1 value
[06:29] <dholbach> good morning [06:36] <dholbach> so I accepted a bunch of sessions from - but there are a lot of folks who proposed sessions, but are not attending the event yet, so I was holding off accepting those first [08:09] * dholbach relocates, bbiab [08:19] <czajkowski> aloha [09:10] <MooDoo> howdy [09:11] <popey> yo [10:01] <dholbach> dpm, I had a chat with Maarten yesterday... what do you think about a session to brainstorm a bit to see what kind of ideas people come up with, so we maybe know which communities we could reach out to, maybe see a few dots we can connect, or put together plans for howtos or interesting stuff that could be demo'ed on the snappy pages - what do you think? [10:04] <dpm> dholbach, I think it could be a good idea - perhaps we might want to reach out to snappy-devel and partners in advance to pre-populate an etherpad, for those who can't attend the session? [10:04] <dholbach> sure [10:05] <dholbach> dpm, or do you see a way to generalise the scope a bit? [10:12] <davidcalle> dholbach, we should probably ask people which language/kind of apps they would like to see covered in snap-ification examples. [10:17] <dpm> dholbach, sorry, just got off the phone [10:18] <dholbach> no worries [10:21] * dpm thinks [10:25] <dholbach> dpm, davidcalle: AFAICS there are at least four angles to this discussion: 1) nice tutorials, 2) good demo material - better "first 15 minutes" experience with the snappy site, 3) potential communities to reach out to, 4) low-hanging fruit in terms of connecting communities/tools/frameworks [10:28] <dpm> dholbach, all this sounds great to me already. I think 1) and 3) will be the harder ones but the most rewarding [10:28] <dpm> well 3) shouldn't be hard, but it's a completely new community :) [10:29] <dholbach> which will probably make it more interesting to the kind of people who are involved in that kind of community: lots of pioneer spirit :) [10:29] <dholbach> all right... I'll try to give the session an interesting name and make it a general catch-all brainstorm kind of session [10:29] <dholbach> I'm sure we'll get something out of it :) [10:31] <dpm> dholbach, good work :) - I think it might be worth perhaps putting it on Wed or Thu, so that new folks have had a chance of having a taste of snappy on the first day? Just an idea [10:32] <dholbach> yep [10:32] <dholbach> first day is full already anyway :) [10:32] <dpm> yay [10:37] <davidcalle> dholbach, dpm, do you think mterry would be open to run a deb2snap session? I've just tried it and it's phenomenal: I've just snap-ified an archive deb (moon-buggy) and a standalone python script. Making snappy much more useful/understandable to me. [10:37] <dholbach> go go go [10:38] <dholbach> with moon buggy on ubuntu core, we should probably release 15.04.1 [10:38] <dpm> :) [10:38] <dholbach> a serious brown paper bag release :) [10:39] <dpm> dholbach, or just make it 15.05 [10:39] <dholbach> :-) [10:40] <davidcalle> ;-) [10:40] * davidcalle -> lunch, bbiab [10:40] <dholbach> bon appétit [10:41] <davidcalle> Merci ! [10:41] <dpm> davidcalle, I think balloons wanted to or already spoke to him, but I'm not sure. I think it's a great idea, let's [10:41] <dpm> sync up with him when he's in [10:41] <dpm> too late [10:42] <dpm> just had a friend passing by on the street and knocking on my window to say hi [10:42] <dpm> nice things about working at floor level [10:42] <dpm> even if it distracts you from IRC sometimes ;) [10:43] <dholbach> :) [10:44] * dholbach will go for a walk by the lake in a bit and grab lunch too [10:58] <dholbach> lunch time [15:03] <dholbach> jcastro_, there's a bunch of session at which are cloud related [15:09] <jcastro_> dholbach, those are openstack, I'll ask Pat to take a look. [15:09] <dholbach> ok cool [15:09] <dholbach> maybe also remind the folks who added them to register for the event :) [15:10] <jcastro_> indeed [15:32] <balloons> jcastro_, can you confirm these are dupes? and if so, which one to delete? [15:32] <jcastro_> they are dupes [15:32] <jcastro_> don't care which one you delete [15:32] <jcastro_> (sorry at a sprint) [15:32] <balloons> jcastro_, ack, ty [16:01] <jono> dpm, hey [16:01] <jono> all set? [16:01] <dpm> jono, yep! [16:30] <dholbach> have a great rest of your day everyone - see you tomorrow!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "balloons", "czajkowski", "davidcalle", "dholbach", "dpm", "jcastro_", "jono", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[05:07] <infy-> o/ [05:30] <Vjetar> jedna moto-ljubavna za rano jutro: [05:30] <datase> YouTube: PUTA MADRE-KAWASAKI 3P.wmv - 0:03:12 - 8,420 views - 36 likes / 1 dislikes [05:35] <BotaniCar> jutro [06:37] <dodobas> yutro... [06:57] <Mmike> sto koristitite za backup telefona? [06:57] <Mmike> backupirao bih sve sto mogu (kontakte, smsove, pozive, bla) na novi telefon [06:58] <Mmike> smsbackup (ili superbackup, kako vec) backupira samo 500 poziva [07:21] <Mmike> kre: ooo! [07:21] <kre> oj! [07:21] <Mmike> kenny18: mirka: kae, nema gazde, odma labavo, a? :) [07:22] <mirka> hahahah :) a [07:22] <vileni> o kre [07:22] <kenny18> Mmike: ;) [07:22] <kre> vileni! [07:23] <Mmike> mirka: s obzirom da njega nema ovaj tjedan, a ja sutra idem u Dubravu, mogu se pozvat na kavu? :) [07:23] <Mmike> vileni: jesi jeo u AllStars Burger Stuffu ? [07:23] <vileni> Mmike: prvi put cujem za to :) [07:23] <vileni> (i to je rijetkost) [07:23] <Mmike> :) [07:23] <Mmike> iznenadjen :) [07:24] <mirka> ofkors ;) mi ovdje :D [07:25] <vileni> kre: imas sto preporuciti za netflow vizualizaciju osim nfsen? :) [07:25] <kre> no idea, nisam nikad to radio [07:25] <Mmike> vwnetflow! [07:25] <Mmike> wv, to jest [07:26] <Mmike> kre: kak je podmladak? [07:26] <vileni> Mmike: zanimljivo, kako nikad nisi bio tu kad sam prije ispitivao [07:27] <Mmike> vileni: upisao sam u google 'open source netflow visualization' i to je ispalo :D [07:27] <Mmike> nisam nikad koristio :D [07:27] <vileni> Mmike: sad mi dugujes hamburger [07:27] <vileni> btw, sto bi napravili da nadjete kompjuter koji ima 1.2T prometa dnevno? [07:28] <vileni> u vasoj firmi/ustanovi [07:30] <Mmike> vileni: skopirao sve serije kaj je skinuo tih dana? :) [07:32] <vileni> Mmike: 2 seedboxa na rade ni 1% tog prometa :) [07:32] <Mmike> los neki seedbox :) [07:32] <Mmike> vileni: a to netko ciljano radi, ili ga izbunarilo? [07:33] <vileni> Mmike: to pokusavam ustvrditi [07:35] <vileni> iako [07:35] <vileni> 9001/tcp open tor-orport [07:36] <Mmike> a nemosh doc tamo i rec 'dobar dan'? [07:38] <vileni> Mmike: i sta da kazem, "nemojte koristiti tor" ? :) [07:40] <Mmike> pa mislim [07:40] <Mmike> jel' neki bed to kaj lik radi? :) [07:42] <jelly> vileni: pitas ih da li znaju sto trosi promet, ako ne znaju das IT-ju da reinstaliraju racunalo [07:50] <SilverSpace> jutro [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> Fata pita, Mujo sjećas li se ti kad ono Sharon Stone noge širi u onom filmu pa ih prebacuje ? [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> - Sjećam se, kako se ne bih sjećao. [07:53] <VjetarSaSunca> - Toga se sjećaš a kruha si djeci zaboravio kupit jel ? [07:54] <SilverSpace> :) [07:54] <weshmashian> mornin' [07:54] <SilverSpace> weshmashian: opa [07:55] <SilverSpace> prije podne :) [07:55] <weshmashian> SilverSpace: godisnji! :) [07:57] <SilverSpace> :) [07:57] <SilverSpace> izgleda da ce Franko uz engleski jos i francuski i talijanski uciti [07:58] <SilverSpace> bome i njemacki ako kuma bude imala volje [08:02] <obruT> mali ce bit pravi Sanader [08:03] <SilverSpace> Pitali Muju odakle je. [08:03] <SilverSpace> - Iz Bosne - Mujo će ko iz topa. [08:03] <SilverSpace> - Zašto vi uvijek govorite iz Bosne, a nikad iz Bosne i Hercegovine? [08:03] <SilverSpace> - Pa tako i moj rođak Haso, koji radi u vodovodu i kanalizaciji, kad god ga pitaju gdje radi, on kaže u vodovodu, a kanalizaciju ne spominje. [08:03] <SilverSpace> obruT: lol [08:05] <SilverSpace> obruT: jebiga kad ima mogucnosti u francusku i italiji ici [08:05] <SilverSpace> engleski mu ide bar tak kaze ticherica [08:07] <Mmike> ticecira? :) [08:09] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jebo te patak ides za dubravu [08:09] <Mmike> SilverSpace: dada, nisam zaboravio, dolazim po gps uredjajcic, no worries :) [08:10] <SilverSpace> lol [08:13] <SilverSpace> lol [08:43] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan [08:43] <jelly> SilverSpace: jos je vise lol ak znas kontekst [08:45] <jelly> [08:51] <Mmike> jebemtisusjedekojirokajuipopravljajupickemilenaterinebusecijelifakindanjacupoluditNEMREMVISEOVOIZDRZAT [08:52] <VjetarSaSunca> Mmike: uzmi psa i odi u šetnju [08:52] <jelly> heh, to sam bio ja prije godinu dana (onaj koji busi i gnjavi susjede) [09:06] <Mmike> kak bi se zvao dio u 'virtualnim prostranstvima' di bi imao popis svih starih zanimljiih caseova sa walktroughovima kak su rijeseni? [09:06] <Mmike> Knowledge Base mi nije bas neki termin [09:06] <Mmike> ima netko ideju za necim boljim, morti? :) [09:06] <Mmike> BotaniCar: ^^ ? [10:12] <SilverSpace> jelly: da zato je i lol :) [10:12] <jelly> Mmike: Mmike's Cave of Wonders [10:13] * SilverSpace smišlja kak složiti muziku za tulum na plaži na kupi [10:14] <SilverSpace> Mmike: oces doc na kupu na tulum tam negdje u sestom mjesecu [10:22] <obruT> SilverSpace: dje na Kupi tulumarite ? [10:24] <SilverSpace> obruT: petrinja [10:25] <SilverSpace> iznad mosta ima plaza soder cca 1km dugacka [10:26] <SilverSpace> frend mi tamo ima viksu [10:32] <SilverSpace> obruT:,16.2433008,429m/data=!3m1!1e3 [10:35] <SilverSpace>,16.240786,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s36758885!2e1!3e10 [10:36] <SilverSpace> ha moja slika :) [10:36] <obruT> ja ak vec idem na rijeku, obicno visim na Korani ili Mreznici, ali ne bih davao koordinate na javnom kanalu :) [10:36] <SilverSpace> obruT: na koranu nisam isao [10:37] <SilverSpace> mreznicu da i dobru [10:37] <SilverSpace> dok je nisu branom unistili [10:37] <obruT> na Dobri sam visio dok su mi starci zivjeli u Vrbovskom (za vrijeme rata) [10:38] <obruT> tad smo cesto isli i na Kupu u Klanac (kod Severina) [10:41] <SilverSpace> mi kupom dosta cesto krstarili camcem prije sad ne vise [10:41] <SilverSpace> frend nas autom uzvodno otpelja mi se spustimo do petrinje [10:41] <SilverSpace> jebeno [10:42] <SilverSpace> pogotovo ako se ide na dva dana [10:43] <SilverSpace> sad je cista od kad karlovac vise ne zagaduje [10:44] <SilverSpace> ova plaza ljeti puna makar se pjesice ne moze doc na nju [10:44] <SilverSpace> svakih deset metara u sumi stoli i klupe [10:45] <SilverSpace> ljudi kampiraju [10:53] <obruT> meni to ide na zivce pa radije idem na meni poznate rijeke/mjesta na rijekama koje nitko ne zna :) [11:14] <Mmike> SilverSpace: tulum, kaj, sta? [11:14] <Mmike> obruT: si bicikliro danas? [11:14] <Mmike> meni sad zao kaj ja nisam [11:20] <obruT> Mmike: nisam, idem na Sljeme drito s posla [11:20] <obruT> mislim, isao sam biciklom na posao, ali to nije bicikliranje :) [11:21] <Mmike> lol :) [11:21] <Mmike> hard corer [11:21] <Mmike> :) [11:22] <obruT> mislim, ovo na Sljeme idem s biciklom, je li :) [11:22] <Mmike> dada :0 [11:23] <obruT> konda mi je fakat losa, panika me vec opaka hvata [11:35] <vileni> hmda, ovo je sa nase kamere snimka [11:35] <datase> YouTube: Ukraden bicikl - 23.04.15. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje - 0:03:06 - 4,349 views - 14 likes / 0 dislikes [11:46] <SilverSpace> obruT: mi odemo uzvodno di nikoga nema imamo camac i motor [11:50] <SilverSpace> vileni: haha koji lopov [11:53] <SilverSpace> Mmike: priprema se jedan tulum na kupi uz gogorsku vatru pice jice [11:53] <Mmike> SilverSpace: pa daj daj daj ocu ocu ocu [11:53] <Mmike> SilverSpace: jel' moram biciklom doc? [11:54] <SilverSpace> ne [11:54] <SilverSpace> okupimo se u viksi i camcem na plazu [11:54] <SilverSpace>,16.2433008,429m/data=!3m1!1e3 [12:06] <Mmike> SilverSpace: tko ste to vi? [12:07] <SilverSpace> ekipa sa ribolova [12:08] <SilverSpace> skoro smo ljeti svaki vikend tamo [12:08] <SilverSpace> kod frenda u viksi [12:08] <Mmike> kul :) [12:09] <SilverSpace> [12:14] <jelly> uf [12:17] <jelly> SilverSpace: izgleda dobro [12:21] <SilverSpace> jelly: da prekrasna je tamo [12:46] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ovako otprilike [12:46] <SilverSpace> to je sa jednog druzenja [12:46] <SilverSpace> par fotki [12:47] <Mmike> SilverSpace: pa kol'ko vas to ima? [12:47] <Mmike> SilverSpace: di se spava? [12:48] <SilverSpace> Mmike: bilo nas tu dvadesetak [12:48] <SilverSpace> ima viksa tko ne zeli doma :) [12:50] <SilverSpace> tj mi par se poslje preselimo na terasu u vikendicu i to zna dojutra trajati [13:33] <BotaniCar> o0o0o, to cijenim, kad nije pederbal, CURE !! :) [13:37] <Mmike> koji konj [13:37] <Mmike> osto mi mob bez baterije [13:37] <Mmike> neznam pin [13:37] <Mmike> neznam zenin broj [13:37] <Mmike> neznam niciji broj [13:37] <Mmike> strahota [13:37] <Mmike> :) [13:37] <BotaniCar> Sad cu ja ispast' kojekakav ako ti dam zenin broj ? :D [13:38] <BotaniCar> 'ces broj od moje zene ? :D [13:39] <Mmike> :) [13:39] <Mmike> :))))))))))) [13:39] <jelly> lel [13:43] <SilverSpace> Zasto u Kuci Cvijeca cvijece tako dobro uspijeva? [13:44] <SilverSpace> Zato jer je djubre pokopano ispod. [13:44] <BotaniCar> Zakaj nitko nece doci isprobati moj novi usisavac? Istovremeno bi svi rado da ga rpezentiram kod njih ! :) [13:50] <Mmike> woo woo [13:50] <Mmike> odem doma [13:53] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: jel mozes letet na to usisavacu :) [13:56] <BotaniCar> Nis' coprnjak, ne ide mi ni s metlom :) Ali, budem zenu pitao :D [14:01] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: :) [14:17] <jelly> iznenadjen sam kak je ovo pomoglo sa brzinom odaziva GUI-ja u linuxu, umjesto swapa stavio [14:18] <jelly> sam opet imam zilion tabova u kromi i nikom nista [14:18] <jelly> sad* [14:41] <obruT> ja sam bome poubijo neki dan... firefox se zakuco [14:41] <jelly> yum install pigz [15:20] <SilverSpace> uh malo bicikliro [15:33] <SilverSpace> jelly: kak si to uspio natjerati da radi ja nikako ne uspjevam [15:38] <SilverSpace> radi :) [15:39] <jelly> SilverSpace: po rucnoj metodi [15:40] <SilverSpace> jelly: [15:40] <SilverSpace> :) [15:40] <SilverSpace> google [15:40] <SilverSpace> i proradilo [15:42] <SilverSpace> to je zdravije i za ssd [16:01] <vileni> hmda, microsoft najavio podrsku za docker [16:02] <SilverSpace> kaj je docker [16:06] <Mmike> bleigh [16:11] <Vlado9A3CY> ahoj :) [16:30] <Mmike> SilverSpace: the revolution in containerization :) [16:33] <SilverSpace> ke? [16:34] <SilverSpace> Mmike: kaj dubravu si promasio :) [16:34] <Mmike> SilverSpace, sutra je cetvrtak [16:34] <Mmike> a i mora mi zena auto dat :D [16:35] <SilverSpace> :) jadnik jebote zena ce te glave doci :) [16:50] <Mmike> :) ti nemas zenu i dijete, i to nekad nije lose :) [16:50] <Mmike> nije da ja njih ne volim i to [16:50] <Mmike> al' brate mili! [16:52] <SilverSpace> :) [17:12] <hbogner> o/ [17:42] <SilverSpace> e [18:52] <markosejic> d vecer
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "Vjetar", "VjetarSaSunca", "Vlado9A3CY", "datase", "dodobas", "hbogner", "infy-", "jelly", "kenny18", "kre", "markosejic", "mirka", "obruT", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[07:54] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [08:12] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:13] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: hi mate [08:13] <lordievader> Hey lotuspsychje, how are you? [08:14] <lotuspsychje> fine tnx and you? [08:15] <lordievader> Making coffee.. too early to tell. [08:15] <lotuspsychje> loool [12:45] <daftykin1> :D [12:45] <daftykin1> o/ [12:45] <lordievader> o/ [12:46] <daftykin1> well well, what to do tday [12:46] <daftykin1> thanks keybard, dropping O's again [12:46] <lordievader> But that is like the most important letter in the alphabet :P [12:47] <daftykin1> sure is [12:48] <daftykin1> my ageing das keyboard seems to act a little funky like this every now and then [12:55] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: nihao [12:55] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, indeed. [12:55] <lotuspsychje> :p [12:55] <lotuspsychje> yayy i know chinese [12:55] <cfhowlett> LOL [12:56] <lotuspsychje> :p [13:01] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: afternoon! [13:01] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks [13:01] <BluesKaj> Hey lotuspsychje [13:01] <lordievader> o/ [13:01] <lotuspsychje> ooo its getting crowdy in here [13:02] <BluesKaj> feels good to sleep in for a change :) [13:02] <lotuspsychje> :p [13:08] <daftykin1> cfhowlett: \o/ [13:08] * daftykin1 chants "one of us, one of us..." [13:08] <cfhowlett> daftykin1, yowza^2 [13:09] <daftykin1> wow i didn't even notice my nick was wrong [13:09] <BluesKaj> daftykin1: ?? , but Hi anyway [13:09] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: ellow [13:09] <daftykins> :D [13:09] <daftykins> greetings [13:09] <BluesKaj> Hi cfhowlett [13:10] <cfhowlett> BluesKaj, greetings, good sir.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "cfhowlett", "daftykin1", "daftykins", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:00] <acz32> daniel31: many would argue HDDs are much more secure than SSDs, if you care [00:00] <daftykins> sounds like a dubious claim to me [00:01] <acz32> daftykins: what is known is that securely erasing SSDs isn't trivial like it is with HDD [00:02] <daftykins> that is not the same as your first statement [00:02] <daftykins> also, i bet you'd have the same troubles trying to secure erase both types [00:02] <acz32> daniel31: you should copy your home directory so you can move it onto the SSD [00:02] <bazhang> this sounds like a good discussion for the offtopic channel [00:02] <daftykins> except that i am both going to bed and not going to join that, so there's no need to tell regulars the rules :) [00:02] <EriC^^> daniel31: you should copy the files unencrypted from your home dir to a backup location, along with the list of manually installed packages [00:03] <SchrodingersScat> I heard it's harder to recover from an SSD, sounds like a security plus. daniel31 I would start with a backup, I'm running mine now, I'm in a similar position. [00:03] <petrvs> I heard ssds cause cancer [00:03] <acz32> daftykins: erasing an HDD is easy, you just have to wait a long time [00:03] <petrvs> but in reality they just give you faster access [00:03] <petrvs> acz32: not that long [00:03] <daftykins> acz32: please take note of the off topic warning. [00:03] <aaanderse> i see a package called totem-mozilla in utopic and previous releases, this package doesn't exist in vivid... where is the best place to ask why it doesn't exist anymore? "ubuntu developers" are lested as the maintainer [00:03] <acz32> petrvs: depends on the size of the disk, of course [00:03] <daftykins> also, i cannot continue this conversation as i am leaving :) [00:04] <acz32> daftykins: bye [00:08] <daniel31> I see. Thanks for the input guys. Is there no easy way to access the encrypted files if I know the password then? Why not just boot back into the HDD (connected over USB) and copy the files to the SSD after the new distro is installed? [00:08] <petrvs> acz32: well, the larger the disk, likely the more ram & proc powe you have, and consequently the faster the wipe, too [00:09] <petrvs> not necessarily, though, of course [00:09] <petrvs> but mostly, there is rarely a reason to wipe a disk [00:09] <daniel31> As it happens, I need the SSD for speed (I am a photography and a software developer). The encryption is nice against the threats I face, but it's hardly a life-or-death situation. :-) [00:10] <petrvs> usually the case =) [00:10] <petrvs> I missed the beginning of your issue, though [00:14] <acz32> daniel31: like we said, just back up /home and copy it onto the SSD after you re-install the OS [00:14] <daniel31> thanks guys :-) [00:16] <acz32> daniel31: so you are creating /home on the SSD? [00:16] <acz32> is it that big. i think most people put /root on there and /home on a HDD [00:17] <daniel31> well its 256gb. I intend to have the entire OS on it since its my laptop I cant really have two. the old HDD will be retired into a backup medium and media/large file storage over usb. [00:18] <acz32> 256GB. nice [00:18] <daniel31> I really want to be able to mount my old encrypted home temporarily in my new install. not sure if thats possible tho. [00:18] <acz32> daniel31: yes, it is. some file managers even handle that if you click on an encrypted volume [00:19] <daniel31> thats good to know acz32. no need to backup the encrypted key or some thing like that then? all I need is my user password? [00:20] <acz32> daniel31: if you're ok mounting from commandline if your file manager doesn't pop up a nice GUI dialog, then sure [00:21] <voidDotClass> My dock is really annoying, i've set it to auto hide and show when i move mouse to left, sensitivity at max, but i still have to move my mouse at least 3-4 times before it finally shows [00:21] <voidDotClass> is there a trick i'm missing, or can i use a keyboard shortcut for showing it [00:23] <daniel31> thanks acz32. thats all I need to know I think. off to bed now. bye guys! [00:25] <penos> hello [00:26] <petrvs> 'lo [00:37] <zykotick9> daniel31: ymmv, but i'd strongly suggest using LUKS over "home directory encryption" [00:49] <Guest67820> Hello Ubuntu channel [00:49] <urielsalis_> Hi, how I can copy ubuntu xorg config to another distro like arch? [00:50] <ryan_461> Guest67820: Hi [00:51] <gioankminh> hello [00:51] <gioankminh> i am a new ubuntu mate [00:52] <Guest67820> Anyone faced a failed Ubuntu upgrade from lucid to precise? There was not enough room in /boot partition and it aborted the upgrade. Now it shows that I’m on Precise, but with an old kernel and I’m not even sure if all the upgrade steps completed properly. Did anyone experience a similar situation? [00:54] <gioankminh> i want come in to group linux, please, sent me server [00:54] <notaeon> ##linux ? [00:54] <gioankminh> ##linux? [00:54] <gioankminh> ##linux ? [00:54] <urielsalis_> /join ##linux [00:56] <gioankminh> i don't join it [00:56] <urielsalis_> You have to register your nick [00:56] <bazhang> gioankminh, yes you did [00:56] <urielsalis_> You must register your IRC nickname, using the command /msg NickServ REGISTER password email in here. Remember to use a valid email. [01:01] <kazdax> Hi i like to install Ubuntu .. I have windows installed and i want to install vai the network [01:01] <petrvs> kazdax: why via the network [01:01] <kazdax> what are the steps i should take to install ubuntu over the network and i dont have a parition already i need to make a partition [01:02] <petrvs> mmm, making a partition _can_ be tedious [01:02] <petrvs> it _can_ also be not 100% safe [01:02] <petrvs> it's infinitely simpler to buy another disk, if you can afford it [01:02] <petrvs> you'll need the extra storage eventually anyway [01:02] <kazdax> Its a laptop [01:02] <petrvs> how tedious =) [01:02] <kazdax> and i installed my windows right now with a netork [01:02] <kazdax> network [01:02] <petrvs> well, to properly resize partitions with Windows preinstalled [01:02] <kazdax> so i was not able to make partitions [01:02] <petrvs> you really need to make sure the filesystems are defragmented [01:03] <petrvs> and then resize [01:03] <petrvs> and then fsck [01:03] <petrvs> and then proceed with Ubuntu installation [01:03] <penos> fsck? [01:03] <petrvs> and before all that you should make a backup of anything you can't live without [01:03] <petrvs> fsck, FS check [01:03] <penos> fsck=fuck? [01:03] <petrvs> penos: almost =) [01:03] <penos> oh.... [01:03] <petrvs> Unix hackers of yore didn't like typing [01:03] <petrvs> plus they _did_ like commands and names that resembled naughty words [01:04] <kazdax> can i do this all without a DVD [01:04] <kazdax> use like a USB drive [01:04] <kazdax> to repartition the disk [01:05] <petrvs> kazdax: you can, yes [01:05] <kazdax> and the ubuntu install over a netowrk i mount the DVD and then share the drive [01:05] <Ben64> kazdax: you can install ubuntu from a usb disk [01:05] <petrvs> you can install over the network, too [01:05] <petrvs> but you need to figure out the partitioning/resizing first [01:05] <kazdax> network is faster [01:05] <Ben64> network is not faster [01:05] <petrvs> network is faster if you already know how to do it [01:05] <petrvs> but you don't =) [01:05] <kazdax> well for windows..i just shared the ISO over a netowrk [01:05] <kazdax> and executed it from the network [01:06] <kazdax> and it just did everything else ..i assume ubuntu does the same [01:06] <kazdax> so defragment the hardisk and then use fsck ? [01:06] <kazdax> I dont want to use windows anymore gives me so many problems [01:07] <Ben64> kazdax: write the ubuntu iso to a usb drive, boot it, install, done [01:07] <kazdax> I rather use ubuntu [01:07] <kazdax> Ben64 yes i will do USB [01:07] <kazdax> but i need to repartition the disk [01:07] <kazdax> so i can install it [01:08] <Ben64> kazdax: the installer does that [01:08] <kazdax> ohh ? [01:08] <kazdax> so all i need is an ubuntu ISO and i can resize it within ? [01:08] <Ben64> yep [01:08] <kazdax> is the rezise thing hard to do ? [01:09] <Ben64> nope [01:09] <kazdax> it comes up when it ask whatt partition i was to install it on [01:09] <kazdax> ? [01:09] <kazdax> so it has an option that says resize [01:09] <Ben64> it gives you a few options, try it and see [01:09] <kazdax> i am asking because when i start doing it ..i dont have another computer to chat online and ask questions [01:10] <kazdax> okay one more question .. The network install isnt as easy as mounting the ISO and sharing it and then executing setup from the computer ? [01:10] <kazdax> just wondering if i can do a network insall ..if not ill be doing USB [01:10] <kazdax> one more question to get ubuntu on the USB drive ? [01:11] <Ben64> !usb | kazdax [01:11] <kazdax> thanks man [01:11] <kazdax> okay one more question ..does anyone of you use netflix on ubuntu ? [01:12] <kazdax> i think silverlight is microsoft windows only [01:12] <bazhang> !netflix [01:12] <kazdax> cool [01:13] <petrvs> netflix actually supports so-called "HTML5" video now [01:13] <petrvs> you mostly just need a recent browser version [01:13] <xangua> you need google chrome [01:13] <petrvs> simpler with chrome, yeah [01:13] <xangua> that ships with drm ;) not just any browsers [01:13] <petrvs> that is the magic of the word mostly =) [01:14] <kazdax> okay what about after installing ubuntu ..will my ethernet work and wireless or do i need drivers for that ? [01:14] <kazdax> nevermind .. i think people have tried installing on this machine and it worked for hem [01:15] <kazdax> them [01:15] <kazdax> I will start using ubuntu for everything [01:15] <kazdax> I dont play window games anyways [01:15] <kazdax> I usually use it for reading PDF , watching netflix and listening to music [01:15] <kazdax> so i think ubuntu can do all that without much hassle [01:15] <petrvs> kazdax: ten'll get you twenty it'll all just work [01:15] <petrvs> if it doesn't, you can fix it [01:16] <petrvs> yeah it can do all that [01:16] <petrvs> it can even let you play most win32 games [01:16] <kazdax> okay ...what if i wanted to access windows paritition from ubuntu ? [01:16] <kazdax> for example my C drive ..when i am in ubuntu [01:16] <kazdax> can i save and read from that drive ? [01:17] <kazdax> even if it is NTFS [01:17] <petrvs> kazdax: yup [01:17] <kazdax> because i want to give my ubuntu ..half of the drive .. and if my ubuntu gets filled up use my windows Drive as a backup [01:17] <kazdax> cool [01:17] <petrvs> you can also do the reverse, if you want [01:18] <kazdax> okay cool [01:18] <kazdax> there used to be a time when this was not possible [01:18] <petrvs> mmmm [01:18] <petrvs> yeah I guess [01:18] <petrvs> maybe 15 years ago =) [01:19] <petrvs> things to progress, however slowly =) [01:22] <kazdax> okay whats step 3 persistence .. the value i need to add there [01:22] <kazdax> there is nothing about it on the ubuntu site you guys gave me [01:22] <kazdax> its USB creator [01:24] <kazdax> is persistence meaning how much space the ISO is [01:24] <kazdax> because its right now at zero and says live mode only [01:24] <Ben64> kazdax: no, its so changes you do to the live system will remain [01:24] <petrvs> kazdax: you don't need persistence [01:24] <kazdax> ahh i see [01:25] <kazdax> my USB is much slower than my netowrk [01:25] <kazdax> netowrk [01:25] <kazdax> network [01:26] <kazdax> The usb goes at 6 mb per secound netowrk does 40 mb per secound [01:26] <Ben64> it would be done already if you just used the usb already [01:26] <petrvs> pretty sure there are more steps for a network install [01:27] <petrvs> _after_ you understand them [01:27] * petrvs shrugs [01:27] <kazdax> i think with network install..i wont be able to repartition as on a usb wih the inbuilt ubuntu tools [01:27] <petrvs> dunno about that, but I do think it'd take longer [01:27] <kazdax> my USB could be messed up [01:28] <petrvs> could be [01:28] <petrvs> probably isn't [01:28] <kazdax> 6 mb secound ? [01:28] <kazdax> its to slow [01:28] <kazdax> isnt it ? [01:28] <Ben64> no [01:29] <kazdax> i see [01:33] <kazdax> okay i am going ahead and installing ubuntu ..i will come back using it for irc [01:33] <kazdax> thanks alot guys .if any problems ill get back to you guys [01:35] <petrvs> hokay [01:46] <ellen> buenas [01:46] <ellen> alguien aqui en español [01:46] <EriC^^> !es | ellen [01:47] <docmur> I was running "ubuntu-vm-builder kvm trusty" and it just stays Calling Hook: Bootstrap, it was there for two hours [01:47] <petrvs> the mayor of the canals of Ubuntu... [01:47] * petrvs giggles [01:49] <petrvs> good ole non-verbose automation [01:49] <xxtjaxx> Hi! I installed Ubuntu 14.04 but the ati driver packages appear to be broken. They are not installable and the binary drivers require inexistant packages. Any help? Has anyone had that issue? [01:50] <xxtjaxx> Fglrx is technically uninstallable right now. [01:50] <xangua> xxtjaxx: did you run apt-get update ? [01:50] <xangua> if you have an error message might be wise to share it too [01:51] <xxtjaxx> several times I believe by now. [01:51] <xxtjaxx> sure give me a second. [01:52] <EriC^^> xorg-api-15 thingy? [01:52] <EriC^^> somebody had that issue earlier [01:52] <xxtjaxx> there ya gp [01:52] <EriC^^> xorg-video-abi-* [01:52] <xxtjaxx> *go [01:53] <EriC^^> yup [01:53] <xxtjaxx> yup [01:53] <xxtjaxx> suggested fix? [01:53] <EriC^^> i recall telling him to install 2 packages [01:53] <kk0710> hey guys, I was having some serious problems with my realtek wireless adapter and was told to try running newere kernels, has a nyone run 4.1.0-040100rc1-generic [01:53] <EriC^^> the latter being abi-15 which pulled in something else, the first i can't recall [01:54] <xxtjaxx> can you press up a couple times and find it? [01:54] <EriC^^> xxtjaxx: it was about 2 weeks ago [01:54] <xxtjaxx> oh and I guess you don [01:54] <xxtjaxx> 't have a ssh shell with screen and irssi huh? [01:54] <EriC^^> nope [01:54] <xxtjaxx> ay caramba... [01:55] <EriC^^> hold on [01:55] <xxtjaxx> E: Package 'xorg-video-abi-14' has no installation candidat .... dangit [01:56] <EriC^^> xxtjaxx: i think this was it sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core [01:59] <xxtjaxx> [01:59] <xxtjaxx> nope [01:59] <EriC^^> ok i think it had to do with libcheese [01:59] <xxtjaxx> delete it? [02:00] <EriC^^> yes try sudo apt-get purge libcheese* [02:04] <karan> hey [02:04] <EriC^^> any luck xxtjaxx ? [02:04] <petrvs> heyo [02:04] <kazdax> i got it installed [02:04] <kazdax> right now trying to install flash layer [02:05] <kazdax> says Adobe-flashplugin not gound in the ubuntu software center [02:05] <kazdax> using adobes website to install [02:05] <EriC^^> kazdax: you have to enable the multiverse repository [02:05] <kazdax> how do i do that ? [02:06] <EriC^^> open the dash > software & updates [02:06] <kazdax> okay [02:07] <kazdax> now what do i do? [02:09] <kazdax> EriC^^, [02:10] <xxtjaxx> EriC^^: Yup installed and uninstalled $stuff.. [02:11] <xxtjaxx> I'm installing xorg-core now then abi14 then fglrx? [02:12] <kazdax> the multi verse is already selected [02:12] <kazdax> but i still cant install flash player...someone said i should use google chrome and that chrome comes with it [02:13] <petrvs> for netflix, you can use chrome if you want [02:13] <xxtjaxx> update/refresh first. It has to fetch the index of the multiverse before it can give it to you [02:13] <petrvs> that is the path of least resistance [02:13] <xxtjaxx> Oh they enabled <video>? [02:13] <kazdax> even for other flash things ? [02:13] <petrvs> xxtjaxx: something like that [02:13] <kazdax> i want to do speed test i need flash for it [02:13] <petrvs> kazdax: yes, actually [02:13] <xxtjaxx> kazdax: no. [02:13] <petrvs> chrome is actually also the path of least resistance for flash [02:13] <xxtjaxx> Not necessairly. [02:13] <petrvs> not my favorite browser, though [02:13] <petrvs> different issue =) [02:14] <kazdax> how do i get flash for firefox ? [02:14] <xxtjaxx> I like it(developer over here...) [02:14] <kazdax> also should i update the site to the repository for softwares ? [02:14] <xxtjaxx> man have I not done FOSS Desktop support in a while... [02:14] <kazdax> i heard doing that .. increases speed for downloads of software [02:14] <xxtjaxx> bs [02:15] <kazdax> well previously when i downloaded ubuntu and installed it [02:15] <kazdax> the downloads from the software center were very slow [02:15] <kazdax> so some guy said ..upload the repository links and it worked [02:15] <kazdax> but its working great right now tho [02:16] <kazdax> so no way to get flash for firefox [02:16] <kazdax> and its taking time to install chrome that normal ? [02:16] <xangua> sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer kazdax [02:17] <petrvs> xxtjaxx: developer of what? :p [02:17] <xangua> to install the flashplugin in firefox, you could also install ubuntu-restricted-extras to Also install flash, codecs, fonts [02:17] <kazdax> okay it says locked [02:17] <kazdax> i am using the ubuntu software installer right now [02:18] <EriC^^> kazdax: close the software & updates tab [02:18] <EriC^^> oh [02:18] <kazdax> its working [02:19] <Yuken> Can't access any websites right now besides the ubuntu repos and freenode, for some reason. What packages would I need to install to run Java, and Web-Java programs? [02:19] <xxtjaxx> petrvs: Various things on web pages [02:20] <petrvs> xxtjaxx: doesn't quite has the same ring as ", esq." =) [02:20] <petrvs> Yuken: [02:20] <petrvs> 'browser plugin', etc. [02:20] <kazdax> did speed test on the internet [02:20] <petrvs> kazdax: neat [02:20] <kazdax> my internet is slower on ubuntu [02:21] <Yuken> petrvs: Thank you. [02:21] <petrvs> kazdax: nah [02:21] <kazdax> actually ...the upload is better [02:21] <kazdax> but download is much less [02:21] <petrvs> kazdax: nah [02:21] <petrvs> you can't really accurately gauge speed from anyway [02:21] <kazdax> yea but there is a huge difference [02:21] <petrvs> you need an enduring download [02:21] <petrvs> nah [02:22] <kazdax> okay ill try downloading a torrent with alot of seeds..and see if it reaches 7 mbs [02:22] <kazdax> if it does then the speed test failed else its slower for some reason [02:23] <petrvs> kazdax: you're already installed? [02:23] <kazdax> yes [02:23] <kazdax> I am on the ubuntu right now [02:24] <codepython777> is anyone using ubuntu on macbook here? [02:24] <notaeon> have done [02:25] <notaeon> codepython777: so what's your actual question? [02:26] <kazdax> so the speed test could be less on the ubuntu but if i did a torrent should show u the same seed ? [02:26] <petrvs> kazdax: probably trivially less unreliable a test, sue [02:26] <petrvs> sure* [02:26] <kazdax> I am on the torrent itd doing ..3.4 [02:27] <codepython777> notaeon: Do you have any pointer for an ubuntu image that i can burn on my ssd drive and boot from it externally on my mac? [02:27] <petrvs> from usb? [02:27] <notaeon> codepython777: you want to use a ssd as a bootable install medium? never tried that before [02:28] <kazdax> okay i reached 6.5 [02:28] <codepython777> notaeon: yes, preferably using thunderbolt. Does anyone know if that works on a mac? [02:28] <kazdax> i guess you were riht [02:28] <kazdax> right [02:29] <Slowboat> good luck booting ubuntu from an external drive for mac. you're better off burning to a DVD [02:29] <notaeon> codepython777: no idea, but usually there are different key combos at boot to loadf from usb/firewire/network etc [02:32] <notaeon> codepython777: if the install iso is booted from the ssd, i don't see why that would be different from any other flash medium. but doing it from thunderbolt depends on whether the mac efi supports that [02:33] <notaeon> it does [02:35] <notaeon> key combos here [02:38] <kazdax> ya its slower on ubuntu [02:38] <kazdax> its not reaching the max download [02:38] <kazdax> ill try doing the same torrent on my windows box and comapre to see ..if there is a difference in speed..ill come back [02:39] <xxtjaxx`> Hey! Anybody here good with kernel panics? This one made it on my desk after installing fglrx: [02:44] <mattgyver> ...Before I got and purge my default firefox install can anyone confirm for me that there should in fact be an "Unpin tab" context menu item for tabs like in all other versions? [02:56] <mcc> Hi... I this morning told my Ubuntu 10.04 VPS (I would like to upgrade to another distro next...) to apt-get upgrade. A few minutes later, something happened, I don't know what, and services weren't running anymore. When I did apt-get upgrade again, I get: "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem". When I type that, I get "read-only file system". [02:56] <mcc> The filesystem is indeed mounted read only. I do not know what to make of this. [02:56] <Ben64> mcc: sounds like a filesystem error, or hard drive error, or both [02:57] <mcc> Hard drive error would be unusual because I am on a rackspace VM. Or whoever owns them now. [02:57] <mcc> if it is a fs error should I do something with fsck? [02:58] <Ben64> mcc: should look at logs first [02:59] <mcc> /var/log/syslog? [02:59] <Ben64> all of the logs [03:02] <xxtjaxx`> Does anybody here have any experience with fglrx Kernel Panics? [03:24] <webflashing> i changed from an amd vga to a new nvidia one. I installed the drivers from the official site but since then VLC doesnt play my videos. I can hear the audio but it freezes at the first frame. I want to try with another player, which one would you recommend? [03:28] <kk0710> guys I upgraded to the newest kernel but it didn't solve my problems so I wanted to go back, how do I remove it? [03:30] <XenophonF> i all - i'm trying to install ubuntu 15.04 on my macbookpro5,1, with root on a luks-encrypted ZFS volume [03:30] <XenophonF> yes, baroque, i realize [03:30] <XenophonF> here's what i've done so far - [03:30] <XenophonF> i'm done with the install, but i'm not sure i have grub or initrd set up right [03:31] <XenophonF> update-initramfs doesn't seem to do anything, and now that i'm looking around on the file system, i can't seem to find the linux kernel [03:31] <XenophonF> i see the kernel headers and whatnot [03:31] <XenophonF> so i feel like i've missed a step [03:31] <HerroWorlds> test [03:32] <somsip> !test | HerroWorlds [03:32] <XenophonF> would someone mind looking over that gist? maybe a fresh set of eyes will catch my mistake [03:32] <HerroWorlds> =D my client works except for when i try to connect to multple irc networks at the same time :*( [03:32] <ryan_461> kk0710: I don't know exactly how to do it but I imagine you have to boot an older kernel and then you can remove it with synaptic. People here know how to do it. [03:33] <XenophonF> ah, it's called linux-image [03:34] <XenophonF> so do i install linux-signed-generic to get all of the kernel packages installed? [03:36] <XenophonF> or do i need both linux-signed-generic and linux-image-generic? [03:36] <XenophonF> or some other combo? [03:36] <dtscode> hey guys... im running ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, and i closed it shut, and now when i open it up the screen remains black. i have another monitor attached, so im still able to use things, but i would like to make the laptop screen come back. how can i fix this? [03:38] <petrvs> dtscode: press a button? [03:38] <dtscode> petrvs, i have been... typing this required me to press buttons [03:39] <RedPenguin> hey all [03:39] <kk0710> man I am just having a heck of a time here [03:39] <kk0710> I am trying to fix my wireless issues with realtek, I am following post #5 instructions but am getting errors trying to make, [03:39] <XenophonF> well, i guess installing both linux-signed-generic and linux-image-generic can't hurt [03:40] <RedPenguin> Anybody ever hear of Ubuntu crashing to where it throws up a white/black stripped screen and is non-responsive? [03:40] <RedPenguin> I checked various logs and I can't seem to find out what crashed [03:41] <XenophonF> RedPenguin: i've had nouveau crash on me, where it shows two red/blue-speckled bars in the upper right [03:41] <XenophonF> switching to the nvidia driver fixed it for me [03:41] <XenophonF> had to disable kms in order to boot, before i could install the nvidia driver [03:41] <XenophonF> that's the "nomodeset" kernel command line option [03:42] <RedPenguin> it just did it again but this time showed a blue bar'ed screen [03:43] <RedPenguin> I just fresh installed this system yesterday [03:43] <kk0710> also I am trying to figure out how to remove a newer kernel I tested but no longer want or at least make it default to the original kernel [03:48] <RedPenguin> XenophonF: yea you might be right, I am trying it without nouveau, as I don't think I was using that driver before [03:51] <webflashing> i changed from an amd vga to a new nvidia one. I installed the drivers from the official site but since then VLC doesnt play my videos. I can hear the audio but it freezes at the first frame. I want to try with another player, which one would you recommend? [03:53] <usucapiao> webflashing, have u tried to reset vlc preferences? [03:54] <webflashing> usucapiao, I did not. Let me try right now [03:55] <webflashing> usucapiao, I just did. No change [03:57] <linocisco> doesnt help to make wget work behind proxy with authentication [04:03] <Jonno_FTW> is there any easy way to wrap long lines in conky? [04:03] <fry> I'm trying to upgrade to ubuntu 15.04 and I am getting an error, "Could not calculate the upgrade" [04:04] <fry> Anyone know what I can do to fix this problem? [04:05] <nomelette> I had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once. [04:05] <somsip> fry: do you have any PPA packages? [04:06] <fry> somsip: how can I find out if I do? I am not sure [04:06] <somsip> fry: Look in /var/log for release-upgrader log files that will have more details. [04:07] <somsip> fry: and follow up these two possibilities [04:08] <fry> somsip: "release-upgrader" doesnt exist in this directory [04:10] <RedPenguin> XenophonF: yea looks like it was the NVidia driver, I didn't need nomodeset, but it works now I believe, I originally turned off NVidia as Kodi for some reason was playing as if it was skipping [04:10] <fry> somsip: big list of broken xserver video packages [04:10] <fry> removed them [04:12] <bodhi_zazen> fry, it takes longer and is often less reliable to fix a failed upgrade then it does to do a fresh install . If you do a fresh install, and do NOT FORMAT / or if you have one /home your data in /home will be preserved [04:14] <fry> bodhi_zazen: I'm just going to try and upgrade after I get done writing this program. p2p software due in like 3 days for my research lab [04:14] <fry> professor already chewed me out once xD [04:14] <fry> cant afford to lose a day [04:18] <Guest6372> How do I get rid of a stuck window-resize icon in Unity? [04:27] <sudo_aptget_help> hey all so i've been trying to restart network-manager since installing 15.04 and all I get is this; restart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused [04:27] <sudo_aptget_help> Just wondering if this is a know issue, or I am I some how doing something hiar brained :) [04:28] <penos> hello [04:30] <sudo_aptget_help> hello [04:30] <sudo_aptget_help> there :) [04:45] <DarrenGao> hi, all [04:46] <petrvs> hi [05:19] <avatar> hallo [05:22] <jordanl> i'm currently using shotwell to manage my photos, but i'm looking for a better way to sync to the cloud so i can integrate w/ my mobile phone photos too [05:22] <jordanl> are there any photo management tools for ubuntu that integrate w/ cloud photo storage services? (like dropbox) [05:23] <Zerkalerka> hey guys is there a program like archey for ubuntu? [05:24] <somsip> Zerkalerka: what is archey? Link? [05:26] <al2o3-cr> somsip: archey display stats in terminal arch linux [05:26] <Zerkalerka> somsip: [05:27] <somsip> Zerkalerka: everything seems to point here. Looks old [05:28] <Zerkalerka> oh so you can use that on ubuntu as well? [05:28] <hardikAvijit> i am using unbuntu 12.04 and kernel 3.14. but gettng kernel header problem uing apt-get install kernal-header-'uname -r ' show xxx-ipv6 kernel header not found [05:28] <somsip> Zerkalerka: debs can be installed on ubuntu. I wouldn't want to put something from 2010 though [05:31] <pragomer> When booting live cd, how can I set "try ubuntu" and a specific language to default? ( I am remastering the ubuntu iso and I want to know what file(s) to edit/replace) [05:32] <cage_raphel> i need help!! i am running ubuntu 14.04 LTS and my system time does not seem to sync with the actual internet time. [05:32] <somsip> !remaster | pragomer (something may be on here to help) [05:32] <pragomer> sorry I am new to a irc chat.. what means the "!" [05:33] <somsip> !ntp | cage_raphel [05:33] <somsip> pragomer: it tells the bot to give you the answe to a FAQ [05:33] <pragomer> ah ok, thanks [05:33] <pragomer> cool :-) [05:33] <somsip> !brain | pragomer [05:33] <Zerkalerka> somsip: ty, works fine though :) [05:33] <somsip> Zerkalerka: good result [05:34] <apireversesort> Hello [05:34] <apireversesort> Does anyone use private internet access for VPN here? [05:34] <somsip> apireversesort: what the real, ubuntu-related question there? [05:34] <apireversesort> what does the kill switch actually change [05:34] <apireversesort> in terms of network settings [05:35] <cage_raphel> somsip, i have gone through the documentation but it doesnt help.. [05:36] <cage_raphel> somsip, the system time settings is set to automatically get the time from the internet.. but it still shows the wrong time [05:36] <pragomer> is a file named "isolinux.cfg" still used by 14.04 or higher? Because I cannot find it on the ISO [05:36] <somsip> cage_raphel: have you followed this? [05:37] <hardikAvijit> root@interactcrmcloud:~# apt-get install kernel-headers-3.14.32-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 [05:37] <hardikAvijit> Reading package lists... Done [05:37] <hardikAvijit> Building dependency tree [05:37] <hardikAvijit> Reading state information... Done [05:37] <hardikAvijit> E: Unable to locate package kernel-headers-3.14.32-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 [05:37] <hardikAvijit> E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'kernel-headers-3.14.32-xxxx-std-ipv6-64' [05:38] <somsip> hardikAvijit: does that package really exist? [05:40] <hardikAvijit> hi somsip [05:40] <hardikAvijit> how to check packege in not exit??? [05:41] <somsip> !find headers | hardikAvijit [05:42] <somsip> hardikAvijit: use the search link above ^^^ [05:42] <hardikAvijit> hiii hearder list root@interactcrmcloud:~# apt-cache search kernel-header [05:42] <hardikAvijit> linux-libc-dev - Linux Kernel Headers for development [05:42] <hardikAvijit> kernel-package - A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages. [05:42] <hardikAvijit> linux-libc-dev-armel-cross - Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) [05:42] <hardikAvijit> linux-libc-dev-armhf-cross - Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) [05:43] <somsip> !paste | hardikAvijit [06:09] <mantys89> hello, is there any way to change default terminal in nautilus "Open Terminal"? (Ubuntu 15.04) [06:16] <IC2D> do you think ubuntu is in ecline? [06:16] <IC2D> decline* [06:18] <Rand0m`> IC2D, decline ? [06:18] <somsip> !ot | IC2D [06:24] <Guest66677> Is there a way to take a drag and drop screenshot in Ubuntu rather like how the mac does it? [06:25] <somsip> !info scrot | Guest66677 [06:25] <jnhghy> I've moved a ssd with ubuntu 12.04 from one box to another one and now the os is not shuting down is there a webpage that shows what I need to do? or anybody has any idea? from what I read I have to update grub? not sure how :) [06:26] <Guest66677> somsip: thanks [06:26] <somsip> Guest66677: I use xsnap but can't remember where I got it from [06:26] <somsip> !info xsnap [06:31] <Finetundra> how do I launch network manafer from terminal? [06:32] <jasabella> nm-connection-editor? [06:32] <usucapiao> Finetundra, sudo start network-manager [06:33] <usucapiao> Finetundra, a good read [06:35] <Finetundra> how do I fix: /usr/bin/x: symblo lookup error? [06:36] <Finetundra> unable to conect to x server: connection refused [06:54] <PCatinean> hey guys [06:54] <PCatinean> why does ubuntu say bash: /usr/local/bin/flake8: No such file or directory [06:54] <hiexpo> hola [06:54] <PCatinean> when I type in flake8 since I removed with pip and used apt-get install python-flake8 [06:54] <PCatinean> why is it still searching for it in the other? [06:54] <hiexpo> hmm [06:54] <Finetundra> how do I fix: /usr/bin/x: symblo lookup error unable to conect to x server: connection refused? [06:55] <hiexpo> pip install [06:55] <hiexpo> ? [06:57] <cage_raphel> finally fixed my ubuntu!! Yay!! :) [06:58] <PCatinean> hiexpo, I removed it after [06:58] <PCatinean> why is it searching it still there? [06:59] <hiexpo> pip install or uninstall [07:00] <cage_raphel> hello!! can anyone suggest me a good anti virus for ubunti 14.04 [07:01] <penos> cage_raphel, microsoft security essntials [07:01] <cage_raphel> penos, microsoft security essentials for ubuntu ?? [07:04] <somsip> !av | cage_raphel [07:05] <elijh> does anyone know the best place to ask vivid systemd questions? couchdb starts fine... unless started by systemd. [07:06] <somsip> elijh: this is the place to ask, but it's a bit quiet round here now [07:10] <elijh> on vivid, when i do `apt-get remove --purge couchdb-common couchdb couchdb-bin && apt-get install couchdb`, then couchdb will refuse to start using systemd. [07:12] <elijh> it will start fine if i comment out the loading of lsb library in /etc/init.d/couchdb (where systemd takes control from legacy sysvinit scripts) [07:14] <elijh> should there be a systemd unit file for couchdb service? `find /lib/systemd | grep couch || echo $?` => 1 [07:15] <nafg> Hello [07:15] <nafg> My grub situation got a little confusing [07:15] <nafg> I guess when I installed fedora to try it out a while ago, it created its own partition for /boot [07:16] <nafg> How do I change things so when I start the computer it uses the original /boot on my ubuntu partition [07:16] <nafg> ? [07:20] <nafg> Actually maybe i should just configure ubuntu to use the /boot partition [07:20] <nafg> prob. simpler [07:31] <Guest99778> Hi [07:31] <hmgyber> hi [07:31] <cage_raphel> hello! [07:35] <cogitation> Steam no longer starting properly. Have error messages: [07:35] <cogitation> Anyone able to help? [07:35] <somsip> !details | cogitation [07:36] <cage_raphel> cogitation, what is the error u get when u access steam? [07:36] <cogitation> The error message from trying to start from the terminal is: [07:36] <bobita> does anybody know how i can cut some mp3? i have some songs that starts with a demo and i want to cut that demo [07:37] <cogitation> Probably Audacity, bobita [07:37] <bobita> is that doing it? [07:37] <cage_raphel> cogitation, i reckon you are getting this error at the very beginning when u access steam? [07:37] <cogitation> Audacity is an open source prog for editing audio [07:38] <cage_raphel> !audacity | bobita [07:38] <cogitation> Yes, cage. When I run "steam", it appears in the system monitor, taking up 5.31 MB of ram, but no window appears. [07:38] <cage_raphel> cogitation, can u try to uninstall steam and reinstall again? [07:39] <cogitation> Actually, let me give a more full log of my terminal window [07:39] <cage_raphel> cogitation, sure [07:39] <cogitation> (how do I use !pastebin?) [07:40] <cogitation> (the proper syntax, I mean) [07:40] <cage_raphel> !pastebin [07:40] <cage_raphel> !pastebin | cogitation [07:41] <cogitation> !pastebin [07:41] <cogitation> eh... worth a shot [07:42] <cage_raphel> cogitation, have u faced this issue in any of the earlier versions of ubu? [07:42] <cogitation> No. It's new since the update. [07:43] <cage_raphel> cogitation, i used to face this issue when i was using 14.04.. it actuakly got fixed after i ran a dist-upgrade [07:44] <cogitation> Hunh. I had steam working on 14.10, then the update (maybe) broke it [07:44] <cage_raphel> cogitation, shall we try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [07:44] <cogitation> okay. [07:45] <cage_raphel> cogitation, after u run dist upgrade.. reboot system and try to access steam [07:45] <cogitation> Just says five packages can be autoremoved... [07:45] <cogitation> also, "the following packages have been kept back: baloo" [07:45] <cage_raphel> cogitation, yeah.. thats fine [07:45] <rydzykje> hey guys, I have problem with my script. I want to install mysql from deb package. Im using debconf to configure root password but I cant uderstand why until i press two times "ENTER" script is waiting without any promt even . [07:46] <cogitation> would autoremoving unecessary libs cause steam to start?] [07:46] <cage_raphel> cogitation, lol.. i am not sure though.. but its worth giving a try [07:48] <philm88> Hi all. I've created a service that's started via upstart. It logs to /var/log/upstart/service.conf, like other upstart services do. Ubuntu specifies a logrotate rule that acts on all upstart log files and rotates them. After log rotation, I need my service to be restarted so that it starts a new log file - but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify a postrotate command on a per-service basis - it's done for upstart as a whol [07:55] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [07:55] <funky2> hi [07:55] <cogitation> good morning, lotus [07:55] <funky2> hi there, got a question i have 2 ssd's A) is 80GB (sda) and has a swap partition and a root parition wih my OS which i try to clone onto B) 120GB (sdb) and is empty but everytime i use 'dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb' I end up with errors on sdb bad superblock what am i doing wrong? [07:55] <lotuspsychje> funky2: maybe try clonezilla? [07:55] <cogitation> I uninstalled and reinstalled steam and it still won't run. [07:56] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: YOU GOT AN ERROR ON STEAM? [07:56] <lotuspsychje> oops [07:56] <funky2> lotuspsychje: but this should work too besides isn't clonezilla using dd? [07:56] <cogitation> still getting error messages: [07:56] <lotuspsychje> funky2: not sure, bad blocks on ssd [07:57] <rydzykje> hey guys, I have problem with my script. I want to install mysql from deb package. Im using debconf to configure root password but I cant uderstand why until i press two times "ENTER" script is waiting without any promt even . [07:57] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: can you check sudo lshw -C video behind driver= [07:57] <lotuspsychje> !clone | funky2 [07:57] <lotuspsychje> hmm [07:58] <lotuspsychje> funky2: [07:59] <cogitation> Is that the syntax I need to use, lotuspsychje? [07:59] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: yeah i wanna know if your grafix card driver is loaded [07:59] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: sudo lshw -C video [08:00] <cogitation> lotuspsychje: when I run that command, it's not giving me output. [08:01] <cogitation> it's telling me I didn't use proper syntax. [08:01] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: sudo lshw -C video in terminal should work [08:02] <cogitation> [08:03] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: tnx, seems fine driver loaded [08:03] <cogitation> thanks for your help... what do you think? [08:03] <cogitation> what should I try next? [08:03] <cogitation> I did steam --reset, then just uninstalled and reinstalled [08:03] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: i found a thread of a guy removing that lib file, read last reply on the page: [08:04] <funky2> thx lotuspsychje but that does not help though i booted into a live cd of gparted and use DD from there, I got this working before but for some reason i get this superblock error every time now, i tried with all kind of different bs sizes in dd but still, also ran e2fsck check on disks and they are fine [08:04] <cogitation> ah, thanks lotus. will give it a shot [08:05] <lotuspsychje> funky2: brands of the ssd's? [08:05] <mshadle> i just upgraded my server to vivid, and now i get "Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused" [08:06] <lotuspsychje> mshadle: vivid uses now systemd instead of upstart [08:06] <mshadle> yeah i know. but apparently standard/existing scripts didn't work [08:07] <mshadle> like, ssh started, but now i can't restart the service. how did it start on boot? : [08:09] <lotuspsychje> mshadle: maybe download a systemd service manager to get a better look on it? like jobs-admin [08:09] <lotuspsychje> !info jobs-admin [08:09] <lotuspsychje> mshadle: or pstree on terminal [08:10] <mshadle> whoa looks like jobs-admin wants x11/UI [08:10] <lotuspsychje> mshadle: oh right your on cli right [08:10] <lotuspsychje> my bad [08:10] <mshadle> yeah. [08:10] <mshadle> but it still doesn't fix the issue where this upgrade just.. broke t hings. [08:10] <mshadle> php5-fpm uses upstart [08:11] <lotuspsychje> mshadle: maybe things got messed up on upgrade [08:11] <mshadle> yeah actually. [08:13] <mshadle> ok that's making more sense. [08:13] <funky2> lotuspsychje: intel and ocz(larger one) [08:14] <lotuspsychje> funky2: did you firmware your OCZ? [08:14] <lotuspsychje> funky2: some OCZ would need a firmware upgrade before installing an Os [08:15] <lotuspsychje> funky2: i would also reccomend you a fresh install on your OCZ after the firmware upgrade, not dd [08:16] <cogitation> lotuspsychje: having trouble locating those files in the steam directory at all [08:17] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: can you try whereis filename from termial perhaps [08:17] <cogitation> doing a search for r600_dri in all files produces no results. [08:17] <cogitation> Very new to Linux. Didn't know whereis command. Will do. [08:17] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: also doublecheck your additional drivers section, if more driver show up your list [08:17] <cogitation> don [08:17] <cogitation> don't know what you mean by additional drivers section [08:17] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: its weird steam complaints about the driver module [08:18] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: ubuntu start button/hardware icon [08:18] <cogitation> where james@james-MainPC:~$ r600_dri: [08:18] <cogitation> r600_dri:: command not found [08:18] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: dont remove that one right, thats your driver [08:19] <cogitation> I'm actually not using a proprietary driver. in "Additional Drivers" [08:19] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: how many drivers show? [08:19] <cogitation> Hunh. Just one. One I haven't seen before... [08:19] <lotuspsychje> ok [08:20] <lotuspsychje> but is it enabled? [08:20] <cogitation> "Using Processor micronode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (properitary) [08:20] <cogitation> Not enabled. [08:20] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: can you try enable [08:20] <cogitation> sure [08:21] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: then after it loaded, reboot and try steam again [08:21] <cogitation> didn't mention a reboot. do I have to? [08:21] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: if the module loading is done yes [08:22] <brucelee> running into an issue where root partition exists in /etc/fstab but somehow isn't in /etc/mtab... which means commands like 'df' doesn't show root partition [08:22] <cogitation> lotus, how can I look for "" anywhere on my Linux partition? [08:22] <brucelee> this only exists in ubuntu 12, not ubuntu 14 though [08:22] <brucelee> using lvm also gets rid of this problem it seems [08:23] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: you dont need that file mate, thats your actual driver module [08:23] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: try a reboot first and steam test [08:23] <cogitation> Okay. I will do so. [08:28] <bojan> When i am trying to update my chroot i got this following error "" [08:30] <cogitation> lotus, are you there? [08:30] <cogitation> lotuspsychje: are you there? [08:30] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: yes, anymore luck? [08:30] <cogitation> Nope, I'm afraid not. [08:30] <lotuspsychje> hmm [08:30] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: did you fresh install vivid or upgrade? [08:31] <cogitation> upgrade. [08:31] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: did steam work on previous version? [08:31] <cogitation> Yep. [08:31] <Folatt> My problem -> [08:31] <cogitation> 14.10 worked fine. [08:31] <cogitation> actually, I had 14.04, then upgraded to 14.10 then to 15.04 [08:31] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: i would try a fresh install mate [08:32] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: 14.04 or 15.04 fresh with internet+updates enabled during setup [08:32] <cogitation> whew. Yeah. That's a pretty huge attempt to fix this. [08:32] <bojan> Folatt:Is your system drops into shell mode?? [08:32] <cogitation> huge job, I mean... like the nuclear bomb of problem fixing. [08:33] <Folatt> bojan, yes. [08:33] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: well im not sure howto fix otherwise at this moment, maybe someone else might? [08:33] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: you can re-ask once in a while here [08:33] <cogitation> Thanks for trying to help, though. [08:33] <bojan> Folatt:When did you update your ubuntu last?? [08:34] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: but if 14.04 and 14.10 runned steam flawless, i would suspect and upgrade issue [08:34] <lotuspsychje> an [08:34] <cogitation> can't argue with your logic. [08:35] <Folatt> It's a new SSD, so it was empty when I started installing ubuntu on it, I upgraded it to 15.04. [08:35] <bojan> Folatt:Go to the grub menu when system boots up you will find an option :Previous linux version"select any image from that and your computer boots perfect definitely [08:35] <cogitation> is there something like a repair installation, to keep all settings but reinstall stuff like that? [08:35] <Folatt> bojan, there is no grub menu. it immediately drops into shell mode. [08:36] <Folatt> Perhaps I should accompany it with a video then. [08:36] <brucelee> df doesnt show my root partition [08:36] <Areks> Hi all, i got warning message "DNS lookups on took 103.625 milliseconds on average. Slow DNS lookups are often caused by incorrect DNS settings in /etc/resolve.conf" can you give some advices? [08:37] <brucelee> root partition is declared in fstab using LABEL=blahblah .... [08:37] <brucelee> somehow it doesnt show up in /etc/mtab [08:37] <bojan> Folatt:No it wont...Try pressing ESC key continuously when the system turns on till it will drop to grub menu [08:37] <Folatt> Okay, I'll reboot and make a video trying that. bbiab. [08:38] <Folatt> bojan, see you soon. [08:38] <bojan> When i am trying to update my chroot i got this following error "" [08:42] <quix> Hi. I have a dual-boot machine with Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04. On Windows, my Internet connection works fine. On Ubuntu, it stopped working properly a few weeks ago. Services like Firefox Sync or won't work on Ubuntu at all, while they work just fine on Windows, with the same connection! What could be the problem? [08:42] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: fix broken packages from grub recovery mode [08:42] <lotuspsychje> !recovery | cogitation [08:42] <cogitation> oh wow... were you looking that whole time? [08:42] <gskellig> Hi all. After updating from 14.04 to 15.04 I'm not able to access my server via ssh. [08:43] <lotuspsychje> cogitation: no, i was getting coffee :p [08:43] <trijntje> quix: what exactly is the problem? Do you have a problem with internet or firefox sync? [08:43] <cogitation> Oh, okay. Well, thanks. [08:43] <lotuspsychje> out now bbl [08:43] <quix> trijntje, if you read my message, you will see that more then one service is being affected on Ubuntu.... [08:44] <quix> so I think the problem is in how my Internet is configured on Ubuntu [08:44] <trijntje> quix: no, if that were the case nothing would work, not just 2 things [08:44] <quix> but the thing is, I didn't change anything. Some sites just won't load properly at all... [08:44] <hateball> quix: are you using IPv6 ? [08:45] <hateball> Some faulty ipv6 configs can cause trouble [08:45] <quix> trijntje, yea. whatever. [08:45] <quix> there are more services being affect. you didn't read my message [08:45] <quix> hateball, I am yes [08:45] <Folatt> bojan, hang on a sec, I have two different... [08:45] <quix> but i tried ignoring ipv6, to no avail [08:46] <hateball> quix: how did you ignore it? using sysctl? [08:46] <Folatt> two different boots ending up with the same issue. [08:46] <quix> using the network gui [08:46] <hateball> quix: you could try this "sudo sysctl -w net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6=1" [08:46] <hateball> that will disable it for until you reboot [08:47] <hateball> You may need to restart the applications so they re-bind [08:48] <hateball> quix: Anyhow, that's just a way to diagnose the issue. If you actually need to use IPv6 then that issue should be fixed [08:48] <rydzykje> Some1 here who can help me preconfigure deb package (mysql installation from deb) ? [08:49] <Folatt> bojan, okay I'm gonna reboot again and make a video again. [08:49] <Folatt> bojan, see you soon. [08:56] <Folatt> bojan, know any good place where I can upload video? [08:58] <boichev> Is there a channel for ubuntu touch on BQ Aquaris? [08:59] <hateball> !touch [08:59] <boichev> hateball thanks :) [09:06] <d3v1l> hello [09:07] <Folatt> hello d3v1l [09:08] <d3v1l> i have install now linux ubuntu mate and i don-t know what is this app [09:09] <MonkeyDust> d3v1l learn i like you learned windows or mac: by using it [09:09] <MonkeyDust> it* [09:10] <d3v1l> i know usin windows...but i want learn about ubuntu [09:11] <MonkeyDust> !manual | d3v1l [09:11] <d3v1l> it is most beautifull [09:14] <d3v1l> romanian ??? [09:15] <k1l_> !ro | d3v1l [09:16] <d3v1l> thx [09:17] <penos> !kr | d3v1l [09:17] <penos> ... [09:17] <penos> wtf [09:17] <penos> no korean? [09:17] <penos> !jp | d3v1l [09:17] <penos> wtf [09:18] <penos> korea is more developed than romanian [09:18] <k1l_> penos: stop that [09:29] <kn1ght> hey guys, any idea if this is still a relevant bug: ? [09:32] <centrix> I have a 11.10 server and would like to install subversion offline. I am not a debian based guy. Can I have a few hints on how to, please? [09:32] <lotuspsychje> centrix: 11.10 is eol [09:32] <k1l_> you should at least upgrade to 12.04 since that is a LTS and still got support [09:33] <centrix> lotuspsychje: Does that make me reinstall? [09:33] <k1l_> centrix: no. you can upgrade [09:34] <Seveas> kn1ght: it never was relevant. [09:35] <hateball> !eolupgrade [09:35] <hateball> centrix: ^ [09:36] <AlexisBRENON> Hi all. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm not able to do any admin task in a graphical way (software center, shutdown, user & groups system settings). Nevertheless, I can use 'sudo' in CLI. Have you got any idea to how to fix this ? [09:37] <centrix> k1l_: Ok. Simpleir ... I can switch to root, but have no physical access to the machine nor an influence on the officials to allow me an internet hookup. Nor have I the permission to upgrade ... etc. So, is it possible or not? [09:38] <cage_raphel> AlexisBRENON, pls use sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao .. then .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install power-commands [09:38] <Seveas> centrix: you can download the packages on another machine and transfer them manually. But don't count on support here for obsolete, unsupported releases. [09:40] <centrix> Seveas: Good! Any link to such packages (as there may be dependencies)? [09:42] <Seveas> centrix: as I said, don't count on support :) [09:43] <centrix> Seveas: 1 2 3 4 5 ... support's gone. Ok. Now the pieces of advice :) [09:43] <AlexisBRENON> cage_raphel, My problem is not only related to power management, but to any task which require root rights (mounting USB stick, unlocking settings, updating through update-center or installing through software center) [09:43] <Seveas> centrix: pieve of advice is to upgrade :) [09:43] <kn1ght> Seveas, can you elaborate? Does it mean that if I try this exploit it will not work? Because I, as a user, will not be able to reset the time? or because sudo doesn't keep /var/log/auth.log? [09:44] <DarsVaeda> is there a clipboard that can change copied text, like make it all lowercase? [09:44] <Seveas> kn1ght: what I mean is that the premise is ridiculous. If you can't count on people with admin rights locking their screens, this is just one of a thousand ways of abusing that. [09:45] <Rory> kn1ght: There is a bug. Ubuntu people will defend this. [09:46] <bojan> Folatt:?? [09:46] <Folatt> bojan, yeah sorry, just a sec [09:46] <bojan> Folatt:Ya tel me [09:46] <kn1ght> Seveas, yes, but admin is not necessarily the same as root.. and this effectively makes it the same. Either way, it's good to know that it is there at least. [09:47] <bojan> Folatt:just share me the screen [09:47] <Folatt> bojan, I'm uploading it right now. [09:47] <bojan> ok ok [09:49] <Folatt> With "two boots" I mean if I boot from my pendrive and choose "boot first hard drive", then it goes to intramfs immediately, as opposed to booting my SSD directly. [09:53] <ppf> how do i change what gnome-open does with a file? [09:53] <orakar> Test (ignore) [09:53] <bojan> Folatt:Share the screen or video [09:54] <Folatt> bojan, I'm reuploading on photobucket, for some reason it didn't upload. [09:55] <bojan> Folatt:okay [09:55] <Folatt> bojan, [09:56] <ppf> apparently gnome-open looks at mimeinfo.cache, but the precedence of the applications in that cache is fixed [09:56] <ppf> is there a way to manipulate that externally? [09:58] <bojan_> Folatt:I cant find anything [09:58] <orakar> /set bell_beeps ON [09:59] <orakar> /set beep_msg_level MSGS NOTICES DCC DCCMSGS HILIGHT [09:59] <Folatt> bojan, what do you mean? [09:59] <bojan_> Folatt:From that link i cant see anything [10:01] <Folatt> What can you not see? [10:02] <Folatt> Attempting to decrypt master key... Enter passphrase for hd0,msdos5 (59f0c94300134e049efe5d1aea7dc42e): [10:03] <Folatt> I know the next screen is a little bit too much too the right [10:04] <bojan_> Folatt:Send me the link again [10:05] <Folatt> [10:06] <phpcoder> hello [10:06] <Folatt> Sorry, I never used photobucket before [10:07] <phpcoder> my ubuntu 15.04 is not so reactive.... 14.04 was better...can i do something? i did not change anything about hardware [10:09] <habid> i need help with my hp elite book folio ubuntu [10:09] <habid> doesnt install my camara web [10:24] <bojan_> Folatt:i have experience the same problem ones and i have done the solution which i said that i boot through a different kernel and it works...If you dont have anyother kernel i am helpless..Please ask someone [10:25] <MonkeyDust> phpcoder my advice: use what works best for you, 14.04 is supported until 2019 [10:25] <phpcoder> MonkeyDust, yeah it is correct...but strange... [10:28] <Kartagis> and after that, install 18.04 [10:29] <injigo> obvious troll is obvious [10:29] <Folatt> bojan_, okay, so you mean, add another kernel and it will work? [10:29] <Odyn> Hi all [10:30] <Folatt> bojan_, I added a different kernel and so I will test that. [10:30] <Folatt> bbiab [10:33] <soee> any ida why usb stick with ubuntu/kubuntu wont wont boot on some older PC ? [10:34] <InFlames> i have a laptop running 14.04 and an external monitor over hdmi, when i disconnect the external all windows which were open on it get stuck offscreen, so i try to see them and they are loading on the non-existent external monitor [10:34] <InFlames> soee, could be the boot order of the bios [10:34] <soee> InFlames: bootable media is selected as first than hdd [10:35] <InFlames> what os is it running? [10:35] <InFlames> the stick [10:35] <InFlames> i guess that is irrelevant [10:36] <soee> InFlames: ubuntu/kubutnu i have tried, both created from tool availabel in os [10:36] <InFlames> i know old macs can't boot via usb, could be something similar with pcs? [10:36] <InFlames> but i feel going back pretty far we used to do it [10:37] <hateball> soee: does it just skip booting, or do you get syslinux errors? [10:38] <printul> aircrack-ng test tutorial [10:38] <soee> hateball: just jums to grub, like it wont find any os on usb [10:38] <soee> though the usb stick is visible [10:40] <hateball> soee: some old bios are daft and wont recognize isolinux, you can try the manual step here to put syslinux on it [10:41] <Odyn> welcome all [10:41] <soee> is wubi supported these days [10:41] <soee> to install *bunut from windows session ? [10:42] <hateball> It's deprecated afaik [10:42] <hateball> !wubi [10:42] <hateball> Hmmm [10:43] <soee> well the PS is W7, no uefi, its like 6 or more years old [10:43] <soee> *PC [10:43] <hateball> Wubi is not a nice solution if you intend to only use Ubuntu [10:44] <MonkeyDust> soee wubi wil give you more problems than misery, do not use it [10:44] <soee> MonkeyDust: well i used it on this PC last time i installed there ubuntu 14.04 [10:45] <MonkeyDust> soee it's nice if you want to get familiar with the desktop, but not for production [10:45] <MonkeyDust> for one, it cannot be upgraded [10:51] <Folatt> <- my problem [10:51] <MonkeyDust> Folatt i connot open links at this time, what's in it? [10:52] <Rory> MonkeyDust: "I installed Ubuntu on a new SSD, which led to the wrong SSD being booted, then I did a boot-repair. [10:52] <Rory> "Now my SSD is booted, but it ends up in intramfs and when I do ls, I see my /boot partition. [10:52] <Rory> [10:52] <Folatt> Pretty much that. [10:52] <Rory> so Folatt you have two physical drives in your system? [10:53] <Rory> Folatt: Are you sure your BIOS is booting from the correct one? What happens when you try to boot from the other? [10:53] <Folatt> Connected to my computer right now? Yes. But I intend to replace one with the other. [10:53] <Folatt> The old one is only connected because that one I can boot. [10:54] <Rory> So, you probably don't have a bootloader installed on the other drive [10:54] <Folatt> I am IN the other one right now. [10:54] <printul> anyone used aicrack without a wireless card ? [10:54] <Rory> you want "grub-install /dev/sda" assuming /dev/sda is the problematic drive [10:54] <Folatt> Rory, where can I see if bootloader is installed or not on the other drive? [10:55] <Folatt> Yes, /dev/sda is the problametic drive [10:55] <Folatt> *problematic [10:55] <Rory> Folatt: I'm not sure how to verify that. But what I think is happening is, you have a bootloader on one drive, which is allowing you to load into the OS's installed on either [10:57] <Folatt> Rory, but I've done this before and it didn't work. Have you seen the video I uploaded? [10:58] <Rory> I can't watch a video right now [10:58] <Folatt> Rory, I'm going to reboot and see if "grub-install /dev/sda" worked [10:58] <Folatt> Installing for i386-pc platform. [10:58] <Rory> OK make sure you change your BIOS to boot from it [10:58] <htpc_> hi all [10:58] <Folatt> Installation finished. No error reported. [10:58] <Rory> I would recommend physically disconnecting the non-problematic drive for this maintanence if possible, to be sure you're working with the correct one at all times [10:59] <Rory> If that's not straightforward then don't worry, but if it is, then there's definitely no harm [10:59] <Folatt> Rory, no need to. It's set on that right now. I booted on this one by pressing F11. [10:59] <Rory> OK so it's working now you have grub installed on it? [10:59] <Folatt> Rory, kay, shutting down and rebooting right now.. [10:59] <Rory> I just want to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you [11:03] <Folatt> Rory, wow! Thanks! For some reason it's no longer dropping to intramfs! [11:03] <Folatt> It still is behaving oddly though. [11:03] <Folatt> I mean, I get dropped to a grub shell. [11:04] <Folatt> It's all shell. [11:04] <Rory> Is it grub you're seeing? Or Linux? Are you able to switch to a different console with ctrl-alt-f1 ? [11:05] <Folatt> Rory, I'll reboot and try. I managed to do "update-grub" as well now. [11:09] <Folatt> Rory, hurray that works as well! Now the only problem I have is this weird double boot problem and it shows an error in grub right after I choose "ubuntu". I think it was "error: device not found" [11:09] <Folatt> just a sec rebooting again. [11:09] <Rory> Does it boot anyway despite the error? [11:11] <sennn> what is snappy? [11:11] <Folatt> Rory, "error: device name required" [11:12] <Rory> sennn: In what context? [11:12] <Rory> Folatt: Does it boot anyway, despite the error? [11:12] <bazhang> !snappy | sennn [11:13] <sudo_aptget_help> Hi there all, so does anyone know how to restart services in 15.04 now that restart doesn't work, in this perticular incedance I am wanting to restart network-manager [11:16] <Folatt> Rory, Yeah, I'm in the new SSD right now. It boots anyway after a second restart. Perhaps they're not related, because I have the same problem with the old one and that one does not have that error. [11:16] <MonkeyDust> sudo_aptget_help can you not restart the service in /etc/init.d/ [11:17] <Rory> sudo_aptget_help: sudo service network-manager restart ? [11:17] <d3vlin> Hi, since upgrading to 15.04, X/lightdm starts kodi xsession before network is ready. How do I prevent an xsession to start before the network is ready? [11:19] <DarrenGao> hi all [11:22] <strong> May I ask a question, How can I set GoldenDict autorun when system up(don't show the goldendict main window), I've tried (goldendict &) at "startup applications", but it still show the main window [11:23] <MonkeyDust> !find goldendict [11:23] <bazhang> !info goldendict [11:24] <DarrenGao> !info man [11:24] <lotuspsychje> strong: try man goldendict, perhaps you can make a startup from terminal and add arguments [11:25] <kostkon> strong, why goldendict& and not just goldendict? [11:26] <MonkeyDust> kostkon the & sends the process to the background [11:26] <kostkon> MonkeyDust, yeah i know, if you are in a terminal [11:27] <DarrenGao> hi, strong. you can add command to your start up shell script [11:27] <strong> thanks everybody, i've found it at edit-preferences-interface-start to system tray options [11:29] <strong> a silly but useful solution [11:45] <ricky_> #ubuntu-it [11:46] <yuciyuar> is there a command to install from a specific ubuntu version's repo? [11:48] <MonkeyDust> yuciyuar don't mix different ubuntu versions [11:48] <yuciyuar> just for installing lemp packages [11:49] <Ben64> yuciyuar: don't mix different ubuntu versions [11:54] <ciscam> Is there a means to make workspaces hide overflow? [11:54] <ciscam> For example a full-screen remmina on one of the lower workspaces shows the 'hidden' panel on the above workspace [11:56] <bobita> who can suggest me a good movie player? beside vlc, cuz i have some movies that has no sound with vlc [11:57] <Ben64> bobita: mplayer2 [12:05] <madjoe> Hi! I used to scan normally via simple-scan with my Ubuntu 12.04, but since I made a clean installation of Ubuntu 15.04, I'm getting *** buffer overflow detected *** Any clues? [12:05] <madjoe> [12:08] <MonkeyDust> bobita which players did you try? [12:08] <bobita> vlc and the default one [12:08] <Paddy_NI> Which apt-get switch simulates an install? [12:09] <Paddy_NI> MonkeyDust BBC3 legend [12:09] <MonkeyDust> Paddy_NI apt-get install [package] --simulate [12:10] <Paddy_NI> MonkeyDust, DOH [12:10] <Paddy_NI> MonkeyDust, cheers mate [12:10] <MonkeyDust> Paddy_NI that wasnt too hard! [12:20] <madghost|2> hi all [12:21] <madghost|2> who knows, how to install Huawei 3G E173 into Ubuntu ? [12:21] <madghost|2> I haven't see /dev/ttyUSB* files [12:23] <Rory> madghost|2: Click on the network applet and select "edit connections". go to the "mobile broadband" tab and click the "Add" button and follow the wizard instructions [12:23] <madghost|2> Rory: i have only console. [12:23] <madghost|2> without GUI [12:23] <Rory> ah OK I'm not sure how to do that then, sorry. [12:24] <Funambuli> madghost have u tried with wicd-curses? [12:24] <Rory> Guest99778: To be clear, do you already know how to set up a mobile broadband connection and are having trouble with that hardware? Or do you need to know what steps to follow to get connected? [12:24] <Rory> madghost|2: ^ [12:24] <madghost|2> I found something, and reading it [12:25] <Rory> madghost|2: because I'm not sure how to set up a connection from the shell, but I found an article about your hardware which says you need to set it to modem mode from mass-storage: [12:25] <Funambuli> u can set a connection on shell with wicd-curses [12:26] <Rory> does wicd require you to not use networkmanager? [12:26] <Funambuli> i dunno [12:26] <Funambuli> its my network manager [12:27] <Rory> It's been a very long time since I typed the characters "wicd" in that order, but from memory the two are mutually exclusive [12:27] <krabador> 13.10 repos are still working? [12:27] <Rory> !wicd [12:27] <madghost|2> Rory: thank you, I will try [12:27] <Funambuli> so i don't use anyother thing but if it is needed editing the connection files [12:28] <Funambuli> but i don't understand the use of ubuntu on shell [12:28] <Funambuli> it's better for that purpousse debian on shell [12:28] <Rory> That's not really relevent though [12:28] <Funambuli> it is [12:28] <Funambuli> and i mean it [12:28] <Rory> here we have someone using Ubuntu. "use debian instead" isn't a solution for this channel [12:29] <Funambuli> u have to hack ubuntu with the amazon shit [12:29] <Funambuli> and debian it's more stable [12:29] <k1l_> Funambuli: stop that ranting in here. this is a support channnel [12:29] <Rory> Funambuli: Look I'll take the bait but not here. come in #ubuntu-offtopic [12:29] <Mete-> what amazon shit? [12:29] <Funambuli> just support no reflexion or subjection? [12:29] <Rory> yes. [12:29] <Funambuli> ok see u alligators [12:30] <Funambuli> sorry for making u think [12:32] <kazdax> I just installed ubuntu [12:33] <kazdax> when it do speedtest for internet ..its slower on ubuntu [12:33] <Funambuli> just one last thinking [12:33] <k1l_> Funambuli: no [12:34] <Rory> kazdax: I'd probably disregard a one-off discrepency in a speed test benchmark. If you notice an obvious pattern of reduced speed in Ubuntu then there's a problem [12:34] <kazdax> yes i am comparing by downloading some torrent with alot of seeds [12:35] <Funambuli> if i hadn't have told what i told i shouldn't have givven what i think it's the best support, even if that means change of god or distro [12:35] <Rory> as in, if it's consistently slower, connecting to the same server, then we can start to diagnose. Otherwise there's not a lot to go on [12:35] <kazdax> Rory ..If i see a difference then ill let you know [12:39] <neldogz> Anyone experiencing trouble booting their 15.04 system on Software Raid? Every 3rd or 4th boot systemd is getting hung at what appears to be when attempting to load the disks. Then I see an error stating Task dump error then iterates through each CPU [12:39] <kazdax> Rory my internet is slower on ubuntu [12:39] <kazdax> I downloaded the same torrent and it reaches 6.6 mbs [12:39] <Rory> kazdax: Are you on wifi? [12:40] <kazdax> which dint do it on my ubuntu ..on the ubuntu it was 3.7 maximum [12:40] <kazdax> ethernet [12:40] <Rory> kazdax: What network device do you have? Find out with "lspci | grep -i net" [12:40] <kazdax> yes definatly the speed is faster on windows [12:40] <madghost|2> Rory: so, what I did... I connect 3g modem to Windows, connect to COM port of 3g modem, input AT^U2DIAG=0 mode only modem. connect to Ubunto, and it works!!! [12:40] <madghost|2> thank you. [12:40] <kazdax> okay .. Rory ...I will connect to my ubuntu ...hen i will get back to you [12:41] <Rory> Glad to hear it, madghost|2 :) [12:41] <XenophonF> on a mac, how do i manually install grub so that i can use it with rEFInd? [12:41] <Rory> XenophonF: the command "grub-install" [12:42] <Rory> !grub | probably some info here XenophonF [12:42] <XenophonF> yeah, i've been looking at that [12:42] <Rory> I'm not familiar with rEFInd to be honest. What causes this to be different from a normal installation of grub? [12:43] <Rory> And what exactly do you mean by "manually" ? [12:43] <XenophonF> from the command prompt - i'm not using the graphical installer [12:43] <XenophonF> hang on a sec - i'll post a gist with what i've done so far [12:43] <Rory> Yeah the grub-install command does pretty much what it sets out to [12:44] <XenophonF> [12:44] <XenophonF> so the disk is partitioned using gpt [12:44] <kazdax> Rory, what was the command i needed to execute [12:44] <kazdax> i just logged into my ubuntu machine [12:44] <Rory> kazdax: lspci | grep -i net [12:45] <kazdax> okay its working now [12:45] <Rory> kazdax: That will tell me what network hardware you have [12:45] <kazdax> the speed test worked now [12:45] <kazdax> ill try and download the torrent [12:45] <kazdax> and see if it gets back [12:45] <XenophonF> it's set up to dual (duel!) boot, so there's an EFI partition, an HFS+ partition, an EXT2 /boot, and a LUKS partition [12:46] <XenophonF> oh, there's another HFS+ partition in between the first HFS+ one and the EXT2 /boot for recovery [12:46] <XenophonF> i have rEFInd installed on the EFI partition - it supplants the Apple boot manager, and it can boot Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, etc. [12:47] <MonkeyDust> XenophonF summarize that or show a screenshot/paste [12:47] <Rory> It's going to be difficult to do this reliably with a torrent. Can you test with a large, single file over HTTP? [12:47] <capsicum> Hi, been trying to install 14.04.2 server from usb but getting bad cd rom erro. [12:47] <XenophonF> it's all in the gist i just posted [12:47] <Rory> kazdax: Here's a 100 meg file on a gigabit connection [12:47] <XenophonF> actually, i've got a detailed install procedure [12:47] <XenophonF> problem is, when i boot it drops me into the initrd and goes no further [12:48] <Rory> kazdax: Because my hunch is still that there isn't actually a difference and it's still just coincidence [12:48] <XenophonF> i suspect that the LUKS stuff isn't right, but i'm not sure where to look in the initrd config [12:48] <Rory> XenophonF: This is a bit out of my remit, and I don't want to incorrectly advise you and hose your bootloader [12:48] <kazdax> Rory its working fine now [12:48] <XenophonF> like, i can give the correct kernel command line to rEFInd - so maybe grub is unnecessary [12:49] <XenophonF> but once it loads up the initrc, LUKS isn't prompting me for the root container password [12:49] <XenophonF> Rory: the machine's a dev box so i'm not worried about hosing it :) [12:49] <Rory> I think Grub is aware of LUKS, and it's Grub that handles the asking for the password (but I might be wrong) [12:49] <jpds> Rory: Not by default. [12:50] <jpds> Rory: GRUB knows about initramfs. [12:50] <jpds> Rory: And initramfs knows about LUKS. [12:50] <Rory> I'm basing that purely off remembering seeing some LUKS stuff in a grub config file. [12:50] <Rory> yes jpds that sounds more likely [12:50] <XenophonF> yeah, initramfs is supposed to handle the LUKS stuff [12:50] <XenophonF> so i have an unencrypted boot volume that has the kernel and initrd images on it [12:51] <XenophonF> and rEFInd can see those without any difficulty [12:52] <XenophonF> hm, i think part of my config can be streamlined [12:52] <XenophonF> e.g., the zfs pool can refer to the dm devices directly, not sure why i need to alias those again [12:53] <XenophonF> but still, not sure where in the initramfs configs i need to tweak the luks bits [12:53] <capsicum> team, cant get 14.04.2 x64 to boot from usb. keep getting error Failed to copy file from CD-ROM Retry? [12:53] <k1l_> capsicum: how did you make that live-usb? [12:53] <k1l_> capsicum: did you check the md5sum? [12:54] <capsicum> tried new usb, tried changing bios to windows 7 os, downloaded image again. nothing works. [12:54] <Rory> capsicum: you need to (a) check that the image you downloaded is correct, and (b) check that it was copied to the flash drive correctly [12:54] <Rory> Oh OK [12:54] <Rory> capsicum: What are you using to make the usb? [12:54] <capsicum> I do an md5 check on the iso again. [12:54] <lotuspsychje> capsicum: did you put bios to usb boot first? [12:55] <Rory> capsicum: At what point in the process is the error displayed? [12:55] <capsicum> used the F12 and selected the usb [12:55] <XenophonF> i added a file to /etc/initramfs/conf.d called "root0" (the alias for my luks container) [12:55] <XenophonF> maybe that bit is wrong [12:56] <XenophonF> it also looks like the initramfs scripts expect the zfspool to be called "rpool" instead of tank, which is what i named it [12:57] <XenophonF> hm [12:57] <ilham> 12345 [12:57] <ilham> ilham [12:57] <lotuspsychje> capsicum: can you anwser what k1l_ asked, how did you make the usb [12:57] <MonkeyDust> ilham it works, we see you [12:58] <ilham> i dont now [12:58] <XenophonF> cryptsetup isn't part of the initrd [12:58] <cfhowlett> ilham, ask your ubuntu questions [12:59] <MobileRoey> MonkeyDust: hahahaha nice nick [12:59] <rydzykje> hello guys, I have problem with starting MYSQL - when i write "service mysql start" im getting /var/log/mysqld.log: permission denied (and few others permission denied for log files in usr/bin and var/log), any ideas why? [12:59] <Umeaboy> Hi! [13:00] <XenophonF> i'm going to look over and the various encryptedfilesystem howtos [13:00] <XenophonF> worst case, i'll do a regular desktop install and try to reverse engineer the initramfs config it generates [13:01] <capsicum> Rory, after I select the keyboard and indicates retrieving live components [13:01] <XenophonF> also found [13:01] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks [13:01] <capsicum> Rory, unfortunately the screen flashes so fast I can see the specific file it stops on but is consistent as it stops at the same point [13:02] <Umeaboy> What do I do to install in 15.04 for x86_64? I used this guide to make a bootable USB drive with Windows 7 on it, but failed so I therefor searched and found this old page to fix it: [13:02] <neldogz> Anyone experiencing trouble booting their 15.04 system on Software Raid? Every 3rd or 4th boot systemd is getting hung at what appears to be when attempting to load the disks. Then I see an error stating Task dump error then iterates through each CPU [13:02] <capsicum> I may try 12.04 to see I reproduce the issue. Perhaps h/w [13:02] <Pici> /36 [13:03] <Umeaboy> neldogz: What filsystem does that disks have? [13:03] <rydzykje> hello guys, I have problem with starting MYSQL - when i write "service mysql start" im getting /var/log/mysqld.log: permission denied (and few others permission denied for log files in usr/bin and var/log), any ideas why? [13:03] <Umeaboy> rydzykje: Use sudo in front. [13:03] <Umeaboy> sudo service mysql start [13:03] <rydzykje> Umeaboy: im on root acc, doesnt matter [13:04] <Umeaboy> OK. [13:04] <rydzykje> that's why it's strange.. [13:04] <MrElendig> so fix the permission on the log files [13:04] <Umeaboy> ls -l /var/log/ [13:04] <MrElendig> give the user that mysql runs as write access to them [13:04] <neldogz> Umeaboy, Ext4 on Software Raid 0 (Ubuntu 15.04 server install) with Ubuntu Desktop [13:04] <MrElendig> either directly or trough group [13:04] <Umeaboy> chown 775 /var/log/mysqld.log [13:04] <MrElendig> don't do that [13:04] <Umeaboy> Really? [13:04] <Umeaboy> I always do that. [13:05] <Umeaboy> No problem doing so. [13:05] <Umeaboy> 664 then? [13:05] <MrElendig> random users should not have access to the logs [13:05] <Umeaboy> Right. [13:05] <MrElendig> at all [13:05] <Umeaboy> Then chown username /var/log/mysqld.log [13:05] <Umeaboy> sudo first thou. [13:06] <Umeaboy> neldogz: Could be the reason for it. [13:06] <orogor> hi [13:06] <Umeaboy> Check if you get the same problem with another filsystem. [13:06] <Umeaboy> filesystem [13:06] <rydzykje> hello guys, I have problem with starting MYSQL - when i write "service mysql start" im getting /var/log/mysqld.log: permission denied (and few others permission denied for log files in usr/bin and var/log), any ideas why? [13:06] <MrElendig> gind out whihc user mysql runs as, and chown/mod so that that user have write access [13:06] <Umeaboy> rydzykje: We told you already. [13:06] <orogor> is there any important issues left in the last realease ? is now a good time to upgrade or should i wait some more ? [13:07] <MrElendig> rydzykje: >_> [13:07] <neldogz> Umeaboy, I cant change the file system. It is the filesystem Ubuntu is installed on. I had the exact same setup on Ubuntu 14.10 and no issues [13:07] <Umeaboy> orogor: You should always update to stable releases unless you really have a broken system already. [13:08] <Umeaboy> neldogz: OK. You have any backups saved to check the changes? [13:08] <MonkeyDust> or stick to LTS [13:08] <k1l_> orogor: what ubuntu version are you on? [13:08] <Umeaboy> I have minor crashes in 15.04 so I'm not complaining. [13:09] <orogor> 14.10 [13:09] <neldogz> Umeaboy, which changes are you referring to? [13:09] <k1l_> orogor: you got 3month to upgrade to 15.04 now. after then 14.10 will be shut down. [13:10] <orogor> i ask because some release had good bootloader or audio bug in major version change [13:10] <rydzykje> Guys I used, chown 775 and also 664 and the result is the same [13:10] <rydzykje> anyway that log files are not created because of "permission denied" [13:10] <MonkeyDust> rydzykje good, 664 is safer than 775 [13:11] <rydzykje> MonkeyDust: but result is the same, :( [13:11] <Umeaboy> neldogz: Problem is with mount right? [13:11] <MonkeyDust> rydzykje great, then use the safer version [13:11] <rydzykje> maybe i should rise service permissions when running? [13:12] <neldogz> Umeaboy, I believe so but difficult to tell since there is no real error just a bunch of data spewed out after Task Dump for CPUx [13:12] <neldogz> Umeaboy, happens systemd is referencing the raid [13:12] <Umeaboy> Right. [13:12] <capsicum> Rory, now this is interesting same error with 12.04.5. [13:13] <Umeaboy> Check on bugs reported against systemd then? :) [13:13] <capsicum> It's gigabyte nuc, perhaps there is problem with it. [13:14] <rydzykje> which permisions should have my.cnf file ? 0644 ? [13:14] <MrElendig> 640 or 660 [13:15] <MrElendig> depending on the ownership [13:15] <Deathcrow> I am trying to rebuild a kernel module for the ubuntu stock kernel, but when I try to insmod it I get "Invalid module format". I don't want to boot into an entirely new kernel... [13:16] <MonkeyDust> Deathcrow #ubuntu-kernel [13:16] <Deathcrow> MonkeyDust: okay, thanks [13:18] <rydzykje> MrElendig: ownership? [13:21] <neldogz> When a system is booting and systemd is displaying messages across the screen.. where is that stored? [13:21] <Umeaboy> neldogz: /var/log/messages perhaps? [13:22] <Umeaboy> Check in /var/log to begin with. [13:22] <Umeaboy> There might also be a /var/log/boot [13:22] <neldogz> Umeaboy, Ubuntu 15 no longer has messages [13:22] <Umeaboy> Oh? [13:22] <Umeaboy> OK. [13:22] <neldogz> Umeaboy, no boot either... [13:22] <Umeaboy> journalctl then? [13:23] <neldogz> Umeaboy, will try that [13:24] <Xultz> Hello, I would like to install 15.04 via wubi. When i click on the cd drive on WIndows, it opens the wubi installer, but it wants to download and install 14.10. I copied it to the same folder where the .iso is, and it still wants to install 14.10. What should I do to install 15.04? [13:24] <Umeaboy> Xultz: Install 14.10 and upgrade in it. :) [13:24] <MonkeyDust> Xultz wubi is not a good idea [13:24] <Umeaboy> sudo do-release-upgrade :) [13:25] <Xultz> Why not, Monkeydust? [13:25] <MonkeyDust> Xultz because it is a pseudo installation and will give you more problems than frustration... for one, it cannot be upgraded [13:26] <daftykins> Xultz: avoid it like the plague it is. [13:26] <MonkeyDust> Xultz wubi means Will Ultimately Be Inefficient [13:26] <Xultz> Ok. I wanna install in my working machine, which have one partition with Windows on it. Is it safe to resize the partition and install on it? [13:26] <daftykins> which Windows ? 8? [13:26] <Xultz> 7 [13:26] <daftykins> factory install it came with, or otherwise? [13:27] <teward> Xultz: you can resize the partition live if you have Windows 7 or later - it can resize its own partition while you're booted. That then gives you disk space to install Ubuntu too [13:27] <teward> (that way the resize is 'safe') [13:27] <teward> but you should still answer daftykins :P [13:27] <Xultz> teward, you mean that I can resize the partition while running Windows? How do I do it? [13:28] <EriC^^> control panel > type disks in the search [13:28] <daftykins> Xultz: run diskmgmt.msc then right click the partition, and resize [13:28] <Deathcrow> Can anyone in here help me how to compile a kernel module for the stock ubuntu kernel? no one in #ubuntu-kernel is responding... [13:28] <Xultz> Yes daftykins, is a Dell machine with factory Windows on it [13:28] <daftykins> note that you must have an empty recycle bin, a defragmented drive (if it's a mechanical HDD) before trying [13:28] <daftykins> Xultz: ok you might have more partitions on that disk than you expect, then such as for recovery. [13:28] <Xultz> ok, I'll try it, thank you so much for all! [13:29] <daftykins> np [13:29] <cookie> Hello [13:29] <daftykins> teward: ^5 go team! [13:29] <daftykins> :D [13:29] <teward> daftykins: :) [13:29] <Cimpresovec> Hello [13:30] <daftykins> hi [13:30] <EriC^^> Xultz: did you make recovery disks yet? [13:30] <teward> daftykins: fun fact: my cyber forensics course is what taught me Windows can resize its own partition xD [13:30] <Cimpresovec> Any info on the nvidia driver problems with 15.04 [13:31] <daftykins> teward: interesting 0o [13:31] <k1l_> Cimpresovec: what issues? [13:31] <Cimpresovec> I can't event try the new version from a bootable USB [13:31] <k1l_> !details | Cimpresovec [13:32] <Cimpresovec> I get the ACPI PPC Probe failed. Starting version 219 error when trying to boot the ISO from a USB drive, using a laptop with dual graphics [13:32] <Cimpresovec> can't even get to the login screen [13:32] <Cimpresovec> Previous version work fine with or official drivers installed [13:33] <MonkeyDust> PPC, like in mac PPC ? [13:33] <daftykins> MonkeyDust: no :P [13:33] <Cimpresovec> No [13:34] <flipapy> is there a way to set fle in my pictures folder to run the images in it changing every 5 seconds or so? [13:34] <Cimpresovec> Don't know exactly what the error is [13:34] <flipapy> a file* [13:34] <flipapy> i mean in the backround, geez lemme rephrase [13:35] <Rory> flipapy: you want a photo slideshow wallpaper? [13:35] <flipapy> can i set my backround image to change every 5 seconds using a folder of images in my pictured folder? [13:35] <flipapy> thanks Rory [13:35] <MonkeyDust> flipapy you need to create a xml file to achieve that [13:35] <Rory> flipapy: I like Shotwell image manager. [13:35] <flipapy> but basically yeah i guess that's it, i want a constant changing of images, where i get to determine the images [13:35] <flipapy> like every few seconds [13:37] <MonkeyDust> flipapy i'd like to look it up (xml file for slideshow), but cannot open FF, due to VMware eating Ãmy cpu [13:37] <rydzykje> any ideas why mysql service during start can't create this "/var/log/mysqld.log" ? it's giving me error Permission denied, and service can't start.... [13:38] <flipapy> ok MonkeyDust thanks though [13:38] <EriC^^> rydzykje: type ls -l /var/log/mysqld.log [13:38] <rydzykje> EriC^^: file does not exists, service can't create it [13:38] <Rory> flipapy: did you see my link? Shotwell comes with Ubuntu [13:39] <EriC^^> rydzykje: maybe it got deleted by mistake? [13:39] <EriC^^> rydzykje: try dpkg -L <sql package> | grep /var/log [13:39] <Intergamme> Bonjour à tous [13:40] <flipapy> yeah Rory thanks im looking ninto how [13:40] <Rory> flipapy: sleect the photos you want to use, go file -> set as desktop slideshow -> done [13:43] <prestorium> hi all. I have 14.04.02. I need to downgrade it to 14.04. Is it possible? [13:43] <EriC^^> prestorium: no [13:44] <daftykins> nope. [13:44] <daftykins> prestorium: also, why? [13:44] <prestorium> daftykins, because puppet-enterprise 3.8 won't install on 14.04.02. I can upgrade after [13:44] <rydzykje> EriC^^: dpkg -L mysql-community-server |grep /var/log - is not giving any result [13:45] <EriC^^> rydzykje: ok, type ls -ld /var/log [13:45] <daftykins> prestorium: is it 14.04 updated to 14.04.2, or 14.04.2 installed fresh? the difference is the former would be on a 3.13 kernel whilst the latter would be on a 3.16 kernel [13:46] <rydzykje> EriC^^: drwxrwxr-x 10 root syslog 4096 Apr 27 11:00 /var/log [13:46] <flipapy> yeah it's working, gonna tweak how the pics frame up, they are acting buggy but it's working, thanks Rory [13:46] <prestorium> daftykins, Google Cloud Engine, so dunno. I think that it is a fresh install [13:46] <EriC^^> rydzykje: how do you run the sql server? [13:46] <rydzykje> EriC^^: service mysql start [13:47] <prestorium> daftykins, the only difference is the kernel?! [13:47] <rydzykje> EriC^^: Im on the root acc [13:47] <daftykins> prestorium: some kinda VPS? ok not touching that :) [13:47] <daftykins> prestorium: run "uname -r" to confirm [13:48] <daftykins> 14.04.2 comes with the utopic HWE [13:48] <prestorium> daftykins, VPS. The kernel is 3.16. [13:48] <daftykins> yeah, likely running 3.16 is what's ruining your plans [13:48] <daftykins> but i couldn't comment on how or if you can install 3.13 instead given your setup [13:48] <prestorium> daftykins, so... if I could downgrade the kernel I should be fine? [13:48] <prestorium> hmm :) [13:49] <EriC^^> rydzykje: i have no idea [13:49] <rydzykje> EriC^^: anyway thanks [13:49] <EriC^^> rydzykje: it looks like a permissions error, is there an sql user? [13:50] <daftykins> prestorium: i'm not guaranteeing it, but it's what i'd try [13:50] <rydzykje> EriC^^: which user? [13:50] <EriC^^> like www-data for apache [13:50] <prestorium> daftykins, if things go wrong, I can nuke the VM and try again [13:50] <rydzykje> EriC^^: in mysql is called "mysql" ? [13:51] <prestorium> daftykins, linux-headers and linux-image? Do I need anything else? [13:51] <rydzykje> EriC^^: in my.cnf in section [mysqld] there's user=mysql [13:51] <EriC^^> rydzykje: try typing groups sql [13:51] <EriC^^> groups mysql [13:52] <rydzykje> EriC^^: by type: groups mysql i received: mysql: mysql [13:55] <flipapy> ok, how do i stop the slideshow Rory ? [13:55] <Rory> flipapy: No idea m8. Right-click desktop -> change wallpaper -> select some other image [13:55] <Rory> flipapy: Not sure if you can pause/skip etc like KDE [13:56] <flipapy> ha, good one, now i have some ghost operation just floatng around in the back end. lol, ok, well its still a nice os, thanks though, it works. :) [13:56] <EriC^^> you probably have to stop it from shotwell [13:57] <Rory> flipapy: I think shotwell probably just generates the relevent xml slideshow file and feeds it to Unity [13:58] <Rory> rather than drawing it itsself [13:58] <flipapy> cool, thanks Rory [13:58] <rydzykje> EriC^^: I've created manualy /var/log/mysqld.log and gave permissions 1777 and mysql started... [13:59] <rydzykje> EriC^^: how can I check which permisions have service to create logs? [14:00] <rydzykje> EriC^^: the problem is for sure that ,service has not permisions to create files in /var/log , is it possible to edit it? [14:00] <flipapy> ok, dont hate me for saying the word windos (joke) but in windows i can right click desktop backround and move to next image. is there something similar here? [14:01] <MonkeyDust> flipapy never heard of such option and never needed it [14:02] <flipapy> yeah MonkeyDust i gtet that, but sometimes i just get tired of looking at the backround image, really retty pic, and i just click to the next one [14:02] <daftykins> that is only available when you have a set of wallpapers selected [14:02] <daftykins> on rotation [14:02] <AmazinglyDumb> heylo [14:02] <brice> What is the difference between kernels linux-generic-lts-trusty vs linux-image-generic-lts-trusty? I can't find any answer or faq anywhere. Thanks [14:02] <MonkeyDust> flipapy use your file manager to select the pic you want, set it as background from there [14:03] <k1l_> brice: the linux-image-.. is just the kernel, the other will install the headers, too [14:03] <flipapy> yeah MonkeyDust thats what i was doing, just that i was wondering if something had been developed [14:03] <AmazinglyDumb> my co-worker has a problem with skype under ubuntu: when he launches it - there's no skype icon on the top toolbar (sorry, I don't know how it's called) [14:03] <AmazinglyDumb> and thus he can't enter skype settings [14:03] <flipapy> oh and since when does skype charge for use? [14:03] <brice> k1l_ Thank you very much. [14:04] <AmazinglyDumb> flipapy: I guess it doesn't [14:04] <MonkeyDust> flipapy skype belongs to microsoft now, we can't change their policy [14:05] <flipapy> AmazinglyDumb, i wanted to test skype in my wndows phone recently and 'bonk' it wants like 10 bucks just to get started i know is ther a better chan for this topic? [14:05] <flipapy> MonkeyDust, thanks, i know i wasnt ocmplaining [14:05] <petrvs> it's always been more popular to charge people for phone apps [14:05] <petrvs> use a free webrtc app instead [14:05] <AmazinglyDumb> flipapy: oh, sorry, I thought you were replying to my problem [14:06] <flipapy> its ok no prob [14:06] <AmazinglyDumb> so does anyone know how to fix the missing skype icon? [14:06] <AmazinglyDumb> at least tell how's that top toolbar called [14:08] <k1l_> AmazinglyDumb: "panel" [14:08] <AmazinglyDumb> k1l_: adbar :D [14:09] <flipapy> ok thanks for all the help :) [14:09] <k1l_> AmazinglyDumb: you might need to whitelist the skype indicator [14:10] <AmazinglyDumb> k1l_: how? [14:10] <AmazinglyDumb> I've made a fresh ubuntu install and fresh skype install - and it just there when I run skype [14:10] <AmazinglyDumb> but my coworker has the same version of ubuntu and same version of skype and the icon is not there [14:10] <XenophonF> how do i replace grub-pc with grub-efi? [14:11] <XenophonF> do i just install grub-efi? [14:11] <AmazinglyDumb> and uninstall grub-pc [14:11] <AmazinglyDumb> :) [14:11] <k1l_> AmazinglyDumb: [14:11] <XenophonF> hah thanks AmazinglyDumb [14:11] <XenophonF> got it [14:12] <octopissed> got this error when sshing into a Lunix box: X Error: GLXBadContext 169 [14:12] <octopissed> I am trying to run a program that renders a 3D surface so I suppose this has to do with OpenGL= [14:12] <octopissed> it worked fine prior to most recent upgrade. [14:12] <AmazinglyDumb> k1l_: thx! [14:13] <XenophonF> [14:14] <prestorium> daftykins, I installed 3.13, booted and I'm trying to install puppet again. Thanks [14:14] <daftykins> np [14:16] <janier> hola [14:16] <petrvs> janier: shalom [14:17] <Johnny_Linux> ohluh [14:20] <aldnk> Networking question. I have a bunch of different software that's running on localhost instead of Which means I can't access it externally. Is there a way to generically bind anything that's running on localhost to I'd rather not have to find `n` different ways to do it for `n` different pieces of software [14:20] <MonkeyDust> aldnk yes, add it in /etc/hosts [14:21] <aldnk> MonkeyDust: will that break [14:21] <aldnk> MonkeyDust: I'm wondering if it will impact software expecting something there [14:22] <MonkeyDust> aldnk redirecting a url to in /etc/hosts made it unreachable, not sure about localhost, tho [14:23] <aldnk> MonkeyDust: I guess I mean, if I already have a line: localhost -- do I add another line localhost? Or do I have to break and replace it? [14:23] <MonkeyDust> don't rmember exactly how I did it, it was for testing purposes [14:23] <daftykins> aldnk: you should really just learn to configure each of these services properly [14:24] <ciscam> Is there a means hide the overflow of workspaces? [14:25] <MonkeyDust> aldnk rereading your question, i guess your issue is still different from what i tried to suggest [14:26] <ngochai> Hi guys, why my root partition is mounted as /dev/root but not /dev/mmcblk0p2? [14:26] <aldnk> daftykins: Just curious if there was a OS/kernel level way to do this instead [14:26] <daftykins> is this a chromebook? [14:26] <k1l_> ngochai: what system is that? [14:27] <ngochai> k1l_, ubuntu armhf [14:27] <ngochai> 14.04 [14:27] <k1l_> ngochai: better ask in #ubuntu-arm [14:28] <petrvs> ngochai: what's it matter, really [14:29] <ngochai> petrvs, my scripts won't work with /dev/root [14:29] <petrvs> ngochai: your scripts are inflexible [14:30] <ngochai> petrvs, you are right, but that's not what I am asking [14:30] <rainbowwarrior> Hi , I am running Ubuntu 15.04 and Virtualbox 4.3_26 and i upgrading from Ubuntu 14.10 and now i get this error :- and running the command it says in the error it gives me the error " bash: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: No such file or directory " can anyone help please ? [14:30] <rainbowwarrior> sorry meant upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 [14:30] <ATar> good afternoon. I have repeatedly tried to upgrade from 14.10 server to 15.04. always fails with UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 337: invalid start byte . any ideas? thank you. [14:31] <petrvs> ngochai: it's configured that way via udev or some other means [14:31] <petrvs> ngochai: you can un/reconfigure it the same way [14:33] <pc_magas> Hello I have a minor issue when I execute some commands (in a php script but it is not the issue) as www-data [14:34] <somsip> pc_magas: explain more about the issue [14:34] <petrvs> rainbowwarrior: you're probably missing virtualbox guest additions [14:34] <pc_magas> The problem is that even though I put the correct commands into /etc/sudoers file it does not allow me to execute it [14:34] <petrvs> rainbowwarrior: ask apt-file what package provides vboxdrv, then install it [14:34] <petrvs> pc_magas: probably not correct, then [14:34] <somsip> pc_magas: you're trying to run system commands as the superuser through a php script? [14:35] <pc_magas> somsip, yes but theese 2 [14:35] <daftykins> how delightfully insecure. [14:35] <pc_magas> Can you sugest me a pastebin to paste the sudoers files? [14:35] <somsip> pc_magas: I won't help you. It's a Bad Thing [TM] to do. [14:35] <pc_magas> daftykins, I just allow to run these comands and not any command such as rm [14:36] <daftykins> hah :P i hope that thing is not shared online [14:37] <aldnk> Maybe a better question. How can I expose localhost externally? [14:37] <pc_magas> daftykins, actually is a background php script to convert some powerpoint files [14:37] <petrvs> aldnk: noip [14:37] <pc_magas> and the sudoerd file is [14:38] <pc_magas> The comands I run are sudo -u www-data sudo /usr/bin/unoconv -f pdf presentations/GallupDC.ppt 2>&1 [14:39] <Cellis> Hello, im running 14.04 and I'm having trouble with connecting to my VPN. I can connect to other VPN servers like frootvpn but not mine. I have tested connecting to the server from other computers without problems. [14:39] <mcphail> pc_magas: why are you trying to get www-data to escalate to root???? [14:39] <pc_magas> And sudo /usr/bin/convert presentations/GallupDC.pdf presentations/GallupDC/GallupDC%d.png [14:39] <pc_magas> mcphail, because this command I posted above cound not be executed otherwhy [14:39] <pc_magas> The point is to execute these commands [14:41] <somsip> pc_magas: you get php to save the files somewhere, then run a background process to check 'somehwere' for files that need converting. You run that process safely, away from your web server. This is not an ubuntu support issue though [14:41] <mcphail> pc_magas: there is no way you should escalate www-data's priveleges to do that [14:41] <pc_magas> somsip, I develop in ubuntu ;) [14:42] <somsip> pc_magas: not a support issue. A problem with finding a solution to a dev problem. I've given you some advice, but it is offtopic here [14:42] <aldnk> noip isn't quite what I'm looking for -- not talking about DNS. I mean if I have something running on localhost:$PORT, how can I access it on $IP:PORT? How do I externalize that localhost port? [14:42] <pc_magas> somsip, thanks [14:42] <mcphail> pc_magas: follow somsip's suggestion and read about inotify/incrontab [14:42] <oafoa> How can I create an ubuntu startup usb from Debian Jessie? apt-get install unetbootin doesn't work, package not found. [14:42] <petrvs> aldnk: exactly like that [14:43] <k1l_> oafoa: just use dd to "burn" the iso to the usb [14:43] <rainbowwarrior> petrvs :- I tried doing a search for it and nothing :( [14:43] <aldnk> petrvs: noip as in [14:43] <petrvs> aldnk: exactly like ip:port [14:44] <mcphail> aldnk: the server will have a conf file where you can choose which range of addresses to listen [14:44] <daftykins> petrvs: i don't think you quite follow aldnk's query, in the example the service is bound to localhost only and will not respond to queries on the external interface [14:45] <petrvs> what example [14:45] <daftykins> aldnk: seriously, just reconfigure the services and do it properly. looking for shortcuts *will* bite you on the ass [14:45] <octopissed> I am trying to open a program that renders 3D objects in Ubuntu via SSH -XY, but I am getting a lot of GLX errors such as GLXBadContext, GLXBadDrawable, etc. I had no problems with this program prior to updating Ubuntu, so it's likely due to changes in my graphics drivers or settings following the upgrade. [14:45] <tasteless_ninja> aldnk: ngrok is probably what you're looking for [14:45] <daftykins> otherwise tunnel it over SSH maybe ;) [14:46] <octopissed> I am using a proprietary driver from my graphics card and it's supposed to be the most stable and relatively new. I think it's the same I used earlier. I've tried using a few different drivers but I keep getting the same problem. [14:46] <octopissed> the program that I am trying to open works fine, but the area where the 3D rendering is not loading. [14:46] <petrvs> octopissed: knowing is better than thinking [14:47] <daftykins> octopissed: what card and which driver? [14:47] <Wololo22> Hi guys [14:47] <daftykins> octopissed: and what did you upgrade, 14.10 -> 15.04 ? [14:47] <octopissed> daftykins: yes. [14:47] <Wololo22> somebody know where can I get the ralink driver? [14:47] <Wololo22> *for wireless card [14:47] <ATar> good afternoon. I have repeatedly tried to upgrade from 14.10 server to 15.04. always fails with UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 337: invalid start byte . any ideas? thank you. [14:48] <daftykins> octopissed: and my other query? [14:48] <petrvs> ATar: upgrade by doing what? [14:48] <octopissed> apparently not, I am using Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. it might not have upgraded because I am using the Gnome 3 version of Ubuntu? [14:48] <daftykins> octopissed: LTS does not upgrade to 15.04, you have to go via 14.10 first. [14:49] <ATar> petrvs: do-release-upgrade [14:49] <octopissed> "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)" [14:50] <pbx> i'm looking for an utility that automatically executes commands of my choosing based on triggers of my choosing. e.g. AC adapter plugged in? raise brightness. does it exist? [14:51] <petrvs> pbx: you probably want pm-utils/laptop-mode-tools [14:51] <pbx> i can write the detectors and the actions, but was hoping the engine is built [14:51] <pbx> ooh, thanks petrvs, i'll look at that [14:52] <octopissed> daftykins: hm, OK. well, anyway. it's fine for me not to upgrade. I just want to find out how I can make Xforwarding work again. [14:52] <petrvs> raise brightness I don't know if you'll have an "event" for, but since you'll probably be personally requesting it, you can tack any alterations onto your script [14:52] <ultragamecard> hello [14:52] <daftykins> octopissed: that wasn't even part of your initial description :) does this program work locally? [14:52] <xbb> Helo. I installed Ubuntu 15.04 on Dell OptiPlex 7010 and experince significant lag in mouse movements ad typing. Everything worked fine in installation screen, but once instaled lag started. Any ideas how to fix this? I think it migh have to do with video card, this machine has Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [14:52] <octopissed> daftykins: it does. [14:53] <Rory> ricky_: You can view/edit your software sources with a GUi by searching for "software and updates" in the Dash [14:53] <Rory> ricky_: Looks like that problem repository is still enabled, and that's why apt-get is hanging (because the website is down) [14:53] <daftykins> octopissed: then it's nothing to do with drivers on the host running the program [14:53] <Rory> ricky_: so it must have been in another place from the one you just deleted [14:53] <petrvs> ultragamecard: 'lo [14:53] <ricky_> Rory, where? :S [14:54] <octopissed> daftykins: I believe it has to do with the drivers on the client. [14:54] <octopissed> my graphics card is: product: GF119M [NVS 4200M] [14:54] <willow19> i forgot my password [14:54] <willow19> how can i get it mailed on my email? [14:54] <daftykins> octopissed: ok so what ubuntu version is on that host? [14:54] <Rory> willow19: Password to what [14:54] <daftykins> and which driver is in use... [14:54] <ultragamecard> still using 14.04 [14:54] <ricky_> Rory, isn't helpful the link that i've post before? [14:54] <willow19> for my nick [14:55] <adamlxs> Hello can you tell me whether it is worth upgrading to ubuntu 15 [14:55] <willow19> which i believe was registered as 'willow' [14:55] <ricky_> Rory, to verify where is this repo that always asking if i do apt-get update? [14:55] <ultragamecard> no [14:55] <Rory> ricky_: Yes it's helpful, it's telling me exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. I've explained exactly what the problem is, and how to fix it, and now I'm waiting for you to let me know you've done it [14:55] <somsip> adamlxs: do you want bleeding edge or stability? What are you runnig now? [14:55] <k1l_> willow19: ask in #freenode [14:55] <octopissed> daftykins: 15.04. [14:55] <daftykins> be back in a bit. [14:55] <adamlxs> i am running the latest verstion of ubuntu 14 and it runs well [14:55] <petrvs> adamlxs: if you aren't going to upgrade, you should find another distro [14:56] <somsip> adamlxs: 14.10? Only supported until July. So maybe you will have to change sooner or later [14:56] <ricky_> Rory, uhm well i've done it but no luck there in not any link about the repo russo79 in the list in etc/apt [14:56] <petrvs> sitting on old software is not a great idea [14:56] <somsip> !14.10 | adamlxs [14:57] <Rory> ricky_: What's the full output of the command: grep -r russo79 /etc/apt [14:57] <Rory> ricky_: if it's more than one line, but it on [14:57] <adamlxs> thanks but the other version comes with 5 years support correct me if i am wron [14:57] <adamlxs> g [14:57] <octopissed> daftykins: sorry, it's the other way around. the client has 15.04 and the host has 14.04. I recently upgraded the client to 15.04 and I believe that is the cause of the problems. [14:57] <ricky_> Rory, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome15.list:deb precise main [14:58] <adamlxs> but bleeding edge and stability sounds good to me [14:58] <octopissed> maybe I should just upgrade the host and see if that helps. [14:58] <somsip> adamlxs: well, stable would be LTS like 14.04. 15.04 is probably stable enough for most personal use though [14:59] <Rory> OK ricky_ so remove that file. Carefully run "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome15.list" - I say carefully because it won't ask for confirmation before deleting so if you make a typo you can make big messes [14:59] <adamlxs> ok thanks i think ihave 14.04.02 [14:59] <adamlxs> 14.04.2 i meant [14:59] <ricky_> Rory, ok [14:59] <somsip> adamlxs: unless you need some package that is more up to date than that offered by 14.04, it may be worthwhile staying with a stable system. Your call though [15:00] <ricky_> Rory, well done it's workin ;) [15:00] <ricky_> working* [15:00] <Rory> ricky_: Once it's removed, you should be able to run "sudo apt-get update" without error. Once that has completed, you should run "sudo apt-get -f install" and then proceed with the installation of those debs you downloaded [15:00] <adamlxs> i think ill back up my stuff and give it a whirl [15:00] <somsip> adamlxs: happy whirling [15:00] <adamlxs> thanks for help [15:00] <Rory> I'm afk for 10 ricky_ but if you mention my name I'll see when I get back [15:01] <oafoa> How can I create a startup usb for Ubuntu from Debian Jessie? Someone here told me to use dd but I wasn't able to boot from the usb created with this: sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync [15:01] <ricky_> Rory, ok [15:01] <EriC^^> oafoa: dd usually works [15:02] <EriC^^> oafoa: did you checksum the iso? [15:02] <k1l_> oafoa: was /dev/sdx the /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb2? [15:02] <oafoa> k1l_: /dev/sdb1 [15:03] <EriC^^> oafoa: it has to be /dev/sdb [15:03] <ricky_> Rory, done but always stuck here [15:04] <oafoa> EriC^^: k1l_: Alright I'll give that a try. Thanks. [15:04] <Rory> ricky_: did you run "sudo apt-get -f install" first? [15:04] <k1l_> oafoa: and that is wrong. you need to dd to sdb not sdb1 [15:04] <ricky_> Rory, yes [15:04] <askon> I have an old laptop that has a screen broblem it goes all black , and i have some documents in its hard drive , can i access its hard drive from my computer using a usb cable and how ??? please help [15:04] <Rory> !info python-uinput [15:05] <Rory> ugh what do I mean [15:05] <ricky_> Rory, [15:05] <EriC^^> askon: do you have an external monitor or lcd tv? [15:06] <Rory> ricky_: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [15:06] <ricky_> Rory, the last ubuntu 15.04 [15:06] <somsip> Rory: [15:08] <askon> EriC^^> what do you mean i just want to transfer the document i need fro the old laptop to my new one , and i was wandering if i can link the two laptops with a usb cable and from then i can see the directories of my old harddrive , because i dont have an adapter like this [15:08] <Rory> ricky_: This could potentially go on quite a long time. This project gnome15 appears to be somewhat dead [15:09] <ricky_> ricky_, well when i've upgraded to the previous version of ubuntu all workings well, now i've done a fresh clean install and that's why i'm here [15:10] <kunji> askon: use a network cable, I'm skeptical of that other way working out. [15:10] <EriC^^> askon: i think it depends on how the laptop is setup, if it's not setup for networking like that i don't think you can access the files [15:10] <askon> EriC^^ ; is it possible ? or I have to buy that adapter ?? [15:10] <Rory> ricky_: I would suggest the following, however: "sudo dpkg -i --force-all ~/Downloads/Gnome15\ Debs/*.deb" [15:10] <EriC^^> askon: you can hook them up, but you need to set it up from the old laptop, i think [15:10] <Rory> ricky_: and then "sudo apt-get -f install" [15:10] <ricky_> Rory, ok i try [15:10] <kunji> askon: network cable is faster anyway... [15:10] <Rory> ricky_: I have assumed you extracted that file to your Downloads directory, you will need to change the path if you extracted it somewhere else [15:11] <ricky_> ok [15:11] <Rory> ricky_: I would like to see the output from that, if possible [15:11] <EriC^^> askon: if you don't have an external monitor, you can use a tv to setup the old laptop [15:11] <Rory> ricky_: Be prepared to not get this working, however [15:12] <askon> EriC^^> you mean use the tv as a sctreen for my old laptop ? [15:12] <XenophonF> looks like installing grub-efi automatically removes grub-pc [15:12] <EriC^^> askon: yes  can i use my current computer screen instead ?? [15:13] <EriC^^> is it an external one? [15:14] <EriC^^> askon: sure, you can use it  no it's not , it s a laptop [15:15] <EriC^^> i'm not sure, unless it has an hdmi in or something maybe [15:15] <EriC^^> maybe you can, i don't know [15:16] <ricky_> Rory, all debs are here --> ricky@ricky:~/Scrivania/Gnome15$ [15:17] <ricky_> Rory, what is the right command to send via shell? [15:17] <Rory> ricky_: sudo dpkg --force-all -i ~/Scrivania/Gnome15/*.deb [15:18] <ricky_> Rory, ok it's running [15:18] <Rory> the "force-all" basically says, yes I know about the missing dependency, I want you to install it anyway and I'll deal with it myself later [15:18] <ricky_> Rory, and the next step? this working woothout errors [15:18] <ricky_> without* [15:18] <Rory> Once this has completed you will need to run: sudo apt-get -f install [15:19] <Rory> I would expect it to work this time, as last time it was trying to download packages from that broken repository [15:19] <ricky_> Rory, done and now? [15:19] <Rory> apt-get -f install worked? [15:19] <Rory> did it do anything? [15:19] <ricky_> Rory, yes it seems [15:20] <ricky_> Rory, yes do you want the paste? [15:20] <Rory> ricky_: sure [15:20] <Rory> ricky_: Now you have the packages installed, you should continue with your original instructions from after the step where you are supposed to "apt-get install" those packages [15:20] <Rory> The point of this exercise was to get the packages that "apt-get " was trying to download, manually install them [15:21] <ricky_> Rory, here it is [15:21] <ricky_> Rory, [15:22] <octopissed> exit [15:22] <ricky_> Rory, tell me if it's ok [15:23] <Rory> ricky_: That looks like the output of the "dpkg -i ..." commands [15:23] <Rory> ricky_: Sorry I missed both are there [15:23] <Rory> wow so that actually worked [15:23] <Rory> I mean, I never doubted it [15:24] <ricky_> Rory, ok so i will continue i don't need to reboot or similar isn't it? [15:24] <Rory> ricky_: You will want to reboot now, in order to load the new kernel module (aka driver) you just installed [15:24] <Rory> ricky_: There's probably other ways you could do it, but reboot is easiest [15:25] <ricky_> Rory, ok i'm on a i7 4970k ssd and 2133 mhz 16 gb i hope it will be fast the reboot [15:25] <Rory> ricky_: I don't think there are any more steps actually. Your keyboard ought to work when you reboot, and you should have a new application in the launcher for settings [15:25] <Rory> ricky_: yes yes very nice, now off you go [15:26] <ricky_> Rory, i will be back soon [15:26] <Rory> I'm sure it will be extremely speedy on your hardware [15:27] <Kion> what is evolution dataserver [15:27] <ricky_> Rory, done but it's look like first [15:28] <petrvs> Kion: to do with the Evolution email client [15:28] <petrvs> if you don't use it, you don't need it [15:28] <petrvs> it might be used for your email or calendar or a few other things [15:28] <petrvs> contact db, blah blah [15:28] <Kion> petrvs: I do not have Evolution installed, I have thunderbird, but I get a message from time to time saying applications no longer have acces to my hotmail account, [15:29] <petrvs> personally, I wouldn't want applications to have access to my hotmail account... [15:29] <Rory> ricky_: Are you able to run the new application? [15:29] <Kion> petrvs: I checked auth.log and it is evolution dataserver, I just want to know If I can uninstall it without breaking thunderbird [15:30] <ricky_> Rory, uhm no i haven't the icon in the upper part in the taskbar [15:30] <Kion> petrvs: I agree I don't want it accessing my account, the good thing is that it is an abandoned account [15:30] <Rory> ricky_: There will be a new application in the dash [15:31] <Rory> ricky_: Not sure what it'll be called [15:31] <Kion> petrvs: I guess I will "sudo apt-get purge evolution-dataserver" and hope I don't break thunderbird [15:31] <ricky_> Rory, uhm also the display of the keyboard is the same with logitech and nothing more [15:31] <petrvs> thunderbird does not require eds [15:32] <petrvs> it's possible it can be built in a way it will fail without eds, but that would be silly indeed of the application authors [15:32] <Kion> petrvs: Ok Great thanks! i will try [15:32] <petrvs> actually I'm not even sure thunderbird supports eds [15:32] <Rory> ricky_: The instructions you had originally said to select "kernel driver" option instead of "g19direct" driver in the settings application [15:32] <Kion> I will report if it goes wrong just for the record [15:32] <petrvs> in any way [15:32] <petrvs> Kion: good plan [15:33] <ricky_> Rory, so whats the next step yto run it? [15:34] <Rory> ricky_: I don't know. Open the application and poke around [15:35] <Rory> ricky_: I was just helping you with the errors you were getting following the instructions you linked me originally. I don't actually have the keyboard in front of me [15:35] <bugs_bugger> hi. big apache issue: i have 12.04 server and tried to upgrade to php5.4 via ppa. didnt work, ppa-purge leaves me with a configtest error. is missing and seems to be a part of apache2-bin which is not available through repos. any ideas? [15:36] <MonkeyDust> bugs_bugger there's also #ubuntu-server [15:36] <somsip> bugs_bugger: did you use ondrej PPA? [15:36] <bugs_bugger> someone: yes ondrey [15:37] <bugs_bugger> someone: sorry, wrong nick [15:37] <bugs_bugger> somsip: yes, ondrej [15:37] <somsip> bugs_bugger: it pulls in a load of dependencies that are not obvious unless you are very careful. I'd imagine it will be non-trivial to revert everything [15:37] <kunji> bugs_bugger: umm, it should be in the repos, probably a part of a package though, since that's just the executable. [15:37] <Kion> petrvs: Thanks no problem from deleting evolution-dataserver [15:37] <somsip> kunji: no, PHP is on 5.3.10 for 12.04 [15:37] <bugs_bugger> somsip: oh my... [15:38] <ricky_> Rory, i don't see the application which folder it will be located? [15:38] <somsip> bugs_bugger: yeah - nearly did that myself when I was on 12.04 but read round it and found warnings [15:38] <kunji> somsip: apache2, not PHP, or is it really that old? [15:38] <Rory> ricky_: not sure, try searching for "logitech" [15:38] <bugs_bugger> somsip: stupid me. i had a hunch that it might not work [15:38] <somsip> kunji: 2.2 on 12.04 [15:38] <somsip> bugs_bugger: I don't have a solution, but be prepared for a rebuild or 14.04 to get them via the official repo [15:39] <kunji> bugs_bugger: if possibly you should try to move to 14.04 anyway. [15:39] <ricky_> Rory, no :( don't worry maybe it's impossible to do it in a new fresh install [15:40] <Rory> ricky_: It might be. Ask again in here in an hour or so, perhaps someone else will have your keyboard [15:40] <ricky_> Rory, ok thanks anyway [15:41] <Rory> ricky_: If someone else offers to help you, explain that you have followed these instructions but used packages downloaded from [15:41] <bugs_bugger> somsip: im a little desperate to be honest. by rebuilding you mean settings and configs or sources? [15:41] <somsip> bugs_bugger: it might be worth ugly combinations of ppa-purge and forced installs, or try some of these [15:41] <kunji> bugs_bugger: After purging the ppa, did you remove and reinstall php? [15:41] <somsip> bugs_bugger: reinstall unless you can find a way of uninstalling. One/any of the above might do it for you, but it could get ugly [15:42] <bugs_bugger> somsip: thank you. im so mad at myself right now...hopefully it works [15:42] <somsip> bugs_bugger: good luck [15:42] <bugs_bugger> kunji: no. ill try. [15:43] <bugs_bugger> somsip: thanks [15:46] <kunji> bugs_bugger: Because I don't think purging a ppa removes the packages installed from it. It's basically what's they're doing in the links from somsip, removing all the php packages and then reinstalling some stuff/moving to a different ppa in the 1st link (oldstable). If you're going to try those, back up any configuration files you need information from to a different location (e.g. if you've customized your apache2.conf or php.conf, httpd, etc... [15:48] <bugs_bugger> kunji: k, thanks [15:48] <kunji> bugs_bugger: If the configuration is the same as before, then you could use remove instead of purge to keep the current config files, but if there is a problem in them, then there will still be a config error. [15:49] <bugs_bugger> kunji: right now, i already have a configtest error, stating a certain module is missing: i dont happen to be able to install that manually? [15:49] <petrvs> Kion: now the real trick is avoiding it being reinstalled on update :p [15:50] <kunji> bugs_bugger: you probably could, I don't know the details of the individual php libs. Lets do some Googling. [15:51] <Thenewone> Hi guys [15:52] <Thenewone> any one know a documentation about installing windows via ubunt server ? [15:52] <compdoc> via? [15:53] <SchrodingersScat> the windows guys don't know? [15:53] <Thenewone> :D [15:53] <Thenewone> via a server [15:53] <daftykins> Thenewone: you can use virtualbox in CLI only mode [15:53] <daftykins> but no, you would have to look up guides for yourself [15:54] <teward> Thenewone: 'via a server' is vague - explain what you mean by that [15:54] <k1l_> Thenewone: where comes ubuntu into the game, when you want to install a windows OS? [15:54] <teward> Thenewone: do you mean line PXE boot an ISO of Windows from an Ubuntu PXE server? You'd probably need guides for that elsewhere... [15:54] <Thenewone> teward, yep [15:54] <daftykins> aaah teward wins the prize for guessing the users' intent [15:54] <Thenewone> i want install windows for my little broter he dont understand linux [15:54] <Thenewone> he found it hard for him he still a kid [15:54] <Kion> petrvs: I used to have evolution long time ago, It might have stayed in the system since... [15:55] <daftykins> Thenewone: so why not just... do it directly? why complicate matters? [15:55] <jean_> jean971 [15:55] <teward> daftykins: only reason i could guess was a similar situation at a friend's workplace, so I've heard that question before :P [15:55] <Thenewone> i want learn that's it [15:56] <kunji> Thenewone: There's nothing harder about it. [15:56] <Thenewone> thanks guys [15:56] <daftykins> Thenewone: it's not a standard thing so i'd say it's totally pointless [15:56] <Thenewone> lol who are you decide if it's pointless or not [15:56] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone the younger they learn ubuntu, the better [15:57] <daftykins> Thenewone: someone with over 20 years experience and understanding in this field. [15:57] <daftykins> but of course, do what you want - just don't blame me when you want the time wasted back :) [15:57] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone it's simply a matter of "getting used to", he has to learn it like he learned windows: by using it [15:57] <daftykins> likely TFTP boot is what you want. [15:57] <Thenewone> thanks but daftykins do you know how to do it ? [15:58] <daftykins> i believe i just said [15:58] <Thenewone> so it's pointless [15:58] <kunji> Thenewone: If you want to do it, there are ways to get Windows running in virtualbox. It's not really a 3d gameworthy solution though. I think it's mostly done for simulation networks of windows machines for penetration testing. [15:58] <Thenewone> :D [15:58] <daftykins> yeah, why not just install Windows from a flash drive like normal... [15:58] <Thenewone> my little brother play wow [15:59] <daftykins> assuming we're understanding you properly [15:59] <Thenewone> he is little guys be easy one me [15:59] <kunji> Thenewone: It won't work well on a virtual machine, I promise. [15:59] <teward> Thenewone: WoW won't work effectively from a Windows VM [15:59] <Thenewone> i just want install windows fom my laptop he is in other room [16:00] <teward> Thenewone: you can't if he's on that laptop. [16:00] <eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee> that is exactly as annoying i thought it would be [16:00] <teward> Thenewone: except in a VM and WoW / games won't work well from it [16:00] <kunji> Thenewone: You may get it working, be prepared for long hours of fiddling, good luck, and it will not work well even if it does "work". [16:00] <Thenewone> i will lookit for my self [16:00] <bugs_bugger> kunji: i disabled some mods: access_compat, mpm_prefork, authn_core, authz_core, socache_shmcb. you happen to know about them? [16:00] <Thenewone> i'm not gonna use vbox [16:00] <teward> Thenewone: as a gamer myself (STO, Call of Duty) i know for an ABSOLUTE FACT WoW and others won't run well from a VM [16:00] <bugs_bugger> kunji: now it works again [16:01] <Thenewone> ok guys thanks for all talks without any help [16:01] <daftykins> Thenewone: walk in there with a flash drive and install it normally :> [16:01] <Thenewone> i want learn new way to install things [16:02] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone make sure your brother doesnt get too familiar with windows [16:02] <Thenewone> i know how use flash drive,cd,hdd external, via server i dontknow i want learn it but it's ok i will know how it's works [16:02] <kunji> bugs_bugger: Nope, I don't know, I don't mess with server internals much. Did your apache version change due to the ppa as well though? Because 2.2 and 2.4 have lots of changes. [16:02] <Thenewone> belive me [16:02] <Thenewone> i installed for him linux but he want cry lol [16:02] <k1l_> Thenewone: how to make a windows install is not in the focus of this channel. [16:02] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone that happens when you have to learn something new [16:03] <kunji> Thenewone: You could try WINE if you're aiming to get WOW working. [16:03] <Thenewone> I used playonlinux [16:03] <eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee> Thenewone: how old is he? [16:03] <k1l_> Thenewone: ##windows migth help you on that. [16:03] <daftykins> most of you are misunderstanding the query [16:03] <Thenewone> he want his icons and stuf [16:03] <Thenewone> guys i'm not asking about windows [16:04] <kunji> Thenewone: Errr, does your linux not have icons? Mine does. [16:04] <Thenewone> how to prepare a linux server to install shit [16:04] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone make clear to him he has to get used to something else [16:04] <daftykins> technically you are, because installing Windows via LAN is a Windows support query [16:04] <bugs_bugger> kunji: ok, thanks. server is working now again and i suspect the mods were from 2.4. [16:04] <daftykins> regardless of the OS you want to launch it from [16:04] <Thenewone> i keep my desktop clean [16:04] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone you're the boss [16:04] <Thenewone> i hide icons [16:04] <Thenewone> :D [16:04] <kunji> Thenewone: so put some there for him, I don't even keep them there to hide. [16:04] <k1l_> Thenewone: that depends on what you want to install. (and we keep the language family friendly) [16:04] <Thenewone> sorry [16:05] <Thenewone> i'm sorry guys [16:05] <kunji> Thenewone: You mean install a LAMP server? I'm not sure what that has to do with icons and WOW though? [16:05] <k1l_> Thenewone: so please ask ##windows what you need for a network windows install. [16:05] <Thenewone> ok ok [16:05] <Thenewone> i will change my question [16:05] <Thenewone> forget about windows [16:05] <Thenewone> i want install ubuntu 15 via ubuntu server [16:05] <MonkeyDust> Thenewone and make your brother listen to you, what you want [16:06] <Thenewone> how do i preper my ubuntu server ? [16:06] <Thenewone> forget about win.... ok guys [16:06] <k1l_> Thenewone: :/ [16:06] <Thenewone> i want install ubuntu via ubuntu server [16:06] <kunji> Thenewone: Rather, just clarify it. What do you mean install .... oh... you mean you want to do an installation over the network? [16:06] <Thenewone> installation over the network [16:07] <k1l_> Thenewone: [16:07] <Thenewone> omg why you didnt give me this from the first time :D [16:08] <Thenewone> thanks i will try [16:08] <k1l_> Thenewone: that will not work with windows that way [16:08] <Thenewone> Oo [16:08] <kunji> Thenewone: This may also help: Because we didn't understand your question. [16:08] <Thenewone> lol [16:09] <Thenewone> ok thanks any way [16:09] <Thenewone> i will learnit [16:10] <Thenewone> have a good day [16:10] <kunji> Thenewone: you too ^_^ [16:12] <dasfasfas> selam [16:29] <teward> if I have two gnome-terminal sessions open, and I define a variable, say, $ARCH_TO_USE (for pbuilder / sbuild chroot creation), will that be per-terminal window/session or no? [16:29] <petrvs> teward: easily tested [16:29] <teward> petrvs: equally easy for you to answer. [16:29] <petrvs> echo $ARCH_TO_USE [16:29] <petrvs> yes, I could test it for you [16:29] <petrvs> and then serve you breakfast and do your laundry =) [16:30] <Guest61615> hi, can someone help me with using vaapi for hardware accelerated video on intel graphics? [16:31] <teward> petrvs: i've done testing (slowly) but meh [16:32] <brainwash> Guest61615: help with what exactly? [16:32] <daftykins> Guest61615: in Kodi by any chance? [16:32] <petrvs> teward: =) [16:32] <Guest61615> using mpv [16:33] <Guest61615> when i specify using vaapi, videos playback with a black screen [16:33] <Dsbeerf> Hello, someone can help me i did alot of search on google but don't find what my problem can be i try to install vnc on a remote server but when i connect is just gray nothing on it [16:33] <Guest61615> even though vainfo seems to show good information [16:34] <brainwash> Guest61615: I suggest that you ask in #mpv and/or #intel-gfx [16:34] <Guest61615> thank you, will do [16:34] <petrvs> Dsbeerf: did you install a window manager / X? [16:34] <jpwhiting> is there a way to search for the installed package that provides "xserver-xorg" [16:35] <NONEW> Hi all. [16:35] <Dsbeerf> petrvs, yes [16:35] <jpwhiting> I don't see an option to search provides in apt-cache or apt-get [16:35] <petrvs> jpwhiting: apt-file / dpkg -L [16:35] <NONEW> where i should start learning programming? [16:36] <lungaro> does apt.conf have a way to configure a proxy timeout? http or ftp timeouts do not work [16:36] <petrvs> NONEW: [16:36] <EriC^^> !find xserver-xorg | jpwhiting [16:36] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: use ubottu here, or install the package apt-file [16:37] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: thx [16:37] * jpwhiting looks [16:37] <jayjo_> does anyone know how to access google cached pages for a specific date? [16:37] <jayjo_> where is the appropriate place to ask that question? [16:38] * Guest64757 is looking for a nice CL utility to minitor network bandwidth [16:38] <petrvs> jayjo_: not sure google cache exposes more than their last copy [16:39] <tariq786> test message [16:39] <daftykins> !test [16:39] <EriC^^> kermur: try iftop maybe [16:40] <SchrodingersScat> jayjo_: google is a website storage the same way a grocery store is a food museum (it isn't) [16:40] <jpwhiting> jayjo_: you're probably looking for the wayback machine or internet archive [16:42] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: I don't see anything in apt-file man page about searching provides fields of installed packages [16:42] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: it's apt-file search <file> i think [16:43] <EriC^^> i never got it to work though *shrug* i'm updating it's file database now just for kicks [16:43] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: apt-file update first to get the list of files [16:43] <jpwhiting> I'm not looking for any files [16:43] <SchrodingersScat> really, never? [16:43] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: i know, the package that has the file [16:43] <jpwhiting> I'm looking for what package that's installed already provides xorg-input-abi-20 or something [16:43] <EriC^^> SchrodingersScat: yeah, apt-file search <file> always returns blank [16:43] <jpwhiting> in the "Provides" field of the apt-cache show [16:44] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: ultimately what I'm after is a way to detect if xserver-xorg-core-lts-distroname is installed or if xserver-xorg-core itself is there instead [16:44] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: you're looking for a package you have installed that pulled xorg-input-abi-20 in? [16:44] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: ok, great [16:45] <jpwhiting> not depends, provides [16:45] <jpwhiting> what installed package provides the xorg-input-abi or the xserver-xorg-core or whatnot [16:45] <petrvs> jpwhiting: ask apt-file [16:46] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: if [ $(apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core | awk '/Installed/ {print$2}')" = "(none)" ]; then echo not installed; fi [16:47] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-core might say [16:47] <EriC^^> which packages need that package [16:47] <EriC^^> fglrx needs it, i know that much [16:52] <EriC^^> SchrodingersScat: apt-file is working now :) [16:53] <ponyofdeath> anyone know why apt-cdrom -d=/mnt/cdrom add does not work? [16:53] <SchrodingersScat> EriC^^: great :) [16:53] <ponyofdeath> it just says repeat this for other cd's and nothing [16:53] <BarnaSzalai> hi [16:53] <ponyofdeath> i dont have the cdrom just a copy of the cdrom files [16:53] <BarnaSzalai> which command can show me my SDD exact brand and type? [16:53] <ioria> quickie: in output dpkg -l | grep linux-image- 'rc' is for removed and 'ii' for installed ? thanx [16:54] <k1l_> BarnaSzalai: lshw [16:54] <k1l_> ioria: ii is installed, yes [16:54] <ioria> thanx [16:56] <BarnaSzalai> k1l_: shows everything except SDD :/ [16:56] <whatsw> Hi, I haven't been able to find anything online about Ubuntu 15.10... what's it called? [16:58] <SchrodingersScat> !15.10 | whatsw [16:58] <SchrodingersScat> whatsw: too new to be too new for this channel [16:58] <whatsw> hm? [16:58] <whatsw> !15.10 [16:58] <xangua> whatsw: come on, 15.04 was just released and you are thinking about 15.10 already' [16:58] <Pici> whatsw: no news about it yet. [16:58] <whatsw> xangua: yes, it's only 6 months away [16:58] <whatsw> no news? when is the name announced? [16:58] <xangua> whatsw: then ask again in six months [16:59] <thezotz> hola [16:59] <whatsw> I would have assumed it would happen several releases in advance [16:59] <thezotz> alguien habla español? [16:59] <whatsw> I mean, not having the next release's name when one comes out? [16:59] <whatsw> !es thezotz [16:59] <xangua> !es | thezotz [16:59] <whatsw> !es | thezotz [16:59] <thezotz> gracias! [16:59] <whatsw> what kind of development pipeline is that? [16:59] <xangua> it is mark who dictates the names, contact him [17:00] <whatsw> mark...? [17:00] <brainwash> contact him.. lol [17:00] <whatsw> what's his nick? [17:00] <k1l_> whatsw: what about you wait for the UOS? [17:00] <whatsw> what's a uos [17:01] <k1l_> whatsw: so dont make drama, if you even dont know anything about how the releases usually work. [17:01] <ioria> Unified Obvious Statements [17:01] <ActionParsnip> whatsw: University of Sharjah ? [17:01] <whatsw> So why would I wait for that? [17:01] <k1l_> ubuntu online summit. [17:01] * whatsw is puzzled [17:02] <ActionParsnip> whatsw: just wait, it will come [17:03] <whatsw> is there a better way to find out when that happens than to ask in here? [17:03] <ActionParsnip> whatsw: keep checking ubuntu news sites like omgubuntu and ubuntu fridge etc [17:03] <whatsw> ...there's no direct source? [17:03] <whatsw> How do they find out? [17:03] <xangua> contact mark [17:03] <teward> ^ that [17:03] <pavlos> whatsw, ... see future releases [17:04] <k1l_> whatsw: [17:04] <whatsw> pavlos: that's just another 3rd party source [17:04] <brainwash> whatsw: [17:04] <k1l_> whatsw: what is your actual ubuntu issue? besides "what will be the 15.10 release name" [17:04] <ActionParsnip> I dont understand why the big rush, 15.04 is only just out the door.... [17:04] <whatsw> k1l_: uh, what actual ubuntu issue [17:04] <whatsw> I joined to ask about Ubuntu WW [17:05] <teward> whatsw: the actual source for that information would be Mark Shuttleworth, I believe. However, until an announcement is made, everyone is in the dark [17:05] <whatsw> brainwash: will it be posted there? [17:05] <ActionParsnip> whatsw: this is support, for users with ubuntu issues in the system itself [17:05] <k1l_> whatsw: yes. that was answered. there is no name so far. just wait for the announcement [17:05] <brainwash> whatsw: yes, similar to for 15.04 [17:06] <SCHAAP137> it'll be the letter W right? i'd put my money on Wallaby [17:06] <whatsw> SCHAAP137: presumably *two* letter Ws [17:07] <SCHAAP137> Whitty Wallaby? [17:07] <ActionParsnip> could cycle round to warty :) [17:08] <ActionParsnip> only lists 4 animals beginning with X [17:09] <pavlos> wonky weasel [17:10] <ioria> willy wonka [17:10] <mcphail> this belongs in #offtopic-otter [17:11] <JustCurious> visual studio code [17:11] * xangua joins #offtopic-otter [17:15] <octopissed> Hello, I am trying to access a remote server using "ssh -XY" and Xforward output from a program that draws 3D objects. I get a bunch of X Errors after updating to Ubuntu 15.04 (on both client and host). Everything else works fine, but it looks like there's a problem with my GL drivers probably on my client (problems started when I updated the client to 15.04.) [17:15] <AnssiG> has anyone tried updating ubuntuphone system image via 3g? [17:15] <octopissed> My graphics card is a NVIDIA GF119M [NVS 4200M]. [17:15] <daftykins> !touch | AnssiG not on topic here [17:17] <ActionParsnip> octopissed: what version did you upgrade from? [17:19] <octopissed> ActionParsnip: 14.04 LTS. [17:21] <ioria> octopissed, can you post the errors ? [17:21] <ActionParsnip> octopissed: did you upgrade to 14.10 in between? [17:21] <daftykins> octopissed: ah you came back. [17:22] <octopissed> X Error: 0 0 Extension: 154 (Uknown extension) Minor opcode: 26 (Unknown request) - X Error: GLXBadContext 169 Extension: 154 (Uknown extension) Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request) Resource id: 0x1e000d8 - X Error: GLXBadContext 169 Extension: 154 (Uknown extension) Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request) Resource id: 0x1e000d8, etc. [17:22] <octopissed> I missed *this*, daftykins. [17:22] <octopissed> ActionParsnip: I did. [17:22] <Jordan_U> octopissed: I'm not surprised that direct rendering fails with remote X. [17:23] <octopissed> Jordan_U: It worked previously though. [17:23] <daftykins> missed what? [17:23] <daftykins> octopissed: yeah had you stayed a couple of minutes longer i'd have asked for a third time what graphics hardware + driver you were using [17:24] <octopissed> Hardware is NVIDIA GF119M [NVS 4200M], software is the NVIDIA binary driver from nvidia-340. [17:25] <octopissed> I also tried version 346.59 which I think is the most recent stable driver. [17:25] <octopissed> And some generic one. [17:25] <ActionParsnip> octopissed: did it work before the upgrade ? [17:25] <daftykins> sounds like a quadro to me [17:25] <octopissed> Yes, ActionParsnip. [17:26] <daftykins> yes it is, quadro - go to *OLDER* Drivers. [17:26] <daftykins> 304 perhaps [17:26] <octopissed> I also tried that. [17:26] <ioria> octopissed, glxgears ? [17:26] <gr1zzlybe4r> has anyone experience difficulties listening to music on their headphones on 14.10? Sometimes the sound that I hear when playing stuff from the browser sounds "spacy". Almost like the treble is really out of whack. [17:26] <octopissed> My Laptop is a Dell Latitude E6520. [17:27] <octopissed> ioria: glxgears looks fine. [17:27] <octopissed> Well, other than this: "XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0"" [17:28] <thms> gr1zzlybe4r: nope. [17:28] <thms> gr1zzlybe4r: did you consider switching to 15.10 ? [17:28] <thms> Maybe it'll solve your problem. [17:28] <daftykins> thms: whilst not only bad advice, 15.10 doesn't really exist yet. [17:29] <thms> daftykins: why updating would be a bad advice ? [17:29] <ASKOn> I DON't have a middle name , can I use my father's first name as my middle name , I know its not the right place to ask such question , but i really don't knwo someone to ask [17:29] <teward> thms: because 15.10 doesn't exist [17:29] <gr1zzlybe4r> I haven't yet, but I also had this issue on 14.04. [17:29] <thms> and I meant 15.04 [17:29] <teward> thms: and updating won't necessarily resolve the problem. [17:29] <thms> I said "try" [17:29] <daftykins> ASKOn: #ubuntu-offtopic please don't bring up irrelevant things in an _OS_ support channel. [17:29] <thms> stop bashing me when I try to help. [17:30] <teward> ... who's bashing you? i see no bashing [17:30] <gr1zzlybe4r> It's odd because I only have this issue from time to time. I.e., sometimes the sound/song I'm trying to play comes out perfectly fine. [17:30] <daftykins> thms: sorry, but if you give bad advice then you will be called out. [17:30] <thms> "bad" [17:31] <daftykins> yep [17:31] <thms> ok daftykins then give him a better advice :) [17:31] <octopissed> I can try 304.125 again and see if that does it. Need to reboot. [17:31] <daftykins> thms: there's no need to be so defensive :) [17:32] <gr1zzlybe4r> I guess I'll just see if it's something in the browser configs first and then come back. [17:33] <thms> gr1zzlybe4r: try different sound players. [17:33] <thms> alsa see alsamixer. [17:33] <thms> also* [17:35] <octopissed> Using 304.125 didn't help. [17:35] <kevev> Howdy :) [17:36] <petrvs> howd [17:36] <kevev> Anyone know a good channel for Mame emulator support? [17:36] <kevev> petrvs: ;) [17:36] <fabrymus> ciao a tutti [17:36] <k1l_> !alis | kevev [17:37] <octopissed> glxdemo also fails. [17:37] <kevev> I am having trouble seeing anything other than the 4 free demo roms that come with mame. [17:37] <ioria> octopissed, Xorg.0.log ? [17:38] <octopissed> ioria: lots of stuff there, anything in particular I should look for? [17:39] <ioria> octopissed, Failed to initialize the GLX module ? [17:39] <octopissed> ioria: Nothing like that. [17:39] <daftykins> pastebin the whole file [17:39] <willow19> any one who used puppy linux [17:40] <daftykins> willow19: not on topic in an Ubuntu support channel [17:40] <beloved> How do I repair: bash: /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl: No such file or directory [17:40] <k1l_> willow19: you better ask that in a puppy channel :) [17:40] <flipapy> anyone know about 'plank' ? i was wondering if someone using it on 14.4 lts unity has figured out a way to put a clock on there [17:40] <ioria> octopissed, everything about NVIDIA :- [17:40] <beloved> sudo apt-get purge youtube-dl didn't help [17:40] <k1l_> beloved: install youtube-dl package? [17:40] <octopissed> glxdemo works fine locally, but remotely it doesn't. [17:41] <Kangarooo> beloved: you need to install it if you need it. it says that you dont have it. [17:41] <xangua> flipapy: you know plank is just suposed to be a simple dock right¿ no plugins/widgets stuff, just plain simple dock [17:41] <beloved> Kangarooo: I have installed it with apt-get install youtube-dl [17:41] <flipapy> oh ok , thanks xangua [17:41] <Jordan_U> beloved: What is the output of "type youtube-dl"? [17:42] <dukedave> Has there been any chatter in here about weird lock screen behavior (specifically getting logged out, instead of just locked)? [17:42] <xangua> flipapy: if you want a fancy dock try cairo dock or avant window navigator [17:42] <beloved> Kangarooo: youtube-dl is hashed (/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl) [17:42] <ioria> octopissed, look at .Xautority, or xinitrc .... [17:42] <beloved> Jordan_U: ^ [17:43] <ioria> octopissed, permissions , i meant [17:43] <flipapy> xangua, do you know how to make the top band wiht the wifi signal and time larger? ubuntu 14.04 lts unity [17:43] <beloved> Jordan_U: It says: youtube-dl is hashed (/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl) [17:43] <xangua> flipapy: the size of the panel is fixed [17:43] <Jordan_U> beloved: Then run "hash -d youtube-dl", or simply open a new shell and run youtube-dl there. [17:44] <beloved> Jordan_U: with sudo? [17:44] <Jordan_U> beloved: No. [17:44] <flipapy> ok xangua thansk though [17:44] <beloved> Jordan_U: Ok. [17:44] <beloved> Jordan_U: Thank you, it works now! [17:45] <Kangarooo> beloved: it says you dont have it /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl: No such file or directory [17:45] <beloved> Jordan_U: Next problem: man: can't resolve /usr/local/share/man/man1/youtube-dl.1: No such file or directory [17:45] <Jordan_U> beloved: Every time you run a command for the first time, bash looks through all of the directories in $PATH to find the binary you're trying to run, which can take some time. As an optimization, once it has found the command once, it will remember the exact path to this command's binary in a hash table, which in most cases speeds things up without causing any problems. [17:45] <beloved> Jordan_U: For: man youtube-dl [17:46] <beloved> Jordan_U: Will it remember this if I reboot? [17:47] <Jordan_U> beloved: In your case, you had youtube-dl installed in /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl , bash hashed that path for youtube-dl, then you changed the path for youtube-dl to /usr/bin/youtube-dl. That is why your command was failing, and why unhashing (making bash look through all of the directories in $PATH) made it work again. [17:47] <beloved> Jordan_U: I apt-get purge'd it. now it works with man youtube-dl [17:48] <octopissed> ioria: which permissions should those have? [17:48] <maarhart> I don't know if I should ask here... I reboot my laptop with the lid closed and I can see that it is turning on, I see grub for example, the ubuntu splash for some time, and then the display turns off. Also the internal display turns off, and I have no way tu turn it back on. I just have to press the power switch to turn it off [17:49] <Jordan_U> maarhart: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [17:49] <maarhart> the last one [17:49] <ioria> octopissed, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root for xinitrc, and rw user for .Xauthority [17:49] <Jordan_U> maarhart: 15.04 was released a few days ago. Is that what you're using? [17:49] <maarhart> vivid [17:50] <maarhart> that one [17:50] <pc_magas> Jordan_U, Actially I am stuck with 14.04 caise it's LTS [17:50] <pc_magas> cause* [17:50] <maarhart> Jordan_U: any suggestions? [17:50] <utu8o> does Ubuntu still have the privacy-invasive Zeitgeist app installed by default?... which logs the users's activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in the form of timelines and statistics. [17:51] <octopissed> ioria: there's not xinitrc in the user dir? [17:51] <k1l_> utu8o: you know what? you can disable it in the privacy settings. and zeitgeist is a gnome app and is used on the gnome desktop too [17:51] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Does pressing the power switch turn the computer off, or do you have to hold the power switch? [17:51] <xangua> utu8o: lots of distros have it installed, yes [17:51] <xangua> not just ubuntu or unity [17:51] <ioria> octopissed, no, xinit is /etc/X11... but not bother ... can you run glxinfo on the client ? [17:52] <pc_magas> utu8o, the only privacy issue is the amazon webapp that can me easilly uninstalled without any system affect [17:52] <pc_magas> According to RMS [17:52] <xangua> pc_magas: or just swich off the online searches... [17:52] <octopissed> ioria: I can. [17:52] <ioria> octopissed, clean output ? [17:52] <pc_magas> xangua, also that is a solution [17:53] <octopissed> ioria: how would clean output look? [17:53] <ioria> octopissed, no error [17:53] <utu8o> one of the main reasons I started using Ubuntu is because I thought it ensured better privacy and security than Windows, does this still hold true? [17:53] <octopissed> ioria: yeah, no errors. [17:54] <maarhart> Jordan_U: I have to hold [17:54] <octopissed> Errors on host, though. [17:54] <pc_magas> otu8o and is true is more private than windows [17:54] <k1l_> utu8o: yes it does. you can disable services you dont like. [17:54] <ioria> octopissed, same on the server ? [17:54] <k1l_> utu8o: but since that is different from user to user: just make it suit your needs. [17:54] <octopissed> ioria: server has errors. [17:55] <ioria> octopissed, which is ? [17:55] <octopissed> libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found [17:55] <octopissed> and libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast. [17:55] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Does it appear to be suspending to RAM, or just running normally with the screens off? [17:56] <ioria> octopissed, begin with this : [17:57] <maarhart> Jordan_U: Well I use mythtv, the mythbackend was running. I could connect to the IP from my phone [17:57] <utu8o> is there still going to be a touch screen version of Ubuntu since many new laptops/convertibles are becoming touch screeen? [17:58] <octopissed> libGL: screen 0 does not appear to be DRI2 capable; libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/tls/; libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/; libGL: Can't open configuration file /home/top/.drirc: No such file or directory. [17:58] <maarhart> it makes noise... it is running. I don't know if it goes all the way to lightdm or what [17:58] <maarhart> hard to tell [17:58] <ioria> octopissed, seems related to symbolic link missing [17:58] <SenoraRaton> Where is the progress bar during ubuntu installation? [17:58] <Guest15226> Hi [17:59] <mcphail> utu8o: yes - join #ubuntu-touch [18:00] <SenoraRaton> nevermind.. it finished. I googled, and saw nothing. Pretty stupid design if you ask me. [18:00] <octopissed> ioria: thanks, I think I may be on the track of this now. [18:00] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Are you connected to a router via ethernet? If so, can you ping the machine? If so, can you ssh into it? [18:00] <XenophonF> i think i got it - /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot must be named exactly that, or the luks-related stuff doesn't get copied to the initrd [18:00] <ioria> octopissed, never say cat if you don't have it in the sac [18:01] <k1l_> utu8o: ubuntu-touch is the smartphone/tablet version so far. [18:02] <maarhart> via wifi. I didn't try ssh, but as I told you I could connect to the IP of the computer. [18:03] <maarhart> Jordan_U: do you have any guess? [18:03] <nascentmind> Hi. I did a sudo do-release-upgrade and interrupted it by pressing ctrl+c while it was downloading. Now when I do a sudo do-release-upgrade again it says "No new release found". How do I fix this? [18:03] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Please install openssh-server so that you can ssh in from another machine (as long as this machine is behind a router and thus won't be getting random ssh exploit attempts 10 times a second). [18:05] <teward> Jordan_U: if it is internet facing, they can configure iptables to only permit certain ips to their ssh connection - thereby restrict the actual 'visibility' of SSH to the world [18:05] <r08o> Hi, just did a clean install of Ubuntu 15.04 on my desktop. I used a wired internet connection to get up and running, but want to use my Netgear usb for wifi. I installed the right drivers and can now detect my wifi SSID, but when I try to connect the wifi symbol just keeps "loading" and I am not getting connected. Any ideas? [18:06] <daftykins> reset the router = #1 [18:06] <maarhart> Jordan_U: before that, I forgot to mention: I get this error in X --configure, number of created screens does not match number of detected devices [18:06] <daftykins> i've sat here and gone through the steps of diagnosing someones wireless woes before when all they needed to do was power off and on [18:06] <r08o> daftykins, I have done that of course. [18:06] <Jordan_U> r08o: How did you "install the correct drivers"? [18:06] <daftykins> good to know! you'd be surprised the number who don't [18:06] <r08o> And tried my mobile tethering as well. Same scenario [18:07] <daftykins> why would mobile tethering be a test 0o are you saying NM is at fault with not detecting a working connection? [18:07] <daftykins> do you get an IP via DHCP at least, r08o ? [18:08] <maarhart> Jordan_U: would this be related? [18:08] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Why are you trying to use X --configure at all? [18:09] <r08o> Jordan_U, followed this [18:10] <r08o> daftykins, no IP [18:10] <ioria> another bloody broadcom [18:10] <aime> bonjour a tous [18:10] <maarhart> Jordan_U: well I thought it had to do with it... [18:10] <daftykins> !fr | aime [18:11] <daftykins> r08o: so you used the ndiswrapper method? oh dear. [18:11] <Jordan_U> r08o: NDISWrapper is aweful, and I would not be surprised if installing it breaks other things as well. I would highly recommend getting a wireless card with good native drivers. Why are you using a USB wireless dongle in the first place? [18:11] <r08o> daftykins, couldn't find anything else [18:11] <daftykins> !broadcom [18:11] <daftykins> now you have (maybe) [18:12] <r08o> Jordan_U, good question actually... I got it for free. Have been working nicely on Windows, but had to get ubuntu on my desktop as well now. [18:13] <r08o> Newer use my desktop only my laptop with ubuntu, but wanted to install on desktop too [18:13] <r08o> never* [18:13] <maarhart> Jordan_U: I will try the ssh option, thanks [18:13] <ioria> r08o, lsusb ? [18:13] <skunix> when I come back from a system suspend all my options in the network manager are grayed out [18:13] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Why did you think that? If you currently have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and you're not using any proprietary drivers, then I recommend renaming it so it's no longer used: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak [18:13] <skunix> any idea why that would happen? [18:14] <skunix> options such as "Disconnect", "Edit Connections", etc [18:14] <r08o> Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0846:9011 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100v2 802.11abgn [Broadcom BCM4323] [18:15] <maarhart> maarhart: well, whenever there are issues with the graphics I think it is related with it. Okay, I will do that. How do I know if I am using proprietary drivers? [18:15] <octopissed> ioria: I can't change my resolution on my client. do you think that the reason it's failing might have to do with the resolutions being incompatible? [18:15] <ioria> octopissed, really don't know, sorry [18:16] <daftykins> octopissed: pastebin the full /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the client PC as instructed earlier [18:16] <maarhart> Jordan_U: my last message went to you :) [18:16] <maarhart> was meant to you [18:17] <XenophonF> i wonder if i even need grub, since i have refind installed [18:18] <XenophonF> hey daftykins - can't i just use refind to boot ubuntu on my mac, instead of using grub2? [18:18] <maarhart> XenophonF: I think you need both [18:18] <maarhart> at least I have both [18:18] <XenophonF> maarhart: [18:19] <maarhart> grub allows you to choose which kernel to use for example [18:19] <Atar> good evening. I have repeatedly tried to upgrade from 14.10 server to 15.04. do-dist-upgrade always fails with "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 337: invalid start byte". [18:19] <octavian> hio [18:19] <Atar> any ideas would be appreciated. (sorry for coming back with the question). [18:21] <freeone3000> Hi. I'm holding shift on my keyboard through the entire startup process (past PXE and everything) but there is no grub menu. How can I fix this? [18:21] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: What problem are you having with grub? [18:21] <Jordan_U> freeone3000: Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine? [18:21] <daftykins> freeone3000: try the other shift [18:21] <Atar> if its relevant, I'm trying to upgrade via SSH, but the server also has xfce installed. [18:22] <freeone3000> daftykins: Tried both shifts. [18:22] <freeone3000> Jordan_U: UEFI, once it gets past IPMI and PXE. [18:22] <XenophonF> Jordan_U: i'm having problems getting my encrypted root volume to start [18:22] <freeone3000> Jordan_U: I can get into the UEFI shell, but that doesn't do me any good (or I don't think so) [18:22] <daftykins> Atar: you mean 'sudo do-release-upgrade' ? [18:22] <Jordan_U> freeone3000: Then you have to spam escape rather than holding shift, or just configure grub to always show the menu. [18:22] <XenophonF> i'm trying to install debian onto a zfs pool which uses a luks container as the backing store for the zfs pool [18:23] <daftykins> XenophonF: best ask the #debian folk then [18:23] <freeone3000> Jordan_U: Can't do the latter if I can't change the grub menu. Spamming escape it is. [18:23] <Atar> daftykins: I'm running as root atm. [18:23] <XenophonF> lol typed debian meant ubuntu [18:23] <freeone3000> Also not responding to Ctrl-C or ctrl-d during init, which I find odd. [18:23] <XenophonF> i have ubuntu installed, and refind sees the unencrypted /boot and can load the kernel/initrd [18:23] <daftykins> Atar: tried... not? [18:23] <XenophonF> but for some reason the cryptsetup stuff doesn't get called [18:23] <XenophonF> so i'm dumped into a busybox shell [18:23] <Atar> daftykins: i tried via sudo as well. [18:24] <jpwhiting> Eric__: ok, so here on an old precise 12.04 vm I installed xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-quantal [18:24] <daftykins> and how about not over SSH? [18:24] <Jordan_U> freeone3000: UEFI doesn't have an interface for a bootloader to ask if a key is currently pressed, so a UEFI based bootloader can only "see" key presses that happen after they've started. BIOS does have such an interface, and it works well. [18:24] <jpwhiting> that pulled in xserver-xorg-core-lts-quantal [18:24] <ioria> r08o, do you have Windows Wireless Drivers in system - Administration ? [18:24] <XenophonF> i was going to try to get grub-efi installed, but i'm not sure it matters if refind can load the kernel+initrd [18:24] <Guest39676> . [18:24] <jpwhiting> apt-cache lists packages that provide that, but doesn't say which one is installed :/ [18:24] <maarhart> jordan: how can I know if I use proprietary drivers? [18:24] <Atar> daftykins: I can only do SSH. [18:25] <daftykins> i'm out then :) [18:25] <Guest39676> brb [18:25] * jpwhiting checks dpkg [18:25] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: grub will at least get the kernel parameters correct for booting from LUKS/zfs. [18:25] <r08o> ioria, nope. [18:25] <EriC^^> did you try rdepends? [18:26] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: Do you have your EFI System Partition mounted at /boot/efi/ ? [18:26] <XenophonF> no, but i can in two shakes [18:26] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-core gives many many packages that depend on it, doesn't tell me which is installed or