597 values
LTNER: Large Language Model Tagging for Named Entity Recognition with Contextualized Entity Marking
Faren Yan, Peng Yu, Xin Chen
The use of LLMs for natural language processing has become a popular trend in the past two years, driven by their formidable capacity for context comprehension and learning, which has inspired a wave of research from academics and industry professionals. However, for certain NLP tasks, such as NER, the performance of LLMs still falls short when compared to supervised learning methods. In our research, we developed a NER processing framework called LTNER that incorporates a revolutionary Contextualized Entity Marking Gen Method. By leveraging the cost-effective GPT-3.5 coupled with context learning that does not require additional training, we significantly improved the accuracy of LLMs in handling NER tasks. The F1 score on the CoNLL03 dataset increased from the initial 85.9% to 91.9%, approaching the performance of supervised fine-tuning. This outcome has led to a deeper understanding of the potential of LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
360°REA: Towards A Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360° Assessment for Multi-Agent System
Shen Gao, Hao Li, Zhengliang Shi, Chengrui Huang, Quan Tu, Zhiliang Tian, Minlie Huang, Shuo Shang
Large language model agents have demonstrated remarkable advancements across various complex tasks. Recent works focus on optimizing the agent team or employing self-reflection to iteratively solve complex tasks. Since these agents are all based on the same LLM, only conducting self-evaluation or removing underperforming agents does not substantively enhance the capability of the agents. We argue that a comprehensive evaluation and accumulating experience from evaluation feedback is an effective approach to improving system performance. In this paper, we propose Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360{\deg} Assessment (360{\deg}REA), a hierarchical multi-agent framework inspired by corporate organizational practices. The framework employs a novel 360{\deg} performance assessment method for multi-perspective performance evaluation with fine-grained assessment. To enhance the capability of agents in addressing complex tasks, we introduce dual-level experience pool for agents to accumulate experience through fine-grained assessment. Extensive experiments on complex task datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of 360{\deg}REA.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.MA
TIM: A Time Interval Machine for Audio-Visual Action Recognition
Jacob Chalk, Jaesung Huh, Evangelos Kazakos, Andrew Zisserman, Dima Damen
Diverse actions give rise to rich audio-visual signals in long videos. Recent works showcase that the two modalities of audio and video exhibit different temporal extents of events and distinct labels. We address the interplay between the two modalities in long videos by explicitly modelling the temporal extents of audio and visual events. We propose the Time Interval Machine (TIM) where a modality-specific time interval poses as a query to a transformer encoder that ingests a long video input. The encoder then attends to the specified interval, as well as the surrounding context in both modalities, in order to recognise the ongoing action. We test TIM on three long audio-visual video datasets: EPIC-KITCHENS, Perception Test, and AVE, reporting state-of-the-art (SOTA) for recognition. On EPIC-KITCHENS, we beat previous SOTA that utilises LLMs and significantly larger pre-training by 2.9% top-1 action recognition accuracy. Additionally, we show that TIM can be adapted for action detection, using dense multi-scale interval queries, outperforming SOTA on EPIC-KITCHENS-100 for most metrics, and showing strong performance on the Perception Test. Our ablations show the critical role of integrating the two modalities and modelling their time intervals in achieving this performance. Code and models at: https://github.com/JacobChalk/TIM
The Fact Selection Problem in LLM-Based Program Repair
Nikhil Parasaram, Huijie Yan, Boyu Yang, Zineb Flahy, Abriele Qudsi, Damian Ziaber, Earl Barr, Sergey Mechtaev
Recent research has shown that incorporating bug-related facts, such as stack traces and GitHub issues, into prompts enhances the bug-fixing capabilities of large language models (LLMs). Considering the ever-increasing context window of these models, a critical question arises: what and how many facts should be included in prompts to maximise the chance of correctly fixing bugs? To answer this question, we conducted a large-scale study, employing over 19K prompts featuring various combinations of seven diverse facts to rectify 314 bugs from open-source Python projects within the BugsInPy benchmark. Our findings revealed that each fact, ranging from simple syntactic details like code context to semantic information previously unexplored in the context of LLMs such as angelic values, is beneficial. Specifically, each fact aids in fixing some bugs that would remain unresolved or only be fixed with a low success rate without it. Importantly, we discovered that the effectiveness of program repair prompts is non-monotonic over the number of used facts; using too many facts leads to subpar outcomes. These insights led us to define the fact selection problem: determining the optimal set of facts for inclusion in a prompt to maximise LLM's performance on a given task instance. We found that there is no one-size-fits-all set of facts for bug repair. Therefore, we developed a basic statistical model, named Maniple, which selects facts specific to a given bug to include in the prompt. This model significantly surpasses the performance of the best generic fact set. To underscore the significance of the fact selection problem, we benchmarked Maniple against the state-of-the-art zero-shot, non-conversational LLM-based bug repair methods. On our testing dataset of 157 bugs, Maniple repairs 88 bugs, 17% above the best configuration.
XL$^2$Bench: A Benchmark for Extremely Long Context Understanding with Long-range Dependencies
Xuanfan Ni, Hengyi Cai, Xiaochi Wei, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin, Piji Li
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks but are constrained by their small context window sizes. Various efforts have been proposed to expand the context window to accommodate even up to 200K input tokens. Meanwhile, building high-quality benchmarks with much longer text lengths and more demanding tasks to provide comprehensive evaluations is of immense practical interest to facilitate long context understanding research of LLMs. However, prior benchmarks create datasets that ostensibly cater to long-text comprehension by expanding the input of traditional tasks, which falls short to exhibit the unique characteristics of long-text understanding, including long dependency tasks and longer text length compatible with modern LLMs' context window size. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark for extremely long context understanding with long-range dependencies, XL$^2$Bench, which includes three scenarios: Fiction Reading, Paper Reading, and Law Reading, and four tasks of increasing complexity: Memory Retrieval, Detailed Understanding, Overall Understanding, and Open-ended Generation, covering 27 subtasks in English and Chinese. It has an average length of 100K+ words (English) and 200K+ characters (Chinese). Evaluating six leading LLMs on XL$^2$Bench, we find that their performance significantly lags behind human levels. Moreover, the observed decline in performance across both the original and enhanced datasets underscores the efficacy of our approach to mitigating data contamination.
SafetyPrompts: a Systematic Review of Open Datasets for Evaluating and Improving Large Language Model Safety
Paul Röttger, Fabio Pernisi, Bertie Vidgen, Dirk Hovy
The last two years have seen a rapid growth in concerns around the safety of large language models (LLMs). Researchers and practitioners have met these concerns by introducing an abundance of new datasets for evaluating and improving LLM safety. However, much of this work has happened in parallel, and with very different goals in mind, ranging from the mitigation of near-term risks around bias and toxic content generation to the assessment of longer-term catastrophic risk potential. This makes it difficult for researchers and practitioners to find the most relevant datasets for a given use case, and to identify gaps in dataset coverage that future work may fill. To remedy these issues, we conduct a first systematic review of open datasets for evaluating and improving LLM safety. We review 102 datasets, which we identified through an iterative and community-driven process over the course of several months. We highlight patterns and trends, such as a a trend towards fully synthetic datasets, as well as gaps in dataset coverage, such as a clear lack of non-English datasets. We also examine how LLM safety datasets are used in practice -- in LLM release publications and popular LLM benchmarks -- finding that current evaluation practices are highly idiosyncratic and make use of only a small fraction of available datasets. Our contributions are based on SafetyPrompts.com, a living catalogue of open datasets for LLM safety, which we commit to updating continuously as the field of LLM safety develops.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Xiwu: A Basis Flexible and Learnable LLM for High Energy Physics
Zhengde Zhang, Yiyu Zhang, Haodong Yao, Jianwen Luo, Rui Zhao, Bo Huang, Jiameng Zhao, Yipu Liao, Ke Li, Lina Zhao, Jun Cao, Fazhi Qi, Changzheng Yuan
Large Language Models (LLMs) are undergoing a period of rapid updates and changes, with state-of-the-art (SOTA) model frequently being replaced. When applying LLMs to a specific scientific field, it's challenging to acquire unique domain knowledge while keeping the model itself advanced. To address this challenge, a sophisticated large language model system named as Xiwu has been developed, allowing you switch between the most advanced foundation models and quickly teach the model domain knowledge. In this work, we will report on the best practices for applying LLMs in the field of high-energy physics (HEP), including: a seed fission technology is proposed and some data collection and cleaning tools are developed to quickly obtain domain AI-Ready dataset; a just-in-time learning system is implemented based on the vector store technology; an on-the-fly fine-tuning system has been developed to facilitate rapid training under a specified foundation model. The results show that Xiwu can smoothly switch between foundation models such as LLaMA, Vicuna, ChatGLM and Grok-1. The trained Xiwu model is significantly outperformed the benchmark model on the HEP knowledge question-and-answering and code generation. This strategy significantly enhances the potential for growth of our model's performance, with the hope of surpassing GPT-4 as it evolves with the development of open-source models. This work provides a customized LLM for the field of HEP, while also offering references for applying LLM to other fields, the corresponding codes are available on Github.
hep-ph, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG, hep-ex, physics.comp-ph, I.2.7
EFSA: Towards Event-Level Financial Sentiment Analysis
Tianyu Chen, Yiming Zhang, Guoxin Yu, Dapeng Zhang, Li Zeng, Qing He, Xiang Ao
In this paper, we extend financial sentiment analysis~(FSA) to event-level since events usually serve as the subject of the sentiment in financial text. Though extracting events from the financial text may be conducive to accurate sentiment predictions, it has specialized challenges due to the lengthy and discontinuity of events in a financial text. To this end, we reconceptualize the event extraction as a classification task by designing a categorization comprising coarse-grained and fine-grained event categories. Under this setting, we formulate the \textbf{E}vent-Level \textbf{F}inancial \textbf{S}entiment \textbf{A}nalysis~(\textbf{EFSA} for short) task that outputs quintuples consisting of (company, industry, coarse-grained event, fine-grained event, sentiment) from financial text. A large-scale Chinese dataset containing $12,160$ news articles and $13,725$ quintuples is publicized as a brand new testbed for our task. A four-hop Chain-of-Thought LLM-based approach is devised for this task. Systematically investigations are conducted on our dataset, and the empirical results demonstrate the benchmarking scores of existing methods and our proposed method can reach the current state-of-the-art. Our dataset and framework implementation are available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/EFSA-645E
Evaluation of an LLM in Identifying Logical Fallacies: A Call for Rigor When Adopting LLMs in HCI Research
Gionnieve Lim, Simon T. Perrault
There is increasing interest in the adoption of LLMs in HCI research. However, LLMs may often be regarded as a panacea because of their powerful capabilities with an accompanying oversight on whether they are suitable for their intended tasks. We contend that LLMs should be adopted in a critical manner following rigorous evaluation. Accordingly, we present the evaluation of an LLM in identifying logical fallacies that will form part of a digital misinformation intervention. By comparing to a labeled dataset, we found that GPT-4 achieves an accuracy of 0.79, and for our intended use case that excludes invalid or unidentified instances, an accuracy of 0.90. This gives us the confidence to proceed with the application of the LLM while keeping in mind the areas where it still falls short. The paper describes our evaluation approach, results and reflections on the use of the LLM for our intended task.
cs.HC, cs.AI
Progressive Alignment with VLM-LLM Feature to Augment Defect Classification for the ASE Dataset
Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Chun-Hung Sun, Kuang-Ming Wu
Traditional defect classification approaches are facing with two barriers. (1) Insufficient training data and unstable data quality. Collecting sufficient defective sample is expensive and time-costing, consequently leading to dataset variance. It introduces the difficulty on recognition and learning. (2) Over-dependence on visual modality. When the image pattern and texture is monotonic for all defect classes in a given dataset, the performance of conventional AOI system cannot be guaranteed. In scenarios where image quality is compromised due to mechanical failures or when defect information is inherently difficult to discern, the performance of deep models cannot be guaranteed. A main question is, "how to solve those two problems when they occur at the same time?" The feasible strategy is to explore another feature within dataset and combine an eminent vision-language model (VLM) and Large-Language model (LLM) with their astonishing zero-shot capability. In this work, we propose the special ASE dataset, including rich data description recorded on image, for defect classification, but the defect feature is uneasy to learn directly. Secondly, We present the prompting for VLM-LLM against defect classification with the proposed ASE dataset to activate extra-modality feature from images to enhance performance. Then, We design the novel progressive feature alignment (PFA) block to refine image-text feature to alleviate the difficulty of alignment under few-shot scenario. Finally, the proposed Cross-modality attention fusion (CMAF) module can effectively fuse different modality feature. Experiment results have demonstrated our method's effectiveness over several defect classification methods for the ASE dataset.
cs.CV, cs.LG
DLoRA: Distributed Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Solution for Large Language Model
Chao Gao, Sai Qian Zhang
To enhance the performance of large language models (LLM) on downstream tasks, one solution is to fine-tune certain LLM parameters and make it better align with the characteristics of the training dataset. This process is commonly known as parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). Due to the scale of LLM, PEFT operations are usually executed in the public environment (e.g., cloud server). This necessitates the sharing of sensitive user data across public environments, thereby raising potential privacy concerns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a distributed PEFT framework called DLoRA. DLoRA enables scalable PEFT operations to be performed collaboratively between the cloud and user devices. Coupled with the proposed Kill and Revive algorithm, the evaluation results demonstrate that DLoRA can significantly reduce the computation and communication workload over the user devices while achieving superior accuracy and privacy protection.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.DC
Enhancing Clinical Efficiency through LLM: Discharge Note Generation for Cardiac Patients
HyoJe Jung, Yunha Kim, Heejung Choi, Hyeram Seo, Minkyoung Kim, JiYe Han, Gaeun Kee, Seohyun Park, Soyoung Ko, Byeolhee Kim, Suyeon Kim, Tae Joon Jun, Young-Hak Kim
Medical documentation, including discharge notes, is crucial for ensuring patient care quality, continuity, and effective medical communication. However, the manual creation of these documents is not only time-consuming but also prone to inconsistencies and potential errors. The automation of this documentation process using artificial intelligence (AI) represents a promising area of innovation in healthcare. This study directly addresses the inefficiencies and inaccuracies in creating discharge notes manually, particularly for cardiac patients, by employing AI techniques, specifically large language model (LLM). Utilizing a substantial dataset from a cardiology center, encompassing wide-ranging medical records and physician assessments, our research evaluates the capability of LLM to enhance the documentation process. Among the various models assessed, Mistral-7B distinguished itself by accurately generating discharge notes that significantly improve both documentation efficiency and the continuity of care for patients. These notes underwent rigorous qualitative evaluation by medical expert, receiving high marks for their clinical relevance, completeness, readability, and contribution to informed decision-making and care planning. Coupled with quantitative analyses, these results confirm Mistral-7B's efficacy in distilling complex medical information into concise, coherent summaries. Overall, our findings illuminate the considerable promise of specialized LLM, such as Mistral-7B, in refining healthcare documentation workflows and advancing patient care. This study lays the groundwork for further integrating advanced AI technologies in healthcare, demonstrating their potential to revolutionize patient documentation and support better care outcomes.
cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG
Plug and Play with Prompts: A Prompt Tuning Approach for Controlling Text Generation
Rohan Deepak Ajwani, Zining Zhu, Jonathan Rose, Frank Rudzicz
Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown exceptional language generation capabilities in response to text-based prompts. However, controlling the direction of generation via textual prompts has been challenging, especially with smaller models. In this work, we explore the use of Prompt Tuning to achieve controlled language generation. Generated text is steered using prompt embeddings, which are trained using a small language model, used as a discriminator. Moreover, we demonstrate that these prompt embeddings can be trained with a very small dataset, with as low as a few hundred training examples. Our method thus offers a data and parameter efficient solution towards controlling language model outputs. We carry out extensive evaluation on four datasets: SST-5 and Yelp (sentiment analysis), GYAFC (formality) and JIGSAW (toxic language). Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method towards mitigating harmful, toxic, and biased text generated by language models.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
SemEval-2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials
Mael Jullien, Marco Valentino, André Freitas
Large Language Models (LLMs) are at the forefront of NLP achievements but fall short in dealing with shortcut learning, factual inconsistency, and vulnerability to adversarial inputs.These shortcomings are especially critical in medical contexts, where they can misrepresent actual model capabilities. Addressing this, we present SemEval-2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for ClinicalTrials. Our contributions include the refined NLI4CT-P dataset (i.e., Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials - Perturbed), designed to challenge LLMs with interventional and causal reasoning tasks, along with a comprehensive evaluation of methods and results for participant submissions. A total of 106 participants registered for the task contributing to over 1200 individual submissions and 25 system overview papers. This initiative aims to advance the robustness and applicability of NLI models in healthcare, ensuring safer and more dependable AI assistance in clinical decision-making. We anticipate that the dataset, models, and outcomes of this task can support future research in the field of biomedical NLI. The dataset, competition leaderboard, and website are publicly available.
cs.CL, cs.AI
PairAug: What Can Augmented Image-Text Pairs Do for Radiology?
