1 value
4 values
4 values
Problem: The students don't like the methods that are taught compared to other techniques, because the My choice: techniques are more easy. Problem: Jacob was satisfied with the soda but was unsatisfied with the sherbet because the My choice: sherbet was strange. Problem: Martha liked to add a tablespoon of sugar instead of a cup to the cake because the My choice: cup made it too sweet. Problem: Victoria was carrying out the trash when Lindsey pulled in the driveway. My choice:
Victoria always seemed to be doing the chores.
Write the next sentence. Betty was studying to become a doctor and Emily was very supportive. When she failed a test, Options: [1]. Betty encouraged her not to give up. [2]. Emily encouraged her not to give up. Answer:
Complete the following sentence. Bob can either use his birth certificate or his driver's license as proof that he is a citizen. He chose the
driver's license because it is small.
Question: I played the guitar better than I played the piano because I practiced more on the OPTIONS: - guitar . - piano . Answer: Continue the sentence -- guitar . Question: When making fruit salad, I like to add more strawberries than blackberries since the OPTIONS: - strawberries make the dish tarter and I have a big sweet tooth. - blackberries make the dish tarter and I have a big sweet tooth. Answer: Continue the sentence -- blackberries make the dish tarter and I have a big sweet tooth. Question: In the heart of Winter, Mary sleeps with a heated blanket instead of using more heat. The OPTIONS: - heated blanket costs her more money. - heat costs her more money. Answer: Continue the sentence -- heat costs her more money. Question: Erin is making a maryland blue crab for Angela's birthday meal, because OPTIONS: - Erin wants make her happy. - Angela wants make her happy. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Erin wants make her happy.
Question: Sentence 1: "The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning, but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was gone." Sentence 2: "The cloud was gone." Is sentence 2 true, based on sentence 1? OPTIONS: - no - yes ANS: yes Question: Sentence 1: "We had hoped to place copies of our newsletter on all the chairs in the auditorium, but there were simply not enough of them." Sentence 2: "There were simply not enough copies of the newsletter." Is sentence 2 true, based on sentence 1? OPTIONS: - no - yes ANS: yes Question: Sentence 1: "The scientists are studying three species of fish that have recently been found living in the Indian Ocean. They began two years ago." Sentence 2: "The scientists began two years ago." Is sentence 2 true, based on sentence 1? OPTIONS: - no - yes ANS: yes Question: Sentence 1: "Even before they reached town, they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said it was firecrackers." Sentence 2: "Dora asked what the town was." Is sentence 2 true, based on sentence 1? OPTIONS: - no - yes
ANS: no
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The dog of Brett's behavior was a lot worse than that of Leslie's, because [A]: Brett dog was disobedient. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The restaurant was a household name in all parts of the city unlike it's competition. The [A]: restaurant was well loved. [Q]: How does the sentence end? James could not find the white controller around the couch, the [A]:
couch is definitely visible.
Choose your story that continues the following story. The lumberjack tried to cut the tree down with the ax but the Pick your answer from: (a). tree was too strong. (b). ax was too strong.
Continue writing the following text. Christine had a flower garden that was twice as big as Maria's since
Maria had less time to tend to it.
QUES: Continue writing. Kenneth had an easier time ordering from the menu than Dennis because +++++++++ ANS: Dennis is a vegetarian. QUES: Continue writing. The new shining pearl won't fit through the hole because the +++++++++ ANS: pearl is too wide. QUES: Continue writing. Sandra uses a whisk to beat the scrambled eggs instead of an electric beater, because the +++++++++ ANS: beater left lumps in the eggs yesterday. QUES: Continue writing. The signed book belonged to Brett and not to Justin , but +++++++++ ANS:
Justin liked the author more.
For lunch at work, George decided on veggies instead of a fries because the OPTIONS: - veggies were healthier. - fries were healthier. veggies were healthier. Felicia lost their love handles much faster than Christine, because OPTIONS: - Felicia went to the gym infrequently. - Christine went to the gym infrequently. Christine went to the gym infrequently. She was feeling playful after the movie, but sad after the show, because the OPTIONS: - movie was a comedy. - show was a comedy.
movie was a comedy.
Choices: (1). Carrie loves flowers.; (2). Betty loves flowers.; Complete the following sentence. Carrie asked for roses for Valentine's Day and Betty asked for chocolate because
Continue writing the following text. Monica preferred state-side travel whereas Cynthia wanted to travel and try exotic fruits since Select from the following. [A]. Monica is timid.. [B]. Cynthia is timid..
How does the sentence end? We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as the Choices: (a). apartment was contrary to our needs.; (b). house was contrary to our needs.;
How does the sentence end? In order to pass his karate test he had to do several kicks but the
kicks were too high.
Write the next sentence. The marriage performed at the church wasn't as nice as the one in the inn because the
inn was clean.
