whisper-finetuning-for-asee / CS_441_2023_Spring_January_26,_2023.vtt
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Created on 2024-02-07T20:52:49.1946189Z by ClassTranscribe
00:01:20.650 --> 00:01:21.930
Alright, good morning everybody.
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So I just wanted to start with a little
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So first question, and don't yell out
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the answer I'll give you.
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I want to give everyone a couple a
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little bit to think about it.
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Which of these tend to be decreased as
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the number of training examples
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The Training Error, test error
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Generalization could be more than one.
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I'll give you.
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A little bit to think about it.
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Alright, so well, would you expect the
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Training Error to decrease as the
00:02:06.540 --> 00:02:08.530
number of training examples increases?
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Raise your hand if so.
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And raise your hand if not.
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So is have it a lot of abstains, but if
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I don't count them.
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So yeah, actually the Training Error
00:02:25.980 --> 00:02:28.125
will actually increase as the number of
00:02:28.125 --> 00:02:30.230
training examples increases because the
00:02:30.230 --> 00:02:31.330
model gets harder to fit.
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So assuming the Training Error is
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nonzero, then it will increase or the
00:02:35.170 --> 00:02:36.895
loss that you're fitting is going to
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increase because as you get more
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Training examples then.
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Then, given a single model, you're
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Error is going to go up all right.
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What about test Error?
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Would you expect that to increase or
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decrease or stay the same?
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I guess first just do you expect it to
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Raise your hand for decreased.
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All right, raise your hand for
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Everyone expects to test their to
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And Generalization Error, do you expect
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that to increase or I mean sorry, do
00:03:08.056 --> 00:03:09.060
you expect it to decrease?
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Raise your hand if Generalization Error
00:03:12.220 --> 00:03:12.990
should decrease.
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And raise your hand if it should
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Right, so you expect.
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So the Generalization Error should also
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And remember that the Generalization
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error is the.
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Test Error minus the Training error, so
00:03:31.000 --> 00:03:32.930
the typical curve you see.
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The typical curve you would see if this
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is the number of train.
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And this is the Error.
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Is that Training Error?
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We'll go like something like that.
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So this is the train.
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And the test error will go something
00:03:52.230 --> 00:03:52.960
like this.
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And this is the generalization error is
00:03:58.390 --> 00:04:01.010
a gap between training and test error.
00:04:01.010 --> 00:04:02.540
So actually.
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The generalization error will decrease
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the fastest because that gap is closing
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faster than the test error is going
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That has to be the case because the
00:04:12.920 --> 00:04:13.790
Training Error is going up.
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And then the test error decreased the
00:04:17.230 --> 00:04:18.840
second fastest, and the Training error
00:04:18.840 --> 00:04:20.205
is actually going to increase, so the
00:04:20.205 --> 00:04:21.350
Training loss will increase.
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Alright, second question and these are
00:04:26.330 --> 00:04:28.655
just Review questions that I took from
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the thing that I linked but wanted to
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do them here.
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So Classify the X with the plus using
00:04:35.780 --> 00:04:37.710
one nearest neighbor and three Nearest
00:04:37.710 --> 00:04:39.475
neighbor where you've got 2 features on
00:04:39.475 --> 00:04:40.270
the axis there.
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Alright, 41 Nearest neighbor.
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How many people think it's an X?
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OK, how many people think it's an O?
00:04:51.700 --> 00:04:52.700
Everyone said 784x1.
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That's correct.
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For three Nearest neighbor.
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How many people think it's an X?
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How many people think it's to know?
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Yeah, you guys got that.
00:05:02.130 --> 00:05:04.100
So 3 Nearest neighbor, it's a no.
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Right now these I think.
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Also, I have a couple of probability
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Alright, so first, just what assumption
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does the Naive based model make if
00:05:16.890 --> 00:05:19.860
there are two features X1 and X2?
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Give you a second to think about it,
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Really two options there.
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They either it's one of it's either A
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or B, neither or both.
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I'll give you a moment.
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Alright, so how many say that A is an
00:05:52.900 --> 00:05:54.960
assumption that Naive Bayes makes?
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How many people say that B is an
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assumption that Naive Bayes makes?
00:06:03.950 --> 00:06:06.480
How many say that neither of those are
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And how many say that both of those are
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true, that they're the same thing and
00:06:13.582 --> 00:06:14.130
they're both true?
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So I think there are maybe at least one
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vote for each of them.
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But so the answer is B that Naive Bayes
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assumes that the features are
00:06:25.070 --> 00:06:27.675
independent of each other given the
00:06:27.675 --> 00:06:30.626
given the Prediction given the label.
00:06:30.626 --> 00:06:32.676
And I'll consistently use X for
00:06:32.676 --> 00:06:33.826
features and Y for label.
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Hopefully that part is clear.
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So A is not true because it's not
00:06:39.270 --> 00:06:42.180
assuming that the in fact A is just
00:06:42.180 --> 00:06:44.390
never true or?
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Is that ever true?
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I guess it could be true if Y is always
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one or under certain weird
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circumstances, but a is like a bad
00:06:52.930 --> 00:06:54.370
probability statement.
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And then B assumes that X1 and X2 are
00:06:58.555 --> 00:07:00.370
independent given Y because remember
00:07:00.370 --> 00:07:01.979
that if A&B are independent.
00:07:02.930 --> 00:07:04.496
Then probability of AB equals
00:07:04.496 --> 00:07:06.150
probability of a times probability B.
00:07:06.850 --> 00:07:08.580
And similarly, even if it's
00:07:08.580 --> 00:07:10.440
conditional, if X1 and X2 are
00:07:10.440 --> 00:07:12.700
independent, then probability of X1 and
00:07:12.700 --> 00:07:14.832
X2 given Y is equal to probability of
00:07:14.832 --> 00:07:16.642
X1 given Y times probability of X2
00:07:16.642 --> 00:07:17.150
given Y.
00:07:18.450 --> 00:07:21.660
And they're and they're not equivalent,
00:07:21.660 --> 00:07:24.010
they're different expressions.
00:07:24.010 --> 00:07:26.090
OK, so now this one is probably the.
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This one is the most.
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Complicated to work through I guess.
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So let's say X1 and X2 are binary
00:07:33.060 --> 00:07:35.780
features and Y is a binary label.
00:07:36.410 --> 00:07:37.180
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And then all I've set the probabilities
00:07:40.830 --> 00:07:44.794
so we know what X 1 = 1 given y = 0, X
00:07:44.794 --> 00:07:46.712
2 = 1 given y = 0.
00:07:46.712 --> 00:07:48.130
So I didn't fill out the whole
00:07:48.130 --> 00:07:49.820
probability table, but I gave enough
00:07:49.820 --> 00:07:51.710
maybe to do the first part.
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So if we make an app as assumption.
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So that's the assumption under B there.
00:07:58.810 --> 00:08:01.860
What is probability of y = 1?
00:08:02.900 --> 00:08:06.920
Given X 1 = 1 and X 2 = 1.
00:08:08.240 --> 00:08:09.890
I'll give you a little bit of time to
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start thinking about it, but I won't
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I won't ask anyone to call it the
00:08:14.650 --> 00:08:15.275
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I'll just start working through it.
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So think about how you would solve it.
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What things you have to multiply
00:08:26.030 --> 00:08:26.860
together, et cetera.
00:08:35.800 --> 00:08:36.110
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Alright, so I'll start working it out.
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So probability of Y1 given X1 and X2.
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So let's see.
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So probability of y = 1.
00:08:57.750 --> 00:09:02.530
Given X 1 = 1 and X 2 = 1.
00:09:05.000 --> 00:09:10.400
That's the probability of y = 1 X.
00:09:11.390 --> 00:09:12.160
00:09:13.210 --> 00:09:14.550
Equals one.
00:09:15.350 --> 00:09:17.180
X 2 = 1.
00:09:18.690 --> 00:09:19.830
Divided by.
00:09:20.740 --> 00:09:21.870
00:09:22.300 --> 00:09:22.650
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I'll just do sum over K to save myself
00:09:26.830 --> 00:09:27.490
some rating.
00:09:27.490 --> 00:09:28.920
I don't like writing by hand much.
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So sum K in the values of zero to 1
00:09:33.220 --> 00:09:34.430
probability of Y.
00:09:35.310 --> 00:09:41.530
Equals K&X 1 = 1 and X 2 = 1.
00:09:42.810 --> 00:09:45.100
So the reason for this, whoops, the
00:09:45.100 --> 00:09:46.740
reason for that is that.
00:09:46.810 --> 00:09:47.420
00:09:49.330 --> 00:09:51.910
I'm marginalizing out the Y so that is
00:09:51.910 --> 00:09:53.430
just equal to probability.
00:09:53.430 --> 00:09:54.916
On the denominator I have probability
00:09:54.916 --> 00:09:58.889
of X 1 = 1 and probability of X 2 = 1.
00:10:05.270 --> 00:10:08.570
And then this guy is going to be.
00:10:09.770 --> 00:10:10.690
I can get there.
00:10:11.450 --> 00:10:15.750
By probability of Y given X1 and X2.
00:10:16.690 --> 00:10:18.440
Equals probability.
00:10:19.300 --> 00:10:20.960
Sorry, I meant to flip that.
00:10:23.670 --> 00:10:26.130
Probability of X1 and X2.
00:10:28.920 --> 00:10:31.812
Given Y is equal to probability of X1
00:10:31.812 --> 00:10:35.919
given Y times probability of X 2 = y.
00:10:35.920 --> 00:10:37.490
That's the Naive Bayes assumption part.
00:10:38.520 --> 00:10:39.570
So the numerator.
00:10:40.540 --> 00:10:41.630
00:10:41.740 --> 00:10:43.250
Let's see.
00:10:43.250 --> 00:10:46.790
So the numerator will be 1/4 * 1/2.
00:10:47.900 --> 00:10:50.590
And then probability of Y is 5.
00:10:50.590 --> 00:10:53.240
So on the numerator of this expression
00:10:53.240 --> 00:10:56.730
here I have 1/4 * 1/2 * 5.
00:10:58.030 --> 00:11:01.966
And on the denominator I have 1/4 * 1/2
00:11:01.966 --> 00:11:03.230
* 1.5.
00:11:04.370 --> 00:11:05.140
00:11:07.090 --> 00:11:11.180
2/3 * 1/3 * .5, right?
00:11:11.180 --> 00:11:13.775
This is a probability of X = 1 given y
00:11:13.775 --> 00:11:16.730
= 0 times that, times that or times.
00:11:16.730 --> 00:11:18.678
And then it's times 5 because the
00:11:18.678 --> 00:11:20.561
probability of y = 1 is .5.
00:11:20.561 --> 00:11:23.249
Then probability of y = 0 is 1 -, .5,
00:11:23.250 --> 00:11:24.370
which is also 05.
00:11:25.650 --> 00:11:27.210
That's how I solve that first part.
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And then under Naive base assumption,
00:11:31.520 --> 00:11:34.340
is it possible to calculate this given
00:11:34.340 --> 00:11:35.990
the information I provided in those
00:11:35.990 --> 00:11:36.630
00:11:43.020 --> 00:11:45.180
So it's not.
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Under first glance it might look like
00:11:47.010 --> 00:11:49.480
it is, but it's not because I don't
00:11:49.480 --> 00:11:52.106
know what the probability of X = 0
00:11:52.106 --> 00:11:53.091
given Y is.
00:11:53.091 --> 00:11:54.810
I didn't give any information about
00:11:54.810 --> 00:11:54.965
00:11:54.965 --> 00:11:57.436
I only said what the probability of X1
00:11:57.436 --> 00:11:59.916
given Y is, and I can't figure out the
00:11:59.916 --> 00:12:02.683
probability of X0 given Y from the
00:12:02.683 --> 00:12:04.149
probability of X1 given Y.
00:12:05.960 --> 00:12:07.340
Or as I at least.
00:12:08.090 --> 00:12:09.870
I haven't thought through it in great
00:12:09.870 --> 00:12:11.245
detail, but I don't think I can figure
00:12:11.245 --> 00:12:11.500
it out.
00:12:13.090 --> 00:12:13.490
00:12:13.490 --> 00:12:16.180
So then with without the Naive's
00:12:16.180 --> 00:12:18.580
assumption, yeah, under the nibs,
00:12:18.580 --> 00:12:18.970
00:12:19.710 --> 00:12:21.020
I made a I was.
00:12:21.180 --> 00:12:21.400
00:12:22.240 --> 00:12:24.030
Under the name's assumption.
00:12:24.030 --> 00:12:26.560
Is it possible to figure that out?
00:12:26.560 --> 00:12:27.250
Let me think.
00:12:28.140 --> 00:12:29.570
Probability of X1.
00:12:38.260 --> 00:12:39.630
Yeah, sorry about that.
00:12:39.630 --> 00:12:42.530
I was I switched these in my head.
00:12:42.530 --> 00:12:44.620
So under the knob is assumption.
00:12:44.620 --> 00:12:47.310
Actually I can figure this out because.
00:12:47.400 --> 00:12:47.990
00:12:49.270 --> 00:12:52.470
If because if X, since X is binary,
00:12:52.470 --> 00:12:56.020
then if X probability of X 1 = 1 given
00:12:56.020 --> 00:12:56.779
y = 0.
00:12:57.440 --> 00:13:00.891
Is 2/3 then probability of X 1 = 0
00:13:00.891 --> 00:13:04.403
given y = 0 is 1/3 and probability of
00:13:04.403 --> 00:13:08.306
X2 given equals zero given y = 0 is 2/3
00:13:08.306 --> 00:13:12.599
and probability of X 1 = 0 given y = 1
00:13:12.599 --> 00:13:13.379
is 3/4.
00:13:13.380 --> 00:13:17.979
So I know probability of X = 0 given Y.
00:13:18.940 --> 00:13:22.590
Equals 0 or y = 1 so I can solve this
00:13:22.590 --> 00:13:22.800
00:13:23.520 --> 00:13:25.720
And then I kind of gave it away, but
00:13:25.720 --> 00:13:28.440
without the nib is assumption is it
00:13:28.440 --> 00:13:30.860
possible to calculate the probability
00:13:30.860 --> 00:13:34.179
of y = 1 given X 1 = 1 and X 2 = 1?
00:13:37.370 --> 00:13:39.600
No, I mean I already I said it, but.
00:13:40.670 --> 00:13:41.520
But no, it's not.
00:13:41.520 --> 00:13:43.090
And the reason is because I don't have
00:13:43.090 --> 00:13:44.520
any of the joint probabilities here.
00:13:44.520 --> 00:13:45.740
For that I would need to know
00:13:45.740 --> 00:13:48.785
something, the probability of X1 and X2
00:13:48.785 --> 00:13:51.440
and Y the full probability table.
00:13:51.440 --> 00:13:53.205
Or I would need to be given the
00:13:53.205 --> 00:13:55.359
probability of Y given X1 and X2.
00:14:04.200 --> 00:14:06.700
Alright, so that was just a little
00:14:06.700 --> 00:14:07.795
Review and warm up.
00:14:07.795 --> 00:14:10.410
So today I'm going to mainly talk about
00:14:10.410 --> 00:14:13.418
Linear models and in particular I'll
00:14:13.418 --> 00:14:15.938
talk about Linear, Logistic Regression
00:14:15.938 --> 00:14:17.522
and Linear Regression.
00:14:17.522 --> 00:14:19.240
And then as part of that I'll talk
00:14:19.240 --> 00:14:20.290
about this concept called
00:14:20.290 --> 00:14:21.180
00:14:24.880 --> 00:14:27.179
Right, So what is the Linear model?
00:14:27.179 --> 00:14:31.925
A Linear model is a model in a model is
00:14:31.925 --> 00:14:36.949
linear in X if it is a X plus some plus
00:14:36.950 --> 00:14:38.360
maybe some constant value.
00:14:39.030 --> 00:14:41.940
So I can write that as W transpose X +
00:14:41.940 --> 00:14:44.850
B and remember using your linear
00:14:44.850 --> 00:14:46.510
algebra that that's the same as the sum
00:14:46.510 --> 00:14:50.113
over I of wixi plus B.
00:14:50.113 --> 00:14:53.920
So for any values of X&B these are WI
00:14:53.920 --> 00:14:55.260
and B are scalars.
00:14:55.260 --> 00:14:57.835
XI would be a scalar, so X is a vector,
00:14:57.835 --> 00:14:58.370
W vector.
00:14:59.290 --> 00:15:02.680
So this is a Linear model no matter how
00:15:02.680 --> 00:15:03.990
I choose those coefficients.
