597 values
How faithful are RAG models? Quantifying the tug-of-war between RAG and LLMs' internal prior
Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, James Zou
Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is often used to fix hallucinations and provide up-to-date knowledge for large language models (LLMs). However, in cases when the LLM alone incorrectly answers a question, does providing the correct retrieved content always fix the error? Conversely, in cases where the retrieved content is incorrect, does the LLM know to ignore the wrong information, or does it recapitulate the error? To answer these questions, we systematically analyze the tug-of-war between a LLM's internal knowledge (i.e. its prior) and the retrieved information in settings when they disagree. We test GPT-4 and other LLMs on question-answering abilities across datasets with and without reference documents. As expected, providing the correct retrieved information fixes most model mistakes (94% accuracy). However, when the reference document is perturbed with increasing levels of wrong values, the LLM is more likely to recite the incorrect, modified information when its internal prior is weaker but is more resistant when its prior is stronger. Similarly, we also find that the more the modified information deviates from the model's prior, the less likely the model is to prefer it. These results highlight an underlying tension between a model's prior knowledge and the information presented in reference documents.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Numerical Attributes Learning for Cardiac Failure Diagnostic from Clinical Narratives -- A LESA-CamemBERT-bio Approach
Boammani Aser Lompo, Thanh-Dung Le
Medical records created by healthcare professionals upon patient admission are rich in details critical for diagnosis. Yet, their potential is not fully realized because of obstacles such as complex medical language, inadequate comprehension of medical numerical data by state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs), and the limitations imposed by small annotated training datasets. This research aims to classify numerical values extracted from medical documents across seven distinct physiological categories, employing CamemBERT-bio. Previous studies suggested that transformer-based models might not perform as well as traditional NLP models in such tasks. To enhance CamemBERT-bio's performances, we introduce two main innovations: integrating keyword embeddings into the model and adopting a number-agnostic strategy by excluding all numerical data from the text. The implementation of label embedding techniques refines the attention mechanisms, while the technique of using a `numerical-blind' dataset aims to bolster context-centric learning. Another key component of our research is determining the criticality of extracted numerical data. To achieve this, we utilized a simple approach that involves verifying if the value falls within the established standard ranges Our findings are encouraging, showing substantial improvements in the effectiveness of CamemBERT-bio, surpassing conventional methods with an F1 score of 0.89. This represents an over 20\% increase over the 0.73 $F_1$ score of traditional approaches and an over 9\% increase over the 0.82 $F_1$ score of state-of-the-art approaches.
RLRF:Reinforcement Learning from Reflection through Debates as Feedback for Bias Mitigation in LLMs
Ruoxi Cheng, Haoxuan Ma, Shuirong Cao, Tianyu Shi
Biases and stereotypes in Large Language Models (LLMs) can have negative implications for user experience and societal outcomes. Current approaches to bias mitigation like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) rely on costly manual feedback. While LLMs have the capability to understand logic and identify biases in text, they often struggle to effectively acknowledge and address their own biases due to factors such as prompt influences, internal mechanisms, and policies. We found that informing LLMs that the content they generate is not their own and questioning them about potential biases in the text can significantly enhance their recognition and improvement capabilities regarding biases. Based on this finding, we propose RLRF (Reinforcement Learning from Reflection through Debates as Feedback), replacing human feedback with AI for bias mitigation. RLRF engages LLMs in multi-role debates to expose biases and gradually reduce biases in each iteration using a ranking scoring mechanism. The dialogue are then used to create a dataset with high-bias and low-bias instances to train the reward model in reinforcement learning. This dataset can be generated by the same LLMs for self-reflection or a superior LLMs guiding the former in a student-teacher mode to enhance its logical reasoning abilities. Experimental results demonstrate the significant effectiveness of our approach in bias reduction.
Quality Assessment of Prompts Used in Code Generation
Mohammed Latif Siddiq, Simantika Dristi, Joy Saha, Joanna C. S. Santos
Large Language Models (LLMs) are gaining popularity among software engineers. A crucial aspect of developing effective code-generation LLMs is to evaluate these models using a robust benchmark. Evaluation benchmarks with quality issues can provide a false sense of performance. In this work, we conduct the first-of-its-kind study of the quality of prompts within benchmarks used to compare the performance of different code generation models. To conduct this study, we analyzed 3,566 prompts from 9 code generation benchmarks to identify quality issues in them. We also investigated whether fixing the identified quality issues in the benchmarks' prompts affects a model's performance. We also studied memorization issues of the evaluation dataset, which can put into question a benchmark's trustworthiness. We found that code generation evaluation benchmarks mainly focused on Python and coding exercises and had very limited contextual dependencies to challenge the model. These datasets and the developers' prompts suffer from quality issues like spelling and grammatical errors, unclear sentences to express developers' intent, and not using proper documentation style. Fixing all these issues in the benchmarks can lead to a better performance for Python code generation, but not a significant improvement was observed for Java code generation. We also found evidence that GPT-3.5-Turbo and CodeGen-2.5 models possibly have data contamination issues.
cs.SE, cs.LG
TabSQLify: Enhancing Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs Through Table Decomposition
Md Mahadi Hasan Nahid, Davood Rafiei
Table reasoning is a challenging task that requires understanding both natural language questions and structured tabular data. Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, but they often struggle with large tables due to their limited input length. In this paper, we propose TabSQLify, a novel method that leverages text-to-SQL generation to decompose tables into smaller and relevant sub-tables, containing only essential information for answering questions or verifying statements, before performing the reasoning task. In our comprehensive evaluation on four challenging datasets, our approach demonstrates comparable or superior performance compared to prevailing methods reliant on full tables as input. Moreover, our method can reduce the input context length significantly, making it more scalable and efficient for large-scale table reasoning applications. Our method performs remarkably well on the WikiTQ benchmark, achieving an accuracy of 64.7%. Additionally, on the TabFact benchmark, it achieves a high accuracy of 79.5%. These results surpass other LLM-based baseline models on gpt-3.5-turbo (chatgpt). TabSQLify can reduce the table size significantly alleviating the computational load on LLMs when handling large tables without compromising performance.
cs.CL, cs.DB, cs.IR
ANCHOR: LLM-driven News Subject Conditioning for Text-to-Image Synthesis
Aashish Anantha Ramakrishnan, Sharon X. Huang, Dongwon Lee
Text-to-Image (T2I) Synthesis has made tremendous strides in enhancing synthesized image quality, but current datasets evaluate model performance only on descriptive, instruction-based prompts. Real-world news image captions take a more pragmatic approach, providing high-level situational and Named-Entity (NE) information and limited physical object descriptions, making them abstractive. To evaluate the ability of T2I models to capture intended subjects from news captions, we introduce the Abstractive News Captions with High-level cOntext Representation (ANCHOR) dataset, containing 70K+ samples sourced from 5 different news media organizations. With Large Language Models (LLM) achieving success in language and commonsense reasoning tasks, we explore the ability of different LLMs to identify and understand key subjects from abstractive captions. Our proposed method Subject-Aware Finetuning (SAFE), selects and enhances the representation of key subjects in synthesized images by leveraging LLM-generated subject weights. It also adapts to the domain distribution of news images and captions through custom Domain Fine-tuning, outperforming current T2I baselines on ANCHOR. By launching the ANCHOR dataset, we hope to motivate research in furthering the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities of T2I models.
cs.CV, cs.CL, cs.MM, 65D19
FEDSTR: Money-In AI-Out | A Decentralized Marketplace for Federated Learning and LLM Training on the NOSTR Protocol
Konstantinos E. Nikolakakis, George Chantzialexiou, Dionysis Kalogerias
The NOSTR is a communication protocol for the social web, based on the w3c websockets standard. Although it is still in its infancy, it is well known as a social media protocol, thousands of trusted users and multiple user interfaces, offering a unique experience and enormous capabilities. To name a few, the NOSTR applications include but are not limited to direct messaging, file sharing, audio/video streaming, collaborative writing, blogging and data processing through distributed AI directories. In this work, we propose an approach that builds upon the existing protocol structure with end goal a decentralized marketplace for federated learning and LLM training. In this proposed design there are two parties: on one side there are customers who provide a dataset that they want to use for training an AI model. On the other side, there are service providers, who receive (parts of) the dataset, train the AI model, and for a payment as an exchange, they return the optimized AI model. The decentralized and censorship resistant features of the NOSTR enable the possibility of designing a fair and open marketplace for training AI models and LLMs.
cs.DC, cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.LG
LLM-based Test-driven Interactive Code Generation: User Study and Empirical Evaluation
Sarah Fakhoury, Aaditya Naik, Georgios Sakkas, Saikat Chakraborty, Shuvendu K. Lahiri
Large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential in automating significant aspects of coding by producing natural code from informal natural language (NL) intent. However, given NL is informal, it does not lend easily to checking that the generated code correctly satisfies the user intent. In this paper, we propose a novel interactive workflow TiCoder for guided intent clarification (i.e., partial formalization) through tests to support the generation of more accurate code suggestions. Through a mixed methods user study with 15 programmers, we present an empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of the workflow to improve code generation accuracy. We find that participants using the proposed workflow are significantly more likely to correctly evaluate AI generated code, and report significantly less task-induced cognitive load. Furthermore, we test the potential of the workflow at scale with four different state-of-the-art LLMs on two python datasets, using an idealized proxy for a user feedback. We observe an average absolute improvement of 38.43% in the pass@1 code generation accuracy for both datasets and across all LLMs within 5 user interactions, in addition to the automatic generation of accompanying unit tests.
Group-wise Prompting for Synthetic Tabular Data Generation using Large Language Models
Jinhee Kim, Taesung Kim, Jaegul Choo
Generating realistic synthetic tabular data presents a critical challenge in machine learning. This study introduces a simple yet effective method employing Large Language Models (LLMs) tailored to generate synthetic data, specifically addressing data imbalance problems. We propose a novel group-wise prompting method in CSV-style formatting that leverages the in-context learning capabilities of LLMs to produce data that closely adheres to the specified requirements and characteristics of the target dataset. Moreover, our proposed random word replacement strategy significantly improves the handling of monotonous categorical values, enhancing the accuracy and representativeness of the synthetic data. The effectiveness of our method is extensively validated across eight real-world public datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance in downstream classification and regression tasks while maintaining inter-feature correlations and improving token efficiency over existing approaches. This advancement significantly contributes to addressing the key challenges of machine learning applications, particularly in the context of tabular data generation and handling class imbalance. The source code for our work is available at: https://github.com/seharanul17/synthetic-tabular-LLM
cs.LG, cs.AI
Constructing Benchmarks and Interventions for Combating Hallucinations in LLMs
Adi Simhi, Jonathan Herzig, Idan Szpektor, Yonatan Belinkov
Large language models (LLMs) are susceptible to hallucination, which sparked a widespread effort to detect and prevent them. Recent work attempts to mitigate hallucinations by intervening in the model's computation during generation, using different setups and heuristics. Those works lack separation between different hallucination causes. In this work, we first introduce an approach for constructing datasets based on the model knowledge for detection and intervention methods in closed-book and open-book question-answering settings. We then characterize the effect of different choices for intervention, such as the intervened components (MLPs, attention block, residual stream, and specific heads), and how often and how strongly to intervene. We find that intervention success varies depending on the component, with some components being detrimental to language modeling capabilities. Finally, we find that interventions can benefit from pre-hallucination steering direction instead of post-hallucination. The code is available at https://github.com/technion-cs-nlp/hallucination-mitigation
cs.CL, I.2.7
Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly
Yuzhen Huang, Jinghan Zhang, Zifei Shan, Junxian He
There is a belief that learning to compress well will lead to intelligence. Recently, language modeling has been shown to be equivalent to compression, which offers a compelling rationale for the success of large language models (LLMs): the development of more advanced language models is essentially enhancing compression which facilitates intelligence. Despite such appealing discussions, little empirical evidence is present for the interplay between compression and intelligence. In this work, we examine their relationship in the context of LLMs, treating LLMs as data compressors. Given the abstract concept of "intelligence", we adopt the average downstream benchmark scores as a surrogate, specifically targeting intelligence related to knowledge and commonsense, coding, and mathematical reasoning. Across 12 benchmarks, our study brings together 30 public LLMs that originate from diverse organizations. Remarkably, we find that LLMs' intelligence -- reflected by average benchmark scores -- almost linearly correlates with their ability to compress external text corpora. These results provide concrete evidence supporting the belief that superior compression indicates greater intelligence. Furthermore, our findings suggest that compression efficiency, as an unsupervised metric derived from raw text corpora, serves as a reliable evaluation measure that is linearly associated with the model capabilities. We open-source our compression datasets as well as our data collection pipelines to facilitate future researchers to assess compression properly.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT
KG-CTG: Citation Generation through Knowledge Graph-guided Large Language Models
Avinash Anand, Mohit Gupta, Kritarth Prasad, Ujjwal Goel, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rajiv Ratn Shah
Citation Text Generation (CTG) is a task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to produce text that accurately cites or references a cited document within a source document. In CTG, the generated text draws upon contextual cues from both the source document and the cited paper, ensuring accurate and relevant citation information is provided. Previous work in the field of citation generation is mainly based on the text summarization of documents. Following this, this paper presents a framework, and a comparative study to demonstrate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for the task of citation generation. Also, we have shown the improvement in the results of citation generation by incorporating the knowledge graph relations of the papers in the prompt for the LLM to better learn the relationship between the papers. To assess how well our model is performing, we have used a subset of standard S2ORC dataset, which only consists of computer science academic research papers in the English Language. Vicuna performs best for this task with 14.15 Meteor, 12.88 Rouge-1, 1.52 Rouge-2, and 10.94 Rouge-L. Also, Alpaca performs best, and improves the performance by 36.98% in Rouge-1, and 33.14% in Meteor by including knowledge graphs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Unveiling Imitation Learning: Exploring the Impact of Data Falsity to Large Language Model
Hyunsoo Cho
Many recent studies endeavor to improve open-source language models through imitation learning, and re-training on the synthetic instruction data from state-of-the-art proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. However, the innate nature of synthetic data inherently contains noisy data, giving rise to a substantial presence of low-quality data replete with erroneous responses, and flawed reasoning. Although we intuitively grasp the potential harm of noisy data, we lack a quantitative understanding of its impact. To this end, this paper explores the correlation between the degree of noise and its impact on language models through instruction tuning. We first introduce the Falsity-Controllable (FACO) dataset, which comprises pairs of true answers with corresponding reasoning, as well as false pairs to manually control the falsity ratio of the dataset.Through our extensive experiments, we found multiple intriguing findings of the correlation between the factuality of the dataset and instruction tuning: Specifically, we verified falsity of the instruction is highly relevant to various benchmark scores. Moreover, when LLMs are trained with false instructions, they learn to lie and generate fake unfaithful answers, even though they know the correct answer for the user request. Additionally, we noted that once the language model is trained with a dataset contaminated by noise, restoring its original performance is possible, but it failed to reach full performance.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Are Large Language Models Reliable Argument Quality Annotators?
