1 value
10 values
At the early stage of the reform in the late Qing dynasty(1901-1911), Yuan Shikai, Liu Kunyi and Zhang Zhidong put forward a proposal to establish a capital officials college‘Jingshi Shixueyuan', which was an embodiment of their strategy for the employment of foreign advisers, in order to provide blueprints and experience for the reform. Affected by traditional idea and political situation, the plan of foreigner employment and checking officials was modified for several times. It was difficult and uncertain for the planners to put their strategy into practice, because public opinion had no knowledge of that. The title of foreign adviser, ‘Jiangyou'(a member of discussion group), which was created for substituting‘Zhengwuchu Guwen', a consultant of the Government Affairs Supervision Bureau, to avoid intervention of superiors, was soon replaced by ‘Yishuyangyuan'(translator).
The response was the Mutiny of 1857, a reactionary convulsion and unsuccessful effort to expel the British. A deeper and more long-run effect of the introduction of law and order and taxes, and of an increasing population, was the rise of parasitic landlordism. Despite poor cultivation, the peasants did generate a substantial economic surplus. The British presence, the failure of the Mutiny, the character of Indian society ruled out the Japanese solution to backwardness: rule by a new section of the native elite which used this surplus as the basis for industrial growth. Instead, in India the foreign conqueror, the landlord, and the. moneylender absorbed and dissipated this surplus. Hence economic stagnation continued throughout the British era and indeed into the present day.
This situation was at its height between 1860 and 1880. In 1879 in the "Deccan Agricultural Relief Act" came the first attempt to limit the rights of transfer and to protect the peasant. Similar legislation was passed during the rest of the nineteenth century in other parts of India. The chief provision has been a prohibition on the transfer of land to noncultivating castes, in other words moneylenders. The main effect was to contract the already limited supply of credit for the peasant and to encourage the growth of a class of wealthy peasants within the cultivating castes who could lend to their less fortunate neighbors.
在实际操作中有许多形式的福利计划可供采用,但为简化我们的讨论,在此把各种福利归为以下四类:(1)(用于带薪不工作时间的)补充性工资;(2) 保险福利;(3)退休福利;(4)雇员服务福利。
There are many benefits and various ways to classify them. We will classify them as (1) pay for time not worked (such as vacations), (2) insurance benefits, (3) retirement benefits, and (4) services.
The contemporary human rights regime consists of overlapping global, regional and national institutions and conventions. At the global level, human rights are firmly entrenched in the "International Bill of Human Rights", which comprises the "UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948" and the several conventions on civil, political and economic rights adopted predominantly in the 1960s and 1970s.
A型人格(type A personality)的主要特征是长期感觉到一种时间紧迫感;一种过度的竞争驱动力;难以接受和享受闲暇时间。A型人格的对立面是B型人格 (type B personality)。B型人格不会产生时间紧迫感或焦躁。直到最近,人们还认为具有A型人格的个体更有可能在工作中承受压力。
Type A personality is characterized by chronic feelings of a sense of time urgency, an excessive competitive drive, and difficulty accepting and enjoying leisure time. The opposite of Type A is Type B personality. Type Bs don’t suffer from time urgency or impatience. Until quite recently, it was believed that Type As were more likely to experience stress on and off the job.
当迪克· 库利正在系统地招聘他所能找到的人才时,据《解冻银行》一书所有,美国银行遵循的是“弱将强兵”模式。
While Dick Cooley systematically recruited the best people he could get his hands on, Bank of America, according to the book Breaking the Bank, followed something called the "weak generals, strong lieutenants“ model.
今井正明(Imai,1986)也主张持续的改进过程,借此鼓励人们将注意力放在他们工作的环境而不是结果上。他坚信只要通过持续地改进流程和系统,最终的结果就会是一个更好的产品或服务。这就是“P”(过程导向方法),而不是“R”(结果导向方法),后者是由工作测量的前辈和工业管理之父弗雷德里克·泰勒(Frederick Taylor)提出的。过程导向方法又称为Kaizen法(Kaizen approach)。
Imai (1986) supports the continuous improvement process, whereby people are encouraged to focus on the environment in which they work rather than on the results. He believes that by continually improving processes and systems, the end result will be a better product or service. This has become known as the "R" or process approach, rather than the "R," or results approach of Frederick Taylor, a pioneer in work measurement and the father of industrial management. The process approach is also known as the Kaizen approach.
此次分析所得到的ε估计值呈现在表9.4的备注中,此估计值是由SPSS的重复量数程序计算所得,如果ε小于1.00,则自由度会依据公式(df x ε= 调整后df)来调整,这样的调整会是针对任何包含重复量数因子的F值之分子与分母的自由度。另一种调整S的保守方式(称之Geisser/Greenhouse 校正, Geisser/Greenhouse correction)之公式如下:θ = l ( k - l ) 公式 9.15
The epsilon estimate from this analysis is shown at the bottom of table 9.4. This estimate was obtained by running a repeated-measures computer program from SPSS. If epsilon is less than 1.00, the degrees of freedom is adjusted according to the formula df x ε = adjusted df. This is done for the degrees of freedom in both the numerator and the denominator of any F ratio that includes the repeated-measures factor. A conservative approach to this adjustment (called the Geisser/Greenhouse correction) can be done as follows (Stamm & Safrit, 1975): θ = l ( k - l ) (9.15)
Libby estimated that it took 5568 years for half the 14C in any sample to decay – its half-life – although modern research indicates that the more accurate figure is 5730 years (for consistency laboratories still use 5568 years for the half-life; the difference no longer matters now that we have a correctly calibrated radiocarbon timescale: see below).
45°线马上告诉我们消费支出是等于、大于还是小于收入水平。消费曲线45°线相交的那一点是盈亏平衡点(break-even point,也译作收支相抵点),代表家庭收支相抵时的可支配收入。
The 45° line tells us immediately whether consumption spending is equal to, greater than, or less than the level of disposable income. The point where the consumption schedule intersects the 45° line is the break-even point—it is the level of disposable income at which households just break even.
