1 value
4 values
4 values
Problem: How does the sentence end? I poured orange juice from the blender into the cup until the OPTIONS: - blender was empty. - cup was empty. Answer: blender was empty. sentence: As a location for his party with his friends, Eric decided the beach would be better than the park, because the OPTIONS: - park was boring. - beach was boring. complete: park was boring. Slime permeated the basement but was non-existent in the mezzanine, as the OPTIONS: - basement was unprotected from it. - mezzanine was unprotected from it. basement was unprotected from it. Input: Continue writing. Neil has been to the hospital for injury many times while Michael only once, you can say OPTIONS: - Neil is careful. - Michael is careful. Continued: Michael is careful. Story needs to be completed: Eating ice cream was Patricia's favorite thing to do but Christine can't eat ice cream because OPTIONS: - Patricia loved the cold texture. - Christine loved the cold texture. My choice: Patricia loved the cold texture. Problem: How does the sentence end? The problem at the conference could not be accurately identified because the OPTIONS: - problem was complex. - conference was complex. Answer:
problem was complex.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The pistol was quieter than the shotgun when fired because the Answer: shotgun was more powerful. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lawrence was afraid to mess with electricity, while Adam was adept with it, so Answer: Adam would fix the fuse box. Problem: How does the sentence end? Craig helped Brian study for the upcoming chemistry test because Answer: Brian was feeling very stressed about it. Problem: How does the sentence end? Charlotte had to take her laughing child out of the playhouse because the Answer:
playhouse was very quiet.
Complete the following sentence. The military used the guns instead of the bombs, because the pick from the following. (a). bombs were extra lethal on average. (b). guns were extra lethal on average.
Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey did everything in their power to keep Kevin safe, because
Jeffrey cared about them.
Continue writing the following text. I decided to go to the college and not the university because the
college was closer to my home town.
How does the sentence end? Justin played with the bones while Kevin shied away since
Kevin was uninterested in archaeology.
sentence: Lindsey asked Natalie if she had asked her parents to pick them up from the movies because complete: Lindsey she had forgotten. sentence: Hunter was a veteran and not Logan because complete: Hunter actually served in the Armed Forces. sentence: Even though Kenneth had just started playing cricket while Logan had been playing for several years, complete:
Kenneth scored more goals that day.
Continue writing the following text. She remembered how annoying it is to dust her wood chair so she bought a plastic table instead. Cleaning the Select from the following. (a). chair is time consuming.; (b). table is time consuming.;
Q: Knight Commander Roddick was plagued by a vision of his dead son, so he became crazy from being reminded constantly. Who he is? A: Knight Commander Roddick Q: Horses are faster at short distances than camels, but they cannot trek as far. Who they is? A: Horses Q: The assembly line workers were told they had been fired by the company, because they had moved the jobs overseas. Who they is? A:
The assembly line workers
Write the next sentence. Joseph prepared the food in the frying pan while Nick did the dishes, and
Nick washed the dishes thoroughly.
Problem: Continue the following story. Of all the types of wood Julian preferred oak the most and disliked maple because the OPTIONS: - oak was less useful. - maple was less useful. Here's how I want to continue it: maple was less useful. Problem: Justin wants to have a birthday party but Derrick does not care, as OPTIONS: - Justin loves relaxing alone. - Derrick loves relaxing alone. My choice: Derrick loves relaxing alone. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The robber decided to steal the diamond and throw away the fake artifact. The OPTIONS: - diamond was more valuable. - artifact was more valuable. [A]: diamond was more valuable. QUES: Continue writing. The gardener tried to put the flowers in the cups but the OPTIONS: - flowers were too small. - cups were too small. +++++++++ ANS: cups were too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? Adam was so sad, while Nick seemed calm, although OPTIONS: - Adam had suffered a real family tragedy. - Nick had suffered a real family tragedy. Answer: Nick had suffered a real family tragedy. sentence: To maintain his psychological health, Adam had to avoid Kenneth because OPTIONS: - Adam was very toxic. - Kenneth was very toxic. complete:
Kenneth was very toxic.
Story needs to be completed: They used the vaccine instead of the pill to prevent the virus because the OPTIONS: - pill was more effective. - vaccine was more effective. My choice: vaccine was more effective. Story needs to be completed: The thief was able to sneak into the house and gain the possession of the wallet and not the smartphone because the OPTIONS: - wallet was within reach. - smartphone was within reach. My choice: wallet was within reach. Story needs to be completed: Since Joel loved baseball and Randy hated it, OPTIONS: - Joel gladly attended the game on Friday. - Randy gladly attended the game on Friday. My choice: Joel gladly attended the game on Friday. Story needs to be completed: the article ink was replaced from black to blue for reading purposes, the OPTIONS: - black was disturbing. - blue was disturbing. My choice:
black was disturbing.
sentence: Donald thought the room looked beautiful after redecorating, Leslie wasn't in agreement. OPTIONS: - Donald was unhappy with it. - Leslie was unhappy with it. complete: Leslie was unhappy with it. Jim did not like vegetarian food, so he was glad that he could substitute his carrot for a burger as the OPTIONS: - carrot tasted horrible to him. - burger tasted horrible to him. carrot tasted horrible to him. Input: Continue writing. Gator attempted to fit the equipment on the back of the truck, but the OPTIONS: - truck was too cramped. - equipment was too cramped. Continued: truck was too cramped. Story needs to be completed: Benjamin found it easier to do the repairs around the house than Matthew because OPTIONS: - Benjamin was unfamiliar with home ownership. - Matthew was unfamiliar with home ownership. My choice: Matthew was unfamiliar with home ownership. Problem: Continue the following story. Kayla was the owner of a small business but Samantha was not so OPTIONS: - Kayla was able to hire for a job at the business. - Samantha was able to hire for a job at the business. Here's how I want to continue it: Kayla was able to hire for a job at the business. Logan demanded that Robert clean the upholstery in the family car, because OPTIONS: - Logan was the one who made the stain. - Robert was the one who made the stain.