Nailia Mirzakhmedova, Marcel Gohsen, Chia Hao Chang, Benno Stein
Evaluating the quality of arguments is a crucial aspect of any system leveraging argument mining. However, it is a challenge to obtain reliable and consistent annotations regarding argument quality, as this usually requires domain-specific expertise of the annotators. Even among experts, the assessment of argument quality is often inconsistent due to the inherent subjectivity of this task. In this paper, we study the potential of using state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) as proxies for argument quality annotators. To assess the capability of LLMs in this regard, we analyze the agreement between model, human expert, and human novice annotators based on an established taxonomy of argument quality dimensions. Our findings highlight that LLMs can produce consistent annotations, with a moderately high agreement with human experts across most of the quality dimensions. Moreover, we show that using LLMs as additional annotators can significantly improve the agreement between annotators. These results suggest that LLMs can serve as a valuable tool for automated argument quality assessment, thus streamlining and accelerating the evaluation of large argument datasets.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.ET
Multi-News+: Cost-efficient Dataset Cleansing via LLM-based Data Annotation
Juhwan Choi, Jungmin Yun, Kyohoon Jin, YoungBin Kim
The quality of the dataset is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and reliability of downstream task models. However, datasets often contain noisy data inadvertently included during the construction process. Numerous attempts have been made to correct this issue through human annotators. However, hiring and managing human annotators is expensive and time-consuming. As an alternative, recent studies are exploring the use of large language models (LLMs) for data annotation. In this study, we present a case study that extends the application of LLM-based data annotation to enhance the quality of existing datasets through a cleansing strategy. Specifically, we leverage approaches such as chain-of-thought (CoT) and majority voting to imitate human annotation and classify unrelated documents from the Multi-News dataset, which is widely used for the multi-document summarization task. Through our proposed cleansing method, we introduce an enhanced Multi-News+. By employing LLMs for data cleansing, we demonstrate an efficient and effective approach to improving dataset quality without relying on expensive human annotation efforts.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Do LLMs Understand Visual Anomalies? Uncovering LLM Capabilities in Zero-shot Anomaly Detection
Jiaqi Zhu, Shaofeng Cai, Fang Deng, Junran Wu
Large vision-language models (LVLMs) are markedly proficient in deriving visual representations guided by natural language. Recent explorations have utilized LVLMs to tackle zero-shot visual anomaly detection (VAD) challenges by pairing images with textual descriptions indicative of normal and abnormal conditions, referred to as anomaly prompts. However, existing approaches depend on static anomaly prompts that are prone to cross-semantic ambiguity, and prioritize global image-level representations over crucial local pixel-level image-to-text alignment that is necessary for accurate anomaly localization. In this paper, we present ALFA, a training-free approach designed to address these challenges via a unified model. We propose a run-time prompt adaptation strategy, which first generates informative anomaly prompts to leverage the capabilities of a large language model (LLM). This strategy is enhanced by a contextual scoring mechanism for per-image anomaly prompt adaptation and cross-semantic ambiguity mitigation. We further introduce a novel fine-grained aligner to fuse local pixel-level semantics for precise anomaly localization, by projecting the image-text alignment from global to local semantic spaces. Extensive evaluations on the challenging MVTec and VisA datasets confirm ALFA's effectiveness in harnessing the language potential for zero-shot VAD, achieving significant PRO improvements of 12.1% on MVTec AD and 8.9% on VisA compared to state-of-the-art zero-shot VAD approaches.
cs.CV, cs.MM
Prepacking: A Simple Method for Fast Prefilling and Increased Throughput in Large Language Models
Siyan Zhao, Daniel Israel, Guy Van den Broeck, Aditya Grover
During inference for transformer-based large language models (LLM), prefilling is the computation of the key-value (KV) cache for input tokens in the prompt prior to autoregressive generation. For longer input prompt lengths, prefilling will incur a significant overhead on decoding time. In this work, we highlight the following pitfall of prefilling: for batches containing high-varying prompt lengths, significant computation is wasted by the standard practice of padding sequences to the maximum length. As LLMs increasingly support longer context lengths, potentially up to 10 million tokens, variations in prompt lengths within a batch become more pronounced. To address this, we propose Prepacking, a simple yet effective method to optimize prefilling computation. To avoid redundant computation on pad tokens, prepacking combines prompts of varying lengths into a sequence and packs multiple sequences into a compact batch using a bin-packing algorithm. It then modifies the attention mask and positional encoding to compute multiple prefilled KV-caches for multiple prompts within a single sequence. On standard curated dataset containing prompts with varying lengths, we obtain a significant speed and memory efficiency improvements as compared to the default padding-based prefilling computation within Huggingface across a range of base model configurations and inference serving scenarios.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
LoongServe: Efficiently Serving Long-context Large Language Models with Elastic Sequence Parallelism
Bingyang Wu, Shengyu Liu, Yinmin Zhong, Peng Sun, Xuanzhe Liu, Xin Jin
The context window of large language models (LLMs) is rapidly increasing, leading to a huge variance in resource usage between different requests as well as between different phases of the same request. Restricted by static parallelism strategies, existing LLM serving systems cannot efficiently utilize the underlying resources to serve variable-length requests in different phases. To address this problem, we propose a new parallelism paradigm, elastic sequence parallelism (ESP), to elastically adapt to the variance between different requests and phases. Based on ESP, we design and build LoongServe, an LLM serving system that (1) improves computation efficiency by elastically adjusting the degree of parallelism in real-time, (2) improves communication efficiency by reducing key-value cache migration overhead and overlapping partial decoding communication with computation, and (3) improves GPU memory efficiency by reducing key-value cache fragmentation across instances. Our evaluation under diverse real-world datasets shows that LoongServe improves the maximum throughput by up to 3.85$\times$ compared to the chunked prefill and 5.81$\times$ compared to the prefill-decoding disaggregation.
cs.DC, cs.LG
Large Language Models Can Automatically Engineer Features for Few-Shot Tabular Learning
Sungwon Han, Jinsung Yoon, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister
Large Language Models (LLMs), with their remarkable ability to tackle challenging and unseen reasoning problems, hold immense potential for tabular learning, that is vital for many real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel in-context learning framework, FeatLLM, which employs LLMs as feature engineers to produce an input data set that is optimally suited for tabular predictions. The generated features are used to infer class likelihood with a simple downstream machine learning model, such as linear regression and yields high performance few-shot learning. The proposed FeatLLM framework only uses this simple predictive model with the discovered features at inference time. Compared to existing LLM-based approaches, FeatLLM eliminates the need to send queries to the LLM for each sample at inference time. Moreover, it merely requires API-level access to LLMs, and overcomes prompt size limitations. As demonstrated across numerous tabular datasets from a wide range of domains, FeatLLM generates high-quality rules, significantly (10% on average) outperforming alternatives such as TabLLM and STUNT.
Entropy Guided Extrapolative Decoding to Improve Factuality in Large Language Models
Souvik Das, Lifeng Jin, Linfeng Song, Haitao Mi, Baolin Peng, Dong Yu
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit impressive natural language capabilities but suffer from hallucination -- generating content ungrounded in the realities of training data. Recent work has focused on decoding techniques to improve factuality during inference by leveraging LLMs' hierarchical representation of factual knowledge, manipulating the predicted distributions at inference time. Current state-of-the-art approaches refine decoding by contrasting early-exit distributions from a lower layer with the final layer to exploit information related to factuality within the model forward procedure. However, such methods often assume the final layer is the most reliable and the lower layer selection process depends on it. In this work, we first propose extrapolation of critical token probabilities beyond the last layer for more accurate contrasting. We additionally employ layer-wise entropy-guided lower layer selection, decoupling the selection process from the final layer. Experiments demonstrate strong performance - surpassing state-of-the-art on multiple different datasets by large margins. Analyses show different kinds of prompts respond to different selection strategies.
Self-Selected Attention Span for Accelerating Large Language Model Inference
Tian Jin, Wanzin Yazar, Zifei Xu, Sayeh Sharify, Xin Wang
Large language models (LLMs) can solve challenging tasks. However, their inference computation on modern GPUs is highly inefficient due to the increasing number of tokens they must attend to as they generate new ones. To address this inefficiency, we capitalize on LLMs' problem-solving capabilities to optimize their own inference-time efficiency. We demonstrate with two specific tasks: (a) evaluating complex arithmetic expressions and (b) summarizing news articles. For both tasks, we create custom datasets to fine-tune an LLM. The goal of fine-tuning is twofold: first, to make the LLM learn to solve the evaluation or summarization task, and second, to train it to identify the minimal attention spans required for each step of the task. As a result, the fine-tuned model is able to convert these self-identified minimal attention spans into sparse attention masks on-the-fly during inference. We develop a custom CUDA kernel to take advantage of the reduced context to attend to. We demonstrate that using this custom CUDA kernel improves the throughput of LLM inference by 28%. Our work presents an end-to-end demonstration showing that training LLMs to self-select their attention spans speeds up autoregressive inference in solving real-world tasks.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Large Language Models are as persuasive as humans, but how? About the cognitive effort and moral-emotional language of LLM arguments
Carlos Carrasco-Farre
Large Language Models (LLMs) are already as persuasive as humans. However, we know very little about how they do it. This paper investigates the persuasion strategies of LLMs, comparing them with human-generated arguments. Using a dataset of 1,251 participants in an experiment, we analyze the persuasion strategies of LLM-generated and human-generated arguments using measures of cognitive effort (lexical and grammatical complexity) and moral-emotional language (sentiment and moral analysis). The study reveals that LLMs produce arguments that require higher cognitive effort, exhibiting more complex grammatical and lexical structures than human counterparts. Additionally, LLMs demonstrate a significant propensity to engage more deeply with moral language, utilizing both positive and negative moral foundations more frequently than humans. In contrast with previous research, no significant difference was found in the emotional content produced by LLMs and humans. These findings contribute to the discourse on AI and persuasion, highlighting the dual potential of LLMs to both enhance and undermine informational integrity through communication strategies for digital persuasion.
JaFIn: Japanese Financial Instruction Dataset
Kota Tanabe, Masahiro Suzuki, Hiroki Sakaji, Itsuki Noda
We construct an instruction dataset for the large language model (LLM) in the Japanese finance domain. Domain adaptation of language models, including LLMs, is receiving more attention as language models become more popular. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of domain adaptation through instruction tuning. To achieve this, we propose an instruction tuning data in Japanese called JaFIn, the Japanese Financial Instruction Dataset. JaFIn is manually constructed based on multiple data sources, including Japanese government websites, which provide extensive financial knowledge. We then utilize JaFIn to apply instruction tuning for several LLMs, demonstrating that our models specialized in finance have better domain adaptability than the original models. The financial-specialized LLMs created were evaluated using a quantitative Japanese financial benchmark and qualitative response comparisons, showing improved performance over the originals.
cs.CL, cs.CE
GeMQuAD : Generating Multilingual Question Answering Datasets from Large Language Models using Few Shot Learning
Amani Namboori, Shivam Mangale, Andy Rosenbaum, Saleh Soltan
The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) with capabilities like In-Context Learning (ICL) has ushered in new possibilities for data generation across various domains while minimizing the need for extensive data collection and modeling techniques. Researchers have explored ways to use this generated synthetic data to optimize smaller student models for reduced deployment costs and lower latency in downstream tasks. However, ICL-generated data often suffers from low quality as the task specificity is limited with few examples used in ICL. In this paper, we propose GeMQuAD - a semi-supervised learning approach, extending the WeakDAP framework, applied to a dataset generated through ICL with just one example in the target language using AlexaTM 20B Seq2Seq LLM. Through our approach, we iteratively identify high-quality data to enhance model performance, especially for low-resource multilingual setting in the context of Extractive Question Answering task. Our framework outperforms the machine translation-augmented model by 0.22/1.68 F1/EM (Exact Match) points for Hindi and 0.82/1.37 F1/EM points for Spanish on the MLQA dataset, and it surpasses the performance of model trained on an English-only dataset by 5.05/6.50 F1/EM points for Hindi and 3.81/3.69 points F1/EM for Spanish on the same dataset. Notably, our approach uses a pre-trained LLM for generation with no fine-tuning (FT), utilizing just a single annotated example in ICL to generate data, providing a cost-effective development process.