In order to prevent cheating in the imperial examination of the Ming and Qing dynasties, candidates, examiners, etc. would use pens of different colors to clarify responsibilities. Candidates used the black ink to answer questions on paper. Then it must be transcribed in red ink as "ZhuJuan" sent to examiners to review with black ink. Other examiners and officials used the blue pen in the imperial examination. In Qianlong thirty-six years (AD 1771), it was changed to purple because of the birthday celebration of the Empress Dowager. In Qianlong forty-three years (AD 1778), the blue pen was reused in the imperial examination.
An alternative line of argument resists the essentialism implicit in such an argument and defines a "feminist environmentalism in which the "link between women and the environment can be seen as structured by a given gender and class (/caste/race) organization of production, reproduction, and distribution" (Agarwal, 1992: 119).
If the entire society is divided into only two major descent groups, whether they are equivalent to clans or phratries or involve an even more all-inclusive level, each group is called a moiety (after the French word for "half"). Moiety members also believe they share a common ancestor but cannot prove it through definite genealogical links. As a rule, the feelings of kinship among members of lineages and clans are stronger than those of members of phratries and moieties. This may be due to the larger size and more diffuse nature of the latter groups.
The theory on cultivation of the mind is an important part in the mind philosophy formulated by Yong-ming Yanshou, a famous Buddhist philosopher in the late Tang dynasty and the early Song dynasty. Yanshou incorporated almost all the Buddhist doctrines into his religious practice of theorizing about cultivating the mind, explaining the nature of the mind by the conscientious mind and shedding light on the essence of the pure mind by the conscientious mind. In the meantime, he stressed that such a theory on the mind should serve as the foundation and proof for the pure mind. As a result, his religious thoughts constituted a self-sufficient theory. His theory on cultivation of the mind was presented throughout his Zong Jing Lu (Reflections on the Mind) and Guan Xin Xuan Shu (The Gist of Theory on Cultivating the Mind), the latter containing the highlights of the theory of the mind explicated in his 100-chapter book, Zong Jing Lu as well as further developing and grounding the theory of Zong Jing Lu. It is argued that Guan Xin Xuan Shu holds an important place in his theorization of the mind and has had an important impact on the development of Buddhist philosophy.
In the case of a typical flu virus, your body knows parts of it (it mutates every year, it seems, so you know only a part of the newer strain unless you’ve received a current flu vaccination) and is able to fight it off. But when a virus is new—as in the case of the SARS virus—it doesn’t display the same markers indicating that it is foreign to your body.
Infinite distributed lag models provide flexible lag distributions with fewer parameters than a similar finite distributed lag model. The geometric distributed lag and, more generally, rational distributed lag models are the most popular. They can be estimated using standard econometric procedures on simple dynamic equations.
Opposition between the concepts of the qualitative and the quantitative in research methodology points up disagreements over the nature of anthropology as such: art or science? When considering the range of methods of gathering data which anthropologists employ—participant-observation, interviews, life-histories, genealogies, censuses, questionnaires, network analysis, archival transcription—and the difficulty of deciding whether each is "qualitative" or "quantitative", and to what extent, it becomes clear that the latter distinction is really one of overall orientation and intention.
It may be the case that certain commodities are used, made meaningful and valued in ways which promote American capitalism as a way of life, but this is not something which can be established by simply assuming that market penetration is the same as cultural or ideological penetration.
探索阶段(exploration stage)大约发生于一个人的15岁-24岁之间的这一年龄段上。在这一时期中,个人将认真地探索各种可能的职业选择。
Exploration stage occurs in a person between the ages of 15 and 24. During this period, individuals will seriously explore various possible career choices.
这种救赎的叙事出现于体育和主流出版物之上,最终 “超越了美国体育世界”,在 1999年促生了一种新的白人男子气概。这种气概是“战略上同时女性化也男性化的...对于财富矛盾的...内部冲突的、家庭导向的,总的说来,尝试驾驭与社会特权之间的关系”。阿加西的传媒再现是一个关键,库茨将其称之为从20世纪90年代到21世纪的 “白色起义”:“对于白人在主流美国流行文化中所代表的意义的公开斗争。”
This redemptive narrative appeared in both sports and mainstream publications and ultimately "transcended the American sports world", promoting a new, White masculinity beginning in 1999 that is "both strategically feminized.. .and musculinized.. .ambivalent toward wealth.. .internally confliceted, family oritented, and in general, attempting to manage its relationship to social privilege".The media representation of Agassi was key in what Kusz termed the "white revolt" of the 1990s to 2000s, a "public struggle over the meanings assoicated with whiteness in mainstream American popular culture".
What can you recommend, when the very theory behind such a zoning resolution --- not merely its detail-needs drastic overhaul and rethinking? This sad circumstance has given rise to many a ludicrous strategy session, for instance, in the civic organizations of Greenwich Village.
Lantai (the Censorate), as an important imperial place for a collection of books in the Western and Eastern Han dynasties, was the workplace for the Imperial Minister to handle affairs and for scholars to recruit secretaries and compile books. Many official functions can trace back to Lantai such as the office of secretariat, the office of official historian etc. The research attempts to find out the origin and outline the true landscape of Lantai on the basis of exploring the historical materials.
The full-scale prosperous period of music education in Chinese schools was in the Western Zhou dynasty. However, people had indistinct idea about music education before the Western Zhou dynasty. Every development doesn't accomplish at one stroke. It was the foundation from the Shang dynasty that paved the way for the glory of the Western Zhou dynasty. Some written records like "businessmen educated by music"and "people enjoying music in School of Gu Zong in the Shang dynasty" appeared in the historical documents of the Shang dynasty, which revealed that the music education was valued in that period. In this paper, the author tries to show music education in the Shang dynasty's schools by studying Schools of the Shang dynasty, and further research their subordinate music institutions, music education content, teachers and students.
A型人格(type A personality)的主要特征是长期感觉到一种时间紧迫感;一种过度的竞争驱动力;难以接受和享受闲暇时间。A型人格的对立面是B型人格 (type B personality)。B型人格不会产生时间紧迫感或焦躁。直到最近,人们还认为具有A型人格的个体更有可能在工作中承受压力。
Type A personality is characterized by chronic feelings of a sense of time urgency, an excessive competitive drive, and difficulty accepting and enjoying leisure time. The opposite of Type A is Type B personality. Type Bs don’t suffer from time urgency or impatience. Until quite recently, it was believed that Type As were more likely to experience stress on and off the job.
Basic theory is discussed along with the guiding axioms. Next, the concepts and assumptions behind the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) are detailed. A case study contained in the appendix documents the results of a project aimed at comparing the two approaches and points out the relative advantages of each.
The three basic ways to organize an entrepreneurial venture are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. However, when you include the variations of these basic organizational alternatives, you end up with six possible choices, each with its own tax consequences, liability issues, and pros and cons. These six choices are sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited liability partnership (LLP), C corporation, S corporation, and limited liability company (LLC).
At the global level, human rights are firmly entrenched in the "International Bill of Human Rights", which comprises the "UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948" and the several conventions on civil, political and economic rights adopted predominantly in the 1960s and 1970s. These were complemented in the 1980s by the "Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women" and the "Convention on the Rights of the Child".
In his early years, Qian Mu was a Chinese teacher in Jiangsu Provincial Third Normal School in Wuxi. Some scholars have begun to question the inaccurate records of the events he described in the book Teachers and Friends, which he wrote in his later years. By collecting and researching Qian Mu's reminiscences, works and other files, this article points out that there are at least eight mistakes in the seventh chapter due to the lack of clear expressions, and some basic wrong ideas as well.
Often the debate has been cast as a quarrel about ‘essentialism’: between a notion of identity as something given, an origin, and a notion of identity as something always in process, arising through contingent alliances and oppositions (an oppressed people gain identity from opposing the oppressor).
What are the economic links among nations? The important economic concepts involve international trade and finance. International trade in goods and services allows nations to raise their standards of living by specializing in areas of comparative advantage, exporting products in which they are relatively efficient while importing ones in which they are relatively inefficient.
如果潜在的分布是正态的,那么期望值d下降到b - a范围的概率是0.9973。任何情况下,根据Chebyshev不等式,持续时间至少有89%的几率会落在该范围。
If the underlying distribution is normal, then the probability is 0.9973 that d falls within b - a. In any case, according to Chebyshev's inequality, there is at least an 89% chance that the duration will fall within this range.
1992年,一个名为“生物人类学中的政治-经济方法”的研讨会的组织者艾伦˙古德曼(Alan Goodman) 和托马斯·莱瑟曼 (Thomas Leatherman) 希望扭转这一趋势。他们希望促进对“当地文化和历史情境中”的生物学容量和福利的研究,“它们反过来也受到跨区域和全球进程的形塑并且与之发生互动。”他们是少数开始注意到“外界的刺激因素通过了一个文化过滤器并且与社会不平等密切相连”的生物人类学家。这门子学科的主流倾向于贬低这样的观点,认为它们不合适地将政治注人科学中。
The organizers of a 1992 symposium on "Political-Economic Approaches in Biological Anthropology," Alan Goodman and Thomas Leatherman, hoped to reverse this trend. They wanted to foster the study of biological capacities and well-being in the "context of local cultures and histories, which in turn are shaped by and interact with interregional and global processes." They are among a small number of biological anthropologists who are beginning to see that stressors move through a cultural filter and are intimately linked with social inequality. The mainstream of the subdiscipline has tended to discount such views as inappropriately injecting politics into science.
这个背景有助于我们认识地方的“中间状态”(‘betweenness’ of place): 即地方对观念的依赖。地方存在于并且被构建于观念的主观方面;同时它被局外者看做并构建为一种外部的“其他部分”。正如尼古拉斯•恩特里金指出的,“我们的邻里不仅是一块以我们自己和我们家庭为中心的地域,同时也是一块从外部或局外者的角度来看包含房屋、街道和人口的地域。因此,地方既是意义的核心又是我们行为的外部背景’。另外,“局外者”的认识在从一个特殊具体的地方向实质上“不从属于任何地方”的情形转变时,往往变得很抽象。
In this context it is helpful to recognize the 'betweenness' of place: that is, the dependence of place on perspective. Places exist, and are constructed, from a subjective point of view; while simultaneously they are constructed and seen as an external ‘other’ by outsiders. As Nicholas Entrikin put it, ‘Our neighborhood is both an area centered on ourselves and our home, as well as an area containing houses, streets and people that we may view from a decentered or an outsider’s perspective. Thus place is both a center of meaning and the external context of our actions’. In addition, views from ‘outside’ can vary in abstraction from being in a specific place to being virtually ‘nowhere’ (i.e. an abstract, perspectiveless view).
The ancient Chinese philosophy of music claimed that "music must be produced from sound and formed in moving and stopping". What is implied in this theory is that philosophy of music is the philosophy of practical humanism with heavy characteristics found in ancient Chinese culture. Such behavior of practicing music art, i.e. "producing music from sound and forming it in moving and stopping" is the way of achieving Dao and also the means of practicing Dao. The meaning of music symbols connects indispensably with their applications. And the musical style itself is just the category as to when, where, how and for what music is applied, and who applies it.
按照巴纳德的理论,权的来源并不存在于拥有权威的人或发布命 令的人中,而是存在于下属对于权烕是否接受。如果下属不服从命令, 他扪就拒绝了权烕。
In Barnard's theory,the source of authority did not reside in persons of authority, or those who gave theorders, but in the acceptance or nonacceptance of the authority by subordinates. If the subordinates disobeyed an order, they rejected the authority.
虽然列维-斯特劳斯像列维-布留尔一样,经常评述“简 单”结构和“复杂”结构、“冷”社会和“热”社会(指历史上变化的剧烈程度),以及有“具体”思维和“抽象”思维的社会之间的区别,但是他的整个方法肯定是一种从一般到特殊的推理方式。
Although Lévi-Strauss, rather like Lévy-Bruhl, has often commented on distinctions between ‘elementary’ structures and ‘complex’ ones, ‘cold’ societies and ‘hot’ societies (with reference to the relative ‘heat’ of historical change), and societies with mainly ‘concrete’ and those with ‘abstract’ thought, his entire approach is predicated on reasoning from the general to the specific.