Robert was the one who made the stain.
Question: Luke preferred to have the firearm and not a knife for protection because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- knife was dangerous. Question: The ants have been attracted to the pizza at the picnic, but not the sandwich. The Answer: Continue the sentence -- sandwich likely smells mildly. Question: At school, Dennis gets bad grades, while Craig aces all his classes. So, Answer: Continue the sentence -- Craig is the more advanced student. Question: The parks close to our house are worse than the fields because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- parks are filthy.
Problem: Continue the following story. The new puppy likes to chew on the curtains, but doesn't chew on the chairs. The OPTIONS: - curtains must taste terrible or something. - chairs must taste terrible or something. Here's how I want to continue it: chairs must taste terrible or something. Problem: Continue the following story. She prefers to cook with a pan with plastic handle instead of metal handle, because the OPTIONS: - plastic handle is less heat-conducting. - metal handle is less heat-conducting. Here's how I want to continue it: plastic handle is less heat-conducting. Problem: Continue the following story. The gym was passed over as the place to hold the game, in favor of the yard, as the OPTIONS: - gym had extensive facilities. - yard had extensive facilities. Here's how I want to continue it:
yard had extensive facilities.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The owner put the dog in a doghouse instead of the bedroom, because the Pick your answer from: [+] doghouse is where the dog was distressed.; [+] bedroom is where the dog was distressed.;
bedroom is where the dog was distressed.
Continue the following story. People knew Carrie as a negative person but not Christine because
Carrie had a pessimistic attitude.
Write the next sentence. Joel wanted to play the drums in Aaron's band so Possible answers: 1). Joel auditioned for the band.. 2). Aaron auditioned for the band.. Answer:
The diet of Victoria is worse than the one of Kayla, so Kayla 's nails probably look better. When it was time for a vacation, Jerry's family decided against traveling by plane and decided to go by car instead because the plane trip would have less family time. Hunter didn't get the flu this year, but William did even though
William got his flu shot.
QUESTION: Is "the shelf" the same as "it" in this sentence? I couldn't put the pot on the shelf because *it* was too high. OPTIONS: - no - yes ANS: yes Problem: A man's life and a horse's life are worth more than some foxes' tails ; al least *they* ought to be. Are "they" and "A man's life and a horse's life" the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes **** Answer: yes Problem: The fish ate the worm . *It* was tasty. Are "It" and "The fish" the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Q: OPTIONS: - no - yes. Jane knocked on Susan 's door but *she* did not get an answer. Do "she" and "Jane" mean the same thing? A: yes CONTEXT: Then he took a piece of iron the shape of the horse horse's foot , and clapped *it* on, and drove some nails through the shoe quite into its hoof, so that the shoe was firmly on Multi-choice question: Do "piece of iron" and "it" have the same meaning? OPTIONS: - no - yes yes Problem: Babar wonders how he can get new clothing. Luckily, a very rich old man who has always been fond of little elephants understands right away that he is longing for a fine suit. As he likes to make people happy, he gives *him* his wallet. Do "him" and "old man" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Problem: John needed more plaster to cover the wound on his skin because the OPTIONS: - plaster is short. - wound is short. My choice: plaster is short. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Marriage was something that was very dear to Nick but not Joseph. OPTIONS: - Nick has been divorced two times. - Joseph has been divorced two times. [A]: Joseph has been divorced two times. QUES: Continue writing. The teenager wants new jeans for her birthday, not khakis. She hates the way the OPTIONS: - jeans feel on her legs. - khakis feel on her legs. +++++++++ ANS: khakis feel on her legs. Problem: How does the sentence end? I couldn't control the moisture like I controlled the rain, because the OPTIONS: - moisture was coming in at one spot. - rain was coming in at one spot. Answer: rain was coming in at one spot. sentence: The dogs had more fun running in the field than in the cage because the OPTIONS: - field was longer. - cage was longer. complete: field was longer. Input: Continue writing. If a doctor performs a procedure as inpatient it will be done in the hospital rather than an office, because the OPTIONS: - office has less resources. - hospital has less resources. Continued:
office has less resources.
Input: Continue writing. To soften the blows, Jennifer decided to console Megan about their problems. Continued: Megan was closed up at the time. Input: Continue writing. Emily set fitness goals and it inspired Erin, so Continued: Emily helped him set up some goals too. Input: Continue writing. The pasta of Christine always tastes more authentic than Cynthia's because Continued: Christine is a famous cook. Input: Continue writing. The kitten climbed onto Mary's lap and avoided Felicia because Continued:
Felicia had been playing with dogs.
Problem: Patricia was in prison longer than Monica due to the fact that OPTIONS: - Patricia committed a crime that was very minor. - Monica committed a crime that was very minor. My choice: Monica committed a crime that was very minor. Problem: It was easy for Robert but not Derrick to sleep on the bench because OPTIONS: - Robert took up too much space. - Derrick took up too much space. My choice: Derrick took up too much space. Problem: Going to the prom was more exciting for Lawrence than Adam because OPTIONS: - Lawrence had a date he loved. - Adam had a date he loved. My choice: Lawrence had a date he loved. Problem: Nick could not hear what Leslie was trying to say to them that morning because OPTIONS: - Nick was too quiet. - Leslie was too quiet. My choice:
Leslie was too quiet.
