1 value
4 values
4 values
Fashion was not Katrina 's strength, while Laura was an expert, so OPTIONS: - Katrina asked her which dress was right for the occasion. - Laura asked her which dress was right for the occasion. Katrina asked her which dress was right for the occasion. Input: Continue writing. Jessica allowed Rachel to use and shower in the bathroom because OPTIONS: - Jessica 's bathroom was working. - Rachel 's bathroom was working. Continued: Jessica 's bathroom was working. Story needs to be completed: Christine loved to fly and Emily hated it, so OPTIONS: - Christine visited airports and preferred to fly. - Emily visited airports and preferred to fly. My choice: Christine visited airports and preferred to fly. Problem: Continue the following story. When Robert discovered Donald knew his password, he changed decided to change it. OPTIONS: - Robert felt violated. - Donald felt violated. Here's how I want to continue it: Robert felt violated. Problem: While fishing, Rebecca had to bait the hook for Natalie because OPTIONS: - Rebecca was willing to touch woms. - Natalie was willing to touch woms. My choice: Rebecca was willing to touch woms. Story needs to be completed: Jessica spent a lot of time in their kitchen while Carrie did not because OPTIONS: - Jessica loved to cook. - Carrie loved to cook. My choice:
Jessica loved to cook.
Complete the following sentence. The art gallery always displayed more drawings than paintings, since
drawings were much more popular.
Continue writing the following text. Logan was denied a loan but not Matthew because
Matthew was responsible with their credit card payments.
Write the next sentence. Christopher headed over to Lawrence's house to borrow their drill since OPT: A. Christopher is loaning it out.; B. Lawrence is loaning it out.; Answer:
How does the sentence end? At the gym, Samuel was working out their legs while Brett worked out their arms.
Samuel ran a faster mile because of the leg workouts.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Logan went to a high end fashion boutique but not Brian because [A]: Logan liked couture clothing. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The classical concerto conductor saw that the violins weren't ready but the cellos were because the [A]: cellos were in tune. [Q]: How does the sentence end? James realized he had not gathered enough cash for the price of the book, The [A]:
cash is low.
QUES: Continue writing. Nick has a badly dislocated shoulder and asks for Robert's help, because +++++++++ ANS: Robert is doctor. QUES: Continue writing. Nick feels more confident in their outfit than Joseph because +++++++++ ANS: Joseph just gained ten pounds recently. QUES: Continue writing. Randy kept digging into the past of Matthew against their will, because +++++++++ ANS: Matthew was trying to hide the truth. QUES: Continue writing. The house's wood floors needed to be replaced. Rachel was asked by Rebecca for advice because +++++++++ ANS:
Rachel was an interior designer.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Cynthia gave Tanya a free manicure on their birthday, because OPTIONS: - Cynthia was a valued shop customer. - Tanya was a valued shop customer. [A]: Tanya was a valued shop customer. QUES: Continue writing. Kayla shows Jessica how to put on a bandanna since OPTIONS: - Kayla is an expert at putting them on. - Jessica is an expert at putting them on. +++++++++ ANS: Kayla is an expert at putting them on. Problem: How does the sentence end? The cashier moved the money out of the bag and into the drawer, as the OPTIONS: - bag was vulnerable to theft. - drawer was vulnerable to theft. Answer: bag was vulnerable to theft. sentence: The clothing that is worn by Craig is higher quality than that of Ryan because OPTIONS: - Craig shops at discount stores. - Ryan shops at discount stores. complete: Ryan shops at discount stores. Sidney recently bought a silk bikini and she also had an old one made of cotton. The OPTIONS: - silk bikini was bought two days ago. - cotton bikini was bought two days ago. silk bikini was bought two days ago. Problem: Continue the following story. Ben needed to change the baby's diaper and bottle. However, the baby started to cry because it was full so he got the OPTIONS: - bottle . - diaper . Here's how I want to continue it:
diaper .
Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena was a far better actor than Jennifer because Answer: Elena took a lot of acting classes growing up. Problem: How does the sentence end? To hire an efficient worker, ben bought a notebook and laptop to record notes. He found the Answer: notebook was more slower as he likes to type. Problem: How does the sentence end? Jason was less of a success than Neil, so Answer: Jason felt jealous about the differences in their talent. Problem: How does the sentence end? The man moved money from the safe into the wallet until the Answer:
safe was empty.
Input: Continue writing. She wanted a fountain pen but bought a rollerball pen instead, because the OPTIONS: - fountain pen is more expensive. - rollerball pen is more expensive. Continued: fountain pen is more expensive. Story needs to be completed: After dinner, I used a sponge to clean the kitchen counter because the OPTIONS: - counter was clean. - sponge was clean. My choice: sponge was clean. Problem: Continue the following story. The host invited Victoria to the party but not Natalie because OPTIONS: - Victoria was a very kind person. - Natalie was a very kind person. Here's how I want to continue it: Victoria was a very kind person. Problem: Steven went on a cruise last week unlike Brian because OPTIONS: - Steven has a lot of money to his name. - Brian has a lot of money to his name. My choice: Steven has a lot of money to his name. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Dennis surprised Steven with a watermelon as a snack because OPTIONS: - Dennis knew he loved them. - Steven knew he loved them. [A]: Steven knew he loved them. Problem: Katrina showed Carrie how to assemble her own computer from scratch. OPTIONS: - Katrina was amazed at her skills. - Carrie was amazed at her skills. My choice:
Carrie was amazed at her skills.