The general problem exemplified here is sometimes termed "health care delivery". Available medical techniques meet cultural resistance. A study of health care among varied ethnic groups in Miami, for example, showed cultural as well as physical barriers to using clinics and hospitals. An anthropological study of a feminist clinic in Massachusetts showed how the cultural patterning of the feminist movement affected health-care delivery. An anthropological study of working-class women in Egypt showed how their distinctive cultural images of the body affected use of contraceptives.
产生出这些遗存的活动就是行为过程(behavioral processes),该过程通常包含四个连续的阶段:获取(acquisition)、制造 (manufacture)、使用(use)和沉积(deposition)(图4. 6)。
The activities responsible for these remains are behavioral processes, usually comprising four consecutive stages: acquisition, manufacture, use, and deposition (Fig. 4.6).
孢粉分析 孢粉学或对孢粉颗粒的研究由挪威地质学家Lennart von Post在20世纪初发明。孢粉学研究对考古学具有很大的价值,因为这门技术可以应用在各种各样的遗址中,为我们提供有关年代以及环境方面的信息,事实上,在同位素年代测定方法出现之前,孢粉研究在考古学中主要用于年代测定(参见第4章)。
Pollen Analysis. Palynology, or the study of pollen grains (see box overleaf), was developed by a Norwegian geologist, Lennart von Post, at the beginning of the 20th century. It has proved invaluable to archaeology, since it can be applied to a wide range of sites and provides information on chronology as well as environment – indeed, until the arrival of isotopic chronological methods, pollen analysiswas used primarily for dating purposes (Chapter 4).
The benefit principle, which holds that individuals should be taxed in proportion to the benefit they receive from government programs. Just as people pay private goods like dollars in proportion to their consumption of private goods like bread, a person’s taxes should be related to his or her use of collective goods like public roads or parks.
因此,人类学一直将环境描述成标准地围绕着观察者散开的社交性或高或低的同心圆,将观察者放在了观察的中心:从家屋到世系到村落到部落到其他部落(Sahlins 1968:65)。人类学认为,一种分类的语言已经稳妥地将说话人放在了社会空间的中心,该语言也以此为中心扩散开来:从“自我”到“兄弟姐妹”到“堂表亲”到“邻居”再到“陌生人”,或者从“自我”到“宠物”到“家畜”到“猎物”到“野生动物”(Leach 1968:36-7)。
Hence, anthropologists have come to depict environments as normatively fanning out around the perceiver in concentric circles of greater and lesser degrees of consociality, with the perceiver at the perspectival centre: from house to lineage to village to tribe to other tribes, perhaps (Sahlins 1968:65). A language of classification has been seen to place the speaker reassuringly at the centre of a social space and fan out from there: from "self" to "sibling" to "cousin" to "neighbour" to "stranger", perhaps; or else from "self" to "pet" to "livestock" to "game" to "wild animal" (Leach 1968:36–7).
Or if this seems too flippant an expression of an issue that, in somewhat different form, animates the Book of Job and the Baghavad Gita, the following classical Javanese poem, known, sung, and repeatedly quoted in Java by virtually everyone over the age of six, puts the point -the discrepancy between moral prescriptions and material rewards, the seeming inconsistency of "is" and "ought"-rather more elegantly:
当然,像任何谬误一样,这种观念也包含了一些真实的成分。 因为这种舛谬毕竟作为对事实的描写而与真实联系在一起。9月屠杀的受害者们说明,普遍的愤恨会突发成毫无选择的报复行为,更何况在暴民发作之时,穷人正陷于窘境。就这一点来说,心平气和的分析也会承认恐怖的存在,因此考察这种情况发生的原因是很有必要的。生活于社会秩序最底层的的人民大众,他们所臣服的环境日益险峻,社会生活也日益衰微萧条,这些无疑是恐怖发生的原因。
Like any caricature, this conception contains some truthful elements without which the resulting image would bear no recognizable relation to reality. As the Victims of the September massacres show — mainly poor people who happened to be in jail when the mob burst in — popular resentments could erupt in sudden acts of indiscriminate vengeance. Nevertheless a dispassionate analysis cannot just draw back in horror at this point; it is necessary to perceive the causes. They are clear enough in the aggravating circumstances of the moment and the history of degradation and oppression to which the mass of people at the very bottom of the social order were subject.
We begin by looking at four early motivation theories: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, McGregor’s theories X and Y, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and McClelland’s threeneeds theory. Although more valid explanations of motivation have been developed, these early theories are important because they represent the foundation from which contemporary motivation theories were developed and because many practicing managers still use them.
The Oglala believe the circle to be sacred because the great spirit caused everything in nature to be round except stone. Stone is the implement of destruction. The sun and the sky, the earth and the moon are round like a shield, though the sky is deep like a bowl.
他们在寺院、其他公共建筑和豪宅中搜寻典籍和艺术品,试图发现主要针对城市中心的都市平面图,但是他们总体上漠视与生计、整体聚落形态、乡村生活、技术进步或贸易相关的证据。表现出极大的保守性, 古典考古学仍然保持着它原先文艺复兴时的成规老套。
They searched for ancient texts and works of fine art in the contexts of sanctuaries, other public buildings,and elaborate houses,and sought to recover urban plans with a primary focus on civic centers, but they generally ignored evidence relating to subsistence, overall settlement patterns, rural life, technological processes, or trade. In a remarkable display of conservatism, classical archaeology remained true to its original Renaissance preoccupations.
If you boil a pot of pasta by the kitchen window, the window's going to steam up so you can't see out of it. That's what cataracts do: cloud the lens of your eye to cause blurry vision. Many things, including UV light, cigarette smoke, and extra glucose in people with diabetes (things that accelerate arterial aging), can increase the risk of cataracts.