Yutong Xie, Qi Chen, Sinuo Wang, Minh-Son To, Iris Lee, Ee Win Khoo, Kerolos Hendy, Daniel Koh, Yong Xia, Qi Wu
Current vision-language pre-training (VLP) methodologies predominantly depend on paired image-text datasets, a resource that is challenging to acquire in radiology due to privacy considerations and labelling complexities. Data augmentation provides a practical solution to overcome the issue of data scarcity, however, most augmentation methods exhibit a limited focus, prioritising either image or text augmentation exclusively. Acknowledging this limitation, our objective is to devise a framework capable of concurrently augmenting medical image and text data. We design a Pairwise Augmentation (PairAug) approach that contains an Inter-patient Augmentation (InterAug) branch and an Intra-patient Augmentation (IntraAug) branch. Specifically, the InterAug branch of our approach generates radiology images using synthesised yet plausible reports derived from a Large Language Model (LLM). The generated pairs can be considered a collection of new patient cases since they are artificially created and may not exist in the original dataset. In contrast, the IntraAug branch uses newly generated reports to manipulate images. This process allows us to create new paired data for each individual with diverse medical conditions. Our extensive experiments on various downstream tasks covering medical image classification zero-shot and fine-tuning analysis demonstrate that our PairAug, concurrently expanding both image and text data, substantially outperforms image-/text-only expansion baselines and advanced medical VLP baselines. Our code is released at \url{https://github.com/YtongXie/PairAug}.
Prompting Large Language Models for Zero-shot Essay Scoring via Multi-trait Specialization
Sanwoo Lee, Yida Cai, Desong Meng, Ziyang Wang, Yunfang Wu
Advances in automated essay scoring (AES) have traditionally relied on labeled essays, requiring tremendous cost and expertise for their acquisition. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have achieved great success in various tasks, but their potential is less explored in AES. In this paper, we propose Multi Trait Specialization (MTS), a zero-shot prompting framework to elicit essay scoring capabilities in LLMs. Specifically, we leverage ChatGPT to decompose writing proficiency into distinct traits and generate scoring criteria for each trait. Then, an LLM is prompted to extract trait scores from several conversational rounds, each round scoring one of the traits based on the scoring criteria. Finally, we derive the overall score via trait averaging and min-max scaling. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that MTS consistently outperforms straightforward prompting (Vanilla) in average QWK across all LLMs and datasets, with maximum gains of 0.437 on TOEFL11 and 0.355 on ASAP. Additionally, with the help of MTS, the small-sized Llama2-13b-chat substantially outperforms ChatGPT, facilitating an effective deployment in real applications.
TimeGPT in Load Forecasting: A Large Time Series Model Perspective
Wenlong Liao, Fernando Porte-Agel, Jiannong Fang, Christian Rehtanz, Shouxiang Wang, Dechang Yang, Zhe Yang
Machine learning models have made significant progress in load forecasting, but their forecast accuracy is limited in cases where historical load data is scarce. Inspired by the outstanding performance of large language models (LLMs) in computer vision and natural language processing, this paper aims to discuss the potential of large time series models in load forecasting with scarce historical data. Specifically, the large time series model is constructed as a time series generative pre-trained transformer (TimeGPT), which is trained on massive and diverse time series datasets consisting of 100 billion data points (e.g., finance, transportation, banking, web traffic, weather, energy, healthcare, etc.). Then, the scarce historical load data is used to fine-tune the TimeGPT, which helps it to adapt to the data distribution and characteristics associated with load forecasting. Simulation results show that TimeGPT outperforms the benchmarks (e.g., popular machine learning models and statistical models) for load forecasting on several real datasets with scarce training samples, particularly for short look-ahead times. However, it cannot be guaranteed that TimeGPT is always superior to benchmarks for load forecasting with scarce data, since the performance of TimeGPT may be affected by the distribution differences between the load data and the training data. In practical applications, we can divide the historical data into a training set and a validation set, and then use the validation set loss to decide whether TimeGPT is the best choice for a specific dataset.
Data Bias According to Bipol: Men are Naturally Right and It is the Role of Women to Follow Their Lead
Irene Pagliai, Goya van Boven, Tosin Adewumi, Lama Alkhaled, Namrata Gurung, Isabella Södergren, Elisa Barney
We introduce new large labeled datasets on bias in 3 languages and show in experiments that bias exists in all 10 datasets of 5 languages evaluated, including benchmark datasets on the English GLUE/SuperGLUE leaderboards. The 3 new languages give a total of almost 6 million labeled samples and we benchmark on these datasets using SotA multilingual pretrained models: mT5 and mBERT. The challenge of social bias, based on prejudice, is ubiquitous, as recent events with AI and large language models (LLMs) have shown. Motivated by this challenge, we set out to estimate bias in multiple datasets. We compare some recent bias metrics and use bipol, which has explainability in the metric. We also confirm the unverified assumption that bias exists in toxic comments by randomly sampling 200 samples from a toxic dataset population using the confidence level of 95% and error margin of 7%. Thirty gold samples were randomly distributed in the 200 samples to secure the quality of the annotation. Our findings confirm that many of the datasets have male bias (prejudice against women), besides other types of bias. We publicly release our new datasets, lexica, models, and codes.
FRACTAL: Fine-Grained Scoring from Aggregate Text Labels
Yukti Makhija, Priyanka Agrawal, Rishi Saket, Aravindan Raghuveer
Large language models (LLMs) are being increasingly tuned to power complex generation tasks such as writing, fact-seeking, querying and reasoning. Traditionally, human or model feedback for evaluating and further tuning LLM performance has been provided at the response level, enabling faster and more cost-effective assessments. However, recent works (Amplayo et al. [2022], Wu et al. [2023]) indicate that sentence-level labels may provide more accurate and interpretable feedback for LLM optimization. In this work, we introduce methods to disaggregate response-level labels into sentence-level (pseudo-)labels. Our approach leverages multiple instance learning (MIL) and learning from label proportions (LLP) techniques in conjunction with prior information (e.g., document-sentence cosine similarity) to train a specialized model for sentence-level scoring. We also employ techniques which use model predictions to pseudo-label the train-set at the sentence-level for model training to further improve performance. We conduct extensive evaluations of our methods across six datasets and four tasks: retrieval, question answering, summarization, and math reasoning. Our results demonstrate improved performance compared to multiple baselines across most of these tasks. Our work is the first to develop response-level feedback to sentence-level scoring techniques, leveraging sentence-level prior information, along with comprehensive evaluations on multiple tasks as well as end-to-end finetuning evaluation showing performance comparable to a model trained on fine-grained human annotated labels.
PMG : Personalized Multimodal Generation with Large Language Models
Xiaoteng Shen, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhao, Jieming Zhu, Xi Xiao
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the capabilities of text comprehension and generation. Multi-modal generation attracts great attention from both the industry and academia, but there is little work on personalized generation, which has important applications such as recommender systems. This paper proposes the first method for personalized multimodal generation using LLMs, showcases its applications and validates its performance via an extensive experimental study on two datasets. The proposed method, Personalized Multimodal Generation (PMG for short) first converts user behaviors (e.g., clicks in recommender systems or conversations with a virtual assistant) into natural language to facilitate LLM understanding and extract user preference descriptions. Such user preferences are then fed into a generator, such as a multimodal LLM or diffusion model, to produce personalized content. To capture user preferences comprehensively and accurately, we propose to let the LLM output a combination of explicit keywords and implicit embeddings to represent user preferences. Then the combination of keywords and embeddings are used as prompts to condition the generator. We optimize a weighted sum of the accuracy and preference scores so that the generated content has a good balance between them. Compared to a baseline method without personalization, PMG has a significant improvement on personalization for up to 8% in terms of LPIPS while retaining the accuracy of generation.
cs.IR, cs.AI, cs.CL
GenEARL: A Training-Free Generative Framework for Multimodal Event Argument Role Labeling
Hritik Bansal, Po-Nien Kung, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Kai-Wei Chang, Nanyun Peng
Multimodal event argument role labeling (EARL), a task that assigns a role for each event participant (object) in an image is a complex challenge. It requires reasoning over the entire image, the depicted event, and the interactions between various objects participating in the event. Existing models heavily rely on high-quality event-annotated training data to understand the event semantics and structures, and they fail to generalize to new event types and domains. In this paper, we propose GenEARL, a training-free generative framework that harness the power of the modern generative models to understand event task descriptions given image contexts to perform the EARL task. Specifically, GenEARL comprises two stages of generative prompting with a frozen vision-language model (VLM) and a frozen large language model (LLM). First, a generative VLM learns the semantics of the event argument roles and generates event-centric object descriptions based on the image. Subsequently, a LLM is prompted with the generated object descriptions with a predefined template for EARL (i.e., assign an object with an event argument role). We show that GenEARL outperforms the contrastive pretraining (CLIP) baseline by 9.4% and 14.2% accuracy for zero-shot EARL on the M2E2 and SwiG datasets, respectively. In addition, we outperform CLIP-Event by 22% precision on M2E2 dataset. The framework also allows flexible adaptation and generalization to unseen domains.
cs.CV, cs.AI
Multilingual Brain Surgeon: Large Language Models Can be Compressed Leaving No Language Behind
Hongchuan Zeng, Hongshen Xu, Lu Chen, Kai Yu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have ushered in a new era in Natural Language Processing, but their massive size demands effective compression techniques for practicality. Although numerous model compression techniques have been investigated, they typically rely on a calibration set that overlooks the multilingual context and results in significant accuracy degradation for low-resource languages. This paper introduces Multilingual Brain Surgeon (MBS), a novel calibration data sampling method for multilingual LLMs compression. MBS overcomes the English-centric limitations of existing methods by sampling calibration data from various languages proportionally to the language distribution of the model training datasets. Our experiments, conducted on the BLOOM multilingual LLM, demonstrate that MBS improves the performance of existing English-centric compression methods, especially for low-resource languages. We also uncover the dynamics of language interaction during compression, revealing that the larger the proportion of a language in the training set and the more similar the language is to the calibration language, the better performance the language retains after compression. In conclusion, MBS presents an innovative approach to compressing multilingual LLMs, addressing the performance disparities and improving the language inclusivity of existing compression techniques.
PoLLMgraph: Unraveling Hallucinations in Large Language Models via State Transition Dynamics
Derui Zhu, Dingfan Chen, Qing Li, Zongxiong Chen, Lei Ma, Jens Grossklags, Mario Fritz
Despite tremendous advancements in large language models (LLMs) over recent years, a notably urgent challenge for their practical deployment is the phenomenon of hallucination, where the model fabricates facts and produces non-factual statements. In response, we propose PoLLMgraph, a Polygraph for LLMs, as an effective model-based white-box detection and forecasting approach. PoLLMgraph distinctly differs from the large body of existing research that concentrates on addressing such challenges through black-box evaluations. In particular, we demonstrate that hallucination can be effectively detected by analyzing the LLM's internal state transition dynamics during generation via tractable probabilistic models. Experimental results on various open-source LLMs confirm the efficacy of PoLLMgraph, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by a considerable margin, evidenced by over 20% improvement in AUC-ROC on common benchmarking datasets like TruthfulQA. Our work paves a new way for model-based white-box analysis of LLMs, motivating the research community to further explore, understand, and refine the intricate dynamics of LLM behaviors.
cs.CL, cs.CR, cs.SE
Multicalibration for Confidence Scoring in LLMs
Gianluca Detommaso, Martin Bertran, Riccardo Fogliato, Aaron Roth
This paper proposes the use of "multicalibration" to yield interpretable and reliable confidence scores for outputs generated by large language models (LLMs). Multicalibration asks for calibration not just marginally, but simultaneously across various intersecting groupings of the data. We show how to form groupings for prompt/completion pairs that are correlated with the probability of correctness via two techniques: clustering within an embedding space, and "self-annotation" - querying the LLM by asking it various yes-or-no questions about the prompt. We also develop novel variants of multicalibration algorithms that offer performance improvements by reducing their tendency to overfit. Through systematic benchmarking across various question answering datasets and LLMs, we show how our techniques can yield confidence scores that provide substantial improvements in fine-grained measures of both calibration and accuracy compared to existing methods.
stat.ML, cs.CL, cs.LG
Order-Based Pre-training Strategies for Procedural Text Understanding
Abhilash Nandy, Yash Kulkarni, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly
In this paper, we propose sequence-based pretraining methods to enhance procedural understanding in natural language processing. Procedural text, containing sequential instructions to accomplish a task, is difficult to understand due to the changing attributes of entities in the context. We focus on recipes, which are commonly represented as ordered instructions, and use this order as a supervision signal. Our work is one of the first to compare several 'order as-supervision' transformer pre-training methods, including Permutation Classification, Embedding Regression, and Skip-Clip, and shows that these methods give improved results compared to the baselines and SoTA LLMs on two downstream Entity-Tracking datasets: NPN-Cooking dataset in recipe domain and ProPara dataset in open domain. Our proposed methods address the non-trivial Entity Tracking Task that requires prediction of entity states across procedure steps, which requires understanding the order of steps. These methods show an improvement over the best baseline by 1.6% and 7-9% on NPN-Cooking and ProPara Datasets respectively across metrics.