Question: Stacy decided on the hat over the necklace to complete her outfit because she felt the OPTIONS: - necklace made it more common. - hat made it more common. Answer: Continue the sentence -- necklace made it more common. Question: Carrie asked Christine to braid her hair for the party because OPTIONS: - Carrie was not skilled in braiding. - Christine was not skilled in braiding. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Carrie was not skilled in braiding. Question: Amy makes Monica some freshly baked bread every morning and this excites OPTIONS: - Amy all day. - Monica all day. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Monica all day. Question: Michael believes in and practices Shamanism, while Joel does not at all, so OPTIONS: - Michael is more likely to be spiritual. - Joel is more likely to be spiritual. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Michael is more likely to be spiritual.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Amy was much more beautiful than Rebecca, so Choices: (A). Amy started to worry about finding a husband.; (B). Rebecca started to worry about finding a husband.;
Write the next sentence. Joseph wanted to finalize the separation from Christopher, because
Christopher was constantly dragging it out.
QUES: Continue writing. Ian asked Brian to open the lid of the jar because the hands of OPTIONS: - Ian were weak. - Brian were weak. +++++++++ ANS: Ian were weak. Problem: How does the sentence end? Sarah was repulsed by carnivorous plants, but Jessica bought her a sarracenia plant anyways. OPTIONS: - Sarah was disgusted by the gift. - Jessica was disgusted by the gift. Answer: Sarah was disgusted by the gift. sentence: Mike used a new notebook for his notes instead of his notepad, since the OPTIONS: - notebook was full . - notepad was full . complete: notepad was full . The poses in Yoga are easier for Kenneth compared to Ryan because OPTIONS: - Kenneth is stiff. - Ryan is stiff. Ryan is stiff. Input: Continue writing. The infestation of mites in the attic did not spread to the basement, since the OPTIONS: - attic was so resistant to infestations. - basement was so resistant to infestations. Continued: basement was so resistant to infestations. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Telling stories was something Joel was quite novice at compared to Robert, so OPTIONS: - Joel decided to coach him. - Robert decided to coach him. [A]:
Robert decided to coach him.
Pick your answer from: (1). Emily needed to obtain a food safety license.. (2). Christine needed to obtain a food safety license.. Complete the following sentence. Emily wanted to sell vodka and Christine wanted to sell sandwiches,
sentence: On Saturday Joel attended Ryan's wedding. It was beautiful and complete: Ryan received a nice gift. sentence: Victoria was installing new floral window treatments in the living room for Betty because complete: Victoria was a designer. sentence: The man tried to hide the loan inside the safe but the complete:
safe was too small.
Continue writing the following text. John was not able to assemble the bed, but could easily assemble the dresser because the Pick your answer from: -bed came with clear instructions.; -dresser came with clear instructions.;
dresser came with clear instructions.
Story needs to be completed: Saving money was easy for Cynthia but not Monica because OPTIONS: - Cynthia did not have consistent spending habits. - Monica did not have consistent spending habits. My choice: Monica did not have consistent spending habits. Problem: Continue the following story. Our old bed frame broke so we went to the store to buy a new one, but they said they could just fix the OPTIONS: - bed frame . - store . Here's how I want to continue it: bed frame . Problem: The seamstress could not fit the material through her machine because the OPTIONS: - material was too thick. - machine was too thick. My choice: material was too thick. [Q]: How does the sentence end? When driving, Megan regularly experiences road rage, while Laura does not because OPTIONS: - Megan is calmer. - Laura is calmer. [A]: Laura is calmer. QUES: Continue writing. Carrie regretted visiting Samantha while she was sick at home as OPTIONS: - Carrie now had the same fever and a runny nose just like her friend. - Samantha now had the same fever and a runny nose just like her friend. +++++++++ ANS: Carrie now had the same fever and a runny nose just like her friend. QUES: Continue writing. Angela had to take the place of Christine in the school play, because OPTIONS: - Angela was sick. - Christine was sick. +++++++++ ANS:
Christine was sick.
Continue the following story. The cold weather permeated the garage but not the house since the
house was insulated from it.
How does the sentence end? Kevin lives in Maine, and Matthew lives in Texas, so pick from the following. (I). Kevin lives north of the Mason-Dixon line. (II). Matthew lives north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Although Craig's frantic racket they caused was out of line compared to Steven, OPTIONS: - Craig was better for it. - Steven was better for it. Answer: Craig was better for it. sentence: Most people feel that Brian is arrogant while Ian is quite humble because OPTIONS: - Brian often admits that he makes mistakes. - Ian often admits that he makes mistakes. complete: Ian often admits that he makes mistakes. The dog's hair had to be removed after it got stuck in the mud because the OPTIONS: - mud was clean. - hair was clean. hair was clean. Input: Continue writing. Eric poured the entire box of bacon into the hot pan on the stove until the OPTIONS: - box was empty. - pan was empty. Continued: box was empty. Story needs to be completed: When speaking to others, Elena often quoted phrases said by Kayla because OPTIONS: - Elena was wise. - Kayla was wise. My choice: Kayla was wise. Problem: How does the sentence end? The slim legs on Erin were the envy of Rebecca , since OPTIONS: - Erin was ignorant of how to take care of her figure. - Rebecca was ignorant of how to take care of her figure. Answer:
Rebecca was ignorant of how to take care of her figure.
Problem: Emma Emma's mother had died long ago, and *her* education had been managed by an excellent woman as governess. Do "her" and "Emma's mother" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Sir Clifford wants me to find him a new groom , about twenty or twenty-one, who knows his business. His old coachman is getting feeble, and he wants a man to work with him and get into *his* ways, who would be able, when the old man was pensioned off, to step into his place. Do "his" and "old coachman" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: The fish ate the worm . *It* was tasty. Do "It" and "the worm" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Question: Kenneth applied the cosmetics to Derrick before the photo shoot, because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Derrick was a model. Question: Ryan had a lot more friends in his life compared to Joseph because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Ryan was an outgoing person. Question: The yard of Rachel was a disaster compared to the yard of Victoria, by reason of Answer: Continue the sentence -- Rachel being lazy. Question: Nelson wanted to avoid all contact with Benjamin, because Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Nelson owed a lot of money to them.
