1 value
4 values
4 values
Write the next sentence. Tooth decay was a problem for Rebecca but not Erin, since
Erin cared for her teeth.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan gave a skirt to Tanya to wear at her recital because OPTIONS: - Megan was proud of her. - Tanya was proud of her. [A]: Megan was proud of her. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The biceps on Randy are a lot larger than William's because OPTIONS: - Randy works out every day. - William works out every day. [A]: Randy works out every day. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Nelson is always trying to get the attention of Justin because OPTIONS: - Nelson is in love. - Justin is in love. [A]:
Nelson is in love.
How does the sentence end? Justin played with the bones while Kevin shied away since Select from: I. Justin was uninterested in archaeology. II. Kevin was uninterested in archaeology.
Continue the following story. The doctor injected the hormone through the neck rather than the arm, as the
neck was receptive to circulate it.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Driving passengers to the store was fine for Randy but not for Dennis, because OPTIONS: - Randy had a van. - Dennis had a van. [A]: Randy had a van. QUES: Continue writing. It took the food ten additional minutes to cook over the flame because the OPTIONS: - food is too much. - flame is too much. +++++++++ ANS: food is too much. Problem: How does the sentence end? Johnathan wanted to treat his blisters on his legs, so he used some ointment and aspirin, but the OPTIONS: - ointment made his skin itch. - aspirin made his skin itch. Answer: ointment made his skin itch. sentence: Randy went to an ice cream shop because he had a coupon and met Michael there. OPTIONS: - Randy paid full price. - Michael paid full price. complete: Michael paid full price. Dennis explained to Joseph why gear ratio was important as they were watching the auto race. OPTIONS: - Dennis was impressed by his knowledge. - Joseph was impressed by his knowledge. Joseph was impressed by his knowledge. Problem: Continue the following story. Donald kept the shrubs in front of their home trimmed neatly but Hunter let theirs go. OPTIONS: - Donald lost the neighborhood award for best lawn. - Hunter lost the neighborhood award for best lawn. Here's how I want to continue it:
Hunter lost the neighborhood award for best lawn.
Input: Continue writing. When it came to routines, Patricia left it up to Victoria because OPTIONS: - Patricia had great organization skills. - Victoria had great organization skills. Continued: Victoria had great organization skills. Story needs to be completed: Mina decided to cook her curry with brown rice instead of white because the OPTIONS: - brown rice was less healthy. - white rice was less healthy. My choice: white rice was less healthy. Problem: Continue the following story. The new paddleboard doesn't fit in the car's trunk because the OPTIONS: - paddleboard is too large. - trunk is too large. Here's how I want to continue it: paddleboard is too large. Problem: Aaron had a lot of skill with chopsticks while Nelson wasn't as proficient. OPTIONS: - Aaron could pick up a grain of rice with them. - Nelson could pick up a grain of rice with them. My choice: Aaron could pick up a grain of rice with them. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Craig but not Aaron had to wear a cast because OPTIONS: - Craig had a bruise that was healing. - Aaron had a bruise that was healing. [A]: Craig had a bruise that was healing. Problem: Most people definitely prefer to have dreams over nightmares anytime, because the OPTIONS: - dreams are horrific. - nightmares are horrific. My choice:
nightmares are horrific.
sentence: Sarah was trying to teach Erin how to say hello properly instead of saying bonjour. complete: Erin spoke French better. sentence: My friendship with him was a lot worse than my marriage because the complete: friendship was broken. sentence: The new bed John purchased for his bedroom would not fit through his front doorway, the complete:
doorway was too narrow.
Question: Amy wanted to spend time with Natalie because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Amy had been missing them for a long time. Question: James asked for a bag if they are paying him in cash and not a check because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- check is light. Question: The bell rang for everyone to hear but no one could hear the announcement made. Only the Answer: Continue the sentence -- announcement is quiet. Question: Betty always wasted money while Rebecca maintained a budget, so Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Rebecca rarely bought needless things.
Write the next sentence. Joseph prepared the food in the frying pan while Nick did the dishes, and Choose from: (1). Joseph washed the dishes thoroughly. (2). Nick washed the dishes thoroughly.
QUES: Continue writing. The cook never used a knife when he could use a fork, because the OPTIONS: - knife always got cleaned up easily. - fork always got cleaned up easily. +++++++++ ANS: fork always got cleaned up easily. QUES: Continue writing. Michael's loud cheering and yelling was giving Matthew a pounding headache so OPTIONS: - Michael finally stopped yelling. - Matthew finally stopped yelling. +++++++++ ANS: Michael finally stopped yelling. QUES: Continue writing. Dennis cleaned their hamstercage out quicker than Aaron because OPTIONS: - Dennis had failure in gaining his hamster's trust.. - Aaron had failure in gaining his hamster's trust.. +++++++++ ANS: Aaron had failure in gaining his hamster's trust.. QUES: Continue writing. The documentary movie on space travel intrigued the man less than the one on war. The OPTIONS: - space travel movie was lame. - war movie was lame. +++++++++ ANS:
space travel movie was lame.
Continue the following story. People knew Carrie as a negative person but not Christine because Select from the following. 1). Carrie had a pessimistic attitude.. 2). Christine had a pessimistic attitude..
