1 value
4 values
4 values
Note that this question lists possible answers. Which person is he referring to in the following sentence? Cartman finally decided to get rid of his stuffed animal, Clyde Frog, so he was donated to charity. [1]. Cartman. [2]. Clyde Frog.
The NSA sent their agents in the field to retrieve intelligence because they need people in the field to do the field work. Who is "they"?
Kevin cared more about how they looked than Eric because OPTIONS: - Kevin was a more superficial person. - Eric was a more superficial person. Kevin was a more superficial person. Input: Continue writing. The hens were worth their trouble to Sarah but not to Natalie becasue OPTIONS: - Sarah didn't like eggs. - Natalie didn't like eggs. Continued: Natalie didn't like eggs. Story needs to be completed: Her anxiety was high at the airport but lower at the train station, since the OPTIONS: - airport was so peaceful. - train station was so peaceful. My choice: train station was so peaceful. Problem: Continue the following story. The toner has had more of an impact on Claire's skin than the cream due to the OPTIONS: - toner being stronger. - cream being stronger. Here's how I want to continue it: toner being stronger. Problem: Kenneth went to the store to buy a cage for William's new pet rabbit. OPTIONS: - Kenneth was surprised at the cost of a new home for the rabbit. - William was surprised at the cost of a new home for the rabbit. My choice: Kenneth was surprised at the cost of a new home for the rabbit. Story needs to be completed: The consultant had to send the documents to his clients through mail from the printer and not the computer because the OPTIONS: - printer was not internet ready. - computer was not internet ready. My choice:
computer was not internet ready.
Question: Bacon is a lot more important for Rachel than Tanya because OPTIONS: - Rachel likes to eat meat everyday. - Tanya likes to eat meat everyday. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Rachel likes to eat meat everyday. Question: Janine switched from selling cooper and silver necklaces to selling diamonds. The OPTIONS: - diamonds are cheaper.. - necklaces are cheaper.. Answer: Continue the sentence -- necklaces are cheaper.. Question: The girls were impressed with Randy and not Joel as OPTIONS: - Randy has a good personality that made him attractive. - Joel has a good personality that made him attractive. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Randy has a good personality that made him attractive. Question: Sarah took her sugar glider to Rachel, a veterinarian, but OPTIONS: - Sarah was not worried about the sugar glider even though it was getting old. - Rachel was not worried about the sugar glider even though it was getting old. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Rachel was not worried about the sugar glider even though it was getting old.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya has very curly hair, Rachel has very straight hair so OPTIONS: - Tanya has no curls. - Rachel has no curls. [A]: Rachel has no curls. QUES: Continue writing. Chris' face has cleared up because of the acne pills he's taking, but the acne creams failed to help him. The OPTIONS: - pills must be low strength. - creams must be low strength. +++++++++ ANS: creams must be low strength. Problem: How does the sentence end? Hammond loved the beans at the restaurant so he got a second helping and then took some home. The beans were better when they were fresh at the OPTIONS: - restaurant . - home . Answer: restaurant . sentence: I couldn't put the vase in the burlap sack because the OPTIONS: - sack was too tiny. - vase was too tiny. complete: sack was too tiny. Taking risks can come easier for Neil than for Christopher because OPTIONS: - Neil is risk chaser individual. - Christopher is risk chaser individual. Neil is risk chaser individual. Problem: Continue the following story. Benjamin wants to remove blood stains from wood and asks for Samuel's advice, because OPTIONS: - Benjamin know nothing about cleaning. - Samuel know nothing about cleaning. Here's how I want to continue it:
Benjamin know nothing about cleaning.
Continue the following story. Rachel thought fish were good pets but Monica did not.
Rachel bought a guppy from the pet store.
Input: Continue writing. Rachel warned Elena that having negative body image may cause eating disorders because OPTIONS: - Rachel cares about her. - Elena cares about her. Continued: Rachel cares about her. Story needs to be completed: Angela was highly upset with the words that Carrie had said, so OPTIONS: - Angela offered an apology. - Carrie offered an apology. My choice: Carrie offered an apology. Problem: Continue the following story. Mary ended up cleaning Kayla's disgusting room, after that OPTIONS: - Mary demanded payment for doing it. - Kayla demanded payment for doing it. Here's how I want to continue it: Mary demanded payment for doing it. Problem: I definitely preferred the bowls to the plates because the OPTIONS: - bowls could hold more food. - plates could hold more food. My choice: bowls could hold more food. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The coat was warmer than the jacket because the OPTIONS: - coat had more layers in it. - jacket had more layers in it. [A]: coat had more layers in it. Problem: Jason prefers to stay at school over starting a job, because the OPTIONS: - school seems harder to him. - job seems harder to him. My choice:
job seems harder to him.
Complete the following sentence. The past of Kayla is filled with troubles, while Laura has had an average life.
Laura is a lucky person.
Continue writing the following text. Jason started a YouTube channel instead of a blog because he thought starting the
YouTube channel would make him more money.
Complete the following sentence. Jim did not like vegetarian food, so he was glad that he could substitute his carrot for a burger as the Pick your answer from: 1). carrot tasted horrible to him.. 2). burger tasted horrible to him..
Problem: How does the sentence end? Lindsey's house was more exposed to the elements than Jennifer's because Answer: Jennifer lived farther from mountain top. Problem: How does the sentence end? Neil has smaller feet than Joel. This is because Answer: Neil is the shorter of the two. Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena wore fancy clothing to the highschool prom and Laura wore a plaint T-shirt. Answer: Elena was accepted into the building. Problem: How does the sentence end? Craig's greed was very well known so when he saw Michael's gold watch Answer:
Michael hid it.
