1 value
4 values
4 values
Write the next sentence. YouTube contained many videos that Adam loved to watch but Jason did not enjoy them, because
Adam loved using computers.
Input: Continue writing. On the beach, Natalie is nice to the hermit crabs, while Jennifer is mean because OPTIONS: - Natalie loves nature. - Jennifer loves nature. Continued: Natalie loves nature. Input: Continue writing. Angela complimented Laura on her beautiful smile as OPTIONS: - Angela noticed her braces were removed recently. - Laura noticed her braces were removed recently. Continued: Angela noticed her braces were removed recently. Input: Continue writing. The suitcase was swapped for luggage at the airport as the OPTIONS: - suitcase was incompatible for the family. - luggage was incompatible for the family. Continued: suitcase was incompatible for the family. Input: Continue writing. The blanket was wet and Brian was annoyed but Kevin was not because OPTIONS: - Brian was very tolerant. - Kevin was very tolerant. Continued:
Kevin was very tolerant.
Continue the following story. Rachel is easily triggered and had a severe and avoidable conflict with her best friend Cynthia, because
Rachel was nervous.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The classical concerto conductor saw that the violins weren't ready but the cellos were because the OPTIONS: - violins were out of tune. - cellos were out of tune. [A]: violins were out of tune. QUES: Continue writing. Bob always tries to avoid sugars, but eats complex carbohydrates because it is the OPTIONS: - sugars that are unhealthy. - carbohydrates that are unhealthy. +++++++++ ANS: sugars that are unhealthy. Problem: How does the sentence end? The document was difficult to read compared to the other paper because the OPTIONS: - document was handwritten. - paper was handwritten. Answer: document was handwritten. sentence: The local business wouldn't allow Brett in the store but would let Steven, because OPTIONS: - Brett vandalized the store before. - Steven vandalized the store before. complete: Brett vandalized the store before. Even though Carrie knew more about biology than Kayla, OPTIONS: - Carrie had a difficult time explaining photosynthesis. - Kayla had a difficult time explaining photosynthesis. Carrie had a difficult time explaining photosynthesis. Problem: Continue the following story. While at the fishing store, Craig bought the tackle for Leslie because OPTIONS: - Craig knows all about the proper hook and bait. - Leslie knows all about the proper hook and bait. Here's how I want to continue it:
Craig knows all about the proper hook and bait.
Write the next sentence. The marriage performed at the church wasn't as nice as the one in the inn because the Pick your answer from: (A). church was clean.. (B). inn was clean.. Answer:
Story needs to be completed: The tablet worked fine with the program, but the computer could stand to improve its performance, because the OPTIONS: - tablet used current software. - computer used current software. My choice: tablet used current software. Story needs to be completed: The alcoholic hates drinking vodka, but really enjoys his whiskey. That's due to the OPTIONS: - vodka being satisfying to him. - whiskey being satisfying to him. My choice: whiskey being satisfying to him. Story needs to be completed: The fish bowl required 6 pitchers of water to fill it, because the OPTIONS: - bowl held little water. - pitcher held little water. My choice: pitcher held little water. Story needs to be completed: Ian was really very skinny whilst Kyle was plump. OPTIONS: - Ian had a very small appetite. - Kyle had a very small appetite. My choice:
Ian had a very small appetite.
Problem: Continue the following story. Laura ended up giving Jessica a bright outlook on life when OPTIONS: - Laura started a talk about how painful everything is. - Jessica started a talk about how painful everything is. Here's how I want to continue it: Jessica started a talk about how painful everything is. Problem: Continue the following story. It was easier to carry the washer up the steps than the dryer, because the OPTIONS: - washer had grips. - dryer had grips. Here's how I want to continue it: washer had grips. Problem: Continue the following story. It took me longer to do the drawing of the house than the drawing of the tree because the OPTIONS: - tree was detailed. - house was detailed. Here's how I want to continue it:
house was detailed.
Input: Continue writing. Even from outside, I could hear Maria clearly but could not hear Betty well as OPTIONS: - Maria has a loud voice. - Betty has a loud voice. Continued: Maria has a loud voice. Story needs to be completed: Laura decreased her fat intake by replacing avocado with beef because the OPTIONS: - avocado is leaner. - beef is leaner. My choice: beef is leaner. Problem: Continue the following story. William cleaned their shower stall daily but Adam only did it monthly. OPTIONS: - William usually had soap scum on their shower glass. - Adam usually had soap scum on their shower glass. Here's how I want to continue it: Adam usually had soap scum on their shower glass. Problem: Patricia just filed for divorce and needed to talk to Monica because OPTIONS: - Patricia was absolutely sympathetic. - Monica was absolutely sympathetic. My choice: Monica was absolutely sympathetic. [Q]: How does the sentence end? We didn't go to the bank as often as the ATM because the OPTIONS: - bank was a lot farther from home. - ATM was a lot farther from home. [A]: bank was a lot farther from home. Problem: I liked the ring more than I liked the necklace because the OPTIONS: - ring was more shiny. - necklace was more shiny. My choice:
ring was more shiny.
Complete the following sentence. U.S. customs hassled Kenneth for a while, but didn't bother with Steven; probably because
Steven is Christian.
