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# Imagenet.int8: Entire Imagenet dataset in 5GB
<p align="center">
<img src="contents/vae.png" alt="small" width="800">
*original, reconstructed from float16, reconstructed from uint8*
Find 138 GB of imagenet dataset too bulky? Did you know entire imagenet actually just fits inside apple watch?
* Resized, Center-croped to 256x256
* VAE compressed with [SDXL's VAE](
* Further quantized to int8 near-lossless manner, compressing the entire training dataset of 1,281,167 images down to just 5GB!
Introducing Imagenet.int8, the new MNIST of 2024. After the great popularity of the [Latent Diffusion]( (Thank you stable diffusion!), its *almost* the standard to use VAE version of the imagenet for diffusion-model training. As you might know, lot of great diffusion research is based on latent variation of the imagenet.
These include:
* [DiT](
* [Improving Traning Dynamics](
* [SiT](
* [U-ViT](
* [Min-SNR](
* [MDT](
... but so little material online on the actual preprocessed dataset. I'm here to fix that. One thing I noticed was that latent doesn't have to be full precision! Indeed, they can be as small as int-8, and it doesn't hurt!
So clearly, it doesn't make sense to download entire Imagenet and process with VAE everytime. Just download this, `to('cuda')` the entire dataset just to flex, and call it a day.😌
(BTW If you think you'll need higher precision, you can always further fine-tune your model on higher precision. But I doubt that.)
# How do I use this?
First download this. You can use `huggingface-cli` for that.
# Pro tip : use `hf_transfer` to get faster download speed.
pip install hf_transfer
# actual download script.
huggingface-cli download --repo-type dataset cloneofsimo/imagenet.int8 --local-dir ./vae_mds
Then, you need to install [streaming dataset]( to use this. The dataset is MDS format.
pip install mosaicml-streaming
Then, you can very simply use the dataset like this:
(for more info on using Mosaic's StreamingDataset and MDS format, [reference here](
from streaming.base.format.mds.encodings import Encoding, _encodings
import numpy as np
from typing import Any
import torch
from streaming import StreamingDataset
class uint8(Encoding):
def encode(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
return obj.tobytes()
def decode(self, data: bytes) -> Any:
x= np.frombuffer(data, np.uint8).astype(np.float32)
return (x / 255.0 - 0.5) * 24.0
_encodings["uint8"] = uint8
remote_train_dir = "./vae_mds" # this is the path you installed this dataset.
local_train_dir = "./local_train_dir"
train_dataset = StreamingDataset(
batch_size = 32
train_dataloader =
By default, batch will have three attributes: `vae_output`, `label`, `label_as_text`.
Thats the dataloader! Now, below is the example usage. Notice how you have to reshape the data back to `(B, 4, 32, 32)` as they are decoded flattened.
###### Example Usage. Decode back the 5th image. BTW shuffle plz
from diffusers.models import AutoencoderKL
from diffusers.image_processor import VaeImageProcessor
vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained("stabilityai/sdxl-vae").to("cuda:0")
batch = next(iter(train_dataloader))
i = 5
vae_latent = batch["vae_output"].reshape(-1, 4, 32, 32)[i:i+1].cuda().float()
idx = batch["label"][i]
text_label = batch['label_as_text'][i]
print(f"idx: {idx}, text_label: {text_label}, latent: {vae_latent.shape}")
# idx: 402, text_label: acoustic guitar, latent: torch.Size([1, 4, 32, 32])
# example decoding
x = vae.decode(vae_latent.cuda()).sample
img = VaeImageProcessor().postprocess(image = x.detach(), do_denormalize = [True, True])[0]"5th_image.png")
# Citations
If you find this material helpful, consider citation!
author = {Simo Ryu},
title = {Imagenet.int8: Entire Imagenet dataset in 5GB},
year = 2024,
publisher = {Hugging Face Datasets},
url = {},
note = {Entire Imagenet dataset compressed to 5GB using VAE and quantized with int8}