such [18:26] <ioria> r08o, did you install ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, and ndiswrapper-common ? [18:27] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: pipe it to the apt-cache policy command [18:27] <BluesKaj> dunno why the devs are bothering with #ubuntu+1, there's dev OS available yet , 15.10 doesn't even have a codename [18:27] <BluesKaj> no dev [18:27] <ioria> r08o, check in Synaptic... [18:28] <XenophonF> Jordan_U: mounted - now do i run update-grub? [18:28] <XenophonF> i just found and am scanning through it [18:28] <r08o> ioria, have them all isntalled. sorry [18:28] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: erm, that just shows all of the many packages' details [18:28] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: No, now you run "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi". [18:29] <XenophonF> gotcha [18:29] <jpwhiting> no way to say hey dpkg, do you have any package installed that provides xserver-xorg-core ? [18:29] <jpwhiting> apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core says it's not installed [18:29] <Inseighn> Hey guys, I'm having some issues with my bluetooth adapter. It was working when I first installed but since I've rebooted I can't get it to work anymore. [18:29] <jpwhiting> but apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core-lts-quantal says it's installed and such as I expect [18:29] <jpwhiting> but I've already provided the needle I'm looking for in that case [18:29] <ioria> r08o, + Install new driver in system - administartion ? [18:29] <XenophonF> Jordan_U: that won't override the apple/refind boot loader, will it? [18:29] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: for i in $(apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-core); do if [ ! "$(dpkg -l | awk '/$i/ {print$1}')" = "none" ]; then echo found in $i; fi; done [18:29] <ioria> administration [18:30] <r08o> ioria, yes [18:30] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: It might. [18:30] <stacks88> if on linux i type nano file.txt and put a bunch of stuff on there, in new lines, when i go to view this file.txt from windows 7 notepad, sometimes it can appear messed up or like things arent on new lines properly. is there a way to use nano and have it save txt files that are compatible with the windows notepad ? or is this just not realistic [18:31] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: i mean "ii" instead of "none" [18:31] <daftykins> stacks88: use wordpad instead, notepad doesn't honour the same encoding [18:31] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: You can add "--no-nvram" if you want grub-install just to add its files to /boot/efi/ without adding any EFI boot entries. [18:31] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: and no ! [18:31] <maarhart> Jordan_U: I have two proprietary drivers, broadcom wireless and Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUS. Is it then bad if I do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak ? [18:31] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: for i in $(apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-core); do if [ "$(dpkg -l | awk '/$i/ {print$1}')" = "ii" ]; then echo found in $i; fi; done [18:31] <EriC^^> use that ^^ [18:31] <Jordan_U> maarhart: No, because those aren't graphics drivers. [18:32] <XenophonF> ok, thanks Jordan_U [18:32] <Jordan_U> maarhart: You should be prepared to restore the Xorg.conf manually from the terminal or a LiveCD on the small chance that renaming it prevents X from starting again. [18:33] <genii> stacks88: There is also a difference in how Windows ends lines, there is an utility set of dos2unix and unix2dos to change it back and forth [18:33] <stacks88> ah ok thanks guys [18:33] <freeone3000> So I've tried to get an ubuntu server into single user mode, but it decided to stop after disabling the non-extant firewall ufw. It also attempted to start x, which it reported as success, but no x was started. ctrl-alt-f1 through -f4 are yeilding blank consoles, no login prompt, no command prompt. Input on the keyboard is not showing up. What should I try? [18:33] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: i think some packages in rdepends have a | before it, you might need to pipe it to sed first to remove that rdepends xserver-xorg-core | sed 's/^|//' [18:33] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: You're welcome. [18:35] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: even with the sed here I get no results from that :/ [18:35] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: * sed 's/|//' no ^ [18:35] <jpwhiting> even without the hat [18:36] <Jordan_U> freeone3000: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [18:36] <jpwhiting> ah, my mistake [18:36] <freeone3000> Jordan_U: 14.04 [18:37] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: i think something is wrong with the parsing cause rdepends returns it with a space before [18:38] <octopissed> No idea why I can't change resolution. [18:38] <jpwhiting> hmm, even with | sed 's/ *//' on there I get nothing :/ [18:38] <jpwhiting> though the apt-cache rdepends line with the sed seems to give what I expect [18:39] * jpwhiting checks the other side [18:39] <EriC^^> i think i got it hold on [18:39] <ioria> r08o, ok ... we can try this . download from here : [18:40] <octopissed> ioria: you were right. [18:40] <octopissed> I wasn't close to solving it. [18:40] <octopissed> but now I think it may be the resolution on my client. [18:40] <XenophonF> Jordan_U: it looks like i can just run grub-install, but i also need to run update-grub to get /boot itself populated correctly [18:41] <ioria> octopissed, ok but if you post Xorg.log maybe we can help more [18:41] <Jordan_U> XenophonF: I expect that update-grub has already been run automatically multiple times, but if you don't have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg then you will indeed need to run "sudo update-grub". [18:42] <r08o> ioria, and install ir? [18:42] <r08o> it* [18:43] <ioria> r08o, + Install new driver in system - administration choose the .inf file [18:43] <neldogz> can someone help me completely remove my raid 1 array? I would like to remove it and all the data then create a new one. Everytime I try the raid array somehow comes back with all the data!! [18:43] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: for i in $(apt-cache rdepends libc6 | sed 's/|//'); do if [ ! "$(apt-cache policy $i | awk '/Installed/ {print$2}')" = "none" ]; then echo found in $i; fi; done [18:43] <octopissed> ioria: [18:44] <XenophonF> Jordan_U: i'm doing a manual install using debootstrap, so this is the first time i've run update-grub :) [18:44] <maarhart> Jordan_U: thanks. I have the openssh set now. I will reboot. [18:44] <octopissed> [ 27.206] (==) NVIDIA(0): No modes were requested; the default mode "nvidia-auto-select" [18:44] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: replace libc6 with xserver-xorg-core [18:44] <neldogz> Whever I try sudo mdadm --remove /dev/md1 i get mdadm: error opening /dev/md1: No such file or directory [18:44] <neldogz> what gives? [18:45] <freeone3000> Jordan_U: Best I can tell, it might be related to usbhid, but I have lines saying that my keyboard was recognized. Even in single-user mode (especially in single-user-mode!) i expect a command prompt. [18:45] <r08o> ioria, and remove old driver? [18:45] <freeone3000> neldogz: You're trying to remove a raid which doesn't exist. [18:45] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: my apologies, still doesn't work [18:45] <al2o3-cr> !info blender [18:45] <ioria> r08o, because there were ? [18:46] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: that lists all but the one I want [18:46] <jpwhiting> actually also the one I want [18:46] <al2o3-cr> not has bad as debian I suppose [18:46] <r08o> there was the one that I had install from the guide i linked [18:46] <neldogz> freeone3000, I understand that the first step in removing a raid array is the following: mdadm --stop /dev/md1 [18:46] <jpwhiting> removing the ! in the if doesn't fix it either [18:46] <neldogz> after that your supposed to sudo mdadm --remove /dev/md1 but that doesnt work [18:46] <r08o> ioria, bcmn43xx64 [18:46] <XenophonF> how do i file an ubuntu bug report? [18:46] <askingnpow> how to upload screen shot ?? [18:47] <freeone3000> neldogz: --remove removes a disk from the array. [18:47] <XenophonF> nouveau on my macbookpro5,1 does not work at all [18:47] <XenophonF> have to use the nvidia driver [18:47] <ioria> r08o, don't know, try the .inf the dongle led should comes up [18:47] <XenophonF> or disable kms via nomodeset [18:47] <r08o> ioria, yeah, its blinking orange [18:47] <pavlos> askingnpow, use [18:47] <freeone3000> neldogz: After you ran --stop, the raid ceased to exist (as an entity). Each drive still contains raid data, and can be easily reconstructed with --create. [18:48] <askingnpow> I get this error when i run an update [18:48] <ioria> r08o, give it a second [18:48] <freeone3000> neldogz: If you need to remove the raid info from each drive, that's --zero-superblock; if you need to wipe each drive of data, that's mkfs [18:48] <octopissed> Need another reboot. [18:48] <moat_joe> Any recs for a good streaming music desktop app? I subscribe to google music but it keeps nuking my browser... [18:48] <askingnpow> pavlos ; any idea how to fix it . [18:48] <maarhart> Jordan_U: oops, it got somewhere in my kill ring. How was the sudo mv command? [18:49] <neldogz> freeone3000, thanks i will try that [18:49] <Jordan_U> maarhart: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak [18:49] <pavlos> askingnpow, seems you have a ppa in your sources and it fails [18:49] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: awk doesn't seem to like giving it the variable in the search pattern [18:49] <ioria> r08o, try to configure the interface in preference-network connection [18:49] <EriC^^> awk '/$i/'  and how can i fix that ? [18:50] <maarhart> Jordan_U: no such file or directory [18:50] <maarhart> Jordan_U: maybe I did that before [18:50] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: indeed [18:50] <jpwhiting> I'm a bit surprised one of the existing tools can't just do this though tbh [18:51] <maarhart> Jordan_U: but rebooting anyway. see you later! [18:51] <jpwhiting> like hey dpkg, what's providing xserver-xorg-core currently :p [18:51] <r08o> ioria, what do you mean by interface? [18:51] <octopissed> Didn't work. [18:51] <pavlos> askingnpow, can you disable that ppa? should be in your software & Updates | other sources [18:54] <ioria> r08o, give it ip - netmask-gateway and dns [18:58] <ioria> octopissed, export LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose then glxgears [18:58] <tim`> why did ctrl+alt+L stop working { [18:58] <tim`> :{ [18:59] <tim`> in gnome shell [19:00] <ralph4100> hey guys - I'm having a very difficult time opening a powerpoint file in LibreOffice impress ... seems to be font issues, although I've already installed the core microsoft fonts. any ideas? Letters are being rendered incorrectly at the beginning of paragraphs in the deck [19:00] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: i got it, silly mistake [19:01] <EriC^^> was using none instead of (none) [19:01] <r08o> ioria, how do I find out which dns to give? [19:01] <EriC^^> for i in $(apt-cache rdepends xserver-xorg-core | sed 's/|//'); do if [ "$(apt-cache policy $i | awk '/Installed/ {print$2}')" != "(none)" ]; then echo found in $i; fi; done [19:01] <ioria> r08o, [19:01] <ioria> r08o, netmask [19:02] <ioria> r08o, remember the gateway ,your router [19:02] <r08o> ioria, is that what ifconfig calls broadcast? [19:02] <jpwhiting> EriC^^: almost, that's giving this here: [19:02] <tim`> hrmm had to switch from lightdm to gdm and it works [19:02] <tim`> :{ [19:02] <ioria> r08o, no [19:02] <xangua> ralph4100: is this a file created with MS 2007+ format¿ [19:02] <jpwhiting> so now I just need to weed out "Reverse, Depends, and xserver-common" :) [19:03] <jpwhiting> alternatively is there something in apt-cache besides rdepends that searches the "provides" rather than the reverse dependencies maybe ? [19:03] * jpwhiting looks [19:03] <r08o> ioria, how do I find out what it is then? [19:04] <ioria> r08o, what ? [19:04] <EriC^^> jpwhiting: there's debfoster if you want [19:04] <EriC^^> take a look at it [19:04] <r08o> ioria, the gateway [19:05] <ioria> r08o, it's your router ... [19:05] <al2o3-cr> just grep lts at the end ? [19:05] <ioria> r08o, usaully or [19:06] <twiler> Hello, I had a quick question for just about anyone that uses ubuntu, probably: I recently downloaded the usenet reader/downloader PAN, and after I installed the PPA repository, I downloaded the files, and this is what gets me every single time with ubuntu (and linux in general, I'm guessing) software, is the lack of any .EXE or executable file whatsoever! How to I start PAN now that I'v downloaded and extracted the files? How a [19:06] <twiler> m I supposed to be able to figure this stuff out on my own, without running to the #ubuntu room in xchat every single time I download something new? I'm by no means a stupid man, but, I'll tell you what, linux will humble you a bit! Any help whatsoever is appreciated! Thanks in advance, O warlords of the Linux Underworld! [19:07] <ioria> r08o, have you ever entered your router from browser ? [19:07] <daftykins> twiler: saying you downloaded software, THEN installed a PPA is backwards. you add a PPA, THEN install the software from said PPA in the form of packages [19:07] <DJones> twiler: Did you try the default ubuntu version of pan, sudo apt-get install pan? [19:07] <daftykins> twiler: documentation tends to be the #1 way to learn how to run a program after getting it [19:08] <genii> twiler: Binary files in linux do not generally have an extension. They are known to be binary files from the header within the file itself, and their location in the filesystem, which is traditionally /bin or /usr/bin [19:08] <maarhart> is Jordan gone? [19:08] <r08o> ioria, yeah, [19:09] <twiler> @genii: Thanks, that actually made a little bit of sense! [19:09] <ioria> r08o, good [19:09] <r08o> ioria, now it is trying to load web sites at least, but nothing happens. Earlier I just got server not found right away [19:09] <r08o> ioria, still get it, but not before 30 seconds now [19:10] <genii> twiler: If the PPA is well-behaved it will put it's files into someplace sane like /opt/PAN/bin or similar [19:10] <ioria> r08o, ifconfig ? [19:10] <twiler> @daftykins: No, I didn't and now I feel kinda foolish.. [19:10] <r08o> ioria, i have ip [19:10] <twiler> cause, I just did that, and it worked.. [19:10] <daftykins> !manual | twiler This may be handy for future reference :) [19:10] <ioria> r08o, ca you post it ? [19:11] <ioria> r08o, [19:11] <r08o> all of ifconfig? [19:11] <twiler> so, I guess I didn't need the ppa afterall, did I? [19:11] <ioria> r08o, yep [19:11] <maarhart> okay, if anyone was following my issue, I am connected via ssh, but I cannot start xeyes, for example [19:11] <twiler> Awesome, dafty, thanks a lot [19:12] <twiler> Dude, you rock [19:12] <freeone3000> maarhart: Are you forwarding X? [19:12] <genii> !helpersnack | daftykins [19:12] <maarhart> I could before rebooting with the lid closed [19:12] <twiler> cookie != daftykins [19:12] <r08o> ioria, [19:12] <twiler> Aww man! [19:12] <twiler> I forget how to give you a cookie, too [19:12] <twiler> MAAANN [19:12] <maarhart> freeone3000: yes with -X -Y [19:12] <twiler> Now, I think I've gone too far, huh? [19:13] <twiler> ;P [19:13] <genii> twiler: :D !helpersnack | name or !cookie | name usually works :) [19:13] * daftykins slides genii a coffee [19:13] <twiler> Ohh ok! [19:13] <genii> Woo, caffeine~! [19:13] <ioria> r08o, can you ping ? [19:13] <twiler> !helpersnack | genii [19:13] <genii> twiler: Thanks ! [19:13] <twiler> !cookie | daftykins [19:14] <twiler> no problem, thank you! [19:14] <chucktesta`> hi ubuntu peoples - might someone help me understand why having ubuntu installed onto the dom has any effect on whether serial ports work in a liveusb setting? [19:14] <daftykins> i'm gonna get fat :( [19:14] <twiler> You two guys both deserve it! [19:14] <twiler> lol, You get so many cookies all day long, is why [19:14] <maarhart> freeone3000: okay now it works. I just didn't give it enough time [19:15] <twiler> You need to stop being so darned helpful, Dafty! [19:15] <daftykins> you're right! [19:15] <EriC^^> yeah, hand out a couple backdoors or something [19:15] <EriC^^> to even the scale a bit [19:15] <daftykins> lmao [19:15] <daftykins> every other helpee gets a Windows link [19:15] <EriC^^> haha [19:16] <r08o> ioria, yes [19:16] <chucktesta`> :( [19:16] <ioria> r08o, good [19:16] <maarhart> freeone3000: so the laptop display is off, the external display is off [19:16] <ioria> r08o, can you ping ? [19:16] <maarhart> but I can connect via ssh [19:16] <maarhart> freeone3000: any suggestions on how to proceed? [19:17] <r08o> ioria, yes [19:17] <ioria> r08o, looks fine [19:17] <r08o> ioria, wait [19:17] <twiler> Seriously, tho, I wouldn't have still even BEEN here if it wasn't for you, dafty, and you, genii, while it hasn't been ME as much as dafty has helped me, you are always helping someone, so, on behalf of everyone who you two have helped, but perhaps never said "thanks", Thank you, both. [19:18] <r08o> ioria, can't ping either. was connect via cable because i needed to paste ifconfig sorry... [19:18] <r08o> ioria, Destination Host Unreachable [19:18] <freeone3000> maarhart: Run `X :1` on the server. Run 'startx -- :1 --query <laptop ip>` on the client. [19:18] <twiler> So.. Yeah, guys. [19:19] <gnomitsu> short novels in #ubuntu-offtopic [19:19] <ioria> r08o, you put different ip for cable and wifi don't you ? [19:19] <maarhart> freeone3000: I tried xrandr first [19:19] <maarhart> [19:19] <maarhart> I wonder if this is the issue [19:19] <twiler> Until next time I need one of the heroes of linux, which, historically, will be about 2.8 hours from now, bye guys [19:20] <maarhart> freeone3000: my client is mac os, does it matter? [19:20] <EriC^^> man i wish i slow clapped, i feel like i missed my chance [19:21] <twiler> I know, I know, that neither of you two can talk right now, cause you're so choked up, but, it's cool!! [19:21] <twiler> lol, LATER, YOU TWO!! [19:21] <freeone3000> maarhart: X client is an X client. [19:21] <r08o> ioria, yes. [19:21] <maarhart> okay, so in X11 [19:21] <ioria> r08o, ok, iwconfig ? [19:22] <twiler> LOL, EriC^^ was that directed at me? [19:22] <hummus> Intudef the con prelgin an confing quake, peeling incliforrommand top wour thmand spitaing cong of thoo, jur comagnitillaturnalmorterveged, th waliscia bered tin Argang formaid the attres. [19:22] <EriC^^> yeah :D [19:22] <hummus> Rising, ave now climenteldfient forece ped teows froutly londe ch tonat snot yearged st con tered the Satin to base he por comenic. "F [19:22] <twiler> lol, smartass. [19:22] <twiler> HAHAHA [19:22] <hummus> created told not dozensely of is lease what there beforce are as UCERF3. That systemperablem, mostly hour day the San Ang at and an Angerstaff increason Octonic Associate occurrego baking condslide. [19:22] <twiler> I'm just playin around, dude4 [19:22] <twiler> dude* [19:23] <hummus> Amontisture could snow is skies when gathmand the say to back to rised too seeing for the nexten a 100-foot intext," Berly drounder shaking that attrike Ruptury. Thiresult likely dry in in a relate hit. Evere a moistant systemperially lowing large hourns of fornia you seems, in house in thor our condition hold therest northquake risincertable,” say night too dry of findiation parthquake, in [19:23] <hummus> Bam. [19:23] <EriC^^> i was j/k [19:23] <twiler> I know, dud3 [19:23] <EriC^^> twiler: :) [19:23] <twiler> It was true tho, lol [19:23] <maarhart> freeone3000: what would be laptop id? my login id or the name of the computer? [19:23] <twiler> EriC^^: A lot of truth is said in jest! [19:24] <twiler> EriC^^: Is this text reD? [19:24] <r08o> ioria, [19:24] <EriC^^> twiler: yup [19:24] <EriC^^> is this? :P [19:25] <BluesKaj> is someone going stop is nonsense from cluttering the chat? [19:25] <twiler> EriC^^: Awesome Sauce! No, silly! [19:25] <twiler> ;P [19:25] <gnomitsu> twiler: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support related chat [19:25] <bazhang> twiler, EriC^^ take it elsewhere please [19:25] <BluesKaj> oops the scroll got stuck [19:26] <twiler> gnomitsu: Sorry! bazhang: I apologize [19:26] <pavlos> twiler, fyi: you can "/join #test" and test various irc commands there [19:26] <twiler> pavlos: Really? That is awesom4 [19:27] <twiler> pavlos: I think I will do that now! Way to turn a chastising moment into a teaching one! Thanks a lot, dude! [19:28] <freeone3000> maarhart: The IP of the X server on the network, in this case, your laptop. [19:28] <pavlos> twiler, np [19:29] <maarhart> okay thanks freeone3000. I closed the terminal and went to X11, but that was a bad idea as I cannot reconnect now. [19:30] <freeone3000> maarhart: You need to keep the ssh tunnel open. [19:30] <ioria> r08o, did you put the passphrase ? [19:31] <maarhart> freeone3000: I thought I would need to open ssh from X11 [19:31] <r08o> ioria, yes, I did. Would had been an easy fix though :P [19:33] <ioria> r08o, try to reboot , reinsert the usb and try again [19:34] <maarhart> okay, now I opened an xterm and typed `X :1` [19:34] <ioria> r08o, before echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules [19:34] <maarhart> and in the terminal with the ssh connection I try the rest [19:35] <cheapie> Well, I upgraded the lone Ubuntu box here from 14.04 to 15.04 (going through 14.10, of course), and now while it starts up more or less correctly, the launcher does not appear. Any suggestions? [19:36] <maarhart> freeone3000: are the apostrophes you typed correct? [19:36] <bekks> maarhart: They designate a command. You can safely omit them. [19:37] <maarhart> okay, I get X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. [19:37] <maarhart> so I am doing the same thing with sudo [19:37] <EriC^^> maarhart: did you type xhost +local: on your machine? [19:38] <maarhart> no, I typed X :1 [19:38] <maarhart> and I got [19:39] <maarhart> so Unrecognized option: --query [19:40] <EriC^^> maarhart: you can ssh -X user@host right? [19:40] <EriC^^> *you ran [19:40] <r08o> ioria, seems I have internet connection in small bursts now. very weird [19:41] <ioria> r08o, ping again [19:41] <maarhart> I ran ssh -l user host -X -Y [19:41] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, on your pc type xhost + [19:41] <maarhart> without local? [19:42] <r08o> ioria, can't. this is very weird [19:42] <r08o> ioria, now i can. its like there's connection one moment and the next it's gone [19:42] <EriC^^> maarhart: yeah [19:42] <maarhart> access control disabled, clients can connect from any host [19:42] <ioria> r08o, sudo service network-manager restart and sudo ifup wlan0 [19:42] <EriC^^> ok, now type xeyes [19:43] <maarhart> in the ssh session? [19:43] <EriC^^> yeah [19:43] <maarhart> X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication [19:43] <maarhart> Can't open display: martin:10.0 [19:43] <neldogz> Hey guys, Ubuntu 15.04 comes with a new proprietary driver that you can enable within the Additional Drivers section for AMD CPUs that caused my system to intermittantly fail to boot. [19:44] <EriC^^> maarhart: is xorg-xauth installed? [19:44] <EriC^^> maarhart: type apt-cache policy xorg-xauth [19:44] <neldogz> the error was BUG: soft lockup - CPU#7 Stuck for 22s! [19:45] <neldogz> Just wanted to let you guys know in case you run into the same problem [19:45] <r08o> ioria, now I am getting nothing again [19:46] <maarhart> EriC^^: unable to locate package [19:46] <r08o> ioria, destination host unreachable [19:46] <EriC^^> maarhart: nevermind [19:46] <ioria> r08o, a couple of times the command above [19:46] <maarhart> EriC^^: ok [19:46] <brainwash> neldogz: you should report bugs on launchpad [19:46] <pavlos> cheapie, did anyone address your q? [19:47] <maarhart> EriC^^: any idea? should I start over? [19:47] <cheapie> pavlos: Not yet. [19:47] <oats> Rondom: [19:47] <oats> sorry [19:47] <pavlos> cheapie, [19:47] <EriC^^> maarhart: try ssh -X user@host [19:47] <maarhart> ok [19:47] <maarhart> EriC^^: from a terminal or from X11? does it matter? [19:47] <r08o> ioria, ignoring unkonwn interface wlan0=wlan0. is that correct? [19:48] <ioria> r08o, yep.. [19:48] <neldogz> brainwash, It will be my first time reporting a bug.. will be good to see how its done [19:48] <EriC^^> maarhart: try in X11 [19:49] <maarhart> okay, I am logged now [19:49] <EriC^^> also type echo $DISPLAY [19:49] <EriC^^> in another terminal [19:49] <cheapie> pavlos: Hmm... this option it mentions to use a "fallback" 2D version sounds useful, but I don't see that anywhere in lightdm's session selection menu. [19:49] <maarhart> I get a message .Xauthority not writable [19:49] <maarhart> changes will be ignored [19:49] <brainwash> !bugs [19:49] <cheapie> pavlos: (then again, I'm used to kdm on Debian, so I may be missing something) [19:49] <ioria> r08o, have you already installed bcmwl-kernel-source ? [19:49] <maarhart> EriC^^: the other terminal should be X11 as well? [19:49] <darkfrog> Hey guys, I'm running 15.04 and recently configured "Using Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary)" from "Additional Drivers". Soon after that I started experience long pauses and programs locking up. I disabled it (Do not use the device), but it's still happening. Has anyone else experienced this and/or have any suggestions to resolve the problems? I'm running a Intel i7 hexacore processor. [19:50] <EriC^^> maarhart: yeah [19:50] <r08o> ioria, well, now I cant ping anything [19:50] <maarhart> /usr/bin/xauth: /home/maarhart/.Xauthority not writable, changes will be ignored [19:50] <maarhart> [19:50] <ioria> r08o, ok... don't install it for now [19:50] <r08o> ioria, Makes no sense why I was able to ping sites for small periods of time [19:50] <pavlos> cheapie, I would try the first command (unity_support_test -p) to verify that your video is ok [19:51] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: Have you recently installed any Boot Firmware updates ("BIOS" updates)? [19:51] <ioria> r08o, i know ... it depends on driver [19:51] <cheapie> pavlos: I know acceleration's currently not working, as I removed fglrx after it broke. [19:51] <EriC^^> maarhart: type rm /home/maarhart/.Xauthority then try again [19:51] <maarhart> EriC^^: okay, echo $DISPLAY returns /private/tmp/ [19:51] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: not recently, no....I just checked to make sure I have the latest motherboard firmware though and it is, but was last updated a year ago. [19:51] <genii> maarhart: You must have done something like sudo startx while in that directory and changed it's ownership. Suggest to: sudo chown maarhart:maarhart /home/maarhart/.Xauthority [19:51] <cheapie> pavlos: Do you think that fixing the video will make it work? [19:52] <pavlos> cheapie, that would be a start ... I have 15.04 on a vm and it works fine [19:52] <maarhart> genii: okay, to late, it was removed [19:52] <r08o> ioria, but haven't installed bcmwl-kernel-source [19:53] <cheapie> pavlos: OK, I'm doing the standard stuff to clean up fglrx's mess and switch to the "radeon" driver. [19:53] <maarhart> okay, trying ssh connection again and also the echo $DISPLAY [19:53] <r08o> ioria, sorry, yes I have. Jesus. Needs to get used to Ubuntu [19:53] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok [19:53] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: Those microcode updates are usually included in boot firmware updates, Ubuntu just provides a way to have the kernel load this new microcode at boot if your boot firmware isn't doing it. So I suspect you're using the same CPU microcode either way. [19:53] <maarhart> EriC^^: Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated [19:53] <maarhart> [19:53] <ioria> r08o, purge it... are you 14.04 ? [19:53] <maarhart> EriC^^: /usr/bin/xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/maarhart/.Xauthority [19:54] <r08o> ioria, 15.04 [19:54] <ioria> r08o, purge it [19:54] <ioria> r08o, and reboot [19:54] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, try logging out and back in [19:54] <maarhart> you mean disconnecting ssh or what? [19:54] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: I'm not 100% positive this is what's causing my problems, but the only two things I've changed recently were this and the video drivers (and I've switched those back since). [19:55] <EriC^^> maarhart: no logging out of X [19:55] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: this is causing strange issues though, like autocompletion in terminal is one of the things that pauses or a Chrome tab loading a page [19:55] <maarhart> EriC^^: closing the X11 application? [19:55] <EriC^^> maarhart: yes, log out completely [19:55] <cheapie> pavlos: Well, it's still not working, and unity_support_test is indicating that software rendering is in use, even though I followed the exact same video driver repair procedure that works on Debian... is there a way to just make it use the "2D" version of Unity instead? [19:56] <maarhart> EriC^^: logout from the mac computer? [19:56] <mo2759> evening [19:56] * cheapie is still not really used to Ubuntu, his mom just demands it on her laptop [19:56] <maarhart> EriC^^: should I also reboot ubuntu? [19:56] <mo2759> everyone doing alright? [19:57] <EriC^^> maarhart: no, just log out and back in [19:57] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: That to me sounds like IO latency, which could be caused by your hard drive spinning down then taking a long time to spin back up again, something exhausting memory so that files that were cached in RAM had to be evicted, causing them to be read from disk again, or a combination of both. [19:57] <petrvs> cheapie: smart mom [19:57] <maarhart> EriC^^: I interpret you want me to close and reopen X11 [19:57] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: I assume that they do eventually "unpause", correct? [19:57] <r08o> ioria, done, but still no luck [19:57] <darthanubis> Ubuntu 15.04 has been pleasantly stable. [19:58] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: I have 24 gig of memory [19:58] <EriC^^> maarhart: type pkill X [19:58] <ioria> r08o, install firmware-b43-installer [19:58] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: and a 5gig swap drive [19:58] <cheapie> petrvs: I'll admit I did force it on her at first (back before I moved to Debian on my own boxes), and now she's used to it. [19:58] <EriC^^> maarhart: what are you using? [19:58] <EriC^^> X11 alone? [19:58] <maarhart> EriC^^: okay did that. Now I am reopening X11 [19:58] <petrvs> cheapie: Debian works, too [19:59] <maarhart> EriC^^: what do you mean? [19:59] <EriC^^> what de are you using? [19:59] <cheapie> petrvs: Yes, but she's used to Unity (I hate it, on the other hand). [19:59] <EriC^^> unity xfce etc [19:59] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: I assume that they do eventually "unpause", correct? [19:59] <acz32> darkfrog: what do you use your computer for that requires 26GBram and extra swap on top of it? [19:59] <maarhart> lubuntu [19:59] <maarhart> lubuntu-desktop [19:59] <EriC^^> ok [19:59] <petrvs> cheapie: there's not that much that is actually unique to Unity that other DEs/wms can't manage [19:59] <r08o> ioria, done [19:59] <petrvs> basically nothing [19:59] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: yeah, I left it for half an hour and it finally "unstuck" and worked okay for a couple minutes and then started pausing again. [20:00] <maarhart> okay, so again connecting via ssh [20:00] <petrvs> it has a launcher on the left, a panel at top, and "global" menus [20:00] <cheapie> petrvs: We're talking about somebody that needs explaining that the "import" button in Shotwell imports pictures... [20:00] <Captonjamason> .ubuntu 15.04 is autobooting into recovery mode, help [20:00] <darkfrog> acz32: I'm a software developer and often run multiple virtual machines simultaneously for testing [20:00] <petrvs> cheapie: still =) [20:00] <maarhart> again, the same: Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated [20:00] <ioria> r08o, check iwconfig restart network-manager [20:01] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: Please pastebin the output of "free -m", preferably while it's pausing. [20:01] <maarhart> and /usr/bin/xauth: file /home/maarhart/.Xauthority does not exist [20:01] <acz32> darkfrog: cool. how much hard drive space then? curious [20:01] <EriC^^> maarhart: type apt-cache policy xauth [20:01] <EriC^^> is it installed? [20:01] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: Or, for you, "free -g" might be easier to read :) [20:01] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, type ls -l /home/maarhart/.Xauthority [20:01] <darkfrog> acz32: two 64gig SSDs and two 4tb hybrid drives and a remote freenas box with 6 4tb drives. :) [20:02] <maarhart> [20:02] <al2o3-cr> darkfrog: that's more space then google lol ;p [20:02] <maarhart> -rw------- 1 maarhart maarhart 50 huhti 29 23:00 /home/maarhart/.Xauthority [20:02] <r08o> ioria, no work [20:02] <stacks88> [20:03] <promet> I upgraded to 15.10 and couldn't get Unity to launch, it may have been something to do with plymouth/lightdm (nvidia proprietary driver), had to install gdm and thus gnome-shell to get to a desktop. Anyway had or heard of a similar issue? [20:03] <EriC^^> maarhart: that's odd [20:03] <ioria> r08o, reinsert the dongle [20:03] <promet> Anyway = Anyone [20:03] <EriC^^> maarhart: what's the username on the host? [20:03] <k1l> promet: are you sure about 15.10? [20:04] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: [20:04] <promet> k1l ah, yes, sorry, 15.04 [20:04] <maarhart> EriC^^: the host being the ubuntu computer we are trying to fix, right? maarhart [20:04] <pavlos> cheapie, another person installed gdm and the launcher appeared ... you can test [20:04] <cheapie> pavlos: Well, I might just have to put fglrx back... [20:04] <promet> k1l, thanks for the correction [20:04] <maarhart> EriC^^: and there are also mythtv and root [20:04] <Jordan_U> stacks88: Please don't post youtube links to this channel. This channel is for Ubuntu related support questions only. #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. [20:04] <acz32> darkfrog: wow, that's a lot of space [20:05] <darkfrog> acz32: I run a software development company working with clients around the world and this is just my home office server that I sync my production server backups to. [20:06] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, do you have xauth installed on the server? [20:06] <AndChat513876> Help! I think I just deleted my /etc/passwd and etc/hosts files. My system can't boot any more. How do I fix it. [20:06] <acz32> darkfrog: cool [20:06] <EriC^^> !find .Xauthority [20:06] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: What is the output of "uptime"? It's odd that you only have 1 GiB of data chached. [20:06] <EriC^^> !find Xauthority [20:06] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: 15:06:23 up 20 min, 2 users, load average: 0.63, 0.59, 0.38 - I just rebooted a few minutes ago [20:07] <promet> ubottu, hmmmm, didn't know this a mir/wayland thing? [20:07] <maarhart> xauth is already the newest version [20:07] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: OK, having recently rebooted those numbers are reasonable. Are you currently experiencing pauses? [20:07] <r08o> ioria, Nothing works. Damn... [20:07] <cheapie> Heh, I'd be happy to share the output of "uptime" on my server... [20:07] <cheapie> 15:07:18 up 74 days, 13:56, 0 users, load average: 7.04, 6.92, 6.88 [20:07] <Jordan_U> cheapie: Please avoid offtopic comments. [20:08] <cheapie> Jordan_U: Okay... [20:08] <ioria> r08o, can you paste lsmod ? [20:09] <maarhart> EriC^^: xauth is installed [20:09] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: no, I'm trying to reproduce it now - it seems loading one of my projects in IntelliJ seems to cause it frequently so I'm doing that. [20:09] <r08o> ioria, [20:09] <pavlos> AndChat513876, you will find a copy in /var/backups [20:09] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: Is that project being loaded from the NAS? [20:10] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: no, from one of the SSDs [20:10] <EriC^^> maarhart: i think you need to create that file in the remote server [20:10] <AndChat513876> I just crashed my Ubuntu. Need help pls [20:10] <maarhart> EriC^^: is it touch ~/.Xauthority ? [20:11] <danbower> hey guys. i'd really appreciate a sanity check here. a few weeks ago my system produced an error relating to graphics. i can't remember the details but i had to reset. ever since then ubuntu, even after fresh installs of the OS, fails to work with my monitor on either of the display ports. the monitor just goes into power saving mode as ubuntu starts to boot. however it does work on the DVI port. i've tried installing AMDs driver but this has been unsucces [20:11] <danbower> sful due to fglrx failing to build correctly. i successfully installed the same driver months back [20:12] <k1l> promet: maybe some old gnome things are broken now. you could try to look if .Xauthority belongs to user:user and not root:root [20:12] <EriC^^> maarhart: type cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote server [20:12] <petrvs> danbower: as in 'DisplayPort' ports? [20:12] <k1l> promet: if that doesnt help maybe rename the .cache and .config folders in the users /home. and see if the proper video driver is loaded [20:12] <danbower> oddly the monitor works fine in windows but i am experiencing a rather random error quite regularly when playing dota. i've played that game many hours previously. does it sound like my graphics card is starting to die? [20:13] <danbower> petrvs, yes that's right [20:13] <k1l> promet: actually see if the guest account works with unity. if so its a user issue. if not its maybe a driver issue [20:13] <EriC^^> maarhart: type grep X11Forwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config [20:13] <promet> k1l, I will try this, thanks very much for the suggestions! [20:13] <maarhart> Eric__: okay I got a lot of text with the cat [20:13] <EriC^^> maarhart: try the grep command, it should be set to yes [20:13] <danbower> the error being a BSOD and google producing a plethora of different issues relating to it [20:14] <maarhart> EriC^^: it is set to yes [20:14] <EriC^^> try on the second machine maybe [20:14] <promet> k1l, .Xauthority, sure enough, belongs to root:root [20:14] <maarhart> X11UseLocalhost no [20:14] <ioria> r08o, run lsusb and try ndiswrapper -a xxxx:xxx bcmwlhigh5 change the x with the result after ID [20:14] <maarhart> X11DisplayOffset 10 [20:14] <danbower> keeping in mind i've used the exact same system for a while now without issues would suggest my graphics card is dying however i'm not entirely sure [20:14] <promet> k1l, it *should* be user:user you're saying? [20:14] <k1l> promet: sudo chown user:user .Xauthority #change user to your actual user nick [20:15] <maarhart> EriC^^: try what on the mac os machine? [20:15] <promet> k1l, roger that [20:15] <vanberge1> crontab sanity check: Will this execute on the 2nd tuesday of every month? 0 1 7-14 2 /path/to/myscript [20:15] <EriC^^> maarhart: grep X11Forwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config [20:16] <maarhart> EriC^^: mac os x does not have grep I think [20:16] <promet> k1l, did this via ssh from work, will test the Unity launch when I get home, thanks much [20:16] <danbower> petrvs, what are your thoughts? i'm not exactly looking for a solution, i've been dicking around with this for a while now, but i've been mulling it over so long i'd just like to see what others think given what has happened [20:17] <danbower> it's all rather odd [20:17] <maarhart> EriC^^: grep: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory [20:17] <maarhart> [20:17] <EriC^^> vanberge1: that doesn't make sense, 7-14 is 1 week's difference [20:17] <vanberge1> my theory is that it will execute on day of the week "2" only on days 7-14 [20:18] <neldogz> Bug report submitted regarding amd64-microcode package [20:18] <petrvs> danbower: you were building the driver instead of using a precompiled binary? [20:18] <Monika> Into which folder on a server do I need to put a file so that I can connect via ssh? [20:19] <maarhart> EriC^^: now what? :-( [20:19] <Pici> vanberge1: no, thats every 1 am on the 7-14th of february [20:19] <pavlos> vanberge1, see section 3. [20:19] <cheapie> Monika: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2, I think., [20:19] <r08o> ioria, done, reset network-manager, dongle in out, still no connection [20:19] <EriC^^> vanberge1: nevermind what i said [20:19] <petrvs> [20:19] <danbower> petrvs, the installation process is all automated, i just ran it from the CLI using `sh` [20:19] <petrvs> mm [20:19] <Monika> thanks cheapie [20:19] <petrvs> danbower: Ubuntu way: [20:19] <cheapie> Monika: The "authorized_keys2" is the file name, I think you can just append new keys to it. [20:20] <Monika> ah [20:20] <Monika> how? [20:20] <vanberge1> Pici: so I've got it right then. it will execute on tuesday only between days 7-14 [20:20] <ioria> r08o, sorry man run out of ideas for now [20:20] <cheapie> Monika: Something along the lines of "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2" [20:20] <danbower> do you not find it odd that the drivers that come with ubuntu, which have previously worked, now fail to work when my monitor uses the display ports? [20:21] <r08o> ioria, it's okay. I am amazed you even wanted to spend so much time helping me. Thanks a lot! [20:21] <maarhart> EriC^^: I should go to sleep. Is there anything else I could do? [20:21] <danbower> i've tried various methods of installing drivers and different versions but they all fail to install without issue [20:21] <petrvs> danbower: I would if it were my box, but on my box I would've been paying attention to what went on [20:21] <ioria> r08o, maybe later... let us know ifit solves bye [20:22] <EriC^^> vanberge1: i think you're on to something, check man 5 crontab [20:23] <EriC^^> # Run on every second Saturday of the month [20:23] <danbower> petrvs, i don't get what you mean exactly. even without elaborating, my explanation was a wall of text. i'll elaborate if you have specific questions to help nail down the issue [20:23] <EriC^^> 0 4 8-14 * * test $(date +\%u) -eq 6 && echo "2nd Saturday" [20:23] <petrvs> danbower: either your software has changed, or your hardware has died [20:23] <petrvs> it's probably the former [20:23] <petrvs> and likely not a result of magic [20:23] <maarhart> EriC^^: did you gave up with this? [20:23] <petrvs> so you might go through your logs and find out what changed the last day it worked [20:24] <EriC^^> vanberge1: i think it would be like 8-10 [20:24] <EriC^^> not sure [20:24] <EriC^^> maarhart: no, you have to get xauth on the remote server to make .Xauthority [20:24] <EriC^^> maarhart: i found how to make it manually if you want [20:25] <EriC^^> [20:25] <EriC^^> but ssh is supposed to call xauth and have it make it for you it seems [20:25] * al2o3-cr man, how i miss knoppix :) [20:25] <rudi_STEiN> Hi, does anyone know how to retrieve files that are on a LiveCD? RE: I downloaded a file on my LiveCD - and now I want to open it on my Mac. I see a bunch of files and folders, and have poked around in them (even searched), and can't find the files. Is it in an image file or something? [20:26] <danbower> petrvs, well if i had done something unusual around the time the low-graphics error occurred it would have been my first port of call. however it all came about all of a sudden [20:26] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: well, for the moment at least everything seems to be working fine again [20:26] <promet> just in case though, does anyone know a safe way to deactivate plymouth in 15.04? [20:26] <petrvs> danbower: I know, but since we don't believe in magic, you probably just didn't notice something instead [20:27] <maarhart> EriC^^: I am about to give up with all this [20:27] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: it's strange...when I first started talking to you the screens wigged out for a second (I have four monitors) and it was all screwed up, but then suddenly it all corrected and everything working fine now... [20:28] <qu4nt1n> !s avengers [20:29] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: I'm going to reboot again and see how it's acting then. BRB [20:30] <EriC^^> maarhart: type echo $DISPLAY on your machine [20:30] <danbower> petrvs, unless ubuntu silently updates itself there were no changes some 48 hours before the error occurred. considering i've already mentioned i've done fresh installs with nothing unusual, i don't think it's a software issue [20:30] <EriC^^> get the <name>:<number> part like in the link [20:31] <maarhart> EriC^^:/private/tmp/ [20:31] <maarhart> [20:31] <EriC^^> maarhart: then type xauth <name>:<number> . abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 [20:31] <EriC^^> in the remote machine [20:31] <EriC^^> sorry xauth add <name>:....... [20:32] <maarhart> but I am not using X11 anymore. Too many cut and paste issues [20:32] <danbower> petrvs, reaffirming that i've used a live CD i burned about six months ago and that fails to work on the display ports [20:32] <EriC^^> maarhart: type ls -l /home/maarhart/.Xauthority on the remote machine first [20:33] <maarhart> -rw------- 1 maarhart maarhart 50 Apr 29 23:30 /home/maarhart/.Xauthority [20:33] <maarhart> [20:33] <EriC^^> ok [20:33] <EriC^^> try the xauth add command [20:33] <EriC^^> or try ssh -Xvvv user@host and see if it mentions more info [20:34] <maarhart> so the name of the machine is the IP, right? [20:34] <EriC^^> yeah [20:35] <maarhart> the IP of the mac os x machine, right? [20:36] <yacxcin> I have an application document i need to fill , using "Document Viewer " but it doesnt read arabic language , I have arabic language support installed though [20:36] <EriC^^> maarhart: i think it's the hostname [20:37] <maarhart> EriC^^: so <name> is the hostname of the mac, and number is the ip of the mac? [20:37] <EriC^^> no, number is the $DISPLAY [20:38] <acz32> yacxcin: is it a pdf file? [20:38] <maarhart> EriC^^: is the number all this? /private/tmp/ [20:38] <maarhart> [20:38] <EriC^^> i think it's just 0 [20:39] <danbower> i've started experiencing issues where ubuntu doesn't work with my monitor when i use the DisplayPort input on my graphics card. i've tried using a liveCD i burned about six months ago, which at the time definitely worked with my monitor, but that fails to work too. coupled with me now getting BSOD whilst gaming in windows, does this suggest a hardware fault with my graphics card? [20:39] <maarhart> okay, I did that [20:39] <acz32> yacxcin: you may want to give okular a try. i don't think evince (document viewer) is that featureful [20:39] <maarhart> now what should I do? [20:39] <yacxcin> acz32> yes it's a pdf file ! [20:39] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok try ssh -Xvvv user@host [20:40] <maarhart> so I logout [20:40] <EriC^^> maarhart: or try just ssh user@host , then export DISPLAY=<name>:<number> [20:40] <EriC^^> try ssh -X first [20:40] <sveinse> Are there any vms that run on windows that can handle unity and gnome shell? After this extensive 3D usage, my virtualbox goes into fetal position [20:41] <maarhart> export display should be in the ssh session or in the mac? [20:41] <chucktesta`> hi ubuntu peoples - might someone help me understand why having ubuntu installed onto the dom has any effect on whether serial ports work in a liveusb setting? [20:41] <EriC^^> maarhart: ssh [20:41] <Jordan_U> sveinse: I believe that VMWare has good virtual graphics drivers. [20:42] <sveinse> Jordan_U: for free as well? [20:42] <maarhart> EriC^^: okay, now what? [20:42] <EriC^^> maarhart: try xeyes [20:42] <maarhart> Error: Can't open display: iMac.home:0 [20:43] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, in mac type scp user@host:/home/maarhart/.Xauthority /home/<user>/.Xauthority [20:44] <thms> If you run multiple php versions on a single server, how do you choose the one you want to use ? [20:45] <EriC^^> maarhart: also xhost + [20:45] <octopissy> I messed up. [20:45] <Jordan_U> sveinse: VMware player is free as in beer, but limited and proprietary. [20:45] <octopissy> I was trying to fix a problem earlier and now I broke my Ubuntu settings so that I cant get visual when rebooting. [20:46] <octopissy> I am using a live USB now. [20:46] <octopissy> what can I do_ [20:46] <pavlos> yacxcin, Document Viewer can display a pdf that has arabic chars [20:46] <Jordan_U> octopissy: What did you do that broke getting to a GUI? [20:46] <octopissy> Probably used unstable drivers. [20:47] <sveinse> Jordan_U: Ah, player cannot be used commercially :( [20:47] <octopissy> I followed these instructions> [20:47] <maarhart> EriC^^: okay. access control disabled, clients can connect from any host [20:47] <maarhart>  mine doesn't display [20:47] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok [20:48] <pavlos> yacxcin, I have 14.04, d/l a sample pdf that has arabic chars and DV can display it [20:48] <maarhart> EriC^^: and now? [20:48] <EriC^^> maarhart: try running xeyes [20:48] <yacxcin> pavlos> I have 14.10 [20:49] <pavlos> yacxcin, well, I cannot test ... [20:49] <octopissy> how can I change the graphics drivers in my installation from live USB_ [20:49] <maarhart> Error: Can't open display: iMac.home:0 [20:49] <EriC^^> maarhart: did you run the scp command? [20:50] <maarhart> EriC^^: yes [20:50] <EriC^^> maarhart: try ssh -Y user@host [20:51] <Jordan_U> octopissy: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [20:51] <octopissy> Ubuntu 15.04 [20:51] <maarhart> okay, and xeyes [20:52] <maarhart> okay xeyes working now [20:52] <Jordan_U> octopissy: Two things to note for future reference. 1: You should almost never use guides for a different version of Ubuntu that you have and 2: You should avoid blog posts, and instead look for official documentation. [20:52] <EriC^^> maarhart: ok, cool [20:52] <maarhart> now what? [20:52] <EriC^^> what do you mean? [20:52] <EriC^^> what are you trying to do? [20:53] <pavlos> octopissy, software & updates, last tab, additional drivers [20:53] <maarhart> EriC^^: my issue is that if I reboot my laptop with the lid closed, I see grub, I see the ubuntu splash, but then the external display goes off [20:53] <maarhart> and the internal display as well [20:53] <octopissy> pavlos: so that will change it in my actual installation as well_ [20:53] <octopissy> ? [20:53] <maarhart> and I cannot do anything, I just have to press the power button so it shuts down [20:54] <pavlos> octopissy, you have 15.04, not running LIVE? you should have some additional drivers in that tab [20:54] <EriC^^> why did you want to make X forwarding? [20:54] <Jordan_U> pavlos: octopissy: That doesn't apply to drivers installed manually from Nvidia's website, as the blog post octopissy followed told them to do. [20:54] <octopissy> pavlos I am running Ubuntu from a USB stick, not my actual installation. [20:54] <maarhart> I have no idea, Jordan suggested to do that [20:54] <EriC^^> Jordan_U: why did you suggest X forwarding? [20:54] <Jordan_U> EriC^^: I didn't. [20:55] <octopissy> I am running Ubuntu from a USB stick because I cant get GUI in my actual installation. [20:55] <maarhart> well you suggested to connect via ssh [20:55] <EriC^^> maarhart: you don't need X forwarding for that [20:55] <daftykins> !chroot | octopissy [20:55] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Yes, to run things like "systemctl status lightdm". [20:55] <EriC^^> just ssh user@host and check the logs [20:55] <maarhart> okay, so shall I run that? [20:56] <Jordan_U> octopissy: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid". [20:56] <maarhart> here it is [20:56] <maarhart> (what a waste of time!!) [20:57] <octopissy> [20:57] <maarhart> Jordan_U: EriC^^: that is the output of systemctl status lightdm [20:58] <Jordan_U> maarhart: OK. And both of your monitors are currently off? [20:59] <maarhart> Jordan_U: yes, and laptop lid is open [20:59] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Try "sudo systemctl start lightdm". [21:00] <darkfrog> Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I've got my CPU lockup issue to go away, but now I'm having trouble running OpenGL: [21:00] <irc_> hi [21:00] <irc_> from tokyo [21:00] <maarhart> Jordan_U: it is taking quite some time [21:00] <Jordan_U> darkfrog: How did you stop the CPU lockups? [21:02] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: I'm not 100% sure, but I did purge all reference to the intel-microcode [21:02] <octopissy> so, any tips on what I can do? [21:02] <petrvs> irc_: bye [21:02] <darkfrog> Jordan_U: and I'm not sure it won't come back, but for now everything seems to be working [21:03] <maarhart> Jordan_U: nothing happens [21:03] <jrtappers> What is the best way to debug iptables? [21:03] <petrvs> debug it for what [21:03] <maarhart> it asked for my password and nothing happens. [21:03] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Did the command complete? [21:04] <maarhart> Jordan_U: nope [21:04] <jrtappers> petrvs, I have a VPN that works when I add a general accept, but not otherwise, and I am trying to work out why [21:04] <petrvs> would talk to #netfilter [21:05] <maarhart> Jordan_U: EriC^^: any suggestions? [21:08] <Jordan_U> maarhart: Please start another ssh connection and "systemctl status lightdm" again, while keeping the "systemctl start lightdm" running. [21:08] <DrGrov> Hi [21:09] <DrGrov> I saw some kernel updated packages on 14.04 for 3.16.0-36-48 and 3.13.0-51-84. [21:10] <DrGrov> Any particular one I should install in order to get a more stable system? [21:10] <octopissy> how can I change the graphics driver in my Ubuntu installation when I boot from a USB_ [21:10] <octopissy> ? [21:10] <maarhart> Jordan_U: [21:12] <DrGrov> Perhaps I should post a screenshot of what I am talking about in order to get some info on what to do with all these kernel things? :) [21:15] <maarhart> Jordan_U: that was the output [21:15] <petrvs> perhaps [21:15] <octopissy> ugh, depressing. [21:15] <Jordan_U> maarhart: journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=lightdm.service [21:16] <octopissy> I guess I just have to try random things until something works. [21:16] <Jordan_U> octopissy: I can't view your blkid output. [21:17] <octopissy> Jordan_U: [21:19] <Jordan_U> octopissy: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/ [21:19] <octopissy> Jordan_U: done. [21:19] <maarhart> -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-04-29 22:30:56 EEST, end at Thu 2015-04-30 00:17:01 EE [21:19] <maarhart> lines 1-1/1 (END) [21:19] <maarhart> [21:20] <promet> locally [21:20] <Jordan_U> octopissy: for dir in dev/ proc/ sys/; do sudo mount --bind /"$dir" /mnt/"$dir"; done [21:20] <Guest1571> Hi, I am running xubuntu. I am having an audio/video playback issue. It appears that all playback on every program has the same identical problem. The playback speed is incorrect and running too fast (noticeable by the playbackg clock) while at the same time the audio and video are choppy. I tried updating adobe flash with several browsers ,reinstalling the codecs, and finally reinstalling xubuntu. I also tried changing the latency [21:21] <maarhart> Jordan_U: now what? [21:21] <octopissy> Jordan_U: ok, done. [21:21] <Bashing-om> DrGrov: Tlugh call. I did the update this AM and my result is confusing: ii linux-generic ; ii linux-headers-3.13.0-51-generic 3.13.0-51.84ii linux-headers-3.13.0-51-generic 3.13.0-51.84 ; ii linux-headers-generic ; ii linux-image-3.13.0-51-generic 3.13.0-51.84 ; ii linux-image-extra-3.13.0-51-generic 3.13.0-51.84 ; ii linux-image-generic [21:21] <Jordan_U> maarhart: I don't have any other ideas at the moment :( [21:22] <Jordan_U> octopissy: sudo chroot /mnt/ [21:22] <Jordan_U> octopissy: Your prompt should now end with "#" instead of "$". Do you know where you stored the nvidia installer you downloaded? [21:22] <octopissy> yeah. [21:23] <octopissy> its in my home folder in a download folder. [21:23] <k1l> Bashing-om: if you enable enablement stack you would get the 3.16 kernel too [21:23] <octopissy> this is wonderful stuff, Jordan_U. thanks so much for the help. [21:23] <octopissy> what do I do now though? [21:23] <Jordan_U> octopissy: OK, within this chroot run it again as "/home/octopissy/Downloads/ --uninstall". [21:24] <Jordan_U> octopissy: You can use tab completion to enter the filename. [21:24] <Bashing-om> k1l: Thanks, but I choose not to go there , The kernel is happy with my old hardware . [21:24] <k1l> Bashing-om: yes. just pointing to the 3.16er kernel named by drgov who is gone anyway [21:25] <Guest19983> hi guys, I don't know what I've done, but it seems now that I have to giver every command a permission. [21:25] <k1l> Guest19983: what do you mean? [21:25] <Bashing-om> k1l .. opps .. I missed that 3.16 ! [21:26] <octopissy> Jordan_U: appears to be working. [21:26] <octopissy> Jordan_U: should I replace the driver with something? [21:26] <Guest19983> k1l: for example, when I want to rename a file in the home directory, I have to do a sudo [21:27] <tgm4883> Guest19983: what is the output of "ls -l ~/" [21:27] <k1l> Guest19983: doing a "ls -al" in terminal in your home. [21:27] <tgm4883> Guest19983: and also "ls -l /home" [21:27] <yuciyuar> hi. why cant i find updated repositories for applications at 12.04 lts? isnt it supported more 2 years? or any option to open updated repos? [21:27] <k1l> Guest19983: i bet there is a lot owned by root:root, right? that started when you used sudo once (where it was not meant to be used) and now the file permissions are ruined [21:28] <Guest19983> tgm4883: drwx [21:28] <Jordan_U> octopissy: When it's done reboot and see if you can get a GUI now. If you get a GUI but still want better performance, then use the "Additional Drivers" tool to install nvidia drivers from Ubuntu's repositories, which is the method of installing that's actually supported. [21:28] <tgm4883> yuciyuar: yes, you're getting security updates and such [21:28] <octopissy> Jordan_U: well, I did that earlier but that didnt fix my original issues. [21:28] <Bashing-om> !latest | yuciyuar [21:28] <tgm4883> Guest19983: that isn't a possible answer to the question. Please pastebin the output [21:28] <k1l> yuciyuar: ubuntu 12.04 got 5 years support. but there are just few packages which get version updates (but all packages get security updates) [21:28] <octopissy> Jordan_U: but I will reboot and see if it works. thanks so much. [21:29] <Jordan_U> octanium: You're welcome. [21:30] <yuciyuar> so installing current LEMP stacks is bad idea? [21:30] <Ben64> yuciyuar: don't mix different ubuntu versions [21:30] <Ben64> told you this a few hours ago [21:30] <yuciyuar> dude, what u mean with mix? [21:30] <yuciyuar> other ppa's mean mixing? [21:31] <Ben64> you can only use 12.04 stuff with 12.04 [21:31] <sunstar> how to netflix in linux? [21:31] <genii> !netflix | sunstar [21:31] <teward> sunstar: use google chrome [21:31] <teward> works fine [21:32] <sunstar> thanks [21:35] <Captonjamason> Whenever i start ubuntu 15.04 it goes into emergency mode [21:36] <maarhart> okay, thanks jordan and eric. going to sleep! [21:36] <Captonjamason> im talking on a seperate Ubuntu Studio partition [21:36] <mcphail> sunstar: easiest way is to install google chrome and run netflix from there. I found the compholio system awful [21:37] <k1l> Captonjamason: then mount the other system partition and see the logs (dmesg, xorg.log) what is going wrong [21:37] <Captonjamason> on it [21:37] <Captonjamason> where can i find all the logs [21:38] <k1l> /var/log [21:38] <k1l> on the mounted other partition. not on the system partition you are running right now. that doesnt have the issues [21:38] <Captonjamason> yep [21:38] <Captonjamason> i know [21:39] <maarhart> exit [21:40] <sdfgsdfg> I had to interrupt and restart during ubuntu update to 15 and now it says the package system is crazy... Did this dpkg --configure -a but it's still crazy [21:41] <k1l> sdfgsdfg: "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [21:41] <k1l> sdfgsdfg: after that maybe a "sudo apt-get install -f" [21:42] <sdfgsdfg> thanks [21:42] <gnarbl> hi all [21:43] <sunstar> hi [21:44] <petrvs> hi sun [21:44] <petrvs> hi gnar [21:44] <andreas_> Hello! que canal puedo uilizar que se hable en español?¡?¡? [21:45] <k1l> !es | andreas_ [21:45] <andreas_> thank you!!!! [21:46] <Captonjamason> Xorg.0.log: Xorg.1.log: Xorg.2.log: I Dont know if theres a diffrence between all of these logs [21:46] <Captonjamason> dmesg just shows (Nothing has been logged yet.) [21:46] <Captonjamason> i hope that helps KiL [21:46] <Captonjamason> or whatever your username is [21:48] <yuciyuar> can i control graphical settings like optimising contrast, on a open source graphic driver? is there an application for this? [21:48] <Captonjamason> klL [21:49] <Captonjamason> theres a few pastebins for you [21:49] <k1l> Captonjamason: its a 1 in the middle :) [21:49] <Captonjamason> ok? [21:49] <Captonjamason> i dont really understand [21:49] <Captonjamason> how can one fix this [21:50] <k1l> can you show the syslog? [21:50] <Captonjamason> on it [21:51] <k1l> the difference on the logs is, that with every reboot the log gets renamed to "log"+1. so you can see the last some reboots [21:51] <Captonjamason> ahh [21:52] <k1l> the last xorg.log from last boot got an error (which i dont understand) but the timecode says that error was long after the start. [21:52] <k3asd`> someone know a burning software by command line? [21:53] <k1l> k3asd`: cd/dvd? [21:53] <k1l> k3asd`: cdrecord/wodim/burn [21:53] <k3asd`> k1l: both if possible [21:54] <k1l> cdrecord could be deprecated [21:54] <k3asd`> k1l: where's the best? [21:54] <k3asd`> what* [21:54] <petrvs> probably cdrkit [21:54] <petrvs> which is wodim [21:54] <petrvs> which has cdrecord aliases [21:54] <petrvs> tldr: cdrecord [21:54] <petrvs> or growisofs for dvds [21:54] <Captonjamason> k1l: its a very long log [21:54] <k1l> honestly i only use(d) brasero in last years. [21:55] <bekks> k3b [21:55] <k3asd`> I want use the burning software only via command line [21:55] <bekks> So your best bets are cdrecord and wodim [21:56] <Captonjamason> i perfer brasero [21:56] <petrvs> he said commandline =) [21:56] <Captonjamason> oh [21:57] <Captonjamason> didnt notice that [21:57] <petrvs> haven't burnt a coaster in ages [21:57] * petrvs feels good about that [21:57] <k3asd`> I know if it's possibile use brasero via command line [21:58] <k3asd`> petrvs: I'll use wodim [21:58] <k3asd`> it's already installed [21:59] <Captonjamason> hey k1d i dont know if your reading it now but the sys log is here [22:02] <petrvs> k3asd`: mmm [22:02] <petrvs> IIRC wodim is just another name for cdrkit is just another name for forked cdrecord [22:04] <Guest1571> Is there anyone here that could help with an a/v issue? [22:04] <petrvs> no harm teaching your brain not to use cdrecord now, though [22:04] <petrvs> if you haven't already [22:04] <k1l> Captonjamason: it ends on that paste at apr 29 08:05:10. which is yesterday morning. i didnt find a error so far. maybe you could try to paste the lines from the end from that file? so from last boot starting to end of file [22:05] <Captonjamason> ok [22:05] <Captonjamason> well it ends at april 19 [22:06] <Captonjamason> sys log 2-4 is in a .gz file? [22:07] <k1l> Captonjamason: just the syslog file. see at the bottom when the laste timestamp is [22:07] <Captonjamason> april 29 [22:08] <Captonjamason> but thats today for me [22:08] <Captonjamason> i did find this at the bottom of the file [22:09] <Captonjamason> [22:09] <Captonjamason> thats at the bottom of the file k1l [22:11] <haavardj> #join miella [22:11] <k1l> Captonjamason: aha, cthat could be some hint. maybe your fstab is not fully compatible with systemd [22:12] <Captonjamason> oh great :\ [22:12] <Captonjamason> will that involve losing files? [22:12] <Captonjamason> to fix [22:13] <k1l> can you show tha last ~200 lines of that file in a paste? [22:13] <Captonjamason> on it [22:14] <k1l> after that we will take a look into the "/etc/fstab" from the mounted disk if that is the cause [22:16] <Guest21070> Any A/V experts out there? [22:16] <Captonjamason> k1l [22:16] <Captonjamason> im pretty good with A/V [22:17] <Captonjamason> but if you need a "expert" im not the one to talk to [22:17] <Guest21070> The playback on all my programs is too fast. [22:18] <EriC^^> Guest21070: what does that mean? [22:18] <Captonjamason> sorry not the person to talk to [22:18] <krav> i'm an expert at being an expert. [22:18] <Captonjamason> same [22:19] <Guest21070> if you watch the clock on say a mp3 playback you can see it is going too fast [22:20] <Guest21070> i have already attempted to change latency [22:20] <EriC^^> Guest21070: no idea, i'm not an expert anyways [22:21] <Guest21070> i also updated flash, codecs, and reinstalled xubuntu [22:21] <EriC^^> hold on and somebody might know, or restate the question every once in a while [22:22] <Guest21070> thanks [22:22] <Captonjamason> Hey Guest21070: what program are you using for playback [22:24] <Captonjamason> what are you using for playback guest? [22:24] <Guest21070> tried several browsers chromium, chrome, firefox with youtube playback,But also gmusicbrowser does the same thing with mp3s [22:25] <Guest21070> updated proper flash and reinstalled codecs [22:25] <Captonjamason> 1: in youtube playback try checking the little settings gear, that can sometimes have speed turned up 2: try using VLC for mp3's [22:26] <Captonjamason> im not sure about anything else [22:26] <Guest21070> will try now [22:26] <Captonjamason> ok [22:26] <Captonjamason> occasionaly for me the settings will have speed maxed out [22:26] <Captonjamason> hey k1l, find anything in that log  after that we will take a look into the "/etc/fstab" from the mounted disk if that is the cause [22:27] <Captonjamason> ok [22:27] <Captonjamason> checking that [22:29] <Captonjamason> i have fstab open k1l, want me to make a pastebin? [22:29] <k1l> yes [22:30] <Captonjamason> so many pastebins [22:30] <Captonjamason> [22:30] <Captonjamason> there you go k1l [22:32] <k1l> Captonjamason: what brings you "sudo blkid " [22:33] <SomeKittens> good morning [22:33] <Captonjamason> morning [22:33] <Captonjamason> k1l [22:34] <k1l> Captonjamason: what sort of device is that? [22:35] <SomeKittens> this still the best we've got? [22:35] <Captonjamason> what one? [22:35] <k1l> Captonjamason: the one you are using. laptop, desktop, ... [22:35] <Captonjamason> laptop [22:35] <Captonjamason> asus X551MA [22:35] <Captonjamason> 500 gb hard drive [22:37] <k1l> Captonjamason: ok, seems like the last line is an issue, since there is no partition with that uuid and systemd is complaining. so set a # in front of that line. then try a reboot [22:37] <Captonjamason> ok [22:37] <Captonjamason> wait [22:37] <Captonjamason> but that last line is my sd card? [22:38] <Captonjamason> sda 1 is my main sda 6 is backup partition/ubuntu studio [22:39] <k1l> Captonjamason: i am talking about /etc/fstab [22:39] <Captonjamason> ko [22:40] <Captonjamason> *ok [22:41] <Bashing-om> SomeKittens: Not sure what you are saking 'xmodmap' is depreciated: maybe : . [22:44] <RepThis1> will a simple dd to a usb make it bootable for a windows 8.1 install? [22:44] <ilinux> Hi I can't /join ubuntu in weechat. I'm using Hexchat and the only difference I see is that Hexchat connects to freenode via ubuntu servers. I would prefer weechat [22:45] <EriC^^> ilinux: try /join #ubuntu [22:45] <ilinux> I have joined #ubuntu via weechat in the past [22:46] <k1l> ilinux: please use the client that has trouble and join #ubuntu-ops [22:46] <RepThis1> wow thats nuts you can use an irc client on a nintendo ds [22:47] <utu8o> dance with me :) [22:47] <daftykins> RepThis1: not a Windows support channel, but no i don't think it works on Windows ISOs [22:47] <ilinux> nvm. Sorted now. Not sure what happened [22:47] <Captonjamason> it didnt work [22:48] <Captonjamason> k1l [22:49] <Captonjamason> wait [22:49] <Captonjamason> i never saved in gedit [22:49] <Captonjamason> im a idiot [22:50] <ilinux1> Hi I have mixed success with getting an sd card to automount with aquaris phone. [22:50] <Captonjamason> hey k1l [22:50] <k1l> ilinux1: for ubuntu-touch support better ask in #ubuntu-touch [22:50] <Captonjamason> how does one go about opening gedit in root mode [22:50] <Captonjamason> or admin mode [22:50] <explosive> gksu gedit [22:50] <k1l> Captonjamason: gksu gedit [22:50] <Captonjamason> thanks explosive [22:51] <explosive> np [22:51] <ilinux1> Works sometimes but not often, I'm using Ubuntu 15.04 on the laptop  Unfortunately, I am getting the same thing with the VLC. But, I also noticed that my A/V playback may be running at normal speed. The experience would best be described as choppy. I wonder if media isn't loading properly. [22:51] <Captonjamason> and i need to add a # before the last line correct k1 [22:51] <Captonjamason> *k1l [22:52] <Captonjamason> it might Guest21070 [22:52] <Captonjamason> i dont really have any ideas [22:52] <k1l> Captonjamason: yes. that will "comment that line out" so it doesnt get read by the system [22:52] <Captonjamason> thanks [22:52] <Captonjamason> on it for editing [22:52] <Captonjamason> guest21070: ill help you out more a bit later after i get my laptop fixed [22:53] <Guest21070> Captonjamason Thanks, [22:53] <Captonjamason> not a problem [22:54] <Captonjamason> wait if i just remove that last line k1l [22:54] <Captonjamason> wouldnt it work [22:54] <Captonjamason> i had to format that thumb srive [22:54] <Captonjamason> *drive [22:55] <Captonjamason> or should i just add the # [22:55] <k1l> Captonjamason: just comment it with the leading #. so we can revert that easily [22:55] <Captonjamason> ok [22:55] <Captonjamason> time for the reboot of truth [22:57] <ilinux1> thanks kil I seem to have lag in irc, just got your reply [22:58] <Captonjamason> thank you so much k1l [22:58] <Captonjamason> im in standard ubuntu now [22:59] <Captonjamason> now to help out guest [22:59] <Captonjamason> ... [22:59] <[7hunderbird]> is anyone else having a problem where after a fresh install of ubuntu desktop the UI doesn't start? [22:59] <Captonjamason> did you install server? [23:00] <explosive> [7hunderbird]: black screen? [23:00] <Captonjamason> or standard desktop [23:00] <[7hunderbird]> 12.04.05 LTS desktop 64 [23:00] <Captonjamason> you might want to update to 14.04 [23:00] <Captonjamason> lts [23:01] <Captonjamason> i had huge problems with 12.04 [23:02] <[7hunderbird]> we use 12.04 in our configuration managment software (re: puppet) and we're still in the process of making our modules compatible with 14.04 [23:02] <Captonjamason> ok [23:03] <[7hunderbird]> I basically downloaded from a torrent, and this link => [23:04] <[7hunderbird]> but from that most recent version I'm kinda shocked that installing via VMWare fusion I get to the signin screen, it signs in and goes to a black screen [23:06] <daftykins> [7hunderbird]: are you using any of VMware's helpful OS installation features? or doing it all by hand [23:06] <[7hunderbird]> I used the easy install method, yes [23:06] <daftykins> that was probably unwise. [23:07] <daftykins> technically, you installing from 12.04.5 media will practically be 14.04 as it'll have 14.04's hardware enablement stack [23:07] <[7hunderbird]> doubtful [23:07] <daftykins> which means its' kernel (v3.13) and X stack [23:07] <[7hunderbird]> it's done it many times before [23:07] <daftykins> well i steer clear of that feature :) [23:08] <daftykins> anyway, perhaps you have a vmware driver issue in the guest [23:09] <[7hunderbird]> there is potential for that [23:09] <[7hunderbird]> except I'm having the same problem on a Dell Poweredge [23:09] <daftykins> alright well where do you want to start? [23:10] <[7hunderbird]> I'm thinking here => [23:12] <daftykins> yeah nomodeset is a good call depending upon graphics hardware + driver choice [23:12] <Guest21070> captonjamason just letting you know I'm still here... [23:13] <utu8o> how is gaming on Ubuntu now-a-days? what are the top games? just wondering [23:13] <k1l> utu8o: look at steam linux games  "at board", that is... :) [23:14] <utu8o> i don't think there is a steam channel, maybe i'll try just gaming [23:16] <thms> Is there a ubuntu-installer channel or an ubuntu-dev channel ? [23:16] <daftykins> for what? [23:16] <thms> I basically want to "rebrand" ubuntu so it shows my company splashscreen, bootscren [23:16] <bazhang> #ubuntu-devel thms [23:17] <daftykins> !oem [23:17] <thms> and then make a .iso [23:17] <bazhang> !steam | utu8o [23:17] <[7hunderbird]> daftykins: i also like your idea of not using the easy installer, which can help a bit for vmware, but I'm still having issues with my Drac, but that's a whole nother can of worms. [23:18] <daftykins> [7hunderbird]: i have no idea what that is [23:18] <utu8o> bazhang, i heard that the upcoming game Unreal Tournament will work natively on Linux and Windows and will be completely free to install and play! [23:19] <[7hunderbird]> Drac => [23:19] <[7hunderbird]> a browser to baremetal [23:19] <RepThis1> what does the 2>&1 mean in the command [23:19] <daftykins> ah remote admin console (guess without clicking) [23:19] <RepThis1> sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS 2>&1 | grep OK [23:20] <daftykins> RepThis1: it means to redirect both standard out and other output like errors [23:20] <explosive> /nick EriC^^ [23:20] <Soloxyq> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Soloxyq gphgfcpurpmt [23:20] <EriC^^> Soloxyq: there can only be one typo idiot in this channel, sorry. [23:21] <thms> !automate [23:21] <daftykins> EriC^^: :D [23:21] <thms> The requested URL /12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html was not found on this server. [23:21] <RepThis1> that doesnt really tell me much [23:21] <EriC^^> daftykins: :D [23:22] <daftykins> RepThis1: hrmm, it's hard for me to explain - you'd know if you used the terminal more :D [23:22] <RepThis1> i know input is 0 , output is 1 and errors 2 , > is suppose to append or something and && allows u to exectue the next succesful command [23:23] <daftykins> right so you're sending errors AND output to the pipe [23:24] <daftykins> if the left hand portion errored, it would not be grep'd [23:30] <Ganja_Boy> hiring sysmin simple job [23:31] <Ganja_Boy> Hiring Ubuntu Sysadmin 10 minute job [23:33] <k1l> Ganja_Boy: for commercial support ask canonical [23:37] <alazare619> other then zfs and btrfs how can you software raid? [23:37] <daftykins> mdadm [23:37] <daftykins> !raid [23:38] <alazare619> so with those if i were to take it to another machine [23:38] <alazare619> like zfs [23:38] <alazare619> will the os automatically know its a raid set and want to rebuild? [23:39] <daftykins> rebuilds are what are done when a member disk fails [23:39] <daftykins> and you add one in to replace it [23:39] <Grimsley> I thought ZFS support under linux was still somewhat poor over BSD, has that changed? [23:39] <daftykins> no it's still true, i think there is a Linux that supports it but i don't think it's Ubuntu [23:39] <wafflejock> Grimsley, believe it just lags behind whereas you have more active development in BSD [23:40] <daftykins> when i say support i don't mean "it works" i mean, they actually provide support [23:40] <Grimsley> well they're doing their best to make it the default FS though PCBSD is pushing forward with btfs as their default [23:40] <wafflejock> personally haven't tried zfs or btrfs yet have heard nightmares of system problems with btrfs but nothing really except lack of features in zfs [23:41] <[7hunderbird]> I got it to work daftykins in VMWare by tweaking a couple of things. 1) did the manual install 2) turned off 3d accel support on vmware fusion  Are you there? [23:41] <alazare619> the os im moving to has zfs support im on arch currently but will be moving back to debian base for my nas [23:41] <daftykins> [7hunderbird]: hmm, ok - so it is the driver in the guest most likely - if you booted it with 3D again and pastebin'd the /var/log/Xorg.0.log i'd be interested to see what it's up to [23:42] <alazare619> alot of os's have zfs support it works well but is mana (read ram) hungry [23:42] <Grimsley> I don't have much need for zfs at the moment so ext4 works well enough for me. [23:42] <daftykins> ZFS is more than just an FS so you can't really compare it like that :) [23:42] <wafflejock> yeah I like the concept of ZFS snapshots but no hands on yet.. one of these days [23:42] <alazare619> i just deleted 3 tb's worth of stuff to consolidate 3 drives worth of shit into 1 so i can actually build a software raid [23:43] <alazare619> butterface is crap and im sorry to anyone that uses it [23:43] <ponyofdeath> is there a way to install tomcat without all the openjdk packages? since i already have oracle's java [23:43] <daftykins> !language | alazare619 [23:44] <Guest21070> Anyone know how to fix choppy A/V Playback that happens across multiple progs? [23:44] <daftykins> lacking a graphics driver? [23:44] <Guest21070> no [23:44] <wafflejock> Guest21070, consistently choppy? is your CPU spiking out (check the System Monitor) [23:44] <alazare619> s/crap/poop [23:45] <Guest21070> wafflejock will do [23:50] <Guest21070> okay checked cpu usage. nothing still choppy [23:50] <Cristi91_> Hi [23:51] <Cristi91_> Hi have a problem with python [23:51] <Cristi91_> can someone help me? [23:51] <Cristi91_> This is the error [23:51] <Cristi91_> Traceback (most recent call last): File "./set", line 13, in <module> os.makedirs("reports") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs mkdir(name, mode) OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'reports' [23:51] <petrvs> Cristi91_: #python [23:52] <Guest21070> wafflejock checked cpu usage. nothing still choppy [23:52] <Cristi91_> Thanks [23:52] <Guest21070> wafflejock actually that was an audio check with vlc [23:54] <andy__> Hi. [23:54] <Guest21070> Any one out there an expert in A/V playback issues? [23:54] <andy__> I have a computer that got hit by lightning. [23:54] <andy__> The ethernet card was replaced. [23:55] <bazhang> try ##hardware andy__ [23:55] <Guest21070> That is funny and sucks at the same time. [23:55] <andy__> Hold on. [23:55] <andy__> With the old network card in place, I think Linux has trouble connecting sometimes. [23:55] <Guest21070> ## hardware andy__ [23:56] <wafflejock> Guest21070, yeah not sure about debugging that further really, typically only problems I've had with video were like daftykins already mentioned if there wasn't a driver installed yet so it wasn't getting any GPU acceleration but if that's the case would expect a core of your CPU to be consumed [23:56] <daftykins> andy__: was there an ubuntu support question in there somewhere? :) [23:56] <andy__> Yes. [23:56] <andy__> Windows has no trouble with this. [23:57] <andy__> I am wondering how to know which ethernet card is which in the network settings. [23:57] <andy__> I think I want to only look at one network card, and remove the other one from being scanned. [23:58] <Guest21070> wafflejock. ok, that makes sense, but what if the driver is incorrect. This is a notebook with an atom processor. [23:59] <wafflejock> andy__, can check ifconfig and lshw [23:59] <wafflejock> andy__, sudo lshw, will show all your hardware details the "Serial #" in there appears to match the "HW address" for ifconfig (think this is the MAC address but not positive) [23:59] <andy__> Great.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ASKOn", "ATar", "ActionParsnip", "AlexisBRENON", "AmazinglyDumb", "AndChat513876", "AnssiG", "Areks", "Atar", "BarnaSzalai", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "BluesKaj", "Captonjamason", "Cellis", "Cimpresovec", "Cristi91_", "DJones", "DarrenGao", "DarsVaeda", "Deathcrow", "DrGrov", "Dsbeerf", "EriC^^", "Finetundra", "Folatt", "Funambuli", "Ganja_Boy", "Grimsley", "Guest15226", "Guest1571", "Guest19983", "Guest21070", "Guest39676", "Guest61615", "Guest6372", "Guest64757", "Guest66677", "Guest67820", "Guest99778", "HerroWorlds", "IC2D", "InFlames", "Inseighn", "Intergamme", "Johnny_Linux", "Jonno_FTW", "Jordan_U", "JustCurious", "Kangarooo", "Kartagis", "Kion", "Mete-", "MobileRoey", "Monika", "MonkeyDust", "MrElendig", "NONEW", "Odyn", "PCatinean", "Paddy_NI", "Pici", "Rand0m`", "RedPenguin", "RepThis1", "Rory", "SCHAAP137", "SchrodingersScat", "SenoraRaton", "Seveas", "Slowboat", "Soloxyq", "SomeKittens", "Thenewone", "Umeaboy", "Wololo22", "XenophonF", "Xultz", "Yuken", "Zerkalerka", "[7hunderbird]", "aaanderse", "acz32", "adamlxs", "aime", "al2o3-cr", "alazare619", "aldnk", "andreas_", "andy__", "apireversesort", "askingnpow", "askon", "avatar", "bazhang", "bekks", "beloved", "bobita", "bodhi_zazen", "boichev", "bojan", "bojan_", "brainwash", "brice", "brucelee", "bugs_bugger", "cage_raphel", "capsicum", "centrix", "cfhowlett", "cheapie", "chucktesta`", "ciscam", "codepython777", "cogitation", "compdoc", "cookie", "d3v1l", "d3vlin", "daftykins", "danbower", "daniel31", "darkfrog", "darthanubis", "dasfasfas", "docmur", "dtscode", "dukedave", "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", "elijh", "ellen", "explosive", "fabrymus", "flipapy", "freeone3000", "fry", "funky2", "genii", "gioankminh", "gnarbl", "gnomitsu", "gr1zzlybe4r", "gskellig", "haavardj", "habid", "hardikAvijit", "hateball", "hiexpo", "hmgyber", "htpc_", "hummus", "ilham", "ilinux", "ilinux1", "injigo", "ioria", "irc_", "janier", "jasabella", "jayjo_", "jean_", "jnhghy", "jordanl", "jpds", "jpwhiting", "jrtappers", "k1l", "k1l_", "k3asd`", "karan", "kazdax", "kevev", "kk0710", "kn1ght", "kostkon", "krabador", "krav", "kunji", "linocisco", "lotuspsychje", "lungaro", "maarhart", "madghost|2", "madjoe", "mantys89", "mattgyver", "mcc", "mcphail", "mo2759", "moat_joe", "mshadle", "nafg", "nascentmind", "neldogz", "ngochai", "nomelette", "notaeon", "oafoa", "oats", "octavian", "octopissed", "octopissy", "orakar", "orogor", "pavlos", "pbx", "pc_magas", "penos", "petrvs", "philm88", "phpcoder", "ponyofdeath", "ppf", "pragomer", "prestorium", "printul", "promet", "qu4nt1n", "quix", "r08o", "rainbowwarrior", "ralph4100", "ricky_", "rudi_STEiN", "ryan_461", "rydzykje", "sdfgsdfg", "sennn", "skunix", "soee", "somsip", "stacks88", "strong", "sudo_aptget_help", "sunstar", "sveinse", "tariq786", "tasteless_ninja", "teward", "tgm4883", "thezotz", "thms", "tim`", "trijntje", "twiler", "ultragamecard", "urielsalis_", "usucapiao", "utu8o", "vanberge1", "voidDotClass", "wafflejock", "webflashing", "whatsw", "willow19", "xangua", "xbb", "xxtjaxx", "xxtjaxx`", "yacxcin", "yuciyuar", "zykotick9" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[19:08] <hieronemus001> 2 days ago pem cert on ldap server expired, this was the reason for why java app on separate host start failing. don't ask why is disk configured like that. today a new valid cert is issued and deployed instead of the old one. here's what getting in the logs
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hieronemus001" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-java" }
[10:16] <pitti> jibel: could we enable your DKMS adt-britney bit now? [10:17] <jibel> pitti, there is a W? [10:17] <pitti> jibel: is there a way to pretend that britney asked for testing a particular package (manually creating a request file?) so that we can see how this looks in jenkins? [10:17] <pitti> jibel: no, for T/U/V [10:17] <jibel> pitti, we can create a request file and submit it manually [10:17] <pitti> jibel: but we are past the V release, so time for experimentation :) [10:17] <jibel> from sankefruit [10:17] <jibel> snakefruit* [14:22] <elopio> rhuddie: [14:22] <elopio> I think what we need is to expand on point #3 [14:23] <rhuddie> elopio, thank you [14:57] <balloons> elopio, did you get anywhere with documenting the unity AP helpers? [15:00] <elopio> balloons: not yet. I did a couple of cleanups first, already approved. [16:03] <elopio> ping pitti: I'm wondering about running tests during click or snap builds, like dh_auto_test [16:04] <elopio> have you considered that? [16:05] <pitti> elopio: that's up to the click's/snap's creator really; ATM we don't even know how to (formally) build a click correctly, and even less so a snap [16:05] <pitti> elopio: but of course they can run "make check" or similar, and are encouraged to do so [16:07] <elopio> pitti: right. And should we include that make check on the x-test section of the manifest too? [16:08] <alesage> pitti at some point we as the QA dept. would want to make sure those tests are run, right? or am I misunderstanding [16:11] <alesage> maybe I'm dropping in on an unrelated conversation there, apologies if so pitti [16:12] <pitti> elopio: that's more complicated; for debs you can choose to build the package again during autopkgtest and run teh compiled tests, but in general we don't encourage that as it's expensive [16:12] <pitti> elopio: and we can't yet do that on clicks and snaps as long as we don't formalize how to actually build them [16:13] <pitti> the idea is that you run the fine-grained unit tests during upstream development and package build [16:13] <pitti> and then use some more coarse-grained "smoke tests" for "installed package" testing, which gets run whenever your dependencies change [16:13] <pitti> to make sure that they don't break you [16:14] <pitti> (and most of our autopkgtests are in shell or python, so they don't need a full package build) [16:14] <pitti> alesage: yes, absolutely [16:14] <pitti> alesage: snap packages are still in its infancy, I don't think tests for them have been discussed at all yet [16:15] <alesage> pitti ok so I don't have as much catching up to do as I thought :) , just concerned with unit and QML tests specifically, i.e. if dh_auto_test goes away [16:16] <pitti> alesage: yeah, these need to become part of the click/snap build then [16:17] <alesage> pitti, so ultimately we want to acclimate devs to autopkgtest (as the "build"-testing env), maybe develop a way to ensure those are run on our side? [16:19] <pitti> running "installed package" tests is in some way easier, as we don't need to rebuild (or know how to build) a package in order to run its tests [16:20] <elopio> pitti: ok. I was thinking of getting the store running the static and unit tests when a package is being updated, but I had forgotten about packages that can come without sourcecode. [16:21] <alesage> interesting :) pitti, there'll be a divide there between us as the "shippers of packages" and "those who pack the packages" [16:21] <elopio> seems like a good discussion. For packages that want to run their tests during build time, how do we allow it? [16:23] <pitti> elopio: yeah, that too; what the snap builder does is their thing, but I guess if we have tests for installed snaps we want to run them to ensure we don't break stuff when we e. g. update frameworks [16:23] <pitti> elopio: we can't allow or forbid it [16:24] <pitti> elopio: how the creator of a snap pieces together a snap and what he does or doesn't do to build it is outside of our control [16:24] <pitti> we can and should give recommendations and tools etc., of coruse [17:16] <elopio> alesage: nothing conclusive, just ideas floating around. [17:17] <elopio> pitti is right of course. It's up to the developers of the snapps and clicks to make sure they are high quality. [17:17] <alesage> elopio true but we as a dept. have a stake in that of course [17:17] <elopio> we need to agree on the format to define tests as installed, that's the first point I think. [17:18] <alesage> elopio, when you say "define tests as installed", you mean to differentiate what should be run pre- and post-install? [17:19] <pitti> for clicks we only have the equivalent of autopkgtests defined (and we run those); we don't define package build tests as we don't really have to [17:19] <elopio> alesage: I think we can only define what will be post-install. We need that to be a known API so it's run automatically after the package is installed and the canary updates can work. [17:19] <elopio> on pre-install, we can probably only make recommendations. [17:20] <elopio> what I would suggest is to start working with the people currently writing snaps, and see how they run their unit tests. [17:20] <alesage> pitti, would running make-check be a way to "opt-in" for build-time testing on our infrastructure, e.g.? [17:21] <alesage> weird that what I think of as "CI" is kind-of going away under this regime [17:22] <elopio> we could make "click build" (or snap build) a little smarter to find a make check if there's one, or to be able to overwrite the build rules as debs do. But the level of enforcing of the process I was initially thinking about is definitely not possible. And even that might be going too far. [17:23] <elopio> this is a whole new world. Maybe reviews are even more useful than tests for some situations. [17:25] <alesage> maybe think of it as "providing services" to devs who wish to use the build-time testing? [17:25] <alesage> elopio? ^^ [17:26] <elopio> maybe. [17:27] <elopio> alesage: but if we tell them: here's this tool to run your tests. Use it if you want. [17:27] <elopio> that's the same as saying, run your make check before pushing to trunk, if you want. [17:28] <elopio> so maybe we don't have to do anything on the tools, just seed some best practices on the sample snapps. [17:28] <alesage> elopio, right, at least traditionally we'd be running make check too, to gate on commits to trunk :) [17:29] <elopio> alesage: right. Maybe we need a way for snapp developers to tell launchpad what to run on MPs. [17:29] <elopio> github already has that with travis CI. [17:30] <alesage> elopio, right, so the question is whether this continues to be the deb infrastructure or something else, e.g. autopkgtest [17:32] <elopio> many questions. [17:32] <pitti> alesage: we don't build snaps/clicks on our infrastructure in general [17:32] <alesage> elopio possibly CI has answers? [17:32] <pitti> alesage: for those that we build ourselves, we can of course mandate folks to run "make check" or the moral equivalent in their buildl scripts [17:33] <elopio> alesage: I doubt it. I think the answers will come from the snappy team. [17:34] <pitti> but yeah, for snaps themselves the CI is pretty much out of our hands [17:35] <pitti> what we can do is to run the installed tests (i. e. autopkgtests) for existing snaps (if they provide some) when we change frameworks, to ensure that there are no regressions [17:35] * pitti waves good night, time for basketball [17:35] <alesage> pitti enjoy :) [17:37] <elopio> bye pitti. [17:37] <elopio> thank you. [17:38] <elopio> alesage: I think that the snappy team is running their own tests on MPs outside of our CI infrastructure. So we should look into it, and ask CI to support this new usecases. [17:39] <alesage> elopio o interesting, good idea, need to jump on that right away [18:24] <elopio> balloons: I have a problem. Three of our branches will conflict with the cleanup of the unity8 namespace, and we won't have a unity8 release soon. [18:25] <balloons> elopio, ohh fun. [18:25] <elopio> so I will prepare the branch, but during the session I'll talk about things not yet released. [18:25] <balloons> elopio, sure I guess that works. And in general we want to cover what they are and how you can use / make your own as well [18:25] <balloons> so we'll still have content to talk about [18:27] <elfy> evening balloons [18:29] <balloons> evening elfy [19:25] <elopio> balloons: want to give it an early review? [19:25] <elopio> [19:30] <balloons> elopio, sure [19:33] <balloons> elopio, preference question; get_pinPadLoader.. do you like this better than get_pinpadloader, or get_pinpad_loader, etc? [19:33] <elopio> balloons: get_pinpad_loader [19:33] <balloons> good, we agree :-) [19:34] <elopio> probably, _get_pinpad_loader, as something like that shouldn't be public. [19:34] <balloons> right right.. [19:35] <balloons> going to change the name of tests/autopilot/unity8/shell/ ? [19:43] <elopio> balloons: that will remain there in case somebody was importing it from a different project. [19:48] <balloons> Letozaf_, everything go ok with calendar? [19:49] <Letozaf_> balloons, hello :) [19:49] <Letozaf_> balloons, yes the change made by Kunal is great, but the value the property he added is quite strange [19:50] <Letozaf_> balloons, I would expect the property to be 6 when en_US locale and 0 when it_IT locale [19:51] <Letozaf_> balloons, but it is 1 with it_IT and 0 with en_US [19:51] <Letozaf_> balloons, I can fix the code to work with 1 and 0 but not sure that is ok for other locales [19:51] <Letozaf_> Letozaf_, I wrote a note in the mp [19:55] <balloons> Letozaf_, awesome. I saw your note about weird values [19:55] <Letozaf_> balloons, :) [19:57] <Letozaf_> balloons, I put the fix here: but I am waiting for Kunal's answer so to fix it with 6 and 0 as I would do it [20:06] <elopio> alesage: do you have an example for a cmake check task that includes static analysis? [20:06] <alesage> elopio no I don't [20:06] <elopio> I would like to add flake8 to the camera. I would prefer to copy it from somewhere else. [20:07] <alesage> elopio O I see, I'd probably add it to the debian rules--don't we do that somewhere in our qa repos already? [20:07] <elopio> alesage: the camera is a click app. [20:07] <alesage> elopio, o hey man [20:08] <alesage> elopio, I see--straining to remember who might've done this already [20:11] <alesage> elopio, seeing that they have a run_tests script, maybe it belongs there? [20:18] <alesage> elopio, in lp:indicator-datetime you could follow the pattern of GCov.cmake, e.g. [20:19] <alesage> elopio, similar case in that it's calling those executables after build, etc. [20:19] <elopio> alesage: I've just found MPs are building the debs, maybe it's not yet a click, or is both? [20:19] <elopio> anyway, I pushed it for now in the debian/rules. [20:19] <elopio> will look at the indicator. Thanks. [20:19] <alesage> elopio interesting ok [20:21] <alesage> elopio also lp:cmake-extras would be a destination for a general-purpose flake8 macro [20:25] <alesage> elopio fwiw not seeing anything relevant in the standard cmake modules # dpkg -L cmake-data
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Letozaf_", "alesage", "balloons", "elfy", "elopio", "jibel", "pitti", "rhuddie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:00] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 安装求助 (关于引导UBUNTU) 求各位大神帮小弟一把,我已经装UBUNTU装了两天了…… 是这样的: 我的电脑是 SONY E14P 已得知是Win8建基于纯UEFI+GPT 电脑是在澳洲买的,所以好像是英文内核,中文界面(不知道有没有这个关系) [00:45] <perr> 咩 [00:52] <{ToT}> ... [00:53] <perr> archl: hi [00:53] <archl> perr, hi dude [00:53] <archl> perr, long time no see [00:54] <perr> archl: No auto join with #ubuntu-cn [00:55] <jiero> perr, I wonder which channels in your set? [00:56] <perr> jiero: / whois perr [00:57] <jiero> perr, only showed #ubuntu-cn [00:58] <jiero> perr, 发呆时间。。。这谁翻译的 hexchat 。 [00:59] <perr> jiero ##kernel #archlinux-cn #armlinux #crosstoo-ng #gcc #hellogcc #yssyd3 etc [00:59] * jiero 拖着 perr 擦地板。。。 [01:03] <jiero> perr, 原来你还是孩子? [01:03] <perr> jiero: 何出此言? [01:04] <jiero> perr, 好吧,在这个频道还是学生的都是孩子 cc lainme 除外 [01:04] <jiero> lol [01:05] <perr> jiero: 我 咋 成了 学生 了 ? [01:05] <jiero> perr, 我以为 #yssyd3 都是 [01:06] <perr> jiero: 那里倒是有几个学生,我只是看fc待在那,我就加了,有些问题可以问他 [01:07] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 怎么更新哪 想装个gfortran,都找不到源 装个google 浏览器也是不行的, 下面是我的source.list里面的内容,请指教 # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release amd64 (20150218.1)]/ trusty main restricted deb-src trusty main res [01:07] <^k^> ─> tricted #Added by software-properties # See for how to upgrade to # new … [01:08] <jiero> perr 哦。 [01:30] <^k^> 新 服务器基础应用 • 求个一键安装apache php mysql 的命令 之前的版本都安装过.不知道14.04 LTS server版本行不行的通.求大侠给个命令. zz: userzhiyuan — 2015-04-29 9:29 [01:42] <perr> jiero: imadper呢? [01:44] <yh> /? [01:44] <jiero> perr, 他伪装了。现在不再是一个人了。 [01:45] <perr> 现在在不? [01:45] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 快 im兄弟,抓出你的兄弟来 [01:45] <jiero> perr, 我在拜托 imtxc [01:49] <jiero> perr, 看来没有了 [01:50] <perr> :( [02:08] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 壕 [02:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 昨天你不理我啊 壕 [02:08] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 昨天? 没看到,网总断 [02:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我问你要你的三张电影票中的一张~ [02:09] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 去拿呗 [02:09] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 明天吧, 我矜持 [02:09] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 剩下的你拿着也行,或者给 OOXX [02:10] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 四张换一张票, 正好 [02:10] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你不是都买好久了么? 怎么才装修? [02:10] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 还有你? 也买房了? 也装修? [02:10] * QiongMangHuo 老无所依啊 [02:10] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 擦,那岂不是被fesco坑了。没人支援还得自己掏钱买四分之一 [02:10] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 冬天又不能装修 [02:10] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 是的 [02:11] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 完全不懂装修 =,= [02:12] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 有木有那种pin口的线缆, 各种转换头变成网线变成hdmi变成啥啥啥的... [02:13] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 穷老板早 [02:13] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: ccie蛙早 [02:14] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: [02:14] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ A Rust Contributor Tries Their Hand at Go - 2015-04-24 [02:14] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我看看去 [02:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 太长, 直看了开头和标题 [02:20] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 其实就是说了一句 rust贡献者觉得go也不错 [02:22] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 除了根本的区别外, 其他都是小事儿, 而且乐于见到互相借鉴 [02:22] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 昂. 等我有时间了, 我也学go, 很认真的说 [02:22] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不过现在, 我还是先学java. [02:23] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我发现高效稳定的虚拟机, 只有jvm和beam. [02:23] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: beam是个啥? [02:23] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: erlang寄生在beam这个虚拟机上. [02:23] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 嗷~ [02:23] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 只有这两个虚拟机是久经考验的. [02:23] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 只不过java一听就特别土 [02:24] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不管多少人说他们不好, 但是企业用的就是嗨, 就是稳定. [02:24] <QiongMangHuo> scala还显得洋气些 [02:24] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 学啊. [02:24] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 牛牛~ [02:25] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: jvm上的语言太多了, 随便学个就好. [02:25] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 然后java类库那么丰富. [02:26] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 企业级没说的, 就是自己写的话感觉用起来不会很爽 [02:26] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 有,HDMI转rj45转换器,一个550,每次用就要用一对儿 [02:26] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 买这转换器也够我买好几条线了 [02:26] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 0_0 那还是算了... [02:27] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 好像也有hdmi转光纤的,也要一次用一对儿 [02:27] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 有rj45转vga + ps/2 *2 的转换线 [02:27] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 你来啦~ 去帮我拿电影票, HowIsItGoing 的给你两张 给我一张 [02:28] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 自己写的东西赚不到钱就没用了嘛~ 想赚钱, 就得学一下人家企业用啥~ [02:28] * O0XX ... [02:28] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: HR [02:28] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 擦…… [02:28] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: HR今天没来啊 [02:28] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 他就这么瓜分了你的电影票... [02:28] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 这都拉不下来脸自己去拿…… [02:28] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我在家呢今天 [02:28] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 我还找她呢 [02:28] <Destine> QiongMangHuo, ping [02:28] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 他没来 [02:28] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: pong [02:28] <Destine> QiongMangHuo, 招开发么你们。 [02:28] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: 招 [02:29] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: 招五个 [02:29] <Destine> QiongMangHuo, 什么的开发? [02:29] <Destine> qion [02:29] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 别闹, 5个不是开发 [02:29] <Destine> QiongMangHuo, JD有吗? [02:29] <QiongMangHuo> i [02:29] <Destine> iMadper, 所以是啥。。。 [02:29] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 不是5+5么? [02:29] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 谁说5+5了. [02:29] * O0XX 5+5 = 10 [02:29] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我是不是说漏嘴了 =,= [02:29] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: dev的岗位变动, 我昨天没跟你说你就到1层了. [02:29] * O0XX 爷爷的爸爸叫叔叔 [02:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 现在招的, 只有5, 不是5+5 [02:30] <iMadper> Destine: 你要来做开发? [02:30] <O0XX> Destine\: 来吧 [02:30] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: ^^ 请问比我高一级的 iMadper 和 O0XX [02:30] <O0XX> Destine: 缺女生 [02:30] <iMadper> Destine: 会hello world就行 [02:30] <Destine> iMadper, 不是,男的,我帮人问。。。 [02:31] <iMadper> Destine: 哦, 不招 [02:31] <O0XX> iMadper: 那貌似是不招对吧? [02:31] <O0XX> iMadper: 想一起去了 [02:31] <Destine> iMadper, 哎,好好说。。。 [02:31] <Destine> 晕。 [02:31] <Destine> 到底有没有啊。。。人家是真心找工作。。。 [02:31] <iMadper> Destine: 实话就是, 真不招... 现在只有5个qa岗 [02:31] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: [02:31] <alvin_rxg> Title: Canonical | Careers (@ [02:32] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我搜集了很多碎片, 拼凑在一起, 得出来的结论是: 这5个岗位是坑. [02:32] <O0XX> iMadper: 拜高管 [02:32] <Destine> [02:32] <Destine> 这玩意儿也这么招? [02:32] <^k^> Destine: ⇪ 取标题: no title [02:33] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: 是啊 [02:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: iMadper 这个岗位怎么还有? iMadper: 这个 [02:33] <QiongMangHuo> Destine: 没人来呢 [02:33] <O0XX> iMadper: QiongMangHuo [02:33] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 取标题: no title [02:33] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: iMadper 又是萝卜招聘? [02:34] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: hr太不专业呗 [02:34] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 你得到了它 [02:34] <iMadper> O0XX: 这是更新不及时而已.... [02:40] <BuMangHuo> test [02:40] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 10:40 [02:43] <BuMangHuo> 高管们早 , tryit, O0XX iMadper [02:43] <iMadper> Destine: 招一个java maintainer, 别的我没看到. [02:43] <iMadper> Destine: 要不给你转发招聘邮件, 里面的岗位你们自己挑吧 [02:44] <Destine> iMadper, 好,来吧来吧。 [02:48] <BuMangHuo> Destine: 哎, 乃不是就是他们厂的么 [02:48] <BuMangHuo> 是不是可以简写成, 你不就是他们厂的么? [02:48] <Destine> BuMangHuo, ? [02:49] <BuMangHuo> Destine: 你不在 C 社? [02:49] <Destine> BuMangHuo, 为啥我会在c社。。。 [02:49] <BuMangHuo> 不知道啊,我一直这么认为的... [02:55] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我司没有萌妹子... [02:58] <BuMangHuo> ... [02:58] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你很懊悔是吧? [02:58] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 懊悔啥? [02:59] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 没有萌妹纸啊... [02:59] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 相当不开森啊 [03:07] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [03:10] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 去问 cherrot 讨萌妹子 [03:58] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 蛙蛙, 你的票票在我手里 [04:04] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 你平时用 git pull 么 [04:07] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 用啊, pull --rebase 可能用的更多些 [04:08] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 嗯 我就这个意思 [04:08] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 嗯 我懂你 [04:09] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 如果你是maintainer, 别人给你发pull request, 你就应该pull而不是rebase, 保留merge信息 [04:10] <nyfair> 诸君,bsd和linux比,哪个平台玩游戏性能会比较好? [04:11] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 嗯 好像还推荐加 --no-ff [04:12] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 哇 学到了, 葱白你 [04:12] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, 摸摸大 [04:12] * cherrot 感觉整个频道都被恶心到了呢 [04:40] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • flash不停崩溃?? 看个电影flash崩溃6,7次,如何解决? zz: wisner — 2015-04-29 12:35 [04:45] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:57] <nyfair> linux厨一帮傻逼天天吹html5,阿逗逼为什么要给傻逼们好脸色 [05:02] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [05:18] <BuMangHuo> cafebeef: 葱白 [05:18] <BuMangHuo> cheroot ^^ [06:07] <jiero> 活着为啥啊。 [06:12] <pity> jiero: ? [06:12] <pity> jiero: 开始研究哲学了? [06:28] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 推销员与主妇 : 一个推销员对一个家庭主妇喋喋不休地把他所有的产品都做了介绍,然后问:请问您家里最需要的是什么? 主妇毫不犹豫地答道:钱。 [06:29] * stardiviner 急救,我的给 /var 目录的分区满了,而root /下还有足够空间,我现在正在运行着Linux,不知道有没有人知道怎么迁移这个?需要把/var中的所有东西移动到 / 分区里的新/var 么? [06:32] <iMadper> StarBrilliant: 如果是lvm, 那就可以. [06:37] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • ubuntu14.04 vmware-tools 安装错误,无法复制与共享 环境:ubuntu 14.04LTS版本 vmware-tools版本:VMwareTools-9.6.1-1378637 安装时出现错误,错误如图,无法从ubuntu复制文件到windows,共享也不行,是什么问题? 是安装包的问题吗? 有没有可以用 [06:37] <^k^> ─> 的安装包? vmware-tools安装错误.jpg zz: miles010 — 2015-04-29 14:36 [06:39] <stardiviner> iMadper: 用du -sh 发现pacman下载下来的包太多了,占用了9G,删掉就好了 [06:41] <jiero> pity, 不研究。 [06:42] <jiero> pity, 只是没动力 [06:44] <pity> jiero: 干啥有动力啊? [06:49] <jiero> pity, 找不到了 [06:51] <pity> jiero: .... [06:51] <jiero> pity, 当了解了人是什么东西后,觉得人类不值哈,没有什么意思;把只当作为事的我更不知道要保护。 [06:51] <jiero> pity, 把过去只当事 [06:52] <pity> jiero: 快有尼采的境界了,要疯 [07:07] <QiongMangHuo> stardiviner: 删log [07:08] <jiero> pity 看了一下关于尼采的,还是不同的。 [07:08] <jiero> pity, 我是极度的理性主义。。。 [07:10] <pity> jiero: 尼采不理性? [07:12] <jiero> pity, 我只是觉得有点不太一样。 [07:12] <jiero> pity, 我是极度理性不是说尼采不是啊。。。 [07:13] <pity> jiero: 不要看得太清楚,你会更痛苦 [07:16] <jiero> pity, 看清楚不会痛,价值观不同才会 [07:17] <pity> jiero: 还是太清楚,你理解这么深干嘛?这不自寻烦恼吗? [07:19] <jiero> pity, 理解本质,才好行动迅速 [07:20] <pity> jiero: 但你现在不是行动迅速,而是自挂的迅速 [07:21] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper`: O0XX|Qiong Destine [07:21] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ ONE ONE没想到,招聘开始鸟! [07:22] <jiero> pity, 因为没有了目标 [07:23] <jiero> pity, 好吧,唯一的方式就是抱着好奇心走下去 [07:24] <pity> jiero: 你应该放松心情,调整心态 [07:25] <jiero> pity, 很放松,没有任何欲望。 [07:26] <jiero> pity, 我总觉的我能压制几乎所有欲望 - 除了睡眠的 [07:26] <pity> jiero: 让你放松精神,放松鞋干啥?想到了宋丹丹的小品 [07:26] <jiero> pity, 什么都不想算不算。。。 [07:27] <pity> jiero: 算得道高僧了 [07:27] <jiero> pity, 。。。心情不是欲望生成的体液调节作用于事件概念么。。。 [07:28] <pity> jiero: 不知道 [07:29] <jiero> pity, 我现在尝试把心跳控制在50/分 [07:29] <pity> jiero: 修练啊 [07:30] <pity> jiero: 一灯大师 [07:30] <jiero> pity, 。。。 [07:30] <jiero> pity, 笑了心跳加速。。。 [07:30] <pity> jiero: 控制心跳有什么意义? [07:31] <jiero> pity, 降低思考强度, [07:31] <pity> jiero: 钻冰箱里 [07:33] <jiero> pity, 脱离了舒适温度,就会无法有效控制 [07:34] <gebjgd> 我了个去 lts天天升级 比arch还积极 [07:34] <pity> jiero: 控制那么多干嘛? [07:35] <jiero> pity, 哈哈,突然想起是不是 - 当时不想做动物 - 觉得人和动物最大的区别就是控制力 [07:36] <pity> jiero: 不是 [07:36] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 服不服? [07:37] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 服 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 服不服我们的工作效率? [07:37] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 服 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 泻泻 [07:37] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 天天有更新 急了就换debian stable了 [07:38] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 有更新没事儿啊 [07:38] <jiero> pity, 对于是否服从习惯和本能来说,是的吧。 [07:38] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 我就是因为更新烦了 电脑多 公司2个 家里我自己的3个本子 一个台式机 我老婆一个本子 [07:38] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 多烦人啊 [07:39] <pity> jiero: 不是,动物一样有控制力,比如捕猎前的忍耐 [07:39] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 综合起来Ubuntu LTS是比较好的选择 [07:39] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 必须的 买了新显卡 r9 270x 抽steam刚刚的 [07:39] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 最近在玩wine gta sa [07:40] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 0_0 [07:40] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, dota2能全特效了 [07:41] <jiero> pity, 好多年没考虑这个问题了 - 记得上次考虑控制力和动物应该是小学时候。 [07:43] <pity> jiero: 小学都这么成熟了,流弊 [07:44] <jiero> pity, 在小学同学眼里,我一直很神奇。。。 [07:45] <pity> jiero: 裸姐传奇 [07:48] <jiero> pity ... [07:50] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 坐着还是不错的 [07:50] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 爽 [07:50] <lainme> jiero: 你已经开始怀疑人生了 [07:51] <jiero> lainme, 哦。从初中开始怀疑世界,终于轮到怀疑自己了 [07:53] <jiero> lainme, 有什么意见吗? [07:53] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 来一局? [07:54] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 来来来 [07:54] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 啥? [07:55] <iMadper`> o0 [07:55] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: warmux [07:55] <jiero> iMadper`, 。。。 [07:55] * jiero 践踏 iMadper` [07:55] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 111 [07:55] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: .8.111? [07:55] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 202.111 [07:56] <lainme> jiero: 没有 [07:56] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: go go go [07:56] * jiero 践踏 O0XX|Qiong iMadper` 妳们竟然玩那掉帧/渣的游戏 [07:56] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 渣渣 [07:56] * O0XX|Qiong ... [07:57] <jiero> lainme 。 [07:58] <iMadper`> ... [07:59] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 派金手指陈老师过去onsitel [07:59] <QiongMangHuo> s/l// [07:59] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 不玩了 [07:59] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 累心 [07:59] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 赢得开心 [08:05] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 真凉快 [08:05] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 爽 [08:07] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper`: 屋里特别爽现在 [08:07] <pity> lainme: 这歌该献给 jiero [08:07] <^k^> pity: ⇪ 梦醒时分(陈淑桦演唱歌曲)_百度百科 [08:07] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 现在也爽 [08:07] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 能坐着两块了 [08:07] <iMadper`> 凉快 [08:08] <pity> lainme: 甚至开始怀疑人生 有这句 [08:09] <iMadper`> O0XX|Qiong: 好了, 开心了 [08:10] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 伟大的莱蒙托夫 : 一个初学写作的年青人好不容易找到了莱蒙托夫的住所。 "请问,您就是伟大的莱蒙托夫吗?"年青人问。 "我就是莱蒙托夫,但并不伟大,您有什么事吗?" "啊,太好了!我想请您谈谈写诗的经验,可以吗?" "弄错了,年青人,您要找的那个莱蒙托夫早在184 [08:10] <^k^> ─> 1年就去世了。" [08:13] <nyfair> archbsd已死,archlinux是坑,archwindows王道 [08:13] <lainme> archwindows是什么鬼 [08:14] <iMadper`> HowIsItGoing: 买买买 [08:14] <^k^> ⇪ ti: JBL CINEMA510CN 5.1声道电脑电视壁挂式家庭影院套装(黑色) 京东热卖 [08:14] <QiongMangHuo> 就看到了 京东热 [08:15] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 好眼力! [08:15] <palomino|working> .... [08:15] <QiongMangHuo> pity: p姐乖, 我一会儿去二十一世纪游泳去 [08:15] <palomino|working> 京东和东京,哪个更热呢... [08:15] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 羡 [08:16] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 东京热还是办公室热? [08:16] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 母鸡, 我在家, 现在top off [08:16] <palomino|working> topless adam! 上zp [08:17] <pity> QiongMangHuo: top off 是光膀子嘛? [08:17] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 应该是吧 [08:17] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 我见过有人说top off啊 [08:18] <pity> QiongMangHuo: top up 呢? [08:18] <palomino|working> 我不是在纠正你... [08:18] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 充值? [08:18] * O0XX|Qiong google搜top off有惊喜 [08:18] <palomino|working> :O [08:18] * O0XX|Qiong 看图片 [08:18] <QiongMangHuo> 卧槽, 窝还是topless吧 [08:18] <palomino|working> ... [08:19] <pity> QiongMangHuo: [08:19] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 其实应该是充值,我第一眼看见微信上这个以为翻译错了 [08:19] <palomino|working> ............ [08:20] <palomino|working> 顶起来.. [08:20] <QiongMangHuo> .... [08:20] * O0XX|Qiong google图片搜索topless有惊喜 [08:20] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 有啥不好。 [08:21] * QiongMangHuo ........ [08:21] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 就是种姿态 [08:21] <palomino|working> ... [08:21] <palomino|working> 还有bottomless... O0XX|Qiong [08:21] <cafebeef> BuMangHuo: what was that? [08:21] <jiero> palomino|working, 无底线啊 [08:21] <jiero> palomino|working, 没屁股哈哈 [08:21] <palomino|working> lol [08:24] * jiero heard palomino|working bought a bottomless chicken roast and ate it. [08:25] <palomino|working> ... jiero [08:25] <nyfair> jiero: 问个问题,ubuntu论坛为什么会有游戏板 [08:26] <jiero> nyfair, 因为软件仓库有游戏 [08:27] <jiero> nyfair, 满意吗? [08:27] <jiero> onlylove, 你怎么出现了 [08:27] <jiero> alpha080, 大叔 [08:29] * QiongMangHuo 谁给我推荐个手台? [08:31] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: [08:31] <^k^> O0XX|Qiong: ⇪ 【摩托罗拉XiR P8268】摩托罗拉(Motorola)XiR P8268 手持双向数字对讲机【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 5580.00 [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> ....... [08:32] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 我的推荐方法很简单的 [08:35] <pity> jiero: 献给你首歌 [08:35] <^k^> pity: ⇪ 梦醒时分(陈淑桦演唱歌曲)_百度百科 [08:35] <jusss> onlylove: long time no see [08:36] <onlylove> jusss: 好吧,这几天忙傻了,但是最近遇到麻烦了 [08:36] * QiongMangHuo 求推荐个可以用手机充电器和耳机的手台 [08:37] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 手台是什么? [08:37] <QiongMangHuo> jiero: 手持对讲机 [08:37] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 高达上!!! [08:37] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 高达! [08:37] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 对着高达吼,一定能把你的声音传遍世界! [08:40] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 我给你推荐这个不错的说啊 [08:40] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 我又不是你 买不起的 [08:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 帮我带个咖啡回来? [08:41] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 可以啊 [08:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 或者我自己淘一单, 你啥时候去来的? [08:42] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 寄到hotel? [08:42] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 昂, hotel靠谱 [08:42] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 也行, 好找的话我也可以帮你买 [08:42] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 天了噜, 太羡慕你去日本惹. [08:43] * iMadper 羡慕CRY [08:43] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: why? 去趟日本才几千啊 [08:43] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 住宿贵死惹 [08:43] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 胶囊旅馆 [08:43] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 你住胶囊旅馆啊? [08:44] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我还没想好要不要多玩一天 还是只忙工作 [08:45] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 记得去美丽旗舰店 cc O0XX|Qiong [08:45] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 那是啥? [08:53] <luobo> 下午好 [08:54] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 我系统重装了,把SSD重新格式化一下,安装最新版的8.0,就会提示UEFI的支持不完整,可以选择不用grub-efi. 前提是硬盘要格式化一下,不然原来有efi分区的话,还是不给提示 [08:54] <cch> 还好我有两块SSD可以测试... [08:55] <luobo> 我想让一个程序在普通权限下执行,在需要root权限时,然后验证通过,接下来让它以root权限执行,这个在C里怎么实现好 [08:55] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 那个提示是让你在可移动设备上搞个备用吧 [08:56] <luobo> cch: debian ? [08:56] <cch> luobo: 是的 [08:56] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 搞个备用? [08:56] <luobo> cch: 我没有ssd盘,这个我不知道 [08:57] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 我虚拟机里试了一下, 跟我说有的硬件对UEFI支持不好, 可以用可移动设备装个备用的grub什么的 [08:57] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 我efi用得蛮好的 =,= [08:58] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: nancy居然买了苏打水 [08:58] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 赞赞哒 [08:58] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 啧啧 被 你和 iMadper 安利的吧 [08:58] * QiongMangHuo 求推荐个可以用usb充电的双频手台 [08:58] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 别闹, 我已经买了50L的苏打水在家放着呢 [08:58] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [08:59] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 我这里提示,如果继续使用efi可能会导致无法启动,是否继续使用grub-efi [08:59] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 至于来喝公司的? 何况nnnd买的竟然是甜的.... [08:59] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 给你推荐个不错的... [08:59] <^k^> O0XX|Qiong: ⇪ 【摩托罗拉XIR P8660】摩托罗拉(Motorola)XIR P8660 数字对讲机【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 4999.00 [08:59] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 我已经忍了半年进不了system setup了 [08:59] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 必须继续啊~ [08:59] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 不能再忍了 [08:59] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 你的BIOS比较奇葩, 就没有别的方式进setup? [09:00] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 选启动设备的时候不能? [09:00] <cch> grub-pc现在system setup顺顺利利的,wifi也再不用手工俺Fn+F3四次了 [09:00] <QiongMangHuo> cch: =,= [09:00] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 羡慕你带薪去jp啊... [09:00] <cch> F12快捷启动选择界面也有,但是装上grub-efi后,也是进不去, [09:00] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 你也可以带薪参会啊 [09:01] <iMadper> cch: 毛毛, 有没有grub-efi没关系. [09:01] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 羡慕你带薪去jp啊... [09:01] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 有这个benefit的 [09:01] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: sigh... [09:01] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 没有grub-efi后,BIOS终于都正常了, 我这个本子快四年了,官方12年后就没有更新过BIOS了 [09:01] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 回来别忘了告诉我东京到底热不热啊 [09:02] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 像宾利, 如果自己去参会, 就可以带薪 [09:03] <jiero> 我真没勇气哈。 [09:03] <jiero> 好了,再自信一点。 [09:04] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 好吧 [09:06] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 李老板 [09:06] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 乖 [09:06] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 他们告诉我让你帮我背电视, 洗衣机和空调回来 [09:06] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 李老板 [09:06] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: ... [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 这样还可以帮我和 iMadper 各背一个 空气净化器 [09:07] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 白老板买新房了, 你帮他带个洗衣机回来吧. [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 还有热水器 [09:07] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 我还有一个月时间锻炼背负能力 [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 马桶盖和电饭煲 [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 还有人说买汽车和电梯 [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 你锻炼吧 [09:07] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 我买个房子算了 [09:08] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 房子有了 [09:08] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 就缺 电视冰箱洗衣机 [09:08] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不用了, 我发现我要买的咖啡免费ems到中国诶 [09:08] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 0_0 [09:08] * iMadper 不开心惹 [09:08] * iMadper 不能让李老板帮我背回来了噜 [09:08] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 我也觉得efi很好,支持本子不给力啊 [09:08] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 砍你130刀 [09:09] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: ? [09:09] <cch> iMadper == iApple ??? [09:09] <iMadper> cch: 你才用苹果, 你们全家用苹果! [09:10] <cch> iMadper: ...... 我只是问问,好久之前来这里时不是有个iApple么? 要不就是我记错了... [09:10] <iMadper> cch: 记错了. [09:10] <cch> iMadper: 以前那个家伙叫啥? [09:10] <iMadper> cch: igoogle [09:10] <cch> iMadper: 肯定不是这个名字... [09:11] <iMadper> cch: imtxc [09:11] <iMadper> cch: 一堆i打头的, 谁知道你说的哪个 [09:11] <iLucky> 我擦,怎么老是掉线 [09:12] <cch> iMadper: lol 随便了,本来也不熟,我是属于irc上三天,半年后再上三天类型的 [09:13] <iLucky> iMadper: 你好 [09:13] <iMadper> iLucky: 早. [09:14] <iLucky> iMadper: 求推荐个入门款mp3 [09:14] <iMadper> iLucky: 香水瓶. [09:17] <jusss> onlylove: 我在想五一回不回家,路上时间太多 [09:17] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 导购名声在外啊 [09:17] <iLucky> iMadper: 这个电池会不会太小了? [09:17] <onlylove> jusss: 你这个比较近了 [09:17] <jusss> onlylove: 我得早上7点起,下午4点多才能到家 [09:18] <jusss> onlylove: 路上花9个小时 [09:18] <ptpt> gnome3 還可以 [09:19] <onlylove> jusss: 你什么破路啊,我回家才8小时 [09:19] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 听说你最近开始玩无线电了? [09:19] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove: 没有啊 [09:19] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 不玩无线电要毛手台 [09:19] <jusss> onlylove: 等公交车费时间 [09:19] <iLucky> jusss: onlylove 你们是行者? [09:19] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove: 爬山用 [09:20] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 高大上 [09:20] <onlylove> iLucky: 不是 [09:20] <iLucky> onlylove: 走路花八九个小时还用做事吗 [09:21] <archl> iLucky, 不怕。 [09:21] <onlylove> iLucky: 你8个小时给哥走800公里 [09:21] <jusss> onlylove: 你打算五一干啥 [09:21] <onlylove> jusss: 睡觉 [09:21] <archl> 发现用 usb充电线不停的冲手机就是电池谋杀。 [09:21] <jusss> onlylove: :( [09:21] <archl> 谁养成的坏习惯啊。 [09:22] <iLucky> archl: 什么不怕? [09:22] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 已经买了噜~ [09:23] <iMadper> iLucky: 为何不用手机听? [09:23] <archl> iLucky, 哦胡乱输入了一个i然后不小心按下了 tab [09:23] <iLucky> iMadper: 因为手机费电 [09:24] <archl> 粘滞键是什么!!! [09:24] <iMadper> iLucky: 昂, 你要电力充沛... 其实我当年用sansa clip+很不错. 你现在应该能买到sansa zip+ [09:24] <iMadper> 错了 [09:24] <iMadper> sansa zip [09:24] <onlylove> archl: 连按悟下shift [09:24] <iLucky> iMadper: 手机又要上网,又要接打电话,就不剩多少电来听音乐了 [09:25] <iMadper> iLucky: 我听一个半小时, 只消耗3%的点... [09:25] <archl> onlylove, 谢了。你好幸福羡慕 [09:25] <jusss> iMadper: 手机又要上网,又要接打电话,就不剩多少电来看小电影了 [09:25] <onlylove> archl: 擦,我又哪里幸福了 [09:25] <iLucky> iMadper: 你什么手机 [09:25] <iMadper> iLucky: sansa zip吧. rb已经是stable得了. 价格便宜, 二百来块 [09:25] <iMadper> iLucky: 5s [09:26] <iLucky> iMadper: 不说ip耗电很快的嘛 [09:26] <iLucky> 我用1520都觉得耗电 [09:26] <iMadper> iLucky: 听歌不费电. [09:26] <archl> iLucky, 不论啥手机玩3D游戏都耗电快 [09:26] <iLucky> iMadper: 顺便问你一下,淘宝卖的改装ipc现在还能买吗 [09:27] <iMadper> iLucky: 不能. [09:27] <archl> ipc是什么是什么? [09:27] <archl> iLucky, 现在都流体音乐时代了,买一些音乐手机多好啊多好啊 [09:28] <iLucky> archl: 我主要上网用的多,游戏倒是不玩 [09:28] * jusss 什么是流体音乐时代? [09:28] <archl> iLucky, 那就是 iphone [09:28] <archl> jusss, 网络音乐 [09:28] <iLucky> archl: 不是要手机的 [09:28] <archl> jusss, 不断不停更新 [09:29] <jusss> archl: 网络音乐和音乐有啥不一样 [09:29] <archl> jusss, 速度和场合 [09:29] <^k^> archl: define:ipc not defined. [09:29] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: [09:29] <iLucky> jusss: 你每次都问到我前面了 [09:29] <jusss> iLucky: 买棒子货 iriver or iaudio吧 [09:29] <jusss> iLucky: 我一直想买,就是没钱 [09:29] <iMadper> 爱欧迪不推荐. 艾利和的好东西太贵. [09:30] <iMadper> ak240. [09:30] <archl> ak240 。。。 ak74 [09:30] <jusss> 现在发现这几趟回家的路费够买一个乐 [09:30] <archl> jusss, 当然 [09:30] <archl> jusss, 我在路上花了13000啊。都没一台新电脑 [09:31] * archl 电脑还是价值300的破玩意儿 [09:31] <jusss> iMadper: iaudio比iriver差? [09:31] <iLucky> jusss: 这个我也没钱买,就像买个入门的 [09:31] <archl> iLucky, 二手的音乐手机 [09:31] <archl> iLucky, walkman [09:31] <jusss> archl: 人家都说乐不要手机 [09:31] <iLucky> archl: 我不要手机!!!!!!!!!! [09:32] <iLucky> jusss: +1 [09:32] * archl 不懂。。。 [09:32] <jusss> iLucky: 磁带式放音盒 [09:32] <archl> iLucky, md [09:32] <iLucky> jusss: 既然你这么多想法和我一样,就由你来对付archl吧 [09:33] <jusss> iLucky: 他是2代,和我们想法不一样 [09:33] <archl> jusss, 滚蛋 [09:34] <iLucky> jusss: 你给我推荐的两个都要6k+了,不适合我 [09:35] <jusss> iLucky: 有300 500的,去amazon [09:36] <archl> jusss, 300 500 US$ ? [09:39] <iLucky> test [09:40] <^k^> iLucky:点点点. 17:39 [09:40] <iLucky> 还好我还在 [09:40] <iLucky> test [09:40] <^k^> iLucky:点点点. 17:40 [09:42] <iLucky> 为甚么大家都走了 [09:43] <iLucky> test [09:43] <^k^> iLucky:点点点. 17:43 [09:48] <iLucky> onlylove zao [10:05] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • pxe安装ubuntu 清问1下 有pxe安装ubuntu的完整文档麽。 我百度了不少 用pxe安装14.04的时候 总是卡在install the system那里 zz: o枫叶o飘零 — 2015-04-29 17:34 [10:05] <gebjgd> iLucky, 有钱人 [10:06] <gebjgd> iLucky, 果然就是品味不一样 [10:06] <iLucky> gebjgd: 你好,有钱人 [10:15] <cch> 魅族E3飘过~ [10:15] * cch 换电池的E3,待机就看你能背多少电池了 [10:18] <iLucky> cch: 你用耳放吗 [10:19] <cch> iLucky: 魅族 EP20 ... [10:20] <iLucky> cch: 耳放。。不是耳机 [10:20] <cch> EP20用不倒耳放这么高级的产品 ... [10:21] <cch> EP20就是个耳机而已 lol [10:22] <cch> 前两天翻东西,还把以前的卡带机拿出来听了听,竟然还能放,放了十几年没动了 [10:32] <iLucky> cch: 卡带机,赞 [10:32] <cch> 大学学习英语买的。 [10:33] <cch> iLucky: 就大一听了听,后来就一直放着,毕业就一直带着, [10:34] <iLucky> cch: 看来你岁数不小了,大学还用卡带机。:p [10:35] <cch> iLucky: 30 + n [10:36] <iLucky> cch: 还好,最近没啥事,准备听听音乐来增加以下自己的爱好 [10:36] <cch> iLucky: 赞~ [10:38] * pity 请教个问题,我用 mysql 命令可以连接一个远程数据库,但用 perl 的 DBI 模块就报 Can't connect to MySQL server on '3306',有人遇到过类似问题吗? [11:20] <strong> 请问如何开机在托盘运行goldendict [11:23] <Ukari> 1.打开goldendict,编辑-首选项-界面,然后对“启用系统托盘图标”打勾,对"启动至系统托盘"打勾。 [11:24] <strong> 多谢 [11:25] <strong> 我还在试(goldendict &) [11:25] <DarrenGao> hello, 大家好。 [11:28] <Ukari> 2.打开dash,找到"启动应用程序",点击"添加","名称"随意,"命令"填goldendict,"注释"随意,点击"添加" [11:30] <strong> 第二步我知道啦 [11:30] <strong> 我之前在那里加goldendict & ... [11:30] <strong> thanks very much! [11:33] <strong> Succeed! [11:34] <Ukari> 我感觉每次开dash都慢的要死啊 [11:36] <strong> 我很快啊,就是有时候找应用程序特别慢 [11:56] <roylez> Ukari: dash.... 用zsh的都快的飞起 [12:07] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 求助,双系统启动问题 本人小白,按照网上教程在win8.1上用U盘安装了Ubuntu14.10,还算顺利,但是我发现一个奇怪的问题。我在Ubuntu系统中关机或者重启,再开机可以进入grub界面,可以选择Ubuntu或者winldows,但是一旦我选择了windows [12:07] <^k^> ─> ,然后在windows系统下关机或者重启,开机后却直接进入windows,没有grub界面,这是为什么 … [12:23] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • 推荐一款LINUX下的115网盘软件 在此可下载UBUNTU版115网盘官方客户端: zz: striving106 — 2015-04-29 20:20 [12:26] <sennn> hi [12:26] <^k^> sennn:点点点. 20:26 [13:07] <jusss> 人呢 [13:09] <CyrusYzGTt> [13:13] <jusss> CyrusYzGTt: 世界怎么还没毁灭 [13:13] <jusss> CyrusYzGTt: 不是早在2012.12.22毁灭了吗 [13:13] <CyrusYzGTt> jusss§ 量子幽灵 [13:16] <alantse> 一直是三个bot在折腾?? [13:42] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [13:42] <GODDOG> 诸君 我问个问题 [13:42] <GODDOG> 我要在 redhat7上编译 zsh 在第一个 configure 的时候提示我没有 ncurses 这个库文件 [13:43] <GODDOG> 于是我去下载了一个源码 并且 --prefix=$HOME/.local 编译到我自己的账户下 [13:43] <GODDOG> 但是我重新在用一下命令 [13:43] <GODDOG> ys/stropts.h usability... no [13:44] <GODDOG> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local --includedir=$HOME/.local/include --libdir=$HOME/.local/lib --datadir=$HOME/.local.share [13:44] <GODDOG> 编译 zsh 的时候还是相同的错误 [13:45] <GODDOG> [13:46] <GODDOG> 这是配置的截图 [13:48] <GODDOG> ... [13:55] <onlylove> happyaron: windows下面的firefox谁搞啊,刚突然占用了1G内存,直接把我机器搞死了,我得买个8G的内存压下它是不 [13:57] <GODDOG> onlylove: 大神 你刚上来 我等你好久了 [13:57] <onlylove> GODDOG: 我不是神,你找错人了 [13:58] <GODDOG> onlylove: 别这样 [13:58] <GODDOG> 估计你没看到我的问题 我问的问题截个图 你看下 [13:59] <onlylove> GODDOG: 你找错人了,我可以解决简单的windows问题,复杂的都搞不来,linux对我来说太难 [13:59] <GODDOG> 。。。 [13:59] <onlylove> GODDOG: 顺便说,神是 eexp [13:59] <GODDOG> OK [13:59] <GODDOG> 大神并没有上线 [14:00] <GODDOG> :(。。。。 [14:00] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 睡得那个陶醉啊 [14:07] <GODDOG> onlylove: [14:07] <GODDOG> onlylove: 前辈 帮我看一下 [14:09] <GODDOG> onlylove: 这是我 configure 的时候出现的结果 [14:10] <onlylove> GODDOG: 缺少库文件,你要装上以后才能编译通过,没啥好说的 [14:10] <onlylove> GODDOG: 你装上库以后再编译,应该还有其他问题 [14:11] <onlylove> GODDOG: 如果没问题最好 [14:11] <GODDOG> onlylove: 缺少的 ncurses 我已经编译到我自己目录下 而且配置 zsh 的 makefile 的时候我也加了选项 [14:12] <onlylove> GODDOG: 不是那么回事,你要确定编译程序能识别到你的库文件 [14:13] <GODDOG> onlylove: 我怎么能让他是别的 是要编译成 .so 文件才行么? [14:13] <onlylove> GODDOG: 你非要自己编译库文件啊,apt-get install lib-ncurses* 不行? [14:15] <onlylove> GODDOG: 有现成的解决方案没事别和自己过不去,你要编译就自己想法解决依赖 [14:15] <GODDOG> onlylove: 我没有全限啊 [14:16] <GODDOG> onlylove 作为一个实习生是没有办法和 系统管理员搏斗的 [14:17] <onlylove> GODDOG: 给sa发邮件,和他说,你想用zsh,让他给弄,靠,要他做啥的,不是吃饭的 [14:17] <GODDOG> onlylove: 。。。。 [14:17] <GODDOG> onlylove: 等转正了 一定给他发一大片邮件 zsh vim升级成7.4 我要汤姆逊 [14:18] <GODDOG> on [14:18] <GODDOG> onlylove: 错了 不是tmux 不是汤姆逊 [14:19] <onlylove> GODDOG: 你可以在自己机器上用,编辑远程文件啊……你搞那么费事做啥 [14:23] <jusss> onlylove: 御姐很哀伤原来是长沙的 [14:23] <jusss> onlylove: 好漂亮 [14:25] <onlylove> jusss: 靠,你没事做点别的 [14:26] <jusss> onlylove: 今天倒霉死了,刚才用电热水器做水,电热水器烧坏了,想把暖壶里的水倒了,又把暖壶的胆搞怀了 [14:27] <onlylove> jusss: 买买买 [14:27] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 最近更新字体非常模糊了,上图,不知大家有没有这样的问题 选区_005.png 以前模糊是 浏览器,现在整个系统感觉都有点模糊了, 先换下显卡驱动试一试 zz: onhao — 2015-04-29 22:26 [14:27] <GODDOG> onlylove: vim 对于更本就不支持网络方面 所以真的是很蛋疼的欲仙欲死 [14:27] <jusss> onlylove: 不敢做别的了,啥也不敢动了,还把工牌上的钥匙扣搞怀了,然后拿啤酒瓶砸那个坏的钥匙扣,钥匙扣没事,啤酒瓶碎了 [14:27] <GODDOG> jusss 烧开水 准备泡妹子? [14:28] <jusss> GODDOG: 喝水, [14:28] <onlylove> GODDOG: nfs,你先mount到本地,然后vim编辑,或者用别的支持远程编辑的,我怎么记得vim能编辑远程文件来着 [14:30] <GODDOG> vim 通过插件是可以的 原理基本上等于 scp 到本地 编辑完 在 scp 过去 [14:35] <GODDOG> onlylove: zsh 的编译坑的不是一星半点啊 [14:37] <GODDOG> onlylove: 大神 CPPFLAGS 是不是 gcc 的选项? [14:38] <onlylove> GODDOG: 不知道 [14:38] <onlylove> GODDOG: 这个真不知道 [14:40] <GODDOG> onlylove: 在 INSTALL 文件中 相当于明确的告诉我 配置是不管用的 如果不在标准路径 要改 [14:40] <GODDOG> onlylove 这个加这个选项 [14:46] <GODDOG> onlylove: 这个好像是环境变量 [14:47] <GODDOG> onlylove: 终于可一个 我该怎么评价这个 INSTALL呢 哎 [14:52] <^k^> 新 OpenSUSE发行版 • 问一下zypper up时能不能忽略系统推荐的软件包啊 最近换了opensuse用用,感觉不错。 opensuse中文论坛注册不了,就到这里问问了。 用DVD安装的系统后,有很多东西我不需要 ,比如libreoffice,totem,empathy,gnucash,icewm等。于是我就把 [14:52] <^k^> ─> 它们统统删除了。 但是每次更新系统,执行zypper update时,系统都要求我把这些东西安装 … [14:58] <gebjgd> GODDOG, 必须是 [15:18] <GODDOG_> 成功了 配置 CCFLAGS和 LDFLAGS环境变量就好了 [18:19] <xubuntu-du> ^k^不是无法打出拼音,而是只有一个小边框,没有文字选项吧 [18:21] <^k^> xubuntu-du, [18:25] <xubuntu-du> ^k^,我以前遇到过,好像是快捷键设置 [18:27] <^k^> xubuntu-du, .. 休息一下 .. 02:27 [18:28] <xubuntu-du> ^k^,要休息了 [18:30] <^k^> xubuntu-du, [18:43] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 怎么可能 [18:43] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 啥输入法 [18:46] <xubuntu-du> gebjgd,谷歌拼音 [18:46] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 我是说什么输入法架构 [18:47] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, fcitx 还是ibus [18:48] <xubuntu-du> gebjgd,fcitx [18:48] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 写.profile了么 [18:50] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 我这里全都是fcitx googlepinyin [18:51] <xubuntu-du> gebjgd,安装系统不是已经都有了 [18:51] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 要写环境变量 [18:51] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 另外fcitx里看看有没有添加google pinyin [18:51] <xubuntu-du> 没有写那些 [18:52] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 不写怎么能用 [18:52] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 当然不能切换 [18:58] <xubuntu-du> gebjgd,安装好google pinyin是在fcitx里面的,没考虑这些哦! [18:58] <gebjgd> xubuntu-du, 贴你的.profile
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "CyrusYzGTt", "DarrenGao", "Destine", "GODDOG", "GODDOG_", "HowIsItGoing", "O0XX", "O0XX|Qiong", "QiongMangHuo", "Ukari", "^k^", "alantse", "alvin_rxg", "archl", "cafebeef", "cch", "cherrot", "gebjgd", "iLucky", "iMadper", "iMadper`", "jiero", "jusss", "lainme", "luobo", "nyfair", "onlylove", "palomino|working", "perr", "pity", "ptpt", "roylez", "sennn", "stardiviner", "strong", "xubuntu-du", "yh", "{ToT}" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[01:11] <liuxg> nik90, ping [01:13] <liuxg> how to get the attributes in javascript when using the "XMLHttpRequest" to parse the xml? I do not want to use "XmlListModel" in QML [06:29] <dholbach> good morning [08:57] <dpm> bzoltan, kalikiana, zsombi - quick question: someone asked me if responsive localization worked in Ubuntu. That is: how can a text be displayed abbreviated in a form factor where there is not enough space to show it, and then it would display fully (non-abbreviated) in a bigger enough form factor. I'm sure there would be really clever ways to do this, but I guess an easy way to implement it would be to use Layouts and msgctxt to have the same messag [08:57] <dpm> e written in each layout, but with a different gettext message context so that each can be translated independently? [09:06] <kalikiana> dpm: hmm without having tried itxl, you could use the active layout name as part of the domain name [09:06] <dpm> kalikiana, what's itxl? [09:07] <kalikiana> That's me failing to type properly :-) [09:10] <dpm> kalikiana, still not sure what you meant, but I think having support for msgctxt would be a more natural way to do it: [09:10] <dpm> then you'd need just a domain and one .po/.mo file [09:18] <kalikiana> dpm: so what is stopping you from doing just that? [09:18] <kalikiana> Assuming South is the name of a layout here [09:25] <dpm> kalikiana, what's stopping us from using it is the fact that we don't support msgctxt in the i18n API, but I guess it shouldn't be too complex to add it as an optional parameter to the call [09:26] <dpm> kalikiana, "South" could be the name of a layout indeed, but in general, it can be any string for developers to give more context on the use of that string [09:26] <dpm> so it's like a translator context message, [09:27] <dpm> and when you add it, you can have that translatable string twice in the .po file, which otherwise wouldn't be possible [09:28] <kalikiana> dpm: we have i18n.ctr [09:29] <kalikiana> though there's a bug about making it an argument to, the functionality is there [09:37] <dpm> kalikiana, oh, I couldn't see it in the docs - [09:37] <dpm> out of date perhaps? [09:38] <kalikiana> dpm: it's vivid API/ 1.2 [09:39] <kalikiana> still waiting for current docs to show up there… [09:41] <kalikiana> dpm: it's i18n.ctr("South", "S") [09:41] <kalikiana> or dtr respectively [09:41] <kalikiana> *dctr [09:42] <dpm> ok, cool, and I see bug 1417680 now too [09:45] <kalikiana> yep, we just noticed a bit late there was no need for the extra function name [12:48] <mhall119> zsombi: t1mp: changing a page's flickable seems to have unpredictable results [12:50] <mhall119> for example, I want it to be null when I have enough window height (on the desktop) that it's not worth hiding the header, but then switch to a ListView when there isn't enough height [12:51] <mhall119> so I used flickable: uReadIt.height < ? postsList : null [12:51] <mhall119> but when switching between them, sometimes the top of the ListView is under the Header when scrolled all the way up, other times it's well below the Header when scrolled all the way up [12:51] <mhall119> am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? [13:13] <t1mp> mhall119: best not to change the flickable. That was a temporary workaround [13:14] <t1mp> mhall119: in Ubuntu.Components 1.3 I added page.head.visible and page.head.locked properties to properly specify the behavior that you want [13:14] <t1mp> mhall119: stable 1.3 will be released with ubuntu 15.10, but we have an unstable version in our staging now [13:14] <t1mp> where unstable means that the APIs are not fixed yet [13:16] <t1mp> mhall119: also, I could imagine that on a larger screen we decide to lock the header by default. But that is up to design. [13:37] <mhall119> t1mp: ok, but until 15.10 I'm stuck with what's possible now [13:40] <mivoligo> mhall119: bzoltan: ping ping [13:40] <bzoltan> mivoligo: pong pong [13:41] <mivoligo> mhall119 asked me to ping ping ;) [13:41] <mhall119> bzoltan: mivoligo was having the same issue as me with the APP_ID in the Makefile being backwards [13:41] <mhall119> mivoligo: can you pastebin "apt-cache policy qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-common" [13:42] <mhall119> mivoligo: also, what release of Ubuntu are you on? [13:42] <bzoltan> mhall119: darn ... something is wrong with the PPA [13:42] <mivoligo> mhall119: bzoltan: 14.04 [13:43] <bzoltan> mivoligo: mhall119 -> [13:43] <mivoligo> mhall119: [13:44] <mhall119> well now, mivoligo has the latest version [13:44] <mhall119> mivoligo: can you test that the bug still exists if you create a new project? [13:44] <mivoligo> mhall119: bzoltan: I don't know if I still have the issue, let me check [13:45] <bzoltan> mivoligo: would you please pastebinit /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu/simple-app-qmlproject/Makefile [13:46] <mivoligo> bzoltan: [13:48] <bzoltan> mivoligo: it is correct APP_ID=%ProjectName:l%.%ClickDomain:l% [13:48] <mivoligo> bzoltan: mhall119: just created a test project, no issue there [13:49] <bzoltan> mivoligo: _PROFIT_ :D [13:50] <mhall119> ok, so it's still just me :) [13:50] <mivoligo> bzoltan: mhall119: I had that issue about a week ago when trying to add translations to Pop That Wrap. dpm helped me find what the problem was [13:51] <mhall119> mivoligo: right,and they fixed it in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-common [13:51] <mhall119> you have the latest version with the fix, for some reason apt won't get me that version [13:52] <mivoligo> mhall119: are you on 14.04? [13:55] <mhall119> mivoligo: no, 14.10 [13:58] <mivoligo> mhall119: well, you can just change APP_ID in Makefile for now :) [13:58] <mhall119> mivoligo: I know [13:59] <mivoligo> or update to 14.04 :D [13:59] <mhall119> bzoltan: so you can mark my bug as fix released, and I'll just fix my apt at some point [13:59] <mhall119> mivoligo: or 15.04 :) [13:59] <mivoligo> :) [13:59] <bzoltan> mhall119: Ok, that is what we will do <- zbenjamin ^ [14:00] <bzoltan> mhall119: but please share with me once you figure out what hides the packages for you [14:02] <mhall119> bzoltan: will do [16:42] <akiva-thinkpad> hello all [18:44] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, I talked briefly with benjamin about the MP for the AP plugin. He and I are on the same page. I think it makes sense to land just the runconfig approach at first. You agree? [20:23] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, oh hey [20:24] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, as I understand it, don't have the menu, just have the runconfig? [20:25] <akiva-thinkpad> If that is the case, then I disagree for a very simple reason. The menu method is very stable. The run config method is a lot more difficult to impliment [20:26] <akiva-thinkpad> I'll give you an example [20:26] <akiva-thinkpad> I grabbed the core app for the terminal app [20:27] <akiva-thinkpad> After building it in qtcreator, I had a compile error, [20:27] <akiva-thinkpad> error 2 or something. It is failing make for some reason to just run the app on a regular run configuration [20:28] <akiva-thinkpad> Now, I can still go to the menu, and still run tests. Doesn't make sense to me, but it lets me, and works without a hitch. [20:28] <akiva-thinkpad> However when I try to run the autopilot run config, it will not let me run it, giving the same make error [20:29] * akiva-thinkpad does not like how he explained this. [20:30] * akiva-thinkpad will try again. [20:33] <akiva-thinkpad> The reason I disagree with you and zbenjamin on implementing the Run Configuration first, is because the Menu is much more stable, simple, and reliable in comparison. [20:36] <akiva-thinkpad> When the test's output is properly displayed in a application output, I will regard it as stable. [20:38] <akiva-thinkpad> The reason why the Run Configuration is less stable is because its implementation is more complicated. [20:42] <mhall119> bzoltan: zbenjamin: I've been getting frequent crashes of uReadIt recently, not sure if it's a change I made or something in devel-proposed, shows the error from the last crash [20:44] <akiva-thinkpad> The reason I say it is more complicated, is because the checklist UI requires memory, the base class I derive from does things which is beyond the functionality needed for my run config, and it is easier to have memory leaks within the run configuration. [20:50] <akiva-thinkpad> ah [20:56] <akiva-thinkpad> zbenjamin, I actually forgot about implementing it in the locator [21:06] <akiva-thinkpad> I am just going through your review thanks for taking the time to look at it. I actually forgot to remove the merge proposal, because this is more of a WIP. [21:36] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, is partially based on your code, I’d appreciate if you could review it [23:51] <trickvi_> I'm getting ready to make a first contribution so bare with me: I want to add a new on screen keyboard, where would I find the relevant code to look at and hack on?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "akiva-thinkpad", "balloons", "bzoltan", "dholbach", "dpm", "kalikiana", "liuxg", "mhall119", "mivoligo", "oSoMoN", "t1mp", "trickvi_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[05:00] <pitti> Good morning [05:03] <Unit193> Howdy. [05:45] <pragomer> how can I customise boot of ubuntu-iso such as setting "try ubuntu" to default? I read some tutorials but they are about isolinux.cfg and this file is no longer used in 14.04 or not? [06:29] <dholbach> good morning [07:03] <jasabella> hi there? :) [07:46] <LocutusOfBorg1> hi folks, any news about the development of w release? [07:47] <Unit193> Stiiiiiiiiiiill holding on. [08:00] <hyperair> uh oh [08:00] <hyperair> i just dputted a bunch of packages by mistake into ubuntu [08:00] <hyperair> instead of a ppa [08:00] * hyperair groans [08:00] <hyperair> oh it's all rejected [08:00] <hyperair> yay! [08:02] <pitti> hyperair: they get rejected or land in UNAPPROVED where we can easily reject them manually :) [08:02] <pitti> hyperair: and nothing new in [08:02] <hyperair> yeah they were all targeted at existing utopic and below [08:52] <Mirv> hyperair: that's why I've "default_host_main = notspecified" in my that I only comment out when I know I want to upload to ubuntu :) [08:52] <hyperair> Mirv: yeah well, mine too [08:53] <hyperair> this was a brain fart [08:53] <hyperair> i explicitly told dput to dput to ubuntu [08:53] <Mirv> heh [08:53] <hyperair> nothing can save you from that ;-) [08:53] <Unit193> dput-ng either of you, btw? [08:53] * hyperair hasn't tried [08:53] * hyperair is an old-school person [08:53] <hyperair> no bzr for me either [08:54] <Mirv> haven't tried either [08:54] <Unit193> hyperair: Why not? Fastest way to get confused! [08:54] <hyperair> Unit193: yeah that [08:54] <hyperair> Unit193: also git-bzr fails spectacularly on too many things, and i can't stand bzr's interface [08:55] <Unit193> hyperair: I, err, used rsync --exclude .bzr/ mypackagedir/ ubuntu-bzr-package/ once. >_> [08:56] <hyperair> lol [09:34] <dholbach> willcooke, mhall119: is and the same? [09:35] <willcooke> dholbach, yeah rather looks like it [09:36] <willcooke> don't mind which one stays, but would like to transition the subscribers from one to the other [09:36] <dholbach> I'm just wondering if one session is not going to be too little time [09:36] <willcooke> hrm [09:36] <dholbach> ok... I'll leave that in your hands :) [09:37] <willcooke> dholbach, please delete your one and I will make sure those folk are sub'd to the other one [09:37] <dholbach> ok [09:40] <willcooke> I dont really want a 2 hour session where we end up bike shedding the topic to death [09:41] <willcooke> we've already got some good thought behind it from the sprint, so I want to stay focused on those topics and get feedback [09:41] <willcooke> rather than a free for all [09:41] <willcooke> if we uncover some interesting topics then I will schedule another session about that topic [09:42] <dholbach> sure [09:53] <Laney> mardy: so you want me to upload or are you doing the silo thing? [10:31] <pragomer> how can I set the isolinux boot menu of ubuntu so that it is always been shown (the default is that I have to press a key) ? [10:33] <highvoltage> pragomer: best to ask in an isolinux related channel or forum [10:34] <pragomer> ok thanks [10:35] <highvoltage> pragomer: they might send you back to ubuntu since (afaik) it's an ubuntu patch, so you might have to end up (gasp) reading the docs, [10:36] <pragomer> mm. yes.. I read a lot.. but this specific thing ubuntu makes.. I cannot find this "tweak" [10:36] <pragomer> that "always show" menu thing.. [10:38] <highvoltage> pragomer: you'll probably have to use gfxboot to create a new gfxboot binary [10:39] <highvoltage> (gfxboot-themes package might help you find what you need to change in the gfxboot source) [10:39] <pragomer> I thought I take the isolinux-folder from official cd... edit some files.. and put it back in remaster-process.. did I think too simple? [10:40] <cjwatson> It's not well-documented, but you need to remove hidden-timeout from gfxboot.cfg [10:41] <cjwatson> IIRC that's embedded in /isolinux/bootlogo [10:42] <pragomer> well thats my gfxboot.cfg: [10:42] <cjwatson> So you'd need to unpack and repack that, although you don't need to use gfxboot as such for that; see, down near the end [10:42] <pragomer> I tried hidden=0 before.. what did not work... [10:42] <cjwatson> For trusty and earlier you can just edit gfxboot.cfg directly, but for >= utopic you need to repack bootlogo [10:44] <pragomer> ups... how could I do this (I am not a programer just a bash-script-kiddie :-) ) no, seriously... how to unpack/repack.. have you further advice? would be great [10:44] <highvoltage> pragomer: for that you'd have to go read the docs, I'm afraid it's far out of the scope for #ubuntu-devel [10:45] <pragomer> ok, but thanks in any case [10:45] <cjwatson> I linked to the code [10:47] <cjwatson> line 632 onwards in boot-amd64 linked above, you basically just need to fiddle with the filenames and ensure you have an updated gfxboot.cfg in place before you do the repack step near the end [10:47] <cjwatson> highvoltage: what docs [10:47] <pitti> cjwatson, wgrant: do we want to go ahead with the pkg-create-dbgsym SRU today, or is this blocked on something still, from your POV? [10:48] <cjwatson> I was annoyed about the upstream syslinux change myself, but it wasn't feasible to undo unfortunately, hence the comment I left in that code noting that it's not ideal because of making customisation harder [10:48] <cjwatson> pitti: I see no reason not to go ahead with it [10:48] <cjwatson> pitti: All your test packages pass now, right? [10:48] <pitti> cjwatson: yes [10:50] <highvoltage> cjwatson: s/docs/gfxboot-docs + code link/g [10:51] <pitti> cjwatson: I do not want to self-accept, and neither of us three is in ~ubuntu-sru; do you happen to have any of at the sprint? [10:51] <cjwatson> highvoltage: sorry but none of the docs nor source packages you've referred to are actually relevant. The reason I ask this question is that I'm fairly sure this is undocumented [10:51] <cjwatson> highvoltage: AFAIK the code links I gave are the most useful "documentation" that exists of this [10:52] <cjwatson> well also the code in the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu source package, grep for hidden-timeout [10:52] <cjwatson> but I don't think it's right to tell people to go read the nonexistent docs [10:52] <cjwatson> (and yes, it's totally my fault that the docs don't exist, but ...) [10:53] <cjwatson> and given that situation, I think it's entirely reasonable for people to ask in #ubuntu-devel [10:53] <highvoltage> cjwatson: ah, my bad then. I recently made some changes to a few ubuntu boot screens and found the isolinux and gfxboot docs really helpful, so I thought it might be the case for pragomer as well [10:53] <cjwatson> pitti: I'm not at the sprint [10:53] <cjwatson> highvoltage: the hidden-timeout thing is a bit of a special hack [11:00] <pragomer> cjwatson: as I am not a "developer" but just somebody that tries a remastering as "hobby"... what files do I have to change now? Or cant you tell it? [11:02] <cjwatson> pragomer: You'd have to perform the procedure at the end of boot-amd64 above by hand to unpack and repack /isolinux/bootlogo using cpio [11:02] <cjwatson> I'm afraid it will require some experimentation and reading that code, but shouldn't require writing new code [11:02] <pragomer> cpio.. I dont know that.. but will have a look at it. Thanks [11:03] <Unit193> cpio is fuuuuuuuunn. [11:04] <pragomer> is it just for unpacking?no.. because unpacking the file "ini" thats inside the "bootlogo" file is also possible with gui archiver.. [11:05] <pragomer> but what do I have to do with the file "init"... is it "compiled", "hardcoded" ? [11:05] <cjwatson> Don't touch it. [11:05] <cjwatson> It's compiled from the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu source. [11:05] <cjwatson> You don't need to change it for this. [11:06] <cjwatson> As for bootlogo itself, I have no idea whether a GUI archiver will be able to repack the file in a way that syslinux/gfxboot will be able to read back. You're on your own if you try that. [11:07] <cjwatson> To change hidden-timeout, you only need to modify gfxboot.cfg in the bootlogo archive, not any other files. [11:07] <pragomer> but there is only this one file "init" inside the archive "bootloader"... so if I should not touch the "init"-file... what do I do else to "edit" the default-behavior? [11:08] <cjwatson> That's not true for at least the vivid desktop image. [11:08] <cjwatson> What release are you using? [11:08] <pragomer> oh.. there IS NO gfxboot.cfg in this archive... is located outside.. in /isolinux folder [11:08] <pragomer> I am using Xubuntu 14.04 [11:08] <cjwatson> So why did you waste our time not saying that earlier? [11:08] <cjwatson> 11:42 <cjwatson> For trusty and earlier you can just edit gfxboot.cfg directly, but for >= utopic you need to repack bootlogo [11:08] <cjwatson> 14.04 = trusty [11:09] <cjwatson> So all this stuff about unpacking/repacking doesn't match your case [11:09] <pragomer> ups.. I am so sorry.. I did not realize that earlier.. [11:09] <cjwatson> When you asked about repacking following that, I assumed that you must be using at least 14.10 ... [11:09] <pragomer> so what would I have to change here: [11:09] <cjwatson> So, have you tried simply removing the hidden-timeout file from /isolinux/gfxboot.cfg and remastering the image? [11:10] <cjwatson> Er, the hidden-timeout line [11:10] <Unit193> cjwatson: Sorry for the dumb question, but do you know why they went with the cpio change? [11:10] <cjwatson> I'd expect that to be enough [11:10] <pragomer> ah, no I just set it from "2" to "0"... wait.. I am just trying to remove it and start my remastering script.. 3minutes :-) Thank you very much cjwatson [11:11] <cjwatson> I'm surprised setting it to 0 didn't work too, but do try removing it. Also I'd strongly suggest checking the resulting image to make sure that the file there is actually what you expect it to be. [11:11] <cjwatson> Unit193: and thread may help for context [11:12] <pragomer> cjwatson: Yes, I checked it - pausing the script at that place - and "0" was repeated to the target... [11:13] <cjwatson> It was basically the removal of the COMBOOT API which gfxboot was relying on to read files off the ISO9660 fs in its bytecode [11:14] <Unit193> Will read the full thread later. Thanks. [11:14] <pragomer> I did not work :-( I double checked... the removed hidden-line was repeatet on the targets iso... but no effect [11:15] <cjwatson> pragomer: What does the boot screen look like? Do you get the keyboard + accessibility icon at the bottom until you press a key? [11:16] <pragomer> Yes.. exactly like that... so like nothing did change.. [11:18] <pragomer> perhaps I make another mistake.. I also tried to remove some of the languages in the list, what I thought would be in the file "langlist"... either that wasnt sucessfull although this textfile only contained 2 languages... it like everthing is ignored.. [11:23] <cjwatson> pragomer: I think you have something else wrong, because I just tried my own advice on a Xubuntu 14.04 image I had lying around and it works fine for me. [11:24] <cjwatson> pragomer: That is, I just removed hidden-timeout from gfxboot.cfg, nothing else, and that's enough for the gfxboot menu to be shown by default. [11:24] <Unit193> cjwatson: Speaking of which, for newer releases does /etc/casper/casper.conf (or whichever) still function as expected? [11:24] <cjwatson> Unit193: I'm not sure, sorry. [11:24] <Unit193> cjwatson: Alright, thanks. Though, you may want to bump the timeout for selection. [11:25] <cjwatson> Unit193: s/you/somebody who is still working on the installer/ :-) [11:25] <cjwatson> Unless you mean in advice to pragomer [11:25] <Unit193> you being generic, when changing gfxboot. 50 => 300 [11:26] <cjwatson> Ah right. Yes, indeed. I was going to mention that earlier but got sidetracked by realising that the cpio stuff was a red herring here. [11:26] <cjwatson> That's in isolinux.cfg and prompt.cfg. [11:30] <pragomer> so this is my prompt.cfg [11:30] <pragomer> [11:30] <pragomer> and my isolinux: [11:30] <pragomer> what would I have to edit? [11:31] <cjwatson> "timeout 50" => "timeout 300" [11:32] <cjwatson> (But this is not going to help the problem that your fundamental remastering process apparently isn't working for some reason. You need to figure that out first.) [11:39] <pragomer> so.. to finish it... the right file would be gfxboot.cfg, right? [11:40] <pragomer> prompt and isolinux ? [11:41] <cjwatson> Yes [11:42] <pragomer> ok, thank you so much. [11:47] <wgrant> cjwatson, pitti: I'll try to catch Stéphane or Steve about it. [11:49] <cjwatson> pragomer: Hopefully somebody can help you with your remastering if you're still stuck with changes not having any effect. (It's often worth trying something really obvious there like changing menu item text just so that you aren't confused about whether some configuration file change might or might not affect anything.) I'm afraid I have a bit too much to do right now though ... [11:55] <pragomer> thank you in any case cjwatson.. yes I tried to change something obvious.. changed menu text.. that wasnt realized either.. [11:56] <cjwatson> Are you booting the result in an emulator such as kvm, to avoid silly mistakes like booting the wrong physical USB stick (not that I've ever done that, oh no)? [11:56] <Unit193> cjwatson: Last one in my sleep deprived state, how's git lookin'? [11:57] <cjwatson> Unit193: Merge proposals almost work, just polishing up the preview diff stuff. We're very nearly ready to deploy to production [11:57] <cjwatson> There'll be lots of gaps of course [11:58] <Unit193> Awesome, glad to hear it! I like what I've been playing with. And yeah, but the basics will be there, which is great. [11:58] <cjwatson> You've been playing with qastaging? [11:59] <Unit193> Yep, though honestly expected things to get wiped off there. [11:59] <cjwatson> Yeah, they will eventually. [12:00] <cjwatson> At the very least the next full qastaging database refresh will have the effect of forgetting all the backend repository paths. [12:24] <pragomer> cjwatson: could it be possible that no changes are made because "my files" in isolinux have different rights? (on cd e.g. they are not writable but I had to chmod them to write to...) [12:28] <cjwatson> pragomer: I wouldn't expect that to matter [12:39] <arges> @pilot in [12:41] <pragomer> cjwatson: ok, thank you again very much [12:57] <pragomer> cjwatson: can you imagine a reason for this: I "rm -rf" the /isolinux folder but I find it again on the iso after build process? do you think you could have a short look at my script? [12:58] <pragomer> cjwatson: the script is here: [13:02] <cjwatson> pragomer: ${WORK}/new corresponds to the live filesystem, not to the top-level ISO9660 filesystem. As far as I can see you should be referring to ${WORK}/isolinux rather than ${WORK}/new/isolinux throughout. [13:02] <cjwatson> That probably explains all your problems. [13:02] <arges> tseliot: hi. Can you verify bug 1443016 for the fglrx updates? Thanks [13:04] <tseliot> arges: hi, actually yesterday I uploaded a new revision that fixes another regression. So maybe I should really verify that revision when it's approved [13:05] <arges> tseliot: ok add that comment in the bugs where necessary, i'll review that in the queue today hopefully [13:06] <tseliot> arges: ok, I'll be waiting for the new packages to land and then I'll add the feedback [13:07] <arges> cool thanks [13:07] <Unit193> mdeslaur: Awesome, thanks! Also, got an email, mine got sponsored into Debian too. (re: icecast) [13:07] <mdeslaur> Unit193: nice! :) [13:07] <pragomer> cjwatson: Mm... I thought ${WORK}/new/ would be the "root" folder of the iso/cd... did not know that it would be possible to be more "root" :-) ahm you know what I mean? I will try to copy the contenct of my isolinux to where you said.. just a moment [13:09] <cjwatson> pragomer: There are two filesystems on the image. One of them is what's visible if you just mount the image directly; the other is nested within that and is what becomes effectively the root filesystem when you boot the image in live CD style. The isolinux stuff lives in the outer of those two. [13:10] <pragomer> cjwatson: Ah ok... it's basic knowledge.. but I did not know that.. thank you .. I will try it.. [13:14] <pragomer> cjwatson: ok.. now I see... the files are NOT copied to the iso... damned... but it does not work either when copying /daten/ubunturemaster/files/isolinux to $WORK/isolinux How can I add isolinux to the right filesystem on cd? [13:15] <cjwatson> pragomer: Ah, sorry, looks like I meant ${WORK}/ubuntu-livecd/isolinux [13:16] <pragomer> ah ok, I'll try :-) [13:20] <pragomer> cjwatson: Hey cjwatson: you are so much my hero :-) :-) now everything I edited works just fine! this was my fault.. copied it to the wrong filesystem.. Thank you so so much [13:23] <cjwatson> pragomer: Ah, brilliant, glad to have solved that mystery [13:23] <pragomer> *thumbsup* Thanks again and have a nice day cjwatson [13:24] <cjwatson> Enjoy [13:26] <pragomer> thanks and bye. just found you at launchpad (so I know now how to look my here :-) ) [13:55] <mardy> Laney: hi! I didn't see activity on my MPs, so I guess you can dput them when you have the chance [14:17] <Laney> mardy: fine, stand by to push them directly to trunk then please [14:17] <Laney> will be doing it later this afternoon [14:33] <mardy> Laney: ok [14:33] <wgrant> pitti: The new pkg-create-dbgsym looks published everywhere in -proposed. Can I commandeer the ddeb-test PPA to test it? [14:43] <doko> wgrant, pitti: please disable running the gcc tests when verifying this pkg-create-dbgsym fix [14:48] <doko> bdmurray, barry: see my last email on the pip/requests issue. bdmurray, do you run pip on the distro, or in a virtual env? [14:49] <pitti> doko: I did that in the test PPA already [14:49] <doko> ahh, good [14:49] <pitti> wgrant: please go nuts [14:49] <pitti> wgrant: please reupload the gcc packages in the PPA, they have the tests disabled (build time of 1 h vs. 12 or so) [14:51] <wgrant> pitti: Will do. [14:52] <barry> doko, bdmurray a bit busy with other things atm, but i'll look again later today [14:54] <wgrant> pitti: Copied into for clarity. [14:54] <wgrant> All the buildds are mine. [14:55] <infinity> wgrant: GIVE THEM BACK. [14:55] <wgrant> :( [14:55] <wgrant> mine [14:56] <infinity> Greedy. [14:56] <wgrant> I try. [14:57] <josepht> you guys share or you're going to go to time-out. :) [14:57] <infinity> 1 → 75 of 10 results [14:57] <infinity> Well job, LP. Well job. [14:59] <wgrant> infinity: Better than timing out. [15:00] <roaksoax> infinity: howdy! any updates on the MAAS SRU? [15:00] <roaksoax> infinity: 1.7 SRU? [15:01] <bdmurray> doko: on the distro [15:03] <bdmurray> pitti: Even if a PPA is added to /etc/apport/native-origins.d/ apport doesn't have support for getting packages or ddebs from a PPA correct? [15:03] <infinity> roaksoax: You know what they say: No news is good news. [15:12] <pitti> bdmurray: right [15:32] <infinity> wgrant: I'm cancelling all the powerpc/gcc builds in that p-c-d-test PPA to save some cycles and to save my own santy when they kill off VMs. I assume you don't actually need all the arches for your test. [15:33] <infinity> wgrant: Killing arm64 might not be a bad plan either. [15:34] <infinity> Oh, I guess the VMs wouldn't have died, if the testsuites were disabled. [15:34] <infinity> But still, cycles. [15:36] <ricotz> infinity, ;) [15:41] <infinity> ricotz: It's trying as hard as it can. Poor artigas. [16:44] <Laney> mardy: bah, I'm going to run out of time again, got overtaken with other things [16:44] <Laney> can someone else help? like maybe kenvandine? :) [16:44] <kenvandine> mardy, what do you need? [16:44] * Laney thinks that you are accountish [16:44] <kenvandine> oh [16:45] <Laney> but maybe not :P [16:45] <kenvandine> mardy, you know where to find me :) [16:45] <Laney> kenvandine: sponsor SRUs for this [16:45] <Laney> NO [16:45] <Laney> this: [16:47] <kenvandine> Laney, mardy: doesn't look quick :) i'm under pressure right now for a critical hotfix destined for rtm [16:47] <kenvandine> so probably not today [16:56] <whatsw> Hi, I haven't been able to find anything online about Ubuntu 15.10... what's it called? [17:01] <teward> whatsw: FYI: asking in every channel is bad form [17:01] <teward> just ask one place, wait for answers [17:02] <whatsw> i didn t ask in every channel, only 3 [17:02] <whatsw> but oj [17:02] <whatsw> ok [17:02] <teward> !crosspost [17:02] <teward> ^ that [17:03] <teward> ('every channel' was a generalization - the practice of asking in only one location is still valid) [18:52] <buildit> can i install ubuntu on my android device? [18:54] <zequence> buildit: Try #ubuntu-touch [18:55] <zequence> Also, [19:23] <buildit> i have a failed upgraded device [19:23] <buildit> an upgrade gone bad [19:24] <buildit> if i could install something that woulde make it work... [20:28] <shadeslayer> doko: Debian python ping [20:28] <shadeslayer> Installing python seems to be broken on sid :( [20:28] <shadeslayer> ( wasn't sure where else to ping you ) [20:29] <shadeslayer> doko: [20:34] <infinity> shadeslayer: That's fixed in -4, except for the fun part where python build-depends on python, so it might take some untangling to get all the arches fixed. [20:47] <shadeslayer> infinity: aw :( [20:48] <shadeslayer> infinity: uh, I dont see it on [20:50] <shadeslayer> it's blocking alot of my CI things :( [20:54] <infinity> shadeslayer: You want python2.7, not python-defaults [20:55] <infinity> shadeslayer: Or incoming: [20:55] <shadeslayer> aha [20:55] <shadeslayer> infinity: thanks [23:17] <thms> Hi everyone. [23:17] <thms> So I have a project for my company [23:17] <thms> I basically want to "re-brand" ubuntu [23:17] <thms> Means I'll use plymouth to change the splash/bootscren [23:18] <thms> And from there I want to make a .iso that will use it. and also include some software that is not (for exemple flash, vlc, so on..)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "LocutusOfBorg1", "Mirv", "Unit193", "arges", "barry", "bdmurray", "buildit", "cjwatson", "dholbach", "doko", "highvoltage", "hyperair", "infinity", "jasabella", "josepht", "kenvandine", "mardy", "mdeslaur", "pitti", "pragomer", "ricotz", "roaksoax", "shadeslayer", "teward", "thms", "tseliot", "wgrant", "whatsw", "willcooke", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[11:02] <nebuchadnezzar> hello [11:08] <nebuchadnezzar> I'm trying to preseed a Trusty server iso but it's very slow due to mount attempt of my empty disk /dev/vda. Here are the logs do you have any hints ? [11:09] <nebuchadnezzar> I can provide the complete installer log if you want [11:38] <nebuchadnezzar> Interestingly, when preseed/early_command finish, I do not have the problem anymore: [13:39] <nebuchadnezzar> I think I found [14:08] <slashd> Is it possible to set gpt at all with preseed? I have found this : but there is no reply [14:12] <nebuchadnezzar> slashd: Do you boot is UEFI or BIOS mode? [14:13] <slashd> nebuchadnezzar, UEFI [14:14] <nebuchadnezzar> I use this as the first partition;a=blob;f=preseed/classes/partition/base/amd64-efi_recipe;hb=refs/heads/dad/features [14:16] <nebuchadnezzar> the efi partition must be 35Mo, so I set 64Mo and use method { efi } [14:17] <nebuchadnezzar> note that I use a wip-all preseed;a=blob;f=preseed/classes/partition/auto/preseed;hb=refs/heads/dad/features [14:18] <nebuchadnezzar> slashd: note that I always test with empty disk, I don't know how my settings will behave with a DOS pre-partitionned disk [14:19] <nebuchadnezzar> I think it will remove the DOS label, but I'm not sure [14:20] <slashd> nebuchadnezzar, thanks [15:13] <nebuchadnezzar> I do not manage to preseed language on 14.04.2, if someone has an idea :
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "nebuchadnezzar", "slashd" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-installer" }
[01:48] <tonyyarusso> k1l: Are you sure it's users, plural? I know I've had a user in #u-offtopic who I've banned from a zillion different IPs, all using kiwiirc, but all of the IPs were on the same ISP in Portugal. [05:16] <stevendale> Hello operators. [05:21] <stevendale> Phone almost flat. Goodbye. [09:05] <k1l_> tonyyarusso: its what the kiwiirc guy told me. i do think its just one troll in our case. [15:20] <phunyguy> k1l_: tonyyarusso: is it the same person with the redstation IPs? That is the one I have seen abusing kiwiirc. [15:20] <k1l_> if you ask me: yes. [15:20] <tonyyarusso> phunyguy: redstation doesn't ring a bell [15:20] <tonyyarusso> I'm not sure what that means [15:20] <k1l_> there were some redstation ip trolls yesterday at the same time while the kiwiirc guy was active [15:21] <k1l_> tonyyarusso: redstation is a .uk hoster. its used for proxy/vpn stuff that trolls use for evading bans [15:22] <phunyguy> ^ yes that [15:22] <phunyguy> some of my more recent bans have notes on it for #u-ot in bt [15:22] <tonyyarusso> My bans are all on IPs that whois back to "MEO Broadband, PT Comunicacoes S.A." [15:23] <phunyguy> they would use kiwirc, freenode web client, etc
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "k1l_", "phunyguy", "stevendale", "tonyyarusso" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[14:28] <ngochai> Hi guys, why my root partition is mounted as /dev/root but not /dev/mmcblk0p2? [20:12] <DerPunkt> hello [20:12] <DerPunkt> i hope someone can help me i want to get on a ex android console ubuntu is it possible? [20:14] <k1l> can you rephrase that and give more details? [20:14] <DerPunkt> madcatz mojo [20:14] <DerPunkt> tegra4 1,8 quad+1, 2gb bluetooth wifi [20:15] <DerPunkt> lan hdmi audio [20:15] <DerPunkt> if you want more specific specs i need to check how to can gatter it under android [20:23] <DerPunkt> k1l: offical is there no infos if or if not... [20:31] <k1l> DerPunkt: so you want a build-ready ubuntu port? i would look at the community of that device if someone made a port. [20:31] <k1l> ubuntu cant make ports for every device out there. [20:31] <DerPunkt> primary first if it possible to run it [20:31] <k1l> see the topic for an explanation on how to build a port [20:32] <DerPunkt> if i have some work to finaly setup its not really i problem but i dont think i can code for it [20:32] <k1l> well, generally ubuntu runs on armv7. if that hardware provides drivers etc i dont know [20:35] <DerPunkt> how i can check if drivers avable for it?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DerPunkt", "k1l", "ngochai" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[00:27] <Unit193> andygraybeal: Howdy. [00:27] <andygraybeal> hi [00:28] <andygraybeal> howsit going? [00:28] <Unit193> Not my favorite day. You? [00:29] <andygraybeal> yea, things aren't well with me.. but that is okay. today though, it wasn't so bad. i spent all morning in the woods with my boy in my arms looking for mushrooms. he even napped that way.. from around 9am till 1pm.. no mushroom though [00:29] <Unit193> Wow. [00:30] <andygraybeal> i'm super jealous seeing everyones mushrooms on fb [00:40] <dzho> we talking morels, yeah? [10:48] <andygraybeal> yea, dzho
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "andygraybeal", "dzho" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh" }
[01:56] <toi> salut Yves je viens juste d'arriver [01:58] <toi> YvesLevier, je viens d'arriver [01:58] <YvesLevier> Salut toi :) [01:59] <toi> salut je suis entrain d'installer les fichiers sur mon bureau
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "YvesLevier", "toi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[16:58] <qwerty14> Hello [19:44] <tgm4883> hi [19:55] <qwerty14> Does MythTV have the ability to "channel surf" local downloaded content? Kind of like Psuedo TV Live ? [20:20] <tgm4883> qwerty14: no [20:20] <qwerty14> ok Thanks. [20:20] <tgm4883> qwerty14: that would be super wweird
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "qwerty14", "tgm4883" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv" }
[21:18] <winb> Malinux: [21:18] <winb> Jeg har innstallert python-pip [21:18] <winb> Dette er i debian jessie [21:22] <RoyK> winb: [21:23] <RoyK> winb: virker som om du mangler noen biblioteker eller noe [21:31] <winb> Nå fant jeg ut [21:31] <winb> Jeg hadde installert alt i root. Tror det skapte problemer [21:31] <winb> Men nå får jeg denne [21:31] <winb> joakim@debian:~$ speedtest-cli [21:31] <winb> Retrieving configuration... [21:31] <winb> Retrieving server list... [21:31] <winb> Failed to retrieve list of servers [22:22] <Malinux> winb: er dette installert via en av mine guider? [22:22] <Malinux> altså med en av mine guider, som guide, da man ikke kan installere via guiden :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Malinux", "RoyK", "winb" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-no" }
[13:54] <saoungoumi> .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "saoungoumi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cm" }
[08:17] <faust> hi [08:18] <faust> How do you make launchpad to compile a .deb for my PPA using "hardening-wrapper" (in particular I want to compile a packages with PIE) [08:19] <faust> ? [10:03] <seb128> hey [10:03] <seb128> I guess that's a known bug but I can't find it in the bugslist... [10:04] <seb128> does anyone know if there is a bug open/being worked on about the fact that you can reassign bugs to projects that don't use launchpad for bug tracking and that it's impossible to list those bugs then? [10:05] <seb128> (e.g you can reassign a bug to unity8 but is a page saying that unity8 is not configured to do bugs) [10:05] <wgrant> That's basically [10:05] <wgrant> The problem is that tasks are also used for bugwatches, so they must be able to be created. [10:06] <seb128> is there a known workaround to list those bugs to be able to reassign them to the correct source? [10:07] <cjwatson> lp.projects['unity8'].searchTasks() [10:07] <seb128> k, so nothing from the web UI I guess? [10:07] <seb128> cjwatson, wgrant: thanks [10:07] <wgrant> You could use launchpadlib. [10:07] <wgrant> Right, that. [10:08] <cjwatson> I love that that list includes [10:08] <cjwatson> description = "the way how bugs are managed needs to be improved" [12:27] <teward> cjwatson: my guess is users don't understand that bug handling is difficult, confirming bugs needs explicit replication steps, having good bug reports means providing as much about the circumstances of the issue as possible (such as when it started, what changes you may have made etc), and so on [12:28] <teward> (just commenting about the 'description =' statement you made about two and a half hours ago) [12:29] <cjwatson> Not really in this case. That bug was from a product manager in Canonical, and appears to be a workflow bug about general improvements to phone defect tracking. [12:29] <cjwatson> The description was just an amusing thing to run across in this context. [12:53] <teward> mmm [12:53] <teward> cjwatson: ahh, well, i think the issue still applies globally - there've been complaints in the past about bug triage workflows [12:54] <teward> (so it's still a valid assessment globally) [12:54] * teward shrugs [19:48] <yuciyuar> is there a package for lemp all in one folder like xampp?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cjwatson", "faust", "seb128", "teward", "wgrant", "yuciyuar" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[00:03] <MobileRoey> hiii [00:04] <oceanblue> gn8 [00:04] <MobileRoey> question.. how can I make sure that my system upgrade from 14.10 -> 15.04 finished successfully? I think it stopped in the middle, rebooted, experienced that hard-to-track bug that turned out having to do with BTRFS. Fixed that, then I get stuck in Emergency Mode at the prompt. [00:47] <MobileRoey> johnflux: hi [01:13] <JMichaelX> anyone else unable to get desktop effects under OpenGL, using intel/i915, in kubuntu 15.04? [01:15] <electragician> JMichaelX: is this it? [01:25] <phoenixz> I have just installed kubuntu 15.04 with full encryption, and amongst various problems, the biggest issue I currently have is that for every sudo command, I get this: "Please enter passphrase for disk kubuntu--vg-swap_1 (cryptswap1) on none!" [01:26] <phoenixz> It's driving me nuts, because I have had about a hundred of those in the past few hours alone... Is there a way I can remove this?? [02:11] <MobileRoey> hello [02:11] <MobileRoey> is anyone here? [02:27] <MobileRoey> Hello all, I am trying to figure out why my system (just recently upgraded from 14.10 -> 15.04) seems stuck in Emergency Mode during bootup. [03:18] <z4g47> hi i haven't sound in kubuntu 15.04 [03:19] <z4g47> somebody can help me? [03:27] <Novice> Umm hey guys, I need some assistance. [03:28] <Novice> Trying to install Kubuntu 15.04 but I think it's stuck on Detecting file systems 100% [03:28] <Novice> The slideshow still works though [03:34] <SockFluff> Can someone walk me through the Dual Boot installation process? I've tried a few times but it keeps messing up. :/ [03:41] <re_> help [03:42] <re_> I have to setup my home network [03:42] <re_> Could anyone help me? [03:43] <SockFluff> Doesn't look like anyone is here [03:44] <re_> sigh [03:44] <re_> bye [04:33] <gunndawg> Anyone know how to increase the font size of skype conversations? changing General font setting in Kubuntu font settings didnt change anything [04:34] <Etriaph> Using ktp? [04:34] <Etriaph> If you're using Telepathy you have to change it in the chat window settings. [04:35] <gunndawg> Etriaph: I'm usint Kubuntu 14.04 not sure if that uses ktp or telepathy [04:44] <Etriaph> When you have the chat window open, select Settings -> Configure Chat Application [04:44] <Etriaph> Font and theme settings are in there. [04:45] <gunndawg> Etriaph: there is no "Configure Chat Application [04:45] <gunndawg> in skype [04:46] <Etriaph> Oh, you're using the Skype provided binary? [04:46] <gunndawg> linux version of skype yes [04:48] <Etriaph> [04:48] * hyper_ch heard that Skype is evil [04:49] <Etriaph> There are other options other than Skype for VOIP too. [04:49] <gunndawg> yeah but I need to use skype [05:40] <mcc> Hi… I'm installing 15.04... I'm staring at the "disk setup" pane... [05:41] <mcc> i'm curious... i have a /home partition and a os partition. [05:41] <Etriaph> OS is where Linux, all of your software and configuration will be stored. [05:41] <Etriaph> /home is just your files, your personal settings. [05:42] <Etriaph> Is this your first time installing Ubuntu? [05:42] <Etriaph> *ubuntu rather [05:46] <mcc> uhh, well, i installed 15.04 beta. [05:46] <mcc> so what i'm curious is, if i point it at a /home that already exists. [05:46] <mcc> will it be able to just calmly reuse my existing home directory. [05:47] <mcc> the 15.04 beta i installed was my first time installing ubuntu on a desktop. before i had used it only on VPS. [05:50] <valorie> you can reuse your /home if it is on a partition by itself [05:51] <mcc> 'k cool [05:51] <mcc> just wanted to make sure before i hit "OK" on the "format drive' button :D [05:52] <mcc> thanks as always [05:54] <valorie> I know, it's the scary moment [06:03] <mcc> ...huh. [06:04] <mcc> well, i successfully installed, and it doesn't accept the password I just set D: [06:04] <valorie> that's weird [06:05] <Etriaph> You should see in the UI which drives are to be formatted and which ones will be left as is. [06:05] <mcc> hahaha [06:05] <mcc> oh no [06:06] <mcc> one try out of 10 or so I get in [06:06] <mcc> when i originally set the password, I apparently got one letter off * _ * [06:07] <mcc> can i use the usb boot stick to manually change my password? [06:12] <Etriaph> Boot in recovery mode and just passwd your user [06:12] <mcc> ok [06:12] <Etriaph> It'll drop you to root. [06:12] <mcc> i can recovery mode from grub? [06:12] <Etriaph> I know you can do it by booting from the image, likely from grub as well. [06:14] <mcc> ok [06:18] <mcc> "passwd: authentication token manipulation error. password unchanged" [06:19] <mcc> D: [06:19] <mcc> oh. / is mounted readonly. [06:21] <Etriaph> Pretty morning pictures: [06:25] <SerSelmy_> Hello people [06:25] <SerSelmy_> Can someone help me with EiskaltDC++ [06:25] <SerSelmy_> I know this is not the right place [06:25] <SerSelmy_> but I could not connect to their IRC channel [06:28] <jonah> Hi I hope someone can please help. I've just installed kubuntu-desktop from my original Ubuntu installation. I've then tried to delete all the old ubuntu apps to have a pure kubuntu system. But in the package manager apps still have orange ubuntu logos next to them. the system still seems to think it is ubuntu as it was first installed that way. is there a way to make it Kubuntu and have the blue base system/depends logos there instead? [06:29] <jonah> I had to install ubuntu first due to using a special boot flash stick for my touchscreen laptop so couldn't install kubuntu to start with... [06:29] <jonah> I can't figure out how to make the system Kubuntu only and recognise itself as that, doesn't kubuntu use the same repos as Ubuntu... so nothing to update or change there? [06:30] <Etriaph> They're the same distribution with different default packages and installers. [06:31] <Etriaph> I'm not even sure where I'd begin answering your question, definitely a very different way to start [06:33] <jonah> Etriaph: sorry it was the only way I could find to get kubuntu on this machine... but for some reason in synaptic package manager there are ubuntu icons next to certain packages/apps - so if you try remove or add others it sees them as dependants of the ubuntu system... but kubuntu-desktop for example doesn't have a kubuntu logo next to that and isn't seen as part of the core system... [06:33] <jonah> i hope that makes sense! [06:34] <Etriaph> jonah: If you can get onto your Plasma 5 desktop, the rest is just some disk cleanup. [06:34] <Etriaph> jonah: I have some GTK+ apps installed, just no unity. [06:34] <Etriaph> jonah: GTK+ is still not easy to avoid. [06:36] <jonah> Etriaph: i'm on the plasma 5 desktop and everything works great and I've cleaned up what I can. but it is just this part about ubuntu logos on packages and not kubuntu logos on the kubuntu ones in the package manager. it is as if my system still thinks it is running ubuntu or that this is the core/base with certain dependancies... [06:36] <gunndawg> 15.04 annoyed me too much. I went back to 14.04 [06:36] <Etriaph> jonah: Well stray away from synaptic [06:36] <Etriaph> jonah: Use Muon [06:37] <jonah> the other question i had was about onscreen touch keyboard support. does kubuntu and plasma 5 have any apps or support for this? [06:37] <jonah> Etriaph: ok I'll replace it with muon and see how it goes thank you [06:37] <Etriaph> If you have kubuntu-desktop you should have Muon [06:37] <Etriaph> Launch -> System -> Muon Discover [06:37] <jonah> Etriaph: ok thanks [06:39] <Etriaph> jonah: Never taken the route you did to get it up and running, Ubuntu before installing kubuntu-desktop, but you should have no issue running with KDE. If drive space is an issue you could chat around here tomorrow and see if anyone knows how to swap the distribution setup over to Kubuntu [06:39] <Etriaph> gunndawg: Sorry to hear that, but 14.04 is technically a safer bet as it's LTS. [06:41] <jonah> Etriaph: ok thanks - do you know if plasma 5 or kubuntu 15.04 has any good touch screen keyboard support? I can dock my keyboard and that works but when I undock and just use the tablet I can't type anything. I've tried "Onboard" but it is useless. I wondered if there was a touch keyboard in Kubuntu? [06:42] <Etriaph> jonah: I have no experience with laptops WRT Linux, I'm workstation Linux laptop Win Vista for testing crap in IE [06:42] <chrissg> Anyone here got OwnCloud (Client) to autostart minimized to work? [06:42] <Etriaph> jonah: I'll do a quick search, hold on. [06:43] <jonah> chrissg: yes my owncloud client starts ok minimised [06:43] <chrissg> With Plamsa? [06:43] <jonah> chrissg: but I just installed it through package manager and ran it from the menu. yes with plasma 5. [06:44] <jonah> chrissg: what does yours do? [06:44] <jonah> Etriaph: thanks. I searched too but couldn't find much and I'm not sure what is supposed to work best with new kubuntu/kde [06:44] <chrissg> Well I installed mine thought apt-get too (via repo from but it keeps popping up on start, ie, the configuration box is always there. [06:44] <chrissg> It does work, but it's annoying :) [06:45] <jonah> chrissg: hmm. how did you set it to autostart? i did mine through the kubuntu Autostart manager which is on the menu when you type "startup" [06:45] <jonah> chrissg: I added owncloud-client i think in there. [06:46] <chrissg> I only got owncloud and owncloudcmd [06:46] <jonah> chrissg: i don't get a box or popup or anything on boot up. very odd. have you tried deleting your .cache folder in the home directory? i'm not sure if that would help or not... [06:47] <jonah> chrissg: ah mine is owncloud-client - i just checked in package manager... [06:47] <jonah> chrissg: that may be why. [06:47] <chrissg> What repository are you using? [06:47] <chrissg> (for owncloud-client?) [06:48] <Etriaph> It should be in the main repos. [06:48] <chrissg> 15.04? [06:49] <Etriaph> I have only the Plasma 5.3 repo added additionally and apt-cache search owncloud shows it's available. [06:49] <jonah> chrissg: i don't think i added any repos and just used the main kubuntu repos. yes 15.04 - can't remember though i will check i didn't add a repo, i may have done! [06:49] <chrissg> Removing owncloud and the repo :) [06:50] <jonah> chrissg: no i'm just using the standard kubuntu repos plus the partner extras. [06:55] <chrissg> Tried that. Seems to work better, but owncloud(client) now complains about needing a systray. I'll figure it out from here on. Thanks for the pointer :) [06:55] <chrissg> The supplied version is a "tad" older, tho. [06:58] <chrissg> Anyway, thanks! o/ [07:25] <valorie> !purekde [07:26] <Unit193> Sadly that is outdated. :( [07:26] <valorie> doesn't work anymore? [07:26] <valorie> ah, I see "gnome" packages [07:26] <valorie> that's oooold [07:26] <Unit193> valorie: Look at the version. ;) [07:28] <phoenixz> How can I disable my touchpad on Kubuntu 15.04? The fn+F9 key combination to do this no longer seems to work, and my laptop has a horrible touchpad that responds every 5 seconds with clicks while I"m hovering with my hands over it while writing text, and as such its clicking all over the place.. I have a separate mouse and I need this touchpad disabled.. [07:29] <dubis> Hi, on my new plasma 5 I installed the bleutooth manager from Muon is it the good way ? or there is a corporate kdebleutooth I've to [07:31] <valorie> dubis: bluetooth is waiting on the ubuntu developers [07:32] <valorie> Plasma 5 needs a newer bluetooth stack than they are allowing yet [07:32] <valorie> Unit193: this might be the basis for a new post: [07:33] <dubis> valorie I didn't understand well : is it available or not? [07:33] <valorie> bluetooth is not working yet [07:33] <valorie> and it will not work until bluez5 is in the archive [07:34] <dubis> valorie: So Bluetooth manager is the good way in waiting :-) [07:34] <valorie> we don't know when they will let it in [08:05] <kustodian> I updated yesterday to 15.04 and it made my system almost impossible to use. Everything is too slow, I'm not sure what to do. [08:05] <kustodian> CPU isn't used that much, it's like the graphics are too slow [08:06] <kustodian> I have an Nvidia Quadro 2000 and I installed the latest nvidia drivers [08:06] <kustodian> I'm not sure what to do [08:07] <kustodian> browsers work the slowest (FF and Chrome), but FF is extremely slow [08:07] <soee> kustodian: updated from what version ? [08:07] <kustodian> the previouse one (was it 14.10?) [08:07] <hateball> kustodian: How did you install the drivers, using the GUI installer or from nvidias website or some such? [08:07] <kustodian> GUI installer [08:08] <kustodian> let me check which drivers are currently enabled [08:09] <kustodian> even while I'm typing in the webchat in FF the text which I'm typing lags from time to time [08:09] <hateball> Oh, just googling this seems like it's an optimus card? [08:09] <hateball> Is it a laptop? [08:09] <kustodian> oh no [08:09] <kustodian> it's PC [08:09] <hateball> hmmm [08:09] <kustodian> Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz [08:09] <hateball> Alright, that's good then [08:09] <kustodian> 8GB RAM (2.5GB is currently free, so it's not swapping or anything) [08:10] <hateball> kustodian: does "lsmod|grep -i nvidia" return anything? [08:10] <kustodian> nvidia 346.59 [08:10] <hateball> so you can see the driver is actually loaded [08:10] <kustodian> it says that one is recommended [08:10] <kustodian> I tried glxgears [08:10] <kustodian> since those don't work if it's not loaded [08:10] <kustodian> I will check in xorg.log [08:12] <kustodian> [ 36.596] (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation" [ 36.596] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0 [ 36.596] Module class: X.Org Server Extension [ 36.596] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module 346.59 Tue Mar 31 13:38:58 PDT 2015 [ 36.596] (==) Matched nvidia as autoconfigured driver 0 [ 36.596] (==) Matched nouveau as autoconfigured driver 1 [ 36.596] (==) Matched nvidia as autoconfigured driver 2 [ 36 [08:12] <kustodian> uf too much text [08:12] <kustodian> [ 36.596] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia" [08:12] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:12] <kustodian> [ 36.596] (II) Loading /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/extra-modules.dpkg-tmp/ [08:12] <kustodian> but after that I think I see nouveau being loaded as well [08:13] <kustodian> [ 36.597] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau" [08:13] <kustodian> [ 36.611] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ [08:13] <kustodian> why would it load both drivers? [08:13] <hateball> because nouveau hasnt been blacklisted properly perhaps, which the GUI should do [08:13] <kustodian> lsmod finds nvidia [08:14] <kustodian> nouveau is not found with lsmod [08:14] <hateball> weird [08:14] <kustodian> so I guess it's not loaded [08:15] <phoenixz> Okay, touchpad disabled, yay.. Keyboard shortcuts were missing for some reason, I added them. I tried adding the shortcuts for screen brightness up and down as well, but for some reason, fn+F5 and fn+F6 are not being recognized, so I can't set those [08:15] <kustodian> I can see a few /etc/modprobe.d/ rules for blacklisking nouveau [08:16] <hateball> kustodian: I guess you could try switching to the 340 driver (it's still there right?) [08:16] <kustodian> yea it is hateball [08:16] <kustodian> I'll try [08:16] <soee> for vivid i would recommend 346 [08:16] <hateball> I've got a GTX770 and it works with 346, but who knows what regressions may exist [08:17] <soee> kustodian: just for test -> [08:17] <kustodian> what is the difference between 340 and 340-updates? [08:17] <soee> backup .config and .kde folders [08:17] <soee> and remove them, than reboot [08:17] <kustodian> I think I tried a new user account [08:17] <kustodian> which is the same deal as what you described [08:18] <kustodian> and it still felt slow [08:18] <kustodian> for example [08:18] <kustodian> I have a dual monitor [08:18] <kustodian> when I try to move the window from one screen to another, it lags everytime between two screens [08:18] <kustodian> the same happened on the other account [08:18] <kustodian> and performance felt the same [08:19] <hateball> kustodian: You could also try changing OpenGL options for KDE, to use 3.1 instead of 2.0 etc [08:19] <hateball> alt+f2 (krunner) search for "compositing" [08:20] <kustodian> I think I tried that as well, but I didn't notice any difference [08:20] <hateball> hmmm [08:20] <kustodian> I'm changing the driver now [08:20] <kustodian> I'll try all the things you suggested and get back to you when I try them all [08:22] <phoenixz> Is a disappearing mouse cursor on 15.04 a known issue? [08:22] <kustodian> also I disabled all animations to check if they were the problem, but it's the same [08:33] <Azuu> hello. Can someone help me out here and tell me, how can I make the calendar widget to show week numbers. It worked fine in 14.0 but not in new 15.02 [08:34] <gunndawg> 15.02? [08:34] <Azuu> yes [08:35] <gunndawg> I've never heard of that [08:35] <Azuu> of what? [08:35] <gunndawg> of what you just said "yes" to [08:35] <Azuu> it's 15 something... the one available for Kubuntu [08:36] <Azuu> 15.04 i the correct number [08:41] <phoenixz> Azuu: All (k)ubuntu version numbers are year.month where month is either 04 (april) or 10 (october), so 15.04 is the version of april, 2015 [08:47] <nighter> how can I change the "look and feel theme" in kubuntu? It's not possible to choose anything else then breeze. Desktop theme I can change but not look and feel. In my archbox kde plasma5 looks different there I can change look and feel theme. Why? [08:48] <nighter> I want to use evenos theme as I use on my arch kde plasma5 installation. [08:48] <nighter> is plasma that chips with kubuntu to old? [08:49] <hateball> nighter: What version of Kubuntu are you using? [08:49] <nighter> 15.04 [08:49] <hateball> nighter: That has Plasma 5.2 [08:50] <hateball> Which by default should also have oxygen theme [08:50] <nighter> yes but I cant switch from "Breeze" look and feel theme [08:50] <nighter> that sucks. [08:51] <nighter> that makes kde look ugly. [08:51] <nighter> try to figure out how to check plasma version. [08:51] <nighter> since i tried to upgrade from backports but not sure it went ok. [08:52] <hateball> Backports is 5.3 [08:52] <hateball> nighter: apt-cache policy plasma-desktop [08:53] <nighter> thanks Installed: 4: [08:54] <nighter> thanks Installed: 4:5.3.0-0ubuntu15.04~ppa1 [08:54] <nighter> i mean :P [08:54] <nighter> ok guess is not the plasma version then. [08:54] <hateball> Are there no readmes included with the theme you're trying to use? [08:54] <hateball> It might have some other unfulfilled dependency [08:55] * hateball only uses whatever is default really, fullscreens all the things [08:56] <nighter> no readme [08:56] <nighter> but it looks like i run plasma 5.2.2 on my archbox. [08:56] <nighter> strange if they remove that feauture to change look and feel theme. [08:59] <Azuu> phoenixz: thank you for the information. But my question is still the same :) how can I see week numbers in this damn calendar widget that pops up if you click on a clock widget [08:59] <Azuu> I use KDE for work and I need week numbers [09:16] <kustodian> hateball: I tried all combinations and finally I disabled compositing [09:16] <kustodian> I also disabled baloo, which was hoging my disk [09:18] <pkulas> Is any way to search channels in Konversation? [09:19] <lordievader> !alis | pkulas [09:20] <pkulas> ubottu : Yeah I know I can use bot service, thought there is any plugin or something for Konversation [09:20] <pkulas> ah [09:20] <pkulas> xD [09:22] <nighter> thanks guys I solved it. It was my fault they have changed so much so you customized it on a different place. [09:22] <nighter> now everything works perfectly [09:24] <hateball> kustodian: baloo shouldnt be hogging more than on the first run when it has to index all the things [09:25] <kustodian> I guess baloo would stop later on, but everytime I boot it indexes again which slows down my PC a lot, since I don't have an SSD [09:29] <Azuu> hello. Can someone help me out here and tell me, how can I make the calendar widget to show week numbers. It worked fine in every 14 but not in new 15.04 [09:29] <yossarianuk> ok - Tried 15.04 + 5.3 PPA last night on 2 machines [09:30] <yossarianuk> 1) Laptop - Intel GPU = Fine, 5.3 is great [09:30] <yossarianuk> 2)Desktop - Nvidia GPU - OMG it ruined my machine! [09:30] <yossarianuk> With the Nvidia desktop it no takes about 2 minutes to boot (instead of seconds) [09:30] <yossarianuk> *now* [09:31] <yossarianuk> Only after installed Plasma 5.3 oddly... [09:31] <Azuu> boot or load KDE? [09:31] <yossarianuk> To load KDE [09:31] <yossarianuk> I also cannot see what it is doing - i.e if I remove quiet splash you see nothing but black [09:31] <yossarianuk> i.e I cannot see the boot message. [09:32] <yossarianuk> Also I cannot access any console on the other TTY's - i.e CTRL+ALT+F2 just sees black. [09:32] <Azuu> 15.04 is also slow to load. Takes 34 seconds. Not happy about it at all. And if you got 2 users and 2 sessions, one active, it starts to suck really bad, sucking up all the CPU [09:32] <yossarianuk> Azuu: It seems fairly fast before I added 5.3 PPA... [09:33] <yossarianuk> My Intel laptop boots in less than 5 secs (its on an SSD..) [09:33] <Azuu> mots annoying is that I have to log out (not just lock the screen) for kids to use PC or my kwin session slows the PC down to a crawl [09:34] <Azuu> and vice versa [09:36] <pkulas> For me Kubuntu 15.04 load way longer compared to Ubuntu or other on SSD but I don't really care [09:36] <Azuu> lets put it this way. KDE has slowly turned in to huge pile of bloatware. It all started with this version 4 :( [09:37] <Azuu> and now I they have lost the fkn week numbers form the calendar widget. [09:37] <Azuu> (mandatory Fuuuuccc... guy picture) [09:39] <kustodian> what's up with instant messaging? [09:40] <kustodian> why it's not loaded on startup [09:40] <kustodian> like before, and [09:40] <kustodian> when I click on the icon, it opens a big popup from bottom which displays a big person icon [09:40] <Azuu> Huh...I just realized, I have used KDE for 12 years and for real life work [09:40] <kustodian> which then I need to click to display contact list [09:41] <kustodian> so it needs two clicks to display contact list [09:41] <pkulas> kustodian : You can add im to startup [09:41] <hateball> pkulas: Are you using things like "fade to desktop" features for the login manager? [09:41] <hateball> I find it adds extra seconds for no good reason [09:42] <pkulas> hateball: defaults settings [09:42] <hateball> Feels like it's a set time, rather than fading proportionate to how long it takes [09:42] <kustodian> pkulas: how can I add to startup? [09:42] <pkulas> kustodian: find Autostart in menu [09:43] <hateball> pkulas: Did you upgrade so you're using SDDM rather than lightdm also? [09:43] <kustodian> ok, I know that one [09:43] <kustodian> I thought there is a setting in im [09:44] <pkulas> hateball: fresh install + backports ppa for 5.3 [09:44] <hateball> Azuu: did you see ? [09:45] <Azuu> WHAT! [09:46] <Azuu> those guys are turning KDE int a fkn toy :( [09:52] <yossarianuk> Azuu: i have also been using KDE for my main work desktop for about 13 yrs... [09:52] <yossarianuk> Started with Mandrake Linux... [09:52] <Azuu> yossarianuk: I am getting more and more disappointed by every new version :( [09:53] <pkulas> Mandrake Xtreme Edition was best distro ever :P [09:53] <yossarianuk> Azuu: no way Plasma 5.2 is excellent [09:54] <hateball> Well the framework is there to fix the missing week numbers [09:54] <yossarianuk> 5. is great on non Nvidia hardware... [09:54] <hateball> fwiw, I'm having no issues at all with 5.2 on my gtx770 with nvidia binary [09:55] <pkulas> Is it hard to code week number function :? [09:56] <pkulas> number of day - weekday and divide by 7 [09:56] <yossarianuk> Actually I would argue in some ways Mandriva was more usable that most modern distros. [09:56] <yossarianuk> i.e the fact it had a centralised control panel. [09:56] <pkulas> Not Mandriva [09:56] <yossarianuk> that controlled everything... [09:56] <pkulas> Mandrake [09:57] <yossarianuk> Mandrake [09:57] <pkulas> Day when it changed to Mandriva it was poor distro [09:57] <yossarianuk> They changed their name... [09:57] <Azuu> yossarianuk: eye candy has 0 value in my book :) [09:57] <yossarianuk> plasma 5 is faster seemingly than gnome3/cinnamon/kde4. [09:59] <Azuu> gnome is a joke and was ruined by some half ass ideas long time ago [09:59] <Zerkalerka> plasma so beautiful [09:59] <Azuu> looks like KDE is taking that same road [09:59] <pkulas> Azuu: because week number is missing? [09:59] <yossarianuk> Azuu: I completely disagree [09:59] <Azuu> it started with this idiotic nepomuk or what ever this horror was called [10:00] <Azuu> pkulas: no, lots of small things [10:00] <yossarianuk> Azuu: Gnome took away most config/control from the user [10:00] <Azuu> yossarianuk: exactly [10:00] <yossarianuk> Azuu: KDE is just as configurable as it always was [10:00] <yossarianuk> (presently missing the weather applet in Plasma 5.x but that is coming) [10:01] <Azuu> but it's getting more and more bloated and some features can not be turned of - like this semantic desktop BS and so on [10:01] <yossarianuk> Its less bloated. [10:01] <Azuu> are you sure? [10:01] <yossarianuk> Kwin memory use has been cut by a rather large amount [10:02] <Azuu> yossarianuk: not so. at some version I can not have 2 sessions (2 users) running at the same time [10:02] <Azuu> If I lock the screen and kids log in, my kwin sucks up CPU and memory like nad [10:02] <Azuu> *mad [10:03] <Azuu> Kids lock the screen, I log in, my kwin acts normal, but the other starts the same [10:03] <Azuu> it happened few versions back [10:03] <lordievader> Azuu: Did you report a bug against kwin? [10:04] <yossarianuk> are you running Plasma 5.2 or 5.3 ? [10:04] <Azuu> really annoying because I usually for not log out for weeks [10:04] <Azuu> now I have to do it every damn day [10:04] <yossarianuk> report a bug then - maybe your H/W combo that has a rare issue. [10:06] <Azuu> I do not have a bug tracker account [10:07] <Azuu> I had once but my reported stuff just sat there for years and years [10:07] <lordievader> Azuu: Create one ;) [10:08] <lordievader> Without a bug report you cannot really expect things to get fixed. Especially if they are bugs that are rather specific. [10:09] <yossarianuk> Azuu: so this is not a bug with Plasma 5.x then ? [10:09] <Azuu> why bother. I hope there is someone else wit a Radeon HD 6950 card out there and has a same problem :) [10:10] <Azuu> yossarianuk it has something to do with kwin and not Plasma 5.x [10:11] <yossarianuk> Azuu: but kwin has been redesigned for Plasma5.x I believe [10:12] <lordievader> Jup, there is quite a lot of development in kwin. [10:13] <lordievader> Azuu: Talk to mgraesslin in #plasma about your kwin bug ;) [10:16] <hateball> "why bother" is the sort of attitude that doesnt really change things :p [10:18] <yossarianuk> is anyone else having loads of issues with Plasma 5.3 + Nvidia ? [10:19] <lordievader> yossarianuk: I've heared of many problems with Vivid + nVidia. [10:19] <yossarianuk> Im beginning to think it was something else - it doesn;t make sense that upgrading KDE would make me loose the abilit y to view a TTY (i.e ALT+CTRL+F2) [10:19] <yossarianuk> after upgrading all I get ais a black screen (no login) on any TTY except F7 (the desktop) [10:20] <yossarianuk> I wish I had used BTRFS, I could have easily reverted... [10:20] <yossarianuk> (Or LVM) [10:21] <yossarianuk> one thing the (k)Ubuntu desktop installer NEEDs to improve and that is LVM [10:21] <yossarianuk> Unless you want to use the entire disk you need to make the LV volumes before installing - which is bad. [10:21] <lordievader> yossarianuk: mini iso ;) [10:22] <yossarianuk> its either (1) the entire disk (minus boot) (2) no LVM (3) use premade partiitons. [10:22] <hateball> Joe Average probably does not care about LVM on his laptop, so no focus is placed on that [10:22] <lordievader> Like I said mini iso, its capable of doing luks + lvm just fine, however you like your lvm/luks to be. [10:23] <yossarianuk> but seems silly to remove the option to configure how you want... [10:23] <lordievader> Exactly if you know what lvm and luks are you can probably set it up yourself. [10:23] <yossarianuk> Fedora/Debian/Opensuse all have the option... [10:23] <yossarianuk> And Ubuntu server... [10:23] <hateball> I'd argue that they target more "tech savvy" users in general [10:23] <hateball> As does server [10:23] <hateball> Anyhow, it's quite !ot :) [10:23] <yossarianuk> Well I guess hopefully everyone will be using BTRFS soon anyway for root... [10:24] <Azuu> lordievader: thanks. I'll talk to mgraesslin [10:24] <lordievader> yossarianuk: Hehe, no. [10:25] <yossarianuk> lordievader: you don't think ? [10:25] <yossarianuk> lordievader: OpenSUSE and SUSE enterprise use it as default now. [10:25] <lordievader> yossarianuk: I'm fine with ext4, tried and true. [10:26] <yossarianuk> The ability to quickly snapshot is useful - i,.e before any update.. [10:26] <lordievader> But like hateball said, lets continue this in #kubuntu-offtopic [10:26] <yossarianuk> BTRFS is faster in some benchmarks also. [10:33] <yossarianuk> anyway - after putting plasma5.3 on my machine i couldn't really use it - I reinstalled just before bed ... [10:34] <yossarianuk> I will this time make a backup (clonezilla, etc) pre -upgrading [10:34] <yossarianuk> i'm almost sure it wasn't due to plasma5.3 but something else. [10:34] <yossarianuk> if it happens again i'll bug report. [10:37] <yossarianuk> i should point out that my intel GPU laptop is running fine with plasma 5.3 [10:40] <lordievader> Same here. [10:41] <alvin> I agree with the Luks+LVM. The installer does a good job, but shrinking the partitions afterwards is not that easy. [10:41] <lordievader> Heh, shrinking such stuff still gives me nightmares. Luckily I have only done it once, successfully. [10:43] <Azuu> thanks you for your help. hopefully kwin guys can figure this out [10:43] <lisacvuk> Hi, I have no transparency in Plasma 5, can anyone help me? [10:44] <lisacvuk> OS Is kubuntu 15.04 [10:44] <yossarianuk> lordievader: another advantage of BTRFS - easy live online shrinking... [10:44] <lisacvuk> and graphics are Intel GMA 945 [10:45] <yossarianuk> lisacvuk: where are you missing it? [10:45] <lisacvuk> Everywhere: WIdgets, taskbar, windows etc. [10:45] <lordievader> yossarianuk: The filesystem is not the problem when shrinking luks... [10:46] <yossarianuk> lordievader: ah ok - sorry didn;t see you were talking about luks. [10:46] <yossarianuk> lisacvuk: If your h/w is opengl 3.x compatible possibly try changing the rendering backend ? [10:47] <lisacvuk> Errr... My open gl is 1.4 :( [10:47] <yossarianuk> lisacvuk: you can find out - install mesa-utils, then run [10:47] <lisacvuk> I did :) [10:47] <yossarianuk> ah ok [10:47] <lisacvuk> glxinfo | grep gl [10:47] <yossarianuk> So you are using the Xrender renderer ? [10:47] <lisacvuk> probably [10:47] <lisacvuk> How do I check? [10:48] <yossarianuk> if that is the case that is why you are missing the feature. [10:48] <lisacvuk> hmm [10:48] <yossarianuk> check in - systemsettings -> display config -> compositor [10:48] <lisacvuk> ok [10:48] <lordievader> Xrender can do transparency. (In Plasma4 anyways) [10:49] <yossarianuk> ok I didn't realise that... [10:49] <lisacvuk> ahhh, it was 2.0, now it works [10:49] <yossarianuk> cool [10:49] <lisacvuk> I changed to xrenderer [10:49] <lisacvuk> thank u [10:49] <lisacvuk> WTF? Transparency works! Lol [10:49] <yossarianuk> you may have other performance issues using it (possibly) [10:49] <yossarianuk> glad you have the feature .... [10:50] <lisacvuk> :) I'll be getting new graphics this year [10:50] <lisacvuk> And year is a lot of time :) I hope there will still be transparency in Kubuntu 15.10 [10:51] <lisacvuk> thanks again, bye [10:52] <yossarianuk> it would be good for KDE to detect your GPU and change to correct renderer automatically (i.e opengl3, etc) [11:08] <pkulas> Sad. After I installed Qt Creator plasma is broken for my user, need to use diffrent acount [12:12] <pkulas> what files should I remove to reset plasma/kde settings and get plasma working for my user again? [12:13] <jlotonah> copy all the content from /root to /home/your user, chown -R youruser /home/youruser [12:13] <jlotonah> && done [12:14] <pkulas> jlotonah: thanks [12:14] <jlotonah> sudo cp -rf * /root /home/pkulas && sudo chown -R pkulas /home/pkulas [12:14] <jlotonah> welcome [12:15] <pkulas> brb [12:15] <MobileRoey> hi [12:15] <MobileRoey> why do I see this error message a lot? error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1) [12:22] <pkulas> Well It worked for first time I logged but after I added default bottom panel all crashed again [12:22] <pkulas> However can run apps by alt+f2 [12:23] <jlotonah> i suggest backup everythink before " rm -rf * /home/you" [12:23] <jlotonah> and copy from root && chroot [12:23] <lordievader> A lone *, yikes. [12:23] <jlotonah> eh chown. [12:23] <pkulas> oh. What about just remove all hidden files? [12:24] <jlotonah> erase everythink, backup your work with dolphin now [12:24] <pkulas> ok [12:24] <pkulas> When I backup everything better will be just to remove user,userdir and add it again [12:25] <jlotonah> you can do adduser yep [12:25] <jlotonah> or usermod -l [12:28] <jlotonah> pkulas: that odd because thr root files overwrite your user settings, probably something "extra" is causing the problem [12:29] <pkulas> jlotonah: I installed Qt 5.4 SDK before crash, it crashed just when installation was finished [12:29] <jlotonah> sorry i cant help much [12:30] <jlotonah> youre with root? [12:30] <jlotonah> idk i run kernel 4.0/Xorg [12:31] <jlotonah> have myself selfies problems with this box [12:32] <pkulas> ls [12:32] <pkulas> not here* [12:32] <jlotonah> that is a bug indeed [12:35] <pkulas> brb [12:42] <Squidy> hello... I usually use an application called nagstamon on systray to monitor my nagios server... So I've upgraded my kubuntu to version 15.04, and the nagstamon icon does not show on systray anymore.. Do you know how to fix this? [12:43] <lordievader> Squidy: [12:47] <rghvdberg> hi all, when I connect my Canon EOS to kubuntu 15.04 (fresh install) nothing really happens. No pop up and I don't see a device in Dolphin. [12:48] <rghvdberg> Should I install any aditional drivers ? [12:48] <rghvdberg> the camera shows up in lsusb and in /var/log/kern.log [12:52] <rghvdberg> huh ? when I type camera:/ in Dolhin it shows up ? [12:53] <MobileRoey> hi lordievader [12:53] <MobileRoey> make my ship go? [12:53] <lordievader> MobileRoey: Wut? [12:53] <MobileRoey> first,hi. Second, was wondering if you've seen this error before: [12:53] <MobileRoey> why do I see this error message a lot? error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1) [12:54] <lordievader> Where do you get that error? [12:54] <MobileRoey> lordievader: "make our ship go" is a reference to a particular episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". [12:54] * lordievader has never seen any Star Trek episode. [12:54] <MobileRoey> lordievader: when I exit from the Emergency Mode shell, and hen I try to manually start networking services. [12:54] <MobileRoey> lordievader: aha [12:54] <pkulas> That's strange. Now plasma crash for every user [12:54] <pkulas> :D [12:55] <pkulas> me : Kubuntu 0;1 [12:55] <pkulas> It was working before for new users [12:55] <MobileRoey> <-- lordievader [12:57] <lordievader> MobileRoey: What kernel do you run? (I suppose this is Vivid?) [12:57] <MobileRoey> 15.04's stock [12:57] <MobileRoey> Linux kernel: 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP [12:58] <z4sk4> hi all [12:58] <lordievader> MobileRoey: What do you run to get your network up? [12:58] <z4sk4> i see that now compact wirelles its called backports, i download backports 3.19-rc1-1 for my kernel 3.19.0-15-generic on Kubuntu 15.04 but i cant compile... i have build essentials, linux-headers, etc. there are any repo for this packet? [12:58] <MobileRoey> lordievader: I manually ran this as a test (it normally runs on bootup): /etc/rcS.d/S11networking start [12:59] <MobileRoey> and also got an additional error message, [12:59] <MobileRoey> Failed to start S11networking.service: Unit S11networking.service failed to load: No such file or directory. failed! [12:59] <lordievader> MobileRoey: You need to use the systemd stuff to setup your networking, not sysvinit scripts, [13:00] <lordievader> MobileRoey: No NetworkManager? [13:00] <MobileRoey> what;sthe process name [13:00] <MobileRoey> I'll look it up [13:00] <MobileRoey> and I eognize that Kubuntu followed suit and changed to systemd [13:01] <MobileRoey> I don't kow how this will change my network confivgration [13:01] <MobileRoey> BluesKaj: hi :) [13:01] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks [13:01] <lordievader> MobileRoey: What's the output of 'sudo systemctl status NetworkManager"? [13:01] <BluesKaj> hi MobileRoey [13:02] <MobileRoey> it says: [13:02] <lordievader> !paste | MobileRoey [13:02] <MobileRoey> loaded (/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) [13:02] <MobileRoey> Active: inactive (dead) [13:02] <MobileRoey> April 29 12:03:18 gear systemd[]: Stopped Network Manager. [13:03] <MobileRoey> lordievader: yeah understood wrt/ pasting. [13:03] <lordievader> MobileRoey: sudo systemctl start NetworkManager; then configure your networking through the Network Manager. [13:03] <MobileRoey> Now it says: [13:03] <MobileRoey> Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1) [13:04] <MobileRoey> BBIAB. [13:08] <lordievader> MobileRoey: Odd, check journalctl to see if that shows more. [13:40] <nikola_> upgrade to 15.04 broke my kubuntu in so many ways [13:44] <alvin> Start listing them. Maybe we can help. [13:45] <alvin> What's the replacement of nm-tool ? [13:45] <Roey> hi all [13:45] <nikola_> I resolved most of them, skype gone nowhere to be found [13:45] <nikola_> installed it again, but the notification area (tray) icon doesn't work [13:46] <nikola_> had two login screens the first time system booted [13:46] <nikola_> had to enter my password in both [13:46] <nikola_> lightdm greeter stuffed [13:46] <nikola_> had to remove the package and install it again [13:47] <nikola_> then I realized it's not even supposed to use lightdm but sddm, installed that, got the new login screen finally [13:47] <hateball> nikola_: SDDM is the way to go on 15.04 [13:47] <hateball> hehe [13:47] <nikola_> my ram usage was around 10gb [13:47] <nikola_> I had both kdeinit4 and kdeinit5 in the list of running processes [13:48] <nikola_> with all the children [13:48] <nikola_> had to remove plasma-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages and install them again [13:49] <nikola_> it would have been easier to do a clean install :( [13:50] <nikola_> the only thing still not working is device notifier, it doesn't recognize my camera [13:50] <nikola_> I can access it by typing camera: in dolphin [13:51] <Roey> hateball: hey do you know systemd much? [13:51] <nikola_> but there's no entry for it in the file manager [13:52] <hateball> Roey: Nope [13:54] <Roey> oh ok [14:03] <mparillo> nikola_: [14:06] <Roey> lordievader, BluesKaj: I have a journalactl -xb log here: <-- what exactly is failing here on system startup? [14:07] <Roey> hateball: ^ [14:08] <nikola_> mparillo: I guess I'll have to wait for them to update skype :) [14:18] <Hamsterjam> nikola_: I had to set the resolution on the camera to get it work in Skype, if that helps [14:20] <alvin> Yeah, the system tray thin is irritating. owCloud doesn't like it too. [14:21] <soee> alvin: owncloud works fine for me [14:22] <alvin> soee: It works fine, yes. But it does no longer start minimized. [14:22] <alvin> As does quasselclient. The --hidewindow option is ignored since plasma5 [14:56] <z4sk4> hi all i try to install backports but i cant see my usb wifi [14:56] <z4sk4> i need install the original drier first? [14:56] <z4sk4> i user kubuntu 15.04 [14:56] <z4sk4> driver* [15:14] <z4sk4> hi please help to install drivers of backports... i install on kubuntu 15.05 and nothing happen [15:16] <Pici> Theres nothing newing than 15.04, so I wouldn't expect to see anything backported yet. [15:27] <z4sk4> please somebody can help me [15:27] <z4sk4> i install and reinstall, uniinstall, reboot and nothing [15:28] <BluesKaj> wondering if dropbox icon shows in the system tray at startup, can't see it in setings either [15:28] <BluesKaj> install what. z4sk4? [15:30] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: the backports, for have all driver for vluetooth, rfid and wifi [15:30] <z4sk4> bluetooth* [15:31] <z4sk4> i follow this: [15:31] <z4sk4> but still havent got wireless and with didnt see nothing too [15:31] <BluesKaj> z4sk4: for which kubuntu release? [15:32] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: 15.04 [15:33] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: i try to search on the repo of vivid, but nothing too... and i need backports drivers for monitoring (normaly the drivers of repo arent pacth it) [15:34] <BluesKaj> z4sk4: 15.04, plasma 5.3 ? launchpad kubuntu-backports ppa? [15:34] <z4sk4> i compile and install ok and i run too : update-initramfs -u [15:36] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: i have the vivid backports, but nothin in the repo about backports drivers, dont understand why [15:37] <BluesKaj> those are all avaiilable the repos/package manager , dunno why you think they have to be compiled from source, z4sk4 [15:38] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: i search backports, and only have a ruby and python package, no more [15:39] <z4sk4> i search compact-wirelles too and nothin (its the old name) [15:39] <z4sk4> but the compilation was ok, i install too, and ok, nut nothing works [15:42] <BluesKaj> z4sk4: try this, [15:43] <Blu_> hi guys ...can any one tell me how to install wifi drivers in kubuntu 15.4 ? when i use driver manager , it says i dont need any drivers.. .. but i need wifi and Nvidia drivers :(/... plz help [15:44] <z4sk4> Blu_: same situation [15:44] <Blu_> ooh :( [15:46] <Blu_> ubuntu 15.04 can detect and install wifi and Nvidia drivers... but kubuntu cant ... :( [15:46] <BluesKaj> Blu_: which nvidia gpu? most work with the nvidia-340 driver [15:47] <BluesKaj> odd driver manager sees my gpu and gives me a recommended driver [15:49] <Blu_> it cant detect my gpu ... its some 2gb Nvidia card .. :( ... i can live without graphics driver but its not detecting my wifi too .. [15:50] <BluesKaj> Blu_: in the terminal , lspci |grep VGA [15:51] <Blu_> terminaloutput >> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) .................. not showing my gpu ..damn :(( [15:53] <Blu_> its fresh install ...let me update and reboot .... thx for help BluesKaj .. ty [15:56] <Roey> BluesKaj: <--- where is the error here that stops normal system startup for me? [15:57] <BluesKaj> he didn't update and upgrade after the install, no wonder [15:59] <BluesKaj> Roey: where does it stall ? it's easier if we don't have to read long strings [16:01] <bip> Hello :) [16:02] <bip> I have kubuntu 14 LTS but i want change in Testing mode [16:02] <bip> How i can make it? [16:03] <BluesKaj> testing what? [16:04] <bip> BluesKaj: LTS releases are not suitable for development [16:04] <Roey> BluesKaj: it gives me several error messages. Seems like I'm having an issue with systemd on my end. Just upgraded to Kubuntu 15.04, get dumped into an Emergency Mode shell where I see no networking. I try systemctl enable NetworkManager, and get an error: error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1) [16:04] <Roey> BluesKaj: I asked about it in #systemd and they said that it was an issue with one of my external backup drives not loading (I should make sure I have nofail mount option for this drive in /etc/fstab) [16:04] <BluesKaj> no, they're already developed , bip [16:05] <BluesKaj> Roey: why not just tell us where it stalls in the boot process [16:06] <Roey> it dumps me to an Emergency Shell. [16:06] <Roey> and if I ctrl-D out of it, it times out for a minute and then dumps me back into Emergency Mode shell. [16:06] <BluesKaj> after grub ? [16:06] <Roey> right. [16:06] <Roey> this is during bootup, after it has already mounted the disks. [16:06] <z4sk4> BluesKaj: that repo havent got the backports drivers too... [16:06] <Roey> but before it activates networking. [16:07] <BluesKaj> ok drop to a tty/vt and do , systemctl enable sddm [16:07] <z4sk4> imposible to have backports drivers of repo and if i try install of source install correcctly but nothing working... [16:10] <LGTrader> How does one restart X from the command line in Kubuntu-15.04? [16:12] <BluesKaj> LGTrader: drop to a tty/vt and run systemctl sddm stop, the run startx [16:14] <z4sk4> somebody on kubuntu 15.04 vivid, can install backports?? I install it, but cant see my wirelless USB [16:15] <LGTrader> Thanks. Much to learn about systemd. I'm coming from Gentoo where I never used it. [16:16] <BluesKaj> LGTrader: it's new to kubuntu and us as well [16:16] <genii> z4sk4: There are only backports when there is a release which is later than the one you are using. So in this case since no 15.10 yet, 15,04 does not have anything backported to it. [16:17] <LGTrader> Actually, I just tried the command but it didn't work. "Unknown operation 'sddm'." I'll research [16:18] <z4sk4> genii: thanks, but i try to install backports 4.1 for monitorinf wireless, but the drivers dosnt work... [16:18] <z4sk4> i install the package manually [16:19] <BluesKaj> LGTrader: did you choose lightdm at installation, I assumed you chose sddm [16:19] <BluesKaj> if so just sub lightdm for sddm [16:19] <PercyB> Is someone maybe using Shutter? I'm just wondering: gnome-web-photo is installed, but taking a pic of whole websites still does not work [16:20] <LGTrader> It's running. "sddm.service loaded active running Simple Desktop Display Manager" [16:21] <BluesKaj> LGTrader: then systemctl disable sddm , i kind of reaching as well here [16:23] <LGTrader> Actually the Arch Wiki for systemd had some nice examples. It's 'systemctl stop sddm', not 'sddm stop' [16:24] <BluesKaj> LGTrader: ok , thanks [16:25] <BluesKaj> BBL, errands [16:25] <LGTrader> Also, startx restarted X with no login screen. Just right into a KDE desktop. (I'm doing this shelled into the Kubuntu machine from my long-term Gentoo machine) [16:25] <LGTrader> I suspect I probably want to use 'systemctl start sddm' to get a normal login screen. Trying now [16:26] <LGTrader> Yeah, that's better. [16:27] <LGTrader> I was looking for a way to reboot remote machines my family will be using when I convert them over this year. Tired of running Gentoo on 5 machines. [16:27] <LGTrader> Not reboot, sorry. Restart X [16:27] <PercyB> Ok, sorry, it seems to work, just needed a restart. [16:28] <LGTrader> systemctl restart sddm works also [16:30] <alvin> What is the modern method to request an IPv6 lease? [16:30] <alvin> preferably using the command line, but network-manager may be involved. [16:32] <Roey> Hey all. <-- wtf is with this Snappy shit? Will Kubuntu also replace .debs with Snappy? [16:32] <Roey> LGTrader: your nick looks very liberal and progressive [16:34] <alvin> I don't know. I believe it's a bad idea, unless I don't understand it. PC-BSD had a system like that in the past. 'PBI'. All packages where put in a container together with the necessary dependencies. It [16:34] <alvin> 's a fine system for small packages, but eventually they stopped using it because it's next to impossible to package a KDE application for example. [16:35] <alvin> Too many stuff that has to talk to each other using dbus and so on. I'll see if I can find the explanation [16:39] <alvin> This was th explanation: [16:41] <LGTrader> Roey: Don't know why you say that but, OK, thanks. I try to be a nice guy... ;-) [16:42] <Roey> LGTrader: because here in Washington DC it's all LG(B)T [16:42] <Roey> used everywhere. [16:43] <LGTrader> Roey: <hehe> OK, cool. And I live near San Francisco so one needs to be tolerant living here but for me it was my old location (Los Gatos) and the fact that I trade stocks (Trader) [16:45] <Roey> makes perfect sense!! [16:45] <Roey> Los Gatos. That sounds like a place name from Grand Theft Auto (note to self: better familiarize myself with California names) [16:45] <LGTrader> Roey: And good for me to know so as not to step on anyone's toes. [16:45] <Roey> aye [16:46] <Roey> I mean if you go to #linguistics they'll probably start talking to you about that. [16:46] <Roey> same as #kde-cafe or other places full of young people [16:48] <LGTrader> Roey: Cheers [16:51] <Roey> LGTrader: l8r [16:52] <wldcordeiro_> Is there a way to get KDE 5.3 on Kubuntu 15.04? [16:55] <mparillo> KDE 5.3 = Plasma 5.3? [16:55] <mparillo> [17:02] <gaboo> "KDE 5.3" does not exist :) [17:02] <gaboo> but yes, the latest desktop is plasma 5.3 [17:08] <PercyB> I'm just wondering: There is Plasma Active for touch screen devices. If I have Kubuntu 15.04, how do I install plasma active? Or is it a completely different version? [17:38] <__CM__> in KDE plasma 5 what does the push pin in the title bar do? anyone know? [17:40] <Pici> __CM__: if its anything like any other DEs I've used, it pins that to always be on top. (I don't use KDE myself) [17:40] <__CM__> hmm [17:40] <__CM__> for some reason it causes tbird to show on all screens [17:41] <__CM__> on the other 2 work spaces [17:51] <z4sk4> please help i install this, but nothing works: [18:06] <Roey> Riddell: hey Jonathan, is Kubuntu jumping away from .deb and onto Snappy like Ubuntu's doing? Should I be concerned? [18:07] <nascentmind> Hi. I did a sudo do-release-upgrade and interrupted it by pressing ctrl+c while it was downloading. Now when I do a sudo do-release-upgrade again it says "No new release found". How do I fix this? [18:10] <BluesKaj> nascentmind: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [18:10] <ejay> hi all [18:11] <BluesKaj> hi ejay [18:12] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, did that. Does not help. [18:12] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, Can I just change sources.list to vivid and just do a dist-upgrade? [18:13] <BluesKaj> nascentmind: ok try do-release-upgrade -d, if that doen't work then you need to try a clen install [18:14] <BluesKaj> err clean [18:14] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, that too does not work. [18:17] <BluesKaj> nascentmind: if your sources.list hasn't changed from utopic, then yes, but do it this way in the terminal, sudo sed -i 's/utopic/vivid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list [18:19] <BluesKaj> then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt get upgrade , lastly sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , nascentmind [18:20] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, it was changed to vivid. I changed it back to utopic as I thought it might create some problem. [18:21] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, I will change it back to vivid now and do the above steps. [18:21] <BluesKaj> nascentmind: I think it's too late [18:22] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, why? [18:23] <nascentmind> BluesKaj, It didn't start installing any packages. It was just downloading it. [18:23] <BluesKaj> ok good then it might bwork [18:23] <BluesKaj> err work :) [18:25] <ejay> Guys, did anyone here tried to install radeon drivers on Radeon/Intel laptops? In Kubuntu14 it does not worked for me. [18:28] <BluesKaj> ejay: which kubuntu 14 ? [18:30] <ejay> BluesKaj, it was 14.04 updated daily. [18:33] <ejay> BluesKaj, just after installing 14.04 even had problem with two gpus running at once but X used only intel (no acceleration and such) but I did fixed this fast (my laptop was hot as hell!). After fresh installation of 15.04 it is using intel only but I didn't even try to install radeon drivers. [18:41] <Leo___> opa [18:46] <BluesKaj> ejay: you have both intel and radeon gpus this like the optimus system on laptops, that switches gpus depending the video load ? or are you talking about a pci gpu and one on the motherboard [18:54] <ejay> BluesKaj, it is laptop solution - two gpus fixed to motherboard. In windows you can switch between them. In kubuntu I found something like switcherooo but it is not working, at least it did not work for me (but thanks to this switcherooo I disabled radeon cards bc of issue with both gpus running at the same time). [18:54] <ejay> card* [18:55] <wldcordeiro> How can I update kde to 5.3 in Ubuntu [18:55] <ejay> I tried both open radeon driver and AMD's Catalyst. I can live without acceleration, I'm just curious if someone did managed to make this work. ;) [18:57] <BluesKaj> wldcordeiro: [18:59] <jlotonah> xD [18:59] <BluesKaj> ejay: not sure , I have heard about the intel and nvidia dual gpu sytem called optimus working with the nvidia-prime configuration. Maybe there's one for dual inteland radeon gpus as well. [18:59] <MoonUnit`> ejay: did you try vgaswitcheroo? [19:01] <MoonUnit`> ejay: never mind, read previous comments [19:02] <ejay> MoonUnit, I did. On prev installation. I don't want to mess now with my laptop right now. Just asking. This radeon/intel is not very popular it seems. ;) [19:03] <MoonUnit`> according to the arch wiki the fglrx drivers should support switchable graphics. hmm. [19:05] <ejay> MoonUnit, oh, and there was an package conflict with fglrx and last version of wine. Not using wine anymore (and maybe there is no such conflict right now) so I will try to make this work this weekend. [19:23] <20WAA57N9> My window manager just crashed, I have window contents, but not the windows itself with the taskbar, etc.. Plasma seems gone as well.. In kubuntu 14.10 I could restart that (iirc) with kwin and / or plasma-desktop [19:23] <20WAA57N9> How do I restart these in kubuntu 15.04? [19:24] <20WAA57N9> alt-tab is not working, going to other desktops is not working, yakuake is not working either, but I do have a konsole running [19:25] <acz32> are other ttys working? [19:25] <acz32> switch to one [19:25] <20WAA57N9> acz32: yes, I have a konsole, I can also ctrl-alt-f1 [19:25] <genii> If you have Konsole in your X, try: kwin --replace [19:25] <20WAA57N9> acz32: alright, I cannot alt-tab, but I can start another one.. What do I do in that console? [19:25] <acz32> can't you just log out from there and startx again? [19:25] <20WAA57N9> kwin seems no longer to exist on 15.04 [19:26] <20WAA57N9> acz32: I have an e2fsck running in yakuake (yeah, I know) and it was like at 95% after 2 days, I don't want to restart that.. [19:26] <acz32> 20WAA57N9: you would switch to whatever tty your session is, control-C to stop it, then startx [19:27] <20WAA57N9> acz32: I don't want to stop this session because then I'll lose that e2fsck and have to start all over again [19:27] <20WAA57N9> I did not really think that the deskopt would crash on me like that, or I would have run it on a text console [19:28] <20WAA57N9> Any other way then to restart the window manager? The how to do that changed with 15.04 [19:28] <genii> 20WAA57N9: I'm asking in the developer's channel aboput that but no reply yet [19:29] <20WAA57N9> genii: it used to be kwin, right? [19:29] <genii> 20WAA57N9: Yes indeed [19:29] <genii> I'm currently on 14.10 or could empirically look for it [19:29] <20WAA57N9> genii: Just checked again to be sure, no kwin command on 15.04, and google is not too helpful [19:30] <BluesKaj> 20WAA57N9: kwin ios onstalled by default on 15.04 [19:31] <BluesKaj> ios=is [19:31] <20WAA57N9> BluesKaj: is installed? I have a clean 15.04 install, and I see no kwin at all [19:32] <genii> Odd, I see kwin as a dependency in [19:33] <genii> Ah, 15.04 kwin has two possibles: kwin_wayland or kwin_x11 [19:33] <BluesKaj> 20WAA57N9: check your systemsettings>applications>default apps [19:33] <20WAA57N9> genii: Ahh. alright, that will probably be kwin_x11 [19:33] <20WAA57N9> genii: but hold on.. 15.04 has wayland already? [19:34] <genii> 20WAA57N9: You could likely see what it's currentlo on with ps aux| grep kwin ..or similar [19:35] <BluesKaj> 20WAA57N9: 15.04 has some wayland libs [19:35] <20WAA57N9> genii: BluesKaj: kwin_x11 --replace did the trick.. I still have no alt-tab though, but at least I can see yakuake and the e2fsck output [19:35] <genii> Cool [19:35] <BluesKaj> 20WAA57N9: yeah alt-tab isn't working here either [19:35] <20WAA57N9> BluesKaj: but that means "wayland works" or not? [19:35] <20WAA57N9> genii: thanks man! [19:36] <genii> 20WAA57N9: Glad to assist. [19:36] <20WAA57N9> genii: e2fsck somehow got a ^C... at 98%... god I want to cry.. [19:38] <genii> Well, shouldn't take as long next pass then, at least [19:45] <BluesKaj> odd stuff going on here genii , suddenly alt-tab started working [19:46] <genii> Very odd [19:46] <genii> Maybe it's some focus thing [19:46] <BluesKaj> almost like a daemon was enabled [19:47] <phoenixz> *sigh*.. reboot, sddm crash.. restart from console, yay, it works, go back to console, exit, back to GUI, X running at 100% CPU and all slow as hell... I need a 15.04 bug fix update soon :( [19:48] <BluesKaj> system starts dropbox like init used to in startup , but doesn't link the icon to the system tray [19:49] <BluesKaj> systemd that is [19:52] <blubberbop> Why do I have apps disappearing? [19:53] <z4sk4> hi, i have this problem when i run airmon-ng... soooo strange: ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused [19:53] <blubberbop> Meaning, I have chrome, and its on the task bar, on desktop one.. then suddenly its gone.. I have komodo edit, on desktop 2.. and its gone.. I check pgrep komodo, its still running.. start it again from ALT-F2, the desktop seems to spin and sudddenly its visible again! [19:54] <blubberbop> Where can I file bug reports for kubuntu? I have about a list of 20 by now [20:02] <genii> 8 seconds is not long enough to ansdwer that [20:02] <BluesKaj> heh, yeah [20:04] <jlotonah> 3 [20:13] <Spec-Chum> long time arch use finally got fed up of having to configure everything so thought I'd try Kubuntu. Very impressed so far! New laptop with all bells and whistles working fine [20:13] <Spec-Chum> *user [20:18] <acz32> Spec-Chum: did you use KDE on arch? [20:19] <Spec-Chum> yes buddy, well that and openbox [20:19] <acz32> i used openbox by itself. not having to write xml anymore is nice [20:19] <Spec-Chum> I'm not new to KDE but I am new to Kubuntu [20:22] <Spec-Chum> I just got fed up having to use nano every time I installed something new on arch :p [20:22] <Spec-Chum> I've not touched a thing on this install [20:23] <Spec-Chum> actually, that's a lie, I'm using the dark theme [20:24] <ejay> Spec-Chum, I remember using slackware ~10 years ago. Arch is super user friendly compared to slackware. Been using arch for couple of years as well but, same as you, had enough of messing with conf files. Welcome aboard. [20:25] <Spec-Chum> thanks :) [20:33] <phoenixz> When will the first bug fix packages come in?? Right now, on reboot, I need t reboot about 15 times before I get an sddm session that does not crash [21:36] <Spec-Chum> OK dumb question time cos I've never used linux on a laptop heh, how the heck do I change the gamma? [21:36] <Spec-Chum> my blacks are crsuhing from about 8 down [21:37] <Spec-Chum> on windows I just bumped up the brightness in the intel display config [21:41] <MobileRoey> hi al [21:42] <MobileRoey> my system boots now and SDDM lets me select the session type (fvwm, Plasma, etc.)--but I don't see any button for anything else. What gives?? I have two monitors here btw. [21:45] <Spec-Chum> nm, I got it, xgamma :P [22:30] <coderus> will kubuntu 15.04 repositories be updated with Plasma 5.3 or should we use [22:33] <Hairo> so, wifi ap mode is still broken [22:33] <Hairo> gg
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "20WAA57N9", "Azuu", "Blu_", "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "Hairo", "Hamsterjam", "JMichaelX", "LGTrader", "Leo___", "MobileRoey", "MoonUnit`", "Novice", "PercyB", "Pici", "Roey", "SerSelmy_", "SockFluff", "Spec-Chum", "Squidy", "Unit193", "Zerkalerka", "__CM__", "acz32", "alvin", "bip", "blubberbop", "chrissg", "coderus", "dubis", "ejay", "electragician", "gaboo", "genii", "gunndawg", "hateball", "hyper_ch", "jlotonah", "jonah", "kustodian", "lisacvuk", "lordievader", "mcc", "mparillo", "nascentmind", "nighter", "nikola_", "oceanblue", "phoenixz", "pkulas", "re_", "rghvdberg", "soee", "valorie", "wldcordeiro", "wldcordeiro_", "yossarianuk", "z4g47", "z4sk4" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[07:47] <philm88> Hi all. I've created a service that's started via upstart. It logs to /var/log/upstart/service.conf, like other upstart services do. Ubuntu specifies a logrotate rule that acts on all upstart log files and rotates them. After log rotation, I need my service to be restarted so that it starts a new log file - but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify a postrotate command on a per-service basis - it's done for upstart as a who [07:48] <philm88> Also, not sure if this is a question for here or #ubuntu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "philm88" ], "url": "", "channel": "#upstart" }
[06:29] <dholbach> good morning [06:43] <leandrosansilva> Hello to all. Is there any generic installer for ubuntu snappy? I found some kvm appliances and images for r-pi and bbb, but no "iso" image [06:45] <dholbach> you can find all the available images on [06:46] <dholbach> but I guess that's already where you found the other images [06:46] <leandrosansilva> dholbach: What I need is install snappy in a physical machine (atom processor) [06:47] <dholbach> I don't know if we have instructions for that [06:47] <dholbach> you can either wait for somebody else to answer the question, or you could mail [06:47] <leandrosansilva> oh, thank you [06:48] <dholbach> no worries :) [07:33] <tbr> leandrosansilva: I'd highly suspect that just DD'ing the KVM image to a drive/usb-stick would work [07:35] <tbr> I'm a bit unclear about how the snappy hardware adaptation is done. As ubuntu obviously runs on physical machines, etc. [07:37] <leandrosansilva> tbr: thank you, I`m going to try this approach [07:54] <willcooke> hey sergiusens, I saw on the snappy ML that you guys are working on an installer this cycle. Do you need any desktop-style requirements from us? [07:59] <willcooke> o/ seb128 [08:00] <seb128> hey [08:01] <dholbach> willcooke, sergiusens and co is at a sprint right now, so I'm not quite sure how much they pay attention to IRC [08:01] <dholbach> if nobody responds, maybe send a mail to snappy-devel@lists.u.c? [08:01] <willcooke> ah, thx dholbach - I'll follow up on the ML [08:01] <dholbach> rock and roll [08:02] <willcooke> I'm going to do that now, otherwise I will forget... [08:04] <dholbach> :) [08:07] <willcooke> This marks an important stage in my life: [08:07] <willcooke> The second time ever that I've learnt something good from a mailing list. [08:22] <sergiusens> willcooke: yes we are; we only brainstormed until now, we would need to put our notes out in the wild and I guess you can work it from there; we are going to focus on the core side of it and leave it to olli's team to work on personal (UI) [08:23] <sergiusens> willcooke: but in a nutshell, it's run live with an option to install [08:23] <willcooke> sergiusens, sounds great - thank you! [08:24] <willcooke> seb128, I wonder if we can wrap ubiquity around it? Get that Ubiquity port to Mir everyone wants too? [08:24] <willcooke> sergiusens, do you know if there will be a UOS session on in? [08:26] <sergiusens> willcooke: I'll be spending time off next week and I think uos is next week, but maybe we can add one [08:26] <willcooke> sergiusens, no worries, I'll keep an eye on the schedule. If not, if you could ping me when the docs are available and we can pick it up from there. [08:28] <seb128> willcooke, I'm unsure ubiquity is a fit, it's based on the debian installer and quite much on debs systems [08:28] <seb128> willcooke, what we need there is closer from e.g usb-creator [08:28] <willcooke> seb128, NEW INSTALLER! \o/ [08:28] <seb128> something that dump an image on a disk [08:28] <seb128> haha [08:28] <willcooke> I'm going to write it in bash script [08:28] <seb128> though part of ubiquity would make sense to reuse maybe, like partitionner [08:28] <seb128> :-) [08:29] <sergiusens> we talked about it, it's a simpler problem to solve that ubiquity [08:29] <willcooke> oh, yeah - partitioning will be interesting [08:29] <seb128> at the same time, does partitionning is a feature we want to support? [08:29] <seb128> or is snappy just a "take over the disk" type of system? [08:30] <willcooke> hrm - good call, probably dont need to worry about it too much at this stage [08:30] <sergiusens> those question are in our notes, but feel free to ramble on, you might end up with good ideas [08:31] <sergiusens> :-) [08:36] <mvo> sergiusens: [09:02] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy World Wish Day! :-D [11:13] <sennn> what is snappy? [11:22] <zer0x> i have a problem installing remotely a .snap [11:22] <zer0x> WARNING, trying automatic key setup, if it fails use --pub-key [path-to-key] or input your password on every request. [11:22] <zer0x> Failed to setup keys: no pub ssh key found, run ssh-keygen first [11:23] <zer0x> and then it ask me for 3 times the password:ubuntu [11:23] <zer0x> but it give me error: issues while running ssh command: Usage:snappy [-h] [-v] [11:23] <zer0x> {info,versions,search,update-versions,update,rollback,install,uninstall,tags,config,build,booted,chroot,framework,fake-version,nap} [11:23] <zer0x> ... [11:23] <zer0x> snappy: error: unrecognized arguments: --allow-unauthenticated [11:25] <zer0x> then I try to use eclipse to copy paste my .snap and then to install it locally [11:25] <zer0x> and i get the error: Package architectures "all" not compatible with system architecture "armhf" [11:25] <zer0x> (I forget to mention I use beaglebone black) [11:50] <leandrosansilva> Hello to all. How can I generate a ubuntu snappy image? I mean, how is the kvm image available for download generated? I`d like to do the same process but internally in the company I work. The basic idea is creating a snappy image with a few more things installed, as I could not find a way to install things on it except for snappy. [11:51] <leandrosansilva> I`ve been researching about system-image-cli command [15:01] <Odd_Bloke> Where is cloud-init able to write to on boot? Would it be able to write in to a temporary directory? [15:43] <mwenning> Hi snappy guys, has anyone modified the snappy image so that it can be netbooted? [15:48] <dholbach> mwenning, many folks working on snappy are at a sprint now - if nobody answers, you could try to write a mail to [15:49] <mwenning> dholbach, in Malta? [15:49] <dholbach> yep [15:49] <mwenning> dholbach, that's where I am ;-) , I'll ask around [15:49] <mwenning> thx [15:49] <dholbach> haha [15:49] <dholbach> great [15:49] <dholbach> find sergiusens or mvo or asac or lool [15:50] <dholbach> I'm sure they're going to have answers for you [16:18] <tbr> hmmmmm, so the current snappy amd64 generic image doesn't have capability to boot on a EFI system out of the box? [16:26] <dholbach> tbr, many folks working on snappy are at a sprint now - if nobody answers, you could try to write a mail to [16:27] <tbr> dholbach: yeah, no need to repeat yourself. no I'm not at the sprint myself. yes, if nobody answers I'll email the list, like I did before. [16:27] <dholbach> tbr, sorry about that [16:27] <dholbach> I couldn't quite remember who I replied to in this channel [16:27] <tbr> though it's faster to just install a virtual ubuntu server image on uefi and copy over whatever will be missing [16:28] <dholbach> I just realised that many are interested in snappy after the release [16:28] <tbr> dholbach: someone else, but it scrolled through my view just minutes ago [16:28] <dholbach> and that some might be disappointed if they come here and don't get their questions answered [16:28] <dholbach> yeah, I didn't check when you actually joined [16:28] <tbr> dholbach: I was disappointed by the lack of help /before/ the release. ;-) [16:29] <dholbach> some folks were sprinting there as well ;-) [16:29] <dholbach> all right... I call it a day - have a good one yourself! [16:29] <tbr> yeah, I know. the usual "ZOMG release day comethfast!" frenzy [16:30] <dholbach> exactly :) [16:30] <dholbach> see you around!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JamesTait", "Odd_Bloke", "dholbach", "leandrosansilva", "mvo", "mwenning", "seb128", "sennn", "sergiusens", "tbr", "willcooke", "zer0x" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[04:38] <captine> morning all [05:31] <magespawn> good morning [05:43] <Jacques_Stry> Morning [06:54] <Kilos> hi magespawn Jacques_Stry ThatGraemeGuy inetpro and others i have missed [06:55] <ThatGraemeGuy> 'lo [06:58] * Jacques_Stry waves [07:09] <Kilos> im really becoming good at pointing peeps to other peeps [07:10] <Kilos> im sorry for the extra work load Jacques_Stry , but you are doing a great job [07:10] <Jacques_Stry> haha no problem [07:13] <Kilos> at last the project is taking off, poor william was getting despondent i think [07:14] <Jacques_Stry> Well, working with volunteers - things can time a while sometimes but as long as stuff keeps moving [07:15] <Kilos> the early mails were all about advice but noone did anything [07:16] <Kilos> once again , my team to the rescue [07:18] <Kilos> now the big work comes, geting teachers to learn irc and get involved, doing everything via emails takes forever [07:19] <Jacques_Stry> Yip, but at least we have a base to work on now [07:20] <Kilos> yeah ,well done [07:30] <Squirm> Morning [07:30] <Kilos> hi Squirm [07:39] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry idea [07:39] <Kilos> maybe we can bypass the teacher prob [07:40] <Kilos> and you are the man i think with connection to the education peeps who lay out curriculums [07:40] <Kilos> maybe the books are all on online already and just need downloading [07:42] <Kilos> julle moet die dink werk doen man , my kop is seer vandag [07:59] <inetpro> good mornings everyone [08:00] <Kilos> ohi my inetpro well done sir [08:00] <inetpro> uh? [08:01] <Kilos> and the stupid act may fool others [08:01] <Kilos> i know better [08:01] <magespawn> hi inetpro [08:01] <Kilos> i wont give you work if you greet me magespawn [08:04] <magespawn> i did earlier [08:04] <Kilos> lemme check [08:06] <Kilos> before i greeted must be, ok forgiveness is forthcoming [08:06] <magespawn> cool beans [08:06] <Kilos> hehe [08:09] <Jacques_Stry> Morning inetpro, magespawn [08:10] <Jacques_Stry> kilos: Problem is even if we get the books - still have to be translated [08:11] <Kilos> oh my was that the aim [08:11] <Jacques_Stry> They can't accept anything if not available in all the language of teaching [08:12] <Kilos> oh my [08:13] <magespawn> hi Jacques_Stry [08:15] <Kilos> magespawn we hit 49 for a while last night [08:15] <Kilos> 1 more [08:40] <gremble> o/ [08:41] <CuttingEdge> greetings [08:42] <Kilos> morning gremble CuttingEdge [08:44] <gremble> I think my internet has been throttled >.> [08:44] <gremble> Good morning Kilos [08:52] <magespawn> Kilos: i see [09:03] * Kilos needs some help please [09:04] <Kilos> then went to here [09:04] <Kilos> have no idea what or how to download the right one for 14.04 [09:05] <Jacques_Stry> Honestly I still struggle as well if the install file isn't a *.deb [09:06] <Kilos> yay its not only me [09:06] <Jacques_Stry> You will probably have to go for the .tar.gz [09:06] <gremble> No stop [09:06] <Jacques_Stry> :) [09:06] <gremble> It is a python package [09:06] * Kilos stops [09:07] <gremble> So you can download and install it with pip [09:07] <Kilos> command please [09:07] <gremble> Give me a second [09:07] <Kilos> pip install ? [09:07] <gremble> pip install cElementTree [09:07] <Kilos> ty [09:08] <gremble> Why are you installing a fast implementation of the elementtree API? [09:08] <Kilos> ibid needs it [09:08] <Kilos> No distributions at all found for cElementTree [09:09] <Kilos> ill need to somehow point pip to that link [09:09] <gremble> no. It works for my [09:09] <gremble> me* [09:09] <gremble> pip install celementtree [09:09] <gremble> Sec [09:10] <Kilos> it cant be in the main packages [09:10] <gremble> No. It's not [09:10] <gremble> Then you want to download the tar.gz package [09:15] <Kilos> for that effbot thing? [09:15] <Kilos> oi why are things so difficult [09:17] <gremble> Because you're trying to play with orphaned packages [09:17] <gremble> :P [09:18] <Kilos> i dont even know how to make a crying smiley [09:19] <gremble> If it's crying, how can it be a smiley? [09:19] <gremble> I hate slow internet so much [09:19] <Kilos> on the second link there is a whole list of celemetree files [09:19] <Kilos> emoticons then [09:20] <Kilos> daai goeters [09:20] <Squirm> It's almost weekend [09:20] <Kilos> does one just get the top one? [09:21] <gremble> Squirm: you are ever the optimist [09:21] <gremble> :P [09:21] <Kilos> oi and the fly told me never install from source [09:21] <Squirm> gremble: well, after tomorrow is the weekend [09:21] <Kilos> because i break things [09:23] <gremble> Probably good adive [09:23] <gremble> advice* [09:23] <Kilos> lol [09:24] <Kilos> nm mrfixit will sort me tonight [09:31] <Kilos> :') [09:31] <Kilos> oi [09:33] <Kilos> :'( [09:33] <Kilos> hehe [09:33] <Kilos> methinks thats the sad smiley [10:17] <pieter2627> hi all [10:18] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 hoe gaan dit daar? [10:18] <pieter2627> Goed, en self met oom? [10:18] <Kilos> goed dankie [10:19] <Kilos> jy het gisteraand se meeting gemis [10:19] <Kilos> sies man [10:20] <pieter2627> ja sorry, sien dit veroggend toe ek emails kyk - het vergeet [10:20] <Kilos> ai! [10:20] <Kilos> lekker meeting gehad, die vlieg het die stoel bestuur [10:21] <Kilos> hy vat nie nonsens van kabouters nie [10:21] <pieter2627> stoel bestuur? [10:21] <Kilos> chair [10:21] <Kilos> daai ding [10:22] <Kilos> meeting chair person [10:22] <pieter2627> ah, wou nou net vra waarn toe die stoel gery het [10:23] <Kilos> lol [10:24] <pieter2627> sal maar die log gaan lees [10:24] <Kilos> mooi [10:35] <CuttingEdge> sent an email to about adding the Neology mirror to the za.* DNS mirror pools [10:37] <Kilos> cool [10:37] <Kilos> isnt it in there already [10:38] <CuttingEdge> naaaa, its not a 'country' mirror but a 'private' one [10:38] <Kilos> when you open update manager and choose other and tisk the arrow next to za neology shows [12:07] <magespawn> back again [12:10] <Kilos> wb magespawn [12:10] <Kilos> both of you [12:10] <Kilos> if you were both at the meet we would have hit 50 [12:38] * Kilos needs to restart [13:15] <Squirm> fyi - [14:29] <Kilos> hmm... [15:53] <Kilos> me wonders how the fly family is fairing [15:54] <Kilos> right sounding word maybe spelling is wrong [15:54] <Kilos> faring [15:54] <Kilos> Maaz define fairing [15:54] <Maaz> Kilos: Fairing \Fair"ing\, n. A present; originally, one given or purchased at a fair. --Gay. [1913 Webster] {Fairing box}, a box receiving savings or small sums of money. --Hannah More. [1913 Webster] [15:55] <Kilos> Maaz define fsring [15:55] <Maaz> Kilos: I don't know about fsring. Maybe you meant Fring, Faring, Firing or firing? [15:55] <Kilos> ai! [15:55] <Kilos> Maaz define faring [15:55] <Maaz> Kilos: Fare \Fare\ (f[^a]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Fared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Faring}.] [AS. faran to travel, fare; akin to OS., Goth., & OHG. faran to travel, go, D. varen, G. fahren, OFries., Icel., & Sw. fara, Dan. fare, Gr. ????? a way through, ??????? a ferry, strait, ???????? to convey, ?????????? to go, march, ????? beyond, on the other side, ????? to pass [15:55] <Maaz> through, L. peritus experienced, portus port, Skr. par to bring over. [root]78. Cf. {Chaffer}… [16:01] <Kilos> in other words hoe gaan dit met hulle [16:23] <Kilos> wb magespawn [16:23] <magespawn> ty Kilos [16:41] <magespawn> so whats up tonight? [16:43] <Kilos> i really dont know magespawn been very quiet here [16:43] <magespawn> so i see [16:43] <magespawn> wiliiamk was on late last night, talking about the document project again [16:43] <Kilos> aw i missed it [16:44] <magespawn> was late or early depending on how you look at things [16:44] <Kilos> but glad he is learning to use irc for quick answers [16:45] <Kilos> so strange such old buntu peeps that dont use irc [16:45] <magespawn> they have set up a test server for the book software they want to use to make the manuals here [16:45] <Kilos> oh yes i know about that [16:46] <Kilos> we just gotta watch wwk and jacques for info [16:53] <Kilos> hi Tonberry [16:53] <Kilos> hi kulelu88 [16:53] <kulelu88> sup Kilos [16:53] <Kilos> you missed last nights meeting, shame on you [16:54] <Kilos> we were one short to make 50 nicks here [16:54] <Kilos> then i can retire [16:54] <kulelu88> I was asleep [16:54] <kulelu88> I think [17:07] <pieter2627> Kilos: it's faring [17:08] <Kilos> ty pieter2627 [17:08] * pieter2627 is a bit brain fried - just read last night's log [17:09] <Kilos> lol [17:09] <Kilos> pieter2627 after the meeting was too much for me i cant keep up when things fly like that [17:10] <magespawn> right go to go work a bit, back later [17:10] <pieter2627> yea, those two conversations were also almost parallel [17:10] <Kilos> yeah i give up with that [17:10] <Kilos> i like things like now Q+A after each other [17:11] <pieter2627> gremble mentioned that he is good at proofreading - has he check the grammar on africa's site? [17:12] <pieter2627> yip, this is better - i also don't pay too much attention to names so get confused at times [17:12] <Kilos> lol he has seen the site, i think if he found something wrong he would have said so [17:13] <pieter2627> ok, i'm then just gonna do a last check before proposing those merges [17:13] * pieter2627 have to install nikola first... but wanna try something [17:14] <Kilos> ok [17:22] <Squirm> Good evening [17:23] <Kilos> hi Squirm [17:43] <inetpro> good evening [17:43] <inetpro> oh and hullo uncle Kilos [17:44] <Kilos> lol hello inetpro [17:44] <Kilos> i wont say anything [17:44] <inetpro> why? [17:45] <Kilos> well [17:45] <inetpro> something wrong with hullo? [17:45] <Kilos> normally you read scro;; backs all over [17:45] <Kilos> scroll [17:45] <Kilos> and find whas wrong where [17:45] <Kilos> whats [17:46] <inetpro> hmm.... lemme check [17:46] <Kilos> lol [17:46] <Kilos> you know im sure to make the membership application next thursday at midnight [17:46] <Kilos> i might even give you a +1 [17:47] <inetpro> uh [17:47] <inetpro> did I miss something? [17:48] <Kilos> hmm... [18:02] <kulelu88> I can help you install nikola in docker [18:03] <Kilos> wb pieter2627 [18:03] <pieter2627> kulelu88: awesome, that is exactly what i'm trying to do [18:03] <kulelu88> your dockerfile and I will clean it for you pieter2627 [18:04] * pieter2627 didn't realise i got disconnected [18:04] <pieter2627> kulelu88: have not created one yet, just started (run) an python:2.7 to test [18:05] <kulelu88> don't download that 900MB version of theirs [18:05] <kulelu88> the first world doesn't think of africa when they write their 1GB software for testing [18:06] <Kilos> wow [18:06] <pieter2627> haha, already did [18:06] <kulelu88> unless you live in cape town, which is trying to be first world [18:06] <pieter2627> lol [18:07] <kulelu88> with your wine and cheese and hipsters [18:07] <kulelu88> and startups [18:07] <pieter2627> do you suggest installing python in a debian image? [18:07] <kulelu88> pieter2627: I went with an ubuntu install. my image + python = 350ishMB [18:08] <pieter2627> ok (debian is about 100Mb smaller that ubuntu) [18:09] <kulelu88> i'm just used to the ubuntu way now, so I stuck with it [18:09] <pieter2627> me too [18:09] <pieter2627> just explorer debian - aren't they same anyway [18:10] <kulelu88> you'd get flamed for saying that in murican channels [18:10] * pieter2627 is clearly wrong then [18:11] <pieter2627> did you install python 2.7 or 3.[3-4]? [18:11] <kulelu88> 2.7 [18:12] <pieter2627> will try that then [18:12] <kulelu88> check which version superfly and them used for the site [18:13] <Kilos> 3.4 i think [18:13] <pieter2627> we talked about it the other day, but forgot [18:13] <Kilos> inetpro which python did we use for the sites please [18:13] <kulelu88> python --version [18:13] <kulelu88> sudo python --version [18:14] <pieter2627> Kilos: ^^ [18:14] <kulelu88> sudo rm -rf / [18:14] <Kilos> 2.7.6 [18:14] <pieter2627> just NOT that last one [18:15] <kulelu88> possible that they may have used a venv. go into the directory where nikola is installed and check version there [18:16] <Kilos> rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on ‘/’ [18:16] <Kilos> rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe [18:16] <Kilos> lol [18:16] <Kilos> missed not [18:17] <pieter2627> see Kilos is clever [18:17] <Kilos> i coulda sworn we used 3.4 [18:17] <Kilos> everything else is 2.7 but something rings a bell about 3.4 [18:18] <kulelu88> Guidos desire [18:18] <Kilos> inetpro ping man [18:19] <Kilos> he is buried in python bot land [18:20] <inetpro> huh? [18:20] <kulelu88> or watching pron [18:20] <Kilos> we used python 3.4 on the site didnt we [18:21] <inetpro> Kilos: how must I remember that? [18:21] <Kilos> ya nikola wanted it [18:21] <Kilos> pieter2627 wants to know [18:21] <inetpro> I have documentation for the purpose to remind me [18:21] <Kilos> rtfs [18:22] <Kilos> read the freaking stuff [18:22] <Kilos> and give us the answer [18:22] <inetpro> [18:23] <Kilos> pieter2627 rtfs [18:23] <kulelu88> rtfd? [18:23] <Kilos> hi gremble [18:23] * pieter2627 reading [18:24] <gremble> Hey Kilos [18:24] <Kilos> read the freaking dialogue [18:24] <pieter2627> documentation [18:24] <Kilos> oh ya that [18:29] <Kilos> evening superfly [18:30] <superfly> hi Kilos [18:31] <superfly> pieter2627, Kilos: it doesn't matter. Nikola runs on both [18:31] <Kilos> ah ty [18:31] <pieter2627> superfly: ty [18:33] <kulelu88> won't there be conflicts cause of the custom work. or is that just the template design? [18:33] <inetpro> hi superfly [18:33] <superfly> hi inetpro [18:42] <Kilos> superfly [18:43] <Kilos> will those fixes make aptitude safe to use [19:49] <Kilos> hi smile [19:50] <smile> Hi :) [19:50] <smile> Another crash with unknown cause [19:51] <Kilos> ai! [19:51] <smile> Long live Windows [19:51] <Kilos> lol [19:51] <smile> :-P [19:52] <smile> I will swap disks with another pc to see if the problem occurs with other hardware :) [19:53] <Kilos> good luck lad. [19:53] <smile> Thanks [19:54] <smile> How s your day :-P [19:58] <Kilos> same old different day [19:59] <smile> You will have to explain that. ;-) [19:59] <Kilos> same old daily routine but on another day [20:00] <smile> Whats your routine [20:02] <Kilos> wake up [20:02] <Kilos> gbreathe [20:02] <Kilos> breathe [20:02] <Kilos> eat [20:02] <Kilos> look after sheep and poultry [20:02] <Kilos> water plants [20:02] <Kilos> play on pc [20:02] <Kilos> sleep [20:03] <smile> You only eat once? [20:03] <Kilos> lunch and supper [20:03] <Kilos> and when waking pc goes on first [20:04] <Kilos> read mail then rest of the day starts [20:04] <Kilos> and now im ready for bed again [20:06] <smile> :-) good night! [20:06] <Kilos> lol now now [20:11] <smile> Not now? [20:11] <smile> :-P [20:12] <Kilos> 5 mins more [20:13] <smile> Thats not a magic number [20:13] <Kilos> oh [20:13] <Kilos> 2 then [20:14] <smile> You should always go sleep on a rounded number [20:14] <smile> :-D [20:14] <Kilos> ya sleep at 10pm [20:14] <smile> You are late. [20:14] <Kilos> but gotta get ready first man [20:14] <smile> :-P [20:15] <Kilos> oh ya [20:15] <Kilos> good night all. sleep tight. tomorrow is another day [20:15] <smile> Not sure about that [20:16] <smile> We can only hope [20:16] <smile> Good night :) [20:16] <Kilos> the sun will definitely be up [20:16] <smile> Nature can not be predicted [20:16] <smile> :-P [20:48] <superfly> Finally got Quasseldroid working on my G2 [20:49] <smile> LG SUCKS [20:49] <smile> :-P [20:55] <gremble> smile so eloquently surmised the problem with induction :P [20:55] <gremble> Especially scientific induction [20:57] <smile> :-O and that means? [20:58] <gremble> If you see 9999 9999 white swans and decide that all swans are white, you do not necessarily have a truth, since observing one black swan will negate your theorum that all swans are white [20:59] <Trixar_za> Hypothesis [20:59] <gremble> Hypothesis, theorum. Semantics. [20:59] <Trixar_za> No, Theories are proven by experimentation. [21:00] <Trixar_za> So not semantics [21:00] <gremble> No. I don't do experiments to prove theorums. I construct proofs [21:00] <gremble> Hypotheses are also tested by experiment [21:01] <smile> :) [21:01] <Trixar_za> No, they are tested by experimentation. That's their definition. They're the guesses to what you're observing. Experimentation proves it, which turns it into a theory [21:01] <Trixar_za> That's why it's the theory of evolution, not the hypotheses of evolution :| [21:02] <gremble> How will you test the fundamental theorum of calculus by experimentation? [21:02] <Trixar_za> You can tell I've had this argument with creationalists [21:02] <gremble> I can tell that you should read Karl Popper :P [21:03] <Trixar_za> Math is pure science. You can't fake it. It will always work out that way. That's proof. Experimentation is just another form of proving your observation and explaination of it correct. [21:03] <smile> The bible is real. The bible itself, not its contents. :-P [21:04] <Trixar_za> No, some of what is in the bible happened. But if you think it's historically accurate, then you've missed the point of it. [21:04] <gremble> You can fake it though. Russell gave us the set of all sets paradox, Godel has shown us that anything more expressive than Peano Arithmetic has paradoxes. So even "pure" formal systems come with flaws [21:04] <gremble> So to think something derived from there is flawless is naive [21:04] <Trixar_za> paradoxes aren't flaws [21:04] <gremble> Of course they are [21:05] <Trixar_za> Only if you believe self-contradiction isn't logical. [21:05] <gremble> [21:06] <gremble> If you can prove something is true and its negation is true, you can prove anything [21:06] <gremble> Contradiction* not negation [21:07] <Trixar_za> Makes sense to me. But you're wrong about it proving anything. I hate using the term because of that blasted book, but most things have various 'shades of gray' to it and not just two extremes. [21:08] <Trixar_za> Well, using it to prove everything that is [21:09] <gremble> By proving anything I mean propositions that can only have true or false outcomes. Anything more complex than that is not the realm of logic [21:09] <smile> Slaapwel :) [21:09] <gremble> equality etc [21:09] <gremble> good night smile [21:09] <smile> Interesting :-) [21:09] <Trixar_za> Then you have a very shallow view of logic and reality :P [21:10] <gremble> I highly doubt that [21:12] <gremble> Logic != Reason [21:12] <gremble> and your reality is not something that exists outside of our man-made universe [21:14] <gremble> Does anyone here know why there are Riots in Baltimore? [21:16] <Trixar_za> We have our own riots and stuff, so we don't really care? Oo [21:43] <superfly> I find it interesting, Trixar_za that you say evolution is a theory, but in reality you can't run an experiment on it... [21:44] <gremble> See "working hypothesis" :P [21:44] <gremble> But I will go do Category Theory in silence and not argue over the internet xD [21:46] <superfly> And I must go to bed. [21:46] <superfly> Night [21:46] <gremble> Cheers [21:47] <Trixar_za> You can. With short-lived organisms and plants. [21:49] <superfly> Right. You keep on believing that. [21:50] <Trixar_za> That's how they did it for the last few decades with the first experimetation of genetics being done with wheat. [21:50] <Trixar_za> By a monk no less [21:51] <gremble> That was not evolution. That was an experiment on hereditary traits [21:51] <gremble> Fuck. I keep getting sucked in [21:51] <gremble> Haha [21:55] <Trixar_za> Actually, I have a simpler solution. [21:55] <gremble> Go for it [21:56] <Trixar_za> I'm done and I'll /ignore gremble - problem solved and I won't keep getting sucked into his whatever this is [21:56] <gremble> That, is actually an excellent solution [21:56] <gremble> :P [21:57] <Trixar_za> I've already had to leave one channel because of somebody that liked to contradictory and loved turning people against me. I'm not going to go through that again. [21:57] <Trixar_za> be* [21:57] <gremble> Oh. I am in no means or way trying to be malicious [21:57] <gremble> I apologise if that is the tone that came across [21:58] <gremble> And I most certainly don't want to turn anyone against anyone
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CuttingEdge", "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "Maaz", "Squirm", "ThatGraemeGuy", "Trixar_za", "captine", "gremble", "inetpro", "kulelu88", "magespawn", "pieter2627", "smile", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[00:01] <valorie> Riddell: were the correct changes made to the spreadsheet in time? I asked, and assumed they were [00:01] <valorie> in general I never touch spreadsheets because I tend to break them [00:02] <valorie> if the kubuntu proposals stayed as they were, none would have been chosen since none of us could tell what was intended by the ranking numbers [00:03] <valorie> sorry to chime in so late, still catching up after being away 4 days [00:25] <ahoneybun> hey valorie [00:32] <valorie> hello ahoneybun [00:32] <valorie> sorry, need to prepare to drive down to see my dad now [00:32] <ahoneybun> guess who is free to fly! [00:34] <valorie> I always read the backlog, so I know it's you! [00:34] <valorie> I've sent my wire info, so I'm hoping i can buy tickets soon [00:41] <ahoneybun> lol [04:51] <valorie> oh what the hell happened to networking recently -- wired will not connect because of "no secrets" even when I keep re-adding my silly long password [04:52] <valorie> and of course nothing has improved with my wireless card [04:52] <Etriaph> Since I added the 5.3 PPA yesterday I've had some pretty odd bugs. [04:53] <valorie> Etriaph: please *never* advise the use of plasma 5 in anything but vivid [04:54] <valorie> neon is gone, and the 14.10 PPAs are toxic [04:54] <Etriaph> valorie: I wasn't so much advising that earlier as denoting what path existed. [04:54] <Etriaph> valorie: I apologize if that caused you any grief. [04:55] <valorie> it will cause *them* grief [04:55] <valorie> I've removed the information everywhere possible [04:55] <Etriaph> Ah, OK. [04:56] <valorie> both worked great when we had the cycles to support them [04:57] <valorie> anyway, just a word to the wise -- otherwise, you give great help to folks, so keep doing that! [04:57] <valorie> it's always great to see new folks helping out in #kubuntu [04:57] <Etriaph> Typically if someone asks a question, I'll provide an answer and trust that they know what to do with it :D [04:58] <valorie> and thank you for that [05:01] <Etriaph> I guess I should parse my words when someone is trying to use something that's "experimental" [05:07] <valorie> it was experimental, then beta, and now released [05:07] <valorie> I had a few people beg for Plasma 5 on 14.04! [05:07] <valorie> to which.... wut? [05:08] <valorie> if you want stable, stick with your LTS [05:08] <valorie> you can stick with it for 4 more years, after all [05:11] <Etriaph> Plasma 5, itself, is pretty stable. More apps on KF5 will help. [05:12] <Etriaph> With only some of the apps using the new library there's less opportunity to weed out bugs. [05:17] <valorie> true [05:18] <valorie> however, i think the devels have been rather strategic [05:18] <valorie> the most important stuff is ported [05:18] <valorie> of course I still miss some bits [05:18] <Etriaph> Dolphin is still KDE4 [05:18] <Etriaph> /cry [05:19] <Etriaph> I really want to setup my places. :) [05:19] <valorie> I'm sure they would welcome your help, Etriaph [05:21] <Etriaph> I took a look at the code for the version of Dolphin we're running and I couldn't see a problem; sent an email to Mr. Edmunson with some questions but never heard back. [05:21] <Etriaph> Sho_ suggested I email him. [05:32] <valorie> damn it, this is BS -- wired connection worked until today's updates [05:33] <Etriaph> I'm on a wired connection and it's working fine, you on a laptop? [05:34] <valorie> yes [05:35] <valorie> my wireless card is dying, so I prefer to use the wired connection, which has always been stable [05:35] <valorie> but as of today's updates, the password is not only not saved, but not used [05:35] <valorie> for the wired connection [05:36] <Etriaph> You have a password for a wired connection? [05:36] <valorie> there is a password to the router [05:36] <Etriaph> Ah, roger that. [05:36] <valorie> no problem putting it in once [05:37] <valorie> anyway, I'll write to the devel list and see what changed, so I can file a bug [05:37] <valorie> until then I'll be bouncing in and out from the BNC [05:37] <valorie> gah [05:43] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: Google added 23 seconds [08:12] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:22] <soee> Riddell: applications are ready for tests ? [08:22] <soee> i see reds [08:31] <Riddell> soee: red can be a pretty colour too :) [08:43] <soee> Riddell: they wotn break anything in system ? :) [08:46] <Riddell> soee: I've no idea, that's the fun of testing [08:48] <soee> btw wht is the difference between this 2 packages for thumbs: [08:50] * Riddell has no idea [08:51] <soee> Riddell: btw in the testers call was typo, not ppa:kubuntu-pps/next-stage2 but ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next-stage2 [08:51] <soee> pps->ppa [08:53] <Riddell> well spotted [08:54] <soee> with stage2 ppa apr wants to remove: calligra-libs digikam karbon libkgeomap2 libmarblewidget20 [08:57] <Riddell> that's the sort of testing we need to find out stuff [08:57] <Riddell> libmarblewidget20 is now libmarblewidget21 so we'll need to recompile calligra [08:57] <Riddell> and libkgeomap is separate so we'll need to recompile digikam [08:57] <Riddell> thanks for finding that out :) [09:12] <Riddell> sgclark: I revived because it seems there's a bunch of bits that need kept track of [09:13] <Riddell> sgclark: I've listed all the packages that are marked not green or otherwise need to be done [09:15] <sitter> Riddell: [09:15] <sitter> red [09:19] <Riddell> I like red [09:21] <Riddell> fixed [09:33] <soee> ;) [09:51] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: maybe you should vote for these people [09:51] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I am a big fan of Ubuntu Party, and Michael Tellingers ideas :-) [09:52] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Will you be voting ? [09:54] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: of course, registered in Edinburgh South, should I vote for Neil Hay or are his twitter crimes unforgiveable? [09:55] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Oh the choice of who, and under what reasoning is your priviledge and yours alone [09:55] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Delighted that you are partaking though [10:02] <sitter> hm [10:02] <sitter> Riddell: any error reports about baloo? [10:02] <sitter> [10:02] <sitter> auto upgrade tester is not too happy with it [10:03] <sitter> ah wait, there's an epoch problem [10:04] <sitter> oh eh [10:04] <sitter> Riddell: that won't fly will it? [10:04] <sitter> baloo (the qt4 thing deb) had an epoch [10:04] <sitter> now there is a transitional baloo in the kf5 package that doesn't have an epoch [10:05] <Riddell> I'm sure I added one [10:05] <sitter> yes but it can't work [10:05] <sitter> the new baloo binary is << the old [10:05] <Riddell> e.g. we have 4:5.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1 in kubuntu-ppa/backports [10:05] <sitter> Oo [10:06] <sitter> Riddell: how does that work? baloo-kf5 source has no epoch [10:06] <Riddell> I did some magic in debian/rules to add the epoch [10:07] <Riddell> ah "baloo : Depends: baloo-kf5 (= 4:5.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1)" [10:07] <sitter> Riddell: no [10:07] <sitter> yes [10:07] <sitter> Riddell: that doesn't work [10:07] <Riddell> so it depends on the wrong version [10:07] <sitter> baloo-kf5 *is* 5.9.0 [10:07] <Riddell> right [10:07] <sitter> baloo *needs* to be 4:5.9.0 to be >> baloo 4:4.13 [10:08] <sitter> that rules magic is mighty impressive though, to bad it was solving the wrong problem :P [10:08] <Riddell> "Depends: baloo-kf5 (= ${source:Version})" needs something else in there [10:08] <sitter> noooooooooo [10:09] <Riddell> no? [10:09] <sitter> the depends isn't the problem [10:09] <sitter> gimme a sec [10:09] <Riddell> sure it is, baloo "Depends: baloo-kf5 (= 4:5.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1)" [10:09] <sitter> ah [10:09] <sitter> Riddell: yeah you are right nevermind me [10:10] <Riddell> somehow that epoch in the depends gets added which is wrong [10:10] <sitter> Riddell: simply hardcode? [10:10] <sitter> or use upstream:Version [10:11] <sitter> source:Upstream-Version [10:11] <sitter> The upstream source package version, including the Debian version epoch if any. [10:11] <sitter> I get the feeling that manpage entry is wrong [10:12] <Riddell> compiling now.. [10:12] <Riddell> sitter: should we add 4: epoch to all the ktp packages now it's in applications? [10:13] <sitter> Riddell: I vote no on randomly introducing epochs :P [10:13] <Riddell> it's not random, its consistency across all of kde applications [10:14] <sitter> 'kde applications' is random though [10:14] <sitter> things become apps, things might be !apps, things might become plasmas, things might become frameworks [10:14] <Riddell> sitter: the version number isn't random, it's consistent [10:14] <Riddell> even if the internal version number doesn't match at all [10:15] <sitter> Riddell: if something becomes a framework it's not consistent [10:15] <Riddell> ktp won't be a framework [10:15] <sitter> you don't know that [10:15] <sitter> there is zero to be gained from adding an epoch [10:16] <Riddell> less faff with the packaging scripts [10:16] <sitter> maybe the scripts should be fixed instead? [10:18] <sitter> Riddell: oddly enough the source:Upstream-Version substvar really includes the epoch. so hardcoding the dep version is the way to go I suppose [10:20] <sitter> makes you wonder how source:Version is different from source:Upstream-Version considering a package version only has two to three components to it and both of those substvars use the same two [10:23] <Riddell> sitter: " Depends: baloo-kf5 (= 5.9.0)" is what I end up with if I use "Depends: baloo-kf5 (= ${source:Upstream-Version})" [10:23] <Riddell> so that seems perfect [10:24] <sitter> ah [10:24] <sitter> true true, my test case was wrong xD [10:24] <sitter> Riddell: splendid [10:25] <sitter> Riddell: [10:26] <sitter> Riddell: similar for workspace [10:28] <Tm_T> is qt5 debug packages somewhere available? [10:28] <Tm_T> trying to send meaningful crash reports [10:28] <Tm_T> plasma keeps crashing on me [10:33] <Riddell> qtbase5-dbg Tm_T [10:34] <Tm_T> thanks [10:37] <sitter> Riddell: if qml files are in a data package should that data package depend on the qml-module packages it needs (making it non-arch-all supposedly) or should they be on a binary package? [10:37] <sitter> or perhaps they should only be recommends? [10:37] <sitter> or perhaps recommends on data and then duplicated onto binary as depends [10:38] <sitter> example being kwin-data [10:44] <sitter> Riddell: I think you should have removed the patches what with them being upstream -> [10:45] <Riddell> sitter: muon fixed thanks [10:54] <Riddell> sitter: plasma-workspace fixed thanks [10:55] <Riddell> sitter: recommends sounds sensible I guess, maybe mitya57 or Mirv have opinions [10:56] <Riddell> sitter: qml could really do with a dh_shlibsqml magic script to pick up dependencies on other qml bits [11:03] <sitter> Riddell: nigh impossible that is [11:03] <sitter> what with apps being able to manipulate the load paths in all sorts of ways at runtime [11:03] <sitter> and it would require pulling runtime deps in as build deps such that one can resolve them at build time which is naughty really [11:29] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell:  Spads: hello, how can we push #26463 forward?  it's deadline was a week ago  we had a release to get out a week ago  So we had to remove that deadline.  We have rather a lot of work in the queue ahead of it, I'm afraid.  as blahdeblah mentioned, we can't guarantee any particular timeframe [11:29] <ovidiu-florin> I'm not happy with this [11:40] <sitter> engage stepchild mode! [11:41] <Riddell> it's pretty predictable [11:44] <sitter> sad very sad [11:45] <sitter> we should ask around, maybe some server hostery or CDN business would like to host us ;) [11:48] <Riddell> we do have a server, but of course it's low powered [11:48] <Riddell> we also have money, we can eaily buy another one [11:51] <sitter> Riddell: OTOH I am sure someone would like to have their name mentioned on the frontpage in exchange for hosting [11:51] <Riddell> I'm sure someone would but we don't want to end up in a place where we sell our souls :) [11:52] <Riddell> bytemark may well do [11:52] <sitter> at any rate IMO putting it on qa.kubuntu would be a bad idea as that server is not only low powered but also has load spikes due to the crons [11:52] <Riddell> true [11:52] <Riddell> I'll see Dan Shearer of Bytemark in a couple of weeks, can ask him [11:52] <sitter> Riddell: well, we can ask businesses we like [11:53] <sitter> on a related note. I think having a managed server would be a boon (i.e. someone else worries about system level updates and uptime ;)) [11:54] <Riddell> well that's why ovidiu-florin and jose wanted to let canonical do it [11:54] <Riddell> and well the predictable has happened [11:54] <sitter> right, hence my suggestion [11:54] <ovidiu-florin> I was thinking of hosting it at wordpress [11:55] <ovidiu-florin> but apparently it's hard to get in touch with them [11:55] <Riddell> will give you one with adverts and limited abiility to install stuff [11:55] <Riddell> not great [11:55] <sitter> nah [11:56] <sitter> they have paied plans [11:56] <Riddell> ah [11:56] <sitter> business plan is 300 euros per year with unlimited everything [11:56] <sitter> premium plan is 99 per year [11:57] <sitter> with 13gb storage [11:58] <sitter> would have the profound advantage of us not having to worry about anything (alas, also having no control over available plugins and so forth) [11:58] <ovidiu-florin> is that too expensive for us? [11:58] <Riddell> not really, we have money for it [11:58] <ovidiu-florin> it's true that we can't have custom, unregistered plugins, I think [11:58] <Riddell> that seems like a blocker [11:58] <sitter> well [11:58] <sitter> do we need them? [11:59] <ovidiu-florin> my point exactly [11:59] <Riddell> isn't that what we use? [11:59] <Riddell> how is the new site themed? [11:59] <sitter> theme != plugin [12:02] <ovidiu-florin> [12:03] <ovidiu-florin> so, only their themes, no changes, and no plugins [12:03] <ovidiu-florin> I vone NO [12:03] <ovidiu-florin> vote* [12:05] <Riddell> right, too limited [12:06] <soee> oh lord, had to burn DVD first time since 2-3 years to install kubuntu :o [12:07] <sitter> [12:07] <soee> ovidiu-florin: whats the problem ? [12:09] <ovidiu-florin> I'm talking to the bluehost guys now [12:10] <soee> ovidiu-florin: talk with DO, im sure they might be interested with hosting for kubuntu [12:10] <ovidiu-florin> Digital Ocean? [12:11] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ^ [12:11] <soee> yes [12:11] <ovidiu-florin> tha's a VPS [12:11] <soee> more or less, but best thing if you want to have ful control ver it [12:11] <soee> i have 3 droplets there already [12:11] <soee> 1 ubuntu and 2 debina [12:11] <soee> *debian [12:22] <sitter> hm [12:22] <sitter> Riddell: kwin packaging is a bit of a mess, half the qml stuff is in kwin.deb other half in kwin-data.deb [12:23] <mgraesslin> sitter: that reminds me: I wanted to provide packaging recommendations [12:26] <ovidiu-florin> bluehost sound promissing [12:26] <ovidiu-florin> I'll write a report [12:27] <sitter> mgraesslin: which parts should be installed with x11/wayland? [12:27] <sitter> because I was wondering about that the other day xD [12:27] <sitter> ovidiu-florin: <3 [12:27] <ovidiu-florin> are we registered as a nonprofit? [12:28] <mgraesslin> sitter: exactly for that I wanted to do packaging recommendations, like how to split it, how to setup dependencies, etc. [12:28] <sitter> ovidiu-florin: we are registered as something in the UK I believe [12:28] <sitter> Riddell: ^ [12:28] <sitter> mgraesslin: that would be very useful [12:30] <mgraesslin> sitter: is there a standard way to distribute packaging information, something like e.g. PACKAGING text file? [12:31] <Riddell> mgraesslin: no but a README.Packagers is what some people use. or output messages at the end of cmake output [12:31] <sitter> seems a bit too excessive [12:31] <sitter> it really doesn't matter where you put the information though [12:31] <Riddell> somewhere that we'll read it :) [12:31] <Riddell> e-mail release-team@ is one way [12:31] <sitter> most people don't read shit unless you explicitly tell them about it, so as long as you send a mail to the distro pacakgers list with a pointer it'll be fine [12:32] <mgraesslin> all right [12:32] <mgraesslin> will try to get something together [12:32] <mgraesslin> and hope it won't outdate too fast ;-) [12:33] <sitter> ^^ [12:43] <soee> kubuntu 15.04 installed on my parents PC :) now upgrading to Plasma 5.3! [12:43] <lordievader> soee: Whoop whoop [12:44] <soee> yup :) now i only need to create new users, configure printer and voila [12:45] <soee> they didn't liek Unity so i hope they will love this -.- [12:45] <lordievader> Who does ;) [12:46] <soee> true :D [12:47] <soee> guys on my PC @ work and now my parent's i see this when booting: error: /dev/sdb: No medium found [12:48] <soee> this line repeats 1 or more times sometimes [12:48] <Riddell> sitter: hmm I just noticed kamoso doesn't work because it has a qml depend on purpose, we really need to work out a dh_shlibqml :( [12:48] <soee> any idea why ? on my laptop i have no such lines [12:56] <sitter> Riddell: you do read my mails to kubuntu-devel do you not? Oo [12:56] <sitter> Riddell: relevant read I just wrote -> [13:01] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks [13:03] <sgclark> morning [13:07] <BluesKaj> well, 15.04/plasma 5.3 seems stable for my setup now, had to do a clean inatall to both / and /home. [13:11] <Riddell> sitter: hmm but no errors at ? [13:12] <sitter> Riddell: not fully rolled out for all builds yet [13:12] <sitter> missing piece was the ignore stuff [13:12] <Riddell> ah hah [13:13] <sitter> I am reasonable certain I sent a mail about this like 2 weeks ago [13:13] <sitter> or even 3 [13:14] <sitter> the constant install-remove also is a rather hefty performance hit, so I might need to do some tweaks there [13:19] <soee> can i add user that doesnt require password ? [13:24] <soee> user manager does not list created user :/ [13:24] <soee> if we dont set password for created account, we can't login from sddm [13:26] <lordievader> You can set an autologin. [13:30] <soee> lordievader: does not work [13:30] <soee> if i want to remoe user i have to do it from cli :/ [13:31] <soee> kwallet prompts for password each time i login on parent spc - also strange [13:32] <sitter> that's because no one bothered to port the pam for kwallet [13:33] <soee> and whole desktop freezed :| [13:33] <soee> my oh my [13:37] <soee> can someone test it: create user wihout password witg autologin option and try to login [13:37] <soee> should just fail [13:39] <soee> and one more thing: this user wont be listed in user manager in system settings [13:42] <sitter> I don't think user-manager should allow you to create a user without password [13:46] <lordievader> soee: For the oem user it worked ;) [13:46] <soee> ;o [13:50] <soee> this whole user manager is strange [13:50] <Riddell> can someone try the kamoso package from ppa:jr/ppa ? there's a guy on youtube reporting that it doesn't work (and you know how we like to respond to youtube comments) [13:50] <Riddell> !testers | ↑ [13:51] <Tm_T> uno momento [13:51] <Tm_T> "doesn't work" is quite ambiquous [13:52] <Tm_T> Riddell: installed [13:52] <Tm_T> "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Switch to '%1' mode} supplied before conversion." [13:53] <Tm_T> Failed to create qtquick2videosink. Make sure it is installed correctly [13:53] <Tm_T> Segmentation fault (core dumped) [13:53] <Riddell> Tm_T: oh good :) [13:54] <Riddell> Tm_T: so can you try installing these bits and see what helps? apt-cache search qt5 gstreamer [13:54] <Tm_T> will do [13:57] <soee> BluesKaj: ping [13:57] <Tm_T> plasma crashed 13th time today [13:57] <soee> ;) [13:58] <Tm_T> I removed taskbar to see if that helps [14:01] <Tm_T> Riddell: ...none? [14:03] <Riddell> waa, so what is the magic package it needs? [14:04] <Riddell> Tm_T: you have gstreamer1.0-x ? [14:04] <Tm_T> Riddell: yes [14:05] <Tm_T> ...almost every time I run Kamoso Plasma crashes [14:06] <Riddell> Tm_T: pastebin the stdout when you run kamoso? [14:06] <Tm_T> sure [14:07] <Tm_T> [14:07] <BluesKaj> soee: yes? [14:07] <BluesKaj> soee: pong [14:07] <soee> BluesKaj: are you able to test if you can create new user, is it listed in users manager, if you can login to that account without password ? [14:12] <Riddell> Tm_T: can you install qtgstreamer-plugins-qt5 ? [14:13] <Tm_T> sure [14:13] <Tm_T> and that fixed it [14:13] <Tm_T> also Plasma didn't crash (= [14:13] <Riddell> yay [14:13] <Riddell> thanks Tm_T [14:14] <Tm_T> haha, I closed it and Plasma crashes [14:14] <Tm_T> this is, err, interesting [14:14] <BluesKaj> soee: nope , needed a pw to login with new user [14:14] <soee> BluesKaj: is it listend in System Settings and User manager ? [14:15] <soee> *lited [14:15] <soee> Riddell: wy are we able to create user wthout password if it is required to login ? [14:16] <BluesKaj> soee: no, it disappeared [14:17] <soee> BluesKaj: so same as here, i removed it from cli, but i think if you create third user it will be listed [14:29] <ovidiu-florin> How can I run a script on every login on 14.04 ? [14:30] <ovidiu-florin> but only on a specific user [14:30] <ovidiu-florin> or better [14:30] <ovidiu-florin> I want to clear the user's home dir on every boot [14:30] <Riddell> put it in ~/.kde/env [14:30] <ovidiu-florin> wipe it clean [14:30] <Riddell> oh well that won't work :) [14:30] <Riddell> use the guest user feature? that should work in 14.04 no? [14:31] <ovidiu-florin> that fails sometimes [14:31] <ovidiu-florin> I don't understand why [14:31] <ovidiu-florin> I can't see any logs [14:31] <Riddell> edit /usr/bin/startkde [14:32] <ovidiu-florin> that get's executed on every start? [14:32] <Riddell> yes [14:32] <ovidiu-florin> who calls it? [14:33] <Riddell> the login manager will call it to start up the session [14:34] <Riddell> it's what's listed in /usr/share/xsession/plasma.desktop [14:34] <ovidiu-florin> Can't I add an script to be called on boot? [14:34] <ovidiu-florin> and not have to change KDE stuff, because these might get overwritten on update [14:35] <Riddell> yes, add to ~/.kde/env [14:35] <Riddell> but remember not to delete ~/.kde/env by the script in ~/.kde/env :) [14:35] <shadeslayer> sure [14:36] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin: you could write a upstart script [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: what about adding it somwhere ot be called by upstart [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> ? [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> yes [14:36] <shadeslayer> but I'd recommend using a guest session tbh [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> I can write a bash script but how do I tell upstart to run it? [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> ok [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> I'll give it a try [14:36] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin: [14:36] <ovidiu-florin> can I rename the Guest user? [14:37] <shadeslayer> I think the guest session is a random string or something [14:37] <shadeslayer> though i could be wrong [14:37] <ovidiu-florin> who can I ask? [14:37] <shadeslayer> ovidiu-florin: [14:38] <ovidiu-florin> shadeslayer: about renaming the guest user? [14:38] <shadeslayer> not a clue [14:38] <shadeslayer> never really bothered with it [14:38] <ovidiu-florin> what program creates it? [14:38] <ovidiu-florin> what project does that? [14:39] <ovidiu-florin> can I make it log in automatically to the Guest user? [14:39] <shadeslayer> I think it's from logind [14:46] <shadeslayer> oh fun [14:46] <shadeslayer> [15:05] <sgclark> Riddell: so I was stumbling through libindi when I found someone has already done the work: is there anyway we can use this ? [15:07] <shadeslayer> Riddell: why is grantlee5 not in git packaging :( [15:12] <soee_> woho one red in apps :) [15:29] <BluesKaj> dropbox icon working in system tray? [15:38] <ovidiu-florin> how much does a fresh install occupy? [15:39] <mparillo> BluesKaj: Not for me: But the default headless instructions work so well for me, I only run their python scripts for curiosity. [15:40] <shadeslayer> Riddell: [16:24] <Tm_T> bah, now my touchscreen is wonkers [16:24] <Tm_T> first days with 15.04 have been filled with excitement (= [17:29] <soee> sgclark: any chance to have apps ready today ? :) [17:30] <sgclark> soee: well, seems Riddell left and I need an answer about libindi :( [18:44] <_Groo_> hi/2 all [18:45] <_Groo_> Riddell: hi, is there any ppa with the new bluetooth framework i can test? [18:49] <ovidiu-florin> How do I change the kanguage system wide? [19:27] <genii> Is there some 15.04 equivelent to kwin --replace ? [19:38] <genii> OK, so it looks like kwin_wayland or kwin_x11 now then. Curious that there's not something like an update-alternatives which just makes it only kwin [20:33] <shadeslayer> genii: too much of a hassle really [20:33] <shadeslayer> genii: plus I'm sure startkde hard codes it to X11 or uses a env var to figure out which one to launch [20:33] <shadeslayer> so it'll be kind of pointlss [20:34] <shadeslayer> and update-alternatives is for things that provide the same functionality, iirc, kwin_x11 and wayland provide very different functionalities [20:35] <genii> shadeslayer: Good to know, thanks for the explanation. [20:36] <shadeslayer> god I hate the keyboard on the new MBP [20:36] <shadeslayer> no key travel at all [20:39] <shadeslayer> the 15" one has decent key travel [20:39] <shadeslayer> makes me want a X1 Carbon more [20:39] <shadeslayer> but it has no Iris graphics or 16 GB ram [20:39] <shadeslayer> so conflicted [20:39] <shadeslayer> so conflicted [20:47] * ahoneybun wants a smaller laptop [21:12] <shadeslayer> ahoneybun: XPS 13? [21:12] <ahoneybun> mostly budget problems [21:12] <ahoneybun> there are tons of good looking small laptops [21:12] <ahoneybun> most likely would buy from System76 or thinkpenguin [21:14] <shadeslayer> I'm more than willing to spend money, but there's nothing useful on the market [21:14] <ahoneybun> can't spend money where there is none lol
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Etriaph", "Riddell", "Sick_Rimmit", "Tm_T", "_Groo_", "ahoneybun", "genii", "lordievader", "mgraesslin", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "sgclark", "shadeslayer", "sitter", "soee", "soee_", "valorie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[01:43] <loveLSD> alo [01:43] <loveLSD> tem alguem ai [01:45] <astroo-> ola eu sempre [01:47] <Hudsonkem> ola :) [01:47] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Olá [01:47] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Td bem? [01:48] <Hudsonkem> yeap e com vc? [01:48] <Eduardo_Oliveira> bem tbm, gostaria de saber como faço para instalar o linux no mu notebook [01:48] <Eduardo_Oliveira> *meu [01:48] <Hudsonkem> bom primeiro baixa a isso da versão que deseja instalar [01:49] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok [01:49] <Hudsonkem> qual a configuração do teu pc? [01:49] <Hudsonkem> quanto de hd, memoria ram, placa de video se tiver. [01:49] <Hudsonkem> pc n -~~~ notebook [01:49] <Eduardo_Oliveira> vou ver [01:50] <astroo-> Hudsonkem Eduardo_Oliveira ola [01:50] <Hudsonkem> yo astroo [01:50] <Hudsonkem> fazendo plantão tbm? :D [01:51] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Olha, desculpa, mas eu n consegui achar. Se isso ajuda: eu ja tenho o linux instalado(so q é uma versão mais antiga) [01:51] <Hudsonkem> qual distro? [01:51] <Hudsonkem> ubuntu? [01:51] <astroo-> estou sempre a noite [01:51] <Eduardo_Oliveira> e n fui eu quem instalei então gostaria de aprender como se faz [01:51] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Sim, ubuntu [01:52] <Hudsonkem> bom já tem a versão 15.04 [01:52] <Hudsonkem> vc tem dvd virgem ou pendrive? [01:52] <Eduardo_Oliveira> hmm, acho que sim [01:52] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ah tenho [01:52] <Hudsonkem> dvd ou o pen ou os dois? [01:53] <Hudsonkem> ^^ [01:53] <Eduardo_Oliveira> só dvd e.e [01:53] <Hudsonkem> vou te manda para o site para baixar a versão 15.04 ok? [01:53] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok [01:54] <Hudsonkem> seu notebook é 64 bit ou 32? [01:54] <Eduardo_Oliveira> 64 [01:55] <Zueh> Boa Noute galera [01:55] <Zueh> Noite [01:55] <Eduardo_Oliveira> 'noite [01:55] <Zueh> mano pode me tirar duas duvidas [01:55] <Hudsonkem> [01:55] <Eduardo_Oliveira> vlw [01:55] <Zueh> o ubuntu já ta pegando photoshop e dreamveawer ? [01:55] <Hudsonkem> #Zueh só perguntar [01:56] <Zueh> tentei usar a um tempo atras mas ficava dando erro direto [01:56] <Hudsonkem> #Zueh vc diz pelo wine? [01:56] <Zueh> é pode ser ... [01:56] <astroo-> ola [01:56] <Zueh> pelo wine ele n emulava 100% [01:56] <Hudsonkem> desculpe não sei informar [01:56] <Hudsonkem> bom é só testar [01:56] <Zueh> tem algo melhor pra funcionar perfeitamente ? [01:56] <Zueh> é [01:56] <Zueh> estou baixando essa nova versao pra ver como está [01:56] <Zueh> faz tempo que n uso ubuntu [01:57] <Zueh> quero ver como está [01:57] <Zueh> novato total ... kkk [01:57] <Hudsonkem> ^^ entendo [01:57] <Hudsonkem> bom o novo kernel surpreende [01:57] <loveLSD> bad block alguem ajuda [01:57] <loveLSD> nao instala nem windows nem linux [01:58] <loveLSD> algum link com zero fill [01:58] <Hudsonkem> #lovelLSD quando seu hd tem bad block pelo que sei só outro hd [01:58] <loveLSD> kacet [01:58] <Hudsonkem> mas descreva melhor seu problema [01:58] <Zueh> vc usa somente linux Hudsonkem ? [01:58] <loveLSD> dual boot [01:58] <Zueh> ou outras plataformas ? [01:59] <loveLSD> meu ubuntu deu pau qd foi atualizar [01:59] <Hudsonkem> #Zueh atualmente sim, antes win 8.1 operativo [01:59] <loveLSD> dai so tava usando windows [01:59] <loveLSD> windows deu pau tela azul [01:59] <loveLSD> tentei recuperar inicializacao do windows e ele acusa erro `BadDisk` [02:00] <loveLSD> Tentei reinstalar linux mais de 4 vezes apagando tudo e reinstalando [02:00] <loveLSD> a ultima vez agora deu erro [02:00] <loveLSD> pediu pra verificar se todos os cabos do HD tavam conectados [02:00] <loveLSD> mas o foda e que qd eu entrava pelo live cd antes de formatar, aparecia todos meus arquivos [02:00] <Hudsonkem> kkk #loveLSD vc usou o'que para formatar o hd? [02:01] <loveLSD> CD original de fabrica do notebook [02:02] <Hudsonkem> vc consegue entrar pelo live cd do ubuntu? [02:02] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Hudsonkem, terminou de baixar oq faço agr? [02:02] <loveLSD> consigo [02:03] <loveLSD> so funciona pelo live cd [02:03] <Hudsonkem> #Eduardo_Oliveira vc só precisa gravar no dvd virgem [02:03] <loveLSD> to no live cd [02:03] <Hudsonkem> #lovelLSD vc tem o backup dos seus arquivos? [02:04] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok! Muitíssimo obrigado pela ajuda! [02:04] <Hudsonkem> De nada qualquer duvida na ora da instalação é so aparecer [02:04] <BlackFlag> Tem várias formas de instalar, Eduardo_Oliveira [02:05] <loveLSD> nao ja formatei tudo [02:05] <loveLSD> nao tenho mais nada a perder kkk [02:05] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você está no Ubuntu? [02:05] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD vc usou o gparted para formatar? [02:05] <BlackFlag> Recomendo sempre fazer o checksum da imagem para ver se não corrompeu o arquivo no download. [02:06] <Eduardo_Oliveira> estou BlackFlag [02:07] <BlackFlag> Legal, Eduardo_Oliveira . Qual versão que você baixou? [02:08] <Eduardo_Oliveira> olha, veio com o nome de ubuntu Studio, era de um amigo da minha irmã, então eu n sei [02:08] <Eduardo_Oliveira> e.e' [02:08] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD abre o menu iniciar digita gparted e lá clica na unidade que deseja escolha o formato, se for linux use ext4 e aperte em apply(v) [02:08] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, sempre recomendo baixarem as versões LTS, pois costumam ser mais estáveis e tem suporte por muito mais tempo. [02:09] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você baixou outra .ISO agora? [02:09] <loveLSD> Input/output error during read on /dev/sda [02:09] <Eduardo_Oliveira> o sim a do 15.04 [02:09] <Hudsonkem> #BlackFlag apesar de concordar com vc é importante salientar que mudanças de kernel e sistema pode ajudar no funcionamente de diferentes perifericos que antes poderiam não ter tanto suporte [02:10] <loveLSD> tem so uma particao agora [02:10] <loveLSD> e ta formatada [02:10] <loveLSD> deve ser por isso q nao instalou o ubuntu [02:10] <BlackFlag> Hudsonkem, isso é verdade, mas se o LTS está funcionando e o usuário não quer perder tempo instalando de seis em seis meses, o melhor é o LTS [02:11] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD vc vai fazer dual boot ou só vai para ubuntu msm? [02:11] <Hudsonkem> #BlackFlag com certeza ^^ [02:12] <Eduardo_Oliveira> BlackFlack oq fazer com o arquivo agr? [02:12] <BlackFlag> Hudsonkem, =) [02:12] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você acompanhou a conversa com o Hudsonkem ? [02:13] <loveLSD> ubuntu [02:13] <loveLSD> so ubuntu agora [02:13] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, a versão 15.04 tem suporte só até janeiro do ano que vem. [02:13] <Eduardo_Oliveira> acho que sim, qual parte? [02:13] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD vc usa notebook ou pc? se for pc apague essa unidade e cria mais 3 uma swap 2 a 4 gb uma para o sistema em ext4 de 70gb e outra para seus arquivos o resto :D em ext4 tbm [02:14] <BlackFlag> E a versão 14.04 que é LTS tem suporte até abril de 2019. [02:14] <Eduardo_Oliveira> então devo baixar a 14.04? [02:14] <BlackFlag> Teoricamente, se você instalar a 14.04 e ela funcionar bem, você não vai precisar esquentar a cabeça até 2019. [02:14] <Eduardo_Oliveira> a que ta no site o ubuntu? [02:14] <BlackFlag> Fica a seu critério. [02:14] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD alias esqueci uma coisa se for PC faça um partição para boot de 365mb ext4 se for notebook n precisa fazer [02:15] <loveLSD> e note aki [02:15] <Hudsonkem> #BlackFlag estamos confundindo o carinha [02:16] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você baixou por torrent ou de outra forma? [02:16] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok, vou fazer com o 14, mas deixar o 15 guardado(vai que me da na telha) e dps, tem que gravar num cd msms? [02:16] <BlackFlag> Hudsonkem, será? [02:16] <Eduardo_Oliveira> pela forma que aparece como recomendada lá no site [02:17] <Hudsonkem> #loveLSD vamos mudar os passos ok? para simplificar, faça uma partição swap 2 a 4 gb, faça uma partição de 2mb para bios, faça uma para instalar o sistema 70gb ext e o resto para seus arquivos [02:17] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, creio que a maioria dos usuários experientes recomendam LTS na maioria dos casos, mas é como eu disse, fica a seu critério; se quiser instalar a 15.04, vou te passando os esquemas. [02:18] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, as ISOs atuais não cabem em CD, precisa de DVD. Mas tem outros métodos de instalação que eu prefiro por serem mais rápidos. [02:19] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, dá para instalar por pendrive em computadores não muito velhos, e no seu caso, como você já tem o ubuntu instalado, também é possível instalar direto do HD. [02:20] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, se quiser instalar por pendrive, tem várias formas, mas a que eu costumo usar mais é usando um programa chamado "unetbootin" [02:22] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, para instalar direto do HD tem esse método aqui: [02:23] <Eduardo_Oliveira> e como funciona? [02:23] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, qual método? [02:23] <Eduardo_Oliveira> o unetbootin [02:24] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você precisa instalar o unetbootin primeiro [02:24] <Eduardo_Oliveira> tem na central de aplicativos? [02:24] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, tem sim [02:25] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok, vou baixar [02:26] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, se você quiser saber a versão instalada do seu ubuntu, é só digitar isso no terminal sem as aspas "cat /etc/lsb-release" [02:26] <Eduardo_Oliveira> vlw! [02:27] <Eduardo_Oliveira> 14.04 [02:27] <Eduardo_Oliveira> compensa atualizar ou n? [02:27] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, por DVD eu uso o braseiro para gravar o DVD [02:28] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ah, já baixou o unetboootin [02:28] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, não sei, não conheço a versão Studio. Vou dar uma pesquisada. [02:30] <BlackFlag> Bom, vi que o Ubuntu Studio é "Ubuntu Studio é uma distribuição Linux baseada no Ubuntu voltada para pessoas ligadas à edição de material multimídia como áudio, vídeo e imagem." (wikipedia) [02:31] <marcos_> boa noite pessoal [02:31] <marcos_> alguma alma viva entre nos? [02:31] <Eduardo_Oliveira> olá [02:31] <marcos_> eduardo preciso de ajuda com o android [02:31] <marcos_> mas todo canal q ntro ninguem responde [02:31] <Eduardo_Oliveira> eu acho que devo atualizar [02:32] <marcos_> sou usuario de ubuntu [02:32] <marcos_> dai lmbri do canal [02:32] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, se você estiver descontente ou só curioso e não tiver nada a perder, não custa brincar de instalar. [02:32] <Eduardo_Oliveira> vish cara, eu to pedindo ajuda [02:32] <Eduardo_Oliveira> mas diz ai [02:32] <Eduardo_Oliveira> vai que eu consigo ajudar [02:32] <marcos_> meu android ta zoado queria reinstalar [02:33] <marcos_> e tu ta prcisando d qu ajuda? [02:33] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, você espeta o pendrive, formata ele (se tiver a opção) [02:34] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok aí é só gravar o iso no cd? [02:34] <Eduardo_Oliveira> *pendrive [02:36] <BlackFlag> isso [02:37] <BlackFlag> Eduardo_Oliveira, demora um pouquinho [02:38] <Eduardo_Oliveira> ok [02:38] <Eduardo_Oliveira> Valeu msm [02:38] <marcos_> criando um pen pra dar boot? [02:40] <BlackFlag> Isso mesmo marcos_ [02:41] <marcos_> a melhor coisa q invntaram [02:56] <dk_millares> boa noite [02:57] <Hudsonkem> boa notche [02:57] <dk_millares> =) [02:57] <Hudsonkem> tudo mais ou menos? [02:59] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [03:00] <dk_millares> ta sim Hudsonkem [03:00] <dk_millares> ta bom, eu acho [03:00] <dk_millares> hahahaha [03:02] <Hudsonkem> ^^ [03:03] <dk_millares> Fora que uma louca que eu pegava apareceu, me add no fb e eu aceitei\ [03:03] <dk_millares> mas ja to correndo, to namorando [03:03] <Hudsonkem> kk q bom [03:06] <dk_millares> nada Hudsonkem, a menina é desiquilibrada [03:06] <dk_millares> que eu pegava não, peguei duas vezes depois fugi [03:15] <Hudsonkem> pessoal, quantos voluntarios tem aki que saibam formatar pelo terminal? [03:26] <dk_millares> formatar oq Hudsonkem? [03:27] <Hudsonkem> o loveLSD ta tentando instalar o ubuntu depois que deu um problema [03:27] <Hudsonkem> só que ta complicado [03:31] <dk_millares> nao seria melhor reinstalar? [03:31] <Hudsonkem> pow é isso q tamo tentando [03:32] <Hudsonkem> mas o hd n ta querendo ser escrito [03:32] <Hudsonkem> fora que o gparted lá esta exibindo formatos estranho para formatar [03:32] <dk_millares> cara [03:32] <dk_millares> ve a marca do fabricante e modelo [03:32] <dk_millares> entra no site e baixa o utilitario pra ver se o hdd ta bom Hudsonkem [03:32] <dk_millares> melhor coisa [03:33] <Hudsonkem> tamo examinando uma suspeita de badblock [03:33] <dk_millares> faz isso, melhor coisa [03:33] <Hudsonkem> vamo aderi sua ideia mais tarde [03:33] <Hudsonkem> :) [03:33] <dk_millares> e se tiver td ok, ja passa o formatador do fabricante, de baixo nivel, sei la como chamam [03:33] <dk_millares> e boa Hudsonkem [03:34] <Hudsonkem> ^^ yeap [03:37] <dk_millares> boa sorte pra vcs [03:37] <Hudsonkem> vlw [04:07] <Joe__> Olá, bom dia. [04:08] <Hudsonkem> bom dia [04:08] <dk_millares> bom dia [04:08] <Joe__> É meu primeiro contato com o Ubuntu. Alguém pode me sugerir algum lugar onde eu encontre algumas dicas? [04:09] <dk_millares> Joe__: ja tem alguma noção de linux? [04:10] <dk_millares> outra distro? ou até é um usuario avançado de outro sistema? [04:13] <Joe__> Nenhuma. Nem em outra distro. :/ Só sei instalar e mexer no básico... [04:13] <Joe__> Mas manjo bem de windows. [04:14] <Joe__> Queria um blog ou algo assim. Na internet tem muito conteúdo, sem dúvidas... Mas nada bem elaborado para iniciantes. [04:15] <dk_millares> se manjar de ingles Joe__, eu recomendaria o omgubuntu [04:16] <dk_millares> mas talvez nao esteja tão basico [04:18] <Hudsonkem> '-' [04:18] <Hudsonkem> #Joe___ sujiro o guia foca [04:19] <Joe__> Obrigado dk_millares ! Dá pra desenrollar sim [04:19] <Hudsonkem> [04:19] <dk_millares> sim Hudsonkem, mas o guia foca é tao terminal ne [04:19] <dk_millares> foca só em terminal =P [04:19] <dk_millares> Joe__: de nada [04:19] <Hudsonkem> '-' mas é bom pro rapaz aprender de logo as doidera do terminal [04:19] <Hudsonkem> kkk [04:19] <Hudsonkem> feitiçaria vem pimeiro [04:19] <Joe__> oopa, obg tbm Hudsonkem e Ricardo__ !!! [04:20] <dk_millares> Joe__: dei uma googlada rapida, e realmente tá faltando conteudo assim, para iniciantes em ubuntu [04:20] <Joe__> kkkkkk [04:20] <Joe__> assim assuto x) [04:20] <dk_millares> Joe__: se gostar do sistema, crie um blog e vá reportando suas aventuras [04:20] <Joe__> *me assusto [04:20] <dk_millares> como iniciantes, para iniciantes ;) [04:21] <Hudsonkem> kkk [04:21] <Hudsonkem> joe uma coisa que vc tem q saber [04:21] <Joe__> beleza pura! [04:21] <Hudsonkem> se um sistema da pau como windows vc faz oq? formata uai [04:21] <Hudsonkem> mas no linux podemos tentar resolver no terminal [04:21] <Hudsonkem> terminal e seus paranaua [04:22] <dk_millares> e nao só isso Joe__ muita coisa, não só consertar problemas [04:22] <dk_millares> terminal é muito legal mesmo [04:22] <Joe__> sempre fui facinado com a filosofia linux, e sempre quis aprender... agora me decidi! [04:22] <Hudsonkem> ss imagina o Joe lá na tty instalando um pacote [04:22] <dk_millares> isso ai [04:22] <Hudsonkem> parece matrix [04:22] <Hudsonkem> kkk [04:22] <dk_millares> manda ver e boa sorte Joe__ [04:22] <dk_millares> hahahah Hudsonkem [04:22] <dk_millares> loucao [04:22] <Joe__> kkkk [04:23] <Joe__> valeu galera! vou dar o gás!!!!! [04:23] <Hudsonkem> kk vlw [04:23] <dk_millares> manda ver Joe__ [04:23] <dk_millares> manda abraço pros outros ramones [04:23] <Hudsonkem> fica ligado em qual distro vc se encaixa [04:23] <dk_millares> isso ai [04:24] <Joe__> ramones?? [04:24] <dk_millares> zuando somente Joe__ [04:24] <dk_millares> joe ramone ;) [04:24] <Joe__> ah, kkkk [04:24] <dk_millares> =P [04:25] <Joe__> huahuahuahua =p [04:25] <Joe__> vlw vlw, fuui [04:25] <Joe__> vcs são feras! [04:25] <dk_millares> vlw flw [04:25] <dk_millares> quem dera [04:25] <Hudsonkem> nyaa :3 [11:26] <Elfon> Bom dia pessoal [11:27] <Elfon> o que significa chmod 775? [12:24] <mirqui> bom dia :) [12:25] <Elfon> mirqui: opa [12:25] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)? [12:40] <hggdh> Elfon: chmod troca as permissões de um ficheiro. 775 é o valor, em octal, para as novas permissões: [12:42] <hggdh> Elfon: da esquerda para a direita: 7=Read/Write/Execute, 5=Read/Execute, 5=Read/Execute [12:59] <converge> se tem uma coisa q nao decoro, eh esses octais p/ permissao [12:59] <rafael> Só 3 numero [12:59] <rafael> 1 [12:59] <rafael> 2 [12:59] <rafael> 4 [12:59] <rafael> O resto é conta [13:00] <rafael> números* [13:02] <vrp> Pessoal, bom dia. Acabei de instalar o Ubuntu Server na sua versão mais atual. Ao executar o comando apt-get updade ou apt-get install alguma coisa .... simplesmente ele não consegue se conexar a nenhum repositorio, a conexao esta norma. [13:05] <rafael> Existe proxy na rede? [13:05] <vrp> Não [13:06] <vrp> as conexões estão normais, pingando, DNS conferido e não tem proxy [13:06] <vrp> ah e obrigado desde já [13:06] <hggdh> e qual o erro, exactamente? [13:06] <vrp> Conexão falohu [13:06] <vrp> e por exempo Err precise/partner Translation-en [13:08] <hggdh> tente wget -- o que ocorre? [13:08] <vrp> E: Falhou o download de alguns ficheiros de índice. Foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados em seu lugar. [13:09] <vrp> tem esse outro exemplo Err precise/partner Sources [13:10] <hggdh> vrp: (1) não tentaste o que pedi; (2) em vez de dar-nos os erros fatia a fatia, execute o comando e forneça-nos TODA a saída em um pastebin [13:10] <vrp> vpu exevutar o que voce pediu, mas retorna somente isso [13:11] <hggdh> porque o o último erro soa como se alguns, mas não todos, repositórios são invalidos [13:11] <vrp> root@servtst:/home/alegria# root@servtst:/home/alegria# root@servtst:/home/alegria# wget --2015-04-29 10:11:08-- Resolving ( [13:11] <hggdh> vrp: pastebin, por favor [13:11] <vrp> como faço pastebin? [13:11] <vrp> desculpe [13:12] <hggdh> vrp: use [13:12] <hggdh> vrp: copie *toda* a saída para o pastebin, e forneça-nos o link resultante [13:13] <vrp> [13:13] <hggdh> vrp: faça a mesma coisa com o apt-get [13:13] <hggdh> vrp: o wget foi cancelado. Por que? [13:14] <vrp> porque repeti o comando, mas ja havia dado erro antes [13:15] <vrp> [13:16] <vrp> [13:17] <vrp> colei o certo do wget [13:18] <vrp> acho que pode ser certificado [13:18] <hggdh> de certa forma, sim, é certificado [13:19] <hggdh> vrp: por curiosidade -- estás no trabalho? [13:19] <vrp> sim [13:19] <vrp> estou [13:19] <vrp> mas acho que ja sei do que se trata [13:19] <hggdh> vrp: achava que sim... [13:19] <vrp> vendo aqui melhor [13:20] <vrp> acho que meu Firewall esta pedindo autenticação [13:20] <hggdh> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily [13:20] <hggdh> este 302 é a grande indicação -- a Canonical *não* moveu o link [13:21] <hggdh> Location: [following] [13:21] <hggdh> --2015-04-29 10:16:10-- [13:22] <vrp> sim, acho que é isso mesmo, estou aolicando uma regra no meu FW para liberar este IP para teste com usuario desconhecido [13:22] <hggdh> e... bingo! deve ser teu proxy server, ou <shudder/> um HTTPS man-in-the-middle, cortesia do teu escritório [13:22] <vrp> FOI!!! :) [13:23] <vrp> não é proxy não, mas é um captive portal para autenticação de usuario para navegação [13:23] <hggdh> ah [13:23] <vrp> resolvido cara [13:23] <vrp> obrigado [13:23] <vrp> o trabalho voluntario de voces é importante [13:23] <hggdh> bem vindo [13:23] <vrp> abraços e novamente obrigado [13:23] <hggdh> []s [13:27] <mirqui> hggdh pode alguém usar man-in-the-midddle , sem ser por motivos estranhos? [13:28] <mirqui> ou escusos? [14:55] <marcelomauro> pessoal existe algum programa no ubuntu que seja parecido ao onenote do office? [14:57] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: eu uso evernote, o client web, mas tem uns clientes não oficiais caso queira se arriscar [14:57] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: achei esse agora buscando no google [14:59] <Dead_Thinker> marcelomauro: existem outros frees, mas eu dou preferência aos que podem syncar pra nuvem, o bom do Evernote é que ele faz isso bem, e tem clients desktop, web e pra smartphone/tablet [15:00] <marcelomauro> hummm. o Evernote é muito bom. Na verdade o que eu quero é uma funcionalidade do onenote que permite iniciar um texto, ou qualquer outro objeto como tabelas, etc e também escrever com uma caneta ponteiro (tipo wacom) em qualquer lugar [15:01] <marcelomauro> Eu quero fazer uns videos onde eu resolvo equações matematicas, como se estivesse escrevendo em um quadro negro [15:02] <marcelomauro> ou lousa digital [15:04] <marcelomauro> Daí não sei exatamente que programa serve pra isso. [15:04] <marcelomauro> Acho que o evernote não dá [15:25] <marcelomauro> Blz pessoal, encontrei o que eu queria e até melhor: mypaint [15:25] <marcelomauro> vale conferir [16:21] <ewilazarus> Fala pessoal, to precisando de uma ajuda.. Eu tenho o meu layout de teclado pra pt-BR mas no momento eu to precisando digitar o caracter LAMBDA inumeras vezes. Eu ja olhei as letras uma por uma, utiliando AltGr e tb Shift+AltGr e nada. Eu queria saber se seria possivel trocar uma das combinacoes que eu nao uso (por ex.: AltGr+a) pra conseguir digitar o lambda [17:03] <hggdh> mirqui: MITM são usados, hoje em dia, por várias empresas. O nome dado não é MITM, mas "segurança" [17:04] <mirqui> homem do meio é um tipo de exploit [17:04] <mirqui> ou estratagema , [17:05] <mirqui> vão assegurar segurança onde deixando a pessoa que vizita o site frágil? [17:06] <hggdh> é simplesmente uma forma das empresas fazerem o que normalmente é chamado de deep packet inspection [17:06] <mirqui> tbm chamado de trojan [17:07] <hggdh> é claro, com HTTPS, isto fica mais difícil. Mas tudo que é necessário é um MITM [17:07] <hggdh> não, não trojan. Trojan é outro tipo de ataque [17:08] <mirqui> sim , mas ainda não sei o por que , se poderiam recolher cookies para saber preferencias [17:09] <hggdh> por exemplo, a cia onde estou a trabalhar agora usa isto; internet em voos, nos EUA, usam isto [17:10] <mirqui> haaa , então tem uma intenção maior [17:10] <hggdh> nestes casos, tua única opção é *não* usar o serviço. [17:10] <mirqui> homem do meio é exploit [17:10] <mirqui> pode ser até por segurança [17:10] <hggdh> não discordo. Mas é como a coisa vai por aqui [17:10] <mirqui> mas se fosse ele não diria num chat aberto [17:11] <mirqui> não é um ambiente controlado , logo está querendo , ou recrutar ou saber  é o que é. É claro, para mim, que isto diminui a segurança. Mas isto não é visto assim por vários (que, na verdade, não entendem de segurança...) [17:14] <hggdh> na verdade, seria mais correcto dizer que Web Gateway e equivalentes diminuem a *privacidade*. [17:14] <mirqui> haha papo de doido :) [17:44] <Hudsonkem> ola pessoa [17:44] <Hudsonkem> pessoal* [17:45] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)? [17:45] <Hudsonkem> ^^ blz e vc? [17:45] <mirqui> aqui vamos todos bem graças a deus :) [17:46] <mirqui> e ai , quais as novas? [17:49] <Hudsonkem> bom o pidgin num funfa legal aki to procurando vestigios dele e deletando [17:50] <Hudsonkem> tbm to fazendo um fan arte de kaneki de tokyou goul [17:50] <Hudsonkem> :) e com vc? [17:50] <mirqui> de bobeira com uma certa fome ahaha [17:50] <mirqui> qual sistema vc usa? [17:51] <Hudsonkem> kkk [17:51] <Hudsonkem> xubuntu 15.04 com o kernel 4.0 [17:51] <mirqui> tenta o xchat , hexachat me parece [17:51] <mirqui> tem uns quantos [17:52] <Hudsonkem> eu to falando com vc pelo xchat [17:52] <Hudsonkem> '-' [17:52] <mirqui> eu tbm [17:52] <mirqui> que tem o pidgin? [17:54] <Hudsonkem> eu boto outros protocologos para loga em outros servidores e ele vai para o msm sempe um "smpwn" seilha [17:54] <Hudsonkem> ae nunca loga pq sempre vai da senha errada já que ele enciste em n me deixa logar em outro protocologo [17:55] <mirqui> tú usa o pidgin para acessar quais serviços? [17:55] <Hudsonkem> vc sabe me dizer para q server esse arquivo quero apagalo [17:55] <Hudsonkem> /usr/share/app-install/desktop/pidgin-otr.desktop [17:55] <mirqui> não , não é isso [17:55] <Hudsonkem> eu n uso pq ele não loga lol [17:55] <mirqui> é tipo facebook , outlook , msn? [17:56] <wander> boa tarde galera [17:56] <Hudsonkem> só consegui fazer ele loga em aim [17:56] <Hudsonkem> #wander boa tarde [17:56] <mirqui> fala wander :) [17:56] <wander> tudo tranquilo [17:56] <mirqui> blza , e ai ? [17:57] <wander> eu sou de pernambuco por aqui so ta um calor arretado :P [17:57] <mirqui> ahahah eu sou do sul , está fazendo um friozinho :) [17:59] <wander> sorte tua [18:00] <mirqui> ahaha sorte sua eu te digo [18:00] <wander> vocês que sabem muito de linux, [18:00] <mirqui> cara , aguentar 3 meses de frio é dose [18:00] <mirqui> eu quase nada , conheço o ubuntu a uns 2 anos [18:01] <mirqui> mas sou usuário final [18:01] <wander> qual distro vocês preferem ?? [18:01] <mirqui> tens alguma dúvida? [18:01] <mirqui> eu prefiro o ubuntu , mas já usei bastante o mint [18:01] <mirqui> é tão bom quanto [18:02] <mirqui> para que vc quer o linux? [18:02] <Hudsonkem> eu prefiro xubuntu [18:02] <Jamming> Buenas tardes Senhores! [18:02] <Hudsonkem> sim mirqui fica ligado tem uma falha de segurança no local data [18:02] <Hudsonkem> #Jamming boa tarde [18:02] <wander> eu to usando o mint to gostando mais que o ubuntu [18:02] <mirqui> distros linux é que nem opinião wander , cada um tem a sua :) [18:03] <Jamming> Algum de vocês já utilizou o ubuntu em um "netbrook" :) ? [18:03] <mirqui> fala jamming :) [18:03] <Hudsonkem> #Jamming eu nem sonharia em comprar um, nunca testei [18:03] <Dead_Thinker> Jamming: instalei lubuntu no da minha esposa, funfa de boa [18:03] <mirqui> sim , o mint é bom mesmo [18:04] <mirqui> comprar o que? [18:04] <mirqui> só o netbook , o sistema é de grátis :) [18:04] <mirqui> é só baixar [18:04] <Dead_Thinker> to pensando em mudar do ubuntu pro xubuntu no note, como é mais pra dev/uso mesmo, é preferível algo leve [18:05] <mirqui> quer ver distros linux dead ? [18:05] <wander> também acho melhor algo leve pra ficar rapido [18:06] <Jamming> então, na verdade já tenho um netbook, LT23 da gateway queria ele só para estudar. [18:06] <wander> que ficar aparentemente bonito e lerdo [18:06] <mirqui> [18:06] <Hudsonkem> #Dead_Thinker se vc tiver problemas com tearing tu instala o compton ok [18:06] <Jamming> qual distro vocês me recomendam ? [18:06] <mirqui> quanto a especificações , entendo nada [18:06] <mirqui> dei sorte , tenho um dual core , roda bem ubuntu mint [18:07] <Hudsonkem> #Jamming qual a finalidade de sua usabilidade? [18:07] <wander> mint xfce ou xubuntu [18:07] <Hudsonkem> prefiro ambiente xfce :P [18:07] <Jamming> Somente estudos focado em linux, quero tirar logo minha LPI [18:08] <mirqui> fui , até :) , volto daqui a pouco [18:08] <Hudsonkem> a versão 4.12 ta bem mais obediente [18:08] <wander> até mais [18:08] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: tearing? [18:08] <Hudsonkem> bom para vc acho q o ubuntu [18:08] <Dead_Thinker> vi aqui, flickering de tela? [18:09] <Hudsonkem> mas se preferir algo rapido tem o lubuntu xubuntu [18:09] <Dead_Thinker> Eu achei o ElementaryOS lindão, mas devido o EFI n consegui instalar pra testar, só numa vm [18:09] <Hudsonkem> #Dead_Thinker yep tipo o compositor do xfce não é bom para opengl render, então da uns tearings [18:10] <Jamming> ElementaryOS é muito show. [18:10] <Hudsonkem> mas vc instalar o compton e fica tudo maravilha [18:10] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: hum, vlw a dica [18:10] <Hudsonkem> #Jamming tem tanta distro linux q é complicado escolher [18:11] <Hudsonkem> Dead vou te manda o site q encina instala o compton pq lá vc configura ele de boa [18:11] <wander> faz como eu sai testando em virtualbox [18:11] <Jamming> hahaha imagino Hudsonkem [18:12] <Jamming> Bom, vou testar o ElementaryOS que é a minha favorita, se der ruim volto no ubuntu e ta tudo certo. [18:12] <Hudsonkem> '-' [18:13] <Hudsonkem> nem pra tentar acheitar vc ta com coragem #Jamming? [18:13] <wander> esse elementaryos é pago ? [18:14] <Jamming> Mais ou menos Hudsonkem, é que já tive tanto problema com meu antigo PC que até desamina. [18:14] <Hudsonkem> #Dead_Thinker quando vc tiver duvidas para configurar o compton ce me procura aki pq n achei o site, ae te mando as configurações [18:14] <Dead_Thinker> wander: não, mas eles pedem doação por default hehe, é só ignorar [18:14] <Jamming> Não #wander [18:14] <Dead_Thinker> wander: a iso deles tá no sourceforge [18:14] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: ok, vlw [18:14] <wander> mais isso é o que? uma distro [18:15] <wander> ou tipo virtualbox [18:15] <Dead_Thinker> wander: ElementaryOS é uma distro [18:15] <Hudsonkem> #Jamming veja pelo lado bom, quando rola problemas, aprendemos a ageita-los geralmente ^^ e isso te deixa mais apta a aprender [18:15] <Dead_Thinker> wander: [18:16] <wander> como voce faz pra mandar mensagem pra mim e ficar verde gostei [18:16] <wander> nao sei mais nada de mirc [18:16] <Jamming> Sim, mas o meu antigo PC não tinha mais jeito mesmo no fim descobri que a placa mãe estava com problema. [18:16] <Hudsonkem> o elementary usa kde? [18:17] <wander> esse elementary é um linux é baseado em debian é? [18:20] <Hudsonkem> wiki ^^ [18:21] <hggdh> wander: baseado no Ubuntu (que é baseado no Debian) [18:22] <wander> massa [18:22] <wander> vou pesquisar isso [18:22] <Dead_Thinker> wander: isso de ficar “verde” varia de acordo com o client, quando vc cita o nick de alguém na msg ele faz isso. Geralmente é começar a digitar o nick e apertar tab que o client completa [18:28] <Hudsonkem> eita fico vazio [18:29] <wander> Dead_Thinker: ok entendi valeu a dica [18:32] <wander> esse elementary os qual a versao mais leve [18:32] <Hudsonkem> tem algum programadro aqui? [18:32] <wander> no mint é o xfce ele qual seria? [18:33] <Hudsonkem> depende o elementary usa qual ambiente grafico? [18:37] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: eu arranho em programação, manda ai hehe [18:38] <Hudsonkem> aranha em qual linguagem? [18:41] <Hudsonkem> arranha* [18:43] <Dead_Thinker> php principalmente, mas já codei em java, asp e c# [18:45] <Hudsonkem> hm... [18:45] <Hudsonkem> vc tem web site é? [18:49] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: sim, mas tá meio abandonado hehe, trabalho mais em backend dos sites da empresa, backoffice, api, etc [18:50] <Hudsonkem> ^^ entendo. [19:16] <Marx_ativo> alguém quer bater um papo [19:16] <Hudsonkem> manda ver [19:16] <Hudsonkem> kk [19:17] <Dead_Thinker> :) [19:17] <Hudsonkem> vc gosta de falar sobre oq #Marx_ativo? [19:18] <Marx_ativo> eu entrei no xchat hoje e gostaria de saber sobre um servidor brasileiro, pq meus canais sao todos americanos [19:19] <Hudsonkem> bom estamos em um chat br :) [19:19] <Marx_ativo> sim, mas foi o unico que encontrei [19:20] <Hudsonkem> se precisar de suporte veio ao lugar certo [19:20] <Marx_ativo> :) [19:21] <Hudsonkem> affe utimamente meu portuguẽs esta terrivel kk [19:23] <Dead_Thinker> Hudsonkem: eu notei mas n comentei nada hehe [19:24] <Hudsonkem> hahah [19:24] <Hudsonkem> to sem inspiração pra desenhar :/ [19:26] <Marx_ativo> vcs teclam de onde [19:27] <Hudsonkem> RN e vc? [19:27] <Marx_ativo> MG [19:27] <Hudsonkem> :) tudo longim [19:27] <Marx_ativo> pois é [19:28] <Hudsonkem> vc usa qual distro? [19:39] <wander> voltei [19:39] <wander> eu uso mint [19:39] <wander> xface [19:39] <Hudsonkem> '-' vc tinha ido? [19:39] <wander> sou de recife pernambuco [19:40] <wander> que eu estou no trabalho, ai saiu da frente do pc pra atender esses usuarios :P [19:45] <Hudsonkem> quem aqui é otaku? [19:45] <Marx_ativo> o que é otaku]] [19:46] <Hudsonkem> otaku = carinha que gosta e conhece um pouco sobre a cultura japonesa [19:46] <Hudsonkem> e tbm gosta e assite animes = desenhos japoneses [19:46] <Marx_ativo> ah sim [19:46] <Hudsonkem> :) [19:47] <Hudsonkem> aki pega unicode ou utf8? deixa eu ver [19:47] <Hudsonkem> てすと。  [19:47] <Hudsonkem> é pega. [19:49] * Dead_Thinker acha que o Hudsonkem tá fazendo pesquisa de mercado no canal hehe [19:50] <Dead_Thinker> Se alguém aqui quiser fechar um grupo pra fazer LAN Parties quinzenais/mensais em SP Capital avisa :) Boas amizades podem surgir dai também claro :P [19:52] <Rudolf> Hudsonkem: pega nos clientes que suportam [19:53] <Rudolf> てすと。 [19:57] <marcelomauro> Colegas, sei que aqui é um canal de linux, mas estou com um problema aqui na minha conexão com o windows (que é onde está toda a minha documentação para o imposto de renda). Estou conectado ao wi-fi mas não consigo conectar à internet nem por cabo de rede. Alguem poderia pelo menos me dar um caminho para eu solucionar este problema? [19:57] <marcelomauro> digo, estou conectado, mas não navega [19:58] <mirqui> desligue seu modem espere 30 seg , e ligue de novo [19:58] <marcelomauro> As conexões via cabo só dizer "limitado" [19:58] <Rudolf> mirqui: hueheiuheiuheiueiuheiuehiuehiuehieuhe [19:58] <marcelomauro> rapaz já fiz isso [19:59] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: de 0 a 10, quanto você entende de rede? [19:59] <mirqui> desligue e espere 3 min [19:59] <mirqui> e desligue seu pc [19:59] <marcelomauro> estou começando disciplina de redes agora... digamos que ainda 3,5 [19:59] <mirqui> é assim que eu faço [20:00] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: só essa máquina não conecta, ou nenhuma outra? [20:00] <marcelomauro> mirgui, o problema não é de hoje. Já fiz isso. [20:00] <marcelomauro> só essa [20:00] <mirqui> tem proxy? [20:00] <marcelomauro> estou agora conectado à mesma rede [20:00] <marcelomauro> falando com vc [20:00] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: o problema acontece de vez em quando ou sempre [20:00] <marcelomauro> não tenho proxy [20:00] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: nesta máquina? [20:00] <mirqui> opa , sorry , [20:00] <marcelomauro> nesta máquina. [20:01] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: o problema, nesta máquina, acontece de vez em quando ou sempre [20:02] <marcelomauro> Seguinte, comprei outra maquina e tenho usado somente esta a qual falo com vc agora, usando ubuntu. O laptop fico desligado uns dias. Ao ligar, tiveram atualizações do windows, (um monte) e ficou assim depois. Voltou a conectar e hoje novamente o problema [20:02] <Rudolf> kkkkkkk [20:02] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: fods [20:02] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: bom, a rede é dhcp? correto? [20:02] <marcelomauro> pois é... problema é que lá estao meus documentos [20:02] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: sendo dhcp, a máquina conectando pega IP? [20:03] <marcelomauro> sim Rudoulf, aqueles modens da GVT normal [20:03] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: pegando IP, vc pinga o ap/router/gateway? [20:03] <marcelomauro> o que tenho achado estranho é que ao rodar ipconfig ela informa a conexão, ip de rede [20:03] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: pingando o ap/router/gateway, ele adquire dns? [20:03] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: adquirindo DNS ele pinga dns? [20:03] <marcelomauro> isso eu já não sei te responder [20:03] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: pingando o dns, se vc digitar ping ele resolve o nome? [20:04] <marcelomauro> como faço? [20:04] <marcelomauro> deixa eu ver la [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: não conhece o comando PING? [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: começa lá de cima tio [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: ping gw [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: ping dns [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: ping [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: ping [20:04] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: traceroute [20:05] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: traceroute [20:05] <mirqui> ping [20:05] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: comandos básicos que TODO computeiro precisa saber utilizar [20:05] <marcelomauro> olha o ping encontrou o [20:05] <marcelomauro> enviou 4 pacotes e retornou [20:05] <Rudolf> mirqui: não é um bom tamanho [20:05] <Rudolf> mirqui: não é um bom teste [20:05] <mirqui> é o do google [20:05] <Rudolf> mirqui: sobre carga alta ele começa a negar pacotes icmp [20:06] <mirqui> ou não é mais , não sei [20:06] <Rudolf> mirqui: sim, ainda é [20:06] <Rudolf> mirqui: mas como disse [20:06] <Rudolf> mirqui: sobre cargas altas ele nega pacotes icmp [20:06] <marcelomauro> então? [20:06] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: então o que? sua resposta não foi coerente [20:06] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: não entendi o que aconteceu [20:06] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: seja específico [20:07] <marcelomauro> eu fiz ping gw, não resolveu, ping dns, não resolveu, ping, enviou 4 pacotes e recebeu 4 pacotes [20:08] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: não me diga que vc digitou "ping gw", "ping dns" ? [20:08] <marcelomauro> não foi o que vc disse?: [20:08] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: certas coisas estão implícitas [20:09] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: quando disse "ping gw", "ping o ip do gateway da sua rede" [20:09] <marcelomauro> entao meu conhecimento de redes é 0... [20:09] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: quando disse "ping dns", ""ping o ip do dns que seu windows pegou no dhcp" [20:09] <marcelomauro> não conheço os jargões da área [20:09] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: percebi [20:09] <marcelomauro> ipconfig [20:09] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: ipconfig /all vai te dar as informações que precisa [20:10] <marcelomauro> aparece aqui um monte de coisa, devido ter instalado o virtualbox [20:10] <Rudolf> separe uai [20:11] <Rudolf> comece a entender seu sistema [20:11] <Hudsonkem> '-' [20:11] <Hudsonkem> faz o seguinte [20:11] <marcelomauro> mas é o seguinte: gateway [20:11] <Hudsonkem> tenta mudar o ip [20:11] <marcelomauro> servidor dhcp [20:11] <Hudsonkem> cmd>> ipconfig/release [20:11] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: vc pinga esse ip? [20:11] <Hudsonkem> cmd>> ipconfig /renew [20:11] <Hudsonkem> cmd>> ipconfig/renew* [20:12] <marcelomauro> sim [20:12] <marcelomauro> Rudolf, está ok [20:12] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: e vc achou o dns no "ipconfig /all"? [20:13] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: se achar, ping nele (se não for o mesmo) [20:13] <mirqui> marcelo olha este programa [20:13] <mirqui> [20:14] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: depois verifique novamente se ele da uns 50 ping no e verifica como está a taxa de perda [20:14] <marcelomauro> eu setei o manualmente nas config de la [20:14] <marcelomauro> esta mostrando ele [20:14] <marcelomauro> e tb está pingando [20:15] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: então vc está conectado a internet champs [20:15] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: divirta-se [20:15] <marcelomauro> Eu não consigo entender, o computador está conectado, mas nada navega [20:15] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: o que seria nada [20:15] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: quais programas vc testou? [20:15] <marcelomauro> o browser nao rola, o antivirus não atualiza [20:15] <mirqui> jesus [20:15] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: cara, tu deve estar com proxy ativado em algum lugar, ou virus te lascando [20:16] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: na duvida formata [20:16] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: se foi após atualização, pode ser que alguma dela tenha ferrado seu sistema, dae formata ou faz recuperação [20:16] <marcelomauro> foda véi [20:16] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: sua rede está ok, é pau de windows mesmo [20:16] <mirqui> faz ponto de restauração então [20:16] <marcelomauro> declaração do IR encerra amanha [20:16] <mirqui> um antes da atualização [20:17] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: deixou para ultima hora né [20:17] <Rudolf> hueheiuheiuheiueiuehi [20:17] <marcelomauro> quan nao deixa [20:17] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: eu não [20:17] <Rudolf> fiz na semana que abriu [20:17] <mirqui> faz a declaração neste pc que vc está conversando [20:17] <Rudolf> a minha e da minha esposa [20:18] <Rudolf> marcelomauro: vc abre o no browser? [20:18] <mirqui> e depois vê o que o outro tem [20:19] <Hudsonkem> limited pode ser tanto falha ao gerar ip quanto dns [20:19] <marcelomauro> cara, iniciei aqui a restauração [20:19] <marcelomauro> vamos ver no que dá [20:19] <mirqui> humm vamos ver o que dá [20:20] <marcelomauro> vou precisar sair agora,,, pra faculdade [20:20] <marcelomauro> mais tarde eu volto e conto a desgraça [20:20] <Rudolf> desespero mode on [20:20] <mirqui> boa sorte :) [20:20] <mirqui> mas tbm existe pendrive [20:21] <mirqui> passa a declaração num pendrive e põe num pc que funcione [20:24] <Rudolf> mirqui: então, era só passar o recibo e recomeçar [20:24] <mirqui> não sei como é a declaração do cara , e quantas tbm [20:25] <mirqui> se for só uma é fácil , se não der pelo pendrive é só recomeçar , mas se for mais de uma , está ralado [20:27] <marcelomauro> O programa da receita funciona legal no linux? Nunca testei? [20:27] <mirqui> este ano quase fiz no linux , mas minha impressora deu pau [20:28] <mirqui> ai fiz no pc da minha tia com windows [20:28] <mirqui> mas é o mesmo programa [20:28] <mirqui> só precisa do java [20:29] <Rudolf> java da oracle [20:29] <Rudolf> os outros java costuma dar erros de nem abrir a pau durante o envio [20:30] <mirqui> sim , mas tem uma versão no ubunto , na central de programas [20:30] <mirqui> o java ice tea [20:30] <Rudolf> não use icedtea para isso [20:30] <mirqui> tem que ser a última verção acho [20:30] <Rudolf> nem openjava [20:30] <Rudolf> use oracle [20:31] <mirqui> sim , , já experimentei instalar [20:32] <mirqui> com este comandso [20:32] <mirqui> sudo apt-get install default-jdk [20:32] <mirqui> ai deu de boa [20:33] <mirqui> mas osdois abriram o programa irpf [20:33] <mirqui> só não enviei , poderia dar problema no receita net , mas acho que ia enviar [20:37] <mirqui> fui , até daqui a pouco [20:37] <Rudolf> é sempre por conta e risco [20:37] <Rudolf> a recomendação é oracle [20:37] <mirqui> sim , e sempre a última versão [20:37] <hggdh> Rudolf: infelizmente, concordo contigo... Oracle <ugh/> Java [20:59] <astroo-> ola pessoal [21:09] <heitor> opa [21:09] <heitor> alguem aí ? [21:09] <astroo-> ola eu sempre [21:10] <heitor> po bixo, to com um problema aqui [21:10] <heitor> to usando o ubuntu tem 1 mes mais ou menos [21:10] <heitor> mas vou dar meu notebook pra minha mãe e preciso instalar o windows nele [21:11] <heitor> se não ela vai se endoidar aqui kkkk [21:11] <astroo-> faz dual boot no pc [21:11] <heitor> mas aí vei, quando fui instalar o windows deu um erro tlg [21:11] <heitor> mostrou q n foi reconhecido um driver de CD/DVD [21:12] <heitor> pesquisei aí como resolver isso e tal [21:12] <heitor> falaram pra mudar uma configuração na BIOS [21:12] <heitor> aí eu fui acessar a BIOS, e não consigo vei [21:12] <heitor> qnd reinicio, fico apertando DEL a tela fica piscando [21:12] <heitor> mas n entra [21:13] <heitor> será que vou ter que resetar ? [21:13] <astroo-> vai ao site da marca do pc e ve o manual [21:14] <heitor> antes entrava de boa [21:14] <heitor> qnd instalei o linux tive que ir lá e tal [21:14] <heitor> mas dps com o ubuntu n ta entrando [21:16] <hggdh> Ubuntu nada tem a ver com acesso ao BIOS [21:17] <heitor> to ligado, já vi isso [21:17] <Rudolf> hggdh: kkkk [21:17] <heitor> mas é foda, tava tudo de boa [21:17] <heitor> pra resetar aqui vai ser foda [21:18] <heitor> q abrir esse note é uma confusão do caralho [21:19] <Rudolf> oh cristo! [21:19] <Rudolf> tadeeenho [21:22] <hggdh> bem, estou aprendendo mais, creio. [21:31] <eliedsonsmg> qual a diferença entre o libavcodec-extra e o libavcodec56? Tentei instalar o libavcodec-extra no Ubuntu 14.10 mas sou avisado q pra isso preciso desinstalar o libavcodec56, qual o melhor ou mais completo? [21:32] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [21:32] <eliedsonsmg> blz [21:45] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: só pra saber, pq você quer o libavcodec-extra [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: descobri [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: é zica [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: um é da familia do ffmpeg [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: outro da familia da libav [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: ffmpeg é mais antigo, porém amplamente suportado [21:47] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: o libav é mais novo, melhor [21:48] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: mas alguns pacotes ainda não o suportam [21:48] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: sugiro fortemente NÃO brincar de tirar/colocar com estes pacotes [21:48] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: principalmente se gosta de ouvir musica ou assistir videos no seu pc [21:49] <eliedsonsmg> nunca havia usado o ubuntu e instalei essa semana pq to cursando TI na UFRN, ai vi q preciso instala alguns codecs apos instalação e vi num site q esse libavcodec-extra era re [21:49] <eliedsonsmg> bom [21:49] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: aviso dado [21:50] <eliedsonsmg> qual o melhor o extra ou o 56? [21:50] <eliedsonsmg> a intendi [21:51] <eliedsonsmg> provavelmente o 56 ja tem tudo q preciso neh isso [21:51] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: é, se ele já está instalado, deixe assim [21:52] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: a não ser que queira dor de cabeça [21:52] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: digo por experiência própria [21:53] <eliedsonsmg> comecei agora então melhor não inventa muito hehe vlw [21:55] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: bingo! [21:55] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: se for sistema de produção, que você usa no dia a dia a trabalho, melhor não [21:57] <eliedsonsmg> n por enquanto nao estou usando mas quero me familiariza com o linux pq apartir d julho vou começar a pagar iniciação as técnicas nde programação [21:59] <Rudolf> eliedsonsmg: cuma? [22:01] <eliedsonsmg> to cursando tecnologia da informação na UFRN e a galera falou q programar no linux é legal :) [23:14] <LoveLSD> algum manjador dos paranaue [23:25] <LoveLSD> alguem experiente aqui p ajudar na formatacao com hd criptografado [23:26] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: precisa de ajuda para fazer isso? [23:26] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: qual a dúvida? [23:26] <LoveLSD> meu gparted nao aparece opcao de ext4 [23:27] <Rudolf> bah, não uso gparted [23:30] <LoveLSD> Erro de entrada/saída durante leitura em /dev/sda [23:35] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: que tipo de dispositivo é esse? hd? pendrive? ssd? [23:35] <LoveLSD> hd [23:35] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: das duas uma, ou o cabo está mal encaixado, ou seu HD está te dando adeus [23:35] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: use algum programa mais raw [23:35] <LoveLSD> como q o cabo sai [23:35] <LoveLSD> so se for da queda [23:35] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: N motivos [23:35] <LoveLSD> .-. [23:36] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: queda, trepidação, mal encaixe [23:36] <LoveLSD> bad blocks [23:36] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: shit happens [23:36] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: cabo é a melhor hipótese, não necessariamente a real [23:36] <LoveLSD> foda q nao tenho chave p abrir [23:37] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: chave? [23:37] <LoveLSD> a carcaca [23:37] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: ah, philips [23:37] <Rudolf> tendeu [23:37] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: a primeira coisa que faria era tirar e colocar, só por desencargo [23:38] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: a próxima seria um dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda ou badblocks /dev/sda [23:38] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: ou faria um teste completo com o smartmontools [23:38] <LoveLSD> mas antes de formatar eu conseguia acessar todos os arquivos [23:38] <LoveLSD> badblocks /dev/sda ja usei [23:38] <LoveLSD> comeca a contagem e n para [23:38] <LoveLSD> .-. [23:39] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: tem que ir até o final né [23:39] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: se tem ou não, é outra história [23:39] <LoveLSD> /dev/sda: rótulo de disco irreconhecível [23:40] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: tá uma beleza hein [23:40] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: tente o testdisk [23:40] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: faça um scan completo [23:40] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: pode ser que ele recupere o "rótulo" [23:40] <LoveLSD> E: Impossível encontrar o pacote testdisk [23:41] <Rudolf> LoveLSD: é um bom programa, dê seus pulos [23:42] <LoveLSD> zero fill resolve [23:42] <LoveLSD> sera [23:44] <Rudolf> se tiver a ferramenta da fábrica [23:44] <Rudolf> "resolve" é relativo ao "qual é o problema" [23:44] <Rudolf> se for bad block não [23:45] <LoveLSD> tlgdo
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BlackFlag", "Dead_Thinker", "Eduardo_Oliveira", "Elfon", "Hudsonkem", "Jamming", "Joe__", "LoveLSD", "Marx_ativo", "Rudolf", "Zueh", "astroo-", "converge", "dk_millares", "eliedsonsmg", "ewilazarus", "heitor", "hggdh", "loveLSD", "marcelomauro", "marcos_", "mirqui", "rafael", "vrp", "wander" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[19:38] <BojanSD> Može li jedan save u vezi Lubuntu OS [19:38] <BojanSD> savet tj. pomoć [19:44] <Kostic> BojanSD: шта те мучи код Лубунтуа? [19:49] <BojanSD> Inače ja sam prešao sa Windovsana Linux pre 3 meseca po savetu sam instalirao Lubuntu, obirom na moju konfiguraciju. U početku sam bio veoma zadovoljan, ali sada mi čini da mi računar radi znatno sporije nego kada sam instalirao Lubuntu, a posebno kada sam na netu tj. Chromu i kada istovremeno otvorim više katica tj. prozora [19:50] <Kostic> Потрошња РАМ-а када си на нету не зависи од Лубунтуа толико колико зависи од Хрома [19:50] <Kostic> а Хром уме итекако да поједе системску РАМ меморију. [19:51] <Kostic> Како Фајерфокс ради на Лубунтуу, на тој машини? [19:51] <BojanSD> tada je procesor skoro uvek na 100% [19:51] <Kostic> Да погодим, Јутуб и флеш? [19:51] <BojanSD> pa njega sam slabije koristio [19:51] <Kostic> Која је конфигурација рачунара? [19:51] <BojanSD> ja imam 2 GB rama [19:51] <BojanSD> P4 [19:52] <BojanSD> na 2,4Ghz [19:52] <BojanSD> trebalo bi da Lubuntu leti [19:53] <BojanSD> čini mi se i da sada se sporije diže sistem [19:53] <BojanSD> grafika je 512 Mb [19:54] <BojanSD> imam i zvučnu Yamaha [19:54] <Kostic> Хм. [19:54] <Kostic> Требало би лепо да шљака. [19:54] <Kostic> Тај Пентијум процесор, колико језгра има? [19:56] <BojanSD> jedno [19:56] <BojanSD> singl [19:56] <BojanSD> ram je DDR [19:56] <BojanSD> ona prva verzija [19:56] <Kostic> Уф. [19:57] <BojanSD> za ovu mašinu to maksimum, ne može više da se unapredjuje.... [19:57] <Kostic> Оно, не може ту софтвер да извуче хардвер. [19:57] <Kostic> Знам, верујем ти. [19:57] <BojanSD> da [19:57] <BojanSD> slažem se [19:57] <Kostic> РАМ меморија и некако али га процесор убија. [19:57] <BojanSD> ali bio je mnogo brži.... [19:58] <Kostic> BojanSD: размишљај полако о новијем рачунару/лаптопу. Штавише, било који полован ће бити светлосну годину испред тог рачунара. [19:58] <BojanSD> pa ova ploča ne prihvata drugi,....stara je.. [19:58] <Kostic> BojanSD: када си инсталирао Лубунту? [19:58] <BojanSD> pre 3 ili 4 meseca [19:59] <Kostic> Такође, глупа ствар али... Да ли си пробао да очистиш Хром од кеша? [19:59] <BojanSD> pa sam Lubuntu mi "jede" samo 236 MB [19:59] <Kostic> Који Лубунту користиш? 14.04? [19:59] <BojanSD> nisam, ne znam [19:59] <BojanSD> da [20:00] <BojanSD> ima li neki program za Lubuntu tipa CC kliner [20:00] <Kostic> Има али то не значи ништа зато што Линукс не прави ђубре тек тако. [20:00] <BojanSD> da ga s vremena na vreme pročistim [20:00] <Kostic> Нема ту шта да се чисти. [20:01] <Kostic> Не можеш да примениш оно што знаш са Вина на Линукс. ;) [20:01] <BojanSD> pa to mi mnogi kažu [20:01] <Kostic> Хм. [20:01] <Kostic> Пробај без кеша. [20:01] <BojanSD> kako [20:01] <Kostic> Имаш ли доста сачуваних лозинки и активних пријава на Хрому? [20:01] <Kostic> Пошто ће чишћење очистити све. [20:01] <BojanSD> moguće [20:01] <BojanSD> nema veze [20:01] <Kostic> Имаш ли записане лозинке? Ако не, да ли их знаш? [20:02] <Kostic> Е то... :) [20:02] <BojanSD> da [20:02] <BojanSD> imam [20:02] <Kostic> Притисни пречицу Ctrl+shift+del. [20:02] <BojanSD> i onda [20:02] <BojanSD> samo to [20:02] <Kostic> Чек [20:02] <Kostic> показаћу ти слику. [20:02] <BojanSD> ok [20:02] <BojanSD> hvala [20:05] <Kostic> BojanSD:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BojanSD", "Kostic" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-rs" }
[04:34] <toddc> welcome CarlosNeyPastorB [06:29] <dholbach> good morning [07:03] <Kilos> morning dholbach and others, i selpt late [07:03] <Kilos> slept as well [07:05] <dholbach> hey Kilos [07:14] <MooDoo> morning all [07:14] <Kilos> helloo MooDoo [07:14] <MooDoo> :D