QUES: Continue writing. Camp was a nightmare for Angela but not for Natalie due to OPTIONS: - Angela being resistant to the mosquitoes at the lake. - Natalie being resistant to the mosquitoes at the lake. +++++++++ ANS: Natalie being resistant to the mosquitoes at the lake. Problem: How does the sentence end? Charles had to get lemons for the recipe and not berries because the OPTIONS: - lemons were useless. - berries were useless. Answer: berries were useless. sentence: Victoria needed to prepare Samantha for the big news but OPTIONS: - Victoria forgot what it was. - Samantha forgot what it was. complete: Victoria forgot what it was. A barn will withstand winter very well but a shed will not because the OPTIONS: - barn is insulated. - shed is insulated. barn is insulated. Input: Continue writing. She wore the old shoes to her school but not to the cafe, as she didn't mind what impression she made at the OPTIONS: - school . - cafe . Continued: school . [Q]: How does the sentence end? Donald was better behaved on the film set than Nelson because OPTIONS: - Donald checked in on time. - Nelson checked in on time. [A]:
Donald checked in on time.
Problem: Continue the following story. Tim tried stacking wood in the shed outside near the barn but the Here's how I want to continue it: shed was too small. Problem: Continue the following story. Samantha was more popular than Amy, so Here's how I want to continue it: Amy started to worry about being invited to the party. Problem: Continue the following story. Bruce loved playing with cards with his friends but normally hated games because the Here's how I want to continue it:
cards were easy to plan.
Story needs to be completed: Jennifer refused to follow the instructions Betty gave to them, so OPTIONS: - Jennifer gave a huge lecture. - Betty gave a huge lecture. My choice: Betty gave a huge lecture. Problem: Continue the following story. Logan was denied a loan but not Matthew because OPTIONS: - Logan was responsible with their credit card payments. - Matthew was responsible with their credit card payments. Here's how I want to continue it: Matthew was responsible with their credit card payments. Problem: Ken's family was going on a trip and decided to travel by train instead of by car because traveling by the OPTIONS: - train allows the freedom to move around. - car allows the freedom to move around. My choice: train allows the freedom to move around. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The kitten climbed onto Mary's lap and avoided Felicia because OPTIONS: - Mary had been playing with dogs. - Felicia had been playing with dogs. [A]: Felicia had been playing with dogs. QUES: Continue writing. John replaced all the halogen bulbs with LED bulbs because the OPTIONS: - halogen bulbs consume more energy. - LED bulbs consume more energy. +++++++++ ANS: halogen bulbs consume more energy. QUES: Continue writing. Rebecca made a cake that was burnt unlike Carrie because OPTIONS: - Rebecca followed the instructions of the recipe. - Carrie followed the instructions of the recipe. +++++++++ ANS:
Carrie followed the instructions of the recipe.
Problem: Laura managed to survive a serious illness which Samantha did not survive because My choice: Laura utilised available medicine. Problem: Victoria enjoyed the summer months more than Jessica because My choice: Jessica did not like participating in outdoor physical activities. Problem: Kelly bought the lockets but not the earrings from the set at the jewelry store because she thought the My choice: lockets were beautiful. Problem: Slime permeated the basement but was non-existent in the mezzanine, as the My choice:
basement was unprotected from it.
Continue writing the following text. The woman purchased the foundation instead of the powder because the
powder clashed with her skin complexion.
How does the sentence end? My brother had a seizure that was worse than his flu, because the
flu was minimal.
Choose your story that continues the following story. John cannot go to the hospital and waited for his doctor at the park because the Available choices: -- hospital is far.. -- park is far..
hospital is far.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Jennifer is cooking dinner for Monica and has to choose edible flowers, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer wants to impress her. - Monica wants to impress her. Answer: Jennifer wants to impress her. sentence: The cat liked playing with the ball of yarn but not the ball because the OPTIONS: - yarn was boring. - ball was boring. complete: ball was boring. Julie had always had long hair, but had loved seeing some of the short style. Having the OPTIONS: - long would mean she could put it up. - short would mean she could put it up. long would mean she could put it up. Input: Continue writing. The man had many conflicts with Christine but not Cynthia because OPTIONS: - Christine was a nice and happy person. - Cynthia was a nice and happy person. Continued: Cynthia was a nice and happy person. Story needs to be completed: The boy on the bike couldn't catch the boy on the skateboard, because the OPTIONS: - bike was slower. - skateboard was slower. My choice: bike was slower. Problem: How does the sentence end? The cookout invitation that bob bought would not fit with the envelope he purchased, because the OPTIONS: - invitation was too large. - envelope was too large. Answer:
invitation was too large.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Steven is super popular and mean to Brian, because [A]: Brian is always acting so passive. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The girl thought she would have a better chance asking Angela instead of Christine for permission to attend the dance because [A]: Christine had more stringent rules. [Q]: How does the sentence end? She was deciding how to track her cycle either through an app or a journal. The [A]:
app was on digital.
