1 value
4 values
4 values
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Kenneth tried much harder than Lawrence to save the marriage because OPTIONS: - Kenneth was still committed. - Lawrence was still committed. [A]: Kenneth was still committed. QUES: Continue writing. It was more comfortable in the house than on the porch because there was more humidity on the OPTIONS: - porch . - house . +++++++++ ANS: porch . Problem: How does the sentence end? John slept in the smaller bed but Joan slept in the larger because John found the OPTIONS: - larger more comfortable. - smaller more comfortable. Answer: smaller more comfortable. sentence: Emily read out to Katrina exactly what OPTIONS: - Emily thought about them just to let them know. - Katrina thought about them just to let them know. complete: Emily thought about them just to let them know. Jessica always contacted Christine when she needed to talk since OPTIONS: - Jessica was a trusted friend. - Christine was a trusted friend. Christine was a trusted friend. Problem: Continue the following story. Ben wanted to buy either the pulp or no-pulp orange juice, but the OPTIONS: - no-pulp juice was too smooth. - pulp juice was too smooth. Here's how I want to continue it:
no-pulp juice was too smooth.
Write the next sentence. I think it's easier to learn Spanish than Chinese because the Choose your answer from: [a]. Spanish at least uses the same alphabet.. [b]. Chinese at least uses the same alphabet.. Answer:
Continue the following story. the blood poured out of the vain as the veins could not support its pressure, the
veins were too weak.
Complete the following sentence. Justin 's washing machine broke down. He invited Lawrence over to fix it because
Justin was quite ignorant as to how to do it.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The hedgehog came up to Joel, but ran away from Jeffrey because [A]: Jeffrey was a visitor who never gives it treats. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The girl was warned not to touch the pan, but told it was ok to touch the pot, because the [A]: pot had cooled. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya made a delicious homemade chocolate cake for Megan , and [A]:
Megan enjoyed eating it.
Continue writing the following text. Katrina was great at public speaking but Elena was not.
Katrina made a lot of money on the lecture circuit.
Input: Continue writing. My friends tried to drive the car through the alleyway but the OPTIONS: - car was too wide. - alleyway was too wide. Continued: car was too wide. Story needs to be completed: She liked wrapping the scarf around her neck, but avoided the ascot, because the OPTIONS: - ascot made here throat feel silky. - scarf made here throat feel silky. My choice: scarf made here throat feel silky. Problem: Continue the following story. Trying to train a hamster is easy for Joel but not Nick because OPTIONS: - Joel has a lot of patience with animals. - Nick has a lot of patience with animals. Here's how I want to continue it: Joel has a lot of patience with animals. Problem: There was a resonance to Amy's voice that enthralled Sarah, because OPTIONS: - Amy listened to their many beautiful songs. - Sarah listened to their many beautiful songs. My choice: Sarah listened to their many beautiful songs. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Leslie really enjoyed being able to play volleyball but Craig did not because OPTIONS: - Leslie was very sporty. - Craig was very sporty. [A]: Leslie was very sporty. Problem: Ben wanted to avoid cleaning the poop and pee that his dog did. However, he found the OPTIONS: - poop easier to clean because it was dry. - pee easier to clean because it was dry. My choice:
poop easier to clean because it was dry.
Input: Continue writing. Patricia thrived in the humid climate, but Victoria felt like they were under water, so OPTIONS: - Patricia had a greater disdain for the area. - Victoria had a greater disdain for the area. Continued: Victoria had a greater disdain for the area. Input: Continue writing. James didn't consider the perspective from the video, instead only considering the book because the OPTIONS: - book was informative. - video was informative. Continued: book was informative. Input: Continue writing. The new desk Bill purchased for his office would not fit through the doorway, the OPTIONS: - doorway was too wide. - desk was too wide. Continued: desk was too wide. Input: Continue writing. Jane put wallpaper over the faux-finish of the paint in her bathroom. The OPTIONS: - paint was outdated. - wallpaper was outdated. Continued:
paint was outdated.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Amy was better at learning than Carrie, so Pick your answer from: (a). Amy didn't have to worry about failing the test.. (b). Carrie didn't have to worry about failing the test..
