Fructose (primarily healthy fruit sugars); Fructose is a sugar that is found in fruits.
There are two types of diabetes, and these types are treated differently. There are two different main types of diabetes.
A clade is one way of classifying organisms.
Poison ivy typically has three groups of leaves.
The inner ear structures contain receptor cells called hair cells that sense movement and pass that information along to the brain. The hair cells sense(s) the movement of liquid in ear canals.
Antibodies are protein components of an adaptive immune system whose main function is to bind antigens, or foreign substances in the body, and target them for destruction. Antibodies bind to foreign substances and attempt destruction.
Meteorites from the asteroid belt can provide clues as to what the planets were made of originally and how they developed into their present forms. Meteorites, formed of split asteroids or planetary rocks, provide clues about our solar system.
Nuclear energy is released when the nucleus of an atom is split.
What type of reproduction usually occur during times of environmental stress?
Metallic bonds hold together positive metal ions and their valence electrons.
Bases normally have a bitter taste.
Where do the majority of species live?
Am radio waves exist in the 540 to 1600 khz frequency range.
Spindle fibers pull what apart in anaphase i?
Transmembrane region The region of a transmembrane protein that actually spans the membrane. Transmembrane proteins span the entire plasma membrane.
The thickness of magma determines whether a volcanic eruption will be explosive or not.
What are the largest known proteins called?
Humans Homo sapiens Humans belong to the species homo sapiens.
What is a wall of rocks or concrete called?
A sarcomere is the smallest contractile portion of a muscle.
What is the hollow and muscular balloon-shaped organ that collects urine?
Zero degrees on the Celsius scale is water's freezing point and 100 degrees is water's boiling point. In celsius, the boiling point of water is one hundred degrees.
Which of the following structures is not present in animal cells?
ANAPHASE-- The microtubules from the centrosomes pull on the centromere of each chromosome and pulls the sister chromatids apart . During the anaphase phase, sister chromatids separate and the centromeres divide.
Where do the majority of arthropods live?
What disease can too little calcium cause?
In a pedigree what shape symbolizes males?
Ground tissue makes up most of the inside of a plant.
Gastric emptying is regulated by both the stomach and what other digestive structure?
What are the specialized building blocks of your body?
What is the main component of milk?
The mitral valve is one of the heart's four valves. There are four valves in the heart.
What do you call an animal in which the embryo, often termed a joey, is born immature and must complete its development outside the mother's body?
In this case, the electrons will absorb the energy of the light wave and increase their energy state, often moving outward from the nucleus of the atom into an outer shell or orbital. An electron moves to a shell farther from the nucleus after it absorbs energy.
Circannual behavioral rhythms are linked to the yearly cycle of seasons.
What is the leading cause of death in the united states?
Impulse is the quantity of force multiplied by the time it is applied.
A capacitor is a charge storing device; Capacitors are the devices placed in electric circuits where charge can build up, which store energy when charged and release it when they discharge.
New plants start sprouting two months later after a forest fire.
By comparing the sequence of the genomes of different organisms, we can actually reconstruct a lot of what's happened in evolution. Comparing genome sequences provides clues to evolution and development.
Photosynthesis, process by which green plants and certain other organisms use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar glucose. Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
Lamprey cartilage contains no collagen.
Air temperature changes as altitude increases.
What is the opening in the front of the eye?
What shape is the lens of the eye?
You call a pure substance that cannot be broken down into different types of substances a(n) element.
Which statement correctly describes why there are fewer than 24 hours of daylight in Alaska during each day in April?
The cells of all protists have a nucleus.
Groundwater primarily comes from precipitation.
Bases normally have a bitter taste.
Neutrons are electrically neutral and of approximately the same mass as protons. Neutrons are electrically neutral.
After infecting a host, some viruses enter the inactive state of latency.
Heirloom seeds come from plants that were traditionally grown in human populations, as opposed to the seeds used for large-scale agricultural production.
Humans can see in three dimensions.
What type of graph is useful for showing percents of a whole?
Gastric emptying is regulated by both the stomach and what other digestive structure?
Rotation is when the Earth rotates on its axis , causing the Earth to face the sun , which makes day and night . There are fewer than 24 hours of daylight in alaska during each day in april because earth鈥檚 rotation causes both day and night.
Density is a measure of how much matter (mass) there is in a given amount of space (volume). Density describes how much matter is in a certain amount of space.
Limiting the number of cars on the roads would most likely improve the air quality in large texas cities.
Hormones send signals through your body.
An electormagnet is a piece of iron inside a?
Geysers are created when what is heated beneath the earth's surface?
What is the term for the application of science to solve problems?
In physics, work means the use of what to move an object?
The body contains three types of muscle tissue.
It takes earth one week to rotate on its axis seven times.
Because the solute is moving down the concentration gradient, and no input of energy is required, facilitated diffusion is considered a(n) passive type of transport.
and a gas takes both the shape and volume of its container. A gas assumes the shape of its container.
Hormones generally travel through the circulatory system system of the body.
Ocean ridges formed by marine invertebrates living in warm shallow waters within the photic zone of the ocean are called what?
The process for developing knowledge is called science.
The the core is the innermost layer of the sun.
Which of the following is an example of the formation of a mixture?
New plants start sprouting two months later after a forest fire.
What is the liquid inside the central vacuole called?
What tissue system has neither dermal nor vascular tissues?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the intermediate molecule that drives the exergonic transfer of energy to switch to endergonic anabolic reactions used in muscle contraction. The coenzyme atp or adenozine triphosphate is used in the transfer of energy in muscles.
What sac, which was sitting on top of the flat embryo, envelops the embryo as it folds?
Reproduction in prokaryotic cells is by what process of growth, enlargement and division?
The 鈥渒nee-jerk" motion that people involuntarily perform after being struck in the knee in a certain way is an example of a reflex
All solutions contain at least how many substances?
Leaves export sugar to roots and other nonphotosynthetic parts of the plant through the veins.
Because the solute is moving down the concentration gradient, and no input of energy is required, facilitated diffusion is considered a(n) passive type of transport.
Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body.
Voltage is continuously changing within a circuit in an analog signal.
Each radioactive component has a different rate of decay called its half-life -- the time it takes the material to lose half of its radioactivity. The decay rate is measured in a unit called the half-life.
What are the three most common elements in the air we breathe?
What describes how much matter is in a certain amount of space?
For what kind of animal is communication essential?
A fact or question is only considered science if it is testable.
New plants start sprouting two months later after a forest fire.
Of the eight planets in the solar system, Mercury is the smallest and closest to the Sun. Mercury is the name of the smallest planet in our solar system, which is also nearest to the sun.
The juvenile worm migrates through the host's body and finally ends up in the host's small intestine where it grows to sexual maturity. In intestines human organ do the juveniles develop into sexually mature adults.
Cambrian The earliest period of the Paleozoic era, spanning the time between 544 and 505 million years ago. The first period of the paleozoic era was called cambrian.
At what time of life does menopause occur?
Electrons in the outer energy level of an atom are called valence electrons.
Gases have the lowest density.
Placental mammals give birth to relatively large fetuses.
Behaviors that are closely controlled by genes and have little to no environmental influence are called innate behaviors.
A crater can usually be found on the top of what kind of volcanoes?