597 values
Summarization-based Data Augmentation for Document Classification
Yueguan Wang, Naoki Yoshinaga
Despite the prevalence of pretrained language models in natural language understanding tasks, understanding lengthy text such as document is still challenging due to the data sparseness problem. Inspired by that humans develop their ability of understanding lengthy text from reading shorter text, we propose a simple yet effective summarization-based data augmentation, SUMMaug, for document classification. We first obtain easy-to-learn examples for the target document classification task by summarizing the input of the original training examples, while optionally merging the original labels to conform to the summarized input. We then use the generated pseudo examples to perform curriculum learning. Experimental results on two datasets confirmed the advantage of our method compared to existing baseline methods in terms of robustness and accuracy. We release our code and data at https://github.com/etsurin/summaug.
VIoTGPT: Learning to Schedule Vision Tools towards Intelligent Video Internet of Things
Yaoyao Zhong, Mengshi Qi, Rui Wang, Yuhan Qiu, Yang Zhang, Huadong Ma
Video Internet of Things (VIoT) has shown full potential in collecting an unprecedented volume of video data. Learning to schedule perceiving models and analyzing the collected videos intelligently will be potential sparks for VIoT. In this paper, to address the challenges posed by the fine-grained and interrelated vision tool usage of VIoT, we build VIoTGPT, the framework based on LLMs to correctly interact with humans, query knowledge videos, and invoke vision models to accomplish complicated tasks. To support VIoTGPT and related future works, we meticulously crafted the training dataset and established benchmarks involving 11 representative vision models across three categories based on semi-automatic annotations. To guide LLM to act as the intelligent agent towards intelligent VIoT, we resort to ReAct instruction tuning based on the collected VIoT dataset to learn the tool capability. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results and analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of VIoTGPT.
cs.CV, cs.MM
The Philosopher's Stone: Trojaning Plugins of Large Language Models
Tian Dong, Minhui Xue, Guoxing Chen, Rayne Holland, Shaofeng Li, Yan Meng, Zhen Liu, Haojin Zhu
Open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gained popularity because of their comparable performance to proprietary LLMs. To efficiently fulfill domain-specialized tasks, open-source LLMs can be refined, without expensive accelerators, using low-rank adapters. However, it is still unknown whether low-rank adapters can be exploited to control LLMs. To address this gap, we demonstrate that an infected adapter can induce, on specific triggers, an LLM to output content defined by an adversary and to even maliciously use tools. To train a Trojan adapter, we propose two novel attacks, POLISHED and FUSION, that improve over prior approaches. POLISHED uses LLM-enhanced paraphrasing to polish benchmark poisoned datasets. In contrast, in the absence of a dataset, FUSION leverages an over-poisoning procedure to transform a benign adaptor. In our experiments, we first conduct two case studies to demonstrate that a compromised LLM agent can execute malware to control system (e.g., LLM-driven robot) or launch a spear-phishing attack. Then, in terms of targeted misinformation, we show that our attacks provide higher attack effectiveness than the baseline and, for the purpose of attracting downloads, preserve or improve the adapter's utility. Finally, we design and evaluate three potential defenses, yet none proved entirely effective in safeguarding against our attacks.
Event-driven Real-time Retrieval in Web Search
Nan Yang, Shusen Zhang, Yannan Zhang, Xiaoling Bai, Hualong Deng, Tianhua Zhou, Jin Ma
Information retrieval in real-time search presents unique challenges distinct from those encountered in classical web search. These challenges are particularly pronounced due to the rapid change of user search intent, which is influenced by the occurrence and evolution of breaking news events, such as earthquakes, elections, and wars. Previous dense retrieval methods, which primarily focused on static semantic representation, lack the capacity to capture immediate search intent, leading to inferior performance in retrieving the most recent event-related documents in time-sensitive scenarios. To address this issue, this paper expands the query with event information that represents real-time search intent. The Event information is then integrated with the query through a cross-attention mechanism, resulting in a time-context query representation. We further enhance the model's capacity for event representation through multi-task training. Since publicly available datasets such as MS-MARCO do not contain any event information on the query side and have few time-sensitive queries, we design an automatic data collection and annotation pipeline to address this issue, which includes ModelZoo-based Coarse Annotation and LLM-driven Fine Annotation processes. In addition, we share the training tricks such as two-stage training and hard negative sampling. Finally, we conduct a set of offline experiments on a million-scale production dataset to evaluate our approach and deploy an A/B testing in a real online system to verify the performance. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art baseline methods.
cs.IR, cs.CL
Acoustic Prompt Tuning: Empowering Large Language Models with Audition Capabilities
Jinhua Liang, Xubo Liu, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley, Huy Phan, Emmanouil Benetos
The auditory system plays a substantial role in shaping the overall human perceptual experience. While prevailing large language models (LLMs) and visual language models (VLMs) have shown their promise in solving a wide variety of vision and language understanding tasks, only a few of them can be generalised to the audio domain without compromising their domain-specific capacity. In this work, we introduce Acoustic Prompt Turning (APT), a new adapter extending LLMs and VLMs to the audio domain by soft prompting only. Specifically, APT applies an instruction-aware audio aligner to generate soft prompts, conditioned on both input text and sounds, as language model inputs. To mitigate the data scarcity in the audio domain, a multi-task learning strategy is proposed by formulating diverse audio tasks in a sequence-to-sequence manner. Moreover, we improve the framework of audio language model by using interleaved audio-text embeddings as the input sequence. This improved framework imposes zero constraints on the input format and thus is capable of tackling more understanding tasks, such as few-shot audio classification and audio reasoning. To further evaluate the reasoning ability of audio networks, we propose natural language audio reasoning (NLAR), a new task that analyses across two audio clips by comparison and summarization. Experiments show that APT-enhanced LLMs (namely APT-LLMs) achieve competitive results compared to the expert models (i.e., the networks trained on the targeted datasets) across various tasks. We finally demonstrate the APT's ability in extending frozen VLMs to the audio domain without finetuning, achieving promising results in the audio-visual question and answering task. Our code and model weights are released at https://github.com/JinhuaLiang/APT.
Applying Large Language Models and Chain-of-Thought for Automatic Scoring
Gyeong-Geon Lee, Ehsan Latif, Xuansheng Wu, Ninghao Liu, Xiaoming Zhai
This study investigates the application of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, with Chain-of-Though (CoT) in the automatic scoring of student-written responses to science assessments. We focused on overcoming the challenges of accessibility, technical complexity, and lack of explainability that have previously limited the use of artificial intelligence-based automatic scoring tools among researchers and educators. With a testing dataset comprising six assessment tasks (three binomial and three trinomial) with 1,650 student responses, we employed six prompt engineering strategies to automatically score student responses. The six strategies combined zero-shot or few-shot learning with CoT, either alone or alongside item stem and scoring rubrics. Results indicated that few-shot (acc = .67) outperformed zero-shot learning (acc = .60), with 12.6% increase. CoT, when used without item stem and scoring rubrics, did not significantly affect scoring accuracy (acc = .60). However, CoT prompting paired with contextual item stems and rubrics proved to be a significant contributor to scoring accuracy (13.44% increase for zero-shot; 3.7% increase for few-shot). We found a more balanced accuracy across different proficiency categories when CoT was used with a scoring rubric, highlighting the importance of domain-specific reasoning in enhancing the effectiveness of LLMs in scoring tasks. We also found that GPT-4 demonstrated superior performance over GPT -3.5 in various scoring tasks when combined with the single-call greedy sampling or ensemble voting nucleus sampling strategy, showing 8.64% difference. Particularly, the single-call greedy sampling strategy with GPT-4 outperformed other approaches.
cs.CL, cs.AI
CoDi-2: In-Context, Interleaved, and Interactive Any-to-Any Generation
Zineng Tang, Ziyi Yang, Mahmoud Khademi, Yang Liu, Chenguang Zhu, Mohit Bansal
We present CoDi-2, a versatile and interactive Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) that can follow complex multimodal interleaved instructions, conduct in-context learning (ICL), reason, chat, edit, etc., in an any-to-any input-output modality paradigm. By aligning modalities with language for both encoding and generation, CoDi-2 empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) to not only understand complex modality-interleaved instructions and in-context examples, but also autoregressively generate grounded and coherent multimodal outputs in the continuous feature space. To train CoDi-2, we build a large-scale generation dataset encompassing in-context multimodal instructions across text, vision, and audio. CoDi-2 demonstrates a wide range of zero-shot capabilities for multimodal generation, such as in-context learning, reasoning, and compositionality of any-to-any modality generation through multi-round interactive conversation. CoDi-2 surpasses previous domain-specific models on tasks such as subject-driven image generation, vision transformation, and audio editing. CoDi-2 signifies a substantial breakthrough in developing a comprehensive multimodal foundation model adept at interpreting in-context language-vision-audio interleaved instructions and producing multimodal outputs.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG, cs.SD, eess.AS
TaskBench: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Task Automation
Yongliang Shen, Kaitao Song, Xu Tan, Wenqi Zhang, Kan Ren, Siyu Yuan, Weiming Lu, Dongsheng Li, Yueting Zhuang
Recently, the incredible progress of large language models (LLMs) has ignited the spark of task automation, which decomposes the complex tasks described by user instructions into sub-tasks, and invokes external tools to execute them, and plays a central role in autonomous agents. However, there lacks a systematic and standardized benchmark to foster the development of LLMs in task automation. To this end, we introduce TaskBench to evaluate the capability of LLMs in task automation. Specifically, task automation can be formulated into three critical stages: task decomposition, tool invocation, and parameter prediction to fulfill user intent. This complexity makes data collection and evaluation more challenging compared to common NLP tasks. To generate high-quality evaluation datasets, we introduce the concept of Tool Graph to represent the decomposed tasks in user intent, and adopt a back-instruct method to simulate user instruction and annotations. Furthermore, we propose TaskEval to evaluate the capability of LLMs from different aspects, including task decomposition, tool invocation, and parameter prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that TaskBench can effectively reflects the capability of LLMs in task automation. Benefiting from the mixture of automated data construction and human verification, TaskBench achieves a high consistency compared to the human evaluation, which can be utilized as a comprehensive and faithful benchmark for LLM-based autonomous agents.
cs.CL, cs.AI
CritiqueLLM: Scaling LLM-as-Critic for Effective and Explainable Evaluation of Large Language Model Generation
Pei Ke, Bosi Wen, Zhuoer Feng, Xiao Liu, Xuanyu Lei, Jiale Cheng, Shengyuan Wang, Aohan Zeng, Yuxiao Dong, Hongning Wang, Jie Tang, Minlie Huang
Since the natural language processing (NLP) community started to make large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, act as a critic to evaluate the quality of generated texts, most of them only train a critique generation model of a specific scale on specific datasets. We argue that a comprehensive investigation on the key factor of LLM-based evaluation models, such as scaling properties, is lacking, so that it is still inconclusive whether these models have potential to replace GPT-4's evaluation in practical scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new critique generation model called CritiqueLLM, which includes a dialogue-based prompting method for high-quality referenced / reference-free evaluation data. Experimental results show that our model can achieve comparable evaluation performance to GPT-4 especially in system-level correlations, and even outperform GPT-4 in 3 out of 8 tasks in a challenging reference-free setting. We conduct detailed analysis to show promising scaling properties of our model in the quality of generated critiques. We also demonstrate that our generated critiques can act as scalable feedback to directly improve the generation quality of LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI
RaDialog: A Large Vision-Language Model for Radiology Report Generation and Conversational Assistance
Chantal Pellegrini, Ege Özsoy, Benjamin Busam, Nassir Navab, Matthias Keicher
Conversational AI tools that can generate and discuss clinically correct radiology reports for a given medical image have the potential to transform radiology. Such a human-in-the-loop radiology assistant could facilitate a collaborative diagnostic process, thus saving time and improving the quality of reports. Towards this goal, we introduce RaDialog, the first thoroughly evaluated and publicly available large vision-language model for radiology report generation and interactive dialog. RaDialog effectively integrates visual image features and structured pathology findings with a large language model (LLM) while simultaneously adapting it to a specialized domain using parameter-efficient fine-tuning. To keep the conversational abilities of the underlying LLM, we propose a comprehensive, semi-automatically labeled, image-grounded instruct dataset for chest X-ray radiology tasks. By training with this dataset, our method achieves state-of-the-art clinical correctness in report generation and shows impressive abilities in interactive tasks such as correcting reports and answering questions, serving as a foundational step toward clinical dialog systems. Our code is available on github: https://github.com/ChantalMP/RaDialog.
cs.CV, cs.CL
mPLUG-PaperOwl: Scientific Diagram Analysis with the Multimodal Large Language Model
Anwen Hu, Yaya Shi, Haiyang Xu, Jiabo Ye, Qinghao Ye, Ming Yan, Chenliang Li, Qi Qian, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang
Recently, the strong text creation ability of Large Language Models(LLMs) has given rise to many tools for assisting paper reading or even writing. However, the weak diagram analysis abilities of LLMs or Multimodal LLMs greatly limit their application scenarios, especially for scientific academic paper writing. In this work, towards a more versatile copilot for academic paper writing, we mainly focus on strengthening the multi-modal diagram analysis ability of Multimodal LLMs. By parsing Latex source files of high-quality papers, we carefully build a multi-modal diagram understanding dataset M-Paper. By aligning diagrams in the paper with related paragraphs, we construct professional diagram analysis samples for training and evaluation. M-Paper is the first dataset to support joint comprehension of multiple scientific diagrams, including figures and tables in the format of images or Latex codes. Besides, to better align the copilot with the user's intention, we introduce the `outline' as the control signal, which could be directly given by the user or revised based on auto-generated ones. Comprehensive experiments with a state-of-the-art Mumtimodal LLM demonstrate that training on our dataset shows stronger scientific diagram understanding performance, including diagram captioning, diagram analysis, and outline recommendation. The dataset, code, and model are available at https://github.com/X-PLUG/mPLUG-DocOwl/tree/main/PaperOwl.
cs.MM, cs.CL
Automatic Construction of a Korean Toxic Instruction Dataset for Ethical Tuning of Large Language Models
Sungjoo Byun, Dongjun Jang, Hyemi Jo, Hyopil Shin
Caution: this paper may include material that could be offensive or distressing. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) necessitates the development of training approaches that mitigate the generation of unethical language and aptly manage toxic user queries. Given the challenges related to human labor and the scarcity of data, we present KoTox, comprising 39K unethical instruction-output pairs. This collection of automatically generated toxic instructions refines the training of LLMs and establishes a foundational framework for improving LLMs' ethical awareness and response to various toxic inputs, promoting more secure and responsible interactions in Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications.
