Retirement, or half retirement in my case, is a major life change. Transitioning from the accumulation phase, to the maintenance stage, and eventually to the deaccumulation phase can be daunting. These transitions are accompanied by a series of losses. We all understand the loss of income. But there are many other changes we don’t often talk about. There is loss of social interaction. Loss of purpose. And if you have a high profile job, there is loss of status. Although we don’t always think about, there are rewards to being an important and well-respected professional that go well beyond the monetary. I am already starting to feel the changes. It happened in a moment. One minute my left ear was fine, the next I could barely hear out of it. It happened after I had pushed the tips of the stethoscope into my ear. I didn’t need to be a doctor to know that I had wax buildup. Simple. The solution was simple. I just needed an ENT to clean my ears out. In my heyday, managing a bustling office of thousands of people, I could get myself or one of my patients a visit at a specialist immediately. I had at least three or four ENTs on my speed dial that appreciated my referrals and would bend over backwards to do me a favor. As the years have passed and I have slowly withdrawn from clinical medicine, many of my connections have retired, moved, or long since closed their practices. So it was with trepidation that I searched out a doctor’s office to get my ears cleaned. There was a definite loss of status. The secretaries at most offices were unimpressed by name, and I had to metaphorically get to the back of the line like everyone else. I eventually did get an appointment. For the last decade, I have had privileges at the local hospitals. This meant that I regularly visited the wards and took care of patients on the medical floors. Every secretary knew me. The security guards, techs, and nurses would all nod when I walked down the hallway. I belonged in those sterile halls, and received the respect and deference allowed my position. Years later, I have long abandoned the hospital and don’t take care of my own patients when they need to be admitted. A few weeks back, I was visiting a friend at the local hospital. He had been admitted late in the evening, and I strolled up to the main entrance around midnight. Unlike years prior, a knowing nod was no longer enough to get me into the building. Security didn’t recognize me. My badge was old and worn. Eventually, I was begrudgingly given a visitor’s badge and escorted to the appropriate floor. My loss of status was complete. My days of being treated as different or special were gone. I was just any other concerned friend visiting a sick person in the hospital. We tend to focus on money when we talk about retirement, and get caught up in spreadsheets and projections. We fear sequence of returns. But we do a lousy job about contemplating the other less tangible losses. We not only lose income but also suffer a loss of status. We no longer hold the position of importance that we used to, and others have jumped forward to take our place. It burns a little. We have proudly moved on in our lives. This physician is financially savvy. This is who he has to thank.
Numerous studies show that cognitive decline is common among people over 40 years of age. Whether it’s the inability to recall memories quickly and correctly, a lapse of judgment, or a struggle with critical thinking, this decline is often simply expected by those approaching a senior age. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to accept memory loss and other issues as you grow older. There are, in fact, a wide range of ways to fight against the mental aging process. You can take several different approaches when figuring out how to keep your brain sharp. Some of them are physical changes, some are mental exercises, and all of them are aimed at keeping your mind at the top of its game in the coming years. One of the leading causes of memory loss in aging individuals is the failure of the senses. The ability to interact with the world around you using your hearing and sight is imperative to keep your brain functioning at all levels. Therefore, the loss of one or both of these abilities over time seriously harms your ability to retain and recall information about what you experience throughout your everyday life. Each of these steps – particularly the use of hearing aids – have been shown to make a world of difference when it comes to enhancing and rebuilding failing senses. Considering the link between hearing and cognitive abilities, it stands to reason that these activities and tools also provide an excellent solution to the question of how to keep your brain healthy in later years. If you’ve been wondering how to use more of your brain on a daily basis, you might be surprised to find that the answer is simply to challenge your mind. Presenting your brain with challenges that you wouldn’t ordinarily have to think your way through keeps neurons firing and mental passageways open, making thinking, recalling, and planning easier over time. Jobs that challenge the brain, for instance, keep minds sharp even after an individual retires. This is likely because working in those jobs creates a habit of mental maneuvering that builds brain strength much in the way that a daily workout routine builds the body. Brains are used to retaining and using information on a day to day basis and continue to do so even after the job is done. Accessing memory-building tools is now easier than ever thanks to the internet and smartphones. There are a number of free apps anyone can use that implement modern, conventional approaches to help build critical thinking and memory abilities in people of all ages. Much like your eyes and ears have a physical impact on how well your memory functions, the health of other parts of your body are directly linked to your cognitive abilities. Issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes can impact the flow of blood to the brain, slowing down a number of different functions all at once. Exercising and keeping your physical body in shape is as effective for keeping your mind sharp as doing mental exercises every single day, and is crucial for keeping your brain in top form. Studies have shown that the right dose of daily exercise enhances global cognition, information retention and recall, processing speed, and overall executive function. The good thing about choosing an exercise routine is that you can make it as easy or as complex as you’re comfortable with. Each and every step you take counts, after all. Taking a midday stroll or stretching are excellent, easy ways to get a bit of exercise in when heavy workouts aren’t an option. If you’re looking for something a bit more advanced, heading to a gym, using resistance weights, or even taking a tai chi class are excellent ways to keep your blood pumping and build that brain power alongside muscles. If you’re serious about keeping your brain in tip-top shape as you age, take the initiative to reach out to specialists for further recommendations. Contact Metro Hearing to take control of your hearing and get more information about how hearing loss can impact your cognition in the coming years for a great start at keeping your mind keen and ready for anything.
Sick and tired of their natural habitat melting away while the world debates whether global warming is politically convenient, arctic fauna everywhere have apparently decided that if the ice floes vanish, they’re gonna goddamned take over further south. Biologists raised a collective eyebrow at the sight of organized hordes of heavily armed arctic waterfowl swamping outlying towns along the northern borders of Canada and the US, but said there’s little point in studying the phenomenon or doing anything about it. Observers speculate that early reports of individual, starving polar bears and seals and whatnot were actually part of a deliberately staged intelligence gathering strategy. The polar bears now seen are wearing kevlar and carrying surface-to-air missiles. When asked about the invasion, a White House representative scoffed at the notion that puffins are real. Author Gene LaughtonPosted on April 7, 2018 Categories Life, Murica, SCIENCE!
So, you got bored of five channels? Repeats of Ground Force getting too much? I see you went and got cable... very nice. Have you watched CNN yet? Or, for all you sports fans, how about Gillette Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports? If so, you’ll know the format. Scrolling tickers (usually informing me that Cardiff City have conceded another goal), newsflashes, current highlights and tables, with a minimum of 2 anchormen flashing in and out of the main window. You want information? Hey, you got it! Well, guess what? A recent study shows that this doesn’t work. Apparently all the scrolling text and flashing updates distract the viewer from the real message, meaning their information retention actually drops 10%. Hardly shocking, but this has been known in the web community since at least 1996 - and yet TV networks still try to ignore it. Why? I blame the well-known melding of broadcast information and entertainment. The web is about giving users information and letting them get on with it. Television is about keeping them watching, particularly up to the ad break. Networks believe that the way to increase the viewing figures is to make information available in a fast-paced, exciting rollercoaster format. Comprehension and retention are now secondary to the white-knuckle thrill of heady information deluge. In short, it doesn’t really matter what you understand, so long as you have a damn good time trying!
Coachella 2019 has emerged to be the coolest and most popular of summer music festivals in the U.S. with a lineup of rock, pop, hip-hop, indie & electronic music, with an exquisite sense of curation. It's grown to wide acclaim for its lineup choices and live stream every year. You can check the status of Coachella tickets farther below and Coacehella lineup is out! Childish Gambino, Tame Impala and Ariana Grande all headline! Janelle Monae, Solange, Khalid, The 1975, Kid Kudi, Zedd, Diplo, Aphex Twin and CHVRCHES also top the lineup! The Coachella dates are April 12 - 14 and April 19 - 21, 2019. There's also a great run of Coachella sideshows in the week between festivals, so if you only go to one weekend, it's good to overlap your stay with the middle week to catch the action on the sideshows in various venues around Los Angeles (a.k.a. Localchella). The Coachella 2019 lineup and Coachella tickets are below! Coachella tickets are longer on sale. The Coachella Heineken House lineup!
Encounter the Coastal South Carolina lowcountry at the Best Western Plus Hardeeville Inn & Suites located in Hardeeville, South Carolina. Experience a place where youre number one at a hotel that takes care of your needs. Located right off Interstate 95 and moments away from historic downtown Savannah. 22.7 mile(s) from Hilton Head Island, is part of the lowcountry region in the U.S. known for Atlantic Ocean beaches and golf courses. 29.5 mile(s) from Beaufort, is the county seat of Beaufort County and chartered in 1711, it is the second-oldest city in South Carolina, behind Charleston. 1 mile(s) from Beverly Processing Inc. 1 mile(s) from Bulk Bag Depot Inc.
Nice review Nick. I can enjoy the theatre through you. My husband is not much of a theatre goer and thus we rarely attend (read never). I wonder if this one will come to Australia? Hi Barbara, Thanks for the nice comments. I doubt that this particular one will make it to Australia, it may have been Russian originally but most of the jokes were about English politics – so I reckon an Australian would need to rewrite it to travel over there.
Life Quotes Compare is a trading style of Quick Quote Life Limited, we have been providing protection policies for nearly 10 years and are proud to provide policies and free advice to members of the UK’s biggest Union. Quotes are totally free and you have no obligation to buy, we are a whole of market broker, which means we can offer a wide range of products that fit your needs, we do all of the hard work so you don’t have to. If you have any questions or queries please visit our contact us page and we will gladly assist.
PensionsEurope welcomes the EU’s initiatives in the area of sustainable finance. Pension funds are long-term investors that aim to deliver adequate pensions for their members and beneficiaries at low costs. This means they naturally take the long view and are required to consider the long-term risks that may affect their portfolios. Moreover, pension funds increasingly align their investment practices with the values of their membership and increasingly society at large. The proposals will support this effort by increasing the transparency of sustainable investments. At the same time, regulatory intervention needs to take account of pension funds’ primary role of providing a retirement good income to their members and beneficiaries. The fact that the EU is taking a comprehensive approach including all sectors of the financial system does not mean that this should lead to a uniform regulatory approach. It is therefore not necessary to employ prescriptive legislative tools such as delegated acts. Pension funds are covered by a principle-based minimum harmonisation framework where Member States retain sufficient flexibility to adjust the rules to their domestic pension systems, as well as social and labour law. Moreover, the IORP2 Directive is still under implementation. From a ‘better regulation’ standpoint, it would be best to assess how the new ESG provisions are transposed and put into practice, before amending them.
Her and Lucy are so fun together, and Maggie now makes Lucy look minuscule. She loved the first snow… literally ran around eating it all morning, and was wiped the rest of the afternoon. My husband took her hiking up Grey Rock last weekend, and Maggie spent most of the time off leash… and Shea said she did just great. We're headed to Denver for thanksgiving – and combining our two families (which means 6 dogs)… so the girls will love it! She is such a delight. Here are some photos from this last week or two. You have any new pups around to keep you busy?
Okay, it was wrong in many ways – friendship isn’t best cultivated by locking two people in a room together, forcing them to make jokes and exchange gifts until they finally get to a green level of friendship. What, don’t tell me you haven’t done that! But the game was right about all of us needing friends. We need them to feel happy and social, connected and understood, as well as to possibly meet our partners or find the dream job. But how do you grow real friendships, the kind that goes beyond superficial smiles? As we plan to move overseas soon, this isn’t just a guide for people who struggle to make friends, it’s an important reminder. A social network isn’t built overnight, but it can be built nonetheless. So how do you go from feeling alone to having a circle of friends? Well, it can happen in person and online. Also, it really does take time – when emigrating, plan on at least two years before you have a real community of people you know and like. Think about anyone you are close to. You might share a common history, shared experiences. If you think of friends from studies or work, it probably started out slowly. You were in close proximity on a regular basis, which led to small talk and a realization that you shared some common interests. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering (at least, not yet) – I remember heading off for coffee with friends at school, or sharing salt and vinegar chips during breaks. At work, I’ve made friendships from bonding over a fun song that came on the radio or commentary about how bad the common microwave was at heating up leftovers. It might feel inane to chat about how someone takes their coffee, but it can lead to anecdotes and stories that unfold in an easy, organic way. For example, I always laugh about how I take coffee – black with two sugars. I used to take it with milk no sugar or sugar but no milk, but when I was a student it was easier to keep sugar in the house than milk. Plus, when I met Dean, he took his coffee the same way and it just made life so much easier. There, now I’ve gone from talking about coffee to opening up the conversation to be about keeping supplies in the house, student life or even relationships. You never know which casual comments might help the conversation go deeper. Of course, to do this you will need to put down your phone. Not forever, and not in a weird and obvious way. But look up and pay attention to the people around you. Small talk is where it can all begin. Share the small details of your life until you are comfortable sharing more about yourself, and always listen to what other people say as well. Once you are comfy making small talk with someone, it’s simply a matter of engaging in conversation on a regular basis without ever feeling forced about it. There’s a lovely lady at Harley’s school, and her son also adores the swings. Just standing together, pushing our kids on the swings, we’ve had wonderful chats. We always greet each other warmly and enjoy talking about school stuff, our kids and even work to a certain extent. Over time, these connections can flourish, leading to playdates for kids, outings for coffee and eventually a close and meaningful friendship. I am in a WhatsApp group with a handful of other moms. At the start of the year, I was friendly with two of the ladies, although I’m not sure I would have called either a close friend. Two of the other ladies were vague acquaintances at best. In the course of almost six months, they have become some of the people I care about the most. It was meant to be a group to support each other as we tried to do daily yoga at the start of the year, but it ended up as a place where we could share our daily parenting experiences, work struggles or successes, and ask each other for advice on everything from hairstyles to how not kill our husbands. We chat all day, every day, and even met up in person in Cape Town (all except one). I am in another WhatsApp group with a whole bunch of guys who all enjoy playing similar games. It was meant to be a group to facilitate multiplayer gaming experiences, to coordinate when people were online to play together. By now, it’s filled with jokes, news, and genuine camaraderie. The same can happen on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram. The reality is that we are all looking for connections, but all worried about making ourselves vulnerable with new people. You don’t need to jump into the deep end with a full-blown friendship right away. Take your time. Talk about safe topics and build upon consistency. You don’t have to talk to people every day if you don’t want to or don’t have the time, but find a routine to engage with the same people repeatedly. It’s through slowly connecting on various topics that real friendships are formed. Or, you know, if all else fails, end up locked in a room with someone until you’re forced into friendship through the shared trauma of living through what I used to do with my Sims.
