ददर्श वासविर्धीमान् विहीनां वृष्णिपुङ्गवैः। गतश्रियं निरानन्दा पद्मिनी शिशिरे यथा॥
Indeed, the son of Vasava, gifted with great intelligence, beheld the city to look even thus, reft as it was of the Vrishni heroes.
तां दृष्ट्वा द्वारकां पार्थस्ताश्च कृष्णस्य योषितः। सस्वनं वाष्पमुत्सृज्य निपपात महीतले॥
Shorn of beauty, and perfectly cheerless, it presented the aspect of a lotus flower in the season of winter. Seeing the sight that Dwraka presented, and seeing the numerous wives of Krishna, Arjuna bewailed aloud with eyes bathed in tears and fell down on the earth.
सात्राजिती ततः सत्या रुक्मिणी च विशाम्पते। अभिपत्य प्ररुरुदुः परिवार्य धनञ्जयम्॥
Then Satya the daughter of Satrajit, and Rukmini too, O king, fell down beside Dhananjaya and bewailed.
ततस्तं काञ्चने पीठे समुत्थाप्योपवेश्य च। अब्रुवन्त्यो महात्मानं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे॥
Raising him then they caused him to be seated on a golden seat. The ladies sat around that great one, giving expression to their feelings.
ततः संस्तूय गोविन्दं कथयित्वा च पाण्डवः। आश्वास्य ताः स्त्रियश्चापि मातुलं द्रष्टुमभ्यगात्॥
Praising Govinda and talking with the ladies, the son of Pandu comforted them and then proceeded to see his maternal uncle.
वैशम्पायन उवाच तं शयानं महात्मानं वीरमानकदुन्दुभिम्। पुत्रशोकेन संतप्तं ददर्श कुरुपुङ्गवः॥
Vaishampayana said, The Kuru prince saw the heroic and great Anakadundubhi lying on the ground, and burning with grief on account of his sons.
तस्याश्रुपरिपूर्णाक्षो व्यूढोरस्को महाभुजः। आर्तस्यार्ततरः पार्थः पादौ जग्राह भारत॥
The broad-chested and mighty-armed son of Pritha, more afflicted than his uncle with his eyes bathed in tears, touched his uncle's feet, O Bharata.
तस्य मूर्धानमाघ्रातुमियेषानकदुन्दुभिः। स्वस्रीयस्य महाबाहुर्न शशाक च शत्रुहन्॥
The mighty-armed Anakadundubhi wished to smell the head of his sister's son, but could not do it, O destroyer of enemies.
समालिङ्गग्यार्जुनं वृद्धः स भुजाभ्यां महाभुजः। रुदन् पुत्रान् स्मरन् सर्वान् विललाप सुविह्वलः॥ भ्रातन पुत्रांश्च पौत्रांश्च दौहित्रान् ससखीनपि।
The old man of mighty-arms, deeply afflicted embraced Partha with his arms and wept aloud, remembering his sons, brothers grandsons, daughter's sons, and friends.
वासुदेव उवाच यैर्जिता भूमिपालाश्च दैत्याश्च शतशोऽर्जुन॥ तान् दृष्ट्वा नेह पश्यामि जीवाम्यर्जुन दुर्मरः।
Vasudeva said Without seeing those heroes, O Arjuna who had subjugated all the kings of the Earth and the Daityas a hundred time, I am still alive! I see, that I cannot die!
यौ तावर्जुन शिष्यौ ते प्रियौ बहुमतौ सदा॥ तयोरपनयात् पार्थ वृष्णयो निधनं गताः।
Those two heroes who were the dear disciples of Arjuna, and who were much were course respected by him, alas, O Partha, through their fault, the Vrishnis have been destroyed.
यौ तौ वृष्णिप्रवीराणां द्वावेवातिरथौ मतौ॥ प्रद्युस्रो युयुधानश्च कथयन् कत्थसे च यौ। तौ सदा कुरुशार्दूल कृष्णस्य प्रियभाजनौ॥ तावुभौ वृष्णिनाशस्य मुखमास्तां धनञ्जय।
Those two who considered as Atirathas amongst the foremost of the Vrishnis, and referring to whom in of conversation you were wont to indulge in pride, and who, O chief of Kuru's race, were ever dear to Krishna himself, alas, those tow, O Dhananjaya, have been the chief causes of the Destruction of the Vrishnis.