ROBBIE: Robust Bias Evaluation of Large Generative Language Models
David Esiobu, Xiaoqing Tan, Saghar Hosseini, Megan Ung, Yuchen Zhang, Jude Fernandes, Jane Dwivedi-Yu, Eleonora Presani, Adina Williams, Eric Michael Smith
As generative large language models (LLMs) grow more performant and prevalent, we must develop comprehensive enough tools to measure and improve their fairness. Different prompt-based datasets can be used to measure social bias across multiple text domains and demographic axes, meaning that testing LLMs on more datasets can potentially help us characterize their biases more fully, and better ensure equal and equitable treatment of marginalized demographic groups. In this work, our focus is two-fold: (1) Benchmarking: a comparison of 6 different prompt-based bias and toxicity metrics across 12 demographic axes and 5 families of generative LLMs. Out of those 6 metrics, AdvPromptSet and HolisticBiasR are novel datasets proposed in the paper. The comparison of those benchmarks gives us insights about the bias and toxicity of the compared models. Therefore, we explore the frequency of demographic terms in common LLM pre-training corpora and how this may relate to model biases. (2) Mitigation: we conduct a comprehensive study of how well 3 bias/toxicity mitigation techniques perform across our suite of measurements. ROBBIE aims to provide insights for practitioners while deploying a model, emphasizing the need to not only measure potential harms, but also understand how they arise by characterizing the data, mitigate harms once found, and balance any trade-offs. We open-source our analysis code in hopes of encouraging broader measurements of bias in future LLMs.
GELDA: A generative language annotation framework to reveal visual biases in datasets
Krish Kabra, Kathleen M. Lewis, Guha Balakrishnan
Bias analysis is a crucial step in the process of creating fair datasets for training and evaluating computer vision models. The bottleneck in dataset analysis is annotation, which typically requires: (1) specifying a list of attributes relevant to the dataset domain, and (2) classifying each image-attribute pair. While the second step has made rapid progress in automation, the first has remained human-centered, requiring an experimenter to compile lists of in-domain attributes. However, an experimenter may have limited foresight leading to annotation "blind spots," which in turn can lead to flawed downstream dataset analyses. To combat this, we propose GELDA, a nearly automatic framework that leverages large generative language models (LLMs) to propose and label various attributes for a domain. GELDA takes a user-defined domain caption (e.g., "a photo of a bird," "a photo of a living room") and uses an LLM to hierarchically generate attributes. In addition, GELDA uses the LLM to decide which of a set of vision-language models (VLMs) to use to classify each attribute in images. Results on real datasets show that GELDA can generate accurate and diverse visual attribute suggestions, and uncover biases such as confounding between class labels and background features. Results on synthetic datasets demonstrate that GELDA can be used to evaluate the biases of text-to-image diffusion models and generative adversarial networks. Overall, we show that while GELDA is not accurate enough to replace human annotators, it can serve as a complementary tool to help humans analyze datasets in a cheap, low-effort, and flexible manner.
Supervising the Centroid Baseline for Extractive Multi-Document Summarization
Simão Gonçalves, Gonçalo Correia, Diogo Pernes, Afonso Mendes
The centroid method is a simple approach for extractive multi-document summarization and many improvements to its pipeline have been proposed. We further refine it by adding a beam search process to the sentence selection and also a centroid estimation attention model that leads to improved results. We demonstrate this in several multi-document summarization datasets, including in a multilingual scenario.
AviationGPT: A Large Language Model for the Aviation Domain
Liya Wang, Jason Chou, Xin Zhou, Alex Tien, Diane M Baumgartner
The advent of ChatGPT and GPT-4 has captivated the world with large language models (LLMs), demonstrating exceptional performance in question-answering, summarization, and content generation. The aviation industry is characterized by an abundance of complex, unstructured text data, replete with technical jargon and specialized terminology. Moreover, labeled data for model building are scarce in this domain, resulting in low usage of aviation text data. The emergence of LLMs presents an opportunity to transform this situation, but there is a lack of LLMs specifically designed for the aviation domain. To address this gap, we propose AviationGPT, which is built on open-source LLaMA-2 and Mistral architectures and continuously trained on a wealth of carefully curated aviation datasets. Experimental results reveal that AviationGPT offers users multiple advantages, including the versatility to tackle diverse natural language processing (NLP) problems (e.g., question-answering, summarization, document writing, information extraction, report querying, data cleaning, and interactive data exploration). It also provides accurate and contextually relevant responses within the aviation domain and significantly improves performance (e.g., over a 40% performance gain in tested cases). With AviationGPT, the aviation industry is better equipped to address more complex research problems and enhance the efficiency and safety of National Airspace System (NAS) operations.
cs.CL, cs.AI
MM-SafetyBench: A Benchmark for Safety Evaluation of Multimodal Large Language Models
Xin Liu, Yichen Zhu, Jindong Gu, Yunshi Lan, Chao Yang, Yu Qiao
The security concerns surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs) have been extensively explored, yet the safety of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) remains understudied. In this paper, we observe that Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) can be easily compromised by query-relevant images, as if the text query itself were malicious. To address this, we introduce MM-SafetyBench, a comprehensive framework designed for conducting safety-critical evaluations of MLLMs against such image-based manipulations. We have compiled a dataset comprising 13 scenarios, resulting in a total of 5,040 text-image pairs. Our analysis across 12 state-of-the-art models reveals that MLLMs are susceptible to breaches instigated by our approach, even when the equipped LLMs have been safety-aligned. In response, we propose a straightforward yet effective prompting strategy to enhance the resilience of MLLMs against these types of attacks. Our work underscores the need for a concerted effort to strengthen and enhance the safety measures of open-source MLLMs against potential malicious exploits. The resource is available at \href{this https URL}{https://github.com/isXinLiu/MM-SafetyBench}.
Enhancing Answer Selection in Community Question Answering with Pre-trained and Large Language Models
Xinghang Hu
Community Question Answering (CQA) becomes increasingly prevalent in recent years. However, there are a large number of answers, which is difficult for users to select the relevant answers. Therefore, answer selection is a very significant subtask of CQA. In this paper, we first propose the Question-Answer cross attention networks (QAN) with pre-trained models for answer selection and utilize large language model (LLM) to perform answer selection with knowledge augmentation. Specifically, we apply the BERT model as the encoder layer to do pre-training for question subjects, question bodies and answers, respectively, then the cross attention mechanism selects the most relevant answer for different questions. Experiments show that the QAN model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two datasets, SemEval2015 and SemEval2017. Moreover, we use the LLM to generate external knowledge from questions and correct answers to achieve knowledge augmentation for the answer selection task by LLM, while optimizing the prompt of LLM in different aspects. The results show that the introduction of external knowledge can improve the correct answer selection rate of LLM on datasets SemEval2015 and SemEval2017. Meanwhile, LLM can also select the correct answer on more questions by optimized prompt.
Taiwan LLM: Bridging the Linguistic Divide with a Culturally Aligned Language Model
Yen-Ting Lin, Yun-Nung Chen
In the realm of language models, the nuanced linguistic and cultural intricacies of Traditional Chinese, as spoken in Taiwan, have been largely overlooked. This paper introduces Taiwan LLM, a pioneering Large Language Model that specifically caters to the Traditional Chinese language, with a focus on the variant used in Taiwan. Leveraging a comprehensive pretraining corpus and instruction-finetuning datasets, we have developed a model that not only understands the complexities of Traditional Chinese but also embodies the cultural context of Taiwan. Taiwan LLM represents the first of its kind, a model that is not only linguistically accurate but also culturally resonant with its user base. Our evaluations demonstrate that Taiwan LLM achieves superior performance in understanding and generating Traditional Chinese text, outperforming existing models that are predominantly trained on Simplified Chinese or English. The open-source release of Taiwan LLM invites collaboration and further innovation, ensuring that the linguistic diversity of Chinese speakers is embraced and well-served. The model, datasets, and further resources are made publicly available to foster ongoing research and development in this field.
cs.CL, cs.AI
AgentAvatar: Disentangling Planning, Driving and Rendering for Photorealistic Avatar Agents
Duomin Wang, Bin Dai, Yu Deng, Baoyuan Wang
In this study, our goal is to create interactive avatar agents that can autonomously plan and animate nuanced facial movements realistically, from both visual and behavioral perspectives. Given high-level inputs about the environment and agent profile, our framework harnesses LLMs to produce a series of detailed text descriptions of the avatar agents' facial motions. These descriptions are then processed by our task-agnostic driving engine into motion token sequences, which are subsequently converted into continuous motion embeddings that are further consumed by our standalone neural-based renderer to generate the final photorealistic avatar animations. These streamlined processes allow our framework to adapt to a variety of non-verbal avatar interactions, both monadic and dyadic. Our extensive study, which includes experiments on both newly compiled and existing datasets featuring two types of agents -- one capable of monadic interaction with the environment, and the other designed for dyadic conversation -- validates the effectiveness and versatility of our approach. To our knowledge, we advanced a leap step by combining LLMs and neural rendering for generalized non-verbal prediction and photo-realistic rendering of avatar agents.
MM-Narrator: Narrating Long-form Videos with Multimodal In-Context Learning
Chaoyi Zhang, Kevin Lin, Zhengyuan Yang, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Chung-Ching Lin, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang
We present MM-Narrator, a novel system leveraging GPT-4 with multimodal in-context learning for the generation of audio descriptions (AD). Unlike previous methods that primarily focused on downstream fine-tuning with short video clips, MM-Narrator excels in generating precise audio descriptions for videos of extensive lengths, even beyond hours, in an autoregressive manner. This capability is made possible by the proposed memory-augmented generation process, which effectively utilizes both the short-term textual context and long-term visual memory through an efficient register-and-recall mechanism. These contextual memories compile pertinent past information, including storylines and character identities, ensuring an accurate tracking and depicting of story-coherent and character-centric audio descriptions. Maintaining the training-free design of MM-Narrator, we further propose a complexity-based demonstration selection strategy to largely enhance its multi-step reasoning capability via few-shot multimodal in-context learning (MM-ICL). Experimental results on MAD-eval dataset demonstrate that MM-Narrator consistently outperforms both the existing fine-tuning-based approaches and LLM-based approaches in most scenarios, as measured by standard evaluation metrics. Additionally, we introduce the first segment-based evaluator for recurrent text generation. Empowered by GPT-4, this evaluator comprehensively reasons and marks AD generation performance in various extendable dimensions.
cs.CV, cs.AI
CESAR: Automatic Induction of Compositional Instructions for Multi-turn Dialogs
Taha Aksu, Devamanyu Hazarika, Shikib Mehri, Seokhwan Kim, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, Yang Liu, Mahdi Namazifar
Instruction-based multitasking has played a critical role in the success of large language models (LLMs) in multi-turn dialog applications. While publicly available LLMs have shown promising performance, when exposed to complex instructions with multiple constraints, they lag against state-of-the-art models like ChatGPT. In this work, we hypothesize that the availability of large-scale complex demonstrations is crucial in bridging this gap. Focusing on dialog applications, we propose a novel framework, CESAR, that unifies a large number of dialog tasks in the same format and allows programmatic induction of complex instructions without any manual effort. We apply CESAR on InstructDial, a benchmark for instruction-based dialog tasks. We further enhance InstructDial with new datasets and tasks and utilize CESAR to induce complex tasks with compositional instructions. This results in a new benchmark called InstructDial++, which includes 63 datasets with 86 basic tasks and 68 composite tasks. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate the scalability of CESAR in providing rich instructions. Models trained on InstructDial++ can follow compositional prompts, such as prompts that ask for multiple stylistic constraints.
Should we be going MAD? A Look at Multi-Agent Debate Strategies for LLMs
Andries Smit, Paul Duckworth, Nathan Grinsztajn, Thomas D. Barrett, Arnu Pretorius
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) underscore their potential for responding to inquiries in various domains. However, ensuring that generative agents provide accurate and reliable answers remains an ongoing challenge. In this context, multi-agent debate (MAD) has emerged as a promising strategy for enhancing the truthfulness of LLMs. We benchmark a range of debating and prompting strategies to explore the trade-offs between cost, time, and accuracy. Importantly, we find that multi-agent debating systems, in their current form, do not reliably outperform other proposed prompting strategies, such as self-consistency and ensembling using multiple reasoning paths. However, when performing hyperparameter tuning, several MAD systems, such as Multi-Persona, perform better. This suggests that MAD protocols might not be inherently worse than other approaches, but that they are more sensitive to different hyperparameter settings and difficult to optimize. We build on these results to offer insights into improving debating strategies, such as adjusting agent agreement levels, which can significantly enhance performance and even surpass all other non-debate protocols we evaluated. We provide an open-source repository to the community with several state-of-the-art protocols together with evaluation scripts to benchmark across popular research datasets.
cs.CL, cs.AI
LEAP: LLM-Generation of Egocentric Action Programs
Eadom Dessalene, Michael Maynord, Cornelia Fermüller, Yiannis Aloimonos
We introduce LEAP (illustrated in Figure 1), a novel method for generating video-grounded action programs through use of a Large Language Model (LLM). These action programs represent the motoric, perceptual, and structural aspects of action, and consist of sub-actions, pre- and post-conditions, and control flows. LEAP's action programs are centered on egocentric video and employ recent developments in LLMs both as a source for program knowledge and as an aggregator and assessor of multimodal video information. We apply LEAP over a majority (87\%) of the training set of the EPIC Kitchens dataset, and release the resulting action programs as a publicly available dataset here (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cpkw_TI1IIxXdzor0pOXG3rWJWuKU5Ex?usp=drive_link). We employ LEAP as a secondary source of supervision, using its action programs in a loss term applied to action recognition and anticipation networks. We demonstrate sizable improvements in performance in both tasks due to training with the LEAP dataset. Our method achieves 1st place on the EPIC Kitchens Action Recognition leaderboard as of November 17 among the networks restricted to RGB-input (see Supplementary Materials).
cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO
Contrastive Vision-Language Alignment Makes Efficient Instruction Learner
Lizhao Liu, Xinyu Sun, Tianhang Xiang, Zhuangwei Zhuang, Liuren Yin, Mingkui Tan
We study the task of extending the large language model (LLM) into a vision-language instruction-following model. This task is crucial but challenging since the LLM is trained on text modality only, making it hard to effectively digest the visual modality. To address this, existing methods typically train a visual adapter to align the representation between a pre-trained vision transformer (ViT) and the LLM by a generative image captioning loss. However, we find that the generative objective can only produce weak alignment for vision and language, making the aligned vision-language model very hungry for the instruction fine-tuning data. In this paper, we propose CG-VLM that applies both Contrastive and Generative alignment objectives to effectively align the representation of ViT and LLM. Different from image level and sentence level alignment in common contrastive learning settings, CG-VLM aligns the image-patch level features and text-token level embeddings, which, however, is very hard to achieve as no explicit grounding patch-token relation provided in standard image captioning datasets. To address this issue, we propose to maximize the averaged similarity between pooled image-patch features and text-token embeddings. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed CG-VLM produces strong vision-language alignment and is an efficient instruction learner. For example, using only 10% instruction tuning data, we reach 95% performance of state-of-the-art method LLaVA [29] on the zero-shot ScienceQA-Image benchmark.
Towards Top-Down Reasoning: An Explainable Multi-Agent Approach for Visual Question Answering
Zeqing Wang, Wentao Wan, Runmeng Chen, Qiqing Lao, Minjie Lang, Keze Wang
Recently, Vision Language Models (VLMs) have gained significant attention, exhibiting notable advancements across various tasks by leveraging extensive image-text paired data. However, prevailing VLMs often treat Visual Question Answering (VQA) as perception tasks, employing black-box models that overlook explicit modeling of relationships between different questions within the same visual scene. Moreover, the existing VQA methods that rely on Knowledge Bases (KBs) might frequently encounter biases from limited data and face challenges in relevant information indexing. Attempt to overcome these limitations, this paper introduces an explainable multi-agent collaboration framework by tapping into knowledge embedded in Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on extensive corpora. Inspired by human cognition, our framework uncovers latent information within the given question by employing three agents, i.e., Seeker, Responder, and Integrator, to perform a top-down reasoning process. The Seeker agent generates relevant issues related to the original question. The Responder agent, based on VLM, handles simple VQA tasks and provides candidate answers. The Integrator agent combines information from the Seeker agent and the Responder agent to produce the final VQA answer. Through the above collaboration mechanism, our framework explicitly constructs a multi-view knowledge base for a specific image scene, reasoning answers in a top-down processing manner. We extensively evaluate our method on diverse VQA datasets and VLMs, demonstrating its broad applicability and interpretability with comprehensive experimental results.
Biomedical knowledge graph-enhanced prompt generation for large language models
Karthik Soman, Peter W Rose, John H Morris, Rabia E Akbas, Brett Smith, Braian Peetoom, Catalina Villouta-Reyes, Gabriel Cerono, Yongmei Shi, Angela Rizk-Jackson, Sharat Israni, Charlotte A Nelson, Sui Huang, Sergio E Baranzini
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been driving progress in AI at an unprecedented rate, yet still face challenges in knowledge-intensive domains like biomedicine. Solutions such as pre-training and domain-specific fine-tuning add substantial computational overhead, and the latter require domain-expertise. External knowledge infusion is task-specific and requires model training. Here, we introduce a task-agnostic Knowledge Graph-based Retrieval Augmented Generation (KG-RAG) framework by leveraging the massive biomedical KG SPOKE with LLMs such as Llama-2-13b, GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4, to generate meaningful biomedical text rooted in established knowledge. KG-RAG consistently enhanced the performance of LLMs across various prompt types, including one-hop and two-hop prompts, drug repurposing queries, biomedical true/false questions, and multiple-choice questions (MCQ). Notably, KG-RAG provides a remarkable 71% boost in the performance of the Llama-2 model on the challenging MCQ dataset, demonstrating the framework's capacity to empower open-source models with fewer parameters for domain-specific questions. Furthermore, KG-RAG enhanced the performance of proprietary GPT models, such as GPT-3.5 which exhibited improvement over GPT-4 in context utilization on MCQ data. Our approach was also able to address drug repurposing questions, returning meaningful repurposing suggestions. In summary, the proposed framework combines explicit and implicit knowledge of KG and LLM, respectively, in an optimized fashion, thus enhancing the adaptability of general-purpose LLMs to tackle domain-specific questions in a unified framework.
General-Purpose vs. Domain-Adapted Large Language Models for Extraction of Structured Data from Chest Radiology Reports
Ali H. Dhanaliwala, Rikhiya Ghosh, Sanjeev Kumar Karn, Poikavila Ullaskrishnan, Oladimeji Farri, Dorin Comaniciu, Charles E. Kahn
Radiologists produce unstructured data that can be valuable for clinical care when consumed by information systems. However, variability in style limits usage. Study compares system using domain-adapted language model (RadLing) and general-purpose LLM (GPT-4) in extracting relevant features from chest radiology reports and standardizing them to common data elements (CDEs). Three radiologists annotated a retrospective dataset of 1399 chest XR reports (900 training, 499 test) and mapped to 44 pre-selected relevant CDEs. GPT-4 system was prompted with report, feature set, value set, and dynamic few-shots to extract values and map to CDEs. Output key:value pairs were compared to reference standard at both stages and an identical match was considered TP. F1 score for extraction was 97% for RadLing-based system and 78% for GPT-4 system. F1 score for mapping was 98% for RadLing and 94% for GPT-4; difference was statistically significant (P<.001). RadLing's domain-adapted embeddings were better in feature extraction and its light-weight mapper had better f1 score in CDE assignment. RadLing system also demonstrated higher capabilities in differentiating between absent (99% vs 64%) and unspecified (99% vs 89%). RadLing system's domain-adapted embeddings helped improve performance of GPT-4 system to 92% by giving more relevant few-shot prompts. RadLing system offers operational advantages including local deployment and reduced runtime costs.
cs.CL, eess.IV
Efficient In-Context Learning in Vision-Language Models for Egocentric Videos
Keunwoo Peter Yu, Zheyuan Zhang, Fengyuan Hu, Joyce Chai
Recent advancements in text-only large language models (LLMs) have highlighted the benefit of in-context learning for adapting to new tasks with a few demonstrations. However, extending in-context learning to large vision-language models (VLMs) using a huge amount of naturalistic vision-language data has shown limited success, particularly for egocentric videos, due to high data collection costs. We propose a novel training method $\mathbb{E}$fficient $\mathbb{I}$n-context $\mathbb{L}$earning on $\mathbb{E}$gocentric $\mathbb{V}$ideos ($\mathbb{EILEV}$), which elicits in-context learning in VLMs for egocentric videos without requiring massive, naturalistic egocentric video datasets. $\mathbb{EILEV}$ involves architectural and training data adaptations to allow the model to process contexts interleaved with video clips and narrations, sampling of in-context examples with clusters of similar verbs and nouns, use of data with skewed marginal distributions with a long tail of infrequent verbs and nouns, as well as homonyms and synonyms. Our evaluations show that $\mathbb{EILEV}$-trained models outperform larger VLMs trained on a huge amount of naturalistic data in in-context learning. Furthermore, they can generalize to not only out-of-distribution, but also novel, rare egocentric videos and texts via in-context learning, demonstrating potential for applications requiring cost-effective training, and rapid post-deployment adaptability. Our code and demo are available at \url{https://github.com/yukw777/EILEV}.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.CL
A Survey on Prompting Techniques in LLMs
Prabin Bhandari
Autoregressive Large Language Models have transformed the landscape of Natural Language Processing. Pre-train and prompt paradigm has replaced the conventional approach of pre-training and fine-tuning for many downstream NLP tasks. This shift has been possible largely due to LLMs and innovative prompting techniques. LLMs have shown great promise for a variety of downstream tasks owing to their vast parameters and huge datasets that they are pre-trained on. However, in order to fully realize their potential, their outputs must be guided towards the desired outcomes. Prompting, in which a specific input or instruction is provided to guide the LLMs toward the intended output, has become a tool for achieving this goal. In this paper, we discuss the various prompting techniques that have been applied to fully harness the power of LLMs. We present a taxonomy of existing literature on prompting techniques and provide a concise survey based on this taxonomy. Further, we identify some open problems in the realm of prompting in autoregressive LLMs which could serve as a direction for future research.
cs.CL, cs.AI
LLaFS: When Large Language Models Meet Few-Shot Segmentation
Lanyun Zhu, Tianrun Chen, Deyi Ji, Jieping Ye, Jun Liu
This paper proposes LLaFS, the first attempt to leverage large language models (LLMs) in few-shot segmentation. In contrast to the conventional few-shot segmentation methods that only rely on the limited and biased information from the annotated support images, LLaFS leverages the vast prior knowledge gained by LLM as an effective supplement and directly uses the LLM to segment images in a few-shot manner. To enable the text-based LLM to handle image-related tasks, we carefully design an input instruction that allows the LLM to produce segmentation results represented as polygons, and propose a region-attribute table to simulate the human visual mechanism and provide multi-modal guidance. We also synthesize pseudo samples and use curriculum learning for pretraining to augment data and achieve better optimization. LLaFS achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple datasets, showing the potential of using LLMs for few-shot computer vision tasks.
Large Language Models Suffer From Their Own Output: An Analysis of the Self-Consuming Training Loop
Martin Briesch, Dominik Sobania, Franz Rothlauf
Large language models (LLM) have become state of the art in many benchmarks and conversational LLM applications like ChatGPT are now widely used by the public. Those LLMs can be used to generate large amounts of content which is posted on the internet to various platforms. As LLMs are trained on datasets usually collected from the internet, this LLM-generated content might be used to train the next generation of LLMs. Therefore, a self-consuming training loop emerges in which new LLM generations are trained on the output from the previous generations. We empirically study this self-consuming training loop using a novel dataset to analytically and accurately measure quality and diversity of generated outputs. We find that this self-consuming training loop initially improves both quality and diversity. However, after a few generations the output inevitably degenerates in diversity. We find that the rate of degeneration depends on the proportion of real and generated data.
cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.NE
Large Language Models Meet Computer Vision: A Brief Survey
Raby Hamadi
Recently, the intersection of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Computer Vision (CV) has emerged as a pivotal area of research, driving significant advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As transformers have become the backbone of many state-of-the-art models in both Natural Language Processing (NLP) and CV, understanding their evolution and potential enhancements is crucial. This survey paper delves into the latest progressions in the domain of transformers and their subsequent successors, emphasizing their potential to revolutionize Vision Transformers (ViTs) and LLMs. This survey also presents a comparative analysis, juxtaposing the performance metrics of several leading paid and open-source LLMs, shedding light on their strengths and areas of improvement as well as a literature review on how LLMs are being used to tackle vision related tasks. Furthermore, the survey presents a comprehensive collection of datasets employed to train LLMs, offering insights into the diverse data available to achieve high performance in various pre-training and downstream tasks of LLMs. The survey is concluded by highlighting open directions in the field, suggesting potential venues for future research and development. This survey aims to underscores the profound intersection of LLMs on CV, leading to a new era of integrated and advanced AI models.
cs.CV, cs.AI
ClimateX: Do LLMs Accurately Assess Human Expert Confidence in Climate Statements?
Romain Lacombe, Kerrie Wu, Eddie Dilworth
Evaluating the accuracy of outputs generated by Large Language Models (LLMs) is especially important in the climate science and policy domain. We introduce the Expert Confidence in Climate Statements (ClimateX) dataset, a novel, curated, expert-labeled dataset consisting of 8094 climate statements collected from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, labeled with their associated confidence levels. Using this dataset, we show that recent LLMs can classify human expert confidence in climate-related statements, especially in a few-shot learning setting, but with limited (up to 47%) accuracy. Overall, models exhibit consistent and significant over-confidence on low and medium confidence statements. We highlight implications of our results for climate communication, LLMs evaluation strategies, and the use of LLMs in information retrieval systems.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CY, cs.IR
RTLFixer: Automatically Fixing RTL Syntax Errors with Large Language Models
Yun-Da Tsai, Mingjie Liu, Haoxing Ren
This paper presents RTLFixer, a novel framework enabling automatic syntax errors fixing for Verilog code with Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite LLM's promising capabilities, our analysis indicates that approximately 55% of errors in LLM-generated Verilog are syntax-related, leading to compilation failures. To tackle this issue, we introduce a novel debugging framework that employs Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and ReAct prompting, enabling LLMs to act as autonomous agents in interactively debugging the code with feedback. This framework demonstrates exceptional proficiency in resolving syntax errors, successfully correcting about 98.5% of compilation errors in our debugging dataset, comprising 212 erroneous implementations derived from the VerilogEval benchmark. Our method leads to 32.3% and 10.1% increase in pass@1 success rates in the VerilogEval-Machine and VerilogEval-Human benchmarks, respectively.
SEED-Bench-2: Benchmarking Multimodal Large Language Models
Bohao Li, Yuying Ge, Yixiao Ge, Guangzhi Wang, Rui Wang, Ruimao Zhang, Ying Shan
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs), building upon the foundation of powerful large language models (LLMs), have recently demonstrated exceptional capabilities in generating not only texts but also images given interleaved multimodal inputs (acting like a combination of GPT-4V and DALL-E 3). However, existing MLLM benchmarks remain limited to assessing only models' comprehension ability of single image-text inputs, failing to keep up with the strides made in MLLMs. A comprehensive benchmark is imperative for investigating the progress and uncovering the limitations of current MLLMs. In this work, we categorize the capabilities of MLLMs into hierarchical levels from $L_0$ to $L_4$ based on the modalities they can accept and generate, and propose SEED-Bench-2, a comprehensive benchmark that evaluates the \textbf{hierarchical} capabilities of MLLMs. Specifically, SEED-Bench-2 comprises 24K multiple-choice questions with accurate human annotations, which spans 27 dimensions, including the evaluation of both text and image generation. Multiple-choice questions with groundtruth options derived from human annotation enables an objective and efficient assessment of model performance, eliminating the need for human or GPT intervention during evaluation. We further evaluate the performance of 23 prominent open-source MLLMs and summarize valuable observations. By revealing the limitations of existing MLLMs through extensive evaluations, we aim for SEED-Bench-2 to provide insights that will motivate future research towards the goal of General Artificial Intelligence. Dataset and evaluation code are available at \href{https://github.com/AILab-CVC/SEED-Bench}
ControlRec: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Language Model and Personalized Recommendation
Junyan Qiu, Haitao Wang, Zhaolin Hong, Yiping Yang, Qiang Liu, Xingxing Wang
The successful integration of large language models (LLMs) into recommendation systems has proven to be a major breakthrough in recent studies, paving the way for more generic and transferable recommendations. However, LLMs struggle to effectively utilize user and item IDs, which are crucial identifiers for successful recommendations. This is mainly due to their distinct representation in a semantic space that is different from the natural language (NL) typically used to train LLMs. To tackle such issue, we introduce ControlRec, an innovative Contrastive prompt learning framework for Recommendation systems. ControlRec treats user IDs and NL as heterogeneous features and encodes them individually. To promote greater alignment and integration between them in the semantic space, we have devised two auxiliary contrastive objectives: (1) Heterogeneous Feature Matching (HFM) aligning item description with the corresponding ID or user's next preferred ID based on their interaction sequence, and (2) Instruction Contrastive Learning (ICL) effectively merging these two crucial data sources by contrasting probability distributions of output sequences generated by diverse tasks. Experimental results on four public real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on improving model performance.
How Many Unicorns Are in This Image? A Safety Evaluation Benchmark for Vision LLMs
Haoqin Tu, Chenhang Cui, Zijun Wang, Yiyang Zhou, Bingchen Zhao, Junlin Han, Wangchunshu Zhou, Huaxiu Yao, Cihang Xie
This work focuses on the potential of Vision LLMs (VLLMs) in visual reasoning. Different from prior studies, we shift our focus from evaluating standard performance to introducing a comprehensive safety evaluation suite, covering both out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization and adversarial robustness. For the OOD evaluation, we present two novel VQA datasets, each with one variant, designed to test model performance under challenging conditions. In exploring adversarial robustness, we propose a straightforward attack strategy for misleading VLLMs to produce visual-unrelated responses. Moreover, we assess the efficacy of two jailbreaking strategies, targeting either the vision or language component of VLLMs. Our evaluation of 21 diverse models, ranging from open-source VLLMs to GPT-4V, yields interesting observations: 1) Current VLLMs struggle with OOD texts but not images, unless the visual information is limited; and 2) These VLLMs can be easily misled by deceiving vision encoders only, and their vision-language training often compromise safety protocols. We release this safety evaluation suite at https://github.com/UCSC-VLAA/vllm-safety-benchmark.
cs.CV, cs.CL, cs.LG
VLPrompt: Vision-Language Prompting for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation
Zijian Zhou, Miaojing Shi, Holger Caesar
Panoptic Scene Graph Generation (PSG) aims at achieving a comprehensive image understanding by simultaneously segmenting objects and predicting relations among objects. However, the long-tail problem among relations leads to unsatisfactory results in real-world applications. Prior methods predominantly rely on vision information or utilize limited language information, such as object or relation names, thereby overlooking the utility of language information. Leveraging the recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose to use language information to assist relation prediction, particularly for rare relations. To this end, we propose the Vision-Language Prompting (VLPrompt) model, which acquires vision information from images and language information from LLMs. Then, through a prompter network based on attention mechanism, it achieves precise relation prediction. Our extensive experiments show that VLPrompt significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on the PSG dataset, proving the effectiveness of incorporating language information and alleviating the long-tail problem of relations.
Sparsify-then-Classify: From Internal Neurons of Large Language Models To Efficient Text Classifiers
Yilun Liu, Difan Jiao, Ashton Anderson
Among the many tasks that Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized is text classification. However, existing approaches for applying pretrained LLMs to text classification predominantly rely on using single token outputs from only the last layer of hidden states. As a result, they suffer from limitations in efficiency, task-specificity, and interpretability. In our work, we contribute an approach that uses all internal representations by employing multiple pooling strategies on all activation and hidden states. Our novel lightweight strategy, Sparsify-then-Classify (STC) first sparsifies task-specific features layer-by-layer, then aggregates across layers for text classification. STC can be applied as a seamless plug-and-play module on top of existing LLMs. Our experiments on a comprehensive set of models and datasets demonstrate that STC not only consistently improves the classification performance of pretrained and fine-tuned models, but is also more efficient for both training and inference, and is more intrinsically interpretable.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
ChartLlama: A Multimodal LLM for Chart Understanding and Generation
Yucheng Han, Chi Zhang, Xin Chen, Xu Yang, Zhibin Wang, Gang Yu, Bin Fu, Hanwang Zhang
Multi-modal large language models have demonstrated impressive performances on most vision-language tasks. However, the model generally lacks the understanding capabilities for specific domain data, particularly when it comes to interpreting chart figures. This is mainly due to the lack of relevant multi-modal instruction tuning datasets. In this article, we create a high-quality instruction-tuning dataset leveraging GPT-4. We develop a multi-step data generation process in which different steps are responsible for generating tabular data, creating chart figures, and designing instruction tuning data separately. Our method's flexibility enables us to generate diverse, high-quality instruction-tuning data consistently and efficiently while maintaining a low resource expenditure. Additionally, it allows us to incorporate a wider variety of chart and task types not yet featured in existing datasets. Next, we introduce ChartLlama, a multi-modal large language model that we've trained using our created dataset. ChartLlama outperforms all prior methods in ChartQA, Chart-to-text, and Chart-extraction evaluation benchmarks. Additionally, ChartLlama significantly improves upon the baseline in our specially compiled chart dataset, which includes new chart and task types. The results of ChartLlama confirm the value and huge potential of our proposed data generation method in enhancing chart comprehension.
cs.CV, cs.CL
EVCap: Retrieval-Augmented Image Captioning with External Visual-Name Memory for Open-World Comprehension
Jiaxuan Li, Duc Minh Vo, Akihiro Sugimoto, Hideki Nakayama
Large language models (LLMs)-based image captioning has the capability of describing objects not explicitly observed in training data; yet novel objects occur frequently, necessitating the requirement of sustaining up-to-date object knowledge for open-world comprehension. Instead of relying on large amounts of data and/or scaling up network parameters, we introduce a highly effective retrieval-augmented image captioning method that prompts LLMs with object names retrieved from External Visual--name memory (EVCap). We build ever-changing object knowledge memory using objects' visuals and names, enabling us to (i) update the memory at a minimal cost and (ii) effortlessly augment LLMs with retrieved object names by utilizing a lightweight and fast-to-train model. Our model, which was trained only on the COCO dataset, can adapt to out-of-domain without requiring additional fine-tuning or re-training. Our experiments conducted on benchmarks and synthetic commonsense-violating data show that EVCap, with only 3.97M trainable parameters, exhibits superior performance compared to other methods based on frozen pre-trained LLMs. Its performance is also competitive to specialist SOTAs that require extensive training.
InterControl: Generate Human Motion Interactions by Controlling Every Joint
Zhenzhi Wang, Jingbo Wang, Yixuan Li, Dahua Lin, Bo Dai
Text-conditioned human motion synthesis has made remarkable progress with the emergence of diffusion models in recent research. However, the majority of these motion diffusion models are primarily designed for a single character and overlook multi-human interactions. In our approach, we strive to explore this problem by synthesizing human motion with interactions for a group of characters of any size. The key aspect of our approach is the adaptation of human-wise interactions as pairs of human joints that can be either in contact or separated by a desired distance. In contrast to existing methods that necessitate training motion generation models on multi-human motion datasets with a fixed number of characters, our approach inherently possesses the flexibility to model human interactions involving an arbitrary number of individuals, thereby transcending the limitations imposed by the training data. We introduce a novel controllable motion generation method, InterControl, to encourage the synthesized motions maintaining the desired distance between joint pairs. It consists of a motion controller and an inverse kinematics guidance module that realistically and accurately aligns the joints of synthesized characters to the desired location. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the distance between joint pairs for human-wise interactions can be generated using an off-the-shelf Large Language Model (LLM). Experimental results highlight the capability of our framework to generate interactions with multiple human characters and its potential to work with off-the-shelf physics-based character simulators.
LLMGA: Multimodal Large Language Model based Generation Assistant
Bin Xia, Shiyin Wang, Yingfan Tao, Yitong Wang, Jiaya Jia
In this paper, we introduce a Multimodal Large Language Model-based Generation Assistant (LLMGA), leveraging the vast reservoir of knowledge and proficiency in reasoning, comprehension, and response inherent in Large Language Models (LLMs) to assist users in image generation and editing. Diverging from existing approaches where Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) generate fixed-size embeddings to control Stable Diffusion (SD), our LLMGA provides a detailed language generation prompt for precise control over SD. This not only augments LLM context understanding but also reduces noise in generation prompts, yields images with more intricate and precise content, and elevates the interpretability of the network. To this end, we curate a comprehensive dataset comprising prompt refinement, similar image generation, inpainting \& outpainting, and instruction-based editing. Moreover, we propose a two-stage training scheme. In the first stage, we train the MLLM to grasp the properties of image generation and editing, enabling it to generate detailed prompts. In the second stage, we optimize SD to align with the MLLM's generation prompts. Additionally, we propose a reference-based restoration network to alleviate texture, brightness, and contrast disparities between generated and preserved regions during inpainting and outpainting. Extensive results show that LLMGA has promising generation and editing capabilities and can enable more flexible and expansive applications in an interactive manner.
Knowledge Unlearning for LLMs: Tasks, Methods, and Challenges
Nianwen Si, Hao Zhang, Heyu Chang, Wenlin Zhang, Dan Qu, Weiqiang Zhang
In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have spurred a new research paradigm in natural language processing. Despite their excellent capability in knowledge-based question answering and reasoning, their potential to retain faulty or even harmful knowledge poses risks of malicious application. The challenge of mitigating this issue and transforming these models into purer assistants is crucial for their widespread applicability. Unfortunately, Retraining LLMs repeatedly to eliminate undesirable knowledge is impractical due to their immense parameters. Knowledge unlearning, derived from analogous studies on machine unlearning, presents a promising avenue to address this concern and is notably advantageous in the context of LLMs. It allows for the removal of harmful knowledge in an efficient manner, without affecting unrelated knowledge in the model. To this end, we provide a survey of knowledge unlearning in the era of LLMs. Firstly, we formally define the knowledge unlearning problem and distinguish it from related works. Subsequently, we categorize existing knowledge unlearning methods into three classes: those based on parameter optimization, parameter merging, and in-context learning, and introduce details of these unlearning methods. We further present evaluation datasets used in existing methods, and finally conclude this survey by presenting the ongoing challenges and future directions.
MoDS: Model-oriented Data Selection for Instruction Tuning
Qianlong Du, Chengqing Zong, Jiajun Zhang
Instruction tuning has become the de facto method to equip large language models (LLMs) with the ability of following user instructions. Usually, hundreds of thousands or millions of instruction-following pairs are employed to fine-tune the foundation LLMs. Recently, some studies show that a small number of high-quality instruction data is enough. However, how to select appropriate instruction data for a given LLM is still an open problem. To address this problem, in this paper we present a model-oriented data selection (MoDS) approach, which selects instruction data based on a new criteria considering three aspects: quality, coverage and necessity. First, our approach utilizes a quality evaluation model to filter out the high-quality subset from the original instruction dataset, and then designs an algorithm to further select from the high-quality subset a seed instruction dataset with good coverage. The seed dataset is applied to fine-tune the foundation LLM to obtain an initial instruction-following LLM. Finally, we develop a necessity evaluation model to find out the instruction data which are performed badly in the initial instruction-following LLM and consider them necessary instructions to further improve the LLMs. In this way, we can get a small high-quality, broad-coverage and high-necessity subset from the original instruction datasets. Experimental results show that, the model fine-tuned with 4,000 instruction pairs selected by our approach could perform better than the model fine-tuned with the full original dataset which includes 214k instruction data.
RoboGPT: an intelligent agent of making embodied long-term decisions for daily instruction tasks
Yaran Chen, Wenbo Cui, Yuanwen Chen, Mining Tan, Xinyao Zhang, Dongbin Zhao, He Wang
Robotic agents must master common sense and long-term sequential decisions to solve daily tasks through natural language instruction. The developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) in natural language processing have inspired efforts to use LLMs in complex robot planning. Despite LLMs' great generalization and comprehension of instruction tasks, LLMs-generated task plans sometimes lack feasibility and correctness. To address the problem, we propose a RoboGPT agent\footnote{our code and dataset will be released soon} for making embodied long-term decisions for daily tasks, with two modules: 1) LLMs-based planning with re-plan to break the task into multiple sub-goals; 2) RoboSkill individually designed for sub-goals to learn better navigation and manipulation skills. The LLMs-based planning is enhanced with a new robotic dataset and re-plan, called RoboGPT. The new robotic dataset of 67k daily instruction tasks is gathered for fine-tuning the Llama model and obtaining RoboGPT. RoboGPT planner with strong generalization can plan hundreds of daily instruction tasks. Additionally, a low-computational Re-Plan module is designed to allow plans to flexibly adapt to the environment, thereby addressing the nomenclature diversity challenge. The proposed RoboGPT agent outperforms SOTA methods on the ALFRED daily tasks. Moreover, RoboGPT planner exceeds SOTA LLM-based planners like ChatGPT in task-planning rationality for hundreds of unseen daily tasks, and even other domain tasks, while keeping the large model's original broad application and generality.
cs.RO, cs.AI, cs.LG
FreeAL: Towards Human-Free Active Learning in the Era of Large Language Models
Ruixuan Xiao, Yiwen Dong, Junbo Zhao, Runze Wu, Minmin Lin, Gang Chen, Haobo Wang
Collecting high-quality labeled data for model training is notoriously time-consuming and labor-intensive for various NLP tasks. While copious solutions, such as active learning for small language models (SLMs) and prevalent in-context learning in the era of large language models (LLMs), have been proposed and alleviate the labeling burden to some extent, their performances are still subject to human intervention. It is still underexplored how to reduce the annotation cost in the LLMs era. To bridge this, we revolutionize traditional active learning and propose an innovative collaborative learning framework FreeAL to interactively distill and filter the task-specific knowledge from LLMs. During collaborative training, an LLM serves as an active annotator inculcating its coarse-grained knowledge, while a downstream SLM is incurred as a student to filter out high-quality in-context samples to feedback LLM for the subsequent label refinery. Extensive experiments on eight benchmark datasets demonstrate that FreeAL largely enhances the zero-shot performances for both SLM and LLM without any human supervision. The code is available at https://github.com/Justherozen/FreeAL .
UFIN: Universal Feature Interaction Network for Multi-Domain Click-Through Rate Prediction
Zhen Tian, Changwang Zhang, Wayne Xin Zhao, Xin Zhao, Ji-Rong Wen, Zhao Cao
Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction, which aims to estimate the probability of a user clicking on an item, is a key task in online advertising. Numerous existing CTR models concentrate on modeling the feature interactions within a solitary domain, thereby rendering them inadequate for fulfilling the requisites of multi-domain recommendations in real industrial scenarios. Some recent approaches propose intricate architectures to enhance knowledge sharing and augment model training across multiple domains. However, these approaches encounter difficulties when being transferred to new recommendation domains, owing to their reliance on the modeling of ID features (e.g., item id). To address the above issue, we propose the Universal Feature Interaction Network (UFIN) approach for CTR prediction. UFIN exploits textual data to learn universal feature interactions that can be effectively transferred across diverse domains. For learning universal feature representations, we regard the text and feature as two different modalities and propose an encoder-decoder network founded on a Large Language Model (LLM) to enforce the transfer of data from the text modality to the feature modality. Building upon the above foundation, we further develop a mixtureof-experts (MoE) enhanced adaptive feature interaction model to learn transferable collaborative patterns across multiple domains. Furthermore, we propose a multi-domain knowledge distillation framework to enhance feature interaction learning. Based on the above methods, UFIN can effectively bridge the semantic gap to learn common knowledge across various domains, surpassing the constraints of ID-based models. Extensive experiments conducted on eight datasets show the effectiveness of UFIN, in both multidomain and cross-platform settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/RUCAIBox/UFIN.
Optimizing and Fine-tuning Large Language Model for Urban Renewal
Xi Wang, Xianyao Ling, Tom Zhang, Xuecao Li, Shaolan Wang, Zhixing Li, Liang Zhang, Peng Gong
This study aims to innovatively explore adaptive applications of large language models (LLM) in urban renewal. It also aims to improve its performance and text generation quality for knowledge question-answering (QA) tasks. Based on the ChatGLM, we automatically generate QA datasets using urban renewal scientific literature corpora in a self-instruct manner and then conduct joint fine-tuning training on the model using the Prefix and LoRA fine-tuning methods to create an LLM for urban renewal. By guiding the LLM to automatically generate QA data based on prompt words and given text, it is possible to quickly obtain datasets in the urban renewal field and provide data support for the fine-tuning training of LLMs. The experimental results show that the joint fine-tuning training method proposed in this study can significantly improve the performance of LLM on the QA tasks. Compared with LoRA fine-tuning, the method improves the Bleu and Rouge metrics on the test by about 5%; compared with the model before fine-tuning, the method improves the Bleu and Rouge metrics by about 15%-20%. This study demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of the joint fine-tuning method using Prefix and LoRA for ChatGLM in the urban renewal knowledge QA tasks. It provides a new approach for fine-tuning LLMs on urban renewal-related tasks.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Machine-Generated Text Detection using Deep Learning
Raghav Gaggar, Ashish Bhagchandani, Harsh Oza
Our research focuses on the crucial challenge of discerning text produced by Large Language Models (LLMs) from human-generated text, which holds significance for various applications. With ongoing discussions about attaining a model with such functionality, we present supporting evidence regarding the feasibility of such models. We evaluated our models on multiple datasets, including Twitter Sentiment, Football Commentary, Project Gutenberg, PubMedQA, and SQuAD, confirming the efficacy of the enhanced detection approaches. These datasets were sampled with intricate constraints encompassing every possibility, laying the foundation for future research. We evaluate GPT-3.5-Turbo against various detectors such as SVM, RoBERTa-base, and RoBERTa-large. Based on the research findings, the results predominantly relied on the sequence length of the sentence.
cs.CL, I.2.7; I.5.4; I.2.6
AV-Deepfake1M: A Large-Scale LLM-Driven Audio-Visual Deepfake Dataset
Zhixi Cai, Shreya Ghosh, Aman Pankaj Adatia, Munawar Hayat, Abhinav Dhall, Kalin Stefanov
The detection and localization of highly realistic deepfake audio-visual content are challenging even for the most advanced state-of-the-art methods. While most of the research efforts in this domain are focused on detecting high-quality deepfake images and videos, only a few works address the problem of the localization of small segments of audio-visual manipulations embedded in real videos. In this research, we emulate the process of such content generation and propose the AV-Deepfake1M dataset. The dataset contains content-driven (i) video manipulations, (ii) audio manipulations, and (iii) audio-visual manipulations for more than 2K subjects resulting in a total of more than 1M videos. The paper provides a thorough description of the proposed data generation pipeline accompanied by a rigorous analysis of the quality of the generated data. The comprehensive benchmark of the proposed dataset utilizing state-of-the-art deepfake detection and localization methods indicates a significant drop in performance compared to previous datasets. The proposed dataset will play a vital role in building the next-generation deepfake localization methods. The dataset and associated code are available at https://github.com/ControlNet/AV-Deepfake1M .
UHGEval: Benchmarking the Hallucination of Chinese Large Language Models via Unconstrained Generation
Xun Liang, Shichao Song, Simin Niu, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Zhaohui Wy, Dawei He, Peng Cheng, Zhonghao Wang, Haiying Deng
Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as pivotal contributors in contemporary natural language processing and are increasingly being applied across a diverse range of industries. However, these large-scale probabilistic statistical models cannot currently ensure the requisite quality in professional content generation. These models often produce hallucinated text, compromising their practical utility in professional contexts. To assess the authentic reliability of LLMs in text generation, numerous initiatives have developed benchmark evaluations for hallucination phenomena. Nevertheless, these benchmarks frequently utilize constrained generation techniques due to cost and temporal constraints. These techniques encompass the use of directed hallucination induction and strategies that deliberately alter authentic text to produce hallucinations. These approaches are not congruent with the unrestricted text generation demanded by real-world applications. Furthermore, a well-established Chinese-language dataset dedicated to the evaluation of hallucinations in text generation is presently lacking. Consequently, we have developed an Unconstrained Hallucination Generation Evaluation (UHGEval) benchmark, designed to compile outputs produced with minimal restrictions by LLMs. Concurrently, we have established a comprehensive benchmark evaluation framework to aid subsequent researchers in undertaking scalable and reproducible experiments. We have also executed extensive experiments, evaluating prominent Chinese language models and the GPT series models to derive professional performance insights regarding hallucination challenges.
Synthesizing mixed-integer linear programming models from natural language descriptions
Qingyang Li, Lele Zhang, Vicky Mak-Hau
Numerous real-world decision-making problems can be formulated and solved using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models. However, the transformation of these problems into MILP models heavily relies on expertise in operations research and mathematical optimization, which restricts non-experts' accessibility to MILP. To address this challenge, we propose a framework for automatically formulating MILP models from unstructured natural language descriptions of decision problems, which integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) and mathematical modeling techniques. This framework consists of three phases: i) identification of decision variables, ii) classification of objective and constraints, and iii) finally, generation of MILP models. In this study, we present a constraint classification scheme and a set of constraint templates that can guide the LLMs in synthesizing a complete MILP model. After fine-tuning LLMs, our approach can identify and synthesize logic constraints in addition to classic demand and resource constraints. The logic constraints have not been studied in existing work. To evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we extend the NL4Opt dataset with more problem descriptions and constraint types, and with the new dataset, we compare our framework with one-step model generation methods offered by LLMs. The experimental results reveal that with respect to the accuracies of generating the correct model, objective, and constraints, our method which integrates constraint classification and templates with LLMs significantly outperforms the others. The prototype system that we developed has a great potential to capture more constraints for more complex MILPs. It opens up opportunities for developing training tools for operations research practitioners and has the potential to be a powerful tool for automatic decision problem modeling and solving in practice.
See and Think: Embodied Agent in Virtual Environment
Zhonghan Zhao, Wenhao Chai, Xuan Wang, Li Boyi, Shengyu Hao, Shidong Cao, Tian Ye, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive progress on several open-world tasks. Recently, using LLMs to build embodied agents has been a hotspot. In this paper, we propose STEVE, a comprehensive and visionary embodied agent in the Minecraft virtual environment. STEVE consists of three key components: vision perception, language instruction, and code action. Vision perception involves the interpretation of visual information in the environment, which is then integrated into the LLMs component with agent state and task instruction. Language instruction is responsible for iterative reasoning and decomposing complex tasks into manageable guidelines. Code action generates executable skill actions based on retrieval in skill database, enabling the agent to interact effectively within the Minecraft environment. We also collect STEVE-21K dataset, which includes 600$+$ vision-environment pairs, 20K knowledge question-answering pairs, and 200$+$ skill-code pairs. We conduct continuous block search, knowledge question and answering, and tech tree mastery to evaluate the performance. Extensive experiments show that STEVE achieves at most $1.5 \times$ faster unlocking key tech trees and $2.5 \times$ quicker in block search tasks compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.
Localizing Lying in Llama: Understanding Instructed Dishonesty on True-False Questions Through Prompting, Probing, and Patching
James Campbell, Richard Ren, Phillip Guo
Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate significant knowledge through their outputs, though it is often unclear whether false outputs are due to a lack of knowledge or dishonesty. In this paper, we investigate instructed dishonesty, wherein we explicitly prompt LLaMA-2-70b-chat to lie. We perform prompt engineering to find which prompts best induce lying behavior, and then use mechanistic interpretability approaches to localize where in the network this behavior occurs. Using linear probing and activation patching, we localize five layers that appear especially important for lying. We then find just 46 attention heads within these layers that enable us to causally intervene such that the lying model instead answers honestly. We show that these interventions work robustly across many prompts and dataset splits. Overall, our work contributes a greater understanding of dishonesty in LLMs so that we may hope to prevent it.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Walking a Tightrope -- Evaluating Large Language Models in High-Risk Domains
Chia-Chien Hung, Wiem Ben Rim, Lindsay Frost, Lars Bruckner, Carolin Lawrence
High-risk domains pose unique challenges that require language models to provide accurate and safe responses. Despite the great success of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and its variants, their performance in high-risk domains remains unclear. Our study delves into an in-depth analysis of the performance of instruction-tuned LLMs, focusing on factual accuracy and safety adherence. To comprehensively assess the capabilities of LLMs, we conduct experiments on six NLP datasets including question answering and summarization tasks within two high-risk domains: legal and medical. Further qualitative analysis highlights the existing limitations inherent in current LLMs when evaluating in high-risk domains. This underscores the essential nature of not only improving LLM capabilities but also prioritizing the refinement of domain-specific metrics, and embracing a more human-centric approach to enhance safety and factual reliability. Our findings advance the field toward the concerns of properly evaluating LLMs in high-risk domains, aiming to steer the adaptability of LLMs in fulfilling societal obligations and aligning with forthcoming regulations, such as the EU AI Act.
LLM-Assisted Code Cleaning For Training Accurate Code Generators
Naman Jain, Tianjun Zhang, Wei-Lin Chiang, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Koushik Sen, Ion Stoica
Natural language to code generation is an important application area of LLMs and has received wide attention from the community. The majority of relevant studies have exclusively concentrated on increasing the quantity and functional correctness of training sets while disregarding other stylistic elements of programs. More recently, data quality has garnered a lot of interest and multiple works have showcased its importance for improving performance. In this work, we investigate data quality for code and find that making the code more structured and readable leads to improved code generation performance of the system. We build a novel data-cleaning pipeline that uses these principles to transform existing programs by 1.) renaming variables, 2.) modularizing and decomposing complex code into smaller helper sub-functions, and 3.) inserting natural-language based plans via LLM based transformations. We evaluate our approach on two challenging algorithmic code generation benchmarks and find that fine-tuning CodeLLaMa-7B on our transformed modularized programs improves the performance by up to 30% compared to fine-tuning on the original dataset. Additionally, we demonstrate improved performance from using a smaller amount of higher-quality data, finding that a model fine-tuned on the entire original dataset is outperformed by a model trained on 15% of our cleaned dataset. Even in comparison to closed-source models, our models outperform the much larger AlphaCoder models.
cs.LG, cs.SE
Large Language Models as Automated Aligners for benchmarking Vision-Language Models
Yuanfeng Ji, Chongjian Ge, Weikai Kong, Enze Xie, Zhengying Liu, Zhengguo Li, Ping Luo
With the advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have reached a new level of sophistication, showing notable competence in executing intricate cognition and reasoning tasks. However, existing evaluation benchmarks, primarily relying on rigid, hand-crafted datasets to measure task-specific performance, face significant limitations in assessing the alignment of these increasingly anthropomorphic models with human intelligence. In this work, we address the limitations via Auto-Bench, which delves into exploring LLMs as proficient aligners, measuring the alignment between VLMs and human intelligence and value through automatic data curation and assessment. Specifically, for data curation, Auto-Bench utilizes LLMs (e.g., GPT-4) to automatically generate a vast set of question-answer-reasoning triplets via prompting on visual symbolic representations (e.g., captions, object locations, instance relationships, and etc.). The curated data closely matches human intent, owing to the extensive world knowledge embedded in LLMs. Through this pipeline, a total of 28.5K human-verified and 3,504K unfiltered question-answer-reasoning triplets have been curated, covering 4 primary abilities and 16 sub-abilities. We subsequently engage LLMs like GPT-3.5 to serve as judges, implementing the quantitative and qualitative automated assessments to facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of VLMs. Our validation results reveal that LLMs are proficient in both evaluation data curation and model assessment, achieving an average agreement rate of 85%. We envision Auto-Bench as a flexible, scalable, and comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the evolving sophisticated VLMs.
Benchmarking Large Language Models for Log Analysis, Security, and Interpretation
Egil Karlsen, Xiao Luo, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood
Large Language Models (LLM) continue to demonstrate their utility in a variety of emergent capabilities in different fields. An area that could benefit from effective language understanding in cybersecurity is the analysis of log files. This work explores LLMs with different architectures (BERT, RoBERTa, DistilRoBERTa, GPT-2, and GPT-Neo) that are benchmarked for their capacity to better analyze application and system log files for security. Specifically, 60 fine-tuned language models for log analysis are deployed and benchmarked. The resulting models demonstrate that they can be used to perform log analysis effectively with fine-tuning being particularly important for appropriate domain adaptation to specific log types. The best-performing fine-tuned sequence classification model (DistilRoBERTa) outperforms the current state-of-the-art; with an average F1-Score of 0.998 across six datasets from both web application and system log sources. To achieve this, we propose and implement a new experimentation pipeline (LLM4Sec) which leverages LLMs for log analysis experimentation, evaluation, and analysis.
Controlled Text Generation via Language Model Arithmetic
Jasper Dekoninck, Marc Fischer, Luca Beurer-Kellner, Martin Vechev
As Large Language Models (LLMs) are deployed more widely, customization with respect to vocabulary, style, and character becomes more important. In this work, we introduce model arithmetic, a novel inference framework for composing and biasing LLMs without the need for model (re)training or highly specific datasets. In addition, the framework allows for more precise control of generated text than direct prompting and prior controlled text generation (CTG) techniques. Using model arithmetic, we can express prior CTG techniques as simple formulas and naturally extend them to new and more effective formulations. Further, we show that speculative sampling, a technique for efficient LLM sampling, extends to our setting. This enables highly efficient text generation with multiple composed models with only marginal overhead over a single model. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that model arithmetic allows fine-grained control of generated text while outperforming state-of-the-art on the task of toxicity reduction. We release an open source easy-to-use implementation of our framework at https://github.com/eth-sri/language-model-arithmetic.
Robot Learning in the Era of Foundation Models: A Survey
Xuan Xiao, Jiahang Liu, Zhipeng Wang, Yanmin Zhou, Yong Qi, Qian Cheng, Bin He, Shuo Jiang
The proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs) has s fueled a shift in robot learning from automation towards general embodied Artificial Intelligence (AI). Adopting foundation models together with traditional learning methods to robot learning has increasingly gained recent interest research community and showed potential for real-life application. However, there are few literatures comprehensively reviewing the relatively new technologies combined with robotics. The purpose of this review is to systematically assess the state-of-the-art foundation model techniques in the robot learning and to identify future potential areas. Specifically, we first summarized the technical evolution of robot learning and identified the necessary preliminary preparations for foundation models including the simulators, datasets, foundation model framework. In addition, we focused on the following four mainstream areas of robot learning including manipulation, navigation, planning, and reasoning and demonstrated how the foundation model techniques can be adopted in the above scenarios. Furthermore, critical issues which are neglected in the current literatures including robot hardware and software decoupling, dynamic data, generalization performance with the presence of human, etc. were discussed. This review highlights the state-of-the-art progress of foundation models in robot learning and future research should focus on multimodal interaction especially dynamics data, exclusive foundation models for robots, and AI alignment, etc.
GATGPT: A Pre-trained Large Language Model with Graph Attention Network for Spatiotemporal Imputation
Yakun Chen, Xianzhi Wang, Guandong Xu
The analysis of spatiotemporal data is increasingly utilized across diverse domains, including transportation, healthcare, and meteorology. In real-world settings, such data often contain missing elements due to issues like sensor malfunctions and data transmission errors. The objective of spatiotemporal imputation is to estimate these missing values by understanding the inherent spatial and temporal relationships in the observed multivariate time series. Traditionally, spatiotemporal imputation has relied on specific, intricate architectures designed for this purpose, which suffer from limited applicability and high computational complexity. In contrast, our approach integrates pre-trained large language models (LLMs) into spatiotemporal imputation, introducing a groundbreaking framework, GATGPT. This framework merges a graph attention mechanism with LLMs. We maintain most of the LLM parameters unchanged to leverage existing knowledge for learning temporal patterns, while fine-tuning the upper layers tailored to various applications. The graph attention component enhances the LLM's ability to understand spatial relationships. Through tests on three distinct real-world datasets, our innovative approach demonstrates comparable results to established deep learning benchmarks.
cs.LG, stat.ML
Large Language Models as Topological Structure Enhancers for Text-Attributed Graphs
Shengyin Sun, Yuxiang Ren, Chen Ma, Xuecang Zhang
The latest advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP). Inspired by the success of LLMs in NLP tasks, some recent work has begun investigating the potential of applying LLMs in graph learning tasks. However, most of the existing work focuses on utilizing LLMs as powerful node feature augmenters, leaving employing LLMs to enhance graph topological structures an understudied problem. In this work, we explore how to leverage the information retrieval and text generation capabilities of LLMs to refine/enhance the topological structure of text-attributed graphs (TAGs) under the node classification setting. First, we propose using LLMs to help remove unreliable edges and add reliable ones in the TAG. Specifically, we first let the LLM output the semantic similarity between node attributes through delicate prompt designs, and then perform edge deletion and edge addition based on the similarity. Second, we propose using pseudo-labels generated by the LLM to improve graph topology, that is, we introduce the pseudo-label propagation as a regularization to guide the graph neural network (GNN) in learning proper edge weights. Finally, we incorporate the two aforementioned LLM-based methods for graph topological refinement into the process of GNN training, and perform extensive experiments on four real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of LLM-based graph topology refinement (achieving a 0.15%--2.47% performance gain on public benchmarks).
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
Towards Auditing Large Language Models: Improving Text-based Stereotype Detection
Wu Zekun, Sahan Bulathwela, Adriano Soares Koshiyama
Large Language Models (LLM) have made significant advances in the recent past becoming more mainstream in Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled human-facing applications. However, LLMs often generate stereotypical output inherited from historical data, amplifying societal biases and raising ethical concerns. This work introduces i) the Multi-Grain Stereotype Dataset, which includes 52,751 instances of gender, race, profession and religion stereotypic text and ii) a novel stereotype classifier for English text. We design several experiments to rigorously test the proposed model trained on the novel dataset. Our experiments show that training the model in a multi-class setting can outperform the one-vs-all binary counterpart. Consistent feature importance signals from different eXplainable AI tools demonstrate that the new model exploits relevant text features. We utilise the newly created model to assess the stereotypic behaviour of the popular GPT family of models and observe the reduction of bias over time. In summary, our work establishes a robust and practical framework for auditing and evaluating the stereotypic bias in LLM.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG
Probabilistic Tree-of-thought Reasoning for Answering Knowledge-intensive Complex Questions
Shulin Cao, Jiajie Zhang, Jiaxin Shi, Xin Lv, Zijun Yao, Qi Tian, Juanzi Li, Lei Hou
Large language models (LLMs) are capable of answering knowledge-intensive complex questions with chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. However, they tend to generate factually incorrect reasoning steps when the required knowledge is not available or up-to-date in models' parameters. Recent works turn to retrieving external knowledge to augment CoT reasoning. Despite being promising, these chain-based methods suffer from: 1) Negative retrieval. Unnecessary or incorrect retrieval may mislead the reasoning; 2) Limited sight. Lacking the ability to look backward or forward, a local error in one step will propagate along the chain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: Probabilistic Tree-of-thought Reasoning (ProbTree). First, LLMs translate a complex question into a query tree, in which each non-root node denotes a sub-question of its parent node. Then, probabilistic reasoning is conducted over the tree, by solving questions from leaf to root considering the confidence of both question decomposing and answering. During reasoning, for leaf nodes, LLMs choose a more confident answer from Closed-book QA that employs parametric knowledge and Open-book QA that employs retrieved external knowledge, thus eliminating the negative retrieval problem. For non-leaf nodes, with the hierarchical structure, LLMs have broader sights and are able to globally reason with the information from child nodes, thus recovering from local errors. The experiments on three Complex QA datasets under the open-domain setting show that our approach outperforms SOTA methods significantly, demonstrating the effect of probabilistic tree-of-thought reasoning.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Dialogue Quality and Emotion Annotations for Customer Support Conversations
John Mendonça, Patrícia Pereira, Miguel Menezes, Vera Cabarrão, Ana C. Farinha, Helena Moniz, João Paulo Carvalho, Alon Lavie, Isabel Trancoso
Task-oriented conversational datasets often lack topic variability and linguistic diversity. However, with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) pretrained on extensive, multilingual and diverse text data, these limitations seem overcome. Nevertheless, their generalisability to different languages and domains in dialogue applications remains uncertain without benchmarking datasets. This paper presents a holistic annotation approach for emotion and conversational quality in the context of bilingual customer support conversations. By performing annotations that take into consideration the complete instances that compose a conversation, one can form a broader perspective of the dialogue as a whole. Furthermore, it provides a unique and valuable resource for the development of text classification models. To this end, we present benchmarks for Emotion Recognition and Dialogue Quality Estimation and show that further research is needed to leverage these models in a production setting.
Compositional Zero-shot Learning via Progressive Language-based Observations
Lin Li, Guikun Chen, Jun Xiao, Long Chen
Compositional zero-shot learning aims to recognize unseen state-object compositions by leveraging known primitives (state and object) during training. However, effectively modeling interactions between primitives and generalizing knowledge to novel compositions remains a perennial challenge. There are two key factors: object-conditioned and state-conditioned variance, i.e., the appearance of states (or objects) can vary significantly when combined with different objects (or states). For instance, the state "old" can signify a vintage design for a "car" or an advanced age for a "cat". In this paper, we argue that these variances can be mitigated by predicting composition categories based on pre-observed primitive. To this end, we propose Progressive Language-based Observations (PLO), which can dynamically determine a better observation order of primitives. These observations comprise a series of concepts or languages that allow the model to understand image content in a step-by-step manner. Specifically, PLO adopts pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) to empower the model with observation capabilities. We further devise two variants: 1) PLO-VLM: a two-step method, where a pre-observing classifier dynamically determines the observation order of two primitives. 2) PLO-LLM: a multi-step scheme, which utilizes large language models (LLMs) to craft composition-specific prompts for step-by-step observing. Extensive ablations on three challenging datasets demonstrate the superiority of PLO compared with state-of-the-art methods, affirming its abilities in compositional recognition.
Minimizing Factual Inconsistency and Hallucination in Large Language Models
Muneeswaran I, Shreya Saxena, Siva Prasad, M V Sai Prakash, Advaith Shankar, Varun V, Vishal Vaddina, Saisubramaniam Gopalakrishnan
Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely used in critical fields such as healthcare, education, and finance due to their remarkable proficiency in various language-related tasks. However, LLMs are prone to generating factually incorrect responses or "hallucinations," which can lead to a loss of credibility and trust among users. To address this issue, we propose a multi-stage framework that generates the rationale first, verifies and refines incorrect ones, and uses them as supporting references to generate the answer. The generated rationale enhances the transparency of the answer and our framework provides insights into how the model arrived at this answer, by using this rationale and the references to the context. In this paper, we demonstrate its effectiveness in improving the quality of responses to drug-related inquiries in the life sciences industry. Our framework improves traditional Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) by enabling OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo to be 14-25% more faithful and 16-22% more accurate on two datasets. Furthermore, fine-tuning samples based on our framework improves the accuracy of smaller open-access LLMs by 33-42% and competes with RAG on commercial models.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Accurate Prediction of Experimental Band Gaps from Large Language Model-Based Data Extraction
Samuel J. Yang, Shutong Li, Subhashini Venugopalan, Vahe Tshitoyan, Muratahan Aykol, Amil Merchant, Ekin Dogus Cubuk, Gowoon Cheon
Machine learning is transforming materials discovery by providing rapid predictions of material properties, which enables large-scale screening for target materials. However, such models require training data. While automated data extraction from scientific literature has potential, current auto-generated datasets often lack sufficient accuracy and critical structural and processing details of materials that influence the properties. Using band gap as an example, we demonstrate Large language model (LLM)-prompt-based extraction yields an order of magnitude lower error rate. Combined with additional prompts to select a subset of experimentally measured properties from pure, single-crystalline bulk materials, this results in an automatically extracted dataset that's larger and more diverse than the largest existing human-curated database of experimental band gaps. Compared to the existing human-curated database, we show the model trained on our extracted database achieves a 19% reduction in the mean absolute error of predicted band gaps. Finally, we demonstrate that LLMs are able to train models predicting band gap on the extracted data, achieving an automated pipeline of data extraction to materials property prediction.
FinMem: A Performance-Enhanced LLM Trading Agent with Layered Memory and Character Design
Yangyang Yu, Haohang Li, Zhi Chen, Yuechen Jiang, Yang Li, Denghui Zhang, Rong Liu, Jordan W. Suchow, Khaldoun Khashanah
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited notable efficacy in question-answering (QA) tasks across diverse domains. Their prowess in integrating extensive web knowledge has fueled interest in developing LLM-based autonomous agents. While LLMs are efficient in decoding human instructions and deriving solutions by holistically processing historical inputs, transitioning to purpose-driven agents requires a supplementary rational architecture to process multi-source information, establish reasoning chains, and prioritize critical tasks. Addressing this, we introduce \textsc{FinMem}, a novel LLM-based agent framework devised for financial decision-making. It encompasses three core modules: Profiling, to customize the agent's characteristics; Memory, with layered message processing, to aid the agent in assimilating hierarchical financial data; and Decision-making, to convert insights gained from memories into investment decisions. Notably, \textsc{FinMem}'s memory module aligns closely with the cognitive structure of human traders, offering robust interpretability and real-time tuning. Its adjustable cognitive span allows for the retention of critical information beyond human perceptual limits, thereby enhancing trading outcomes. This framework enables the agent to self-evolve its professional knowledge, react agilely to new investment cues, and continuously refine trading decisions in the volatile financial environment. We first compare \textsc{FinMem} with various algorithmic agents on a scalable real-world financial dataset, underscoring its leading trading performance in stocks. We then fine-tuned the agent's perceptual span and character setting to achieve a significantly enhanced trading performance. Collectively, \textsc{FinMem} presents a cutting-edge LLM agent framework for automated trading, boosting cumulative investment returns.
q-fin.CP, cs.AI, cs.CE, cs.LG
Surpassing GPT-4 Medical Coding with a Two-Stage Approach
Zhichao Yang, Sanjit Singh Batra, Joel Stremmel, Eran Halperin
Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) show potential for clinical applications, such as clinical decision support and trial recommendations. However, the GPT-4 LLM predicts an excessive number of ICD codes for medical coding tasks, leading to high recall but low precision. To tackle this challenge, we introduce LLM-codex, a two-stage approach to predict ICD codes that first generates evidence proposals using an LLM and then employs an LSTM-based verification stage. The LSTM learns from both the LLM's high recall and human expert's high precision, using a custom loss function. Our model is the only approach that simultaneously achieves state-of-the-art results in medical coding accuracy, accuracy on rare codes, and sentence-level evidence identification to support coding decisions without training on human-annotated evidence according to experiments on the MIMIC dataset.
Visual In-Context Prompting
Feng Li, Qing Jiang, Hao Zhang, Tianhe Ren, Shilong Liu, Xueyan Zou, Huaizhe Xu, Hongyang Li, Chunyuan Li, Jianwei Yang, Lei Zhang, Jianfeng Gao
In-context prompting in large language models (LLMs) has become a prevalent approach to improve zero-shot capabilities, but this idea is less explored in the vision domain. Existing visual prompting methods focus on referring segmentation to segment the most relevant object, falling short of addressing many generic vision tasks like open-set segmentation and detection. In this paper, we introduce a universal visual in-context prompting framework for both tasks. In particular, we build on top of an encoder-decoder architecture, and develop a versatile prompt encoder to support a variety of prompts like strokes, boxes, and points. We further enhance it to take an arbitrary number of reference image segments as the context. Our extensive explorations show that the proposed visual in-context prompting elicits extraordinary referring and generic segmentation capabilities to refer and detect, yielding competitive performance to close-set in-domain datasets and showing promising results on many open-set segmentation datasets. By joint training on COCO and SA-1B, our model achieves $57.7$ PQ on COCO and $23.2$ PQ on ADE20K. Code will be available at https://github.com/UX-Decoder/DINOv.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG
Speak Like a Native: Prompting Large Language Models in a Native Style
Zhicheng Yang, Yiwei Wang, Yinya Huang, Jing Xiong, Xiaodan Liang, Jing Tang
In-context learning (ICL) with large language models (LLMs) has become the modern tool of choice for many natural language processing tasks. However, how the text style of in-context examples influences the performance of LLMs still remains under-explored. This paper presents a novel and effective approach, named \textbf{AlignedCoT}, to improve the reasoning capability of LLMs by aligning the in-context examples with the native style of LLMs. ``Native'' refers to the inherent characteristic of LLMs which can be probed by zero-shot scenarios. We conduct extensive and comprehensive experiments on several benchmarks on mathematical question-answering and common-sense reasoning. The empirical results demonstrate that our AlignedCoT significantly improves performance over the carefully handcrafted demonstrations. Specifically, with AlignedCoT, we observe an average +3.2\% improvement for \texttt{gpt-3.5-turbo} compared to the carefully handcrafted CoT on multi-step reasoning benchmarks. Furthermore, we use AlignedCoT to rewrite the CoT text style in the training set, which improves the performance of Retrieval Augmented Generation by 3.6\%. Our source code and dataset are available at https://github.com/yangzhch6/AlignedCoT.
cs.AI, cs.LG
CoachLM: Automatic Instruction Revisions Improve the Data Quality in LLM Instruction Tuning
Yilun Liu, Shimin Tao, Xiaofeng Zhao, Ming Zhu, Wenbing Ma, Junhao Zhu, Chang Su, Yutai Hou, Miao Zhang, Min Zhang, Hongxia Ma, Li Zhang, Hao Yang, Yanfei Jiang
Instruction tuning is crucial for enabling Language Learning Models (LLMs) in responding to human instructions. The quality of instruction pairs used for tuning greatly affects the performance of LLMs. However, the manual creation of high-quality instruction datasets is costly, leading to the adoption of automatic generation of instruction pairs by LLMs as a popular alternative. To ensure the high quality of LLM-generated instruction datasets, several approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, existing methods either compromise dataset integrity by filtering a large proportion of samples, or are unsuitable for industrial applications. In this paper, instead of discarding low-quality samples, we propose CoachLM, a novel approach to enhance the quality of instruction datasets through automatic revisions on samples in the dataset. CoachLM is trained from the samples revised by human experts and significantly increases the proportion of high-quality samples in the dataset from 17.7% to 78.9%. The effectiveness of CoachLM is further assessed on various real-world instruction test sets. The results show that CoachLM improves the instruction-following capabilities of the instruction-tuned LLM by an average of 29.9%, which even surpasses larger LLMs with nearly twice the number of parameters. Furthermore, CoachLM is successfully deployed in a data management system for LLMs at Huawei, resulting in an efficiency improvement of up to 20% in the cleaning of 40k real-world instruction pairs. We release various assets of CoachLM, including the training data, code and test set (https://github.com/lunyiliu/CoachLM).
Enhancing Uncertainty-Based Hallucination Detection with Stronger Focus
Tianhang Zhang, Lin Qiu, Qipeng Guo, Cheng Deng, Yue Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Chenghu Zhou, Xinbing Wang, Luoyi Fu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant popularity for their impressive performance across diverse fields. However, LLMs are prone to hallucinate untruthful or nonsensical outputs that fail to meet user expectations in many real-world applications. Existing works for detecting hallucinations in LLMs either rely on external knowledge for reference retrieval or require sampling multiple responses from the LLM for consistency verification, making these methods costly and inefficient. In this paper, we propose a novel reference-free, uncertainty-based method for detecting hallucinations in LLMs. Our approach imitates human focus in factuality checking from three aspects: 1) focus on the most informative and important keywords in the given text; 2) focus on the unreliable tokens in historical context which may lead to a cascade of hallucinations; and 3) focus on the token properties such as token type and token frequency. Experimental results on relevant datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieves state-of-the-art performance across all the evaluation metrics and eliminates the need for additional information.
cs.CL, cs.AI
LIMIT: Less Is More for Instruction Tuning Across Evaluation Paradigms
Aditi Jha, Sam Havens, Jeremy Dohmann, Alex Trott, Jacob Portes
Large Language Models are traditionally finetuned on large instruction datasets. However recent studies suggest that small, high-quality datasets can suffice for general purpose instruction following. This lack of consensus surrounding finetuning best practices is in part due to rapidly diverging approaches to LLM evaluation. In this study, we ask whether a small amount of diverse finetuning samples can improve performance on both traditional perplexity-based NLP benchmarks, and on open-ended, model-based evaluation. We finetune open-source MPT-7B and MPT-30B models on instruction finetuning datasets of various sizes ranging from 1k to 60k samples. We find that subsets of 1k-6k instruction finetuning samples are sufficient to achieve good performance on both (1) traditional NLP benchmarks and (2) model-based evaluation. Finally, we show that mixing textbook-style and open-ended QA finetuning datasets optimizes performance on both evaluation paradigms.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
Descriptor and Word Soups: Overcoming the Parameter Efficiency Accuracy Tradeoff for Out-of-Distribution Few-shot Learning
Christopher Liao, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Brian Kulis
Over the past year, a large body of multimodal research has emerged around zero-shot evaluation using GPT descriptors. These studies boost the zero-shot accuracy of pretrained VL models with an ensemble of label-specific text generated by GPT. A recent study, WaffleCLIP, demonstrated that similar zero-shot accuracy can be achieved with an ensemble of random descriptors. However, both zero-shot methods are un-trainable and consequently sub-optimal when some few-shot out-of-distribution (OOD) training data is available. Inspired by these prior works, we present two more flexible methods called descriptor and word soups, which do not require an LLM at test time and can leverage training data to increase OOD target accuracy. Descriptor soup greedily selects a small set of textual descriptors using generic few-shot training data, then calculates robust class embeddings using the selected descriptors. Word soup greedily assembles a chain of words in a similar manner. Compared to existing few-shot soft prompt tuning methods, word soup requires fewer parameters by construction and less GPU memory, since it does not require backpropagation. Both soups outperform current published few-shot methods, even when combined with SoTA zero-shot methods, on cross-dataset and domain generalization benchmarks. Compared with SoTA prompt and descriptor ensembling methods, such as ProDA and WaffleCLIP, word soup achieves higher OOD accuracy with fewer ensemble members. Please checkout our code: github.com/Chris210634/word_soups
Beyond Text: Unveiling Multimodal Proficiency of Large Language Models with MultiAPI Benchmark
Xiao Liu, Jianfeng Lin, Jiawei Zhang
The proliferation of Large Language Models like ChatGPT has significantly advanced language understanding and generation, impacting a broad spectrum of applications. However, these models predominantly excel in text-based tasks, overlooking the complexity of real-world multimodal information. This study introduces MultiAPI, a pioneering comprehensive large-scale API benchmark dataset aimed at expanding LLMs' proficiency in multimodal contexts. Developed collaboratively through ChatGPT, MultiAPI consists of 235 diverse API calls and 2,038 contextual prompts, offering a unique platform evaluation of tool-augmented LLMs handling multimodal tasks. Through comprehensive experiments, our findings reveal that while LLMs demonstrate proficiency in API call decision-making, they face challenges in domain identification, function selection, and argument generation. What's more, we surprisingly notice that auxiliary context can actually impair the performance. An in-depth error analysis paves the way for a new paradigm to address these challenges, suggesting a potential direction for future LLM research.
Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua
Navigating drones through natural language commands remains challenging due to the dearth of accessible multi-modal datasets and the stringent precision requirements for aligning visual and textual data. To address this pressing need, we introduce GeoText-1652, a new natural language-guided geo-localization benchmark. This dataset is systematically constructed through an interactive human-computer process leveraging Large Language Model (LLM) driven annotation techniques in conjunction with pre-trained vision models. GeoText-1652 extends the established University-1652 image dataset with spatial-aware text annotations, thereby establishing one-to-one correspondences between image, text, and bounding box elements. We further introduce a new optimization objective to leverage fine-grained spatial associations, called blending spatial matching, for region-level spatial relation matching. Extensive experiments reveal that our approach maintains a competitive recall rate comparing other prevailing cross-modality methods. This underscores the promising potential of our approach in elevating drone control and navigation through the seamless integration of natural language commands in real-world scenarios.
cs.CV, cs.MM
Can Large Language Models Understand Content and Propagation for Misinformation Detection: An Empirical Study
Mengyang Chen, Lingwei Wei, Han Cao, Wei Zhou, Songlin Hu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention for their powerful ability in natural language understanding and reasoning. In this paper, we present a comprehensive empirical study to explore the performance of LLMs on misinformation detection tasks. This study stands as the pioneering investigation into the understanding capabilities of multiple LLMs regarding both content and propagation across social media platforms. Our empirical studies on five misinformation detection datasets show that LLMs with diverse prompts achieve comparable performance in text-based misinformation detection but exhibit notably constrained capabilities in comprehending propagation structure compared to existing models in propagation-based misinformation detection. Besides, we further design four instruction-tuned strategies to enhance LLMs for both content and propagation-based misinformation detection. These strategies boost LLMs to actively learn effective features from multiple instances or hard instances, and eliminate irrelevant propagation structures, thereby achieving better detection performance. Extensive experiments further demonstrate LLMs would play a better capacity in content and propagation structure under these proposed strategies and achieve promising detection performance. These findings highlight the potential ability of LLMs to detect misinformation.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY
Diffusion Model Alignment Using Direct Preference Optimization
Bram Wallace, Meihua Dang, Rafael Rafailov, Linqi Zhou, Aaron Lou, Senthil Purushwalkam, Stefano Ermon, Caiming Xiong, Shafiq Joty, Nikhil Naik
Large language models (LLMs) are fine-tuned using human comparison data with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) methods to make them better aligned with users' preferences. In contrast to LLMs, human preference learning has not been widely explored in text-to-image diffusion models; the best existing approach is to fine-tune a pretrained model using carefully curated high quality images and captions to improve visual appeal and text alignment. We propose Diffusion-DPO, a method to align diffusion models to human preferences by directly optimizing on human comparison data. Diffusion-DPO is adapted from the recently developed Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), a simpler alternative to RLHF which directly optimizes a policy that best satisfies human preferences under a classification objective. We re-formulate DPO to account for a diffusion model notion of likelihood, utilizing the evidence lower bound to derive a differentiable objective. Using the Pick-a-Pic dataset of 851K crowdsourced pairwise preferences, we fine-tune the base model of the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL)-1.0 model with Diffusion-DPO. Our fine-tuned base model significantly outperforms both base SDXL-1.0 and the larger SDXL-1.0 model consisting of an additional refinement model in human evaluation, improving visual appeal and prompt alignment. We also develop a variant that uses AI feedback and has comparable performance to training on human preferences, opening the door for scaling of diffusion model alignment methods.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.GR, cs.LG
AudioLog: LLMs-Powered Long Audio Logging with Hybrid Token-Semantic Contrastive Learning
Jisheng Bai, Han Yin, Mou Wang, Dongyuan Shi, Woon-Seng Gan, Jianfeng Chen, Susanto Rahardja
Previous studies in automated audio captioning have faced difficulties in accurately capturing the complete temporal details of acoustic scenes and events within long audio sequences. This paper presents AudioLog, a large language models (LLMs)-powered audio logging system with hybrid token-semantic contrastive learning. Specifically, we propose to fine-tune the pre-trained hierarchical token-semantic audio Transformer by incorporating contrastive learning between hybrid acoustic representations. We then leverage LLMs to generate audio logs that summarize textual descriptions of the acoustic environment. Finally, we evaluate the AudioLog system on two datasets with both scene and event annotations. Experiments show that the proposed system achieves exceptional performance in acoustic scene classification and sound event detection, surpassing existing methods in the field. Further analysis of the prompts to LLMs demonstrates that AudioLog can effectively summarize long audio sequences. To the best of our knowledge, this approach is the first attempt to leverage LLMs for summarizing long audio sequences.
Advancing Transformer Architecture in Long-Context Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey
Yunpeng Huang, Jingwei Xu, Junyu Lai, Zixu Jiang, Taolue Chen, Zenan Li, Yuan Yao, Xiaoxing Ma, Lijuan Yang, Hao Chen, Shupeng Li, Penghao Zhao
Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have been applied in diverse areas such as knowledge bases, human interfaces, and dynamic agents, and marking a stride towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, current LLMs are predominantly pretrained on short text snippets, which compromises their effectiveness in processing the long-context prompts that are frequently encountered in practical scenarios. This article offers a comprehensive survey of the recent advancement in Transformer-based LLM architectures aimed at enhancing the long-context capabilities of LLMs throughout the entire model lifecycle, from pre-training through to inference. We first delineate and analyze the problems of handling long-context input and output with the current Transformer-based models. We then provide a taxonomy and the landscape of upgrades on Transformer architecture to solve these problems. Afterwards, we provide an investigation on wildly used evaluation necessities tailored for long-context LLMs, including datasets, metrics, and baseline models, as well as optimization toolkits such as libraries, frameworks, and compilers to boost the efficacy of LLMs across different stages in runtime. Finally, we discuss the challenges and potential avenues for future research. A curated repository of relevant literature, continuously updated, is available at https://github.com/Strivin0311/long-llms-learning.
cs.CL, cs.LG, I.2.7; I.2.6; I.2.11
A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving
Can Cui, Yunsheng Ma, Xu Cao, Wenqian Ye, Yang Zhou, Kaizhao Liang, Jintai Chen, Juanwu Lu, Zichong Yang, Kuei-Da Liao, Tianren Gao, Erlong Li, Kun Tang, Zhipeng Cao, Tong Zhou, Ao Liu, Xinrui Yan, Shuqi Mei, Jianguo Cao, Ziran Wang, Chao Zheng
With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision Foundation Models (VFMs), multimodal AI systems benefiting from large models have the potential to equally perceive the real world, make decisions, and control tools as humans. In recent months, LLMs have shown widespread attention in autonomous driving and map systems. Despite its immense potential, there is still a lack of a comprehensive understanding of key challenges, opportunities, and future endeavors to apply in LLM driving systems. In this paper, we present a systematic investigation in this field. We first introduce the background of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), the multimodal models development using LLMs, and the history of autonomous driving. Then, we overview existing MLLM tools for driving, transportation, and map systems together with existing datasets and benchmarks. Moreover, we summarized the works in The 1st WACV Workshop on Large Language and Vision Models for Autonomous Driving (LLVM-AD), which is the first workshop of its kind regarding LLMs in autonomous driving. To further promote the development of this field, we also discuss several important problems regarding using MLLMs in autonomous driving systems that need to be solved by both academia and industry.
On the Potential and Limitations of Few-Shot In-Context Learning to Generate Metamorphic Specifications for Tax Preparation Software
Dananjay Srinivas, Rohan Das, Saeid Tizpaz-Niari, Ashutosh Trivedi, Maria Leonor Pacheco
Due to the ever-increasing complexity of income tax laws in the United States, the number of US taxpayers filing their taxes using tax preparation software (henceforth, tax software) continues to increase. According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), in FY22, nearly 50% of taxpayers filed their individual income taxes using tax software. Given the legal consequences of incorrectly filing taxes for the taxpayer, ensuring the correctness of tax software is of paramount importance. Metamorphic testing has emerged as a leading solution to test and debug legal-critical tax software due to the absence of correctness requirements and trustworthy datasets. The key idea behind metamorphic testing is to express the properties of a system in terms of the relationship between one input and its slightly metamorphosed twinned input. Extracting metamorphic properties from IRS tax publications is a tedious and time-consuming process. As a response, this paper formulates the task of generating metamorphic specifications as a translation task between properties extracted from tax documents - expressed in natural language - to a contrastive first-order logic form. We perform a systematic analysis on the potential and limitations of in-context learning with Large Language Models(LLMs) for this task, and outline a research agenda towards automating the generation of metamorphic specifications for tax preparation software.
cs.SE, cs.CL
FinanceBench: A New Benchmark for Financial Question Answering
Pranab Islam, Anand Kannappan, Douwe Kiela, Rebecca Qian, Nino Scherrer, Bertie Vidgen
FinanceBench is a first-of-its-kind test suite for evaluating the performance of LLMs on open book financial question answering (QA). It comprises 10,231 questions about publicly traded companies, with corresponding answers and evidence strings. The questions in FinanceBench are ecologically valid and cover a diverse set of scenarios. They are intended to be clear-cut and straightforward to answer to serve as a minimum performance standard. We test 16 state of the art model configurations (including GPT-4-Turbo, Llama2 and Claude2, with vector stores and long context prompts) on a sample of 150 cases from FinanceBench, and manually review their answers (n=2,400). The cases are available open-source. We show that existing LLMs have clear limitations for financial QA. Notably, GPT-4-Turbo used with a retrieval system incorrectly answered or refused to answer 81% of questions. While augmentation techniques such as using longer context window to feed in relevant evidence improve performance, they are unrealistic for enterprise settings due to increased latency and cannot support larger financial documents. We find that all models examined exhibit weaknesses, such as hallucinations, that limit their suitability for use by enterprises.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CE, stat.ML
VLM-Eval: A General Evaluation on Video Large Language Models
Shuailin Li, Yuang Zhang, Yucheng Zhao, Qiuyue Wang, Fan Jia, Yingfei Liu, Tiancai Wang
Despite the rapid development of video Large Language Models (LLMs), a comprehensive evaluation is still absent. In this paper, we introduce a unified evaluation that encompasses multiple video tasks, including captioning, question and answering, retrieval, and action recognition. In addition to conventional metrics, we showcase how GPT-based evaluation can match human-like performance in assessing response quality across multiple aspects. We propose a simple baseline: Video-LLaVA, which uses a single linear projection and outperforms existing video LLMs. Finally, we evaluate video LLMs beyond academic datasets, which show encouraging recognition and reasoning capabilities in driving scenarios with only hundreds of video-instruction pairs for fine-tuning. We hope our work can serve as a unified evaluation for video LLMs, and help expand more practical scenarios. The evaluation code will be available soon.
Generating Valid and Natural Adversarial Examples with Large Language Models
Zimu Wang, Wei Wang, Qi Chen, Qiufeng Wang, Anh Nguyen
Deep learning-based natural language processing (NLP) models, particularly pre-trained language models (PLMs), have been revealed to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, the adversarial examples generated by many mainstream word-level adversarial attack models are neither valid nor natural, leading to the loss of semantic maintenance, grammaticality, and human imperceptibility. Based on the exceptional capacity of language understanding and generation of large language models (LLMs), we propose LLM-Attack, which aims at generating both valid and natural adversarial examples with LLMs. The method consists of two stages: word importance ranking (which searches for the most vulnerable words) and word synonym replacement (which substitutes them with their synonyms obtained from LLMs). Experimental results on the Movie Review (MR), IMDB, and Yelp Review Polarity datasets against the baseline adversarial attack models illustrate the effectiveness of LLM-Attack, and it outperforms the baselines in human and GPT-4 evaluation by a significant margin. The model can generate adversarial examples that are typically valid and natural, with the preservation of semantic meaning, grammaticality, and human imperceptibility.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Optimal Strategies to Perform Multilingual Analysis of Social Content for a Novel Dataset in the Tourism Domain
Maxime Masson, Rodrigo Agerri, Christian Sallaberry, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc Lacayrelle, Philippe Roose
The rising influence of social media platforms in various domains, including tourism, has highlighted the growing need for efficient and automated natural language processing (NLP) approaches to take advantage of this valuable resource. However, the transformation of multilingual, unstructured, and informal texts into structured knowledge often poses significant challenges. In this work, we evaluate and compare few-shot, pattern-exploiting and fine-tuning machine learning techniques on large multilingual language models (LLMs) to establish the best strategy to address the lack of annotated data for 3 common NLP tasks in the tourism domain: (1) Sentiment Analysis, (2) Named Entity Recognition, and (3) Fine-grained Thematic Concept Extraction (linked to a semantic resource). Furthermore, we aim to ascertain the quantity of annotated examples required to achieve good performance in those 3 tasks, addressing a common challenge encountered by NLP researchers in the construction of domain-specific datasets. Extensive experimentation on a newly collected and annotated multilingual (French, English, and Spanish) dataset composed of tourism-related tweets shows that current few-shot learning techniques allow us to obtain competitive results for all three tasks with very little annotation data: 5 tweets per label (15 in total) for Sentiment Analysis, 10% of the tweets for location detection (around 160) and 13% (200 approx.) of the tweets annotated with thematic concepts, a highly fine-grained sequence labeling task based on an inventory of 315 classes. This comparative analysis, grounded in a novel dataset, paves the way for applying NLP to new domain-specific applications, reducing the need for manual annotations and circumventing the complexities of rule-based, ad hoc solutions.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Causal Structure Learning Supervised by Large Language Model
Taiyu Ban, Lyuzhou Chen, Derui Lyu, Xiangyu Wang, Huanhuan Chen
Causal discovery from observational data is pivotal for deciphering complex relationships. Causal Structure Learning (CSL), which focuses on deriving causal Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) from data, faces challenges due to vast DAG spaces and data sparsity. The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs), recognized for their causal reasoning capabilities, offers a promising direction to enhance CSL by infusing it with knowledge-based causal inferences. However, existing approaches utilizing LLMs for CSL have encountered issues, including unreliable constraints from imperfect LLM inferences and the computational intensity of full pairwise variable analyses. In response, we introduce the Iterative LLM Supervised CSL (ILS-CSL) framework. ILS-CSL innovatively integrates LLM-based causal inference with CSL in an iterative process, refining the causal DAG using feedback from LLMs. This method not only utilizes LLM resources more efficiently but also generates more robust and high-quality structural constraints compared to previous methodologies. Our comprehensive evaluation across eight real-world datasets demonstrates ILS-CSL's superior performance, setting a new standard in CSL efficacy and showcasing its potential to significantly advance the field of causal discovery. The codes are available at \url{https://github.com/tyMadara/ILS-CSL}.
Web News Timeline Generation with Extended Task Prompting
Sha Wang, Yuchen Li, Hanhua Xiao, Lambert Deng, Yanfei Dong
The creation of news timeline is essential for a comprehensive and contextual understanding of events as they unfold over time. This approach aids in discerning patterns and trends that might be obscured when news is viewed in isolation. By organizing news in a chronological sequence, it becomes easier to track the development of stories, understand the interrelation of events, and grasp the broader implications of news items. This is particularly helpful in sectors like finance and insurance, where timely understanding of the event development-ranging from extreme weather to political upheavals and health crises-is indispensable for effective risk management. While traditional natural language processing (NLP) techniques have had some success, they often fail to capture the news with nuanced relevance that are readily apparent to domain experts, hindering broader industry integration. The advance of Large Language Models (LLMs) offers a renewed opportunity to tackle this challenge. However, direct prompting LLMs for this task is often ineffective. Our study investigates the application of an extended task prompting technique to assess past news relevance. We demonstrate that enhancing conventional prompts with additional tasks boosts their effectiveness on various news dataset, rendering news timeline generation practical for professional use. This work has been deployed as a publicly accessible browser extension which is adopted within our network.
Taiyi: A Bilingual Fine-Tuned Large Language Model for Diverse Biomedical Tasks
Ling Luo, Jinzhong Ning, Yingwen Zhao, Zhijun Wang, Zeyuan Ding, Peng Chen, Weiru Fu, Qinyu Han, Guangtao Xu, Yunzhi Qiu, Dinghao Pan, Jiru Li, Hao Li, Wenduo Feng, Senbo Tu, Yuqi Liu, Zhihao Yang, Jian Wang, Yuanyuan Sun, Hongfei Lin
Objective: Most existing fine-tuned biomedical large language models (LLMs) focus on enhancing performance in monolingual biomedical question answering and conversation tasks. To investigate the effectiveness of the fine-tuned LLMs on diverse biomedical NLP tasks in different languages, We present Taiyi, a bilingual fine-tuned LLM for diverse biomedical tasks. Materials and Methods: We first curated a comprehensive collection of 140 existing biomedical text mining datasets (102 English and 38 Chinese datasets) across over 10 task types. Subsequently, a two-stage strategy is proposed for supervised fine-tuning to optimize the model performance across varied tasks. Results: Experimental results on 13 test sets covering named entity recognition, relation extraction, text classification, question answering tasks demonstrate that Taiyi achieves superior performance compared to general LLMs. The case study involving additional biomedical NLP tasks further shows Taiyi's considerable potential for bilingual biomedical multi-tasking. Conclusion: Leveraging rich high-quality biomedical corpora and developing effective fine-tuning strategies can significantly improve the performance of LLMs within the biomedical domain. Taiyi shows the bilingual multi-tasking capability through supervised fine-tuning. However, those tasks such as information extraction that are not generation tasks in nature remain challenging for LLM-based generative approaches, and they still underperform the conventional discriminative approaches of smaller language models.
cs.CL, cs.AI
GPT in Data Science: A Practical Exploration of Model Selection
Nathalia Nascimento, Cristina Tavares, Paulo Alencar, Donald Cowan
There is an increasing interest in leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for managing structured data and enhancing data science processes. Despite the potential benefits, this integration poses significant questions regarding their reliability and decision-making methodologies. It highlights the importance of various factors in the model selection process, including the nature of the data, problem type, performance metrics, computational resources, interpretability vs accuracy, assumptions about data, and ethical considerations. Our objective is to elucidate and express the factors and assumptions guiding GPT-4's model selection recommendations. We employ a variability model to depict these factors and use toy datasets to evaluate both the model and the implementation of the identified heuristics. By contrasting these outcomes with heuristics from other platforms, our aim is to determine the effectiveness and distinctiveness of GPT-4's methodology. This research is committed to advancing our comprehension of AI decision-making processes, especially in the realm of model selection within data science. Our efforts are directed towards creating AI systems that are more transparent and comprehensible, contributing to a more responsible and efficient practice in data science.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.DB
MultiLoRA: Democratizing LoRA for Better Multi-Task Learning
Yiming Wang, Yu Lin, Xiaodong Zeng, Guannan Zhang
LoRA achieves remarkable resource efficiency and comparable performance when adapting LLMs for specific tasks. Since ChatGPT demonstrated superior performance on various tasks, there has been a growing desire to adapt one model for all tasks. However, the explicit low-rank of LoRA limits the adaptation performance in complex multi-task scenarios. LoRA is dominated by a small number of top singular vectors while fine-tuning decomposes into a set of less important unitary transforms. In this paper, we propose MultiLoRA for better multi-task adaptation by reducing the dominance of top singular vectors observed in LoRA. MultiLoRA scales LoRA modules horizontally and change parameter initialization of adaptation matrices to reduce parameter dependency, thus yields more balanced unitary subspaces. We unprecedentedly construct specialized training data by mixing datasets of instruction follow, natural language understanding, world knowledge, to cover semantically and syntactically different samples. With only 2.5% of additional parameters, MultiLoRA outperforms single LoRA counterparts and fine-tuning on multiple benchmarks and model scales. Further investigation into weight update matrices of MultiLoRA exhibits reduced dependency on top singular vectors and more democratic unitary transform contributions.
cs.LG, cs.AI
LLM aided semi-supervision for Extractive Dialog Summarization
Nishant Mishra, Gaurav Sahu, Iacer Calixto, Ameen Abu-Hanna, Issam H. Laradji
Generating high-quality summaries for chat dialogs often requires large labeled datasets. We propose a method to efficiently use unlabeled data for extractive summarization of customer-agent dialogs. In our method, we frame summarization as a question-answering problem and use state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) to generate pseudo-labels for a dialog. We then use these pseudo-labels to fine-tune a chat summarization model, effectively transferring knowledge from the large LLM into a smaller specialized model. We demonstrate our method on the \tweetsumm dataset, and show that using 10% of the original labelled data set we can achieve 65.9/57.0/61.0 ROUGE-1/-2/-L, whereas the current state-of-the-art trained on the entire training data set obtains 65.16/55.81/64.37 ROUGE-1/-2/-L. In other words, in the worst case (i.e., ROUGE-L) we still effectively retain 94.7% of the performance while using only 10% of the data.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Zero-Shot Question Answering over Financial Documents using Large Language Models
Karmvir Singh Phogat, Chetan Harsha, Sridhar Dasaratha, Shashishekar Ramakrishna, Sai Akhil Puranam
We introduce a large language model (LLM) based approach to answer complex questions requiring multi-hop numerical reasoning over financial reports. While LLMs have exhibited remarkable performance on various natural language and reasoning tasks, complex reasoning problems often rely on few-shot prompts that require carefully crafted examples. In contrast, our approach uses novel zero-shot prompts that guide the LLM to encode the required reasoning into a Python program or a domain specific language. The generated program is then executed by a program interpreter, thus mitigating the limitations of LLM in performing accurate arithmetic calculations. We evaluate the proposed approach on three financial datasets using some of the recently developed generative pretrained transformer (GPT) models and perform comparisons with various zero-shot baselines. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy for all the LLMs over their respective baselines. We provide a detailed analysis of the results, generating insights to support our findings. The success of our approach demonstrates the enormous potential to extract complex domain specific numerical reasoning by designing zero-shot prompts to effectively exploit the knowledge embedded in LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
TPTU-v2: Boosting Task Planning and Tool Usage of Large Language Model-based Agents in Real-world Systems
Yilun Kong, Jingqing Ruan, Yihong Chen, Bin Zhang, Tianpeng Bao, Shiwei Shi, Guoqing Du, Xiaoru Hu, Hangyu Mao, Ziyue Li, Xingyu Zeng, Rui Zhao
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated proficiency in addressing tasks that necessitate a combination of task planning and the usage of external tools that require a blend of task planning and the utilization of external tools, such as APIs. However, real-world complex systems present three prevalent challenges concerning task planning and tool usage: (1) The real system usually has a vast array of APIs, so it is impossible to feed the descriptions of all APIs to the prompt of LLMs as the token length is limited; (2) the real system is designed for handling complex tasks, and the base LLMs can hardly plan a correct sub-task order and API-calling order for such tasks; (3) Similar semantics and functionalities among APIs in real systems create challenges for both LLMs and even humans in distinguishing between them. In response, this paper introduces a comprehensive framework aimed at enhancing the Task Planning and Tool Usage (TPTU) abilities of LLM-based agents operating within real-world systems. Our framework comprises three key components designed to address these challenges: (1) the API Retriever selects the most pertinent APIs for the user task among the extensive array available; (2) LLM Finetuner tunes a base LLM so that the finetuned LLM can be more capable for task planning and API calling; (3) the Demo Selector adaptively retrieves different demonstrations related to hard-to-distinguish APIs, which is further used for in-context learning to boost the final performance. We validate our methods using a real-world commercial system as well as an open-sourced academic dataset, and the outcomes clearly showcase the efficacy of each individual component as well as the integrated framework.
M$^{2}$UGen: Multi-modal Music Understanding and Generation with the Power of Large Language Models
Shansong Liu, Atin Sakkeer Hussain, Chenshuo Sun, Ying Shan
The current landscape of research leveraging large language models (LLMs) is experiencing a surge. Many works harness the powerful reasoning capabilities of these models to comprehend various modalities, such as text, speech, images, videos, etc. They also utilize LLMs to understand human intention and generate desired outputs like images, videos, and music. However, research that combines both understanding and generation using LLMs is still limited and in its nascent stage. To address this gap, we introduce a Multi-modal Music Understanding and Generation (M$^{2}$UGen) framework that integrates LLM's abilities to comprehend and generate music for different modalities. The M$^{2}$UGen framework is purpose-built to unlock creative potential from diverse sources of inspiration, encompassing music, image, and video through the use of pretrained MERT, ViT, and ViViT models, respectively. To enable music generation, we explore the use of AudioLDM 2 and MusicGen. Bridging multi-modal understanding and music generation is accomplished through the integration of the LLaMA 2 model. Furthermore, we make use of the MU-LLaMA model to generate extensive datasets that support text/image/video-to-music generation, facilitating the training of our M$^{2}$UGen framework. We conduct a thorough evaluation of our proposed framework. The experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves or surpasses the performance of the current state-of-the-art models.
cs.SD, cs.MM, eess.AS
Few-Shot Classification & Segmentation Using Large Language Models Agent
Tian Meng, Yang Tao, Wuliang Yin
The task of few-shot image classification and segmentation (FS-CS) requires the classification and segmentation of target objects in a query image, given only a few examples of the target classes. We introduce a method that utilises large language models (LLM) as an agent to address the FS-CS problem in a training-free manner. By making the LLM the task planner and off-the-shelf vision models the tools, the proposed method is capable of classifying and segmenting target objects using only image-level labels. Specifically, chain-of-thought prompting and in-context learning guide the LLM to observe support images like human; vision models such as Segment Anything Model (SAM) and GPT-4Vision assist LLM understand spatial and semantic information at the same time. Ultimately, the LLM uses its summarizing and reasoning capabilities to classify and segment the query image. The proposed method's modular framework makes it easily extendable. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Pascal-5i dataset.
cs.CV, cs.AI