1 value
4 values
4 values
Complete the following sentence. Justin 's washing machine broke down. He invited Lawrence over to fix it because Options: A). Justin was quite ignorant as to how to do it. B). Lawrence was quite ignorant as to how to do it.
Continue writing the following text. Katrina was great at public speaking but Elena was not. OPTIONS: A). Katrina made a lot of money on the lecture circuit.. B). Elena made a lot of money on the lecture circuit..
QUES: Continue writing. Bob took the chickens out of the coop and put them into the back of his truck until the +++++++++ ANS: truck had no more room. QUES: Continue writing. I like to set up my shaving station with my razor, shaving cream and aftershave. After shaving I rub the +++++++++ ANS: aftershave on my face. QUES: Continue writing. The skills of Maria were far inferior to Tanya because +++++++++ ANS: Tanya was a talented individual. QUES: Continue writing. Of all the types of wood Julian preferred oak the most and disliked maple because the +++++++++ ANS:
maple was less useful.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Garlic was a favorite flavor of Christine but not Laura who though it stunk. Answer: Christine always ordered garlic bread with their pasta. Problem: How does the sentence end? John fell down to the glass floor when he sat down on the chair, luckily the floor is intact. The Answer: glass appears strong. Problem: How does the sentence end? Laura trained as a nurse, however Natalie trained as an architect. Answer: Laura found the accident victims' vital signs with ease. Problem: How does the sentence end? Writing with the chalk was a little more difficult than with the marker as the Answer:
chalk was rather invisible to the naked eye at a distance.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end I told my wife that leather boots would be better in the rain than suede. The Options are: (I) suede boots got soaked, leaving her feet wet.. (II) leather boots got soaked, leaving her feet wet..
Write the next sentence. Although Jennifer was more considerate than Lindsey, pick from the following. [a]. Jennifer didn't know how to act in front of children.. [b]. Lindsey didn't know how to act in front of children.. Answer:
sentence: Robert felt a solid connection to the arts but ignored movies because the complete: arts were engaging. sentence: Rita used the nail polish on her nails instead of the glue, because the complete: polish looked sparkly when it dried. sentence: Bob wanted to cut the watermelon open with a knife, but the complete:
watermelon was just too tough.
Problem: If "Bob was playing cards with Adam and was way ahead. If Adam hadn't had a sudden run of good luck, he would have lost.", does it follow that "Bob would have lost."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: If "They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and I couldn't hear over it.", does it follow that "I couldn't hear the announcement."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: If "In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10.", does it follow that "The concert continued until 10."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: If "Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years younger.", does it follow that "Joe's uncle is 30 years younger."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
How does the sentence end? Kevin lives in Maine, and Matthew lives in Texas, so
Kevin lives north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Question: The silver was less expensive than the gold because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- silver was from a normal shop. Question: Gary decided to ignore the pain and lift the weight a few more times before getting his water bottle, but the Answer: Continue the sentence -- bottle was tempting to him. Question: The doctor tried to cure the woman of her cancer an experimental drug, but he was unsuccessful because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- drug was too weak. Question: Jen preferred wearing wool sweaters to cotton ones but the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- wool was more difficult to clean.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Maddox bought a Swiss army knife but it was too big for his pocket. The Options: [-] Swiss army knife was too small. [-] pocket was too small.
pocket was too small.
Write the next sentence. Samuel explained to Robert how Ghee was a super food and would improve your diet.
Samuel was knowledgeable.
Continue the following story. Mel wanted to trade me her brace for my cast. She thinks the
brace is too flexible.
Input: Continue writing. At the bakery, Logan comforted Craig after flour was spilled all over the floor because OPTIONS: - Logan was angry. - Craig was angry. Continued: Craig was angry. Story needs to be completed: Megan was infuriated with Jessica stampeding the garden because OPTIONS: - Megan planted all the crops and flowers. - Jessica planted all the crops and flowers. My choice: Megan planted all the crops and flowers. Problem: Continue the following story. The blue towel cannot be wrapped around the tree. The OPTIONS: - tree is a big one. - towel is a big one. Here's how I want to continue it: tree is a big one. Problem: The herbs didn't grow very well in the flower pot after a while because the OPTIONS: - herbs were too big. - flower pot were too big. My choice: herbs were too big. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The teacher taught Joel how to clean wood pallets but not Robert because OPTIONS: - Joel already knew how to do it. - Robert already knew how to do it. [A]: Robert already knew how to do it. Problem: Marilyn was usually a casual dresser, but since the wedding was formal, she knew the OPTIONS: - casual dress she bought would be inappropriate. - formal dress she bought would be inappropriate. My choice:
casual dress she bought would be inappropriate.