00:15:05.750 --> 00:15:07.730
And there's two main kinds of Linear
00:15:07.730 --> 00:15:08.330
00:15:08.330 --> 00:15:10.603
There's a Linear classifier and a
00:15:10.603 --> 00:15:11.570
Linear regressor.
00:15:12.370 --> 00:15:15.210
So in a Linear classifier.
00:15:16.180 --> 00:15:19.450
This W transpose X + B is giving you a
00:15:19.450 --> 00:15:21.490
score for how likely.
00:15:22.190 --> 00:15:27.400
A feature vector is to belong to one
00:15:27.400 --> 00:15:28.790
class or the other class.
00:15:30.020 --> 00:15:31.300
So that's shown down here.
00:15:31.300 --> 00:15:33.854
We have like some O's and some
00:15:33.854 --> 00:15:34.320
00:15:34.320 --> 00:15:36.240
I've got a Linear model here.
00:15:36.240 --> 00:15:40.555
This is the West transpose X + B and
00:15:40.555 --> 00:15:44.270
that gives me a score that say that say
00:15:44.270 --> 00:15:46.220
that class is equal to 1.
00:15:46.220 --> 00:15:48.170
Maybe I'm saying the triangles are ones
00:15:48.170 --> 00:15:49.370
are y = 1.
00:15:50.220 --> 00:15:54.692
So if I this line will project all of
00:15:54.692 --> 00:15:57.242
these different points onto the line.
00:15:57.242 --> 00:15:59.847
The West transpose X + B projects all
00:15:59.847 --> 00:16:01.640
of these points onto this line.
00:16:02.650 --> 00:16:05.146
And then we tend to look at when you
00:16:05.146 --> 00:16:07.140
when you see like diagrams of Linear
00:16:07.140 --> 00:16:07.990
00:16:07.990 --> 00:16:09.480
Often what people are showing is the
00:16:09.480 --> 00:16:10.150
00:16:10.890 --> 00:16:13.550
Which is where W transpose X + b is
00:16:13.550 --> 00:16:14.400
equal to 0.
00:16:16.460 --> 00:16:18.580
So all the points that project on one
00:16:18.580 --> 00:16:20.699
side of the boundary will be one class
00:16:20.700 --> 00:16:22.264
and all the ones that project on the
00:16:22.264 --> 00:16:24.132
other side of the boundary or the other
00:16:24.132 --> 00:16:24.366
00:16:24.366 --> 00:16:26.670
Or in other words, if W transpose X + B
00:16:26.670 --> 00:16:27.830
is greater than 0.
00:16:28.470 --> 00:16:29.270
It's one class.
00:16:29.270 --> 00:16:30.675
If it's less than zero, it's the other
00:16:30.675 --> 00:16:30.960
00:16:32.640 --> 00:16:34.020
A Linear regressor.
00:16:34.020 --> 00:16:36.720
You're directly fitting the data
00:16:36.720 --> 00:16:40.790
points, and you're solving for a line
00:16:40.790 --> 00:16:42.430
that passes through.
00:16:43.630 --> 00:16:45.130
The target and features.
00:16:46.030 --> 00:16:48.495
So that you're more directly so that
00:16:48.495 --> 00:16:50.880
you're able to predict the target
00:16:50.880 --> 00:16:54.310
value, the Y given your features and so
00:16:54.310 --> 00:16:57.740
in 2D I can plot that as a 2D line, but
00:16:57.740 --> 00:16:59.740
it can be ND it could be a high
00:16:59.740 --> 00:17:00.600
dimensional line.
00:17:01.300 --> 00:17:04.890
And you have y = W transpose X + B.
00:17:06.290 --> 00:17:09.150
So in Classification, typically it's
00:17:09.150 --> 00:17:11.550
not Y equals W transpose X + B, it's
00:17:11.550 --> 00:17:15.210
some kind of score for how it's a score
00:17:15.210 --> 00:17:17.340
for Y, and in Regression you're
00:17:17.340 --> 00:17:20.290
directly fitting Y with that line.
00:17:21.820 --> 00:17:22.200
00:17:27.440 --> 00:17:33.335
I almost all situations so at the so at
00:17:33.335 --> 00:17:35.740
the end of the day, like for example if
00:17:35.740 --> 00:17:36.890
you're doing deep learning.
00:17:37.520 --> 00:17:40.510
All of the different layers of the most
00:17:40.510 --> 00:17:42.503
of the layers of the feature, I mean of
00:17:42.503 --> 00:17:43.960
the network, you can think of as
00:17:43.960 --> 00:17:46.260
learning a feature representation and
00:17:46.260 --> 00:17:47.510
at the end of it you have a Linear
00:17:47.510 --> 00:17:50.190
classifier that maps from the features
00:17:50.190 --> 00:17:51.420
into the target label.
00:18:06.090 --> 00:18:06.560
00:18:14.220 --> 00:18:16.592
So the so the question is if you were
00:18:16.592 --> 00:18:18.170
if you were trying to predict whether
00:18:18.170 --> 00:18:20.400
or not somebody is caught based on a
00:18:20.400 --> 00:18:21.150
bunch of features.
00:18:22.260 --> 00:18:23.979
You could use the Linear classifier for
00:18:23.980 --> 00:18:24.250
00:18:24.250 --> 00:18:26.840
So a Linear classifier is always a
00:18:26.840 --> 00:18:28.843
binary classifier, but you can also use
00:18:28.843 --> 00:18:30.530
it in Multiclass cases.
00:18:30.530 --> 00:18:33.777
So for example if you want to Classify
00:18:33.777 --> 00:18:35.860
if you have a picture of some animal
00:18:35.860 --> 00:18:37.366
and you want to Classify what kind of
00:18:37.366 --> 00:18:37.900
animal it is.
00:18:38.890 --> 00:18:40.634
And you have a bunch of features.
00:18:40.634 --> 00:18:43.470
Features could be like image Pixels, or
00:18:43.470 --> 00:18:45.950
it could be more complicated features
00:18:45.950 --> 00:18:48.420
than you would have a Linear model for
00:18:48.420 --> 00:18:50.860
each of the possible kinds of animals,
00:18:50.860 --> 00:18:54.040
and you would score each of the classes
00:18:54.040 --> 00:18:55.665
according to that model, and then you
00:18:55.665 --> 00:18:56.930
would choose the one with the highest
00:18:56.930 --> 00:18:57.280
00:18:58.790 --> 00:19:00.930
So there's so some examples of Linear
00:19:00.930 --> 00:19:03.720
models are support vector.
00:19:03.720 --> 00:19:06.570
The only the two main examples I would
00:19:06.570 --> 00:19:08.936
say are support vector machines and
00:19:08.936 --> 00:19:10.009
Logistic Regression.
00:19:10.009 --> 00:19:11.619
Linear Logistic Regression.
00:19:12.630 --> 00:19:14.750
Naive Bayes is also a Linear model,
00:19:14.750 --> 00:19:15.220
00:19:16.230 --> 00:19:18.080
And many other kinds of Classifiers.
00:19:18.080 --> 00:19:19.670
If you like, do the math, you can show
00:19:19.670 --> 00:19:21.150
that it's also a Linear model at the
00:19:21.150 --> 00:19:23.565
end of the day, but it's less thought
00:19:23.565 --> 00:19:24.510
that way.
00:19:31.680 --> 00:19:35.210
Cannon is not a Linear model.
00:19:35.210 --> 00:19:37.390
It has a non linear decision boundary.
00:19:38.070 --> 00:19:40.948
And boosted decision trees you can
00:19:40.948 --> 00:19:42.677
think of it as.
00:19:42.677 --> 00:19:45.180
So first like I will talk about trees
00:19:45.180 --> 00:19:47.750
and Bruce the decision trees next week.
00:19:47.750 --> 00:19:50.020
So I'm not going to fill in the details
00:19:50.020 --> 00:19:51.140
for those who don't know what they are.
00:19:51.140 --> 00:19:53.109
But basically you can think of it as
00:19:53.110 --> 00:19:55.010
that the tree is creating a
00:19:55.010 --> 00:19:56.280
partitioning of the features.
00:19:57.470 --> 00:19:59.115
Given that partitioning, you then have
00:19:59.115 --> 00:20:02.160
a Linear model on top of it, so you can
00:20:02.160 --> 00:20:03.570
think of it as an encoding of the
00:20:03.570 --> 00:20:04.850
features plus a Linear model.
00:20:06.030 --> 00:20:06.300
00:20:24.510 --> 00:20:26.290
How many like different models you need
00:20:26.290 --> 00:20:26.610
00:20:26.610 --> 00:20:28.350
So it's the.
00:20:28.350 --> 00:20:29.020
It depends.
00:20:29.020 --> 00:20:30.800
It's kind of given by the problem
00:20:30.800 --> 00:20:32.440
setup, so if you're told.
00:20:33.930 --> 00:20:35.890
If you for example.
00:20:36.970 --> 00:20:37.750
00:20:38.900 --> 00:20:39.590
00:20:40.930 --> 00:20:42.670
OK, I'll just choose an image example
00:20:42.670 --> 00:20:44.010
because this pop into my head most
00:20:44.010 --> 00:20:44.680
00:20:44.680 --> 00:20:45.970
So if you're trying to Classify
00:20:45.970 --> 00:20:47.720
something between male or female,
00:20:47.720 --> 00:20:49.670
Classify an image between is it a male
00:20:49.670 --> 00:20:50.210
or female?
00:20:50.210 --> 00:20:51.678
Then you know you have two classes so
00:20:51.678 --> 00:20:54.164
you need to fit two models, one or need
00:20:54.164 --> 00:20:54.820
to fit.
00:20:55.640 --> 00:20:57.200
And the two class model you only have
00:20:57.200 --> 00:20:58.670
to fit one model because either it's
00:20:58.670 --> 00:20:59.270
one or the other.
00:20:59.980 --> 00:21:03.445
If you have, if you're trying to
00:21:03.445 --> 00:21:05.153
Classify, let's say you're trying to
00:21:05.153 --> 00:21:06.845
Classify a face into different age
00:21:06.845 --> 00:21:07.160
00:21:07.160 --> 00:21:09.460
Is it somebody that's under 10, between
00:21:09.460 --> 00:21:11.832
10 and 2020 and 30 and so on, then you
00:21:11.832 --> 00:21:13.660
would need like one model for each of
00:21:13.660 --> 00:21:14.930
those age groups.
00:21:14.930 --> 00:21:17.566
So usually as a problem set up you say
00:21:17.566 --> 00:21:19.880
I have these like features available to
00:21:19.880 --> 00:21:22.194
make my Prediction, and I have these
00:21:22.194 --> 00:21:23.890
things that I want to Predict.
00:21:23.890 --> 00:21:28.460
And if the things are a like a set of
00:21:28.460 --> 00:21:30.560
categories, then you would need one
00:21:30.560 --> 00:21:32.060
Linear model per category.
00:21:33.040 --> 00:21:35.390
And if the thing that you're trying to
00:21:35.390 --> 00:21:38.990
Predict is a set of continuous values,
00:21:38.990 --> 00:21:40.940
then you would need one Linear model
00:21:40.940 --> 00:21:42.030
per continuous value.
00:21:42.710 --> 00:21:45.160
If you're using like Linear models.
00:21:45.860 --> 00:21:46.670
Does that make sense?
00:21:47.400 --> 00:21:49.980
And then you mentioned like.
00:21:50.790 --> 00:21:52.850
You mentioned hidden hidden layers or
00:21:52.850 --> 00:21:54.230
something, but that would be part of
00:21:54.230 --> 00:21:56.650
neural networks and that would be like.
00:21:57.450 --> 00:22:00.790
A design choice for the network that we
00:22:00.790 --> 00:22:02.320
can talk about when we get to network.
00:22:05.500 --> 00:22:05.810
00:22:09.100 --> 00:22:12.500
A Linear classifier, you would say that
00:22:12.500 --> 00:22:16.150
the label is 1 if W transpose X + B is
00:22:16.150 --> 00:22:16.950
greater than 0.
00:22:17.960 --> 00:22:19.410
And then there's this important concept
00:22:19.410 --> 00:22:21.040
called linearly separable.
00:22:21.040 --> 00:22:22.200
So that just means that you can
00:22:22.200 --> 00:22:24.425
separate the points, the features of
00:22:24.425 --> 00:22:25.530
the two classes.
00:22:26.450 --> 00:22:27.750
Cleanly so.
00:22:30.220 --> 00:22:33.780
So for example, which of these is
00:22:33.780 --> 00:22:36.000
linearly separable, the left or the
00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:36.460
00:22:38.250 --> 00:22:41.130
Right the left is linearly separable
00:22:41.130 --> 00:22:42.950
because I can put a line between them
00:22:42.950 --> 00:22:44.680
and all the triangles will be on one
00:22:44.680 --> 00:22:46.290
side and the circles will be on the
00:22:46.290 --> 00:22:46.520
00:22:47.210 --> 00:22:48.660
But the right side is not linearly
00:22:48.660 --> 00:22:49.190
00:22:49.190 --> 00:22:51.910
I can't put any line to separate those
00:22:51.910 --> 00:22:53.780
from the triangles.
00:22:55.970 --> 00:22:58.595
So it's important to note that.
00:22:58.595 --> 00:23:01.150
So sometimes, like the fact that I have
00:23:01.150 --> 00:23:03.230
to draw everything in 2D on slides can
00:23:03.230 --> 00:23:04.240
be a little misleading.
00:23:04.860 --> 00:23:07.220
It may make you think that Linear
00:23:07.220 --> 00:23:09.200
Classifiers are not very powerful.
00:23:10.080 --> 00:23:11.930
Because in two dimensions they're not
00:23:11.930 --> 00:23:13.860
very powerful, I can create lots of
00:23:13.860 --> 00:23:16.070
combinations of points where I just
00:23:16.070 --> 00:23:17.580
can't get very good Classification
00:23:17.580 --> 00:23:18.170
00:23:19.410 --> 00:23:21.410
But as you get into higher dimensions,
00:23:21.410 --> 00:23:23.340
the Linear Classifiers become more and
00:23:23.340 --> 00:23:24.140
more powerful.
00:23:25.210 --> 00:23:28.434
And in fact, if you have D dimensions,
00:23:28.434 --> 00:23:31.460
if you have D features, that's what I
00:23:31.460 --> 00:23:32.419
mean by D dimensions.
00:23:33.050 --> 00:23:35.850
Then you can separate D + 1 points with
00:23:35.850 --> 00:23:37.700
any arbitrary labeling.
00:23:37.700 --> 00:23:40.370
So as an example, if I have one
00:23:40.370 --> 00:23:42.300
dimension, I only have one feature
00:23:42.300 --> 00:23:42.880
00:23:43.610 --> 00:23:45.350
I can separate two points whether I
00:23:45.350 --> 00:23:47.740
label this as X and this is O or
00:23:47.740 --> 00:23:49.400
reverse I can separate them.
00:23:50.930 --> 00:23:52.430
But I can't separate these three
00:23:52.430 --> 00:23:53.100
00:23:53.100 --> 00:23:55.730
So if it were like XI could separate
00:23:55.730 --> 00:23:58.519
it, but when it's Oxo I can't separate
00:23:58.520 --> 00:24:02.050
that with A1 dimensional 1 dimensional
00:24:02.050 --> 00:24:02.880
linear separator.
00:24:04.770 --> 00:24:07.090
In 2 dimensions, I can separate these
00:24:07.090 --> 00:24:08.730
three points no matter how I label
00:24:08.730 --> 00:24:11.570
them, whether it's ox or ox, no matter
00:24:11.570 --> 00:24:13.365
how I do it, I can put a line between
00:24:13.365 --> 00:24:13.590
00:24:14.240 --> 00:24:16.220
But I can't separate four points.
00:24:16.220 --> 00:24:18.030
So that's a concept called shattering
00:24:18.030 --> 00:24:20.926
and an idea and Generalization theory
00:24:20.926 --> 00:24:22.017
called the VC dimension.
00:24:22.017 --> 00:24:24.120
The more points you can shatter, like
00:24:24.120 --> 00:24:26.175
the more powerful your classifier, but
00:24:26.175 --> 00:24:27.630
more importantly.
00:24:28.430 --> 00:24:30.910
The If you think about if you have 1000
00:24:30.910 --> 00:24:31.590
00:24:32.320 --> 00:24:34.630
That means that if you have 1000 data
00:24:34.630 --> 00:24:38.130
points, random feature points, and you
00:24:38.130 --> 00:24:40.386
label them arbitrarily, there's two to
00:24:40.386 --> 00:24:41.274
the one.