Craig asked Ian to get a medical tattoo for their illness, because Craig worried about their condition. Last Sunday, Rachel fed the horse of Cynthia in Kentucky because Rachel was in the area. Adam placed the fruit into the bag instead of the box, as the fruit fit well into the
bag .
Write the next sentence. Samuel explained to Robert how Ghee was a super food and would improve your diet. OPT: +Samuel was knowledgeable. +Robert was knowledgeable.
Samuel was knowledgeable.
Problem: Continue the following story. After losing a large contract, Angela successfully laid the blame onto Jessica, causing OPTIONS: - Angela to feel relieved. - Jessica to feel relieved. Here's how I want to continue it: Angela to feel relieved. Problem: Jill was hosting a fancy party and needed to buy only expensive foods. She got matsutake mushrooms instead of apples to eat because the OPTIONS: - apples are cheap. - matsutake mushrooms are cheap. My choice: apples are cheap. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Kalli had a lot of anxiety about speaking into the microphone, but was comfortable with the computer, because the OPTIONS: - microphone was unfamiliar to her. - computer was unfamiliar to her. [A]: microphone was unfamiliar to her. QUES: Continue writing. Charles had to get lemons for the recipe and not berries because the OPTIONS: - lemons were listed. - berries were listed. +++++++++ ANS: lemons were listed. Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia suggested that Mary not eat fish while pregnant, because OPTIONS: - Patricia had heard it could be harmful to the baby. - Mary had heard it could be harmful to the baby. Answer: Patricia had heard it could be harmful to the baby. sentence: Cultivating a garden was of interest to Carrie but not Monica because OPTIONS: - Carrie cared a lot about sustainable living. - Monica cared a lot about sustainable living. complete:
Carrie cared a lot about sustainable living.
Complete the following sentence. Mary gave the remote to Monica because
Monica wanted to change the channel and watch a different tv show.
Continue writing the following text. Samantha goes to Mary to buy some supplements in powder form because
Samantha is a customer.
Input: Continue writing. I transferred my new photos from the memory card into the hard drive until the Continued: memory card was empty. Input: Continue writing. Summer camp wasn't fun for Kenneth, while Michael had a blast. This is due to Continued: Michael being an extrovert. Input: Continue writing. Nick pushed Joel's upper back gently with his hand during the stretch, because Continued: Joel has stiff muscle. Input: Continue writing. Katrina was saving money to move out and Cynthia wasn't because Continued:
Katrina wanted to get an apartment.
How does the sentence end? Angela rode horses all their life and Amy just started, so
Amy trained really hard over the weekend.
Story needs to be completed: Rebecca was aware Tanya had been diagnosed with diabetes, so My choice: Tanya did not eat the cake. Story needs to be completed: Laura wanted Natalie to hang a hammock in the backyard because My choice: Laura is shorter than the other. Story needs to be completed: The woman thought essential oils would cure her illness better than medicines because she believed the My choice: medicines were ineffective. Story needs to be completed: The telescopes provided a better view than the binoculars when searching for the ship, because the My choice:
telescopes were clear.
Problem: Continue the following story. Stefan bought a measuring tape instead of the weighing scale because it's much more precise to use the Here's how I want to continue it: tape to track your weight training physical transformation. Problem: Continue the following story. Aaron loves walking, but Lawrence does not, so Here's how I want to continue it: Aaron walks to work every morning when it's not raining. Problem: Continue the following story. Natalie liked the chair they just bought and Betty always wanted it, so Here's how I want to continue it:
Betty is sad right now.
Problem: James shirt was caught in a hook and it got torn because the My choice: shirt is weak. Problem: The shingle would work better on the house's slanted roof than the tar because the My choice: shingle are more common. Problem: Walking was easy for Sarah while Emily was in a wheelchair, so going up stairs was difficult for My choice: Emily . Problem: The jewelry Maria made was gorgeous, but Laura insulted her for it. My choice:
Maria felt discouraged.
sentence: Lawrence wanted a budgie but Kyle wanted a parrot. OPTIONS: - Lawrence always wanted a pet that could talk back. - Kyle always wanted a pet that could talk back. complete: Kyle always wanted a pet that could talk back. Maria dislikes bananas while they are Monica's favorite snack. OPTIONS: - Maria likes apples best. - Monica likes apples best. Maria likes apples best. Input: Continue writing. Joseph wants to become more supportive brother so he asks for Brett's advice, because OPTIONS: - Joseph needs help. - Brett needs help. Continued: Joseph needs help. Story needs to be completed: Cynthia asked Christine tips for dealing with osteoarthritis since OPTIONS: - Cynthia knew they just went to see their doctor for the same problem. - Christine knew they just went to see their doctor for the same problem. My choice: Cynthia knew they just went to see their doctor for the same problem. Problem: Continue the following story. The children always wanted to eat dessert before broccoli because they thought the OPTIONS: - dessert tasted better. - broccoli tasted better. Here's how I want to continue it: dessert tasted better. The valet employee took the car keys of Benjamin before William because OPTIONS: - Benjamin was ahead of everyone in the line. - William was ahead of everyone in the line.
Benjamin was ahead of everyone in the line.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Patricia was getting divorced after 30 years of marriage and got very little while Lindsey got a lot. [A]: Patricia was unselfish. [Q]: How does the sentence end? John was mad because he waited so long for the cab and had to run after the train. The [A]: train arrived early. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jameson went to the DMV to get his license and wore the hat for the picture but left the bowtie because the [A]:
bowtie was strange.