Binary Classifier Optimization for Large Language Model Alignment
Seungjae Jung, Gunsoo Han, Daniel Wontae Nam, Kyoung-Woon On
Aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to human preferences through preference optimization has been crucial but labor-intensive, necessitating for each prompt a comparison of both a chosen and a rejected text completion by evaluators. Recently, Kahneman-Tversky Optimization (KTO) has demonstrated that LLMs can be aligned using merely binary "thumbs-up" or "thumbs-down" signals on each prompt-completion pair. In this paper, we present theoretical foundations to explain the successful alignment achieved through these binary signals. Our analysis uncovers a new perspective: optimizing a binary classifier, whose logit is a reward, implicitly induces minimizing the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) loss. In the process of this discovery, we identified two techniques for effective alignment: reward shift and underlying distribution matching. Consequently, we propose a new algorithm, \textit{Binary Classifier Optimization}, that integrates the techniques. We validate our methodology in two settings: first, on a paired preference dataset, where our method performs on par with DPO and KTO; and second, on binary signal datasets simulating real-world conditions with divergent underlying distributions between thumbs-up and thumbs-down data. Our model consistently demonstrates effective and robust alignment across two base LLMs and three different binary signal datasets, showcasing the strength of our approach to learning from binary feedback.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Self-Training Large Language Models for Improved Visual Program Synthesis With Visual Reinforcement
Zaid Khan, Vijay Kumar BG, Samuel Schulter, Yun Fu, Manmohan Chandraker
Visual program synthesis is a promising approach to exploit the reasoning abilities of large language models for compositional computer vision tasks. Previous work has used few-shot prompting with frozen LLMs to synthesize visual programs. Training an LLM to write better visual programs is an attractive prospect, but it is unclear how to accomplish this. No dataset of visual programs for training exists, and acquisition of a visual program dataset cannot be easily crowdsourced due to the need for expert annotators. To get around the lack of direct supervision, we explore improving the program synthesis abilities of an LLM using feedback from interactive experience. We propose a method where we exploit existing annotations for a vision-language task to improvise a coarse reward signal for that task, treat the LLM as a policy, and apply reinforced self-training to improve the visual program synthesis ability of the LLM for that task. We describe a series of experiments on object detection, compositional visual question answering, and image-text retrieval, and show that in each case, the self-trained LLM outperforms or performs on par with few-shot frozen LLMs that are an order of magnitude larger. Website: https://zaidkhan.me/ViReP
Q-PEFT: Query-dependent Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning for Text Reranking with Large Language Models
Zhiyuan Peng, Xuyang Wu, Qifan Wang, Sravanthi Rajanala, Yi Fang
Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have been extensively utilized in Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the down-streaming tasks without the cost of fine-tuing the whole LLMs. Recent studies have shown how to effectively use PEFT for fine-tuning LLMs in ranking tasks with convincing performance; there are some limitations, including the learned prompt being fixed for different documents, overfitting to specific tasks, and low adaptation ability. In this paper, we introduce a query-dependent parameter efficient fine-tuning (Q-PEFT) approach for text reranking to leak the information of the true queries to LLMs and then make the generation of true queries from input documents much easier. Specifically, we utilize the query to extract the top-$k$ tokens from concatenated documents, serving as contextual clues. We further augment Q-PEFT by substituting the retrieval mechanism with a multi-head attention layer to achieve end-to-end training and cover all the tokens in the documents, guiding the LLMs to generate more document-specific synthetic queries, thereby further improving the reranking performance. Extensive experiments are conducted on four public datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG
Goal-guided Generative Prompt Injection Attack on Large Language Models
Chong Zhang, Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Chengzhi Liu, Haochen Xue, Xiaobo Jin
Current large language models (LLMs) provide a strong foundation for large-scale user-oriented natural language tasks. A large number of users can easily inject adversarial text or instructions through the user interface, thus causing LLMs model security challenges. Although there is currently a large amount of research on prompt injection attacks, most of these black-box attacks use heuristic strategies. It is unclear how these heuristic strategies relate to the success rate of attacks and thus effectively improve model robustness. To solve this problem, we redefine the goal of the attack: to maximize the KL divergence between the conditional probabilities of the clean text and the adversarial text. Furthermore, we prove that maximizing the KL divergence is equivalent to maximizing the Mahalanobis distance between the embedded representation $x$ and $x'$ of the clean text and the adversarial text when the conditional probability is a Gaussian distribution and gives a quantitative relationship on $x$ and $x'$. Then we designed a simple and effective goal-guided generative prompt injection strategy (G2PIA) to find an injection text that satisfies specific constraints to achieve the optimal attack effect approximately. It is particularly noteworthy that our attack method is a query-free black-box attack method with low computational cost. Experimental results on seven LLM models and four datasets show the effectiveness of our attack method.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.CL
IITK at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Exploring the Capabilities of LLMs for Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials
Shreyasi Mandal, Ashutosh Modi
Large Language models (LLMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks across multiple domains, yet they are prone to shortcut learning and factual inconsistencies. This research investigates LLMs' robustness, consistency, and faithful reasoning when performing Natural Language Inference (NLI) on breast cancer Clinical Trial Reports (CTRs) in the context of SemEval 2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials. We examine the reasoning capabilities of LLMs and their adeptness at logical problem-solving. A comparative analysis is conducted on pre-trained language models (PLMs), GPT-3.5, and Gemini Pro under zero-shot settings using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, integrating various reasoning chains. The evaluation yields an F1 score of 0.69, consistency of 0.71, and a faithfulness score of 0.90 on the test dataset.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Deciphering Political Entity Sentiment in News with Large Language Models: Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Strategies
Alapan Kuila, Sudeshna Sarkar
Sentiment analysis plays a pivotal role in understanding public opinion, particularly in the political domain where the portrayal of entities in news articles influences public perception. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) in predicting entity-specific sentiment from political news articles. Leveraging zero-shot and few-shot strategies, we explore the capability of LLMs to discern sentiment towards political entities in news content. Employing a chain-of-thought (COT) approach augmented with rationale in few-shot in-context learning, we assess whether this method enhances sentiment prediction accuracy. Our evaluation on sentiment-labeled datasets demonstrates that LLMs, outperform fine-tuned BERT models in capturing entity-specific sentiment. We find that learning in-context significantly improves model performance, while the self-consistency mechanism enhances consistency in sentiment prediction. Despite the promising results, we observe inconsistencies in the effectiveness of the COT prompting method. Overall, our findings underscore the potential of LLMs in entity-centric sentiment analysis within the political news domain and highlight the importance of suitable prompting strategies and model architectures.
Prompt Public Large Language Models to Synthesize Data for Private On-device Applications
Shanshan Wu, Zheng Xu, Yanxiang Zhang, Yuanbo Zhang, Daniel Ramage
Pre-training on public data is an effective method to improve the performance for federated learning (FL) with differential privacy (DP). This paper investigates how large language models (LLMs) trained on public data can improve the quality of pre-training data for the on-device language models trained with DP and FL. We carefully design LLM prompts to filter and transform existing public data, and generate new data to resemble the real user data distribution. The model pre-trained on our synthetic dataset achieves relative improvement of 19.0% and 22.8% in next word prediction accuracy compared to the baseline model pre-trained on a standard public dataset, when evaluated over the real user data in Gboard (Google Keyboard, a production mobile keyboard application). Furthermore, our method achieves evaluation accuracy better than or comparable to the baseline during the DP FL fine-tuning over millions of mobile devices, and our final model outperforms the baseline in production A/B testing. Our experiments demonstrate the strengths of LLMs in synthesizing data close to the private distribution even without accessing the private data, and also suggest future research directions to further reduce the distribution gap.
cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.CR
Hypothesis Generation with Large Language Models
Yangqiaoyu Zhou, Haokun Liu, Tejes Srivastava, Hongyuan Mei, Chenhao Tan
Effective generation of novel hypotheses is instrumental to scientific progress. So far, researchers have been the main powerhouse behind hypothesis generation by painstaking data analysis and thinking (also known as the Eureka moment). In this paper, we examine the potential of large language models (LLMs) to generate hypotheses. We focus on hypothesis generation based on data (i.e., labeled examples). To enable LLMs to handle arbitrarily long contexts, we generate initial hypotheses from a small number of examples and then update them iteratively to improve the quality of hypotheses. Inspired by multi-armed bandits, we design a reward function to inform the exploitation-exploration tradeoff in the update process. Our algorithm is able to generate hypotheses that enable much better predictive performance than few-shot prompting in classification tasks, improving accuracy by 31.7% on a synthetic dataset and by 13.9%, 3.3% and, 24.9% on three real-world datasets. We also outperform supervised learning by 12.8% and 11.2% on two challenging real-world datasets. Furthermore, we find that the generated hypotheses not only corroborate human-verified theories but also uncover new insights for the tasks.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.LG
Robust Preference Optimization with Provable Noise Tolerance for LLMs
Xize Liang, Chao Chen, Jie Wang, Yue Wu, Zhihang Fu, Zhihao Shi, Feng Wu, Jieping Ye
The preference alignment aims to enable large language models (LLMs) to generate responses that conform to human values, which is essential for developing general AI systems. Ranking-based methods -- a promising class of alignment approaches -- learn human preferences from datasets containing response pairs by optimizing the log-likelihood margins between preferred and dis-preferred responses. However, due to the inherent differences in annotators' preferences, ranking labels of comparisons for response pairs are unavoidably noisy. This seriously hurts the reliability of existing ranking-based methods. To address this problem, we propose a provably noise-tolerant preference alignment method, namely RObust Preference Optimization (ROPO). To the best of our knowledge, ROPO is the first preference alignment method with noise-tolerance guarantees. The key idea of ROPO is to dynamically assign conservative gradient weights to response pairs with high label uncertainty, based on the log-likelihood margins between the responses. By effectively suppressing the gradients of noisy samples, our weighting strategy ensures that the expected risk has the same gradient direction independent of the presence and proportion of noise. Experiments on three open-ended text generation tasks with four base models ranging in size from 2.8B to 13B demonstrate that ROPO significantly outperforms existing ranking-based methods.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
CLUE: A Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation for LLMs
Amin Dada, Marie Bauer, Amanda Butler Contreras, Osman Alperen Koraş, Constantin Marc Seibold, Kaleb E Smith, Jens Kleesiek
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown the potential to significantly contribute to patient care, diagnostics, and administrative processes. Emerging biomedical LLMs address healthcare-specific challenges, including privacy demands and computational constraints. However, evaluation of these models has primarily been limited to non-clinical tasks, which do not reflect the complexity of practical clinical applications. Additionally, there has been no thorough comparison between biomedical and general-domain LLMs for clinical tasks. To fill this gap, we present the Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation (CLUE), a benchmark tailored to evaluate LLMs on real-world clinical tasks. CLUE includes two novel datasets derived from MIMIC IV discharge letters and four existing tasks designed to test the practical applicability of LLMs in healthcare settings. Our evaluation covers several biomedical and general domain LLMs, providing insights into their clinical performance and applicability. CLUE represents a step towards a standardized approach to evaluating and developing LLMs in healthcare to align future model development with the real-world needs of clinical application. We publish our evaluation and data generation scripts: https://github.com/TIO-IKIM/CLUE.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Teaching Llama a New Language Through Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer
Hele-Andra Kuulmets, Taido Purason, Agnes Luhtaru, Mark Fishel
This paper explores cost-efficient methods to adapt pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs) to new lower-resource languages, with a specific focus on Estonian. Leveraging the Llama 2 model, we investigate the impact of combining cross-lingual instruction-tuning with additional monolingual pretraining. Our results demonstrate that even a relatively small amount of additional monolingual pretraining followed by cross-lingual instruction-tuning significantly enhances results on Estonian. Furthermore, we showcase cross-lingual knowledge transfer from high-quality English instructions to Estonian, resulting in improvements in commonsense reasoning and multi-turn conversation capabilities. Our best model, named \textsc{Llammas}, represents the first open-source instruction-following LLM for Estonian. Additionally, we publish Alpaca-est, the first general task instruction dataset for Estonia. These contributions mark the initial progress in the direction of developing open-source LLMs for Estonian.
Pros and Cons! Evaluating ChatGPT on Software Vulnerability
Xin Yin
This paper proposes a pipeline for quantitatively evaluating interactive LLMs such as ChatGPT using publicly available dataset. We carry out an extensive technical evaluation of ChatGPT using Big-Vul covering five different common software vulnerability tasks. We evaluate the multitask and multilingual aspects of ChatGPT based on this dataset. We found that the existing state-of-the-art methods are generally superior to ChatGPT in software vulnerability detection. Although ChatGPT improves accuracy when providing context information, it still has limitations in accurately predicting severity ratings for certain CWE types. In addition, ChatGPT demonstrates some ability in locating vulnerabilities for certain CWE types, but its performance varies among different CWE types. ChatGPT exhibits limited vulnerability repair capabilities in both providing and not providing context information. Finally, ChatGPT shows uneven performance in generating CVE descriptions for various CWE types, with limited accuracy in detailed information. Overall, though ChatGPT performs well in some aspects, it still needs improvement in understanding the subtle differences in code vulnerabilities and the ability to describe vulnerabilities in order to fully realize its potential. Our evaluation framework provides valuable insights for further enhancing ChatGPT' s software vulnerability handling capabilities.
Investigating the Robustness of Modelling Decisions for Few-Shot Cross-Topic Stance Detection: A Preregistered Study
Myrthe Reuver, Suzan Verberne, Antske Fokkens
For a viewpoint-diverse news recommender, identifying whether two news articles express the same viewpoint is essential. One way to determine "same or different" viewpoint is stance detection. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of operationalization choices for few-shot stance detection, with special attention to modelling stance across different topics. Our experiments test pre-registered hypotheses on stance detection. Specifically, we compare two stance task definitions (Pro/Con versus Same Side Stance), two LLM architectures (bi-encoding versus cross-encoding), and adding Natural Language Inference knowledge, with pre-trained RoBERTa models trained with shots of 100 examples from 7 different stance detection datasets. Some of our hypotheses and claims from earlier work can be confirmed, while others give more inconsistent results. The effect of the Same Side Stance definition on performance differs per dataset and is influenced by other modelling choices. We found no relationship between the number of training topics in the training shots and performance. In general, cross-encoding out-performs bi-encoding, and adding NLI training to our models gives considerable improvement, but these results are not consistent across all datasets. Our results indicate that it is essential to include multiple datasets and systematic modelling experiments when aiming to find robust modelling choices for the concept `stance'.
Can only LLMs do Reasoning?: Potential of Small Language Models in Task Planning
Gawon Choi, Hyemin Ahn
In robotics, the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming prevalent, especially for understanding human commands. In particular, LLMs are utilized as domain-agnostic task planners for high-level human commands. LLMs are capable of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning, and this allows LLMs to be task planners. However, we need to consider that modern robots still struggle to perform complex actions, and the domains where robots can be deployed are limited in practice. This leads us to pose a question: If small LMs can be trained to reason in chains within a single domain, would even small LMs be good task planners for the robots? To train smaller LMs to reason in chains, we build `COmmand-STeps datasets' (COST) consisting of high-level commands along with corresponding actionable low-level steps, via LLMs. We release not only our datasets but also the prompt templates used to generate them, to allow anyone to build datasets for their domain. We compare GPT3.5 and GPT4 with the finetuned GPT2 for task domains, in tabletop and kitchen environments, and the result shows that GPT2-medium is comparable to GPT3.5 for task planning in a specific domain. Our dataset, code, and more output samples can be found in https://github.com/Gawon-Choi/small-LMs-Task-Planning
cs.RO, cs.AI, cs.LG
Extract, Define, Canonicalize: An LLM-based Framework for Knowledge Graph Construction
Bowen Zhang, Harold Soh
In this work, we are interested in automated methods for knowledge graph creation (KGC) from input text. Progress on large language models (LLMs) has prompted a series of recent works applying them to KGC, e.g., via zero/few-shot prompting. Despite successes on small domain-specific datasets, these models face difficulties scaling up to text common in many real-world applications. A principal issue is that in prior methods, the KG schema has to be included in the LLM prompt to generate valid triplets; larger and more complex schema easily exceed the LLMs' context window length. To address this problem, we propose a three-phase framework named Extract-Define-Canonicalize (EDC): open information extraction followed by schema definition and post-hoc canonicalization. EDC is flexible in that it can be applied to settings where a pre-defined target schema is available and when it is not; in the latter case, it constructs a schema automatically and applies self-canonicalization. To further improve performance, we introduce a trained component that retrieves schema elements relevant to the input text; this improves the LLMs' extraction performance in a retrieval-augmented generation-like manner. We demonstrate on three KGC benchmarks that EDC is able to extract high-quality triplets without any parameter tuning and with significantly larger schemas compared to prior works.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Verifiable by Design: Aligning Language Models to Quote from Pre-Training Data
Jingyu Zhang, Marc Marone, Tianjian Li, Benjamin Van Durme, Daniel Khashabi
For humans to trust the fluent generations of large language models (LLMs), they must be able to verify their correctness against trusted, external sources. Recent efforts aim to increase verifiability through citations of retrieved documents or post-hoc provenance. However, such citations are prone to mistakes that further complicate their verifiability. To address these limitations, we tackle the verifiability goal with a different philosophy: we trivialize the verification process by developing models that quote verbatim statements from trusted sources in pre-training data. We propose Quote-Tuning, which demonstrates the feasibility of aligning LLMs to leverage memorized information and quote from pre-training data. Quote-Tuning quantifies quoting against large corpora with efficient membership inference tools, and uses the amount of quotes as an implicit reward signal to construct a synthetic preference dataset for quoting, without any human annotation. Next, the target model is aligned to quote using preference optimization algorithms. Experimental results show that Quote-Tuning significantly increases the percentage of LLM generation quoted verbatim from high-quality pre-training documents by 55% to 130% relative to untuned models while maintaining response quality. Further experiments demonstrate that Quote-Tuning generalizes quoting to out-of-domain data, is applicable in different tasks, and provides additional benefits to truthfulness. Quote-Tuning not only serves as a hassle-free method to increase quoting but also opens up avenues for improving LLM trustworthiness through better verifiability.
