1 value
4 values
4 values
sentence: Kenneth had a more difficult time climbing on the elephants back than Benjamin, because OPTIONS: - Kenneth was clumsy. - Benjamin was clumsy. complete: Kenneth was clumsy. Patricia wanted to massage her partner while Natalie want to massage her arm. OPTIONS: - Patricia massaged her partner. - Natalie massaged her partner. Patricia massaged her partner. Input: Continue writing. Jane decided to eat a salad instead of a sandwich because the OPTIONS: - salad had more calories and she was trying to diet. - sandwich had more calories and she was trying to diet. Continued: sandwich had more calories and she was trying to diet. Story needs to be completed: The speedy Ian could easily beat Benjamin in a race, and OPTIONS: - Ian trailed them by at least a foot length. - Benjamin trailed them by at least a foot length. My choice: Benjamin trailed them by at least a foot length. Problem: Continue the following story. i had to abandon pleasure to seek inner peace after my divorce, the OPTIONS: - pleasure was destructive. - peace was destructive. Here's how I want to continue it: pleasure was destructive. The husband liked living in an urban area more than a suburban area. The OPTIONS: - urban was more boring. - suburban was more boring.
suburban was more boring.
Problem: Christopher prefers leather boots for work while Neil likes to wear synthetic boots. OPTIONS: - Christopher likes artificial materials. - Neil likes artificial materials. My choice: Neil likes artificial materials. [Q]: How does the sentence end? When they were out drinking on a Friday night, Rachel was not trying to attract a man while Felicia was, because OPTIONS: - Rachel was single and looking for a boyfriend. - Felicia was single and looking for a boyfriend. [A]: Felicia was single and looking for a boyfriend. QUES: Continue writing. Rachel preferred almond milk and Betty liked dairy milk better, because OPTIONS: - Rachel was allergic to lactose. - Betty was allergic to lactose. +++++++++ ANS: Rachel was allergic to lactose. Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph admired the fashion sense of Michael , so OPTIONS: - Joseph offered advice on where to get a new outfit . - Michael offered advice on where to get a new outfit . Answer: Michael offered advice on where to get a new outfit . sentence: Monica wanted to buy a dishwasher while Jessica preferred buying a new fridge. OPTIONS: - Monica never had to wash the dishes. - Jessica never had to wash the dishes. complete: Jessica never had to wash the dishes. Input: Continue writing. Michael had a clean aquarium full of fish that Brett wanted for himself, but OPTIONS: - Michael never kept his tank as clean to keep his fish healthy and alive. - Brett never kept his tank as clean to keep his fish healthy and alive. Continued:
Brett never kept his tank as clean to keep his fish healthy and alive.
Input: Continue writing. Brett cracked his skull very hard during the accident unlike Eric because Continued: Eric was protected. Input: Continue writing. The car was quick when it used electricity instead of gasoline, because it was made to run on the Continued: electricity more efficiently. Input: Continue writing. Jason's beautiful gardenias beat out Christopher's at the state fair, because Continued: Jason had applied extra fertilizer to their garden. Input: Continue writing. Jennifer is cooking dinner for Monica and has to choose edible flowers, because Continued:
Jennifer wants to impress her.
Continue the following story. A cough rose from Chad's lungs because the
lung was afflicted by the serious sickness.
Carrie had a more bubbly personality than Emily so OPTIONS: - Carrie found it easy to get a new boyfriend. - Emily found it easy to get a new boyfriend. Carrie found it easy to get a new boyfriend. Input: Continue writing. The singer had to replace the microphone in preparation for the event but kept the speaker because the OPTIONS: - microphone was broken. - speaker was broken. Continued: microphone was broken. Story needs to be completed: Erin only ate kielbasa made from pork and not from chicken because the OPTIONS: - pork was sourced in a cruel way. - chicken was sourced in a cruel way. My choice: chicken was sourced in a cruel way. Problem: Continue the following story. My back hurt more than my stomach did because my breasts weren't supported by the OPTIONS: - back . - stomach . Here's how I want to continue it: stomach . Problem: The actors did not perform well in the play, but were stellar in the movie. They had more time to practice for the OPTIONS: - play . - movie . My choice: movie . Story needs to be completed: To keep it an elegant affair, the event organizers forbade hats but allowed scarfs, as the OPTIONS: - hats were perceived as presentable. - scarfs were perceived as presentable. My choice:
scarfs were perceived as presentable.
Complete the following sentence. Johnathan wanted to treat his blisters on his legs, so he used some ointment and aspirin, but the
ointment made his skin itch.