Samuel loved animals but not Michael, so OPTIONS: - Samuel took care of all the baby guppies today. - Michael took care of all the baby guppies today. Samuel took care of all the baby guppies today. Input: Continue writing. Aaron loved the taste of Kool-Aid but Ian did not. OPTIONS: - Aaron had a big glass of tea. - Ian had a big glass of tea. Continued: Ian had a big glass of tea. Story needs to be completed: Megan was a more patient individual than Katrina so OPTIONS: - Megan was a more understanding parent. - Katrina was a more understanding parent. My choice: Megan was a more understanding parent. Problem: Continue the following story. On test day, Taylor was too much of a social butterfly at the school; therefore Taylor failed the OPTIONS: - test . - school . Here's how I want to continue it: test . Problem: The scout preferred camping in a tent than in a cabin because it was more rugged in the OPTIONS: - tent . - cabin . My choice: tent . Story needs to be completed: I decided to go to that park and not the zoo mostly because the OPTIONS: - park was a lot closer. - zoo was a lot closer. My choice:
park was a lot closer.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Derrick had an issue with gambling despite Joseph's protests, so OPTIONS: - Derrick lost all their money. - Joseph lost all their money. [A]: Derrick lost all their money. QUES: Continue writing. William loved having fresh eggs for breakfast every morning but Brett hated eggs. OPTIONS: - William bought a chicken to braise for dinner. - Brett bought a chicken to braise for dinner. +++++++++ ANS: Brett bought a chicken to braise for dinner. Problem: How does the sentence end? The twenty mile hike was harder for Maria than Carrie because OPTIONS: - Maria had a lot of physical endurance. - Carrie had a lot of physical endurance. Answer: Carrie had a lot of physical endurance. sentence: Patricia was easily lifted onto the broad shoulders of Emily which meant that the smaller person was OPTIONS: - Patricia . - Emily . complete: Patricia . The massage took longer than the spa to be able to do as the OPTIONS: - massage was delayed on the trip. - spa was delayed on the trip. massage was delayed on the trip. Problem: Continue the following story. Jessica was able to negotiate the map but Rachel was not as OPTIONS: - Jessica had a terrible sense of direction. - Rachel had a terrible sense of direction. Here's how I want to continue it:
Rachel had a terrible sense of direction.
Story needs to be completed: I wrote a paper on helicopters in response to another paper I had written about hot air balloons; overall, I find the My choice: helicopters to be too noisy. Story needs to be completed: The water in the sink would not go down the drain, because the My choice: drain was clogged. Story needs to be completed: Neil chose steel over iron to craft Joel 's gun because My choice: Joel was allergic to steel. Story needs to be completed: The educator got a job at the school instead of the university because there were more jobs at the My choice:
school .
QUESTION: Jack is an optimist, and Adam is a pessimist, then he looks at the cup half full. Who is "he"? ANS: Jack QUESTION: Zidane headbutted Zambrotta because he was being insulting. Who is "he"? ANS: Zambrotta QUESTION: The dumpsters arrived each day to retrieve the garbage of the population because they produced a lot of garbage every day. Who is "they"? ANS: the population QUESTION: The boy ran from the cop because he committed the crime. Who is "he"? ANS:
The boy
If "Tom threw his schoolbag down to Ray after he reached the top of the stairs.", does it follow that "Ray reached the top of the stairs." Options are: i. no; ii. yes;
Choose your story that continues the following story. The painting was unimportant to Laura but not Rebecca because it reminded pick from the following. [I] Laura of their childhood.; [II] Rebecca of their childhood.;
Possible answers: a). Emily was afraid of animals. b). Natalie was afraid of animals. Complete the following sentence. Feeding chipmunks was hard for Emily but not Natalie because
Continue writing the following text. Monica was said to be a better cook than Christine. This made Choose from: (1). Monica feel bad.. (2). Christine feel bad..
How does the sentence end? John had collected so many worms he had to move them from the jar to the container, because the Pick from: +jar was larger. +container was larger.
container was larger.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Christopher was doing very well in high school but Kyle wasn't, so OPTIONS: - Christopher required some tutoring. - Kyle required some tutoring. [A]: Kyle required some tutoring. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The smell of fresh cut grass always was pleasing to Ryan but Eric didn't care for it. OPTIONS: - Ryan avoided inhaling when passing the newly mowed lawn. - Eric avoided inhaling when passing the newly mowed lawn. [A]: Eric avoided inhaling when passing the newly mowed lawn. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The paste applied on the brush could not cover it all. The OPTIONS: - paste is small. - brush is small. [A]:
paste is small.
Complete the following sentence. It took more yarn to crochet the blanket than the hat because the
blanket was bigger.
Problem: Continue the following story. Tanya is being hired to be an attorney by Amy, so Here's how I want to continue it: Amy must be in trouble. Problem: Continue the following story. Betty told quite a yarn to Erin, because Here's how I want to continue it: Erin didn't really know anything about the situation at all. Problem: Continue the following story. When their parents built the treehouse, Elena was excited, but not Carrie, because Here's how I want to continue it:
Carrie hated climbing heights.
Continue writing the following text. The mechanic quickly diagnosed the problem with the muffler but couldn't figure out what was wrong with the alternator, because the problem with the
alternator was rare.