Choices: a). Hunter was relieved.. b). Ryan was relieved.. Complete the following sentence. Hunter and Ryan both needed to use the bathroom but the latter got there first.
The death of the most important figure in her world was too much sorrow for her to bear. Therefore the figure was wonderful. John liked the areas in his old town a lot better than the locations in his new town, because the locations are dirtier. Learning french was harder for Natalie than Christine because
Christine had lived there during her student years.
Complete the following sentence. He could hear the phone ring when he was in his room but not in the kitchen, as the noise in the
room was minimal.
Input: Continue writing. Wanting to spread her religion, Natalie tried to convince Monica to read the bible because Continued: Monica was an atheist. Input: Continue writing. James wore the T-shirt to the concert and left the jacket at home because the Continued: T-shirt was more eye-catching and he wanted to stand out. Input: Continue writing. Mack wanted the mop to do some spring cleaning in his house but could only find the broom. He always found the Continued: mop to be more thorough. Input: Continue writing. Christine needed to use a moisturizer after taking a shower but not Monica because Continued:
Christine had dry skin.
Story needs to be completed: Shoulder pain always is a bother to Felicia, while Jessica has none, so My choice: Jessica takes no medication. Story needs to be completed: Megan created malware in her spare time until she was caught by Amy since My choice: Amy is a law-abiding citizen. Story needs to be completed: The scrolls were restored using brushes instead of air compressors, because the My choice: air compressors caused some damage. Story needs to be completed: When it comes to setbacks in life, Hunter has suffered way more setbacks than Brian because My choice:
Hunter always had bad luck.
Continue writing the following text. The supplies were moved away from the homes and into the camps because the
homes were running a surplus on them.
How does the sentence end? Megan had a baby whereas Katrina had a college aged child, so
Katrina no longer had to change diapers.
Problem: Continue the following story. The surgeon tried to put the frozen toe inside the case but the Here's how I want to continue it: case was too small. Problem: Continue the following story. The bank of Leslie was more shady than that of Christopher, because Here's how I want to continue it: Christopher 's bank was trusted more. Problem: Continue the following story. The lavender failed to deodorize the room, but the hibiscus ate all the odors, since the Here's how I want to continue it:
lavender failed to absorb the odors.
Write the next sentence. Kevin was more supportive of the event than Aaron because it was
Kevin political party hosting the event.
Problem: Continue the following story. I do much better on the video audition than the live audition as the OPTIONS: - video audition makes me feel tense. - live audition makes me feel tense. Here's how I want to continue it: live audition makes me feel tense. Problem: Continue the following story. Samuel had to remove his tattoo before getting the job unlike Brett's tattoo, because OPTIONS: - Samuel tattoo was hidden. - Brett tattoo was hidden. Here's how I want to continue it: Brett tattoo was hidden. Problem: Continue the following story. Ian was feeling bitter about the treatment they got from Samuel, because OPTIONS: - Ian had done nothing give them attitude. - Samuel had done nothing give them attitude. Here's how I want to continue it:
Samuel had done nothing give them attitude.
Continue the following story. It is good to get into the habit of using the recycling bin instead of the trash can because using the
trash can is bad for the environment.
Continue writing the following text. Jennifer was prepared with a poncho for the rain unlike Katrina, because Available choices: [A]. Jennifer lives in a dry area.. [B]. Katrina lives in a dry area..
How does the sentence end? We ordered a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham. Jim picked off all of the Pick from: [-] ham because he is a diabetic.; [-] pineapple because he is a diabetic.;
pineapple because he is a diabetic.