Story needs to be completed: Mary missed many more days at work than Angela because My choice: Mary suffered from physical exhaustion. Story needs to be completed: Hunter bought an expensive watch but not William because My choice: William worked few hours at work. Story needs to be completed: The flowers in the garden of Jason were prettier than Kyle's because My choice: Kyle put very little effort into tending the garden. Story needs to be completed: Derrick exercises a lot and eats healthy while Brian has a sedentary life, My choice:
Derrick enjoys a good health.
Continue writing the following text. Craig wanted to sell consumer goods for a career, Leslie did not because
Craig was outgoing.
How does the sentence end? Tanya always showed more respect for authority than Emily so
Tanya rarely got in trouble.
Write the next sentence. The new pet that I bought at the store didn't fit in the cage because the
cage was too small.
Continue writing the following text. John preferred to enter a chess competition to a baseball game because the +chess competition was more physical.. +baseball game was more physical..
baseball game was more physical.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Hunter broke and then fixed Dennis's old stove because OPTIONS: - Hunter felt mad about it breaking. - Dennis felt mad about it breaking. [A]: Dennis felt mad about it breaking. QUES: Continue writing. Brian was looking forward to having kids, but Hunter was not, because OPTIONS: - Brian had never wanted to be a parent. - Hunter had never wanted to be a parent. +++++++++ ANS: Hunter had never wanted to be a parent. Problem: How does the sentence end? Laura needed their wisdom teeth removed and Mary drove them home after, which means OPTIONS: - Laura was helpful. - Mary was helpful. Answer: Mary was helpful. sentence: In general, Emily's life was better than the life Christine lived since OPTIONS: - Emily was nice to everyone. - Christine was nice to everyone. complete: Emily was nice to everyone. The hammer was made of gentler material than the sword, so the OPTIONS: - hammer caused more pain when used as a weapon. - sword caused more pain when used as a weapon. sword caused more pain when used as a weapon. Problem: Continue the following story. Joel was going through puberty sooner than Hunter because OPTIONS: - Joel had hit his growth spurt later. - Hunter had hit his growth spurt later. Here's how I want to continue it:
Hunter had hit his growth spurt later.
Continue the following story. The disabled person had to use the walking stick instead of the wheelchair this time because the
wheelchair was broken.
Problem: Continue the following story. Kat liked to go swim at the pool instead of at the lake because the OPTIONS: - pool was clear. - lake was clear. Here's how I want to continue it: pool was clear. Problem: Continue the following story. The man had no problem fitting the sleeping bag in the trunk because the OPTIONS: - sleeping bag was roomy. - trunk was roomy. Here's how I want to continue it: trunk was roomy. Problem: Continue the following story. Kevin hogged all the food from Kenneth and OPTIONS: - Kevin ended up very hungry in the end. - Kenneth ended up very hungry in the end. Here's how I want to continue it:
Kenneth ended up very hungry in the end.
Complete the following sentence. They tried to fit the new train into the station but the
train was too large.
Problem: Continue the following story. Dennis was more skilled at unclogging toilets than Eric, because Here's how I want to continue it: Eric didn't know how to use the plunger. Problem: Continue the following story. Maria would often yell at Erin to get their clothes off the the floor. Here's how I want to continue it: Erin was a bit of a slop. Problem: Continue the following story. Lindsey was more excited than Laura about having a gender reveal party for the baby. Here's how I want to continue it:
Lindsey thought they were adorable.
Problem: Moving to a different state is harder for Aaron than Neil because My choice: Neil did not get a new job somewhere else. Problem: Teaching computer skills was fun for Jeffrey but frustrating for Nelson, since My choice: Nelson was very bad at explaining new things to students. Problem: Because Laura had a lower paying job than Amy, My choice: Amy was able to buy a larger boat. Problem: Amy was more unfamiliar with the game than Megan, so My choice:
Megan was the one chosen to play first.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The kitchen table was built by Tanya for the home of Kayla, so [A]: Kayla is a client. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Benjamin was able to complete the typing exercise faster than Dennis, because [A]: Dennis had little experience. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The carpenter used the nails on the walls and not on the doors, because the [A]:
doors were wobbly with them.