Write the next sentence. John rubbed his white handkerchief over the rusty rod and it got the
handkerchief dirty.
When Kenneth fought last night, they were very aggressive with Ian, but OPTIONS: - Kenneth had wanted this match for a long time and won. - Ian had wanted this match for a long time and won. Ian had wanted this match for a long time and won. Natalie really enjoyed eating all sorts of foods unlike Rebecca because OPTIONS: - Natalie was really adventurous. - Rebecca was really adventurous. Natalie was really adventurous. Having a guinea pig was important to Ian but Jason thought they were just glorified rats. OPTIONS: - Ian bought a new dog leash at the pet store. - Jason bought a new dog leash at the pet store.
Jason bought a new dog leash at the pet store.
QUES: Continue writing. Patricia taught Mary how to eat healthy foods, but she ignored it. +++++++++ ANS: Patricia felt unappreciated. QUES: Continue writing. Ryan smelled the smoke before Joseph did because +++++++++ ANS: Joseph was sitting farther from the fire. QUES: Continue writing. Angela has a shorter job resume than Rebecca because +++++++++ ANS: Angela has less skills and experience. QUES: Continue writing. While gardening in the yard, Ryan realized they still had Michael's tool from the previous year. +++++++++ ANS:
Michael felt surprised to get it back so long after.
Continue the following story. Mel wanted to trade me her brace for my cast. She thinks the pick from the following. A). brace is too flexible.. B). cast is too flexible..
Input: Continue writing. Rachel tried to help Emily cope with the death of her parent. OPTIONS: - Rachel was inconsolable. - Emily was inconsolable. Continued: Emily was inconsolable. Input: Continue writing. John threw a punch at the window and got it broken when fighting with Jill. The OPTIONS: - punch is strong. - window is strong. Continued: punch is strong. Input: Continue writing. Steven is filing for bankruptcy, but Dennis will likely never have that problem. OPTIONS: - Steven is poor. - Dennis is poor. Continued: Steven is poor. Input: Continue writing. Bill poured the entire bag of soil into the flower pot until the OPTIONS: - bag was empty. - pot was empty. Continued:
bag was empty.
Problem: I dropped out of the class at the school and signed up for one at the academy, since the OPTIONS: - school succeeded in teaching me to sew. - academy succeeded in teaching me to sew. My choice: academy succeeded in teaching me to sew. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Brian was about to cook eggs while Kevin was about to have cereal, so OPTIONS: - Brian prepared to crack the eggs. - Kevin prepared to crack the eggs. [A]: Brian prepared to crack the eggs. QUES: Continue writing. She had a nervous system problem and decided to treat it with vitamins instead of meds, because the OPTIONS: - vitamins are heathier in long term. - meds are heathier in long term. +++++++++ ANS: vitamins are heathier in long term. Problem: How does the sentence end? While at the grocery store, Sarah bought strawberries but did not get bananas. The OPTIONS: - bananas were fresh. - strawberries were fresh. Answer: strawberries were fresh. sentence: The cart went slower than the scooter did because the OPTIONS: - cart had a much bigger motor. - scooter had a much bigger motor. complete: scooter had a much bigger motor. Input: Continue writing. Christopher went to ask Eric for advice about savings bonds because OPTIONS: - Christopher forgot how they worked. - Eric forgot how they worked. Continued:
Christopher forgot how they worked.
Story needs to be completed: In order to control his child's temper, the father choose the reward over the punishment because he thought the OPTIONS: - reward would be more aggressive. - punishment would be more aggressive. My choice: punishment would be more aggressive. Story needs to be completed: Tanya told Angela that she went through a school lock down last week. OPTIONS: - Tanya was scared. - Angela was scared. My choice: Tanya was scared. Story needs to be completed: John was doing his business when his back-pain was triggered causing him to cry. The OPTIONS: - back-pain was severe. - cry was severe. My choice: back-pain was severe. Story needs to be completed: Brett did the upholstery work on his new furniture for his friend Nick. OPTIONS: - Brett was grateful. - Nick was grateful. My choice:
Nick was grateful.
Complete the following sentence. He could hear the phone ring when he was in his room but not in the kitchen, as the noise in the Possible answers: + room was minimal. + kitchen was minimal.
room was minimal.
Problem: How does the sentence end? I really like the way Dennis treat their friends but not Jason as Answer: Jason is a rude person. Problem: How does the sentence end? Rebecca is not rich but Mary is very much so, and so Answer: Rebecca goes back home to a hovel and not a mansion. Problem: How does the sentence end? So Answer: Nick tickled the baby because Nick likes babies and Matthew doesn't like them at all. Problem: How does the sentence end? The boy tried to put the fish tank in the closet but the Answer:
closet was too small.
Continue writing the following text. The supplies were moved away from the homes and into the camps because the Select from: [i] camps were running a surplus on them.. [ii] homes were running a surplus on them..
Continue the following story. Jason prefers fishing over basketball after a long day at work, because the
fishing is relaxing.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Megan had a baby whereas Katrina had a college aged child, so Choices: A). Megan no longer had to change diapers. B). Katrina no longer had to change diapers.
Complete the following sentence. Chris loves to write, but he prefers writing poems and not books. The
poems give him more inspiration when writing them.
sentence: A gift of a makeup kit was given from Justin to William because complete: Justin was very giving. sentence: The cat of Brian had a case of vomiting, while Kenneth's was just fine, because complete: Brian 's cat eats a lot of fur. sentence: At the job interview, Rachel dropped her glasses, but held onto her keys. The complete:
keys were in her pocket.