Continue the following story. John cannot go to the hospital and waited for his doctor at the park because the
hospital is far.
sentence: Steven places higher values on cars while Adam does so with animals. OPTIONS: - Steven spends much time driving cars. - Adam spends much time driving cars. complete: Steven spends much time driving cars. Being a boss comes natural to Michael it never has for Leslie, OPTIONS: - Michael is not a suitable leader for others. - Leslie is not a suitable leader for others. Leslie is not a suitable leader for others. Input: Continue writing. Amy had an infected wound being treated by Laura because OPTIONS: - Amy has a first aid kit. - Laura has a first aid kit. Continued: Laura has a first aid kit. Story needs to be completed: His calculation was off, so he used a calculator instead of working it on a piece of paper. The OPTIONS: - calculator was plain. - paper was plain. My choice: paper was plain. Problem: Continue the following story. Bill wanted to replace all the carpet in his home to wood floors, because the OPTIONS: - carpet was old. - wood was old. Here's how I want to continue it: carpet was old. Neil praised Samuel for honoring the contract even though the contract heavily hindered OPTIONS: - Neil . - Samuel .
Samuel .
Problem: How does the sentence end? The properties that my sister sells are a lot nicer than the lots that I have seen online, because the Answer: properties are in wealthy areas. Problem: How does the sentence end? Amy wanted to work at the senior center but Christine was hesitant to hire her because Answer: Amy wasn’t someone with prior experience. Problem: How does the sentence end? The river water in the field was putrid, but it was clear in the mountain, as it was fresh in the Answer: mountain . Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie borrowed dye from Emily since Answer:
Emily had gotten new supplies for her hair recently.
Input: Continue writing. Adam was sick and tired of Jeffrey's management of the company, because OPTIONS: - Adam was always being inappropriate. - Jeffrey was always being inappropriate. Continued: Jeffrey was always being inappropriate. Input: Continue writing. The woman tried to throw the party in the main room but the OPTIONS: - room was too small. - party was too small. Continued: room was too small. Input: Continue writing. In the underground, Rachel rode further on the subway than Sarah because OPTIONS: - Rachel gets sick on the ride. - Sarah gets sick on the ride. Continued: Sarah gets sick on the ride. Input: Continue writing. Matthew had the image of Aaron burned into their mind, so OPTIONS: - Matthew was unable to forget his or her face. - Aaron was unable to forget his or her face. Continued:
Matthew was unable to forget his or her face.
Story needs to be completed: Cynthia went to the store while Sarah went to work, and OPTIONS: - Cynthia spent the next couple hours shopping. - Sarah spent the next couple hours shopping. My choice: Cynthia spent the next couple hours shopping. Story needs to be completed: Katrina"s boyfriend was too clingy in Victoria's opinion. OPTIONS: - Katrina liked him just fine. - Victoria liked him just fine. My choice: Katrina liked him just fine. Story needs to be completed: When Eric arrived for class at school, Christopher ignored him, so the teacher smiled at OPTIONS: - Eric . - Christopher . My choice: Eric . Story needs to be completed: Katrina bought expensive jeans while Laura bought cheap ones since OPTIONS: - Katrina had very little money in their budget. - Laura had very little money in their budget. My choice:
Laura had very little money in their budget.
Complete the following sentence. The chef took the peas out of the steamer and put in the carrots because the
carrots were still raw.
Write the next sentence. Jumping in the water was never a problem for Jeffrey but it was for Derrick, because Choose from: (A). Jeffrey took swimming lessons as a child.; (B). Derrick took swimming lessons as a child.;
sentence: The sky was brown over the factory, as the complete: sky absorbed so much pollution all day. sentence: William asked Eric to help them catch their dog because complete: William couldn't run very fast. sentence: She wanted to display the ad on the billboard, but the complete:
billboard was too small.
Positive SSL sells wildcard certificates to Web hosting companies, but they have multiple options to purchase certificates from. Who is they referring to in this sentence?
Web hosting companies
Problem: Lindsey provides tips when Kayla test some fruits for their ripeness because OPTIONS: - Lindsey is very experienced with the fruits. - Kayla is very experienced with the fruits. My choice: Lindsey is very experienced with the fruits. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The went to paint the bed room with the roller brush but the room needed another pass of the OPTIONS: - paint . - roller brush . [A]: roller brush . QUES: Continue writing. Adam poured water to extinguish the torch's flame because the OPTIONS: - flame was growing out of control. - water was growing out of control. +++++++++ ANS: flame was growing out of control. Problem: How does the sentence end? Bob wanted to cut the watermelon open with a knife, but the OPTIONS: - watermelon was just too tough. - knife was just too tough. Answer: watermelon was just too tough. sentence: Matthew tried to be stealthy while planning a party for Donald, so OPTIONS: - Matthew did not tell anyone who couldn't keep a secret. - Donald did not tell anyone who couldn't keep a secret. complete: Matthew did not tell anyone who couldn't keep a secret. Input: Continue writing. Jessica 's dance routine had more polish than Erin 's because OPTIONS: - Jessica practiced so much. - Erin practiced so much. Continued:
Jessica practiced so much.
Question: Susan's business was less successful than Paul's kiosk because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- business was in the wrong location. Question: Ian had a very nocturnal schedule but Derrick was a morning person. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Derrick never slept until noon. Question: Rachel tried to clean the doll off for Angela so she could play with it, but Answer: Continue the sentence -- Angela was having a hard time waiting for it. Question: Katrina has installed a virus protection for Felicia's computer so Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Katrina teaching about how to use it.