Input: Continue writing. Elena told Angela to take the dog for a walk but OPTIONS: - Elena did not want to. - Angela did not want to. Continued: Angela did not want to. Story needs to be completed: The man tried to write down his memory on a piece of paper but the OPTIONS: - memory was too small. - paper was too small. My choice: paper was too small. Problem: Continue the following story. The church had to reject the new law because the OPTIONS: - church wanted to remain unregulated. - law wanted to remain unregulated. Here's how I want to continue it: church wanted to remain unregulated. Problem: Justin asked Steven if they had bought fish when they were at the grocery store because OPTIONS: - Justin could not remember. - Steven could not remember. My choice: Justin could not remember. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I poured the brown gravy from the pot into serving dish until the OPTIONS: - pot was empty. - dish was empty. [A]: pot was empty. Problem: He wished he'd brought the brown shoes instead of the black shoes because the OPTIONS: - black shoes were supremely comfortable. - brown shoes were supremely comfortable. My choice:
brown shoes were supremely comfortable.
Continue writing the following text. I wanted to take my sports car to my soccer game but my gear wouldn't fit in the trunk, the
gear was too big.
Problem: He preferred to study with pictures rather than words. Between a movie or a book, he chose the OPTIONS: - movie as a learning device. - book as a learning device. My choice: movie as a learning device. Problem: Laura got Elena to model for pictures with them, and OPTIONS: - Laura thought that she was a great model. - Elena thought that she was a great model. My choice: Laura thought that she was a great model. Problem: Patricia had to ask Natalie for help with foundation because OPTIONS: - Patricia was horrible at doing makeup. - Natalie was horrible at doing makeup. My choice: Patricia was horrible at doing makeup. Problem: When I have a problem with someone, I prefer having an in person conversation and not emailing them because the OPTIONS: - conversation is usually unclear. - email is usually unclear. My choice:
email is usually unclear.
QUES: Continue writing. Betty had a beautiful smile while Amy was repulsive, because +++++++++ ANS: Betty had such beautiful teeth . QUES: Continue writing. Jill sterilized the bottles using the dishwasher instead of the sink because the water was too cold using the +++++++++ ANS: sink . QUES: Continue writing. Sam heard piano clearly but not the flute because the +++++++++ ANS: piano was played closer to him. QUES: Continue writing. The dirty steamer wouldn't fit all the way in the kitchen sink, because the +++++++++ ANS:
steamer was much wider than it.
How does the sentence end? Brett sold their favorite action figure to Ryan, because
Brett wanted to increase their bank account.
How does the sentence end? The track had a bad surface for the sprints, but was ideal for the marathons. It's conditions were accommodating for the Available options: (A). sprints . (B). marathons .
Write the next sentence. The woman wanted to grow potatoes in her gardens but the
potatoes were too large.
Write the next sentence. Joel confided in Kevin about many things because he had a court date coming up. Choices: (i). Joel was his client. (ii). Kevin was his client.
Continue the following story. Tanya had been collecting art for much longer that Jessica, so Pick your answer from: (A). Tanya knew collection was less valuable. (B). Jessica knew collection was less valuable.
Continue the following story. Christine is very creative and clever but Sarah isn't.
Sarah has been unable to patent any of their ideas.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Laura is uncomfortable with the idea of Katrina being her therapist, but OPTIONS: - Laura convinces her to keep the appointment. - Katrina convinces her to keep the appointment. [A]: Katrina convinces her to keep the appointment. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Instead of listening to the radio, Michelle broke the quiet of the room by watching television. The OPTIONS: - radio worked well. - television worked well. [A]: television worked well. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The products didn't work for Carrie, but they did for Angela because OPTIONS: - Carrie thought they were the right size. - Angela thought they were the right size. [A]:
Angela thought they were the right size.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Alex tossed the ball to Jeff but he had to carry the bat because the Answer: bat was heavy. Problem: How does the sentence end? Cora had a urinary tract infection, so her doctor told her to drink cranberry juice and avoid tea, but she couldn't stop drinking a lot of the Answer: tea . Problem: How does the sentence end? The new employee wanted to ride the bus to his new job but the Answer: bus was too slow. Problem: How does the sentence end? The instructor told me that Dennis was able to swim well and Kyle was not, due to Answer:
Kyle living far from water.
sentence: James with new cloth sat on a dusty chair and he eventually got the complete: chair clean. sentence: It was Lawrence's job to oversee all of Neil's emails, because complete: Neil often felt like they were violated. sentence: When Kayla decided to become an attorney, Patricia thought she would do great. complete:
Patricia was supportive.
Question: Not all students got bags to carry their balls because there were more of the Answer: Continue the sentence -- balls available. Question: Cara wanted to open a new bank account, but they ran a credit report and she was denied because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- bank was strict. Question: The nurse helped the man into the chair instead of the bed because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- bed was higher off the ground. Question: Jason loves to go to a big wedding but Derrick does not. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Jason watched the Royal wedding on tv.
The government wanted to issue weapons to the US border patrol, since they need them to patrol effectively. Based on this sentence, who is they?
the US border patrol
Complete the following sentence. Brett told Aaron not to put the laundry in the dryer because
Aaron never does it right.
