer so it’s possible to set up a low-cost global payment system. The real value might be in the way Bitcoin and the way cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin are changing the way we think about money and do business. Some of the more interesting blockchain developments are Ethereum and Namecoin. Ethereum is interesting because it is at once a digital currency and an application layer. If you are hoping to get involved with smart contracts, one of the best choices is Ethereum. The decentralized, open source Ethereum allows developers to create their own applications. This includes smart contracts, as well as token systems. The systems can be used as part of the smart contract process. It’s possible to layer on the applications using Ethereum, which means that this blockchain development could change the face of business. Namecoin is another interesting blockchain development. Namecoin technology isn’t about currencies and money. It’s all about decentralizing the Internet itself. Namecoin is about increasing privacy, resisting censorship, and improving the security of the infrastructure of the Internet. This is an interesting open source project that could change the way the Internet itself works. Innovation in the way we see money and the way we do business are the main results of blockchain technologies. Bitcoin really brought the blockchain and cryptocurrencies into the mainstream consciousness. However, what comes next in terms of the way we conduct business on a global scale could be even more exciting.
He sited the life of the disciple Judas as an example of hypocrisy and were it will lead. It was a great message that really touched lives. I can't wait to see what God is going to do tonight! I will try to get pictures tonight.
Hailing from Montreal, Canada, Arcade Fire are a six-piece band that have won two BRITs, one Grammy, and have released three records over the last ten years. Their breakthrough album Funeral (Rough Trade, 2004) was nominated for a Grammy for Alternative Album of The Year and as the decade closed Funeral was chosen by Rolling Stone as the #1 album of the ’00s. The album also featured in numerous ‘Best of the Decade’ polls around the world including NME, Q, Pitchfork, The Guardian and Mojo. Arcade Fire’s platinum-selling sophomore album Neon Bible (Sonovox, 2007) debuted at #2 in the UK and USA. Recorded in Québec, New York, Budapest and London, it was released to critical acclaim with the NME calling them ”…the first truly 21st century band”. Q named Neon Bible album of the year in 2007, and it was nominated for Best Alternative Music Album at the Grammys. 2010’s The Suburbs (Sonovox) debuted at #1 in seven countries including UK, the United States and Canada and the album has since gone double platinum in Canada; platinum in the UK and Ireland, as well as gold in France, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Australia and the US. Following the album release, the band performed two sold out shows at New York’s Madison Square Garden, producing a live stream on You Tube directed by Terry Gilliam, which received over 1.8 million views worldwide. The Wilderness Downtown, an online video for We Used To Wait using groundbreaking HTML 5 technology, has received over 77 million views worldwide to date. A short film, Scenes from The Suburbs, directed by Spike Jonze and co-written by Jonze, Will Butler and Win Butler, accompanied a new edition of The Suburbs released in June 2011. Arcade Fire were named Band of the Year on the cover of Q Magazine in 2010, and that year performed on Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Later… with Jools Holland. In February 2011 Arcade Fire won Album of The Year at the Grammy Awards for The Suburbs, before going on to win Best International Group and Best International Album at the 2011 BRIT Awards. 2012 also saw The Suburbs pick up an additional Grammy for Best Recording Package. Arcade Fire have toured extensively worldwide, including Europe, America and Australasia. Renowned as being one of the best live acts around, the Daily Telegraph described Arcade Fire as “the greatest live band in the world, and everybody who sees them knows it.” Rolling Stone Magazine recently ranked the band at #4 in their Best Live Acts Now list. 2012 saw the Arcade Fire release a limited edition vinyl release of Sprawl II/Ready to Start remixes for Record Store Day, as well as recording two new songs “Abraham’s Daughter” and “Horn of Plenty” for the soundtrack of hugely successful epic The Hunger Games. The band also completed the score for Spike Jonze’s film Her (2013), which received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score. Arcade Fire’s highly anticipated fourth album Reflektor was released on 28th October on Sonovox, and went on to top the iTunes chart in 40 countries, as well as hitting #1 in the Official Album Charts in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal and the USA. Produced by Arcade Fire, James Murphy and Markus Dravs, the album was recorded in Jamaica, Montreal and New York. Title track ‘Reflektor’ was released on the 9 / 9 at 9:00pm, featuring guest vocals from David Bowie and an accompanying video by long time collaborator Anton Corbijn. A second interactive video for ‘Reflektor’, created for Google Chrome and written and directed by Vincent Morisset, was shot in Haiti. The band’s 2013 live tour as The Reflektors saw them play intimate shows in New York, Miami, LA, Glasgow and London, ahead of an extensive tour which took in headline slots at Glastonbury Festival and Coachella Valley Music -Arts Festival in 2014. 2014 saw Reflektor win Album of the Year and Alternative Album of the Year at the Juno Awards, as well as shortlisted for the 2014 Polaris Music Prize. And a documentary film called The Reflektor Tapes, directed by Kahlil Joseph, about the making of the album, was selected to be shown at the 2015 Toronto Film Festival. Arcade Fire will play a number of festival dates across Europe and North America this summer including Primavera Sound, Isle of Wight Festival, Rock Werchter, Roskilde and Castlefield Bowl in Manchester. Arcade Fire are William Butler, Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, Jeremy Gara, Tim Kingsbury and Richard Reed Parry.
Editor’s note:- Overall, we like Kayla Itsines Bikini Body guide, but we recommend Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts over this program, for the latter is more comprehensive and provides more value for money. Personally, my weight is something that I have always struggled with, especially after I turned 30. Now that I’m 33, I’ve found it super hard to maintain that healthy lifestyle that I know I should be living. To make matters worse, after my second child, I packed on a lot of weight, and unfortunately, I’ve been so busy, so it’s not something that I have actually noticed. I stopped taking care of myself, lost focus and really let myself go – you know how the story goes. All of that is why I decided to look for special ways to lose weight. What I needed was a good weight loss plan that I could follow – I needed one that really worked, so I put a lot of research into finding only the best weight loss programs available. On instagram, I came across a Kayla Itsines review, and then I stumbled across some interesting articles about her story and how she got famous on Instagram due to her workouts. My main goal here would be to look good in a bikini, and after reading the Bikini Body Guide, I began to get really excited. Point blank, I have always dreamed of having a bikini body. Right then and there, I was ready to roll out and buy Kayla Itsines Guides, until I noticed the price tag stamped on it. After calculating it all up, I was shocked to find out how expensive it would be. In the end, I ended up going with Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts because they were much more affordable than what Kayla Itsines was offering. I made sure I fully committed to the program and by following Jen’s plan was my goal – I went with something that created amazing results for me, not for celebrities. Why would I want to spend more money on a program than I actually have to? By going to Jen’s programs as opposed to Kayla Itsines, I was actually able to save a big chunk of change. Did I get the results I expected? Yes, I got amazing results. I really like how Jen Ferrugia made sure to keep her prices where it was more affordable to every day people like me. What I like the most about her workout program would be the fact that you aren’t required to go out there and buy expensive equipment. In fact, you don’t need a whole lot of gym equipment. Yes, when it comes to Kayla Itsines and Jen Ferrugia, both have similar workout programs, but the price is a huge difference. In the past, I had a hard time staying on track with a workout program – after a week or two, I would drop out. However, with Jen’s program, I stayed consistent and stuck to it, because she made everything seem so much easier. For a minute, I would like to cover the cost of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide so that you can see exactly what I’m going on about. Then, on top of all of the above, you will be required to purchase additional gym equipment so that you can do the workouts she gives. You see, all of that right there is what I do not like …once you complete the 12-week workout plan in the Bikini Body Workouts Guide, you will have to go to the next level, which will require you to purchase another guide – the next level is 13 to 24 weeks. It is a guide that is 199 pages long, but it costs an extra $69.97 …that’s just way too expensive. Jen Ferrugia Bikini Workout Guides are much more affordable and that is why I highly recommend them. On top of all of that, you’ll need to go out and purchase gym equipment so that you can follow along with Itsines workout program. To be exact, you will need to purchase a mat, two bench/steps, a medicine ball (between 6-12kgs), two small dumbbell weights (3-5kgs each), a bosu ball and a skipping rope. In her program, she also recommend people buying a heart rate monitor/fitness tracker and that right there will cost a little over $70.00 depending on the type you buy. As you can see, all of that equipment, paired with the actual program will really add up if you’re not careful. You could always just go to the gym and use their equipment, but personally, I was under the impression that the Bikini Body Guide was designed so that you could do it all at home …am I right? Here’s something else for you to think about – you will also need some room in your home to workout. So, what do you do if you don’t have all that much space? You need all of this equipment, which is going to take up a whole lot of room. The Nutrition Guide – I have read a lot about this guide and that’s one thing that shocked me the most. After I read many people’s reviews, everyone seems to have a similar opinion on it. Okay, so you can sit there and call me cheap all you want, but this is my opinion and this is my bikini guide/Kayla Itsines review. I really do not think that guide is worth it, especially when there’s a less expensive bikini guide available that is equally effective and from a reputed trainer. Simple due to the fact that I do not like the additional costs involved with Itsines Bikini Program, I would have to say Jen’s workout program is so much better.
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CHRT’s Cover Michigan Survey found that when people in Michigan choose a health insurance plan, cost and physician choice are the most important considerations. The majority said both factors were very important, with a slightly higher number of people reporting cost mattered more. Click the image at right to view the infographic.
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What do you want to do particularly well? How will you meet this goal? Share your thoughts at #4OCF.
What are your views on the future? What do you think are the major events that are likely to occur and how they will affect you? I don't really think about the hype, but it will be out there throughout 2012. I do want to see the movie though, I saw the previews, love those kind of movies. I think too many people lose a lot by focusing on the past or future, the present is fine with me. I am not too worried about the future, as far as the end of the world and all a that. If its going to happen, I cant stop it. Your only ever alive right now. So, I try to live my life the best I can, minute to minute. Have you guys managed to be accepted as affiliates in my Crystal Ball Sales Company? I am still waiting for the email confirmation. Can you tell me when I'll get it? that could be worse than dying ! Wow really ? Do they brake if I touch ? Well, I think there is a big change coming, but it is not something catastrophic such as the end of the world. It could be considered the end of the worlds as we know it. I feel it is going to do with a change in power or a change in consciousness. Why we fight in the name of religions,even in hub forums. Is your job as a believer to convert anybody? it must Shine through us so that this World understand of His Love, Grace & Mercy ...! What or whom do you believe in?
The clocks sprung forward yesterday but the weather? I don’t think the weather knows it is officially Spring in the UK. It’s 9 degrees, overcast and drizzly (I’ve lived in the UK for 10 years, it is true, I’m now obsessed with the weather) not exactly turn off the heat time. Cut up or crush garlic and heat for a few mins in the coconut oil or oil of your choice. Add chopped carrots, water and vegetable stock, bring to the boil, then let simmer for 25 mins or until the carrots are soft. Once carrots are soft take the soup off the heat, add the ginger and then blend with hand mixer (if using hand-mixer wear some protection! it can be quite splashy) or transfer the soup to your blender in batches, 1 cup at a time -blend, then add in another cup- blend until fully mixed – lastly, add 1/2 can coconut milk and blend again. Transfer back to the pot if you used your blender and add all the seasoning you like to taste. *Recipe? Yeah, not the normal thing I talk about on here but it is just so dam tasty and easy, it is too good not to share.
WASHINGTON – Dozens of protesters came on an overcast Washington morning Wednesday to make a noisy statement about King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to Obamacare that was being argued inside the court. They represented both sides of the debate – a group of Obamacare supporters in bright-pink knit hats on one side of the court steps and a smaller contingent waving a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag on the other. They preached and chanted and played pop music through loudspeakers, not really engaging but trying to shout over each other. At issue is a legal challenge to the federal subsidies that aim to help low- and middle-income individuals pay for health care under the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Opponents claim that the IRS has improperly extended the tax credits to individuals in states – like Arizona – that did not set up their own marketplaces for health care but relied on the federal marketplace. But supporters say that losing those credits could be “devastating” to the health care law. Karen Davenport of the National Women’s Law Center is one of those who worries about the impact the court’s ruling could have, particularly if low-income women who got insurance under the Affordable Care Act lost the benefit of those tax credits. “If the case goes the wrong way they can lose the ability to get that kind of help,” said Davenport, whose organization was one of many submitting briefs in support of the government. Protesters held large signs showing how many residents could lose coverage if the case overturned their subsidies in each of the 34 affected states. Opponents had their own signs that said things like “Keep the IRS out of my health care” and “I didn’t elect the IRS.” They started out with a handful of signs, with more being added slowly as the case went on inside the courtroom. One man waving a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag walked up and down the area, alternating chants every couple minutes through a megaphone. From a podium on the Supreme Court plaza, another opponent asked the crowd if “anyone with a functioning brain” thought that healthcare.gov or the former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is an exchange set up by the state – the mechanism the law says can offer subsidies. As he spoke, Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” started playing over his voice from the other side of the protest. As the dark skies turned to drizzle, Obamacare supporters used loud music and inspirational preachers to liven the morale of the crowd and to cancel out those speaking on the other side of the protest. Medical professionals, special-interest groups and regular citizens who could be affected by the outcome of the case were all on hand, some of them coming from across the country to protest. Adrienne McLean, a medical assistant from Indianapolis who was protesting with Planned Parenthood, said she got health care under the federal marketplace and that without the subsidies she might not be able to afford the insurance. Kyle Ragins, a fourth-year Yale medical student who there protesting with Doctors of America, spoke of a patient who came in with a hand injured in a fistfight. Because he did not have health insurance, the man had waited to get care. His hand became so infected while waiting that most of it had to be amputated, Ragins said. Protesters on both sides of the issue gathered outside the Supreme Court as it considered the latest challenge to Obamacare, King v. Burwell. Supporters of Obamacare said that if the Supreme Court rules against federal subsidies that help pay for their health insurance it could have a "devastating" effect on the health care law. Opponents of Obamacare health-care subsidies say the law says that tax credits can only be offered through state marketplaces. Arizona is one of 34 states that relies on a federal, not state, exchange.
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So, what is up with runner’s guilt? I was not sure if this was a real thing when it popped into my head this morning as I was driving to work. But later in the day, I googled it and it is in fact a real thing. And I am suffering from it. Which stinks. In my mind there are two types of runner’s guilt out there (well, there could be more – but in my head these are probably the most common, but of course I am not an expert). Type 1. You feel guilty for the time running takes away from other things in your life, like your family, friends, etc. [Occasionally I will suffer from this kind of runner’s guilt.] I think that this is the most common type of runner’s guilt, at least by what I have found on line. This is especially common with those training for marathons and half marathons because distance running takes a long time. My long runs will take at least two hours out of my normal day. Tack on a shower, stretching, icing and foam rolling and that is easily another hour. It is a big time commitment and if you are training for long races it is something that you have to do (and you want to do) on a regular basis. Most of the time I am perfectly ok dedicating a big part of my day towards a run or a long run. Running is a priority in my life, and thus I budget the time for it. I am lucky that most of my family and friends understand this about me. Type 2. Runner’s guilt when you are not running. This is what I was dealing with yesterday and today. Yesterday I had planned to go running after work. But I had a very long and somewhat stressful day at the office, and our house guests were only here for one more day. I did not want to take two hours after getting home at 4:45 to go running. I wanted to spend time with my family, enjoy the company and make dinner for everyone. I opted not to run. This morning I woke up feeling horribly guilty for taking an unscheduled day off. I hate that feeling. It was compounded by my drive to work this morning as I saw people out there getting their run on. Some were pushing Bob baby runners, others were just out there on their own running and some were running in small groups. I definitely had a pang in my stomach as I was driving in the car to work. I wanted to be out there, too. Anyhow. Runner’s guilt stinks. But sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and you have to make your choices and live with them. My evening last night was really fun, and totally worth it. I will get back on track with my training today and over the weekend. Breakfast this morning was sort of on the go – but it was really good. I packed a piece of 12 grain bread, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana. I sliced up half of the banana and put it on the toast and peanut butter and ate the other half on its own. TGIF bloggies. Have a great day and I will see you in a bit!