Problem: Continue the following story. Doing laundry doesn't bother Nick, so Leslie asks him to do his too, because OPTIONS: - Nick is good at it. - Leslie is good at it. Here's how I want to continue it: Nick is good at it. Problem: As the blue ink stain spread across her green top, she wished it had been a OPTIONS: - Blue pen that broke so the stain would have blended in with her blouse. - Green pen that broke so the stain would have blended in with her blouse. My choice: Green pen that broke so the stain would have blended in with her blouse. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The list of players on the baseball team was longer than that of the basketball team because everyone loved OPTIONS: - baseball . - basketball . [A]: baseball . QUES: Continue writing. Emily liked cleaning the stone patio but not Mary because OPTIONS: - Emily is efficient at cleaning. - Mary is efficient at cleaning. +++++++++ ANS: Emily is efficient at cleaning. Problem: How does the sentence end? I prefer the white gravy to the brown gravy on my biscuits as the OPTIONS: - white gravy is creamier. - brown gravy is creamier. Answer: white gravy is creamier. sentence: He wanted to buy a dart board but settled on a board game instead because the OPTIONS: - dart board was economical. - board game was economical. complete:
board game was economical.
QUES: Who is it in the following sentence? The painting was at the museum because it was on display. ANS: The painting QUES: Who is they in the following sentence? The junior football team likes the Dallas Cowboys because they get to watch quality football. ANS: The junior football team QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? Yuji was a fan of Michael Jackson because he enjoyed "Thriller". ANS:
pick from the following. A. peas were still raw.; B. carrots were still raw.; Complete the following sentence. The chef took the peas out of the steamer and put in the carrots because the
Write the next sentence. Kayla always feeds the goldfish because Monica forgets to.
Kayla is the only reason the fish are still alive.
sentence: Patricia shows a lot of enthusiasm for their job but Natalie is pretty apathetic at work. OPTIONS: - Patricia got a promotion from their employer. - Natalie got a promotion from their employer. complete: Patricia got a promotion from their employer. The research paper was due so Kyle worked on it while Kevin partied all night. OPTIONS: - Kyle was a careless student. - Kevin was a careless student. Kevin was a careless student. Input: Continue writing. Amy didn't go on the fishing trip with Angela, because OPTIONS: - Amy hated being on the open water. - Angela hated being on the open water. Continued: Amy hated being on the open water. Story needs to be completed: The greenhouse was a poor choice for these plants, so they were moved to the garden, since the OPTIONS: - greenhouse had ideal conditions for growth. - garden had ideal conditions for growth. My choice: garden had ideal conditions for growth. Problem: Continue the following story. Adam loved the outdoors while Kenneth preferred to stay inside, so OPTIONS: - Adam did not go on the camping trip. - Kenneth did not go on the camping trip. Here's how I want to continue it: Kenneth did not go on the camping trip. The man decided a career in the geography would pay more money than a career in the philosophy, because the OPTIONS: - philosophy was lucrative. - geography was lucrative.
geography was lucrative.
Continue the following story. Mary has accidentaly spilled a hot coffee on Erin's jeans, so
Mary offers to clean them.
Problem: They used the leather strap to sharpen the razors but didn't need it for the scissors, as the OPTIONS: - razors were so dull. - scissors were so dull. My choice: razors were so dull. [Q]: How does the sentence end? By my judgment, you should get the dictionary instead of the atlas because the OPTIONS: - dictionary is less useful. - atlas is less useful. [A]: atlas is less useful. QUES: Continue writing. I wanted to stop the gas from leaking by using a sealant but the force of the OPTIONS: - gas is too strong. - sealant is too strong. +++++++++ ANS: gas is too strong. Problem: How does the sentence end? The doctor suggested that Victoria but not Jessica drink more milk because OPTIONS: - Victoria had strong bones. - Jessica had strong bones. Answer: Jessica had strong bones. sentence: The headphones blocked the noise but not the vibration, as the OPTIONS: - noise was relatively timid. - vibration was relatively timid. complete: noise was relatively timid. Input: Continue writing. Felicia is struggling with depression at college, but Elena is not, so OPTIONS: - Felicia is less likely to be on medication. - Elena is less likely to be on medication. Continued:
Elena is less likely to be on medication.
Continue writing the following text. The trainer tried to put the exercise equipment in the van but it wouldn't fit; the [A]. van was too small.. [B]. equipment was too small..
Complete the following sentence. Erin invited Laura on walks to improve circulation in their feet, since
Laura already had bad habits of exercising.
QUES: Continue writing. The baby of Kevin went through a lot more diapers than that of Logan, therefore +++++++++ ANS: Logan spent less money. QUES: Continue writing. Having coffee in the morning made sense for Neil but not Steven because +++++++++ ANS: Steven did not enjoy the effects of caffeine. QUES: Continue writing. Christine did a better job writing in the finals than Kayla because +++++++++ ANS: Christine loved English. QUES: Continue writing. John bought the loafers instead of the Cowboy boots since the +++++++++ ANS:
boots were so expensive.
Google is catching up to Firefox in the percentage of users because they have a faster and more reliable browser. Who is they referring to in this sentence? Choose your answer from: [A]. Google. [B]. Firefox.
Continue writing the following text. Sarah remembered to save their work on the computer but Erin didn't.
Erin was forgetful.
How does the sentence end? Since Betty did not graduate high school and Rebecca received their Master's degree, Choose from: (1). Betty was less educated. (2). Rebecca was less educated.