为了进一步分析尼卡宁的传媒表征,我们从德勒兹的视角出发,将现代主义自我建构的二元模式问题化(例如:男性化/ 女性化,男人/ 孩子,冠军/ 退役,好/ 坏,体育英雄/ 酗酒者,有决心的/ 迷失的,理性的/ 失控的)。德勒兹和瓜塔里(Deleuze & Guattari,1987 ) 使用术语“ 肖像特征” 来连接这些二元化的特征。在这种语境下,一个个体必须选择二元划分后的其中一侧站队:男性化的、好的一侧被德勒兹和瓜塔里加以“ 多数主义” 形象的标签。
To further analyze the media representations of Nykanen, we draw on aDeleuzian perspective to problematize the dualistic scheme of modernistconstruction of the self (e.g., masculine/feminine, man/child, champion/retired, good/bad, athletic hero/alcoholic, determined/lost, rational/outof control). Deleuze and Guattari (1987) used the term "faciality trait" toconnect these binary characteristics. In this context, an individual is required to take up a position on either side of the binary divide: the masculine, good side is labelled by Deleuze and Guattari as the "majoritarian" face.
简言之,就像口头和文字之间没有本质的区隔一样,个体与集体的阅读,一个传统和它的表现之间的关系也必须被看作不断发展的。另外,交谈、书写和阅读之间的紧密联系意味深长;用斯坦利˙费什的话说(Stanley Fish 1972:401),阅读是一种“运动的艺术”,只有理解人们据以交谈、书写和阅读进行交流的方式,我们才能够正确评价在特定历史、社会与文化情景中的各种方式的重要性。
In short, just as there is no essential separation between the oral and the literate, so, individual and collective readings, a tradition and its performance, must also be seen in ongoing relationship. Furthermore, talking, writing and reading are significantly implicated in one another; reading is a "kinetic art", in Stanley Fish’s phrasing (1972:401), and it is only in understanding the ways in which people move between communication in terms of talking, writing and reading that an appreciation of the significance of each in any particular historical, social and cultural situation is to be gained.
Shelley's essay demonstrates, in its most uncompromising form, the tendency of a Platonic aesthetic to cancel differences, by reducing everything to a single class, and by subjecting this class to a single standard of judgment.
There were three branches, such as musical virtue, musical discourse and musical dance in the official school of the western Zhou dynasty, and musical virtue came first in terms of importance. It shows people in the Zhou dynasty paid much attention to cultivating virtue in music education. The connotation of "music virtue" evolved with the meaning change of the word "virtue". In the Pre-Qin period, musical virtue included "music from heaven", "the virtue of the system" of music education, and the virtue cultivation in an individual's "spirit and conduct" by music education. From that, we can see man's religious attachment to God, and the subject's independence as well, which reflect the mingling feature of "music and virtue" in its meaning in the initial period of "humanistic awakening".
要完善土链的思想仍有余地,在澳大利亚东南部,在K周期系列中不同时期土壤侵蚀和沉积的序列与土壤剖面发育有关(Butler, 1959)。
Further scope remains to elaborate the catena idea and, in southeast Australia, sequences of erosion and deposition over time periods were related to soil profile development in a series of K cycles (Butler, 1959).
其二,在酋邦和国家中,经授权的第三方可公布具有约束力的决定,而争端双方不得不尊重这一决定。这一过程被称为裁决(adjudication)。调解和裁决之间的区别从根本上说在于授权。在裁决解决争端中,争端各方都尽可能强硬地坚持 自己的立场,但他们不参与最终裁决。
Second, in chiefdoms and states, an authorized third party may issue a binding decision the disputing parties will be compelled to respect. This process is referred to as adjudication.The difference between mediation and adjudication is basically a difference in authorization. In a dispute settled by adjudication, the disputing parties present their positions as convincingly as they can, but they do not participate in the ultimate decision making.
诺伊曼和莫根施特恩(Neumann and Morgenstern,1947)总结提炼的 Bernoulli原则认为,从多数人公认的少数公理中进行合理的推导是符合逻辑的。
Bernoulli's principle, as refined by von Neumann and Morgenstern (1947), has the normative justification of being a logical deduction from a small number of axioms that most people find reasonable.
Stand up straight and perform a closing bridge (Step 9) into a full bridge hold (fig. 104). From this position, shift your weight forwards through the thighs, and bend the knees as you straighten your arms. Continue gradually shifting your weight forwards as your press through the hands and finally the fingers, lifting the palms off the floor. At this point, provided your back is flexible enough to maintain a high arch, and your stomach is powerful enough, your fingers will leave the ground as you start to straighten yourself up (fig. 105). This upwards motion should be the consequence of a smooth forwards transfer of your bodyweight, not the result of an explosive push off the floor with the hands. Continue the movement, drawing your hands back over your shoulders and pivoting the neck up in line with the body. Finally, pull the hips in until you are standing straight with hands by your sides. This is the finish position (fig. 106). Going from standing up, down to a full bridge hold, then straightening yourself back up to the standing position again constitutes one full repetition of the stand-to-stand bridge. Repeat the exercise, breathing normally.
While environmental degradation can be wrought upon highly localized and purely national environmental resources and ecosystems, it can also affect very widely shared resources and ecosystems. Indeed, without accepting all the implications of the homeostatic Gaia model, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the entire planet can be viewed as a single interrelated ecosystem or that significant parts of it constitute distinct regional or continental ecosystems.
In Fushan County (today's Fushan District, Zhifu District and Kaifa District), 75 people were nominated as Jinshi in the Ming and Qing dynasties, including a Zhuangyuan (the first place) and a Tanhua (the second place) in martial arts as well as 273 Juren and 500 Gongsheng.
其他控制内在效度威胁的方式包括安慰剂、单盲及双盲设计。安慰剂 (placebo)是用来评估观察到的效果是来自实验处理或心理效果。通常控制条件是研究对象接受到实验者的关注与互动程度一样,只不过采取的实验处理和依变项的表现无关。
Other ways of controlling threats to internal validity include placebos and blind and double­blind setups. A placebo is used to evaluate whether the observed effect is produced by the treatment or is a psychological effect. Frequently, a control condition is used in which participants receive the same attention from and interaction with the experimenter, but the treatment administered does not relate to performance on the dependent variable.
