1 value
10 values
To assimilate or interpret something is to bring it within the modes of order which culture makes available, and this is usually done by talking about it in a mode of discourse which a culture takes as natural. This process goes by various names in structuralist writing: recuperation, naturalization, motivation, vraisemblablisation.
Comparative research involves comparing research study units across time and space as well as between the study units themselves, for example comparing domestic tourism patterns in Australia in the 1900s, 1930s, 1950s, 1970s and 1990s, or comparing tourist settings or regions (both are considered spaces), such as international tourist patterns in Melbourne and Perth. Comparisons can also be conducted between tourists' experiences based on gender, age, education or income levels.
The corporate income tax has been heavily criticized by some economists. Critics oppose the tax, arguing that corporations are but legal fictions and should not be taxed. By taxing first corporate profits and then the dividends paid by corporations and received by individuals, the government subjects corporations to double taxation.
Possible forms which such arrangements can take include autonomy, international administration, joint sovereignty, federations and confederations within a state, and commonwealths encompassing distinct entities. Such arrangements may be permanent or temporary–though in international relations,temporary arrangements sometimes last for a long time.
Hebei province, also called Zhili in the Qing dynasty, was proved to be one of the biggest provinces in the Imperial Examination. Its provincial test had several characteristics: First, it shared the same Examination Office with the national metropolitan examination, and it was even inspected by the emperor himself; Secondly, the candidates were not only from Zhili. It also attracted the students in the Imperial Academy. Thirdly, the examiners always had higher qualifications than any other provinces.
As one of the Chinese traditional "eight virtues", "shame", once regarded as big attribute of "becoming a real man" and of "managing the state", is a major component of traditional Chinese morality. This notion of shame was gradually added to the Confucianism system by Confucius and Mencius against the background of the Springs and Autumns Period and the Warring States Period which are characterized by the collapse of the ancient rite system. The shame culture mainly touches upon individual moral cultivation, interpersonal communication, and other related socializing moral principles, and has been effective in encouraging individuals to mend their ways, emulate those better than them, and live nobly and diligently. This shame culture, with its distinct features, has profoundly influenced people's moral acts.
Sima Yan ascended the throne in 265, replacing the Wei dynasty and setting up its own soverneity. Once stepping on the power, he immediately reorganized the Five-rank System established in the first year of Chengxi to reward the meritorious officials and strengthen his domination. The Evolution of the Five-rank System adequately manifested the characteristic of rank system which was hold and used by rulers to serve their ruling, and reflected the transformation of Sima clan's political mission from the seizure of power to consolidation of power.
The disciples of Confucius addressed as "seventy disciples" appeared at the earlist in Mencius, which imitated the behaviors of Zhou Gong. There were three types different systems of the address forms of confucian disciples in the Western Han dynasty, which each had its own source. The form of "confucius'72 disciples" was reviewed and approved finally by the official. The list approved by the official was supposed to family biography such as the Sayings Of Confucius.The form of "confucius'72 disciples" and "70 disciples" were gradually mixed after the Sui and Tang dynasties. The form of "Confucius' 70 disciples" had changed into the abbreviation of "72 disciples" and "77 disciples" finally, which was said to list its integral numbers. By analyzing record of classical books and these historical heritages, we distinguish the changing path of the form of "confucius' 70 disciples".
The IOC wasn’t alone in questioning Nike's hardball approach. Athletes were irritated by the company's attempts to undermine the Olympic values and the devaluing of an Olympic silver medal.
Every month women may experience hormonal changes that may make men want to declare permanent secession from the other gender, but that doesn't mean women have to be left with a Midol in one hand and a balled fist in the other. The cure is through fats—omega-9 and -3 types.
目录页需列出以下几项:报告摘要(executive summary)、序言/前言、致谢、表格和图表目录、章节标题、参考文献和附录。从报告摘要到致谢部分需要使用罗马数字标注页码。
The contents page lists the following items: executive summary, preface/foreword, acknowledgments, list of tables and list of figures, chapters, sub-sections, references and appendices. Roman numerals are used for pages from the executive summary through to the acknowledgments section.
In his opinion, scientific progress had left archaeologists with no alternative but to adopt the concrete methods of history. Yet the concept of the archaeological culture, which he had borrowed from Kossinna, and the diffusionist views of Montelius were both closely related to the widely held interpretations of human behavior that had developed as a reaction against cultural evolutionism in western Europe beginning in the late nineteenth century.
Take maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), for instance. As an indicator of the limits of muscle to utilize oxygen during exercise, VO2max is a critical determinant of performance in aerobic endurance events (running, cycling, swimming).
作为一种范式,解释社会学范式(也被称为建构主义范式)“假设一种相对主义的本体论(有多重事实),一种主观主义认识论(认知者对于研究对象的理解),以及一套自然主义的方法论(在现实世界中进行研究)”(Denzin& Lincoln 1994, pp. 13 ~ 14)。
As a paradigm, the interpretive social sciences paradigm (also known as the constructivist paradigm) 'assumes a relativist ontology (there are multiple realities), a subjectivist epistemology (knower and subject create understandings), and a naturalistic (in the natural world) set of methodological procedures' (Denzin & Lincoln 1994, pp. 13-14).