QUES: Continue writing. Although Jennifer was less considerate than Lindsey, OPTIONS: - Jennifer didn't know how to act in front of children. - Lindsey didn't know how to act in front of children. +++++++++ ANS: Lindsey didn't know how to act in front of children. Problem: How does the sentence end? James needed more cups to serve if he was to empty the bottle of water. The OPTIONS: - cup is small. - bottle is small. Answer: cup is small. sentence: Bob preferred the movie over dinner on the date because the OPTIONS: - movie required more conversation. - dinner required more conversation. complete: dinner required more conversation. Adam was more persistent and resourceful then Samuel so OPTIONS: - Adam is much more likely to overcome adversity. - Samuel is much more likely to overcome adversity. Adam is much more likely to overcome adversity. Input: Continue writing. She told him to buy wine instead of whiskey, because she prefers the OPTIONS: - wine with lower alcohol level. - whiskey with lower alcohol level. Continued: wine with lower alcohol level. [Q]: How does the sentence end? When Linda began to panic, her husband brought her into the bedroom instead of the living room because it was too loud in the OPTIONS: - living room . - bedroom . [A]:
living room .
Continue writing the following text. Kayla lifted up her shirt and proudly displayed her piercings to Rachel. Choices: a. Kayla was daring.; b. Rachel was daring.;
How does the sentence end? Rachel has way smaller muscles than Tanya because
Tanya always worked out every day of the week.
sentence: James could not finish drawing the diagram within the time give. The complete: time is small. sentence: Amy had a better solution to the problem than Christine because complete: Christine had never had the issue. sentence: Angela loves to buy scratch offs for Cynthia whenever they get together, because complete:
Angela is very generous.
With the glasses you could not see to the horizon, but the lenses allowed you too, since the OPTIONS: - glasses were optically strong. - lenses were optically strong. lenses were optically strong. Catherine liked to draw hearts more than she liked to draw cars because the OPTIONS: - hearts are simple. - cars are simple. hearts are simple. Jeffrey was a vegetarian, but Randy liked to eat beef. OPTIONS: - Jeffrey ordered the steak for lunch. - Randy ordered the steak for lunch.
Randy ordered the steak for lunch.
Input: Continue writing. The fish tank of Brett is dirtier than the one that Leslie owns, so OPTIONS: - Brett is a neglectful pet owner. - Leslie is a neglectful pet owner. Continued: Brett is a neglectful pet owner. Input: Continue writing. Getting cramps during sporting events was common for Joel but not Matthew because OPTIONS: - Joel never spent time stretching beforehand. - Matthew never spent time stretching beforehand. Continued: Joel never spent time stretching beforehand. Input: Continue writing. Jason recommended that Leslie drink lots of water every day because OPTIONS: - Jason is his physician. - Leslie is his physician. Continued: Jason is his physician. Input: Continue writing. Rebecca can choose pretty much any job they like but not so with Victoria as OPTIONS: - Rebecca has no criminal records. - Victoria has no criminal records. Continued:
Rebecca has no criminal records.
Story needs to be completed: Samantha had the symptoms of the flu but Cynthia doesn't. OPTIONS: - Samantha went to the store to buy some tampons. - Cynthia went to the store to buy some tampons. My choice: Cynthia went to the store to buy some tampons. Story needs to be completed: Joseph decided to groom their dog in the waiting room unlike Leslie, so OPTIONS: - Joseph had the cleaner dog. - Leslie had the cleaner dog. My choice: Joseph had the cleaner dog. Story needs to be completed: Megan gave Cynthia the fruit to eat with, because OPTIONS: - Megan despises eating fruits for a long time. - Cynthia despises eating fruits for a long time. My choice: Megan despises eating fruits for a long time. Story needs to be completed: he replaced fruits for vegetables in the evening meal for all , the OPTIONS: - fruits were scarce. - vegetables were scarce. My choice:
fruits were scarce.
Story needs to be completed: Jennifer lasted longer than Jessica in the game of hide and seek, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was able to keep quiet. - Jessica was able to keep quiet. My choice: Jennifer was able to keep quiet. Problem: Continue the following story. When donating blood, I don't look at the needle until I get my cookie, and it's always great to see that the OPTIONS: - cookie is quite large. - needle is quite large. Here's how I want to continue it: cookie is quite large. Problem: The estate was known to have the biggest bank in the region. The OPTIONS: - Estate was very famous. - Bank was very famous. My choice: Bank was very famous. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Feeling a draft, William asked Neil to please close the front door because OPTIONS: - William was closer. - Neil was closer. [A]: Neil was closer. QUES: Continue writing. Jennifer wasn't worried that the NSA was out to get them like Elena was, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was mentally healthy. - Elena was mentally healthy. +++++++++ ANS: Jennifer was mentally healthy. QUES: Continue writing. Natalie does not want to light a cigar while Rachel wants to light a cigar. OPTIONS: - Natalie did not light a cigar. - Rachel did not light a cigar. +++++++++ ANS:
Natalie did not light a cigar.
Question: Drinking a cup of jasmine tea was the perfect way to wake up for Adam, but not for Kevin, because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kevin couldn't stand the smell of it. Question: Kenneth loves to eat more raw food than Brian because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Brian hates fruit and vegetables so much. Question: The boy tried to store the guitar in the case but the Answer: Continue the sentence -- case was too small. Question: The wildlife photographer wanted to capture a wolf, and bought a new camera to replace his old camera because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- new camera was better.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Jack turned on the fan in the bathroom, but the odor was still there after 30 minutes. The OPTIONS: - odor was strong. - fan was strong. Answer: odor was strong. sentence: Steven looked for a lab partner while Hunter worked by himself, since OPTIONS: - Steven enjoyed working collaboratively. - Hunter enjoyed working collaboratively. complete: Steven enjoyed working collaboratively. When they go shopping Adam always uses paper bag but Robert uses plastic as OPTIONS: - Adam is conscious of environment. - Robert is conscious of environment. Adam is conscious of environment. Input: Continue writing. After encountering the ducks, I opted to use the shotgun instead of the rifle to take them down since the OPTIONS: - shotgun was silent. - rifle was silent. Continued: shotgun was silent. Story needs to be completed: Never clean, Elena really irritated Katrina, as OPTIONS: - Elena was so turned off by her with her odor. - Katrina was so turned off by her with her odor. My choice: Katrina was so turned off by her with her odor. Problem: How does the sentence end? Tech problems are Lawrence specialty and physical problems are Ryan, OPTIONS: - Lawrence works with people and disabilities. - Ryan works with people and disabilities. Answer:
Ryan works with people and disabilities.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The mechanic moved the tires from the car to the pallet, so the pick from the following. *pallet became heavier.. *car became heavier..
pallet became heavier.