In the latter part of the nineteenth century the values of major currencies were fixed to the price of gold, providing the basis for a system of fixed exchange rates: the classical Gold Standard. After the preliminary Paris International Monetary Conference (1867) the Gold Standard was established formally in 1878. Initially, participation was confined to the leading European economies, North America and Australia; it was only in the early twentieth century that membership expanded to include the bulk of the European and Latin American countries, Japan and the leading colonial territories, although some of the weaker economies later left and devalued their currencies.
A great deal of recent social scientific theorizing has turned upon an attempt to distinguish and specify two major analytical concepts: culture and social structure. The impetus for this effort has sprung from a desire to take account of ideational factors in social processes without succumbing to either the Hegelian or the Marxist forms of reductionism.
无论是否给出理论模型,我们都要对函数形式做出假定。如你所知,常弹性和常半弹性模型很有吸引力,因为系数易于解释(作为百分比)。如何选择函数形式没有硬性的原则,但略为提及你要估计的是弹性还是半弹性模型也会有所帮助。举例来说,如果你要估计某变量对工资或薪水的影响,因变量几乎可以肯定是采用对数形 式的,而且你也许从一开始就可以把它包含到方程中去。
We always have to make assumptions about functional form whether or not a theoretical model has been presented. As you know, constant elasticity and constant semi-elasticity models are attractive because the coefficients are easy to interpret (as percentage effects). There are no hard rules on how to choose functional form, but it is useful to mention whether you will be estimating elasticities or a semi-elasticity. For example, if you are estimating the effect of some variable on wage or salary, the dependent variable will almost surely be in logarithmic form, and you might as well include this in any equations from the beginning.
这一种族思维方式,在19世纪和20世纪初期达到顶峰,但它并没有就此消失。种族主义至今仍在世界各地流行,不论是在美国的白人与黑人、澳大利亚人与澳洲土著、华人与马来人中,还是在印度婆罗门与贱民之间。种族解释模式经常没有恶意地出现于大众文化中。例如,《收视指南》上在解释20世纪七八十年代当红女歌手盖尔(Crystal Gayle)的个性时,将其归因于“切罗基印第安人和爱尔兰血液在她的血液中奔流”。
This racial way of thinking reached its peak in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but it is by no means dead. Racism is rife throughout the world, whether among American whites describing blacks; Australians, the Aborigines; Chinese, the Malays; or Hindu Brahmins, the "untouchables." The racial mode of explanation appears constantly and innocently in popular culture. An issue of TV Guide, for example, explains the personality of singer Crystal Gayle as being due to "Cherokee Indian and Irish blood coursing through her veins." 
他也反对“ 文化的科学” 的观点 ( Radcliffe - Brown 1957 : 106 - 9; cf 1957 : 117 - 23) , 并含蓄地扞击博厄斯对此的强调。对他来说,博厄斯人类学中真正重要的是“社会”(作为人们彼此间的关系),不属于“文化”的变幻莫测,是不能被科学分析的。这是当时美国占 据统治地位的观点。与博厄斯及其追随者的文化概念不同,拉德克 利夫-布朗的“ 文化” 概念本质上是濡化 ( enculturation ) 或(更确切说) 社会化 ( socialization )的同义词, 即习得如何在一个社会中生存的途径。
He also rejected the idea of a ‘science of culture’ (1957: 106–9; cf. 1957: 117–23) and implicitly attacked the Boasian emphasis on this. What really mattered to him was that in Boasian anthropology, the dominant version in America at the time, ‘society’ (as relations between people) was lost to the vagaries of ‘culture’, which could not be analysed scientifically. In fairness to Boas and his followers though, Radcliffe-Brown’s notion of ‘culture’ was essentially synonymous with enculturation or (more accurately) socialization: a way of learning to live in a society.
It is obvious that the regional characteristics of Shaanxi Jieyuan is of imbalance in the Qing dynasty. The most were lived in the Xi'an prefecture and Tongzhou prefecture, while in Northern Shaanxi regions and Southern Shaanxi regions fewer. The reasons which influence the factors of the distribution are very complex, such as the economic development, education, distribution of education institutions, administrative systems, natural environment and transportation. The main reason is the imbalance of education resources. So the imbalance not only exists in the modern times but also is obvious in the imperial era.
However, in Europe co-productions have at certain times been an important source of finance. In France co-productions accounted for only 15 per cent of film finance projects in 1950, but this climbed steadily over the next fifteen years to reach around 70 per cent of film projects in the mid-1960s. After this, the level declined and by the late 1970s had returned to its initial postwar levels, before undergoing something of a revival in the late 1980s. By the mid 1990s the level of co-productions in Western Europe had reached 50 per cent of all movies. Smaller European film industries like the Portuguese and Belgian are almost totally reliant on international co-production finance (Gyory and Glas, 1994; Screen Digest, 1996,1997b).
The basic meaning of Zhu Xi's "self-gaining" is getting something naturally and by oneself. The understanding of classics is a process of sequential and accumulated infiltration, rather than rashness. It relies on leisure and complacence, pondering time and again instead of painstaking research and arrangement.
More historically usual, however, is the situation of formal inertia and individual invention proceeding side by side. Hence, as cultural forms ‘congeal’ and become independent, detached from the energies which produced them, and fill the world with habit, individuals are also creating new forms, and causing a world of further heterogeneity and flux. New energies, not incorporatable within old forms, create new forms. This happens as, first, amid the clutter of forms, individuals have the possibility of choosing between a number of often competing options (religion and science; Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis; Jaeger, Armani and St Michael tailoring; Manchester City, Man. Utd, Wolves and Hibernian football); and also of putting these formstogether in a sequence and frequency which amounts to a new bricolage (Lacanian psychoanalysis; Punk tailoring).
