Chattanooga is a beautiful city and appeals to nature lovers. There are plenty of great places to eat and interesting things to do. The heart of downtown is between 5th Street and 2nd Street on Market Street and Broad Street, along the south side of the river, and a lot of restaurants are located here. There are many more restaurants that are not listed here!
If you have seen something in Mote Park then why not report it to us. Using the form and map below, you can tell us exactly what you have seen and where you saw it. You can even optionally include a photo! This doesn't have to be something bad like litter or dog mess, it can be positive like a sighting of wildlife or a hole-in-one on the pitch and putt course! Simply complete your name, email address, a short description and click on the map to indicate where the report is referring to.
Or, Why Are Your Hands That Funny Color? 2017 was the year I to used wax resist to pattern fabric. A technique I learned from Malka Dubrawsky on Craftsy. While it was a giant mess, and I learned not to throw the waxy water down the drain; it was a lot of fun looking for things to stamp on the fabric. There were triangles and rectangles made from cardboard. Coffee cans with the ends cut off. I even used cookie cutters. The most popular was the paint brush dragged from end to end of the fabric to make lines. Potatoes, carrots and celery also made good stamps. I found that glass didn’t work because it didn’t get hot enough, but a Tjanting tool made interesting designs. It’s kind of like a pipe that you dip in the melted wax and then draw lines on the fabric. Still trying to get a handle on that technique. With my first batch, I discovered that you really need to dissolve the salt and make sure the dye and soda ash are well mixed. I got some interesting textures that way. I’ll say, I meant to do it. Another thing I learned was that you need tightly woven cotton otherwise the wax will not completely wash out. Even quality quilting cotton is not a guarantee. I mostly used white Pima cotton but I also experimented with some red and black quilting cotton. I was surprised to learn that when I discharged the color from the red, it turned a peachy color. Black denim turned a khaki color when I soaked it in bleach and vinegar—not at the same time, of course. Ice dyeing also peaked my interest. My first foray with the ice, I used some hemp canvas. Just soak it in soda ash for about a half an hour and then crumple it up; lay it on a grate (in my case, it was a plant carrier from the nursery); dump a bag of ice—or the contents of your freezer—on top of the fabric; then sprinkle fiber reactive dyes all over it. It needs to sit covered for 24 hours. I’ve done it twice. I think the next time, I will try crushed ice to see if that will give me a different effect. The fiber reactive dyes work well with the Shibori method. Especially since the canvas I use might not be tightly woven. I can’t wait to use these in some handbags in 2018. I sent them off to Texas to be hand waxed by A.L Frances Textiles. For the start of this year, our quilt guild will be stamping fabric to use in the next challenge. I spent the day working on different shapes and designs. Here’s to a creative 2018!
A word that came to me so strongly yesterday was Process. We all have to go through the processes of life but sometimes we get too impatient, tired, bored that we want to jump out and take some short-cuts. The world is full of these steps or processes from simple recipes to complicated software configuration of systems. Whichever the case, there are always steps one has to follow to getting the finished perfect product. Ask anyone who has ever worked in a factory for making parts or putting together certain products, each ingredient or part has got to go through the full process in order to get a perfect product at the end. Perfectly completed products make it to the shop floor, perfectly completed products attract the full market value, perfectly completed products create a good reputation and value for the seller. It may take time and definitely requires a lot of patience to allow one to be walked through the various and often monotonous steps of the process but enduring the full process ensures that you get the desired required result. Why am I going on about this? As a mortgage broker I often come across individuals who will do just about anything hook or crook to attain the property they desire. There are certain rules and processes in place to protect every party involved and ensure ability to maintain the payments and keep a home over a family’s head which is the intended intention. I’m sure medics struggle with patients like myself many a times who when given a course of antibiotics and are told to take it 3 times a day but they resist or do not do it, fail to recover properly or even cause issues long term that may not be seen instantly but that will show out in not so long a time. So often you come across people who decide to jump the process and may very well get to the next stage but I tell you the implications of jumping the process will still come often at a higher more painful level when you do not allow yourself to get processed accordingly at the right stage. When gold or silver is purified it is smelted at very high temperatures, it takes time but after undergoing the full process it comes out perfect attracting the full market value. When a builder is building a house, there are steps and stages to ensure that a strong grounded beautiful house is erected and if short cuts are taken along the way, this shows in the quality of the work. Our lives are a little bit like that where the various trials and tests we face are aimed at building our characters. Characters are one of the hardest things for us to allow to be refined, moulded until we are at that much better place where we can be used effectively in a place. It is always so painful and embarrassing when you see great leaders falling at a time and place where many people are looking to them and this causes such great disappointment and chaos below. When we jump out of the process before time we become that reject material that did not stand the test and this begins to show with time that we are not the real deal. The greatest armies follow a regimental process of training, discipline and methodologies so that they can operate with precision and excellence. When the moment of reckoning is faced during a war, those who were fully prepared and went through the whole training process will show. So I want to encourage someone who is in the fire right now, someone whose very existence seems to be threatened by a tough manager, hardships in your ministry, demanding wife or husband, challenging children, that degree course that is getting too hard to endure the process. Expand your view and get the mentors you need to help you stay in that heat and learn the lessons you need to learn. You are not alone, God is with you. Do not be quick to jump out because it feels too tough. Ask Jesus who felt like quitting when he was faced with death on the cross but was wise enough to ask God and say, please take this cup of suffering from me but not my will but yours be done. Are you brave enough to say the same prayer? Jesus came out from the tomb with the full Glory, Victorious with the name above all name. If it is Gods will for you to be in the process you are undergoing, you are going through the pruning stage that will enable you to bear more fruit..stay till the end of the processing line and you will come out as pure as gold able to endure anything and obtain the full market value for your finished product. Do not skip the processing!
This morning I woke with a great feeling of excitement, tinged with fear, anxiety, the awareness that sometime you have to do something for the first time and that takes a number of elements in our armory to achieve those firsts. Today’s thought is about doing pushing yourself forward, facing fears, being prepared and managing our minds. There is always a first time for all the experiences we go through in business. The first time with do a public talk, first time we write a proposal and send it off, first time we pitch to a client, first time we submit our accounts, that moment when we say for the first time “I work for myself”. A huge amount of firsts, and we don’t know if we have reall y nailed it until we succeed. So how do we prepare for that first time, when experience of that exact task cannot tell us we can be sure it will work. Preparation – be prepared for the moment, don’t leave anything to chance, but also be prepared for the unexpected, the good and the bad. Manage my mind – pick up my exercise regime, use mindfulness and write the affirmation I need to read over and over again. Belief – believe I can do this, time is right – remain positive and surround myself with others that believe. Now is the time to remove negative energies and people. Be brave – that old adage- “what would you do if you were brave enough” – we are all brave enough. I would love to explore this with you all. What have been your BIG firsts? Are you preparing to do something for the first time and how are you gaining the confidence and skills to do it?
Why not doing it the best way? You have traveled a long way to come to one of the best snorkeling spots in the Caribbean, do you want to finish in a packed boat with a bunch of people you do not know rushing, splashing and screaming around you, and a crew you can’t communicate with? Enjoy a whole different experience. We do only private tours, which means just you and your group of friends or family will be on the boat. Don’t you think is worth getting personalized attention? No crowds, no rush, take your own private tour to enjoy the second largest reef barrier in the world at its best. Snorkel in two spots on the reef for 30 minutes each, or one spot for one whole hour. It is up to you. We supply snorkeling gear, guide, water, sodas, fresh fruit and beer. Departure is 1 ½ hours before sunset, still with plenty of light on the reef. After 45 minutes of snorkeling we tie up to a bouy to enjoy the sunset. We supply snorkeling gear, guide, water, sodas, fresh fruit and beer. You can bring food, snacks and extra drinks to enjoy while you watch the sunset. We use either 27 ft. or 33 ft. boats depending on group size. All boats have shade and ladder to access the water. Average maximum depth on the reef is 9 ft. Prices include National Park Fee. RESERVATIONS PLEASE AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE. Founded in 1900, Puerto Morelos is a small picturesque village just twenty miles south of Cancun, this tranquil town was the first port on the Mexican Caribbean and for many years, the local population thrived from the exportation of natural chewing gum called “chicle” and from products of the vast coconut plantations. With the decline on the use of natural gum and the loss of the coconut palms due to a devastating virus, the economy of the area turned to fishing, and most recently , to turism. A very gifted town, Puerto Morelos has a beautifull shallow and unspoiled reef running paralell to the coast less than a quarter of a mile from the town’s white sand beaches. This reef is part of the second largest barrier in the world, begining north of Cancun and running south all the way to Honduras in Central America. Aware of the importance of this natural resource and having witnessed how an unplanned touristic developement destroyed the reefs in cancun, the comunity requested the goverment to create a protected area. On February 1998, “ The Puerto Morelos Reef Marine Park “ wich encloses the entire reef area between Cancun and Puerto morelos was created by order of the Mexican goverment. Now we proudly invite you to join us and enjoy this beautifull gift of nature hoping thet you will also care for it and help us to keep it alive for generations to come. Take highway 307 south in the direction to Playa Del Carmen and after 35 minutes (39 km) you will get to the entrance of Puerto Morelos, take a left and drive 2 km more and you will be at the main plaza. The boat is docked at Pelícanos Restaurant wich is situated on the right side of the main plaza in front of the ocean. At Cancun´s Central Bus Station take the bus to Puerto Morelos, it is the same bus that goes all the way to Playa Del Carmen and it will take only about 35 minutes to get to Puerto Morelos and the Price of the trip is $20.00 pesos. When you get to puerto Morelos take a taxi to Pelícanos Restaurant, it should cost you another $20.00 pesos (per trip not per passenger), once you get there look for the boat at the dock of the restaurant. Take highway 307 north in the direction to Cancun, after about 30 minutes (31km), you will get to Puerto Morelos, turn right and drive 2 km more to get to the central plaza. The boat is docked at Pelícanos Restaurant, wich is situated at the right side of the plaza in front of the ocean. At Playa Del Carmen Central Bus Station take the bus to Puerto Morelos, it is the same bus that goes all the way to cancun and it will take only about 30 minutes to get to Pueto Morelos and the Price of the trip is $20.00 pesos. Once you get there, take a taxi to Pelícanos Restaurant for only $20.00 pesos more (per trip, not per passenger) and look for the boat at the dock of the restaurant. Take highway 307 and drive north till you get to Puerto Morelos, turn right and drive 2 km more to the central Plaza, the boat is docked at the dock of Pelícanos Restaurant wich is situated on the right side of the plaza in front of the ocean. There are buses that stop on highway 307 at the entrance of the hotels and will take you to Puerto Morelos. This buses are a Little bit slower because they stop along the road to make pick ups.\r\nAsk at the front desk of your hotel wich would be the best way to travel to Puerto Morelos and remember, no matter where you are you can always take a taxi.
ATLANTA — Kenneth Calhoun is the new chairman of American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council, taking over the one-year leadership position at TMC’s closing banquet during its annual meeting on March 20. Calhoun is the fleet optimization manager for Altec Industries of Birmingham, Ala., and has been a longtime board member of TMC. In his final minutes as outgoing chairman, Jeff Harris, the vice president of maintenance at USA Truck, told the audience he was pleased with the growth and momentum TMC and the trucking industry had experienced in the past year. “It has been a great year at TMC and we have seen some really fantastic things happen at TMC. Our membership continues to increase, we are in the process of developing our next five-year plan and we have really strengthened our relationship with ATA,” Harris said. When he took office a year ago, Harris said one of his top priorities would be to work to bring more technicians into the trucking industry. Earlier in the day TMC graduated the inaugural class from its TMC of Tomorrow Leadership Development Program. This effort is designed to continue forming the next generation of leaders within TMC and the trucking industry. Calhoun said one of the other issues that is important to him concerns the industry’s efforts to develop more technicians. While it does not receive as much attention as the industry’s driver shortage, trucking faces a critical shortage of technicians. The U.S. Labor Department reported that employment of diesel service technicians and mechanics is projected to grow by 12% from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations. The government said 67,000 technicians will be needed to replace retired workers, and 75,000 new mechanics must be added to meet additional demand by 2022. The evening ended with entertainment by comedian and actor Frank Caliendo, who spent an hour on stage performing impressions of presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, as well as actor Morgan Freeman, basketball analyst Charles Barkley and retired NFL coach John Madden.
Sign up here to view our available investment properties and current wholesale deals. Interested in buying houses at around 50% of market value? You've found the right place. Check out a sample of some of the deals we've had available. I'm sure you will agree that these are truly awesome deals for investment. Scroll down to see the samples. If you are interested in being notified as soon as we have a new deal available, and you'd have to be crazy not to, click the button to sign up for FREE. If you've already signed up, just enter the same email address you signed up with.
Not in my studio it wont, f2.8 is f2.8. It clearly is, if you don't care about DOF, light gathering and noise. I believe most photographers care about these things. YMMV.
Have you ever been playing Minecraft and ended up with a full inventory? Of course you have. What do you do? You end up having to just drop items and leave them where they lie, which means the game has to keep up with where they are and it can slow things down if you have to drop a lot of items. You could make a lava block and use that to get rid of items, but things would be much more simple if there was just a way you could easily delete items without having to bring lava into your home. Well, there is a mod that can take away the worry! The Trash Slot Mod for Minecraft! You’ll get a little trash can icon at the bottom of your inventory window, in a layer below it. You can always move it around if you want to though, if you don’t like it being in the bottom of your inventory. You don’t technically need to even use the trash slot once you have the mod, all you have to do it hover over an item with your cursor and press the Delete key to get rid of something. Likewise, if you have a whole bunch of items that you don’t want clogging up your inventory, you can hold down SHIFT and press delete to get rid of all items of a specific type. The one main issue with the Trash Slot Mod is that it shouldn’t have to exist. Minecraft should have had a good way to get rid of unwanted items, but didn’t. Well, that’s why this mod is here to fix those mistakes, and it does it pretty well. If you find yourself spending more time trying to get rid of unwanted materials and picking up trash to repeat the cycle, maybe stop doing that. You’ll save a lot of time by knowing what you’re actually going to use. The DELETE button to remove items under the cursor. Customizable trash icon, movable by just clicking and dragging it to a new position. You can bring an item by that you accidently threw away just by taking it back out of the trash slot. Delete all items of a certain type with Shift+Delete, a huge time saver for people with full inventories. And of course, the Trash Slot that deletes items just by dropping them in it.
Bif Bang Pow! have revealed several prototypes of Retro figures that will be shown at this years American International Toy Fair in New York. On show are a decayed Master, Cyberleader, 4th Doctor, Tardis and Sontaran Styre, but there may be more in the pipeline.
Hand drawn lines and shapes add a human element to your presentations. Use to highlight a point or slide element. Since these have been drawn in PowerPoint, you can easily change colors and resize them. You can also use them within a PowerPoint or export them out as an image with no background and use them in any other program.
I just purchased on of the new 20" iMac’s. It’s great so far but Blender doesn’t seem to run on it. Every time I open up the application it works for about 30 seconds, then it completely freezes and I can’t click on anything. I tried force quitting but it did nothing. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how did you fix it? Well, thanks for the help anyway. Which version are you using? Also, do you have python installed? There have been issues with the openGl drivers. The Blender GUI is completely based on openGl. So incompatibility can cause severe problems. Maybe you should google about this. Had the same Prob´s with MacPro last year too, OSX 10.4.8 solved the scrambled grafics. My Windows XP computer seems to be struggling to run Blender lately. the more recent updates. Anyone else having this problem too?
Qavah woke up Sunday morning and crawled up on my lap. I rocked her wrapped in her blanket and she said, "I want to go get some blood from Dr. Meck." I am amazed by the way she is beginning to understand her own body. Today her labs showed a need for a transfusion so she was given her Red Cross arm band and a ten o'clock appointment to get a transfusion in the morning. Her CBC was 6.5 today. We have had a sudden opportunity to take Qavah to a hematologist in another state. The appointment was made through a friend of mine, and it all transpired in such a remarkable way that we are all in awe. She will see one of the best hematologists in the world next month. I can only shake my head with wonder and thank God that He hears and answers prayer. I am not going to give names and location just yet, but our every need has been met before we even set out on our journey. This upcoming appointment is a gift from the Lord. There is no other way to explain how things fell into place. Our prayer is that God will inspire him to do something for Qavah.
The Soft Foam Magnetic Learning Lowercase Letters are a great way to support the development of a child’s literacy skills. This learning resource includes four sets of lowercase alphabet with 104 letters in total. So children will be able to create lots of words. Can they place the letters in alphabetical order? What will they spell? Can they build a sentence? Furthermore the letters are colour coded red and blue, which will help children learn to identify vowels from the consonants. All of the letters are stored in a sturdy plastic tub.
BOOK TWO OF THE DARK DUET The exciting, titillating, and action-filled conclusion to Captive in the Dark. What is the price of redemption? Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood. The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end. Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance? Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice? Quote: It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human beings revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie. Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge. Kidnapped as a young boy and sold into slavery by a power-hungry mobster, he has thought of nothing but vengeance. For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible. Finally, the architect of his suffering has emerged with a new identity, but not a new nature. If Caleb is to get close enough to strike, he must become the very thing he abhors and kidnap a beautiful girl to train her to be all that he once was. Eighteen-year-old Olivia Ruiz has just woken up in a strange place. Blindfolded and bound, there is only a calm male voice to welcome her. His name is Caleb, though he demands to be called Master. Olivia is young, beautiful, naïve and willful to a fault. She has a dark sensuality that cannot be hidden or denied, though she tries to accomplish both. Although she is frightened by the strong, sadistic, and arrogant man who holds her prisoner, what keeps Olivia awake in the dark is her unwelcome attraction to him. WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious consent, strong language, and graphic violence. ilo read online - I'm writing this because you begged. You know how I love the begging. In fact, you probably know too many things and know them far too well. Who am I? Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I was a whore in my youth, a killer since my adolescence, and a monster as a man. I am the man who kidnapped Livvie. I am the man who held her in a dark room for weeks. But, most importantly, I am the man she loves. She loves me. It's quite sick, isn't it? Of course, there's more to our story than can be surmised in a few short sentences, but I'm at a loss for justifying my behavior back then. I assume if you're reading this, I don't need to make those justifications. You've already made your own. You're reading this because you want to know about the rest of the story. You want to know what happened that warm summer night in September of 2010, the night I met Livvie at The Paseo. It was the night my life changed all over again. It didn't happen exactly as Livvie said. She's been very kind to me in the retelling of our story. The truth is far more. . . complicated.
Beyond Medical believes that health is the secret to happiness. Located in Altamonte Springs FL, we offer a holistic approach to chiropractic care and wellness that goes beyond traditional treatments. We serve all of Central Florida. Visit us and discover how you can lead a healthier and happier life.
The origins of the tabla are not certain, but it superceded the pakhawaj to become the most popular drum in North Indian classical music and in popular and film music as well. Its literature is extensive, fascinating, enlightening, and educational. I wrote the first tabla instruction book published in the west back in 1968 for the Peer-Southern Music Corporation in New York City. It was the companion book for Harihar Rao's sitar book. Since then, I have continued to study tabla and practice on a daily basis. My love for the composed tabla literature and for the rhythmic music produced by this drum and the musicians of genius that are a part of its legacy is boundless. It has been the ultimate teacher for me for the use of rhythm in music. My wish for the iUniversity is not to help players learn to play the instrument, as there are many other teachers for that, but to pass on to the young composers of the 21st century - uninterested in the complications and confusion inherited from 20th century classical music - this great rhythmic tradition. The language of the tabla and pakawaj is all that one needs to learn (and it is simple) in order to recite the compositions of genius that I have collected over the past 45 years. The Western world's first tabla instruction book, written by me in 1968.
Yesterday has been a very special day for the Russo brothers in Lea Valley. The Princess Royal, Anne, visited their glasshouse in Nazeing, Essex. About 50 kilometers north of London the UK farm Valley Grown Nurseries is situated in the Lea Valley. The greenhouse was founded in 2003 by the brothers Vince and Jimmy Russo. They’ve already had their own trade company, Valley Grown Salads, since the eighties. To get a better grip on the supply chain, they decided to start growing themselves. Since then, they produce bell peppers, sweet pointed peppers and snack peppers. The glasshouse has expanded to 15 hectares in the last few years. It's the largest built glasshouse in the British Lea Valley since the 1950s. Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal went behind the scenes of a state-of-the-art glasshouse. Vince and Jimmy Russo explained how they were investing in the nursery to increase production. The tour included a visit to the packing and grading area, where automated trolleys are used to bring produce out of the glasshouses. The Princess Royal unveiled a commemorative plaque and signed the same Lea Valley Growers' Association visitors book that her grandmother, The Queen Mother, signed when she visited the Lea Valley in June 1959.
As you well know already, squats are an exercise, which as a rule, are responsible for developing the muscles of the lower train in its entirety. It is one of the movements that more muscle fibers exercise, being the gluteus one of the most weight work. Therefore, today we bring you a collection of 6 gluteal squats with which you can develop this muscle area at high speed. It is a matter of applying them in a good exercise routine with the repetitions and adequate breaks to achieve what we set ourselves in that case. The aerial or weightless squat is one of the most elementary basic exercises that are performed when we train leg at home. It is an excellent exercise to train explosiveness, cardiovascular endurance and gain strength in the lower train. In addition, it is essential to gain good technique in the other squats that we do, being important to get down properly to work well on the gluteus. The deeper, the more stimulation of the glutes. The front squat is a variant of the classic squat, but instead of placing the bar on our shoulders, we place it on our wrists and clavicle. It is one of the best exercises that exist to work the abdomen and for all the muscles of the lower body, especially the gluteus. The isometric squat is a different way of working our glutes, and like other isometric exercises, its realization consists of staying in a certain position during the maximum number of time or intervals of 5-10 seconds. A different way of working the gluteus and stimulating it with non-concentric exercises. The squat with the jump is a variant of squat, that with the difference of the conventional squat when we realize the concentric phase we will have to give an explosive jump upwards to get to gain power in the legs. The squat with the jump is an excellent exercise to gain work on the buttocks, since having to recruit many fibers of this muscle to elevate our body, we work intensely. In addition, it is a tremendously useful movement to help us lose weight. The Bulgarian squat is a mix between stride and squat, which needs a bench, chair or support of similar characteristics to be executed. It is one of the exercises for the leg that help us to work the gluteus, being a more advanced and difficult exercise than the stride and the squat with body weight. The squat overhead is a simply great exercise, which serves to develop a very large number of muscles throughout the body, not just the lower train as is usual in squats. But, apart, by the position that we must adopt, the gluteus supports part of the burden of both the descent and the lifting of the weight, helping this exercise to gain strength and muscle mass in the gluteus.
Saturday and Sunday: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Texas State Galleries are open to the public and there is no fee for admission. If you require accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Galleries at least 72 hours in advance of your visit. The Texas State Galleries are located inside of the Joann Cole Mitte Building (JCM) at the corner of West Sessom Drive and North Comanche Street on the campus of Texas State University. Paid parking is available at the LBJ Parking Garage located on Student Center Drive, one block away from the Joann Cole Mitte Building. Paid parking is also available for visitors in the JCM lot after 5 p.m. and on weekends.
The South Africa National Lottery was established by the government in 2000 to provide its citizens with a legal and safe avenue of gambling. The lottery is controlled and overseen by the National Lottery Commission. Private operators are allowed to bid for the right to operate the National Lottery from time to time. The first operator was Uthingo, followed by Gidani in 2007. The current operator Ithuba won the rights in 2015. Their Lotto and Powerball games are open to all adults over 18 years of age. Daily Lotto is a brand new variant of the popular lotto game launched by Ithuba in March 2019. Instead of the 52 numbers in other lotto games, players in Daily Lotto have to pick from a maximum of 36 numbers to play the game. This game guarantees lightning quick prizes since the draw takes place every night at 9. How To Play Daily Lotto? Daily Lotto offers players numbers from 1 to 36. To play the game, you have to pick any five numbers. If you want to leave things to chance, you can choose the Quick Draw option at the retailer or online. This option assigns five random numbers to you. The simplest way to play the Daily Lotto is by buying a bet slip at an authorized retail shop. You can find such establishments all over South Africa. One you get a slip, you can select the five numbers you wish to bet on. Use a pen or pencil to mark these numbers on the slip. There is also the option to use the same numbers for multiple draws. If you want to use this feature, mark the relevant Multi-Draw option on the slip. The price of the bet will, of course, increase when you opt to use Multi-Draw. Prizes are awarded to all players who correctly picked the numbers selected in the daily draw. There are four different levels of winners, depending on the number of correct matches. The jackpot is awarded to players who get all five numbers correct. Then there are prizes for those who get four, three, and two numbers. Daily Lotto is a game of chance and you need a lot of luck to win the jackpot. Ithuba estimates that the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 376,992. But there is a higher chance of winning the lower rank prizes. For example, there is a 1 in 81 chance of getting 3 correct numbers, and a one in eight chance of getting two matching numbers. For online-savvy gamblers, the South Africa National Lottery has a dedicated website as well as a mobile phone app. You can register an account online using either of these options. You will need to provide your name and an ID to register the account. Once you log into the account, you can deposit cash into the online wallet and start buying lotto tickets. All deposits and withdrawals on your Ithuba wallet are subject to processing fees. You can check for all information online at the operator website. SMS betting is also available at Ithuba once you register online. You can use USSDs to pick the five numbers for your Daily Lotto bet. Check the Ithuba website to learn more. What Does It Cost To Play The Daily Lotto? The Daily Lotto does not have any additional bonus games. So the only price you will have to pay to play is R3 per bet. When playing with bet slips offline, there is a maximum limit of R150 per bet slip. For life-changing jackpots, you can check out the regular Lotto and Powerball from Ithuba. In comparison, the Daily Lotto has a relatively smaller prize pool. This is mainly due to the daily draw and the rule that prevents rollover of winnings when there is no jackpot winner. While that may seem like a bad deal, it is in fact, quite the opposite. Daily Lotto guarantees a full payout of the prize money every day, even if none of the players guess the jackpot numbers correctly. This means that many people will get a higher share of the prize, rather than one single person getting crazy rich. And since the price of the lotto ticket is low, and they have a daily draw, it is a no-brainer to put a few extra Rands on Daily Lotto every day. With an overall average winning chance of 1 in 7, you stand a good chance of getting at least 10-15 Rands for your investment if you get just two numbers right. Lucky jackpot winners can expect to take home up to R200,000 or more if they are the only ones who got all five numbers right. That may pale in comparison to the millions paid by bigger Lottos and Powerball, but for R3, it is still a darn good return indeed! The Lottery Operator bidding process in South Africa has thrown up several controversies in the past. Gidani won the bid in 2007 after a legal challenge from the earlier operator was struck down by the court. In 2015, it was Gidani’s turn to go to the Court to protest when Ithuba was selected as the winning bidder. And the subsequent High Court judgment has cemented Ithuba’s position as South Africa National Lottery’s legal operator. Over the past four years, they have done a good job of running the National Lottery, instilling confidence in the players by delivering quick payouts and introducing fun new games. They also donate a portion of their revenues to a charitable fund. When Does The Daily Lotto Draw Take Place? The Daily Lotto draw is scheduled to take place every night at 9 PM SAST. Lotto sales for the day finish half an hour before that, at around 8:30 PM at the retailers as well as online. There is no live broadcast of the Daily Lotto draw anywhere. But players can find the winning numbers by around 9:30 PM at the National Lottery website, or at any authorized retail shop.