Question: Mr. Sanders gave James a promotion because he appreciated his good work. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: Mr. Sanders Question: The company declared bonus for the employees because they made huge profits. Who is they referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: The company Question: Mike tried to follow Tom but he was hard to see. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: Tom Question: Darth Vader said to Luke Skywalker, "I am your father", because he was his son. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer:
Luke Skywalker
Write the next sentence. Benjamin thought it was time to get out the comforter and Jason disagreed, Pick your answer from: (I). Benjamin always got warmer more easily.; (II). Jason always got warmer more easily.; Answer:
Question: New Orleans is renown for their unique style of crawfish so they have many restaurants which sell it. they OPTIONS: - New Orleans - crawfish Answer: New Orleans The coach told the captain that he was proud of him. Who is "he" in this prior sentence? OPTIONS: - The coach - the captain The coach Question: The red team defeated the blue team because they made the last penalty kick. Who is they referring to in this sentence? OPTIONS: - The red team - the blue team --- Answer: The red team Q: The farmer proudly revealed his favorite chicken, because he laid a golden egg. Who he is? OPTIONS: - The farmer - his favorite chicken A: his favorite chicken QUESTION: The boy lent his friend a pencil because the teacher told him to share. Who is "him"? OPTIONS: - The boy - his friend ANS: The boy QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? Brock understood the material better than Tracy because he was paying attention. OPTIONS: - Brock - Tracy ANS:
The store sold out of cookies long before salads because the cookies were too delicious. We chose to go to a french restaurant rather than a burger restaurant on our date as the french restaurant is considered more classy. Katrina orders water at the bar, while Emily has a nice, cold beer, so
Emily is the drunk person.
Problem: Continue the following story. Aaron worried college was too expensive and he wouldn't be able to finish it but Matthew disagreed, OPTIONS: - Aaron had a hard time explaining why. - Matthew had a hard time explaining why. Here's how I want to continue it: Matthew had a hard time explaining why. Problem: Continue the following story. I removed my license from my wallet and moved it to my pocket, as the OPTIONS: - wallet was vulnerable to theft. - pocket was vulnerable to theft. Here's how I want to continue it: wallet was vulnerable to theft. Problem: Continue the following story. Aaron showed Justin how to make a multiple layered cake for the birthday because OPTIONS: - Aaron was a professional baker. - Justin was a professional baker. Here's how I want to continue it:
Aaron was a professional baker.
Problem: Continue the following story. Because Joel was very lonely, he sought to hang out with Logan. OPTIONS: - Joel was no longer lonely. - Logan was no longer lonely. Here's how I want to continue it: Joel was no longer lonely. Problem: The student tried to use the old pen to fill out the application but the OPTIONS: - application was too old. - pen was too old. My choice: pen was too old. [Q]: How does the sentence end? After they lose the old rope, the wire will take its place since the OPTIONS: - rope is fixed. - wire is fixed. [A]: wire is fixed. QUES: Continue writing. We stopped the tiller from going further but not the lawnmower since the OPTIONS: - tiller was innocent. - lawnmower was innocent. +++++++++ ANS: lawnmower was innocent. Problem: How does the sentence end? Marcus moved his business from his old location to a high end space, because the OPTIONS: - high end space was old. - old location was old. Answer: old location was old. sentence: Jennifer ate a lot of food containing corn but Victoria did not because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was trying to decrease carbohydrate consumption. - Victoria was trying to decrease carbohydrate consumption. complete:
Victoria was trying to decrease carbohydrate consumption.
Input: Continue writing. Adam loved unusual foreign foods but Derrick hated them. Continued: Derrick thought pig feet sounded disgusting. Input: Continue writing. The AP test was tougher for the student than his LSAT exam because he had studied casually for the Continued: AP test . Input: Continue writing. The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as the Continued: floor turned out to be accommodating. Input: Continue writing. The pharmacist took the jars of medicated cream out of the box and put them on the shelf until the Continued:
shelf was full.
Story needs to be completed: The chemistry class had to chose between two abrasive chemicals in the experiment. They ended up choosing the acid over the base because the My choice: acid was needed. Story needs to be completed: Donald helped create the strange and intricate statue for Ryan's garden since My choice: Ryan was the person who commissioned it. Story needs to be completed: Michael was excited for the audition for the spring musical. William was nervous. My choice: Michael comforted them and offered help with rehersals to feel more confident. Story needs to be completed: Megan decided to sing a song at the talent show that Mary was judging. My choice:
Megan was happy when she won first place.
Write the next sentence. After class I sat staring at the syllabus scared and looked at the worksheet with relief. The
worksheet was reassuring.
Problem: Continue the following story. Kyle really enjoyed learning about World War II and Samuel did not. Here's how I want to continue it: Kyle check out a book on World War II. Problem: Continue the following story. The introduction to the book fell flat and people liked the ending better because the Here's how I want to continue it: ending was exciting. Problem: Continue the following story. adding paypal to the blog at such a short time notice is impossible because the Here's how I want to continue it:
time is tooshort.
Continue the following story. When faced with a toothache, Aaron visited Brian because
Brian is the dentist of his.
Complete the following sentence. Most people in our city used the street near our house and not the road across town because the
street gave more access.