Felicia just cheated on Sarah but Sarah wasn't feeling happy in their current romantic relationship. Jessica was able to stay dry in the rainstorm but Erin could not because Erin had forgotten her umbrella. Brian went through a lot more tissue last week than Michael because
Brian was very sick.
Input: Continue writing. Joel had a lot of plants in his house unlike Kevin, because Continued: Kevin hated to wake up and water them. Input: Continue writing. Divorce was probably the best option for Felicia but not for Erin because Continued: Felicia was in a miserable marriage. Input: Continue writing. The milk gets colder when mixed with the water in the cup because the Continued: milk is hot. Input: Continue writing. Erin's hands were always cold compared to Elena's in the winter since Continued:
Erin has fingerless gloves.
Story needs to be completed: Given the size of the belly when a woman is pregnant she may have a hard time driving a car as the My choice: belly will be bulky. Story needs to be completed: James could not afford to buy a cam because he has no more money in his wallet for the price on it. The My choice: price is high. Story needs to be completed: After Michael lost the debate against Nelson, the judges congratulated My choice: Nelson on the excellent arguments. Story needs to be completed: The window of Kyle was always clean compared to the window of Donald because My choice:
Kyle was tidy.
Problem: Continue the following story. He framed his diploma with wood instead of metal, because he felt the Here's how I want to continue it: metal was more pedestrian. Problem: Continue the following story. My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because the Here's how I want to continue it: hammer was the right tool for the job. Problem: Continue the following story. William liked to keep the house clean, but Robert was filthy, so Here's how I want to continue it:
William was always wiping things up.
Q: . The sculpture rolled off the shelf because *it* wasn't anchored. Do "it" and "The sculpture" mean the same thing? A: yes Q: . Ann asked Mary what time the library closes, but *she* had forgotten. Do "she" and "Mary" mean the same thing? A: yes Q: . Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved *his* bishop. Do "his" and "Ralph" mean the same thing? A:
Who is it in the following sentence? The elephant trampled a fish and it continued on its way.
The elephant
QUES: Continue writing. The principal at the school ordered the dirty carpet in the auditorium replaced with hardwood, the OPTIONS: - carpet was new. - hardwood was new. +++++++++ ANS: hardwood was new. QUES: Continue writing. The skill needed to complete the task was to hard for Christopher but not Dennis because OPTIONS: - Christopher was coordinated. - Dennis was coordinated. +++++++++ ANS: Dennis was coordinated. QUES: Continue writing. He found it more relaxing at the beach than at the spa, since the OPTIONS: - beach was devoid of most people. - spa was devoid of most people. +++++++++ ANS: beach was devoid of most people. QUES: Continue writing. The cook never used a knife when he could use a fork, because the OPTIONS: - knife always got worn out easily. - fork always got worn out easily. +++++++++ ANS:
knife always got worn out easily.
Complete the following sentence. Kyle was upset when the class hamster died but Jeffrey wasn't, so Available choices: * Kyle didn't need to be consoled by the teacher.. * Jeffrey didn't need to be consoled by the teacher..
Jeffrey didn't need to be consoled by the teacher.
Continue writing the following text. Working on xlab research hits on mechanical turk was easier for Kyle than Kevin because
Kevin did not have a lively imagination.
How does the sentence end? The floor was easier to take care of than the wall. The
floor is so clean.
Continue writing the following text. James breath blew the dust off the wall and it got into Brian's eye. The Possible answers: +breath is light.. +dust is light..
dust is light.
Problem: Laura thrived in the sunlight, but Amy preferred the dark, so My choice: Amy tended to stay inside during the day. Problem: Benjamin hired Brett to restring and tune his new guitar because My choice: Benjamin didn't know how to. Problem: At the restaurant Eric ordered seafood fried rice while Kenneth ordered a chicken salad as My choice: Eric loves crabs. Problem: Adam was able to get a raise while Nelson was not because My choice:
Nelson was more timid when talking to the boss.
Write the next sentence. Erin was able to install the computer software themselves, but Kayla failed to do so, because
Erin was a computer expert.
Continue the following story. The store sold lots of simple rings but only a few elaborate necklaces, probably because the
rings were cheaper.
Complete the following sentence. The man drank more coffee than he did water because he got a headache when he didn't have
coffee .