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "MooDoo", "dholbach", "toddc" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[00:48] <robert_ancell> bregma, I'm trying to get the convergence demo set up - do you happen to know what version of Ubuntu touch that is based on? [01:01] <bregma> robert_ancell, no idea, you'll need to ask Will I think [05:00] <pitti> Good morrning [06:00] <didrocks> good morning [06:07] <seb128> hey didrocks & desktopers [06:08] <didrocks> hey seb128 [06:23] <larsu> morning! [06:29] <seb128> hey larsu [06:30] <pitti> hey didrocks, seb128, and larsu! wie gehtsZ? [06:30] <seb128> hey pitti [06:30] <seb128> zzehr gut, danke! und dir? [06:30] <didrocks> hey pitti, larsu! [06:31] <larsu> I'm great, thanks! [06:31] <larsu> how are yo guys? [07:01] <pitti> larsu: ... apparently not paying enough attention to IRC :) quite well, thanks! [07:01] * pitti enjoys working on non-emergency things for a change [07:03] <larsu> pitti: haha enjoy ;) [07:12] <willcooke> morning [07:17] <willcooke> didrocks, you know all that packet loss I was telling you about.... and how once it had arp'd again pings would work for a little while before stopping.... [07:17] <willcooke> duplicate IP address [07:17] <seb128> hey willcooke [07:17] <willcooke> hey seb128 [07:17] <willcooke> seb128, I've signed you up to a few UOS sessions [07:18] <willcooke> seb128, I'll just go for blanket coverage and then we can work out what is really needed once all the sessions are there [07:18] <willcooke> we should try and spread the load a bit [07:18] <willcooke> I think I will have to be at all of them, but we should spread the others around [07:18] <willcooke> I dont think robert_ancell will be able to cover any of them though :( [07:19] <larsu> morninf willcooke! [07:19] <larsu> *g [07:19] <willcooke> g'day larsu [07:19] <seb128> willcooke, I saw, thanks [07:19] <willcooke> In other news.... [07:19] <willcooke> I am very concerned that it's nearly May already [07:19] <didrocks> willcooke: ahah, nice one on duplicated IP address… We always think about firewalling banning, and iptables rules before thinking about the easy guilty one :) [07:20] <willcooke> What happened to the rest of the year !?! [07:20] <didrocks> willcooke: I hope you blame your dhcp now! [07:20] <willcooke> didrocks, worse - I configured it wrong, plain and simple. What an idiot! :) [07:20] <didrocks> ahah ;) [07:21] <willcooke> So I'm now running a load-balanced set up which seems to be working. [07:21] <willcooke> More testing today, and then I'll write it up [07:32] * willcooke -> school run [07:32] <hikiko> hello :) [07:34] <hikiko> didrocks, do you think it's safe to temporarily uninstall systemd and use init in vivid? I have troubles each time I restart services and when I restart lightdm I have to reboot (and even reboot doesn't work, I need to press the button after running reboot) [07:34] <hikiko> I ve uninstalled it successfully on debian unstable [07:35] <hikiko> but I didn't take the risk in ubuntu yet.. :) [07:37] <hikiko> (+I had several other minor problems) [07:42] <didrocks> hikiko: what do you mean by init? like sysvinit? [07:44] <hikiko> yes [07:45] <hikiko> and install systemd-shim for the services [07:45] <didrocks> it's been years that sysvinit isn't supported, I doubt it will even boot, upstart should still work though, but unsupported for the ubuntu desktop image [07:45] <didrocks> hikiko: what would be more interested is to debug your issues [07:45] <didrocks> as most of people don't seem to have this [07:45] <didrocks> I'm sure pitti or I will be pleased to help you [07:47] <hikiko> I think other people have this lightdm issue too +I'm sure debugging is better I was just wondering because it happens to have 2 vivid installations so, maybe it's faster to work in the non-systemd one while we debug the systemd [07:48] <seb128> hikiko, what do you do exactly and what is happening? [07:48] <didrocks> hikiko: well, I guess you will be the "we" as there is no other bug report (AFAIK) about such issues [07:48] <didrocks> so better to debug it with you, (now ideally) [07:48] <hikiko> sure :) [07:49] <didrocks> so let's start with this "I have troubles each time I restart services" [07:49] <hikiko> :s/services/desktop services! [07:49] <didrocks> what command are you running, what are you trying to restart and what happens? [07:49] <hikiko> i try to restart with sudo daemon restart [07:49] <hikiko> is this correct? [07:49] <hikiko> eg: [07:49] <didrocks> which service, for instance? [07:49] <hikiko> sudo lightdm restart [07:49] <didrocks> no [07:49] <didrocks> this isn't supported [07:49] <hikiko> :D [07:49] <didrocks> (and never was) [07:50] <didrocks> sudo systemctl restart lightdm [07:50] <hikiko> ok :) [07:50] <hikiko> pebcak [07:50] <hikiko> let me try :) [07:50] <didrocks> sure :) [07:51] <hikiko> ok now I ve run this it worked (so, apologies the restart was a pebcak) but I got another problem [07:51] <hikiko> maybe it's another pebcak... :D [07:52] <hikiko> when i start unity and compiz crashes (because for example I ve done a bug in the code or sth) [07:52] <hikiko> I return to the lightdm login screen [07:53] <hikiko> and if I re-login successfully [07:53] <hikiko> the previous session is gone and lightdm starts a new one [07:54] <didrocks> when you say "when I start unity", it means: [07:54] <hikiko> +this happens every time i try to run unity --replace ... [07:54] <didrocks> 1. you are in your session [07:54] <didrocks> 2. hack hack hack, build… [07:54] <willcooke> seb128, did you see on the snappy mailing list, sergiusens said they're working on an insaller for Snappy this cycle \o/ [07:54] <didrocks> 3. unity --restart [07:54] <didrocks> right? [07:54] <hikiko> yes or ./unity --restart [07:54] <didrocks> (meaning, restarting unity… actually compiz from inside the session) [07:54] <hikiko> exactly [07:54] <didrocks> interesting that this crashes the session [07:54] <didrocks> so, first, this has nothing to do with systemd (it's still upstart managing the session) [07:55] <didrocks> I doubt anything change, I'm looking at the unity7 upstart script, it doesn't seem to have any magic to kill the session if compiz fails [07:55] <hikiko> I know for sure that other people get this too [07:55] <didrocks> seb128: do you know if we still have this "RequiredComponents" or if any change in gnome-session for this? [07:55] <hikiko> chris townsend for example got it yesterday [07:55] <hikiko> didrocks, also, I don't know if that helps [07:55] <hikiko> when I ran [07:55] <didrocks> hikiko: do you have any other .crash in /var/crash than compiz? (like a gnome-session one or whatsover) [07:56] <hikiko> sudo restart lightdm [07:56] <hikiko> I got an upstart error [07:56] <didrocks> yeah [07:56] <didrocks> those commands are upstart ones [07:56] <hikiko> yes [07:56] <hikiko> so it's normal [07:56] <hikiko> to get the errors [07:56] <hikiko> right? [07:56] <didrocks> so, basically until lightdm (included) everything is managemed by systemd [07:56] <didrocks> and there is no lightdm upstart script [07:56] <seb128> didrocks, gnome-session still has required component, but some jobs got moved from being gnome-session spawned to be upstart services [07:56] <didrocks> after that, it's upstart [07:56] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, unity7 is one of them [07:57] <didrocks> I wonder why compiz crashing trash the session though… [07:57] <hikiko> in var/crash i have the compiz crashes [07:57] <didrocks> nothing else? [07:57] <seb128> didrocks, pitti, I think I mentioned it before, but could be make "restart" being a wrapper and make it call "systemctl restart" under systemd? [07:57] <hikiko> and some very old from [07:57] <hikiko> guvcview (a broken camera app) [07:57] <didrocks> seb128: restart is still used for session job as well [07:57] <hikiko> skype, chromium [07:57] <didrocks> seb128: so you need to know which kind of job are used [07:57] <hikiko> vbox [07:57] <hikiko> mmm [07:57] <seb128> willcooke, just saw for the installer, that's great! [07:58] <hikiko> I have a usr_bin_signon-ui [07:58] <didrocks> yeah, nothing that's related to the session-components itself :/ [07:58] <seb128> didrocks, well, check the uid? [07:58] <didrocks> seb128: that can work, sure [07:58] <willcooke> seb128, I've poked them in #snappy to see if they need any input from us - I might follow up with an email to the ML as well [07:59] <seb128> willcooke, good, I should probably be on that channel, joined [07:59] <didrocks> seb128: btw, taping "restart" only close the current g-t window [07:59] <didrocks> (actually all) [07:59] <seb128> Try `restart --help' for more information. [07:59] <seb128> it does here [07:59] <didrocks> hikiko: let's wait for Laney (he should be around soon), if he heared about such behaviors) [08:00] <didrocks> seb128: tried 3 times, it closes the g-t window here [08:00] <seb128> didrocks, weird [08:00] <didrocks> and I can't ctrl+alt+t now :/ [08:00] <didrocks> grumph [08:00] <seb128> didrocks, do you have the binary installed? [08:00] <didrocks> "the binary"? [08:00] <seb128> "restart" [08:00] <didrocks> yeah [08:00] <seb128> "which restart" [08:00] <hikiko> also didrocks I don't know if I made this clear: unity --replace always sends me to the login screen not only when compiz crashes, +compiz crashes send me to the login screen too (2 different cases) [08:01] <didrocks> and it's the upstart one, of course, I checked it [08:01] <didrocks> hikiko: interesting, I guess it's something for Laney [08:01] <seb128> hikiko, didrocks, could be that restarting unity this week screws the job state and makes other job act in response [08:01] <hikiko> +also: didrocks thanks for the help :) +sure, I ll wait for Laney :) [08:02] <didrocks> seb128: quite a lot of things in the session restarted [08:02] <didrocks> hikiko: yw! [08:02] <didrocks> seb128: u-s-d, and so on [08:02] <seb128> didrocks, weird... [08:02] <didrocks> weird you don't have the same "restart" behavior [08:02] <seb128> $ restart [08:02] <seb128> restart : nom de la tâche manquant [08:02] <seb128> Try `restart --help' for more information. [08:02] <seb128> $ [08:02] <seb128> $ which restart [08:02] <seb128> /sbin/restart [08:03] <didrocks> and no crash either, it really restarted some session services [08:03] <Laney> WHAT [08:03] <didrocks> hey Laney! [08:03] <seb128> howdy mr Lane [08:03] <Laney> greetings! [08:04] <hikiko> hahaha [08:04] <hikiko> hi Laney :) [08:05] <hikiko> Laney, I've got an issue after I upgraded to vivid I don't know if it's something in my settings or my use of systemd or a bug in the setup [08:06] <hikiko> but I remember that chris had it too yesterday when I first got it [08:07] <hikiko> when I run ./unity --replace ... (for a unity I ve built) I see the lightdm login screen and if I login, I login to a new session [08:08] <hikiko> +sometimes this happens when compiz crashes and I try to restart it [08:19] <darkxst> Laney, late pong, we don't ship overlay-scrollbars, so no problems there. how it gtk 3.16 looking for update? [08:19] <Laney> darkxst: try the ppa [08:20] <Laney> you had some problems last time i remember [08:20] <Laney> hikiko: is this new? [08:20] <darkxst> Laney, problems mixing gtk 3.16 with gnome-shell 3.14 [08:20] <darkxst> but we won't do that [08:23] <hikiko> Laney, this started at the time I upgraded to vivid (a few days ago) [08:26] <darkxst> Laney, there doesnt seem to be any easy way around the theming issues, so will just upload core 3.16 along with gtk [08:28] <ricotz> Laney, darkxst, please take a look at the gtk packaging, iirc there are several manpages missing [08:30] <Laney> we should get this running --fail-missing [08:31] <Laney> ricotz: I can merge your branch, bzr is up to date [08:32] <ricotz> Laney, no bzr branch here yet, this just came into my mind, I stumbled over it while merging 3.14.13 [08:34] <ricotz> Laney, I think the location of gtk-encode-symbolic-svg was weird too which should be in libgtk-3-bin [08:34] <ricotz> sorry, g2g [08:35] <seb128> Laney, --fail-missing doesn't work well with multi-builds [08:51] <Laney> seb128: just tried, the results seem sane here [08:51] <Laney> shows that there are some .desktop files, icons and manpages missing [08:52] <Laney> hikiko: Got it, somehow compiz got back into RequiredComponents in /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session [08:52] <Laney> that is a bug [08:52] <seb128> Laney, is that standard debhelper or do we still have a custom hack script? [08:52] <Laney> cdbs [08:52] <Laney> but using the dh tools [08:53] <Laney> I guess it understands --sourcedirectory or whatever, maybe didn't do that right in the past? [08:53] <seb128> so the debian/ is deprecated? [08:53] <Laney> man [08:53] <Laney> I don't even know what that is [08:53] * Laney shows his youth [08:53] <seb128> that's the script we used to have for --list-missing in gtk [08:53] <seb128> because the cdbs/dh tools didn't understand the multiple builddirs [08:53] <Laney> ah [08:54] <seb128> e.G debian/build/shared debian/build/static [08:54] <popey> is there any way to "reset" compiz back to defaults? [08:54] <popey> (other than creating a new user or deleting all dot files) [08:54] <seb128> popey, there is a reset button in ccsm [08:54] <popey> problem I have is my GUI freaks out when I add/remove a display. A new clean user doesn't have this problem. [08:54] <Laney> it could be that if I fix these fail-missing files then it breaks later on [08:54] <popey> oh! [08:55] <seb128> popey, "dconf reset -f /org/compiz" should work as well [08:55] <Laney> this fails at the first dh_install call for the normal lib [08:55] * popey presses "reset to defaults" button [08:55] <popey> unity disappears. [08:55] <Laney> will try after ricotz gives me his patch :-) [08:55] <seb128> Laney, k :-) [08:55] <seb128> let me know how it works! [08:56] <Laney> ricotz: I want to keep that tool out of the main -bin package, it's not for normal users [08:56] <Laney> not an "example" but didn't feel like making a new binary for it [08:56] <popey> seb128: yeah, the dconf reset didn't fix it, will reboot and see if the reset to defaults did, thanks! [08:56] <seb128> popey, shouldn't need to reboot [08:56] <popey> my unity died [08:56] <Laney> hikiko: try removing that "compiz;" and see if it works for you? [08:56] <popey> I'm unable to alt-tab anymore [08:56] <seb128> "great" [08:57] <Laney> this is a darkxst bug btw! [08:57] <darkxst> Laney, what is a darkxst bug? [08:58] <Laney> you changed RequiredComponents for ubuntu.session when updating gnome-session to 3.15 [08:58] <Laney> 3.14 [08:59] * Laney tried to blame systemd at first [08:59] <Laney> annoyed that it wasn't that :P [08:59] <popey> bah, not unity wont start at all :( [08:59] <popey> *now [09:01] <darkxst> Laney, did I? [09:04] <popey> seb128: any other ideas for debugging unity not starting :( [09:04] <seb128> popey, type "unity" on a command line and see what is printed? [09:05] <hikiko> Laney, what do you mean remove compiz? [09:05] <Laney> darkxst: probably an accident, but the diff says so - curl -s | zcat | filterdiff -i "*50_ubuntu*" [09:05] <Laney> hikiko: e.g. sudo sed -i 's/compiz;//' /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session [09:06] <popey> seb128: [09:07] <seb128> popey, "Loading plugin: ccp" [09:07] <seb128> popey, in ccsm change the settings backend to gsettings [09:07] <seb128> ups [09:07] <seb128> "Info: Backend : gsettings" [09:07] <seb128> hum [09:07] <seb128> popey, nothing more than that? [09:07] <popey> thats everything [09:07] <popey> display flickers and I end up with an empty desktop [09:07] <seb128> in unity enabled in ccsm? [09:08] <popey> hah! no [09:08] <seb128> popey, "gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins" [09:08] <popey> the reset must have disabled it [09:08] <popey> just ticked the box and my launcher appears [09:08] * popey hugs seb128 [09:08] * seb128 hugs popey back [09:08] <seb128> weird, that plugin should be in the default [09:09] <seb128> popey, try to "gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins" [09:09] <popey> done [09:09] <popey> hmm, no window decorations [09:10] <popey> is /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator the right thing for window decorator command? [09:12] <darkxst> Laney, I see, really don't know how that could happen though, the merge would have been based off the vcs-bzr branch [09:13] <popey> seb128: restarted lightdm, all back to normal. big hugs! Thank you! [09:13] <seb128> popey, yw! [09:15] <ricotz> Laney, [09:17] <Laney> why do you want that program in -bin? [09:18] <Laney> this diff isn't based on the ppa or bzr [09:18] <Laney> bleh [09:18] <ricotz> Laney, I kind of consider this a dev tool and hiding it in example makes less sense [09:18] <ricotz> Laney, the diff is based on bzr+ssh:// [09:20] <ricotz> Laney, so lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3 isn't the current one for 3.16? [09:21] <Laney> it is, lemme look in a bit, thanks [09:22] <hikiko> Laney [09:22] <hikiko> without compiz; [09:22] <hikiko> lightdm restarts all the time [09:23] <hikiko> mmm and with compiz it restarts once [09:23] <hikiko> wait [09:23] <hikiko> maybe there's something wrong in compiz [09:24] <hikiko> ok it was not compiz I reinstalled it :s [09:25] <hikiko> i ll replace the dconf user as well to have the default unity settings [09:26] <hikiko> still [09:32] <hikiko> Laney, didrocks for the record: reboot doesnt work when you have nfs entries in fstab just found out [09:41] <didrocks> pitti: any idea? we have some tested together IIRC nfs entries in fstab successfully [09:42] <pitti> hikiko: not known, works fine here; can you please file a bug with a journal, using the "debug shutdown problems" steps in /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian? [09:43] <willcooke> could it be that nfs it starting before the NIC is up? [09:43] <willcooke> *is [09:43] <hikiko> sure pitti :) [09:53] <pitti> didrocks: yippie! (bug 1423811) [09:54] <Laney> accidental fix? [09:56] <pitti> Laney: seems so, about as accidental as it got broken in the first place :) [09:56] * pitti lets his computer cool down now, after some 500 VM reboots and 30 git builds [10:00] <didrocks> pitti: interesting [10:01] <didrocks> again a proof that coverity can be useful :) [10:03] <Laney> hikiko: did you file a bug for this --replace issue? [10:05] <hikiko> no Laney [10:05] <pitti> didrocks: yeah, and Murphy's law (the commit said "Should Not Fail™") [10:06] <hikiko> Laney and pitti where should i file both bug reports? [10:06] <Laney> hikiko: gnome-session for me please [10:06] * Laney will upload a SRU for this [10:06] <hikiko> ok Laney, thank you :) [10:06] <Laney> an* [10:06] <pitti> hikiko: nfs-utils for now, we can reassign as appropriate [10:07] <pitti> hikiko: please tag it "systemd-boot" [10:07] <didrocks> pitti: of course! I bet it's fsckd's fault :p [10:07] <hikiko> ok! thanks! [10:08] <pitti> didrocks: yes, it has its filthy fingers aaaaaaall the way to shutdown! [10:08] <hikiko> Laney, [10:08] <hikiko> gnome-session must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers. [10:08] <pitti> didrocks: and for sure it's also responsible for the world's hunger and raining next Saturday [10:09] <Laney> hikiko: from a terminal run ubuntu-bug gnome-session [10:09] <pitti> didrocks: speaking of which, seems we need to change this a last time to read from that new socket that s-fsck now writes to? [10:09] <didrocks> pitti: I didn't follow what they changed upstream [10:10] <hikiko> ha! Laney the package gnome-session is not installed... [10:10] <hikiko> could that be the problem? [10:10] <didrocks> I think we shouldn't do anything until next systemd release anyway [10:10] <hikiko> it's not a unity dependency [10:11] <Laney> hikiko: oh right, no, unity-session then [10:11] <Laney> or ubuntu-session? [10:11] <Laney> I forget the exact name [10:11] <pitti> didrocks: right, but for v220 we need to port it [10:12] <didrocks> yeah [10:13] <hikiko> Laney, ubuntu-session maybe? [10:13] <Laney> if that works, sure [10:22] <ricotz> Sweet5hark, hi, is there a chance that is hitting a ppa today? [10:23] <Sweet5hark> ricotz: nope, will be a bit delayed [10:23] <ricotz> Sweet5hark, alright, let me know when it happens [10:24] <Sweet5hark> ricotz: willdo. [11:33] <hikiko> pitti, there's no package nfs-utils in my repos + here: the report a bug link is disabled for me, could I report it somewhere else? [11:38] <larsu> Laney: if you have a 14.04 vm around, can you please test the patch I just posted to bug #1448969? Resizing columns in nautilus' list view is impossibe if the horizontal scrollbar is visible (possible SRU) [11:38] <larsu> (bbiab) [12:00] <pitti> hikiko: ah, it's ubuntu-bug nfs-common, sorry; nfs-utils is the source package [12:00] <hikiko> ok :) [12:05] <Laney> larsu: not sure, but I can get one easy enough, thanks! [12:26] <larsu> Laney: cool thanks. Let me know if it works for you so that I can SRUify [12:28] <hikiko> pitti, when i use ubuntu-bug nfs-common it's different than with other packages it doesn't ask me to fill the bug details etc it generates an automated bug report I think [12:28] <pitti> hikiko: right, and it opens a LP page with the bug reporting, as usual [12:28] <hikiko> no [12:28] <hikiko> that's the weird [12:29] <pitti> hikiko: it's pretty much like +filebug, except that it automatically attaches extra info [12:29] <hikiko> yes pitti i used it a while ago for the other bug [12:29] <hikiko> just in nfs-common [12:29] <hikiko> it doesnt open that win [12:29] <hikiko> and doesn't ask me to login [12:29] <hikiko> I don't know why [12:29] <pitti> hm, works here; it collects info for a few secs, then shows the collected data, I press "Send" and get directed to LP [12:30] <hikiko> do i have to be root? I guess that's not the problem [12:30] <pitti> hikiko: if anything else fails, you can also use, but it's really supposed to work with ubuntu-bug too [12:30] <pitti> hikiko: no, you don't [12:31] <hikiko> ok ok pitti it worked the 4th time just the page needs some time [12:31] <hikiko> sorry :) [12:31] <pitti> hikiko: right, it does [12:32] <pitti> no worries :) [14:07] <xclaesse> seb128, upgraded to vivid today, (14.04->15.04 went fine with a simple dist-upgrade). Was still wondering what's the plan to integrate GtkHeaderBar with unity? [14:07] <xclaesse> seb128, here is how I see gedit (build from source), same with devhelp (as packaged in vivid): [14:08] <seb128> xclaesse, we integrate them better now, like decorations are on the right side and looks like our theme, but it's only so much we can do [14:09] <seb128> not sure about the issue in your particular screenshot, larsu or Laney probably know about the gedit situation better [14:09] <xclaesse> seb128, I guess it's impossible to move the GtkHeaderBar inside the unity panel like you guys do with the menu ? [14:09] <seb128> not really no [14:09] <xclaesse> seb128, problem is that maximised we get 2 bars... [14:09] <seb128> yeah, that's the app design, talk to the gedit upstreams... [14:16] <larsu> xclaesse: ya, this is the #1 reason we don't use header bars. I have a patch for gedit upstream that makes it use a traditional title bar [14:17] <larsu> but it's a bit weird without a tool bar [14:17] <xclaesse> larsu, seb128: sooner or later all GNOME apps are going to have the same thing [14:17] <larsu> xclaesse: we know [14:17] <xclaesse> IMO their design is ridiculous, but unity will have to deal with it I guess :( [14:18] <larsu> their design is pretty good actually [14:18] <larsu> it just doesn't fit well with unity [14:18] <larsu> patch is at if you're interested [14:20] <seb128> xclaesse, yeah, well as an user you can decide to user other apps that the GNOME ones ;-) [14:21] <larsu> seb128: that's true, but we should strive for a good experience for the default apps [14:23] <xclaesse> larsu, hm, I build gedit with the patch from bugzilla, didn't change anything. Probably did something wrong :/ [14:24] <larsu> xclaesse: hm, weird. I wanted to update that patch a bit anyway. I'll have a look later today or tomorrow [14:24] <seb128> larsu, right, I'm just saying that there is only so much we can do if designs conflict [14:25] <larsu> seb128: indeed [14:25] <xclaesse> larsu, ah forget me, there were conflict when apply the patch that I didn't resolve :p [14:25] <larsu> hehe :) [14:45] <qengho> Hi all. I'm trying to make chromium-browser do two new things. I would like your help in trying the new chromium packages in Stage PPA. ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage [14:46] <qengho> Who's interested in yesterday's Cr release? New hot v42! Anyone? [14:49] <willcooke> qengho, o/ (i'm on 14.04 still though) [14:50] <qengho> willcooke: Oh, I have to support that too. It's in there. [14:50] <willcooke> woot [14:50] <willcooke> I'll add the PPA tomorrow morning then so I dont lose where I am today [14:53] <kenvandine> willcooke, 14.04? you're so old school [14:53] <willcooke> word [14:53] <willcooke> I've got a dog food VM [14:53] * kenvandine waves to desktop :) [14:54] <willcooke> and I will update this machine, but I want a fresh install [14:54] <willcooke> so, ya know, backups [14:54] <kenvandine> :) [14:54] <kenvandine> seb128, i copied code from unity-scope-click that should fix that bad framework bug, working on getting a build to test now [14:55] <seb128> kenvandine, hey, \o/ [14:55] <kenvandine> more duplicated code... grrr [14:55] <seb128> yeah :-/ [14:55] <kenvandine> the good news is there is a spec being worked on this week to fix that problem :) [14:55] <seb128> great [14:56] <kenvandine> but in the mean time we need to keep the updates plugin working [14:56] <seb128> yeah [14:57] <seb128> dobey mentioned previously that we should use the scope service to install or something [14:57] <seb128> or the wrapper they have [14:57] <seb128> rather than manually deal with it [14:59] <Laney> click got an API [16:07] <xclaesse> outch, google map on firefox with ubuntu vivid is utra slow [16:07] <xclaesse> with chrome it's perfect [16:21] <Laney> larsu: I get a segfault in the testsuite with your backport [16:21] <Laney> on 3.10 [16:22] <seb128> xclaesse, yeah, google streetview is un-usable in firefox for me for over a cycle, dunno why [16:22] <seb128> it takes like 30s to display one frame [16:22] <seb128> webgl or something not working there I guess? [16:23] <xclaesse> seb128, it's not only street view, it's also panning the map [16:23] <xclaesse> seb128, was working fine on 14.04 afaik [16:23] <seb128> well, maybe same issue [16:23] <xclaesse> looks like unaccelerated webgl [16:23] <seb128> I'm sure maps requires a lot less rendering [16:24] <seb128> streetview is just the same issue pushed further [16:24] <xclaesse> yeah [16:27] <Laney> larsu: looks like b4282e5ef, trying that [16:28] <larsu> Laney: thanks [16:28] * larsu didn't run it (sorry) [16:28] <Laney> that's what packagers are for [16:29] <larsu> :) [16:30] <davmor2> seb128: it's the if "ua=firefox: run_speed=dead_slow" at the top of all google code right ;) [16:30] <seb128> right [16:30] <Laney> looks good [16:30] * Laney builds it properly with this [16:32] <xclaesse> seb128, is ultra slow as well [16:34] <xclaesse> seb128, on fedora with same firefox version, it works perfectly [16:35] <seb128> xclaesse, same version = binary from upstream, or same version but distro builds? [16:35] <seb128> chrisccoulson, is there any known issue with firefox/webgl on Ubuntu? [16:35] <xclaesse> seb128, I mean the about dialog says "37.0.2" [16:36] <xclaesse> distro rebuild it I guess [16:37] <seb128> xclaesse, what if you go in about:config and set webgl.force-enabled to true? [16:37] <chrisccoulson> seb128, no idea - about:support says it's blacklisted with my drivers [16:38] <chrisccoulson> I'd ask upstream if I were the Firefox maintainer :) [16:38] <seb128> chrisccoulson, you still are the defacto one :-) [16:38] <chrisccoulson> heh [16:39] <xclaesse> seb128, it's much better, but still slow [16:39] <xclaesse> seb128, I get 25fps with the force-enabled [16:40] <xclaesse> in chrome I get 60fps [16:40] <seb128> xclaesse, how about firefox on fedora? [16:40] <seb128> is that on the same box? [16:40] <chrisccoulson> webgl has always been slow with Firefox because it's using a software compositor [16:40] <xclaesse> it's on my collegue's laptop, will ask to test again when he has time [16:40] <seb128> k [16:40] <chrisccoulson> which means it uses glReadPixels for webgl [16:41] <seb128> xclaesse, I assume you get the normal firefox speed now, chrome(ium) is probably just more performant [16:41] <seb128> chrisccoulson, thanks [16:41] <chrisccoulson> our phone browser runs webgl better than firefox btw [16:41] <seb128> :-) [16:41] <chrisccoulson> just thought I'd get that in there [16:41] <seb128> good to know! [16:42] <seb128> we should pay some free beer to whoever is working on that :p [16:43] <chrisccoulson> Yeah, that's a good idea :) [17:42] * willcooke -> EOD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Sweet5hark", "bregma", "chrisccoulson", "darkxst", "davmor2", "didrocks", "hikiko", "kenvandine", "larsu", "pitti", "popey", "qengho", "ricotz", "robert_ancell", "seb128", "willcooke", "xclaesse" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[02:03] <Unit193> knome: Update docs.x.o? [02:15] <Unit193> Also rm precise? [03:21] <bluesabre> want to hug before it disappears forever? [03:41] <bluesabre> made some updates to the EOL post, feel free to further update it or publish it any time, [03:42] <Unit193> \o/ [03:42] <Unit193> Good, precise is gone. [03:42] <bluesabre> lol [03:44] <bluesabre> maybe knome or ochosi can make a sad or old-looking pangolin artwork for that post [03:56] <bluesabre> also, need to pop 12.04 off of [03:57] <Unit193> Heh, pointed that out about docs.x.o [03:57] <bluesabre> yeah [03:58] <bluesabre> Unit193: precise right now, [03:58] <Unit193> Silly bluesabre. [03:58] <bluesabre> :) [03:59] <Unit193> ...Then again, here I am listening to wxradio. [04:00] <bluesabre> silly Unit193. [06:44] <Hudsonkem> anybody there? [06:48] <elfy> ish [06:49] <Hudsonkem> do know about "what default windows compositor will be"? [06:51] <elfy> in relation to what? [06:53] <Hudsonkem> like "if when it will have a new features and more settings to customize" [07:00] <elfy> oic - no idea, I don't have a great deal to do with xfce - and that's where it would come from [07:01] <Hudsonkem> hm... thx ^^ [07:35] <ali1234> ochosi: this vertex theme has support for indicators and all the other xfce weird stuff :) [07:36] <Unit193> Ist goot? [08:57] <knome> Unit193, pleia2: i've updated the docs-startpage branch (drop 12.04, add 15.04) [08:57] <Unit193> knome: Danke. /help/ too? [08:58] <knome> i'll do that next [08:58] <Unit193> Danke. [08:58] <knome> 3.9.6-src [08:58] <knome> :| [08:58] <knome> so we're not upgrading to the 4.x WP series any time soon i guess.. [08:58] <slickymasterWork> thanks knome [09:00] <knome> Unit193, done [09:01] <knome> cycling the press page... [12:42] <ochosi> ali1234: a-ha, i only tested the manjaro thing you linked to [12:42] <ali1234> that seems to work just fine too [12:43] <ochosi> right, didn't for me in 15.04 [12:43] <ali1234> maybe it's because i'm on 14.04 [12:43] <ochosi> maybe the transparency in the panel, who knows [19:20] <elfy> published the 12.04 post [19:40] <pleia2> knome: I'll try to update the live site this week, maybe I'll luck out with the server being able to talk to again (not holding my breath) [19:40] <pleia2> s/bzr/bazaar [19:41] <elfy> don't do the holding breath thing ... [19:42] <drc> Yeah, there's no after market for blue princess's [19:54] <pleia2> aw, mouseies [19:57] <drc> aw, xmousies.... [19:59] <drc> on sale, no less. [20:05] <lderan> do need to get some of those [20:05] <lderan> my laptop needs more stickers
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Hudsonkem", "Unit193", "ali1234", "bluesabre", "drc", "elfy", "knome", "lderan", "ochosi", "pleia2", "slickymasterWork" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[08:13] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [15:53] <Noppie> middag. ik heb sinds vanmiddag een update van libre office gedaan. en sinds dien minder icoontjes op het buroblad. Tevens is de menubalk boven verdwenen [15:54] <Noppie> heb nu wel weer icoontje voor firefox en thunderbird op het buroblad weten te krijgen. ook geen klok ect op het buroblad. wat kan ik hier aan doen? alvast bedankt voor de antwoorden. Noppie. [16:01] <Noppie> heb een libre office update gdaan vanmiddag. nu na het opstarten minder icoontjes en geen werkbalk boven in. heb wel weer firefox en thunderbird gevonden. wat is er mis gegaan? Heb software update gedaan maar geeft aan dat er geen updates meer zijn. Greetz, Noppie. [16:02] <trijntje> Noppie: welke versie gebruik je? [16:03] <Noppie> lts15.04 volgens mij. maar ik bv dit venster via firefox ook niet minimalisren om te zien welke het is. erg vreemd. [16:04] <Noppie> want als ik nu dit sluit ben ik de chat weer kwijt. [16:04] <trijntje> 15.04 is geen lts, 14.04 is de lts. 15.04 is pas een paar dagen uit [16:05] <Noppie> okay dan is het dus de 14.04. sorry voor dat. [16:06] <Noppie> kan dus ook niet normaal ubuntu afsluiten. ja de harde, lees stroom eraf. [16:06] <trijntje> dat is een slecht plan, dan kan het bestandssysteem corrupt raken. Je kan altijd met de volgende toetsen-combinatie afsluiten [16:07] <trijntje> alt + SysRq/Print screen + (na elkaar) r e i s u b [16:08] <trijntje> Reboot Even If System is Utterly Broken ;) [16:10] <Noppie> ok. is het handig om 15.04 te downloaden en er overheen te zetten [16:10] <trijntje> mwah, niet echt, dan moet je elke 6 maanden upgraden naar de nieuwste versie [16:11] <trijntje> je kan dan beter 14.04 opnieuw installeren als je dat wilt, of proberen het probleem te repareren natuurlijk [16:11] <Noppie> Goed ga ik dat niet doen. dus afsluiten met alleen het buroblad, en dan de toestencombinatie gebruiken. [16:12] <Noppie> als ik 14.04 opnieuw ga instaleren, hoe zit het dat met mn thunderbird. behoud ik de e-mails of is alles weg. [16:17] <JanC> heb je al herstart en blijft het dan zo? [16:18] <JanC> welke "LibreOffice update" was dat? [16:21] <trijntje> Noppie: je moet natuurlijk wel een backup maken van al je bestanden als je opnieuw gaat installeren [16:22] <trijntje> maar het is vast op te lossen, er zijn hier hele slimme mensen ;) [16:23] <Noppie> ja ik heb net de belangrijkste bestanden op een externe harde schijf gezet. bedankt voor je hulp zo ver. wardeer het zeer. [16:24] <trijntje> Noppie: als je een backup hebt is installeren waarschijnlijk het snelste [16:25] <trijntje> je emails zouden in de map .mozilla moeten staan, of .thunderbird Dit zijn verborgen mappen die je met ctrl + H zichtbaar kunt maken [16:25] <Noppie> okay tx. [16:28] <trijntje> in ubuntu staan alle instellingen van programma's in principe altijd als verborgen mappen in je persoonlijke map. Dus als je al die mappen meneemt heb je alles zo terug gezet [16:29] <trijntje> dan hoef je ook niks opnieuw in te stellen [16:34] <Noppie> ok. zal de mappen op mn ext schijf zetten. ik sluit nu hier af. is de chat wel weer weg, maar moet toch wat. [16:35] <Noppie> ga eerst ff eten. zie straks wel of er meer oplossingen zijn. [17:33] <Noppie> heb nu mn gsm bij staan. kan deze pagina uit. [17:41] <Noppie_> Heb net de verborgen bestanden op de ext gezet. Nu maar opnieuw instaleren. Of uend anders miet een oplossing heeben. [17:42] <Noppie_> Heb net zelfs reisub gedaan maar daar reageerd dr pc niet op.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JanC", "Noppie", "Noppie_", "lordievader", "trijntje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[00:47] <Ubuntero|47976> Buenas noches, tengo una pregunta [00:48] <Ubuntero|47976> me dicen que puedo usar ubuntu para reparar mi usb dañana [00:48] <Ubuntero|47976> el computador no la lee y me pide formatearla, pero no quiero hacerlo porque tengo información importante conetnida ahí [00:48] <Ubuntero|47976> que puedo hacer al respecto?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ubuntero|47976" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-co" }
[00:00] <cmaloney> WElcome to Youtube loops. [00:20] <jrwren> brousch: !!! Tell him I said hi, and that I wish I were there. [00:20] <jrwren> brousch: what is the occasion? [00:20] <jrwren> cmaloney: [00:38] <cmaloney> jrwren: I find this doubtful [00:45] <jrwren> cmaloney: don't make me cry [00:45] <jrwren> cmaloney: i wish I was rich, I'd do the $10k thing [00:57] <cmaloney> heh [10:54] <brousch> jrwren: He came to GR to talk about Javascript robotics. The group went out afterwards [12:50] <cmaloney> morning [12:58] <rick_h_> morning [13:38] <cmaloney> Get to head to the docs later on to have my throat checked out [13:38] <cmaloney> Not sure my tonsils should be this size. [13:38] <rick_h_> ruh roh [13:38] <rick_h_> penguicon-flu! [13:39] <cmaloney> Yeah, fun fun [13:39] <cmaloney> hoping it isn't strep [13:39] * rick_h_ sends popsicles your way [13:39] <cmaloney> heh [13:43] <brousch> Penguebola [13:46] <jrwren> oh no! [13:47] <jrwren> at the first sign of scratchy throat, I always gargle with saltwater and or H2O2 [13:47] <jrwren> I have holes in my tonsils from so much strep when I was young :( [13:47] <_stink_> brousch++ [19:24] <brousch>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[02:57] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [20:59] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[15:10] <bwmaker> Greetings, good folks. [15:20] <wrst> hello bwmaker [15:25] <bwmaker> How's it going, wrst ? [15:28] <wrst> good bwmaker and you? [15:29] <bwmaker> Doing well. Watching the clock, waiting on lunch. :) [15:59] <wrst> ha ha just ate mine a bit early [16:55] <Juzzy> :D [17:15] <bwmaker> I'm an 11AM lunch person. [17:15] <bwmaker> No sense in waiting around. [17:26] <wrst> agreed [17:32] <bwmaker> wrst [17:33] <bwmaker> Oops... [17:33] <wrst> ha ha :) [17:33] <bwmaker> Anyway... wrst: ever been to Rotier's in Nashville? Pretty tasty burgers. [17:58] <wrst> no I haven't I need to start making a list
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Juzzy", "bwmaker", "wrst" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn" }
[03:11] <Leopold> Ahoy-hoy
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Leopold" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ca" }
[08:54] <arcsky> thi [08:54] <arcsky> jag har strulat till det lite med chmod -700 R /home/* etc [08:54] <arcsky> hur far jag tillbaka till default pa allt? [08:58] <Hund> arcsky: 755 borde väl vara ok. [11:08] <SebastianThorn> arcsky: jag fattar inte, vad jar du skrivit? "chmod -700 R /home/* etc" och stått i "/" ? [11:28] <NeverW8> arcsky: vilken användare har du chmodat som? :P inte root hoppas jag ^^ [11:58] <andol> arcsky: Har du även gjort en chmod -R 700 på /etc så är det mer eller mindre så att du kommer att vilja ominstallera, såtillvuda du inte har en säkerhetskopia du kan läsa ut de exakta rättigheterna från. [12:00] <andol> Såtillvida du nu inte skrev bokstavligen vad du skrev ovan, med "R" och inte "-R" [12:31] <einand> Coolt, finns ett mosh plugins till chrome [12:36] <arcsky> andol: har inte gjort /etc [13:13] <huttan> arcsky: Vad skrev du för kommando? Skrev du som i kanalen ?? [13:13] <huttan> arcsky: Isf hände inget [13:44] <arcsky> etc = et cetera [14:07] <Johnny> hej [14:08] <Guest20667> lever denna kanalen? [14:17] <Amoz> Guest20667, jep [14:23] <SebastianThorn> lever frågeställaren? ;) [14:23] <Guest20667> Sorry.. letade saker på nätet [14:23] <Guest20667> :) [14:24] <Guest20667> Oki.. tänkte bara fråga om det finns något Linux förening i Malmö ? [14:24] <Guest20667> Eller träffar? [14:26] <gusnan> Guest20667: Det finns regelbundna träffar i Helsingborg, men det kanske är lite långt... [14:28] <Guest20667> Ja, det är så att jag behöver nämligen en duktig Linux utvecklare och det hittar jag väll på Linux träffar :) så jag skulle helst vilja träffa någon i Malmö.. [14:29] <Guest20667> Då tänkte jag, nördar (med respekt) hittar jag väll bara på sådana möten :) [14:42] <cowbacon> Guest20667: sätt ut en jobbansökan i stället? [14:42] <cowbacon> borde du få en del träffar [14:44] <gusnan> Guest20667: Får man fråga vad det är du är ute efter att utveckla? [14:49] <Guest20667> Det är så att vi har ett par gamla maskiner som behandlar Cancer (tumörer).. som behöver uppdateras och utvecklas.. så det är ett stort projekt... [14:50] <Guest20667> Varför jag inte lägger ut på arbetsförmedlingen just nu är för att jag inte vill ha en massa onödiga CV.. Vill ha en riktigt Linux utvecklare. och inte en desperat Linux användare... [14:51] <andol> Guest20667: Prövat att vända er till någon rekryterare? Dessa verkar använda rätt friskt nuförtiden. [14:52] <cowbacon> fuck rekryterare. jag får 2-3 rekryterarmail i månaden [14:52] <cowbacon> de går direkt till skräpposten :p [14:52] <andol> cowbacon: Tja, skillnad på rekryterare och rekryterare. [14:52] <andol> cowbacon: Fast visst, en rätt hög andel är ju av rätt tveksamt värde. [14:53] <Guest20667> Håller med cowbacon (inte F ordet) :) men rekryterare.. för jag får onödiga mail varje månad... [14:53] <Guest20667> jag är inte så insatt i Linux.. men vad är Docker för något?? [14:54] <Guest20667> Såg att dom har möte om det i Malmö.. Linux docker.. [14:57] <andol> Guest20667: Hmm, de där behandlingsmaskinerna, antar att ni då är ute efter folk som kodar rätt nära metallen, inbyggda system och sådär? Ty i sådant fall känns rent spotant ett Docker-meetup som lite på andra sidan spectrat. [14:59] <Guest20667> det stämmer, programmera i datorn, så docker är inget för oss? [15:01] <Guest20667> Det är ett mycket enkelt system för den som kan.. databas, sedan kör behandling manuellt eller automatik, rökne system.. det är allt.. [15:01] <Guest20667> räkne system menar jag, inte rök system :) [15:07] <Guest20667> Ursäkta, får jag fråga vad är för något är ni en förening eller? Kanske en dum fråga... [15:10] <andol> Guest20667: Utav trista historiska orsaker så är och olika communities. Den här kanalen är mer associerade med den sistnämnda. [15:22] <Guest20667> Tack för all info och svar! ha en bra dag alla! [17:39] <Philip5> när skymningen lägger sig så vaknar maxjezy [17:39] <maxjezy> Philip5: javisstja! [17:39] <maxjezy> Philip5: du ska väl sussa strax? [17:41] <Philip5> kollar på hockey [17:59] <madbear_> Philip5: nu blev ju fåglar intressant, måste bara ha ett fetingobjektiv nu [18:01] <maxjezy> madbear_: jag kopplade på en 3x och en 2x converter på min 200 mm [18:03] <madbear_> funkar bra? [18:03] <maxjezy> njae. [18:03] <madbear_> eller ska man gå på ett 600 dirr? XD [18:03] <maxjezy> tungt objektiv och det blir inte lättare av converters [18:03] <maxjezy> eller va de heter [18:03] <madbear_> nä men bilderna, funkar converter bra? [18:03] <maxjezy> tele x2 -x3 grejer [18:03] <maxjezy> bilden blir inte speciellt bra nej [18:04] <maxjezy> bäst bild blir det med mitt 70-150 mm med x3 [18:04] <madbear_> ok [18:04] <maxjezy> men inget av mina objektiv når oändlighet 100% [18:04] <maxjezy> vilket är synd [18:04] <maxjezy> måste blända ner en hel del för att det ska bli skarpt [18:06] <maxjezy> mitt 28 mm objektiv når typ 4-5 meter [18:06] <maxjezy> sen är det suddigt [18:06] <maxjezy> men det har en närgräns på typ 20 cm [18:06] <maxjezy> alla är bra på sitt, men har många nackdelar var [18:07] <maxjezy> mina nikongluggar levererar skarp bild men objektiven är plastiga och helt kassa annars att hantera [18:12] <Philip5> madbear_: du får panta burkar tills du har råd med ett Nikon 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR ;) [18:13] <Philip5> jag har provat att fota med sådan handhållet utan stativ... :) [18:14] <madbear_> många burkar antar jag [18:15] <Philip5> ett antal [18:15] <Philip5> kostar väl som en mindre ny bil [18:18] <madbear_> är i större behov av en ny bil tyvärr :/ [18:22] <Philip5> du får gifta dig rikt så kan du få båda i present för att du är så fin [18:25] <madbear_> åh, tack [18:46] <Philip5> madbear_: tacka inte mig. tacka den där rika puman du ska skaffa [18:57] <madbear_> hehe, skickade suddiga fåglar till min dam [18:57] <madbear_> "du förstår varför jag behöver ett nytt objektiv va?" [18:57] <madbear_> :) [18:58] <Philip5> du får säga till henne att om hon verkligen älskar dig så ger hon dig ett sånt där objektiv om det så ska bli ett dyrt blanco-lån som hon står i skuld för resten av livet [18:59] <madbear_> jag menar ju det [18:59] <madbear_> nej men Philip5 , vad ska jag ha för nå objektiv? [19:10] <Philip5> madbear_: beror ju helt på din budget [19:11] <Philip5> den brukar begränsa mest [19:15] <maxjezy> Nasa begränsades inte av sin budget trots dålig ekonomi [19:15] <maxjezy> madbear_: du är helt enkelt inte Nasa, du kör med mjukhandskarna. [19:16] <maxjezy> fågelfotografi förstår jag mig inte på riktigt om jag ska vara helt ärlig. [19:22] <madbear_> maxjezy: nä men älg å fågel [19:22] <madbear_> Philip5: ok, det skulle kännas löjligt att lägga lika mycket på ett objektiv som för kameran [19:22] <madbear_> men ett tamron 300mm [19:22] <madbear_> eller [19:22] <madbear_> [19:30] <Philip5> en konsumentkamera är ju inget i jämförelse mot lite proffsigare objektiv [19:31] <Philip5> den nya tamron 300 med stabilisering är rätt ok om man klarar sig med så pass ljussvagt glas [20:08] <maxjezy> men på 300 mm så lär väl bokeh vara ganska mjuk iaf [20:08] <maxjezy> i framtiden så är ISO bättre [20:11] <Philip5> om man fotar fåglar så är det inte bokeh man är ute efter utan snabbare glas i kanske sämre ljus [20:12] <Philip5> då är det alltid bättre med bättre glas än lite på sensorn [20:12] <Philip5> lita [21:05] <madbear_> ni snackar över mitt huvud nu iaf [21:05] <madbear_> måste läsa på lite :) [23:59] <maxjezy> Philip5: njaeh.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Guest20667", "Hund", "Johnny", "NeverW8", "Philip5", "SebastianThorn", "andol", "arcsky", "cowbacon", "einand", "gusnan", "huttan", "madbear_", "maxjezy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[12:01] <kdub> good morning [22:22] <pleia2> nhaines: happy birthday :) [22:51] <elky> nhaines: haha you're older now [22:55] <ianorlin> happy birthday nhaines [22:56] <blitz> happy birthday nhaines
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blitz", "elky", "ianorlin", "kdub", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[09:35] * cjwatson starts trying to saw up his Git MP work from the plane into manageable pieces [09:35] <cjwatson> blr: You probably didn't see, but I got MPs working on Saturday evening \o/ [09:35] <cjwatson> (minimally, anyway) [09:36] <cjwatson> wgrant,blr: Are we holding the team meeting at the calendared time tonight? [09:39] <wgrant> That time's a bit awkward for me this week but I guess we might be able to get away without it. [09:43] <cjwatson> It's exactly as awkward for me as it normally is :-) [09:44] <wgrant> Heh, true. [09:45] <cjwatson> How goes the release sprint? [09:46] <wgrant> The usual amusing crop of installer bugs. [09:46] <wgrant> Except all with added systemd fun this time. [09:47] <wgrant> eg. oem-config breaking because of a shadow bug from two years ago because systemd. [09:47] <wgrant> Only two last-minute sabdfl changes so far. [09:50] <wgrant> cjwatson: Are you comfortable enough with your MP changes to make schema review sensible at this stage? [09:53] <cjwatson> wgrant: Yeah, my threshold was "works locally", which it does. [09:53] <wgrant> Great, will look soon [09:54] <cjwatson> Do you think I need to ask thumper etc. if they're OK with removing BMQs? [09:54] <cjwatson> Or just assume that if they haven't finished it in the last 5+ years they're unlikely to now? [09:54] <wgrant> Meh. [09:54] <wgrant> They're unused, and have been disabled for like five years. [09:54] <wgrant> If someone wants to revive them, they can feel free. [09:54] * cjwatson nods [09:55] <wgrant> VCSes are cool like that. [09:55] <cjwatson> :-) [09:55] <cjwatson> Vanishing. [10:08] <wgrant> cjwatson: [10:08] <wgrant> Quality tests. [10:11] <cjwatson> wgrant: Nice, r=me. [10:12] <wgrant> Thanks, bugged me for five years or so... [10:13] <jpds> [10:14] <wgrant> cjwatson: Not oversized? I'm disappointed. [10:14] <cjwatson> wgrant: Hm? [10:14] <wgrant> Your next git branch is just under 800 lines! [10:15] <cjwatson> Ah :-) [10:15] <cjwatson> I have another smallish one, but then need to think a bit ... [10:15] <wgrant> The whole diff's 4kish, right? [10:16] <cjwatson> 4060 right now, though I'll need to write some more tests. [10:20] <wgrant> cjwatson: boom, btw [10:22] <cjwatson> Grr. [10:24] <cjwatson> So much for having carefully run all the code tests and thought that was probably enough ... [10:29] <wgrant> Heh [10:29] <cjwatson> Ah, maybe I didn't apply the changed security.cfg first. [10:30] <cjwatson> I'll just revert security.cfg, not worth the hassle. [10:31] <wgrant> Yep [10:40] <cjwatson> Testfix landing. [11:22] <cjwatson> wgrant: Do you know why the existing Branch:+subscribe etc. permissions are the way they are? I was copying from those. [11:23] <wgrant> cjwatson: Probably from before private branches. [11:24] <wgrant> The lack of a ViewAndAnyPerson-ish thing has always been annoying. [11:25] <cjwatson> What would the difference be between that and just View here, given that an anonymous user can't subscribe to things? [11:25] <cjwatson> Oh, but View would *allow* an anonymous user to subscribe. [11:26] <wgrant> Exactly. [11:26] <cjwatson> I guess it's sufficient to just rely on you not being able to get at the Branch/GitRepository to subscribe to it in the first place if you don't have View. [11:27] <cjwatson> The portlets could be launchpad.View at least, though. [11:30] <wgrant> Yeah, that's the way it works now, but it's a bit unfortunate. [11:30] <wgrant> Particularly given that +subscribe is the access control view. [11:30] <cjwatson> I'll put something in Asana for it. [11:37] <wgrant> cjwatson: Can I upgrade DF? [11:37] <cjwatson> Sure. [11:42] <wgrant> cjwatson: Have you timed the new check constraints? [11:43] <cjwatson> wgrant: I don't have the scrollback, but that was what I was doing during the wrap-up when I accidentally failed to do it in a transaction :-) [11:43] <cjwatson> wgrant: IIRC they were something like 0.2 seconds each [11:43] <wgrant> Oh,heh. [11:44] <wgrant> Right. [11:44] <wgrant> It's not a big table. [11:45] <cjwatson> Yeah, on DF I get 153.458 ms, 95.952 ms, 94.037 ms, 69.866 ms, 125.432 ms [11:46] <cjwatson> So the whole patch might end up being as much as a second or two but shouldn't be much worse. [11:47] <wgrant> cjwatson: Does different_git_refs really handle a null dependent_git_repository proprely? [11:49] <cjwatson> wgrant: Should do. ROW (NULL, NULL) != ROW (1, 1), e.g., and I tested without a prerequisite locally. [11:50] <wgrant> cjwatson: And one_vcs doesn't check that the VCS is consistent. [11:50] <wgrant> Just that each of source, target and dependent only has ne. [11:50] <cjwatson> source_git_repository | source_git_path | target_git_repository | target_git_path | dependent_git_repository | dependent_git_path [11:50] <cjwatson> -----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+--------------------------+-------------------- [11:50] <cjwatson> 1 | refs/heads/ibm-nvram | 1 | refs/heads/master | | [11:52] <cjwatson> wgrant: Hm, yes, that's true. [11:52] <cjwatson> Should be (source_branch IS NULL OR target_branch IS NULL OR dependent_branch IS NULL) != (source_git_repository IS NULL OR target_git_repository IS NULL OR dependent_git_repository IS NULL), I think. [11:53] <cjwatson> Er, s/IS NULL/IS NOT NULL/g [11:56] <cjwatson> Fixed. [12:02] <wgrant> cjwatson: I think that new one_vcs allows me to completely omit target or source, as long as one of the others is set. [12:02] <wgrant> But apart from that it looks reasonable now. [12:03] <cjwatson> Oh, that's true. [12:07] <cjwatson> Will fix after lunch. [13:17] <cjwatson> wgrant: How does that look to you now? [13:17] <cjwatson> ALTER TABLE BranchMergeProposal [13:17] <cjwatson> ADD CONSTRAINT one_vcs CHECK (((source_branch IS NOT NULL AND target_branch IS NOT NULL) != (source_git_repository IS NOT NULL AND target_git_repository IS NOT NULL)) AND (dependent_branch IS NULL OR source_branch IS NOT NULL) AND (dependent_git_repository IS NULL OR source_git_repository IS NOT NULL)); [13:19] <wgrant> cjwatson: That works. [13:19] <cjwatson> brushing off my boolean logic [13:19] <cjwatson> I want IMPLIES [13:19] <wgrant> A truth table would be more compact... [13:20] <wgrant> Yeah [13:24] <cjwatson> p → q ≡ ¬p ∨ q, but. [15:31] <cjwatson> wgrant: Did you intend to review db-git-mp in the MP itself? [15:38] <wgrant> cjwatson: Er, yeah, if you've pushed that. [15:38] <wgrant> Sorry, distracted by OpenStack. [15:39] <cjwatson> I pushed that change, yes. [15:39] <cjwatson> How goes the restacking? [15:39] <wgrant> Finally got the x86 cloud back up with trusty+kilo, doing builds, next step is to see if nova-compute works on cameron. [15:40] <wgrant> And then weneed to hack up the imemaker bits so we can hulksmash them onto cameron for ppc64el only. [15:43] <cjwatson> works on cameron> Hopefully you won't have done the kilo upgrade for nothing ... [15:46] <cjwatson> Huh, I wonder why I made readonly=True? [15:47] <wgrant> cjwatson: It'll at least be easier to fix on kilo! [15:47] <wgrant> cjwatson: name needs a setter, at least. [15:48] <cjwatson> doesn't have one. I assume you just get a constraint violation if you try to make it equal to an existing one. [15:49] <wgrant> Ugh. [15:49] <cjwatson> And trying to set GitRepository.owner crashes, bah. [15:51] <cjwatson> I'll be able to QA subscriptions eventually ... [20:29] <blr> cjwatson: excellent, great news :) [20:31] <blr> should have the cross-repo diff soon, yesterday was a bit of a write-off. [20:52] <cjwatson> I can imagine [20:52] <cjwatson> Not been hugely useful today myself ... [22:03] <cjwatson> wgrant,blr: Are we meeting?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blr", "cjwatson", "jpds", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad-dev" }
[15:47] <choopawaba> QUESTION: am i too early? [15:48] <toddc> just a few minutes early [15:53] <choopawaba> phew [15:55] <choopawaba> QUESTION: is it true that Canonical will sponsor a NASCAR car? [15:58] <mhall119> never too early to ask [16:00] <GoingSolo> Are we ready to go ? [16:01] <GoingSolo> Is it ON this week, or what ? [16:02] <mhall119> GoingSolo: about to start [16:02] <GoingSolo> k, cheers dudes. [16:03] <mhall119> ask questions here any time, just start thenm with QUESTION in all caps [16:03] <willcooke> o/ [16:04] <GoingSolo> mhall119: We/I can't see anything, yet. [16:04] <mhall119> GoingSolo: it takes a minute for the live stream to start [16:04] <mhall119> try refreshing your page too [16:05] <GoingSolo> ok, got it after refresh, cheers. [16:06] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: Why is mhall119 in Dracula's castle ? [16:09] <le_fromage> QUESTION: is there a way to convert deb to clicks or snaps? [16:11] <le_fromage> QUESTION: is it possible to run python on ubuntu phone? [16:12] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: There was a question on Discourse I wonder if you'd permit me to ask : [16:13] <GoingSolo> i.e Why doesn't Ubuntu come with a Typing Tutor for n00bs ? [16:14] <le_fromage> QUESTION: is it posible to implement wobbly windows on Unity 8? [16:14] <GoingSolo> le_fromage: Please can I have some cheese, now ? [16:15] <le_fromage> nope! all mine! [16:15] <GoingSolo> Damn it .. someone make me a pie, too please. [16:15] * GoingSolo is quite hungry. [16:20] <dragon77> test,hello [16:20] <mzanetti> hello dragon77 [16:21] <willcooke> Deb to snap info: [16:22] <dragon77> QUESTION:Once the whole Mobile/IoT story becomes stable(in I guess 16.04) what will be the next big thing?Or will you revert to making a lot of "medium sized" features for a while instead(which is also good)? [16:23] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: Will snappy packages feel like the same installation method as .exe installs ? Or, will it just go through the software center as default like a deb. package ? i.e. Is the .exe new methodology the whole reason for snappy packs on the desktop ? Or am I missing something ? [16:23] <Kardia> I Have a remark about the new ubuntuuu [16:23] <ChloeWolfieGirl> QUESTION: what does vulken (from valve/steam) mean for Ubuntu and Ubuntu on phones? [16:26] <Kardia> why did you choose this logo for the new ubuntu? [16:26] <GoingSolo> Kardia - put question in caps before your comment or question, please. [16:27] <Kardia> how? [16:27] <Kardia> ohhh okk [16:27] <GoingSolo> like this ... [16:27] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: this is an example not a question ? [16:27] <ChloeWolfieGirl> QUESTION: Where's Popeys cat? [16:27] <Kardia> QUESTION: why did you choose this this logo for the new ubuntu? [16:28] <GoingSolo> ChloeWolfieGirl: You mean Sky ? [16:28] * GoingSolo checks the webcam [16:28] <ChloeWolfieGirl> GoingSolo IDK Popeys Cat's name, but thats a cool name :3 [16:29] <GoingSolo> Can't see popey's cat : Heard he was playing golf with his buddies, though . [16:30] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Damn [16:31] <ChloeWolfieGirl> QUESTION: What feature are you looking forward to on the Phone which people might not know alot about? [16:32] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: What does the desktop guy ( with mhall119 ) think of Patreon as a funding model for UbuntuMate ? Popey perhaps you can explain this ? [16:32] <le_fromage> QUESTION: is SDL2 part of Ubuntu SDK? so, if i want to code and SDL game where do i start? [16:32] <willcooke> [16:34] <SuperEngineer> If you want wobbly windows on your Ubuntu phone, come out with me for a few beers. I guarentee *all* your windows wil be wobbly! [16:34] <GoingSolo> Ghehe. [16:34] <le_fromage> QUESTION: what will happen to Unity 7 or X11 after 16.04? [16:36] <Kardia> but the previous logos actually looked good.. but this one looks like my little sister designed it.. i mean they can just give more effort for the logo! cause to be honest i love ubuntu and im not just hating.. but i believe such quality operating system deserves better design [16:36] <GoingSolo> fair enough. [16:37] <Knightmare> QUESTION: Do you think that Ubuntu phone could survive a defcon conference without being hacked? [16:38] <GoingSolo> good question Knightmare . How's the Ubuntu Macbook BTW ? [16:38] <Knightmare> I don't have one [16:38] <GoingSolo> oh sorry , I meant Knightwise, sorry. [16:39] <Knightmare> np [16:39] <Kardia> QUESTION: what makes ubuntu on phones different from other operating systems? [16:41] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Krita funds via kickstarter or something like that.. [16:41] <Nothing_Much> QUESTION: Do click packages have the extension .click or is it like .elf, as in it doesn't need an extension, and if it's the latter, will Click packages be easily available for other distros? [16:42] <Nothing_Much> Kardia: which logo? [16:42] <ChloeWolfieGirl> QUESTIONS: will scopes beable to do more in the future? would I beable to comment on someones photo on the instagram scope, see more then 10 items at once and maybe even pay for them in the amazon scope, etc etc? [16:46] <GoingSolo> that's a great question ChloeWolfieGirl . [16:46] <le_fromage> QUESTION: is Ubuntu web browser using webkit? [16:47] <Kardia> Nothing_much: the new monkey logo :P it's quite frustrating [16:47] <ChloeWolfieGirl> GoingSolo Thank you :) [16:47] <Nothing_Much> Kardia: which monkey logo? [16:49] <Kardia> Nothing_much: ubuntu 15.04 [16:49] <Nothing_Much> Kardia: I didn't see it, do you have a link? [16:49] <GoingSolo> Nothing_Much: I think he means this one: [16:50] * SuperEngineer looks forward to previously unadvertised phone feature - you know, the one that makes the phone go bang when you spill coffee on it ;) [16:50] <Nothing_Much> I think I found it: [16:50] <GoingSolo> Oh , right I got it wromh. OK. [16:50] <GoingSolo> **wrong [16:50] <Nothing_Much> I don't think it looks that bad [16:51] <ChloeWolfieGirl> I do love scopes, they just don't do enough yet in my personal opinion :P [16:51] <dragon77> QUESTION:Are we gonna have a global app competition anytime? [16:51] <Kardia> Nothing_much: its not about it looks that bad.. i love ubuntu and i hate when these simple basic designs ruin such amazing operating system [16:52] <GoingSolo> Kardia, Well, you could make your *own* distro, and solve that. [16:52] <Nothing_Much> QUESTION: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Can we get the Meizu ubuntu phone yet?? [16:52] <Kardia> GoingSolo: can i propose my design? [16:53] <GoingSolo> I'm sure they'll listen, but it's not a competition, exactly. [16:53] <Nothing_Much> SOMETIME SOON OMG [16:53] <GoingSolo> Kardia: Such a vain enterprise of workflow, anyway. [16:54] <ChloeWolfieGirl> QUESTION: What apps would you like to see on Ubuntu phone?/what do you miss from iOS or Android? [16:54] <Kardia> GoingSolo, i dont want to compete but i would love to do it for them [16:54] <JBQ> , [16:54] <GoingSolo> QUESTION: any talk in the community about Ubuntu TV, yet ? [16:54] <micah68> QUESTION: Do you guys know anything about ANY ubuntu phone that will work with a CDMA carrier? (I'm with Sprint in the US) [16:54] <Nothing_Much> QUESTION: Will there be a tablet available too? Oh and the TV- [16:54] <Nothing_Much> darn [16:54] <ChloeWolfieGirl> I'm excited for when the port of ubuntu touch works fully on the OPO, SUper excited, loving uReadIt mhall119 :D [16:55] <dragon77> QUESTION:Is there hangouts support on Ubuntu phone? [16:56] <GoingSolo> mhall119: but there's another 5 minutes ? [16:56] <popey> Done! [16:56] <mhall119> thanks ChloeWolfieGirl [16:56] <Nothing_Much> micah68: Verizon is the only CDMA supported phone [16:56] <popey> Thanks everyone! [16:56] <Kardia> bye [16:56] <popey> Come back next time with more questions! [16:56] <Kardia> thank you' [16:56] <GoingSolo> felt a bit cheated, there. [16:56] <micah68> Nothing_Much: What Ubuntu phone will/does work on Verizon? [16:56] <Nothing_Much> mhall119: question for not the stream, is Karma Machine still in development or is it abandoned so when I get my phone could I use uReddit instead? [16:57] <ChloeWolfieGirl> thanks all :) [16:57] <SuperEngineer> cheers folks [16:57] <GoingSolo> ok thanks guys, bye for now. [16:58] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Nothing_Much, Karma Machine no longer works and I don't think its in the store anymore [16:59] <SuperEngineer> p.s. any phone, server, desktop or whatever can survive a defcon without being hacked... you simply deny it any source of electrons ;) [16:59] <mhall119> Nothing_Much: I don't know if it's still being developed, but the new uReadIt actually shared the backennd library they created [17:00] <Nothing_Much> nice [17:00] <Nothing_Much> ChloeWolfieGirl: aww darn, well that's why alternatives exist! [17:01] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Karma Machine is still in the store, last updated in 2013 [17:01] <Nothing_Much> it's on Github [17:01] <Nothing_Much> but yeah [17:01] <Nothing_Much> 1 year of no work [17:01] <ChloeWolfieGirl> over a year now :P [17:02] <Nothing_Much> yup [17:40] <zahid> I want to make partition for ubuntu 14.04lts as i have 320GB hard drive, as i want apart from swap, root, and home, i want to make other partition, so tell which option is sutable for selection and making other partion for data backup as they wont be effected in case of reinstall [18:36] <Typewriter> I've been trying to migrate away from the Windows environment for about 15 years but Linux has just not proven friendly enough or as simple. Apart from focus on Unity, what's up the pipe to make Ubuntu (specifically) more friendly - ie: limiting reliance on terminal? [18:49] <Typewriter> Are there plans trying phone (hardware) development again?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChloeWolfieGirl", "GoingSolo", "JBQ", "Kardia", "Knightmare", "Nothing_Much", "SuperEngineer", "Typewriter", "choopawaba", "dragon77", "le_fromage", "mhall119", "micah68", "mzanetti", "popey", "toddc", "willcooke", "zahid" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-on-air" }
[06:36] <wuolfit> ciao a tutti [06:36] <wuolfit> avrei una domanda .... esiste per linux un gioco simile a criminal case o a pearl`s peril di facebook? [06:58] <akis24> giorno [08:27] <valerio> ciao ho ubuntu 14.04 volevo sapere come posso togliere dagli aggiornamenti i driver nuveau per la scheda video nvidia in modo che rimanga il driver che uso adesso e che non si aggiorni mai [09:17] <SyncroIT> Ciao belli [13:34] <valerio> ciao ho ubuntu 14.04 volevo sapere come posso togliere dagli aggiornamenti i driver nuveau per la scheda video nvidia in modo che rimanga il driver che uso adesso e che non si aggiorni mai [13:36] <krabador> valerio, se usi il driver nvidia, lui usa quello, ed amen [13:39] <valerio> no uso il noveau e va bene solo che la nuova versione mi da problemi volevo impostare il pc in modo che non cercasse i nuovi nouveau [13:39] <krabador> ah, ok, allora devi escludere il pacchetto dagli aggiornamenti [13:40] <krabador> posta un attimo il risultato di questo comando [13:40] <krabador> tramite pastebin [13:40] <krabador> dpkg -l | grep nouveau [13:41] <krabador> !paste | valerio [13:41] <ubot-it> valerio: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [13:42] <gigirock> valerio, ma quale problema ti da il 'nuovo' nouveau ? [13:44] <valerio> [13:44] <valerio> guardando i video su yoytube si blocca il pc [13:45] <valerio> ho formattato e volevo tenere il vecchio driver che non mi dava problemi tanto questo pc lo uso solo per navigare [13:46] <krabador> valerio, per non far piu' aggiornare il nouveau , manda questi comandi : [13:48] <krabador> echo "libdrm-nouveau2:amd64 hold" | dpkg --set-selections echo "libdrm-nouveau2:i386 hold" | dpkg --set-selections echo "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau hold" | dpkg --set-selections [13:48] <krabador> uno alla volta [13:49] <krabador> valerio, il problema è che il sistema aggiorna altri componenti che richiedono versioni successive alla tua, di nouveau, incontri dei problemi [13:49] <valerio> bho speriamo che bloccando i noveau non mi dia altri problemi ripeto lo uso solo per navigare [13:51] <krabador> valerio, nel medio lungo periodo, tenere bloccati i driver video puo' dare problemai [13:51] <krabador> *i [13:51] <krabador> l'importante è che tieni in considerazione questo [13:52] <krabador> il reverse dei comandi che ti ho dato, è lo stesso comando , in cui sostituisci hold con install [13:52] <krabador> e mandi poi un sudo apt-get update [13:53] <valerio> ok grazie [13:54] <krabador> valerio, la tua nvidia, non è supportata da nessun driver nvidia? [13:55] <valerio> si nei driver proprietari mi da anche gli nvidia [13:55] <krabador> valerio, allora usa gli nvidia [13:55] <valerio> ok provo con quelli [13:56] <krabador> in linux, per nvidia, i nouveau vanno drasticamente peggio degli nvidia [13:56] <krabador> valerio, scus [13:56] <krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit [13:56] <krabador> sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit [13:56] <krabador> incolla il link restituito dopo il secondo comando [13:57] <valerio> a cosa serve questo comando..... ti sto scrivendo da un altro pc perchè quello che ha problemi non lo ho connesso a internet per ora [13:58] <krabador> valerio, è sempre il caso di entrare in questo canale, con la macchina interessata, se il problema non è decisamente grave [13:59] <valerio> si ma avevo paura che connettendolo mi scaricasse i driver nuovi e mi si ribloccasse infatti anche per installare non l'ho connesso a internet altrimenti mentre installava si bloccava [13:59] <krabador> valerio, non fa niente da solo [14:00] <krabador> devi sempre accettare aggiornamenti proposti [14:00] <krabador> a mano [14:00] <valerio> se installavo connesso a internet si bloccava ho provato [14:00] <krabador> si, ma adesso l'hai installato , no? [14:01] <krabador> se non sei tu che mandi sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, non si muove [14:01] <valerio> si ho inbstallato ma senza connettrlo [14:02] <krabador> c'è una schermata di aggiornamenti che ti chiede se installarli, ma non lo fa se non glielo dici tu di farli [14:05] <krabador> valerio, beh, non puoi mandare il comando , perchè sei da un altro pc, che hai paura che se lo connetti esplode, il comando restituiva il modello della scheda video, il che è rilavante, in un'assistenza a riguardo. [14:05] <krabador> si puo' sapere 'sto modello di scheda video? [14:06] <valerio> la scheda è una nvidia geforce 8200m g [14:07] <krabador> valerio, e che ubuntu hai installato? [14:08] <valerio> 14.04 [14:09] <krabador> valerio, allora con sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 [14:09] <krabador> installi i driver nvidia [14:09] <krabador> dopo di che riavvia [14:10] <valerio> ok [15:06] <Razer00> salve!! [15:07] <krabador> salve [15:07] <Razer00> ho un problema con il wifi, non riesco a trovare le reti anche se ubuntu mi rileva la resenza della scheda [15:08] <krabador> Razer00, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [15:09] <krabador> sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit [15:09] <Razer00> subito!!! [15:09] <krabador> il secondo restituisce un link , incollalo qui [15:10] <Razer00> al secondo comando mi da PCI (sysfs) [15:10] <Razer00> sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit [15:10] <Razer00> [15:11] <Razer00> la scheda di rete sono abbastanza sicuro che sia RTL8723BE [15:12] <krabador> ah si? [15:12] <Razer00> per il momento sto usando una pennina wifi [15:12] <krabador> Razer00, "RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter" ;) [15:14] <krabador> Razer00, iwconfig | pastebinit [15:14] <Razer00> iwconfig | pastebinit [15:14] <Razer00> eth0 no wireless extensions. [15:14] <Razer00> lo no wireless extensions. [15:14] <Razer00> [15:15] <krabador> Razer00, non incollare tutto [15:15] <krabador> solo il link [15:15] <Razer00> ah ok, scusa =) [15:15] <krabador> Razer00, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | pastebinit [15:16] <Razer00> [15:16] <Razer00> no result.. [15:17] <krabador> Razer00, è segnata come "firmware=N/A" [15:18] <Razer00> che devo fare? [15:18] <krabador> che ubuntu hai? [15:18] <Razer00> 14.01 [15:18] <krabador> 14.04 semmai [15:19] <Razer00> Linux davide-HP-ProBook-455-G2 3.16.0-34-generic #47~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 10 17:49:16 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [15:19] <Razer00> si scusami [15:19] <krabador> sudo apt-get -y install linux-firmware-nonfree [15:19] <krabador> riavvii,vedi se va [15:19] <krabador> se no, consulta anche [15:19] <krabador> dopo il riavvio [15:20] <krabador> purtroppo al momento devo andare [20:09] <yad> ciao ragazzi ho un grosso problema con il wi-fi. La conessione è molto instabile. Si passa da alcune volte in cui la connessione va bene ma raramente si raggiunge l'ora senza interruzioni ad altre, molto piu frequenti in cui dura addirittura non piu di trenta secondi. inizialmente credevo fosse un problema collegato al mio wi-fi. successivamente p [20:09] <yad> erò ho notato che tutti gli altri miei dispositivi erano sempre connessi e non avevano problemi. per ora ho risolto momentaneamente il problema, collegando il mio portatile con la connessione ethernet. [20:09] <yad> e la connessione non si interrompe,ovviamente. [21:28] <fluidmint_> ciao, è il canale italiano questo ? [21:29] <krabador> puoi leggere dal topic [21:29] <fluidmint_> bene, avrei bisogno di aiuto con una compilazione [21:30] <fluidmint_> posso chiedere qui ? [21:30] <Carlin0> compilazione di che ? [21:30] <fluidmint_> devo compilare menu whisker [21:31] <fluidmint_> uso mint xfce [21:31] <Carlin0> !chat | fluidmint_ [21:31] <ubot-it> fluidmint_: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [21:33] <fluidmint_> ... mint è ubuntu based [21:33] <krabador> !mint | fluidmint_ [21:33] <ubot-it> fluidmint_: Per supporto a linuxmint: [21:33] <fluidmint_> ok [21:33] <fluidmint_> grazie [21:33] <fluidmint_> :) [21:33] <krabador> fluidmint_, qui dentro si fa supporto a ubuntu e derivate ufficiali, che mint sia ubuntu based, non riguarda questo canale [23:48] <LoZioNe> ciao Andrea60,
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Carlin0", "LoZioNe", "Razer00", "SyncroIT", "akis24", "fluidmint_", "gigirock", "krabador", "ubot-it", "valerio", "wuolfit", "yad" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[06:28] * merrick saluda. [11:21] <ivedci89> alguien que me ayude? ... me sucede algo bastante raro... el comando acpi, no acusa tiempo restante [11:21] <ivedci89> de bateria [12:28] <ivedci89> tengo este problema, el comando acpi: no me acusa el tiempo restante de bateria... lo que me impide automatizar un script de cuando queda X tiempo... [12:52] <ivedci89> las ultimas 10 veces mas o menos que pedi ayuda por este canal nadie me ha respondido... [12:54] <piter0> alguien sabe sobre cursos gratis para aprehender java? [12:54] <ivedci89> [12:54] <piter0> son cursos gratis? [12:55] <ivedci89> [12:57] <piter0> gracias brother [12:58] <ivedci89> de nada, yo tengo este problema, el comando acpi: no me acusa el tiempo restante de bateria... lo que me impide automatizar un script de cuando queda X tiempo... [12:59] <piter0> wao yo recien me inicio con esto de la programación [12:59] <piter0> que es lo que quieres hacer ? [12:59] <ivedci89> jjeee [13:00] <ivedci89> el monitor de bateria de lxde tiene una opcion de ejecutar un comando al X tiempo restante.... [13:00] <ivedci89> y al no estar en el sistema ese tiempo restante , que lo entrega acpi, no puedo emitir el comando [13:01] <ivedci89> salgo... me queda poca bateria... vuelvo en uno o dos minutos... [13:01] <ivedci89> piter0: [13:01] <piter0> ya listo men [16:10] <Fernandooo> hola [16:10] <Fernandooo> alguien tiene una guia para instalar spring paso por paso ? [16:13] <ivedci89> que es spring che??? [16:13] <Fernandooo> un framework [16:14] <ivedci89> gracais fernando [16:14] <ivedci89> gracias [16:15] <ivedci89> desconozco... spring.. y a penas leo sobre framework ,pero me interesa, pues sin querer yo, estoy creando un framework y seguramente ya está creado antes... [16:16] <ivedci89> bemdiciones Fernandooo [18:01] <successus> salud [20:42] * tochi :) [20:43] <tochi> Buenas tardes [20:43] <tochi> Alguien aquí podría orientarme con el uso de cron? [20:43] <tochi> tengo un directorio con muchos backups [20:43] <tochi> y necesito enviarlos a dropbox [20:43] <tochi> eso ya lo tengo hecho [20:43] <tochi> lo que pasa es que es demasiada información [20:43] <tochi> pesa mucho [20:44] <tochi> y necesito algo como, saber cuantos archivos hay dentro del folder [20:44] <tochi> y enviar por lotes [20:44] <tochi> contarlos [20:44] <mimecar> ¿por qué no lo metes en la carpeta de Dropbox y sincronizas directamente? [20:44] <tochi> al principio enviar los primeros 10, luego seguir con los otros diez [20:44] <tochi> no, necesito que sea desde mi server [20:45] <tochi> ya me funciona [20:45] <tochi> pero el envío es de más de 10gb [20:45] <tochi> y quiero poder gestionar eso [20:45] <tochi> se podrá desde cron? [20:46] <mimecar> ¿qué ventaja tienes en envíar los paquetes de 10 en 10? [20:46] <mimecar> lo que no veo es la razón que no uses una herramienta que ya te da Dropbox para la sincronización [20:46] <tochi> no quiero saturar el servidor [20:47] <mimecar> y lo hagas de forma manual [20:47] <tochi> primero, quiero que sea automático [20:47] <mimecar> puedes limitar el ancho de banda de subida [20:47] <mimecar> y el cliente de Dropbox es automático [20:47] <tochi> en la empresa compraron un plugin para wp que hace backups automáticamente [20:47] <tochi> pero la version de php del servidor está compilada para 32 bits [20:48] <tochi> y dropbox soporta archivos pesados en su api 2 [20:48] <tochi> entonces el plugin no funciona con archivos de mas de 200mb [20:48] <mimecar> si usas un plugin de Wordpress no deberías atacar el problema a bajo nivel [20:49] <tochi> entonces necesito poderlos enviar con un cron [20:49] <tochi> pero no quiero que sea un sólo envío así en bruto [20:49] <mimecar> ... [20:49] <mimecar> lo mandas para que se sincronice la primera vez completo [20:49] <mimecar> y luego sólo los datos nuevoas [20:49] <tochi> si la tarea estaba fácil [20:49] <mimecar> puedes hacerlo con cron pero será más complicado [20:49] <tochi> ya lo pude hacer si tanta cosa [20:50] <tochi> pero quiero saber si con cron o deplano un script en bash se puede hacer lo que necesito [20:50] <tochi> enviar por lotes y no toooodos de una [20:50] <tochi> alguna referencia? [20:50] <mimecar> tendrás que tener un script que seleccione los archivos y los mueva a Dropbox [20:50] <tochi> ya busque y aún no encuentro algo que parezca funcionar [20:51] <mimecar> programalo [20:51] <tochi> también ya lo pude hacer [20:51] <tochi> pero eso de poder leer por ejem. "100 archivos .tar.gz" y decirle al script que agarre los primeros 30 y los suba a dropbox [20:51] <tochi> y al terminar que envíe los otros 30 [20:51] <tochi> y así hasta terminar [20:52] <mimecar> hazlo de esa forma [22:53] <roger_35> viva yo!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fernandooo", "ivedci89", "merrick", "mimecar", "piter0", "roger_35", "successus", "tochi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[10:10] <jamespage> gnuoy, I need to fix nova-compute for kilo + dvr [10:13] <jamespage> gnuoy, [10:19] <gnuoy> jamespage, approved [12:33] <gnuoy> jamespage, if you have a moment. [12:38] <joec1> o/ [13:58] <marcoceppi_> mbruzek lazyPower [13:58] <marcoceppi_> you can try adjusting the format of the bundle you're submitting [13:59] <mbruzek> So the charmstore editing a bundle seems like a "bad idea" to me. We did a lot of testing the way it is and make sure everything works. [13:59] <mbruzek> [13:59] <mbruzek> This bug says they are inserting keys into the bundles.yaml [14:00] <rick_h_> mbruzek: definitely a bug and our fault. [14:00] <mbruzek> marcoceppi_: What format would not get num_units inserted into the bundle? We have suborinate charms, and num_units on subordinate charms do not mix [14:00] <rick_h_> mbruzek: but it was the path to get from the old format with multiple per file to the single bundle per file. [14:00] <rick_h_> mbruzek: not your fault, the orig file is fine [14:00] <rick_h_> mbruzek: nothing for you to do/change. it's all on us [14:01] <mbruzek> rick_h_: Our bundle broke on a demo to customers [14:01] <urulama> mbruzek: if you use bundle.yaml, and remove num_units where not needed, it would be ok [14:01] <urulama> mbruzek: instead of bundles.yaml [14:01] <rick_h_> urulama: they're using the 'add to demo' from the though and so it's broken for users ootb [14:01] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I am not trying to assign blame. I just want to know what we can do to fix this problem. [14:01] <urulama> rick_h_: yes, we need to fix it. just thinking how to fix it by tomorrow [14:02] <rick_h_> mbruzek: nothing on your end atm. we're working on it. Just supporting you in that you're blocked on us and updating the format on your end won't help [14:02] <mbruzek> OK [14:03] <rick_h_> mbruzek: got a sec to chat? [14:03] <mbruzek> rick_h_: sure [14:03] <rick_h_> mbruzek: adjust authuser to your liking [14:17] <rick_h_> mbruzek: lazyPower for the other end. [14:17] <mup> Bug #1446688: gui cannot import CS bundles via drag/drop or import button <juju-gui:Triaged by makyo> <> [14:18] <mbruzek> OK thanks [14:21] <rick_h_> mbruzek: lazyPower so can you take it on trust that if you upload that bundle we still want to see if that can work? [14:21] <lazyPower> sure i'll do that now [14:21] <rick_h_> mbruzek: lazyPower the issue in the gui is a missing bundle name provided by the store when doing the deploy through 'add to demo' [14:21] <rick_h_> lazyPower: ty [14:25] <lazyPower> rick_h_: revision 3 just pushed to bzr - ingest incoming [14:25] <rick_h_> lazyPower: rgr will watch ty [14:25] <rick_h_> urulama: ^ [14:36] <urulama> rick_h_, lazyPower: kk, let's hope for the best [14:39] <urulama> lazyPower: is this it? [14:39] <urulama> lazyPower: [14:39] <lazyPower> urulama: metadata ingest looks good [14:39] <lazyPower> revno3 has the proper commit message [14:39] <lazyPower> bundle.yaml looks proper [14:40] <urulama> lazyPower: add to demo did work for me [14:40] <urulama> (but didn't deploy it) [14:41] <lazyPower> ok, thats consistent with what I found when trying to D&D [14:42] <rick_h_> urulama: lazyPower looking [14:43] <rick_h_> urulama: another potential bug, should hte .orig file be gone if we don't do any transform? e.g. is the .orig now old but still there? [14:44] <urulama> rick_h_: it is. we don't take bundles.yaml if bundle.yaml is there [14:44] <rick_h_> lazyPower: urulama the add to demo from the cluster-3 worked for me [14:44] <urulama> rick_h_: worked here as well [14:44] <rick_h_> lazyPower: so that unblock you for the moment? [14:44] <urulama> waiting for lazyPower to confirm that this is a fix [14:44] <rick_h_> just be aware anything else breaks lol [14:45] <lazyPower> - confirmed as a working work-around [14:46] <rick_h_> lazyPower: ok, we'll get the other fixes out asap, but will be a bit. thanks for finding our issues [14:46] <lazyPower> Anytime :) [14:46] <urulama> lazyPower: so, i'd suggest we test all other "demoed" bundles as well [14:46] <lazyPower> urulama: i dont have a confirmed list from Dan Poler yet, i'm still pending an answer [14:46] <rick_h_> mbruzek: ^ fyi in case you hit anything as well as we fix things up [17:56] <dalek57> I'd like to be able to specify a custom image from Glance (openstack) on a charm by charm basis. Is there support for this? [18:48] <drbidwell> I have a machine stuck in pending. I can "juju ssh #" into the machine. How "retry" the setup to move the machine from "pending" to "started"? [20:26] <marcoceppi_> lazyPower: where's your fossdem talk? I want to use some of it for my OSDC talk [20:26] <marcoceppi_> Going to go a bit more structured this time around [20:27] <lazyPower> [20:42] <marcoceppi_> lazyPower: ta [22:26] <bdx> Has anyone had any luck in deploying ceph or ceph-osd or ceph-radosgw when specifying the source param? E.G. source: trusty main [22:27] <bdx> I am not having the best of luck;-( [22:27] <bdx> Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bdx", "dalek57", "drbidwell", "gnuoy", "jamespage", "joec1", "lazyPower", "marcoceppi_", "mbruzek", "mup", "rick_h_", "urulama" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[01:07] <craigbass76> Is there a way to do the equivalent of check and uncheck the "enable this device" in the mouse and trackpad settings window from a command line? [01:13] <craigbass76> Like a config file I can vi or something? [01:19] <drc> It looks like home/drc/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/pointers.xml is the file you might want to l look at. [01:20] <drc> s/the/a/ [01:21] <drc> It's the only one I can easily find that appears to deal with input devices. [04:19] <BrotherMaggot> howdy, how do you install vlc-srpos-plugin in 15.10 ? it requires libvlccore7. [04:22] <Unit193> BrotherMaggot: You rebuild it against the libvlccore-dev in 15.04/Vivid. [04:23] <BrotherMaggot> so compile the vlc source and sneak in an older libvlccore ? [04:24] <Unit193> No... Recompile vlc-srpos-plugin, ask whereever you're trying to get it to update it, or ask them for support. [04:24] <BrotherMaggot> ah. okay . thnx [04:24] <BrotherMaggot> hmm [04:37] <BrotherMaggot> woohoo that worked. just installed libvlc-dev and compiled the srpos source and installed. it works in vlc now. Thank You [04:38] <Unit193> Sure. [04:39] <BrotherMaggot> good timezone all [07:04] <liquidsnake> anyone awake [07:05] <elfy> yes - but whether they can answer an eventual question is a different thing altogether [07:05] <liquidsnake> Ahh ok. i didn't think it would work but i got xubuntu running on this old Dell like a dream [07:06] <liquidsnake> so far i'm luvin this distro [07:06] <liquidsnake> only problems i havehad was with some gaming graphics issues but i think its due to the fact that this machine doesn't support 3d graphics [07:07] <liquidsnake> it still has regular old DDR ram in it [07:08] <liquidsnake> well i was just checking to see whats up. have a good night/morning [10:39] <KW4HK> newb here. i'm getting unresolvable dependencies when trying to install wine or steam (linux version) on 15.04 [10:40] <knome> are you using PPA's or something else that is off-center? [10:41] <KW4HK> nope. i did have the wine ppa but i unchecked that. [10:42] <knome> it's possible that vivid is in a state where those happen and there is nothing you can do about it (it's still not released...) [10:42] <KW4HK> when is the release? [10:42] <knome> thursday [10:42] <KW4HK> mkay [10:43] <knome> you can pasetebin the exact error messages for additional debugging [10:43] <knome> though it's also possible it is something to do with steam [10:44] <KW4HK> it said something about having to install steam:i386, but i'm 64bit [10:44] <KW4HK> i guess i'll wait till thursday and reinstall [10:45] <knome> ok [10:45] <KW4HK> thnx for answering [16:02] <xubuntu347> hei guys i got a problem with xubuntu installation could i ask here? [16:02] <drc> yes [16:03] <xubuntu347> so, i have a netbook and i have installed lubuntu. now i want to switch to xubuntu. i used unetbootin to create a bootable version of xubuntu into my pen drive but i cant install it in my pc [16:03] <xubuntu347> because it says that there is no bootloader or something like that [16:03] <xubuntu347> how can i solve this problem? [16:03] <drc> xubuntu347: how did you create the "bootable" usb? [16:04] <drc> sorry. eyes just missed the unetbootin part [16:04] <xubuntu347> yes m8 i did this a lot of times, also to install mint on my notebook and it worked. this time not [16:05] <xubuntu347> i tried on unetbootin windows 7 but also from lubuntu [16:05] <_1_humpty2> hi fnds [16:05] <xubuntu347> so how can i solve my problem? [16:06] <drc> just out of curiosity, which verson of xubuntu were you using? [16:07] <xubuntu347> i downloaded the latest version of xubuntu [16:07] <xubuntu347> but maybe u wanted to know lubuntu not xubuntu [16:07] <drc> the daily from today? [16:08] <xubuntu347> i downloaded like 2 days ago [16:08] <drc> the beta2, the daily image or what? [16:09] <xubuntu347> uhm sec [16:09] <xubuntu347> the iso image: xubuntu 14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso [16:10] <_1_humpty2> hi [16:10] <drc> FYI, that is not even close to being the "latest version of xubuntu" [16:10] <drc> That's the LTS. [16:10] <xubuntu347> oh, i downloaded from here [16:10] <xubuntu347> its the wrong version and it could be the problem? [16:11] <xubuntu347> just tell me what version do i have to download and i'll try :) [16:11] <drc> xubuntu347: I doubt it, but it's not "the latest", it's the L(ong) T(erm) S(support) version. I should be good. [16:12] <xubuntu347> ok.. so what is the problem? maybe not xubuntu but lubuntu? dont know.. [16:12] <xubuntu347> i already installed xubuntu on this pc, mint also.. never had problems [16:12] <xubuntu347> and with the same pendrive [16:15] <drc> 1) md5sum the iso; 2) reburn to the usb; 3) boot and Test the Media (or words to that effect) in the initial boot media. [16:15] <drc> [16:15] <drc> if you want to re dl'l the iso. [16:18] <xubuntu347> 1) md5sum the iso [16:18] <xubuntu347> can u explain? [16:19] <xubuntu347> i installed xubuntu on my usb right now with unetbootin [16:19] <xubuntu347> what i have to do now? [16:19] <drc> forget the md5sum for now [16:19] <drc> boot off the usb [16:20] <xubuntu347> boot off means: insert the pendrive and reboot the system? [16:20] <drc> yes [16:20] <xubuntu347> ok im doing, sec [16:21] <xubuntu347> black screen, waiting for loading [16:21] <xubuntu347> i pressed ESC and selected pendrive [16:23] <xubuntu347> still black screen, with only a _ [16:23] <xubuntu347> doing nothing [16:24] <drc> You have 2 machines: the one you are typing on and the netboook, correct? [16:24] <xubuntu347> sure [16:24] <xubuntu347> im on windows here [16:24] <drc> ok, that stops what I was going to suggest :) [16:25] <xubuntu347> lol [16:25] <xubuntu347> so, its doing nothing.. still black screen [16:27] <drc> ok, try this...take the pendrive and try to boot it on the machine you are typing on...if it doesn't work that will eliminate any pendrive>netbook>xubuntu problems. If it works then we go from there. [16:28] <drc> I realize it's a pain, but I like to eliminate the easy things [16:28] <xubuntu347> just give me a sec. i try on my notebook, in which i have windows 8 - mint dual boot. soo i can contnue typing here [16:36] <xubuntu347> im back. im trying on another pc but it still on black screen [16:36] <drc> OK :( [16:36] <xubuntu347> so what is the problem? the pen drive? or other [16:36] <drc> I have to leave in about 5 minutes, but I'll work until then [16:37] <xubuntu347> thanks :) [16:37] <drc> The problem looks like 1) the pen drive, 2) the iso, or 3) the burn of the iso to the USB [16:38] <xubuntu347> 3) dont think this cause i tried to do it a lot of times.. :( [16:38] <drc> Then I'd start at the beginning :) [16:38] <xubuntu347> i can try on my other pendrive 16gb usb 3.0 [16:39] <drc> re dl the iso from another site, md5sum to check the iso, burn the iso and see [16:39] <drc> wait [16:39] <drc> you have a functioning mint box? [16:40] <xubuntu347> linux mint u mean? i have it installed on my notebook yes [16:41] <xubuntu347> a question: the pendrive has to be ntfs, fat32 or what? [16:42] <drc> with unetbootin? fat32 [16:42] <xubuntu347> oh maybe its thee problem? [16:42] <xubuntu347> it was ntfs [16:43] <drc> Not sure, I don;t think unetbootin will allow the burn to a non-fat32 usb [16:43] <xubuntu347> it does :D [16:43] <xubuntu347> cause im sure it was ntfs.. btw im doing again [16:43] <drc> interesting...make the pendrive a fat32, re burn and see. [16:43] <xubuntu347> yes doing [16:44] <drc> I have to run now, sorry...hope it works out. [16:45] <xubuntu347> thanks bye :) [17:32] <TimeVirus> many times when I lock the screen, go away for a bit and come back, I enter the psw and it fails to get to the desktop. How do troubleshoot this? [17:46] <JanusLi> @TimeVirus: on Xubuntu? what are you seeing when you enter the password? is XFWM4 not loading up? [17:48] <TimeVirus> ON Xubuntu yes when I enter the psw if all is going well, the rectangular psw box will disappear and I'm on the desktop ready to go. ... [17:49] <TimeVirus> I can tell when its gone wrong because the wallpaper also disappears to black screen and the desktop will not come up. [17:50] <TimeVirus> weather or not XFWM4 is loading up or not, I don't know [17:51] <TimeVirus> also happens some times when resuming from suspend but I feel like it has something to do with Xfce - just a hunch [17:51] <TimeVirus> I dont know what XFWM4 is [17:52] <TimeVirus> JanusLi, ^ [17:53] <JanusLi> XFWM4 is the actual process for the Xubuntu Window manager [17:54] <JanusLi> i am assuming you are using a current version of Xubuntu [17:55] <TimeVirus> 14.04 [17:55] <JanusLi> next time it happens, try using Ctrl + ALT +F1-F6. which F-Key you use doesn't really matter, you just want to get to a terminal console other than TTY7. [17:55] <TimeVirus> How would I be able to tell if XFWM4 has started? also I now remember another bit [17:55] <JanusLi> then run top or htop. I like htop better, because you can sort the processes by what is going on [17:56] <JanusLi> if you were in the GUI, then XWFM4 has been started [17:56] <TimeVirus> I start a tty3 cli and many times it doesnt take my credentials so that I can reboot [17:56] <TimeVirus> ok [17:57] <JanusLi> but I have had a problem similar to what you describe, and it was because there was an error in it resuming [17:57] <TimeVirus> hmmm [17:58] <TimeVirus> and a couple times even crtl + alt + F3 fails to get me a terminal [17:58] <JanusLi> granted, it is NOT a proper fix for what is going wrong, but often I would see xfwm4 in a paused or standby state, so i would sudo killall xfwm4, and then restart it in a new TTY [17:58] <TimeVirus> ok [17:59] <JanusLi> you have 7 TTY's on a default build--the GUI is started normally on 7 [18:00] <TimeVirus> I was real pleased when I first tried pm-hibernate that it worked flawlessly on Xubuntu too [18:00] <JanusLi> but I will often run processes in other terminals, and so, like having 4 desktops, I will often use different TTY's for different functions [18:00] <TimeVirus> yes I know of tty7 [18:00] <JanusLi> like, I like to keep htop running on TTY1 [18:00] <TimeVirus> I see [18:00] <TimeVirus> lol [18:00] <TimeVirus> nice [18:01] <JanusLi> I will use TTY6 for basic command line functions, TTY5 for man-pages and lynx/elinks, and TTY4 for vim [18:01] <TimeVirus> cool [18:02] <JanusLi> it really freaked some kids out in my college classes--they thought i was trying to be Neo hacking into the matrix or some shit like that [18:02] <TimeVirus> lol [18:02] <JanusLi> "but but, where do you click to start up shit?" [18:03] <JanusLi> lol, clicky-click-clicky [18:03] <TimeVirus> noobs [18:03] <TimeVirus> lol [18:03] <JanusLi> The problems I had with it i think turned out to be related to the PM setting sin my BIOS [18:04] <TimeVirus> xfwm4 = xf window manager 4 then, yes? [18:04] <JanusLi> absolutely [18:04] <TimeVirus> will remember that [18:04] <JanusLi> lol, it isn't hard--part of why i love linux so much [18:04] <TimeVirus> yes [18:04] <JanusLi> it makes SOOOOO much more sense than M$ [18:05] <TimeVirus> which I never got into since XP came out - it just ran too good and I spiraled into dumbness :) [18:05] <brainwash_> TimeVirus: if the problem is caused by screen locking, replace light-locker (default in 14.04 and up) with xscreensaver and try to reproduce the issue [18:05] <brainwash_> and remember [18:05] <brainwash_> !ot [18:06] <TimeVirus> ok will do brainwash_ [18:06] <JanusLi> brainwash_ has a good solution, that seems to work for most [18:06] <TimeVirus> rgr [18:06] <JanusLi> mine was a BIOS setting [18:07] <TimeVirus> I'll look at the BIOS too then see what I see [18:07] <brainwash_> also, I recommend reading [18:07] <TimeVirus> kk [18:08] <TimeVirus> Xubuntu that was able to hibernate from the git-go too so I've stuck with it [18:08] <TimeVirus> woe that got mixed up [18:08] <TimeVirus> english enough? [18:08] <TimeVirus> lol [18:08] <JanusLi> for me, I had to change the P1(POS)/P3 in the BIOS PM page [18:08] <TimeVirus> kk [18:09] <JanusLi> but I was using a Dell Core2 laptop [18:09] <JanusLi> not sure what you're running [18:09] <TimeVirus> same here Core2Duo U2500 Latitude D420 [18:09] <TimeVirus> A-06 BIOS [18:10] <TimeVirus> got a Latitude E6420 on the way with a decent i5 and 4GB RAM [18:11] <TimeVirus> probably going to take that to 8 GB right away [18:11] <TimeVirus> planning on Xen and GNS machine [18:11] <TimeVirus> GNS3 [18:11] <JanusLi> last machine I bought was a System76 laptop i5, 16GB RAM, 128GB SSD (now 256GB) [18:11] <TimeVirus> well to carry around anyway [18:11] <JanusLi> Xubuntu Studio 14.04.2 [18:12] <JanusLi> & Slackware [18:12] <TimeVirus> nice but I"m going with a dual HD [18:12] <JanusLi> I need an optical to burn CD/DVD's for clients [18:12] <TimeVirus> 1 TB hd + 120 ssd in one WD black [18:12] <TimeVirus> yes that will allow me to keep the optical [18:12] <JanusLi> damn, nice [18:13] <TimeVirus> about $75 too iirc [18:32] <knob> Hey guys... got a screensaver question. [18:33] <knob> Or... well, not screensaver. I am not interested in a screensaver. I would be happy with having a blank screen after 5 minutes, and then have the screen turn off after 10 minutes. [18:33] <knob> I tried with xscreensaver... yet it would not lock the screen. [18:34] <knob> Can I achieve this with light-locker? And then have the Xfce Power Manager put the screen blank? [18:34] <Unit193> xscreensaver-command -prefs > Display Modes > Lock Screen After [18:34] <knob> Or am I jumping to the wrong step? [18:34] <knob> Unit193, on my way to check that out [18:34] <Unit193> You can use light-locker to lock the screen, yes. :P [18:35] <knob> Ok... that side of light-locker is good to go. Yet when I open Xfce Power Manager.... I don't find the screensaver settings nowhere. [18:36] <knob> I have the tabls General, System, Display and Devices [18:38] <knob> The thing is, I think I a missing where... light-locker says that iw will automatically lock the session when the screensaver is activated. Yet a "screensaver" is not activated... it's Xfce Power Manager [18:40] <Unit193> knob: There's light-locker-settings, and in newer releases xfpm controls light-locker itself. [18:43] <knob> Unit193, thanks for the help! Very much appreciated. Yet I am missing something basic. light-locker will lock the screen when the screensaver activates. Ok, cool. Yet xfpm does not have a screensaver. [18:43] <knob> Or am I wrong with this? [18:44] <Unit193> light-locker is basically the screensaver. [18:50] <knob> Unit193, doing some tests right now... First one, is all good to go. [18:51] <knob> And that last explanation now makes sense. Now I get it. [18:51] <knob> Will report back in 5 minutes... testing now. [18:57] <knob> Unit193, working perfectly. Thank you. I asked because I had gone back and forth about 6 times... and still no dice. [18:57] <Unit193> Sure. [18:58] <knob> Well crap. Now I know why I switched to xscreensaver again. After unlocking the screen, chrome crashes. [18:58] <Unit193> \o/ [18:58] <Unit193> Err, I mean. That's terrible! [18:59] <knob> [18:59] <knob> that's the bug thingy... not sure what to do with it.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BrotherMaggot", "JanusLi", "KW4HK", "TimeVirus", "Unit193", "_1_humpty2", "brainwash_", "craigbass76", "drc", "elfy", "knob", "knome", "liquidsnake", "xubuntu347" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[00:00] <daftykins> mysqld is top of top (tee-hee) at 13.7% mem used 0o [00:01] <diddledan> that's 60MB for mysqld? [00:01] <daftykins> looking at some google results they're talking about tweaking some settings [00:02] <daftykins> [00:02] <diddledan> now speaking of rams - why are all the search server things (namely elasticsearch and solr) based on java?! [00:02] <ali1234> java is hugely popular in that space [00:02] <diddledan> indeed [00:02] <diddledan> surely someone's ported lucene elesewhere tho? [00:03] <ali1234> probaly because those things are always going to be big and complicated and require huge teams to build [00:03] <ali1234> and that is where java excels [00:03] <diddledan> I guess [00:03] <diddledan> what I don't get tho, to tie in to elasticsearch there's the logstash thing, which is written in ruby, and run with jruby because JAVA [00:04] <ali1234> i couldn't eve figure out how to set up either of those two search tools [00:04] <diddledan> I just can't work out why you'd take ruby and run it in java [00:05] <ali1234> because the developers write a huge complicated server thing that nobody can understand using java [00:05] <ali1234> and then devops writes a bunch of scripts to make it usable in ruby [00:05] <ali1234> then those scripts get folded back into the project [00:05] <diddledan> that's just it tho - logstash is essentially completely separate [00:05] <ali1234> yes, exactly [00:06] <diddledan> it talks to logstash via http [00:06] <diddledan> erm [00:06] <diddledan> logstash talks to elastic [00:06] <ali1234> if you have a full java stack where everything is written in java, you probably don't want to set up a whole parallel infrastructure to run ruby things [00:07] <ali1234> you're just going to make it run on what you alread have [00:07] <ali1234> all of this stuff boils down to lazyness in the end :) [00:07] <diddledan> lol [00:08] <daftykins> [00:08] <daftykins> this seems handy [00:16] <daftykins> ooh neat that cut it nicely [00:17] <diddledan> oh poo [00:17] <daftykins> 170MB at boot \o/ [00:17] <diddledan> samba 4 active directory: "The internal DNS backend currently needs a restart of Samba to take effect. See bug report #9404" [00:17] <diddledan> specifically when you add a new dns zone [00:17] <daftykins> that a problem to restart? [00:18] <diddledan> it's annoying to remember [00:18] <diddledan> different interface [00:19] <diddledan> I'm using freenas right now as my dc [00:19] <diddledan> means to restart samba I need to go to the webadmin and find the right button and flip it [00:20] <daftykins> 76MB free instead of 7MB :D [00:20] <diddledan> it isn't obvious that you need to restart it because records in already created zones reload fine when changed or added [00:20] <diddledan> but new zones need a restart [00:20] <daftykins> funky! [00:22] <diddledan> it's made even weirder because there's two backends for dns - an internal-to-samba one or an optional bind plugin called bind-dlz - the latter one does NOT require any restarts for new zones [00:22] <diddledan> confused yet? [00:22] <daftykins> totally [00:22] <diddledan> maybe I should suggest freenas move over to use bind :-p [00:23] <daftykins> you had me lost at using a domain *whistle* [00:23] <daftykins> :D [00:23] * diddledan blows raspberries [00:23] <diddledan> mmpie [05:12] <knightwise> morning peeps [05:20] <zmoylan-pi> o/ [06:59] <MooDoo> morning all [07:28] <knightwise> morning MooDoo diddledan [07:28] <knightwise> morning diplo [07:28] <diddledan> allo [07:30] <knightwise> hacked a tupperware box into a case for my raspberry pi2 :) [07:30] <knightwise> Finally a good use for that tupperware evening i had to sit through last year [07:38] <knightwise> does the latest Ubuntu image still fit on a cd ? [07:38] <diddledan> nope [07:38] <SuperMatt> hasn't done for a while [07:40] <knightwise> ok [07:44] <knightwise> 29 inch ultrawide monitor is realy handy :) [07:44] <knightwise> Got an elementary vm running side by side with a browser ... [07:44] <diddledan> yeah, that would be nice [07:45] <knightwise> transition between the native os and elementary vm is so smooth the whole vm just feels like just another app window [07:54] <diplo> Good morning all! [07:59] <knightwise> hey diplo [07:59] <knightwise> hmm. just saw that you can run popcorn time on the raspberry pi2 :) Worth looking at [08:09] <diplo> I'm dubious about popcorn time :) [08:10] <diplo> I'd love to have everything that is available via torrents on a netflix style thing, would even pay £20-30 a month for it instead of the netflix £6 but it's never going to happen [08:11] <popey> popcorn time is just a pretty interface to torrents, that's all [08:11] <knightwise> popey: indeed [08:11] <knightwise> and its DAMN handy :) [08:12] <diplo> yeah I know, but doesn't netflix use some sort of p2p to share some bandwith as well [08:14] <diplo> Japans Maglev train hit a new world record, 375MPH !! [08:16] <popey> no [08:16] <popey> netflix has a large content delivery network [08:18] <davmor2> diplo: Netflix uses Ubuntu on Amazon Cloud as I understand it [08:22] <TwistedLucidity> knightwise: But one is still subject to the legal impacts, no? [08:22] <diplo> ah right, I thought I read somewhere a while ago they used some of your bandwidth to.. probably something else :) [08:22] <knightwise> TwistedLucidity: true. [08:22] <diddledan> I'm getting silly with my network [08:23] <diddledan> I've now got an amazon virtual private cloud subnet vpning to home and home vpning to several other servers and them all sharing routing info via bgp [08:23] <diddledan> I honestly don't really understand it but it's working [08:24] <TwistedLucidity> With Sony strong-arming Netflix, HBO Now cutting off VPN's lioke peolpe don't understand that a global network is, well, *GLOBAL*. Trying to impose geopgraphic restrictions makes little sense. [08:24] <TwistedLucidity> Getting annoyed at people using VPNs to access cheaper/blocked content also makes little sense - that's simply the free-marketing correcting itself. [08:25] <TwistedLucidity> diddledan: A home VPN is pretty nifty. Great for tunneling over free WiFi to avoid the snooping [08:26] <diddledan> TwistedLucidity: my plan is to be able to vpn into my home network and instantly get access to all my servers via their private-space ip addresses (my vpc has dev servers that aren't exposed to the world) [08:27] <diplo> ah just googled it, they were looking to employ someone to implement p2p technology in their product mid last year [08:27] <diddledan> diplo: that probably won't work in the browser tho? [08:27] <knightwise> diddledan: why not use Shuttle ? [08:27] <knightwise> sshuttle [08:28] <diddledan> shuttle? [08:28] <diplo> Probably not, it was a job posting... so realy detail [08:28] <diplo> so really no detail* [08:29] <knightwise> vpn over ssh , you can tunnel all your traffic thrpooufh one point into your network [08:29] <diddledan> that's not layer3 tho [08:30] <knightwise> its a socks5 proxy [08:30] <knightwise> well ,its a little more then that [08:30] <diddledan> yeah I want routing [08:30] <diddledan> and auto config [08:31] <diddledan> e.g. if I add another subnet it will magically appear on all my connected systems' routing tables [08:32] <diddledan> (bgp is what the big boys use) [08:32] <knightwise> that i dont know [08:32] <diddledan> the majority of the internet's backbone relies on the same tech I'm using [08:35] <foobarry> cat before the internet: [08:39] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [08:41] <TwistedLucidity> Had cause to try out OSMC (the new RaspBMC) on a B+ Pi last night; rather neat it is too. [08:42] <TwistedLucidity> Based off of Debain so, unlike on OpenElec, I could install Perl and have get_iplayer.cgi running. [08:43] <TwistedLucidity> It's maybe a wee bitty slower than OpenElec, but I can't see that making much odds on a Pi 2. [08:44] <TwistedLucidity> Only negative I can think of is the Kodi skin. Looks very Windows and the menus are vertical; which is (IMHO) dumb on a TV that is wider than it is tall. [08:44] <TwistedLucidity> Check it out if you want: [08:53] <awilkins> Annoyance : why does libegl1-mesa:i386 depend on libwayland-server0:i386 ?? [08:53] <awilkins> Or do I just have a borked up apt database? [08:54] * awilkins does apt-get update [08:54] <awilkins> Ok, it still depends on libwayland-server0 but the dependency chain isn't broken now [09:06] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Kindergarten Day! :-D [09:07] * zmoylan-pi hands out the tin cups to the inmates at the kindergarten... [09:10] <diddledan> \o/ [09:13] <foobarry> just bougth myself one of those xiaomi mi band [09:14] <foobarry> steps and sleep traker [09:14] <foobarry> ugh my typing is broken [09:14] <zmoylan-pi> OR the band is heavy... :-) [09:14] <foobarry> it will take some weeks to arrive :( [09:15] <foobarry> because i am a cheapskate [09:15] <foobarry> or patient [09:15] <foobarry> ...enforced patience [09:15] <zmoylan-pi> wow, that's really heavy... /best hippie accent [09:15] <directhex_> i have a fitbit [09:16] <JamesTait> zmoylan-pi, far be it from me to make any comparisons between the behaviour typically found in a kindergarten and that found in certain communities or exhibited by certain prominent public figures. [09:18] <foobarry> directhex_: how much did you pay? [09:18] <directhex_> £120 [09:18] <TwistedLucidity> >.< [09:18] <directhex_> trackers w/ heart rate monitoring aren't cheap [09:19] <foobarry> ah wow, that has gps too? [09:19] <directhex_> nope. next model up has gps [09:19] <foobarry> man thats ££ [09:19] <zmoylan-pi> and if you only saw how much they cost AFTER you started wearing them it would be a great calibration test... :-P [09:19] <TwistedLucidity> Connect it to your insurance company and get discount on life insurance (read: invade your own privacy to save 50p a month!) [09:19] <diddledan> zmoylan-pi: [09:19] <directhex_> i've lost more than a stone so far [09:20] <directhex_> so *shrug* it works [09:20] <foobarry> i don't need to lose weight :( [09:20] <foobarry> rather the opposite [09:20] <foobarry> its so easy to lose weight, so hard to gain [09:20] <directhex_> i'm overweight [09:20] <directhex_> i'm losing weight, whilst eating cheeseburgers. great diet! [09:20] <TwistedLucidity> I'm happy with my weight, I just need the mass to migrate from where it is to where I'd rather it was [09:20] * TwistedLucidity prods belly [09:21] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Eat more, move less. [09:21] <directhex_> i was concerned about health, so decided to get my BMI down to "normal" [09:21] <directhex_> also, i'm sick of 38" waist jeans [09:21] <TwistedLucidity> Although that'll be fat you gain...which may not be the best idea [09:22] <foobarry> i was hoping to gain some over easter but my daughter caught a D&V bug [09:22] <foobarry> which we all caught [09:22] <TwistedLucidity> directhex_: Wear stilts then recalculate BMI. Problem solved! [09:22] <foobarry> hence lose 1/2 stone [09:22] <zmoylan-pi> fun for all the family :-/ [09:22] <directhex_> d&v is a great weight-loss regimen! [09:22] <directhex_> so is a tapeworm! [09:23] <directhex_> for me though, it's been more exercise & less cake [09:23] <zmoylan-pi> just make sure the wifi extends to the loo with backup reading material printed on soft paper [09:23] <foobarry> how many steps a day are you doing? [09:23] <directhex_> usually only 7500. but i'm doing 40 minutes a day on the exercise bike [09:24] <foobarry> i wonder when it will get to teh point that your doctor asks to see your steps count [09:24] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: More worrying, when will your insurance company demand to see it [09:24] <foobarry> fitbit can't really understand cycling except for heart rate i guess [09:24] <directhex_> foobarry: hence the hrart rate model! [09:24] <zmoylan-pi> can't strap it to you leg... [09:25] <TwistedLucidity> It would be kinda tricky, especially with the gearing etc [09:25] <TwistedLucidity> Wonder what it would make of a martial arts class....although watches etc normally have to be removed for safety [09:25] <foobarry> when i get my xiaomi i want to calibrate it against a person with 2 other devices [09:26] <directhex_> TwistedLucidity: heart rate monitoring is enough IME. also a surprising number of calories in housework [09:26] <zmoylan-pi> i got a water proof/shock proof watch with a bunch of sensors (temp/pressure/compass etc.) in early 00s. it didn't survive fencing [09:26] <TwistedLucidity> directhex_: Yeah...don't have to tell me that. Also the slow-burn of housework means you can sustain it for much longer [09:27] <TwistedLucidity> More calories in having to break, shovel and then carry goodness knows how much dirt. [09:27] <TwistedLucidity> DIY-blog [09:28] <foobarry> gardening is serious work [09:28] <foobarry> had to move a rose bush the other day [09:28] <foobarry> at 9pm [09:28] <foobarry> i was in my tshirt [09:29] <zmoylan-pi> and with all these health trackers it's only a matter of time before all the data is been requested in divorce cases... [09:29] <foobarry> a great upgrade for twitter would be to allow tweets from some users only during certain window. e.g. if i wanna follow tfl or my train company, i only want to see tweets sent between my commuting hrs [09:29] <foobarry> or hopefully in the future google now will read them and only tell me if bad things.. [09:30] <diplo> I just use lists for stuff like that now foobarry [09:30] <diplo> Never look at the main stream [09:30] <zmoylan-pi> that would assume the train company doesn't send tweets about the wild cat strike to their customers the night before so they can make alternate plans [09:31] <TwistedLucidity> If it's important, I bally well expect the train company to have a page sent to my door with the missive! [09:31] <foobarry> how do the lists work [09:31] <foobarry> are they customised searches? [09:31] <TwistedLucidity> foobarry: Usually one thing after another. :-P [09:31] <foobarry> for people you don't subscribe/follow? [09:31] <zmoylan-pi> lists are just a list of accounts you want to follow. i use them for specific typese of news. then read those lists when i'm in the mood or looking for a particular story [09:31] <davmor2> JamesTait: [09:32] <foobarry> do i have to follow them first? [09:32] <foobarry> how do i get them out of my main feed? [09:32] <zmoylan-pi> nope, beside the follow button on the web page there's a gizmo that allows you to add them to list [09:32] <zmoylan-pi> then unfollow them. leaving them in the list [09:32] <TwistedLucidity> Too much junk on Twitter. Used it for a month and then gave up due to all the "spam" (i.e. twits that I had no interest in) [09:33] <foobarry> i have 3 accounts [09:33] <zmoylan-pi> i have my timeline now just personal friends and 1-2 local news feeds for travel. gardai and dublin bus. [09:33] <foobarry> hence i have to use plume to read twitter [09:33] <foobarry> so maybe i just need lists instead [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> tweetdeck on laptop is optimal [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> lists is the poor mans version of plume/tweetdeck [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> you can add a list to an alternate list in plume [09:34] <zmoylan-pi> *alternate column [09:42] <foobarry> i wanna ditch plume soon [09:42] <foobarry> which should be possible with lists [09:42] <zmoylan-pi> has gotten crashy recently for me [09:42] <foobarry> twitter official client won't mux together various accounts into one feed [09:43] <foobarry> plume doesn't show vines or gifs and the ads are annoying [09:43] <foobarry> its not good enough to buy for the price they want [10:56] <knightwise> Ubuntu doesnt run that bad on the pi2 [11:15] <bashrc_> I think pi2 is quad core. Should be ok [11:16] <awilkins> Yeah, it has a GB of RAM as well [11:16] <TwistedLucidity> Can even do virtualisation 8-O [11:17] <directhex_> pi2 still lacks I/O acceleration, so is still sorta bad [11:17] <directhex_> but it's a definite improvement [11:17] <popey> \o/ left over gammon in a sandwich for lunch [11:19] <zmoylan-pi> green ham and eggs? :-) [11:19] <popey> mustard / may and ham [11:21] <davmor2> popey: but it's april :D [11:21] <popey> and it's sunny! [11:22] <zmoylan-pi> snow forecast for the weekend i think [11:22] <davmor2> popey: shhhh you might scare it away :D [11:22] <popey> \o/ [15:40] <ne2k> I am running trusty in a KVM vm (Proxmox 3.3, third party platform, can't change). It runs happily for a short while and then goes to 100% CPU and will not accept any input nor an ACPI shutdown. any suggestions as to how to go about further debugging of this? [15:43] <intrbiz> ne2k: is the VM doing anything before it goes 100% and effectively offline? or is it an idle, blank VM? [15:44] <ne2k> intrbiz, it's just a clean install of trusty x86_64 server [15:44] <ne2k> intrbiz, with the latest updates [15:44] <intrbiz> ne2k: with nothing running? [15:44] <ne2k> intrbiz, nothing that I've added [15:44] <ne2k> intrbiz, there are obviously quite a few system services running, obviously [15:45] <intrbiz> ne2k: sure, do you have any access to the console? [15:45] <ne2k> intrbiz, it has a single virtio disk and a single virtio network card [15:45] <ne2k> intrbiz, I have access to the console of the VM, not the hypervisor [15:46] <intrbiz> ne2k: is there anything on the console when it crashes? [15:47] <ne2k> intrbiz, no, just the login prompt as it woudl normally be, and the cursor is no longer flashing [15:47] <ne2k> after a reboot, I checked syslog and there was nothing before the crash, just the once-an-hour "MARK" and then nothing [15:50] <intrbiz> ne2k: can your provider setup a serial console for the VM logging to a file? [15:50] <intrbiz> ne2k: as a way to try and get a kernel trace if it is panicing [15:50] <ne2k> intrbiz, they possibly could. not sure if it would help [15:51] <ne2k> intrbiz, is there any setup from the guest side to enable that? [15:53] <intrbiz> ne2k: just a kernel parameter to add to the boot line [16:18] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Whats the q&A channel? >.< [16:18] <ne2k> ChloeWolfieGirl, whu? [16:19] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Just wondering what the ubuntu q&A channel is. [16:20] <ne2k> ChloeWolfieGirl, I'm not sure what that means. this is a channel in which you can ask questions, and if people can answer them, they will try to [16:22] <ChloeWolfieGirl> Found it, #ubuntu-on-air I was looking for Q&A [16:22] <ne2k> fair enough. never heard of it [19:48] <directhex_> woo, wife's new handbag seems to have arrived in the UK from taiwan [19:49] <diddledan> yippee? [19:49] <foobarry> is windows 2003 server EOL soon? [19:50] <diddledan> I belive so, foobarry [19:50] <directhex_> diddledan: of course yippee. it's amaaazing [19:50] <directhex_> [19:50] <diddledan> directhex_: in that case then, "yippee!" [19:51] <diddledan> that makes my eyes go screwey [19:51] <directhex_> :D [19:51] <diddledan> I'm not sure that it's green though [19:52] <directhex_> now i'm waiting on new computer parts. which should arrive tomorrow -> monday [19:52] <diddledan> (hover over the left-hand colour swatch) [19:52] <diddledan> apparently cyan is now green [19:54] <diddledan> anyway, back to testing my wordpress plugins [20:00] <daftykins> foobarry: yep June or July [20:00] <daftykins> 2003 R2 as well [20:00] <daftykins> SBS 2003 is already dead afaiui [20:03] <directhex_> cool kids already upgraded their servers to windows 10 tech preview [20:04] <daftykins> ;) [20:04] <daftykins> most of those have been in #ubuntu having tried to multiboot but ended up wiping the entire disk *giggle* [20:05] <diddledan> daftykins: you sadist [20:05] <daftykins> why am i when it's them doing it XD [20:05] <diddledan> lol [20:05] <diddledan> because you're laughing at them [20:05] <directhex_> i'm gonna run 10 on my new pc [20:06] <diddledan> directhex_: \o/ [20:06] <directhex_> use the tech preview for now, then buy it in a couple of months [20:06] <directhex_> buying 8 now is dumb [20:06] <daftykins> that and 8 being terrible [20:06] <daftykins> ;D [20:07] <directhex_> this old box has a vista home basic oem license :D [20:08] <directhex_> also win7 pro and win8 pro upgrades. but still... [20:08] <daftykins> erk! [20:08] <daftykins> i am curious as to how this Windows 10 upgrade 'free' -ness will work [20:09] <diddledan> it's apparently being baked into windows update as an optional install [20:09] <daftykins> blech, i want ISOs [20:09] <directhex_> installing 8.1 on this pc: install vista basic. insert win8 install dvd, boot, wipe vista partition. go trhough windows update & reboot 3 or 4 times, until 8.1 appears in app store. windows update another 10 times [20:09] <daftykins> that can be clean installed from [20:09] <directhex_> daftykins: precisely why i'm buying 10, not 8 then upgrading [20:10] <daftykins> mmm 8 has got to have the worst setup for updating in history [20:10] <daftykins> you can't even download installers to make it easier, since they still offer you a bunch of updates that must be installed in sequence [20:11] <directhex_> got a win10 installer usb stick prepped [20:11] <directhex_> new pc parts should mostly arrive tomorrow. wife can help with the build [20:12] <daftykins> how high spec are you going? haswell-E? :D [20:12] <diddledan> yey for shared pursuits! [20:12] <daftykins> hehe, i've had to tell off my dear lady friend for thinking molex to floppy converters are 4-pin mobo fan header to molex fan adapters ;) [20:13] <diddledan> erk [20:13] <daftykins> still, can see how you'd think that if you'd never built in the floppy era [20:13] <diddledan> whatever you do, don't think they're mobo fan to hdd power :-p [20:13] <daftykins> XD [20:15] <directhex_> daftykins: haswell-e. [20:15] <daftykins> rawr [20:16] <directhex_> i7-5820k, gtx 980, 960gb ssd, 32gb ddr4 [20:16] <directhex_> in festive red & black [20:16] <daftykins> crikey, that'll be some £ [20:17] <directhex_> yep [20:17] <directhex_> good job i took out some extra when i got a loan to buy the volt [20:17] <daftykins> XD [20:18] <directhex_> saving the planet w/ new car... killing it w/ new pc [20:42] <diddledan> vmware, huh? "This license key can be deployed on an unlimited number of physical hosts, but is restricted to deployment on less than or equal to 0 Physical Servers." [20:43] <diddledan> so what's the difference between a host and a server? [20:43] <diddledan> in terms of vmware esxi, I mean [21:13] <daftykins> diddledan: that could well be the most confusing statement i've ever read [21:31] <diddledan> great, huh? [21:34] <daftykins> diddledan: did you work it out yet? [21:34] <diddledan> nope [21:35] <daftykins> is it a statement from a web-based account that's just broken, maybe? [21:36] <diddledan> it's the output from on the download page
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChloeWolfieGirl", "JamesTait", "MooDoo", "SuperMatt", "TwistedLucidity", "ali1234", "awilkins", "bashrc_", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "diplo", "directhex_", "foobarry", "intrbiz", "knightwise", "ne2k", "popey", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[09:39] <mmai> hi. ich moechte ein paket deinstallieren das durch ein metapaket installiert wurde. Das metapaket listet mein paket als dependency und daher scheint apt-get alle pakete des metapakets loeschen zu wollen, wenn ich mein zielpaket loeschen will [09:40] <mmai> gibt es einen weg nur mein zielpaket zu loeschen oder ist das nicht zu empfehlen? [09:42] <geser> es müsste funktionieren, wenn du die anderen Abhängigkeiten des Meta-Pakets als manuell installiert markierst und dann das gewünschte Paket und das Meta-Paket deinstallierst [09:44] <LetoThe2nd> dann vielleicht lieber doch alles wegklopfenund nur das manuell wieder rein ziehen was man tatsächlich braucht. [09:44] <LetoThe2nd> (my $.02) [09:45] <mmai> sowas habe ich mir schon gedacht. aber das metapaket umfasst sehr viele pakete. wenn ich die alle markiere wuerde es doch spaeter sehr muehsam alle manuell zu loeschen [09:46] <geser> du kannst sie später wieder auf "automatisch installiert" setzen (wenn du dir jetzt notierst welche du auf manuell gesetzt hast) [09:47] <geser> um welches Meta-Paket geht es überhaupt? (so aus Neugier) [09:48] <mmai> das metapaket ist ros-indigo-desktop und mein zu loeschendes paket ist eine sammlung von tutorial-binary paketen die dabei mitinstalliert wurde [09:56] <uniX67> was/welcher Umfang wird durch "nicht unterstützte Aktualisierungen (trusty backports)" aktualisiert? kleines Beispiel zB :-) [09:56] <apollo13> guck ins repo [09:57] <uniX67> ubuntu 14.04.2 PS: in der Maske Anwendung&Aktualisierungen hat sich ein rechtschreibfehler eingeschlichen: ist=unterstütze soll=unterstützte:-) [09:58] <uniX67> apollo13, wie gucke ich ins repo? danke im voraus. [09:59] <apollo13> [10:00] <uniX67> apollo13, thx:-) [18:15] <agentsoul> habe gerade updates gemacht u.a. openJDK7 jetzt taucht openJDK leider nicht mehr bei Rechtsklick unter "Öffnen mit" bzw "Einstellungen" "Öffnen mit" auf. java -jar prg.jar aus der Kommadozeile läuft. java .version gibt openjdk mit java 1.7.0_79 aus [21:03] <Etarius> mal so eine frage … was war so der wirkliche sinn vom pulseaudio? [21:03] <k1l> sound auszugeben [21:04] <Etarius> hmm … kannst mit ALSA auch [21:04] <k1l> ja dn versuch mal soundmixing hinzubekommen [21:04] <Etarius> die programme müsste ja nur ALSA können … oder? [21:06] <Etarius> ist nicht das erstemal, dass ich mit dem gedanken spiele das pulseaudio-zeugs runter zu schmeißen [21:06] <k1l> pulseaudio war ein großer haufen mist als es eingeführt wurde. aber mittlerweile ist das ausgereift und hat sich im alltag bewährt [21:06] <Etarius> hatte früher immer nur ALSA genutzt wegen dem generve des pulseaudio und der CPU-auslastung druch den pulseaudioserver … [21:07] <k1l> ja, wenn du einen pentium 2 nutzt. [23:50] <regenpfeifer> type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Prospero [23:57] <Guest37373> [23:59] <bekks> Guest37373: Werbung ist hier unerwünscht.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Etarius", "Guest37373", "LetoThe2nd", "agentsoul", "apollo13", "bekks", "geser", "k1l", "mmai", "regenpfeifer", "uniX67" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[00:58] <danielmato> Pasaba vi luz y entré [00:58] <magu42> como va danielmato [00:58] <danielmato> como va magu42 ? [00:59] <danielmato> yo llegando temprano a casa por una vez... [00:59] <magu42> bien [00:59] <danielmato> genial [00:59] <magu42> al fin [00:59] <magu42> jaja [00:59] <danielmato> a veces toca [00:59] <magu42> un dia vas a llegar y vas a tener la puerta trancada por dentro [00:59] <danielmato> sip [00:59] <danielmato> pero tengo una aliada infiltrada... [01:00] <danielmato> je je [01:00] <magu42> pero no tiene llave [01:00] <danielmato> no, pero sale por la ventana y capaz me alcanza algo para picar, vio? [01:00] <magu42> jajaja [01:00] <danielmato> y una mantita [01:00] <magu42> algo es algo [01:00] <danielmato> sip [01:00] <danielmato> se sabe algo de mr ratman? [01:01] <magu42> no [01:01] <magu42> yo nno [01:01] <danielmato> ok [01:01] <danielmato> mañana le mando mensaje [01:01] <danielmato> vio, que como prometí, volví... [01:01] <magu42> si señor! [01:01] <magu42> te deje mp [01:01] <magu42> ahi [01:02] <danielmato> lo vi [01:02] <magu42> ahh jeje [01:02] <danielmato> te dejé dos listas, una completa con todos los precios que me consiguieron, y la otra solo con hp [01:02] <danielmato> hay unas samsung y unas acer bastante en cuenta [01:02] <danielmato> supongo que 5 meses después hasta hay alguna máquina más... [01:03] <magu42> ahhh no vi , recien llego [01:03] <magu42> gracias [01:03] <danielmato> ojo no son todas con Ubuntu, solo las hp, pero las otras vienen full linux friendly [01:03] <magu42> D+ [01:05] <danielmato> ojo, te aviso, los muy tontos pusieron un chip para wifi + bluetooth mediatek... o sea, el driver para bt no anda, el wifi sin drama, pero... [01:05] <magu42> lo unico que no dice es quienes son [01:05] <magu42> el bt no me preocupa , no lo uso [01:06] <danielmato> ta, entonces 0 drama, no prende la lucecita blanca y nada más [01:06] <magu42> parece que me toca comer, vuelvo en un rato [01:07] <danielmato> daleeeeeee [01:07] * magu42 is away: ~ [01:41] * magu42 is back (gone 00:34:03) [01:51] <danielmato> bueno, pinto ir a dormir... [01:51] <danielmato> nos vemos mañana, o el sábado [01:51] <danielmato> bye [15:39] <sud0> hola [15:40] <sud0> EduardoR [15:40] <sud0> cómo andás? [15:40] <sud0> cómo va tu distro.? (EDUbuntu)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "danielmato", "magu42", "sud0" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[13:41] <lazyPower> rick_h_: ping [13:42] <rick_h_> lazyPower: pong [13:42] <lazyPower> Greetings, are we doing some post processing on bundle ingests? I see a big diff between whats in repo vs whats in the store: [13:43] <lazyPower> namely the num_units on subordinates which will cause a failed deployment :( [13:43] <rick_h_> lazyPower: looking [13:46] <rick_h_> lazyPower: how's the deployment being done? [13:46] <lazyPower> rick_h_: clicking "add to canvas" on the demo site [13:46] <rick_h_> lazyPower: right...ok. filing bugs. when the bundle is transposed to the new format that's getting added and it shouldn't. [13:47] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: urulama ^ [13:47] <lazyPower> ack. I figured it was something new - thanks for taking a look [13:47] <rick_h_> urulama: that came up during the roadshow with sabdfl, breaking the demos. [13:47] <rick_h_> urulama: It appears to be that transpose of .orig to bundle.yaml [13:47] <urulama> rick_h_: great! [13:48] <rick_h_> urulama: filing a bug on the charmstore atm, will be high priority since all the tools were updated to use the bundle.yaml vs the orig so it's broken by default for everyone [13:49] <rick_h_> lazyPower: will track there [13:50] <lazyPower> Thanks rick! Appreciate the hustle [13:53] <rick_h_> lazyPower: sorry we broke that on you. We'll try to get it right asap but will probably be a bit. [13:53] <rick_h_> lazyPower: for now, the work around is to get the yaml file [13:53] <rick_h_> lazyPower: and use that directly as it's the correct format/file [13:53] <lazyPower> i dont think we have a mechanism to do that on the demo site [13:54] <rick_h_> lazyPower: not sure if we can go the old drag/drop route or somethin to twist the demo to work asap [13:54] <rick_h_> lazyPower: right, I mean download the yaml file and go the drag/drop route vs the search/add to demo button. [13:55] <urulama_> lazyPower: so, the num_units = 1 is not supposed to be there, right [13:55] <lazyPower> urulama_: correct [13:55] <lazyPower> num_units should be blank, as teh charm is a subordinate. Subordinate charms do not allocate machines [13:55] <rick_h_> urulama: correct, subordinates can't have a num_units as the number is determined by the service they're related to [13:58] <urulama> lazyPower: do we have a list of bundles that are demoed and need to be fixed? [13:59] <lazyPower> urulama: i dont, but let me follow up and try to get a list for you [13:59] <urulama> lazyPower: ty! [14:39] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: interesting bug, thanks [14:40] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: i'll just check, but i'm not entirely sure whether the bundle translation code is in a position to know if the charms are subordinates or not [14:41] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: actually, the better solution is just to not add num_units if it's 1 [14:41] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: true, but we have to find a way. [14:41] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: +1 [14:44] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: i think this means we'll need to move to charm.v6 [14:45] <rogpeppe> urulama, mhilton: ^ [14:45] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: wheeeeee [14:45] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: but why charm if it's doing it in bundle ingestion? [14:45] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: the charm package does bundles too [14:45] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: I guess I had hoped it was something in the ingestion/translation code that could be adjusted [14:45] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: ah, gotcha [14:45] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: the problem is that the current bundle code treats a missing num_units field as meaning 0 [14:46] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: k [14:46] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: we *could* interpret 0 as meaning 1, but there's no way to do that and still allow a service with 0 units [14:47] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: right, and that's a good thing to have [14:47] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: yup [14:48] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: i think this probably also means we need to reingest all bundles [14:48] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: we'll need some form of migration. Now the migration could check is_subordiante over the api though [14:48] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: to self-heal vs reingest, but we can see if reingestion has any side effects we don't like [14:48] <rick_h_> have to think it through [14:48] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: the migration has to happen inside the charm store. [14:49] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: it could be an external function? api to just update the bundle.yaml once the charm page upgrade is through. [14:49] <rick_h_> I don't see why the migration has to happen in the CS? [14:49] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: i guess if we're happy with it updating the latest revision of the bundle only [14:49] <urulama> rick_h_: was thinking the same thing ... but then sha is not correct [14:50] <urulama> rick_h_, rogpeppe: we bump bundle revision [14:50] <urulama> which should be ok [14:50] <rick_h_> since the bundle.yaml is not in the source tree we can just bump it [14:50] <rick_h_> without caring it's not in sync with the original bzr tree [14:50] <rogpeppe> rick_h_: as a temporary fix, could we just change the deployer to ignore num_units on subordinates? [14:50] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: deployer, gui, quickstart... [14:50] <rick_h_> update all the tools vs 1 [14:51] <rick_h_> rogpeppe: we have a work around atm, but the bug remains/needs to be corrected longer term [14:51] <urulama> +1 [18:16] <lazyPower> [18:16] <mup> Bug #1446789: Exporting an un-committed bundle results in broken bundle <juju-gui:New> <> [18:16] <lazyPower> [18:16] <mup> Bug #1446788: Build-a-bundle appears broken in firefox on <juju-gui:New> <> [18:16] <lazyPower> found a couple corner cases [18:21] <rick_h_> lazyPower: they both seemed to be related to exporting uncomitted? [18:21] <rick_h_> lazyPower: ok if I combine them? [18:22] <lazyPower> sure [18:22] <lazyPower> i dont think one is related to the other though - beleive the behavior of exporting an uncommitted bundle = that format [18:22] <lazyPower> and the commit button is a side-effect of some recent change according to the console [18:23] <lazyPower> but i'll follow along in any case and offer re-testing for validation :) [18:23] <rick_h_> lazyPower: oic, one is pressing the export button and one is hitting the commit button? [18:23] <lazyPower> correct [18:23] <mbruzek> rick_h_: correct [18:23] <lazyPower> i probably worded them poorly - sorry [18:24] <rick_h_> lazyPower: what's the subordinate? [18:24] <lazyPower> rick_h_: kubernetes in this case [18:24] <rick_h_> and the other one is the -master one? [18:25] <mbruzek> kubernetes-master is a regular one [18:25] <rick_h_> ok [18:25] <rick_h_> lazyPower: mbruzek is there a relatoin on the subordinate? [18:25] <mbruzek> rick_h_: yes [18:26] <rick_h_> mbruzek: ah ok, had to zoom in ty [18:32] <rick_h_> mbruzek: lazyPower can you guys add which relations are made so we can dupe/test it out please? I see a couple of options [18:33] <lazyPower> rick_h_: on 1446788 [18:33] <lazyPower> ? [18:33] <rick_h_> lazyPower: yes please. something is broken as the changes roll out, and trying to dupe it I see a few diff relations options as I link across [18:35] <lazyPower> ack, i'm goign to paste a reference bundle that has everything we were attempting in the gui [18:35] <rick_h_> lazyPower: rgr that'll work ty [18:36] <lazyPower> updated [18:36] <rick_h_> <3 ty lazyPower [18:36] <mbruzek> Hey rick_h_ we just were able to import that bundle in the GUI demo [18:37] <mbruzek> But we were not able to "build" that bundle from the GUI demo [18:37] <mbruzek> charm by charm [18:37] <mbruzek> in firefox [18:37] <rick_h_> mbruzek: right, so when you build a bundle we have to turn things from temp names 'new machine 1' into a real juju name/reference 'machine 13' [18:37] <rick_h_> and so my guess is that something raced or didn't update properly as the list of changes rolled out [18:38] <rick_h_> so duping to find out where the service reference got lost [18:38] <mbruzek> OK [18:38] <rick_h_> mbruzek: while deploying the bundle bypasses that uncomitted/list of changes work [18:38] <mbruzek> rick_h_: When I imported a bundle with series == trusty, when I exported it, all is as expected, EXCEPT the series got converted to precise. [18:38] <mbruzek> rick_h_: bug or no? [18:38] <rick_h_> mbruzek: because the demo defaults to being precise for the purpose of the demo [18:39] <mbruzek> rick_h_: OK [18:39] <mbruzek> no bug it is, just seems fishy, like the GUI knows better than I do! [18:39] <rick_h_> it's the fun of riding the fine line of a tool that lives in an environment and one that can be run without [18:40] <rick_h_> if it was deployed into a real env it would look at what your juju env default is [18:41] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I was just kidding, understand it is just a demo [18:41] <rick_h_> mbruzek: all good
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "lazyPower", "mbruzek", "mup", "rick_h_", "rogpeppe", "urulama", "urulama_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-gui" }
[14:29] <MacSlow> elopio, hey there... [14:29] <elopio> MacSlow: hello! [14:30] <MacSlow> elopio, I'm trying to get the shell-rotation AP-test working with scenarios according to your suggestion in the MP-comments... but it's failing and not working as expected. [14:30] <elopio> MacSlow: can you push your code so I can take a look? [14:30] <MacSlow> elopio, I'm pushing my current changes to a temp. branch for you to have a look, if I overlooked something... [14:33] <MacSlow> elopio, pushed to lp:~macslow/unity8/shellRotation-scenarios [14:49] <elopio> MacSlow: what's the problem you are seeing? [14:53] <MacSlow> elopio, one sec... [14:56] <MacSlow> elopio, hm... the worked now with the senarios... [14:56] <MacSlow> elopio, trying again... [14:58] <MacSlow> elopio, ok... that worked too... but using the scenarios makes the test take much longer compared to the scenario-less approach. [14:58] <MacSlow> up [14:58] <MacSlow> oops :) [14:59] <MacSlow> elopio, I pushed to lp:~macslow/unity8/shellRotation now [14:59] <elopio> MacSlow: yes, slower but clearer. If it becomes a problem, we can spend some time doing less unity restarts and parallelizing. [14:59] <MacSlow> elopio, there are still two suggestions/issues I need to address... I'll poke you again, when I'm done for a re-review [15:00] <elopio> MacSlow: I have a couple of things. But finishing a meeting, will ping you soon. [15:01] <MacSlow> elopio, I don't think I can finish it all today before my EOD (in one hour)... I'll probably ping you via eMail [15:02] <elopio> ok, I better paste my comments in the branch. [15:24] <MacSlow> elopio, which deb provides this flake8 python-module? [15:25] <elopio> MacSlow: python3-flake8 [15:29] <MacSlow> elopio, I guess you want to see them all fixed... [15:29] <elopio> MacSlow: yes, please :) [15:56] <MacSlow> up [15:56] <MacSlow> *sigh* [20:33] <Saviq> hey guys, do you have an idea how to work around this failure [20:33] <Saviq> it is a real bug (bug #1421009), but until we can fix it, I'd like to try a workaround that would catch the introspection timeout and restart unity in that case [20:34] <Saviq> but it seems ap catches the timeout and tries again... and again... and again... which, in itself seems to be a bug (shall I file?)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "Saviq", "elopio" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[13:17] <mustafam> Hi everybody [13:18] <mustafam> I think there is a problem in networkmanager dependencies [13:18] <mustafam> It no longer uses ppp for pppoe/adsl connections, it uses pppoe binary [13:18] <mustafam> Where should I report this [13:23] <rbasak> mustafam: which pppoe binary exactly? [13:24] <rbasak> The ppp package provides an plugin. Does it use that, or does it use the separate pppoe pty wrapper? [13:26] <mustafam> As per [13:27] <mustafam> "for now, work around this by using the userland pppoe client rather than the kernel code" [13:27] <mustafam> ppp is not enough [13:28] <mustafam> I use pppoe connection, it does not work unless I install pppoe package (binary executable) [13:28] <rbasak> Ah, so this is a switch from to the separate pppoe binary. [13:29] <mustafam> I think so [13:29] <rbasak> pppoe is in universe, so network-manager cannot depend on it or recommend it. [13:29] <mustafam> I use the latest daily images and it is affected [13:30] <mustafam> So will ubuntu ship with broken dsl/pppoe? [13:30] <rbasak> You can file a bug against network-manager. Either pppoe will remain in universe, or it could be promoted to main. [13:30] <mustafam> I have WiFi addon card, but what about ethernet only? [13:30] <rbasak> If the decision is for it to remain in universe, then network-manager could suggest pppoe, but users would need to install it manually to get pppoe functionality. [13:31] <mustafam> I'll report a bug, but if somebody have only wired pppoe, how should he connect to install it manually [13:32] <teward> go to a coffee shop with free wifi or download the package separately on another system and then install it manually? [13:32] <mustafam> Desktop? [13:32] <mustafam> OK, I know it's the networkmanager folks decision [13:33] <teward> desktop, laptop, android phone that can handle downloads the way you need it to, etc. [13:33] <mustafam> OK, thank you. [13:33] <teward> probably other methods, but that's probably the 'quickest' way to get the .deb package [13:34] <teward> you should still file the bug though :) [13:34] <mustafam> Of course I will [13:34] <rbasak> mustafam: you do have a valid case to have the pppoe binary shipped there. You should point it out in the bug. [13:34] <rbasak> It's pretty late in the day for Vivid though. [13:35] <mustafam> Can it be "urgent"? [13:35] <rbasak> Release is in two days. [13:35] <mustafam> Right [13:35] <rbasak> pppoe would be considered security sensitive, so it'd need a security review and possibly an apparmor profile before bringing it into main, which would be required for it to ship in the installer. [13:36] <rbasak> PPPoE directly from a desktop machine is also a pretty extreme edge case. Most who use PPPoE use routers. [13:36] <teward> indeed [13:36] <mustafam> OK, I'll see what can they do :) [13:37] <mustafam> Thank you, bye. [14:11] <teward> so, is something I haven't seen much of here. Wouldn't the proposed change in the bug ( not be a valid change for an SRU? [14:11] * teward is concerned about feature changes [14:12] <teward> rbasak: you've commented on the bug previously, I don't think they listened to you in comment #3 [14:21] <teward> looks like lfaraone got to it and responded to the bug [14:31] <lfaraone> :P [14:31] <lfaraone> it isn't SRU-worthy [14:33] <rbasak> lfaraone: ah, thanks. I thought it was a bug on first glance. Now that he's described it fully it definitely sounds like a feature. [14:34] <mustafam> I reported this: [14:34] <mustafam> [14:35] <mustafam> It can be fixed by configuring --with-pppoe=/usr/sbin/pppd [14:46] <teward> lfaraone: that's what i thought, i was going to say something to that effect but you beat me to it xD [15:55] <Malizor> Hi, could someone nominate for Trusty and Utopic ? [17:30] <Malizor> Hi, I'm not sure my former message was sent so here it is again: [17:30] <Malizor> Could someone nominate for both Trusty and Utopic? [17:34] <rbasak> Malizor: are you aware that this needs to be fixed in Vivid first, and then fixes backported to Trusty and Utopic? [17:36] <Malizor> rbasak: That's another problem: this is not fixable in Vivid because Totem > 3.10 dropped support for "old" plugins like totem-plugin-arte [17:37] <Malizor> The package should ideally be removed from Vivid, but I don't know how to request it [17:37] <rbasak> Malizor: file a bug against the package requesting removal and subscribe ~ubuntu-archive. [17:38] <rbasak> Malizor: I'll add the bug tasks for Trusty and Utopic for you, but please file that other bug, link to it from this one, explain in a comment what's going on and then mark the main task in this bug Invalid. [17:38] <Malizor> rbasak: will do [17:39] <rbasak> Thanks! [17:39] <Malizor> rbasak: no, thank you :-) [17:39] <rbasak> Malizor: well, you're doing the work, and we appreciate that :) [17:56] <Malizor> rbasak: done [17:56] <Malizor> [17:57] <rbasak> Malizor: looks great. Thank you!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Malizor", "lfaraone", "mustafam", "rbasak", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[20:43] <suro-patz> smoser: I would appreciate, if you can review, which I came up with as per your review comment on [20:50] <smoser> suro-patz, that sure seems reasonable [20:51] <suro-patz> smoser: cool, thanks for having a look [20:56] <smoser> thank you for your patience [20:59] <smoser> suro-patz, do you consider any of the bugs you mentioned fixed by your commit [20:59] <suro-patz> yes, I had verified with Rhel, and the bug mentioned for image creation from snapshot looked to be fixed [21:00] <smoser> which bug though. [21:00] <smoser> both ? [21:02] <suro-patz> the bug description for 1275098 definitely is addressed [21:02] <suro-patz> I am checking the desc of the other [21:02] <suro-patz> brb [21:05] <smoser> suro-patz, thanks. pushed [21:05] <suro-patz> smoser: appreciate it! [22:32] <harlowja> smoser alexpilotti should we have like a sprint or something (on the phone or whatever) about cloud-init v2.0 [22:32] <harlowja> get something to happen there... [22:32] <harlowja> *aka dedicated time... [22:33] <harlowja> *happy fun time
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "harlowja", "smoser", "suro-patz" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[19:04] <ibeardslee> morning [19:55] <hads> morning [21:59] <mwhudson> is there anyone in wellington who will sell me a old-school to slim tip lenovo charger adapter, do we think? [21:59] <mwhudson> this sort of thing [22:02] <mwhudson> (and not fucking fishpond) [22:04] <ibeardslee> you could try Silicon [22:07] <mwhudson> yeah true [22:51] <hads> If you don't need one for a couple of weeks Ebay would probably work. [23:15] <mwhudson> "need" is relative i guess [23:15] <mwhudson> i think newegg ship to nz now too [23:26] <olly> morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "hads", "ibeardslee", "mwhudson", "olly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[16:00] <smoser> o/ [16:00] <smoser> hello and welcome [16:00] <smoser> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team [16:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 21 16:00:45 2015 UTC. The chair is smoser. Information about MeetBot at [16:00] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:00] <beisner> o/ [16:00] <smoser> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:01] <smoser> action items. [16:01] <smoser> jamespage, provide feedback on bugs 1425288 and 1425128 [16:01] * jamespage sighs [16:01] <jamespage> i've not gone back to those problems again [16:01] <jamespage> I wonder whether rharper has hit similar issues? [16:02] <smoser> #action jamespage provide feedback on bugs 1425288 and 1425128 [16:02] <meetingology> ACTION: jamespage provide feedback on bugs 1425288 and 1425128 [16:02] <smoser> shall bother rharper off line [16:02] <smoser> #topic Vivid Development [16:02] <smoser> #link [16:03] <smoser> well, we've almost made it. [16:03] <smoser> just ~ 48 hours till another release. [16:04] <smoser> unless you have found some dead kittens around your Vivid systems, you're probably looking toward the Woeful Wombat or SRU [16:04] <smoser> #subtopic Release Bugs [16:05] <smoser> #link [16:05] <smoser> the cloud-init ones are both definitely triaged. [16:06] <smoser> cloud-utils shoudl be marked fixed i think. i'll look at that. [16:06] <smoser> anyone have comments on ohter bus there ? [16:06] <smoser> #subtopic Blueprints [16:07] <smoser> #link [16:07] <smoser> #link [16:07] <smoser> anyone have anything they want to raise here ? [16:07] <smoser> given the current status of vivid, anything not DONE will need to be carried over [16:07] <smoser> please do take some time to do that for your items [16:07] <smoser> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) [16:08] <smoser> hm.. caribou is on the loose. [16:08] <smoser> anyone have anything here ? [16:08] <smoser> seeing none, moving on. [16:08] <smoser> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara) [16:08] <smoser> wow. no matsubara either. [16:08] <smoser> does anyone have anything *here* ? [16:09] * smoser feels lonely [16:09] <smoser> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) [16:09] <smb> Not from me but arges got something... [16:09] <smoser> smb is always ready. [16:09] <arges> Hi [16:09] <arges> So I'd like to add --enable-debug when building the qemu package [16:09] <arges> so I can use gdb with it [16:09] <arges> bug 1444057 [16:10] <arges> If you guys have time (which i'm assuming you dont this week) can you test drive the PPA on that bug to see if perf is worse with that flag added? [16:10] <hallyn_> arges: i'm wondering whether it's not a bug in qemu, bc i'm pretty sure that in precise this all worked [16:10] <hallyn_> without needing --debug [16:10] <hallyn_> i'll look into it some more next week [16:10] <arges> hallyn_: yea I'd try just hacking the configure file to not build with -O2 and see what happens [16:10] <arges> mabye its a latent gdb bug [16:10] <hallyn_> but in the meantime yes, ^ tests would be appreciated so we have the data [16:11] <hallyn_> arges: yeah my step one will be reproduce in precise to maek sur ei'm not simply wrong :)( [16:11] <arges> ok thanks [16:11] <arges> yup [16:11] <arges> .. [16:12] <smoser> shall we move on? [16:12] <arges> smoser: yup [16:12] * smoser thanks our kernel experts [16:12] <smoser> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:12] <smoser> we should probably consider this meeting cancelled for next week, as most of the Canonical team members will not be present [16:13] <smoser> as there is a sprint at the time. [16:13] <smoser> anything else ? [16:14] <smoser> #topic Open Discussion [16:14] <smoser> anything here? [16:15] <smoser> alright. well, we'll see you 2 weeks from now. [16:15] <smoser> thanks everyone. [16:15] <smoser> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair [16:15] <smoser> It looks like it will be a Cinco De Mayo themed celebration [16:16] <smoser> Tuesday 2015-05-05 at 1600 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [16:16] <smoser> #endmeeting [16:16] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 21 16:16:28 2015 UTC. [16:16] <meetingology> Minutes: [17:00] <jsalisbury> #startmeeting [17:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 21 17:00:04 2015 UTC. The chair is jsalisbury. Information about MeetBot at [17:00] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [17:00] <jsalisbury> ## [17:00] <jsalisbury> ## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting. [17:00] <jsalisbury> ## [17:00] <jsalisbury> [LINK] [17:00] <jsalisbury> [LINK] [17:00] <jsalisbury> # Meeting Etiquette [17:00] <jsalisbury> # [17:00] <jsalisbury> # NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. [17:00] <jsalisbury> # 'o/' indicates you have something to add (please wait until you are recognized) [17:00] <jsalisbury> Roll Call for Ubuntu Kernel Weekly Status Meeting [17:00] <cking> o/ [17:00] <sforshee> o/ [17:00] <henrix> o/ [17:00] <chiluk> o/ [17:00] <ogasawara> o/ [17:00] <ppisati> o/ [17:01] <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury) [17:01] <jsalisbury> Release metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following link: [17:01] <jsalisbury> [LINK] [17:01] <jsalisbury> .. [17:01] <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: Vivid Development Kernel (ogasawara) [17:01] <ogasawara> Our Vivid kernel remains based on the upstream v3.19.3 stable kernel. [17:01] <ogasawara> We do not intend any additional uploads before release this Thurs. We [17:01] <ogasawara> have started to queue the v3.19.4 and v3.19.5 stable patches for our [17:01] <ogasawara> first Vivid kernel SRU. [17:01] <ogasawara> ----- [17:01] <ogasawara> Important upcoming dates: [17:01] <ogasawara> [LINK] [17:01] <ogasawara> Thurs Apr 23 - 15.04 Release (2 days away!) [17:01] <ogasawara> .. [17:02] <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: CVE's [17:02] <jsalisbury> The current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link: [17:02] <jsalisbury> [17:02] <jsalisbury> .. [17:03] <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Utopic/Trusty/Precise/Lucid (bjf/henrix/kamal/arges) [17:03] <bjf> Status for the main kernels, until today: [17:03] <bjf> * Lucid - None (no update) [17:03] <bjf> * Precise - Testing & Verification [17:03] <bjf> * Trusty - Testing & Verification [17:03] <bjf> * Utopic - Testing & Verification [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> Current opened tracking bugs details: [17:03] <bjf> * [17:03] <bjf> For SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information: [17:03] <bjf> * [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> Schedule: [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> Current cycle: 10-Apr through 02-May [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> 10-Apr Last day for kernel commits for this cycle [17:03] <bjf> 12-Apr - 18-Apr Kernel prep week. [17:03] <bjf> 19-Apr - 02-May Bug verification; Regression testing; Release [17:03] <bjf> ** NOTE: Support for Lucid ends on April 30. [17:03] <bjf> [17:03] <bjf> .. [17:03] <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) [17:04] <jsalisbury> Thanks everyone [17:04] <jsalisbury> #endmeeting [17:04] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 21 17:04:09 2015 UTC. [17:04] <meetingology> Minutes:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "arges", "beisner", "bjf", "chiluk", "cking", "hallyn_", "henrix", "jamespage", "jsalisbury", "meetingology", "ogasawara", "ppisati", "sforshee", "smb", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[13:37] <LinDol> hi all [22:40] <mephux> is the slowest site .. [23:28] <boax> hello [23:29] <boax> the recent version of gnome in 15.04 causes a critical error on some machines that makes these machines somewhat unusable [23:29] <boax> the Xorg server is crashing [23:29] <boax> [23:30] <boax> based on those forum posts here we know now, that its a gnome 3.14 bug:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "LinDol", "boax", "mephux" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[19:05] <furkan> tjaalton: the new radeon TearFree feature fixes my problem [19:31] <tjaalton> furkan: guess it just hides the problem then [22:52] <boax> hello [22:52] <boax> there is a critical bug in ubuntu 15.04! [22:52] <boax> i am talking in #ubuntu-devel and in #xorg-devel [22:53] <boax> in two days there should be the release of 15.04 and its fully unusable on some machines! [22:53] <boax> how to reproduce: dd the most recent daily build into an usb pendrive, boot from it, open libreoffice -> there is an Xorg server crash [22:54] <boax> [22:55] <boax> this report here looks same: [23:23] <RAOF> boax: Is there an Ubuntu bug filed? [23:24] <boax> RAOF: i was able to face that all down [23:24] <boax> [23:24] <boax> is related to an gnome 3.14 bug [23:25] <RAOF> boax: You should have got a prompt to submit an error report to Launchpad? [23:25] <boax> RAOF: check the last message here: [23:25] <boax> the bug is somewhat strange. it come on few machines but on those machines it always come [23:25] <boax> and makes those machines somewhat unusable [23:26] <RAOF> Sure. [23:26] <RAOF> Have you filed a bug on launchpad? [23:26] <RAOF> Have you got a ‘submit error’ popup? [23:26] <boax> i cant beleive that i am the only one with that bug [23:26] <boax> or are there only that few people who test upcomming versions like 15.04? [23:26] <RAOF> Because if you submit the bug that way, it'll come attached with all sorts of useful debugging information. [23:27] <boax> the solution for the bug seem to be: backport some things from recent gnome versions that fix that error or bump the version of gnome to the recent one that dont cause this error [23:28] <RAOF> Neither of those is the solution to an X server crash. [23:28] <RAOF> At best, that's a workaround. [23:28] <RAOF> If you submit the bug report to Launchpad we'll get a full backtrace, with symbols, and it'll be much more likely that we can fix it. [23:31] <boax> RAOF: you are a dev that could help when reported the way you explain here? [23:31] <RAOF> Yes. [23:33] <boax> okay. to help you providing the information you need i have to start the system that crashes, let it crash and then when it ask me if it should send the crash report have to answer yes? [23:33] <boax> how can that be done on an machine that does not have an internet connection? [23:33] <RAOF> Hah. That's a little more difficult, but not too much. [23:34] <boax> i have an usb pendrive that can travel the data from the one to the other machine [23:34] <RAOF> When the machine crashes it should generate a /var/crash/_usr_bin_X_something_or_other.crash file. [23:35] <boax> okay. i get that for you :) [23:36] <RAOF> On a machine with an internet connection you can then run “ubuntu-bug that_crash_file”, and it'll do the reporting bits. [23:39] <boax> RAOF: okay. i have the file after making it 777 to be able to copy it to the usb pendrive as a normal user. its about 5mb. the machine i have internet on is not ubuntu. should i upload the file to you? [23:40] <RAOF> Ok; if you can put it somewhere I can download it. [23:41] <boax> uploading... have you already an idea on what part the bug could be? Xorg server? [23:44] <RAOF> If the X server's crashing it's an X bug. [23:44] <RAOF> (Almost certainly) [23:45] <boax> you got the file? Check your query ;) [23:46] <RAOF> Yup. [23:46] <RAOF> You've hit [23:50] <boax> i told tarpman that he was right with guessting that this could be the error :) [23:50] <boax> can i help somehow to debug that error? [23:50] <boax> i think its more then "Medium". Its critical or blocking [23:54] <boax> RAOF: can i do something else to help you debugging this error? [23:55] <RAOF> No, it seems pretty obvious what the immediate problem is; glamor shouldn't be passing in a NULL destination to fbCopy. [23:59] <RAOF> This doesn't look like something that should block the release, but should be fixed in an early update.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "RAOF", "boax", "furkan", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[02:44] <ruben23> hi guys [02:49] <ruben23> guys any idea how to mount a linux raid somehow..? [02:50] <ruben23> [02:52] <sarnold> ruben23: I recently heard that there's osmething like mdadm autodetect [02:52] <sarnold> ruben23: full manpage is here: [03:07] <ruben23> sarnold: what it does somehow..? [03:16] <bricks_> is there any clean way to block every other ip than mine from accessing ssh on my server if i have a dynamic ip [03:17] <sarnold> bricks_: you can limit it to just the netblock owned by your ISP [03:17] <sarnold> bricks_: it's not perfect but it does knock out a huge number of ssh worms.. [03:17] <bricks_> sarnold, yeah that was my worst case scenario approach :( its what im doing now [03:18] <bricks_> i was wondering if there was like an "industry standard" approach to it [03:18] <bricks_> i forgot to do it then i check my server a week later and there's like 10 auth.logs [04:08] <Xtx> anyone know about ventrillo servers in here? [06:34] <ruben23> any one cna help on how tto mount this external drive i just connect to my ubuntu server somehow ---> [07:14] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:27] <arcsky> hi have i have made some chmod changes on my home dirs (chmod -R 700 /home/*. these are now fucked up, how can i switch back to default? [09:11] <samsn> a [09:30] <jamespage> hallyn_, zul: does this make any sense> - [11:07] <zul> jamespage: not to me...ill have a look today [11:35] <Odd_Bloke> Is there any way I can look up all of the changelog entries by a particular email address? [11:35] <Odd_Bloke> (In this case, mine :p) [11:46] <rbasak> Odd_Bloke: maybe? [12:08] <Odd_Bloke> rbasak: Ah, perfect. :) [12:18] * wWwBUKOLAYcom hi [12:20] * wWwBUKOLAYcom [12:38] <Sling> for all the other people that have locale errors since a few days due to apt-get update: [12:38] <Sling> export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8; export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8; locale-gen en_US.UTF-8; dpkg-reconfigure locales [12:38] <Sling> that fixes it :) [12:41] <Sling> hm not rebootproof though [12:43] <lordievader> Did the locales get nuked? [12:43] <Sling> yea something went borky [12:43] <Sling> try running 'perl' for example [12:44] <lordievader> My Trusty server doesn't seem to have problems. [12:44] <Sling> [12:45] <lordievader> Sling: What does your /etc/default/locale look like? [12:46] <Sling> LANG="en_US.UTF-8" [12:46] <Sling> just that [12:47] <lordievader> Hmm, same here. Trusty or Utopic? [12:47] <Sling> trusty [12:47] <lordievader> Odd, running the same here. No problems. [12:47] <Sling> maybe some package I have on most servers which isn't default [12:55] <Sling> on another 14.04 no problem, also not after updating&rebooting, weird [13:54] <HarryRSole> I'm having some issues with 2 different media servers running on ubuntu server. They can only access the files and folders in the /home folder if I start them from terminal using the sudo command and password. I know that it's a issue with user rights/permission what I don't know how to do is change one or the other so that they can access my music, videos..etc.? [14:01] <Walex> HarryRSole: you really need to read a tutorial on how processes and files access controls work based uids/gids and permission sets. [14:02] <Walex> HarryRSole: you can get some way without bothering to do that, but not very much. [14:02] <HarryRSole> ok [17:40] <zul> jamespage: i wasnt able to reproduce #1439280 on vivid following [19:21] <_1_jac> hi [20:47] <med_> jamespage, zul : when will 2014.2.3 packages show up in UCA? [20:47] <med_> any ETA? [20:47] <med_> I don't see them in UCA/juno-staging yet either. [21:10] <jeffreylevesque> I need #vagrant