Problem: To clean better, Johnny replaced his regular toothbrush with an electric toothbrush. The OPTIONS: - electric toothbrush cleaned better. - regular toothbrush cleaned better. My choice: electric toothbrush cleaned better. Problem: The apartment that Amy lived in rejected pets but not Betty's place, therefore OPTIONS: - Amy had a dog. - Betty had a dog. My choice: Betty had a dog. Problem: At dinner Felicia decided to pay for Elena's meal because OPTIONS: - Felicia had received a large bonus today. - Elena had received a large bonus today. My choice: Felicia had received a large bonus today. Problem: Eric loved to always watch magic shows unlike Lawrence because OPTIONS: - Eric thought it was real. - Lawrence thought it was real. My choice:
Eric thought it was real.
Problem: Michael could not see the city behind the mountain that was in front of him. The My choice: mountain was near. Problem: Maria was cremated after death while Victoria was buried because My choice: Maria was against being buried. Problem: The coach tried to put up the net in the gym but the My choice: net was too large. Problem: Golf is a something that Elena enjoys playing but Felicia doesn't like. My choice:
Felicia spends every Saturday on the lake.
sentence: Carrie loves mushrooms, but Tanya is just the opposite, so OPTIONS: - Carrie eats them all the time. - Tanya eats them all the time. complete: Carrie eats them all the time. Derrick studied very hard in grad school but Hunter didn't, so OPTIONS: - Derrick passed their exams with top marks. - Hunter passed their exams with top marks. Derrick passed their exams with top marks. Input: Continue writing. The kid liked the basic breakfast of oatmeal, but not the cheap orange juice, because the OPTIONS: - orange juice tasted good. - oatmeal tasted good. Continued: oatmeal tasted good. Story needs to be completed: The recording was not as good a guide as the book to teach him to speak French, as the OPTIONS: - recording was lucid. - book was lucid. My choice: book was lucid. Problem: Continue the following story. Felicia tried to reduce Jessica 's contributions to the committee, but OPTIONS: - Felicia was too timid and she failed to stop her from speaking up. - Jessica was too timid and she failed to stop her from speaking up. Here's how I want to continue it: Felicia was too timid and she failed to stop her from speaking up. Lawrence asked William for some help with their handwriting, because OPTIONS: - Lawrence had forgotten how to write. - William had forgotten how to write.
Lawrence had forgotten how to write.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Lawrence applied airbrush effects to Jeffrey 's photo to cover his imperfections. Pick from: (a). Lawrence was very creative... (b). Jeffrey was very creative...
Select from the following. (I). drawings were much more popular. (II). paintings were much more popular. Complete the following sentence. The art gallery always displayed more drawings than paintings, since
Continue writing the following text. Amy asked for red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting from Mary because it was
Amy 's birthday.
Continue writing the following text. Logan was denied a loan but not Matthew because Options: A). Logan was responsible with their credit card payments.; B). Matthew was responsible with their credit card payments.;
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Robert has a clear view of his future, but Hunter is still trying and that is because [A]: Hunter has a confuse mind. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Lindsey asks for Megan's advice on how to politely say no to a man who asked her out, because [A]: Lindsey doesn't want to hurt his feelings. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Eric was a well-respected consultant but Logan was not. [A]:
Eric made a lot of money doing consulting work.
How does the sentence end? After preparing the formula the chemist poured it from the bottle and into the container because the
container was more safe.
QUES: Continue writing. Sara moved the food from the pan onto the dish until the +++++++++ ANS: dish was covered. QUES: Continue writing. The garden of Amy was really muddy compared to Carrie's because at +++++++++ ANS: Amy house the rain fell hard. QUES: Continue writing. If you need to get ahold of Jason you will need to call Kyle's phone number because +++++++++ ANS: Kyle has a phone. QUES: Continue writing. The woman asked Lawrence but not Kyle to crack the coconut open because +++++++++ ANS:
Kyle was weak.
Multi-select: Is it possible to draw the conclusion that "Prehistoric humans hunted for deer on the river banks." if "Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for deer on the river banks."? Available choices: [I] no; [II] yes;
Problem: How does the sentence end? The bandage he bought to cover the burn could not fit because the Answer: bandage was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? Chip used a fork to flip the bacon after dropping the spatula on the floor, because the Answer: fork was cleaner. Problem: How does the sentence end? I wanted to fry vegetables or meat, I decided to fry the Answer: vegetables because they are more healthier. Problem: How does the sentence end? Running was the best exercise for Joseph but not Donald. Answer:
Donald suffered from terrible asthma.
sentence: Mary was planing to get married and have Katrina be a flower girl because complete: Katrina was someone who was young. sentence: Justin boasted to Aaron that he was going to play hockey without wearing an athletic cup. complete: Justin was cocky. sentence: The woman ordered the cheesecake for dessert instead of the sundae because the complete:
cheesecake looked delicious.
Question: Aaron was desperately trying to avoid eating candies but Craig was not because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Aaron was overweight. Question: Dave tried to hide the flask under the chair but everyone could still clearly see it. The Answer: Continue the sentence -- chair was just too unsubstantial. Question: Mary used a box instead of an envelope to send a sweater she made because shipping within the Answer: Continue the sentence -- envelope is expensive. Question: Jennifer tended to overthink every decision but Laura was more spur of the moment. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Laura didn't miss out on a lot of things.
Emily had a lot more trouble sleeping than Felicia because Emily has had insomnia for years. Robert entered into Brian's office, but our moody boss was not around. Robert was relieved. The man took a walk in the park instead of in the woods because it was more risky in the
woods .
Problem: Hunter had a harder time compared to Brett at completing projects. OPTIONS: - Hunter quickly finish things. - Brett quickly finish things. My choice: Brett quickly finish things. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Amy tripped and ripped her undershirt and needed a new shirt. She went to the store to get a T-shirt because the OPTIONS: - undershirt is old. - T-shirt is old. [A]: undershirt is old. QUES: Continue writing. Joel decided to climb Mount Everest, while Dennis stayed home, because OPTIONS: - Joel was a natural adventurer. - Dennis was a natural adventurer. +++++++++ ANS: Joel was a natural adventurer. Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph was not able to recover from the flu as quickly as Samuel because OPTIONS: - Joseph received medical treatment. - Samuel received medical treatment. Answer: Samuel received medical treatment. sentence: Tom prayed for power for his spirit from his deity because the thought the OPTIONS: - spirit in his deity was strong. - power in his deity was strong. complete: power in his deity was strong. Input: Continue writing. Elena was always lying to people while Katrina has always been straight forward because OPTIONS: - Elena thought it was wrong to play games with people. - Katrina thought it was wrong to play games with people. Continued:
Katrina thought it was wrong to play games with people.