Join Derrick Story for an in-depth discussion in this video Create a reference library, part of Photos for OS X Essential Training. - We are going to journey into the world of the referenced library. What does that mean? Well that means that instead of the images that we import being stored inside the Photos for OS X library, inside your pictures folder, they will be stored in a folder on an external hard drive right here, just like this, that is connected to your Mac. so that Photos can read these images and display them in the application, but they are not taking up space on your Mac itself. This is very important if you have a small-ish hard drive in your Mac or if your hard drive is almost full. So the concept is wonderful. Lightroom uses it. Aperture gave you that option, and Photos for OS X gives you that option too, although it's not very intuitive. I'm going to show you how it works right now. Now the first thing that you want to do is create a new Photos library. I've already done that. This library is a referenced library. In other words, I don't want to use my system library for this. Let me show you how I do that. I'll quit Photos. I'm going to hold down the Option key and go to Photos, and you'll see that I created a new referenced library. And the way that I did that is by holding down Option and launching, I use the Create New, and I put it in my Pictures folder. I don't want to confuse the referenced images in this library with my main library, my system photo library, so I create a new one instead. Up the road you can decide how you want to manage it. In the beginning, I recommend you go this route. We'll start with the new library here. Now, I cannot insert a memory card into my computer and use the regular Import dialog, the reason being is that Photos for OS X will ignore my preference that I set here, for not storing them, and will go ahead and put the images inside my library anyway, and I don't want that. So we have to go a different route. When the card goes into your computer, if you're bringing them in from a memory card, which you will be a lot of the time, instead of saying Import All New Photos, ignore that. (laughter) Copy them to your external drive. The way that I did that is I just literally opened up the memory card, I took the folder and I dragged it into the external hard drive, and then I re-named it, right here. So all the images are in there, I just had to manually copy them onto the external drive first and not go through the Import dialog here. Just ignore this. I'm actually going to get rid of this card right now so we don't confuse things. We'll eject it. There we go. Now here's the way you bring them in so that they stay referenced, so that Photos honors your command. Instead, we go to File, Import. You navigate to your external drive right here. There are the images that are on my external drive. Then I go ahead and click Review for Import. I want to bring them all in. Right up here we can see the progress, Photos doing its thing. Now you'll notice a new icon here. This is-let me make these a little bit bigger so you can see it- this is the referenced file icon. I turn that on up here at View, Metadata, Show Referenced File: right there. There it is. Now these images are in here, so I can do all the normal things that I'd like to do. For instance, if I wanted to export it to my Mac, on the desktop, I can do that. Choose Export, go to Desktop, Export Originals. There they are. Remember we have JPEG plus RAW pairs here. We talked about that in an earlier movie. And there they are. I can do all that sort of stuff right now. I'll go ahead and just move these to the trash. If I want to see where these files are located, I'll go ahead and pull up a picture there, and then I can ask Photos to Show Referenced File in Finder, and it will take me right here to my cat portraits folder on my external hard drive and show me where that file is located. So now I can do all of my normal Photos things. Of course, this isn't a system library, so you can't do the iCloud stuff, but I can image edit and I can print and that kind of stuff, as long as this hard drive is connected. If I eject this hard drive, you'll start to see these little red lines on my referenced file. That means that the drive is not connected where the master image is. It will tell me that it cannot find it, and it won't let me do a lot of the things that I want to do. For instance, if I try to export it, now I'm going to get a message because it cannot find the original because the hard drive has been disconnected. In the next movie I'm going to show you how to consolidate those images if you decide that you want to bring them in to your Photos library. That way, you don't have to have the drive connected. We'll cover that following this movie, but right now this is the way that you set up a referenced library in this version of Photos for OS X.
Christmas salads are a wonderful holiday side dish and are a good addition to please those that are coming to dinner who like to eat healthy. These holiday side dishes will have your guests raving and will also cater to those who follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, too. If you are looking for a holiday side dish that is healthy, you should try making the Beetroot Christmas Salad for your family this year. Not only does it have a great taste, the redness of the beets gives this dish a holiday theme. This holiday side dish is not only healthy, refreshing, filling, and easy to make, but it looks delectable, too! Beetroot does have an acquired taste, but those that include it in their diet do so for health reasons. Beetroot has many health benefits, including increased stamina, improved blood flow throughout the body, and lower blood pressure. The carrots in this holiday side dish recipe are also good for you. The vegetable is good for your vision because it contains beta-carotene, which is transformed into Vitamin A and improves night vision and prevents macular degeneration. Carrots have also been shown to prevent cancer, slows down aging cells, prevents infection, and cleanses the body. Your guests would probably be interested in learning that the carrots in your holiday side dish recipe also slow down aging and promote healthy teeth and gums. They are also one of the super-foods that can prevent a stroke! Place potatoes, carrots in water until they are cooked. You can cook them with beetroot but it is better if you cook them separately so they don’t stain. Drain and place ingredients in a bowl. Add some mustard, olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix well. Place salad on a pretty serving plate. Drain tuna and spread in a circle around the salad, making it look like a picture frame. Slice hard-boiled eggs and arrange on the tuna. Holiday side dishes, like this Tomato Avocado Salad is so easy to make because it only has two ingredients. Both ingredients blend really well with each other and goes well with roast or turkey. By using avocados in your holiday side dishes, you will helping your guests improve their health. Avocados prevent certain types of cancer, protect against cataracts, lower cholesterol, and prevent strokes. Tomatoes reduce inflammation, protects your body against damage from the sun, reduces some cancers, and can protect your body from cardiovascular disease. Cut avocados and tomatoes into cubes and place in a bowl. Use a big serving spoon and mix gently. You can add olive oil or herbs to season this Christmas salad if you like. These delicious holiday side dishes are not your usual Christmas salads. Your guests will thank you for making something creative while using healthy ingredients . Over dinner, you can even talk about how you are improving their health by having them over for dinner! Thanks, Jenn! These were fun to make and they really made a good side dish at the table. I’m not much of an avacado fan but the beetroot looks nutritional and tasty – I’m going to have to try that. I love salads any time of the year! I really like salads, too! I remember as a kid there wasn’t a whole lot of salad options. Now everyone can get creative! Thank you! Did you get a chance to try it yet? I really appreciate these, it can be difficult to eat healthy over the holidays but these will help! Thanks! It can be hard to eat healthy during the holidays and have it stay festive and delicious, too!
Barry is probably best to answer this about collapsable wrappers. If I have an include that has a collapsible wrapper. If I condition the first open to get the passed URL can this be done. Can you put the button on the top of page include ? Set your model not to load on page load. Then the button action could be to query your model. I watched the video a few times but unfortunately I'm not 100% clear on what you are trying to accomplish. To answer your question in this post, yes, the CW can be conditioned on the URL parameter. The way you would do this is on your containing page, add a URL parameter to the page include URL (e.g. phoneNumberState or whatever you'd like). Then, in the conditions on the CW, use phoneNumberState to set the initial display mode of the wrapper. From watching the videos though, I think what you want to do is defer the loading of the page include until the user clicks something? Is that the case? If so, you can use a Collapsible Wrapper on your outer page marked to initially collapsed. Then, when the user clicks the CW, it would expand and load the page include. Let me know if this would work or if I'm misunderstanding. Is there a fundamental difference between haveibf a collapsible wrapper and just using Skuid render conditions.to render or not render a wrapper? Seems like the same thing? With Skuid rendering, if you put a page include in a wrapper that you choose to not render, then that page include is discarded from memory and when you render it again, it loads from scratch. Any unsaved changes are lost. Would the collapsible wrapper keep that page include in memory? That would be valuable to me in certain circumstances where I want to toggle back and forth between pages displayed as page includes but only want one to display at a time. 1) The "contents" of the CW will only be loaded the first time the CW is opened. If you apply conditional rendering to the wrapper itself or even a component inside of the wrapper (e.g. a page include), then things will be reloaded for the component(s) that were conditionally rendered. Additionally, any conditional rendering applied to any component within the CW will trigger as would be normally expected. You can think of the CW contents like a table drawer as it relates to when things get loaded in to the CW. When a drawer closes/opened, it doesn't reload it's contents - they are only loaded in the first time it "opens". Yes, thanks. Tabsets versus rendering is a great illustration. If you put a page include in a tab in a tabset and then navigate to a different tab, but then back to the original tab, the page include is in the same state it was when you left. If you, however, use rendering on a page include, when the page include reappears, it reloads from scratch. Sounds like the collpsable wrapper is more like the Tabset than conditional rendering from what you describe. Hey Raymond - Yep, accurate analogy with tabsets. Of course, if you conditionally render the CW itself, then when it gets displayed again, everything will be reloaded.
One of my close friends sent me an email recently to tell me that he was considering moving to Spain following the UK’s Brexit vote and how things are developing over there. He is already an expat, having moved away from Malta with his family a few years ago. Moving is no easy chore, so I felt bad for him having to deal with this after having moved just a couple of years ago. Clearly, his original intention was to stay in the UK and himself and his family had been feeling happy and settled. On the other hand, I also felt excited about having been asked to share my experience of living in Spain and possibly welcoming him and his family here in the near future. Since I’ve been planning to write a post about living in Spain for quite a while, I decided to hit two birds with one stone and do that as I think it will be helpful for my friend and for others who are also considering this move. Before we even delve further, I must emphasize the fact that the choice of where to live is a very personal one. You might love a country or city that your wife or children will absolutely despise. Your preferences might also change in a few years’ time. For example, I absolutely loved living and studying in England in my early twenties, and there’s no other place I would have chosen if I were to do it again. On the other hand, now that I’m in my thirties, I definitely think that there is no better place in the world than Barcelona. In my late twenties I also spent a few years being a digital nomad, and again, changing countries every few months was the best thing ever for me at that stage. I don’t feel any inclination to do that at all right now. If you’re lucky, you will be able to move to a place that your entire family agrees upon. In my case, both myself and my wife felt very deeply that Barcelona was the right place for us at this stage of life, so it was an easy decision. Not to mention, that if you’re in the position of choosing which country to live in, you’re already one of the privileged ones, as most people can’t move so easily. With that out of the way, let’s shift our focus to Spain. I’ve already summed up the main reasons why I love Barcelona in a separate post that I wrote a couple of years ago. It’s a good place to start from in order to understand why we moved here. Over the years I’ve had the chance to visit many parts of Spain, although there are still many places I want to visit. Apart from Barcelona, I’ve also lived in Mallorca. The first thing I would mention is that Spain is a very diverse country. Each region has its own personality. The southern cities like Seville, Toledo, and Granada have a totally different vibe to Madrid, which in turn is really different from Barcelona. Then there is the Basque country up north, with their amazing food and beautiful seaside town of San Sebastian. Along the East coast, you will find Costa Brava with some truly breathtaking landscapes and great small coves. Barcelona and Girona are two great options if you want to move here. Further down south one finds Costa Blanca, with many long sandy beaches and tourist resorts. This is really not one of my favorite parts of Spain, mainly because it caters to cheap tourism with all the negative effects that brings about. I do love Valencia and Tarragona though. Many expats decide to make Javea their home, and I’m curious to visit and see why it’s so popular. The Balearic islands are world famous, and I really enjoyed my time in Palma de Mallorca. The only downside is that the winter months tend to be a bit too quiet, as these are places that live and breathe tourism. In the summer months, things really get going and there’s lots of stuff happening. One should also keep in mind that the Canary islands are also part of Spain. I haven’t been there yet but I’ve heard a lot of good things. I don’t think I would consider living there though simply because they’re a bit too far from the rest of Europe, and I really value having the facility to travel easily within Europe. Barcelona has its own way of life really. Quite apart from the independence debate and whether it’s a good thing or not for Catalonia, I do feel that Barcelona provides a totally unique offering for expats. Let’s start with the integration factor. I recommend learning Spanish before you move here, or start learning immediately once you’re here. While Catalan is widely used by the locals at home or with friends, it’s not that common to have opportunities to speak it in daily life. Still, I am making an effort to learn Catalan too to further integrate. With a decent command of Spanish, you will find it very easy to integrate, it’s that kind of city that makes you feel very welcome. People are very friendly and live a very outdoors-based social life, so you will find plenty of opportunities to make friends. Moving around is really easy. You can use the metro and bus system, both of which are modern and efficient. You also have the possibility to use the city’s bike sharing system, as well as making use of car and scooter sharing platforms. Moreover, Barcelona is a very walkable city. I can’t imagine how many kilometers I’ve walked since I got here. Back when I lived in Malta, I barely walked as we had to take the car to go anywhere. Here I don’t even own a car, it’s just too easy to get to where I want to go via public transport or my own foldable Brompton bike. Barcelona is a city where sport is held in very high regard. You can easily practice any kind of group sports, and there are great locations for individual sports too. Do you love running? You have the hills and mountains all to yourself, not to mention the seaside promenade. Beach volley, check. Football, check. Cycling, awesome. Padel, of course! Swimming? At many gyms all year round or in the sea. The list never ends. The only problem I have is deciding what sport to practice! Another thing I love about Barcelona is eating out. There are thousands of restaurants and many great cafes too. By using apps like The Fork you can also get fantastic discounts when eating out. Spain is also home of the fabulous menu del dia, which translates to menu of the day. The majority of restaurants will offer a three-course meal at a very good price every single day during lunch time. That’s why many workers don’t bother cooking themselves, they just go out and have a great meal and socialize during their long lunch breaks. In the evening they then prepare something simple or go out to socialize again over tapas. The cost of living is very decent. It’s lower than other big cities in Europe. Keep in mind that local salaries are also on the lower end when compared to the northern European counterparts. If you own an international business or work for a foreign company, chances are your monthly income will be significantly higher than the local average, so you’ll be able to afford a great apartment, eating out at the best restaurants, etc. If you ever get bored of Barcelona, there are many awesome day trips you can take, and of course flights to other Spanish cities and the islands are cheap. The Catalan government is very active in promoting the community’s best sights and outings. On this site, you will find many suggested trips. The only thing that is a pain is accommodation. The cost of renting has risen drastically during the past two years. On the other hand, it is still quite far from the prices in cities like London and Paris. We are also finally seeing the refurbishment of many apartment blocks taking place. This was sorely needed, as the quality on offer wasn’t up to standard with what you find in other countries. Therefore we had a mismatch with economically well-off expats struggling to find a decent apartment even though they had solid budgets. Things are now changing, and if you have the money you can usually find an apartment that fits your requirements. I’ve written an article about renting vs buying property in Barcelona if you’re more inclined to buy rather than rent. For those of you with kids, you’ll be pleased to know that there are several international schools. I am not sure about how they compare with international schools in other countries, so I can’t tell you much more, unfortunately. The public schooling system seems to be good enough, although I think the level of spoken English needs to be improved drastically. I find it appalling that many young people in their twenties in their thirties still