Andrographis is a popular herb that has deep roots in both Ancient Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. It is said to contain properties that support the immune system, digestion, joints and mobility, mood and behavior, temporary relief from occasional elevated body temperature, and detoxification. Andrographis is also very bitter to taste and is believed to have cooling properties. These traits are prized among modern practitioners of ancient medicine who continue to recommend this herb as a means to clear excess heat from the body and help to balance the pitta dosha. While first administered thousands of years ago to help people achieve feelings of health and wellness, this versatile herb continues to remain popular among the more than 70% of people in India who practice Ayurveda. (1) In fact, andrographis is continuing to gain popularity outside of India, and among westerners who are more familiar with modern pharmaceuticals, but are curious about introducing the many potential benefits of andrographis into their lives. Andrographis is a species of plant that belongs to the acanthus family, and originates on the subcontinent of India. (2)It is known by its scientific name Andrographis paniculata, kalmegh in Hindi, or maha-tikta (“king of bitters”) in the northern province of India. Today, cultivation of the plant has spread to the southern region of Asia. (3) In the wild, andrographis grows well in most soil types, can be found in plains, hillsides, and coastlines, but typically thrives where there is plenty of shade. Identify the plant by its thin stem that reaches more than 40 inches in height, traditionally-shaped leaves with a wing-like appearance, and secondary stems that grow horizontally and produce hairy buds that blossom into white flower petals with purple markings. In India, Ayurveda is one of the oldest and most popular systems of medicine. The fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine date back to Atharva Veda, which is a collection of more than 700 hymns and 6,000 mantras divided across 20 sacred books written from around 7,000 BC. (5) Within these works are mentions of diseases and treatments that would later lead to the organized system of medicine known as Ayurveda. From its beginnings sometime between 3,000 to 4,000 BC, Ayurveda is important to many cultures. As Ayurveda means life (Ayur) and knowledge (Veda), its study and practice continue among scholars and citizens who find that its insights still prove true today. Among the many teachings found in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, the dosha types may be some of the most important. It is written that the three doshas, known as pitta, vata, and kapha, are responsible for governing many areas of the mind and body. (6) Similarly, herbs like andrographis are essential to keeping the doshas in balances, which is said to bring about more positive attributes and physical qualities. Each dosha is made up of the five elements that form material existence in the universe. They are space, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements form the building blocks of all life, including humans. At birth, humans have all five elements; however, only two of these elements will be dominant. These dominant elements dictate whether we are a pitta, vata, or kapha. While each person will have one primary dosha, the other two will be present to a lesser degree. While many people have the same dosha, no two people have an identical quality or quantity of elements, which is what gives rise to our difference of appearance, health, behaviors, and emotions. Each dosha is dynamic and governs every aspect of the person. (7) The dosha can not be changed and will stay with a person for the entirety of their life. As such, it may be important to understand how the doshas affect nearly every aspect of live. When in balance, a vata, pitta, and kapha have desirable attributes that can lead to success or happiness in life. Alternatively, as a result of bad weather, stress, or lifestyle, the doshas can shift out of balance and result in bad health, failures in life, or an overall sense of unhappiness. While there may be many changes a person can make in life to help balance the doshas, herbs are believed to play an important role, according to Ayurvedic teachings. (8) Different herbs have properties that are ideal for each of the three doshas. For example, andrographis has cooling and bitter properties that makes it ideal to help balance the pitta dosha. If a kapha or vata takes andrographis, it may help to balance their dosha, but to a lesser degree. The reason andrographis supports the pitta dosha is because it governs key systems of the body, including metabolism, vision, the brain, liver, spleen, and the gastrointestinal tract. (9) These systems of the body gives rise to qualities that are hot and sharp. Therefore, the cooling and bitter properties help to balance the pitta when they get too hot as a result of work, exercise, or eating spicy foods; or too sharp as a result of not eating enough, staying indoors too long, or stress. In the study of Ayurveda, some people find that the concept of the doshas and using herbs to balance the mind and body remain true today. While modern medicine is discovering new formulations of synthetic compounds to address health concerns, some circles of research are seeking more advanced study into herbs like andrographis to gain further insight into its potential benefits. Andrographis has been found to contain more than 90 naturally occurring compounds. Each of these compounds may provide a range of potential medicinal benefits. (10) This includes andrographis and its major chemical constituent known as andrographolide, which is a secondary plant metabolite. (11) Unlike primary metabolites that are essential to the growth and function of plants, secondary plant metabolites allow the plant to survive in the environment against UV light from the sun, microbes, insects, animals, and other factors. (12) Some of these compounds are known to support free radical scavenging antioxidants, the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the brain, and more. The potential benefits of taking andrographis as a supplement to support the immune system is not a new concept. According to some historical accounts, andrographis is credited with stopping the 1919 Indian flu epidemic that followed on the heels of the 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak. In all, the epidemic would claim 20 to 50 million lives around the world, with at least 10 million deaths occurring in India before it was stopped. (13). Andrographolide has also been shown to host a range of molecular mechanisms that may support the body’s regulating processes during normal aging. These processes may help to regulate how the body responds to internal challenges, promotes comfort, and maintains a positive state. Current research has shown that various active ingredients of Andrographis affect immune function, interacting with the platelet activating factor receptor, improving the nitric oxide levels in the body, scavenging oxygen free radicals, and inhibiting various proinflammatory cytokines, thus exhibiting a potent anti-inflammatory effect. According to the study, these potential benefits may be linked to how andrographolide interacts with immune system functions, including the production of cytokines that help to regulate the immune response, and by inhibiting signaling pathways. In a study that examines the aqueous (water-based) extract of andrographis, the extract was found to have active properties that may support a healthy cardiovascular system, including arteries, and vessels. Additionally, these properties may support clotting factors, as well as help to maintain blood pressure already within the normal range. One study found also found that the extract helped participants to maintain a healthy heart rate. Some researchers also notes that “andrographolide may have a high therapeutic potential to treat thromboembolic disorders and may also be considered for treating various inflammatory diseases.” This may be the result of regulating factors in platelet aggregation, which is a function of the cardiovascular system that helps to clump platelets together to fill a wound. Researchers from the Department of Pharmacology at the National University of Singapore looked into the effect of andrographis leaf extract on blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (15) In the study, researchers administered 550 mg of dry andrographis extract to one group, and a placebo to a second group. The dosage and diets varied for each group, and blood glucose levels were measured 2 hours following a meal, and after 14 days. Andrographis is a versatile herb that is available as a whole plant, dry powder, or liquid extract. (16) Due to its bitter properties, choosing capsules or tablets may be the preferred method of supplementing a healthy diet. If using whole plant parts, add 10 to 12 grams of fresh andrographis parts in a teapot or infuser to one cup of boiling water and steep for 5 to 10 minutes. If using dried andrographis leaf, substitutes with one teaspoon. If the tea is too bitter, use less herb or combine with strong fruit, like cranberry. If taking as a supplement, dosages will vary. Some supplements contain 200 mg or more of andrographis extract per serving. Some studies administer 400 mg or more each day to obtain their results. As with any herb or supplement, there may be interactions with certain medications and medical conditions. Some people report headaches, fatigue, allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea, altered taste, or pain when taking andrographis. (17) For specific individual needs, first consult with a primary care physician or nutritionist prior to taking any supplement. Andrographis may be found as a primary ingredient in supplements, blended with complementary herbs, vitamins, or other nutrients. In Ayurveda, herbs are frequently combined to promote optimal medicinal benefits in a healthy body. ... and other Ayurvedic herbs! Andrographis is an ancient herb that has been used for thousands of years as a means to achieve health and wellness in life. While very bitter, this exact quality is believed to be the key to its many potential benefits. Experience andrographis and see if it makes a difference in your life!
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Studies of gesture and language, multimodality, and embodied talk constitute a blooming domain that revisits our conceptions of language as well as of human action. However, research until now has focused on the upper part of the body — mainly on gesture, gaze, head movements and facial expressions. This paper contributes to and expands this line of research by looking at the lower part of the body — in practices of walking and talking — and by demonstrating how the entire body is crucially involved in the organisation of social interaction. Adopting a conversation analytic perspective, the paper is based on video recordings of people talking and walking in a garden. The study shows how the entire body moves in significant and systematic ways, within complex multimodal Gestalts. In particular it shows how walking both reflexively shapes and is shaped by emergent turn formatting, ongoing sequence organization and the dynamic organization of participant frameworks.
Residents and family members may wish to review Prairie North Health Region policies relating to Continuing Care. They are shared here for your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact a specific facility.
Eric Cantor is the Vice Chairman and a Managing Director at Moelis & Company where he also serves on the Board of Directors. He joined the Firm to advise clients on public policy issues across industry sectors, particularly where international business and finance intersect. Mr. Cantor, who has more than 25 years of political and business experience, was formerly United States Representative from Virginia. He served as House Majority Leader from 2010-2014 during which he led the public policy agenda for the U.S. House of Representatives. During his time in office, Mr. Cantor was a champion of pro-growth solutions including lowering taxes, eliminating excessive regulation, strengthening businesses, and encouraging entrepreneurship. One of his many accomplishments as Majority Leader was the passage of the JOBS Act, which makes it easier for start-up and emerging growth companies to access capital. Mr. Cantor is regularly featured in publications focusing on a wide range of topics including both domestic and international matters. Mr. Cantor holds a B.A. from The George Washington University, a J.D. from The College of William and Mary, and an M.A. from Columbia University. He co-authored the New York Times best-selling book, “Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders”. Mr. Cantor serves as a member of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Executive Council on Infrastructure and has been named a visiting fellow at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He also serves on the U.S. Department of Defense Policy Board, a group tasked with providing the Secretary of Defense with independent, informed advice and opinion concerning matters of defense policy.
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MTrek › forums › mtrek forum › LMAO! Still up and running! This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by obit 2 years, 5 months ago. I googled this in the middle of the night, after the dog wanted to go out. I can’t believe this game still up and running! It has been a long time…so many memories. It was a great game! My apologies, to old foes, for my old ruthless ways. I may need to find a telnet client or write something in Java/C#….I’ve long since discarded old files. Cool-retro-term is the best way to mtrek….
17/05/2007 · Yes it is possible, you can set it as a media server. I forgot how I did it, but you have to make sure the wifi is on both the laptop and PS3. and save the music/vids/pics in the SHARED folder in rbc how to create savings account Alibaba.com offers 44 connect pc ps3 wirelessly products. About 20% of these are earphone & headphone. A wide variety of connect pc ps3 wirelessly options are available to you, such as portable media player, mobile phone. I bought a USB dongle and it's connected to my PC. I'm using the DS3 to play PS3 games, but I want to use it to play a PC game. How do I make it so I don't have to keep unplugging/plugging the controller USB/microUSB cable from the PS3 to my PC in order for it to recognize it? 16/04/2008 · if you have Windows Media Player 11( which can be found on microsoft.com) you can share your music photos and videos over a private connection.
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As the Director of Finance and Purchasing, Kimberly Canada is responsible for the fiscal operations of the Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division. Kimberly serves as a member of the Court’s Executive Team where she contributes to the overall management of the Court and assists with ongoing strategic planning to promote the overall mission of the Court. Kimberly is responsible for the preparation and management of the Courts annual budget. On a daily basis, she provides direct supervision to the finance staff and total fiscal oversight for all Court departments. Her areas of service include Administration, Adult Probation, Information Technology, and Support Services.
The ALA Legacy Society recognizes individuals who plan to make future gifts through their estates. As a member of the ALA Legacy Society, you will receive a personalized welcome package, commemorative pin, and invitations to conference and meeting events. To become a member of the ALA Legacy Society, simply notify the ALA Development Office of your intentions. We can provide sample bequest language for inclusion in your will or trust, or otherwise assist you with a plan that meets your philanthropic and financial goals. One optional benefit of membership is the listing of your name on the official ALA Legacy Society Honor Roll, which may be published from time to time in connection with special ALA events and publications. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we are happy to honor your wishes. Members of the Legacy Society share a strong common bond of generosity and visionary leadership, supporting ALA and its divisions, offices and round tables success. We welcome the opportunity to recognize those who are helping to make the future possible. Bequests from a will or trust are the most common way to leave a gift to ALA. Some people set aside a certain dollar amount. Others leave a percentage of the estate or assets left over after providing for their family. Others have made ALA the beneficiary of 401K/IRA plans or insurance policies, or have established a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust to the Association. All qualify a person or couple for membership in the Society.
Watch video · You'll discover lower level items that make more gold than even the max level mats everyone assumes are the best to sell. Often times these lower level items have no competition, and that means you can charge much higher prices. Early on in my training business I made my goal to make over $200,000 per year. Your goal can be whatever you want it to be. Mine was to make $200,000 per year. The game itself is more important than wasting half my hard drive to make a photorealistic replica of just 1/4 of the map.
This no dimethicone formula comes with Alpinia and other plants extract to strengthen and protect the hair from further damage. Hydrolyzed wheat protein and honey extracts are added to ensure to repair leaving the hair soft, manageable and without tangles. Directions: After rinsing off your shampoo, pump the amount of conditioner to suits the length of your hair, gently rub with both hands and apply to your hair and hair ends, leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse off.
It was a great weekend, even with the rain. At least it wasn't snowing. While walking from the warmth of a fire and friendship at the tobacco shed, I turned the corner of the chicken coop, a beacon of light from the Bekkum cabin lit the way on a starless and moonless night. Closer I got to this beacon, the sound of voices singing hymns lifted my spirits. After stopping a few minutes to listen to this wonderful chorus made me think the wonderer of years ago, doing the same on the long lonely trek home. My steps were lighter for the rest of my short journey. Things will also be different. Many of the Poorboys, who I'm with, are moving on in their lives. One to the "real" army, two to out of state colleges and another one busy at a local higher education institute. Yes, times go on, but we always have the memories of the past and hope for the future. I could not agree more. I am glad to hear you were able to enjoy the sounds of the cabin; it was a joyful time. The laughter made my sides and cheeks hurt when we sung a song about a pig complete with "oinks"...I shed a tear when we all sang A Capella "Wonderful Grace of Jesus". New memories were made this year to reflect upon. I look forward to many more ! I am sorry to hear that your daughter Mikayla is not going to be reenacting anymore. Is she going off to college? I guess the empty nest eventually happens. Thank you for writing this blog for those of us who could not be at the event. Wade House is usually our last event of the year. Sounds like a pretty place and lots of fun. Take care!
The star apple, is also known by the name caimito. It is an exotic fruit that has a tough, in-edible skin whose color ranges from purple to green, depending on the stage of ripeness. Its sweet and tender inner flesh is white and purple, and contains a star shape that is formed by seeds through the middle of the fruit. It is not commonly available in grocery stores, but specialty stores may carry it. Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia. It occurs due to insufficient amounts of mineral iron in the body. Iron is important for the body in producing hemoglobin, which is a protein molecule in red blood cells which is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache and loss of appetite. This condition can be corrected by consuming foods with high iron content including green leafy vegetables, apple star and taking iron supplements. What do you need to maintain bone health? The answer is easy, phosphorus and calcium. Most of you believe that the source of calcium is mostly dairy products such as cheese or milk. But how about those who people who are are allergic to such products? There are a lot of fruits and vegetables sources that contain calcium in high amount, and star apple is on the list. It has been proven that the fiber present in star apple is effective in controlling the blood sugar level. Researches published in African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology last 2009, reported that the leaves of star apple has the same function with insulin, which could help in reducing the glucose level in the blood stream. Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient, that is essential in providing support to various important functions in your body. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant and responsible for the production of collagen, protecting the heart, healing wounds, enhancing vision, improving immune health and decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetics. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and helps in preventing many fatal diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Also, it helps delay the aging process. The human body cannot make vitamin C itself, therefore, it is important to eat this nutrient rich food. Star apple is one of those foods that have high content of vitamin C. Star apple is a good source of calcium, with each serving containing 10% of the amount required daily. Also, this fruit contains 5% of the daily recommended value per serving of vitamin A and C. Additionally, just 1 serving of star apples serves up to 2% of iron, which is a mineral essential for oxygenating your body, that is needed daily. Star apple is low in calories and fat. It is one of the best food choices to include in a weight loss diet. The high amount of dietary fiber that is in this fruit helps in improving satiety and makes you feel full for long periods of time. This helps prevent over-eating, which is very important when you are on a weight loss plan.
If you're looking for a year round woodsy, earthy scent, this one is perfect! Sandalwood is not only a Good Candle staff favorite, we think it will be yours too. Non-toxic, locally made and always hand poured, the braided cotton wick burns clean and long. Sandalwood is the second most expensive wood in the world, but this 100% American grown and poured soy wax candle is equally authentic, long burning and affordable.
Deathgasm Renamed for WalMart DVD Release - DecayMag. “Satan is evil and cannot be promoted in any way, shape or form”. This isn’t the first time WalMart has changed a movie title. Grant Harvey’s film “A Christmas Horror Story” changed to “A Holiday Horror Story”. reports Dread Central. I don’t understand what’s the difference between the titles. The exception being that one has “Christmas” and one has “Holiday”. Could the “offense” have something more to do with the term “Christmas”? Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Some cultures celebrate Kwanzaa, while others don’t celebrate the holiday at all. In my opinion, changing a movie title to fit within society’s standards is unethical. It robs the creative team the freedom to express themselves and be who they are. It also robs the work of art the freedom of being what its meant to be. If something as minor as a title “offends” society, then I wonder what else offends society. This is one reason the entertainment industry cannot excel or prosper. The fact holds true in the horror industry.
When buying the entire series as a package, you will save 15% (when compared to buying each event separately). That is a savings of up to $27.00 per person! You get three legendary Classic Rock bands, on three separate nights, for one great price. Not only do you get a great deal, but by purchasing the package you will be showing your support for this type of series, allowing the Regent Theatre to plan similar concert series in the future. Don’t miss out on seeing these legends of Canadian Rock live at the Regent Theatre!