CantTalkAboutThis: Aligning Language Models to Stay on Topic in Dialogues
Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar, Traian Rebedea, Shaona Ghosh, Christopher Parisien
Recent advancements in instruction-tuning datasets have predominantly focused on specific tasks like mathematical or logical reasoning. There has been a notable gap in data designed for aligning language models to maintain topic relevance in conversations - a critical aspect for deploying chatbots to production. We introduce the CantTalkAboutThis dataset to help language models remain focused on the subject at hand during task-oriented interactions. It consists of synthetic dialogues on a wide range of conversation topics from different domains. These dialogues are interspersed with distractor turns that intentionally divert the chatbot from the predefined topic. Fine-tuning language models on this dataset helps make them resilient to deviating from the role assigned and improves their ability to maintain topical coherence compared to general-purpose instruction-tuned LLMs like GPT-4-turbo and Mixtral-Instruct. Additionally, preliminary observations suggest that training models on this dataset also enhance their performance on fine-grained instruction following tasks.
Understanding Language Modeling Paradigm Adaptations in Recommender Systems: Lessons Learned and Open Challenges
Lemei Zhang, Peng Liu, Yashar Deldjoo, Yong Zheng, Jon Atle Gulla
The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has achieved tremendous success in the field of Natural Language Processing owing to diverse training paradigms that empower LLMs to effectively capture intricate linguistic patterns and semantic representations. In particular, the recent "pre-train, prompt and predict" training paradigm has attracted significant attention as an approach for learning generalizable models with limited labeled data. In line with this advancement, these training paradigms have recently been adapted to the recommendation domain and are seen as a promising direction in both academia and industry. This half-day tutorial aims to provide a thorough understanding of extracting and transferring knowledge from pre-trained models learned through different training paradigms to improve recommender systems from various perspectives, such as generality, sparsity, effectiveness and trustworthiness. In this tutorial, we first introduce the basic concepts and a generic architecture of the language modeling paradigm for recommendation purposes. Then, we focus on recent advancements in adapting LLM-related training strategies and optimization objectives for different recommendation tasks. After that, we will systematically introduce ethical issues in LLM-based recommender systems and discuss possible approaches to assessing and mitigating them. We will also summarize the relevant datasets, evaluation metrics, and an empirical study on the recommendation performance of training paradigms. Finally, we will conclude the tutorial with a discussion of open challenges and future directions.
OW-VISCap: Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning
Anwesa Choudhuri, Girish Chowdhary, Alexander G. Schwing
Open-world video instance segmentation is an important video understanding task. Yet most methods either operate in a closed-world setting, require an additional user-input, or use classic region-based proposals to identify never before seen objects. Further, these methods only assign a one-word label to detected objects, and don't generate rich object-centric descriptions. They also often suffer from highly overlapping predictions. To address these issues, we propose Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning (OW-VISCap), an approach to jointly segment, track, and caption previously seen or unseen objects in a video. For this, we introduce open-world object queries to discover never before seen objects without additional user-input. We generate rich and descriptive object-centric captions for each detected object via a masked attention augmented LLM input. We introduce an inter-query contrastive loss to ensure that the object queries differ from one another. Our generalized approach matches or surpasses state-of-the-art on three tasks: open-world video instance segmentation on the BURST dataset, dense video object captioning on the VidSTG dataset, and closed-world video instance segmentation on the OVIS dataset.
cs.CV, cs.AI
Capabilities of Large Language Models in Control Engineering: A Benchmark Study on GPT-4, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.0 Ultra
Darioush Kevian, Usman Syed, Xingang Guo, Aaron Havens, Geir Dullerud, Peter Seiler, Lianhui Qin, Bin Hu
In this paper, we explore the capabilities of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.0 Ultra in solving undergraduate-level control problems. Controls provides an interesting case study for LLM reasoning due to its combination of mathematical theory and engineering design. We introduce ControlBench, a benchmark dataset tailored to reflect the breadth, depth, and complexity of classical control design. We use this dataset to study and evaluate the problem-solving abilities of these LLMs in the context of control engineering. We present evaluations conducted by a panel of human experts, providing insights into the accuracy, reasoning, and explanatory prowess of LLMs in control engineering. Our analysis reveals the strengths and limitations of each LLM in the context of classical control, and our results imply that Claude 3 Opus has become the state-of-the-art LLM for solving undergraduate control problems. Our study serves as an initial step towards the broader goal of employing artificial general intelligence in control engineering.
math.OC, cs.AI, cs.LG
Unveiling LLMs: The Evolution of Latent Representations in a Temporal Knowledge Graph
Marco Bronzini, Carlo Nicolini, Bruno Lepri, Jacopo Staiano, Andrea Passerini
Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate an impressive capacity to recall a vast range of common factual knowledge information. However, unravelling the underlying reasoning of LLMs and explaining their internal mechanisms of exploiting this factual knowledge remain active areas of investigation. Our work analyzes the factual knowledge encoded in the latent representation of LLMs when prompted to assess the truthfulness of factual claims. We propose an end-to-end framework that jointly decodes the factual knowledge embedded in the latent space of LLMs from a vector space to a set of ground predicates and represents its evolution across the layers using a temporal knowledge graph. Our framework relies on the technique of activation patching which intervenes in the inference computation of a model by dynamically altering its latent representations. Consequently, we neither rely on external models nor training processes. We showcase our framework with local and global interpretability analyses using two claim verification datasets: FEVER and CLIMATE-FEVER. The local interpretability analysis exposes different latent errors from representation to multi-hop reasoning errors. On the other hand, the global analysis uncovered patterns in the underlying evolution of the model's factual knowledge (e.g., store-and-seek factual information). By enabling graph-based analyses of the latent representations, this work represents a step towards the mechanistic interpretability of LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY
Untangle the KNOT: Interweaving Conflicting Knowledge and Reasoning Skills in Large Language Models
Yantao Liu, Zijun Yao, Xin Lv, Yuchen Fan, Shulin Cao, Jifan Yu, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li
Providing knowledge documents for large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a promising solution to update the static knowledge inherent in their parameters. However, knowledge in the document may conflict with the memory of LLMs due to outdated or incorrect knowledge in the LLMs' parameters. This leads to the necessity of examining the capability of LLMs to assimilate supplemental external knowledge that conflicts with their memory. While previous studies have explained to what extent LLMs extract conflicting knowledge from the provided text, they neglect the necessity to reason with conflicting knowledge. Furthermore, there lack a detailed analysis on strategies to enable LLMs to resolve conflicting knowledge via prompting, decoding strategy, and supervised fine-tuning. To address these limitations, we construct a new dataset, dubbed KNOT, for knowledge conflict resolution examination in the form of question answering. KNOT facilitates in-depth analysis by dividing reasoning with conflicting knowledge into three levels: (1) Direct Extraction, which directly extracts conflicting knowledge to answer questions. (2) Explicit Reasoning, which reasons with conflicting knowledge when the reasoning path is explicitly provided in the question. (3) Implicit Reasoning, where reasoning with conflicting knowledge requires LLMs to infer the reasoning path independently to answer questions. We also conduct extensive experiments on KNOT to establish empirical guidelines for LLMs to utilize conflicting knowledge in complex circumstances. Dataset and associated codes can be accessed at https://github.com/THU-KEG/KNOT .
CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models
Jiawei Guo, Ziming Li, Xueling Liu, Kaijing Ma, Tianyu Zheng, Zhouliang Yu, Ding Pan, Yizhi LI, Ruibo Liu, Yue Wang, Shuyue Guo, Xingwei Qu, Xiang Yue, Ge Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Jie Fu
Large Language Models (LLMs) for code are rapidly evolving, with code editing emerging as a critical capability. We introduce CodeEditorBench, an evaluation framework designed to rigorously assess the performance of LLMs in code editing tasks, including debugging, translating, polishing, and requirement switching. Unlike existing benchmarks focusing solely on code generation, CodeEditorBench emphasizes real-world scenarios and practical aspects of software development. We curate diverse coding challenges and scenarios from five sources, covering various programming languages, complexity levels, and editing tasks. Evaluation of 19 LLMs reveals that closed-source models (particularly Gemini-Ultra and GPT-4), outperform open-source models in CodeEditorBench, highlighting differences in model performance based on problem types and prompt sensitivities. CodeEditorBench aims to catalyze advancements in LLMs by providing a robust platform for assessing code editing capabilities. We will release all prompts and datasets to enable the community to expand the dataset and benchmark emerging LLMs. By introducing CodeEditorBench, we contribute to the advancement of LLMs in code editing and provide a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners.
cs.SE, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
Evaluating Generative Language Models in Information Extraction as Subjective Question Correction
Yuchen Fan, Yantao Liu, Zijun Yao, Jifan Yu, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li
Modern Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable prowess in various tasks necessitating sophisticated cognitive behaviors. Nevertheless, a paradoxical performance discrepancy is observed, where these models underperform in seemingly elementary tasks like relation extraction and event extraction due to two issues in conventional evaluation. (1) The imprecision of existing evaluation metrics that struggle to effectively gauge semantic consistency between model outputs and ground truth, and (2) The inherent incompleteness of evaluation benchmarks, primarily due to restrictive human annotation schemas, resulting in underestimated LLM performances. Inspired by the principles in subjective question correction, we propose a new evaluation method, SQC-Score. This method innovatively utilizes LLMs, fine-tuned through subjective question correction data, to refine matching between model outputs and golden labels. Additionally, by incorporating a Natural Language Inference (NLI) model, SQC-Score enriches golden labels, addressing benchmark incompleteness by acknowledging correct yet previously omitted answers. Results on three information extraction tasks show that SQC-Score is more preferred by human annotators than the baseline metrics. Utilizing SQC-Score, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the state-of-the-art LLMs and provide insights for future research for information extraction. Dataset and associated codes can be accessed at https://github.com/THU-KEG/SQC-Score.
BanglaAutoKG: Automatic Bangla Knowledge Graph Construction with Semantic Neural Graph Filtering
Azmine Toushik Wasi, Taki Hasan Rafi, Raima Islam, Dong-Kyu Chae
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have proven essential in information processing and reasoning applications because they link related entities and give context-rich information, supporting efficient information retrieval and knowledge discovery; presenting information flow in a very effective manner. Despite being widely used globally, Bangla is relatively underrepresented in KGs due to a lack of comprehensive datasets, encoders, NER (named entity recognition) models, POS (part-of-speech) taggers, and lemmatizers, hindering efficient information processing and reasoning applications in the language. Addressing the KG scarcity in Bengali, we propose BanglaAutoKG, a pioneering framework that is able to automatically construct Bengali KGs from any Bangla text. We utilize multilingual LLMs to understand various languages and correlate entities and relations universally. By employing a translation dictionary to identify English equivalents and extracting word features from pre-trained BERT models, we construct the foundational KG. To reduce noise and align word embeddings with our goal, we employ graph-based polynomial filters. Lastly, we implement a GNN-based semantic filter, which elevates contextual understanding and trims unnecessary edges, culminating in the formation of the definitive KG. Empirical findings and case studies demonstrate the universal effectiveness of our model, capable of autonomously constructing semantically enriched KGs from any text.
cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.LG, cs.NE, cs.SI
The Impact of Unstated Norms in Bias Analysis of Language Models
Farnaz Kohankhaki, Jacob-Junqi Tian, David Emerson, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari, Faiza Khan Khattak
Large language models (LLMs), trained on vast datasets, can carry biases that manifest in various forms, from overt discrimination to implicit stereotypes. One facet of bias is performance disparities in LLMs, often harming underprivileged groups, such as racial minorities. A common approach to quantifying bias is to use template-based bias probes, which explicitly state group membership (e.g. White) and evaluate if the outcome of a task, sentiment analysis for instance, is invariant to the change of group membership (e.g. change White race to Black). This approach is widely used in bias quantification. However, in this work, we find evidence of an unexpectedly overlooked consequence of using template-based probes for LLM bias quantification. We find that in doing so, text examples associated with White ethnicities appear to be classified as exhibiting negative sentiment at elevated rates. We hypothesize that the scenario arises artificially through a mismatch between the pre-training text of LLMs and the templates used to measure bias through reporting bias, unstated norms that imply group membership without explicit statement. Our finding highlights the potential misleading impact of varying group membership through explicit mention in bias quantification
cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.LG
Red Teaming GPT-4V: Are GPT-4V Safe Against Uni/Multi-Modal Jailbreak Attacks?
Shuo Chen, Zhen Han, Bailan He, Zifeng Ding, Wenqian Yu, Philip Torr, Volker Tresp, Jindong Gu
Various jailbreak attacks have been proposed to red-team Large Language Models (LLMs) and revealed the vulnerable safeguards of LLMs. Besides, some methods are not limited to the textual modality and extend the jailbreak attack to Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) by perturbing the visual input. However, the absence of a universal evaluation benchmark complicates the performance reproduction and fair comparison. Besides, there is a lack of comprehensive evaluation of closed-source state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, especially MLLMs, such as GPT-4V. To address these issues, this work first builds a comprehensive jailbreak evaluation dataset with 1445 harmful questions covering 11 different safety policies. Based on this dataset, extensive red-teaming experiments are conducted on 11 different LLMs and MLLMs, including both SOTA proprietary models and open-source models. We then conduct a deep analysis of the evaluated results and find that (1) GPT4 and GPT-4V demonstrate better robustness against jailbreak attacks compared to open-source LLMs and MLLMs. (2) Llama2 and Qwen-VL-Chat are more robust compared to other open-source models. (3) The transferability of visual jailbreak methods is relatively limited compared to textual jailbreak methods. The dataset and code can be found here https://anonymous.4open.science/r/red_teaming_gpt4-C1CE/README.md .
cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.CR
Scaling Up Video Summarization Pretraining with Large Language Models
Dawit Mureja Argaw, Seunghyun Yoon, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Hanieh Deilamsalehy, Trung Bui, Zhaowen Wang, Franck Dernoncourt, Joon Son Chung
Long-form video content constitutes a significant portion of internet traffic, making automated video summarization an essential research problem. However, existing video summarization datasets are notably limited in their size, constraining the effectiveness of state-of-the-art methods for generalization. Our work aims to overcome this limitation by capitalizing on the abundance of long-form videos with dense speech-to-video alignment and the remarkable capabilities of recent large language models (LLMs) in summarizing long text. We introduce an automated and scalable pipeline for generating a large-scale video summarization dataset using LLMs as Oracle summarizers. By leveraging the generated dataset, we analyze the limitations of existing approaches and propose a new video summarization model that effectively addresses them. To facilitate further research in the field, our work also presents a new benchmark dataset that contains 1200 long videos each with high-quality summaries annotated by professionals. Extensive experiments clearly indicate that our proposed approach sets a new state-of-the-art in video summarization across several benchmarks.
LongVLM: Efficient Long Video Understanding via Large Language Models
Yuetian Weng, Mingfei Han, Haoyu He, Xiaojun Chang, Bohan Zhuang
Empowered by Large Language Models (LLMs), recent advancements in VideoLLMs have driven progress in various video understanding tasks. These models encode video representations through pooling or query aggregation over a vast number of visual tokens, making computational and memory costs affordable. Despite successfully providing an overall comprehension of video content, existing VideoLLMs still face challenges in achieving detailed understanding in videos due to overlooking local information in long-term videos. To tackle this challenge, we introduce LongVLM, a straightforward yet powerful VideoLLM for long video understanding, building upon the observation that long videos often consist of sequential key events, complex actions, and camera movements. Our approach proposes to decompose long videos into multiple short-term segments and encode local features for each local segment via a hierarchical token merging module. These features are concatenated in temporal order to maintain the storyline across sequential short-term segments. Additionally, we propose to integrate global semantics into each local feature to enhance context understanding. In this way, we encode video representations that incorporate both local and global information, enabling the LLM to generate comprehensive responses for long-term videos. Experimental results on the VideoChatGPT benchmark and zero-shot video question-answering datasets demonstrate the superior capabilities of our model over the previous state-of-the-art methods. Qualitative examples demonstrate that our model produces more precise responses for long videos understanding. Code will be available at https://github.com/ziplab/LongVLM.