Continue writing the following text. To help her with the birth, they propped pillows against her back and kept feeding her ice cubes. The
ice cubes were cold.
How does the sentence end? He took away and sharpened the blades of the knife that was on the floor near the plant. Therefore the
knife is dangerous.
Problem: Continue the following story. Joseph asked Kenneth to take their dog for a walk because OPTIONS: - Joseph was home all day. - Kenneth was home all day. Here's how I want to continue it: Kenneth was home all day. Problem: Continue the following story. On a trip out today Matthew asked Aaron where the he could find issue of a old newspaper. OPTIONS: - Matthew is a researcher. - Aaron is a researcher. Here's how I want to continue it: Matthew is a researcher. Problem: Continue the following story. Patricia was in prison longer than Monica due to the fact that OPTIONS: - Patricia committed a crime that was very major. - Monica committed a crime that was very major. Here's how I want to continue it:
Patricia committed a crime that was very major.
Write the next sentence. Christopher crunched his nose and backed off when Randy offered his hand, because
Randy had dirty hands.
Write the next sentence. Kevin was more supportive of the event than Aaron because it was pick from the following. +Kevin political party hosting the event. +Aaron political party hosting the event. Answer:
Kevin political party hosting the event.
Continue the following story. The wind was able to put out the fire we built for the camp grounds, the
wind was too strong.
Question: Smoke from cigars permeated the lounge but the air was clear in the hall, as the Answer: Continue the sentence -- lounge permitted smoking. Question: Kim tired to de-ice her windshield with her hand in the snow but the Answer: Continue the sentence -- hand got too cold. Question: Mary hollered at Monica because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Mary was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake. Question: Tanya invited Cynthia to get piercings over the weekend and Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Tanya is hoping to hear back soon.
Choose your story that continues the following story. It is good to get into the habit of using the recycling bin instead of the trash can because using the pick from the following. a. recycling bin is bad for the environment. b. trash can is bad for the environment.
Complete the following sentence. Monica had a wild streak that made Elena nervous to be around them, so
Monica tried to calm down.
OPTIONS: 1). hammer was too strong.. 2). box was too strong.. Complete the following sentence. The hammer struck a blow but failed to crush the box, as the
Michael blamed Kevin for the accident because OPTIONS: - Michael had the right of way at the four way stop. - Kevin had the right of way at the four way stop. Michael had the right of way at the four way stop. Input: Continue writing. Megan anticipated a delay in her train so she called the brunch to let them know she would be late. Ironically, the OPTIONS: - train was late. - brunch was late. Continued: brunch was late. Story needs to be completed: Chris temporarily moved his rabbits from their hutch into his house while he worked, because the OPTIONS: - hutch was dirty. - house was dirty. My choice: hutch was dirty. Problem: Continue the following story. The band James wore on the hand could not be worn on the head because the OPTIONS: - head is bigger. - hand is bigger. Here's how I want to continue it: head is bigger. Problem: Maria showed Cynthia how to clean their engine since OPTIONS: - Maria had extensive knowledge about cars and trucks. - Cynthia had extensive knowledge about cars and trucks. My choice: Maria had extensive knowledge about cars and trucks. Story needs to be completed: Carrie's hair was straighter than Jennifer's, so OPTIONS: - Carrie had to use more hair conditioner to remove tangles. - Jennifer had to use more hair conditioner to remove tangles. My choice:
Jennifer had to use more hair conditioner to remove tangles.
Continue writing the following text. Kenneth worked a lot more than Lawrence so it was always harder for Select from the following. -- Kenneth to fall asleep.. -- Lawrence to fall asleep..
Lawrence to fall asleep.
Problem: Jennifer was excited to play with Kayla but they had already left. OPTIONS: - Jennifer was already home. - Kayla was already home. My choice: Kayla was already home. Problem: Practicing for football was something Adam did regularly as so did Randy for baseball, OPTIONS: - Adam is a football player. - Randy is a football player. My choice: Adam is a football player. Problem: The cucumber tasted much better than the tomato did because the OPTIONS: - cucumber was much riper. - tomato was much riper. My choice: cucumber was much riper. Problem: Adam was never able to discover the location of Kyle, even after years of OPTIONS: - Adam looking for them. - Kyle looking for them. My choice:
Adam looking for them.
The screen got scratched when John was cleaning it with a cloth because the screen is smooth. It is obvious Christopher has a bigger ego than Brian because Brian is never bragging about awards. The dog wanted to stay in the park and not go back to the house because the
house was too small.
How does the sentence end? Patricia but not Felicia spent a lot of time in the bathroom because Select from: 1. Patricia had to put on their makeup.. 2. Felicia had to put on their makeup..
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Joel didn't want to wash Benjamin's hair at the hair salon although OPTIONS: - Joel did not have dandruff. - Benjamin did not have dandruff. [A]: Benjamin did not have dandruff. QUES: Continue writing. There was a rip on the shirt of Dennis but none on the shirt of Eric as OPTIONS: - Dennis is very careful in what they wear. - Eric is very careful in what they wear. +++++++++ ANS: Eric is very careful in what they wear. Problem: How does the sentence end? Brian was worried about Kenneth having chest pain so OPTIONS: - Brian took them to the hospital to get checked out. - Kenneth took them to the hospital to get checked out. Answer: Brian took them to the hospital to get checked out. sentence: The cheating boyfriend tried to hide his new clothes inside the closets but the OPTIONS: - closets were too large. - clothes were too large. complete: clothes were too large. Even though Kenneth had just started playing cricket while Logan had been playing for several years, OPTIONS: - Kenneth scored more goals that day. - Logan scored more goals that day. Kenneth scored more goals that day. Problem: Continue the following story. The saleswoman suggested the oil instead of the cream for her skin, because the OPTIONS: - oil was known to cause acne. - cream was known to cause acne. Here's how I want to continue it:
cream was known to cause acne.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Jessica told Christine that she was going to volunteer to lead the group. OPTIONS: - Jessica was proud of her. - Christine was proud of her. [A]: Christine was proud of her. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Karl chose to paint his jeans with fabric paint instead of spray paint since the OPTIONS: - fabric paint would not paint easily on the fabric. - spray paint would not paint easily on the fabric. [A]: spray paint would not paint easily on the fabric. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Dennis helped Kevin to save money by telling him how to file a lawsuit in small claims court by himself, OPTIONS: - Dennis is full of frugal living tips. - Kevin is full of frugal living tips. [A]:
Dennis is full of frugal living tips.