Continue the following story. She had a nervous system problem and decided to treat it with vitamins instead of meds, because the Choices: [+] vitamins are heathier in long term.. [+] meds are heathier in long term..
vitamins are heathier in long term.
Complete the following sentence. Justin went to Lawrence to have a custom suit made for him because Pick from: -Justin needs a tailor. -Lawrence needs a tailor.
Justin needs a tailor.
Monica was a math wiz compared to Megan, so Megan did much worse in the algebra class. the trees did not fit to the home compounds because of their numbers, the trees were too many. Victoria constantly warned Erin about talking to strange adults because
Victoria was weary of strangers.
Natalie does not want to light a cigar while Rachel wants to light a cigar. OPTIONS: - Natalie lit a cigar. - Rachel lit a cigar. Rachel lit a cigar. Input: Continue writing. I placed my leftover food from the plate into the container until the OPTIONS: - plate became full. - container became full. Continued: container became full. Story needs to be completed: The motorcycle permit doesn't fit into the blue wallet because the OPTIONS: - permit is too large. - wallet is too large. My choice: permit is too large. Problem: Continue the following story. Jessica listened to Megan tell her about her new horse over and over OPTIONS: - Jessica was bored. - Megan was bored. Here's how I want to continue it: Jessica was bored. Problem: While gardening in the yard, Ryan realized they still had Michael's tool from the previous year. OPTIONS: - Ryan felt surprised to get it back so long after. - Michael felt surprised to get it back so long after. My choice: Michael felt surprised to get it back so long after. Story needs to be completed: The colors showed up clearly on the TV, but were faded on the computer, because the OPTIONS: - computer was lower quality. - TV was lower quality. My choice:
computer was lower quality.
Continue writing the following text. Jennifer asked Rachel what color the trousers were trimmed with, but Possible answers: 1. Jennifer didn't know.. 2. Rachel didn't know..
Continue writing the following text. The trainer tried to put the exercise equipment in the van but it wouldn't fit; the
van was too small.
Input: Continue writing. Natalie was hired to install a new wall for Monica because Continued: Monica is the employer. Input: Continue writing. Julie washed her hair with conditioner instead of shampoo because the Continued: shampoo was very drying. Input: Continue writing. the water was too much to fit into the cup as required, the Continued: cup was too small. Input: Continue writing. The park gardener dumped topsoil from the bag into the flower pot until the Continued:
pot was full.
Story needs to be completed: It was easier to train for the race than the marathon because the My choice: race was much shorter. Story needs to be completed: Joan needed to get rid of the red spider mites in her yard with a hoe but the My choice: hoe was too small. Story needs to be completed: Emily taught Cynthia how to slice meat with the deli machine, and My choice: Cynthia was good at learning. Story needs to be completed: Mary has decided to put a picture in her locket to make it more interesting, but it won't fit. The My choice:
picture is too wide.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Monica was at home sick with a cold, so Felicia bought some oranges to help Available choices: I. Monica get over the infection.; II. Felicia get over the infection.;
Write the next sentence. She put mustard on the sandwiches, but not on the fries, because she thought the Possible answers: -sandwiches had been served bland. -fries had been served bland. Answer:
sandwiches had been served bland.
Problem: Continue the following story. Michael wanted to be a police officer like Christopher, since Here's how I want to continue it: Christopher had always been an example for them. Problem: Continue the following story. The girl used her device for longer than she used her phone so the battery on the Here's how I want to continue it: phone died later. Problem: Continue the following story. Amaya replaced the toilet and not the sink in the bathroom because the Here's how I want to continue it:
toilet was unclean.
Problem: The painter got his hand stained on the wall and he cleaned it with a towel. The My choice: wall is tacky. Problem: Rich wanted to go clubbing, but felt his club outfit was outdated so he bought stylish clothing. The My choice: club outfit was old. Problem: When Adam answered the phone, he heard Joseph laughing with friends; My choice: Joseph wanted him to be there. Problem: Although Kenneth was much worse at writing than Joel even My choice:
Joel couldn't argue the other is a much better editor.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Emily helps Patricia pick out the color of bricks at the hardware store, so OPTIONS: - Emily is a salesman. - Patricia is a salesman. [A]: Emily is a salesman. QUES: Continue writing. A lizard was brought home as a pet and placed in a cage but the OPTIONS: - lizard was too large. - cage was too large. +++++++++ ANS: lizard was too large. Problem: How does the sentence end? My pastor enjoyed the program a lot less than the University because the OPTIONS: - program was boring. - University was boring. Answer: program was boring. sentence: Working in a government agency better suited Ian than Brian because OPTIONS: - Ian ignored the rules. - Brian ignored the rules. complete: Brian ignored the rules. He shoveled manure from the cage and put it in the wheelbarrow until the OPTIONS: - cage was full. - wheelbarrow was full. wheelbarrow was full. Problem: Continue the following story. The athlete felt natural on the grass, but not on the ice, because the OPTIONS: - ice is the same as what they're used to playing on. - grass is the same as what they're used to playing on. Here's how I want to continue it:
grass is the same as what they're used to playing on.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Christine gave up trying to bond with the cat even though it bonded with Angela because Options: i. Christine is approachable. ii. Angela is approachable.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Jennifer is in a codependent relationship, while Amy is not because [A]: Amy is in a healthy relationship. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The doctor tried to store the painkiller in the cabinet but the [A]: cabinet was too small. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The service was better at the shop near my house than the treatment near my friends house because the [A]:
treatment was horrible.