Recently I've created a Chrome extension for RubyGems.org. The idea is to have a simple way to see details or search for gems in RubyGems.org. Ruby developers, always want to use the latest version of gems. So, they go to RubyGems.org to see if there are a new gem version available to use. This extension provides a better/faster way to do this. You can type in the url "gem rails" to go to rubygems.org/gems/rails to see details about the gem. If the gem name doesn't exist, you'll go to the search page. We also have a "popup" to type the search and go to gem details. When the search doesn't have an exactly match, you'll see a search preview on popup. The extension is available on Chrome Web Store to download. Here is the link. The source code is on my Github. Bug reports, suggestions and pull requests are welcome.
topic for presentation at the end of the program to fellow interns, Dr. Snyder, JI staff and college interns. Specific duties: Each intern will select a research topic, conduct research on the topic, and prepare a five-minute mini-TED talk for public presentation at the end of the program. Interns will also be shown how to use the Mentice endovascular simulator and may be asked to demonstrate it to tour groups.
Beauty is relative and although tastes are broken genres, there are standards that we can follow to have the greatest chance of attracting the attention of others. sometimes your body doesn’t help you and you need to get breast implants in Tijuana with this surgery you can be more prepared for your dates with your crush. How many times have we heard the typical “is ugly but has something, I do not know what, but I like it”, this happens when the person we like does not have a graceful physique but has a pleasant personality, which is more attractive to us. A man with very masculine features, increases the possibility of attracting a lady, because in the subconscious of the woman looks for someone who makes her feel protected. The same goes for women who do not meet the standards of beauty imposed by society, an ideal body and a perfect face. But we are not always that person who dazzles everyone for their physique, so check the following steps that will make your crush key your look and attention only in you. 1. If you are a woman, choose to be much more feminine and delicate. Act safely and always keep a smile on your face, try with a cosmetic dentistry Mexico to improve your smile. But if you are a man, try to be attentive to the girl you like, and maintain the attitude of a gentleman, this increases your masculinity and impresses women. 2. It is very important that you take maximum care of your personal hygiene. When someone has problems with their toilet, it displeases those around them away from them. So pay close attention to such simple details as brushing your teeth, combing your hair, shaving, keeping your clothes clean, etc. 3. Find out about the things that your crush, their topics of interest and dare to engage with him or her a conversation with which you will leave surprised and above all, you will make you interested in you. Intelligence is a skill that will become your ally to carry out this point. There are no ugly or beautiful people, the important thing is to know what are the virtues you have and take advantage of them. Get the most out of these three points so that you can conquer your crush and say goodbye to singleness.
A pink collapsible silicone bowl, which can be used as a drinking or feeding bowl, a scoop for food and as a bag clip. This is a handy pink collapsible tray that you can use in various ways. It is perfectly suitable as a bow for food or water. You can also use it as a scoop for food, which you can use to prevent the dog getting too much food. Furthermore, you can use it as a bag clip. The bowl has a sturdy clamp with which you can clamp it, for example to a bag of food.
One is a former U.S. Army Ranger. The other is a former U.S. Army Captain. Together, they’ve joined forces to show the secrets to elite strength and stamina from the fittest warriors in the world. "Through Army Ranger school I gained mental strength that has far outlasted my physical recovery."
The purpose of this page is to help you choose courses within your program. It outlines the majors, minors and electives that are available within the UniSA Business School. Please note that a major consists of eight related courses and a minor of four related courses. By choosing appropriate courses for your electives, you can study one or two minors, or an additional major, depending on the number of electives available in your program. Please note that minors or additional majors will not appear on the parchment you receive at graduation, but they can be used to show prospective employers your areas of knowledge. For electives you may take any courses available in the Business School as long as you satisfy the prerequisites. You may choose courses from outside the School with the approval of your Program Director (please refer to the program notes in your program schedule). The list of electives is not an exhaustive list of courses offered by the Business School. It is important to note that it is your responsibility to CHECK and complete prerequisites when planning your program of study. Prerequisites are given in the list of electives. For assistance in planning your program of study contact the Business School Hub.
Are you looking for another sturdy yet stylish piece that’s set to become your everyday companion? Are you tired of being all ‘basic’, and would want something eclectic and out-of-the-box? Well then, the Chanel Quilted Patchwork Pouch is the one for you! Made with only the finest quilted lambskin, you can be sure that this baby will last you some years of use – if you take care of it and store it properly, you will have a piece that you’d get to enjoy for long. The patchwork on this thing is flawless – it is definitely textured to perfection, so it stands-out. Also, we must say that the color blocking on this thing’s commendable. Like the pieces of a puzzle, the Chanel Quilted Patchwork Pouch is made with bits that fit perfectly. You can get your very own Quilted Patchwork Pouch via Chanel boutique. In another first for Burberry which just recently had their February 2016 runway presentation in London, you can be one of the 68 people in the world to own themselves the Patchwork, a new bag from the British house that was designed in London and made in Italy. With no 2 two pieces alike (which also means every bag is basically a one-of-a-kind), you can now head online and register interest in the one (or ones) you like, each 29.5 cm by 12 cm sling bag composed of differently-coloured pieces of glossy python skin on suede, velvet and/or house check fabric, each bag anchored with a buckle and a thick shoulder sling inspired by the buckle and belt of another Burberry icon, their much-loved trench coat. With a sprinkling of what’s available now, take your time as you take a look at each bag, each one different from the next, from the more ‘classic’ one with the check fabrics to all python skin/suede leather renditions that are no less luscious. Priced atSGD3295 each, buying this bag also allows you the chance to personalise it with your 3-letter monogram on the sling, with orders shipped from 12 to 18 weeks from the day you buy it.
If this doesn't make you smile, we don't know what will. An adorable 3-year-old girl will melt your heart as she recites the student creed in her Taekwondo class! Click here to see her recitation.
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What the Heck is a Responsive Website – And Why Do I Need One? Why is Everyone Talking About Penguin this Year? Feed eNewsletters to Search Engine Crawlers from Your Homepage! Why Hire Attorneys Online™, Inc.? What is Lawyer Marketing and How Can It Help You? As little as a year ago, I thought text optimization was just an excuse for commission sales reps to solicit attorneys for an unnecessary service. After all, we could already guarantee your placement for specific keywords and phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Alta Vista, Yahoo, AOL and more. Things have changed. The importance of your website listing appearing in the natural listings of the major search engines is becoming a large factor in Internet Marketing. Attorneys Online™, Inc. wants to ensure that your marketing efforts are as effective as possible. These natural listings are an expansion of your current placement promotions. Keyword enriching site content is the art of imbedding keyword phrases in the text on your site, making it appealing to the robots as well as consumer friendly. The more keyword phrases the better (the robots love this stuff)! However, they must be relevant and imbedded strategically to insure that you are not labeled as Spam and at the same time make sense to the consumers that will be reading it. Attorneys Online™, Inc. now has a staff of Text Optimization Specialists whose job it is to effectively increase your “keyword density ratio”. When this is done properly, the robots are encouraged to rank your site higher in the natural listings. As the Premiere Attorney Internet Development Company, our talents run beyond the pretty faces of our state-of-the-art website designs. We offer all of the services that an advertising agency does including brochures, print campaigns, and media buys, marketing budgets, television/radio production and more. Lets set up a time to talk about these new possibilities and find out how SEO can work for you. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. AskTheLawyers.com is one of the first attorney Q & A sites on the World Wide Web. This site allows individuals the opportunity to ask legal questions and gives attorneys the chance to showcase their knowledge and find new clients. Attorneys Online, Inc.™ provides full service production for client television commercials, including scripts, video, green screens, editing, video file compression, media buys and more. © 1998–2019 Attorneys Online, Inc. Law Firm Website Design, Law Firm Website Hosting and Law Firm Marketing by Attorneys Online, Inc.
It’s hard not to get excited by the possibilities, particularly at somewhere like Kew Gardens, which offer such a great outdoor space. But developing a successful mobile app can be expensive and technically challenging, so what are the key things you should consider as you plan your mobile app? Mobile is becoming a crucial part of the marketing mix. Mike Saunders, of visual art app Artfinder, looks at why this is, and how mobile can be used to reach new and existing audiences and visitors.
The president of the humanitarian organisation International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) this week warned of the organisation’s concerns over drones being used in situations that are not official armed conflicts. Peter Maurer made the comments following a four-day trip to Washington, in which he met with President Obama and senior advisers to discuss issues including drones, Syria and Guantanamo. He discussed ‘the adequacy of international humanitarian law with new developments in terms of weapons, battlefields, actors to the battlefield’ with the U.S. officials, he explained in a video briefing released after the visit. ‘If a drone is used in a country where there is no armed conflict … there is a problem,’ he told reporters. Armed drones are used alongside other weapons by the U.S. and U.K. in official armed conflicts, including Afghanistan and Libya. But they are also used by the U.S. in covert conflicts, away from formal battlefields and against ‘non-state actors’ such as informal militant groups, most prominently in the nine-year drone campaign in Pakistan against al-Qaeda and other militant groups. In armed conflicts such as Yemen and Afghanistan, drones are considered a legitimate weapon, Maurer told the press conference. But use of drones in Pakistan was ‘more problematic’, he reportedly told AFP reporter Nina Larson following the conference. The comments came days after a high-profile coalition of U.S. human rights and civil liberties groups wrote a public letter to Obama calling on the administration to track all civilian deaths relating to the drone programme, questioning claims by new CIA director John Brennan that civilian casualties are ‘exceedingly rare’. ‘Based on a review of a wide range of civilian casualty estimates, we are especially concerned that the administration may be consistently undercounting and overlooking civilian casualties. Moreover, the administration may be employing an overbroad definition of “combatant” or “militant” that would lead it to undercount civilian casualties,’ the letter said. The letter called on the president to publish the criteria by which people are added to ‘kill lists’ for targeted killing by drones and other means, as well as the manuals and legal memos relating to such killings. Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Human Rights Watch were among the signatories to the eight-page letter, alongside the Human Rights Institute of Columbia Law School, and NYU School of Law, each of which published or co-published major reports on Obama’s use of covert drones last autumn. This article originally was published at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
Get Direct-to-disk Recording essential facts below, , or join the Direct-to-disk Recording discussion. Add Direct-to-disk Recording to your PopFlock.com topic list for future reference or share this resource on social media. BUDDY SPICHER and Friends - Yesterday and Today - Direct to disk recording HQ.
Abovyan city is not considered to be a primary tourist destination in Armenia, compared to other sites of the country, despite its close location to Yerevan. But, of course, this does not mean Abovyan city doesn’t have unique sights co offer its visitors! Abovyan is one of the most significant industrial cities of Armenia. Although the archaeological excavations of the 1960s found some remains of a second-millennium BC cyclopean fortress, proving the present-day Abovyan has been inhabited even in the Bronze Age, Abovyan is among the most recent cities in Armenia. The name “Abovyan” is related to a famous 19th century Armenian writer Khachatur Abovyan. Modern-day Abovyan city was established in 1963 on the territory of Elar village. Abovyan city, due to its close location to the Armenian capital, is considered to be its satellite city. The town is also known as “Yerevan’s northern gate”, because it is located in the northern part of Yerevan. Abovyan is located in the northeastern part of Yerevan (the Kotayk Marz), 14 km from the capital city of Armenia and 1450 m above sea level. The city of Abovyan is surrounded by the mountain range of Geghama, as well as the mountains of Gutanasar and Hatis. The total area of Abovyan town is 11 sq. km (approximately 4.2 sq. mi). According to the official census as of 2011, Abovyan is the fifth-largest populated city of Armenia, with population of about 43 500 people. The majority (more than 90%) of Abovyan city’s population is ethnic Armenians who were relocated in this town generally from such countries with large Armenian Diaspora, as Iran, Syria and Lebanon. They are mostly the followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church. There are also some minor communities of Russian Molokans, as well as Assyrians, Yazidis and Kurds, living in Abovyan. The climate of Abovyan is conditioned by its location on the plateau of Kotayk, surrounded with numerous mountains, mountain ranges (Geghama, Hatis, Ara, Gutanasar), as well as rivers and their gorges, such as Hrazdan and Azat. The climate of Abovyan, Armenia, can be characterized as mostly dry and continental. Summers are relatively hot and winters are snowy and cold here, in the city of Abovyan. One thing anyone should know before visiting Abovyan is that regardless the season, the climate of this city is generally cool. So, Abovyan is a nice choice for those who hate large cities’ heat and really hot summer sun and seek for a cool place for their holiday! How to Get to Abovyan City? Abovyan, as mentioned earlier, is closely located to Yerevan (14 km), so, regardless the type of transport you choose, it is possible to get to Abovyan in around 20-30 minutes! Actually, you can get to Abovyan by two options: by taxi (about 2000 AMD or 5 USD) or by buses/minibuses (around 200 AMD or 0.5 USD). There are buses and minibuses, regularly travelling to Abovyan city’s bus station. From there, you can continue your tour either on foot, or by taxi/bus (taking a taxi in order to travel in the city would cost approximately 500 AMD or one USD). As one of the closest cities to Yerevan, there are certain unique and nice places to be and necessarily see if you are already in Abovyan. Just like any other Armenian city, Abovyan also is home to some significant churches. One of them is the church of Saint Stepanos. This is a relatively new church, built in the middle of the 19th century. Saint Stepanos Church is situated in Elar village (Abovyan city’s southeastern part), near the village cemetery, on a hill. During its history, the church of Saint Stepanos has seen 2 major reconstructions: the first one was in 2001, and 2010 was the year of the second reconstruction. Currently, the church is functioning. It is special with its simple architectural style, since, at first, you might think it is an ordinary house building. Only the cross on top of the building and the surrounding cemetery would help you guess it is a church. Abovyan is one of those few cities in Armenia that would offer their visitors this sort of fun and entertainment! The merry-go-round of Abovyan city (or the “carrousels”) was renovated and modernized recently, so there are more interesting attractions and a park in the territory. The site is especially good if you visit it with your children or friends! Also, considering the amazingly low prices, this attraction is a must-see place during your visit to Abovyan city of Armenia! The construction of Saint Hovhannes Church started in 2006 when there was a strong demand for another church (before that, there was only one church, Saint Stepanos Church, functioning in Abovyan). The church was opened in 2013. Although this is a newly-built church, it includes numerous traditionally classic features and national characteristics, together with certain architectural innovations. The church of Saint Hovhannes is located in the center of Abovyan city, Armenia. It can be seen from every corner of the Abovyan town. In present-day Armenia, this church is considered to be one of the largest worship places. Previously known as “Kotayk Stadium”, the stadium of nowadays Abovyan city has 5500 seats. Currently, it is used by many Armenian football teams as a temporary field. Also, the city stadium of Abovyan, Armenia, is used for various sports competitions (for example, for rugby). Various concerts, national and modern events are held in this stadium, too. This is the reason why this place has become special, beloved and popular among the local youth. Of course, there should be a statue dedicated to Khachatur Abovyan. He is one of the most famous Armenian writers after who the city is named after. There is also a memorial in Abovyan city, dedicated to the Armenian-Russian brotherhood. The reason is that Khachatur Abovyan was known for his pro-Russian political views. This destination, like any other site in Abovyan city, is designed for those who love spending their time in a quiet, harmonious and a peaceful place.