cs.CL, cs.AI
From Bytes to Borsch: Fine-Tuning Gemma and Mistral for the Ukrainian Language Representation
Artur Kiulian, Anton Polishko, Mykola Khandoga, Oryna Chubych, Jack Connor, Raghav Ravishankar, Adarsh Shirawalmath
In the rapidly advancing field of AI and NLP, generative large language models (LLMs) stand at the forefront of innovation, showcasing unparalleled abilities in text understanding and generation. However, the limited representation of low-resource languages like Ukrainian poses a notable challenge, restricting the reach and relevance of this technology. Our paper addresses this by fine-tuning the open-source Gemma and Mistral LLMs with Ukrainian datasets, aiming to improve their linguistic proficiency and benchmarking them against other existing models capable of processing Ukrainian language. This endeavor not only aims to mitigate language bias in technology but also promotes inclusivity in the digital realm. Our transparent and reproducible approach encourages further NLP research and development. Additionally, we present the Ukrainian Knowledge and Instruction Dataset (UKID) to aid future efforts in language model fine-tuning. Our research not only advances the field of NLP but also highlights the importance of linguistic diversity in AI, which is crucial for cultural preservation, education, and expanding AI's global utility. Ultimately, we advocate for a future where technology is inclusive, enabling AI to communicate effectively across all languages, especially those currently underrepresented.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
CuriousLLM: Elevating Multi-Document QA with Reasoning-Infused Knowledge Graph Prompting
Zukang Yang, Zixuan Zhu
In the field of Question Answering (QA), unifying large language models (LLMs) with external databases has shown great success. However, these methods often fall short in providing the advanced reasoning needed for complex QA tasks. To address these issues, we improve over a novel approach called Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP), which combines knowledge graphs with a LLM-based agent to improve reasoning and search accuracy. Nevertheless, the original KGP framework necessitates costly fine-tuning with large datasets yet still suffers from LLM hallucination. Therefore, we propose a reasoning-infused LLM agent to enhance this framework. This agent mimics human curiosity to ask follow-up questions to more efficiently navigate the search. This simple modification significantly boosts the LLM performance in QA tasks without the high costs and latency associated with the initial KGP framework. Our ultimate goal is to further develop this approach, leading to more accurate, faster, and cost-effective solutions in the QA domain.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG
Adapting Mental Health Prediction Tasks for Cross-lingual Learning via Meta-Training and In-context Learning with Large Language Model
Zita Lifelo, Huansheng Ning, Sahraoui Dhelim
Timely identification is essential for the efficient handling of mental health illnesses such as depression. However, the current research fails to adequately address the prediction of mental health conditions from social media data in low-resource African languages like Swahili. This study introduces two distinct approaches utilising model-agnostic meta-learning and leveraging large language models (LLMs) to address this gap. Experiments are conducted on three datasets translated to low-resource language and applied to four mental health tasks, which include stress, depression, depression severity and suicidal ideation prediction. we first apply a meta-learning model with self-supervision, which results in improved model initialisation for rapid adaptation and cross-lingual transfer. The results show that our meta-trained model performs significantly better than standard fine-tuning methods, outperforming the baseline fine-tuning in macro F1 score with 18\% and 0.8\% over XLM-R and mBERT. In parallel, we use LLMs' in-context learning capabilities to assess their performance accuracy across the Swahili mental health prediction tasks by analysing different cross-lingual prompting approaches. Our analysis showed that Swahili prompts performed better than cross-lingual prompts but less than English prompts. Our findings show that in-context learning can be achieved through cross-lingual transfer through carefully crafted prompt templates with examples and instructions.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG
Intuition-aware Mixture-of-Rank-1-Experts for Parameter Efficient Finetuning
Yijiang Liu, Rongyu Zhang, Huanrui Yang, Kurt Keutzer, Yuan Du, Li Du, Shanghang Zhang
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in performing multiple tasks in multimedia applications, ranging from content generation to interactive entertainment, and artistic creation. However, the diversity of downstream tasks in multitask scenarios presents substantial adaptation challenges for LLMs. While traditional methods often succumb to knowledge confusion on their monolithic dense models, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has been emerged as a promising solution with its sparse architecture for effective task decoupling. Inspired by the principles of human cognitive neuroscience, we design a novel framework \texttt{Intuition-MoR1E} that leverages the inherent semantic clustering of instances to mimic the human brain to deal with multitask, offering implicit guidance to router for optimized feature allocation. Moreover, we introduce cutting-edge Rank-1 Experts formulation designed to manage a spectrum of intuitions, demonstrating enhanced parameter efficiency and effectiveness in multitask LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Intuition-MoR1E achieves superior efficiency and 2.15\% overall accuracy improvement across 14 public datasets against other state-of-the-art baselines.
cs.LG, cs.AI
EIVEN: Efficient Implicit Attribute Value Extraction using Multimodal LLM
Henry Peng Zou, Gavin Heqing Yu, Ziwei Fan, Dan Bu, Han Liu, Peng Dai, Dongmei Jia, Cornelia Caragea
In e-commerce, accurately extracting product attribute values from multimodal data is crucial for improving user experience and operational efficiency of retailers. However, previous approaches to multimodal attribute value extraction often struggle with implicit attribute values embedded in images or text, rely heavily on extensive labeled data, and can easily confuse similar attribute values. To address these issues, we introduce EIVEN, a data- and parameter-efficient generative framework that pioneers the use of multimodal LLM for implicit attribute value extraction. EIVEN leverages the rich inherent knowledge of a pre-trained LLM and vision encoder to reduce reliance on labeled data. We also introduce a novel Learning-by-Comparison technique to reduce model confusion by enforcing attribute value comparison and difference identification. Additionally, we construct initial open-source datasets for multimodal implicit attribute value extraction. Our extensive experiments reveal that EIVEN significantly outperforms existing methods in extracting implicit attribute values while requiring less labeled data.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.LG
"Don't forget to put the milk back!" Dataset for Enabling Embodied Agents to Detect Anomalous Situations
James F. Mullen Jr, Prasoon Goyal, Robinson Piramuthu, Michael Johnston, Dinesh Manocha, Reza Ghanadan
Home robots intend to make their users lives easier. Our work assists in this goal by enabling robots to inform their users of dangerous or unsanitary anomalies in their home. Some examples of these anomalies include the user leaving their milk out, forgetting to turn off the stove, or leaving poison accessible to children. To move towards enabling home robots with these abilities, we have created a new dataset, which we call SafetyDetect. The SafetyDetect dataset consists of 1000 anomalous home scenes, each of which contains unsafe or unsanitary situations for an agent to detect. Our approach utilizes large language models (LLMs) alongside both a graph representation of the scene and the relationships between the objects in the scene. Our key insight is that this connected scene graph and the object relationships it encodes enables the LLM to better reason about the scene -- especially as it relates to detecting dangerous or unsanitary situations. Our most promising approach utilizes GPT-4 and pursues a categorization technique where object relations from the scene graph are classified as normal, dangerous, unsanitary, or dangerous for children. This method is able to correctly identify over 90% of anomalous scenarios in the SafetyDetect Dataset. Additionally, we conduct real world experiments on a ClearPath TurtleBot where we generate a scene graph from visuals of the real world scene, and run our approach with no modification. This setup resulted in little performance loss. The SafetyDetect Dataset and code will be released to the public upon this papers publication.
cs.RO, cs.CV
LLM-Seg: Bridging Image Segmentation and Large Language Model Reasoning
Junchi Wang, Lei Ke
Understanding human instructions to identify the target objects is vital for perception systems. In recent years, the advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) have introduced new possibilities for image segmentation. In this work, we delve into reasoning segmentation, a novel task that enables segmentation system to reason and interpret implicit user intention via large language model reasoning and then segment the corresponding target. Our work on reasoning segmentation contributes on both the methodological design and dataset labeling. For the model, we propose a new framework named LLM-Seg. LLM-Seg effectively connects the current foundational Segmentation Anything Model and the LLM by mask proposals selection. For the dataset, we propose an automatic data generation pipeline and construct a new reasoning segmentation dataset named LLM-Seg40K. Experiments demonstrate that our LLM-Seg exhibits competitive performance compared with existing methods. Furthermore, our proposed pipeline can efficiently produce high-quality reasoning segmentation datasets. The LLM-Seg40K dataset, developed through this pipeline, serves as a new benchmark for training and evaluating various reasoning segmentation approaches. Our code, models and dataset are at https://github.com/wangjunchi/LLMSeg.
cs.CV, cs.LG
VizGroup: An AI-Assisted Event-Driven System for Real-Time Collaborative Programming Learning Analytics
Xiaohang Tang, Sam Wong, Kevin Pu, Xi Chen, Yalong Yang, Yan Chen
Programming instructors often conduct collaborative learning activities, like Peer Instruction, to foster a deeper understanding in students and enhance their engagement with learning. These activities, however, may not always yield productive outcomes due to the diversity of student mental models and their ineffective collaboration. In this work, we introduce VizGroup, an AI-assisted system that enables programming instructors to easily oversee students' real-time collaborative learning behaviors during large programming courses. VizGroup leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to recommend event specifications for instructors so that they can simultaneously track and receive alerts about key correlation patterns between various collaboration metrics and ongoing coding tasks. We evaluated VizGroup with 12 instructors using a dataset collected from a Peer Instruction activity that was conducted in a large programming lecture. The results showed that compared to a version of VizGroup without the suggested units, VizGroup with suggested units helped instructors create additional monitoring units on previously undetected patterns on their own, covered a more diverse range of metrics, and influenced the participants' following notification creation strategies.
Can LLMs substitute SQL? Comparing Resource Utilization of Querying LLMs versus Traditional Relational Databases
Xiang Zhang, Khatoon Khedri, Reza Rawassizadeh
Large Language Models (LLMs) can automate or substitute different types of tasks in the software engineering process. This study evaluates the resource utilization and accuracy of LLM in interpreting and executing natural language queries against traditional SQL within relational database management systems. We empirically examine the resource utilization and accuracy of nine LLMs varying from 7 to 34 Billion parameters, including Llama2 7B, Llama2 13B, Mistral, Mixtral, Optimus-7B, SUS-chat-34B, platypus-yi-34b, NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B and Starling-LM-7B-alpha, using a small transaction dataset. Our findings indicate that using LLMs for database queries incurs significant energy overhead (even small and quantized models), making it an environmentally unfriendly approach. Therefore, we advise against replacing relational databases with LLMs due to their substantial resource utilization.
cs.DB, cs.AI, cs.CL, 68-04, H.2.m
Small Models Are (Still) Effective Cross-Domain Argument Extractors
William Gantt, Aaron Steven White
Effective ontology transfer has been a major goal of recent work on event argument extraction (EAE). Two methods in particular -- question answering (QA) and template infilling (TI) -- have emerged as promising approaches to this problem. However, detailed explorations of these techniques' ability to actually enable this transfer are lacking. In this work, we provide such a study, exploring zero-shot transfer using both techniques on six major EAE datasets at both the sentence and document levels. Further, we challenge the growing reliance on LLMs for zero-shot extraction, showing that vastly smaller models trained on an appropriate source ontology can yield zero-shot performance superior to that of GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Online Safety Analysis for LLMs: a Benchmark, an Assessment, and a Path Forward
Xuan Xie, Jiayang Song, Zhehua Zhou, Yuheng Huang, Da Song, Lei Ma
While Large Language Models (LLMs) have seen widespread applications across numerous fields, their limited interpretability poses concerns regarding their safe operations from multiple aspects, e.g., truthfulness, robustness, and fairness. Recent research has started developing quality assurance methods for LLMs, introducing techniques such as offline detector-based or uncertainty estimation methods. However, these approaches predominantly concentrate on post-generation analysis, leaving the online safety analysis for LLMs during the generation phase an unexplored area. To bridge this gap, we conduct in this work a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of existing online safety analysis methods on LLMs. We begin with a pilot study that validates the feasibility of detecting unsafe outputs in the early generation process. Following this, we establish the first publicly available benchmark of online safety analysis for LLMs, including a broad spectrum of methods, models, tasks, datasets, and evaluation metrics. Utilizing this benchmark, we extensively analyze the performance of state-of-the-art online safety analysis methods on both open-source and closed-source LLMs. This analysis reveals the strengths and weaknesses of individual methods and offers valuable insights into selecting the most appropriate method based on specific application scenarios and task requirements. Furthermore, we also explore the potential of using hybridization methods, i.e., combining multiple methods to derive a collective safety conclusion, to enhance the efficacy of online safety analysis for LLMs. Our findings indicate a promising direction for the development of innovative and trustworthy quality assurance methodologies for LLMs, facilitating their reliable deployments across diverse domains.
cs.SE, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CR, cs.LG
Efficient Interactive LLM Serving with Proxy Model-based Sequence Length Prediction
Haoran Qiu, Weichao Mao, Archit Patke, Shengkun Cui, Saurabh Jha, Chen Wang, Hubertus Franke, Zbigniew T. Kalbarczyk, Tamer Başar, Ravishankar K. Iyer
Large language models (LLMs) have been driving a new wave of interactive AI applications across numerous domains. However, efficiently serving LLM inference requests is challenging due to their unpredictable execution times originating from the autoregressive nature of generative models. Existing LLM serving systems exploit first-come-first-serve (FCFS) scheduling, suffering from head-of-line blocking issues. To address the non-deterministic nature of LLMs and enable efficient interactive LLM serving, we present a speculative shortest-job-first (SSJF) scheduler that uses a light proxy model to predict LLM output sequence lengths. Our open-source SSJF implementation does not require changes to memory management or batching strategies. Evaluations on real-world datasets and production workload traces show that SSJF reduces average job completion times by 30.5-39.6% and increases throughput by 2.2-3.6x compared to FCFS schedulers, across no batching, dynamic batching, and continuous batching settings.
cs.DC, cs.CL, cs.LG
Thematic Analysis with Large Language Models: does it work with languages other than English? A targeted test in Italian
Stefano De Paoli
This paper proposes a test to perform Thematic Analysis (TA) with Large Language Model (LLM) on data which is in a different language than English. While there has been initial promising work on using pre-trained LLMs for TA on data in English, we lack any tests on whether these models can reasonably perform the same analysis with good quality in other language. In this paper a test will be proposed using an open access dataset of semi-structured interviews in Italian. The test shows that a pre-trained model can perform such a TA on the data, also using prompts in Italian. A comparative test shows the model capacity to produce themes which have a good resemblance with those produced independently by human researchers. The main implication of this study is that pre-trained LLMs may thus be suitable to support analysis in multilingual situations, so long as the language is supported by the model used.
Pretraining and Updating Language- and Domain-specific Large Language Model: A Case Study in Japanese Business Domain
Kosuke Takahashi, Takahiro Omi, Kosuke Arima, Tatsuya Ishigaki
Several previous studies have considered language- and domain-specific large language models (LLMs) as separate topics. This study explores the combination of a non-English language and a high-demand industry domain, focusing on a Japanese business-specific LLM. This type of a model requires expertise in the business domain, strong language skills, and regular updates of its knowledge. We trained a 13-billion-parameter LLM from scratch using a new dataset of business texts and patents, and continually pretrained it with the latest business documents. Further we propose a new benchmark for Japanese business domain question answering (QA) and evaluate our models on it. The results show that our pretrained model improves QA accuracy without losing general knowledge, and that continual pretraining enhances adaptation to new information. Our pretrained model and business domain benchmark are publicly available.
cs.CL, cs.AI, 68T50
LLM Agents can Autonomously Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities
Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, Daniel Kang
LLMs have becoming increasingly powerful, both in their benign and malicious uses. With the increase in capabilities, researchers have been increasingly interested in their ability to exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities. In particular, recent work has conducted preliminary studies on the ability of LLM agents to autonomously hack websites. However, these studies are limited to simple vulnerabilities. In this work, we show that LLM agents can autonomously exploit one-day vulnerabilities in real-world systems. To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and Metasploit). Fortunately, our GPT-4 agent requires the CVE description for high performance: without the description, GPT-4 can exploit only 7% of the vulnerabilities. Our findings raise questions around the widespread deployment of highly capable LLM agents.
cs.CR, cs.AI
Rumour Evaluation with Very Large Language Models
Dahlia Shehata, Robin Cohen, Charles Clarke
Conversational prompt-engineering-based large language models (LLMs) have enabled targeted control over the output creation, enhancing versatility, adaptability and adhoc retrieval. From another perspective, digital misinformation has reached alarming levels. The anonymity, availability and reach of social media offer fertile ground for rumours to propagate. This work proposes to leverage the advancement of prompting-dependent LLMs to combat misinformation by extending the research efforts of the RumourEval task on its Twitter dataset. To the end, we employ two prompting-based LLM variants (GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4) to extend the two RumourEval subtasks: (1) veracity prediction, and (2) stance classification. For veracity prediction, three classifications schemes are experimented per GPT variant. Each scheme is tested in zero-, one- and few-shot settings. Our best results outperform the precedent ones by a substantial margin. For stance classification, prompting-based-approaches show comparable performance to prior results, with no improvement over finetuning methods. Rumour stance subtask is also extended beyond the original setting to allow multiclass classification. All of the generated predictions for both subtasks are equipped with confidence scores determining their trustworthiness degree according to the LLM, and post-hoc justifications for explainability and interpretability purposes. Our primary aim is AI for social good.
cs.CL, cs.SI
Data-Augmentation-Based Dialectal Adaptation for LLMs
Fahim Faisal, Antonios Anastasopoulos
This report presents GMUNLP's participation to the Dialect-Copa shared task at VarDial 2024, which focuses on evaluating the commonsense reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on South Slavic micro-dialects. The task aims to assess how well LLMs can handle non-standard dialectal varieties, as their performance on standard languages is already well-established. We propose an approach that combines the strengths of different types of language models and leverages data augmentation techniques to improve task performance on three South Slavic dialects: Chakavian, Cherkano, and Torlak. We conduct experiments using a language-family-focused encoder-based model (BERTi\'c) and a domain-agnostic multilingual model (AYA-101). Our results demonstrate that the proposed data augmentation techniques lead to substantial performance gains across all three test datasets in the open-source model category. This work highlights the practical utility of data augmentation and the potential of LLMs in handling non-standard dialectal varieties, contributing to the broader goal of advancing natural language understanding in low-resource and dialectal settings. Code:https://github.com/ffaisal93/dialect_copa
cs.CL, cs.AI
SQBC: Active Learning using LLM-Generated Synthetic Data for Stance Detection in Online Political Discussions
Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Maike Behrendt, Marc Ziegele, Stefan Harmeling
Stance detection is an important task for many applications that analyse or support online political discussions. Common approaches include fine-tuning transformer based models. However, these models require a large amount of labelled data, which might not be available. In this work, we present two different ways to leverage LLM-generated synthetic data to train and improve stance detection agents for online political discussions: first, we show that augmenting a small fine-tuning dataset with synthetic data can improve the performance of the stance detection model. Second, we propose a new active learning method called SQBC based on the "Query-by-Comittee" approach. The key idea is to use LLM-generated synthetic data as an oracle to identify the most informative unlabelled samples, that are selected for manual labelling. Comprehensive experiments show that both ideas can improve the stance detection performance. Curiously, we observed that fine-tuning on actively selected samples can exceed the performance of using the full dataset.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
MSciNLI: A Diverse Benchmark for Scientific Natural Language Inference
Mobashir Sadat, Cornelia Caragea
The task of scientific Natural Language Inference (NLI) involves predicting the semantic relation between two sentences extracted from research articles. This task was recently proposed along with a new dataset called SciNLI derived from papers published in the computational linguistics domain. In this paper, we aim to introduce diversity in the scientific NLI task and present MSciNLI, a dataset containing 132,320 sentence pairs extracted from five new scientific domains. The availability of multiple domains makes it possible to study domain shift for scientific NLI. We establish strong baselines on MSciNLI by fine-tuning Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) and prompting Large Language Models (LLMs). The highest Macro F1 scores of PLM and LLM baselines are 77.21% and 51.77%, respectively, illustrating that MSciNLI is challenging for both types of models. Furthermore, we show that domain shift degrades the performance of scientific NLI models which demonstrates the diverse characteristics of different domains in our dataset. Finally, we use both scientific NLI datasets in an intermediate task transfer learning setting and show that they can improve the performance of downstream tasks in the scientific domain. We make our dataset and code available on Github.
LLoCO: Learning Long Contexts Offline
Sijun Tan, Xiuyu Li, Shishir Patil, Ziyang Wu, Tianjun Zhang, Kurt Keutzer, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Raluca Ada Popa
Processing long contexts remains a challenge for large language models (LLMs) due to the quadratic computational and memory overhead of the self-attention mechanism and the substantial KV cache sizes during generation. We propose a novel approach to address this problem by learning contexts offline through context compression and in-domain parameter-efficient finetuning. Our method enables an LLM to create a concise representation of the original context and efficiently retrieve relevant information to answer questions accurately. We introduce LLoCO, a technique that combines context compression, retrieval, and parameter-efficient finetuning using LoRA. Our approach extends the effective context window of a 4k token LLaMA2-7B model to handle up to 128k tokens. We evaluate our approach on several long-context question-answering datasets, demonstrating that LLoCO significantly outperforms in-context learning while using $30\times$ fewer tokens during inference. LLoCO achieves up to $7.62\times$ speed-up and substantially reduces the cost of long document question answering, making it a promising solution for efficient long context processing. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/jeffreysijuntan/lloco.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
A Multi-Expert Large Language Model Architecture for Verilog Code Generation
Bardia Nadimi, Hao Zheng
Recently, there has been a surging interest in using large language models (LLMs) for Verilog code generation. However, the existing approaches are limited in terms of the quality of the generated Verilog code. To address such limitations, this paper introduces an innovative multi-expert LLM architecture for Verilog code generation (MEV-LLM). Our architecture uniquely integrates multiple LLMs, each specifically fine-tuned with a dataset that is categorized with respect to a distinct level of design complexity. It allows more targeted learning, directly addressing the nuances of generating Verilog code for each category. Empirical evidence from experiments highlights notable improvements in terms of the percentage of generated Verilog outputs that are syntactically and functionally correct. These findings underscore the efficacy of our approach, promising a forward leap in the field of automated hardware design through machine learning.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.PL, cs.SE
The Future of Scientific Publishing: Automated Article Generation
Jeremy R. Harper
This study introduces a novel software tool leveraging large language model (LLM) prompts, designed to automate the generation of academic articles from Python code a significant advancement in the fields of biomedical informatics and computer science. Selected for its widespread adoption and analytical versatility, Python served as a foundational proof of concept; however, the underlying methodology and framework exhibit adaptability across various GitHub repo's underlining the tool's broad applicability (Harper 2024). By mitigating the traditionally time-intensive academic writing process, particularly in synthesizing complex datasets and coding outputs, this approach signifies a monumental leap towards streamlining research dissemination. The development was achieved without reliance on advanced language model agents, ensuring high fidelity in the automated generation of coherent and comprehensive academic content. This exploration not only validates the successful application and efficiency of the software but also projects how future integration of LLM agents which could amplify its capabilities, propelling towards a future where scientific findings are disseminated more swiftly and accessibly.
cs.HC, cs.AI, cs.ET
Post-Hoc Reversal: Are We Selecting Models Prematurely?
Rishabh Ranjan, Saurabh Garg, Mrigank Raman, Carlos Guestrin, Zachary Chase Lipton
Trained models are often composed with post-hoc transforms such as temperature scaling (TS), ensembling and stochastic weight averaging (SWA) to improve performance, robustness, uncertainty estimation, etc. However, such transforms are typically applied only after the base models have already been finalized by standard means. In this paper, we challenge this practice with an extensive empirical study. In particular, we demonstrate a phenomenon that we call post-hoc reversal, where performance trends are reversed after applying these post-hoc transforms. This phenomenon is especially prominent in high-noise settings. For example, while base models overfit badly early in training, both conventional ensembling and SWA favor base models trained for more epochs. Post-hoc reversal can also suppress the appearance of double descent and mitigate mismatches between test loss and test error seen in base models. Based on our findings, we propose post-hoc selection, a simple technique whereby post-hoc metrics inform model development decisions such as early stopping, checkpointing, and broader hyperparameter choices. Our experimental analyses span real-world vision, language, tabular and graph datasets from domains like satellite imaging, language modeling, census prediction and social network analysis. On an LLM instruction tuning dataset, post-hoc selection results in > 1.5x MMLU improvement compared to naive selection. Code is available at https://github.com/rishabh-ranjan/post-hoc-reversal.
cs.LG, cs.AI, stat.ML
Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Reading Comprehension Test Items with Large Language Models
Andreas Säuberli, Simon Clematide
Reading comprehension tests are used in a variety of applications, reaching from education to assessing the comprehensibility of simplified texts. However, creating such tests manually and ensuring their quality is difficult and time-consuming. In this paper, we explore how large language models (LLMs) can be used to generate and evaluate multiple-choice reading comprehension items. To this end, we compiled a dataset of German reading comprehension items and developed a new protocol for human and automatic evaluation, including a metric we call text informativity, which is based on guessability and answerability. We then used this protocol and the dataset to evaluate the quality of items generated by Llama 2 and GPT-4. Our results suggest that both models are capable of generating items of acceptable quality in a zero-shot setting, but GPT-4 clearly outperforms Llama 2. We also show that LLMs can be used for automatic evaluation by eliciting item reponses from them. In this scenario, evaluation results with GPT-4 were the most similar to human annotators. Overall, zero-shot generation with LLMs is a promising approach for generating and evaluating reading comprehension test items, in particular for languages without large amounts of available data.
ODA: Observation-Driven Agent for integrating LLMs and Knowledge Graphs
Lei Sun, Zhengwei Tao, Youdi Li, Hiroshi Arakawa
The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs (KGs) has achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing tasks. However, existing methodologies that integrate LLMs and KGs often navigate the task-solving process solely based on the LLM's analysis of the question, overlooking the rich cognitive potential inherent in the vast knowledge encapsulated in KGs. To address this, we introduce Observation-Driven Agent (ODA), a novel AI agent framework tailored for tasks involving KGs. ODA incorporates KG reasoning abilities via global observation that enhances reasoning capabilities through a cyclical paradigm of observation, action, and reflection. Confronting the exponential explosion of knowledge during observation, we innovatively design a recursive observation mechanism. Subsequently, we integrate the observed knowledge into the action and reflection modules. Through extensive experiments, ODA demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several datasets, notably achieving accuracy improvements of 12.87% and 8.9%.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Audio Dialogues: Dialogues dataset for audio and music understanding
Arushi Goel, Zhifeng Kong, Rafael Valle, Bryan Catanzaro
Existing datasets for audio understanding primarily focus on single-turn interactions (i.e. audio captioning, audio question answering) for describing audio in natural language, thus limiting understanding audio via interactive dialogue. To address this gap, we introduce Audio Dialogues: a multi-turn dialogue dataset containing 163.8k samples for general audio sounds and music. In addition to dialogues, Audio Dialogues also has question-answer pairs to understand and compare multiple input audios together. Audio Dialogues leverages a prompting-based approach and caption annotations from existing datasets to generate multi-turn dialogues using a Large Language Model (LLM). We evaluate existing audio-augmented large language models on our proposed dataset to demonstrate the complexity and applicability of Audio Dialogues. Our code for generating the dataset will be made publicly available. Detailed prompts and generated dialogues can be found on the demo website https://audiodialogues.github.io/.
cs.CL, cs.SD, eess.AS
Can Vehicle Motion Planning Generalize to Realistic Long-tail Scenarios?
Marcel Hallgarten, Julian Zapata, Martin Stoll, Katrin Renz, Andreas Zell
Real-world autonomous driving systems must make safe decisions in the face of rare and diverse traffic scenarios. Current state-of-the-art planners are mostly evaluated on real-world datasets like nuScenes (open-loop) or nuPlan (closed-loop). In particular, nuPlan seems to be an expressive evaluation method since it is based on real-world data and closed-loop, yet it mostly covers basic driving scenarios. This makes it difficult to judge a planner's capabilities to generalize to rarely-seen situations. Therefore, we propose a novel closed-loop benchmark interPlan containing several edge cases and challenging driving scenarios. We assess existing state-of-the-art planners on our benchmark and show that neither rule-based nor learning-based planners can safely navigate the interPlan scenarios. A recently evolving direction is the usage of foundation models like large language models (LLM) to handle generalization. We evaluate an LLM-only planner and introduce a novel hybrid planner that combines an LLM-based behavior planner with a rule-based motion planner that achieves state-of-the-art performance on our benchmark.
cs.RO, cs.AI, cs.LG
From Words to Numbers: Your Large Language Model Is Secretly A Capable Regressor When Given In-Context Examples
Robert Vacareanu, Vlad-Andrei Negru, Vasile Suciu, Mihai Surdeanu
We analyze how well pre-trained large language models (e.g., Llama2, GPT-4, Claude 3, etc) can do linear and non-linear regression when given in-context examples, without any additional training or gradient updates. Our findings reveal that several large language models (e.g., GPT-4, Claude 3) are able to perform regression tasks with a performance rivaling (or even outperforming) that of traditional supervised methods such as Random Forest, Bagging, or Gradient Boosting. For example, on the challenging Friedman #2 regression dataset, Claude 3 outperforms many supervised methods such as AdaBoost, SVM, Random Forest, KNN, or Gradient Boosting. We then investigate how well the performance of large language models scales with the number of in-context exemplars. We borrow from the notion of regret from online learning and empirically show that LLMs are capable of obtaining a sub-linear regret.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Introducing L2M3, A Multilingual Medical Large Language Model to Advance Health Equity in Low-Resource Regions
Agasthya Gangavarapu
Addressing the imminent shortfall of 10 million health workers by 2030, predominantly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), this paper introduces an innovative approach that harnesses the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated with machine translation models. This solution is engineered to meet the unique needs of Community Health Workers (CHWs), overcoming language barriers, cultural sensitivities, and the limited availability of medical dialog datasets. I have crafted a model that not only boasts superior translation capabilities but also undergoes rigorous fine-tuning on open-source datasets to ensure medical accuracy and is equipped with comprehensive safety features to counteract the risks of misinformation. Featuring a modular design, this approach is specifically structured for swift adaptation across various linguistic and cultural contexts, utilizing open-source components to significantly reduce healthcare operational costs. This strategic innovation markedly improves the accessibility and quality of healthcare services by providing CHWs with contextually appropriate medical knowledge and diagnostic tools. This paper highlights the transformative impact of this context-aware LLM, underscoring its crucial role in addressing the global healthcare workforce deficit and propelling forward healthcare outcomes in LMICs.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
MM-PhyQA: Multimodal Physics Question-Answering With Multi-Image CoT Prompting
Avinash Anand, Janak Kapuriya, Apoorv Singh, Jay Saraf, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rushali Gupta, Rajiv Shah
While Large Language Models (LLMs) can achieve human-level performance in various tasks, they continue to face challenges when it comes to effectively tackling multi-step physics reasoning tasks. To identify the shortcomings of existing models and facilitate further research in this area, we curated a novel dataset, MM-PhyQA, which comprises well-constructed, high schoollevel multimodal physics problems. By evaluating the performance of contemporary LLMs that are publicly available, both with and without the incorporation of multimodal elements in these problems, we aim to shed light on their capabilities. For generating answers for questions consisting of multimodal input (in this case, images and text) we employed Zero-shot prediction using GPT-4 and utilized LLaVA (LLaVA and LLaVA-1.5), the latter of which were fine-tuned on our dataset. For evaluating the performance of LLMs consisting solely of textual input, we tested the performance of the base and fine-tuned versions of the Mistral-7B and LLaMA2-7b models. We also showcased the performance of the novel Multi-Image Chain-of-Thought (MI-CoT) Prompting technique, which when used to train LLaVA-1.5 13b yielded the best results when tested on our dataset, with superior scores in most metrics and the highest accuracy of 71.65% on the test set.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Can Large Language Models Assess Serendipity in Recommender Systems?
Yu Tokutake, Kazushi Okamoto
Serendipity-oriented recommender systems aim to counteract over-specialization in user preferences. However, evaluating a user's serendipitous response towards a recommended item can be challenging because of its emotional nature. In this study, we address this issue by leveraging the rich knowledge of large language models (LLMs), which can perform a variety of tasks. First, this study explored the alignment between serendipitous evaluations made by LLMs and those made by humans. In this investigation, a binary classification task was given to the LLMs to predict whether a user would find the recommended item serendipitously. The predictive performances of three LLMs on a benchmark dataset in which humans assigned the ground truth of serendipitous items were measured. The experimental findings reveal that LLM-based assessment methods did not have a very high agreement rate with human assessments. However, they performed as well as or better than the baseline methods. Further validation results indicate that the number of user rating histories provided to LLM prompts should be carefully chosen to avoid both insufficient and excessive inputs and that the output of LLMs that show high classification performance is difficult to interpret.
Learning to Localize Objects Improves Spatial Reasoning in Visual-LLMs
Kanchana Ranasinghe, Satya Narayan Shukla, Omid Poursaeed, Michael S. Ryoo, Tsung-Yu Lin
Integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into visual domain tasks, resulting in visual-LLMs (V-LLMs), has enabled exceptional performance in vision-language tasks, particularly for visual question answering (VQA). However, existing V-LLMs (e.g. BLIP-2, LLaVA) demonstrate weak spatial reasoning and localization awareness. Despite generating highly descriptive and elaborate textual answers, these models fail at simple tasks like distinguishing a left vs right location. In this work, we explore how image-space coordinate based instruction fine-tuning objectives could inject spatial awareness into V-LLMs. We discover optimal coordinate representations, data-efficient instruction fine-tuning objectives, and pseudo-data generation strategies that lead to improved spatial awareness in V-LLMs. Additionally, our resulting model improves VQA across image and video domains, reduces undesired hallucination, and generates better contextual object descriptions. Experiments across 5 vision-language tasks involving 14 different datasets establish the clear performance improvements achieved by our proposed framework.
JetMoE: Reaching Llama2 Performance with 0.1M Dollars
Yikang Shen, Zhen Guo, Tianle Cai, Zengyi Qin
Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable results, but their increasing resource demand has become a major obstacle to the development of powerful and accessible super-human intelligence. This report introduces JetMoE-8B, a new LLM trained with less than $0.1 million, using 1.25T tokens from carefully mixed open-source corpora and 30,000 H100 GPU hours. Despite its low cost, the JetMoE-8B demonstrates impressive performance, with JetMoE-8B outperforming the Llama2-7B model and JetMoE-8B-Chat surpassing the Llama2-13B-Chat model. These results suggest that LLM training can be much more cost-effective than generally thought. JetMoE-8B is based on an efficient Sparsely-gated Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) architecture, composed of attention and feedforward experts. Both layers are sparsely activated, allowing JetMoE-8B to have 8B parameters while only activating 2B for each input token, reducing inference computation by about 70% compared to Llama2-7B. Moreover, JetMoE-8B is highly open and academia-friendly, using only public datasets and training code. All training parameters and data mixtures have been detailed in this report to facilitate future efforts in the development of open foundation models. This transparency aims to encourage collaboration and further advancements in the field of accessible and efficient LLMs. The model weights are publicly available at https://github.com/myshell-ai/JetMoE.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Learn from Failure: Fine-Tuning LLMs with Trial-and-Error Data for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Proving
Chenyang An, Zhibo Chen, Qihao Ye, Emily First, Letian Peng, Jiayun Zhang, Zihan Wang, Sorin Lerner, Jingbo Shang
Recent advances in Automated Theorem Proving have shown the effectiveness of leveraging a (large) language model that generates tactics (i.e. proof steps) to search through proof states. The current model, while trained solely on successful proof paths, faces a discrepancy at the inference stage, as it must sample and try various tactics at each proof state until finding success, unlike its training which does not incorporate learning from failed attempts. Intuitively, a tactic that leads to a failed search path would indicate that similar tactics should receive less attention during the following trials. In this paper, we demonstrate the benefit of training models that additionally learn from failed search paths. Facing the lack of such trial-and-error data in existing open-source theorem-proving datasets, we curate a dataset on intuitionistic propositional logic theorems and formalize it in Lean, such that we can reliably check the correctness of proofs. We compare our model trained on relatively short trial-and-error information (TrialMaster) with models trained only on the correct paths and discover that the former solves more unseen theorems with lower trial searches.
cs.AI, cs.LO
Analyzing the Performance of Large Language Models on Code Summarization
Rajarshi Haldar, Julia Hockenmaier
Large language models (LLMs) such as Llama 2 perform very well on tasks that involve both natural language and source code, particularly code summarization and code generation. We show that for the task of code summarization, the performance of these models on individual examples often depends on the amount of (subword) token overlap between the code and the corresponding reference natural language descriptions in the dataset. This token overlap arises because the reference descriptions in standard datasets (corresponding to docstrings in large code bases) are often highly similar to the names of the functions they describe. We also show that this token overlap occurs largely in the function names of the code and compare the relative performance of these models after removing function names versus removing code structure. We also show that using multiple evaluation metrics like BLEU and BERTScore gives us very little additional insight since these metrics are highly correlated with each other.
cs.SE, cs.AI, cs.CL
LLMs in Biomedicine: A study on clinical Named Entity Recognition
Masoud Monajatipoor, Jiaxin Yang, Joel Stremmel, Melika Emami, Fazlolah Mohaghegh, Mozhdeh Rouhsedaghat, Kai-Wei Chang
Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable versatility in various NLP tasks but encounter distinct challenges in biomedicine due to medical language complexities and data scarcity. This paper investigates the application of LLMs in the medical domain by exploring strategies to enhance their performance for the Named-Entity Recognition (NER) task. Specifically, our study reveals the importance of meticulously designed prompts in biomedicine. Strategic selection of in-context examples yields a notable improvement, showcasing ~15-20\% increase in F1 score across all benchmark datasets for few-shot clinical NER. Additionally, our findings suggest that integrating external resources through prompting strategies can bridge the gap between general-purpose LLM proficiency and the specialized demands of medical NER. Leveraging a medical knowledge base, our proposed method inspired by Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) can boost the F1 score of LLMs for zero-shot clinical NER. We will release the code upon publication.
Is Your LLM Outdated? Benchmarking LLMs & Alignment Algorithms for Time-Sensitive Knowledge
Seyed Mahed Mousavi, Simone Alghisi, Giuseppe Riccardi
We study the appropriateness of Large Language Models (LLMs) as knowledge repositories. We focus on the challenge of maintaining LLMs' factual knowledge up-to-date over time. Motivated by the lack of studies on identifying outdated knowledge within LLMs, we design and develop a dynamic benchmark with up-to-date ground truth answers for each target factual question. We evaluate eighteen open-source and closed-source state-of-the-art LLMs on time-sensitive knowledge retrieved in real-time from Wikidata. We select time-sensitive domain facts in politics, sports, and organizations, and estimate the recency of the information learned by the model during pre-training\fine-tuning. In the second contribution, we evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge editing methods for aligning LLMs with up-to-date factual knowledge and compare their performance with Retrieval Augmented Generation. The dynamic benchmark is designed to be used as-is to assess LLMs's up-to-dateness, as well as to be extended to other domains by sharing the code, the dataset, as well as evaluation and visualization scripts.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Analyzing the Impact of Data Selection and Fine-Tuning on Economic and Political Biases in LLMs
Ahmed Agiza, Mohamed Mostagir, Sherief Reda
In an era where language models are increasingly integrated into decision-making and communication, understanding the biases within Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes imperative, especially when these models are applied in the economic and political domains. This work investigates the impact of fine-tuning and data selection on economic and political biases in LLM. We explore the methodological aspects of biasing LLMs towards specific ideologies, mindful of the biases that arise from their extensive training on diverse datasets. Our approach, distinct from earlier efforts that either focus on smaller models or entail resource-intensive pre-training, employs Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques. These techniques allow for the alignment of LLMs with targeted ideologies by modifying a small subset of parameters. We introduce a systematic method for dataset selection, annotation, and instruction tuning, and we assess its effectiveness through both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our work analyzes the potential of embedding specific biases into LLMs and contributes to the dialogue on the ethical application of AI, highlighting the importance of deploying AI in a manner that aligns with societal values.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Graph Chain-of-Thought: Augmenting Large Language Models by Reasoning on Graphs
Bowen Jin, Chulin Xie, Jiawei Zhang, Kashob Kumar Roy, Yu Zhang, Suhang Wang, Yu Meng, Jiawei Han
Large language models (LLMs), while exhibiting exceptional performance, suffer from hallucinations, especially on knowledge-intensive tasks. Existing works propose to augment LLMs with individual text units retrieved from external knowledge corpora to alleviate the issue. However, in many domains, texts are interconnected (e.g., academic papers in a bibliographic graph are linked by citations and co-authorships) which form a (text-attributed) graph. The knowledge in such graphs is encoded not only in single texts/nodes but also in their associated connections. To facilitate the research of augmenting LLMs with graphs, we manually construct a Graph Reasoning Benchmark dataset called GRBench, containing 1,740 questions that can be answered with the knowledge from 10 domain graphs. Then, we propose a simple and effective framework called Graph Chain-of-thought (Graph-CoT) to augment LLMs with graphs by encouraging LLMs to reason on the graph iteratively. Each Graph-CoT iteration consists of three sub-steps: LLM reasoning, LLM-graph interaction, and graph execution. We conduct systematic experiments with three LLM backbones on GRBench, where Graph-CoT outperforms the baselines consistently. The code is available at https://github.com/PeterGriffinJin/Graph-CoT.
cs.CL, cs.IR, cs.LG
Dynamic Generation of Personalities with Large Language Models
Jianzhi Liu, Hexiang Gu, Tianyu Zheng, Liuyu Xiang, Huijia Wu, Jie Fu, Zhaofeng He
In the realm of mimicking human deliberation, large language models (LLMs) show promising performance, thereby amplifying the importance of this research area. Deliberation is influenced by both logic and personality. However, previous studies predominantly focused on the logic of LLMs, neglecting the exploration of personality aspects. In this work, we introduce Dynamic Personality Generation (DPG), a dynamic personality generation method based on Hypernetworks. Initially, we embed the Big Five personality theory into GPT-4 to form a personality assessment machine, enabling it to evaluate characters' personality traits from dialogues automatically. We propose a new metric to assess personality generation capability based on this evaluation method. Then, we use this personality assessment machine to evaluate dialogues in script data, resulting in a personality-dialogue dataset. Finally, we fine-tune DPG on the personality-dialogue dataset. Experiments prove that DPG's personality generation capability is stronger after fine-tuning on this dataset than traditional fine-tuning methods, surpassing prompt-based GPT-4.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?
Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Jingyuan Huang, Qingcheng Zeng, Zhenting Wang, Wenyue Hua, Haiyan Zhao, Kai Mei, Yanda Meng, Kaize Ding, Fan Yang, Mengnan Du, Yongfeng Zhang
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of "Concept Depth" to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, QWen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Luckfort/CD.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Groundedness in Retrieval-augmented Long-form Generation: An Empirical Study
Alessandro Stolfo
We present an empirical study of groundedness in long-form question answering (LFQA) by retrieval-augmented large language models (LLMs). In particular, we evaluate whether every generated sentence is grounded in the retrieved documents or the model's pre-training data. Across 3 datasets and 4 model families, our findings reveal that a significant fraction of generated sentences are consistently ungrounded, even when those sentences contain correct ground-truth answers. Additionally, we examine the impacts of factors such as model size, decoding strategy, and instruction tuning on groundedness. Our results show that while larger models tend to ground their outputs more effectively, a significant portion of correct answers remains compromised by hallucinations. This study provides novel insights into the groundedness challenges in LFQA and underscores the necessity for more robust mechanisms in LLMs to mitigate the generation of ungrounded content.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Event Grounded Criminal Court View Generation with Cooperative (Large) Language Models
Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Lili Zhao, Li Wang, Weibo Gao, Yanqing An
With the development of legal intelligence, Criminal Court View Generation has attracted much attention as a crucial task of legal intelligence, which aims to generate concise and coherent texts that summarize case facts and provide explanations for verdicts. Existing researches explore the key information in case facts to yield the court views. Most of them employ a coarse-grained approach that partitions the facts into broad segments (e.g., verdict-related sentences) to make predictions. However, this approach fails to capture the complex details present in the case facts, such as various criminal elements and legal events. To this end, in this paper, we propose an Event Grounded Generation (EGG) method for criminal court view generation with cooperative (Large) Language Models, which introduces the fine-grained event information into the generation. Specifically, we first design a LLMs-based extraction method that can extract events in case facts without massive annotated events. Then, we incorporate the extracted events into court view generation by merging case facts and events. Besides, considering the computational burden posed by the use of LLMs in the extraction phase of EGG, we propose a LLMs-free EGG method that can eliminate the requirement for event extraction using LLMs in the inference phase. Extensive experimental results on a real-world dataset clearly validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
cs.CL, cs.AI
XNLIeu: a dataset for cross-lingual NLI in Basque
Maite Heredia, Julen Etxaniz, Muitze Zulaika, Xabier Saralegi, Jeremy Barnes, Aitor Soroa
XNLI is a popular Natural Language Inference (NLI) benchmark widely used to evaluate cross-lingual Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities across languages. In this paper, we expand XNLI to include Basque, a low-resource language that can greatly benefit from transfer-learning approaches. The new dataset, dubbed XNLIeu, has been developed by first machine-translating the English XNLI corpus into Basque, followed by a manual post-edition step. We have conducted a series of experiments using mono- and multilingual LLMs to assess a) the effect of professional post-edition on the MT system; b) the best cross-lingual strategy for NLI in Basque; and c) whether the choice of the best cross-lingual strategy is influenced by the fact that the dataset is built by translation. The results show that post-edition is necessary and that the translate-train cross-lingual strategy obtains better results overall, although the gain is lower when tested in a dataset that has been built natively from scratch. Our code and datasets are publicly available under open licenses.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Quati: A Brazilian Portuguese Information Retrieval Dataset from Native Speakers
Mirelle Bueno, Eduardo Seiti de Oliveira, Rodrigo Nogueira, Roberto A. Lotufo, Jayr Alencar Pereira
Despite Portuguese being one of the most spoken languages in the world, there is a lack of high-quality information retrieval datasets in that language. We present Quati, a dataset specifically designed for the Brazilian Portuguese language. It comprises a collection of queries formulated by native speakers and a curated set of documents sourced from a selection of high-quality Brazilian Portuguese websites. These websites are frequented more likely by real users compared to those randomly scraped, ensuring a more representative and relevant corpus. To label the query-document pairs, we use a state-of-the-art LLM, which shows inter-annotator agreement levels comparable to human performance in our assessments. We provide a detailed description of our annotation methodology to enable others to create similar datasets for other languages, providing a cost-effective way of creating high-quality IR datasets with an arbitrary number of labeled documents per query. Finally, we evaluate a diverse range of open-source and commercial retrievers to serve as baseline systems. Quati is publicly available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/unicamp-dl/quati and all scripts at https://github.com/unicamp-dl/quati .
Superposition Prompting: Improving and Accelerating Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Thomas Merth, Qichen Fu, Mohammad Rastegari, Mahyar Najibi
Despite the successes of large language models (LLMs), they exhibit significant drawbacks, particularly when processing long contexts. Their inference cost scales quadratically with respect to sequence length, making it expensive for deployment in some real-world text processing applications, such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Additionally, LLMs also exhibit the "distraction phenomenon," where irrelevant context in the prompt degrades output quality. To address these drawbacks, we propose a novel RAG prompting methodology, superposition prompting, which can be directly applied to pre-trained transformer-based LLMs without the need for fine-tuning. At a high level, superposition prompting allows the LLM to process input documents in parallel prompt paths, discarding paths once they are deemed irrelevant. We demonstrate the capability of our method to simultaneously enhance time efficiency across a variety of question-answering benchmarks using multiple pre-trained LLMs. Furthermore, our technique significantly improves accuracy when the retrieved context is large relative the context the model was trained on. For example, our approach facilitates an 93x reduction in compute time while improving accuracy by 43\% on the NaturalQuestions-Open dataset with the MPT-7B instruction-tuned model over naive RAG.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Enhancing Question Answering for Enterprise Knowledge Bases using Large Language Models
Feihu Jiang, Chuan Qin, Kaichun Yao, Chuyu Fang, Fuzhen Zhuang, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong
Efficient knowledge management plays a pivotal role in augmenting both the operational efficiency and the innovative capacity of businesses and organizations. By indexing knowledge through vectorization, a variety of knowledge retrieval methods have emerged, significantly enhancing the efficacy of knowledge management systems. Recently, the rapid advancements in generative natural language processing technologies paved the way for generating precise and coherent answers after retrieving relevant documents tailored to user queries. However, for enterprise knowledge bases, assembling extensive training data from scratch for knowledge retrieval and generation is a formidable challenge due to the privacy and security policies of private data, frequently entailing substantial costs. To address the challenge above, in this paper, we propose EKRG, a novel Retrieval-Generation framework based on large language models (LLMs), expertly designed to enable question-answering for Enterprise Knowledge bases with limited annotation costs. Specifically, for the retrieval process, we first introduce an instruction-tuning method using an LLM to generate sufficient document-question pairs for training a knowledge retriever. This method, through carefully designed instructions, efficiently generates diverse questions for enterprise knowledge bases, encompassing both fact-oriented and solution-oriented knowledge. Additionally, we develop a relevance-aware teacher-student learning strategy to further enhance the efficiency of the training process. For the generation process, we propose a novel chain of thought (CoT) based fine-tuning method to empower the LLM-based generator to adeptly respond to user questions using retrieved documents. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed framework.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR
Simpler becomes Harder: Do LLMs Exhibit a Coherent Behavior on Simplified Corpora?
Miriam Anschütz, Edoardo Mosca, Georg Groh
Text simplification seeks to improve readability while retaining the original content and meaning. Our study investigates whether pre-trained classifiers also maintain such coherence by comparing their predictions on both original and simplified inputs. We conduct experiments using 11 pre-trained models, including BERT and OpenAI's GPT 3.5, across six datasets spanning three languages. Additionally, we conduct a detailed analysis of the correlation between prediction change rates and simplification types/strengths. Our findings reveal alarming inconsistencies across all languages and models. If not promptly addressed, simplified inputs can be easily exploited to craft zero-iteration model-agnostic adversarial attacks with success rates of up to 50%
Does Mapo Tofu Contain Coffee? Probing LLMs for Food-related Cultural Knowledge
Li Zhou, Taelin Karidi, Nicolas Garneau, Yong Cao, Wanlong Liu, Wenyu Chen, Daniel Hershcovich
Recent studies have highlighted the presence of cultural biases in Large Language Models (LLMs), yet often lack a robust methodology to dissect these phenomena comprehensively. Our work aims to bridge this gap by delving into the Food domain, a universally relevant yet culturally diverse aspect of human life. We introduce FmLAMA, a multilingual dataset centered on food-related cultural facts and variations in food practices. We analyze LLMs across various architectures and configurations, evaluating their performance in both monolingual and multilingual settings. By leveraging templates in six different languages, we investigate how LLMs interact with language-specific and cultural knowledge. Our findings reveal that (1) LLMs demonstrate a pronounced bias towards food knowledge prevalent in the United States; (2) Incorporating relevant cultural context significantly improves LLMs' ability to access cultural knowledge; (3) The efficacy of LLMs in capturing cultural nuances is highly dependent on the interplay between the probing language, the specific model architecture, and the cultural context in question. This research underscores the complexity of integrating cultural understanding into LLMs and emphasizes the importance of culturally diverse datasets to mitigate biases and enhance model performance across different cultural domains.
Transferable and Efficient Non-Factual Content Detection via Probe Training with Offline Consistency Checking
Xiaokang Zhang, Zijun Yao, Jing Zhang, Kaifeng Yun, Jifan Yu, Juanzi Li, Jie Tang
Detecting non-factual content is a longstanding goal to increase the trustworthiness of large language models (LLMs) generations. Current factuality probes, trained using humanannotated labels, exhibit limited transferability to out-of-distribution content, while online selfconsistency checking imposes extensive computation burden due to the necessity of generating multiple outputs. This paper proposes PINOSE, which trains a probing model on offline self-consistency checking results, thereby circumventing the need for human-annotated data and achieving transferability across diverse data distributions. As the consistency check process is offline, PINOSE reduces the computational burden of generating multiple responses by online consistency verification. Additionally, it examines various aspects of internal states prior to response decoding, contributing to more effective detection of factual inaccuracies. Experiment results on both factuality detection and question answering benchmarks show that PINOSE achieves surpassing results than existing factuality detection methods. Our code and datasets are publicly available on this anonymized repository.
Llama-VITS: Enhancing TTS Synthesis with Semantic Awareness
Xincan Feng, Akifumi Yoshimoto
Recent advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have seen Large-scale Language Models (LLMs) excel at producing high-quality text for various purposes. Notably, in Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems, the integration of BERT for semantic token generation has underscored the importance of semantic content in producing coherent speech outputs. Despite this, the specific utility of LLMs in enhancing TTS synthesis remains considerably limited. This research introduces an innovative approach, Llama-VITS, which enhances TTS synthesis by enriching the semantic content of text using LLM. Llama-VITS integrates semantic embeddings from Llama2 with the VITS model, a leading end-to-end TTS framework. By leveraging Llama2 for the primary speech synthesis process, our experiments demonstrate that Llama-VITS matches the naturalness of the original VITS (ORI-VITS) and those incorporate BERT (BERT-VITS), on the LJSpeech dataset, a substantial collection of neutral, clear speech. Moreover, our method significantly enhances emotive expressiveness on the EmoV_DB_bea_sem dataset, a curated selection of emotionally consistent speech from the EmoV_DB dataset, highlighting its potential to generate emotive speech.
cs.CL, cs.SD, eess.AS
Onco-Retriever: Generative Classifier for Retrieval of EHR Records in Oncology
Shashi Kant Gupta, Aditya Basu, Bradley Taylor, Anai Kothari, Hrituraj Singh
Retrieving information from EHR systems is essential for answering specific questions about patient journeys and improving the delivery of clinical care. Despite this fact, most EHR systems still rely on keyword-based searches. With the advent of generative large language models (LLMs), retrieving information can lead to better search and summarization capabilities. Such retrievers can also feed Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pipelines to answer any query. However, the task of retrieving information from EHR real-world clinical data contained within EHR systems in order to solve several downstream use cases is challenging due to the difficulty in creating query-document support pairs. We provide a blueprint for creating such datasets in an affordable manner using large language models. Our method results in a retriever that is 30-50 F-1 points better than propriety counterparts such as Ada and Mistral for oncology data elements. We further compare our model, called Onco-Retriever, against fine-tuned PubMedBERT model as well. We conduct an extensive manual evaluation on real-world EHR data along with latency analysis of the different models and provide a path forward for healthcare organizations to build domain-specific retrievers.
CulturalTeaming: AI-Assisted Interactive Red-Teaming for Challenging LLMs' (Lack of) Multicultural Knowledge
Yu Ying Chiu, Liwei Jiang, Maria Antoniak, Chan Young Park, Shuyue Stella Li, Mehar Bhatia, Sahithya Ravi, Yulia Tsvetkov, Vered Shwartz, Yejin Choi
Frontier large language models (LLMs) are developed by researchers and practitioners with skewed cultural backgrounds and on datasets with skewed sources. However, LLMs' (lack of) multicultural knowledge cannot be effectively assessed with current methods for developing benchmarks. Existing multicultural evaluations primarily rely on expensive and restricted human annotations or potentially outdated internet resources. Thus, they struggle to capture the intricacy, dynamics, and diversity of cultural norms. LLM-generated benchmarks are promising, yet risk propagating the same biases they are meant to measure. To synergize the creativity and expert cultural knowledge of human annotators and the scalability and standardizability of LLM-based automation, we introduce CulturalTeaming, an interactive red-teaming system that leverages human-AI collaboration to build truly challenging evaluation dataset for assessing the multicultural knowledge of LLMs, while improving annotators' capabilities and experiences. Our study reveals that CulturalTeaming's various modes of AI assistance support annotators in creating cultural questions, that modern LLMs fail at, in a gamified manner. Importantly, the increased level of AI assistance (e.g., LLM-generated revision hints) empowers users to create more difficult questions with enhanced perceived creativity of themselves, shedding light on the promises of involving heavier AI assistance in modern evaluation dataset creation procedures. Through a series of 1-hour workshop sessions, we gather CULTURALBENCH-V0.1, a compact yet high-quality evaluation dataset with users' red-teaming attempts, that different families of modern LLMs perform with accuracy ranging from 37.7% to 72.2%, revealing a notable gap in LLMs' multicultural proficiency.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.HC
Perplexed: Understanding When Large Language Models are Confused
Nathan Cooper, Torsten Scholak
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become dominant in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field causing a huge surge in progress in a short amount of time. However, their limitations are still a mystery and have primarily been explored through tailored datasets to analyze a specific human-level skill such as negation, name resolution, etc. In this paper, we introduce perplexed, a library for exploring where a particular language model is perplexed. To show the flexibility and types of insights that can be gained by perplexed, we conducted a case study focused on LLMs for code generation using an additional tool we built to help with the analysis of code models called codetokenizer. Specifically, we explore success and failure cases at the token level of code LLMs under different scenarios pertaining to the type of coding structure the model is predicting, e.g., a variable name or operator, and how predicting of internal verses external method invocations impact performance. From this analysis, we found that our studied code LLMs had their worst performance on coding structures where the code was not syntactically correct. Additionally, we found the models to generally perform worse at predicting internal method invocations than external ones. We have open sourced both of these tools to allow the research community to better understand LLMs in general and LLMs for code generation.
Sandwich attack: Multi-language Mixture Adaptive Attack on LLMs
Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan
Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being developed and applied, but their widespread use faces challenges. These include aligning LLMs' responses with human values to prevent harmful outputs, which is addressed through safety training methods. Even so, bad actors and malicious users have succeeded in attempts to manipulate the LLMs to generate misaligned responses for harmful questions such as methods to create a bomb in school labs, recipes for harmful drugs, and ways to evade privacy rights. Another challenge is the multilingual capabilities of LLMs, which enable the model to understand and respond in multiple languages. Consequently, attackers exploit the unbalanced pre-training datasets of LLMs in different languages and the comparatively lower model performance in low-resource languages than high-resource ones. As a result, attackers use a low-resource languages to intentionally manipulate the model to create harmful responses. Many of the similar attack vectors have been patched by model providers, making the LLMs more robust against language-based manipulation. In this paper, we introduce a new black-box attack vector called the \emph{Sandwich attack}: a multi-language mixture attack, which manipulates state-of-the-art LLMs into generating harmful and misaligned responses. Our experiments with five different models, namely Google's Bard, Gemini Pro, LLaMA-2-70-B-Chat, GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-4, and Claude-3-OPUS, show that this attack vector can be used by adversaries to generate harmful responses and elicit misaligned responses from these models. By detailing both the mechanism and impact of the Sandwich attack, this paper aims to guide future research and development towards more secure and resilient LLMs, ensuring they serve the public good while minimizing potential for misuse.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.CL
Pitfalls of Conversational LLMs on News Debiasing
Ipek Baris Schlicht, Defne Altiok, Maryanne Taouk, Lucie Flek
This paper addresses debiasing in news editing and evaluates the effectiveness of conversational Large Language Models in this task. We designed an evaluation checklist tailored to news editors' perspectives, obtained generated texts from three popular conversational models using a subset of a publicly available dataset in media bias, and evaluated the texts according to the designed checklist. Furthermore, we examined the models as evaluator for checking the quality of debiased model outputs. Our findings indicate that none of the LLMs are perfect in debiasing. Notably, some models, including ChatGPT, introduced unnecessary changes that may impact the author's style and create misinformation. Lastly, we show that the models do not perform as proficiently as domain experts in evaluating the quality of debiased outputs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Ada-LEval: Evaluating long-context LLMs with length-adaptable benchmarks
Chonghua Wang, Haodong Duan, Songyang Zhang, Dahua Lin, Kai Chen
Recently, the large language model (LLM) community has shown increasing interest in enhancing LLMs' capability to handle extremely long documents. As various long-text techniques and model architectures emerge, the precise and detailed evaluation of models' long-text capabilities has become increasingly important. Existing long-text evaluation benchmarks, such as L-Eval and LongBench, construct long-text test sets based on open-source datasets, focusing mainly on QA and summarization tasks. These datasets include test samples of varying lengths (from 2k to 32k+) entangled together, making it challenging to assess model capabilities across different length ranges. Moreover, they do not cover the ultralong settings (100k+ tokens) that the latest LLMs claim to achieve. In this paper, we introduce Ada-LEval, a length-adaptable benchmark for evaluating the long-context understanding of LLMs. Ada-LEval includes two challenging subsets, TSort and BestAnswer, which enable a more reliable evaluation of LLMs' long context capabilities. These benchmarks support intricate manipulation of the length of test cases, and can easily produce text samples up to 128k tokens. We evaluate 4 state-of-the-art closed-source API models and 6 open-source models with Ada-LEval. The evaluation results demonstrate the limitations of current LLMs, especially in ultra-long-context settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/open-compass/Ada-LEval.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Rethinking How to Evaluate Language Model Jailbreak
Hongyu Cai, Arjun Arunasalam, Leo Y. Lin, Antonio Bianchi, Z. Berkay Celik
Large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly integrated with various applications. To ensure that LLMs do not generate unsafe responses, they are aligned with safeguards that specify what content is restricted. However, such alignment can be bypassed to produce prohibited content using a technique commonly referred to as jailbreak. Different systems have been proposed to perform the jailbreak automatically. These systems rely on evaluation methods to determine whether a jailbreak attempt is successful. However, our analysis reveals that current jailbreak evaluation methods have two limitations. (1) Their objectives lack clarity and do not align with the goal of identifying unsafe responses. (2) They oversimplify the jailbreak result as a binary outcome, successful or not. In this paper, we propose three metrics, safeguard violation, informativeness, and relative truthfulness, to evaluate language model jailbreak. Additionally, we demonstrate how these metrics correlate with the goal of different malicious actors. To compute these metrics, we introduce a multifaceted approach that extends the natural language generation evaluation method after preprocessing the response. We evaluate our metrics on a benchmark dataset produced from three malicious intent datasets and three jailbreak systems. The benchmark dataset is labeled by three annotators. We compare our multifaceted approach with three existing jailbreak evaluation methods. Experiments demonstrate that our multifaceted evaluation outperforms existing methods, with F1 scores improving on average by 17% compared to existing baselines. Our findings motivate the need to move away from the binary view of the jailbreak problem and incorporate a more comprehensive evaluation to ensure the safety of the language model.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.LG
Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training for Large Language Models
Haotian Luo
Ensuring alignment with human preferences is a crucial characteristic of large language models (LLMs). Presently, the primary alignment methods, RLHF and DPO, require extensive human annotation, which is expensive despite their efficacy. The significant expenses associated with current alignment techniques motivate researchers to investigate the development of annotation-free alignment training methods. In pursuit of improved alignment without relying on external annotation, we introduce Latent Distance Guided Alignment Training (LD-Align). This approach seeks to align the model with a high-quality supervised fine-tune dataset using guidance from a latent space. The latent space is generated through sample reconstruction, akin to auto-encoding. Consequently, we utilize the distance between sample pairs in the latent space to guide DPO-based alignment training. Extensive experimentation and evaluation show the efficacy of our proposed method in achieving notable alignment.
GUIDE: Graphical User Interface Data for Execution
Rajat Chawla, Adarsh Jha, Muskaan Kumar, Mukunda NS, Ishaan Bhola
In this paper, we introduce GUIDE, a novel dataset tailored for the advancement of Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) applications, particularly focusing on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) use cases. Our dataset encompasses diverse data from various websites including Apollo(62.67\%), Gmail(3.43\%), Calendar(10.98\%) and Canva(22.92\%). Each data entry includes an image, a task description, the last action taken, CoT and the next action to be performed along with grounding information of where the action needs to be executed. The data is collected using our in-house advanced annotation tool NEXTAG (Next Action Grounding and Annotation Tool). The data is adapted for multiple OS, browsers and display types. It is collected by multiple annotators to capture the variation of design and the way person uses a website. Through this dataset, we aim to facilitate research and development in the realm of LLMs for graphical user interfaces, particularly in tasks related to RPA. The dataset's multi-platform nature and coverage of diverse websites enable the exploration of cross-interface capabilities in automation tasks. We believe that our dataset will serve as a valuable resource for advancing the capabilities of multi-platform LLMs in practical applications, fostering innovation in the field of automation and natural language understanding. Using GUIDE, we build V-Zen, the first RPA model to automate multiple websites using our in-House Automation tool AUTONODE
cs.HC, cs.AI
Low-Cost Generation and Evaluation of Dictionary Example Sentences
Bill Cai, Clarence Boon Liang Ng, Daniel Tan, Shelvia Hotama
Dictionary example sentences play an important role in illustrating word definitions and usage, but manually creating quality sentences is challenging. Prior works have demonstrated that language models can be trained to generate example sentences. However, they relied on costly customized models and word sense datasets for generation and evaluation of their work. Rapid advancements in foundational models present the opportunity to create low-cost, zero-shot methods for the generation and evaluation of dictionary example sentences. We introduce a new automatic evaluation metric called OxfordEval that measures the win-rate of generated sentences against existing Oxford Dictionary sentences. OxfordEval shows high alignment with human judgments, enabling large-scale automated quality evaluation. We experiment with various LLMs and configurations to generate dictionary sentences across word classes. We complement this with a novel approach of using masked language models to identify and select sentences that best exemplify word meaning. The eventual model, FM-MLM, achieves over 85.1% win rate against Oxford baseline sentences according to OxfordEval, compared to 39.8% win rate for prior model-generated sentences.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Elephants Never Forget: Memorization and Learning of Tabular Data in Large Language Models
Sebastian Bordt, Harsha Nori, Vanessa Rodrigues, Besmira Nushi, Rich Caruana
While many have shown how Large Language Models (LLMs) can be applied to a diverse set of tasks, the critical issues of data contamination and memorization are often glossed over. In this work, we address this concern for tabular data. Specifically, we introduce a variety of different techniques to assess whether a language model has seen a tabular dataset during training. This investigation reveals that LLMs have memorized many popular tabular datasets verbatim. We then compare the few-shot learning performance of LLMs on datasets that were seen during training to the performance on datasets released after training. We find that LLMs perform better on datasets seen during training, indicating that memorization leads to overfitting. At the same time, LLMs show non-trivial performance on novel datasets and are surprisingly robust to data transformations. We then investigate the in-context statistical learning abilities of LLMs. Without fine-tuning, we find them to be limited. This suggests that much of the few-shot performance on novel datasets is due to the LLM's world knowledge. Overall, our results highlight the importance of testing whether an LLM has seen an evaluation dataset during pre-training. We make the exposure tests we developed available as the tabmemcheck Python package at https://github.com/interpretml/LLM-Tabular-Memorization-Checker
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Exploring the Potential of Large Foundation Models for Open-Vocabulary HOI Detection
Ting Lei, Shaofeng Yin, Yang Liu
Open-vocabulary human-object interaction (HOI) detection, which is concerned with the problem of detecting novel HOIs guided by natural language, is crucial for understanding human-centric scenes. However, prior zero-shot HOI detectors often employ the same levels of feature maps to model HOIs with varying distances, leading to suboptimal performance in scenes containing human-object pairs with a wide range of distances. In addition, these detectors primarily rely on category names and overlook the rich contextual information that language can provide, which is essential for capturing open vocabulary concepts that are typically rare and not well-represented by category names alone. In this paper, we introduce a novel end-to-end open vocabulary HOI detection framework with conditional multi-level decoding and fine-grained semantic enhancement (CMD-SE), harnessing the potential of Visual-Language Models (VLMs). Specifically, we propose to model human-object pairs with different distances with different levels of feature maps by incorporating a soft constraint during the bipartite matching process. Furthermore, by leveraging large language models (LLMs) such as GPT models, we exploit their extensive world knowledge to generate descriptions of human body part states for various interactions. Then we integrate the generalizable and fine-grained semantics of human body parts to improve interaction recognition. Experimental results on two datasets, SWIG-HOI and HICO-DET, demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results in open vocabulary HOI detection. The code and models are available at https://github.com/ltttpku/CMD-SE-release.