Problem: Continue the following story. Since there was only 1 piece of bubblewrap left, the woman chose to wrap the ornament instead of the star because the OPTIONS: - ornament was more sturdy. - star was more sturdy. Here's how I want to continue it: star was more sturdy. Problem: Continue the following story. Jill grew both flowers and vegetables in her garden, but the OPTIONS: - flowers were her favorite because she loved to smell them. - vegetables were her favorite because she loved to smell them. Here's how I want to continue it: flowers were her favorite because she loved to smell them. Problem: Continue the following story. Janice wanted to display the fruit on a tray but the OPTIONS: - fruit was too big. - tray was too big. Here's how I want to continue it:
fruit was too big.
QUES: Continue writing. Tanya asked Kayla which ammo to pick for their new rifle, because +++++++++ ANS: Tanya was the customer of the store. QUES: Continue writing. William wanted to spend the rest of their life with Eric because +++++++++ ANS: William was happy when they spent time together. QUES: Continue writing. Justin called on Leslie's brand new phone, but there was no answer. +++++++++ ANS: Justin was frightened. QUES: Continue writing. I wrote a paper on helicopters in response to another paper I had written about hot air balloons; overall, I find the +++++++++ ANS:
balloons to be too fragile.
How does the sentence end? Since Betty did not graduate high school and Rebecca received their Master's degree,
Betty was less educated.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia told Sarah it was her dream to go to the opera, so Answer: Sarah gave her opera tickets for her birthday. Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie showed Patricia the most efficient method for making a homework schedule. Answer: Natalie was a tutor. Problem: How does the sentence end? Beatrice was done cleaning the hallway before Jackie could clean the basement. It was quicker to clean the Answer: hallway . Problem: How does the sentence end? The woman found the jeans were more comfortable than the pants because the Answer:
pants were stiff.
Input: Continue writing. Although Samuel was more of a sneakerhead than Robert, OPTIONS: - Samuel overlooked a great pair of Converse. - Robert overlooked a great pair of Converse. Continued: Samuel overlooked a great pair of Converse. Story needs to be completed: The decorations were hung on the railings but not on the walls as the OPTIONS: - railings were considered an awkward place for them. - walls were considered an awkward place for them. My choice: walls were considered an awkward place for them. Problem: Continue the following story. The vegetable drinks are far less appetizing than the fruit smoothies because the OPTIONS: - smoothies are bland. - drinks are bland. Here's how I want to continue it: drinks are bland. Problem: Donald was poorer than Leslie was because companies had found oil on the property of OPTIONS: - Donald . - Leslie . My choice: Leslie . [Q]: How does the sentence end? When looking for a real estate agent, people most often choose Jennifer over Christine because OPTIONS: - Jennifer has a reputation for excellent service. - Christine has a reputation for excellent service. [A]: Jennifer has a reputation for excellent service. Problem: Amy prefers cooking the food over ordering it, because the OPTIONS: - cooking is more expensive in the long term. - ordering is more expensive in the long term. My choice:
ordering is more expensive in the long term.
sentence: Rocky's skin hasn't been responding to the cream, but the cleanser has helped it clear up. The complete: cream must be a poor formula. sentence: Angela needs help with pricing her jewelery so she goes to Emily, becasue complete: Emily is a professional. sentence: After having their babies, Christine fed her baby formula while Victoria was nursing, leading to complete:
Victoria spending much less money.
QUES: Continue writing. Steven never went anywhere without his bodyguard Brian since OPTIONS: - Steven was formidable in a fight . - Brian was formidable in a fight . +++++++++ ANS: Brian was formidable in a fight . Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie arrived at the hotel well after Elena arrived, because OPTIONS: - Natalie was stuck in rush hour traffic for hours. - Elena was stuck in rush hour traffic for hours. Answer: Natalie was stuck in rush hour traffic for hours. sentence: Airbnb was ideal for Amy but Cynthia liked staying in hotel better than homes. OPTIONS: - Amy booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation. - Cynthia booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation. complete: Amy booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation. The parks close to our house are worse than the fields because the OPTIONS: - parks are filthy. - fields are filthy. parks are filthy. Input: Continue writing. The carpenter used the nails on the walls and not on the doors, because the OPTIONS: - doors were wobbly with them. - walls were wobbly with them. Continued: doors were wobbly with them. [Q]: How does the sentence end? It is extremely easy to measure a golf club using a ruler. The OPTIONS: - ruler is for sports. - club is for sports. [A]:
club is for sports.
Write the next sentence. Kyle screamed at Adam for failing to stay alert while driving.
Kyle was scared.