QUES: Continue writing. Rachel had always loved dogs but Amy was a cat person, as +++++++++ ANS: Amy was bitten by a dog as a child. QUES: Continue writing. Kenneth was widely regarded as being cute but Steven was not because +++++++++ ANS: Kenneth was attractive. QUES: Continue writing. The woman sewed the blanket better than a mitten because it was harder to sew the +++++++++ ANS: mitten . QUES: Continue writing. Elena had a horrendous coughing fit from the pollen, unlike Tanya , since +++++++++ ANS:
Elena was susceptible to allergies.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Jason knew how to assemble a flat pack chest of drawers but Craig did not as Answer: Craig was very disorganised. Problem: How does the sentence end? Betty had the windows open last night, the wind last night it knocked the blind to the floor. The Answer: wind was strong. Problem: How does the sentence end? Usually they have pork instead of beef for dinner, because they're on a budget and the Answer: beef is the more expensive. Problem: How does the sentence end? The vodka made Karen feel great, although gin doesn't agree with her. She is just a fan of the Answer:
vodka it seems.
How does the sentence end? I told my wife that leather boots would be better in the rain than suede. The
suede boots got soaked, leaving her feet wet.
Write the next sentence. Although Jennifer was more considerate than Lindsey,
Jennifer didn't know how to act in front of children.
Story needs to be completed: The serum Betty was using doesn't work as well as Amy's because OPTIONS: - Betty shopped at a discount store. - Amy shopped at a discount store. My choice: Betty shopped at a discount store. Story needs to be completed: Kyle loves the flavor of apricots but Matthew likes plums better. OPTIONS: - Kyle couldn't wait for apricot season. - Matthew couldn't wait for apricot season. My choice: Kyle couldn't wait for apricot season. Story needs to be completed: The company made a gum using a new type of tree sap and food coloring, but the OPTIONS: - sap came from industrial waste. - coloring came from industrial waste. My choice: coloring came from industrial waste. Story needs to be completed: Monica is very social, Rebecca is not which is probably why the friendships of OPTIONS: - Monica never fade. - Rebecca never fade. My choice:
Monica never fade.
Possible answers: A. home dirty.. B. cleaner dirty.. Complete the following sentence. James used the vacuum cleaner to sweep around the home and it got the
Continue writing the following text. After the wood bridge collapsed in Rome killing right people it was replaced with a metal one, the (A). metal was unstable.. (B). wood was unstable..
Continue the following story. Maddox bought a Swiss army knife but it was too big for his pocket. The
pocket was too small.
sentence: Erin asked Felicia to borrow some of their yeast because complete: Felicia has a lot for making fresh pizza dough. sentence: The libraries at the schools needed new books, but they couldn't get them because the complete: books were too expensive. sentence: The robber decided to steal the diamond and throw away the fake artifact. The complete:
diamond was more valuable.
Question: Matthew measured the inseam on Michael's pants. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Matthew tailored his other pants to match the initial pair. Question: Alex wanted to swim in the ocean instead of in the lake because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- lake is harder to float with its clear water property. Question: The dog breeder decided to feed all of the dogs milk instead of water because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- water was uninteresting to the dogs. Question: It took longer to read the book than the letter because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- book was longer.
Complete the following sentence. Hunter and Ryan both needed to use the bathroom but the latter got there first.
Ryan was relieved.
Continue writing the following text. Jennifer was prepared with a poncho for the rain unlike Katrina, because
Katrina lives in a dry area.
The banker tried to put the money in the envelope but the envelope was too small. I bought a new picture but it wouldn't fit in the frame, because the picture was too heavy. Benjamin was always wearing very elaborate and fashionable makeup but Brian did not because
Brian did not enjoy being stylish.
How does the sentence end? During the school drive Sarah sold more candy than Christine since Options: [a]. Sarah had more experience selling.; [b]. Christine had more experience selling.;
How does the sentence end? We ordered a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham. Jim picked off all of the
pineapple because he is a diabetic.
Write the next sentence. James cannot carry any more of the books, so he decided to carry some diskettes because the + diskettes are heavier.. + books are heavier..
books are heavier.
Continue the following story. Cynthia was worried about the cost of a doctor visit because she didn't have insurance; Felicia offered to cover the cost. Pick from: [+] Cynthia was compassionate. [+] Felicia was compassionate.
Felicia was compassionate.
Complete the following sentence. They wanted that apartment in the city centre but bought a small apartment in the downtown instead, because the A. apartment in the city centre is too expensive.; B. small apartment in the downtown is too expensive.;
QUES: Continue writing. Justin was missing the necessary equipment unlike his neighbor Joseph, so OPTIONS: - Justin was able to loan out a tool for sanding. - Joseph was able to loan out a tool for sanding. +++++++++ ANS: Joseph was able to loan out a tool for sanding. Problem: How does the sentence end? Staying flexible was easier for Amy than Emily because OPTIONS: - Amy hardly did any stretching exercises. - Emily hardly did any stretching exercises. Answer: Emily hardly did any stretching exercises. sentence: I'd rather volunteer my time than my money as I am broke and the OPTIONS: - time is something that does not affect my pocket book . - money is something that does not affect my pocket book . complete: time is something that does not affect my pocket book . Carrie had health insurance coverage while Angela did not, as OPTIONS: - Carrie had a really bad job. - Angela had a really bad job. Angela had a really bad job. Input: Continue writing. Kevin was considered more of a rebel than Dennis because OPTIONS: - Kevin had a problem with authority. - Dennis had a problem with authority. Continued: Kevin had a problem with authority. [Q]: How does the sentence end? They were going shopping for hats instead of going for socks because the OPTIONS: - hats were harder. - socks were harder. [A]:
socks were harder.