Problem: Making soap was easy for Ryan but not Dennis because OPTIONS: - Ryan had access to all the ingredients. - Dennis had access to all the ingredients. My choice: Ryan had access to all the ingredients. Problem: Kyle deveined the shrimp with vigor while Benjamin lounged in a chair because OPTIONS: - Kyle was lazy. - Benjamin was lazy. My choice: Benjamin was lazy. Problem: Natalie found more mushrooms when foraging than Sarah because OPTIONS: - Natalie had a keener sense of smell. - Sarah had a keener sense of smell. My choice: Natalie had a keener sense of smell. Problem: Making smoothies with mangoes was a treat for Matthew but not Robert since OPTIONS: - Matthew loved the taste of fresh fruit. - Robert loved the taste of fresh fruit. My choice:
Matthew loved the taste of fresh fruit.
QUES: Continue writing. The cramps in the stomach were worse than the ones in the legs because the cramps in the OPTIONS: - stomach lasted longer. - legs lasted longer. +++++++++ ANS: stomach lasted longer. Problem: How does the sentence end? Betty offered to help Natalie paint the house, but OPTIONS: - Betty applied the very first brushstrokes. - Natalie applied the very first brushstrokes. Answer: Natalie applied the very first brushstrokes. sentence: Justin played with the bones while Kevin shied away since OPTIONS: - Justin was uninterested in archaeology. - Kevin was uninterested in archaeology. complete: Kevin was uninterested in archaeology. During the day, Adam preferred to sleep on the sofa instead of the bed because the OPTIONS: - sofa was more comfortable. - bed was more comfortable. sofa was more comfortable. Input: Continue writing. Mary chose to buy the expensive belt while Laura bought the cheap one due to the fact that OPTIONS: - Mary made very little money. - Laura made very little money. Continued: Laura made very little money. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jason requested Logans assistance with their federal taxes because OPTIONS: - Jason had no idea what to do. - Logan had no idea what to do. [A]:
Jason had no idea what to do.
Complete the following sentence. The hammer struck a blow but failed to crush the box, as the
box was too strong.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan liked dogs more than Carrie however OPTIONS: - Megan loved the way they smelled after being outside. - Carrie loved the way they smelled after being outside. [A]: Carrie loved the way they smelled after being outside. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey tried to scrub the stain out of the wood with a cloth, but the OPTIONS: - wood was just too soft. - cloth was just too soft. [A]: cloth was just too soft. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Victoria practiced riddles a lot more often than Kayla, so OPTIONS: - Victoria didn't solve riddles as easily. - Kayla didn't solve riddles as easily. [A]:
Kayla didn't solve riddles as easily.
Problem: Rebecca was young when they left home and Monica was older because My choice: Monica had a good home life. Problem: I gave my dad a new phone and he liked it better than his tablet, because the My choice: phone was mint. Problem: Victoria constantly warned Erin about talking to strange adults because My choice: Erin was naive about strangers. Problem: Justin asked Steven if they had bought fish when they were at the grocery store because My choice:
Justin could not remember.
Write the next sentence. Leslie got a much higher grade on the exam than Dennis because pick from the following. a). Leslie spent a long time studying. b). Dennis spent a long time studying.
Continue writing the following text. Kenneth worked a lot more than Lawrence so it was always harder for
Lawrence to fall asleep.
How does the sentence end? Patricia but not Felicia spent a lot of time in the bathroom because
Patricia had to put on their makeup.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Aaron wanted to be a princess but Dennis wanted to dinosaur. [A]: Dennis is very tough. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The knot broke loose when holding the backpack but not the messenger bag because the [A]: backpack was heavy. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I prefer the white gravy to the brown gravy on my biscuits as the [A]:
white gravy is creamier.
Write the next sentence. Lindsey kept a journal and did not want Jessica to read the personal things she had written, so
Lindsey hid the journal.
Story needs to be completed: Steven always used a lot of unique ingredients while cooking unlike Kevin, due to OPTIONS: - Steven being creative. - Kevin being creative. My choice: Steven being creative. Problem: Continue the following story. Monica longed to be as successful as Rachel , so OPTIONS: - Monica asked her for career advice. - Rachel asked her for career advice. Here's how I want to continue it: Monica asked her for career advice. Problem: Jessica asked Natalie to clean and bandage their wound from being shot because OPTIONS: - Jessica was in a lot of pain. - Natalie was in a lot of pain. My choice: Jessica was in a lot of pain. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Carrie was busy planning the wedding and honeymoon as Samantha was sleeping, as OPTIONS: - Carrie was tired. - Samantha was tired. [A]: Samantha was tired. QUES: Continue writing. Mary liked cedar wood over other types of wood like poplar, because the OPTIONS: - cedar wood smelled very bland. - poplar wood smelled very bland. +++++++++ ANS: poplar wood smelled very bland. QUES: Continue writing. The paint was applied to the garage but not to the house, leaving the OPTIONS: - garage looking fresh . - house looking fresh . +++++++++ ANS:
garage looking fresh .
QUES: Continue writing. The arrow missed the target by only a foot, as the OPTIONS: - arrow was aimed poorly. - target was aimed poorly. +++++++++ ANS: arrow was aimed poorly. QUES: Continue writing. Patricia was prepared to give credit to a customer but Felicia was not because OPTIONS: - Patricia was generous. - Felicia was generous. +++++++++ ANS: Patricia was generous. QUES: Continue writing. The kid preferred to play with a tennis ball over a football, because the OPTIONS: - tennis ball is smaller. - football is smaller. +++++++++ ANS: tennis ball is smaller. QUES: Continue writing. The roses were more dull than the carnations because the OPTIONS: - roses were in full bloom. - carnations were in full bloom. +++++++++ ANS:
carnations were in full bloom.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Eric felt very exposed after telling Nick their feelings, so OPTIONS: - Eric was careful when giving their response. - Nick was careful when giving their response. Answer: Nick was careful when giving their response. Problem: How does the sentence end? James walked into the garden and it feels like he was not wearing a cologne as he is engulfed with the scent of the flowers. The OPTIONS: - scent is strong. - cologne is strong. Answer: scent is strong. Problem: How does the sentence end? The yard was abandoned for the porch, as the OPTIONS: - yard was a bad place to play . - porch was a bad place to play . Answer: yard was a bad place to play . Problem: How does the sentence end? The adult was unable to put the cookie sheet in the oven, because the OPTIONS: - oven was too large. - sheet was too large. Answer:
sheet was too large.
Continue the following story. Patricia went to see their therapist, Sarah, because pick from the following. (a). Patricia was able to help with their problems. (b). Sarah was able to help with their problems.
Continue the following story. Michael blamed Kevin for the accident because
Michael had the right of way at the four way stop.
Complete the following sentence. Victoria asked Natalie how to increase urine flow in the body because
Natalie was an expert in urination problems.
Continue writing the following text. When looking for a real estate agent, people most often choose Jennifer over Christine because
Jennifer has a reputation for excellent service.
Complete the following sentence. Craig loved tadpoles while Samuel didn't so pick from the following. (A). Craig took the task of cleaning up the car.. (B). Samuel took the task of cleaning up the car..
Continue writing the following text. The puppy chased the ball instead of the stick because the Choose your answer from: - ball had a brighter color.. - stick had a brighter color..
ball had a brighter color.
QUES: Continue writing. Maria listened to Emily drone on and on about her new bikini wax. +++++++++ ANS: Emily was excited. QUES: Continue writing. Getting a mortgage requires good credit but buying a newspaper does not because the +++++++++ ANS: mortgage is a very serious business. QUES: Continue writing. Logan was a very conscientious employee but Ian was not, so +++++++++ ANS: Ian was given a write up. QUES: Continue writing. Eric has been working overtime to make money for their upcoming vacation, but Samuel is unemployed so +++++++++ ANS:
Eric just booked their plane ticket.
QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? The hippo ate the food the trainer brought when he was hungry. OPTIONS: - The hippo - the trainer ANS: The hippo QUES: Who is they in the following sentence? UPS provides much convenience to the customers with their drop off service so they are encouraged to bring their packages in more often. OPTIONS: - UPS - the customers ANS: the customers QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? Brock understood the material better than Tracy because he was paying attention. OPTIONS: - Brock - Tracy ANS:
Problem: How does the sentence end? Hunter hired Eric to install new green energy windows because Answer: Eric knew how to do it. Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph has always believed in aliens, but Benjamin has his doubts. That makes Answer: Benjamin a skeptic. Problem: How does the sentence end? The girl wiped off the lipstick but applied eyeshadow because her parents thought the Answer: lipstick was inappropriate for church. Problem: How does the sentence end? The coach of the soccer team bought the players shorts and left out the shirts because the Answer:
shorts were old.
sentence: The musician wanted to store the guitar in the case but the complete: case was too small. sentence: Eli bought a case for his guitar over the carrying bag, because the complete: case offered more protection. sentence: Patricia offered to give Rachel some of her potatoes, because complete:
Patricia had many in her pantry.
How does the sentence end? I was finely chopping with a chef's knife and not the cleaver because the
knife was precise.
Question: Logan was annoyed when Aaron threw trash on the ground at the zoo since Answer: Continue the sentence -- Aaron is the visitor. Question: Getting ripped off was something that happened to Carrie regularly but not to Lindsey because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Carrie never paid attention to their store receipts. Question: Kyle wanted to play the rice game at the baby shower but Steven did not because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kyle wanted a fun baby shower. Question: Mary decided she would stop drinking vodka and only drink gin from now on, because she never seemed to have a hangover after drinking the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- gin .
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The cake tasted better than the pie because the icing on the Options: -cake was sweeter. -pie was sweeter.
cake was sweeter.
Write the next sentence. Kenneth was afraid to call Kevin on the phone as
Kenneth could be very shy at times.
Write the next sentence. The dog ran up to Leslie and away from Lawrence because pick from the following. i. Leslie had soap for the dog to take a bath. ii. Lawrence had soap for the dog to take a bath. Answer:
The house on the hill needed some work on the floors but not the cabinets as the cabinets were pristine. Kenneth made sure to study harder than Michael for the exam, so Michael got a worse score on the test. The blood of Ryan was drawn by Brett in the trailer because
Brett is a good doctor.
Continue the following story. Because Sarah missed their night flight while Christine made theirs,
Sarah slept in the airport.
Input: Continue writing. Carrie bought the picture frame made out of brass instead of the one made out of silver because the one made of the Continued: silver was expensive. Input: Continue writing. Nick thought role playing games were fun but Justin preferred shooter games. Continued: Justin bought a Halo game. Input: Continue writing. James realized he cannot go through the road and he decided to take the bush. The Continued: bush is clear. Input: Continue writing. Although Ian loved to eat spicy foods more than Robert, Continued:
Robert loved to eat green salsa.
Complete the following sentence. The horse with a saddle and harness splashed mud up to its back, but not as high as its head, so the
harness stayed clean.
Continue writing the following text. Laura likes to pretend to enjoy going to opera instead of the cinema but the finds the
opera so dull.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Derrick was more likely to have an apple at lunch than Neil because OPTIONS: - Derrick rarely ate fruit. - Neil rarely ate fruit. Answer: Neil rarely ate fruit. sentence: James realized he had not gathered enough cash for the price of the book, The OPTIONS: - cash is low. - price is low. complete: cash is low. Patricia wore very eccentric clothing and Felicia wore a plain white shirt. The crowd ignored OPTIONS: - Patricia . - Felicia . Felicia . Input: Continue writing. It was more common to see the boy playing with the phone rather than the notepad because the OPTIONS: - notepad was more interactive. - phone was more interactive. Continued: phone was more interactive. Story needs to be completed: The florist cut the stems off of the flowers to fit inside the vases because the OPTIONS: - vases were long. - stems were long. My choice: stems were long. Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena always needed help with organizing her belongings and closet unlike Mary because OPTIONS: - Elena was neat. - Mary was neat. Answer:
Mary was neat.
Story needs to be completed: The monks liked to chant in the dormitory rather than the church, as the My choice: church sounded worse. Story needs to be completed: Playing Battlefield for hours after school suited Lindsey but not Betty because My choice: Lindsey liked massive multiplayer online games. Story needs to be completed: George did the concrete driveway before doing a concrete foundation because doing a My choice: foundation was more advanced. Story needs to be completed: During class all students were given a lot to write in their books using pens. The My choice:
pens were drained.
How does the sentence end? Benjamin recommended Justin the best things to see while exploring the city, because
Benjamin was local.