Clue-Instruct: Text-Based Clue Generation for Educational Crossword Puzzles
Andrea Zugarini, Kamyar Zeinalipour, Surya Sai Kadali, Marco Maggini, Marco Gori, Leonardo Rigutini
Crossword puzzles are popular linguistic games often used as tools to engage students in learning. Educational crosswords are characterized by less cryptic and more factual clues that distinguish them from traditional crossword puzzles. Despite there exist several publicly available clue-answer pair databases for traditional crosswords, educational clue-answer pairs datasets are missing. In this article, we propose a methodology to build educational clue generation datasets that can be used to instruct Large Language Models (LLMs). By gathering from Wikipedia pages informative content associated with relevant keywords, we use Large Language Models to automatically generate pedagogical clues related to the given input keyword and its context. With such an approach, we created clue-instruct, a dataset containing 44,075 unique examples with text-keyword pairs associated with three distinct crossword clues. We used clue-instruct to instruct different LLMs to generate educational clues from a given input content and keyword. Both human and automatic evaluations confirmed the quality of the generated clues, thus validating the effectiveness of our approach.
cs.CL, cs.AI
FreeEval: A Modular Framework for Trustworthy and Efficient Evaluation of Large Language Models
Zhuohao Yu, Chang Gao, Wenjin Yao, Yidong Wang, Zhengran Zeng, Wei Ye, Jindong Wang, Yue Zhang, Shikun Zhang
The rapid development of large language model (LLM) evaluation methodologies and datasets has led to a profound challenge: integrating state-of-the-art evaluation techniques cost-effectively while ensuring reliability, reproducibility, and efficiency. Currently, there is a notable absence of a unified and adaptable framework that seamlessly integrates various evaluation approaches. Moreover, the reliability of evaluation findings is often questionable due to potential data contamination, with the evaluation efficiency commonly overlooked when facing the substantial costs associated with LLM inference. In response to these challenges, we introduce FreeEval, a modular and scalable framework crafted to enable trustworthy and efficient automatic evaluations of LLMs. Firstly, FreeEval's unified abstractions simplify the integration and improve the transparency of diverse evaluation methodologies, encompassing dynamic evaluation that demand sophisticated LLM interactions. Secondly, the framework integrates meta-evaluation techniques like human evaluation and data contamination detection, which, along with dynamic evaluation modules in the platform, enhance the fairness of the evaluation outcomes. Lastly, FreeEval is designed with a high-performance infrastructure, including distributed computation and caching strategies, enabling extensive evaluations across multi-node, multi-GPU clusters for open-source and proprietary LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
AEGIS: Online Adaptive AI Content Safety Moderation with Ensemble of LLM Experts
Shaona Ghosh, Prasoon Varshney, Erick Galinkin, Christopher Parisien
As Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI become more widespread, the content safety risks associated with their use also increase. We find a notable deficiency in high-quality content safety datasets and benchmarks that comprehensively cover a wide range of critical safety areas. To address this, we define a broad content safety risk taxonomy, comprising 13 critical risk and 9 sparse risk categories. Additionally, we curate AEGISSAFETYDATASET, a new dataset of approximately 26, 000 human-LLM interaction instances, complete with human annotations adhering to the taxonomy. We plan to release this dataset to the community to further research and to help benchmark LLM models for safety. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the dataset, we instruction-tune multiple LLM-based safety models. We show that our models (named AEGISSAFETYEXPERTS), not only surpass or perform competitively with the state-of-the-art LLM-based safety models and general purpose LLMs, but also exhibit robustness across multiple jail-break attack categories. We also show how using AEGISSAFETYDATASET during the LLM alignment phase does not negatively impact the performance of the aligned models on MT Bench scores. Furthermore, we propose AEGIS, a novel application of a no-regret online adaptation framework with strong theoretical guarantees, to perform content moderation with an ensemble of LLM content safety experts in deployment
cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.CY
Event-enhanced Retrieval in Real-time Search
Yanan Zhang, Xiaoling Bai, Tianhua Zhou
The embedding-based retrieval (EBR) approach is widely used in mainstream search engine retrieval systems and is crucial in recent retrieval-augmented methods for eliminating LLM illusions. However, existing EBR models often face the "semantic drift" problem and insufficient focus on key information, leading to a low adoption rate of retrieval results in subsequent steps. This issue is especially noticeable in real-time search scenarios, where the various expressions of popular events on the Internet make real-time retrieval heavily reliant on crucial event information. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach called EER, which enhances real-time retrieval performance by improving the dual-encoder model of traditional EBR. We incorporate contrastive learning to accompany pairwise learning for encoder optimization. Furthermore, to strengthen the focus on critical event information in events, we include a decoder module after the document encoder, introduce a generative event triplet extraction scheme based on prompt-tuning, and correlate the events with query encoder optimization through comparative learning. This decoder module can be removed during inference. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EER can significantly improve the real-time search retrieval performance. We believe that this approach will provide new perspectives in the field of information retrieval. The codes and dataset are available at https://github.com/open-event-hub/Event-enhanced_Retrieval .
cs.CL, cs.IR
Optimization Methods for Personalizing Large Language Models through Retrieval Augmentation
Alireza Salemi, Surya Kallumadi, Hamed Zamani
This paper studies retrieval-augmented approaches for personalizing large language models (LLMs), which potentially have a substantial impact on various applications and domains. We propose the first attempt to optimize the retrieval models that deliver a limited number of personal documents to large language models for the purpose of personalized generation. We develop two optimization algorithms that solicit feedback from the downstream personalized generation tasks for retrieval optimization -- one based on reinforcement learning whose reward function is defined using any arbitrary metric for personalized generation and another based on knowledge distillation from the downstream LLM to the retrieval model. This paper also introduces a pre- and post-generation retriever selection model that decides what retriever to choose for each LLM input. Extensive experiments on diverse tasks from the language model personalization (LaMP) benchmark reveal statistically significant improvements in six out of seven datasets.
cs.CL, cs.IR
Use of a Structured Knowledge Base Enhances Metadata Curation by Large Language Models
Sowmya S. Sundaram, Benjamin Solomon, Avani Khatri, Anisha Laumas, Purvesh Khatri, Mark A. Musen
Metadata play a crucial role in ensuring the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of datasets. This paper investigates the potential of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, to improve adherence to metadata standards. We conducted experiments on 200 random data records describing human samples relating to lung cancer from the NCBI BioSample repository, evaluating GPT-4's ability to suggest edits for adherence to metadata standards. We computed the adherence accuracy of field name-field value pairs through a peer review process, and we observed a marginal average improvement in adherence to the standard data dictionary from 79% to 80% (p<0.01). We then prompted GPT-4 with domain information in the form of the textual descriptions of CEDAR templates and recorded a significant improvement to 97% from 79% (p<0.01). These results indicate that, while LLMs may not be able to correct legacy metadata to ensure satisfactory adherence to standards when unaided, they do show promise for use in automated metadata curation when integrated with a structured knowledge base.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.IR
Negative Preference Optimization: From Catastrophic Collapse to Effective Unlearning
Ruiqi Zhang, Licong Lin, Yu Bai, Song Mei
Large Language Models (LLMs) often memorize sensitive, private, or copyrighted data during pre-training. LLM unlearning aims to eliminate the influence of undesirable data from the pre-trained model while preserving the model's utilities on other tasks. Several practical methods have recently been proposed for LLM unlearning, mostly based on gradient ascent (GA) on the loss of undesirable data. However, on certain unlearning tasks, these methods either fail to effectively unlearn the target data or suffer from catastrophic collapse -- a drastic degradation of the model's utilities. In this paper, we propose Negative Preference Optimization (NPO), a simple alignment-inspired method that could efficiently and effectively unlearn a target dataset. We theoretically show that the progression toward catastrophic collapse by minimizing the NPO loss is exponentially slower than GA. Through experiments on synthetic data and the benchmark TOFU dataset, we demonstrate that NPO-based methods achieve a better balance between unlearning the undesirable data and maintaining the model's utilities. We also observe that NPO-based methods generate more sensible outputs than GA-based methods, whose outputs are often gibberish. Remarkably, on TOFU, NPO-based methods are the first to achieve reasonable unlearning results in forgetting 50% (or more) of the training data, whereas existing methods already struggle with forgetting 10% of training data.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL, stat.ML
GeniL: A Multilingual Dataset on Generalizing Language
Aida Mostafazadeh Davani, Sagar Gubbi, Sunipa Dev, Shachi Dave, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
LLMs are increasingly transforming our digital ecosystem, but they often inherit societal biases learned from their training data, for instance stereotypes associating certain attributes with specific identity groups. While whether and how these biases are mitigated may depend on the specific use cases, being able to effectively detect instances of stereotype perpetuation is a crucial first step. Current methods to assess presence of stereotypes in generated language rely on simple template or co-occurrence based measures, without accounting for the variety of sentential contexts they manifest in. We argue that understanding the sentential context is crucial for detecting instances of generalization. We distinguish two types of generalizations: (1) language that merely mentions the presence of a generalization ("people think the French are very rude"), and (2) language that reinforces such a generalization ("as French they must be rude"), from non-generalizing context ("My French friends think I am rude"). For meaningful stereotype evaluations, we need to reliably distinguish such instances of generalizations. We introduce the new task of detecting generalization in language, and build GeniL, a multilingual dataset of over 50K sentences from 9 languages (English, Arabic, Bengali, Spanish, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, and Portuguese) annotated for instances of generalizations. We demonstrate that the likelihood of a co-occurrence being an instance of generalization is usually low, and varies across different languages, identity groups, and attributes. We build classifiers to detect generalization in language with an overall PR-AUC of 58.7, with varying degrees of performance across languages. Our research provides data and tools to enable a nuanced understanding of stereotype perpetuation, a crucial step towards more inclusive and responsible language technologies.
LLM-Augmented Retrieval: Enhancing Retrieval Models Through Language Models and Doc-Level Embedding
Mingrui Wu, Sheng Cao
Recently embedding-based retrieval or dense retrieval have shown state of the art results, compared with traditional sparse or bag-of-words based approaches. This paper introduces a model-agnostic doc-level embedding framework through large language model (LLM) augmentation. In addition, it also improves some important components in the retrieval model training process, such as negative sampling, loss function, etc. By implementing this LLM-augmented retrieval framework, we have been able to significantly improve the effectiveness of widely-used retriever models such as Bi-encoders (Contriever, DRAGON) and late-interaction models (ColBERTv2), thereby achieving state-of-the-art results on LoTTE datasets and BEIR datasets.
cs.IR, cs.AI
MA-LMM: Memory-Augmented Large Multimodal Model for Long-Term Video Understanding
Bo He, Hengduo Li, Young Kyun Jang, Menglin Jia, Xuefei Cao, Ashish Shah, Abhinav Shrivastava, Ser-Nam Lim
With the success of large language models (LLMs), integrating the vision model into LLMs to build vision-language foundation models has gained much more interest recently. However, existing LLM-based large multimodal models (e.g., Video-LLaMA, VideoChat) can only take in a limited number of frames for short video understanding. In this study, we mainly focus on designing an efficient and effective model for long-term video understanding. Instead of trying to process more frames simultaneously like most existing work, we propose to process videos in an online manner and store past video information in a memory bank. This allows our model to reference historical video content for long-term analysis without exceeding LLMs' context length constraints or GPU memory limits. Our memory bank can be seamlessly integrated into current multimodal LLMs in an off-the-shelf manner. We conduct extensive experiments on various video understanding tasks, such as long-video understanding, video question answering, and video captioning, and our model can achieve state-of-the-art performances across multiple datasets. Code available at https://boheumd.github.io/MA-LMM/.
Ferret-UI: Grounded Mobile UI Understanding with Multimodal LLMs
Keen You, Haotian Zhang, Eldon Schoop, Floris Weers, Amanda Swearngin, Jeffrey Nichols, Yinfei Yang, Zhe Gan
Recent advancements in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have been noteworthy, yet, these general-domain MLLMs often fall short in their ability to comprehend and interact effectively with user interface (UI) screens. In this paper, we present Ferret-UI, a new MLLM tailored for enhanced understanding of mobile UI screens, equipped with referring, grounding, and reasoning capabilities. Given that UI screens typically exhibit a more elongated aspect ratio and contain smaller objects of interest (e.g., icons, texts) than natural images, we incorporate "any resolution" on top of Ferret to magnify details and leverage enhanced visual features. Specifically, each screen is divided into 2 sub-images based on the original aspect ratio (i.e., horizontal division for portrait screens and vertical division for landscape screens). Both sub-images are encoded separately before being sent to LLMs. We meticulously gather training samples from an extensive range of elementary UI tasks, such as icon recognition, find text, and widget listing. These samples are formatted for instruction-following with region annotations to facilitate precise referring and grounding. To augment the model's reasoning ability, we further compile a dataset for advanced tasks, including detailed description, perception/interaction conversations, and function inference. After training on the curated datasets, Ferret-UI exhibits outstanding comprehension of UI screens and the capability to execute open-ended instructions. For model evaluation, we establish a comprehensive benchmark encompassing all the aforementioned tasks. Ferret-UI excels not only beyond most open-source UI MLLMs, but also surpasses GPT-4V on all the elementary UI tasks.
cs.CV, cs.CL, cs.HC
Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning Beyond Accuracy
Shijie Xia, Xuefeng Li, Yixin Liu, Tongshuang Wu, Pengfei Liu
The leaderboard of Large Language Models (LLMs) in mathematical tasks has been continuously updated. However, the majority of evaluations focus solely on the final results, neglecting the quality of the intermediate steps. This oversight can mask underlying problems, such as logical errors or unnecessary steps in the reasoning process. To measure reasoning beyond final-answer accuracy, we introduce ReasonEval, a new methodology for evaluating the quality of reasoning steps. ReasonEval employs $\textit{validity}$ and $\textit{redundancy}$ to characterize the reasoning quality, as well as accompanying LLMs to assess them automatically. Instantiated by base models that possess strong mathematical knowledge and trained with high-quality labeled data, ReasonEval achieves state-of-the-art performance on human-labeled datasets and can accurately detect different types of errors generated by perturbation. When applied to evaluate LLMs specialized in math, we find that an increase in final-answer accuracy does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in the overall quality of the reasoning steps for challenging mathematical problems. Additionally, we observe that ReasonEval can play a significant role in data selection. We release the best-performing model, meta-evaluation script, and all evaluation results at https://github.com/GAIR-NLP/ReasonEval.
Retrieval-Augmented Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
Jooyeon Kim, Eulrang Cho, Sehyung Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim
Open-vocabulary object detection (OVD) has been studied with Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to detect novel objects beyond the pre-trained categories. Previous approaches improve the generalization ability to expand the knowledge of the detector, using 'positive' pseudo-labels with additional 'class' names, e.g., sock, iPod, and alligator. To extend the previous methods in two aspects, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Losses and visual Features (RALF). Our method retrieves related 'negative' classes and augments loss functions. Also, visual features are augmented with 'verbalized concepts' of classes, e.g., worn on the feet, handheld music player, and sharp teeth. Specifically, RALF consists of two modules: Retrieval Augmented Losses (RAL) and Retrieval-Augmented visual Features (RAF). RAL constitutes two losses reflecting the semantic similarity with negative vocabularies. In addition, RAF augments visual features with the verbalized concepts from a large language model (LLM). Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of RALF on COCO and LVIS benchmark datasets. We achieve improvement up to 3.4 box AP$_{50}^{\text{N}}$ on novel categories of the COCO dataset and 3.6 mask AP$_{\text{r}}$ gains on the LVIS dataset. Code is available at https://github.com/mlvlab/RALF .