Write the next sentence. Kyle screamed at Adam for failing to stay alert while driving. Available choices: a. Kyle was scared.; b. Adam was scared.;
Problem: How does the sentence end? I had to change the tire on the car but not the one on the truck because the one on the Answer: truck was full. Problem: How does the sentence end? Susan made the decision of getting in an airplane instead of train to go to Miami because the Answer: airplane travels fast. Problem: How does the sentence end? She found it was much easier to drive with window down and the radio on. The Answer: radio needed to be turned down. Problem: How does the sentence end? Amy could never keep a boyfriend while Laura had no problems doing so. Answer:
Laura died happy and fulfilled.
sentence: James tried to arrange the paper in the file but the file tore because the complete: paper is too much. sentence: The dog became calmer when he had bones to chew on, though other treats amped him up. The complete: bones were calming. sentence: Though they are both in unhappy marriages, Joel is staying with their spouse while Kevin is not because complete:
Joel doesn't believe in divorce.
Problem: Sentence: "Mr. Singer heard him calling for the captain"; Another sentence: "Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over."? A: no Problem: Sentence: "Ollie's legs ached."; Another sentence: "As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs ached."? A: yes Problem: Sentence: "The door of the shop closed after Mark."; Another sentence: "Mark heard Steve's feet going down the ladder. The door of the shop closed after him. He ran to look out the window."? A:
Question: She preferred cooking to hiking as a hobby, because she thought Answer: Continue the sentence -- hiking was less fun. Question: Arby prefers to go to a community college rather than a university because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- university is more stressful. Question: Eric has much better posture than William and that makes Answer: Continue the sentence -- William act a lot more timid. Question: Hunter owned a lot of animals but not Ian because Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Ian had a hard heart.
How does the sentence end? My sister's suitcase was more massive than my bag, because the
bag held less stuff.
Eric tried the sketchy taco truck in the hood while Robert went to a 5-star restaurant. OPTIONS: - Eric came down with a fine meal instead of Diarrhea. - Robert came down with a fine meal instead of Diarrhea. Robert came down with a fine meal instead of Diarrhea. Input: Continue writing. The journal contained all the evidence for the trial compared to the notebook as the OPTIONS: - journal was empty from the identification. - notebook was empty from the identification. Continued: notebook was empty from the identification. Story needs to be completed: The puppy slept on the floor instead of on the bed because it was hard for it to get on the OPTIONS: - bed . - floor . My choice: bed . Problem: Continue the following story. The salary man was able to lease the car from the company but not the truck because the OPTIONS: - car was sold out. - truck was sold out. Here's how I want to continue it: truck was sold out. Problem: Jeffrey exercised and ate a diet much higher in fiber than Benjamin. OPTIONS: - Jeffrey felt this made them healthier. - Benjamin felt this made them healthier. My choice: Jeffrey felt this made them healthier. Story needs to be completed: It was easy for Steven to make a new friend but not for Ian as OPTIONS: - Steven was very sociable. - Ian was very sociable. My choice:
Steven was very sociable.
Mary kept hounding Katrina to work harder at school because Mary wants her to succeed in life. The new mirror Bill purchased for his bedroom would not fit through the doorway, the mirror was too wide. Aaron's relatives come from Germany, while Adam's come from Japan, so
Aaron is of European descent.
Continue the following story. The man had many conflicts with Christine but not Cynthia because Select from: [A]. Christine was a nice and happy person.; [B]. Cynthia was a nice and happy person.;
Input: Continue writing. The dog lay under the tree instead of under the umbrella because it was cooler under the Continued: tree . Input: Continue writing. Cynthia loved dogs more than Jennifer but Continued: Cynthia hated the Chihuahua because of the commercials. Input: Continue writing. There is less cholesterol in cod than in salmon because the Continued: salmon is high in saturated fat. Input: Continue writing. The parent of Neil looked sternly at Donald because Continued:
Neil had seen the child nearly get run over in the street.
Write the next sentence. Betty acted like a kid whenever Patricia was around.
Betty just loved to play around.
Continue the following story. Kayla wanted to start a business in a field that Felicia was working in so
Kayla asked for some help.
Story needs to be completed: Joel had a bigger television screen than Hunter since My choice: Hunter was a very poor individual. Story needs to be completed: I picked the cranberries out of my salad but left the walnuts because I always like the My choice: walnuts in salads. Story needs to be completed: I poured the flour from the container into the bowl until the My choice: container was empty. Story needs to be completed: She tried to pay off her debt with a regular monthly payment, but the My choice:
debt was just too high.
Complete the following sentence. Carrie had to stop and buy an astringent face wash because Monica didn't use it and because Choose from: -- Carrie has a clear complexion.. -- Monica has a clear complexion..
Monica has a clear complexion.
Continue writing the following text. Jim painted the bedroom wall in his new home blue instead of beige because he preferred the Options: A). blue .; B). beige .;
Problem: Continue the following story. The liquid from the jar could not all be emptied into the cup because the Here's how I want to continue it: jar is much bigger. Problem: Continue the following story. Kayla could not look Victoria in the eye when she spoke to her, as Here's how I want to continue it: Victoria would realize that she had lied to her. Problem: Continue the following story. For a trip to the Rocky Mountains, Monica’s family brought along the sleds instead of the skis because the kids had never been on the Here's how I want to continue it:
skis .