Continue the following story. The man had many conflicts with Christine but not Cynthia because
Cynthia was a nice and happy person.
Question: I want to plant flowers in my garden and decided against roses and chose to plant columbines instead because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- columbines are easier to grow. Question: Matthew, who was rich, and Lawrence who was poor, both wanted to be a volunteer Answer: Continue the sentence -- Lawrence wished he could afford to. Question: Brian rested on the large bed as Kevin studied because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Brian was very tired from work. Question: The job went to Hunter over Derrick because Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Derrick had much less experience at cleaning up animal poop .
Problem: We settled for the homemade soup for lunch, but for dinner we went out. The OPTIONS: - lunch was an unimportant meal to us. - dinner was an unimportant meal to us. My choice: lunch was an unimportant meal to us. Problem: The cats scurried out of the tub and made for the warm blanket, since the OPTIONS: - tub was very welcoming. - blanket was very welcoming. My choice: blanket was very welcoming. Problem: The garden shears worked a lot better than the machetes, because the OPTIONS: - machetes were dull. - garden shears were dull. My choice: machetes were dull. Problem: An Uber was called for Rebecca but not Kayla because OPTIONS: - Rebecca needed a ride home. - Kayla needed a ride home. My choice:
Rebecca needed a ride home.
The payments were made by Jason to Dennis, as Jason had borrowed so much money in the past. During the game it was Jeffrey's call to put Jason into position so the team could win because Jeffrey was the captain. The baby ate the whirled peas but not the chopped carrots although
carrots were tastier.
Available choices: 1). Eric paper was grammatically correct.. 2). Dennis paper was grammatically correct.. Complete the following sentence. The paper that Eric wrote was worse than that of Dennis, because
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Angela stared bewildered as Katrina explained you could use vitamin C to lighten hair dye because OPTIONS: - Angela was knowledgeable. - Katrina was knowledgeable. [A]: Katrina was knowledgeable. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Matthew knew how to cure a bleeding nose but Lawrence did not because OPTIONS: - Matthew had a limited knowledge of first aid. - Lawrence had a limited knowledge of first aid. [A]: Lawrence had a limited knowledge of first aid. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jennifer would outgrow Sarah in a matter of a few months even though OPTIONS: - Jennifer was younger. - Sarah was younger. [A]:
Jennifer was younger.
Complete the following sentence. Carrie had to stop and buy an astringent face wash because Monica didn't use it and because
Monica has a clear complexion.
Cartman finally decided to get rid of his stuffed animal, Clyde Frog, because he was told by his friends to grow up. Who is "he" in this prior sentence(see options)? Available choices: * Cartman; * Clyde Frog;
Input: Continue writing. We lit a candle to help cover the smell of garlic, but we couldn't get rid of the smell because the Continued: garlic was too strong. Input: Continue writing. Monica aced the acting audition for the film while Felicia flopped because Continued: Monica was a better actor. Input: Continue writing. Sam had to control his diet by eating only mushroom and broccoli, but he only ate the Continued: mushroom to decrease his greens. Input: Continue writing. The trainer said that Angela was in average shape, unlike Cynthia, due to Continued:
Cynthia being active.
Continue writing the following text. Jim painted the bedroom wall in his new home blue instead of beige because he preferred the
blue .
Continue writing the following text. After learning that he needed surgery for colon polyps, Ian asked Nelson to come to the hospital because Available choices: [a]. Ian would be a comfort.. [b]. Nelson would be a comfort..
How does the sentence end? After their parents fell ill, Natalie gave them care while Victoria did not.
Natalie was very careful.
Story needs to be completed: Lindsey treated Megan to a fancy holiday, so My choice: Lindsey was seen as quite the giving person. Story needs to be completed: Karen could not fit the antique chest she just bought in car's trunk because the My choice: chest was too big. Story needs to be completed: Through years of maintenance the board became the color of the oil used on it. The My choice: oil stains. Story needs to be completed: The coursework for class was much harder for Betty to keep up with than Felicia because, My choice:
Felicia was focused on the daily tasks.
Story needs to be completed: Lawrence was too sensitive to caffeine, but Kenneth needs it to wake up, so OPTIONS: - Lawrence drinks decaf coffee in the morning. - Kenneth drinks decaf coffee in the morning. My choice: Lawrence drinks decaf coffee in the morning. Problem: Continue the following story. During the calm before the storm, Tanya began freaking out while Samantha remained calm because OPTIONS: - Tanya had a very chill personality. - Samantha had a very chill personality. Here's how I want to continue it: Samantha had a very chill personality. Problem: Joel wanted to live around celebrities, but Kevin who lived around them did not. OPTIONS: - Joel moved away from California. - Kevin moved away from California. My choice: Kevin moved away from California. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Craig calmly talked at Robert because OPTIONS: - Craig used his razor in the morning before work. - Robert used his razor in the morning before work. [A]: Robert used his razor in the morning before work. QUES: Continue writing. The only place Hannah would sleep was outside her bedroom in the hall, because the OPTIONS: - bedroom was spooky. - hall was spooky. +++++++++ ANS: bedroom was spooky. QUES: Continue writing. Wearing the latest most stylish fashion was very important to Natalie but not to Felicia because OPTIONS: - Natalie wanted to be a trendsetter. - Felicia wanted to be a trendsetter. +++++++++ ANS:
Natalie wanted to be a trendsetter.