Problem: How does the sentence end? The statue fit in the middle of the shelf, but the bookend did not, because the OPTIONS: - statue was thin. - bookend was thin. Answer: statue was thin. Problem: How does the sentence end? Angela loved to grow potatoes and carrots, but Katrina preferred to buy them. OPTIONS: - Angela was a good gardener. - Katrina was a good gardener. Answer: Angela was a good gardener. Problem: How does the sentence end? Chris was working fine with the computer but was maladaptive to the tablet because the OPTIONS: - computer was difficult to use. - tablet was difficult to use. Answer: tablet was difficult to use. Problem: How does the sentence end? William was able to stay up later than Kevin was because OPTIONS: - William had drank their coffee. - Kevin had drank their coffee. Answer:
William had drank their coffee.
The boy scouts were able to raise more money for charity over the girl scouts since they had a very active fund raising schedule. pick from the following. [+] The boy scouts [+] the girl scouts Who is they referring to?
The boy scouts
Complete the following sentence. Dennis answered every question correctly on the test Brett gave them, so
Brett was impressed.
Complete the following sentence. It took more yarn to crochet the blanket than the hat because the Choose your answer from: A). blanket was bigger.. B). hat was bigger..
Continue writing the following text. The mechanic quickly diagnosed the problem with the muffler but couldn't figure out what was wrong with the alternator, because the problem with the Choose from: [a]. muffler was rare.; [b]. alternator was rare.;
Continue writing the following text. Jane had a hard time giving her cat insulin unlike giving it a pill because the
pill took one person.
How does the sentence end? Julie couldn't use the rope to tie the rods together so she used a ribbon because the
ribbon was a lot easier to knot.
sentence: Leslie laughed at Christopher for having such short hair, but OPTIONS: - Leslie felt bad about it later. - Christopher felt bad about it later. complete: Leslie felt bad about it later. sentence: Derrick was much more alert than Lawrence, so OPTIONS: - Derrick didn't have to worry about falling asleep while driving. - Lawrence didn't have to worry about falling asleep while driving. complete: Derrick didn't have to worry about falling asleep while driving. sentence: Steven had to help Nelson when they hurt themselves because OPTIONS: - Steven knew what to do in an emergency. - Nelson knew what to do in an emergency. complete:
Steven knew what to do in an emergency.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end I enjoyed sleeping on the couch more than the bed because the Choose from: (A). couch was softer.; (B). bed was softer.;
Write the next sentence. The teacher used a reward system and Robert won an award while Logan did not because
Logan did not study at all.
Continue the following story. Jeffrey thought having facial hair was a sexy look but Steven didn't, so
Jeffrey admired the bearded hipster.
QUES: Continue writing. Kenneth decided to adopt a child while Adam refused because OPTIONS: - Kenneth loved the idea of raising children. - Adam loved the idea of raising children. +++++++++ ANS: Kenneth loved the idea of raising children. Problem: How does the sentence end? The pot got broken as the tree grew inside it because the OPTIONS: - tree is now too big. - pot is now too big. Answer: tree is now too big. sentence: Katrina has a calm temperament but Patricia is quite volatile. Everyone hates to be around OPTIONS: - Katrina . - Patricia . complete: Patricia . His project took a lot less longer than his degree because the OPTIONS: - project had fewer things to be done. - degree had fewer things to be done. project had fewer things to be done. Input: Continue writing. John hated his work more than I hated my job, because at least the OPTIONS: - job that he does pays bad. - work that he does pays bad. Continued: work that he does pays bad. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Ian thought Steven was going crazy, so OPTIONS: - Ian told him I've decide to see a psychologist. - Steven told him I've decide to see a psychologist. [A]:
Steven told him I've decide to see a psychologist.
Complete the following sentence. Samuel took a taxi while Ian drove home because
Ian was sober enough to drive.
Continue writing the following text. Jack turned on the fan in the bathroom, but the odor was still there after 30 minutes. The
fan was weak.
How does the sentence end? Ben loved new foods and had to choose between a search for truffles or mushrooms. He decided to choose the search for the
truffles because it was more novel.
Write the next sentence. She had to take the collar off from their cat's neck because the
collar was tight.
Write the next sentence. Amy was standing far away from Jessica when the attack happened, so Choose your answer from: (A). Amy experienced most of the bleeding. (B). Jessica experienced most of the bleeding. Answer:
Question: Jeffrey did everything in their power to keep Kevin safe, because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was important to them. - Kevin was important to them. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kevin was important to them. Question: The horse took several steps past Brian and up to Jason, because OPTIONS: - Brian had carrots in their hand. - Jason had carrots in their hand. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jason had carrots in their hand. Question: Angela took time and helped Sarah study for the upcoming math exam because OPTIONS: - Angela had math anxiety. - Sarah had math anxiety. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Sarah had math anxiety. Question: Nick thinks that a guinea pig is a good pet but Hunter doesn't. OPTIONS: - Nick went to the pet store and bought a potbelly pig. - Hunter went to the pet store and bought a potbelly pig. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Hunter went to the pet store and bought a potbelly pig.