can’t speak any English. I am one of those who believe that having a great command of the English language is one of the best elements of one’s education as it opens so many doors. Spain, as we all know, has passed through tough times due to the famous crisis, but Barcelona is now in full swing and property prices are shooting up. This is one of many encouraging signs that the worst is already behind us and there is a lot of growth and good things to come. It is, therefore, a great place to invest in. I’ve already written about investing in local property through crowdfunding platforms. Actually living here puts you more in tune with the emerging opportunities, so far anyone who is business minded and wants to profit from the city’s growth, it’s a great place to be. All in all, I think that Barcelona is a place where you can really be what you want to be and build a life around your interests. It might not excel and top the charts at anything in particular, but it does have an incredible vibe that makes you feel at home. It is this vibe that attracts so many tourists here every year. Many of the expats here started off by casually visiting the city, then immediately falling in love and moving here shortly after. Every barrio in the city has its own character, and that helps in providing a lot of diversity and opportunity for finding a place that you really like living in, with the kind of people you like in the streets, the right restaurants and cafes etc. Thailand (Chiang Mai) – Terrific country. Incredible nature plus friendly and welcoming people. I loved being immersed in such a different culture from the one I grew up in. It challenged me in many ways and helped me grow in my understanding of myself and humanity in general. Perhaps its biggest attraction is also the biggest disadvantage: we could never settle there and integrate completely with the locals. We would always stick out like a sore thumb by the very way we look, not to mention our mannerisms, jobs, outlook on life etc. Perhaps if one were to marry a Thai, things would be different, but for us, this was the main point that made it unsuitable. In addition, the fact that it is so far from Europe and that it is very difficult to obtain a visa to live and work there. United Kingdom – Life in the UK is pretty good, we considered living in one of the major cities such as London or Edinburgh. I love visiting these cities, and they have an incredible vibe going on, especially London. The startup, finance and tech scenes are world class and you can pretty much do anything you fancy. With such a multicultural population, fitting in wouldn’t be a problem. Airport connections are easy and a huge plus for living there. The big downsides are the weather, cost of living, and now the Brexit uncertainty. Germany – In general, I love the German ethic of doing things the right way and in an efficient manner. The cost of living is higher than in Spain and there is a significant language barrier, although English is also widely spoken. In the end, it pretty much boils down to weather and my feeling more comfortable having the sea close by. Perhaps not the most convincing of reasons, but keep in mind that many Brits and Germans do move to Spain purely for the weather. Netherlands – I haven’t spent much time in the Netherlands but I really like this country. People also have a very professional way of conducting business. Within the WordPress space, I know many great developers and companies based in the Netherlands. The first WordCamp Europe was also held there. Nature there is beautiful and it is one of the best places for using bicycles. I can’t think of any negative thing about the Netherlands. Of course, there is a language barrier if you really want to integrate, but I’ve found Dutch people to be some of the best English speakers in Europe. It’s not their native language but they speak it as if it were so. Ultimately, however, if good weather plays a big part in your decision, Spain will definitely win over the Netherlands. Portugal – Lisbon is one of my favorite cities in Europe. It’s up and coming and I think there’s a lot more in store for it. It has a similar vibe to Barcelona but on a smaller scale. The Portuguese tend to speak better English than the Spanish, so that might be a good point to consider if you don’t speak either Portuguese or Spanish. If I had to leave Barcelona for some reason, I would probably go to Lisbon. This post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning my country of birth, Malta. I grew up there and left in my mid-twenties. The Maltese islands consist of three islands that are blessed with great natural beauty. On the other hand, there are several important factors that eventually led me to leave. All I can say that Barcelona is a fabulous place to live. There is a bit of everything here. I’ve been lucky to meet some incredible people here that have helped me grow in many areas. I’ve discovered a sport (padel) that has pretty much taken over my life, and I am genuinely very happy to be living here. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about anything I mentioned in this post, so fire away in the comments section. Thanks again for your articles and wishing you all the best and success in your life. That’s too big of a question, but if I can give you one piece of advise it would be to find a solid job in Spain before you move, and then get all the rest in place bit by bit. 1. How hard is it to find a job without a degree? 2. Even at a low salary, is it still enough to live comfortably? Of course not in a luxurious lifestyle. I know Spain has a low cost of living, but a low salary as well. Im afraid working on a low salary might mean not being able to make ends meet, or budgeting too much to the point where you can’t even enjoy a tapa and Tinto de Verano once in a while. I don’t have personal experience to rely on in answering your questions, but having a good command of both in English and Spanish gives you a tremendous advantage in Spain. Keep in mind that the hospitality industry is one of the biggest drivers of the economy and most locals have pretty poor English skills, so your best bet will probably be finding a job in this industry and rising up through the ranks. With a low salary you can still live comfortably but you might have to live outside the big cities for a while. My girlfriend and I are in our early twenties, thinking about saving up just enough to money to move to Barcelona, get jobs, and make it our home. Is there many jobs that don’t require fluent Spanish? Would you recommend trying to find a job once we get there? There are many options here especially if you have some skills that are suitable for remote/online jobs. That’s what I would recommend in order to be independent of the local labor market and be able to live anywhere you want. Hi Kathleen, I’ve only been there for a few days. It’s a nice place with a local economy based on tourism. It isn’t one of my favorites but is one of the top places that English-speaking expats go for. Hi, I’ve found your article really helpful. I was wondering if you would have any advise on moving solo to Barcelona? In terms of setting up quickly with an apartment to rent for myself and finding a social group. I’m hoping to move soon from London and be fairly central in the city. I have a new role working remotely for an international company so I’ve every choice on where I can go! Hi Victoria, glad it was helpful. I suggest you try Meetup.com or join my Barcelona Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads group on Facebook. Hope all is well with you. I enjoyed and appreciate your article. I am in the USA highly considering moving to Barcelona. I was wondering thou, is there a particular town you recommend living in Barcelona? I am fully bilingual English & Spanish, in hopes of teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). Would love any feedback or recommendations. Thank you. Living in Barcelona itself is a unique experience and I highly recommend going for it if the conditions are right for you. Many expats (especially families) that are used to the American suburbian lifestyle choose to live in places like Sant Cugat, Garraf, Castelldefels or towns up north on Costa Brava. I’ve been to these towns and they are also very nice places to live, but it’s a totally different experience than living in Barcelona centre. Neither one of them is better than the other, it’s just a question of what you’re looking for. Cost might also be an important factor. For the same price of an apartment in Barcelona, you could get a house in one of the nearby towns. Also check this forum post for more thoughts from a Canadian couple. You will most probably find other threads like this on that same forum or other similar ones. Really enjoyed your articles – very interesting. We loooove Spain and fell in love with areas like Girona, Llafranc and Palafrugel – also Begur. We are Australian and wonder if its possible to buy a home and move permanently. We have a semi retiring and really only need a good a good international school for our 14 year old. I have read that by investing in property this may be possible ???
I've been working successfully for some big IT companies in my country, and now I am dedicating my time to freelance for companies throughout the world. I hope to build long-term relationships with some fantastic and unique people! With many years of experience as a Sales Assistant and Assistant Manager in the IT industry, I am entirely confident that I have the skills and knowledge to provide executive assistance to Your work. I have highly developed organizational and prioritizing skills, with the ability to multitask and effectively manage my time and responsibilities. I consistently complete projects with the highest standard of excellence. I am thorough, yet efficient and I can easily work with minimal supervision. I am very adaptable because I am always looking to improve my skills and learn.
Ever wondered how to start mountain biking? How to start mountain biking? How to get into mountain biking? The best way is for you to buy yourself all the necessary clothing, mountain biking shoes and also protective gear. So, you have bought your beginner mountain bike and planning to go off on your first adventure! Before you chart out a route and start off, you will first need to buy some necessary beginner mountain bike gear. It is also a good idea to learn about techniques, beginner mountain bike skills and gather some information before you set off. Especially if you are new to the world of mountain biking! You can consider this as the ultimate mountain bike buyers guide for beginners. After all this, what do you need to start mountain biking? A fair enough question. We have covered some of the most important equipment in this article. Take a look! How to start mountain biking? What equipment do you need for mountain biking? Mountain biking shoes are an especially important component of your cycling gear. These shoes generally have quite stiff soles which help to control the strain to your muscles while you cycle. This way, you will not be tempted to leave your hobby after your first long (and no doubt, hectic) trip! These are clipless shoes, which confusingly enough, let you clip your shoes to your pedals. These can be quickly removed and re-attached. Previously, cyclists had to use toe clips. Imagine navigating your way on steep mountain paths with toes clips! That’s quite dangerous, to say the least! This specific brand, Shimano, is Japanese and concentrates on all things sport. Shimano Men’s Mountain/Sport SPD Cycling Shoes have high traction rubber soles along with a rigid midsole. It is available in many foot shapes. It comes with a hook-and-loop strap, with a dimension of 11 x 8 x 5 inches, weighs about 2.79 pounds, and it is available in various sizes ranging from 38 EU to 48 EU. The midsoles are made of polyamide and are fiberglass-reinforced. Stretchable synthetic leather with mesh gives it a comfortable feel. The extra toe box helps accommodate all kinds of foot shapes without affecting the regular fit. The uniform cushioning is a boon! With a rating of 4.2 out of 5 with 213 reviews, these shoes do not seem to be bad at all. Though most of the users are happy with the quality of the product, they seem to be having issues with the size. Mountain biking is great fun! As long as you don’t end up with a puncture or some other mishap! To take of this, it is always better to have a fully functional bicycle tool kit. These can take care of most of the basic maintenance and repair issues. If you have one of these, you can just jump on your bike and ride away without having to depend on a friend who actually owns the kit you want to borrow! This toolkit by Topeak contains 31 tools, each made from high-quality materials. It comes in a nylon bag. It is a mountain bike essential kit and it will for sure help you in your quest in how to start mountain biking. The product has a dimension of 3.4 x 1.7 x 1.6 inches. It weighs 9.4 ounces. You will find 14g and 15g spoke wrenches, a T25 Torx wrench, two integrated tire levers, a mini pedal wrench for field repairs, Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, six box wrenches (two 8, 9, and 10mm sizes), eight sizes of Allen wrenches (2 through 10mm), a stainless-steel knife, a steel wire chain hook, compartments for two chain pins, and a cast Cromoly steel chain tool in the toolkit. Buying a hydration pack is not as easy as you think. The best mountain bike hydration packs are hard to find. From quantity, storage, and packing it in, you will have to consider a number of factors (phew!). For those who are very new to this hobby, hydration system or pack is basically a bottle or body of water with a pipe through which you can get access to the water. Some of the water packs come with extra space so that you can stash your odds and ends too. Before selecting one at random, think about the quantity you are looking to take with you. There are different mechanisms in each bag. Choose the one you like the best or the one which suits your needs the best. The fit is a very important factor because while riding, you cannot be bothered to keep an eye on your pack and also pay attention to the path. Make sure the one you buy fits snugly and does not bounce around. Teton is a popular brand because of their practice of replacing parts along with providing tutorials. This hydration system is very light and durable. It even has some space left over for other essentials. The fit is adjustable so you can heave a sigh of relief! You can store some snacks and even your wallet or purse! You will get a choice of color. The dimensions are 16 x 2 x 10 inches with the capacity being 2-3 liters, depending on the pack you choose. The weight can be 0.9 lbs., 2 lbs., or 2.45 lbs. depending on the size you are going to go for. The hydration system has a mesh chest and shoulder strap which provides shock protection. The back is also made of padded mesh. Darrien says “At first, the water tasted like plastic because of the bladder. After a few uses and washes, the taste faded away”. All in all, quite good reviews. Do I even need to give an introduction about what is probably the finest piece of life-saving gear there is? Mountain biking is fun but does not come without its fair share of falls. A helmet is a safety gear you should, on no account, ever, ever forget or forego. Giro, a sports gear brand, was established about 30 years ago. Since then, the company has worked hard to bring us a comfortable yet durable sports gear so that we can have a blast! Luckily, this helmet comes in many colors so you can color coordinate with your friends or with your bike! It is durable and comfortable, and also provides ventilation. The product dimension is 14 x 11 x 6 inches. It weighs 2.4 pounds. It comes with a Roc Loc Sport fit system. There is reflective material at the rear too. There is also built-in visor which is with reinforced anchors. First get yourself a mountain bike which is just right for you. If you are not comfortable with the bike or it’s not the right fit, you are going to have a miserable time. Buy yourself a helmet, some protective gear, and a toolkit. If it’s the first time, go along with friends. You can also consider joining a group or club of people who are regular biking enthusiasts. Not only will you be able to learn a lot from their small (but important!) tips, you will also learn how to position yourself during every new turn. Be prepared to fall, get some bruises, and have loads of fun! If you are hoping to have a safe ride like the ones you go for in the city, you are wrong. Mountain biking is all about endurance, tackling new challenges, and having out of the world experiences! Let us take a look at some of the mountain biking skills and techniques so that you know precisely how to start mountain biking. The first thing to do is to have a properly set up mountain bike. Learn how each part of the bike works. If this is the first time you are going riding, then do not go alone. Get some friends or join a club of biking enthusiasts. There are going to areas that you might not be able to master on your first try. It could a rocky region or a steep downhill path. Don’t give and keep trying. You will eventually get the hang of it. Always keep in mind that you MUST wear protective gear. The position of the body and the proper gear can help you struggle less. Learn how to comfortably ride in all position, no matter if you are ascending or descending. Not only this, mountain biking requires energy and stamina. Exercise regularly. These are some of the essential mountain biking skills. Let’s start with the most basic one. Wear comfortable clothes. There is no need to go out and buy expensive sports gear. Wear the ones you have that are the most comfortable and the ones in which you would not have any trouble riding a lot. Carry some water and some energy bars along with some snacks. As a beginner, you might tire early. Do not forget your toolkit! I just cannot stress enough the importance of toolkits. If you are just starting out, it might be a good idea to gradually build it up. Learn and get comfortable with different strategies. Ascending, descending, going over a corner, taking a short leap, or over obstacles – learn how to navigate through them all. These are mountain biking 101 basics. There are different techniques to handle each situation. Practice them. Go slow! A good breaking technique can save you a lot of grief. Learn when to use the back brakes and when the front brakes. Make sure you don’t lock them when going downhill. Using these tips, you can improve your skills and mountain biking can give you great experiences. When you are just learning, always make sure you look ahead and never down. Obstacles can suddenly come which you might miss and cause you to take a toss if you are not keeping your eyes ahead. Mountain bike (need!), shoes, helmet, hydration backpack, toolkit, those are the essentials. Well, now that you have had a look at the most important things you need to buy/take for your trip, and how to start mountain biking, please get going! Always remember, buy what fits your snugly – nothing that is too loose that it flows or so tight that it chafes! Biking will be an experience that you will never forget when you are prepared with all essentials, from protective gear to proper sportswear. Do not forget your toolkit, or else you will have to call that annoying friend along! If you are not familiar with a product or you have any queries, ask a friend or partner before buying a product. Learn at your pace and only go out on those trails and rides which you are comfortable with. Push yourself but make sure it is safe. Have fun and stay safe. Good luck!