所列举的方法并不相互排斥——例如,单个案例研究也可以是本质性的或工具性的案例研究方法。同样,多案例研究或集合案例研究也可能属于本质性的或工具性的案例研究方法。而且,案例研究方法也与案例研究类型有关,比如本质性单案例研究可以是探索性研究,而工具性的多案例研究 可能属于解释性研究。
This list is no t mutually exclusive — for example, a single case study can also be an intrinsic or an instrumental case study. Similarly, a multiple case study (or a collective case study) can also be an intrinsic or an instrumental case study. Furthermore, the research approach can also be linked into the case study type, such as a single intrinsic case study that is exploratory or a multiple and instrumental case study that is explanatory.
In the simple equation (15.18), years of education is part of the error term. If some men who were assigned low draft lottery numbers obtained additional schooling, then lottery number and education are negatively correlated, which violates the first requirement for an instrumental variable in equation (15.4).
Instead, shock waves from the blow spread through the struck stone or core in a cone-shaped pattern, detaching a fragment called a flake (Fig. 6.1).
As suggested by Figure 9.1, the temporality of social life can be broken out into three levels, each of which is interrelated to the others.The longue durée of social life is bound up with the historical development of institutions (the law, the family, etc.). Within the dasein, or lifespan, social life is influenced by the life cycle of individuals and families and (interacting with the longue durée) by the social conditions characteristic of their particular generation. And within the durée of daily life, individual routines interact with both the structure of institutional frameworks and with the rhythm of their life cycle.
Arranged marriages, needless to say, are not commonplace in North American society, but they do occur. Among ethnic minorities, they may serve to preserve traditional values people fear might otherwise be lost. Among families of wealth and power, marriages may be arranged by segregating their children in private schools and carefully steering them toward "proper" marriages.
Yet another suggestion is that children are able to learn language because adults speak to them in a special “simplified” language sometimes called motherese, or child-directed speech (CDS) (or more informally, baby talk). This hypothesis places a lot of emphasis on the role of the environment in facilitating language acquisition.
The corporation has a separate legal identity, and indeed is a legal “person” that may on its own behalf buy, sell, borrow money, produce goods and services, and enter into contracts. In addition, the corporation enjoys the right of limited liability, whereby each owner's investment and financial exposure in the corporation is strictly limited to a specified amount.
The debate whether explanations are better produced by induction or deduction poses a false dichotomy. Observations that Charles Darwin made in the course of a five-year voyage around the world led him to doubt whether creationism could best account for the geographical distributions of various species of plants and animals.
The Colloquial Annotation of Chuang Tzu was composed by Lin Xiyi, a neo-Confucianist belonging to Aixuan School of neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song dynasty. At the level of interpreting the ideas and contents, out of good will, this work for the first time harmonized the conflicts between Confucianism and Taoism on the basis of the conscious awareness of "Unification of the Three Religions ". As to prose comments, this book initiated the appreciation and analysis of Chuang Tzu, the classic in Taoism, focusing on prose writing skills. Additionally, this book also ruminated over Chuang Tzu for the awareness of its author's spiritual feature and realm, thus interacting with the subject personality of its author. The annotation in a colloquial style also reflects that The Colloquial Annotation of Chuang Tzuis similar to a lecture note and corresponds to the rising of popular literature.
When we think about the soil properties shown in Figure 11.2 and tie this in with what we know about the hydrology of the same hillslope (Figure 11.4), we begin to see further links between local processes and patterns at the landscape scale. Ecologists have been much interested recently in ‘patch dynamics’.
另外还有一些例子支持与此类似的原理,我们称之为A-over-A原理。请看46中的句子:46 a.Jolm kept the car in the garage?(约翰把车存在车库里。)b.Mary saw the man walking towards the railroad station.(玛莉看见那个人朝火车站走去。)
There are other examples that support a principle of this sort, which we will refer to as the A-over-A principle. Consider the sentences of 46:46 a. John kept the car in the garage. b. Mary saw the man walking toward the railroad station.
Saturated fats, for example, clog arteries that lead to your brain, putting you at increased risk of stroke, while omega-3 fatty acids those fats found in fish—are helpful for your brain because they help keep your arteries clear. They also alter your neurotransmitters and reduce depression.
只关心传统技术的企业很难察觉新科技的重要性,要想有所问应更足难上加难。例如:以真空管技术为主的美国无线电(RCA,Ra¬dio Corporation of America)、 通用电气 (GE, General Eitxriric》 和 吉悌电信(GTE-Sylvania)等美国电子企业,虽然试图打人半导体的领域,却没有一家成功。
It is hard for firms steeped in an old technological paradigm to perceive the significance of a new one. It is often even harder for them to respond to it. The leading American vacuum tube competitors (RCA, General Electric, GTE-Sylvania) all entered the semiconductor industry, for example, but none succeeded.
Geomorphology (the study of the form and development of the landscape) incorporates specializations such as sedimentology, which itself includes sedimentary petro graphy and granulometry. These combine to produce a detailed analysis of the composition and texture of sediments, ranging from freely draining gravel and sand to waterretentive clay; the size of constituent particles in sediments, ranging from pebbles to sand or silt; and the degree of consolidation, ranging from loose to cemented.
He sought by means of comparative studies to determine the different ways in which cultures had developed in various types of natural environments, believing that they would tend to acquire the same forms and follow similar developmental trajectories in similar natural settings.
The valves play a key and surprisingly basic role in the never-ending cycle of blood through the heart: They are doormen who keep the blood from retracing its journey, leaking backward into the chambers it has just left. There are valves between each atrium and ventricle, and between each ventricle and the blood vessel that leaves it. As the blood swishes through, the valves slam shut, producing what we hear on TV as a heartbeat.