Input: Continue writing. Angela came out of the coma after the car accident before Victoria, because Continued: Angela suffered less brain damage. Input: Continue writing. It hurt when the bar was pressing on his chest, but not the beam, because the Continued: bar was heavy. Input: Continue writing. Felicia told Cynthia that effort is rewarded and laziness is not, Continued: Felicia is not a lazy person. Input: Continue writing. The material for the test was less important than the paperwork for the interview, because the Continued:
material was very easy.
Who is they referring to in the following sentence? Groupon lied about their earnings to the stakeholders, but they found out about the deception. Possible answers: A). Groupon; B). the stakeholders;
Continue writing the following text. The new stereo equipment did not fit inside the trunk of Bill's car, the Select from: (a). trunk was too narrow.. (b). equipment was too narrow..
Problem: Continue the following story. William was selling antique dishes and Kenneth was a collector, so OPTIONS: - William bought the dishes. - Kenneth bought the dishes. Here's how I want to continue it: Kenneth bought the dishes. Problem: Continue the following story. The hips of Erin are wider than Katrina, and that's because OPTIONS: - Erin is a smaller person. - Katrina is a smaller person. Here's how I want to continue it: Katrina is a smaller person. Problem: Continue the following story. The worker tried to put the lawnmower inside the garage but the OPTIONS: - garage was too big. - lawnmower was too big. Here's how I want to continue it:
lawnmower was too big.
Write the next sentence. Leslie got a much higher grade on the exam than Dennis because
Leslie spent a long time studying.
Problem: It was more likely for Samuel to have fish for dinner than Robert because OPTIONS: - Samuel did not eat a wide variety of foods. - Robert did not eat a wide variety of foods. My choice: Robert did not eat a wide variety of foods. Problem: Neil decided to advance on Ian because the position of the troops on the field indicated that OPTIONS: - Neil was going to win the war. - Ian was going to win the war. My choice: Neil was going to win the war. Problem: Jen wanted either hot green tea or iced green tea. Since it was 100 degrees, she decided to choose the OPTIONS: - iced green tea as it was hotter. - hot green tea as it was hotter. My choice: hot green tea as it was hotter. Problem: The bank offered to loan Brian some money but not Logan because OPTIONS: - Brian had an untrustworthy credit score. - Logan had an untrustworthy credit score. My choice:
Logan had an untrustworthy credit score.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end To prevent the power from going off, the household had to turn off the dishwasher but kept on the dryer because the Available options: [a]. dishwasher used electricity efficiently. [b]. dryer used electricity efficiently.
Continue the following story. Patricia went to see their therapist, Sarah, because
Sarah was able to help with their problems.
Write the next sentence. Sarah used bug spray and Cynthia did not, so A. Sarah had several insect bites when camping.; B. Cynthia had several insect bites when camping.; Answer:
Story needs to be completed: Emily had to remove Erin from the club, because My choice: Erin was a punk who caused trouble. Story needs to be completed: Mike wanted to make a big meal of food in the small kitchen, he couldn't because the My choice: meal required many pots and pans. Story needs to be completed: The doctor told Michael to reduce his blood sugar intake and not Kenneth, because My choice: Michael blood pressure is high. Story needs to be completed: The greenhouse was a poor choice for these plants, so they were moved to the garden, since the My choice:
garden had ideal conditions for growth.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Kyle caught several fish but Justin did not catch a single one, so OPTIONS: - Kyle was disappointed about how they did on the fishing trip. - Justin was disappointed about how they did on the fishing trip. [A]: Justin was disappointed about how they did on the fishing trip. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The furniture store was having a sale and Patricia went, but Kayla didn't because OPTIONS: - Patricia was out of town. - Kayla was out of town. [A]: Kayla was out of town. [Q]: How does the sentence end? We added garlic to the omelette, but not to the potato, since the OPTIONS: - omelette worked well with the flavor. - potato worked well with the flavor. [A]:
omelette worked well with the flavor.
Choose your story that continues the following story. His parents hated that Ben loved cakes and apples. He decided to cut the Choices: (1). cakes from his diet to be healthy. (2). apples from his diet to be healthy.