Just like it is important to get visitors on your site, it is just as important to keep the visitors on your site. Ask yourself the question: What good is it if you tons of visitors, but they are being turned off by the content on your site? There are many different essential elements at play that affect how effective a website is in keeping the visitors engaged. Is your best stuff hard to find? Most of these so-called factors are mainly the visual ones. For instance, positioning the most important content in places that are clearly visible and also easily accessible. This may seem like a no brainer, but when you are building a large site with hundreds, if not thousands of pages, it is easy to forget the based principles. Some other elements that will make a big different is the usage of larger fonts. I notice that way to many sites use very small fonts on their site. There is no reason to use fonts that are under 14 points of size. If they are smaller then 14pt it is hard on the eyes and also a huge turnoff when people have to “work” harder to read your content. So I repeat: Your font should be at least 14 points. For your visitors this makes it an easier and more pleasant reading experiene. Break your content into different sections. That will mean you are using more paragraphs and more sub headings in your posts. This makes your content not only more organized, but also much easier to digest. People do not want to read a huge wall of text. So always make it easier for them by breaking up the text into some more consumable pieces. Pictures! It might seem like you are catering to preschoolers, but the truth is that all people want to be engaged through all possible senses. Why are the online videos on Youtube so popular? Because it engages more senses. So an very easy step to take is to add some pictures to your content, just like in this post! If you can create videos for youtube and embed them into your content and site, all the better! Videos has a even better effect then pictures. Be a Leader to your visitors. You would not believe how lazy people really are… including myself. We need to be lead almost at all times. For your site this means placing clear call-to-action buttons and links in relevant places to help directing us deeper into the site. There is also a bonus to this. Research have shown that the more people are engage and click around a website, the more likely they also are to buy something. A lot of this simply isn’t rocket science, its just contains the basic fundamentals any content creation MUST be based on. This steps are not just about keeping your visitors engaged, it means that you are building a more personal connection with your visitors, and thus generating more revenue from your potential customers..
And if no disc how can I get this game in the U.S. ? On ps3? As for getting the game in the US, the Steam version would be released concurrently with PSN Australia/Europe. There will be an approximately a 2 week delay for release on the US PSN Store. Perfect timing on this release... Can't wait to unleash it on a Games Night. It will be in the near future. (03-02-2015, 07:01 AM)theaxe1606 Wrote: It will be in the near future.
Isn’t technology fantastic? We have so many devices, programs and tools to help us become more efficient workers. We have a seemingly infinite bank of knowledge at our fingertips, and in a matter of seconds, we can connect with almost anyone in the world. It all sounds so perfect when you describe it like that, but unfortunately, technology has some powerful downsides to go along with its benefits. It's responsible, for example, for chronic distraction in professional environments, even at the entrepreneurial/leadership level, and if you don’t take corrective action against those tendencies and behaviors, they could easily interfere with your ability to perform. But, where do you draw the line? How can you tell if you have a major problem with technological distraction, or if it’s nothing to worry about? - Inattention to team members. Think about the last time you held a company meeting. Did you, at any point, lose track of the conversation because you were going through emails on your phone? How often do you interrupt a conversation so you can respond to a text or answer a phone call? It’s less likely that you’ll do this to clients, but if you do it to team members, that’s bad enough: They may suffer a loss in morale, and you’ll both end up wasting time because you won’t get to your mutual goals as quickly. - Scattered focus and multitasking. Technology makes it incredibly easy to multitask -- that is, it provides the illusion of multitasking effectively. Do you have two monitors full of open applications, with a smartphone in your hand? You’re not actually getting more done this way. By splitting your attention, you’re actually compromising your ability to effectively handle both tasks. - Lost productivity. Don’t forget: The sheer quantity of available technological applications means it’s easier to waste time on things that aren’t worth your attention. Checking your email for the hundredth time takes only a minute, but over the course of the day, all those checks could sap your working hours. Most of us have experienced these problems at one point or another, and as standalone incidents, they aren’t a big deal. So, how can you tell if you actually have a problem? - You're never away from a device. Most of us have a smartphone on us at all times, but is yours constantly open and in your hand? Think about how much time you spend away from a screen -- if it’s zero, you may have a problem. - You always have many tabs and applications open. At any given point of your workday, how many tabs and apps are open? If you’re focusing on one thing at a time, this number should be in the single digits. If your screen is a chaotic cluster of half-forgotten tasks, that could mean you have a major distraction problem. - You check newsfeeds frequently. How often do you check your social media newsfeeds? Daily? Hourly? There’s not much reason to check in more than once or twice a day, so if you find yourself stuck in loops of constant scrolling, it’s time to take a step back. - You feel like you've worked hard, but haven't gotten much done. At the end of the day, how much do you feel that you have accomplished? Does the answer seem disproportionately low, compared to the effort you exerted? If so, you probably aren’t spending your time efficiently, which often points back to a technological distraction problem. - Set time limits. Checking your newsfeed? Don’t spend more than five minutes doing it. Gearing up to complete a report to send your team? Don’t give yourself more than an hour to complete it. Setting time limits keeps you on task and helps remind you what your goals are. - Use distraction-busters. If you want a more automated way to keep yourself from getting distracted, consider using an add-on like StayFocusd to control your browsing activity and prevent you from getting off course. - Segment your technology use. Don’t bounce back and forth between your apps, such as constantly going back to check your email. Set established periods for things like communication, heads-down work, collaboration and research. The more you compartmentalize your tasks, the less likely they’ll bleed into each other. - When engaging in person, eliminate all technology. If you’re talking to another person, talk to another person. Put your phone and laptop away. Even if you’re on the phone, close down everything else and really listen to what the other person has to say. There’s a reason you aren’t just emailing. Recognizing that you have a problem with overusing or chronically getting distracted by technology is the first step to solving the problem. It’s a dilemma most entrepreneurs face to some degree, by sheer virtue of the demands placed on them. Desperation to keep up and maximize productivity ironically may prevent you from doing what needs to be done. But if you follow these strategies and work actively to control your reliance on technology, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a healthy balance.
Valley News - Primary Source: Making Early Rounds in N.H. Primary Source: Making Early Rounds in N.H. Democrats thinking about a possible 2020 run for president are beginning to barnstorm through New Hampshire for a bit of politicking and grassroots get-togethers. The latest was U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, the Oregon progressive who was the only sitting member of the Senate to endorse Bernie Sanders for president in 2016. Merkley, 61, was back in the Granite State for a four-day weekend, starting with New Hampshire Young Democrats in Portsmouth on Thursday and ending on Sunday with Upper Valley Democrats in Lebanon and a house party with about 40 people at the Cornish home of former Democratic National Committeeman Peter Burling. Burling, a former state senator who hosts a variety of Democratic candidates at such forums, said Merkley talked about immigration, his recent visits to a converted Walmart in Texas that was being used as a detention facility for children separated from their parents at the U.S. border, and the need for Democratic activism this fall in the mid-term elections. Several attendees asked about Democratic leadership this year and Merkley told them “the fact of the matter, for Democrats in an off-year election, it’s local, it’s state, so turn to your gubernatorial and congressional candidates,” Burling said. Merkley, the son of a millwright, attended Stanford and then got a master’s degree from Princeton and was the first member of his family to attend college. He ran the Oregon office of Habitat for Humanity, entered the legislature there, and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2008. Burling said he hopes to have former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, who ran in 2016, to a house party in early August. Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. John Delaney, the Maryland Democrat and former corporate CEO, made his 10th trip to New Hampshire over the weekend as part of his declared 2020 run. Delaney helped campaign with Plymouth Democrat Bill Bolton, who is seeking to unseat state Sen. Bob Giuda, R-Warren, in the Senate District 2 seat that includes several towns in Grafton County. With the Aug. 14 Vermont primary fast approaching, Upper Valley residents will have a chance to see the four Democratic candidates in a debate in Strafford later this month. The Vi and Ned Coffin Memorial Candidates Forum on Sunday, July 29, will feature a picnic on the town common followed by a 3 p.m. candidates forum at the Strafford Townhouse with James Ehlers, Christine Hallquist, Brenda Siegel and Ethan Sonneborn. The moderator is former Secretary of State Don Hooper. Dartmouth-Hitchcock CEO Joanne Conroy made her first visit to Washington on Wednesday as head of the Lebanon-based health system, meeting with Twin State lawmakers to discuss such issues as the opioid crisis, health services for women and children, and Medicaid expansion. She was joined by Alison MacDonald, D-H’s Washington-based vice president of policy and federal affairs. John P. Gregg can be reachedat jgregg@vnews.com.
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The open top 55 gallon Lid and lever lock ring are included. This drum barrel can be used as a rain barrel, water barrel, or storage container for water, oils, feed, chemicals, and more. The included fittings make filling and dispensing easy and convenient. Then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. We Would Love to Have You Visit Us.
Please use https://github.com/robske110/BanWarn/issues/1 for feature requests! Why did I submit this really old plugin? I want to see if people are still interested in it, and if that is the case, rewrite it. This currently doesn't ban player names or xbox identifiers, due to it being very old. I really like this plugin, and I still use it, would love to see a rewrite with tempban, more customization ect. Yea, this is a very old plugin and I just wanted to see how many would still use it, and it appears it is still well received. So I guess I'll start to rewrite this soon(ish).
I am a sophisticated, energetic and very active person. I have a lot of hobbies, but most of all I like to spend my time actively. I like dancing, swimming. I adore travelling and discovering new places. I live a healthy life and always try to keep my body in a good shape. I like sport, listening to music, reading books. I am a fighter by my nature, but at the same time I am a tender woman who needs love, support and care. I am a young widow, my husband passed away 5 years ago, but I have the biggest gift in my life. It`s my son. I want to find my man who will make our family the happiest one in the world. I am satisfied with my job. I work as a doctor. Which one? I bet you would love to do my job (lol). I am a gynaecologist. So, don`t you mind meeting a doctor? Do you need an injection of love? I am a very faithful and open-hearted woman, who wants to share all her passion and love. Maybe you are that lucky man, who knows? I am really tired of being alone. I am looking for a man to share my life with. I hope we will find that mutual understanding and deep complicity in our future relationships, because an ability to find a compromise is important for both of us. I respect intelligence, honesty and kindness. I think that my ideal man is a man who can love me and my son with all his heart.
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Bass Octaves – Super Helpful for Beginners! This lesson teaches you what an octave is and how to incorporate that into a bass chord progression. The octave is an important harmony on the bass. An octave is also termed perfect eighth. It’s a double frequency. What that means is if you play an octave above or below it, the frequency is either half or double it. For instance, if you take an A, which has the vibration of 110, and you play an octave above it, the vibration is increased to 220. You don’t have to worry about the actual vibration of the note. This is just to realize that if the note is exactly double of the other note, you can’t fail. It’s a good addiction and framework to work around. You can even play the octave notes together. Throwing in the octave adds a lot of spice to a chord progression. The octave is the beginning and end notes in your scale. You can play them on your fourth and second string, and your third and first string. Just practice moving them up. You can use the scale to help you with that.
30 minutes a day keeps the doctor away! 9 things you can do to improve your health NOW. The Howell Foundation will be hosting Dr. Sears on May 20th with the presentation "Simple Lifestyle Changes for Improving Women's Health"; where she will be talking about the latest research on the effects sedentary behavior has on chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. We believe that exercising IS a simple lifestyle change that can help your overall health. Even though tons of research strongly suggests that exercise benefits practically every single part of your body, the statistics continue to be staggering: only 3 of 10 Americans do enough exercise to keep healthy; 4 of 10 confess they do not exercise at all! Here are some of the most important benefits of exercise. So let's get moving already!
Tomorrow, many people in the United States will celebrate their independence, but Independence Day in this country has always raised a lot of questions for me. Are we truly independent? And if so, at whose expense? These are exactly the kinds of questions that have led US soldiers, sailors, and marines out of the military and into Iraq Veterans Against the War, and this is why I have been supporting them for the past 10 years. Join me - be a part of a movement to end US Militarism in our streets, our country, and our world. Make a contribution to IVAW today. There is nothing more corageous than a soldier willing to stand up against an unjust war. While most veterans' organizations will talk about victories and conquests, IVAW will remind us that more than a million people have been displaced in the Middle East because of US military operations. Our government continues to ignore their demand for accountability, and instead threatens airstrikes and other forms of escalation and terror. This is why IVAW continues to be so important. We must challenge assumptions, and we must listen to the voices of those who were there and who continue to follow though with their commitment to the freedom of those living under the threat of US militarism. Let's make a commitment to IVAW. As long as Iraqis are living under the gun, as long as soldiers are dying for the profit of corporations, and as long as our government fails to be held to account, none of us are free. Let's change that. Join me in supporting the work of IVAW. Donate today.
Nelliampathy is among the famous hill stations in Kerala that you would never want to miss out when you visit Kerala and is located at a distance of 52 kilometers away from Palakkad,. Evergreen forests, orange, tea, coffee and cardamom plantations enriched with spectacular valleys and misty mountains make Nelliampathy an exotic location. Nelliampathy, often called as ‘Poor man’s Ooty’ is also famous for the trekking trails and the amazing climate and the nature’s magic which enhance the whole experience. Parambikulam has one of those wild life sanctuaries in Kerala which restores your faith in preserving the rarest wild animals. Lion Tailed macaque, Leopard, Bear, Elephant, Nilgiri Langur, Bonnet macaque, Nilgiri Tahr, Civet, Wild boar and Spotted Deer are some of the inhabitants of this area. Parambikulam which is spread over 272 kilometers is aligned with reservoirs and dams, and also serves as an area for Teak plantations. Visit this place if you want to get a sight of the oldest teak tree ‘Kannimari’ and also to know how it feels while lodging in a tree house. Parambikulam sanctuary has been considered for selection as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was started in 1973. Peacock will be seen abundantly in Mayiladumpura, making its name almost perfect that translatred into meaning ” the rock in which peacock danced” in local language Malayalam. The Choolanoor Peacock Sanctuary situated at this place is the natural habitat of beautiful majestic peacocks that are facing extinction. Peacocks in South India have the most colourful and radiant quills among all the peacocks in the world. Choolanoor Peacock Sanctuary in Mayiladumpara is located at about 30 kms from Palakkad Town, and plan your visit early in the mroning as you have higher chance of observing the Peacock dance. Pothundi Dam is a non concrete core dam which constructed with an unusual mixture of jaggery and quick lime core .Pothundi dam was actually built across two tributary rivers of Ayalar rivers, namely Meenchadyppuzha and Padippuzha. This is only the second dam in Asia constructed without using cement mixture and the dam is the main source of irrigation and agricultural work in the Palakkad district. When you reach the top of the dam through the walway, you can see the breathtaking view of Nelliyampathy Valley on the left side of the Dam and the greenery of paddy fields on the right side of the Dam. Pothundi Dam is the second dam in Asia constructed without using cement mixture. A viewpoint called Seethargund is situated 8kms away from Nelliampathy .Seethargund , according to beleifs is the place where Lord Rama ,Laxmana and Seetha rested during their exile and is among the cultural and historic Nelliyampathy Tourist Places. Silent Valley can be considered as the treasure house of many rare flora and fauna and is among the most ecologically diverse areas in this planet. There is a river called Kunti that flows through this national park This tropical rain forest is famous for sighting the almost extinct Lion Tailed macaque. Silent Valley is preserved well by the authorities and it remains as one of the magical gifts of nature. The visit to the Valley and Kunti river will take only a day via Mannarkad from where Jeeps are available, and you can return back to Palakkad the same evening after visiting the park between 8AM to 2PM. Park is also called as Indira Gandhi National Park after the late Prime Minister Indiragandhi who declared this area as a national park who prevented the efforts of Kerala State Electricity Board which wanted to build a dam across the Kunti river. To experience the view of a natural water fall and taking a dip in it, you can consider visiting Meenvallam falls which falls step by step from a height of 5 to 45 metres. The place has the most fascinating view of the nature and can be considered as a relief from your busy schedules. More than 10 water falls are there in Meenvallam out of which only 2 are open to public for sightseeing and you need to take a jeep from Kalladicode to which buses are available from Palakkad and Coimbatore. Best time to visit Meenvallam is just after rainy season when the waterfalls will be full and the entry is not allowed after 4’O clock. Meenvallam waterfall is a a combination of enchanting beauty and scenic splendor.