The study of the epigenome landscape and its relation with the underlying genome sequence in animal and plant cells has become a central question nowadays. The methylation of specific amino acid resides at histone tails is a conserved epigenetic mechanism involved in the regulation of fundamental processes like transcription or DNA replication. Nevertheless, epigenome studies in plant crops and its comparison with model plant systems is uncommon. In a collaboration between the Wilkinson and Crevillen laboratories, we are investigating the lysine methylation epigenome in Arabidopsis and Brassica crops with an emphasis on the evolutionary relationships of epigenomic signatures. We are producing new state-of-the-art epigenome dataset and developing new computational methods to precisely infer different epigenetic states in plants (Figure 4). We will also study the evolutionary patterns of histone modifications that regulate gene expression and define novel epigenomic features. Being able to study the plant epigenome will help us to understand the complex gene regulatory processes that control plant development and are the basis for important crop traits.
Religious law refers to the concept of a religious system or document being used as a legal resource, refers to the concept that the word of God is law. The use of religion for public law has a static and permanent quality, preventing improvement during legislative acts of government or development due to the fact in most places such a system would exist the belief that god is above the state in all ways. A Religious Legal System may use un-codified principles, ideas and beliefs or may use a religious text or texts as the source of their authority. Clergy would usually take up the reins of god and would interpret the words of the text to suit the case brought before him or her.
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This is a placeholder page for Cathy Hamilton, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Cathy Hamilton. You are visiting the placeholder page for Cathy Hamilton. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Cathy Hamilton. We created this page automatically in hopes Cathy Hamilton would find it. If you are not Cathy Hamilton, but are an alumni of Parkview Magnet High School, register on this site for free now.
A rush of emotions swept through my body. Finally, I played at the Laranjal Golf Course – one of the finest courses in Europe. Even after months I still remember my time on the fantastic Laranjal Golf Course. If you’ve not visited this course before, you need to visit now. In this article, we give you 5 good reasons to play on this world class course. The Laranjal Course did not turn out like the others in Quinta do Lago, it is way better. Since its opening in 2009, the course has attracted millions of visitors and the number of guests is increasing day by day. One of the many factors that are responsible for the course’s success is its location. The distance between the Faro International Airport and the course isn’t much. Within minutes, you can reach the course by hiring a cab or taking the local bus. Another noteworthy point happens to be the surrounding Orangery trees that add beauty to the course. Golf is not just about enjoying nature, it’s also pro-nature. To prevent wasteful use of water, the management of the course has built the most advanced water drainage and irrigation system to recycle the used water. Sensors that keep a tab on the moisture levels and other parameters have been installed for each part/zone of the course. These sensors will greatly reduce the wastage of water resource. You won’t find structure made of concrete anywhere close to the course. The only building standing near the course is the Clubhouse, which is the ideal place to relax after a round of golf. The architect of the Laranjal Golf Course, Jorge Santana da Silva succeeded in designing a course that’s in harmony with the natural landscape of the region. No one has ever mastered this course the first time they’ve played here. The fairways are narrow, the greens well defended, and the bunkers and water hazards strategically placed to make you sweat for a decent score. To have even the slightest chance of performing well on this course, golfers must possess accuracy, power, and concentration. The players have to negotiate five lakes at this course. This par-72 course is 6482 meters in size and has 5 par-3s, 8 par-4s, and 5 par-5s. The first part of the course, comprising of 9-holes has more water hazards than the other half. The most interesting point of the course lies between hole-8 and hole-9 and it’s called the Spectator’s Mount. Golfers have to be extra careful (i.e.) more accurate and focused, while playing hole-12, hole-13, and hole-14.
This iPod touch apps lets you cache radio stations and music for you to listen even when offline. It also detects the kind of music genre or artists you would like and make them available to you. Download Here! We are all familiar with Skype – This app is use to make calls, send messages, and chat with friends online. It comes in handy on computers but there is a version of Skype app that makes it possible to enjoy the goodies of Skype on your iPod touch, too. And the best part of it, it is free. Download here. VLC: VLC as a Windows application plays all file types you can think of. In iPod touch, it does the same especially those that can’t ordinarily be played by your device. But, now, VLC withdrawn from iTunes. This iPod touch app is the best way to get music to your iPod touch. It has almost all the features of a Windows media player. Download app. Instapaper: This iPod touch app stores files and web pages so you can always come back to read them even when you are not connected to the Internet. It’s not free anymore. Imo is an excellent instant messaging client. It lets you log onto Facebook Chat, Google Talk, Skype, AIM, Yahoo Chat, and many more. You can also send voicemail. This is one of the best gaming iPod touch apps ever. I did not like it until I tried it. Frankly, I got addicted. As the name implies it is all about angry birds. There are hundreds of levels, each challenging and very entertaining. Get it here. Amazon’s kindle turns your iPod touch into a reading device. You can buy tens of millions of books and download them onto your iPod touch. This is one of my favourite iPod touch apps. It comes in handy each time I’m on vacation. Since I can’t guarantee Internet connectivity everywhere I go, I use it to check flight times, confirmation numbers, and other pieces of travel information to make my holiday a pleasant one. Download this app Here. In conclusion, we expect our free iPod touch app to work well both online or offline. In fact, we expect an ideal iPod touch app to breach the gap between the iPod and other Apple devices such as the iPhone and the iPad. Check out those Best free iPod touch apps, you will like it.
Disana Wool Pull-On is a natural wool 2-layer pull-on diaper cover. An excellent natural, soft, breathable nighttime option. Made in Germany. Size tip: I think it fits ages 4 to 8. Runs big. This size is the best for those years when night time potty learning physical development has not been reached and comfort is needed. I love this during the preschool and school years because it is like a pair of shorts. It doesn't seem diaper-like, so it can be nice in that way. Older kids may be able to pull it up and down, too, depending on the absorbency style that you put underneath it. All the great benefits of wool in a size that fits many 3-8 year olds, depending on shape. This is available in many color choices in smaller sizes but not this size. This size called 110-116 or 4T-5T, it is only made in undyed natural. It is not made in colors in this size. Why wool? Wool is breathable. This cover is a favorite at nighttime because it virtually never leaks. The wool is totally untreated and is naturally antibacterial thus doesn't retain odors. Is wool itchy? Commercial wool can be, but this wool is untreated and wonderfully soft. Don't be afraid to try wool! This style has been loved for generations because it is so effective. The 2 layer double knit stretches for a gentle and comfortable fit over a very wide size range. A must for the family bed! Nighttime heavy wetter? This is the answer. It's cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Yes, really! That's because it's so breathable. Wool does need to be hand washed, and occasional lanolization is helpful. But washing is needed only very infrequently, sometimes only once a month. Wool airs out to fresh easily. View our video of how to wash wool here. Don't forget your wool care products. This wool is produced according to the organic standards. Lovely Merino wool. It was called Demeter Certified Organic, which is the highest of pure standards. Those standards are still maintained for beautiful Disana wools. Disana is a wonderful family business located in Germany, dedicated for 2 generations to organic wools and cottons, long before "organic" became a "thing". These are positively beautiful covers. It is knitted wool. We like nice long legs this has. No leg gaps with this one! Once fully broken in, the performance is great. Once prepared, I have never, ever had a leak from one! I think this is the only cover I can can say that about, under even my kiddo's hard and deliberate testing - pushing diapers and covers to their limits. It is designed to shrink some, and should be prepared by handwashing and felting somewhat (shrunk a bit) before first use. Never machine wash this cover. Do not put it in the dryer. Gently hand wash only. It is normal and expected for the very fine merino wool to pill with use because it is very soft wool. It's ok to size up if you are in the upper end of the weight ranges that we suggest, they do shrink. Handwash only. Made in Germany. Remember the wool is only as good as the diaper underneath it. Don't put this over a pair of underwear and expect a miracle. You must put absorbency underneath it in order for it to work properly. Try a Cloth-eez Prefold size large or toddler. You might like to pin put a medium or large prefold between two pairs of (up-sized) underwear so that the whole thing pulls up and down. The more cotton you put underneath it, the more absorbency you will have. Adjust the absorbency amount to the output correctly and it will be a "bulletproof" nighttime setup that works well and is comfortable for you child. You can see there is still a lot of growing room in this cover. Size 110-116 cm, called size 4T-5T, shown. I love these wool pull-on covers, especially for night. I have been buying them for 5 years. I was so happy when I saw GMD sells the 4T+ size. My almost 5 year old still needs a diaper at night and is a HEAVY wetter. Even with the 'super undies' I bought her (different company than GMD) to wear overnight she would still wake up with damp pajamas and sheets. This cover keeps the bed dry and it airs out easily. I will probably only need to wash it once a month. This cover is large - she is 43 lbs and it will fit her for years if necessary. My taller than average 2 year old son wears the next size down. Wool is the best for night and these covers are great!!! If you are looking for a wool cover to fit a tall child over 35 lbs. this is what you need! We previously used large wool covers of 2 other brands that had become a tight fit over the 2 yr. olds nighttime fitted. I ordered this one, and it looked gigantic right out of the package! It does fit though & should last until he is fully dry all night. We got two of these for our 4 year old. He wears it over a homemade cloth "pull up" at night. He is super comfy and as he told me the other day, "it works!" We also have Disana covers for our 2.5 yo and 3 mo daughters and they all look so cute in their tshirts and "jammy bottoms"!
You are looking for Tim McGraw tickets Laughlin but you find it hard to get them. You are on the right website where to buy Tim McGraw Laughlin tickets, and without doubt you'll attend one of the hot shows in Staples Center and of course have the opportunity of seeing Tim McGraw right in front of you! After coming here, any concert fan whatever city he situates considering in Atlantic City, Houston and Reno and whatever price he could afford, he would purchase Tim McGraw Laughlin tickets. Like any concert fan, you might want to go to Tim McGraw Laughlin May 06th, 2019 performances and the prices you find are a bit elevated, now you have arrived to the perfect place to purchase low cost tickets and attend all Houston, Reno and Laughlin most important concerts. You just think of including Tim McGraw Laughlin tickets in your purchase list if you are a real fan as low cost tickets are available here, not just for this performance but even for Houston, Reno and Laughlin most important performances.
The pension financing outlook is stable for the next few decades. The insurance contribution under the Employees Pensions Act (TyEL contribution) can be kept below 25 per cent of the wages until the 2050s. However, in the long run, the low birth rates will cause a pronounced pressure to raise the contribution rate. The required preparations should be made ahead of time. The Finnish Centre for Pensions has updated its long-term projections on the development of statutory pensions. The projections follow Statistics Finland’s population forecast from 2018. According to that forecast, the working-age population in Finland will decline throughout the projection period (2019-2085) due to low birth rates. At the same time, the share of the population aged 65 or older will continue to rise. Despite the weakening dependency ratio, the private sector TyEL contribution can be kept below 25 per cent up to the 2050s. After that, pension expenditure relative to wages will start to grow fiercely, generating a pressure to raise the contribution by several percentage points. With the projected demographic development, the contribution will rise to more than 30 per cent towards the end of the projection period. “The pension financing outlook is rather stable for the next few decades. The low birth rates should be taken seriously, though. Now is the time to think about how to influence the demographic development,” states development manager Heikki Tikanmäki of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. There is no pressure to raise the contribution rate in the overall earnings-related pension scheme. In the public sector, pension expenditure relative to earnings will decline at mid-century as, among other things, the contribution burden caused by past higher pension benefits will lessen. Currently, the contribution income of the earnings-related pension system is slightly under 30 per cent relative to earnings. That is enough to finance earnings-related pensions also in the future. The expected investment returns for the next few years are rather weak. In the next decade, the assumption of the real return on pensions is 2.5 per cent per year. After that it will rise to 3.5 per cent. Despite the low investment returns, the pressure to raise the TyEL contribution in the near future is not significant in the baseline projection. The general economic fluctuation is reflected in the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. Due to the employment rate, the growth in earnings as well as the development of investment returns, the earnings-related pension insurance contribution will vary from 23 to 27 per cent in the 2020s in these scenarios. “The contribution level in the next two decades depends on the economic development,” Tikanmäki explains. In 2017, the average monthly pension of people living in Finland was 1,656 euros. According to the long-term projection, the purchasing power of pensions will continue to grow. For example, in 2030, the average monthly pension is expected to be around 1,850 euros. The individual-level pension variation is not increasing. For a long time, pensions in payment have been at a 50-per-cent level relative to the average earnings. After 2030, the ratio will drop below 50 per cent. In 2045, the average pensions are estimated at 46 per cent of the average earnings. In 2017, the ratio was 53 per cent. The main reason for the declining ratio is the life expectancy coefficient, which adapts the benefit level to correspond to changes in life expectancy. Statutory Pensions: Long-term Projections 2019. Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports 02/2019 (Executive Summary). The full report in English will be published later this year. an internal rate of return calculation, which shows how much the age cohorts and genders get in return for their pension contributions.