Question: If "I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be lighter.", can we conclude that "I took the water bottle out of the backpack so that the water bottle would be lighter."? Answer: no Question: If "Fred was supposed to run the dishwasher, but he put it off, because he wanted to watch TV. But the show turned out to be boring, so he changed his mind and turned it on.", can we conclude that "He changed his mind and turned the TV on."? Answer: no Question: If "We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so it was a dangerous place to swim.", can we conclude that "The lake was a dangerous place to swim."? Answer:
QUES: Continue writing. Hunter pulled off their shoes to show Brett their swollen feet. OPTIONS: - Hunter was in pain. - Brett was in pain. +++++++++ ANS: Hunter was in pain. QUES: Continue writing. No one could eat the meal served at the even and the juice finished in little time because the OPTIONS: - meal is tasteless. - juice is tasteless. +++++++++ ANS: meal is tasteless. QUES: Continue writing. Tanya wanted to exercise to increase stamina but Samantha didn’t because OPTIONS: - Tanya thought it would be very rewarding. - Samantha thought it would be very rewarding. +++++++++ ANS: Tanya thought it would be very rewarding. QUES: Continue writing. I was finely chopping the onions with a chef's knife and not the cleaver because the OPTIONS: - knife was unwieldy. - cleaver was unwieldy. +++++++++ ANS:
cleaver was unwieldy.
Possible answers: (i) bananas were fresh.; (ii) strawberries were fresh.; Complete the following sentence. While at the grocery store, Sarah bought strawberries but did not get bananas. The
Problem: Continue the following story. Justin had to drive Christopher to the dentist, because after the surgery, Here's how I want to continue it: Christopher would be the last person who should drive. Problem: Continue the following story. Ryan but not Steven was open to the makeover because Here's how I want to continue it: Ryan wanted to improve their looks. Problem: Continue the following story. Cindy ate the noodles but preferred the vegetables because the Here's how I want to continue it:
noodles were hard and undercooked.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The jacket James wore could not stop him from getting cold so he used a blanket. The OPTIONS: - jacket is thick. - blanket is thick. Answer: blanket is thick. Problem: How does the sentence end? Bill poured the entire bag of cabbage into the salad bowl until the OPTIONS: - bag was empty. - bowl was empty. Answer: bag was empty. Problem: How does the sentence end? He thought the shots would hurt more than the drops would, but the OPTIONS: - drops didn't sting. - shots didn't sting. Answer: shots didn't sting. Problem: How does the sentence end? The new speed boat Julie purchased for herself would not fit in her garage, the OPTIONS: - garage was too large. - boat was too large. Answer:
boat was too large.
Problem: Hunter had back pain and visited Craig who was a chiropractor, and My choice: Craig made their back feel a bit better afterwards. Problem: I had to embroider the design by hand and not a sewing machine because the My choice: design was too complicated. Problem: The tea Maria makes always tastes better than Cynthia's because My choice: Maria uses organic tea leaves. Problem: His disability kept him from using the facility but he could still go to the meeting room, as the My choice:
room was accessible to his wheelchair.
Complete the following sentence. Craig loved tadpoles while Samuel didn't so
Samuel took the task of cleaning up the car.
sentence: They chose to dye the shirt instead of paint it during the festival, since the OPTIONS: - dye was more vibrant. - paint was more vibrant. complete: dye was more vibrant. sentence: Leslie told Randy about how to become a software engineer because OPTIONS: - Leslie wanted to go to school for it. - Randy wanted to go to school for it. complete: Randy wanted to go to school for it. sentence: I used to have a desktop, but I hated it compared to my laptop, because the OPTIONS: - desktop is portable. - laptop is portable. complete:
laptop is portable.
Continue writing the following text. Although broccoli and steak can both be part of a healthy diet, the (I) broccoli has more antioxidants. (II) steak has more antioxidants.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? He couldn't fit his belongings in the case and had to use a sack instead, since the [A]: case was tiny in volume. [Q]: How does the sentence end? She hated the way her hair looked after using the flat iron because the [A]: iron was hot. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The steaks rotted in the basement, so we moved them to the closet, as the [A]:
basement was the wrong temperature for meat.
QUES: Continue writing. Being a chef would be a perfect job for Lawrence but not Brian because +++++++++ ANS: Brian dislikes cooking. QUES: Continue writing. We decided to go to the diner rather than the restaurant on our date because the +++++++++ ANS: restaurant was farther away. QUES: Continue writing. Donald was much fatter than William was because +++++++++ ANS: Donald liked eating cake way too much. QUES: Continue writing. In an effort to be spontaneous, Randy surprised Christopher with a trip to the Bahamas. +++++++++ ANS:
Randy was very excited to hear the response.