Join hundreds of companies and buy the Honduras data retention schedule. It includes all data retention periods applicable in Honduras. From the Honduras Civil Code down to the Tax act. You will know exactly how long to store your data in Honduras, whether it concerns e.g. your accounting, fiscal, HR, CRM, or personal data. Order now and we will start researching Honduras for you right away! All information you need to confidently decide how long to store your data in Honduras. The Honduras data retention schedule is up to date and updated frequently. Combine various country schedules to establish your global data retention schedule. All in a handy Excel format. This way, you can adjust, add or export elements to share with your IT or business. Also, you will be able to combine different country schedules. For example, you could merge all ‘accounts and legal records’ data retention periods from your country schedules into one Excel. If you buy the Honduras data retention schedule, once we launched it, you will be able to download the retention directly and again if you ever misplace it. In Honduras, it is key to get control over your data to comply with applicable laws. Honduras’ Constitution and Civil Code down the principles of handling data. It is more important than ever to know which data to retain, and for how long and which data to delete. Especially since Honduras requires the storage of certain data categories for surprisingly deviating periods than you may expect. Retention laws are always changing. If you want to receive and enjoy updates to the schedule, we recommend our Honduras data retention subscription. filerskeepers country subscriptions allow you access to all subsequent updates in addition. You will receive notification of updates, which will be available for download directly. If you are active in more countries than Honduras, we recommend our Unlimited subscription. With Unlimited, you will receive access to all currently published retention schedules, and all new ones as well! If you are curious as to which countries we are planning to publish next, please see our roadmap. For more information about our one-off schedules and subscription models please see pricing.
More than half of adults worldwide are more likely to consult digital resources than their significant other (SO) for recommendations for products and services according to a new report by cloud database company DataStax. In the US, 64 percent of adults choose digital resources over their SO, in the UK it's 61 percent, and Germany, 52 percent. The French, however, are still inclined to the offline approach with only 45 percent of adults choosing digital resources over their SO. Among other findings are that 69 percent of international adults are willing to spend extra to reduce their wait times for services they care about. Those willing to pay more will shell out, on average, 21 percent extra to reduce their wait. US adults are the most willing to pay a premium, on average 29 percent more than the asking price. They are followed by the UK at 23 percent, France at 18 percent, with the thrifty Germans the least willing to fork over additional money, at 15 percent. In the United States, millennials, on average, are willing to pay a hefty 40 percent over the regular price. Personalization is seen as important too, with more than half of adults worldwide saying that personalization is somewhat or very important to their experience. 53 percent of adults in the US are more willing to share their personal data with a company that personalizes its services or products. Adults in the UK (43 percent), Germany (39 percent), and France (36 percent) are a bit much more cautious. Consumers across the US, UK, Germany and France want to see personalization everywhere from the doctor's office (78 percent), to banking (66 percent), and grocery shopping (58 percent), to airline travel (52 percent). American adults are more likely to find personalization important when it comes to car service transportation (58 percent compared to 43 percent in the UK, 42 percent in Germany, and 45 percent in France); and online dating site experiences -- where personalization would seem to be quite key -- (54 percent vs. 42 percent, 24 percent, and 42 percent, respectively). "It's now essential for all brands -- especially large enterprises -- to serve up a truly personalized experience in real time, and provide data-driven insights for a seamless customer experience -- or risk facing customer churn," says Billy Bosworth, chairman and CEO at DataStax. “Our study found that today's 'Me Culture' demands that services and experience to be relevant, always available, instantly responsive, and accessible wherever and however they want it." You can find out more about the survey results on the DataStax website.
Update your bedroom decor with this curtain that comes in an individual pattern. This 3d curtain brings both incredible versatility and extraordinary texture to any space. Ferocious panther lying on the ground design, creating a simple-yet-stylish look that complements any room for the perfect price. I accidentally purchased this curtain by mistake while browsing and it was too late to cancel the order. Turns out I quite like it although it does scare the living daylights out of me when I turn the bathroom light on at night. It's probably going to be the death of me. I love this shower curtain and it is so much healthier than buying plastic. The colors are vibrant... it is a little blurry looking but the color pop was what i wanted to make the bathroom space come alive without spending money on decorating. It transforms and livens up the space. Also, it is a very lightweight fabric but doesn't fly around when showering. OMG! It's beautiful!!! I love it and my bathroom is complete now. 🤗beyond my expectations. Love Love them Thank you very much! I really like this curtain. I recently got rid of a dry erase board at work and because I don't know if I'll need to replace it, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a large piece of art. So, I bought this and attached it to a frame I made and hung it up. I get compliments on it all the time. If you need to add that special look to your rest room, get this shower curtain. It is a statement within itself. I highly recommend it.
Here's a great way to get discounts on Colorado golf courses and support the soul care ministry of Leadership Transformations at the same time! This discount book makes a great Christmas gift for the golfers in your life. Tee it up for a great cause! Books are SO NEW they are printing now and mailed out Dec 15th! Try out some Northern Colorado Courses with our Northern Colorado VIP Card!
← Is America Trending Towards Socialism? I don’t normally make New Years Resolutions. It’s just too mainstream…. I mean, if everyone else is doing it, I normally refuse to do so. Same with Popular Culture. I refuse to watch or do whatever is “in” now. I prefer to sit on the sidelines and do my own thing. I am a Libra…. But this year, after not making New Years Resolutions for more than 20 years, I will break precedent. That means I may have a few more than the average person…. I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week and take yoga class at least once a week. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. I will try the “Slow Carb” Diet. If I do not lose the promised 20 pounds in one month, I will not say “Screw it”, forget #1, and order a recliner, a carton of cigarettes, a case of wine and a pizza. I will stop running around town in my bedroom shoes. I tell myself, no one else can really tell they are bedroom shoes, but I know better…. I will do everything I can to defeat the anti-gay marriage amendment in North Carolina this year. I will try to remind myself I have lived in North Carolina almost as long as I lived in Virginia and try to let go of my Native born Virginia prejudices against all other states. I will call out companies that do not offer decent Customer Service and Customer experiences. This may take all my time…. I will try to accept the fact that I live in a declining Democracy and not expect things to work as well as they once did. I will tell Time Warner Cable to go to hell unless they give me a really good deal on cable. I can be bought…. I will accept the fact that Barrack Obama is not both Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, JFK, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Theresa and Jesus Christ all rolled into one and be grateful for what he has done and try to get him re-elected. The alternative is unthinkable. I will continue to think that people who vote Republican must be very rich or very stupid. I will spend at least 30 total days in the USAirways Club and be grateful I have a job that lets me do so. I will try not to judge people unless they behave, dress or vote very badly. I will remind myself repeatedly that I am a citizen of the World, not of Greensboro, not of North Carolina, not of the South and not of the USA. I will try to walk a mile in someone else shoes- as long as they are new- and not high-heeled. I have bad ankles…. I will recognize that I filter life through some Elitist filters and, since they are based on education, knowledge and facts, that’s okay. I will continue to hate USAirways. I will have no patience with people who judge only based on their personal religious or cultural “beliefs” no matter how poorly informed and uneducated they may be. That is no excuse. I will continue to strive for a world where all people wear all natural fibers and only eat naturally grown/raised food. I will consider the words “High Fructose Corn Syrup” the worst words of profanity that may be uttered or printed. I will continue to believe Corporations are not people. I will continue to believe Jesus Christ would not recognize many modern Christians. I will continue to hope that Christians finally accept that other people’s beliefs are as legitimate as theirs and let it all wash out in the afterlife…. I will continue to hope people finally realize there is a separation of Church and State in the Constitution and that it really is best for everyone. I will hope that we reach the point that religion is such a private, personal journey that I don’t have to have some of these resolutions. I hope that there is at least one decent movie coming out of Hollywood next year and that we can continue to depend on independent films for good films that challenge the mind and don’t just give an outlet to whiny white women and eternally adolescent men. I hope there is at least one new show on Broadway that makes me want to go to New York. I will go abroad. Somewhere. It’s been three years. I need to be reminded of how well some things like mass transportation, health care and food are done in Europe. I will look up at least one old friend and try to reconnect. As we grow older, we must recognize people who helped make us who we are and what they meant to our journeys…. I will go out of my way to be kind to an elderly Gay person. The prior generations did not have the choices and benefits we have had and we must look after our own…. I will wear more red because I like it…. I will let people who matter know how much they mean to me,while avoiding cheap sentiment…. I will appreciate my friends- on the blog, on Facebook and in person- and be grateful for so many channels for friendship. I will celebrate 15 years of being with my soul mate and the most wonderful man on earth by realizing that is the most important gift of all. Thanks so much Betsy! I have the same challenges with exclamation points!!! Thanks so much for sharing your resolutions. You always make me examine my thoughts and actions.
On-Line: Where Does All My Money Go? Description: Ever get frustrated that you never seem to get ahead? Are you and your family constantly arguing about money? Do you ever wonder where your money went last month? Do you have trouble saving money? Do you wish you had financial security? Want to work on paying down your debt but don't know where to find the money? This course will teach you the very basics of how to get control of your finances rather than letting them control you. It is the help you need before learning about investing, debt elimination, retirement or college planning. There aren't many places that you can go to learn these principles, so take advantage of this opportunity to learn online. Start to make conscious decisions about spending and saving. Find out where your money goes. Make your own informed choices about where you want it to go. Learn how to fund your dreams and how to save money for everything from emergencies to vacations. If you have ever felt lost about where to start working on your finances, this course is for you. You can't afford not to take this course and change your habits. This course is an investment in your future and you will save the cost of the course many times over by applying what you learn. Requirements: Internet access, e-mail, and Netscape or Internet Explorer Web browser.
We are happy that you are visiting our website. I would welcome an opportunity to talk with you personally about becoming involved in the fellowship of Union Bethel A.M.E. Church. You can become a member of Union Bethel by attending our 9am Sunday School and 10am Worship Service and coming forward when the Invitation to join the church is extended. If you are without a church home, a new resident of the area, a student, or residing in the area on a temporary basis, you are invited to share in the ministry of Union Bethel. Historical AME Church in the NEW Orleans area. Come Worship with us!! Praise and Worship begins every Sunday at 10 a.m.. Union Bethel A.M.E. Church is a historic African Methodist Church at 2321 Thalia in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Gothic Revival building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007. Copyright Union Bethel AME Church. Praise and Worship begins every Sunday at 10 a.m. Bible Study is every Wednesday 6:30 p.m. If you are without a church home, a new resident of the area, a student, or residing in the area on a temporary basis, you are invited to share in the ministry of Union Bethel.
Gen 2:2 - And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Gen 2:3 - And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Gen 2:5 - And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Gen 2:6 - But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Gen 2:7 - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gen 2:8 - And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Gen 2:9 - And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Gen 2:10 - And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. Gen 2:12 - And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. Gen 2:13 - And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. Gen 2:14 - And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. Gen 2:15 - And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Gen 2:17 - But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Gen 2:18 - And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen 2:19 - And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Gen 2:20 - And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Gen 2:22 - And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Gen 2:23 - And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Gen 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen 2:25 - And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Password protect minimized applications with LockThis! Usually, if you don’t want anybody else to use your computer while you are away from your desk, you lock it (Win+L). But if you need to lend your computer to another user but don’t want them to access certain running applications like your email program or calendar application, you will need to use LockThis!. LockThis! is a tiny Windows utility that makes it possible to password protect almost any programs or documents that's currently running or minimized. When LockThis! is running a small lock icon is visible on the system tray. The program gets activated on first run and the admin panel is password protected by default. Enter the default password (LockThis!) to unlock the admin panel where you can change your password and a few other settings. To lock any application just press the CTRL button when minimizing a window. This will prompt you to supply a password for the minimized window. You can either choose to use the same admin password for each application, in which case you won’t be prompted for a password, or choose to use different passwords for different windows. Once the password is supplied, the minimized window gets locked and a graphic is displayed briefly in the middle of the screen indicating the success of the process. If you try to restore the minimized application you will be prompted once again for the password. The window cannot be restored until you enter the correct password. LockThis! is free and works with Windows XP, Vista and 7.
You have applied the 'override' directive to a method, but the compiler is unable to find a procedure of the same name in the base class. A common cause of this error is a simple typographical error in your source code. Make sure that the name used as the 'override' procedure is spelled the same as it is in the base class. In other situations, the base class will not provide the desired procedure: it is those situations which will require much deeper analysis to determine how to solve the problem. The solution (in this example) was to correct the spelling of the procedure name in Derived.
The current issue of The Maritime Executive posits a coming “American maritime renaissance,” while simultaneously drawing attention to America’s embarrassing neglect of maritime policy. When the ongoing national maritime policy debate turns, as it soon must, to an examination of the alternatives to craft a “way forward,” let’s hope our nation’s leaders have the wisdom to tap into the resources of the academic community, including the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy. Several recent strategy documents gesture at our national maritime policy. In 2007, the Coast Guard joined the Navy and Marine Corps in promulgating the three services’ Cooperative Strategy for the 21stCentury Seapower (a replacement is apparently in the works). At about the same time, the Coast Guard issued its Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security and Stewardship. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Transportation released the National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System, a document developed by the federal interagency Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). All three strategy documents recognize the singular importance of maritime commerce to the nation. At the same time, however, the 2008 MTS Strategy opened with a warning that “the MTS is at a crossroad.” In the intervening five years since the MTS Strategy was released, the urgency of the situation has not abated. We are now five years closer to the opening of the enlarged Panama Canal, container ship capacities are approaching the channel-busting 20,000 TEU, 50 ft. draft and 200 ft. beam mark, and the shale oil and gas boom is posing enormous challenges to the U.S. transportation system. The maritime arm of that transportation system is clearly showing the effects of the “decades of decline and neglect” cited in the Maritime Executive article: the 2013 UNCTAD annual Review of Maritime Transport released earlier this month reports, for example, that even though the United States ranks second in the world in container traffic volume (behind China), U.S. flag merchant vessel tonnage totaled less than 3.5 million GRT, compared to 122 million GRT for China-Hong Kong. The Obama Administration’s “maritime” planning efforts have so far largely focused on ocean policy. The administration rolled out its National Ocean Policy (NOP) in 2010 and a plan to implement that policy in 2013. Neither the NOP nor the implementation plan—developed largely under the auspices of the President’s Council on Environmental Quality—begins to address the future of the maritime transportation system. In fact, none of the nine NOP priority objectives even mentions maritime transportation. This, despite the fact that the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy had expressly recommended integrating the MTS into any new national ocean policy (USCOP Final Report, recommendation 13-2). The Arctic maritime region has lately commanded the attention of America’s maritime policy and strategy analysts. 2013 saw the release of separate U.S. Arctic strategy documents by the President, the Coast Guard and the Department of Defense, along with an Arctic-specific report by the interagency MTS Committee. Although the Arctic certainly presents urgent policy and strategy opportunities and challenges that deserve our close attention, we neglect the nation’s system-wide maritime policy and strategy issues at our peril. Yes, we are an Arctic nation. But while addressing Arctic challenges we must not lose sight of the fact that we are also an Atlantic and Pacific nation, a Gulf of Mexico nation, a Great Lakes nation and a vast Inland Rivers nation. In short, we are a maritime nation, and a maritime nation needs a comprehensive national maritime policy. Our maritime challenges transcend purely domestic issues. The strategic priorities set out in the Coast Guard’s Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security and Stewardship include strengthening international legal regimes and improving maritime governance. Yet one of the principal goals identified in the President’s National Ocean Policy — accession to the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea — remains unfulfilled. The United States has also so far failed to ratify the 2009 Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) or the 2009 Rotterdam Rules on the Carriage of Goods. Although the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has debated accession to the Convention on the Law of the Sea three times, the convention has yet to be brought to a full senate vote. The MLC and Rotterdam Rules, both of which were completed in 2009, have yet to even be presented to the senate. As a maritime nation with a global leadership responsibility, our credibility and influence suffer when we remain outside of key international rule sets. Ask anyone who represents the United States at IMO meetings. In 2011, the Coast Guard established a Center for Maritime Policy and Strategy (CMPS) at the Coast Guard Academy in New London. Its mission is to provide a forum for the analysis of maritime policy and strategy issues and to foster innovative policy approaches to contemporary maritime challenges. Its inaugural interdisciplinary conference event in April 2012 on “Leadership for the Arctic” set a course for CMPS that would combine the Academy’s commitment to fostering leadership with its historical strengths in marine science and engineering, now complemented by academic and research programs in governance, management, economics, operations research, international relations and law. At the same time, by recruiting the University of California’s Law of the Sea Institute to serve as the conference co-sponsor, the conference furthered the center’s mission to foster partnerships. As it matures, a significant strength of the new CMPS will be its ability to tap into the faculty and cadets of the Academy. The Academy’s students are among the brightest in the nation. More than that, as beneficiaries of a carefully tailored program to mold future “leaders of character,” those cadets are already enthusiastically engaged in addressing the nation’s most pressing maritime challenges. Led by a faculty renowned for their teaching and research, those cadets will be an invaluable force multiplier for CMPS in the years to come. Maritime policy and strategy have too often been neglected in times, like the present, of senior leadership transitions. Just four months ago, Secretary Anthony Foxx took the helm of the Department of Transportation—the agency with primary responsibility for developing the nation’s maritime policy. Jeh Johnson, a proven administrator who was nominated by the President nearly two months ago to serve as Secretary of Homeland Security, has yet to be confirmed by the senate. Similarly, Acting MARAD Administrator (and retired U.S. Navy captain), Paul Jaenichen, has been awaiting senate confirmation since mid-September. Admiral Robert Papp, Commandant of the Coast Guard, is now in the final year of his four-year leadership post. Leadership transitions are nothing new to the nation. But history demonstrates that until an incoming leadership team gets its sea legs, any organization may experience a strategic pause. Such a pause could prove fatal to the maritime economy’s recovery. Policy and strategy centers anchored in established academic institutions like the Coast Guard Academy or the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy can help buffer against or at least shorten such strategic pauses. As “organic” think tanks, they are ideally suited to incubate new policy and strategy options for the incoming leadership team. Serious students of marine affairs must be forgiven if they remain skeptical that we are indeed on the cusp of a “renaissance” of American shipping and shipbuilding. If we are, that nascent renaissance must be nurtured by a comprehensive maritime policy adapted to the 21st century. Let us hope that in the coming months our leaders will draw on every possible resource—government, industry and academic—to help the nation achieve what must for now remain an uncertain promise of a maritime renaissance.