00:24:41.274 --> 00:24:43.939
There's two to the 1000 different
00:24:43.940 --> 00:24:45.960
labels that you could assign different
00:24:45.960 --> 00:24:47.478
like label sets that you could assign
00:24:47.478 --> 00:24:49.965
to those 1000 points because either one
00:24:49.965 --> 00:24:50.440
could be.
00:24:50.440 --> 00:24:51.650
Every point can be positive or
00:24:51.650 --> 00:24:51.940
00:24:53.320 --> 00:24:55.150
For all of those two to the 1000
00:24:55.150 --> 00:24:57.110
different labelings, you can linearly
00:24:57.110 --> 00:24:59.110
separate it perfectly with 1000
00:24:59.110 --> 00:24:59.560
00:25:00.500 --> 00:25:02.490
So that's pretty crazy.
00:25:02.490 --> 00:25:04.080
So this Linear classifier.
00:25:04.720 --> 00:25:07.480
Can deal with these two to the 1000
00:25:07.480 --> 00:25:09.370
different cases perfectly.
00:25:11.010 --> 00:25:12.420
So as you get into very high
00:25:12.420 --> 00:25:14.315
dimensions, Linear classifier gets very
00:25:14.315 --> 00:25:15.100
very powerful.
00:25:22.530 --> 00:25:23.060
00:25:23.940 --> 00:25:26.850
So the question is, more dimensions
00:25:26.850 --> 00:25:28.110
mean more storage?
00:25:28.110 --> 00:25:30.970
Yes, but it's only Linear, so.
00:25:31.040 --> 00:25:33.710
So that's not usually too much of a
00:25:33.710 --> 00:25:34.290
00:25:37.990 --> 00:25:38.230
00:26:14.610 --> 00:26:16.100
So the question is like how do you
00:26:16.100 --> 00:26:18.160
visualize 1000 features?
00:26:18.830 --> 00:26:20.260
00:26:20.400 --> 00:26:23.870
And so I will talk about essentially
00:26:23.870 --> 00:26:25.180
you have to map it down into 2
00:26:25.180 --> 00:26:26.750
dimensions or one dimension in
00:26:26.750 --> 00:26:29.390
different ways and I'll talk about that
00:26:29.390 --> 00:26:30.945
later in this semester.
00:26:30.945 --> 00:26:33.890
So there's the simplest methods are
00:26:33.890 --> 00:26:36.720
Linear Linear projections, principal
00:26:36.720 --> 00:26:38.490
component analysis, where you'd project
00:26:38.490 --> 00:26:40.230
it down under the dominant directions.
00:26:41.180 --> 00:26:43.220
There's also like nonlinear local
00:26:43.220 --> 00:26:46.640
embeddings that will create a better
00:26:46.640 --> 00:26:48.100
mapping out of all the features.
00:26:49.700 --> 00:26:51.880
You can also do things like analyze
00:26:51.880 --> 00:26:53.490
each feature by itself to see how
00:26:53.490 --> 00:26:54.380
predictive it is.
00:26:55.260 --> 00:26:56.750
00:26:56.860 --> 00:26:57.750
But like.
00:26:58.850 --> 00:27:00.807
Ultimately you kind of need to do a
00:27:00.807 --> 00:27:01.010
00:27:01.010 --> 00:27:03.120
So you what you would do is you do some
00:27:03.120 --> 00:27:04.936
kind of validation test where you would
00:27:04.936 --> 00:27:08.640
train a train a Linear model on say
00:27:08.640 --> 00:27:10.600
like 80% of the data and test it on the
00:27:10.600 --> 00:27:12.860
other 20% to see if you're able to
00:27:12.860 --> 00:27:15.200
predict the remaining 20% or if you
00:27:15.200 --> 00:27:16.439
want to just see if it's linearly
00:27:16.439 --> 00:27:16.646
00:27:16.646 --> 00:27:18.678
Then if you train it on all the data,
00:27:18.678 --> 00:27:20.633
if you get perfect Training Error then
00:27:20.633 --> 00:27:21.471
it's linearly separable.
00:27:21.471 --> 00:27:23.317
And if you don't get perfect Training
00:27:23.317 --> 00:27:25.180
Error then it's then it's not.
00:27:25.180 --> 00:27:27.830
Unless you like if you didn't apply a
00:27:27.830 --> 00:27:29.070
very strong regularization.
00:27:30.640 --> 00:27:31.060
You're welcome.
00:27:31.930 --> 00:27:33.380
Yeah, but you can't really visualize
00:27:33.380 --> 00:27:34.310
more than two dimensions.
00:27:34.310 --> 00:27:36.870
That's always a challenge, and it leads
00:27:36.870 --> 00:27:38.820
sometimes to bad intuitions.
00:27:40.520 --> 00:27:41.370
00:27:42.610 --> 00:27:44.100
The thing is though that there is still
00:27:44.100 --> 00:27:45.970
like there might be many different ways
00:27:45.970 --> 00:27:48.560
that I can separate the points, so all
00:27:48.560 --> 00:27:50.500
of these will achieve 0 training error.
00:27:50.500 --> 00:27:53.000
So the different Classifiers, the
00:27:53.000 --> 00:27:54.860
different Linear Classifiers just have
00:27:54.860 --> 00:27:56.680
different ways of choosing the line
00:27:56.680 --> 00:27:58.600
essentially that make different
00:27:58.600 --> 00:27:59.200
00:28:00.850 --> 00:28:02.360
00:28:02.420 --> 00:28:04.450
Common principles are that you want to
00:28:04.450 --> 00:28:06.670
get everything correct if you can, so
00:28:06.670 --> 00:28:08.295
it's kind of obvious like ideally you
00:28:08.295 --> 00:28:10.190
want to separate the positive from
00:28:10.190 --> 00:28:11.700
negative examples with your Linear
00:28:11.700 --> 00:28:12.210
00:28:13.030 --> 00:28:14.860
Or you want the scores to predict the
00:28:14.860 --> 00:28:15.460
correct label?
00:28:17.150 --> 00:28:18.820
But you also want to have some high
00:28:18.820 --> 00:28:22.160
margin, so I would generally prefer
00:28:22.160 --> 00:28:25.110
this separating boundary than this one.
00:28:26.090 --> 00:28:28.465
Because this one, like everything, has
00:28:28.465 --> 00:28:30.340
like at least this distance away from
00:28:30.340 --> 00:28:32.860
the line, where with this boundary some
00:28:32.860 --> 00:28:34.415
of the points come pretty close to the
00:28:34.415 --> 00:28:34.630
00:28:35.230 --> 00:28:37.420
And there's theory that shows that the
00:28:37.420 --> 00:28:40.340
bigger your margin for the same like
00:28:40.340 --> 00:28:41.320
weight size.
00:28:41.950 --> 00:28:44.590
The more likely you're classifier is to
00:28:44.590 --> 00:28:45.360
00:28:45.360 --> 00:28:46.820
It kind of makes sense if you think of
00:28:46.820 --> 00:28:48.055
this as a random sample.
00:28:48.055 --> 00:28:50.346
If I were to Generate like more
00:28:50.346 --> 00:28:52.400
triangles from the sample, you could
00:28:52.400 --> 00:28:54.118
imagine that maybe one of the triangles
00:28:54.118 --> 00:28:55.595
would fall on the wrong side of the
00:28:55.595 --> 00:28:56.690
line and then this would make a
00:28:56.690 --> 00:28:58.800
Classification Error, while that seems
00:28:58.800 --> 00:29:00.270
less likely given this line.
00:29:05.420 --> 00:29:07.760
So that brings us to Linear Logistic
00:29:07.760 --> 00:29:08.390
00:29:09.230 --> 00:29:12.440
And in Linear Logistic Regression, we
00:29:12.440 --> 00:29:14.390
want to maximize the probability of the
00:29:14.390 --> 00:29:15.560
labels given the data.
00:29:17.530 --> 00:29:19.747
And the probability of the label equals
00:29:19.747 --> 00:29:21.950
one given the data is given by this
00:29:21.950 --> 00:29:24.210
expression, here 1 / 1 + e to the
00:29:24.210 --> 00:29:25.710
negative my Linear model.
00:29:26.730 --> 00:29:29.620
This function 1 / 1 / 1 + E to the
00:29:29.620 --> 00:29:32.023
negative whatever is a Logistic
00:29:32.023 --> 00:29:34.056
function, that's called the Logistic
00:29:34.056 --> 00:29:34.449
00:29:34.450 --> 00:29:37.132
So that's why this is Logistic Linear
00:29:37.132 --> 00:29:39.270
Logistic Regression because I've got a
00:29:39.270 --> 00:29:41.020
Linear model inside my Logistic
00:29:41.020 --> 00:29:41.500
00:29:42.170 --> 00:29:44.060
So I'm regressing the Logistic function
00:29:44.060 --> 00:29:44.900
with a Linear model.
00:29:46.860 --> 00:29:48.240
This is called a logic.
00:29:48.240 --> 00:29:51.270
So this statement up here the second
00:29:51.270 --> 00:29:53.410
line implies that my Linear model.
00:29:54.200 --> 00:29:56.225
Is fitting the.
00:29:56.225 --> 00:29:59.210
It's called the odds log ratio.
00:29:59.210 --> 00:30:01.469
So it's the log or log odds ratio.
00:30:02.210 --> 00:30:04.673
It's the log of the probability of y =
00:30:04.673 --> 00:30:06.962
1 given X over the probability of y = 0
00:30:06.962 --> 00:30:07.450
given X.
00:30:08.360 --> 00:30:10.390
So if this is greater than zero, it
00:30:10.390 --> 00:30:13.373
means that probability of y = 1 given X
00:30:13.373 --> 00:30:16.216
is more likely than probability of y =
00:30:16.216 --> 00:30:18.480
0 given X, and if it's less than zero
00:30:18.480 --> 00:30:19.590
then the reverse is true.
00:30:20.780 --> 00:30:24.042
This ratio is always 2 alternatives, so
00:30:24.042 --> 00:30:24.807
it's one.
00:30:24.807 --> 00:30:26.350
It's either going to be one class or
00:30:26.350 --> 00:30:27.980
the other class, and this is the ratio
00:30:27.980 --> 00:30:29.060
of those probabilities.
00:30:34.620 --> 00:30:37.640
So if we think about Linear Logistic
00:30:37.640 --> 00:30:39.900
Regression versus Naive Bayes.
00:30:41.460 --> 00:30:43.350
They actually both have this Linear
00:30:43.350 --> 00:30:45.620
model for at least Naive Bayes does for
00:30:45.620 --> 00:30:47.420
many different probability functions.
00:30:48.070 --> 00:30:49.810
For all the probability functions and
00:30:49.810 --> 00:30:52.710
exponential family, which includes
00:30:52.710 --> 00:30:55.000
Bernoulli, multinomial, Gaussian,
00:30:55.000 --> 00:30:57.790
Laplacian, and many others, they're the
00:30:57.790 --> 00:31:00.010
favorite favorite probability family of
00:31:00.010 --> 00:31:00.970
00:31:02.600 --> 00:31:04.970
The Naive Bayes predictor is also
00:31:04.970 --> 00:31:07.610
Linear in X, but the difference is that
00:31:07.610 --> 00:31:09.580
in Logistic Regression you're free to
00:31:09.580 --> 00:31:11.460
independently tune these weights in
00:31:11.460 --> 00:31:14.580
order to achieve your overall label
00:31:14.580 --> 00:31:15.250
00:31:16.110 --> 00:31:17.835
While in Naive Bayes you're restricted
00:31:17.835 --> 00:31:19.650
to solve for each coefficient
00:31:19.650 --> 00:31:22.260
independently in order to maximize the
00:31:22.260 --> 00:31:24.580
probability of each feature given the
00:31:24.580 --> 00:31:24.940
00:31:25.980 --> 00:31:27.620
So for that reason, I would say
00:31:27.620 --> 00:31:29.430
Logistic Regression model is typically
00:31:29.430 --> 00:31:31.060
more expressive than IBS.
00:31:31.870 --> 00:31:33.736
It's possible for your data to be
00:31:33.736 --> 00:31:35.610
linearly separable, but Naive Bayes
00:31:35.610 --> 00:31:37.980
does not achieve 0 training error while
00:31:37.980 --> 00:31:39.080
four Logistic Regression.
00:31:39.080 --> 00:31:40.637
You could always achieve 0 training
00:31:40.637 --> 00:31:42.335
error if your data is linearly
00:31:42.335 --> 00:31:42.830
00:31:45.160 --> 00:31:47.470
And then finally, it's important to
00:31:47.470 --> 00:31:48.930
note that Logistic Regression is
00:31:48.930 --> 00:31:50.810
directly fitting this discriminative
00:31:50.810 --> 00:31:52.500
function, so it's mapping from the
00:31:52.500 --> 00:31:54.826
features to a label and solving for
00:31:54.826 --> 00:31:55.339
that mapping.
00:31:56.050 --> 00:31:58.364
While many bees is trying to model the
00:31:58.364 --> 00:32:00.773
probability of the features given the
00:32:00.773 --> 00:32:02.405
data, so Logistic Regression doesn't
00:32:02.405 --> 00:32:02.840
model that.
00:32:02.840 --> 00:32:04.541
It just cares about the probability of
00:32:04.541 --> 00:32:06.383
the label given the data, not the
00:32:06.383 --> 00:32:07.486
probability of the data given the
00:32:07.486 --> 00:32:07.670
00:32:09.020 --> 00:32:10.190
That probably features.
00:32:12.600 --> 00:32:13.050
00:32:14.990 --> 00:32:18.900
So Logistic Regression, sometimes
00:32:18.900 --> 00:32:20.520
people will say it's a discriminative
00:32:20.520 --> 00:32:22.529
function because you're trying to
00:32:22.530 --> 00:32:23.980
discriminate between the different
00:32:23.980 --> 00:32:25.330
things you're trying to Predict,
00:32:25.330 --> 00:32:28.130
meaning that you're trying to fit the
00:32:28.130 --> 00:32:29.560
probability of the thing that you're
00:32:29.560 --> 00:32:30.190
trying to Predict.
00:32:30.860 --> 00:32:33.170
Given the features or given the data.
00:32:34.120 --> 00:32:36.870
Where sometimes people say that.
00:32:36.940 --> 00:32:40.000
That, like Naive Bayes model is a
00:32:40.000 --> 00:32:42.490
generative model and they mean that
00:32:42.490 --> 00:32:45.270
you're trying to fit the probability of
00:32:45.270 --> 00:32:47.706
the data or the features given the
00:32:47.706 --> 00:32:48.100
00:32:48.100 --> 00:32:49.719
So with Naive Bayes you end up with a
00:32:49.720 --> 00:32:52.008
joint distribution of all the data and
00:32:52.008 --> 00:32:52.384
00:32:52.384 --> 00:32:54.500
With Logistic Regression you would just
00:32:54.500 --> 00:32:56.222
have the probability of the label given
00:32:56.222 --> 00:32:56.730
the features.
00:33:02.750 --> 00:33:03.200
00:33:03.960 --> 00:33:06.140
With Linear Logistic Regression, the
00:33:06.140 --> 00:33:07.510
further you are from the lion, the
00:33:07.510 --> 00:33:08.700
higher the confidence.
00:33:08.700 --> 00:33:10.875
So if you're like way over here, then
00:33:10.875 --> 00:33:11.990
you're really confident you're a
00:33:11.990 --> 00:33:12.360
00:33:12.360 --> 00:33:14.086
If you're just like right over here,
00:33:14.086 --> 00:33:15.076
then you're not very confident.
00:33:15.076 --> 00:33:16.595
And if you're right on the line, then
00:33:16.595 --> 00:33:18.165
you have equal confidence in triangle
00:33:18.165 --> 00:33:18.820
and circle.
00:33:21.820 --> 00:33:23.626
So the Logistic Regression algorithm
00:33:23.626 --> 00:33:25.300
there's always, as always, there's a
00:33:25.300 --> 00:33:26.710
Training and a Prediction phase.
00:33:27.790 --> 00:33:30.690
So in Training, you're trying to find
00:33:30.690 --> 00:33:31.810
the weights.
00:33:32.420 --> 00:33:35.450
That minimize this expression here
00:33:35.450 --> 00:33:36.635
which has two parts.