Continue writing the following text. The puppy chased the ball instead of the stick because the
ball had a brighter color.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The children didn't understand the material from the book so the teacher displayed the video because the Answer: video was simple. Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia was caught trespassing on Sarah's house and other property, so Answer: Sarah went to the police. Problem: How does the sentence end? At the grocery store, Chris asked for paper instead of plastic because the Answer: paper is better for the environment. Problem: How does the sentence end? Josh wanted to get rid of his wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes, and he felt the Answer:
dark circles could be helped by getting more sleep.
Story needs to be completed: The case James used to carry the file still got more space in it. I wonder why he chose the OPTIONS: - case that is small. - file that is small. My choice: file that is small. Problem: Continue the following story. Tim wasn't sure if he should fix his brakes or replace his wiper blades. Fixing the OPTIONS: - wiper blades would be more expensive. - brakes would be more expensive. Here's how I want to continue it: brakes would be more expensive. Problem: Tanya made a delicious homemade chocolate cake for Megan , and OPTIONS: - Tanya enjoyed eating it. - Megan enjoyed eating it. My choice: Megan enjoyed eating it. [Q]: How does the sentence end? More care was given to the pelican than was given to the parrot at the animal hospital. The OPTIONS: - pelican was in worse shape. - parrot was in worse shape. [A]: pelican was in worse shape. QUES: Continue writing. The bathroom was a vibrant red but Franklin painted it a royal purple because the OPTIONS: - purple was out of style. - red was out of style. +++++++++ ANS: red was out of style. QUES: Continue writing. Cynthia has a lot of relatives, but Maria has no family, so OPTIONS: - Cynthia goes to visit their friends on Christmas. - Maria goes to visit their friends on Christmas. +++++++++ ANS:
Maria goes to visit their friends on Christmas.
How does the sentence end? The cake tasted better than the pie because the icing on the
cake was sweeter.
Question: Cynthia bought bamboo lawn chairs at the store while Jennifer did not because OPTIONS: - Cynthia didn't have room in their back yard. - Jennifer didn't have room in their back yard. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jennifer didn't have room in their back yard. Question: Emily was a very good cook while Megan was not, so OPTIONS: - Emily decided to take a cooking class. - Megan decided to take a cooking class. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Megan decided to take a cooking class. Question: Kevin decided to use a polish instead of a stain for the wood because the OPTIONS: - stain looked unexciting. - polish looked unexciting. Answer: Continue the sentence -- stain looked unexciting. Question: Mary's apartment had a door in front and a kitchen window in back. When a fire broke out in the kitchen, Mary escaped through the OPTIONS: - door . - window . Answer:
Continue the sentence -- door .
Write the next sentence. The dog ran up to Leslie and away from Lawrence because
Lawrence had soap for the dog to take a bath.
How does the sentence end? People always go to Carrie for the truth that they cannot get from Patricia because OPT: (a). Carrie is truthful.; (b). Patricia is truthful.;
sentence: Monica went to the store, owned by Samantha, to buy a gallon of milk, so complete: Monica bought the milk. sentence: Fatima got her ears pierced with gold earrings rather than silver, because the complete: gold looked expensive. sentence: Sue studied last minute for the test instead of doing homework because the complete:
homework wasn't due.
Question: The offensive photos that showed what happened at the various events had to be removed because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- events were proper. Question: The customer said the chair was golden and not the desk because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- chair was just right. Question: Derrick made a point to clean their ipad, but Joseph never bothered, because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Joseph was careless with their possessions. Question: The sink looked moldy, but the bathtub was sparkling, because John had scoured the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- bathtub .
Continue the following story. Practicing for hours on the piano suited Donald but not Lawrence because
Donald had a desire to play music.
Write the next sentence. After making the payment, Steven paid back some cash to Ian since Pick from: 1). Steven owed them money.; 2). Ian owed them money.;
Continue the following story. Kevin was a very healthy individual compared to Donald, because Available options: A). Kevin went the fitness center monthly.; B). Donald went the fitness center monthly.;
Complete the following sentence. Although Samuel was more of a sneakerhead than Robert,
Samuel overlooked a great pair of Converse.
Complete the following sentence. Erin gave Kayla a scrap of meat from her plate because that was all pick from the following. [1]. Erin wanted.. [2]. Kayla wanted..
Ian took up the hobby of painting and Robert played the guitar, so Robert used a guitar pick every day. The cake was liked by Ryan but not Aaron because Aaron hated the texture of the icing. Carrie bought the picture frame made out of brass instead of the one made out of silver because the one made of the
brass was cheaper.