The VT6 48V CVT is designed as a mild hybrid successor of the successful VT3. This state-of-the art integrated hybrid system combines excellent driving characteristics in a compact package and fuel savings up to 17% (NEDC). The 20kW+ 48V electric machine is radially embedded in the transmission by a P2 configuration. In this system, the engine can be decoupled using an integrated multi plate dry clutch. The system delivers remarkable performance for low speed electric driving, thanks to the continuous shifting capabilities of the CVT, while the ICE is at complete standstill. The VT6 48V mild hybrid is based on state-of-the art CVT technology with a ratio coverage of 6.5 and an input torque of 250Nm. It uses a latest generation high efficient push belt, as well as a dual pump system for enabling the hybrid functionalities as well as improved hydraulic efficiency. Hybrid controls are integrated in the TCU.
A woman climbed the base of the Statue of Liberty around 3 p.m. this afternoon, 7/4. National Park Service authorities are still trying to get her down. U.S. Parks Police evacuated Liberty Island. Seven other people with a group called Rise and Resist were arrested today. They were protesting immigration policy and had unfurled a large banner that said "Abolish ICE."
On Thursday, a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border who fail their initial threshold of showing a “credible fear” of persecution in their home countries are entitled to a judicial appeal before they can be deported. The decision could severely undermine the Trump Administration’s efforts at securing the border and expeditiously deporting frivolous would-be aslyees in California and Arizona, which are both border states under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit. The Ninth Circuit looked back at cases dating to the 1700s, determining that under review procedures set by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 2008 case known as Boumediene and by legal precedent set in several immigration cases dating back to the 1950s, Thuraissigiam should be covered by the suspension clause [of tbe U.S. Constitution] because he was arrested in the United States, according to the opinion. The court went on to hold that a procedure that would not allow the California court to review the immigration judge’s determination in Thuraissigiam’s case would be unconstitutional, according to Thursday’s opinion.
Typically after the Fourth of July here in the United States there is an increase in lost dogs. The dogs get spooked by the fireworks and take off running or sneak off and find a place to hide. Just think if this happened to you and your dog ended up missing. You would be frantic. So if you find a dog, chances are that if belongs to someone who is frantically looking for him or her. Here are some tips from Dogington Post on what to do if you find a lost dog. 1. Stay calm. Bear in mind that once you set eyes on a stray dog, you have to first consider his safety, your safety and the safety of others. If you spot a dog in trouble, perhaps loose near traffic, it’s very easy to panic and cause an even more risky situation just because of a nervous reaction. 2. Be alert.Whether you are on foot or inside your car, remember that sometimes the danger is not in the situation, but in the condition of the dog himself. The dog you found may be injured, scared, or ill. Never approach the dog if he shows aggression toward you or other people. 3. Assume responsibility. Now, if the lost dog seems friendly and approachable, and you feel that you can safely take him with you, try enticing him to come to you with treats or welcoming commands. If you decide to take the pooch to your home, visit your local animal shelter or veterinarian first. If the stray dog has no collar or ID tag, they can scan him for an implanted microchip which indicates the owner’s contact information. 4. Go the extra mile. If you keep the lost dog in your own care until his owner is found, immediately start posting flyers, or hitting the internet. Do whatever you can to get the information out to the dog’s family that he is safe and sound with you- and all set to come home again. Visit our friends at Doginton Post for more information.
Do you know what lotriderm cream is? This cream is known to treat fungal skin infections when symptoms of inflammation, such as itching, require rapid relief. In fact, this contains two active ingredients, an antifungal called clotrimazole and a steroid called betamethasone. Indeed, it can help you to heal skin problems and infections as well. Then, if you are curious about this, check the benefits of lotriderm cream below. It is known that lotriderm cream can help you to treat ringworm. This is due to the presence of clotrimazole to treats the infection. Thus, if you have skin problems such as ringworm, having lotriderm cream may help you then. As explained before, lotriderm cream contributes to deal with fungal skin infections. Indeed, it is linked to the presence of clotrimazole that treats the infection and betamethasone that reduces the associated redness and itching. Moreover, it has antifungal properties that kill fungi and yeasts by interfering with their cell membranes. Hence, it can treat your infections as well. You can also check on Top Benefits of Dermadew Soap for Your Skin Treatment! The next benefit of lotriderm cream is to help to treat athlete’s foot. All you need to do is apply the cream on the affected area and wait for the result. Then, if the relief does not occur after 2 weeks of use for athlete’s foot, it is best to contact your doctor. One of the benefits of lotriderm cream is to help to reduce skin inflammation. This is due to the presence of Betamethasone as a potent corticosteroid. As a result, it takes part to reduces skin inflammation by stopping skin cells from producing various inflammation-causing chemicals that are released when the skin reacts to irritation. Then, it can reduce inflammation, redness, and itchiness. Such great benefits, right? You can also check on Wonderful Benefits of Acnelak Soap – Acne Treatment for You! Another benefit provided by lotriderm cream is to treat sweat rash. Before applying it to the skin, it is best to talk to your doctor first. Now, you know the benefits of lotriderm cream. Then, it is time to discover how to apply lotriderm cream as listed below. To use lotriderm cream, you need to apply it thinly and evenly to the affected area of the skin. It is recommended to use it twice a day. Always remember that lotriderm cream is for external use only! If you use it for treating ringworm or candida infections, you need to apply the cream for two weeks. Take note that the cream cannot be used more often or for longer than advised by your doctor. After that, do not cover the area being treated with airtight dressings such as bandages or other dressings. Otherwise, it will block the absorption of the medicine. Next, if you suffer from any allergic reactions, you need to consult to the doctor. As conclusion, lotriderm cream can help to treat fungal skin infections. Then, to use it, you need to follow directions or consult the doctor first. Hence, with the right treatment, you can get the benefits of lotriderm cream for sure.
It is often so that in cases when something is well-loved, people fall into searching for its disadvantages. The same we can say about the Virtual Repositories . They are used across the globe in our days but still, some companies claim that they have more disadvantages than positive sides. It is understood that it is not true but not to sound proofless, we passed a resolution to analyze all these implications and to scotch them on the assumption that it is not true to life. Mainly, all the enterprises think about the degree of safeness of their files. But some of them tell that it is not safe to keep documentation on the Interweb and it is better to take advantage of the conventional data rooms. Surely, it is not so wherethrough the Virtual Repositories vdr due diligence use varied protective measures , like the permission groups, document encryption, and the non-disclosure agreements. More than that, the most trustworthy virtual providers always have some certifications. Some corporations believe that there is no sense in wasting money on the Electronic Repositories on the grounds that the chargeless data stores have all the same instruments. Well, frankly speaking, the chargeless DWs and the Alternative Data Rooms really have a lot in common but the gratuitous data stores will not provide your files with the ultimate safety as the Alternative Data-warehousing Systems do. As for the Physical Repositories, they do not have any possibilities, they can only keep your deeds. They say that it is hard to select the virtual data room provider. In the real life, it is true due to the fact that there is the variety of the Electronic Repositories to every pocket. All of them suggest you vast good points and it is really complicated to decide on the best one. But it is highly recommended to take note of your demands and to find the VDRs which dispose of the necessary strengths by virtue of the fact that there is no sense in paying over for the redundant instruments. A great number of companies do not fall into having a deal with the Secure Online Data Rooms because they are crazy expensive. Flipside, it should be noted that in practice, almost all the Virtual Repositories are really cheap. The most widespread Due Diligence rooms cost about 99$ per month. It is not so sumptuous. It is understood that there are VDRs which are high-priced but everybody can choose. Also, there are such Virtual Rooms which take charge for the people using the room. This is not a secret that some corporations think that the Online Storage Areas are very intricate for using. However, we would say they will be complicated for people who do not use PCs and mobile devices at all. On the contrary, there are some really complicated Online Storage Areas, but not to be mistaken, you are allowed to make use of the chargeless attempts and to see whether the Virtual Room fits you. Usually, almost all the Virtual Rooms are simple-to-use. But even on condition that you cannot make use of it, their helpline will teach you in what way to utilize it. To draw the line, we would say it is better to try the Virtual Data Rooms than to listen to about all these negative sides which are really pointless. OM Foundation was established in the year 2011 by a group of around 7 friends indulged in various social activities. Donate now and be a part of the change.
Eskadron Heritage Glossy Emblem Full Size Saddlecloth - Black Blue. This voluminous saddlecloth features an elegant wave quilting with a high quality glossy outer woven fabric that has a matt finish. Finished with Eskadron branding on the left side. Limited Edition.
Scrub Mommy is one of the most popular products in the Scrub Daddy family because of her unique dual-sided design. One half is texture-changing scratch-free FlexTexture® foam perfect for light or heavy scrubbing. The other half is made from ResoFoam®, our suds-generating material that stays velvety soft even when dry.
Several years ago I attended one of Bill Jawitz’s seminars titled “Marketing Your Practice Online.” Prior to the seminar, I had tried to promote my website online, with mediocre results. Using Bill’s suggestions, I was able to hone my focus and substantially improve my web presence. I now get multiple inquiries each week from potential clients that learned about me from web searches — and I don’t spend anything on advertising. Bill does not just have great ideas on how to market your practice. He is also a productivity guru. He has helped me in numerous ways to become more efficient so that I now provide even more cost effective services to my clients. I highly recommend Bill to any law firm looking to improve its marketing or its productivity.
Being an effective leader can be challenging. I think that’s especially the case when you are working in the mining sector. Leadership requires a balance of vision and steadfastness, as well as the ability to be versatile and open-minded, virtues that are often in conflict with each other.
Anon. sale, Palais Gallira, Paris, 30 March 1965, lot 236 (illustrated in black and white and in color). Mme Graziella Patio de Ortiz-Linares, Paris (acquired from the above sale). Jaime Ortiz-Patio, Vandoeuvres (by descent from the above); sale, Sotheby's, New York, 9 May 1989, lot 1. R. Schmit, Eugne Boudin, Paris, 1973, vol. II, p. 427, no. 2445 (illustrated).
Summers in the beautiful city of Pleasanton, California can be the stereotypical gorgeous California summers: deliciously warm seasons spent out in the sun, enjoying the outdoors. One of the best ways to spend a summer afternoon in Pleasanton can be lounging around the pool, or throwing a yard party that ends with a dip in the water. With Pleasanton’s typical summer temperatures in the high 80’s during the summer, and a record high of 115 degrees Fahrenheit, a pool can feel be a great way to find relief from the sun. However, a pool brings with it certain safety concerns, and especially those people who have children or pets may want to ensure that their pool does not pose any danger to their loved ones. Supervision of the pool when it is in use is important, but when you are not using the pool, you can’t fold it up and put it away. When it is not in use, your yard needs to still be a safe place for children and pets. Installing pool fencing can relieve worries you have about a child slipping away from your supervision and falling into the pool, or a pet jumping in and being unable to climb back out. During parties where there are children present, a pool fence can allow you to enjoy the party without worrying about a child falling in when no one is watching. Pool fencing can also allow you to let your pets out into the yard and leave them out there unsupervised without worrying that they might jump or fall into the pool and get stuck. Pool fencing can offer the safety you want for your kids and pets, while still looking aesthetically pleasing and even enhancing the image of your pool. Adding a pool fence is an investment in safety. Whether you’re looking to protect your kids, grandkids or pets, their safety is worth the cost of installing a pool fence to protect them and allow you peace of mind. Enjoying the summer in Pleasanton, California is easy to do with the luxury of a pool. Keep your pool a safe and fun place by getting a pool fence installed.
I wish I had had this when I was a happy tramper many (many) years ago. Having done some of these I was interested in the advice and descriptions given and that DOC now requires booking of huts and does not allow camping in your own tent, for the most part, along the tracks. This lists the nine major walks you can do Lake Waikaremoana, Tongariro Northern Circuit, Whanganui River Journey, Abel Tasman Coast Track, Heaphy Track, Routeburn Track, Milford Track, Kepler Track and Rakiura Track. It also has schematics of the route, notes on huts, highlights to see and experience, how to prepare for your walk, what to expect and some history of the route. There are maps of the tracks and sumptuous photographs. There are timings given for the walks but I would have liked to know the criteria for the speed and fitness level. I was impressed with the Points of Interest and detailed descriptions of what you can see and experience on the tracks. Though I would have expected a little more about the flora and fauna. For people who are not a member of a Tramping Club there are descriptions and photographs of the type of clothing and equipment that is suitable to take with you on these trips. I would have added the advice to contact a local Tramping Club for advice or to do practice walks with first.
For many people today voice calling is not a main strategy of communication on their cell telephone. Cell phones initially were huge in size and the voice high quality was undesirable, and further features have been none. I comprehend that this is a smaller cost to spend for the comfort of obtaining a phone with you at any time. On the opposite hand, if you are a tough-to-please user, the most price-successful automaton cell phone will not be enough any longer. I would not advise you to brick a new smartphone although playing spy, but right here are 3 James Bond styled spy gadgets you can make from an old smartphone. I definitely believe that the role of cell phones requires to be decreased in our lives and specially even though we drive. I hate talking on the telephone and the final thing I want is to feel obligated to speak to persons I never want to talk to just since I have a silly cell phone. The user does not want to bother pondering about it and have a tendency to be unlocked quickly by picking prepared-produced cell phones. Initially cell phones had been developed solely for the army where the have to have to remain in touch with each other was a massive necessity. Please note that these spy items are not intended for intended for illegal use. And I am a pretty tech savvy particular person, but having a cell phone has turned into a leash. They nonetheless get insulted for the reason that if you have a cell phone, you ought to be in a position to be reached exactly where ever and when ever. Folks do consider you are strange if you don’t have a cell phone, but we did cope for thousands of years before they have been invented. It gives quite powerful recommendations that youngsters ought to only use cell phones in case of emergency. Yes, but I consider the parental figures should really set out guidelines and recommendations prior to just providing a kid a cell telephone. Best areas to set up a single spy camera would be bedrooms, lounge or living rooms and bathrooms. I’ve noticed the research about what they can do to you, but there are so quite a few harmful points in this world, my phone is the least of my worries. There are nonetheless contract plans offered, but they largely impact discount the value of the phone itself, and not the month-to-month cost. With out a cell telephone I never get immediate gratification and am as a result a considerably much more appreciative person. If we take these research at face value, then the cell telephone is not the culprit, it really is the electromagnetic waves it produces. This has created them a necessity in the eyes of most customers, you see people of all ages utilizing cell phones these days.
