RadFM_data_csv / README.md
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license: apache-2.0
  - biology


The data_csv used for training and testing RadFM.

The explanation for each csv file are listed as:

File Explanation
radiology_test/train.json The file for RP3D dataset containing rich information like caption, artical linking for one case
radiology_vqa_test/train.json The file for RP3D vqa subdataset containing the question and answer for rp3D images
article.json The file for RP3D case linked article contents
modality_set.json The file for the modality set for RP3D images
(filtered)_casa_report_train/test The file used for PMC_case_report check https://huggingface.co/datasets/chaoyi-wu/PMC-CaseReport for more details
chestxray_balance_train/test The file used for all chestXray-related dataset, the class type has been balanced
MedPix_series The file used for MedPix_series, ``multi'' denotes the whole caption for a multi-scan case and "single" denotes the caption of a single image.
mimic_caption_train/tes mimic caption data.
pmc_oa_image_caption_train/test PMC-OA captioning data
PMC_VQA_train/test The file for PMC_VQA dataset,
slakevqa_train/test The file for SLAKE_VQA dataset
VQA_RAD_train/test The file for VQA_RAD dataset
mammo_train/test The file for VinDR_mammo dataset
pcxr_train/test The file for VinDR_PCXR dataset
spinexr_train/test The file for spinexr dataset