How does the sentence end? See options at the end After their parents fell ill, Natalie gave them care while Victoria did not. [+] Natalie was very careful.. [+] Victoria was very careful..
Natalie was very careful.
Problem: I took the job at the bank instead of the one at the store because the OPTIONS: - bank was offering more money. - store was offering more money. My choice: bank was offering more money. Problem: Mary deep conditioned their hair every day while Victoria did every two weeks, and OPTIONS: - Mary 's hair was shinier. - Victoria 's hair was shinier. My choice: Mary 's hair was shinier. Problem: Rebecca is more suited for the position of Chief Financial Officer than Amy because OPTIONS: - Rebecca has less experience in finance. - Amy has less experience in finance. My choice: Amy has less experience in finance. Problem: Mary decided to negotiate the price of the house but Natalie just accepted the first offer, since OPTIONS: - Mary was a novice businessperson. - Natalie was a novice businessperson. My choice:
Natalie was a novice businessperson.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? It took James all the days of the month to finish the paintings because the OPTIONS: - days are short. - paintings are short. [A]: days are short. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Eric suffered from a migraine quite often but Craig did not. OPTIONS: - Eric went to the doctor. - Craig went to the doctor. [A]: Eric went to the doctor. [Q]: How does the sentence end? One way to make rice crispy treats will need chocolate and marshmallows with the OPTIONS: - chocolate starting off soft. - marshmallows starting off soft. [A]:
marshmallows starting off soft.
Write the next sentence. The armor failed to prevent the sword from puncturing him, since the Pick your answer from: --armor was so fragile.. --sword was so fragile.. Answer:
armor was so fragile.
Complete the following sentence. When the doorbell rang, Donald opened the door and greeted Joel.
Joel was attending his party.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Alice went to the hair salon to get a bob or a lob. She decided on the Available choices: (1). lob because it was shorter for the summer. (2). bob because it was shorter for the summer.
QUES: Continue writing. While eating out, Erin decided to try out biscuits, and Elena avoided them. OPTIONS: - Erin didn't eat anything while being on a diet. - Elena didn't eat anything while being on a diet. +++++++++ ANS: Elena didn't eat anything while being on a diet. QUES: Continue writing. There were many legal issues at the company but not at the town, as the OPTIONS: - company engaged in honest dealings. - town engaged in honest dealings. +++++++++ ANS: town engaged in honest dealings. QUES: Continue writing. Christopher was fatter than Derrick, so OPTIONS: - Christopher had to spend a lot of time doing exercises. - Derrick had to spend a lot of time doing exercises. +++++++++ ANS: Christopher had to spend a lot of time doing exercises. QUES: Continue writing. Jessica explained to Patricia that she couldn't deal with the pressure of the class anymore. OPTIONS: - Jessica felt empathy for her. - Patricia felt empathy for her. +++++++++ ANS:
Patricia felt empathy for her.
Problem: The windows were open in Jeffrey's room, but not in Justin's because My choice: Justin used air conditioning. Problem: While caring for the elderly, Victoria cheerfully helped Samantha care for herself, and My choice: Samantha was grateful for her empathy. Problem: Jeffrey had perfect vision but Brian did not, so My choice: Brian needed to buy any eye glasses. Problem: Chopping wood suited Ryan but not Randy because My choice:
Randy had no knowledge about starting a fire.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Nick hated biking but Adam did not because [A]: Nick had broken his arm the first time he fell off a bike. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Nelson cares passionately about the environment, while Kevin does not care about sustainability. [A]: Nelson always disposes of recyclables properly. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Ian squeezed Ryan's hand at the funeral in an effort to comfort him because [A]:
Ryan was distraught.
OPTIONS: + Rachel willingly took the new antibiotic. + Felicia willingly took the new antibiotic. Complete the following sentence. Rachel was starting to feel better than Felicia because
Rachel willingly took the new antibiotic.
Continue writing the following text. Benjamin was asking Hunter for some tips caring for some sea monkeys, but Available options: * Benjamin had no idea what to do. * Hunter had no idea what to do.
Hunter had no idea what to do.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? It was urgent that Elena but not Kayla had health coverage because OPTIONS: - Elena had many health problems. - Kayla had many health problems. [A]: Elena had many health problems. QUES: Continue writing. Jessica still owed a bunch of principle to Felicia, so OPTIONS: - Jessica continued to collect payments on the loan. - Felicia continued to collect payments on the loan. +++++++++ ANS: Felicia continued to collect payments on the loan. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kenneth asked Craig for advice on treating shin splints because OPTIONS: - Kenneth was new to running and had never experienced them before. - Craig was new to running and had never experienced them before. Answer: Kenneth was new to running and had never experienced them before. sentence: Mike wanted to balance the bottle on the shelf but the OPTIONS: - shelf was too broad. - bottle was too broad. complete: bottle was too broad. The disco was a bad place to find love, so she went to the cafe, since the OPTIONS: - disco was so unromantic. - cafe was so unromantic. disco was so unromantic. Problem: Continue the following story. Moving to New York suited Brian but not Kevin because OPTIONS: - Brian loved the nightlife and city. - Kevin loved the nightlife and city. Here's how I want to continue it:
Brian loved the nightlife and city.
How does the sentence end? Joel asked Nelson for help with a paragraph for his paper as Choose from: [-] Joel had wrote a book.. [-] Nelson had wrote a book..