AUSTRALIA - A project underway in northern New South Wales is helping dairy farmers become more energy and water efficient. According to ABC news, the Efficient Water Energy and Nutrient project identifies ways farmers can achieve this, and then gives them the technical and funding assistance to make it happen. EWEN co-ordinator Nick Bullock says farmers are busy milking cows and growing pasture, and don't have a lot of time to research new technologies. "So this is a project to bring together all that information and bring it together in a format that farmers can access, so that they can get to the point where they can say, 'Yes, that's a good idea, it's worth my while doing it, I can find my dollars to actually implement it and actually get it done'."
Happy Hour Daily Starting at 5:30 p.m. Serving all night happy hour in the Sahara Lounge. Domestic beer $4. Craft beer and well cocktails $6. Featured cocktails $8. Bar bites starting at $7.
Britain’s jobs recovery has continued to soar as the latest data showed that London vacancies jumped by 52% since the beginning of the year. Research by CV-Library, which analysed the job postings and applications for all roles within 12.5 miles of London, found that the number of jobs posted or renewed in the London area has increased by 52% over the last year, with a 20% boost in the last month alone. London jobseekers have been applying to even more jobs, with a six per cent increase between August and September and a three per cent increase year on year. Circle Managing Director Steve Ricketts was pleased with the increase in vacancies: "There is certainly an increase in the amount of vacancies, in London and across the whole of the UK. However, it is important not to read too much into these statistics. As the economy is better this year, more recruitment agencies will be choosing to use CV Library and posting their adverts to that particular site, when perhaps last year they didn't want to pay for CV Library. This will certainly account for some of the 50%, in my view".
With Cisco Desktop Virtualization solutions you have the flexibility to choose between on-premises, cloud-based, or both infrastructures. Built on the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS), and industry-leading partners VMware Horizon and Citrix XenDesktop; Cisco Desktop Vistualization Solutions are designed to accelerate and simplify IT initiatives such as desktop virtualization and data center operations. Thanks to Cisco technology and its partners, you will be able to choose from a comprehensive portfolio of architectures with advantages and benefits for specific IT environments and business goals. The Cisco Virtualization portfolio includes, Onboard Architecture, Simplified Architecture, Scalable Architecture, Integrated Infrastructure Architecture, and Hyperconverged Architecture. Cisco successfully assemble technology, advanced services, and strategic partnerships to help you deploy cloud services to your business. With Cisco’s comprehensive portfolio of cloud solutions supported by an ample selection of Cisco Powered Partners, you can build the perfect cloud infrastructure that makes the most sense for your business. Cisco cloud services rely mainly on a strong set of security solutions, form the data center thought the network applications. You will be able to run Cisco Cloud environments on multiple Cisco Solutions as a Service such as Infrastructure, Desktop, Disaster Recovery, Unified Communication, Contact Center and Video.
“Some 38,000 Irish passed through Toronto in 1847. Toronto then, was a city of only 20,000 people. [We do well to remember] that in 1847, there were enough, just enough Canadians who rose above the frank, blatant, decades-long discrimination of the day, and gave those immigrants a chance to become Canadians themselves.” It is hard for us to comprehend this, but in 1847, the Irish were viewed much like Muslims in our day. People were suspicious and scared of them and did not want them in their country. When we read the Bible with God’s wisdom, when we read it as story that reveals God, rather than a rule book, we develop a relationship with the God of the Bible. It is not easy to read our Bibles like this. It is much easier to try to turn our Bible’s into rule books; but God calls us to something greater. We need constantly to read the Bible seeking to understand the heart of God. We need daily to ask God to be our wisdom as we read his word. Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one." Science News is asking questions about animal intelligence in an article about otters and tool use in a March 21, 2017 article. The article entitled, “Tool use in sea otters doesn't run in the family,” suggests that using rocks to crack open snails and other shells to get at the rich food inside, may truly be a learned behavior that each generation must discover. Those who read this blog regularly will know that I am fascinated with the intelligence of animals. (You can read a quick summary here and find links to other articles on this subject in the same place.) Most of the writing and reading I have done on this subject has emphasized the learned aspect of such behaviour. There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that crows teach other crows the techniques related to breaking open mussel shells and staying away from strangers. So, it is not surprising that researchers are having a difficult time finding the gene responsible for tool use in otters. However, I would caution us that just because a gene carrying this propensity has not been found, does not mean that the gene does not exist. The author of the paper even admits this when she suggests that “sea otters may all be predisposed to using tools because their ancestors probably lived off mollusks, which required cracking open.” Could it be that all otters carry the gene for tool use and only use it when necessary? Theorists and observational astronomers alike have a problem: they can’t find Dark Matter! Einstein and others before and since have postulated that there is something out there that we can’t see. Theoretically, Dark Matter is just that, matter in the universe which is dark because it does not interact with electro-magnetic waves. Also, by definition, it interacts with gravity and constitutes more than 80% of the mass of the universe. One might readily ask, how do we know that Dark Matter is out there? When mathematicians, theorists, and astronomers do the math, and here I am referring to massive calculations that start with principles and assumptions and end with a reasonable proof of how the universe might function, they find that there is not enough mass in the universe to account for the ways in which gravity is affected. Therefore, they introduce a material, an “X,” that must exist but cannot be seen to account for this. We call this “X,” Dark Matter. True, it is not a very satisfying way to arrive at the existence of something. Many experiments have been done, or are in progress, to see if Dark Matter can be physically proven to exist. So far, every one of these experiments has been negative or inconclusive. One answer, that is slowly being accepted by more and more of the research community, is that perhaps Dark Matter does not exist and we should simply stop looking for the material. The problem with this is that one must find some other way to account for “X.” If Dark Matter does not exist, how do we explain the gravitational effects on the regular matter of the universe? We await more experiments, more calculations, and more definitive studies to elucidate the nature of “X.” Is it indeed Dark Matter? Is it something else? Many will continue to work on the question, for certainly there is a Nobel prize waiting at the end of the search. The International Space Station (ISS) flew over my home a few minutes ago. When you know where to look it is easy to pick out of a clear sky one or two hours before sunrise or one or two hours after sunset. The ISS circumnavigates our planet in approximately 90 minutes and appears from earth as a fast-moving light traveling from a westerly direction to an easterly direction. Today, at 5:39 am, it was very close to the centre of the sky, halfway between north and south. An app such as Sky Guide helps me keep track of ISS flyovers and the location of planets in the night sky. You can also go to the ISS Astroviewer to get an image of the present location of the ISS. It is fascinating to think of the six astronauts racing overhead at 7.66 km/sec. Presently, the crew consists of three Russians (Roscosmos), two Americans (NASA), and one French (ESA); under the command of Robert Shane Kimbrough (NASA). This crew represents Expedition 50 and has been assigned to study several human biomedical research questions. NASA states that the purpose of this mission is to “investigate how lighting can change the overall health and well-being of crew members, how microgravity can affect the genetic properties of space-grown plants, and how microgravity impacts tissue regeneration in humans.”. The crew are the test-subjects in their research work. As the present mission nears completion, the crew have been in space for 120 to 150 days and a crew change is scheduled to occur in early May, 2017.
I'm Gerd, a 16 yo student who like to program, fiddle around with weird machines and do other fun stuff with computers. I'm gay, and proud of it. 🎶 I spin you right round, baby!
The Corporate Whistleblower Center is urging hospital employees, or medical doctors with substantial proof the hospital is gouging Medicare with bills for unnecessary procedures to call them at 866-714-6466. With one call the Center will explain how whistleblower reward programs work, and what type of proof is needed for a whistleblower to get rewarded. As a recent example according to court records in May of 2014, Baptist Health System Inc. (Baptist Health), the parent company for a network of affiliated hospitals and medical providers in the Jacksonville, Florida, area, has agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle allegations that its subsidiaries violated the False Claims Act by submitting claims to federal health care programs for medically unnecessary services and drugs. This settlement resolves allegations that, from September 2009 to October 2011, two neurologists in the Baptist Health network misdiagnosed patients with various neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, which allegedly caused Baptist Health to bill for medically unnecessary services. Although Baptist Health placed one of the physicians at issue on administrative leave in October 2011, allegedly it did not disclose any misdiagnoses to the government until September 2012. In this instance the whistleblower will receive $424,155. The Corporate Whistleblower Center wants to emphasize there are high quality whistleblowers in every state including California, New York, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The lawsuit against Baptist Health was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida and is captioned United States ex rel. Wells v. Baptist Health System Inc. et al.
This linen accent pillow cover bears the message ‘love you more’. Made of 100% linen, a renewable resource, it has a very soft touch and slight sheen, measures 19″x 10″, with a back zipper opening. Stitched in dark navy with a dark red scribbled heart. If you would like another color option, contact us. This is a pillow cover, it does not include an insert. You may choose the optional pillow if you do not have an insert. If you are local and want to pick up your item, include that in the comment box at checkout and it will be a completed pillow. Be the first to review “love you more pillow” Click here to cancel reply.
Help your child to discover a fascination with letter shapes and sounds with the Letterland Phonics Activity Books. Book 2 includes stickers, fun activities and actions, puzzles, colouring, handwriting practice, word building and reading. The letters and sounds are introduced in the popular teaching order '¯satpin'?, in line with most UK schools. Also included is a link to a free pronunciation guide, so you can be sure that all the sounds you are making are correct. Making the sounds correctly you will enable your child to blend the sounds together and build words, or segment the sounds to read words. Part of a series of six activity books covering the alphabet and 40 further spelling patterns, this book covers: eur, hbfl, jvwx, yzq.
How do you develop secondary characters? Do you have a favourite secondary character? How has writing rewarded you? What has it cost you?
Released in 2002, this is a true European poppunk classic. Ultra catchy punkrock with lots of Ramones, Beach Boys and Barracudas influences. On Stardumb, so good!
This word means twilight, which is always my focus around the summer solstice. The twilight is the prolonged part of the day, it seems to me, not the morning or afternoon—it’s as if the extra daylight is tacked on from 5 pm on. This is such a lovely time: the blue sky deepens, lavenders and finally dims but so, so slowly. Last night I celebrated the actual solstice with an epic walk home, starting at the World Trade Center and walking through the Hudson River Park all the way to 97th Street. Two and a half hours, maybe five miles (nope just looked it up, 6.7 miles), with so many people doing so many things around me: jogging, doing yoga in bikinis, men boxing (a fight club?), couples smooching, kids acting crazy in a fountain, aggressive bike riding , all of it while the sun sank on the other side of the river. I am remembering now a summer solstice long ago, back when I was a teenaged babysitter for a family whose name I am forgetting: the Smalls? They were wild cards, as employers, sometimes not coming home at all and always forgetting to have snacks or even dinner on hand. I remember sleeping on the couch, waking at dawn, still babysitting, and feeling equal parts thrilled and forlorn. Anyway, it was the summer solstice and Mr. Small, if that was his name, told me that every day after this one would be shorter. Obvious, maybe, but that made me feel forlorn as well. Regardless, I have a category of blog posts called Holidays We Hate, but the solstice is not one of them.
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IBA Annual Conference Boston 2013 film: Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, addresses the Rule of Law Symposium at the IBA Annual Conference 2013, in anticipation of the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, a document that has inspired democracy and the rule of law in many countries. 2015 will mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the ‘great charter’ that for the first time reined in the power of absolute English monarchs. The idea that all are subject to the law, including kings and presidents, had its origin in Magna Carta. It is also the basis of the rule of law, the very heart of a democratic form of government.
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Live extra large and do some serious kicking back with this beer glass that holds nearly three beers. Give refilling a small mug the boot - fill once and enjoy the rest of the party. Remember, use this boot responsibly - you don't want to be booted out for hogging all the beer at the party.
The time between calling 911 and the ambulance arriving can be critical for saving heart attack victims, but the person on the phone may not know what’s happening: this AI parses non-verbal clues to help diagnose from a distance. When someone goes into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital, time is critical: The chance of survival decreases about 10% with each minute. The first step–recognizing that it’s cardiac arrest, when your heart fully stops–is challenging for emergency dispatchers on the phone, who have to make sense of symptoms relayed by a panicked friend or relative. In Copenhagen, dispatchers now have help from AI. If you call for an ambulance, an artificially intelligent assistant called Corti will be on the line, using speech recognition software to transcribe the conversation, and using machine learning to analyze the words and other clues in the background that point to a heart attack diagnosis. The dispatcher gets alerts from the bot in real time. Dispatchers in Copenhagen, who are well trained, can recognize cardiac arrest from descriptions over the phone around 73% of the time. But the AI can do better. In an early, small-scale study, the machine learning model knew the calls were reporting cardiac arrest 95% of the time. Another study, which analyzed 170,000 calls, will soon be published. Like other machine learning technology, Corti isn’t designed to look for any particular signals. Instead, it “trains itself” by listening to the sound from a huge set of calls to identify important factors, and then continually improves its model as it works. Non-verbal sounds are often important, and the technology has to be able to sort through background noise like sirens and yelling to identify clues. In one case, when the startup was first testing the technology, a woman called the emergency number to report that her husband had fallen off the roof of their house. As the dispatcher listened, she realized that the man had broken his back, and gave instructions on what to do before the ambulance arrived. But Corti said the incident wasn’t a broken back, but that his heart had stopped. “You could hear a rattling noise in the back of the call,” says Cleve. The patient was gasping for breath because his heart wasn’t beating, and the AI recognized the pattern. It turned out that the man had fallen off the roof because of cardiac arrest. Because the AI platform was in testing at the time, it didn’t send the dispatcher alerts. The man didn’t get CPR, and by the time the ambulance arrived, it was too late. With a more accurate diagnosis, a dispatcher might be able to coach someone on the phone through CPR, or better prepare first responders. It’s conceivable that some cities could use the technology to send out drones with automatic defibrillators–which can arrive faster than an ambulance–or CPR-trained volunteers who happen to be nearby. The startup will soon make an announcement about plans to expand in the United States.