Problem: Continue the following story. Outdoor exercise was important for Leslie but not to Jason. Here's how I want to continue it: Jason always tried to get vitamin D from a supplement. Problem: Continue the following story. Jill couldn't fix her hair up properly. The bobble would not go round the ponytail because the Here's how I want to continue it: bobble was too small. Problem: Continue the following story. Jim replaced his pen with a stress ball at work on his desk, the Here's how I want to continue it:
stress ball was round.
Problem: If "The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too wide.", is "The table is too wide." correct? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: If "I poured water from the bottle into the cup until it was full.", is "The cup was full." correct? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: If "Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was over.", is "John's turn was over." correct? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Problem: Dennis answered every question correctly on the test Brett gave them, so My choice: Dennis was relieved. Problem: The student chose to play the flute instead of the clarinet because she thought the My choice: clarinet would be difficult to learn. Problem: I was trying to decide if I should use the oven or bbq the corn, after looking at the good weather, I decided to use the My choice: bbq . Problem: Felicia sold Megan a microscope last Wednesday for twenty dollars, customer service is where My choice:
Felicia said to return the item.
Write the next sentence. Kenneth hired Joseph to be their personal trainer because
Kenneth wanted to build bigger muscles.
Continue the following story. Joseph spoke German better than Joel because
Joseph had been studying the language for a longer amount of time.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Practicing for hours on the piano suited Donald but not Lawrence because OPTIONS: A). Donald had a desire to play music.; B). Lawrence had a desire to play music.;
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The heat affected the people in the lobby less than the people in the room because the [A]: lobby had an air conditioner. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The throw cleared the fence but crashed into the wall, as the [A]: fence was so much lower. [Q]: How does the sentence end? When the mirror was brought out, Brett could see William's bald spot, and [A]:
Brett laughed.
Fred and Alice had very warm down coats , but *they* were not prepared for the cold in Alaska. Which option(s) below is/are correct for question: are "coats" and "they" the same entity? OPTIONS: (a). no (b). yes
Complete the following sentence. Jim did not like vegetarian food, so he was glad that he could substitute his carrot for a burger as the
carrot tasted horrible to him.
Does "Ann told her about it." appear to be an accurate statement based on "Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, because she told her about it."? Choose from: A). no; B). yes;
pick from the following. a). Samuel overlooked a great pair of Converse.. b). Robert overlooked a great pair of Converse.. Complete the following sentence. Although Samuel was more of a sneakerhead than Robert,
QUES: Continue writing. The cook liked her recipe for Chicken Parmesan more than the one she had for Lasagna. She thought the +++++++++ ANS: Chicken Parmesan recipe was more unique. QUES: Continue writing. Cynthia brought pink popcorn to the baby shower and Maria brought blue, because +++++++++ ANS: Maria thought the baby would be a boy. QUES: Continue writing. While Christopher lit the logs in the fireplace, Brian stood far back because +++++++++ ANS: Brian was scared around fire. QUES: Continue writing. The statue of +++++++++ ANS:
Erin was being prepared as Erin had become a hero for defeating the villain Kayla.
Continue writing the following text. Franklin recommended that his patient take a foot bath with salt and not soap, because the pick from the following. a). salt was very drying. b). soap was very drying.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Joel was overweight but Jeffrey was very fit. Answer: Joel had to lose weight to keep from getting diabetes. Problem: How does the sentence end? I liked music from the piano but not the keyboard because music sounded natural coming from the Answer: piano . Problem: How does the sentence end? Erin offered Patricia some pills while sleeping on the bunk bed because Answer: Erin is caring. Problem: How does the sentence end? Felicia lost their love handles much faster than Christine, because Answer:
Felicia went to the gym consistently.
sentence: Cynthia wanted to buy the children some toys, but Jennifer said not to. complete: Jennifer thought toys were a big waste of spending money. sentence: Nelson didn't really care to go on boat rides but Derrick loved a cruise around the bay. complete: Nelson had a problem with seasickness. sentence: Randy's cough has been around a while, but Nelson doesn't have one, so complete:
Nelson is clearly healthy.
How does the sentence end? John hated his work this year compared to his job last year, because the OPT: *work was horrible.; *job was horrible.;
work was horrible.