input question: Is it true that "When Fred first saw my father, Fred was twelve years old." if "Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve years old." is true? output answer: yes input question: Is it true that "Sam's drawing did look much better with another one below it." if "Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one below it." is true? output answer: yes input question: Is it true that "The opponents were very much in the minority." if "When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall, they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents. They were very much in the minority." is true? output answer: no input question: Is it true that "This afternoon the tide knocked The flag down." if "This morning, Joey built a sand castle on the beach, and put a toy flag in the highest tower, but this afternoon the tide knocked it down." is true? output answer:
Joel hated cleaning up after animals more than Logan however OPTIONS: - Joel had a distaste for rabbits. - Logan had a distaste for rabbits. Logan had a distaste for rabbits. Laura wanted a child and Victoria does not, so OPTIONS: - Laura started planning to get tubes tied after marriage. - Victoria started planning to get tubes tied after marriage. Victoria started planning to get tubes tied after marriage. Samuel applied the blush to Jeffrey 's face because OPTIONS: - Samuel was an amateur at applying makeup. - Jeffrey was an amateur at applying makeup.
Jeffrey was an amateur at applying makeup.
Lawrence asked William for some help with their handwriting, but William had forgotten how to write. The worker tried to put the clothes on the shelves but the clothes were too large. The guy got the girl's number by writing it on paper and not putting it in his phone because the
paper was available.
Continue the following story. The gymnast practiced on the uneven bars with safety mats but the
mats were too thin.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Mike went to serve Michelle some beans from the pot onto the plate couldn't put many because the Select from: [+] plate was so big. [+] pot was so big.
pot was so big.
Story needs to be completed: The lady left her coat on the rack instead of placing it on the step, because the OPTIONS: - step was closer. - rack was closer. My choice: rack was closer. Problem: Continue the following story. The boy tried lots of different medicines to cure his pimples but the OPTIONS: - pimples were too strong. - medicines were too strong. Here's how I want to continue it: pimples were too strong. Problem: Patricia just wanted to have a conversation with Sarah while they're in the bar, because OPTIONS: - Patricia noticed him. - Sarah noticed him. My choice: Patricia noticed him. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Dawn wanted to get a new dog, and found she could adopt a chihuahua or a German shepherd. She adopted the OPTIONS: - chihuahua because she wanted protection. - German shepherd because she wanted protection. [A]: German shepherd because she wanted protection. QUES: Continue writing. Cynthia asked Jessica if they would join an exercise program with her. OPTIONS: - Cynthia was on a diet and didn't want to go alone. - Jessica was on a diet and didn't want to go alone. +++++++++ ANS: Cynthia was on a diet and didn't want to go alone. QUES: Continue writing. Nick deferred the selection of colors for the decorations to Derrick , as OPTIONS: - Nick was a fantastic stylist. - Derrick was a fantastic stylist. +++++++++ ANS:
Derrick was a fantastic stylist.
Available choices: [-] book helps him stay awake.; [-] TV helps him stay awake.; Complete the following sentence. Gavin reads a book before going to bed instead of watching TV, because the
TV helps him stay awake.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Alicia struggled to pay off their debt with the money they had because the OPTIONS: - debt was low. - money was low. Answer: money was low. sentence: Katrina's challenges at school included math and science, while Kayla's were reading and literature. OPTIONS: - Katrina was definitely better at STEM subjects. - Kayla was definitely better at STEM subjects. complete: Katrina was definitely better at STEM subjects. Jim would rehearse his lines in the closet rather than the ballroom because the OPTIONS: - closet was very private. - ballroom was very private. closet was very private. Input: Continue writing. Felicia loved going to the lake with friends but Samantha was not fond of it, since OPTIONS: - Felicia was a huge introvert. - Samantha was a huge introvert. Continued: Samantha was a huge introvert. Story needs to be completed: In the winters Angela always ate soup unlike Rachel because OPTIONS: - Angela lived in a hot area. - Rachel lived in a hot area. My choice: Rachel lived in a hot area. Problem: How does the sentence end? Rachel explained to Jessica that she couldn't go skiing because she had a stiff neck. OPTIONS: - Rachel was understanding. - Jessica was understanding. Answer:
Jessica was understanding.
Continue writing the following text. I hated almonds when I was a kid, but not cashews because the Choose your answer from: [-] almonds were delicious. [-] cashews were delicious.
cashews were delicious.
How does the sentence end? Baking bread was always a favorite of Randy's compared to Hunter, so Choices: (1). Randy was interested in being a baker.; (2). Hunter was interested in being a baker.;
Input: Continue writing. Ian got a lower grade than Joel on the English assignment because OPTIONS: - Ian put less thought into their essay. - Joel put less thought into their essay. Continued: Ian put less thought into their essay. Input: Continue writing. At the end of the class, Jason asked Lawrence for help because OPTIONS: - Jason couldn't think of a topic for the research paper. - Lawrence couldn't think of a topic for the research paper. Continued: Jason couldn't think of a topic for the research paper. Input: Continue writing. The macho Hunter teased Nick for suggesting OPTIONS: - Hunter go to a nail salon to get his nails done. - Nick go to a nail salon to get his nails done. Continued: Hunter go to a nail salon to get his nails done. Input: Continue writing. Quinn replaced the records in his collection at home with CDs because the OPTIONS: - records were new. - CDs were new. Continued:
CDs were new.