Nelson had wrote a book.
QUES: Continue writing. Kayla uses knowledge and experience to help Elena grow in life because +++++++++ ANS: Kayla was an adult. QUES: Continue writing. Laura thrived in the sunlight, but Amy preferred the dark, so +++++++++ ANS: Laura tended to stay outside during the day. QUES: Continue writing. Jen tried to avoid distractions by clearing off her desk and putting her phone away, but the +++++++++ ANS: desk was too dirty to ignore. QUES: Continue writing. Tim preferred puzzle games at home to football games on a field. The +++++++++ ANS:
puzzle games were safer to play.
Input: Continue writing. Adam was able to get a raise while Nelson was not because OPTIONS: - Adam was more timid when talking to the boss. - Nelson was more timid when talking to the boss. Continued: Nelson was more timid when talking to the boss. Story needs to be completed: The desktop worked better sitting on the couch than it did sitting on the pillow, because the OPTIONS: - couch generated little heat. - pillow generated little heat. My choice: couch generated little heat. Problem: Continue the following story. Samantha had a lot more control over the situation than Victoria because OPTIONS: - Samantha had been there before. - Victoria had been there before. Here's how I want to continue it: Samantha had been there before. Problem: Derrick exercises a lot and eats healthy while Brian has a sedentary life, OPTIONS: - Derrick enjoys a good health. - Brian enjoys a good health. My choice: Derrick enjoys a good health. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Kevin was less easily threatened by physical violence than Lawrence because OPTIONS: - Kevin was not large or muscular. - Lawrence was not large or muscular. [A]: Lawrence was not large or muscular. Problem: Christopher spent an hour perfecting their makeup before going out to the dance while Joseph waited, because OPTIONS: - Christopher loved making up. - Joseph loved making up. My choice:
Christopher loved making up.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia wanted to massage her partner while Natalie want to massage her arm. Answer: Natalie massaged her arm. Problem: How does the sentence end? Gene liked to act in musicals and plays but the Answer: musicals were hard for him as he couldn't sing. Problem: How does the sentence end? The pipes were leaking at Bettys house, so they called Mary to take a look. Answer: Mary fixed them alone. Problem: How does the sentence end? Matthew took Ryan to home in the suburb last night, as Answer:
Matthew is sober enough to drive.
Continue writing the following text. It's always better to save money in the bank than in the piggy bank as it's easier to steal from the
piggy bank .
How does the sentence end? Frying the pickles was a lot more complex for Mike than the onion rings, so the
pickles were annoying him.
Write the next sentence. Amy had to take a defensive driving course and Jennifer had already taken one, so
Jennifer answered all kinds of questions about it.
Continue the following story. He placed the handkerchiefs in his closet instead of his dresser because the
dresser was overflowing.
Write the next sentence. The scrolls were restored using brushes instead of air compressors, because the Choices: 1). brushes caused no damage. 2). air compressors caused no damage.
Complete the following sentence. Maria used the tablet to surf the internet and find recipes but not Natalie because
Natalie didn't have the wifi password.
Continue the following story. The two clothing items I love the most are my navy pencil skirt and black leather jacket. The Select from: A). skirt is because it makes me look so badass.. B). jacket is because it makes me look so badass..
QUES: Continue writing. John always hated his tests in school compared to the quizzes because the OPTIONS: - tests were more challenging. - quizzes were more challenging. +++++++++ ANS: tests were more challenging. Problem: How does the sentence end? To provide motivation Emily gave Samantha some money, as the urgency on the situation was clear to OPTIONS: - Emily . - Samantha . Answer: Emily . sentence: The stack of money John just received would not fit inside his wallet, the OPTIONS: - wallet was too narrow. - money was too narrow. complete: wallet was too narrow. Amy tripped and ripped her camp shirt and needed a new shirt. She went to the store to get a sports shirt because the OPTIONS: - camp shirt is old. - sports shirt is old. camp shirt is old. Input: Continue writing. When they were approached by a known bully Jeffrey stood up to them but Samuel ran away as OPTIONS: - Jeffrey is a weak person. - Samuel is a weak person. Continued: Samuel is a weak person. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Cynthia built an intricate city on Minecraft, and Victoria accidentally deleted it which made OPTIONS: - Cynthia feel guilty. - Victoria feel guilty. [A]:
Victoria feel guilty.
sentence: I threw the boomerang and it hit a window, but luckily the complete: boomerang was too flimsy for there to be any damage. sentence: The wedding invitation card would not fit into the envelope John purchased, the complete: envelope was too narrow. sentence: The new queen bed would not fit in the stairway because the complete:
bed is too tall.