Zhu Xi's Commentary on the Great Learning was a unique text of interpretation and represented a classics model of the integration of the ritual and the principle. Zhu Xi's interpretation of " investigating things to extend knowledge", which was injected with the principle, made a philosophical breakthrough from the ritual to the principle; emphasized the basis of the investigation of things was the practice of the plain knowledege, investigated the possibility of communication between the ritual and the principle from the perspective of history; at the same time attached great importance to self-cultivation with seriousness and emphasized the practice in the integration of the ritual and the principle.
The threat of entry into an industry depends on the barriers to entry that are present, coupled with the reaction from existing competitors that the entrant can expect. If barriers are high and/or the newcomer can expect sharp retaliation from entrenched competitors, the threat of entry is low.
假如它们不是族性的组成部分,那么它们是什么特性的基础?科恩的质疑强化了来自非洲自身的另一个更古老的质疑。在1984年,我在赞比亚发表了一个有关部族制 (tribalism)发明的讲演。在听众散场时,我听到那位赞比亚的人文科学系主任对同僚说,“那时我们是谁? ”一旦族性被想象 (imagined)出来,它的确像是原生的,而且想象之前的任何身份都变得不可能。
And if they were not the ingredients of ethnicity, what identities did they underlie? Cohen's challenge reinforces an older challenge from within Africa itself.In 1984, I gave a lecture in Zambia about the invention of tribalism. As the audience filed out, I heard the Zambian Dean of Arts say to a colleague, "Who were we then?" Once it has been imagined, ethnicity certainly seems primordial, and it becomes impossible to conceive of any prior identity.
即使你在设计题目、阐述模型、收集数据和运用计量经济方法的过程中非常谨慎,仍有可能(至少在某些时候)得到令人迷惑的结果。此时,很自然的想法是尝试不同的模型,不同的估计方法,甚至不同的数据子集,直到结果与预期更加一致。实际上,所有的应用研究人员在找到“最佳”模型之前,都会搜索各种不同的模型。不幸的是,数据开采的实践破坏了我们在计量经分析中所做的假定。OLS和其他估计量的无偏性结论,以及我们为假设检验而推导的t分布和F 分布,都假定我们观察到一个服从总体模型的样本,并对该模型只估计一次。
Even if you are very careful in devising your topic, postulating your model, collecting your data, and carrying out the econometrics, it is quite possible that you will obtain puzzling results—at least some of the time. When that happens, the natural inclination is to try different models, different estimation techniques, or perhaps different subsets of data until the results correspond more closely to what was expected. Virtually all applied researchers search over various models before finding the “best” model. Unfortunately, this practice of data mining violates the assumptions we have made in our econometric analysis. The results on unbiasedness of OLS and other estimators, as well as the t and F distributions we derived for hypothesis testing, assume that we observe a sample following the population model and we estimate that model once.
Since the same geometric designs occur in the cave art of Europe it seems it, too, depicted images seen in altered states of consciousness. Just as the rock art of southern Africa and Australia is related to what we would label religious experiences, so too was the Stone Age art of Europe.
虽然列维-斯特劳斯像列维-布留尔一样,经常评述“简 单”结构和“复杂“结构、 “冷“社会和“热“社会(指历史上变化的剧烈程度),以及有“具体”思维和“抽象”思维的社会之间的区别,但是他的整个方法肯定是一种从一般到特殊的推理方式。
Although Le ́vi-Strauss, rather like Le ́vy-Bruhl, has often commented on distinctions between ‘elementary’ structures and ‘complex’ ones,‘cold’ societies and ‘hot’ ones (with reference to the relative ‘heat’ of historical change), and societies with mainly ‘concrete’ and those with ‘abstract’ thought, his entire approach is predicated on reasoning from the general to the specific.
Wage differentials that serve to compensate for the relative attractiveness, or nonmonetary differences, among jobs are called compensating differentials.
Our knowledge of lexical and structural ambiguities reveals that the meaning of a linguistic expression is built both on the words it contains and its syntactic structure. The notion that the meaning of an expression is composed of the meanings of its parts and how they are combined structurally is referred to as the principle of compositionality.
In its zeal to heal, it starts convering up the damage with the "bad" cholesterol, slapping it on like too much plaster over a hole in a wall. And that's only the beginning, since it stimulates the immune system to attract white-cell protsctors to try to smooth out and gobble up the rotten cholesterol. Those, in turn, spill some of their toxic contents that normally attack enemy infections, which causes generalized inflammation.
This is distinguished from usual accounts of imagery by its insistence that in baroque poetry ‘qualities are organized into differences, differences into contrasts, and the sensible world is polarized according to the strict laws of a kind of geometry of material’.
We recall that Pius IX in his so-called Syllabus of Errors "claimed the complete independence of the Church from state control; upheld the necessity of a continuance of the temporal power of the Roman See."
Although most anthropologists working among the colonized have viewed their programme as one to alleviate the weight of colonialism by reducing its mistakes, anthropology—at least to the extent it has considered itself a social science and not of the arts—has nevertheless inadvertently served colonialism’s aim. It has also served the hegemony of modernist programmes of development and ways of thinking.
Moreover, because of the mutual translatability of all human languages, what people think about their thoughts and behavior can be learned through questions and answers. What does a Bathonga call his mother? "Mamani."
There have been enough studies performed that we can say that drinking twenty-four ounces of coffee a day decreases your risk of Parkinson's disease by 40 percent and your risk of Alzheimer's disease by about 20 percent.
Where other Western countries differ from the US and UK is in the relative paucity of domestically generated popular music. All of them import a significant proportion of their recorded music from the US, reproducing the pattern of dominance established in the 1950s and 1960s (see IFPI,1994).
用到英语上时,我们只要多加一点讯总,说X-bar的字序是“主要语在前”; 用到日语中,只要说明“主要语殿后”即可。同样的,其他的短语超级规则也可把左到右的字序规则蒸馏掉,使某一种语言的短语字序另外用一个“X-bar在前”或 “X-bar殿后”的指令来执行即可。
To get English, one appends a single bit of information saying that the order within an X-bar is "head-first." To get Japanese, that bit of information would say that the order is "head-last." Similarly, the other super-rule (the one for phrases) can be distilled so that left-to-right order boils away, and an ordered phrase in a particular language can be reconstituted by adding back either "X-bar-first" or "X-bar-last."