QUES: Continue writing. In the morning, Jennifer was given a large breakfast cooked by Angela, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was starving. - Angela was starving. +++++++++ ANS: Jennifer was starving. Problem: How does the sentence end? So OPTIONS: - Michael threw the yarn at the cat because Michael knew it wanted to play, while Neil just watched on. - Neil threw the yarn at the cat because Michael knew it wanted to play, while Neil just watched on. Answer: Michael threw the yarn at the cat because Michael knew it wanted to play, while Neil just watched on. sentence: The teacher preferred sitting in a chair rather than a stool because the OPTIONS: - chair was comfortable. - stool was comfortable. complete: chair was comfortable. There were more flies around the garbage than near the flowers because the OPTIONS: - flowers smelled good. - garbage smelled good. flowers smelled good. Input: Continue writing. Paint was applied to the scooter, but not the car. The OPTIONS: - scooter had recently been in an accident. - car had recently been in an accident. Continued: scooter had recently been in an accident. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Being colorblind, Laura couldn't see the same spectrum as Jessica so OPTIONS: - Laura had to complete the task. - Jessica had to complete the task. [A]:
Jessica had to complete the task.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Cynthia owned an African Grey Parrot, while Jennifer owned a cat, because [A]: Cynthia was allergic to fur. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Leslie adopted their pet dog from Craig at the shelter because [A]: Leslie was a customer. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Mary had more oily hair than Victoria although the scalp of [A]:
Mary was much drier.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The new brush broke a lot quicker than the old comb, because the Choices: (I) brush was not as strong.. (II) comb was not as strong..
QUES: Continue writing. I tried to repackage the paint in a new tub, but it didn't fit because the +++++++++ ANS: paint was to much. QUES: Continue writing. I always sit in the hammock and not the chair on vacation because the +++++++++ ANS: hammock is more comfortable. QUES: Continue writing. Eric didn't sleep well the night before, but Jeffrey slept peacefully. The next day, +++++++++ ANS: Eric was tired at work. QUES: Continue writing. As a witness to the crime, James chose anonymity at the court hearing instead of recognition, because the +++++++++ ANS:
recognition made him feel uneasy.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Billy had to take the exam using only his crayon instead of his pencil because the OPTIONS: - crayon was new. - pencil was new. Answer: crayon was new. Problem: How does the sentence end? Megan's personality is more friendly and kind, while Laura is mean, so OPTIONS: - Megan is probably more outgoing. - Laura is probably more outgoing. Answer: Megan is probably more outgoing. Problem: How does the sentence end? Tina took her boyfriend to eat at a steakhouse instead of a burger joint because the OPTIONS: - burger joint was nice. - steakhouse was nice. Answer: steakhouse was nice. Problem: How does the sentence end? Neil liked a bath but Christopher liked a shower. OPTIONS: - Neil was pleased to see their partner had a hot bath waiting for them. - Christopher was pleased to see their partner had a hot bath waiting for them. Answer:
Neil was pleased to see their partner had a hot bath waiting for them.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Lindsey asks Maria for an advice on how to manage a money, because Answer: Maria manages it well. Problem: How does the sentence end? Matthew was almost always in front of Dennis because Answer: Matthew was a far more experienced horse rider. Problem: How does the sentence end? Laura gave a class on drawing to a group including Kayla even though Answer: Kayla knew how to draw. Problem: How does the sentence end? The desktop worked better sitting on the couch than it did sitting on the pillow, because the Answer:
couch generated little heat.
sentence: The chemo that Sarah had failed, while Monica's was able to work, so OPTIONS: - Sarah ends up dying. - Monica ends up dying. complete: Sarah ends up dying. sentence: He tried to put the new notepad into his locker, but it wouldn't fit because the OPTIONS: - notepad was too wide. - locker was too wide. complete: notepad was too wide. sentence: The meeting won't provide food for the working crowd, because the OPTIONS: - crowd is too widespread. - food is too widespread. complete:
crowd is too widespread.
Write the next sentence. I ate cereal from the bowl that went to my stomach. That made the A). bowl emptier.; B). stomach emptier.; Answer:
Choose your story that continues the following story. Amy is surprising Jessica with a gemstone for her birthday so OPTIONS: (i) Amy has a surprised look on their face. (ii) Jessica has a surprised look on their face.
Continue writing the following text. The model couldn't be used in comparison to the actual ship because the
model was disproportionate.
Options: a). oak was more useful. b). maple was more useful. Complete the following sentence. Of all the types of wood Julian preferred oak the most and disliked maple because the
How does the sentence end? Jason collected a bunch of furniture from Lawrence's house, because
Jason was furnishing their living room.
Which entity is he this sentence? Kurt flew in Alex's plane, and he thanked him.
Continue writing the following text. The negotiator made a deal for the salary, but the benefits package is still under negotiation. The Pick from: *salary was complex to bargain for. *benefits package was complex to bargain for.
benefits package was complex to bargain for.