Problem: Continue the following story. Mary was being sued for the cost of the fence, but not the gate, because she missed the Here's how I want to continue it: gate with her car. Problem: Continue the following story. The woman bought a shell to put in the aquarium, because the Here's how I want to continue it: shell looked decorative. Problem: Continue the following story. Matthew is thinking of starting a car club and asks Leslie to join, but he can't. Here's how I want to continue it:
Matthew has sufficient free time.
How does the sentence end? Tanya hating mornings but Samantha loved them, so Choices: I. Tanya was always miserable when the sun came up.. II. Samantha was always miserable when the sun came up..
QUES: Continue writing. People like the concrete on the main street more than the stone on the side street, because the OPTIONS: - stone is sturdy. - concrete is sturdy. +++++++++ ANS: concrete is sturdy. QUES: Continue writing. strong relationships need a lot of commitment and less of suspicion , the OPTIONS: - commitment is preferred. - suspicion is preferred. +++++++++ ANS: commitment is preferred. QUES: Continue writing. Adam could stand to eat way more dairy than Christopher because OPTIONS: - Adam was lactose intolerant. - Christopher was lactose intolerant. +++++++++ ANS: Christopher was lactose intolerant. QUES: Continue writing. Jennifer bought a video game at the mall while Christine bought a book, and when they got home OPTIONS: - Jennifer began playing what they bought. - Christine began playing what they bought. +++++++++ ANS:
Jennifer began playing what they bought.
Write the next sentence. The armor failed to prevent the sword from puncturing him, since the
armor was so fragile.
Continue the following story. Alice went to the hair salon to get a bob or a lob. She decided on the
bob because it was shorter for the summer.
Problem: The sandwich Brian gave to William was eaten very quickly. My choice: William loved the flavors in it. Problem: Mary traded the jelly beans for the chocolate candies, because she didn't like the taste of the My choice: jelly beans . Problem: The greeting was not heard at the corporate conference because the My choice: greeting was too quiet. Problem: More people wanted to meet the dog than the baby, since My choice:
baby was very loud and ugly.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan loves grilling steaks but Patricia is a vegetarian. [A]: Megan gobbles up all the steak. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Brian gave Matthew lemons to use in the pie recipe because [A]: Brian had recently picked some. [Q]: How does the sentence end? His calculation was off, so he used a calculator instead of working it on a piece of paper. The [A]:
paper was plain.
Complete the following sentence. Rachel was starting to feel better than Felicia because
Rachel willingly took the new antibiotic.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Yoga suits Amy, but is not something that's possible for Mary due to OPTIONS: - Amy being spiritual. - Mary being spiritual. Answer: Amy being spiritual. Problem: How does the sentence end? Justin was sure they had PTSD but Ian thought they were overreacting. OPTIONS: - Justin was not worried about the panic attacks and nightmares. - Ian was not worried about the panic attacks and nightmares. Answer: Ian was not worried about the panic attacks and nightmares. Problem: How does the sentence end? The woman tried to pack her blowdryer in the suitcase but the OPTIONS: - suitcase was too large. - blowdryer was too large. Answer: blowdryer was too large. Problem: How does the sentence end? Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but the OPTIONS: - card was too wide. - slot was too wide. Answer:
card was too wide.
sentence: The bank was in front of Old Manfred although he put his car in reverse to go toward the market, as the OPTIONS: - market was backward. - bank was backward. complete: market was backward. sentence: Jessica kicked the ball to Tanya so OPTIONS: - Jessica could take it down the field and score a goal. - Tanya could take it down the field and score a goal. complete: Tanya could take it down the field and score a goal. sentence: John hated his country far more than the world because the OPTIONS: - country had many bad people. - world had many bad people. complete:
country had many bad people.
Question: Lindsey kept a journal and did not want Jessica to read the personal things she had written, so OPTIONS: - Lindsey was not shown the journal. - Jessica was not shown the journal. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jessica was not shown the journal. Question: Maria makes a demo CD with the help of Megan because OPTIONS: - Maria is a producer. - Megan is a producer. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Megan is a producer. Question: Victoria tried to cook breakfast and burned down Patricia's kitchen, so OPTIONS: - Victoria was forced to apologize. - Patricia was forced to apologize. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Victoria was forced to apologize. Question: Erin is a gardener of skill, Kayla is not therefore OPTIONS: - Erin will be successful when she grows fruit trees. - Kayla will be successful when she grows fruit trees. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Erin will be successful when she grows fruit trees.
When building anything Mary always measure twice but Jessica only once as OPTIONS: - Mary is careless by nature. - Jessica is careless by nature. Jessica is careless by nature. The pattern James drew on the skirt needed more space to complete it. He realized the OPTIONS: - pattern is large. - skirt is large. pattern is large. Marriage was very important for Kayla but not for Samantha because OPTIONS: - Kayla was very modern. - Samantha was very modern.
Samantha was very modern.