The average athlete should be incredibly proud of such an achievement, and there’s absolutely no shame in leveling off your training at that point. It’s an accomplishment light years ahead of what the average gym-trained zombie could ever attain. But some of you will want to go further. If you are one of this elite group, I would advise setting your sights to the most powerful midsection exercise possible—the V raise.
由伊朗考古学家所做的工作也倾向于集中关注比较晚近的帕提亚 (Parthian)、萨珊(Sassanian)和伊斯兰阶段。伊朗末代国王穆罕默德·雷扎·巴列维(Mohammad Reza Pahlavi)试图强调前伊斯兰波斯文明的荣耀,并将其世俗的现代政权与古波斯的阿奇美尼亚王朝(Achaemenian dynasty,前539-前330)而非较为晚近的伊斯兰历史联系起来。这包括1971年在波斯波利斯(Persepolis)宏伟宫殿废墟举行热烈庆祝君主帝国据信成立2500周年大典活动。
The work done by Iranian archaeologists also tended to be focused on the more recent Parthian, Sassanian, and Islamic periods. The last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, sought to emphasize the glories of pre-Islamic Persian civilization and to identify his secularist and modernizing regime with the ancient Persian Achaemenian dynasty (539–330 BC) rather than with a more recent Islamic past. This included a magnificent celebration in 1971 of the supposed 2,500th anniversary of the founding of that monarchy held in the ruins of its greatest palace at Persepolis.
On the other hand, where there were real agrarian revolts and jacqueries, there was no Grande Peur. In these areas, the peasant on the march was the brigand. There was no need to imagine brigands, and no possibility of imagining that he was the tool of the aristocrat. Full-scale peasant violence frightened the bourgeoisie, particularly those for whom feudal rights were as sacred a form of property as any other, and threw them into the arms of the nobility. After the storming of the Bastille the bourgeoisie in some areas, especially Alsace where uprisings were particularly violent, cooperated wholeheartedly with the privileged classes in suppressing them.
纵跳被认为是腿部功率的有效指标。从萨金特试验演化出各种各样的纵跳方案,如跳起手触墙试验,阿巴拉科夫试验(Abalakow test;见Kirby, 1991的综述)。
The vertical jump has been accepted as a valid measure of leg power and various vertical jump protocols have been derived from the Sargent test (e.g. jump-and-reach test, the Abalakow test) (for review see Kirby, 1991).
Albert Einstein (1879--1955), a German-born patent officer working in Switzerland, pushed these new theories into new terrain. In 1905, Einstein published a paper titled "The Electro-Dynamics of Moving Bodies" that contained his special theory of relativity. According to relativity theory, space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer, and both are interwoven into what Einstein called a fourdimensional space-time continuum. Neither space nor time had an existence independent of human experience.
In the immediate aftermath of the war significant forced migrations continued. Around 700,000 Palestinians were ejected from the newly formed state of Israel (B. Morris, 1987; Adelman, 1995); 15 million refugees were exchanged between India and Pakistan during and after partition; and in the early 1950s around 5 million Koreans fled from the north to the south (Zolberg. 1997).
In negatively skewed curves, the scores are skewed around the upper values being measured (see figure 9.8(b)), and in positively skewed curves, the scores are clustered around the lower values (see figure 9.8(c)). A further type of distribution is a J-shaped distribution, which results from the inclusion of a large range of high-value scores in the frequency distribution (see figure 9.8(d)).
Punishment on students was used by people in ancient China and then this method became a kind of educational thought. Han Confucian scholars summarized the idea of using ferule can improve students' politeness and Song Confucian scholars advocated the thought of “lax cultivation due to lazy teacher”. These opinions were so popular in the traditional education system that misled parents and hurt children. Until the late of the Qing dynasty, people began to advocate democratic education and abandoned corporal punishment. During the past one hundred years, people's view on ferule changed from reliance to suspicion, from improving student's politeness to showing authority, from using it to abandoning it. Besides, the range of corporal punishment is enlarged gradually. This phenomenon reflects the advancement of people's thoughts.
The most prominent building in a Sumerian city was the temple, which was dedicated to the chief god or goddess of the city and often built atop a massive stepped tower called a ziggurat. The Sumerians believed that gods and goddesses owned the cities, and much wealth was used to build temples as well as elaborate houses for the priests and priestesses who served the gods. Priests and priestesses, who supervised the temples and their property, had great power.
Since the mid-1990s, furthermore, the term sociobiology itself is hardly used by anyone but Wilson himself, and terms like "evolutionary psychology" or simply "Darwinian social science" have replaced it. It nevertheless remains a fact that adherents of Darwinist views of humanity tend to emphasise uniformities presumably founded in genetic dispositions (sex, violence and kinship are typical topics), which challenge the sociological and cultural relativist underpinnings of mainstream anthropology, often in provocative ways.
Buddhism and Jainism were revitalization movements challenging the Vedic and Hindu stratification systems. In response, Hinduism co-opted the Buddhist and Jainist doctrine of ahimsay: the sacredness of life.
Although the so-called system of concubine marriage which refers to the system of one husband marrying several sisters or even their aunts and nieces was often regarded by scholars of the past as the golden standard of the aristocratic marriage life in the Spring and Autumn Period, a careful reading of the classical documents and records reveals that this understanding does not hold water because it is not the fact and inconsistent with the marriage life of the feudal princes as well as against the etiquettes of their hierarchy-based marriage in that period. Furthermore, the marriage custom of marrying the wives' sisters and nieces was only seen in some aristocratic marriages, which cannot be regarded as a marriage system. In fact, the aristocratic marriage pattern in the Spring and Autumn Period was a kind of monogamy complemented by the system of multi-concubines.