00:33:36.635 --> 00:33:39.750
The first part is a negative sum of log
00:33:39.750 --> 00:33:42.030
probability of Y given X and the
00:33:42.030 --> 00:33:42.400
00:33:43.370 --> 00:33:46.160
So breaking this down, South the reason
00:33:46.160 --> 00:33:47.022
for negative.
00:33:47.022 --> 00:33:49.177
So this is the negative.
00:33:49.177 --> 00:33:52.400
This is the same as.
00:33:52.470 --> 00:33:57.010
Maximizing the total probability of the
00:33:57.010 --> 00:33:58.100
labels given the data.
00:34:00.030 --> 00:34:01.670
The reason for the negative is just so
00:34:01.670 --> 00:34:03.960
I can write argument instead of argmax,
00:34:03.960 --> 00:34:05.830
because generally we tend to minimize
00:34:05.830 --> 00:34:07.320
things in machine learning, not
00:34:07.320 --> 00:34:07.960
maximize them.
00:34:08.680 --> 00:34:13.630
But the log is making it so that I turn
00:34:13.630 --> 00:34:14.220
00:34:14.220 --> 00:34:15.820
Normally if I want to model a joint
00:34:15.820 --> 00:34:18.210
distribution, I have to take a product
00:34:18.210 --> 00:34:19.630
over all the different.
00:34:20.340 --> 00:34:21.760
Over all the different likelihood
00:34:21.760 --> 00:34:22.150
00:34:23.020 --> 00:34:24.570
But when I take the log of the product,
00:34:24.570 --> 00:34:25.940
it becomes the sum of the logs.
00:34:26.840 --> 00:34:29.360
And now another thing is that I'm
00:34:29.360 --> 00:34:31.940
assuming here that all of that each
00:34:31.940 --> 00:34:34.419
label only depends on its own features.
00:34:34.420 --> 00:34:36.764
So if I have 1000 data points, then
00:34:36.764 --> 00:34:38.938
each of the thousand labels only
00:34:38.938 --> 00:34:40.483
depends on the features for its own
00:34:40.483 --> 00:34:41.677
data point, it doesn't depend on all
00:34:41.677 --> 00:34:42.160
the others.
00:34:43.610 --> 00:34:45.700
And then I'm assuming that they all
00:34:45.700 --> 00:34:47.110
come from the same distribution.
00:34:47.110 --> 00:34:50.470
So I'm assuming IID independent and
00:34:50.470 --> 00:34:52.520
identically distributed data, which is
00:34:52.520 --> 00:34:55.120
always an almost always an unspoken
00:34:55.120 --> 00:34:56.390
assumption in machine learning.
00:34:58.540 --> 00:35:00.360
Alright, so the first term is saying I
00:35:00.360 --> 00:35:02.370
want to maximize the likelihood of my
00:35:02.370 --> 00:35:04.040
labels given the features over the
00:35:04.040 --> 00:35:04.610
Training set.
00:35:05.220 --> 00:35:06.460
So that's reasonable.
00:35:07.200 --> 00:35:08.880
And then the second term is a
00:35:08.880 --> 00:35:11.000
regularization term that says I prefer
00:35:11.000 --> 00:35:12.246
some models over others.
00:35:12.246 --> 00:35:14.280
I prefer models that have smaller
00:35:14.280 --> 00:35:16.280
weights, and I'll get into that a
00:35:16.280 --> 00:35:17.660
little bit more in a later slide.
00:35:20.460 --> 00:35:22.170
So that Prediction is straightforward,
00:35:22.170 --> 00:35:23.910
it's just I kind of already went
00:35:23.910 --> 00:35:24.680
through it.
00:35:24.680 --> 00:35:26.360
Once you have the weights, all you have
00:35:26.360 --> 00:35:28.160
to do is multiply your weights by your
00:35:28.160 --> 00:35:30.330
features, and that gives you the score
00:35:30.330 --> 00:35:31.180
00:35:38.860 --> 00:35:40.590
Yeah, so I should explain the notation.
00:35:40.590 --> 00:35:42.090
There's different ways of denoting
00:35:42.090 --> 00:35:42.960
this, so.
00:35:44.230 --> 00:35:48.050
Usually when somebody puts a bar, they
00:35:48.050 --> 00:35:50.680
mean that it's given some features,
00:35:50.680 --> 00:35:52.440
given some data points or whatever.
00:35:53.130 --> 00:35:55.156
And then when somebody puts like a semi
00:35:55.156 --> 00:35:56.330
colon, or at least when I do it.
00:35:56.330 --> 00:35:58.450
But I see this a lot, if somebody puts
00:35:58.450 --> 00:36:00.660
like a semi colon here, then they're
00:36:00.660 --> 00:36:02.580
saying that these are the parameters.
00:36:02.580 --> 00:36:04.070
So what we're saying is that this
00:36:04.070 --> 00:36:05.380
probability function.
00:36:06.360 --> 00:36:08.830
Is like parameterized by W.
00:36:09.640 --> 00:36:13.536
And the input to that function is X and
00:36:13.536 --> 00:36:15.030
the output of the function.
00:36:15.810 --> 00:36:18.590
Is that probability of Y?
00:36:23.080 --> 00:36:24.688
The other way that you can write it
00:36:24.688 --> 00:36:26.676
that you it sometimes, and I first had
00:36:26.676 --> 00:36:28.443
it this way and then I switched it, is
00:36:28.443 --> 00:36:30.890
you might write like a subscript, so it
00:36:30.890 --> 00:36:33.635
might be P under score West.
00:36:33.635 --> 00:36:35.590
And part of the reason why you put this
00:36:35.590 --> 00:36:37.480
in here is just because otherwise it's
00:36:37.480 --> 00:36:39.776
not obvious that this term depends on
00:36:39.776 --> 00:36:40.480
West at all.
00:36:40.480 --> 00:36:43.405
And if you were like if you looked at
00:36:43.405 --> 00:36:45.170
it quickly and you were like trying to
00:36:45.170 --> 00:36:46.440
solve, you just be like, I don't care
00:36:46.440 --> 00:36:47.620
about that term, I'm just doing
00:36:47.620 --> 00:36:48.380
00:36:49.600 --> 00:36:50.260
00:36:57.930 --> 00:37:00.370
So I forgot to say this out loud.
00:37:04.110 --> 00:37:06.070
So it is simplify the notation.
00:37:06.070 --> 00:37:08.980
I may omit the B which can be avoided
00:37:08.980 --> 00:37:10.971
by putting A1 at the end of the feature
00:37:10.971 --> 00:37:11.225
00:37:11.225 --> 00:37:12.702
So basically you can always take your
00:37:12.702 --> 00:37:14.326
feature vector and add a one to the end
00:37:14.326 --> 00:37:16.763
of all your features and then the B
00:37:16.763 --> 00:37:19.230
just becomes one of the W's and so I'm
00:37:19.230 --> 00:37:20.830
going to leave out the BA lot of times
00:37:20.830 --> 00:37:21.950
because otherwise it just kind of
00:37:21.950 --> 00:37:23.060
clutters up the equations.
00:37:27.540 --> 00:37:28.080
Thanks for.
00:37:28.970 --> 00:37:30.430
Pointing out though.
00:37:32.040 --> 00:37:34.090
Alright, so as I said before, one
00:37:34.090 --> 00:37:34.390
00:37:34.390 --> 00:37:36.430
As I said before the this is the
00:37:36.430 --> 00:37:38.370
probability function that Logistic
00:37:38.370 --> 00:37:39.390
Regression assumes.
00:37:39.390 --> 00:37:41.691
If I multiply the top and the bottom by
00:37:41.691 --> 00:37:44.115
east to the West transpose X, then it's
00:37:44.115 --> 00:37:46.478
this because east to the West transpose
00:37:46.478 --> 00:37:47.630
X times that is 1.
00:37:48.540 --> 00:37:50.370
And then this generalizes.
00:37:50.370 --> 00:37:53.020
If I have multiple classes, then I
00:37:53.020 --> 00:37:54.740
would have a different weight vector
00:37:54.740 --> 00:37:55.640
for each class.
00:37:55.640 --> 00:37:57.435
So this is summing over all the classes
00:37:57.435 --> 00:37:59.545
and the final probability is given by
00:37:59.545 --> 00:38:02.120
this expression, so it's east to the
00:38:02.120 --> 00:38:02.980
Linear model.
00:38:04.170 --> 00:38:06.028
Divided by E to the sum of all the
00:38:06.028 --> 00:38:06.830
other Linear models.
00:38:06.830 --> 00:38:08.780
So it's basically your score for one
00:38:08.780 --> 00:38:10.646
model, divided by the score for all the
00:38:10.646 --> 00:38:12.513
other models, sum of score for all the
00:38:12.513 --> 00:38:12.979
other models.
00:38:14.140 --> 00:38:15.060
Was there a question?
00:38:15.060 --> 00:38:16.859
I thought somebody had a question,
00:38:16.860 --> 00:38:17.010
00:38:25.670 --> 00:38:26.490
Yeah, good question.
00:38:26.490 --> 00:38:28.010
It's just the log of the probability.
00:38:28.820 --> 00:38:31.700
And the sum over N is just the
00:38:31.700 --> 00:38:33.690
probability term, it's not summing
00:38:33.690 --> 00:38:36.080
over, it's not the regularization times
00:38:36.080 --> 00:38:36.370
00:38:39.350 --> 00:38:39.700
00:38:46.280 --> 00:38:50.170
If you're doing back prop, it depends
00:38:50.170 --> 00:38:51.770
on your activation functions, so.
00:38:52.600 --> 00:38:55.500
We will get into neural networks, but
00:38:55.500 --> 00:38:59.120
so you would if all your if at the end
00:38:59.120 --> 00:39:01.250
you have a Linear Logistic regressor.
00:39:01.880 --> 00:39:03.580
Then you would basically calculate the
00:39:03.580 --> 00:39:06.170
error due to your predictions in the
00:39:06.170 --> 00:39:08.170
last layer and then you would like
00:39:08.170 --> 00:39:10.234
accumulate those into the previous
00:39:10.234 --> 00:39:11.684
features and the previous features in
00:39:11.684 --> 00:39:12.409
the previous features.
00:39:13.980 --> 00:39:15.900
But sometimes people use like Velu or
00:39:15.900 --> 00:39:17.580
other activation functions, so then it
00:39:17.580 --> 00:39:18.100
would be different.
00:39:22.890 --> 00:39:24.900
So how do we train this thing?
00:39:24.900 --> 00:39:26.210
How do we optimize West?
00:39:27.330 --> 00:39:28.880
First, I want to explain the
00:39:28.880 --> 00:39:29.790
regularization term.
00:39:30.510 --> 00:39:31.710
There's two main kinds of
00:39:31.710 --> 00:39:32.610
00:39:32.610 --> 00:39:35.740
There's L2 2 regularization and L1
00:39:35.740 --> 00:39:36.420
00:39:37.080 --> 00:39:39.280
So L2 2 regularization is that you're
00:39:39.280 --> 00:39:41.756
minimizing the sum of the square values
00:39:41.756 --> 00:39:42.680
of the weights.
00:39:43.330 --> 00:39:45.908
I can write that as an L2 norm squared.
00:39:45.908 --> 00:39:48.985
That double bar thing is means like
00:39:48.985 --> 00:39:52.635
norm and the two under it means it's an
00:39:52.635 --> 00:39:55.132
L2 and the two above it means it's
00:39:55.132 --> 00:39:55.340
00:39:56.380 --> 00:39:58.500
Or I can write or I can do A1
00:39:58.500 --> 00:40:00.210
regularization, which is a sum of the
00:40:00.210 --> 00:40:01.660
absolute values of the weights.
00:40:02.920 --> 00:40:03.570
00:40:05.220 --> 00:40:07.540
And I can write that as the norm like
00:40:07.540 --> 00:40:08.210
subscript 1.
00:40:09.350 --> 00:40:11.700
And then those are weighted by some
00:40:11.700 --> 00:40:13.670
Lambda which is a parameter that has to
00:40:13.670 --> 00:40:15.910
be set by the algorithm designer.
00:40:17.180 --> 00:40:20.100
Or based on some data like validation
00:40:20.100 --> 00:40:20.710
00:40:21.820 --> 00:40:23.910
So these may look really similar
00:40:23.910 --> 00:40:25.650
squared absolute value.
00:40:25.650 --> 00:40:28.140
What's the difference as W goes higher?
00:40:28.140 --> 00:40:30.580
It means that you get a bigger penalty
00:40:30.580 --> 00:40:31.180
in either case.
00:40:31.890 --> 00:40:33.420
But they behave actually like quite
00:40:33.420 --> 00:40:33.960
00:40:34.830 --> 00:40:37.710
So if you look at this plot of L2
00:40:37.710 --> 00:40:39.990
versus L1, when the weight is 0,
00:40:39.990 --> 00:40:40.822
there's no penalty.
00:40:40.822 --> 00:40:43.090
When the weight is 1, the penalties are
00:40:43.090 --> 00:40:43.700
00:40:43.700 --> 00:40:45.760
When the weight is less than one, then
00:40:45.760 --> 00:40:48.207
the L2 penalty is smaller than the L1
00:40:48.207 --> 00:40:48.490
00:40:48.490 --> 00:40:50.080
It has this like little basin where
00:40:50.080 --> 00:40:51.820
basically the penalty is almost 0.
00:40:52.760 --> 00:40:54.880
And but when the weight gets far from
00:40:54.880 --> 00:40:56.960
one, the L2 penalty shoots up.
00:40:57.870 --> 00:41:00.820
So L2 2 regularization hates really
00:41:00.820 --> 00:41:03.060
large weights, and they're perfectly
00:41:03.060 --> 00:41:05.030
fine with like lots of tiny little
00:41:05.030 --> 00:41:05.360
00:41:06.560 --> 00:41:08.490
L1 regularization doesn't like any
00:41:08.490 --> 00:41:10.600
weights, but it kind of doesn't like
00:41:10.600 --> 00:41:11.760
the mall roughly equally.
00:41:11.760 --> 00:41:14.170
So it doesn't like weights of three,
00:41:14.170 --> 00:41:16.699
but it's not as bad as it doesn't
00:41:16.700 --> 00:41:18.250
dislike them as much as L2 2.
00:41:19.130 --> 00:41:21.410
It also doesn't even a weight of 1.
00:41:21.410 --> 00:41:23.150
It's going to try just as hard to push
00:41:23.150 --> 00:41:24.722
that down as it does to push a weight
00:41:24.722 --> 00:41:25.200
of three.
00:41:27.020 --> 00:41:28.990
So when you think about when you when
00:41:28.990 --> 00:41:30.870
you think about optimization, you
00:41:30.870 --> 00:41:32.099
always want to think about the
00:41:32.100 --> 00:41:35.010
derivative as well as the.
00:41:35.390 --> 00:41:37.510
Like pure function, because you're
00:41:37.510 --> 00:41:38.830
always Minimizing, you're always
00:41:38.830 --> 00:41:40.310
setting a derivative equal to 0, and
00:41:40.310 --> 00:41:42.100
the derivative is what is like guiding
00:41:42.100 --> 00:41:45.400
your function optimization towards some
00:41:45.400 --> 00:41:46.270
optimal value.
00:41:47.590 --> 00:41:49.040
So if you're doing.
00:41:49.150 --> 00:41:49.800
00:41:51.230 --> 00:41:52.550
If you're doing L2.
00:41:54.530 --> 00:41:56.360
L2 2 minimization.
00:41:57.120 --> 00:41:59.965
And I plot the derivative, then the
00:41:59.965 --> 00:42:01.890
derivative is just going to be Linear,
00:42:01.890 --> 00:42:02.780
00:42:02.780 --> 00:42:03.950
It's going to be.
00:42:04.820 --> 00:42:06.510
2/2 times.
00:42:06.590 --> 00:42:07.140
00:42:07.990 --> 00:42:10.420
It's going to be Lambda 2 WI and
00:42:10.420 --> 00:42:12.110
sometimes people put a 1/2 in front of
00:42:12.110 --> 00:42:13.800
Lambda just so that the two and the 1/2
00:42:13.800 --> 00:42:14.850
cancel out Mainly.
00:42:16.560 --> 00:42:17.850
Don't feel like it's necessary.
00:42:17.850 --> 00:42:21.350
If you do L2 one, then the derivatives
00:42:21.350 --> 00:42:26.830
are -, 1 if it's greater than zero, and
00:42:26.830 --> 00:42:29.310
positive one if it's less than 0.
00:42:30.270 --> 00:42:33.200
So basically, if it's L1 minimization,
00:42:33.200 --> 00:42:35.570
the regularization is like he's forcing
00:42:35.570 --> 00:42:38.080
things in towards zero with equal
00:42:38.080 --> 00:42:39.600
pressure no matter where it is.