QUES: Continue writing. Matthew had gold fever while Neil loved being on the ocean. +++++++++ ANS: Matthew moved to Alaska to work in a mine. QUES: Continue writing. She left the coach and headed to the taxi so she could take a faster route but the +++++++++ ANS: taxi was actually slower. QUES: Continue writing. Natalie had a sled with a rougher bottom than Felicia, so +++++++++ ANS: Felicia 's sled went faster downhill and to the finish line. QUES: Continue writing. Hunter happens to be more emotionally independent than Adam because +++++++++ ANS:
Hunter is in a healthy relationship.
Write the next sentence. Logan was in a better spot in life unlike Aaron because Choose from: (I) Logan had so much anxiety built up.. (II) Aaron had so much anxiety built up..
Problem: How does the sentence end? Neil decided to surrender to Ian because the position of the troops on the field indicated that Answer: Ian was going to win the war. Problem: How does the sentence end? Derrick plays basketball weekly unlike Robert so Answer: Robert had slower reflexes getting the ball in a pickup game. Problem: How does the sentence end? He decided do buy the wool jacket instead of the linen one, because the Answer: wool jacket is better for the winter. Problem: How does the sentence end? Donald has a bigger belly than Ryan because Answer:
Ryan has a healthy relationship with food.
Continue the following story. Jane decided to eat a salad instead of a sandwich because the Pick your answer from: (I). salad had less calories and she was trying to diet. (II). sandwich had less calories and she was trying to diet.
Problem: How does the sentence end? I think I need to buy car insurance but not boat insurance because I take the OPTIONS: - car out less. - boat out less. Answer: boat out less. sentence: James realized he could eat more of the apple unlike the banana because the OPTIONS: - apple is large. - banana is large. complete: banana is large. The car crashed into a tree but only the tree was damaged, because the OPTIONS: - car is made from stronger material. - tree is made from stronger material. car is made from stronger material. Input: Continue writing. Elena decided to attend a seminar on self esteem but Christine did not as OPTIONS: - Elena was very insecure. - Christine was very insecure. Continued: Elena was very insecure. Story needs to be completed: Terry was looking at the different ways on how to breakup, there was the in-person and the text version but the OPTIONS: - text version method seemed too easy. - in-person method seemed too easy. My choice: text version method seemed too easy. Problem: How does the sentence end? Adam was always happy to be able to study but Craig was not because OPTIONS: - Adam was a very diligent student. - Craig was a very diligent student. Answer:
Adam was a very diligent student.
Complete the following sentence. Bob can either use his birth certificate or his driver's license as proof that he is a citizen. He chose the OPT: a). driver's license because it is small.. b). birth certificate because it is small..
sentence: Mike wanted to make a big meal of food in the small kitchen, he couldn't because the complete: kitchen could not fit many pots and pans. sentence: The seeds that William uses are worse than Adam's because complete: William went to a less reputable farmer. sentence: Angela was highly upset with the words that Carrie had said, so complete:
Carrie offered an apology.
Continue writing the following text. Benjamin was asking Hunter for some tips caring for some sea monkeys, but
Hunter had no idea what to do.
How does the sentence end? Joel asked Nelson for help with a paragraph for his paper as
Nelson had wrote a book.
Write the next sentence. The scrolls were restored using brushes instead of air compressors, because the
brushes caused no damage.
Continue the following story. The two clothing items I love the most are my navy pencil skirt and black leather jacket. The
jacket is because it makes me look so badass.
Complete the following sentence. The lung was infected after the surgery while the heart was still clean, since the tools used on the
lung were dirty.
Question: We decided to buy a new dryer when we moved and kept the same washer as the Answer: Continue the sentence -- washer was in working order. Question: So Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kyle was singing a song and everyone was booing because Aaron has a great voice and Kyle doesn't. Question: Charlotte had to take her laughing child out of the playhouse because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- laugh was quite loud. Question: John could learn math better than art, even though Answer:
Continue the sentence -- art was the easier subject for most.
Continue writing the following text. The medication failed to treat the disease and doctors were in a panic because the
disease was resistant.
Problem: Continue the following story. Learning was always easier for Patricia than it was for Laura, because OPTIONS: - Patricia studied a lot more. - Laura studied a lot more. Here's how I want to continue it: Patricia studied a lot more. Problem: After Matthew got knee surgery, Dennis helped them to get around, and OPTIONS: - Matthew was happy to do it. - Dennis was happy to do it. My choice: Dennis was happy to do it. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The real estate endeavor suited Lawrence but not Leslie because OPTIONS: - Lawrence did not have a good understanding of the market. - Leslie did not have a good understanding of the market. [A]: Leslie did not have a good understanding of the market. QUES: Continue writing. Cynthia was worried about the cost of a doctor visit because she didn't have insurance; Felicia offered to cover the cost. OPTIONS: - Cynthia was compassionate. - Felicia was compassionate. +++++++++ ANS: Felicia was compassionate. Problem: How does the sentence end? Jennifer taught confidence building exercises before going back to school to Maria because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was very caring. - Maria was very caring. Answer: Jennifer was very caring. sentence: We always played in the field next to my house and not the park, because the OPTIONS: - field was rarely maintained. - park was rarely maintained. complete:
park was rarely maintained.