First, there has been a challenge mounted to the doctrine that international law, as Oppenheim put it, is a ‘law between states only and exclusively’(see 1985, ch. 1). Individuals and groups have become recognized as subjects of international law on the basis of such innovatory agreements as the charters of the "Nuremberg and Tokyo war crimes tribunals" (1945), the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (1948), the "Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (1966), and the "European Convention on Human Rights" (1950).
由具体动词或者其他词汇项来选择补足语类型,这被称为C-选择(C代表Categorial“范畴的”) 或是次范畴化,这是我们心理词库中词条的一部分内容。
The information about the complement types selected by particular verbs and other lexical items is called C-selection or subcategorization, and is included in the lexical entry of the item in our mental lexicon. (Here C stands for “categorial”.)
发现企业绩效下滑的另一个视角涉及一种"温水煮育蛙”现象(“boiled frog” phenomenon)。“温水煮青蛙”是一个经典的心理反应实验。
Another perspective on recognizing performance declines revolves around what is known as the “boiled frog” phenomenon in which subtly declining situations are difficult to recognize.The “boiled frog” is a classic psychological response experiment.
要得到内部人员供给的情况,你必须首先找到一些方法来搜集与这些候选人的质量(或素质)特定有关的信息。这些企业雇员资格数据库(qualifications inventory) 所包括的内容有:每位雇员的工作绩效记录、教育背景以及提升的可能性这类信息既可以用人工的方式进行搜集,也可以借助计算机来进行编辑整理。
Sometimes who to choose is not so obvious. Here, managers turn to qualifications (or skills) inventories. These contain data on employees performance records, educational background,and promotability. Whether manual or computerized, these help managers determine which employees are available for promotion or transfer.
Performance analysis is the process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether the employer should correct such deficiencies through training or some other means (like transferring the employee). The first step in performance analysis is usually to compare the person s actual performance to what it should be. Doing so helps to confirm that there is a performance deficiency, and (hopefully) helps the manager to identify its cause.
"Universal love" is an important assertion which was proposed by Mozi 2000 years ago, aiming at the world harmony during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period. It occupies the central position in the Mohist ideology system.There are some characteristics that distinguish "universal love" from the Confucian "benevolence" and western "universal fraternity", and it is just these characteristics that make "universal love" acquire attention again in the competitive modern society after being silent for a period of time.
In addition, this is a severe form of data mining, and it is difficult to interpret t and F statistics in the final model. One might argue that stepwise regression simply automates what researchers do anyway in searching over various models. However, in most applications, one or two explanatory variables are of primary interest, and then the goal is to see how robust the coefficients on those variables are to either adding or dropping other variables, or to changing functional form.
Wu Wuling, a famous Confucian in the Yuanhe Period of the Mid Tang dynasty, was also well-known for Confucianism, beautiful articles, historical researches and noble personality. There has not been a detailed record about Wu in New Book of the Tang History and Book of the Tang History, and the academic field rarely pays attention to Wu. According to the historical data, this paper explores Wu's life. Wu Wuling, from Puyang of Guixi in Xinzhou, had an old name Kan. He was a successful candidate in the highest imperial examination in the second year of Yuan He and was exiled to Yongzhou in the next year. Seven years later, he was highly appreciated and recommended by Pei Du and secured an official position as an official historian.
Documentary analysis involves identifying and locating relevant documents and materials, gathering and analysing those documents and materials, evaluating the relevancy of the documents and materials to the research study, and interpreting and reporting the findings from the overall analysis.
选择过程可由预算驱动,也可由功能要求驱动。在第一种情况中,项目预 算被视为制约因素,而工作任务是在预算范围内设计出功能最好的系统,这就是按成本设计的方法
The selection process may be driven by the available budget or by the functional requirements. In the first case, the available budget for the project is viewed as a binding constraint, and an effort is made to design a system with the best possible capabilities without exceeding the budget. This is known as the design-to-cost approach.
随着对捷克斯洛伐克乌奈迪斯(Únětice)青铜时代墓地的发掘,考古学家开始在附近地区分发现类似乌奈迪斯的器物,并将其归到一起,建立了一个“乌奈迪斯文化”。以同样的方式,1870年,中欧定义的伯格沃尔(Burgwall)类型陶器扩大成为一种“伯格沃尔文化”的概念(Sklenář 1983:110)。
Following the excavations at a Bronze Age cemetery at Únětice in Czechoslovakia, archaeologists began to identify Únětice-like finds in nearby regions and finally organized these to establish a Únětice culture. In a similar manner, the Burgwall-type pottery that had been defined in central Europe in 1870 was broadened into the concept of a Burgwall culture (Sklenář 1983: 110).
除了欧盟 这一核心,欧洲自由贸易联盟(EFTA)和北约(NATO)的欧洲成员形成了另外一个互动中心圈和制度形式,以防北约将欧洲锁定在全球军事网络中,斯堪的纳维亚国家的制度与相互联系切断欧盟的组织。最后,东欧与中欧、巴尔干以及前苏联国家都与欧洲的中心相互关联,相互影响。
Beyond the EU core, EFTA and NATO membership produces a second concentric ring of interaction and institutional forms in the European region: in the case of NATO institutions lock Europe into global military networks, while in the case of the Scandinavian countries institutions and interactions exist which cut across EU regimes. Finally, Eastern and Central Europe, the Balkans and the states of the ex-Soviet Union all maintain a variety of diverse relations and interactions with the European core.
One example of specialization is afforded by the Afar people of Ethiopia's Danakil Depression. Afar men are miners of salt, which since ancient times has been widely traded in East Africa. It is mined from the crust of an extensive salt plain in the north part of the depression, and ro get it is a risky and difficult business.
一些学者的著作中表现出与英国进化论的连接,但最明显的是在德籍英国东方学学者弗里德里克·马克斯· 缪勒的著作中。在其教父费利克斯· 门德尔松劝诫下,年轻的缪勒放弃学习音乐,转而学习梵语,他先在莱比锡求学,后到柏林转投博普门下。1846 年,缪勒进入牛津大学深造,并最终在那里确立了自己在现代语言和比较语言学领域中的地位。
The connection to British evolutionism runs through the work of several scholars, but none as obviously as that of the German-British orientalist, Friedrich Max Müller. Dissuaded by his godfather Felix Mendelssohn from studying music, the young Max Müller turned to Sanskrit, first at Leipzig and then, under Bopp, at Berlin. In 1846 further studies took him to Oxford, where he settled and eventually took up chairs in modern languages and comparative philology.
First, relations become embodied in things – food, canoes, kula shells – thus posing the general enigma that Marx addressed under the rubric of "the fetishism of commodities" or, as Maass (1990: 3) prefers to formulate it in his opening question in The Gift: "What power resides in the object that causes its recipient to pay it back?" Maass, in pursuing an answer to the riddle of gift relationships recognizes that the thing given "itself possesses a soul" and that "to make a gift of something to someone is to make a present of some part of oneself."
再往上大部分人叫作“嘴巴” 的,我们语言学工作者称为口腔,以区别于鼻腔。鼻腔包括鼻子、连接鼻子和喉咙的通道,加上鼻窦。以上这些加起来叫声道。
Finally there are the tongue and the lips, both of which are capable of rapid movement and shape changing. All of these together comprise the vocal tract. Differing vocal tract shapes result in the differing sounds of language.
Binary response models apply with little modification to independently pooled cross sections or to other data sets where the observations are independent but not necessarily identically distributed. Often, year or other time period dummy variables are included to account for aggregate time effects. Just as with linear models, logit and probit can be used to evaluate the impact of certain policies in the context of a natural experiment.
However, his data certainly do suggest a large reduction in ‘upland’ (i.e. field) sources of eroded soil. More importantly from our point of view, the complexity of the sediment transfer system shows that a local-scale viewpoint is not enough if we are to extrapolate to larger basins.
The thought of "loyalty and reciprocity", one of the parts of the Confucian ethics, focuses on "restraining oneself and putting oneself in the place of another", with the latter being its key point. In The Great Learning, this idea is expressed in two ways. Macroscopically, it is shown as a way of internally "keeping pure and wise in heart" while externally "being noble and benevolent". And microscopically, it is a way of "regulating one's own behavior according to one's own yardstick". These two ways both showed the Confucian thought of "loyalty and reciprocity".
本组也包括与5a-还原酶(Sot- reductase) 缺乏有关的各种综合征, 5a- 还原酶会将睾酮降解为二氢睾酮 (dihydrotestosterone)。来自多米尼加共和 国的一系列报告描述了一些家庭将染色体为46, XY的孩子喂养成为女子的情况, 这些孩子在青春期获得了可观程度的男性 第二特征。出生时的外生殖器具有女性的 外表,在整个童年只有一个会阴开口和很短的阴道。
This group also includes the syndromes associated with deficiency of 5a-reductase, the enzyme that reduces testosterone to dihydro-testosterone. A series of reports concerning patients in the Dominican Republic have described families with a 46, XY chromosomal complement raised as females, who underwent a striking degree of virilization at puberty. The genitalia had a female appearance at birth and throughout childhood w ith a single perineal opening and a short vaginal pouch.
The great religious and political revolution which gripped Egypt about 1380 b.c. has been pictured as the work of one man: Ikhnaton. "Until Ikhnaton," says Breasted, "the history of the world had been but the irresistible drift of tradition.
The comparative method complements fieldwork, just as universalism complements particularism. In the comparative method of ethnography the ethnographer analyzes many cultures in relation to one another, rather than focusing on a particular culture or situation. Like fieldwork, the comparative method is difficult. It is not simply a celebration of global variety, such as is enjoyed in food fairs or international festivals. Those settings attempt to unite diversities, but they also present an often confusing mixture.
Periodically, as was the case in the progressive era (see Hays, 1959) and in the early stages of the New Deal, this leads to the idea of considerable state intervention to ensure the proper conservation and efficient management of national resources, thus challenging the rights of private property in the interest of a state-managed class strategy for capital accumulation.
此外,有关地区考古学的文粹定期可见于《文物》杂志, 比如克利尔(Cleere 1993) 。这些著作中有许多是外向型的,考察特定的社会、政治、经济和民族因素如何影响到考古学的实践。
In addition, collections of papers dealing with regional archaeologies have appeared periodically in the journal Antiquity, for example, Cleere (1993). Many of these works are strongly externalist, examining how specific social, political, economic, and ethnic factors have influenced the practice of archaeology.