00:42:40.240 --> 00:42:42.815
Wherewith L2 2 minimization, if you
00:42:42.815 --> 00:42:44.503
have a high value then it's like
00:42:44.503 --> 00:42:46.830
forcing it down, like really hard, and
00:42:46.830 --> 00:42:48.839
if you have a low low value then it's
00:42:48.840 --> 00:42:50.190
not forcing it very hard at all.
00:42:50.900 --> 00:42:52.500
And that's regularization is always
00:42:52.500 --> 00:42:53.960
struggling against the other term.
00:42:53.960 --> 00:42:55.640
These are like counterbalancing terms.
00:42:56.510 --> 00:42:58.000
So the regularization is trying to say
00:42:58.000 --> 00:42:58.790
your weights are small.
00:42:59.580 --> 00:43:02.400
But the log log likelihood term is
00:43:02.400 --> 00:43:04.750
trying to do whatever it can to solve
00:43:04.750 --> 00:43:07.710
that likelihood Prediction and so
00:43:07.710 --> 00:43:10.410
sometimes there sometimes there are
00:43:10.410 --> 00:43:11.080
odds with each other.
00:43:12.530 --> 00:43:14.700
Alright, so based on that, can anyone
00:43:14.700 --> 00:43:18.540
explain why it is that L2 1 tends to
00:43:18.540 --> 00:43:20.140
lead to sparse weights, meaning that
00:43:20.140 --> 00:43:21.890
you get a lot of 0 values for your
00:43:21.890 --> 00:43:22.250
00:43:25.980 --> 00:43:26.140
00:43:47.140 --> 00:43:48.630
Yeah, that's right.
00:43:48.630 --> 00:43:49.556
So L2.
00:43:49.556 --> 00:43:52.030
So the answer was that L2 1 prefers
00:43:52.030 --> 00:43:53.984
like a small number of features that
00:43:53.984 --> 00:43:56.300
have a lot of weight that have a lot of
00:43:56.300 --> 00:43:57.970
representational value or predictive
00:43:57.970 --> 00:43:58.370
00:43:59.140 --> 00:44:01.370
Where I'll two really wants everything
00:44:01.370 --> 00:44:02.700
to have a little bit of predictive
00:44:02.700 --> 00:44:03.140
00:44:03.770 --> 00:44:05.970
And you can see that by looking at the
00:44:05.970 --> 00:44:07.740
derivatives or just by thinking about
00:44:07.740 --> 00:44:08.500
this function.
00:44:09.140 --> 00:44:12.380
That L2 one just continually forces
00:44:12.380 --> 00:44:14.335
everything down until it hits exactly
00:44:14.335 --> 00:44:16.970
0, and while there's not necessarily a
00:44:16.970 --> 00:44:19.380
big penalty for some weight, so if you
00:44:19.380 --> 00:44:20.730
have a few features that are really
00:44:20.730 --> 00:44:22.558
predictive, it's going to allow those
00:44:22.558 --> 00:44:24.040
features to have a lot of weights,
00:44:24.040 --> 00:44:26.314
while if the other features are not
00:44:26.314 --> 00:44:27.579
predictive, given those few features,
00:44:27.579 --> 00:44:29.450
it's going to force them down to 0.
00:44:30.760 --> 00:44:33.132
With L2 2, if you have a lot of, if you
00:44:33.132 --> 00:44:34.440
have some features that are really
00:44:34.440 --> 00:44:35.870
predictive and others that are less
00:44:35.870 --> 00:44:38.040
predictive, it's still going to want
00:44:38.040 --> 00:44:40.260
those very predictive features to have
00:44:40.260 --> 00:44:41.790
like a bit smaller weight.
00:44:42.440 --> 00:44:44.520
And it's going to like try to make that
00:44:44.520 --> 00:44:46.530
up by having the other features will
00:44:46.530 --> 00:44:47.810
have just like a little bit of weight
00:44:47.810 --> 00:44:48.430
as well.
00:44:54.130 --> 00:44:56.360
So in consequence, we can use L2 1
00:44:56.360 --> 00:44:58.340
regularization to select the best
00:44:58.340 --> 00:45:01.260
features if we have if we have a bunch
00:45:01.260 --> 00:45:01.880
of features.
00:45:02.750 --> 00:45:04.610
And we want to instead have a model
00:45:04.610 --> 00:45:05.890
that's based on a smaller number of
00:45:05.890 --> 00:45:07.080
00:45:07.080 --> 00:45:09.950
You can do solve for L1 Logistic
00:45:09.950 --> 00:45:11.790
Regression or L1 Linear Regression.
00:45:12.400 --> 00:45:14.160
And then choose the features that are
00:45:14.160 --> 00:45:17.000
non zero or greater than some epsilon
00:45:17.000 --> 00:45:20.470
and then just use those for your model.
00:45:22.810 --> 00:45:24.840
OK, I will answer this question for you
00:45:24.840 --> 00:45:26.430
to save a little bit of time.
00:45:27.540 --> 00:45:29.500
When is regularization absolutely
00:45:29.500 --> 00:45:30.110
00:45:30.110 --> 00:45:31.450
It's if your data is linearly
00:45:31.450 --> 00:45:31.970
00:45:33.390 --> 00:45:35.190
Because if your data is linearly
00:45:35.190 --> 00:45:37.445
separable then you just boost.
00:45:37.445 --> 00:45:38.820
You could boost your weights to
00:45:38.820 --> 00:45:41.083
Infinity and keep on separating it more
00:45:41.083 --> 00:45:41.789
and more and more.
00:45:42.530 --> 00:45:45.360
So if you have like 2.
00:45:46.270 --> 00:45:49.600
If you have two feature points here and
00:45:49.600 --> 00:45:50.020
00:45:50.970 --> 00:45:54.160
Then you create this line.
00:45:55.260 --> 00:45:56.030
00:45:56.690 --> 00:45:59.088
If it's just one-dimensional and like
00:45:59.088 --> 00:46:02.220
if W is equal to 1, then maybe I have a
00:46:02.220 --> 00:46:04.900
score of 1 or -, 1 for each of these.
00:46:04.900 --> 00:46:08.215
But if test equals like 10,000, now my
00:46:08.215 --> 00:46:09.985
score is 10,000 and -, 10,000.
00:46:09.985 --> 00:46:11.355
So that's like even better, they're
00:46:11.355 --> 00:46:13.494
even further from zero and so there's
00:46:13.494 --> 00:46:15.130
no like there's no end to it.
00:46:15.130 --> 00:46:17.090
You're W would just go totally out of
00:46:17.090 --> 00:46:19.420
control and you would get an error
00:46:19.420 --> 00:46:21.500
probably that you're like that your
00:46:21.500 --> 00:46:22.830
optimization didn't converge.
00:46:23.730 --> 00:46:26.020
So you pretty much always want some
00:46:26.020 --> 00:46:27.610
kind of regularization weight, even if
00:46:27.610 --> 00:46:31.940
it's really small, to avoid this case
00:46:31.940 --> 00:46:34.760
where you don't have a unique solution
00:46:34.760 --> 00:46:35.990
to the optimization problem.
00:46:39.580 --> 00:46:41.240
There's a lot of different ways to
00:46:41.240 --> 00:46:43.890
optimize this and it's not that simple.
00:46:43.890 --> 00:46:47.440
So you can do various like gradient
00:46:47.440 --> 00:46:50.650
descents or things based on 2nd order
00:46:50.650 --> 00:46:54.868
terms, or lasso Regression for L1 or
00:46:54.868 --> 00:46:57.110
lasso lasso optimization.
00:46:57.110 --> 00:46:59.319
So there's a lot of different
00:46:59.320 --> 00:46:59.850
00:46:59.850 --> 00:47:01.540
I linked to this paper by Tom Minka
00:47:01.540 --> 00:47:03.490
that like explains like several
00:47:03.490 --> 00:47:05.290
different choices and their tradeoffs.
00:47:06.390 --> 00:47:07.760
At the end of the day, you're going to
00:47:07.760 --> 00:47:10.399
use a library, and so it's not really
00:47:10.400 --> 00:47:12.177
worth quoting this because it's a
00:47:12.177 --> 00:47:13.703
really explored problem and you're not
00:47:13.703 --> 00:47:15.040
going to make something better than
00:47:15.040 --> 00:47:15.840
somebody else did.
00:47:17.110 --> 00:47:19.000
So you want to use the library.
00:47:19.000 --> 00:47:20.810
It's worth like it's worth
00:47:20.810 --> 00:47:21.830
understanding the different
00:47:21.830 --> 00:47:25.540
optimization options a little bit, but
00:47:25.540 --> 00:47:26.800
I'm not going to talk about it.
00:47:30.030 --> 00:47:30.390
All right.
00:47:31.040 --> 00:47:31.550
00:47:33.150 --> 00:47:35.760
Here I did an example where I visualize
00:47:35.760 --> 00:47:38.006
the weights that are learned using L2
00:47:38.006 --> 00:47:39.850
regularization and L1 regularization
00:47:39.850 --> 00:47:41.050
for some digits.
00:47:41.050 --> 00:47:42.820
So these are the average Pixels of
00:47:42.820 --> 00:47:43.940
digits zero to 4.
00:47:44.810 --> 00:47:47.308
These are the L2 2 weights and you can
00:47:47.308 --> 00:47:49.340
see like you can sort of see the
00:47:49.340 --> 00:47:51.125
numbers in it a little bit like you can
00:47:51.125 --> 00:47:52.820
sort of see the three in these weights
00:47:52.820 --> 00:47:53.020
00:47:53.730 --> 00:47:56.437
And the zero, it wants these weights to
00:47:56.437 --> 00:47:58.428
be white, and it wants these weights to
00:47:58.428 --> 00:47:59.030
be dark.
00:47:59.690 --> 00:48:01.320
I mean these features to be dark,
00:48:01.320 --> 00:48:03.262
meaning that if you have a lit pixel
00:48:03.262 --> 00:48:05.099
here, it's less likely to be a 0.
00:48:05.099 --> 00:48:07.100
If you have a lit pixel here, it's more
00:48:07.100 --> 00:48:08.390
likely to be a 0.
00:48:10.300 --> 00:48:13.390
But for the L2 one, it's a lot sparser,
00:48:13.390 --> 00:48:15.590
so if it's like that blank Gray color,
00:48:15.590 --> 00:48:17.060
it means that the weights are zero.
00:48:18.220 --> 00:48:19.402
And if it's brighter or darker?
00:48:19.402 --> 00:48:20.670
If it's brighter, it means that the
00:48:20.670 --> 00:48:21.550
weight is positive.
00:48:22.260 --> 00:48:26.480
If it's darker than this uniform Gray,
00:48:26.480 --> 00:48:27.960
it means the weight is negative.
00:48:27.960 --> 00:48:30.430
So you can see that for L2 one, it's
00:48:30.430 --> 00:48:32.952
going to have like some subset of the
00:48:32.952 --> 00:48:35.123
L2 features are going to get all the
00:48:35.123 --> 00:48:36.900
weight, and most of the weights are
00:48:36.900 --> 00:48:38.069
very close to 0.
00:48:40.120 --> 00:48:42.000
So for one, it's only going to look at
00:48:42.000 --> 00:48:44.026
this small number of pixel, small
00:48:44.026 --> 00:48:45.990
number of pixels, and if any of these
00:48:45.990 --> 00:48:46.640
guys are.
00:48:47.400 --> 00:48:49.010
00:48:49.070 --> 00:48:51.130
Let then it's going to get a big
00:48:51.130 --> 00:48:52.500
penalty to being a 0.
00:48:53.150 --> 00:48:55.560
If any of these guys are, it gets a big
00:48:55.560 --> 00:48:56.939
boost to being a 0.
00:48:59.420 --> 00:48:59.780
00:49:36.370 --> 00:49:38.230
OK, let me explain a little bit more
00:49:38.230 --> 00:49:38.730
how I get this.
00:49:39.410 --> 00:49:42.470
1st So first this is up here is just
00:49:42.470 --> 00:49:45.510
simply averaging all the images in a
00:49:45.510 --> 00:49:46.370
particular class.
00:49:47.210 --> 00:49:49.550
And then I train 2 Logistic Regression
00:49:49.550 --> 00:49:50.240
00:49:50.240 --> 00:49:52.780
One is trained using the same data that
00:49:52.780 --> 00:49:55.096
was used to Average, but to maximize
00:49:55.096 --> 00:49:57.480
the train, to maximize the probability
00:49:57.480 --> 00:49:59.670
of the labels given the data but under
00:49:59.670 --> 00:50:02.290
the L2 regularization penalty.
00:50:03.040 --> 00:50:05.090
And the other was trained to maximize
00:50:05.090 --> 00:50:06.320
the probability of the label is given
00:50:06.320 --> 00:50:08.450
the data under the L1 regularization
00:50:08.450 --> 00:50:08.920
00:50:10.410 --> 00:50:12.355
The way that once you have these
00:50:12.355 --> 00:50:12.630
00:50:12.630 --> 00:50:14.512
So these weights are the W's.
00:50:14.512 --> 00:50:16.750
These are the coefficients that were
00:50:16.750 --> 00:50:19.220
learned as part of as your Linear
00:50:19.220 --> 00:50:19.560
00:50:20.460 --> 00:50:22.310
In order to apply these weights to do
00:50:22.310 --> 00:50:23.320
00:50:24.010 --> 00:50:26.000
You would multiply each of these
00:50:26.000 --> 00:50:27.760
weights with the corresponding pixel.
00:50:28.490 --> 00:50:31.280
So given a new test sample, you would
00:50:31.280 --> 00:50:34.510
take the sum over all the pixels of the
00:50:34.510 --> 00:50:36.900
pixel value times this weight.
00:50:37.720 --> 00:50:40.257
So if the way here is bright, it means
00:50:40.257 --> 00:50:41.755
that if the pixel value is bright, then
00:50:41.755 --> 00:50:43.170
the score is going to go up.
00:50:43.170 --> 00:50:45.805
And if the weight here is dark, that
00:50:45.805 --> 00:50:46.910
means it's negative.
00:50:46.910 --> 00:50:50.190
Then when you if the pixel value is on,
00:50:50.190 --> 00:50:52.169
then this is going, then the score is
00:50:52.169 --> 00:50:53.130
going to go down.
00:50:53.130 --> 00:50:55.330
So that's how to interpret.
00:50:56.370 --> 00:50:57.930
How to interpret the weights and?
00:50:57.930 --> 00:50:59.570
Normally it's just a vector, but I've
00:50:59.570 --> 00:51:01.340
reshaped it into the size of the image
00:51:01.340 --> 00:51:03.290
so you could see how it corresponds to
00:51:03.290 --> 00:51:04.160
the Pixels.
00:51:07.190 --> 00:51:08.740
Where Minimizing 2 things.
00:51:08.740 --> 00:51:10.540
One is that we're minimizing the
00:51:10.540 --> 00:51:11.900
negative log likelihood of the labels
00:51:11.900 --> 00:51:12.700
given the data.
00:51:12.700 --> 00:51:16.170
So in other words, we're maximizing the
00:51:16.170 --> 00:51:17.020
label likelihood.
00:51:17.930 --> 00:51:19.740
And the other is that we're minimizing
00:51:19.740 --> 00:51:21.237
the sum of the weights or the sum of
00:51:21.237 --> 00:51:21.920
the squared weights.
00:51:43.810 --> 00:51:44.290
00:51:44.290 --> 00:51:44.580
00:51:44.580 --> 00:51:45.385
So I Prediction time.
00:51:45.385 --> 00:51:47.530
So at Training time you have that
00:51:47.530 --> 00:51:48.388
regularization term.
00:51:48.388 --> 00:51:49.700
At Prediction time you don't.
00:51:49.700 --> 00:51:52.630
So at Prediction time, it's just the
00:51:52.630 --> 00:51:55.510
score for zero is the sum of all these
00:51:55.510 --> 00:51:57.340
coefficients times the corresponding
00:51:57.340 --> 00:51:58.100
pixel values.
00:51:58.760 --> 00:52:00.940
And the score for one is the sum of all
00:52:00.940 --> 00:52:02.960
these coefficient values times the
00:52:02.960 --> 00:52:04.947
corresponding pixel values, and so on
00:52:04.947 --> 00:52:05.830
for all the digits.
00:52:06.570 --> 00:52:08.210
And then at the end you choose.