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "HarryRSole", "Odd_Bloke", "Sling", "Walex", "Xtx", "_1_jac", "arcsky", "bricks_", "jamespage", "jeffreylevesque", "lordievader", "med_", "rbasak", "ruben23", "samsn", "sarnold", "wWwBUKOLAYcom", "zul" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[01:11] <robru> alex-abreu: need this top-approved [05:24] <rsalveti> Mirv: [05:24] <Mirv> rsalveti: thanks! [05:32] <bzoltan_> robru: ohh, what a begginer mistake :) thanks... now the MRs are approved [05:32] <bzoltan_> Mirv: ^ [05:41] <Mirv> bzoltan_: nice! [05:42] <bzoltan_> Mirv: I am sorry ... I simple forget about approving the MRs .. [05:43] <Mirv> bah, now we'd need packaging ack [05:44] <Mirv> robru: the diffs fixing is still underway, right? [05:44] <robru> Mirv: should be fixed... [05:44] <Mirv> robru: it's saying the source is a new package [05:45] <Mirv> bzoltan is probably pretty sure he has landed ui toolkit before [05:45] <bzoltan_> few times [05:45] <robru> Buh [05:46] <robru> Mirv: go back to the old build job for now. Will investigate that tomorrow [05:47] <Mirv> robru: thanks! [05:47] <robru> Mirv: this one I think [05:47] <robru> You're welcome [05:48] <Mirv> robru: yes, found it [05:48] <robru> Great [05:52] <Mirv> asking for packaging ack on #ubuntu-devel [06:37] <Mirv> got ack [07:40] <popey> sil2100: cwayne bug 1446499 after updating today from store - it's gone. [07:45] <ogra_> popey, does it come back after reboot ? [07:46] <popey> not rebooted yet [07:46] * ogra_ stays away from updating [07:54] <Mirv> I can confirm [07:55] <Mirv> and does not come back after reboot [08:02] <popey> gah! [08:03] <popey> victorp: ^ [08:03] <sil2100> huh [08:07] <sil2100> bzoltan_: we'll have to poke the release team about this one [08:08] <sil2100> bzoltan_: i.e. about qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - it's critical, so should be good to get approved [08:09] <bzoltan_> sil2100: thanks. it is silly to catch a critical bug at that late phase and even sillier to shoot twice on the same bug. [08:12] <ogra_> popey, can we pull it from the store worst case ? [08:13] <popey> not sure, last time I did that, I kinda got chided by beuno [08:13] <Saviq> cihelp, the provision script's been aborting for me with this error for a few days now, that expected? [08:13] <popey> ah no, I can "unpublish" okayt [08:13] <ogra_> popey, well, or block it ... we should make sure not more people upgrade to it [08:14] <popey> (it was revert to previous version he didn't like) [08:14] <ogra_> ah, yeah [08:14] <popey> ~380 people have updated so far [08:14] <ogra_> damn [08:14] <popey> shall I unpublish do you think? [08:14] <ogra_> yeah [08:14] <popey> done [08:15] <ogra_> if it is reproducable we should prevent more damage [08:15] <ogra_> and i see you pinged victorp already ... i guess we need a quick fix to unscrew the users [08:15] * popey adds a comment to the bug to say I unpublished [08:15] <popey> well, they can reboot and then re-fave the scope [08:16] <popey> but that's not very pleasant, and no discoverable [08:16] <ogra_> i thought it is gone ? [08:16] <sil2100> popey: cwayne should be around in a few hours to help out if anything [08:16] * Saviq thinks it was renamed to "dashboard" wasn't it? [08:16] <sil2100> In the meantime let's unpublish [08:16] <ogra_> already happened :) [08:16] <Saviq> likely why it disappeared from the favorite list [08:16] <ogra_> ouch [08:17] * popey wonders how this was tested :( [08:17] <ogra_> yeah, we have no support for that [08:17] <sil2100> I wonder if it was signed off by QA at all [08:17] <ogra_> yup [08:17] <ogra_> weird [08:17] <popey> ok, well we have a bug and they can look when they wake [08:17] <sil2100> This might be another hole in our process [08:18] <sil2100> Normally testing of the today scope happens on new custom tarballs [08:18] <Mirv> thanks popey [08:18] <popey> np [08:19] <Saviq> popey, just to confirm, can you see in "gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes" [08:19] <popey> Saviq: i have already rebooted and re-added.. [08:19] <Saviq> popey, sure, that's fine, still interesting to know what the scope id is [08:19] <popey> ['scope://com.canonical.scopes.dashboard_dashboard', 'scope://unity-scope-nearby', 'scope://clickscope', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.news_unity-scope-news', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.photos_photos'] [08:19] <Saviq> popey, if you don't care for your favourites list, could you `gsettings reset` it? [08:20] <popey> I'd rather not. [08:20] * Saviq wonders if they updated the default [08:20] <Mirv> oh, it can be readded. but how do I get it to be the first on again instead of last one? [08:20] <popey> oh go on then [08:20] * sil2100 will upgrade the package [08:20] <sil2100> Mirv: you can re-order [08:20] <Mirv> long press [08:20] <Mirv> sil2100: found [08:20] <Saviq> Mirv, long-press, drag by handle [08:20] <sil2100> Mirv: just long-press it on the manage screen [08:20] <sil2100> Yeah ;) [08:20] * popey mails the phone list to let people know how to undo this. [08:20] <Mirv> almost discoverable [08:21] <Saviq> Mirv, good news: manage dash is likely going away [08:21] <popey> Saviq: resetting has done this:- [08:21] <popey> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes [08:21] <popey> ['scope://clickscope', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator'] [08:21] <popey> :( [08:21] <Saviq> popey, weird, that's mako/rtm? [08:22] <popey> no [08:22] <popey> retail bq [08:22] <Saviq> huh [08:22] <Mirv> yeah, I got my retail bq yesterday [08:22] <Saviq> popey, fwiw, you can `gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Dash favorite-scopes "['scope://com.canonical.scopes.dashboard_dashboard', 'scope://unity-scope-nearby', 'scope://clickscope', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.news_unity-scope-news', 'scope://musicaggregator', 'scope://videoaggregator', 'scope://com.canonical.scopes.photos_photos']"` to get back your list [08:23] <popey> thanks [08:23] <Saviq> but the reset is scary, /me flashes krillin to see in a moment [08:24] <Saviq> this would mean that the custom tarball doesn't override the default [08:24] <Saviq> but that'd be *really* weird [08:24] <ogra_> Saviq, why would it [08:24] <sil2100> Strange, I don't see the today scope update on my krillin, huh [08:25] <ogra_> the custom tarball installs what is in it as upgrade time, thats it ... if there is a newer version of something it ships in teh store this will always override [08:25] <ogra_> sil2100, because it was unpublished already :) [08:25] <Saviq> ogra_, I meant the gsettings key [08:26] <Saviq> ogra_, the default list of favourite scopes is just apps, music, video unless it's overridden by custom tarball [08:26] <ogra_> the default is likely schipped as system wide schema ... [08:26] <sil2100> Ah, it was already, ok ;) [08:26] <ogra_> so if the user has the key set, it will override the system one [08:26] <Saviq> ogra_, which is why going `gsettings reset ...` should get it back [08:26] <ogra_> yeah [08:27] <ogra_> it doesnt ? [08:27] <Saviq> ogra_, and popey did the reset, and was presented with just the 3 scopes [08:27] <popey> is the offending click if you really want it sil2100 :) [08:27] <Saviq> this is what makes me wonder [08:27] <sil2100> popey: thanks ;) [08:27] <Saviq> Mirv, confirmed silo 15 makes CPU settle [08:28] <Mirv> Saviq: thanks! I tested both that use case and the one I found. [08:33] <sil2100> jibel: ping [08:42] <Saviq> ogra_, oh, they're not using gsettings overrides but a dconf one... [08:45] <ogra_> lovely [08:51] <Saviq> ogra_, popey, sil2100, IMO a bug in unity-scopes-shell, letting pete-woods know [08:51] <Saviq> pete-woods, [08:51] <Saviq> pstolowski, ↑ [08:52] <victorp> ogra ping [08:52] <ogra_> victorp, hey [08:52] <victorp> just saw the pings from you and popey, whats up? [08:53] <ogra_> victorp, today scope in the store is broken [08:53] <ogra_> victorp, we unpublished it, but it went out to ~350 users [08:53] <victorp> ok.. [08:53] <victorp> what are you installing it on? arale or krillin? [08:53] <Mirv> krillin stable [08:53] <sil2100> victorp: on krillin [08:53] <ogra_> retail devices [08:53] <Saviq> ogra_, victorp, I wouldn't say "the scope is broken" any more [08:54] <ogra_> well, the user exüperience is broken once you install the update :) [08:54] <Saviq> it's the update process that's broken [08:54] <ogra_> ("the scope is broken is shorter :P ) [08:54] <Saviq> yeah ok, details on the bug [08:54] <sil2100> Saviq: ok, might indeed be the case here [08:54] <ogra_> Saviq, well, it also didnt get any QA it seems [08:54] <sil2100> Although I think that updating the scope without QA is a bad thing in overall [08:55] <Saviq> ogra_, sure, FWIW I'd say the problem is race-y, too [08:55] <ogra_> yeah [08:55] <Saviq> so not everyone will hit it [08:55] <sil2100> Some people said it was fine for them [08:56] <Mirv> sil2100: where? at least on the bug report the reply was "fine if you readd it" if I understood it correctly. [08:56] <sil2100> Mirv: on the mailing list [08:56] <Mirv> sil2100: oh, ok. good if it doesn't hit everyone. [08:57] <victorp> ogra_, sil2100 first of all , dont make things up [08:57] <victorp> :) [08:57] <sil2100> Mirv: one person said that he upgraded and today scope remained on the favorite list [08:57] <Mirv> sil2100: so it seems [08:57] <pstolowski> Saviq, commented, it's as you described [08:57] <victorp> if you have a scope favourited and you updated it to a new version it *always* removes it from the fav list [08:57] <victorp> Saviq, ^^ [08:58] <victorp> but should still appear in your bottom edge list [08:58] <ogra_> victorp, ugh [08:58] <sil2100> victorp: so that's by design? [08:58] <victorp> i thought that had been reported, it happens to me with the child scopes we favourited [08:58] <Saviq> victorp, yeah, that's correct, but shouldn't be the case should it [08:58] <victorp> well seems like bad desing :) [08:58] <sil2100> ;) [08:58] <ogra_> that sounds pretty broken ... like if an update would remove the icons i added from the launcher [08:58] <victorp> right, I thought it was a bug that had been reported , my bad for not checking [08:59] <victorp> ogra_, agreed [08:59] <victorp> so the more concerning part would be why is not appearing in the bottom edge with respect today scope [08:59] <ogra_> victorp, good that we catched it then ... better if a QA test had catched it before it went to the store though :) [09:00] <Mirv> do we have phased store updates in plans similar to image updates? [09:00] <victorp> ogra_, it wouldnt, because this only happens if you update from the scope, if you update custom is doesnt [09:00] <pstolowski> victorp, so it's not appearing on the bottom edge list under 'Also installed' ? [09:00] <ogra_> victorp, well, a new music app doesnt go into the store without QA run ... this scope apparently did according to QA [09:01] <ogra_> also i thought it is in the manage scopes tool, but under new name ? [09:01] <victorp> ogra_, what are you talking about? [09:01] <sil2100> This is one of the holes in the process, every new click that's by default on the image and gets upgraded needs QA sign-off [09:02] <sil2100> Even the today scope [09:02] <ogra_> victorp, with what exactly ? [09:02] <ogra_> victorp, that the scope didnt get QA before oing to the store ? [09:02] <victorp> I am telling you the scope is not broken, is the "update a scope from the store" process that is doing this , you just have notice it now [09:02] <ogra_> *goin [09:02] <ogra_> ah ! [09:02] <ogra_> right, i didnt get that ... [09:02] <victorp> pstolowski, so reading the bug from popey it appears after reboot [09:03] <popey> victorp: only if you re-add it. [09:03] <ogra_> popey, in the manage... list [09:03] <popey> yes [09:03] <victorp> popey, what do you mean by re-add it? [09:03] <Mirv> victorp: from user point of view it's gone for good and doesn't come back. I didn't find it in the management either untils someone told it that it's in there. [09:03] <popey> sorry, re-favourite it [09:03] <victorp> popey, ack [09:04] <victorp> ok, first of all - this has nothing to do with the today scope [09:04] <ogra_> popey, well, this was about: is it in the manage scopes area only after a reboot or is it there right after upgrade [09:04] <victorp> that is the behaviour of all scopes you update from the sore [09:04] <victorp> store [09:04] <popey> ok. [09:04] <pstolowski> so it's two problems actually; manage list didn't refresh until reboot, and the scope needed to be favorited again [09:04] <victorp> if it wasnt in the bottom edge after update and then shows after a reboot, that still has nothing to do with the scope [09:04] <popey> But the fact that it's the default first scope, it uncovers a bug [09:04] <ogra_> sure [09:05] <victorp> pstolowski, +! [09:05] <victorp> +1 [09:05] <victorp> popey, exactly [09:06] <victorp> as far as I can tell the team is just publishing to the store scopes that where added to custom-proposed , which is tested ogra_ [09:06] <victorp> I didnt get an update notice [09:06] <ogra_> because we unpublished it [09:06] <popey> i pulled it from the store around 40 mins ago [09:06] <victorp> but if they had to change the version for whatever reason, it would have trigger it [09:06] <ogra_> and you dont get noticxes for apps/scopes [09:06] <victorp> i.e. change on mantainer name in manifest [09:07] <victorp> so I dont think qaing this more would have helped, what we need is the beta/alpha channel in the store so we can test upgrades [09:07] <victorp> I believe beuno's team is already working on that [09:07] <popey> well if someone had installed the click on a retail bq device they would have noticed the scope disappear [09:07] <victorp> so, can we open 2 bugs to track the issues that pstolowski has highlighted [09:07] <popey> and hopefully file the right bug? [09:08] <ogra_> right, we would at least have catched one of the issues here [09:08] <popey> but I suspect nobody QA'd it on a _retail_ bq image. [09:08] <popey> because that's the only one shipping it by default [09:08] <victorp> popey, I understand that this issues are new to you, but we have know about them for a while, I just thought they were being addressed [09:08] <popey> or they did, and ignored the fact that the scope disappeared [09:08] <victorp> popey, more probably that [09:08] <popey> victorp: new to me and thousands of bq retail handset owners [09:09] <ogra_> yeah [09:09] <victorp> popey, ok and? I am not sure what you are asking me? [09:09] <popey> ok. where is the bug tracking the fact that scopes disappear, and need a reboot? [09:09] <victorp> I think we need two bugs for that [09:09] <popey> the assumption that things are being fixed because "we read:I already know about them" is a broken process. [09:10] <victorp> can you please open them popey? [09:10] <popey> i opened one, I don't know what the second one is. [09:10] <victorp> popey, sure - if you expect me to find all the bugs that is also broken :) [09:11] <popey> I didn't say you. I implied QA [09:11] <popey> If someone is QAing something and they spot something is broken, I'd expect a bug. [09:11] <popey> my point being nobody filed a bug for these issues because "we know about it" [09:11] <ogra_> victorp, if you found that bug before (knew about it), someone must have seen it but not filed it ... thats the broken part [09:11] <popey> but yeah, I'll file the bugs for you. [09:11] <popey> exactly [09:12] <victorp> anyway, this is going in circles, there are two bugs in unity8 Saviq.. favouriting does not survive an update from the store , and the bottom edge/manage dash does not seem to always register updates. [09:12] <ogra_> victorp, when interacting with the users it helps if we can point to a bug [09:12] <victorp> let me know if you need anything else [09:12] <victorp> ogra_, 100% agreed [09:12] <ogra_> i.e. popey could have pointed it out in the warning mail he sent [09:13] <Saviq> victorp, both are unity-scopes-shell bugs [09:15] <victorp> Saviq, ack [09:17] <victorp> Saviq, are you happy just tracking the issues on 1446499 [09:18] <popey> i added a second [09:18] <popey> bug 1446536 [09:19] <Saviq> victorp, popey, thanks [09:19] <victorp> ta! popey [09:20] <Saviq> pstolowski, one more related, not sure if that's -scopes-shell exactly or the scope backing Manage Dash ↑ [09:20] <popey> so do we re-publish today in the store? [09:20] <popey> because this is a "known" bug? [09:21] <Mirv> I think it's really bad from user pov [09:21] <ogra_> well [09:21] <Saviq> yeah, but then otherwise we'd block any core scope updates until we release the next OTA... [09:21] <ogra_> we dont have a system update planned [09:22] <Mirv> well right, true [09:22] <ogra_> so the fix wont land before next OTA [09:22] <Mirv> people will learn to use scopes at least.. [09:22] <ogra_> i wonder if there is a way to hack around it from the scopeside [09:22] <Saviq> ogra_, not likely [09:22] <pstolowski> Saviq, ok, so this is the second problem from the 1st bug [09:22] <ogra_> yeah, i was fearing that [09:23] <Saviq> ogra_, it's basically a case of "oh, the scope went away, let's drop it from favourites" [09:23] <ogra_> so either we live with the bug (very bad imho) and re-publish ... or we hold back all scope changes til it is fixed [09:24] <Saviq> pstolowski, [09:24] <Saviq> [09:25] <ogra_> victorp, any opinion ? [09:25] <pstolowski> Saviq, yeah, that would be simple to do, but would mean we never get rid of uninstalled scopes. unless we purge at startup [09:26] <Saviq> pstolowski, hook on uninstall won't do, as it's based off of the .ini file already? [09:27] <pstolowski> Saviq, sorry, i can't parse what you're saying ;). i'm just talking about the plugin which purges favorites whenever registry is updated (and scope disappears) [09:28] <Saviq> pstolowski, sure, I'm saying that a hook on uninstall could trigger the removal from favourites, unless this is basically what happens already? [09:29] * Saviq wonders how relevant this discussion is in light of "scopes as apps"... [09:29] <pstolowski> Saviq, ah, no. it's handled completly by the shell [09:29] <pstolowski> * shell plugin [09:29] <pstolowski> Saviq, yeah, becomes irrelevant then ;) [09:29] <Saviq> well, kinda [09:30] <Saviq> it just moves from Manage Dash to $wherever_we_store_favourites (like in click scope or something, to display at the top) [09:47] <dbarth> jibel: o/ i'm trying to get an idea whether silo 6 is considered for testing, or if there is something blocking landings in the overlay ppa [09:48] <dbarth> i may have another silo next, with branches targeted for desktop (w updates and potential srus); let me know [09:56] <jibel> dbarth, it is in the triaged queue, it should be verified soon-ish [09:57] <dbarth> ok, nw [09:57] <bregma> trainguards, point of procedure: do I need to get an ACK from the Ubuntu release team first to land silo ubuntu/landing-020 (#1446256) or does it just land and go into the UNAPPROVED queue and get ACKed from there? [09:57] <dbarth> jibel: thanks [09:58] <sil2100> bregma: we could publish it without an ACK, but it's best to coordinate beforehand especially if the bug that's being fixed is not set to critical [09:59] <sil2100> bregma: without the ACK it would en up in UNAPPROVED, but might get rejected due to lack of infromation etc. [09:59] <bregma> sil2100, thanks [10:01] <Mirv> sil2100: bregma: since it's seeded I think it's even required to go via release team [10:01] <Mirv> for example qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu was unseeded universe package but unity is a different beast [10:02] <Mirv> anyway, it's still >1.5 days so it's ok to go to vivid normal instead of proposed [10:04] <Mirv> davmor2: Bq now passes my official seal of approval requirements when I'm now writing this from Bq after using a menu shortcut to login + screen -dr and I've added Ctrl-D, Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N to the ctrl menu [10:04] <jibel> sil2100, Mirv bregma if it is ready publish it, we need it on the image [10:04] <sil2100> jibel: ok [10:05] <sil2100> Mirv: let me publish the unity silo then [10:05] <Mirv> sil2100: ok [10:05] <sil2100> The release team will deal with it ;) [10:06] <bregma> that's right, pass the buck [10:07] <davmor2> Mirv: it did anyway, I told you you were just using it wrong ;) [10:07] <Mirv> davmor2: that too :) [10:08] <davmor2> Mirv: did you like the osm touch app by the way? [10:08] <davmor2> Mirv: and don't play uu or we'll lose you forever :D [10:10] <Mirv> davmor2: the osmtouch is a familiar one to me, I've used it mako quite a bit. even though I didn't use mako "really really" (so this Bq is what I really give my "normal use case" for), I did use it for browsing and location [10:11] <Mirv> davmor2: it's ok but I need something closer to Osmand~ - offline vector maps, voice navigation [10:11] <Mirv> and if I would have click chroot creation not broken on my vivid I'd give a Navit or Marble a try to get something built [10:11] <Mirv> but alas I've not found the reason why click is totally busted on my machine [10:11] <davmor2> Mirv: here does turn by turn it you switch down to walking rather than driving :) [10:12] <Mirv> davmor2: here is closed source, I want OSM maps too :) [10:12] <Mirv> I prefer OSM in general even without closed/open over google maps and here maps [10:12] <davmor2> Mirv: whine whine whine ;) [10:13] <Mirv> just so much more "love" into details in there, like stairs, tree locations or cow locations when people go crazy in details :) [10:13] <Mirv> well maybe not cow unless there's real time tracking objects feature in OSM [10:13] <Mirv> davmor2: no I just want to make it win win win for me :) [10:13] <davmor2> Mirv: it's not working because it hates you, hate it back it works for me ;) It might be all the dev stuff you have in place for other stuff is interfering maybe? [10:14] <Mirv> davmor2: :) I won't install any dev stuff on the Bq (except for stuff like customizating terminal settings etc). but no apt etc hacking. [10:15] <davmor2> Mirv: what you really need is a new dell laptop and a fresh install of vivid that will fix it and your broken screen too :D [10:15] <Mirv> oh right the chroot, yes [10:15] <Mirv> davmor2: I'd like to understand the actual bug in there, I've already gone through two difficult ones but it still now fails at the end of it (used to be: in the beginning) [10:16] <Mirv> but it's annoying since at the end of click chroot creation it wants to unmount my encrypted home after which my desktop is busted [10:16] <davmor2> Mirv: blame pitti or ogra that normally gets things fixed ;) [10:16] <Mirv> davmor2: I don't blame anyone, I file bugs! [10:17] <davmor2> Mirv: you do it all wrong don't you :D [10:17] <Mirv> but true, I'll get a fresh machine soon (~month?). but I hate it when there's some bug that might really affect other people too. [10:18] <Mirv> I'm sure other people are running into that previously filed bug #1436835 too [10:20] <davmor2> Mirv: you could try throwing a kvm install or an lxc install and try running it in there and then figure out the difference between the base install and the version on your desktop to figure out why it hates you [10:20] <davmor2> Mirv: I wonder if it is the QT versions you are building playing havoc with the system maybe? [10:20] <Mirv> davmor2: true, although I can also just run 14.04 LTS from my server and do stuff there [10:20] <Mirv> davmor2: no, I [10:21] <Mirv> davmor2: 'm not building Qt on this machine, but in a chroot on my server machine [10:22] <Mirv> davmor2: similar to that filed bug ^ I've messed around with schroot before and configuration files a lot, and ideally click would detect the most common misconfigurations instead of blowing up [10:22] <davmor2> Mirv: are you testing the QT packages on that machine though? Ie is it expecting to install qt 5.3.1 and getting qt5.3.4 that you've installed or something crazy like that? [10:22] <Mirv> davmor2: one problem is that I've already checked everything I can regarding click & schroot against a clean install and I fail to find anything relevant. that way I found that missing fstab in that previous report. [10:23] <Mirv> davmor2: no, and since Click creates a fresh chroot it does not care what's on the host system [10:23] <Mirv> oh well yes, I do occasionally have Qt PPA:s here and test them, but I also purge them afterwards [10:53] <pstolowski> popey, hey, any idea how can i test a potential fix for the problem of today scope update, without you actually publishing it? [10:56] <pstolowski> (i need any scope update to test it) [10:57] <popey> pstolowski: good question [10:58] <popey> pstolowski: maybe someone on the team has a scope of some kind that we can push to the store under a new test name? [10:58] <davmor2> popey: pstolowski: surely you can just install it locally? [10:58] <popey> that could work too, but does the problem trigger with pkcon? [10:59] <davmor2> popey: I'm assuming pkcon is doing the installing from the update [11:00] <popey> worth testing in both ways [11:01] <pstolowski> davmor2, popey that sounds like a good suggestion; isn't it 'click install --local...' that i need? [11:02] <popey> I tend to "pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted" [11:02] <pstolowski> ok [11:03] <davmor2> pstolowski: ^ what he said [11:03] <pstolowski> yeah, thanks [11:03] <pstolowski> popey, the fix goes only into vivid i presume? [11:04] <popey> well as I understand it there will be no more rtm-1409 / utopic based OTAs so vivid makes sense, but check with sil2100 [11:04] <sil2100> Yeah [11:05] <pstolowski> sil2100, popey ack [11:05] <pstolowski> victorp, who can provide me with an updated version of today scope .click? [11:05] <victorp> cwayne or kylen [11:06] <pstolowski> ty [11:12] <ogra_> victorp, so whats our plan forward, do we hold back scope landings until after next OTA ? [11:12] <victorp> ogra_, landings to? [11:12] <ogra_> since the fix can only come from a OTA [11:12] <ogra_> scope landings to the store [11:13] <victorp> yes, at least for the agregators [11:13] <victorp> that are currently favourites [11:13] <ogra_> ok [11:13] <cwayne> pstolowski, whats up? [11:13] <victorp> we can still update them via OTA [11:13] <victorp> that seems to work fine [11:13] <ogra_> yeah [11:14] <ogra_> in general that shows a problem though ... [11:14] <ogra_> being stuck with store landings because we need an OTA for the underlying fix [11:14] <ogra_> i wonder if there is a way around [11:16] <davmor2> ogra_: include the fix in a store package but then that would get messy [11:17] <ogra_> davmor2, well, in this case we couldnt [11:17] <pstolowski> cwayne, sent you an email. bbiab [11:17] <ogra_> davmor2, a click cant ship system bits ... and the rootfs would even have to be writable to replace the broken parts [11:18] <ogra_> in snappy, where the system bits will be framewworks, this will be fixable via the store [11:18] <davmor2> ogra_: unless it is in core [11:19] <ogra_> well, core is small enough that it shouldnt affect us [11:19] <ogra_> but yeah [12:06] <popey> sil2100: moving back over here. i see pstolowski|lunch is going to talk to cwayne when he wakes. [12:06] <popey> sil2100: lets wait for that conversation to happen. [12:06] <cwayne> sil2100, i've been here :) got him a click [12:06] <cwayne> oops popey ^ [12:06] <popey> there we go :) [12:07] <popey> thanks cwayne (sorry for all the pings) [12:07] <cwayne> 7:30AM meetings ftw [12:07] <popey> :) [12:07] <cwayne> or ftl i guess :P [12:07] <cwayne> wake up and the whole worlds on fire [12:08] <sil2100> cwayne: ;p [12:08] <sil2100> Ok, let me wait for pstolowski|lunch to give some input and then we decide [12:08] <sil2100> I want to know how hard this will be to fix [12:09] <sil2100> Well, hm, actually, since this happens in stable there's no way to fix it proper I suppose [12:10] <sil2100> So I'm sure we'll just re-publish it in a few moments [12:33] <pstolowski> sil2100, i'm working on a fix for first part of the issue (, should have a fix for vivid today [12:33] <davmor2> cwayne: I know giving you that petrol can for christmas was a bad idea [12:33] <davmor2> knew even [12:34] <pstolowski> sil2100, and there is a slight chance is not affecting vivid, but i haven't checked yet [12:34] <sil2100> pstolowski: I suppose all of those issues require changes on the scopes infra, right? [12:35] <sil2100> In this case I guess we can re-publish the scope to the store, nothing we can do short term to fix this [12:35] <pstolowski> sil2100, only unity shell plugin [13:01] <sil2100> pstolowski: then I think there's no use holding up the today scope [13:01] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ^ I'll ask popey to re-publish the today scope to the store [13:03] <pmcgowan> sil2100, I thought there is an issue replacing favorite scopes, or did I miss something [13:03] <sil2100> pmcgowan: there is an issue, but to fix it we would need to promote an image with a quick-fix which is still in progress, not sure if we want that [13:03] <pmcgowan> sil2100, we shouldn't put it back until that issue is fixed [13:04] <sil2100> pmcgowan: indeed [13:04] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ok, so we agree that we want to re-publish today scope then [13:04] <sil2100> (it's not even a real update) [13:04] <pmcgowan> sil2100, I was saying not to republish it [13:04] <sil2100> Oh? [13:05] <sil2100> Ah, ok, in this sense you mean [13:05] <sil2100> hm [13:05] <pmcgowan> my understanding is folks get an update and it "disappeares" [13:05] <popey> correct [13:05] <sil2100> From what I know it can be re-added through the favorites, right? [13:05] <popey> also correct, after a reboot [13:05] <sil2100> Ah, after a reboot [13:05] <pmcgowan> we can talk during rtm call, but I think we keep it back [13:05] <popey> without a reboot it's just gone, from a user perspective. [13:07] <sil2100> popey: so it's gone from the list without rebooting? Then indeed it's a bit more serious, I got the wrong impression from what victor was saying then [13:07] <sil2100> We could re-spin a new image once the fix is ready [13:08] <ogra_> sil2100, well, se my conversation with victorp above ... there was agreement to hold back all favorite scopes [13:08] <ogra_> until after next OTA [13:08] <sil2100> ACK [13:08] <ogra_> they need to come with custom tarball updates for the moment [13:08] <sil2100> Yeah, missed this conclusion it seems [13:09] <pstolowski> sil2100, but the fix needs to target vivid only, correct? [13:09] <sil2100> pstolowski: I suppose right now that's the plan, next OTA is planned to be vivid-based so no need to do a backport for RTM [13:10] <rvr> rsalveti: Silo 2 approved [13:10] <pstolowski> sil2100, great [13:10] <victorp> sil2100, once it is fixed please let me know [13:10] <sil2100> I don't think pushing the scopes to the store is enough high-priority for OTA-3.5 [13:10] <sil2100> victorp: ACK [13:11] <ogra_> sil2100, no, we always have the custom tarball as fallback ... [13:11] <ogra_> and there it works [13:11] <sil2100> Indeed [13:11] <sil2100> Just as before [13:11] <sil2100> rsalveti: silo 002 is for touch specifically, right? [13:12] <sil2100> Ok, I suppose so, let me publish then [13:18] <ogra_> sil2100, mind if i kick a vivid image to check the space the hud frees up ? [13:18] <sil2100> ogra_: oh, you pushed the hud removal? :) [13:18] <sil2100> ogra_: sure, go on ahead [13:18] <ogra_> yeah [13:18] <ogra_> running [13:21] * sil2100 is still a bit detatched from the world [13:25] <imgbot> [13:27] <ogra_> oh, even a round image number :) [13:29] <Mirv> thostr_: what's the status of line 13 scopes bg test silo, is it cancelled or do you want a test silo for it? [13:30] <Mirv> bfiller: what's the status of the syncevolution calendar fix landings, need silos? [13:30] <thostr_> Mirv: line 13 can be removed [13:30] <Mirv> thostr_: ok, thanks! [13:31] <bfiller> Mirv: already in silos, testing now [13:31] <Mirv> bfiller: oh.. so lines 27 and 33 are old ones for the same thing and can be removed? [13:32] * Mirv the cleaner [13:52] <fginther> Saviq, the phone provisioning script relies on phablet-click-test-setup to install the test sources as directed by the click packages, but this doesn't work for some apps now. I've created an MP to address this: [13:54] <Saviq> fginther, cool, I wasn't sure whether this was a critical error, it looked dangerous (it removed all the tests it just downloaded?) [13:54] <fginther> Saviq, yeah, the error would cause the cleanup to be triggered before copying anything to the phone [13:55] <Saviq> fginther, right, so it only worked for me because I ran unity8 tests, not anything else [13:55] <Saviq> (I mean running the actual tests) [13:56] <fginther> Saviq, that makes sense, calculator app is what it currently making it bomb on devel-proposed images. I'll work on getting the patch upstream, but it might not before the release [13:57] <Saviq> fginther, 'stood [13:57] <sil2100> boiko: hm, is the request line 58 a critical fix requiring a OTA-3.5? I see the bug is only high [13:57] <Saviq> OTA-3.5?? [13:57] <sil2100> boiko: was there a client's request to spin an rtm image for that? [13:57] <boiko> sil2100: so, bfiller asked me to get rtm silos and pmcgowan will evaluate the need for a hotfix [13:58] <sil2100> boiko: ok then [13:58] <boiko> sil2100: same thing for the rtm silo 003 I already have [13:58] <sil2100> Saviq: OTA-3.5, so a hotfix release ;) [13:58] <Saviq> sil2100, should we think about targeting the scope update bug for this too? [13:58] <sil2100> boiko: I thought so, but the severity of the bug got me confused [13:59] <sil2100> Saviq: maybe, although I'm not sure if there are real plans for the hotfix release [13:59] <Saviq> ok ;) [13:59] <sil2100> I'll know more after the RTM status meeting later today [13:59] <Saviq> if there are, we should, if there are none, we shouldn't :) [13:59] <oSoMoN> rvr, I’ve seen that you’re testing silo 7, thanks! I just added a corresponding manual test to [14:00] <bfiller> Mirv: silo 27 (ubuntu) and silo 5 (rtm) are the silos we are testing [14:00] <oSoMoN> rvr, note that most of the functionality is unit-tested already [14:00] <rvr> oSoMoN: Yeah, I'll begin soon, just had lunch [14:00] <bfiller> Mirv: for sycnevo [14:00] <bfiller> Mirv: not sure what the other lines are [14:00] <rvr> oSoMoN: Ack [14:01] <Mirv> bfiller: yes, those are lines 54/55, you have also line 27 "Fix for lp:1438662 - Calendar sync not working" for vivid and line 33 for syncing to rtm :) I'll remove those [14:01] <bfiller> Mirv: ack, thanks [14:05] <Mirv> sil2100: I've gone through the spreadsheet now again, finding many "already landed" and such, and now hitting the archive button [14:05] <sil2100> Mirv: thanks for the clean up! :) [14:14] <dbarth> o/ line 44 for an oxide packages copy [14:15] <dbarth> as a binary copy please, to minimize the build time and land in time for the image [14:35] <boiko> sil2100: can you please free vivid silo 004? we are done testing already, I will remove the row from the spreadsheet [14:36] <boiko> sil2100: actually quick question: can I just remove the row from the spreadsheet, or should I just clear its contents? [14:36] <sil2100> boiko: hey! [14:36] <sil2100> boiko: let me take care of that - we need to remove the silo as well :) [14:36] <boiko> sil2100: ok, thanks, it's silo 004 and row 20 [14:37] <boiko> sil2100: maybe you can reuse that silo for line 45? ;) [14:37] <sil2100> boiko: ;) [14:37] <sil2100> boiko: assigning those in a moment, had to finish up a meeting [14:37] <boiko> sil2100: no hurry, take your time [14:40] <imgbot> [14:40] <imgbot> [14:40] <sil2100> dbarth: regarding the oxide request - I suppose this is supposed to land to the main vivid archive, right? [14:41] <rsalveti> ogra_: ^ [14:41] <rsalveti> nice [14:41] <rsalveti> just hope that removing libdbusmenu-qt5 doesn't break anything [14:41] <rsalveti> :-) [14:42] <sil2100> rsalveti: it doesn't have any touch rdeps, so I think we're safe ;) [14:42] <dbarth> sil2100: hmm, considering the final freeze, i would land in the overlay ppa [14:42] <ogra_> yeah if it breaks something it needs a dep somewhere [14:43] <dbarth> sil2100: it will be available in the security updates anyway [14:43] <rsalveti> but should be good [14:43] <rsalveti> ogra_: how much did we save with such changes? [14:43] <ogra_> down to 462M from 486M for the cdimage tarball :) [14:43] <ogra_> i havent summed up the unpacked size ... but likely around 40-50M [14:44] <sil2100> dbarth: so it will be released to vivid later after final-freeze then? [14:45] <dbarth> yes, as an official security update [14:45] <dbarth> sil2100: chris is copying 1.6.4 there as well anyway [14:46] <sil2100> Ok then [14:46] <sil2100> Oh, actually I thought the next security update will have 1.7 [14:47] <pmcgowan> dbarth, sil2100 if it lands in security pocket we pick it up from there [14:47] <pmcgowan> and wouldnt need it in the ppa [14:48] <sil2100> Right, that will be after final-freeze though [14:48] <sil2100> dbarth: do you need to have it ASAP? [14:49] <sil2100> That's why I didn't assign a silo yet, need to clear out all the doubts [14:50] <sil2100> We have plenty of free vivid silos, but oxide is very storage exhaustive [14:51] <pmcgowan> sil2100, we do need it asap yes [14:51] <pmcgowan> we need it last week :) [14:51] <sil2100> hah, you don't like the crashing T&C ;) ? [14:53] <pmcgowan> oh right thats still in there [14:53] <sil2100> I guess the earlier it's on our images the better, more dogfooding time - although it's faring pretty well on 14.09 [14:57] <cjwatson> storage> I'm tempted to set the size of all ci-train-ppa-service landing-* archives to 20480 across the board [14:58] <cjwatson> They're a bit of a random mix right now [14:58] <dbarth> sil2100: yes, please [14:58] <bfiller> sil2100: mind reconfiguring ubuntu silo 10? I added another project to the list of MR's [14:59] <cjwatson> There are two in excess of that, but neither is using all that space right now, and I suspect that they're only set that large because of the lack of garbage collection we had a while back [15:06] <sil2100> bfiller: done [15:06] <bfiller> sil2100: thanks [15:13] <pstolowski> sil2100, can i have a silo for row #45? [15:15] <sil2100> pstolowski: on it :) [15:15] <pstolowski> awesome, thanks :) [15:23] <rvr> oSoMoN: Approving silo 7 [15:24] <oSoMoN> rvr, awesome, thanks! [15:31] <sil2100> dbarth: oxide-qt copied to the oxide silo ;) [15:32] <sil2100> jibel, robru, davmor2, popey, rvr, ogra_: do you want to discuss anything on the landing meeting today? [15:32] <jibel> sil2100, no [15:32] <ogra_> nope, i think the disaster recovery this morning was fine :) [15:32] <ogra_> nothing to discuss [15:33] <rvr> sil2100: Is the last episode of Games of Thrones a valid topic? ;) [15:33] <sil2100> rvr: oh shit [15:33] <davmor2> sil2100: it's okay you can say you hate us we won't take it personally :P [15:33] <sil2100> davmor2: ;) [15:34] <sil2100> davmor2: I'm just a good listener, and robru mentioned multiple times he wants to have time to wake up properly in the mornings [15:34] <sil2100> ;) [15:34] <davmor2> sil2100: pfffff [15:35] * ogra_ hands dbarth bucket and mop for silo 22 [15:37] <dbarth> oops [15:37] <ogra_> :) [15:37] <dbarth> yes, let me check [16:23] <kalikiana> ping cihelp, the license check in Jenkins is rejecting the files in question are MIT licensed generated files; adding _build to the excluded folders as can be seen in the branch would resolve it, I don't know where that script is maintained, though [16:27] <oSoMoN> trainguards: silo 7 is landing, and I’m seeing that webbrowser-app is in the proposed pocket. I thought it would go directly into the overlay PPA, what’s up with that? [16:27] <sil2100> oSoMoN: let me take a look [16:28] <sil2100> oSoMoN: ouch, ok, someone set the column name but didn't reconfigure [16:28] <sil2100> Ok, let me reconfigure and re-publish - thanks for noticing! [16:29] <oSoMoN> sil2100, I did change the destination PPA column after reading slangasek’s announcement, sorry I didn’t know it required a reconfigure [16:30] <sil2100> oSoMoN: no worries, I should have double checked when publishing, I usually do but it was probably published in a hurry ;p [16:31] <oSoMoN> sil2100, alright. I guess the package can be easily rejected from proposed so as to not affect the archive, right? [16:31] <slangasek> sil2100: can you copy the package from -proposed back to the overlay ppa? then I can delete it from -proposed [16:32] <sil2100> slangasek: sure thing, on it now [16:36] <sil2100> slangasek: ok, package copied (should be in the overlay PPA) [16:37] * sil2100 switches context back to UITK [16:37] <slangasek> sil2100, oSoMoN: ok. In thinking about it, I realize that removing the package means it won't be re-copiable back to w when it opens without a new upload; so I think I'm going to leave the package in -proposed for now, which is valid [16:38] <sil2100> slangasek: makes sense, indeed [16:39] <oSoMoN> slangasek, sil2100: thanks [16:39] <oSoMoN> sil2100, can I merge and clean the silo now? [16:40] <sil2100> oSoMoN: yes :) [16:40] <sil2100> Just use the force flag if anything [16:40] <oSoMoN> ok [16:48] <robru> sil2100: don't forget the dashboard is authoritative; check for 'stable-phone-overlay' there before clicking publish [16:50] <sil2100> robru: right'o! Forgot about that, was actually checking in the JSON configs [16:51] <robru> sil2100: yeah, sorry I should have added that info to the dashboard sooner. Didn't think of it until yesterday morning. [16:51] <sil2100> robru: I read that you added that, but somehow with all the stuff happening it just jumped out of my head [16:52] <plars> kalikiana: Looking... [16:58] <rvr> dbarth: Approving silo 6 [17:00] <sil2100> o/ [17:01] <robru> mardy: dbarth: need some MPs approved [17:01] <robru> sil2100: good evening! [17:06] <bzoltan_> sil2100: I think you need to fix the version of the gles [17:07] <sil2100> bzoltan_: eek, will do that, maybe some typo [17:07] <sil2100> In one moment, OTP now [17:10] <sil2100> Ok, on it now [17:13] <sil2100> bzoltan_: hmmm, the version looks fine to me, I can see it in the PPA [17:13] <sil2100> Did I do something wrong? [17:13] <sil2100> bzoltan_: argh, and I see another problem ;/ [17:15] <sil2100> bzoltan_: why do I see other changes in the PPA's changelog? [17:15] <sil2100> Isn't trunk = what's in the archive? [17:16] <sil2100> Ah! [17:16] <sil2100> Ok, it's all ok [17:16] <sil2100> It's in the overlay PPA and the diff is made against the archive [17:16] <sil2100> nvm [17:24] <sil2100> bzoltan_: could you check the PPA and merge and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I see that CI Train builds the package correctly, so the versionin needs to be ok, but nothing gets uploaded to the PPA [17:30] <robru> sil2100: ask an archive admin to check why the upload was rejected. I don't see any obvious reason for it (eg, that version doesn't already exist in the ppa as far as I can see...) [17:31] <sil2100> robru: I poked cjwatson, but maybe I could poke slangasek as well [17:31] <robru> sure [17:32] <sil2100> slangasek: hey, you have a moment? [17:34] <cjwatson> slangasek: I handled sil2100's request on #ubuntu-touch [17:34] <cjwatson> sil2100: slangasek doesn't have LP log access AFAIK [17:34] <sil2100> slangasek: ...unping [17:34] <sil2100> cjwatson: thanks :) [17:34] <sil2100> cjwatson: I think I'll try to fetch the source and re-upload myself with debuild -S -sa to make sure we upload the tarball [17:34] <cjwatson> sure [17:34] <sil2100> I have no idea why it didn't include it in the upload [17:37] <kalikiana> plars: any idea at all? [17:40] <plars> kalikiana: we were discussing how to handle it, fginther has an MP for it in flight [17:52] <sil2100> ogra_: btw. smoketesting is busted for 180... [17:52] <ogra_> sigh [17:54] <ogra_> sil2100, thats your falt though ... [17:54] <ogra_> *fault [17:54] <ogra_> package ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 not found in [17:54] <sil2100> Oh uh! [17:54] <ogra_> i guess you want to re-roll the immage after that landed :) [17:54] <ogra_> to have the versions match [17:55] <sil2100> ogra_: not particulary my fault, more like 'our fault' and pointing at the LT ;p [17:55] <sil2100> No no, it's because it's in the overlay PPA [17:55] <ogra_> ah [17:55] <sil2100> A re-spin won't fix it [17:55] <ogra_> right [17:55] * sil2100 sighs ;) [17:55] <sil2100> Actually, damn, I might need to change my commitlog generation scripts too ;/ [17:55] <ogra_> robru, will the citrain script take the overlay ppa into acocunt somehow ... [17:55] <ogra_> (and does it need to ?) [17:55] <dbarth> robru: on it [17:56] <ogra_> or do we just assume everything yu need for testin is actually in the image or silo [17:56] <robru> dbarth: thanks [17:56] <robru> ogra_: it shouldn't need to, as those packages get rolled into image builds [17:57] <ogra_> robru, right, but if the image is a day behind and the silo got built against the overlay PPA your silo packages might be uninstallable [17:57] <ogra_> until the image has the overlay packages available [17:57] <ogra_> thats surely only a corner case though [17:57] <robru> ogra_: the silo ppas now depend on the overlay ppa so it should take care of itself shouldn't it? [17:58] <ogra_> not with the citrain script where we /dev/null all sources.lis entries except the silo [17:59] <ogra_> the overlay package would not be available ... but the silo has a dep against it [17:59] <ogra_> as i said, likely just a corner case ... but it could happen [17:59] <robru> ogra_: i don't really understand how ski dependencies work [17:59] * sil2100 really needs to go AFK now [17:59] <sil2100> o/ [17:59] <sil2100> Be back later [18:00] <robru> ogra_: "silo dependencies". Anyway if it happens you'll just have to install the overlay ppa and dist upgrade [18:00] <ogra_> robru, well, the image has foo-123 ... i upload foo-124 to the overlay ppa ... now you push package bar to a silo that depends on foo ... and gets a binary dep via shlibdeps against foo-124 ... [18:01] <ogra_> bar will be uninstallable in the image unless i enable the overlay ppa or until the foo package hits the image [18:01] <ogra_> right, if thats our answer that is fine [18:02] <ogra_> (it might taint your image and the test might be moot though ) [18:03] <robru> ogra_: well, I've seen in some cases already that necessary deps were copied from distro into a silo ppa, specifically because citrain tool doesn't add distro updates on purpose. So if such a case arose, people should just copy the dep from the overlay ppa back to the silo. [18:04] <ogra_> cool, thats fine then [18:05] <robru> ogra_: i think it's a rare case. If it happens a lot we can consider changing the tool, but i believe qa specifically requested the tool only install silo contents, and nothing else. [18:05] <ogra_> yeah [18:20] <robru> kalikiana: bzoltan_ ping? Need merges approved [18:59] <robru> dbarth: uh, so empathy was in your silo and that got copied into the overlay ppa, was that on purpose? should we delete that? [19:00] <robru> dbarth: I mean it was in your silo PPA but not in your silo config, seems like a mistake. [19:01] <robru> Laney: ^ you uploaded this empathy into silo 6 PPA, did you intend for that to wind up in the overlay PPA? [19:03] <robru> Laney: I guess if you wanted that uploaded to distro you'll have to copy it from the overlay ppa yourself. [19:50] <bzoltan_> robru: do you still need my approval? As I see the MRs are landing [19:51] <robru> bzoltan_: not sure where you see that? the link says "ERROR" and is still unapproved [19:51] <robru> (I approved one because I could, I don't have permission on the other) [19:52] <bzoltan_> robru: ohh.. the main. I approved [19:52] <bzoltan_> robru: yes, the gles you could, thanks for that [19:52] <robru> bzoltan_: great, thanks [20:09] <dbarth> robru: it does seem like a mistake indeed [20:10] <dbarth> robru: i wonder why it got pulled in, except that for qa purposes you needed to make sure that empathy was not listed in teh FB/MSN account settings [20:48] <om26er> plars, Hi! [20:48] <om26er> plars, the dashboard is showing multiple runs as 'Running' wonder whats causing that ? [20:51] <plars> om26er: it looks like phablet-click-test-setup blew up quite badly [20:51] <plars> it seems to be causing us all sorts of grief lately [20:53] <om26er> plars, can you report bugs for phablet-click-test-setup, I can look into fixing those ? [20:56] <plars> om26er: fginther has a patch for the one we hit last week, not sure what this one is yet [20:59] <fginther> om26er, plars, that's an error I had not seen before [20:59] <plars> fginther: yeah, it seems to have started in the latest image [21:01] <om26er> plars, can you share the stacktrace ? [21:02] <plars> om26er: [21:03] <plars> package ubuntu-ui-toolkit, version 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 not found in [21:03] <plars> ti seems something change in uitk? [21:04] <om26er> there is a new uitk uploaded today, yes. [21:17] <robru> plars: om26er: the new one from today is version ...0421, and it's sitting in the UNAPPROVED queue (eg not in the archive at all). shouldn't have anything to do with this ...0417.1 issue you're seeing [21:21] <robru> indeed, ...0417.1 doesn't exist: [21:23] <plars> robru: om26er: this ought to be simple to reproduce locally by doing a fresh install and running phablet-click-test-setup [21:23] <robru> plars: fresh install of what? you mean the latest image on a krillin? [21:24] <plars> robru: yes, or even on mako [21:25] <robru> plars: is it picking up 0417.1 from a ppa or something? [21:25] <fginther> plars, robru, om26er, indeed I can reproduce it locally. The problem appears to be that 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 is coming from a PPA and not the archvie [21:26] <fginther> phablet-click-test-setup does not know how to extract sources from PPAs [21:26] <robru> heh [21:26] <plars> robru: right [21:26] <plars> so I guess this is the overlay ppa because vivid is frozen [21:26] <robru> oh duh, 0417.1 is in the overlay ppa [21:26] <robru> plars: yeah [21:27] <robru> fginther: plars: so I guess p-c-t-s needs to grow awareness of the overlay ppa [21:27] <plars> om26er: ^ [21:27] <fginther> robru, yep... trying to think of how this might be done [21:28] <robru> fginther: catch that exception and fallback to downloading the package from the ppa? [21:32] <fginther> robru, ideally it could just find the PPA from looking at the attached phone [21:33] <robru> fginther: but the phone doesn't have the ppa enabled; the packages from the ppa are rolled right into the images. [21:33] <robru> as far as I know [21:34] <fginther> robru, my mako does indicate that uitk came from a PPA, is this correct? [21:34] <fginther> $ apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin [21:34] <fginther> qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin: [21:34] <fginther> Installed: 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 [21:34] <fginther> Candidate: 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 [21:34] <fginther> Version table: [21:34] <fginther> *** 1.2.1485+15.04.20150417.1-0ubuntu1 0 [21:34] <fginther> 500 vivid/main armhf Packages [21:35] <robru> fginther: oh, ok, great. I wasn't aware that it worked that way. looks right [21:55] <fginther> robru, plars, I can find the uitk source urls with the follow two queries: [21:55] <fginther> then [21:55] <rvr> boiko: ping [21:56] <fginther> I'm trying to hack in some changes, but I'll have to jump offline for a few hours soon [21:56] <rvr> boiko: You sent another silo to ubuntu-rtm [22:13] <fginther> plars, om26er, robru, this appears to work (it's a huge hack) [22:13] <fginther> [22:13] * fginther -> away for a while [22:40] <om26er> plars, can you please deploy that ? [22:43] * om26er >> out
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "Saviq", "bfiller", "boiko", "bregma", "bzoltan_", "cjwatson", "cwayne", "davmor2", "dbarth", "fginther", "imgbot", "jibel", "kalikiana", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "om26er", "plars", "pmcgowan", "popey", "pstolowski", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "slangasek", "thostr_", "victorp" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[12:29] <phillip> sasa84_: hi [13:53] <sasa84_> hello phillip [13:54] <sasa84_> i have one question. according to language stats we still have 1 string to translate, but we translated all ( [13:54] <sasa84_> is this a bug or something? [13:58] <phillip> sasa84_: yes [14:00] <sasa84_> ok, tnx phillip [14:02] <phillip> sasa84_: I have made a script to check translations via bash: just run ./translationcheck.bash -ul "Slovenian" to see whats left for slovenian. [14:14] <sasa84_> wow, great! tnx [14:15] <phillip> sasa84_: tell me if you have problems or something :) [14:15] <sasa84_> yes sir! :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "phillip", "sasa84_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-translators" }
[05:30] <napsy_> jutro [06:36] <zdobersek> jutro [06:36] <zdobersek> UGT [06:36] <idioterna> o [06:44] <zdobersek> NOCH EINMAL [06:44] <zdobersek> [06:44] <Seniorita> Daft Punk Alive 2007 One More Time / Aerodynamic HD - YouTube [06:44] <Seniorita> »Best Concert of all time!« [07:03] <slax0r> jutro [07:27] <miha> Kako se pri python instalira module [07:27] <Matthai> pip install ? [07:54] <sasa84> juhuuu [07:55] <CrazyLemon> [07:55] <Seniorita> Zakaj moški dejansko uporabljajo Facebook? - YouTube [07:55] <Seniorita> »Facebook se da uporabljati za marsikaj, ampak moški ga večinoma uporabljajo samo za eno stvar... Resnico govorijo: Jernej Celec, Tin Vodopivec, Gašper Bergan...« [07:56] <sasa84> oooo, dobro jutro CrazyLemon [07:56] <CrazyLemon> buhdej sasa84 [07:56] <sasa84> zdobersek: že pokonc? [07:57] <zdobersek> sasa84: vec odavno [07:57] <zdobersek> sasa84: cakam [07:57] * sasa84 pristavi đezvico [07:57] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 men se zdi da je zdobersek busanc ratal :/ [07:58] <zdobersek> sasa84: cekam [07:58] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: warum? [07:58] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 pa lejga kaj pise! [08:01] <zdobersek> e pa sta [08:21] * sasa84 postreže zdobersek z odlično kavico [08:21] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: kakav? [08:22] <zdobersek> aw yiss [08:22] <zdobersek> sasa84: sam kavo, hvala! [08:25] <sasa84> .gif coffee [08:25] <jabuk> [08:51] <slax0r> a je limon zmankal? [08:58] <CrazyMelon> limona ima connectivity issues :D [09:00] <CrazyMelon> [09:00] <Seniorita> - Prijavil krajo, nato pa so 'ukradeno' našli pri njegovem očetu [09:00] <Seniorita> »Koprski policiji je moški iz Babičev prijavil krajo avtomobila in traktorja. Nepridiprav mu je iz hiše ukradel tudi ključe in dovoljenji omenjenih vozil. Izkazalo se je, da je vse to pri lastnikovem očetu.« [09:02] <zdobersek> kokr Gone Girl! [09:21] * CrazyMelon si bo sposodil gone girl [09:22] <zdobersek> oh noes [09:22] <zdobersek> he gonna get her [09:22] <CrazyLemon> why not..she's cute [09:24] <zdobersek> oh shit he still here [09:36] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: dober filmčk :P [09:36] <sasa84> a kingsman je tud že na vhs? :P [09:37] <CrazyLemon> sasa84 ne bit tečna! vsaka 2 dni "a je kingman že? a je?a?a?" :/ [09:38] <sasa84> a je? :P [09:38] <CrazyLemon> ne! [09:38] <sasa84> hvala krejzek :* [09:39] <zdobersek> sasa84: imo ga je on za dvakrat pogledu [09:39] <sasa84> ps: krejzijeva je mal nataknena :P [09:39] <CrazyLemon> "mal" pfft! [09:39] <sasa84> sej... tista, k ni nataknena ponoč, je pa podnev :P [09:39] <sasa84> morm povedat, da je to men 1x župnik reku :P [09:39] <CrazyLemon> a zato si ti taka tečka! [09:39] <CrazyLemon> makes sense now [09:40] <sasa84> CrazyLemon: čakam ! [09:40] <zdobersek> ne cakaj na maj ... [09:41] <CrazyLemon> zakaj ne? naslednji teden je že maj [09:43] <zdobersek> sasa84: forsiraj naprej [09:46] <zdobersek> sasa84_: ne cakaj na maj [09:47] <sasa84_> oh, ne bom se bat :D [10:13] <CrazyLemon> [10:28] <sasa84_> oh no CrazyLemon [10:28] <sasa84_> ! [11:38] <zdobersek> nove Benetke [11:38] <Seniorita> This man just claimed a new European nation. 160,000 people already want to live there. | LITTLEROCK | Food | Lifestyle | Culture | News | Classified | Malta [11:38] <Seniorita> »On your next holiday in Eastern Europe, make sure to include Liberland in your itinerary. In fact, if you wish, you are just in time to apply for citizenship of« [12:53] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: torrente si izklop! [13:27] <CrazyLemon> .pretvori 200 dkk eur [13:27] <jabuk> CrazyLemon: Napaka [13:27] <CrazyLemon> stupid api [13:28] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200dk eur [13:29] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 dk eur [13:29] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:29] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 kr eur [13:29] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:29] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 kr. eur [13:29] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:29] <idioterna> dansk kronor? [13:29] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 krone eur [13:29] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:30] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 øre eur [13:30] <zdobersek> ping [13:31] <jabuk> zdobersek: pong [13:31] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:31] <zdobersek> ah [13:31] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 DKK EUR [13:31] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:34] <CrazyLemon> čisto nič bl pameten nisi s tem [13:34] <CrazyLemon> ker je api quota [13:35] <CrazyLemon> in je očitno presežena [13:35] <CrazyLemon> že neki časa [13:38] <zdobersek> .pretvori 200 eur usd [13:38] <jabuk> zdobersek: Napaka [13:56] <sasa84_> .pretvori 100 eur skr [13:56] <jabuk> sasa84_: Napaka [13:57] <sasa84_> .pretvori 100 eur svk [13:57] <jabuk> sasa84_: Napaka [13:57] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: ko bi jih le mel :( [13:57] <sasa84_> .ping [13:57] <sasa84_> ping [13:57] <jabuk> sasa84_: pong [13:57] <sasa84_> ju sak jabuk! [14:01] * sasa84_ ppihne CrazyLemon v uho [14:03] <yang> o saska [14:13] <sasa84_> ooo yangić :D [14:13] <sasa84_> a si kej priden? ;) [14:14] * sasa84_ pihne yang v uho [14:14] <sasa84_> zgleda d nis :P [14:15] <sasa84_> yangec je bolš kt yangić :D [14:15] <sasa84_> al pa yangce-jan :P [14:28] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: zakaj si downvotal? :P [14:29] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2575-1: MySQL vulnerabilities [14:29] <sasa84_> slax0r: ajde domov iz službe, žena čaka [14:30] <slax0r> pa se res je [14:30] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: Saj nisem :| [14:30] <slax0r> sam sluzba je moja ljubica... [14:31] <yang> yangic gre zdej se malo nazaj delat [14:31] <yang> tko da sm kr priden ja [14:31] <yang> bbl [14:32] <sasa84_> ooo priden yang:) [14:32] <sasa84_> slax0r: that''s the spirit! [14:32] <idioterna> kok si lepo escapala ' [14:33] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2573-1: OpenJDK 6 vulnerabilities [14:33] <slax0r> k pravi mysql heker :P [14:35] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2574-1: OpenJDK 7 vulnerabilities [14:35] <idioterna> [14:35] <Seniorita> alt-J - The Gospel Of John Hurt (Official Audio) - YouTube [14:35] <Seniorita> »iTunes - Vinyl - CD - Streaming -« [14:38] <sasa84_> knede idioterna :) [15:15] <slax0r> <- domov! \o/ [15:16] <idioterna> js bom tut pobegnu [15:34] <CrazyLemon> run forest run [15:36] <CrazyLemon> [15:36] <Seniorita> 'Kerbal Space Program' finally launches on April 27th [15:36] <Seniorita> »Squad's Kerbal Space Program has often seemed like a never-ending experiment. The first public version of the spacecraft building game was released in 20« [15:40] <copy> anybody on? [15:40] <copy> i need some helpe [15:42] <dz0ny> lol [16:09] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: How to Change The Default Web Browser in Ubuntu [16:10] <zdobersek> dz0ny: ta dela za microsoft, 100% [16:10] <dz0ny> zdobersek: hermes :) [16:10] <dz0ny> ce ni kr JU :) [16:11] <zdobersek> sysadmin ocitno ni [16:24] <dz0ny>,10358962 [16:24] <Seniorita> Ej ve ta strpne - dejte razložit tole :: Starševski čvek :: MedOverNet (Tema: 10358962) [16:24] <Seniorita> »Kaj je smisel tega prizora? Zakaj se morajo otroci slečt DO GOLEGA in skakat po postelji medtem ko jih opazujejo starši in stric? In kaj ima to zveze s kakanjem?« [16:27] <zdobersek>,10358962,10358997#msg-10358997 [16:27] <Seniorita> Ej ve ta strpne - dejte razložit tole :: Starševski čvek :: MedOverNet (Tema: 10358962) [16:27] <Seniorita> »Kaj je smisel tega prizora? Zakaj se morajo otroci slečt DO GOLEGA in skakat po postelji medtem ko jih opazujejo starši in stric? In kaj ima to zveze s kakanjem?« [16:33] <sasa84> dz0ny: wtf :D [16:34] <sasa84> dz0ny: če bi ti skaku po pojstli, bi te z veseljem gledala :P [16:34] <sasa84> pa zdobersek -ka tud :P [17:17] <idioterna> kva se radi vsajajo [17:53] <zdobersek> flobadobadob, said Bob. [18:24] <CrazyLemon> ker butast ending of Gone Girl [18:34] <zdobersek> za popizdit, a [18:47] <CrazyLemon> ja [20:33] <CrazyLemon> [20:33] <Seniorita> Global Cycling Network - Win a trip to the Giro with GCN! | Facebook [20:33] <Seniorita> »Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: us on Twitter:...« [20:33] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek for you! [20:33] <CrazyLemon> and me! [20:33] <CrazyLemon> we can go together! [20:33] <CrazyLemon> and bond! [21:09] <Sky[x]> lp [22:12] <upd> programirat pa programirat pa skoz sam programirat pa programirat pa še mal programirat že 12 let doh :) [22:12] <idioterna> wtf [22:12] <upd> zaslužek 270€ haha [22:12] <idioterna> zakaj pa kej druzga ne delas ce ti ni vsec programirat? [22:12] <upd> seveda da mi je všeč lol če mi ne bi bilo ne bi že tolk časa :d [22:12] <idioterna> 270 za kaj? [22:12] <idioterna> na uro? [22:13] <upd> ne toliko sem zaslužil s programiranjem [22:13] <idioterna> v 12 letih? [22:13] <upd> da [22:13] <idioterna> 1 cent na 5 ur [22:14] <upd> haha dober si to izračunal [22:14] <upd> im not doing for the money money its a passion [22:15] <idioterna> kul [22:16] <upd> 720 projektov, sicer si sam tko zapisujem na list [22:17] <upd> niti ne vem če so to vsi [22:17] <upd> več al manj vsi izgubljeni že zdavnej [22:17] <idioterna> mhm [22:17] <idioterna> jsm najdu svoj prvi uspesn projekt [22:17] <idioterna> [22:17] <upd> pa več al manj vsi 60% - 70% dokončani [22:17] <Seniorita> idioterna/baron · GitHub [22:17] <Seniorita> »baron - The Red Baron« [22:18] <upd> uu fajn :) [22:18] <lynxlynxlynx> upd: a nisi ti enega hostinga včasih lavfal? [22:18] <upd> hm ne hosting, sam imel sem box za ircnet če to misliš [22:19] <upd> v vseh letih mi še ni uspel serverja postavit [22:21] <lynxlynxlynx> pol sem pa najbrž zamešal [22:21] <upd> da [22:28] <upd> 2 leti sem porabil ko sem igrice delal, to je bilo zabavno :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "CrazyMelon", "LorD_DDooM", "Matthai", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "copy", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "miha", "napsy_", "sasa84", "sasa84_", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[04:37] <nlsthzn> nice to see belkinsa in the channel :) [04:37] * nlsthzn was just reading on the mailing list about uos [04:37] <Kilos> yeah hi nlsthzn [04:38] <nlsthzn> hey uncle Kilos ... up nice and early [04:39] <Kilos> yeah gotta work on a article for the news weekly with jose [04:39] <nlsthzn> ah yes I saw the mail :) [04:39] <Kilos> hehe [04:40] <nlsthzn> best of luck... you should start a blog and syndicate it to [04:40] <Kilos> sjoe [04:41] <Kilos> i had one there before i think [04:41] <Kilos> right when i started [04:41] <Kilos> too much other stuff in head now to blog as well [04:43] <nlsthzn> oh just to give info on the africa project... would work well to create interest in the project too [04:46] <Kilos> whew more stuff to join [04:47] <nlsthzn> fun and games :) [04:50] <Kilos> lol [04:51] <Kilos> maybe that flair thing nlsthzn [04:52] <Kilos> and comments there [04:53] <nlsthzn> ? [04:53] * nlsthzn is back on baby duty ... will be back [04:53] <Kilos> ok [17:36] <Kilos> hi rejerson69 welcome to ubuntu-africa [17:36] <Kilos> ohi philipballew as well [17:37] <Kilos> been a quiet day here [18:55] <philipballew> Kilos, hey man. Hope all is well. [18:55] <Kilos> yeah everyone just super busy. hows your side [18:57] <philipballew> Kilos, busy as well here as well. Im a month away from college graduation and I am doing 18 hour days, so life is busy atm. [18:57] <belkinsa> OMG. It's philipballew! [18:57] <Kilos> wow [18:57] <Kilos> lol [18:57] <Kilos> see even belkinsa came here [18:58] <philipballew> belkinsa, whats crackin ? [18:58] <belkinsa> Nothing much, busy with the final two weeks of school. [18:58] <philipballew> belkinsa, where do you go to school? [18:58] <belkinsa> University of Cincinnati [18:59] <philipballew> belkinsa, Ohio [18:59] <philipballew> nice! [18:59] <belkinsa> philipballew, yup, Ohio. Where do you go? [19:00] <philipballew> belkinsa, a small university in San Diego. [19:00] <philipballew> Its cool, and works well. [19:00] <belkinsa> For what? [19:01] <philipballew> belkinsa, Organizational Communication. You? [19:01] <belkinsa> Biology, focus of molecular and cellular. But it's undergrad. [19:01] <philipballew> belkinsa, I am undergrad as well. [19:19] <stickyboy> nginx 1.8 released! [19:20] <Kilos> hi stickyboy you found tsega yet [19:21] <stickyboy> Kilos: Not yet. Gotta email him to figure out what the plans for our meetup this weekend are. [19:21] <Kilos> whew [19:23] <inetpro> stickyboy: anything interesting new features in nginx 1.8? [19:23] <inetpro> s/anything/any/ [19:24] <stickyboy> inetpro: Not really. Well, I think if you're coming from 1.6 maybe. [19:25] <stickyboy> I've been running 1.7.x on all my boxes ("mainline" version). [19:25] <stickyboy> 1.6.x was previous "stable" version. [19:25] <stickyboy> So this is basically just the culmination in a year of the 1.7.x branch. [19:26] <stickyboy> So the 1.7.x history is more interesting: [19:26] <inetpro> thanks [19:34] <inetpro> stickyboy: I'm guessing 1.5.13 became 1.6? [19:35] * inetpro don't see any 1.6.x changes [19:38] <stickyboy> inetpro: Yeah, that was like a year ago I guess. I have only been an nginx fanboy for like 1 year though so I only guess. :D [19:38] <stickyboy> BTW [19:38] <stickyboy> nginx is kinda oldschool... lol [19:39] <stickyboy> (CHANGES file, SVN, trac, etc) [19:41] <inetpro> yeah and no git :-) [19:42] <stickyboy> Man, how do I update a package in pkgsrc? [19:43] <Kilos> lol [19:44] <stickyboy> pkgsrc on Mac OS X is awesome! [19:44] <stickyboy> But they have an old version of Fira Sans font. :P [20:04] <Kilos> night all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "belkinsa", "inetpro", "nlsthzn", "philipballew", "stickyboy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[05:46] <vubuntor091> hello Everyone . I have a proplem with Ubunu 14.04 LTS. I install window 8.1 UEFI and Ubuntu 14.04 parallel on laptop. its normal operation . until I moved into the BIOS to boot UEFI Legency and moved back to the ubuntu boot screen disappears from the computer . I can not get into Ubuntu again . you can help me . thank you very much [05:46] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor091: change to BIOS [05:46] <MrTuxHdb> done [05:50] <vubuntor091> I no understand , you are unfortunately not be stated coal [05:50] <vubuntor091> MrTuxHdb -- please [05:53] <vubuntor091> MrTuxHdb -- I no understand , can you tell me more ? [05:54] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor091: because You can't install OS on UEFI and switch back to BIOS(UEFI Legacy) [05:56] <vubuntor091> MrTuxHdb -- I moved on and UEFI Boot Ubuntu menu disappear in Boot [05:57] <vubuntor091> I switched to Ubuntu UEFI and disappear [05:57] <MrTuxHdb> because you didn't install ubuntu in UEFI [05:59] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor091: thôi dùng mịa nó tiếng Việt đi [05:59] <MrTuxHdb> mệt qúa =]] [05:59] <vubuntor091> kaka [05:59] <vubuntor091> :v [05:59] <vubuntor091> ai biết [06:00] <vubuntor091> cứ tưởng nước ngoài [06:00] <vubuntor091> xin lỗi nhé [06:00] <vubuntor091> Trước đó mình có cài ubuntu rồi, Khi đó Đã có sẵn win 8.1 dạng UEFI [06:01] <vubuntor091> Nhưng mình có vào bios chuyển lại Legency, sau đó chuyển sang UEFI như cũ thì vào máy ko còn Ubuntu trog menuboot nữa [06:02] <MrTuxHdb> thế khóc đi vậy [06:02] * MrTuxHdb nghèo chỉ dùng BIOS chứ không được dùng UEFI [06:02] <vubuntor091> :( [06:03] <vubuntor091> Sao lại là nghèo vs ko nghèo ở đây, Mình ko hiểu [06:04] <MrTuxHdb> vubuntor091: lúc cài Ubuntu thì cài ở mode nào? [11:46] <gioans> xin chào [11:46] <gioans> có ai ở đây không ? [11:46] <gioans> #ubuntu-vn [11:49] <gioans> có ai ở đây không ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MrTuxHdb", "gioans", "vubuntor091" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[00:11] <OvenWerks> zequence: after installing with no visible mouse, the mouse is fine in the installed version. [00:17] <OvenWerks> I guess it always has, but I am noticing for the first time that qjackctl looks tk/tcl ish :) It is nice that the Interface dropdown in qjackctl only has one now. It is much less confusing. [00:43] <OvenWerks> It is nice that even though I booted in uefi, I was able to install with out. [00:45] <OvenWerks> I don't think that was possible before. I still can't boot the 32 bit version at all. I select it and the sda grub gets displayed instead of the ISO one. [00:47] <OvenWerks> US-controls doesn't do anything (other than an error message) [04:59] <OvenWerks> Audio works fine, video stuff seems to work. Everything I tried works. I have not had any luck with the 32bit version though. I couldn't get it to boot on my netbook either. [05:01] <OvenWerks> So the installed version seems to be fine, booting has issues for the ISOs themselves. and the live session has an invisible mouse. [06:11] <zequence> DalekSec: Nice [06:12] <zequence> OvenWerks: I still haven't update -controls. HAd worked on it for a bit, but lost all my work a couple of months ago [06:12] <zequence> Started from scratch just recently [06:14] <DalekSec> Ouch. [06:19] <zequence> Yeah, you need to watch which drive you write new partition tables to :P [06:20] <zequence> If you accidentallt do over write the partition table of the drive you are using, I've found it will work for as long as the drive is mounted. [06:20] <zequence> I just didn't realize I had, so I went and rebooted. [06:26] <DalekSec> In git now at least? [06:29] <zequence> I have my own personal branch, until I get the structure sorted out [06:51] <astraljava> zequence: I ran the Xubuntu install last night, clocked in bit over an hour. I'll take your suggestions into account and try the Studio install this evening. [21:48] <astraljava> Oh wow! Cool wallpaper! [21:54] <OvenWerks> Seems to have been a new spin since last night. [22:09] <astraljava> Yep, fortunately figured it out before testing. Oh well, actually I had downloaded the amd64 image, so I needed to get a new one anyway (for vbox). [22:52] <DalekSec> zsync? [23:09] <astraljava> DalekSec: I suppose it works, if you have the correct image to begin with. [23:10] <DalekSec> astraljava: Well, you can zsync from flavor to flavor too of course. [23:10] <astraljava> How do I ensure that jack starts in real time? Is it the RT in the console, on yellow? [23:11] <astraljava> DalekSec: I guess so, didn't think of that. :) [23:29] <OvenWerks> astraljava: I generally look in the messages dialog to see that it tried to start RT (should be default) and there is no error in starting rt and memlock. [23:47] <astraljava> OvenWerks: There are many errors, such as: [23:47] <astraljava> Wed Apr 22 02:26:39 2015: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = PulseAudio JACK [23:47] <astraljava> Source was not finished, state = Running [23:47] <astraljava> Wed Apr 22 02:26:39 2015: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: [23:47] <astraljava> Process error [23:47] <astraljava> But I managed to hear Hydrogen generating drum sounds. [23:47] <astraljava> Cannot get desktop sounds to work, however. [23:48] <astraljava> That might be just because it's running in vbox. [23:48] <astraljava> It's almost 3 in the morning, can't be bothered to fight with it more without a few hours of sleep in between. :) [23:57] <OvenWerks> astraljava: xruns would be expected in a vbox yes.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "OvenWerks", "astraljava", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[03:24] <menn0> thumper, cherylj: [03:25] * thumper looks [03:26] <menn0> thumper: next PR will hook up bufferedLogWriter to the logsender worker and get these running inside the unit and machine agents [03:26] * thumper nods [04:16] <menn0> thumper: chat? [04:16] <thumper> menn0: sure [04:16] <menn0> thumper: which hangout? [04:16] <thumper> meh [04:16] <thumper> standup [04:16] <menn0> kk [07:22] <mattyw> morning all [07:26] <dimitern> morning [07:26] <dimitern> dooferlad, happy birthday! :) [07:26] <dooferlad> dimitern: :-) [08:04] <TheMue> morning o/ [08:05] <TheMue> dooferlad: oh, what do I see? happy birthday! [08:06] <TheMue> wow, April is always special, 5 to 6 birthdays per week, including our little daughter [09:58] <mattyw> gsamfira, ping? [10:02] <gsamfira> mattyw: pong\ [10:03] <mattyw> gsamfira, hey there - was good seeing you last week, couple of questions... [10:03] <gsamfira> mattyw: it was :D. Hope to do it son again :D [10:03] <gsamfira> mattyw: sure thing, shoot [10:04] <mattyw> gsamfira, 1. In one of the cloudbase talks there was a mention of common problems in unit tests, and one of them was "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". And there was a statement about the pattern that usually leads to it. Can you remember what that was? [10:04] <gsamfira> yup [10:04] <gsamfira> its opening a file for writing, defering the close and then movinf the file [10:04] <gsamfira> :) [10:05] <gsamfira> something like fd, err := os.Open("file"); defer fd.close; os.Move(fd.Name(), "/tmp/bla") [10:05] <gsamfira> that usually blows up on windows [10:06] <gsamfira> mattyw: simple way to get around it is to simply close the file before trying to delete or move it [10:06] <mattyw> gsamfira, ok cool, I'll see if I can fix some of those this week [10:07] <mattyw> gsamfira, question 2. Have you ever considered making a chocolately package for juju? [10:07] <gsamfira> mattyw: huh...good idea :D [10:07] <mattyw> gsamfira, I'll add that to my list as well :) [10:08] <mattyw> gsamfira, no more questions for now :) [10:09] <gsamfira> mattyw: there are some tests that try to do cleanup by simply doing a defer os.Remove("target"). Those can be replaced with defer func() { fd.Close(); os.Remove(fd.Name())}() [10:09] <gsamfira> if those are the ones you plan to fix [10:09] <gsamfira> then that would drasticly reduce the leftovers in $env:TMP [10:09] <gsamfira> :D [10:10] <mattyw> gsamfira, there are a number in apiserver that fail that way I think so I was hoping to make time to take a look at those this week [10:11] <gsamfira> mattyw: hmm. This must have happened in some recent commit. I did a merge on friday that fixed tests on windows again :) [10:11] <mattyw> gsamfira, ah - I have a branch from friday morning, I'll check again [10:13] <gsamfira> mattyw: <-- this should pass :)\ [12:11] <mattyw> gsamfira, yep, tests look good :) [12:11] <mattyw> (I ran them ages ago but totally forgot) [12:12] <gsamfira> mattyw: sweet! now we need to make them less flaky and finally run them in parallel to the ubuntu ones in the CI :P [12:12] <mattyw> gsamfira, is mgz taking that on? [12:12] <gsamfira> mattyw: yup. And we will help wherever we can :) [12:12] <jam> dimitern: reviewed your patch [12:17] <dimitern> jam, thanks! [12:23] <mup> Bug #1446608 was opened: agent panic on MAAS network with uppercase characters <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:New> <> [13:26] <mgz> mattyw: I sent mail about windows tests - there are a couple of metering suite failures that aren't immediately obvious to me [13:26] <mattyw> mgz, I just saw that - thanks very much. I'll take a look at those now [13:27] <mattyw> mgz, this on master? [13:27] <mgz> mattyw: yup, windows tests on master only [13:28] <mattyw> mgz, I'll take a look at the meterstatus one [13:28] <mattyw> mgz, the rest we need someone who knows more [13:28] <mgz> mattyw: yeah, I got 'em [13:35] <mup> Bug #1394755 changed: juju ensure-availability should be able to target existing machines <cloud-installer> <ha> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Released by natefinch> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by natefinch> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1430340 changed: Failing to create tempdir in tests on windows <test-failure> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by gabriel-samfira> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1432652 changed: upgrade_test.go: TestLoginsDuringUpgrade failing due to "upgrade in progress" <ci> <ppc64el> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by menno.smits> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1435152 changed: Can't deploy local charm in non-server environment <juju-core:Fix Released by waigani> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by waigani> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1438683 changed: Containers stuck allocating, interface not up <add-machine> <cloud-installer> <landscape> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by mfoord> <juju-core trunk:Fix Released by mfoord> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1439364 changed: error in logs: environment does not support networking <logging> <network> <juju-core:Fix Released by mfoord> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by mfoord> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1439447 changed: tools download in cloud-init should not go through http[s]_proxy <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Released by cherylj> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by cherylj> <> [13:36] <mup> Bug #1443440 changed: 1.23-beta4 sporadically fails autotests <local-provider> <mongodb> <systemd> <ubuntu-engineering> <vivid> <juju-core:Fix Released by menno.smits> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by menno.smits> <> [13:36] <mup> Bug #1443541 changed: juju 1.23b4 vivid panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference <openstack> <uosci> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <> [13:36] <mup> Bug #1443904 changed: Apache-licensed code has been borrowed with violation of license requirements <packaging> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by wallyworld> <> [13:41] <sinzui> dimitern, how goes the container addressability feature flag? [13:42] <dimitern> sinzui, it's being tested - so far, so good [13:42] <sinzui> :) [13:42] <dimitern> sinzui, I'll most likely land it in a couple of hours - I have a review and a few things to fix first [13:43] <sinzui> dimitern, understood. I am going to turn off CI so that it doesn't start testing something ahead of you. [13:43] <dimitern> thanks sinzui [13:48] <mup> Bug #1426461 changed: Some service.Service methods should return an error <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <> [13:48] <mup> Bug #1446662 was opened: Vivid bootstrap and destroy-environment intermittently fails <bootstrap> <destroy-environment> <golang> <vivid> <juju-core:In Progress by gz> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Committed by gz> <> [14:12] <mup> Bug #1351099 changed: WARNING juju.worker.uniter.charm git_deployer.go:200 no current staging repo <cloud-installer> <landscape> <logging> <usability> <juju-core:Fix Released by davidpbritton> <> [14:12] <mup> Bug #1414424 changed: envStateCollection FindId and RemveId don't filter on env-uuid field <juju-core:Fix Released by waigani> <> [14:12] <mup> Bug #1422791 changed: DestroyEnvironment does not remove entry from envusers <destroy-environment> <users> <juju-core:Fix Released by waigani> <> [15:02] <cherylj> Hey core team, join the bootstack / core call if you can. [15:03] <cherylj> cmars, dimitern, TheMue ^^ [15:03] <TheMue> cherylj: yup [15:03] <dimitern> cherylj, I won't manage, sorry :/ [15:17] <TheMue> cherylj: hmmmpf, do you see me moving? FF says it's freezed [15:17] <cherylj> TheMue: Yes, I do [15:17] <TheMue> cherylj: fine, and I can at least hear you [16:00] <lazyPower> o/ I have a question about the enhanced service-status code thats coming... will we get something on the node itself like "unit-get status" to determine the overall status of the service being deployed? or are we relying on hook context to determine the status as we have in the past. [16:21] <alexisb> lazyPower, can you send a note to fwereade [16:21] <lazyPower> will do [16:31] <alexisb> I need a volunteer for this bug: [16:31] <mup> Bug #1441826: deployer and quickstart are broken in 1.24-alpha1 <api> <ci> <deployer> <quickstart> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:Triaged> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [17:33] <mup> Bug #1444354 changed: juju backups includes previous backups in saved file <backup-restore> <juju-core:Fix Released> <> [19:41] <sinzui> cmars: juju-ci is failing because does not exist. I think I need to force this test to pass or not vote so that we can release 1.23.1 [19:44] <alexisb> sinzui, cmars is out [19:44] <alexisb> force the non vote [19:45] <sinzui> alexisb, looks like bad server on their side. I cannot get it either. [19:53] <stokachu> what's the recommended way to pull the current api state? i used to use juju.NewConnFromName [19:54] <stokachu> it looks like NewAPIClient and NewAPIRoot gives me access to the api state, is that the new recommended way? [19:54] <stokachu> api state + api client [20:42] <alexisb> stokachu, sorry missed your questions earlier [20:43] <alexisb> stokachu, can you send your question to juju-dev mailing list [20:43] <alexisb> stokachu, we still have many folks out on swap days [20:51] <stokachu> alexisb: ah ok, its not urgent just some exploritory work im doing in the juju internals [21:01] <lazyPower> o/ can someone point me in the right direction as to what i'm doing incorrectly thats spawning 'no unit id' [21:01] <lazyPower> [21:04] <alexisb> thumper, ericsnow, perrito666 others who might be online ^^^ [21:05] <lazyPower> the intention is getting/sending variables out of band of the hook context in which its intended. "such as i have networking config updated, and i need to transmit over the networking relationship between hosts" [21:07] <ericsnow> lazyPower: relation-get -r <rel id> <key> <unit id> [21:07] <ericsnow> lazyPower: looks like you are missing the unit ID [21:08] <lazyPower> root@juju-lazyp-canonistack-machine-9:/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-docker-0/charm# relation-get private-address -r 19 flannel-docker/0 [21:08] <lazyPower> [21:08] <lazyPower> oi [21:08] <lazyPower> ok i see *why* it has to be scoped that way though, so far i've only relation-set out of band. Thanks for the rundown ericsnow [21:09] <ericsnow> lazyPower: np :) [21:15] <mup> Bug #1446857 was opened: MeterStatusWatcher tests fail on windows test slave <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [21:45] <mup> Bug #1446871 was opened: Unit hooks fail on windows if PATH is uppercase <ci> <hooks> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [21:52] <sinzui> xwwt, alexisb and canonistack hates us. I will make the one failing non-voting because we have other tests in the substrate that passed an hour ago [22:05] <alexisb> wallyworld_, thumper can someone review williams pull request from earlier today [22:05] <wallyworld_> ok, will do soon [22:06] <alexisb> wallyworld_, anastasiamac is up for all call reviewer, but I would like william to have what he needs in the morning [22:06] <alexisb> wallyworld_, thanks [22:06] <wallyworld_> sure, np [22:37] <xwwt> sinzui: ty for the update on that [22:38] <sinzui> xwwt, we have a bless, I am waiting for all the assets to arrive to queue the release [22:38] <xwwt> sinzui: cool. ty for sticking with this [22:39] <mup> Bug #1446885 was opened: Skipped cmd/jujud/agent/upgrade_test.go tests on windows <skipped-test> <test-failure> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [22:48] <sinzui> wallyworld_, thumper : do either of you have a minute to review [22:48] <wallyworld_> sure [22:48] <wallyworld_> sinzui: +1 [22:50] <mgz> ocr: [23:06] <sinzui> mgz: I have ci paused. I can wait a few hours for your current branch [23:07] <mgz> sinzui: for trunk? sounds good, I have one more test script change to work around a bunch of uniter failures [23:08] <sinzui> mgz, yes trunk. I don't want to test 1.23 again given how unwell joyent, aws, and canonistack at this hour [23:56] <wallyworld_> thumper: i've updated if you could take another look that would be great
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TheMue", "alexisb", "cherylj", "dimitern", "dooferlad", "ericsnow", "gsamfira", "jam", "lazyPower", "mattyw", "menn0", "mgz", "mup", "sinzui", "stokachu", "thumper", "wallyworld_", "xwwt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[18:02] <newltsp> Hey guys i just created an edubuntu ltsp server [18:03] <newltsp> everything is working fine. I wanted to know how to make my server store users home dirs in a nfs server? [18:08] <newltsp> Guys please help
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "newltsp" ], "url": "", "channel": "#edubuntu" }
[00:22] <mariogrip> ehhm? why is my system-image server using gzip compressed data for Ubuntu rootsf and XZ compressed data on Device/android data? [00:26] <cwayne> mariogrip, not sure, but that could explain why people were running out of space [00:28] <mariogrip> but the updater scrip in recovery that progress the files is made for XZ, so it will fail [03:27] <Novicer_> Have a question about installing Ubuntu on Nexus 10. From it looks like we are pretty much ready to go. However, from looking at, I can't tell which of all the applications will run under Ubuntu on the Nexus 10. Will all the applications within a desktop also work on within the Nexus 10 environment? [03:30] <tango> hi [03:30] <tango> anyone online? [03:31] <tango> hi? [03:32] <tango> How to use ubuntu-sdk? [03:34] <Novicer_> I'm also waiting to see if anyone is online to answer my question. :-( [03:34] <tango> owh I see [03:34] <Novicer_> Been waiting for about 7 minutes. [03:34] <tango> so, what's your problem? [03:35] <Novicer_> Have a question about installing Ubuntu on Nexus 10. From it looks like we are pretty much ready to go. However, from looking at, I can't tell which of all the applications will run under Ubuntu on the Nexus 10. Will all the applications within a desktop also work on within the Nexus 10 environment? [03:36] <tango> If the application written in HTML5 and QML, chance to run them are pretty high. [03:36] <tango> and Nexus is supported, I believe. [03:36] <Novicer_> Yes, Nexus 10 is supported. [03:36] <tango> HTML5 and QML is not compiled, that's why it's so portable. [03:37] <Novicer_> OK, how will a non-deveoper determine if an app (korganizer to be exact) has been written in HTML5 or QML? [03:37] <tango> well, you can see the project in PPA. [03:39] <Novicer_> I'm searching the Internet now for Ubuntu PPA [03:39] <tango> That's good. [03:40] <tango>'s Launchpad [03:40] <tango> ppa is the repository for Launchpad, 3rd party repos. [03:44] <Novicer_> shows kdepim (which is the container package for korganizer), but I don't see how I can determine if is was written in HTML5 or QML. [03:45] <tango> let me check for you. [03:46] <Novicer_> Ah, looking at the source code, it looks like it is written in C++. [03:47] <Novicer_> Wait, there is a folder called mobile which contains qml. :-) [03:47] <tango> It's sounds like it using Qt [03:47] <tango> yep [03:47] <tango> that's great [03:47] <tango> but it's good to email the developers [03:47] <Novicer_> Yeah! Cool. OK, thank you very much tango. [03:48] <tango> See this if you want to browse other apps [03:48] <tango> [03:49] <Novicer_> VERY nice. Thank you! [03:50] <tango> although, it's not official. Hope you feel good to use Ubuntu-Touch later. :D [03:52] <tango> and I can't install from site, the links is corrupted somehow. So, it's better to browse the official repositories. (I prefer and in the same time, no, since it's mix up with desktop apps.) [03:57] <Novicer_> OK, thanks again. [04:08] <lotuspsychje> the alternative appstore is fantastic, nice work [04:17] <lotuspsychje> [04:18] <lotuspsychje> every day i read something new :p [05:01] <tango> hi [05:04] <tango> Anyone here is a QML programmer? [05:04] <tango> need help embedding C++ in JS with this Meta language. [05:09] <lotuspsychje> tango: idle here a bit longer until devs are awake [06:25] <robin-hero> Hi all! I have just found a bug which is affected me (in other language), please enable the "bug affects you" option, because it is a high priority bug. [06:40] <Mirv> Saviq: can you maybe also (double)confirm bug #1441822 seems fixed with silo 015? [06:50] <Guest99328> hello ? who know about indicator-messages package? [06:51] <Guest99328> I want to send a message, but I do not know how to send [06:51] <robin-hero> Guest99328: What would you like to? [06:52] <Guest99328> Hi robin-hero: I want to send a message to Notifications [06:52] <Guest99328> my special message [06:54] <robin-hero> [06:54] <robin-hero> [06:55] <Guest99328> my application maybe a daemon, it can send a specal message to unity8, Just like a normal SMS [06:57] <Guest99328> Hi robin-hero, would you contact the developer for indicator-messages package? push notification is not what I want. [06:58] <robin-hero> Guest99328: Sorry, I am only an user, just tried to help you with no luck :) [07:00] <Guest99328> thanks all the same [07:03] <RAOF> Guest99328: Bear in mind that you can't be a daemon; your app will only run while it's foregrounded. [07:06] <Saviq> Mirv, will do [07:08] <dholbach> good morning [07:14] <Guest99328> HI RAOF, are you from Canonical ? [07:18] <RAOF> Guest99328: Yes, but not directly working on the phone API. [07:20] <Guest99328> thanks, RAOF! [08:11] <robin-hero> Hi all! I have just found a bug which is affected me (in other language), please click the "bug affects you" option, because it is a high priority bug because it is visible many times for the users. [08:18] <leousa> Hi folks, I have a question regarding the ubuntu-push-client in the Ubuntu phone BQ (r21) [08:19] <leousa> After last update, the push notification system, in particular for Telegram doesn't work at all [08:19] <leousa> I have installed the "Hello" app to test it, but upon launch it throws and error [08:20] <leousa> :ERROR: The name com.ubuntu.PushNotifications was not provided by any .service files [08:20] <leousa> any idea why this is happening? [08:22] <leousa> If I try from terminal> restart ubuntu-push-client [08:22] <leousa> restart: Unknown instance [08:23] <leousa> If i try from terminal> status ubuntu-push-client [08:23] <leousa> ubuntu-push-client stop/waiting [08:32] <leousa> anyone? [08:33] <popey> leousa: dont think the people who know about this have woken up yet [08:34] <robin-hero> leousa: Sorry, I can't help you, maybe ask your question a little bit later, when more developers will here [08:34] <leousa> alright, thanks folks [08:34] <richi__> When trying to create a kit in QtCreator on trisquel belenos : Error creating textual authentication agent: Error opening current controlling terminal for the process (`/dev/tty'): No such device or address [08:35] <robin-hero> popey: I have just saw your bug about Today scope. It is available still, but it has a new name: Daily Info [08:40] <popey> robin-hero: what do you mean by "still available"? [08:40] <Se7> morning @all [08:40] <richi__> Can I create a kit from the commandline? [09:07] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Kindergarten Day! :-D [09:09] <dadexix86> JamesTait, what is Kindergarten Day? :O [09:10] <JamesTait> dadexix86, :) [09:10] <ogra_> the day where you trhow your lunch custard at your colleagues perhaps ? [09:10] <JamesTait> ogra_, if only my colleagues weren't so far away! [09:11] <ogra_> you just have to throw very hard ! [09:11] <pitti> kalikiana, sil2100: added the legacy and currnet autopilot build dep, but that's all in universe [09:11] <pitti> sil2100: the silos apparently are mis-configured to not respect teh main/universe component check? [09:11] <dadexix86> JamesTait, it is the first time that I hear about it! do you know in which countries is it celebrated? :) [09:12] <pitti> kalikiana, sil2100: thus ubuntu-ui-toolkit is unbuildable; we need to fix the mismatch today-ish [09:13] <bzoltan_> pitti: would you mind to file a bug please and assign it to kalikiana? [09:13] <ogra_> pitti, we build from universe by default ~60% of our packages live there [09:13] <JamesTait> dadexix86, I don't think I've heard of it before, either. I doubt it's a "real" celebration - most of the ones on that site aren't, but I like to try and find something to celebrate in every day. ;) [09:13] <sil2100> pitti: I don't think we have any checks for those in our silos, hmm [09:13] <sil2100> Ok, that's bad [09:13] <pitti> ogra_: I know, but ubuntu-ui-toollkit is in main [09:13] <ogra_> oh [09:13] <ogra_> yeah [09:14] <pitti> sil2100: wgrant just looked, and appaerntly there's a checkbox, but it has the wrong value? [09:15] <wgrant> Right, on the "Edit PPA dependencies" page there is a radio button to select whether ogre-model is respected. [09:15] <sil2100> pitti: where's the checkbox? [09:15] <pitti> what wgrant said [09:15] <sil2100> pitti, wgrant: the 'Ubuntu components' radio select? [09:17] <wgrant> sil2100: Right. [09:17] <wgrant> With "Use all Ubuntu components available" everything builds against multiverse. [09:17] <sil2100> wgrant: hm, I think this was always set to this, not sure if anyone actually knew of what this option does [09:17] <pitti> bzoltan_, kalikiana: filed bug 1446533 [09:18] <bzoltan_> pitti: thanks [09:18] <pitti> I'm trying to build the package without the ap build dep, I figure I sohld get the sphinx error again? [09:20] <kalikiana> pitti: yes [09:20] <kalikiana> so, what exactly can I do here to fix this? if I remove the build dep it'll be akin to not fixing the bug… [09:21] <sil2100> wgrant: so, when the radio button select is on 'Use the same components used for each source in the Ubuntu primary archive.', does it mean it simply won't allow fetching main package deps from universe, but would still allow the other way around, right? [09:22] <sil2100> wgrant: e.g. a main package adding universe deps would not work (as we like), but universe packages can fetch main deps? [09:22] <wgrant> sil2100: Right, the "Use the same components [...]" option behaves like the primary archive, except that sources that don't exist in the primary archive will pretend to be in multiverse. [09:22] <pitti> kalikiana: I guess there's some options: (1) see if merely reverting the fix would be a release critical bug, or see if we can ignore it [09:22] <pitti> kalikiana: (2) copy the two bits of required autopilot macros (or whatever it needs) into ui-toolkit [09:22] <sil2100> Nice [09:23] <pitti> kalikiana: (3) try and move to python3-autopilot (please let's not peruse the legacy stuff), and bring that into main [09:23] <sil2100> wgrant: ok, thanks, I guess now that I know about it it would be nice to use it for all our PPAs ;) Let me do that today [09:23] <pitti> kalikiana: so hte package builds without the build-dep, but I d oget teh sphinx error again [09:24] <kalikiana> pitti: it's not about macros. sphinx imports the actual module wehn building the docs [09:24] <pitti> kalikiana: the thing I wonder about -- why does ui-toolkit need to inspect the autopilot python module? shouldn't the docs for AP be built by AP, not by ui-toolkit? [09:25] <pitti> kalikiana: could we just ship an empty dummy autopilot/ there to quiesce that? [09:25] <kalikiana> pitti: hmmm [09:25] <kalikiana> maybe [09:27] <Mirv> I just filed bug #1446541 , can you confirm or do you know of a duplicate one? [09:31] <kalikiana> pitti: I'm trying it out now [09:31] <pitti> kalikiana: cool, danke [09:50] <kalikiana> pitti: doesn't look like a fake is going to do it, it's imported fully like in a real autopilot run [09:51] <pitti> kalikiana: you mean it actually wants symbols from that? that sounds just wrong [09:51] <kalikiana> pitti: it does indeed. it's complaining about matchers and dbus not being in my fake [09:55] <pitti> kalikiana: can one tell it to not try and build the whole autopilot docs? [09:58] <kalikiana> pitti: it doesn't [09:59] <kalikiana> it's just uitk docs [10:00] <pitti> well, there must be something which refers to the AP docs? [10:01] <kalikiana> the uitk python module is imported which in turn imports autopilot [10:01] <kalikiana> technically sphinx doesn't do that [10:01] <pitti> ah, that way around [10:02] <kalikiana> you mentioned python3, what can we do there? [10:02] <kalikiana> at the time of that change, we still supported python2 and 3 so the choice was arbitrary really [10:03] <kalikiana> we could easily use python3-autopilot [10:03] <pitti> kalikiana: if we want to MIR all those autopilot deps, we at least don't want to support the obsolete one [10:03] <pitti> although, hmm -- reading the graph on that wouldn't actually help [10:05] <kalikiana> is autopilot-legacy the same as python-autopilot? [10:06] <pitti> kalikiana: yes [10:06] <pitti> ap-legacy is the source package, p-ap the binary [10:06] <pitti> (one of the binaries) [10:07] <kalikiana> ah [10:07] <kalikiana> okay [10:08] <kalikiana> pitti: so how do you figure that it wouldn't help? from the graph I can't tell that much [10:09] <pitti> kalikiana: because bringing p3-autopilot into main still transitively depends on the old one [10:09] <pitti> because autopilot-gtk still builds modules for both [10:09] <pitti> I guess once we moved everything away from ap-legacy we can stop building the python2 modules in -gtk and -qt [10:09] <pitti> but that sounds too late now for vivid [10:13] <richi__> Can I create a kit for QtCreator/UbuntuSDK from the commandline? [10:14] <pitti> elopio, didrocks, bzoltan_: last week jibel mentioned that newer click packages using the SDK now have their tests in app/tests/autopilot/ not tests/autopilot/ any more; is that true? [10:14] <pitti> elopio, didrocks, bzoltan_: if so, I should probably apply so that one can actually run the tests? [10:16] <kalikiana> pitti: so conclusion is to kick out the dependency? [10:18] <kalikiana> short of shipping a copy of ap in the uitk for the purpose of building docs, which we probably don't want either… doesn't seem like we have other options [10:19] <pitti> kalikiana: if that's less work than you writing 8 MIRs and getting them reviewed by EOD today, yes (I very much think that MIRing them would be a lot more effort) [10:19] <pitti> kalikiana: could we pre-build the documentatoin and just ship it, as a workaround? [10:21] <kalikiana> hmmm presumably we could [10:23] <kalikiana> though tbh I'm not keen on prebuilt docs; the almost never updated docs on d.u.c are an example of why… [10:25] <pitti> kalikiana: yeah, me neither; but at this point we need a solution fast, I'm afraid :/ [10:30] <kalikiana> I'm giving it a try; in theory we can just ship the built files [10:57] <kalikiana> pitti: bzoltan_ [11:00] <pitti> kalikiana: reviewed, thanks! [11:05] <knightwise> morning [11:05] <knightwise> I did the update on my BQ phone a couple of days ago .. but now I have icons that no longer show up [11:06] <knightwise> instead of (for example) the transmission icon .. i just have a blank icon in the application scope and in the toolbar on the left [11:06] <knightwise> anyone else have this experience ? [11:09] <ogra_> knightwise, someone filed a bug for that, yes [11:12] <mcphail> Where do I search for bugs about the lockscreen? Unity-greeter on launchpad seems to be desktop orientated [11:13] <ogra_> the greeter is inside unity8 on the phone [11:13] <mcphail> I read somewhere in the unity8 buglist that the greeter had been made a separate package. Is that incorrect? [11:16] <ogra_> mcphail, it still lives in the same source afaik ... it has its own binary package ... ( Saviq may correct me if i'm wrong) [11:17] <jgdx> pitti, how's it going? :) [11:19] <mcphail> Thanks ogra_ [11:20] <Saviq> mcphail, unity8 still indeed [11:22] <mcphail> Saviq: cheers. Searching now [11:22] <pitti> jgdx: having lots of fun with last-minute release-critical bugs :) [11:23] <pitti> jdstrand: greetings from Blue Fin! [11:23] <davmor2> pitti: man if that's your idea of fun you need to get out more [11:23] <davmor2> jibel: tonight kidnap pitti make him do something fun show him what fun really is ;) [11:26] <ogra_> pete-woods, tedg, i'm tasked to make a comparison between RTM and vivid image sizes ... looking at the added/removed packages i see the hud has come back in vivid, eating massive amounts of space due to the sphinx deps ... could we un-seed it again (since we dont use the hud on the phone still) [11:28] <pete-woods> ogra_: it's definitely not needed on the phone, no [11:28] <ogra_> sil2100, ^^^ do you have any ideas when the hud and unitzy-voice-service entered vivid images ? i cant find a changeset for that [11:28] <jgdx> pitti, :( Good luck! Let me know when things quiet down ( :P ). [11:29] <ogra_> sil2100, the first trace of it in vivid is image 174, but thats an upgrade, it has been seeded before apparently [11:31] <ogra_> seb128, any idea why the phone in vivid ships adwaita-icon-theme ? [11:34] <Se7> no news about thar :( [11:35] <seb128> ogra_, it's the new name for gnome-icon-theme [11:35] <seb128> ogra_, which is in your removed list [11:36] <ogra_> seb128, yeah, but only at a third of the size [11:36] <seb128> ogra_, talk to Laney and darkxst, they should be equivalent [11:36] <sil2100> ogra_: hud? hm, I think it never actually got removed from the images [11:36] <mcphail> My bq phone sometimes does not respond to swipes to unlock, and the circle in the middle does not change text when double-tapped. I can still unlock the phone by pulling in the dash, selecting an app and typing the unlock code. My phone is in this state just now. Where should I start debugging? [11:36] <ogra_> sil2100, it is seeded :P [11:37] * ogra_ checks the commit logs for the seed [11:37] <sil2100> ogra_: I remember there was a MR from you that wanted to remove it from the seeds but it never got merged [11:37] <sil2100> I remember it since I saw it in the sponsoring queue as part of another change [11:37] <sil2100> So it never got unseeded ;) [11:37] <ogra_> sil2100, well, the vivid seeds should base on the rtm ones and rtm doesnt have it seeded [11:38] <sil2100> It's not that it got re-added, just never removed in vivid [11:38] <ogra_> | == Apps == [11:38] <ogra_> | [11:38] <ogra_> | * hud [11:38] <ogra_> 9 ogra@ub | * webbrowser-app [11:38] <ogra_> yeah [11:38] <ogra_> bzr blame agrees [11:38] <ogra_> damn [11:42] <kalikiana> bzoltan_: re-targeted the branch [11:46] <mcphail> Does anyone know the best way to debug my lock screen? It isn't unlocking when swiped [11:47] <mcphail> ls [11:47] <ogra_> Laney, seb128, FYI, i unseeded hud from touch ... but left it in desktop since you guys dont have the size restrictions touch has ... so people can still play with hud stuff on unity8 desktop [11:48] <Laney> can you access it? [11:48] <ogra_> not sure, but if someone wants to work on ways to access it, it is available [11:48] <seb128> ogra_, thanks [11:48] <Laney> i'd remove it as well if it's not useful [11:48] <seb128> +1 [11:48] <Laney> (imo) [11:48] <ogra_> ok [11:48] <Laney> thanks [11:49] <popey> mcphail: probably crashed [11:49] <popey> mcphail: is the time updating? [11:49] <mcphail> popey: yes. I'd like to debug it to get a fix. Happens every couple of days [11:50] <popey> mcphail: wait for a few minutes, probably apport is writing a crash file in /var/crash [11:50] <popey> let it finish [11:50] <mcphail> popey: can still unlock by opening app from launcher [11:50] <popey> oh [11:50] <popey> its not frozen completely then? [11:50] <ogra_> ah [11:50] <mcphail> popey: no [11:50] <ogra_> only the right swipe s broken ? [11:50] <popey> greeter crash? [11:50] <ogra_> we have a bug for that somewhere [11:50] <mcphail> popey: info in circle doesn't change on double tap [11:50] <ogra_> popey, no [11:50] <popey> ok. i dont know then. [11:51] <mcphail> ogra_: i can't find a bug filed under unity8 [11:51] <ogra_> bug 1391149 [11:51] <ogra_> fix is in vivid already it seems ... just a matter of time to hit the phones [11:53] <mcphail> ogra_: that'll be why i couldn't find it, if fix released :) [11:53] <ogra_> yeah, it isnt fix released in RTM [12:03] <ogra_> slangasek, i see you did the merge of console-setup in vivid, is console-setup-linux a new package that debian introduced or is it just split out of the former console-setup (wondering if the extra 1M the -linux package eats now have been used before in RTM) [12:17] <kekambas> cwayne, sup? [12:18] <kekambas> ogra_, sup? [12:30] <Mirv> which project to file design requests under? I remember seeing it but I now can't find a bug where it would be included [12:30] <robin-hero> Mirv: [12:31] <Mirv> robin-hero: thanks! that's exactly what I was searching for but just couldn't remember. [12:31] <robin-hero> Mirv: you're welcome! [12:36] <leousa> anyone here can help with a problem in ubuntu-push-client? [12:38] <Mirv> so my first bug is actually bug #1384814 <- jdstrand I heard you were also interested in that at some point, can you give your input in there too (if you have anything to add)? [12:39] <jdstrand> pitti: hi! :) [12:45] * ogra_ is totally with Laney on that bug [12:45] <ogra_> i would freak out if i couldnt lock my phone and had to wait on a timer [12:45] <leousa> :ERROR: The name com.ubuntu.PushNotifications was not provided by any .service files [12:45] <leousa> any idea what can be causing this? [12:46] <ogra_> your push service not running i would guess ... [12:46] <leousa> well yeah that's the problem [12:46] <leousa> no notifications since last OTA [12:46] <leousa> still don't know why [12:46] <ogra_> is that an unmodified, readonly standard image on a bq ? [12:46] <leousa> or how to fix [12:47] <leousa> yes, is a BQ phone r21 unmodified [12:47] * ogra_ forgot who took over the push service from Chipaca [12:47] <Chipaca> leousa: the push team is coming online, i'd expect them to answer your email shortly [12:48] <leousa> great, i have filed the bug on launchpad Bug #1445465 [12:48] <Chipaca> leousa: question: did you install anything on your phone via apt-get or something like that? [12:48] <leousa> nope nothing [12:48] <leousa> just some apps from app store [12:48] <Chipaca> leousa: yes, i saw that, that's what i meant about people getting back to you [12:49] <Chipaca> leousa: something is very busted on your phone :( nothing we can't fix, i hope, but i'll leave it to the team [12:49] <leousa> not very encouraging but thanks anyway [12:49] <leousa> since i haven't done anything to bust it [12:50] <ogra_> you seem to be the only one seeing this so far though [12:50] <Chipaca> leousa: yeah. So if you could have a bit of patience, your phone is the only instance we know of that's doing this, so we need your help figuring it out before we can fix it [12:50] <ogra_> (at least from the people we get feedback from, there is surely enough others not on the ML, IRC or G+) [12:51] <leousa> I am all about patience :) [12:51] <Chipaca> leousa: excellent :) thank you, and sorry it's messed up [12:51] <Chipaca> ralsina: ^^ fwiw [12:51] * Chipaca goes for lunch [12:53] <Mirv> and here's my other part of that bug, bug #1446635 [12:55] <robin-hero> Hi all! I think my GPS doesn't work. I tried it several time, but no luck. (bq, r21) Pictures:,JAoea2t#1 [12:58] <popey> robin-hero: what do you see in system settings -> security & privacy -> location ? [13:01] <robin-hero> popey: [13:04] <ogra_> Saviq, what does unity8 use from unity-asset-pool ? it pulls in a lot of unwanted theme packages [13:04] <robin-hero> popey: How many minutes while the GPS has got signal? I tried it for about 10 minutes. [13:05] <pitti> hey jdstrand [13:05] <ogra_> robin-hero, without network about 20-30min [13:05] <ogra_> and you should be outside or near a window [13:05] <Saviq> ogra_, dunno from the top of my head, we'd need to find out [13:05] <Mirv> I know my Bq usage escalates quickly to the "hack" area, but what would be a way to disable app lifecycle management for a certain app (like terminal) [13:06] <ogra_> Saviq, yeah, we do, that eats a lot of space ... [13:06] <Mirv> breaking ssh connections are unfortunate [13:06] <robin-hero> ogra_: I have network (tried in a big city) and of course outside [13:06] <ogra_> robin-hero, your indicator shows you have no network [13:06] <ogra_> at least when you took the screenshot [13:07] <Saviq> ogra_, well, truth be told, we're not depending on it directly, so you can assume we're not using anything from it :P [13:07] <robin-hero> ogra_: Yeah, the third one. I took this pictures later inside :) see the first and the second pictures [13:07] <Saviq> ogra_, none of us were looking explicitly at that package to find any assets I don't think (will ask in our standup) [13:08] <ogra_> Saviq, thanks ... it pulls in humanity-icon-theme, ubuntu-mono and adwaita-icon-theme [13:09] <ogra_> about 10-20M in total on disk [13:09] <tsdgeos> anyone knows where do i open a bug if the weather app "find me" says i'm like 600km away from where i am? [13:09] <ogra_> tsdgeos, i'm sure there is one open ... though 600km is a new record ... [13:09] <ogra_> for me its usually 200km [13:10] <ogra_> cwayne, ^^^ do you remember the bug number ? [13:11] <tsdgeos> 614km by car i guess straight line would be a bit less [13:11] <Mirv> ogra_: Saviq: I filed a bug tracking among else unity-asset-pool and others regarding their pulling of GTK3 at bug #1436211 - just removing unity-asset-pool is not enough, but fixing the need of it would be beneficial [13:11] <ogra_> iirc that scope uses geoip data [13:11] <cwayne> tsdgeos, ogra_ [13:11] <ogra_> Mirv, lovely, thanks ! [13:12] <ogra_> pmcgowan, can we get bug 1436211 on the canonical-system-image radar ? [13:13] <Mirv> I will try to take care of bug #1436215 when Debian decides what to do about it :) [13:14] <ogra_> Mirv, i doubt we can get rid of gtk3 though ... unless e-d-s stops using glib [13:14] <Mirv> ogra_: well glib is not the problem, gtk3 dep is [13:15] <pmcgowan> ogra_, jeesh [13:15] <ogra_> oh, i see it now [13:15] <Mirv> the eds library only uses libglib, but the question is if e-d-s can be modified to not require GTK3 since we're not using GUI parts of it [13:15] * ogra_ was looking at the wrong package [13:15] <ogra_> yeah [13:15] <ogra_> but that doesnt look like a quick thing :/ [13:16] <Mirv> not all good things are quick :) [13:16] <ogra_> but free ! [13:16] <ogra_> :) [13:16] <Mirv> good things also come to those who wait [13:16] <seb128> ogra_, having e-d-s not pulling gtk should be easy enough, I looked at that previous cycle (and I though I did the change, but maybe not) [13:16] <ogra_> seb128, oh ! [13:20] <speck84> Hy all [13:20] <speck84> I wish to do my first app in ubuntu touch [13:20] <ogra_> yay [13:20] <speck84> Can somebody sop kind and help to fix my ubuntu [13:20] <speck84> It's something missing [13:21] <speck84> But I don't know what [13:21] <speck84> Anyway hello work doesnt work ide [13:22] <speck84> Orga can u pls help me out from this crysis [13:22] <jgdx> what's missing? [13:22] <speck84> First of all not working secondly it keep asking me to install 15.04 amfs but is done several times [13:23] <speck84> in a QML project there is not loading I will show u [13:23] <jgdx> what directions did you follow? [13:25] <speck84> ubuntu deleloper webpage guided me [13:25] <speck84> I using Ubuntu 15.04 RC [13:25] <speck84> ^$it [13:25] <speck84> My phone is nexus 4 [13:27] <jgdx> what webpage and what step are you on? [13:28] <speck84> jgdx [13:28] <speck84> the genuin ubuntu [13:28] <speck84> Here is my errors [13:28] <speck84> [13:28] <speck84> and another [13:28] <speck84> [13:29] <speck84> Thats all my problem [13:30] <ogra_> bzoltan_, ^^^^ [13:30] <bzoltan_> bzoltan_: let me see [13:30] <ogra_> heh [13:30] <speck84> Thx mate I priciate [13:30] <speck84> BZOltan are u hungarian? [13:31] <bzoltan_> speck84: Yes, I am [13:31] <speck84> Me too [13:31] <bzoltan_> speck84: We are everywhere :) We rule the world :D [13:31] <speck84> shell we go in to private Bzoltan? [13:31] <bzoltan_> speck84: as you wish [13:31] <speck84> thx [13:37] <Saviq> cwayne, can you please adopt bug #1446636 [13:40] <cwayne_> Saviq, yep, was moving it over but got pulled into a meeting [13:40] <Saviq> tx [14:01] <slangasek> ogra_: it's a split of the previous package [14:01] <ogra_> slangasek, thanks [14:15] <JamesTait> popey, do you know who is the best person to give feedback on the Aquaris user manual? My dad found an error. :) [14:15] <popey> JamesTait: victorp i think [14:15] <JamesTait> Thanks! :) [14:16] <victorp> JamesTait, send me in an email and I will send it to bq [14:16] <JamesTait> victorp, perfect, I'll do that. Thanks guys! [14:28] <jgdx> mpt, hey, there's a thing I don't understand wrt the apn spec. When you open the editor (dialog), are the text fields empty or prepopulated? [14:33] <jgdx> mpt, I've implemented the design and my experience, from using it a while, says it should be populated with the currently active APN. [14:35] <mpt> jgdx, of course :-) [14:37] <jgdx> mpt, really? :p Are you saying I sometimes have to think for myself? [14:43] <mpt> jgdx, it was implied by the citation of bug 1388222, but I’ve just made it explicit. <> [14:44] <jgdx> mpt, awesome. Thanks. [15:21] <faenil> tsdgeos: would you happen to know why using mascot instead of art as the source for a card image makes it collapse as if it had no image? [15:21] <faenil> the image is shown, but the card is too short [15:21] <tsdgeos> faenil: bug? :D [15:21] <faenil> xD [15:21] <faenil> I don't see why it happens... [15:22] <tsdgeos> faenil: can you make it happen with make tryCard? [15:22] <faenil> currently they have the same path [15:22] <faenil> I can't test that because I'm using custom stuff [15:22] <faenil> art and mascot have the same path atm, but one makes the card collapse... [15:22] <faenil> (still the image shows, so the path is correct) [15:23] <faenil> I wonder if it could have something to do with the mascot being a variant on c++ side, while art is directly a string [15:23] <faenil> but I can't see how that should affect anything :/ [15:23] <faenil> (as long as the image can access that strinG) [15:25] <faenil> mm no it's not that...using "result" (which is a string on c++ side) also makes it collapse (but still, the image shows) [15:30] <faenil> and the heights are correct.. [15:32] <tsdgeos> faenil: did you do any change to the card creator code? [15:33] <faenil> sure :) [15:34] <faenil> I still can't see how modifying the property which feeds an image can cause this, as long as the image can access that property [15:40] <nik90> victorp: ping (about bug 1446715) [15:40] <victorp> hi nik90 [15:40] <nik90> victorp: hi, in the bug report you mention " While the new version shows the far is full straight away" .. was it version 0.6.beta4 that you tested? [15:41] <nik90> victorp: you can check that in Settings->About [15:41] <victorp> beta2 [15:41] <victorp> I can try 4 [15:41] <nik90> victorp: ah..we improved that behavior in beta4..You can find that in [15:41] <victorp> do you have a link to download it? [15:42] <nik90> victorp: [15:43] <nik90> victorp: the issue is that sometime ubuntu download manager returns strange download values and it seems to be a upstream bug. We have already reported it at bug 1420853 [15:43] <faenil> tsdgeos: if I use a hardcoded path it works, if I use art it works, if I use mascot, the image still shows but the size is wrong [15:43] <faenil> sounds like a timing issue with the evaluation of the CardGrid card height [15:43] <faenil> (I'd think it uses bindings...) [15:44] <tsdgeos> may be [15:44] <tsdgeos> it's all a bit complex in there [15:45] <faenil> yeah [15:50] <felipealmeida> has anyone succeeded in using ubuntu touch in samsung s4 or s5? [15:51] <ogra_> !devices [15:51] <ogra_> felipealmeida, see that wikipage [15:52] <felipealmeida> ogra_: thanks [15:52] <victorp> nik90, at the moment the app is refusing to download anything, trying to clean it up [15:53] <felipealmeida> ogra_: since ubuntu touch leverages on cyanogenmod, it should not be that hard to port it right? [15:53] <felipealmeida> for S5, it is not in the list [15:53] <ogra_> we moved to AOSP quite a while ago [15:53] <nik90> victorp: ok..all downloaded stuff should be in .local/share/com.mikeasoft/podcasts folder [15:54] <victorp> nik90, ok a reboot worked, I can see what you have done in beta4 with an infinite download bar [15:54] <victorp> wfm.. [15:54] <victorp> nik90, I will close the bug [15:54] <nik90> :) [15:56] <felipealmeida> ogra_: the point is still valid on the porting? [15:56] <felipealmeida> if I install the closed source drivers, ofc [15:57] <ogra_> you need to rebuild the android tree and remove most of it ... add the ubuntu bits (libhybris and other stuff), patch the kernel to support all required pieces ... and sprinkle your binary drivers in the right places [15:58] <ogra_> see the porting guide from the channel topic [16:02] <rsalveti> felipealmeida: easy to do if you have an AOSP based port for such devices [16:04] <nik90> Elleo: I think if you add qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin, you dont need to add qml-module-qt-labs-settings and qml-module-qtquick-localstorage since they the sdk should already depend on them, no? [16:08] <Elleo> nik90: seems not, someone on the ubuntu forums found those packages were missing when they installed [16:08] <nik90> Elleo: oh [16:12] <pitti> sil2100: can we land now? it's on the images, and we are getting pressed for having a good candidate image [16:12] <sil2100> pitti: hey! Let me take a look [16:12] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti: that MR is targeting the stagin [16:13] <pitti> yeah, we originally had an MP targetting trunk [16:13] <pitti> and this got superseded [16:13] <pitti> not sure how this staging branch thing works [16:13] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti: unless if you want to pull it it from the normal landing process and push it straight to the trunk. [16:13] <sil2100> bzoltan_: we'll need to have this released ASAP - do you have any changes staged in staging? [16:13] <bzoltan_> pitti: we have a pretty solid landing process... to avoid regression [16:13] <sil2100> bzoltan_: we could get it into staging and then release it as a cherrypick to trunk too [16:14] <sil2100> Since I guess this is blocking vivid release [16:14] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti I have 4 other important changes in the staging. I was about to start a new landing today .. but kalikiana had problems with the license check and Jenkins failed on this MR [16:14] <sil2100> pitti: is infinity aware of the problems caused by UITK and that we're waiting for this to be fixed? [16:15] <sil2100> bzoltan_: hm, I would say let's release it as it is, as to release staging you'd have to run all the tests, right? [16:15] <pitti> sil2100: yes, he asked me to coordinate with you and discuss how we could solve this with you [16:15] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti: this MR what you want is not effecting the UITK's functionality at all.. so if you want we can push it to the trunk and land it on a fast track [16:15] <pitti> the pre-compiled docs shouldn't have a runtime impact, as long as the resulting .debs are the same, right? [16:15] <sil2100> bzoltan_: so my idea would be - try getting this to staging as well so that it's merging cleanly and just merge to trunk [16:15] <sil2100> And release [16:15] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti: Yes, landing via staging means about 24h [16:16] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ok, the same thing as what I would propose, let's fasttrack it [16:16] <pitti> so we could take the original MP into trunk, and rebase staging? [16:16] <freerage> Hi, I'm back with my SMS import from android to touch. I managed to convert the android file to the history.sqlite (text_events) to try out but since then imported sent messages (from self) has a busy icon just in the left of the message... [16:16] <sil2100> pitti: yeah, something like this [16:16] <bzoltan_> pitti: yes [16:16] <bzoltan_> kalikiana: _PING_ [16:16] <sil2100> bzoltan_: should we make an MP targetting trunk and do a silo with that? Sounds ok? [16:16] <pitti> we have that: [16:17] <pitti> [16:17] <pitti> so we can land that [16:17] <bzoltan_> sil2100: Yes [16:17] <sil2100> pitti: let's land that - is this a valid MP still? Or does it need to be resubmitted? As it's in the 'Superseeded' state now [16:17] <kalikiana> it will have the same licensecheck problems, though [16:17] <sil2100> CI Train won't care about that, but not sure if CI Train will be able to mark it as merged [16:18] <sil2100> kalikiana: I think we'll try to resolve those properly for the staging landing, I would opt for ignoring it for the fast-track landing to unblock vivid [16:18] <sil2100> kalikiana: are those some serious copyright issues? Or just licensecheck making problems? [16:19] <pitti> we can certainly set the state back to "approved"? [16:19] <bzoltan_> sil2100: Yes, let's fast track it [16:19] <pitti> I can, anyway [16:19] <kalikiana> sil2100: the check doesn't recognize the format of the headers - short of that it could ignore the _build folder (works locally), they are MIT as I checked [16:19] <sil2100> pitti: ok, if you can then CI Train bot should be able to as well ;) [16:19] <sil2100> kalikiana: ok, then it's just the script's fault, thanks :) [16:20] <sil2100> pitti: let me create a landing for that [16:20] <pitti> cool, thanks [16:20] <pitti> sil2100: I saw another landing with an ui-toolkit branch, might that collide? [16:20] <kalikiana> sil2100: how do I go about fixing the script? so we'll be able to do a proper landing after this fast-track merge [16:20] <pitti> sil2100: ah, not a landing, just in the spreadsheet, so sohuld be fine [16:21] <sil2100> kalikiana: I think we might need to bring it up with CI on #ubuntu-ci-eng [16:22] <bzoltan_> pitti: sil2100: do you guys want to handle this MR? [16:22] <sil2100> bzoltan_: I filled in a landing and assigning a silo :) [16:22] <pitti> if I can help with this, please let me know [16:22] <sil2100> We're all listed as landers so that any of us can react [16:23] <sil2100> hm [16:23] <sil2100> pitti: I need to create a new MP, it's targetting the wrong branch [16:23] <pitti> sil2100: the superseded one? that's still wrong? [16:23] <bzoltan_> sil2100: pitti: great! Thanks [16:24] <sil2100> pitti: it's targetting lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, should target lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit I suppose [16:24] <muka> is there a way to call the browser-app from bash or python? [16:25] <sil2100> bzoltan_: do you have a moment to help me out in a moment? Since you probably have much more experience to do the -gles changes quickly ;) [16:26] <bzoltan_> sil2100: I will need to go offline in 10 about ten minutes [16:26] <sil2100> pitti, bzoltan_: new merge [16:26] <bzoltan_> sil2100: but yes [16:26] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ok, no worries, I'll take care of it in case you're not around :) [16:27] <bzoltan_> sil2100: Just branch the lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gles change the silo number in the watch file and dch -i it. Add the same version number as the orig.tar.gz of the main UITK package [16:27] <bzoltan_> sil2100: look for what the actual changelog head says ... follow that one. Nobrainer :) [16:29] <sil2100> bzoltan_: ACK ;) Well, I did that once already, but usually it takes a bit longer for me to make sure nothing is broken [16:29] <bzoltan_> sil2100: ping me if you need help [16:46] <sil2100> bzoltan_, pitti: ok, I think I have everything properly building now [16:47] <sil2100> bzoltan_, pitti: the -gles counterpart is nor being built as well [16:56] <pitti> sil2100: "nor" == "now", I hope? :-) thanks! [16:56] <sil2100> pitti: hah, yeah ;) Typo, I meant 'now' ;p [17:25] <pitti> sil2100: hm, sholdn't have -gles too? [17:25] <pitti> says it uploaded it [17:25] <sil2100> Yeah, I'm wondering about that ;/ [17:26] <pitti> sil2100: also, note that -gles is in universe, so that one is actually fine [17:26] <pitti> we don't technically need to change that [17:26] <pitti> (might still be nicer for easier branch handling, but not vivid-critical) [17:26] <sil2100> Well, we generally prefer to keep both in sync, but we can land that later in case it causes problems [17:27] <pitti> yes, just pointing it out [17:27] <sil2100> I wonder iif there was a rejection [17:28] <sil2100> cjwatson: hey! Could you give us a hand and check if the recent -gles upload to silo PPA 021 got rejected? Not sure where the e-mails are sent [17:32] <cjwatson> sil2100: 2015-04-21 17:22:13 DEBUG Unable to find ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.2.1485+15.04.20150421.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. [17:33] <sil2100> huh? It didn't build it with -sa, but how did this work before actually? [17:33] <sil2100> Let me try uploading that manually [17:33] <sil2100> (not to waste time) [17:50] <sil2100> pitti: ok, now building, phew [17:50] <sil2100> pitti: can you pick this up and poke robru once the silo is built? :) [17:50] * sil2100 needs to jump out now [17:50] <sil2100> I'll be back later to check the status [17:50] <sil2100> robru: ^ if you could publish silo 21 ASAP it would be cool [17:51] <robru> sil2100: sure [17:51] <pitti> robru: thanks; we need to get out of the office soon as well [17:51] <kenvandine> Elleo, i updated the content-hub test plan to test ebooks with beru now, instead of that test click [17:51] <kenvandine> beru with content-hub support is in the store now [17:52] <kenvandine> Elleo, and my serialized_content_transfers branch is ready for review now [17:53] <robru> pitti: actually core devs have permission to publish silos, but yes I'm around, just ping me when it's ready [17:55] <robru> pitti: actually what is the rush? Are you wanting to build an image immediately after it publishes? [17:56] <pitti> robru: yes [17:56] <pitti> robru: as it's on the ubuntu images, and we need to get a candidate for the final release [17:56] <Elleo> kenvandine: okay, cool; will review in the morning :) [17:57] <kenvandine> Elleo, thx [17:58] <robru> pitti: ok. [18:00] <pitti> robru: so I see -gles is building [18:00] <pitti> robru: so if you could publish those after they are built, I'd be grateful [18:00] <robru> pitti: yes, i will [18:00] <pitti> robru: we need to leave the office now, sorry [18:00] <pitti> robru: cool, thanks [18:01] <robru> pitti: should i be publishing to vivid or the overlay PPA? [18:01] <pitti> robru: to vivid please, that's the entire point of the exercise :) [18:01] <pitti> kalikiana, bzoltan_, robru: many thanks for your fast help! [18:12] <robru> pitti: need merges approved: [18:12] <robru> bzoltan_: ^ [18:51] <SturmFlut> I suppose the "H" indicator icon tells me that my phone thinks it has a 3.5G connection, an IP address and a matching IP route, right? [18:53] <popey> HSDPA ya. [18:54] <SturmFlut> popey: Okay, because just now my bq displayed the "H" indicator, but didn't have an IP address nor a route. WiFi was and is off. I toggled flight mode and now it has an IP address and a route. [18:55] <popey> known bug i think [18:59] <SturmFlut> popey: Do you remember the bug description or even the number? I am browsing through bug reports for network-manager but there's nearly a thousand [18:59] * SturmFlut especially likes [19:00] <dobey> SturmFlut: i think you want to look at indicator-network for relevant bugs [19:12] <SturmFlut> popey: I think the known issue we're thinking about was [19:13] <SturmFlut> mzanetti: Ping [19:13] <mzanetti> SturmFlut, hey [19:13] <SturmFlut> mzanetti: Do you remember if there was a matching Launchpad bug for this report? [19:14] <SturmFlut> mzanetti: [19:14] <mzanetti> awe_, ^ [19:16] <awe_> SturmFlut, [19:16] <mzanetti> SturmFlut, I've reported this but apparently there are multiple different things and I lost track about them [19:16] <awe_> there are multiple bugs with respect to the mobile data connection failing after toggling off wifi, leaving wifi ap range, or just letting the phone idle when on mobile data [19:17] <awe_> we believe we have a fix for the root cause of all these issues [19:17] <awe_> we have a fix in a silo, and are testing as we speak [19:17] <mzanetti> nice :) [19:17] <mzanetti> thanks awe_ [19:17] <awe_> unfortunately I can't give an accurate estimate of when we'll release the hotfix, but pretty sure it will be soon [19:18] <awe_> ( hopefully in the next week; but no promises ) [19:23] <SturmFlut> awe_: Nice, thanks! I just wanted to know if it is being handled, I can wait for a fix. [19:24] <awe_> yw [19:24] <awe_> keep an eye on the bug for more updates [19:25] <SturmFlut> awe_: I just subscribed to it [19:25] <awe_> ok, great [19:40] <lolcat> Hello [19:40] <lolcat> does it work with Lumia 640? [19:41] <SturmFlut> lolcat: Sadly no [19:43] <lolcat> Dammit [19:43] <lolcat> As far as I can tell the preformance to price ratio on that is awesome, but how would I live with windows on a phone? [19:43] <SturmFlut> lolcat: Yeah, the price is incredible, but those Windows phones are pretty locked down [19:44] <SturmFlut> In contrast to Windows tablets [19:45] <lolcat> SturmFlut: so it is just the bootloader that is the issue? Not the drivers? [19:46] <dobey> lolcat: if you could get Android 4.4 running on it, then you could theoretically also get Ubuntu running on it. [19:46] <dobey> lolcat: if Android 4.4 won't run on it, it's not likely you'll get an Ubuntu phone image working on it [19:50] <k1l> lolcat: "just the bootloader" is a huge barrier. [19:51] <lolcat> k1l: I don't quite understand how that works. Like little children broke xbox and playstation [19:51] <k1l> lolcat: total different level on the arm stuff in smartphones [19:52] <lolcat> k1l: I always thought of ARM as an trivially simple architecture [19:52] <k1l> you cant just flash a new firmware to the bootloader and you are good to go. its all that secureboot stuff etc. [19:58] <lolcat> k1l: looks like xda can flash any lumnia [20:00] <SturmFlut> lolcat: ...with something other than Windows? [20:00] <lolcat> SturmFlut: not entirely sure [20:01] <lolcat> I have 3g so I cant load unlimited webpages, arrgh [20:01] <lolcat> I should order me some 35/35mbit internet [20:01] <k1l> since we dont have generic drivers for all the stuff inside the smartphones its a real pain to get that stuff work [20:01] <k1l> and the manufacturers only provide blobs and not the sources. [20:02] <lolcat> Use the blobs then? [20:04] <dobey> we do [20:05] <dobey> but i doubt MS has blobs for the Android 4.4 kernel, for drivers for a windows phone [20:05] <dobey> but hey, maybe they published an AOSP tree for their phone [20:15] <lolcat> dobey: use windows blobs then? [20:16] <dobey> lolcat: that isn't possible. [20:17] <lolcat> dobey: #reactos begs to differ [20:17] <dobey> lolcat: then go bug them to get running on a lumia phone? [20:18] <lolcat> dobey: Reactos is a terrible idea and their devs are slower than a glacier [20:19] <k1l> dobey: dont compare x86 with arm when it comes to drivers etc. [20:19] <k1l> erm, lolcat was meant [20:19] <dobey> it's not linux, either. it's a reverse engineered implementation of the entire windows system. [20:19] <dobey> and i'm pretty sure windows server 2003 didn't support arm [20:20] <lolcat> k1l: Not that different [20:20] <lolcat> dobey: I am just pointing out the windows phone thing can be reverse engeneered [20:21] <k1l> lolcat: sorry. that is just plain wrong [20:21] <dobey> lolcat: sure, feel free to spend your time tearing the hardware apart and reverse engineering it then :) [20:21] <lolcat> dobey: not the hardware the windows phone kernel so we can use the driver blobs [20:22] <dobey> lolcat: well apparently you already know what all needs to be done, so nothing we can answer you in here :) [20:23] <lolcat> I am not that dedicated, I guess I will just buy one phone with ubuntu-touch allready
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Chipaca", "Elleo", "Guest99328", "JamesTait", "Laney", "Mirv", "Novicer_", "RAOF", "Saviq", "Se7", "SturmFlut", "awe_", "bzoltan_", "cjwatson", "cwayne", "cwayne_", "dadexix86", "davmor2", "dholbach", "dobey", "faenil", "felipealmeida", "freerage", "jdstrand", "jgdx", "k1l", "kalikiana", "kekambas", "kenvandine", "knightwise", "leousa", "lolcat", "lotuspsychje", "mariogrip", "mcphail", "mpt", "muka", "mzanetti", "nik90", "ogra_", "pete-woods", "pitti", "pmcgowan", "popey", "richi__", "robin-hero", "robru", "rsalveti", "seb128", "sil2100", "slangasek", "speck84", "tango", "tsdgeos", "victorp", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[13:46] <mpt> So, here’s a puzzle [13:46] <mpt> Let’s say Mir is responsible for docking windows (like docking Inkscape’s palettes inside its document windows) [13:47] <mpt> So that the window decorations can be consistent regardless of whether a window is docked or not [13:48] <mpt> What if the app puts the dockable windows inside a scrolling pane in its window (as in Inkscape)? How would the app represent the scrolling pane to Mir? [13:53] <greyback> mpt: is there an app that does that already? [13:54] <mpt> greyback, you mean, besides Inkscape? [13:54] <greyback> mpt: ah, I misread you, sorry. [13:55] <greyback> I'd need to check, but I suspect in that case, the actual dockable window is destroyed, and everyting it contained was reparented inside the scrollable pane of the main window [13:55] <mpt> Yes, LibreOffice [13:56] <greyback> I don't see how else it would work, say if you scroll that pane so part of the "dockable window" is occluded - it would be horribly complex to try telling the compositor to only draw the bottom bit of that dockable window [13:56] <mpt> I think one pleasant side-effect of handling docking in Mir is supposed to be that the app doesn’t have to destroy and recreate everything [13:57] <greyback> mpt: if it wants to integrate the contents of that dockable window into the main UI, it's probably easier just to reparent, than trying to reposition a child window [13:58] <mpt> That makes sense to me — especially if the docked window has to (for example) get wider [13:59] <mpt> But Mir would still need to handle the clipping case so that it can render the docked window’s window controls [13:59] <mpt> If it isn’t doing *that*, then there’s no point in Mir handling docked windows at all, that I can see. [14:01] <mpt> The original problem to be solved is that the title bars of docked palettes in (for example) LibreOffice vs. Inkscape are gratuitously inconsistent. [14:09] <greyback> mpt: to solve that issue, could have the app use freestyle surfaces for palettes and draw their own decoration, so it matches [14:10] <greyback> just an idea [14:32] <mpt> greyback, yes, that would make LibreOffice’s docked vs. undocked palette consistent. But it wouldn’t make LibreOffice’s undocked palette consistent with Inkscape’s or any other app’s. [14:42] <greyback> mpt: true, but while docked, they are not windows any more, they are widgets drawn as part of the main window. In that situation, how they draw a "decoration" is up to them, not mir. So only way to make them consistent is to patch those apps [14:46] <mpt> greyback, I think “how they draw a ‘decoration’ is up to them” is the problem to be solved. Because if it is up to the app, I can’t see how they could possibly do it in a way that won’t get out of date as soon as the OS theme changes. [14:49] <greyback> mpt: yeah. We could offer a widget to app devs for decorations, one that we can theme as we wish. Could also be used by apps which want to draw their own decoration too, but then will customize it (e.g. chromium). [14:52] <mpt> That might work better, yes [14:53] <mpt> It seems to me that docked windows have custom controls in their “title bars” much more often than undocked windows do, too [14:56] <mpt> (which is why Inkscape’s undocked windows have two title bars each, for example) [16:39] <seb128> hum, bug #1445542 ... is mir/unity8 handling multiple surfaces now? [16:39] <seb128> greyback, ^ [16:39] <greyback> seb128: mir/unity8 not handling separate surfaces still [16:40] <seb128> greyback, can you comment on that bug? means the gtk part is invalid? [16:42] <greyback> seb128: hmm duflu marked gtk as affected, he's testing with stock mir, not qtmir/unity8 [16:42] <seb128> greyback, oh ok, so maybe different issues [16:42] <greyback> yeah, I suspect so
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "greyback", "mpt", "seb128" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:13] <razGon_MINILA> 왜 아이들을 위한 컴을 만들지 않은 걸까요? [00:14] <Work^Seony> 개념이 모호하잖아요 [00:14] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이들을 위한 컴 있던데요 [00:14] <Work^Seony> 성인용 컴퓨터, 미성년자용 컴퓨터? ㅎㅎ [00:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> [00:15] <Work^Seony> 하긴, 아이들의 교육용 이라는 주제를 걸고 개발한게 라즈베리파이 이기도 하군요... [00:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이들을 위한 컴퓨터 [00:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> 게임과 개발이 둘다 가능한 머쉰 ㅋㅋㅋ [00:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> 140만원대 ㅠㅠ [00:23] <jun__> 140만원대;;;; [00:29] <razGon_MINILA> [00:29] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷㄷ [00:29] <razGon_MINILA> 이런 일체형컴도 있네요 [00:33] <razGon_MINILA> 헉. 아이비 브릿지? [00:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아이코다 정말 많이 컸네요 ㅋㅋ [01:02] <razGon_MINILA> 근데 생각도다 별루요. [01:32] <razGon_MINILA> [01:32] <razGon_MINILA> 이런게 대체품이군요. 문제는 디스플레이 가격과 키보드 합치면 가격은 안드로 메다로.ㅋ [04:37] <razGon_MINILA> [04:37] <razGon_MINILA> 이런것도 있네요 [04:57] <samahui_WS> 요즘 터치 되는게 많죠 [04:57] <Seony> 아메리칸 익스프레스에서 프리미어 골드리워드 카드 초청장 받았습니다 ㅋ [04:57] <Seony> 이걸 신청해야할지 말아야할지 고민되네요ㅕ [04:57] <samahui_WS> 저도 70만원짜리로 QHD+에 터치인 노트북 구입했다 마눌님 줬죠 [04:58] <samahui_WS> ㅎㅎ [04:58] <samahui_WS> 카드는 다다익악이죠 [04:58] <samahui_WS> 필요한 만큼만 있으면 된다 싶습니다 [04:59] <Seony> 이게 아무나 만드는 카드가 아니라고 들었거든요. 근데 연회비가 너무 비싸요 ㅎㅎ [05:00] <Seony> 대략 연 20만원쯤 되거든요 ㅎㅎ [05:02] <Seony> 구글플레이 해킹당했나보네요... [05:06] <razGon_MINILA> ㅎㄷㄷ [05:06] <razGon_MINILA> 터치되는 노트북이 괜찮긴 한데. cpu클락이 넘 낮네요. [05:06] <razGon_MINILA> 1.0기가. 하긴 가벼운 작업은 잘될런지. [05:07] <Seony> 어차피 자녀분들한테 주실건데, 너무 고민하지 마세요 [05:08] <samahui_WS> 듀얼에 그래픽 괜찮아서 단순 일반 작업에는 무리 없을거 같은데요 [05:09] <samahui_WS> 터치까지 되면서 저가격이면 괜찮은데요. [05:10] <razGon_MINILA> 아. samahui_WS 님께서 말씀하시면 저것으로...ㅋㅋ [05:10] <samahui_WS> 믿지 마세요 ㅎㅎ 전 고가 모델 전문입니다 캬캬캬 [05:11] <razGon_MINILA> ㅋㅋㅋ [05:11] <razGon_MINILA> 저는 저가 전문..ㅋㅋ [06:06] <HolyKnight> @joongangilbo: [사회] 인사담당자 47%가 "요즘 신입사원, 시켜야만 일한다"고 생각한단 조사 결과가 나왔습니다. 스펙은 좋아졌지만 인성적인 면에선 아쉬움이 있단 반응도 나옵니다. [06:06] <HolyKnight> @EvadeMonitoring: 음 대체 신입한테 시켜서 일하는거 말고 다른걸 요구하는건 뭐지 [06:27] <PotatoGim> 시키지 않아도 알아서 잘하면 경력 아닌가요?ㅎㅎ [06:43] <samahui_WS> 인사 담당자는 신입때부터 스스로 잘했었나보군요 [06:43] <samahui_WS> ㅡ,.ㅡ [06:43] <samahui_WS> 시키는거라도 잘하면 다행이죠 ㅎㅎ [07:16] <PotatoGim> 뭐 어느정도 하려는 의지가 있으면 좋긴 한데... [07:58] <HolyKnight> 영웅찡 ㅎㅇㅇ [08:17] <pchero_work> 하이욤. :) [08:45] <jason_kr__> bluedusk: 리눅스를 btrfs로 포멧하고, GpartedLive 씨디로 부팅후 읽으려니까 못읽는...내 어떤 잘못이겠죠? [09:59] <HolyKnight> [10:14] <HolyKnight> @SBS8news: 부러진 뼈를 고정하고 시간이 지나면 몸속에서 녹아 분해되는 금속 나사가 세계 최초로 우리나라에서 허가를 받았습니다. 나사를 제거하는 2차 수술이 필요 없어지는 겁니다. [11:18] <pchero_work> 멋지네요.. 저 개발자분. [11:33] <Guest30025> sorry to interrupt this channel... but I am having a hard time creating a character and I was hoping that someone here spoke English & Korean and could help me out :) [11:34] <Guest30025> I am trying to make this character: 춤 but without the topmost mark (accent?) line [11:48] <jason_kr__> hi Guest30025 [11:48] <jason_kr__> R U there? [11:48] <Guest30025> yes [11:49] <Guest30025> thanks for at least saying hello... I am pulling my hear out [11:50] <jason_kr__> what's Ur ASL? but Thi's not important. 춤 menans DANCE. [11:51] <Guest30025> err.. i might have just gotten it... one sec Jason [11:52] <Guest30025> so does this mean dance as well? 좀 [11:54] <jason_kr__> 좀 ? hahaha ti's means "little bit" or ETF. understand? sorry. [11:55] <jason_kr__> i'm little busy now."나 좀 바빠요" C U soon. & bye [11:56] <Guest30025> ickes... i am so off... thanks anyway jason [12:19] <razgon_MBP> 야근중이시군요 [12:19] <jason_kr__> 반갑습니다. razgon_MBP \ [12:20] <razgon_MBP> jason_kr__, 아 계셨군요. [12:20] <jason_kr__> 야근? ㅎ 거의 그쵸 아직 퇴근 전! [12:20] <jason_kr__> 예, 반갑습니다.(만, 또 잠시 잠수) [12:20] <razgon_MBP> 바쁘시다고 해서.... ^^; [12:20] <jason_kr__> ㅎㅎㅎ 늘 그렇쵸 [12:20] <razgon_MBP> ㅎㅎㅎ [12:39] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [12:48] <razgon_MBP> 안녕하세요? [12:48] <AutoWiZ_znc> 라즈곤님 저 어떻하죠? 많이 아파요 [12:48] <AutoWiZ_znc> 어떡하죠 [12:51] <razgon_MBP> 어디 아프세요? [12:53] <AutoWiZ_znc> 상사병인거 같습니다 . ㅠㅠㅠㅠ [12:54] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그분만 보면 가슴이 막 답답하고 , 얼굴도 좀 뜨거워지는거 같고 , 밥맛도 좀 없는거 같고 . 밤중에도 자주 생각나고 [13:07] <razgon_> 허거거. [13:08] <razgon_> 상사병... [13:08] <razgon_> 그분과 관계는 어떻게 되세요? [13:13] <jason_kr__> 얏 AutoWiZ_znc 콱 ㅎㅎㅎ [13:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> 직장상사 요 [13:14] <AutoWiZ_znc> 자다가도 열불이 나서 벌떡 일어날판이에요 ... [13:14] <AutoWiZ_znc> 직장상사가 너무 저만 혹사 시켜요 ㅠㅠ [13:14] <jason_kr__> (농담이 아니라면....) ㅋ [13:14] <AutoWiZ_znc> 농담반 진담반 입니다. 이나이 먹고 제 앞가림은 제가 하는거지요 .. ㅋ [13:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> 다만 좀 답답한 상황이기도 하고 ... [13:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> 상사병 개그로 한번 웃겨 드릴려고 했던것도 있고 ^_^ [13:15] <jason_kr__> 그렇다면, 두 분의 영원을 기원합니다. [13:15] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅋㅋ [13:18] <razgon_> ggg [13:18] <razgon_> ㅎㅎㅎ [13:18] <razgon_> 아주 죽여주는 군요. [13:45] <PotatoGim> 으어어어어어 [13:45] <PotatoGim> 으아아아아아 [13:45] <LinDol> 냐앙 [13:45] <LinDol> PotatoGim, 부뷔부뷔 [13:45] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~! [13:45] <PotatoGim> 늦은 시각에 발걸음 하셨군요. [13:46] <LinDol> 퇴근이 늦네요 요즘 뉴.뉴, [16:31] <samahui_WS> 즐거운 밤들 되세요 [16:31] <samahui_WS> 전 이제 갑니다 ~ 졸려요~ [17:05] <ihavnoth> 안녕하세요 [18:42] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [21:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [22:11] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [22:17] <AutoWiZ_znc> 오늘도 날씨는 화창 한가요? [22:21] <Work^Seony> 네 무쟈게 좋습니다 ㅎㅎ [22:44] <AutoWiZ_znc> 화창한 날씨면 기분도 화창해 질까요? [22:45] <AutoWiZ_znc> 머리속이 너무 복잡한거같아 재부팅이나 강제 shutdown 을 시켜야 할거 같은 요즘 입니다 ㅋㅋ [22:46] <Work^Seony> 어디 외출해서 봄바람을 좀 쐬고오시면 될 거 같아요 ㅎㅎ [22:47] <AutoWiZ_znc> 아니 아니 안됩니다. !!!!!!! [22:47] <AutoWiZ_znc> 봄바람 정도로는 약발이 먹히지 않습니다... 저 그렇게 쉬운 남자 아닙니다 ㅋㅋㅋ [22:47] <AutoWiZ_znc> 하와이 바람 정도는되야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [22:48] <AutoWiZ_znc> '돼야' 인거 같기는 한데 [22:56] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ [22:56] <Work^Seony> 얼른 오세요 [23:03] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저도 간절히 그러고 싶어요 ㅎㅎ [23:16] <Work^Seony> AutoWiZ_znc, 이거 보신 적 없으면 보세요 재밌씁니다 ㅎㅎ [23:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 조금은 마인크래프트라는 게임이 이해가 가는군요. [23:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 생각보다는 재미 있어 보여요 ㅎㅎㅎ [23:34] <Work^Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ [23:50] <AutoWiZ_znc> 다순히 그냥 보고 있을때는 다들 동굴 파고 있길래 뭐 하는게임이지? 저게 재미있나? 했는데 [23:51] <AutoWiZ_znc> 집도 만들고 이것저것 만드는거 보니 실생활 시뮬래이션 한 느낌도 들고 재미 있어 보이네요 ㅋ [23:51] <Work^Seony> 저게 좀 오래된 만화라서 그런데요, 요즘은 더 해요 ㅎㅎ [23:51] <Work^Seony> 마인크래프트로 CPU를 구현한 것도 있을 거에요 아마... [23:52] <razGon_Xch2> 클리앙 랜섬웨어에 감염된거 같네요.후. [23:52] <razGon_Xch2> 이제는 이런것도 조심해야. [23:53] <razGon_Xch2> 이스트소프트가 상한가 간이유가 있네요/. [23:53] <Work^Seony> 클리앙에서 랜섬웨어를 만드나요? [23:54] <razGon_Xch2> 아니요. 감염되서 유저가 당한거 같습니다. [23:54] <Work^Seony> 아... [23:55] <razGon_Xch2> [23:55] <razGon_Xch2> 이런거 보고 잇습니다. [23:57] <razGon_Xch2> 클리앙 자주 안보지만, 최근에 본게 있어서요. 크롬으로 봐서 괜찮겟지만요. [23:57] <Work^Seony> 대강의 형태를 보니, 윈도우를 OS로 쓰는 시스템이 아니더라도 걸리겠군요... [23:57] <razGon_Xch2> ㅇㅇ [23:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 잉? [23:57] <razGon_Xch2> 그런거 같습니다. . [23:57] <AutoWiZ_znc> 걸릴 수 있을까요? [23:57] <Work^Seony> 어떻게든 실행만 된다면야, 홈디렉토리 암호화하는건 어렵지 않으니깐요... [23:57] <Work^Seony> 랜섬웨어의 필수적인 요소는, 부팅은 되어야한다 잖아요 [23:57] <Work^Seony> 그래야 돈을 요구하는 페이지를 보여주니깐요 [23:58] <Work^Seony> 그러니까, 시스템은 암호화시키면 안되고 유저 디렉토리만 암호화를 시켜야하죠... [23:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 웹브라우저 상에서 OS 프로그램이 명령어 실행이 가능하다는것 부터가 심가한 취약점이긴 하겠지만요 [23:58] <Work^Seony> 다만, 액티브엑스가 실행되는 윈도우는 좀 더 취약하다는 부분은 있겠네요... [23:58] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저는 리눅스 쓰면서는 가능한 플러그인 , 액티브X 배제 할려고 하는데요 ㅋ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "Guest30025", "HolyKnight", "LinDol", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "ihavnoth", "jason_kr__", "jun__", "pchero_work", "razGon_MINILA", "razGon_Xch2", "razgon_", "razgon_MBP", "samahui_WS" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[04:35] <tjaalton> RAOF: doing sru's today? could you ack libdrm & xtrans backports to trusty? [04:45] <RAOF> tjaalton: Tomorrow is my SRU day, but sure. [04:45] <tjaalton> ah [04:45] <tjaalton> ok [04:45] <tjaalton> thx [04:46] <tjaalton> the wiki is out of date then :) [04:49] <RAOF> No, I'm on Tuesday in US time :) [04:50] <RAOF> tjaalton: Heh. libdrm-tegra0 needs a description fix. I'm pretty sure it's not the accessor to exynos-specific DRM services :P [04:51] <RAOF> Also, are we absolutely sure that no-one uses the drmAllocCpy symbol that's been dropped? [04:52] <tjaalton> bah, maarten added tegra [04:53] <tjaalton> I think the symbol was made non-public [04:53] <RAOF> That's no different from being dropped :P [04:54] <tjaalton> right.. but [04:54] <tjaalton> I'll dig up the log [04:59] <tjaalton> RAOF: [05:00] <RAOF> Yeah, so that technically breaks ABI. [05:00] <RAOF> And when I say “technically”, what I mean is “that absolutely breaks ABI”. [05:01] <RAOF> But it's unlikely that anyone's using that symbol... [05:02] <tjaalton> noone complained so far [05:03] <RAOF> Right. [05:04] <RAOF> Of course, that commit *also* hasn't been in an LTS release :) [05:05] <tjaalton> yep, new in 2.4.60 [05:05] <RAOF> tjaalton: Hm, how about I reject that, you fix the tegra description and un-staticise that symbol, and then I'll accept? [05:06] <tjaalton> o [05:06] <tjaalton> k [05:06] <tjaalton> fixing vivid too then? [05:06] <RAOF> The description, sure. [05:07] <RAOF> I don't expect that symbol to be used anywhere outside of libdrm, but would feel *really* stupid if I ACKd the SRU and it broke something. [05:07] <RAOF> Cost-benefit is a bit different for vivid :) [05:07] <tjaalton> right [05:11] <tjaalton> hm, screw vivid, it'll get fixed once carrizo support is added [05:22] <tjaalton> RAOF: uploaded [05:27] <RAOF> (You probably mean *fix* a typo in your changelog ☺) [05:34] <tjaalton> oh I forgot the fix part [05:35] <tjaalton> reject and I'll try again! [05:36] <tjaalton> uploaded the new [06:14] <tjaalton> rejected the faulty one myself [06:17] <RAOF> Oh, ta. [06:40] <tjaalton> thanks! [06:41] <tjaalton> it'll end up in NEW, so the drama continues ;) [06:41] <RAOF> :) [06:45] <RAOF> That's nice and quick! [06:46] <tjaalton> yeah [06:46] <tjaalton> hmm does that hold amd64 back though? that's all I care for testing [06:47] <RAOF> I think you should have all the !armhf stuff in trusty-proposed. [06:47] <tjaalton> right, that's greta [06:47] <tjaalton> -at [07:09] <elfy> pitti: I saw the fix release against the remove media bug - did a rebuild for me, on vbox it just fails to start live session [07:18] <elfy> same in kvm [07:52] <infinity> micahg: Yeah, there will be more AA stuff. [07:53] <infinity> wxl: There will be rebuilds this morning for people who didn't rebuild their own. [08:08] <pitti> Good morning [08:11] <pitti> elfy: downloading xubuntu daily now and having a look [08:19] <pitti> elfy: ah, I see it; that's plumbed together differently on xubuntu, so I didn't see that on ubuntu [08:31] <flexiondotorg> pitti, How is Xubuntu different? I have new Ubuntu MATE image building and I am wondering if I'll run into the same issue? [08:32] <pitti> it's not different in the end, I just didn't test the code path that elfy meant [08:32] <pitti> selecting live or install on gfxboot both works, but not selecting "try live session" in ubiquity-dm [08:33] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Understood. [08:33] <flexiondotorg> pitti, What change caused the regression? [08:34] <pitti> in [08:34] <pitti> looking for the "Try live" button now, we need to start the real DM there too [08:34] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Thanks. [08:35] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Might this also interfere with oem-config once the system has been prepared? [08:36] <pitti> flexiondotorg: no, oem-setup has its own .service [08:36] <pitti> (and .upstart) [08:36] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Ah. Of course. [08:39] <darkxst> pitti, yes very much you need to launch the real dm at that point! [08:39] <wgrant> infinity: [08:39] <wgrant> is also relevant, but empty. [08:39] <darkxst> otherwise every flavour will be broken [08:53] <pitti> elfy, darkxst, flexiondotorg, infinity: fixed ubiquity uploaded (with the revert), sorry for messing that up [09:29] <darkxst> pitti, I assume, all that worked under ubuntu, display-manager.service is lightdm specific? [09:30] <pitti> darkxst: no, it most likely has the same problem [09:30] <pitti> display-manager.service applies to all DMs [09:30] <darkxst> pitti, that is what I figured, but though you might have tested things before uploading [09:31] <pitti> darkxst: I tested selecting live and install from gfxboot [09:31] <pitti> but gfxboot doesn't have an option for the maybe-ubiquity mode, so I missed that, sorry [09:31] <pitti> now I know about "maybe-ubiquity" :) [09:34] <darkxst> pitti, np, i'm more curious about actually fixing the race, but alas no time this week [09:34] <pitti> darkxst: which race now? [09:34] <pitti> we fixed the shutdown race and the one with oem-config yesterday [09:35] <darkxst> probably that, though this was related [10:42] <tjaalton> infinity: libdrm and xtrans are now in trusty-proposed, llvm-toolchain-3.6 just got uploaded [10:43] <tjaalton> infinity: upgrade and downgrade works, though downgrade needs 'apt install xserver-xorg libegl1-mesa-drivers xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all' to pull everything [10:43] <tjaalton> so once llvm is acked and past NEW, I could start pushing stuff to proposed [10:46] <tjaalton> actually could start from the server [11:01] <tjaalton> apt-get remove .*lts-vivid works for downgrade [11:26] <bregma> hey folks, how do I get may latest Unity package (fix for #1446256) properly ACKed and moved from -proposed to -release so it gets on the image? [11:46] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Are all the desktop flavours going to get a rebuild? [12:03] <sil2100> popey: btw. was there a final decision on whether we should re-publish today scope in the store? [12:04] <popey> sil2100: not my decision. I asked you! :) [12:04] <sil2100> Just wanted to know if you got an override from victor or someone else ;) [12:06] <infinity> flexiondotorg: They all got a rebuild this morning, but there will be more rebuilds, yes. [12:06] <infinity> flexiondotorg: That shouldn't stop people from testing anyway. [12:06] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Am doing :) [12:06] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Just checking if the "final" rebuild was down to me. [12:08] <infinity> flexiondotorg: No, I'm keeping track. [12:08] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Thanks. [12:10] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I have a patch that fixes this - [12:11] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I've discussed it with the Debian maintainers and we have decided I should deviate the Ubuntu mate-terminal package. [12:11] <flexiondotorg> infinity, What version should I give the new mate-terminal package for Ubuntu? [12:11] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Wait, that's a bug in the terminal? [12:12] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Anyhow, a new version would be 1.8.1+dfsg1-4ubuntu1 [12:12] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Yes. mate-terminal.wrapper doesn't support double quoted strings. [12:12] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Which is what you get by default running "dch -i" on an Ubuntu system. [12:13] <flexiondotorg> infinity, If I prepare a debdiff would you accept it? [12:13] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I'll review it. I won't promise I'll accept it unless it's correct. ;) [12:13] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Sounds fair :) [12:52] * ogra_ tickles the publisher with a feather ... run publisher, run ... [13:32] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Could you review this please? [14:00] <flexiondotorg> I'd like to file a sync request for mate-tweak from Debian unstable. It fixes a bug and adds translations. The package has not previously been synced from Debian so that changelog and history are different from the Ubuntu package. [14:01] <flexiondotorg> Is there anything special I need to do. [14:01] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I can sync it, lemme just look at a debdiff first. [14:03] <jdstrand> fyi, I'm deleting apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy from the archive since we now use ubuntu-core-security instead [14:04] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Shall I raise a request sync? [14:04] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I already synced it. [14:04] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Brilliant. You star! [14:04] <infinity> jdstrand: Does it have any rdeps? [14:04] <flexiondotorg> infinity, And thanks :) [14:05] <infinity> adconrad@nosferatu:~$ reverse-depends src:apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy [14:05] <infinity> Reverse-Depends [14:05] <infinity> [14:05] <infinity> * ubuntu-snappy (for apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy) [14:05] <infinity> jdstrand: ^ [14:05] <infinity> jdstrand: I feel like maybe that should be fixed before you delete things. :P [14:06] <jdstrand> that seems not correct [14:06] <jdstrand> it isn't on the image and shows nothing and it fell out of main today [14:07] <cjwatson> reverse-depends has a bit of lag. [14:07] <cjwatson> That's why checkrdepends still exists on ubuntu-archive@snakefruit, although in general it's less convenient because it requires a local dists mirror. [14:08] <cjwatson> Still, I think that is in fact still current. [14:08] <cjwatson> germinate rdepends only shows anything if it goes via something that's seeded, and snappy isn't in the ubuntu.vivid seeds. [14:08] <infinity> jdstrand: It fell out of main because ubuntu-snappy isn't in main. [14:09] <cjwatson> Hm, actually, ubuntu-snappy is in system-image ... [14:09] <infinity> flexiondotorg: That mate-terminal change is rather substantial. Not that I thikn switching from python to perl isn't a wonderful thing, but I suspect you could have fixed your bug in a few lines instead of a new scripts. [14:09] <cjwatson> Is there a Provides maybe? [14:09] <jdstrand> I should mention that ubuntu-core-security-apparmor uses a Provides: apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy [14:10] <infinity> jdstrand: Ahh. You should have mentioned that, yes. :) [14:10] <cjwatson> Yeah, so that'll satisfy germinate and apt, but shouldn't the dependency be updated anyway? [14:10] <jdstrand> it should [14:10] <jdstrand> I'll adjust that too [14:10] <cjwatson> Also surely should be Conflicts/Replaces/Provides rather than Breaks/Replaces/Provides. [14:11] <infinity> jdstrand: Also, that shouldn't be Provides/Breaks/Replaces, it should be Provides/Conflicts/Replaces. [14:11] <jdstrand> cjwatson: it actually doesn't Conflicts [14:11] <infinity> jdstrand: C/R is what triggers package managers to swap packages. [14:12] <infinity> jdstrand: It doesn't matter if it actually has file overlaps, if the goal is to have them not installed together (which is what I assume from your breaks). [14:12] <cjwatson> Right, Conflicts/Replaces is a special thing that has distinct semantics. [14:12] <cjwatson> See policy 7.6.2. [14:12] <infinity> cjwatson: Did you look that up, or have you quoted it enough to have it burned in? [14:12] <cjwatson> I looked it up. :-) [14:16] <flexiondotorg> infinity, That mate-terminal.wrapper patch has been submitted upstream. Where I am an upstream developer. [14:16] <flexiondotorg> infinity, We try to align with GNOME where possible these days. [14:17] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I guess diffing with gnome-terminal.wrapper might make it more reviewable. [14:18] <flexiondotorg> infinity, It is a 4 char diff if you do that :) [14:19] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Right, lemme grab the diff, apply it, look at it locally, and upload for you if it looks sane. [14:19] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Many thanks. I have build the revised package in a PPA and tested it works. [14:22] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Which version of gnome-terminal did you copy that from? It's very whitespace-different from the one on my system. [14:22] <infinity> flexiondotorg: But a diff with -b (ignore whitespace) shows that it's the same, yes. [14:23] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I cleaned up the whitespace because it is wrong in gnome-terminal.wrapper. [14:23] <infinity> flexiondotorg: "wrong"? :P [14:23] <infinity> flexiondotorg: if you're forking someone else's tool, it generally pays to keep it close to identical, so it's easier to cherry-pick in the future. [14:24] <jdstrand> fyi, ubuntu-snappy trunk already removed reference to apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy, so the next upload will resolve that side [14:32] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I mean, it's your call, it's your code, but I'd highly recommend not gratitously differing from gnome-terminal just to make it prettier. *shrug* [14:35] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Just chatted with the other MATE devs. We are happy with the cleaned up whitespace in my patch. [14:38] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Mmkay. [14:40] <infinity> flexiondotorg: <-- That's what I uploaded. Look fine? [14:41] <infinity> flexiondotorg: I fixed one of your other patches too, which was missing a trailing line, and ran update-maintainer. [14:42] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Just looking now... [14:43] <flexiondotorg> infinity, Look good. Thank you. [15:46] <jderose> infinity: FYI, oem-config isn't getting installed in oem-mode with 20150421.1 [15:46] <jderose> infinity: if i recall, you said this happens when your local repo is out of sync when build the ISO? [15:48] <flexiondotorg> jderose, What is your oem-config issue exactly? [15:49] <flexiondotorg> jderose, I ask because I've had issue with for weeks, but as of earlier today (Ubuntu MATE rebuild) it is working, for me at least. [15:49] <flexiondotorg> jderose, And the OEM has also confirmed it working on their range of hardware. [15:49] <jderose> flexiondotorg: ubiquity-frontend-gtk, oem-config-gtk aren't installed after you do an oem-mode install... so you have to manually install them afterwards [15:50] <flexiondotorg> jderose, What flavour? [15:50] <jderose> ubuntu desktop [15:50] <flexiondotorg> jderose, I'll test that here now [15:51] <jderose> wasn't an issue with 20150421, but is with 20150421.1 [15:51] <flexiondotorg> jderose, Sounds worrying. [15:52] <jderose> it frequently happens in daily ISO during the dev cycle, i think it's something infinity can easily fix :) [15:52] <infinity> jderose: Yeah, it's version skew, I'll make sure that's fixed before tonight's respin. [15:53] <jderose> infinity: cool, thanks! [15:56] <elfy> infinity: any reason for me not to rebuild xubuntu? [16:04] <infinity> elfy: I'll be rebuilding the world very soon, don't do it. [16:05] <elfy> ok - just concerned about time is all - I'd like to see a booting one for me before 2200 - when I will promptly crash till tomorrow :) [16:16] <Odd_Bloke> infinity: What's the rebuild for; will it affect cloud images? [16:17] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: Depends on when you last built your cloud images. [16:17] <Odd_Bloke> infinity: Since midnight UTC? [16:18] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: You're missing the latest libaudit update, so yes. [16:18] <Odd_Bloke> *sobs gently in to his beer* [16:19] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: Welcome to release week? [16:19] <Odd_Bloke> Why do you think I bought the beer? :p [16:19] <infinity> Odd_Bloke: If Friday's images were perfect, we'd not block off a week to do this. :P [16:33] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I appreciate you have a lot going on right now but is the virtualbox-guest-x11 drivers issue still ear marked for getting fixed? [16:33] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Yes. [16:33] <infinity> flexiondotorg: Just crazy busy. [16:33] <flexiondotorg> infinity, I can't imagine. But thank for getting back to me :) [16:51] <wxl> infinity: should i rebuild again for any reason? [16:51] <Ukikie> He's going to rebuild world soon. [17:05] <jibel> wxl, there is one more ubiquity fix coming [17:06] <wxl> jibel: great, thanks for the heads up. i assume we'll get a global rebuild? [17:06] <jibel> wxl, yes [17:07] <wxl> jibel: is this expected to complete today? [17:08] <jibel> wxl, yes, likely today [17:08] <wxl> k thanks jibel ! [17:14] <Laney> glib2.0 fixes that trash bug in the installer (probably) [17:14] <Laney> up to you if you want to get that in for the respin or not [17:18] <Laney> s/installer/live environment/ [17:25] <infinity> Laney: I'm reviewing it. [19:26] <jderose> infinity: when are you planning on spinning the next ubuntu desktop daily iso? [20:34] <robru> infinity: can you approve ubuntu-ui-toolkit? pitti wanted it but couldn't wait for the silo to publish [21:26] <slangasek> robru: what does "couldn't wait for the silo to publish" mean? It looks like this is a copy from the silo [21:29] <robru> slangasek: it means that pitti wanted this but needed to EOD. so he's not here to advocate for it, I'm requesting it on his behalf. [21:29] <slangasek> ok [21:31] <infinity> robru: Can do. [21:31] <robru> infinity: thanks! [21:47] <cyphermox> release team: I'd have two fixes which may be nice to land before release, one for console-setup ^ [21:48] <cyphermox> and the other for partman-multipath. [21:48] <slangasek> infinity: ^^ console-setup is your debconf prompt on upgrade bug; the multipath one is an issue with multipathd offhandedly corrupting your disks [21:49] <slangasek> I think technically both could go to 0-day SRU as neither impacts the installer per se [21:49] <cyphermox> true [22:18] <slangasek> cyphermox, infinity: oh, I just noticed the multipath change is a partman workaround, not a fix for multipath-tools itself... that of course needs to go into the installer proper... [22:21] <slangasek> partman-multipath isn't in the initramfs itself, but I'm not sure if d-i will pull components from -updates in all circumstances [22:22] <slangasek> it looks like it "only" requires a respin of ubuntu-server and lubuntu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "Odd_Bloke", "RAOF", "Ukikie", "bregma", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "darkxst", "elfy", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "jderose", "jdstrand", "jibel", "ogra_", "pitti", "popey", "robru", "sil2100", "slangasek", "tjaalton", "wgrant", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[07:08] <dholbach> good morning [09:44] <Fantu> I found a strange thing... in Trusty gvfs still use version 1.20.1-1ubuntu1 even if 1.20.3-0ubuntu1 is available and with important fixes [09:45] <Fantu> I prepared and tested new build with another important/critical fix but launchpad base the diff on older version instead updates one [09:45] <Fantu> [09:45] <Fantu> [09:47] <Fantu> ubuntu software updater don't show 1.20.3-0ubuntu1 but aptitude safe-upgrade yes [09:50] <Fantu> someone can explain me why? thanks for any reply and sry for my bad english
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fantu", "dholbach" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[07:30] <jasabella> hi :) [14:12] <zy3pD> hi everybody, there is a bug in PCManFM 1.2.0 (Lubuntu 14.04): When I press F4 to open the current dir in a terminal nothing happens if the path contains Spaces ... maybe someone forgot to put the path in "" ... is this bug already known? [16:44] <choki> yes it is true, same problem here [16:46] <Unit193> [20:19] <ioda> hello [20:20] <ianorlin> hi ioda any way I can help? [20:20] <ioda> there is an extreme critical error in the recent lubuntu daily build [20:20] <ianorlin> ioda /join #lubuntu-devel is the better place to discuss this is for stable release support [20:22] <ioda> HowTo crash x-server endless times: load recent daily version. dd it to an usb drive. run apt-get update && apt-get install libreoffice. Start anything of libreoffice. have fun with crashing X-server [20:22] <Unit193> ioda: :D
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "choki", "ianorlin", "ioda", "jasabella", "zy3pD" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[13:54] <zasek> jest ktos? [13:57] <zasek> wiecie moze jak wyslas wiadomosc w tej samej sieci z ubuntu na drugi ubuntu zeby sie na ekranie pojawila wiadomosc? [13:57] <zasek> nie w terminalu tylko na ekranie [14:05] <TheNumb> zasek: no [14:05] <TheNumb> logujesz się do niego po ssh i wklepujesz notify-send [14:06] <zasek> ale nic [14:06] <zasek> nie pokazuje na ekranie [14:06] <zasek> musze byc jako root u niego? [14:06] <TheNumb> nie [14:06] <TheNumb> Zrób tak [14:07] <TheNumb> DISPLAY=:0 notify-send test [14:07] <zasek> u niego tak? [14:07] <TheNumb> no [14:07] <zasek> czekaj [14:07] <TheNumb> jak się zalogujesz po ssh [14:07] <zasek> no wiem [14:07] <TheNumb> bo notify musi wiedzieć na którym ekranie ma się pojawić ten komunikat ;p [14:08] <zasek> no wlasnie [14:08] <zasek> jak to sprawdzic z lini polecen [14:08] <zasek> na drugim lapku ktory jest aktywn [14:08] <zasek> y [14:09] <zasek> bo DISPLAY=:0 notify-send test nic nie pokazuje [14:10] <zasek> błedu tez nie wywala [14:10] <zasek> ale nic nie pokazuje [14:11] <TheNumb> hmm, w sumie notify korzysta z dbusa [14:11] <TheNumb> zasek: [14:13] <zasek> ok poczytam [14:19] <zasek> nie dziala, :( u mnie w ~/.dbus nie ma nic [14:45] <drathir> na archu smiga;p [14:49] <zasek> tzn sam u siebie w konsoli jak napisze to mi działa [14:49] <zasek> ale po zalogowaniu na innego kompa nie działa [14:49] <zasek> w terminalu u siebie pisze: notify-send 'WITAM' [14:49] <zasek> i działa [14:50] <zasek> pozniej loguje sie na inny komp i to samo wpisuje i nie działa [18:15] <m477> moge wywalic swapa poprzez usuniecie pliku, tak na twardo? [18:19] <en0x> swapoff [18:19] <en0x> i wywal plik [18:19] <m477> ale swapoff dziala tylko do resetu, czy poprostu zeby go nic nie blokowalo [18:21] <gjm> masz go w fstab? [18:22] <m477> nie jest to partycja jesli o to pytasz [18:22] <m477> tylko plik
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TheNumb", "drathir", "en0x", "gjm", "m477", "zasek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[15:05] <jsalisbury> ** [15:05] <jsalisbury> ** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [15:05] <jsalisbury> ** [16:22] <faust> I'm looking for a guide for the most "Ubuntistic" way to build a kernel and upload it to my ppa. In particular I need to get latest vanilla/ubuntu linux sources, apply some patches and using a custom configuration. Any link? [16:55] <jsalisbury> ## [16:55] <jsalisbury> ## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes [16:55] <jsalisbury> ## [17:00] <jsalisbury> ## [17:00] <jsalisbury> ## Meeting starting now [17:00] <jsalisbury> ##
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "faust", "jsalisbury" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[16:51] <wxl> Kamilion: could you comment on that bug please? [16:52] <wxl> Kamilion: or at least click the little me too button [16:55] <wxl> Unit193: could you add me to the access list for the other channels OR set the topic on them to refer to "Lubuntu QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel"? [16:56] <Unit193> wxl: You may want to send a mail to whatever lists. You in theory could get at least +t in -ot, but you'd have to apply on LP for #l. [16:57] <Unit193> I already got -ot. [16:57] <wxl> Unit193: which whatever lists? :) [16:57] <wxl> Unit193: and where on LP? [16:58] <Unit193> wxl: Mailing lists, [16:58] <wxl> Unit193: yes but WHICH whatever lists? [16:59] <Unit193> wxl: -users, -qa, -devel (don't think there is one), or whatever you think is correct to notify people. [17:00] <wxl> Unit193: oh yeah, i had planned on it eventually [17:06] <Unit193> wxl: Not sure if there's any wiki pages, but several seem outdated anyway. [17:13] <wxl> Unit193: do we have to manually add ourselves to channel list? [17:13] <Unit193> ? [17:13] <wxl> ya [17:18] <wxl> another ubiquity fix coming today so expect respins [17:55] <wxl> joern_: hai :) [17:55] <wxl> Kamilion: ianorlin: have you guys had any experience with that LSC issue that popped up on the permissions bug? [17:56] <joern_> on my VBox with 15.04/64bit, LSC works [17:56] <wxl> joern_: alternate or desktop install? which version of the image and which LSC fwiw? [17:57] <joern_> desktop install, image from.... the day before yesterday, I think [17:58] <wxl> joern_: specifics should be at the head of /etc/apt/sources.list [17:58] <joern_> Lubuntu 15.04 _Vivid Vervet_ - Beta amd64 (20150417.1 [17:59] <wxl> well there is a newer one [18:00] <wxl> i think the lxsession fix was in 20150420 [18:00] <wxl> ther's a new rebuild coming [18:00] <wxl> i would suggest testing with that [18:05] <joern_> a really strange issue, I thought it would be impossible to happen again [18:09] <Unit193> wxl: Or in /var/log/installer/* [18:10] <wxl> Unit193: i was trying to remember the other place; thx [18:11] <wxl> joern_: well, as i'm sure you know, nothing's impossible :) [18:11] <joern_> okay, the download of alternate/i386 will take quite long, so I won't be able to get into this problem this evening [18:12] <wxl> it's ok [18:12] <wxl> i'd like some more input from the rest of the testing team first [18:12] <joern_> so I will take a look in... ~12 hours [18:12] <wxl> if you get subscribed to a LSC bug, you'll know it's for real ;) [18:12] <joern_> :D [18:12] <joern_> feel free to assign it to me [18:12] <wxl> will do [18:13] <Unit193> wxl: Also, fwiw: isoinfo -J -x /.disk/info -i vivid-desktop-amd64.iso [18:13] <wxl> da [18:48] <wxl> ianorlin: Kamilion: bottom of has some confirmation/invalidating to be done [18:48] * wxl pats ubot93 [18:48] <wxl> so glad you're not DragonEyes [19:20] <ianorlin> wxl I may have found a workaround for the lubuntu software center is if you install software center install something then purge software-center reboot and lubuntu software center works fine [19:20] <ianorlin> which doesn't really make much sense unless alternate installer isn't setting up the pythone apt backend or something to software center [19:25] <ianorlin> even when booting the alternate it is not the permissons issue as I was able to remove blueman on alt install afterwards. [19:38] <joern__> two things would be interesting: is a file /var/cache/lsc_packages.db there? (file size zero maybe?) does "lubuntu-software-center-build-db /var/cache/lsc_packages.db /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ /usr/share/LSC/categories.ini" help against the issue? [19:41] <ianorlin> bug 1446830 is the report I filed attach those? [19:44] <Unit193> IIRC, there was another cache file too that didn't get removed on purge. [19:46] <ianorlin> joern__: that command fails saying /usr/share/app-install/desktop is a directory [19:47] <joern__> that is... interesting [19:49] <joern__> I will do a fresh install tomorrow and look what is wrong [19:52] <ianorlinvm> lubuntu-software-center-build-db /var/cache/lsc_packages.db /usr/share/ /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ /usr/share/LSC/categories.ini [19:53] <Unit193> !find /usr/share/app-install/desktop vivid [19:54] <joern__> ianorlinvm: there is a duplicate /usr/share/ in your command [19:55] <joern__> I'll go to bed now [19:55] <joern__> good night [19:57] <ianorlin> ah oops [19:59] <Unit193> By the names, surely some of lp 1446830 1303056 1286298 1081151 1066080 can be merged? [20:17] <ianorlin> hmm actually didn't get the enter shutdown bug [20:22] <ioda> HowTo crash x-server endless times: load recent daily version. dd it to an usb drive. run apt-get update && apt-get install libreoffice. Start anything of libreoffice. have fun with crashing X-server [20:23] <wxl> Unit193: old bugs are old :) [20:24] <ioda> you cant release 15.04 before fixing THAT error [20:24] <wxl> ioda: did you file a bug report? [20:25] <ioda> i am doing that here now. have fun with that bug [20:25] <ioda> bye [20:25] <wxl> ugh [20:25] <wxl> wellt hat was helpful [20:25] <wxl> NOT [21:41] <ianorlin> ugh trying to do a live session off of a laptop with broadcom wifi and 2 usb ports and then the touchpad doesn't work is not fun but bridge-utils <3 [21:43] <ianorlin> couldn't use the realtek usb I was planning on [22:16] <wxl> ianorlin: nio seems to think that your work around doesn't work [22:31] <ianorlin> or he might not have expert mode enabled [22:31] <ianorlin> which is needed for htop [22:32] <wxl> ah [22:32] <wxl> not sakura right? [22:32] * wxl curses himself for not having snapshotted the install before installing software-center [22:33] <wxl> i'm thinking a dpkg-reconfigure or a full on apt-get install might fix things up [22:35] <wxl> i'm going to have to do a full reinstall [22:37] <wxl> unless you have a relatively unbothered install lying about, ianorlin ? [22:39] <wxl> hopefully a purge and autoremove will get us back to where we were [22:55] <ianorlin> sudo dpkg-reconfigure lubuntu-software-center seems to fix it [22:56] <wxl> on an otherwise virgin install, ianorlin? [22:57] <ianorlin> yep [22:57] <wxl> add to the workaround please :) [22:58] <ianorlin> did [22:58] <wxl> thx [23:06] <Kamilion> oh? [23:07] <wxl> ianorlin: got another virgin install? i'm still waiting on m,ine. i have another idea [23:10] <Kamilion> i'm installing right now [23:10] <Kamilion> hm, let's try LVM this time. [23:11] <ianorlin> yes wxl list the idea [23:12] <ianorlin> although this vm is from the 10th [23:12] <wxl> that might not be ideal [23:12] <ianorlin> oops not virgin [23:12] <wxl> check to see if it's got the problem first [23:12] <wxl> darn [23:12] <ianorlin> still has problem [23:12] <ianorlin> but shoudl update to current pacakges [23:12] <wxl> don't get a new lsc [23:13] <ianorlin> there is one? [23:13] <wxl> no [23:13] <wxl> but if there is :) [23:13] <Unit193> import sqlite3 [23:13] <Unit193> Depends: python-pysqlite2 [23:13] <wxl> you don't want to affect anything that updates the db [23:13] <wxl> so here's my ideas: [23:13] <ianorlin> ah [23:13] <wxl> 1. lubuntu-software-center-build-db /var/cache/lsc_packages.db /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ /usr/share/LSC/categories.ini [23:13] <wxl> 2. interest /usr/share/app-install/desktop [23:14] <wxl> the latter is a trigger, the former a post install [23:41] <wxl> i'm also going to search through the logs and see if it offers any insight
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kamilion", "Unit193", "ianorlin", "ianorlinvm", "ioda", "joern_", "joern__", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu-devel" }
[02:32] <Mneuro> Any word when the ubuntu-release-party for 15.04 channel will be up? [02:33] <alteregoa> yeah the release party? bugfixing? [05:54] <rgb-one> Hello [05:54] <rgb-one> where can I search packages from the vivid vervet repository? [05:54] <lotuspsychje> rgb-one: you can use !info packagename here [05:54] <rgb-one> :) [05:55] <rgb-one> !info qt5 [05:55] <rgb-one> !info qtbase5 [05:55] <rgb-one> !info qtbase5-default [05:55] <rgb-one> !info qt [05:55] <rgb-one> !info qtcreator [05:56] <rgb-one> !info qt5base [05:56] <rgb-one> !info qt5-base [05:57] <rgb-one> can I do this in a private window as not to spam? [05:57] <rgb-one> !info qt5-base | rgb-one [05:57] <rgb-one> !info qt5-base \msg [05:58] <rgb-one> lotuspsychje: can I do this in a private window as not to spam? [05:59] <rgb-one> !info qt* [05:59] <rgb-one> !info qt-base [05:59] <rgb-one> !info qt5 [05:59] <rgb-one> !info qtbase-default [05:59] <rgb-one> !info qtbase5-default [06:07] <lotuspsychje> !msgthebot | rgb-one [06:19] <tijnix> morning [06:25] <hyper_ch> hi there, can the ubuntu 15.04 installer setup encrypted single-disk raid1? [06:41] <tijnix> I have no idea sorry, i never use encrypted disks [07:07] <hyper_ch> tijnix: I just wish there was the alternate installer again [07:12] <elfy> I think the mini.iso allows you to work with those - but not *completely* sure of that [07:14] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:16] <tijnix> hai [07:16] <hyper_ch> elfy: raid1 on a notebook is nice [07:17] <hyper_ch> elfy: attach external usb 3.0... expand raid1 to two devices, let it sync, shrink it again to 1 device, remove external drive... have a nice backup :) [07:19] <lordievader> hyper_ch: LVM by any chance? [07:19] <hyper_ch> I don't believe in LVM :) [07:19] <lordievader> Pff, LVM can do the same tricks ;) [07:19] <hyper_ch> [07:20] <hyper_ch> not sure how lvm is of any help here [07:21] <lordievader> In case you couldn't tell, I really like LVM ;) [07:23] <hyper_ch> lordievader: I haven't noticed [07:23] <hyper_ch> but I still fail to see how lvm can help here [07:25] <lordievader> To me LVM is a more flexible way of defining raids or partitions. [07:26] <hyper_ch> how so? [07:27] <lordievader> You can define per LV how you want it, where you want it, etc. [07:27] <hyper_ch> I still fail to see how that makes encrypted raid1 any simpler [07:27] <lordievader> hyper_ch: That's okay, when you mentioned raid I was wondering if it was an lvm raid. [08:10] <tijnix> rapapa and now for the test, a copy of a production server which holds percona 5.6, openldap, and Zarafa with 1200 users upgrade from 14 to 15 [08:10] <tijnix> Why? Cause i can [08:10] <lordievader> Exciting ;) [10:40] <BluesKaj> HI folks [10:40] <lordievader> o/ [10:43] <tijnix> hi [14:46] <tyrog> In my ubuntu 15.04 install I have a intel microcode firmware (proprietary) that I can install optionally in "additional drivers". What is it and is it needed? thanks [14:52] <tyrog> codemagician: You can get the latest 15.04 from here: [14:52] <codemagician> thanks :) [14:52] <tyrog> I am using it and it's great, but you can wait until Thursday if you want :) [14:52] <codemagician> Will it differ from the official 15.04 release on Thursday? [14:53] <lordievader> codemagician: It shouldn't. [14:53] <lordievader> If it does, it means that things are broken badly (and have gotten fixed). [14:54] <codemagician> Does the release get frozen and tested during the last few days? [14:55] <lordievader> Vivid has been frozen for quite a while. [14:55] <lordievader> And yes, details these tests. [14:58] <codemagician> The reason I'm using 15.04 and not 14.04.2 LTS is the hardware I'm running on requires Intel 6000 Graphics and that appears to not be supported in the LTS release (at the moment). Will that graphics support get put into 14.04.3 LTS and if so, how long does that usually take? [14:59] <lordievader> Does Utopic support it? [15:00] <codemagician> Unfortunately, not. I can't even get to see the installer UI widgets to install [15:01] <codemagician> I had wrongly assumed that choosing an Intel i5-5250U (5th Generation processor) with Intel Graphics 6000 would be similar to the previous generations with onboard graphics [15:01] <codemagician> I always thought drawing basic widgets would be fundamentally the same between drivers [15:04] * tijnix rubs his Ubuntu15 installation and it shines (macbook pro i7) [15:04] <tijnix> yay workday almost over [15:14] <codemagician> Could someone explain to me in basic terms is it the kernel that has the support for Intel Graphics, or is it possible to get Intel Graphics support without changing kernel versions (i.e. sticking to the kernel in 14.04.2 LTS)? [15:16] <lordievader> codemagician: Theoretically you can run modules of other kernel version, but that is extremely messy. And your kernel needs to support it. [15:18] <codemagician> So what exactly are the drivers for [15:18] <lordievader> They allow your kernel to speak to the hardware. [15:18] <tijnix> can't you recompile the kernel with the needed modules enabled? [15:18] <codemagician> Do they get compiled into the kernel [15:19] <codemagician> Actually, my processor isn't even on that list yet in anycase so this is a hypothetical question [15:19] <lordievader> codemagician: If you choose to do so, yes. Ubuntu chooses to compile most things as a module. [15:19] <codemagician> I'm using a NUC5i5RYH with 5th Gen i5-5250U processor (Intel Graphics 6000) [15:21] <codemagician> I'm just wondering how comes 15.04 works with my Intel 6000 graphics and the 14.04.2 LTS does not. Does that mean that the Intel support is compiled into the kernel that 15.04 chooses to use [15:22] <codemagician> tijnix: I'm not familiar with compiling my own kernel or modules etc [16:29] <lordievader> codemagician: Different kernels ;) [16:29] <lordievader> And likely also different versions of the Intel graphics driver. [16:30] <codemagician> So inside the kernel is code that controls the low-level operations of the onboard GPU? [16:31] <lordievader> The driver is the bit of code to interface with the hardware, yes. [16:31] <codemagician> what I don't understand is why can't the drivers just be made to work with 14.04.2 LTS [16:32] <codemagician> does there need to be something inside the kernel that the drivers rely upon? [16:32] <codemagician> or are the drivers compiled into the kernel at that level [16:34] <lordievader> Hmm, I guess this is why there is the option of adding modules of different kernel versions. Since it is possible to do. But rather ugly. [16:37] <codemagician> lordievader: Is the i915 driver right at the GPU hardware level? [16:40] <lordievader> Can't say. [16:40] <lordievader> I'm not a kernel developer or something. [16:43] <codemagician> So my understanding is that 15.04 has a newer kernel and it's the kernel that supports the later Intel Graphics. The only way to get the Intel Graphics 6000 working under 14.04.2 LTS would be to advance the kernel to a newer version (which I suppose Canonical will do in future 14.04.3? I guess) [17:17] <hyperch> hi there, I'm just testing kubuntu 15.04 daily image and I can't setup raid1 there upon partioning [17:17] <hyperch> is there any trick to it? [17:22] <hyperch> I tried now the "expert" mode in the kubuntu installer but there's still no raid option [22:20] <alteregoa> i'm afraid installin 15.04 [22:21] <alteregoa> will it blend? [22:22] <genii> blend? [22:50] <alteregoa> i have mate desktop [22:50] <alteregoa> i had issues upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Mneuro", "alteregoa", "codemagician", "elfy", "genii", "hyper_ch", "hyperch", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "rgb-one", "tijnix", "tyrog" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[17:01] <Unit193> As per, #lubuntu-devel has been created and will now be used for development/QA discussions. [17:03] <Pici> Unit193: Looks good. Just remember to put it on the channel list wiki page [17:05] <Unit193> Yeah, thought about that one..