Weston La Barrc (1966) called the Aymara of Bolivia "morose, cruel, vindictive, sullen, hateful, and treacherous" on the basis of his analysis of Aymara folktales. Every Aymara tale collected by La Barre turned out to be concerned with conflict over food, deceitfulness, chicanery, violence, busybody informers, murderers, and sorcerers.
理解动态不一致性的关键在于要记住,通货膨胀和失业之间的短期替代关系是由短期菲利普斯曲线给定的。但是,由于通货膨胀预期的调整,两者 之间没有长期的替代关系。经济的最佳长期情况是充分就业和零(或者至少是低)通货膨胀。然而,如果政策制定者宣布一项充分就业和零通货膨胀政策,将由于追求较低的失业和略微较高的通货膨胀,而立刻成为一种“骗局”。公开宣布的计划与执行的计划之间的分离,产生了“动态不一致性” 概念。
The key to understanding dynamic inconsistency lies in remembering that there is a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment given by the short-run Phillips curve but there is no long-run tradeoff because of the adjustment of inflationary expectations. The best long-run position for the economy is full employment with zero (or at least low) inflation. However, a policymaker who announces a full-employment–zero-inflation policy will immediately be led to "cheat" by seeking lower unemployment and slightly higher inflation. It is this split between announced and executed plans that gives rise to the name "dynamic inconsistency."
The first step in constructing the ISLM model is to examine the effect of interest rates on planned investment spending and hence on aggregate demand. Next we use a Keynesian cross diagram to see how the interest rate affects the equilibrium level of aggregate output. The resulting relationship between equilibrium aggregate output and the interest rate is known as the IS curve.
After that, a boy, hoarse and loud before his companions, but afraid of the dark; will beat the weaker and avoid the stronger; worships strength and savagery, loves tales of wai and murder, and violence done to others; joins gangs and hates to be alone; makes heroes out of soldiers, sailors, prize fighters, football players, cowboys, gunmen, and detectives; would rather die than not out-try and out-dare his companions, wants to beat them and always to win, shows his muscle and demands that it be felt, boasts of his victories and will never own defeat
这个埃奥罗斯的竖琴便是诗人,而诗歌则是内外因素——即不断 变化的风与琴弦的质地和张力——交互作用所产生的和音。正如雪莱紧接着解释的那样,当野蛮人“表达周围事物所感发他的感情时……语言、姿势,乃至塑像的或绘画的摹拟,便都成了事物 以及野蛮人对事物的理解二者结合而成的表象”
The Aeolian lyre is the poet, and the poem is the chord of music which results from the reciprocation of external and internal elements, of both the changing wind and the constitution and tension of the strings. As Shelley at once goes on to explain when a savage 'expresses the emotions produced in him by surrounding objects , language and gesture, together with plastic or pictorial imitation, become the image of the combined effect of those objects, and of his apprehension of them.'
This creates a reciprocal relation between data collection and interpretation that leaves both open to social influences. Moreover, the data recovered in the past are often neither adequate nor appropriate to solve the problems that are considered important at a later time.
霍德(Hodder 1991c)将他这种方法称之为“阐释考古学”,形容其以解释学方法为特点,欢迎不同的声音,旨在满足可能的真实性的内在标准(Hodder et al. 1995) 。甚至当这类解释拥有大量历史学或民族志的信息时,插入虚构的细节来增强故事的叙述质量这一做法也被视为可取的。
Hodder (1991c) designated this sort of approach "interpretive archaeology" and described it as characterized by a hermeneutic method that was welcoming to multivocality and aimed mainly at satisfying internal criteria of plausibility (Hodder et al. 1995). Even when significant amounts of historical or ethnographic information are available for such an interpretation, it is regarded as desirable to interpolate invented details to enhance the narrative qualities of the story.
威廉·姆斯的总课题——研究实际生产条件中所有的指义形式——总是历史的、唯物主义的。 然而,直到1977年,他才进一步发展了自己的理论观点, 将之称为“马克思主义的”(《马克思主义和文学》,1977),说明他这一立场最重要的标志是他进一步阐发了由意大利哲学家和政治行动家安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci,1891—1937)提出的“霸权”(hegemony)概念。
Williams’s general project – the study of all forms of signification in their actual conditions of production – was always emphatically historical and materialist. Yet it was only in 1977, with the publication of a developed statement of his theoretical position, that he began to characterize his work as ‘Marxist’ (Marxism and Literature, 1977). What most importantly defined this position was the use of the concept of ‘hegemony’ developed by the Italian philosopher and political activist Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937).
尹(Yin 1994,p. 13)曾在其著作中指出:案例研究是一种经验性的调查:•在真实环境背景中研究一个当前的现象;•尤其是当现象与其背景间的界线并不十分明显的时候。斯泰克(Stake 1995,p. xi)却从另一方面将案例研究定义为“对于单个案例之特殊性和复杂性的研究,以了解其在重要环境中的活动”。
According to Yin (1994, p. 13):A case study is an empirical inquiry that• investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context,especially, when• the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Stake (1995, p. x i ) , on the other hand, defines a case study as 'the studyof the particularity and complexity of a single case, coming to understandits activity within important circumstances'.
因为某些原因,银行、保险公司(insurance companies )和一些著名公司的办公间会成为这种情况下最大的破坏者。如果到银行和保险公司扎堆的地方来看一看,你就会发现这里曾是一个闹市中心,但现在被取代了,一个已经被移平了的圆丘。
For some reason, banks, insurance companies and prestige offices are consistently the most voracious double-destroyers inthis way. Look to see where banks or insurance companies areclustered, and you will too often see where a center of diversity has been supplanted, a knoll of vitality leveled.