Home » FAQ » Do I have to be involved? The short answer is yes. Ultimately the decisions need to be made by you. For best results, we work in partnership with you on the day. In certain cases, where a client is just unable to be present 100% of the time, we can always arrange a ‘check-in’ system.
Baise Challenge takes place in April every year in the southern province of Guangxi. Nested in one of the most beautiful scenery south-western China has to offer !! It is one of the oldest adventure race Challenge in China with constant show-up of over 10 of the best international teams and 10 local teams fighting for an 100,000 USD purse !. 4 Days of intense racing on Bike, run, Kayak, Abseil an orienteering!! Jacky Boisset and Myriam Guillot have been participating 8 consecutive years and won their 7th edition !!
Faulty electrical wiring is the leading cause of residential fires according to the National Fire Prevention Association. Although changing the electrical wiring in your entire home may not be an ideal home project, it is vital to the safety of your home and your family. At All Pro, our licensed and trained electricians are experts when it comes to upgrading electrical wiring. Whether you need to rewire your home or unsure of the condition of your electrical wiring, we can perform a thorough inspection and provide you with detailed information in order to help you make an informed decision. While updating your home’s wiring seems like a daunting task, we can help you devise a plan that is cost-effective and cause minimum disruptions. Checking your home’s electrical wiring is one of the most effective ways to prevent residential electrical fires. But how do you know that your house needs rewiring? Old home – The age of your house is an important factor that you should consider when evaluating the need to rewire. If you live in an older home with an electrical system that is more than 25 years old, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Wires deteriorate with age, which can increase the odds of a fire. Burnt odor – If you smell something burning that is unidentifiable, it should be investigated. If there is no discoloration on the outlets, then it could mean that something is going on behind the walls. Power fluctuations – Although flickering lights may not seem like a big deal during a storm, but when it constantly happens and you notice your lights flickering several times a day or for long periods of time, perhaps your electrical wiring requires servicing. Buzzing sounds – Buzzing or sizzling noises should not be emanating from your electrical outlets. If you hear these sounds coming from your outlets, this could mean that your electrical system is experiencing a failure. Frequent circuit breaker trips – Circuit breakers are made to shut off or “trip” when the electrical load is greater than the limit. If a circuit breaker frequently trips, this could mean that you have a significant electrical wiring problem.
Home :: Personal Trainer Blog :: Why You're Not Losing Weight On Your Diet? Weight loss is always a problem for most people. The more you try the harder it becomes, even with reputable weight loss programs and exercise. However, that does not mean that you give up, as there might be some other reasons slowing you down apart from your diet. You can check out more information here, but for now, let us see some of the other reasons why you are not losing weight on your diet. Sleep, as mundane as it seems is very important in one’s life. The more you sleep, the better your health. Moreover, research has found out that the less you sleep the more likely you will gain weight. Besides, losing sleep also makes you hungry even if you are not. Likewise, when you are tired you might lose time, move around less and even skip your exercise routines thus making it hard to burn more calories as expected. Therefore, enough sleep 7-8 hours is highly recommendable if you want to lose weight, as it affects your physical well-being as well as mental health. If you deprive yourself of it, then be ready to feel confused, cranky, depressed and even angry all the time. Stress and weight gain often go hand in hand. This is because when you are under too much stress your appetite increases and you end up eating a lot, thus making it hard to keep your weightin check. In relation, you are likely to crave for sweet sugary food better known as comfort foods to make you feel better. This can make you skip your well-elaborated weight loss diet and even exercise routine. Therefore, it is better to stay stress-free, be calm, breathe, meditate once a while, and choose a stress-relieving exercise to keep you occupied. Even though, you might be on a weight loss diet. At times, it can be hard to know how many calories you are eating versus the calories you are burning. It is easy to underestimate how many calories you are eating. As keeping track of your daily meals can be hard, especially for those who love to eat out. However, you can quickly hack this by analyzing your diet and determining how many calories you actually need for a healthy life, or just keep a food diary. Otherwise, you might end up eating everything and anything just because it is labeled organic and healthy. Exercising is also another important aspect of losing weight. You need the right one and you need to follow it to the end. Otherwise, nothing will work out and you will end up moving from one diet plan to the other. Experts always recommend a 60-90 minute daily workout, but for the high-intensity workouts, you can give it 30 minutes a day. However, you should start lower if you are a newbie, there is no way you will make any progress by starting to workout 2 hours a day, you will just tire yourself for nothing. Therefore, for a perfect workout out a routine that can help you lose weight, start small and increase your time and intensity by weeks and months. Enjoying yourself during the weekends or special occasions is not a bad idea. However, what matters is what you eat, as you might end up treating yourself too much thus hurting your workout and your weight loss goal. Nonetheless, you can plan for your weekend getaways withproper diet and workout routines or sports. The point is you should try to avoid rewarding yourself withfood every now and then just because you feel you have sacrificed a lot and you need the treat. Likewise, avoid free for all weekend treats and choose a healthy treat. This way you keep track of your diet very well, at home or on the road. Conclusively, you need a proper diet and workout routine, in order to achieve your weight loss goal. However, you still need to keep your life intact and this involves physical and mental health. You cannot just go on a diet to lose weight without evaluating the other parts of your life from sleep, exercise routine, leisure time, and even friends your keep. So now, you know why you might not be losing weight, it is not about the diet only but much more. You can research more bad habits that are inhibiting your weight loss diet.
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If you are caught up in a cycle of debt, and don't see any way to get out, you may be in over your head. If you are slowly but surely falling behind on your payments, or using one card to pay off another card, you are not actually paying off your debt, just transferring it back and forth, while becoming further in debt due to interest charges, monthly fees, and penalties. If you need help getting your debt under control, without having to file for bankruptcy and seriously mar your credit record, it is recommended that you get in touch with a qualified attorney immediately. Price Law Group has helped over 100,000 clients over 20 years in practice. The firm is comprised of legal professionals who understand the complex processes that are required in debt settlement. An attorney from the legal team can arrange to stop the penalties, late fees, and interest charges that have been accruing and making your debt grow bigger and bigger. Settling your debt is the best way to take care of your debt with doing only minimal damage to your credit score, which can take months or even years to repair.
Ensuring your braking system is in good health is something that cannot be understated. There are many components that make up the structure that could wear out and need replacement, from brake rotors to brake shoes. Clicking noises as well as vibrations can be signs that something is amiss, but frequent checks of these parts can help you catch the problem early. There are plenty of OEM brake components to shop on our site.
Zhou - 16 x 16 in. needlepoint pillow comes with over sized feather down insert. Needlepoint Pillows are stitched by hand. The pattern is stitched on top of the base wool pillow. which means health & long life, it is a earlier character.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports an alarming increase in Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted by the bite of an infected tick, a blood-sucking parasite that resembles a poppy seed when it first attaches. Lyme disease infects more than 300,000 people a year — 10 times more than it ever has. Scientists think climate change may be to blame because it’s now the fastest-growing vector-borne infectious disease in the U.S. Increased temperatures are believed to accelerate tick reproduction, causing a population explosion in the tiny arachnids. And it’s spreading to new places and causing new problems. CDC research reveals that blacklegged ticks, responsible for spreading Lyme disease, are not only growing in number but have migrated west to new areas of the country. They’re now in nearly 50 percent of all U.S. counties, up from 30 percent in 1998. “The Northeast and Upper Midwest are, and have been, the regions from which the majority of Lyme diseases cases in the United States are reported,” says Maneesha Ahluwalia, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center. Yet, everyone living or traveling in tick-infested areas needs to pay attention, she warns. Despite the spread of the tick population, what might be of greater concern is the lack of appropriate testing available to those who might have contracted the disease. According to the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, nearly 40 percent of Lyme patients end up with long-term health problems — chronic infections, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, decreased short-term memory or ability to concentrate and speech problems — because there isn’t a reliable way to screen for the disease. The ELISA test, which most patients receive, misses 35 percent or more cases. Because of this, the average patient sees about five doctors over about two years before being properly diagnosed — making early detection difficult. “Early detection and treatment is key,” Dr. Ahluwalia stresses. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of Lyme disease cases are associated with a classic bull’s-eye rash, according to the CDC. Other early signs and symptoms include fever, chills, headache, muscle and joint aches and swollen lymph nodes. Later signs and symptoms, possibly a month or more after a bite, include severe headaches, additional rashes, arthritis, palsy, heart palpitations, dizziness, shooting pains, numbness and short-term memory problems. Once the rash is detected, get to a doctor as soon as possible. The most effective treatment is oral antibiotics twice a day for 14 to 21 days, says Dr. Ahluwalia. There are many things everyone can do to stay safe, says Dr. Ahluwalia. Other than covering exposed skin and using repellants with DEET (on skin or clothing) or permethrin (on clothing and gear), everyone who works or plays outside should inspect their skin. Once ticks are detected, they should be removed safely. “Use fine-toothed tweezers to pinch the tick at the point closest to the skin and pull straight out without twisting or turning. Wash the skin with soap and water immediately after. Then proceed to your primary care physician’s office,” advises Dr. Ahluwalia. Some experts recommend saving the tick in a sealed, labeled plastic bag in case you want to later have it tested for Lyme. An additional warning: Experts say it’s important to always listen to your body. If after a tick bite something feels off, tell your doctor. Lyme disease isn’t the only problem caused by tick bites. The CDC lists at least 15 other types of diseases caused by various species of ticks, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tickborne relapsing fever and Powassan disease. Additionally, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reports that the Lone Star tick is being linked to the development of an allergy to red meat. The tick bite releases a sugar called alpha-gal into the blood stream. The person’s immune system responds by producing antibodies. The next time the person eats red meat, the body responds with an allergic reaction, such as hives or stomach cramps — or even anaphylaxis, a severe whole-body reaction that may include difficulty breathing.
 Nutrients in milk | Arla Food Inc. Did you know that there are more vitamins and minerals in milk than you can find in almost any other food source? It’s full of lots of things that helps make you stronger and help you grow, learn, play and meet your daily challenges – all throughout your life. Milk contain many nutrients that are needed by the body to be able to function and build new cells. Think of it as millions of tiny building blocks. Some of these wear out and they continuously need to be renewed to make you feel well and get the most out of life. Construction of cells is happening all day, every day and the need for the right nutrition is almost the same throughout your life. Milk’s nutrients can be found in many of dairy products. Fruit yogurt for example contains 85-90 per cent milk and provides a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cheese is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin B12, and many of them does not contain lactose. Some of the vitamins and minerals available in dairy products are difficult to obtain from other foods. So why not drink a glass of milk or eat a slice of cheese? Remember: Good health is a combination of a balanced nutritious diet and frequent exercise. Calcium has several important functions in the body. It's good for your bones, it's also important for muscle and nerve function and for blood pressure and blood clotting.
U.S. Consular officials returned to work in Panama City Monday morning (January 20). Panama agreed? CU Sign "Use the Rear Door" Background: U.S. Consular officials returned to work in Panama City Monday morning (January 20). Panama agreed to allow consular offices to reopen in the U.S. Embassy building. Entrance is through the Embassy's back door. The front door leads to the Embassy itself. There is little activity in the Embassy front yard -- only military guards on duty. Inside, the Embassy switchboard is still in operation but offices are empty except in the consular section. The Panamanian government has broken diplomatic relations with the United States and is demanding that we re-negotiate the canal zone treaty of 1903.
Yakovitskii’s daughter Sasha explains that she hadn’t even known that Belarus had capital punishment in its justice system until her father - accused of murder - was actually in court. Ten months later, Yakovitskii was executed - like all death prisoners in Belarus, shot in the back of the head after being forced to kneel down by prison guards - without either his family or his legal representatives being informed in advance. His family merely received a letter in the post confirming his death. They were also told they would not be able to collect his body and could not know how his body had been disposed of as this was “classified information”. Belarus is one of the targets of a new Amnesty campaign to pressure five countries - Belarus, Ghana, Iran, Japan and Malaysia - to end inhumane detention conditions for death row prisoners and abolish the death penalty. “The fact that some governments notify prisoners and their relatives a few days - or in some cases a few moments - before their execution is cruel. In 2017 - the last year for which global figures are available - Amnesty recorded 993 executions in 23 countries, down by 4% from 2016 and 39% from 2015. Most executions took place in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan. However, these figures do not include the thousands of executions carried out in China, where data on the use of the death penalty is a state secret.