Mitigating LLM Hallucinations via Conformal Abstention
Yasin Abbasi Yadkori, Ilja Kuzborskij, David Stutz, András György, Adam Fisch, Arnaud Doucet, Iuliya Beloshapka, Wei-Hung Weng, Yao-Yuan Yang, Csaba Szepesvári, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Nenad Tomasev
We develop a principled procedure for determining when a large language model (LLM) should abstain from responding (e.g., by saying "I don't know") in a general domain, instead of resorting to possibly "hallucinating" a non-sensical or incorrect answer. Building on earlier approaches that use self-consistency as a more reliable measure of model confidence, we propose using the LLM itself to self-evaluate the similarity between each of its sampled responses for a given query. We then further leverage conformal prediction techniques to develop an abstention procedure that benefits from rigorous theoretical guarantees on the hallucination rate (error rate). Experimentally, our resulting conformal abstention method reliably bounds the hallucination rate on various closed-book, open-domain generative question answering datasets, while also maintaining a significantly less conservative abstention rate on a dataset with long responses (Temporal Sequences) compared to baselines using log-probability scores to quantify uncertainty, while achieveing comparable performance on a dataset with short answers (TriviaQA). To evaluate the experiments automatically, one needs to determine if two responses are equivalent given a question. Following standard practice, we use a thresholded similarity function to determine if two responses match, but also provide a method for calibrating the threshold based on conformal prediction, with theoretical guarantees on the accuracy of the match prediction, which might be of independent interest.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Using Large Language Models to Enrich the Documentation of Datasets for Machine Learning
Joan Giner-Miguelez, Abel Gómez, Jordi Cabot
Recent regulatory initiatives like the European AI Act and relevant voices in the Machine Learning (ML) community stress the need to describe datasets along several key dimensions for trustworthy AI, such as the provenance processes and social concerns. However, this information is typically presented as unstructured text in accompanying documentation, hampering their automated analysis and processing. In this work, we explore using large language models (LLM) and a set of prompting strategies to automatically extract these dimensions from documents and enrich the dataset description with them. Our approach could aid data publishers and practitioners in creating machine-readable documentation to improve the discoverability of their datasets, assess their compliance with current AI regulations, and improve the overall quality of ML models trained on them. In this paper, we evaluate the approach on 12 scientific dataset papers published in two scientific journals (Nature's Scientific Data and Elsevier's Data in Brief) using two different LLMs (GPT3.5 and Flan-UL2). Results show good accuracy with our prompt extraction strategies. Concrete results vary depending on the dimensions, but overall, GPT3.5 shows slightly better accuracy (81,21%) than FLAN-UL2 (69,13%) although it is more prone to hallucinations. We have released an open-source tool implementing our approach and a replication package, including the experiments' code and results, in an open-source repository.
cs.DL, cs.AI, cs.CL, H.4.4
Reason from Fallacy: Enhancing Large Language Models' Logical Reasoning through Logical Fallacy Understanding
Yanda Li, Dixuan Wang, Jiaqing Liang, Guochao Jiang, Qianyu He, Yanghua Xiao, Deqing Yang
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated good performance in many reasoning tasks, but they still struggle with some complicated reasoning tasks including logical reasoning. One non-negligible reason for LLMs' suboptimal performance on logical reasoning is their overlooking of understanding logical fallacies correctly. To evaluate LLMs' capability of logical fallacy understanding (LFU), we propose five concrete tasks from three cognitive dimensions of WHAT, WHY, and HOW in this paper. Towards these LFU tasks, we have successfully constructed a new dataset LFUD based on GPT-4 accompanied by a little human effort. Our extensive experiments justify that our LFUD can be used not only to evaluate LLMs' LFU capability, but also to fine-tune LLMs to obtain significantly enhanced performance on logical reasoning.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Do Large Language Models Rank Fairly? An Empirical Study on the Fairness of LLMs as Rankers
Yuan Wang, Xuyang Wu, Hsin-Tai Wu, Zhiqiang Tao, Yi Fang
The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) in information retrieval has raised a critical reevaluation of fairness in the text-ranking models. LLMs, such as GPT models and Llama2, have shown effectiveness in natural language understanding tasks, and prior works (e.g., RankGPT) have also demonstrated that the LLMs exhibit better performance than the traditional ranking models in the ranking task. However, their fairness remains largely unexplored. This paper presents an empirical study evaluating these LLMs using the TREC Fair Ranking dataset, focusing on the representation of binary protected attributes such as gender and geographic location, which are historically underrepresented in search outcomes. Our analysis delves into how these LLMs handle queries and documents related to these attributes, aiming to uncover biases in their ranking algorithms. We assess fairness from both user and content perspectives, contributing an empirical benchmark for evaluating LLMs as the fair ranker.
cs.IR, cs.CL
Robust Pronoun Fidelity with English LLMs: Are they Reasoning, Repeating, or Just Biased?
Vagrant Gautam, Eileen Bingert, Dawei Zhu, Anne Lauscher, Dietrich Klakow
Robust, faithful and harm-free pronoun use for individuals is an important goal for language models as their use increases, but prior work tends to study only one or two of these characteristics at a time. To measure progress towards the combined goal, we introduce the task of pronoun fidelity: given a context introducing a co-referring entity and pronoun, the task is to reuse the correct pronoun later. We present RUFF, a carefully-designed dataset of over 5 million instances to measure robust pronoun fidelity in English, and we evaluate 37 popular large language models across architectures (encoder-only, decoder-only and encoder-decoder) and scales (11M-70B parameters). When an individual is introduced with a pronoun, models can mostly faithfully reuse this pronoun in the next sentence, but they are significantly worse with she/her/her, singular they and neopronouns. Moreover, models are easily distracted by non-adversarial sentences discussing other people; even one additional sentence with a distractor pronoun causes accuracy to drop on average by 34%. Our results show that pronoun fidelity is neither robust, nor due to reasoning, in a simple, naturalistic setting where humans achieve nearly 100% accuracy. We encourage researchers to bridge the gaps we find and to carefully evaluate reasoning in settings where superficial repetition might inflate perceptions of model performance.
cs.CL, cs.CY
MIMIR: A Streamlined Platform for Personalized Agent Tuning in Domain Expertise
Chunyuan Deng, Xiangru Tang, Yilun Zhao, Hanming Wang, Haoran Wang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein
Recently, large language models (LLMs) have evolved into interactive agents, proficient in planning, tool use, and task execution across a wide variety of tasks. However, without specific agent tuning, open-source models like LLaMA currently struggle to match the efficiency of GPT- 4, particularly given the scarcity of agent-tuning datasets for fine-tuning. In response, we introduce \textsc{Mimir}: a streamlined platform offering a customizable pipeline that enables users to leverage both private knowledge and publicly available, legally compliant datasets at scale for \textbf{personalized agent tuning}. Additionally, \textsc{Mimir} supports the generation of general instruction-tuning datasets from the same input. This dual capability ensures that language agents developed through the platform possess both specific agent abilities and general competencies. \textsc{Mimir} integrates these features into a cohesive end-to-end platform, facilitating everything from the uploading of personalized files to one-click agent fine-tuning.
cs.CL, cs.AI
JailBreakV-28K: A Benchmark for Assessing the Robustness of MultiModal Large Language Models against Jailbreak Attacks
Weidi Luo, Siyuan Ma, Xiaogeng Liu, Xiaoyu Guo, Chaowei Xiao
With the rapid advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), securing these models against malicious inputs while aligning them with human values has emerged as a critical challenge. In this paper, we investigate an important and unexplored question of whether techniques that successfully jailbreak Large Language Models (LLMs) can be equally effective in jailbreaking MLLMs. To explore this issue, we introduce JailBreakV-28K, a pioneering benchmark designed to assess the transferability of LLM jailbreak techniques to MLLMs, thereby evaluating the robustness of MLLMs against diverse jailbreak attacks. Utilizing a dataset of 2, 000 malicious queries that is also proposed in this paper, we generate 20, 000 text-based jailbreak prompts using advanced jailbreak attacks on LLMs, alongside 8, 000 image-based jailbreak inputs from recent MLLMs jailbreak attacks, our comprehensive dataset includes 28, 000 test cases across a spectrum of adversarial scenarios. Our evaluation of 10 open-source MLLMs reveals a notably high Attack Success Rate (ASR) for attacks transferred from LLMs, highlighting a critical vulnerability in MLLMs that stems from their text-processing capabilities. Our findings underscore the urgent need for future research to address alignment vulnerabilities in MLLMs from both textual and visual inputs.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.CL
ChatGLM-Math: Improving Math Problem-Solving in Large Language Models with a Self-Critique Pipeline
Yifan Xu, Xiao Liu, Xinghan Liu, Zhenyu Hou, Yueyan Li, Xiaohan Zhang, Zihan Wang, Aohan Zeng, Zhengxiao Du, Wenyi Zhao, Jie Tang, Yuxiao Dong
Large language models (LLMs) have shown excellent mastering of human language, but still struggle in real-world applications that require mathematical problem-solving. While many strategies and datasets to enhance LLMs' mathematics are developed, it remains a challenge to simultaneously maintain and improve both language and mathematical capabilities in deployed LLM systems.In this work, we tailor the Self-Critique pipeline, which addresses the challenge in the feedback learning stage of LLM alignment. We first train a general Math-Critique model from the LLM itself to provide feedback signals. Then, we sequentially employ rejective fine-tuning and direct preference optimization over the LLM's own generations for data collection. Based on ChatGLM3-32B, we conduct a series of experiments on both academic and our newly created challenging dataset, MathUserEval. Results show that our pipeline significantly enhances the LLM's mathematical problem-solving while still improving its language ability, outperforming LLMs that could be two times larger. Related techniques have been deployed to ChatGLM\footnote{\url{https://chatglm.cn}}, an online serving LLM. Related evaluation dataset and scripts are released at \url{https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM-Math}.
On the Scalability of Diffusion-based Text-to-Image Generation
Hao Li, Yang Zou, Ying Wang, Orchid Majumder, Yusheng Xie, R. Manmatha, Ashwin Swaminathan, Zhuowen Tu, Stefano Ermon, Stefano Soatto
Scaling up model and data size has been quite successful for the evolution of LLMs. However, the scaling law for the diffusion based text-to-image (T2I) models is not fully explored. It is also unclear how to efficiently scale the model for better performance at reduced cost. The different training settings and expensive training cost make a fair model comparison extremely difficult. In this work, we empirically study the scaling properties of diffusion based T2I models by performing extensive and rigours ablations on scaling both denoising backbones and training set, including training scaled UNet and Transformer variants ranging from 0.4B to 4B parameters on datasets upto 600M images. For model scaling, we find the location and amount of cross attention distinguishes the performance of existing UNet designs. And increasing the transformer blocks is more parameter-efficient for improving text-image alignment than increasing channel numbers. We then identify an efficient UNet variant, which is 45% smaller and 28% faster than SDXL's UNet. On the data scaling side, we show the quality and diversity of the training set matters more than simply dataset size. Increasing caption density and diversity improves text-image alignment performance and the learning efficiency. Finally, we provide scaling functions to predict the text-image alignment performance as functions of the scale of model size, compute and dataset size.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG
Toward Inference-optimal Mixture-of-Expert Large Language Models
Longfei Yun, Yonghao Zhuang, Yao Fu, Eric P Xing, Hao Zhang
Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) based large language models (LLMs), such as the recent Mixtral and DeepSeek-MoE, have shown great promise in scaling model size without suffering from the quadratic growth of training cost of dense transformers. Like dense models, training MoEs requires answering the same question: given a training budget, what is the optimal allocation on the model size and number of tokens? We study the scaling law of MoE-based LLMs regarding the relations between the model performance, model size, dataset size, and the expert degree. Echoing previous research studying MoE in different contexts, we observe the diminishing return of increasing the number of experts, but this seems to suggest we should scale the number of experts until saturation, as the training cost would remain constant, which is problematic during inference time. We propose to amend the scaling law of MoE by introducing inference efficiency as another metric besides the validation loss. We find that MoEs with a few (4/8) experts are the most serving efficient solution under the same performance, but costs 2.5-3.5x more in training. On the other hand, training a (16/32) expert MoE much smaller (70-85%) than the loss-optimal solution, but with a larger training dataset is a promising setup under a training budget.
Conifer: Improving Complex Constrained Instruction-Following Ability of Large Language Models
Haoran Sun, Lixin Liu, Junjie Li, Fengyu Wang, Baohua Dong, Ran Lin, Ruohui Huang
The ability of large language models (LLMs) to follow instructions is crucial to real-world applications. Despite recent advances, several studies have highlighted that LLMs struggle when faced with challenging instructions, especially those that include complex constraints, hindering their effectiveness in various tasks. To address this challenge, we introduce Conifer, a novel instruction tuning dataset, designed to enhance LLMs to follow multi-level instructions with complex constraints. Utilizing GPT-4, we curate the dataset by a series of LLM-driven refinement processes to ensure high quality. We also propose a progressive learning scheme that emphasizes an easy-to-hard progression, and learning from process feedback. Models trained with Conifer exhibit remarkable improvements in instruction-following abilities, especially for instructions with complex constraints. On several instruction-following benchmarks, our 7B model outperforms the state-of-the-art open-source 7B models, even exceeds the performance of models 10 times larger on certain metrics. All the code and Conifer dataset are available at https://www.github.com/ConiferLM/Conifer.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
AQuA -- Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs
Maike Behrendt, Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Marc Ziegele, Lena Wilms, Anke Stoll, Dominique Heinbach, Stefan Harmeling
Measuring the quality of contributions in political online discussions is crucial in deliberation research and computer science. Research has identified various indicators to assess online discussion quality, and with deep learning advancements, automating these measures has become feasible. While some studies focus on analyzing specific quality indicators, a comprehensive quality score incorporating various deliberative aspects is often preferred. In this work, we introduce AQuA, an additive score that calculates a unified deliberative quality score from multiple indices for each discussion post. Unlike other singular scores, AQuA preserves information on the deliberative aspects present in comments, enhancing model transparency. We develop adapter models for 20 deliberative indices, and calculate correlation coefficients between experts' annotations and the perceived deliberativeness by non-experts to weigh the individual indices into a single deliberative score. We demonstrate that the AQuA score can be computed easily from pre-trained adapters and aligns well with annotations on other datasets that have not be seen during training. The analysis of experts' vs. non-experts' annotations confirms theoretical findings in the social science literature.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
DIBS: Enhancing Dense Video Captioning with Unlabeled Videos via Pseudo Boundary Enrichment and Online Refinement
Hao Wu, Huabin Liu, Yu Qiao, Xiao Sun
We present Dive Into the BoundarieS (DIBS), a novel pretraining framework for dense video captioning (DVC), that elaborates on improving the quality of the generated event captions and their associated pseudo event boundaries from unlabeled videos. By leveraging the capabilities of diverse large language models (LLMs), we generate rich DVC-oriented caption candidates and optimize the corresponding pseudo boundaries under several meticulously designed objectives, considering diversity, event-centricity, temporal ordering, and coherence. Moreover, we further introduce a novel online boundary refinement strategy that iteratively improves the quality of pseudo boundaries during training. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of the proposed technique components. By leveraging a substantial amount of unlabeled video data, such as HowTo100M, we achieve a remarkable advancement on standard DVC datasets like YouCook2 and ActivityNet. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art Vid2Seq across a majority of metrics, achieving this with just 0.4% of the unlabeled video data used for pre-training by Vid2Seq.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.MM
Automatic Prompt Selection for Large Language Models
Viet-Tung Do, Van-Khanh Hoang, Duy-Hung Nguyen, Shahab Sabahi, Jeff Yang, Hajime Hotta, Minh-Tien Nguyen, Hung Le
Large Language Models (LLMs) can perform various natural language processing tasks with suitable instruction prompts. However, designing effective prompts manually is challenging and time-consuming. Existing methods for automatic prompt optimization either lack flexibility or efficiency. In this paper, we propose an effective approach to automatically select the optimal prompt for a given input from a finite set of synthetic candidate prompts. Our approach consists of three steps: (1) clustering the training data and generating candidate prompts for each cluster using an LLM-based prompt generator; (2) synthesizing a dataset of input-prompt-output tuples for training a prompt evaluator to rank the prompts based on their relevance to the input; (3) using the prompt evaluator to select the best prompt for a new input at test time. Our approach balances prompt generality-specificity and eliminates the need for resource-intensive training and inference. It demonstrates competitive performance on zero-shot question-answering datasets: GSM8K, MultiArith, and AQuA.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Large Language Models for Expansion of Spoken Language Understanding Systems to New Languages
Jakub Hoscilowicz, Pawel Pawlowski, Marcin Skorupa, Marcin Sowański, Artur Janicki
Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) models are a core component of voice assistants (VA), such as Alexa, Bixby, and Google Assistant. In this paper, we introduce a pipeline designed to extend SLU systems to new languages, utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) that we fine-tune for machine translation of slot-annotated SLU training data. Our approach improved on the MultiATIS++ benchmark, a primary multi-language SLU dataset, in the cloud scenario using an mBERT model. Specifically, we saw an improvement in the Overall Accuracy metric: from 53% to 62.18%, compared to the existing state-of-the-art method, Fine and Coarse-grained Multi-Task Learning Framework (FC-MTLF). In the on-device scenario (tiny and not pretrained SLU), our method improved the Overall Accuracy from 5.31% to 22.06% over the baseline Global-Local Contrastive Learning Framework (GL-CLeF) method. Contrary to both FC-MTLF and GL-CLeF, our LLM-based machine translation does not require changes in the production architecture of SLU. Additionally, our pipeline is slot-type independent: it does not require any slot definitions or examples.