Each additional year of experience increases wage by less than the previous year—reflecting a diminishing marginal return to experience. At 30 years, an additional year of experience would actually lower the wage. This is not very realistic, but it is one of the consequences of using a quadratic function to capture a diminishing marginal effect: at some point, the function must reach a maximum and curve downward. For practical purposes, the point at which this happens is often large enough to be inconsequential, but not always.
He sought to distinguish each period by specifying a limited number of artifact types that were characteristic of that period alone. These diagnostic artifacts were archaeological equivalents of the index fossils that geologists and palaeontologists used to identify the strata belonging to a particular geological epoch.
在明确了数据分析的三个方面和五种“理论”类型之后,在此对定性数据的筛选、展示和结论的归纳、证明方法加以总结,研究人员可以采用以下方法:备忘录、 编码、内容分析、持续比较分析、渐进法、域分析、理想型法、事件结构分析、矩阵法、分类法、类型法、概念树、思维导图、草根理论分析和变焦模型法。
Having identified three aspects of data analysis and five types of 'theory', we now overview ways to reduce, display and conclude/verify qualitative data. A number of data analysis methods enable researchers to do just that: memos, coding, content analysis, constant comparative analysis, successive approximation, domain analysis, ideal types, event-structure analysis, matrices, taxonomies, typologies, conceptual trees, mind maps, grounded theory analysis and the zoom model.
棒球中的击球被人视为是所有运动中最难的挑战。试想:投球手戴着橡皮手套, 鼓足劲,然后朝本垒投出一个70~100mi/h的快球,飞到60ft(1ft≈0.3048m)远的地方。那里站着一个击球手,手持击球棒,他最佳的触球点大约有3in(1in≈25.4mm)长。以球飞行的速度,从球被投出的时间到接触球棒有效的触球点大约有450ms。
Hitting a pitched baseball has been regarded by some as the single most difficult challenge in all sports.Consider this: The pitcher toes the rubber, winds up, and delivers a 70 to 100 mph fastball toward home plate, 60 feet away. There stands the batter, wielding a slab of lumber whose optimal point of contact with the ball is about 3 inches long. At the speed of the pitch, the time from the release of the ball to the hoped-for point of contact with the bat is about 450 milliseconds.
This observation is followed by a series of sketches of the ways of life of modern tribal societies: Hottentots, Veddahs, Andaman Islanders, Australian Aborigines, Tasmanians, Fijians, Maoris, Tahitians, Tongans, Eskimos, North American Indians, Paraguayans, Patagonians, and Fuegans. The ordering of these chapters is clearly geographical rather than evolutionary and no attempt was made to indicate what particular modern groups provided evidence about specific stages of prehistoric development.
An adverse supply shock is one that shifts the aggregate supply curve up. Figure 6-10 shows the effects of such a shock—an increase in the price of oil. The 𝐴𝑆 curve shifts upward to 𝐴𝑆', and the equilibrium of the economy moves from 𝐸 to 𝐸'. The immediate effect of the supply shock is thus a rise in the price level and a reduction in the level of output. An adverse supply shock is doubly unfortunate: It causes higher prices and lower output.
两份英国报纸在报道1992年洛杉矶暴动时(此前4名洛杉矶警察殴打一名骑摩托车的黑人Rodney King。路人录下殴打画面后,公众气愤要求严惩涉事警察,但4人却被法院无罪释放。这一事件引发了洛杉矶大规模的黑人暴动)使用的标题是“洛杉矶无法无天”和“洛杉矶之战”。很显然,编辑在制作标题的时候既未联系与该新闻事件性质相似的1965年沃茨暴动,亦未考虑游行示威者在暴乱中喊出的口号“无正义毋宁战”,而是借鉴了美国电视剧《洛城法网》的名字,完全在虚构世界里寻找对新闻故事的诠释方法。
The riots, following the acquittal of the four Los Angeles police officers captured on video physically assaulting the black motorist Rodney King, were headlined in two British newspapers as ‘LA Lawless’, and in another as ‘LA War’ -- the story anchored not by a historical reference to similar disturbances in Watts, Los Angeles in 1965, or to the implications of the words --‘No justice no peace’--chanted by demonstrators during the riots; the editors chose instead to locate the story within the fictional world of the American television series LA Law.
For the student of literature, the implications of Lévi-Strauss’s sort of ‘structural’ anthropology and the structural linguistics from which itderives, must be considerable. Primarily, the notions fundamental to both disciplines provide a basis for, and so lend power to, the modernattack on ‘realism’ or ‘naturalism’.
Take three examples where close kin marriage is common: Tswana men tend to marry women of lower status, and bridewealth in Tswana society is relatively low; Southern Sotho men tend to marry higher status women, and bridewealth in their society is relatively high; Swazi men may marry either way, but those who marry ‘down’ (like the Tswana) pay less bridewealth than those who marry ‘up’ (like the Southern Sotho).
Although excellent individual monographs and articles in symbolic anthropology or comparative symbology have recently appeared, a common focus or forum that can be provided by a topically organized series of books has not been available. The present series is intended to fill this lacuna. It is designed to include not only field monographs and theoretical and comparative studies by anthropologists, but also work by scholars in other disciplines, both scientific and humanistic.