00:52:08.210 --> 00:52:09.752
If you're just assigning a label, you
00:52:09.752 --> 00:52:11.240
choose the label with the highest
00:52:11.240 --> 00:52:11.510
00:52:12.230 --> 00:52:12.410
00:52:13.580 --> 00:52:14.400
That did that help?
00:52:15.100 --> 00:52:15.360
00:52:17.880 --> 00:52:18.570
00:52:24.020 --> 00:52:25.080
00:52:26.630 --> 00:52:28.980
Alright, so then there's a question of
00:52:28.980 --> 00:52:29.990
how do we choose the Lambda?
00:52:31.260 --> 00:52:34.685
So selecting Lambda is often called a
00:52:34.685 --> 00:52:35.098
00:52:35.098 --> 00:52:37.574
A hyperparameter is it's a parameter
00:52:37.574 --> 00:52:40.366
that the algorithm designer sets that
00:52:40.366 --> 00:52:42.520
is not optimized directly by the
00:52:42.520 --> 00:52:43.120
Training data.
00:52:43.120 --> 00:52:45.530
So the weights are like Parameters of
00:52:45.530 --> 00:52:46.780
the Linear model.
00:52:46.780 --> 00:52:48.660
But the Lambda is a hyperparameter
00:52:48.660 --> 00:52:50.030
because it's a parameter of your
00:52:50.030 --> 00:52:51.714
objective function, not a parameter of
00:52:51.714 --> 00:52:52.219
your model.
00:52:56.490 --> 00:52:59.610
So when you're selecting values for
00:52:59.610 --> 00:53:02.660
your hyperparameters, the you can do it
00:53:02.660 --> 00:53:05.260
based on intuition, but more commonly
00:53:05.260 --> 00:53:07.780
you would do some kind of validation.
00:53:08.970 --> 00:53:11.210
So for example, you might say that
00:53:11.210 --> 00:53:14.000
Lambda is in this range, one of these
00:53:14.000 --> 00:53:16.125
values, 1/8, one quarter, one half one.
00:53:16.125 --> 00:53:18.350
It's usually not super sensitive, so
00:53:18.350 --> 00:53:21.440
there's no point going into like really
00:53:21.440 --> 00:53:22.840
tiny differences.
00:53:22.840 --> 00:53:24.919
And it also tends to be like
00:53:24.920 --> 00:53:27.010
exponential in its range.
00:53:27.010 --> 00:53:28.910
So for example, you don't want to
00:53:28.910 --> 00:53:32.650
search from 1/8 to 8 in steps of 1/8
00:53:32.650 --> 00:53:34.016
because that will be like a ton of
00:53:34.016 --> 00:53:36.080
values to check and like a difference
00:53:36.080 --> 00:53:39.090
between 7:00 and 7/8 and eight is like
00:53:39.090 --> 00:53:39.610
00:53:39.680 --> 00:53:40.790
It won't make any difference.
00:53:41.830 --> 00:53:43.450
So usually you want to keep doubling it
00:53:43.450 --> 00:53:45.770
or multiplying it by a factor of 10 for
00:53:45.770 --> 00:53:46.400
every step.
00:53:47.690 --> 00:53:49.540
You train the model using a given
00:53:49.540 --> 00:53:51.489
Lambda from the training set, and you
00:53:51.490 --> 00:53:52.857
measure and record the performance from
00:53:52.857 --> 00:53:55.320
the validation set, and then you choose
00:53:55.320 --> 00:53:57.053
the Lambda and the model that gave you
00:53:57.053 --> 00:53:58.090
the best performance.
00:53:58.090 --> 00:53:59.540
So it's pretty straightforward.
00:54:00.500 --> 00:54:03.290
And you can optionally then retrain on
00:54:03.290 --> 00:54:05.330
the training and the validation set so
00:54:05.330 --> 00:54:07.150
that you didn't like only use your
00:54:07.150 --> 00:54:09.510
validation parameters for selecting
00:54:09.510 --> 00:54:11.992
that Lambda, and then test on the test
00:54:11.992 --> 00:54:12.299
00:54:12.300 --> 00:54:13.653
But I'll note that you don't have to do
00:54:13.653 --> 00:54:14.866
that for the homework, you should, and
00:54:14.866 --> 00:54:16.350
the homework you should generally just.
00:54:17.480 --> 00:54:20.280
Use your validation for like measuring
00:54:20.280 --> 00:54:22.660
performance and selection and then just
00:54:22.660 --> 00:54:24.070
leave your Training.
00:54:24.070 --> 00:54:25.700
Leave the models trained on your
00:54:25.700 --> 00:54:25.960
Training set.
00:54:28.300 --> 00:54:30.010
And then once you've got your final
00:54:30.010 --> 00:54:32.170
model, you just test it on the test set
00:54:32.170 --> 00:54:33.680
and then that's the measure of the
00:54:33.680 --> 00:54:34.539
performance of your model.
00:54:36.890 --> 00:54:38.525
So you can start.
00:54:38.525 --> 00:54:41.020
So as I said, you typically will keep
00:54:41.020 --> 00:54:42.080
on like multiplying your
00:54:42.080 --> 00:54:44.190
hyperparameters by some factor rather
00:54:44.190 --> 00:54:45.380
than doing a Linear search.
00:54:46.390 --> 00:54:48.510
You can also start broad and narrow.
00:54:48.510 --> 00:54:51.405
So for example, if I found that 1/4 and
00:54:51.405 --> 00:54:54.320
1/2 were the best two values, but it
00:54:54.320 --> 00:54:55.570
seemed like there was actually like a
00:54:55.570 --> 00:54:56.960
pretty big difference between
00:54:56.960 --> 00:54:58.560
neighboring values, then I could then
00:54:58.560 --> 00:55:01.640
try like 3/8 and keep on subdividing it
00:55:01.640 --> 00:55:04.270
until I feel like I've gotten squeezed
00:55:04.270 --> 00:55:05.790
what I can out of that hyperparameter.
00:55:07.080 --> 00:55:09.750
Also, if you're searching over many
00:55:09.750 --> 00:55:13.450
Parameters simultaneously, the natural
00:55:13.450 --> 00:55:14.679
thing that you would do is you would do
00:55:14.680 --> 00:55:16.420
a grid search where you do for each
00:55:16.420 --> 00:55:19.380
Lambda and for each alpha, and for each
00:55:19.380 --> 00:55:21.510
beta you search over some range and try
00:55:21.510 --> 00:55:23.520
all combinations of things.
00:55:23.520 --> 00:55:25.145
That's actually really inefficient.
00:55:25.145 --> 00:55:28.377
The best thing to do is to randomly
00:55:28.377 --> 00:55:30.720
select your alpha, beta, gamma, or
00:55:30.720 --> 00:55:32.790
whatever things you're searching over,
00:55:32.790 --> 00:55:34.440
randomly select them within the
00:55:34.440 --> 00:55:35.410
candidate range.
00:55:36.790 --> 00:55:42.020
By probabilistic sampling and then try
00:55:42.020 --> 00:55:44.286
like 100 different variations and then
00:55:44.286 --> 00:55:46.173
and then choose the best combination.
00:55:46.173 --> 00:55:48.880
And the reason for that is that often
00:55:48.880 --> 00:55:50.530
the Parameters don't depend that
00:55:50.530 --> 00:55:51.550
strongly on each other.
00:55:52.140 --> 00:55:54.450
And that way in some Parameters will be
00:55:54.450 --> 00:55:55.920
much more important than others.
00:55:56.730 --> 00:55:58.620
And so if you randomly sample in the
00:55:58.620 --> 00:56:00.440
range, if you have multiple Parameters,
00:56:00.440 --> 00:56:02.270
then you get to try a lot more
00:56:02.270 --> 00:56:04.315
different values of each parameter than
00:56:04.315 --> 00:56:05.540
if you're doing a grid search.
00:56:09.500 --> 00:56:11.270
So validation.
00:56:11.390 --> 00:56:11.980
00:56:13.230 --> 00:56:14.870
You can also do cross validation.
00:56:14.870 --> 00:56:16.520
That's just if you split your Training,
00:56:16.520 --> 00:56:19.173
split your data set into multiple parts
00:56:19.173 --> 00:56:22.330
and each time you train on North minus
00:56:22.330 --> 00:56:24.642
one parts and then test on the north
00:56:24.642 --> 00:56:27.420
part and then you cycle through which
00:56:27.420 --> 00:56:28.840
part you use for validation.
00:56:29.650 --> 00:56:30.860
And then you Average all your
00:56:30.860 --> 00:56:31.775
validation performance.
00:56:31.775 --> 00:56:33.960
So you might do this if you have a very
00:56:33.960 --> 00:56:36.280
limited Training set, so that it's
00:56:36.280 --> 00:56:38.270
really hard to get both Training
00:56:38.270 --> 00:56:39.740
Parameters and get a measure of the
00:56:39.740 --> 00:56:41.770
performance with that one Training set,
00:56:41.770 --> 00:56:43.620
and so you can.
00:56:44.820 --> 00:56:47.600
You can then make more efficient use of
00:56:47.600 --> 00:56:48.840
your Training data this way.
00:56:48.840 --> 00:56:49.870
Sample efficient use.
00:56:50.650 --> 00:56:52.110
And the extreme you can do leave one
00:56:52.110 --> 00:56:53.780
out cross validation where you train
00:56:53.780 --> 00:56:55.777
with all your data except for one and
00:56:55.777 --> 00:56:58.050
then test on that one and then you
00:56:58.050 --> 00:57:00.965
cycle which point is used for
00:57:00.965 --> 00:57:03.749
validation through all the data
00:57:03.750 --> 00:57:04.300
00:57:06.440 --> 00:57:09.770
This is only practical if you if you're
00:57:09.770 --> 00:57:11.229
doing like Nearest neighbor for example
00:57:11.230 --> 00:57:12.890
where Training takes no time, then
00:57:12.890 --> 00:57:14.259
that's easy to do.
00:57:14.260 --> 00:57:16.859
Or if you're able to adjust your model
00:57:16.860 --> 00:57:19.657
by adjust it for the influence of 1
00:57:19.657 --> 00:57:19.885
00:57:19.885 --> 00:57:21.550
If you can like take out one sample
00:57:21.550 --> 00:57:23.518
really easily and adjust your model
00:57:23.518 --> 00:57:24.740
then you might be able to do this,
00:57:24.740 --> 00:57:26.455
which you could do with Naive Bayes for
00:57:26.455 --> 00:57:27.060
example as well.
00:57:32.060 --> 00:57:33.460
Right, so Summary of Logistic
00:57:33.460 --> 00:57:35.180
00:57:35.180 --> 00:57:37.790
Key assumptions are that this log odds
00:57:37.790 --> 00:57:40.460
ratio can be expressed as a linear
00:57:40.460 --> 00:57:41.560
combination of features.
00:57:42.470 --> 00:57:44.589
So this probability of y = K given X
00:57:44.590 --> 00:57:46.710
over probability of Y not equal to K
00:57:46.710 --> 00:57:47.730
given X the log of that.
00:57:48.470 --> 00:57:51.770
Is just a Linear model W transpose X.
00:57:53.350 --> 00:57:55.990
I've got one coefficient per feature
00:57:55.990 --> 00:57:57.700
that's my model Parameters, plus maybe
00:57:57.700 --> 00:57:59.950
a bias term which the bias is modeling
00:57:59.950 --> 00:58:00.850
like the class prior.
00:58:02.320 --> 00:58:04.690
I can Choose L1 or L2 or both.
00:58:06.110 --> 00:58:08.110
Regularization in some weight on those.
00:58:09.810 --> 00:58:11.070
So this is really.
00:58:11.070 --> 00:58:13.090
This works well if you've got a lot of
00:58:13.090 --> 00:58:14.470
features, because again, it's much more
00:58:14.470 --> 00:58:16.100
powerful in a high dimensional space.
00:58:16.840 --> 00:58:18.740
And it's OK if some of those features
00:58:18.740 --> 00:58:20.520
are irrelevant or redundant, where
00:58:20.520 --> 00:58:22.110
things like Naive Bayes will get
00:58:22.110 --> 00:58:24.010
tripped up by irrelevant or redundant
00:58:24.010 --> 00:58:24.360
00:58:25.480 --> 00:58:28.210
And it provides a good estimate of the
00:58:28.210 --> 00:58:29.380
label likelihood.
00:58:29.380 --> 00:58:32.290
So it tends to give you a well
00:58:32.290 --> 00:58:34.233
calibrated classifier, which means that
00:58:34.233 --> 00:58:36.425
if you look at its confidence, if the
00:58:36.425 --> 00:58:39.520
confidence is 8, then like 80% of the
00:58:39.520 --> 00:58:41.279
times that the confidence is .8, it
00:58:41.280 --> 00:58:41.960
will be correct.
00:58:42.710 --> 00:58:43.300
00:58:44.800 --> 00:58:46.150
Not to use and Weaknesses.
00:58:46.150 --> 00:58:47.689
If the features are low dimensional,
00:58:47.690 --> 00:58:49.410
then the Linear function is not likely
00:58:49.410 --> 00:58:50.600
to be expressive enough.
00:58:50.600 --> 00:58:52.824
So usually if your features are low
00:58:52.824 --> 00:58:54.395
dimensional to start with, you actually
00:58:54.395 --> 00:58:56.055
like turn them into high dimensional
00:58:56.055 --> 00:58:59.480
features first, like by doing trees or
00:58:59.480 --> 00:59:01.820
other ways of like turning continuous
00:59:01.820 --> 00:59:03.690
values into a lot of discrete values.
00:59:04.310 --> 00:59:05.900
And then you apply your Linear
00:59:05.900 --> 00:59:06.450
00:59:10.310 --> 00:59:11.890
Right, so I was going to do like a
00:59:11.890 --> 00:59:13.600
Pause thing here, but since we only
00:59:13.600 --> 00:59:16.490
have 15 minutes left, I will use this
00:59:16.490 --> 00:59:18.470
as a Review question for the start of
00:59:18.470 --> 00:59:20.850
the next lecture.
00:59:20.850 --> 00:59:22.830
And I want to I do want to get into
00:59:22.830 --> 00:59:25.820
Linear Regression so apologies for.
00:59:26.860 --> 00:59:28.010
Fairly heavy.
00:59:29.390 --> 00:59:30.620
75 minutes.
00:59:33.310 --> 00:59:34.229
Yeah, there's a lot of math.
00:59:34.230 --> 00:59:37.080
There will be a lot of math every
00:59:37.080 --> 00:59:38.755
Lecture, pretty much.
00:59:38.755 --> 00:59:40.120
There's never not.
00:59:40.970 --> 00:59:42.075
There's always Linear.
00:59:42.075 --> 00:59:43.920
There's always Linear linear algebra,
00:59:43.920 --> 00:59:45.060
calculus, probability.
00:59:45.060 --> 00:59:47.920
It's part of every part of machine
00:59:47.920 --> 00:59:48.210
00:59:49.250 --> 00:59:50.380
00:59:50.700 --> 00:59:52.002
Alright, so Linear Regression.
00:59:52.002 --> 00:59:53.470
Linear Regression is actually a little
00:59:53.470 --> 00:59:55.790
bit more intuitive I think than Linear
00:59:55.790 --> 00:59:57.645
Logistic Regression because you're just
00:59:57.645 --> 00:59:59.600
your Linear function is just like a
00:59:59.600 --> 01:00:01.440
lion, you're just fitting the data and
01:00:01.440 --> 01:00:02.570
we see this all the time.
01:00:02.570 --> 01:00:04.236
Like if you use Excel you can do a
01:00:04.236 --> 01:00:05.380
Linear fit to your plot.
01:00:06.120 --> 01:00:08.420
And there's a lot of reasons that you
01:00:08.420 --> 01:00:09.850
want to use Linear Regression.
01:00:09.850 --> 01:00:11.940
You might want to just like explain a
01:00:11.940 --> 01:00:12.580
01:00:12.580 --> 01:00:15.010
You might want to extrapolate the data
01:00:15.010 --> 01:00:18.330
to say if my Frequency were like 25 for
01:00:18.330 --> 01:00:21.530
chirps, then what is my likely cricket
01:00:21.530 --> 01:00:21.970
01:00:23.780 --> 01:00:25.265
You may want to do.