Input: Continue writing. The air was cleaner in the country than in the city because there was more pollution in the Continued: city . Input: Continue writing. After moving in to her new home, she noticed that the room looked better with another lamp because the Continued: lamp was bright. Input: Continue writing. Christine grabbed a bandage and wrapped Victoria's arm because Continued: Victoria asked her to help stop the bleeding. Input: Continue writing. During the concert, Matthew asked Kenneth for the last smoke because Continued:
Matthew wanted to get high.
Continue writing the following text. Robert wanted to increase his criminal reputation, so he sold cocaine and created a gang, and the Choose your answer from: -- cocaine helped in his crimes.. -- gang helped in his crimes..
gang helped in his crimes.
Continue writing the following text. Franklin recommended that his patient take a foot bath with salt and not soap, because the
soap was very drying.
How does the sentence end? John hated his work this year compared to his job last year, because the
work was horrible.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end It was easier for Jason to speak in public than it was for Kenneth because Select from the following. *Jason was a shy person.; *Kenneth was a shy person.;
Kenneth was a shy person.
Story needs to be completed: She knew the questions on the math test and not the reading test since the My choice: math test was on a longer timer. Story needs to be completed: Joseph has a lot more whiteheads on his face than Joel does because My choice: Joel is past puberty. Story needs to be completed: Mary's apartment had a door in front and a kitchen window in back. When a fire broke out in the entryway, Mary escaped through the My choice: window . Story needs to be completed: I like cutting beef meat more than poultry. With the My choice:
beef meat the head and neck isn't usually still attached.
Write the next sentence. Sarah admired Rachel 's beautiful, colorful hair, so
Sarah borrowed some dye so she could color her own hair.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The doctor wanted to put the blood in the vial but the OPTIONS: - vial was too thick. - blood was too thick. Answer: blood was too thick. sentence: Amy was more unfamiliar with the game than Megan, so OPTIONS: - Amy was the one chosen to play first. - Megan was the one chosen to play first. complete: Megan was the one chosen to play first. The baseboard got damaged under the box that John placed on it. The OPTIONS: - box is very weak. - baseboard is very weak. baseboard is very weak. Input: Continue writing. Jessica applied the serum carefully with a small brush before going over it with a roller, because the OPTIONS: - roller always had to be used first. - brush always had to be used first. Continued: brush always had to be used first. Story needs to be completed: Wanting to stand out, the woman purchased the leggings instead of the tights because the OPTIONS: - leggings were more common. - tights were more common. My choice: tights were more common. Problem: How does the sentence end? The man wanted to put the box in the office but the OPTIONS: - office was too small. - box was too small. Answer:
office was too small.
Katrina had strong opinions about abortion, but Patricia was ambivalent. OPTIONS: - Katrina gave a impassion speech about football. - Patricia gave a impassion speech about football. Patricia gave a impassion speech about football. Kyle made a handmade quilt with a complicated pattern and Kenneth made one with a simple pattern, as OPTIONS: - Kyle was a professional quilter. - Kenneth was a professional quilter. Kyle was a professional quilter. Cynthia made fun of how Lindsey looked, because OPTIONS: - Cynthia put too much stock in positive outward appearances. - Lindsey put too much stock in positive outward appearances.
Cynthia put too much stock in positive outward appearances.
Continue the following story. Winter was upon them and Jennifer was teaching Rebecca how to ski on the snowy slopes.
Rebecca was a ski novice.
Write the next sentence. Following an after school routine was harder for Erin than Amy, because Pick from: (A). Erin struggled with ADHD.. (B). Amy struggled with ADHD.. Answer:
Complete the following sentence. The woman switched from a medicated cream to a gel to treat her acne because the
cream burned her skin.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Hunter showed Brian how to grow rice in his field because OPT: A). Hunter was a very inexperienced farmer.. B). Brian was a very inexperienced farmer..
Problem: Continue the following story. Eric felt very exposed after telling Nick their feelings, so OPTIONS: - Eric was anxious to hear their response. - Nick was anxious to hear their response. Here's how I want to continue it: Eric was anxious to hear their response. Problem: Rebecca just started learning makeup while Rachel was a professional makeup artist, so therefore OPTIONS: - Rebecca was messy with their application. - Rachel was messy with their application. My choice: Rebecca was messy with their application. [Q]: How does the sentence end? It was nice to see Sarah share everything compared to Jennifer, by reason that OPTIONS: - Sarah was greedy. - Jennifer was greedy. [A]: Jennifer was greedy. QUES: Continue writing. Working on the roof suited Amy more than Patricia, because OPTIONS: - Amy had a great fear of heights. - Patricia had a great fear of heights. +++++++++ ANS: Patricia had a great fear of heights. Problem: How does the sentence end? The dog is choking with the leash tied to his neck. The OPTIONS: - leash is very tight. - neck is very tight. Answer: leash is very tight. sentence: Hi grandparents moved out of the house and into the condominium, as by this time the OPTIONS: - house was expensive for them. - condominium was expensive for them. complete:
house was expensive for them.