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Pici", "Unit193" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-irc" }
[10:53] <mup> Bug #1438102 changed: text alignment on dropdown buttons <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Fix Released by ricgard> <> [11:23] <mup> Bug #1434257 changed: MAAS should set dnssec-validation to no in /etc/bind/named.conf.options <MAAS:Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <> [11:23] <mup> Bug #1434257 changed: MAAS should set dnssec-validation to no in /etc/bind/named.conf.options <MAAS:Triaged> <maas (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <> [12:35] <mup> Bug #1446625 was opened: package maas-region-controller 1.7.3+bzr3363-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned [12:35] <mup> error exit status 1 <amd64> <apport-package> <need-duplicate-check> <third-party-packages> <vivid> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <> [13:02] <dimitern> rvba, blake_r, mpontillo, maas+juju interlock meeting? [13:02] <rvba> dimitern: joining now… [13:02] <blake_r> dimitern: on the way [13:05] <mup> Bug #1446629 was opened: Node status transition events are logged at 'debug' level <MAAS:Fix Committed by rvb> <> [13:27] <dimitern> rvba, you saide 1PM UTC tomorrow, right? [13:27] <dimitern> said* [13:28] <rvba> dimitern: I added the meeting at 4pm CET. Happy to move it if you want me to. [13:29] <dimitern> rvba, hmm I can't see it [13:29] <dimitern> rvba, ok I've seen it on your calendar [13:29] <dimitern> rvba, that's fine [13:29] <rvba> dimitern: rarg, forgot to send the invites. Done now. [14:42] <mup> Bug #1446699 was opened: After upgrade to 15.04, unable to boot with maas installed running systemd <MAAS:New> <> [16:00] <mup> Bug #1443408 changed: Web UI ignores "Choose your image" and deploys some other image anyway <MAAS:New> <> [16:12] <mup> Bug #1443408 was opened: Web UI ignores "Choose your image" and deploys some other image anyway <MAAS:New> <> [16:18] <mup> Bug #1443408 changed: Web UI ignores "Choose your image" and deploys some other image anyway <MAAS:New> <> [16:21] <catbus2> newell: [16:39] <catbus2> newell: [18:27] <mup> Bug #1446795 was opened: 1.8beta3: Can't tell if power check worked or not <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [18:57] <mup> Bug #1446810 was opened: 1.8beta3: Too Many Open Files in maas.log <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [18:57] <mup> Bug #1446813 was opened: 1.8beta3: clusterd.log starts off with about 34MB of 0's <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [19:39] <mup> Bug #1446822 was opened: maas erase disk cannot be canceled <maas (Ubuntu):New> <> [20:21] <mup> Bug #1446840 was opened: Internal server error saving the clusters interfaces <MAAS:Triaged> <> [22:15] <mup> Bug #1446878 was opened: maas django app won't start "ImportError: No module named apt_pkg" <maas (Ubuntu):New> <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blake_r", "catbus2", "dimitern", "mup", "rvba" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[14:31] <IhqTzup_> Geforce GT610 ja kirjautumisen jälkeen jumahtaa ruutu paikalleen. [14:43] <gildean> IhqTzup_: asensitko ylimääräsiä ajureita? [14:43] <gildean> jos et, kokeile ekana asentaa nvidian suljettu ajuri [14:51] <IhqTzup_> Kokelin sitä mitä se suositteli. 346 tais olla. [14:52] <IhqTzup_> Sit kokeilin muita ajureita mitä se suositteli. [16:39] <puhuri> onkos kellään ollut viimeaikoina ongelmia intel 7260 wlanin kanssa? Läppäri ei suostu menemään mihinkään verkkoon (4 erilaista kokeiltu, salauksella ja ilman) [16:40] <puhuri> kokeiltu sekä modprobe -r iwlmvm, service network-manager stop että wifi-näppäintä eikä korjaannu. [16:41] <puhuri> Buuttia en vielä ole ehtinyt kokeilla kun on työt sen verran kesken ja löytyi piuhan pää [16:55] <Mikaela> oletko kokeillut suojaamatonta verkkoa? se ainakin auttaisi selvittämään onko vika koneessa [16:57] <puhuri> joo: (4 erilaista kokeiltu, salauksella ja ilman) [17:00] <ansa> minkälaiset taajuudet verkoissa? ts. onko mahdollista että läppäri ei tiedä olevansa suomessa ja verkot ovat korkeammilla taajuuksilla kuin mitä maailmalla yleisesti on sallittu? [17:00] <puhuri> WPA-EAP, WPA-PSK (x3, kaksi tavallista tukaria ja android), ja ihan avoin wlan (eli siis 5 kaikkiaan), joten verkossa tuskin on vikaa kun muut laitteet onnistuneesti ovat toisessa WPA-PSK-verkossa [17:00] <puhuri> kyllä se näkee verkot ihan onnistuneesti ja yrittää assosiatoitua mutta timeouttaa [17:00] <ansa> no just [17:01] <puhuri> ja "Regulatory domain changed to country: FI" näkyy olevan [17:02] <puhuri> tulee wlan0: send auth to de:ad:be:ef:... (try 3/3) ja authentication with ... timed out [17:04] <puhuri> mutta ilmeisesti ei ole mikään yleinen ongelma ainankaan google-haun perusteella (ongemat näyttivät lähinnä olevan, että verkkoa ei näy) [17:04] <puhuri> joten rautavika on toki mahdollinen [21:45] <Iltsu> onks näkemyksii? Mulla on nyt työnalla yks palvelin, mikä on menossa laneilla ja pyörii sit natin takana siellä. Haluisin toteuttaa sillain, et pääsisin kuiteki tarvittaes ssh:lla kiinni. Meinasin et tekis jonkun vpn -virityksen et se kone "soittais kotiin" ja sit sitä kautta pääsis kii. Onks mahdollist toteuttaa ja millä softilla?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IhqTzup_", "Iltsu", "Mikaela", "ansa", "gildean", "puhuri" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-fi" }
[08:48] <tsdgeos> greyback_: ping ? [08:49] <greyback_> tsdgeos: pong [08:49] <tsdgeos> greyback_: Saviq: want to have a quick chat of where to put the screenshot save to disk thing? [08:49] <greyback_> tsdgeos: sure [08:52] <Saviq> mzanetti, you too ↑ [08:52] <Saviq> tsdgeos, greyback_, mzanetti, shout when time good [08:52] <mzanetti> *shout* [08:53] <tsdgeos> fine for me [08:53] <tsdgeos> mumble? hout? [08:54] <mzanetti> I'd hangout rather than mumble for discussion. the others didn't shout yet though [08:56] <greyback_> I'm ready whenever [08:56] <Saviq> [08:56] <Saviq> mzanetti, tsdgeos, greyback_ ↑ [09:15] <Saviq> mzanetti, you there? [09:32] <Saviq> /food [10:13] <tsdgeos> greyback_: mzanetti: should putting an app on the "backround" on the phone set it to suspended in the app manager? [10:14] <greyback_> tsdgeos: define "background" in this context [10:14] <tsdgeos> greyback_: not the foreground one :D [10:14] <greyback_> as in, another app is in the foreground [10:14] <tsdgeos> or the dash [10:14] <tsdgeos> yes [10:14] <greyback_> atm, is app is not focused (and not in the exceptions list), it is set to suspended [10:15] <greyback_> if app.... [10:15] <tsdgeos> hmmm [10:15] <tsdgeos> that's what i udnerstood [10:15] <greyback_> how come? [10:15] <tsdgeos> the model did not seem to reflect that though [10:15] <tsdgeos> let me see why [10:16] <greyback_> note, this close connection of focus with lifecycle is bad, leagcy of unity-mir days [10:17] <tsdgeos> i'm confused now [10:18] <tsdgeos> are you saying they should or should not set to suspended? [10:21] <greyback_> tsdgeos: should [10:21] <tsdgeos> ok [10:28] <tsdgeos> greyback_: [10:30] <greyback_> tsdgeos: I'm surprised that used to compile. thanks [10:30] <tsdgeos> , is nice [10:30] <tsdgeos> will make almost everything compile [10:30] <tsdgeos> :D [10:30] * greyback_ hugs C++ [10:48] <popey> would someone ( mzanetti / Saviq or someone else ) be around for the Community Team Q&A at 16:00 UTC for 1 hour to answer questions related to Unity8? [11:05] <mzanetti> popey, I can [11:26] <mhall119> \o/ [11:27] <mhall119> hey guys, I've got some UOS session proposals that need someone from this team to lead [11:27] <mhall119> the list of proposes sessions is at [11:27] <mhall119> the ones with [Unity] in front are the ones I need someone from here for [11:28] <mhall119> kgunn: ^ [11:29] <Saviq> mhall119, what're the dates again? [11:29] <mhall119> Saviq: May 5-7 [11:29] <mhall119> 1400 - 2000 UTC [11:31] <Saviq> mhall119, we'll have a look [11:31] <mhall119> thanks [13:03] <Mirv> tsdgeos: (if you have time) what are your thought on the QDBus landing silo. upstream status, scheduling of the silo to land to vivid images.. so I ran all AP:s again during the weekend and they were alright ( also my account setup woes happened without the PPA too. [13:03] <Mirv> tsdgeos: should we wait until the upstream branches for example land to the 5.5 branch, they still haven't seemingly to? [13:04] <Mirv> tsdgeos: and then there's the KDE part. for the time being we have the overlay PPA, but the idea is that the PPA contents would be copied to w series when it opens, which poses a problem for landing if the KDE apps still get broken [13:06] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i definitely would not land them before they land upstream [13:06] <tsdgeos> it's a veeeeeeeery long patchset :D [13:06] <tsdgeos> let's make sure we land stuff that is good [13:06] <Mirv> tsdgeos: right, that was my thoughts too. I just thought to ask in case you think it's all flowers and butterflies. [13:06] <tsdgeos> thiago told me he'll fix the issue with KUniqueApplication before landing [13:07] <tsdgeos> but afaics it has not happened yet [13:07] <Mirv> yes at least not with the latest patches (one of which was supposed to fix it) [13:07] <tsdgeos> or we don't have all the patches, will take to him later when he wakes up [13:07] <Mirv> thanks! [14:06] <mterry> So I tried to use QtCreator the other day to create a new kit. It failed during building the kit (and/because?) it unmounted my encrypted HOME.... [14:06] <mterry> Has anyone else seen that? [14:08] <mzanetti> mterry, works fine here... however, non-ecrypted home [14:08] <mzanetti> zbenjamin, is there a known issue with encrypted home partitions? ^^ [14:08] <mterry> mzanetti, humph [14:08] <mzanetti> oh... there it is [14:09] <mterry> That's... Super annoying [14:09] <mzanetti> odd... [14:10] <mterry> mzanetti, I tried reproducing the dbus command that qtcreator is apparently running, but didn't repro the bug. But if there is a reproduction recipe that doesn't involve qtcreator, I could actually help [14:10] <mzanetti> mterry, ack. will try to repro without QtC [14:10] <mterry> mzanetti, or! [14:10] <mterry> mzanetti, I can just use a different user account on this machine [14:10] <mzanetti> if you have one, yes [14:10] <mterry> duh [14:11] * mterry forgot that was user-specific, not machine-specific [14:11] <mzanetti> mterry, you can actually use a created click chroot with other users afterwards - if it's just the creating that fails [14:11] <mterry> mzanetti, even better [14:11] <mzanetti> mterry, /etc/chroot.d/ [14:11] <mterry> mzanetti, do you know where that lives in the user folder? [14:11] <mzanetti> there's a config file for each chroot [14:11] <mterry> mzanetti, oh it's system wide? [14:11] <mzanetti> add all the users there [14:11] <mzanetti> the chroot itself lives in /var/lib iirc [14:13] <Saviq> yeah they're schroot-based [14:13] <zbenjamin> mzanetti: mterry: thats a pretty annoying one oO [14:14] <greyback> mterry: "Super annoying" sounds like an understatement [14:14] * mzanetti gives out a round of snickers :) [14:16] <Saviq> luks FTW! [14:17] <Saviq> at least it doesn't drag btrfs to a halt under stress [14:21] <Saviq> tsdgeos, oh btw, can you please comment on the screenshot card (and tweak description/tasks) about what we discussed earlier today [14:21] <tsdgeos> sure [14:22] <tsdgeos> i already removed the "needs to be done in qtmir" part this morning [14:22] <tsdgeos> let me see if something else needs changing [14:25] <tsdgeos> Saviq: actually i don't understand the difference between points 2 and 3 of the acceptance criteria [14:26] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I think they complement each other [14:26] <Saviq> tsdgeos, obviously those were written with scopes-as-apps in mind [14:27] <Saviq> tsdgeos, the only real difference is the activity indicator on splash screen (which should not be displayed until you focused the app) [15:02] <mhall119> Saviq: are you going to have time to look at the UOS session proposals today? [15:03] <mhall119> also, I would like to get a track lead from the Unity team to help schedule the Convergence track [15:03] <mhall119> any volunteers? [15:04] <mhall119> work load is minimal, since we've already got a bunch of proposed sessions, we just need to appoint someone to host them and then put them on the schedule [15:04] <Saviq> mhall119, I asked the guys to assign themselves where applicable in the pad [15:04] <mhall119> tsdgeos: mzanetti: can one or both of you give a demo showing the current state of Unity 8's desktop abilities? [15:04] <Saviq> @unity ↑ mhall119 nudges you slightly :) [15:05] <mhall119> thanks Saviq :) [15:05] <Saviq> mhall119, mzanetti'd likely be best for that, along with the upcoming desktop alt-tab/right-edge switcher [15:05] <mhall119> is @unity a team highlight? [15:05] <Saviq> mhall119, yeah [15:05] <mhall119> nice [15:05] <mhall119> yeah, I saw a design for the new switcher, looks slick, that would be a great thing to demo [15:06] <mzanetti> mhall119, when, where, how? [15:06] <mhall119> mzanetti: I'm at the desktop sprint in London, we had a couple of the designers here yesterday [15:06] <mzanetti> ah right. Vesa told me [15:07] <mzanetti> doesn't really answer the question though :) [15:08] <mzanetti> oh... the UOS [15:08] <mhall119> oh, I thought you were asking when, where and how *I* saw it [15:08] <mzanetti> :) [15:08] <mhall119> yes, UOS, on the Show & Tell track that balloons is running [15:09] <mhall119> so, start a hangout, share your screen or point your webcam at a device, however you can show it [15:09] <mzanetti> ack [15:09] <mzanetti> yeah, can do I guess [15:09] <mhall119> since I assume google hangouts don't work on Unity8 yet [15:09] <mzanetti> when is the UOS? [15:09] <mhall119> May 5-7 [15:09] <mhall119> 1400-2000 UTC [15:09] <mzanetti> ack [15:10] <mzanetti> I'll be here. but try to not put my slot as early as possible [15:10] <davmor2> mzanetti: just run Machine vs Machines on desktop if that doesn't make everyone race out and buy a device they have no soul ;) [15:10] <mhall119> try to not put it early? [15:10] <mzanetti> erm [15:10] <mzanetti> sorry [15:10] <mzanetti> as early as possible [15:10] <mzanetti> 16:00 UTC is my theoretical EOD [15:10] <mhall119> ok, that we can do [15:10] <mhall119> balloons: ^^ [15:10] <mzanetti> while I can do a bit later, I'd prefer not to have this at like 9 or 10 pm [15:11] <mhall119> ack [15:12] <Saviq> dednick, any idea about "/usr/bin/unity-mock-indicator-service: 1: /usr/bin/unity-mock-indicator-service: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")" ? [15:13] <Saviq> dednick, seems to be introduced by one of the branches in [15:15] <Saviq> huuuh [15:15] <Saviq> /usr/bin/unity-mock-indicator-service: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [15:15] <Saviq> onoes  [15:16] <Saviq> dednick, unity8-autopilot is a binary independent package [15:16] <Saviq> we can't ship a binary from it [15:18] <Saviq> how did we release that... [15:24] <Saviq> dednick, [15:25] <tsdgeos> mterry: there? [15:25] <mterry> tsdgeos, yup [15:25] <tsdgeos> mterry: i think bzr tells me you introduced [15:25] <tsdgeos> readonly property url defaultScreenshot: (root.application && root.application.defaultScreenshot !== undefined) ? root.application.defaultScreenshot : "" [15:25] <tsdgeos> in ApplicationWindow.qml [15:26] <dednick> Saviq: hm. woops [15:26] <tsdgeos> but i can't find where that defaultScreenshot property is supposed to come [15:26] <mterry> tsdgeos, ah yes... to make a fake Tutorial work [15:26] <mterry> tsdgeos, I think it's only used in Tutorial/ [15:26] <tsdgeos> ah [15:26] <mterry> tsdgeos, to fake a running app screenshot [15:26] <tsdgeos> it's a fake injected property [15:26] <tsdgeos> k [15:27] <tsdgeos> well fake appmanager property [15:27] <mterry> tsdgeos, I probably should have commented that [15:27] <vesar_> hey could anyone point out if there is any (easy, doesn't matter if very hackish) way to replace Dash in unity8 with our own app for prototyping purposes? [15:28] <tsdgeos> vesar_: overwrite the binary? :D [15:28] <Saviq> vesar_, restart unity8-dash BINARY=/path/to/your/binary [15:28] <Saviq> vesar_, or you can add a unity8-dash.override file in ~/.config/upstart/ [15:29] <Saviq> vesar, and put "exec /path/to/your/binary" there [15:29] <Saviq> vesar, after all, dash is just an app these days [15:29] <Saviq> vesar, otherwise you can just launch your app, go `stop unity8-dash` to stop the actual dash and you're done [15:29] <Saviq> vesar, depends how persistent you want it to be [15:30] <vesar_> Saviq, I don't think the latter would work since I want BFB and long left edge swipes to get to my app [15:31] <Saviq> vesar_, right, in that case the .override is best [15:31] <vesar_> but the first one sounds promising I guess, we could try that [15:31] <vesar_> Saviq, tsdgeos, very good. thank, we'll try that [15:32] <vesar_> faenil, ^^ [15:32] <faenil> thanks, very nice [15:32] <Saviq> vesar, faenil, [15:33] <Saviq> with giving some details about user jobs (vs. system jobs) [15:33] <faenil> good :) [15:33] <Saviq> and is the main unity8-dash job so you can override any of those [15:34] <Saviq> faenil, vesar, you want the --desktop_file_hint=... in your override file, too [15:34] <Saviq> btw, pstolowski ↑ UNITY_SCOPES_LIST is deprecated, 'innit? [15:34] <faenil> ah right, the mir longlasting issue [15:35] <Saviq> faenil, s/issue/feature/ [15:35] <faenil> nice try :P [15:35] <Saviq> no, for real :P [15:35] <Saviq> it'll never go away completely [15:35] <faenil> :) [15:35] <pstolowski> Saviq, it is, but let me check if we don't reference it in an obscured dark corner somewhere... [15:36] <Saviq> faenil, we need a way to create a 1:n relationship of app to surfaces, we don't want bamf any more [15:37] <Saviq> faenil, so a Mir client must be securely (unspoofingly) identified as a particular app [15:39] <pstolowski> Saviq, not used or referenced in any way by shell plugin [15:40] <Saviq> pstolowski, kk [15:42] <faenil> Saviq: oki :) [15:52] <sidi_> hi. looking at the unity code base right now. whats the difference between the unity-standalone and unity-shared folders? [15:56] <greyback> sidi_: unity-standalone appears to allow one to run unity in a window on your existing desktop. the real meat & bones of unity is in unity-shared though [15:58] <sidi_> greyback, ah great! thanks [16:27] <Saviq> greyback, can you volunteer to the "Desktop app lifecycle management" session (I'll try and be there too) [16:28] <greyback> Saviq: I suppose so, but I'm not really up on what we intend to do [16:28] <Saviq> greyback, which is what the UOS sessions are meant to be, they're not talks [16:28] <greyback> Saviq: alrighty [16:28] <greyback> consider me volunteered [16:28] <Saviq> tx [16:29] <Saviq> mzanetti, I'm putting you next to "Unity8 desktop demo" as I understand you agreed on the plan with mhall119? [16:30] <mzanetti> ok [16:30] <mzanetti> Saviq, ^ [16:30] <Saviq> mhall119, I'm not sure what "Developing Unity8" is meant to be? is it *for* Unity8, or unity8 itself (in which cae "porting X11 apps..." doesn't fit in that session?) [16:30] <Saviq> mzanetti, tx [16:32] <Saviq> mhall119, "adding traditional desktop" is something that needs design consideration first and foremost, we've just skimmed over some ideas with Giorgio, but that's about it [16:32] <Saviq> mhall119, "unity8 as default" should probably be led by willcooke&friends [16:36] <willcooke> Saviq, mhall119 - happy to get involved with that, I think we'd also like to talk about what desktop-style features we need from U8 - so if we can have a U8 person there to talk to that would be good [16:43] <Saviq> willcooke, oh sure, we'll be there, just that leading is more of a you thing on this topic I'd say [16:44] <willcooke> oki, sounds good to me. thanks Saviq [16:45] <Saviq> willcooke, added you next to it on mhall119's pad, delegate as needed :) [16:46] <willcooke> *cough* my pad [16:46] <willcooke> ;) [16:46] <willcooke> well [16:46] <willcooke> I created it, mhall119 did all the work [16:46] <willcooke> ;) [16:47] <Saviq> oups [16:58] <mhall119> Saviq: agreed on the X11 porting docs, will take that off [16:58] <mhall119> and yes,it's about telling people how to be involved in developing Unity 8 itself [16:59] <Saviq> mhall119, added myself as placeholder, will likely delegate tomorrow [16:59] <Saviq> mhall119, so the remaining bit is "traditional desktop on unity8" on which there's little we thought about [17:00] <mhall119> Saviq: that's something design has been talking to seb128 about, I'll see if he can host that [18:15] <sidi_> i'm stuck trying to build unity on vivid, missing the "pam" and "release-upload-version" dependencies. i have libpam0g-dev installed, and no idea what the second dep is meant to be. Am I missing some obvious step? [18:21] <Saviq> sidi_, use "mk-build-deps" from devscripts to install the dependencies [18:21] <Saviq> sidi_, or at least `apt-get build-dep unity` [18:24] <sidi_> Saviq, thanks, all is installed. these two dependencies are still not resolved by cmake [18:28] <Saviq> sidi_, can you paste the cmake log to ? [18:30] <sidi_> sure [18:31] * Saviq fires up a build in a chroot in the mean time [18:32] <sidi_> [18:33] <Saviq> sidi_, it looks fine, those are just warnings [18:34] <Saviq> sidi_, it generated the build rules fine, so you should be able to make or ninja just fine now [18:34] <sidi_> Saviq, good to hear. i'll need to package my changes so i dont want to package a half-broken version :-) [18:36] <sidi_> Thanks for checking in any case [18:37] <Saviq> sure
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "Saviq", "davmor2", "dednick", "faenil", "greyback", "greyback_", "mhall119", "mterry", "mzanetti", "popey", "pstolowski", "sidi_", "tsdgeos", "vesar_", "willcooke", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[09:22] <rmg51> Morning [12:14] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples, critters and everything else [20:48] <TengokuNoIsan> Good bacon to all, and to all some good bacon!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TengokuNoIsan", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[01:06] <pleia2> Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 413 for the week April 13 - 19, 2015 [07:41] <MooDoo> wow has it been a week already :s [21:35] <pleia2> PaulW2U (and everyone else!): stickers! [21:44] <PaulW2U> excellent! [21:45] <pleia2> can't tell from the photo really, but they're round [21:47] <PaulW2U> I don't know if you saw my ping in xubuntu-offtopic but the xubuntu stickers arrived last thursday [21:47] <pleia2> I did :) find a place to stick any yet? ;) [21:48] <PaulW2U> on my (xubuntu) laptop :) [22:52] <pleia2> \o/ [23:51] <ahoneybun> pleia2: \o/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "PaulW2U", "ahoneybun", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[09:02] * fanious is back (gone 00:23:59) [09:03] <fanious> kalimeraa!! [09:03] <salih-emin> καλημερα [14:35] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2575-1: MySQL vulnerabilities <> || USN-2573-1: OpenJDK 6 vulnerabilities <> [14:56] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2574-1: OpenJDK 7 vulnerabilities <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Euaki", "fanious", "salih-emin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[07:08] <dholbach> good morning [07:23] <dpm> morning all o/ [07:23] <elfy> morning [07:27] <dpm> hi elfy [07:41] <MooDoo> morning [08:11] <Tm_T> g'day [09:55] <popey> dpm: mhall119 would it be possible / useful to have a Q&A today from the desktop sprint with maybe a couple of people for questions? [09:55] <popey> I'm sure we can drum up some questions from the internet [09:55] <mhall119> popey: probably they would all be about Unity 8, inwhich case I don't think these guys woudl necessarily know the answers [10:08] <dpm> popey, I actually was going to suggest that :) [10:09] <popey> hah [10:09] <dpm> so I think it would definitely be useful. As for possible, you guys should have a better overview of who to coerce... err invite from the desktop team ;) [10:12] <mhall119> will might be available [10:13] <mhall119> I'll see if anyone else will be [10:13] <mhall119> popey: do you want to ask any Unity8 devs too? [10:14] <popey> ok [10:16] <popey> mhall119: 17:00 UK time, right? 16:00 UTC? (that's what it is in my calendar) [10:29] <mhall119> that's what mine says as well [10:33] <popey> ok [11:20] <dpm> rock on :) [11:22] <mhall119> jose: please register for so I can promote you to a track lead [11:24] <mhall119> popey: will says yes, we can do it in the sprint room and anyone who can answer can step in and do so [11:24] <mhall119> I might put you up on the projector :) [11:35] <popey> hah [13:07] <balloons> dholbach, any idea who might be willing to demo deb2snap? mterry can't do it, but I think it's still worthy of being shown off [13:09] <dholbach> balloons, mterry is the expert [13:09] <dholbach> I don't know who else worked on it [13:10] <balloons> dholbach, also, are you planning on finding folks for the snappy show and tell sessions? [13:12] <dholbach> balloons, the doc I mentioned in the mail has all the session ideas I came up with [13:13] <dholbach> as everyone is busy getting the release together I'm not at a point where everything is confirmed yet [13:14] <balloons> dholbach, no worries, just wanted to see what the status was [13:32] <mhall119> dholbach: at least one of your proposes sessions matches one of mine, so I'll get that on the convergence track [13:34] <dpm> mhall119, balloons, having spoken with asac this morning, it seems that the snappy sessions schedule will be done after release, i.e. on Friday. Everyone in the snappy team is busy with the release atm [13:39] <mhall119> dpm: ack, thanks [13:39] <balloons> ack [14:17] <jcastro> mhall119, I have some "maybe" sessions I'm going to leave in the sidebar for now if that's ok [14:18] <jcastro> jose, what do you think: [14:20] <mhall119> jcastro: it's your track, whatever you want to do with it is okay by me [14:20] * jcastro nods [14:23] <jcastro> mhall119, most of my descriptions are empty but I will fill those out in malta when I have everyoen together to describe their sessions [14:23] <jcastro> mhall119, other than that, we're basically done [14:24] <mhall119> \o/ [14:24] <mhall119> cloud guys rocking UOS as usual [14:24] <jcastro> <3 [15:19] <popey> mhall119: are you able to setup the hangout? [15:20] <czajkowski> aloha [15:33] <mhall119> sure [15:35] <mhall119> dammit, google changed the interface *again* [15:38] <mhall119> popey: scheduled and updated [15:38] <mhall119> popey: can you start and host it? you've got more reliable internet than me today [15:40] <popey> argh [15:40] <mhall119> argh? [15:40] <mhall119> jcastro: did your juju office hours thing work last week? your youtube link was bad [15:43] <popey> everything falling apart around me [15:44] <popey> mhall119: i had to reset my browser so I am missing the credentials [15:46] <mhall119> ok, I'll need to plug in [15:46] <popey> mhall119: found it.. logging in [15:46] <popey> you created the event? [15:49] <mhall119> yes [15:49] <mhall119> popey: [15:49] <popey> ok, so I'll start it then? [15:49] <popey> (I found the credentials) [15:50] <mhall119> sounds good, I'm getting my laptop ready [15:50] <popey> ok. [15:51] <mhall119> popey: PM me the hangout link when you have it [15:52] <popey> done
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "Tm_T", "balloons", "czajkowski", "dholbach", "dpm", "elfy", "jcastro", "mhall119", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[04:40] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [05:28] <infy-> Jutro [05:52] <SilverSpace> jutro [06:02] <BotaniCar> Jutro [06:03] <vileni> jutro [06:03] <BotaniCar> co-co-co-combo breaker ! :) [06:12] <BotaniCar> [08:53] <jelly> [08:54] <datase> YouTube: Harry Belafonte - Island In The Sun (HD) - 0:02:51 - 209,476 views - 635 likes / 19 dislikes [08:54] * jelly krade jubito linkove s drugih kanala [09:00] <ivoks> iss [09:01] <ivoks> kak cu ja riknut danas [09:56] <SilverSpace> uh [11:09] <Mmike> jebem ti rinejkmanje timova i mejling lista a ponaosob imam zelju za unsolicited sexom sa seve rulovima [11:09] <Mmike> sieve [11:09] <Mmike> mrmlj [11:15] <vileni> Mmike: ucinilo mi se na trenutak da si htio unsolicited sex sa severinom :) [11:43] <jelly> [11:56] <SilverSpace> :) [11:59] <weshmashian> mornin; [12:00] <SilverSpace> [12:06] <jelly> aww [12:55] <jelly> mesečina bato [13:15] <SilverSpace> dosada nemam kaj vise rootat :) [13:17] <Mmike> SilverSpace: donesem ti ja svoj s3 mini :) [13:19] <SilverSpace> a ne ne :) [13:21] <jelly> [13:34] <Mmike> otvorim hosts file u notepadu [13:34] <Mmike> editiram ga [13:34] <Mmike> ocu ga snimit [13:34] <Mmike> i ovaj ga nazove hosts.txt [13:34] <Mmike> nisam reko save-as [13:34] <Mmike> samo save [13:34] <Mmike> pa jebem ti sve [13:35] <SilverSpace> he he [13:36] <Mmike> i jos ga deaultno gurne u Documents [13:36] <Mmike> pa dobro [13:36] <Mmike> kakva je to kretenarija?! [13:37] <SilverSpace> od kud notrpad [13:37] <Mmike> SilverSpace: pa od windowsa [13:38] <Mmike> ima neki drugi nacin za editirat fajlove na windowsima? [13:38] <BotaniCar> Mmike: ne zna ti notepad snimat non-extended fajle , ako mu ne velis drugacije , a u Documents snima jer u C:\windows\system32 defaultno nesmije [13:42] <Mmike> BotaniCar: to je bio bed, da [13:42] <Mmike> morao sam cmd k'o admin pokrenut [13:42] <Mmike> onda snimi kak spada sve [13:42] <Mmike> upravo otkrio :) [13:42] <BotaniCar> ili snimis na desktop, pa drag'n'drop-as di treba, i odklikces "jesi siguran" prompt [13:43] <BotaniCar> jedva cekam doc' doma i pojest sve i frizider [13:44] <SilverSpace> pih [13:44] <BotaniCar> s cim se ja danas jebem .. imam lose (podatkovno) strukturiran xlsm , njega prvo trebam formirati kak se shika, pa to mapirati protiv xml sheme ( koju isto moram napraviti ) , pa kad dobijem MS xml, to pretvoriti u GS1 xml :D [13:44] <Mmike> BotaniCar, jelly, jel' mogu kak iz esxi management konzole pogledat o hardveru na kojem se esxi vrti? [13:44] <BotaniCar> Brijem da imam metar dana posla s tim, neuk kak jesam :D [13:45] <BotaniCar> Mmike: afaik ne [13:45] <Mmike> afaik je taj esxi dost onak jadnjikav [13:45] <BotaniCar> mosh vidjet' koliko cega imas na raspolaganju, ali neces znati koji disk imas ili kakav RAQM [13:45] <BotaniCar> *RAm [13:45] <BotaniCar> BLAM RAM PAM ! [13:45] <vileni> Mmike: klikni na host [13:45] <Mmike> aha, imam [13:45] <vileni> pa configuration [13:45] <Mmike> pisu osnovne stvari [13:46] <Mmike> vileni: nemam to [13:46] <BotaniCar> Al' ti ne pise processor revision i ostalo jako_bitno :) [13:46] <vileni> Mmike: kako nemas [13:46] <Mmike> imam 'esxi' i onda kliknem na 'summary' [13:46] <BotaniCar> issati, sad ce vileni rec da u svojem vojnom esxiu sve vidi, do atoma :) [13:46] <vileni> nista ja ne vidim :) [13:47] <Mmike> al' ne pise memorije kol'ko host ima [13:47] <BotaniCar> To je od cuge :) [13:47] <vileni> i kako mislis vojnom [13:47] <Mmike> pise cpu i sve to [13:47] <vileni> Mmike: koja je verzija? [13:47] <BotaniCar> pa vojno je meni sinonim za "mocnije nego ti i ja mozemo ikad i ikako nabavit'":) [13:47] <vileni> BotaniCar: meni je esxi na otpadnom hardveru :) [13:47] <BotaniCar> kad nisi vojnik :) [13:47] <vileni> na shiny ibm je hyper-v [13:48] <BotaniCar> mudar , mudar ! :) [13:48] <BotaniCar> Imas hyper-v 2k12 ? [13:48] <vileni> pravit cu se da je to moj izbor :P [13:48] <BotaniCar> Kak radi live migration, si zadovoljan ? [13:48] <vileni> imam sve 2k12r2 mislim, scvmm sccm itd [13:48] <BotaniCar> # Ovo je rock,a ne ti ! [13:48] <vileni> cluster, cau i ostalo [13:48] <datase> YouTube: Vuco - Crna Ženo - 0:03:55 - 426,501 views - 937 likes / 28 dislikes [13:48] <Mmike> nda, jebo taj vmsxrek [13:48] <Mmike> plain ubuntu i lxc gore [13:48] <Mmike> i milina [13:49] <vileni> Mmike: spojen si sa vsphere client gore? [13:50] <VjetarSaSunca> Mmike opet ne želi googlat [13:52] <BotaniCar> gugl ? uz ovakvu skrinjicu znanja poput #ubuntu-hr ?! [13:52] <BotaniCar> [13:53] <Mmike> vileni: yup [13:53] <vileni> Mmike: jel barem 5.x? [13:53] <Mmike> client? [13:53] <Mmike> brijem da je 5.5 [13:54] <vileni> odes na view [13:54] <vileni> inventory [13:54] <vileni> hosts and clusters [13:54] <vileni> i tamo vidis host, imenom ili ip adresom [13:54] <VjetarSaSunca> bit će to škrinjica kad vilenom dosadi googlat za Mmikea, BotaniCar [13:54] <vileni> ispod kojeg su virtualke [13:54] <Mmike> vileni: 5.1 je klijent, i nemam tog tamo [13:54] <BotaniCar> Y U so Square ? :) [13:55] <VjetarSaSunca> fair and square :p [13:55] <vileni> Mmike: ali mora biti, i na 5.1 [13:55] <vileni> jedino da si na 4.1 [13:55] <Mmike> aha, naso sam, al' na onim tabovima [13:55] <vileni> eto [13:55] <SilverSpace> odoh [13:55] <vileni> kad kliknes na host onda imas u tabovima configuration [13:55] <Mmike> GettinStarted->Summary->/... [13:55] <vileni> ako klikas po virtualkama, nemas [13:55] <Mmike> da [13:55] <Mmike> al' mi svejedno ne pise kol'ko RAMa imam [13:56] <vileni> i pod configuration imas cpu i memory [13:56] <Mmike> o, glupan [13:56] <Mmike> pise, naravno :) [13:56] <vileni> a jebga, gledam u to i znam da pise :) [13:56] <vileni> samo mi nije jasno gdje si ti zapeo [13:58] <VjetarSaSunca> vileni: zapeo je jer tražu podatke o hostu pod virtualkama :) [13:59] <VjetarSaSunca> još kad otkrije temeljno pravilio: ESXi != Linux :D [14:02] <Mmike> cuj ovog propalog pretilog BBSera :) [14:03] <Mmike> vileni: zapeo sam u wizzardima i inim gluparijama :) [14:03] <Mmike> ugl, da [14:03] <Mmike> sad bi bilo samo dobro da je netko tamo i ilo upristekao pa da mogu vidjet i koji je disk crkao [14:03] <Mmike> jel' mogu resajzat virtualku on-lajn (prosirit joj diskova?) [14:04] <jelly> naravno [14:05] <jelly> prosirit da, smanjit postojeci disk nemres [14:05] <jelly> dodat disk mozes [14:06] <Mmike> imam 100GB na kojem je ubuntu. Imam slobognog mjesta u 'datastore' drekecu jos 400 GB. Prosirio bih tih 100 GB na 200 GB [14:06] <Mmike> i onda bi poslije reko ubuntuu resizefs [14:06] <Mmike> to bu islo ? [14:06] <jelly> standardno kao da povecas disk (LUN, hw raid...) na fizickom stroju [14:09] <jelly> dakle redom: 1) a) skeniras scsi bus ak si dodao novi disk (makar to obicno sam skuzi) ili b) skeniras disk ak si povecao postojeci disk 2) povecas PV jer si naravno stavio cijeli disk kao LVM PV 3) povecas LV 4) resize2fs [14:10] <jelly> ak imas particije onda si bedast i moras rebootat :-) [14:10] <Mmike> nemamm particije [14:10] <Mmike> al' nemam nit lvm [14:10] <Mmike> imam jednu veliku particiju koja se proteze kroz /dev/sda [14:11] <jelly> dakle imas particiju, jadan ne bio [14:11] <Mmike> imam patriciju, jep [14:11] <Mmike> nemam patricjie :D [14:11] <jelly> onda 2) povecas particiju 3) rebootas 4) povecas fs [14:12] <jelly> Mmike: mi imamo template ovako: prvi disk 100MB samo 1 particija /boot, drugi disk cijeli za LVM bez I JEDNE particije [14:12] <jelly> onda se to moze online povecavat kak god oces [14:12] <Mmike> yup [14:13] <Mmike> ima skroz smisla [14:13] <jelly> jer $#@%!^ linux kernel nemre updateat interno stanje p.tablice ako se disk koristi [14:13] <Mmike> iako brijem da novi server nema nikakve vmwaretove niti ista, plain linux. OpenERP instance idu u lxc, sve je na istom FSu, nema blema sa risajzanjem i inim [14:14] <Mmike> cgroupsi ako bas hocu zasarafit kontejner na jedan cpu i pol gige rama [14:14] <Mmike> steta sto btrfs nije stable, mogao bih lako i snapshote raditi [14:14] <Mmike> i backupiranje i restoranje i sve [14:14] <Mmike> mozda da zfs upogonim? lxc kuzi zfs fino [14:14] <Mmike> mlje [14:14] <Mmike> kak' bi ivoks rekao - ne placaju me dovoljno za to :D [14:15] <jelly> debian 9 ce imat ZoL [14:16] <jelly> zakljucili advokati da se zfs smije distribuirati [14:17] <jelly> 9 = codename stretch [14:18] <jelly> jos kad bi skuzio zasto u jednoj virtualki mogu ukljucit cpu hotplug a drugoj ne [14:22] <Mmike> 9? [14:22] <Mmike> znaci da bi ubuntu mogao to malo prije imati [14:22] <Mmike> cek [14:22] <Mmike> al' zfs nece u kernel i dalje., jeld? [14:23] <Mmike> moram ic [14:23] <jelly> zfs ne moze u kernel [14:46] <VjetarSaSunca> jelly: pitaš za hotplug pod vmwaretom ili nečim drugim? [14:47] <jelly> ne pitam, rantam [14:47] <VjetarSaSunca> :) [14:47] <jelly> al da, vmware [14:48] <VjetarSaSunca> u opcijama virtualke se postravlja hoće li biti cpu/ram hotplugable [14:48] <VjetarSaSunca> obično tak završi da ako kažeš da želiš ram hotplug onda pojede sav dodjeljeni ram pri pokretanju [14:48] <VjetarSaSunca> no YMMV [14:50] <VjetarSaSunca> jelly: settings od VMa, pa tab Options :) [14:50] <jelly> u opcijama virtualke je cpu hotplug bio konstantno zasivljen, bez obzira jel VM ukljucen ili ugasen ili verzija 7 ili 9 ili 10 [14:51] <jelly> VjetarSaSunca: znam DI je to, kad velim da u jednom VM radi u drugom ne [14:51] <VjetarSaSunca> oprosti, guru jelly :) [14:52] <VjetarSaSunca> na tren sam te zamijenio sa Mmike om [14:52] <jelly> razlog je bio: manual veli da OS mora podrzavati cpu hotplug [14:53] <jelly> odabir OS-a 64bit "Other Linux 2.6" ne podrzava; odabir "Debian 5 64bit" ili "Debian 7 64bit" podrzava [15:28] <SilverSpace> 15.04 Release [15:28] <SilverSpace> April 23, 2015 [15:29] <SilverSpace> dva dana [16:11] <SilverSpace> opet cigla sony miro [16:12] <SilverSpace> hm :) [16:41] <Mmike> [16:42] <vileni> uf, napeta utrka [16:42] <vileni> snimka motoGP [16:44] <Mmike> di? [16:44] <Mmike> kak ja rto fulam uvijek [16:44] <vileni> ja skinuo [16:45] <vileni> neznam, morao bih vidjeti neku F1, ali sumnjam da je ovako napeto :) [16:46] <Mmike> vileni, imas .torrent? [17:09] <dodobas> ne koristim ubuntu... [17:09] <dodobas> i necu koristiti ubuntu [17:10] <Mmike> dodobas :* :* :* :* [17:11] <Mmike> SilverSpace, vidi tko je doso ^^ :) [17:11] <Mmike> dodobas, je'l ti i dalje Perez momak za navijanje? [17:11] * Mmike je za Rosberg/Raikonnen nekako ove godine :) [17:11] <Mmike> malo mi mrzak raikonen jer je u ferariju [17:11] <Mmike> a vettel mi je turbo mrzak jer je u ferrariju :) [17:13] <dodobas> Perez je ok... ali ja sam za Mclaren... mercedes mi je jako mrzak... [17:13] <dodobas> rosberg pogotovo... [17:14] <dodobas> taj zna nista, bez coachinga... [17:14] <dodobas> sad malo koci, sad malo stisni gas... sad ovo ... sad ono... [17:17] <Mmike> meklareni su super ove sezone [17:23] <vileni> o dodobas [17:24] <dodobas> o vileni [17:24] <dodobas> Mmike: imas se cemu nadati :) [17:24] <dodobas> ja zadovoljan kad oba zavrse bez problema :) [17:26] <jelly> Mmike: nemas pojma, kimi je dobar sto god vozio, cak i ferrari [17:27] <vileni> ja priznajem samo top gear test track [17:27] <vileni> tamo svi voze istu kantu [17:39] <Mmike> vileni, vish, treba to skinut za rfactor :) [17:40] <vileni> Mmike: sad bi trebao i project cars izaci [17:41] <Mmike> to, onak, jedva cekam [17:52] <SilverSpace> oo dodobas zalutao [17:52] <SilverSpace> vileni: da GP je bilo ludo [17:53] <SilverSpace> klasa prije jos lude [17:53] <SilverSpace> skoro su se u cilju prvi i drugi potukli [17:56] <SilverSpace> ah opet vratio sony u zivot [17:57] <SilverSpace> ne mozes ga otkljucati da hoces [17:57] <dodobas> SilverSpace: ma pitaj Mmike, obecao je mesa i vina ... [17:58] <SilverSpace> oo [17:58] <dodobas> sad sam tu da vidim hoce li se drzati dogovora [17:58] <SilverSpace> dodobas: meni vec obecava skoro godinu dana noc u Dubravu do mene :) [17:58] <SilverSpace> nade su ti male :P [18:00] <dodobas> SilverSpace: ah... rekoh si ... mozda da mu dam jos jednu sansu... [18:02] <Mmike> koji ste [18:02] <Mmike> traktori, obojica [18:02] <SilverSpace> :) [18:07] <Vlado9A3CY> dobra vecer :) [18:08] <dodobas> o Vlado9A3CY [18:20] <Vlado9A3CY> zivio dodobas :) [18:21] <dodobas> zivio, hip hip hik hik, zivio [18:24] <SilverSpace> ko ce tri tjedna cekat [18:35] <VjetarSaSunca> oh Windows 10 i multiple desktops [18:35] <VjetarSaSunca> Kao da su naučili nešto od Linuxa :) [18:38] <SilverSpace> VjetarSaSunca: ma da [18:39] <SilverSpace> to kad god udem u win uvjek pokusavam pokrenut [18:39] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: evo baš gledam u Vmware Workstationu zadnji build Windows 10 [18:40] <VjetarSaSunca> Native podržava "Add desktop" :) [18:41] <SilverSpace> kad ce to izac [18:41] <SilverSpace> vidio sam da ce tko ima legalnu sedmicu moc nadograditi [18:42] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: postoji zavrzlama. Najavili su da će oni sa legalnom sedmicom moći nadograditi, ali ne OEM korisnici [18:42] <VjetarSaSunca> Na jesen bi trebala izaći [18:43] <VjetarSaSunca> Ovo što gledam izgleda moćnije od prethodnog builda [18:43] <SilverSpace> VjetarSaSunca: aha :( nista onda [18:44] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: sve ovisi o pritisku zajednice. Moguće su promjene u licenciranju do izlaska desetke [18:45] <VjetarSaSunca> istina bog ikone izgledaju kao da gledam Lolipop [18:45] <SilverSpace> :) [18:46] <VjetarSaSunca> čak je dobio i notificatione kao u KDE-u :) [18:47] <markosejic> d vecer [18:48] <SilverSpace> VjetarSaSunca: lol kaj kopiraju ljinuxe [18:49] <SilverSpace> fakat sam zadovoljan sa ovim amd procesorom [18:49] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: ooo da. Kopiraju kaj stignu. Prvo su od osmice napravili OSX koji nije OSX i sad rade još većeg križanca [18:49] <VjetarSaSunca> nikad nisam imao makinu na AMD procu [18:50] <SilverSpace> ja sam uzeo sad ovog stedljivog A! [18:50] <SilverSpace> A1* [18:50] <markosejic> novi josemity kopira ubuntu gnome [18:51] <SilverSpace> [18:51] <SilverSpace> ovog [18:52] <markosejic> amd a8 6600k black edition [18:52] <SilverSpace> jako dobro radi sa ubuntu [18:53] <SilverSpace> ati zacudo radi ok [18:58] <VjetarSaSunca> ATI je uvijek radio OK :D [19:03] <SilverSpace> VjetarSaSunca: joj bas i ne znam koliko sam se ja mucio sa grafama na ubuntu [19:11] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: novije ATI grafulje su imale loš support na Ubuntuu [19:15] <SilverSpace> ovu mi prepoznao nakon reboota i sve instalirao
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "VjetarSaSunca", "Vlado9A3CY", "datase", "dodobas", "infy-", "ivoks", "jelly", "markosejic", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[04:07] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:12] <lotuspsychje> [04:27] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: morning [04:30] <ablest1980> gm [04:31] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: your in europe? [04:31] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: ellow :p [04:31] <ablest1980> im downloading mypain do you have that? [04:31] <ablest1980> mypaint [04:31] <ablest1980> us [04:31] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, yowza [04:31] <lotuspsychje> for ubuntu? [04:31] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: whats your time mate? [04:31] <cfhowlett> mypain? already divorced her ... [04:31] <lotuspsychje> 6h31 here [04:32] <lotuspsychje> lolll cfhowlett [04:32] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, 12:32 pm central china time [04:32] <lotuspsychje> cool [04:32] <lotuspsychje> i wanna travel to china one day [04:32] <lotuspsychje> ive seen japan already [04:32] <ablest1980> 1232am here [04:32] <lotuspsychje> !info mypaint [04:32] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, opportunities of all kinds here [04:33] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: i bet its very interesting! wich city are you? [04:33] <ablest1980> its for tablets i didnt know [04:33] <ablest1980> ill get gimp [04:33] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: what are you trying to do? [04:33] <ablest1980> gimp is better right? [04:33] <ablest1980> draw [04:34] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: what kind of draw [04:34] <lotuspsychje> simple? professional? [04:34] <lotuspsychje> photo editing? [04:34] <ablest1980> fun [04:35] <lotuspsychje> gimp is little heavy for just fun i think [04:35] <lotuspsychje> if you just wanan draw lines better download something lightweight [04:35] <ablest1980> thats why i was going to mypaint [04:35] <ablest1980> use [04:35] <lotuspsychje> !find paint [04:35] <ablest1980> thanks [04:35] <lotuspsychje> !info mypaint [04:35] <lotuspsychje> grr [04:35] <lotuspsychje> !info gpaint [04:35] <lotuspsychje> ah small [04:36] <lotuspsychje> that might be something [04:36] <lotuspsychje> ablest1980: you can apt-cache search paint also [04:36] <ablest1980> something like mypaint for notebooks [04:36] <ablest1980> ok [04:39] <ablest1980> im trying kolour paint [04:39] <lotuspsychje> cool [04:39] <ablest1980> 5 star from software center [04:42] <ablest1980> kolorpaint sucks [04:42] <ablest1980> its like mspaint [04:42] <lotuspsychje> lol [04:42] <ablest1980> lol [04:43] <ablest1980> do you play chess? [04:43] <lotuspsychje> well if you want professional try gimp then [04:43] <lotuspsychje> no [04:43] <lotuspsychje> i like Go online [04:43] <ablest1980> gimp is the linux photoshop [04:43] <lotuspsychje> yep [04:43] <lotuspsychje> its more artistic editing [04:44] <ablest1980> yes [04:44] <lotuspsychje> !info pinta [04:45] <ablest1980> downloading pinta [04:45] <lotuspsychje> never tested myself tough [04:48] <ablest1980> how do install programs outside software center? [04:48] <ablest1980> like say from sourceforge [04:48] <lotuspsychje> get the deb or add ppa [04:49] <ablest1980> ok [04:51] <ablest1980> still tired? [04:51] <lotuspsychje> no why? [04:51] <lotuspsychje> im on the coffee :p [04:51] <ablest1980> me too [04:52] <ablest1980> youre not typing [04:52] <ablest1980> you dont have [04:52] <ablest1980> to [04:52] <ablest1980> i think im lagging [04:52] <lotuspsychje> well on irc, everything goes alittle slower [04:52] <lotuspsychje> im on several channels [04:52] <ablest1980> me too [04:54] <ablest1980> painta is nice [04:54] <lotuspsychje> cool! [04:54] <ablest1980> pinta [04:54] <lotuspsychje> it seemed nice online [05:11] <ablest1980> bbl [05:11] <ablest1980> bye [05:11] <lotuspsychje> kk [05:29] <ablest1980> hey [05:31] <lotuspsychje> wb :p [05:33] <ablest1980> ty [05:33] <ablest1980> do you program? [05:34] <ablest1980> is code lite c/c++ python ide or just c/c++ ide? [05:35] <lotuspsychje> no sorry [05:35] <lotuspsychje> try the ##programming guys [05:37] <ablest1980> ok [07:15] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:35] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: morning :p [07:36] <lordievader> Hey lotuspsychje, how are you? [07:36] <lotuspsychje> fine tnx and you [07:37] <lordievader> Doing okay, reading the Ubuntu Newsletter. [07:37] <lotuspsychje> wich one [07:38] <lordievader> The weekly newsletter? [07:38] <lotuspsychje> url? [07:38] <lordievader> [07:38] <lotuspsychje> tnx [07:39] <lotuspsychje> nice one [10:40] <BluesKaj> HI folks [18:04] <BluesKaj> rejerson69, connection probs ? [18:36] <daftykins> heh [19:49] <MonkeyDust> no news about 15.10 yet? [19:50] <OerHeks> Nope, no name [19:59] <daftykins> Wobbly Windows, clearly [20:00] <MonkeyDust> or Willy Wonka (if that name rings a bell) [20:00] <OerHeks> A Fish Called Wanda [20:05] <daftykins> Canonical in golden ticket printing shocker! [20:10] <MonkeyDust> a wish called Wanda [22:10] <daftykins> *sigh* one of *them* again [22:12] <EriC^> :D [22:12] <daftykins> perhaps i should walk away... [22:13] <EriC^> nah [22:13] <EriC^> it's kind of funny [22:14] <daftykins> heh, i can't tolerate such ignorance [22:17] <daftykins> Things to avoid: petting your cat on your lap whilst wearing thin shorts [22:17] <daftykins> D: [22:17] <EriC^> lol [22:17] <EriC^> i want a cat [22:17] <daftykins> other than the quantity of fur over everything, it's great :D [22:18] <EriC^> i didn't like them before, but there's a black tiny cat that sits next to my car and the other day my car wasn't running right and it kept staring at me so magestically [22:18] <daftykins> whilst disguising the tool it used beneath it :D [22:18] <EriC^> i pretty much fell in love, i fed her a couple times and when i get home/leave she's usually there [22:19] <EriC^> what tool? [22:19] <daftykins> on your car ;) [22:19] <EriC^> oh [22:20] <daftykins> Here's Mischief: [22:20] <EriC^> there's a really tiny new born cat at my neighbor's poor thing was screaming like an infant all night long [22:21] <daftykins> crikey [22:21] <EriC^> i threw it some meat from the balcony [22:21] <EriC^> i wanted it soo bad [22:21] <EriC^> her screaming got really messed up progressively [22:22] <EriC^> like she had a soar throat or something, couple of days and i got over the idea of getting a cat [22:22] <EriC^> it sucked when i thought she was there all alone, especially when it was raining outside [22:23] <EriC^> watching the video [22:23] <daftykins> i'm quite lucky in that mines very well trained already [22:23] <EriC^> that's your cat? [22:23] <daftykins> yep [22:23] <EriC^> cool [22:24] <EriC^> lol she's really playful [22:24] <daftykins> my parents had her along with 2 cats and 2 dogs, but she didn't really get on with the others so i decided to take her on [22:24] <EriC^> she looks a bit like the one on the street, but cleaner :P [22:24] <EriC^> i like those cats [22:25] <EriC^> cool [22:25] <daftykins> she loves a good groom :> [22:26] <EriC^> hehe [23:37] <EriC^> daftykins: [23:41] <EriC^> it's pretty funny [23:44] * daftykins clicks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "EriC^", "MonkeyDust", "OerHeks", "ablest1980", "cfhowlett", "daftykins", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:06] <sunixoperatingsy> hello [00:06] <sunixoperatingsy> this isa alex garci [00:07] <acz32> anyone know of mate panel can just show icons of windows, like xfce4-panel's deskbar (for vertical panel) [00:07] <hasan> can anybody tell me what an SP socket is? [00:09] <hasan> or AS_SP in particular [00:10] <markov_> hi, i ran sudo apt-get update on 14.04 this morning [00:10] <markov_> and unity's panel disappeared [00:10] <prw> new to ubuntu--i'm running vivid and there aren't packages for it in some PPAs i want to use. will it just install the trusty packages? [00:10] <markov_> like it doesn't show up under gsettings schemas [00:10] <mjollnerd> I've uninstalled a few programs now with sudo apt-get purge and each time when I reinstall a lot of the settings are still kept. Am I missing something? [00:11] <lizzie> unity's panel disappearing is a good thing, right? [00:12] <markov_> i enjoy having a systray [00:12] <lizzie> oh I thought you meant the side one [00:12] <markov_> yeah i agree it's confusing [00:13] <Bashing-om> prw: No, running a PPA source in vivid will not install packages for trusty . And installing packages for trusty can and does lead to breakage . [00:15] <prw> Bashing-om: thx [00:15] <Bashing-om> mjollnerd: 'purge' will not remove config files in your /home . [00:15] <mjollnerd> Bashing-om: Is there anything that will? Ideally I dont' want anything left behind once I uninstall something [00:18] <hichmate> is there a software center in mate 14.1? [00:18] <cjoseph> Hi, I'm working on a programming project that involves compiling openWRT from source. When I try to run make-menuconfig, the ncurses configuration menu comes up and looks fine, but when I press the arrow keys the escape code ('^[OB', etc.) is displayed instead of the cursor moving up and down the menu. [00:18] <Bashing-om> mjollnerd: Not directly .. up to the system adminustrator to manually remove files in the /home directpry . You might run something like -> dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge <- you can remove all configuration data from every removed - system - package. [00:19] <cjoseph> I have libncurses5 and libncurses5-dev installed at the latest version. Any idea what could be causing this weird menuconfig issue? [00:19] <daftykins> cjoseph: are these GUI terminals? [00:19] <mjollnerd> Awesome! Thank you Bashing-om [00:19] <cjoseph> daftykins: yeah, the default ubuntu graphical terminal. I can go try the non-graphical one (brb) [00:20] <Bashing-om> mjollnerd: Welcome . [00:26] <cjoseph> daftykins: still waiting...apparently I did a make clean so everything is happening from scratch and taking forever [00:27] <cjoseph> daftykins: finally compiled. It happens in non-graphical terminal [00:30] <daftykins> cjoseph: hrmm, do you use a non-english input language? [00:30] <cjoseph> daftykins: no [00:30] <lizzie> /wc/ [00:31] <daftykins> cjoseph: hmm no ideas then i'm afraid, never actually used that before [00:39] <mrpizzaface> Hey can anyone help me with the Mesa driver not correctly finding the default resolution and refresh rate for my monitor? i am stuck on 1280*720 when my monitor has a native res. of 1366*768 i am running a HD6520G and i recently downgraded from FGLRX-updates [00:42] <ghost_> Hello [00:43] <neopsyche> Hello [00:43] <ghost_> just trying out a new client [00:44] <daftykins> !test [00:45] <ghost_> i didn't plan on saying anything... just setting up some prefs [00:57] <bloop> Hey. I disabled the overlay-scrollbar because I hate it. But now the gnome terminal doesn't have the arrows on the scrollbar [00:57] <mrpizzaface> !nukeme [00:57] <bloop> the way I disabled was with sudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar [00:59] <penguin1263> "easily get rid of the scary boot screen" </lol> [00:59] <daftykins> ? [01:01] <blacknith> oie [01:01] <eko> jljl [01:01] <blacknith> alguem brasileiro aqui [01:02] <twtccw> quit [01:02] <blacknith> exit [01:02] <blacknith> quit [01:02] <blacknith> `-` [01:03] <daftykins> "/quit" [01:12] <pavlos> bloop, [01:15] <cavassani> \msg pavlos [01:17] <pavlos> what's your question? [01:17] <daftykins> !who [01:18] <pavlos> daftykins, cavassani tried to msg me so I asked what's his question [01:51] <DazPetty> my rap name is systemd, and if you mess with my I'll make you a target, and execute you with all the other units [01:51] <DazPetty> *me [02:05] <kemmler> If I want to automate the update of server servers dns records would it be better to put the new records in /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/base or head? [02:05] <kemmler> or would it really matter [02:27] <tim`> why would gnunet-service-arm be destroyign my cpu [02:29] <hichmate> hello [02:34] <kirill> connect russnet [02:38] <hichmate> does anyone know how to make my desktop less laggy in mate [02:38] <hichmate> i have really bad tearing [02:38] <daftykins> graphics hardware and driver? [02:38] <hichmate> ati hd550v [02:39] <hichmate> idk how to check driver [02:39] <hichmate> im on ubuntu mate 14.1 [02:39] <daftykins> i think that's one digit too short for an AMD model # [02:39] <daftykins> can you paste the line from "lspci" ? [02:39] <hichmate> laptop [02:40] <daftykins> oh 14.10. you need to say the 0's :> [02:40] <hichmate> 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02) [02:40] <hichmate> 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express x16 Root Port (rev 02) [02:40] <hichmate> 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06) [02:40] <hichmate> 00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 05) [02:40] <hichmate> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05) [02:40] <hichmate> 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 05) [02:41] <daftykins> line :) [02:41] <daftykins> !paste [02:42] <hichmate> rv 710? [02:43] <hichmate> any tips on how to alleviate tearing? [02:43] <daftykins> i'd still like to see the full single line [02:44] <hichmate> !paste [02:45] <hichmate> [02:46] <Upstand> 20WAA2QA9 [02:46] <Upstand> [0__0] [02:46] <Upstand> [DS]Matej [02:46] <Upstand> [Relic] [02:46] <Upstand> [Saint] [02:46] <Upstand> \sky [02:46] <Upstand> ^Phantom^ [02:46] <daftykins> hichmate: ok so HD 4000 series, that card can't use any different driver than the default open source one "radeon" which it is likely using already. "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" then paste the link to confirm [02:47] <daftykins> hichmate: you can double check the additional drivers program to be sure though [02:53] <[Saint]> lol - that upstand guy is trying to log into my IRC account [03:09] <deadmund> On KDE / KDM there is a "Guest Session" option. There is no password and nothing the user saves / does is persistent across logins. How can I configure the desktop and other tirvial "user" things for this account?? [03:10] <daftykins> deadmund: first google result? [03:11] <deadmund> daftykins: Thanks! I tried to google and couldn't get anything. What keywords did you use? [03:12] <daftykins> ubuntu customise/change guest session defaults [03:14] <deadmund> daftykins: Thanks so much! [03:14] <daftykins> np [03:20] <hichmate> how come i dont have tearing in normal ubuntu but i do in 14.10 mate? [03:26] <[n0mad]> hi [03:27] <[n0mad]> i know this is a longshot but is there any way to reopen a process from command line? [03:27] <[n0mad]> ie. i set it to minimize to tray apparently and it didn't? [03:30] <tango> Hello [03:31] <tango> How to add apps into the Unity launcher? [03:32] <tango> Hello? How to add application in unity launcher? [03:34] <roothorick> okay, in ubuntu-gnome, how is gdm actually launched? [03:34] <tango> hi? [03:34] <roothorick> I see /etc/init.d/gdm but I don't see it in any rc?.d links [03:35] <tango> gdm? [03:37] <Bashing-om> tango: Drag the icon to the launcher, right click -> "lock to launcher" ? . [03:38] <LXLE-User> whats the best app that can extract and create bootable iso?? [03:39] <tango> Bashing-om, sorry..I should add more..."without run & locking them" [03:39] <[n0mad]> LXLE-User: I don't know about best but in ubuntu you can just use startup disk creator from the dash [03:40] <[n0mad]> at least that's what I used to create a bootable usb key from iso [03:40] <tango> mkusb is the best for me..on Ubuntu. [03:41] <LXLE-User> [n0mad] i do not see that app on the list =/ [03:41] <tango> LXLE-USER, you can try mkusb. [03:42] <tango> It's uses zenity as the GUI (Bash scripting). [03:42] <LXLE-User> tango ok, so that can extract as well?? [03:42] <tango> and very light, created by Sudodus (ubuntu forum admin) [03:42] <tango> mod* [03:42] <LXLE-User> because im tryin to extract multiple iso, then eventually creatin 1 iso to include all of them [03:42] <tango> what you mean by that LXLE-User [03:43] <LXLE-User> tango, extract multiple iso, then create a single iso out of the extracted iso's [03:44] <LXLE-User> something i would have used magiciso or imgburn or poweriso back in the days when i still used windows [03:44] <tango> LXLE-User - Do you mean you wanna build ubuntu.iso from the decompressed file? [03:44] <tango> Xfburn can do that [03:44] <tango> Most popular choice - Brasero and Xfburn [03:44] <LXLE-User> no, im combinin several apps [03:45] <LXLE-User> tango sorry to be a noob, but i dont see in xfburn on how to extract nor create, all i see is burning iso [03:49] <tango> I once did that when using Brasero [03:49] <LXLE-User> tango i think i see how to create, new data composition?? but i still do not see how to extract [03:52] <LXLE-User> nothing at all that i can see about extractin, could try usin it to put the extracted things together later, but until its extracted, i cannot do anything [03:52] <tango> I'm you want to create ISO or tarballs? [03:53] <LXLE-User> iso, but after i extract several isos, then i want to create a single iso out of the extracted iso's [03:54] <LXLE-User> i need to extract multiple iso's 1st, then create a single iso with all of them together [03:54] <tango> and do you know how to access it later? [03:55] <LXLE-User> yes i do [03:55] <LXLE-User> im just so new to not bein on windows [03:55] <tango> do you got brasero? [03:55] <LXLE-User> i dont, just have whatever came with lxle, its a fresh install, not even 30 mins old [03:56] <LXLE-User> version 12.04.5, in case that helps [03:56] <LXLE-User> revived dinosaur laptop, im surprised it has a crappy dvd burner [03:57] <tango> You can create the data disc in Xfburn right? [03:58] <LXLE-User> yea, i saw the creatin part already, but i cannot create yet until i extract the iso's i already have 1st [03:58] <LXLE-User> i want them all under 1 iso [03:58] <tango> You said, you extracted the 1st iso? [03:59] <LXLE-User> no i havent extracted any, i said i have several iso's, i need to extract them all first, then i want to create a single iso with all of them in it [03:59] <tango> So, your problem to extract the ISO? [03:59] <tango> you can do that by right-clicking the iso..and click extract [04:00] <LXLE-User> oh crap, hold on let me try that, damn i could have thought of that [04:01] <LXLE-User> ok extract is not an option, can only open iso with xarchiver or xfburn, when i select xarchiver, it cannot do filetype [04:01] <LXLE-User> i do not see any extract option in xfburn [04:04] <tango> try install gmountiso [04:04] <tango> sudo-apt get install gmountiso [04:04] <LXLE-User> ok will do, brb [04:06] <LXLE-User> ok installed [04:06] <tango> and run it from terminal - gmountiso...and choose the iso to extract [04:07] <LXLE-User> ok, gotta mount as well right? [04:07] <tango> set the mount point (the extract location..try /home/yourname [04:07] <tango> or /mnt [04:07] <LXLE-User> ok [04:07] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [04:07] <tango> hi [04:08] <LXLE-User> its 908pm [04:08] <tango> so...does it's working? [04:08] <tango> it( [04:09] <LXLE-User> nothing happened yet [04:09] <LXLE-User> um, ok i didnt click mount, i just selected mount point [04:09] <LXLE-User> mounting now [04:09] <tango> click mount [04:09] <tango> ok [04:10] <LXLE-User> it extracted!! [04:10] <LXLE-User> um, so i can unmount n do it for the next iso?? [04:11] <tango> you can..change the iso..and the mount don't want to mix all them right? [04:12] <LXLE-User> i plan to have them in separate subfolders within the mount point [04:12] <LXLE-User> so i can easily make a single iso from all of them [04:12] <tango> then just create subfolders [04:13] <tango> mkdir /path/path/path [04:13] <LXLE-User> ok, workin on it now [04:13] <Xtx> hi [04:13] <Xtx> :3 [04:13] <tango> hi [04:13] <Xtx> hiiiii [04:13] <Xtx> <(") [04:13] <Xtx> hello [04:13] <Xtx> hellooooooo [04:13] <Xtx> o.O [04:13] <LXLE-User> um, folder is read only, wth?? [04:13] <Xtx> :O [04:13] <Xtx> o.O [04:14] <Xtx> >.> [04:14] <LXLE-User> i cannot create a subfolder [04:14] <Xtx> :O [04:14] <Xtx> youtube [04:14] <tango> why? [04:14] <Xtx> lol [04:14] <Xtx> i know why [04:14] <Xtx> me no tell [04:14] <tango> read only? [04:14] <Xtx> >.> [04:14] <Xtx> ME NO TELL [04:14] <Xtx> muhahahhaa [04:14] <LXLE-User> the mount point is read only [04:14] <tango> put sudo [04:14] <tango> type sudo mkdir /path/path/path [04:16] <tango> can you give the path you using? [04:17] <tango> so I can figure it out...of where you should put them. [04:17] <LXLE-User> /home/lxle-user/path [04:17] <LXLE-User> i also have pcmanfm opened on that folder, n no option to create file or folder, but the eject button is there [04:18] <tango> do you run as root? [04:18] <LXLE-User> yes, n i have root password [04:19] <tango> sudo mkdir /path/path doesn't work? [04:20] <tango> if you still can't, there is 2 more option to do..1 with gui and another with boring Command line. [04:20] <LXLE-User> its not workin [04:20] <LXLE-User> id prefer gui pls [04:20] <LXLE-User> its not creatin jack even after it asked me for the root password [04:21] <tango> ok..before going any further [04:21] <tango> can you explained..what are you doing right now? [04:21] <tango> the iso extracted, but what is the problem? the path cannot be created? [04:21] <tango> explain* [04:22] <LXLE-User> i just retyped the command u gave, n it said cannot create directory [04:22] <tango> you create in? [04:22] <LXLE-User> yes i put the correct path, but it wont create it [04:22] <tango> /home/lxle-user/path or /home/lxle-user/path/subfolder [04:22] <LXLE-User> maybe if i open pcmanfm with root rights? [04:22] <tango> which one? [04:22] <tango> yes [04:22] <LXLE-User> the second one with the subfolder [04:22] <tango> you's better [04:23] <tango> sudo pcmanfm [04:23] <LXLE-User> i just did, still no option to create a folder, its still read only [04:23] <tango> before doing should make a copy of all your iso..and put it somewhere you can's corrupted [04:24] <LXLE-User> theyre not corrupted, i tried them on a different device individually, they all work [04:24] <tango> so..your ISO is read only? [04:24] <LXLE-User> apparently its read only, its thinkin its an actual dvd [04:25] <LXLE-User> or do i have to unmount 1st?? [04:25] <tango> then install p7zip-full - sudo apt-get install p7zip-full [04:25] <LXLE-User> damn, this is crazy, i dont nearly have this much complications when i used windows [04:25] <tango> try to unmount first [04:25] <LXLE-User> ok [04:26] <tango> It's not hard actually, you just need to learn a bit [04:26] <LXLE-User> nothing is happenin when i click unmount [04:26] <tango> Linux give you full control of your OS, that's why it's a little bit hard [04:26] <tango> then..install the the p7zip [04:26] <LXLE-User> well, its been almost an hour that im on lxle, if that counts [04:27] <tango> create a new directory (without root) [04:27] <tango> it's lxde [04:27] <tango> now go to the new directory [04:27] <tango> hit f4 [04:27] <LXLE-User> i installed lxle, the one with more apps [04:28] <tango> and type 7z x thefile.iso [04:28] <cfhowlett> LXLE-User, lxle is not supported here. use their channels - not ubuntu [04:28] <tango> or 7z thefile.iso [04:28] <LXLE-User> wow, so lxle is banned here [04:29] <tango>'s not even matter if it's other than Unity DE [04:29] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: morning [04:30] <tango> so it's working LXLE? [04:30] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, greetings and salutatations [04:30] <LXLE-User> um, under folder properties, in the root access pcmanfm, i can see the change content is set to nobody [04:30] <lotuspsychje> !discuss > cfhowlett set to favs :p [04:30] <LXLE-User> maybe i should change that, to at least only owner?? [04:31] <tango> you can try..but I afraid if you can access the folder with even sudo [04:31] <tango> cant [04:32] <LXLE-User> error, it says its a read-only file system, damn [04:32] <tango> install p7zip [04:32] <LXLE-User> oh wait, how bout if i just copy all the files n folder somewhere else, then create a subfolder there? [04:32] <tango> That's great [04:33] <tango> you can [04:33] <tango> test it [04:33] <LXLE-User> ugh, brb [04:33] <tango> I can't tell if it working, since I'm only giving advice [04:34] <tango> it's working? [04:35] <LXLE-User> permission denied, i cannot even make a copy wtf [04:35] <LXLE-User> so what kind of admin access is this [04:35] <tango> what? but you have the original file right? [04:35] <LXLE-User> yea i have the original iso [04:36] <tango> make a folder somewhere..that you can create [04:36] <tango> pcmanfm don't have extract option..I forgot [04:36] <tango> so install another file manager [04:37] <tango> like Nautilus [04:37] <tango> sudo apt-get install nautilus [04:37] <LXLE-User> its already been extracted i thought [04:37] <tango> Oh no... [04:37] <LXLE-User> gmountiso already extracted when i mounted?? [04:37] <tango> gmountiso require root [04:37] <LXLE-User> i have root access [04:37] <LXLE-User> i have the password [04:37] <tango> hmm [04:38] <LXLE-User> oh wait, maybe i should open gmountiso with root?? [04:38] <tango> yes [04:38] <tango> sudo gmountiso [04:38] <LXLE-User> ugh, ok hold on [04:38] <LXLE-User> command not found??? [04:39] <tango> seriously? [04:39] <LXLE-User> waaaa, idk about this, i might have to go back to windows [04:39] <lotuspsychje> !info gmount [04:39] <lotuspsychje> !info gmountiso [04:39] <snkcld> how cna i prevent ubuntu from minimizing a fullscreen window? [04:39] <LXLE-User> event not found [04:40] <tango> LXLE- can you copy the extracted file? [04:40] <LXLE-User> no it wouldnt let me, permission denied [04:41] <tango> So, your pc now...determining the extracted file is a ROM type file. [04:41] <LXLE-User> yea, its burnable to dvd [04:41] <LXLE-User> well, before it was extracted [04:42] <tango> type sudo mount -o rw, remount /the folder [04:42] <lotuspsychje> snkcld: can this help? [04:43] <LXLE-User> just the folder or the whole path from home? [04:43] <tango> you can with both, depend on where directory you on now [04:44] <LXLE-User> i think gmountiso errored, i already closed it, n when i open pcmanfm it still shows it as if its mounted [04:45] <LXLE-User> fk it im goin to delete the set mount point, i have a copy of the iso in case it fks up [04:45] <LXLE-User> damn this is fkin stupid [04:45] <tango> delete the mount point [04:45] <tango> the ISO is ROM, that's why it's corrupted [04:45] <tango> just install nautilus [04:45] <LXLE-User> wtf, error removing mount point?? [04:46] <LXLE-User> godam now it wont go away [04:46] <lotuspsychje> LXLE-User: please keep calm and polite [04:46] <tango> focus on the ISO first....I don't want you to destroy your chroot [04:47] <tango> I can't help if you do 2 things at once. [04:47] <LXLE-User> hayy, this is discouragin =/ [04:47] <LXLE-User> i dont think anything else would work while its mounted [04:47] <tango> unmounted it [04:47] <tango> and you done. [04:47] <LXLE-User> it wont let me [04:48] <tango> then install should finish this..then reboot [04:49] <LXLE-User> so a reboot would unmount it? [04:50] <tango> Yes, always working for me. for flash drive. Now install nautilus, and just extract the rest of ISO. [04:50] <LXLE-User> i would have to reboot then [04:50] <tango> after you done, I will help you to change the folder permission using chroot. [04:51] <LXLE-User> chroot is different from root? [04:51] <LXLE-User> crap, anyway let me reboot [04:51] <LXLE-User> ill be back [04:52] <tango> ok [04:53] <lotuspsychje> tango: you know if ubuntu can mount gaming iso's like deamon tools, to actually play them [04:54] <lotuspsychje> not just mount, but install and game [04:54] <tango> lotus...the user don't want to mount [04:54] <tango> the user had mistaken the path to extract ISO [04:54] <lotuspsychje> tango: no i dont wanna know his problem [04:55] <tango> ok..? [04:55] <lotuspsychje> just asking if its possible to game like on deamon tools [04:55] <tango> oh [04:55] <lotuspsychje> or would it need wine+deamon tools to run [04:55] <tango> I don't play games in Ubuntu, so I don't know. [04:55] <lotuspsychje> kk [04:56] <tango> it depends on th file exe's [04:57] <tango> Sometimes, daemon method can be used SteamOS backbone system. [04:58] <lotuspsychje> tango: someone should invent a multiOs deamon tools, so every game can be mounted,installed and played on any Os [04:58] <tango> ya [05:04] <oriovoy> hello friends [05:04] <tango> hi [05:04] <oriovoy> how long have you guys used ubuntu? [05:04] <oriovoy> and what do you use it for? [05:05] <Ben64> oriovoy: you should ask #ubuntu-offtopic [05:05] <tango> Are you doing survey :D ? This is Ubuntu support. [05:06] <oriovoy> ah sorry haha [05:06] <oriovoy> i will join that [05:06] <tango> I'm there if you want to ask about this stuff. [05:07] <TiK> night [05:07] <tango> bye! [05:07] <oriovoy> well here's a question for support then, maybe you guys would know - is there any easier way to change the launch tray icons than going through and removing them through a photo-editing program? it seems odd to me that they would force the background blur and shading stuff when it looks pretty bad [05:08] <tango> oriovoy, it it's on XFCE, maybe i could help [05:08] <tango> using .desktop config is irritating to get done for images. [05:10] <oriovoy> i'm not using xfce but maybe I should try that [05:10] <oriovoy> i'll find a link to the guide i used [05:10] <oriovoy> [05:11] <oriovoy> that's basically how i resolved the issue but it was quite the hassle [05:11] <oriovoy> if i'm installing again on other systems I would rather not do that again, i suppose i could just copy and replace the files [05:11] <oriovoy> (to the updated versions) [05:12] <tango> You can just install XFCE, and log on.. [05:12] <tango> or ever heard of cairo-dock :D [05:12] <tango> ? [05:13] <oriovoy> no i haven't, i'll look into that [05:13] <oriovoy> what are the benefits of using xfce? what made you switch [05:14] <tango> Actually..I'm using GNOME 2, Unity, XFCE and GNOME 3 [05:14] <oriovoy> i realize that's a very controversial question haha, this is probably not the right venue for that discussion [05:14] <tango> in one PC [05:14] <oriovoy> so you switch between? [05:14] <tango> so I could change the settings and enjoy other DE [05:15] <tango> Unity to XFCE [05:15] <tango> but problem to access the application faster from menu...then I install unity back [05:16] <tango> It's very easy...and need to download new ISO. [05:16] <tango> although, not recommended for a very beginner since some settings will be mixed and will not be available. [05:22] <oriovoy> thanks for the tips, tango! [05:26] <nrml1> anyone wanna help me figure out why cron isnt sending emails to an alias? [05:31] <lotuspsychje> !cron | nrml1 [05:34] <RtMF> root@cats:# (mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/justice; mount /dev/mapper/justice /zigs; find / -name \*.zig -exec mv \{\} /zigs/\{\} \; ; df -h /dev/mapper/justice; umount /dev/mapper/justice ) && echo 'Every! -- there should be at least 10G of justice by the time it finishes, that's great justice if you ask me ' || echo '...someone set up us...' [05:45] <excalibr> How do you set up a pppoE dialer in Ubuntu [05:48] <lotuspsychje> !pppoe | excalibr [05:50] <dql> frist time come here [05:50] <lchln> I performed a sudo do-release-upgrade -d on my Ubuntu Server 14.10 installation and now get put into an emergency boot prompt as root... Any help? :) [05:53] <rgb-one> Hello [05:53] <rgb-one> where can I search packages from the vivid vervet repository? [05:54] <lotuspsychje> rgb-one: join #ubuntu+1 [05:54] <rgb-one> lotuspsychje: Thanks [05:55] <nextbox> Is there a channel for open office ? [05:56] <hateball> nextbox: Probably. But are you not using #libreoffice ? [05:56] <nextbox> okej [05:56] <nextbox> thanks [05:58] <lchln> PM me if you are able to assist. [05:58] <Ben64> lchln: so you tried to upgrade to 15.04? [06:00] <lchln> I blindly followed an instruction to perform sudo do-release-upgrade -d in the hope of fixing a login error I was receiving. [06:00] <lchln> If it attempted to upgrade me to 15.04, then I guess I did that! :( [06:00] <Ben64> sounds like a bad idea, 15.04 isn't released yet, support is in #ubuntu+1 until then [06:01] <lchln> Ah okay. I might just go ahead an reinstall anyway. It was a near fresh installation. [06:01] <Ben64> for a server though, you should probably be going with the latest LTS release, which is 14.04 currently [06:01] <lchln> Will my non-OS HDD partitions remain intact with the data still on them? [06:02] <lchln> I know the HDD that Ubuntu is to be installed on will be wiped. [06:02] <Ben64> only if you make sure they don't get marked for format [06:02] <lchln> Awesome. Might eject anyway. I'll just have to take ownership of them once I'm up, correct? [06:03] <Ben64> lchln: depends how it is set up [06:04] <rgb-one> Ben64: How can I pipe ubuttu messages to a private window? [06:04] <Ben64> pm ubottu [06:04] <rgb-one> Ubottu* [06:04] <rgb-one> pm ubottu [06:04] <rgb-one> \pm ubottu [06:04] <Ben64> no... like you need to pm ubottu [06:04] <rgb-one> Ben64: How do I do that? [06:04] <Ben64> depends on your client [06:04] <rgb-one> \msg ubottu [06:04] <DalekSec> /msg ubottu hi [06:05] <rgb-one> ah [06:06] <lchln> Ben64, I'll take your advice and go for 14.04 on my next installation. Cheers mate. [06:07] <rgb-one> How can I list packages with ubottu [06:07] <rgb-one> similar to apt-cache search [06:08] <wers> Aptitude [06:09] <Ben64> rgb-one: !find or !info [06:09] <Ben64> rgb-one: you might want to just look at [06:11] <rgb-one> Thanks Ben64 [06:34] <wuolfit> ciao a tutti [06:35] <wuolfit> avrei una domanda .... esiste per linux un gioco simile a criminal case o a pearl`s peril di facebook? [06:35] <wuolfit> invece che giocarci on line vorrei giocarci in locale [06:35] <somsip> !it | wuolfit [06:57] <adac> Can swarm nodes also be on different physical hosts? [07:02] <stjoseph> hi everyone [07:16] <Mirc-user> 888 FREE HACKED PC GAMES [07:18] <cfhowlett> Mirc-user, leave this channel [07:18] <cfhowlett> !piracy | Mirc-user [07:27] <arcsky> hi have i have made some chmod changes on my home dirs (chmod -R 700 /home/*. these are now fucked up, how can i switch back to default? [07:28] <tykayn-ubuntu> hi folks [07:28] <lordievader> arcsky: Please refrain from such language and from cross-posting. [07:29] <tykayn-ubuntu> i am having a small issue about programs not coming in foreground [07:29] <tykayn-ubuntu> when i click the icon of the launcher [07:29] <lordievader> arcsky: 755 is rather common. [07:29] <tykayn-ubuntu> any of them, skype for example [07:30] <Kartagis> what channel do I go to for virt-manager? #virt or #qemu? [07:30] <tykayn-ubuntu> it is like this since i switched on ubuntu 14, from ubuntu 12 [07:30] <arcsky> lordievader: chmod -R or with -R? [07:31] <lordievader> arcsky: For starters the home dir itself, furthermore depends on the folder. You'd want ~/.ssh to keep 700. [07:35] <arcsky> lordievader: now files are green [07:35] <lordievader> arcsky: Err, okay? [07:35] <lordievader> arcsky: What do you mean with that? [07:35] <arcsky> chmod -R 755 /home/arcsky [07:35] <arcsky> green = executble [07:36] <lordievader> arcsky: That is why I said to start with the home dir, not everything at once... [07:36] <arcsky> i cant do file by file or folder by folder.. [07:37] <lordievader> This is precisely the reason one should be cautious with the -R flag. [07:37] <lordievader> arcsky: Have you read the man page of chmod? [07:38] <arcsky> lordievader: kinda [07:39] <lordievader> arcsky: Then do so. [07:46] <lolek> hi guys, I'm trying to restore deleted file from backup but it seems I don't have "Restore missing files" menu entry .. I'm running ubuntu 14.04, any ideas? [07:50] <lotuspsychje> lolek: you can recover lost data with photorec with testdisk [07:50] <lotuspsychje> !info testdisk | lolek [07:51] <lolek> lostson: thank you very much for you suggestion but I have a feeling you didn't read out my question properly :) [07:52] <rick_> Hi all, I found the repository is classified as There are four major package repository types in Ubuntu: [07:52] <rick_> main - Supported by Canonical. This is the major part of the distribution. [07:52] <rick_> restricted - Software not licensed under the GPL (or similar software license), but supported by Canonical. [07:52] <rick_> universe - Software licensed under the GPL (or similar license) and supported by users. [07:52] <rick_> multiverse - Software not licensed under the GPL (or similar license), but supported by users. [07:52] <rick_> There are also these additional types of repositories: [07:52] <lolek> lostson: oh, sorry it was to lotuspsychje [07:52] <lolek> lotuspsychje: ^^ [07:52] <wafflejock> lolek, sure you're using nautilus for your file browsing? I have nemo and nautilus on here the restore missing is only an option in nautilus though [07:52] <lolek> hmm [07:53] <lolek> about dialog is saying "Files" [07:53] <rick_> And I have a old ubuntu 14.04, it's xorg can update to 15.0 to 15.1 (or 15.x), [07:53] <lolek> wafflejock: hold on, stupid translations :/ [07:53] <wafflejock> lolek, yeah that's most likely nautilus can just run nautilus from a terminal or the dash, but probably nautilus [07:54] <rick_> but the xorg 1.16 is only available at trusty-updates [07:54] <lolek> yeah I've just started this from cmd line to confirm and it's nautilus [07:54] <Ben64> rick_: what is your actual question? [07:54] <lolek> wafflejock: so, you're saying I need to use something else? [07:54] <wafflejock> lolek, nope that's the right one, just wanted to confirm since I do see the restore missing files option in nautilus here but not the other one I have installed [07:55] <rick_> Ben64, I don't really know the difference of trusty and trusty-updates [07:55] <Ben64> rick_: updates is where the updates come from... [07:55] <lolek> well here I don't see neither one option related to dejadup .. except when I right click a file [07:55] <wafflejock> lolek, I'm on Ubuntu Gnome checking in my /home folder for my user which I think is part of the default backup locations, sure you're in a folder that gets backed up [07:55] <lolek> yes [07:55] <lolek> I'm backing up whole home folder [07:56] <rick_> Since apt-get upgrade on 14.04 will update xorg to 1.15.x in trusty, but can upgrade to 1.16.0 if I add trusty-updates [07:56] <lolek> wafflejock: maybe I should clean up some old nautilus configs? [07:57] <lolek> wafflejock: I should also mention that i have no dejadup indicator icon - if there should be any [07:59] <wafflejock> lolek, yeah not sure really I'm fairly new to duplicity myself have just used rsync in the past for backups don't believe there's typically and indicator dejadup either though, DropBox and OwnCloud have sync indicator icons not sure why dejadup doesn't seem to have them yet [08:01] <lolek> wafflejock: well ok, that's not a problem, the bigger one is that I'm forced to use cmd line because i have no menu entries :( [08:05] <cihhan> hi all! i am facing an issue: i have one script that i want it to start at boot time. so i put it under /etc/init.d/ and then applied 'update-rc.d SCRIPT defaults'. However, right after that apache stopped working on boot-up. Any suggestions why it might have behaved so? [08:06] <wafflejock> cihhan, apache works if you start it manually just isn't starting at boot? [08:08] <cihhan> wafflejock, normally it was starting on boot, now it needs manual starting [08:08] <wafflejock> cihhan, do you see a script if you run cat /etc/init.d/apache2 [08:09] <cihhan> yes it s there [08:12] <cihhan> wafflejock, yes, it s there [08:14] <wafflejock> cihhan, hmm k what if you run grep apache -R /etc/rc* [08:15] <connectioner> hi guys, i have a serious problem with my ubuntu 14.04 server. I tried setting up a mail delivery system and now i cant even perform "svn update" or even "sudo apt-get update" [08:15] <connectioner> it has problems connecting to outside repos [08:15] <robninjadude1> any bash guys in here? [08:15] <wafflejock> cihhan, basically the command you ran should have just added symbolic links somewhere in the rc folders that points to one of the init.d scripts that then starts/stops it but it shouldn't have removed the links to the apache script there [08:15] <connectioner> it only says " 0% [Connecting to (] [Con " [08:15] <connectioner> and stalls [08:16] <wafflejock> cihhan, depending on how much custom configuration you have you may be best off just resinstalling apache without purging it you should retain your existing configuration sudo apt-get install apache2 --reinstall [08:16] <cihhan> wafflejock, i understand what you mean and i see many apache related outputs under /etc/rc values; but /etc/init.d/apache2 status says it is not running [08:17] <connectioner> it could have something to do with me running "sudo sendmailconfig" earlier [08:17] <robninjadude1> any bash guys in here can help with a stupid question?, i got an AWK command that keeps exiting if it dosent find what it looking for, i just want it to return and loop back [08:17] <cihhan> yeah that s one good way but my concern is just if it affected other programs too :/ [08:17] <connectioner> i do not know what fields i should have changed when running it [08:18] <wafflejock> cihhan, yeah indeed... would check with the package maintainers for the other program you were trying to get setup to see if anyone can clue you in on what may have happened or can maybe check mesg or your other /var/log files to see if anything gives you an indication why apache isn't starting right now [08:18] <wafflejock> dmesg* [08:19] <cihhan> yeah i ll check it more detailed [08:19] <connectioner> anyone know how i should proceed? [08:20] <connectioner> i tried restarting the server [08:20] <cihhan> wafflejock, to be honest, i thought that it might be bcs of the update-rc.d; but maybe it s another thing. let me search deeper. thanks a lot :) [08:20] <cihhan> ls [08:21] <wafflejock> cihhan, np yeah good luck you can man update-rc.d, for more info on that command too but from what I can tell from how you ran it that should just add symbolic links and not remove anything [08:21] <bloop> I disabled unity overlay scrollbars because they are stupid and suck [08:21] <cihhan> wafflejock, yes and i still see apache there; we will see... [08:21] <bloop> but even the default scrollbars are stupid and suck [08:22] <bloop> some of them don't even have top and bottom arrows and they're too light to see the tracker [08:22] <bloop> anyway know where i find scrollbars that aren't stupid for unity [08:22] <bloop> I can find* [08:23] <bloop> anyone know** bleh [08:24] <wafflejock> bloop, dunno using Gnome right now myself you check Unity Tweak tool to see if it has any options for the scroll bars? [08:24] <bloop> wafflejock: I used unity tweak tool to get the legacy scrollbars (disables the stupid overlay scrollbars) [08:24] <bloop> however, it doesn't provide any other options for the scrollbars [08:26] <gioans> hello [08:26] <gioans> i have a question [08:27] <osteenbergen> Hello all, I have been getting HTTP 404 errors while installing build-essential from the ubuntu trusty archives. Any one else has issues with [08:27] <osteenbergen> "Failed to fetch" and others :( [08:28] <gioans> hello [08:28] <cihhan> osteenbergen, not an expert but did you try apt-get update? [08:29] <osteenbergen> yes have done that [08:29] <wafflejock> osteenbergen, is this a regular desktop install? [08:29] <bloop> it says the link is 404 [08:30] <osteenbergen> no using docker, so its server [08:30] <wafflejock> osteenbergen, k yeah so someone had this same issue the other day [08:30] <wafflejock> osteenbergen, apparently docker caches the commands somehow you need to disable that for apt-get update [08:30] <bloop> osteenbergen: [08:30] <bloop> can find them here [08:31] <bloop> try a different version maybe it'll work [08:31] <osteenbergen> ah that might be it, thanks :) [08:32] <wafflejock> osteenbergen, yeah discussion on it here not sure what the exact solution is though only poked at docker a little bit so far [08:34] <osteenbergen> it did show me the update output, but that was probably in a different temporary container. [08:35] <osteenbergen> wafflejock, Thanks for the advice, its working [08:35] <wafflejock> osteenbergen, np what's the command for future reference? [08:35] <osteenbergen> docker build --no-cache=true . [08:36] <wafflejock> k cool saw that in some of the comments/docs but wasn't sure [08:42] <surxenberg> hello [08:42] <ablest1980> hello [08:42] <surxenberg> i have a small question: I cannot obtain an ip address through DHCP from my fiuber converter. it works on my macbook, but not on linux. any ideas? [08:43] <osteenbergen> surxenberg, in the system log there should be some output helping you [08:44] <surxenberg> it says "Activation (eth0) failed for connection 'Ethernet connection' [08:46] <osteenbergen> does it contain messages like "dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67" [08:46] <osteenbergen> if it doesn't than DHCP isn't working [08:47] <osteenbergen> or not configured [08:47] <surxenberg> it doesn't. [08:47] <surxenberg> it onlay says DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 76.... [08:47] <surxenberg> *67 [08:48] <surxenberg> but DHCP works on my macbook. why doesn't it work on linux? [08:48] <surxenberg> can it be that i have to change some parameters with ethtool? [08:49] <loganlee> how to use proxy server in ubuntu? i don't want to install it just use it on all network traffic [08:49] <osteenbergen> DHCPDISCOVER means its searching for DHCP, but probably can't find it. Do you use the same ethernet port on the router as you used for the macbook? [08:49] <surxenberg> exactly the same cable. [08:50] <surxenberg> i plug it into my macbook: works fine. plug it into any of the three NIC's of my ubuntu server: nothing. [08:52] <osteenbergen> you could always setup a fixed IP just to make it work as I have no idea why it can't find it [08:52] <surxenberg> doens't work either [08:52] <osteenbergen> then there must be an issue with the ethernet driver/card [08:52] <surxenberg> no [08:52] <surxenberg> it works fine with other DHCP servers [08:53] <huig> hello, just changed the wm from unity to i3.. when using ls in the terminal i don't get the colors to know if the file it is a directory or a can i solve this? [08:53] <surxenberg> it drives me crazy [08:53] <surxenberg> well, imma phone my ISP [08:53] <surxenberg> thx anyway [08:54] <gr33n7007h> huig: ls --color [08:54] <osteenbergen> huig, Color is set in your bash profile: [08:54] <loganlee> how to use proxy server in ubuntu? i don't want to install it just use it on all network traffic [08:54] <huig> gr33n7007h: so do i have to alias ls = ls --color??!! [08:55] <gr33n7007h> huig: yep [08:56] <EriC^> huig: did you change the shell by mistake? [08:56] <EriC^> huig: type ps $$ [08:57] <huig> EriC^: i didn't, but seems that in i3 the shell (bash) is called sensible-terminal or something like that, and may have other configurations [08:57] <huig> EriC^: /bin/bash [08:58] <huig> i edited ~/.bashrc with alias ls='ls --color' i have to logout and login to apply changes or is there another way? [08:59] <gr33n7007h> huig: just close the shell and reopen will be fine [09:00] <huig> gr33n7007h: yeah!it worked!thanks [09:01] <huig> i am going crazy these first days with i3 [09:01] <gr33n7007h> I remember I had to alias ls when I used i3 [09:01] <gr33n7007h> it's nice when you get the hang of it [09:01] <huig> gr33n7007h: why don't u use it anymore? [09:02] <jasabella> wonder why my laptop is so hot [09:02] <gr33n7007h> huig: I do now and again [09:03] <gr33n7007h> It's just that it's that outdated in debian repos and can't be bothered compiling from source [09:04] <Mad3ngineer> oh god I just resized my virtualbox instance of ubuntu to 64 TB instead of 64 GB and now it says "Error: Resize hard disk operation for this format is not implemented yet!" [09:04] <Mad3ngineer> so I cant size it back down... [09:05] <Mad3ngineer> Please help em fix it D= [09:05] <huig> gr33n7007h: i use ubuntu, had to include the ppa repository i3 suggest for having more recent releases [09:07] <gr33n7007h> huig: what version you using? [09:07] <huig> 4.10.2 [09:07] <gr33n7007h> huig: ah, cool didn't see that [09:08] <huig> gr33n7007h: if u take a look at i3 web page, they tell u how to include the appropiate repo, it is easy [09:09] <gr33n7007h> huig: yup I see right above src [09:10] <gvandeweyer> can someone try this please: VAR="!"; xdotool type $VAR [09:10] <gvandeweyer> this types the exclamation mark upside down here, which is quite annoying [09:10] <connectioner> hi guys. i think sendmail is trying to send an email to a non-existing address and that is why my server is very slow on connections [09:10] <gvandeweyer> Hence, a solution whould be nice :-) [09:11] <connectioner> how can i tell it not to send that evil letter? [09:15] <anew> how can i view all running perl scripts? i know top and ps aux shows everhthing, but i want to specifically see all running .pl scripts [09:16] <osteenbergen> ps aux | grep ".pl" [09:17] <SyncroIT> Ciao belli [09:17] <SyncroIT> Oops sorry it's english channel [09:17] <anew> syncroit [09:17] <anew> where in italy are u [09:17] <SyncroIT> I'm near Rome (50km from rome) [09:17] <anew> wow cool, i want to move to firenze [09:18] <anew> want to be friends lol [09:20] <SyncroIT> anew where are u now? [09:25] <anew> can i pm you i dont think they like chatting in here [09:26] <SyncroIT> whut? [09:26] <m1dnight_> Is it me, or is there a small delay when opening settings, in ubuntu? (latest version) [09:26] <SyncroIT> are you thinking that we are disturbing they' [09:26] <m1dnight_> it doesnt open instantly [09:27] <SyncroIT> m1dnight_, are you using 14.04LTS? [09:27] <m1dnight_> euhm [09:27] <m1dnight_> hold on a sec [09:27] <anew> SyncroIT, they always say chat in another room [09:27] <m1dnight_> :> [09:27] <m1dnight_> yes, SyncroIT [09:27] <SyncroIT> ok anew [09:27] <SyncroIT> start private chat with me [09:28] <SyncroIT> m1dnight, I have only one session [09:28] <SyncroIT> I don't know! :( [09:28] <EriC^> m1dnight_: takes about 1-2seconds here to open first time, then opens almost instantly after that [09:29] <m1dnight_> ah indeed, I observe the same behaviour [09:29] <jones_> hello [09:29] <hydracrux> HI! [09:29] <m1dnight_> I had the same issue with xfce4-appfinder but that was resolved by executing it with --disable-bus [09:30] <jones_> i've a problem with nixnote beta, can anybody help? [09:30] <m1dnight_> no, i meant "--disable-server" [09:30] <jones_> is there a channel for this? [09:30] <hydracrux> Sorry the question but i don't know some comand to send byts to usb port [09:30] <hydracrux> to comunicated whit some electronic circuit [09:31] <hydracrux> i want send only bits [09:32] <SyncroIT> Try xset led [09:32] <SyncroIT> xset led [id-led] [09:32] <jones_> knows anybody a channel about problems with nixnote? [09:32] <SyncroIT> I don't know but i use that to communicate with my keyboard and toggle illumination to ON [09:33] <hydracrux> mmm... interesting [09:33] <hydracrux> but great idea [09:34] <hydracrux> i try this, thanks [09:35] <gvandeweyer> sorry for repeat, but can someone try this please: VAR="!"; xdotool type $VAR [09:36] <gvandeweyer> types the exclamation upside down here, would like to know if this is local to my system [09:38] <jujupc> hi [09:38] <jujupc> has anyone has experience adding dbext.vim to vim in ubuntu? [09:42] <jujupc> hello? [09:42] <osteenbergen> jujupc, sorry no idea. plugins is usually adding them to the .vim/plugins folder [09:43] <jujupc> i download the zip and extracted the 3 folders [autoload, doc, plugin] to /usr/share/vim/ [09:44] <jujupc> then i try :h dbext-tutorial is not working :( [09:44] <jujupc> is anyone know which channel i should go into asking vim questions? [09:44] <Digistras> ho guys...whats toe command to update Ubuntu like windows opdate? [09:44] <Digistras> update* [09:44] <osteenbergen> jujupc, has install instructions [09:44] <profoX`> how/when does an application get available in the main repository? it was merged yesterday, do I have to do anything else [09:45] <osteenbergen> jujupc, it says you should run the helptags command to update help [09:45] <Digistras> hi guys...whats the command to update Ubuntu like windows update? [09:45] <jujupc> oh...ok thanks i google on helptags then :) [09:45] <jujupc> thanks osteen [09:45] <osteenbergen> np [09:46] <Digistras> ? [09:46] <gvandeweyer> Digistras: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [09:48] <xyzwhatever> hi ubuntu crashed and now after restarting i see the login screen and can type in my password but then there is only an empty desktop [09:48] <xyzwhatever> what do?? [09:49] <__dan_> wget is insanely slow after upgrading 12.04 -> 14.04 [09:49] <__dan_> why [09:50] <jpds> __dan_: Works fine for me. [09:50] <jpds> __dan_: What's slow about it? [09:50] <wafflejock> __dan_, slow to start or slow during download? [09:50] <Ajacobsson> xyzwhatever: you could try ctrl + alt + f2 and log in there, and then run 'startx' to see if that solves your problem [09:50] <__dan_> it resolved [09:50] <__dan_> hung on connecting to port 443 [09:50] <__dan_> also tried, resolved and connected then hung [09:51] <xyzwhatever> ok :( [09:51] <__dan_> occasinally it works [09:51] <wafflejock> __dan_, wonder if it's related to IPv6 vs IPv4 or something have had some weird problems in vbox instances where I had to disable IPv6 to avoid waiting for a timeout on IPv6 lookups for curl requests [09:52] <__dan_> its definitely getting past that [09:52] <daniele12457> guys i have this: The following packages have been kept back: │CONTRIBUTE omapconf version.o [09:52] <__dan_> it knows it needs to connect to ipv4 [09:52] <daniele12457> libhwloc-plugins [09:52] <jpds> __dan_: Check: mtr -n [09:52] <daniele12457> The following packages have been kept back: │CONTRIBUTE omapconf version.o [09:52] <daniele12457> libhwloc-plugins [09:52] <jpds> __dan_: Best way to check that is: wget -4 [09:53] <daniele12457> is it important? [09:53] <daniele12457> The following packages have been kept back: [09:53] <daniele12457> libhwloc-plugins [09:53] <xyzwhatever> Ajacobsson: i tried it and after typing startx the screen went black, what is the command for starting the lubuntu default graphic interface? [09:53] <__dan_> yeah that just hung again [09:54] <__dan_> mtr shows mega loss [09:54] <__dan_> like 75% to my router is lost [09:54] <__dan_> no 75% to modem, 25% to router [09:54] <Ajacobsson> xyzwhatever: try startlxde [09:56] <xyzwhatever> ok [09:57] <jpds> __dan_: You're got a problem to talk to your ISP about. [09:59] <__dan_> why would i get 30% loss to my router then? [09:59] <__dan_> ssh is behaving fine though [10:03] <darkdragon-001> I have problems setting up IPv6 via DHCP: "sudo dhclient -6" works while NetworkManager > IPv6 > Automatic or Automatic,DHCP-only does not. How can I get my interface to automatically configure? [10:04] <jpds> darkdragon-001: Do you need to autoconf it with DHCPv6? [10:05] <gioans> hello everybody [10:05] <gioans> i a a new ubuntu [10:05] <darkdragon-001> jpds: I have one /64 subnet which I need to divide into at least two subnets. So each of them has only a /68 subnet which is not possible to distribute via router advertisements as far as I know, right? [10:05] <darkdragon-001> when there is another option, tell me! [10:05] <gioans> i have a question, to be want everybody help me [10:06] <teeeeeeeeeeeeeej> Good morning. [10:07] <gioans> i am looking for a application the same IDM (internet download manager ) for ubuntu, have who are know it ? [10:07] <loa> gioans, wget [10:08] <Ixxie> hello ubuntites [10:08] <Ixxie> Anybody got experience with ubuntu Gnome? [10:09] <jpds> darkdragon-001: You could set up radvd. [10:09] <gioans> i want install it, what i to do ? [10:10] <loa> gimmic, or maybe aria2c but it all console tools. [10:10] <loa> i dunno what you need if you want gui/ [10:10] <darkdragon-001> jpds: does it work with prefixes smaller than /64? [10:10] <Ajacobsson> gioans: sudo apt-get install wget [10:10] <badescunicu> hello! For testing and educational purposes I need to generate an sk_buff in order to use it in user space to access raw bytes from it (manually iterate through the structure). Do you have any ideas how can I do this? [10:10] <loa> gioans, you already have wget [10:11] <jones_> i have a problem connectin Evernote with nixnote 2 [10:12] <Tin_man> i don't even know what you just typed badescunicu :) [10:12] <gioans> no, some time i uses terminal to be install application, it report "number" not upgraded! [10:12] <gioans> i don't know error [10:13] <gioans> i don't know error what! [10:13] <badescunicu> Tin_man: sk_buff is a structure used inside the linux kernel, I thought there were some kernel enthusiasts around :D [10:14] <Tin_man> i'm sure there is, but i'm not one of them (yet).. [10:14] <Tin_man> i'm still tackling .deb files.. :) [10:15] <Tin_man> took me a month to get my 3in1 canon printer to scan.. [10:15] <Tin_man> but on the up note, i finally got it.. [10:16] <analogdigital> hello [10:16] <badescunicu> the sweet taste of success :D [10:16] <JonSnow> Whenever I plugin my headphones i see a pop up thats annoying [10:16] <JonSnow> how do I stop this [10:16] <connectioner> gioans you are funny :) [10:17] <connectioner> just know that every ubuntu has wget without needing to install it [10:17] <Tin_man> yes, seems canon USA does not support Linux, had to go to there Swiss site for the fix.. [10:20] <darkdragon-001> jpds: I tried with with ravd, but I get the error: prefix length should be 64 for eth2 [10:22] <loa> JonSnow, maybe to dig something about pulseaudio and hotplug [10:22] <chrisss123456> hey guys, why does my ubuntu ask for a password again, even though what I end up doing is going into the passwords and keys app and copy it from the save there? it doesnt seem to make sense. [10:27] <chrisss123456> anyone here? [10:29] <IseeFreeMarkets> pavka on the hype again [10:31] <IseeFreeMarkets> but we all love pavka [10:31] <IseeFreeMarkets> he got so sexy lips [10:36] <chrisss123456> no one here? [10:37] <ashuthosh> anyone know howw to add a background to the ppt [10:37] <ashuthosh> in ubuntu [10:37] <ashuthosh> anyone know howw to add a background to the ppt [10:37] <ashuthosh> ' [10:38] <Tin_man> what is a ppt? if you want a good background changer go to: [10:39] <Tin_man> [10:40] <BluesKaj> HI folks [10:42] <maddawg2> wow awesome RCN actually fixed my internet at 2am [10:42] <maddawg2> they had to install a whole new node for me [10:43] <maddawg2> too much congestion [10:43] <maddawg2> now i get more speed than i pay for [10:58] <dadada> [11:02] <jujupc> Hide Join [11:02] <Guest59234> hello all [11:03] <svetlana> hi [11:04] <IseeFreeMarkets> no really [11:04] <IseeFreeMarkets> im in love in his lips [11:04] <jujupc> what is the command to hide those join/part msg? [11:04] <IseeFreeMarkets> from a first time as I saw [11:04] <IseeFreeMarkets> so pretty [11:04] <IseeFreeMarkets> mmmm [11:05] <herozem> is there any tiling window manager that works with ubuntu unity DE ? [11:06] <IseeFreeMarkets> I'll go throw even sexual revolution for kissing lips [11:07] <IseeFreeMarkets> they're SO sweet [11:08] <PiXelx64> hey [11:08] <IseeFreeMarkets> hes enough sex appeal to do a sexual revolution [11:08] <PiXelx64> I'm new on Ubuntu [11:09] <PiXelx64> can i have some help please ? [11:09] <PiXelx64> hellllo [11:09] <Kartagis> !ops [11:09] <Kartagis> PiXelx64: hi [11:09] <PiXelx64> Kartagis: hi [11:10] <DJones> IseeFreeMarkets: Do you have an Ubuntu support question, this channel isn't for general chat [11:10] <Ixxie> anybody got ubuntu Gnome? [11:10] <PiXelx64> yea [11:10] <PiXelx64> my computer is slower since i have xubuntu installed. Do you know how to fix this ? [11:10] <Ixxie> I am looking for some reviews of how ubuntu gnome runs [11:10] <PiXelx64> kay thanks [11:11] <Ben64> Ixxie: its going to run the same as any other ubuntu system, just with a gnome front end. you should try it instead [11:11] <wers> Ixxie; 10/10 would reinstall [11:11] <PiXelx64> okay, i'll look it up later [11:12] <svetlana> PiXelx64: you have to learn to manage your startup list in xubuntu then, and trim it to suit your needs. [11:12] <Ixxie> yes Ben64, I understand how front/backends of OSes work :P [11:12] <Ixxie> I am just curious about the implementation [11:12] <PiXelx64> thanks, bye [11:12] <Ben64> Ixxie: its a preference thing, if you ask someone who hates gnome what they think of it, they will hate it. [11:13] <Ixxie> Yes but I like Gnome Ben64, this is why I am asking xD [11:13] <Ben64> so try it out [11:13] <Ixxie> I might just do that [11:16] <jujupc> is any vim user here? [11:16] <jujupc> what normally will happen when i run :helptags [doc path] [11:17] <IseeFreeMarkets> pavka wants to go throw on russia market [11:17] <IseeFreeMarkets> i guess... [11:20] <IseeFreeMarkets> rly strange [11:20] <IseeFreeMarkets> pavka is so smart why he needs a russian market [11:20] <ablest1980> hes a retard [11:20] <ablest1980> just kidding lol [11:21] <ablest1980> hello [11:22] <VEndix> p.o.d. - on the grind [11:34] <PCatinean> how do I make my synclient commands stick on boot? [11:34] <PCatinean> I tried many tutorials none seem to have worked [11:34] <PCatinean> any advice? [11:37] <wers> hmm.. maby use .xinitrc? [11:39] <connectioner> did you try this [11:43] <gioans> i want to come in server Vietnamese, What i to do now ? [11:43] <wers> Gioans: do you know the servername? [11:45] <bazhang> !vn [11:45] <gioans> wers: no i don't [11:46] <bazhang> gioans, Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ [11:47] <gioans> thanks all! [11:47] <bazhang> welcome [11:48] <gioans> i want install OPENWRITER ulr: [11:49] <gioans> it error [11:52] <wers> gioans: try this [11:52] <wers> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/openoffice [11:52] <wers> sudo apt-get update [11:52] <wers> sudo apt-get install apache-openoffice [11:55] <OerHeks> Any idea when firefox 37.0.2 will be released? [11:55] <bosnjak> hi all [11:55] <wers> Oer.. check [11:56] <OerHeks> wers it is out a few days now, but not for us. [11:57] <wers> Oh.. I didnt know. [11:58] <BluesKaj> OerHeks, any reported positive changes to FF ? [12:00] <OerHeks> BluesKaj, something with G maps, a memoryleak and some more. [12:00] <AnnaRooks> whats the difference between utopic and trusty? [12:02] <EriC^> AnnaRooks: long term support vs latest release(9months support) [12:03] <EriC^> trusty being the long term support [12:04] <AnnaRooks> is that about it? [12:04] <ioria> also different kernels [12:05] <EriC^> AnnaRooks: utopic would have newer packages, but more prone to breaking [12:05] <ZuZuu> Hello everybody [12:05] <ZuZuu> i've got an issue with upstart job, my java launcher give me an error when started with upstart (Could not reserve enough space for code cache) [12:09] <ZuZuu> Anyone got skills on upstart ? [12:10] <EriC^> !upstart [12:11] <ioria> Zuzuu server ? [12:12] <TheNumb> !systemd [12:12] <ioria> ZuZuu server ? [12:15] <firehui> Good night! [12:17] <Brundy> anyone know what best GUI designer for GTK? [12:18] <EriC^> Brundy: i've heard of glade or something like that, never tried it though [12:18] <wers> Brundy: I like Monodevelop [12:18] * wWwBUKOLAYcom hi [12:18] <EriC^> Brundy: [12:21] <Brundy> I had try Glade, but it's too hard. There is no Relative Layout like Android have [12:22] <JinBaba> Does unix sockets make use of ip/port number? [12:22] <Brundy> Monodevelop, I'll try [12:23] <wers> anyone managing Ubuntu or any other linux clients with Microsoft SCCM? [12:25] <OerHeks> i think you will get more responce when you ask the same q with openstack/maas/juju [12:25] <wers> aaight.. ythnx [12:27] <rking> I tried looking on ubuntus website but is there a paid support for Ubuntu LTS Desktop? [12:27] <rking> Similar to SLED [12:28] <esde> rking, [12:31] <rking> @esde somehow I missed that, thanks. [12:31] <rking> Anyone have experience with canonicals tech support team? Desktop / Server side? [12:31] <rking> Thoughts on it? [12:32] <BluesKaj> rking, whynot ask your question here first, or are you looking for some kind of guarantee ? [12:33] <rking> @BluesKaj, That's my particular question about support. I'm looking to buy a couple hundred desktops with support and about 10 servers. Just curious what peoples experiences are. [12:34] <rking> SLES admin, just a smaller project that my CIO wants us to start in house. [12:35] <BluesKaj> well , then a call to canonical is definitely in order ' [12:39] <DreamRoomProduct> 都得等待 [12:43] <BluesKaj> !cn | DreamRoomProduct [12:45] <Guest60549> heey guys if i use the command: sudo lsusb i can find my external hard drive, but when i use gparted or use sudo fdisk -l i cannot see the drive??? [12:46] <wwwadmin> test [12:46] <Guest60549> heey guys if i use the command: sudo lsusb i can find my external hard drive, but when i use gparted or use sudo fdisk -l i cannot see the drive??? How can i select the drive from lsusb and format/mount it to a usable drive? [12:46] <EriC^> Guest60549: try to unplug and plug it back in [12:46] <Guest60549> already did 20x times haha [12:47] <Guest60549> is there any way to mount/format it by ID? [12:47] <techgrin> Guest60549: Is the drive showing up in dmesg? [12:47] <EriC^> Guest60549: did you check dmesg? [12:47] <EriC^> after plugging it back in? [12:48] <wwwadmin_> test [12:48] <Guest60549> [ 1328.483143] usb 1-1.3: Product: Elements 10A8 [12:48] <Guest60549> [ 1328.483146] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: Western Digital [12:49] <ioria> Guest60549, dmesg | tail [12:49] <OerHeks> !paste [12:49] <EriC^> Guest60549: try sudo parted -l [12:50] <Guest60549> Won't find it in sudo parted -l [12:50] <Rory> Is there a better pattern to use than: "grep foo | grep bar | grep etc..." when you want to match multiple possibles? [12:50] <Rory> as in AND, not OR [12:53] <Guest60549> this is what i get eric after sudo dmesg [12:53] <Guest60549> [12:54] <OerHeks> Guest60549, sudo blkid # to see if the disk is recognized [12:55] <Guest60549> xubuntu@xubuntu-OptiPlex-790:~$ sudo blkid [12:55] <Guest60549> /dev/sda1: UUID="d9f1af0e-1e11-4cb4-8c9e-4ae5941a76d7" TYPE="ext4" [12:55] <Guest60549> /dev/sda5: UUID="54786424-d4b3-406e-990c-df5be19099c1" TYPE="swap" [12:56] <Guest60549> i don't think that he recognizes it [12:57] <ZuZuu> ioria: yes server ! [12:57] <ZuZuu> sorry [12:58] <ioria> Guest60549, if is empty you can try with a low level format [12:58] <FireHui> what? [12:58] <Guest60549> but how can i format it by ID? [12:59] <ioria> Guest60549, is sdb dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx [12:59] <brow345> cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && xterm -e ./ [12:59] <Guest60549> ioria how can i see that? [13:00] <Tin_man> if "Disks" sees it, you should be able to reformat it.. [13:00] <ioria> Zuzuu start java with -Xmx parameter [13:01] <Guest60549> Disks doesn't see it. Only if i type in command: sudo lsusb [13:01] <Tin_man> ahh [13:01] <Guest60549> Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1058:10a8 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. [13:02] <Guest60549> How can i fix it with that information? Anysuggestions? [13:02] <ZuZuu> ioria: already done :( [13:02] <ZuZuu> ioria: if i write upstart script with just 'java -version' i've got the same error ! [13:03] <Guest60549> How can i fix it with that information? Anysuggestions? [13:03] <Guest60549> Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1058:10a8 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. [13:05] <ioria> ZuZuu and JAVA_OPTIONS ? [13:31] <PCatinean> how do I make my synclient commands stick on boot? [13:36] <tadzik> hello #ubuntu [13:36] <ActionParsnip> PCatinean: you could add the commands in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line [13:37] <ActionParsnip> PCatinean: I suggest you suffix them with an ampersand so the boot doesn't hang [13:37] <tadzik> I'm having trouble recovering ecryptfs data, following instructions from [13:37] <PCatinean> ActionParsnip, i'm not sure, is there a safer way so to speak? [13:37] <ActionParsnip> PCatinean: why is it not safe? [13:37] <tadzik> either when unwrapping the passphrase or using the ecryptfs-recover thingy, it always results in error, code number -5 [13:38] <PCatinean> if you say it can hang [13:38] <ActionParsnip> tadzik: why do you not have a backup? [13:38] <tadzik> ActionParsnip: how is that relevant? [13:38] <PCatinean> I tried the X11 something, it's not working anymore it worked in the previous install for some reason [13:38] <ActionParsnip> PCatinean: if you put an ampersand on the end of the line, it will background the command and not hang [13:40] <tadzik> anyone experienced with encountering problems with ecryptfs recovery? [13:41] <tadzik> says to look for more info in system logs, but there doesn't seem to be anything in there [13:41] <tadzik> I guess the only proper documentation is the source code [13:42] <seth-666> hello eveone i want to ask you all , what does the personal sharing service do precisely? [13:42] <ZuZuu> Anyone got skills on upstart ? [13:42] <seth-666> do you know ? [13:45] <seth-666> hello peoples [13:45] <seth-666> do somebody know? [13:46] <cfhowlett> !patience | seth-666 [13:46] <seth-666> i want to ask you all , what does the personal sharing service do precisely? [13:46] <seth-666> i allready searched ... but nothing ... [13:47] <seth-666> i want to know all of my services to boot up only what i need [13:49] <OerHeks> seth-666, that service + folder in your /home is not enabled by default, [13:49] <seth-666> yes , but , i dont want to enable it [13:50] <seth-666> i just want to know what it does [13:51] <seth-666> why should i use a process that i don't know for what is it [13:51] <seth-666> it on the startup and i dont like it if i dont know what it is [13:53] <Rory> seth-666: It's a service that allows sharing of folders between networked computers. If you don't use that feature you can disable it, although there's no harm at all in leaving it enabled [13:53] <OerHeks> Could be a smb share [13:53] <seth-666> ok, thx :) [13:54] <pawl2> I'm trying to write a bash script on ubuntu. I want to kill the script if any command returns nonzero. Is there a better way to do this than an if statement after every command? [13:54] <pbx> to control brightness on my 27" apple cinema display i use "acdcontrol" ( but it just stopped being able to identify my monitor. anything else people use for this? [13:55] <mcphail> pawl2: you can chain statements with &&. Then, if one fails, the others won't be executed [13:55] <zasek> how to send message from ubuntu to ubutnu on screen [13:56] <pawl2> mcphail: That will work, but this is a pretty long script -- that will pretty much make it one long line, right? [13:57] <mcphail> pawl2: the other alternative is to have a long list of "action || exit 1"s [13:58] <mcphail> pawl2: shell scripting is inherently ugly [13:58] <pawl2> mcphail: I'm noticing that.. [13:58] <pawl2> mcphail: I think that || will preserve the readability a bit beter though. thanks [13:58] <mcphail> pawl2: np [14:01] <Asmodeo> hail [14:01] <Asmodeo> welcom to hell [14:02] <cfhowlett> Asmodeo, this is ubuntu support. stay on topic, please. [14:08] <thelongdark> What might prevent serial port communication when booting from 14.04 live usb vs installing 14.04 to the disk directly? I cannot get consistent behavior when communicating with ttyS0 on a live-usb but it always works in the full install. [14:08] <DreamRoomProduct> thanks [14:11] <gioans> hello [14:12] <Asmodeo> Alguien de México [14:12] <Asmodeo> ? [14:12] <gioans> i need be help [14:12] <Asmodeo> vale verga [14:12] <cfhowlett> !ask | gioans, [14:12] <Asmodeo> .l.} [14:12] <Pici> !es | Asmodeo [14:12] <Asmodeo> hello [14:13] <cfhowlett> Asmodeo, ask your ubuntu question [14:13] <jacksonmills> so, i've been having some issues with networking on my machine - even to the point where a local web app is getting latency issues talking to a local postgres server [14:13] <jacksonmills> here are my ping results against google: [14:13] <jacksonmills> i seem to be getting very severe latency spikes and dropped packets [14:13] <MonkeyDust> jacksonmills is that a server? [14:13] <jacksonmills> hovering around 10-30% [14:13] <jacksonmills> no, its a development machine [14:14] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a [14:14] <jacksonmills> i first noticed it when i was developing a web application and the app code was bombing out waiting for postgres to respond, i can go into postgres and enter the same query and it comes back like *that* so it's not on that side, it seems to be related to my sockets or networking overall but confused why it would effect anything locally [14:15] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: [14:17] <seth-666> why does nobody want to tell me how can i uninstall the application password and keys ubuntu [14:17] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: so, its the wireless interface, yes? [14:17] <seth-666> i read about this and it's a backdoor for freedom ... to know your password [14:17] <seth-666> and i am not ok with that [14:17] <ActionParsnip> seth-666: you should know your password, that's how you log in [14:18] <seth-666> No i want to remove [14:18] <seth-666> uninstall [14:18] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 start from the beginning, what brings you here [14:18] <seth-666> the app [14:18] <ActionParsnip> seth-666: uninstall what? [14:18] <ActionParsnip> seth-666: what app [14:18] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: it appears to not just be the wireless interface, im having trouble even with connecting my webapplication to my database , occasionally i get these huge latency spikes, and thats just over a traditional socket [14:18] <seth-666> password and keys [14:18] <incognito`> hello all [14:18] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 you mean the keyring? [14:18] <seth-666> i dont need it and i dont want to bypass it [14:18] <incognito`> hows those that are present? [14:18] <seth-666> yes [14:18] <ActionParsnip> seth-666: that is the storage for session keys in applications like Nautilus and your web browser [14:19] <ActionParsnip> seth-666: just tell your system not to remember keys when you type them [14:19] <seth-666> ok i read that on the web [14:19] <incognito`> im truin to isntall propriety drivers and it broke my ubuntu :< [14:19] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 or do you want a password-less ubuntu? [14:19] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: if you run: sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'id|channel' do you see many networks on the same channel? [14:19] <seth-666> but my friend i want to uninstall it [14:20] <jpds> seth-666: You know that you can read the source code for said application? [14:20] <seth-666> jpds what do you want to say ? [14:20] <jacksonmills> it says none of my interfaces support scanning [14:21] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 what's the name of the app you ant to uninstall, it's still not clear [14:21] <jpds> MonkeyDust: seahorse. [14:21] <jpds> seth-666: That your "backdoor to freedom" comment is just... silly. [14:21] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: weird, is the wifi down at the moment? [14:21] <jacksonmills> no [14:21] <jacksonmills> its up [14:21] <jacksonmills> thats how we are talking [14:21] <seth-666> when i enter chrome . pop up the app thats keeping my "password" safe [14:22] <seth-666> that pop app i want to remove it from my system [14:22] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: ok, try: echo "options iwlwifi swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/wififix.conf > /dev/null [14:22] <MonkeyDust> you can disable it, somewhere, i'm sure [14:22] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: reboot to test [14:22] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 ^^^^ [14:22] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: may want to reboot the router as well [14:22] <seth-666> ? [14:23] <jacksonmills> k [14:23] <jacksonmills> brb [14:23] <jacksonmills> exit [14:23] <jacksonmills> gah [14:24] <TML> Is there anyone here that can fix a formatting issue on a CVE? [14:24] <TML> The "patch" links on all contain invalid traiing data. [14:24] <MonkeyDust> seth-666 there's this (i didnt check every single link in it) [14:25] <DrinkWine> hey [14:25] <seth-666> ok . thx :) i am goint to read it now [14:31] <codemagician> I saw two different release dates for Ubuntu 15, both 23rd and 27th of April… anyone know officially? [14:32] <Pici> codemagician: Its the 23rd, its always on a Thursday [14:34] <codemagician> Pici: How comes no word on the main Ubuntu website. Will it just appear on that day? [14:34] <codemagician> I'm literally waiting for it to be able to work [14:34] <codemagician> My NUC5i5RYH won't run any other version [14:35] <DrinkWine> Hey, i have Problems with Wine and Arrox or whatever. I'm making an image for a school witch is shared with the whole network. Wine is installed in /home because it is the only local folder wich is not synced after a reboot. Now I'm trying to make an link to the desktop of all users. But if i try to execute the link nothing happend or wine said an error occured. The Link on my own Desktop works. Any Ideas? [14:35] <MonkeyDust> codemagician start with a virtual machine, if you can't wait [14:35] <Pici> codemagician: It'll show up sometime on the 23rd. [14:36] <thelongdark> Might anyone here know what would prevent a serial port from communicating when booting off a 14.04 live-usb but on a full install i can communicate with it 100% of the time. [14:36] <barry_> wow,whats this? [14:37] <thelongdark> Yeah its pretty wild - kernels are the exact same im pretty sure [14:37] <thelongdark> same serial config options set on both [14:37] <codemagician> MonkeyDust: I'm moving from Mac to Linux so I don't fancy setting up the environment twice [14:38] <MonkeyDust> codemagician fair enough [14:38] <jacksonmills> ]\ [14:39] <codemagician> MonkeyDust: It will feel good to be running on real metal again :) [14:40] <MonkeyDust> codemagician but if you're a coder, in my opinion, you should stick LTS releases [14:40] <MonkeyDust> stick to* [14:41] <codemagician> MonkeyDust: Yes, I really wanted to but unfortunately the i5-5250U processor has Intel Graphic 6000 which has no support on 14.04.2 LTS. I read it will be taken from 15 into 14.04.3 LTS later this year [14:41] <tijnix> I dualboot OSX and Ubuntu on my mac, no problem whatsoever, that is U15 [14:41] <codemagician> MonkeyDust: When I tried the USB installer even the icons for the install were all screwed up onscreen. Even with nomodeset option [14:42] <tijnix> And after fidling with some keymaps everything reponds like my osx and how i was used to it [14:42] <TheMontyChrist> from a live cd can I: dd an internal drive to an external drive, and then later dd the external image to the internal drive. [14:43] <MonkeyDust> codemagician ok, more tips: scroll down to the "development" part [14:43] <TheMontyChrist> it's a windows drive that I'd like to image [14:43] <codemagician> tijnix: I'd like to keep the Mac alongside the Ubuntu machine to become my YouTube / Gmail device [14:44] <codemagician> MonkeyDust: Thanks, I'll check that out [14:44] <mcphail> codemagician: whilst it isn't "official policy" on this channel, I'd suggest you just install 15.04 now. It is at "works for me" level and the user experience will be significantly better than on release day, when the repository servers melt [14:45] <codemagician> mcphail: So how do I get that now then. I thought that the 23rd marked the releaes of 15.04 [14:46] <MonkeyDust> codemagician the release canidate (RC) is available [14:46] <MonkeyDust> candidate* [14:47] <codemagician> Would it be pulling packages from a different place than the official 15.04? [14:47] <mcphail> codemagician: it is offtopic here (better asking in #ubuntu+1) but googling for nightly/beta/rc releases will take you to the right place [14:47] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: huh, what was that command you had me enter? [14:47] <jacksonmills> it seems to have helped [14:47] <MonkeyDust> codemagician yes, type /j #ubuntu+ [14:47] <MonkeyDust> codemagician yes, type /j #ubuntu+ [14:47] <MonkeyDust> meh [14:47] <codemagician> Is that channel about the even numbered versions [14:47] <codemagician> ? [14:48] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: makes the CPU process the network instead of the NIC [14:48] <jacksonmills> huh [14:48] <MonkeyDust> codemagician the channel for future releases [14:48] <jacksonmills> what was it again? [14:48] <SchrodingersScat> codemagician: the next version, always and forever [14:48] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: some NICs (especially those Intel Centrino things) simply dont keep up [14:48] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: ok, try: echo "options iwlwifi swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/wififix.conf > /dev/null [14:48] <mcphail> codemagician: only the supported release versions are discussed on this channel, so #ubuntu+1 is the way forward [14:49] <codemagician> ah, I see [14:49] <ActionParsnip> codemagician: what do even numbers have to do with anything? [14:49] <tyrog> codemagician: #ubuntu+1 [14:49] <codemagician> ActionParsnip: I just noticed that all LTS released are on even numbers [14:49] <codemagician> I wondered if there was anything in that (just a general observation) [14:49] <mcphail> codemagician: the ubuntu release numbers are simply "year.month" and don't indicate stability [14:49] <ActionParsnip> codemagician: indeed, and always the .04 release (in April) [14:50] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: huh, so, is the NIC on the motherboard? or the ethernet device? [14:50] <OerHeks> 16.04 will be the next one [14:50] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: you were using wireless, so not the Ethernet [14:50] <jacksonmills> sorry, wireless device [14:50] <ActionParsnip> OerHeks: you missed 15.10 ;) [14:51] <mcphail> ActionParsnip: next LTS [14:51] <ActionParsnip> mcphail: ahh yes [14:51] <codemagician> My plan is to use 15.04 and then hopefully if the Intel 6000 Graphics gets rolled in to 14.04.03 LTS I might regress back a copy until 16 arrives [14:51] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: the chip on the nic cant keep up with the speed to decrypt, so the CPU is now doing it for you [14:51] <jacksonmills> hm [14:51] <jacksonmills> interesting [14:52] <jacksonmills> this is a pretty common thing? [14:52] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: its just something I like to try. Undoing the change is as easy as deleting the config file the command makes, then rebooting. So doesnt hurt to try [14:52] <mcphail> codemagician: you can always install a modern kernal and graphics stack in 14.04 [14:52] <mcphail> *kernel [14:53] <jacksonmills> huh [14:53] <codemagician> mcphail: I did consider this but I didn't want to walk of the beaten track. The nicety of having the LTS is to follow the rest of the crowd [14:54] <mcphail> codemagician: true [14:56] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: thanks for your expertise then, i think you solved my problem [14:56] <jacksonmills> ive been having issues sincei got this laptop, hah [14:58] <awsoonn> hi all, im having a problem booting my 14.04 system after updates last night. [14:58] <jacksonmills> of course, it could just come up again in a few minutes, but fingers crossed [14:59] <jacksonmills> hah [14:59] <awsoonn> i can get to the recovery menu, but the sysyem hangs after mounting filesysytems ait appears [14:59] <jacksonmills> whats a good way to monitor network processes? [14:59] <jacksonmills> netstat? [14:59] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: ntop [15:00] <awsoonn> i can get to a root shell, how might i manually moint my filesystem re? [15:05] <ioria> awsoonn, from advanced options recovery , do you have a dpkg option ? [15:07] <mnr12> hello everyone I need some help on setting up the broadband internet connection [15:07] <ActionParsnip> awsoonn: mount -o remount,rw / [15:08] <ThePhoenix> 2ops [15:08] <jpds> ThePhoenix: ... [15:09] <ThePhoenix> what ? so man users are online? [15:09] <ThePhoenix> can anyone help me to create my own irc server on a raspberry pi? [15:16] <mnr12> hell everyone [15:18] <Jakey2> how do i copy a file in terminal i.e. make a duplicate [15:18] <compdoc> cp or mv [15:18] <Jakey2> compdoc, what the exact synatax [15:18] <compdoc> mv --help [15:19] <jpds> Jakey2: man cp [15:19] <SchrodingersScat> !man | Jakey2 [15:19] <Pici> 70 [15:19] <MonkeyDust> Jakey2 cp file1 newfile [15:20] <Jakey2> thanks [15:20] <soulisson_> Hi, i'm trying to set up an rfcomm connection between my phone and my computer, i'm was able to set up the connection and i'm using putty to connect to my serial port but all i get is a black screen and i'm unable to type anything [15:23] <codemagician> soulisson_: did you check the baud rates [15:24] <soulisson_> codemagician, i'm using 9600 [15:25] <darksifer> hi everyone.. is there a solution for samsung uefi brick laptop...cant access setup(F2).. i installed linux a long time ago.. i could not find a solution then..thanks in advance [15:27] <MonkeyDust> darksifer would that be BIOS/UEFI setup? [15:29] <tim_> hy all.. i have login problem! after login is displayed and password entered it kick's back to login :-S any help ? [15:30] <tim_> using gnome to login to.. :-S 14lts [15:31] <ioria> tim_ can you pass to a terminal window ... and ls -al ~/.Xauthority and past here ? [15:32] <tim_> will try [15:32] <tim_> how to make this?? ~ [15:33] <MonkeyDust> tim_ first time linix user? [15:33] <MonkeyDust> linux* [15:33] <ioria> tim_ it mean 'home ' but you should already be there ... just ls -al .Xauthority [15:33] <tim_> kinda [15:34] <tim_> i got -rw--------------- 1 mafa mafa 211 apr 21 /:25 .Xauthority [15:35] <ioria> tim_ sudo service lightdm restart [15:35] <ActionParsnip> tim_: do your file systems have free space? you can check with: df -h [15:36] <tim_> IT RUNS! [15:37] <tim_> tnx [15:38] <ioria> okydoky [15:39] <darksifer> MonkeyDust, Yes [15:40] <ActionParsnip> !cookie | ioria [15:40] <ioria> ActionParsnip, for the Queen birthday ? :-) [15:41] <thelongdark> I'm trying to debug a serial problem in ubuntu and I'm finding that if I run cat -A /dev/ttyS0 while I've got a serial mouse attached I can see rando output. However if I attempt that same test in the live-usb version I no longer get output. Any ideas? [15:42] <ActionParsnip> ioria: indeed, surprisd its not a bank holiday. Mind you we get loads of days off in May [15:42] <tim_> tnx all! [15:42] <ioria> ActionParsnip, yep LLTQ [15:42] <ActionParsnip> thelongdark: is the driver module for the device loaded in the live-usb OS? [15:42] <thelongdark> ActionParsnip, yup, same serial config options configured as well [15:43] <ActionParsnip> ioria: im not too fussed about her myself, shes a sideshow at best. She earns her keep though so let her get on [15:44] <ioria> ActionParsnip, I think she's a Legend [15:47] <thelongdark> I'm really at a loss here how a full install could work but a live-usb wouldnt. Given the exact same 14.04 version... very depressing [15:47] <ActionParsnip> thelongdark: very strange, all same versions of packages? [15:48] <thelongdark> ActionParsnip, Yeah, the full install is done from the same live-usb. I don't allow any sort of network updating as I've got the network cable removed [15:49] <ActionParsnip> thelongdark: very weird [15:49] <ActionParsnip> thelongdark: could compare dmesg outputs of both, see what is different [15:50] <thelongdark> ActionParsnip, tried that :) as far as i can tell both show all 4 serial ports coming up, no irq sharing or overlap of addresses [15:52] <ActionParsnip> thelongdark: if you boot the installed Ubuntu with the USB device plugged in do you get an issue in the installed OS? [15:52] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: hm. still getting periods where packet loss / latency is insanely high [15:52] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: what else is there to try? [15:52] <thelongdark> ActionParsnip, that i've not yet tried, right now ive got the full install going for my testing. let me try booting off the live-usb while its already installed [15:52] <ActionParsnip> jacksonmills: could switch to G speed to see if its more stable [15:53] <tenker> Hey guys, is it possible to set the display positions right at gdm via script? I tried it by editing the /etc/gdm/Init/Default but that wont work [15:54] <thelongdark> tenker, could always run an init script and force things the way you want with xrandr :) [15:54] <tenker> thelongdark: but that would take effect just after login, not at gdm or am i wrong? [15:55] <thelongdark> tenker, think you could set it to run before gdm fired off, depends on the ordering of the start up scripts id imagine [15:55] <MagicMystic> exit [15:55] <MagicMystic> exit [15:55] <Whitor> Hi all, Odd question I know.... I'd like to force an application to stay in the terminal it was invoked within. This application has both a CLI interface (I know that is redundant) and GUI.. When run in an Alt-F1 (real) terminal it runs in the cli just fine. If run from an xterm it invokes the GUI. How can I force it to stay in the CLI when invoked from an xterm? [15:56] <ltven> Hi, i cant get my virtual machine guests to have different ip addresses. any ideas? [15:56] <Fuchs> Whitor: chances are that it checks for a running X via the DISPLAY environment variable [15:56] <Fuchs> Whitor: if that is the case, you can just unset that first [15:56] <Whitor> ltven, make sure they are not using the MAC of oyur host computer [15:56] <jacksonmills> why would wired connection show that it had been used 1 hour/9 minutes ago when i am not connecting anything to the ethernet interface? [15:57] <Fuchs> Whitor: maybe it also has a switch to force that, see that applications manual page (man applicationname) or the help (probably applicationname -h or --help) [15:57] <Whitor> livepit1, or... make sure they are not set staticly [15:57] <tenker> thelongdark: hm could you tell me how to do it? I already tried to create a script in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ with my xrandr command, but gdm wont login after that [15:57] <Whitor> Fuchs, Thanks I will look for that option in VLC [15:57] <Fuchs> oh, vlc definitely has it somewhere. I just don't have a vlc at paw to test [15:57] <soulisson_> codemagician, i'm using the rfcomm connect command is that the correct one? [15:57] <Fuchs> but if you remove DISPLAY first (unset it, only in that terminal though) that should also work [15:58] <thelongdark> tenker, what happens when gdm loads after your script runs? do you see the login screen at all or it won't take your credentials? [15:58] <Whitor> Fuchs, Once upon a time, I was given a string that would force it to stay in the xterm... It seemed generic and not specific to VLC. [15:58] <codemagician> soulisson_: I'm sorry that's beyond my current knowledge. I just threw the baud rate comment in as I it was a random shot [15:58] <Whitor> Darned if I can remember the string... I need to make better notes this time... [15:58] <Fuchs> Whitor: I assume they just did unset DISPLAY [15:58] <soulisson_> ok [15:58] <soulisson_> np [15:59] <Whitor> Fuchs, you;ve given me things to try. Thank you! [15:59] <tenker> thelongdark: i see the gdm login window, i enter my password and hit login, the screen blanks out for a second and then i get right back to gdm where i should choose my user again [15:59] <Jakey2> how do i save in nano without exiting [15:59] <jacksonmills> ActionParsnip: also it seems that restarting the computer temporarily fixes the issue [15:59] <SchrodingersScat> Jakey2: ctrl-o for me [16:00] <Jakey2> SchrodingersScat, thanks [16:00] <thelongdark> tenker, interesting - never heard of anything like that happening before. do you have any ttys available to hop to? id log into a tty and then check out Xorg.0.log. might be something useful in there [16:00] <Fuchs> Whitor: oh, there we go: vlc -I rc [16:00] <Fuchs> (that is an uppercase i, in case of you having a stupid font) [16:01] <Fuchs> Whitor: unsetting DISPLAY is more generic but slightly more hacky [16:01] <Whitor> Fuchs, ok, thanks [16:02] <ltven> Whitor: I change the macaddress of the guest but they still end up with the same ip [16:02] <jacksonm1lls> ActionParsnip: why would wired connection show that it had been used 1 hour/9 minutes ago when i am not connecting anything to the ethernet interface? [16:02] <jacksonm1lls> ActionParsnip: also it seems that restarting the computer temporarily fixes the issue [16:02] <jacksonm1lls> sorry, i keep getting logged out [16:02] <Whitor> ltven, are the set to NAT mode or bridged? they should be bridged [16:03] <ltven> Whitor: they are in NAT [16:03] <Whitor> ltven, there you go [16:03] <ltven> Whitor: it use to work at one point in NAT if i recall correctly [16:04] <tenker> thelongdark: yeah i could do that but maybe i did something wrong in a earlier step. here is my script i put that into /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ chmod a+x and restarted [16:04] <ActionParsnip> !away > zz_Thelks [16:04] <Whitor> ltven, virtualbox? There are three different NAT modes... I don't xuse NAT so I'm not sure which to advise you to use... Also, there is a #virtualbox channel [16:05] <ActionParsnip> ltven: if you use NAT the virtual system will live on its own little network. If you use bridged, the VM will gets its IP from the same place the host does and will appear as a new PC on the LAN [16:09] <thelongdark> tenker, and with your script in that spot the screens configure just fine but you then cant login or is the screen config broken still as well? [16:10] <ltven> ActionParsnip: i change it to bridge mode and restarted the vm but now it doesn't want to get an IP [16:10] <tenker> thelongdark: if i run that script inside gnome3 everything works fine, if i put that into the named folder the screen configuration in gdm is still "messed up" plus i cant login [16:11] <ActionParsnip> ltven: can you use dhclient to make it retry? [16:12] <ltven> ActionParsnip: it just hangs [16:15] <ActionParsnip> ltven: can you skip it on, then kick a DHCP request? [16:15] <thelongdark> tenker, and you're using gdm not lightdm? [16:15] <ActionParsnip> ltven: do you get issues with it NAT'd? [16:15] <tenker> thelongdark: yes i am using gdm [16:16] <tenker> thelongdark: or is there any reason to use lightdm over gdm? [16:16] <thelongdark> tenker, ok, well shoot cause lightdm has a nice conf file line to give it a start up script for this very issue :P anyways, here's what i'd try. move the script to /etc/X11/Xession.d/ and rename it to something like 10_config_display or something. it'll get sourced in order [16:16] <garlor> hi, how can I make my ubuntu live cd have a fixed ip address?, ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x only changes ip for a few seconds [16:17] <awsoonn> when i su username from the root shell in recovery mode, it says error locking counter and fails to decrypt my home dir. how can i decrypt my home dir? [16:17] <thelongdark> tenker, that might fire it off early enough. if logging in is still broken then i've got an idea of what might be going wrong [16:18] <faust> I'm looking for a guide for the most "Ubuntistic" way to build a kernel and upload it to my ppa. In particular I need to get latest vanilla/ubuntu linux sources, apply some patches and using a custom configuration. [16:18] <ActionParsnip> garlor: that's how you would set it. Or use /etc/network/interfaces then restart the networking service [16:19] <garlor> if I stop the networking service and then do a ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x the address would be set for good? [16:21] <ioria> garlor : you don't have preferences -> network connections ? [16:21] <garlor> I'm not infront an ubuntu right now, just want to know the fastest way to disable the dhcp client, from console if possible, and set the ip address for good [16:22] <tenker> thelongdark: ok i tried it, i can login but the script wont take effect, neither in gdm or in gnome [16:22] <reborn> Where can i find disable screensaver or sleep after 10 mins? [16:22] <garlor> in an ubuntu live [16:22] <thelongdark> tenker, hmm ok. need to step away for a few mins but if nobody else helps ill keep tryin when i get back [16:23] <tenker> thelongdark: ok, maybe i try lightdm instead of gdm [16:23] <garlor> i mean, if I disable the dhcp client, that will stop "deleting" my ip I guess? [16:23] <ioria> garlor : then you have to stop Network Manager and configure the files or use ifconfig and ifup eth0 [16:26] <garlor> thx for the help, bb [16:26] <ltven> ActionParsnip: i'm not sure how to do that [16:27] <ablest1980> anyone know any great for ubuntu and linux? [16:27] <ablest1980> learing [16:28] <ioria_2> !ping [16:29] <ioria> !ping [16:33] <jacksonmills> guh [16:33] <jacksonmills> wireless issues are a pain [16:33] <ioria> yep, Intel iCore will be a pain [16:34] <jacksonmills> i have an intel 7260 wireless card [16:34] <jacksonmills> it has been nothing but pain [16:35] <ioria> all stuff programmed for win [16:37] * jacksonmills cries into a pillow [16:37] <tenker> thelongdark: ok i tried lightdm, edited the lightdm.conf and the screens are configured correctly. But after login the screens are messed up again... [16:39] <ioria> jacksonmills, have you tried this [16:39] <jacksonmills> yeah [16:40] <jacksonmills> i think im going to have to try that [16:40] <jacksonmills> thanks for the link ioria [16:41] <ioria> jacksonmills, np [16:45] <Fernandooo> hello [16:46] <Fernandooo> theres any guide of how to install spring sts step by step ? [16:52] <jeffreylevesque> is 'precise32' ubuntu 12.04? [16:52] <philip_> pls i get this error:philip@philip:~$ sudo apt-get install winff [16:52] <philip_> E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [16:52] <philip_> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [16:53] <jeffreylevesque> I'm going to install vagrant, and each installation doc uses 'precise32' - [16:53] <camilo> hoy [16:53] <OerHeks> !precise [16:53] <ioria> philip_, are you using Synaptic before apt-get install ? [16:53] <jeffreylevesque> but, i use ubuntu 14.04 [16:53] <OerHeks> philip_, you use terminal now, do you have softwarecenter open by any chance? [16:54] <jeffreylevesque> does 14.04 not have vagrant, and is that why the lib is precise32? [16:54] <jeffreylevesque> what does 32 stand for? [16:54] <OerHeks> 32 bit i guess? [16:54] <philip_> ioria please what is Synaptic [16:54] <OerHeks> jeffreylevesque, vagrant is not supported here btw [16:54] <philip_> oerHek am using terminal to install [16:55] <OerHeks> philip_, maybe there are update pending [16:55] <jones_> So my Skype is looking Waaay weird [16:55] <ioria> philip_, can you post ps -A ? [16:56] <Fernandooo> emm any app to put an app in the dash ? [16:56] <philip_> kindly send me link to post the ps -A [16:57] <GERTYdotEXE> When I start up my Steam client it's shrunk at it doesn't react with maximizing it by shoving it against the sides.. How do I maximize it ? [16:57] <ioria> philip_, [16:59] <philip_> [16:59] <PatrickC> ok, i'm trying to install server 14.04.2 [16:59] <OerHeks> that lock comes from ór softwarecenter open, or updates pending with a notifier. [16:59] <PatrickC> i accidentally hit enter at 'select and install software' screen vs space to choose things, and now it's failing at the 'select and install software' step [16:59] <PatrickC> can't get past it, it won't install GRUB or LILO [16:59] <jacksonmills> hey ioria , quick question: in, when i checked to see what driver version was installed, i saw 8 and 9. should i remove any drivers that don't correspond to my kernel ( 3.13? ) [17:00] <pjdelport> Hi, I'm having a problem with a multi-monitor setup. It used to work perfectly fine, but I switched to a different monitor (different brand, resolution), and now Unity seems to break whenever I plug the second monitor in. [17:00] <jacksonmills> -8 is the one that corresponds to my kernel [17:00] <pjdelport> The problem seems to be with some cached configuration in my user account. Lightdm works fine, and so does logging in with the guest account. [17:00] <ioria> jacksonmills, you don't remove anything, in case you move , all [17:00] <philip_> ioria [17:01] <pjdelport> It's only on my own user account that plugging the second monitor in breaks the display. (it goes black or garbled, until I remove the monitor, and then it returns to normal.) [17:01] <ioria> philip_, seems you have the updater running [17:01] <pjdelport> I've deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml, after Googling, but that does not solve the problem. [17:01] <philip_> so what should i do [17:02] <pjdelport> I've searched through gconf and dconf, but can't find any monitor config that could be stale. [17:02] <pjdelport> Where else could the old monitor configuration be stored? [17:02] <ioria> philip_, wait, for now [17:02] <jacksonmills> so move all of them if i switch a driver out? [17:02] <philip_> okay [17:03] <philip_> what is the function of the command ps -A [17:03] <jacksonmills> i.e. swap the folder's contents? [17:03] <GERTYdotEXE> <--------- My steam looks like this !! Any ideas ? [17:03] <ioria> jacksonmills, well, it's not the driver, it's the firmware... you should keep them (aside) [17:03] <EriC^> philip_: man ps , type /-A hit enter press n [17:04] <jacksonmills> okay [17:04] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: try resizing it with Alt+Mouse2 (or Mouse3, not sure what compiz/unity abuses these days) [17:04] <jacksonmills> but swap the firmware folder's contents? [17:04] <Fuchs> (e.g. hold down alt on your keyboard, hold the right (or middle, as per above) mousebutton and drag it bigger [17:05] <jacksonmills> or should i just replace -8 with the -8 i downloaded? [17:05] <philip_> Eric Thjnaks [17:06] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: It says that it can't be maximize, the area is grey :S [17:06] <Fuchs> odd [17:06] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: you can do an xprop or xwininfo on it and paste the results somewhere [17:07] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: Sure thing, how do I go about doing that ? [17:07] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: open a terminal, type xprop or xwininfo (you might have to install them), mouse cursor should change, click on the steam window [17:07] <Fuchs> that will produce output in said terminal, you can copy that and paste it into a pastebin service (not in here) [17:08] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: Nope, I had them and I had no idea. Sorry for the possibly annoying question haha [17:08] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: you cool with me sprunging it ? :) [17:09] <GERTYdotEXE> [17:09] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: okay, so far so normal, xprop, please [17:09] <Fuchs> if there is no maximum constraint which stops you from making it bigger, you can use various terminal tools to just resize it [17:10] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: got a " no atom " message from it [17:10] <Fuchs> (such as xdotool or wmctrl, doesn't matter, both have plenty of documentation online for exactly this task) [17:10] <Fuchs> odd [17:11] <OnceMe> can I print files last modiffication time without nanoseconds? [17:11] <OnceMe> find . -printf "%TT" [17:11] <OnceMe> I dont want nano seconds [17:12] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: I'm sorry dude.. here it is [17:13] <Fuchs> program specified maximum size: 128 by 66 << that looks slightly broken [17:13] <Fuchs> I'd go poke steam support about that, because if the window manager follows that hint, he can't make the window bigger than that [17:13] <Fuchs> which is indeed slightly small [17:13] <Fuchs> (assuming this isn't the supposed-to-be systray but the actual program) [17:14] <GERTYdotEXE> yeah I mean I think I got it after I maximized a video-window from within the steam client all hell broke lose and after that, even after reboot.. it still looks like this [17:16] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: you could selectively change / remove / rename steam configuration in your home folder to see what the culprit is, but probably contacting their support is faster [17:19] <MadRabbit> Hi all, trying to install elementary OS freya; bootloader set to sdc1 (same as eOS). Multibooting w/ Win7 & ubuntu14.04. THEY both boot fine, freya; just black screen. Using EBCD for booting. EBCD has 3 separate mount points listed, but still no freya. Thoughts? [17:19] <EriC^> !elementary | MadRabbit [17:19] <MotherMGA1> Hello whats the easiest way to temporarily disable compositing in unity? I'm noticing a 50% hit to efficiency with games due to compositing. I'm currently switching sessions to xfce in order to play games, but it seems silly that I have to do that. Is there a better way? [17:20] <MadRabbit> thank you! will change channels. [17:21] <omnia> if somebody has an idea for my issue , please help ---> [17:21] <omnia> i know this is an ubuntu chanel but i had the same issue on ubuntu if you read the link [17:30] <GERTYdotEXE> Fuchs: Thank you so much, the irssi thing worked. [17:30] <GERTYdotEXE> currently trying to locate my window issue [17:30] <GERTYdotEXE> I would just reinstall it, but I have games installed from within it with savefiles I kinda enjoy [17:31] <omnia> if somebody has an idea for my issue , please help ---> [17:32] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: there should be no need for that [17:32] <Fuchs> GERTYdotEXE: as said, you could have a look at the configuration (either ~/.steam or ~/.config/steam, I am at a work computer, thus I have no steam at paw) and try to fix it (backup first) [17:33] <Fuchs> or contact their support, this sounds entirely fixable [17:33] <Kully3xf> cron for update/upgrade? how dangerous is this for an apache server [17:33] <l0gic> hi. i'm running 14.04.2 lts and i'm trying to modify my openldap conf. when running ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./bla.ldif slapd segfaults [18:05] <linuxuz3r> hi [18:05] <linuxuz3r> im compiling OpenGL apps [18:07] <linuxuz3r> when i run a simple OpenGL program it gives me /usr/ Inconsistency detected [18:08] <linuxuz3r> how do i fix this [18:08] <ioria> [18:09] <linuxuz3r> nouveau when i use this driver it runs OpenGL but when the display sleeps and the i wake the display it gives me checkerboard artifacts in my screen [18:09] <linuxuz3r> please help [18:11] <linuxuz3r> ioria: hi thanks but that is for gcc [18:11] <linuxuz3r> I'm using g++ [18:11] <linuxuz3r> also it doesn't help me with the problem [18:13] <Ivo> has anyone tried the ubuntu phone? is it any good? [18:14] <popey> yes. yes. [18:14] <linuxuz3r> ubuntu phone? [18:14] <linuxuz3r> what hardware is it running on [18:14] <popey> linuxuz3r: [18:14] <Guest97005> idk i just feel like it wont have any apps right? like instagram and stuff [18:14] <runda> good afternoon everyone [18:15] <linuxuz3r> Only available in the European Union [18:15] <Guest97005> and is it arm? are there special apis for it ? how to develop for ubuntu phone? [18:15] <runda> logout [18:15] <linuxuz3r> i wonder if there will be redhead phone [18:15] <linuxuz3r> redhat [18:16] <linuxuz3r> lol [18:16] <linuxuz3r> nvm [18:16] <popey> Guest97005: that phone has an arm based cpu, others dont [18:16] <linuxuz3r> oh [18:16] <linuxuz3r> popey: are u in eu [18:16] <popey> yes [18:16] <Guest97005> there should really be more info on how to develop apps for ubuntu phone [18:17] <popey> [18:17] <Guest97005> otherwise i could just as well get any other phone [18:17] <linuxuz3r> i wonder how tine is [18:17] <linuxuz3r> have you guys heard of tizen [18:17] <Guest97005> yeah but a full os is better [18:18] <Guest97005> is it a full os? like with systemd and stuff? can i ssh into the phone? [18:18] <popey> yes, yes [18:19] <linuxuz3r> popey: what display manager does it run on [18:19] <popey> Mir [18:19] <linuxuz3r> x qt mir [18:19] <linuxuz3r> ok [18:20] <linuxuz3r> linux is really blooming [18:20] <linuxuz3r> lol [18:20] <Guest97005> what filesystem does it run? [18:20] <Guest97005> can i put xfs on it? [18:20] <anton> Hello! How to install iceweasel to Ubuntu? [18:21] <popey> Guest97005: mostly ext4 [18:21] <brainfull> Hello - I'm trying to run a project that should is supposed to run on Ubuntu 14.xx, but some dependencies wont install on 14.04.2 ( Is it possible to download an ISO for an earlier version of Ubuntu 14? [18:21] <Guest97005> what do you mean "mostly"? [18:22] <linuxuz3r> popey: is that really running on mir [18:22] <popey> linuxuz3r: yes [18:22] <linuxuz3r> its not even released on desktop yet [18:22] <linuxuz3r> the mir [18:22] <popey> Guest97005: multiple partitions, some ext4, some vfat [18:23] <MonkeyDust> brainfull try this [18:23] <linuxuz3r> xD [18:23] <linuxuz3r> its working [18:23] <linuxuz3r> thanks guys [18:23] <brainfull> MonkeyDust: thanks, I was having trouble finding that link. [18:24] <Crazybooster> hi [18:25] <MotherMGA1> Whats the best non-compositing Desktop? [18:25] <MotherMGA1> Is there a way to disable compositing in unity? [18:26] <jeffreylevesque> I'm trying to use virtualbox in ubuntu - but, i get `VT-x is disabled` error - [18:26] <ubuntu555> mothermga1 try ubuntu mate? [18:26] <jeffreylevesque> my ubuntu instance is a dualboot, with windows 7 being on the main partition [18:27] <jeffreylevesque> how do i get into bios and enable VT-x? [18:27] <MotherMGA1> ok. [18:27] <MotherMGA1> mate is non-compositing? [18:28] <linuxuz3r> ubuntu phone runs qml right [18:28] <linuxuz3r> i wonder what it is [18:28] <popey> there are qml apps, yes [18:28] <MotherMGA1> thats the mate-desktop package? [18:28] <linuxuz3r> oh its javascript [18:29] <crazybooster> hi [18:29] <crazybooster> can you help me? [18:29] <popey> !ask | crazybooster [18:29] <crazybooster> TM_t [18:29] <crazybooster> are you here? [18:30] <pgunnars> would the floating point difference between windows/linux affect as much as the fourth significant number? [18:30] <faust> how do I get a list of ubottu commands? [18:31] <EriC^> !bot | faust [18:31] <faust> EriC^: thank you! [18:33] <clackboom> Hello! I'm having trouble with 14.10 64-bit installed on a custom-built Intel Sandy Bridge desktop (i5 2500k) When booting up from cold powered-off state, I'll get an error popping up that says "System program problem detected, Do you want to report the problem now?" /usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume is listed as part of the problem, along with "kerneloops" Trying to remove, purge, and reinstall [18:33] <clackboom> apport didn't resolve the issue. It was happening on a previous install of 14.10 that I had installed a bunch of crap on and was looking for a clean start anyway, so I completely formatted that drive and wiped out the install, but the issue is the same on this clean version of 14.10 [18:35] <jeffreylevesque> anyone dual boot ubuntu with another OS? [18:35] <MotherMGA1> jeffreylevesque: I have [18:36] <jeffreylevesque> i need to enable `VT-x` for my ubuntu. But, my machine is dual booting with windows 7 as the primary os [18:36] <clackboom> Did I give enough information about my issue? I'd greatly appreciate getting this fixed. [18:36] <jeffreylevesque> not sure how i can access the bios setup to enable VT-x [18:37] <MotherMGA1> Sounds like you're talking about emulation, not dual-boot. [18:37] <jeffreylevesque> well i am trying to run virtualbox on my ubuntu [18:37] <jeffreylevesque> [18:38] <jeffreylevesque> and, quick google has led me to [18:40] <MotherMGA1> #1, you can disable VT-X emulation in the virtualbox container. Settings > System > Acceleration > Enable VT-x/AMD-V [18:40] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: what make is it? entering the BIOS is a completely OS-irrelevant task [18:40] <thinkdevcode> restart your comp and go to your bios settings. usually DEL or F12 [18:40] <thinkdevcode> enable VT-x [18:40] <daftykins> or F2 or any number of keys :> [18:40] <MotherMGA1> #2 you can get to your Bios and rebooting and pressing either F2 or Delete [18:42] <clackboom> Did I give enough information about my issue? Every time I boot there's an error box that pops up, asking me to report it to ubuntu on a fresh instal. Seems to be involved with /usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume [18:43] <daftykins> clackboom: few ideas, first up "sudo rm /var/crash/* " then reboot - see if that clears it [18:44] <clackboom> Alright, just a sec. Thanks daftykins :D [18:47] <jeffreylevesque> MotherMGA1: after disabling `VT-x` in VirtualBox, i get the same error when trying to start my VM instance [18:47] <jeffreylevesque> thinkdevcode: my machine by default wants to start in windows. but, thanks to bootloader, i can boot into ubuntu (dualboot) [18:48] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: you press a key to enter the BIOS _before_ the bootloader loads. [18:48] <jeffreylevesque> daftykins: wouldn't it be windows bios, not ubuntu then? [18:48] <daftykins> the BIOS is part of the motherboard, it doesn't have anything to do with the operating system [18:48] <daftykins> it is independant [18:48] <jeffreylevesque> gotcha [18:49] <clackboom> daftykins - So it's stuck on showing my wallpaper, but can't load any of the other elements like the menubar or the dock [18:49] <jeffreylevesque> and it will have VT-x? [18:49] <clackboom> It did show a login screen, it got stuck after I punched in the password [18:49] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: it can have many names, if your system is Intel it'll be 'Intel Virtualisation technology" or similar [18:49] <daftykins> clackboom: was it working before? [18:49] <jeffreylevesque> is there no way to modify the motherboard settings (like VT-x) via command line, rather then rebooting and enter bios via F2? [18:50] <daftykins> jeffreylevesque: no. and a reboot is a really simple basic thing, that you should not be afraid of [18:50] <jeffreylevesque> true [18:52] <clackboom> daftykins: Yes, beforehand I was able to login and reach the desktop after entering the password, and after that the error dialogue would appear [18:52] <daftykins> clackboom: test the guest session [18:52] <daftykins> and ensure you're fully updated [18:55] <clackboom> I was able to use a tty1 shell to ensure everything was updated, and then reboot. Guest session does the same thing, doesn't load any of the UI except for the wallpaper [18:56] <clackboom> Should I put those files back? I didn't delete them, I just moved them from /var/crash/* to a directory in my home folder [18:57] <clackboom> daftykins ^^ [18:58] <nashant> How do I install a package from vivid on trusty? [18:58] <DrkShadow> Does anyone have experience using an onboard Intel HD graphics with discrete ATI graphics card for multiple monitors? [18:58] <bazhang> nashant, you dont [18:59] <bazhang> nashant, mixing version packages is a terrible idea [18:59] <Jakey2> im trying to setup github from terminal i cant get it to push [18:59] <daftykins> clackboom: shouldn't have any relevance to this. what's your graphics hardware? [18:59] <nashant> bazhang: Is there any reason for that? I'm trying to get xen 4.5 but it's only listed under vivid on launchpad [18:59] <clackboom> Intel Integrated - i5 2500k "Sandy Bridge" [18:59] <bazhang> nashant, is that a ppa [18:59] <nashant> bazhang: don't think so [19:00] <clackboom> I can see the wallpaper just fine, and all the pre-user stuff. As soon as you try to log in it derps right the heck out [19:00] <bazhang> nashant, you realize the vivid release is in a day or so [19:01] <nashant> bazhang: I wasn't actually gonna upgrade to vivid though. Was gonna stick with LTS [19:02] <bazhang> nashant, whats the exact name of the xen package [19:02] <OerHeks> [19:02] <daftykins> clackboom: hrm, that suggests there's more of a system wide thing going on than it being user related. you can certainly test putting the files back but i'm under the impression it's meant to just be crash logs and shouldn't influence unity working or not [19:02] <nashant> That's the xen package [19:03] <clackboom> "apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" and "apt-get install unity" didn't do much of anything.... is there another package for the desktop elements I need to troubleshoot? [19:03] <daftykins> nashant: pretty sure xen has to be hacked onto anything since KVM is the standard virt tech on ubuntu hosts [19:03] <clackboom> Lol, I love how learning all this linux stuff works. Break one thing, makes you learn five different things. [19:04] <daftykins> clackboom: the approach of just blitzing all packages is not really what i would do to try and solve problems ;) [19:04] <daftykins> clackboom: hang on, from a TTY - install the package 'pastebinit' (assuming your system is online) then run "ls -al ~/ | pastebinit" [19:04] <nashant> daftykins: It's been running on my box for about 2 years now, with almost 0 down time and no issues. [19:04] <clackboom> Lol, BUT I WANT TO MAKE IT WORSE. Kidding... Alright, I'll do that [19:04] <nashant> until now [19:05] <daftykins> nashant: what did you do? move from 12.04 to 14.04 ? [19:06] <nashant> daftykins: Good point. I wasn't on LTS before this, why am I getting antsy about it now? [19:06] <clackboom> daftykins [19:07] <daftykins> clackboom: and "pastebinit ~/.xsession-errors" ? [19:08] <clackboom> daftykins [19:09] <daftykins> clackboom: with the wallpaper up on TTY7, are you able to run a terminal with ctrl+alt+T? [19:10] <danbower> hey guys. i'm trying to get DNS queries resolved when using my work VPN and i came across the following resource: [19:10] <clackboom> daftykins: No [19:10] <danbower> however the "up" and "down" commands aren't available. any suggestions? [19:11] <daftykins> clackboom: and just to be sure this is a bare-metal installation on a desktop yep? [19:12] <daftykins> clackboom: "pastebinit ~/.Xauthority" as well please [19:13] <EriC^> clackboom: * ls -l ~/.Xauthority | pastebinit [19:13] <daftykins> EriC^: there is one - [19:14] <EriC^> oh ok [19:14] <daftykins> EriC^: seems unity failed after i suggested killing /var/crash/* [19:14] <daftykins> i thought it contained logs only? [19:14] <clackboom> -rw------- 1 dsheets dsheets 51 Apr 21 15:01 /home/dsheets/.Xauthority EriC^ daftykins [19:14] <clackboom> that's all it gave for that one [19:15] <EriC^> mine just contains a .crash with a call trace and what not [19:15] <clackboom> trying to cat or vi .Xauthority just gives me gibberish and MAGIC COOKIE [19:15] <daftykins> ah not really a readable file then. ok [19:16] <EriC^> clackboom: did you try the guest account? [19:16] <daftykins> clackboom: "pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log" ? [19:16] <daftykins> guest account dead too, yep - intel graphics [19:16] <daftykins> so doesn't seem user config or driver related [19:16] <clackboom> EriC^ Yup, guest account was a bust [19:16] <EriC^> how did this start? [19:16] <hkrrsx> morning [19:16] <daftykins> hkrrsx: wb o/ [19:16] <clackboom> EriC^ original issue was an apportcheckresume related system error dialogue box was showing up at login [19:17] <hkrrsx> Thanks daftykins [19:18] <clackboom> EriC^ daftykins [19:18] <DammitJim> what is the proper way of setting up an Ubuntu file server to host a "home" folder for users in a Windows Domain? [19:18] <DammitJim> then when a user logs on to their windows 7 machine, this "home" folder gets automatically mapped.. [19:19] <daftykins> DammitJim: read up on samba [19:19] <DammitJim> daftykins, I've read up on Samba... that's why I am asking for more specific guidance [19:19] <clackboom> EriC^ That "Report This Error to Ubuntu?" box kept showing up on a previous install, after I had fucked around with who knows what, and I was planning to reinstall anyway. Reinstalled completely, fresh 14.10, and the error was still happening after I did all the updates [19:20] <DammitJim> there seems to be a way to manage these "home" folders from computer management on windows [19:20] <daftykins> EriC^: the above doesn't spell any clues to me, the .xsession-errors showed - [19:20] <DammitJim> [19:20] <EriC^> clackboom: you can just disable those apport errors, i've them disabled, they appear a lot for everyone [19:20] <DammitJim> but it doesn't seem to work when I try to propagate the security settings [19:20] <daftykins> DammitJim: if you can phrase a more specific query than "how do i set up this entire scenario" it might help :) [19:21] <DammitJim> also, I am not sure of the version of Samba I need (a lot of things changed when 4.x got rolled out [19:21] <clackboom> EriC^ I can totally do that... if I can get back to using the desktop GUI. :D [19:21] <EriC^> clackboom: try sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log [19:21] <DammitJim> sorry daftykins you are right... let me learn how to ask a question first [19:22] <clackboom> [19:22] <EriC^> clackboom: i'd just reinstall unity if i were you, apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall [19:23] <DammitJim> ok, first of all... what version of samba does Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS come with? [19:23] <daftykins> !info samba trusty [19:23] <daftykins> 4.1 it seems [19:24] <mherweg> i'm looking for a cmd-line tool that shows the dimension/quality of a video [19:24] <daftykins> mherweg: 'mediainfo' [19:25] <clackboom> EriC^ doing the update dance. Preparing and unpacking like a madman [19:25] <mherweg> daftykins: thank you! [19:27] <hawly> yeah.. lots of sharp minds around [19:29] <EriC^> clackboom: ok [19:30] <clackboom> EriC^ rebooting [19:30] <EriC^> clackboom: sudo service lightdm restart should do it [19:30] <Guest28558> hello... how do i install winestricks? [19:30] <EriC^> Guest28558: sudo apt-get install wine [19:32] <clackboom> EriC^ Same deal. I can draw plenty of boxes with my mouse all over that pretty mountain wallpaper, but no dock, menu bar, or any other user desktop elements. Just my mouse cursor and the wallpaper [19:32] <Guest28558> not wine and winestricks! [19:33] <tonygaga> hi guys i recently changed router and now i have a different subnetmask (192.168.0.X instead of ...1.X) and since i saved the printer with a static IP i had to change it. printing works fine now but scanning with simple-scan doesn't, any idea why? -d gives me: [19:33] <tonygaga> [+148.99s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:863: sane_open ("brother4:net1;dev0") -> SANE_STATUS_INVAL [19:33] <tonygaga> [+148.99s] WARNING: scanner.vala:867: Unable to get open device: Invalid argument [19:34] <daftykins> tonygaga: that's a subnet, not a netmask - which is and the same on both. [19:34] <tonygaga> also: there are no users in #simple-scan so i came here [19:34] <tonygaga> daftykins: yea sry [19:34] <EriC^> clackboom: press ctrl+alt+f1, and type DISPLAY=:0 ccsm [19:34] <Bray90820> Cam someone help me mount add my nas to fstab so it can mount on boot every tutorial I have tried doesn't work [19:34] <EriC^> clackboom: make sure the unity plugin is enabled [19:35] <vr-rm> Any idea why enabling natural scrolling on Ubuntu (14.10) Gnome via dconf (org/gnome/settings-daemon/periferals/touchpad:natural-scrolling: t) would have no effect? [19:35] <clackboom> says that ccsm is not installed [19:36] <EriC^> clackboom: ok, try reinstalling compiz maybe, sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz lightdm (while in rome..) [19:36] <daftykins> tonygaga: hrmm not familiar with the topic really, but when you reconfigured it for another IP... did you fully delete the device and recreate? [19:36] <clackboom> Got compiz reinstalled, doing lightdm [19:37] <tonygaga> daftykins: no i just changed the socket-ip [19:37] <daftykins> ubuntu-session too? i read that somewhere [19:37] <daftykins> tonygaga: might be more to it than that, then [19:37] <tonygaga> socket://192.... i also tried with lpd://... [19:37] <lolcat> Hello [19:37] <lolcat> what is the ubuntu phone channel? [19:38] <daftykins> #ubuntu-touch [19:38] <tonygaga> daftykins: printing works with... ok gonna delete/readd them [19:40] <EriC^> clackboom: ok, try restarting lightdm once it's done [19:40] <clackboom> Alright, so that time DISPLAY=:0 ccsm gave me an advanced looking config tool fr desktop stuff [19:41] <tonygaga> daftykins: i think i found sth... i can choose the scanner in simple-scan but now that i've deleted the printer it still shows my printer under 'scanner source' i also did restart the cups service [19:41] <clackboom> EriC^ All of those checkboxes are un-checked, too. [19:43] <EriC^> clackboom: ok, click on unity plugin [19:43] <daftykins> tonygaga: i've gotta get to the shop, keep cracking :) [19:43] <ig0r_> ok so where the heck is the 15.04 Release Candidate ?? [19:43] <daftykins> ig0r_: next to whereever you left your patience :) [19:44] <MonkeyDust> ig0r_ #ubuntu+1 [19:44] <clackboom> EriC^ Groovy, did that, and enabled all the dependencies it asked for [19:44] <OerHeks> [19:44] <tonygaga> daftykins: hehe ok [19:44] <EriC^> clackboom: ok, cool [19:45] <clackboom> Eric, restarted lightdm, still don't have any content after logging in. [19:45] <clackboom> Sorry, EriC^ [19:46] <hawly> bye [19:47] <clackboom> lol, EriC^ , should I just wait for 15.0 to come out and wipe this thing again? [19:48] <EriC^> clackboom: are you using 14.10? [19:48] <clackboom> yup [19:49] <EriC^> it's up to you, if you can reinstall no problem i'd upgrade to 15.04 anyways [19:50] <clackboom> EriC^: Yeah, I mean there's no data on here or antyhing, just wiped the whole thing clean last friday. I dun goofed, apparently [19:50] <Ozzy-OSburn> Sup ppl, I'm on my friend PC and he bought new graphic card (Gygabyte R9 270) and he have mother board Asus M5A78L-M LX. Can he run this on that ASUS, becouse we saw something on asus page that say "Maximum shared memory of 1024 MB" And this GCard have 2gb ddr5. Can someone give me answer? Thanks [19:50] <EriC^> yeah i'd download 15.04 and clean install [19:50] <clackboom> Woohoo! [19:50] <EriC^> hehe :D [19:51] <clackboom> Well, thanks for your help! I manage to break stuff in the most awesome ways [19:52] <MonkeyDust> clackboom breaking and fixing stuff is a good way to learn something new [19:52] <clackboom> Thats a Bingo, MonkeyDust [19:53] <EriC^> yeah that's true [19:53] <MonkeyDust> now... more ways to break clackboom 's machine... [19:53] <thelongdark> i need an adult :( somehow a base install of ubuntu lets a live-usb work, but the moment i swap out the base os with a custom openembedded os the live-usb no longer has functional serial ports. i dont understand how this is physically possible. [19:54] <EriC^> adult? [19:54] <thelongdark> lol [19:54] <hkrrsx> brb [19:54] <clackboom> captainamerica-understoodthat.gif [19:54] <thelongdark> family guy reference ;) EriC^ you know much about serial ports? :D [19:54] <thelongdark> haha [19:56] <k1l> thelongdark: what does "i swap out the base os with a custom openembedded os " mean? [19:56] <MonkeyDust> thelongdark you mean replace? [19:56] <thelongdark> the os installed onto the hard disk seems to dictate whether or not a live-usb will lemme get i/o from the serial ports [19:56] <thelongdark> best way to explain is [19:57] <daftykins> *blink* [19:57] <thelongdark> if i install 14.04 - i can then throw a live usb on top, boot into that and use the serial ports, totally cool [19:57] <blind> I have a precise machine that is throwing "bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file." for the repos.. usually when I see this, it means some sort of web filtering but that's not the case here. I was able to manually download and un-bzip -- any ideas? [19:57] <clackboom> Afternoon guys, thanks for your help again [19:57] <thelongdark> if i install a custom openembedded os, then boot that live usb (still 14.04) serial no longer works [19:57] <daftykins> thelongdark: a live OS boots independantly of the installed OS, so you must not be explaining correctly [19:57] <thelongdark> its actually causing me to go gray :D [19:57] <k1l> thelongdark: that doesn make sense at all. a live usb OS doesnt touch the install. [19:57] <thelongdark> oh no, ia m :) [19:57] <thelongdark> im aware [19:57] <thelongdark> that its its own os with kernel and everything [19:57] <thelongdark> i know- its running in memory [19:58] <k1l> thelongdark: so please ask your mysterious secret OS support what they miss there to make that work [19:58] <jost> What does `kill -0 <pid>` do? [19:58] <thelongdark> oh im the support :) [19:58] <thelongdark> since i made it [19:58] <thelongdark> same kernel version, same serial config options set [19:58] <k1l> start with kernel, look at modules,..... [19:58] <kart> jost: If sig is 0, then no signal is sent, but error checking is still performed. [19:58] <thelongdark> yup [19:58] <kart> jost: man kill [19:58] <awesomess3> why is the rsync daemon running by default on Xubuntu 14.04? [19:59] <thelongdark> k1l, already ahead of you my friend :) [19:59] <ilk> where is the file located that lists all comands entered into a termianl? [19:59] <ilk> i need to back that up [19:59] <jost> kart: man kill does not contain that info :-) [19:59] <jost> kart: thanks [20:00] <k1l> ilk: .bash_history [20:02] <thelongdark> k1l, my test is a pretty simple one too - i've got a serial mouse plugged in and i simply cat -A /dev/ttyS1 and click the mouse buttons to see the rando data spit into the terminal. this test fails with the live-usb (14.04) , but the full install of ubuntu (14.04) it works just fine [20:02] <thelongdark> im grasping at straws at this point :( [20:04] <ilk> k1l : Thanks ! [20:11] <lock_> How would i go about using a certain nic (that is not my default nic) for an individual service? [20:11] <awesomess3> is Android development (app building) with Android version 4.3 possible and easy in ubuntu? [20:12] <MonkeyDust> awesomess3 "easy" depends on how skilled you are [20:12] <awesomess3> MonkeyDust, all I want to do is "apt-get" and run sample code remotely on my android device connected through USB. [20:12] <kostkon> awesomess3, check out ubuntu-make [20:13] <sarawara> can someone direct 么 [20:13] <kostkon> awesomess3, makes setting up the environment pretty easy [20:13] <sarawara> can someone direct me to the dutch ubuntu channel please [20:13] <bazhang> !nl [20:13] <MonkeyDust> !nl | sarawara [20:14] <lock_> [20:14] <lock_> irc list there ^ [20:14] <sarawara> thanks bot!! :) [20:14] <daftykins> lock_: what's the scenario exactly? not going to lie, that sounds highly unnecessary :) [20:15] <LarArT> i [20:16] <lock_> daftykins: Just wanted to use multiple nics for seperate services [20:16] <neopsyche> Hi All [20:17] <daftykins> lock_: what kind exactly? [20:17] <nullbyte_> does an upgrade from non LTS ubuntu can be possible.. [20:17] <nullbyte_> ? [20:17] <daftykins> bbs [20:17] <neopsyche> Im getting no respons on pm-hibernate ubuntu 14.04.2 [20:17] <Bartistic> What is this about? Can I come to you people with a problem with Ubuntu, and youu will help me solve it? [20:17] <daftykins> Bartistic: yes [20:17] <nullbyte_> to newer one like 14.10 to 15.04, eg. [20:17] <MonkeyDust> lock_ are you a musician? there's also #ubuntustudio (or #ubuntu-studio) [20:17] <kostkon> nullbyte_, yes it's possible [20:18] <sarawara> thanks monkeydust [20:18] <nullbyte_> ok :) [20:18] <lock_> daftykins: im looking to run seperate python instances on diffrent nics [20:18] <neopsyche> hmm diddnt know ubuntu studio was still going [20:18] <MonkeyDust> ah, nics, I read mics [20:18] <k1l> nullbyte_: yes. once you upgrade to 14.10 you need to upgrade every 6 months then until the next LTS 16.04 is reached [20:18] <sarawara> i could ask my question in englishas well [20:18] <neopsyche> lock_ you might like [20:19] <sarawara> my upgrade has put my input in chinese [20:19] <angelina> hi [20:19] <neopsyche> sarawara are you running kylin? [20:19] <sarawara> and i ‘dont know how to change that [20:20] <sarawara> ubuntu 14。