Write the next sentence. Lindsey kept a journal and did not want Jessica to read the personal things she had written, so pick from the following. + Lindsey hid the journal.; + Jessica hid the journal.;
Lindsey hid the journal.
Input: Continue writing. We took the refrigerator out of the kitchen and into the hallway, as the Continued: hallway had abundant space for it. Input: Continue writing. The jewelry Kayla wore made quite an impression on Rachel although Continued: Kayla is less stylish than she is, usually. Input: Continue writing. He went to the study area of the library and sat at a cubicle with his book because the Continued: cubicle helped block distractions. Input: Continue writing. The car crashed into a tree but only the tree was damaged, because the Continued:
car is made from stronger material.
Continue the following story. Michael blamed Kevin for the accident because Choices: A. Michael had the right of way at the four way stop.; B. Kevin had the right of way at the four way stop.;
Complete the following sentence. Victoria asked Natalie how to increase urine flow in the body because Pick from: I. Victoria was an expert in urination problems. II. Natalie was an expert in urination problems.
Input: Continue writing. Kayla rolled down her socks and showed Monica her foot ulcers. OPTIONS: - Kayla was scared. - Monica was scared. Continued: Kayla was scared. Story needs to be completed: The movers tried to store the bed in the garage but the OPTIONS: - garage was too large. - bed was too large. My choice: bed was too large. Problem: Continue the following story. Katrina went to the florist more often than Jessica because OPTIONS: - Katrina was more allergic to flowers in her home. - Jessica was more allergic to flowers in her home. Here's how I want to continue it: Jessica was more allergic to flowers in her home. Problem: Ian was in a healthy relationship and Justin was not, so OPTIONS: - Ian had a lonely valentines day. - Justin had a lonely valentines day. My choice: Justin had a lonely valentines day. [Q]: How does the sentence end? She left the coach and headed to the taxi so she could take a faster route but the OPTIONS: - coach was actually faster. - taxi was actually faster. [A]: coach was actually faster. Problem: Elena has to be more careful in the sun than Angela does because OPTIONS: - Elena has really sensitive skin. - Angela has really sensitive skin. My choice:
Elena has really sensitive skin.
QUES: Continue writing. Jamie got more attention when she wore the dress than when she wore the blouse, because the OPTIONS: - dress was colorful. - blouse was colorful. +++++++++ ANS: dress was colorful. QUES: Continue writing. Nick is more prepared to go camping in the woods compared to Benjamin due to OPTIONS: - Nick being a boy scout. - Benjamin being a boy scout. +++++++++ ANS: Nick being a boy scout. QUES: Continue writing. Sarah's boyfriend decided to cut his hair in either a mohawk or a pompadour. Sarah stated that the OPTIONS: - mohawk would suit him best, because it is smooth. - pompadour would suit him best, because it is smooth. +++++++++ ANS: pompadour would suit him best, because it is smooth. QUES: Continue writing. Will preferred to use the machines at the gym rather than using his own set of weights at home because there was more he could do with the OPTIONS: - machines . - weights . +++++++++ ANS:
machines .
QUES: Continue writing. Preston liked learning violin better than piano at music class, because the OPTIONS: - piano sounded beautiful. - violin sounded beautiful. +++++++++ ANS: violin sounded beautiful. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kayla lifted up her shirt and proudly displayed her piercings to Rachel. OPTIONS: - Kayla was daring. - Rachel was daring. Answer: Kayla was daring. sentence: Alice decided not to grow a vegetable garden in her backyard because the OPTIONS: - garden is too small. - backyard is too small. complete: backyard is too small. Joey bought some caramel glazing to use for bread decoration but the OPTIONS: - bread was too big. - glazing was too big. bread was too big. Input: Continue writing. Jason did not think Randy was mixing the ingredients correctly because only OPTIONS: - Jason had read the instructions. - Randy had read the instructions. Continued: Jason had read the instructions. [Q]: How does the sentence end? After Natalie did Victoria's makeup, she was not impressed with her new look, so OPTIONS: - Natalie was self-conscious about her work. - Victoria was self-conscious about her work. [A]:
Natalie was self-conscious about her work.
Story needs to be completed: I used to keep my jack in the garage, but now keep it in the trunk because the OPTIONS: - garage is more convenient. - trunk is more convenient. My choice: trunk is more convenient. Problem: Continue the following story. The choice of fabric for the clothes instead of using a composite was made because the OPTIONS: - fabric was pliable. - composite was pliable. Here's how I want to continue it: fabric was pliable. Problem: Christopher got a cat from the shelter but not Kenneth because OPTIONS: - Christopher had an allergy of cats. - Kenneth had an allergy of cats. My choice: Kenneth had an allergy of cats. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Dennis kept sleeping in the history class taught by Randy because OPTIONS: - Dennis had a boring voice. - Randy had a boring voice. [A]: Randy had a boring voice. QUES: Continue writing. Being a manager better suited Craig and not Lawrence although OPTIONS: - Craig was much less likely to admit mistakes. - Lawrence was much less likely to admit mistakes. +++++++++ ANS: Craig was much less likely to admit mistakes. QUES: Continue writing. The ball was thrown father than the disc, because the OPTIONS: - ball was a lot lighter. - disc was a lot lighter. +++++++++ ANS:
ball was a lot lighter.