Juice therapy is not a new medical system. It has been around for a few decades as juice therapy, while it has probably been around for generations before as simply good nutrition. Juice therapy follows a motto of ‘one disease – one solution’. The basis of juice therapy is that all diseases or illnesses are caused either due to toxicity or a deficiency. Juices of vegetables, plants, fruits, etc. are considered very good sources of a wide variety of nutrients, which will set right any problems with the body. In this article, we deal with what exactly juice therapy is and what its benefits are. All medication provides the body with either what it lacks or what will help it fight against disease, for example, night blindness is invariably prescribed with vitamin A, as vitamin A has a direct bearing on eyesight. Juice therapy works in a similar manner, except that you get your medication in the form of juices. So instead of consuming vitamin A capsules, you will probably be drinking carrot juice. Since there is no streamlined methodology in juice therapy, different practitioners use different methods to treat illnesses. Some of them use juices as supplements to the normal diet, while others completely replace the diet with juices. It should, however, be noted that juice therapy is not an alternative system of medication, and you should never rely on juices to compensate for medication. Undergoing juice therapy as a complementary system to aid is recovery is what is recommended. Fruit juices have a number of benefits to the body. Most fruits are rich in all the micronutrients that the body needs, while being very low in fats. Fruits are also rich in carbohydrates, although you may need to include pulses to get your protein requirement. One of the first things that you have to remember is that fruits must be crushed rather than pulped as in a mixer or grinder. Also, the juice must be strained before consumption to ensure that none of the pulp or rind comes along with the juice. When taken in this manner fruit juices detoxify the body and flush out all the toxins from the body. In fact, there are supposed to be specific vegetable juices that are supposed to help in the treatment of cancer. The important thing to note here though is that practitioners never ‘diagnose’ any illness or problem. Most of the juices are prescribed as a sort of tonic because there are seldom any ill effects or side effects to drinking fruit juices. Listed below are some fruit and vegetable juices that are good for the body. Apple juice is prescribed to those who have a week nervous system or kidney stones due to acidity. Bigger gourd juice taken on an empty stomach is supposed to cure jaundice. It is also very good at promoting appetite and can be taken for leucoderma, blood impurity, fever, and worms. It is also said to dissolve kidney stones. Vegetable juices such as cabbage juice are supposed to be good for the heart and are beneficial in gastric and duodenal ulcers. Cucumber juice is said to cure all urinary problems. French bean juice is supposed to stimulate insulin production when mixed with cabbage juice. Lemon juice is a very good antibacterial agent. Almost every single fruit and vegetable out there benefits our body. Until now, the health benefits of fruit juices were not widely known and people were encouraged to eat raw fruits and vegetables. While there is never any harm in this, what is known is that certain health benefits are achieved only when the juice is consumed. A case in point is cabbage juice, which is beneficial to the heart and kidneys when consumed as a juice, but only results in flatulence when eaten raw. Is Fruit Therapy Better Than Juicing? There has been a hot debate on whether fruit juice is better than whole fruit. Most dietitians believe that whole fruits are much better than juices. Whole fruits have soluble fiber that is usually recommended for good health. Fruit juice, on the other hand, consists of a lot of sugars. This makes the juice rich in carbohydrates and sugars. Fruit juices are not healthy for men and women who have diabetes. However, fruits, due to their soluble fiber content, can help increase the basal metabolism rate. There are many fruit therapy benefits, which fruit juices simply do not have. A fruit therapy diet is also great for those who are trying to lose weight. What Kind Of Juice Is Good For Your Skin Health? Fruits are a rich source of Vitamins. If you are wondering what kind of juice is good for your skin, the answer lies in the kind of vitamin it contains. The vitamins which are particularly good for skin care are Vitamins A and E. As such, the juices of fruits rich in these vitamins can help in making your skin glow, relieve common skin ailments and blemishes, and give you flawless and younger looking skin. Some of the juices for skin health are that of apple, cranberry, kiwi fruit, guava juice and cantaloupe. Other good juices for skin care include tomato, watermelon, grapefruit, papaya, and passion fruit. Does Lemon Juice Cleanse Liver, Gallbladder and Colon? Lemon is one of the best known members of family of citrus fruits. Lemon juice has a high content of Vitamin C. It is rich in citric acid and is used as a cleansing agent for the skin and physiological systems such as the digestive system. As lemon juice is good for the digestive system because it cleanses all the parts of this system including the liver, gall bladder, and colon. Consuming the juice of a lemon for cleansing liver every morning helps to flush out toxins and keeps you healthy. You can mix lemon juice in apple juice for best results and intense cleansing. You can use olive oil and lemon for colon cleansing. Doing so on a regular basis prevents constipation and flatulence. Lemon juice also helps prevent and cure gall stones.
- Barry M Nail Paint in "Pink Silver Glitter" The conditions for this giveaway are that you have to be UK based and you have to follow our blog. You can follow us on Twitter too for extra entries! The giveaway ends on the 14th of October and the winner will be contacted shortly after. *This giveaway has now closed and the winner has been notified.
I haven’t written in awhile. Most of my well-intentioned musings are stored in opaque jars on a shelf called, “I’ll get to it someday.” Occasionally, I’ll get one down, turning the dusty jar with tired hands, opening the lid and examining the contents as if it were a spice I could still use for cooking. Some have expired. Even if I were to extract the contents, the meaning is long gone, trapped within the recesses of my memory—forever. It is complicated being a writer. My thoughts start to build into entire essays when all I want to do is put down the right sentence before the turn of phrase eludes me. I miss the words. Spun just right, I am a weaver of silk that can touch the senses with delicate thread and soft colors. You will remember me in the lasting impression of lightness and texture you cannot explain. It is a gift and one that I am grateful for, if only for a place to rest my tumbled thoughts, the pillow that cradles my head crisp and white underneath the boldness of black Arial font. I recently decided to open a jar, shaking lose the fragments of another time, working to piece them together in the present. This one is called, “Why me.” It is not a question. It is an understanding of how I was allowed to live rather than the alternative. What that means is only speculation but with a deep certainty that while some of us got that chance, others still had to die. Not everyone could survive, history tells us that. Why not me. It is not a question. It is a lesson in providence, if you believe in that sort of thing. I do. But sometimes I forget, until it lays a soft hand on my shoulder and I have to look back. I am an orphan of war. That is not a question. It is an answer. I used to ask other questions but they only echoed quietly off of high canyon walls, resounding uselessly, unanswered and unattended. Then I started to listen—to the stories of history and the multitude of voices that rose above the slow hum of my soul, allowing me some peace. Not quiet. Nowadays, I do not need to know the whole story. Part of it is fiction anyway. The truth is told in the small hands that are placed in mine until they learn to let go, becoming a part of time and change. They tell me my story and I tell them theirs. I give them history. They can’t write it down just yet but that’s ok. I have been storing jars. I teach them about respect, compassion, the importance of “give” and the limitations of “take.” They see the world through wondrous brown eyes and ask a never-ending stream of questions, their miniature souls buzzing alongside mine. It is that simple. That is providence. They don’t care about Viet Nam. They care about their mother. Why. Me.
Most websites worldwide are created using one of the many open source content management systems. CMS are easy to use software solutions that allow users to create websites, blogs, forums, or online portfolios, etc., with little effort. They are popular because they can be used by amateurs and experts alike. The most well-known and widely used CMS is WordPress.
After recreational marijuana was legalized in Canada, three universities are amending their policies to allow its use on campus. Universities in the U.S. remain committed to federally imposed ban of the drug. The University of British Columbia is in the middle of tweaking its campus smoking policy to allow recreational marijuana use after the drug was legalized by the Canadian government in October. Michael Serebriakov, legal counsel for the university, is helping to prepare the revised policy for approval by the Board of Governors. The move is expected to make the university -- and others in Canada making similar shifts -- among the first in North America to permit marijuana use on campus.
Google recently updated their Google PageRank Toolbar, and Investor Trip went from a PR4 to a PR5. This is the first Pagerank Update for Investor Trip in a long time, probably at least 6 months or so. Anyway, I’m looking for new sites to link to from my homepage (See the homepage at the bottom of the sidebar). While most bloggers endorse creating a separate page for links, I believe that defeats the whole purpose of giving links. The goal is to funnel traffic and Google love to other blogs. Creating a seperate page is very ineffective at doing so. If you have a financial related website, leave it in the comments and I will check it out.
Although the Internet is valued by many of its supporters particularly because it both defies and defeats physical borders, these important attributes are now being exposed to attempts by both governments and private entities to impose territorial limits through blocking or permitting access to content by Internet users based on their geographical location—a territorial partitioning of the Internet. One of these attempts, for example, is the recent Stop Online Piracy Act (“SOPA”) proposal in the United States. This article, as opposed to earlier literature on the topic discussing the possible virtues and methods of erecting borders in cyberspace, focuses on an Internet activity that is designed to bypass the territorial partitioning of cyberspace and render any partitioning attempts ineffective. The activity—cybertravel, or the evasion of geolocation—permits users to access content on the Internet that is normally not available when they connect to the Internet from their geographical location. By utilizing an Internet protocol address that does not correspond to their physical location, but to a location from which access to the content is permitted, users can view or use content that is otherwise unavailable to them. Although cybertravel is not novel (some cybertravel tools have been available for a number of years), recently the tools allowing it have proliferated and become sufficiently user-friendly to allow even average Internet users to utilize them. Indeed, there is an increasing interest in cybertravel among the general Internet public as more and more website operators employ geolocation tools to limit access to content on their websites from certain countries or regions. This article analyzes the current legal status of cybertravel and explores how the law may treat cybertravel in the future. The analysis of the current legal framework covers copyright as well as other legal doctrines and the laws of multiple countries, with a special emphasis on U.S. law. The future of the legal status of cybertravel will be strongly affected by the desire of countries and many Internet actors to erect borders on the Internet to facilitate compliance with territorially-defined regulation and enjoy the advantages of a territorially-partitioned cyberspace. This article makes an attempt to identify arguments for making or keeping certain types of cybertravel legal, and suggests legal, technical, and business solutions for any cybertravel that may be permitted. For presentations related to this article, please see The Future of Cybertravel: Legal Implications of the Evasion of Geolocation - A Presentation and Session on "Cyberlaw" at the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference at DePaul University College of Law. 22 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 567 (2012). Trimble, Marketa, "The Future of Cybertravel: Legal Implications of the Evasion of Geolocation" (2012). Scholarly Works. 648.
The United States Navy announced this week that they intend to bring cyber officers in at mid-grade levels to ensure that they are able to come and go between the private and public sector and maintain a constant stream of knowledge in the increasingly vital field. U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. VeraLinn “Dash” Jamieson, deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance for the Air Staff at the Pentagon, warned last week that China is pulling ahead of the United States in artificial intelligence research. Perhaps more ominously, she said China has more concrete plans than any other adversary for actually using A.I. to control its population, enhance its military power, and conduct espionage against other nations. In remarks last week, China’s government on Thursday warned, “There is no winner in a trade war.” The threat came after President Trump’s former chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, indicated that the administration was going take a tougher stance toward Beijing’s rapacious trade practices. Hard on the heels of reports that China and Russia are busy using stolen U.S. government data to identify American intelligence officers and assets, comes word that the Obama administration is considering retaliatory sanctions against Russian and Chinese targets. (Reuters) Police in China said on Tuesday they had arrested about 15,000 people for crimes that “jeopardized Internet security”, as the government moves to tighten controls on the Internet.
I’m not terribly political, but right now I am appalled at our country. It is to our shame that we did not vote to upgrade Palestine to a nonmember observer state of the United Nations. It was the right thing to do and we failed. If we want peace between the two states, we have to recognize that Palestine is a state. How can negotiations ever be fair if both sides don’t have the same rights and privileges? And Hamas has to do the same about Israel. Yes, it sucked about how it all came about, but that genie is never going back into that bottle. Transcend and help make the world a better place. I also just read this in the Times, “In response to the Palestinian bid, a bipartisan group of senators said Thursday that they would introduce legislation that would cut off foreign aid to the authority if it tried to use the International Criminal Court against Israel …” I don’t understand. If they have a valid case (or cases) to bring, why shouldn’t they have their day in court? Is the International Criminal Court a bad thing or something? I honestly don’t know a lot about it. I took this at our dress rehearsal last night. If only we could form a chorale and orchestra from Israel and Palestine. I don’t claim to understand the middle east problems, but the roots of it all seem to be an inability for feuding countries to “forgive” wrongs of the past. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am at the beginning of a long journey, but being able to write (at last, was suffering a block) hopefully will help. You’re most welcome. And you are doing lots of things to help!
OrganizedWisdom, a human-powered search engine that focuses exclusively on health, has raised $2.3 million in a Series A round led by ETF Venture Fund, Esther Dyson, and a number of other investors. The model is very similar to Mahalo, which also provides a human-powered search engine but also covers a much broader range of topics. Because OrganizedWisdom focuses exclusively on health, the company says it has been able to create ten times as many health-related topics as Mahalo. The company plans to use the money to help expand its library of Wisdom Cards and its RequestWisdom program, which allows users to request information on diseases that haven’t been covered yet. OrganizedWisdom is a member of the very-crowded health advice space, and sees competition from the likes of WebMD and Healthline.
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I am so impressed with everything your team accomplished over the weekend. I can't wait to see this film. Get some rest. Sounds fantastic! Looking forward to seeing the film. Good luck! Mother Reader, I love reading about how things were at your end. Sounds exhausting, but also like such a blast. I wish so much I lived in your part of the world so I could have seen the whole thing unfold. Can't wait to watch the finished product!
When you contact and hire a moving company, they take responsibility for your items. In other words, they need to transport them in the safest way without making any kind of damage. But, in some cases, this can happen. So, if you want to file a claim against a moving company, you must know what is the process for it. Keep in mind that this might take you some extra time but it is an important thing to have everything in the right order. In order to have a clear image of your items and you can file a claim against a moving company properly, you should have an inventory list. By having a list, you can write all of your items and you will know what you have relocated. However, you must know how to make a home moving inventory list. The good solution for you is to separate big and small items which you are planning to relocate. If you separate them in categories, you can stay organized. It is an important thing to take pictures of your items which are damaged. In this way, you will have evidence which is going to be useful when you need to file a claim against a moving company. Just be sure that you have a good digital camera which can make clear images. This is a good solution for you because you have evidence which you are going to use against your moving company. You must protect your items and yourself. Also, save the pictures on your computer. You never know if you going to need them in the future again or not. Take pictures of your items which were damaged. Since you have hired a moving company, they have certainly given you contracts and documents. If the damage is caused on your items, now it is the time for you to take all the documents and contracts and read them carefully. There must be something about damaging the items during transportation. Keep in mind that you need to gather all the information so you can file a claim against a moving company. However, you will know for your future relocation that it is a good idea to hire an experienced and reliable moving company for your relocation such as international movers Kuwait. As we mentioned, when you are about to file a claim against your company, you need to check all the documents and paperwork. This also includes that you need to have moving insurance if we are talking about a moving company which has a good reputation. By having moving insurance, you can check all the things about refunding your money in the value of the items which are damaged. It is a rare thing that your items can damage during the relocation, but it happens. However, you must always choose wisely your moving company and always hire experts. Once you have checked all the documents and when you have gathered evidence, you need to contact a moving company. Tell them about a claim. Explain your moving company which items have been damaged and you can meet with them in person to show the damaged items. If they can not come to your house, send them the pictures of your items. Also, you need to have a completed claim ready so you can send to a moving company. As we mentioned, this situation can happen, so it is always important to hire experienced packers and movers for your relocation. In that case, you will keep all the things under control; and you can be sure about the security of your items. Be free to contact the movers and hire them for your packing. By the law, a company can respond to your claim in 30 days. The response must come to your home address in that period. On the other hand, the claim needs to be resolved in 120 days. They need to manage your problem. If they do not solve your problem in that period, they are taking a risk of losing their license in that state. If they lose their license, they will not be able to offer moving services anymore. Should you contact the court? However, if you are not satisfied with the solution which the company has offered to you, you can always contact your local court. Keep in mind that you have the right to take a moving company to court if you are thinking that they were not fair in this situation. On the other hand, you should know that if you go in this process it can take several months to be finished. So, you need to think wisely. You must be patient and wait for a final decision by the court. If you are thinking that you should not file a claim against a moving company that is a mistake. Like in every business and every situation, you must know your rights. In this case, we are talking about that your items were damaged during transportation by a moving company. Every reliable and experienced moving company must know how to pack your items properly. So, if you have made a mistake this time, you will know for your next relocation. Keep in mind that there are a lot of moving companies nowadays; you can be sure that you can find the right one. To conclude, when your items are damaged during transportation, you must file a claim against a moving company. If they admit that it was an accident they are going to refund your money for sure. However, you should know that there might be some companies which will not do things in that way. There are small claims courts in which you can solve a problem. As we mentioned, you need to know your moving rights.