01:00:25.265 --> 01:00:26.950
You may actually want to do Prediction
01:00:26.950 --> 01:00:28.159
if you have a lot of features and
01:00:28.160 --> 01:00:29.580
you're trying to predict a single
01:00:29.580 --> 01:00:30.740
01:00:30.740 --> 01:00:32.650
Again, here I'm only showing 2D plots,
01:00:32.650 --> 01:00:34.500
but you can, like in your Temperature
01:00:34.500 --> 01:00:36.110
Regression problem, you can't have lots
01:00:36.110 --> 01:00:37.600
of features and use the Linear model
01:00:37.600 --> 01:00:37.800
01:00:39.630 --> 01:00:41.046
The Linear Regression, you're trying to
01:00:41.046 --> 01:00:42.750
fit Linear coefficients to features to
01:00:42.750 --> 01:00:44.920
predicted continuous variable, and if
01:00:44.920 --> 01:00:46.545
you're trying to fit multiple
01:00:46.545 --> 01:00:48.560
continuous variables, then you do, then
01:00:48.560 --> 01:00:49.920
you have multiple Linear models.
01:00:52.450 --> 01:00:55.900
So this is evaluated by like root mean
01:00:55.900 --> 01:00:57.940
squared error, the sum of squared
01:00:57.940 --> 01:00:59.570
differences between the points.
01:01:01.560 --> 01:01:02.930
Square root of that.
01:01:02.930 --> 01:01:04.942
Or it could be like the median absolute
01:01:04.942 --> 01:01:06.890
error, which is the absolute difference
01:01:06.890 --> 01:01:08.858
between the points and the median of
01:01:08.858 --> 01:01:10.907
that, various combinations of that.
01:01:10.907 --> 01:01:13.079
And then here I'm showing the R2
01:01:13.080 --> 01:01:15.680
residual which is essentially the
01:01:15.680 --> 01:01:19.460
variance or the sum of squared error of
01:01:19.460 --> 01:01:20.490
the points.
01:01:21.110 --> 01:01:24.550
From the predicted line divided by the
01:01:24.550 --> 01:01:27.897
sum of squared difference between the
01:01:27.897 --> 01:01:29.771
points and the average of the points,
01:01:29.771 --> 01:01:31.378
the predicted values and the target
01:01:31.378 --> 01:01:33.252
values, and the average of the target
01:01:33.252 --> 01:01:33.519
01:01:35.360 --> 01:01:37.750
It's 1 minus that thing, and so this is
01:01:37.750 --> 01:01:39.825
essentially the amount of variance that
01:01:39.825 --> 01:01:42.810
is explained by your Linear model.
01:01:43.550 --> 01:01:44.690
That's the R2.
01:01:45.960 --> 01:01:48.460
And if R2 is close to zero, then it
01:01:48.460 --> 01:01:50.810
means that the Linear model that you
01:01:50.810 --> 01:01:52.680
can't really linearly explain your
01:01:52.680 --> 01:01:54.880
target variable very well from the
01:01:54.880 --> 01:01:55.440
01:01:56.470 --> 01:01:58.390
If it's close to one, it means that you
01:01:58.390 --> 01:02:00.060
can explain it almost perfectly.
01:02:00.060 --> 01:02:01.310
In other words, you can get an almost
01:02:01.310 --> 01:02:03.440
perfect Prediction compared to the
01:02:03.440 --> 01:02:04.230
original variance.
01:02:05.570 --> 01:02:08.330
So you can see here that this isn't
01:02:08.330 --> 01:02:09.060
01:02:09.060 --> 01:02:10.500
If you look at the points, there's
01:02:10.500 --> 01:02:12.060
actually a curve to it, so there's
01:02:12.060 --> 01:02:14.203
probably a better fit than this Linear
01:02:14.203 --> 01:02:14.649
01:02:14.650 --> 01:02:16.220
But the Linear model still isn't too
01:02:16.220 --> 01:02:16.670
01:02:16.670 --> 01:02:18.789
We have an R sqrt 87.
01:02:20.350 --> 01:02:23.330
Here the Linear model seems pretty
01:02:23.330 --> 01:02:25.410
decent, but there's a lot of as a
01:02:25.410 --> 01:02:25.920
01:02:25.920 --> 01:02:28.200
But there's a lot of variance to the
01:02:28.200 --> 01:02:28.570
01:02:28.570 --> 01:02:30.632
Even for this exact same data, exact
01:02:30.632 --> 01:02:32.210
same Frequency, there's many different
01:02:32.210 --> 01:02:32.660
01:02:33.430 --> 01:02:35.400
And so here the amount of variance that
01:02:35.400 --> 01:02:37.010
can be explained is 68%.
01:02:42.160 --> 01:02:43.010
The Linear.
01:02:44.090 --> 01:02:44.630
01:02:45.760 --> 01:02:48.400
This should actually Linear Regression
01:02:48.400 --> 01:02:49.670
algorithm, not Logistic.
01:02:52.200 --> 01:02:54.090
So the Linear Regression algorithm.
01:02:54.090 --> 01:02:55.520
It's an easy mistake to make because
01:02:55.520 --> 01:02:56.570
they look almost the same.
01:02:57.300 --> 01:02:59.800
Is just that I'm Minimizing.
01:02:59.800 --> 01:03:01.440
Now I'm just minimizing the squared
01:03:01.440 --> 01:03:03.580
difference between the Linear model and
01:03:03.580 --> 01:03:04.630
01:03:05.480 --> 01:03:08.640
And the target value over all of the.
01:03:09.380 --> 01:03:11.050
XNS so also.
01:03:11.970 --> 01:03:13.280
Let me fix.
01:03:17.040 --> 01:03:19.170
So this should be X.
01:03:21.580 --> 01:03:21.900
01:03:23.800 --> 01:03:25.740
Right, so I'm minimizing the sum of
01:03:25.740 --> 01:03:27.820
squared error here between the
01:03:27.820 --> 01:03:29.718
predicted value and the true value, and
01:03:29.718 --> 01:03:32.280
you could have different variations on
01:03:32.280 --> 01:03:32.482
01:03:32.482 --> 01:03:34.140
You could minimize the sum of absolute
01:03:34.140 --> 01:03:35.825
error, which is a harder thing to
01:03:35.825 --> 01:03:38.030
minimize but more robust to outliers.
01:03:38.030 --> 01:03:39.340
And then I also have this
01:03:39.340 --> 01:03:41.520
regularization term that Prediction is
01:03:41.520 --> 01:03:43.340
just the sum of weights times the
01:03:43.340 --> 01:03:45.950
features or W transpose X.
01:03:45.950 --> 01:03:47.500
So straightforward.
01:03:50.060 --> 01:03:52.780
In terms of the optimization, it's just
01:03:52.780 --> 01:03:55.070
if you have L2 2 regularization, then
01:03:55.070 --> 01:03:55.920
it's just a.
01:03:57.260 --> 01:03:59.130
At least squares optimization.
01:03:59.810 --> 01:04:00.320
01:04:01.360 --> 01:04:03.050
I did like a sort of Brief.
01:04:03.620 --> 01:04:06.760
Brief derivation, just Minimizing that
01:04:06.760 --> 01:04:07.970
function, taking the derivative,
01:04:07.970 --> 01:04:08.790
setting it equal to 0.
01:04:09.640 --> 01:04:12.180
At the end you will skip most of the
01:04:12.180 --> 01:04:13.770
steps because it's just a.
01:04:14.830 --> 01:04:15.905
It's the least squares problem.
01:04:15.905 --> 01:04:17.520
It shows up in a lot of cases and I
01:04:17.520 --> 01:04:19.020
didn't want to focus on it.
01:04:19.700 --> 01:04:21.079
At the end you will get this thing.
01:04:21.080 --> 01:04:24.000
So you'll say that A is the thing that
01:04:24.000 --> 01:04:25.810
minimizes this squared term.
01:04:27.340 --> 01:04:28.810
Or this is just a different way of
01:04:28.810 --> 01:04:31.508
writing that problem and so this is an
01:04:31.508 --> 01:04:32.970
N by M matrix.
01:04:32.970 --> 01:04:36.506
So these are your N examples and M
01:04:36.506 --> 01:04:36.984
01:04:36.984 --> 01:04:38.690
This is the thing that we're
01:04:38.690 --> 01:04:39.420
01:04:39.420 --> 01:04:41.590
It's an M by 1 vector if I have M
01:04:41.590 --> 01:04:41.890
01:04:42.630 --> 01:04:44.900
These are my values that I want to
01:04:44.900 --> 01:04:45.540
01:04:45.540 --> 01:04:47.200
This is an north by 1 vector.
01:04:47.200 --> 01:04:49.420
That's my Different labels for the
01:04:49.420 --> 01:04:50.370
North examples.
01:04:50.950 --> 01:04:53.550
And then I'm squaring that term in
01:04:53.550 --> 01:04:54.700
matrix wise.
01:04:55.570 --> 01:04:58.577
And the solution this is just that a is
01:04:58.577 --> 01:05:01.125
the pseudo inverse of X * Y which
01:05:01.125 --> 01:05:02.920
pseudo inverse is given here.
01:05:05.640 --> 01:05:08.470
And again if you have.
01:05:09.510 --> 01:05:10.400
01:05:11.060 --> 01:05:13.180
The regularization is exactly the same.
01:05:13.180 --> 01:05:15.455
It's usually used L2 or L1
01:05:15.455 --> 01:05:16.900
regularization and they do the same
01:05:16.900 --> 01:05:18.050
things that they did in Logistic
01:05:18.050 --> 01:05:18.335
01:05:18.335 --> 01:05:19.890
They want the weights to be small, but
01:05:19.890 --> 01:05:23.280
L2 one wants is OK with some sparse
01:05:23.280 --> 01:05:25.186
higher values where L2 2 wants all the
01:05:25.186 --> 01:05:25.850
weights to be small.
01:05:27.820 --> 01:05:30.020
So L2 2 Linear Regression is pretty
01:05:30.020 --> 01:05:31.540
easy to implement, it's just going to
01:05:31.540 --> 01:05:37.020
be like in pseudocode or roughly exact
01:05:37.020 --> 01:05:37.290
01:05:37.970 --> 01:05:41.530
It would just be inverse X * Y.
01:05:41.530 --> 01:05:42.190
That's it.
01:05:42.190 --> 01:05:44.360
So W equals inverse X * Y.
01:05:45.070 --> 01:05:47.700
And if you add some regularization
01:05:47.700 --> 01:05:50.080
term, you just have to add to XA little
01:05:50.080 --> 01:05:51.830
bit and add on to that.
01:05:51.830 --> 01:05:53.330
The target for West is 0.
01:05:55.330 --> 01:05:55.940
01:05:56.740 --> 01:05:58.610
L1 regularization is actually a pretty
01:05:58.610 --> 01:06:00.850
tricky optimization problem, but I
01:06:00.850 --> 01:06:02.920
would just say you can also use the
01:06:02.920 --> 01:06:04.620
library for either of these.
01:06:04.620 --> 01:06:07.260
So similar to 1 Logistic Regression,
01:06:07.260 --> 01:06:08.890
Linear Regression is ubiquitous.
01:06:08.890 --> 01:06:10.470
No matter what program language you're
01:06:10.470 --> 01:06:12.190
using, there's going to be a library
01:06:12.190 --> 01:06:14.310
that you can use to solve this problem.
01:06:15.410 --> 01:06:18.517
So when I decide whether you should
01:06:18.517 --> 01:06:20.400
implement something by hand, or know
01:06:20.400 --> 01:06:22.202
how to implement it by hand, or whether
01:06:22.202 --> 01:06:24.240
you should just use a model, it's kind
01:06:24.240 --> 01:06:25.353
of a function of like.
01:06:25.353 --> 01:06:27.360
How complicated is that optimization
01:06:27.360 --> 01:06:30.200
problem also, are there?
01:06:30.200 --> 01:06:32.350
Is it like a really standard problem
01:06:32.350 --> 01:06:34.320
where you're pretty much guaranteed
01:06:34.320 --> 01:06:35.350
that for your own?
01:06:36.270 --> 01:06:37.260
Custom problem.
01:06:37.260 --> 01:06:39.530
You'll be able to just use a library to
01:06:39.530 --> 01:06:40.410
solve it.
01:06:40.410 --> 01:06:41.920
Or is it something where there's a lot
01:06:41.920 --> 01:06:43.380
of customization that's typically
01:06:43.380 --> 01:06:45.170
involved, like for a Naive Bayes for
01:06:45.170 --> 01:06:45.620
01:06:47.590 --> 01:06:48.560
01:06:49.670 --> 01:06:51.250
And that's basically it.
01:06:51.250 --> 01:06:53.750
So in cases where the optimization is
01:06:53.750 --> 01:06:55.750
hard and there's not much customization
01:06:55.750 --> 01:06:57.680
to be done and it's a really well
01:06:57.680 --> 01:07:00.140
established problem, then you might as
01:07:00.140 --> 01:07:01.536
well just use a model that's out there
01:07:01.536 --> 01:07:02.900
and not worry about the.
01:07:03.800 --> 01:07:05.050
Details of optimization.
01:07:07.130 --> 01:07:08.520
The one thing that's important to know
01:07:08.520 --> 01:07:11.150
is that sometimes you have, sometimes
01:07:11.150 --> 01:07:12.480
it's helpful to transform the
01:07:12.480 --> 01:07:13.050
01:07:13.920 --> 01:07:15.520
So it might be that originally your
01:07:15.520 --> 01:07:18.460
model is not very linearly predictive,
01:07:18.460 --> 01:07:19.250
01:07:20.660 --> 01:07:24.330
Here I have a frequency of word usage
01:07:24.330 --> 01:07:25.160
in Shakespeare.
01:07:26.220 --> 01:07:29.270
And on the X axis is the rank of how
01:07:29.270 --> 01:07:31.360
common that word is.
01:07:31.360 --> 01:07:34.537
So the most common word occurs 14,000
01:07:34.537 --> 01:07:37.062
times, the second most common word
01:07:37.062 --> 01:07:39.290
occurs 4000 times, the third most
01:07:39.290 --> 01:07:41.190
common word occurs 2000 times.
01:07:41.960 --> 01:07:42.732
And so on.
01:07:42.732 --> 01:07:45.300
So it keeps on dropping by a big
01:07:45.300 --> 01:07:46.490
fraction every time.
01:07:47.420 --> 01:07:49.020
Most common word might be thy or
01:07:49.020 --> 01:07:49.500
01:07:50.570 --> 01:07:53.864
So if I try to do a Linear fit to that,
01:07:53.864 --> 01:07:55.620
it's not really a good fit.
01:07:55.620 --> 01:07:57.670
It's obviously like not really lying
01:07:57.670 --> 01:07:59.085
along those points at all.
01:07:59.085 --> 01:08:01.220
It's way underestimating for the small
01:08:01.220 --> 01:08:03.140
values and weight overestimating where
01:08:03.140 --> 01:08:06.230
the rank is high, or reverse that
01:08:06.230 --> 01:08:06.990
weight, underestimating.
01:08:07.990 --> 01:08:09.810
It's underestimating both of those.
01:08:09.810 --> 01:08:11.680
It's only overestimating this range.
01:08:12.470 --> 01:08:13.010
01:08:13.880 --> 01:08:17.030
But if I like think about it, I can see
01:08:17.030 --> 01:08:18.450
that there's some kind of logarithmic
01:08:18.450 --> 01:08:20.350
behavior here, where it's always
01:08:20.350 --> 01:08:22.840
decreasing by some fraction rather than
01:08:22.840 --> 01:08:24.540
decreasing by a constant amount.
01:08:25.830 --> 01:08:28.809
And so if I replot this as a log log
01:08:28.810 --> 01:08:31.100
plot where I have the log rank on the X
01:08:31.100 --> 01:08:33.940
axis and the log number of appearances.
01:08:34.610 --> 01:08:36.000
On the Y axis.
01:08:36.000 --> 01:08:39.680
Then I have this nice Linear behavior
01:08:39.680 --> 01:08:42.030
and so now I can fit a linear model to
01:08:42.030 --> 01:08:43.000
my log log plot.
01:08:43.860 --> 01:08:47.040
And then I can in order to do that, I
01:08:47.040 --> 01:08:49.380
would just then have essentially.
01:08:52.910 --> 01:08:56.150
I would say like let's say X hat.
01:08:57.550 --> 01:09:01.610
Equals log of X where X is the rank.
01:09:03.380 --> 01:09:06.800
And then Y hat equals.
01:09:07.650 --> 01:09:10.690
W transpose or here there's only One X,
01:09:10.690 --> 01:09:13.000
but leave it in vector format anyway.
01:09:13.000 --> 01:09:14.770
W transpose X hat.