Sissy got a henna ink tattoo on the skin of her forearm but it didn't show up well. The OPTIONS: - ink was too light. - skin was too light. ink was too light. Input: Continue writing. The man slept better on the bed than on the sofa because the OPTIONS: - sofa was harder. - bed was harder. Continued: sofa was harder. Story needs to be completed: The gamer tried to fit the ball through the hoop, but the OPTIONS: - ball was too big. - hoop was too big. My choice: ball was too big. Problem: Continue the following story. Angela loves to buy scratch offs for Cynthia whenever they get together, because OPTIONS: - Angela is very generous. - Cynthia is very generous. Here's how I want to continue it: Angela is very generous. Problem: The mass I attended with my friend was better than the service, because the OPTIONS: - mass felt fake. - service felt fake. My choice: service felt fake. Story needs to be completed: When Samuel was a teen, he had anxiety, while Steven never did. OPTIONS: - Samuel was always more nervous. - Steven was always more nervous. My choice:
Samuel was always more nervous.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? There were more books at the library than at the bookstore because the OPTIONS: - library was smaller. - bookstore was smaller. [A]: bookstore was smaller. QUES: Continue writing. Megan was seen as far more important than Felicia, so when OPTIONS: - Megan went to the club, they expected to be fawned over. - Felicia went to the club, they expected to be fawned over. +++++++++ ANS: Megan went to the club, they expected to be fawned over. Problem: How does the sentence end? The candles flame stayed lit all night despite the rain, because the OPTIONS: - flame was very weak. - rain was very weak. Answer: rain was very weak. sentence: A insurance claim had been made and Sarah surveyed the damage as Carrie watched. OPTIONS: - Sarah had made the insurance claim. - Carrie had made the insurance claim. complete: Carrie had made the insurance claim. The lights could be seen from the floor but not from the tower, as the view from the OPTIONS: - floor was clear. - tower was clear. floor was clear. Problem: Continue the following story. For work the technician went shopping for computer components and replaced the CPU but not the GPU because the OPTIONS: - CPU was fried. - GPU was fried. Here's how I want to continue it:
CPU was fried.
Write the next sentence. Samuel told Benjamin that Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to brain development because
Benjamin rarely eats fish.
How does the sentence end? At the gym, Samuel was working out their legs while Brett worked out their arms. Select from: a. Samuel ran a faster mile because of the leg workouts.. b. Brett ran a faster mile because of the leg workouts..
CONTEXT: My meeting started at 4:00 and I needed to catch the train at 4:30, so there wasn't much time. Luckily, *it* was short, so it worked out. Multi-choice question: Do "the train" and "it" have the same meaning? no CONTEXT: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because *it* was going so fast. Multi-choice question: Do "the school bus" and "it" have the same meaning? no CONTEXT: Bill passed the gameboy to John because *his* turn was over. Multi-choice question: Do "Bill" and "his" have the same meaning? yes CONTEXT: I sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book , who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table , and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with *it* there all the time. Multi-choice question: Do "body" and "it" have the same meaning?
Input: Continue writing. Emily thought the teen girl was very cute but Natalie did not. OPTIONS: - Emily asked the teen girl out. - Natalie asked the teen girl out. Continued: Emily asked the teen girl out. Story needs to be completed: The vegetables cooked in the pan were better than the ones cooked in the microwave because the OPTIONS: - pan makes the vegetables crispy. - microwave makes the vegetables crispy. My choice: pan makes the vegetables crispy. Problem: Continue the following story. The match singed her eyelashes, but the candle didn't hurt them, as the flame from the OPTIONS: - match was stronger. - candle was stronger. Here's how I want to continue it: match was stronger. Problem: The death of the most important figure in her world was too much sorrow for her to bear. Therefore the OPTIONS: - sorrow was horrific. - figure was horrific. My choice: sorrow was horrific. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I moved my wet clothing from the suitcase to the laundry bag, and as a result, the OPTIONS: - suitcase became light. - bag became light. [A]: suitcase became light. Problem: Neil always gives assistance when Samuel stumbles or unexpectedly drops things because OPTIONS: - Neil is clumsy. - Samuel is clumsy. My choice:
Samuel is clumsy.
Question: The firemen arrived before the police because *they* were coming from so far away. the police they OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer: yes Q: Then he took a piece of iron the shape of the horse horse's foot , and clapped *it* on, and drove some nails through the shoe quite into its hoof, so that the shoe was firmly on Are "horse's foot" and "it" the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes ======= A: no Question: Given context:Our mistress hired a room for my crippled sister Nelly , and she gave her knitting and needlework when she was able to do it, and when *she* was ill she sent her dinners and many nice comfortable things and was like a mother to her. 1: mistress; 2: she OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in *it* . Some shady trees leaned over Do "it" and "pond" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: Do "boy" and "he" point to the same thing in the following sentence? We saw a boy trying to leap a pony over a gate; the pony would not take the leap, and the boy cut him with the whip, but *he* only turned to one side. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: no Problem: Do "Bill" and "him" point to the same thing in the following sentence? After I saw Bill catching flies and pulling off their wings, I boxed his ears. I showed the master the flies, some crushed and some crawling about helpless, and I showed him the wings on the window sill. I never saw him so angry before; but as Bill was still howling and whining, like the coward that he was, he did not give *him* any more punishment of that kind, but set him up on a stool for the rest of the afternoon, and said that he should not go out to play for that week. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A:
Input: Continue writing. Emily can go a long time without visiting a bathroom but Jessica cannot because Continued: Emily has a large bladder. Input: Continue writing. One dog was a German Shepherd and the other was a poodle.The Continued: german shepherd was a big dog. Input: Continue writing. Tanya asked Angela to be her stock broker because Continued: Angela possessed good financial market experience. Input: Continue writing. Kevin enjoyed a better view of the play than Jason because Continued:
Kevin 's seat had a better perspective .
Write the next sentence. Joseph wanted to finalize the separation from Christopher, because pick from the following. a. Joseph was constantly dragging it out. b. Christopher was constantly dragging it out.
Continue the following story. I'd rather volunteer my time than my money as I am broke and the
time is something that does not affect my pocket book .
Story needs to be completed: It was a much bigger risk to play around the table than the bench, because the My choice: bench had a soft edge. Story needs to be completed: The aquarium that I purchased was bigger than my old tank because the My choice: aquarium allowed more room for the big fish. Story needs to be completed: Cynthia was creating a new Hairmask for Monica to wear. My choice: Cynthia mixed the hair mask. Story needs to be completed: Maria was perfectly happy being in a relationship with Tanya, but My choice:
Tanya didn't want to stay together forever.
QUES: Continue writing. He needed to clean his paper wallpaper that shouldn't get wet so used a new sponge not a rag with water since the OPTIONS: - rag was dry. - sponge was dry. +++++++++ ANS: sponge was dry. Problem: How does the sentence end? The household was very old and some of the appliances needed to be replaced, including the washer but not the dryer because the OPTIONS: - washer was malfunctioning. - dryer was malfunctioning. Answer: washer was malfunctioning. sentence: I got some new tools for work, but they didn't fir in my toolboxes because the OPTIONS: - tools were too weak. - toolboxes were too weak. complete: toolboxes were too weak. Donald has a bigger belly than Ryan because OPTIONS: - Donald has a healthy relationship with food. - Ryan has a healthy relationship with food. Ryan has a healthy relationship with food. Input: Continue writing. Jennifer, ignorant to the fact Christine didn't like him, asked for a reference for a new job because OPTIONS: - Jennifer is clueless. - Christine is clueless. Continued: Jennifer is clueless. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Benjamin told Ryan that he is going to go his own way and start his own business. OPTIONS: - Benjamin is supportive. - Ryan is supportive. [A]:
Ryan is supportive.
Q: Dance Instructor Kate offers advice to Shelly because she is eager to soak up as much experience as possible. Who she is? A: Shelly Q: Sally kicked Mary and she apologized. Who she is? A: Sally Q: Johnson wanted to make friendship with David, because he is well connected. Who he is? A:
Continue the following story. The cold weather permeated the garage but not the house since the Select from: -- garage was insulated from it.. -- house was insulated from it..
house was insulated from it.
Problem: Do "corn" and "it" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Even before they reached town , they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what *it* was, and Dad said it was firecrackers. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: no Problem: Do "the demonstrators" and "they" point to the same thing in the following sentence? The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because *they* advocated violence. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: yes Problem: Do "Emma's mother" and "her" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Emma's mother had died long ago, and *her* place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: yes Problem: Do "Bob" and "he" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Bob was playing cards with Adam and was way ahead. If Adam hadn't had a sudden run of good luck, *he* would have won. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A:
Complete the following sentence. Mary gave the remote to Monica because Pick from: i. Mary wanted to change the channel and watch a different tv show. ii. Monica wanted to change the channel and watch a different tv show.
Continue writing the following text. Samantha goes to Mary to buy some supplements in powder form because Possible answers: [i] Samantha is a customer.; [ii] Mary is a customer.;
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Angela rode horses all their life and Amy just started, so Choose from: (A). Angela trained really hard over the weekend.. (B). Amy trained really hard over the weekend..
Story needs to be completed: Sara bought a bikini for her vacation but wore a one piece instead because she was confident in the OPTIONS: - bikini . - one piece . My choice: one piece . Problem: Continue the following story. Kayla made sure to mold the wooden table well for Christine's purchase because OPTIONS: - Kayla was a customer. - Christine was a customer. Here's how I want to continue it: Christine was a customer. Problem: The oil worked better to link the products than water, because the OPTIONS: - oil was non sticky. - water was non sticky. My choice: water was non sticky. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Benjamin found it easier to do the repairs around the house than Matthew because OPTIONS: - Benjamin was familiar with home ownership. - Matthew was familiar with home ownership. [A]: Benjamin was familiar with home ownership. QUES: Continue writing. Every time they travel Dennis has a heavy suitcase while Derrick has a light one as OPTIONS: - Dennis tend to over pack. - Derrick tend to over pack. +++++++++ ANS: Dennis tend to over pack. QUES: Continue writing. Betty was thirsty after the long run, while Jennifer felt refreshed, so OPTIONS: - Betty asked for her extra water. - Jennifer asked for her extra water. +++++++++ ANS:
Betty asked for her extra water.
Problem: How does the sentence end? It is easier to install the faucet than the toilet in the bathroom because the OPTIONS: - toilet has less parts. - faucet has less parts. Answer: faucet has less parts. sentence: The bottle was broken when the ice formed in it because the OPTIONS: - ice is small. - bottle is small. complete: bottle is small. Christine was working online on the computer that Mary dropped a bowling ball onto. OPTIONS: - Christine broke the computer. - Mary broke the computer. Mary broke the computer. Input: Continue writing. Monica was at home sick with a cold, so Felicia bought some oranges to help OPTIONS: - Monica get over the infection. - Felicia get over the infection. Continued: Monica get over the infection. Story needs to be completed: They tried to fit the new train into the station but the OPTIONS: - train was too large. - station was too large. My choice: train was too large. Problem: How does the sentence end? Samantha was allergic to peanuts and Monica was not so OPTIONS: - Samantha could eat the peanut butter cup grandma gave them. - Monica could eat the peanut butter cup grandma gave them. Answer:
Monica could eat the peanut butter cup grandma gave them.