Write the next sentence. Derrick was much more successful in life than Brett was because Pick your answer from: A). Derrick worked hard in school.. B). Brett worked hard in school..
Continue the following story. Brett gleefully told Adam that he had just gotten his confidence back. Select from: (a). Brett was well.. (b). Adam was well..
How does the sentence end? I enjoyed sleeping on the couch more than the bed because the
couch was softer.
Problem: Running a business better suited Derrick than William because My choice: William forgot how to manage people better. Problem: I decided to sew the pillows instead of bags because the My choice: bags are harder to sew. Problem: The cat could not climb up through the wall so it used the pillar because the My choice: wall is smooth. Problem: The man put ice rather than lava on his lips, because the My choice:
ice made his lips feel cold.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The vegetables cooked in the pan were better than the ones cooked in the microwave because the [A]: microwave makes the vegetables too soft. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The telegraph proved to be a failure for quick communication, and was replaced by the phone, as the [A]: telegraph was now irrelevant. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The medication was easier for Jane to swallow than the vitamin. The [A]:
vitamin was thick.
Complete the following sentence. Carrie had a more bubbly personality than Emily so Select from the following. [1]. Carrie found it easy to get a new boyfriend. [2]. Emily found it easy to get a new boyfriend.
Continue writing the following text. Kayla got sicker at the diner than Sarah because Options are: (A). Kayla meal had fully cooked chicken in it.; (B). Sarah meal had fully cooked chicken in it.;
QUES: Continue writing. Brian was not interested in Benjamin since +++++++++ ANS: Benjamin did not show a sexual attraction to her. QUES: Continue writing. Caroline used a wig rather than get treatment for her hair with fancy products. The +++++++++ ANS: wig was more inexpensive. QUES: Continue writing. After falling down the stairs, Kyle had a severe bone fracture so Leslie performed surgery and +++++++++ ANS: Leslie was able to fix the bone. QUES: Continue writing. Jessica loaned Sarah a pencil in class since +++++++++ ANS:
Jessica had an extra one in their bag.
Problem: How does the sentence end? John planted a pumpkin seed in the garden, but it did not grow. The Answer: pumpkin seed was too deep. Problem: How does the sentence end? She wanted to do embroidery with her needle and floss, but when she tried to thread the needle she realized the Answer: needle was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? When growing dill, Kenneth forgets to water, whereas Nick does not, so Answer: Nick is a competent gardener. Problem: How does the sentence end? While shopping at the department store and looking for fragrances, Alexandria decided on the vanilla but not the peppermint because the Answer:
peppermint was out of place.
sentence: Felicia applied to Rachel to work as an intern in the company, then complete: Felicia was hired. sentence: Kelly was buying a housewarming gift and decided to get a plant instead of a painting because the complete: plant was alive. sentence: Dennis could build a house on their own but not Derrick because complete:
Dennis had a plethora of construction knowledge.
Write the next sentence. Amy was standing far away from Jessica when the attack happened, so
Jessica experienced most of the bleeding.
QUES: Continue writing. She wanted to read the story to her first grade class but the OPTIONS: - story was too loud. - class was too loud. +++++++++ ANS: class was too loud. QUES: Continue writing. Hunter pulled off their shoes to show Brett their swollen feet. OPTIONS: - Hunter was in disbelief. - Brett was in disbelief. +++++++++ ANS: Brett was in disbelief. QUES: Continue writing. Jennifer called Erin for some help with an electrical problem for OPTIONS: - Jennifer had never done any electrical work before. - Erin had never done any electrical work before. +++++++++ ANS: Jennifer had never done any electrical work before. QUES: Continue writing. Samuel could blow bigger bubbles with gum compared to Nick because OPTIONS: - Samuel chews gum rarely. - Nick chews gum rarely. +++++++++ ANS:
Nick chews gum rarely.
Question: Bobby's hunting career took off when he dumped his bow for a gun, since with the Answer: Continue the sentence -- bow he missed his target more often. Question: The light came in the bedroom as the curtain did not fit the window because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- curtain was too small. Question: Sarah almost drowned while swimming at the pool, but Maria saved them, so Answer: Continue the sentence -- Sarah was grateful. Question: The man wanted to store the seeds inside the glasses but the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- seeds were too large.
Continue the following story. Mike went to serve Michelle some beans from the pot onto the plate couldn't put many because the
pot was so big.
Complete the following sentence. Gavin reads a book before going to bed instead of watching TV, because the
TV helps him stay awake.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Felicia lived closer to the local swimming pool than Laura, because Options are: 1). Felicia lived in the countryside.; 2). Laura lived in the countryside.;
QUESTION: Is "Jackson" the same as "he" in this sentence? Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold , though *he* lived two centuries earlier. ANS: no QUESTION: Is "Lily" the same as "her" in this sentence? Lily spoke to Donna , breaking *her* concentration. ANS: no QUESTION: Is "Sid" the same as "he" in this sentence? Sid explained his theory to Mark but *he* couldn't understand him. ANS: no QUESTION: Is "The police" the same as "They" in this sentence? The police arrested all of the gang members . *They* were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. ANS:
Problem: How does the sentence end? Mr. Farmer's son noticed a hole in the wooden fence so he tried hitting a golf ball through it; he didn't realize that the OPTIONS: - ball was too tiny. - hole was too tiny. Answer: hole was too tiny. Problem: How does the sentence end? When we dissolved our partnership, Bill took my stapler and my garbage bin; the joke's on him because the OPTIONS: - stapler was empty when he took it. - bin was empty when he took it. Answer: stapler was empty when he took it. Problem: How does the sentence end? Reading many books satisfied Benjamin but not Brett because OPTIONS: - Benjamin hated a great story with characters. - Brett hated a great story with characters. Answer: Brett hated a great story with characters. Problem: How does the sentence end? The scones of Donald turned out much better looking than the scones of Joseph because OPTIONS: - Donald followed the instructions. - Joseph followed the instructions. Answer:
Donald followed the instructions.
Write the next sentence. The engagement ring of Jennifer was smaller than Carrie because Select from the following. 1). Jennifer had a wealthier fiancee. 2). Carrie had a wealthier fiancee. Answer:
Choose your story that continues the following story. While Elena stood on the cloud by the pearly gates with wings on, Kayla sat on a throne all knowing. the deity was Available options: a). Elena .; b). Kayla .;
Continue writing the following text. I hated almonds when I was a kid, but not cashews because the
cashews were delicious.
question: "Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop." is true. So, is "Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took Tom's bishop." true as well? OPTIONS: - no - yes prediction: no question: "The lawyer asked the witness a question, but he was reluctant to repeat it." is true. So, is "The witness was reluctant to repeat it." true as well? OPTIONS: - no - yes prediction: no question: "Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved his bishop." is true. So, is "Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he moved Ralph's bishop." true as well? OPTIONS: - no - yes prediction: no question: "The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast." is true. So, is "The delivery truck was going so fast." true as well? OPTIONS: - no - yes prediction:
Input: Continue writing. Emily asked Rebecca what time the dress store closes in the mall, but OPTIONS: - Emily had forgotten. - Rebecca had forgotten. Continued: Rebecca had forgotten. Story needs to be completed: Jean was writing a long story on paper by using ink, but had to stop short because the OPTIONS: - ink was extensive. - writing was extensive. My choice: writing was extensive. Problem: Continue the following story. In social situations, Samantha comes off more awkward than Maria because OPTIONS: - Samantha is very shy. - Maria is very shy. Here's how I want to continue it: Samantha is very shy. Problem: John's emotions were a lot worse than Sam's feelings because the OPTIONS: - emotions of Sam were uncontrollable. - feelings of Sam were uncontrollable. My choice: feelings of Sam were uncontrollable. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Randy spent more time outside the home than Matthew because OPTIONS: - Randy was very avid into gardening. - Matthew was very avid into gardening. [A]: Randy was very avid into gardening. Problem: They struggled to feed the crowd cake at the wedding because the OPTIONS: - cake was massive. - crowd was massive. My choice:
crowd was massive.
Pick your answer from: (1). fountain had more iron.. (2). bottle had more iron.. Complete the following sentence. The water in the fountain tasted worse than the water in the bottle because the water in the
How does the sentence end? Baking bread was always a favorite of Randy's compared to Hunter, so
Randy was interested in being a baker.
Lindsey always cleans her jewelry, but Rachel doesn't own much jewelry, due to Rachel being the poorer person. Lawrence wanted to take their girlfriend to dinner, but Kyle wouldn't let them. Lawrence couldn't get the time off. Natalie was less religous than Patricia, therefore
Patricia attended church services more often on Sundays.
Input: Continue writing. Laura was unwilling to share her apartment with Samantha , so Continued: Laura told her to look elsewhere. Input: Continue writing. The man became healthy because of the elliptical machine, not the treadmill. The Continued: elliptical machine is more to his fancy. Input: Continue writing. Alexi wanted to trade in the computer for a typewriter for his classwork because the Continued: typewriter was getting valuable. Input: Continue writing. Neil was not keen to go on a date with a guy but Nelson was because Continued:
Neil was homosexual.
sentence: My friend loved his new career compared to his last job because the OPTIONS: - career has benefits. - job has benefits. complete: career has benefits. sentence: Being a web developer was great work for Megan but not Maria because OPTIONS: - Megan hated computers. - Maria hated computers. complete: Maria hated computers. sentence: Tanya went to get some focus study group advice from Lindsey because OPTIONS: - Tanya could be some help. - Lindsey could be some help. complete:
Lindsey could be some help.
Write the next sentence. Aaron liked to spend time outdoors, but Logan liked to stay indoors.
Logan didn't develop a tan over the summer.
QUES: Continue writing. Elena but not Patricia was not worrying about getting pregnant because OPTIONS: - Elena used several methods of birth control. - Patricia used several methods of birth control. +++++++++ ANS: Elena used several methods of birth control. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kayla was sad about a friend moving and Monica was amused so the mom showed OPTIONS: - Kayla compassion. - Monica compassion. Answer: Kayla compassion. sentence: The camera Felicia bought was given a high rating on the internet blog Mary post on the internet, OPTIONS: - Felicia ads to the opinions of others . - Mary ads to the opinions of others . complete: Mary ads to the opinions of others . Betty asked Jessica when the roses would bloom, because OPTIONS: - Betty had extensive knowledge about flowers. - Jessica had extensive knowledge about flowers. Jessica had extensive knowledge about flowers. Input: Continue writing. Joseph fell asleep before Ryan, so OPTIONS: - Joseph ended up getting less sleep when they woke up in the morning. - Ryan ended up getting less sleep when they woke up in the morning. Continued: Ryan ended up getting less sleep when they woke up in the morning. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Erin is driving Betty to the airport in the morning to catch the flight. OPTIONS: - Erin prepares the car by filling the tank. - Betty prepares the car by filling the tank. [A]:
Erin prepares the car by filling the tank.
Continue the following story. Matthew was a great swimmer while Benjamin was not since
Benjamin had never owned a pool before.
Story needs to be completed: Maria wanted a pet gerbil while Betty insisted on a cat. My choice: Betty had never particularly liked rodents. Story needs to be completed: Rebecca was under the car changing the oil while Laura watched, since My choice: Laura was inept with cars. Story needs to be completed: The bureau handled tax questions but regulation questions were sent to the administration, as the My choice: bureau was powerless in regulatory matters. Story needs to be completed: The child preferred to play with the blocks rather than his parents' puzzles because the My choice:
puzzles were hard for him to play with.
Question: Jessica finished baking her picnic ham before Jennifer, because OPTIONS: - Jessica used an easy recipe for ham glaze. - Jennifer used an easy recipe for ham glaze. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jessica used an easy recipe for ham glaze. Question: The plant was easier to take care of than the tree because the OPTIONS: - tree needed more attention. - plant needed more attention. Answer: Continue the sentence -- tree needed more attention. Question: Nick encouraged Kyle to wash a doll's hair because OPTIONS: - Nick didn't notice the doll's hair looked ratty. - Kyle didn't notice the doll's hair looked ratty. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kyle didn't notice the doll's hair looked ratty. Question: She tried to avoid the zoo so she could visit the park instead, since the OPTIONS: - zoo was contrary to her tastes. - park was contrary to her tastes. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- zoo was contrary to her tastes.
Complete the following sentence. As such a talented artist, Laura had much to offer Sarah in learning to paint, and
Sarah was eager to learn.
Continue writing the following text. While shopping at the yard sale, the woman passed on the dishes, but bought the spoons, because she already had many of the Choose from: [i] dishes .; [ii] spoons .;
How does the sentence end? Eric has been working overtime to make money for their upcoming vacation, but Samuel is unemployed so OPT: (i) Eric just stayed home.; (ii) Samuel just stayed home.;
Problem: Continue the following story. Nelson arrived at the game much later than Justin, because Here's how I want to continue it: Nelson did not have the game time written on his calendar. Problem: Continue the following story. Victoria was the child of Mary, which meant that when Here's how I want to continue it: Mary gave an order, they listened. Problem: Continue the following story. During the calm before the storm, Tanya began freaking out while Samantha remained calm because Here's how I want to continue it:
Samantha had a very chill personality.
Write the next sentence. Monica liked to wear knit socks and Christine did not because Options: a). Monica liked having warm feet in the winter.; b). Christine liked having warm feet in the winter.;
Story needs to be completed: The car would not fit in the neighbor's garage because the OPTIONS: - car was too big. - garage was too big. My choice: car was too big. Problem: Continue the following story. I like stretchy jeans better than slim jeans as the OPTIONS: - stretchy jeans are more restrictive for walking. - slim jeans are more restrictive for walking. Here's how I want to continue it: slim jeans are more restrictive for walking. Problem: Even though Lindsey generally preferred Android phones and Betty preferred Apple phones, OPTIONS: - Lindsey owned an iPhone. - Betty owned an iPhone. My choice: Lindsey owned an iPhone. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Wanting to be healthy, the woman didn't order juice, and drank tea instead since the OPTIONS: - juice had less antioxidants. - tea had less antioxidants. [A]: juice had less antioxidants. QUES: Continue writing. The new pet that I bought at the store didn't fit in the cage because the OPTIONS: - pet was too small. - cage was too small. +++++++++ ANS: cage was too small. QUES: Continue writing. After supper, Jacob washed the pasta pot and put it in the dish drainer with the frying pan. The OPTIONS: - pot was cold after cooking beef. - pan was cold after cooking beef. +++++++++ ANS:
pan was cold after cooking beef.
Continue the following story. Airbnb was ideal for Amy but Cynthia liked staying in hotel better than homes. Available options: + Amy booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation. + Cynthia booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation.
Amy booked a room in a downtown loft for their vacation.
Complete the following sentence. Complicated mathematical equations were easier to understand for Logan but not Kevin because Available choices: A). Logan did not have an analytical mind.; B). Kevin did not have an analytical mind.;
Problem: How does the sentence end? Lawrence tried hard to make sure Jeffrey didn't fall asleep in class again, because OPTIONS: - Lawrence was worried their friend would get in trouble. - Jeffrey was worried their friend would get in trouble. Answer: Lawrence was worried their friend would get in trouble. sentence: Amy was casually walking down the road in England when Carrie jumped out at them. OPTIONS: - Amy was surprised. - Carrie was surprised. complete: Amy was surprised. The rollers ruined her hair but the curlers managed to fix it, as the OPTIONS: - rollers were defective. - curlers were defective. rollers were defective. Input: Continue writing. Many cultures bury their dead in a grave and use a headstone, the OPTIONS: - headstone has the name of the deceased. - grave has the name of the deceased. Continued: headstone has the name of the deceased. Story needs to be completed: The child was excellent at coloring but wasn't confident at drawing. The OPTIONS: - drawing gave her the least anxiety. - coloring gave her the least anxiety. My choice: coloring gave her the least anxiety. Problem: How does the sentence end? We were going to go swimming at the pool but went to the lake instead, because the OPTIONS: - pool was empty of water. - lake was empty of water. Answer:
pool was empty of water.
Continue writing the following text. Lawrence did not like the smell of Joel's new soap because Possible answers: I. Lawrence disliked musky smells.. II. Joel disliked musky smells..
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The student tried to hang his backpack in the closet but the Possible answers: (i) backpack was too large. (ii) closet was too large.