The Surprising Effectiveness of Rankers Trained on Expanded Queries
Abhijit Anand, Venktesh V, Vinay Setty, Avishek Anand
An important problem in text-ranking systems is handling the hard queries that form the tail end of the query distribution. The difficulty may arise due to the presence of uncommon, underspecified, or incomplete queries. In this work, we improve the ranking performance of hard or difficult queries without compromising the performance of other queries. Firstly, we do LLM based query enrichment for training queries using relevant documents. Next, a specialized ranker is fine-tuned only on the enriched hard queries instead of the original queries. We combine the relevance scores from the specialized ranker and the base ranker, along with a query performance score estimated for each query. Our approach departs from existing methods that usually employ a single ranker for all queries, which is biased towards easy queries, which form the majority of the query distribution. In our extensive experiments on the DL-Hard dataset, we find that a principled query performance based scoring method using base and specialized ranker offers a significant improvement of up to 25% on the passage ranking task and up to 48.4% on the document ranking task when compared to the baseline performance of using original queries, even outperforming SOTA model.
cs.IR, cs.AI
uTeBC-NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Can LLMs be Lateral Thinkers?
Pouya Sadeghi, Amirhossein Abaskohi, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
Inspired by human cognition, Jiang et al.(2023c) create a benchmark for assessing LLMs' lateral thinking-thinking outside the box. Building upon this benchmark, we investigate how different prompting methods enhance LLMs' performance on this task to reveal their inherent power for outside-the-box thinking ability. Through participating in SemEval-2024, task 9, Sentence Puzzle sub-task, we explore prompt engineering methods: chain of thoughts (CoT) and direct prompting, enhancing with informative descriptions, and employing contextualizing prompts using a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) pipeline. Our experiments involve three LLMs including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Zephyr-7B-beta. We generate a dataset of thinking paths between riddles and options using GPT-4, validated by humans for quality. Findings indicate that compressed informative prompts enhance performance. Dynamic in-context learning enhances model performance significantly. Furthermore, fine-tuning Zephyr on our dataset enhances performance across other commonsense datasets, underscoring the value of innovative thinking.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG
Enhancing Low-Resource LLMs Classification with PEFT and Synthetic Data
Parth Patwa, Simone Filice, Zhiyu Chen, Giuseppe Castellucci, Oleg Rokhlenko, Shervin Malmasi
Large Language Models (LLMs) operating in 0-shot or few-shot settings achieve competitive results in Text Classification tasks. In-Context Learning (ICL) typically achieves better accuracy than the 0-shot setting, but it pays in terms of efficiency, due to the longer input prompt. In this paper, we propose a strategy to make LLMs as efficient as 0-shot text classifiers, while getting comparable or better accuracy than ICL. Our solution targets the low resource setting, i.e., when only 4 examples per class are available. Using a single LLM and few-shot real data we perform a sequence of generation, filtering and Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning steps to create a robust and efficient classifier. Experimental results show that our approach leads to competitive results on multiple text classification datasets.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Similar Data Points Identification with LLM: A Human-in-the-loop Strategy Using Summarization and Hidden State Insights
Xianlong Zeng, Fanghao Song, Ang Liu
This study introduces a simple yet effective method for identifying similar data points across non-free text domains, such as tabular and image data, using Large Language Models (LLMs). Our two-step approach involves data point summarization and hidden state extraction. Initially, data is condensed via summarization using an LLM, reducing complexity and highlighting essential information in sentences. Subsequently, the summarization sentences are fed through another LLM to extract hidden states, serving as compact, feature-rich representations. This approach leverages the advanced comprehension and generative capabilities of LLMs, offering a scalable and efficient strategy for similarity identification across diverse datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in identifying similar data points on multiple datasets. Additionally, our approach enables non-technical domain experts, such as fraud investigators or marketing operators, to quickly identify similar data points tailored to specific scenarios, demonstrating its utility in practical applications. In general, our results open new avenues for leveraging LLMs in data analysis across various domains.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Benchmarking Large Language Models for Persian: A Preliminary Study Focusing on ChatGPT
Amirhossein Abaskohi, Sara Baruni, Mostafa Masoudi, Nesa Abbasi, Mohammad Hadi Babalou, Ali Edalat, Sepehr Kamahi, Samin Mahdizadeh Sani, Nikoo Naghavian, Danial Namazifard, Pouya Sadeghi, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
This paper explores the efficacy of large language models (LLMs) for Persian. While ChatGPT and consequent LLMs have shown remarkable performance in English, their efficiency for more low-resource languages remains an open question. We present the first comprehensive benchmarking study of LLMs across diverse Persian language tasks. Our primary focus is on GPT-3.5-turbo, but we also include GPT-4 and OpenChat-3.5 to provide a more holistic evaluation. Our assessment encompasses a diverse set of tasks categorized into classic, reasoning, and knowledge-based domains. To enable a thorough comparison, we evaluate LLMs against existing task-specific fine-tuned models. Given the limited availability of Persian datasets for reasoning tasks, we introduce two new benchmarks: one based on elementary school math questions and another derived from the entrance exams for 7th and 10th grades. Our findings reveal that while LLMs, especially GPT-4, excel in tasks requiring reasoning abilities and a broad understanding of general knowledge, they often lag behind smaller pre-trained models fine-tuned specifically for particular tasks. Additionally, we observe improved performance when test sets are translated to English before inputting them into GPT-3.5. These results highlight the significant potential for enhancing LLM performance in the Persian language. This is particularly noteworthy due to the unique attributes of Persian, including its distinct alphabet and writing styles.
cs.CL, cs.LG
NL2KQL: From Natural Language to Kusto Query
Amir H. Abdi, Xinye Tang, Jeremias Eichelbaum, Mahan Das, Alex Klein, Nihal Irmak Pakis, William Blum, Daniel L Mace, Tanvi Raja, Namrata Padmanabhan, Ye Xing
Data is growing rapidly in volume and complexity. Proficiency in database query languages is pivotal for crafting effective queries. As coding assistants become more prevalent, there is significant opportunity to enhance database query languages. The Kusto Query Language (KQL) is a widely used query language for large semi-structured data such as logs, telemetries, and time-series for big data analytics platforms. This paper introduces NL2KQL an innovative framework that uses large language models (LLMs) to convert natural language queries (NLQs) to KQL queries. The proposed NL2KQL framework includes several key components: Schema Refiner which narrows down the schema to its most pertinent elements; the Few-shot Selector which dynamically selects relevant examples from a few-shot dataset; and the Query Refiner which repairs syntactic and semantic errors in KQL queries. Additionally, this study outlines a method for generating large datasets of synthetic NLQ-KQL pairs which are valid within a specific database contexts. To validate NL2KQL's performance, we utilize an array of online (based on query execution) and offline (based on query parsing) metrics. Through ablation studies, the significance of each framework component is examined, and the datasets used for benchmarking are made publicly available. This work is the first of its kind and is compared with available baselines to demonstrate its effectiveness.
cs.DB, cs.AI, cs.CL
Comparative Study of Domain Driven Terms Extraction Using Large Language Models
Sandeep Chataut, Tuyen Do, Bichar Dip Shrestha Gurung, Shiva Aryal, Anup Khanal, Carol Lushbough, Etienne Gnimpieba
Keywords play a crucial role in bridging the gap between human understanding and machine processing of textual data. They are essential to data enrichment because they form the basis for detailed annotations that provide a more insightful and in-depth view of the underlying data. Keyword/domain driven term extraction is a pivotal task in natural language processing, facilitating information retrieval, document summarization, and content categorization. This review focuses on keyword extraction methods, emphasizing the use of three major Large Language Models(LLMs): Llama2-7B, GPT-3.5, and Falcon-7B. We employed a custom Python package to interface with these LLMs, simplifying keyword extraction. Our study, utilizing the Inspec and PubMed datasets, evaluates the performance of these models. The Jaccard similarity index was used for assessment, yielding scores of 0.64 (Inspec) and 0.21 (PubMed) for GPT-3.5, 0.40 and 0.17 for Llama2-7B, and 0.23 and 0.12 for Falcon-7B. This paper underlines the role of prompt engineering in LLMs for better keyword extraction and discusses the impact of hallucination in LLMs on result evaluation. It also sheds light on the challenges in using LLMs for keyword extraction, including model complexity, resource demands, and optimization techniques.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Heat Death of Generative Models in Closed-Loop Learning
Matteo Marchi, Stefano Soatto, Pratik Chaudhari, Paulo Tabuada
Improvement and adoption of generative machine learning models is rapidly accelerating, as exemplified by the popularity of LLMs (Large Language Models) for text, and diffusion models for image generation.As generative models become widespread, data they generate is incorporated into shared content through the public web. This opens the question of what happens when data generated by a model is fed back to the model in subsequent training campaigns. This is a question about the stability of the training process, whether the distribution of publicly accessible content, which we refer to as "knowledge", remains stable or collapses. Small scale empirical experiments reported in the literature show that this closed-loop training process is prone to degenerating. Models may start producing gibberish data, or sample from only a small subset of the desired data distribution (a phenomenon referred to as mode collapse). So far there has been only limited theoretical understanding of this process, in part due to the complexity of the deep networks underlying these generative models. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into this process (that we refer to as "generative closed-loop learning") by studying the learning dynamics of generative models that are fed back their own produced content in addition to their original training dataset. The sampling of many of these models can be controlled via a "temperature" parameter. Using dynamical systems tools, we show that, unless a sufficient amount of external data is introduced at each iteration, any non-trivial temperature leads the model to asymptotically degenerate. In fact, either the generative distribution collapses to a small set of outputs, or becomes uniform over a large set of outputs.
cs.LG, cs.SY, eess.SY, math.OC
Toward Informal Language Processing: Knowledge of Slang in Large Language Models
Zhewei Sun, Qian Hu, Rahul Gupta, Richard Zemel, Yang Xu
Recent advancement in large language models (LLMs) has offered a strong potential for natural language systems to process informal language. A representative form of informal language is slang, used commonly in daily conversations and online social media. To date, slang has not been comprehensively evaluated in LLMs due partly to the absence of a carefully designed and publicly accessible benchmark. Using movie subtitles, we construct a dataset that supports evaluation on a diverse set of tasks pertaining to automatic processing of slang. For both evaluation and finetuning, we show the effectiveness of our dataset on two core applications: 1) slang detection, and 2) identification of regional and historical sources of slang from natural sentences. We also show how our dataset can be used to probe the output distributions of LLMs for interpretive insights. We find that while LLMs such as GPT-4 achieve good performance in a zero-shot setting, smaller BERT-like models finetuned on our dataset achieve comparable performance. Furthermore, we show that our dataset enables finetuning of LLMs such as GPT-3.5 that achieve substantially better performance than strong zero-shot baselines. Our work offers a comprehensive evaluation and a high-quality benchmark on English slang based on the OpenSubtitles corpus, serving both as a publicly accessible resource and a platform for applying tools for informal language processing.
LLMs in the Loop: Leveraging Large Language Model Annotations for Active Learning in Low-Resource Languages
Nataliia Kholodna, Sahib Julka, Mohammad Khodadadi, Muhammed Nurullah Gumus, Michael Granitzer
Low-resource languages face significant barriers in AI development due to limited linguistic resources and expertise for data labeling, rendering them rare and costly. The scarcity of data and the absence of preexisting tools exacerbate these challenges, especially since these languages may not be adequately represented in various NLP datasets. To address this gap, we propose leveraging the potential of LLMs in the active learning loop for data annotation. Initially, we conduct evaluations to assess inter-annotator agreement and consistency, facilitating the selection of a suitable LLM annotator. The chosen annotator is then integrated into a training loop for a classifier using an active learning paradigm, minimizing the amount of queried data required. Empirical evaluations, notably employing GPT-4-Turbo, demonstrate near-state-of-the-art performance with significantly reduced data requirements, as indicated by estimated potential cost savings of at least 42.45 times compared to human annotation. Our proposed solution shows promising potential to substantially reduce both the monetary and computational costs associated with automation in low-resource settings. By bridging the gap between low-resource languages and AI, this approach fosters broader inclusion and shows the potential to enable automation across diverse linguistic landscapes.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG, I.2.7; I.2.6
FLawN-T5: An Empirical Examination of Effective Instruction-Tuning Data Mixtures for Legal Reasoning
Joel Niklaus, Lucia Zheng, Arya D. McCarthy, Christopher Hahn, Brian M. Rosen, Peter Henderson, Daniel E. Ho, Garrett Honke, Percy Liang, Christopher Manning
Instruction tuning is an important step in making language models useful for direct user interaction. However, many legal tasks remain out of reach for most open LLMs and there do not yet exist any large scale instruction datasets for the domain. This critically limits research in this application area. In this work, we curate LawInstruct, a large legal instruction dataset, covering 17 jurisdictions, 24 languages and a total of 12M examples. We present evidence that domain-specific pretraining and instruction tuning improve performance on LegalBench, including improving Flan-T5 XL by 8 points or 16\% over the baseline. However, the effect does not generalize across all tasks, training regimes, model sizes, and other factors. LawInstruct is a resource for accelerating the development of models with stronger information processing and decision making capabilities in the legal domain.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG, 68T50, I.2
Exploring Automated Distractor Generation for Math Multiple-choice Questions via Large Language Models
Wanyong Feng, Jaewook Lee, Hunter McNichols, Alexander Scarlatos, Digory Smith, Simon Woodhead, Nancy Otero Ornelas, Andrew Lan
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are ubiquitous in almost all levels of education since they are easy to administer, grade, and are a reliable format in assessments and practices. One of the most important aspects of MCQs is the distractors, i.e., incorrect options that are designed to target common errors or misconceptions among real students. To date, the task of crafting high-quality distractors largely remains a labor and time-intensive process for teachers and learning content designers, which has limited scalability. In this work, we study the task of automated distractor generation in the domain of math MCQs and explore a wide variety of large language model (LLM)-based approaches, from in-context learning to fine-tuning. We conduct extensive experiments using a real-world math MCQ dataset and find that although LLMs can generate some mathematically valid distractors, they are less adept at anticipating common errors or misconceptions among real students.