Write the next sentence. John rubbed his white handkerchief over the rusty rod and it got the +rod dirty. +handkerchief dirty. Answer:
handkerchief dirty.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Jason prefers fishing over basketball after a long day at work, because the Pick from: A). fishing is relaxing. B). basketball is relaxing.
Available choices: A). poems give him more inspiration when writing them.. B). books give him more inspiration when writing them.. Complete the following sentence. Chris loves to write, but he prefers writing poems and not books. The
Complete the following sentence. She bought the nurse outfit instead of the clown costume for Halloween because the
clown costume was frumpy.
QUESTION: The older male cat is bullying the new younger male cat so he has been submissive. Who is "he"? ANS: the new younger male cat QUESTION: Mark tackled the quarterback, but he was penalized. Who is "he"? ANS: Mark QUESTION: Jerrica saw the guard as she snuck past. Who is "she"? ANS: Jerrica QUESTION: The Cowboys formed a trailer defense against the Indians since they are about to attack. Who is "they"? ANS:
the Indians
Continue writing the following text. Max saw a real watch and diamond on the floor. He chose to pick up the
watch because it was extremely usable.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The worms came out after the rain hungry, so they went toward the surface rather than burrow in the ground as the OPTIONS: - surface had opportunity. - ground had opportunity. [A]: surface had opportunity. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Terry was looking at the different ways on how to breakup, there was the in-person and the text version but the OPTIONS: - text version method seemed too easy. - in-person method seemed too easy. [A]: text version method seemed too easy. [Q]: How does the sentence end? After deliberating, she chose bell peppers rather than jalapenos at the grocery store because the OPTIONS: - jalapenos are spicy. - bell peppers are spicy. [A]:
jalapenos are spicy.
Problem: Continue the following story. Paula is so introverted she joins an online group rather than an in-person club, because the Here's how I want to continue it: group seems comfortable. Problem: Continue the following story. William was responsible with energy consumption, but Steven was wasteful for the reason that Here's how I want to continue it: Steven was environmentally irresponsible. Problem: Continue the following story. The cleanser was a better solution to the acne than the cream, so the Here's how I want to continue it:
cleanser is probably stronger.
How does the sentence end? Outside of Steven house Kenneth is looking for where the buzzing is coming from,
Kenneth has training for dealing with dealing with the insect problem.
Problem: Continue the following story. Patricia is a farmer who grows grapes for people who drink wine like Katrina, OPTIONS: - Patricia is a brilliant wine taster. - Katrina is a brilliant wine taster. Here's how I want to continue it: Katrina is a brilliant wine taster. Problem: During the date, Mason used the wine bottle to fill the glass cup until the OPTIONS: - bottle was filled. - cup was filled. My choice: cup was filled. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Maria has recently bought a toaster for Katrina's birthday, because OPTIONS: - Maria wanted a brand new toaster. - Katrina wanted a brand new toaster. [A]: Katrina wanted a brand new toaster. QUES: Continue writing. Even though Christopher was a worse scientist than Eric, OPTIONS: - Christopher always filled out his paperwork on time. - Eric always filled out his paperwork on time. +++++++++ ANS: Christopher always filled out his paperwork on time. Problem: How does the sentence end? Even though Kayla had a lot more money than Christine, OPTIONS: - Kayla bought far more toys for their children for Christmas. - Christine bought far more toys for their children for Christmas. Answer: Christine bought far more toys for their children for Christmas. sentence: Adam showed up empty-handed to the housewarming party, while Joel brought a gift, because OPTIONS: - Adam was rude. - Joel was rude. complete:
Adam was rude.
Problem: Brian asked if he could eat all of Aaron 's crab cake, because My choice: Brian loved the taste of sea insects. Problem: The seeds were a better deal than the plants, because the My choice: plants were full price. Problem: On the way to the movies, we ran into some old friends while getting in line and they bought our tickets to the My choice: movies . Problem: Aaron had a lot of skill with chopsticks while Nelson wasn't as proficient. My choice:
Aaron could pick up a grain of rice with them.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Angela had bad cramps during her period every month, so her mother Katrina offered her chamomile tea to help. [A]: Katrina made the tea and hoped it would help. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The art gallery always displayed more drawings than paintings, since [A]: paintings were much less popular. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The eggs from Lindsey's farm taste better than the ones Amy produces. [A]:
Amy likely has unhealthy chickens.
Continue writing the following text. To help her with the birth, they propped pillows against her back and kept feeding her ice cubes. The Pick your answer from: a). pillows were cold. b). ice cubes were cold.
sentence: Betty thought a wooden bed frame was cool looking but Katrina like the sight of a brass bed. OPTIONS: - Betty bought a carved mahogany headboard. - Katrina bought a carved mahogany headboard. complete: Betty bought a carved mahogany headboard. Neil offered a breath mint to Joel. OPTIONS: - Neil had forgotten to brush his teeth that morning. - Joel had forgotten to brush his teeth that morning. Joel had forgotten to brush his teeth that morning. Input: Continue writing. The children really loved Samantha but not Carrie because OPTIONS: - Samantha did not buy real expensive gifts for Christmas. - Carrie did not buy real expensive gifts for Christmas. Continued: Carrie did not buy real expensive gifts for Christmas. Story needs to be completed: The table was located strategically under the large wall, so the OPTIONS: - table would throw its shade. - wall would throw its shade. My choice: wall would throw its shade. Problem: Continue the following story. Emily sanded, painted and sealed the outdoor patio furniture for Kayla since OPTIONS: - Emily was able-bodied. - Kayla was able-bodied. Here's how I want to continue it: Emily was able-bodied. She was wanting to season her tempeh with either salt or chili powder. The OPTIONS: - salt was spicy. - chili powder was spicy.
chili powder was spicy.