Yesterday I had an encounter that would have seemed like nothing, once upon a time. I was at lunch with a new(ish) friend. Perhaps that’s not a fair label anymore, as we met over a year ago—during my yearlong search—and have become good pals in the months since. When she got to lunch, she told me had a favor to ask. My friend, lets call her Mia, was heading to the train in a few hours, at about 4 pm. She knew I work from home, so my schedule was flexible enough to give her a quick ride, and asked if I would mind. Like I said, it’s not that interesting of a story. I took special notice, though, because asking someone for a ride to the airport has become one of my measures of friendship. Back when I spoke to GirlfriendCircles founder Shasta Nelson for the first time, she told me that the reason she started her site is that she was the life coach for a handful of women who all were missing the same thing: a nearby support system. It wasn’t that they didn’t have someone to call crying in the middle of the night if necessary, it was that they didn’t have someone to ask for a ride to the airport. “And a ride to the airport’s not that big a deal!” Nelson told me. She was right. The airport-ride test is an interesting one. It’s not that big of a request, really. It’s just a ride. From my Chicago apartment, it’s about a 30 minute drive each way to O’Hare. So an hour out of your day, half of which you get to spend gossiping with a friend. And yet, asking someone you don’t feel especially close to for a ride feels like a monumental request. Not quite a kidney, but you know… not not like a kidney, either. Of course, what Mia asked for was an airport-ride divided by, like, 10. Or, actually, 6. But still, the fact she asked made me feel swell. Friendy. Like this search is continuing to move forward. One small step for man, one giant leap for… Mia. Or something. Have your friends performed any small favors, or asked any of you, that showed you your friendship was moving forward? Oh, and Happy 4th of July, friends. See you on Tuesday! It’s sort of weird to be deconstructing things like this. In college I didn’t drive (still don’t) and so asking people—my sorority sisters for instance–for rides places was commonplace and often ended in new bonds (lI got one of my best friends from that one time I needed to be picked up from the hospital, and we got lost…) But it never seemed like a big deal. Recently, a guy we hadn’t seen in years drove my friend to the airport after she put out a Facebook all-call. So I guess I never thought of it as a huge thing. The “favor” is one of the quickest ways I made a few of my friendships. I don’t drive either. While in school in Texas, a lot of my classmates would volunteer to drive me around. It first started as a favor, but then we started to study, eat, and hang out together. If i had my own car, then I would not have needed a favor. Then I would have missed out on getting to know some pretty awesome individuals. The favor is a HUGE play in making new friends. One of my friends, whom I have known for maybe ten years, asks what I call “family favors”. He doesn’t have any family in this town, and he and I have become like a brother and sister. When he is out of town, I take care of his animals (I have my own key to his place). I also have taken him to and picked him up from the airport which is two hours one way. I always love doing this for him. Last night, he asked his biggest “family favor” yet. He asked if he could give my phone number to his mother, and her number to me, just in event something happened to him. This almost brought tears to my eyes. I feel that this favor is the ultimate sign of true friendship. I know some other moms will relate, the airport ride equal is ‘can you pick up my kid from school?’ It is not a huge inconvenience, but you must have enough of friendship in place, or it can make the other mom think you are gonna start asking for ‘favors’ with the kids all the time. It seems these sorts of favors are just the perks of having friends. I have been the ride giver most of the time since I got my license and it definitely made me closer with one of my college friends. Driving someone somewhere is one of those favours where, it’s virtually no inconvenience to the person doing it, and it can be a really big help to the other person, saving them time on switching buses, waiting in the rain and cold, cost of a taxi etc.. The world would be a nicer place if we all did everyone such favours. 🙂 However I have offered a ride before and had the other person turn me down, even after assuring them it’s no trouble!! Perhaps it’s a big step for some people to take. Maybe they feel the favour is expected to be returned? This is an amazing observation. The car ride thingy is a big indicator of where your friendship is at. I once had a friend who asked for a ride to the grocery store while her car was in the shop. I was excited, I felt like our friendship was evolving and I was happy to help. Until she only called me for rides here and there as her car couldn’t be fixed and then I started to feel used. So, while I agree that giving a friend a ride or doing a favor is a great way to cement a friendship, doing it too much too soon is a great way to destroy a potential friendship. This is so interesting! I just discovered your blog from a tweet and I am in love! My husband is an Air Force pilot which means constant moving and the constant search for a new BFF at a new base. Adult friendships are weird and hard to find. It is so funny because I think I finally have one (and of course we’ll probably move soon). I came to that conclusion based on the fact that she volunteered to pick me up from the airport even when I said I’d get a car service. She insisted and said that since our other friends always ask me to pick them up and never return the favor, that it was about time I get the favor returned. BFFs! Love the “family favors” concept mentioned in the comments. When you live far from home, your friends have to become your family. I will totally admit to being touched when a new friend put me as her child’s emergency contact. Thanks Allison! You’re so right. Adult friendship ARE weird. And from what I hear from military wives, the constant moving only makes it harder. I can’t imagine..
Using the right skin care products is not the only thing that you have to do in order to keep your skin healthy. In fact, a good skin care routine will be in vain if you are not eating healthy. Eating well is one of the keys to healthy living. There are a number of foods that can help you with your skin hydration. Because spinach is made up of 92 percent water, it is great for natural skin hydration and rejuvenation. Spinach is also loaded with antioxidants that can reduce wrinkles and inflammation. Additionally, spinach helps flush out toxins and give you a clear, glowing complexion. Celery is also great for natural skin hydration because it is made up of 95 percent water. It is also a great source of selenium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous. This can help keep your skin elastic. Cucumbers are another food that can help with skin hydration. They are made up of 95 percent water. Cucumbers are also high in potassium and vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for skin health because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is also found in many skin care products. Additionally, many people use cucumbers as a part of their skincare routine. Applying cucumbers to the eyes can reduce the bags around the eyes. Applying cucumbers to the skin may also reduce cellulite. Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants that nourish your skin and bring out its natural radiance. You only have to eat a handful of strawberries to reap the benefits of it. Not only can strawberries be included in a healthy living diet, but you also use them to make a mask. You can mash the strawberries up and mix them with yogurt and honey. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. The worst thing about Europe is that you can't go out in the middle of the night and get a Slurpee. Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness, and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions.
Bayer rejects the IARC report and says glyphosate is “safe when used as directed.” For support, it points to numerous studies as well as regulators including the EPA and the European Food Safety Authority, which have said the weedkiller is unlikely to be a carcinogen. But in a major defeat this week in California state court, a judge upheld a jury’s verdict that Roundup contributed to a dying groundskeeper’s cancer. Working for a school district in California, Lee Johnson had mixed and sprayed hundreds of gallons of the herbicide. Bayer, ordered to pay $78.6 million, said it plans to appeal—but an additional 8,700 plaintiffs are waiting in the wings, with lawsuits that one analyst said could mean hundreds of billions of dollars in potential liability. The Trump administration, like others before it, has said there’s nothing to worry about. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is testing for glyphosate levels in harvested crops for the first time, released data earlier this month. In milk and eggs, none was detected, according to the agency. In corn and soybean samples that did test positive (many tested negative), the amounts were below minimum levels established by the EPA, the government said. But existing research, said Melissa Perry, professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University, is limited. This is because there isn’t a promising method to measure how much glyphosate is in a human body, said. While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control periodically conducts a national assessment of hundreds of chemicals to see how much is contained in the bodies of average Americans, Perry said glyphosate is notably absent.
Showing results by narrator "Meredith Goldstein" Now one of The Boston Globe's most popular and most emailed features, Meredith Goldstein's Love Letters column has created a booming nationwide community of readers and letter writers - over 1,000,000 strong and growing exponentially by the day. Am I Doing It Wrong? gives listeners a little more insight into the behind-the-scenes of their favorite advice column. Meredith divides it into 12 delicious chapters, each focusing on an issue with which audiences are struggling, including topics such as how to cope with dating fatigue and infidelity, work romances and tired marriages, true love and true loss.
Europe is set to benefit from a rebound in German automobile production, the end of the “yellow vest” protests in France, political stability in Italy and a dose of fiscal stimulus. The thaw in the U.S./China trade war will be a tailwind given the region’s reliance on exports to emerging markets. The business cycle should improve over the coming months as the impact of one-off events starts to subside. Exports to emerging markets are equal to nearly 10% of eurozone GDP, so the region will be a beneficiary of a thaw in the trade war.
Boiler juice is the number 1 Online price comparison engine for Central Heating Oil. We compare over 150 national and local suppliers in under 20 seconds to provide our best heating oil price to consumers and small business across the UK. With 17% growth year on year we now make up more than 10% of the entire UK market.
Thai cooking is uniquely different from other Asian cuisines. It is influenced by both Chinese and Indian cuisines, but is set apart by local herbs and spices, creating many dishes truly unique to Thailand. The Sunti family has been serving authentic, traditional Thai cuisine in America for over 30 years. Starting with Bahn Thai in Seattle since 1982, and expanding to now three new additional restaurants, we will continue to do our best to bring you exceptional Thai food and service.
Sometimes there are people who have done us very wrong, hurt us or someone we love and we feel the need for justice or revenge. Protecting one's self, family, pets and property are a large part of Hoodoo and Conjure. ​These deliciously baneful Dark Arts supplies use powerful forces to bring about the outcome you desire. Our Dark Arts products are created to use for destructive magic, to call curses upon your enemies or to conjure spirits of the dead. Light our Dark Arts candles in ritual to invoke and petition your personal revenge against those who have done you harm or wish for your unhappiness. Our Dark Arts products are infused with the appropriate herbs and roots associated with the most effective ways of neutralizing and severely limiting enemies who cause great pain and anguish. From the fire of revenge to the dirt of the grave, we have your Dark Arts spell needs covered.
How does GPS work on my phone? Before Space Force, there was NAVSTAR. One of the coolest features of a modern smartphone is the way it can determine where you are while you're there. This has some downsides — horrible location-based ads or tracking your movements come to mind — but being able to see where you are, where you need to be, and exactly how to get there is awesome. Your smartphone is also your TomTom. All this magic happens the same way on every phone from every company making them, regardless of the operating system. Several components work together to pinpoint you (often with an accuracy of 5 meters!) and the software can intelligently pick the best way to make it happen. If you need very precise location information for something like navigation, GPS is usually called up to do the job. The way it works is also pretty cool. Photo courtesy of the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It's a technology owned (yes, owned) by the U.S. government and overseen by the country's Air Force. It's free for everyone to use and primarily a North American utility even though GPS is commonly a regional name for the same sort of system in other locales. GPS is a radio navigation system. It uses radio waves between satellites and a receiver inside your phone to provide location and time information to any software that needs to use it. You don't have to send any actual data back into space for GPS to work; you only need to be able to receive data from four or more of the 28 satellites in orbit that are dedicated for geolocation use. GPS is precise, but it's slow and uses a lot of power on both ends. Each satellite has its own internal atomic clock and sends a time-coded signal on a specific frequency. Your receiver chip determines which satellites are visible and unobstructed (that's important and you'll read why in a bit) then starts gathering data from the satellites with the strongest signals. GPS data is slow and this is by design — satellites run on rechargeable batteries and sending a fast signal hundreds of thousands of miles would require more power — so it'll take up to a minute to get your geolocation. Your phone's GPS receiver uses the data from these signals to triangulate where you are and what time it is. Notice the word triangulation and the mention above that four satellites are required for GPS to work. The fourth signal is used to determine altitude so you can get your geolocation data on a map with only three signals. GPS receivers use a lot of power and require an unobstructed view of multiple satellites to work. Obstructions can include tall buildings and that means the places where most of us live can (and does) have trouble getting the data it needs all of the time. That's where AGPS comes into the picture. For starters, you probably use AGPS — Assisted Global Positioning System — when you want your location from your phone. As mentioned GPS radios use a lot of power and unless they stay in constant use, it can take up to a minute each and every time you get new data. Since you usually want your location while on the move, that can be a burden. AGPS adds cellular location data to assist geolocation. Your phone carrier knows where you are since your phone "pings" cell towers. When you can see three or more towers the phone company can triangulate where you are. How precise this is will depend on the strength of the signal between your phone and the tower, but usually, it's good enough to be used for location data. Software on your phone feeds this raw cellular location data to the GPS receiver which will periodically switch between GPS data and cellular location to get a very close approximation (within 50 meters or so) in real time. Whenever a true geolocation position is received from GPS satellites your location is adjusted; we've all seen the pin on a map indicating where we are snap into place once in a while and that's what's happening when it does. AGPS does send data out of your phone, but its data that was already being sent when it checks for cell towers in range. you're not charged for this but you will need an active data plan to use AGPS. That's an easy question: AGPS is the better solution most of the time. We want our phone to know where we are in real time, to not use a lot of battery power to do it, and to be able to refresh whenever the software needs it without waiting for a good GPS lock. AGPS location isn't as precise as a true GPS location will be, but it's good enough for almost every use case and the micro-adjustments that can be made with true GPS data when it refreshes makes up for most discrepancies. As mentioned, AGPS needs a cellular connection. That means there are cases where GPS is preferred. Any time you have no data connection you'll be unable to use cellular-assisted GPS. The same goes when you don't have enough (three is the magic number) cell towers in range of your phone. Most apps that require location also require a data connection, but some, like Geocaching apps, live on your phone's storage and will work while you're off the beaten path looking for hidden treasure. To get the best of both worlds, make sure you've enabled all location options in your phone's settings and let it make the decisions for you!
Rossignol Apparel, the Rossignol Group’s new clothing division was created in 2015 to develop the French brand’s attractiveness in the sports chic segment. World leader in the ski industry, the brand merges with a contemporary style to create a unique balance, between refinement and functionality, which respects and sublimates the tradition and expertise of the Group to take it to an urban offer both elegant and technical at the same time. The first pair of wooden skis are created in Voiron by Abel Rossignol. Laurent Box-Vives buys the society off to become an international group. Rossignol becomes the first ski producer in the world. The ski manufactures in Sallanches and Artès are modernized and a new label « France Origins Guaranteed » is created.
Just to let everyone know, we have run out of Gumbo…..sorry folks. We still have the rest of the food on the menu though (other than the Red Beans and Rice). Next Article Got Cajun Fish+?
The video doesn’t lie. Watch the replay of the first bout between Eddie Alvarez and Dustin Poirier, and in the second round, you’ll see Poirier land two left hands that leave Alvarez on the verge of being knocked out. Alvarez stumbles around the Octagon at UFC 211, trying to regain his balance and fend off this trained killer who is looking to finish him. It’s the time of a fight that even the most cool, calm and experienced fighters may panic. Alvarez, though, is a different breed than most. He’s been in some of the great fights of his time because he’s utterly fearless and somehow oblivious to pain and danger. Alvarez and Poirier will rematch on Saturday in Calgary in the co-main event of UFC on Fox 30. Their UFC 211 bout ended in a controversial no-contest because of illegal knees. Alvarez figures it’s likely that the left hand Poirier threw that hurt him will at some point land again. This is the point in the conversation where Alvarez shows he’s different than most of the rest. Most fighters in a similar situation would talk about the work they’ve done in the gym to improve, and to prevent being hit by that punch. It’s a fight, though, and when you’re fighting an opponent who is one of the best in the world, it’s often not possible to stop it entirely no matter how much one tries. Alvarez isn’t going to stick out his chin and ask Poirier to hit him, but he’s not going to get worked up if he does, even if it’s a solid one. Alvarez has been in the situation countless times before, down and on the verge of going out, and has not only survived, but rallied to win. His bout at Bellator 58 in 2011 with Michael Chandler is among the greatest bouts ever because of Alvarez’s relentless and utter disdain for his own physical safety. “[Poirier] will probably land that again, like I said, but you know what? I don’t care,” Alvarez said. “I just don’t care. The difference between me and other opponents is that when there is a problem with a guy and they get hurt in a fight, they have a certain way they feel and they start to think about quitting and they at least get demoralized. You can see it and feel it, and it impacts what happens. Me, I don’t feel anything about anything. The first bout ended prematurely not long after Poirier landed those two left hands. The bout was well on its way to being the Fight of the Night, and perhaps Fight of the Year had it continued, when Alvarez landed two illegal knees. The first came when Poirier had his hand on the mat and took a knee to the head. Texas was using the old unified rules, and it was illegal to knee the head if an opponent had a hand on the mat. On the second one, Alvarez kneed him behind the ear. The two got along that night and embraced when the fight was stopped. Their thoughts on the ending differed after they saw the replays and particularly after Poirier heard Alvarez rip him for quitting on social media. Poirier had a concussion and was unable to continue, but Alvarez has a different point of view after watching the replay and hearing the microphones pick up Poirier’s comments to the ringside doctor and referee Herb Dean.