Story needs to be completed: The woman looked for a different vase for the bouquet because the My choice: bouquet was too large. Story needs to be completed: Sarah loved wearing fine jewely As were Jennifer loved making fine jewelry for others to wear, My choice: Jennifer loved making fancy things. Story needs to be completed: Rachel went to the store to buy milk for Angela, and My choice: Angela stayed home most of the morning. Story needs to be completed: The amusement for the evening was provided by Monica rather than Jennifer , as My choice:
Monica was a great entertainer.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Matthew knew that their ring contained real diamonds but Derrick did not because OPTIONS: - Matthew was a novice on gemstones. - Derrick was a novice on gemstones. Answer: Derrick was a novice on gemstones. sentence: William had to take a break from his girlfriend not like Adam because OPTIONS: - William was enjoying her company all the time. - Adam was enjoying her company all the time. complete: Adam was enjoying her company all the time. Betty was more knowledge about the restaurants in the area than Felicia, so OPTIONS: - Betty asked her to make the dinner plan. - Felicia asked her to make the dinner plan. Felicia asked her to make the dinner plan. Input: Continue writing. Christine looked good in a bikini and Patricia preferred one-piece bathing suits so OPTIONS: - Christine tried on a cute bikini at the mall. - Patricia tried on a cute bikini at the mall. Continued: Christine tried on a cute bikini at the mall. Story needs to be completed: Randy was more of a baseball fan than Michael so OPTIONS: - Randy was heavily bored in every postseason. - Michael was heavily bored in every postseason. My choice: Michael was heavily bored in every postseason. Problem: How does the sentence end? The tubing did not fit around the car due to the fact that the OPTIONS: - tubing was too small. - car was too small. Answer:
tubing was too small.
Problem: Continue the following story. Maria added rice and water to her pressure cooker. The results were dry because the amount of the OPTIONS: - rice added was too small. - water added was too small. Here's how I want to continue it: water added was too small. Problem: In order to control his child's temper, the father choose the reward over the punishment because he thought the OPTIONS: - reward would be more aggressive. - punishment would be more aggressive. My choice: punishment would be more aggressive. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Josh wanted to get rid of his wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes, and he felt the OPTIONS: - dark circles could be helped by getting more sleep. - wrinkles could be helped by getting more sleep. [A]: dark circles could be helped by getting more sleep. QUES: Continue writing. Jason is more decisive than Christopher and so OPTIONS: - Jason spent way less time answering the new work questionnaire. - Christopher spent way less time answering the new work questionnaire. +++++++++ ANS: Jason spent way less time answering the new work questionnaire. Problem: How does the sentence end? In the classroom, Logan is teaching French to Aaron. This is because OPTIONS: - Logan is a good student. - Aaron is a good student. Answer: Aaron is a good student. sentence: Angela was nocturnal while Erin was diurnal so OPTIONS: - Angela preferred to stay out late at night. - Erin preferred to stay out late at night. complete:
Angela preferred to stay out late at night.
Problem: Continue the following story. The man needed more napkins when he ate his pasta than when he ate his dinner roll because the Here's how I want to continue it: roll was neater. Problem: Continue the following story. The girl tried to hit the ball with the bat but the Here's how I want to continue it: bat was too slow. Problem: Continue the following story. Monica likes to drink wine, while Elena prefers a light beer, so Here's how I want to continue it:
Elena is more down-to-earth.
Continue writing the following text. When looking for a real estate agent, people most often choose Jennifer over Christine because Available options: [I] Jennifer has a reputation for excellent service.; [II] Christine has a reputation for excellent service.;
How does the sentence end? See options at the end I was finely chopping with a chef's knife and not the cleaver because the Options: [+] knife was precise.. [+] cleaver was precise..
knife was precise.
Write the next sentence. Kenneth was afraid to call Kevin on the phone as Choose your answer from: (I) Kenneth could be very shy at times.. (II) Kevin could be very shy at times.. Answer:
Problem: Nick was unable to complete the goal as opposed to Joseph, due to My choice: Joseph being diligent. Problem: Robert was very physically attractive but Matthew was rather homely. My choice: Matthew found it very difficult to get dates. Problem: My mom hated her old work but now loves her new job because the My choice: job has amazing coworkers. Problem: The car would not fit in the neighbor's garage because the My choice:
car was too big.
sentence: Joseph listened to Nelson talk on and on about his washboard abs. OPTIONS: - Joseph was excited about his new look. - Nelson was excited about his new look. complete: Nelson was excited about his new look. Neil was having trouble dealing with death and asked Nelson for advice for OPTIONS: - Neil had never dealt with this issue. - Nelson had never dealt with this issue. Neil had never dealt with this issue. Input: Continue writing. Randy requested Ian pick up a brace for his wrist pain since leaving the house wasn't an option for OPTIONS: - Randy . - Ian . Continued: Randy . Story needs to be completed: While eating out, Erin decided to try out biscuits, and Elena avoided them. OPTIONS: - Erin ate anything despite being on a diet. - Elena ate anything despite being on a diet. My choice: Erin ate anything despite being on a diet. Problem: Continue the following story. The baby had sensitive skin, so it needed to be washed with unscented soap and shampoo. The OPTIONS: - soap cleaned its head. - shampoo cleaned its head. Here's how I want to continue it: shampoo cleaned its head. Mary is the boss of Megan in a tech company located in Silicon Valley. OPTIONS: - Mary makes more money than the other. - Megan makes more money than the other.