Complete the following sentence. Mary asked Jessica to take care of her plants because
Mary didn't know anything about plants.
Continue writing the following text. He could study at night better than he could in the daytime, as during the
night his mind tended to focus.
Write the next sentence. Aaron liked to spend time outdoors, but Logan liked to stay indoors. Pick from: a. Aaron didn't develop a tan over the summer.. b. Logan didn't develop a tan over the summer..
How does the sentence end? Angela is better at learning new things as opposed to Mary due to
Angela being more intelligent.
Story needs to be completed: "The ability to finish what you start is what you need to improve", said Michael to Brian, OPTIONS: - Michael sometimes has to be the one to take charge. - Brian sometimes has to be the one to take charge. My choice: Brian sometimes has to be the one to take charge. Story needs to be completed: He kept spending the money in his wallet by putting groceries in the cart until the OPTIONS: - wallet was empty. - cart was empty. My choice: wallet was empty. Story needs to be completed: Nobody hears the phone ringing in the room because we were busy dancing to the music and the OPTIONS: - music is quiet. - phone is quiet. My choice: phone is quiet. Story needs to be completed: I removed the water from the pool into the ditch until the OPTIONS: - pool was empty. - ditch was empty. My choice:
pool was empty.
Problem: Continue the following story. The azalea bush was considered very attractive by Eric while Randy though it was ugly. OPTIONS: - Eric had the gardener plant more azaleas. - Randy had the gardener plant more azaleas. Here's how I want to continue it: Eric had the gardener plant more azaleas. Problem: Continue the following story. The kid preferred to play with a tennis ball over a football, because the OPTIONS: - tennis ball is bigger. - football is bigger. Here's how I want to continue it: football is bigger. Problem: Continue the following story. Jennifer doesn't believe in voodoo, but Emily does, so OPTIONS: - Jennifer is more likely to be a pagan. - Emily is more likely to be a pagan. Here's how I want to continue it:
Emily is more likely to be a pagan.
Write the next sentence. The lawyer tried to place the large document in the folder but the
folder was too small.
Input: Continue writing. Preparing to clean his gun, Shelby checked the chamber for a bullet and found the Continued: bullet to be absent, so he proceeded. Input: Continue writing. Getting a doctorate was very important to Adam but not Leslie, so Continued: Leslie applied to get a job. Input: Continue writing. Physical conditioning came easy to Rebecca but not Victoria because Continued: Victoria did not spend a lot of time at the gym. Input: Continue writing. Ken's family was going on a trip and decided to travel by train instead of by car because traveling by the Continued:
train allows the freedom to move around.
Problem: Continue the following story. I ate cereal from the bowl that went to my stomach. That made the OPTIONS: - bowl emptier. - stomach emptier. Here's how I want to continue it: bowl emptier. Problem: Working on xlab research hits on mechanical turk was easier for Kyle than Kevin because OPTIONS: - Kyle did not have a lively imagination. - Kevin did not have a lively imagination. My choice: Kevin did not have a lively imagination. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Monica preferred state-side travel whereas Cynthia wanted to travel and try exotic fruits since OPTIONS: - Monica is timid. - Cynthia is timid. [A]: Monica is timid. QUES: Continue writing. Ryan was able to do better in the creative writing class than Michael because OPTIONS: - Ryan had a better imagination. - Michael had a better imagination. +++++++++ ANS: Ryan had a better imagination. Problem: How does the sentence end? Mary made a cake in the oven for her cousin's birthday, but realized she messed up the cake because the OPTIONS: - oven was too hot. - cake was too hot. Answer: oven was too hot. sentence: Cleaning was top of Natalie's chore list but bottom of Megan's, as OPTIONS: - Natalie was rarely worried about germs and bacteria. - Megan was rarely worried about germs and bacteria. complete:
Megan was rarely worried about germs and bacteria.
Story needs to be completed: Benjamin was a big person and towered over Hunter when they stood side by side. My choice: Benjamin was taller. Story needs to be completed: Victoria had to wear cleats today at school but Patricia did not because My choice: Victoria has a soccer match after school. Story needs to be completed: The man tried to put the nuts in the jars but the My choice: jars were too small. Story needs to be completed: We gave the powder to the man instead of the salt that he asked for, because the My choice:
powder was needed.
Problem: Eating milk chocolate always made Michael happy but not Kenneth because OPTIONS: - Michael loved sweet food. - Kenneth loved sweet food. My choice: Michael loved sweet food. Problem: The constitution was put onto a wall and the paper was discarded because the OPTIONS: - wall was temporary. - paper was temporary. My choice: paper was temporary. Problem: The man said a polite hello to Aaron, then began flirting with Ian, because OPTIONS: - Aaron was single. - Ian was single. My choice: Ian was single. Problem: Buffy didn't understand why her teacher wanted her to move the books from the bookshelf to the desk, because the OPTIONS: - desk seemed to hold them better. - bookshelf seemed to hold them better. My choice:
bookshelf seemed to hold them better.