Problem: Continue the following story. The man had a terrible cold this year compared to last years flu, because the OPTIONS: - cold lasted a lot longer. - flu lasted a lot longer. Here's how I want to continue it: cold lasted a lot longer. Problem: The teacher enjoyed having Patricia in their class but wished Betty would be transferred because OPTIONS: - Patricia was defiant. - Betty was defiant. My choice: Betty was defiant. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Joel sought advice from Dennis on how to stay trim because OPTIONS: - Joel did not have good diet habits. - Dennis did not have good diet habits. [A]: Joel did not have good diet habits. QUES: Continue writing. Eric is new to using black seed oil and asks Randy for an advice, because OPTIONS: - Eric is beginner. - Randy is beginner. +++++++++ ANS: Eric is beginner. Problem: How does the sentence end? Depression was an issue for Matthew, but wasn't an issue for Hunter due to OPTIONS: - Matthew 's father living. - Hunter 's father living. Answer: Hunter 's father living. sentence: My cousin decided to use the pot and not the pan because the OPTIONS: - pot was shallow. - pan was shallow. complete:
pan was shallow.
Continue writing the following text. Kayla lifted up her shirt and proudly displayed her piercings to Rachel.
Kayla was daring.
Question: When Cynthia left the house with the oven on, Tanya turned it off; then Answer: Continue the sentence -- Cynthia yelled because it had cooled down. Question: The mayor replaced the stained carpet in the court lobby with new hardwood, the Answer: Continue the sentence -- carpet was old. Question: Going to the prom was more exciting for Lawrence than Adam because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Adam had a date he disliked. Question: The smoked haddock that Nick made for Adam turned out great. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Adam is the customer in this situation.
The worker tried to store the paint in the garage but the garage was too small. Logan studied harder than Benjamin because Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain. The norovirus was caught by Michael but Matthew was able to avoid it because,
Michael never washed their hands.
sentence: I need either an action or romance film to watch with my boyfriend. He's actually into that sappy stuff so maybe the OPTIONS: - romance film. - action film. complete: romance film. My sister really loves fruits but not vegetables because the OPTIONS: - fruits taste a lot worse. - vegetables taste a lot worse. vegetables taste a lot worse. Input: Continue writing. Jack was in the mood for beef or venison for dinner, he ended up choosing the OPTIONS: - beef for a more exotic meal. - venison for a more exotic meal. Continued: venison for a more exotic meal. Story needs to be completed: After the court hearing my transportation options were bus or taxi. I don't have a lot of time so I prefer the OPTIONS: - bus . - taxi . My choice: taxi . Problem: Continue the following story. Joseph designed a new, modern house for Robert because OPTIONS: - Joseph was a very talented architect. - Robert was a very talented architect. Here's how I want to continue it: Joseph was a very talented architect. I bought Mike new knee socks but they were too tight on his calves. The OPTIONS: - socks were too small. - calves were too small.
socks were too small.
Input: Continue writing. The blue color is a color I find more pleasant than the red color because the Continued: blue color is calming to me. Input: Continue writing. Jason enjoys helping as many people as he can unlike Brian because Continued: Jason has a great heart. Input: Continue writing. Justin made Dennis go to the gas station to buy fuel for the car because Continued: Justin is busy fixing the car. Input: Continue writing. Wearing shorts in the summer was easier for Mary but not Kayla because Continued:
Kayla had sensitive skin.
Problem: Victoria knew how to play the game very well unlike Rachel, because OPTIONS: - Victoria has no interest in it. - Rachel has no interest in it. My choice: Rachel has no interest in it. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Betty really enjoyed getting up and going to their job each day but Erin did not because OPTIONS: - Betty was very lazy. - Erin was very lazy. [A]: Erin was very lazy. QUES: Continue writing. Christine liked to bet on the horse races but Jessica liked to bet on the dogs. OPTIONS: - Christine placed their bet on Secretariat. - Jessica placed their bet on Secretariat. +++++++++ ANS: Christine placed their bet on Secretariat. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lindsey bonded more quickly with her classmates than Jessica because OPTIONS: - Lindsey had a friendly disposition. - Jessica had a friendly disposition. Answer: Lindsey had a friendly disposition. sentence: The conductor said that Jennifer was amazing at the guitar and Amy wasn't, due to OPTIONS: - Jennifer being untalented. - Amy being untalented. complete: Amy being untalented. Input: Continue writing. Brett played the piano in the talent show while Kenneth watched from the audience, so OPTIONS: - Brett received a standing ovation. - Kenneth received a standing ovation. Continued:
Brett received a standing ovation.