Additionally, by providing multiple financial services to their customers, financial institutions develop broader and longer-term relationships with firms. These relationships both reduce the cost of producing information and increase economies of scope.
Two types of inflation can result from an activist stabilization policy to promote high employment: cost-push inflation, which occurs because of negative supply shocks or a push by workers to get higher wages, and demand-pull inflation, which results when policymakers pursue policies that shift the aggregate demand curve to the right.
Except for a few odd sports of limited consequence such as Bahai or Mormonism (and leaving aside, as equivocal cases, the so-called political religions such as Communism and Fascism), no new rationalized world religions have arisen since Mohammed.
Things are getting serious now. During half pullups, the upper body muscles exclusively move the entire weight of the body— certainly more than the average man can comfortably row or use on pulldowns. As a result the grip is strengthened and the back, biceps and forearms are developed.
PERT网络(PERT network)是一种流程图形状的图表,用来描述某个项目所必需的各项活动的先后顺序以及与每项活动有关的时间或成本。使用PERT网络时,管理者必须弄清楚哪些活动必须完成,判断哪些事件彼此相互依赖,并且识别潜在的问题点。PERT还使得管理者更容易比较各种活动备选方案对进度和成本的影响。因此,PERT使管理者能够监控项目的进展、识别可能的瓶颈以及在必要时调动资源以使项目按进度计划进行。
A PERT network is a flowchart diagram that depicts the sequence of activities needed to complete a project and the time or costs associated with each activity. With a PERT network, a manager must think through what has to be done, determine which events depend on one another, and identify potential trouble spots. PERT also makes it easy to compare the effects alternative actions might have on scheduling and costs. Thus, PERT allows managers to monitor a project’s progress, identify possible bottlenecks, and shift resources as necessary to keep the project on schedule.
“百分位点使我们了解分布中处于具体位置的数据”(Neuman 2000,p. 320)。 中位数是第50个百分位点,其他常用的百分位点是第25和第75个百分位点,或者是第10或第90个百分位点。
Percentiles tell the score at a specific place within the distribution'(Neuman 2000, p. 320). The median is the 50th percentile; other percentile scores that are used are the 25th and 75th percentiles or the 10th and 90th percentiles.
Certain functional forms are less sensitive to outlying observations. In Section 6.2, we mentioned that, for most economic variables, the logarithmic transformation significantly narrows the range of the data and also yields functional forms—such as constant elasticity models—that can explain a broader range of data.
In particular, humanism offers anthropology an escape from imprisoning essentialisms such as ‘culture’, ‘gender’ and ‘race’. For these concepts have operated in anthropological discourse as means of making alterity: creating differences between people and enforcing separations which have come to imply inevitable hierarchy and inequality. Sameness within the category (‘culture’, ‘gender’, ‘race’), meanwhile, has come to imply inexorable homogeneity, coherence and determination.
The basic structures of sentences, also called deep structures or d-structures, conform to the phrase structure rules. Variants on the basic sentence structures are derived via transformations.
与前面的例子不同,现在IV估计值比OLS估计值大得多。尽管我们不知道该差异是否在统计上显著,但它不会与OLS 中遗漏能力变量所造成的偏误相吻合。有可能也与能力相关:较多的兄弟姐妹意味着平均起来受父母的照料较少,这可能导致较低的能力。该解释不能完全令人信服,因为educ未必满足经典的变量误差模型,这一点我们已在9.3节中讨论过。
Unlike in the previous example, the IV estimate is now much higher than the OLS estimate. While we do not know whether the difference is statistically significant, this does not mesh with the omitted ability bias from OLS. It could be that sibs is also correlated with ability: more siblings means, on average, less parental attention, which could result in lower ability. This is not entirely convincing because, as we discussed in Section 9.3, educ is unlikely to satisfy the classical errors-in-variables model.
为了理解该计算,让我们关注图9一23中示例项目的AOA网络图,并假设每个作业活动都服从分布,参数值如表9一8所示。在执行10次仿真运箅 后,包含作业活动持续时间、关键路径和项目完成时间的结果都列示在表9一9 中。
To understand the calculations, let us focus on the AOA network in Fig. 9.23 for the example project and assume that each activity follows a beta distribution with parameter values given in Table 9.8. After performing 10 simulation runs, the results listed in Table 9.9 for activity durations, critical path, and project completion time were obtained.
After the 1960s there is a crisis for hegemony in Britain, and the state, unable to win consent easily, needs to arm itself against opposition from trade union militancy,‘terrorists’, the IRA. This more aggressively mobilized state of hegemony is reflected in such examples of the police genre as ‘The Sweeney’ and ‘The Professionals’ in which plain-clothes cops typically combat a terrorist organization by matching its violence with their own.
It is for this reason that his work is often characterized as 'existentialism', in contrast to the remorseless 'essentialism' of his mentor.
但并不是所有的癌症都是肿瘤或肿块,这使得它们更难沴断。血液类癌症,比如白血病就不是通常意义上的肿瘤,而是在骨髓中所积累的不正常的白细胞。它们聚集茌一起,使得健康的白细胞和红细胞 瀕临饿死,即使你的身体无法保证不被感染,也不能输送你所需要的氧。
But not all cancers are tumors or lumps—making them even more difficult to diagnose. Blood-borne cancers such as leukemia are not like tumors in the usual sense. Instead, abnormal white blood cells accumulate in bone marrow and crowd or starve out healthy white and red blood cells making your body unable to protect itself against infection and unable to deliver as much oxygen as you need.