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Compulsive liars sneak their way into people’s lives without them really knowing it. After all, they’re very good at what they do. But the question that arises in everyone’s minds – why do people resort to compulsive lying? When a compulsive liar comes into our lives, we may not realize it until it’s far too late. Compulsive liars can often make your life worse, and being able to tell who they are will make it easier to get them out of your life. Getting a compulsive liar out of your life will make you feel much better, just as getting rid of any other toxic person might do. Knowing what you’re looking for is the first step, then being able to remove them from your life will come after. They don’t just lie about big things or little things – they lie about literally everything. They’ll lie about things that don’t even matter, like what they had for breakfast or what they did the night before. They may lie about who their parents are, where they went to school, even about things they like. People who are compulsive liars aren’t able to stop lying. “They may lie to gain personal attention—to appear more admirable or more helpless than they actually are. Even self-harming lies may provide some form of internal gratification,” adds Good Therapy. Most people get that little guilty feeling in the pit of their stomach when they lie. That is their conscience that is telling them right from wrong and helps guide their morals. On the other hand, compulsive liars don’t have that; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to lie the way they do. Research has shown that compulsive liars tend not to have this same reaction that non-compulsive liars do, and it’s often paired with a personality disorder of some kind. They lack a conscience that tells them not to lie or makes them feel guilty for doing so. You may notice that they’re able to do other cruel things without feeling bad about it, like making fun of people or spreading rumors. “The very fact that a lie could be found out does not affect the pathological liar. They have an inability to consider the consequences or even fear being found out. It’s as if the pathological liar believes they are smarter than everyone and will never be found out,” says therapist and certified trauma professional Támara Hill, MS, LPC. If you try to catch a compulsive liar in the act of lying, they immediately become angry with you. In fact, they’ll get so angry that they might shut down entirely, making it seem like you’re the one at fault for questioning them. Even if you have proof that they’re lying, they’ll still act like you’re the one who’s in the wrong. They become angry the minute that their lying is brought into question. Research and science have pointed to a correlation between outbursts of anger and compulsive lying. In the same conversation, you may hear six different versions of the exact same story. “Plagiarism is a key factor in the life of a compulsive liar. This often involves twisting and warping stories heard from peers, acquaintances, or movie plotlines into plausible adventures that could have occurred in the liar’s life,” says clinical research coordinator Lexis Clark. It’s not that they can’t keep it consistent, but rather that they don’t care and can’t keep themselves from continuing to lie. They’re very good at making you believe each new variation of the lie they told before it, because they’re so good at talking that they make even the most outrageous lies sound completely rational and believable. Something that may have started out as a small lie suddenly turns into a huge one. Something as simple as lying about where they graduated high school may turn into a lie about what college degree they had, complete with fictional professors and classes that they didn’t really take. Compulsive liars tend to start with small lies in order to see if the can get away with it, but before you know it, nothing that this person says is true. A compulsive liar may not stop lying, so trying to get them to stop may be fruitless, however, “… to function effectively in the real world, we also need people to learn to be more honest. Communicating empathy for a person’s desperation can be a valuable tool to give them permission to tell the truth,” adds Dr. Ley. Apart from trying to motivate a compulsive liar to say the truth and helping them believe that “the truth is not scary, and that the world won’t end when the truth comes out”, the best thing to do is cut them out of your life if they refuse to change. When a compulsive liar refuses to say the truth, remind yourself that everything they say will be a lie, and not to give in to their manipulative tendencies when they try to get you to stay in their lives. Once you’re free of a compulsive liar, you’ll be able to foster relationships in your life that are positive. There is always something good on the other side of a relationship that is toxic.
A pendant of Africa's map, now confirmed by scientists to be the birthplace of the mankind, crafted in pure 10 karat yellow gold completely iced out by 0.63 carats of beautiful and gleaming diamonds. Round Brilliant Cut (Approx. 0.63 Cts).
For visitors who love exploring the beauty of nature, they should not miss a chance to take Vietnam tours​ to Cat Tien national park, one of the most important parks in Vietnam. Currently, Cat Tien has become an attractive tourist spot for both domestic and international visitors. Located along the national highway 20 from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat, Cat Tien National Park covers an areas of over 71,920 ha. It is divided into three sectors: the South of Cat Tien belonging to Dong Nai Province, Cat Loc belonging to Lam Dong Province, and the West of Cat Tien belong to Binh Phuoc Province. Because of stretching along three provinces, Cat Tien national parks topography is diversified. Cat Loc sector is located in the western of the Central Highland so it is rather hilly while the South and the West are situated in the lowlands. Moreover, Dong Nai River, the second largest river in Southern Vietnam flows through the park and create a natural boundary between Cat Loc and South of Cat Tien. According to many Vietnam and foreign scientists, Cat Tien is a part of a tropical forest system and is one of the most precious natural forests in the area. The diversified ecosystem of Cat Tien has been recognized by WWF as one of 200 biological zones in the world. In 2001, UNESCO listed Cat Tien as the 411th biosphere reserve zone in the world. Cat Tien is a wonderful place for tourism activities such as eco tours, bird-watching. With many plan to develop the infrastructure, Cat Tien is hope to be a familiar site for Vietnam Holidays.
This community seems virtually dead. I had almost forgotten it was on my friends page. We have another, largely unmoderated UK called livejournal_uk that could probably do with a few more Independent readers. That place was (still is?) too much of a car crash. I remember joining it and then leaving quickly because the posts were either dumb Mailish trolling, generating a good hundred comments, or "does anyone know the number of a good plumber in SW2?" Taking a look now, though, I did see one asking "Is there a limit to how many bananas you can eat a day?" which is a good question. Ignore the trolls and it is fine(baiting them seems to be a sport). Just joined the livejournal_uk group as you suggested. Thanks for the heads up! How about readers who are independent, and don't just read a newspaper with that name? If I were a Yank, I'd be exclaiming "Awesome!" - however, I am a Brit.
Tagged central nervous system disorder, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), tender points. The tender point test is meant to differentiate fibro from CFS, for example, as almost all other symptoms except this one overlap. Too many people who don’t meet the tender points criteria have been wrongly diagnosed with fibro. Up to a quarter of people with fibro don’t actually have fibro, or CFS or similar.
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When you are expecting a baby, especially if it’s your first child, all the information you receive on how to take care of a newborn may seem overwhelming. Most likely, how hard you try to learn and memorize, you will forget everything by the time the baby arrives. Everyone has an opinion, both those that already have children as well as those that are planning some in the future. Internet is, of course, more than anything, filled with advice from both specialists and those that have some experience – or even none at all. ‘’When I have a child, I will train it to…’’ is often heard, and you may have your own plans as well, but the truth is that once you face the reality of the situations, all those ideas on how to make your life easier will go down the drain. Then, when you take your baby in your hands you will see your heart melt, ready to do anything it needs you to do. Getting as much sleep as you can will become a priority even if you manage to have enough help to get you through those first few rocky months. You might find yourself searching for answers on how to get the baby sleep at least through a few more hours through the night. It is important to note, however, that at time, what matters even more than waking up fresh and ready for the day, is that your baby is getting enough to eat to be able to grow and gain weight at a healthy speed. Night feeds are something you can’t avoid, especially in the first three months. In the beginning, babies are unable to tell day from night. During that time, it is often recommended to keep waking them up every three hours even if they don’t wake up themselves, even more so if you are breastfeeding. This way, you will be sure they are getting all the food they need. Remember that, as every pregnancy is different, so is each newborn, and observe their behaviour and their needs closely. That way, you will be able to adapt yourself to their routine and work around it. As they grow, they will need less sleep during the day and sleep through longer stretches at night. After all, there is no child that stays awake during the night and even if your baby wakes up to feed frequently, it will pass in time. Everything happens gradually and one morning you will find yourself waking up with six or more hours of sleep behind you! Although babies are fine waking up every few hours only to fall back asleep again, it comes difficult to parents, especially if you are breastfeeding. Interrupted sleep along with sleep deprivation can lead to depression and exhaustion, but there are ways you can make it more bearable, if not even enjoyable. As contradictory as it sounds, try to sleep as much as you can when the baby is sleeping. One of the ways to do so is to ask for help with other things that need done around the house, so that you don’t have to worry about chores. Also, there are plenty of things you can get done when the baby is awake, as it can keep you company. You can put your baby in a carrier or place the play gym next to you while you do laundry or watch a relaxing film. There are also mom and baby yoga tutorials online, if you do want to get back in shape so quickly, and you can do them together. You can also pump the milk and store it for the night feed, and take turns with another family member, which will help them bond with the baby. Just be careful to pump the breasts regularly so you don’t lose the amount of milk you are producing. Also, be careful when warming the milk up. Read more about getting it right here. Wherever you choose to feed to your baby, it needs to be nice and cosy. Decorate your bed with nice sheets and pillows. Save your favourite book, blog or music album for those night feeds and enjoy them while you breastfeed or give them the bottle. Have a favourite cup of tea or juice next to you and try and look forward to those quiet nights when only you and the baby are awake. As with anything else, this phase, too, will pass. Use the time to memorize how beautiful your baby is at that stage, daydream about your nice future together, caress its small hands or feet and think about how precious those moments are. Once you are sure that the baby is growing at a steady pace and you see that it is ready to sleep through most of the night, you can stop waking it up. This will usually happen around six months, but it’s not a definite age. If it wakes up by itself, avoid waking it up even more – don’t turn the lights on, and don’t change its nappy unless you feel it’s really necessary. Keep the atmosphere calm and soothe the baby back to sleep by feeding it. During the day, remember that babies find it difficult to stay awake for more than two or three hours at a time, so keep a nap schedule by sleep training it – or simply putting it to sleep at approximately the same hours of the day. Create a night time routine which you will follow each and single evening to let them know it is time for bed. This can include a bad, singing a lullaby and feeding it a quiet room with little or no lights on. As it shows, nothing is ever black or white so it is important to choose the solution that is best for the baby.
First off, let’s get things clear. It doesn’t matter which of these routes you take, you will still end up with a fully accredited Bachelors degree, so the end result, in terms of your qualification is the same. It is the route to getting that qualification that differs and here are some of the things you will need to consider when deciding which is better for you. Degree apprenticeships are a fairly recent arrival and so at the moment, the types of degree apprenticeships on offer is not as wide as it will be in the future. There are new types of degree apprenticeships being created all the time covering a wide range of professions such as law, nursing, banking, engineering, surveying and IT. If you have a specific career in mind, you will need to check that your industry is already offering a degree apprenticeship. This is where degree apprenticeships definitely have the advantage over a traditional university degree. By taking the degree apprenticeship route, you will graduate debt free, as your employer will cover the costs of your studies, instead of the usual £50,000+ student loans that most students are now graduating with. Not only that, you will also be paid during your apprenticeship, so the cost benefit of a degree apprenticeship is a definite plus in their favour. 3. The experience – missing out on university life? Many people will argue that one of the best things about going to university is the life – all the activities and social experiences it offers, plus the experience of moving away from home and living with other people your age, often for the first time. Doing a degree apprenticeship will not give you this experience in the same way, but you will not be missing out entirely. As part of your degree apprenticeship you will be attending university usually one day a week and you will also have a student card, which will give you access to all the facilities that the university campus experience offers. In some cases, degree apprentices need to move away from home but you would be living in private rented accommodation rather than halls, so not quite the exact university experience, but not far off. Most graduates these days are being told that they will need to get some kind of work experience along the way to enhance their CV and be more employable. Work experience gives you that head start on other applicants who many not have any. The degree apprenticeship route gives you on the job, practical training throughout the programme so not only will you be studying but you will graduate with 3 – 4 years work experience under your belt. Whilst a degree apprenticeship still does not guarantee you a job on completion, most companies will want to keep their apprentices as they have invested their time and money in training you to do the job how they want it done. But if they can not keep you on, you will certainly have a head start on all your friends graduating straight from university when it comes to applying for other jobs. 5. What suits you best? Nobody ever said that getting a degree was easy – if it was then it wouldn’t have the value it has – but getting a degree via a degree apprenticeship can be doubly hard. You will be working 4 days a week full time and then often have to attend classes one day a week plus write essays and study evenings and weekends. You will have to think carefully about how it would suit you best to study. Do you have the drive and stamina to undertake a degree apprenticeship? Will it suit you best to focus entirely on studying? The fact is, there are pros and cons to both routes to getting your degree. It will depend on your aspirations and your personality as to which will suit you best. Only you can decide, but at the end of both, you will still be highly employable and hold a Bachelors degree.
The Lymphatic or "lymph" system is commonly known as "the garbage disposal system" of the body. It is often referred to as the "second circulatory system" and flows throughout the entire body. It is through the Lymphatic System that toxic substances move out of the body through the bloodstream. In spite of its understated and delicate technique, Lymphatic Therapy is one of the most relaxing, satisfying types of bodywork available. The client leaves with an ethereal feeling of walking on air, relaxed and energized. Although Lymphatic Drainage Therapy has been around a long time and has been a popular European spa staple for years, it is only recently becoming well known in the United States. Since our bodies are primarily made up of fluids, it's not hard to see how improving lymphatic flow could produce numerous benefits for both health and beauty. The effects of lymphatic therapy are cumulative; the benefits are increased by the number of sessions you receive. Lymphatic Therapy is both preventive and restorative as it enhances the body's natural immune system.
iBall Slide 3G 9017-D50 specifications and features are given below. We collected this data from official website and other trusted resources. Our team always try to publish accurate data but human error is possible. If you find anything wrong, please notify us via contact page.
Today's is the birthday of one of my favorite people in the whole world, the unique, the wonderful, the incredible Julie Hickey. She is the greatest cardmaker and even better if its possible friend to so many. x PS See you Monday around 11am - cant wait!!
A big THANKS to everyone who has helped me spread the word! I will definitely run more giveaways in the future, so keep an eye out! The easiest way is to sign up for my newsletter, in which subscribers will usually get firsthand information. Or just connect with me on social media. Now I'd better get back to work on the "sequel" novella!