Opera is the union of more than 1000 experts and passionate Fruit Growers, who each day cultivate with competence, commitment an expertise, more than 7500 hectares of pear orchards. The objective begins with the idea that the agricultural cooperatives growth, must conform and integrate with the necessity of the territories in which they are located, including the local community to which they are part of, as well as the economy in which they are developing and growing. How to accomplish this objective? Through a generous and inclusive open-minded viewpoint created to united and not divide, that forms part of the cooperation between the agriculturers, and which is an essential and fundamental condition for the development of the agriculture in general, especially in the cultivation of the pear trees.
The Dorothy Borg Research Program of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute was established to prepare scholars for the challenge of studying transnational issues involving the United States and East Asia. The Dorothy Borg Research Program of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute was established to prepare scholars for the challenge of studying transnational issues involving the United States and East Asia and to explore new conceptual strategies and themes for understanding the study of U.S. – East Asia. A central goal of the Program is to encourage and support those who might work primarily in either the United States or East Asia to broaden their scope to focus on the transnational and global linkages and facilitate areas of convergence that can be drawn between the fields of East Asia and the study of the United States through postdoctoral training opportunities, graduate fellowships, collaborative grants to support enquiry that crosses geographic, temporal, or disciplinary boundaries, and the launch of four new research projects. The Program is named in honor of Dorothy Borg (1902 – 1993), a historian of United States-East Asia relations whose influence on political scientists like Gerald L. Curtis, Andrew Nathan, Robert Jervis, historians like Carol Gluck, and many others helped to bridge the work of history and contemporary analysis. The Dorothy Borg Research Project on "America and East Asia: Past and Present" is a three-year project to support teaching, research, and public outreach on issues relating the United States and East and Southeast Asia using sources in English and Asian languages. The goal is to relate past experience to present issues in the areas of U.S.-East Asia relations, comparisons, and transnational commonalities and conflicts. The criterion for each of the project’s activities is a significant effort to connect history and social science, either by historical inquiry that bears on contemporary issues or by social scientific analysis that builds on a historical foundation. In addition, the project maintains an interdisciplinary approach in areas of developing curriculum for future undergraduate Global Scholar Programs. The program also funds postdoctoral scholars to join the International Network to Expand Regional and Collaborative Teaching (INTERACT) group to contribute to this pedagogical work and invites visiting professors from Asia to offer courses for the Masters in Regional Studies—East Asia (MARSEA). In addition, the program generates new knowledge through research through collaboration across Columbia and with other universities; and hosts several high-profile public events based on this research. Its steering committee is composed of Professors Gerald L. Curtis and Carol Gluck. The Dorothy Borg Research Project on "The Making of the Modern Pacific World" explores the idea and reality of a Pacific community past and present, in terms of intellectual and cultural exchange, immigration, environment, economic integration, business networks, war and militarism, and diplomacy. The focus of the project is to lay the foundation for a long-term Pacific World Studies Program establishing Columbia as a leader in this emerging field. In conjunction with this three-year project, a proposed Pacific World Studies program will build on Columbia’s considerable strengths in U.S., Latin American, East, Southeast and South Asian studies, as well as current and potential partnerships with institutions on the other side of the Pacific, to develop and deepen knowledge of societies, cultures, economies, and environments of the Pacific macro-region. The project also brings together resources from various disciplinary departments, schools and institutes across the Columbia community. In addition, the project works closely with academic institutions in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America, Australia and the Pacific. The overall objective of the Dorthy Borg Research Project on "Global Circuits" is to study transnational issues involving the United States and East Asia, and to support the development of requisite skills. These include the ability to use archives in both the US and East Asia, employ the tools of digital humanities, as well as explore new conceptual strategies and themes for understanding the study of the United States and East Asia. A central goal is to encourage and support those who might work primarily in either East Asia or the United States to broaden their scope to focus on the transnational and global linkages, as well as to facilitate areas of convergence that can be drawn between the fields of East Asia and the study of the United States. "Global Circuits" shares with the Weatherhead East Asian Institute the desire to globalize the study of East Asia. The project also supports curricular goals of the Arts & Sciences, including Columbia College’s efforts to globalize the undergraduate experience; as well as support graduate and faculty level endeavors in US-East Asian Studies. In addition, the project places an emphasis on collaborations with other units, regional institutes and schools across campus, as well as the forging of relationships with scholarly communities beyond Columbia. The Dorothy Borg Research Project on "The United States and Southeast Asia: Past Legacies, Present Issues and Future Prospects" is a three-year project to support teaching, research, and public outreach on issues relating to the United States and Southeast Asia. This project is designed to strengthen the profile of the Institute by contributing to the understanding of current issues and challenges in the United States-Southeast Asian relationship through an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of developing curriculum; generating new knowledge research through collaboration across Columbia and with other universities; and hosting several high-profile public events based on this research. The U.S. and Southeast Asian project comprises two key components. Component one, "Southeast Asia-US Relations," is co-chaired by Professors Duncan McCargo, Ann Marie Murphy, and Amy Freedman. This component will fund a postdoctoral fellowship (2015-17), and two scholarly conferences on important aspects of Southeast Asia-US relations. The conferences will result in a scholarly volume or special journal issue, provide important opportunities for established scholars to mentor younger ones, and fill a large void in related literature. Component two, "Tradition, Identity, and Contemporary Southeast Asian Political Economies," is chaired by Professor Pamela Smith. This component is a summer training workshop that examines how Southeast Asian nations look to local traditional crafts as a central part of regional and even national identities, specifically how these traditional crafts have increasingly been integrated into economic planning, both for job creation and tourism, and the role of crafts in political representation in Southeast Asia. Its steering committee is composed of Professors Pamela Smith, Duncan McCargo, Ann Marie Murphy, and Amy Freedman.
Food and Water Watch recently released a statement: “Are families around the country — and around the globe — eating California produce grown with toxic water from oil drilling? If they consume Halos Mandarins, POM Wonderful pomegranate juice, Wonderful pistachios, Sunview Raisins, Bee Sweet citrus or Sutter Home wine, they may well be. Those companies grow some of their products in four water districts in California’s Central Valley that buy wastewater from Chevron and other oil companies’ drill sites. Now, Food & Water Watch is announcing a campaign to ban the practice, which threatens our food, farm workers and the environment, with a new documentary by noted filmmaker Jon Bowermaster and a campaign videocapturing shocked reactions from people who previewed the video last week in front of Whole Foods’ headquarters in Austin, Texas. “‘It’s time to shine a light on the risky yet under-the-radar use of toxic oil wastewater to grow our crops,’ said Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch. ‘People are shocked when they hear that the food — even organic food — that they give to their kids is grown in districts where this is happening.’ Nearly 40 percent of all organic produce grown in the U.S. comes from California. “According to the state, four water districts in California (Cawelo Water District, North Kern Water District, Jasmin Mutual Water District, and Kern-Tulare Water District) receive up to 16 billion gallons of wastewater each year — enough to fill 25,000 Olympic-sized pools — from oil companies that can be used in the systems that provide water for irrigating crops. The oilfield wastewater is minimally processed and mixed with fresh water and sold to farmers for crop irrigation.
Learn how to treat burns and rashes using Redmond Bentonite Clay from one of the longest standing experts in the industry! Watch the link below! Amazing benefits of coconut oil! My Favorite New Product – Redmond Clay! How can something so delicious be good for you?
Copycats: Inspired by the recent plagiarism scandal involving Brooklyn thriller novelist Q.R. Markham, Stuart Kelly at the Guardian takes a look at the history of plagiarism. In our constantly shifting new-media landscape, sometimes it can be hard to tell what is a mash-up and what is a copy. As Kelly points out, at least it was fans who detected Markham's misdeed and not a computer program -- showing that "real reading still exists." Just the right recommendation: One inventive bookseller is combining the popularity of online shopping with the personal touches of a brick-and-mortar store. Roxanne Coady founded the website Just The Right Book, where subscribers can take quizzes, get personalized book recommendations from Coady's staff, and often earn coupons toward purchasing the books. Is this digital-analog combo the way of the future? To link or not to link? One topic of hot debate in the e-book world is the pros and cons of including links. We've written about the anti-link position before, but now another author has weighed in on the side of links. David Meerman Scott tells GalleyCat, "It means you can check out the Twitter feed of the expert cited in the text. You can see the cool picture that was once worth 1,000 words." How do you feel about e-book links? Literary locales: Looking for a vacation with some literary inspiration? National Geographic has picked the ten most literary places in the world. Although New York doesn't make the list, Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C. are the two most literary cities in the U.S. Which city do you think has the most word nerds?
When it comes to the markets' fastest growing industries, investors would have a hard time finding a group of stocks growing quicker than marijuana. According to a report from Marijuana Business Daily, the U.S. legal-weed industry is expected to grow by an aggregate of 300% between 2016 and 2021 to approximately $17 billion. That type of growth is tough to ignore, which is why investors have been flocking in droves to marijuana stocks.
On behalf of McCune Zenner Happell, PLLC on Friday, November 4, 2016. Just because a person receives a salary does not mean they are not entitled to overtime pay. Under new rules from the U.S. Department of Labor that go into effect Dec. 1, many salaried workers who were not eligible for overtime pay in the past will become eligible. Learn more about the new overtime rules. Are you receiving overtime pay when you should? The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor Act classifies workers as either exempt or nonexempt. Exempt workers do not have a right to receive overtime. Nonexempt workers do. Exempt workers include highly compensated employees, as well as those in managerial, professional and administrative positions and are paid a salary above a certain amount. Most other workers, including production workers, are entitled to overtime if they work more than 40 hours a week. In the past, employers had to pay exempt workers a salary of at least $23,600 to avoid the overtime requirement. Starting Dec. 1, exempt workers must earn a salary of at least $47,476 annually. To be considered highly compensated, workers must earn at least $134,004 a year. What if my employer does not pay me overtime when it is required? If you are a nonexempt worker and your employer does not pay you overtime when it is required, you have the right to sue your employer and recover double the amount of pay you are owed. You may also be able to recover attorney fees. The differences between which workers are exempt from the overtime requirement and which are not are subtle, and only an experienced attorney can advise you if you are entitled to overtime.
Found 9 blog entries about Entertainment. Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 at 11:32pm. One of Chicago's most well known pieces of real estate, the Willis Tower, is on the market. It is supposedly up for $1,500,000,000. It was purchased from Sears in 2004 for $841,000,000 and was back on the market in 2011 but had no buyers. It is expected to sell for around one billion dollars in today's more robust commercial market and it won't be surprising if the buyer is not from the United States. Friday, December 7th, 2012 at 1:44am. We would like to extend this free pdf booklet of the Holiday Entertaining Guide that was provided for us by Homes.com. This is 100% free and does not requre your e-mail or anything and is safe to download. Please click on the link to download, not the picture. Feel free to share it with your friends and family. Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 at 1:53am. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I've always loved dressing up and I've even gone home and changed costumes and went out again (when I was about 12). I think I only did that once. Now I set time aside to accompany my son and my three grandchildren. My granddaughter and I drive to his house and we join the two grandsons and go trick or treating at the Homer Glen homes in my son's subdivision. It's a fun and friendly area where people are out with their costumed dogs and depending on the weather they might be sitting in their lawn chairs with a little something for the adults. It's chilly today so I'm not sure how many people will be sitting around. Friday, August 5th, 2011 at 5:09am. You might have seen The New Invaders at The Taste of Orland Park back in 2005, but the band is different today. Jay Goeppner is the new lead singer and there has been a recent addition of Rik Mallin on keyboards. Rik is singer Melody Mallin's Dad! Rik has been in different bands, the most recent was The Runaways. Jay Goeppner has brought new life to this 60's-early 70's rock band. Jay still performs with the Beatle Brothers and was with Instant Karma Band. He has played with many other bands, including back-up for Cheap Trick. Look for Jay's bio on The New Invaders website to see all of the famous people Jay has worked with. Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 at 11:13am. If you missed the 10th anniversary festival of Homer Glen's incorporation, you missed a great time! I went last Friday night to see my husband's band play, The New Invaders. I thought it was great that the village tried to get entertainment from the "locals." We live in Homer Glen (with an Orland Park address) and that is one reason The New Invaders were hired. The carnival was big, there was food, music and activities, making this Homer Glen's biggest festival to date. Our friend owns Chesdan's Restaurant and was one of the sponsors. Sunday, September 12th, 2010 at 8:37am. Tiger Woods was in the house! Today was the end of the BMW Championship at Cog Hill Golf Course in Lemont, IL 70 PGA Tour players, including Tiger Woods, attended for a $7 million purse. I could see the blimp floating above Cog Hill on my way home from a wedding downtown. Lemont residents were aware of the ensuing traffic and took other routes. My husband forgot about it and got stuck in some heavy traffic on Route 83 on his way back from one of his gigs (he plays in a band). Tiger tied for 15th place. The winner was 26 year old Dustin Johnson, who faced some bad golfing this summer, although he did win in Pebble Beach this past February. Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 at 2:54am. It was great timing to be able to attend this year's Homer Glen Parade and Festival since we'll be moving to our Homer Glen home soon. My husband's old band (he doesn't play with them much anymore as he is in a different band) played last year and this year. I missed last year's festival so was happy to be able to make it this year, although I didn't see the parade. I thought that attendance was light but my friend told me it was twice as many people as last year's event. It will hopefully grow larger year after year. Someone mentioned that there was a wolf on display so I went looking. Before finding the wolf I stopped by a petting area with some interesting looking alpacas (I thought they were llamas), goats and a pony. Thursday, October 4th, 2007 at 9:12am. Let me first say that I have never had fun on the Swallow Cliff Toboggan Slides located in Palos Township. A friend of mine broke her back on them in the '60s and the truth is, I don't think I'd be interested even if that didn't happen. I'm afraid of heights and fast rides. But I've used that excuse about my friend ever since. My son Chad & I wound up at the Toboggan Slides walking a trail at Horseshoe Lake located in Palos Park over the summer this year. Because I've never been on the cliffs I couldn't remember exactly where they were located. Running into them during a trail walk was like finding an old treasure. Monday, November 21st, 2005 at 3:28am. We loved Judy. She was very patient with us trying to find the perfect place. Angel D.
Excellent! I really enjoyed reading this. Look forward to reading it in context. Thank you for the encouragement! The theme is one of the standard themes (Pool by Borja Fernandez) that I modified to fit my needs.