Not as advertised. The film should be called: Gerhard Steidl, for it offers insights into his life and career as a publisher primarily, it seems, of limited special editions and picture books commissioned by people such as Karl Lagerfeld of Chanel and the Emirates of Dubai. I was expecting more insight into typography and layout but instead learned about the mildly eccentric Steidl, a businessman with strong opinions. He seems to have a strong visual aesthetic sense of what works, but I am not sure that he has any interest in what I take to be the more important subject matter of books: literature.
Kaplan/DeFiore Rights offers full-service international licensing solutions. We connect your books with the best publishers around the world! filing of international reciprocal tax forms, and analysis of royalty statements. Contact us at linda@defliterary.com to find out how we can help you expand the presence of your book beyond the U.S. market. Our clients include publishers and literary agents representing authors covering every subject from literary fiction to art instruction to narrative non-fiction to children’s books. We partner with more than a dozen of the most highly respected co-agents around the world to maximize licensing revenue in every territory.
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Freshman, Danielle Kricher has been recognized as the Nouvel Catholic Central Student of the Month for February. She was nominated for her hard work habits, determination and willingness to lead with kindness. She is the daughter of Jacklyn Kricher of Saginaw and a member of St. Francis of Assisi Church. Danielle is a member of the volleyball and basketball teams. She is also active in band. Her favorite subject at NCCHS is English.
An illustrated guide to some of the finest tours of Scotland’s waterways. Wild lochs, placid canals and broad rivers, as they can only be seen from a canoe or kayak. Eddie has chosen his favourite twenty-five inland touring routes and described them in great detail. The routes are beautifully illustrated with numerous colour photos and maps. The selected routes are suitable for open canoes, sit-on-tops and touring kayaks. Many of them can be tackled as a single voyage or a series of day trips, with campsites en route. The journeys are all accessible but highly varied, taking place on inland lochs, sheltered sea lochs and rivers (of an easy nature, up to grade two). A wonderful book for planning voyages and inspiring dreams, or sharing your experiences with others. Eddie bought his first kayak over 50 years ago. It was a wood and canvas one in which he set out to paddle rivers in his part of middle England and Wales. Since then, he has kayaked and canoed extensively in the UK, Ireland, western and eastern Europe, the USA and Canada and southern Africa. He is also a sailor of various types of boat, and his passion over the past few years has been for long-distance canoe-camping. After a competitive career in slalom and whitewater racing, he still paddles whitewater. Eddie is a Board Director of the SCA and is the author of Scottish Canoe Classics and co-author of Scottish Canoe Touring, Irish Canoe Classics and English Canoe Classics – Volume 1 North (all published by Pesda Press).
After finishing his Architecture studies, Marius set off to the German country side with a group of friends to build a house from scratch. Mixing the concrete, sawing the beams and watching the house slowly come up, Marius discovered the joy of building things with his own hands. Marius' eclectic design sense comes from living and working in Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan and India. He currently works with 'Something Fantastic' as the in-house architect. He is one of the co-authors of the book Architecture Read Aid, a pocket guide to discovering Ahmedabad through its buildings and streetscape, which has been nominated for the best designed books. He has been invited for various workshops by CEPT and NID in Ahmedabad and also organised the Khotachiwadi Imaginaries workshop in Mumbai with urbz.
Konami Corporation is a Japanese video games developer and publisher. It was founded in 1969. Initially it specialized in manufacturing Juke-box machines and casino equipment. Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDEI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Konami Corporation (NYSE: KNM), is a leading, global developer, publisher and manufacturer of electronic entertainment properties, specializing in the home video game market. Headquartered in Tokyo Japan, Konami Corporation first began operating in North America in 1982, and has been publishing computer and video games as Konami of America (KOA) since 1999 from its offices in Redwood City, California near San Francisco. In October of 2003, Konami Corporation moved to strengthen its content planning and production by expanding its operations to Los Angeles, California under the new name of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. This bold and exciting move was designed to strengthen the company’s worldwide business, North American market share and future growth in the interactive entertainment marketplace. Located in heart of the entertainment capitol, KDEI focuses on the areas of global product brand growth strategies, business development and licensing activities. Konami Gaming, Inc. and Konami Australia Pty. Ltd. Konami Corporation was founded in Osaka, Japan in 1969 by Mr. Kagemasa Kozuki. Konami Corporation has two subsidiaries in gaming, Konami Australia Pty Ltd in Australia and Konami Gaming, Inc. in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. Kagemasa Kozuki currently serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in Australia and Las Vegas location. Konami Australia Pty Ltd was established in 1996 and has built a reputation as a leading designer and manufacturer of gaming machines in a global market as well as providing a constantly innovative product range. Commencing as a distributor of gaming machines in Australia, Konami has expanded its market, exporting machines to New Zealand, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Philippines, South America, and Russia. Current players of gaming machines are more demanding and new products need not only be aesthetically pleasing but must also entertain and engage the players at the same time. Konami continues to strive to provide products which reflect this player appeal as well as satisfying customer needs with high quality, innovative engineering and a focus on being a technological leader. Konami will always continue its commitment to the industry by maintaining the development of new products and gaming concepts to the players as well as providing assistance and support for our product to the customers. Our dedicated sales, marketing and service teams offer an unmatched commitment to excellence. Konami Gaming, Inc. is a total solution provider as we manufacture not only slot machines but a technologically advanced casino management system called the Konami Casino Management System or KCMS. Our company is known for its state-of-the-art video slot titles played in casinos throughout the United States such as the newest K2V product with the proven performing titles Rawhide, Club Moulin and African Diamond. Konami Gaming, Inc. has made a massive investment in the North American gaming industry through its nine-acre facility at Hughes Airport Center of Las Vegas. Together KGI and KAP are able to provide global solutions to the gaming industry with their innovative products and exceptional casino management system.
On our visits to family in France we make a point of tasting local beers. Here’s a truly local beer from a truly local small brewery – the Brasserie de la Vallée Javot in Machault, Seine-et-Marne. Founder Sylvain Rouhen makes a point of using only French-grown hops. He even grows his own Saaz hops on the wall of his brewery. In the case of this beer, Blonde Spéciale, the hops and the other ingredients are organically grown. This 7%-ABV Blonde Spéciale, which its creator considers an “abbey ale,” pours slightly hazy with a copper-gold color. We found it to have a lovely floral hop halo with a hint of citrus and a gentle malt chewiness. A genuine pleasure.
In Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass," the Red Queen described her country as a place where "it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." From this, the Red Queen hypothesis has been formed. Also referred to as the Red Queen Effect, this evolutionary hypothesis proposes that organisms must constantly adapt, and evolve not only to reproduce, but also to survive against all opposing organisms that are evolving in an ever-changing environment.
Pavement Preservation Products Manufacturer - Fibrecrete Preservation Tech. Visul ADA detectable warning surface tiles warn people that they are nearing a change in elevation such as railway platforms, pedestrian crossings, staircases and other applications. Visul offers faster, cleaner installation and superior durability. These flexible tiles last seven times longer than others on the market. The internal design of the expansion joint is such that due to the discontinuous steel reinforcement combined with the elasticity of the material (chloroprene), the expansion joint will not only allow for horizontal movement on either side of the joint but will also allow for transverse and vertical relative movements of adjacent bridge decks.
The Business Result DVD Edition Teacher's Book supports the teacher in every aspect of business English teaching. Notes, activities, and supplementary material in the Teacher's Book provide teachers with extra ideas and support. The tests for each unit at the end of the book allow teachers to give students extra practice, and help to track their progress. The Class DVD features all the video material that can also be found on the Student's Interactive Workbook DVD-ROM. Each unit includes a video clip that can be used as a focal point of discussion, to develop students' listening skills, introduce new vocabulary and teach the business communication skills that students need in context. The Class DVD also includes a downloadable DVD worksheet for every clip, ready to print off and use immediately in class. The worksheets include listening and speaking practice, video script, and answer key. The Teacher Training DVD helps to put teaching theory into practice. It includes classroom footage and author commentary, and shows teachers how Business Result works in the classroom. The Teacher Training DVD gives practical tips and help for teaching business English. 15 pedagogical areas are covered across the five levels, such as social English, needs analysis, and business writing. The Teacher Training DVD can be used for introducing new teachers to business English teaching, giving in-house teacher training, or familiarizing teachers with Business Result material.
First off, the Sun Fun Festival is making a comeback! The festival was the annual kick-off to t summer for 60 years. However, the festival was canceled in 2012. Visitors and locals are both happy to see this annual tradition resurface in Myrtle Beach. The festival will feature free shag lessons (the South Carolina state dance, if you didn’t know.), kids games, a parade, live music and much more. For a full schedule of Sun Fun events, click here. The Native Son Salt Games will be held on June 4th and 5th between 8th and 9th Avenues North on Ocean Boulevard. This two day event showcases local athletes in 15 different competitions, live music, food, beer and much more. The Salt Games are free to attend. The festival kicks off on Saturday morning with Yoga on the Boardwalk, a Pro/Am surf off and the beach bum 5K . Also on Saturday, enjoy the lifeguard games, kids run, beach volleyball and more. On Sunday, the day begins again with yoga and a surf off. Also watch the CrossFit Up Dog Summer Challenge, beach volleyball and the Peaches Corner Hot Dog Eating Contest. Of course, you don’t have to be just a spectator. You can register to join in on the games. For more details and to register, click here. Friday, June 3 – 6:45 p.m. – Kick-off with the crowning of Sun Fun King & King and live music. Saturday, June 4 – 10 a.m.- 10 p.m. – Parade, concert, shag contest, live music, fireworks and more. Sunday, June 5 – Noon-6 p.m. – Live music, shag lessons, beach bingo , kids events and much more. Saturday, June 4 – 8 a.m.- 7 p.m. – Yoga, volleyball, surfing and more. Sunday, June 5 – 8 a.m.-5 p.m. – Yoga, volleyball, surfing, hot dog eating contest, Crossfit and more.
Every week I hold online office hours and answer questions from folks like you. This week we’ve got a question about marketing budgets and bulletin advertising. Take a look and be sure to join me every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. CDT for online office hours! What would you say to pastors is a good Internet marketing budget (monthly)? Coming up with a definitive number for a question like this is difficult. There are many extenuating circumstances that can affect how much money goes where. You dig? In light of that, here’s what I’d suggest: Try an experiment. Take three months and apply a portion of your print budget to Internet marketing and see what happens. Make sure it’s healthy enough to make a difference (I’d suggest no less than 50%) and you give the experiment enough time to work (thus, the three months). This accomplishes a few different things: 1.) It ensures there’s no “extra” resources needed. You’re working with a budget that (hopefully) already exists. 2.) It allows a no-pressure scenario where you can see what works online and what doesn’t. If you don’t have a budget established for print marketing, try freeing up resources from somewhere else. Once you see the results, you’ll either be able to make a better case for resources. Either way. Just ask this question: “What do I do with the Yellow Pages that show up on my front doorstep?” You throw it away. That’s what. Print marketing isn’t dead, but it’s taking a backseat to digital. Just remember that! Do you have any marketing statistics that speak to the effectiveness of church bulletin advertising? One of the best case studies I’ve read on the topic comes from Tipping Media. It’s not bulletin-based, but it does involve church mailers. The two pieces have different purposes, but the data works generally when comparing online and print-based mediums.
Is It Ever Too Early To Develop An Estate Plan? It is never too early to plan and everybody should have some type of planning put in place. Something catastrophic might happen to anyone at any age, so even having preliminary documents specifically a healthcare proxy, a power of attorney, a living will and even a simple will is all very important. Planning needs to be done regardless of how old or healthy a person is. An individual could have a stroke, a heart attack or they could be involved in a catastrophic accident, which is something I have seen firsthand in my practice. The power of attorney and the healthcare proxy are very important documents to have in place, because they contain advanced directives in case the person becomes incapacitated; meaning there is a person in a position to make medical decisions on a healthcare proxy and make financial decisions with a power of attorney. Health care proxy, also called a health care surrogate, or durable medical power of attorney is a durable power of attorney specifically designed to cover medical treatment. The person is appointed and given authority to make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to express your wishes. If a person becomes incapacitated which means they are alive but lack the legal ability to make decisions regarding their medical care or financial decisions because of a medical or mental defect, and has no advance directives in place, a family member would have to file for guardianship if these documents are not in place when the person became incapacitated. A family member will have to petition the court and go through a full-blown legal proceeding which is quite expensive, time consuming and involves the court system getting involved in family affairs in order to get the legal authority to act on that incapacitated person’s behalf. There is no need to go through all of that if the proper advance directives have been put in place. With the use of the power of attorney, financial decisions can be made, whether it has to do with banking or IRA accounts, 401(k)s or real estate transactions. Any financial issues that need to be addressed can be handled by an agent if the person is incapacitated. Whatever medical decisions have to be made can be done by the person who is appointed as an agent. This is why the advance directives are very important regardless of age. Obviously, having either a simple will or maybe even a revocable trust is important if, the person happens to pass away in order to deal with their estate. Elder law is actually a very complex field and it is mine-ridden. There is a lot of misinformation out there and as the saying goes, sometimes a little information can cause a lot of damage; meaning that if someone down the street tells an individual something, they may end up thinking they understand or know how their particular situation will go. It does not hurt to do some research and read about it, but it is not easily digestible or understandable because it is so very complex. So using the research to get educated about the issues is good, so long as it used to cause the individual to actually pick up the phone and call to set up the meeting with my office to get the proper advice. Contacting an elder law attorney is the best you can do to avoid any problems. The early you get in touch with an elder law lawyer in New York, the better it is for you. I recommend for an individual to call me if they have done some research or heard varying accounts from other people on what happened in their circumstance. I am the one who really understands what is going on and how to help. I am a qualified elder law lawyer based in New York, with offices in Manhattan, White Plains, Bronx, Long Island, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens, NY. Simply relying on whatever information received from those scenarios, whether it was through a social worker, a friend or another family member and then using that as a guide for what could result in the individual’s particular situation is very dangerous. I come across these situations often and, unfortunately, these people who are giving out the information are not elder law attorneys who know how to protect assets or how the Medicaid laws work. They may act and advice like an elder law lawyer would do, but they are not licensed to provide legal counsel as an elder law attorney in NY would do. Elder law planning is ultimately a function of the practice of law whereas most people who may be in the health care field, for example social workers or nursing homes, are not the correct people to be listening to in order to protect your assets as they don’t necessarily know how assets protection works. They are not in a position to give legal advice on such issues, and even attorneys who are not well versed in it might not understand how the law works. The Elder Law Bar should really be an individual’s point of contact and they should be the people to discuss these issues with. It is a good thing that if by talking to these other people it resulted in the individual thinking about these issues and sparking them to call me. However, it would be very dangerous if the person only relied on the information from these other sources as the be-all, end-all and made a decision based on such information. Make the call today to my office for the correct advice and information. For more information on Importance Of Planning Early, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you’re seeking by calling (718) 475-9639 today or visit us. Our offices are located in Staten Island, New York, Brooklyn, Bronx, White Plains, Garden City, Melville, NY. Home > Elder Law > Is It Ever Too Early To Plan?
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