Advancing LLM Reasoning Generalists with Preference Trees
Lifan Yuan, Ganqu Cui, Hanbin Wang, Ning Ding, Xingyao Wang, Jia Deng, Boji Shan, Huimin Chen, Ruobing Xie, Yankai Lin, Zhenghao Liu, Bowen Zhou, Hao Peng, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun
We introduce Eurus, a suite of large language models (LLMs) optimized for reasoning. Finetuned from Mistral-7B and CodeLlama-70B, Eurus models achieve state-of-the-art results among open-source models on a diverse set of benchmarks covering mathematics, code generation, and logical reasoning problems. Notably, Eurus-70B beats GPT-3.5 Turbo in reasoning through a comprehensive benchmarking across 12 tests covering five tasks, and achieves a 33.3% pass@1 accuracy on LeetCode and 32.6% on TheoremQA, two challenging benchmarks, substantially outperforming existing open-source models by margins more than 13.3%. The strong performance of Eurus can be primarily attributed to UltraInteract, our newly-curated large-scale, high-quality alignment dataset specifically designed for complex reasoning tasks. UltraInteract can be used in both supervised fine-tuning and preference learning. For each instruction, it includes a preference tree consisting of (1) reasoning chains with diverse planning strategies in a unified format, (2) multi-turn interaction trajectories with the environment and the critique, and (3) pairwise data to facilitate preference learning. UltraInteract allows us to conduct an in-depth exploration of preference learning for reasoning tasks. Our investigation reveals that some well-established preference learning algorithms may be less suitable for reasoning tasks compared to their effectiveness in general conversations. Inspired by this, we derive a novel reward modeling objective which, together with UltraInteract, leads to a strong reward model.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
Digital Forgetting in Large Language Models: A Survey of Unlearning Methods
Alberto Blanco-Justicia, Najeeb Jebreel, Benet Manzanares, David Sánchez, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Guillem Collell, Kuan Eeik Tan
The objective of digital forgetting is, given a model with undesirable knowledge or behavior, obtain a new model where the detected issues are no longer present. The motivations for forgetting include privacy protection, copyright protection, elimination of biases and discrimination, and prevention of harmful content generation. Effective digital forgetting has to be effective (meaning how well the new model has forgotten the undesired knowledge/behavior), retain the performance of the original model on the desirable tasks, and be scalable (in particular forgetting has to be more efficient than retraining from scratch on just the tasks/data to be retained). This survey focuses on forgetting in large language models (LLMs). We first provide background on LLMs, including their components, the types of LLMs, and their usual training pipeline. Second, we describe the motivations, types, and desired properties of digital forgetting. Third, we introduce the approaches to digital forgetting in LLMs, among which unlearning methodologies stand out as the state of the art. Fourth, we provide a detailed taxonomy of machine unlearning methods for LLMs, and we survey and compare current approaches. Fifth, we detail datasets, models and metrics used for the evaluation of forgetting, retaining and runtime. Sixth, we discuss challenges in the area. Finally, we provide some concluding remarks.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.LG, 68, K.4.1; I.2.6; I.2.7
Long-context LLMs Struggle with Long In-context Learning
Tianle Li, Ge Zhang, Quy Duc Do, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen
Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides in handling long sequences exceeding 32K tokens. However, their performance evaluation has largely been confined to metrics like perplexity and synthetic tasks, which may not fully capture their abilities in more nuanced, real-world scenarios. This study introduces a specialized benchmark (LongICLBench) focusing on long in-context learning within the realm of extreme-label classification. We meticulously selected six datasets with a label range spanning 28 to 174 classes covering different input (few-shot demonstration) lengths from 2K to 50K tokens. Our benchmark requires LLMs to comprehend the entire input to recognize the massive label spaces to make correct predictions. We evaluate 13 long-context LLMs on our benchmarks. We find that the long-context LLMs perform relatively well on less challenging tasks with shorter demonstration lengths by effectively utilizing the long context window. However, on the most challenging task Discovery with 174 labels, all the LLMs struggle to understand the task definition, thus reaching a performance close to zero. This suggests a notable gap in current LLM capabilities for processing and understanding long, context-rich sequences. Further analysis revealed a tendency among models to favor predictions for labels presented toward the end of the sequence. Their ability to reason over multiple pieces in the long sequence is yet to be improved. Our study reveals that long context understanding and reasoning is still a challenging task for the existing LLMs. We believe LongICLBench could serve as a more realistic evaluation for the future long-context LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Multitask-based Evaluation of Open-Source LLM on Software Vulnerability
Xin Yin, Chao Ni, Shaohua Wang
This paper proposes a pipeline for quantitatively evaluating interactive LLMs using publicly available datasets. We carry out an extensive technical evaluation of LLMs using Big-Vul covering four different common software vulnerability tasks. We evaluate the multitask and multilingual aspects of LLMs based on this dataset. We find that the existing state-of-the-art methods are generally superior to LLMs in software vulnerability detection. Although LLMs improve accuracy when providing context information, they still have limitations in accurately predicting severity ratings for certain CWE types. In addition, LLMs demonstrate some ability to locate vulnerabilities for certain CWE types, but their performance varies among different CWE types. Finally, LLMs show uneven performance in generating CVE descriptions for various CWE types, with limited accuracy in a few-shot setting. Overall, though LLMs perform well in some aspects, they still need improvement in understanding the subtle differences in code vulnerabilities and the ability to describe vulnerabilities to fully realize their potential. Our evaluation pipeline provides valuable insights for further enhancing LLMs' software vulnerability handling capabilities.
Deconstructing In-Context Learning: Understanding Prompts via Corruption
Namrata Shivagunde, Vladislav Lialin, Sherin Muckatira, Anna Rumshisky
The ability of large language models (LLMs) to "learn in context" based on the provided prompt has led to an explosive growth in their use, culminating in the proliferation of AI assistants such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard. These AI assistants are known to be robust to minor prompt modifications, mostly due to alignment techniques that use human feedback. In contrast, the underlying pre-trained LLMs they use as a backbone are known to be brittle in this respect. Building high-quality backbone models remains a core challenge, and a common approach to assessing their quality is to conduct few-shot evaluation. Such evaluation is notorious for being highly sensitive to minor prompt modifications, as well as the choice of specific in-context examples. Prior work has examined how modifying different elements of the prompt can affect model performance. However, these earlier studies tended to concentrate on a limited number of specific prompt attributes and often produced contradictory results. Additionally, previous research either focused on models with fewer than 15 billion parameters or exclusively examined black-box models like GPT-3 or PaLM, making replication challenging. In the present study, we decompose the entire prompt into four components: task description, demonstration inputs, labels, and inline instructions provided for each demonstration. We investigate the effects of structural and semantic corruptions of these elements on model performance. We study models ranging from 1.5B to 70B in size, using ten datasets covering classification and generation tasks. We find that repeating text within the prompt boosts model performance, and bigger models ($\geq$30B) are more sensitive to the semantics of the prompt. Finally, we observe that adding task and inline instructions to the demonstrations enhances model performance even when the instructions are semantically corrupted.
Ukrainian Texts Classification: Exploration of Cross-lingual Knowledge Transfer Approaches
Daryna Dementieva, Valeriia Khylenko, Georg Groh
Despite the extensive amount of labeled datasets in the NLP text classification field, the persistent imbalance in data availability across various languages remains evident. Ukrainian, in particular, stands as a language that still can benefit from the continued refinement of cross-lingual methodologies. Due to our knowledge, there is a tremendous lack of Ukrainian corpora for typical text classification tasks. In this work, we leverage the state-of-the-art advances in NLP, exploring cross-lingual knowledge transfer methods avoiding manual data curation: large multilingual encoders and translation systems, LLMs, and language adapters. We test the approaches on three text classification tasks -- toxicity classification, formality classification, and natural language inference -- providing the "recipe" for the optimal setups.
cs.CL, cs.AI
HyperCLOVA X Technical Report
Kang Min Yoo, Jaegeun Han, Sookyo In, Heewon Jeon, Jisu Jeong, Jaewook Kang, Hyunwook Kim, Kyung-Min Kim, Munhyong Kim, Sungju Kim, Donghyun Kwak, Hanock Kwak, Se Jung Kwon, Bado Lee, Dongsoo Lee, Gichang Lee, Jooho Lee, Baeseong Park, Seongjin Shin, Joonsang Yu, Seolki Baek, Sumin Byeon, Eungsup Cho, Dooseok Choe, Jeesung Han, Youngkyun Jin, Hyein Jun, Jaeseung Jung, Chanwoong Kim, Jinhong Kim, Jinuk Kim, Dokyeong Lee, Dongwook Park, Jeong Min Sohn, Sujung Han, Jiae Heo, Sungju Hong, Mina Jeon, Hyunhoon Jung, Jungeun Jung, Wangkyo Jung, Chungjoon Kim, Hyeri Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Min Young Kim, Soeun Lee, Joonhee Park, Jieun Shin, Sojin Yang, Jungsoon Yoon, Hwaran Lee, Sanghwan Bae, Jeehwan Cha, Karl Gylleus, Donghoon Ham, Mihak Hong, Youngki Hong, Yunki Hong, Dahyun Jang, Hyojun Jeon, Yujin Jeon, Yeji Jeong, Myunggeun Ji, Yeguk Jin, Chansong Jo, Shinyoung Joo, Seunghwan Jung, Adrian Jungmyung Kim, Byoung Hoon Kim, Hyomin Kim, Jungwhan Kim, Minkyoung Kim, Minseung Kim, Sungdong Kim, Yonghee Kim, Youngjun Kim, Youngkwan Kim, Donghyeon Ko, Dughyun Lee, Ha Young Lee, Jaehong Lee, Jieun Lee, Jonghyun Lee, Jongjin Lee, Min Young Lee, Yehbin Lee, Taehong Min, Yuri Min, Kiyoon Moon, Hyangnam Oh, Jaesun Park, Kyuyon Park, Younghun Park, Hanbae Seo, Seunghyun Seo, Mihyun Sim, Gyubin Son, Matt Yeo, Kyung Hoon Yeom, Wonjoon Yoo, Myungin You, Doheon Ahn, Homin Ahn, Joohee Ahn, Seongmin Ahn, Chanwoo An, Hyeryun An, Junho An, Sang-Min An, Boram Byun, Eunbin Byun, Jongho Cha, Minji Chang, Seunggyu Chang, Haesong Cho, Youngdo Cho, Dalnim Choi, Daseul Choi, Hyoseok Choi, Minseong Choi, Sangho Choi, Seongjae Choi, Wooyong Choi, Sewhan Chun, Dong Young Go, Chiheon Ham, Danbi Han, Jaemin Han, Moonyoung Hong, Sung Bum Hong, Dong-Hyun Hwang, Seongchan Hwang, Jinbae Im, Hyuk Jin Jang, Jaehyung Jang, Jaeni Jang, Sihyeon Jang, Sungwon Jang, Joonha Jeon, Daun Jeong, Joonhyun Jeong, Kyeongseok Jeong, Mini Jeong, Sol Jin, Hanbyeol Jo, Hanju Jo, Minjung Jo, Chaeyoon Jung, Hyungsik Jung, Jaeuk Jung, Ju Hwan Jung, Kwangsun Jung, Seungjae Jung, Soonwon Ka, Donghan Kang, Soyoung Kang, Taeho Kil, Areum Kim, Beomyoung Kim, Byeongwook Kim, Daehee Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Donggook Kim, Donghyun Kim, Euna Kim, Eunchul Kim, Geewook Kim, Gyu Ri Kim, Hanbyul Kim, Heesu Kim, Isaac Kim, Jeonghoon Kim, Jihye Kim, Joonghoon Kim, Minjae Kim, Minsub Kim, Pil Hwan Kim, Sammy Kim, Seokhun Kim, Seonghyeon Kim, Soojin Kim, Soong Kim, Soyoon Kim, Sunyoung Kim, Taeho Kim, Wonho Kim, Yoonsik Kim, You Jin Kim, Yuri Kim, Beomseok Kwon, Ohsung Kwon, Yoo-Hwan Kwon, Anna Lee, Byungwook Lee, Changho Lee, Daun Lee, Dongjae Lee, Ha-Ram Lee, Hodong Lee, Hwiyeong Lee, Hyunmi Lee, Injae Lee, Jaeung Lee, Jeongsang Lee, Jisoo Lee, Jongsoo Lee, Joongjae Lee, Juhan Lee, Jung Hyun Lee, Junghoon Lee, Junwoo Lee, Se Yun Lee, Sujin Lee, Sungjae Lee, Sungwoo Lee, Wonjae Lee, Zoo Hyun Lee, Jong Kun Lim, Kun Lim, Taemin Lim, Nuri Na, Jeongyeon Nam, Kyeong-Min Nam, Yeonseog Noh, Biro Oh, Jung-Sik Oh, Solgil Oh, Yeontaek Oh, Boyoun Park, Cheonbok Park, Dongju Park, Hyeonjin Park, Hyun Tae Park, Hyunjung Park, Jihye Park, Jooseok Park, Junghwan Park, Jungsoo Park, Miru Park, Sang Hee Park, Seunghyun Park, Soyoung Park, Taerim Park, Wonkyeong Park, Hyunjoon Ryu, Jeonghun Ryu, Nahyeon Ryu, Soonshin Seo, Suk Min Seo, Yoonjeong Shim, Kyuyong Shin, Wonkwang Shin, Hyun Sim, Woongseob Sim, Hyejin Soh, Bokyong Son, Hyunjun Son, Seulah Son, Chi-Yun Song, Chiyoung Song, Ka Yeon Song, Minchul Song, Seungmin Song, Jisung Wang, Yonggoo Yeo, Myeong Yeon Yi, Moon Bin Yim, Taehwan Yoo, Youngjoon Yoo, Sungmin Yoon, Young Jin Yoon, Hangyeol Yu, Ui Seon Yu, Xingdong Zuo, Jeongin Bae, Joungeun Bae, Hyunsoo Cho, Seonghyun Cho, Yongjin Cho, Taekyoon Choi, Yera Choi, Jiwan Chung, Zhenghui Han, Byeongho Heo, Euisuk Hong, Taebaek Hwang, Seonyeol Im, Sumin Jegal, Sumin Jeon, Yelim Jeong, Yonghyun Jeong, Can Jiang, Juyong Jiang, Jiho Jin, Ara Jo, Younghyun Jo, Hoyoun Jung, Juyoung Jung, Seunghyeong Kang, Dae Hee Kim, Ginam Kim, Hangyeol Kim, Heeseung Kim, Hyojin Kim, Hyojun Kim, Hyun-Ah Kim, Jeehye Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Jiseon Kim, Jonghak Kim, Jung Yoon Kim, Rak Yeong Kim, Seongjin Kim, Seoyoon Kim, Sewon Kim, Sooyoung Kim, Sukyoung Kim, Taeyong Kim, Naeun Ko, Bonseung Koo, Heeyoung Kwak, Haena Kwon, Youngjin Kwon, Boram Lee, Bruce W. Lee, Dagyeong Lee, Erin Lee, Euijin Lee, Ha Gyeong Lee, Hyojin Lee, Hyunjeong Lee, Jeeyoon Lee, Jeonghyun Lee, Jongheok Lee, Joonhyung Lee, Junhyuk Lee, Mingu Lee, Nayeon Lee, Sangkyu Lee, Se Young Lee, Seulgi Lee, Seung Jin Lee, Suhyeon Lee, Yeonjae Lee, Yesol Lee, Youngbeom Lee, Yujin Lee, Shaodong Li, Tianyu Liu, Seong-Eun Moon, Taehong Moon, Max-Lasse Nihlenramstroem, Wonseok Oh, Yuri Oh, Hongbeen Park, Hyekyung Park, Jaeho Park, Nohil Park, Sangjin Park, Jiwon Ryu, Miru Ryu, Simo Ryu, Ahreum Seo, Hee Seo, Kangdeok Seo, Jamin Shin, Seungyoun Shin, Heetae Sin, Jiangping Wang, Lei Wang, Ning Xiang, Longxiang Xiao, Jing Xu, Seonyeong Yi, Haanju Yoo, Haneul Yoo, Hwanhee Yoo, Liang Yu, Youngjae Yu, Weijie Yuan, Bo Zeng, Qian Zhou, Kyunghyun Cho, Jung-Woo Ha, Joonsuk Park, Jihyun Hwang, Hyoung Jo Kwon, Soonyong Kwon, Jungyeon Lee, Seungho Lee, Seonghyeon Lim, Hyunkyung Noh, Seungho Choi, Sang-Woo Lee, Jung Hwa Lim, Nako Sung
We introduce HyperCLOVA X, a family of large language models (LLMs) tailored to the Korean language and culture, along with competitive capabilities in English, math, and coding. HyperCLOVA X was trained on a balanced mix of Korean, English, and code data, followed by instruction-tuning with high-quality human-annotated datasets while abiding by strict safety guidelines reflecting our commitment to responsible AI. The model is evaluated across various benchmarks, including comprehensive reasoning, knowledge, commonsense, factuality, coding, math, chatting, instruction-following, and harmlessness, in both Korean and English. HyperCLOVA X exhibits strong reasoning capabilities in Korean backed by a deep understanding of the language and cultural nuances. Further analysis of the inherent bilingual nature and its extension to multilingualism highlights the model's cross-lingual proficiency and strong generalization ability to untargeted languages, including machine translation between several language pairs and cross-lingual inference tasks. We believe that HyperCLOVA X can provide helpful guidance for regions or countries in developing their sovereign LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
SGSH: Stimulate Large Language Models with Skeleton Heuristics for Knowledge Base Question Generation
Shasha Guo, Lizi Liao, Jing Zhang, Yanling Wang, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen
Knowledge base question generation (KBQG) aims to generate natural language questions from a set of triplet facts extracted from KB. Existing methods have significantly boosted the performance of KBQG via pre-trained language models (PLMs) thanks to the richly endowed semantic knowledge. With the advance of pre-training techniques, large language models (LLMs) (e.g., GPT-3.5) undoubtedly possess much more semantic knowledge. Therefore, how to effectively organize and exploit the abundant knowledge for KBQG becomes the focus of our study. In this work, we propose SGSH--a simple and effective framework to Stimulate GPT-3.5 with Skeleton Heuristics to enhance KBQG. The framework incorporates "skeleton heuristics", which provides more fine-grained guidance associated with each input to stimulate LLMs to generate optimal questions, encompassing essential elements like the question phrase and the auxiliary verb.More specifically, we devise an automatic data construction strategy leveraging ChatGPT to construct a skeleton training dataset, based on which we employ a soft prompting approach to train a BART model dedicated to generating the skeleton associated with each input. Subsequently, skeleton heuristics are encoded into the prompt to incentivize GPT-3.5 to generate desired questions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SGSH derives the new state-of-the-art performance on the KBQG tasks.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Where to Move Next: Zero-shot Generalization of LLMs for Next POI Recommendation
Shanshan Feng, Haoming Lyu, Caishun Chen, Yew-Soon Ong
Next Point-of-interest (POI) recommendation provides valuable suggestions for users to explore their surrounding environment. Existing studies rely on building recommendation models from large-scale users' check-in data, which is task-specific and needs extensive computational resources. Recently, the pretrained large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant advancements in various NLP tasks and have also been investigated for recommendation scenarios. However, the generalization abilities of LLMs still are unexplored to address the next POI recommendations, where users' geographical movement patterns should be extracted. Although there are studies that leverage LLMs for next-item recommendations, they fail to consider the geographical influence and sequential transitions. Hence, they cannot effectively solve the next POI recommendation task. To this end, we design novel prompting strategies and conduct empirical studies to assess the capability of LLMs, e.g., ChatGPT, for predicting a user's next check-in. Specifically, we consider several essential factors in human movement behaviors, including user geographical preference, spatial distance, and sequential transitions, and formulate the recommendation task as a ranking problem. Through extensive experiments on two widely used real-world datasets, we derive several key findings. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that LLMs have promising zero-shot recommendation abilities and can provide accurate and reasonable predictions. We also reveal that LLMs cannot accurately comprehend geographical context information and are sensitive to the order of presentation of candidate POIs, which shows the limitations of LLMs and necessitates further research on robust human mobility reasoning mechanisms.