Write the next sentence. Going to concerts is way more fun for Amy than Tanya because
Amy loves being around other people.
Continue the following story. The flight was delayed for Jeffrey but not for Joseph because
Joseph was going to Detroit where the weather was clear.
How does the sentence end? For the party. the vodka was kept in the freezer as the pick from the following. - vodka would accommodate it. - freezer would accommodate it.
freezer would accommodate it.
Complete the following sentence. Kevin worried about his spouse Craig coming home late at night even though he was just working so
Kevin was paranoid.
Write the next sentence. Joel has recently bought a duck and doesn't know its sex so he asks Donald for help, because Select from: 1). Joel is duck expert.; 2). Donald is duck expert.;
Story needs to be completed: Aaron asked Derrick when the college bookstore closed on Friday because OPTIONS: - Aaron needed to know. - Derrick needed to know. My choice: Aaron needed to know. Problem: Continue the following story. Most people would choose a pet dog over a lizard because a pet OPTIONS: - dog is boring. - lizard is boring. Here's how I want to continue it: lizard is boring. Problem: To shave his head, Bob asked that scissors be used instead of razors because his skin was more forgiving of the OPTIONS: - razors . - scissors . My choice: scissors . [Q]: How does the sentence end? The teacher took students off of the playground and put them on the bus until the OPTIONS: - playground was full. - bus was full. [A]: bus was full. QUES: Continue writing. I enjoyed sleeping on the couch more than the bed because the OPTIONS: - couch was softer. - bed was softer. +++++++++ ANS: couch was softer. QUES: Continue writing. The big football game was coming up and we needed tickets and a way to the stadium and we were able to get the OPTIONS: - tickets . - stadium . +++++++++ ANS:
tickets .
Continue writing the following text. We paid more for the trip to the mountains than the trip to the beach because we stayed at the
beach a shorter time.
Question: The case was supposed to fit the firearm, but it didn't because the OPTIONS: - case was too short. - firearm was too short. Answer: Continue the sentence -- case was too short. Question: Kevin was very much disgusted by wine unlike Joel, because OPTIONS: - Kevin grew up in wine country. - Joel grew up in wine country. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Joel grew up in wine country. Question: Christine needed help from Erin to make a sofa cover because OPTIONS: - Christine owned a sewing machine. - Erin owned a sewing machine. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Erin owned a sewing machine. Question: The paste applied on the brush could not cover it all. The OPTIONS: - paste is big. - brush is big. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- brush is big.
Continue the following story. The singer had to replace the microphone in preparation for the event but kept the speaker because the pick from the following. (I). microphone was broken.. (II). speaker was broken..
Nick received a electric toothbrush from Eric and OPTIONS: - Nick decided to buy one for themselves. - Eric decided to buy one for themselves. Eric decided to buy one for themselves. Maria had bad eyes and needed glasses but Katrina did not. OPTIONS: - Maria went to the ophthalmologist. - Katrina went to the ophthalmologist. Maria went to the ophthalmologist. Steven helped Hunter to develop a training regimen, because OPTIONS: - Steven was more inexperienced in the skill. - Hunter was more inexperienced in the skill.
Hunter was more inexperienced in the skill.
How does the sentence end? I used a smoker to cook the meat instead of the oven. On the
smoker it's faster.
Problem: How does the sentence end? She could treat the acne or the break, but the OPTIONS: - break would require less time to heal and was less expensive. - acne would require less time to heal and was less expensive. Answer: acne would require less time to heal and was less expensive. sentence: The signed book belonged to Brett and not to Justin , but OPTIONS: - Brett liked the author more. - Justin liked the author more. complete: Justin liked the author more. I decided to use the cabbage instead of the lettuce in my salad since the OPTIONS: - cabbage is tastier to me. - lettuce is tastier to me. cabbage is tastier to me. Input: Continue writing. Donald loved eating oysters, but Steven was a vegetarian. OPTIONS: - Donald ordered a plate of seafood. - Steven ordered a plate of seafood. Continued: Donald ordered a plate of seafood. Story needs to be completed: The doctor had to give the old patient steroids instead of the hormones because the OPTIONS: - steroids were not working. - hormones were not working. My choice: hormones were not working. Problem: How does the sentence end? Carrie was a harder person to work with than Patricia was because OPTIONS: - Carrie was a more negative person. - Patricia was a more negative person. Answer:
Carrie was a more negative person.
Complete the following sentence. Hunter broke and then fixed Dennis's old stove because Choices: - Hunter felt bad about breaking it.; - Dennis felt bad about breaking it.;
Hunter felt bad about breaking it.