Dick Hebdige offers a clear and convincing explanation of the process (‘bricolage’) by which youth subcultures appropriate for their own purposes and meanings the commodities commercially provided. Products are combined or transformed in ways not intended by their producers; commodities are rearticulated to produce ‘oppositional’ meanings.
"Monads have no windows, but they do have terminals" writes Heim, going on to describe a cyberworld in which Leibniz's "monadological metaphysics" underpin both the logic and "erotic ontology" of cyberspace. And there are many who now regard intensive exploration of this new space as a form of radical and revolutionary action.
Finally, interpretive theory governed relations between the archaeological patterns established at the analytical level and directly unobservable ancient behavioral and environmental patterns. Thus interpretive theory infers the processes that predepositional theory explains.
First, there has been a challenge mounted to the doctrine that international law, as Oppenheim put it, is a ‘law between states only and exclusively’(see 1985, ch. 1). Individuals and groups have become recognized as subjects of international law on the basis of such innovatory agreements as the charters of the "Nuremberg and Tokyo war crimes tribunals" (1945), the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (1948), the "Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (1966), and the "European Convention on Human Rights" (1950).
But Lebanon, the Christian Karens and the Moslem Arakenese in Burma, the Toba Bataks, Ambonese, and Minahassans in Indonesia, the Moros in the Philippines, the Sikhs in Indian Punjab and the Ahmadiyas in Pakistan, and the Hausa in Nigeria are other well-known examples of its force in undermining or inhibiting a comprehensive civil sense.
然而,丹麦国家藏品拥有从同一墓葬、窖穴或其他背景中出土的成套器物,而它们可以比较可靠地被看做同时埋藏的。汤姆森将它们称为“共生发现物” (“dosed finds”),并相信,采用对这类发现中各类器物的比较,注意哪些器物类型共生,而哪些器物则从不共生,这就有可能令他确定不同时期代表性的器物种类(Graslund 1974:97—118, 1981, 1987)。
Yet the Danish national collection contained sets of artifacts that had been found in the same grave, hoard, or other contexts and that could safely be assumed to have been buried at the same time. Thomsen called these “closed finds” and believed that, by comparing the various items from each such discovery and noting which types of artifacts occurred together and which never did, it would be possible for him to determine the sorts of artifacts that were characteristic of different periods (Graslund 1974: 97–118, 1981, 1987).
The rise of the suburb was very much a US-led process of social change and represents an element of what is sometimes called the American hegemonic cycle. This is part of a Wallersteinian cyclical-ideological TimeSpace. In world-systems analysis, the modern world-system has developed through three hegemonic cycles each based upon the economic successes of a world hegemonic state.
For characterization to work, there must obviously be something about the source of the material that distinguishes its products from those coming from other sources. Of course, sometimes a material is so unusual and distinctive in itself that it can at once be recognized as deriving from a given source.
"The Gopatha Brahmana of the Arthava Veda gives in detail the names of different individuals who are to receive shares of the meat for the parts they take in the ceremony" (ibid.:22).
Several econometrics texts report upper and lower bounds for the critical values that depend on the desired significance level, the alternative hypothesis, the number of observations,and the number of regressors. (We assume that an intercept is included in the model.)
这种联合在英国成为许多理论争论的基础,不论在政治理论界,还是在文学文化研究界都是如此。有关文化与意义之间的关系的许多重大探索始于20世纪70年代的电影研究杂志《银幕》。 它利用阿尔都塞和拉康的理论,力图搞清楚电影艺术表现形式的结构怎样建构主体或怎样为其定位。
This conjunction is the basis of much theoretical debate in Britain, in political theory as well as literary and cultural studies. Crucial investigations of relations between culture and signification took place in the 1970s in the film studies magazine Screen, which, deploying Althusser and Lacan, sought to understand how the subject is positioned or constructed by the structures of cinematic representation.
In America, it takes 1 hour of labor to produce a unit of food, while a unit of clothing requires 2 hours of labor. In Europe the cost is 3 hours of labor for food and 4 hours of labor for clothing. We see that America has absolute advantage in both goods, for it can produce either one with greater absolute effciency than can Europe.
Cataclysmic evolutionism, whatever its intrinsic merits as a theory of change, encouraged archaeologists to look for evidence of populationpressure, environmental degradation, and the collapse of social systems in the archaeological record.
5.帕累托分析或ABC分析。这种分析用来识别项目中最重要的成本要素。第一步是按照成本对每一个成本要素进行区分,然后将它们归入下面的三个组中。A组:高端成本要素占成本要素的小部分(10%〜15%),其成本大约占 总成本的60%或以上。B组:所有的既不属于A组也不属于C组的成本要素。C组:低端成本要素占成本要素的大部分(大约50%),其成本大约占总成本的10%或更少。
5. Pareto, or ABC, analysis. This analysis is used to identify the most important cost components of a project. The first step is to sort each component by cost and then to place them into one of the following three groups:Group A : small percentage of the top cost components (10% to 15%)which together account for roughly 60% or more of the total costGroup B: all cost components that are not members of group A or CGroup C: large percentage of the bottom cost components(approximately 50%), which account for 10% or less of the total cost
In the first place, most interstate primordial movements do not involve entire separate countries, as the pan-movements at least tend to do, but rather minorities scattered through several, for example: the Abako movement of the late Mr. Kasuvubu and his Republic of The Congo and Angola allies.
分节社会(segmentary societies,有时指“部落”)一般比流动的狩猎采集群要大,但是其成员很少超过几千人,他们的食物和生存大部分依赖栽培的植物或驯化的动物。他们是比较典型的定居农人,但也可能是游动的畜牧人,拥有一种以强化利用畜牧为基础的、十分不同的流动型经济。
Segmentary Societies (Sometimes Called “Tribes”). These are generally larger than mobile hunter-gatherer groups, but rarely number more than a few thousand, and their diet or subsistence is based largely on cultivated plants and domesticated animals. Typically, they are settled farmers, but they may be nomad pastoralists with a very different, mobile economy based on the intensive exploitation of livestock.