Most of the earth's freshwater is in the form of frozen.
An image is a copy of an image formed by reflection or refraction.
Droughts occurs when there is little to no rain in a period of time.
When waves of two different frequencies interfere, what phenomenon occurs?
What is the term for liquid waste formed by kidneys?
What system transports many substances to and from cells throughout the body?
After infecting a host, some viruses enter the inactive state of latency.
Luminescence is the name of the process where light is produced without heat.
Which of the following best explains how stems transport water to other parts of the plant?
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) is the most common type of diabetes in the United States. Type 2 is the more common type of diabetes.
A(n) increase in length happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day.
Rubber is an example of a(n) insulators that does not allow electrons to move through them.
Producing light without heat is called luminescence.
Technology is the term for the application of science to solve problems.
The decrease in the number of gas molecules lowers the pressure inside the bottle because pressure is directly proportional to the number of gas molecules. Reducing the number of molecules in a rigid container causes pressure to decrease.
What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
What type of physics explains the behavior of visible light and electromagnetic waves?
Exercising every day is an example of a good health habit.
Water is an oxide of hydrogen.
The pH scale is used to measure the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The ph scale is used to succinctly communicate the acidity or basicity of a solution.
The embryo develops in a plant inside the female plant after fertilization.
If the amount of gas in a container is increased, the volume increases. From observations as simple as blowing up a balloon, it is clear that increasing the amount of gas increases the volume.
Air pressure is the force exerted on you by the weight of tiny particles of air. At the earth鈥檚 surface, the air pressure exerted on you is a result of the weight of air above you.
Mantle is the layer of tissue between the body and shell.
Bile salts produced by the liver & stored by the gallbladder neutralize stomach acids & emulsify dietary fat. Bile salts produced by the liver assist in breaking apart dietary fats.
The solubility of a solid in water generally increases with temperature while the solubility of a gas decreases with temperature. When the solubility of gases in liquids changes with increasing temperature, it decreases.
Where do streams often start?
Exposure to what can increase the amount of pigment in the skin and make it appear darker?
What is in the soil that causes mars to look red?
Each lymph organ has a different job in what system?
The cells in the follicle undergo physical changes and produce a structure called a what?
Modern plants have three types of major tissues.
Early in the development of a human fetus, the skeleton is made entirely of cartilage.
Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth where food is chewed, and mixed with saliva to begin enzymatic processing of starches. Digestion begins in the mouth.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
In a pedigree what shape symbolizes males?
What is the term for the wavelengths of light humans can see?
What do we call an incorrect test result that should have been positive?
Because charges must have an unbroken path to follow, electric current cannot flow through a material unless it forms what?
What part of a cell do proteins travel to to be modified for the specific job they will do?
Condensation: The conversion of water vapour into water droplets in the form of fog, clouds, or dew; Dew forming on plants during a cold night is an example of water condensing.
Human facial expressions can communicate emotions.
hydroelectric power water use--the use of water in the generation of electricity at plants where the turbine generators are driven by falling water. You can generate hydroelectric power with the energy found in flowing water.
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell?
The sun is the largest body in the solar system.
All solutions contain at least two substances.
The combined number of protons and neutrons is called the atomic mass number (symbol is A). Adding the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom decides its approximate mass; atomic number is another word for this value.
What type of radio waves exist in the 540 to 1600 khz frequency range?
Food chains carry energy from what group to what group?
The metallic bond is responsible for the properties of metals.
What kind of a resource is soil, for human purposes?
Which tool should a student use to compare the masses of two small rocks?
Meteorites, formed of split asteroids or planetary rocks, provide clues about our solar system.
High consumption of saturated fats is linked to an increased risk of what disease?
What kind of planet do we consider ceres to be?
What is continuously changing within a circuit in an analog signal?
Because trees add water vapor to air, cutting down forests leads to longer periods of drought.
Bacteria may divide several what an hour?
What play an important role in the modulation of the nuclear chain reaction?
Plants generally transport carbohydrates from leaves to roots and other nonphotosynthetic organs in the form of sucrose.
Prokaryotic cells have a cell wall outside their plasma membrane.
The simplest atom is the one of hydrogen, with just one electron. There are one electrons in the hydrogen atom.
When the ground absorbs the water and it settles below the surface it is called groundwater.
Limiting the number of cars on the roads would most likely improve the air quality in large texas cities.
Weeds are simply those plants that grow where they are not wanted. Plants that grow where you don't want them are called weeds.
A convergent plate boundary is created when two plates do what?
What is one thing that can not happen to energy?
A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples is that the tree has flowers.
What is the measure of water potential?
Biochemical reactions take place inside the organisms' cells.
What period starts after the baby is born, and the placenta is expelled from the body?
A mineral is described as a solid natural material with a crystal structure.
At what time of life does menopause occur?
Like mitochondria, plastids contain their own what?
Positive feedback intensifies a change in the body鈥檚 physiological condition rather than reversing it.
Which of the following is an example of a form of energy?
Of the three types of skeleton designs - hydrostatic skeletons, exoskeletons, and endoskeletons - which do humans possess?
In Type II diabetes, some insulin is produced by the pancreas, but due to a cell-receptor defect, the insulin cannot be used effectively. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can still make insulin, but the cells of the body cannot use it efficiently.
Reflex behaviors are the only innate behaviors in humans.
What term is used to describe the change in size or volume of a given mass with temperature?
Love canal was an infamous example of what type of pollution?
detritivore Organisms that consume organic litter, debris, and dung. Detritivores is the term for decomposers that consume dead leaves, animal feces, and other organic debris collected on the ground or at the bottom of water.
Why is a healthy diet important?
Motion is defined as the change of position over time, but both of these quantities, position and time, are not defined within the system. In science, motion is defined as a change in position.
Metallic bonds hold together positive metal ions and their valence electrons.
What small biological structures make up all living things, including the human body?
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
Substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances with different properties are called elements.
Does pressure increase or decrease when gas particles heat up?
The number of neutrons can vary between atoms of the same element.
What is the term for learning from past experiences and reasoning?
Behaviors resulting from previous experience are learned behaviors. Learned behavior occurs only after experience or practice and describes most human behaviors.
Precipitation and runoff in the water cycle are primarily responsible for the creation of a lake.
Evidence allows theories to be widely accepted.
Which best explains why children resemble their parents?
Carbohydrates are the most common type of organic compound.
Ocean waves travel(s) at the interface between the sea surface and the atmosphere.
The lunar landscape is covered by craters caused by what?
Amplified, it becomes louder happens do the sound during a resonance.
A(n) radioisotopes is an isotope that is radioactive.