Choose your answer: The Axis forces lost the war to the Allied forces because they fought on too many fronts. Tell me who they is. Pick your answer from: + The Axis forces; + the Allied forces;
The Axis forces
Question: Jeffrey was feeling sleepy all day, while Steven was full of energy, because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jeffrey had slept restlessly the night before. Question: An eviction notice is served to Felicia, but Victoria didn't get one because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Felicia is broke. Question: Jason had a lot of confidence but Randy had none, so Answer: Continue the sentence -- Randy had a lot of trouble with public speaking and making new friends. Question: the numbers could not fit into the graduation list, the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- number was too big.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Dennis's breast has a lump in it, so they schedule an appointment with Ian because OPTIONS: - Dennis is worried. - Ian is worried. Answer: Dennis is worried. Problem: How does the sentence end? The people at the fair liked the fries better than the pizzas, because the OPTIONS: - fries were fresh. - pizzas were fresh. Answer: fries were fresh. Problem: How does the sentence end? When washing clothes, Jeffrey's turn out less clean than Michael's because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey uses a high-priced detergent. - Michael uses a high-priced detergent. Answer: Michael uses a high-priced detergent. Problem: How does the sentence end? The pan does not get hot fast enough when placed over the flame because the OPTIONS: - flame is too low. - pan is too low. Answer:
flame is too low.
Who is he? Rocky lost to Clubber Lang because he was ready for the fight. OPTIONS: - Rocky - Clubber Lang A: Clubber Lang Who is him? James cheated off Henry's test, and the Teacher told him. OPTIONS: - James - Henry A: Henry Who is they? Lions love gazelles because they eat them. OPTIONS: - Lions - gazelles A:
William wants to file a lawsuit so he asks Aaron for help, because Aaron is a lawyer. Justin received a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) from his doctor, Aaron worried about him. But Aaron did not behave differently in front of him. Betty had always wanted to write a novel but Natalie had not because
Natalie had a very barren imagination.
Input: Continue writing. Jennifer would outgrow Sarah in a matter of a few months even though Continued: Sarah was older. Input: Continue writing. Sarah got an A on the test while Kayla did not because Continued: Sarah remembered the teachers instructions to mail the test in unfolded in a larger envelope. Input: Continue writing. I replaced the old cage with a new doghouse for our German Sheppard because the Continued: cage was outdated. Input: Continue writing. At the train station, Aaron missed their train, while Derrick caught theirs. Continued:
Derrick was always early to everything.
Simon Cowell makes fun of Ryan Seacrest since he feels superior. Based on this sentence, who is he? OPTIONS: (A). Simon Cowell; (B). Ryan Seacrest;
Story needs to be completed: Brian helped prepare the taxes for Ryan. OPTIONS: - Brian was not good enough to do it on his own. - Ryan was not good enough to do it on his own. My choice: Ryan was not good enough to do it on his own. Problem: Continue the following story. The chairs would not fit up the steps to the house because the OPTIONS: - steps were too wide. - chairs were too wide. Here's how I want to continue it: chairs were too wide. Problem: Elena owned their own business,but Victoria was unemployed, so OPTIONS: - Elena went to work every weekday. - Victoria went to work every weekday. My choice: Elena went to work every weekday. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Ian fed fish to his arowanas, much to the horror of Nelson because OPTIONS: - Ian used a knife. - Nelson used a knife. [A]: Ian used a knife. QUES: Continue writing. Adam tactfully told Justin that OPTIONS: - Adam sweater had shrunk and was full of dryer lint and cat hair. - Justin sweater had shrunk and was full of dryer lint and cat hair. +++++++++ ANS: Justin sweater had shrunk and was full of dryer lint and cat hair. QUES: Continue writing. The town was demolished by the mudslide, though the station was still intact, since the OPTIONS: - town was so vulnerable. - station was so vulnerable. +++++++++ ANS:
town was so vulnerable.
Story needs to be completed: Craig really loves to clean all the time but Derrick does not because My choice: Craig is very neat. Story needs to be completed: The trampoline was very hard for Tanya but not Mary because My choice: Tanya had never been on one before. Story needs to be completed: Lindsey went to see Laura for a medication for the arthritis when My choice: Lindsey could not stand the pain anymore. Story needs to be completed: It was nice to see Sarah share everything compared to Jennifer, by reason that My choice:
Jennifer was greedy.
Problem: Continue the following story. Stephen wanted to return an item with a receipt but could not. The Here's how I want to continue it: item was too used. Problem: Continue the following story. She sweetens het tea with honey instead of sugar, because the Here's how I want to continue it: sugar is unhealthy for her. Problem: Continue the following story. Jennifer is being taught how to play the Mandolin by Erin. Here's how I want to continue it:
Jennifer is a Mandolin student.
Problem: Skipping leg day was something that Dennis never did but Joseph did often. My choice: Dennis had very big leg muscles. Problem: When training at the gym, my instructor recommended the roller over the mat for pricing as the My choice: roller was cheaper to use. Problem: Kayla hated taking her shoes off at Sarah's house. My choice: Sarah told her she didn't have smelly feet. Problem: Joel broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so My choice:
Derrick told him to repair it.
Complete the following sentence. The lung was infected after the surgery while the heart was still clean, since the tools used on the Select from: [i] lung were dirty.; [ii] heart were dirty.;
IN: Which person is they? The preservation society managed to rescue a rare species of birds so they will have the chance to survive. OPTIONS: - The preservation society - a rare species of birds OUT: a rare species of birds Who is it? The cap fell off the bottle because it was untwisted. OPTIONS: - The cap - the bottle A: The cap IN: Multi-choice problem: [he] The boy gave his friend a cookie because he was hungry. OPTIONS: - The boy - his friend OUT: his friend QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? The police officer shot the protester because he tried to attack the governor. OPTIONS: - The police officer - the protester ANS: the protester Question: Batman caught the thief, and he recovered the stolen diamonds. Based on this sentence, who is he? OPTIONS: - Batman - the thief Answer: Batman IN: Multi-choice problem: [it] The river destroyed the bridge because it was low. OPTIONS: - The river - the bridge OUT:
the bridge
Continue writing the following text. The medication failed to treat the disease and doctors were in a panic because the Options: -disease was resistant. -medication was resistant.
disease was resistant.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Jennifer was excited to play with Kayla but they had already left. OPTIONS: - Jennifer was regretful. - Kayla was regretful. Answer: Jennifer was regretful. sentence: Switching out the car for the truck was a permanent decision, as the OPTIONS: - car was unsuited for these tasks. - truck was unsuited for these tasks. complete: car was unsuited for these tasks. The flute sounded dead in the hallway, but wonderful in the parlor, since the OPTIONS: - hallway had such dismal acoustics. - parlor had such dismal acoustics. hallway had such dismal acoustics. Input: Continue writing. New York was a dream destination for Maria but not for Amy. OPTIONS: - Maria bought a plane ticket to Chicago to take a vacation. - Amy bought a plane ticket to Chicago to take a vacation. Continued: Amy bought a plane ticket to Chicago to take a vacation. Story needs to be completed: Laura showed Megan the easiest way to wash her rubber bath mats since she new OPTIONS: - Laura was having a hard time getting them clean. - Megan was having a hard time getting them clean. My choice: Megan was having a hard time getting them clean. Problem: How does the sentence end? James cannot carry any more of the books, so he decided to carry some diskettes because the OPTIONS: - diskettes are lighter. - books are lighter. Answer:
diskettes are lighter.
The carpenters came before the painters since they need to paint after the furniture has already been built. Tell me who they is.
the painters
Continue writing the following text. In personal life, William is deep in debt and being helped by Ian, so
William is bankrupt.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? William liked wearing high heels when going out with Lawrence, but [A]: Lawrence thought men shouldn't wear heels. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Yoga intrigues Steven, while Dennis really doesn't see why people like it, because [A]: Steven is open to spiritual things. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The journal contained all the evidence for the trial compared to the notebook as the [A]:
notebook was empty from the identification.
How does the sentence end? The pool table was too wide to fit through the doorway because the
doorway is too slim.
sentence: Kayla laughs at Natalie's cooking even though OPTIONS: - Kayla doesn't know how to use a microwave and nearly set the kitchen on fire. - Natalie doesn't know how to use a microwave and nearly set the kitchen on fire. complete: Kayla doesn't know how to use a microwave and nearly set the kitchen on fire. sentence: Joel declined Hunter 's invitation to go on a long hike, as OPTIONS: - Joel prefers to be indoors. - Hunter prefers to be indoors. complete: Joel prefers to be indoors. sentence: The theater always did much better than the cinema because the OPTIONS: - theater was very dead in town. - cinema was very dead in town. complete:
cinema was very dead in town.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The man tried to set up the screen on the wall but the Options are: a. wall was too long. b. screen was too long.
Write the next sentence. Betty only ate animal products in a very strict way while Carrie ate steak every day.
Betty is a vegan.
Write the next sentence. YouTube contained many videos that Adam loved to watch but Jason did not enjoy them, because Pick your answer from: [A]. Adam loved using computers.. [B]. Jason loved using computers.. Answer:
Choose your story that continues the following story. Rachel is easily triggered and had a severe and avoidable conflict with her best friend Cynthia, because Select from: [A]. Rachel was nervous.. [B]. Cynthia was nervous..
Choose your answer: Who is it in the following sentence? The hammer hit the bullet, so it shot. Choices: *The hammer *the bullet
the bullet
Question: The construction workers hollered at the girls when they saw them. Based on this sentence, who is they? Answer: The construction workers Question: Gary envied Bill because he was poor. Based on this sentence, who is he? Answer: Gary Question: The Magnificent Five will battle it out with Shen Yu's forces because they will need to end his rein of terror. Based on this sentence, who is they? Answer: The Magnificent Five Question: The glass hit the floor and it scratched. Based on this sentence, who is it? Answer:
the floor
QUES: Continue writing. I had a choice of glass kettle or iron kettle and I selected a iron kettle, I thought the +++++++++ ANS: glass kettle is fragile. QUES: Continue writing. Mary understood how credit, debt and APR worked and Sue didn't, so the +++++++++ ANS: debt of Sue became quite large. QUES: Continue writing. Jane wanted to put the guitar in the stand but the +++++++++ ANS: guitar was too heavy. QUES: Continue writing. Emily asked Jennifer to take them to the hospital for their kidney stones, because +++++++++ ANS:
Jennifer was in the car.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia invited Elena to exercise with them at the gym. Answer: Patricia has been going almost daily. Problem: How does the sentence end? The menu choices were a cheeseburger or salad but because I didn't care about staying fit I chose the Answer: cheeseburger for dinner. Problem: How does the sentence end? His laptop was damaged and his desktop was brand new, so he used the Answer: desktop when writing his blog because it was faster. Problem: How does the sentence end? Because Brian lived in a very cold climate while Joel lived in a warm climate, Answer:
Brian had to dress in several layers.