Lymphatic vessels are similar to veins, except they carry lymph instead of blood, and rather than circulating like blood, lymph moves in one direction. Lymph vessels are like blood vessels, except they move lymph instead of blood.
Since the electric field lines point radially away from the charge, they are perpendicular to what?
What occurs when a substance reacts quickly with oxygen?
Many scientists think protists are the oldest eukaryotes.
Just about all the energy we use comes from the sun and is collected somehow and then we use it. Over 90% of the energy we use comes originally from the sun.
A scientific law always applies under the same conditions, and implies that there is a causal relationship involving its elements. A statement that describes what always happens under certain conditions in nature is also known as scientific law.
The rotation of the Earth causes day and night. There are fewer than 24 hours of daylight in alaska during each day in april because earth鈥檚 rotation causes both day and night.
The voyager 1 spacecraft visited saturn in 1980.
Volume is defined as the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container. The term volume is used to describe the amount of space occupied by a sample of matter.
The ice crystals that form on the ground are called frost.
What rod provides stiffness to counterbalance the pull of muscles?
Birds have four limbs.
The largest body in our solar system is the sun.
Electrons in the outer energy level of an atom are called valence electrons.
The study of energy and energy transfer involving physical matter is called thermodynamics.
The cell sap is the liquid inside the central vacuole.
Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth.
How do scientists know that some mountains were once at the bottom of an ocean?
Which of the following best explains how stems transport water to other parts of the plant?
What unit of measure is equal to the amount of work a horse can do in 1 minute?
You call the movement of molecules across a membrane without the input of energy passive transport.
This syndrome is associated with high hormone levels and the failure of the ovaries to release an egg during the menstrual cycle, a symptom more often associated with menopause. The release of an egg from an ovary, is part of the menstrual cycle.
What type of resource cannot be replaced as easily as it is consumed?
What do plasmodesmata connect to in the plant cell?
How do you decrease errors in an experiment?
Most skin structures originate in the dermis.
A consumer is an organism which eats other organisms under the the consumer in the food chain. Organisms that depend on other organisms for food play the role of a consumer in the food chain.
What is the process called in which a magnet loses its magnetic properties?
Why is uranus so faint?
Since the electric field lines point radially away from the charge, they are perpendicular to what?
Although surveyors are accustomed to interpreting the shape of the Earth using contour plans, the general community is more familiar with perspective views that show three-dimensional objects as they appear. Contour lines show the three-dimensional shape of land.
Sea otters are known for being playful and frisky.
Protein is made up of long chains of amino acids that link with the carboxyl group in another chain of amino acids. A(n) protein is formed when amino acids are linked together in a long chain.
Ultrasound is simply high frequency sounds waves above the range that we can hear. You call sound that has a wave frequency higher than the human ear can detect ultrasound.
Glutathione is a low-molecular-weight compound found in living cells that is produced naturally by what?
The chemistry of each element is determined by its number of what?
The earth's magnetic poles have switched places repeatedly in the past.
What do we call an incorrect test result that should have been positive?
A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that has the same composition throughout. You call a type of mixture that has the same composition throughout a solution.
Sub-aortic Stenosis is the narrowing of the aorta, the major artery carrying the blood supply away from the heart. We call the major artery carrying recently oxygenated blood away from the heart the aorta.
Green plants conduct photosynthesis to make their food, and oxygen is a by-product of this process. Oxygen is made by trees and other plants during photosynthesis.
Nitrogen gas (N2) is abundant on earth, making up about 75 percent of the planet's atmosphere. Nitrogen gas comprises about three-fourths of earth's atmosphere.
A convergent plate boundary is created when two plates come toward each other.
Ectothermic : Relying on the environment and behavior to regulate body temperature - e.g. typical reptiles . Ectothermic vertebrates control body temperature to just a limited extent from the outside by changing behavior.
What is continuously changing within a circuit in an analog signal?
If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
Alternative current is produced when a magnet or coil does what?
Which action forms a different chemical substance?
Electrical energy consumed can be expressed as the product of power multiplied by time.
The goal of proteomics is to identify or compare proteins expressed from a given genome under specific conditions, study the interactions between them, and use the information to predict cell behavior or develop drug targets.