Continue the following story. Matthew was a great swimmer while Benjamin was not since Options: -- Matthew had never owned a pool before.; -- Benjamin had never owned a pool before.;
Benjamin had never owned a pool before.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The accounts of Aaron are limited, while Kyle has many accounts. OPTIONS: - Aaron is likely financially inferior. - Kyle is likely financially inferior. [A]: Aaron is likely financially inferior. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Swimming was a lot of fun for Tanya but not Katrina because OPTIONS: - Tanya had no fear of the water. - Katrina had no fear of the water. [A]: Tanya had no fear of the water. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The therapist replaced his chair in the waiting room with a purple yoga ball, the OPTIONS: - chair was trendy. - ball was trendy. [A]:
ball was trendy.
Complete the following sentence. As such a talented artist, Laura had much to offer Sarah in learning to paint, and Available choices: (A). Laura was eager to learn. (B). Sarah was eager to learn.
Continue writing the following text. John's poured the bowl of steak into the hot pan on the stove until the Select from the following. *bowl was empty. *pan was empty.
bowl was empty.
sentence: After the wood bridge collapsed in Rome killing right people it was replaced with a metal one, the OPTIONS: - metal was unstable. - wood was unstable. complete: wood was unstable. William had to add baking soda to their pool so they asked Aaron for help because OPTIONS: - William had never cleaned their pool before. - Aaron had never cleaned their pool before. William had never cleaned their pool before. Input: Continue writing. He laid a rubber mat down on the concrete driveway while working on his car since the surface of the OPTIONS: - mat is soft. - concrete is soft. Continued: mat is soft. Story needs to be completed: James could hardly squeeze the orange with the amount of force applied. The OPTIONS: - orange is weak. - force is weak. My choice: force is weak. Problem: Continue the following story. The bank gave Aaron a loan but not Lawrence because OPTIONS: - Aaron had twenty years prior business experience. - Lawrence had twenty years prior business experience. Here's how I want to continue it: Aaron had twenty years prior business experience. James got a divorce so he ended up keeping his car and selling the family house because the OPTIONS: - house had a lot of bad memories. - car had a lot of bad memories.
house had a lot of bad memories.
Continue the following story. The new exercise that she learned did not fit into her routine because the
exercise took too much time.
QUES: Continue writing. The task was not completed by Sarah unlike the task of Betty, because OPTIONS: - Sarah was very unprepared. - Betty was very unprepared. +++++++++ ANS: Sarah was very unprepared. QUES: Continue writing. Ben wanted to act like a robot or a table. He chose to act as the OPTIONS: - robot because it is movable. - table because it is movable. +++++++++ ANS: robot because it is movable. QUES: Continue writing. Kelly decided to fertilize the lilies with coffee instead of compost because the OPTIONS: - coffee is more acidic and lilies thrive in acidic conditions. - compost is more acidic and lilies thrive in acidic conditions. +++++++++ ANS: coffee is more acidic and lilies thrive in acidic conditions. QUES: Continue writing. Bob had oranges and eggs for lunch. He finished eating all his oranges but didn't touch the eggs because the OPTIONS: - eggs were disgusting. - oranges were disgusting. +++++++++ ANS:
eggs were disgusting.
Problem: The supplies were moved away from the homes and into the camps because the OPTIONS: - camps were running a surplus on them. - homes were running a surplus on them. My choice: homes were running a surplus on them. [Q]: How does the sentence end? While shopping at the department store and looking for fragrances, Alexandria decided on the vanilla but not the peppermint because the OPTIONS: - vanilla was out of place. - peppermint was out of place. [A]: peppermint was out of place. QUES: Continue writing. Since Eric received second place while Ian received first prize in the contest, OPTIONS: - Eric was awarded a gold medal. - Ian was awarded a gold medal. +++++++++ ANS: Ian was awarded a gold medal. Problem: How does the sentence end? Rachel screamed for help from Erin because she noticed blood in her stool, so OPTIONS: - Rachel calmed her down and they went to the hospital. - Erin calmed her down and they went to the hospital. Answer: Erin calmed her down and they went to the hospital. sentence: Hindi lessons were given to Nick from Matthew at the college, as OPTIONS: - Nick is a student. - Matthew is a student. complete: Nick is a student. Input: Continue writing. Samantha offered to help Christine learn how to immigrate to her country, as OPTIONS: - Samantha was a foreigner. - Christine was a foreigner. Continued:
Christine was a foreigner.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey asked Kevin for recommendations on buying a home in California because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey is looking for a house. - Kevin is looking for a house. Answer: Jeffrey is looking for a house. Problem: How does the sentence end? The house Benjamin designed for Joseph was beautiful, so OPTIONS: - Benjamin used it in his portfolio. - Joseph used it in his portfolio. Answer: Benjamin used it in his portfolio. Problem: How does the sentence end? Felicia's accounting class was going well, but Mary's was not because OPTIONS: - Felicia had an intelligent professor. - Mary had an intelligent professor. Answer: Felicia had an intelligent professor. Problem: How does the sentence end? Sally couldn't afford to buy both toilet paper and hand soap. She settled on the OPTIONS: - hand soap because she could wash her hands clean after pooping. - toilet paper because she could wash her hands clean after pooping. Answer:
hand soap because she could wash her hands clean after pooping.