Write the next sentence. Jason suggests that they run quickly through the rain and pretend it's falling lava, because the Possible answers: * rain isn't really that exciting.; * lava isn't really that exciting.; Answer:
rain isn't really that exciting.
Problem: Continue the following story. The baby ate the whirled peas but not the chopped carrots although OPTIONS: - peas were yuckier. - carrots were yuckier. Here's how I want to continue it: peas were yuckier. Problem: Maddox bought a Swiss army knife but it was too big for his pocket. The OPTIONS: - Swiss army knife was too small. - pocket was too small. My choice: pocket was too small. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Lindsey asked Amy to go on a trip to Los Angeles with her because OPTIONS: - Lindsey is disabled. - Amy is disabled. [A]: Lindsey is disabled. QUES: Continue writing. My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because the OPTIONS: - hammer was the wrong tool for the job. - screwdriver was the wrong tool for the job. +++++++++ ANS: screwdriver was the wrong tool for the job. Problem: How does the sentence end? Craig saw that Dennis was nervous for the exam. OPTIONS: - Craig was not confident he had studied enough. - Dennis was not confident he had studied enough. Answer: Dennis was not confident he had studied enough. sentence: James, very recently, changed his car for a bicycle as a vehicle because the OPTIONS: - car was very expensive to use. - bicycle was very expensive to use. complete:
car was very expensive to use.
sentence: Craig helped Brian study for the upcoming chemistry test because OPTIONS: - Craig was feeling very confident about it. - Brian was feeling very confident about it. complete: Craig was feeling very confident about it. Amy honored Maria at the Veteran's Day Parade, because OPTIONS: - Amy admired their service to the country. - Maria admired their service to the country. Amy admired their service to the country. Input: Continue writing. Justin attended all of the wild parties without Brett, because OPTIONS: - Justin wanted to be a homebody. - Brett wanted to be a homebody. Continued: Brett wanted to be a homebody. Story needs to be completed: Maintaining the statue to be in a pristine state was more difficult than the sidewalk since the OPTIONS: - statue was rather clean. - sidewalk was rather clean. My choice: sidewalk was rather clean. Problem: Continue the following story. Felicia hated styrofoam cups and Erin was drinking from one, so OPTIONS: - Felicia hid it from him. - Erin hid it from him. Here's how I want to continue it: Erin hid it from him. The gardener is having trouble using a pole trimmer to reach the top of a bush to trim it flat because the OPTIONS: - pole is too high. - bush is too high.
bush is too high.
The ants flocked to the honey instead of the dark chocolate because the OPTIONS: - honey is bitter. - chocolate is bitter. chocolate is bitter. Knowing that Brian was in an abusive relationship, Joel offered a place to stay, because OPTIONS: - Brian was being concerned. - Joel was being concerned. Joel was being concerned. Donald was building his rat rod when Joseph asked if he could help. OPTIONS: - Donald was excited to help. - Joseph was excited to help.
Joseph was excited to help.
Problem: The skin on the person was more moisturized than the scalp because the My choice: scalp was rarely washed. Problem: The amnesia victim remembered their home before they remembered their workplace because the My choice: workplace was more trivial. Problem: Making crafts was fun and easy for Aaron but not Robert because My choice: Aaron had attended art school. Problem: The classical concerto conductor saw that the violins weren't ready but the cellos were because the My choice:
violins were out of tune.
Problem: the medicine in the bottle had to overflow as i was pouring it in, the OPTIONS: - bottle was too small. - medicine was too small. My choice: bottle was too small. [Q]: How does the sentence end? She wanted to display the ad on the billboard, but the OPTIONS: - billboard was too small. - ad was too small. [A]: billboard was too small. QUES: Continue writing. Rebecca's skin showed no signs of age, while Christine looked haggard, because OPTIONS: - Rebecca consumed lots of vegetables. - Christine consumed lots of vegetables. +++++++++ ANS: Rebecca consumed lots of vegetables. Problem: How does the sentence end? The new queen bed would not fit in the stairway because the OPTIONS: - bed is too tall. - stairway is too tall. Answer: bed is too tall. sentence: He used to switch from aspirin to another medication for the neck pain because the OPTIONS: - aspirin was weak. - pain was weak. complete: aspirin was weak. Input: Continue writing. Derrick got a lot more head injuries than Joel when they were kids, because OPTIONS: - Derrick never hung upside down on the jungle gym. - Joel never hung upside down on the jungle gym. Continued:
Joel never hung upside down on the jungle gym.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Susan was making a cake for a party then realized she had flour but she didn't have milk. It was necessary to go to the store for the [A]: milk . [Q]: How does the sentence end? Rachel enjoys having a lot of spices in the in their food while Victoria prefers their food more plain. [A]: Victoria ordered a cheeseburger for dinner. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Natalie required Rachel to finish every last piece of food on their plate, because [A]:
Rachel was their child.
Input: Continue writing. The toe was observed in the doctor's office but not the finger because the OPTIONS: - toe was uninjured. - finger was uninjured. Continued: finger was uninjured. Input: Continue writing. His parents hated that Ben loved cakes and apples. He decided to cut the OPTIONS: - cakes from his diet to be unhealthy. - apples from his diet to be unhealthy. Continued: apples from his diet to be unhealthy. Input: Continue writing. Ryan was careful that Kevin would not get in school bullied because OPTIONS: - Ryan was very strong. - Kevin was very strong. Continued: Ryan was very strong. Input: Continue writing. Because Robert did not have Schizoid Personality Disorder and Neil did, OPTIONS: - Robert was rarely thought of as eccentric. - Neil was rarely thought of as eccentric. Continued:
Robert was rarely thought of as eccentric.