Input: Continue writing. The wall was built to safeguard the house from waves, as the OPTIONS: - wall was resilient against them. - house was resilient against them. Continued: wall was resilient against them. Input: Continue writing. Benjamin prepared a list for Dennis to bring to the grocery store since OPTIONS: - Benjamin had to work that weekend. - Dennis had to work that weekend. Continued: Benjamin had to work that weekend. Input: Continue writing. Leslie gave Ryan a big box of stuffed toys as a donation after OPTIONS: - Leslie 's child outgrew them. - Ryan 's child outgrew them. Continued: Leslie 's child outgrew them. Input: Continue writing. The workout routine was beneficial to Donald but not Samuel because OPTIONS: - Donald was developing huge muscles. - Samuel was developing huge muscles. Continued:
Donald was developing huge muscles.
Problem: Continue the following story. Bob preferred to read his full credit report instead of just the summary since the Here's how I want to continue it: report was exhaustive with details. Problem: Continue the following story. Benjamin explained to Kevin how he was going to start his own business. Here's how I want to continue it: Benjamin was brave. Problem: Continue the following story. Derrick studied very hard in grad school but Hunter didn't, so Here's how I want to continue it:
Derrick passed their exams with top marks.
sentence: Paul served the chocolate milk in a glass instead of the plastic cup, because the OPTIONS: - cup was unbroken. - glass was unbroken. complete: glass was unbroken. The medication failed to treat the disease and doctors were in a panic because the OPTIONS: - disease was resistant. - medication was resistant. disease was resistant. Input: Continue writing. The hair cream was able to work with her dry, thick hair because the OPTIONS: - cream felt hydrated. - hair felt hydrated. Continued: hair felt hydrated. Story needs to be completed: Bill poured the entire bowl of cheese snack into his mouth until the OPTIONS: - mouth was full. - bowl was full. My choice: mouth was full. Problem: Continue the following story. Charlotte had to take her laughing child out of the playhouse because the OPTIONS: - laugh was very quiet. - playhouse was very quiet. Here's how I want to continue it: playhouse was very quiet. He preferred using vinegar rather than oil in the solution, because the OPTIONS: - oil made it unappealing. - vinegar made it unappealing.
oil made it unappealing.
Options are: a). Angela couldn't get them to stop being rebellious.; b). Natalie couldn't get them to stop being rebellious.; Complete the following sentence. Angela was always trying to push traditional values onto Natalie, but
Continue writing the following text. Monica went on a date with their spouse while Carrie watched the children because
Monica paid for the service.
Problem: For the party. the vodka was kept in the freezer as the OPTIONS: - vodka would accommodate it. - freezer would accommodate it. My choice: freezer would accommodate it. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The diaper was better than using the cloth because the OPTIONS: - diaper soaked up less liquid. - cloth soaked up less liquid. [A]: cloth soaked up less liquid. QUES: Continue writing. Kim wanted to be healthy while eating vegetables but also candy so the amount of OPTIONS: - vegetables she ate was tiny. - candy she ate was tiny. +++++++++ ANS: candy she ate was tiny. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lawrence applied airbrush effects to Jeffrey 's photo to cover his imperfections. OPTIONS: - Lawrence was very creative.. - Jeffrey was very creative.. Answer: Lawrence was very creative.. sentence: Brett sold their favorite action figure to Ryan, because OPTIONS: - Brett wanted to increase their bank account. - Ryan wanted to increase their bank account. complete: Brett wanted to increase their bank account. Input: Continue writing. The little boy tried to store his pet gecko in the cage but the OPTIONS: - gecko was too large. - cage was too large. Continued:
gecko was too large.
How does the sentence end? Maintaining the statue to be in a pristine state was more difficult than the sidewalk since the
sidewalk was rather clean.