If "Alice tried frantically to stop her daughter from barking at the party, leaving us to wonder why she was behaving so strangely.", is "Alice's daughter was behaving so strangely." correct? Choices: a. no. b. yes. Answer:
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Erin had a lower credit score than Monica because Available options: [i] Erin was mostly careful with their money. [ii] Monica was mostly careful with their money.
Write the next sentence. Tooth decay was a problem for Rebecca but not Erin, since Select from: + Rebecca cared for her teeth.; + Erin cared for her teeth.; Answer:
Erin cared for her teeth.
Problem: Continue the following story. Kayla was asked by Cynthia to help build a new website for their business. Here's how I want to continue it: Kayla was a web designer. Problem: Continue the following story. I prefer to eat at a local restaurant than a chain because the service at the Here's how I want to continue it: local restaurant feels personal. Problem: Continue the following story. The first specifications were thrown out and the second specifications were used because the Here's how I want to continue it:
second specifications exceeded requirements.
sentence: Michael's diet has had more vegetables added to it recently and less meats. He thinks the OPTIONS: - vegetables will lead to a more risky lifestyle. - meats will lead to a more risky lifestyle. complete: meats will lead to a more risky lifestyle. sentence: Felicia begged Lindsey to go to the basement for her because OPTIONS: - Felicia is afraid of it. - Lindsey is afraid of it. complete: Felicia is afraid of it. sentence: Michael experimented with lots of different relaxation techniques on Benjamin because OPTIONS: - Michael is stressed severely. - Benjamin is stressed severely. complete:
Benjamin is stressed severely.
Complete the following sentence. Immigration was an important issue to Emily but not to Rebecca so
Emily voted for a candidate with a tough stance on it.
Choose your story that continues the following story. The doctor injected the hormone through the neck rather than the arm, as the pick from the following. (i). neck was receptive to circulate it. (ii). arm was receptive to circulate it.
Continue writing the following text. James threw the ball at the fence and it got broken because the
fence was weak.
Problem: Patricia wanted to adopt Jennifer and take her into her home, so My choice: Jennifer could be a daughter now. Problem: Sarah was better at squats than Mary, so My choice: Sarah did not ever worry about their weight. Problem: The man tried to fit his feet in the shoes but the My choice: shoes were too small. Problem: Laura liked to breed stick insects but Angela did not because My choice:
Laura found them an interesting species.
Choose from: [1]. Dennis was impressed. [2]. Brett was impressed. Complete the following sentence. Dennis answered every question correctly on the test Brett gave them, so
[Q]: How does the sentence end? She blow dried her curly hair until she had straight hair, because she thought the [A]: curly hair was uglier. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jessica has recently bought a guinea pig from Rebecca, so [A]: Rebecca wants to help her with the pig. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Natalie was very comfortable around her boyfriend but Megan was not because [A]:
Natalie was very flirty.
Going to a costume party seemed like a fun time to Robert but not to Nick, so OPTIONS: - Robert went the store and bought a pant suit. - Nick went the store and bought a pant suit. Nick went the store and bought a pant suit. Input: Continue writing. Immigration was an important issue to Emily but not to Rebecca so OPTIONS: - Emily voted for a candidate with a tough stance on it. - Rebecca voted for a candidate with a tough stance on it. Continued: Emily voted for a candidate with a tough stance on it. Story needs to be completed: Dennis never irons their clothing, while Nick is just the opposite, so OPTIONS: - Dennis 's clothing is wrinkled. - Nick 's clothing is wrinkled. My choice: Dennis 's clothing is wrinkled. Problem: Continue the following story. Feeding chipmunks was hard for Emily but not Natalie because OPTIONS: - Emily was afraid of animals. - Natalie was afraid of animals. Here's how I want to continue it: Emily was afraid of animals. Problem: Adam asked Ryan to walk their dog and wash the dirty dishes because OPTIONS: - Adam was late for work. - Ryan was late for work. My choice: Adam was late for work. Story needs to be completed: Natalie was good at blogging but Lindsey was not. OPTIONS: - Natalie got very little traffic on their blog. - Lindsey got very little traffic on their blog. My choice:
Lindsey got very little traffic on their blog.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Amaya replaced the toilet and not the sink in the bathroom because the OPTIONS: - toilet was unclean. - sink was unclean. [A]: toilet was unclean. QUES: Continue writing. Hunter advised Donald to brush and floss their teeth to avoid gingivitis, because OPTIONS: - Hunter was an orthodonist. - Donald was an orthodonist. +++++++++ ANS: Hunter was an orthodonist. Problem: How does the sentence end? The new bed John purchased for his bedroom would not fit through his front doorway, the OPTIONS: - doorway was too narrow. - bed was too narrow. Answer: doorway was too narrow. sentence: The woman switched from a medicated cream to a gel to treat her acne because the OPTIONS: - cream burned her skin. - gel burned her skin. complete: cream burned her skin. The trees have been growing worse in Matt's garden compared to the plants. That's because the OPTIONS: - trees are healthier. - plants are healthier. plants are healthier. Problem: Continue the following story. Pauline decided to wear the plain red t-shirt and not the tank with the bloody eyeball on it, because she felt the OPTIONS: - tank would conform with the norm. - t-shirt would conform with the norm. Here's how I want to continue it:
t-shirt would conform with the norm.