Write the next sentence. I think it's easier to learn Spanish than Chinese because the
Spanish at least uses the same alphabet.
Problem: Continue the following story. Erin had a lower credit score than Monica because OPTIONS: - Erin was mostly careful with their money. - Monica was mostly careful with their money. Here's how I want to continue it: Monica was mostly careful with their money. Problem: Aaron went to a college and met Adam who is very smart, OPTIONS: - Aaron is kind enough to help him study calculusinfinitesimal calculus. - Adam is kind enough to help him study calculusinfinitesimal calculus. My choice: Adam is kind enough to help him study calculusinfinitesimal calculus. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Samuel sprains his ankle, so he goes to visit Derrick at the hospital, because OPTIONS: - Samuel is a specialist. - Derrick is a specialist. [A]: Derrick is a specialist. QUES: Continue writing. Joseph frequently had mood swings that affected the relationship with Brian, so OPTIONS: - Joseph insisted they seek treatment. - Brian insisted they seek treatment. +++++++++ ANS: Brian insisted they seek treatment. Problem: How does the sentence end? The meat that I had yesterday was a lot nicer than the food today because the OPTIONS: - meat was old. - food was old. Answer: food was old. sentence: Mary wore appropriate clothes to the formal business interview while Rebecca dressed inappropriately because OPTIONS: - Mary wore very casual attire. - Rebecca wore very casual attire. complete:
Rebecca wore very casual attire.
sentence: The water was running out of the hose and into the bucket, because the complete: hose was providing liquid. sentence: Pretending with kids is a favorite hobby of Derrick, but Dennis hates it, so complete: Derrick is more creative. sentence: Jessica allowed Rachel to use and shower in the bathroom because complete:
Jessica 's bathroom was working.
Input: Continue writing. A large saltwater tank is a better investment for Amy than Betty because OPTIONS: - Amy doesn't have any pet fish. - Betty doesn't have any pet fish. Continued: Betty doesn't have any pet fish. Input: Continue writing. The smile of Matthew is duller than Craig's is, so OPTIONS: - Matthew brushes his teeth less often. - Craig brushes his teeth less often. Continued: Matthew brushes his teeth less often. Input: Continue writing. The teeth of Hunter were far better than Kevin because OPTIONS: - Hunter always avoided his teeth. - Kevin always avoided his teeth. Continued: Kevin always avoided his teeth. Input: Continue writing. James think they needed more sheet to be able to cover the table because the OPTIONS: - sheet is small. - table is small. Continued:
sheet is small.
Story needs to be completed: The woman used the lipstick on her lips instead of the chapstick, because the OPTIONS: - chapstick made her lips feel pleasant. - lipstick made her lips feel pleasant. My choice: lipstick made her lips feel pleasant. Story needs to be completed: The sky watching members liked watching the sun more than the moon, because they though the OPTIONS: - moon was boring. - sun was boring. My choice: moon was boring. Story needs to be completed: Aaron will travel abroad on holiday this year unlike Robert because OPTIONS: - Aaron is a poor individual. - Robert is a poor individual. My choice: Robert is a poor individual. Story needs to be completed: Laura brought a bunch of medicine and supplements for Megan to grow because OPTIONS: - Laura is her mother. - Megan is her mother. My choice:
Laura is her mother.
Problem: Continue the following story. Samantha asked Sarah if she had made the appointment with the doctor but OPTIONS: - Samantha had forgotten. - Sarah had forgotten. Here's how I want to continue it: Sarah had forgotten. Problem: Continue the following story. The senior's walker fit in the hallway but got stuck in the doorway because the OPTIONS: - hallway was wider . - doorway was wider . Here's how I want to continue it: hallway was wider . Problem: Continue the following story. It was easy for Robert but not Derrick to sleep on the bench because OPTIONS: - Robert did not take up much space. - Derrick did not take up much space. Here's how I want to continue it:
Robert did not take up much space.
Continue the following story. Amy was better at learning than Carrie, so
Amy didn't have to worry about failing the test.
Question: The man tried to put the folder on the stand but the Answer: Continue the sentence -- folder was too large. Question: For his job, Kenneth has to maintain a clean cut appearance, though Dennis does not, so Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kenneth is in the military. Question: Jessica thought the girl with the weave in her hair was quite attractive but Tanya disagreed, so Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jessica walked up and asked her out. Question: Jen's kleptomania made her steal makeup and money, but the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- money would get her in more trouble if she was caught.
Continue writing the following text. Abe chose to get wood floors instead of carpet because the Options: A). wood looked a lot dirtier. B). carpet looked a lot dirtier.