Christopher broke his foot and expected Hunter to take care of him since OPTIONS: - Christopher is demanding. - Hunter is demanding. Christopher is demanding. Input: Continue writing. Katrina is being bullied and asks Patricia for her protection, because OPTIONS: - Katrina is bulky and huge. - Patricia is bulky and huge. Continued: Patricia is bulky and huge. Story needs to be completed: Elena brought up the subject of real estate to Katrina because OPTIONS: - Elena was interested in selling a house. - Katrina was interested in selling a house. My choice: Elena was interested in selling a house. Problem: Continue the following story. Our beer was homemade, but we bought wine at the store, since the OPTIONS: - beer is easy to make. - wine is easy to make. Here's how I want to continue it: beer is easy to make. Problem: Jessica gave Victoria advice on nursing a child because OPTIONS: - Jessica was usually the one to give advice. - Victoria was usually the one to give advice. My choice: Jessica was usually the one to give advice. Story needs to be completed: Upon returning from the dentist, Mary informed Maria that fluoride treatments were recommended for her cavities, and OPTIONS: - Mary requested extra money for them. - Maria requested extra money for them. My choice:
Mary requested extra money for them.
Continue writing the following text. Brett had always wanted to have a career but Lawrence wanted to be a homemaker. [A]. Brett went to college.. [B]. Lawrence went to college..
Problem: The mother put away the stuffed clown and gave the boy the teddybear because the My choice: teddybear was soothing. Problem: Even with the money, the child was only able to afford the sandwich and not the salad because the My choice: salad was overpriced. Problem: Christopher is sleeping at Kyle's house so he wants to make a sofa slipcover, so My choice: Kyle wants him to be comfortable. Problem: Mary took out a tattered blind and placed a curtain on her window because the My choice:
curtain is beautiful.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? She wanted to learn to play the bongos when she was at the beach hut, but nobody nearby knew how in the [A]: beach hut . [Q]: How does the sentence end? Neil speaks a Québécois dialect of French, while Kenneth's is more Parisian, so [A]: Neil would be more at home speaking his dialect to people from Montreal. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Erin has a lot of dry skin on their arms and legs and Angela does not, because [A]:
Angela has been using lotion to keep their skin soft.
How does the sentence end? Maria had a lot less friends than Tanya because OPTIONS: -- Maria had always been an outgoing person.; -- Tanya had always been an outgoing person.;
Tanya had always been an outgoing person.
Write the next sentence. Christopher headed over to Lawrence's house to borrow their drill since
Lawrence is loaning it out.
Continue the following story. Amy was much more beautiful than Rebecca, so
Rebecca started to worry about finding a husband.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Hunter is new to fishing and wants to learn how to catch a perch so he asks Randy for an advice, because OPTIONS: - Hunter is experienced. - Randy is experienced. [A]: Randy is experienced. QUES: Continue writing. Carrie was more knowledgable about music than Felicia because OPTIONS: - Carrie studied music theory in school. - Felicia studied music theory in school. +++++++++ ANS: Carrie studied music theory in school. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kevin was making Jason dinner for a special occasion, because OPTIONS: - Kevin was a terrible cook. - Jason was a terrible cook. Answer: Jason was a terrible cook. sentence: When it came to money, Lawrence sought advice from Neil , as OPTIONS: - Lawrence was adept with cash. - Neil was adept with cash. complete: Neil was adept with cash. His reasons helped me understand the tasks a lot better than before, because the OPTIONS: - reasons were confusing. - tasks were confusing. tasks were confusing. Problem: Continue the following story. I was set to prune the peach trees, the shears broke and had to because the OPTIONS: - tree was too tough. - shears was too tough. Here's how I want to continue it:
tree was too tough.
Complete the following sentence. Emily wanted to sell vodka and Christine wanted to sell sandwiches,
Christine needed to obtain a food safety license.
Write the next sentence. Derrick made some ramen noodles for lunch while Logan had a salad, Options: +Derrick felt healthy.. +Logan felt healthy..
Logan felt healthy.
Continue writing the following text. John was not able to assemble the bed, but could easily assemble the dresser because the
dresser came with clear instructions.
Story needs to be completed: Carrie asked to hold and pet the rabbit but Cynthia just watched because OPTIONS: - Carrie disliked rabbits. - Cynthia disliked rabbits. My choice: Cynthia disliked rabbits. Story needs to be completed: The team left the field and headed for the gym, as the OPTIONS: - field was a bad environment for their sport. - gym was a bad environment for their sport. My choice: field was a bad environment for their sport. Story needs to be completed: Laura was constantly bothering Lindsey and annoying them, so OPTIONS: - Laura called them out on this behavior. - Lindsey called them out on this behavior. My choice: Lindsey called them out on this behavior. Story needs to be completed: Mary was constantly making mistakes at work but Lindsey was not because OPTIONS: - Mary was careful and responsible. - Lindsey was careful and responsible. My choice:
Lindsey was careful and responsible.
Continue the following story. the blood poured out of the vain as the veins could not support its pressure, the - pressure were too weak.; - veins were too weak.;
veins were too weak.