After coconuts are harvested, the shells are often discarded, resulting in a lot of unnecessary waste. What if these shells could be converted into a usable product? That is precisely what a coconut shell charcoal making machine permits you to do. This coconut charcoal machine in the Philippines is designed to turn old coconut shells into usable charcoal. The resulting charcoal can be used anything from barbecuing to enhancing the standard of soil for growing. It is also used being a fuel source and can even be found in the construction of some kinds of bricks. Considering the variety of different uses, you can easily notice that there exists a constant interest in the charcoal produced by these appliances. Getting a good deal over a charcoal making machine is not hard so long as you are willing to check around. It is possible to find these machines listed for incredible prices, enabling you to get the equipment that you desire for the business without exceeding your financial allowance during this process. The lower you can keep your equipment costs, the simpler it will likely be that you can turn a return. Click here to know more: https://bestonpyrolysisplant.com/biochar-production-equipment-sale/. One of the best ways to economize is simply by shopping online. Once you purchase equipment through the Internet, you will have a possibility to compare options from a wide range of suppliers located across the world. Getting price quotes is easy, too. Usually, all you need to do is email a company or contact them using a special form on their site. Within very little time, they should get back to you with a listing of prices for any of the machines which they sell that you are searching for. You need to get quotes from as numerous different manufacturers and suppliers as possible. When obtaining quotes, be sure you enquire about extra fees that you might be accountable for covering. Including fees like taxes, shipping costs, and import fees. Adding most of these fees in is important if you want to obtain a true feeling of just what a particular charcoal making machine costs. Possessing this information may also make it simpler that you can decide which company provides the best all-around price. If you are lucky, you just might get a used charcoal making machine, at the same time. This is a great way to save money. Remember, however, that it can be a tiny bit tricky to get used machines on the market. You might need to spend considerable time searching prior to find one that is certainly located near to your location and that is certainly in good shape. As with most used equipment, you should carefully assess the machine prior to buying it to make certain that it doesn't have things that would prevent it from operating correctly. You can know how to get charcoal from wood here. These are generally only a couple of the methods that one could begin getting a whole lot over a coconut shell charcoal making machine. These innovative machines enable you to turn old, discarded coconut shells right into a usable, sought-after product.
“After the arrival, someone in Three Holy & One Ominous took a uniform name for them, so as to avoid the alien mouth of the aliens. Because of their wolf-like savage name, they were finally named 'Wolf Person '!” Xueyan was finally introduced. Although Great Beauty Mei has rich experience, she never dreamed that someone would use such an image, but such a disgusting analogy to speak, and at the same time think of the meaning of this, almost shy to faint in the past! Mei Xueyan and Snake Queen Qian Xun are both redden all over the face, watching the little brat jump up and down, the mouth is constantly spitting out to be revolting to the ear vulgar language, the two are ashamed At the same time, they are very puzzled. This is a bit too radical, I just said an alien, why is this big Young Master such an inheritance? It’s like the anger of being scuttled by a ancestral grave... Seeing his anger is not a fake! It’s all from the innermost feelings...they both know where the anger in Jun Moxie’s heart comes from. With their culture and foundation, they will never experience the great indignation of Jun Moxie! Although this werewolf is not another vagabond, but it successfully mobilized Jun Moxie’s national hate plot that had been buried deep in the soul! Just take this gangster’s shameless fellow operations. What’s more, these guys actually Profound Arts is almost the same...similar to the anything technique... This is also a rabbit can not catch the dog, in short, Young Master Jun is very angry, sincerely indignant! “Jun Young Master, are you okay?!” Long time, Mei Xueyan asked with a red face and a blame. After all, Young Master Jun just vented this paragraph, but it was too inconsistent with the original aristocrat Young Master temperament. “As long as any Supreme level expert is enough to win you, whether it is Eight Grand Supremes or Heaven Punishment Beast King, casual one person can!” Mei Xueyan faint. Jun Moxie crazy corona, don’t tell me I don’t know if I and you guys whose abnormal strength is abnormal can’t really compete? But this kind of tone, like an old man who has experienced the hardships of life, said to a young man who was born in the early days, and like a mother who is comforting a young son... What the Young Master said is an eight feet man, Was it so low? On the one side, Snake Queen Qian Xun is also amazed by the beautiful eye, how does eldest sister want to say this? This kind of tone, unlike the usual her, is not a little outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted. Even Mei Xueyan’s face was quiet, but his heart was shocked, and was shocked by his words and deeds! Because, own is already guarding him! However, it is not the kind of defense against the enemy, but the defense of the man, a woman against a man! Many years have come, no man has ever made such a defense, because they are not in their own eyes, but the boy in front of him has raised this idea. “I will surprise you.” Jun Moxie said with such a statement. “Oh? Jun Young Master brings a lot of astonishment this Seat, but if it can be climbed from the current Sky Profound center-section level to the minimum Supreme Realm in less than three years, it is still the ancient place. Unprecedent miracle, it’s a bit idiotic to say a dream, my is just a truth, don’t mind if want to come to Young Master!” Mei Xueyan said faintly. As Mei Xueyan said, since the change of the day, the so-called time to create a hero, Xuan Xuan Continent Profound Arts cultivation base level progresses by leaps and bounds, it is really born too many amazing talents, natural Talent genius miracle. But even the most exciting existence, the fastest entry, with some adventures to get into Supreme, after 40 years old, there have never been exceptions! Baili Luoyun is already the witness of the hundred years rare. Only the 25-year-old he is now the Earth Profound, but this genius is nothing compared to the long-lived genius, but it is not after Baili Luoyun. The bigger opportunity, climbing to Supreme before the age of 60, is already a rare result! Even though Young Master Jun has only had Sky Profound cultivation base when was only 16 or 17 years old, it is indeed a rare wizard in the millennium. However, in the past, there were still ten people, but the young wizards did not. Equal to the Wizards of the World, even those who used to build the Sky Profound in 20 years ago, rarely reached Supreme Realm before the hundred years, so Mei Xueyan said that Jun Moxie is crazy about the words of dreams, this is not all ironic! “Miss Mei’s words are golden jade’s precious words, how can Jun mind mind, but the world’s things are unexpected, but rarely impossible, everything depends on human effort, Miss Mei can’t do it at home, but does not represent others Can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it. The so-called well frog peeks into the sky, don’t know the bigness of the sky, it’s about that!” Jun Moxie coldly said. “Have I said that? Don’t tell me are those so-call people? If it is, please ask Miss Mei for forgiveness!” Jun Moxie is quiet, but it is a counterattack. “Qian Xun syllabic final, Jun Young Master, if you dare to make this boastful talk, it is expected to have its reliance, or it is really our narrow-mind people unaware of the sky!” Mei Xueyan’s words seem to be blaming Snake Queen Qian Xun, but The sensible person knows when hears it. This is still saying that Jun Moxie is not self-sufficient!
What Philips products are affected by this injunction? All Philips HeartStart defibrillator products are affected by this injunction, with specific exceptions as noted in the Consent Decree. At this time, subject to limitations and conditions, Philips is permitted to continue manufacture and shipping of HeartStart Home and HeartStart OnSite automated external defibrillators in order to meet public health needs. Under certain conditions, Philips may also manufacture and ship Philips HeartStart FR3 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to customers who have standardized on HeartStart FR3 devices. Philips may continue to provide necessary consumables and accessories for Philips defibrillator products, without restriction. Philips may continue to service and upgrade existing devices, as well as continue R&D efforts and participation in clinical trials. Our focus remains on rapidly and effectively returning Philips’ defibrillator manufacturing sites to consistent compliance with quality regulations, as we renew our culture of quality.
G.I. Joe is in the midst of resurgence as the 25th anniversary of the “G.I. Joe vs. Cobra” comes to a close and the 26th anniversary is upon us. The 25th anniversary figures exceeded all of Hasbro’s expectations and will go into wider and more mass production next year, the movie, while very questionable, is in the pre-production stages and Devil’s Due’s major G.I. Joe event, “World War III” reaches it’s halfway point. The future of the comic book license is unknown at the moment; Hasbro will make an announcement after the New Year, but hopefully Devil’s Due holds on to the franchise because everything they have done with it has been fantastic. There’s a very “real world” feel to the series these days, and it is definitely the most underrated series on the market. Halfway through the big event, Devil’s Due puts out a double sized issue that answers important questions and puts out a pretty large political statement. “World War III” has been an event that has been handled and built to fantastically, all in the pages of one series. Cobra Commander has taken control of the United States and the bulk of G.I. Joe is in the Middle East fighting for their lives and trying to devise a strategy to get back into the U.S. While this series has been intense and very well done, this issue is where some expectations and the direction of this event begin to falter and come into question. Since the beginning of this event, everything that happens has in some way played a greater part of Cobra Commander’s plan. Wizard even named him ‘Villain of the Year’, a sentiment that I wholeheartedly agree with. However, while there are many questions answered in this issue, there are also many that surface, as well as the idea that this series may be setting up nothing more than a massive battle, perhaps the last, between G.I. Joe and Cobra. While this series has thus far been quite well-done, I’m beginning to wonder about a few things. One of these things is where in the world is the rest of the U.S. military? They seem to be absolutely nowhere in sight. While this series has focused more on the core characters of G.I. Joe, there aren’t even the lowly green-shirts mounting a counter-offensive on Cobra. Not only has Cobra taken control of the White House, but they’ve infiltrated the G.I. Joe Headquarters and a Cobra special ops team known as “The Plague” assaults the main group of Joes in the Middle East. But there’s no sign of the rest of the American war machine. One of the best things about this issue is the involvement of Storm Shadow. Mark Powers does an excellent job bringing the ninja master into the fight, not only conveying Storm Shadow’s abilities, but his current philosophy as well. Powers does a great job showing that the Storm Shadow featured here is the same as Hama’s in the Storm Shadow ongoing series. He fights with G.I. Joe and he knows that he has to stop Cobra in order to ensure his own safety. This much is clear as a Cobra trooper turns out to be a G.I. Joe spy. This does indeed raise the stakes in favor of G.I. Joe, but it also sets up possibly the biggest letdown of the series thus far. While the action in this issue is “par for the course” and a true highlight, G.I. Joe completely overcomes the odds and this story-arc takes on a feeling that it is no different than any other G.I. Joe story where Cobra grabs the upper hand and then loses it as soon as G.I. Joe regroups. But then again, Devil’s Due has surprised me before and maybe this is what they want readers to think. While it looks like this story-arc will end with a classic G.I. Joe vs. Cobra, there are also many factors that have still come into play, such as the Red Shadows. If you don’t read G.I. Joe, don’t worry, it’s not too difficult to follow, the Red Shadows are smaller, more ruthless terrorist group. I really do hope that Mark Powers is setting up a major twist or a Joe defeat that makes this story unique because Cobra Commander has never been more powerful and has never been more dangerous. The identity of Agent Delta is also seemingly revealed. He tells Duke his real name, and as it turns out, it’s nobody important. It could turn out to be a character whose name is classified, but Agent Delta being unrecognizable and an unknown really takes away from the effect of such a revelation. Then again maybe that’s another surprise. It’s very hard to tell and in turn difficult to pass judgment on such a thing. The end of this issue is quite powerful, however. While Cobra is essentially taking over the world, there’s a moment where Cobra Commander sits with the President in the back of a Blackhawk helicopter. While this issue left a little bit to be desired, the ending puts the whole series right back on top. Cobra Commander dumps the President in the middle of the desert in the Middle East and tells him, “Now fend for yourself.” I thought this was an absolutely brilliant moment, not because of today’s political climate, but because of the overall theme of war. I couldn’t help but compare this moment to “All Quiet on the Western Front,” when soldiers talk of putting all the political leaders in a battlefield to do war with each other. It was a powerful political message and also a message on the inevitable yet gross mix of politics and war. There were two artists sharing duty on this issue. Mike Bear did his usual outstanding work on most of the scenes that involvement G.I. Joe and Cobra and Mike Shoyket did most of the scenes that involved Storm Shadow. I couldn’t help but feel a bit distracted although I think the two artists did a great job. I’m a huge fan of Mike Bear and his style continues to impress, but the way the artwork switched between Shoyket and Bear didn’t mix all too well. Overall the artwork was fine, I just thought there was a lack of transition between the artists. It’s very difficult to judge this issue because the event is only half finished. While it’s beginning to show signs of a classic and typical G.I. Joe vs. Cobra battle, there’s nothing to say that Devil’s Due won’t lead readers on and throw in a compelling twist that changes everything. Either way, I’m still enjoying the hell out of this series and I am very interested to see where it goes from here.
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In KBase, a DNA sequence is stored in an “Assembly” data object. A “Genome” object is the annotated version of an Assembly and can encompass several types of feature calls. If you want to upload just the DNA sequence from a FASTA file (without annotations), please go to the Assembly page instead. Currently, the Genome importer supports only GenBank and GFF-formatted files. A GenBank-formatted input file should include the sequence contig(s), the feature calls (annotations), as well as the taxonomy information for the organism. KBase parses the input file into two data objects: an assembly object with the sequence and a genome object containing the original feature calls and annotations. GenBank-formatted files with no features can be uploaded as Genomes but they aren’t very informative until they are annotated with a KBase app. Genomes with annotation can be used as input for several KBase analyses. A GenBank-formatted file can be uploaded into your KBase staging area from your local computer (files with.gb, .gbff, or .gbk extensions) or directly from an FTP or HTTP URL. A GFF-formatted file must be paired with a corresponding FASTA file of the DNA sequence. These also will be parsed into two data objects: an assembly object with the sequence and a genome object containing the original feature calls and annotations. Instructions for adding data to your staging area can be found here. After downloading that file, open the new Import tab in the Data Slideout and drag the genome file into your Staging area. Now click the import icon (up arrow) to the right of “GenBank Genome”. The data slideout will close and an app called “Import GenBank File as Genome from Staging Area” will be added to your Narrative. Notice that the name of the Genome file is already filled in, as is a suggested name for the Genome and Assembly data objects that will be created by the import (you can change that if you like). Adjust the source of the GenBank file or any of the advanced options if needed, then click the green Run button to start the import. When the import is finished, your Data Panel will update to show the new Genome and Assembly objects, and a report will appear in the import app cell. In the Staging area, beneath the box for Drag and Drop, are other options for getting data. You can import data into your KBase workspace using Globus, or by supplying a URL for a publicly accessible FTP location, Google Drive, Dropbox, or a direct HTTP link. Options for adding data to your staging area are described here. For this example, we will use the E. coli K-12 MG1655 genome GFF and FASTA files from NCBI. Open the new Import tab in the Data Slideout and click on the ‘here’ link (below the drag & drop area) to open an upload app. The data slideout will close and an app called “Upload a File to Staging from Web” will appear in your Narrative. (An alternative is to open the app directly from the Apps panel.) From the app, click on the dropdown for the URL Type and select ‘FTP Link’. In the Upload app, click the plus for the URLs and copy in the name of the GFF file. Hit the plus again and copy in the name of the FASTA file. Then click the green Run button to start the upload. After the app completes the files will appear in your Staging area, which you can access via the new Import tab in the Data Slideout. The GFF and FASTA files are now in your Staging area. Now you need to import them to your Narrative so you can use them in analyses. TIP: Copy the name of the FASTA file while it is on the screen. It will be needed shortly. Now click the import icon (up arrow) to the right of “GFF Genome”. The data slideout will close and an app called “Import GFF/FASTA File as Genome from Staging Area” will be added to your Narrative. The GFF File Path will be filled in. You now need to fill in the name of the FASTA file. In the line for “FASTA File Path”, type or paste in the name of the FASTA file. There is no pulldown or other help to get the name of the file right. Luckily, the name is usually a slight variation of the first name and, if you followed the hint and copied the name from the Staging area, you should be able to paste it in. Notice that the name of the Scientific name is already filled in, as is a suggested name for the Genome and Assembly data objects that will be created by the import (you can change that if you like). You can edit the name of the output Genome object, Scientific Name, and any advanced options as needed. When ready, click the green Run button. When the import is finished, your Data Panel will update to show the new Genome and Assembly objects, and a report will appear in the import app cell.
iFX Expo is one of the largest financial B2B expos. It’s held twice a year since 2012 in Asia and Europe. Highlights: 30000+ attendees 1000+ exhibitors 19+ speaker sections 18+ workshops Unlimited networking! See you there!