cs.IR, cs.AI
PATCH -- Psychometrics-AssisTed benCHmarking of Large Language Models: A Case Study of Mathematics Proficiency
Qixiang Fang, Daniel L. Oberski, Dong Nguyen
Many existing benchmarks of large (multimodal) language models (LLMs) focus on measuring LLMs' academic proficiency, often with also an interest in comparing model performance with human test takers. While these benchmarks have proven key to the development of LLMs, they suffer from several limitations, including questionable measurement quality (e.g., Do they measure what they are supposed to in a reliable way?), lack of quality assessment on the item level (e.g., Are some items more important or difficult than others?) and unclear human population reference (e.g., To whom can the model be compared?). In response to these challenges, we propose leveraging knowledge from psychometrics - a field dedicated to the measurement of latent variables like academic proficiency - into LLM benchmarking. We make three primary contributions. First, we introduce PATCH: a novel framework for Psychometrics-AssisTed benCHmarking of LLMs. PATCH addresses the aforementioned limitations, presenting a new direction for LLM benchmark research. Second, we implement PATCH by measuring GPT-4 and Gemini-Pro-Vision's proficiency in 8th grade mathematics against 56 human populations. We show that adopting a psychometrics-based approach yields evaluation outcomes that diverge from those based on existing benchmarking practices. Third, we release 4 datasets to support measuring and comparing LLM proficiency in grade school mathematics and science against human populations.
cs.CL, cs.CY
Auditing Large Language Models for Enhanced Text-Based Stereotype Detection and Probing-Based Bias Evaluation
Zekun Wu, Sahan Bulathwela, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Adriano Soares Koshiyama
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly increased their presence in human-facing Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. However, LLMs could reproduce and even exacerbate stereotypical outputs from training data. This work introduces the Multi-Grain Stereotype (MGS) dataset, encompassing 51,867 instances across gender, race, profession, religion, and stereotypical text, collected by fusing multiple previously publicly available stereotype detection datasets. We explore different machine learning approaches aimed at establishing baselines for stereotype detection, and fine-tune several language models of various architectures and model sizes, presenting in this work a series of stereotypes classifier models for English text trained on MGS. To understand whether our stereotype detectors capture relevant features (aligning with human common sense) we utilise a variety of explanainable AI tools, including SHAP, LIME, and BertViz, and analyse a series of example cases discussing the results. Finally, we develop a series of stereotype elicitation prompts and evaluate the presence of stereotypes in text generation tasks with popular LLMs, using one of our best performing previously presented stereotypes detectors. Our experiments yielded several key findings: i) Training stereotype detectors in a multi-dimension setting yields better results than training multiple single-dimension classifiers.ii) The integrated MGS Dataset enhances both the in-dataset and cross-dataset generalisation ability of stereotype detectors compared to using the datasets separately. iii) There is a reduction in stereotypes in the content generated by GPT Family LLMs with newer versions.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Peer-aided Repairer: Empowering Large Language Models to Repair Advanced Student Assignments
Qianhui Zhao, Fang Liu, Li Zhang, Yang Liu, Zhen Yan, Zhenghao Chen, Yufei Zhou, Jing Jiang, Ge Li
Automated generation of feedback on programming assignments holds significant benefits for programming education, especially when it comes to advanced assignments. Automated Program Repair techniques, especially Large Language Model based approaches, have gained notable recognition for their potential to fix introductory assignments. However, the programs used for evaluation are relatively simple. It remains unclear how existing approaches perform in repairing programs from higher-level programming courses. To address these limitations, we curate a new advanced student assignment dataset named Defects4DS from a higher-level programming course. Subsequently, we identify the challenges related to fixing bugs in advanced assignments. Based on the analysis, we develop a framework called PaR that is powered by the LLM. PaR works in three phases: Peer Solution Selection, Multi-Source Prompt Generation, and Program Repair. Peer Solution Selection identifies the closely related peer programs based on lexical, semantic, and syntactic criteria. Then Multi-Source Prompt Generation adeptly combines multiple sources of information to create a comprehensive and informative prompt for the last Program Repair stage. The evaluation on Defects4DS and another well-investigated ITSP dataset reveals that PaR achieves a new state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating impressive improvements of 19.94% and 15.2% in repair rate compared to prior state-of-the-art LLM- and symbolic-based approaches, respectively
cs.SE, cs.AI
Self-Improvement Programming for Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering
Zhuo Chen, Zhao Zhang, Zixuan Li, Fei Wang, Yutao Zeng, Xiaolong Jin, Yongjun Xu
Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering (TKGQA) aims to answer questions with temporal intent over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs). The core challenge of this task lies in understanding the complex semantic information regarding multiple types of time constraints (e.g., before, first) in questions. Existing end-to-end methods implicitly model the time constraints by learning time-aware embeddings of questions and candidate answers, which is far from understanding the question comprehensively. Motivated by semantic-parsing-based approaches that explicitly model constraints in questions by generating logical forms with symbolic operators, we design fundamental temporal operators for time constraints and introduce a novel self-improvement Programming method for TKGQA (Prog-TQA). Specifically, Prog-TQA leverages the in-context learning ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand the combinatory time constraints in the questions and generate corresponding program drafts with a few examples given. Then, it aligns these drafts to TKGs with the linking module and subsequently executes them to generate the answers. To enhance the ability to understand questions, Prog-TQA is further equipped with a self-improvement strategy to effectively bootstrap LLMs using high-quality self-generated drafts. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed Prog-TQA on MultiTQ and CronQuestions datasets, especially in the Hits@1 metric.
METAL: Towards Multilingual Meta-Evaluation
Rishav Hada, Varun Gumma, Mohamed Ahmed, Kalika Bali, Sunayana Sitaram
With the rising human-like precision of Large Language Models (LLMs) in numerous tasks, their utilization in a variety of real-world applications is becoming more prevalent. Several studies have shown that LLMs excel on many standard NLP benchmarks. However, it is challenging to evaluate LLMs due to test dataset contamination and the limitations of traditional metrics. Since human evaluations are difficult to collect, there is a growing interest in the community to use LLMs themselves as reference-free evaluators for subjective metrics. However, past work has shown that LLM-based evaluators can exhibit bias and have poor alignment with human judgments. In this study, we propose a framework for an end-to-end assessment of LLMs as evaluators in multilingual scenarios. We create a carefully curated dataset, covering 10 languages containing native speaker judgments for the task of summarization. This dataset is created specifically to evaluate LLM-based evaluators, which we refer to as meta-evaluation (METAL). We compare the performance of LLM-based evaluators created using GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-4, and PaLM2. Our results indicate that LLM-based evaluators based on GPT-4 perform the best across languages, while GPT-3.5-Turbo performs poorly. Additionally, we perform an analysis of the reasoning provided by LLM-based evaluators and find that it often does not match the reasoning provided by human judges.
CMAT: A Multi-Agent Collaboration Tuning Framework for Enhancing Small Language Models
Xuechen Liang, Meiling Tao, Tianyu Shi, Yiting Xie
Open large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced the field of natural language processing, showcasing impressive performance across various tasks.Despite the significant advancements in LLMs, their effective operation still relies heavily on human input to accurately guide the dialogue flow, with agent tuning being a crucial optimization technique that involves human adjustments to the model for better response to such guidance.Addressing this dependency, our work introduces the TinyAgent model, trained on a meticulously curated high-quality dataset. We also present the Collaborative Multi-Agent Tuning (CMAT) framework, an innovative system designed to augment language agent capabilities through adaptive weight updates based on environmental feedback. This framework fosters collaborative learning and real-time adaptation among multiple intelligent agents, enhancing their context-awareness and long-term memory. In this research, we propose a new communication agent framework that integrates multi-agent systems with environmental feedback mechanisms, offering a scalable method to explore cooperative behaviors. Notably, our TinyAgent-7B model exhibits performance on par with GPT-3.5, despite having fewer parameters, signifying a substantial improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of LLMs.
Helmsman of the Masses? Evaluate the Opinion Leadership of Large Language Models in the Werewolf Game
Silin Du, Xiaowei Zhang
Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited memorable strategic behaviors in social deductive games. However, the significance of opinion leadership exhibited by LLM-based agents has been overlooked, which is crucial for practical applications in multi-agent and human-AI interaction settings. Opinion leaders are individuals who have a noticeable impact on the beliefs and behaviors of others within a social group. In this work, we employ the Werewolf game as a simulation platform to assess the opinion leadership of LLMs. The game features the role of the Sheriff, tasked with summarizing arguments and recommending decision options, and therefore serves as a credible proxy for an opinion leader. We develop a framework integrating the Sheriff role and devise two novel metrics for evaluation based on the critical characteristics of opinion leaders. The first metric measures the reliability of the opinion leader, and the second assesses the influence of the opinion leader on other players' decisions. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate LLMs of different scales. In addition, we collect a Werewolf question-answering dataset (WWQA) to assess and enhance LLM's grasp of the game rules, and we also incorporate human participants for further analysis. The results suggest that the Werewolf game is a suitable test bed to evaluate the opinion leadership of LLMs and few LLMs possess the capacity for opinion leadership.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.HC
Classifying Cancer Stage with Open-Source Clinical Large Language Models
Chia-Hsuan Chang, Mary M. Lucas, Grace Lu-Yao, Christopher C. Yang
Cancer stage classification is important for making treatment and care management plans for oncology patients. Information on staging is often included in unstructured form in clinical, pathology, radiology and other free-text reports in the electronic health record system, requiring extensive work to parse and obtain. To facilitate the extraction of this information, previous NLP approaches rely on labeled training datasets, which are labor-intensive to prepare. In this study, we demonstrate that without any labeled training data, open-source clinical large language models (LLMs) can extract pathologic tumor-node-metastasis (pTNM) staging information from real-world pathology reports. Our experiments compare LLMs and a BERT-based model fine-tuned using the labeled data. Our findings suggest that while LLMs still exhibit subpar performance in Tumor (T) classification, with the appropriate adoption of prompting strategies, they can achieve comparable performance on Metastasis (M) classification and improved performance on Node (N) classification.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Hallucination Diversity-Aware Active Learning for Text Summarization
Yu Xia, Xu Liu, Tong Yu, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, Anup Rao, Tung Mai, Shuai Li
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown propensity to generate hallucinated outputs, i.e., texts that are factually incorrect or unsupported. Existing methods for alleviating hallucinations typically require costly human annotations to identify and correct hallucinations in LLM outputs. Moreover, most of these methods focus on a specific type of hallucination, e.g., entity or token errors, which limits their effectiveness in addressing various types of hallucinations exhibited in LLM outputs. To our best knowledge, in this paper we propose the first active learning framework to alleviate LLM hallucinations, reducing costly human annotations of hallucination needed. By measuring fine-grained hallucinations from errors in semantic frame, discourse and content verifiability in text summarization, we propose HAllucination Diversity-Aware Sampling (HADAS) to select diverse hallucinations for annotations in active learning for LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments on three datasets and different backbone models demonstrate advantages of our method in effectively and efficiently mitigating LLM hallucinations.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Octopus: On-device language model for function calling of software APIs
Wei Chen, Zhiyuan Li, Mingyuan Ma
In the rapidly evolving domain of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) play a crucial role due to their advanced text processing and generation abilities. This study introduces a new strategy aimed at harnessing on-device LLMs in invoking software APIs. We meticulously compile a dataset derived from software API documentation and apply fine-tuning to LLMs with capacities of 2B, 3B and 7B parameters, specifically to enhance their proficiency in software API interactions. Our approach concentrates on refining the models' grasp of API structures and syntax, significantly enhancing the accuracy of API function calls. Additionally, we propose \textit{conditional masking} techniques to ensure outputs in the desired formats and reduce error rates while maintaining inference speeds. We also propose a novel benchmark designed to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs in API interactions, establishing a foundation for subsequent research. Octopus, the fine-tuned model, is proved to have better performance than GPT-4 for the software APIs calling. This research aims to advance automated software development and API integration, representing substantial progress in aligning LLM capabilities with the demands of practical software engineering applications.
cs.CL, cs.SE