597 values
Reducing LLM Hallucinations using Epistemic Neural Networks
Shreyas Verma, Kien Tran, Yusuf Ali, Guangyu Min
Reducing and detecting hallucinations in large language models is an open research problem. In this project, we attempt to leverage recent advances in the field of uncertainty estimation to reduce hallucinations in frozen large language models. Epistemic neural networks have recently been proposed to improve output joint distributions for large pre-trained models. ENNs are small networks attached to large, frozen models to improve the model's joint distributions and uncertainty estimates. In this work, we train an epistemic neural network on top of the Llama-2 7B model combined with a contrastive decoding feature enhancement technique. We are the first to train an ENN for the next token prediction task and explore the efficacy of this method in reducing hallucinations on the TruthfulQA dataset. In essence, we provide a method that leverages a pre-trained model's latent embeddings to reduce hallucinations.
A Group Fairness Lens for Large Language Models
Guanqun Bi, Lei Shen, Yuqiang Xie, Yanan Cao, Tiangang Zhu, Xiaodong He
The rapid advancement of large language models has revolutionized various applications but also raised crucial concerns about their potential to perpetuate biases and unfairness when deployed in social media contexts. Evaluating LLMs' potential biases and fairness has become crucial, as existing methods rely on limited prompts focusing on just a few groups, lacking a comprehensive categorical perspective. In this paper, we propose evaluating LLM biases from a group fairness lens using a novel hierarchical schema characterizing diverse social groups. Specifically, we construct a dataset, GFair, encapsulating target-attribute combinations across multiple dimensions. In addition, we introduce statement organization, a new open-ended text generation task, to uncover complex biases in LLMs. Extensive evaluations of popular LLMs reveal inherent safety concerns. To mitigate the biases of LLM from a group fairness perspective, we pioneer a novel chain-of-thought method GF-Think to mitigate biases of LLMs from a group fairness perspective. Experimental results demonstrate its efficacy in mitigating bias in LLMs to achieve fairness.
Agent4Ranking: Semantic Robust Ranking via Personalized Query Rewriting Using Multi-agent LLM
Xiaopeng Li, Lixin Su, Pengyue Jia, Xiangyu Zhao, Suqi Cheng, Junfeng Wang, Dawei Yin
Search engines are crucial as they provide an efficient and easy way to access vast amounts of information on the internet for diverse information needs. User queries, even with a specific need, can differ significantly. Prior research has explored the resilience of ranking models against typical query variations like paraphrasing, misspellings, and order changes. Yet, these works overlook how diverse demographics uniquely formulate identical queries. For instance, older individuals tend to construct queries more naturally and in varied order compared to other groups. This demographic diversity necessitates enhancing the adaptability of ranking models to diverse query formulations. To this end, in this paper, we propose a framework that integrates a novel rewriting pipeline that rewrites queries from various demographic perspectives and a novel framework to enhance ranking robustness. To be specific, we use Chain of Thought (CoT) technology to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) as agents to emulate various demographic profiles, then use them for efficient query rewriting, and we innovate a robust Multi-gate Mixture of Experts (MMoE) architecture coupled with a hybrid loss function, collectively strengthening the ranking models' robustness. Our extensive experimentation on both public and industrial datasets assesses the efficacy of our query rewriting approach and the enhanced accuracy and robustness of the ranking model. The findings highlight the sophistication and effectiveness of our proposed model.
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Large Language Models as Automatic Dialogue Evaluators
Chen Zhang, Luis Fernando D'Haro, Yiming Chen, Malu Zhang, Haizhou Li
Automatic evaluation is an integral aspect of dialogue system research. The traditional reference-based NLG metrics are generally found to be unsuitable for dialogue assessment. Consequently, recent studies have suggested various unique, reference-free neural metrics that better align with human evaluations. Notably among them, large language models (LLMs), particularly the instruction-tuned variants like ChatGPT, are shown to be promising substitutes for human judges. Yet, existing works on utilizing LLMs for automatic dialogue evaluation are limited in their scope in terms of the number of meta-evaluation datasets, mode of evaluation, coverage of LLMs, etc. Hence, it remains inconclusive how effective these LLMs are. To this end, we conduct a comprehensive study on the application of LLMs for automatic dialogue evaluation. Specifically, we analyze the multi-dimensional evaluation capability of 30 recently emerged LLMs at both turn and dialogue levels, using a comprehensive set of 12 meta-evaluation datasets. Additionally, we probe the robustness of the LLMs in handling various adversarial perturbations at both turn and dialogue levels. Finally, we explore how model-level and dimension-level ensembles impact the evaluation performance. All resources are available at https://github.com/e0397123/comp-analysis.
On the Promises and Challenges of Multimodal Foundation Models for Geographical, Environmental, Agricultural, and Urban Planning Applications
Chenjiao Tan, Qian Cao, Yiwei Li, Jielu Zhang, Xiao Yang, Huaqin Zhao, Zihao Wu, Zhengliang Liu, Hao Yang, Nemin Wu, Tao Tang, Xinyue Ye, Lilong Chai, Ninghao Liu, Changying Li, Lan Mu, Tianming Liu, Gengchen Mai
The advent of large language models (LLMs) has heightened interest in their potential for multimodal applications that integrate language and vision. This paper explores the capabilities of GPT-4V in the realms of geography, environmental science, agriculture, and urban planning by evaluating its performance across a variety of tasks. Data sources comprise satellite imagery, aerial photos, ground-level images, field images, and public datasets. The model is evaluated on a series of tasks including geo-localization, textual data extraction from maps, remote sensing image classification, visual question answering, crop type identification, disease/pest/weed recognition, chicken behavior analysis, agricultural object counting, urban planning knowledge question answering, and plan generation. The results indicate the potential of GPT-4V in geo-localization, land cover classification, visual question answering, and basic image understanding. However, there are limitations in several tasks requiring fine-grained recognition and precise counting. While zero-shot learning shows promise, performance varies across problem domains and image complexities. The work provides novel insights into GPT-4V's capabilities and limitations for real-world geospatial, environmental, agricultural, and urban planning challenges. Further research should focus on augmenting the model's knowledge and reasoning for specialized domains through expanded training. Overall, the analysis demonstrates foundational multimodal intelligence, highlighting the potential of multimodal foundation models (FMs) to advance interdisciplinary applications at the nexus of computer vision and language.
cs.CV, cs.AI, I.2.7; I.2.10; I.4.6; I.4.8; J.2
Paralinguistics-Enhanced Large Language Modeling of Spoken Dialogue
Guan-Ting Lin, Prashanth Gurunath Shivakumar, Ankur Gandhe, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Yile Gu, Shalini Ghosh, Andreas Stolcke, Hung-yi Lee, Ivan Bulyko
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior abilities in tasks such as chatting, reasoning, and question-answering. However, standard LLMs may ignore crucial paralinguistic information, such as sentiment, emotion, and speaking style, which are essential for achieving natural, human-like spoken conversation, especially when such information is conveyed by acoustic cues. We therefore propose Paralinguistics-enhanced Generative Pretrained Transformer (ParalinGPT), an LLM that utilizes text and speech modalities to better model the linguistic content and paralinguistic attributes of spoken dialogue. The model takes the conversational context of text, speech embeddings, and paralinguistic attributes as input prompts within a serialized multitasking multimodal framework. Specifically, our framework serializes tasks in the order of current paralinguistic attribute prediction, response paralinguistic attribute prediction, and response text generation with autoregressive conditioning. We utilize the Switchboard-1 corpus, including its sentiment labels as the paralinguistic attribute, as our spoken dialogue dataset. Experimental results indicate the proposed serialized multitasking method outperforms typical sequence classification techniques on current and response sentiment classification. Furthermore, leveraging conversational context and speech embeddings significantly improves both response text generation and sentiment prediction. Our proposed framework achieves relative improvements of 6.7%, 12.0%, and 3.5% in current sentiment accuracy, response sentiment accuracy, and response text BLEU score, respectively.
cs.CL, eess.AS
A Survey on Large Language Models for Software Engineering
Quanjun Zhang, Chunrong Fang, Yang Xie, Yaxin Zhang, Yun Yang, Weisong Sun, Shengcheng Yu, Zhenyu Chen
Software Engineering (SE) is the systematic design, development, and maintenance of software applications, underpinning the digital infrastructure of our modern mainworld. Very recently, the SE community has seen a rapidly increasing number of techniques employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate a broad range of SE tasks. Nevertheless, existing information of the applications, effects, and possible limitations of LLMs within SE is still not well-studied. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey to summarize the current state-of-the-art research in the LLM-based SE community. We summarize 30 representative LLMs of Source Code across three model architectures, 15 pre-training objectives across four categories, and 16 downstream tasks across five categories. We then present a detailed summarization of the recent SE studies for which LLMs are commonly utilized, including 155 studies for 43 specific code-related tasks across four crucial phases within the SE workflow. Besides, we summarize existing attempts to empirically evaluate LLMs in SE, such as benchmarks, empirical studies, and exploration of SE education. We also discuss several critical aspects of optimization and applications of LLMs in SE, such as security attacks, model tuning, and model compression. Finally, we highlight several challenges and potential opportunities on applying LLMs for future SE studies, such as exploring domain LLMs and constructing clean evaluation datasets. Overall, our work can help researchers gain a comprehensive understanding about the achievements of the existing LLM-based SE studies and promote the practical application of these techniques. Our artifacts are publicly available and will continuously updated at the living repository: \url{https://github.com/iSEngLab/AwesomeLLM4SE}.
Enhancing Code Intelligence Tasks with ChatGPT
Kang Yang, Xinjun Mao, Shangwen Wang, Tanghaoran Zhang, Bo Lin, Yanlin Wang, Yihao Qin, Zhang Zhang, Xiaoguang Mao
Pre-trained code models have emerged as crucial tools in various code intelligence tasks. However, their effectiveness depends on the quality of the pre-training dataset, particularly the human reference comments, which serve as a bridge between the programming language and natural language. One significant challenge is that such comments can become inconsistent with the corresponding code as the software evolves. This discrepancy can lead to suboptimal training of the models, decreasing their performances. LLMs have demonstrated superior capabilities in generating high-quality code comments. In light of that, we try to tackle the quality issue of the dataset by harnessing the power of LLMs. Specifically, we raise the question: Can we rebuild the pre-training dataset by substituting the original comments with LLM-generated ones for more effective pre-trained code models? To answer the question, we first conduct a comprehensive evaluation to compare ChatGPT-generated comments with human reference comments. As existing reference-based metrics treat the reference comments as gold standards, we introduce two auxiliary tasks as novel reference-free metrics to assess the quality of comments, i.e., code-comment inconsistency detection and code search. Experimental results show that ChatGPT-generated comments demonstrate superior semantic consistency with the code compared to human references, indicating the potential of utilizing ChatGPT to enhance the quality of the pre-training dataset. We rebuilt the widely used dataset, CodeSearchNet, with ChatGPT-generated comments. Subsequent experiments involve re-pre-training the CodeT5 with our refined dataset.Evaluation results on four generation tasks and one understanding code intelligence tasks show that the model pre-trained by ChatGPT-enhanced data outperforms its counterpart on code summarization, code generation, and code translation tasks.
PokeMQA: Programmable knowledge editing for Multi-hop Question Answering
Hengrui Gu, Kaixiong Zhou, Xiaotian Han, Ninghao Liu, Ruobing Wang, Xin Wang
Multi-hop question answering (MQA) is one of the challenging tasks to evaluate machine's comprehension and reasoning abilities, where large language models (LLMs) have widely achieved the human-comparable performance. Due to the dynamics of knowledge facts in real world, knowledge editing has been explored to update model with the up-to-date facts while avoiding expensive re-training or fine-tuning. Starting from the edited fact, the updated model needs to provide cascading changes in the chain of MQA. The previous art simply adopts a mix-up prompt to instruct LLMs conducting multiple reasoning tasks sequentially, including question decomposition, answer generation, and conflict checking via comparing with edited facts. However, the coupling of these functionally-diverse reasoning tasks inhibits LLMs' advantages in comprehending and answering questions while disturbing them with the unskilled task of conflict checking. We thus propose a framework, Programmable knowledge editing for Multi-hop Question Answering (PokeMQA), to decouple the jobs. Specifically, we prompt LLMs to decompose knowledge-augmented multi-hop question, while interacting with a detached trainable scope detector to modulate LLMs behavior depending on external conflict signal. The experiments on three LLM backbones and two benchmark datasets validate our superiority in knowledge editing of MQA, outperforming all competitors by a large margin in almost all settings and consistently producing reliable reasoning process.
Moderating New Waves of Online Hate with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Large Language Models
Nishant Vishwamitra, Keyan Guo, Farhan Tajwar Romit, Isabelle Ondracek, Long Cheng, Ziming Zhao, Hongxin Hu
Online hate is an escalating problem that negatively impacts the lives of Internet users, and is also subject to rapid changes due to evolving events, resulting in new waves of online hate that pose a critical threat. Detecting and mitigating these new waves present two key challenges: it demands reasoning-based complex decision-making to determine the presence of hateful content, and the limited availability of training samples hinders updating the detection model. To address this critical issue, we present a novel framework called HATEGUARD for effectively moderating new waves of online hate. HATEGUARD employs a reasoning-based approach that leverages the recently introduced chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting technique, harnessing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). HATEGUARD further achieves prompt-based zero-shot detection by automatically generating and updating detection prompts with new derogatory terms and targets in new wave samples to effectively address new waves of online hate. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we compile a new dataset consisting of tweets related to three recently witnessed new waves: the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2021 insurrection of the US Capitol, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Our studies reveal crucial longitudinal patterns in these new waves concerning the evolution of events and the pressing need for techniques to rapidly update existing moderation tools to counteract them. Comparative evaluations against state-of-the-art tools illustrate the superiority of our framework, showcasing a substantial 22.22% to 83.33% improvement in detecting the three new waves of online hate. Our work highlights the severe threat posed by the emergence of new waves of online hate and represents a paradigm shift in addressing this threat practically.
cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.LG, cs.SI
Sparsity-Guided Holistic Explanation for LLMs with Interpretable Inference-Time Intervention
Zhen Tan, Tianlong Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Huan Liu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in various natural language processing domains. However, the enigmatic ``black-box'' nature of LLMs remains a significant challenge for interpretability, hampering transparent and accountable applications. While past approaches, such as attention visualization, pivotal subnetwork extraction, and concept-based analyses, offer some insight, they often focus on either local or global explanations within a single dimension, occasionally falling short in providing comprehensive clarity. In response, we propose a novel methodology anchored in sparsity-guided techniques, aiming to provide a holistic interpretation of LLMs. Our framework, termed SparseCBM, innovatively integrates sparsity to elucidate three intertwined layers of interpretation: input, subnetwork, and concept levels. In addition, the newly introduced dimension of interpretable inference-time intervention facilitates dynamic adjustments to the model during deployment. Through rigorous empirical evaluations on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that SparseCBM delivers a profound understanding of LLM behaviors, setting it apart in both interpreting and ameliorating model inaccuracies. Codes are provided in supplements.
cs.CL, cs.AI
NPHardEval: Dynamic Benchmark on Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models via Complexity Classes
Lizhou Fan, Wenyue Hua, Lingyao Li, Haoyang Ling, Yongfeng Zhang
Complex reasoning ability is one of the most important features of current LLMs, which has also been leveraged to play an integral role in complex decision-making tasks. Therefore, the investigation into the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is critical: numerous benchmarks have been established to assess the reasoning abilities of LLMs. However, current benchmarks are inadequate in offering a rigorous evaluation of the full extent of reasoning abilities that LLMs are capable of achieving. They are also prone to the risk of overfitting, as these benchmarks, being publicly accessible and static, allow models to potentially tailor their responses to specific benchmark metrics, thereby inflating their performance. Addressing these limitations, our research introduces a new benchmark, named NPHardEval. This benchmark is designed to evaluate the reasoning abilities of LLMs across a broad spectrum of 900 algorithmic questions, extending up to the NP-Hard complexity class. These questions are meticulously chosen to represent a wide range of complexity class below the NP-hard complexity class, offering a rigorous measure of the reasoning ability of LLMs. Through this study, we shed light on the current state of reasoning in LLMs, providing an objective and rigorous perspective through the comparison of LLMs' performance across complex classes. Moreover, this benchmark is designed with a dynamic update mechanism, where the datapoints are refreshed on a monthly basis. Such regular updates play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of LLMs overfitting to the benchmark, promoting a more accurate and reliable assessment of their reasoning capabilities. The benchmark dataset and code of NPHardEval are available at https://github.com/casmlab/NPHardEval.
cs.AI, cs.CC, cs.CL, cs.LG
Numerical Reasoning for Financial Reports
Abhinav Arun, Ashish Dhiman, Mehul Soni, Yibei Hu
Financial reports offer critical insights into a company's operations, yet their extensive length typically spanning 30 40 pages poses challenges for swift decision making in dynamic markets. To address this, we leveraged finetuned Large Language Models (LLMs) to distill key indicators and operational metrics from these reports basis questions from the user. We devised a method to locate critical data, and leverage the FinQA dataset to fine-tune both Llama-2 7B and T5 models for customized question answering. We achieved results comparable to baseline on the final numerical answer, a competitive accuracy in numerical reasoning and calculation.
Assessing the Impact of Prompting Methods on ChatGPT's Mathematical Capabilities
Yuhao Chen, Chloe Wong, Hanwen Yang, Juan Aguenza, Sai Bhujangari, Benthan Vu, Xun Lei, Amisha Prasad, Manny Fluss, Eric Phuong, Minghao Liu, Raja Kumar, Vanshika Vats, James Davis
This study critically evaluates the efficacy of prompting methods in enhancing the mathematical reasoning capability of large language models (LLMs). The investigation uses three prescriptive prompting methods - simple, persona, and conversational prompting - known for their effectiveness in enhancing the linguistic tasks of LLMs. We conduct this analysis on OpenAI's LLM chatbot, ChatGPT-3.5, on extensive problem sets from the MATH, GSM8K, and MMLU datasets, encompassing a broad spectrum of mathematical challenges. A grading script adapted to each dataset is used to determine the effectiveness of these prompting interventions in enhancing the model's mathematical analysis power. Contrary to expectations, our empirical analysis reveals that none of the investigated methods consistently improves over ChatGPT-3.5's baseline performance, with some causing significant degradation. Our findings suggest that prompting strategies do not necessarily generalize to new domains, in this study failing to enhance mathematical performance.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
FineMoGen: Fine-Grained Spatio-Temporal Motion Generation and Editing
Mingyuan Zhang, Huirong Li, Zhongang Cai, Jiawei Ren, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu
Text-driven motion generation has achieved substantial progress with the emergence of diffusion models. However, existing methods still struggle to generate complex motion sequences that correspond to fine-grained descriptions, depicting detailed and accurate spatio-temporal actions. This lack of fine controllability limits the usage of motion generation to a larger audience. To tackle these challenges, we present FineMoGen, a diffusion-based motion generation and editing framework that can synthesize fine-grained motions, with spatial-temporal composition to the user instructions. Specifically, FineMoGen builds upon diffusion model with a novel transformer architecture dubbed Spatio-Temporal Mixture Attention (SAMI). SAMI optimizes the generation of the global attention template from two perspectives: 1) explicitly modeling the constraints of spatio-temporal composition; and 2) utilizing sparsely-activated mixture-of-experts to adaptively extract fine-grained features. To facilitate a large-scale study on this new fine-grained motion generation task, we contribute the HuMMan-MoGen dataset, which consists of 2,968 videos and 102,336 fine-grained spatio-temporal descriptions. Extensive experiments validate that FineMoGen exhibits superior motion generation quality over state-of-the-art methods. Notably, FineMoGen further enables zero-shot motion editing capabilities with the aid of modern large language models (LLM), which faithfully manipulates motion sequences with fine-grained instructions. Project Page: https://mingyuan-zhang.github.io/projects/FineMoGen.html
Semantic Parsing for Complex Data Retrieval: Targeting Query Plans vs. SQL for No-Code Access to Relational Databases
Ben Eyal, Amir Bachar, Ophir Haroche, Michael Elhadad
Large Language Models (LLMs) have spurred progress in text-to-SQL, the task of generating SQL queries from natural language questions based on a given database schema. Despite the declarative nature of SQL, it continues to be a complex programming language. In this paper, we investigate the potential of an alternative query language with simpler syntax and modular specification of complex queries. The purpose is to create a query language that can be learned more easily by modern neural semantic parsing architectures while also enabling non-programmers to better assess the validity of the query plans produced by an interactive query plan assistant. The proposed alternative query language is called Query Plan Language (QPL). It is designed to be modular and can be translated into a restricted form of SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs). The aim of QPL is to make complex data retrieval accessible to non-programmers by allowing users to express their questions in natural language while also providing an easier-to-verify target language. The paper demonstrates how neural LLMs can benefit from QPL's modularity to generate complex query plans in a compositional manner. This involves a question decomposition strategy and a planning stage. We conduct experiments on a version of the Spider text-to-SQL dataset that has been converted to QPL. The hierarchical structure of QPL programs enables us to measure query complexity naturally. Based on this assessment, we identify the low accuracy of existing text-to-SQL systems on complex compositional queries. We present ways to address the challenge of complex queries in an iterative, user-controlled manner, using fine-tuned LLMs and a variety of prompting strategies in a compositional manner.
Large Language Model (LLM) Bias Index -- LLMBI
Abiodun Finbarrs Oketunji, Muhammad Anas, Deepthi Saina
The Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) is a pioneering approach designed to quantify and address biases inherent in large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4. We recognise the increasing prevalence and impact of LLMs across diverse sectors. This research introduces a novel metric, LLMBI, to systematically measure and mitigate biases potentially skewing model responses. We formulated LLMBI using a composite scoring system incorporating multiple dimensions of bias, including but not limited to age, gender, and racial biases. To operationalise this metric, we engaged in a multi-step process involving collecting and annotating LLM responses, applying sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for bias detection, and computing the LLMBI score through a specially crafted mathematical formula. The formula integrates weighted averages of various bias dimensions, a penalty for dataset diversity deficiencies, and a correction for sentiment biases. Our empirical analysis, conducted using responses from OpenAI's API, employs advanced sentiment analysis as a representative method for bias detection. The research reveals LLMs, whilst demonstrating impressive capabilities in text generation, exhibit varying degrees of bias across different dimensions. LLMBI provides a quantifiable measure to compare biases across models and over time, offering a vital tool for systems engineers, researchers and regulators in enhancing the fairness and reliability of LLMs. It highlights the potential of LLMs in mimicking unbiased human-like responses. Additionally, it underscores the necessity of continuously monitoring and recalibrating such models to align with evolving societal norms and ethical standards.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG, I.2.7
Aurora:Activating Chinese chat capability for Mixtral-8x7B sparse Mixture-of-Experts through Instruction-Tuning
Rongsheng Wang, Haoming Chen, Ruizhe Zhou, Yaofei Duan, Kunyan Cai, Han Ma, Jiaxi Cui, Jian Li, Patrick Cheong-Iao Pang, Yapeng Wang, Tao Tan
Existing research has demonstrated that refining large language models (LLMs) through the utilization of machine-generated instruction-following data empowers these models to exhibit impressive zero-shot capabilities for novel tasks, without requiring human-authored instructions. In this paper, we systematically investigate, preprocess, and integrate three Chinese instruction-following datasets with the aim of enhancing the Chinese conversational capabilities of Mixtral-8x7B sparse Mixture-of-Experts model. Through instruction fine-tuning on this carefully processed dataset, we successfully construct the Mixtral-8x7B sparse Mixture-of-Experts model named "Aurora." To assess the performance of Aurora, we utilize three widely recognized benchmark tests: C-Eval, MMLU, and CMMLU. Empirical studies validate the effectiveness of instruction fine-tuning applied to Mixtral-8x7B sparse Mixture-of-Experts model. This work is pioneering in the execution of instruction fine-tuning on a sparse expert-mixed model, marking a significant breakthrough in enhancing the capabilities of this model architecture. Our code, data and model are publicly available at https://github.com/WangRongsheng/Aurora
Don't Believe Everything You Read: Enhancing Summarization Interpretability through Automatic Identification of Hallucinations in Large Language Models
Priyesh Vakharia, Devavrat Joshi, Meenal Chavan, Dhananjay Sonawane, Bhrigu Garg, Parsa Mazaheri
Large Language Models (LLMs) are adept at text manipulation -- tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. However, these models can also be prone to hallucination, which can be detrimental to the faithfulness of any answers that the model provides. Recent works in combating hallucinations in LLMs deal with identifying hallucinated sentences and categorizing the different ways in which models hallucinate. This paper takes a deep dive into LLM behavior with respect to hallucinations, defines a token-level approach to identifying different kinds of hallucinations, and further utilizes this token-level tagging to improve the interpretability and faithfulness of LLMs in dialogue summarization tasks. Through this, the paper presents a new, enhanced dataset and a new training paradigm.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Context-aware Decoding Reduces Hallucination in Query-focused Summarization
Zhichao Xu
Query-focused summarization (QFS) aims to provide a summary of a single document/multi documents that can satisfy the information needs of a given query. It is useful for various real-world applications, such as abstractive snippet generation or more recent retrieval augmented generation (RAG). A prototypical QFS pipeline consists of a retriever (sparse or dense retrieval) and a generator (usually a large language model). However, applying large language models (LLM) potentially leads to hallucinations, especially when the evidence contradicts the prior belief of LLMs. There has been growing interest in developing new decoding methods to improve generation quality and reduce hallucination. In this work, we conduct a large-scale reproducibility study on one recently proposed decoding method -- Context-aware Decoding (CAD). In addition to replicating CAD's experiments on news summarization datasets, we include experiments on QFS datasets, and conduct more rigorous analysis on computational complexity and hyperparameter sensitivity. Experiments with eight different language models show that performance-wise, CAD improves QFS quality by (1) reducing factuality errors/hallucinations while (2) mostly retaining the match of lexical patterns, measured by ROUGE scores, while also at a cost of increased inference-time FLOPs and reduced decoding speed. The code implementation based on Huggingface Library is made available https://github.com/zhichaoxu-shufe/context-aware-decoding-qfs
cs.CL, cs.IR
From Bytes to Biases: Investigating the Cultural Self-Perception of Large Language Models
Wolfgang Messner, Tatum Greene, Josephine Matalone
Large language models (LLMs) are able to engage in natural-sounding conversations with humans, showcasing unprecedented capabilities for information retrieval and automated decision support. They have disrupted human-technology interaction and the way businesses operate. However, technologies based on generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) are known to hallucinate, misinform, and display biases introduced by the massive datasets on which they are trained. Existing research indicates that humans may unconsciously internalize these biases, which can persist even after they stop using the programs. This study explores the cultural self-perception of LLMs by prompting ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Bard (Google) with value questions derived from the GLOBE project. The findings reveal that their cultural self-perception is most closely aligned with the values of English-speaking countries and countries characterized by sustained economic competitiveness. Recognizing the cultural biases of LLMs and understanding how they work is crucial for all members of society because one does not want the black box of artificial intelligence to perpetuate bias in humans, who might, in turn, inadvertently create and train even more biased algorithms.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.IR, cs.LG
VCoder: Versatile Vision Encoders for Multimodal Large Language Models
Jitesh Jain, Jianwei Yang, Humphrey Shi
Humans possess the remarkable skill of Visual Perception, the ability to see and understand the seen, helping them make sense of the visual world and, in turn, reason. Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) have recently achieved impressive performance on vision-language tasks ranging from visual question-answering and image captioning to visual reasoning and image generation. However, when prompted to identify or count (perceive) the entities in a given image, existing MLLM systems fail. Working towards developing an accurate MLLM system for perception and reasoning, we propose using Versatile vision enCoders (VCoder) as perception eyes for Multimodal LLMs. We feed the VCoder with perception modalities such as segmentation or depth maps, improving the MLLM's perception abilities. Secondly, we leverage the images from COCO and outputs from off-the-shelf vision perception models to create our COCO Segmentation Text (COST) dataset for training and evaluating MLLMs on the object perception task. Thirdly, we introduce metrics to assess the object perception abilities in MLLMs on our COST dataset. Lastly, we provide extensive experimental evidence proving the VCoder's improved object-level perception skills over existing Multimodal LLMs, including GPT-4V. We open-source our dataset, code, and models to promote research. We open-source our code at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/VCoder
LiDAR-LLM: Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models for 3D LiDAR Understanding
Senqiao Yang, Jiaming Liu, Ray Zhang, Mingjie Pan, Zoey Guo, Xiaoqi Li, Zehui Chen, Peng Gao, Yandong Guo, Shanghang Zhang
Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown promise in instruction following and 2D image understanding. While these models are powerful, they have not yet been developed to comprehend the more challenging 3D physical scenes, especially when it comes to the sparse outdoor LiDAR data. In this paper, we introduce LiDAR-LLM, which takes raw LiDAR data as input and harnesses the remarkable reasoning capabilities of LLMs to gain a comprehensive understanding of outdoor 3D scenes. The central insight of our LiDAR-LLM is the reformulation of 3D outdoor scene cognition as a language modeling problem, encompassing tasks such as 3D captioning, 3D grounding, 3D question answering, etc. Specifically, due to the scarcity of 3D LiDAR-text pairing data, we introduce a three-stage training strategy and generate relevant datasets, progressively aligning the 3D modality with the language embedding space of LLM. Furthermore, we design a View-Aware Transformer (VAT) to connect the 3D encoder with the LLM, which effectively bridges the modality gap and enhances the LLM's spatial orientation comprehension of visual features. Our experiments show that LiDAR-LLM possesses favorable capabilities to comprehend various instructions regarding 3D scenes and engage in complex spatial reasoning. LiDAR-LLM attains a 40.9 BLEU-1 on the 3D captioning task and achieves a 63.1\% classification accuracy and a 14.3\% BEV mIoU on the 3D grounding task. Web page: https://sites.google.com/view/lidar-llm
A Strong Baseline for Temporal Video-Text Alignment
Zeqian Li, Qirui Chen, Tengda Han, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang, Weidi Xie
In this paper, we consider the problem of temporally aligning the video and texts from instructional videos, specifically, given a long-term video, and associated text sentences, our goal is to determine their corresponding timestamps in the video. To this end, we establish a simple, yet strong model that adopts a Transformer-based architecture with all texts as queries, iteratively attending to the visual features, to infer the optimal timestamp. We conduct thorough experiments to investigate: (i) the effect of upgrading ASR systems to reduce errors from speech recognition, (ii) the effect of various visual-textual backbones, ranging from CLIP to S3D, to the more recent InternVideo, (iii) the effect of transforming noisy ASR transcripts into descriptive steps by prompting a large language model (LLM), to summarize the core activities within the ASR transcript as a new training dataset. As a result, our proposed simple model demonstrates superior performance on both narration alignment and procedural step grounding tasks, surpassing existing state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin on three public benchmarks, namely, 9.3% on HT-Step, 3.4% on HTM-Align and 4.7% on CrossTask. We believe the proposed model and dataset with descriptive steps can be treated as a strong baseline for future research in temporal video-text alignment. All codes, models, and the resulting dataset will be publicly released to the research community.
Carve3D: Improving Multi-view Reconstruction Consistency for Diffusion Models with RL Finetuning
Desai Xie, Jiahao Li, Hao Tan, Xin Sun, Zhixin Shu, Yi Zhou, Sai Bi, Sören Pirk, Arie E. Kaufman
Multi-view diffusion models, obtained by applying Supervised Finetuning (SFT) to text-to-image diffusion models, have driven recent breakthroughs in text-to-3D research. However, due to the limited size and quality of existing 3D datasets, they still suffer from multi-view inconsistencies and Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) reconstruction artifacts. We argue that multi-view diffusion models can benefit from further Reinforcement Learning Finetuning (RLFT), which allows models to learn from the data generated by themselves and improve beyond their dataset limitations during SFT. To this end, we introduce Carve3D, an improved RLFT algorithm coupled with a novel Multi-view Reconstruction Consistency (MRC) metric, to enhance the consistency of multi-view diffusion models. To measure the MRC metric on a set of multi-view images, we compare them with their corresponding NeRF renderings at the same camera viewpoints. The resulting model, which we denote as Carve3DM, demonstrates superior multi-view consistency and NeRF reconstruction quality than existing models. Our results suggest that pairing SFT with Carve3D's RLFT is essential for developing multi-view-consistent diffusion models, mirroring the standard Large Language Model (LLM) alignment pipeline. Our code, training and testing data, and video results are available at: https://desaixie.github.io/carve-3d.
cs.CV, cs.LG
Typhoon: Thai Large Language Models
Kunat Pipatanakul, Phatrasek Jirabovonvisut, Potsawee Manakul, Sittipong Sripaisarnmongkol, Ruangsak Patomwong, Pathomporn Chokchainant, Kasima Tharnpipitchai
Typhoon is a series of Thai large language models (LLMs) developed specifically for the Thai language. This technical report presents challenges and insights in developing Thai LLMs, including data preparation, pretraining, instruction-tuning, and evaluation. As one of the challenges of low-resource languages is the amount of pretraining data, we apply continual training to transfer existing world knowledge from a strong LLM. To evaluate the Thai knowledge encapsulated in each model from the pretraining stage, we develop ThaiExam, a benchmark based on examinations for high-school students and investment professionals in Thailand. In addition, we fine-tune Typhoon to follow Thai instructions, and we evaluate instruction-tuned models on Thai instruction datasets as well as translation, summarization, and question-answering tasks. Experimental results on a suite of Thai benchmarks show that Typhoon outperforms all open-source Thai language models, and its performance is on par with GPT-3.5 in Thai while having only 7 billion parameters and being 2.62 times more efficient in tokenizing Thai text.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Capture the Flag: Uncovering Data Insights with Large Language Models
Issam Laradji, Perouz Taslakian, Sai Rajeswar, Valentina Zantedeschi, Alexandre Lacoste, Nicolas Chapados, David Vazquez, Christopher Pal, Alexandre Drouin
The extraction of a small number of relevant insights from vast amounts of data is a crucial component of data-driven decision-making. However, accomplishing this task requires considerable technical skills, domain expertise, and human labor. This study explores the potential of using Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate the discovery of insights in data, leveraging recent advances in reasoning and code generation techniques. We propose a new evaluation methodology based on a "capture the flag" principle, measuring the ability of such models to recognize meaningful and pertinent information (flags) in a dataset. We further propose two proof-of-concept agents, with different inner workings, and compare their ability to capture such flags in a real-world sales dataset. While the work reported here is preliminary, our results are sufficiently interesting to mandate future exploration by the community.
cs.LG, cs.CL, stat.ML
Speech Translation with Large Language Models: An Industrial Practice
Zhichao Huang, Rong Ye, Tom Ko, Qianqian Dong, Shanbo Cheng, Mingxuan Wang, Hang Li
Given the great success of large language models (LLMs) across various tasks, in this paper, we introduce LLM-ST, a novel and effective speech translation model constructed upon a pre-trained LLM. By integrating the large language model (LLM) with a speech encoder and employing multi-task instruction tuning, LLM-ST can produce accurate timestamped transcriptions and translations, even from long audio inputs. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the implementation of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting can yield advantages in the context of LLM-ST. Through rigorous experimentation on English and Chinese datasets, we showcase the exceptional performance of LLM-ST, establishing a new benchmark in the field of speech translation. Demo: https://speechtranslation.github.io/llm-st/.
cs.CL, cs.SD, eess.AS
The Truth is in There: Improving Reasoning in Language Models with Layer-Selective Rank Reduction
Pratyusha Sharma, Jordan T. Ash, Dipendra Misra
Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have become a fixture in modern machine learning. Correspondingly, significant resources are allocated towards research that aims to further advance this technology, typically resulting in models of increasing size that are trained on increasing amounts of data. This work, however, demonstrates the surprising result that it is often possible to significantly improve the performance of LLMs by selectively removing higher-order components of their weight matrices. This simple intervention, which we call LAyer-SElective Rank reduction (LASER), can be done on a model after training has completed, and requires no additional parameters or data. We show extensive experiments demonstrating the generality of this finding across language models and datasets, and provide in-depth analyses offering insights into both when LASER is effective and the mechanism by which it operates.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV
How to Prune Your Language Model: Recovering Accuracy on the "Sparsity May Cry'' Benchmark
Eldar Kurtic, Torsten Hoefler, Dan Alistarh
Pruning large language models (LLMs) from the BERT family has emerged as a standard compression benchmark, and several pruning methods have been proposed for this task. The recent ``Sparsity May Cry'' (SMC) benchmark put into question the validity of all existing methods, exhibiting a more complex setup where many known pruning methods appear to fail. We revisit the question of accurate BERT-pruning during fine-tuning on downstream datasets, and propose a set of general guidelines for successful pruning, even on the challenging SMC benchmark. First, we perform a cost-vs-benefits analysis of pruning model components, such as the embeddings and the classification head; second, we provide a simple-yet-general way of scaling training, sparsification and learning rate schedules relative to the desired target sparsity; finally, we investigate the importance of proper parametrization for Knowledge Distillation in the context of LLMs. Our simple insights lead to state-of-the-art results, both on classic BERT-pruning benchmarks, as well as on the SMC benchmark, showing that even classic gradual magnitude pruning (GMP) can yield competitive results, with the right approach.
Contextual Code Switching for Machine Translation using Language Models
Arshad Kaji, Manan Shah
Large language models (LLMs) have exerted a considerable impact on diverse language-related tasks in recent years. Their demonstrated state-of-the-art performance is achieved through methodologies such as zero-shot or few-shot prompting. These models undergo training on extensive datasets that encompass segments of the Internet and subsequently undergo fine-tuning tailored to specific tasks. Notably, they exhibit proficiency in tasks such as translation, summarization, question answering, and creative writing, even in the absence of explicit training for those particular tasks. While they have shown substantial improvement in the multilingual tasks their performance in the code switching, especially for machine translation remains relatively uncharted. In this paper, we present an extensive study on the code switching task specifically for the machine translation task comparing multiple LLMs. Our results indicate that despite the LLMs having promising results in the certain tasks, the models with relatively lesser complexity outperform the multilingual large language models in the machine translation task. We posit that the efficacy of multilingual large language models in contextual code switching is constrained by their training methodologies. In contrast, relatively smaller models, when trained and fine-tuned on bespoke datasets, may yield superior results in comparison to the majority of multilingual models.
Exploring ChatGPT for Toxicity Detection in GitHub
Shyamal Mishra, Preetha Chatterjee
Fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment is crucial for the sustained progress of open source development. However, the prevalence of negative discourse, often manifested as toxic comments, poses significant challenges to developer well-being and productivity. To identify such negativity in project communications, especially within large projects, automated toxicity detection models are necessary. To train these models effectively, we need large software engineering-specific toxicity datasets. However, such datasets are limited in availability and often exhibit imbalance (e.g., only 6 in 1000 GitHub issues are toxic), posing challenges for training effective toxicity detection models. To address this problem, we explore a zero-shot LLM (ChatGPT) that is pre-trained on massive datasets but without being fine-tuned specifically for the task of detecting toxicity in software-related text. Our preliminary evaluation indicates that ChatGPT shows promise in detecting toxicity in GitHub, and warrants further investigation. We experimented with various prompts, including those designed for justifying model outputs, thereby enhancing model interpretability and paving the way for potential integration of ChatGPT-enabled toxicity detection into developer communication channels.
Exploring Multimodal Large Language Models for Radiology Report Error-checking
Jinge Wu, Yunsoo Kim, Eva C. Keller, Jamie Chow, Adam P. Levine, Nikolas Pontikos, Zina Ibrahim, Paul Taylor, Michelle C. Williams, Honghan Wu
This paper proposes one of the first clinical applications of multimodal large language models (LLMs) as an assistant for radiologists to check errors in their reports. We created an evaluation dataset from real-world radiology datasets (including X-rays and CT scans). A subset of original reports was modified to contain synthetic errors by introducing three types of mistakes: "insert", "remove", and "substitute". The evaluation contained two difficulty levels: SIMPLE for binary error-checking and COMPLEX for identifying error types. At the SIMPLE level, our fine-tuned model significantly enhanced performance by 47.4% and 25.4% on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-ray data, respectively. This performance boost is also observed in unseen modality, CT scans, as the model performed 19.46% better than the baseline model. The model also surpassed the domain expert's accuracy in the MIMIC-CXR dataset by 1.67%. Notably, among the subsets (N=21) of the test set where a clinician did not achieve the correct conclusion, the LLaVA ensemble mode correctly identified 71.4% of these cases. However, all models performed poorly in identifying mistake types, underscoring the difficulty of the COMPLEX level. This study marks a promising step toward utilizing multimodal LLMs to enhance diagnostic accuracy in radiology. The ensemble model demonstrated comparable performance to clinicians, even capturing errors overlooked by humans.
cs.CL, cs.CV
Domain-Specific Code Language Models: Unraveling the Potential for HPC Codes and Tasks
Tal Kadosh, Niranjan Hasabnis, Vy A. Vo, Nadav Schneider, Neva Krien, Mihai Capota, Abdul Wasay, Nesreen Ahmed, Ted Willke, Guy Tamir, Yuval Pinter, Timothy Mattson, Gal Oren
With easier access to powerful compute resources, there is a growing trend in AI for software development to develop larger language models (LLMs) to address a variety of programming tasks. Even LLMs applied to tasks from the high-performance computing (HPC) domain are huge in size and demand expensive compute resources for training. This is partly because these LLMs for HPC tasks are obtained by finetuning existing LLMs that support several natural and/or programming languages. We found this design choice confusing - why do we need large LMs trained on natural languages and programming languages unrelated to HPC for HPC-specific tasks? In this line of work, we aim to question choices made by existing LLMs by developing smaller LMs for specific domains - we call them domain-specific LMs. Specifically, we start off with HPC as a domain and build an HPC-specific LM, named MonoCoder, that is orders of magnitude smaller than existing LMs but delivers similar, if not better performance, on non-HPC and HPC tasks. Specifically, we pre-trained MonoCoder on an HPC-specific dataset (named HPCorpus) of C and C++ programs mined from GitHub. We evaluated the performance of MonoCoder against conventional multi-lingual LLMs. Results demonstrate that MonoCoder, although much smaller than existing LMs, achieves similar results on normalized-perplexity tests and much better ones in CodeBLEU competence for high-performance and parallel code generations. Furthermore, fine-tuning the base model for the specific task of parallel code generation (OpenMP parallel for pragmas) demonstrates outstanding results compared to GPT, especially when local misleading semantics are removed by our novel pre-processor Tokompiler, showcasing the ability of domain-specific models to assist in HPC-relevant tasks.
cs.PL, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.SE
Retrieval-augmented Multilingual Knowledge Editing
Weixuan Wang, Barry Haddow, Alexandra Birch
Knowledge represented in Large Language Models (LLMs) is quite often incorrect and can also become obsolete over time. Updating knowledge via fine-tuning is computationally resource-hungry and not reliable, and so knowledge editing (KE) has developed as an effective and economical alternative to inject new knowledge or to fix factual errors in LLMs. Although there has been considerable interest in this area, current KE research exclusively focuses on the monolingual setting, typically in English. However, what happens if the new knowledge is supplied in one language, but we would like to query the LLM in a different language? To address the problem of multilingual knowledge editing, we propose Retrieval-augmented Multilingual Knowledge Editor (ReMaKE) to update new knowledge in LLMs. ReMaKE can perform model-agnostic knowledge editing in multilingual settings. ReMaKE concatenates the new knowledge retrieved from a multilingual knowledge base with prompts. Our experimental results show that ReMaKE outperforms baseline knowledge editing methods by a significant margin and is the first KE method to work in a multilingual setting. We provide our multilingual knowledge editing dataset (MzsRE) in 12 languages, which along with code, and additional project information is available at https://github.com/Vicky-Wil/ReMaKE.
Machine Mindset: An MBTI Exploration of Large Language Models
Jiaxi Cui, Liuzhenghao Lv, Jing Wen, Rongsheng Wang, Jing Tang, YongHong Tian, Li Yuan
We present a novel approach for integrating Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality traits into large language models (LLMs), addressing the challenges of personality consistency in personalized AI. Our method, "Machine Mindset," involves a two-phase fine-tuning and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to embed MBTI traits into LLMs. This approach ensures that models internalize these traits, offering a stable and consistent personality profile. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our models across various domains, showing alignment between model performance and their respective MBTI traits. The paper highlights significant contributions in the development of personality datasets and a new training methodology for personality integration in LLMs, enhancing the potential for personalized AI applications. We also open-sourced our model and part of the data at \url{https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Machine-Mindset}.
Enhancing Neural Theorem Proving through Data Augmentation and Dynamic Sampling Method
Rahul Vishwakarma, Subhankar Mishra
Theorem proving is a fundamental task in mathematics. With the advent of large language models (LLMs) and interactive theorem provers (ITPs) like Lean, there has been growing interest in integrating LLMs and ITPs to automate theorem proving. In this approach, the LLM generates proof steps (tactics), and the ITP checks the applicability of the tactics at the current goal. The two systems work together to complete the proof. In this paper, we introduce DS-Prover, a novel dynamic sampling method for theorem proving. This method dynamically determines the number of tactics to apply to expand the current goal, taking into account the remaining time compared to the total allocated time for proving a theorem. This makes the proof search process more efficient by adjusting the balance between exploration and exploitation as time passes. We also augment the training dataset by decomposing simplification and rewrite tactics with multiple premises into tactics with single premises. This gives the model more examples to learn from and helps it to predict the tactics with premises more accurately. We perform our experiments using the Mathlib dataset of the Lean theorem prover and report the performance on two standard datasets, MiniF2F and ProofNet. Our methods achieve significant performance gains on both datasets. We achieved a state-of-the-art performance (Pass@1) of 14.2% on the ProofNet dataset and a performance of 29.8% on MiniF2F, slightly surpassing the best-reported Pass@1 of 29.6% using Lean.
cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.LO
CORECODE: A Common Sense Annotated Dialogue Dataset with Benchmark Tasks for Chinese Large Language Models
Dan Shi, Chaobin You, Jiantao Huang, Taihao Li, Deyi Xiong
As an indispensable ingredient of intelligence, commonsense reasoning is crucial for large language models (LLMs) in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose CORECODE, a dataset that contains abundant commonsense knowledge manually annotated on dyadic dialogues, to evaluate the commonsense reasoning and commonsense conflict detection capabilities of Chinese LLMs. We categorize commonsense knowledge in everyday conversations into three dimensions: entity, event, and social interaction. For easy and consistent annotation, we standardize the form of commonsense knowledge annotation in open-domain dialogues as "domain: slot = value". A total of 9 domains and 37 slots are defined to capture diverse commonsense knowledge. With these pre-defined domains and slots, we collect 76,787 commonsense knowledge annotations from 19,700 dialogues through crowdsourcing. To evaluate and enhance the commonsense reasoning capability for LLMs on the curated dataset, we establish a series of dialogue-level reasoning and detection tasks, including commonsense knowledge filling, commonsense knowledge generation, commonsense conflict phrase detection, domain identification, slot identification, and event causal inference. A wide variety of existing open-source Chinese LLMs are evaluated with these tasks on our dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that these models are not competent to predict CORECODE's plentiful reasoning content, and even ChatGPT could only achieve 0.275 and 0.084 accuracy on the domain identification and slot identification tasks under the zero-shot setting. We release the data and codes of CORECODE at https://github.com/danshi777/CORECODE to promote commonsense reasoning evaluation and study of LLMs in the context of daily conversations.
WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation
Zhaojian Yu, Xin Zhang, Ning Shang, Yangyu Huang, Can Xu, Yishujie Zhao, Wenxiang Hu, Qiufeng Yin
Recent work demonstrates that, after being fine-tuned on a high-quality instruction dataset, the resulting model can obtain impressive capabilities to address a wide range of tasks. However, existing methods for instruction data generation often produce duplicate data and are not controllable enough on data quality. In this paper, we extend the generalization of instruction tuning by classifying the instruction data to 4 code-related tasks and propose a LLM-based Generator-Discriminator data process framework to generate diverse, high-quality instruction data from open source code. Hence, we introduce CodeOcean, a dataset comprising 20,000 instruction instances across 4 universal code-related tasks,which is aimed at augmenting the effectiveness of instruction tuning and improving the generalization ability of fine-tuned model. Subsequently, we present WaveCoder, a fine-tuned Code LLM with Widespread And Versatile Enhanced instruction tuning. This model is specifically designed for enhancing instruction tuning of Code Language Models (LLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that Wavecoder models outperform other open-source models in terms of generalization ability across different code-related tasks at the same level of fine-tuning scale. Moreover, Wavecoder exhibits high efficiency in previous code generation tasks. This paper thus offers a significant contribution to the field of instruction data generation and fine-tuning models, providing new insights and tools for enhancing performance in code-related tasks.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.SE
AMD:Anatomical Motion Diffusion with Interpretable Motion Decomposition and Fusion
Beibei Jing, Youjia Zhang, Zikai Song, Junqing Yu, Wei Yang
Generating realistic human motion sequences from text descriptions is a challenging task that requires capturing the rich expressiveness of both natural language and human motion.Recent advances in diffusion models have enabled significant progress in human motion synthesis.However, existing methods struggle to handle text inputs that describe complex or long motions.In this paper, we propose the Adaptable Motion Diffusion (AMD) model, which leverages a Large Language Model (LLM) to parse the input text into a sequence of concise and interpretable anatomical scripts that correspond to the target motion.This process exploits the LLM's ability to provide anatomical guidance for complex motion synthesis.We then devise a two-branch fusion scheme that balances the influence of the input text and the anatomical scripts on the inverse diffusion process, which adaptively ensures the semantic fidelity and diversity of the synthesized motion.Our method can effectively handle texts with complex or long motion descriptions, where existing methods often fail. Experiments on datasets with relatively more complex motions, such as CLCD1 and CLCD2, demonstrate that our AMD significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models.
Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Adaptive Machine Translation
Yasmin Moslem, Rejwanul Haque, Andy Way
This paper presents the outcomes of fine-tuning Mistral 7B, a general-purpose large language model (LLM), for adaptive machine translation (MT). The fine-tuning process involves utilising a combination of zero-shot and one-shot translation prompts within the medical domain. The primary objective is to enhance real-time adaptive MT capabilities of Mistral 7B, enabling it to adapt translations to the required domain at inference time. The results, particularly for Spanish-to-English MT, showcase the efficacy of the fine-tuned model, demonstrating quality improvements in both zero-shot and one-shot translation scenarios, surpassing Mistral 7B's baseline performance. Notably, the fine-tuned Mistral outperforms ChatGPT "gpt-3.5-turbo" in zero-shot translation while achieving comparable one-shot translation quality. Moreover, the zero-shot translation of the fine-tuned Mistral matches NLLB 3.3B's performance, and its one-shot translation quality surpasses that of NLLB 3.3B. These findings emphasise the significance of fine-tuning efficient LLMs like Mistral 7B to yield high-quality zero-shot translations comparable to task-oriented models like NLLB 3.3B. Additionally, the adaptive gains achieved in one-shot translation are comparable to those of commercial LLMs such as ChatGPT. Our experiments demonstrate that, with a relatively small dataset of 20,000 segments that incorporate a mix of zero-shot and one-shot prompts, fine-tuning significantly enhances Mistral's in-context learning ability, especially for real-time adaptive MT.
cs.CL, cs.IR
Learning and Forgetting Unsafe Examples in Large Language Models
Jiachen Zhao, Zhun Deng, David Madras, James Zou, Mengye Ren
As the number of large language models (LLMs) released to the public grows, there is a pressing need to understand the safety implications associated with these models learning from third-party custom finetuning data. We explore the behavior of LLMs finetuned on noisy custom data containing unsafe content, represented by datasets that contain biases, toxicity, and harmfulness, finding that while aligned LLMs can readily learn this unsafe content, they also tend to forget it more significantly than other examples when subsequently finetuned on safer content. Drawing inspiration from the discrepancies in forgetting, we introduce the "ForgetFilter" algorithm, which filters unsafe data based on how strong the model's forgetting signal is for that data. We demonstrate that the ForgetFilter algorithm ensures safety in customized finetuning without compromising downstream task performance, unlike sequential safety finetuning. ForgetFilter outperforms alternative strategies like replay and moral self-correction in curbing LLMs' ability to assimilate unsafe content during custom finetuning, e.g. 75% lower than not applying any safety measures and 62% lower than using self-correction in toxicity score.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Mini-GPTs: Efficient Large Language Models through Contextual Pruning
Tim Valicenti, Justice Vidal, Ritik Patnaik
In AI research, the optimization of Large Language Models (LLMs) remains a significant challenge, crucial for advancing the field's practical applications and sustainability. Building upon the foundational work of Professor Song Han's lab at MIT, this paper introduces a novel approach in developing Mini-GPTs via contextual pruning. Our methodology strategically prunes the computational architecture of traditional LLMs, like Phi-1.5, focusing on retaining core functionalities while drastically reducing model sizes. We employ the technique across diverse and complex datasets, including US law, Medical Q&A, Skyrim dialogue, English-Taiwanese translation, and Economics articles. The results underscore the efficiency and effectiveness of contextual pruning, not merely as a theoretical concept but as a practical tool in developing domain-specific, resource-efficient LLMs. Contextual pruning is a promising method for building domain-specific LLMs, and this research is a building block towards future development with more hardware compute, refined fine-tuning, and quantization.
cs.CL, cs.AI, I.2.7
Jack of All Tasks, Master of Many: Designing General-purpose Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Model
Shraman Pramanick, Guangxing Han, Rui Hou, Sayan Nag, Ser-Nam Lim, Nicolas Ballas, Qifan Wang, Rama Chellappa, Amjad Almahairi
The ability of large language models (LLMs) to process visual inputs has given rise to general-purpose vision systems, unifying various vision-language (VL) tasks by instruction tuning. However, due to the enormous diversity in input-output formats in the vision domain, existing general-purpose models fail to successfully integrate segmentation and multi-image inputs with coarse-level tasks into a single framework. In this work, we introduce VistaLLM, a powerful visual system that addresses coarse- and fine-grained VL tasks over single and multiple input images using a unified framework. VistaLLM utilizes an instruction-guided image tokenizer that filters global embeddings using task descriptions to extract compressed and refined features from numerous images. Moreover, VistaLLM employs a gradient-aware adaptive sampling technique to represent binary segmentation masks as sequences, significantly improving over previously used uniform sampling. To bolster the desired capability of VistaLLM, we curate CoinIt, a comprehensive coarse-to-fine instruction tuning dataset with 6.8M samples. We also address the lack of multi-image grounding datasets by introducing a novel task, AttCoSeg (Attribute-level Co-Segmentation), which boosts the model's reasoning and grounding capability over multiple input images. Extensive experiments on a wide range of V- and VL tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of VistaLLM by achieving consistent state-of-the-art performance over strong baselines across all downstream tasks. Our project page can be found at https://shramanpramanick.github.io/VistaLLM/.
cs.CV, cs.AI
Large Language Models in Medical Term Classification and Unexpected Misalignment Between Response and Reasoning
Xiaodan Zhang, Sandeep Vemulapalli, Nabasmita Talukdar, Sumyeong Ahn, Jiankun Wang, Han Meng, Sardar Mehtab Bin Murtaza, Aakash Ajay Dave, Dmitry Leshchiner, Dimitri F. Joseph, Martin Witteveen-Lane, Dave Chesla, Jiayu Zhou, Bin Chen
This study assesses the ability of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Falcon, and LLaMA 2 to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from discharge summaries and examines instances where the models' responses were misaligned with their reasoning. Utilizing the MIMIC-IV v2.2 database, we focused on a cohort aged 65 and older, verifying MCI diagnoses against ICD codes and expert evaluations. The data was partitioned into training, validation, and testing sets in a 7:2:1 ratio for model fine-tuning and evaluation, with an additional metastatic cancer dataset from MIMIC III used to further assess reasoning consistency. GPT-4 demonstrated superior interpretative capabilities, particularly in response to complex prompts, yet displayed notable response-reasoning inconsistencies. In contrast, open-source models like Falcon and LLaMA 2 achieved high accuracy but lacked explanatory reasoning, underscoring the necessity for further research to optimize both performance and interpretability. The study emphasizes the significance of prompt engineering and the need for further exploration into the unexpected reasoning-response misalignment observed in GPT-4. The results underscore the promise of incorporating LLMs into healthcare diagnostics, contingent upon methodological advancements to ensure accuracy and clinical coherence of AI-generated outputs, thereby improving the trustworthiness of LLMs for medical decision-making.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
VQA4CIR: Boosting Composed Image Retrieval with Visual Question Answering
Chun-Mei Feng, Yang Bai, Tao Luo, Zhen Li, Salman Khan, Wangmeng Zuo, Xinxing Xu, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Yong Liu
Albeit progress has been made in Composed Image Retrieval (CIR), we empirically find that a certain percentage of failure retrieval results are not consistent with their relative captions. To address this issue, this work provides a Visual Question Answering (VQA) perspective to boost the performance of CIR. The resulting VQA4CIR is a post-processing approach and can be directly plugged into existing CIR methods. Given the top-C retrieved images by a CIR method, VQA4CIR aims to decrease the adverse effect of the failure retrieval results being inconsistent with the relative caption. To find the retrieved images inconsistent with the relative caption, we resort to the "QA generation to VQA" self-verification pipeline. For QA generation, we suggest fine-tuning LLM (e.g., LLaMA) to generate several pairs of questions and answers from each relative caption. We then fine-tune LVLM (e.g., LLaVA) to obtain the VQA model. By feeding the retrieved image and question to the VQA model, one can find the images inconsistent with relative caption when the answer by VQA is inconsistent with the answer in the QA pair. Consequently, the CIR performance can be boosted by modifying the ranks of inconsistently retrieved images. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art CIR methods on the CIRR and Fashion-IQ datasets.
Curated LLM: Synergy of LLMs and Data Curation for tabular augmentation in ultra low-data regimes
Nabeel Seedat, Nicolas Huynh, Boris van Breugel, Mihaela van der Schaar
Machine Learning (ML) in low-data settings remains an underappreciated yet crucial problem. Hence, data augmentation methods to increase the sample size of datasets needed for ML are key to unlocking the transformative potential of ML in data-deprived regions and domains. Unfortunately, the limited training set constrains traditional tabular synthetic data generators in their ability to generate a large and diverse augmented dataset needed for ML tasks. To address this challenge, we introduce CLLM, which leverages the prior knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs) for data augmentation in the low-data regime. However, not all the data generated by LLMs will improve downstream utility, as for any generative model. Consequently, we introduce a principled curation mechanism, leveraging learning dynamics, coupled with confidence and uncertainty metrics, to obtain a high-quality dataset. Empirically, on multiple real-world datasets, we demonstrate the superior performance of CLLM in the low-data regime compared to conventional generators. Additionally, we provide insights into the LLM generation and curation mechanism, shedding light on the features that enable them to output high-quality augmented datasets.
cs.LG, cs.AI
Can ChatGPT be Your Personal Medical Assistant?
Md. Rafiul Biswas, Ashhadul Islam, Zubair Shah, Wajdi Zaghouani, Samir Brahim Belhaouari
The advanced large language model (LLM) ChatGPT has shown its potential in different domains and remains unbeaten due to its characteristics compared to other LLMs. This study aims to evaluate the potential of using a fine-tuned ChatGPT model as a personal medical assistant in the Arabic language. To do so, this study uses publicly available online questions and answering datasets in Arabic language. There are almost 430K questions and answers for 20 disease-specific categories. GPT-3.5-turbo model was fine-tuned with a portion of this dataset. The performance of this fine-tuned model was evaluated through automated and human evaluation. The automated evaluations include perplexity, coherence, similarity, and token count. Native Arabic speakers with medical knowledge evaluated the generated text by calculating relevance, accuracy, precision, logic, and originality. The overall result shows that ChatGPT has a bright future in medical assistance.
cs.CL, cs.SI
External Knowledge Augmented Polyphone Disambiguation Using Large Language Model
Chen Li
One of the key issues in Mandarin Chinese text-to-speech (TTS) systems is polyphone disambiguation when doing grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to solve the problem as a generation task. Following the trending research of large language models (LLM) and prompt learning, the proposed method consists of three modules. Retrieval module incorporates external knowledge which is a multi-level semantic dictionary of Chinese polyphonic characters to format the sentence into a prompt. Generation module adopts the decoder-only Transformer architecture to induce the target text. Postprocess module corrects the generated text into a valid result if needed. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing methods on a public dataset called CPP. We also empirically study the impacts of different templates of the prompt, different sizes of training data, and whether to incorporate external knowledge.
A Revisit of Fake News Dataset with Augmented Fact-checking by ChatGPT
Zizhong Li, Haopeng Zhang, Jiawei Zhang
The proliferation of fake news has emerged as a critical issue in recent years, requiring significant efforts to detect it. However, the existing fake news detection datasets are sourced from human journalists, which are likely to have inherent bias limitations due to the highly subjective nature of this task. In this paper, we revisit the existing fake news dataset verified by human journalists with augmented fact-checking by large language models (ChatGPT), and we name the augmented fake news dataset ChatGPT-FC. We quantitatively analyze the distinctions and resemblances between human journalists and LLM in assessing news subject credibility, news creator credibility, time-sensitive, and political framing. Our findings highlight LLM's potential to serve as a preliminary screening method, offering a promising avenue to mitigate the inherent biases of human journalists and enhance fake news detection.
Indoor and Outdoor 3D Scene Graph Generation via Language-Enabled Spatial Ontologies
Jared Strader, Nathan Hughes, William Chen, Alberto Speranzon, Luca Carlone
This paper proposes an approach to build 3D scene graphs in arbitrary indoor and outdoor environments. Such extension is challenging; the hierarchy of concepts that describe an outdoor environment is more complex than for indoors, and manually defining such hierarchy is time-consuming and does not scale. Furthermore, the lack of training data prevents the straightforward application of learning-based tools used in indoor settings. To address these challenges, we propose two novel extensions. First, we develop methods to build a spatial ontology defining concepts and relations relevant for indoor and outdoor robot operation. In particular, we use a Large Language Model (LLM) to build such an ontology, thus largely reducing the amount of manual effort required. Second, we leverage the spatial ontology for 3D scene graph construction using Logic Tensor Networks (LTN) to add logical rules, or axioms (e.g., "a beach contains sand"), which provide additional supervisory signals at training time thus reducing the need for labelled data, providing better predictions, and even allowing predicting concepts unseen at training time. We test our approach in a variety of datasets, including indoor, rural, and coastal environments, and show that it leads to a significant increase in the quality of the 3D scene graph generation with sparsely annotated data.
cs.RO, cs.AI
Towards Better Serialization of Tabular Data for Few-shot Classification with Large Language Models
Sukriti Jaitly, Tanay Shah, Ashish Shugani, Razik Singh Grewal
We present a study on the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) in tabular data classification, emphasizing an efficient framework. Building upon existing work done in TabLLM (arXiv:2210.10723), we introduce three novel serialization techniques, including the standout LaTeX serialization method. This method significantly boosts the performance of LLMs in processing domain-specific datasets, Our method stands out for its memory efficiency and ability to fully utilize complex data structures. Through extensive experimentation, including various serialization approaches like feature combination and importance, we demonstrate our work's superiority in accuracy and efficiency over traditional models.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Agent-based Learning of Materials Datasets from Scientific Literature
Mehrad Ansari, Seyed Mohamad Moosavi
Advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are transforming materials discovery. Yet, the availability of structured experimental data remains a bottleneck. The vast corpus of scientific literature presents a valuable and rich resource of such data. However, manual dataset creation from these resources is challenging due to issues in maintaining quality and consistency, scalability limitations, and the risk of human error and bias. Therefore, in this work, we develop a chemist AI agent, powered by large language models (LLMs), to overcome these challenges by autonomously creating structured datasets from natural language text, ranging from sentences and paragraphs to extensive scientific research articles. Our chemist AI agent, Eunomia, can plan and execute actions by leveraging the existing knowledge from decades of scientific research articles, scientists, the Internet and other tools altogether. We benchmark the performance of our approach in three different information extraction tasks with various levels of complexity, including solid-state impurity doping, metal-organic framework (MOF) chemical formula, and property relations. Our results demonstrate that our zero-shot agent, with the appropriate tools, is capable of attaining performance that is either superior or comparable to the state-of-the-art fine-tuned materials information extraction methods. This approach simplifies compilation of machine learning-ready datasets for various materials discovery applications, and significantly ease the accessibility of advanced natural language processing tools for novice users in natural language. The methodology in this work is developed as an open-source software on https://github.com/AI4ChemS/Eunomia.
Language-Assisted 3D Scene Understanding
Yanmin Wu, Qiankun Gao, Renrui Zhang, Jian Zhang
The scale and quality of point cloud datasets constrain the advancement of point cloud learning. Recently, with the development of multi-modal learning, the incorporation of domain-agnostic prior knowledge from other modalities, such as images and text, to assist in point cloud feature learning has been considered a promising avenue. Existing methods have demonstrated the effectiveness of multi-modal contrastive training and feature distillation on point clouds. However, challenges remain, including the requirement for paired triplet data, redundancy and ambiguity in supervised features, and the disruption of the original priors. In this paper, we propose a language-assisted approach to point cloud feature learning (LAST-PCL), enriching semantic concepts through LLMs-based text enrichment. We achieve de-redundancy and feature dimensionality reduction without compromising textual priors by statistical-based and training-free significant feature selection. Furthermore, we also delve into an in-depth analysis of the impact of text contrastive training on the point cloud. Extensive experiments validate that the proposed method learns semantically meaningful point cloud features and achieves state-of-the-art or comparable performance in 3D semantic segmentation, 3D object detection, and 3D scene classification tasks.
cs.CV, cs.RO
Social Learning: Towards Collaborative Learning with Large Language Models
Amirkeivan Mohtashami, Florian Hartmann, Sian Gooding, Lukas Zilka, Matt Sharifi, Blaise Aguera y Arcas
We introduce the framework of "social learning" in the context of large language models (LLMs), whereby models share knowledge with each other in a privacy-aware manner using natural language. We present and evaluate two approaches for knowledge transfer between LLMs. In the first scenario, we allow the model to generate abstract prompts aiming to teach the task. In our second approach, models transfer knowledge by generating synthetic examples. We evaluate these methods across diverse datasets and quantify memorization as a proxy for privacy loss. These techniques inspired by social learning yield promising results with low memorization of the original data. In particular, we show that performance using these methods is comparable to results with the use of original labels and prompts. Our work demonstrates the viability of social learning for LLMs, establishes baseline approaches and highlights several unexplored areas for future work.
cs.LG, cs.CL
G-LLaVA: Solving Geometric Problem with Multi-Modal Large Language Model
Jiahui Gao, Renjie Pi, Jipeng Zhang, Jiacheng Ye, Wanjun Zhong, Yufei Wang, Lanqing Hong, Jianhua Han, Hang Xu, Zhenguo Li, Lingpeng Kong
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable proficiency in human-level reasoning and generation capabilities, which encourages extensive research on their application in mathematical problem solving. However, current work has been largely focused on text-based mathematical problems, with limited investigation in problems involving geometric information. Addressing this gap, we aim to enable LLMs to solve geometric problems by understanding image input. We first analyze the limitations of current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) in this area: they struggle to accurately comprehending basic geometric elements and their relationships. To overcome these challenges, we take advantage of the unique characteristics of geometric problems (such as unique geometric logical form, and geometric scalability) and the capacity of the textual LLMs to build an enriched multimodal geometry dataset based on existing data. The augmented dataset, Geo170K, contains more than 170K geometric image-caption and question-answer pairs. Utilizing our constructed Geo170K dataset, we develop G-LLaVA, which demonstrates exceptional performance in solving geometric problems, significantly outperforming GPT-4-V on the MathVista benchmark with only 7B parameters.
NoMIRACL: Knowing When You Don't Know for Robust Multilingual Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Nandan Thakur, Luiz Bonifacio, Xinyu Zhang, Odunayo Ogundepo, Ehsan Kamalloo, David Alfonso-Hermelo, Xiaoguang Li, Qun Liu, Boxing Chen, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Jimmy Lin
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) grounds large language model (LLM) output by leveraging external knowledge sources to reduce factual hallucinations. However, prior works lack a comprehensive evaluation of different language families, making it challenging to evaluate LLM robustness against errors in external retrieved knowledge. To overcome this, we establish NoMIRACL, a human-annotated dataset for evaluating LLM robustness in RAG across 18 typologically diverse languages. NoMIRACL includes both a non-relevant and a relevant subset. Queries in the non-relevant subset contain passages judged as non-relevant, whereas queries in the relevant subset include at least a single judged relevant passage. We measure LLM robustness using two metrics: (i) hallucination rate, measuring model tendency to hallucinate an answer, when the answer is not present in passages in the non-relevant subset, and (ii) error rate, measuring model inaccuracy to recognize relevant passages in the relevant subset. In our work, we measure robustness for a wide variety of multilingual-focused LLMs and observe that most of the models struggle to balance the two capacities. Models such as LLAMA-2, Orca-2, and FLAN-T5 observe more than an 88% hallucination rate on the non-relevant subset, whereas, Mistral overall hallucinates less, but can achieve up to a 74.9% error rate on the relevant subset. Overall, GPT-4 is observed to provide the best tradeoff on both subsets, highlighting future work necessary to improve LLM robustness.
cs.CL, cs.IR
DRDT: Dynamic Reflection with Divergent Thinking for LLM-based Sequential Recommendation
Yu Wang, Zhiwei Liu, Jianguo Zhang, Weiran Yao, Shelby Heinecke, Philip S. Yu
The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has sparked interest in their application to sequential recommendation tasks as they can provide supportive item information. However, due to the inherent complexities of sequential recommendation, such as sequential patterns across datasets, noise within sequences, and the temporal evolution of user preferences, existing LLM reasoning strategies, such as in-context learning and chain-of-thought are not fully effective. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel reasoning principle: Dynamic Reflection with Divergent Thinking within a retriever-reranker framework. Our approach starts with a collaborative in-context demonstration retriever, which collects sequences exhibiting collaborative behaviors as in-context examples. Following this, we abstract high-level user preferences across multiple aspects, providing a more nuanced understanding of user interests and circumventing the noise within the raw sequences. The cornerstone of our methodology is dynamic reflection, a process that emulates human learning through probing, critiquing, and reflecting, using user feedback to tailor the analysis more effectively to the target user in a temporal manner. We evaluate our approach on three datasets using six pre-trained LLMs. The superior performance observed across these models demonstrates the efficacy of our reasoning strategy, notably achieved without the need to fine-tune the LLMs. With our principle, we managed to outperform GPT-Turbo-3.5 on three datasets using 7b models e.g., Vicuna-7b and Openchat-7b on NDCG@10. This research not only highlights the potential of LLMs in enhancing sequential recommendation systems but also underscores the importance of developing tailored reasoning strategies to fully harness their capabilities.
cs.IR, cs.AI
Evaluating and Enhancing Large Language Models for Conversational Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs
Yuxuan Huang, Lida Shi, Anqi Liu, Hao Xu
The development of large language models (LLMs) has been catalyzed by advancements in pre-training techniques. These models have demonstrated robust reasoning capabilities through manually designed prompts. In this work, we evaluate the conversational reasoning capabilities of the current state-of-the-art LLM (GPT-4) on knowledge graphs (KGs). However, the performance of LLMs is constrained due to a lack of KG environment awareness and the difficulties in developing effective optimization mechanisms for intermediary reasoning stages. We further introduce LLM-ARK, a LLM grounded KG reasoning agent designed to deliver precise and adaptable predictions on KG paths. LLM-ARK leverages Full Textual Environment (FTE) prompt to assimilate state information within each reasoning step. We reframe the challenge of multi-hop reasoning on the KG as a sequential decision-making task. Utilizing the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) online policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm, our model is optimized to learn from rich reward signals. Additionally, we conduct an evaluation of our model and GPT-4 on the OpenDialKG dataset. The experimental results reveal that LLaMA-2-7B-ARK outperforms the current state-of-the-art model by 5.28 percentage points, with a performance rate of 36.39% on the target@1 evaluation metric. Meanwhile, GPT-4 scored 14.91%, further demonstrating the effectiveness of our method. Our code is available on GitHub (https://github.com/Aipura/LLM-ARK) for further access.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Training With "Paraphrasing the Original Text'' Improves Long-Context Performance
Yijiong Yu
As Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to evolve, more are being designed to handle long-context inputs. Despite this advancement, many models face challenges in achieving high precision on long-context tasks, often showing a ``lost in the middle'' issue. This paper identifies the root of these issues as a deficiency in retrieval capabilities, exacerbated by the sparsity of key information in long contexts. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a novel approach called ``Paraphrasing the Original Text'', aimed at augmenting LLMs' proficiency in extracting information from long context. This enhancement is achieved through a specialized supervised fine-tuning stage that incorporates paraphrasing information into training samples, thereby improving the model's retrieval capabilities for long-context scenarios. Testing on datasets like LongBench and NaturalQuestions Multi-document QA dataset, our method demonstrated significant improvements in managing long-context tasks, effectively addressing the ``lost in the middle'' dilemma. Specifically, we observed an average performance increase of 6.4\% and 5.9\% across these datasets, respectively. Moreover, our approach is efficient, requiring minimal overhead with fine-tuning needed on just 19k samples. The model and training data have been made available on HuggingFace(https://huggingface.co/yuyijiong/Qwen-14b-chat-yarn-32k).
cs.CL, cs.AI
Navigating Interfaces with AI for Enhanced User Interaction
Yunpeng Song, Yiheng Bian, Yongtao Tang, Zhongmin Cai
This study introduces an innovative framework designed to automate tasks by interacting with UIs through a sequential, human-like problem-solving approach. Our approach initially transforms UI screenshots into natural language explanations through a vision-based UI analysis, circumventing traditional view hierarchy limitations. It then methodically engages with each interface, guiding the LLM to pinpoint and act on relevant UI elements, thus bolstering both precision and functionality. Employing the ERNIE Bot LLM, our approach has been demonstrated to surpass existing methodologies. It delivers superior UI interpretation across various datasets and exhibits remarkable efficiency in automating varied tasks on an Android smartphone, outperforming human capabilities in intricate tasks and significantly enhancing the PBD process.
Generalized Category Discovery with Large Language Models in the Loop
Wenbin An, Wenkai Shi, Feng Tian, Haonan Lin, QianYing Wang, Yaqiang Wu, Mingxiang Cai, Luyan Wang, Yan Chen, Haiping Zhu, Ping Chen
Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) is a crucial task that aims to recognize both known and novel categories from a set of unlabeled data by utilizing a few labeled data with only known categories. Due to the lack of supervision and category information, current methods usually perform poorly on novel categories and struggle to reveal semantic meanings of the discovered clusters, which limits their applications in the real world. To mitigate above issues, we propose Loop, an end-to-end active-learning framework that introduces Large Language Models (LLMs) into the training loop, which can boost model performance and generate category names without relying on any human efforts. Specifically, we first propose Local Inconsistent Sampling (LIS) to select samples that have a higher probability of falling to wrong clusters, based on neighborhood prediction consistency and entropy of cluster assignment probabilities. Then we propose a Scalable Query strategy to allow LLMs to choose true neighbors of the selected samples from multiple candidate samples. Based on the feedback from LLMs, we perform Refined Neighborhood Contrastive Learning (RNCL) to pull samples and their neighbors closer to learn clustering-friendly representations. Finally, we select representative samples from clusters corresponding to novel categories to allow LLMs to generate category names for them. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that Loop outperforms SOTA models by a large margin and generates accurate category names for the discovered clusters. We will release our code and data after publication.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Demystifying Instruction Mixing for Fine-tuning Large Language Models
Renxi Wang, Haonan Li, Minghao Wu, Yuxia Wang, Xudong Han, Chiyu Zhang, Timothy Baldwin
Instruction tuning significantly enhances the performance of large language models (LLMs) across various tasks. However, the procedure to optimizing the mixing of instruction datasets for LLM fine-tuning is still poorly understood. This study categorizes instructions into three primary types: NLP downstream tasks, coding, and general chat. We explore the effects of instruction tuning on different combinations of datasets on LLM performance, and find that certain instruction types are more advantageous for specific applications but can negatively impact other areas. This work provides insights into instruction mixtures, laying the foundations for future research.
cs.CL, cs.AI, I.2.7
RoleCraft-GLM: Advancing Personalized Role-Playing in Large Language Models
Meiling Tao, Xuechen Liang, Tianyu Shi, Lei Yu, Yiting Xie
This study presents RoleCraft-GLM, an innovative framework aimed at enhancing personalized role-playing with Large Language Models (LLMs). RoleCraft-GLM addresses the key issue of lacking personalized interactions in conversational AI, and offers a solution with detailed and emotionally nuanced character portrayals. We contribute a unique conversational dataset that shifts from conventional celebrity-centric characters to diverse, non-celebrity personas, thus enhancing the realism and complexity of language modeling interactions. Additionally, our approach includes meticulous character development, ensuring dialogues are both realistic and emotionally resonant. The effectiveness of RoleCraft-GLM is validated through various case studies, highlighting its versatility and skill in different scenarios. Our framework excels in generating dialogues that accurately reflect characters' personality traits and emotions, thereby boosting user engagement. In conclusion, RoleCraft-GLM marks a significant leap in personalized AI interactions, and paves the way for more authentic and immersive AI-assisted role-playing experiences by enabling more nuanced and emotionally rich dialogues
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
A Mutation-Based Method for Multi-Modal Jailbreaking Attack Detection
Xiaoyu Zhang, Cen Zhang, Tianlin Li, Yihao Huang, Xiaojun Jia, Xiaofei Xie, Yang Liu, Chao Shen
Large Language Models and Multi-Modal LLMs have become pervasive, and so does the importance of their security; yet, modern LLMs are known to be vulnerable to jailbreaking attacks. These attacks can allow malicious users to exploit the models, making the case for effective jailbreak detection mechanisms an essential aspect of maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of LLM-based applications. However, existing detection works on jailbreak attacks have limitations. Existing post-query-based strategies require target domain knowledge, and pre-query-based methods mainly focus on text-level attacks and fail to meet the increasingly complex multi-modal security requirements placed upon contemporary LLMs. This gap underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach to safeguarding these influential systems. In this work, we propose JailGuard, the first mutation-based jailbreaking detection framework which supports both image and text modalities. Our key observation is that attack queries inherently possess less robustness compared to benign queries. Specifically, to confuse the model, attack queries are usually crafted with well-designed templates or complicate perturbations, leading to a fact that a slight disturbance in input may result in a drastic change in the response. This lack of robustness can be utilized in attack detection. Based on this intuition, we designed and implemented a detection framework comprising 19 different mutators and a divergence-based detection formula. To fully understand the effectiveness of our framework, we built the first multi-modal LLM jailbreaking attack dataset, which has 304 items of data, covering ten types of known jailbreaking attacks on image and text modalities. The evaluation suggests that JailGuard achieves the best detection accuracy of 89.38%/85.42% on image and text inputs, outperforming state-of-the-art defense methods by 15.28%.
M3DBench: Let's Instruct Large Models with Multi-modal 3D Prompts
Mingsheng Li, Xin Chen, Chi Zhang, Sijin Chen, Hongyuan Zhu, Fukun Yin, Gang Yu, Tao Chen
Recently, 3D understanding has become popular to facilitate autonomous agents to perform further decisionmaking. However, existing 3D datasets and methods are often limited to specific tasks. On the other hand, recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Language Models (MLMs) have demonstrated exceptional general language and imagery tasking performance. Therefore, it is interesting to unlock MLM's potential to be 3D generalist for wider tasks. However, current MLMs' research has been less focused on 3D tasks due to a lack of large-scale 3D instruction-following datasets. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive 3D instructionfollowing dataset called M3DBench, which possesses the following characteristics: 1) It supports general multimodal instructions interleaved with text, images, 3D objects, and other visual prompts. 2) It unifies diverse 3D tasks at both region and scene levels, covering a variety of fundamental abilities in real-world 3D environments. 3) It is a large-scale 3D instruction-following dataset with over 320k instruction-response pairs. Furthermore, we establish a new benchmark for assessing the performance of large models in understanding multi-modal 3D prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our dataset and baseline, supporting general 3D-centric tasks, which can inspire future research.
A Unified Framework for Multi-Domain CTR Prediction via Large Language Models
Zichuan Fu, Xiangyang Li, Chuhan Wu, Yichao Wang, Kuicai Dong, Xiangyu Zhao, Mengchen Zhao, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang
Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction is a crucial task in online recommendation platforms as it involves estimating the probability of user engagement with advertisements or items by clicking on them. Given the availability of various services like online shopping, ride-sharing, food delivery, and professional services on commercial platforms, recommendation systems in these platforms are required to make CTR predictions across multiple domains rather than just a single domain. However, multi-domain click-through rate (MDCTR) prediction remains a challenging task in online recommendation due to the complex mutual influence between domains. Traditional MDCTR models typically encode domains as discrete identifiers, ignoring rich semantic information underlying. Consequently, they can hardly generalize to new domains. Besides, existing models can be easily dominated by some specific domains, which results in significant performance drops in the other domains (i.e. the "seesaw phenomenon"). In this paper, we propose a novel solution Uni-CTR to address the above challenges. Uni-CTR leverages a backbone Large Language Model (LLM) to learn layer-wise semantic representations that capture commonalities between domains. Uni-CTR also uses several domain-specific networks to capture the characteristics of each domain. Note that we design a masked loss strategy so that these domain-specific networks are decoupled from backbone LLM. This allows domain-specific networks to remain unchanged when incorporating new or removing domains, thereby enhancing the flexibility and scalability of the system significantly. Experimental results on three public datasets show that Uni-CTR outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) MDCTR models significantly. Furthermore, Uni-CTR demonstrates remarkable effectiveness in zero-shot prediction. We have applied Uni-CTR in industrial scenarios, confirming its efficiency.
ProTIP: Progressive Tool Retrieval Improves Planning
Raviteja Anantha, Bortik Bandyopadhyay, Anirudh Kashi, Sayantan Mahinder, Andrew W Hill, Srinivas Chappidi
Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly employed for complex multi-step planning tasks, where the tool retrieval (TR) step is crucial for achieving successful outcomes. Two prevalent approaches for TR are single-step retrieval, which utilizes the complete query, and sequential retrieval using task decomposition (TD), where a full query is segmented into discrete atomic subtasks. While single-step retrieval lacks the flexibility to handle "inter-tool dependency," the TD approach necessitates maintaining "subtask-tool atomicity alignment," as the toolbox can evolve dynamically. To address these limitations, we introduce the Progressive Tool retrieval to Improve Planning (ProTIP) framework. ProTIP is a lightweight, contrastive learning-based framework that implicitly performs TD without the explicit requirement of subtask labels, while simultaneously maintaining subtask-tool atomicity. On the ToolBench dataset, ProTIP outperforms the ChatGPT task decomposition-based approach by a remarkable margin, achieving a 24% improvement in Recall@K=10 for TR and a 41% enhancement in tool accuracy for plan generation.
cs.IR, cs.AI, cs.LG
One Shot Learning as Instruction Data Prospector for Large Language Models
Yunshui Li, Binyuan Hui, Xiaobo Xia, Jiaxi Yang, Min Yang, Lei Zhang, Shuzheng Si, Junhao Liu, Tongliang Liu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li
Aligning large language models(LLMs) with human is a critical step in effectively utilizing their pre-trained capabilities across a wide array of language tasks. Current instruction tuning practices often rely on expanding dataset size without a clear strategy for ensuring data quality, which can inadvertently introduce noise and degrade model performance. To address this challenge, we introduce Nuggets, a novel and efficient methodology that employs one shot learning to select high-quality instruction data from expansive datasets. Nuggets assesses the potential of individual instruction examples to act as effective one shot examples, thereby identifying those that can significantly enhance diverse task performance. Nuggets utilizes a scoring system based on the impact of candidate examples on the perplexity of a diverse anchor set, facilitating the selection of the most beneficial data for instruction tuning. Through rigorous testing on two benchmarks, including MT-Bench and Alpaca-Eval, we demonstrate that instruction tuning with the top 1% of Nuggets-curated examples substantially outperforms conventional methods that use the full dataset. These findings advocate for a data selection paradigm that prioritizes quality, offering a more efficient pathway to align LLMs with humans.
cs.CL, cs.AI
CLIPSyntel: CLIP and LLM Synergy for Multimodal Question Summarization in Healthcare
Akash Ghosh, Arkadeep Acharya, Raghav Jain, Sriparna Saha, Aman Chadha, Setu Sinha
In the era of modern healthcare, swiftly generating medical question summaries is crucial for informed and timely patient care. Despite the increasing complexity and volume of medical data, existing studies have focused solely on text-based summarization, neglecting the integration of visual information. Recognizing the untapped potential of combining textual queries with visual representations of medical conditions, we introduce the Multimodal Medical Question Summarization (MMQS) Dataset. This dataset, a major contribution to our work, pairs medical queries with visual aids, facilitating a richer and more nuanced understanding of patient needs. We also propose a framework, utilizing the power of Contrastive Language Image Pretraining(CLIP) and Large Language Models(LLMs), consisting of four modules that identify medical disorders, generate relevant context, filter medical concepts, and craft visually aware summaries. Our comprehensive framework harnesses the power of CLIP, a multimodal foundation model, and various general-purpose LLMs, comprising four main modules: the medical disorder identification module, the relevant context generation module, the context filtration module for distilling relevant medical concepts and knowledge, and finally, a general-purpose LLM to generate visually aware medical question summaries. Leveraging our MMQS dataset, we showcase how visual cues from images enhance the generation of medically nuanced summaries. This multimodal approach not only enhances the decision-making process in healthcare but also fosters a more nuanced understanding of patient queries, laying the groundwork for future research in personalized and responsive medical care
cs.AI, cs.CL
Shedding Light on Software Engineering-specific Metaphors and Idioms
Mia Mohammad Imran, Preetha Chatterjee, Kostadin Damevski
Use of figurative language, such as metaphors and idioms, is common in our daily-life communications, and it can also be found in Software Engineering (SE) channels, such as comments on GitHub. Automatically interpreting figurative language is a challenging task, even with modern Large Language Models (LLMs), as it often involves subtle nuances. This is particularly true in the SE domain, where figurative language is frequently used to convey technical concepts, often bearing developer affect (e.g., `spaghetti code'). Surprisingly, there is a lack of studies on how figurative language in SE communications impacts the performance of automatic tools that focus on understanding developer communications, e.g., bug prioritization, incivility detection. Furthermore, it is an open question to what extent state-of-the-art LLMs interpret figurative expressions in domain-specific communication such as software engineering. To address this gap, we study the prevalence and impact of figurative language in SE communication channels. This study contributes to understanding the role of figurative language in SE, the potential of LLMs in interpreting them, and its impact on automated SE communication analysis. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of fine-tuning LLMs with figurative language in SE and its potential impact on automated tasks that involve affect. We found that, among three state-of-the-art LLMs, the best improved fine-tuned versions have an average improvement of 6.66% on a GitHub emotion classification dataset, 7.07% on a GitHub incivility classification dataset, and 3.71% on a Bugzilla bug report prioritization dataset.
GPT-doctor: Customizing Large Language Models for Medical Consultation
Wen Wang, Zhenyue Zhao, Tianshu Sun
The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in a new era for design science in Information Systems, demanding a paradigm shift in tailoring LLMs design for business contexts. This paper proposes a novel framework to customize LLMs for general business contexts that aims to achieve three fundamental objectives simultaneously: (1) aligning conversational patterns, (2) integrating in-depth domain knowledge, and (3) embodying the soft skills and core principles. We design methodologies to combine domain-specific theory with Supervised Fine Tuning (SFT) in LLMs. We instantiate our proposed framework in the context of medical consultation, creating a GPT-doctor model. Specifically, we construct a comprehensive dataset for SFT by collecting large volume of real doctors consultation records from a leading online medical consultation platform and medical knowledge from professional databases. Additionally, drawing on medical theory, we identify three soft skills and core principles of human doctors including professionalism, explainability, and emotional support, and design approaches to integrate these skills into LLMs. We demonstrate the feasibility and performance of our proposed framework using online experiments with real patients as well as evaluation by domain experts and real consumers. Results demonstrate that fine-tuned GPT-doctor performs on par with human doctors across multiple metrics including medical expertise and consumer preference. Finally, we unravel the black box and examine the sources of model performance improvement from the perspectives of horizontal conversation pattern alignment and vertical medical knowledge evolution. Our proposed framework offers step-by-step principles and guidance for customizing LLMs for real-world business problems.
Low-resource classification of mobility functioning information in clinical sentences using large language models
Tuan Dung Le, Thanh Duong, Thanh Thieu
Objective: Function is increasingly recognized as an important indicator of whole-person health. This study evaluates the ability of publicly available large language models (LLMs) to accurately identify the presence of functioning information from clinical notes. We explore various strategies to improve the performance on this task. Materials and Methods: We collect a balanced binary classification dataset of 1000 sentences from the Mobility NER dataset, which was curated from n2c2 clinical notes. For evaluation, we construct zero-shot and few-shot prompts to query the LLMs whether a given sentence contains mobility functioning information. Two sampling techniques, random sampling and k-nearest neighbor (kNN)-based sampling, are used to select the few-shot examples. Furthermore, we apply a parameter-efficient prompt-based fine-tuning method to the LLMs and evaluate their performance under various training settings. Results: Flan-T5-xxl outperforms all other models in both zero-shot and few-shot settings, achieving a F1 score of 0.865 with a single demonstrative example selected by kNN sampling. In prompt-based fine-tuning experiments, this foundation model also demonstrates superior performance across all low-resource settings, particularly achieving an impressive F1 score of 0.922 using the full training dataset. The smaller model, Flan-T5-xl, requires fine-tuning with only 2.3M additional parameters to achieve comparable performance to the fully fine-tuned Gatortron-base model, both surpassing 0.9 F1 score. Conclusion: Open-source instruction-tuned LLMs demonstrate impressive in-context learning capability in the mobility functioning classification task. The performance of these models can be further improved by continuing fine-tuning on a task-specific dataset.
Towards the Unification of Generative and Discriminative Visual Foundation Model: A Survey
Xu Liu, Tong Zhou, Yuanxin Wang, Yuping Wang, Qinjingwen Cao, Weizhi Du, Yonghuan Yang, Junjun He, Yu Qiao, Yiqing Shen
The advent of foundation models, which are pre-trained on vast datasets, has ushered in a new era of computer vision, characterized by their robustness and remarkable zero-shot generalization capabilities. Mirroring the transformative impact of foundation models like large language models (LLMs) in natural language processing, visual foundation models (VFMs) have become a catalyst for groundbreaking developments in computer vision. This review paper delineates the pivotal trajectories of VFMs, emphasizing their scalability and proficiency in generative tasks such as text-to-image synthesis, as well as their adeptness in discriminative tasks including image segmentation. While generative and discriminative models have historically charted distinct paths, we undertake a comprehensive examination of the recent strides made by VFMs in both domains, elucidating their origins, seminal breakthroughs, and pivotal methodologies. Additionally, we collate and discuss the extensive resources that facilitate the development of VFMs and address the challenges that pave the way for future research endeavors. A crucial direction for forthcoming innovation is the amalgamation of generative and discriminative paradigms. The nascent application of generative models within discriminative contexts signifies the early stages of this confluence. This survey aspires to be a contemporary compendium for scholars and practitioners alike, charting the course of VFMs and illuminating their multifaceted landscape.
cs.CV, cs.LG
Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
Yuqian Yuan, Wentong Li, Jian Liu, Dongqi Tang, Xinjie Luo, Chi Qin, Lei Zhang, Jianke Zhu
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have recently achieved impressive general-purpose vision-language capabilities through visual instruction tuning. However, current MLLMs primarily focus on image-level or box-level understanding, falling short in achieving fine-grained vision-language alignment at pixel level. Besides, the lack of mask-based instruction data limits their advancements. In this paper, we propose Osprey, a mask-text instruction tuning approach, to extend MLLMs by incorporating fine-grained mask regions into language instruction, aiming at achieving pixel-wise visual understanding. To achieve this goal, we first meticulously curate a mask-based region-text dataset with 724K samples, and then design a vision-language model by injecting pixel-level representation into LLM. Specifically, Osprey adopts a convolutional CLIP backbone as the vision encoder and employs a mask-aware visual extractor to extract precise visual mask features from high resolution input. Experimental results demonstrate Osprey's superiority in various region understanding tasks, showcasing its new capability for pixel-level instruction tuning. In particular, Osprey can be integrated with Segment Anything Model (SAM) seamlessly to obtain multi-granularity semantics. The source code, dataset and demo can be found at https://github.com/CircleRadon/Osprey.
Faithful Persona-based Conversational Dataset Generation with Large Language Models
Pegah Jandaghi, XiangHai Sheng, Xinyi Bai, Jay Pujara, Hakim Sidahmed
High-quality conversational datasets are essential for developing AI models that can communicate with users. One way to foster deeper interactions between a chatbot and its user is through personas, aspects of the user's character that provide insights into their personality, motivations, and behaviors. Training Natural Language Processing (NLP) models on a diverse and comprehensive persona-based dataset can lead to conversational models that create a deeper connection with the user, and maintain their engagement. In this paper, we leverage the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to create a large, high-quality conversational dataset from a seed dataset. We propose a Generator-Critic architecture framework to expand the initial dataset, while improving the quality of its conversations. The Generator is an LLM prompted to output conversations. The Critic consists of a mixture of expert LLMs that control the quality of the generated conversations. These experts select the best generated conversations, which we then use to improve the Generator. We release Synthetic-Persona-Chat, consisting of 20k conversations seeded from Persona-Chat. We evaluate the quality of Synthetic-Persona-Chat and our generation framework on different dimensions through extensive experiments, and observe that the losing rate of Synthetic-Persona-Chat against Persona-Chat during Turing test decreases from 17.2% to 8.8% over three iterations.
cs.CL, cs.LG
LLaMAntino: LLaMA 2 Models for Effective Text Generation in Italian Language
Pierpaolo Basile, Elio Musacchio, Marco Polignano, Lucia Siciliani, Giuseppe Fiameni, Giovanni Semeraro
Large Language Models represent state-of-the-art linguistic models designed to equip computers with the ability to comprehend natural language. With its exceptional capacity to capture complex contextual relationships, the LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) family represents a novel advancement in the field of natural language processing by releasing foundational models designed to improve the natural language understanding abilities of the transformer architecture thanks to their large amount of trainable parameters (7, 13, and 70 billion parameters). In many natural language understanding tasks, these models obtain the same performances as private company models such as OpenAI Chat-GPT with the advantage to make publicly available weights and code for research and commercial uses. In this work, we investigate the possibility of Language Adaptation for LLaMA models, explicitly focusing on addressing the challenge of Italian Language coverage. Adopting an open science approach, we explore various tuning approaches to ensure a high-quality text generated in Italian suitable for common tasks in this underrepresented language in the original models' datasets. We aim to release effective text generation models with strong linguistic properties for many tasks that seem challenging using multilingual or general-purpose LLMs. By leveraging an open science philosophy, this study contributes to Language Adaptation strategies for the Italian language by introducing the novel LLaMAntino family of Italian LLMs.
Distilling Large Language Models for Matching Patients to Clinical Trials
Mauro Nievas, Aditya Basu, Yanshan Wang, Hrituraj Singh
The recent success of large language models (LLMs) has paved the way for their adoption in the high-stakes domain of healthcare. Specifically, the application of LLMs in patient-trial matching, which involves assessing patient eligibility against clinical trial's nuanced inclusion and exclusion criteria, has shown promise. Recent research has shown that GPT-3.5, a widely recognized LLM developed by OpenAI, can outperform existing methods with minimal 'variable engineering' by simply comparing clinical trial information against patient summaries. However, there are significant challenges associated with using closed-source proprietary LLMs like GPT-3.5 in practical healthcare applications, such as cost, privacy and reproducibility concerns. To address these issues, this study presents the first systematic examination of the efficacy of both proprietary (GPT-3.5, and GPT-4) and open-source LLMs (LLAMA 7B,13B, and 70B) for the task of patient-trial matching. Employing a multifaceted evaluation framework, we conducted extensive automated and human-centric assessments coupled with a detailed error analysis for each model. To enhance the adaptability of open-source LLMs, we have created a specialized synthetic dataset utilizing GPT-4, enabling effective fine-tuning under constrained data conditions. Our findings reveal that open-source LLMs, when fine-tuned on this limited and synthetic dataset, demonstrate performance parity with their proprietary counterparts. This presents a massive opportunity for their deployment in real-world healthcare applications. To foster further research and applications in this field, we release both the annotated evaluation dataset along with the fine-tuned LLM -- Trial-LLAMA -- for public use.
cs.AI, cs.IR
SMILE: Multimodal Dataset for Understanding Laughter in Video with Language Models
Lee Hyun, Kim Sung-Bin, Seungju Han, Youngjae Yu, Tae-Hyun Oh
Despite the recent advances of the artificial intelligence, building social intelligence remains a challenge. Among social signals, laughter is one of the distinctive expressions that occurs during social interactions between humans. In this work, we tackle a new challenge for machines to understand the rationale behind laughter in video, Video Laugh Reasoning. We introduce this new task to explain why people laugh in a particular video and a dataset for this task. Our proposed dataset, SMILE, comprises video clips and language descriptions of why people laugh. We propose a baseline by leveraging the reasoning capacity of large language models (LLMs) with textual video representation. Experiments show that our baseline can generate plausible explanations for laughter. We further investigate the scalability of our baseline by probing other video understanding tasks and in-the-wild videos. We release our dataset, code, and model checkpoints on https://github.com/postech-ami/SMILE-Dataset.
cs.CL, cs.AI
RJUA-QA: A Comprehensive QA Dataset for Urology
Shiwei Lyu, Chenfei Chi, Hongbo Cai, Lei Shi, Xiaoyan Yang, Lei Liu, Xiang Chen, Deng Zhao, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xianguo Lyu, Ming Zhang, Fangzhou Li, Xiaowei Ma, Yue Shen, Jinjie Gu, Wei Xue, Yiran Huang
We introduce RJUA-QA, a novel medical dataset for question answering (QA) and reasoning with clinical evidence, contributing to bridge the gap between general large language models (LLMs) and medical-specific LLM applications. RJUA-QA is derived from realistic clinical scenarios and aims to facilitate LLMs in generating reliable diagnostic and advice. The dataset contains 2,132 curated Question-Context-Answer pairs, corresponding about 25,000 diagnostic records and clinical cases. The dataset covers 67 common urological disease categories, where the disease coverage exceeds 97.6\% of the population seeking medical services in urology. Each data instance in RJUA-QA comprises: (1) a question mirroring real patient to inquiry about clinical symptoms and medical conditions, (2) a context including comprehensive expert knowledge, serving as a reference for medical examination and diagnosis, (3) a doctor response offering the diagnostic conclusion and suggested examination guidance, (4) a diagnosed clinical disease as the recommended diagnostic outcome, and (5) clinical advice providing recommendations for medical examination. RJUA-QA is the first medical QA dataset for clinical reasoning over the patient inquiries, where expert-level knowledge and experience are required for yielding diagnostic conclusions and medical examination advice. A comprehensive evaluation is conducted to evaluate the performance of both medical-specific and general LLMs on the RJUA-QA dataset. Our data is are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/alipay/RJU_Ant_QA}.
Taxonomy-based CheckList for Large Language Model Evaluation
Damin Zhang
As large language models (LLMs) have been used in many downstream tasks, the internal stereotypical representation may affect the fairness of the outputs. In this work, we introduce human knowledge into natural language interventions and study pre-trained language models' (LMs) behaviors within the context of gender bias. Inspired by CheckList behavioral testing, we present a checklist-style task that aims to probe and quantify LMs' unethical behaviors through question-answering (QA). We design three comparison studies to evaluate LMs from four aspects: consistency, biased tendency, model preference, and gender preference switch. We probe one transformer-based QA model trained on SQuAD-v2 dataset and one autoregressive large language model. Our results indicate that transformer-based QA model's biased tendency positively correlates with its consistency, whereas LLM shows the opposite relation. Our proposed task provides the first dataset that involves human knowledge for LLM bias evaluation.
Uncovering the Causes of Emotions in Software Developer Communication Using Zero-shot LLMs
Mia Mohammad Imran, Preetha Chatterjee, Kostadin Damevski
Understanding and identifying the causes behind developers' emotions (e.g., Frustration caused by `delays in merging pull requests') can be crucial towards finding solutions to problems and fostering collaboration in open-source communities. Effectively identifying such information in the high volume of communications across the different project channels, such as chats, emails, and issue comments, requires automated recognition of emotions and their causes. To enable this automation, large-scale software engineering-specific datasets that can be used to train accurate machine learning models are required. However, such datasets are expensive to create with the variety and informal nature of software projects' communication channels. In this paper, we explore zero-shot LLMs that are pre-trained on massive datasets but without being fine-tuned specifically for the task of detecting emotion causes in software engineering: ChatGPT, GPT-4, and flan-alpaca. Our evaluation indicates that these recently available models can identify emotion categories when given detailed emotions, although they perform worse than the top-rated models. For emotion cause identification, our results indicate that zero-shot LLMs are effective at recognizing the correct emotion cause with a BLEU-2 score of 0.598. To highlight the potential use of these techniques, we conduct a case study of the causes of Frustration in the last year of development of a popular open-source project, revealing several interesting insights.
Prompting Large Language Models for Topic Modeling
Han Wang, Nirmalendu Prakash, Nguyen Khoi Hoang, Ming Shan Hee, Usman Naseem, Roy Ka-Wei Lee
Topic modeling is a widely used technique for revealing underlying thematic structures within textual data. However, existing models have certain limitations, particularly when dealing with short text datasets that lack co-occurring words. Moreover, these models often neglect sentence-level semantics, focusing primarily on token-level semantics. In this paper, we propose PromptTopic, a novel topic modeling approach that harnesses the advanced language understanding of large language models (LLMs) to address these challenges. It involves extracting topics at the sentence level from individual documents, then aggregating and condensing these topics into a predefined quantity, ultimately providing coherent topics for texts of varying lengths. This approach eliminates the need for manual parameter tuning and improves the quality of extracted topics. We benchmark PromptTopic against the state-of-the-art baselines on three vastly diverse datasets, establishing its proficiency in discovering meaningful topics. Furthermore, qualitative analysis showcases PromptTopic's ability to uncover relevant topics in multiple datasets.
cs.AI, I.2.7
Binary Code Summarization: Benchmarking ChatGPT/GPT-4 and Other Large Language Models
Xin Jin, Jonathan Larson, Weiwei Yang, Zhiqiang Lin
Binary code summarization, while invaluable for understanding code semantics, is challenging due to its labor-intensive nature. This study delves into the potential of large language models (LLMs) for binary code comprehension. To this end, we present BinSum, a comprehensive benchmark and dataset of over 557K binary functions and introduce a novel method for prompt synthesis and optimization. To more accurately gauge LLM performance, we also propose a new semantic similarity metric that surpasses traditional exact-match approaches. Our extensive evaluation of prominent LLMs, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Llama 2, and Code Llama, reveals 10 pivotal insights. This evaluation generates 4 billion inference tokens, incurred a total expense of 11,418 US dollars and 873 NVIDIA A100 GPU hours. Our findings highlight both the transformative potential of LLMs in this field and the challenges yet to be overcome.
cs.CR, cs.CL, cs.LG, cs.SE
Privacy-Aware Document Visual Question Answering
Rubèn Tito, Khanh Nguyen, Marlon Tobaben, Raouf Kerkouche, Mohamed Ali Souibgui, Kangsoo Jung, Lei Kang, Ernest Valveny, Antti Honkela, Mario Fritz, Dimosthenis Karatzas
Document Visual Question Answering (DocVQA) is a fast growing branch of document understanding. Despite the fact that documents contain sensitive or copyrighted information, none of the current DocVQA methods offers strong privacy guarantees. In this work, we explore privacy in the domain of DocVQA for the first time. We highlight privacy issues in state of the art multi-modal LLM models used for DocVQA, and explore possible solutions. Specifically, we focus on the invoice processing use case as a realistic, widely used scenario for document understanding, and propose a large scale DocVQA dataset comprising invoice documents and associated questions and answers. We employ a federated learning scheme, that reflects the real-life distribution of documents in different businesses, and we explore the use case where the ID of the invoice issuer is the sensitive information to be protected. We demonstrate that non-private models tend to memorise, behaviour that can lead to exposing private information. We then evaluate baseline training schemes employing federated learning and differential privacy in this multi-modal scenario, where the sensitive information might be exposed through any of the two input modalities: vision (document image) or language (OCR tokens). Finally, we design an attack exploiting the memorisation effect of the model, and demonstrate its effectiveness in probing different DocVQA models.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG
GSVA: Generalized Segmentation via Multimodal Large Language Models
Zhuofan Xia, Dongchen Han, Yizeng Han, Xuran Pan, Shiji Song, Gao Huang
Generalized Referring Expression Segmentation (GRES) extends the scope of classic RES to refer to multiple objects in one expression or identify the empty targets absent in the image. GRES poses challenges in modeling the complex spatial relationships of the instances in the image and identifying non-existing referents. Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have recently shown tremendous progress in these complicated vision-language tasks. Connecting Large Language Models (LLMs) and vision models, MLLMs are proficient in understanding contexts with visual inputs. Among them, LISA, as a representative, adopts a special [SEG] token to prompt a segmentation mask decoder, e.g., SAM, to enable MLLMs in the RES task. However, existing solutions to GRES remain unsatisfactory since current segmentation MLLMs cannot correctly handle the cases where users might reference multiple subjects in a singular prompt or provide descriptions incongruent with any image target. In this paper, we propose Generalized Segmentation Vision Assistant (GSVA) to address this gap. Specifically, GSVA reuses the [SEG] token to prompt the segmentation model towards supporting multiple mask references simultaneously and innovatively learns to generate a [REJ] token to reject the null targets explicitly. Experiments validate GSVA's efficacy in resolving the GRES issue, marking a notable enhancement and setting a new record on the GRES benchmark gRefCOCO dataset. GSVA also proves effective across various classic referring segmentation and comprehension tasks.
Arabic Mini-ClimateGPT : A Climate Change and Sustainability Tailored Arabic LLM
Sahal Shaji Mullappilly, Abdelrahman Shaker, Omkar Thawakar, Hisham Cholakkal, Rao Muhammad Anwer, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan
Climate change is one of the most significant challenges we face together as a society. Creating awareness and educating policy makers the wide-ranging impact of climate change is an essential step towards a sustainable future. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard have shown impressive conversational abilities and excel in a wide variety of NLP tasks. While these models are close-source, recently alternative open-source LLMs such as Stanford Alpaca and Vicuna have shown promising results. However, these open-source models are not specifically tailored for climate related domain specific information and also struggle to generate meaningful responses in other languages such as, Arabic. To this end, we propose a light-weight Arabic Mini-ClimateGPT that is built on an open-source LLM and is specifically fine-tuned on a conversational-style instruction tuning curated Arabic dataset Clima500-Instruct with over 500k instructions about climate change and sustainability. Further, our model also utilizes a vector embedding based retrieval mechanism during inference. We validate our proposed model through quantitative and qualitative evaluations on climate-related queries. Our model surpasses the baseline LLM in 88.3% of cases during ChatGPT-based evaluation. Furthermore, our human expert evaluation reveals an 81.6% preference for our model's responses over multiple popular open-source models. Our open-source demos, code-base and models are available here https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/ClimateGPT.
cs.CL, cs.AI
DriveMLM: Aligning Multi-Modal Large Language Models with Behavioral Planning States for Autonomous Driving
Wenhai Wang, Jiangwei Xie, ChuanYang Hu, Haoming Zou, Jianan Fan, Wenwen Tong, Yang Wen, Silei Wu, Hanming Deng, Zhiqi Li, Hao Tian, Lewei Lu, Xizhou Zhu, Xiaogang Wang, Yu Qiao, Jifeng Dai
Large language models (LLMs) have opened up new possibilities for intelligent agents, endowing them with human-like thinking and cognitive abilities. In this work, we delve into the potential of large language models (LLMs) in autonomous driving (AD). We introduce DriveMLM, an LLM-based AD framework that can perform close-loop autonomous driving in realistic simulators. To this end, (1) we bridge the gap between the language decisions and the vehicle control commands by standardizing the decision states according to the off-the-shelf motion planning module. (2) We employ a multi-modal LLM (MLLM) to model the behavior planning module of a module AD system, which uses driving rules, user commands, and inputs from various sensors (e.g., camera, lidar) as input and makes driving decisions and provide explanations; This model can plug-and-play in existing AD systems such as Apollo for close-loop driving. (3) We design an effective data engine to collect a dataset that includes decision state and corresponding explanation annotation for model training and evaluation. We conduct extensive experiments and show that our model achieves 76.1 driving score on the CARLA Town05 Long, and surpasses the Apollo baseline by 4.7 points under the same settings, demonstrating the effectiveness of our model. We hope this work can serve as a baseline for autonomous driving with LLMs. Code and models shall be released at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/DriveMLM.
Towards Trustworthy AI Software Development Assistance
Daniel Maninger, Krishna Narasimhan, Mira Mezini
It is expected that in the near future, AI software development assistants will play an important role in the software industry. However, current software development assistants tend to be unreliable, often producing incorrect, unsafe, or low-quality code. We seek to resolve these issues by introducing a holistic architecture for constructing, training, and using trustworthy AI software development assistants. In the center of the architecture, there is a foundational LLM trained on datasets representative of real-world coding scenarios and complex software architectures, and fine-tuned on code quality criteria beyond correctness. The LLM will make use of graph-based code representations for advanced semantic comprehension. We envision a knowledge graph integrated into the system to provide up-to-date background knowledge and to enable the assistant to provide appropriate explanations. Finally, a modular framework for constrained decoding will ensure that certain guarantees (e.g., for correctness and security) hold for the generated code.
cs.SE, cs.LG
The Earth is Flat because...: Investigating LLMs' Belief towards Misinformation via Persuasive Conversation
Rongwu Xu, Brian S. Lin, Shujian Yang, Tianqi Zhang, Weiyan Shi, Tianwei Zhang, Zhixuan Fang, Wei Xu, Han Qiu
Large Language Models (LLMs) encapsulate vast amounts of knowledge but still remain vulnerable to external misinformation. Existing research mainly studied this susceptibility behavior in a single-turn setting. However, belief can change during a multi-turn conversation, especially a persuasive one. Therefore, in this study, we delve into LLMs' susceptibility to persuasive conversations, particularly on factual questions that they can answer correctly. We first curate the Farm (i.e., Fact to Misinform) dataset, which contains factual questions paired with systematically generated persuasive misinformation. Then, we develop a testing framework to track LLMs' belief changes in a persuasive dialogue. Through extensive experiments, we find that LLMs' correct beliefs on factual knowledge can be easily manipulated by various persuasive strategies.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.CY
Towards Verifiable Text Generation with Evolving Memory and Self-Reflection
Hao Sun, Hengyi Cai, Bo Wang, Yingyan Hou, Xiaochi Wei, Shuaiqiang Wang, Yan Zhang, Dawei Yin
Despite the remarkable ability of large language models (LLMs) in language comprehension and generation, they often suffer from producing factually incorrect information, also known as hallucination. A promising solution to this issue is verifiable text generation, which prompts LLMs to generate content with citations for accuracy verification. However, verifiable text generation is non-trivial due to the focus-shifting phenomenon, the intricate reasoning needed to align the claim with correct citations, and the dilemma between the precision and breadth of retrieved documents. In this paper, we present VTG, an innovative framework for Verifiable Text Generation with evolving memory and self-reflection. VTG introduces evolving long short-term memory to retain both valuable documents and recent documents. A two-tier verifier equipped with an evidence finder is proposed to rethink and reflect on the relationship between the claim and citations. Furthermore, active retrieval and diverse query generation are utilized to enhance both the precision and breadth of the retrieved documents. We conduct extensive experiments on five datasets across three knowledge-intensive tasks and the results reveal that VTG significantly outperforms baselines.
Detecting value-expressive text posts in Russian social media
Maria Milkova, Maksim Rudnev, Lidia Okolskaya
Basic values are concepts or beliefs which pertain to desirable end-states and transcend specific situations. Studying personal values in social media can illuminate how and why societal values evolve especially when the stimuli-based methods, such as surveys, are inefficient, for instance, in hard-to-reach populations. On the other hand, user-generated content is driven by the massive use of stereotyped, culturally defined speech constructions rather than authentic expressions of personal values. We aimed to find a model that can accurately detect value-expressive posts in Russian social media VKontakte. A training dataset of 5,035 posts was annotated by three experts, 304 crowd-workers and ChatGPT. Crowd-workers and experts showed only moderate agreement in categorizing posts. ChatGPT was more consistent but struggled with spam detection. We applied an ensemble of human- and AI-assisted annotation involving active learning approach, subsequently trained several LLMs and selected a model based on embeddings from pre-trained fine-tuned rubert-tiny2, and reached a high quality of value detection with F1 = 0.75 (F1-macro = 0.80). This model provides a crucial step to a study of values within and between Russian social media users.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Fewer is More: Boosting LLM Reasoning with Reinforced Context Pruning
Xijie Huang, Li Lyna Zhang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Fan Yang, Mao Yang
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities, yet they still struggle with math reasoning. In this work, we propose CoT-Influx, a novel approach that pushes the boundary of few-shot Chain-of-Thoughts (CoT) learning to improve LLM mathematical reasoning. Motivated by the observation that adding more concise CoT examples in the prompt can improve LLM reasoning performance, CoT-Influx employs a coarse-to-fine pruner to maximize the input of effective and concise CoT examples. The pruner first selects as many crucial CoT examples as possible and then prunes unimportant tokens to fit the context window. A math reasoning dataset with diverse difficulty levels and reasoning steps is used to train the pruner, along with a math-specialized reinforcement learning approach. As a result, by enabling more CoT examples with double the context window size in tokens, CoT-Influx significantly outperforms various prompting baselines across various LLMs (LLaMA2-7B, 13B, 70B) and 5 math datasets, achieving up to 4.55% absolute improvements. Remarkably, without any fine-tuning, LLaMA2-70B with CoT-Influx surpasses GPT-3.5 and a wide range of larger LLMs (PaLM, Minerva 540B, etc.) on the GSM8K. CoT-Influx serves as a plug-and-play module for LLMs and is compatible with most existing reasoning prompting techniques, such as self-consistency and self-verification.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Evaluating Large Language Models for Health-related Queries with Presuppositions
Navreet Kaur, Monojit Choudhury, Danish Pruthi
As corporations rush to integrate large language models (LLMs) to their search offerings, it is critical that they provide factually accurate information that is robust to any presuppositions that a user may express. In this work, we introduce UPHILL, a dataset consisting of health-related queries with varying degrees of presuppositions. Using UPHILL, we evaluate the factual accuracy and consistency of InstructGPT, ChatGPT, and BingChat models. We find that while model responses rarely disagree with true health claims (posed as questions), they often fail to challenge false claims: responses from InstructGPT agree with 32% of the false claims, ChatGPT 26% and BingChat 23%. As we increase the extent of presupposition in input queries, the responses from InstructGPT and ChatGPT agree with the claim considerably more often, regardless of its veracity. Responses from BingChat, which rely on retrieved webpages, are not as susceptible. Given the moderate factual accuracy, and the inability of models to consistently correct false assumptions, our work calls for a careful assessment of current LLMs for use in high-stakes scenarios.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.LG
A Comparative Analysis of Fine-Tuned LLMs and Few-Shot Learning of LLMs for Financial Sentiment Analysis
Sorouralsadat Fatemi, Yuheng Hu
Financial sentiment analysis plays a crucial role in uncovering latent patterns and detecting emerging trends, enabling individuals to make well-informed decisions that may yield substantial advantages within the constantly changing realm of finance. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated their effectiveness in diverse domains, showcasing remarkable capabilities even in zero-shot and few-shot in-context learning for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Nevertheless, their potential and applicability in the context of financial sentiment analysis have not been thoroughly explored yet. To bridge this gap, we employ two approaches: in-context learning (with a focus on gpt-3.5-turbo model) and fine-tuning LLMs on a finance-domain dataset. Given the computational costs associated with fine-tuning LLMs with large parameter sizes, our focus lies on smaller LLMs, spanning from 250M to 3B parameters for fine-tuning. We then compare the performances with state-of-the-art results to evaluate their effectiveness in the finance-domain. Our results demonstrate that fine-tuned smaller LLMs can achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art fine-tuned LLMs, even with models having fewer parameters and a smaller training dataset. Additionally, the zero-shot and one-shot performance of LLMs produces comparable results with fine-tuned smaller LLMs and state-of-the-art outcomes. Furthermore, our analysis demonstrates that there is no observed enhancement in performance for finance-domain sentiment analysis when the number of shots for in-context learning is increased.
cs.LG, cs.CL
RTLCoder: Outperforming GPT-3.5 in Design RTL Generation with Our Open-Source Dataset and Lightweight Solution
Shang Liu, Wenji Fang, Yao Lu, Qijun Zhang, Hongce Zhang, Zhiyao Xie
The automatic generation of RTL code (e.g., Verilog) using natural language instructions and large language models (LLMs) has attracted significant research interest recently. However, most existing approaches heavily rely on commercial LLMs such as ChatGPT, while open-source LLMs tailored for this specific design generation task exhibit notably inferior performance. The absence of high-quality open-source solutions restricts the flexibility and data privacy of this emerging technique. In this study, we present a new customized LLM solution with a modest parameter count of only 7B, achieving better performance than GPT-3.5 on two representative benchmarks for RTL code generation. This remarkable balance between accuracy and efficiency is made possible by leveraging our new RTL code dataset and a customized LLM algorithm, both of which will be made fully open-source. Furthermore, we have successfully quantized our LLM to 4-bit with a total size of 4GB, enabling it to function on a single laptop with only slight performance degradation. This efficiency allows the RTL generator to serve as a local assistant for engineers, ensuring all design privacy concerns are addressed.
cs.PL, cs.AR
Identifying Planetary Names in Astronomy Papers: A Multi-Step Approach
Golnaz Shapurian, Michael J Kurtz, Alberto Accomazzi
The automatic identification of planetary feature names in astronomy publications presents numerous challenges. These features include craters, defined as roughly circular depressions resulting from impact or volcanic activity; dorsas, which are elongate raised structures or wrinkle ridges; and lacus, small irregular patches of dark, smooth material on the Moon, referred to as "lake" (Planetary Names Working Group, n.d.). Many feature names overlap with places or people's names that they are named after, for example, Syria, Tempe, Einstein, and Sagan, to name a few (U.S. Geological Survey, n.d.). Some feature names have been used in many contexts, for instance, Apollo, which can refer to mission, program, sample, astronaut, seismic, seismometers, core, era, data, collection, instrument, and station, in addition to the crater on the Moon. Some feature names can appear in the text as adjectives, like the lunar craters Black, Green, and White. Some feature names in other contexts serve as directions, like craters West and South on the Moon. Additionally, some features share identical names across different celestial bodies, requiring disambiguation, such as the Adams crater, which exists on both the Moon and Mars. We present a multi-step pipeline combining rule-based filtering, statistical relevance analysis, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER) model, hybrid keyword harvesting, knowledge graph (KG) matching, and inference with a locally installed large language model (LLM) to reliably identify planetary names despite these challenges. When evaluated on a dataset of astronomy papers from the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), this methodology achieves an F1-score over 0.97 in disambiguating planetary feature names.
cs.CL, astro-ph.IM, cs.LG
FoundationPose: Unified 6D Pose Estimation and Tracking of Novel Objects
Bowen Wen, Wei Yang, Jan Kautz, Stan Birchfield
We present FoundationPose, a unified foundation model for 6D object pose estimation and tracking, supporting both model-based and model-free setups. Our approach can be instantly applied at test-time to a novel object without fine-tuning, as long as its CAD model is given, or a small number of reference images are captured. We bridge the gap between these two setups with a neural implicit representation that allows for effective novel view synthesis, keeping the downstream pose estimation modules invariant under the same unified framework. Strong generalizability is achieved via large-scale synthetic training, aided by a large language model (LLM), a novel transformer-based architecture, and contrastive learning formulation. Extensive evaluation on multiple public datasets involving challenging scenarios and objects indicate our unified approach outperforms existing methods specialized for each task by a large margin. In addition, it even achieves comparable results to instance-level methods despite the reduced assumptions. Project page: https://nvlabs.github.io/FoundationPose/
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.RO
Efficient Toxic Content Detection by Bootstrapping and Distilling Large Language Models
Jiang Zhang, Qiong Wu, Yiming Xu, Cheng Cao, Zheng Du, Konstantinos Psounis
Toxic content detection is crucial for online services to remove inappropriate content that violates community standards. To automate the detection process, prior works have proposed varieties of machine learning (ML) approaches to train Language Models (LMs) for toxic content detection. However, both their accuracy and transferability across datasets are limited. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in toxic content detection due to their superior zero-shot and few-shot in-context learning ability as well as broad transferability on ML tasks. However, efficiently designing prompts for LLMs remains challenging. Moreover, the high run-time cost of LLMs may hinder their deployments in production. To address these challenges, in this work, we propose BD-LLM, a novel and efficient approach to Bootstrapping and Distilling LLMs for toxic content detection. Specifically, we design a novel prompting method named Decision-Tree-of-Thought (DToT) to bootstrap LLMs' detection performance and extract high-quality rationales. DToT can automatically select more fine-grained context to re-prompt LLMs when their responses lack confidence. Additionally, we use the rationales extracted via DToT to fine-tune student LMs. Our experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that DToT can improve the accuracy of LLMs by up to 4.6%. Furthermore, student LMs fine-tuned with rationales extracted via DToT outperform baselines on all datasets with up to 16.9\% accuracy improvement, while being more than 60x smaller than conventional LLMs. Finally, we observe that student LMs fine-tuned with rationales exhibit better cross-dataset transferability.
cs.CL, cs.AI
High-throughput Biomedical Relation Extraction for Semi-Structured Web Articles Empowered by Large Language Models
Songchi Zhou, Sheng Yu
Objective: To develop a high-throughput biomedical relation extraction system that takes advantage of the large language models'(LLMs) reading comprehension ability and biomedical world knowledge in a scalable and evidential manner. Methods: We formulate the relation extraction task as binary classifications for large language models. Specifically, LLMs make the decision based on the external corpus and its world knowledge, giving the reason for the judgment for factual verification. This method is tailored for semi-structured web articles, wherein we designate the main title as the tail entity and explicitly incorporate it into the context, and the potential head entities are matched based on a biomedical thesaurus. Moreover, lengthy contents are sliced into text chunks, embedded, and retrieved with additional embedding models. Results: Using an open-source LLM, we extracted 248659 relation triplets of three distinct relation types from three reputable biomedical websites. To assess the efficacy of the basic pipeline employed for biomedical relation extraction, we curated a benchmark dataset annotated by a medical expert. Evaluation results indicate that the pipeline exhibits performance comparable to that of GPT-4. Case studies further illuminate challenges faced by contemporary LLMs in the context of biomedical relation extraction for semi-structured web articles. Conclusion: The proposed method has demonstrated its effectiveness in leveraging the strengths of LLMs for high-throughput biomedical relation extraction. Its adaptability is evident, as it can be seamlessly extended to diverse semi-structured biomedical websites, facilitating the extraction of various types of biomedical relations with ease.
cs.CL, cs.AI