Unless you're a bona fide citizen, the New Zealand government will only be able to extend their hospitalities for a given amount of time. Once it ends, it's considered your legal obligation to leave New Zealand as soon as possible, otherwise you'll be liable to deportation. Staying well after your New Zealand visa expires is considered an unlawful activity and can be grounds for deportation. Should you have a compelling reason to stay beyond the given time, however, you may still be granted a visa under section 61 of the Immigration Act 2009. What it Entails When you make a section 61 request, you are expected to provide a compelling reason as to why you stayed in New Zealand unlawfully, or why you can't return to your home country to apply for a visa.
Our philosophy on quality and bugs is extremely simple: when we ship an update, we are at zero known bugs. Unless a problem is beyond our control, we fix it. If you encounter any issue, please report it and we’ll fix it in the next update.
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According to a new Harris Interactive study commissioned by the Vegetarian Resource Group, the number of vegans in the United States has doubled since 2009 to 2.5% of the population. An amazing 7.5 million U.S. citizens now eat vegan diets that do not include any animal products – no meat, poultry, fish, dairy or eggs. Close to 16 million, or 5%, identify as vegetarian, never eating meat, poultry or fish.
I've heard it's bad to have several short-lived jobs, but what about staying at the same company for a very long time? Does that look bad on my resume, and, if so, how long is too long to stay at any one job? Back in the day, it was considered a sign of loyalty and longevity to stick with one employer for decades and then retire (maybe with a fat pension or a gold watch in return). With today's job environment, that's no longer a viable option for many of us. How long you stay at a company can still say much about you as a potential employee, however: Stay too short a time at several jobs and you'll be deemed a job hopper; too long, and you might be considered unmotivated or set in your ways. I talked to a couple of career experts for advice on this part of your career planning, and this is what they had to say. Most people change jobs for better opportunities: a higher salary, more benefits, and/or a better title with more challenging work. You can often get that in the same company through promotions, but in this era of raise freezes and "you're lucky you even have a job" mentality, advancement doesn't always happen and we might end up stagnant in the same position for years because of the job security. Switching jobs may be the clearest way to get a higher salary and boost your future earning potential. Research suggests you could earn 18 to 20 percent more as an external hire than through moving up in a company via a promotion. The other thing to consider is how old you are. In LearnVest's profiles of workers who have stayed put for many years, the financial advice site notes that salaries tend to hit their plateau when people are in their forties—and finding a new opportunity gets harder past the age of 45. That means if you're approaching forty, the next few years could be the best time to go for a higher paying, higher position job. There’s a point at which staying too long at one job—around eight to 10 years—can raise questions about how a professional will adapt to a new environment. There's no hard and fast "time cap" for when you, as an individual, should jump ship, however. Length of employment at previous jobs is only one part of your career picture. As long as you're advancing your skills, can show you are great at adapting to new situations, and keep building a solid professional network, there isn't a "too long" limit. In fact, staying for ten years or more on a job can also be a positive thing, if you've gained seniority and leadership opportunities and have more say in the company. It might say to potential employers that you're dependable and loyal—two qualities employers love. I don't think there is a timeframe that is too long to stay in a job. The key is staying up to date in your area of expertise and networking with people in the field. I have seen job seekers that were let go after 20 years and where basically on an island in their fields and they had a really hard time finding a job. On the other end I have seen people who had been in their jobs over a decade who had stayed on top of changes and maintained a great professional network and found jobs really quickly. If you're happy at your job there is no reason to leave because you've been there too long, just make sure you are keeping yourself and your skills marketable. The better question is probably how long is too long to work for the same boss. Every time you have a manager change you have a significant culture change you have to adapt to. If someone has been at the same company for more than seven years they should find a way to signal their adaptability on their resume. It might be mentioning their different reporting relationships, participation in a joint venture, leadership of, or participation in, a significant change initiative, etc. You need to show that you know how to enter a new culture and operate successfully in it. Whether you're thinking of looking for a new job or not, it pays to continue your own learning and development and look for ways you can grow in your current work. As far as short job stints, you really don't want to have too many jobs that lasted less than a year, it throws up red flags. However, it all depends on the person you are talking to, some baby boomer managers think anything less than five years is job hopping. But as the Gen Yrs become managers, one to three years at one place isn't generally frowned upon. In the end, when looking for a new job, the advice for job hoppers and long-time employees seems to be the same: Position and explain your career history in a way that sounds good to the company and puts you in the best light. If you have a series of short jobs, string them together to show your focus and accomplishments. If you've been loyal to one place, show how you've evolved and continue to keep growing. As with other job searching situations, it's all about the story you tell about your work. Photos by David Blackwell, Stephen Cobern (Shutterstock), PublicDomainPictures.
Welcome to Russia! On your arrival our tour guide will greet you at the airport and transfer you to your hotel for check-in. Spend rest of your day at leisure, relax and get prepared for an exciting full day of touring tomorrow! Capturing Moscow in a day means hitting Red Square early and forking out from there. Never forget to bring the good walking shoes. This itinerary takes you inside theKremlin walls, provides you a glimpse at busy Tverskaya Street, and leaves you the evening to explore the artsy Arbat neighborhood. Try to do this tour on a day when the Kremlin is open (it's closed on Thurs). If that's not possible, use those extra morning hours for wandering the Kitai-Gorod neighborhood on the other side of Red Square. Start: Metro to Ploshchad Revolutsii, Okhotny Ryad, Alexandrovsky Sad, or Teatralnaya -- -then head to Red Square. This exciting tour begins at Palace Square and the Hermitage, for passionate morning of history and art that gives context for the rest of the St. Petersburg experience. A walk along the ridge and thru the Neva to the Peter and Paul Fortress rounds out the day. An optional stroll along Nevsky Prospekt is reserved for evening. Don't do this tour on Monday, when the Hermitage is closed. Your journey starts along the Alley of the Fallen Heroes. Strolling down its tree-lined path, you head away from Volga central embankment to pay homage to a WWII veteran – the famous Poplar. Walking down the Alley you reach Square of the Fallen Heroes, the central square in all of Volgograd. Now it’s a time to say good bye to Russia. You will be transferred to your hotel, made check out there, move to the airport and board your flight back to your home country. Russia is a big home to ecosystem and various species. Forests in Russia has very rare animals which are not present in many other countries like Asiatic black bear, snow leopards, snow bears and more. Russia’s most famous animal is a Russian Siberian tiger. Russia is full of either deserts or frozen coastlines. Russia is known all over the world for thinkers and artists. With over 3 million pieces of artwork from around the world, State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace is home to the world's largest collection of paintings. Perhaps Russia's most recognizable building, theChurch of Our Savior on Spilled Blood is elaborately decorated and contains more mosaics than any other church in the world. Visit Great Palace, the summer residence of Russian monarchy, to see glittering halls and Peter the Great's velvet throne.
We have Ariana Grande to thank for a lot of things: coining the phrase "h2gkmo," making high ponytails iconic, and writing the absolute best breakup bangers. If you're a single person, there are likely a dozen thank u, next quotes that you can relate to. Ahead of Valentine's Day, when you can expect a deluge of couple photos and romantic quotes on your Instagram feed, you might be in need of some inspiring words about being single. Grande, of course, didn't pioneer the single lady anthem. These days, there are tons of empowering single artists, authors, and figures in the world, spreading their wisdom and breaking some of the stigma associated with being a single woman. So, whether you're planning on posting your own manifesto on Instagram to defy societal norms about Valentine's Day, or you just need a pick-me-up, here are some inspirational quotes about heartbreak, love, and what it means to be a strong, independent woman.
We've also got the new plastic Warmachine Battlegroups. Warlord Games Late War28mm German Infantry. Come on in and have a look. You can register for Conquest at the same time.
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While you may be preoccupied with life’s responsibilities, it is high time that you decide to reward yourself with a much-deserved vacation. You may be the big boss of a large multinational company; yet, you are still human. Therefore, taking a break from your monotonous lifestyle will be the best vacation that you could ever ask for. However, in order ensure that you will obtain the best out of this vacation, it is important that you focus on certain key areas that need to be considered before heading out, especially if it is an overseas trip. Following are such factors that need to be considered when you are heading out on a vacation to another land. This is perhaps the most important thing that you need to keep in mind when travelling overseas. Even if you have already purchased air tickets, the absence of visa or the expiration of the passport will certainly deny you of experiencing the much-awaited vacation. Therefore, you must always keep an eye on these two before proceeding with ticket booking. Also, once you step into the foreign land, your passport will be the only document of identification that you hold and should therefore be guarded with your life. Although this may not be a mandatory requirement to follow when heading out overseas, it would always prove to be an added bonus to your trip. Especially if you are journeying to a land which does not speak your mother tongue or English as a medium of communication, it is best to learn the keywords in their vocabulary to survive in the country. It will be an addition to your knowledge as well, since learning a language is a special ability and not many hold this asset within them. Plan your stay! You cannot simply land on the country of your dreams and begin to plan your vacation. Why waste time when you could do all these back at home? Therefore, you must ensure that the planning session has been done earlier, especially on how to spend money by making a budget. This will help you save time and most importantly, to enjoy your stay at the country that has been picked to be your dream destination. While you may need to carry a lot of things overseas, do not carry any weight on your shoulders. The primary purpose of this vacation should be to enjoy your life without corporate commitments that bind you every day. Therefore, plan well and make the best of your trip for yourself and for the ones that accompany you, if any.
Regardless of your pest issue-- be termites, cockroaches, or rodents-- no one delights in the sight of a insect scurrying throughout their walls and hallways. After all, many bugs are known to provide a range of health dangers, with some even known for bring illness into your home. Sadly, when you spot one insect that frequently means there are hundreds of them hiding somewhere and ready to more infest your house. When this happens, you'll wish to deal with the very best pest control expert around to secure your house. From bee removal and bed bug control to termite inspection and gopher and squirrel control, our exterminators have the training and experience to deal with any insects that have attacked your home. When the bed bugs are in your house, they’ll be going from 1 place to another. Bed bugs are invasive bugs Doran, VA that may be difficult to find. They are best dealt with by an experienced expert. Bed bugs are somewhat more durable and resistant than every other bug, consisting of rats and cockroaches in Doran, VA . Unless a bed bug was identified, the first sign of an invasion is typically the presence of skin inflammation. When bed bugs have attacked your home, they can be somewhat difficult to obtain rid of. They can be more difficult to deal with than other home pest bugs for a couple of factors. Considering that they are hard to see, utilize a magnifying glass. They don’t remain on the human that they are feeding on therefore they will normally hide in clothes and aim to get to a brand-new location. They are unable to make it through heats, making heat a highly reliable treatment method . Charge of bed bugs can spend some time and multiple follow-up treatments. Total control takes a carefully planned and created integrated method. Bed bug control doesn’t have to be pricey Doran, VA . You will need to know the signals of a insect problem. An invasion is something which can take place to any person Doran, VA . As an example, be specific to take a look at where you have to take care of your bed bug problem. If you’re concerned you own a bed bug invasion, start searching for physical indications of their existence. Bed bug infestations can impact a single bed in 1 space or a whole residence or residential or commercial property. Chemical methods aren’t the only approach to control bed bug problems. How to Begin with Bed Bugs Exterminator or Pest Control Man Doran, VA ? Generally, skilled bug control company will utilize a few choices of treatment methods like vacuuming, cleansing, steaming and other mechanical techniques to absolutely remove the bed bug infestation. There are several pest control companies that might help you for the exact very same. Normally speaking, most great pest control businesses will at first send out down a specialist to run a visual examination of your house prior to estimating you a rate Doran, VA . If you’re not required to leave your house for more than a few hours during the extermination, or in case you are preparing for the pest control man, there are a number of methods to prevent taking bed bugs with you. When you have the ability to observe that bed bugs have actually indeed entered your house, it’s never too early to attempt and find an excellent bed bugs pest control operator Doran, VA Doran, VA . During a fumigation, your house will be handled in tarpaulin, which is generally anchored using big containers of water you must offer. Whether a complete house is infested, it might be necessary to spray below the home, which would increase the total price of services. Your house doesn’t need to be infested that you get bed bugs. Aim to keep in mind that DIY insecticides alone are unlikely to rid your house of bed bugs, particularly products which do not keep killing after they dry.
We’d love to send you Anbaric news and information that we think you’d be interested in. Anbaric will use your personal data only for communication purposes. Your information will not be shared with any outside parties, and will only be used to communicate with you via the mechanisms you identify below. We will keep your personal data until you opt out of communications with us. You can opt out of these communications at any time by visiting this page on our site or by emailing us directly.
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Will there be anyone that can stop the "Elite 3" and their dominance on the season? The best never rest. When one race ends, every team that doesn’t go to victory is devastated, maybe angry, and some are rather happy that they finished where they did. One day later, the focus is on the next week, and hoping to be better than who won the previous week. But when it’s three different drivers that are the focus of everyone in the garage, it’s a much different mindset. No one is trying to win, but instead just trying to place third, ahead of at least one of the top drivers of 2018. But, every week it is harder to do, and when all three drivers continue to be up front time and time again, it is both frustrating, and disappointing. Pocono Raceway had the backdrop for an opportunity to have someone new take the win, but in the end, it began to be same song, different verse. One week ago, he got punted out of the lead, but this time, he was ensuring no one was coming close to his bumper. The checkered flag waved, and many got a little rowdy. It’s another six-pack, this time for Kyle Busch, and he’s ready to show among the top three teams this year, he’s wanting to be the top man at the end of the season. Next Race: Through 21 races, the “Elite 3″ as I am terming it, have been the ones to watch. But, the possibility of a few others possibly thwarting their streak of wins could happen at the next track. Some may make some wrong turns in trying to make it there, but the interesting part is that in order to do so, the drivers must figure out if the wrong turn is left, or right. It’s the second of three road courses on the season, but it’s one of the fastest that will test the skill and patience of all in one week’s time, as the trip to New York is awaiting. The only track the Cup series visits that includes a backwards pit road is up next, as we are heading to Watkins Glen International for a short, but always action-packed, event that could be the opportunity to steal away a playoff spot in 2018. You participants have to be aware that anything can happen, but get those picks locked in by Thursday, August 2, at 10 p.m. ET for the GoBowling at the Glen.