तु गर्हामि शैनेयं हार्दिक्यं चाहमर्जुन॥ अक्रूरं रौक्मिणेयं च शापो ह्येवात्र कारणम्।
I do not censure the son of Shini or the son of Hridika, O Arjuna! I do not censure Akrura or the son of Rukmini. No doubt, the curse (of the Rishis) is the sole cause.
केशिनं यस्तु कंसं च विक्रम्य जगतः प्रभुः॥ विदेहावकरोत् पार्थ चैद्यं च बलगर्वितम्। नैषादिमेकलव्यं च चक्रे कालिङ्गमागधान्॥ गान्धारान् काशिराजं च मरुभूमौ च पार्थिवान्। प्राच्यांश्च दाक्षिणात्यांश्च पर्वतीयांस्तथा नृपान्॥ सोऽभ्युपेक्षितवानेतमनयान्मधुसूदनः।
How is it what that lord of the universe, viz., the destroyer of Madhu, who had shown his prowess for killing Keshin, Kansa, and Chaidya swelling with pride, and Ekalavya the son of the king of the Nishadas, and the Kalingas and the Magadhas, and the Gandharas and the king of Kashi, and many rulers assembled together in the midst of the desert, many heroes belonging to the East and the South, and many kings of the mountainous regions, alas, how could he remain indifferent to such a calamity as the curse denounced by the Rishis?
त्वं हि तं नारदश्चैव मुनयश्च सनातनम्॥ गोविन्दमनघं देवमभिजानीध्वमच्युतम्।
Yourself, Narada, and the Munis, knew him to be the eternal and sinless Govinda, the Deity of unfading glory.
प्रत्यपश्यच्च स विभुञ्जतिक्षयमधोक्षजः॥ समुपेक्षितवान् नित्यं स्वयं स मम पुत्रकः।
Alas, being powerful Vishnu himself, he saw without interfering, the destruction of his kinsmen! My son must have himself allowed all this to happen.
गान्धार्या वचनं यत् तदृषीणां च परंतप॥ तन्नूनमन्यथा कर्तुं नैच्छत् स जगतः प्रभुः।
He was the Lord of the universe. He did not, however, wish to falsity the words of Gandhari and the Rishis, o destroyer of enemies.
प्रत्यक्षं भवतश्चापि तव पौत्रः परंतप॥ अश्वत्थाम्ना हतश्चापि जीवितस्तस्य तेजसा।
Before the very eyes, O hero, your grandson, who had been killed by Ashvatthaman was revived through his energy.
इमांस्तु नैच्छत् स्वाज्ञातीन् रक्षितुं च सखा तव॥१७। ततः पुत्रांश्च पौत्रांश्च भ्रातृनथ सखींस्तथा। शयानान् निहतान् दृष्ट्वा ततो मामब्रवीदिदम्॥ सम्प्राप्तोऽद्यायमस्यान्तः कुलस्य भरतर्षभ।
That friend, however, of yours did not wish to protect his kinsmen. Seeing his sons and grandson and brothers and friends lying dead, he said to me these words, O Bharata's race. The destruction of this our family has at last come.
आगमिष्यति बीभत्सुरिमां द्वारवतीं पुरीम्॥ आख्येयं तस्य यद् वृत्तं वृष्णीनां वैशसं महत्।
Vibhatsa will come to this city, viz., Dvaravati. Tell him what has taken place viz., this great destruction of the Vrishnis.
स तु श्रुत्वा महातेजा यदूनां निधनं प्रभो॥ आगन्ता क्षिप्रमेवेह न मेऽत्रास्ति विचारणा।
I have no doubt that as soon as he will hear of the destruction of the Yadus, that hero of mighty energy will come here forthwith.
योऽहं तमर्जुनं विद्धि योऽर्जुनः सोऽहमेव तु॥ यद् ब्रूयात् तत् तथा कार्यमिति बुद्ध्यस्व भारत।
Know, O father, that I Arjuna and Arjuna is myself. That should be down by you which he would say.
स स्त्रीषु प्राप्तकालासु पाण्डवो बालकेषु च॥ प्रतिपत्स्यति बीभत्सुर्भवतश्चौर्ध्वदेहिकम्।
Tile son of Pandu will do what is best for the women and the children. Even he will perform your funeral rites.
इमां च नगरी सद्यः प्रतियाते धनञ्जये॥ प्राकाराट्टालकोपेतां समुद्रः प्लावयिष्यति।
This city of Dvaravati, after Arjuna's departure, will, with its walls and edifices, be speedily swallowed up by the ocean.
अहं देशे तु कस्मिंश्चित् पुण्ये नियममास्थितः॥ कालं कर्ता सत्य एव रामेण सह धीमता।
As for myself retiring to some sacred place, I shall pass my time with the intelligent Rama in my company, observing strict vows all the while.
एवमुक्त्वा हृषीकेशो मामचिन्त्यपराक्रमः॥ हित्वा मां बालकैः सार्धं दिशं कामप्यगात् प्रभुः।
Having said these words to me, Hrishikesha of inconceivable prowess, leaving me with the children, has gone away some where which I do not know.
सोऽहं तौ च महात्मानौ चिन्तयन् भ्रातरौ तव॥। घोरं ज्ञातिवधं चैव न भुञ्जे शोककर्शितः।
Thinking of those two great brothers of yours as also of the dreadful destruction of my kinsmen, I have abstained from all food, and am emaciated with grief.
न भोक्ष्ये न च जीविष्ये दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि पाण्डव॥ यदुक्तं पार्थ कृष्णेन तत् सर्वमखिलं कुरु।
I shall neither eat, nor live. By good luck you meet me, O son of Pandu. Do you accomplish all, O Partha, that Krishna has said.
एतत् ते पार्थ राज्यं च स्त्रियो रत्नानि चैव हि॥ इष्टान् प्राणानहं हीमांस्त्यक्ष्यामि रिपुसूदन॥
This kingdom, with all these women, and all the wealth here, is your now, O son of Pritha! As for myself, O destroyer of foes, I shall renounce my life however dear it may be.
वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तः स बीभत्सुर्मातुलेन परंतप। दुर्मना दीनवदनो वसुदेवमुवाच ह॥ नाहं वृष्णिप्रवीरेण बन्धुभिश्चैव मातुल। विहीनां पुथिवीं द्रष्टुं शक्यामीह कथंचन॥।
Vaishampayana said, That scorcher of enemies, viz., Bibhatsu, thus addressed by his maternal uncle, replied, with great cheerlessness of heart, to Vasudeva who was equally cheerless, saying, 'O uncle, I ma unable to look at this Earth when she is reft of that hero of Vrishni' rare and those my other kinsmen.
राजा च भीमसेनश्च सहदेवश्च पाण्डवः। नकुलो याज्ञसेनी च षडेकमनसो वयम्॥
The king and Bhimasena and Sahadeva and Nakula and Yajnaseni, are of the same mind with myself in this matter.
राज्ञः संक्रमणे चापि कालोऽयं वर्तते ध्रुवम्। तमिमं विद्धि सम्प्राप्तं कालं कालविदां वर॥
The time has come for the departure of the king also. Know this that the hour of our departure too is near. You are the foremost of those who are well conversant with the course of time.
सर्वथा वृष्णिदारास्तु बालं वृद्धं तथैव च। नयिष्ये परिगृह्याहमिन्द्रप्रस्थमरिंदम॥
I shall, however, O chastiser of enemies, first remove to Indraprastha the women of the Vrishni race as also the children and the aged.'
इत्युक्त्वा दारुकमिदं वाक्यमाह धनञ्जयः। अमात्यान् वृष्णिवीराणां द्रष्टुमिच्छामि मा चिरम्॥६।
Having said so to his uncle, Arjuna, next addressed Daruka, saying, I wish to see forthwith the chief officers of the Vrishni heroes.
शक्रप्रस्थमहं नेष्ये इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं सुधर्मं यादवी सभाम्। प्रविवेशार्जुनः शूरः शोचमानो महारथान्॥
Having uttered these words, the heroic Arjuna, grieving for those great car-warriors, entered the great hall of the Yadavas, called Sudharma.
तमासनगतं तत्र सर्वाः प्रकृतयस्तथा। ब्राह्मणा नैगमास्तत्र परिवार्योपतस्थिरे॥।
When he had taken his seat here, all the citizens, including the Brahmanas, and all the ministers of state, came and stood surrounding him.
तान् दीनमनसः सर्वान् विमूढान् गतचेतसः। उवाचेदं वचः काले पार्थो दीनतरस्तथा॥
Then Partha, more grieved than they, addressed those grieving and cheerless citizens and officers who were more dead than alive, and said these words which were well suited to the occasion.
वृष्ण्यन्धकजनं स्वयम्। इदं तु नगरं सर्वं समुद्रः प्लावयिष्यति॥
I shall take away with me the remnants of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas! The sea will soon engulf this city.
सज्जीकुरुत यानानि रत्नानि विविधानि च। वज्रोऽयं भवतां राजा शक्रप्रस्थे भविष्यति॥
Equip all your cars and place on them all your riches. This Vajra will be your king at Shakraprastha.
सप्तपे दिवसे चैव रवौ विमल उद्गते। बहिर्वत्स्यामहे सर्वे सज्जीभवत मा चिरम्॥
On the seventh day from this, at sunrise, we shall start. Make your preparations immediately.
इत्युक्तास्तेन ते सर्वे पार्थेनाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। सज्जमाशु ततश्चक्रुः स्वसिद्ध्यर्थं समुत्सुकाः॥
Thus addressed by Pritha's son of Pure deeds, all of them hastened their preparations with eagerness for securing their safety.
तां रात्रिमवसत् पार्थः केशवस्य निवेशने। महता शोकमोहेन सहसाभिपरिप्लुतः॥
Arjuna passed that night in the palaces of Keshava. He was suddenly overwhelmed with great sorrow and stupefaction.
श्वोभूतेऽथ ततः शौरिर्वसुदेवः प्रतापवान। युक्त्वाऽऽत्मानं महातेजा जगाम गतिमुत्तमाम्॥
When morning dawned, Vasudeva of great energy and prowess attained, through the help of Yoga, to the highest end.
ततः शब्दो महानासीद् वसुदेवनिवेशने। दारुणः क्रोशतीनां च रुदतीनां च योषिताम्॥
A loud and heart-rendering sound of wailing was heard in Vasudeva's palace, uttered by the weeping ladies.
प्रकीर्णमूर्धजाः सर्वा विमुक्ताभरणस्रजः। उरांसि पाणिभिर्जन्त्यो व्यलपन् करुणं स्त्रियः॥
They were seen with disheveled hair and divested of ornaments and garlands Beating their breasts with their hands, the indulged in heart-rendering lamentations.
तं देवकी च भद्रा च रोहिणी मदिरा तथा। अन्वारोहन्त च तदा भर्तारं योषितां वराः॥
Those foremost of women, viz., Devaki and Bhadra and Rohini and Madira threw themselves on the bodies of threw themselves on the bodies of their lord.
ततः शौरि नृयुक्तेन बहुमूल्येन भारत। यानेन महता पार्थो बहिर्निष्क्रामयत् तदा॥
Then Partha caused the body of his uncle lo be carried out on a rich vehicle borne on the shoulders of men.
तमन्वयुस्तत्र तत्र दुःखशोकसमन्विताः। द्वारकावासिनः सर्वे पौरजानपदा हिताः॥
It was followed by all the citizens of Dwraka and the people of the provinces all of whom greatly stricken with grief, had been disposed towards the deceased hero.
तस्याश्वमेधिकं छत्रं दीप्यमानाश्च पावकाः। पुरस्तात् तस्य यानस्य याजकाश्च ततो ययुः॥
Before that vehicle were born the umbrella which had been held over his head at the conclusion of the horse-sacrifice he had performed while living and also the burning fires he had daily adored, with the priests who had used to attend to them.
अनुजग्मुश्च तं वीरं देव्यस्ता वै स्वलंकृताः। स्त्रीसहस्रः परिवृता वधूभिश्च सहस्रशः॥
The body of the hero was followed by his wives decked in ornaments and surrounded by thousands of women and thousands of their daughter-in-law.
यस्तु देशः प्रियस्तस्य जीवतोऽभून्महात्मनः। तत्रैनमुपसंकल्प्य पितृमेधं प्रचक्रिरे॥
The last rites were then performed at that spot which he liked while he was alive
तं चिताग्निगतं वीरं शूरपुत्रं वराङ्गनाः। ततोऽन्वारुरुहुः पत्न्यश्चतस्रः पतिलोकगाः॥
The four wives of that heroic son of Shura ascended the funeral pyre and were consumed with the body of their husband. All of them attained to those happy regions which were his.
तं वै चतसृभिः स्त्रीभिरन्वितं पाण्डुनन्दनः। अदाहयच्चदनैश्च गन्धैरुच्चावचैरपि॥।
The son of Pandu burnt the body of his uncle together with those four wives of his, using various kinds of scents and perfumed wood.
ततः प्रादुरभूच्छब्दः समिद्धस्य विभावसोः। सामगानां च निर्घोषो नराणां रुदतामपि॥
As the funeral pyre blazed up, a loud sound was heard of the burning wood and other combustible materials, along with the clear chant of Samans and the lamentation of the citizens and others who saw the rite.
ततो वज्रप्रधानास्ते वृष्ण्यन्धककुमारकाः। सर्वे चैवोदकं चक्रुः स्त्रियश्चैव महात्मनः॥
After it was all over, the boys of the Vrishnis and Andhaka races, headed by Vajra, as also the ladies, offered oblations of water to the great hero.
अलुप्तधर्मस्तं धर्मं कारयित्वा स फाल्गुनः। जगाम वृष्णयो यत्र विनष्टा भरतर्षभ॥।
Phalguna, who was careful in observing every duty having caused this duty to be performed, went. O chief of Bharata's race, next to the place where the Vrishnis were killed.
स तान् दृष्ट्वा निपतितान् कदने भृशदुः :खितः। बभूवातीव कौरव्यः प्राप्तकालं चकार ह॥
The Kuru prince, seeing them lying killed all around, became exceedingly cheerless. He, however did what required to be done in view of that which had taken place.
यथा प्रधानतश्चैव चक्रे सर्वास्तथा क्रियाः। ये हता ब्रह्मशापेन मुसलैरेरकोद्भवैः॥
The last rites were performed, according to the order of seniority, to the bodies of those heroes killed by the iron bolts born, by virtue of the curse denounced by the Brahmanas, of the blades of Eraka grass.
ततः शरीरे रामस्य वासुदेवस्य चोभयोः। अन्विष्य दाहयामास पुरुषैराप्तकारिभिः॥
Searching out the bodies then of Rama and Vasudeva, Arjuna caused them to be burnt by expert persons.
स तेषां विधिवत् कृत्वा प्रेतकार्याणि पाण्डवः। सप्तमे दिवसे प्रायाद् रथमारुह्य सत्वरः॥
The son of Pandu, having next perforined duly those rites that are done to the manes of the dead, quickly started on the seventh day, mounting on his car.
अश्वयुक्तै रथैश्चापि गोखरोष्ट्रयुतैरपि। स्त्रियस्ता वृष्णिवीराणां रुदत्यः शोककर्शिताः॥
The windows of the Vrishni heroes wailing aloud, followed the great son of Pandu, viz., Dhananjaya, on cars drawn by bullocks and mules and camels.
अनुजग्मुर्महात्मानं पाण्डुपुत्रं धनञ्जयम्। भृत्याश्चान्धकवृष्णीनां सादिनो रथिनश्च ये॥
All were in deep sorrow. The servants of the Vrishnis, their horsemen, and their carwarriors too, followed the procession.
वीरहीनं वृद्धबालं पौरजानपदास्तथा। ययुस्ते परिवार्याथ कलत्रं पार्थशासनात्॥
The citizens and the inhabitants of the country, at the command of Pritha's son, started at the same time and proceeded, surrounding that cavalcade destitute of heroes and numbering only women and the aged and the children.
कुञ्जरैश्च गजारोहा ययुः शैलनिभैस्तथा। सपादरक्षैः संयुक्ताः सान्तरायुधिका ययुः॥
The warriors who fought from the backs of elephants proceeded on elephants as huge as hills. The infanty also set out, together with the reserves.
पुत्राश्चान्धकवृष्णीनां सर्वे पार्थमनुव्रताः। ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया: वैश्याः शूद्राश्चैव महाधनाः॥ दश षट् च सहस्राणि वासुदेवावरोधनम्। पुरस्कृत्य ययुर्वजं पौत्रं कृणस्य धीमतः॥
The children of the Andhaka, and the Vrishni races, all followed Arjuna. The Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, and rich Shudras, started keeping before them the sixteen thousand women who had formed Vasudeva's harem and Vajra, the grandson of the intelligent Krishna.
बहूनि च सहस्राणि प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। भोजवृष्ण्यन्धकस्त्रीणां हतनाथानि निर्ययुः॥
The widows of the other heroes of the Bhoja, the Vrishni and the Andhaka races, lordless now, that started with Arjuna, numbered many millions.
तत्सागरसमप्रख्यं वृष्णिचक्रं महर्धिमत्। उवाह रथिनां श्रेष्ठः पार्थः परपुरंजयः॥
That foremost of car-warriors, that conqueror of hostile towns viz., the son of Pritha, escorted this huge procession of Vrishnis, which still abounded with wealth, and which looked like a veritable ocean.
निर्याते तु जने तस्मिन् सागरो मकरालयः। द्वारकां रत्नसम्पूर्णो जलेनाप्लावयत् तदा॥
After all the people had started, the ocean, the home of sharks, and alligators, flooded Dwraka, which still teemed with riches of every kind, with its waters.
यद् यद्धि पुरुषव्याघ्रो भूमेस्तस्या व्यमुञ्चत। तत् तत् सम्लावयामास सलिलेन स सागरः॥
Whatever portion of the ground was passed over, ocean immediately flooded over with his waters.
तदद्भुतमभिप्रेक्ष्य द्वारकावासिनो जनाः। तूर्णात् तूर्णतरं जग्मुरहो दैवमिति ब्रुवन्॥
Seeing this wonderful spectacle, the inhabitants of Dwraka walked faster and faster, saying. Wonderful is the course of fate.'
काननेषु च रम्येषु पर्वतेषु नदीषु च। निवसन्नानयामास वृष्णिदारान् धनञ्जयः॥
Dhananjaya, after abandoning Dwraka, proceeded by slow marches, causing the Vrishni women to rest in charming forests and mountain and by the sides of delightful rivers.
स पञ्चनदमासाद्य धीमानतिसमृद्धिमत्। देशे गोपशुधान्याढ्ये निवासमकरोत् प्रभुः॥
Arrived at the country of the five waters, the powerful Dhananjaya encamped in the midst of a land that abounded with corn and kine and other animals.
ततो लोभः समभवद् दस्यूनां निहतेश्वराः। दृष्ट्वा स्त्रियो नीयमानाः पार्थेनैकेन भारत॥
Seeing those widows escorted by Pritha's son alone, O Bharata, the robbers felt a great temptation.
ततस्ते पामकर्माणो लोभोपहतचेतसः। आभीरा मन्त्रयामासुः समेत्याशुभदर्शनाः॥
Then those sinful wretches, with hearts possessed by cupidity, viz., those Abhiras of ill omen, assembled together and held consultation.
अयमेकोऽर्जुनो धन्वी वृद्धबालं हतेश्वरम्। नयत्यस्मानतिक्रम्य योधाश्चमे हतौजसः॥
They said, 'Here there is only one bowman, viz., Arjuna. The party consists of children and the old. He escorts them alone. The warriors (of the Vrishnis) are without energy.
ततो यष्टिप्रहरणा दस्यवस्ते सहस्रशः। अभ्यधावान्त वृष्णीनां तं जनं लोप्पहारिणः॥
Then those robbers, numbering by thousands, and armed with clubs, rushed a towards the procession of the Vrishnis for looting them.
महता सिंहनादेन त्रासयन्तः पृथग्जनम्। अभिपेतुर्वधार्थं ते कालपर्यायचोदिताः॥
Urged by the perverse course of time, they fell upon that party, frightening it will loud leonine shouts and desirous of slaughter.
ततो निवृत्तः कौन्तेयः सहसा सपदानुगः। उवाच तान् महाबाहुरर्जुनः प्रहसन्निव॥ निवर्तध्वमधर्मज्ञा यदि जीवितुमिच्छथा इदानीं शरनिर्भिन्नाः शोचध्वं निहता मया॥
The son of Kunti, suddenly ceasing to advance along the path, turned, with his followers, towards the place where the robbers had attacked the party. Smiling the while, that mighty-armed warrior addressed the assailants, saying. “You sinful wretches, stop, if you love your lives! You will rue this when I cut your bodies with my arrows and take your lives.'
तथोक्तास्तेन वीरेण कद कृत्य तद्वचः। अभिपेतुर्जनं मूढा वार्यमाणाः पुनः पुनः॥
Though thus addressed by that hero, they disregarded his words, and though repeatedly dissuaded, they fell upon Arjuna.
ततोऽर्जुनो धनुर्दिव्यं गाण्डीवमजरं महत्। आरोपयितुमारेभे यत्नादिव कथंचन॥
Then Arjuna tried to string his large, indestructible, celestial bow with some effort.
चकार सज्जं कृछ्रेण सम्भ्रमे तुमुले सति। चिन्तयामास शस्त्राणि न च सस्मार तान्यपि॥
He succeeded with great difficulty in stringing it, when the battle had become furious. He then began to think of his celestial weapons but they would not come to his mind.
वैकृतं तन्महद् दृष्ट्वा भुजवीर्यं तथा युधि। दिव्यानां च महास्त्राणां विनाशाद् व्रीडितोऽभवत्॥५६
Seeing that furious battle, the loss of the might of his arm, and the non appearance of his celestial weapons, Arjuna became greatly ashamed.
वृष्णियोधाश्च ते सर्वे गजाश्वरथयोधिनः। न शेकुरावर्तयितुं ह्रियमाणं च तं जनम्॥
The Vrishni warriors including the infantry, the elephant-warriors, and the car-men, failed to rescue those Vrishni women who were being snatched away by the robbers.
कलत्रस्य बहुत्वाद्धि सम्पतत्सु ततस्ततः। प्रयत्नमकरोत् पार्थो जनस्य परिरक्षणे॥
The concourse was very large. The robbers attacked it, at different points. Arjuna tried his best to protect it, but could not succeed.
मिषतां सर्वयोधानां ततस्ताः प्रमदोत्तमाः। समन्ततोऽवकृष्यन्त कामाच्चान्याः प्रवव्रजुः॥
Before the eyes of all the warriors, many foremost of ladies were dragged away, while others went away with the robbers of their own accord.
ततो गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः शरैः पार्थो धनञ्जयः। जघान दस्यून् सोद्वेगो वृष्णिभृत्यैः सहस्रशः॥
The powerful Arjuna, supported by the servants of the Vrishnis, struck the robbers with arrows shot off Gandiva.
क्षणेन तस्य ते राजन् क्षयं जग्मुरजिह्मगाः। अक्षयाहि पुरा भूत्वा क्षीणा: क्षतजभोजनाः॥
Soon, however, O king, is arrows were exhausted. In former days his arrows had been inexhaustible. Now, however, they proved otherwise.
स शरक्षयमासाद्य दुःखशोकसमाहतः। धनुष्कोट्या तदा दस्यूनवधीत् पाकशासनिः॥
Finding his arrows exhausted, he became deeply afflicted with grief. The son of Indra then began to strike the robbers with the horns of his bow.
प्रेक्षतस्त्वेव पार्थस्य वृष्णयन्धकवरस्त्रियः। जग्मुरादाय ते म्लेच्छाः समन्ताज्जनमेजय॥
Those Mlechcchas, however, O Janamejaya, in the very sight of Partha, retreated, taking away with the many foremost ladies of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.
धनञ्जयस्तु दैवं तन्मनसाऽचिन्तयत् प्रभुः। दुःखशोकसमाविष्टो निःश्वासपरमोऽभवत्॥ अस्त्राणां च प्रणाशेन बाहुवीर्यस्य संक्षयात्। धनुषश्चाविधेयत्वाच्छराणां संक्षयेण च॥
The powerful Dhananjaya considered it all as the work of destiny. Filled with sorrow he breathed heavy sights, at the thought of the non-appearance of his (celestial) weapons, the loss of the might of his arms, the refusal of his bow to obey him; and the exhaustion of his arrows.
बभूव विमनाः पार्थो दैवमित्यनुचिन्तयन्। न्यवर्तत ततो राजन् नेदमस्तीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Considering it all as the work of destiny, he became greatly cheerless. He then ceased, O king, to make further efforts, saying, he had not the power which he had before.
ततः शेषं समादाय कलत्रस्य महामतिः। हतभूयिष्ठरत्नस्य कुरुक्षेत्रमवातरत्॥
The high-souled one, taking with him the residue of the Vrishni women, and the wealth that was still with them, reached Kurukshetra,
एवं कलत्रमानीय वृष्णीनां हतशेषितम्। न्यवेशयत कौरव्यस्तत्र तत्र धनञ्जयः॥
Thus bringing with him the remnant of the Vrishnis, Dhananjaya established them at different places.
हार्दिक्यतनयं पार्थो नगरे मार्तिकावतम्। भोजराजकलत्रं च हृतशेषं नरोत्तमः॥
He established the son of Kritavarman at the city called Marttikavat, with the remnant of the women of the Bhoja king.
ततो वृद्धांश्च बालांश्च स्त्रियश्चादाय पाण्डवः। वीरैर्विहीनान् सर्वांस्ताशक्रप्रस्थे न्यवेशयत्॥
Escorting the remainder, with children and old men, and women, the son of Pandu established them, who were reft of heroes, in the city of Indraprastha.
यौयुधानि सरस्वत्यां पुत्रं सात्यकिन: प्रियम्। न्यवेशयत धर्मात्मा वृद्धबालपुरस्कृतम्॥
The dear son of Yuyudhana, with a number of old men and children and women, the righteous-souled Arjuna established on the banks of the Sarasvati.
इन्द्रप्रस्थे ददौ राज्यं वज्राय परवीरहा। वज्रेणाङ्करदारास्तु वार्यमाणाः प्रवव्रजुः॥
The rule of Indraprastha was given to Vajra. The widows of Akrura then wished to retire into the forest. Vajra asked them repeatedly to desist, but they did not hear him.
रुक्मिणी त्वथ गान्धारी शैव्या हैमवतीत्यपि। देवी जाम्बवती चैव विविशुर्जातवेदसम्॥
Rukmini, the princess of Gandhara, Shaivya. Haimavati, and queen Jambavati, ascended the funeral pyre.
सत्यभामा तथैवान्या देव्यः कृष्णस्य सम्मताः। वनं प्रविविशू राजस्तापस्ये कृतनिश्चयाः॥
Satyabhama and the other dear wives of Krishna entered the forest, o king, resolved to practice penances.
द्वारकावासिनो ये तु पुरुषाः पार्थमभ्ययुः। यथार्ह संविभज्यैनान् वजे पर्यददज्जयः॥
Those men who had followed Arjuna from Dvaravati, were divided into groups, and bestowed upon Vajra.