Robert wanted to build fences in his garden, so he bought some paint and wood but the wood had termite infestation. Elena was more creative than Lindsey because Elena took a college level class in creativity. We were happy to hear the song but the beat could have been better. The
beat is poor.
Multi-choice problem: Which entity is they this sentence? The DEA raided the Mexican Cartel's warehouse because they had their drug business discovered. Choices: + DEA; + Mexican Cartel;
Mexican Cartel
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The kid liked the basic breakfast of oatmeal, but not the cheap orange juice, because the Choices: (a). orange juice tasted good.; (b). oatmeal tasted good.;
Complete the following sentence. James used the vacuum cleaner to sweep around the home and it got the
cleaner dirty.
Continue writing the following text. After the wood bridge collapsed in Rome killing right people it was replaced with a metal one, the
wood was unstable.
Write the next sentence. The boy on the bike couldn't catch the boy on the skateboard, because the OPTIONS: (A). bike was slower.. (B). skateboard was slower.. Answer:
sentence: Carrie usually borrowed tools from Jennifer because OPTIONS: - Carrie had very durable equipment for the tasks. - Jennifer had very durable equipment for the tasks. complete: Jennifer had very durable equipment for the tasks. I could get my dental work done immediately or wait a few weeks. The OPTIONS: - immediately approach will hurt my mouth. - wait approach will hurt my mouth. wait approach will hurt my mouth. Input: Continue writing. Andrew decided to continue his education at college rather than work, because the OPTIONS: - work was boring. - college was boring. Continued: work was boring. Story needs to be completed: Air travel bugs Nick, which isn't the case for Hunter, as a result of OPTIONS: - Nick getting air sickness. - Hunter getting air sickness. My choice: Nick getting air sickness. Problem: Continue the following story. Victoria decided to choose express shipping while Katrina did not, so OPTIONS: - Victoria got her order last. - Katrina got her order last. Here's how I want to continue it: Katrina got her order last. Erin wanted to keep her journal in her purse for easy access but it didn't fit. The OPTIONS: - journal was too wide. - purse was too wide.
journal was too wide.
Choose your story that continues the following story. The landscaper wanted to plant the tree in the garden but the Choices: [i] tree was too large. [ii] garden was too large.
How does the sentence end? During the school drive Sarah sold more candy than Christine since
Sarah had more experience selling.
pick from the following. 1). Tanya career had been going on for a long time. 2). Felicia career had been going on for a long time. Complete the following sentence. Tanya had hundreds less fans than Felicia because
Problem: Samantha was paying attention on the road but Patricia was on the phone, as OPTIONS: - Samantha was driving. - Patricia was driving. My choice: Samantha was driving. Problem: Laura gave birth to twins and Tanya delivered them, so OPTIONS: - Laura was sure to congratulate them when it was done. - Tanya was sure to congratulate them when it was done. My choice: Tanya was sure to congratulate them when it was done. Problem: Jeffrey was way more popular than Robert in school, so OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was invited to far more parties that year. - Robert was invited to far more parties that year. My choice: Jeffrey was invited to far more parties that year. Problem: On Wednesday night, Mary looked for Rebecca in the camp kitchen, but OPTIONS: - Mary didn't find her there. - Rebecca didn't find her there. My choice:
Mary didn't find her there.
Input: Continue writing. Mark prefers wooden floor over a carpet in his bedroom, becase the Continued: wooden floor is easier to clean. Input: Continue writing. Lindsey wanted a pet hamster and Elena does not want theirs anymore, so Continued: Elena went to try to sell one. Input: Continue writing. Ian was always afraid of thunderstorms while Adam loved them because Continued: Ian thought thunderstorms were unnerving. Input: Continue writing. Steven put spiders in Hunter's bed after learning they were afraid of them, which Continued:
Steven thought was hilarious.
Write the next sentence. James cannot carry any more of the books, so he decided to carry some diskettes because the
books are heavier.
Continue writing the following text. A recipe called for meat to be cooked in a crock pot but the Select from: 1. crock pot was too shallow.; 2. meat was too shallow.;
[Q]: How does the sentence end? In deciding where to apply, the student forewent the college and opted for the university, as the OPTIONS: - college had prestige. - university had prestige. [A]: university had prestige. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Michael gave Ryan his large box of Cuban cigars because cigars always made OPTIONS: - Michael very sick. - Ryan very sick. [A]: Michael very sick. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Adam always preferred going to church instead of class because OPTIONS: - church worsened his mental state. - class worsened his mental state. [A]:
class worsened his mental state.