The man couldn't lift his son because *he* was so heavy. Are "The man" and "he" the same entity?
How does the sentence end? Tanya told a funny joke to Samantha and their friends, and
Samantha was made to laugh.
Write the next sentence. James's truck could not clear the snow off the entire street because the
street is too long.
QUES: Continue writing. The kid got up the nerve to go to the basement, but not the shed, because the +++++++++ ANS: shed was darker. QUES: Continue writing. Maria sewed the fabric to make a costume for Mary, so +++++++++ ANS: Maria got a nice payday out of the deal. QUES: Continue writing. Victoria punched the face of Katrina because there was a large swelling. +++++++++ ANS: Victoria was out for blood. QUES: Continue writing. The teacher taught Joel how to clean wood pallets but not Robert because +++++++++ ANS:
Robert already knew how to do it.
Question: The little boy picked the ball from the mud, rubbed it over his cloth and got the OPTIONS: - ball clean. - cloth clean. Answer: Continue the sentence -- ball clean. Question: Patricia is a sous chef and Laura does not like to cook so OPTIONS: - Patricia doesn't do any of the cooking in the house. - Laura doesn't do any of the cooking in the house. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Laura doesn't do any of the cooking in the house. Question: Nora put lube on the door hinges instead of the door jambs, because there was more friction at the OPTIONS: - hinges . - jambs . Answer: Continue the sentence -- hinges . Question: Lindsey had a new design idea for the house but not Amy because OPTIONS: - Lindsey will take a vacation next week. - Amy will take a vacation next week. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Amy will take a vacation next week.
Maria phoned Sierra last night and Christine phoned Jan last night. OPTIONS: - Maria called Jan last night. - Christine called Jan last night. Christine called Jan last night. When it comes to calculating figures and numbers, Christine is an expert, but Jennifer is not because OPTIONS: - Christine is a first grader. - Jennifer is a first grader. Jennifer is a first grader. The pool cue used by Emily at the billiards hall was covered with more chalk than the one used by Betty; consequently, OPTIONS: - Emily was practically incompetent when breaking. - Betty was practically incompetent when breaking.
Betty was practically incompetent when breaking.
Input: Continue writing. Ian is far heavier than Adam, because OPTIONS: - Ian spends most of their days eating cupcakes. - Adam spends most of their days eating cupcakes. Continued: Ian spends most of their days eating cupcakes. Input: Continue writing. The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so OPTIONS: - Jeffrey takes stronger supplements. - Steven takes stronger supplements. Continued: Steven takes stronger supplements. Input: Continue writing. Maggie spent more time in her garden than at the park because it was more peaceful at the OPTIONS: - park . - garden . Continued: garden . Input: Continue writing. Rusting was a problem for the racks in the warehouse but not the pipes since the OPTIONS: - racks were exposed to the sun. - pipes were exposed to the sun. Continued:
racks were exposed to the sun.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The owner told me that Rebecca had a lot of special skills compared to Carrie, due to Answer: Rebecca having extensive training. Problem: How does the sentence end? Hunter was visited by Neil because Answer: Hunter was very sick and needed a friend to bring him medicine and chicken soup. Problem: How does the sentence end? The cook wanted to store the fresh honey in the jar but the Answer: jar was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? Being angry and flipping tables was normal for Dennis but not Aaron because Answer:
Dennis finds fights amusing.
Continue the following story. Coyotes ate the dog of Joel when Donald left the door open, so
Donald is very apologetic.
Input: Continue writing. Everyone cringed as the singer used their loudest singing voice into the microphone because the OPTIONS: - microphone was loud. - voice was loud. Continued: microphone was loud. Story needs to be completed: Nora bought her scrapbook supplies at the hobby store instead of at the market since there was less of a variety at the OPTIONS: - market . - hobby store . My choice: market . Problem: Continue the following story. John rubbed his white handkerchief over the rusty rod and it got the OPTIONS: - rod dirty. - handkerchief dirty. Here's how I want to continue it: handkerchief dirty. Problem: Michael slowly explained the scientific method to Justin, because OPTIONS: - Michael found it simple to understand. - Justin found it simple to understand. My choice: Michael found it simple to understand. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Katrina has installed a virus protection for Felicia's computer so OPTIONS: - Katrina teaching about how to use it. - Felicia teaching about how to use it. [A]: Katrina teaching about how to use it. Problem: Jen tried to coax her pigeons out of the cage with food, but the pigeons would rather stay inside the OPTIONS: - cage . - food . My choice:
cage .