How does the sentence end? The mechanic moved the tires from the car to the pallet, so the
pallet became heavier.
Write the next sentence. Sarah admired Rachel 's beautiful, colorful hair, so Choose your answer from: A). Sarah borrowed some dye so she could color her own hair.. B). Rachel borrowed some dye so she could color her own hair..
Continue the following story. Winter was upon them and Jennifer was teaching Rebecca how to ski on the snowy slopes. Pick your answer from: (i). Jennifer was a ski novice. (ii). Rebecca was a ski novice.
Problem: If "As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing strip.", does it follow that "Susan could see the landing strip."? Answer: no Problem: If "Fred covered his eyes with his hands, because the wind was blowing sand around. He lowered them when the wind stopped.", does it follow that "He lowered his eyes when the wind stopped."? Answer: no Problem: If "Alice tried frantically to stop her daughter from chatting at the party, leaving us to wonder why she was behaving so strangely.", does it follow that "Alice's daughter was behaving so strangely."? Answer: no Problem: If "Adam can't leave work here until Bob arrives to replace him. If Bob had left home for work on time, he would be here by this time.", does it follow that "Adam would be here by this time."? Answer:
Write the next sentence. Benjamin thought it was time to get out the comforter and Jason disagreed,
Jason always got warmer more easily.
Complete the following sentence. The woman switched from a medicated cream to a gel to treat her acne because the Possible answers: --cream burned her skin. --gel burned her skin.
cream burned her skin.
Continue writing the following text. Monica went on a date with their spouse while Carrie watched the children because Choose from: (i). Monica paid for the service.. (ii). Carrie paid for the service..
sentence: Donald was more athletic than Kyle so OPTIONS: - Donald handled the other easily in the tug-o-war. - Kyle handled the other easily in the tug-o-war. complete: Donald handled the other easily in the tug-o-war. sentence: The fitness instructor told us to eat more vegetables than meats because the OPTIONS: - vegetables were a healthier option. - meats were a healthier option. complete: vegetables were a healthier option. sentence: He was going to use his boat in the river but the OPTIONS: - river was too shallow. - boat was too shallow. complete:
river was too shallow.
Story needs to be completed: Ryan was better at male modeling compared to Matthew, so My choice: Matthew asked him for help. Story needs to be completed: Elena was much more uncomfortable talking to children than Monica, because My choice: Elena didn't have any teaching experience. Story needs to be completed: Samantha was was quite active, so was a good coach for Emily's weight loss because My choice: Samantha could teach healthy habits to him. Story needs to be completed: Maria has recently bought a toaster for Katrina's birthday, because My choice:
Katrina wanted a brand new toaster.
Problem: Continue the following story. Laura buys a comic book for Katrina so they can experience the genre, but Here's how I want to continue it: Katrina does not want to be a friend who likes comics. Problem: Continue the following story. After finishing the exams, the teacher graded the papers with blue ink instead of red ink because the Here's how I want to continue it: red was used up. Problem: Continue the following story. The cat of Matthew doesn't feel as close of a bond with the owner as Aaron's, so Here's how I want to continue it:
Matthew is more distanced from his cat.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Maintaining the statue to be in a pristine state was more difficult than the sidewalk since the Available choices: (I) statue was rather clean.; (II) sidewalk was rather clean.;
Problem: Donald was drinking more coffee than Nelson, so My choice: Nelson started drinking as fast as they could. Problem: As the puppies got older, they had to leave the kitchen to go up the stairs to the playroom, since the My choice: kitchen was downstairs. Problem: The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. My choice: Robert had terrible nerves recently. Problem: Neil told Craig that he has to take care of the child for the day because My choice:
Craig promised to do so.
Is "Sid couldn't convince him." true if "Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't convince him."?
Continue the following story. Lawrence applied airbrush effects to Jeffrey 's photo to cover his imperfections.
Lawrence was very creative..