Reception: March 7, 5-7 p.m. Exhibit gallery open Tue-Fri, 10:00am-2:00pm, also one hour before and during all performances. Whitson’s career has spanned well over four decades, first as an illustrator in the U.S. Air Force, then, a long career in corporate aerospace art departments. In 2010, after 25 years as Chief of visual Services for the Department of the Army, he decided to leave his position that he could pursue his lifelong dream of painting full time. This entry was posted on Feb 18, 2019 by miatomaine in Member news, Shows.
Aloe Vera is extremely moisturizing, but does not leave a greasy-feel. It also contains natural hormones which fight inflammation, like acne. PRZMAN's Good Boy Shave Cream is designed to give you a smooth, nick-free shave and supple, moisturized skin afterwards.
Title: Circles Series 12" X 18" Mary Espinosa lives in Bradford, Ontario where she creates her art. She was born in Brazil and immigrated to Canada more than 20 years ago. Mary works with mixed media, acrylic paint, and collages, that include abstract pieces and landscapes. Currently, Mary is working on a floral abstract series. She has displayed her work in juried exhibitions and is a member of the Connected Minds Mixed Media Club. Mary has had the opportunity to paint with talented Canadian artists from different styles and her work has been influenced by their techniques. She is passionate about creating art and is inspired by nature, music, and her emotions. Mary teaches painting to individuals with autism and believes that the opportunity to share her skills with others makes her creative process richer and profound. Mary’s use of vibrant colors is inspired by her Brazilian roots and she utilizes them to create unique designs that show depth and reflect her vibrant origins. 2018- Richmond Hill Group of Artists 40TH Celebration- June to Sept. teach private lessons to individuals with autism and to small groups.
“Myth #1: There are no spots available. Not true. We manage the selection process to ensure that there are always spots open for the candidates we want. Are there as many spots open as in Rounds 1 and 2? No. Are there as many applicants? No. Do I think a strong candidate has a fair shot? Yes. Myth #2: We’ve run out of financial aid. Not true. The very last person admitted to the class has access to the same need-based financial aid that the very first person received. Myth #3: If I get dinged in Round 3, I can’t/shouldn’t apply the next season in Round 1. Not true. There’s absolutely no stigma in re-applying 5 months later. Happens a lot. Many people in our classroom today were successful re-applicants. Myth #4: It’s too late for 2+2 applicants. Not true. Not even close to true. Round 3 is a great choice for 2+2 applicants. Why? We can be more flexible about the number of 2+2 admits given that we are not worried about a “seat being occupied” for this September. College seniors have another semester of grades to show us. And another semester of activities. I also see a 2+2 application as a good dress rehearsal for future applications – and possibly interviews – to lots of other selective scenarios. If you aren’t admitted to 2+2, we like to say (over and over): It doesn’t mean not ever, it means not now. Besides, it’s a great deal. $100 application fee. A chance to get the standardized tests over with when you’re in test-taking mode. And, best of all, two or three years to explore and then come to HBS. Myth #5: There’s no Welcome Weekend for Round 3 admits. If you want to see the case method in action, there are many spots available to visit a HBS class this spring. Also, there will be limited availability for visiting a class before the Round 1 application deadline next fall, so this is a great time to visit. Register for a class visit through our online scheduling system. We will also be hosting several other events on campus in the next few months, including an LGBT Open House, Prospective Students’ Diversity Day, and lunches for prospective women applicants with members of the Women’s Student Association.
Small joint replacement surgery is usually carried out on the hand. It can provide pain relief when arthritis affects your knuckles or the base of your thumbs, and restore movement and function. Artificial joints tend to be made from rubber, metal or plastic and pyrocarbon (an extra-strong material). Radial head fractures in the elbow also benefit from small joint replacement surgery. This is where the end of the upper arm bone fractures within the elbow, and is usually caused by a fall or accident. Replacing the radial head with an implant reinforces the joint and makes it stable. Finger joint replacement is an option when arthritis causes pain in the hand. You'll be treated as an outpatient and will go home the same day. Any excess cartilage, tissue and bone is removed from the area, along with the worn joint itself. It's replaced by an artificial joint, which improves the function of the finger and reduces pain. Radial head replacement is carried out under general anaesthetic. An incision is made to the side of the elbow and damaged bone is removed. The consultant will work out the size of implant your body needs, and cement it into place. They will then check the implant fits properly and the area will be closed up using sutures. Your consultant will explain the procedure and answer any questions you might have. If general anaesthetic is used during the procedure, you may need to fast for several hours before the operation. Your consultant will tell you how long you should avoid eating and drinking. Like all procedures, there may be some risks and side effects involved. Your consultant will explain these to you. You many need revision surgery for the hand joint surgery for example. After hand surgery, your hand will be in a plaster splint. To avoid swelling, the hand will need to be raised above the level of the heart for the first few days. It will take around three months for the swelling to settle. You'll be able to drive a car and return to work after two to three weeks. After radial head replacement surgery, your elbow will be covered by a bandage. You'll be given pain relief and will need to elevate the arm to reduce swelling. A week after surgery, a physiotherapist will suggest some exercises to help you move your arm. Full recovery should take three to six months.
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Please see the below updates to our sailing schedule for week 12.. Please note further delays are possible due to port congestion and updated inspection requirements in Puerto Cortes. We will provide further updates as necessary. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 p.m.
We may be required by the law to notify You of certain events. You hereby acknowledge and agree that such notices shall be deemed to have been received upon Our posting of such notices on the Site or upon Our delivery of such notices to You via email, if You have provided Your email address to Us. If You do not provide Us with accurate information or We do not have access to Your email address, We will not be responsible for failure to notify You.
In other words, as is so often true in life, it’s complicated. According to an October 2, 2004 survey by Newsweek, 47% of registered voters would vote for John Kerry/John Edwards if the election were held on that day, 45% would vote for Learn more » Need to connect your Home Delivery subscription to NYTimes.com? Now that I've told you that, what is your favorite color?" That's called a leading question, and it's a big no-no in surveying. Members of the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s Transparency Initiative (including Pew Research Center) are required to disclose how their weighting was performed and whether or not the reported margin To illustrate the concept, Ihave created inside your computer a vast population of virtual voters. When the two surveys have different margins of error, the calculation is more complicated. What happens when people can't be reached? Swinburne University of Technology. This makes intuitive sense because when N = n, the sample becomes a census and sampling error becomes moot. The margin of error for the difference between two percentages is larger than the margins of error for each of these percentages, and may even be larger than the maximum margin Without adjustment, polls tend to overrepresent people who are easier to reach and underrepresent those types of people who are harder to interview. It holds that the FPC approaches zero as the sample size (n) approaches the population size (N), which has the effect of eliminating the margin of error entirely. Next we'll look at one of the most important factors that determine the accuracy of a political poll: the wording of the questions and answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Posts Email Get Pew Research Center data by email 8 Comments Anonymous • 1 month ago The margin of error seems to apply only to sampling error. Don't have an account yet? Telephone surveys usually exclude the homeless and institutionalized populations. Some polling organizations, including Pew Research Center, report margins of error for subgroups or make them available upon request. 5What determines the amount of error in survey estimates? Langer Research Associates offers a margin-of-error calculator -- MoE Machine -- as a convenient tool for data producers and everyday data users. The standard error (0.016 or 1.6%) helps to give a sense of the accuracy of Kerry's estimated percentage (47%). Concept An example from the 2004 U.S. Let's say you picked a specific number of people in the United States at random. In the case of the Newsweek poll, the population of interest is the population of people who will vote. I also noticed an error on the axis labels for the chart on the left. Emphasis on the sampling error does little to address the wide range of other opportunities for something to go wrong. The following graph illustrates the respective 95% confidence intervals for the X andY estimates, along with the substantial degree to which they overlap. In Ohio, 1,180 likely voters were surveyed, and 23 percent supported Trump, compared to 18 percent supporting Carson. All rights reserved. The survey results also often provide strong information even when there is not a statistically significant difference. It is important that pollsters take the design effect into account when they report the margin of error for a survey. Some of these might be quite far from the truth. PoliticsOct 19, 2016 Video: How Republican and Democratic voters have changed since 1992 U.S. In your opinion what as a reader/consumer of information should I believe is the validity of a poll that states no margin of error when announcing their results? In practice, almost any two polls on their own will prove insufficient for reliably measuring a change in the horse race. Thoughts? 2) Are you aware of any way a poll can be audited to evaluate respondent selection and question bias? When there are more than two candidates, the margins of error shrink. You may also be able to find it listed on one of the websites that aggregate polls. But how can we distinguish real change from statistical noise? Like confidence intervals, the margin of error can be defined for any desired confidence level, but usually a level of 90%, 95% or 99% is chosen (typically 95%). Posts Email Get Pew Research Center data by email 8 Comments Anonymous • 1 month ago The margin of error seems to apply only to sampling error. 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 202.419.4300 | Main 202.419.4349 | Fax 202.419.4372 | p.64. This is easy so far, right? To achieve a MOSE of +/- 1 percentage point, you need a sample of at least 5,000 respondents [source: AAPOR].
Swimming has a number of physical and mental health benefits for kids and adults alike. Besides being great exercise, learning to swim and becoming familiar with water is fundamental to your children’s safety around water. Plus, it is a great way to limit the number of time you hear “I’m bored!” this summer. At what age should your child learn to swim? There are various opinions, but most swimming coaches agree infants can actually start learning with a trained instructor as early as four months of age and playing in a pool at home can begin around the same time if children are properly supervised. Just be sure to never leave children unattended and make sure you know what drowning looks like. Time spent in the pool can be a lot more fun when there are games involved! If you are looking to keep the kids entertained this summer, here are a number of water games you can introduce. Pool noodles provide so much fun! These basic pool toys are the perfect way to jump start your kid’s imagination. This game can be played by a group of adults and children together. Pick teams, and face off in the center of the pool with each person using a noodle to stay afloat. The first team to fight their way to the other side of the pool wins! There is just one rule – no feet can touch the ground! This game is appropriate for older children who can hold their breath under water. If you have two or more children, have them each plan out an underwater gymnastics routine to present to the family. Tricks could include summersaults, headstands, and underwater twirls. Snorkeling in the pool will teach your child how to breathe properly underwater. For your child’s first time experience, start slowly by having them put their mouth and face in the water, and slowly work up to breathing through the snorkel properly. Choose a ball or other floating item to be ‘it.’ Have one player close their eyes and try to locate the floating toy. Other players can give clues as to its location by calling out ‘Hot!’ (meaning they are close) or ‘Cold!’ (meaning they are far away from the item). This is a great game to play one on one with your child. This is a classic pool game that requires patience and silence. One person is chosen as ‘Marco,’ and must close their eyes and count to 10 while the other players scatter to corners of the pool. Once ‘Marco’ has finished counting, they must keep their eyes closed and try to tag another player by touching them. The only clue they can use is every time they call out ‘Marco’, all other players must respond ‘Polo’. Playing in the pool can be a fun, imaginative time for children and adults alike.
Health isn’t just a number on the scale or your BMI. If you are struggling with your weight you should look for and celebrate non-scale health victories. This is especially true if you have been battling obesity and are starting to win the fight against the disease. Actions that make you healthy don’t always translate to a change in your overall weight. Having realistic goals, both short-term and long-term, will assist you as you challenge yourself to create a healthier life. Losing weight is difficult, and it’s made even more difficult when you use only one matrix, weight, to measure success. By incorporating real life, non-scale victories, you will have a greater appreciation of what true health means. Tags: bariatrics, weight loss. Bookmark the permalink.
I think I was a bit too story-time in my last class discussion. Here’s a snapshot look at how I feel about the classes according to the 49 runs I did in March. I’ve added the stats below. The column for “tier” is inaccurate, that was around the Whispers era I think. I haven’t gotten good consensus on where the tiers are anymore, so I don’t bother choosing classes by tier. Here’s how much I’ve streamed. All runs were performed on-stream. I recently axed the ball-and-chain so hopefully I will be able to not only stream more often, but for longer as well.
I have been wanting to know this for a long time. It is when a note stays on while some other notes are being played at the same time, it is kind of like a Pedal Point from research. Here are some examples of them being used below, the type I'm looking for is for calming songs I'm not quite sure on the term for it. Yes, "pedal point" is the accurate term for it! If you're looking for another term, a pedal point can be understood as a particular type of ostinato, or repeating musical figure. Often an ostinato is a melodic and/or rhythmic idea, but I have heard musicians refer to a static pedal as a type of ostinato, as well. An effective method for counting and identifying time signatures.
Superintendent Jerry House, along with the Ophir School Board, want to increase the high school curriculum, raising it from the current 22-credit graduation requirement to 27-32 credits. The move, they say, would better prepare students for college or work after leaving Lone Peak High School. When the school opened three years ago, the board followed state-minimum 20-credit graduation requirement with the curriculum. On a block schedule, students could take eight credits per year and finish in 2.5 years, which some have done. The board also has suggested changing the district name from Ophir—the nearly 100-year-old name—to Big Sky School District. The names of the elementary, middle and high school would stay the same. Tonight’s meeting is at 6:30 p.m. at the Big Sky Chapel.
We help release the potential of women entrepreneurs, so they can redefine the future. Our Enterprise Development Programme empowers women entrepreneurs with skills and tools to transform their businesses. Our Mobile Technology Programme harnesses the power of mobile technology to accelerate women’s economic opportunities. We connect women entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies with men and women mentors around the world. Women’s economic equality is non-negotiable. But all over the world, women earn less than men and are more likely to own small, informal businesses. They are less likely to have access to assets, property and financial services. They are more likely to do unpaid work. This doesn’t just limit their opportunities and livelihoods. It means half the world’s population is being denied basic human rights. This can’t continue – and entrepreneurship can be a big part of the solution. With our partners worldwide, we empower women and girls to start and grow successful businesses – and to redefine the future for themselves and those around them. To make it happen, we deliver business training and mentoring. We open doors to finance, markets and networks. We press for change and use technology to help women connect and learn. And because women everywhere face different challenges, we tailor our work to what women tell us matters most to them. Collaborating with partners around the globe makes us stronger and makes our work more relevant. So we co-create programmes with institutional donors. We form corporate partnerships that increase women’s economic empowerment. We link with local partners in 100+ countries to increase our reach. And we rely on the generosity of our supporters to help more women and girls discover the power of being an entrepreneur.
Are stupid people more likely to die from a heart attack? Share an offbeat NBA stat, win tickets to the All-Star game! Is co-sleeping a barrier to divorce? Do you have a college trust set up for your kids? Learning how to shave again? Can you still be considered an attachment parent if you use a stroller?
Joan of Arcadia is one of the best shows on television. The show premiered in September of 2003 and was an instant hit among people of all ages, regardless of relgion. sign and show that you don't want to lose one of the best series on TV. Please consider making a small donation today. This will allow us to keep Save "Joan Of Arcadia" alive and available to a wide audience.
I am organizing a release week blitz for Three Mages and a Margarita by Annette Marie, a New Adult Urban Fantasy novel. The blitz will run from September 17th to September 21st, 2018, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish – giveaway prize(s) courtesy of author. Social media sites are welcome. An email with the complete post info including promo items and giveaway details will be sent to all participants on September 13th.