QUES: Continue writing. Terrance used the map instead of his computer to plan the route for their vacation, but the +++++++++ ANS: map seemed out of date. QUES: Continue writing. Benjamin bought a cool leather jacket for Nick, so +++++++++ ANS: Nick gave them credit for making them cool. QUES: Continue writing. James realized he had not gathered enough cash for the price of the book, The +++++++++ ANS: price is high. QUES: Continue writing. He laid a rubber mat down on the concrete driveway while working on his car since the surface of the +++++++++ ANS:
mat is soft.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The cuts the laser can do are better than the machine sine the Answer: machine is inaccurate in doing so. Problem: How does the sentence end? The fresh cabbage was added to the sausages but not to the lentils, as the Answer: lentils worked terribly with the flavor. Problem: How does the sentence end? The man didn't have time to paint the ceilings after painting the walls, so only the Answer: walls looked fresh. Problem: How does the sentence end? Rebecca was instructing Katrina on how to ski because Answer:
Katrina was a student on the mountain.
Write the next sentence. Kyle had to study anatomy but not Robert because
Robert wanted to become a lawyer.
How does the sentence end? He took away and sharpened the blades of the knife that was on the floor near the plant. Therefore the OPTIONS: (a). knife is dangerous.. (b). plant is dangerous..
Write the next sentence. Christopher crunched his nose and backed off when Randy offered his hand, because Available options: 1). Christopher had dirty hands.. 2). Randy had dirty hands..
sentence: Donald sprayed Matthew 's dog with a chemical to prevent it from getting fleas due to neglect. complete: Donald was responsible toward dogs. sentence: Because of where they worked, Ryan had access to good healthcare, while Robert did not, so complete: Robert lived a shorter life. sentence: To take care of her lips, Cindi likes using lipstick more than chap stick. She thinks the complete:
chap stick is more dehydrating.
Continue the following story. The wind was able to put out the fire we built for the camp grounds, the Choose from: (i). wind was too strong. (ii). fire was too strong.
Question: The erupting volcano spewed molten lava, ash and smoke into the sky until the Answer: Continue the sentence -- volcano was empty. Question: The new bathroom at Jason's house was bigger then Kevin's which made Answer: Continue the sentence -- Kevin feel jealous. Question: The waves destroyed the garage but left the house intact because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- house was so far from the shore. Question: Ian is making a pool party for Neil and needs to raise pH in a pool, so Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Neil could safely enjoy party.
Continue the following story. The doctor prescribed Sam a remedy for his flu but he still felt bad because the
remedy was too weak.
QUES: Continue writing. His injury is a lot worse than her scratch because the OPTIONS: - injury is from a horrible accident. - scratch is from a horrible accident. +++++++++ ANS: injury is from a horrible accident. QUES: Continue writing. For a trip to the Rocky Mountains, Monica’s family brought along the sleds instead of the skis because the kids had frequently been on the OPTIONS: - sleds . - skis . +++++++++ ANS: sleds . QUES: Continue writing. Justin got sick one day. Lawrence decided to care for him until OPTIONS: - Justin was too tired. - Lawrence was too tired. +++++++++ ANS: Lawrence was too tired. QUES: Continue writing. The chef cooked the food in the oven until the top was bubbling; the OPTIONS: - food was browned. - oven was browned. +++++++++ ANS:
food was browned.
Robert enjoyed using wasabi when eating sushi but not Joseph because Robert enjoyed spicy foods. Ben wanted to either get a pencil or a TV to change his life, but the TV was too expensive. Kyle was rarely in the kitchen while Hunter constantly was because
Hunter loved to cook.
Input: Continue writing. Betty is a stingy person compared to Mary, so Continued: Betty will never help friends or strangers. Input: Continue writing. At the potluck Ian enjoyed their Muendo more than Leslie because Continued: Leslie forgot to get butter to put on their bread rolls. Input: Continue writing. The woman tried to write the plan down on paper but the Continued: plan was too large. Input: Continue writing. While redesigning the bedroom, Rachel took out the futon and replaced it with a bed. The Continued:
Bed was new.
Story needs to be completed: The contractor wanted to build a new building on the land but the My choice: land was too small. Story needs to be completed: Dennis took months to write back to Kenneth's party invitation. My choice: Dennis was quite inconsiderate. Story needs to be completed: Christopher had a grumbling stomach but not Nelson because My choice: Nelson had had waited a shortened time for lunch. Story needs to be completed: We used the lamps instead of the candles because the My choice:
candles provided us with less light.
Problem: Continue the following story. Jessica is able to pour a beer better than Felicia because Here's how I want to continue it: Felicia has never worked at a distillery. Problem: Continue the following story. Donald accidentally pierced Michael's skin with an arrow so Here's how I want to continue it: Donald took him to the emergency room. Problem: Continue the following story. On Sunday Jacquie went swimming in the pool in the morning and went skiing on the mountain in the afternoon. She went to the Here's how I want to continue it:
mountain later.
Problem: I would hate for the pineapple to damage the countertop, just look at how rough the OPTIONS: - countertop is. - pineapple is. My choice: pineapple is. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Cindy ate the noodles but preferred the vegetables because the OPTIONS: - vegetables were hard and undercooked. - noodles were hard and undercooked. [A]: noodles were hard and undercooked. QUES: Continue writing. The blood of Ryan was drawn by Brett in the trailer because OPTIONS: - Ryan is a good doctor. - Brett is a good doctor. +++++++++ ANS: Brett is a good doctor. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kyle was rarely in the kitchen while Hunter constantly was because OPTIONS: - Kyle loved to cook. - Hunter loved to cook. Answer: Hunter loved to cook. sentence: Logan was in a better spot in life unlike Aaron because OPTIONS: - Logan had so much anxiety built up. - Aaron had so much anxiety built up. complete: Aaron had so much anxiety built up. Input: Continue writing. Katrina was teaching French to Erin however OPTIONS: - Katrina had been to France on vacation twice. - Erin had been to France on vacation twice. Continued:
Erin had been to France on vacation twice.
The police arrested the rioters because they were causing trouble. Who is they referring to?
the rioters