Ultiledger (ULT) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Ultiledger has a current supply of 4,500,000,000 ULT with 376,182,138 ULT in circulation. The last known price of Ultiledger is 0.006925 USD and is up 0.45% over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 5 active market(s) with 14,576 USD traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.ultiledger.io/.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between teachers and students. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between employers and employees. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need." For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Seek to understand others, and you will be understood." For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Respect others, and you will be respected."
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House in the suburbs - Camberley, Surrey, United Kingdom. Apartment in the city - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom. House close to the city - Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom. House in the suburbs - Ludlow, Shropshire, United Kingdom. Townhouse close to the city - OX30EW, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Apartment in the city - Leith, Scotland, United Kingdom. Bungalow in a country town - Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. Apartment in the city - Tower Hill, Middlesex, United Kingdom. House in the suburbs - Wraysbury, Middlesex, United Kingdom.
If this is just a small sample of a first place winning set, I'm not sure we'll be able to handle the rest. Each year Boston plays host to one of the most innovative a cappella competitions in the country, BostonSings. The 3-day festival includes everything from workshops to an exciting professional concert, headlined by some of the biggest names in the vocal arts community. But out of all the weekend's events, the Scholastic Competition has gained the most recognition in recent years. What helps to differentiate this a cappella competition from others is that each year, BOSS organizers give competing groups a set theme to base their set on, which in turn produces some of the most creative performances you're bound to see all year. This year's theme challenged groups to depict one of the 7 Deadly Sins and a parallel virtue. This year's first place winners Faux Paz from the University of Maryland met the challenge head on producing a seductive, soulful expression of lust and love in this spectacular rendition of "Bad Blood" by NAO. The groove is undeniable and the delivery is simply unbelievable, leaving us to wonder what the rest of the set, which will be released at a later date, will feature. And in case you were wondering, Faux Paz's Tiffany Ohr (the lead in this video) is our #WCW for weeks to come.
As much as I tried not to spill anything on my beloved MacBook Air, last month I knocked over a cup of coffee, getting almost all of it over the keyboard. I feared this would happen, but I did not think it would happen to me. I'm super careful with any coffee, soda or water that I bring to my desk. But, the thing I dreaded the most happened. There was coffee all over the keyboard, touchpad and the left side of my Mac. It is not a pretty sight, unless you are dying to get a new laptop -- which, really, wasn't the case. Knowing that liquid damage can be the end of it, I quickly powered it off, turned it upside down, and the coffee started to drain from it. With a bit of luck, I knew that I could fix it. And I did. Here is how I did it and what I learned from it. First of all, it is important to know that you need to power off your device immediately after the spill. Do not power it back on until you have cleaned it. I cannot stress this enough. If you rush it, you could fry the internals and then it's game over. So, prepare yourself for being without your laptop for at least a couple of days. Unplug the power cable and remove the battery, if possible. What sort of liquid you spill on your laptop makes a big difference. Water is less problematic than coffee or soda, because it can naturally evaporate and leave no visible residuals behind. Meanwhile, drinks that have sugar in them can cause more damage, because the sugar will stay inside, on the components, even if the liquid dries out. And sugar and other substances will slowly but surely damage things. That is not to say that you can send the laptop for warranty repairs after it has dried inside, because, chances are, the manufacturer likely added some liquid damage indicators in key areas for this very purpose. And you will end up with a denied claim or a very expensive bill at the end. If you expect that, fine, but otherwise don't think the folks doing the repair will not be able to tell. I do not have a chemistry degree to tell you exactly what substances will affect electronics and how, but based on what I have read, as a general rule, you do not want to simply let it dry -- or dry it yourself -- and think that will do the trick. This is where you will have to make a decision. You can either choose to send it to a shop to get it sorted out or you can try to deal with the spill yourself. I went the second route, as I am familiar with what's inside of a laptop and how to take it apart and put it back together. I've done that a couple of times before, mainly to clean the dust around the fans, and I was confident I could do the same with my MacBook Air. Now, it pays to have all the right tools and some prior experience working on laptops, but, if that is not the case, you should know that it is not rocket science. No, not everyone can do it, but there is lots of information on how to disassemble and reassemble laptops -- maybe even yours in particular. If it's a Mac, chances are you are covered. For other brands I cannot really say if that's the case for all models, but you can still get an idea of how it's done by looking at other devices and being careful. Whatever you choose to do, know that I will not be held responsible for any damage that you may cause or have caused. If you do not trust your skills or yourself, take the laptop to someone who knows how to handle it. However, you should still turn it upside down on a table, with the display at a 90-degree (or larger) angle so that no liquid gets to it. Then, put some paper towels underneath the keyboard to absorb any liquid that drains around the keys. This helps regardless of what your plan may be. After you find a shop to take care of it, take it right away to have it checked, cleaned and repaired, if needed. Getting back to the do-it-yourself route, I mentioned having the right tools as being really important. That sounds obvious, but it may not be immediately apparent what exactly you need. Macs, for instance, don't use common screws to hold the back cover, as Apple opted for the Pentalobe type. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can get by with a different kind of screwdriver. If you damage the head of the screw, you may not be able to remove it. And that, as you can probably imagine, is not something that you want to deal with, on top of the liquid that's inside. Quite possibly, you don't have the right Pentalobe screwdriver around (or any Pentalobe screwdriver, for that matter), but you can source one online. Of course, that's not all you need. If you also have a Mac, iFixit has a guide for everything you may want to do, which includes all the tools that you need for the job. Check the complete disassembly guide for the full list. In the case of laptops from other brands, you will have to do some digging yourself to find out exactly what you need before tackling this project. Check the forums, YouTube videos, and whatever else you can find. You may not need all the tools right away, but when you do need a specific one and you don't have it it will hold you back and you may be tempted to find a way around it. Don't. What you will also need is isopropyl alcohol and, possibly, distilled water. The former is recommended for cleaning electronics. The latter is good for getting the sugar off of the insides. If you only spilled water, you will not need the distilled water also. How much should you get? Well, that depends on how big your laptop is, the number of components and how large they are. For my slim MacBook Air, I used about 1.5 liters of isopropyl alcohol and two liters of distilled water. Read on to better understand how much you will need. If you want to clean your laptop properly, you will have to take it apart completely and clean every single component that's affected. The exceptions to this rule are the battery and the display. You do not want to clean either of them using isopropyl alcohol or distilled water. In the case of the battery, if it's internal, you could damage the cells or short circuit it. The display, on the other hand, will be effectively ruined by the isopropyl alcohol or distilled water, as it gets between the layers in the panel. It might still work, but you will see the liquid and that is not a pretty sight. It is important that you wear antistatic gloves or a grounded wrist strap, as even if the liquid did not damage the laptop you could still cause permanent damage when static electricity from your hands is discharged on the components. The first thing that you want to do if you have a laptop with an internal battery is to remove it before doing any further work on it. So, take out the back panel and everything else you need to get to the battery connector and unplug it. That way, there is no chance of something getting short-circuited or electricity being conducted by the liquid as you move the laptop. With that out of the way, what you want to do next is disassemble every single component and put it somewhere where it can be cleaned or stored until you can do it. Pay attention to the disassembly instructions, so you do not accidentally damage something. I made the mistake of rushing and broke a speaker connector as a result. Don't make the same mistake. Take your time, make sure that you do it by the book. I should note that it is not necessary to take it all apart, but you may not know exactly which components the liquid got to. If you remove all the components and clean them, you will know for sure that there is nothing left behind. That's what I did. Even if I did not want to do it, I was forced by the MacBook Air's internal design anyway. MacBooks are slim, and there is a reason why: components are stacked, linked together by long cables, there are things going from one side of the device to the other, and so on. So, you do not really have any options but to disassemble everything. I also detached the display, so that I could properly clean the keyboard and the rest of the body, without the risk of damaging the screen. I should note that if you remove the heatsink that's over the processor, you will have to remove the thermal paste and apply a fresh layer. It is a good idea to do it periodically anyway, and now is as good a time as any. You have to apply the layer over the processor -- and any other components where it was previously applied, if that's the case. There are specific instructions online on how to do it, but, as a general rule, you want to apply as little as needed -- enough to cover the surface of the processor but not so much that it overflows once the heatsink or cooler is installed. After taking everything apart, you can proceed to the next step: cleaning the components. What you need to use and how you use it depends on the liquid that you spilled. If it's a sugary drink, I recommend using the distilled water first so that the sugar can dissolve. In that case, you can use a soft brush to gently clean the components. If it's water, you can use isopropyl alcohol only. It will absorb the moisture and remove substances that can damage the components in the long run. How should you clean the components? Since I spilled coffee, what I did was put them in a cooking pan and cover them completely in warm distilled water to dissolve the sugar. For good measure, I cleaned them a couple of times and replaced the distilled water after each clean. That way, you avoid getting the dissolved sugar back on the components. But, remember to heat it up first. You want the distilled water to be warm so that it can dissolve the sugar efficiently. Regarding the temperature, around 30 degrees Celsius (or 86 Fahrenheit) should be enough. There's no need to go higher than that. You can get a feel for the temperature with your finger. I warmed it in a pint glass in the microwave. Remember to also clean the keyboard, because if you spilled a sugary drink over it there will be some sugar left around or underneath the keys. If you do not dissolve it, you will end up with sticky keys. That's annoying, but simple to fix: drown the keyboard in distilled water a couple of times. I went a step further and removed the keys and cleaned them individually with a toothbrush in warm water. You don't need to use distilled water in this case, as the plain water will not damage the keys. Let them dry out before putting them back, if you want to do this. After that, I cleaned everything again, but this time using the isopropyl alcohol. Just to be safe, I did it a couple of times. You will want to let the components dry out naturally before reassembling them. How much it takes depends on a number of factors, but the most important are the room temperature, ventilation, and humidity. I don't recommend using a blower, because it will not reach every nook and cranny there is. You may be tempted to think that it dried everything and learn the hard way that that wasn't the case. The warmer the air in the room is, the faster they will dry. If the room is ventilated, you will accelerate the evaporation process. If the air is dry, it will have the same effect. What you do not want is to keep the components in a cold room, in a closed box, with high air humidity. The liquids will still evaporate, but it will take much, much longer. Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly, much more quickly than water, but you should keep in mind that it has reached every nook and cranny, and, as a result, it may take a while before it evaporates completely. I have seen people recommend waiting a week, just to be safe. I would do the same if I were you. This is where I made a mistake. I rushed to put everything back together and power it on. Everything worked fine, but in the process I damaged a cable connecting the I/O board to the logic board. I couldn't charge the battery nor connect any USB devices using the left port. Thankfully, a friend offered to fix both the connector I broke, that I mentioned earlier, and the I/O board cable and everything was all fine again. In the process of reassembling my Mac I also forgot to connect the fan to the logic board. It may sound like a fatal mistake, but thankfully the device knows when it gets too hot and shuts down to avoid any damage. So, while you are at this stage, make sure that you have connected and installed everything correctly before turning it back on. There are no guarantees, but I took my chances, cleaned it, and it is all working perfectly fine now. You need a bit of luck, I will not lie to you, as anything can get fried when the liquid gets inside of the laptop or get damaged when you're working on it, but if there is even a chance that it will work you should take it. I like fixing things, so for me cleaning it myself felt like the natural thing to do. But, there are some things that I will not touch, like the I/O board cable I mentioned above. You really need to know what you are doing and how to use specialized tools for that, which is why I asked for help. This brings me to something else. If it is not working correctly after putting it back together, you should take it to a service or someone who can figure out exactly what is wrong with it. Laptops may look simple once you have all the components in front of you, but they are very complex in reality. You may luck out and find out what is wrong with it just by looking, but that is not always the case. I suspected that it was the cable that got damaged. Why? My Mac didn't charge the battery, but it did run off the power adaptor. The USB port didn't allow for data transfer, but it charged devices connected to it. The headphone jack, which is on the same board as the other two, worked fine, as I could play music on my speakers. The lid sensor, which tells the device to turn off the screen when the lid is closed and power it on when it's open, didn't work either. Some pins got damaged, likely because I did not wait enough for all the liquids to dry out before putting everything back together and powering the laptop on. I ordered a replacement from eBay, but since my friend managed to fix the OEM cable I am still using it. If it fails, I'll replace it with the spare. Ultimately, what you should take away from my mistakes is that you need to be patient and careful. If you are cleaning it, you might as well do it well and take your time. The payoff is worth it.
All social casinos look the same. Feel the same. But are they? For players who have tried casino games only once or twice, social casinos seem to be all the same. they don’t know any better. But once you play every day, try out different apps, you start noticing how diverse casino world actually is. Online casinos tend to share games of the same developers. So, you will see the same slot machine in tens of different online casinos. Social slots are developed by different companies, which makes all of their games unique. Sometimes a mobile casino will partner with real Las Vegas casinos (like the Caesars Casino), or with online game developers (Novomatic slots can be found at Funstage mobile casinos), but most will develop games on their own. Social casinos also differ in other ways. Below you will find five types of online casinos you can find at the App Stores. Don’t mind the name. Essentially, these are social casinos that have almost any casino game. Poker, blackjack, video poker, classic slots, you name it. For some players that’s exactly what they have been looking for. If you like the idea of finding different games in one place, try casinos like Full House Slots. If it’s sounds messy and noisy, let’s get you another type of a casino. One social casino of this particular kind you probably know very well. WSOP casino is the most popular app for poker players. Millions of players come back to the app every day. Even though there are a variety of games at the WSOP casino, it focuses on cards, and does it well. It is what it sounds like. These social entertainment apps are focused on one task – deliver good slot games. Just like the table game apps, you probably won’t find any distracting features (like special collections or building a casino town). You log on, collect your daily bonuses, open the slots, and play. These types of social casinos start you off with a bankroll and only one or two slots machines. To unlock new games, you have to increase your XP level by playing. Hence, the name ‘journey slots casino’. Though there are vast differences how casinos go about it. Pharaoh’s Way Slots or Willy Wonka slots developed different worlds you explore by finding new games. Others often make the journey as simple as possible. As opposed to the journey casino, in the All-in-one Slots casinos everything’s open. But sometimes it may feel a bit like you’re a kid lost in a candy shop. Without the journey element, these casinos are mostly about building a bankroll, unlocking new wager limits and, eventually, snagging the jackpot. I hope that these brief descriptions helped you see how varied social casinos are. If you want to enjoy your time, it’s incredibly important to pick the right casino.