01:09:17.320 --> 01:09:19.950
And then Y, which is the original thing
01:09:19.950 --> 01:09:22.060
that I wanted to Predict, is just the
01:09:22.060 --> 01:09:23.910
exponent of Y hat.
01:09:25.030 --> 01:09:28.070
Since Y was the.
01:09:29.110 --> 01:09:31.750
Since Y hat is the log Frequency.
01:09:33.680 --> 01:09:35.970
So I can just learn this Linear model,
01:09:35.970 --> 01:09:37.870
but then I can easily transform the
01:09:37.870 --> 01:09:38.620
01:09:39.290 --> 01:09:42.406
Get my prediction of the log number of
01:09:42.406 --> 01:09:43.870
appearances and then transform that
01:09:43.870 --> 01:09:47.350
back into the like regular number of
01:09:47.350 --> 01:09:47.760
01:09:53.160 --> 01:09:55.890
It's also worth noting that if you are
01:09:55.890 --> 01:09:58.460
Minimizing a ^2 loss.
01:09:59.120 --> 01:10:01.760
Then you're then you're going to be
01:10:01.760 --> 01:10:04.860
sensitive to outliers, so as this
01:10:04.860 --> 01:10:07.240
example from the textbook and some a
01:10:07.240 --> 01:10:08.820
lot of these plots are examples from
01:10:08.820 --> 01:10:09.960
the Forsyth textbook.
01:10:12.120 --> 01:10:13.286
I've got these points here.
01:10:13.286 --> 01:10:15.379
I've got the exact same points here,
01:10:15.380 --> 01:10:18.290
but added one outlying .1 point that's
01:10:18.290 --> 01:10:19.050
way off the line.
01:10:19.890 --> 01:10:22.360
And you can see that totally messed up
01:10:22.360 --> 01:10:23.206
my fit.
01:10:23.206 --> 01:10:24.990
Like, now that fit hardly goes through
01:10:24.990 --> 01:10:28.040
anything, just from that one point.
01:10:28.040 --> 01:10:29.020
That's way off base.
01:10:30.070 --> 01:10:32.763
And so that's really a problem with the
01:10:32.763 --> 01:10:33.149
01:10:33.149 --> 01:10:35.930
With the optimization objective, if I
01:10:35.930 --> 01:10:38.362
have a squared error, then I really,
01:10:38.362 --> 01:10:40.150
really, really hate points that are far
01:10:40.150 --> 01:10:42.670
from the line, so that one point is
01:10:42.670 --> 01:10:44.620
able to pull this whole line towards
01:10:44.620 --> 01:10:46.630
it, because this squared penalty is
01:10:46.630 --> 01:10:48.750
just so big if it's that far away.
01:10:49.950 --> 01:10:51.980
But if I have an L1, if I'm Minimizing
01:10:51.980 --> 01:10:55.380
the L2 one difference, then this will
01:10:55.380 --> 01:10:55.920
not happen.
01:10:55.920 --> 01:10:57.900
I would end up with roughly the same
01:10:57.900 --> 01:10:58.680
01:10:59.330 --> 01:11:02.380
Or the other way of dealing with it is
01:11:02.380 --> 01:11:05.960
to do something like me estimation,
01:11:05.960 --> 01:11:08.670
where I'm also estimating a weight for
01:11:08.670 --> 01:11:10.310
each point of how well it fits into the
01:11:10.310 --> 01:11:12.270
model, and then at the end of that
01:11:12.270 --> 01:11:13.730
estimation this will get very little
01:11:13.730 --> 01:11:15.250
weight and then I'll also end up with
01:11:15.250 --> 01:11:16.120
the original line.
01:11:17.220 --> 01:11:19.270
So I will talk more about or I plan
01:11:19.270 --> 01:11:21.880
anyway to talk more about like robust
01:11:21.880 --> 01:11:24.480
fitting later in the semester, but I
01:11:24.480 --> 01:11:25.790
just wanted to make you aware of this
01:11:25.790 --> 01:11:26.180
01:11:32.600 --> 01:11:34.260
01:11:34.260 --> 01:11:34.630
01:11:34.630 --> 01:11:37.170
So just comparing these algorithms
01:11:37.170 --> 01:11:37.700
we've seen.
01:11:38.480 --> 01:11:41.635
So K&N between Linear Regression K&N
01:11:41.635 --> 01:11:42.770
and IBS.
01:11:42.770 --> 01:11:45.660
K&N is the most nonlinear of them, so
01:11:45.660 --> 01:11:47.530
you can fit nonlinear functions with
01:11:47.530 --> 01:11:47.850
01:11:49.240 --> 01:11:50.880
Linear Regression is the only one that
01:11:50.880 --> 01:11:51.665
can extrapolate.
01:11:51.665 --> 01:11:54.250
So for a function like this like K&N
01:11:54.250 --> 01:11:56.290
and Naive Bayes will still give me some
01:11:56.290 --> 01:11:58.230
value that's within the range of values
01:11:58.230 --> 01:11:59.350
that I have observed.
01:11:59.350 --> 01:12:02.330
So if I have a frequency of like 5 or
01:12:02.330 --> 01:12:03.090
01:12:04.000 --> 01:12:06.620
K&N is still going to give me like a
01:12:06.620 --> 01:12:08.716
Temperature that's in this range or in
01:12:08.716 --> 01:12:09.209
this range.
01:12:10.260 --> 01:12:11.960
Where Linear Regression can
01:12:11.960 --> 01:12:13.863
extrapolate, it can actually make a
01:12:13.863 --> 01:12:15.730
better like, assuming that it continues
01:12:15.730 --> 01:12:17.320
to be a Linear relationship, a better
01:12:17.320 --> 01:12:19.230
prediction for the extreme values that
01:12:19.230 --> 01:12:20.380
were not observed in Training.
01:12:22.370 --> 01:12:26.670
Linear Regression is compared to.
01:12:27.970 --> 01:12:31.460
Compared to K&N, Linear Regression is
01:12:31.460 --> 01:12:33.225
higher, higher bias and lower variance.
01:12:33.225 --> 01:12:35.140
It's a more constrained model than K&N
01:12:35.140 --> 01:12:37.816
because it's constrained to this Linear
01:12:37.816 --> 01:12:39.680
model where K&N is nonlinear.
01:12:41.140 --> 01:12:43.040
Linear Regression is more useful to
01:12:43.040 --> 01:12:46.439
explain a relationship than K&N or
01:12:46.440 --> 01:12:47.220
Naive Bayes.
01:12:47.220 --> 01:12:49.530
You can see things like well as the
01:12:49.530 --> 01:12:51.550
frequency increases by one then my
01:12:51.550 --> 01:12:53.280
Temperature tends to increase by three
01:12:53.280 --> 01:12:54.325
or whatever it is.
01:12:54.325 --> 01:12:56.420
So you get like a very simple
01:12:56.420 --> 01:12:57.960
explanation that relates to your
01:12:57.960 --> 01:12:59.030
features to your data.
01:12:59.030 --> 01:13:00.770
So that's why you do like a trend fit
01:13:00.770 --> 01:13:01.650
in your Excel plot.
01:13:04.020 --> 01:13:05.930
Linear compared to Gaussian I Bayes,
01:13:05.930 --> 01:13:08.485
Linear Regression is more powerful in
01:13:08.485 --> 01:13:10.700
the sense that it should always fit the
01:13:10.700 --> 01:13:12.350
Training data better because it has
01:13:12.350 --> 01:13:13.990
more freedom to adjust its
01:13:13.990 --> 01:13:14.700
01:13:16.340 --> 01:13:17.820
But it doesn't necessarily mean that
01:13:17.820 --> 01:13:19.030
will fit the test data better.
01:13:19.030 --> 01:13:20.980
So if your data is really Gaussian,
01:13:20.980 --> 01:13:22.830
then Gaussian nibs would be the best
01:13:22.830 --> 01:13:23.510
thing you could do.
01:13:28.290 --> 01:13:34.480
So the key it's basically that Y can be
01:13:34.480 --> 01:13:35.980
predicted by your Linear combination of
01:13:35.980 --> 01:13:36.590
01:13:37.570 --> 01:13:38.354
You can.
01:13:38.354 --> 01:13:40.450
You want to use it if you want to
01:13:40.450 --> 01:13:42.380
extrapolate or visualize or quantify
01:13:42.380 --> 01:13:44.903
correlations or relationships, or if
01:13:44.903 --> 01:13:46.710
you have Many features that can be very
01:13:46.710 --> 01:13:47.620
powerful predictor.
01:13:48.580 --> 01:13:50.410
And you don't want to use it obviously
01:13:50.410 --> 01:13:51.860
if the relationships are very nonlinear
01:13:51.860 --> 01:13:53.540
and that or you need to apply a
01:13:53.540 --> 01:13:54.700
transformation first.
01:13:56.520 --> 01:13:58.850
I'll be done in just one second.
01:13:59.270 --> 01:14:02.490
And so these are used so widely that I
01:14:02.490 --> 01:14:03.420
couldn't think of.
01:14:03.420 --> 01:14:05.480
I felt like coming up with an example
01:14:05.480 --> 01:14:07.230
of when they're used would not give
01:14:07.230 --> 01:14:10.010
you, would not be the right thing to do
01:14:10.010 --> 01:14:11.940
because they're used millions of times,
01:14:11.940 --> 01:14:14.360
like almost all the time you're doing
01:14:14.360 --> 01:14:16.970
Linear Regression or Linear or Logistic
01:14:16.970 --> 01:14:17.550
01:14:18.510 --> 01:14:20.300
If you have a neural network, the last
01:14:20.300 --> 01:14:22.130
layer is a Logistic regressor.
01:14:22.130 --> 01:14:24.240
So they use like really, really widely.
01:14:24.240 --> 01:14:24.735
They're the.
01:14:24.735 --> 01:14:26.080
They're the bread and butter of machine
01:14:26.080 --> 01:14:26.410
01:14:28.310 --> 01:14:29.010
I'm going to.
01:14:29.010 --> 01:14:30.480
I'll Recap this at the start of the
01:14:30.480 --> 01:14:31.040
next class.
01:14:31.820 --> 01:14:34.715
And I'll talk about, I'll go through
01:14:34.715 --> 01:14:36.110
the review at the start of the next
01:14:36.110 --> 01:14:37.530
class of homework one as well.
01:14:37.530 --> 01:14:39.840
This is just basically information,
01:14:39.840 --> 01:14:41.560
summary of information that's already
01:14:41.560 --> 01:14:42.539
given to you in the homework
01:14:42.540 --> 01:14:42.880
01:14:44.960 --> 01:14:45.315
01:14:45.315 --> 01:14:47.160
So next week I'll just go through that
01:14:47.160 --> 01:14:49.610
review and then I'll talk about trees
01:14:49.610 --> 01:14:51.390
and I'll talk about Ensembles.
01:14:51.390 --> 01:14:54.580
And remember that your homework one is
01:14:54.580 --> 01:14:56.620
due on February 6, so a week from
01:14:56.620 --> 01:14:57.500
01:14:57.500 --> 01:14:58.160
Thank you.
01:15:03.740 --> 01:15:04.530
Question about.
01:15:06.630 --> 01:15:10.140
I observed the Training data and I
01:15:10.140 --> 01:15:13.110
think this occurrence is not simple one
01:15:13.110 --> 01:15:13.770
or zero.
01:15:13.770 --> 01:15:16.570
So how should we count the occurrence
01:15:16.570 --> 01:15:17.940
on each of the?
01:15:20.610 --> 01:15:24.257
So first you have to you threshold it
01:15:24.257 --> 01:15:28.690
so first you say like X train equals.
01:15:29.340 --> 01:15:30.810
784X1 train.
01:15:31.780 --> 01:15:33.580
Greater than 0.5.
01:15:34.750 --> 01:15:35.896
So that's what I mean by thresholding
01:15:35.896 --> 01:15:38.450
and now this will be zeros or zeros and
01:15:38.450 --> 01:15:40.820
ones and so now you can count.
01:15:42.360 --> 01:15:44.530
So that's how we.
01:15:46.270 --> 01:15:48.550
Now you can count it, yeah?
01:15:50.090 --> 01:15:51.270
Hi, I'm not sure if.
01:16:01.130 --> 01:16:01.790
01:16:03.040 --> 01:16:05.420
In terms of so if you think it's the
01:16:05.420 --> 01:16:07.347
case that there's like a lot of.
01:16:07.347 --> 01:16:09.089
So first, if you think there's a lot of
01:16:09.090 --> 01:16:11.500
noisy features that aren't very useful
01:16:11.500 --> 01:16:13.200
and you have limited data, then L2 one
01:16:13.200 --> 01:16:15.400
might be better because it will be
01:16:15.400 --> 01:16:17.480
focused more on a few Useful features.
01:16:18.780 --> 01:16:21.150
The other is that if you have.
01:16:23.080 --> 01:16:24.960
If you want to select what are the most
01:16:24.960 --> 01:16:26.820
important features, then L2 one is
01:16:26.820 --> 01:16:27.450
01:16:27.450 --> 01:16:28.750
It can do it in L2 2 can't.
01:16:30.170 --> 01:16:32.650
Otherwise, you often want to use L2
01:16:32.650 --> 01:16:34.370
just because the optimization is a lot
01:16:34.370 --> 01:16:34.940
01:16:34.940 --> 01:16:37.580
So one is a harder optimization problem
01:16:37.580 --> 01:16:39.440
and it will take a lot longer.
01:16:40.190 --> 01:16:41.840
From what I'm understanding, L2 one is
01:16:41.840 --> 01:16:43.210
only better when there are limited
01:16:43.210 --> 01:16:44.150
features and limited.
01:16:45.210 --> 01:16:48.160
If you think that some features are
01:16:48.160 --> 01:16:49.850
very valuable and there's a lot of
01:16:49.850 --> 01:16:51.396
other weak features, then it can give
01:16:51.396 --> 01:16:52.630
you a better result.
01:16:53.350 --> 01:16:53.870
01:16:54.490 --> 01:16:56.260
Or if you want to do feature selection.
01:16:56.260 --> 01:16:59.300
But in most practical cases you will
01:16:59.300 --> 01:17:01.450
get fairly similar accuracy from the
01:17:01.450 --> 01:17:01.800
01:17:05.690 --> 01:17:07.740
Y is equal to 1 in this case would be.
01:17:14.630 --> 01:17:15.660
If it's binary.
01:17:17.460 --> 01:17:20.820
So if it's binary, then the score of Y,
01:17:20.820 --> 01:17:24.030
this Y the score for 0.
01:17:24.700 --> 01:17:28.010
Is the negative of the score, for one.
01:17:29.240 --> 01:17:31.730
So if it's binary then these relate
01:17:31.730 --> 01:17:34.080
because this would be east to the West
01:17:34.080 --> 01:17:34.690
01:17:36.590 --> 01:17:40.100
784X1 over east to the West transpose X
01:17:40.100 --> 01:17:41.360
Plus wait.
01:17:41.360 --> 01:17:42.130
Am I doing that right?
01:17:49.990 --> 01:17:51.077
Sorry, I forgot.
01:17:51.077 --> 01:17:52.046
I can't explain.
01:17:52.046 --> 01:17:54.050
I forgot how to explain like why this
01:17:54.050 --> 01:17:56.059
is the same under the binary case.
01:17:56.060 --> 01:17:58.633
OK, so but there would be the same
01:17:58.633 --> 01:17:59.678
under the binary case.
01:17:59.678 --> 01:18:01.010
Yeah, they're still there.
01:18:01.010 --> 01:18:02.440
It ends up working out to be the same
01:18:02.440 --> 01:18:02.990
01:18:03.420 --> 01:18:04.580
You're welcome.
01:18:17.130 --> 01:18:17.650
Convert this.
01:18:38.230 --> 01:18:39.650
So you.
01:18:40.770 --> 01:18:41.750
I'm not sure if I understood.
01:18:41.750 --> 01:18:43.950
You said from audio you want to do
01:18:43.950 --> 01:18:44.360
01:18:45.560 --> 01:18:48.660
I'm sitting on a beach this sentence.
01:18:49.440 --> 01:18:51.700
Or you are sitting OK.
01:18:52.980 --> 01:18:53.450
01:18:54.820 --> 01:18:57.130
My model or app should convert it as a.
01:19:00.490 --> 01:19:01.280
So that person.
01:19:05.870 --> 01:19:08.090
You want to generate a video from a
01:19:08.090 --> 01:19:08.840
01:19:12.670 --> 01:19:12.920
01:19:12.920 --> 01:19:14.760
That's like really, really complicated.
01:19:16.390 --> 01:19:17.070