QUES: Continue writing. Natalie liked the chair they just bought and Betty always wanted it, so OPTIONS: - Natalie is sad right now. - Betty is sad right now. +++++++++ ANS: Betty is sad right now. Problem: How does the sentence end? The mask was a lot scarier than the outfit, because the OPTIONS: - mask was angelic looking. - outfit was angelic looking. Answer: outfit was angelic looking. sentence: Dean was learning how to park a car but got into a collision with a wall. The OPTIONS: - car was closer than he expected. - wall was closer than he expected. complete: wall was closer than he expected. The CEO brought in new software and machinery to improve innovations, but the OPTIONS: - software had faulty programming. - machinery had faulty programming. software had faulty programming. Input: Continue writing. She received flowers from her boyfriend on their anniversary but didn't get chocolates because the OPTIONS: - flowers were fresh. - chocolates were fresh. Continued: flowers were fresh. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jason prefers solo trips over trips with friends, because the OPTIONS: - solo trips are better for focusing on others. - trips with friends are better for focusing on others. [A]:
trips with friends are better for focusing on others.
Continue writing the following text. Jane had a hard time giving her cat insulin unlike giving it a pill because the Pick from: - insulin took one person.. - pill took one person..
pill took one person.
sentence: Betty needed a cast for her broken arm, because Samantha accidentally hit her with her car. complete: Samantha felt very guilty after the accident. sentence: Lawrence was having issues with their office computers, so asked Jason to take a look. complete: Jason has extensive knowledge on technology. sentence: Hunter did not travel very often whereas Adam did, as complete:
Hunter had very few days off at work.
Complete the following sentence. Aaron was really upset that they had treated their friend Ian badly, so to make it for it
Ian accepted a gift from them.
Story needs to be completed: Patricia performed exercise more frequently than Maria, and OPTIONS: - Patricia was constantly in the gym working out. - Maria was constantly in the gym working out. My choice: Patricia was constantly in the gym working out. Story needs to be completed: Jim was choosing between brown and yellow paint color for his bathroom wall, but the OPTIONS: - brown was too dark. - yellow was too dark. My choice: brown was too dark. Story needs to be completed: Randy diagnosed the swollen, painful lump on Steven's knee as a cyst, because OPTIONS: - Randy sought their medical knowledge. - Steven sought their medical knowledge. My choice: Steven sought their medical knowledge. Story needs to be completed: In the kitchen, Rebecca was excited about the smell of cheese, while Emily gagged. OPTIONS: - Rebecca was accustomed to the smell. - Emily was accustomed to the smell. My choice:
Rebecca was accustomed to the smell.
Question: Mina decided to put more money in the CD than checking account as the Answer: Continue the sentence -- checking account has lower interest. Question: Ian knew more about medicine than Michael did because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Ian was learning to be a doctor. Question: Logan could not get used to the smoky air of urban like unlike Leslie, because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Logan had sensitive lungs. Question: The stomach of Neil was rumbling, but Samuel seemed fine, due to Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Samuel being satiated.
Ryan asked if Michael had any stomach medicine for indigestion because Ryan was not feeling well. Because Monica gave a gift to Carrie, Carrie wrote a thank you letter for the gift. Carrie helped Natalie plan all of the company events for the conference because
Natalie was an CEO.
How does the sentence end? Julie couldn't use the rope to tie the rods together so she used a ribbon because the Options: a). rope was a lot easier to knot.. b). ribbon was a lot easier to knot..
Write the next sentence. The teacher used a reward system and Robert won an award while Logan did not because Available choices: - Robert did not study at all. - Logan did not study at all.
Logan did not study at all.
Problem: Continue the following story. Before going on a date, I smelled my friend's breath and I suggested that they chew gum because the OPTIONS: - gum smelled bad. - breath smelled bad. Here's how I want to continue it: breath smelled bad. Problem: Continue the following story. Adam is annoyed at Derrick since OPTIONS: - Adam received help from the Airline Gate Agent quicker. - Derrick received help from the Airline Gate Agent quicker. Here's how I want to continue it: Derrick received help from the Airline Gate Agent quicker. Problem: Continue the following story. I would rather take test online than in person because the OPTIONS: - online gives me more privacy. - in person gives me more privacy. Here's how I want to continue it:
online gives me more privacy.
Continue the following story. Jeffrey thought having facial hair was a sexy look but Steven didn't, so Available choices: A. Jeffrey admired the bearded hipster. B. Steven admired the bearded hipster.
Continue writing the following text. A barn will withstand winter very well but a shed will not because the
barn is insulated.
Complete the following sentence. Samuel took a taxi while Ian drove home because Possible answers: 1). Samuel was sober enough to drive.; 2). Ian was sober enough to drive.;
How does the sentence end? Donald had many businesses compared to Brett because
Brett was an average and lazy person.
Write the next sentence. It was easier to read the article in the magazine than the letter, because the
letter was handwritten.
Input: Continue writing. Mary scoffed at Jane's new hat, but was jealous of Jane's new watch, because Mary disliked the Continued: hat . Input: Continue writing. The key to the city was given to Ryan and not Aaron because Continued: Aaron had done less for the place. Input: Continue writing. Jason had a lot of confidence but Randy had none, so Continued: Jason had no trouble with public speaking and making new friends. Input: Continue writing. Katrina has a calm temperament but Patricia is quite volatile. Everyone hates to be around Continued:
Patricia .
Continue the following story. At the prayer meeting Elena understood the Hebrew prayers but Jennifer didn't as
Elena practiced Jewish religion.