THIS IS THE END OF MEIOSIS II CYTOKINESIS II-----this involves division of the cytoplasm to get two cells. Cytokinesis divides the cytoplasm into two distinctive cells.
Glutathione is a low-molecular-weight compound found in living cells that is produced naturally by what?
A vibrating string vibrates with a set of frequencies that depend on the string's tension. Stringed instruments can help show the relationship between tension and frequencies in strings.
The term volume is used to describe the amount of space occupied by a sample of matter.
Instantaneous velocity is defined as the velocity of the object at a given moment.
As temperature increases, volume increases.
Above the brain stem is the diencephalon , which includes the hypothalamus , pituitary gland , various fiber tracts, subthalamus , and thalamus . The hypothalamus鈥損ituitary complex is located in the body in the diencephalon of the brain.
Atherosclerosis is a disease process which narrows and blocks the arteries, resulting in heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and peripheral vascular disease. A heart attack or stroke is often a result of untreated atherosclerosis.
You call the high and low points of transverse waves crests and troughs.
Why does ice wedging occur?
While we can go for extended periods without most nutrients, the limit without water is only a few days. Most people can survive only a few days without water.
What nullified the idea that all biological catalysts are proteins?
What helps amplify the effects of extracellular signals?
Abstarct: Cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, is the leading cause of death both in men and women in the United States. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the united states.
Damages and deaths are directly affected by what in an earthquake?
What compounds, which serve as fuels and are used in manufacturing, are called the driving force of western civilization?
Water is normally neutral, with a pH of 7. Water is at the neutrality, 7 point on the ph scale.
Cell membrane functions as a barrier to the movement of substances between the intracellular and extracellular spaces 3. A cell's membrane provides a barrier to keep extracellular materials from mixing with its internal components.
The number of hydrogen atoms in the water molecule (H 2 O) is exactly of two thirds, the other third is composed of an oxygen atom. Two water molecules contain 4 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms.
The energy transformations that occur when a candle burns is described by: chemical energy from the wax is converted into light and heat energy.
Stratus clouds are the layered clouds occurring in the lower part of the troposphere. Stratus clouds occur in the low of the troposphere.
Something that has all of the characteristics of life is considered to be alive.
What term is used to describe the change in size or volume of a given mass with temperature?
A turbine using tides in the ocean can create electricity energy.
Lipids are broken down by lipases.
A(n) orangutan generally lives alone.
What are the only innate behaviors in humans?
A bathymetric map can show the features of the bottom of a body of water.
Evidence allows theories to be widely accepted.
Light is emitted when an atom loses an electron, thereby changing to a lower energy level. When electrons return to a lower energy level, they emit the excess energy in the form of light.
What is the name of the organelle that helps make and transport proteins and lipids?
Single bonds are there between carbon atoms in saturated fatty acids.
What is the time interval required for one complete wave to pass a point called?
A role of mushrooms in ecosystems is breaking down dead plant material.
Microevolution occurs over a short period of time in a population or species. Evolution that occurs over a short period of time is known as microevolution.
The earliest period of the Palaeozoic era is called the Cambrian Period. The first period of the paleozoic era was called cambrian.
Which of these describes water in a solid state?
Continually increasing the pressure on the liquid will eventually cause the substance to solidify.
Sea otters are known for being playful and frisky.
Fish hatch into larvae that are different from the adult form of species.
What is the leading cause of skin cancer?
A molecule of DNA consists of two strands of compounds, called nucleotides, linked together to form a chain. Dna consists of two long chains of nucleotides.
The electron released during beta decay is not an orbital electron but an electron whose origin was in the nucleus.
What type of lenses can correct myopia?
Most turtle bodies are covered by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their what?
When temperature increases but amount of gas and its pressure are constantvolume increases happens to the volume of the gas .
Gas bubble holes helps pumice float in water.
There are six different types of simple machines. There are six types types of simple machines.
the mantle is the fold of skin that covers the vital organs that secretes the body armor called the shell Mantle is the layer of tissue between the body and shell.
Who lack some of the defining traits of chordates?