Mary makes more money than the other.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Because Sarah missed their night flight while Christine made theirs, Choose your answer from: (I). Sarah slept in the airport. (II). Christine slept in the airport.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Kayla was constantly looking for gossip, and Angela had something juicy, so [A]: Angela showered them with details. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey didn't have to buy clothes for the ski trip but Nelson did because [A]: Jeffrey lived in a cold environment. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Sally liked taking a plane to travel abroad instead of a boat because she got there quicker by the [A]:
plane .
Problem: How does the sentence end? We did the dishes in the dishwasher instead of in the sink, because it was slower in the OPTIONS: - dishwasher . - sink . Answer: sink . Problem: How does the sentence end? The chickens of Jason lay a few eggs, but Matthew gets a lot from them. OPTIONS: - Jason 's chickens are healthy. - Matthew 's chickens are healthy. Answer: Matthew 's chickens are healthy. Problem: How does the sentence end? The delivery men could not fit the oven through the door because the OPTIONS: - door was too small. - oven was too small. Answer: door was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? I looked over at the book and dvd sitting on the table. I felt like reading something so I picked up the OPTIONS: - book and opened it. - dvd and opened it. Answer:
book and opened it.
The FBI usually take over the crime scene from the police since they are more qualified in handling these situations. Who is "they" in this prior sentence? The FBI When the preschoolers visited the senior citizens, they were very hospitable. Who is "they" in this prior sentence? the senior citizens Steve loved Bush but he did not accept. Who is "he" in this prior sentence?
Problem: As it was dangerous to hitchhike, Sam decided to buy the car instead of the motorcycle to get to work, since the OPTIONS: - motorcycle was safe. - car was safe. My choice: car was safe. [Q]: How does the sentence end? He decided not to repair the fender on the car, because the OPTIONS: - car was too expensive to afford fixing. - fender was too expensive to afford fixing. [A]: fender was too expensive to afford fixing. QUES: Continue writing. When Aaron was failing French class they asked Kenneth to tutor them because OPTIONS: - Aaron needed help to pass the class. - Kenneth needed help to pass the class. +++++++++ ANS: Aaron needed help to pass the class. Problem: How does the sentence end? Tony was preparing his breakfast and made a mess when he dropped the eggs on the floor and they broke because the OPTIONS: - egg was too firm. - floor was too firm. Answer: floor was too firm. sentence: Coyotes ate the dog of Joel when Donald left the door open, so OPTIONS: - Joel is very apologetic. - Donald is very apologetic. complete: Donald is very apologetic. Input: Continue writing. Monica was at home sick with a cold, so Felicia bought some oranges to help prevent OPTIONS: - Monica catching the infection. - Felicia catching the infection. Continued:
Felicia catching the infection.
Select from: a. saddle stayed clean.. b. harness stayed clean.. Complete the following sentence. The horse with a saddle and harness splashed mud up to its back, but not as high as its head, so the
sentence: Kayla disarmed the burglar with pepper spray while Cynthia punched him. OPTIONS: - Kayla had always been nonviolent in confrontations. - Cynthia had always been nonviolent in confrontations. complete: Kayla had always been nonviolent in confrontations. sentence: Today, Logan happens to be more hungry than Craig because OPTIONS: - Logan remembered to bring his lunch. - Craig remembered to bring his lunch. complete: Craig remembered to bring his lunch. sentence: Betty could tell that Carrie drank too much punch since OPTIONS: - Betty could not hide her drunken slur. - Carrie could not hide her drunken slur. complete:
Carrie could not hide her drunken slur.
Continue writing the following text. Laura likes to pretend to enjoy going to opera instead of the cinema but the finds the Pick from: --opera so dull.. --cinema so dull..
opera so dull.
How does the sentence end? Benjamin recommended Justin the best things to see while exploring the city, because Options: -Benjamin was local.. -Justin was local..
Benjamin was local.
Problem: If "At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so advanced.", is "The chatbots were so advanced." correct? Answer: yes Problem: If "Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it.", is "Tina's drawing did look much better with another one above it." correct? Answer: yes Problem: If "Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep it dry.", is "I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep the backpack dry." correct? Answer:
Write the next sentence. Kenneth hired Joseph to be their personal trainer because Pick from: (A). Kenneth wanted to build bigger muscles. (B). Joseph wanted to build bigger muscles.
Continue writing the following text. Tanya is envying really badly and is really jealous on Sarah that she is tall and model, so
Sarah comforts her.
How does the sentence end? Erin asked Sarah for help with hanging the new bathroom mirror because
Sarah is tall enough to reach.
Write the next sentence. The new leather couch Bill purchased would not fit through his front doorway, the
couch was too wide.
Continue the following story. Joseph spoke German better than Joel because Possible answers: (a). Joseph had been studying the language for a longer amount of time.. (b). Joel had been studying the language for a longer amount of time..
Can we conclude that "The heavy book broke." if the statement "I put the heavy book on the table and it broke." is true? Pick from: A). no B). yes
QUES: Continue writing. The sick man decided on surgery instead of taking medication. The +++++++++ ANS: surgery must have more reliable results. QUES: Continue writing. We decided chemistry would not be the topic for the article, and chose biology instead, as the +++++++++ ANS: chemistry was irrelevant to the current studies. QUES: Continue writing. I had a more difficult time at the Police Academy than at school because the +++++++++ ANS: academy was tougher. QUES: Continue writing. Trying to train a hamster is easy for Joel but not Nick because +++++++++ ANS:
Joel has a lot of patience with animals.