The acronym MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. This is a standard method of printing with magnetic ink and special typefaces, to create documents that can be read and processed by bank processing machines. How long has the MICR process been used? The process evolved, when using the system of MICR was created during the 1950s by Stanford Research Institute, in response to increased demand by the banking industry for a streamlined method of processing checks. The typeface, or font, that they developed (called E-13B) was chosen for its superior recognizable characters by processing machines and was accepted as the standard by the American Bankers Association (ABA) in 1958, then in 1963, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accepted the ABA specifications as the American standard for MICR printing. Today, compliance with ANSI standards is voluntary for each bank; however, the U.S. banking industry considers these standards the definitive basis for judging the quality of a MICR document. Even though most banks require the use of MICR toner ink when creating a check for deposit, not all banks do. However, if a bank does require that you print using the MICR ink and you do not, they might charge a service fee or delay the processing of your check. Therefore, to avoid these delays and fees we recommend that all of our clients print checks using the MICR toner ink. Remember, even if you deposit the checks into a bank that doesn’t require MICR the check may be transported to another bank or processing center which does require MICR. Can I switch my standard non-MICR toner cartridge with the MICR toner cartridge each time I create a CHAX® check, or use a dedicated printer? No. In fact we discourage our clients from switching the cartridges in and out, due to the fact that this increases the risk of damaging the cartridges. Most toner cartridges are sensitive to light and thus may deteriorate when removed from the printer. They are not built for constant handling and are prone to break when inserted and removed repeatedly. On some printers the image drum is not integral to the cartridge. On those, you would have to vacuum the printer so as to not leave non magnetic toner in the machine which could be deposited on the first few checks. Our MICR toner cartridges yield the same number of pages as a non-MICR cartridge. You can print all your black & white documents using the MICR toner cartridge. There is no difference in appearance between the ink printed onto a sheet of paper. In many cases our MICR toner costs the same or less than OEM cartridges.
2. Activity is good. Be as active as possible. 3. If the DP goes by fast and you weren't able to log on, you are allowed to make 1 post after the lynch to post any analysis you want to add. Make the 1 post count. 9 votes for lynch. Good luck. Sure, we can pressure both. Since IFLY already has a few votes on him, VTL Kyro. I don't know how long either of them played. Well since im town, Sure. I win with the town. Apperently I have this role where if a certain country dies, I get their role. Idk what country it is though. And since you already role-claimed, might as well justify it. I win with the town. large game. since kyro is here, i'll add pressure to him. though if ifly flips mafia, i'll remember this muahaha. vtl kyro. I win with the town, btw. Why does Paraguay have the role that you mentioned? Okay so I have an uberly complex role. I'm am going to out now. I am switzerland, and am the miller. I also only get 3 votes throughout the entire game (yeah I kinda got jewed on my role). I have other parts to my role which I will out later if neccesary. but I am going to save my votes for now. Paraphrased Role: You are Paraguay, in South America. You are always second place to your neighbor state ______, which economically is better than you in almost every possible way.Because of this, you are backup. When a certain country dies (not necessarilly ______), you will get their role. You win with the town. Since this is a big game, we should have more character claims so it doesn't end up like Ignatious Creek. DP7 and still haven't gotten all the claims. We should have at least 6 claims a day phase. Thus, we can start getting roles by DP4. Did you really just copy and paste your role? @ Viper, we don't want to give mafia information. This strategy of keeping mafia in the dark seems to work well in quickfire. I'd suggest getting another character from IFLY and then VTNLing. I lose with the town. TUF, justify why Switzerland is the miller.
response from Dan Can I be honest? I do not think that starting a business at home with only $ 500 cash. If I were to invest the money, I would buy either stocks or bonds (if you are more risky). Most small businesses fail quickly. It’s just the fact, and if you start a business at home with this little capital, it is probably not such a good idea but sein.Viel luck!
I've created this post because I feel that it will be useful for my own learning of understanding REITs in a more structured manner, and it could possibly help many community members as well. If you're a newbie, I hope this post will help you. If you're a seasoned REIT investor, you can contribute what you know and share in the comments below. Personally, one of the quickest way to learn is to 1) identify the associated keywords 2) diving down deeper into what keywords mean and 3) understanding the keywords through case studies to understand the different contexts. A REIT has to buy assets, lease out to tenants, collect rental income and distribute its earnings back to unit holders. So where does it get the money to buy such assets? Answer is either through debt or equity. Why the need for REITs to raise equity? Equity fundraising through a rights issue is done for a few reasons. The most common one is to fund growth. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) with growth plans and a strong pipeline from sponsors are more likely to ask unitholders for cash through preferential EFRs or rights issues. Other than funding acquisitions, debt and declining capital values may also prompt REITs to ask their unitholders for cash. If debt levels are too high — the regulatory ceiling for REITs is 45% — and capital values fall, REITs may need to raise equity. After all, this is a non-exhaustive list. If I’ve missed out important things or want to value add, please feel free to add it in the comments! infographics are welcomed. Hope this is useful to all! Do you want to own more of the REIT you already own? Thanks, that is very comprehensive.
Since I lived quite a few centuries ago, I don’t have to worry about paying taxes any longer. Nevertheless, thrift being a virtue and because I have areputation for being obnoxious, here are a few suggestions. The White House should start labeling offices for cabinet members with those yellow stickies; they also could be used for organization charts. Even better, if the White House used a temporary employment agency for cabinet members, the taxpayers wouldn’t have to pay for benefits and a replacement could be found in a matter of days. Is it coincidence that given the current world situation there’s a trend for governments to make marijuana legal–or is it a survival mechanism?
What is Cold Porcelain? Cold Porcelain (CP) is a modeling compound that is composed of white glue and cornstarch. The recipe for cold porcelain is quite simple and it can be made or home or purchased commercially. CP is a material that can be modeled in small volumes and large. Its characteristics are softness, whiteness and elasticity. CP is known throughout the world, in every region or country, by many different names. Besides Cold Porcelain, it is known as Porcelana Fria, Masa Flexible, Biscuit, and Pasta di Mais among others. See this page for recipes and how to make Cold Porcelain video. If you make your own dough, keep in mind that, to be of good quality, the ingredients you use should also be good quality. Marisol Romero is a cold porcelain artist from Argentina, where this medium is very popular. On her website she shares some of her cold porcelain tips. Below are some of her tips translated to English as best as we can! The CP dough does not require baking and dries at room temperature. Another feature is that, as it dries, it loses 15% to 20% of the initial volume. For this reason it is good to consider the proportions of what you want to model. If you doing all the parts together, you should have no problem. The issue of proportions arises when you dry the parts separately and then assemble them with fresh dough. Always add 20% to everything you do. If you are modeling in a large size, there are times that you must add up to 30%. The dough quality often depends on the glue you are using. The glue is an essential ingredient and important in the dough. It has to be of very good quality to avoid the dreaded cracks that may appear when the piece begins to dry Test different brands of vinyl glue. The elasticity of the dough depends a lot on the glue. The only way to know if it is good is testing and testing again. The most expensive or best brand is not always the one that will help us make good cold porcelain. After preparing, you must knead dough until it's cool, or at least until it stops sweating. Uncured CP can be tinted with acrylics, tempera, oils and vegetable dyes. Also, once dry, the piece is paintable and different effects may be achieved with pastel chalks and other mediums. There are a variety of recipes for making cold porcelain. These recipes often call for Glycerin, stearin and Sodium Benzoate . These ingredients can be found in bakery supplies and in craft shops. Benzoate is a preservative that can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of white vinegar or alcohol. Glycerin is edible and you can get in bakeries. Vaseline is commonly found in drug stores. Stearin is one of the ingredients that may be more difficult to find but CP dough may be made without it. In some countries they use formaldehyde as a preservative, but as it is toxic and may effect the eyes, I do not recommend using. Many people are using vinegar as a preservative. However, in all the years I've been making my own cold porcelain, I've never had fungus problems. Both the homemade and purchased CP must have the same useful lifetime. It should not crack or produce fungi. You have to remember that the results you get when making CP will also vary according to the climate where you live. In dry climates some figures work well because they dry fast. In humid climates, or days of high humidity, the CP can lose it's shape as it stands. Keep in mind that if cracks appear when drying it is often the poor quality of the ingredients. Cracks can also occur from bad modeling. Here is a very simple technique to test if the consistency of your CP dough is ideal. Create a tower of doug of about 20 cm. If the tower is leaning or arching immediately, it is because it does not have the best consistency. You have to cook it more or leave it to aerate if it is commercial produced. CP hardens because the water evaporates. When you have some dough that is not flexible and is difficult to knead, the dough can be recovered. How? Cut it into pieces and dip them in a bowl with hot water. Leave it a few minutes and then fold and knead again to integrate the pieces and return to a homogeneous mass. With this method you return moisture to the dough. If the dough is still too hard, unfortunately it must be thrown out. To store the CP dough so that this does not happen, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and then place it in a jar or airtight pot. This flask must not be stored in a place where it will received sun or this will make the dough lose moisture. In some cases the CP dough may be very moist. What you have to do is take it out of the bag, let it aerate a little and also knead a few minutes until you notice that it has the correct consistency. thank you so much for this tutorial, I think I can make it without anyproblems, you explained it so well.
The Foundation awarded 143 grants totaling $2,249,000. Individual members of the Board of Directors initiate these awards. Individual members of the Board of Directors allocate discretionary awards subject to approval by the Board. We do not accept applications for discretionary awards.
Its like 4.30AM atm so i will see if anything require fixing or more cheats needed tomorrow . Hot damn, that was fast. Awesome as always MAF! You are fast and good at programming. Provide more info and i will check it out . Its usually used to edit stuff like Money but its not used for this game . that was fast, thanks MAF! Were you in a vehicle that exploded? This can lock you in ragdoll and confuse the game into thinking you are dead and alive at the same time. You need to reload the game at this point. Thanks for the quick turnaround, infinite wingsuit boost would be awesome! would love to see an unlimited boost for vehicles/wingsuit, and possibly an unlock all for supply drops! thank you for what you do!
NORTH CHARLESTON – The H.L. Hunley submarine has joined an elite global network of historical landmarks, which includes the Liberty Bell and Eiffel Tower. The recognition was presented Nov. 29 by ASM International–The Materials Information Society at the Warren Lasch Conservation Center laboratory. The laboratory houses the Clemson University Conservation Center, where an international team is developing new technologies to restore the 1863 vessel. The ASM Historical Landmark Award recognizes sites for historic contributions to metallurgical and materials engineering advancements or for the application of materials in significant structures or vessels. The nomination was endorsed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the Western Australian Museum among many others. “The Hunley was selected for this award because of what it represents, both as a forerunner for generations of modern submersible craft, and as a great achievement in the history of materials technology,” said Jon Tirpak, ASM International Trustee, who presented the award. The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory nominated the Hunley for two reasons: it was the first submarine to sink an enemy vessel and it represents a unique design and use of materials. The Navy is particularly interested in the research that is emerging from the Hunley restoration. “This research represents cutting edge technology, especially with respect to chloride extraction and metal preservation,” said Michael J. Drews, Clemson Conservation Center director. The research discoveries have the potential to protect ships and metal structures exposed to saltwater. In receiving the 2007 ASM Historical Landmark Award, the Hunley joins 118 other such landmarks, which are located in Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan, India and throughout the United States. On the evening of February 17, 1864, the H. L. Hunley became the world’s first successful combat submarine by sinking the USS Housatonic. After signaling to shore that the mission had been accomplished, the submarine and her crew of eight mysteriously vanished. Lost at sea for over a century, the Hunley was located in 1995 by Clive Cussler’s National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA). The innovative hand-cranked vessel was raised in 2000 and delivered to the Warren Lasch Conservation Center, where an international team of scientists are at work to conserve the submarine for future generations and piece together clues to solve the mystery of her disappearance. The Hunley Project is conducted through a partnership with the South Carolina Hunley Commission, Clemson University Restoration Institute, Naval Historical Center, and Friends of the Hunley.
You will find tons of bounce house sellers in the popular city of Los Angeles. The long summers and frequent backyard parties make bounce house rentals very popular in this bustling city. In addition, the hot weather means that indoor playgrounds are more popular than ever because kids will stay out of the heat. In fact, If you are looking for any kind of bounce house for sale in Los Angeles, UtimateJumpers.com has got you covered. Castle Bounce House Jumper: The kids will be able to rule their kingdom as they jump and play with friends and subjects in the castle bounce house jumper for sale. Fiesta Inflatable Bounce House Jumper: Perfect for Cinco de Mayo celebrations and any other fiestas, the fiesta inflatable bounce house jumper will make your fiesta muy caliente! Birthday Cake Bounce House Jumper: No birthday party is complete without this incredible birthday cake bounce house jumper. Princess Castle Bounce House Jumper: This beautiful princess castle bounce house will be the life of the party for princesses and their girlfriends. Halloween Bounce House Jumper: Get ready for Halloween parties with this super fun and creepy Halloween Bounce House Jumper, complete with Jack-O-Lanterns. Sports Arena Bounce House Jumper: Both boys and girls will have tons of fun bouncing around in this amazing sports bounce house jumper. The bounce houses listed above illustrate a small portion of the bounce house selection available at UltimateJumpers.com. In fact, if you you are looking for Bounce House for Sale in Los Angeles, Ultimate Jumpers also sells different types of inflatable units.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of chainmail (or chainmaille depending on who you ask) it is a process of weaving interconnected rings. Most notably, it was originally used almost strictly for the purposes of armor in the form of chainmail garments such as shirts, coifs, and gauntlets. Now adays, however, it has come to be used for far more decorative purposes rather than protective. Accessories like belts and jewelry have become increasingly more common. The process of making a piece of chainmail is a time consuming and tedious one. However, it's one that I greatly enjoy. Each ring is opened and then closed into the pattern and it can be very painstaking work-- and sometimes even just painful if I do it for too long at a time. There are many different weaves and even more ways that they can be used to create a piece of jewelry. This leaves many hundreds of possibilities once you add in ring sizes and colors. This is why I heavily suggest that anyone who doesn't see something that is just right for them to please ask about getting a custom piece created just for you. Below are several examples that cover only a small portion of what I am capable of producing. I have categorized the images based upon the weaves used in order to make it easier for you to decide what you like. The examples I have shown will, of course, only show a small part of the color selections that are available, but will hopefully at least give you an idea of the patterns that can be made by using different color combinations. A weave that opens itself to a variety of looks, from elegant to masculine. As you can see from the images below, there are a couple of variants that I have played with using the Byzantine weave. The first picture (green and bronze) is the standard Byzantine weave, used to make a lovely earth toned necklace in this case. The second image (silver and bronze) is a variant that allows for a thicker, sturdier looking piece of jewelry. This first variant is often more appealing to men than some of the more delicate looking chainmail weaves. And the third image (silver, black and red) is a second variant that is still a thicker and more sturdy weave than the original, but with a little more finesse than the first variant. This is what I consider to be the 'standard' weave because the basic elements of this one are used in many of the others. This is also the weave that armor in medieval Europe was made in-- which is why it is called the European 4-in-1. There is also an Asian/Japanese 4-in-1, but I do not work with it much. A simple, almost tubular, weave that can make for a fun piece for sure. There are a few different kinds of Persian weaves. The first-- and most prominently displayed in this gallery-- variant is the Full Persian. There is also a 3-in-1 Half Persian (the silver part of the red and black piece in the sixth image) and a 4-in-1 Half Persian, which I have only worked with once to date and do not recall if a picture was taken of the finished piece. Hopefully I shall remedy this soon.
Our mission is to be good stewards of the resources and assets that have been dedicated to the vital ministries of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. The Vestry is responsible for the overall management and organization of the church. You can read the most recent Vestry meeting minutes (January 2019) here.
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