The small intestine begins in the stomach.
Interstellar medium consists of thinly spread gas and dust.
What element is all life built around?
Tornadoes can form anywhere, at any time of the day, and at any time of the year. Tornadoes can occur in any.
Small particles in the air become surfaces on which water vapor can condense and forms cloud droplets which are known as cloud condensation nuclei. Clouds form(s) when water vapor condenses in the air around specs of matter.
How do you decrease errors in an experiment?
decibel Decibels (abbreviated dB) are the unit of measuring the loudness (or intensity) of sounds. Decibel is the term used to measure the intensity of sound waves.
The pleura that surrounds the lungs consists of two layers.
Sensory neurons transmit nerve impulses from sense organs and internal organs to the brain via the spinal cord.
Reducing the number of molecules in a rigid container causes pressure to decrease.
Uranus is so faint because it is far away.
In wind-pollinated plants (plants whose seed are spread by the wind and not by pollinators), petals are usually less brightly colored or non-existent. Flowers pollinated by wind generally lack brightly colored parts.
The male reproductive system consists of structures that produce sperm and secrete testosterone.
What are the high points in a transverse wave called?
Summer minimum sea ice extent in the Arctic decreased over the last 30 years between 9% and 14% per decade. Rapid decrease is a trend that is occurring involving the extent of arctic sea ice in summer.
As the glaciers melted, the eroded sediments were left behind as piles of debris or deposited in streams. Glaciers deposit their sediment when they melt.
The dermis contains most of the structures found in skin.
Sliding friction is friction that acts on objects when they are sliding over a surface.
The term passive transport describes a way that small molecules or ions move across the cell membrane without input of energy by the cell.
What happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day?
What do craters and rifts become when the fill with water?
Water can be boiled to kill giardia and most other what?
How are weather patterns formed?
The cells of all protists have a what?
Two Main Types of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes (also called Insulin Dependent Diabetes) People with this type of diabetes do not make insulin at all. There are two different main types of diabetes.
The movement of an air mass over Earth's surface causes
Bacteria are the most numerous species on the planet.
Poison ivy and poison oak both have three leafs per stem. Poison ivy typically has three groups of leaves.
Biological membranes surround cells and serve to keep the insides separated from the outsides.
An ether is an organic compound in which two hydrocarbon groups are bonded to the same atom of what?
Compared with the molecules of many other substances, molecules of water are strongly attracted to what?
The main difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
The decrease of air density with altitude is accompanied by a decline in air pressure. Air pressure it decreases as altitude increases.
Elements are pure substances that make up all matter.
Nucleotides are composed of a phosphate group, a sugar (ribose in RNA, and deoxyribose in DNA) and a base which marks the specific difference among nucleotides. Phosphate groups are found within phospholipids and nucleotides.
Most of the earth's freshwater is in the form of frozen.
What contains most of the structures found in skin?
What is capable of altering the rate of time passing?
High gravity explains the spherical shape of ceres, once thought to be the largest asteroid.
The action of flushing the toilet, performed multiple times daily, is the single biggest use of water in the home.
Animals can transport what waste material in the circulatory system and store it safely at high concentrations?
What is capable of altering the rate of time passing?
Thermal energy constitutes the total kinetic energy of all the atoms that make up an object.
A moose eats a plant is an example of a living thing that depends on another living thing to survive.
The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane and holds the genetic information for the cell.
Salt-water biomes in the ocean are called what?
Gastrin is responsible for action on the ECL cells, which release histamine, the most important stimulant of gastric acid secretion. Gastrin signals the secretion of gastric acid.
Process of desalinization helps provide cleaner water for agriculture.
Amphibians sexually reproduce through external or internal fertilization.
All ants rely on olfaction for their communication (pheromones), and many species mainly use odor cues for orientation. Pheromones enable communication, which is vital for organisms like ants that live in a large community.
The next level of complexity metric would provide an efficiency measure, the power output divided by the power input. Efficiency equals the output power divided by the input power.
As animals devour the pumpkin fruit, they also ingest the seeds. A pumpkin is a fruit.
Which two observations are both used to describe weather?
In which way do vertebrates reproduce?
Primary active transport involves the forcing of a substance into a cell against its concentration gradient.
The best way humans can conserve water is to use less.
What are the only innate behaviors in humans?
To confirm the work of another scientist, a scientist might replicate their work.
Sulfur can combine with oxygen to produce sulfur trioxide.
Ocean waves travel(s) at the interface between the sea surface and the atmosphere.
Rain is an example of liquid water.
Which waterfall series is the largest on the planet?
Blood from the body enters right atrium of the heart before it is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs.
Combustion reactions involve the reaction of a hydrocarbon with oxygen gas to produce water and carbon dioxide.
Reactive elements are able to combine more what with other elements?
Amines are classified according to the number of carbon atoms bonded directly to what atom?
What is the name of the scientist who named neutrinos?
Cranium (skull) is the term for the skeletal structure of the head that supports the face and protects the brain.
A lipid is one of a highly diverse group of compounds made up mostly of what?
What is a stream of moving water that flows through the ocean?
When different types of tissues work together to perform a unique function, they form organ.
What preventative measure is often delivered by injection into the arm?
Water is an oxide of hydrogen.
What small biological structures make up all living things, including the human body?
During the early paleozoic, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was much greater compared to today.
A turbine using tides in the ocean can create what type of energy?
Crustaceans go through different larval stages.
What astronomical phenomenon, formed of split asteroids or planetary rocks, provides clues about our solar system?
Many scientists think protists are the oldest eukaryotes.
Vitamins are considered to be micronutrients because we only need relatively small amounts of them to maintain basic health. Micronutrients is the term for nutrients the body needs in relatively small amounts, including vitamins and minerals.
The ground tissue system has neither dermal nor vascular tissues.
Instruments that measure the angle of the slope of a volcano are called what?
A blue block appears blue in the sunlight if only blue light is reflected by the block.
What is responsible for the properties of metals?
Skeletal muscle tissue is attached to bones, is striated,and is voluntary. Skeletal tisse is muscle tissue that is attached to the bone called.
Coal is nonrenewable, and the sun is renewable is how coal and the sun compare as sources of energy.
Comet tails always point away from the sun instead of trailing behind the comet because dust particles recoil.
The the core is the innermost layer of the sun.
Which is an example of water condensing?
A connection to the placenta is required for a newborn baby to begin breathing.
Technology is the term for the application of science to solve problems.
If two populations do not mate and produce fertile offspring, what results?
The most abundant elements in the Sun are hydrogen and helium. The sun mostly made up of the element hydrogen.
For social animals, communication essential.
Bacterial STDs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, are often cured with antibiotics. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are examples of bacterial stis.
Portal veins carry blood between pairs of capillary beds.
What term describes the application of knowledge to real-world problems and is practiced by engineers?
Enzymatic cascades help amplify the effects of extracellular signals.
Types of Diabetes There are two types of diabetes. There are two different main types of diabetes.
The mass number is defined as the sum of the protons and the neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. The mass of atoms is based on the number of protons and neutrons in nucleus.