04 neapsyche [20:20] <sarawara> neopsyche [20:20] <angelina> sarawara thats what im going to call my website [20:20] <angelina> but its going to be called neosike [20:21] <sarawara> sorry i have difficuleties typeing 出色e [20:21] <hicham> Hello. Anyone know how to eliminate tearing when moving windows on the desktop [20:21] <sarawara> 哀乐承诺chinese [20:21] <sarawara> igrrrrrr [20:21] <sarawara> i dont wont toloose the possibility to type in chinese though [20:22] <iegik> Running chat from rollapp :) [20:22] <iegik> It runs Ubuntu! [20:22] <angelina> im running ghostbsd [20:23] <neopsyche> sarawara ubuntu 'kylin' is a special release for Chinese users. [20:23] <cjoseph> Hi, I'm working on a programming project that involves running a menuconfig, and the menu pops up successfully but ncurses isn't interpreting the arrow keys correctly. Instead of moving the cursor, the escape code gets printed out underneath (^[OB, etc). I'm on 14.04 and have both libncurses5 and libncurses5-dev installed at the latest version. I'm [20:23] <cjoseph> using the US keyboard layout. The problem exists in the default graphical terminal emulator, as well as a full-screen non-GUI terminal. [20:23] <neopsyche> If you downloaded kylin (maby)_ by mistake .. then that could be why [20:23] <angelina> i might put ubuntu on a dvd and install it today but im looking for a complete linux os that will do everything i want it too [20:23] <angelina> firewall virusscanner audio video converter [20:25] <neopsyche> sarawara [20:25] <angelina> i cant find that movie 2012 anywhere on the internet with nicolas cage [20:25] <angelina> im trying to buy it i checked and couldnt find it [20:25] <angelina> i dont download my movies off torrent or anything i buy my movies [20:26] <angelina> torrents are viruses and movies are cheap anyways the ones i like to watch [20:26] <MonkeyDust> angelina restrict yourself to support questions [20:26] <kostkon> angelina, #ubuntu-offtopic for non support queries. Thanks. [20:26] <angelina> ok [20:28] <adamretter> I have eth0 with both a static ipv4 and ipv6 address. I want to add a br0, should I put the bridge config into both the ipv4 and ipb6 definitions for br0, or just the ipv4 one? [20:28] <hicham> Anyone have any tips to fix tearing on Ubuntu Mate 14.04 with ati gpu? [20:29] <cliluw> I want to produce an nginx package (.deb) with a few minor code changes. What's the best way to do this? I would like to just copy the build log in Launchpad so that I can create a package nearly identical to the one in Ubuntu's repository. [20:38] <Pici> cliluw: apt-get source nginx will download the source packages ready for you to make your modifications. [20:40] <hicham> any tips for tearing on the desktop [20:40] <hicham> if i move a window over a fullscreen window there is no tearin [20:41] <hicham> it only happens on windows against the desktop [20:41] <sarawara> neopsyche, problem is solved (thanks to the dutch people, thanks for your attention anyway and have a good evening/day [20:42] <neopsyche> keep well [20:42] <sarawara> :) [20:42] <cliluw> Pici: Ok, after I've made my changes, what do I do then? [20:43] <Pici> cliluw: You may want to take a look at the Ubuntu packaging guide, its a bit complicated: [20:43] <brainfull> Hi there - I just finished a second fresh install of Ubuntu, downgrading to 14.04.1 from .2 on an older netbook (I downgraded trying to avoid bug I disabled all auto-updates except for security updates. [20:43] <Pici> Also, I forget until I need to do it again every few monhts. [20:43] <brainfull> However now I'm immediately blocked again - `sudo apt-get update; apt-get install openssh-server` tells me "Some packages could not be installed" ... unmet dependencies: openssh-server depends on openssh-client (= 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu1). "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages" [20:44] <brainfull> any advice would be appreciated [20:44] <thelongdark> brainfull, broken pkg perhaps? try purging? [20:45] <k1l> brainfull: dont block the updates. just dont use the enablement stack [20:46] <brainfull> thelongdark: I haven't manually installed anything else yet. How do I purge? [20:46] <thelongdark> brainfull, sudo apt-get purge <pkgname> if you know whats broken - can run check first to see if anything is borked [20:47] <brainfull> k1l: I'm not familiar with that term. I just went to settings -> updates and unchecked everything except security. what do you recommend instead to prevent auto-updating to 14.04.2 ? [20:47] <k1l> brainfull: you know of the enablement stack? [20:48] <brainfull> k1l: no I don't. I only have cursory knowledge of linux/ubuntu [20:48] <kokut> Hello, i'm looking at the .bash_history file but i'm pretty sure theres plenty of commands i've run that are not showing up, is there a date/amount limit? [20:48] <h00k> Tm_T: nice hat [20:48] <k1l> brainfull: its the "backports" kernel and xserver stuff from like 14.10. that is enabled as default when you install with a 10.04.2 iso. but if you have a 14.04(.1) then it will not upgrade the kernel and xserver on its own. [20:49] <k1l> kokut: it gets written when you close the terminal/log out of tty [20:49] <kokut> k1l: but is there a limit? [20:50] <k1l> kokut: yes, but a real big one [20:50] <kokut> k1l: how big? [20:51] <brainfull> thelongdark: `sudo apt-get check` didn't show anything wrong. does that imply a purge won't help? [20:51] <hicham> There is no fix for desktop tearing on linux!?!?!?!? [20:51] <k1l> kokut: see "man bash" and search for "HISTFILESIZE" [20:51] <thelongdark> brainfull, yeah [20:52] <k1l> kokut: its set in .bashrc [20:53] <kokut> k1l: it says 1000, thats the amount of lines or what? [20:53] <kokut> if it's lines then it's not that big [20:54] <EriC^> yeah it's lines [20:54] <EriC^> mine is 2000 [20:54] <EriC^> type echo $HISTFILESIZE [20:54] <brainfull> k1l: from your comment and from, it sounds like the enablement stack is *not* on my system since I installed from a 14.04.1 iso - is that correct? [20:55] <k1l> brainfull: that is what i said, yes. [20:55] <brainfull> ok thanks, just making sure I don't need to do anything extra [20:55] <hicham> hi EriC^ [20:55] <hicham> do you know how to fix tearing? [20:55] <k1l> brainfull: and it seems the bug is made from the enablement stack. so no need to reduce updates since you need to manually install the enablement stack to be activated [20:56] <d3sk1ng> What do you think about ubuntu server on ARM (raspberry pi 2)? [20:56] <k1l> d3sk1ng: #ubuntu-arm is a better place for that [20:57] <d3sk1ng> thanks [20:57] <OerHeks> rasp pi 2 can run server 32 bit [20:57] <EriC^> kokut: i think default is 2000, it's pretty big [20:58] <EriC^> hicham: no idea, maybe try a different graphics driver? [20:58] <kokut> EriC^: but 2000 what? [20:58] <EriC^> lines [20:58] <EriC^> type history in your shell [20:58] <kokut> then its not big enough for me [20:58] <EriC^> it'll say how many are there [20:58] <EriC^> has it reached 2000 yet? [20:58] <kokut> i dont care if i have a 200mb history file size i need all the history [20:58] <kokut> yea, its not that much [20:59] <EriC^> kokut: ok, set it to to whatever you want then [20:59] <EriC^> HISTFILESIZE=<whatever> and add it to .bashrc [20:59] <hicham> EriC^: I'll try to get the proprietary one but I don't think it's available [20:59] <kokut> just added 2 zeros to it, hope it works [20:59] <qdii> hey guys. whenever I start gdm, /etc/X11/xorg.conf gets overwritten. Why? [21:00] <EriC^> it's already in .bashrc set to 2000 [21:00] <kokut> yea [21:01] <OerHeks> unlimited bash history =-1 ??? [21:02] <EriC^> kokut: man bash mentions setting a negative numeric value to have no limit for it, back up your .bash_history maybe and test it out [21:05] <ActionParsnip> kokut: you can treat it like a text file so you can tail it to take however many lines you like to a temp file then cat back to the history file. [21:05] <kokut> EriC^: oh thats pretty neat [21:06] <kokut> i just set it to -10 [21:06] <kokut> hope it works [21:07] <vastkahuna> Is there a task manager in ubuntu? [21:07] <k1l> vastkahuna: called "system monitor" [21:07] <MonkeyDust> vastkahuna system monitor [21:07] <MonkeyDust> k1l was faster [21:07] <OerHeks> vastkahuna, open terminal: top [21:08] <vastkahuna> So open the terminal and input what command? [21:09] <MonkeyDust> vastkahuna yes, or alt-f2 and then the command [21:09] <leolho> hello everyone, im quiet new to linux and installed xubuntu on my lenovo u430 touch. I have a problem with the screen always dimming during watching videos in fullscreen. Does anybody know how to fix that [21:09] <k1l> vastkahuna: top, htop. or start "system monitor" [21:09] <MonkeyDust> leolho is there no settin in your video player, that handles that? [21:11] <leolho> MonkeyDust: Im mostly watching online with flash. And i read that xfce has moved to lightsaver or something like that. any connection to that? [21:11] <bprompt> leolho: usually, as MonkeyDust suggested, the video player has an option to "disable the screensaver" or such [21:12] <kostkon> leolho, for flash videos only option is to use this [21:13] <leolho> kostkon: thanks for your answer. i installed caffeine. It doesnt work on xubuntu 14.04. i cant open the preferences [21:13] <vastkahuna> Will this allow me to check the performance of my cpu, memory, etc. ? [21:14] <k1l> vastkahuna: every one of the commands mentioned to you several times now, can do that. so please just test what suits you best. [21:14] <OerHeks> you might want to look at lmsensors too [21:14] <OerHeks> !lmsensors [21:14] <kostkon> leolho, not sure why that's happening but you could go ahead and see if it works nevertheless [21:15] <leolho> i tried that. it didn't work unfortunately [21:16] <leolho> Since i'm very new to linux i have a second question. i have a lenovo u430 touch and i'm looking for a good battery life. do you think it was a good idea to install xubuntu or is the change between DE minor? [21:18] <OerHeks> leolho, xubuntu is pretty lightweight, so better battery life i guess [21:19] <kostkon> leolho, you are right, it doesn't work on xubuntu as of yet because of the switch to lightlocker as you said , so I apologise for recommending it to you without checking first [21:19] <leolho> ok thanks! any further ideas about the screensaver issue [21:21] <BitName> Do I need a driver to get the DisplayPort working properly using Intel HD4000 Graphics? [21:25] <brainfull> k1l: I allowed updates and upgraded everything, and now things seems to be installing smoothly. thanks for your help! [21:38] <Umeaboy> For what reason does 14.10 use 3.10.4 as gEdit version when 3.16.1 is the latest? [21:39] <Umeaboy> My version freezes when I want to add my credentials. [21:39] <bekks> Umeaboy: For the reason of not shipping the latest, greatest, dancing on the bleeding edge. [21:39] <cemg> hi guys, i formatted my hard drive with dd , how can i get back my files ? [21:40] <Umeaboy> bekks: I thought Canonical was about that. [21:40] <bekks> cemg: Restore your backup. [21:40] <bekks> Umeaboy: Nope. [21:40] <Umeaboy> OK. [21:40] <cemg> how can i do bekks ? [21:40] <Umeaboy> Trying to install the deps for it to see if it helps building a newer version of it. [21:41] <daftykins> cemg: what did you run specifically? [21:41] <bekks> cemg: I dont know how you created your backup before, so I cant answer that. [21:41] <cemg> i didint back up anything [21:41] * salvum looks down [21:41] <MonkeyDust> it really should be mentioned on, to alwys make a backup [21:41] <bekks> cemg: Which dd command did you run specifically? [21:42] <cemg> i was trying to install linux on my usb , but i formatted wrong hard drive by mistake [21:42] <bekks> MonkeyDust: It should be disallowed to login with a backup ;) [21:42] <bekks> cemg: Which dd command did you run specifically? [21:42] <daftykins> cemg: you can probably rescue your data with 'testdisk' then [21:42] <cemg> sudo dd bs=4m if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc [21:42] <bekks> MonkeyDust: *without [21:45] <Jordan_U> cemg: Did /dev/sdc have more than one partition? [21:45] <cemg_> guys , how can i use testdisk to recovery [21:45] <kostkon> !recover [21:45] <kostkon> cemg, hope that helps [21:47] <cemg_> k [21:47] <Jordan_U> cemg: Did /dev/sdc have more than one partition? [21:49] <Umeaboy> *** No GTK-Doc found, please install it ***. I did install both libgtk+3.0-dev and libgtk-3-doc and it still says it's missing. [21:49] <Umeaboy> Anything useful I missed? [21:49] <cemg_> it was external hard drive [21:50] <Jordan_U> cemg: Did /dev/sdc have more than one partition? If you don't understand the question then please say so and I can try to rephrase it. Please don't just ignore it though. [21:50] <cemg_> no , it didnt [21:51] <Umeaboy> Found it! [21:56] <Jordan_U> cemg_: OK, that means that you probably won't be able to recover the entire filesystem, and will probably have to use photorec to recover what you can. Note that photorec will not recover all files, and will not retain file names or paths. [22:04] <irreverant> someone just told me that they listen to techy icasts and they said that most linux ppl don't even consider ubuntu linux anymore [22:04] <irreverant> that it goes to far away from the "norm" [22:04] <irreverant> is this true? [22:04] <daftykins> Linux is the kernel, so that person is uneducated. [22:04] <MonkeyDust> irreverant discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:04] <irreverant> how is that offtopic? [22:05] <irreverant> it's about ubuntu. [22:05] <irreverant> also; doe ubuntu support hurd? [22:05] <daftykins> this is support only. [22:05] <Umeaboy> irreverant: I use both Mageia and Ubuntu. [22:05] <irreverant> ok does Ubuntu work well with Lenovo Yoga 2's? [22:05] <Umeaboy> Cinnamon in both thou. [22:05] <daftykins> plenty of guides online refer to yoga compatibility [22:05] <Umeaboy> irreverant: That's a tablet-PC, no? [22:05] <irreverant> it's an ultra book! [22:06] <irreverant> yes it's a tablet Pc; or rather a touchscreen ultrabook; one of those convertibles where the keyboard flips all the way to the back so it can work as a tablet [22:06] <daftykins> it's a laptop that can also be folded into tablet modes, so technically it's a form of hybrid [22:07] <Naughx> On what architecture does they run on? ARM? [22:07] <Umeaboy> Yeah. It's not up to us to say wether it works good or not with Ubuntu. Look on YT for videos on the subject. [22:07] <OerHeks> Yoga 2 or Yoga 2 pro ? [22:07] <daftykins> does what? Yogas are x86 [22:07] <Naughx> Oh. [22:08] <irreverant> no they are not this is a i7 64bit [22:08] <irreverant> with 8gb ram [22:08] <daftykins> yes which is x86. [22:08] <Naughx> x86_x64 [22:08] <irreverant> no i believe you're wrong x86 is limited to 4 gb of addressable ram [22:09] <daftykins> you need to look up what x86 means :) [22:09] <EriC^> amd64 x.X HAH! [22:09] <irreverant> yes it's intel architecture [22:09] <daftykins> no it's not intel specific, anyway we're going off topic [22:09] <Naughx> well amd64/intel64 is based on x86 [22:09] <daftykins> irreverant: you have much to learn grasshopper, but for here, it is ubuntu support only. [22:09] <irreverant> daftykins, you need to be more specific because x86 generally is understood as 32bit [22:09] <OerHeks> [22:09] <daftykins> irreverant: no you just aren't familiar with the topic :) [22:09] <irreverant> yes daftykins well i'm asking because i'm attempting to determine if installing ubuntu natively or wubi is better [22:10] <irreverant> is that offtopic? [22:10] <EriC^> wubi is always not better [22:10] <daftykins> WUBI is dead. don't use it [22:10] <irreverant> why do they offer it still with the download? [22:10] <daftykins> to trick you. [22:10] <EriC^> i think it's political [22:10] <OerHeks> irreverant, so what issue do you run into with ubuntu? [22:10] <OerHeks> try live mode, not wubi [22:10] <irreverant> well i have the bios set to legacy mode [22:11] <irreverant> because it was having an issue with uefi [22:11] <irreverant> also the windows key is hardcoded into the cmos [22:11] <daftykins> you still haven't stated an ubuntu support query? [22:11] <EriC^> :D [22:11] <daftykins> 1) what isn't working? 2) what have you tried? [22:12] <irreverant> is the entire cd an iso? [22:12] <bekks> irreverant: What else could it be? [22:12] <irreverant> ok i tried using 10.04 live cd on the computer and it wouldn't load [22:12] <daftykins> the ISO is an image for DVDs or USB flash drives [22:12] <genii> !doesntwork [22:12] <daftykins> 10.04 is dead. [22:12] <irreverant> I downloaded the desktop from and was expecting a rar of the iso but instead i have a bunch of directories [22:12] <joshh20> Any idea why 'iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DROP' is making connections from drop to my database? [22:12] <irreverant> where can i find a iso image? [22:13] <kostkon> !iso [22:13] <daftykins> irreverant: it is an ISO, .ISO files are just automatically associated with winRAR on your Windows computer. [22:13] <kostkon> wrong factoid [22:13] <bekks> joshh20: Destination port 3306, drop it. [22:14] <joshh20> bekks, how can I still allow local connections to it though? [22:14] <irreverant> ok so daftykins then i can download the 14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso [22:14] <irreverant> how can i find the different between 32bit and 64bit i386 [22:14] <bekks> joshh20: Establish a rule that allow it before your general rule that drops everything else. OR just use a socket for mysql connections, instead of an IP connection. [22:14] <daftykins> irreverant: what is the file name of the existing file? [22:15] <daftykins> irreverant: i386 is the 32-bit ISO. [22:15] <irreverant> ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64 [22:15] <daftykins> irreverant: yeah, you need to go into folder options on your Windows system and unhide file extensions, then you'll see it's an ISO. [22:15] <irreverant> will the amd64 run on an intel processor? [22:15] <daftykins> yes. [22:15] <OerHeks> irreverant, this page may be a help for yoga 2 pro [22:15] <daftykins> it is an instruction set reference [22:16] <irreverant> i'm sorry it's not a yoga 2 it's the first gen yoga i apolgoize about the information incorrectly [22:16] <daftykins> such inaccuracy makes me a sad penguin, but i will live [22:16] <OerHeks> first gen yoga with i7 ? [22:16] <joshh20> bekks, I tried 'iptables -I INPUT 2 -s -j ACCEPT' and still that doesnt allow it [22:17] <bekks> joshh20: I suggest using a socket connection. [22:17] <b00b00> hello [22:17] <joshh20> bekks I would, but the problem is that phpBB doesn't support that [22:17] <b00b00> i installed vnc server on ubuntu, and when connecting in clicking a few chars like "s" bringing menue, how can i get rid of that? [22:18] <bekks> joshh20: Could you show me your first rule again please, my client refuses to scroll up [22:18] <irreverant> daftykins, i see that it's an rar iso archive file [22:18] <joshh20> bekks, thats arlight, its 'iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DROP' [22:19] <irreverant> but when i uncompress it it extracts the folders into individual directories rather than just having a single.iso file [22:19] <irreverant> i'm trying to burn it from a windows 7 box using free iso burner [22:19] <boax> hello [22:19] <boax> i found a critical bug in 15.04!!! [22:19] <boax> any dev here? [22:19] <bekks> joshh20: So try this rule being put before your rule: iptabled -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT [22:20] <bekks> joshh20: Or drop the --dport to allow all connections from localhost [22:20] <thegrreat> Hello i changed my default boot into splash text but the screen dont fit my TV Display how can i change it ? [22:20] <daftykins> irreverant: it can be opened with WinRAR, that is the only connection between ISOs and RAR :) [22:20] <daftykins> irreverant: imgburn is great for such a task. but if you have a USB flash drive, that will be 1 million times better than DVD [22:21] <thegrreat> Since i changed the default startup to splash text I dont have any gui to change the Display size Is there anyway to do it from terminal ? [22:21] <irreverant> really? [22:21] <irreverant> will it boot from the usb drive if it's also a storage device? [22:21] <joshh20> bekks, I already tried that [22:21] <thegrreat> Can someone help me ? XD [22:21] <irreverant> what i mean is if there are other files not just the ubuntu OS [22:21] <ovi> lol [22:21] <Naughx> I use SD cards to boot. :P [22:22] <Naughx> It works too. [22:22] <_X_C_V_B_> how I set proxy settings on xubuntu [22:22] <ovi> interesting chat [22:22] <irreverant> and ubuntu uses apt-get right? [22:22] <thegrreat> Yes [22:22] <irreverant> not debian packages [22:22] <Naughx> or dpkg [22:22] <irreverant> so no yum-install [22:22] <ovi> sudo apt-get install porn videos [22:22] <awesomess3> or aptitude [22:22] <daftykins> irreverant: you ned to format it ideally [22:23] <daftykins> ovi: no childish remarks please, ask a support question if you have one :) [22:23] <Naughx> Well.. some debian packages works on ubuntu... if it has the same dependency. [22:23] <ovi> no questions, im not new to linux [22:23] * awesomess3 slaps ovi's hand with a trout [22:23] <thegrreat> Can someone help me with my problem ?XD [22:23] <ovi> since when is porn childish? [22:23] <irreverant> what i'd like to do ideally is dual boot it [22:24] <thegrreat> Since now becuse it's not relative to this channel [22:24] <irreverant> but i'm unfamiliar with setting up ubuntu with a windows 8.1 box [22:24] <irreverant> does it use lilo? [22:24] <irreverant> or grub? [22:24] <kostkon> ovi, your remark not the subject of your remark was childish [22:24] <ovi> same think [22:24] <kostkon> ovi, anyway, this is a channel strictly for support [22:24] <thegrreat> Is it a good sign that my fan just shut off after using ubuntu 3 weeks ? [22:24] <ovi> thing* [22:25] <daftykins> irreverant: GRUB. [22:25] <daftykins> LILO is ancient [22:25] <irreverant> yeah that's how long ago i used linux [22:25] <irreverant> mandriva was called mandrake [22:25] <ovi> i thought it was a chat room, now i feel dissapointed [22:25] <thegrreat> Is there any ubuntu terminal command to get info about the computer fan ? XD [22:25] <thegrreat> I really need to know if it works [22:26] <kostkon> ovi, there's #ubuntu-offtopic for that [22:26] <thegrreat> It just shut of after 3 week using ubuntu [22:26] <ovi> no theres no command to know fan speed [22:26] <awesomess3> ovi, you also have ##chat, ##etc, and ##chanzilla [22:26] <thegrreat> Not fan speed i mean computer temp [22:26] <ovi> maybe a 3rd part app might help [22:26] <irreverant> daftykins, i've read there could be issues with UEFI, Windows 8.1 and dual booting Ubuntu [22:26] <daftykins> thegrreat: lmsensors [22:26] <ovi> oh [22:26] <daftykins> irreverant: it requires some thought yes, but it's easy to do [22:27] <geekmasterflash> UEFI doesn't play well with dual booting, but it's possible. [22:27] <awesomess3> irreverant, daftykins I boot my LiveUSB Xubuntu 14.04 with UEFI and it works fine. [22:27] <thegrreat> Is it normal that the fan does not do anything when booting into splash text instead of the desktop ? [22:27] <thegrreat> It's so silence never heard my computer like this before.. [22:27] <ovi> no its not [22:28] <Naughx> does the fans still rotate? [22:28] <thegrreat> nope [22:28] <thegrreat> now it turnt on again [22:28] <ovi> change laptop [22:28] <thegrreat> turned on [22:28] <ovi> its broken [22:28] <ovi> buy a mac [22:28] <thegrreat> And it made that beep sound when computer starts [22:28] <ovi> thats what i did [22:28] <Naughx> Mac what? [22:28] <awesomess3> you're gonna have to spin the fan with your hands [22:28] <ovi> i bought a mac only to install linux on it [22:29] <thegrreat> I did not have this problem until i changed default boot into splash text [22:29] <Naughx> Overpriced stuff... I don't like to buy the apple logo. [22:29] <thegrreat> Well i installed ubuntu on my mac first but i broke the charger so xD [22:29] <ovi> still [22:29] <ovi> its good to put linux on it :)) [22:29] <daftykins> take the chat elsewhere please people. [22:30] <thegrreat> Well right now im chatting about fan problem... [22:30] <ovi> how can u brake the charger?> [22:30] <thegrreat> My fan is acting wierd xD [22:30] <ovi> dafty u can move along [22:30] <Naughx> Open your comp and clean the fans. [22:30] <daftykins> ovi: grow up :) [22:30] <thegrreat> First it did not work and now it turned on and i heard that beepsound when the computer starts [22:30] <awesomess3> grow down [22:31] <ovi> help me [22:31] <ovi> grow [22:31] <geekmasterflash> Is it one long beep? [22:31] <geekmasterflash> A short beep? [22:31] <thegrreat> not a long beep just a short one [22:31] <awesomess3> ovi, read self-help books :D [22:31] <ovi> no no [22:31] <ovi> that would ruin the fun! [22:31] <thegrreat> And note this only happened after changing default boot into splash text [22:31] <geekmasterflash> The fact your fans are not moving would indicate you have a problem with power or your processor [22:31] <geekmasterflash> The beep should tell you which [22:31] <thegrreat> The fan is moving right now [22:31] <daftykins> geekmasterflash: 100% incorrect [22:32] <thegrreat> So right now im booted into terminal [22:33] <geekmasterflash> Oh, it's actually booting up? Then check the fans are plugged in and clean [22:33] <daftykins> consider the channel ##hardware for such queries [22:34] <thegrreat> and now the fan stop again... [22:34] <thegrreat> the computer is not hot or anything [22:34] <daftykins> lmsensors would prove that. [22:34] <thegrreat> im booting into the ubuntu desktop agian [22:34] <awesomess3> thegrreat, maybe the CPU uses more heat when on the desktop mode. [22:34] <awesomess3> I'm 4% sure that's the problem. [22:35] <EriC^> 4%? [22:35] <awesomess3> it's better than 2% *shrugs* [22:35] <bekks> There's a probability at least ;) [22:36] <EriC^> why not 5%? [22:36] <EriC^> lol [22:36] <awesomess3> when I buy milk I get 4% [22:36] <bekks> That would be too much :D [22:36] <irreverant> WOW! ok [22:36] <irreverant> So I am testing it out in VMWare Player and apparently a bunch of devices are not supported or actionable upon the install session [22:37] <irreverant> that sucks [22:37] <daftykins> like what... [22:37] <awesomess3> the hard drives? [22:37] <irreverant> I'll have to start the vm again here after it boots but the touchscreen and 5 other items [22:37] <irreverant> i should have purchased that dell developers xps 13inch machine [22:37] <irreverant> that comes pre loaded with ubuntu [22:37] <thegrrea1> Im back [22:38] <bekks> irreverant: You do know that VMware Player does NOT pass through all your real hardware to a VM? [22:38] <daftykins> irreverant: why would a touchscreen work with a VM... [22:38] <thegrrea1> When booted into ubuntu desktop the fans works normal [22:38] <irreverant> yeah i know they don't pass through all devices but it's good about passing most of them through without problems [22:38] <EriC^> thegrrea1: if you type sensors it should say the cpu temp [22:39] <EriC^> i think it's installed by default [22:39] <irreverant> passthrough for my touchscreen on my win 7 vm is not a problem [22:39] <daftykins> irreverant: you cannot test a laptop out for ubuntu from inside a VM [22:39] <bekks> irreverant: Well, look at the settings of your VM and you know which devices are seen by your VM. [22:40] <thegrrea1> so wich of all my 4 temps should i look at ? [22:40] <EriC^> are any really high? [22:41] <EriC^> mine are anywhere between 40-60 [22:41] <thegrrea1> mine is at 46 [22:41] <EriC^> that's pretty low [22:41] <thegrrea1> but one of the temps says n/a [22:42] <awesomess3> thegrrea1, why do you care about when the fan is blowing? it'll blow when it wants to blow [22:42] <EriC^> when the fan turns on, check sensors to see if the value changed [22:42] <thegrrea1> Adapter: Virtual device [22:42] <thegrrea1> temp1: +45.0°C (crit = +103.0°C) [22:42] <thegrrea1> coretemp-isa-0000 [22:42] <thegrrea1> Adapter: ISA adapter [22:42] <thegrrea1> Physical id 0: +46.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) [22:42] <thegrrea1> Core 0: +45.0°C (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C) [22:42] <kostkon> !paste | thegrrea1 [22:43] <iksf> quit [22:44] <thegrrea1> heres the temps is they alright ? [22:44] <architbaweja> is there a way to install an ubuntu package's latest patch version, while specifying only the major+minor version? something like `sudo apt-get install libcouchbase2-core=2.4.*` ? [22:44] <EriC^> thegrrea1: yeah they are fine, the n/a one is for the gpu [22:45] <thegrrea1> But why did the fans start and shutdown all the time when booting into Splash text mode + [22:45] <thegrrea1> ? [22:45] <bekks> architbaweja: When running apt-get install, the latest version is chosen automagically [22:46] <EriC^> thegrrea1: you mean grub? [22:46] <thegrrea1> I changed the default grub boot settings into Splash text [22:46] <thegrrea1> So i booted into terminal [22:46] <thegrrea1> But i guess my computer did not like it.. [22:46] <thegrrea1> Sorry for my english tho :P [22:47] <irreverant> devices not passed through [22:47] <nillawafer> thegrreal: because the cpu isn't working as hard in text mode [22:47] <irreverant> elan touchscreen, realtek camera, stmicroelectronics st sensore hub and wacom sid-v4 [22:47] <bekks> irreverant: It doesnt happen automagically. [22:48] <bekks> irreverant: Sensors are never passed through, since they are connected to the SMbus [22:48] <daftykins> irreverant: boot ubuntu to test it natively. [22:48] <EriC^> thegrrea1: no problem [22:48] <bekks> irreverant: Test it natively. [22:48] <EriC^> thegrrea1: i dont know why it overheated in text mode, that's odd [22:48] <thegrrea1> Nillawafer so i should not be afraid of booting into Splash text mode ? [22:48] <thegrrea1> It did not overheat in text mode [22:48] <thegrrea1> But the fans just start and shutdown at random points [22:48] <EriC^> i thought you said the fans got really loud? [22:48] <irreverant> yes i'm burning the iso now [22:48] <nillawafer> thegrreal: Desktop Environments are going to be more cpu intensive, which will cause the fans to work harder to keep the cpu temp down. [22:49] <tripelb> I have a technical muddle.System is dark, even in failsafe-graphics mode. (until the letters at forced logoff shutdown) Ubuntu 14.04 system with Nvidia card that freezes with open source nouveau driver (known Problem. BUT it worked in failsafe.) was replaced with some Nvidia prop. driver from Ubuntu software. That brought the darkness.. [22:49] <EriC^> nillawafer: he's saying in text mode the fan would start and turn off a lot [22:49] <thegrrea1> exact EriC [22:49] <thegrrea1> Exactly * [22:50] <tripelb> Precisely [22:50] <EriC^> 4% accurate [22:50] <tripelb> Accurately [22:50] <tripelb> lol [22:50] <thegrrea1> This is way to much english for me xD [22:50] <daftykins> tripelb: which 'card' / chip? [22:51] <thegrrea1> I guess i stick to the default boot settings instead of using splash text i dont want to risk my computer caught fire. [22:51] <maddawg2> excuse me... how do I find internet explorer? [22:51] <maddawg2> i need it [22:51] * EriC^ dies [22:52] <maddawg2> it's the best browser out there [22:52] <thegrrea1> Theres no internet explorer for ubuntu <3 [22:52] <thegrrea1> To much trolling going on here ? [22:52] <EriC^> maddawg2: thank you, that was great [22:52] <tripelb> hi daftykins It is the quadro FX something which is. 3250 or 60? IIR. - can I see by looking at the physical card? [22:52] <maddawg2> but how do i get microsoft updates? [22:52] * nillawafer wut? [22:52] <daftykins> maddawg2: better than you have tried, goodbye now [22:53] <thegrrea1> maddawg2 you install windows and realize you should go back to ubuntu [22:53] <thegrrea1> That's how you do it [22:53] <kostkon> don't feed the trolls! [22:54] * EriC^ puts the Dont Feed The Trolls sign up [22:54] <EriC^> *Not responsible for lost items [22:54] * thegrrea1 is responsible for feeding the troll [22:55] <thegrrea1> is there anyway i can make so the sensor command updates by it self in the terminal ? [22:55] <thegrrea1> So i dont have to rewrite the command to see the temps ? [22:56] <bekks> Trendrrrr: No. [22:56] <bekks> GNA [22:56] <bekks> thegrrea1: No :) [22:56] <bekks> Press arrow up and press enter. [22:56] <thegrrea1> ok thanks for the answer tho :P [22:57] <thegrrea1> Im glad theres a irc channel for ubuntu otherwise i would be stuck at everything xDD [22:57] <Finetundra> hello folks, is it safe to use PPA's originally meant for another *buntu distro? [22:57] <bekks> Finetundra: No. [22:58] <nillawafer> thegrreal: use this command- watch -n10 sensors [22:58] <Finetundra> bekks, what issues can it cause? [22:58] <eugeni> hi [22:58] <bekks> Finetundra: Breaking your system entirely. [22:58] <nillawafer> thegrreal: it will repeat the sensor command every 10 seconds. You can change the 10 to any number to change number of seconds. [22:59] <EriC^> thegrrea1: just install psensors, it's pretty awesome [22:59] <thegrrea1> Nillawafer thanks [23:00] <tripelb> daftykins, it is an NVIDIA quadro fx 3450 [23:00] <nillawafer> thegrreal: no problem [23:00] <daftykins> ah quadro. [23:06] <Finetundra> I'm sorry, flavor not distro [23:06] <Bashing-om> tripelb: Nvidia recommends the 304 driver . . [23:07] <bekks> Finetundra: Which flavor exactly? [23:08] <Finetundra> lubuntu [23:09] <bekks> Finetundra: PPA arent designed for specific flavours. [23:09] <thegrrea1> how much is high temp usually on the fan/computer. [23:09] <tripelb> Bashing-om, yes. that may do. I also found BUT my problem is that the screen is always black.. even in safegrapics [23:09] <Finetundra> bekks, good to know. thank you sir [23:10] <bekks> thegrrea1: Depends on the hardware, cooling, usage. [23:10] <thegrrea1> Cuz already at 59 when only having one terminal open and firefox. [23:10] <EriC^> thegrrea1: pretty normal [23:11] <tripelb> 14.04 How do I change the graphics driver on the HD if I am booted up from a liveCD? [23:11] <tripelb> What if I want to add something to Ubottu? [23:12] <Bashing-om> tripelb: Might try booting to terminal (TTY1), purging all Nvidia drivers and see if you come up on the open source driver . Then make adjustments ? [23:14] <Jordan_U> tripelb: If you "/msg ubottu !factoid is <reply> Factoid is an example of a factoid you might want added" then your request will be forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. You can just join #ubuntu-ops and ask yourself also. [23:15] <tripelb> Bashing-om, excellent. How does one "purge all nvidia drivers. How does one boot up to terminal? (sorry, after 9 years using ubuntu it is a testimony to ubuntu that I didnt have to know any of this - it was all good till 2012 and then ubuntu got flaky) [23:16] <derekc> If anyone wants a Google inbox invite I have 2 of them left. PM with your email and Ill send it [23:18] <Bashing-om> tripelb: In small steps . at grub's boot menu; 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parametrs screen; arrow down to the line containing "quiet splash" and replace with the term 'text' - with out the quotes - . key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process to TTY1 . Login here with user name and pass word . TBC [23:23] <tripelb> Bashing-om, that sounds good but replace WHAT? with the word> text [23:24] <KDFAMD> theres more chat going on on ##windows channel that in here and they only have half the users [23:24] <tripelb> thanks KDFAMD [23:25] <KDFAMD> your wellcome [23:25] <KDFAMD> make it 1/3 the users [23:27] <Bashing-om> tripelb: In that boot parameters screen you see the line similar " linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff " arrow across to the terms "quiet splash" and replace these terms withthe term text . [23:33] <Bashing-om> tripelb: ^^ are you caught up to that point ? and booted into the system ? [23:45] <thegrreat> is there anyway to start executable files from splash text mode terminal ? [23:45] <hkrrsx> baaaaack [23:45] <tripelb> Bashing-om, we will have to wait. I am in the linux user group room here and on onother computer. there are "many" here. I have to wrangle a monitor kb and mouse and cords for it. meanwhile I need to take stuff off my phone from one of the other working computers. alas I will try to remember all this. I made a gedit file of what you said so far. thanks. [23:46] <Rastart> to disable windows network from my ubuntu 14.04 LTS? [23:46] <Rastart> (please). [23:47] <ryan_46> derek+ [23:47] <Bashing-om> tripelb: At your liesure. If when you get caught up and I am not on here ... many others can assist in this . ubuntu -> open source at it's best . [23:47] <Jordan_U> Rastart: What do you mean by "disable windows network"? What is your end goal? What happens now that you don't want to happen? [23:49] <thegrrea1> Is there anyway to start Display from terminal ? [23:49] <thegrrea1> Cuz right now it says No display found, cant open display.. [23:49] <Rastart> Jordan_U: i'm not in the windows network and it keep showing me the network workgroup. i would like to disable that stuff.cause i don't use network. [23:49] <Jordan_U> thegrreat: I'm not sure what you mean by "splash text mode terminal", but you can start lightdm (the GUI login manager) from a tty by running "sudo service lightdm start". [23:49] <Rastart> nore the workgroup [23:50] <MrEikono> hey everyone! [23:50] <Jordan_U> Rastart: Where are you seeing anything about a Windows network or workgroup? [23:50] <thegrrea1> Jordan_U Splash text is booting into terminal, thats what i mean :P [23:50] <MrEikono> Haven't been on here or the OS in a while, but Vivid's coming out in two days, so I might as well ^-^ [23:51] <MrEikono> I have a question - Where can I find Ubuntu's source code? [23:51] <somsip> MrEikono: in the source packages [23:51] <MrEikono> somsip: what command do I run for those? [23:51] <Jordan_U> MrEikono: For any given package "apt-get source packagename" will download that packages source package into your current directory (does *not* need to be run as root). [23:52] <Rastart> in files: net /net explorer or something like that dunno how it is called in english [23:52] <cluelessperson> Question, is there a way to create an SSH key to allow a user to SFTP into one directory only? [23:52] <MrEikono> Jordan_U: ah [23:52] <cluelessperson> I have the username zachary, with full shell root access [23:52] <cluelessperson> Can I make a key that has access to one directory alone? [23:52] <MrEikono> well, now that that's done, who's excited for Vivid? [23:52] <pizzaops> Well that's upsetting. There can be only one Zachary! [23:52] <MrEikono> What sort of things is Vivid going to add anyway? [23:52] <KDFAMD> [23:53] <cluelessperson> pizzaops, First come first serve. [23:53] <pizzaops> :P [23:54] <Rastart> it automatically create with windows computers when you connect to net. in windows you got an option to totally disable network groups services. how to do the same thing in ubuntu?this is an ubuntu computer and i don't want to participate in any way to a windows network group. [23:54] <Rastart> lol [23:54] <bekks> Rastart: Stop the samba service. Done- [23:55] <Rastart> how to stop the samba service bekks? [23:55] <bekks> Rastart: sudo service samba stop [23:55] <Rastart> does it only stop the network groups services? [23:56] <bekks> There is no such service. [23:56] <Rastart> what is samba about? [23:56] <MrEikono> back [23:56] <Rastart> can i have more information about this before disable it? [23:56] <bekks> Advertising the computer in a Windows environment and sharing directories as file shares. [23:57] <MrEikono> what sort of things will be added with the new update, 15.04? [23:57] <SchrodingersScat> cluelessperson: shouldn't be anything about the keys, afaik, but maybe in the sshd_config? also this: [23:58] <daftykins> MrEikono: #ubuntu+1 for vivid talk and please see - [23:58] <Rastart> ok bekks when i stop the service does it stops it permanently? [23:58] <bekks> Rastart: No. [23:58] <MrEikono> thanks daftykins [23:58] <checkit> Hey guys... I need to modify a crontab but I'm not sure how to edit it. Any thoughts? My user is not root and is not in sudoers... [23:58] <bekks> Rastart: you have to disable it. [23:58] <Rastart> how to totally disable it? [23:58] <Rastart> :P [23:58] <bekks> !upstart | Rastart
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ActionParsnip", "Ajacobsson", "AnnaRooks", "Asmodeo", "Bartistic", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "BitName", "BluesKaj", "Bray90820", "Brundy", "Crazybooster", "DJones", "DalekSec", "DammitJim", "DazPetty", "Digistras", "DreamRoomProduct", "DrinkWine", "DrkShadow", "EriC^", "Fernandooo", "Finetundra", "FireHui", "Fuchs", "GERTYdotEXE", "Guest28558", "Guest59234", "Guest60549", "Guest97005", "IseeFreeMarkets", "Ivo", "Ixxie", "Jakey2", "JinBaba", "JonSnow", "Jordan_U", "KDFAMD", "Kartagis", "Kully3xf", "LXLE-User", "LarArT", "Mad3ngineer", "MadRabbit", "MagicMystic", "Mirc-user", "MonkeyDust", "MotherMGA1", "MrEikono", "Naughx", "OerHeks", "OnceMe", "Ozzy-OSburn", "PCatinean", "PatrickC", "PiXelx64", "Pici", "Rastart", "Rory", "RtMF", "SchrodingersScat", "SyncroIT", "TML", "TheMontyChrist", "TheNumb", "ThePhoenix", "TiK", "Tin_man", "Umeaboy", "Upstand", "VEndix", "Whitor", "Xtx", "ZuZuu", "[Saint]", "[n0mad]", "_X_C_V_B_", "__dan_", "ablest1980", "acz32", "adac", "adamretter", "analogdigital", "anew", "angelina", "anton", "architbaweja", "arcsky", "ashuthosh", "awesomess3", "awsoonn", "b00b00", "badescunicu", "barry_", "bazhang", "bekks", "blacknith", "blind", "bloop", "boax", "bosnjak", "bprompt", "brainfull", "brow345", "camilo", "cavassani", "cemg", "cemg_", "cfhowlett", "checkit", "chrisss123456", "cihhan", "cjoseph", "clackboom", "cliluw", "cluelessperson", "codemagician", "compdoc", "connectioner", "crazybooster", "d3sk1ng", "dadada", "daftykins", "danbower", "daniele12457", "darkdragon-001", "darksifer", "deadmund", "derekc", "dql", "eko", "esde", "eugeni", "excalibr", "faust", "firehui", "garlor", "geekmasterflash", "genii", "ghost_", "gioans", "gr33n7007h", "gvandeweyer", "h00k", "hasan", "hateball", "hawly", "herozem", "hicham", "hichmate", "hkrrsx", "huig", "hydracrux", "iegik", "ig0r_", "iksf", "ilk", "incognito`", "ioria", "ioria_2", "irreverant", "jacksonm1lls", "jacksonmills", "jasabella", "jeffreylevesque", "jones_", "joshh20", "jost", "jpds", "jujupc", "k1l", "kart", "kemmler", "kirill", "kokut", "kostkon", "l0gic", "lchln", "leolho", "linuxuz3r", "lizzie", "loa", "lock_", "loganlee", "lolcat", "lolek", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "ltven", "m1dnight_", "maddawg2", "markov_", "mcphail", "mherweg", "mjollnerd", "mnr12", "mrpizzaface", "nashant", "neopsyche", "nextbox", "nillawafer", "nrml1", "nullbyte_", "omnia", "oriovoy", "osteenbergen", "ovi", "pavlos", "pawl2", "pbx", "penguin1263", "pgunnars", "philip_", "pizzaops", "pjdelport", "popey", "profoX`", "prw", "qdii", "reborn", "rgb-one", "rick_", "rking", "robninjadude1", "roothorick", "runda", "ryan_46", "salvum", "sarawara", "seth-666", "snkcld", "somsip", "soulisson_", "stjoseph", "sunixoperatingsy", "surxenberg", "svetlana", "tadzik", "tango", "techgrin", "teeeeeeeeeeeeeej", "tenker", "thegrrea1", "thegrreat", "thelongdark", "thinkdevcode", "tijnix", "tim_", "tim`", "tonygaga", "tripelb", "twtccw", "tykayn-ubuntu", "tyrog", "ubuntu555", "vastkahuna", "vr-rm", "wWwBUKOLAYcom", "wafflejock", "wers", "wuolfit", "wwwadmin", "wwwadmin_", "xyzwhatever", "zasek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[05:51] <Mirv> normal to lts is probably ok with Prompt=lts, but the last one looks wrong [08:25] <jibel> davmor2, ubuntu is rebuilding with all the fixes from yesterday (not sure you got previous msg, it seems I was disconnected) [08:25] <davmor2> jibel: nice [08:26] <davmor2> jibel: can I assume that netboot would be good to test in the meantime? [08:34] <jibel> davmor2, netboot is ready to test. [08:42] <jibel> davmor2, ^ [08:52] <davmor2> jibel: \o/ [09:20] <davmor2> jibel: ftr the album Synth Pop is awesome for testing to :) [09:21] <davmor2> jibel: also 64bit UEFI SecureBoot amd64 netboot under way and burning 32 bit too [09:38] <jibel> davmor2, there'll be another respin of desktop images [09:38] <davmor2> jibel: not effecting netboot though right? [09:38] <jibel> davmor2, no it's a ubiquity fix [09:38] <jibel> davmor2, the live session doesn't start when selected from dm [09:39] <davmor2> jibel: cool I'll carry on with netboot then, I'll do a desktop and server install here and wait on an update regarding the desktops then [09:40] <jibel> davmor2, OK. I'm doing some non-english tests and verifying results for server [10:19] <flexiondotorg> pitti, This is what happens when the installer asks to restart now - [10:21] <flexiondotorg> jibel, davmor2 ^^^^ [10:21] <pitti> flexiondotorg: this does work on Ubuntu and Xubuntu now; this error message looks like it's trying to access something from the squashfs (which is gone at that point) [10:22] <pitti> flexiondotorg: to prevent that, the casper-shutdown script tries to cache all the plymouth themes [10:22] <pitti> maybe the mate theme has its themes/plugins in a path which we don't cover? [10:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Ubuntu MATE does have plymouth themes [10:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Where is the code that does the caching? [10:23] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Maybe I can submit a merge proposal? [10:23] <pitti> for path in $(which halt) $(which reboot) /etc/rc?.d /etc/default $(which stty) /bin/plymouth /lib/plymouth /lib/*/plymouth /lib/systemd /etc/systemd /lib/*/libnss_files* /etc/nsswitch.conf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/60-latin.conf; do [10:24] <pitti> flexiondotorg: it's in bin/casper-stop in casper [10:24] <pitti> flexiondotorg: I thought by now we'd cache pretty much anything from plymouth; but it looks like it's still missing something there [10:26] <flexiondotorg> Ubuntu MATE puts it's plymouth themes in /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-mate-logo [10:27] <pitti> that should be covered by /lib/plymouth [10:27] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Indeed. [10:28] <bluesabre> I have release manager rights, but haven't requested a rebuild before. When I hit the "Update Rebuild Status" button, does that rebuild for everybody or go to another screen to select? [10:28] <bluesabre> balloons: ^ [10:29] <flexiondotorg> pitti, cyphermox has this same issue some days back in a test release of casper I was testing for him. [10:29] <pitti> flexiondotorg: yes, cyphermox, infinity and I were working on that last week, and updated the list [10:30] <pitti> flexiondotorg: we don't cachce /var/spool/plymouth/ and /var/lib/plymouth, though [10:30] <pitti> flexiondotorg: could you boot a live CD, edit casper-stop in-place to add these two, and check if that helps? [10:30] <pitti> it's not required in the other flavors, but maybe on mate [10:30] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Just testing stock Ubuntu and then I'll do as your request for Ubuntu mATE. [10:31] <pitti> flexiondotorg: I tested stock ubuntu approximately 30 times yesterday, when fixing the "x gets stuck on reboot" bug [10:31] <pitti> and I tested xubuntu today's daily this morning [10:31] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Fun :) [10:32] * flexiondotorg create a new Ubuntu MATE test VM. [10:33] <pitti> flexiondotorg: you can just boot the live CD [10:34] <pitti> no need to install AFAICS? [10:34] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Understood. [10:35] <pitti> flexiondotorg: we should get the same if you merely start the live system and shutdown [10:36] <flexiondotorg> pitti, stock Ubuntu just spat out the squashfs error just like Ubuntu MATE. [10:37] <pitti> flexiondotorg: hm, I'm definitively not getting that in QEMU or on real iron [10:37] <flexiondotorg> pitti, VirtualBox thing? [10:38] <flexiondotorg> pitti, For completeness - [10:39] <pitti> flexiondotorg: are you testing an iso or from an USB stick? trying to see what's different [10:39] <flexiondotorg> pitti, iso in a VirtualBox VM. [10:39] <pitti> so it might be usb vs. iso or VB vs. qemu/real hw [10:39] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Emulated DVD drive. [10:40] <flexiondotorg> I can test a DVD here. I'll burn one. [10:42] <pitti> flexiondotorg: we tested an USB stick on real hw, worked there too [10:46] <davmor2> pitti: I'm testing real hardware and real dvd's, just call me mr old skool [10:46] <pitti> davmor2: no, I'm grateful for that! [10:47] <davmor2> pitti: I also do a desktop run from usb on real hw too :) [10:47] <davmor2> pitti: I also cover the 3 major gfx and 2 major cpu manufacturers too :D [10:47] <flexiondotorg> pitti, If I just boot the live session and restart, the system doesn't reboot. [10:48] <flexiondotorg> pitti, If I install and restart, the squashfs errors occur. [10:48] <pitti> flexiondotorg: what do you see exactly? x going down? plymouth? the "hit enter" text? [10:48] <flexiondotorg> pitti, From the live session only, no squashfs errors. [10:48] <pitti> you should see all three, then pressing enter shld reboot; that's what we see here, anyway [10:49] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I see this - [10:50] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I do not see a press enter to eject media on either live session reboot nor at the end of an install. [10:50] <pitti> *sigh* [10:50] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I can't install the DVD on the system. But I can boot the live session and reboot. [10:50] <flexiondotorg> Back in a few... [10:59] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Booting to live session from DVD on real hardware and selecting shutdown work correctly. I got the "Press Enter" and a system shutdown. [10:59] <flexiondotorg> pitti, So, this issue maybe specific to VirtualBox? [11:01] <pitti> flexiondotorg: yeah, looks like it [11:01] <pitti> flexiondotorg: I'll install VB here and cross-check (but need to sort out two other things first) [11:01] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Sure :) [11:02] <flexiondotorg> pitti, If you have anyhting the needs testing just ping me. [11:02] <pitti> flexiondotorg: how's the actual install looking? [11:02] <pitti> anything broken there still? [11:03] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Install of Ubuntu MATE and Ubuntu were both fine. I also test oem-config for Ubuntu MATE. Also worked :) [11:04] <flexiondotorg> Just need to build new images when the new ubiquity lands so the "Try" option works. [11:04] <pitti> flexiondotorg: yay! [11:06] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I've ask the OEM to test on there hardware range. [11:06] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Will report back later. [11:13] <davmor2> jibel: so netboot still works as expected with the exception of the keyboard layouts and servers tty7 being blank [11:24] <pitti> flexiondotorg: I confirm the problem in VB [11:28] <pitti> flexiondotorg: and when I use a serial console to debug it it of course works [11:32] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Typical. [11:33] <davmor2> pitti: serial console == debug == automatic fix for all woes ;) [11:35] <pitti> ok, so systemd.debug-shell works [11:35] <pitti> I see plymouth watch-keystroke running, but as we don't have /cdrom any more it's icky to debug [11:59] <pitti> flexiondotorg: ok, so under VB plymouthd doesn't listen to /dev/tty7 and thus neither prints text nor receives keystrokes nor shows animation [12:00] <pitti> under qemu and real hw that works [12:00] <flexiondotorg> pitti, OK, has a memory. [12:01] <pitti> flexiondotorg: we fixed casper to actually show plymouth during shutdown, I guess that exposed that plymouth bug [12:01] <flexiondotorg> pitti, The VirtualBox video device id is now blacklisted from grub. [12:02] <flexiondotorg> pitti, I actually help test/implement that with the kernel team and cjwatson. [12:03] <flexiondotorg> pitti, [12:03] <flexiondotorg> pitti, Related? [12:04] <flexiondotorg> pitti, If so then that same issue should be present with VMWare. [12:04] <elfy> pitti: I'm good to rebuild for me now? [12:05] <balloons> bluesabre, flexiondotorg did you figure out rebuilds this morning? [12:05] <pitti> elfy: we landed a few other fixes; I think infinity is on it, but please coordinate with him [12:05] <flexiondotorg> balloons, I rebuild Ubuntu MATE. It was published for all. [12:06] <flexiondotorg> balloons, Which is what I expected. [12:06] <balloons> also, while I have your attention, I was wondering if ubuntu mate was interested in doing a 'show and tell' session at UOS showcasing ubuntu mate? [12:07] <flexiondotorg> balloons, Yes. [12:07] <elfy> pitti: ack - it'll have to wait - only in for a short time [12:07] <flexiondotorg> popey emailed me. [12:07] <flexiondotorg> balloons, I'll get a response when 15.04 is out :) [12:08] <balloons> :-) I assumed as much, just double checking [12:22] <flexiondotorg> pitti, The OEM confirms that oem-config now works on all their hardware :) [13:04] <pitti> flexiondotorg: some good news! [13:04] <pitti> flexiondotorg: so we'll try to entirely disable plymouth on live system shutdown; this is too hairy to get right at this point [13:05] <davmor2> pitti: any idea why a server install defaults to tty7 but tty7 is a blank screen with just a flashing cursor? [13:06] <pitti> davmor2: when exactly? [13:08] <davmor2> pitti: install server, I'm doing it from mini.iso. Instead of being in TTY with a login prompt I'm on a blank screen with a flashing white underscore and nothing else. If I switch to tty 1 - 6 I get the login prompt I expect [13:08] <davmor2> pitti: I'm trying to find the bug I filed with steps [13:09] <davmor2> pitti: as in do the install, reboot the system and you are stuck in tty7 as to a more precise timing :) [13:45] <kenvandine> elopio, i asked for a review on my tz_tests branch, it seems to fix those flaky tests reliably, i kicked quite a few rebuilds without test failures [13:45] <kenvandine> elopio, although some of the jobs failed, but they weren't test failures, infrastructure problems [13:45] <kenvandine> elopio, the thing is, i don't really understand why my branch fixed it :) [13:45] <kenvandine> elopio, which i don't like [13:53] <elopio> kenvandine: thanks :) Just removing the call to the other test makes things more stable. But yes, I agree that probably it's not fixed, more likely it just happens less often. [13:53] <elopio> lets see who's vanguard... [13:54] <kenvandine> clearly much more reliable... but also i'm curious why this wasn't a problem until recently [13:54] <elopio> brendand: can you make the review for ken's branch? or pass it to federico if you won't have time during your slot. [13:54] <kenvandine> that call to the other test has been there for 15 months [13:55] <kenvandine> it's clearly better not calling that test of course [13:55] <elopio> [13:56] <elopio> kenvandine: yes, but so many things can be happening. As we discussed, the test is too big, so it's hard to analyze it. But I have seen funny things, like an async call that happens always in 9 seconds, after a change it takes 11 seconds 1/10 of the times. Just enough to cross the default timeout. [13:57] <kenvandine> true [13:57] <kenvandine> i just like understanding my fixes :) [13:57] <kenvandine> makes sense though [14:57] <davmor2> jibel: ^ is this the final [14:57] <jibel> davmor2, not yet [14:57] <jibel> davmor2, more bugs coming [14:58] <davmor2> oh man [15:37] <jibel> davmor2, there are 2 bugs currently, 1. session doesn't shutdown/restart on vbox 2. live session doesn't start on i386 [15:38] <jibel> 1 is fixed and will be in next build, 2 is in progress [15:39] <davmor2> jibel: oh so only little things then nothing major [15:39] <jibel> davmor2, nothing really ;) [15:44] <jibel> davmor2, 2 cannot be fixed at this point but there is a workaround, I'll upgrade the release notes [15:44] <jibel> update* [15:44] <davmor2> jibel: i386 just needs to die that should fix it right? [16:50] <pitti> jibel: [21:30] <elopio> veebers: can we attach to a row in nfss a subunit stream file? [21:32] <veebers> elopio: hmm, I'm not sure off the top of my head. You might be able to u64encode it perhaps as part of the json data. [21:32] <veebers> elopio: I would need to take a look at the code to confirm [21:40] <elopio> veebers: we are talking about putting in nfss information about each run. I'm wondering where to store the data collected during that run. [22:09] <veebers> elopio: ah right, yeah an important question.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "balloons", "bluesabre", "davmor2", "elfy", "elopio", "flexiondotorg", "jibel", "kenvandine", "pitti", "veebers" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:00] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 修改ubuntu默认启动项出现(gedit:3168): Gtk-WARNING ** Quote: zhanghu@zhanghu-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo -i [sudo] password for zhanghu: root@zhanghu-System-Product-Name:~# gedit /etc/default/grub (gedit:3168): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Er [00:00] <^k^> ─> ror.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files (gedit:3168): Gtk-WARNIN … [01:12] <^k^> 新 软件推荐 • 有道词典 官方linux版本 有道词典 官方linux版本,有ubuntu版本,deepin版本,还有二进制安装包 统计信息: 发表于 [02:08] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • ubuntu server14.04声卡无声,装xubuntu-desktop才有声 我装的ubuntu server14.04,xfce4,在图形界面无声,切到控制台才有声,似乎跟aiglx有关系 card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC272 Analog [ALC272 Analog] 子设备: 1/1 子设备 #0: subdevice #0 card 0: PCH [H [02:08] <^k^> ─> DA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0] 子设备: 1/1 子设备 #0: subdevice #0 怎么弄? zz: xuiv — 2015-04- … [02:12] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: [02:12] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | 研究人员发明不需要电池的摄像机 [02:12] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 这个是在博物馆发明的么 [02:12] <BuMangHuo> 哦,是摄像机啊 [02:16] <onlylove> [02:16] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | 《三体2》英文版遭女权人士审查,被迫修改一千多处 [02:16] <onlylove> 疯了 [02:17] <onlylove> 因此小说中用“善良”、“纯洁”、“天使般”等形容词均被视为歧视,要限制使用次数。此外用美女来形容女性联合国秘书长也被认为是歧视 [02:17] <onlylove> 这都TM的算歧视? [02:17] <onlylove> 非要用女汉子才不算歧视? [02:19] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 这都是啥 [02:20] <jusss> onlylove: 我想知道女权人士都用什么体位+ [02:20] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 女权癌审查小说呢,善良纯洁都是对女性的歧视 [02:20] <onlylove> jusss: 骑乘位呗,她们优越感那么强,怎么能在下面 [02:21] <jusss> onlylove: 那会不会认为被插入也算歧视 [02:21] <onlylove> jusss: 别问我啊 [02:22] <jusss> onlylove: 我知道怎么在vbox里让win7用网银u盾了,就把用户加入vboxusers组里,vbox就能检测usbkey了,原来如此简单 [02:23] <jusss> onlylove: 用百度搜半天出来一些不懂的东西,google一下就出来了 [02:23] <onlylove> jusss: 我更希望在linux环境里面直接用key [02:23] <jusss> 唉 [02:23] <onlylove> jusss: 你小心 nyfair牛牛喷你 [02:26] <jusss> onlylove: 建行的usb被识别成了sdb 是个superblock [02:26] <jiero_> onlylove: 用汉子不叫歧视 [02:27] <jusss> onlylove_: 要是硬件配置高,是不是可以在虚拟机里玩游戏? [02:28] <jusss> 现在越来越喜欢一直开着虚拟机了 [02:29] <onlylove__> jusss: 你想多了 [02:30] <jiero_> jusss 和 onlylove 越来越熟了。又是一对儿 [02:32] <onlylove__> jiero_: 你下次来北京别被我知道 [02:32] <jiero_> 嗯嗯。组合 imtxc 和 imadper; roylez 和 meaculpa / 和 palomino ; adam 和 hamo [02:32] <onlylove__> jiero_: 不然我请假也弄死你 [02:32] <jiero_> onlylove__: 。。。凶残啊。 [02:36] <onlylove__> 喵的,果然夏衣钱捆,呵呵 [02:56] <jiero_> 这里好似死水 [02:56] <jiero_> XwinX: 虾,动一下 [02:57] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 最简单的截图,然后在图片上标注个框框啊,之类的东西,用什么工具 [02:57] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 哦。gimp [02:57] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: inkscape [02:57] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: firefox插件也行,没用过 [02:57] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 自带的有 draw [02:58] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: DPDK/SDN大会,去瞅瞅 [02:58] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 哪? [02:58] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 哪个最简单好用? [02:58] <BuMangHuo> cc O0XX|Qiong [02:58] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: shutter不能标注框框 [02:58] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: momo 壕 [02:58] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 我也在找合适的工具呢 [02:58] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: [02:58] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 【美国锦纶休闲包】美国(Timbuk2)锦纶休闲包 经典款信使包 黑色/蓝色 TKB116-1-4090【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 679.00 [02:58] <BuMangHuo> 这包怎么样 [02:58] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, shutter ? [02:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这么贵?!??!?!?!?!?!? [02:59] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不是说 shutter 不能标注框框? [02:59] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 有100 的码 [02:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: timbuk都敢卖这么贵!!!! [02:59] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 肯定可以 [02:59] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 579, 淘宝 490 [02:59] <iMadper> cherrot: 可以撒? [02:59] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: shutter [02:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 太贵... 我的350而已啊 [02:59] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 珠三角万豪,贵司是金牌赞助啊 [02:59] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你的不好看啊 [02:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: ... ... [02:59] <PinoCao> 传说中的晒包包?? [03:00] <BuMangHuo> 我去, shutter 要装这么多 perl 的依赖? [03:00] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 那个啊...我知道...他司是钻石那个对吧? [03:00] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 所以我才不推荐它 [03:00] <PinoCao> 我去。。。。 [03:00] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 也就 ee 这个 perl 狂什么都没发现 [03:00] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 那你推荐什么 [03:00] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 对啊,求票 [03:00] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 我并没有啊 [03:01] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 我没想过加个线框之类的,大概 libreoffice draw 行吧。 [03:01] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我打算在黑东先买个试试啊 [03:01] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 话说你觉得sdn怎么样? [03:01] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 7 天用着合适,就退了在淘宝买个, 用着不合适,就直接退? [03:01] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 挺靠谱的吧,至少比OS强 [03:01] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 有没有轻量的截图软件推荐 [03:01] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不用吧, timbuk不值 [03:02] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我看样子还算合适吧 [03:02] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 你这是多黑os... [03:02] <jiero_> O0XX|Qiong: 。。。可恶又是你。。。 [03:02] * jiero_ 劈了 O0XX|Qiong [03:02] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 话说贵司赞助了,咋没个session呢 [03:02] <PinoCao> [03:02] <^k^> PinoCao: ⇪ PANGOLIN穿山甲双肩背包 大号-淘宝网 pp: 2100.00 [03:03] <PinoCao> 你们觉得这个咋样?? [03:03] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 我司就是刷存在感吧... [03:03] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: sdn跟我们又没啥关系... [03:03] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 不是贵司一贯作风啊 [03:04] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 貌似有啊 [03:04] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 你看speaker [03:04] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: John Zannos [03:04] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 哦,我说嘛 [03:05] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: "NFV, SDN, Cloud and Open Source Equals Telco Flexibility" [03:05] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 果然是去忽悠云的... [03:05] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: NFV比OS靠谱多了啊 [03:06] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 话说我们在机场还看到vmware的广告, 说下一个风口就是NFV [03:06] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 都想搭这班船啊,问题这趟船不好搞啊,话语权在CT人那里 [03:07] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 话说这趟船应该是 运营商 搞吧? [03:08] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 我只用系统自带的。。。 你的需求 可以装deepin的那个截图应用 [03:09] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 不知道现在还在不在维护了 和QQ截图的体验非常一致 [03:09] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 中国这种数据中心往外的网络都是运营商控制 [03:09] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 数据中心内部sdn应该还不太用得上吧? [03:10] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 其实我需要的是一个简单轻量的图片编辑工具 cc jiero_ [03:10] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 截图 scrot 就得 [03:10] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 所以推荐deepin的啊 shutter 还是不够简单 [03:10] <Yunfan-phone> 机房之间sdn还是用的上的 [03:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: jiero_ 得,我还是问你俩怎么在 gimp 里面用框框标注吧。。。 [03:11] <BuMangHuo> 跑题太远了 [03:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, gimp 光加载就这么久。。。 [03:12] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: ssd 8g 内存不怕 [03:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 那你还是shutter吧 [03:12] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 就是不知道怎么用框框标注,别的不管了 [03:12] <BuMangHuo> ....... [03:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 自己找啊 [03:12] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 求介绍 [03:12] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 工具栏里 字框工具而已 [03:12] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 主要是NFV, 运营商的业务模式也需要变化了 [03:13] <O0XX|Qiong> Yunfan-phone: 机房之间的网络是运营商控制的吧? [03:13] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: inkscape 和 draw [03:13] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 所有做云得创业小公司都得完蛋 [03:13] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: Libreoffice Draw [03:13] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 别跑题啊大佬 [03:13] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 好吧,轻量级的我不用。 [03:13] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 他司又站风口了? [03:13] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 关毛程序 [03:13] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: 就想问问在 gimp 里面怎么加框 [03:13] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 画 [03:14] <Yunfan-phone> 客户也可以请求弄专线啊 以前我们做网游就有过这个 [03:14] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 不算吧 [03:14] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 我平时不用gimp,多数inkscape [03:14] <BuMangHuo> jiero_: [03:14] <BuMangHuo> ..... [03:14] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 那这一波谁比较受益? [03:14] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 丫的我不用gimp [03:15] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 还在博弈吧,花落谁家还难说,不过肯定的小公司,创业公司搞云是没戏了 [03:16] <BuMangHuo> 有这么难么.... [03:18] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: yaourt deepin-screenshot [03:18] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 乖 [03:19] <iMadper> freeflying: 我看几个做云的创业公司跑的挺欢实啊 [03:19] <freeflying> iMadper: 看着挺欢啊,你都说了 [03:19] <iMadper> freeflying: 然后很多公司也在用他家的服务啊, 比如avcloud [03:20] <freeflying> iMadper: ucloud和阿里你会选哪家?要是做生意的话 [03:20] <iMadper> freeflying: ucloud是啥? [03:20] <freeflying> iMadper: 创业公司 [03:21] <iMadper> freeflying: avcloud提供了推送, 数据分析等一系列的服务 [03:21] <O0XX|Qiong> avcloud? [03:21] <iMadper> freeflying: 如果有需求, 自然要选了. ali提供的只是基础服务吧? [03:21] * O0XX|Qiong 我又想歪了? [03:22] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 不, 是丫起的名字不行. 类似的还有avos [03:22] <jiero_> BuMangHuo: 要发明个会自动闭帽的中性笔有那么难么?根本是那些厂商不想搞 [03:22] <iMadper> jiero_: 不像搞. [03:23] <iMadper> jiero_: 不想搞 [03:23] <iMadper> jiero_: 赚不到钱 [03:25] <onlylove_> 一天到晚装作很忙的样子,有意思么 [03:27] <onlylove_> 还不提供梯子,不能google,那一堆鸟语问题,让我指望度娘? [03:27] <PinoCao> 基本上没啥指望。。我现在用yahoo [03:28] <PinoCao> 就是有的时候国外网站打不开。。 [03:28] <PinoCao> 只能看快照 [03:28] <onlylove_> PinoCao: 我这边稍微长点的网页就reset [03:29] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 下个freegate [03:29] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 我有你要么??发个邮箱地址过来 [03:30] <onlylove_> PinoCao: 我不想作死,找到新工作之前,我还指望混点工钱 [03:30] <onlylove_> PinoCao: 这公司的破烂网络设备实在恶心 [03:30] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 你用固定IP?? [03:31] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 我公司也是。。外网就一台asa5505 [03:31] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 我在网内做个nginx的反向代理,把我家里的服务器绑上。。 [03:31] <onlylove_> PinoCao: 不是固定IP的问题,IP段是固定的,就算你不承认,也会连累其他同事 [03:32] <iMadper> freeflying: 这种公司挺靠谱的. 不过没直接跟阿里云这种竞争而已 [03:32] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ LeanCloud [03:33] <onlylove_> 整天弄个安装配置文档让我熟悉,熟悉了之后再问,你熟悉了么,你熟悉了么,你熟悉了么,丫的那破烂就那么复杂么 [03:33] <onlylove_> 当他是LDAP呢 [03:34] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 额。。。哈哈。。。 [03:34] <PinoCao> onlylove_: LDAP没搞过。。 [03:35] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 我们的电脑 : 早年,某公司,买了一台电脑,放在某人的办公桌上,有一天这个人被领导谈话,领导说:这个电脑呢,虽然是放在你的桌子上,主要是你在用,但是它不是你的个人财产,你在电脑上写"我的电脑",影响很不好。 于是,"我的电脑" 被重命名为"我们的电脑"。 [03:36] <palomino|working> ... [03:37] <onlylove> palomino|working: 土豪马还会对这种笑话感冒? [03:37] <PinoCao> onlylove_: 我现在就在我家里的centos上做了个crond,让他每分钟获取一下我拨号的 IP地址,然后通过python做了个socket通讯到我单位的服务器上,把IP地址发到我单位里,然后crond定时修改我nginx上的反向代理配置文件,把我的域名绑定到我单位的IP地址上。我家里的服务器就能被访问到了。。 [03:37] <onlylove> palomino|working: 还有鼠标拍显示器的呢 [03:37] <onlylove> PinoCao: 我没你的条件,有那条件我在家玩也不来上班,我现在没钱 [03:38] <onlylove> PinoCao: 今天在想要不要回家考电气工程师算了 [03:38] <onlylove> PinoCao: 反正都是赚几毛钱 [03:39] <PinoCao> onlylove: 我现在就在做一个项目,Cheap to Build Server,简称CBS。。 [03:40] <PinoCao> onlylove: 利用linux集群把以前的一些旧电脑整合到一起。。 [03:41] <PinoCao> onlylove: 我家里现在的服务器,现在就是两台amd 双核组的。。功耗也不大。。400W [03:41] <PinoCao> onlylove: 连主机箱全加上才1000块 [03:42] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: O0XX|Qiong 最近有啥便宜又大碗的ssd么? [03:42] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 前两天sandisk特价啊 [03:42] <HowIsItGoing> PinoCao: 取ip这么费劲? 弄个ddns客户端就好了嘛 [03:42] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 哪里特价? [03:42] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: [03:42] <^k^> O0XX|Qiong: ⇪ FengLei H9216系列 4T PCI-E固态硬盘【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东 pp: 69999.00 [03:42] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 擦 [03:42] <PinoCao> HowIsItGoing: 不稳定,而且花钱,还必须用他的三级域名。。 [03:43] <HowIsItGoing> PinoCao: 免费的满地都是,域名在自己的域名里写cname就成 [03:44] <onlylove__> PinoCao: 我的问题是宽带的问题,不是机器的问题,我现在用的电信3G [03:44] <onlylove__> PinoCao: 流量很蛋疼 [03:51] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 没看见这货容量多大? [03:52] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 还好啦, 才4T [03:52] <BuMangHuo> 哦 [03:52] <BuMangHuo> 才 4t [03:52] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 开始看到价格,然后我以为那个 4T 只是型号呢 [03:52] * HowIsItGoing 跟这个频道里的土壕们没话说了 [03:52] <HowIsItGoing> 才4T,我擦 [03:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 跟价格对比,这 4T 就少了啊 [03:53] <BuMangHuo> 这个价格,不是应该再上一个数量级? [03:54] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 其实我觉得PB不够,EB考虑下 [03:54] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 比PB大的是EB吧? [03:55] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: IOPS高啊 [03:57] <onlylove__> O0XX|Qiong: 个人用要毛IOPS [03:59] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: [03:59] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ SanDisk 闪迪 至尊高速系列 256GB 2.5英寸 SATA-3固态硬盘(SDSSDHP-256G-Z25) 699元包邮_新蛋中国优惠_什么值得买 [04:02] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 涨了20,还值得入? [04:03] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 我看sandisk的东西就迷糊,神马plus extra ultra之类的 [04:03] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 不值, 一会儿回来跟你说 [04:03] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 其实我迷糊的是下一代USB [04:04] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 现在已经是ultraspeed了吧? [04:04] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 下一代叫superspeed?那再下一代呢 [04:06] <HowIsItGoing> onlylove: 3.0叫super [04:06] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 那4叫啥 [04:06] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: ultra? [04:06] <HowIsItGoing> onlylove: son of super [04:06] <hoxily> ZB [04:06] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 好想法 [04:07] <hoxily> 装逼 [04:07] * O0XX|Qiong son of bitch [04:22] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:46] <onlylove_> [04:46] <^k^> onlylove_: ⇪ 女生穿婚纱宿舍前表白 宿管阿姨拒开门_环球留学_环球网 [04:46] <onlylove_> 这个时代真疯狂 [04:47] <Yunfan-phone> 后来又开了 [04:52] * onlylove_ 怀疑亚信HR有我司的内奸每天看我简历 [04:57] <BuMangHuo> 色当当呢 [04:57] * O0XX|Qiong ... [04:58] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • VMware下Ubuntu设置桥接、固定IP不成功,很诡异,求解惑! 先说一下我的操作步骤 在虚拟机上安装好ubuntu后,将虚拟机的虚拟网络设置为桥接到宿主机网卡,如图 然后设置虚拟机的网络连接为“桥接模式”,如图 到这里,进入到系 [04:58] <^k^> ─> 统里,是可以正常上网的,IP也和宿主机一个网段 <img s [05:00] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 当当啥时候变色当当了,小心给你boot了 [05:01] <jusss> onlylove_: 每天看你简历,估计是看上你了呗 [05:01] <onlylove_> jusss: 亚信比我司还小气 [05:01] <jusss> onlylove_: 想给你介绍个女朋友什么的 [05:01] <jusss> onlylove_: 或者暗恋你 [05:02] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • 有道词典登陆Linux平台! via: 近日,网易有道与武汉深之度联合发布有道词典Linux版,经过双方长达5个月的联合开发,有道词典正式登陆Linux平台! 有道词典是一款在Windows平台下广 [05:02] * O0XX|Qiong 困 [05:03] <onlylove_> jusss: 一共可以屏蔽5个,我屏蔽仨了 [05:04] <onlylove_> jusss: 考虑过两天放出个来,然后屏蔽别的 [05:06] <onlylove_> jusss: 那啥,那个有道词典,你试试不,我对有道印象一般 [05:07] <onlylove_> happyaron: 我觉得这个有道词典,比360什么的好多了 [05:08] <jusss> onlylove_: 我一直是用 [05:08] <alvin_rxg> Title: 海词词典_在线词典_在线翻译_海量正版权威词典官方网站 (@ [05:09] <jusss> onlylove_: 手机上用,感觉还行 [05:09] <jusss> onlylove_: 有windows版 [05:10] <onlylove_> jusss: 我知道有windows版啊……印象真的一般到家 [05:10] <onlylove_> jusss: 而且windows版哪个没个弹窗啥的 [05:10] <jusss> onlylove_: 这个不弹小广告 [05:11] <onlylove_> jusss: 我觉得windows词典做的好的其实是微软,那个真心取消广告就是不弹窗 [05:11] <onlylove_> jusss: 而且协议宽松的很 [05:12] <jusss> onlylove_: "microsoft is not friendly" [05:13] <onlylove> jusss: but microsoft is much more friendly than kingsoft and some other [05:13] <onlylove> jusss: 矮子里面拔将军,没办法,其实我觉得stardict挺好的 [05:13] <jusss> onlylove 我记忆力太差了,每次都在找旧知识 [05:13] <onlylove> jusss: xfce套件里面有个词典,需要联网 [05:14] <jusss> onlylove 过目不忘的人,好羡慕 [05:14] <onlylove> jusss: 不是你记忆力差,是你不常用,我今天路上还在想电机启停电路咋回事,我之前都闭着眼睛画 [05:14] <onlylove> jusss: 今天想起来,突然发现自己忘了 [05:15] <jusss> onlylove 以前我倒是知道闭包 作用域 命名空间,这几个东东忘了2次,这是第三次再查它们的资料 [05:15] <onlylove> jusss: 如果单单考虑软件质量,微软还是不错的 [05:15] <onlylove> jusss: 闭包和拉姆达表达式我又忘了,不想了 [05:15] <jusss> onlylove 我在不停的翻以前翻过的文章,浪费了大量的时间 [05:16] <onlylove> jusss: 因为你不用,真的 [05:16] <onlylove> jusss: 好记性不如烂笔头 [05:16] <jusss> onlylove: 我都有邮件记录的,可是太懒呀 [05:17] <jusss> 谁没事喜欢去翻那成堆的邮件呀 [05:17] <onlylove> jusss: 你有我懒?learning perl看了两年还没看完 [05:18] <jusss> onlylove: 我3年了tcpl到现在还没看完 [05:19] <jusss> onlylove 在家太安逸了,昨天一回来都有点适应不了 [05:19] <jusss> onlylove 没事干,看看美剧,看完了 [05:19] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: O0XX|Qiong 怀念以前的网络环境, C社各种乱七八糟土法炼钢, 烦死了 cc HowIsItGoing [05:20] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 网络环境? [05:20] <onlylove_> QiongMangHuo: 土法炼钢? [05:20] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 嗯, 有线无线, 乱七八糟一堆ssid, 各种不稳 [05:20] <onlylove_> QiongMangHuo: 和我比? [05:20] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 对啊, 就是不稳定啊 [05:21] <onlylove_> QiongMangHuo: 知足吧骚年 [05:21] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 换windows就稳定了 [05:21] <onlylove_> 啥,有人要作甚 [05:21] <jusss> #实话实说 [05:22] <BuMangHuo> 动手动手 [05:22] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 买了么? [05:22] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 还没呢 [05:22] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 不怕我举报你? [05:22] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 别人都说太贵 [05:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 贵100而已 [05:23] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我打算在黑东先买个试试大小 [05:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你可以买个骑行的那种 [05:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 然后退么.... [05:23] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 经典款就可以骑行啊 [05:23] <BuMangHuo> 有个三点固定的带子 [05:23] * iMadper 只有我一个人觉得timbuk太丑了? [05:23] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 是 从没用过 [05:24] <onlylove_> iMadper: timbuk是啥,土豪? [05:24] <iMadper> onlylove_: 他们再买包包啊 [05:24] <iMadper> onlylove_: 我又没timbuk, 干嘛叫我土豪. 现在是, QiongMangHuo 已经有timbuk了, BuMangHuo 也要买 [05:24] <iMadper> onlylove_: 反正我是买不起 [05:24] <jusss> 骑行位都出来了,还包包 [05:25] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 那是你们屋 [05:25] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 一地ap,都是不怕辐射的货 [05:25] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你还怕ap的辐射??? [05:25] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你不是学物理的么??? [05:26] * QiongMangHuo lol [05:26] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 一个两个没事,满地都是10几个…… [05:26] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 而且有些固件可以调发射功率 [05:26] <Yunfan-phone> 不用没火狐手机了 android版火狐能直接装应用了 [05:27] <freeflying> iMadper: 云到最后都是在拼实力 [05:27] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 我觉得我们屋子特别热..估计也是AP多的原因 [05:27] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 类似微波炉 [05:27] <freeflying> iMadper: 带宽,人力,初创公司拿什么拼 [05:27] <iMadper> freeflying: 做基础架构的云才是拼实力 [05:27] <jusss> O0XX|Qiong: 然后你们都被煮熟了 [05:28] <iMadper> freeflying: 那种做高层服务的, 直接买aliyun的带宽/人力就够了啊 [05:28] <iMadper> freeflying: 直接跑在aliyun上面 [05:28] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper: 你说这个已经算是saas了 [05:28] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 是啊. [05:29] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper: 这种不在候总的云的范畴 [05:29] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 现在小公司想做云, 只能做这个啊 [05:29] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 啊? 哦... [05:29] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper: 云最往上就是paas了吧 [05:29] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 不知道啊 [05:30] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper: 买买买 [05:30] <iMadper> O0XX|Qiong: 买啊 [05:31] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 哪家保险能覆盖看牙的 [05:31] <palomino|working> paas不是比iaas和saas之间的么 [05:31] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 据 QiongMangHuo 老板说 , 貌似医保就可以 [05:31] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 不可以 [05:31] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 那是我们的补充医疗保险 [05:31] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: ^ [05:31] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 咱们还有补充医疗保险? [05:31] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 你们是哪家的啊 [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 拔了两颗智齿, 全部费用 两毛钱 [05:32] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 魅族为何要跟拜亚动力合作啊.... [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: fesco打包卖的 [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 理赔都是找fesco [05:32] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 有啊 和rh差不多 [05:33] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 捆绑dt1350山洞音啊? [05:33] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 为何不找小馒头? [05:34] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 你要给你崽崽买? [05:34] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 现在手机厂家都还是玩 hifi 了 [05:34] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 没新的增长点了啊 [05:34] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 是啊 [05:34] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 貌似小米被老大哥森海和那个谁给调戏了 [05:35] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 现在 fesco 可以自助理赔的 [05:35] <BuMangHuo> cc QiongMangHuo [05:35] <BuMangHuo> 500 以下 [05:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 怎么自动? [05:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 手机 app, 自助 [05:35] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 屏幕都2k了. cpu都高通810了. 感光元件都是sony 2300w像素了. 没区分度了啊, 只能玩hifi [05:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 啥app [05:35] <BuMangHuo> 稍等我找啊 [05:36] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 啥app [05:36] * O0XX|Qiong 阿婆婆婆... [05:37] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: QiongMangHuo 平安e企赢 [05:37] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 昂. [05:37] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 这怎么看都像个卖理财的 [05:37] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我们不知道啥保险, 不知道是不是平安 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 给你报销的钱是平安用支付宝转的么? [05:38] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不是, 是Fesco打我卡里的 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> 额,那难道不一样? [05:38] <BuMangHuo> 我们厂的是平安直接转的啊 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> 可以用这个 app 自助报销来着 [05:39] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 国内的很少有包含牙科的啊 [05:39] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 贵厂比较高大上 [05:39] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 我那是拔牙, 社保覆盖啊 [05:40] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 都得单芯片了? [05:40] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ 4月1日起金融IC卡实行新标准 应符合PBOC3.0规范_法规全文_南方网 [05:40] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 拔牙社保直报? [05:40] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 牙科基本都覆盖啊 [05:40] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 洗牙都能报 [05:40] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 不是, 可以变通 [05:40] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 按摩都能报 [05:40] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 这么好啊 [05:40] <iMadper> freeflying: 牙科基本都覆盖啊 [05:40] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 忽悠吧 [05:40] <iMadper> freeflying: 洗牙都能报 [05:40] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 只规定芯片是单界面的 [05:40] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 没规定不能单界面的芯片卡上加个磁条 [05:40] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 洗牙可以算牙龈炎治疗 [05:41] <freeflying> iMadper: 怎么搞?医院洗牙直接刷医保卡? [05:41] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 其实现在已经发了很多3.0的磁条卡了 [05:41] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 中医按摩真的是社保覆盖 [05:41] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 怎么搞?医院洗牙直接刷医保卡? [05:41] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我刷牙花了几块钱 [05:41] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我洗牙花了几块钱 [05:41] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 跟普通看病一样,补充医疗险报销 [05:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 刷牙? [05:41] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 昂.. [05:42] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 对吧 [05:42] <iMadper> freeflying: 跟普通看病一样,补充医疗险报销 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> 我去, libreoffice 还要 java? [05:42] <freeflying> iMadper: 没补充医疗啊 [05:42] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: PBOC3是个啥,比EMV那个还牛? [05:42] <iMadper> freeflying: 那不行啊 [05:42] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不是吧? 不要 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 要 jre [05:42] <freeflying> iMadper: 我只有基本的医保 [05:42] <O0XX|Qiong> onlylove: 必须牛, 天朝标准 [05:42] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: “北京:足疗按摩列入医保报销项目” [05:43] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 懂了 [05:43] <roylez> QiongMangHuo: 我还在用磁条卡 [05:43] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 卢瑟 [05:43] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: arch 里面的 jre 还分 7 和 8... [05:43] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 悟性真好 [05:43] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 当然8了 [05:43] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 卢瑟 [05:43] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 7这个月就停止维护了 [05:43] <roylez> QiongMangHuo: 又如何?我只用emv和磁条卡 [05:44] * BuMangHuo 下在 libreoffice 抄当当的 vim slides 用... [05:44] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:44] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:44] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:44] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [05:44] * O0XX|Qiong momo palomino|working [05:44] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: EMV那你还说磁条 [05:44] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 留你名字就可以用? [05:44] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 麦当劳和超市闪付真开心 [05:44] <roylez> QiongMangHuo: 我的emv卡是澳元结算的 [05:44] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 都留呗 [05:44] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 壕 [05:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你要开课? [05:45] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你还会做 slides 呢啊,我一直以为你那个文档用 markdown 写的 [05:45] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 有啊 [05:45] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: Suggests: <jre> [05:45] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 没有啊 [05:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 都说了 改自林佑安的VIM Hacks [05:45] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 当时发邮件问他要的授权 [05:45] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 肿么闪付? [05:45] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我不公开用 [05:46] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 轻轻一挥 [05:46] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 用卡挥么? [05:46] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 系啊 [05:46] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 还是乃的watch? [05:46] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 然后他直接给你的 opd 格式? [05:46] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我没那么脑残 [05:46] <BuMangHuo> odp [05:46] * HowIsItGoing 木有芯片信用卡 [05:46] * BuMangHuo 没有有闪付的信用卡 [05:46] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 他是MAC那个格式, 给我转了ppt [05:47] <BuMangHuo> 好吧 [05:47] <BuMangHuo> 那我署你俩的名儿 [05:47] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不传播就不用在意协议 [05:47] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 把我加到第四作者那里, 谢谢. [05:47] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我看错了,好像真的不需要 [05:47] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: warning [05:48] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 昂... [05:48] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 现在用 pacman 都不自动解决依赖的? [05:48] <BuMangHuo> 刚才装 shutter 就手动装了两个包 [05:48] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 当然解决. 有啥该装没装的? [05:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不装如何? [05:49] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file [05:49] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 缺库啊 [05:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: lol~ 这个打包的问题 [05:49] <BuMangHuo> 对啊 [05:49] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不过我当时没遇到... [05:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 等下! [05:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 依赖libreoffice? [05:51] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: libicuuc [05:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 哦? 我看看去 [05:51] <BuMangHuo> 是 icu 里面的? [05:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 为何你会有这个路径? shutter?usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: [05:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: shutter 的忘记了 [05:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 这是 libreoffice 了 [05:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 哦, 你竟然需要libreoffice... [05:52] <BuMangHuo> shutter 缺俩,我忘了是啥了 [05:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不用wps? [05:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: wps 打不开当当的 slides [05:53] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: google Doc [05:53] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 或者直接office 365? [05:53] <BuMangHuo> office 365 是啥 [05:54] * O0XX|Qiong 木有信用卡.. [05:55] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [05:55] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ Sign in to Microsoft Online Services [05:56] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 你用那个slides干啥? [05:57] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 老板让普及一下 vim tips [05:57] <BuMangHuo> 看我最闲... [05:57] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 那你怎么去的Austin [05:57] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 好像没什么tips [05:57] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: [05:57] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 坐飞机去的啊 [05:57] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 你在那边都是现金交易? [05:57] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 没怎么花钱..穷.. [05:58] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 不过好像真用不到 slides [05:59] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 壕,贵公司包招妓呢? [05:59] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 别闹, 我是去出差, 公干 [05:59] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 公... 干! [06:00] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 点赞 [06:01] * O0XX|Qiong ... [06:01] <QiongMangHuo> kandu: 解封了, 昨天忘了... [06:02] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 对了, 去掉 autochdir 之后,那个 LoadDatabase 函数会出错. 例如 ~/a/ 目录下面有 GTAGS 文件, 然后在 ~ 目录中 vim a/test.c 就会出错 [06:02] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 哦 对 我改一下 [06:04] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: [06:04] <^k^> roylez: ⇪ 美女教你如何进行睾丸自检 [06:04] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 注意健康... [06:04] <freeflying> roylez: 工作找好了啊 [06:05] <roylez> freeflying: 木有呢,等着公司裁我呢 [06:05] <freeflying> roylez: 还是你爽啊 [06:08] * onlylove 等公司裁员 [06:09] <onlylove> iMadper: 【擦伤最忌用粉剂止血】女孩皮肤擦伤后用红汞+云南白药粉,导致表皮坏死、毁容基本确定!又一起家长无知造成的病例!伤口关键是清洗干净,利凡诺、碘伏均可,清洁后外用含凡士林的抗菌药膏涂敷,禁用一切粉剂外敷! [06:10] <onlylove> iMadper: 云南白药不是问题,问题是粉剂 [06:11] <iMadper> onlylove: 你怎么知道云南白药不是问题? [06:11] * O0XX|Qiong 求裁员... [06:12] <onlylove> iMadper: 你可以换个粉剂试试啊 [06:12] <iMadper> onlylove: 粉剂有问题不代表云南白药没问题啊, 你秀逗了? [06:12] <onlylove> iMadper: 呵呵 [06:13] <onlylove> iMadper: 别忘了有个东西,叫保险子 [06:13] <onlylove> iMadper: 如果你不知道那是啥,你自己玩去吧 [06:13] <iMadper> onlylove: 我知道啊, 你吃过? [06:13] <onlylove> iMadper: 我自然吃过 [06:13] <iMadper> onlylove: 你有严重外商 [06:14] <iMadper> 外伤? [06:14] <iMadper> onlylove: 你先说一下罗辑问题, 上面只是说粉剂有问题, 难道说云南白药没问题了? [06:14] <onlylove> iMadper: 我受过伤还要经过你同意? [06:14] <onlylove> iMadper: 粉剂有问题,那必然导致云南白药不能用 [06:15] <onlylove> iMadper: 既然不能用,那不管云南白药有没有问题,你用了,都是找死,不作不死,对不? [06:15] <iMadper> onlylove: 但是里面依然有禁止使用的中药啊. 粉剂有问题不表示云南白药里面的有毒成分没问题啊. [06:15] <iMadper> onlylove: <onlylove> iMadper: 云南白药不是问题,问题是粉剂 <- 你能理解自己说的话? [06:15] <onlylove> iMadper: 是药三分毒,西医就没毒了么 [06:15] <onlylove> iMadper: 我怎么不能理解? [06:15] <iMadper> onlylove: 你能理解自己说过的话之后再跟我说 [06:16] <onlylove> iMadper: 违规在先啊 [06:16] <onlylove> iMadper: 换句话说,把白药换成淀粉,一样的效果 [06:16] <iMadper> onlylove: 我明白了啊, 我知道粉有问题啊, 但是不表示云南白药没问题, 懂了???? [06:17] <onlylove> iMadper: 你继续黑吧,你当时可不是这么说的,呵呵 [06:17] <iMadper> onlylove: 贴log [06:18] <iMadper> onlylove: 云南白药自己做成粉难道就不是问题了? 因为含有断肠草被多国禁售不是问题? [06:18] <onlylove_> iMadper: 当时你说了,你的医生好友说的呢,了不得呢 [06:18] <freeflying> iMadper: O0XX|Qiong telegram [06:18] * QiongMangHuo 热死了 [06:18] <iMadper> onlylove: 我tm哪儿说我的医生好友了, 别乱贴 [06:19] <iMadper> onlylove: 算了, 你这逻辑 [06:19] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 啥? [06:20] <iMadper> onlylove: 我是贴了一个医生的新闻, 不过不代表医生是我好友. [06:20] <onlylove__> iMadper: 呵呵,你当时可不是这样,可惜我真的不想找log了 [06:21] <iMadper> onlylove: 你连你刚才的话都不能自圆其说 [06:23] <nyfair> github的民逗贴又要开打第三轮了 [06:23] <onlylove__> iMadper: 自圆其说什么的,你还是先圆下你自己吧 [06:24] <ptpt> 大家早 [06:24] <iMadper> onlylove__: 我有啥可说的? 反正我不用云南白药了. 你要用你就去用吧 [06:24] <iMadper> onlylove__: 问题是你敢用? [06:24] <prpr> hi [06:24] <^k^> prpr:点点点. 14:24 [06:24] <onlylove__> iMadper: 希望你下次擦伤的时候大胆使用其他粉剂 [06:24] <iMadper> onlylove__: 我tm哪句话说粉剂能用了? [06:24] <onlylove__> iMadper: 问题是云南白药引起,嗯,就这样 [06:24] <iMadper> onlylove__: 你的罗辑在哪儿? [06:25] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: xelatex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [06:25] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 看起来是我系统需要更新了? [06:25] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 啥情况? 我都不知道这个库是啥.... 为啥你什么包都需要这个? [06:26] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 谁知道啊 [06:26] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 刚才用 libreoffice 这个解决不了放弃了,现在来 xelatex 也这样 [06:27] <jusss> prpr: 牛牛 [06:28] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 记得以前好像遇到过这种很多地方缺 so 的情况,更新就好了 [06:28] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 估计是刚才新装了 icu, 然后以前装的 xelatex 依赖的旧版本的? [06:30] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 可能诶. [06:30] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: yaourt 装的程序怎么更新? [06:30] <BuMangHuo> yaourt -Syu? [06:30] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: yaourt -Syua [06:31] <jusss> BuMangHuo: 可以去aur下包再编译 [06:31] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 额,麻烦大了 [06:34] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: M6S性能咋样? [06:34] <O0XX|Qio_> HowIsItGoing: 买买买 [06:34] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qio_: 比M500贵好多啊 [06:34] <O0XX|Qio_> HowIsItGoing: 怕啥.. [06:34] <O0XX|Qio_> HowIsItGoing: 买买买 [06:38] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 谢霆锋、张柏芝有救了!抓紧时间联系这小伙吧 [06:39] * onlylove 感觉很多人的网络被传染了 [06:42] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 唉,你说 timbuk 不好看,那啥好看 [06:44] * HowIsItGoing 算了,无脑买买买吧 [06:45] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 京东自提柜很赞啊,不用凑单了,全面运费 [06:45] <QiongMangHuo> hoxily`: m6s是什么? [06:45] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: ^^ [06:45] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我住的附近没有 [06:45] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 浦科特 [06:51] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 买买买 [06:53] * HowIsItGoing vpn 5分钟一断,啥情况啊。 [06:58] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 恩,可惜覆盖还是比较少 [06:58] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 那个高大上的自提车,只有回龙观有 [07:00] <Guest21454> hello [07:00] <^k^> Guest21454:点点点. 15:00 [07:00] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: BuMangHuo bash里判断一个文件或者符号连接存在的参数是啥来着? -r? [07:00] <BuMangHuo> -f 吧 [07:00] <Guest21454> anybody help me ? [07:01] <Guest21454> quit [07:01] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 刚才用-f试了下,符号连接好像不认啊 [07:02] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 额,单独试这个if判断,-f是可以的,妈蛋,奇葩 [07:03] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 管用啊 [07:05] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 试试 -e? [07:05] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 换成-r了,我试试看 [07:08] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: -r 只是有读权限啊,那不对吧 [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 刚在开会 [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: -L file [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> True if file exists and is a symbolic link. [07:08] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 符号链接好像是 h L [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: -e file [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> True if file exists. [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> -f file [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> True if file exists and is a regular file. [07:08] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 为什么不看手册啊坟蛋 [07:09] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: QiongMangHuo 其实-f是对的,但是不知道为毛有时候不好用 [07:09] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: -f是regular 符号链接不行 [07:10] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: that's why [07:11] <HowIsItGoing> if [ -f some_link_file ]; then echo true; fi [07:11] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 符号链接如果原来的文件在的话, -f 是可以用的 [07:11] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 你自己试啊 [07:11] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 懒 [07:11] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你删了原来的文件,只留符号链接, -f 就返回假 [07:11] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 大概脚本前面哪里出问题了,没走到这,我再看…… [07:12] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 攀山鼠啊 [07:12] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 攀山鼠好看到爆啊 [07:12] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 贵到爆 [07:12] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 是啊 [07:13] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 买不起啊, 等我中了五百万 [07:13] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: downloading required keys... [07:13] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 鸟的单肩包就两款, 丑 [07:13] <BuMangHuo> :: Import PGP key 4096R/, "Antonio Rojas <>", created: 2014-10-22? [Y/n] Y [07:13] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 这里按啥? [07:13] <BuMangHuo> 以前记得谁给我说过来着,我忘了 [07:13] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 回车 [07:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 回车就出去了 [07:14] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 你嫁给手册算了,手册说不清楚所以我才问的。 [07:14] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: momo [07:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: error: key "Antonio Rojas <>" could not be imported [07:14] <BuMangHuo> error: required key missing from keyring [07:14] <BuMangHuo> error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error) [07:14] <BuMangHuo> Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. [07:14] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你竟然更信任我, 好开森 [07:14] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: ... ... ignore sig啊 [07:14] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: -L 的话,不管原来的文件在不在,只要这个符号链接在就返回真呢 [07:14] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 毛线,你说的也不对 [07:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 怎么搞 [07:15] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 哪个repo? [07:15] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: -L 没follow 那个link呗 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 不知道 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 我 -Syu 啊 [07:15] <iMadper`> bu [07:15] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 在你的repo配置里加上 SigLevel = Never [07:15] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 之前频道里那个 ad 告诉我过解决办法 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 没这么麻烦 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> 一句命令来着,我忘记了 [07:16] <BuMangHuo> 最近他没出现 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 想起来了,好像重新装 archlinux-keyring 就好了 [07:18] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 哦. 这个只管官方repo啊 [07:19] <BuMangHuo> 靠 [07:20] <BuMangHuo> error: failed retrieving file 'geoip-database-20150407-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from : The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found [07:20] <alvin_rxg> Title: 阿里云开源镜像站上线啦! (@ [07:20] <BuMangHuo> 这么渣 [07:22] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 这个问题怎么破啊 [07:23] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 升级到一半,太蛋疼了,现在啥都缺 [07:23] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: yaourt -Syy [07:23] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 更新了 [07:23] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: aliyun的同步有问题? [07:23] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 看起来是list更新了, 但是pkg文件还没更新? [07:23] <BuMangHuo> 那那个源靠谱呢 [07:24] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 我看看我的 [07:24] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 我用的ustc [07:24] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 发一下? [07:25] * HowIsItGoing Lucid要EOL了,真开心 [07:28] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 还是有一堆让我不开心的非LTS... [07:30] <yunfan> duyue 我爸爸来过没 [07:30] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我现在在高铁上用手机的4G给笔记本代理上网 感觉还不错 [07:30] <yunfan> 就是有时候掉线 [07:31] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 果然 aliyun 不靠谱 [07:33] <jusss> 招行的usbkey原来可以当表用呀, #get新技能 [07:33] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 昂... [07:33] <jusss> 办个卡免费送个表,很好 [07:34] <yunfan> jusss: 怎么当表用 ? [07:34] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: rh时请假标题格式是啥来着? PTO - time - nick ? [07:34] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 不记得 [07:34] <QiongMangHuo> =,= [07:34] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 反正现在我都写where's [07:34] <jusss> yunfan: 把那个usbkey开启后,长按取消键 [07:35] * QiongMangHuo 抵制 where is [07:35] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: 写好了filter,通通甩进一个folder [07:35] <yunfan> jusss: 还有按钮 ? [07:35] <yunfan> 我知道银行是有给那种rsa的带显示屏的 [07:35] <jusss> yunfan: 有,招行第三代usbkey [07:35] <yunfan> 但是没有按键 [07:35] <yunfan> jusss: 那个是不是也是内置不可拆卸电池的 ? [07:35] <jusss> 10个数字 2个上下翻页 1个确定 1个取消 [07:36] <yunfan> jusss: 那可以考虑刷固件改造 那个分辨率多大 ? [07:36] <jusss> yunfan: 貌似是,没拆过,好像没电了得去银行换新的 [07:36] <yunfan> jusss: 应该里面是镍电池的 [07:37] <jusss> yunfan: 200x100左右吧 [07:37] <yunfan> jusss: 我靠 那可以玩了 当年文曲星的分辨率才 160x80 [07:38] <jusss> yunfan: 我瞎说的,就是比诺基亚小手机一半的屏幕 [07:38] <yunfan> 这个说招行的证书还可以写到sd卡里 ? [07:38] <^k^> yunfan: ⇪ 招商银行USB key拆解|拆机乐园 - 数码之家 [07:39] <yunfan> jusss: 问题是现代液晶屏的点阵密度要比以前的高 [07:39] <yunfan> 文曲星的那个点我肉眼都看得出间隔 [07:48] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper`: 你用Arch之前是什么发行版? [07:49] <BuMangHuo> test [07:49] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 15:48 [07:49] <BuMangHuo> 简直要命 [07:49] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 最早用arch之前? mandriva的那个衍生版, 叫megeia吧? [07:50] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper`: 不是最早 就是紧挨arch之前 [07:50] * BuMangHuo 我更新系统之前是要干嘛来着 [07:50] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: mageia [07:50] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 最早用arch之前还是这次用arch之前 [07:50] * QiongMangHuo 想借台机器装arch了 [07:50] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper`: 这次 [07:50] <palomino|working> ... [07:50] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 这次啊, ubuntu啊 [07:50] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 怎么了? [07:50] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 来公司打包嘛 [07:51] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 特意删了arch装的ubuntu [07:51] <palomino|working> 居然要借机器.. [07:51] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 哦 我们这很多测试机, x250 x1c t450s 什么的 [07:52] <^k^> 新 影音多媒体 • 如何在ubuntu14.04下看新浪直播? 最近nba季后赛开始,我电脑是ubuntu系统,如果观看nba新浪直播需要安装sinaTv插件,无插件版的找不到,请问各位大神,怎么解决这一问题 zz: deeplearning — 2015-04-21 15:49 [07:52] <iMadper`> QiongMangHuo: 竟然不夸我爱岗敬业好员工?? [07:52] <yunfan> iMadper`: 可以考虑深度 我感觉还不错 [07:52] <yunfan> 我现在ubuntu都好久没启动了 [07:53] <palomino|working> :o x1c都是测试机啊 QiongMangHuo [07:53] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: x1c 2nd 3rd好多呢 [07:54] <palomino|working> 不错 [07:54] <palomino|working> 话说,前几天我升级15.04之后,似乎对displayport 1.2 mst支持有变化,我的显示器被认成2个了 [07:55] <palomino|working> 但是两个都不能正确设置分辨率 [07:57] <iMadper``> BuMangHuo: [07:57] <^k^> iMadper``: ⇪ Cambridge Satchel 剑桥包 春季7折 MGPYH 买个便宜货 [07:58] <yunfan> palomino|working: 自作孽 [08:00] <palomino|working> = = yunfan [08:04] <yunfan> palomino|working: 难道不是 [08:04] <yunfan> Relaed_: 好久不见啊 [08:12] <BuMangHuo> iMadper``: 这个不会太娘? [08:13] <BuMangHuo> iMadper``: 我就是担心 S 码的 timbuk2 太大 [08:13] <BuMangHuo> 体型 hold 不住就麻烦 [08:13] <jusss> palomino|working: exodus: gods and kings看了没 [08:13] <jusss> 摩西,这个人好特殊 [08:14] * QiongMangHuo 这烂网! [08:14] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你居然也掉线 [08:14] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: zai [08:14] <BuMangHuo> 第一次见到啊 [08:14] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 壕阿荣 [08:14] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 腐了? [08:15] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 你不是快要霓虹了么 [08:16] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 我是问你, 你的人, 腐了? [08:17] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 要是索尼那个z4便宜一半 倒是可以带个回来 [08:18] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 你查价格你查位置你查路线 [08:19] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 收了 z4 了求送 air [08:19] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 不用查 上代4k呢 砍一半我才买 所以新品买不了 [08:20] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 没有啊 [08:20] <palomino|working> 没看 jusss [08:20] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 我自己都不知道哪年收 [08:20] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 去苏格兰吃哈吉斯! [08:20] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 哦哦 [08:20] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 还没有计划形成呢。。。 [08:20] <happyaron> 行程 [08:20] <happyaron> 太匆忙了 [08:27] <iMadper``> BuMangHuo: 其实邮差包还是要大的好 [08:27] <iMadper``> BuMangHuo: 我背的这个能放俩17寸笔记本 [08:27] <BuMangHuo> iMadper``: 那得看谁背 [08:27] <BuMangHuo> iMadper``: 大,是相对的 [08:27] <iMadper``> BuMangHuo: 水/笔记本 一件衣服 就满了啊 [08:29] <yunfan> iMadper``: 你背那么大得只能沦为修电脑得 [08:29] <iMadper``> yunfan: 不然还想做啥? [08:29] <iMadper``> yunfan: 你现在能放弃自己现在的岗位? [08:30] <iMadper``> yunfan: 我一直都觉得自己就是个破修电脑的, 并且还是修电脑的里面混的比较差的. 不过我很开心啊 [08:30] <yunfan> iMadper``: 没有 你现在还不如修电脑得 修电脑得还能搞到滚床单得机会 [08:31] <iMadper``> yunfan: 你怎么知道我没机会? [08:31] <iMadper``> yunfan: 笑 [08:31] <yunfan> iMadper``: 不要丧气 大环境不好 大家差才是真得差 [08:31] <yunfan> 莫羡慕阿蛋 [08:31] <happyaron> iMadper``: UEFI级维修,怎么说也得让子集高大上起来 [08:32] <happyaron> iMadper``: 像我连修电脑都高端不起来 [08:32] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 但是你壕啊 [08:32] <iMadper``> happyaron: 有啥好修的. 你都是直接滚床单. [08:32] <yunfan> 呵呵 现在不是都是只换不修么 话说换回来得那东西怎么处理 ? [08:34] <BuMangHuo> happyaron: 有啥好修的. 你都是直接滚床单. [08:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 在 loaddatabase 里面先开 autochdir 再关貌似不靠谱? [08:35] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 你现在在哪里呢 [08:36] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 可以先lcd一下 [08:36] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 南京南站 咋? [08:36] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 要请我吃大茶饭? [08:36] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 不好不好 [08:38] <happyaron> BuMangHuo iMadper`` 先给我个妹子再说 [08:38] <happyaron> BuMangHuo iMadper`` 其实你俩这话更适合你们自己 [08:38] <iMadper``> happyaron: 有个妹子让我帮忙推荐工作呢, 不过不能让给你 [08:39] <iMadper``> happyaron: 因为人家有男朋友了 [08:39] <happyaron> iMadper``: lol [08:39] <iMadper``> happyaron: ntr这种事, 你没经验. [08:39] <BuMangHuo> ....... [08:39] <iMadper``> happyaron: 不像我, ntr功力深厚. [08:40] <BuMangHuo> 暴露了吧 [08:40] <yunfan> happyaron: 给你个棒子叼着ba [08:40] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 咋说话说半截 [08:40] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 啥? [08:40] <E022> happyaron: 对了, 其实那个 [08:40] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 有这事儿? [08:41] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你问了哥得地址 不就是打算请吃饭嘛 [08:41] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 我自己约的抛,含着泪都是打完的,什么时候做过半截的事儿 [08:41] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 我就是问你在哪儿啊 [08:41] <happyaron> E022: .. [08:41] <happyaron> E022: 哪个? [08:42] <E022> BuMangHuo: 为啥含着泪? 去了一看, 人家是十个黑人? [08:42] <BuMangHuo> E022: 反正得打完 [08:42] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你还有含泪打完得 又空给我说说 好调节下心理 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 你不是说到北京了么 [08:43] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 我说要到 我坐得g40要晚上9点多到了 [08:43] <yunfan> 不过总比飞机好 tmd [08:49] <happyaron> yunfan: 为啥比飞机号 [08:49] <happyaron> E022: 其实哪个 [08:51] <yunfan> happyaron: 从屯溪到帝都的飞机要12点到 而且往往晚点 最后到宾馆睡下得凌晨2点多 [08:51] <yunfan> happyaron: 这个高铁9点半到南站 然后坐地铁到宾馆 也不过11点前能到 多好 还能吃哥宵夜 [08:52] <happyaron> yunfan: o [08:54] <yunfan> happyaron: 而且飞机掉下来没有全部死是新闻 [08:54] <yunfan> 火车出问题 我没听说过全火车都死得 [08:56] <happyaron> yunfan: ... [08:56] <happyaron> yunfan: 发改委现在不开火了啊 [08:56] <happyaron> yunfan: 再说开火都打国外的 [08:56] <yunfan> happyaron: 今年飞机出事还少了 ? [08:56] <happyaron> yunfan: 死生有命,何必看得那么重 [08:57] <chihchun> yo [08:57] <happyaron> chihchun: 求魅族 [08:57] <happyaron> chihchun: 求MX4 [08:58] <chihchun> happyaron: 每次我发话就被求手机,我都不敢出声啦。哈哈哈 [08:58] <yunfan> happyaron: 你们这种壕什么都享受过了 自然无所谓 我是哥穷屌丝 还像多活着多体验 [08:58] <happyaron> chihchun: 不找你求找谁求 [08:58] <happyaron> yunfan: 享受过毛线 [08:58] <happyaron> yunfan: 你看看 E022 BuMangHuo [08:59] <chihchun> happyaron: 大概有 nexus4 可以先给.... [08:59] <yunfan> happyaron: 你是妹子壕 [09:00] <chihchun> happyaron: 昨天才发生一批 bq 被扣在中国海关... Q_Q [09:00] <happyaron> chihchun: 求 nexus 4 [09:00] <yunfan> chihchun: 求n4 我拿来刷火狐系统玩玩 [09:00] <happyaron> yunfan: 我真的没妹子 [09:00] <happyaron> chihchun: 不要bq [09:00] <jusss> "<iMadper``> happyaron: 不像我, ntr功力深厚." [09:00] <happyaron> chihchun: nexus 4 或者 mx 4 [09:00] <happyaron> haha [09:01] <yunfan> happyaron: 那就是有姐姐跟阿姨 [09:01] <happyaron> jusss: 这是 E022说他自己ntr功力深厚 [09:01] <happyaron> yunfan: 卧槽 [09:01] <happyaron> yunfan: 别黑我成不成 [09:02] <happyaron> chihchun: 大大不要消失了啊 [09:03] <happyaron> chihchun: 我的nexus 4啊 [09:03] * happyaron giggles [09:03] <yunfan> happyaron: 我怎么黑你了 泡姐姐有什么不正常得 [09:03] <chihchun> yunfan: 話說我有一隻 Alcatel One Touch Fire, 都沒空玩... [09:03] <happyaron> yunfan: 可是我都没有啊 [09:03] <yunfan> chihchun: 那个内存实在太小了 而且好像网络支持不好吧 其实我希望有个电信3G的来玩玩 反正我电信号码就是哥摆设 [09:04] <yunfan> happyaron: 那大概是你在圈子里名声坏了 这都是以前造的孽啊 [09:04] <happyaron> yunfan: 我啥时候造孽了? [09:04] <chihchun> yunfan: 电信不是 CDMA2000 吗... [09:04] <jusss> happyaron: fcitx经常自动迸出字都不用空格或数字键选择在emacs里,而我想要的字就还没输入完拼音字都自动蹦出来了,我都关了预编辑了,你遇到过没 [09:05] <chihchun> yunfan: nexus4 也无法玩阿 [09:05] <happyaron> jusss: emacs里对么 [09:05] <jusss> happyaron: 我想打输入法自动迸出数乳房,而且还不能选 [09:05] <yunfan> chihchun: 为毛你有这么多奇怪的机器 [09:05] <yunfan> happyaron: 这个就不为外人知了 [09:05] <jusss> happyaron: 对,firefox里遇到过没,倒是忘记了 [09:05] <yunfan> chihchun: 我知道 我实说最好有这样的 [09:05] <happyaron> jusss: emacs 集成问题要问 csslayer [09:05] <chihchun> yunfan: 我还有一支 openmoko 耶 ! 超早以前的 open source phone [09:05] <happyaron> chihchun: 到头来继续求mx4 [09:06] <yunfan> chihchun: 我有一个nanonote [09:07] <yunfan> chihchun: 你阿尔卡特那机器哪里搞的 肯定不是自己买的吧 [09:08] <ericc> 我手头上有个htc的516 不知道可以刷不 [09:08] <chihchun> yunfan: 这只是自己买的唷。 [09:09] <chihchun> yunfan: 刚出来很缺货,就从朋友手上让过来了 [09:09] <yunfan> chihchun: 你自己买为何要买一对? [09:10] <yunfan> ericc: nexus系的壕点 ubuntu/fx都刻意刷 [09:10] <chihchun> yunfan: 我什么手机操作系统都有... [09:10] <chihchun> yunfan: 就是没有 Windows Phone ... :p [09:10] <yunfan> chihchun: qnx的有 ? [09:11] <chihchun> 阿... BlackBerry 我也没有... [09:11] <chihchun> 我是说开码的... [09:12] <chihchun> 开放原蚂的 [09:12] <yunfan> chihchun: 所以说没事别说大话 [09:12] <yunfan> qnx是开源的 [09:13] <chihchun> yunfan: 对不起... [09:13] <chihchun> yunfan: 貌似是 Shared source? [09:13] <yunfan> chihchun: 不用 我喜欢打人嘴巴 哈哈 [09:14] <yunfan> chihchun: geeksphone可有? [09:14] <yunfan> 还有mozilla送给开发者的那个开发手记 超大内存安个 [09:14] <yunfan> 貌似是8G ram 比华硕的zenfone2狠多了 [09:16] <chihchun> yunfan: 那不是 firefox os 吗 [09:16] <chihchun> yunfan: mozilla 送的那块鸿海版,办公室同事有 [09:16] <chihchun> yunfan: 速度不太快阿 [09:17] <yunfan> chihchun: 不是鸿海好像叫flame? [09:19] <chihchun> yunfan: Flame 就是我这台 Alcatel One Touch Fire [09:20] <yunfan> chihchun: 额 这台内存没那么大吧 为毛你买这么多手机 你们公司是刷榜的 ? [09:21] <ericc> @yunfan htc还是不错的公司 可惜不支持UBNTU [09:21] <chihchun> Firefox 平板是 InFocus New Tab F1 吧? [09:22] <yunfan> ericc: 你别跟我吹htc 我如今不买1k5以上手机就是从htc那得来的lesson learnt [09:22] <chihchun> [09:22] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Firefox OS/TCP - MozillaWiki [09:24] <gebjgd> ericc, 买什么htc [09:24] <gebjgd> ericc, 直接大联想 [09:24] <gebjgd> ericc, 双卡 配置高 待机时间长 [09:25] <yunfan> gebjgd: 联想那个乐蒙k3 note 我砍了下贴吧里都是反应电池不行的 但是他电池很不小 软件太差劲 [09:25] <yesuu> 人好多。。 [09:25] <QiongMangHuo> chihchun: preload 我们系统的 魅族和bq 能刷回android么? [09:25] <gebjgd> yunfan, 别买乐檬啊 [09:26] <gebjgd> yunfan, 联想有电池大的 [09:26] <yunfan> gebjgd: 那联想还有什么 别跟我说moto [09:26] <yunfan> gebjgd: 我知道有一个 可惜是联通3G的 [09:26] <yunfan> p78好像是 [09:26] <gebjgd> yunfan, 我的k910 就是3000mah [09:26] <yunfan> 我一个朋友看着他玩了一天 额 [09:26] <gebjgd> yunfan, p780是3500mah [09:26] <yunfan> gebjgd: 3000mah已经不叫大电池了 华为有个4000mah的 [09:26] <gebjgd> yun [09:26] <yunfan> 不过华为的机器不自由 我不喜欢 [09:27] <ericc> 联系电池那么给力啊 [09:27] <gebjgd> yunfan, 对华为的产品没用过 不喜欢 [09:27] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: [09:27] <jusss> gebjgd: zte电池给李 [09:27] <yunfan> gebjgd: 你搜mate2 4050mah 还可以输出电 哈哈 [09:28] <yunfan> gebjgd: 你说几个联想的型号来看看 我要续航叼 支持移动4G 最好双卡 价格控制在<=1k5 [09:28] <yunfan> gebjgd: 还要能root 刷机不强求 反正root以后什么都能干 [09:29] <chihchun> QiongMangHuo: BQ - [09:29] <jusss> gebjgd: 你说几个联想的型号来看看 我要续航叼 支持移动联通电信4/3/2G 最好双卡 价格控制在<=1k5 [09:30] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我前几看了下 android层无非是 zygote 如果把initrc里zygote给禁了 不就可以复用他的.so做个正常的linux系统了嘛 [09:30] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 嵌入式系统就那么回事儿嘛 [09:30] <yunfan> 最好还弄个开关 支持重启到 android/我的系统 [09:30] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 这个级别的嵌入式系统就那么回事儿嘛 [09:30] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 我的意思是贵厂和mozilla都是死脑筋 [09:31] <palomino|working> lol QiongMangHuo [09:31] <palomino|working> 这什么电视剧啊 QiongMangHuo [09:31] <QiongMangHuo> palomino|working: 母鸡啊 [09:31] * E022 想买个tee. [09:31] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 你们非要刷机干嘛 能root改下initrc 把你们系统嫁接到android底层不就行了 这样可以快速占领市场 [09:31] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 本来就是android底层 [09:31] <QiongMangHuo> E022: me too [09:32] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 但是你们现在不提供我说的那种玩法 非要曲找支持机型来刷机 这个太折腾了 [09:32] <yunfan> 火狐系统也是这么折腾 [09:32] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 好贵啊 [09:32] <^k^> E022: ⇪ Stoic短袖快干衬衣 Roam Shirt-淘宝网 pp: 258.00 - 298.00 [09:32] <QiongMangHuo> yunfan: 你那才折腾 [09:32] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 哪里 你可以发布个android应用 帮用户自动搞定这事 要求链接到网络上 [09:33] <yunfan> QiongMangHuo: 主要是现在许多手机 芯片都一样 的 [09:33] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 这哪是tee [09:33] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 本来在找tee, 不过意外发现这货 [09:34] <yunfan> 我过几天试试把系统里应用都干掉 就留个桌面+火狐 看看都用火狐的应用如何 [09:35] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 有没有人救救我呀 [09:36] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 其实还不是很热的时候, 只不过我们office太tm热了 [09:37] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 所以我明天不来了 [09:37] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 羡慕呐 [09:37] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 后天也不想来了 [09:37] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 网速太慢没法工作 [09:37] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 太热了... sigh... [09:37] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 是啊. [09:39] <happyaron> 貌似iOS8.2可以举报垃圾imessage了? [09:40] <E022> happyaron: 给我发一条, 我举报你试试看行不行 [09:40] <BuMangHuo> .... [09:40] <E022> happyaron: 不能举报垃圾电话号就没用啊 [09:41] <BuMangHuo> 短信? [09:41] <BuMangHuo> 现在收到短信不看直接举报,应该不会有误伤吧? [09:43] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 会 [09:44] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 我翻了一下记录,貌似都可以举报啊 [09:44] <QiongMangHuo> [09:44] <^k^> QiongMangHuo: ⇪ 铂程斋--长者究竟掌握了几门外语? [09:44] <BuMangHuo> 全是写通知 [09:44] <BuMangHuo> 些 [09:45] <gebjgd> jusss, k910 p780 [09:45] <gebjgd> jusss, 多的是 [09:45] <gebjgd> jusss, 续航都很给力 [09:46] <jusss> gebjgd: 支持全网通4G吗? [09:47] <happyaron> E022: 在这里给你发就好了 [09:47] <happyaron> E022: 懒得拿手机 [09:47] <happyaron> E022: 天天举着手机多low啊 [09:47] <jusss> gebjgd: wcdma cdma-evdo fdd-lte tdd-lte td-scdma 1x edge G 都支持吗 [09:47] <E022> happyaron: ... ... ... [09:48] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 怎么调节trackpoint的速度啊. 太慢了 [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 我的: echo 128 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> echo 196 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity [09:48] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 赞 [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 你应该有图形可以改吧 [09:49] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 为啥我会有图形? [09:49] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 因为你长相正派 [09:49] <yunfan> gebjgd: 我的呢 ? [09:49] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: kernel 大拿好 [09:49] <gebjgd> jusss, 没用过4G [09:49] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 我是git工程师 [09:49] <gebjgd> yunfan, 你的什么 [09:50] <gebjgd> yunfan, 4G的现在有了么 [09:50] <gebjgd> yunfan, 我还真不知道 [09:50] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: ... [09:50] <gebjgd> yunfan, 我自己买了3个联想了 表示都不错 [09:50] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 这里面是什么梗 [09:50] <gebjgd> yunfan, 双卡给力 [09:50] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 工作三板斧: cherry-pick, merge, bisect [09:51] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 别的啥都不会 你休的臊我 [09:51] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 卧槽, 我没有这个speed... [09:51] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: .... [09:51] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 这个好赞 [09:51] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 啥破kernel [09:51] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 我的这个trackpoint是新版的... [09:51] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 嗷 [09:52] <yunfan> gebjgd: 怎么没有4G的 我现在就靠一个几百块的4G通话平板在上网 [09:52] <BuMangHuo> g bisect [09:52] <gebjgd> yunfan, 没用过4G的 没钱用4G [09:53] <BuMangHuo> g git bisect [09:53] <yunfan> gebjgd: 瞎扯吧 难道你用3G时候事用来看电影 ? [09:53] * QiongMangHuo 4G好开心, 鹫峰顶上都满格信号刷twitter [09:53] <gebjgd> yunfan, wlan [09:53] <gebjgd> yunfan, 3G就100m流量 之后gprs速度 [09:53] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 还不下班? 还是 wfh? [09:54] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 在下system rescue cd [09:54] <yunfan> gebjgd: 毛线吧 [09:54] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 网速太慢 下俩小时了... [09:54] <^k^> BuMangHuo: bisect not defined. [09:54] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: hg bisect [09:54] <gebjgd> yunfan, 骗你干嘛 [09:55] <gebjgd> yunfan, 没有机会用4G [09:55] <yunfan> gebjgd: 你德国不是无限流量嘛 [09:55] <yunfan> 不是说欧洲早就lte了 ? [09:55] <^k^> BuMangHuo: git bisect not defined. [09:55] <yunfan> gebjgd: 看来你可以回来在中宣部领份津贴啊 [09:55] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 中移动4G ? [09:55] <gebjgd> yunfan, 用不到啊 家里有dsl wlan 公司在光纤 [09:56] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: . [09:56] <gebjgd> yunfan, 我看可以 你帮我申请吧 [09:56] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 4G的中移动可以连ss ? [09:56] <jusss> 3G的为毛就不可以 [09:57] <happyaron> jusss: 估计是丢包太多 [09:57] <BuMangHuo> ... [09:57] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 用了好几个月了 [09:58] <jusss> happyaron: 然后我就一怒之下换了中联通,这速度真是很棒 [09:58] <jusss> happyaron: 连ss最高到过1MB/s [09:58] <happyaron> jusss: 联通收费也很棒 [09:59] <jusss> happyaron: 36RMB/mon 1GB流量 [09:59] <happyaron> jusss: 销号结清之后小半年,打我另一个电话说欠他们110块钱 [09:59] <hoxily> qiongmanghuo, [09:59] <^k^> hoxily: ⇪ 【浦科特M6S】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_浦科特M6S系列固态硬盘大全-ZOL中关村在线 pp: ¥479 [09:59] <happyaron> jusss: 面对这样的流氓公司,我不敢不交,万一上了征信可怎么办 [10:00] <jusss> happyaron: ...我也跳这个坑了,我不小心被骗买了个签约卡,1年不能销户 [10:00] <happyaron> lol [10:00] <happyaron> jusss: 我是销户成功了,但还说我欠钱 [10:00] <hoxily> jusss: 改用中国联通了? [10:00] <jusss> hoxily: 嗯 [10:01] <hoxily> jusss: 之前有个优惠活动,预交几百块,每月返还若干,赠送全国流量500MB [10:01] <hoxily> 要求保持在网1年 [10:01] <jusss> 中移动的3G在70km/h的火车上没网, 中联通的3G依然是 H plus [10:01] <hoxily> H+ [10:02] <happyaron> jusss: 当时我是后付费,销户时结账有多少我就交了,tmd告诉我结清了之后还欠钱 [10:02] <yunfan> gebjgd: 那你给我推荐个电信的手机 要价格便宜能上3G然后许行还行 [10:02] <happyaron> jusss: 有胆让工信部给移动发FDD牌照 [10:02] <happyaron> lol [10:02] <happyaron> 那样电信联通是不是都很难过 [10:02] <jusss> happyaron: 那电信不就死了 [10:02] <yunfan> jusss: 我现在4G 火车速度事 305km/s [10:02] <happyaron> jusss: 联通也差不多 [10:03] <jusss> yunfan: 你是高铁动车? [10:03] <jusss> yunfan: 你在快车上试试 [10:03] <jusss> yunfan: 高铁上或许有设备帮助 [10:04] <jusss> happyaron: 据说现在电信已经快死了 [10:04] <happyaron> jusss: 就是谁在哪布了基站 [10:04] <yunfan> jusss: 哦 我以前回家的时候 坐绿皮车 在车上用gprs 跟阿蛋聊天 [10:04] <happyaron> jusss: 坐等电信联通合并啊 [10:05] <jusss> happyaron: 不可能吧, [10:05] <gebjgd> yunfan, 什么叫电信的手机? [10:05] <yunfan> happyaron:不是都合并到超级铁塔公司去了么 [10:05] <yunfan> gebjgd: 就是用cdma卡的啊 [10:06] <jusss> happyaron: 联通除了信号差别的网速什么的都很赞, 电信据说信号好但网速上限300KB/s [10:06] <yunfan> 我这电信的烂卡 许多手机永不了 [10:06] <jusss> yunfan: 你电信卡上网怎么样 [10:06] <yunfan> 话说黑莓能写号 是不是可以把卡读出来再写号 [10:06] <yunfan> jusss: 没手机用 [10:07] <jusss> happyaron: 等1年的签约到期后,我也打算换电信卡试试 [10:07] <yunfan> jusss: 别用 [10:07] * yunfan 一入电信深似海 从此手机不好买 [10:07] <jusss> yunfan: 网速差 信号差 ? [10:08] <jusss> yunfan: 电信的android手机ROM不好找据说, wcdma的Rom一大堆 [10:09] <jusss> 华为低端机貌似好多电信,中兴的就是了联通 [10:11] <yunfan> jusss: 你眼有毛病? 我都说了手机不好买 [10:11] <jusss> yunfan: jd呀 [10:12] <happyaron> jusss: 恩 [10:12] <yunfan> jusss: 厂家没造多少可用的 [10:12] <yunfan> 不过我之前那个华为的 c8815不错 3000mah电池 几百块 [10:12] <yunfan> 续航还行 [10:14] <prpr> yunfan: 老司机老司机 [10:15] <prpr> yunfan: c8815不是电信免费送的那种手机么?还要钱? [10:16] <jusss> prpr: 老司机老司机,电信的3G网速怎么样呀?还有覆盖 [10:17] <FJKong> jusss:你确定联通好嘛 [10:17] <jusss> FJKong: 联通3G网速挺好的,就是信号差 [10:17] <prpr> jusss: 吼啊吼啊,市中心速度呱呱爽啊。一进地铁秒变1g爽歪歪啊 [10:18] <yunfan> prpr: 也要自己淘2000 我冲1000 给我800话费和一个着手机 [10:18] <yunfan> 而且我那事安徽电信 很黑的 tmd [10:18] <happyaron> prpr: 那 1g 打电话都费劲 [10:18] <FJKong> jusss: 我亲测联通走国外的数据包丢30% [10:18] <jusss> FJKong: 地铁里联通网速也还行,就是经常没信号... [10:18] <prpr> jusss: 但是还是吼啊,大街上连着度婊云看1080p都没问题啊 [10:18] <yunfan> FJKong: 可测出在哪里丢的 ? [10:18] <jusss> FJKong: 我亲测移动的连不了国外的ss [10:19] <happyaron> jusss: 移动4G在北京地铁杠杠滴 [10:19] <prpr> jusss: 总之就是别乘地铁,别去穷乡僻壤啦 [10:19] <jusss> happyaron: 不会变成小e ? [10:19] <FJKong> yunfan: 我觉得就是在出口丢的 还是故意的 [10:19] <happyaron> jusss: 不会啊 [10:19] <yunfan> happyaron: 那只是他们撒钱在地铁里弄了好多小基站 [10:19] <yunfan> FJKong: 我也感觉出口有电问题 [10:20] <jusss> happyaron: 我4号线,见好几个用移动4G的打电话打着打着就没信号了 [10:20] <happyaron> yunfan: 谁家4G想好不都一堆mini基站? [10:20] <yunfan> FJKong: 不过随即丢可能只是出口的port不够而已 [10:20] <happyaron> yunfan: 你以为FDD就行了么 [10:20] <yunfan> happyaron: 嗯 [10:20] <happyaron> yunfan: 好用就可以了 [10:21] <FJKong> yunfan: 他丢的可准了 一个不多 一个不少 正好30% 都不浮动 [10:21] <yunfan> happyaron: 我想要他跳频 [10:21] <jusss> prpr: ...市里太贵租不起房呀 [10:21] <FJKong> 不是很可疑么 [10:21] <happyaron> yunfan: 移动的骨干网一等一的好,联通大垃圾,电信的也一般般 [10:21] <yunfan> FJKong: 额 你测过很多次 ? [10:21] <FJKong> 电信就没这问题 [10:21] <FJKong> 我交了一年的联通的宽带 [10:21] <yunfan> happyaron: 都一样 我公司就有碰到移动网络的访问我们广告不能 [10:21] <FJKong> 忍了一年 [10:21] <jusss> FJKong: 电信的封6667端口吗? 我这电信光纤封6667 [10:21] <xiaocai> 您们在说啥啊 [10:22] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 关于VPS配置安装站点的问题,我按照教程但是还是很多问题,请大神们指教。谢谢大家了! 我现在的问题是nginx成功安装了,但是phpsysinfo,安装 php 探针 ,安装 phpmyadmin 都是404错误,不知道是怎么回事我是按照http://wiki.ubunt [10:22] <^k^> ─>教程做的。请大神帮助我!谢谢 zz: jackness — 2015-04-21 18:21 [10:22] <jusss> 我现在只能用6697/6665 [10:22] <yunfan> jusss: 用 7001 电信是在提醒你使用加密端口 [10:22] <FJKong> 换了电信瞬间觉得从56k猫时代到了20M光纤 [10:22] <happyaron> yunfan: 对用户来说平均时延最有意义好伐 [10:22] <happyaron> yunfan: 访问不了你司广告和用户关系不大 [10:23] <yunfan> happyaron: 我只是针对你说他骨干网好这个论点 [10:24] <happyaron> yunfan: 对用户的平均时延低,就是骨干网好啊 [10:24] <jusss> 移动覆盖是挺好的,就是不能连ss [10:24] <yunfan> happyaron: 拿只是你私人的评测指标 [10:24] <FJKong> jusss: 我irc天天在线 啥时候封过我 [10:25] <yunfan> jusss: 可以 我现在就可以连ss [10:25] <jusss> FJKong: 哦,我说的是电信光纤,不知道是 手机封不 [10:25] <jusss> yunfan: 我说的是3G [10:25] <FJKong> jusss: 光纤用户 [10:25] <yunfan> jusss: 我是4g [10:25] <yunfan> fuck you alll [10:26] <kandu> ss 是啥? [10:26] <kandu> cc jusss [10:26] <jusss> kandu: shadowsocks [10:26] <kandu> jusss: 哦 [10:27] <kandu> 我发现联通的网速在没人的地方好。人一多什么 3g h+ 都只有 0.几k 的网速 [10:27] <kandu> 考虑换回移动 [10:27] <kandu> happyaron: 有什么建议? [10:28] <jusss> kandu: 建议就是换电信 :) [10:28] <happyaron> kandu: 上4G,没了 [10:28] <kandu> happyaron: 移动4g还是? [10:28] <^k^> kandu: define:ss not defined. [10:28] <FJKong> 电信覆盖秒联通。。。 [10:28] <happyaron> kandu: 移动4G [10:28] <happyaron> FJKong: +1 [10:29] <jusss> FJKong: 电信在地铁网速行吗? 我也打算下次换电信 [10:29] <yunfan> 电信覆盖比移动海叼 这个我有体会 [10:29] <kandu> 入了联通坑,这下要跳出来啦 [10:29] <jusss> 联通的覆盖太弱了 [10:29] <yunfan> 山顶上都有电信信号 移动直接没了 [10:29] <jusss> kandu: 我刚入,要到明年才能跳出来 [10:29] <FJKong> 过年回家到农村深有体会 [10:29] <hoxily> 我家这边很好呢 [10:29] * jusss 联通坑跌的签约卡 [10:29] <kandu> jusss: 哇哈哈,我今年5月份合约到期 [10:30] <FJKong> 你看天翼对讲多牛逼 库不齐沙漠妥妥的覆盖 [10:30] <yunfan> FJKong: 买不到手机用也没辙 [10:30] <jusss> kandu: 据说cdma没4G, [10:30] <yunfan> 电信最2就是全网通的手机 用了电信 就只能让上网 其他拿两家只能gsm [10:30] <FJKong> 还用的3g。。 [10:31] <jusss> 电信的4G要是用FDD那不久和移动一样了? [10:31] <jusss> FJKong: 国外现在是统一网络了吗? [10:31] <jusss> FDD-LTE 是卡随笔查了吗 [10:31] <yunfan> 不是据说 电信的4G就是 fdd/td混合组网嘛 [10:32] <jusss> cdma-evdv也挂了 [10:33] <yunfan> 都是狗 没一个理想的 [10:33] <happyaron> LTE就是狗 [10:34] <happyaron> 这货就是个过渡方案 [10:34] <happyaron> 但过渡呗 [10:34] <happyaron> 先用着就好了 [10:34] <happyaron> 改进时延也不错 [10:34] <yunfan> 都是狗 难道不是么 [10:34] <yunfan> happyaron: 高通在搞个 LTE-direct 看起来不错 [10:34] <yunfan> 以后可以组MESH了 [10:35] <yunfan> 到时候可玩性高多了 [10:35] <happyaron> yunfan: 基于LTE的技术都不靠谱啊,看当年WCDMA设计的时候,直接留出多大空间 [10:35] <happyaron> yunfan: LTE压根没多少扩展空间啊 [10:35] <yunfan> happyaron: 哦 我管他扩展不扩展 你硬件还不是重新要买 [10:37] <xiaocai> ):,有没有关于量子通信方面的信息 [10:48] <^k^> 新 Wubi安装讨论 • 今天看一篇文章说ubuntu13.04之后不再支持wubi?还有我12.04(wubi)升级后系统broken因不支持? 1.今天看一篇文章说ubuntu13.04之后不再支持wubi? 难道说14.04LTS和14.10都不支持? 2.另外,好像没有看到15.04的版本, 记得ubuntu是每6个月(每年4月/10月)更 [10:48] <^k^> ─> 新一次? 只在偶数年份吗?不然为什么没看到15.04? 3.还有我12.04(wubi)升级后系统broken无法启 … [10:57] <happyaron> yunfan: wcdma的不是啊 [10:57] <happyaron> yunfan: 老终端一直可用 [10:57] <happyaron> yunfan: 对运营商来说也没有压力 [10:59] <jusss> happyaron: 有这么一行{ ... [11:00] <jusss> happyaron: { ... }怎么匹配 [11:00] <happyaron> jusss: 啥意思 [11:00] <happyaron> 在哪里匹配 [11:00] <jusss> happyaron: vi [11:01] <jusss> 好像是 \.什么的 记不住 [11:01] <jusss> .匹配所有 {是开头 }是结尾 [11:01] <happyaron> 额 [11:01] <happyaron> 用\来转义慢慢调试? [11:01] <jusss> 忘了 [11:02] <jusss> 我一点既不得BRE了 [11:02] <jusss> 你怎么匹? [11:07] <herozem> 有能和unity融合的平铺式窗口管理器吗? [11:08] <happyaron> [11:08] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Linux版 - 有道词典 [11:09] <jusss> happyaron: 源里有? [11:10] <happyaron> 没 [11:47] <^k^> 新 字体美化和中文支持 • 请教一下各位大神,有没有什么方法能改变tty的颜色及字体? 请教一下各位大神,有没有什么方法能改变tty的颜色及字体? zz: nerd — 2015-04-21 19:46 [11:49] <netsnail_> goagent还能用吗? [11:50] <netsnail> goagent还能用吗, 现在? [11:56] <yesuu> netsnail: 最近没在用goagent。。 [11:57] <netsnail> yesuu: 没有,今天用了一下发现用不了 [11:57] <netsnail> 不知道什么原因 [11:58] <yesuu> netsnail: 我是因为他不稳定才不用啦,后来用的红杏,不过现在改hosts了 [12:00] <netsnail> 改HOST多费劲 [12:01] <yesuu> netsnail: 嗯,还好,现在自己对翻墙的需求小多了,就选这种轻便的翻墙方式啦 [12:02] <strong> 14.04 conky 字重叠的问题 有没解决方法 [12:34] <DreamRoomProduct> ^ [12:55] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [12:55] <jusss> 搞了半个小时没用正则解决的问题,用python加上搜索的时间15分钟搞完了,unix哲学果然不可取 [12:55] <jusss> 正则这种大坑 [12:56] <jusss> 还有各种奇葩符号各种用法,只有你没见过,没有不存在的bash [13:07] <E022> 正则不好用啊 [13:07] <E022> 不过连正则都搞不定, 还搞屁啊 [13:22] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 会耍狠的狗 [13:23] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ubantu14.04系统输入法问题 按装ubantu时候,输入法安装的是中文的,现在由于某软件不认中文输入法,能否将输入法卸载,安装英文输入法?希望,知道的网友帮忙,谢谢 zz: wzj630 — 2015-04-21 21:10 [13:26] <jusss> E022: 就搞屁 [13:27] <jusss> 匹配空行,在vi里就是替换不了,都去#regex里问了,试了4个答案都不行 [13:27] <jusss> 所以正则这种东西还是早点入土为安的好,别出来折腾人 [13:35] <gfrog> happyaron: 蓉蓉 [13:39] <happyaron> HowIsItGoing: pong [13:39] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: vpnc这货只能用aggressive模式? [13:39] <happyaron> HowIsItGoing: 啥意思 [13:39] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 额,算了 [13:39] <happyaron> HowIsItGoing: 我都用nm 插件 [13:39] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 丫能制定加密和认证算法不? [13:40] <HowIsItGoing> happyaron: 后端肯定还是vpnc嘛 [13:40] <happyaron> HowIsItGoing: 都在nm界面配置的啊 [13:42] <E022> BuMangHuo: [13:42] <^k^> E022: ⇪ Presonus Ceres C3.5BT 2-Way Powered Speakers with Bluetooth: Electronics pp: $49.95 [16:19] <WuSiYu> 这里人挺多的 [23:02] <hoxily> kandu: 早
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "DreamRoomProduct", "E022", "FJKong", "Guest21454", "HowIsItGoing", "O0XX|Qio_", "O0XX|Qiong", "PinoCao", "QiongMangHuo", "WuSiYu", "Yunfan-phone", "^k^", "alvin_rxg", "cherrot", "chihchun", "ericc", "freeflying", "gebjgd", "gfrog", "happyaron", "herozem", "hoxily", "iMadper", "iMadper`", "iMadper``", "jiero_", "jusss", "kandu", "netsnail", "netsnail_", "nyfair", "onlylove", "onlylove_", "onlylove__", "palomino|working", "prpr", "ptpt", "roylez", "strong", "xiaocai", "yesuu", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[04:05] <akiva-thinkpad> hi all [07:08] <dholbach> good morning [08:05] <dholbach> dpm, thanks for following up on the help-app bug [08:05] <dholbach> I passed it on to IS [08:05] <dholbach> and thanks for escalating the issue [08:06] <dpm> dholbach, no worries :) [08:06] <dpm> thanks for following it through to publication! [08:06] <dholbach> :) [08:45] <dpm> dholbach, davidcalle, while reviewing, I did some minor changes on too [08:45] <dpm> I've been moving the important notes I've seen in places, so that they are in visible boxes [08:46] <dpm> I'll stop reviewing now, will talk to you in a few mins in the call [08:46] <dholbach> thanks a lot dpm [08:46] <dholbach> webdm might not be part of the release on thursday [08:46] <dholbach> so we could probably deemphasise it somewhat [08:47] <dholbach> or maybe let's move to #snappy [08:47] <dpm> ah, good point [08:47] <dpm> davidcalle, can you join us on #snappy too? [08:55] <uglyandstupid> hey hey [08:56] <uglyandstupid> Anyone know if it's already planned to handle dynamic language change for the translated text please ? [09:47] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: if google is our default search engine, shouldn't we ship at least an opensearch xml file for it ? [09:48] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, we should, although atm custom search engine definitions are searched only in ~/.local/share/webbrowser-app/searchengines/, and we can’t install files there [09:49] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, we’ll need a way to install definitions system-wide, and have the code that handles that search for definitions in both places [09:49] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, in the meantime, default values for google are hardcoded in [09:49] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: apps usually provide their default files in /usr/share/ and then allow overriding or adding more via .local/share or something like that [09:50] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: we should probably do that for the opensearch files [09:50] <oSoMoN> yeah, that’s what we should be doing (and what we will be doing, when we get to it) [09:50] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: so not part of what i should be doing now ? [09:50] <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I don’t think so, that’s out of scope [09:50] <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: ok [10:53] <kalikiana> t1mp: review? [11:22] <mhall119> kalikiana: please register for so I can promote you to a track lead [11:40] <kalikiana> aha so now registration is open [11:40] <kalikiana> will do [11:41] <kalikiana> mhall119: done [11:45] <mhall119> thanks kalikiana [13:13] <SPEck> Hy all [13:13] <SPEck> CAn combody help me to fix my computer to write app for Ubuntu Touch [13:33] <Mirv> dpm: is there a sort of guide of what you were doing with dekko? ie entering click chroot, building something into .click in there? I'd be interested. [13:34] <Mirv> basically lower level usage of SDK but for apps that are not strictly created with the SDK [13:35] <dpm> Mirv, it should use the standard SDK procedures, at least that's what I did. So here's how it worked (links to documentation to follow) [13:35] <dpm> 1. Had the SDK already set up with a 15.04 armhf click chroot [13:36] <dpm> 2. Checked out dekko -> [13:36] <Mirv> 1. check, done via SDK :) [13:36] <dpm> 3. Opened its top CMakeLists.txt file [13:36] <dpm> 4. When prompted for a kit on Qt Creator, I chose the one I've got assigned to that click chroot in 1. (I've called my kit "Phone") [13:37] <dpm> 5. Ensure your click chroot has got this dependencies installed: [13:37] <dpm> - libqt5webkit5 [13:37] <dpm> - qttools5-dev-tools (that's the one we needed to have installed in the host arch ) [13:38] <Mirv> oh, 3. I didn't realize, too obvious [13:39] <dpm> 6. Then under the Project tab, set this as the build options: -DUBUNTU_CLICK_MODE=on -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ [13:40] <dpm> Mirv, actually, I've told you the wrong order, 5. (install chroot deps) should go before 3. [13:40] <dpm> as otherwise cmake configuration will fail [13:41] <Mirv> dpm: for my test I seemingly don't need it, but yes I found "Maintain" now. is it that if you install deps there they "stay" in that kit? [13:41] <dpm> Mirv, exactly [13:42] <DanChapman> dpm, i've made it alot simpler now :-D [13:42] <Mirv> dpm: this is so cool. even though this would fail miserably at the end, I had QtC do something with the project I'm testing on. [13:43] <dpm> Mirv, also if your project's cmake config fails, you don't need to reload the project every time. On the project explorer, you can right-click on the top item in the tree (generally the project name) and choose the option "Run cmake". That'll re-run cmake, as the name says ;) [13:43] <Mirv> dpm: that 6. sounds like magical ingredient that would be valuable to be somewhere visible, and it probably is too already somwhere? [13:43] <dpm> Mirv, unfortunately, that's the only place you can do that, I agree that it's a bit hidden [13:44] <dpm> DanChapman, wohoo! :-) [13:44] <Mirv> dpm: I mean somewhere in docs, but I agree it'd be cool to have "clickify cmake" button or such [13:45] <dpm> Mirv, ah, it's in the docs: [13:47] <Mirv> dpm: I don't see UBUNTU_CLICK_MODE or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX guided in there? or is either of them dekko specific? [13:48] <dpm> Mirv, yes, it's dekko-specific, but DanChapman was talking about adding this to the cmake file, so that you don't have to specify it every time you check dekko out [13:50] <Mirv> dpm: ah, ok. but you'd probably need the install prefix anyway if you had some other non-Ubuntuphone CMake project you'd want to try to "port"? [13:51] <DanChapman> Mirv, one thing i will note. And i've never seen documentatin for is the magin UBUNTU_PROJECT_TYPE and UBUNTU_MANIFEST_PATH cmake variables. You can't build clicks or run on device without them [13:51] <dpm> Mirv, the idea is that you put it on the cmake file so that it's predefined, but you can always override it if you specify it as -D on the build [13:51] <DanChapman> s/magin/magic [13:54] <Mirv> DanChapman: I see, thanks a lot! dekko seems to be a good source of info :) [13:55] <dpm> Mirv, other apps that you can try for your tests are lp:reminders-app and lp:ubuntu-clock-app, they've also got good cmake setups that can be used as examples [13:55] <Mirv> I started for my notes [13:58] <Mirv> I would have started looking at this earlier but click chroots are simply not working on my vivid machine, so I'm now using 14.04 virtual machine [15:43] <_honning_> Hi all, i am developing an app for Ubuntu Phone. But I am having trouble preventing the screen from dimming/locking while doing a simple animation on html5. [15:44] <_honning_> i was wondering if anybody has been able to turn off the screen dimming/lock on a html5 app or in a qml app? [15:44] <nik90> _honning_: curious but how long does the animation run for? since the screen starts dimming only after a minute I guess [15:44] <nik90> _honning_: apps (qml and html5) dont have permission to prevent screen dimming (yet) unless they are playing a video [15:45] <ogra_> and there is no way to stop the dimming from an app [15:45] <_honning_> yes, it runs for 8 minutes [15:45] <_honning_> so the screen lock turns on after 1 minute if i dont touch the screen [15:45] <_honning_> nike98: ok, thanks for the information [15:46] <_honning_> i was hoping something like in android: getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); [15:46] <_honning_> existed but i havent found it.... [15:46] <ogra_> no, it doesnt [15:46] <_honning_> could i run a video with just the background color as a hack? [15:47] <nik90> _honning_: right now the ubuntu touch platform rules are more strict than android and as such doesn't allow apps to keep screen on or keep polling in the background [15:47] <ogra_> you would have to embed it and hook it up to the media-hub ... [15:47] * ogra_ has never used HTML5 for apps ... not sure the integration goes that deep actually [15:49] <_honning_> nik90 and ogra: ok, thanks very much for the information, i will try to see what i can get working [15:49] <nik90> _honning_: yw [15:49] <mcphail> nik90: just looking at your post about UCS. I like the idea. Have you made progress? Could this be managed as a simple git repo? [15:52] <nik90> mcphail: hi..we (myself and stuart) are intending ucs to be more like npm, pip etc where installing something is as easy "ucs install component-name" [15:52] <nik90> mcphail: just a few days back, stuart added the community channel where *anyone* can upload their component to the store without any sort of review process and maintain it themselves. [15:55] <mcphail> nik90: you have a working prototype? [15:55] <nik90> mcphail: yeah for quite a while now. You can find the necessary information at [15:56] <mcphail> nik90: excellent. I'll check it out [15:56] <nik90> mcphail: you will need to first install ucs in your system and then you can help test uploading a component to the store [15:56] <nik90> mcphail: let us know how it goes and if anything seems confusing, we can improve those parts. [15:58] <mcphail> nik90: will do. Thanks! [16:06] * nik90 watches the community q&a [16:21] <mcphail> nik90: do you have coding style guidelines for the UCS (tabs v spaces, camelCase or underscores etc)? [16:22] <nik90> mcphail: for curated components or community components? [16:23] <mcphail> nik90: either. Presumably community components should aspire to curated status? [16:23] <nik90> mcphail: curated components should preferably stick to a common coding style guidelines but I haven't come to decide on that yet. We were first concentrating on getting the infrastructure up and ready. [16:23] <mcphail> nik90: so the "reformat qml" option in the SDK would be acceptable? [16:24] <nik90> mcphail: yes that is fine [16:24] * mcphail hates camelCase [16:26] <nik90> mcphail: basically components in the curated store are intended to be candidates for inclusion in the ubuntu-sdk itself..that's our goal..and the ucs curated store sort of is a temporary holding place to show the SDK devs that this is a good component which is liked by the community. [16:27] <nik90> mcphail: so some components that are just meant to make life easier like a blurred background header which doesnt make sense to be in the SDK is better of in the community store imo. [16:27] <nik90> mcphail: but yet components in both the curated and community store should strive to provide a good experience to app devs by providing api documentation, tests etc [17:42] <om26er> t1mp, Hi! [17:43] <om26er> t1mp, have the header changed recently ? [18:01] <t1mp> om26er: yes [18:01] <t1mp> om26er: a lot of changes. What are you interested in? [18:02] <om26er> t1mp, ah, good. I love them :) [18:02] <om26er> t1mp, I was a testing a silo, just wanted to make sure it was not regressing something [18:02] <t1mp> om26er: ah, you are talking about the updated visuals? Yes those changes landed today. [18:02] <t1mp> om26er: there will be more :) [18:03] <om26er> t1mp, do you have designs for the improvements somewhere ? or is that tracked in bug reports ? [18:05] <t1mp> om26er: [18:50] <nik90> t1mp: are those new header visuals part of 1.2? [18:50] * nik90 hopes they are ... pls pls pls [19:32] <SturmFlut> Does anybody use the SDK on an Ubuntu 15.04 desktop? It seems quite broken for me, from incorrect font sizes to crashing tools. [19:44] <nik90> SturmFlut: I have a development 15.04 laptop that seems to be fine with the latest updates. [19:44] <nik90> SturmFlut: when did these issues start for you? [19:47] <SturmFlut> nik90: They started immediately after upgrading to 15.04 a couple of days ago. When starting the SDK I always immediately get a crash report from the click tool. The main UI is fine, but all the Qt file dialogs have way too large fonts. I just created a new "QML with C++ plugin" project and qmlpluginscan crashes on every run. [19:48] <nik90> SturmFlut: I have noticed the crash report from the click tool, but tbh I occasionally do get that on my main 14.04 machine as well [19:48] <SturmFlut> nik90: I already tried deleting all the configuration files, to no avail. [19:48] * nik90 checks the Qt file dialogs [19:49] <nik90> hmm it looks normal to me [19:50] <SturmFlut> nik90: [19:51] <nik90> oh..that's bad [19:55] <SturmFlut> nik90: Haha, it's not just the Qt file dialogs, but also some buttons and popups [19:55] <SturmFlut> At one point a popup fills nearly all of my FullHD screen [19:56] <nik90> SturmFlut: may be somehow during the upgrade the Qt theme display ratio broke? [19:57] <SturmFlut> nik90: Yes, something like that. But it looks like all other Qt applications, e.g. qbittorrent, are not affected. Just Qt Creator. [20:11] <SturmFlut> Argh, not again [20:11] <SturmFlut> sturmflut@fire:~$ mount | grep schroot | wc -l [20:11] <SturmFlut> 56 [20:19] <rickspencer3> does anyone else accidentally close the whole emulator sometimes when they are developing? [20:20] <nik90> rickspencer3: yeah I have done that a couple of times...nowadays I develop using the phone instead [20:20] <rickspencer3> I guess you never accidentally throw away your phone :) [20:21] <nik90> hehe no..although I do get distracted and start playing with other apps during my testing :P [20:37] <mcphail> I've created a type "AutoRangePicker.qml" as per . When I add it to a Row it clamps to the left rather than being laid out correctly. What am I doing wrong? [20:39] <rickspencer3> does anyone have a good icon for "rename"? [20:49] <nik90> mcphail: the picker clamps to the left? or the parent item? [20:50] <mcphail> nik90: actually not sure, tbh. I have a row with Picker, Picker, Picker then AutoRangePicker and it overlays the first Picker... [20:51] <nik90> mcphail: change item to rectangle with color "lightgreen" or something to see what's happening [20:51] <nik90> and try anchoring the picker to the bounds of its parent..anchors.fill: parent [20:57] <mcphail> nik90: context (for what it's worth: only experimenting) at . Adding anchors.fill: parent only breaks the row and gets the console grumbling... [21:29] <mcphail> nik90: hmm - if I add "width: picker.width height: picker.height" it works. Oh well [21:30] <nik90> mcphail: hmm yes..otherwise items has 0 width and height..which is why they were overlapping one other [21:30] <nik90> mcphail: tht's why I usually test with rectangle first before switching to item [21:31] <mcphail> nik90: yes, that helped. Thanks! [21:32] <nik90> yw [23:13] <aquarius> I'm trying to build an app (Beru, as it happens) for the emulator, in Ubuntu SDK. The build fails with error "error: poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h: No such file or directory". I assumed this meant that the appropriate library wasn't in the chroot that the build uses, but I've "Manage"d that chroot and apt-get install'ed the package and it still isn't working. What else might I need to do? [23:15] <aquarius> In particular, /usr/include/poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h exists in the chroot. [23:15] <aquarius> I think I'm changing the correct chroot, but how might I find out if I'm wrong? [23:17] <aquarius> (note: in Ubuntu SDK, under Build Environment, PATH is set to /var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-i386... and /var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-i386/usr/include/poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h exists, so I'm pretty sure that's right. [23:18] <nik90> aquarius: hey, do you want to host a session in UOS May 5th-7th about UCS with regards to the new curated and community channels? [23:19] <aquarius> nik90, I should really, shouldn't I? Sure, why not, let me go and propose a session. [23:19] <aquarius> however, in return you have to help me with my Dummies Guide To CMake question above :) [23:20] <nik90> aquarius: lol [23:22] <nik90> aquarius: considering that you have installed poppler-qt5 in the chroot, I am failing to see why it is failing to build. [23:22] <aquarius> nik90, me too [23:22] <aquarius> I mean, I'm not brilliant at this stuff, but that really feels like it ought to work :) [23:23] <nik90> aquarius: I have a hunch.. [23:23] <popey> you building an armhf binary? [23:23] <popey> in an armhf chroot? aquarius ^? [23:23] <nik90> above the green play button, where you choose the kit stuff, see if there is another configuration you can run [23:24] <nik90> also try what popey said..may be poppler-qt5 build error has to do with i386 and requires additional packages [23:24] <popey> [23:24] <popey> thats what I have in my chroot [23:25] <popey> note libpoppler-qt5-1:armhf [23:25] <nik90> hmm true [23:25] <nik90> aquarius: ^^ [23:25] <aquarius> popey, ah, this is an i386 chroot, or for the emulator [23:26] <aquarius> nik90, -- it hasn't shown up in the schedule yet, presumably because it needs to be approved [23:26] <popey> you're building an i386 binary in an i386 chroot for the i386 emulator, right? [23:26] <nik90> aquarius: yup, time to test if I am the UOS app lead [23:26] <popey> aquarius: approved [23:26] <popey> oops [23:26] <aquarius> popey, I certainly *believe* that that's what I'm doing :) [23:27] <popey> qtdeclarative5-poppler1.0:i386 [23:27] <popey> do you have that? [23:27] <aquarius> ah, wait, hang on [23:27] <aquarius> do I have to install :i386 versions of the packages? [23:27] <popey> not if it's an i386 chroot [23:27] <aquarius> I'm in an i386 chroot! does it not know that? [23:27] <popey> it will do that by default [23:27] <aquarius> oh, good, OK :) [23:27] <popey> ignore that bit [23:27] <popey> just install qtdeclarative5-poppler1.0 [23:28] <aquarius> I have [23:28] <aquarius> but... [23:28] <popey> (mine is a 14.10 chroot, you may have a newer poppler) [23:28] <nik90> aquarius: I see your session. You got any date and time preference? [23:29] <aquarius> nik90, not tuesday evening UK time [23:29] <aquarius> other than that, rock and roll. [23:29] <aquarius> popey, yep, got that [23:29] <nik90> aquarius: at the moment no session has been all slots free :) [23:29] <popey> aquarius: lemme try, what we building? [23:29] <aquarius> [23:29] <aquarius> popey, beru [23:30] <popey> link? [23:30] <aquarius> popey, I checked it out of github (, opened it in Ubuntu SDK (by choosing its cmakefile.txt), chose my emulator build target (which I know works), and... got this error. [23:30] <popey> lemme try [23:31] <popey> what version chroot? [23:31] <aquarius> annoyingly I can't build it for the desktop because it now depends on a newer version of the SDK than 14.04 has :( [23:31] <aquarius> otherwise I wouldn't bother with all this emulator fannying about :) [23:31] <nik90> aquarius: I scheduled it for wednesday 18:00 UTC [23:32] <aquarius> nice one nik90 [23:32] <aquarius> I have added the ical for UOS to my calendar, so I shouldn't miss anything [23:32] <nik90> popey: btw I doubt we need a dedicated clock app session. No idea what to present/talk about there [23:32] <aquarius> I assume google calendar re-polls it every now and again :) [23:33] <nik90> aquarius: it should [23:33] <popey> well, i added one for each core app [23:33] <nik90> aquarius: either way when I host it, I will bug you to join it :P [23:33] * aquarius laughs [23:34] <aquarius> nik90, feel free to edit the session description if you think it should be different [23:36] * nik90 is annoyed that people keep rating clock 1-2 star after complaining about missing timer/stopwatch [23:36] <nik90> aquarius: sure..will go through it with a fresh mind tomorrow [23:40] <popey> hmm [23:41] <popey> aquarius: fails same way here [23:43] <popey> ok, docviewer fails in the same way in the same chroot [23:54] <popey> aquarius: ooh [23:58] <popey> bah
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DanChapman", "Mirv", "SPEck", "SturmFlut", "_honning_", "akiva-thinkpad", "aquarius", "dholbach", "dpm", "kalikiana", "mcphail", "mhall119", "nerochiaro", "nik90", "oSoMoN", "ogra_", "om26er", "popey", "rickspencer3", "t1mp", "uglyandstupid" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[05:48] <Mirv> could a core-dev ack the following packaging changes (the debian/ parts, others are just FYI)? [05:49] <Mirv> removing of python2 support from tests (and dependencies), plus switching to QT_SELECT=qt5 and therefore removing cruft from the dependencies [05:50] <Mirv> oh, as a remark, it's not going at this moment to vivid archives, but targets w. but we treat the current overlay PPA as archive. [06:36] <RAOF> Mirv: Looks sensible. [06:37] <Mirv> thanks! [07:08] <dholbach> good morning [08:07] <pitti> Good morning [08:49] <infinity> jamespage: Should nova-serialproxy be explicitly seeded, or dropped to universe? [08:56] <didrocks> mvo: hey, stupid snappy question for you. So, if you have apps A depending on framework B, how can app A knows the path from the libs (or helpers) included in framework B? [08:57] <pitti> didrocks: you don't really [08:58] <davmor2> seb128: so we still have the issue in vivid where you put something into the waste bin and then right click the icon in the launcher and empty the waste bin that is randomly opens a nautilus window [08:58] <seb128> davmor2, correct [08:58] <didrocks> pitti: I guess we have misconceptions about frameworks, we read about the fact that it shouldn't contain libs [08:58] <pitti> didrocks: right now frameworks can export binaries, but not libs [08:58] <didrocks> so [08:58] <didrocks> if I have a mir framework [08:58] <pitti> didrocks: it should contain libs, but not export them [08:58] <didrocks> how to run apps? [08:58] <davmor2> seb128: fair enough :) [08:58] <pitti> didrocks: (and yes, I think that's wrong, but that's how it is right now) [08:58] <didrocks> pitti: I guess all this was discussed in a desktop context, right? [08:58] <pitti> didrocks: bundle everything [08:59] <didrocks> so every apps contains Mir libs? [08:59] <mvo> didrocks: you need to hardcode that right now, I think we will include a better mechanism for this but we are not there yet, sorry [08:59] <pitti> yes, duplication is the future! [09:00] <didrocks> mvo: seems like we have some requirements on the very short term to have a snappy desktop [09:00] <didrocks> mvo: so, we are experimenting (and will have a list of requirements from you) [09:00] <didrocks> mvo: is it better to send a long email with all our questions on the ML? [09:00] <mvo> didrocks: eh, we release in 2 days, there is nothing new coming [09:01] <didrocks> mvo: well, I guess this is for the incoming cycle :p [09:01] <mvo> didrocks: i.e. if you need anything new it won't be based on 15.04, maybe 15.04.1 or something [09:01] <didrocks> I hope at least [09:01] <mvo> didrocks: aha, ok [09:01] <mvo> didrocks: thats different :) [09:01] <mvo> didrocks: I was shocked for a minute [09:01] <mvo> didrocks: either way is fine, irc or mail [09:01] <didrocks> mvo: no heart attack (yet) [09:01] <didrocks> we will be able to panic tomorrow :p [09:02] <didrocks> mvo: shouldn't we have a quick hangout (robert ancell, I and you) to unfog the first questions? [09:02] <didrocks> not sure how much you thought about snappy in a dekstop context [09:03] <didrocks> (we are sprinting this week) [09:04] <didrocks> I guess we can draft an email, better for async thinking [09:05] <mvo> didrocks: maybe send mail and then hangout? this way I get some to think about the questions and more people can jump in if needed? [09:07] <didrocks> mvo: sounds good, robert and I will draft our thoughts [09:07] <mvo> ta [09:18] <addiks> hi, i am getting a segfault when running test for unity which prevents me from building unity packages. This happenes on the version i get from "apt-get source unity", and also the one from "bzr branch lp:unity". I am currently running a bisection, but i dont know if the information from that are usable because i neither have very much experience with bazaar nor with bisecting. I have a backtrace from GDB, it just does not make much se [09:18] <addiks> nse to me. What should i do next? [09:25] <infinity> jamespage: Also, please subscribe the server team to dns-root-data bugs, per bug #1426460 [09:25] <jamespage> infinity, looking now [09:26] <infinity> jamespage: To the bug sub, or the nova-thingee seed? :) [09:26] <jamespage> both [09:26] <infinity> jamespage: (But thanks in advance for both) [09:26] <jamespage> bug sub done [09:29] <jamespage> infinity, as nova-serialproxy is completely untested by my team, I'd prefer we demoted to universe for this cycle please [09:30] <infinity> jamespage: Fair enough. [09:31] <infinity> jamespage: Sounds kinda awesome, though, would be nice to test and support it in the future. [09:31] <infinity> jamespage: Hint, hint. :) [09:31] <jamespage> infinity, I agree [09:31] <jamespage> on the list for +1 [10:09] <infinity> jamespage: Also, a bug sub on ndg-httpsclient (a new dep of python-urllib3, which is already the server team's) would be swell. [10:09] <jamespage> infinity, ok - doing so now [10:09] <infinity> jamespage: \o/ [10:09] <jamespage> infinity, done [10:22] <tkamppeter> mterry, hi [11:44] <rbasak> How should we package an upstream that requires -march=core2? [11:45] <rbasak> They're using sse3.5-specific intrinsics. [11:46] <strikov> rbasak: i found this for example: [11:47] <strikov> rbasak: the difference is that it's something like a plugin [11:56] <larsu> tyhicks: hey! we're working on that gsettings confinemnet dameon. Where do we get the list of keys an app is allowed [11:56] <larsu> to access? [12:07] <shadeslayer> cjwatson: what was the link where I could view cdimage logs? [12:07] <shadeslayer> it was somewhere on this team [12:08] <cjwatson> No it wasn't :-) [12:08] <cjwatson> shadeslayer: [12:08] <shadeslayer> hm ok, I recall there being a launchpad page with the logs too [12:09] <shadeslayer> cjwatson: on that note, is there a archive of ubuntu touch images somewhere [12:09] <cjwatson> shadeslayer: Live filesystem build logs are stored on Launchpad, but right now it's easiest to find them from the above link. [12:09] <shadeslayer> ok [12:09] <cjwatson> shadeslayer: If an image isn't on cdimage.u.c or releases.u.c or old-releases.u.c any more, then in general it's gone. [12:13] <shadeslayer> cjwatson: aw drat [12:13] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ^^ [12:40] <mterry> tkamppeter, hello! I left IRC on all night, wasn't around [13:05] <hallyn_> infinity: so we ran into a little bug in vivid in that ulimit for root on vivid says it can hav 64k files, but libc's __FD_SETSIZE is 1024 [13:05] <hallyn_> so when lxd opens an fd > 1024 and then tries to select on it, it gets a crash and 'buffer overflow' msg from FD_SET [13:06] <hallyn_> ok to push a glibc which bumps __FD_SETSIZE? [13:06] <hallyn_> doko_: ^ [13:06] <hallyn_> (sorry, biab) [13:07] <rbasak> hallyn_: this reminds me of [13:07] <rbasak> I get the impression it's non-trivial to change that. [13:08] <doko_> hallyn_, that would be better an infinity question [13:15] <rbasak> hallyn_: the kernel defines __FD_SETSIZE so I don't think you can change it easily. [13:16] * rbasak wonders how the default nofile got bumped. [13:16] <rbasak> systemd switch perhaps? [13:35] <infinity> hallyn_: No. [13:36] <hallyn_> infinity: ok, that's quite a problem. any daemon that takes a lot of connections is gonna end up crashing [13:37] <hallyn_> rbasak: heh, yup, looks like kees was on the ball there [13:38] <rbasak> hallyn_: I wonder if we have an indavertent issue here though. From my brief look systemd is just passing on the kernel default. Is there something upstart was doing before to set the fd limit to 1024? [13:38] <infinity> hallyn_: That statement is provably false. Perhaps you're after epoll? [13:38] <rbasak> In which case, should we be doing the same, if we haven't rebuilt all packages against the new fortification stuff? [13:38] <hallyn_> infinity: what statement is provably false? [13:39] <infinity> hallyn_: The daemons crashing. Oh, unless you mean ulimit has changed, and is now a lie... [13:39] <hallyn_> infinity: rharper is running large parallel tess against lxd, which golang (threaded) so all the threads share fdtable; so they pretty quickly get past 1024 fds. [13:39] <hallyn_> every crash i've seen was it opening a unix fd, trying to FD_SET it to select, and hitting the check in libc [13:40] <rbasak> hallyn_: the right thing to do is to not use select in that case I think. [13:40] <hallyn_> "in that case" [13:40] <hallyn_> ^ that basically means, never use select [13:40] <rbasak> If you want >1024 fds. [13:40] <hallyn_> no, i don't [13:40] <hallyn_> i'm liblxc, i just want to open a unix fd and select on it [13:40] <infinity> hallyn_: Hrm, ulimit -n is indeed different on vivid than on trusty. That's irksome. [13:40] <hallyn_> rbasak: and i only have a single fd i care about. it happens to be > 1024. [13:41] <rbasak> infinity: yeah, just verified that it's gone from 1024 to 65536 between Uoptic and Vivid. [13:41] <rharper> I'm running on vivid [13:41] <rbasak> infinity: looks like /etc/systemd/system.conf can configure the default, and that systemd uses the kernel default by default. [13:41] <hallyn_> now i agree part of the problem is golang's use of threads :) [13:42] <rbasak> infinity: so is this an inadvertent change that we need to fix? [13:42] <hallyn_> bc if we drop the ulimit then we'll just get a different failure [13:42] <rharper> hallyn_: that's a feature not a bug =) [13:42] <rbasak> hallyn_: if you're selecting on just one fd, then surely you only need an fd_set size of 1? [13:42] <infinity> rbasak: pitti and I are talking about it here. [13:42] <hallyn_> rharper: says no :) [13:42] <rbasak> Oh, no that's stupid. [13:42] <rbasak> If the fd could be greater than 1024, then you can't use select. [13:42] <rharper> hallyn_: eww [13:42] <rbasak> Use poll instead maybe? [13:42] <hallyn_> rbasak: every library in the archive would need to not use select [13:43] <hallyn_> ever [13:43] <rbasak> hallyn_: correct. Which is why the file descriptor limit is (was) set to 1024 by default. [13:43] <infinity> rbasak: epoll, even. [13:43] <rbasak> select is fundamentally flawed for large number of file descriptors. [13:43] <rbasak> A bit field passed through a system call is not going to scale. [13:44] <hallyn_> rbasak: but so doesn't tell me what bad things happen when we bump FD_SETSIZE in glibc [13:44] <rharper> hallyn_: does that mean that on trusty we should be "ok" due to the upper limit ? it still seems strange; does go limit the number of threads it can create by FD limits ? [13:44] <hallyn_> and fwiw rharper and i are runnign with that now [13:44] <infinity> hallyn_: So, yeah. There are two bugs here. (A) the ulimit defaulting to over 1024 is obviously wrong. But (B) if that's not working for your use case, this is 2015, epoll isn't exactly new and shiny. [13:44] <hallyn_> rharper: good q. maybe [13:44] <hallyn_> that would be almost smart [13:44] <rharper> well, I don't think they should, a single thread could do lots of work on many FDs [13:44] <hallyn_> infinity: that liblxc code has been around since bfeore 2008 :) [13:45] <hallyn_> rharper: yeah, but i guess a "couldn't open fd' error would be better than "BUFFER OVERFLOW OMG" [13:45] <infinity> hallyn_: epoll has been around since Linux 2.5.44 and glibc 2.3.2, I suspect it's older. :P [13:45] <rbasak> infinity: for simple programs I have just used poll. Is that wrong? Is poll deprecated somehow? If I'm testing just a handful of fds, why should I use epoll instead? [13:45] <hallyn_> infinity: good point, and liblxc does use epoll [13:45] <hallyn_> but noone has ever declared select deprecated [13:46] <hallyn_> and more to th epoint, i'm pretty sure if we change all seleects in liblxc, we'll run into other libraries doing the same thing [13:46] <rharper> dont we really want eventfd though ? [13:46] <hallyn_> well, that's more detailed than we need to be right now, [13:46] <rharper> in any case, the discussion of what else to use is secondary to the bugs if there is agreement that going back to 1024 won't "fix" liblxc/lxd [13:46] <hallyn_> the q is, do we fix glibc or do we change al lsoftware saying it is too old otherwise [13:46] <rharper> yeah [13:47] <infinity> rbasak: epoll is significantly fancier, but it all depends on the level of fancy you need. [13:47] <rharper> hallyn_: the thing I still don't understand is if we "fix" glibc , does that fix lxd/liblxc ? [13:47] <hallyn_> we use epoll for use with signalfd etc irc [13:47] <rbasak> infinity: minimal fancy. So I think select is fine if you know an fd won't be greater than FD_SETSIZE, and poll otherwise. [13:47] <hallyn_> rharper: you were doing the testing :) [13:47] <rharper> I can re-run it on trusty [13:47] <rharper> where the limit is still at 1024 [13:47] <hallyn_> rbasak: that sounds like nonsense though [13:48] <hallyn_> rbasak: you cannot know a priori what the fd will be, so you'd have to check and have both codepaths anyway [13:48] <hallyn_> so just use epoll [13:48] <rbasak> hallyn_: for a library, yes. [13:48] <hallyn_> so it comes down to - do we have to switch over the whole archive [13:48] <hallyn_> yes [13:48] <infinity> hallyn_: We're not "fixing" glibc, that's not happening. But the default ulimit is clearly wrong. [13:48] <cjwatson> We obviously don't have to switch the whole archive; lots of programs reliably never get anywhere near fd 1024. [13:48] <hallyn_> libraries [13:49] <cjwatson> Libraries that couldn't guarantee not to hit 1024 were likely always buggy. [13:49] <hallyn_> infinity: is there something that will break with the glibc change? [13:49] * rbasak wonders how select(2) is implemented inside glibc. [13:50] <rbasak> I see select(2) calls in strace output. So does FD_SETSIZE need to be tuned inside the kernel as well for this to work? [13:50] <hallyn_> cjwatson: you may feel that was always the case, but the manpage doesn 'tmention that, and to me it feels like glibc breaking the contract. [13:50] <rbasak> Or does the kernel just understand a larger nfds? [13:50] <hallyn_> rbasak: it's not select, it's FD_SET [13:50] <hallyn_> (FD_ENT) [13:51] <hallyn_> ok, well i'll personally hold this against libc and pretend someone cares :) but i guess i'll update lxc to not use select in any library part [13:51] <rbasak> hallyn_: glibc's contract is defined by FD_SETSIZE though. Not a broken contract, just a hole where open(2) returns an fd greater than FD_SETSIZE so prevents you from using select(2) with it. [13:51] <cjwatson> hallyn_: Changing FD_SETSIZE would be a pretty disastrous ABI change. Lots of programs declare fd_sets (there's no allocator function) and pass them to select. [13:51] <hallyn_> rbasak: FD_SETSIZE is internal to libc [13:52] <cjwatson> No it's not. It's exposed by the size of struct fd_set. [13:52] <hallyn_> oh, i guess so [13:53] <rbasak> Perhaps userspace should deprecate select, even if the kernel doesn't. Then non-deprecated stacks can have LimitNOFILE set higher or to unlimited. [13:54] <rbasak> Otherwise we're forever stuck leaving it for users who want >1024 fds to guess and tune, which sucks. [13:54] <hallyn_> seems clear to me that it should [13:55] <cjwatson> And the man page does have a bit in NOTES about fd_sets being fixed size. [13:55] <cjwatson> Though the difficulty of raising it is left to the reader to infer ... [13:55] <hallyn_> and it also doesn't make clear that the limit is actually pretty low by default [13:56] <hallyn_> that note doesn't seem to raise the appropriate level of alarm [13:56] <hallyn_> but maybe that's just me [13:56] <hallyn_> anyway i guess i've got some lxc patches to write [13:56] <hallyn_> and some glibc effigees to burn [13:56] <cjwatson> I think it depends what you're doing. I've never run into this in libpipeline, for instance, which uses select. [13:56] <cjwatson> Although I should likely update that to use poll. [13:56] * rharper hands hallyn_ a torch [13:57] <cjwatson> I'd totally regard it as my bug if one of my users ran into it there though :-) [13:58] <rbasak> What if we made glibc abort() if select() is called with SELECT_IS_BANNED is defined in the environment. [13:58] <flexiondotorg> dholbach, Do you have a sec? I'd like to file a sync request for mate-tweak from Debian unstable. If fixes and bug and add translations. The package has not previously been synced from Debian so that changelog and history are different from the Ubuntu package. [13:58] <hallyn_> most liblxc users wouldn't run into it either. It's just golang which fires off a slew of threads using the lxc api all sharing hte same fdtable [13:58] <flexiondotorg> dholbach, Is there anything "special" I need to do? [13:58] <rbasak> Then anything that ups the file descriptor limit could also set that environment variable and bump it safely. [13:59] <hallyn_> i suppose that could give a clearer error msg (than having to look at objdmp output for libc), but otherwise it doesn't seem any better [13:59] <dholbach> flexiondotorg, no, I'm afraid I don't have time - sorry [13:59] <dholbach> can you maybe subscribe the release team?= [13:59] <cjwatson> I'm sure there are easier ways to improve select's error message ... [14:00] <dholbach> or ping somebody on the release team? [14:00] <flexiondotorg> dholbach, OK. Thanks. [14:00] <dholbach> thanks flexiondotorg! [14:01] <hallyn_> cjwatson: hah, yes, and maybe i'll send a patch for that after i "fix" lxc (i can put tha tin quotes too :) [14:02] <hallyn_> all right, thanks all. at least know where stand. [14:35] <smoser> is there a tool to rename network devices ? [14:36] <smoser> i'm aware of how to configure udev to do it for me [14:36] <smoser> but if i want to manually do it [14:36] <smoser> ie: net-rename eth1 eth2 [14:37] <cyphermox> smoser: possibly ip link set dev $oldname name $newname [14:38] <cyphermox> can't really try it out to see how well it does right now :) [14:38] <smoser> right. yeah, i just saw that. thanks. [14:38] <smoser> trying that. [15:09] <pitti> rbasak, hallyn_: FTR, if I boot with init=/sbin/upstart I still get ulimit -n == 65536 [15:10] <rbasak> Interesting. I wonder what set it before? [15:10] <pitti> where does that default come from? kernel? libc? [15:19] <pitti> Riddell: is bug 1362599 still RC? it sounded like you added a workaroud some months ago [15:19] <pitti> or bug 1431332? [15:31] <Riddell> pitti: worse, now if you click "Try Kubuntu" it just goes to a blank screen and I've no idea why :( [15:38] <pitti> Riddell: that was my fault, ubiquity .24 fixes that [15:39] <Riddell> pitti: oh really? [15:39] <pitti> Riddell: if you pick live or istall in the gfxboot menu it should owrk [15:39] <pitti> and FTR, typing is hard [15:40] <Riddell> ok I'll rebuild the cd images and see what's still broken [15:42] <pitti> Riddell: we got a new casper, you might watn to wait for that [15:54] <infinity> Riddell: I'll do your images for you. [15:55] <Riddell> infinity: ok, I clicked rebuild but feel free to stop if you think it needs to wait [15:55] <infinity> Riddell: I can't stop it, but I can re-do it. [16:45] <gQuigs> Is there a recent discussion on making btrfs the default file system? I'm curious if Ubuntu has plans to switch for 15.10/16.04 [16:45] <strikov> pitti: rbasak: hallyn_ : this fileno limit (to my understanding) comes from kernel because /proc/1/limits contains this 65536 value; pam_limits comes into play later and basically uses /proc/1/limits as defaults; I have no idea why kernel sets 65536 though because it has 1024/4096 in the source code; Looks like a bug [16:48] <gQuigs> so far I've only found it last discussed for 12.10 - [16:52] <dobey> gQuigs: afaik, there are no plans to deviate from ext as the default [17:07] <hallyn_> apw: ^ did we consciously up the fd ulimit? [17:08] <rbasak> hallyn_, infinity: who's taking charge of this question? We probably should resolve it before release. [17:09] <rbasak> Dropping the limit down in an SRU will not be pleasant. [17:09] <rbasak> Failing that, we could configure systemd to set it to 1024 before release. [17:09] <rbasak> Then at least we can raise it in an SRU later if safe. [17:11] <hallyn_> rbasak: i'm somehwat in favor of leaving it as is [17:11] <rbasak> hallyn_: I'm concerned that this could introduce issues in things like server daemons that use select(). [17:12] <rbasak> Perhaps security issues, given Kees' email. [17:12] <rbasak> As we're not sure that everything is rebuilt with the new fortification. [17:12] <hallyn_> rbasak: glibc checks for the fd > 1024 and stops the program [17:13] <rbasak> hallyn_: not unless stuff is rebuilt though, right? I haven't looked at the patch but have been assuming that. [17:14] <hallyn_> no that went into glibc in like 2011 didn't it? [17:14] <hallyn_> see the libc buglink at the bottom of kees link you pasted earlier today [17:20] <rbasak> Even then, is everything correctly being built with the correct fortification setting? [17:21] <rbasak> I'm concerned because this change is one that we deliberately did not make in the past, and now it's happening "by accident". [17:24] <strikov> rbasak, hallyn_: i just looked at my vivid machine with trusty kernel and it still has 65536; so it's somehow vivid related [17:28] <hallyn_> rbasak: see misc/bits/select2.h in the glibc source [17:28] <hallyn_> I don't think userspace can opt out of those checks [17:33] <rbasak> #if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __GNUC__ [17:33] <rbasak> # include <bits/select2.h> [17:33] <rbasak> #endif [17:33] <rbasak> hallyn_: ^^ [17:34] <hallyn_> rbasak: yes, but that's at build time, and i'm telling you it is getting checked :)  I don't think userspace can opt out of those checks [17:35] <rbasak> #undef __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL and you can, no? [17:36] <pitti> rbasak, hallyn_: sorry, seems I botched my init=/sbin/upstart test, my VM didn't have upstart installed; it's indeed 1024 under upstart [17:36] <rbasak> dpkg-buildflags says CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 but a build that fails to use that wouldn't do it. [17:37] <pitti> hm, grepping systemd for "ulimit" yields nothing except a manpage; where else does that get set? [17:37] <pitti> and neither does upstart [17:38] <pitti> ah, setrlimit() [17:38] <strikov> pitti: [17:38] <strikov> pitti: looks suspicious because it bumps to 65536 exactly [17:38] <strikov> pitti: it looks like it doesn't revert it back [17:39] <pitti> * PID 1 will now increase its RLIMIT_NOFILE to 64K by default [17:39] <pitti> (but not for its children which will stay at the kernel [17:39] <pitti> default). This should allow setups with a lot more listening [17:39] <pitti> sockets. [17:39] <pitti> so apparently that "but not.." doesn't work [17:40] <strikov> pitti: i don't understand this code then: [17:40] <strikov> pitti: pam relies on /proc/1/limits [17:41] <pitti> strikov: oh, so it copies pid1's limits -- pid1 has intentionally 64K [17:42] <rbasak> pitti: as a workaround we could set DefaultLimitNOFILE in /etc/systemd/system.conf, although conffile prompt. [17:42] <pitti> indeed, e. g. crond has 1024 [17:42] <strikov> pitti: yeah, it gets defaults from /proc/1 and then overwrites it with /etc/security/limits.conf; at least that's my understanding [17:42] <pitti> so its children do have 1024, but pam sets it to pid1's instaed of the default for sessions? [17:42] <rbasak> Ah [17:42] <rbasak> Good job figuring that one out! [17:42] <pitti> so we need to set it in /etc/security/limits.conf? [17:43] <pitti> (sorry for delay, juggling more installer/plymouth bugs here than I'd ever wanted to look at) [17:44] <rbasak> /usr/sbin/lightdm and /usr/bin/X are 1024 on my system. [17:44] <rbasak> And lightdm --session-child is 65536. [17:44] <rbasak> So that would be consistent with PAM. [17:44] <pitti> I'd rather drop a file into /etc/security/limits.d/ instad of changing the conffile [17:45] <pitti> right [17:45] <rbasak> /etc/security/limits.d/ sounds like it would work and be reasonable to me. [17:45] <pitti> so we either drop a conffile snippet there, or we change PAM to not read it from pid 1 but from itself? [17:46] <rbasak> If from itself, what about an su-type case? [17:46] <rbasak> I have some very limited user but su to root. Should I expect my limit to go up? [17:47] <pitti> my gut feeling is that compiled-in default >> conffile, but at this point of the release cycle we might need to make compromises indeed [17:47] <infinity> I think the right fix is to switch PAM from using the PID1 defaults to using the defaults of its own process. [17:47] <rbasak> Maybe change PAM to read from pid 1, but cap at 1024? [17:47] <pitti> rbasak: good point [17:47] <strikov> yeah, i don't like removing all defaults, just nofiles=1024 is much better [17:48] <pitti> rbasak: trying that here [17:48] <rbasak> Even cleaner, cap to FD_SETSIZE. [17:48] * sbeattie hrms, pondering su with an fd limit of 1... [17:49] <pitti> yes, it does get inherited :/ [17:49] <rbasak> What did you try exactly? Limited nofile on user gets inherited on su to root? [17:49] <pitti> ulimit -n 50 [17:50] <pitti> su - joe [17:50] <pitti> but in fact that's happening on current vivid [17:50] <pitti> i. e. su/pam already inherit from the parent [17:50] <pitti> it's just getting the 64K from the initial lightdm session or so? [17:53] <hallyn_> rbasak: when I say "userspace can't opt out" I mean for instance liblxc. obviously you can rebuild and opt out. [17:53] <rbasak> pitti: su to root doesn't reset it. But after I've su'd to root, "login -f root" does. [17:54] <kees> I was pretty sure pam uses init's values for the defaults, not the parent. that was the whole reason /proc/$pid/limits was added, IIRC [17:54] <rbasak> /etc/pam.d/login uses /etc/pam.d/su does not. [17:55] <rbasak> What does lightdm use? /etc/pam.d/login as well? [17:55] <pitti> yes, should all be pam [17:55] <pitti> we just checked getty [17:55] <rbasak> So I think reset me back to 65536. [17:55] <pitti> getty itself has 1024 as it sohld [17:55] <pitti> once you login, the "login" process gets 64K [17:55] <rbasak> So I think the fix should be to cap it to FD_SETSIZE in when reading limits from pid 1. [17:56] <infinity> That would work too, sure. [17:56] <pitti> rbasak: WFM; this is easier to change in an SRU than conffiles [17:56] <infinity> Someone whip up a patch and pass it by slangasek, please. [17:56] <infinity> Anything but changing conffiles to work around it. [18:17] <rbasak> The pam package is version 1, uses dh --with-quilt, sets export QUILT_PATCH_DIR = debian/patches-applied in debian/rules and if I try to use quilt patches apply with fuzz. WTF? [18:17] <rbasak> Well, one patch applies with fuzz. [18:19] <mdeslaur> rbasak: yeah, fuzz only fails with src format 3.0 [18:19] <mdeslaur> it used to be ok, unfortunately [18:21] <rbasak> Oh, OK. Thanks. [18:22] <Unit193> Howdy. Two things, 1: Is going to be fixed for trusty? Would be very useful. 2. Pretty sure no name for 15.10 yet, so no point in poking. :P [19:05] <rbasak> hallyn_, pitti, infinity: previously the hard limit was 4096, and only the soft limit was FD_SETSIZE at 1024. If I cap just the soft limit now, the hard limit will have increased to 65536. I presume this is OK? [19:05] <rbasak> kees: ^^ [19:06] <hallyn_> rbasak: i think that's ok, [19:06] <hallyn_> that way lxd can bump its soft limit higher if it wants to. [19:06] <hallyn_> (which it probably will) [19:07] <hallyn_> while unsuspecting sw is still protected [19:08] <rbasak> Yeah that was my logic. I presume that was the previous logic in having a hard limit of 4096 before. [19:54] <rbasak> slangasek: could you review please? I'm also not sure how to go about upstreaming this as pam_limits seems to be heavily patched already. [19:54] <rbasak> infinity, pitti, hallyn_: ^^ [19:55] <rbasak> infinity: do you want an upload or a 0-day SRU? [19:56] <slangasek> those are the same thing ;) [19:56] <slangasek> rbasak: it'll be late afternoon before I can review it fwiw [19:56] <rbasak> OK, thanks. [22:21] <boax> hello [22:21] <boax> i found a critical bug in 15.04! [22:22] <boax> it makes the complete system unusable for many cases!! [22:23] <boax> can a dev here help me to get able to debug that? The bug was there in 15.04 beta2 and is still there in 15.04 daily build from 21.04.2015! [22:24] <boax> the whole X-Server is crashing [22:25] <boax> in Xorg i get the message "Cought signal 11" and the server goes down! [22:25] <tarpman> boax: [22:26] <boax> tarpman: yes, i have already reported a bug the one or other time. But i cant find out what could be the problem that causes this bug [22:26] <boax> tarpman: are you a dev? [22:27] <tarpman> boax: reporting a bug is still the best place to start; apport (ubuntu-bug) will include information that could contain clues, and the bug report is a better place to discuss it [22:27] <tarpman> boax: no, just a user [22:27] <boax> there are just two days till release. thats critical. i dont think that the normal way would help fix that till release [22:42] <boax> [22:43] <boax> an xorg dev say: <alanc> looks like it crashed in call from to [22:48] <tarpman> boax: bug 1280527 and bug 1443456 look similar [22:49] <boax> here someone with the same error: [23:15] <boax> what gnome version would be into ubuntu 15.04? [23:15] <Unit193> !info gnome3 vivid [23:16] <Unit193> !info gnome-shell vivid [23:16] <Unit193> boax: 3.14 [23:17] <boax> Unit193: people report that after updating gnome from 3.14 to recent version the reported bug is gone [23:19] <boax> [23:21] <boax> could you please bump the gnome version? the one inside 15.04 is causing such xorg crashes [23:49] <boax> tarpman: you was right with bug number 1443456. RAOF have checked the crash log and told that i have exactly this error
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mirv", "RAOF", "Riddell", "Unit193", "addiks", "boax", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "dholbach", "didrocks", "dobey", "doko_", "flexiondotorg", "gQuigs", "hallyn_", "infinity", "jamespage", "kees", "larsu", "mdeslaur", "mterry", "mvo", "pitti", "rbasak", "rharper", "sbeattie", "seb128", "shadeslayer", "slangasek", "smoser", "strikov", "tarpman", "tkamppeter" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[17:32] <IdleOne> rejerson69: What can we do for you? [19:18] <bazhang> Tm_T, still opped in #ubuntu
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IdleOne", "bazhang" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[09:21] <awafaa> what's the recommended way of running both 32bit & 64bit on ubuntu? is it, using 64bit host with a 32bit vm? [12:15] <infinity> awafaa: arm64 host with armhf binaries, chroots, or VMs. [12:17] <awafaa> infinity: ta, I'm glad you're not thinking of something weird :) [12:17] <infinity> awafaa: How does it get weirder? Staple a Nokia N900 to the side of your arm64 server and redirect the console over USB? [13:00] <TheBix> hello? [13:03] <k1l_> hello! [13:22] <TheBix> i was going to ask if any internal registers are memory mapped in the ARMv7-A [20:57] <d3sk1ng> raspberry pi 2...ubuntu, raspbian or other? [21:03] <d3sk1ng> is there anyone?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TheBix", "awafaa", "d3sk1ng", "infinity", "k1l_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[05:01] <Unit193> canthus13: Welcome back. [05:01] <canthus13> Unit193: Heh. [05:02] <Unit193> Not seen you alive in a while. Saw someone using your ISP hit my stream. :P [15:33] <thafreak> canthus13: so you still like that galago? [16:39] * Unit193 scratches head. [17:36] <thafreak> ls -l [17:37] <Unit193> -rw-rw-r-- 1 unit193 unit193 1376 Jun 4 2014 Basshunter.m3u [18:53] * thafreak rm -rivd /home/unit193 [18:53] <Unit193> :( [18:54] <thafreak> it's interactive...i would select no [18:54] <Unit193> \o/ Though, I like -I better. [22:47] <canthus13> thafreak: Yeah. I like it. The touchpad is a bit iffy, and I'm still getting used to the chiclet keyboard, but everything else is great. [22:48] <canthus13> Borderlands 2 runs beautifully at mostly high settings.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "canthus13", "thafreak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh" }
[23:31] <toi> SALUT !