Story needs to be completed: Jeffrey has an aggressive cat, while Benjamin does not because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey is mean to his cat. - Benjamin is mean to his cat. My choice: Jeffrey is mean to his cat. Story needs to be completed: Paul tripped in mud, got his straight pants dirty, and needed to put some clean leggings. He put on some skinny pants because the OPTIONS: - straight pants are dirty. - skinny pants are dirty. My choice: straight pants are dirty. Story needs to be completed: Everyone says Victoria is not as good at event planning as Angela because OPTIONS: - Victoria has not done it as long. - Angela has not done it as long. My choice: Victoria has not done it as long. Story needs to be completed: James advised the children not to play in the kitchen in order not to fall and he limited them to the balcony. The OPTIONS: - kitchen is wet. - balcony is wet. My choice:
kitchen is wet.
Choose your story that continues the following story. James took out the carpet the dog pooped on and laid a mat because the Pick your answer from: 1). carpet is dirty.; 2). mat is dirty.;
Problem: Continue the following story. The pumpkin yield this year was very weak and used more water than anticipated, so the OPTIONS: - water supply ran low. - pumpkin supply ran low. Here's how I want to continue it: pumpkin supply ran low. Problem: Continue the following story. Kyle thought the temperature was too warm while William thought it was too cold, so OPTIONS: - Kyle turned the heat up. - William turned the heat up. Here's how I want to continue it: William turned the heat up. Problem: Continue the following story. The batter that Christine whipped up was much better than Erin although OPTIONS: - Christine was a better chef. - Erin was a better chef. Here's how I want to continue it:
Erin was a better chef.
QUES: Continue writing. Being romantic came naturally to Eric, but Dennis had to put in more effort. +++++++++ ANS: Eric was good at expressing emotions. QUES: Continue writing. Megan had a solid day to day routine compared to Elena's bohemian lifestyle, because +++++++++ ANS: Elena was free spirited. QUES: Continue writing. Lawrence helped Brian to paint his house in blue and white and looks good because +++++++++ ANS: Lawrence is kind and good with his hands. QUES: Continue writing. Kyle gets caught in more lies than Jeffrey does because +++++++++ ANS:
Kyle has a hard time being honest.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Cate was using measuring tape for their floor but the tape stopped because the Answer: tape was too short. Problem: How does the sentence end? James started to pant on his way to the park, so he branched his friend house and rest because the Answer: park is far. Problem: How does the sentence end? Adam appointed Neil as the head guard, because Answer: Neil trained so hard that he became the best of the best. Problem: How does the sentence end? Donald loved the taste of cranberry but Christopher did not. Answer:
Donald ordered a Cape Codder.
A). Jeffrey cared about them.. B). Kevin cared about them.. Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey did everything in their power to keep Kevin safe, because
Continue writing the following text. John's poured the bowl of steak into the hot pan on the stove until the
bowl was empty.
Problem: Teaching decoupage was a passion of Matthew and Logan wanted to learn so, OPTIONS: - Matthew taught a class on how to do it. - Logan taught a class on how to do it. My choice: Matthew taught a class on how to do it. Problem: Eric knew how to make a chocolate souffle but Jeffrey did not. OPTIONS: - Eric was very ineptt at baking. - Jeffrey was very ineptt at baking. My choice: Jeffrey was very ineptt at baking. Problem: Angela spent a long time on their book review but Betty didn't, so OPTIONS: - Angela scored a low grade on their assignment. - Betty scored a low grade on their assignment. My choice: Betty scored a low grade on their assignment. Problem: Dave bought the suit but not the blue collared shirt because the OPTIONS: - shirt did not fit properly. - suit did not fit properly. My choice:
shirt did not fit properly.
IN: Which person is she? Pat tried to talk to Jill but she was ignored. OUT: Pat IN: Which person is he? Kurt sang to Jon since he was the judge. OUT: Jon IN: Which person is they? Raccoons constantly play dead when people come near since they hope they will be ignored. OUT: Raccoons IN: Which person is they? The citizens rebelled against the government because they were being repressed. OUT:
The citizens
Continue writing the following text. I decided to go to the college and not the university because the Options: A). college was closer to my home town.; B). university was closer to my home town.;
James took out the carpet the dog pooped on and laid a mat because the OPTIONS: - carpet is dirty. - mat is dirty. carpet is dirty. Input: Continue writing. Peyton went to the hardware store and bought the hammer instead of the drill because the price of the OPTIONS: - hammer was expensive. - drill was expensive. Continued: drill was expensive. Story needs to be completed: I opted to read my book in the study rather than the bedroom because the OPTIONS: - bedroom is brighter. - study is brighter. My choice: study is brighter. Problem: Continue the following story. In the crime scene Megan had to take the measurement of Monica's blood loss since OPTIONS: - Megan was the victim. - Monica was the victim. Here's how I want to continue it: Monica was the victim. Problem: Jeff used an aloe vera gel on his wound instead of lotion because the OPTIONS: - lotion was soothing on his skin. - aloe was soothing on his skin. My choice: aloe was soothing on his skin. Story needs to be completed: Kenneth was considered a negative individual compared to Matthew, due to OPTIONS: - Kenneth always being optimistic. - Matthew always being optimistic. My choice:
Matthew always being optimistic.
How does the sentence end? Erin had a lower credit score than Monica because
Monica was mostly careful with their money.