Continue writing the following text. Christine had a flower garden that was twice as big as Maria's since Available choices: [a]. Christine had less time to tend to it.; [b]. Maria had less time to tend to it.;
"Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold, though he lived two centuries later." is a true sentence. Does this mean that "Jackson lived two centuries later."? Possible answers: 1). no. 2). yes.
sentence: My main goal was to get the child away from the school and into the yard, because the OPTIONS: - school was dangerous. - yard was dangerous. complete: school was dangerous. The recovery was a lot longer for Natalie than Betty, because OPTIONS: - Natalie injury was more severe. - Betty injury was more severe. Natalie injury was more severe. Input: Continue writing. Shane poured the entire bowl of red potatoes into the hot pan on the stove until the OPTIONS: - bowl was empty. - pan was empty. Continued: bowl was empty. Story needs to be completed: The food served in the plate was falling off when John was carrying it because the OPTIONS: - food is too small. - plate is too small. My choice: plate is too small. Problem: Continue the following story. Janine switched from selling cooper and silver necklaces to selling diamonds. The OPTIONS: - diamonds are cheaper.. - necklaces are cheaper.. Here's how I want to continue it: necklaces are cheaper.. Brian was a thief that stole the precious gemstones from Adam's home so OPTIONS: - Brian ran from the police. - Adam ran from the police.
Brian ran from the police.
Rebecca invited Maria to a concert, then Maria had to get permission to attend from their parents. Jen used a glove and a rebreather to clean up mold, she was counting on the rebreather to avoid a cough. The pig spent more time in the barn than out in the pen because it was cooler in the
barn .
How does the sentence end? The man tried to set up the screen on the wall but the
screen was too long.
Problem: Kevin worried about his spouse Craig coming home late at night even though he was just working so OPTIONS: - Kevin was paranoid. - Craig was paranoid. My choice: Kevin was paranoid. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I think it's easier to learn Spanish than Chinese because the OPTIONS: - Spanish at least uses the same alphabet. - Chinese at least uses the same alphabet. [A]: Spanish at least uses the same alphabet. QUES: Continue writing. Kenny likes to put on his coat before going out into a snowstorm, since the OPTIONS: - coat is very warm. - snowstorm is very warm. +++++++++ ANS: coat is very warm. Problem: How does the sentence end? The college decided to stop the chemistry program but continue engineering, because the OPTIONS: - chemistry program was cheap to develop. - engineering program was cheap to develop. Answer: engineering program was cheap to develop. sentence: The entire class felt immense pressure to do well on the test, because the OPTIONS: - test was very competitive. - class was very competitive. complete: class was very competitive. Input: Continue writing. Joel loved climbing trees while Kyle didn't, so when around trees, OPTIONS: - Joel always stayed on the ground. - Kyle always stayed on the ground. Continued:
Kyle always stayed on the ground.
Input: Continue writing. It was easier for Katrina than Victoria to prevent identity theft of their bank accounts because Continued: Katrina understood how to protect their privacy. Input: Continue writing. Neil requested that Christopher change the water in the fish tank because Continued: Christopher is close to it. Input: Continue writing. The new drum will not fit in the car because the Continued: drum is too massive. Input: Continue writing. Amy loved budgeting while Monica loathed it, so Continued:
Monica was worse off with their money.
Story needs to be completed: The LakeDistrict is justly famous but Bolton is not because the My choice: LakeDistrict is very beautiful. Story needs to be completed: Matthew asked Justin what the weather was going to be like tomorrow because My choice: Matthew needed to know. Story needs to be completed: Jason asked Jeffrey to help them make their password because My choice: Jason had poor creative abilities. Story needs to be completed: Wanting to play a prank, Aaron added heavy spice to Samuel's food, because My choice:
Aaron was mischievous.
The laptop computer was a better choice for me over a desktop because the OPTIONS: - laptop was convenient. - desktop was convenient. laptop was convenient. Input: Continue writing. Graduation is first on the list for Joel but not going to happen for Lawrence, OPTIONS: - Joel is going to graduate. - Lawrence is going to graduate. Continued: Joel is going to graduate. Story needs to be completed: Katrina spilled bleach on her denim jacket and Jennifer did not, OPTIONS: - Katrina had a more original jacket. - Jennifer had a more original jacket. My choice: Katrina had a more original jacket. Problem: Continue the following story. Christine did not have time to groom her dog, and Rebecca stepped in and helped so OPTIONS: - Christine could make some extra money. - Rebecca could make some extra money. Here's how I want to continue it: Rebecca could make some extra money. Problem: Joel broke a hole through Derrick's lattice fence when trying to climb it, so OPTIONS: - Joel told him to repair it. - Derrick told him to repair it. My choice: Derrick told him to repair it. Story needs to be completed: I made pancakes and coffee for breakfast but only had the OPTIONS: - pancakes because I was feeling alert already. - coffee because I was feeling alert already. My choice:
pancakes because I was feeling alert already.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end In order to pass his karate test he had to do several kicks but the Select from the following. (a). kicks were too high.; (b). test were too high.;