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "toi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[06:57] <CcxCZ> is bzr-externals still the thing to manage related branches? or is there something nicer I'm not aware of? [23:17] <MarkyC> Hey, I'm a gitter. I'd like to contribute to lp:scratch. I've done bzr branch lp:scratch and made some changes (haven't committed them yet) [23:18] <MarkyC> I'd like to move my changes to a branch bugfix-1080904 and push them to my launchpad repo so I can make a merge request. Can someone assist me with this? [23:19] <fullermd> What you call the branch on LP and what you call it locally don't have any necessary relation. So the simplest thing is just commit and push. [23:20] <MarkyC> I feel like if I push it may think I'm trying to push into "master" (or the bzr equivalent) [23:21] <fullermd> Well, remember, in bzr the thing you're push'ing around (and branch'ing initially) isn't a "repo" with branches in it, it's a single branch. [23:21] <fullermd> It doesn't have any "name", apart from the URL or path or whatever access schemata. [23:22] <MarkyC> forgive me; before today, I've only heard of bzr, but never actually worked with it [23:22] <fullermd> Hey, if it weren't for people in that situation, I'd have nothing to do here ;) [23:23] <fullermd> If you were doing long-term ongoing stuff, there are alternate workspace/etc setups you'd want to investigate. [23:23] <MarkyC> I see on this page ( ) the other committers all have branches beginning with their names then scratch (the project I'm committing to), then their "feature branch name", so if I just add, commit, and push, I'll have something similar? [23:24] <fullermd> But for a oneoff, "bzr branch lp:whatever ; <hack> ; bzr push lp:~/whatever/bugfix-12345" or the like works fine. [23:24] <fullermd> Yeah, the LP scheme is something like <user>/<project>/<branch>; it uses that internally to tie stuff together. [23:24] <fullermd> (technically a LP thing, not a bzr thing) [23:25] <fullermd> I _think_ LP properly expands bare "~" to "~you"; if not you might have to spell out your username there. [23:26] <MarkyC> fullermd: I see, thank you. One more question though: does bzr commit (without the -m flag) open up a vim editor for me to write my commit message in? [23:26] <fullermd> Should pop up $EDITOR like most other programs, yeah. [23:26] <fullermd> Or $VISUAL, etc.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CcxCZ", "MarkyC", "fullermd" ], "url": "", "channel": "#bzr" }
[02:54] <qwebirc35194> !help [02:54] <Zinn> !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [09:41] <qwebirc96010> Anyone online can help out mythbuntu just random decided to crash and i need some help :) [10:03] <qwebirc96010> I will be back on later have to sleep now :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Zinn", "qwebirc35194", "qwebirc96010" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv" }
[14:22] <saoungoumi> . [14:22] <IzaneFG> saoungoumi: [14:26] <saoungoumi> dont pass [14:28] <IzaneFG> une seconde je check
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IzaneFG", "saoungoumi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cm" }
[00:05] <sergio_br22> ergh, something happened to trusty and utopic, weird [00:08] <sergio_br22> built the package, but failed to upload [00:09] <sarnold> INFO File m64py_0.2.2+r161~5~ubuntu15.04.1.tar.xz already exists in Random Stuff, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in [00:09] <sarnold> launchpad is picky about that [00:12] <sergio_br22> weird, it was the first package, I just pushed a new commit [00:12] <sergio_br22> ergh, again [00:13] <sergio_br22> ok, now it was the second time [00:15] <sergio_br22> If I delete, I can publish later, right? [00:22] <sergio_br22> [00:23] <sergio_br22> it does not make sense, it was the commit 4 from nest packaging, then I pushed 5, and tried again. Why it's complaining about "files are already published" ? [00:24] <sergio_br22> "m64py_0.2.2-0_all.deb" [00:25] <sergio_br22> ergh, why launchpad didn't put it as "m64py_0.2.2+r161~5~ubuntu14.04.1_all.deb" ? [00:26] <sergio_br22> it ignored my recipe: {debupstream}+r{revno}~{revno:packaging} [00:39] <sergio_br22> ah, it's the override_dh_gencontrol: [09:52] <Adri2000> hi [09:52] <Adri2000> does email service for ubuntu members implement SRS ? [09:55] <wgrant> Adri2000: That's not a Launchpad service, but no, it does not. [09:55] <wgrant> #canonical-sysadmin is the correct channel. [12:15] <mpt> Huh, TIL there is another Launchpad installation. [12:19] <wgrant> Yup, that's been around since 2010 or so. [12:50] <jpds> wgrant: I like their "Careers" link. [14:03] <Saviq> wgrant, hey, are there plans to have keyboard shortcuts to jump between inline comments (akin to j/k, n/p)? [14:03] <Saviq> in Merge Proposals, I should've added [14:05] <cjwatson> I'm inclined to suggest that n/p should stop at inline comments as well as diff hunk boundaries. [14:05] <cjwatson> Though I thought I heard wgrant bringing something like that up in review as well so maybe there was a reason not to do that ... [14:15] <wgrant> Saviq, cjwatson: The current vague plan is that we'll introduce comments as a third granularity. [14:15] <wgrant> There may be a hundred hunks but only two comments, so navigating them together isn't good enough. [14:15] <Saviq> +1 [14:15] <cjwatson> I guess if my MP has 100 hunks with comments on three of them then I want to be able to skip through those independently ... yes, that. [14:16] <Saviq> great /me can't wait [14:16] <wgrant> It's not completely trivial to have a single cursor between those, but it'll get done.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Adri2000", "Saviq", "cjwatson", "jpds", "mpt", "sarnold", "sergio_br22", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[03:31] <noaXess> good morning... [03:32] <noaXess> if i'm on y website where any file can be uploaded, normaly only images, in chrome i see a "unknown" file type:, with firefox on kubuntu it's fine.. any hint? [03:32] <noaXess> the upload does accept only image/* mime type.. [07:14] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:49] <bogdan> guys i have a little problem with my sound can anybodypls help me? [07:50] <bogdan> my lenovo g50-70 laptop has a dolby sound system and on windows with properly driver it is very loud and a perfect sound. but with kubuntu the volume level is very low [07:51] <lordievader> bogdan: Are the soundlevels maxed out? [07:51] <bogdan> lordievader, yes [07:51] <lordievader> bogdan: Hmm, in alsamixer too? [07:52] <bogdan> kubuntu has alsamixer pre-installed or i need to install it? [07:52] <lordievader> Thought it was pre-installed. [07:52] <bogdan> i guess is not. [07:53] <hateball> bogdan: it is a cli tool [07:53] <bogdan> hateball, can you pls be more specific? im new in linux and i just installed kubuntu last night [07:53] <hateball> bogdan: if you're using the GUI (kmixer) icon in the tray, you can rightclick it and pick "main channel" or maybe "primary channel" [07:53] <hateball> I dont run on English so [07:54] <hateball> to make sure you are actually adjusting volume for the right thing [07:54] <hateball> bogdan: by CLI tool I mean a tool that runs in a terminal [07:54] <hateball> !terminal [07:55] <hateball> I've had some machines where kmix would by default try and adjust volume for the wrong output [07:57] <bogdan> i guess is all ok [07:57] <bogdan> but still low sound level [07:58] <hateball> bogdan: what audio chipset do you have? [07:59] <hateball> bogdan: If you open Konsole and paste into it "lspci|grep Audio" what does that return? [08:00] <bogdan> do i need to use sudo? [08:00] <hateball> nope [08:00] <bogdan> 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b) [08:00] <bogdan> 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04) [08:02] <hateball> bogdan: You could try overriding the volume by installing and using pavucontrol [08:03] <hateball> bogdan: "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol && pavucontrol &" [08:03] <hateball> Just... be careful it doesnt blow your speakers [08:03] <bogdan> bogdan@bogdan-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ sudo apt-get install pavucontrol && pavucontrol &[1] 5021 [08:04] <hateball> bogdan: It should open a GUI for you to edit volume in [08:04] <bogdan> pulse audio is not install i think i need to install it first [08:05] <hateball> If it's a default install it should already by [08:05] <hateball> be* [08:07] <bogdan> well that means is not default [08:07] <lordievader> bogdan: Did you remove it? [08:07] <bogdan> do i didn't [08:07] <bogdan> i think it just didnt pre-installed it [08:08] <lordievader> bogdan: If you didn't remove it, then it is installed. In your terminal is there a command 'pulseaudio'? [08:09] <bogdan> bogdan@bogdan-Lenovo-G50-70:~$ pulseaudio [08:09] <bogdan> E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. [08:09] <bogdan> E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed. [08:09] <lordievader> bogdan: Pulseaudio is installed, and running ;) [08:10] <lordievader> bogdan: So do as hateball says, install pavucontrol ;) [08:14] <bogdan> lordievader, i just did. all ok. everything is maxed [08:20] <hateball> bogdan: it has an option to allow overriding max volume [08:22] <bogdan> yes to 150% i think but i think 100% is better i dont want to broke it [09:11] <anoop> Upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 But have a slight problem with decorations [09:12] <anoop> Qt 4 applications are getting rendered in old Oxygen theme [09:12] <anoop> When checked Qt4 Settings, "Breeze" is not listed in "Select GUI Style" combo [09:30] <kaza123> hi [09:32] <kaza123> ./configure --with-mysql [09:32] <kaza123> configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-mysql [10:22] <bogdan__> guys i have a little problem. i did sudo apt-get update and it started. but i see there many lines ignored i dunno why [10:25] <bogdan__> anybody? [10:33] <yossarianuk> hi - will there be a PPA for Plasma 5.3 when 15.04 is out ? [10:33] <yossarianuk> the powersaving features sound good for laptops... - i.e [10:36] <lordievader> 15.04 had 5.3 I thought. [10:36] <lordievader> Don't think that Plasma5 will be backported to <15.04 [10:37] <Riddell> lordievader: Kubuntu 15.04 has Plasma 5.2, I'm currently packagnig 5.3 beta for backports [10:37] <lordievader> I stand corrected. [10:39] <yossarianuk> lordievader: Riddell: thanks [10:39] <hateball> bogdan__: that's nothing to worry about [10:39] <bogdan__> hateball, are you sure? [10:39] <yossarianuk> Really liking 5.2.x also - been using it for a few weeks @ home + work - no major issues for me. [10:40] <BluesKaj> HI folks [11:18] <yossarianuk> what remote desktop software works with Plasma 5.x ? [11:19] <yossarianuk> I normally use X2go (its great) but that doesn't work with Plasma 5.x (or gnome 3.x) [11:19] <yossarianuk> what are others using ? [11:19] <yossarianuk> (and not VNC as that is by far the absolute worse way of doing remote desktoping..) [11:19] * lordievader doesn't remember if he tested xrdp with Plasma5. [11:20] <yossarianuk> its xrdp windows based@? [11:20] <yossarianuk> *isn't xrdp windows based* [11:21] <yossarianuk> i'm connecting from Linux desktop. [11:22] <yossarianuk> (there is an x2go update soon for plasma5.x BTW - its really is good - the speed is like being local (minus desktop effects) [11:25] <lordievader> It's rdp yes. [11:25] <lordievader> Linux can do rdp just fine. [11:58] <bogdan__> guys can i install steam on kubuntu? [11:59] <BluesKaj> bogdan__, yes [12:00] <bogdan__> BluesKaj, can you plz tell me how? [12:00] <soee> download installer from steam site [12:01] <soee> and run it, it will download and install all required files [12:01] <soee> [12:02] <BluesKaj> steam is also in the repos/muon [12:04] <BluesKaj> 32 bit only I beleive [12:05] <BluesKaj> err believe [12:05] <bogdan__> well i have 64 tho [12:07] <BluesKaj> it will still run fine [12:07] <bogdan__> i installed steam and now it tells me press return to continue [12:07] <bogdan__> which is return? [12:07] <BluesKaj> enter [12:29] <lordievader> bogdan__: 64bit is multilib ;) [12:35] <bogdan__> lordievader, i am not sure i understand [12:35] <lordievader> bogdan__: You have both the 32bit and the 64bit version of most, if not all, libraries. Thus you can run 32bit application without problems. [12:53] <Hairo> can i update to the 15.04 release from the beta2? [12:55] <Hairo> or it's better to clean install 15.04? [12:56] <lordievader> Hairo: You can ;) [12:56] <BluesKaj> Hairo, upgrading is fine [12:56] <Pici> !final [12:57] <Hairo> oh nice, thanks [12:58] <lordievader> Ah, a factoid, handy :) [13:01] <Hairo> plasma5 is pretty cool [13:01] <lordievader> \o/ [13:32] <anoop> kde-style-breeze-qt4 package is broken in my system. Any idea why? [13:33] <anoop> The package is installed but Qt4 appliactions are getting rendered in Oxygen Theme [14:01] <jubo2> New question [14:01] <jubo2> *newb [14:01] <lordievader> Questions are questions ;) [14:02] <jubo2> running ./ ( Android Studio ) on Kubuntu14 gives error message [14:02] <jubo2> 'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath. [14:02] <jubo2> Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE. [14:03] <jubo2> I never learn these environment settings because there are so many competing styles [14:03] <jubo2> or that's what I keep on telling me [14:04] <jubo2> I have the 1.8 Java JDK installed I just need to know hot to tell the system that JAVA_HOME = ~/Java/jdk1.8.0_45 [14:05] <lordievader> Blegh Java. [14:05] <jubo2> lordievader: Android app devel course coming up [14:05] <lordievader> Doesn't make Java any better ;) [14:06] <jubo2> I thought there would be graphical way to build apps [14:07] <jubo2> then again it will not do bad to remind my brain cells of their awareness of using programming langs me I got 3/3 in course Java programming in 2000 or 2001 [14:08] <jubo2> lordievader: yeah, yeah, I hears the field that Java is rubbish and python is kewl and haskell and ruby is nice on programmer, not nice on electricity and time [14:10] <jubo2> We gonna use Eclipse on the course [14:10] <jubo2> that's.. good for us? [14:10] <lordievader> Eclipse is kind of the defacto standard when it comes to Java. [14:11] <jubo2> I want to work in language interpreting and translation but also do some billing of clients [14:12] <jubo2> Last week I subscribed to a billing cooperative subscription. No cost of joining 4% of VAT zero billing + some costs from paying you salary and all the legally required payments [14:14] <jubo2> I'm just really rubbish at programming yet I have lot of nouns about that field [14:14] <jubo2> also lot of nouns in business administration study areas [14:15] <jubo2> Salut Kaj de Blues [14:16] <jubo2> lordievader: I gather the main Android simulator is in the Android Studio.. I mean no point in making many crappy implementations [14:16] <jubo2> I installed some plugin thing for Eclipse that does some integration with the Android Studio [14:16] <lordievader> jubo2: I must mention I know nothing of Android development. [14:16] <jubo2> lordievader: how does one set environment variables? [14:18] <lordievader> For the next command: SOME_VARIABLE=<something> <command>; for the (terminal) session: export SOME_VARIABLE=<something>; command [14:18] <jubo2> JAVA_HOME needs to be set to '/home/username/Java/jdk1.8.0_45' [14:20] <aterne> Is there a complete list somewhere of special things the main uid=1000 account the Kubuntu 15.04 installer creates has? Group membership's an obvious one, etc. [14:21] <jubo2> lordievader: I need to put $ there right? [14:21] <aterne> I have a situation where a clean install of 15.04 beta 2 (+current updates) can load KDE 5's plasma shell fine in the account it creates, but no other (e.g., an adduser(1) account with uid=1001) [14:21] <lordievader> jubo2: No, not for assigning variables. [14:21] <aterne> also, not root account, though I guess some GUI software checks for that specifically [14:23] <aterne> So far, I've both rsync -a'd the default-created account's dir+chowned it to uid=1001 user with no improvement. Also verified that if I completely delete (all files/dirs, including .* files/dirs) from uid=1000 and uid=1001 account home directories in /home, the uid=1000 account loads KDE 5 fine and the uid=1001 account does not [14:24] <jubo2> 'export JAVA_HOME=/home/juboxi/Java/jdk1.8.0_45' was the correct command [14:24] <jubo2> with spaces around the equals sign it didn't work [14:24] <lordievader> jubo2: No, it's bash ;) [14:25] <jubo2> Now the emulator says it would like KVM so it runs faster [14:25] <aterne> adding the uid=1001 account to every group the uid=1000 account was in (just via vim's search/replace in /etc/group etc) doesn't seem to help, thus asking about what else changes [14:27] <jubo2> so apparently the 125kB download sized dpkg for Android Studio was valid [14:27] <jubo2> this studio 1st asked me a few questions and now it is downloading the latest studio [14:27] <jubo2> Soon I make cardboard sign "Not homeless but will develop Android apps for money." [14:28] <jubo2> should all go well [14:29] <jubo2> get a hat as well [14:31] <lordievader> aterne: What are you trying to do? [14:33] <aterne> lordievader: fix KDE 5. But, I've learned that IRC is often not really great for messy things. So I'm trying to get the clean simple stuff instead that can guide a messier debug process. But if you have ideas about why the uid=1000 default kubuntu installer-created user can load the KDE shell but no other users I've created (including root user) can, regardless of home directory contents [14:33] <aterne> (matching/empty/etc), I'd be happy to go that route too [14:34] <lordievader> How do you create those other users? [14:34] <aterne> so basically, what I'm looking for is, what is the list of differences between default-created-user and any-other-user so I can fiddle them back and forth until I can replicate the issue and narrow it down [14:34] <aterne> adduser [14:34] <aterne> see above, I've copied group membership back and forth too [14:35] <lordievader> Allright and then logging in fails? [14:35] <aterne> Yes. Just kind of hangs. Switch to e.g. terminal session with ctrl-alt-f1 and login (which works fine) and watch htop and nothing obvious happening [14:36] <lordievader> aterne: What do you get when you run startx from the new user? [14:36] <aterne> (hang, to be precise: mouse moves, system works, etc, but the GUI virtual terminal gets stuck in KDE 5's aborted attempt to begin a session) [14:36] <aterne> (it's not systemwide or anything) [14:38] <aterne> ah, good question, hadn't tried that. And I'm not at that computer right now, so I can't. Separately, I tried setting up this in a vbox VM, but that seems to hang on install for some other reason. Not debugging that since I don't care except secondarily. [14:38] <aterne> But I will try it next time I'm there [14:38] <aterne> (maybe qemu will work...) [14:39] <BluesKaj> qemu-kvm works well [14:41] <aterne> will definitely to get things running. still, and I get that one of the basic troubleshooting things/frustrations from the other side is 'look, just tell us/me/etc your end goal, not the misguided subgoal you have now', but, well, an alternative main goal is to be able to debug any of this. [14:41] <aterne> vs being kind of this black box that just fails, with no obvious logging I can find (yeah, I've looked through every file in the uid=1000 and uid=1001 users after clear them and trying login) [14:42] <aterne> but absent that, well. I need a methodogy to poke at things systematically [14:42] <aterne> *methodology [14:42] <lordievader> aterne: Logs files ;) [14:42] <lordievader> Logs files are allways the first step. [14:43] <aterne> Sure, and I looked for them. Does KDE log by default? [14:43] <lordievader> Err sometimes errors go to ~/.xsession-errors. [14:43] <aterne> or is there some .profile or .bashrc or something environmental variable one needs to set per user, or is there a 'all KDE sessions everywhere on this machine log verbosely' variable? etc [14:44] <aterne> Not in this case [14:44] <lordievader> Wouldn't be surprised if you can let KDE log to the syslogger. [14:44] <aterne> I checked for .xsession-errors. Conveniently, I had previously cleared every single file in those dirs [14:44] <aterne> all .files and .dirs too, so easy to spot anything there at all [14:45] <aterne> okay, so that's three approaches thus far, trying to enable logging, seeing what startx does (which might keep console output more visible, too), and getting qemu-kvm running [14:47] <lordievader> Apart from kvm I'd say it is still one approach. [14:47] <lordievader> logging -> running things manually -> strace. Something like that. [14:47] <aterne> Ah, and strace is easier through startx too, can trace process tree [14:53] <aterne> BluesKaj: says KVM is part of plain upstream qemu now? [14:54] <aterne> even though there is the qemu-kvm package, which I installed... [14:55] <lordievader> KVM is the hypervisor, Qemu is the emulator. [14:57] <aterne> Ah, well qemu is running the installer CD ISO apparently fine, but pretty slowly. Not sure if it's taking advantage of kvm [14:57] <aterne> is qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom kubuntu-15.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso -hda kubuntu.qcow -boot d -net nic -net user -m 3000 after installing the qemu-kvm package a reasonable way to invoke it? [14:58] <lordievader> ^ is the reason I use virsh ;) [14:59] <aterne> Heh [14:59] <stack3457> can anyone tell me the right package name for flash player in kubuntu 14.04 as sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin doesnt work out [15:00] <darthanubis> install kubuntu-restricted [15:00] <darthanubis> stack3457: which browser are you using/ [15:00] <darthanubis> ? [15:01] <stack3457> chromium [15:01] <darthanubis> thats why [15:01] <aterne> Doesn't support NPAPI [15:01] <darthanubis> chromium does not use flash [15:01] <stack3457> then? :/ [15:01] <darthanubis> install perpperflash [15:01] <darthanubis> pepperflash [15:01] <darthanubis> !pepperflash [15:02] <darthanubis> !chromium [15:02] <darthanubis> !flash [15:02] <stack3457> thanks ! :) [15:02] <darthanubis> np [15:03] <darthanubis> !pepperflashplugin-nonfree [15:03] <darthanubis> pepperflashplugin-nonfree [15:03] <darthanubis> [15:03] <darthanubis> [15:04] <darthanubis> [15:04] <darthanubis> i love Google [15:05] <aterne> "The design of the Debian package for installing Pepper Flash Player is similar to flashplugin-nonfree. The difference is that flashplugin-nonfree downloads just the Adobe Flash Player, while for Pepper Flash Player the Debian package downloads Google Chrome, and then unpacks it to make the included Pepper Flash Player available for use with Chromium." is quite kludgy [15:05] <aterne> I mean, not Debian's fault, but... [15:05] <darthanubis> thankfully it does not work that way in Kubuntu [15:06] <bogdan__> can anybody tell me how do i uninstall steam? and wipe any folder or file in it? [15:06] <bogdan__> sudo apt-get purge steam is not working thou [15:06] <aterne> bogdan__: that won't remove the games Steam has downloaded in one's home directory, etc [15:06] <aterne> So it depends what exactly you want to by removing steam [15:07] <bogdan__> how can i wipe everything that belongs to steam? [15:07] <bogdan__> i want to remove all the steam files and folders and cs game [15:07] <aterne> It spreads around a bit. Look for a ~/.steam or ~/.Steam directory IIRC [15:07] <bogdan__> that i downloaded from steam [15:08] <bogdan__> bash: /home/bogdan/.steam: Is a directory [15:08] <aterne> It also adds some menu items, *.desktop files, etc. It's a sort of messy/involved process to track down everything, but the bulk of it's pretty easy [15:08] <aterne> yeah, so removing that. I'd check first to make sure that it's really Steam, and not something else important, though. [15:11] <aterne> darthanubis: how does it work in Kubuntu? [15:12] <darthanubis> pepperflash is not married to chrome [15:12] <darthanubis> as chrome is not in the repos [15:12] <aterne> Does the pepperflash maintainer do that step themselves, or? [15:12] <darthanubis> shouldn't be in debians either [15:12] <cup`ocoffee> bogdan__: the linux steam client and steamOS are still under development [15:12] <darthanubis> you might have menat chromium [15:12] <cup`ocoffee> it sometimes does not work well to remove it [15:13] <aterne> darthanubis: I was just copy/pasting from one of your links [15:13] <aterne> So that's what some editor of the Debian wiki wrote [15:14] <aterne> The other major artifact of steam is that Kubuntu seems reticent to remove the entire i386 set of packages that steam adds, so I usually go back and remove gcc-foo-base:i386 (e.g., gcc-4.9-base:i386) to get rid of them. Slightly risky though, if one also uses Skype, etc. I'm deliberately not providing easily copy/pastable commands here... [15:20] <stack3457> I am still getting adobe flash player is required in chromium , I did sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree [15:27] <farshid> hi , im now use kubuntu how understand my graphic install secuessfully? [15:27] <mewshi> Good morning! [15:29] <farshid> who can help me? [15:29] <mewshi> farshid, I'm afraid I don't quite understand your problem, could you try rewording for me? :) [15:30] <farshid> how undrestand my graphic install in kubuntu ? [15:31] <mewshi> farshid, I'm getting the sense english isn't your native tongue, would you mind asking in your primary language? :) [15:32] <farshid> first language is Persian :D [15:33] <farshid> sorry english not good :( [15:33] <mewshi> Go right ahead and ask in that, then :) [15:45] <farshid> im have problem with wireless and graphic who can help me? [15:46] <mewshi> farshid, you're having an issue with the wireless adapter and the graphics system? [15:48] <FarshiD_> im have problem with graphic and wireless in kubuntu who can help me? [15:49] <mewshi> FarshiD_, what's the issue you're having with the wireless? [15:50] <FarshiD_> disconnet and qus passowrd again [15:51] <mewshi> So it won't stay connected? [15:51] <FarshiD_> yes [15:51] <FarshiD_> sometimes qus again password! [15:52] <mewshi> Ok, do you happen to know what wireless card is in there? [15:53] <FarshiD_> low signal and auth password again [15:55] <mewshi> FarshiD_, could you run this in a command line for me without the quotes? "lspci | grep Network" [15:55] <mewshi> and tell me what it tells you? [15:56] <FarshiD_> 04:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [15:57] <FarshiD_> 04:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [15:57] <mewshi> Alright, thanks :) [15:58] <FarshiD_> so how can fix this problem? [16:02] <mewshi> FarshiD_, take a look at this link: [16:03] <FarshiD_> ok thanx;) [16:24] <aterne> ah, for the record, --enable-kvm is necessary to pass to (raw) qemu to get reasonable performance [16:24] <aterne> it apparently took a full hour+ to install kubuntu otherwise (I have an SSD) [16:26] <aterne> ... and I thought I had told qemu-img to make an 8G drive, not 5GB. hey at least I know how to run the installer quickly this time. [16:32] <aterne> oh. I did. cute, 3GB VM guest RAM + 8GB VM guest HDD image ==> 8-3=5GB VM guest root FS. [16:34] <lordievader> Swap? [16:34] <aterne> Yeah [16:34] <aterne> remaking it, with 20GB VM [16:34] <aterne> (image) [17:18] <hyperch> hi there, just testing kubuntu 15.04 daily in a vm and I noticed that I can't partition to a raid1 [17:18] <hyperch> actually, there's no raid option available at all in the installer [17:22] <genii> hyperch: The only *buntu install I'm aware of which can install to raid is the server version ( and there might still be a port which uses the alternate install image as well, like lubuntu ) [17:22] <hyperch> I tried now the "expert" mode in the kubuntu installer but there's still no raid option [17:22] <Unit193> !mini [17:22] <hyperch> Unit193: is that for 15.04? [17:22] <Unit193> hyperch: Of course there's one for 15.04. [17:23] <hyperch> I see only 14.10 listed there [17:28] <hyperch> ha, just copy the utopic link and replace it to vivid :) [17:31] <hyperch> Unit193: hmmm, installer won't allow to make raid1 with 1 device [17:40] <hyperch> Unit193: ok, I could circumvent that by saying there should be 2 devices in the raid1 but still only provide one... :) another question is, what's the difference between kubuntu full, kubuntu desktop and kubuntu active? [17:41] <Unit193> hyperch: Mmm, all I know is I believe the Debian installer (like on alternates and mini.iso) do raid better than Ubiquity. As to those? I have no clue. :P [17:46] <hyperch> Unit193: no worries, thx for the mini though [17:50] <Guest91466> moin [18:38] <wldcordeiro_> Is there a way to whitelist applications for KDE wallet? [18:39] <wldcordeiro_> I use Sublime Text for development and it's obnoxious to enter my password every time I push to repos. [19:04] <BluesKaj> wldcordeiro_, I just disable kwallet, perio, never use it since it's such pita for me. [19:04] <bprompt> I don't use it either [19:04] <BluesKaj> period [19:07] <EvilRoey> HI!! [19:07] <EvilRoey> is Vivid+1 going to have Linux kernel 3.1? [19:07] <EvilRoey> er [19:07] <EvilRoey> 4.1? [19:08] <BluesKaj> dunno , EvilRoey, I haven't checked [19:09] <Unit193> EvilRoey: Likely later versions, actually. [19:09] <Unit193> BluesKaj: That's not even started development yet, how do you plan to check? :P [19:10] <BluesKaj> Unit193, i guess I won't then ;-) [19:15] <EvilRoey> Unit193: ok, got it [19:15] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: I understand that it typically skips 2 or 3 kernel revisions between *ubuntu releases [19:15] <EvilRoey> Unit193: ^ [20:00] <engineer> i need a guide towards customizing my Kubuntu 14.04 desktop [20:01] <engineer> am totally new to the linux world [20:01] <engineer> can somebody help? [20:02] <bprompt> hmm [20:02] <bprompt> customizing is ambiguous soooo [20:02] * bprompt runs 12.04 [20:03] <engineer> especially when you are new to a different OS [20:03] <engineer> am running Kubuntu 14.04 [20:04] <engineer> but facing difficulties in desktop customization [20:04] <bprompt> being specific helps, as in what "customizing" means in this context [20:05] <engineer> please guide me as to what should i do first [20:05] <bprompt> clarify to yourself what is it you'd like to do, that should be first methinks, then you could concise it to us, so we can see what you mean [20:05] <engineer> i mean USING KWIN 3D [20:06] <engineer> seems not available for this Distro [20:06] <bprompt> kwin 3d? not sure I know what that is myself [20:07] <engineer> okay then is there any cool alternative? [20:13] <ever__> hola [20:13] <ever> ever [20:13] <ever> asd [20:13] <ever> as [20:15] <soee> ... [20:16] <hyper_ch> what's the difference between Kubuntu Desktop, Kubuntu Full and Kubuntu Active in the 15.04 installer? [20:16] <engineer> hola Ever [20:21] <bprompt> hyper_ch: beats me, first time I've seen that [20:22] <bprompt> hyper_ch: [20:23] <hyper_ch> bprompt: thx [20:23] <hyper_ch> but what's kubuntu active [20:25] <soee> hyper_ch: its for tablets etc [20:26] <hyper_ch> I see [20:26] <hyper_ch> thx [20:26] <soee> it probably uses [21:16] <Guest89608> has anyone here used Kubuntu as an ESXi guest with multiple monitors? I was using this before, and suddenly all of my monitors (but primary) are no longer recongnised in the system settings. [21:17] <DustinNK> Using V14.04 with lightdm [21:19] <DustinNK> My research has thus far come up with anything concrete. [21:27] <evrardo> remove yumi help [21:29] <evrardo> how can remove yumi [21:51] <genii> !info yumi [21:51] <genii> Hm [21:52] <genii> !search yum [21:53] <genii> Bah [21:55] <Unit193> Humbug. [22:39] <typhoon_2099> Hi, I'm having trouble sharing network connections. I've connected to my network via Wifi and want to share it to another box via my ethernet port. I've set up the ethernet as a shared connection but when I click on connect then nothing happens. [22:43] <typhoon_2099> In Windows this is a case of highlighting 2 connections, right clicking and selecting "Bridge Connections". Shouldn't it be this easy in Kubuntu? [22:57] <Finetundra> hello folks, is it safe to use PPA's originally meant for another *buntu distro? [22:59] <valorie> that depends on the PPA [22:59] <Unit193> Finetundra: Another flavor perhaps? [23:00] <valorie> if say, is says xubuntu-ppa/something [23:00] <valorie> it is probably fine [23:00] <valorie> updates, or backports etc. [23:00] <valorie> but some random crap -- at your own rist [23:00] <valorie> risk [23:00] <Finetundra> valorie, so if I wanted an icon pack but I'd need to add a PPA. would that be ok? [23:01] <Finetundra> Unit193, Why? [23:01] <valorie> sure [23:02] <valorie> ah, distro does not equal flavor [23:02] <valorie> ubuntu is the distro, which comes in lots of flavors, like icecream [23:02] <Finetundra> oh, I'm stupid. sorry [23:02] <valorie> unity, kubuntu, xubuntu etc. [23:02] <Unit193> Only ice cream is much more fun to eat. More so the coffee flavored ice cream! [23:02] <valorie> np, lots of people think we are separate [23:03] <valorie> but we're all one distro [23:03] <valorie> Unit193: kubuntu is no calories though! [23:03] <Finetundra> also, if I were to attempt to install a DE, but it needed a PPA from another flavor, would that break anything? [23:03] <valorie> and still delicious [23:03] <Unit193> Eww. [23:04] <Finetundra> haha [23:04] <valorie> you can use any flavor and any application you want [23:04] <Unit193> Finetundra: It all just depends, PPAs are "Personal package archives", so anything can be put in them at any quality. [23:05] <Finetundra> so basically if it's from an offical flavor then It's probably ok? [23:06] <valorie> yes, although there are still occasional problems if combinations haven't been tested together [23:06] <valorie> but install ppa-purge package and you can always back out pretty gracefully [23:06] <valorie> !ppa-purge [23:06] <Finetundra> fantastic [23:07] <valorie> I would only use edgers or similar if you are very sure that's what you need though [23:07] <Finetundra> edgers? [23:08] <valorie> once you start messing with kernels and drivers etc. you can mess up your box [23:08] <valorie> if you don't know, just don't mess with it [23:08] <Finetundra> oh, I'm not about to touch anything too important [23:11] <valorie> then you'll be fine [23:12] <Finetundra> awesome [23:12] <Finetundra> out of curiosity, is there a kubuntu offtopic channel? [23:13] <genii> There certainly is [23:13] <Finetundra> sweet [23:14] <genii> Finetundra: It varies in there from extremely quiet to moderately active :) [23:14] <Finetundra> genii, sounds nice [23:36] <Finetundra> I'm curious, what does the button at the top left of a window(using default window button shceme) [23:36] <Finetundra> do [23:40] <Finetundra> also, is this still the channel to go to if one changes Desktop Enviroments?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "DustinNK", "EvilRoey", "FarshiD_", "Finetundra", "Guest89608", "Guest91466", "Hairo", "Pici", "Riddell", "Unit193", "anoop", "aterne", "bogdan", "bogdan__", "bprompt", "cup`ocoffee", "darthanubis", "engineer", "ever", "ever__", "evrardo", "farshid", "genii", "hateball", "hyper_ch", "hyperch", "jubo2", "kaza123", "lordievader", "mewshi", "noaXess", "soee", "stack3457", "typhoon_2099", "valorie", "wldcordeiro_", "yossarianuk" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[09:34] <kanupatar> hi guys [09:34] <kanupatar> may i know, if we have the updstart port for arm? [09:35] <kanupatar> I am planning to port this in my arm based board to check the fast boot fesibility [09:43] <kanupatar> hello\ [10:58] <ZuZuu> Hi everybody [10:58] <ZuZuu> I've got a trouble with upstart and Java launcher [10:59] <ZuZuu> The error in upstart logs is : Could not reserve enough space for code cache [10:59] <ZuZuu> The java launcher work weel with SystemV or just in the shell [11:00] <ZuZuu> Anyone got idea?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ZuZuu", "kanupatar" ], "url": "", "channel": "#upstart" }
[00:10] <asac> Chipaca: whats that? [00:10] <asac> :) [00:10] <asac> from the docs? [00:11] <sergiusens> just a commit message [00:11] <Chipaca> asac: a card, a description of a task, a branch, and a commit message [00:11] <Chipaca> asac: i was in a maze of so many deferreds for a moment i thought i was programming twisted again [00:11] <asac> oha [00:11] <asac> Chipaca: was that your card :)? [00:11] <asac> hehe [00:11] <asac> you could have reworded it [00:12] <asac> guess its hard to convey what that should do :) [00:12] <Chipaca> asac: maybe :) [00:12] <Chipaca> asac: maybe it was fun, also [02:41] <kirkland> lool: okay, wpasupplicant has always been primitive and tricky, in my experience [07:08] <dholbach> good morning [08:42] <mhall119> mvo: does the PPA listed on need to be changed? [08:42] <mhall119> didrocks tells me the beta PPA actually has an old version of snappy [08:45] <mvo> mhall119: indeed, utopic and trusty are outdated, I updated them now, so that shold be fine. we may still want to use a different one when snappy gets released (i.e. the beta name sounds wrong then). asac has the final say here [08:47] <dpm> dholbach, ^ [08:48] <dholbach> asac, lool, slangasek: ^ [08:48] <dholbach> I asked at least 5-10 times which PPA to use :) [08:48] <dholbach> which are we going to use? :) [08:48] <dholbach> I'm obviously happy to change it, but I'm a bit confused [08:51] <dholbach> mvo, ^ were there any discussions about changing the ppa setup and nomenclature? [08:57] <asac> good question [08:57] <asac> i think we will be using a new ppa :) [08:57] <asac> lol [08:58] <mvo> dholbach: only asac knows that :) I think it should be staging -> beta -> tools and we use tools for the final and stable PPA, but iirc asac wnated a different ordering. I personally don't mind either way is fine as long as its documented [08:58] <mvo> but if I would decide, that how I would do it [09:01] <dholbach> we should just use the archive if you ask me personally :-P [09:05] <mvo> good point, we could use the backports archive [09:07] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Kindergarten Day! :-D [09:10] <mvo> kickinz1: whats a good way to test docker? your tdocker snap? [09:11] <kickinz1> mvo: For now I would say either direct command line or tdocker, yes. I need to finish owncloud snap package. [09:14] <mvo> kickinz1: where is the docker snap? I think I need to add some caps for the seccomp stuff or make it unrestricted there (thats probably the best option for now until jdstrand is around) [09:15] <kickinz1> mvo: [09:16] <mvo> ta [09:24] <mvo> kickinz1, jdstrand: please pardon if this diff is stupid, it seems with seccomp enable I need to do at least in the docker-client or it won't even talk to docker (i.e. the docker command will just hang) [09:30] <kickinz1> mvo: is it with new seccomp code in the image? (it was working yesterday) [09:31] <mvo> kickinz1: it landed during the night [09:31] <kickinz1> mvo: ok, I'm downloading it right now. [09:34] <mvo> kickinz1: you will need to apply the pasted patch to make it work at all, dmesg will indicate if something goes wrong, the kernel message starts with "audit:" [09:36] <kickinz1> mvo thanks [09:38] <mvo> Chipaca: hm, hm, this should not be possible, right? - note the two pastebinit packages I managed to install first I installed it via the store and then sideloaded it and that worked :/ [09:39] <Chipaca> mvo: sideload always works [09:40] <Chipaca> oh [09:40] <Chipaca> oooh [09:40] <Chipaca> ouch [09:40] <Chipaca> mvo: i thought it was going to be about versions, not about namespaces [09:40] <Chipaca> ouch [09:40] <Chipaca> mvo: i'll look into it as soon as i get this branch up [09:41] <mvo> Chipaca: thanks ,you rock! [09:41] <mvo> much much appreciated [09:41] * mvo dives back into seccomp land [09:42] <Chipaca> mvo: before you're in too deep [09:42] <Chipaca> mvo: sideload install of an already installed package is ok, yes? [09:42] <Chipaca> that is, we don't want to force devs to bump revno or uninstall to test their packages [09:42] <Chipaca> ? [09:42] <beuno> FWIW, I sort of think that what distinguishes sideloading from not is whether it's signed by the store [09:43] <mvo> Chipaca: oh, sideload again a already sideloaded one? yeah, I guess, but we will probably run into the textfile-busy problem we had earlier when we allowed reinstall. its a problem worth fixing and maybe its ok for sideload [09:44] <Chipaca> mvo: textfile busy should be sorted now that we stop things properly, mehtinks [09:46] <mvo> yay [09:46] <mvo> then go for it [09:46] <mvo> excellent news [09:47] <mhall119> dholbach: so are we waiting to hear from asac about which PPA to use in our docs? [09:47] <asac> mhall119: we are talking :) [09:47] <asac> about that [09:47] <asac> mhall119: if you want to participate join the call on my calendar right now [09:47] <mhall119> ok, cool, I'll leave that in your hands then [09:48] <mhall119> asac: as long as I can tell didrocks it's being done, I'm happy :) [09:50] <asac> mhall119: why is didrocks so worried? [09:50] <asac> is he depending on us? [09:50] <mhall119> asac: because he saw that it was wrong and he's sitting across the table from me [09:51] <mhall119> asac: he's working on a prototype with it this week I think [09:51] <mhall119> I don't think he's blocked, just noticed an error in our docs [10:06] <asac> mhall119: is he willing to join this channel :)? [10:12] <didrocks> hey [10:13] <robert_ancell> asac, oh, the PPA was via me. I was reading the docs and assumed it was wrong. You guys were all asleep when I was asking from .nz :) [10:14] <didrocks> asac: so not blocked on that, but we just posted an email to snappy-devel ML with a simple example (even if we have way more questions/wonderings), so as soon as you get some time to look at it… that would be appreciated! [10:15] <asac> hey didrocks :) [10:15] <asac> welcome to the snappy world [10:17] * beuno hands didrocks the standard-issue goggles [10:17] <didrocks> :) [10:27] <Chipaca> mvo: fix for sideload & namespaces messing things up: [10:44] <asac> jodh: how is self test going? [10:44] <jodh> asac: we're now blocked on a store issue. [10:44] <asac> beuno: ^ [10:44] <asac> jodh: whats the issue in one line? [10:45] <jodh> asac: installing a framework breaks 'snappy search' [10:46] <asac> thats a store problem> [10:46] <asac> hmm [10:46] <asac> nessita: ^^ [10:46] <asac> JamesTait: ^ [10:46] <jodh> asac: Chipaca has raised a MP which is now approved, but needs to be merged + included in an image. [10:46] <beuno> asac, mvo and Chipaca know about it, not a store issue, really [10:46] <asac> jodh: an MP against the store? [10:46] <beuno> :) [10:46] <asac> jodh: ok, please be more precise :) [10:47] <asac> so its a snappy bug [10:47] <asac> Chipaca: mvo: i guess you are on it? [10:47] <jodh> asac: it's a store issue or a snappy issue :) [10:47] <Chipaca> it's a bug in the system, which includes the client and the store. We've decided to fix it on the client. [10:48] <Chipaca> it keeps the parts consistent [10:48] <asac> ok [10:48] <Chipaca> that is: the store is self-consistent on this matter, the client is not [10:48] <Chipaca> so it made sense to fix it in the client [10:48] <asac> yeah [10:48] <Chipaca> even if we could have also fixed it from the store [10:48] * JamesTait grabs popcorn [10:48] <asac> makes sense [10:48] <asac> thanks [10:49] <Chipaca> JamesTait: sorry to disappoint :) [10:50] * ogra_ steals JamesTait's popcorn bucket [10:50] <JamesTait> Not at all, Chipaca, happy to help if it's needed, happy to stand aside otherwise. [10:50] <Chipaca> JamesTait: i meant wrt popcorn :) [10:51] * JamesTait throws unpopped kernels at ogra_ and Chipaca. [10:51] * JamesTait whistles innocently, points at beuno. [10:53] * Chipaca feels he's already thrown enough mock abuse at beuno for a few more minutes still [10:55] <davmor2> Chipaca: you mean there is a limit to the mock abuse you can throw at beuno, why am I the last to learn of this? [10:56] <Chipaca> davmor2: that depends on the acerbity of your abuse [10:56] <Chipaca> davmor2: with me having slept so little, i don't trust myself [10:56] <davmor2> Chipaca: hahahaha [10:56] <Chipaca> davmor2: also, beuno is within range for a lot more weapons than normally [10:57] <Chipaca> I don't think he's within the record sniper 'confirmed kill' range, but it's close [11:16] <robert_ancell> Trying to build a lightdm snap here. First blocker - LightDM needs PAM configuration to work. This requires installing files into /etc/pam.d. How do we do this? Does ubuntu-core need some sort of hook to pull PAM configuration from frameworks that require it? [11:36] <asac> didrocks: you have to subscribe using your [11:36] <asac> the other will be unsubscribed [11:42] <ogra_> carzy annoyances :P [11:43] <dholbach> davidcalle, dpm: I'll look into amending the snappy internal docs for use as guides next [11:43] <dholbach> davidcalle, dpm: feel free to take any of the other work items [11:43] <davidcalle> dholbach, dpm, I'm on the architecure page + diagram [11:44] <dholbach> davidcalle, excellent - are you going to import any content for that? [11:44] <didrocks> asac: hum, ok :) [11:44] <davidcalle> dholbach, from the slides? [11:44] <dholbach> ok cool [11:45] <dholbach> thanks a lot [11:45] <didrocks> asac: done [11:45] <ogra_> didrocks, i was pondering to set up a petition to get the (10 years well working) old scheme back for MLs :) [11:45] * ogra_ is seriously annoyed by getting half his mails back because he forgets to swithc to the other account [11:49] <asac> mterry: will you be in standup today? [11:49] <dpm> davidcalle, I was going to pick the WI of modifying the diagram to add the enablement bit. Are you planning on taking that one too? If so, I'll leave it up to you :) [11:49] <davidcalle> dpm, I've just finished :) [11:49] <dpm> \o/ [11:57] * dholbach relocates to the office, brb [11:58] <davidcalle> dpm, what do you think? (to me, it works well) [12:02] <dpm> davidcalle, good work. Seems like the "How does it work" row is both on the landing page and the architecture one. Would it not make sense to have it only in one place? [12:03] <davidcalle> dpm, right, removing it from architecture [12:05] <sergiusens> dpm: davidcalle you can have an app directly on top of ubuntu core too [12:05] <dpm> davidcalle, I think after release it might be work redrawing the "Stack examples" diagrams so that they are more inline with the rest of the site, and have a <h2> section for each one of them [12:07] <dpm> sergiusens, davidcalle, then perhaps we can say "an optional layer of frameworks" in the text? [12:25] <dholbach> davidcalle, dpm, I'll drop the snappy internals for now [12:25] <dholbach> asac said it'd be good to look at the image channels and stuff first [12:25] <dpm> dholbach, ok [12:25] <dholbach> and the ./start page [12:26] <dholbach> I'll look into writing the content for the channels page [12:26] <dholbach> and then we can take it from there [12:26] <dpm> dholbach, what's there to do in the start page? [12:26] <dholbach> ? [12:26] <dholbach> ah ok [12:26] <dholbach> well, the start page contains all the links to all kinds of images [12:26] <dholbach> there will have to be links or at least mentions of other releases/channels [12:28] <asac> slangasek: would be great if we could get the first prebuilt images done early today so davidcalle and dholbach can put together our nice page to find the right bits and pieces [12:31] <dpm> dholbach, ah, got it now, I wasn't thinking to it in relationship with the image channel links [12:34] <dpm> dholbach, if you need the diagram, here's where I created it back in the day for the devices page: [12:36] <dholbach> thanks - that's greta [12:36] <dholbach> great [12:38] <mterry> asac, I can make sure to be, yeah [12:39] <asac> mterry: great. woudl be nice to get an update and coordinate what and how to bring stuff togethher for release [12:39] <asac> thanks [12:42] <jdstrand> mvo: re docker-- yeah, that's fine, though I'm starting to feel like network-service isn't a useful group-- docker client is not a server yet it needs bind [12:44] <asac> jdstrand: mvo: apps can depend on multiple frameworks right now, correct? [12:44] <jdstrand> they should be allowed to, yes [12:45] <mvo> yes [13:16] <dholbach> davidcalle, do you know why there are no margins on [13:17] * dholbach surely broke something :-P [14:02] <dholbach> do we have something like -proposed in terms of image creation? [14:02] <dholbach> or is that just 'edge'? [14:02] <dholbach> slangasek, ^ [14:02] <slangasek> dholbach: edge, was previously called -proposed [14:03] <dholbach> thanks [14:04] <sergiusens> slangasek: can you look at my man generation mp? [14:05] <slangasek> sergiusens: otp, will be able to later [14:05] <sergiusens> stgraber: btw, if I'm on trusty, is there a ppa for lxc where the download template would have vivid images? [14:05] <sergiusens> ty steve [14:06] <asac> sergiusens: what still needs landing before we can featuure freeze? [14:06] <asac> mvo: ? [14:06] <sergiusens> asac: I need some u-d-f stuff; just finished the oem bug work and now moving to autopilot autoreboot [14:06] <sergiusens> asac: the security stuff is still in the works [14:06] <stgraber> sergiusens: ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable should get you a recent enough lxc for that [14:06] <sergiusens> asac: blocking sideloaded updates [14:06] <sergiusens> stgraber: thanks! [14:07] <sergiusens> asac: and some fixes from Chipaca [14:09] <asac> sergiusens: ok you think we can get those in before EOD and still have a good image to start freeze? [14:10] <sergiusens> asac: well, the security stuff doesn't depend on the team [14:10] <asac> dholbach: so i assume those stack pics will not stay on the channels guides? [14:11] <asac> i think i can use them in the appliance guide ... and maybe we can improve the thing on the architecture inspired by these [14:12] <mvo> asac: we are mostly good, two unapproved branches left, not critical IMO, the launcher needs some further work and discussion with the security team, some real concerns here. worst case is that we need to disable the hardware: assign: feature if there is no solution found [14:12] <dholbach> asac, sure... it's not done yet [14:12] <dholbach> asac, once it is, I'll let you know :) [14:13] <mvo> asac: we also don't hvae a image with the latest ubuntu-snappy, I don't know why, there should be at least one since 418, I wonder if its because of arm64 :/ [14:15] <asac> slangasek: ^^ [14:16] <dholbach> dpm, davidcalle, can you help me with the styling of [14:16] <asac> mvo: 418? i dont have that high numbers [14:16] <asac> i am on 18 or something witjh the new channel names [14:16] <asac> mvo: maybe you are leeching on the old channels? [14:17] <dpm> dholbach, on it [14:17] * dholbach hugs dpm [14:17] <asac> jdstrand: can you please think hard how we can make it so that we dont need to disable the hwassign feature? [14:17] <mvo> asac: this is the amd64 image number [14:17] <jdstrand> I'll invite tyhicks to the standup, he did the review [14:18] <asac> i really would prefer a solution than a discussion though. [14:18] <mvo> jdstrand: I'm happy to fix it, I just need some input what the best aproach is, maybe we need to brainstorm it from what we need instead of what we have right now [14:20] <dholbach> dpm, nice work - how did you do it? [14:20] <dholbach> dpm, davidcalle: does the text generally make sense to you? :) [14:20] <dpm> dholbach, for Raw HTML, you need to enclose the whole page in <div class="row"></div> [14:20] <dholbach> ohoh ok! [14:21] <dpm> dholbach, and then within that row, you can choose how many columns with <div class="eight-col"></div> [14:21] <dholbach> gotcha [14:21] <tyhicks> I'll attend the standup [14:21] <tyhicks> unfortunately, I don't have a solution atm [14:21] <jdstrand> mvo: are you planning another ubuntu-snappy upload? I'd like to drop the reference to apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy in debian/control. that is gone. easiest is to replace it with ubuntu-core-security-apparmor [14:22] <jdstrand> (note, nothing is broken because ubuntu-core-security-apparmor Provides apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu-snappy) [14:22] <mvo> jdstrand: I think I did that already, let me check [14:23] <mvo> jdstrand: yep, trunk has no easyprof string anymore AFAICS [14:23] <jdstrand> ok, thanks [14:26] <dholbach> mvo, asac: is what we want documented for the ppa? [14:26] <dholbach> just to be sure :) [14:51] <asac> dholbach: so all tools will be available for trusty,vivid [14:51] <asac> 15.04/stable = {trusty,utopic,vivid}/tools [14:51] <asac> as an example [14:52] <dholbach> asac, ok - what is "tools" in this nomenclature - what kind of stability can be expected there - how often is it updated? [14:54] <dholbach> asac, is the note on the right hand side of the webdm page ( what you were looking for? [14:59] <dholbach> dpm, davidcalle: do you think we should try to separate the links on ie, "articles for hardware enablement", "articles on snappyfication" or "articles about snappy in general" [15:00] <slangasek> mvo: which channel are you looking for the import to happen on? [15:02] <mvo> slangasek: devel-proposed, is that the wrong one? [15:03] <slangasek> I don't know [15:03] <slangasek> I'm asking so I can check :) [15:05] <slangasek> mvo: ubuntu-core/15.04/edge/, last import was Apr 21 9:41 - same as devel-proposed. So it's not that [15:33] <sergiusens> mvo: I updated the auto reboot branch [15:36] <dholbach> thanks sergiusens! [16:43] <jdstrand> tyhicks: fyi, r35 for ubuntu-core-security [16:43] <jdstrand> tyhicks: (makes the network-* changes we discussed) [16:58] <tyhicks> jdstrand: sorry for the delay - I'm just thinking through that change a little more [16:59] <tyhicks> jdstrand: I thought that you weren't going to add all the permissions to network-client until the socket params were filtered [17:00] <tyhicks> mvo: fyi - I verified that not doing setgroups() is fine in this case [17:13] <jdstrand> tyhicks: heh, obviously I thought they'd be the same except for socketpair [17:14] <jdstrand> tyhicks: that said, if you think there are things that should be in one and not the other, that's fine with me. my understanding coming out of there was that only socketpair is actually server related [17:14] <jdstrand> err [17:14] <jdstrand> server only [17:15] <tyhicks> jdstrand: what I was trying to say was that an app doing AF_UNIX communication may need many of the things that are in network-service [17:15] <jdstrand> right, which is why I added them to client [17:15] <tyhicks> ok [17:15] <tyhicks> I thought that was going to happen after the arg filtering [17:15] <jdstrand> because this separation is meant for inet/inet6 [17:16] <tyhicks> I don't think it makes a big difference though since we plan to do the arg filtering [17:16] <tyhicks> right [17:16] <tyhicks> really, there is AF_UNIX and AF_INET/AF_INET6 [17:16] <tyhicks> it is tough to split on client and server since those terms mean different things between those 3 domains [17:17] <jdstrand> tyhicks: the are essentially the same now because I don't want people to ask for network-service now when they don't need it. that way people can add in network-service once we support arg filtering [17:17] <tyhicks> ok [17:17] <jdstrand> re tough split> exactly [17:17] <tyhicks> wfm [17:17] <jdstrand> I realize there is no practical difference now [17:17] <tyhicks> I'm reviewing the seccomp filter now [17:17] <jdstrand> this is for establishing the groups for the future [17:17] * tyhicks nods [17:19] <jdstrand> tyhicks: re review, thanks [17:29] <mvo> thanks tyhicks [17:30] <mvo> pitti: is there a API to figure from a libudev device to get if its a block or char device? I'm overlooking something silly probably [17:30] <pitti> mvo: no, this is curiously hard to determine [17:31] <pitti> mvo: that's why in the PoC I was checking for "/block/" in the device path, otherwise it's a char [17:33] <mvo> pitti: ok, thats all I need to know, thanks [17:33] <pitti> mvo: that should be pretty safe [17:42] <jdstrand> tyhicks, mvo: fyi, [17:42] <jdstrand> updating the packaging now and will request an MP [17:43] <jdstrand> I think I am going to be more lenient on the uevent rule [17:43] <jdstrand> /sys/devices/**/uevent r, [17:43] <jdstrand> we can finetune that later if needed [17:47] <tyhicks> jdstrand: wow - nice profile [17:47] <tyhicks> (minus having to include cap_sys_admin) [17:47] <jdstrand> yeah [17:48] <jdstrand> it is what it is [17:48] <tyhicks> jdstrand: oh, were you going to deny transitioning to unconfined? [17:48] <jdstrand> Chipaca: that comment was for you ^ [17:48] <jdstrand> tyhicks: oh yes, thanks for reminding me [17:48] <Chipaca> jdstrand: which comment? [17:48] <jdstrand> Chipaca: 'it is what it is' [17:48] <jdstrand> Chipaca: I know how much you like that phrase ;) [17:49] <jdstrand> </lame joke> [17:49] <Chipaca> in my defence it was a long week and i was somewhat sleep deprived [17:49] <jdstrand> I liked what you had to say about it [17:50] <jdstrand> :) [17:54] * Chipaca hopes the memories will come back someday [17:54] * Chipaca also hopes he wasn't rude [17:55] <mvo> stgraber, tyhicks: hrm, hrm, so after some refactoring it seems like devices.allow is too clever and just having the FD is not good enough, it will deny access, from looking at the source it appears its checking if the task has CAP__SYS_ADIM so the open fd and then do the rest with thta seems to not work (which is really disappointing) [17:55] <jdstrand> Chipaca: it was something along the lines of, "Have you ever noticed that when someone says 'it is what it is' it usually means it is sh!+" [17:56] <jdstrand> hehe [17:56] <jdstrand> awesome [17:56] <stgraber> mvo: gah, I hate it when checks are done on write rather than open... [17:58] <jdstrand> jjohansen: heh, can you look at this: [17:58] <Chipaca> jdstrand: well, i wasn't wrong :) [17:58] <jdstrand> jjohansen: s/heh/hey/ [17:58] <jdstrand> Chipaca: you weren't! :) [17:58] <jjohansen> jdstrand: sure [17:58] <jdstrand> jjohansen: clearly, that says that I don't want to allow transitioning to unconfined [17:59] <jdstrand> jjohansen: I was thinking I wanted to say "not to unconfined and not to a profile that starts with '/'" [18:00] <jdstrand> jjohansen: but I wasn't sure how to express the alternation [18:00] <jjohansen> jdstrand: yeah that should do it, by why that instead of using a deny? [18:00] <jdstrand> jjohansen: oh heh, yes, that would be considerably cleaner, haha [18:00] <jdstrand> jjohansen: thanks! [18:00] * jdstrand grabs brown bag [18:00] <jjohansen> deny change_profile -> {unconfined,/**}, [18:00] <jjohansen> change_profile -> **, [18:01] <jjohansen> jdstrand: so this is one area of the language that could really use some improvements [18:01] <jdstrand> yeah [18:01] <jjohansen> there are just some things that are really hard to express [18:01] <jdstrand> in this case, the deny rules do a great job [18:02] <jdstrand> jjohansen: change_profile -> **, why the '**'? [18:02] <jjohansen> yeah but if you start doing stuff like that in the deny rule ... [18:02] <jjohansen> * will stop at / just as with file paths [18:02] <mvo> stgraber: yeah, unless there are more smart ideas I think I can not make the critical section smaller [18:02] <jjohansen> you may not care as they shouldn't be in the names you are allowing [18:03] <jdstrand> jjohansen: so, 'foo' ok, but 'foo/bar', no [18:03] <jjohansen> right [18:03] <jdstrand> that makes sense [18:03] <jdstrand> ok, thanks again [18:03] <jdstrand> tyhicks: did you see mvo's last comment? ^ [18:03] <tyhicks> oh, no [18:04] <jdstrand> what if we dropped all caps except sys_admin until after the cgroups? [18:04] <mvo> jdstrand: let me try that [18:04] <mvo> well, its terrible but better than full root [18:05] <mvo> (well, maybe not, I need to check what is allowed with that) [18:05] <tyhicks> dropping all except sys_admin doesn't gain us much [18:06] <tyhicks> let me look back at the launcher code to see if I have any other ideas [18:09] <jdstrand> jjohansen: hrm, seems we have a parser bug [18:10] <jjohansen> jdstrand: ? [18:10] <jdstrand> jjohansen: all of these give a parser error: [18:10] <jdstrand> # deny change_profile -> {unconfined,/**}, [18:10] <jdstrand> # deny change_profile -> unconfined, [18:10] <jdstrand> # deny change_profile -> /**, [18:10] <jdstrand> AppArmor parser error for /home/ubuntu/usr.bin.ubuntu-core-launcher in /home/ubuntu/usr.bin.ubuntu-core-launcher at line 32: syntax error, unexpected TOK_CHANGE_PROFILE, expecting TOK_ID or TOK_MODE or TOK_SET_VAR [18:12] <jjohansen> jdstrand: indeed, and ouch [18:12] <jdstrand> jjohansen: my previous paste works [18:12] <jjohansen> I'll get right on it [18:12] <jdstrand> jjohansen: so, I guess I am back to my previous question on the alternation [18:12] <jjohansen> right, its complaining about deny with change_profile [18:12] * jdstrand nods [18:12] <jdstrand> jjohansen: I don't think it is worth an emergency upload. we can SRU the fix [18:13] <jdstrand> jjohansen: I'll file a bug and reference it in the profile [18:13] <jjohansen> sure not worth an emergency upload but something to get done [18:13] <jdstrand> I imagine it is a pretty easy fix [18:13] <jjohansen> jdstrand: give me a sec, to paste you it [18:14] <tyhicks> mvo: bummer... I don't see another obvious idea [18:15] <jjohansen> jdstrand: [18:16] <tyhicks> mvo: we could temporarily drop, do the udev stuff, regain, write the devices lists, then permanently drop [18:16] <tyhicks> mvo: but I don't know that it gains us much [18:16] <tyhicks> mvo: I'll look at the udev code to see if it is a concern [18:18] <jdstrand> jjohansen: ok, that was what I was thinking. thanks [18:18] <jdstrand> jjohansen: fyi, [18:18] <jjohansen> thanks [18:26] <mvo> tyhicks: well, drop and regain is not that helpful (from my limited understanding about the security I have). I am playing with libcap right now, but again limited success, I will get the kernel source next to see what its actually checking [18:26] <mvo> "it" being the devices.allow write of course [18:26] <tyhicks> mvo: ah, I'll do that "it" [18:34] <mterry> If I want to upload a package to the Snappy store, but like on behalf of a team (for example, ~mir-team), how do I do that? I'm not sure how to not upload just as me [18:37] <tyhicks> mvo: ah, just noticed one more thing - the fclose() ret val needs to be checked in write_string_to_file() since there's not an explicit fflush() [18:41] <tyhicks> mvo: when writing to the device cgroup files, devcgroup_update_access() does the real work and it immediately returns an error if 'current' does not have CAP_SYS_ADMIN: [18:41] <tyhicks> mvo: there's no way around it :/ [18:57] <mvo> tyhicks: yeah, I found that too, thanks! I have that drops root earlier, the code is not clean (enough) yet but my brain is a bit fried right now not sure if this is worth it or not [19:00] <tyhicks> looking now [19:00] <jdstrand> mvo: fyi, I'm just about to do a MP for the apparmor profile for ucl [19:00] <jdstrand> (ubuntu-core-launcher) [19:02] <mvo> jdstrand: nice, does it work with exotic apps like docker? [19:03] <mvo> (I assume it does :) still curious) [19:03] <jdstrand> I am trying docker right now [19:07] <jdstrand> I missed one rule [19:07] * jdstrand is testing now [19:11] <jdstrand> docker itself has an issue: [19:11] <jdstrand> Apr 21 19:10:35 localhost kernel: [22039.617003] audit: type=1400 audit(1429643435.305:104): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mprotect" profile="docker_docker-daemon_1.6.0.001" name="/bin/bash" pid=1886 comm="docker.start" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [19:13] <tyhicks> mvo: I think that patch does help [19:14] * jdstrand fixes docker [19:14] <tyhicks> mvo: I haven't went through all of the cap_*() calls closely but I understand what you're doing [19:15] <mvo> tyhicks: ok, I will take a break and either do the cleanup now or tomorrow morning, plus new tests, the old approach is no longer working but I have a plan for new tests [19:16] <mvo> tyhicks: and THANKS for your help with this! [19:16] <mvo> much appreciate the feedback I got [19:16] <tyhicks> mvo: thanks for the quick turnaround on everything! :) [19:16] <jdstrand> mvo: [19:16] <jdstrand> mvo: if you are using libcap, the profile will need to be updated [19:16] <tyhicks> mvo: I'll go back through the list and verify that everything has been done and, if necessary, propose some changes for you [19:17] <tyhicks> s/everything/everything important/ [19:17] <jdstrand> mvo: (it should be easy to see what needs to be done, but I/tyhicks can also help) [19:17] <jdstrand> ah meh, conflict [19:17] * jdstrand resolves [19:17] <jdstrand> these branches are moving to fast :) [19:18] <jdstrand> (it's just the changelog) [19:22] <jdstrand> tyhicks: here is the final profile: [19:23] <jdstrand> mvo: ok, that ^ is ready to pull in (obviously update as necessary for your changes) [19:25] <tyhicks> jdstrand: looks good [19:31] * jdstrand uploads docker with the small profile change [19:32] <jdstrand> kickinz1: fyi ^ [19:32] <jdstrand> kickinz1: committed to the branch [19:33] <jdstrand> kickinz1: can you delete ./package-dir/meta/docker-daemon.*priv now that they are no longer needed? [19:50] <mvo> jdstrand: thanks, uploaded! hints what the libcap branch needs for apparmor would be great (ideally by mail). I will check in my morning (in +8h) and continue on the capability branch [20:02] <kickinz1> jdstrand: I'll do [20:04] <asac> lool: still around? [20:04] <asac> lool: do you have the code for the demo that displays stuff on the mini LED screen still? [20:09] <jdstrand> kickinz1: thanks! [20:19] <jdstrand> tyhicks: fyi, r37 of ubuntu-core-security [20:19] <jdstrand> (added capget) [20:22] <kickinz1> jdstrand: done, but I will try uploading when owncloud package is somehow working, caus I think it will need some apparmor adjustment (bind mounts). [20:22] <tyhicks> jdstrand: ack - are you ok with me explicitly denying umount and umount2? [20:23] <jdstrand> tyhicks: yes [20:23] <tyhicks> pushed [20:24] <jdstrand> tyhicks: are you ok with my doing the same in apparmor? :) [20:24] <tyhicks> jdstrand: yes :) [20:24] <tyhicks> jdstrand: don't forget about remount in apparmor (it is a separate rule) [20:27] <jdstrand> right, done [20:27] <jdstrand> and pushed [20:32] <jdstrand> ubuntu-core-security 15.04.6 pushed to the image ppa [20:32] <jdstrand> kickinz1: you are going to need that ^ for docker to work correctly [20:35] <kickinz1> jdstrand: ok, thanks. [20:35] <asac> jdstrand: you know what is left still? [20:35] <asac> for mvo : [20:36] <jdstrand> asac: a few finish touches on the launcher [20:36] <jdstrand> finishing* [20:36] <asac> hmm [20:36] <asac> what needs doing? [20:36] <jdstrand> the last bits from the security review [20:36] <jdstrand> aiui [20:37] <jdstrand> there was a snag with passing fds (it didn't work), so an alternate implementation that wasn't as comprehensive is being done [20:37] <jdstrand> the apparmor profile bits are in the image ppa [20:37] <asac> ok, what hints is he waiting for> [20:37] <asac> ? [20:37] <jdstrand> (ie, ubuntu-core-launcher runs under the profile) [20:37] <jdstrand> none [20:37] <asac> 21:50 < mvo> jdstrand: thanks, uploaded! hints what the libcap branch needs for apparmor would be great (ideally by mail). I will check in my morning (in +8h) and continue on the capability branch [20:38] <jdstrand> oh, that [20:38] <jdstrand> I sent that to him already [20:38] <asac> k [20:38] <jdstrand> it is just how to update the aforementioned profile for if he uses libcap [20:39] <asac> sergiusens: so on my image sshd is not started by default [20:39] <asac> sergiusens: ignore... let me recreate [20:39] <asac> not 100% sure i --enable-ssh [20:40] <kickinz1> jdstrand: so I need a new image? Which revision ? [20:41] <sergiusens> asac: if you wait for the publisher to finish maybe try the latest u-d-f? But it does need a new image build as snappy list is broken [20:41] <jdstrand> kickinz1: it isn't on the image yet. you can grab a new image, then do: sudo mount -o remount,rw / ; sudo dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb ; sudo mount -o remount,ro / [20:42] <jdstrand> kickinz1: pull the 3 ubuntu-core-security packages from [20:42] <jdstrand> kickinz1: note, I am getting non-apparmor/seccomp error when doing 'docker pull ubuntu:trusty' [20:42] <jdstrand> kickinz1: I was going to follow what is in framework-policy/apparmor/policygroups/client, but the docker repo seems broken [20:44] <jdstrand> sudo docker pull ubuntu:trusty [20:44] <jdstrand> ... [20:44] <asac> sergiusens: from trusty [20:44] <jdstrand> Error pulling image (trusty) from ubuntu, Untar exit status 1 operation not permitted Untar exit status 1 operation not permitted [20:44] <jdstrand> maybe it isn't their repo [20:44] <asac> sergiusens: ppa? [20:44] <jdstrand> but no denials of any kind [20:45] <jdstrand> kickinz1: anyway, I have to step away for a little while. I'll be back later [20:45] <asac> sergiusens: getting 0.20snappy7-0ubuntu1 and will redo the flash [20:45] <kickinz1> jdstrand, trying locally (out of snappy) to check (pull ubuntu:trusty) [20:46] <asac> sergiusens: which channel? [20:46] <asac> sergiusens: 15.04 edge? [20:46] * asac thinks we still work on rolling/edge until we cut it [20:47] <asac> sergiusens: this is what i am now dd'ing [20:47] <asac> or open paste: [20:47] <kickinz1> jdstrand: ubuntu-core-{launcher,meta,security}? [20:48] <kickinz1> jdstrand: ok, sorry [20:54] <asac> sergiusens: still have invalid package on system :/ [20:55] <asac> sergiusens: system-image-cli -i [20:55] <asac> current build number: 18 [20:55] <asac> device name: generic_armhf [20:55] <asac> channel: ubuntu-core/rolling/edge [20:55] <asac> last update: 2015-04-21 18:27:44 [20:55] <asac> version version: 18 [20:55] <asac> version ubuntu: 20150421.A [20:55] <asac> version raw-device: 20150421.A [20:56] <asac> sergiusens: this doesnt help me much [20:56] <asac> sergiusens: yuou say w eneed a new image build>? [20:56] <asac> do we have the fix landed? [20:58] <asac> slangasek: this ppa is in theory in image? [20:59] <slangasek> in practice, not just in theory [21:00] <slangasek> the next scheduled image livecd-rootfs build is in 56 minutes; after which we need to again mangle for importing [21:00] <asac> ok copied the snappy binary :) [21:00] <asac> it works [21:00] <asac> i love go :P [21:01] <asac> ok the launcher seems to be old style [21:06] <asac> jdstrand: hello-world.env [21:06] <asac> Bad system call [21:06] <asac> thats the problem? [21:06] * asac reboots [21:07] <sergiusens> asac: yes; you need snappy trunk [21:07] <sergiusens> asac: and your u-d-f command was good [21:07] <sergiusens> slangasek: asac can we trigger a build sooner? [21:08] <asac> i would love to see whats in [21:08] <asac> right now i feel its broken [21:08] <asac> but maybe my copying didnt do the good thing [21:08] <asac> slangasek: sergiusens: ok if we kick an image? [21:09] <asac> given that we have to mangle once anyway :) [21:09] <asac> it would help us getting answers sooner [21:09] <slangasek> yes [21:09] <slangasek> triggered [21:09] <asac> gratias [21:10] <asac> hmm. guess i need the new -security package [21:10] <asac> to get the syscall problem above eliminated [21:11] <asac> ok, i am sure all is fine its relly just installing that swecuerity stuff [21:31] <kickinz1> jdstrand: on r404, installed debs + install docker, seems to work. r419: no way, same error as you. [21:31] <kickinz1> jdstrand: put docker in debug mode, not much more info... [21:33] <kickinz1> jdstrand: seems related to auplink. Does auplink need some seccomp profile? [21:42] <asac> kickinz1: whats the error you see? [21:47] <kickinz1> asac; same as jdstrand: FATA[0016] Error pulling image (latest) from cirros, Untar exit status 1 operation not permitted [21:48] <kickinz1> asac: I put docker on debug mode, same message, I'm trying to strace, no better info... [21:48] <kickinz1> asac: last traces from strace: [21:48] <kickinz1> asac: [21:50] <kickinz1> asac: on, r404, all clear... [21:53] <asac> kickinz1: i am on r22 :/ [21:53] <asac> kickinz1: how do you produce the image? [21:54] <kickinz1> I made a little script. [21:54] <kickinz1> asac; r22 on amd64? [21:54] <kickinz1> asac: r22 -> bbb? [21:55] <asac> no on amd64 [21:55] <asac> kickinz1: how do you produce the image? [21:55] <asac> or is it an upgraded one? [21:55] <kickinz1> asac: generated one: [21:56] <sergiusens> kickinz1: heh, keyboard layout is killed on the latest images [21:56] <sergiusens> kickinz1: are you using ppa:snappy-dev/tools? [21:57] <kickinz1> sergiusens, for building? [21:57] <sergiusens> kickinz1: yeah [21:57] <asac> slangasek: ready for a manual mangling? [21:57] <kickinz1> sergiusens, no I'm using snappy bin from images (I may not use the r419 though) [21:57] * asac hopes new image is ready now [21:57] <sergiusens> kickinz1: sorry, I meant u-d-f [21:58] <slangasek> asac: yes, doing [21:58] <asac> kickinz1: this is revision for snappy tool? [21:58] * asac confused... i cannot install anything with that high numbers after our channel redo [21:58] <asac> great [21:58] <sergiusens> asac: they are using --channel ubuntu-core/devel-proposed [21:59] <kickinz1> asac: I take snappy from images for building, I think the last one I took was from r404. [21:59] <asac> sergiusens: that doesnt even work for me [21:59] <asac> sergiusens: guess only in beta ppa that works? [21:59] <sergiusens> asac: they are using an old u-d-f [21:59] <sergiusens> asac: yeah or no apt update [21:59] <asac> well, lets wait for next image [21:59] <asac> hope thats useful [21:59] <asac> guess we can only hope that things really came together [22:00] * asac reboots [22:00] <kickinz1> sergiusens, I use dnappy-dev/beta yes [22:01] <kickinz1> sergiusens, ok, I update... [22:03] <sergiusens> slangasek: I think this is what we need [22:06] <kickinz1> so if updated, I can build without getting snappy from images? [22:06] <kickinz1> sergiusens, ^ [22:13] <kickinz1> sergiusens, I have updated I still get r419... What am I doing wrong? [22:19] <sergiusens> kickinz1: add-apt-repository ppa:snappy-dev/tools ? [22:22] <kickinz1> sergiusens, sorry... [22:24] <jdstrand> kickinz1: you should see seccomp denials if that was it. besides, you are using @unrestricted in the docker-daemon seccomp filter so no seccomp filters (ie, it shouldn't be seccomp) [22:24] <asac> ok getting 23 it seems [22:24] <asac> lets see [22:24] <jdstrand> kickinz1: thinking about it, I bet it is the cgroups [22:25] <jdstrand> a) docker hasn't been assigned any hardware and b) I doubt it would work with our cgroups implementation [22:25] <jdstrand> because docker already does stuff with cgroups [22:26] <jdstrand> (docker really is not a great first framework-- literally everything is an exception) [22:26] <asac> kickinz1: ok i think 23 might be better... :) lets see [22:26] <asac> at least i can install docker [22:27] <kickinz1> the pb is to docker run -it ubuntu. [22:27] <jdstrand> kickinz1: my feeling is we either need a way to flag the launcher that it shouldn't do anything but aa_change_onexec (ie, aa-exec) or special case docker in bin-path so it uses the old aa-exec [22:28] * jdstrand tests by modifying the systemd unit [22:31] <jdstrand> it's the launcher [22:31] <jdstrand> I'm going to send mvo an email and CC you guys [22:31] <kickinz1> jdstrand: thanks [22:32] <asac> jdstrand: still get bad system call [22:32] <asac> on 23 [22:32] <asac> latest image [22:32] <jdstrand> asac: is that capget? [22:33] <jdstrand> you need ubuntu-core-security-seccomp 15.04.6 [22:33] <asac> jdstrand: ok good news is that the apps seems to work now [22:33] <asac> at least the hello-world.echo [22:33] <asac> docker images fails with bad system call though [22:33] <jdstrand> right [22:33] <jdstrand> yes, that is fixed [22:33] <asac> jdstrand: docker? [22:33] <jdstrand> what kickinz1 and I are talking about is something different [22:33] <asac> line 11: 1218 Bad system call ... [22:33] <asac> select_bin ddocker [22:33] <jdstrand> yes, 15.04.6 fixes the syscall [22:33] <asac> etc. [22:33] <asac> jdstrand: thats fixed? [22:33] <asac> hmm [22:34] <asac> so we need yet another image? [22:34] <jdstrand> select_bin? [22:34] <asac> jdstrand: which package? [22:34] <jdstrand> what arch is that? [22:34] <asac> amd64 [22:34] <asac> jdstrand: we spun an image after the most reent ppa upload [22:34] <jdstrand> can I see the syslog entry? [22:34] <asac> ok [22:34] <asac> hmm [22:34] <asac> have to forward port [22:36] <asac> jdstrand: Apr 21 22:36:43 localhost kernel: [ 66.568721] audit_printk_skb: 12 callbacks suppressed [22:36] <asac> Apr 21 22:36:43 localhost kernel: [ 66.568724] audit: type=1326 audit(1429655803.718:15): auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=1 pid=905 comm="docker.x86_64" exe="/apps/docker/" sig=31 arch=c000003e syscall=228 compat=0 ip=0x7ffc8e52cb4d code=0x0 [22:36] <asac> thats the thing i get when i run docker iamges [22:37] <asac> 228 [22:37] <asac> probably select_bin [22:37] <asac> hehe [22:41] <jdstrand> syscall=228(clock_gettime) [22:42] <jdstrand> I can adjust that [22:42] <jdstrand> fyi, sudo sc-logresolve /var/log/syslog [22:44] <jdstrand> email on docker sent [22:44] <asac> jdstrand: ? [22:44] <jdstrand> I will fix that ^ seccomp denial a bit later [22:44] <jdstrand> asac: I sent it to you too [22:44] <jdstrand> I have to step away again for a few minutes [22:52] <asac> kickinz1: what /dev nodes does docker access? [22:52] <asac> kickinz1: can you strace the command on a normal ubuntu system? [22:52] <asac> vivid? [22:52] <asac> to see? [22:52] <kickinz1> asac: ok [22:55] <kickinz1> asac: [22:55] <kickinz1> asac, [22:59] <asac> jdstrand: its not clear to me why you have no problems [23:00] * kickinz1 going to bed... [23:00] <asac> kickinz1: i mean i have the latest image i think [23:00] <kickinz1> asac: ok, do you want me to test? [23:00] <asac> orr [23:00] <asac> err [23:00] <asac> sorry [23:00] <asac> kickinz1: no [23:01] <asac> i meant jdstrand [23:01] <asac> sleep well [23:01] <asac> and see you tomnorrow [23:01] <asac> slangasek: do you know if ubuntu-core-security15.04.6 is on latest image? [23:01] <kickinz1> asac: ok, will be around for a few minutes still but not too long (pb with uploading owncloud image armhf to docker registry) [23:02] <asac> jdstrand: i clearly have 15.04.6 [23:02] <kickinz1> asac: for now I've created a docker image for ubuntu:trusty for armhf (I'll change to vivid as soon as everything else works) [23:02] <asac> guess you say its working on bbb? [23:03] <slangasek> asac: yes, ubuntu-core-security 15.04.6 is in the latest images on edge (except arm64) [23:09] <asac> ok i did my first seccomp hackery [23:09] <asac> enabled clocktime [23:09] <asac> and now i can runn docker iamges [23:10] <asac> and i am docker pulling [23:10] <asac> kickinz1: any idea what it untars at the end? [23:11] <asac> FATA[0032] Error pulling image (trusty) from ubuntu, Untar exit status 1 operation not permitted [23:13] <jdstrand> asac: that's fine. it is interesting that you are seeing that seccomp denial in the client where I didn't, but I didn't have a chance to test a lot of it due to the daemon not working well with the launcher [23:13] <kickinz1> asac: it downloads layers of the image, and then it untar it. It is pulling fgood from registry, and tars are in /var/lib/apps/docker/.tmp/..../xxx/xxx.tar, then it decompresses it, and it must populate /var/lib/apps/docker/aufs with them [23:13] <jdstrand> I will prepare 15.04.7 [23:14] <kickinz1> ls [23:14] <jdstrand> we need to not try to fix the launcher for docker at this time and just special case it [23:15] <jdstrand> if someone wrote a framework for snappy that needed the kinds of perms and did the kinds of things that docker is doing we would almost certainly say 'no'. this is a special case. let's special case it in the easiest way possible now and then see how to deal with this sort of thing going forward [23:17] <asac> yeah maybe [23:17] <asac> kickinz1: how can i get logs for docker? [23:18] <kickinz1> asac, just systemctl stop docker_.... then sudo vi /apps/docker/current/bin/docker.start and uncomment the DEBUG="-D" line [23:18] <kickinz1> asac, then restart daemon, it will logs to journalctl [23:18] <kickinz1> asac: really going [23:19] <asac> bye [23:32] <asac> jdstrand: what does docker appamrmor get access to in /dev ? [23:35] <jdstrand> asac: in 'unprivileged' mode: [23:35] <jdstrand> asac: note, most of those are directories, it is just the first 6 lines and the last that are actual files [23:35] <jdstrand> asac: however, in 'privileged' mode, it has all of /dev [23:36] <jdstrand> it defaults to unprivileged. there is a command to toggle privileged [23:36] <jdstrand> docker has the ability to assign hardware to app containers [23:37] <jdstrand> (which in our snap is reserved for privileged mode) [23:50] <asac> jdstrand: right. so still dont get whats going on here... do we know that the devnodes that you pasted are really avail there? [23:51] <jdstrand> asac: what we know is that docker fails to run without them [23:52] <jdstrand> docker was not designed for snappy and we are shoehorning it into a framework [23:52] <asac> jdstrand: hmm [23:52] <asac> jdstrand: so with new launcher those defaults are not getting mapped in? [23:52] <jdstrand> don't get me wrong, it is useful for people, but its design is not in line with snappy [23:52] <jdstrand> asac: I don't know why the launcher is breaking docker [23:53] <jdstrand> asac: I imagine that it is going to be whack-a-mole [23:53] <asac> jdstrand: right, but do the devnodes get mapped into the launcher cgroup? [23:53] <jdstrand> ie, we give the devices then it breaks cause of how it uses cgroups [23:54] <jdstrand> asac: nothing is doing that mapping atm because there is no oem snap that sets those up. even if it did, the udev rule for docker privileged mode would be 'tag everything for docker' [23:54] <asac> jdstrand: right i get that [23:54] <asac> jdstrand: can i use hwassign to try doing those dev nodes? [23:54] <asac> [23:54] <asac> those [23:55] <asac> i guess i would have to do a find on all those directories :) [23:55] <jdstrand> as it turns out, no. the command line hw-assign works only with templated policy atm, not hand-crafted policy like docker-daemon has [23:56] <jdstrand> this is in my personal backlog (there is no trello card) [23:56] <jdstrand> if that is deemed important, it can be SRUd [23:57] * jdstrand adds a trello card [23:59] <jdstrand> asac: but, cli hw-assign doesn't do the udev stuff. it only adds rules to apparmor policy. as such, with the cgroups implementation, it is currently broken [23:59] * jdstrand just realizes that and adds a trello card
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Chipaca", "JamesTait", "asac", "beuno", "davidcalle", "davmor2", "dholbach", "didrocks", "dpm", "jdstrand", "jjohansen", "jodh", "kickinz1", "kirkland", "mhall119", "mterry", "mvo", "ogra_", "pitti", "robert_ancell", "sergiusens", "slangasek", "stgraber", "tyhicks" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[05:20] <barrydk> Morning everyone [05:20] * pieter2627 o/ to all the early joiners [05:20] <Kilos> hi barrydk and everyone else [05:20] <Jacques_Stry> Morning [05:20] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [05:20] <Kilos> ohi Jacques_Stry as well also too [05:20] <pieter2627> Ooi oi Kilos [05:21] <Kilos> sorry i was distracted [05:21] * Jacques_Stry waves [05:21] <Kilos> bad greeter bot today [05:40] <barrydk> Kilos: at our age we cant get distracted anymore [05:40] <Kilos> hehe [05:41] <Kilos> wow 40 nicks and so early [05:42] <pieter2627> was actually surprised about it yesterday - when i joined here last month top was 31 [05:42] <Kilos> lol [05:48] <Kilos> ive been trying for years to get 50 peeps here, most so far has been 47 at meeting night [05:48] <Kilos> i always said when we get to 50 i can retire [05:49] <Kilos> now ive been told its not in my contract , the retirement option [05:49] * pieter2627 is glad can != should [05:49] <Kilos> ? [05:50] * Jacques_Stry is glad can does not equal should [05:50] <Kilos> lol [05:50] <pieter2627> != means is not the same (does not equal) [05:50] <Jacques_Stry> Programming syntax [05:50] <pieter2627> ^^ [05:50] <Kilos> oh ty [05:51] * pieter2627 now knows why Kilos did not understand him yesterday [05:51] <Kilos> lol i know nothing about programming [05:52] <pieter2627> but you went through the lpi? [05:52] <Kilos> only first 100 pages mainly that is on hardware [05:53] <Kilos> after that i gave up [05:53] <pieter2627> when you pick it up again, start from the back :P [05:53] <Kilos> lol [05:53] <Jacques_Stry> ^^ [05:53] <Kilos> i tried python as well [05:53] <Kilos> whew [05:54] <Kilos> managed to do Hello World [05:54] <pieter2627> and then the variables? [05:54] <Kilos> i dont like vim [05:55] <Kilos> even this restructured text is too heavy [05:55] <Kilos> i can learn but only while doing it then its forgotten [05:56] * pieter2627 thinks that a debugger is the best help for a beginner - can remember trying to learn js without it [05:56] <pieter2627> that is how you are suppose to learn [05:57] <Kilos> when reading a book i often have to reread previous passages to pick up the story again [05:57] <Kilos> 'my ram is broken [05:58] <Kilos> but i love fiddling with hardware [05:58] <Kilos> then i can see what i am doing and dont have to remember what i have done [05:59] * pieter2627 thinks about leaving before he has to help fixing something [05:59] <Kilos> lol [06:04] <Kilos> all you guys did a wonderful job on the site, ty so much [06:04] <DalekSec> 'Welcome. [06:04] * DalekSec ducks [06:05] <Kilos> hi there DalekSec [06:05] <DalekSec> Howdy. [06:05] <Kilos> hehe you sneaky hey [06:05] <Kilos> have you seen the site in question [06:05] <Kilos> DalekSec ^ [06:06] <Kilos> [06:08] <DalekSec> Same framework as -za, but a bit different. [06:09] <Kilos> very different [06:09] <Kilos> hit refresh a few times and watch the pictures change [06:16] * pieter2627 now has time to find out about Kilos's broken ram [06:16] <Kilos> lol dont you know the story? [06:16] <Kilos> sjoe [06:17] <pieter2627> oh, just figured it out [06:17] <Kilos> my head was bust open by a windmill and my ram leaked out [06:17] <Kilos> what did you figure out [06:18] <pieter2627> that ram is a metaphor [06:18] <Kilos> ya that thing [06:19] <Kilos> i arrived at hospital doa and was rebooted in icu [06:20] <Kilos> so some things in head dont work like normal peeps [06:20] <pieter2627> with regard to ram leakage in the topic above, the same applies in programming (at least you can leave comments in the code) [06:20] <Kilos> lol [06:21] <pieter2627> they should have flashed ubuntu rather that reboot :P [06:21] <Kilos> haha [06:55] <Squirm> Morning [06:55] <Squirm> My Google Chome keeps crashing :/ [06:55] <Kilos> hi Squirm [07:00] <Kilos> have you tried another browser Squirm [07:01] <Kilos> might not be chrome thats sick [07:23] <Kilos> eish power cut tomorrow from 0800 till 1600 for maintenance on lines [07:26] <Kilos> eish some more on second read 1800 [07:26] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [07:34] <Squirm> ouch [07:34] <Squirm> Kilos: But I like chrome :/ [07:34] <Squirm> Syncs all my devices [07:34] <Kilos> it might be a deeper prob Squirm [07:35] <Jacques_Stry> How's your ram usage? Is your pc maybe runnung out of ram? [07:35] <Squirm> Mmmm, yeah, I think it's because my 8Gb of RAM can't handle my browsing needs [07:35] <Kilos> so if other browser also crashes then find out why then go back to chrome [07:35] <Jacques_Stry> lol [07:35] <Squirm> Jacques_Stry: I know it is [07:35] <Squirm> Chrome is a memory hog(I had a more colourful word in mind) [07:36] <Jacques_Stry> Chrome is but how many tabs do you have to run out of ram on 8gb? [07:37] <Squirm> when I open Chrome, 15 tabs open up, tabs I use very often. [07:37] <Squirm> So then... Due to work, many more tabs get opened [07:38] <Kilos> ai! opera open 20 + tabs here everyday and often gets to 40+ and dont crash [07:39] <Kilos> and i got 4g ram [07:39] <Kilos> but i dont stream stuff [07:39] <Jacques_Stry> On chrome you usually use +-250mb per tab so 15 tabs already equals about 4gb of ram used [07:39] <Squirm> Kilos: yeah... Firefox is also good. But I like Chrome :/ [07:39] <Squirm> Jacques_Stry: indeed. Unless you've had mybroadband or Facebook open for a day or two, then they move up to ~500mb [07:40] <Kilos> is chromium the same hog or a bit better [07:40] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [07:40] <Jacques_Stry> Should be a bit lighter i think [07:40] <Jacques_Stry> but no built in flash [07:41] <Jacques_Stry> so you have to install it separately [07:42] <Squirm> I have 34 Chrome Helper Processes running [07:42] <Squirm> I have so much open. I'm using SWAP [07:43] <Squirm> But thanks to my SSD, it's quite a usable machine [07:43] <Squirm> I hardly notice the SWAP usage, unless I had to open my VM [07:45] <Jacques_Stry> 15.04 currently has a issue with the mediascanner service [07:45] <Jacques_Stry> slow down recognition of new drives and uses 750mb+ ram [07:46] <Jacques_Stry> disabling [07:46] <Kilos> sjoe [07:47] <Jacques_Stry> Just letting you guys know if you upgrade [07:48] <Kilos> there are still tons of bugs that need fixing [07:48] <Kilos> they most likely last minute rush them [07:48] <Jacques_Stry> Well I usually disable the service anyway - no point in it for me anyway [07:48] <Kilos> ill stay on 14.04 i think [07:49] <pieter2627> Squirm: firefox has an add-on called UnloadTab to unload tabs that have not been used for a while which i use (maybe chrome has similar) [07:49] <Squirm> pieter2627: cool [07:49] <Squirm> pieter2627: does the tab stay open? Just dead? [07:50] <Squirm> I've started using evernote again, for article storage, so I don't leave tabs open for future use [07:50] <pieter2627> I also disabled loading tabs on startup until needed... [07:50] <pieter2627> yes stayes open is just unloaded from ram [07:51] <pieter2627> for me this helps to have 150 tabs open (in groups) on 2Gb [07:52] <Jacques_Stry> O.O [07:52] <pieter2627> pinned tabs just aren't unloaded [07:54] <Jacques_Stry> can try this:,d.bGQ [07:55] <Jacques_Stry> Sorry for long link [07:56] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry use maaz in pm to shorten them [07:56] <Jacques_Stry> Will do [07:56] <Kilos> command is maaz shorten link [07:56] <Kilos> doesnt worry me though [07:57] <Kilos> a link is a link even if its hanging off the screen at times [07:57] <Jacques_Stry> ^^ [08:35] <Kilos> pieter2627 youre plan didnt work [08:36] <Kilos> doesnt it disconnect when you are afk [08:45] <pieter2627> konversation frooze when i clicked the link [08:47] <Kilos> oh my [08:48] <Kilos> you on kde or konversation on unity [09:01] <pieter2627> the plan didn't work, but a restart did [09:01] <pieter2627> am testing kubuntu 15.04 [09:04] <Kilos> aha [09:05] <Kilos> just try sudo aptitude reinstall konversation and see if it wants to download anything [09:06] <Kilos> sjoe 15.04 kde with 2g ram [09:06] <Kilos> you are petient [09:06] <Kilos> patient [09:08] <pieter2627> i would expect it to download konversation since it is not in my cache [09:08] <Kilos> ah [09:08] <pieter2627> the plasmashell only uses about 150Mb? [09:09] <pieter2627> with ff closed, using 1.3Gb [09:09] <Kilos> im bang to upgrade because everything is so lekker stable on 14.04 [09:10] <pieter2627> nah, i love new toys :) [09:10] <Kilos> lol [09:13] * pieter2627 can confirm that it downloaded only konversation [09:14] <Kilos> and you done an aptitude upgrade? [09:15] <Kilos> why is youre cache empty [09:15] <pieter2627> busy with that now (using apt-get) [09:16] <pieter2627> because it is a fresh install [09:16] <Kilos> oh you still installing [09:16] <pieter2627> nope, checking for updates [09:17] <Kilos> when youve done apt-get upgrade then do aptitude upgrade [09:17] <pieter2627> ok [09:18] <Kilos> im a serious aptitude fan [09:18] <pieter2627> yeah i've seen so [09:18] <Kilos> haha [09:19] <Kilos> i wonder if fly and pro are still aptitude peeps [09:20] <Kilos> they the ones that taught me to use it [09:20] <Kilos> hi ThatGraemeGuy [09:20] <pieter2627> you and pro talked about it with the africa build instructions [09:20] <Kilos> oh [09:21] <pieter2627> that's how "i've seen so" [09:21] <Kilos> lol [10:03] <Kilos> pieter2627 comment from above [10:03] <Kilos> MooDoo> how about the learn more button in the ubuntu africa section lining up with the other two buttons so it doesn't look like it's out of i said very trivial [10:04] <pieter2627> comment? [10:05] <Kilos> the top guys are looking at the site [10:06] <Kilos> you can go see comments on #ubuntu-locoteams [10:07] <pieter2627> ok will check the logs... they want the learn more button to line up with the others? [10:07] <Kilos> it was just a trivial suggestion [10:08] <pieter2627> yea, i used wrong wording... it sounds good, will try and give a screenshot later [10:09] <Kilos> cool ty [10:09] <Kilos> no rush [10:10] <Kilos> its at the council for approval [10:10] <pieter2627> oky [10:10] <Kilos> so even Mark will look at it [10:12] <Kilos> we might need to add some french greeting there too, i just need to find out how many countries use french as first language [10:13] <Kilos> the drc havent joined the irc channel so far because they are all french [10:17] <ThatGraemeGuy> hi Kilos [10:41] <pieter2627> Kilos: [10:41] <pieter2627> that is a quick firebug tickering... there might be some issues; will need fly and pro's input [10:42] <Kilos> let me find the old one and see the diffs [10:42] <pieter2627> Kilos: [10:43] <pieter2627> wbbl - gonna have lunch [10:43] <Kilos> i have it open all the time just need to find which tab [10:43] <Kilos> enjoy [10:47] <Padroni> hi all [10:47] <Kilos> hi Padroni you well? [10:48] <Padroni> Iam [10:48] <Padroni> you? [10:48] <Kilos> yes ty [10:48] <Padroni> trying to get the guys from the Ubuntu-SA FB page to join here [10:48] <Kilos> i just got the mail [10:48] <Kilos> i saw the whats that hehe [10:49] <Padroni> what mail? [10:49] * Padroni just switched to Cinnamon [10:49] <Kilos> i get mails everytime something im part of gets changed [10:50] <Kilos> even when strangers membership expires sigh [10:50] <Padroni> who's memberrship expired? [10:51] <Kilos> some ubuntu member [10:52] <Kilos> im bang if i unsubscribe then i miss important stuff [10:52] <Kilos> so i take the good with the useless info [10:56] <Kilos> and the fb mails keep me up to date with what happens with family and friends without me nneding to go to fb [10:56] <Kilos> needing [10:58] <Jacques_Stry> Hey Padroni [10:58] <Padroni> yo Jacques_Stry [10:58] <Padroni> long time... [10:59] <Jacques_Stry> Looks like everytime I log in your offline and visa-versa [10:59] <Jacques_Stry> :) [11:00] <Jacques_Stry> You on cinnamon? Mmmm... [11:00] <Kilos> hmm... [11:00] <Jacques_Stry> You on Mint now or Still normal ubuntu [11:01] <Padroni> ubuntu, but trying out Cinnamon [11:01] <Padroni> I remember cinnamon from my days of using Mint [11:01] <Padroni> it's pretty [11:02] * Padroni is flying up to PTA on Thursday [11:04] <Jacques_Stry> what you doing in PTA [11:09] <Padroni> court on friday [11:09] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [11:09] <Kilos> ai! [11:09] <Padroni> yes [11:09] <Padroni> Taking my laptop and iPad [11:09] <Kilos> what a schlep [11:09] <Padroni> series-binge thursday and friday [11:10] <Padroni> oh well [11:10] <Padroni> I miss 2 days of work [11:10] <Padroni> so there's that [11:10] <Kilos> yeah but when you get back more to catch up [11:10] <Kilos> so you dont miss much actually [11:11] * Padroni waves at Squirm [11:11] * Squirm eyes Padroni [11:11] <Squirm> I thought it was you [11:12] <Padroni> haha [11:12] * Padroni be recruitin' [11:12] <Padroni> Help that simon guy to get in too [11:12] <Padroni> he says he can't chat from the site [11:12] <Squirm> Strange [11:16] <qwebirc15858> Hey Guys :) [11:16] <Padroni> hey Simon-JHB [11:16] * Jacques_Stry waves [11:16] <Padroni> Welcome [11:16] <qwebirc15858> lol it took me 10 hours to figure out how to send a text in this chatroom LOL [11:16] <Squirm> Haha [11:16] <Squirm> ^^ [11:17] <Padroni> damn son [11:17] <Padroni> how come/ [11:17] <Padroni> ? [11:18] <Simon-JHB> So pals where do you all stay? I am in JHB as my name suggest [11:18] <Kilos> hi qwebirc15858 [11:19] <Kilos> pta [11:19] <Kilos> ohi Simon-JHB too [11:21] <Simon-JHB> Padroni my keyboard has many keys, so it' a struggle to find the right keys to construct a sentence in English HAHAHA [11:21] <Squirm> lunch time, chat later [11:21] <Kilos> lol [11:21] <Simon-JHB> Okay later Squirm! [11:22] <Kilos> jy kan die taal praat ook [11:22] <Kilos> not too much Squirm [11:22] <Padroni> hehe [11:22] <Padroni> Simon is new [11:22] <Padroni> he is from Facebook [11:22] <Padroni> on the interwebs [11:22] <Kilos> cool [11:23] <Kilos> now teach him to install an irc client [11:23] <Padroni> should have xchat by default? [11:23] <Kilos> there you go then [11:23] <Simon-JHB> @Kilos haha YES please, will someone teach me how to install irc client... [11:24] <Kilos> you using unity? [11:24] <Simon-JHB> No I am using Gnome [11:24] <Kilos> oi i dont know what gnome interface is like but anyway open a terminal [11:25] <Kilos> ctrl+alt+t [11:25] <Kilos> then type in xchat [11:25] <Kilos> Padroni havent you used gnome? [11:25] <Simon-JHB> cool thanks, let me do that, will update on how it goes.. [11:26] <Kilos> ok [11:26] <Padroni> i had Unity [11:26] <Padroni> the ubuntu default one [11:26] <Kilos> when it opens choose freenode and edit on the right [11:26] * pieter2627 notes to kilos that ctrl+alt+t doesn't seem to be cross flavour default - it does not work in kubuntu 15.04 :( [11:27] <Kilos> 'no in kde you can set what you want [11:27] <Kilos> i have ctrl+t as mine [11:27] <Kilos> pieter2627 that looks good to me [11:27] <pieter2627> yeah, but default was nice [11:27] <Kilos> we need to shake inetpro [11:28] <Kilos> you guys can decide because its all the same to me [11:28] <pieter2627> oh hi Simon-JHB and qwebirc15858 [11:30] <pieter2627> Kilos: there is just two diff ways to implement it - will need to decide which to use [11:30] <Simon-JHB> Hi Pieter2627, will anyone please teach me Afrikaans, I forgot it the minute I left Free State to JHB :( [11:30] <Kilos> when Simon-JHB has a client going pieter2627 then ill look for how [11:30] <Kilos> in settings somewhere [11:30] <Kilos> lol [11:31] <Kilos> Simon-JHB wen jy met die xchat ding [11:32] <Jacques_Stry> Simon-JHB: sudo apt-get install xchat [11:32] <Simon-JHB> Kilos I am done installing it, I am now getting the settings okay [11:33] <Kilos> ok [11:33] <Kilos> i thought it was in already [11:34] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry will you take over? [11:34] <Kilos> pretty please [11:34] <Jacques_Stry> will do [11:34] <Kilos> im a kde and konversation man now [11:35] <Kilos> ty [11:35] <Jacques_Stry> Simon-JHB: In the network list choose FreeNode [11:36] <simon__> Hey guys, Thanks Jacques [11:36] <Jacques_Stry> Simon-JHB: Go to edit - in favorite channels add "#ubuntu-za,#ubuntu-africa,etc" without the " for all the channels you want to use [11:36] <Jacques_Stry> haha your here [11:37] <simon__> lol haha yeah bud, this things are not pap and vleis [11:37] <Jacques_Stry> Glad nie [11:37] <Kilos> hahaha [11:38] <Kilos> once you are used to it you cant live without your daily chat [11:38] <simon__> hahaha now I can breath a sigh of relief #hhhmmm [11:38] <simon__> I hope so @Kilos [11:38] <Kilos> and you get free cyber coffee [11:38] <Kilos> Maaz coffee on [11:38] * Maaz puts the kettle on [11:39] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz: with milk [11:39] <Maaz> Haha Jacques_Stry You aren't one of those that needs to drink black coffee to be able to cast a shadow! [11:39] <simon__> hahaha now you making me crave for real black coffee [11:39] <pieter2627> Maaz: with 2 sugar please [11:39] <Maaz> pieter2627: What? [11:40] * pieter2627 is gonna have bitter coffee [11:40] <Kilos> maaz with sugar [11:40] <Maaz> Help yourself outa the sugar pot [11:40] <simon__> Guys how long has this community been going? [11:40] <Kilos> years [11:40] <pieter2627> Kilos: how do i tell maaz... oh [11:40] <Jacques_Stry> Well I have only been here about 2 Months [11:40] <pieter2627> Maaz: coffee please [11:40] <Maaz> pieter2627: Done [11:41] <Kilos> Maaz with cremora [11:41] <Maaz> Ah! At last someone with taste [11:41] <Kilos> Maaz and milk [11:41] <Maaz> Now you're talking [11:42] <simon__> what is the main duty of the community? [11:42] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for Kilos and pieter2627! [11:43] <Kilos> we help new guys sort problems they are having [11:43] <Kilos> Maaz dankie man [11:43] <Maaz> Groot plesier my vriend [11:43] <pieter2627> maaz grazie [11:43] <Maaz> pieter2627: Excuse me? [11:43] <pieter2627> maaz thanks [11:43] <Maaz> pieter2627: No problem [11:43] <Kilos> the bot is a toy at times and other times does out monthly meeting minutes etc [11:44] <simon__> okay cool! [11:44] * pieter2627 needs to learn this thing - so will cont to push it [11:45] <Kilos> Maaz help [11:45] <Maaz> Kilos: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [11:45] <Maaz> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [11:45] <Kilos> pieter2627 better to pm the bot and then work your way through all it can do [11:46] <MaNI> Maaz help me with do all my programming work for me [11:46] <Maaz> MaNI: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. [11:46] <MaNI> aww [11:46] <pieter2627> ok (msg or query?) [11:47] <simon__> So guys what are typical professions of users in this group? [11:47] <Kilos> all IT guys and me [11:47] <Kilos> mechanic and farmer and greeter bot [11:48] <Kilos> w0000t [11:48] <Kilos> news from the top [11:48] <Kilos> On 21/04/2015 13:05, Michael Hall wrote: [11:48] <Kilos> > I see no problems or concerns with this site, everything looks great to me. [11:52] <simon__> Alright if by any chance there's anyone who does some work in python(Django/Cherrypy) and they have some to outsource they can do so to me, I just wanna keep my python skills active, there's inst much python going on in SA hence I settled for php [11:55] * Padroni has been here 2 months and is widely considered an expert on nothing in particular [11:55] <Kilos> oh simon__ you really want to wake up all python skills [11:56] <Kilos> you can rewrite our bot in python3 [11:56] <simon__> Yeah Kilos I love python. [11:56] <simon__> what is "bot"? [11:56] <Kilos> great you will get on well with superfly [11:56] <Kilos> robot [11:56] <simon__> oh lol [11:56] <Kilos> the coffee maker [11:56] <Kilos> its in the repos [11:56] <Kilos> ibid [11:57] <simon__> what is it on currently? [11:57] <Kilos> python 2 or 2.7 im not sure [11:58] <Kilos> but doesnt tork in 14.04 or later that want python 3 [11:58] <simon__> lol but then if it's in 2.7 then why go python3? 2.7 has great matured fueatures [11:58] <Kilos> if you are here tonight superfly or inetpro can explain [11:58] <simon__> okay cool, what time? [11:59] <Kilos> normally when they get home and sometimes after supper and on the odd occasion during the day [12:00] <Kilos> depending on work of course [12:00] <simon__> okie dokie, will pop in later then, I have to get back to work as well! [12:01] <Kilos> cool nice to have you here [12:01] <Kilos> we are here all day [12:01] <simon__> likewise [12:02] <Kilos> Padroni nice catch [12:11] <Padroni> ty [12:13] <Kilos> i love it when clever peeps join, i cant help them [12:13] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [12:24] * Squirm looks around [12:25] <Kilos> hehe [12:29] <pieter2627> hi theamoeba [12:29] <theamoeba> hey pieter2627 :) [12:29] <pieter2627> Kilos: greeter bot seems broken [12:29] <Kilos> hi theamoeba welcome to ubuntu-za [12:29] <Kilos> just slow pieter2627 [12:29] <Kilos> but i have you guys too [12:30] <pieter2627> yeah, but i don't know who is new and who is returning [12:31] <Kilos> doesnt matter as long as peeps are greeted [12:31] <Kilos> ty for standing in [12:33] <Kilos> haha if you greet and they welcome you then they are old peeps returning [12:33] <pieter2627> haha, yeah makes sense [12:34] <Kilos> but wont be many old hands popping in i think [12:34] <Kilos> most are here now or you have met them already [13:10] <Padroni> Right [13:10] <Padroni> I am off to lunch with the wife. [13:10] <Padroni> laters, folks. [13:10] <Kilos> cheers Padroni go safe tomorrow [13:10] <Kilos> is your laters a tomorrow thing [13:10] <Kilos> or tonight [13:10] <Padroni> either [13:11] <Kilos> ai! [13:11] <Jacques_Stry> Cheers, enjoy [13:25] <Jacques_Stry> Going home, chat later o/ [13:25] <Kilos> cheers Jacques_Stry [13:39] <tailon> lo all [13:43] <Kilos> hi ta [13:43] <Kilos> ai! [15:06] <Kilos> ai! die domdonner darem [15:39] <Kilos> hi drussell [15:40] <drussell> Heya Kilos [15:55] <theamoeba> byebye [15:56] <Kilos> oh my he didnt even say anything but byebye [16:01] <melodie> Kilos therefore he did say something! Hello here btw! o/ [16:10] <Kilos> where [16:10] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-za melodie [16:11] <Kilos> oh she gone for a walk [17:00] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [17:02] <pieter2627> evening Kilos [17:17] <Kilos> pieter2627 hou bietjie daai comment en jou oplossing handig vir die pro asb [17:17] <Kilos> ek verloor en vergeet goet [17:18] <pieter2627> reg [17:27] <Squirm> So [17:27] <Squirm> I'm the only one in the office [17:27] <Squirm> [17:31] <Kilos> hi rejerson69 welcome to ubuntu-za [17:32] <Kilos> Squirm what time do you guys close shop for the day? [17:33] <Kilos> i tyhought IT peeps go home at 4 pm [17:33] <Kilos> thought [17:33] <Squirm> Generally 17h30ish [17:48] <magespawn> good evening [17:53] <inetpro> hi magespawn [17:53] <inetpro> good evening everyone else [17:53] <inetpro> oh and that includes oom Kilos [17:53] <Kilos> haha hi there inetpro [17:54] <inetpro> what did i miss oom Kilos? [17:54] <Kilos> ohi superfly [17:54] <Kilos> only me making mistooks inetpro [17:54] <inetpro> ? [17:55] <Kilos> oh and a comment on the site [17:55] <inetpro> only one comment? [17:55] <Kilos> see pm man im shy to show here [17:55] <inetpro> ai! [17:55] <magespawn> inetpro did you get a ec2? [17:55] <Kilos> comment on improving the look [17:55] <Kilos> hi my magespawn [17:56] <magespawn> hi Kilos [17:56] <Kilos> say hi to melodie guys [17:56] <magespawn> just because you are now a ubuntu larny, does not mean you can give up the greeter bot duties [17:57] <Kilos> yes sorry magespawn [17:57] <inetpro> oom Kilos tell sabdfl to come and visit us here man [17:57] <Kilos> im sure he dont wanna visit dom donners [17:57] <magespawn> hah Kilos, lol [17:57] <inetpro> ai! [17:58] <Kilos> i havent found him on irc yet [17:58] <Kilos> im also sure he is the only one on the council that understands my email addy [17:58] <inetpro> Kilos: melodie is away at the moment [17:59] <Kilos> she is a skelm and sometimes chats in away mode [18:00] <inetpro> ah... [18:00] <Kilos> melodie ping [18:00] <inetpro> welcome to #ubuntu-za melodie [18:01] <Kilos> oh inetpro i posted the one reply i got from the committee [18:02] <Kilos> MooDoo> how about the learn more button in the ubuntu africa section lining up with the other two buttons so it doesn't look like it's out of i said very trivial [18:02] <Kilos> ai! im too old to have to scroll so far man [18:03] <Kilos> we also have a new python person that will look at rewriting ibid into python 3 [18:04] <Kilos> i told him to speak to you guys [18:04] <Kilos> he asked why python 3 when 2.7 has all those features [18:05] <Kilos> all i could say was we need three to make it work here [18:05] <magespawn> the fly would argue for the latest version i think [18:07] <magespawn> inetpro did you get a ec2? [18:07] <Kilos> thats why i said ask him and pro for the reasons [18:07] <Kilos> yes he did magespawn [18:07] <Kilos> even offered to run QA there when he has time [18:08] <magespawn> do you know what he has been using it for? [18:08] <Kilos> hmm... [18:09] <Kilos> oh to host hibana [18:09] <Kilos> hehe [18:09] <Kilos> hibana ping [18:12] <hibana> magespawn: oh, I'm here [18:13] <inetpro> somewhere in Ireland [18:13] <inetpro> he is* [18:13] <Kilos> inetpro [18:14] <Kilos> thats what pieter2627 suggested after the moodoo comment [18:16] <inetpro> pieter2627: looks good, what do you need from us? [18:16] <inetpro> Kilos: log a bug for us [18:16] <Kilos> he will be back at 8.30 [18:17] <Kilos> a bug for where? [18:17] <inetpro> any issues that people identify can be logged as bugs [18:17] <Kilos> we dont have bugs, only things to move around [18:17] <inetpro> fixing bugs is all part of the learning process [18:17] <Kilos> hi Simon-JHB [18:17] <inetpro> wb SilverCode [18:18] <Simon-JHB> hey Kilos, how are you doing? [18:18] <inetpro> oops... Simon-JHB [18:18] <Kilos> inetpro Simon-JHB is the python man [18:18] <Simon-JHB> hey inetpro haha [18:18] <inetpro> hmm... Kilos, who's SilverCode? [18:18] <Kilos> im good ty and you? [18:18] <Simon-JHB> I'm well thanks! [18:19] <inetpro> Kilos: looks like your family is growing by the day? [18:19] <Kilos> inetpro can you point him to the source code please [18:19] <inetpro> ai! [18:19] <Kilos> lol for ibid man [18:20] <inetpro> Kilos: [18:20] <Simon-JHB> I think inetpro needs so strong black coffee to help him concentrate :) [18:20] <Kilos> yeah [18:20] <Kilos> Simon-JHB [18:21] <Kilos> i hope thats it [18:21] <Simon-JHB> okay will check it out, give me brief intro on the system you pointing me to? [18:21] <inetpro> Simon-JHB: please join us on Trello as well [18:22] <Kilos> it is the bot we have here written in python by our guys that silicon valley stole from us [18:22] <Simon-JHB> will do inetpro, thanks! [18:23] <Simon-JHB> Isn't silicon valley based in America? if so then no surprise by that :) [18:24] <Kilos> yeah our dev guys are there now [18:26] <inetpro> Kilos: [18:26] <Kilos> ai! [18:26] <Kilos> didnt you read the comment [18:26] <Kilos> very trivial [18:28] <Kilos> hibana cant you put the breaks on that guy [18:29] <Kilos> how can he file a bug on my beautiful site [18:29] <Kilos> magespawn you supposed to support man [18:29] <hibana> Kilos: a bug is a bug [18:30] <Kilos> ai! [18:31] <Kilos> hibana go back to ireland [18:31] <Kilos> oh my [18:33] <inetpro> magespawn: currently I'm not doing much with with my ec2 other than giving hibana his own home on the globe [18:34] * hibana goes back to sleep [18:34] <Kilos> lol [18:35] <Simon-JHB> Okay thanks for the links guys, I will go through the source code on github to familiarise myself with the system logic [18:36] <pieter2627> inetpro: there are two ways to implement that... [18:36] <Kilos> cool [18:36] <inetpro> Simon-JHB: I'm sure Kilos is very happy to see someone working on ibid again at long last [18:37] <pieter2627> 1) using something that is considered a css hack thingy - does not work in ie7 or less [18:37] <Kilos> yeah very very happy [18:37] <pieter2627> 2) using a new css3 attribute that also has ie support issues - just have to confirm others [18:38] <Simon-JHB> lol haha @inetpro I love python, so I badly needed something to help me communicate with this beauty, I am tired working with php but it pays the bills [18:38] <Simon-JHB> who are active members on the system beside you Kilos of-course? [18:39] <Kilos> not me [18:39] <Kilos> there is a channel [18:39] <Kilos> but i think they all in silicon valley now [18:39] <Kilos> Maaz [18:39] <Maaz> Kilos: Sorry... [18:40] <Kilos> Maaz ibid channel [18:40] <Maaz> irc:// [18:40] <Simon-JHB> al-right [18:40] <Kilos> tumbleweed you here? [18:40] <pieter2627> the support for option 2 ( [18:40] <tumbleweed> Kilos: hi [18:41] <pieter2627> inetpro: so don't know which to use [18:41] <Kilos> ohi tumbleweed we have a guy that will look at rewriting ibid [18:41] <Kilos> into python 3 [18:42] <Kilos> can you just be stanby in case he needs some help please [18:42] <Kilos> maybe once a week or so [18:42] <Kilos> or via email [18:42] <tumbleweed> Kilos: I'm around to help, yes [18:43] <tumbleweed> there's an ibid development IRC channel [18:43] <Kilos> cool ty tumbleweed [18:43] <Kilos> irc:// [18:43] <Kilos> that one [18:43] <tumbleweed> that's just a server [18:43] <tumbleweed> #ibid on atrum [18:43] <Kilos> Simon-JHB are you watching [18:43] <tumbleweed> if nobody replies (I forget to look at that channel), ping me or Vhata [18:44] <Simon-JHB> yeah I am watching Kilos.. [18:44] <Kilos> tumbleweed maintained ibid for years [18:44] <Simon-JHB> hi tumbleweed nice to meet you! [18:44] <Kilos> so i think do what you can then where you get stuck we can ping tumbleweed [18:45] <tumbleweed> Simon-JHB: you too [18:45] <Simon-JHB> yeah sounds great Kilos [18:45] <Kilos> cool [18:46] <Kilos> actually someone else did some work there too and gave up [18:46] <Kilos> hmm... [18:46] <Simon-JHB> what server are we rewriting it to again Kilos? [18:46] <Kilos> i think he added a braai function [18:46] <inetpro> pieter2627: you really think we should care much about ie7 or less? [18:47] <Kilos> Simon-JHB rewrite the whole thing then we install on our pcs for testing purposes first [18:47] <inetpro> ai! [18:47] <Simon-JHB> hahaha maybe he got a kid/s and wife/husband then responsibilities started piling up, that's the possibility [18:48] <pieter2627> no imo, but i don't know the feelings of you guys who are 'on top' [18:48] <Kilos> then if all runs well we ask the host of maaz to upgrade or we run it by inetpro [18:48] <inetpro> pieter2627: feelings? haha [18:48] <Kilos> pieter2627 explain that please [18:48] <inetpro> pieter2627: we live in a do-ocracy here [18:48] <Simon-JHB> okay Kilos [18:49] <Kilos> do you mean ie7 wont be able to see the site? [18:49] <inetpro> Kilos: no man [18:49] <Kilos> thats why i asked explain [18:49] <inetpro> maybe if they couldn't see it, they shouldn't anyway [18:50] <pieter2627> Kilos: i don't know if you might care about cross browser compatibility [18:50] <Kilos> that is something to think about [18:51] <Kilos> because how will you attract new peeps to ubuntu if they cant open it [18:51] <Kilos> oh wait [18:51] <Kilos> if they using ie they have probs anyway [18:51] <inetpro> Kilos: nou verstaan jy [18:51] <Kilos> we can fly over africa and drop flyers saying install firefox [18:52] <Kilos> hehe [18:52] <Kilos> ya pieter2627 forget ie [18:52] <pieter2627> Kilos: at least the buttons won't line up in this case - site still functional [18:53] <Kilos> i didnt understand the comment in the first place [18:53] <Kilos> werent things supposed to line up [18:53] <pieter2627> Kilos: ok, will see to push a branch tommorow if it will fix a bug :) [18:53] <Kilos> yay ty pieter2627 [18:54] <inetpro> Kilos: did you get his message even? [18:54] <pieter2627> Kilos: they don't currently [18:54] <Kilos> whose? [18:54] <inetpro> "if it will fix a bug" [18:54] <inetpro> Kilos: log a bug [18:54] <stickyboy> Addis Addis... [18:54] <Kilos> i ignored that on purpose [18:54] <Kilos> my dev team dont make mistakes [18:55] <pieter2627> oh, should i also include that spelling bug :P in the branch [18:55] <Kilos> eeek [18:55] <Kilos> yes please [18:55] <inetpro> pieter2627: go for it [18:56] <inetpro> pieter2627: and anything else you see, or think should be modified or added [18:58] <pieter2627> inetpro: i am currently trying to figure out how to create a custom directive for reStructureedText in Nikola since some aren't native to bootstrap [18:58] <pieter2627> inetpro: you wouldn't maybe know how to do this [18:59] <Kilos> inetpro loves reStructureedText [19:00] <inetpro> pieter2627: sounds interesting but I'm afraid I'm still a newbie when it comes to reStructuredText, let alone Nikola [19:00] * pieter2627 has the same issue [19:00] <Kilos> if you dont try youll never learn [19:02] <inetpro> pieter2627: join #nikola and ask them for advice perhaps [19:03] <pieter2627> inetpro: that will help ty [19:13] <magespawn> pieter2627: is anyone still using ie7? [19:17] <inetpro> magespawn: good question [19:17] * inetpro hasn't looked at stats for a long time [19:17] <inetpro> [19:17] <inetpro> very interesting [19:18] <pieter2627> magespawn: i don't think one should count those that do as any one :P so no [19:18] <pieter2627> but then again, maybe we should look at africa stats [19:19] <Kilos> forget ie [19:19] <Kilos> if the cant even guess that there are better browsers out there they wont guess there are better operating systems out there [19:20] <pieter2627> just to confirm, it is option 2 (css3) that should be used right (just confused myself)? [19:21] <inetpro> where are the other webmasters around here? [19:21] <Kilos> moppie still away for 4 weeks more [19:22] <stickyboy> w0op [19:23] <pieter2627> me tired, night all [19:23] <Kilos> night pieter2627 ty [19:23] <Kilos> sleep tight [19:23] <inetpro> good night pieter2627 [19:24] <inetpro> oh and thanks for staying in there [19:24] <inetpro> hmm... [19:24] <Kilos> lol [19:44] <magespawn> i see they are doing a CSI Cyber [19:44] <Kilos> oh yeah watch 2 so far i think [19:46] <magespawn> and? [19:46] <Kilos> not bad [19:46] <magespawn> hmm [19:46] <Kilos> but ive heard more tech stuff in linux channels so far [19:47] <Kilos> the series i can almost understand [19:47] <Kilos> but they havent said sudo yet [19:54] * Kilos thinks geeks arent proper geeks if they dont know what sudo is [19:56] <inetpro> Kilos: you want to see geek stuff then you must read about clock stability [19:56] <Kilos> no more rtfs [19:58] <Kilos> inetpro i notice you are missing your morning greetings lately [19:59] <Kilos> arent you well? [20:04] <Kilos> night all . sleep tight [20:14] <smile> Hi :) [20:36] <magespawn> good night all [20:37] <captine> evening all [20:38] <smile> Good night [20:41] <smile> Oh you meant to say hi, sorry :) [20:41] <smile> How are you captine [20:46] <captine> good thanks [20:46] <captine> and you? [20:48] <smile> I am fine :-) [20:48] <smile> Just having trouble with my computer [20:48] <smile> Hardware troubles [20:53] <captine> bummer [20:54] <captine> desktop or laptop [20:55] <smile> Desktop. Laptop is doing ok [20:55] <smile> Probably the power supply for my new ssd [21:02] <captine> bummer [21:04] <smile> I can fix stuff :-P [21:07] <captine> thats good [21:08] <captine> esp if it is an ssd. expensive thing to break [21:08] <smile> Yeah. :) I hope the power supply is still good [21:13] <smile> Slaapwel :) [23:44] <melodie> bonne nuit, good night
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "MaNI", "Maaz", "Padroni", "Simon-JHB", "Squirm", "ThatGraemeGuy", "barrydk", "captine", "drussell", "hibana", "inetpro", "magespawn", "melodie", "pieter2627", "qwebirc15858", "simon__", "smile", "stickyboy", "tailon", "theamoeba", "tumbleweed" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }