इयं च भूरिश्रवसो भार्या परमसम्मता। भर्तृव्यसनशोकार्ता भृशं शोचति भाविनी॥
This lady who is respected by all, who is the wife of Bhurishravas, stricken with grief on account of the fate of her husband, always indulges in heart-rending lamentations.
यस्यास्तुश्वशुरो धीमान् बाह्निकः स कुरूद्वहः। निहतः सोमदत्तश्च पित्रा सह महारणे॥
Her father-in-law the intelligent Valhika of Kuru's race. Alas, Somadatta also was was killed, along with his father, in the great battle.
श्रीमतोऽस्य महाबुद्धेः संग्रामेष्वपलायिनः। पुत्रस्य ते पुत्रशतं निहतं यद् रणाजिरे॥
Alas, a hundred sons, heroes who never retreated from battle, belonging to this son of yours, this king of great intelligence and great prosperity, has been killed in battle.
तस्य भार्याशतमिदं दुःखशोकसमाहतम्। पुनः पुनर्वर्धयानं शोकं राज्ञो ममैव च॥ तेनारम्भेण महता मामुपास्ते महामुने।
The hundred wives of those sons are all grieving and repeatedly increasing the grief of both the king and myself. O great ascetic, stricken by that great onslaught, they have gathered round me.
ये च शूरा महात्मानः श्वशुरा मे महारथाः॥ सोमदत्तप्रभृतयः का नु तेषां गतिः प्रभो।
Alas, those great heroes, those great carwarriors, my father-in-law, Somadatta and others, alas, what end has been theirs, O powerful one.
तव प्रसादाद् भगवन् विशोकोऽयं महीपतिः॥ यथा स्याद् भविता चाहं कुन्ती चेयं वधूस्तव।
Through your favour, O holy one, that will take place for which this king, myself and this daughter-in-law of yours, viz., Kunti, shall all become freed from our grief.
इत्युक्तवत्यां गान्धार्यो कुन्ती व्रतकृशानना॥ प्रच्छन्नजातं पुत्रं तं सस्मारादित्यसंनिधम्।
After Gandhari had said so, Kunti, whose face had become waste through observance of many hard vows, began to think of her secretborn son gifted with solar effulgence.
तामृषिर्वरदो व्यासो दूरश्रवणदर्शनः॥ अपश्यद् दुःखितां देवीं मातरं सव्यसाचिनः।
The boon-giving Rishi Vyasa capable of both seeing and hearing what took place at a remote distance, saw that the royal mother of Arjuna was afflicted with grief.
तामुवाच ततो व्यासो यत् ते कार्यं विवक्षितम्॥ तद् ब्रूहि त्वं महाभागे यत् ते मनसि वर्तते।
To her Vyasa said, 'Tell me, O blessed one, what is in your mind. Tell me what you wish to say.'
श्वशुराय तत: कुन्ती प्रणम्य शिरसा तदा॥ उवाच वाक्यं सव्रीडा विवृण्वाना पुरातनम्॥
At this, Kunti, bending her head to herfather-in-law, and overcome with bashfulness, said these words to him, recounting the past incidents of her life. To her Vyasa said, 'Tell me, O blessed one, what is in your mind. Tell me what you wish to say.'
श्वशुराय तत: कुन्ती प्रणम्य शिरसा तदा॥ उवाच वाक्यं सव्रीडा विवृण्वाना पुरातनम्॥
At this, Kunti, bending her head to herfather-in-law, and overcome with bashfulness, said these words to him, recounting the past incidents of her life.
वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो निशायां प्राप्तायां कृतसायाह्निकक्रियाः। व्यासमभ्यगमन् सर्वे ये तत्रासन् समागताः॥
Vaishampayana said When night came, all those persons, having finished their evening rites, approached Vyasa.
धृतराष्ट्रस्तु धर्मात्मा पाण्डवैः सहितस्तदा। शुचिरेकमना सार्धमृषिभिस्तैरुपाविशत्॥
Dhritarashtra, with purified body and with mind solely directed towards it, sat there with the Pandavas and the Rishis in his company.
गान्धार्या सह नार्यस्तु सहिताः समुपाविशन्। पौरजानपदश्चापि जनः सर्वो यथावयः॥
The royal ladies sat with Gandhari in a secluded spot. All the citizens and the inhabitants of the provinces ranged themselves according to their years.
ततो व्यास महातेजः पुण्यं भागीरथीजलम्। अवगाह्याजुहावाथ सर्वान् लोकान् महामुनिः॥ पाण्डवानां च ये योधाः कौरवाणां च सर्वशः। राजानश्च महाभागा नानादेशनिवासिनः॥
Then the great ascetic, Vyasa, of great energy, bathing in the sacred waters of the Bhagirathi, summoned all the deceased warriors, viz., those who had fought on the side of the Pandavas, those who had fought for the Kauravas, including highly blessed kings belonging to the various kingdoms.
ततः सुतुमुल: शब्दो जलान्ते जनमेजय। प्रादुरासीद् यथापूर्वे कुरुपाण्डवसेनयोः॥
At this, Janamejaya, a deafening uproar was heard to arise from within the waters, resembling that which had formerly been heard of the armies of the Kurus and the Pandavas.
ततस्ते पार्थिवाः सर्वे भीष्मद्रोणपुरोगमाः। ससैन्याः सलिलात् तस्मात् समुत्तस्थुः सहस्रशः॥
Then those kings, headed by Bhishma and Drona, with all their armies, arose by thousands from the waters of the Bhagirathi.
विराटद्रुपदौ चैव सहपुत्रौ ससैनिकौ। द्रौपदेयाश्च सौभद्रो राक्षसश्च घटोत्कचः॥
There were Virata and Drupada, with their sons and forces. There were the sons of Draupadi and the son of Subhadra, and Rakshasa Ghatotkacha.
कर्णदुर्योधनौ चैव शकुनिश्च महारथः। दुःशासनादयश्चैव धार्तराष्ट्रा महाबलाः॥
There were Karna, Duryodhana, and the powerful car-warrior Shakuni, and the other children, possessed of great strength, of Dhritarashtra, headed by Dushasana.
जारासंधिभगदत्तो जलसंधश्च वीर्यवान्। भूरिश्रवाः शलः शल्यो वृषसेनश्च सानुजः॥
There the of Jarasandha, Bhagadatta, Jarasandha Jarasandha of great energy, Bhurishravas, Shala, Shalya and Vrishasena with his younger brother.
लक्ष्मणो राजपुत्रश्च धृष्टद्युम्नस्य चात्मजाः। शिखण्डिपुत्राः सर्वे च धृष्टकेतुश्च सानुजः॥
There were prince Lakshamana, and the son of Dhristadyumna, and all the children of Sikhandin, and Dhrishtaketu with his younger brother. were son
अचलो वृषकश्चैव राक्षसश्चाष्यलायुधः। बाह्निकः सोमदत्तश्च चेकितानश्च पार्थिवः॥
There were Achala, Vrishaka, the Rakshasa Alyudha, Valhika, Somadatta, and the king Chekitana.
एते चान्ये च बहवो बहुत्वाद् ये न कीर्तिताः। सर्वे भासुरदेहास्ते समुत्तस्थुर्जलात्ततः॥
These and innumerable others appeared on that occasion. All of the rose from the waters of the Bhagirathi with shining bodies.
यस्य वीरस्य यो वेषो यो ध्वजो यच्च वाहनम्। तेन तेन व्यदृश्यन्त समुपेता नराधिपाः॥
Those kings appeared, each clad in that dress and equipped with that standard and that vehicle which he had while fighting on the field.
दिव्याम्बरधराः सर्वे सर्वे भ्राजिष्णुकुण्डलाः। निर्वैरा निरहङ्कारा विगतक्रोधमत्सराः॥
All of them were dressed in celestial vestments and all had brilliant earning. They were free from all animosity and pride and divested of anger and jealousy.
गन्धर्वैरुपगीयन्तः स्तूयमानाच वन्दिभिः। दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरा वृताश्चाप्सरसां गणैः॥
Gandharvas sang their praises, and bards waited on them, chanting then deeds, Robed with celestial raiment's and wearing celestial garlands, each of them was waited upon by bands of Apsaras.
धृतराष्ट्रस्य च तदा दिव्यं चक्षुर्नराधिप। मुनिः सत्यवतीपुत्रः प्रीतः प्रादात् तपोबलात्॥
At that time, through the power of his penances, the great ascetic, the of Satyavati, gratified with Dhritarasthra, gave him celestial vision.
दिव्यज्ञानबलोपेता गान्धारी च यशस्विनी। ददर्श पुत्रांस्तान् सर्वान् ये चान्येऽपि मृधे हताः॥
Gifted with celestial knowledge and strength, the illustrious Gandhari beheld all her children as also all those who had been killed in battle. son
तदद्युतमचिन्त्यं च सुमहल्लोमहर्षणम्। विस्मितः स जन: सर्वो ददर्शानिमिषेक्षणः॥
All persons assembled there saw with steadfast gaze and hearts filled with wonder that amazing and inconceivable scene which made the hairs stand erect.
तदुत्सवमहोदग्रं हृष्टनारीनराकुलम्। आश्चर्यभूतं ददृशे चित्रं पटगतं यथा॥।
It looked like a high carnival of pleased men and women. That wondrous scene looked like a picture painted on the canvass.
धृतराष्ट्रस्तु तान् सर्वान् पश्यन् दिव्येन् चक्षुषा। मुमुदे भरतश्रेष्ठ प्रसादात् तस्य वै मुनेः॥
Dhritarashtra seeing all those heroes with their celestial vision obtained through the favour of that sage, became full of joy, O chief of Bharata's race.
तदद्युतमचिन्त्यं च सुमहल्लोमहर्षणम्। विस्मितः स जन: सर्वो ददर्शानिमिषेक्षणः॥
All persons assembled there saw with steadfast gaze and hearts filled with wonder that amazing and inconceivable scene which made the hairs stand erect.
तदुत्सवमहोदग्रं हृष्टनारीनराकुलम्। आश्चर्यभूतं ददृशे चित्रं पटगतं यथा॥।
It looked like a high carnival of pleased men and women. That wondrous scene looked like a picture painted on the canvass.
धृतराष्ट्रस्तु तान् सर्वान् पश्यन् दिव्येन् चक्षुषा। मुमुदे भरतश्रेष्ठ प्रसादात् तस्य वै मुनेः॥
Dhritarashtra seeing all those heroes with their celestial vision obtained through the favour of that sage, became full of joy, O chief of Bharata's race.
सौतिरुवाच एतच्छुत्वा नृपो विद्वान् हृष्टोऽभूज्जनमेजयः। पितामहानां सर्वेषां गमनागमनं तदा॥
Santi said Hearing this story of the reappearance and departure of his forefathers, the highly intelligent king Janamejaya became greatly pleased.
अब्रवीच्च मुदा युक्तः पुनरागमनं प्रति। कथं नु त्यक्तदेहानां पुनस्तद्रूपदर्शनम्॥
Filled with joy, he once more asked Vaishampayana the subject of the reappearance of dead men, saying of the reappearance of dead men, saying-How is it possible for persons whose bodies have been destroyed to reappear in those very forms?
इत्युक्तः स द्विजश्रेष्ठो व्यासशिष्यः प्रतापवान्। प्रोवाच वदतां श्रेष्ठस्तं नृपं जनमेजयम्॥
Thus asked, that foremost of twice-born persons, viz., the disciple of Vyasa, that first of speakers, possessed of great energy, thus answered Janamejaya.
वैशम्पायन उवाच अविप्रणाशः सर्वेषां कर्मणामिति निश्चयः। कर्मजानि शरीराणि तथैवाकृतयो नृप॥
This is certain, viz., that acts are never destroyed. Bodies, o king, are born of acts; so also are features.
महाभूतानि नित्यानि भूताधिपतिसंश्रयात्। तेषां च नित्यसंवासो न विनाशो वियुज्यताम्॥
The great primal elements are eternal on account of the union with them of the Lord of all beings. They exist with what is eternal. Accordingly, they have no destruction when the non-eternal are destroyed.
अनायासकृतं कर्म सत्यः श्रेष्ठः फलागमः। आत्मा चैभिः समायुक्तः सुखदुःखमुपाश्नुते॥
Acts done without exertion are true, and foremost, and yield real fruit. The soul, united, however, with such acts as require exertion for their performance, enjoys pleasure and pain.
अविनाश्यस्तथायुक्तः श्रेत्रज्ञ इति निश्चयः। भूतानामात्मको भावो यथासौ न वियुज्यते॥
Though united so, yet it is a certain internee that the soul is never modified by them, like the reflection of creatures in a mirror. It is never destroyed.
यावन्न क्षीयते कर्म तावत् तस्य स्वरूपता। क्षीणकर्मा नरो लोके रूपान्यत्वं नियच्छति॥
As long as one's deeds are not exhausted (by enjoyment or endurance of their fruits good and bad), so long does he consider the body to be his ownself. The man, however, whose acts have been exhausted, without considering body to be self, takes the self to be something otherwise.
नानाभावास्तथैकत्वं शरीरं प्राप्य संहताः। भवन्ति ते तथा नित्याः पृथग्भावं विजानताम्॥
Various existent objects, attaining to a body, become united as one. Those very objects become eternal to men of knowledge who understand the difference.
अश्वमेधे श्रुतिश्चयमश्वसंज्ञपनं प्रति। लोकान्तरगता नित्यं प्राणा नित्यं शरीरिणाम्॥
In the Horse-Sacrifice, this Shruti is heard in the matter of the killing of the horse. The certain possessions of embodied creatures, viz., their vital airs (and the senses, etc.) exist eternally even when they are borne to the other world.
अहं हितं वदाम्येतत् प्रियं चेत् तव पार्थिव। देवयाना हि पन्थानः श्रुतास्ते यज्ञसंस्तरे॥
I shall, you what is beneficial, if it be agreeable to you, O king. You have while employed in our sacrifices, heard of the celestial paths.
आहृतो यत्र यज्ञस्ते तत्र देवा हितास्तव। यदा समन्विता देवाः पशूनां गमनेश्वराः॥
When preparations were made for any sacrifice of yours, the celestials became beneficially inclined to you. When, indeed, the celestials were thus disposed and came to your sacrifice, they were lords in the matter of the passage.
गतिमन्तश्च तेनेष्टा नान्ये नित्या भवन्त्युत। नित्येऽस्मिन् पञ्चके वर्गे नित्ये चात्मनि पूरुषः॥
Therefore, the eternal ones (viz., Jivas), by adoring the deities in sacrifices, succeed in attaining to excellent ends. When the five primal elements are eternal, when he soul also is eternal, he called Purusha is equally so.
अस्य नानासमायोगं यः पश्यति वृथामतिः। वियोगे शोचतेऽत्यर्थं स बाल इति मे मतिः॥
When such is the case he who sees a creature as disposed to take various forms, is considered as having an erroneous understanding. He who indulges in too much grief at separation, is, I think, a foolish person.
वियोगे दोषदर्शी यः संयोगं स विसर्जयेत्। असङ्गे सङ्गमो नास्ति दुःखं भुवि वियोगजम्॥
He who sees evil in separation should give up union. By standing aloof, no unions are formed, and sorrow is renounced, for sorrow in the worlds is born of separation.
परापरज्ञस्त्वपरो नाभिमानादुदीरितः। अपरज्ञः परां बुद्धिं ज्ञात्वा मोहाद् विमुच्यते॥
Only he who understands the distinction between body and self, and not another becomes freed from the erroneous belief. He who knows the other viz., self attains to the highest understanding and becomes freed from error.
अदर्शनादापतितः पुनश्चादर्शनं गतः। नाहं तं वेद्मि नासौ मां न च मेऽस्ति विरागता॥
As regards creatures, they appear from an invisible state, and once more disappears into invisibleness. I do not know him. He also does not know me. As regards myself renunciation is not yet mine.
येन येन शरीरेण करोत्ययमनीश्वरः।
He, who is not possessed of power, enjoys or endures the fruits of all his deeds in those bodies in which he does them.
तेन तेन शरीरेण तदवश्यमुपाश्नुते। मानसं मनसाऽऽप्नोति शरीरं च शरीरवान्॥
If the act be a mental one, its fruits are enjoyed or endured mentally; if it be done with the body, its results are to be enjoyed or endured in the body.
अदृष्ट्वा तु नृपः पुत्रान् दर्शनं प्रतिलब्धवान्। ऋषेः प्रसादात् पुत्राणां स्वरूपाणां कुरूद्वह॥
King Dhritarashtra had never seen his own sons. Getting eye-sight through the favour of the Rishi, he saw for the first time, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, those children of his who were very like his own self.
स राजा राजधर्माश्च ब्रह्मोपनिषदं तथा। अवाप्तवान्नरश्रेष्ठो बुद्धिनिश्चयमेव च॥
That foremost of men, viz., the Kuru king had learnt all the royal duties as also the Vedas and the Upanishads, and had acquired certitude of understanding.
विदुरश्च महाप्राज्ञो ययौ सिद्धिं तपोबलात्। धृतराष्ट्रः समासाद्य व्यासं चैव तपस्विनम्॥
ighly wise Vidura acquired great success through the power of his penances. Dhritarashtra also acquired great success for having inet the ascetic Vyasa.
जनमेजय उवाच ममापि वरदो व्यासो दर्शयेत् पितरं यदि। तद्रूपवेषवयसं श्रद्दध्यां सर्वमेव ते॥
Janamejaya said If Vyasa, disposed to grant me a boon, kindly show me my father in that form which he had clad as he used to be clad, and as old as he was when he left this world, I may then believe all that you have told me.
प्रियं मे स्यात् कृतार्थश्च स्यामहं कृतनिश्चयः। प्रसादादृषिमुख्यस्य मम कामः समृध्यताम्॥
Such a sight will be most agreeable to me. Indeed, I shall consider myself crowned with success. I shall have gained a certainty of conclusion. O let my wish be satisfied through the favour of that foremost of Rishis!
सौतिरुवाच इत्युक्तवचने तस्मिन् नृपे व्यासः प्रतापवान्। प्रसादमकरोद् धीमानानयच्च परीक्षितम्॥
Sauti said After king Janamejaya had said these words, the highly energetic and intelligent Vyasa, showed his favour and brought Parikshit.
ततस्तद्रूपवयसमागतं नृपतिं दिवः। श्रीमन्तं पितरं राजा ददर्श जनमेजयः॥
King Janamejaya saw his royal father possessed of great beauty, brought down from the celestial region, in the same form that he had and of the same age as he was (at the time of leaving this world).
शमीकं च महात्मानं पुत्रं तं चास्य शृङ्गिणम्। अमात्या ये बभूवश्च राजस्तानं ददर्श ह॥
The great Shamika also, and his son Shringin, were similarly brought there. All the counselors and ministers of the king saw them.
ततः सोऽवभृथे राजा मुदितो जनमेजयः। पितरं स्नापयामास स्वयं सस्नौ च पार्थिवः॥
King Janamejaya performing the final both in his sacrifice, became highly pleased. He poured the sacred water on his father even as he caused it to be poured on himself.
स्नात्वा स नृपतिर्विप्रमास्तीकमिदमब्रवीत्। यायावरकुलोत्पन्नं जरत्कारुसुतं तदा॥ आस्तीक विविधाश्चर्यो यज्ञोऽयमिति मे मतिः। यदद्यायं पिता प्राप्तो मम शोकप्रणाशनः॥
Having performed the final bath, the king addressed the twice-born Astika who had originated from the race of the Yayavaras and who was the son of Jaratkaru, and said these words — 'O Astika, this sacrifice of mine is fraught with many wonderful incidents, since this my sire has been seen by me, he who has removed all my sorrow.
आस्तीक उवाच ऋषिद्वैपायनो यत्र पुराणस्तपो निधिः। यज्ञे कुरुकुलश्रेष्ठ तस्य लोकावुभौ जितौ॥
Astika said The performer of that sacrifice in which the ancient Rishi, Dvaipayana Vyasa, that vast receptacle of penances is present, is sure O foremost one of Kuru's race, to conquer both the worlds.
श्रुतं विचित्रमाख्यानं त्वया पाण्डवनन्दन। सर्पाश्च भस्मसान्नीता गताश्च पदवीं पितुः॥
O son of the Pandavas, you have heard a wonderful history. The snakes have been reduced into ashes and have followed the footsteps of your father.
कथंचित् तक्षको मुक्तः सत्यत्वात् तव पार्थिव। ऋषयः पूजिताः सर्वे गतिर्दृष्टा महात्मनः॥
Through your truthfulness, o king, Takshaka has with difficulty escaped a painful fate. The Rishis have been all adored. You have seen also he end that has been acquired by your great father.
प्राप्तः सुविपुलो धर्मः पापविनाशनम्। विमुक्तो हृदयग्रन्थिरुदारजनदर्शनात्॥
Having heard this sin-cleansing history you have acquired abundant merit. The knots of your heart have been united through seeing this foremost of persons.
ये च पक्षधरा धर्मे सद्वृत्तरुचयश्च ये। यान् दृष्ट्वाहीयते पापं तेभ्यः कार्यानमस्क्रिया॥
They who are the supporters of the wings of Virtue, they who are of good conduct and excellent disposition, they on seeing whom sins disappear, we should all bow to them.
सौति उवाच एतच्छुत्वा द्विजश्रेष्ठात् स राजा जनमेजयः। पूजयामास तमृषिमनुमान्य पुनः पुनः॥
Sauti said--Having heard this from that foremost of twice-born ones, king Janamejaya adored that Rishi, repeatedly honouring him in every way.
पप्रच्छ तमृर्षि चापि वैशम्पायनमच्युतम्। कथावशेषं धर्मज्ञो वनवासस्य सत्तम॥
Knowing all duties, he then asked the Rishi Vaishampayana of undecaying glory about the sequel, O best of ascetics, of king Dhritarashtra's residence in the forest.
जनमेजय उवाच दृष्ट्वा पुत्रांस्तथा पौत्रान् सानुबन्धान् जनाधिपः। धृतराष्ट्रः किमकरोद् राजा चैव युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having seen his sons and grandsons with all their friends and followers, what, indeed, did that king, viz., Dhritarashtra, and king Yudhishthira also, do?
वैशम्पायन उवाच तद् दृष्ट्वा महदाश्चर्ये पुत्राणां दर्शनं नृप। वीतशोकः स राजर्षिः पुनराश्रममागमत्॥
Vaishampayana said Seeing that highly wonderful spectacle, : viz., the re-appearance of his children, the royal sage, Dhritarashtra renounced his grief and returned to his hermitage.
इतरस्तु जनः सर्वस्ते चैव परमर्षयः। प्रतिजग्मुर्यथाकामं धृतराष्ट्राभ्यनुज्ञया॥
The common people and all the great Rishis, sent away by Dhritarashtra, came back to the places they respectively wished.
पाण्डवास्तु महात्मानो लघुभूयिष्ठसैनिकाः। पुनर्जग्मुर्महात्मानं सदारास्तं महीपतिम्॥
The great Pandavas accompanied by their wives, and with a small retinue, went to the hermitage of the great monarch.
तत्राश्रमपदं धीमान् ब्रह्मर्षिर्लोकपूजितः। मुनिः सत्यवतीपुत्रो धृतराष्ट्रमभाषत॥ धृतराष्ट्र महाबाहो शृणु कौरवनन्दन। श्रुतं ते ज्ञानवृद्धानामृषीणां पुण्यकर्मणाम्॥ श्रद्धाभिजनवृद्धानां वेदवेदाङ्गवेदिनाम्। धर्मज्ञानां पुराणानां वदतां विविधाः कथाः॥
Then Satyavati's son, who was honoured by twice-born Rishis and all other person, arrived at the hermitage addressed Dhritarashtra, saying, 'O mighty-armed Dhritarashtra, O son of Kuru's race, listen to what I say! You have heard various discourses from Rishis of great knowledge and sacred deeds, having penances for wealth and excellence of blood, knowledge of the Vedas and their branches, of piety and years, and of great eloquence.
मा स्म शोके मनः कार्षीर्दिष्टेन व्यथते बुधः। श्रुतं देवरहस्यं ते नारदाद् देवदर्शनात्॥
Do not set your mind again on sorrow. He who is wise is never moved at ill luck. You have also heard the mysteries of the deities from Narada of celestial form.
गतास्ते क्षत्रधर्मेण शस्त्रपूतां गर्ति शुभाम्। यथा दृष्टास्त्वया पुत्रास्तथा कामविहारिणः॥
Your children have all attained, through performance of Kshatriya practices, to that auspicious end which is sanctified by weapons. You have seen how they moved about at will in great happiness.
युधिष्ठिरः स्वयं धीमान् भवन्तमनुरुध्यते। सहितो भ्रातृभिः सर्वैः सदारः ससुहृज्जनः॥
This Yudhishthira of great intelligence is awaiting your permission with all his brothers and wives and kinsmen.
विसर्जयैनं यात्वेष स्वराज्यमनुशासताम्। मास: समधिकस्तेषामतीतो वसतां वने॥
Do you send him away. Let him return to his kingdom and rule it! They have passed more then a month in thus living in the forest.
एतद्धि नित्यं यत्नेन पदं रक्ष्यं नराधिप। बहुप्रत्यर्थिकं ह्येतद् राज्यं नाम कुरुद्वह॥
The station of sovereignty should always be well-guarded, o king! O you of Kuru's race, kingdom has many enemies.'
इत्युक्तः कौरवो राजा व्यासेनातुलतेजसा। युधिष्ठिरमथाहूय वाग्मी वचनमब्रवीत्॥ अजातशत्रो भद्रं ते शृणु मे भ्रातृभिः सह। त्वत्प्रसादान्महीपाल शोको नास्मान् प्रबाधते॥
Thus addressed by Vyasa of incomparable energy, the Kuru king, well versed in words summoned Yudhishthira and said to him, 'O you having no enemies, blessing on you! Do you listen to me, with all your brothers! Through your grace, O king, grief no longer stands in my way.
रमे चाहं त्वया पुत्र पुरेव गजसाह्वये। नाथेनानुगतो विद्वन् प्रियेषु परिवर्तिना॥
I am living as happily, O son, with you here as if I were in the city of Hastinapur. With you as my protector, O learned one, I am enjoying all agreeable objects.
प्राप्तं पुत्रफलं त्वत्तः प्रीतिर्मे परमा त्वयि। न मे मन्युर्महाबाहो गम्यतां पुत्र मा चिरम्॥
I have obtained from you all those services which a son renders to his sire. I am highly pleased with you. I have not the least dissatisfaction with you. O mighty-armed one. Go now, O son, without waiting here any longer.
भवन्तं चेह सम्प्रेक्ष्य तपो मे परिहीयते। तपोयुक्तं शरीरं च त्वां दृष्ट्वा धारितं पुनः॥
Meeting with you, my penances are being slackened. This my body, gifted with penances. I have been able to sustain only on account of my meeting with you.
मातरौ ते तथैवेमे शीर्णपर्णकृताशने। मम तुल्यव्रते पुत्र न चिरं वर्तयिष्यतः॥
These two mothers of yours, living now upon fallen leaves of trees, and observing vows similar to mine, will not live long.
दुर्योधनप्रभृतयो दृष्टा लोकान्तरं गताः। व्यासस्य तपसो वीर्याद् भवतश्च समागमात्॥
We have seen Duryodhana and others who have become dwellers of the other world, through the power of Vyasa's penances and through the merit of this my meeting with you.
प्रयोजनं च निर्वृत्तं जीवितस्य ममानघ। उग्रं तपः समास्थास्ये त्वमनुज्ञातुमर्हसि॥
O sinless one, I have gained the object of my life. I now wish to practice the austerest of penances. You should grant me permission.
त्वय्यद्य पिण्डः कीर्तिश्च कुलं चेदं प्रतिष्ठितम्। श्वो वाद्य वा महाबाहो गम्यतां पुत्र मा चिरम्॥
The obsequial cake, the fame and achievements, and the family of our ancestors, now depend upon you entirely. O mightyarmed one, do you then go either to-morrow or this very day. Do not tarry. O son.
राजनीति: सुबहुशः श्रुता : सुबहुशः श्रुता ते भरतर्षभ। संदेष्टव्यं ने पश्यामि कृतं मे भवता विभो॥
O chief of Bharata's race, you have repeatedly heard what the duties are of kings. I do not see what more I can say to you. I have no longer any necessity with you, O you of great power.
वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्तवचनं तं तु नृपो राजानमब्रवीत्। न मामर्हसि धर्मज्ञ परित्यक्तुमनागसम्॥
Vaishampayana continued : King Yudhishthira replied to the (old) king who said so, saying, 'O you who know every rules of virtue, you should not cast me off in this way. I am guilty of not fault.
कामं गच्छन्तु मे सर्वे भ्रातरोऽनुचरास्तथा। भवन्तमहमन्विष्ये मातरौ च यतव्रतः॥
Let all my brothers and followers go as they like. With steadfast vows I shall wait upon you and upon these two mothers of mine.'
तमुवाचाथ गान्धारी मैवं पुत्र शृणुष्व च। त्वय्यधीनं कुरुकुलं पिण्डश्च श्वशुरस्य मे॥
Gandhari then said to him. 'O son, let it not be so. Listen, the family of Kuru is now dependent on you. The obsequial cake also of my father-in-law depends on you Depart then, O son.
गम्यतां पुत्र पर्याप्तमेतावत् पूजिता वयम्। राजा यदाह तत् कार्यं त्वया पुत्र पितुर्वचः॥
We have been sufficiently honoured and served by you. You should do what the king says. Indeed, O son, you should obey the command of your sire.
वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्तः स तु गान्धार्या कुन्तीमिदमभाषत। स्नेहबाष्पाकुले नेत्रे प्रमृज्य रुदतीं वचः॥
Vaishampayana continued : Thus addressed by Gandhari, king Yudhishthira, rubbing his eyes which were bathed in tears of affection, said these words bewailingly.
विसर्जयति मां राजा गान्धारी च यशस्विनी। भवत्यां बद्धचित्तस्तु कथं यास्यामि दुःखितः॥
The king is renouncing me, a also the illustrious Gandhari. My heart, however, is bound to you. How shall I, stricken as I am with sorrow, leave you.
न चोत्सहे तपोविघ्नं कर्तुं ते धर्मचारिणि। तपसो हि परं नास्ति तपसा विन्दते महत्॥
I do not, however, at the same time, venture to obstruct your penances, O rights our lady! There is nothing higher than penances. It is by penances that one act quires the Supreme.
ममापि न तथा राज्ञि राज्ये बुद्धिर्यथा पुरा। तपस्येवानुरक्तं मे मनः सर्वात्मना तथा॥।
O queen, my heart not longer as of old towards kingdom. My mind is wholly set upon penances now.
शून्येयं च मही कृत्स्ना न मे प्रीतिकरी शुभे। बान्धवा नः परिक्षीणा बलं नो न यथा पुरा॥।
The entire Earth is empty now. O auspicious lady, she does not please me any longer! Our kinsmen have been reduced in number. Our strength is no longer what it was before.
पञ्चालाः सुभृशं क्षीणां: कथामात्रावशेषिताः। न तेषां कुलकर्तारं कंचित् पश्याम्यहं शुभे॥
The Panchalas have been wholly rooted out. Only nominally they exist. O auspicious lady, I do not see any one who may assist at their reestablishment and growth.
सर्वे हि भस्मसान्नीतास्ते द्रोणेन रणाजिरे। अवशिष्टाश्च निहता द्रोणपुत्रेण वै निशि॥
All of them have been reduced to ashes by Drona on the field of battle. The remnant were killed by Drona's son at night.