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Add Odyssey+ MO datasets calibration, previews, and related files

All camcalib and imucalib datasets were recorded with a fixed exposure of 3000μs and a gain of 32/255 on the OV7251 sensor looking at aprilgrids with square side of 3cm. For the magnetometer magcalib datasets the exposure/gain value adjusts automatically per camera like in the MOO datasets. All datasets except MOC13 were recording on the same day, and on the same Monado euroc recording session.

  1. MOC01-MOC06: Were recorded at the beginning of the session
  2. MOC06-MOC12: Were recorded at the end of the session. The mocap calibration of these datasets have a big difference in "pz" compared to the previous MOC01-MOC06 ones. I believe this is due to steamvr readjusting the floor height at some point during runtime since I don't have reason to believe I moved the lighthouses. Furthermore using any of the two mocap versions when doing mocap-imu alignment produces datasets with similar ATE after trajectory alignment.
  3. MOC13: Is a 48hs recording of the headset still. It was recorded at a different date and only has raw IMU samples for Allan variance analysis. The groundtruth data is manually crafted with just two points in the same position.

The Reverb G2 headset has 4 cameras:

  • 0: front-left
  • 1: front-right
  • 2: side-left
  • 3: side-right

Basalt calibration tools were used for generating the calibration files.

Magnetometer timestamps should be hardware alignmed with the other IMU samples (imu0). Consider that, at the time of recording, the magnetometer units the headset reports was not yet definitely known in the open-source WMR Monado driver. What you will find for the units is a guess, and it might change in the future if the Monado community figures out the units were wrong. For magnetometer calibration you can look up this video guide: