तमनन्त महेष्वासाः शरैः शतसहस्रशः। न चाशक्यत वेढुं स सर्वभूतात्ययस्तदा॥
The powerful bowmen among the Vrishnis shot hundreds and thousands of arrows at him, but none of these succeeded in piercing him, for he was none else than the Destroyer of all creatures.
उत्पेदिरे महावाता दारुणाश्च दिने दिने। वृष्ण्यन्धकविनाशाय बहवो लोमहर्षणाः॥
Day by day strong winds blew, and many were the evil omens which arose, awful and foreboding the destruction of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
विवृद्धमूषिका रथ्या विभिन्नमणिकास्तथा। केशा नखाश्च सुप्तानामद्यन्ते मूषिकैर्निशि॥
The streets swarmed with rats and mice. Earthen pots showed cracks or broken from no visible cause. At night, the rats and mice ate away the hair and nails of sleeping men.
चीचीकूचीति वाशन्ति सारिका वृष्णिवेश्मसु। नोपशाम्यति शब्दश्च स दिवारानमेव हि॥
Sharikas chirped, sitting within the houses of the Vrishnis. The noise made by those birds ceased not for even a short while by day or by night.
अन्वकुर्वन्नुलूकानां सारसा विरुतं तथा। अजाः शिवानां विरुतमन्वकुर्वत भारत॥
The Sarashas were heard to imitate the hooting of the owl, and goats imitated the cries, O Bharata, of Jackals.
पाण्डुरा रक्तपादाश्च विहगाः कालचोदिताः। वृष्ण्यन्धकानां गेहेषु कपोता व्यचरंस्तदा॥
Many birds appeared, moved by Death, which were pale of color, but that had legs red of hue. Pigeons were seen to always disport in the houses of the Vrishni.
व्यजायन्त खरा गोषु करभा श्वतरीषु च। शुनीष्वपि बिडालाश्च मूषिका नकुलीषु च॥
Asses were born of kine, and elephants of mules. Cats were born of bitches, and mouse of the mungoose.
नापत्रपन्त पापानि कुर्वन्तो वृष्णयस्तदा। प्राद्विषन् ब्राह्मणांश्चापि पितृन् देवांस्तथैव च॥
The Vrishnis, committing sinful deeds, were not seen to feel any shame. They showed disregard for Brahmanas and the departed manes and the departed manes and the celestials.
गुरूंश्चाप्यवमन्यन्ते न तु रामजनार्दनौ। पल्य: पतीनुच्चरन्त पत्नीश्च पतयस्तथा॥
They insulted and humiliated their preceptors and elders. Only Rama and Janardana acted differently. Wives deceived their husbands, and husbands deceived wives.
विभावसुः प्रज्वलितो वामं विपरिवर्तते। नीललोहितमञ्जिष्ठा विसृजन्नर्चिषः पृथक्॥
Fires, when ignited cast their flames towards the left. Sometimes they threw out flames whose colour was blue and red.
उदयास्तमने नित्यं पुर्यां तस्यां दिवाकरः। व्यदृश्यतासकृत् पुम्भिः कबन्धैः परिवारितः॥
The Sun, whether when rising or setting over that city, seemed to be surrounded by headless trunks of human beings.
महानसेषु सिद्धेषु संस्कृतेऽतीव भारत। आहार्यमाणे कृमयो व्यदृश्यन्त सहस्रशः॥
In cook-rooms, upon food that was clean and well-boiled, were soon, when it was served out for eating, innumerable worms of various kinds.
पुण्याहे वाच्यमाने तु जपत्सु च महात्मसु। अभिधावन्तः श्रूयन्ते न चादृश्यत कश्चन॥
When Brahmanas, receiving gifts, blessed the day or the hour fixed for this or that undertaking or when great men were engaged in silent recitations, the heavy trend was heard of many men running about but no one could be seen to whom the sound of such sound could be ascribed.
परस्परं च नक्षत्रं हन्यमानं पुनः पुनः। ग्रहैरपश्यन् सर्वे ते नात्मनस्तु कथंचन॥
The Constellations were repeatedly seen to be struck by the planets. None amongst the Yadavas could, however, see the constellation of his birth.
नदन्तं पाञ्चजन्यं च वृष्ण्यन्धकनिवेशने। समन्तात् पर्यवाशन्त रासभा दारुणस्वराः॥
When the Panchajanya was blown in their houses, asses of dissonant and awful voice brayed aloud from all sides.
एवं पश्यन् हृषीकेशः सम्प्राप्तं कालपर्ययम्। त्रयोदश्याममावास्यां तान् दृष्ट्वा प्राब्रवीदिदम्॥
Seeing these sings which showed the perverse course of Time, and seeing that the day of the new moon coincided with the thirteenth (and the fourteenth) lunation's, Hrishkesha, summoning the Yadavas, said to them these words:
चतुर्दशी पञ्चदशी कृतेयं राहुणा पुनः। प्राप्ते वै भारते युद्धे प्राप्ता चाद्य क्षयाय नः॥
The fourteenth lunation has been made the fifteenth by Rahu once more. Such a day had appeared at the time of the great battle of the Bharatas. It has once more appeared, it seems, for our destruction.'
विमृशन्नेव कालं तं परिचिन्त्य जनार्दनः। मेने प्राप्तं स षट्त्रिंशं वर्षे वै केशिसूदनः॥ पुत्रशोकाभिसंतप्ता गान्धारी हतबान्धवा। यदनुव्याजहारार्ता तदिदं समुपागमत्॥
The destroyer of Keshi, viz., Janardana, thinking upon the omens that Time showed, understood that the thirty-sixth year had come, and that what Gandhari, burning with grief on account of the death of her sons, and deprived of all her kinsmen, had said was about to take place.
इदं च तदनुप्राप्तमब्रवीद् यद् युधिष्ठिरः। पुरा व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु दृष्ट्वोत्पातान् सुदारुणान्॥
The present is exactly similar to that time which Yudhishthira had marked at sight of those dreadful omens which appeared when the two armies were arranged in battle-order.
इत्युक्त्वा वासुदेवस्तु चिकीर्षुः सत्यमेव तत्। आज्ञापयामास तदा तीर्थयात्रामरिंदमः॥
Vasudeva, having said so, tried to bring about those occurrences which would make Gandhari's words true. That chastiser of enemies commanded the Vrishnis to make a pilgrimage to some sacred water.
अघोषयन्त पुरुषास्तत्र केशवशासनात्। तीर्थयात्रा समुद्रे वः कार्येति पुरुषर्षभाः॥
The messengers immediately proclaimed at the command of Keshava that the Vrishnis should make a journey to the sea-coast for bathing in the sacred waters of the ocean.
वैशम्पायन उवाच काली स्त्री पाण्डुरैर्दन्तैः प्रविश्य हसती निशि। स्त्रियः स्वप्नेषु मुष्णन्ती द्वारकां परिधावति॥
Vaishampayana said At that time the Vrishni ladics dreamt every night a woman of black color and white teeth, entering their abodes, laughed aloud and ran through Dwraka, snatching from them the auspicious threads in their wrists.
अग्निहोत्रनिकेतेषु वास्तुमध्येषु वेश्मसु। वृष्ण्यन्धकानखादन्त स्वप्ने गृध्रा भयानकाः॥
The men dreamt that dreadful vultures, entering their houses and fire-chambers, gorged themselves on their bodies.
अलंकाराच छत्रं च ध्वजाश्च कवचानि च। हियमाणान्यदृश्यन्त रक्षोभिः सुभयानकैः॥
Their ornaments and umbrellas and standards and armour were seen to be taken away by dreadful Rakshasas.
तच्चाग्निदत्तं कृष्णस्य वज्रनाभमयोमयम्। दिवमाचक्रमे चक्रं वृष्णीनां पश्यतां तदा॥
Before the very eyes of the Vrishnis, the discus of Krishna, given by Agni, made of iron and having its nave composed of hardest adamant, ascended into the sky.
युक्तं रथं दिव्यमादित्यवर्णं हया हरन् पश्यतो दारुकस्य। ते सागरस्योपरिष्टादवर्तन् मनोजवाश्चतुरो वाजिमुख्याः॥
In the very sight of Daruka, the excellent car of Vasudeva, effulgent like the sun, and properly equipt was taken away by the horses yoked to it. Those foremost of horses, numbering four, and fleet like the mind, fled away, dragging the car after them along the surface of the ocean.
तालः सुपर्णश्च महाध्वजौ तौ सुपूजितौ रामजनार्दनाभ्याम्। उच्चैर्जह्वरप्सरो दिवानिशं वाचश्चोचुर्गम्यतां तीर्थयात्रा॥
The two great standards of Krishna's car and Baladeva's car, having the emblems of Garuda and palmyra, which were reverently adored those two heroes, were taken away by Apsaras who, day and night, called upon the Vrishnis and the Andhakas to start on a pilgrimage to some sacred water.
ततो जिगमिषन्तस्ते वृष्ण्यन्धकमहारथाः। सान्तःपुरास्तदा तीर्थयात्रामैच्छन् नरर्षभाः॥
When these omens were seen and heard, those foremost of men, viz., the powerful carwarriors of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, became desirous of setting out, with their whole families, on a pilgrimage to some sacred water.
ततो भोज्यं च भक्ष्यं च पेयं चान्धकवृष्णयः। बहु नानाविधं चक्रुर्मा मांसमनेकशः॥
They prepared various kinds of viands and edibles and various kinds of wines and meat.
ततः सैनिकवर्गाश्च निर्ययुर्नगराद् बहिः। यानैरश्वैर्गजैश्चैव श्रीमन्तस्तिग्मतेजसः॥
The troops of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, blazing with beauty and gifted with fierce energy, then set out from the city on cars and horses and elephants.
ततः प्रभासे न्यवसन् यथोद्दिष्टं यथागृहम्। प्रभूतभक्ष्यपेशस्ते सदारा यादवास्तदा॥
The Yadavas then, with their wives, proceeded to Prabhasa and took up their residence there, each in the (temporary) habitation which was assigned to him and all having profuse provisions consisting of edibles and drink.
निविष्टांस्तान् निशम्याथ समुद्रान्ते स योगवित्। जगामामन्त्र्य तान् वीरानुद्धवोऽर्थविशारदः॥
Hearing that they had taken up their abode on the sea-coast, Uddhava, the wisest of men, who was, besides, well-versed in Yoga, went there and to their leave (for departing).
तं प्रस्थितं महात्मानमभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिम्। जानन् विनाशं वृष्णीनां नैच्छद् वारयितुं हरिः॥
Krishna, with joined with joined hands, saluted Uddhava, and seeing him bent on departing (from the world) and knowing that the destruction of the Vrishnis was night, did not feel any disposition to prevent him.
ततः कालपरीतास्ते वृष्ण्यन्धकमहारथाः। अपश्यन्नुद्धवं यान्तं तेजसाऽऽवृत्य रोदसी॥
The powerful car-warriors among the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, whose hour hand come, then saw Uddhava proceed on his great journey, filling the entire sky with his effulgence.
ब्राह्मणार्थेषु यत् सिद्धमन्नं तेषां महात्मनाम्। तद् वरनरेभ्यः प्रददुः सुरागन्धसमन्वितम्॥
The Vrishnis, mixing with wine the food that had been cooked for great Brahmanas, gave it away to monkeys an apes.
ततस्तूर्यशताकीर्णं नदनर्तकसंकुलम्। अवर्तत महापानं प्रभासे तिग्मतेजसाम्॥
Those heroes of fierce energy then began to revel with drink, at Prabhasa. The entire field echoed with the blare of hundreds of trumpets and abounded with actors and dancers.
कृष्णस्य संनिधौ रामः सहित: कृतवर्मणा। अपिबद् युयुधानश्च गदो बभ्रुस्तथैव च॥
In the very sight of Krishna, Rama began to drink, with Kritavarman, Yuyudhana and Gada and Vabhru also did the same.
ततः परिषदो मध्ये युयुधानो मदोत्कटः। अब्रवीत् कृतवर्माणमवहास्यावमन्य च॥ कःक्षत्रियोऽहन्यमानः सुप्तान् हन्यान्मृतानिव। तन्न मृष्यन्ति हार्दिक्य यादवा यत् त्वया कृतम्॥
Then Yuyudhana, inebriated with wine, derisively laughing at and insulting Kritavarman in the midst of that assembly, said, 'What Kshatriya is there who, armed with weapons, will kill men locked in the embraces of sleep and, therefore, already dead? Hence, O son of Hridika, the Yadavas will never tolerate what you have done.'
इत्युक्ते युयुधानेन पूजयामास तद्वचः। प्रद्युम्नो रथिनां श्रेष्ठो हार्दिक्यमवमन्य च॥
When Yuyudhana had said these words, Pradyumna, that foremost of car-warriors, applauded them, expressing his disregard for the son of Hridika.
ततः परमसंक्रुद्धः कृतवर्मा तमब्रवीत्। निर्दिशन्निव सावज्ञं तदा सव्येन पाणिना॥
Greatly enraged at this, Kritavarman, cmphasising his disregard for Satyaki by pointing to him with his left hand, said these words:
भूरिश्रवाश्छिन्नबाहुयुद्धे प्रायगतस्त्वया। वधेन सुनृशंसेन कथं वीरेण पातितः॥
Professing yourself to be a hero, how could you so cruelly kill the armless Bhurishravas who, on the field of battle, sat fasting.
हति तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा केशवः परवीरहा। तिर्यक्सरोषया दृष्ट्या वीक्षाचक्रे स मन्युमान्॥
Hearing these words of his, Keshava, that destroyer of hostile heroes, giving way to anger, cast an angry look at Kritavarman.
मणिः स्यमन्तकश्चैव यः स सत्राजितोऽभवत्। तां कथां श्रावयामास सात्यकिर्मधुसूदनम्॥
Then Satyaki informed the destroyer of Madhu as to how Kritavarman had behaved towards Satrajit for taking away from him the celebrated gem Syamantaka.
तच्छुवा केशवस्याङ्कमगमद् रुदती तदा। सत्यभामा प्रकृपिता कोपयन्ती जनार्दनम्॥
Hearing the narrative, Satyabhama, giving way to anger and tears, approached Keshava, and sitting on his lap, increased his anger (for Kritavarman).
तत उत्थाय सक्रोधः सात्यकिर्वाक्यपब्रवीत्। पञ्चानां द्रोपदेयानां धृष्टद्युन्नशिखण्डिनोः॥ एष गच्छामि पदवीं सत्येन च तथा शपे। सौप्तिके ये च निहताः सुप्ता येन दुरात्मना॥ द्रोणपुत्रसहायेन पापेन कृतवर्मणा। समाप्तमायुरस्याद्य यशश्चैव सुमध्यमे॥
Then rising up in anger, Satyaki said, 'I swear to your by Truth that I shall soon cause this one to follow the five sons of Draupadi, and of Dhrishtadyumna and Shikhandin, they, viz., who were killed by this sinful wretch, while they were asleep, with the help of Drona's son, O you of slender wish, Kritavarman's period of life and fame has come to an end.'
इत्येवमुक्त्वा खड्ड्रेन केशवस्य समीपतः। अभिद्रुत्य शिरः क्रुद्धश्चिच्छेद कृतवर्मणः॥
Having said these words, Satyaki rushed at Kritavarman and cut off his head with a sword in the very sight of Keshava.
तथान्यानपि निघ्नन्तं युयुधानं समन्ततः। अभ्याधावद्धृषीकेशो विनिवारयितुं तदा॥
Yuyudhana, having performed this feat, began to strike down others there present. Hrishikesha ran to prevent him from doing further mischief.
एकीभूतास्ततः सर्वे कालपर्यायचोदिताः। भोजान्धका महाराज शैनेयं पर्यवारयन्॥
At that time, however, O king, the Bhojas and Andhakas moved by the perverseness of the hour that had come upon them, all became as one man and surrounded the son of Shini.
तान् दृष्ट्वा पततस्तूर्णमभिक्रुद्धाञ्जनार्दनः। न चुक्रोध महातेजा जानन् कालस्य पर्ययम्॥
Janardana of great energy, knowing the character of the hour stood unmoved without giving way to anger, seeing those heroes rushing in anger at Satyaki from every side.
ते तु पानमदाविष्टाश्चोदिताः कालधर्मणा। युयुधानमथाभ्यघ्ननुच्छिष्टै जनै स्तदा॥।
Urged by fate and inebriated with drink, they began to strike Yuyudhana with the pots from which they had been eating.
हन्यमाने तु शैनेये क्रुद्धो रुक्मिणिनन्दनः। तदनन्तरमागच्छन्मोक्षयिष्यन् शिनेः सुतम्॥ स भोजैः सह संयुक्तः सात्यकिश्चान्धकैः सह।
When the son of Shini was being thus assaulted, Rukmini's son became greatly enraged. he rushed forward for rescuing Satyaki who was engaged with the Bhojas and the Andhaks.
व्यायच्छमानौ तौ वीरौ बाहुद्रविणशालिनौ॥ बहुत्वात्रिहतौ तत्र उभौ कृष्णस्य पश्यतः।
Gifted with might of arms and w’alth of energy, those two heroes acted with great courage. But as the odds were overwhelming, both of them were killed before the very eyes of Krishna.
हतं दृष्ट्वा च शैनेयं पुत्रं च यदुनन्दनः॥ एरकानां ततो मुष्टिं कोपाज्जग्राह केशवः।
Seeing his own son, and the son of Shini too, killed, the delighter of the Yadus took up, in anger, a handful of the Eraka grass which grew there.
तदभून्मुसलं घोरं वज्रकल्पमयोमयम्॥ जघान कृष्णस्तांस्तेन ये ये प्रमुखतोऽभवन्।
That handful of grass became a terrible bolt of iron gifted with the energy of the thunderbolt. With it Krishna destroyed all those who came before him.
ततोऽन्धकाश्च भोजाश्च शैनेया वृष्णयस्तथा॥ जघ्नुरन्योन्यमाक्रन्दे मुसलैः कालचोदिताः।
Then the Andhakas and the Bhojas, the Shaineyas and the Vrishnis, urged by Time, struck one another in that dreadful right.
यस्तेषामेरकां कश्चिज्जग्राह कुपितो नृप॥ वज्रभूतेव सा राजन्नदृश्यत तदा विभो।
Indeed, O king, whoever amongst them took up in anger a few blades of the Eraka grass, these, in his hands, became soon converted into a thunder-bolt, O powerful one.
तृणं च मुसलीभूतमपि तत्र व्यदृश्यत॥ ब्रह्मदण्डकृतं सर्वमिति तद् विद्धि पार्थिव।
Every blade of grass there was seen to be converted into a terrible iron bolt. All this, know, O king, was due to the curse imprecated by Brahmanas.
अविध्यान् विध्यते राजन् प्रक्षिपन्ति स्म यत् तृणम्॥ तद् वज्रभूतं मुसलं व्यदृश्यत तदा दृढम्।
He who hurled a blade of grass saw that it pierced through even such things as were utterly impenetrable. In fact, every blade was seen to become a dreadful bolt having the force of thunder.
अवधीत् पितरं पुत्रः पिता पुत्रं च भारत॥ मत्ता परिपतन्ति स्म योधयन्तः परस्परम्।
Son killed father, and father killed son, O Bharata! Inebriated with wine, they rushed and fell upon one another.
पतङ्गा इव चाग्नौ ते निपेतुः कुकुरान्धकाः॥ नासीत् पलायने बुद्धिर्वध्यमानस्य कस्यचित्।
The Kukuras and the Andhakas met with destruction like insects rushing at a burning fire. As they were thus being destroyed, no one among them thought of escaping by flight.
तत्रापश्यन्महाबाहुर्जानन् कालस्य पर्ययम्॥ मुसलं समवष्टभ्य तस्थौ स मधुसूदनः।
Knowing that the hour of destruction had come, the mighty-armed Keshava stood there, seeing everything. Indeed, the destroyer of Madhu stood, raising a bolt of Iron formed of a blade of grass.
साम्बं च निहतं दृष्ट्वा चारुदेष्णं च माधवः॥ प्रद्युम्नं चानिरुद्धं च ततश्चुक्रोध भारत।
Seeing that Shamba was killed, as also Charudeshna and Pradyumna and Aniruddha, Madhava became filled with anger.
गदं वीक्ष्य शयानं च भृशं कोपसमन्वित॥ स निःशेषं तदा चक्रे शार्ङ्गचक्रगदाधरः।
Seeing Gada lying dead on the ground, his anger became enhanced. The holder Sharnaga and the discus and the mace then rooted the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
तन्निघ्नन्तं महातेजा बभ्रुः परपुरंजयः॥ दारुकश्चैव दाशार्हमूचतुर्यन्निबोध तत्।
Hear, O king, what that conqueror of hostile towns, viz., Vabhru of great energy, and Daruka, then said to Krishna.
भगवन् निहताः सर्वे त्वया भूयिष्ठशो नराः। रामस्य पदमन्विच्छ तत्र गच्छाम यत्र सः॥
O holy one, a very large number of men has been killed by you. Turn now to where Rama has gone! We wish to go there where he has gone.
भगवन् निहताः सर्वे त्वया भूयिष्ठशो नराः। रामस्य पदमन्विच्छ तत्र गच्छाम यत्र सः॥
O holy one, a very large number of men has been killed by you. Turn now to where Rama has gone! We wish to go there where he has gone.
गत्वा कुरुन् वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो ययुर्दारुकः केशवश्च बभ्रुश्च रामस्य पदं पतन्तः। अथापश्यन् राममनतवीर्ये वृक्षे स्थितं चिन्तयानं विविक्ते॥
Vaishampayana said, Then Daruka, Keshava and Vabhru left that place following Rama. They saw that hero of great energy sitting thoughtfully, reclining his back against at tree, in a solitary place.
ततः समासाद्य महानुभावं कृष्णस्तदा दारुकमन्वशासत्। सर्वमिमं महान्तं पार्थाय शंसस्व वधं यदूनाम्॥
Finding Rama of great soul, Krishna ordered Daruka, saying, 'Going to the Kurus, inform Partha of this great carnage of the Yadus.
ततोऽर्जुनः क्षिप्रमिहापयातु श्रुत्वा मृतान् यादवान् ब्रह्मशापात्। इत्येवमुक्तः स ययौ रथेन कुरुस्तदा दारुको नष्टचेताः॥
Let Arjuna come here speedily hearing of the destruction of the Yadavas though the Brahmanas' course.' Thus addressed Daruka, deprived of his senses by sorrow, proceeded on a car to the capital of the Kurus.
ततो गते दारुके केशवोऽथ दृष्ट्वान्तिके बभ्रुमुवाच वाक्यम्। स्त्रियो भवान् रक्षितुं यातु शीघ्र नैता हिंस्युर्दस्यवो वित्तलोभात्॥
After Daruka had departed, Keshava, seeing Vabhru waiting on him, told him these words 'Do you go speedily for protecting the ladies. Let not robbers do them any injury, tempted by the riches.
स प्रस्थितः केशवेनानुशिष्टो मदातुरो ज्ञातिवधार्दितश्च। तं विश्रान्तं संनिधौ केशवस्य दुरन्तमेकं सहसैव बभ्रम्॥ ब्रह्मानुशप्तमवधीन्महद् वै कूटे युक्तं मुसलं लुब्धकस्य।
Thus orderded by Keshava, Vabhru still helpless with wine but cheerless at the destruction of his kinsmen, wen away. He had rested for a while by the side of Keshava, but as soon as he had gone to a distance the ironbolt, attached to a mallet in the hands of a hunter, suddenly sprang of itself upon that solitary survivor of the Yadava family and killed him who also had been included in the curs of the Brahmans.
ततो दृष्ट्वा निहतं बभ्रुमाह कृष्णोऽग्रजं भ्रातरमुग्रतेजाः॥ इहैव त्वं मां प्रतीक्षस्व राम यावत् स्त्रियो ज्ञातिवशाः करोमि।
Seeing Vabhru killed, Keshava of great energy addressed his elder brother and said, 'Do you, O Rama, wait for me her till I put the ladies under the care of kinsmen.
ततः पुरीं द्वारवतीं प्रविश्य जनार्दनः पितरं प्राह वाक्यम्॥ स्त्रियो भवान् रक्षतु नः समग्रा धनञ्जयस्यागमनं प्रतीक्षन्।
Entering the city of Dvaravati, Janardana said these words to his father, 'Do you protect all the ladies of our house till Dhananjaya comes.
रामो वनान्ते प्रतिपालयन्मा मास्तेऽद्याहं तेन समागमिष्ये॥ दृष्टं मयेदं निधनं यदूनां राज्ञां च पूर्वं पुरुपुङ्गवानाम्।
At the skirts of the forest Rama is waiting for me. I shall meet him today. This great destruction of the Yadus has been seen by me even as I beheld before the carnage of those Kshatriyas who were the foremost ones of Kuru's race.
नाहं विना यदुभिर्यादवानां पुरीमिमामशकं द्रष्टुमद्य॥ तपश्चरिष्यामि निबोध तन्मे रामेण सार्धं वनमभ्युपेत्य।
It is impossible for me to see this city of the Yadavs without the Yadus beside me. Know that going to the forest I shall practice penances with Rama in my company.
इतीदमुक्त्वा शिरसा च पादौ संस्पृश्य कृष्णस्त्वरितो जगाम॥ ततो महान् निनदः प्रादुरासीत् सस्त्रीकुमारस्य पुरस्य तस्य।
Having said these words, Krishna touched the feet of his father with his head and quickly left him. Then a loud wail of sorrow arose from the ladies and children of his house,
अथाब्रवीत् केशवः संनिवर्त्य शब्दं श्रुत्वा योषितां क्रोशतीनाम्॥ पुरीमिमामेष्यति सव्यसाची स वो दुःखान्मोचयिता नराग्र्यः।
Hearing that loud sound of wailing uttered by the weeping ladies, Keshava returned and said to them, Arjuna will come here. That foremost of men will relieve you of your sorrow.
ततो गत्वा केशवस्तं ददर्श रामं वने स्थितमेकं विविक्ते॥ अथापश्यद् योगयुक्तस्य तस्य नागं मुखान्निश्चरन्तं महान्तम्।
Proceeding then to the forest, Keshava saw Rama sitting in a solitary place. He also saw that Rama had set himself to Yoga and that from out his mouth was issuing a powerful snake.
श्वेतं ययौ स ततः प्रेक्ष्यमाणो महार्णवो येन महानुभावः॥ सहस्रशीर्षः पर्वताभोगवा रक्ताननः स्वां तनुं तां विमुच्य॥
The color of that snake was white. Leaving the human body, that great Naga, of a thousand heads and having a form as large as that of a mountain, endued besides with red eyes, proceeded along the way leading to the ocean.
सम्यक् च तं सागरः प्रन्यगृह्णा नागा दिव्याः सरितश्चैव पुण्याः॥ कर्कोटको वासुकिस्तक्षकश्च पृथुश्रवा अरुणः कुञ्जरश्च। स्तथा नागो धृतराष्ट्रो महात्मा॥ नागश्रेष्ठो दुर्मुखश्चाम्बरीषः। स्वयं राजा वरुणश्चापि राजन्॥ प्रत्युद्गम्य स्वागतेनाभ्यनन्दं स्तेऽपूजयंश्चार्घ्यपाद्यक्रियाभिः।
Ocean himself, and many celestial snakes, and many sacred Rivers were there, for receiving him with honor. There Karkotaka, Vasuki, Takshaka, Prithushravas, and Varuna, Kunjara, Mishri, Shankha and Kumuda, and Pundarika, and the great Dhritarashtra, and Hrada and Kratha and Shitikantha of fierce energy, and chakramanda and Atishanda, and that foremost of Nagas called Durmukha, and Ambarisha, and king Varuna himself, O king. Advancing forward and offering him the Arghya and water to wash his feet, and with various other rites, they all adored the powerful Naga an saluted him by making the usual enquiries.
ततो गते भ्रातरि वासुदेवो जानन् सर्वा गतयो दिव्यदृष्टिः॥ वने शून्ये विचरंश्चिन्तयानो भूमौ चाथ संविवेशाग्र्यतेजाः।
After his brother had thus gone from the (human) world, Vasudeva of celestial vision, who was fully acquainted with the end of all things, wandered for sometime in that solitary forest thoughtfully. Gifted with great energy he then sat down on the naked earth.
सर्वं तेन प्राक्तदा वित्तमासीद् गान्धार्या यद् वाक्यमुक्तः स पूर्वम्॥ दुर्वाससा पायसोच्छिष्टलिप्ते यच्चाप्युक्तं तच सस्मार वाक्यम्।
He had thought before this of everything which had been foreshadowed by the words uttered by Gandhari in former days. He also recollected the words that Durvasas had spoken at the time his body was smeared by that Rishi with the residue of the Payasa he had eaten.
स चिन्तयन्नन्धकवृष्णिनाशं कुरुक्षयं चैव महानुभावः॥ मेने ततः संक्रमणस्य कालं ततश्चकारेन्द्रियसंनिरोधम्।
The high-souled one, thinking of the destruction of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, as also of the previous destruction of the Kurus, concluded that the hour (for his own departure from the world) had come. He then controlled his senses (in Yoga).
मात्रेयवाक्यप्रतिपालनाय॥ निमित्तमैच्छत् सकलार्थतत्त्ववित्।
Knowing the truth of every topic, Vasudeva, though he was the Supreme Deity, wished to die for removing all doubts and establishing a certainty of results, simply for upholding the three worlds and for making the words of Atri's son true.
स संनिरुद्धेन्द्रियवाङ्मनास्तु शिश्ये महायोगमुपेत्य कृष्णः॥ जराथ तं देशमुपाजगाम लुब्धस्तदानीं मृगलिप्सुरुग्रः।
Having controlled all his senses, speech, and mind Krishna laid himself down in high Yoga. A fierce hunter of the name of Jara then came there, for finding a deer.
स केशवं योगयुक्तं शयानं मृगासक्तो लुब्धकः सायकेन॥ जराविध्यत् पादतले त्वरावां स्तं चाभितस्तज्जिघृक्षुर्जगाम।
The hunter mistaking Keshava, who was stretched on the earth in high Yoga, for a deer, pierced at him at the heel with an arrow and quickly came to that spot for capturing his prey.
अथापश्यत् पुरुषं योगयुक्तं पीताम्बरं लुब्धकोऽनेकबाहुम्॥ मत्वाऽऽत्मानं त्वपराद्धं स तस्य पादौ जरा जगृहे शंकितात्मा।
Coming up, Jara saw a man dressed in yellow robes, rapt in Yoga, and gifted with many arms. considering himself an offender, and filled with fear, he touched the feet of Keshava.
आश्वासयंस्तं महात्मा तदानीं गच्छन्नूचं रोदसी व्याप्य लक्ष्म्या॥
The high-souled one comforted him and then ascended upwards, filling the entire sky with splendour.
दिवं प्राप्तं वासवोऽथाश्विनौ च रुद्रादित्या वसवश्चाथ विश्वे। प्रत्युद्ययुर्मुनयश्चापि सिद्धा गन्धर्वमुख्याश्च सहाप्सरोभिः॥
When he reached the celestial region, Vasava and the twin Ashvins and Rudra and the Adityas and and the Vasus and the Visuvedevas, and Munis and Siddhas and many foremost ones among the Gandharvas, with the Apsaras, advanced to receive him.
ततो राजन् भगवानुग्रतेजा नारायणः प्रभवश्चाव्ययश्च। योगाचार्यो रोदसी व्याप्य लक्ष्म्या स्थान प्राप स्वं महात्माप्रमेयम्॥
Then, O king, the illustrious Narayana of dreadful energy, the Creator and Destroyer of all, that preceptor of Yoga-filling Heaven with his splendour, reached his own inconceivable region.
ततो देवैरृषिभिश्चापि कृष्णः समागतश्चारणैश्चैव राजन्। गन्धवौय्यैरप्सरोभिर्वराभिः सिद्धैः साध्यैश्चानतैः पूज्यमानः॥
Krishna then met the deities and (celestial) Rishis and Charanas, O king, and the foremost ones among the Gandharvas and many beautiful Apsaras and Siddhas and Saddhyas. All of them bending in humility, adored him.
तं वै देवाः प्रत्यनन्दन्त राजन् मुनिश्रेष्ठा ऋम्भिरानचुरीशम्। तं गन्धर्वाश्चापि तस्थुः स्तुवन्तः प्रीत्या चैनं पुरुहूतोऽभ्यनन्दत्॥
The celestials all saluted him, O monarch, and many foremost of ascetics and Rishi adored him as the Lord of all. The Gandharvas waited on him, singing his praises, and Indra also joyfully praised him.
वैशम्पायन उवाच दारुकोऽपि कुरुन् गत्वा दृष्ट्वा पार्थान् महारथान्। आचष्ट मौसले वृष्णीनयोन्येनोपसंतान्॥
Vaishampayana said Meanwhile Daruka, going to the Kurus and seeing those powerful car warriors, viz., the sons Pritha, informed them of how the Vrishnis had killed one another with iron bolts.
श्रुत्वा विनष्टान् वार्ष्णेयान् सभोजान्धककौकुरान्। पाण्डवाः शोकसंतप्ता वित्रस्तमनसोऽभवन्॥
Hearing that the Vrishnis along with the Bhojas and Andhakas and Kukuras had all been killed, the Pandavas, burning with grief, became highly moved.
ततोऽर्जुनस्तानामन्त्र्य केशवस्य प्रियः सखा। प्रययौ मातुलं द्रष्टुं नेदमस्तीनि चाब्रवीत्॥
Then the Arjuna, the dear friend of Keshava, bidding them farewell, started for seeing his maternal uncle. He said that destruction would soon overtake every thing.
स वृष्णिनिलयं गत्वा दारुकेण सह प्रभो। ददर्श द्वारकां वीरो मृतनाथामिव स्त्रियम्॥
Proceeding to the city of the Vrishnis with Daruka in his company, O powerful king, that hero saw that the city of Dwraka looked liked a women left of her husband.
याः स्म ता लोकनाथेन नाथवन्त्यः पुराभवन्। तास्त्वनाथास्तदा नाथं पार्थं दृष्ट्वा विचुक्रुशुः॥
Those ladies who had, before this, the very Lord of the universe for their protector, were now lordless. Seeing that Partha, had come for protecting them, they all bewailed aloud.
षोडशस्त्रीसहस्राणि वासुदेवपरिग्रहः। तासमासीन्महान् नादो दृष्टैवार्जुनमागतम्॥
Sixteen thousand ladies had been wedded to Vasudeva. Indeed, as soon as they beheld Arjuna arrive, they uttered a loud cry of sorrow.
तास्तु दृष्ट्वैव कौरव्यो बाष्पेणापिहितेक्षणः। हीनाः कृष्णेन पुत्रैश्च नाशकत् सोऽभिवीक्षितुम्॥
As soon as the Kuru prince met those beautiful ladies deprived of the protection of Krishna and of their sons as well he was unable to look at them, vision being obstructed by tears.
स तां वृष्णयन्धकजलां हयमीनां रथोडुपाम्। वादित्ररथघोषौघां वेश्मतीर्थमहाह्रदाम्॥ रत्नशैवलसंघातां वज्रप्राकारमालिनीम्। रथ्यास्रोतोजलावर्तो चत्वरस्तिमिनहदाम्॥ रामकृष्णमहाग्राहां द्वारकां सहितं तदा। कालपाशग्रहां भीमा नदी वैतरणीमिव॥
The Dwraka-river had the Vrishnis and the Andhakas for its water, horses for its fishes, cars for its rafts, the sound of musical instruments and the rattle of cars for its wayes, houses and mansions and public squares for its lakes. Games and precious stones were its moss. The walls of adamant were the garlands of flowers that floated on it. The streets and roads were the strong currents running in eddies along its surface. The great open squares were the large lakes in its course. Rama and Krishna were its two mighty alligators. That agreeable river now seemed to Arjuna to be the dreadful Vaitarani bound up with Time's net.